
Monday, December 23, 2013



  • The Enlightened Ones. Those that have been chosen to communicate with the Gods in order to provide a “continuity of revelations”.  These groups have been orchestrated by Satan to soften the impact and de-sensitization of the Christian and cause his acceptance of the new world religion.
  • Some New Age groups:  Children of the Dawn - Church of Scientology - Church Universal and Triumphant – Club of Rome - Custodians of the Plan – Global Mind Link – Global Society – Green Peace - Holistic Movement – Humanistic Movement - Humanistic Psychology - Lucis Trust – New Group of World Servers – Networking the Global Vision -  New Thought - Pacific Institute – People for the American Way - Planet Stewards – Planetary Citizens – Planetary Initiative for the World we Choose – Sierra Club - The Hunger Project – The Order of Christian Mystics - The Sutphen Corporation – Third wave – Third Force - Transpersonal Psychology - Unity in Diversity Council - Warriors of the Rainbow – World Servers for the New Age – World Future Society – World Goodwill – Zero Population Growth - and on and on and on.  New Age is not a mythical story, It’s real, and it’s all around us.
  • Names on the Forefront: Unification Church, Sun Myung MoonNew Age Globalist Leader, Donald keysCatholic priest, Matthew FoxThe Tibetan Master”Djwhal Khul - Tara Center, Benjamin Crème’s demon guide, the Lord Maitreya, the Christ - Church Universal and Triumphant, Elizabeth Clare Prophet - Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, - Guide Post, Norman Vincent Peale, also a masonThe World Brain Trust, Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • Their Goal: To train the minds of men to build towards Spiritual Unity through Diversity
- To become a “Brotherhood”; A hidden body of “Custodians of the Plan”. 
- To respect the teachings of the prophets and sages of all times and cultures.
- To be the inner spiritual government of the planet.
- To deal with the Anti-Humanistic element. Christians must be liberated and enriched by
   the other paths to God or be eliminated.
·         Devine progression- We are all divine – Some of us are more divine than others – One of us is perfect and should be the Great World Leader; The  king.
  • Membership:  All religions are welcome including Satanist and Witches with the exception of Muslims, Jews and Christians who recognize only one God, the God of Abraham.
  • Groups of Workers:  Political organizers - educators of the New Age - workers in the field of religion - trained observers – psychologists - scientific servers – financiers – economist - telepathic communicators - and magnetic healers.
  • Military Police arm: A “Cosmic Secret Service”; “Warriors of the Rainbow”, “Guardian Angels”, “The First Earth Battalion”. - Militants whose goal is “to take out” the restraining force that is stopping peace and the unity of minds on the earth.  This restraint is the Fundamentalist Christians who claim that there is only one way to God. The Warriors believe that they are patriotic and are doing God’s will by killing Christians. This is so that the Christians souls can be recycled and reincarnated to try again.  
  • Spin off interest: Free Masons - The Order of the Eastern Star – De Molay - The Mormon Temple - The Order of the Golden Dawn - Yin/Yang – Astrology - Tara Cards – Hypnosis – Silva Mind Control - Symbol Therapy - Visualization & guided imagery – Yoga (Hindus) - Tai Chi – Reflexology - Magnetic Healing - Transcendental Meditation – Chanting - Spirit Channeling – Automatic Writings – Séances -  Ouija boards – LSD color experimentations – Cosmic consciousness – shaktipat, attunement or paradigm shift – necromancy (raising the dead for communication). - Speaking in Demonic languages –Acupuncture – Acupressure – Biofeedback and Guided Imagery.
  • New Age signs: Zodiac signs – triangles – pyramids – pentagrams – hexagrams - Star of David - enneagram (9 triangle points in a circle)  wheel – circle – Sun - all-seeing eye - rainbows (antahkarana, the rainbow bridge) (7 colors) - perverted cross – swastika - Egyptian ankh – crystals – diamond – dragon – serpent - yin/yang – locus – unicorn - flying Pegasus horse - centaur and the mermaid- the lotus blossom – cube - point within a circle - the line - a cup or holy grail – goat – bull – elephant – dragon – lion - dog and bear – sign of the cloven hoof or footprint of the devil. - (Have you seen Papa Smurf on TV casting spells).
  • The perverted Cross – Inverted - lying sideways - at an angel – Broken – misshapen - bent,  disfigured - Inside a triangle, pyramid or circle – Mixes with or affixed to satanic symbols.
  • NOTE:  The cross within a circle means Christ is contained. – The Cross is usually deformed as in the swastika or upside down as in the peace symbol – Jewelry; the cross with a circle at the top is a demonic signet from the time of Babylon. (Egyptian ankh) - The swastika is the cross of India and is the form of “divinity” employed by the Hindus.
  • The Mark - This will be something sought after and highly desired and will be a badge of honor. You will be known as An Enlightened One.  It most probable will be a tattoo worn just above the eyebrow line in the center of the forehead (the chakra point) so everyone will know your status. A microchip implant might also be a part of this mark.  This will be known as “the third eye”, all knowing and all seeing.  This is the point of communication with the spirit world. -  Already on the scene is a triangle with a small circle on the inside and a large circle on the outside surrounding it.
  • Sanat Kumara is the new age code name for their lord and master Lucifer
  • Seven Major Teachings: 
1)  Sin and evil do not exist; peace and love are the ultimate realities
2)  All religions lead to the same goal. – All have equal merit.
3)  The Ancient Wisdom of Babylon is the basis for all truth – not the Bible.
4)  Jesus is not the only Christ or Messiah and is definitely not God. –
5)  God is cosmic, an energy force – He is not personal
6)  Man is God himself – His creative powers need to be awakened
7)  Man can and should receive spiritual instruction from the spirit world.
  • Twin Teachings:  There is no Hell - There is no Satan or demons. 
  • The law of rebirth – This is not the same as “Born Again” as one reconciled to God - Man does not die, but is endlessly reborn till he perfects himself to qualify for Nirvana; endless rest. 
  • The Deception: The enlightened one, through imaging and visualization can energize and command Deity spirits to serve and do their bidding.  Their conscience becomes seared and they desire the mark, then they find out the spirits are not deity, but demonic; but it’s too late. - At the end God will send a deluding Spirit to harden their hearts so they will be unable to repent.  He gives them what they want.
  • LSD – Drugs are encouraged to “Open up Channels of Communications” with religious spirits.
  • Dollar Bill Check out the all seeing eye on the dollar bill; this was central to the Egyptian Mystery Religion, the great sun god Horus with his third eye given to him by his mother the goddess of Babylon, the mother of all harlots.  This represents the new world order. The Aquarian Age, restoring peace, light and love to the world. (Freemasons)
  • Humanism views man as the measure of all things – Man beginning from himself - with no knowledge except what he himself can discover – no standard outside of himself - All wisdom is contained within oneself.
  • Bookstores: If you think this is just whimsical thinking, check out the bookstores with the sections on New Age, witchcraft and the magic arts. See the New Age shops at the flea market with “smoking accessories” in the back room.  Look at the T-shirts and jewelry that’s being marketed.
  • April 25, 1982 A $500,000 ad was placed in major newspapers in Amsterdam, London, New York City and North Hollywood, California. -  “The Christ is now here”.  He is known as The Lord Maitreya and is marketed as the Christian’s “Messiah” - Supposedly, he is the fifth reincarnation of “Buddha”; for Moslems he is the “Iman Mahdi”; for Hindus he is “Krishna”. – They are proposing a universal credit card system, a world food authority, a universal tax and a universal draft. – This movement is extremely large and well funded.

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