
Monday, October 22, 2018


The Great Sibling Whine – Martha Labors; Mary Listens – Be a Mary, NOT a Martha
The One Thing - Gifts of Worship, Service & Hospitality – Physical Bread vs: Spiritual Bread

First Word

  • The story of Mary and Martha has been wrung dry by many commentaries; it’s only a short glimpse of Mary and Martha’s entire lifetime, but what seems to bubble to the top of the pot is Mary LISTENS, as Martha LABORS, so be a Mary not a Martha. – The Book says, that Jesus did many other things that were not written down, and I believe Martha did many other good things also that were not recorded. 
  • I hope in this study to discount, the thought that the story of Mary and Martha is about two sisters in deep rivalry with different temperaments and polarized characters. As the story is retold, their real characters are obscured, Mary is painted as a calm and devoted follower of Jesus and Martha as an upset self-righteous hectic woman, busy with house work.  I hope to show them as two different models of Christian devotion. - Some students see Jesus scolding Martha very sharply and harshly, but as I study, I believe He was responding very quietly and lovingly, not so much as her Lord, but as her true friend.
  • This particular story of Mary and Martha appears only in the account of Doctor Luke’s Gospel and oddly enough there is only one Martha mentioned in all the four Gospels.   Jesus and His entourage are “on their way” through Judea and His custom was to stop along the way and teach the things of God in the different villages and usually someone hungry for spiritual bread would invite them into their home. - As He traveled through the village of Bethany, He stopped for the day at the home of three of His closest friends, Martha, Mary and Lazarus and their home would become his home base.
  • Martha opens HER home to Him. -  Mary apparently seems to be single and the most popular, she is the more emotional and the contemplative one, a thinker interested in new ideas and lived with her sister Martha who is the organizer, the active one, a doer, and their brother is Lazarus the writer.  All three are apostles or followers and close friends of Jesus. -  They lived on the Jericho Road in the small village of Bethany just outside of Jerusalem near the Mount of Olives. – From there it was only a two mile trek over the mountain to the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Since Martha’s name is mentioned first in scripture, it can be surmised that she is the older sister and probably a widow; and for sure “MOTHERED” the younger carefree, but sensitive Mary, teaching her to operate in the Gifts of “Service” and “Hospitality”.  It was the custom to have folks passing through, stay with you overnight and Mary and Martha were well known for their substantial generosity as they often opened their home to the traveler. 
Acts 24:14 – Followers of THE WAY
14 However, I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of THE WAY, which they call a sect. I believe everything that agrees with the Law and that is written in the Prophets, NIV
Luke 10:38 – Martha opened her home to Jesus
38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named MARTHA OPENED HER HOME TO HIM. (NLT)
John 21:25 – All of Martha’s activities were not written down
25 JESUS ALSO DID MANY OTHER THINGS. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. (NLT)
John 11:45 – Mary’s personality was the most popular
believed in Jesus when they saw this happen. (NLT)
James 1:22 – Listen, but also DO what the Word says
YOU MUST DO WHAT IT SAYS. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. (NLT)

The Family
  • It seems that the home actually belonged to Martha who opened it often to Jesus when He was in town.   The traditional site of their home shows that it was a secluded two story stone house with access from the covered porch to the spare bedroom on the second floor and was large enough to accommodate many people. – It was a special place that overlooked a garden where you could have a glass of wine and chill out in a rocker.
  • The family of three seem to be well respected and loved by the folks in the village.  They were quite young, single, independent, and intelligent and comparatively well off, probably from Lazarus’s income as a scribe.  They had given of their means and themselves to the community as well as to “The Way”; the Jesus movement. – While it was uncommon for a woman to own her own home, it certainly was not rare.  There were several wealthy women in His entourage that supported Jesus and His disciples.
  • The family was well known as scripture points out; as many Jews came and comforted the two sisters when their brother Lazarus died and Jesus loved all three of them as well.
  • Martha projected the image of maturity, strength and common sense, she was practical, unemotional, and demonstrated a concern for others.  She handled all the shopping and the tasks of the home while the younger Mary exuded a passionate and imaginative heart especially concerning Spiritual things and assisted with whatever was needed. – You have to picture an older mature dog and a small puppy that’s interested in everything.
  • When Lazarus died and Jesus came into town, Martha ran out to meet Him while Mary waited at home till she was called by Martha.  When Mary came she fell at His feet weeping. Although they had totally different personalities, they certainly were both of ONE SPIRIT.  Martha was like the Disciple PETER; both practical, impulsive and short tempered and Mary’s temperament was like that of the Disciple JOHN being reflective, loving and calm.
  • Jesus was no stranger to this family; their loving loyalty in opening their home meant a lot to Him.  People who are held in high esteem like Jesus are often isolated even though they are the center of attention; so from time to time Jesus would experience loneliness. Yes He did; He experienced all the emotions that are common to man.It’s in the Book -
  • Jesus loved this whole family, and was especially close to Lazarus.  Some commentaries indicate Lazarus’ livelihood was as a writer or scribe making copies of the Law; the TORAH like the Essenes, which certainly made for spirited discussions between him and Jesus.
  • Singleness; As I crawl into the story and look around, I see that if their parents had died, by tradition, the home would have been Lazarus’s; so I would more embrace that Martha’s husband died and left her the home and Mary and Lazarus moved in with her. – Some students of the Book believe that Lazarus had his own quiet home elsewhere in the village for his writings, but often helped out at his sister’s house.  (I’m thinking FREE EATS)
John 11:5-6 - Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus
6  he stayed where he was for the next two days. (NLT)
John 11:20 - Martha ran to meet Jesus
20 When MARTHA got word that Jesus was coming, she
WENT TO MEET HIM. But Mary stayed in the house.
John 11:32- Mary fell at the feet of Jesus weeping
32 When MARY arrived and saw Jesus, she
FELL AT HIS FEET and said, “Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
Luke 8:1-3 - Several wealthy Women of the Church
1 Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him,
2 along with some WOMEN he had healed and from whom he had cast out evil spirits. Among them were MARY MAGDALENE, from whom he had cast out seven demons;
3 JOANNA, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s business manager; SUSANNA; and MANY OTHERS who were

Essenes – Ascetics Rabbit Trail
  • Josephus, the Jewish historian; A.D. 37-98; lived with the Essenes for three years and provides most of the background information that we have on the reclusive sect.
  • The Essenes were a Jewish sect that was partially celibate living a strict communal life in the desert.  They dedicated themselves to the studying and COPYING of God’s word. 
  • They lived in the Qumran Valley for some 200 years. – When the Roman’s attacked, they hid their library in various caves where they remained for 2000 years waiting for the Bedouin youth to chunk a rock inside and give us the greatest manuscript discovery of our time;  THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS.
  • Not all Essenes lived a communal desert life, but instead, lived in many cities and mingled with society at all levels, and were well received by the Pharisees, and Jewish populace.
  • Their missionary outreach founded Essene COMMUNES in all the villages and small towns of Judea. – In Jerusalem that had their own gate; the “Gate of the Essenes”.
  • Their beliefs can be summarized as Love of God, Love of Virtue, and Love of Men. – They were strictly pacifist by nature and had no weapons of war. - They esteemed frugality.
  • The Dead Sea Scrolls give literary evidence that suggest that a colony of “Ascetics” who had chosen celibacy and singleness in life had a “HOSPICE” in Bethany which extended acts of charity by accommodating the poor, the destitute, the sick, as well as the unclean lepers.
  • The Ascetics were all SINGLE and practiced sexual abstinence for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals, simple living and ethical practices such as humility, compassion, patience, prayer and fasting. – The word Ascetic is derived from the Greek word meaning TRAINING. Mary, Martha and Lazarus all may have been a part of this Ascetic Colony.  (The Ascetics were like the Essenes)  NYOBS 16.34 - THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS; THE ESSENES

Three Encounters of the third kind
·         Hospitality was very important during the time of Jesus; a guest was welcomed with a kiss, his sandals removed from his feet and washed by a servant, if a servant was not present, then the host would perform the honor for the guest; the head would receive some refreshing perfumed oil and food would be prepared.
1)   The FIRST time Martha is mentioned, she is in her home in Bethany hosting Jesus and the disciples where she gets distracted by trying to be a good hostess, desiring to SERVE the best meal she can, but Mary has become oblivious to the needs of preparation. – Martha gets out of sorts and hectic with the preparations; Jesus tenderly whispers in her ear everything is going to be OK.
2)   The SECOND time we see Martha is just after her brother Lazarus died and Jesus did not arrive in time to heal him of his illness.  With her strong faith, it is here she declares that if He had been there, her brother would not have died, but knew that even now God will give Him whatever He asked. – I like the words Martha used, Lord by now he STINKETH. She sees tears come into Jesus eyes as he freely showes His deep grief of Lazarus’ death. Her intense faith is rewarded that day as she hears Jesus order the stone to be rolled away as he immortalizes the words “LAZARUS COME FORTH” and then she witnesses the resurrection of her beloved brother Lazarus. – WOW - Martha presents a sense of balance between Service, Worship, and Trust.
3)   The THIRD time we encounter Martha is when she is SERVING again, this time a meal in Jesus’ honor while Mary in an act of subservience, honor and worship, anoints the feet of Jesus with an expensive perfume. – Martha is a woman of some means, evidenced by her large home and frequency of hosting dinners and the expensive perfume which cost 300 denarii which represented wages for about 300 days of work.  It is here that Martha used all her material resources for the glory of God.
·         Note: Unknown to all of them, Jesus is spending His last week with the ones He loves so much.  The perfumed oil anointed Jesus’ body prior to His death.  Jesus said; Mary has poured this perfume on me to PREPARE MY BODY FOR BURIAL. - I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed.
·         Martha’s made her home a sanctuary, a comfortable place where Jesus and others could take refuge from the demands of the day. – Jesus chose Martha’s home for His last week of mortal existence. – It’s in the Book -
Luke 10:38 – FIRST ENCOUNTER in Martha’s home in Bethany
38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where
John 11:20-22 – SECOND ENCOUNTER Martha went meet Jesus
20 When MARTHA got word that Jesus was coming, she WENT TO MEET HIM. BUT MARY STAYED IN THE HOUSE.
21 Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.
22 But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask.” (NLT)
John 12:2-3 - THIRD ENCOUNTER in Martha’s home
2 A dinner was prepared in Jesus’ honor. MARTHA SERVED, and Lazarus was among those who ate with him.
3 Then MARY TOOK A TWELVE-OUNCE JAR OF EXPENSIVE PERFUME made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, wiping his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance. (NLT)
Matthew 26:12-13
13 I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed.” (NLT)
John 11:39 – Oh my goodness I bet he sure STINKS
39 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him,
for he hath been dead four days. (KJV)
John 11:43 – Come on out of there my friend
43 Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, "LAZARUS, COME FORTH!" (NKJV)
·         The name Martha in the Koine Greek translates “The Lady” or “The Mistress” from the male form of “Lord” or “Master”. – She was the lady of the house.  The name Martha may have been her title; a term of respect.
·         When Martha saw Jesus outside, she quickly invited Him along with His TWELVE friends as well as the neighbors into her home with no thought about dust bunnies or that the floors might need sweeping or that the puppies were jumping up and down. – It was almost meal time and Martha with the gift of Hospitality extended herself, her home and food to Jesus and all his friends in the entourage. - This would be where many friendships would be cemented forever. - Martha had the gift of Organization, but the logistics of fixing a meal for so many was a major job that brought turmoil to her Kitchen, however Martha knew that the Prince of Peace was in the other room.  - When things needed to be done, Martha with the gift of Administration being practical and efficient, went straight to the one she knew could help, she approached Jesus and she gets right to the point; that she needs His help in getting Mary into the kitchen to help with the unexpected  preparations. (This has been coined as “THE GREAT SIBLING WHINE”.) – NYOBS 08.12 – GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT
·         Jesus was not just an acquaintance of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, they were all His close friends and He made Himself right at home enjoying their conversations and fellowship.  Even though Martha knew what Jesus represented; she spoke to Him as if He was a member of her immediate family; Martha’s home was Jesus’ home away from home. - Martha had a relationship with Jesus and it was because of this relationship that Jesus felt comfortable enough to offer loving advice relating to her PRIORITIES; the need for Spiritual bread was greater than that of Physical Bread.
·         The Book includes this story of Mary and Martha as an EXAMPLE to us of the working of GIFTS in our lives. -  Each person has at least one gift, some have many; but no one has them all, that’s why we need each other, to belong to the body of Christ; operating as ONE.
Luke 10:38 – Martha extended herself to Jesus
38 As JESUS AND THE DISCIPLES continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named MARTHA WELCOMED THEM INTO HER HOME. (NLT)
John 14:27 – Peace I give you
27 I am leaving you with A GIFT—PEACE OF MIND AND HEART. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
1 Corinthians 10:11 – Mary and Martha are examples for us
11 THESE THINGS HAPPENED TO THEM AS EXAMPLES FOR US. They were written down to warn us who live at the end of the age. (NLT)
1 Corinthians 12:6-11 – Different kinds of GIFTS
6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.
7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given
8 through the Spirit the MESSAGE OF WISDOM, to another the MESSAGE OF KNOWLEDGE by means of the same Spirit,
9 to another (special) FAITH by the same Spirit, to another gifts of HEALING by that one Spirit,
10 to another MIRACULOUS POWERS, to another PROPHECY, to another DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN SPIRITS, to another speaking in different kinds of TONGUES, and to still another the INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES. 
11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.
Romans 12:6-8 – Offices and Gifts
6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is PROPHESYING, let him use it in proportion to his faith.
7 If it is SERVING, let him serve; if it is TEACHING, let him teach;
8 if it is ENCOURAGING, let him encourage; if it is CONTRIBUTING to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is LEADERSHIP, let him govern diligently; if it is showing MERCY, let him do it cheerfully.  
Ephesians 4:11-12 – More Offices and gifts.
11 It was he who gave some to be APOSTLES, some to be PROPHETS, some to be EVANGELISTS, some to be
12 to prepare God's people for works of SERVICE, so that the body of Christ may be built up
1 Corinthians 12:28 - More Offices and gifts
28 And in the church God has appointed first of all APOSTLES, second PROPHETS, third TEACHERS, then WORKERS OF MIRACLES, also those having gifts of HEALING, those able to
HELP OTHERS, those with gifts of ADMINISTRATION, and those speaking in different kinds of TONGUES.

Women’s Liberation Movement
  • Josephus the Jewish Historian reports that there was one part of the synagogue where liturgical services took place that was open to WOMEN, but the other part given to the scribe’s teachings was open ONLY to men and boys. (Josephus Antiquities of the Jews)
  • The setting; Jesus had sent a SILENT MESSAGE that, Women had the same right as men, to listen and to be a part of Spiritual matters. -  The Kingdom of God is for ALL that would listen and BELIEVE. - Unintentionally this was sort of the beginnings of what we call, the Women’s Liberation Movement.  This respect that Jesus had for women was something strikingly new.  – He raised women to the equality that was rightly theirs from the creation of the world as daughters of Abraham and daughters of God.  
  • Most of the women followers of “The Way” were single as Martha and Mary; Jesus did not require them to have husbands to minister.
·         In the first century Jewish TRADITION, the cultural expectations was that the wife or mother ran the household and taught the daughters everything they needed to know to take care of the house. - When a son brought home a wife, the Mother was expected to continue the new wife’s education by teaching her also.  You can see in the story that Martha was teaching her younger sister Mary, the Jewish traditions of Work and Spiritual Service.  
·         Traditionally the men would be off somewhere else learning the Torah.  During this time there was NO REASON for a woman to be found sitting at the feet of a Rabbi, they should be in the kitchen. - It was Jesus that would encourage women to also learn the Torah.  - Jesus turned the priorities of a woman’s life upside down.
James 2:17 – Faith without good WORKS is a dead faith
17 So you see, FAITH BY ITSELF ISN’T ENOUGH. Unless it produces good deeds, IT IS DEAD AND USELESS. (NLT).
The Home
  • This is a house full of people engaged in numerous conversations.  Chairs were not very common in the homes, and folks just set on the floor around a long low table. - Knives and forks were not used in the meals and bread was used to scoop up the food with their fingers.
·         In another part of the room Jesus is standing and teaching as a few begin to sit - I can just imagine the thought provoking discussions and instructive and enlightening conversations between Jesus and the Disciples. – I can just picture Mary AND Martha both slowly settling down at His feet as they were regularly accustomed to doing, taking in all of His words.
·         As time moved on, they began to get hungry and having no notice that Jesus was coming, Martha’s mind became distracted with meal preparation and quietly got up and left the room to head up the logistics of coordinating the preparation of the evening meal for everyone.
·         Women of the Church throughout history have always had the desire to serve as best as they could. -  In Jesus’ culture, fixing meals was considered a part of a woman’s responsibility and studying the Torah was not.
  • Mary had earlier finished her chores and was completely unaware of the extra preparations that “Mother Hen Martha” was fastidiously working on in the kitchen. - When Jesus was around; Mary became very quiet and pensive with deep thoughts which gave evidence that she was “Spiritually Sensitive” to His words, His wisdom and His power.  Mary in deep humility was now breaking the “Male Rules” and was sitting at the feet of a Rabbi which was reserved for male students; drinking in His every Word.   It’s in the Book  
  • Do you remember the song; “Turn your eyes upon Jesus” written by Helen H. Lemmel?  The chorus reminds me of the enraptured Mary; Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. - As Mary is looking at Jesus, she momentarily forgets about everything else that’s going on.
·         Martha as the older sister is considerate, conscientious, and meticulously concerned about SERVING her Savior; she is not just helping out, she is plainly the Hostess who is in charge of the kitchen trying to prepare the food, not just for the normal three of them, but now for at least 15 guest plus friends and prominent members of the community that were still showing up.  They had filled her house and were now spilling over into the courtyard, excited about the stories they had heard about her distinguished guest and the expectancy of the unveiling of some new hidden esoteric teachings of spiritual knowledge.
·         You must picture Mother Martha” as an attentive hostess, eager hearted and striving for perfection. – She is a disciple of Christ with the gift of “SERVICE” as mention in the book of Acts and is actively WAITING ON TABLES. 
·         I think that it is noteworthy to mention “MARTHA’S TASKS” has a double meaning; the Greek word for “Domestic Service” and “Christian Ministry” are both derived from the same noun that means DEACON. – The early Christians did not have church buildings; most gathered in people’s homes or what we would refer to as a “House Church’s”. – Martha was the host and deacon of a house church and confessed openly that she believed Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world. – Missionaries were always sent out two by two and in this case; the two were Martha and Mary.  It’s in the Book -
Luke 10:5-9 – Custom; Hospitality receive travelers in your home
5 Whenever you ENTER SOMEONE’S HOME, first say,
6 If those who live there are peaceful, the blessing will stand; if they are not, the blessing will return to you.
7 Don’t move around from home to home. Stay in one place,
Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve their pay.
8 If you enter a town and it welcomes you,
9 Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’ (NLT)
Acts 6:1-4 – The gift of Service and Hospitality – Feeding folks
1 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.
2 So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said,
"It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry
of the word of God in order to WAIT ON TABLES.
3 Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will
4 give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word."
John 13:26 – Food was scooped up with a piece of bread
26 Jesus responded, “It is the one to whom I give the
BREAD I DIP IN THE BOWL.” And when he had dipped it, he gave it to Judas, son of Simon Iscariot.
James 2:26 – Faith is dead without good works
26 Just as the body is dead without breath, so also
John 12:26 - Jesus’ disciples follow and SERVE
26 Anyone who wants to be my disciple must follow me, because my SERVANTS must be where I am. And
John 12:2 – Martha SERVED Jesus
MARTHA SERVED, and Lazarus was among those who ate with him. (NLT)
Luke 10:39 – Mary and Martha BOTH set at the feet of Jesus
39 She
(Martha) had a sister named
MARY, who ALSO SAT at the Lord’s feet and was listening
to what He said.
John 11:26-27 – Martha believes that Jesus is the Messiah
26 Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.
Do you believe this, MARTHA?”
27 YES, Lord,” she told him.
THE SON OF GOD, the one who has come into the world from God.” (NLT)
Luke 10:1 – Missionaries work two by two
1 The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and
SENT THEM AHEAD IN PAIRS to all the towns and places he planned to visit.  (NLT)

The Meal – The Distraction
  • An evening meal would consist of a lentil stew seasoned with herbs, along with fruit, olives, and melons, pomegranates, dates and figs, onions and cheese along with water, goats milk and wine and of course bread. - An elaborate meal for such a special guest would be a big deal to a gracious host and it certainly was to Martha.
·         As I climb into the story and look around, Martha wants to hear Jesus also, but is pulled away with the mounting task at hand; she had become frustrated with the overwhelming task that had presented itself and her exasperation is elevated when Mary is NOT helping, in the kitchen, nor is she keeping with the traditional role of behavior for a woman.  Instead she had taken up a position at the feet of Jesus as a student. -  As Jesus is teaching in parables and answering questions; she is lost in His Words, oblivious to the work at hand to feed the ever increasing crowd.    
  • I can just see Martha banging pots around and maybe whistling her special little whistle to get Mary’s ATTENTION and when that didn’t work, her emotions erupt. -  I can just see Martha holding a bowl of bread dough moseying over to Jesus to share her exasperated needs. -  It was not that she was too wimpy to tell Mary herself, but chose to not create a scene, and out of frustration just whispers in Jesus’ ear with a girlishness tone or perhaps even of callowness; somewhat scolding or chastising her dear friend Jesus.
  • She curtly whispers in Jesus’s ear. "Lord, DON'T YOU CARE that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? TELL HER TO HELP ME!"Martha wanted Mary to behave like a TRADITIONAL woman and not only help prepare the food, but also to serve it too.
  • Martha is downright rude and out of line and almost demands that Jesus, her guest of honor, send Mary into the kitchen to help her, but Jesus knowing Mary’s desire for “SPIRITUAL FOOD” reminds Martha that He had provided meals TWICE before for over 4,000 people and that the PHYSICAL FOOD can wait and it would be His pleasure to handle her 20 plus guest. -  I can just imagine that as Jesus responded He also lovingly told her to seek first the kingdom of Heaven and all the rest will be given to her. - It’s in the Book
  • None of those gathered in Martha’s home knew that Jesus would only be with them for a short while longer and then be crucified.  Although He enjoyed the pleasures of good wine, food and company, He alone knew the significance of this remaining precious TIME with them. 
  • NOTE; Jesus allowed Martha to make her own CHOICE of priorities, but it was quite another thing to ask Mary to miss out on “The Good PortionSHE HAD CHOSEN. – It’s in the Book -
Luke 10:38-40- Mary sat at the feet of Jesus
38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home.
39 Her sister, MARY, SAT AT THE LORD’S FEET, listening to what he taught.
Matthew 6:31 – Don’t worry about what you will eat
What will we wear?’ (NLT)
Luke 4:4 – Man needs physical bread and spiritual bread
4 But Jesus answered him, saying, "It is written,
John 11:27 – Martha believes the Jesus is the Messiah
27 Yes, Lord,” she told him. “
THE SON OF GOD, the one who has come into the world from God.” (NLT)
Luke 10:1 – Mary & Martha serving as missionaries in pairs
1 The Lord now chose SEVENTY-TWO OTHER DISCIPLES and SENT THEM AHEAD IN PAIRS to all the towns and places he planned to visit. (NLT)

The One Thing
  • Jesus grandfatherly hugs Martha and lovingly whispers, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but ONLY ONE THING IS NEEDED. - Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.  In my mind I can just see Jesus wanting all women to be allowed to access the same Spiritual Food and ideas as Jewish men did and wants Martha ALSO to come and share in all these thoughts. - NYOBS 31.12 - THREE MARYS
·         What is the “One Thing” that Jesus spoke of?  Did he mean instead of multiple dishes of food, just one dish would be fine. - Doctor Luke speaks of it when he shares the words of Jesus; “Man shall not live by BREAD alone, but by ever WORD of God”.  Martha was concerned with Physical Bread, and Mary was concerned with Spiritual Bread.  The one thing OR the better part, is making the Word of God our FIRST priority and it also affirmed the importance of women taking an active role in spiritual things. – Jesus did not denigrate Martha’s Gift of Service as unimportant, but was encouraging her that as a woman and a disciple that learning His new ideas was more important than the FRUIT of her domestic service.
·         The Spiritual bread of Christ is eternal, but the physical bread is not. – There is a time and season for everything, we are called to weigh the values of our causes in order to form our right priorities.  Jesus speaks from an eternal perspective of separating the trivial from the important; He very clearly speaks of the “ONE THING”, the “GOOD PART”; the spiritual bread of life. 
·         The moment of apparent rivalry and sibling bickering overshadows Martha’s great faith and devotion to Jesus and the work she did in concert with Mary. – God wanted this story included as examples to us of the importance of the Word of God and the FRUIT of the Spirit that results in good works. – A Faith without good works is a DEAD FAITH.
  • The Home of Mary and Martha pictures three essential elements of the Church today; Worship, Adoration and Service. – Today so many Churches especially on TV are preaching “The Feel Good Messagewith the essential elements of Worship, Adoration and Service found wanting.
Luke 10:41-42- Mary sat at the feet of
41 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!
Matthew 15:32-39 – Jesus feeds 4,000
32 Then Jesus called his disciples and told them, “I feel sorry for these people. They have been here with me for three days, and they have nothing left to eat. I don’t want to send them away hungry, or they will faint along the way.”
33  The disciples replied, “Where would we get enough food here in the wilderness for such a huge crowd?”
34 Jesus asked, “How much bread do you have?” They replied, “SEVEN LOAVES, AND A FEW SMALL FISH.”
35 So Jesus told all the people to sit down on the ground.
36 Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, THANKED GOD for them, and broke them into pieces. He gave them to the disciples, who distributed the food to the crowd.
37 They all ate as much as they wanted. Afterward, the disciples picked up seven large baskets of leftover food.
 in addition to all the women and children.
39 Then Jesus sent the people home, and he got into a boat and crossed over to the region of Magadan. (NLT)
Matthew 14:14-21 – Jesus feeds 5,000
14 Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
15 That evening the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.”
16 But Jesus said, “That isn’t necessary—you feed them.”
18 Bring them here,” he said.
19 Then he told the people to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and BLESSED them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he gave the bread to the disciples, who distributed it to the people.
20 They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers.
in addition to all the women and children! (NLT)
Matthew 6:33 – Seek the things of God FIRST

A Bum Rap
·         Somehow I suspect that there are also three or four more women that were also a part of Jesus’ entourage that were lingering just outside the house as the disciples entered and I always wondered why they didn’t pitch in and help Martha. – Just sayin’ -
·         I think Martha gets a bum rap. The picture painted is of Martha being the Practical one, hustling around preparing food and Mary is painted as the Spiritual one sitting at the feet of Jesus, so be a MARY and not a MARTHA. - But the truth is, they were BOTH Spiritual and both Practical. – Don’t judge Martha in an unfair light based on one incident where she got it wrong ONE TIME concerning the meal; housework is not a SIN.
·         It would be Martha not Mary, who when not burdened by the responsibility of meal preparations, proclaimed the astute statement with conviction that she believed that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, which should come into the world. – This is reminiscent of PETER when he said to Jesus, “You are the Christ” and Jesus responded that that this Devine knowledge was not revealed by man, but by God the Father.  God had spoken directly to Martha’s heart.
·         The Book records that both Peter and Martha had flaws, and God used them mightily and he can certainly use dirty, rotten, low down, scumbag sinners like us too. The Book records that Martha and Peter’sCONFESSION OF FAITH” is the ROCK upon which the church would be built.  The Church is built on THE CONFESSION OF FAITH in Jesus Chris, not on a disciple, man or woman. – Martha’s qualifications for Spiritual leadership was the same as Peters; THE CONFESSION OF FAITH.  It’s in the Book -
·         It was Martha not Mary that heard the Words of Christ as He proclaimed I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE., and anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.  Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.
·         Every time we see Martha in scripture, she is SERVING others. – She speaks her mind and is dependable to get it all done. - As a servant she is a natural leader - The Book says those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and THE LEADER SHOULD BE LIKE A SERVANT.
·         In the death of someone, Martha would be in there cleaning their house, fixing food and taking their dogs out to pee. - Mary is a devoted follower and while she does not offer SERVICE, she does offers herself in beautiful acts of worship.  Mary would be there to console, embrace and weep with you.  Both personalities are needed.
·         Many folks like to start their day with studying the Word of God before beginning their chores; I do not… I enjoy getting the yard work done early in the cool of the morning, then go inside to study the Word with an undistracted mind, no longer reflective about chores.
Luke 8:1-2 – Women traveled with Jesus and the disciples
1 Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. HE TOOK his twelve disciples with him,
2 along with SOME WOMEN he had healed and from whom he had cast out evil spirits. Among them were Mary Magdalene(NLT)
John 11:25-26 – Jesus told Martha; I am the resurrection
25 Jesus told her, I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.
26 Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?”
John 11:27 – Martha; Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God
27 Yes, Lord,” she told him. “I HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED YOU ARE THE MESSIAH, THE SON OF GOD, the one who has come into the world from God.” (NLT)
Matthew 16:15-17 – Peter; Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God
15 Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”  Peter answered,
17  Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because
You did not learn this from any human being. (NLT)
Matthew 16:16-18 – Church built on CONFESSION OF FAITH
 You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
18 Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and
upon this ROCK I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. (NLT)
Luke 22:26-27 – The leader should be as a servant
26 But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and
27 Who is more important, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you as one who serves. (NLT)

The Competition
·         I worked in retail with a friend that was very outgoing and enjoyed people, but disliked all the task that went with it.  I on the other was an introvert and task oriented; together we were unstoppable.  We had different personalities, but the same goals for the company. – We do all things to the Glory of God – It’s in the Book -
·         Life is like a seesaw where one day the importance of one thing is UP and the next day it’s DOWN.  Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, to provide support for each other, and that’s the picture of Mary and Martha, they were a perfect fit. – We don’t have to choose to be a Mary or a Martha; we are both. – God wants us to study His Word and at the same time, we are charged to take care of the families He has given us and our houses, our yards and our puppies.
·         When I see my friends Mike and Judy SERVING in the Church kitchen, I realize as a team THEY ARE SERVING so that I can sit and WORSHIP in a Sunday school class at the feet of Jesus hearing His Word. – They are being a Martha so I can be a Mary.
·         We are not in competition to see who the BEST Christian is.  - The best Christian sins and falls short of the glory of God. – We should enter the race to use the gifts that God has given us for His glory.  So if you are a Mary, stay a Mary and if you are a Martha, stay a Martha, as both are passionately following JESUS with their gifts.
1 Corinthians 10:31 – Do your work to glorify God
31 So whether you eat or drink, or WHATEVER YOU DO,
Romans 3:23 – We all fall short of God’s standard

The Take Away

  • The story of Mary and Martha follows the Parable of the GOOD SAMARITAN which tells us as Christians to respond with mercy to others when the opportunity presents itself.  The parable for the most part shows examples of service and good works to the Lord and to GO AND DO LIKEWISE. – The story of Mary and Martha becomes an example for us of not letting service distract us from the ultimate reason for the service which is Jesus Christ.
·         Jesus places no limitation on someone’s calling, but encourages them to pursue where ever their spirit leads them; and that might be in the kitchen. - Mary can pursue her God given gift or calling and Martha can pursue her gift and calling; there is no choice necessary of being a Mary or a Martha. - Serve but not with anxiety, Sacrifice but not neglecting worship, prayer and reading the Word.
·         It’s a question of priorities. - Is the time designing a center piece for the banquet table more important than the time preparing the meal?  Do we spend more time preparing the Sunday dinner than we do studying the Word of God in preparation for Church Services?  Have we made sure the kids have had their bath, but have cut short the bedtime prayers? 
  • BOTH Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that their bother Lazarus was sick unto death. - Both had strong Faith that Jesus could and would heal Lazarus of his sickness.  Both were in service as home missionaries and followers of God. – Both worshipped Jesus as their Lord. - Both believed Jesus words; that He was the Messiah and Both set an example for us.  God indeed VALUES, as well as requires, Both Service and Worship. -  Both serves the other.  – A Faith without WORKS is a dead Faith.  – It’s in the Book –

  • Sometimes we tend to be like Mary longing to set at the feet of Jesus and at other times we resemble Martha with thoughts of the busyness of service, distracted from the ONE THING that is most important; His Word. – Mary was not being lazy, and if not for Martha, none would have been fed; service is a good thing, but sitting at the feet of Jesus is better; (Just something to ponder.)
  • As I also have the Gift of Organization, I find myself identifying with Martha; in project management, making things happen.  In my early years I rarely got to attend Church or Sunday school for all of the other worthwhile activities and committees that I was involved in on Sunday.  SERVICE programs and busyness should not become such a priority that it substitutes for sitting at the feet of Jesus.  SERVICE can become a DISTRACTION if not moderated.  
  • Distractions to the Word of God comes in all forms; some churches have coffee available on Sunday morning that can be enjoyed in the sanctuary as you study the Word of God.  When someone gets up to get another cup of coffee, not only have they themselves become distracted, they have distracted the others around them.  When someone finds it necessary to text someone while the Word of God is being unpacked, it is an affront to the Living God. It is saying that something is more important than His Word. – When you TALK during the sermon, YOU are not only distracted, but YOUR FRIEND now is also distracted too; PLUS THOSE AROUND YOU. – You become complicit with Satan.  - It’s in the Book -
  • My mother’s entire Sunday school class would sit on the second row at Church; there was NO chewing gum, NO talking, NO drawing pictures and NO passing notes; we were sitting at the feet of Christ. – Mom would whisper; remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy.
·         Lesson from Martha. – We are to honor others over ourselves; to exercise humility. Martha had made the meal the focus of her attention instead of Jesus and now assumed the worst of her sister Mary; seeing her as being lazy and unthoughtful. -  Martha had begun to judge Mary.  - It’s in the Book -
·         In just minutes Martha’s critical attitude made her susceptible to anger, resentment and jealousy causing her to judge Mary and speak sharply to Jesus. - Martha has substituted herself as Mary’s master instead of Jesus. – Martha’s Humility was replaced with Pride, when just earlier she was thinking of others, and now she is thinking only of herself.
  • Sometimes we can’t find the right pot, things are spilling over and we become frustrated with adding water to make the soup go further when what we really need is some more peas & potatoes.  The example of Mary and Martha teaches us to sit down at the feet of Jesus, look at His Word; see how to stop and reflect on stuff that frustrates and confounds us.
·         NOTE: “Sitting at the feet” is not to be taken literally; this was traditional a figurative description of higher, formal education; they were STUDENTS of the Master; “Discipleship”.
·         The GOOD PART is starting the day focusing on the lord, it softens our soul and puts our SERVICE into perspective, preferring others over ourselves. NYOBS 08.12 GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT
  • Seek God’s Word about how to LOVE someone who is not lovable. – How to have JOY in thankless tasks. - To find PEACE in situations we have no control over. - To drive our car with PATIENCE when other drivers are spiteful. – To look for ways that KINDNESS, GOODNESS, and GENTLENESS can spill over in our actions and re-actions. - To strive to exhibit FAITHFULNESS because we gave our word in a seemingly un-ending task. - To gain SELF-CONTROL when we strive to dig a better ditch and the walls keep falling in.
  • Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, providing support for each other, and that’s the picture of Mary and Martha, they were a perfect fit. – WE DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE to be a Mary or a Martha; WE ARE BOTH.    It’s in the Book

  • NOTE; Jesus allowed Martha to make her own CHOICE of priorities, but it was quite another thing to ask Mary to miss out on “The Good PortionSHE HAD CHOSEN.
It’s in the Book

Colossians 3:17 – In everything you do give thanks to God
17 And WHATEVER YOU DO OR SAY, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, GIVING THANKS through him to God the Father.
Matthew 13:22 – Distractions of world CHOKE OUT God’s Word
22  THE SEED that fell among the thorns represents those who hear GOD’S WORD, but all too quickly the
MESSAGE IS CROWDED OUT BY THE WORRIES OF THIS LIFE and the lure of wealth, so NO FRUIT is produced. (NLT)
Galatians 5:22-23 – The Fruit of the Spirit
22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:
23There is no law against these things! (NLT)
Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust the Lord and He will show you what to do
5 TRUST IN THE LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
6 SEEK HIS WILL in all you do, and HE WILL SHOW YOU which path to take. (NLT)
Acts 22:3 – Paul educated AT THE FEET of Gamaliel
3 I am a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city, EDUCATED AT THE FEET of Gamaliel according to the strict manner of the law of our fathers, being zealous for God as all of you are this day. (ESV)
Luke 8:21 – Brothers and sister are the ones who DO the Word
21 But he answered them, MY MOTHER AND MY BROTHERS are those who HEAR the word of God and DO IT.” (ESV)

Selah - To Ponder
·         The picture painted of Martha is being the Practical one, hustling around preparing food and Mary is painted as the Spiritual one sitting at the feet of Jesus, so be a MARY and not a MARTHA. - But the truth is, they were BOTH Spiritual and both Practical. – Don’t judge Martha’s lifetime in an unfair light based on a ONE TIME INCIDENT where she got it wrong and got distracted with her gift of SERVICE.  Housework is not a SIN; JUDGING IS.
38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed them into her home.
39 Her sister, MARY, SAT AT THE LORD’S FEET, listening to what he taught.

In the multitude of counselors,
there is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:14

I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical
information, and scripture verses.  Because of them I can stand on their shoulders
                         and see further that I otherwise ever could have.              
Antiquity of the Jews Flavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha – Goodspeed
Baker Commentary on the Bible – Elwell
Bible Almanac; The – Packer-Tenney-White
Bible Commentary – F.B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row
Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Dake’s Annotated Bible Dake
English Standard Version Bible ESV
Expositor’s Bible Commentary – Frank E. Gaebelein
Forgotten Books of Eden; The – World
Gospels Interwoven; The – Karmit Zarley
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The – Tyndale
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament – Baker
Invisible War; The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
King James Version Bible – KJV
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – Douglas - Tenney
New International Version Bible (2011) NIV
New Living Translation Bible - NLT
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Systematic Theology – Berkhof / Erdmans
Thru the Bible J. Vernon McGee
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament – Mac Donald
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Pfeiffer & Harrison
Wikipedia –
Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The – Tenney