
Monday, December 23, 2013



  • The Book of Mormon says that the Bible is so imperfect that instead of leading men to God, it actually causes them to stumble. Mark Twain describes The Book of Mormon as “Chloroform in Print”. 
  • Jesus Christ lived too long ago to relate to anyone today, especially when you have a living prophet like Joseph Smith.
  • Joseph Smith continually informed his followers, as God’s chosen leader that he alone had the right to revelation concerning the “whole church truth”, and every spirit that did not confess this is of the antichrist.
  • The “wife” revelation was given that Joseph and other faithful Mormon men were permitted to have as many wives as they pleased.  Before he died, Joseph had between 27 and 48 wives based on the documentation from the Mormon Church and other historians.  He had married 12 women whose husbands were still living.  It was share and share alike – He said, “I did not introduce polygamy, I just merely restored it”, and not only did God tolerate it, but that God required it.
  • The abstinence from tobacco, coffee, tea and alcohol is essential for entrance into the celestial kingdom.
  • A Mormon water tradition is that, in the beginning God blessed water, but cursed it in the last days – many older Mormons will not get near any body of water greater than a bathtub.
  • Evil Spirits in a person can be detected as they “emit” an unpleasant odor and produce a “shock” to the observer.
  • The earth was created by Jesus by “Organizing the existing Elements”.
  • There are moon dwellers according to Joseph Smith, which are six feet tall and dress like Quakers and live to be 1,000 years old.
  • Aaronic Priesthood – When ordained, through adoption, their blood is changed and they become the Jewish sons of Levi.
  • Priesthood privileges were refused to blacks.  No man with even a single drop of Negroid blood in his veins could hold the Mormon priesthood.  On June 9, 1978 when the government was getting heavy on discrimination, Joseph Smith got another “revelation” that it was now ok for Blacks to be in the priesthood.  He prophesied that the abolitionist movement would not free slaves because slavery was “the sentence of the Almighty upon the seed of Ham”.
  • 144,000 - The Mormons claim that they ONLY are the 144,000 who inherit eternal life and the remainder of their denomination will just live in Paradise.
  • Three distinct Gods – God the Father – God the Son – God the Spirit (the spirit does not have a body as does the Father and Son.)- (There is not a three in one trinity)
  • God had many wives – A heavenly Mother is logically a necessity.  Only a part of the entities born to God are on earth, the rest are in many other worlds.
  • God is one of the countless gods in existence. – There are also Mother gods.
  • God has a body of flesh and bones – He has a God nature and a flesh nature.
  • God evolved from a lower form of life as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who evolved into Gods.
  • God was once a man, but has been exalted. – We too can become exalted – become a god.
  • Mary was not a virgin – The Bible is in error. Jesus had two fathers – Joseph and God Himself in bodily form - Mary was one of God’s many wives.
  • Jesus is the spiritual brother of Lucifer and so is man.
  • Pre-existence – We existed in heaven with God our Father and our Mother before we became human.  There was never a time when man did not exist and there will never be a time when he will cease to exist. -  Each person was self existent and coequal with God.  It was necessary that at our birth, the knowledge of “pre-existence” be removed. This is called The veil of memories. - The fall of mankind was a blessing in the progression of humanity to the level of Godhood.
  • The Book of Mormon corrects the translated errors in the Bible. The scriptures in the Bible that are correctly translated are the word of God –
  • The lost books of the Bible that Joseph refers to are: Book of the Covenant - Book of Jasher - Book of the Acts of Solomon - Book of Jehu - Acts of Uzziah - Sayings of the Seers - Third Corinthians - Second Ephesians - The Epistle to the Laodiceans and of course the Bible which contains supplementary text.
  • Scripture include; Book of Mormon - Doctrine & Covenants – Pearl of Great Price -the Bible.
  • The Gospel is the laws and ordinances of the Mormon Church.
  • Works – “Once we have been resurrected, it will be our own efforts, not Christ’s sacrifice that will be the deciding factor.” Mormons are promised that they will become gods with angels in subjection to them.  By joining the Mormon Church, a person makes himself eligible for eternal life.
  • Salvation is achieved by obedience to Mormon laws and ordinances.
  • Baptism in the “Mormon Church” washes away all your sins - An agreement to “tithe” is reported to be necessary before baptism.
  • Baptism for the Dead is practiced in their secret temple rites according to the “Doctrine and Covenants”.  Mormons emphasize that the family succession of baptized persons must form an unbroken chain back to Adam. – They must research their own genealogy. – The doctrine of vicarious baptism is a way to save someone who has already died.
  • Secret temple vows – Not to reveal the secrets – “The penalty is demonstrated by a cutting motion across the chest with the right hand.  The hand grip is given by pressing the thumb in the hollow between the first and second knuckles of the Hand.” – There are signs, tokens, penalties, and grips - Symbols like the Compass and Square - Sounds identical to the Masonic order to me. Just saying.
  • Unpardonable sin – Accepting Mormonism and then rejecting it.
  • Prophecies of Joseph Smith: – The U.S. Government would be overthrown unless it redressed the wrong doing to Mormons to their satisfaction - Christ would return in 1891 – Missouri Temple would be built in his generation - All nations would be involved in the American Civil War –The earth will tremble and the sun hidden in “not many days” – None of these things happened
  • Bible - If the thing a prophet says does not come to pass, he is a false prophet.
1 Tim 1:3-4 – Endless genealogies – Mormons baptisms
3 Not to teach false doctrines any longer
4 nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. NIV

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