
Monday, December 23, 2013



  • Jehovah’s Witness theology states that God is a single person not a trinity.  Trinitarianism is a demonic doctrine and the pastors that teach this are anti-christ’s and their churches are run by Satan.
  • God does not know all things and can’t be but in one place at a time.
  • Michael the Archangel was the first thing created by God, who then in turn created the heavens, earth and man.  Michael then came back in human form as baby Jesus.
  • When Christ died, His body was not resurrected, but it dissolved into gases and disappeared forever.  After three days he appeared in a fake body so His disciples would believe.
  • The cross is a pagan sex symbol.  Christ was actually killed on a stake.
  • They have their own Bible – The NWT, the New World Translation of the Holy scriptures.  Four out of the five translators did not know Greek nor Hebrew, but they were “experienced” JW followers and were anointed to do the work.
  • The Watchtower claims they are the only channel of God’s truths and they alone can interpret God’s word. There is no salvation apart from following the NWT bible.
  • When the Watchtower Society changes their doctrines, they say it’s because the “light of truth” is getting brighter.
  • For your prayers to be heard you must use the correct name for God, the name Jehovah.
  • They claim Jesus returned invisibly to earth in 1914 and has now returned to heaven till the millennium, when the dead will be resurrected and have a chance for eternal salvation by following the principals of the Jehovah Witnesses.
  • There is a place in heaven for a special group of 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses; they will have immortal life and spirit bodies.  All other will have just everlasting life and resurrected bodies which still need to eat and drink.
  • They have restrictions: No blood transfusions – must refuse to vote or join the military – do not salute the flag or sing the national anthem – do not celebrate birthdays or Christmas – must have a schedule to canvass door to door and solicit contributions.
  • If you leave the organization, you are an apostate and are to be shunned; your remaining family will not be allowed to speak to you.

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