
Friday, April 21, 2023

Book XV - Anti-Christ – New World Order – 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse – 144,000 Sealed – Two Witnesses – The Millenium – Armageddon


Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK




Anti-Christ – New World Order 4 Horsemen of the Opocalypse 144,000 Sealed – Two Witnesses The Millenium - Armageddon

All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness.
- 2 Timothy 3:1

Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon It’s in the

Book XV

Anti-Christ – New World Order 4 Horseman of the Opocalypse 144,000 Sealed - Two Witnesses The Millenium – Armageddon Fake False Teachers - PMA

Topical Index

For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1



  1. 1)  Anti-Christ – Is he a man? - Homosexual? – What is the Abomination of Desolation? 3

  2. 2)  The Fig Tree – The Preparations – Expectations – Unfruitfulness - Judgment on Israel 15

  3. 3)  End Time Signs – 2nd Advent; Part 1 & 2 – Signs of Adoption, Peace, Security, Blessing 19

  4. 4)  End Time Locust 4 Stages; Palmer Worm, Canker Worm, Caterpillar, Mature Locust 25

  5. 5)  One World Government - 1 World Currency – 1 World Religion – 1 New World Order 30

  6. 6)  Cryptocurrency 666 – Bitcoin, Mining, Block-Chain Technology, One World Currency 36

  7. 7)  Seven Last Plagues - Earthquakes - Lightning – Hail – Sores, Ulcers, Running Boils 49

  8. 8)  Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - White, Red, Black and Pale Horse – Fifth Hell 55

  9. 9)  144,000 The Mark - Mark Beast – Mark God - 10 Lost Tribes Israel - 12 Tribes Ishmael 62

  10. 10)  144,000 Revisited - Literal – Symbolic – Virgins – Dual Nature – Special forces Army 67

  11. 11)  Two Witnesses – Identity, Purpose, Supernatural Power, Immortality, Their Rapture 73

  12. 12)  Two Witnesses Revisited – Symbolism, Two Natures, Two Olive Trees, Two Lamp Stands 77

  13. 13)  Millennialism – Premillennialism - Postmillennialism - Amillennialism – No Millennial 81

    88 96


  1. 14)  Millennium Revisited - Ruling & Ruled Groups – One World Government & Religion

  2. 15)  Armageddon – Two Battles; When, Where, How – Nuclear Warfare – Ishmael & Isaac

  3. 16)  Armageddon Revisited - War Games – The Battlefield – Megiddo - Gog and Magog 108

  4. 17)  Fake False Teachers - Word of Faith movement – Gnostic Teachings – The God Class 112

  5. 18)  Positive Thinking Error – Name it & Claim it – Blab it & Grab it - Confess & Possess 126

1 1 Corinthians 13:12

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon


Chapter 15.1


WhoisHe? -Isheaman?-Isheahomosexual?
Is this man the New Hitler? – What is his agenda? When will he be born? – Where does he come from? What is the Abomination of Desolation? - The Mark?

First Word
Much has been written about the IDENTITY of the Antichrist ranging from Nero to Henry

Kissinger, the Pope and even our President. But the Bible says we will not know his name until he sets up his image in the Temple for people to worship.

There was a man who was of small beginnings; he was a corporal in the army and had a minimal education; he was basically an unemployed artist; a paper hanger who had no money; he lived in homeless shelters and men’s hostels, he was UNKNOWN with no background.

BUT, when he spoke, the people were mesmerized.

  •   He took over the most educated Country in the world.

  •   He concealed what he was like personally and people wept for him in Love.

  •   He built 42,500 facilities to concentrate, confine and kill Jews and other victims.

  •   He killed Eleven Million Jews in what is now known as the Holocaust.

    500,000 people were direct participants in the planning and execution of the Jews. His name was ADOLPH HITLER; and there’s a NEW ONE COMING.

    Hitler vs; New Age World Religion
    The New Age World Religion Movement that most do not even notice, has the same agenda as

    Hitler did... For a real eye opener, go to your local book store; you will find a whole section on NEW AGE and the Occult.

  •   Hitler held to the secret doctrine that the Aryan society was a master race from Atlantis who took quantum leaps in superior intelligence over the other races. The inferior races needed to be purged.
    NEW AGE teachings include “secret doctrines” that come from Atlantis.

  •   Hitler believed in a PURE ARYAN MASTER RACE that had evolved into a superior spiritual species...

    NEW AGE teaches that they have evolved into a “new species” called “homo noeticus.JEWS

    are from a different planet and BLACKS and ORIENTALS are from a different root race.

  •   Hitler; a Blood Taint rest on the Jews that NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED...

    NEW AGE teachings: The Jews have forfeited their privilege and must pass through fires of

    purification. The Messiah will not be Jewish.

  •   Hitler calls murdering Jews; a “CLEANSING ACTION”...

    NEW AGE teachings supports a “cleansing action” to get rid of any group that stands in the

way of “spiritual unity”.

  •   Hitler sought a New World Order...

    NEW AGE teachings: same thing

  •   Hitler had “Mein Kampf” or “My Plan” to rule

    NEW AGE teaching has “My Plan” of “The Lord Maitreya”. Page 3

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

  •   Hitler used “mystery teachings” of the East. NEW AGE teachings: same thing

  •   Hitler used Occultism and mind expansion at “the Nazi Occult Bureau” and the “SS Occult Bureau
    NEW AGE movement embraces the Occult and mind expansion.

  •   Hitler had a Quest for a higher consciousness; the Holy Grail NEW AGE teachings: same quest.

  •   Hitler used drugs for mind expansion
    NEW AGE indorses LSD for the same reason.

  •   Hitler believed in the Law of Karma and Reincarnation. NEW AGE teachings follows the same thing.

  •   Hitler holds to the belief that the gods live in Shamballa NEW AGE teachings: same thing.

  •   Hitler was an “Initiateof the Occult
    NEW AGE teachings requires a Luciferic type “Initiation”.

  •   Hitler had a militia of young “Brown Shirt” men, trained in martial arts to patrol streets.
    NEW AGE has the same thing, one group is called the “Guardian Angels” and there are many. The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. Constance Cumbey

    The Story speedreading in 60 seconds

  •   The deception of Satan can be traced from the Garden of Eden and will continue to the end.

  •   Satan; aka the Dragon enters into a man and he becomes his false prophet; the Anti-spirit.

  •   Satan enters into another man and he becomes the Antichrist

  •   Satan sees himself as God... he now has a trinity... This will fool many, he is like God.

  •   The Antichrist is shot in the head and appears dead... is resurrected... similar to Christ

  •   Many think he is the Messiah and follow and worship him. Satan is ecstatic.

  •   Jesus comes back and raptures the believing church... It happens faster than you can blink.

  •   Great confusion exists... Satan, the fallen angels, demons and the wicked are all that’s left.

  •   This is the first part of Christ’s second coming... Some get saved because of this event.

  •   God seals and marks 144,000 Jews to preach the gospel of salvation one more time

  •   All creation sees God’s love for His creation and they are a WITNESS to his patience.

  •   Seven years of tribulation begins... The Antichrist makes a peace treaty with Israel.

  •   Wars, famine, pestilence, boils, sickness, hail, earthquakes & natural disasters are prevalent.

  •   The Antichrist seals his followers with a mark on their forehead like God did the 144,000.

  •   They can now buy food and sell stuff... They worship the Antichrist as the Messiah.

  •   They are doomed forever... This is the unpardonable sin... They cannot change their mind.

  •   Some do not take the mark, many are killed. Heaven takes note... The angels ponder it.

  •   Antichrist breaks the Peace agreement with Israel 3 1⁄2 years into the agreement

  •   Antichrist stops the sacrifices in the Temple

  •   Antichrist sets up an image of Satan in the temple... it can talk... it is worshiped.

  •   There is war in heaven. Michael, God’s Archangel, defeats Satan and his angels.

  •   Satan and one third of the angels are thrown out of heaven.

  •   God sends two witnesses to preach one more time... They do miracles... many are saved

  •   The two witnesses; might be Elijah & Enoch, (maybe Moses) both previously raptured and translated.

  •   They preach the Gospel for the last 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation

  •   They are supernaturally protected during their mission

  •   They perform great miracles; call down fire from Heaven, and cause droughts

  •   When their mission is complete, God allows the Antichrist to kill them

  •   They lie in the streets for 3 1⁄2 days... It’s televised by satellite.

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

  •   The Heavens thunder... The Two Witnesses are resurrected and raptured or translated

  •   The process is slow enough for everybody on earth to see it via satellite.

  •   A great earthquake hits... A tenth of Jerusalem is destroyed

  •   Seven Thousand men are killed... Survivors recognize the power of God

The Millennium preamble... War of Gog and Magog. The millennium reign

  •   Russia and its allies attack Israel and are defeated by nature... wind up killing each other.

  •   During the entire tribulation period, one half of the world’s population is killed.

  •   Birds are summoned to eat the dead... It takes seven months to bury the dead remains.

  •   The Antichrist and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire.

A Falling Away
The word Antichrist is found only in four scriptures, but the idea is conveyed throughout the Book.

Prophecy says before this New Hitler or Antichrist can come on the scene, the church will start falling away from the spiritual things of God;2 from the doctrines of Christ, then the remaining true church will be raptured3 and with it, the Holy Spirit which is the restraining force against the Antichrist; then about 3 1/2 years into the tribulation period, the antichrist is finally revealed.4

The falling away has already started with the New Age Movement proclaiming the heresy that all the religious “spokes in a wheel” lead to the same hub; the same god.

I’ll say it another way; America HAS turn its back on God. - Pray for America

The Rapture - The Tribulation... Jacobs Trouble
The Antichrist although active, cannot come on the scene in power until the restraining force is

removed which is the Holy Spirit within the Church,5 and that happens at the RAPTURE when we who

containthe Holy Spirit are removed too. The Holy Spirit is the restraining force on earth, holding

back Satan. When Jesus sent the Holy Spirit into the earth, He placed Him inside every Believer. THE BELIEVER IS THE CONTAINER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

The timeline for the antichrist during the 7 years of tribulation, especially the last 3 1⁄2 years is known as Jacob’s Trouble, the GREAT TRIBULATIONS. Many facets of the tribulation began long before the rapture, by as much as 30 years, such as the birth of the Antichrist and False Prophet. So in essence you could say that the rapture and tribulation “sort of” overlap each other.

The Antichrist, this new Hitler will already be on the scene before the rapture as a peaceful conqueror and helps establish the United States of Europe which we call the Revived Roman Empire. He is not a world leader as of yet and by all outwardly appearances, seems to be a good guy.

Egypt and Russia have become a threat to Israel. The Antichrist, probably a Nobel Peace Prize winner enters into a Peace agreement between Rome and Israel which starts the time clock on the tribulation period... Israel has peace for 31⁄2 years until the Anti-Christ breaks the agreement.

Isaiah warned the Jews that the agreement would be an agreement with death and Hell.

2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 –The restraining force is the Holy Spirit

6 And now you know what is HOLDING HIM BACK, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.
The secret power of lawlessness (Anti-Christ) IS ALREADY AT WORK; but THE ONE WHO NOW HOLDS IT BACK (the Holy Spirit) will continue till he (Anti-Christ) is taken out of the way.


2 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – There will be a falling away first from spiritual things then the man of sin will be revealed, the son of perdition; -- 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 – The Rapture comes, OUR BEING GATHERED TO HIM; then THE MAN OF LAWLESSNESS IS REVEALED and THE REBELLION OCCURS; the Tribulation
3 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 – The Rapture is next; our being gathered to our Lord Jesus Christ

4 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – A falling away first then New Hitler Revealed the MAN OF SIN, the son of perdition. 5 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 –The restraining force is the Holy Spirit

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

The Mark

God seals and marks 144,000 Israelite Jews in order to protect them from the wrath that is about to be unloaded during the seven years of this Great Tribulation period.6 God’s mark on the Jews is the seal of the living God signifying His OWNERSHIP and guaranteed PROTECTION.7 His name is literally and clearly written on the forehead of these Evangelist.

Before the Rapture took place, THESE 144,000 Jews were already “Bond Servants” of the Most High God, but were not yet Believers in Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

The Anti-Christ or the New Hitler will follow suit with his Copy Cat Corrupt, Crooked, Counterfeit seal8 and causes everyone to receive “THE MARK OF THE BEAST(the antichrist) signifying his “OWNERSHIP” and the guarantee that with his MARK that they will be able to get FOOD to EAT.9 The Mark is literally on the right hand or forehead of his lost UNREDEEMABLE followers.

This is truly SAD; as THEY CANNOT CHANGE THEIR MINDS... They are doomed for eternity10...

The Mark of the Anti-Christ will be something SOUGHT AFTER and HIGHLY DESIRED and will be a BADGE OF HONOR; you will be known as An Enlightened One. It most probably will be a tattoo worn just above the eyebrow line in the center of the forehead (the chakra point) so everyone will know your status.

This will be known as “THE THIRD EYE”, all seeing and all knowing. This is the chakra pointof communication with the dark spirit world. A symbol already on the scene is a TRIANGLE with a SMALL CIRCLE on the inside and a LARGE CIRCLE on the outside surrounding it.

No Mark of the Beast intended here, but just an observation

The TWO SEALS of the Tribulations

  1. 1)  The seal of the FLESH guarantees that those whose names are NOT written in the Book of Life

    will be able to Eat... (What good is it for a man to gain the whole world yet lose his life?) 11

  2. 2)  The seal of the SPIRIT guarantees the “Tribulation Saints” whose names ARE in the book of

    life will be delivered...

I would be amiss if I didn’t point out that many students of the Word Belief System embraces that

the two different Marks or SEALS are actually what you have put into your FOREHEAD or better said, what has been put into your MIND; the things of the SPIRIT or the things of the WORLD; this causes the HAND to carry out what has been SEALED in the mind.

NOTE: Some students BS also believe a microchip implant might also be a part of this mark.

This begs the question; are you putting the Word of God in your mind so that you cannot be deceived, or is it seared over with the ways of the World that damns your very SOUL?

6 Revelation 7:2-3 – The Angel of God does the sealing of the 144,000, not a man
7 Revelation 7:4-8 – 12 Tribes of Israel - 144,000 Evangelist – ALL JEWS
8 Revelation 13:16-17 – The seal or Mark of the Beast

11 Mark 8:36 - For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his life?

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Beast is a man

  •   The sea in this scripture is symbolic of the sea of humanity, the Gentile nations in chaos.12

  •   The beast noted in scripture is not an animal, but is a symbol of his animal-like appetites and


  •   The beast, new Hitler or Antichrist is a natural man; he will quietly rise and becomes a ruler

    of one nation and eventually becomes the political world dictator. He is a Gentile and may

    already be born. His time line most probably starts before the rapture.13

  •   The Antichrist beast has no normal desires for a woman, sex or marriage and is quite possibly a homosexual.14 He probably promotes homosexuality since God hates it. But it could also be a

    slam against women, specifically the mother of Jesus whose God is Jehovah.

  •   The seven heads are symbolic of the seven Kingdoms he will rule.

  •   The ten horns are symbolic of 10 kingdoms, some yet to be formed that he will eventually rule.

    He will subdue and conquer three of the ten.

  •   The ten crowns indicate his governmental authority over the ten kingdoms.

  •   The blasphemous names on the crowns of the puppet leaders of the Antichrist’s kingdoms are

    overt indicators of their open opposition to God and Jesus Christ.

The scriptures say that those who are NOT “for God” are against God; they are of the antichrist, and

Satan.15 The Antichrist will use these people for his own end.16 He will not just oppose Christ; he substitutes himself INSTEAD of Christ; he will rival Christ.17 He is not a beast, creature or a spirit, but a mortal MAN who will raise himself up to receive the Honor due of the Son of God.18

God’s number is SEVEN which is symbolic of completeness... The number 777 is God magnified

to the most perfect. (For a study in biblical numbers, get the book “Theomatics”)
Falling short of seven is sinful man’s number of SIX... The Antichrist’s name is 666 , the most sinful

and most evil number, magnified to its height. It is noteworthy that the Antichrist comes at the sixth SEAL, the sixth VILE/BOWL and the sixth TRUMP of the Revelation, so of course he is identified by the number “666”. 19

He is described as a LEOPARD that acts with stealth, mobility and cunning speed, a BEAR with crushing power and a LION with a mouth that’s deadly. 20 In scripture his Names are referred to as The Man of Sin” ... “The Son of perdition21 The Wicked One22 ... “The Little Horn23 ... “The Willful King24 and “The Beast.25

The Rise
I am going to forgo all the symbolism and MYSTERIOUS imagery presented in scripture and just

tell you in plain words how the scenario unfolds. This will paint a picture in your mind of what all the symbolisms mean as you read the account in Revelation for yourself. Note: while the Revelation speaks of End Times, the SUBJECT is actually the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

12 Revelation 13:1 – The Beast rises out of the sea of humanity; he is a mortal MAN
13 1 John 2:18 – The last times is the time of the Antichrist
14 Daniel 11:37 – The Anti-Christ will not desire a woman
15 2 John 1:7 – One who does NOT confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is an antichrist 16 1 John 4:3 – Non-believers have the spirit of the Antichrist

17 1 John 2:22 – An antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ
18 2 Thessalonians 2:4 – The Anti-Christ will be revealed sitting in the temple, showing himself that he is God
19 Revelation 13:18 – The number of the Anti-Christ’s name is 666
20 Revelation 13:2 – Cunning Speed like a LEOPARD – Crushing Power like a BEAR, and a Deadly like the mouth of a LION 21 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – Called the Man of sin - The SON OF PERDITION
22 1 John 2:14 – Called the wicked one
23 Daniel 7:8 – Called the Little Horn
24 Daniel 11:36 – Called the willful King
25 Revelation 11:7 – Called the Beast

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Before the Tribulation period begins, a New Hitler, a GENTILE, who could be born most anywhere, but most probably will come from the European Union or a country or confederation that was once part of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire stretched from Ireland to Egypt and included Turkey, Iran and Iraq. He is immediately ENERGIZED by the power of Satan26 and will do everything according to his own selfish will27

The Antichrist is a “MORTAL MAN” that is totally consumed by Satan.

In my BS, I believe that he is possibly a Gentile, connected to the tribe of Dan as this tribe is missing from the sealed 144,000 Evangelist as mentioned in Revelation 7:4-10; and thus was substituted by the half tribe of Manasseh... taking Dan’s place in the lineup of the Twelve Tribes.

Genesis 49:17 – Anti-Christ possible descendent tribe of Dan

17 DAN will be a serpent by the roadside, a viper along the path that bites the horse's HEELS so that its rider tumbles backward.


Genesis 3:15 – Prophecy; He shall bruise His heel.

15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise thy head, and THOU SHALT BRUISE HIS HEEL. (ASV)

The Antichrist will have a three point plan;

  1. 1)  A New World Order; mankind turns to where the “Power” comes from resulting in wholesale

    occultism and devil-worship

  2. 2)  A One World Currency, where his Mark of authority decides how you buy or sell something.

  3. 3)  A One World Religion with the Antichrist’s PROPHET as its leader. The Antichrist, like Satan,

    desires to be worshiped and wants to be like god. 28 This is happening now, watch for and understand these signs; “He who has an ear, let him hear”.29

Covenant – Peace Treaty
The Antichrist is already on the scene, but is not yet a known world leader, but helps establish the

United States of Europe; the timetable for this is probably NOW.
There are
four power groups, with Israel considered as the geographic center of God’s Plan.

  1. 1)  The European Union and America is on the West and is led by the Antichrist;

  2. 2)  Then Egypt, the Arab nations on the South;

  3. 3)  Then Russia on the North and

  4. 4)  with China on the East, leaving Israel hanging out in the middle.

The Antichrist will control the entire Western Block.30 Israel is safe in her land, but is threatened by Egypt (South) and Russia (North). The Antichrist will make a covenant; a Peace Treaty with Israel to protect her land.

The Antichrist’s rule is the last 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation period, although is He is actually around for the entire 7 years, being born some 30 years prior. (My BS embraces He will be the age of Jesus)

The Antichrist will side with Israel against Russia who backs the Arabs claim to Palestine.

The Antichrist makes the covenant of Peace just before or at the beginning of the tribulation period to resolve the Islamic/Israeli dispute and to protect and defend Israel.31 The prophet Isaiah said this would be a contract with the pit (of Hell); death.32

Egypt and Russia invade Palestine and the Antichrist keeps his promise and comes to the rescue and defeats Egypt. God then defeats Russia on the mountains of Israel.

27 Daniel 11:36 – He will do anything he wants to
28 2 Thessalonians 2:4 - Anti-Christ proclaims that he himself is god -- Isaiah 14:14 – Anti-Christ wants to be like God, like the Most High 29 Revelation 2:29 - He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit has to say
30 Revelation 17:12-13 - The Western Block Kings will give the Anti-Christ his authority
31 Daniel 9:27 – The Anti-Christ will make a covenant with Israel for seven years.
32 Isaiah 24:16-17 – Prophecy – Treachery and the pit of hell await those snared

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Abomination of Desolation
The Temple, it seems, must be rebuilt or at least the Holy of Holies completed by the first 3 1⁄2

years of the Tribulation period, because the Levitical “oblation sacrifice” will be reinstated at that time. The Antichrist will allow the Jew’s to resume the daily sacrifices in the temple. Many will think he is the Messiah because he will do all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders that will deceive “those that are perishing” because they would not receive the truth.33

Then after 3 1⁄2 years the Antichrist decides he wants Israel for himself34 and breaks his peace covenant with Israel and STOPS the oblation sacrifice and slanders God’s name and then sets an image of himself up to be worshiped in the Temple defiling the dwelling place of God35 and this image of the Antichrist appears to have life and can speak.36 This is the first time he is revealed as the Antichrist although many will suspect who he is by reason of the scriptures.

The Book refers to him as the Son of Lawlessness, the son of perdition and, that man of sin.

False World Religion
As crazy as this sounds; The Antichrist hates the “PROSTITUTE”; which is the powerful world

church and wants it gone so he alone can be worshiped; he will exalt himself as God.37. He wants all the glory and worship for himself, so that he can rule without any outside influence;

Note: The Antichrist will destroy the “Religious Babylon”, but God totally destroys the physical “Commercial Babylon.”

God will send a strong delusion to “the unbeliever” so that they will believe Satan’s lies.38 The Anti- Christ with the “Federation of Nations of Europe” will destroy the World Church of Rome. 39

The Antichrist rules and dominates briefly for 3 1⁄2 years40 using force (HIS MARK) to get whatever he wants41 and leads the nations to conspire to battle against God... God however just LAUGHS at them.42

Let’s Unpack It
When the restraining forces of the Holy Spirit and the Church are removed from the earth, those

that remain are referred to as “Those who dwell on Earth”.43 They are defined as those whose names that ARE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE. They follow after The Beast; The Antichrist, the New Hitler who is a mortal MAN empowered by Satan.

The Western Block of Kings will give their power and authority to him.44 They will form Four Power Groups; On the West is the European Union and America; on the South Egypt and the Arab nations; on the North Russia and on the East China, leaving Israel hanging out in the geographic center. The Antichrist will control the entire Western Block... He is given authority over ever tribe, people, nation and language.45

33 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 – The Anti-Christ will display all kinds of Signs, miracles and wonders -- Revelation 13:12-13 – The Anti-Christ will bring fire down from heaven
34 Revelation 12:1-6 – He will TRY to destroy Israel; the woman and her child fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days. (3 1⁄2 years)--

35 Matthew 24:15 – Sets up an image of himself in the holy place of the temple `the abomination that causes desolation, -- Daniel 9:27 – Prophesied by Daniel; In the middle of the `seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. In th Holy of Holies, he will set up an abomination that causes desolation -- 2 Thessalonians 2:4 –Anti-Christ sets himself up in God's temple & proclaims himself to be God 36 Revelation 13:15 – The abomination that causes desolation IMAGE CAN SPEAK

37 Daniel 11:36-37 – The Anti-Christ exalts himself above God... for what has been determined must take place.
38 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 – God allows the wicked who have not believed the truth to believe the lie
39 Revelation 17:16-17 – Beast & the ten horns will hate the prostitute (false religion) & will bring her to ruin destroying the false religion
40 Revelation 13:5 – The Anti-Christ briefly rules for 3 1⁄2 years
41 Revelation 13:16-17 – He uses the force of the MARK OF THE BEAST to get obedience
42 Psalm 2:1-4 – The Anti-Christ leads the nations to conspire against God; The One enthroned in heaven laughs
43 Revelation 17-8 - THOSE WHOSE NAME IS NOT IN THE BOOK OF LIFE are referred to as “THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH.” 44 Revelation 17:12-13 – The Western Block of Kings will give him authority (for a short time.) They have ONE PURPOSE and that is to GIVE THEIR POWER AND AUTHORITY to the BEAST
45 Revelation 13:7 – He was GIVEN AUTHORITY OVER EVERY TRIBE, PEOPLE, LANGUAGE AND NATION and thus waged war against the New Christians

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This New Hitler is energized by Satan himself, not with just any power, but he is given MIGHTY Satanic Power and Satan’s own Throne which comes with Satan’s Great Authority Rights and Privileges.46 Satan resides inside this man; he is consumed... Understand, he has the power to command legions of Demons which are not of flesh and blood to do his bidding... He becomes a master of Intrigue, Insulant and Strong Faced with a personal confident authoritative presence.

There will be an attempt to overthrow the Anti-Christ, but they will have no idea of the satanic power that lies within him, never seeing how THIS PLAYS RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS. He will be ASSASSINATED and receive a grievous fatal wound that KILLS HIM. The Hebrew word means brutally slaughtered... He DIES... but is RESURRECTED47... Imitating the Death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As his miraculous powers are displayed the WHOLE WORLD marvels; they are astonished and spellbound at his resurrection and willingly and joyfully follow after him.

Note: Satan cannot create or give life, he can only imitate, manipulate, masquerade, give allusions, deceptions and lie... He quotes the Bible; but certainly doesn’t embrace it

Satan is worshiped because he gave his authority to THIS NEW HITLER; the Anti-Christ. This is just what Satan has always wanted; TO BE WORSHIPPED.48 Satan is the POWER BEHIND THE THRONE.

The New Hitler is given a mouth of great words, he is the Greatest Orator the world has ever heard just like Adolf Hitler, and he will be a master of “DOUBLE SPEAK”... In the Hebrew, this means he will utter perplexing sayings, riddles, things that have two meanings.

Saying one thing, but meaning another.

Beast - Anti-Christ

  •   He is a mortal man; the antichrist emerges quietly and politically out of the “SEA OF HUMANITY

    among political powers and kings till he himself is made a king. This is where he first enters into the political arena almost unnoticed; his kingdom “will be different” from all the other kingdoms.

  •   He is not a Robot, nor a Demon or some kind of Beast or a hybrid fallen angel; He is a mortal MAN and IS ALIVE NOW and will come on the scene when he is about 30 years of age; the same age as Christ when He started His ministry.

    (His life will mimic, mirror or parallel that of Christ’ life.)

  •   His NAME will not be known for sure till 3 1⁄2 years into the tribulation period when he is unleashed by Satan to do his bidding... So if you have somebody in mind and he is over 30, forget it; don’t waste your time trying to figure it all out because this New Hitler is a MASTER OF INTRIGUE. Now Satan’s FALSE PROPHET can be over 30 and is probably of Jewish clergy

    living right now.

  •   He will not be seen as EVIL; but seen as THE ANSWER to the Worlds Problems. The World

    will see him as the greatest man who has ever lived. He most probably will be the recipient of

    the Nobel Peace Prize.

  •   He will NOT have his miraculous powers till the Saints and the Holy Spirit who are the

    restraining force are removed from the earth via the Rapture; but that comes soon.

  •   He will be cunning and will destroy in an extraordinary manner whoever and whatever gets in his way. He will be corrupt with a new level of persuasiveness. It will all occur before people

    know what has happened.

    46 Ephesians 6:12 – The Anti-Christ will command legions of Demons, POWERS, RULERS OF THE DARKNESS and SPIRITUAL HOSTS OF WICKEDNESS in the heavenly places.
    47 Revelation 13:3 – The Anti-Christ receives a Fatal Wound, appears to die and then is resurrected like Jesus was.
    48 Revelation 13:4 – Satan is worshiped; just what he has always wanted. People WORSHIPED THE DRAGON (Satan) -- Daniel 11:36-37 – He will EXALT AND MAGNIFY HIMSELF even above Jehovah God -- Isaiah 14:13-14 – Satan wants to be like God on his throne I WILL EXALT MY THRONE ABOVE THE STARS OF GOD... I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH GOD

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  •   He will possess courage, power, perseverance, charm, charisma, and an awesome speaking ability, not powered by the “Energizer Bunny” but energized by Satan Himself.

  •   He will be very smart,49 a commercial genius50 a marketing genius,51 a political genius,52 and a great orator.53 He will be a military genius54 with great authority and power55 as well as a religious genius56 setting himself up as a god and most of the unsaved world will worship him. He will have great personal ambitions and goals; and to get them;

    this MAN will eventually sell his soul to Satan.

  •   He will be RELIGIOUS, but not seeking the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and

    Jacob and perhaps might even be a HOMOSEXUAL;57 his God will be Power and Money.58

  •   He starts a One World Religion with a False Prophet as its leader and like Satan, he desires to be worshiped and wants to be like god.59

  •   He will be mortally wounded in the head and with deception come back to life. This action authenticates his deity to the world, COUNTERFEITING the resurrection of Christ.

  •   He will speak out against the Most High God.

  •   He will change what is right and wrong. The laws of Justice will be totally given into his


  •   He will make alterations to the dates, times and recognized Laws and change the set times

    of worship, the feasts and the laws.61

  •   He will make a Peace Treaty with Israel to last Seven years62... Isiah calls it a Covenant with


  •   He breaks the Covenant 3 1⁄2 years later and then literally All hell breaks loose.

  •   He stops the offerings given in the temple and SETS UP AN IMAGE OF HIMSELF to be

    worshipped.63 – He will cause the image to speak.64

  •   This is referred to as THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION.

  •   He speaks proud and boastful words and blasphemes the name of God, Heaven and the

    Saints in Heaven.65

  •   He goes after the Tribulation Saints on earth, those that have come to the Lord during the

    great tribulation period and then makes war on anybody or any religion that WORSHIPS


  •   He brings down fire from the heavens and manipulates false signs, miracles and wonders.67 Remember Satan is the “PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR68... Hurricanes, Rain, Winds and

    Lightning are at his command.

    49 Daniel 8:23 - The Anti-Christ is Intelligent; completely wicked, a STERN-FACED king, A MASTER OF INTRIGUE
    50 Daniel 11:43 – The Anti-Christ is Commercial genius; He will GAIN CONTROL OF THE TREASURES OF GOLD AND SILVER
    51 Revelation 13:16-17 – The Anti-Christ is Marketing genius; NO ONE COULD BUY OR SELL UNLESS HE HAD HIS MARK,
    52 Revelation 17:11-12 – The Anti-Christ is Political genius; and WILL RECEIVE AUTHORITY AS A KING
    53 Daniel 11:36 – The Anti-Christ is a great orator; and WILL SAY UNHEARD-OF THINGS against Yahweh.
    54 Revelation 6:2 – Anti-Christ is a Military Genius; impersonating Christ; HE RIDEAS OUT AS A CONQUEROR bent on conquest (He is masquerading as the RETURNING Christ)
    55 Revelation 13:2 Anti-Christ has great Power and great authority
    56 Revelation 13:8 – Unbelievers in Christ will worship the Anti-Christ-all whose names HAVE NOT been written in the book of life
    57 Daniel 11:37 – He will not desire a woman, perhaps a homosexual
    58 Daniel 11:38 – His god will be power and money GOLD AND SILVER and precious stones
    59 2 Thessalonians 2:4 - The Anti-Christ proclaims that he himself is god.
    60 Daniel 7:23 – His Kingdom is different from all other Kingdoms; he will DEVOUR, TRAMPLE and BREAK the whole earth in pieces
    61 Daniel 7:25 – He will change the set times and the laws
    62 Isaiah 28:18 – Israel makes a Seven year Treaty; a covenant with death and HELL
    63 Daniel 9:27 – The Anti-Christ makes a Peace Treaty with Israel then Breaks it 3 1⁄2 years later and PUTS AN END TO SACRIFICE AND OFFERING and then SETS UP AN ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION in the Holy of Holies.
    64 Revelation 13:15 – The image of the Anti-Christ can SPEAK as if it had breath and life
    65 Revelation 13:5-6 – For 3 1⁄2 years the Anti-Christ continually blasphemes God, Heaven and the Saints
    66 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 – Satan displays Counterfeit Signs, miracles & wonders to DECEIVE THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING in un-belief 67 Revelation 13:12-13 – Anti-Christ performed GREAT & MIRACULOUS SIGNS & brings down Fire from heaven as a sign of authority
    68 Ephesians 2:2 – Satan has power over the elements, he is the PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR

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THE REST OF THE STORY... The 7 years of tribulations; Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven. Need a mark to buy or sell – Worship the beast or die – World war III with Russia and Israel – Widespread famine – One half of humanity dies – Great Earthquakes - Cities & mountains leveled - Islands disappear Fire and Stars fall to earth – 100 pound hail – Stinging locust - Painful sores – Sea and Rivers turn red as blood – Intense heat – Battle of Armageddon – and other fun stuff.

At the end of the tribulation period in contrast,
the rider on the white horse is our faithful and true Savior,
Jesus the Christ,
riding triumphantly with His army; the
OT saints, the raptured Church and the angels.69


At the beginning of the Tribulation period,
Antichrist, IMPERSONATING Christ comes riding in on a white horse.

God reaches out to His remnant Israel
The rest of her offspring” as referred to in scripture is the remnant of Israel. God reaches out a

second time to reclaim His people and breathes life back into them.70 (Dem bone, dem bones; dem dry bones; now hear the word of the Lord) The remnant of Israel has accepted God and His Son, the Lamb.

Satan in great fury immediately goes forth to destroy all of them. “The Serpent spewed water like a river” is symbolic of Satan pulling out all the stops on his evil organ to destroy the nation of Israel, trying to make it impossible for God to keep His promises. The believing remnant is forced into hiding by the Antichrist.

The Antichrist being a great orator will speak and flatter the nations to get them to reveal where the Jews are hiding, but the multitudes do not listen.

Whether by angels or nature, there will be a supernatural intervention that protects Israel.

Revelation 12:15-16 – Satan tries to kill the believing Jews

15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent.
BUT THE EARTH HELPED THE WOMAN by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. NIV

The Take Away

There is some good news in all of this. The Believer will not be here when the New Hitler; the Antichrist is finally REVEALED71 although he may already be alive during our lifetime. At the Rapture God withdraws the Holy Spirit who “dwells in us” from the earth, so we get to go with Him. The Rapture will separate and remove us from “THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH;72 those whose names are NOT written in THE BOOK OF LIFE.73

THE RAPTURE DOCTRINE is only about 200 years old and was NOT KNOWN NOR TAUGHT by the early church, however it is not something to scoff at. Whether your BS embraces it or not, you should pray that there is a Rapture... but live your life like there is NOT one.

There are no new prophecies, but there is new enlightenment as God through the Holy Spirit reveals and illuminates those who study his Word and unlocks the treasures that have be stored away “for such a time as this”.74 We don’t have to work for our Salvation; we just RECEIVEit.

Jesus HOLDS US... PLUS the Father HOLDS US... BOOKENDS with US in the middle... Secure

69 Revelation 19:12-13 - Jesus rides triumphantly in a robe dipped in blood, His eyes like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns.
70 Isaiah 11:11 – God reaches out to Israel a second time to reclaim THE REMNANT of His people -- Ezekiel 37:3-5 – THE REMNANT; the bones of Israel come alive; I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.
71 Revelation 3:10 - Because you have kept my command I will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come to test THOSE WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH
73 2 Thessalonians 2:10 – Those who perish DID NOT RECEIVE THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH, THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED.
74 Esther 4:14 – This was revealed FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS

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Antichristos means Against or INSTEAD of Christ... An enemy of Christ... One who usurps Christ’s name, authority and rights.... There are many “little” antichrists; but only one Antichrist.75

Definition Antichrist: A man who denies that Jesus is the Christ...76 Denies the Father and the Son... This is the rejection of Christ with heretical teachings and views concerning His person.

Scripture infers that the Antichrist will be a Gentile coming POLITICALLY and his false prophet will be a Jew coming THEOLOGICALLY.

The followers of THE WAY were well aware of the teaching that all the forces of opposition to Christ would finally come together and center in the one man called the Antichrist. Paul taught that the Antichrist will oppose God and actually exalt himself above God and sit in the temple and claim to be God. He will perform great signs and wonders deceiving all those who have rejected God’s Son.

Christ warned that there would be false Christ’s and false prophets that would come, who would try to deceive even the ELECT; the believer, if that were possible.77

The Thessalonians were under the erroneous impression that “THE DAY OF THE LORD” was at hand NOW and Paul was trying to tell them that the end of time as we know it will not come to an end until TWO CONDITIONS have been met;

  1. 1)  A falling away from the Church, and

  2. 2)  The revealing of the identity of the “Lawless One”; the Antichrist.

Many political foes have referred to their opponent as the Antichrist; we still do that today, so the sayings are “taken with a grain of salt” and are not considered serious. We should not so much be concerned about the end of time, but with identifying FALSE TEACHERS 79 that are creeping into our lives TODAY teaching the “inclusion of ALL religions”; that taking parts of worship from ALL religions and homogenizing them into your own worship makes for better worship because, “all the spokes in a wheel lead to the same hub”; the same god. WHAT!

Using deceitful terms such as “Gay Pride” and “Alternate Lifestyle” for living a life that is an abomination to God.80 Terms like “Pro Choice” for murdering babies. According to God, a doctor that performs abortions is a MASS MURDERER. It’s going to be “Hell to pay” for those who call evil good and good evil.81

Relationship: The Antichrist will be to Satan what Jesus is to God. The Antichrist’s power will come from Satan82 just as Jesus’ power comes from God and the Antichrist’s supporting False Prophet will fulfill the role of the supporting Holy Spirit culminating with their UN-HOLY TRINITY.

Satan is furious; Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet ALL THREE know that their time is short and are “mad as hell”.83

The Term The Day of the Lord78 is not the Sabbath, but is when God will destroy the works of Satan and redeem mankind. Paul taught that that the “Secret Power of Lawlessness” was already at work in the world. He was re-directing there attention away from “the last days” to what was going on NOW in the church... He was pointing to those “littleantichrists that already exist whose temper, attitude and characteristics were subverting the Gospel. They were in essence doing the work of the actual Antichrist with doctrinal error.

Paul did not see the world as one day evolving into a more PERFECT state, but rather evolving into more and more of an EVIL state
until finally, “The Day of the Lord” would right it all.

75 1 John 2:18 – The Antichrist is coming; many anti-Christ’s have already come -- 2 John 7 – Many deceivers have gone out into the world; the deceiver is a little antichrist
76 1 John 2:22 – Antichrist definition; such is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ
77 Matthew 24:24 – Anti-Christ will deceive with GREAT signs and miracles even to deceive the Elect if that were possible

78 2 Peter 3:10 – The Day of the Lord; the heavens will disappear, the earth and everything in it will be laid bare
79 1 John 4:3 – Many little anti-Christ are already at work in the world; they do NOT acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord 80 Leviticus 20:13 – Homosexuality is an abomination to God
81 Isaiah 5:20 – Woe to those who call evil good who make call darkness light
82 John 14:30 – Satan, the prince of this world is coming
83 Revelation 12:12 – Satan is filled with fury and mad as hell because he knows his time is short.

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The Satanic Trinity

Satan also known as The Dragon - The Father
Antichrist also known as The Beast out of the Sea - The Son False Prophet also known as The Beast out of the Earth The Spirit

Sad Ending

THIS IS SAD, but in the end, God will send a powerful delusion to “those that remain in the earth”; those whose names are NOT written in the Book of Life; so that they will believe Satan’s lie84 that they have so sought after. – They get what they want.

The New Hitler, the Antichrist will stand up against Jesus Christ and try to prevent His return; but he will be destroyed and not by human hands. He is crushed in the battle of Armageddon85 and is the first to be thrown into the lake of fire along with the false prophet.86 Paul teaches that in the finality of things; God will destroy the Antichrist and the little antichrists with just the breath of His mouth.87 This is the end of the Antichrist, but not the story.

Life is choice driven; I wouldn’t wait too long or you will believe the lie and that would be SAD. God has given us His Letter to show us THE WAY back to the TREE OF LIFE.

We mourn over the souls that will be separated from God for eternity.88

It’s in the Book.

I have only painted a picture here of what the Anti-Christ; this New Hitler will be like and who he is. If you want more of the gory details, and all the meanings of all the symbolism, read; NYOBS 21.18 ANTICHRIST -- NYOBS 22.09 ARMAGEDDON -- NYOBS 35.16 144,000; THE MARK -- NYOBS 07.02 ESCHATOLOGY.

These can all be found on my blog. NOT YOUR ORDINARY BIBLE STUDY

84 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 – God allows the rebelling unbeliever who delighted in wickedness to believe the lie of Satan 85 Revelation 19:1-2 - The Antichrist is defeated
86 Revelation 19:20 – The Anti-Christ is captured and thrown into the lake of fire
87 2 Thessalonians 2:8 – Satan will be overthrown by the breath of God’s mouth

88 Matthew 5:4 – The Saints MOURN over the ignorant lost souls that believed Satan’s lie
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Chapter 15.2

First Word - The Vineyard
Jesus reveals His plans and matters with objects of common knowledge and interest, herein this

parable He uses the common fig tree. He told His followers to consider the parable of the Fig Tree... NO He did not! ... He commanded them to LEARN the Parable of the Fig Tree.89

The Fig Tree

The Preparations of the Vineyard – The Expectations The Unfruitfulness – Judgment on the Fig Tree – Israel Time of Repentance - Return of Christ – Kingdom of God

There is a season for figs on a tree; the green figs generally appeared before the leaves did, blending in until maturity, LEAVES SUGGEST FRUITFULNESS, so seeing the leaves, one would expect fruit on the tree. Fig Trees would normally produce two to three crops a season, starting in the early spring with additional latter crops. Plus everyone knew that depending on soil conditions and the weather, some trees could produce figs for most of the year.

Before we look at the Fig tree, I want to look at the expectations of the vineyard, the soil of the land, the kind of plants and the owner as well as the gardener caretaker.

The Prophet Isaiah paints the picture of an investor purchasing some PRIME land and clearing it of all the rocks and stones, then cultivating it and planting the very best plants. Then He builds a hedge and fence around it to protect it from animals who might destroy the tender plants, then proceeds to build a watch tower for thieves who might try to break in and steal the harvest and finally He builds a wine press with the expectation of a bountiful harvest. With that said, He did not expect a harvest the FIRST year, but certainly by the SECOND or THIRD year it should be overflowing with a bounty of fruit.

The Story of the Fig Tree starts out with God, the vineyard owner who is in frustration concerning a fig tree that He planted three years ago that had not produced any fruit. Interestingly, the ministry of Jesus Christ was three years as well as John the Baptist who preached to All Israel for REPENTANCE and the coming of the Kingdom of God.

The parable continues when GOD instructs the Gardner who is Jesus Christ to just cut the FRUITLESS tree down and make room for other plants. Jesus Christ the attentive Gardner, intercedes to give the fig tree (Israel) A LITTLE MORE TIME; just one more year and He would give it special attention, and if it still did not produce fruit; then it would be cut down.

(Remember, a day to the Lord is a like a thousand years; time has once again been put on hold.)

Isaiah 5:1-7 – What more could God do for Israel

1 Now I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My beloved had a vineyard on a rich and fertile hill.

89 Matthew 24:32-33 – LEARN the parable of the Fig Tree When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout HIS RETURN IS VERY


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Then he waited for a harvest of sweet grapes, but the grapes that grew were bitter. Now, you people of Jerusalem and Judah, you judge between me and my vineyard.


When I expected sweet grapes, why did my vineyard give me bitter

grapes? Now let me tell you what I will do to my vineyard:

5 I will tear down its hedges and let it be destroyed. I will break

down its walls and let the animals trample it.

6 I will make it a wild place where the vines are not pruned and the

ground is not hoed, a place overgrown with briers and thorns. I will

command the clouds to drop no rain on it.


Heaven’s Armies. The people of Judah are his pleasant garden. He

expected a crop of justice, but instead he found oppression. He

expected to find righteousness, but instead heard cries of violence. (NLT)

The Fig Tree

Painting the picture; Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem and being hungry happens upon a fig tree and seeing the LEAVES; He expects an early fig,90 but the fig tree was “FRUITLESS”.91 Jesus curses the tree; which was a not yet realized teaching for the disciples. He then proceeds on to the Temple only to find it overrun with merchants exchanging money, selling livestock and birds; that is when He cuts loose and cleansed the Temple of all its merchants.

The next day Jesus and the astonished disciples observe this fig tree withered from the roots up, something that would have normally taken a number of weeks to accomplish.92 NOTE: This is the only act of judgment of Christ while on earth, it demonstrates His authority to BLAST as well as to BLESS.

However, there is another story that seemingly judgment was passed on 2,000 swine at Gadara with a legion of demons. This was actually a blessing on the man that was possessed by the demons. The demons begged to go into the pigs and the pigs went crazy and ran into the sea and drowned; they did it to themselves; they got what they asked for.93 Everything you ask for is NOT beneficial for you,94 so be careful what you ask for. It’s in the Book

Since there are other accounts of barren fig trees in the Book containing slight variances in the account of the story, students of the Word debate when the curse and the withering took place; but that’s not the point of the teaching, the story is about what THE FIG TREE represents; symbolically the FIG TREE represents ISRAEL and JUDAH.

Jesus is symbolically putting an ax to the root of fruitless Israel; fruitless Christians that have only a form of religious godliness95 that are just Make Believers. This is why He commanded us to LEARN the parable of the Fig Tree. When we are barren of fruit, we have failed the purpose for which we were created. Their fruit of holiness was lacking; their Fruit was PROFESSED, but not POSSESSED.

Israel was spiritually dead; lacking the FAITH that Jesus the Christ could save man, and they responded, telling Him to go save Himself. After this teaching, Jesus then continues on in His parable with His teaching of the Power of having Faith.

90 Isaiah 28:4 – The early fig is quickly picked and eaten
91 Mark 11:12-14 – The Fig Tree was in FULL leaf, but no early fruit
92 Matthew 21:18-22 – MAY YOU NEVER BEAR FRUIT AGAIN Immediately the fig tree withered
93 Mark 5:1-15 – The evil spirits begged Jesus to send them into the pigs; so Jesus gave them permission 94 1 Corinthians 6:12 – I have the right to do anything but not everything is beneficial
95 2 Timothy 3:5 – They had only a form of godliness

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Israel - The History
In the finality of things; Isaiah reveals that GOD is the investor/owner of the prime land, JESUS is

the Intercessor caretaker and the people of Judah are his pleasant garden; THE VINYARD IS ISRAEL. God expected a crop of justice, but instead what He found was oppression.

He expected to find righteousness, but instead He heard cries of violence.
What He found was WORTHLESS sour grapes and His response was I will tear down its hedges and let it be destroyed. I will break down its walls and let the animals trample it. I will make it a wild place where the vines are not pruned and the ground is not hoed, a place overgrown with briers and thorns. I

will command the clouds to withhold the rain.
What we see interwoven in all the fig trees stories is
Jesus the caretaker, interceding for the unfruitful

trees and requesting that God the Owner delay His destruction of the unfruitful tree for one more year and He will give them special attention, and if they still did not produce fruit then He himself will put the ax to the roots of the trees.

Luke 13:6-9 – If the tree does not produce the 4th year cut it down

6 Then Jesus told this story: “A man planted a FIG TREE in his garden and came again and again to see if there was any fruit on it, but he was always disappointed.
7 Finally, he said to his gardener, ‘I’ve waited three years, and there hasn’t been a single fig! CUT IT DOWN. It’s just taking up space in the garden.’ 8 The gardener answered, ‘Sir, GIVE IT ONE MORE CHANCE.

Leave it another year, and I’ll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer. If we get FIGS next year, fine.
IF NOT, then you can CUT IT DOWN. (NLT)

God delayed His judgement until 70AD when Titus overthrew Jerusalem and the temple was destroyed with not one stone standing upon another.

The question for the unbeliever is
WHAT MORE COULD HE HAVE DONE to save mankind. Today we have been given another extended PERIOD OF GRACE; a time to become FRUITFUL before His return.96
It’s in the Book

The Take Away

The fig tree parable is twofold, THE FIRST representing the spiritual fruits of the individual man and THE SECOND is the Nation of Israel representing the SEASON of the return of Christ; both requiring repentance and the bearing of good fruit.

All through the New Testament Israel is symbolized as the FIG TREE, the Book says that when the Fig Tree leaves begin to sprout you can know that the RETURN of Jesus Christ is near; even at the door. May 14, 1948 Israel was declared an independent international state; in 1967 the six day war enlarged their borders. The shoot has been planted and now the leaves of the fig tree of Israel have begun to sprout announcing the SEASON of Christ’s return.

Doctor Luke warns every Christian that ALL THE TREES,97 not just Israel; must bear fruit. The Lord’s Ax is now poised over the roots of the fig trees. God in His ever loving mercy has given us an EXTENDED TIME for repentance; WE ARE NOW ON BORROWED TIME.

The Book says, let the wicked change their ways; turn to the LORD and He will have mercy on them and forgive generously.

It’s in the Book

96 Matthew 24:3 – Disciples asked what is the SIGN of His return. -- Matthew 24:30 – The SIGN that the son of man is coming is when you see the son of man coming on the clouds -- Matthew 24:24-25 – False Messiahs and false teachers will rise up and perform GREAT SIGNS AND WONDERS -- Luke 13:1-5 – UNLESS YOU REPENT, you too will perish, -- Ezekiel 32:7-8 – WHEN I BLOT YOU OUT the Heavens, stars, sun, moon and land will be darkened

97 Luke 21:29-31 – The Fig Tree and ALL THE TREES as soon as they put forth leaves, THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR
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Luke 3:8-9 – Every tree that does not produce fruit is cut down

8 Prove BY THE WAY YOU LIVE that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say to each other, ‘We’re safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.’ That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones.

9 Even now THE AX OF GOD’S JUDGMENT IS POISED, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes



Isaiah 55:6-7 – Seek God while He can still be found


7 Let the wicked change their ways and banish the very thought of doing

wrong. Let them turn to the LORD that he may have mercy on them.

Yes, turn to our God, for he will forgive generously. (NLT)

Isaiah 13:9-13 – The day of the Lord is coming; judgment

9 THE DAY OF THE LORD IS COMING— the terrible day of his fury and

sin. I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty. I will make people scarcer than gold— more rare than the fine gold of Ophir.
13 For I will shake the heavens. The earth will move from its place when the LORD of Heaven’s Armies displays his wrath in


Psalm 18:7-15 – He returns with great anger blazing forth

7 Then the earth quaked and trembled. The foundations of the mountains shook; they quaked because of his anger.
8 Smoke poured from his nostrils; fierce flames leaped from his mouth. Glowing coals blazed forth from him.
9 He opened the heavens and came down; dark storm clouds were beneath his feet.
11 He shrouded himself in darkness, veiling his approach with dark rain clouds.
12 Thick clouds shielded the brightness around him and rained down hail and burning coals.
13 The LORD thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded amid the hail and burning coals.
14 He shot his arrows and scattered his enemies; his lightning flashed, and they were greatly confused. Then at your command, O LORD,

the bottom of the sea could be seen, and
the foundations of the earth were laid bare. (NLT)

The land will be made desolate,
and all
the sinners destroyed with it.
10 The heavens will be black above them;
the stars will give no light.
The sun will be dark when it rises, and
the moon will provide no light.
11 I, the LORD, will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their

fierce anger.

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Chapter 15.3

End Time Signs

The Second Advent; Part 1 & Part 2 - Signs of Scoffers – Signs of Rebellion Signs in the Heavens & Sea - Sign of Adoption, Peace, Security & Blessings

First Word

But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. Matthew 24:36

HOWEVER... God gave us the End Time SIGNSto know the season.

No man knows the day or the hour of the return of Christ; HOWEVER, because of the prophecies in the scriptures, we MIGHT can know the year or the month or perhaps even the week of His return. Now don’t get all upset with me; because the Book says that the return will be 3 1⁄2 years after the “Abomination of Desolation” takes place in the temple.98

The person of the Anti-Christ will be revealed half way into the seven year tribulation period when he sets up a statue of himself in the temple to be worshipped.99 The Abomination of Desolation

First Sign – Scoffers
There will be scoffers that will say, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the

fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”100 God’s invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made ever since the creation of the world, so we are without excuse.101

It’s in the Book

The Lord is not slack in fulfilling His promise, not wishing that any should perish but giving time that all would CHOOSE to come to repentance.102 LIVE IS CHOICE DRIVEN

Get Ready: Scripture says we should be ready to do the work of an evangelist, being sober minded to share the Gospel in our daily walk; WHETHER IT’S CONVENIENT OR NOT.103

Signs - Strange Weather – Unrest – Famines – Earthquakes
The beginning signs of the end times will be reports of wars and rumors of wars, famines,

earthquakes, false leaders and prophets and even false Christs.104
There will be strange signs in the HEAVENS; the SUN will be darkened, and the MOON will not

give its light, and the STARS will fall from heaven, and the powers of the HEAVENS will be shaken and the SEA will behave strangely.105 This is the beginning of the end of times birth pains.

98 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – Christ will not come till the Anti-Christ is revealed 3 1⁄2 years into the Tribulations
99 Daniel 9:27 –The Abomination of Desolation is set up in the temple 3 1⁄2 years into the Tribulations
100 2 Peter 3:2-4 – Scoffers will say “Where is the promise of his coming? All things continue as from creation
101 Romans 1:19-20 – Man is without excuse; God’s invisible attributes, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world
102 2 Peter 3:8-9 - The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance
103 2 Timothy 4:2-8 - Be ready to share the word in season and out of season: WHETHER IT’S CONVENIENT OR NOT
104 Matthew 24:3-8 – The Beginning of the end; Wars – Famines – Earthquakes
105 Matthew 24:27-29 – Strange signs in the heavens; Everyone will see the sun be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall

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Signs - Rebellion
Rebellion is the most subtle sign that the end of time is at the door. This one sneaks up on you like

a pot of water that just slowly heats up till your goose is cooked and you don’t even know that you are in a stew. It all seems warm and fuzzy at first. THIS IS THE BIG ONE.

  •   Many will depart from the faith and allow seducing spirits to control them.106

  •   They will not have any conscience; the things they do will seem right to them in their own eyes.

  •   Their ears will itch for teachers who will teach them what they want to hear.107

  •   They will believe fables, and doctrine that reinforces their own lust.

    People will become lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having only an appearance of godliness.108

    Nations will hate us: If you will note how the Muslims HATE the United States109 because we claim we are a Christian Nation; they are BEHEADING Christians110 and even killing themselves for the hope and promise of a river of WINE and SEXUAL PLEASURES in Paradise. It’s in the Qur’an

    The Book prophesied that this would happen;111 many are so deceived by Satan that they are siding with the Muslim ISIS Terrorist. THIS IS HAPPENING TODAY

    A Word about Satan
    Satan would eat our lunch if we allowed it. He walks about pretending that he is ALL powerful

    and seeks to devoir anyone he can deceive.112 But he cannot touch the man that is submitted to God. Jesus took the power of death from Satan when He went to the cross and has overcome all of Satan’s principalities and powers.113

    The Holy Spirit that is in us is greater than Satan; isn’t that good news!114 We have been delivered out of the power of darkness into light,115 we are delivered by the Word of God.116 Jesus is the Word and the Word should be in our mouths as a testimony... The name of Jesus Christ claims power and authority over the enemy, we are to NAME it & CLAIM it.117

    Our imaginations and thoughts are to be submitted to Him.118 Yes, the name of Jesus is strong and His word abiding in our hearts and minds allows us to overcome Satan,119 however we cannot operate in the name of Jesus if we are in sin.

    Sin is the work of Satan and Jesus WILL destroy sin.120

    106 1 Timothy 4:1-2– Signs; People departing from the Faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons
    107 2 Timothy 4:3-4 – Signs; People having itching ears will seek teachings to suit their own passions; turning away from truth into myths 108 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – Signs; People becoming proud, conceited, arrogant, ungrateful, heartless, reckless, Abusive, treacherous, unappeasable, slanderous, brutal, disobedient, unholy, without self-control,
    109 Matthew 24:9-15 – Signs; False Prophets, USA Hated, Lawlessness
    110 Revelation 20:4 – Prophecy... Christians will be BEHEADED by Muslims
    111 Luke 21:25-28 – Signs; Nations Distressed, Perplexity, Fear, roaring of the sea; Now when these things begin to take place, know your redemption is drawing near
    112 1 Peter 5:8 – Satan prowls around LIKE a roaring lion seeking someone to deceive and devour
    113 Luke 10:17-19 - I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven -- Colossians 2:15 – Satan has been disarmed and put to open shame -- Hebrews 2:9 – Jesus was made to taste death for everyone so that we would not have to. -- Hebrews 2:14-15 – Christ’s death destroyed the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil
    1 John 4:1-4 – Test the Spirits whether they are from God or from the Antichrist; every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God
    114 James 4:7 - Resist Satan, and he will flee from you
    115 Colossians 1:13 – We are delivered out of darkness into light
    116 Revelation 12:11 - Satan is conquered by the Word of our Testimony
    117 Mark 16:17-18 – Signs will accompany those that believe; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover
    118 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 - Take every thought captive and obey Christ for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds
    119 Colossians 2:10 – Jesus is the head of all rule and authority
    120 1 John 3:8 – Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan

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Signs - End Time Conditions
It’s interesting that although we are God’s children, and have a GLORIFIED SPIRIT within us, we

do not really know what our GLORIFIED BODY will look like; but when Jesus returns, we will see Him as He really is and we will be like Him.121

When Jesus returns everyone will know it; we won’t have to go somewhere to find Him;122 He will come in the twinkling of an eye; in a second of time, returning to earth the same way as when He left and was caught up into the Heavens.123 That same way, we will also be caught up.

Conditions for His Advent will be in two parts;

  1. 1)  For the Rapture nothing else remains to be completed; Jesus can return today.

  2. 2)  For the End Times; many must go through the seven years of tribulations which according to

    scripture cannot begin till the plans are underway for the construction of the Temple; specifically, the “Holy of Holies” which must be completed 3 1⁄2 years into the seven year tribulation period.

    It’s in the Book

Signs - The Return: Part 1
When Jesus returns, people will be doing normal things like eating supper, getting married, working

or whatever;124 our lord will descend from heaven with a shout from the archangel and we will hear the trumpet of God.125 The believers who are dead will rise first from the grave to meet Christ in the air,126 then those who are Believers that are still alive will join them in the air127 as the unbelievers and make- believers will be LEFT BEHIND.128 We call this first part of His coming back the Rapture.129

You Belief System may or may not embrace the rapture doctrine, so my advice to you, is to pray that there is a rapture, but live your life like you will be required to go through the struggle of the entire tribulations. Although Noah was rescued, he still had to endure the struggle of life on the ark for a year. Although Paul and all those on his boat were saved, they still had to go through the struggle of shipwreck. The Believer will be rescued and saved, but might have to endure the struggle.

Signs - The Return: Part 2
God is not looking for a way to condemn the world, but to save it. Jesus came to seek us out and

save us from the fate that awaits Satan and his followers.130 Death is nothing for the Christian; when we die our spirit will instantly be face to face with Jesus, now that’s pure Joy! So whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.131 When we are with Jesus there won’t be any more death or sorrow, crying or pain.132

Note: The Maximum life span of man has been fixed by God, but we can shorten or lengthen our days on earth “within” that time by the decisions we make.133 I just want to pause here to say that the Christian will finish the work he has been sent here to do before he dies134...

121 1 John 3:2 - Our Glorified body will be just like Jesus’ body -- Revelation 21:4 – There will be no more tears, mourning, pain or death for these things will have passed away
122 2 Corinthians 5:8 – When we leave our body we will be with Christ -- 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 – We will all be changed into immortality thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

123 Acts 1:11 – Jesus will return to earth the same way He left and ascended into heaven.
124 Matthew 24:37-39 – When Jesus returns things will be going along as normal -- Matthew 24:43-44 - He will return at an hour you don’t expect -- Matthew 24:30 – Everybody will See Him coming in the Clouds
125 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – The Lord will descend and heard 3 ways; with a 1) Shout ... 2) voice of an archangel ... 3) Trumpet blast
126 Thessalonians 4:15 – Believers who are Dead will rise first
127 1 Thessalonians 4:17 – Second; Believers who are alive will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air
128 Matthew 24:40-41 - One will be taken and the other left
129 1 Matthew 24: 31 – Angels will gather all the Believers to the Lord
130 Luke 19:10 – Jesus came to seek and to save the Lost -- John 3:17 – Jesus was sent that the world MIGHT be saved
131 Romans 14:8 - Whether we live or we die, we are the Lord’s
132 Psalm 91:7- Evil will not come near us Psalm 3:3 – The Lord is a shield about me and the lifter of my head -- 1 John 2:13-14 – The Word of God overcomes the evil one; Satan
133 Psalm 90:10 – We can have 70-90 years IT’S NOT FIXED -- Deuteronomy 5:16 – Treat your mama good; live EVEN MORE DAYS. 134 Isaiah 55:10-11 – We will complete our work before we die

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My grandson died ‘COMPLETED’ at the age of 21 and is now face to face with our Lord. You can finish your work by the time you are just ten years old and not die till you are a 100. You don’t just die when your part of God’s plan is completed, nor do you have die because you struggled with sickness for years; many have just went to sleep.

Just as the “rain in season” causes the seed to bud for the farmer, and in its maturity to bring forth a harvest, God’s word will do the same thing, it will perform the work that it was sent to do; there will be a harvest.

Seven years after the Rapture, Jesus will come unexpectedly again. This is the second part of His coming and this time the heavens will explode with a great noise and fire,135 and the earth will be burned up with tremendous heat.

God will deal with those who have rejected His Son Jesus Christ. His word clearly says that He has shown us THE WAY and now THERE IS JUST NO EXCUSE. It’s in the Book

A SECRET that Satan has hidden from you; if we obey God’s Word and do what He says, we become God’s Children; then Our Enemies Become God’s Enemies... This is a big deal

When God’s Word is in us, we can see the enemy coming as if we were in a “Look Out Tower”.136 God promises to hold up our head and be a shield for us;137 He will be strong on our behalf and will go before us into our battles.138 WOW

Although death of thousands will be as close as our right hand, no harm will come to us. God’s eyes are watching over us139 and His ears are listening to our prayers.140 Our enemies shall fear us because the Spirit of God’s Banner is over us. Our Enemies are God’s Enemies.141

Sign of Security
The Book instructs us to NOT WORRY about: 142

  •   Where our next meal is coming from or

  •   What we should wear of what is going to happen tomorrow.

  •   Scripture shouts that we should not let things or trouble us make us afraid.

  •   He loads us with grace and everything we need in order to do every good work.

  •   God has loaded us with benefits and will supply our needs according to His riches and is able

    to exceed all of our expectations.

    Matthew 6:25-34 – Don’t worry about anything; He WILL provide

    34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


    A Word about the Word
    We have promises from God that contain an IF CLAUSE... IF we keep God’s precepts,143 the

    Holy Spirit will teach us “His Will” through the reading of His Word.144

  •   He will satisfy the longing in us with goodness.145

  •   He promises to feed us and make us healthy; to heal our sickness. 146

    135 2 Peter 3:10-12 – The Heavenly bodies will burn up, dissolve, melt away
    136 Proverbs 18:10 – The Lord is a Strong Tower we can run into
    137 Psalm 61:3 – The Word is a refuge, a Strong Tower against Satan
    138 Deuteronomy 1:30 – God goes before us and fights the battle -- Isaiah 59:19 - God will come like a rushing stream of wind 139 2 Chronicles 16:9 - The eyes of the LORD sees everything

    140 1 Peter 3:12-13 – God’s ears are open to the Believer’s prayers
    142 Matthew 6:25-34 - Don’t worry; God will provide -- Ephesians 3:20 – God is able to do far more than we ask or think
    143 Deuteronomy 5:1 - Learn THE WORD, and be careful to DO THE WORD -- Deuteronomy 5:31-33 – Not only Teach the Word BUT DO THE WORD that it may go well with you
    144 Luke 1:70 – God speaks through the mouth of His Prophets
    145 Psalm 107:9 – THE WORD satisfies your soul with good things -- Philippians 4:19 – THE WORD will supply all your needs
    146 Psalm 23:3 – THE WORD restores my soul and leads us in Paths of righteousness -- Psalm 103:5 – The Word renews your strength like the Eagle

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  •   Our life will be lengthened and things will go well with us.147

  •   We will walk in peace148

  •   He will light the way as He leads us into paths of righteousness, telling us which way to turn.149

  •   Peace will rule in our hearts because He is the Prince of Peace and gives His perfect peace.150

  •   He will be faithful to establish us and keep us from the evil one, and Protect us while we sleep151

  •   When we are awake, He promises to be our companion, and to Fellowship with us;152

  •   He will cover us under His wings like a shield from the rain.153

    Sign of God’s nearness
    The wisdom of God is first pure, peaceful, gentle, easy and full of mercy.154 It has good results

    and is for all who want it. Our God has given us peace in our hearts, love, a sound mind and power over the enemy. We are to do the things that Christ said to do in His word,155 He wants a clean Glorious and Holy Church, one that has been cleansed by the washing of His word.156

    It’s in The Book; put God’s word in your spirit daily. God does not give us fear, envying or strife; this confusion all comes from SATAN. When we resist SATAN he will flee,157 because he sees the greater one that is in us; he sees our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.158

    It’s in The Book; present your bodies to God, as a living sacrifice, with a renewed mind, doing what is good, acceptable and perfect and in the will of God.159

    SATAN tricks our friends into telling us that we have gone too far away from God to return.160 Do not be moved by what other say about you.161
    Do not listen to SATAN, because God has already cast him down.162 He no longer can ACCUSE, CONFUSE and MISUSE you.163

    Maintain control of your body; what you THINK and what you DO; this is all pleasing to God.164 Draw near to God; avoid being INVOLVED in sin or THINKING or even REHEARSING past sins.165 Put on your bulletproof vest of faith,166 we will have the power and protection of God’s might.167 Be alert, tuned in to God’s word168 so that SATAN will not be able to deceive you.169

    If we return to God, He will have mercy, grace and compassion, and will turn his face toward us to meet us.170

    147 1 Kings 3:14 – The Word will lengthen your days
    148 Psalm 119:105 – The Word illuminates your way
    149 Isaiah 30:21 – The Word tells you which way to go -- Psalm 143:10 – The Word leads you to level ground
    150 Luke 1:79 – The Word guides our feet into the way of peace
    151 Psalm 68:19 – The Word daily bears us up
    152 Proverbs 6:22-23 – The Word reproofs, disciplines, leads, watches, talks with you
    153 2 Thessalonians 3:3 – The Word will guard you against Satan -- Psalm 91:4-7 – The Word will give you refuge
    154 James 3:16-18 – Wisdom from God is pure, gentle, impartial, sincere & good, sown in peace
    155 Luke 6:46 - Why do you call me Lord, and not DO THE WORD?
    156 James 4:4 – If you are a friend of the world, it makes you an enemy of God
    157 James 4:7 - Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
    158 1 John 4:4 - God who lives in you is greater than Satan
    159 Romans 12:1-2 - Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind
    160 1 Peter 5:8-9 - Satan prowls LIKE a lion, TRICKING people seeking to be able to devour them
    161 Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right, but in the end it leads to death
    162 Revelation 12:10-11- Satan, the accuser of our brothers, has been thrown down
    163 1 Corinthians 14:33 - God is not a God of confusion but of peace
    164 2 Timothy 1:7 - God gave us a spirit of power, love & self-control
    165 James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you -- Romans 8:6-8 - Those who operate in the flesh cannot please God; set your mind on the Spirit of God -- Isaiah 50:7 - GOD will help you; set your face like flint, and know that you will not be put to shame
    166 Ephesians 6:16 - In all circumstances take up the shield of faith which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one
    167 Ephesians 6:10-11 - Put on the WHOLE armor of God that you may be able to stand against Satan
    168 Galatians 6:8 - Sow to your flesh and you will reap corruption, sow to the Spirit and reap eternal life. -- 1 Timothy 5:6 – The self- indulgent is dead even while he lives
    169 Romans 8:6-8 - Those who operate in the flesh cannot please God; set your mind on the Spirit of God
    170 2 Chronicles 30:9 - God will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him

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Sign of Blessings
God has set before all people Curses and Blessings”,171 and obeying God’s concepts unlocks our

blessings.172 No one has written about, seen or even heard of the things that God has prepared for us. Our minds cannot comprehend the greatness of it.173

The Mystery; If we belong to Christ, then we are the seed of Abraham and heirs to the inheritance according to the promise of God.174 Even though the seed of Abraham was the Jewish nation; ALL believes175 have now received that same inheritance; because of Jesus Christ, we have Jewish roots. Jesus has prepared a place for us to live with Him and will soon come again to receive us.176 This is part of our inheritance that we will live forever in heaven with our Lord.177

Sign of Adoption
We are to serve God with a perfect heart and with a willing mind, because our God knows our

thoughts and even our imaginations. We have been adopted into the kingdom and as part of the kingdom, we are heirs to royalty and all that goes with it.178

The Book says; sin no more, but if we hide our sin, God will withhold his blessings, however if we confess our sins,179 God has promised forgiveness and a refreshing cleansing.180

The Take Away – Make Believers

There are all kinds of End Time Signs. It depends on what you are looking for; SIGNS that scare the heck out of you or those that give you Peace and Security.

The BIG SIGN is that of REBELLION, and it’s already here. Look around; People have become lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, ungrateful, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, treacherous, reckless, and conceited and having the APPEARANCE OF GODLINESS.

The Book says to AVOID such people.

At this writing we are in the elections; Donald Trump speaking to Christians, quoted “TWO Corinthians instead of Second Corinthians as one would say that was familiar with scripture. Is this only an “Appearance of Godliness”? Is he a Make Believer? Folks; WE ARE IN THE END TIMES for sure! Watch the Signs.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 – Some have just the APPEARANCE OF GODLINESS

5 having the APPEARANCE OF GODLINESS, but denying its power. AVOID SUCH PEOPLE.


I saw those who had been BEHEADED
for the TESTIMONY of Jesus and for the Word

Revelation 20:4

171 Deuteronomy 11:26-28 – God has set Blessing and Curses before us; HE HAS SHOWN US THE DOOR, BUT WE MUST CHOOSE. 172 Hebrews 11:16 – We are not ashamed to call YAHWEH our God
173 1 Corinthians 2:9 – Man has no comprehension of what God’s has prepared for those who love the Lord.
174 Ephesians 3:6 – The Mystery; we are all heirs and partakers of the Promise of Christ Jesus through the gospel -- 1 Peter 1:3-4 – We have an imperishable, undefiled, unfading, inheritance kept in heaven for us

175 Galatians 3:28-29 – Red, Yellow, Black or white; ALL are one in Jesus Christ, we are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise 176 John14:2-3 – Jesus has prepared a room for us and will come again to take us to Himself, that where He is we also will be.
177 Matthew 25:34 – We will inherit a kingdom prepared by God
178 Romans 8:15 - We have received the Spirit of Adoption as sons, we can now call God our Daddy; Abba Father. -- Galatians 4:5-7 – The Believer has been adopted as sons, as heirs to the kingdom of God

179 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness -- Proverbs 28:13 – He who confesses & forsakes sin obtains mercy -- 1 Chronicles 28:9 - If you seek God, He will be found by you
180 John 8:10-11 - Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more.

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Chapter 15.4

The Four Stages – Palmer Worm – Canker Worm – Caterpillar - Mature Locust The Four Moral Plagues – Lust, Gluttony, Love of the Flesh and Self-exaltation Hidden Manna – Eating God’s Word – Valley of Decision - Smoke of Deception

First Word

The LORD gave a message to the prophet Joel as an example of the upcoming judgment upon judgment, scourge upon scourge upon man, until man either yields or perishes. Joel said; “Hear this, you leaders of the people. Listen, all who live in the land.

In all your history, has ANYTHING like this happened before? Tell your children about it in the years to come.183 Let your children tell their children.

End Time Locust

The Book says if we seek out His Word, He will give us HIDDEN MANNA, 181 understanding and the Holy Spirit will guide us into ALL TRUTH and declare to us the things that are to come.182


Tell your children the story of THE TIME OF THE LOCUST, a period of FIVE MONTHS184 which is from May through September. (This is a fact of a time in nature for locust activity and may or may not be a specific period of time for the End Time Tribulations.)

Most of us do not live in a land that is arid, where you live season to season depending on crop to crop for your substance. Joel expresses the Locust, the weakest and most contemptible creature, so as to take away the comforts of man and applies it to the destruction of a country. The locust are one of God’s ordinary punishments for sin that come in wave after wave. What one wave leaves behind the next wave destroys. Locust numbering in the hundreds of millions have darken the sky like a cloud, eating many times their weight in one day devastating every living green plant in their path.185

Note: Make no mistake, the Locust judgement of Joel is a Covenant CURSE from God,186 they are His great Army. THEY DO NOT EAT anything GREEN, not even a tree; they only attack mankind, specifically those who DO NOT have the Seal of God on their foreheads.

The SEAL OF GOD is the knowledge and Wisdom of the Word of God implanted in the MIND (the forehead) of mankind by the Holy Spirit, protecting them from the lies and deceptions of Satan that are to come in the final End Times. Believers are sealed before this terrible tribulation even begins.

Locust do their devastating work in successive WAVES, there are about 90 different sorts of locust. The Book records FOUR Hebrew words implying FOUR stages, species or names;

1) Palmerworm, 2) Cankerworm, 3) Caterpillar and the 4) Locust187

which are all named for their peculiar properties of destruction.

181 Revelation 2:17 – To the one who overcomes, God has HIDDEN MANNA to give & a white stone, with your new name written on it. 182 John 16:13 – The Holy Spirit will guide us into ALL TRUTH; He will declare to you the things that are to come.
183 Joel 1:1-3 - Tell the Story of the Time of the Locust to your children PASS THE STORY DOWN from generation to generation
184 Revelation 9:1-12 – The locusts came from the smoke to torment men for FIVE MONTHS

185 Deuteronomy 28:38-40 – You will plant much but harvest little for LOCUSTS WILL EAT YOUR CROPS
186 Joel 2:25 – The Locust are GOD’S great army which He SENT AMONG YOU -- Deuteronomy 28:38 – COVENANT CURSE from God YOU WILL PLANT MUCH BUT HARVEST LITTLE, FOR LOCUSTS WILL EAT YOUR CROP

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Consider the Seals, Trumpet and vials of “Revelation” that are poured out one after another, each one worse than the one before; but between each WAVE there is a time for repentance. The Book binds repentance and forgiveness together; REPENT AND BE FORGIVEN, if we don’t repent, we cannot be forgiven.

Sidebar: there were FOUR successive waves of invaders of Judah that came WAVE after WAVE; the Assyrians, Chaldeans, Macedonians and the Romans.

Time of the Locust

Three times God has used Locust as a vehicle of judgement. We read that Moses unleased a plague of Locust on Egypt. In Joel we read about how Locust are used to utterly destroy and in the great “end of time” book of Revelation, we read Locust are released from the Abyss at the sound of the fifth trumpet to destroy. One square mile of locust will contain 100 to 200 MILLION of these creatures with such a dense multitude that the blackened ground188 seems to ungulate as if it were moving, living behind only bare and barked twigs.

The Locust army that appears on the scene in the book of Joel, with “CROWNS” on their head are symbolic of powerful strong MEN; great multitudes of PEOPLE without number that strip bare the vine. The vine they are stripping away is the Church of Believers... remembering Jesus telling Peter that Satan wanted to “SIFT HIM LIKE WHEAT”.

The FOUR STAGES of the Locust are emblems of the progression of SIN in our life that germinates and then explodes EATING AWAY at our existence, consuming our harvest; devouring our promised blessings. Locust and Sin do not run the course of four stages and then stop, it replicates, repeating at each stage along the way, never ending; a succession of destroyers, over and over; consuming WAVE after WAVE, each more fatal than the preceding wave.


  1. 1)  LUST that creeps upon man with all its body.

  2. 2)  GLUTTONY and eating for SELF gratification and satisfaction

  3. 3)  LOVE OF THE FLESH, love of human praise, love of ambitious desires; resisting holiness.

  4. 4)  SELF-EXALTATION, flies and leaps with vain glory and empty presumptions.

The locust descend upon earth coming in the SMOKE of deception just like Sin.189 The SMOKE darkens the understanding of the whole world; cutting, stripping, devastating and devouring.

Take notice of how the Christian influence has already been “stripped” away with the removal of the TEN COMMANDMENTS and PRAYER in schools and public places. The advocating of the murder of unborn babies through abortion, calling it Pro-Choice instead of Pro-Life.

Blowing Smoke”, calling Homosexuality just an alternate lifestyle instead of an abomination. Like Locust, Sin travels great distances and affects generation after generation.

This generational CURSE can be broken through confession, repentance and a change of one’s lifestyle.190

1st stage: This stage is in the spring, the locust have just emerged from the egg without wings or legs and have the peculiar properties of cropping or sheering off of leaves and fruits; it’s known as the Palmer Worm stage.

PALMER WORM - “Gazam” its voracity; the devourer of the leaves cutting short the stems preventing the future harvest of good fruit or making the remaining fruit rotten. They are the Chewing Cutting Gnawing Locust.191 This state is a World System that perverts, twists and manipulates the message of Jesus Christ and bends the words of the Holy Bible. Renouncing the supernatural; the virgin birth and the resurrection, reducing Jesus Christ to just to another good man and Christianity to just one of the many religions. Like NOW

188 Exodus 10:14-15 – So many locust the land was darkened
189 Revelation 9:3 – locusts came from the SMOKE and DESCENDED ON THE EARTH; Smoke is a cloud of deception 190 1 Kings 8:37-38 – Pray to God for relief of your Locust troubles
191 Joel 2:25 – Swarming – Crawling – Consuming - Chewing

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2nd stage: This stage SIN is hopping like fleas, busy gnawing and licking up with its tongue and consuming anything green as well as bringing forth a vast increase of multitudes of larva in the pupa stage without legs or wings. The gnawing, arguing, debating, disagreeing, distracting, wearing you down process of annoyance that prevents the full growth of the Word and stopping you from prospering; this stage is known as the Cankerworm.

CANKERWORM “Yelek” it’s licking up; the young Hopping Crawling Devouring Locust.192 It’s about False Teachers and Preachers calling EVIL GOOD; perverting the word of God; teaching pro-Choice NOT pro-Life... Affirming Homosexuality as another lifestyle NOT an abomination to God; it’s about Mother Earth NOT Father God; it’s about the god inside, NOT the God above.

3rd stage: This stage is casting off the old skins and now with small wings encased in sacks and are able to jump and leap with the properties of consuming and wasting of all that is in their path; this stripper before growing it wings in its final stage attempts to remove the outer bark (our Flesh) that protects the inner live bark (our Soul), which is our mind and will, our emotions and sight, our ability to smell, touch and hear; the breaking down of the protective bark causing death to the tree (our Spirit). This happens through alcoholism, drugs, pornography, homosexuality, lust, and gluttony. It’s known as the Caterpillar stage.

CATERPILLAR “Chasil” its destructiveness; the Stripping Consuming Locust.193 It’s money changers selling religious good luck artifacts and amulets, making the house of God a den of thieves, it has now become an entertainment center; NOT a house of prayer. Projecting Social functions NOT praise and worship, entertainment NOT enlightenment of the Word. The world is shouting that it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are SINCERE.

4th stage: This stage is now a matured enumerable multitude of winged destroying locust about 1 to 13⁄4 inches long, that consume whatever remains in its path that has not already been consumed. The actually heads of these flying invading locust are shaped in the form of a “little horse”; reminiscent of the four CONSUMING horses that ride forth in the end of times; White, Red, Black & Pale Green. The female locust drills thousands upon thousands of holes in the earth laying its Multiplier’s or Swarmer’s eggs that have a short incubations period of just one week to two months, and like SIN, they seems to be ALWAYS BE EMERGING; Sin covering up more Sin .

Our enemy Satan; looks for ways to drill holes or opening into our life by exposing us in our early age to something that later in life will come back to restrain us from our maturity as a Christian. Things such as physical abuse, alcoholism, adultery and even gossip. The enemy Satan strategically sows SEEDS OF CAPTIVITY in your early life that remains dormant till years later, where it is awakened to give birth to more SIN. It is known as the Locust stage.

LOCUST “Arbeh” its multitude; to multiply with immense increase; the Swarming Locust. The Book was written for another century; it does not apply today, just LOOK INSIDE yourself, you have everything that you need already inside of you to be all that you can be; save yourself.

The Book says that at the return of Christ it will be just like in the time of Noah, with the Nephilim taking wives; producing hybrid children, DESECRATING mankind that is made in the very image of God. NOTE: Do not miss this. The Babylonian army advanced against Jerusalem in SUCCESSIVE WAVES; cutting, stripping, devastating and devouring. Joel’s specific locust in reality are armies of Men sent by God to spank mankind; to get their dependency for a physical and spiritual life back on HIM;

the tribulation period is a second chance to find God before you die; then after that it’s the judgement.

It’s God’s WILL that none should perish. It’s in the Book

192 Joel 2:25 – Swarming – Hopping – Stripping - Cutting 193 Joel 1:4- Cutting – Swarming – Hopping - Striping

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Joel’s Look Inside194

  •   In that day the fields will be ruined with the land stripped bare.195 The grain will be

    destroyed196 and the grape vines will have shriveled, the olive oil will be gone. All the

    fruit trees will have dried up and withered.197

  •   The animals and herds of cattle will wander about confused moaning with hunger

    because they have no pasture.198 The flocks of sheep and goats will bleat in misery.199

  •   The seeds in the parched ground will die; the grain crops will fail and the barns will stand empty with the granaries abandoned.200 Your joy will dry up within you as the food

    supply disappears right before your very eyes.201

  •   There will be no joyful celebrations held in the house of God because there will be no

    grain or wine to offer God, 202 because the wheat and barley crops of the field are ruined. ALERT: Call ALL the church leaders together for a solemn meeting in the temple of God with all the members and announce a time of fasting.203 Dress yourselves in burlap and weep and wail in despair;

    CRY OUT to God in repentance for His Mercy, Relief and Compassion.

    Eat My Words
    The Prophets Ezekiel204 and Jeremiah205 as well as John the Revelator206 were all told to EAT the

    WORD of God. God commands us to consume His SWEET words even though some words are BITTER to the taste.

    To the Believer the words of God are SWEET, but to the unbeliever they are BITTER and they HATE them.207 In the end, knowing the SWEET from the BITTER will save your very soul.

    The Take Away

Joel paints a picture of Sin that emerges from the Smoke; the deception of the mind and soul from false teachers with false teachings that cut, strip, chew, gnaw, crawl, hop and fly to distract us from the TRUTH of God’s Word. This distraction contains moral WAVES of 1) Lust, 2) Gluttony, 3) Love of the Flesh and 4) Self-exaltation.

SIN like Locust starts very tiny, but later comes WAVE after WAVE, replicating itself over and over till it strips our very soul of its last breath.

The prophet Joel points to a valley; the same valley where Jehoshaphat fought his battle, where the Messiah would soon destroy the armies of the nations and establish His kingdom. Joel called it The Valley of Decision.

We have that same Valley today; THE VALLEY OF DECISION; why would you fight in the battle of Armageddon down in the valley as a participant, when you could sit up on the mountain top as a spectator watching it all unfold? Why would you drive a defective car for 10 years, then finally fix it in order to sell it when you could have fixed it in the beginning and enjoyed it for 10 years? Don’t wait for the tribulations to find Jesus Christ, find HIM NOW and enjoy HIM today and then for eternity.

Life is Choice Driven; the choices you make on this side of eternity have eternal consequences. It’s in the Book

195 Joel 1:10 - The fields are ruined, the land is stripped bare. Grain destroyed, Grapes shriveled, Olive oil gone
196 Joel 1:11 – Farmers wail, Growers weep; wheat & barley ruined
197 Joel 1:12 – Fruits, grapevines, fig trees pomegranate trees, palm trees, and apple trees all dried up and withered
198 Joel 1:11 – Farmers wail, Growers weep; wheat & barley ruined
199 Joel 1:18 – The Animals will moan, sheep and goats bleat is misery; there is no pasture
200 Joel 1:17 – Parched ground where Seeds die, Grain crops fail and Barns empty
201 Joel 1:16 – Food disappears before your very eyes, your Joy is stolen
202 Joel 1:13 – There are No offerings to give to the Lord, it’s a time to weep and wail
203 Joel 1:14 – Announce a SOLEMN MEETING A time of fasting to cry out to the Lord for help
204 Ezekiel 3:1-3 – EZEKIEL was told to eat and digest His Words: EAT THIS SCROLL!
205 Jeremiah 15:16 – JEREMIAH devoured God’s Word with delight
206 Revelation 10:10 - JOHN told to eat God’s Word; it is Sweet and Sour
207 John 17:14 – I HAVE GIVEN THEM YOUR WORD and THE WORLD HATES THEM The World hates the Word of God

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9 Proclaim this among the nations: PREPARE FOR WAR!
Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.
10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, `I am strong!
11 Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. Bring down your warriors, O LORD! Let the nations be roused;
12` let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for there

I will sit to JUDGE ALL THE NATIONS on every side.

13 Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes, for the winepress is full and the vats overflow-



For the day of the LORD is near in the VALLEY OF DECISION.


You are in the Valley of Decision,
I can only show you the door, you must choose to walk through it.

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Chapter 15.5

One World Government

One World Currency– International Monetary Fund – World Bank
One World Religion –
United Religion Initiative – The False Prophet New World Order - American Stonehenge - Tower of Babel – Tribulations

First Word

Physicist Stephen Hawkins, noted for being the smartest man on earth said he endorses a One World Government claiming it is the only way to save humanity from Artificial Intelligence technology. Hawkins is concerned that AI is advancing so fast that it teaches and reprograms itself as it learns from its mistakes, and will one day go into some kind of “runaway” with its decisions to help mankind without any emotion of compassion or regard for human life; only the goals that have been programed in, modified and updated.

Hawkins said a super-intelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren't aligned with ours, we're in trouble”. He goes on to say ”that this kind of problem could be contained if human beings were in control of a CENTRALIZED AGENCY that could constantly keep a step ahead of new technology and therefore could smooth out potential problems before they arose. He said that this might require the formation of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

God has promised that He will open our eyes and let us see and understand “End Time Events” before they get here so we will not walk in darkness.208 In the End Times there will be an attempt to eliminate all knowledge or belief in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.209 People will turn away from the Christian Faith causing wickedness to increase and false leaders will appear.210

Satan will create a time of TRIBULATIONS, disaster and lack; there will be unequalled distress never seen before;211 famines, earthquakes, wars, pestilence and fearful sights212 that are so bad that the world will readily look for someone to LEAD THEM into peace and plenty.

This will come with a price; a new One World Government, a new One World Currency and a new One World Religion; this will be a totally New World Order.

Tribulations Summary

  •   The Sun will scorch people with intense burning heat from fire and sulfur - Smoke billows forth from a gigantic furnace in the earth. - The earth and everything growing in the fields along with the fruit on the trees are laid bare; burned up - Nothing green will remain.

  •   Stars and 100 pound hail and Fire mixed with blood fall to the earth and strikes down every herb of the field, and breaks every tree of the field.

208 John 13:19 – I am telling you about the Tribulations before it takes place so that you may believe.
209 John 12:35 – Walk while you have the light because darkness is coming and you won’t know where you are going
210 Matthew 24:10-12 – In the end times false prophets will appear & many people will leave the Christian faith, betray & hate each other 211 Matthew 24:21 – The Tribulations will have Great Distress Unequaled from the beginning of time
212 Matthew 24:6-8 – Wars, Famines and earthquakes are the beginning of the Tribulations -- Luke 21:9-11 – Signs heavens – Wars, Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilence; these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by

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  •   The Sun and Moon become darkened - The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light; no longer shine, Blackness... DARKNESS - that’s so dark you can feel it.213

  •   Great Earthquakes... Sky, and Heavens shaken... Heavens dissolved and disappear with a roar; rolled up like a nuclear bomb explosion... The Earth trembles... The Elements melt in the heat; destroyed by fire... Men’s FLESH will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their EYES will rot in their sockets; their TONGUES will rot in their mouths like the aftermath from nuclear fallout... They will writhe in pain with their faces aflame

  •   Cities and Mountains will be leveled and Islands disappear.

  •   Natural Disasters occur - Hurricanes, Typhoons, Dust Storms, Tornados, Roaring

    Seas and Strange Tides.

  •   The Seas will roar, shake, toss and every living creatures in it dies - A third of the ships

    will be lost.

  •   Rivers and Fresh Waters will become red as blood and poisoned.

  •   Wild Beasts devouring people... Poisonous Snakes... Pestilence... Locust like

    Scorpions that are indestructible by man, with stingers in their tails that with just one sting

    can hurt and torment a person for five months.

  •   Economic Collapse - Financial Catastrophe... Poverty... Famine... Hunger... People will eat bitter food and drink the Poisoned Water... Diseases... epidemics... Leprosy... Bubonic Plague... Malaria... Cholera... Aids... Small Pox... Tuberculosis... Painful Ugly Festering Sores... Ulcers and Running Boils.

  •   Dictatorships Nation rising against Nation... War with a 200,000,000 man army... Terrorism... Anarchy... Weather Manipulation... Chemical and Biological warfare... Nuclear Annihilation... Cyber Espionage... Slaughter... Blood... Death... Terror...Panic... Confusion... Civil Violence and Drugs.

  •   Hearts will melt, Hands will go limp... There is nothing left but Gloom, Anguish, Suffering, Perplexity and Mourning, and that’s the GOOD NEWS... Hell is worse and the Lake of fire is worse than Hell.

The Georgia Stonehenge - ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.


213 Exodus 10:21 - The land of Egypt will be covered with a DARKNESS SO THICK YOU CAN FEEL IT.
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On March 22, 1980 in Elbert County Georgia known for their granite; a huge granite monument was erected which most people from afar, think is a monument representing Elberton as the Granite Capitol of the World, but it is not; it’s a Blueprint in stone for the coming ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

Robert C. Christian commissioned this monument to be able to withstand catastrophic events and to function as a compass, calendar and clock. The most agreed interpretation is that it contained the basic concepts required to rebuild a devastated civilization.

It is likened to Stonehenge in Wiltshire England; THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES are located on a five acre tract of land on one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County and consist of one stone in the middle that is 19 feet 3 inches tall including its capstone on top with four additional 16 feet 4 inches stones standing at 45 degrees supporting at each corner, all of which are astronomically aligned. The total weight is 237,746 pounds.

Astronomical Features: The four outer diagonal stones are oriented to mark the limits of the 18.6 year lunar declination cycle. The center stone column features a hole drilled at an angle from one side to the other, through which can be seen the North Star, a star whose position changes only very gradually over time. The same pillar has a slot carved through it which is aligned with the Sun’s Solstices and equinoxes. A 7/8" aperture in the capstone allows a ray of sun to pass through at noon each day, shining a beam on the center stone indicating the day of the year. - Wikipedia -

Written in Eight different languages; English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Around an inscribed square is four ancient languages Babylonian, Classic Greek, Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs. That’s a total of 12 languages; 12 is the Biblical number for divine power, rule, authority and government.

Engraved is Ten Commandments or ten guides for a New World Order.

  1. 1)  Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

  2. 2)  Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

  3. 3)  Unite humanity with a living new language.

  4. 4)  Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

  5. 5)  Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

  6. 6)  Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

  7. 7)  Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

  8. 8)  Balance personal rights with social duties.

  9. 9)  Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

  10. 10)  Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. (said twice)

There are three major endeavors to be established that can be concluded:
1) One World Government, a world court; fair and just laws - Population Control – limiting

humanity to under 500,000,000

  1. 2)  One World Language uniting all of humanity

  2. 3)  One World Religion Spirituality embracing nature, the environment, beauty and love.

There is one additional stone tablet set in the ground a short distance away which provides some notes on its history and purpose. Engraved in a square is:

Let these be Guidestones to an AGE OF REASON”.
Thomas Paine one of the Founding Fathers of the United States who espoused an occult philosophy wrote a book called “THE AGE OF REASON” that advocated deism, promoted reason and free thought, and argued in general against institutionalized religion and in particular Christian doctrine. The intent of Paine’s book was to destroy the Christian beliefs upon which our Republic

was founded.
To this very day the Guidestones are used for OCCULT ceremonies and MYSTIC celebrations.

It’s been 41 years and still no one knows who R. C. Christian really was or the names of the people in the group that he represented. This monument seems to usher in the age of the Anti-Christ and a New World Order. This is reminiscent of the “TOWER OF BABEL” monument which was Nimrod’s attempt at the first ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

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Tower of Babel

In the beginning of time God instructed Adam and Eve to multiply and FILL THE EARTH214 which was a command passed down generation to generation. When it got to Nimrod’s generation, He did not want to be dispersed to fill the earth, but wanted to build his own legacy; right where he was; to be a legendary king with a One World Government.215

In my Belief System, I personally believe that Nimrod was a “Nephilim” an offspring of one of the angles who left their first estate and came down and took women for wives and their offerings were GIANTS. Interestingly enough, The Book lists Nimrod separate from Cush’s other sons:216 Just a Coincidence, my BS says No; he was a might hunter; hunting other competing GIANTS and killed them.

One World Government

The Anti-Christ will be given authority to globally control all the Nations governments; exercising a One World Government.217 He will side with Israel against Russia who backs the Arabs claim to Palestine. He will lead Israel to sign a peace treaty with the Arabs.218 The prophet Isaiah said this would be a contract with the pit (Hell);219 an agreement with death220... known as. “Jacobs Trouble”.221

Franklin Graham who is head of Samaritan’s Purse as well as the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association spoke about “Brexit” a popular term used for the United Kingdom withdrawing or Exiting from the European Union; the EU. He said; “Last night the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union”... “With the breakdown of immigration laws and economics, millions of Europeans feel like their politicians have failed them”... “We don’t know what the EU Referendum vote means long-term, but I know that this is at least a temporary setback for the politicians in this country and around the world who want a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and a ONE WORLD CURRENCY.

One World Currency
I know this all sounds like something out of a science fiction or a fairy tale, but in the end times the

Book says in order to buy or sell anything we must use a One World Currency. It will be called the Mark of the Beast and we will not be able to buy or sell without it.222

Credit and debit cards and on line financial transactions take place every day between most countries with multiple currencies. A single currency may not be required to fulfil the prophecy of the “Mark of the Beast” which is clearly disguised as a currency system.

Most probably, the mark at first will be like a tattoo, with invisible ink on the forehead, revealed with a laser scan at checkout counters or imprinted on the hand for use at an ATM and it will have a connection in some way with the code 666.

At some point this mark will be desirable and sought after as it marks the person as a spiritually “enlightened one”. In my BS I see a computer chip seed implanted, like that being currently used in animals, but with GPS technology. Currently the GPS location technology is accurate within 10 feet.

This mark is used to CONTROL the person and clearly identifies that the person is a worshiper of the “image” of the Antichrist. It is a mark of allegiance and loyalty to the world leader. This is a perversion of the Mark of God that was placed on the 144,000 Jews who testify of Christ.

NOTE; if you receive this mark of the beast, you cannot reverse your decision. I don’t know what this sounds like to you, but in my Belief System it says that if you take the mark of the beast, you will have refused the Holy Spirit... You have just entered into the ZONE of the “unpardonable sin”.223

214 Genesis 1:28 – God’s command: disperse multiply and FILL THE EARTH
215 Genesis 11:1-4 – Nimrod builds a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT with ONE LANGUAGE
216 Genesis 10:1-10 – CUSH fathered NIMROD a mighty hunter and King of Babel
217 Revelation 13:7 – One World Government; AUTHORITY given OVER EVERY tribe, tongue & NATION to MAKE WAR with the saints 218 Daniel 9:27 – He will make a peace treaty; A covenant for seven years
219 Isaiah 28:15 – Cut a deal with Death; it’s an agreement with Hell
220 Isaiah 24:16-17 – The Covenant is a treacherous betrayal
221 Jeremiah 30:7 – The Tribulations will also be known as Jacob’s Trouble
222 Revelation 13:16-17 – You cannot buy or sell without the One World Currency
223 Revelation 14:9-11 – Receiving the Mark is an Unpardonable Sin

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Repentance is too late; there is now NO CHOICE on “smoking” or “non-smoking”. The drink you receive will be FULL STRENGTH; NOT watered down with grace, mercy or compassion.

Those that REFUSED to take the mark will be forced to hide outside with the scorching sun beating down on them. They will be forced to beg and steal for food and water. But in the end those that endure will never hunger or thirst again.224 (Praise the Living Lord !)

The World Bank an international financial institution with its headquarters in Washington DC was formed in 1945 to provide loans to countries of the world for capital programs. It works in conjunction with the IMF; the International Monetary Fund... Wake up... IT’S HERE

One World Religion - The URI
A natural mortal man will be born Out of the earth”, born in the last days, he is Satan’s mouth piece, THE religious leader and PROPHET225... He promotes the Antichrist... He is a Jew.

He has TWO horns; two horns are limited power, seven horns would be complete power.

  1. 1)  His appearance is like that of a lamb which is a counterfeit meekness like the Christ.

  2. 2)  His actions and speech is like that of the blasphemous Satan.

The false prophet will exercise unlimited authority... Cause fire to streak through the sky to the earth... Perform great miracles... Deceive the population ... Force people to worship THE MAN, the Roman Antichrist... The time is perfect to “suggest” an image to honor and worship; the first beast;226 THE WORLD DICTATOR, the Anti-Christ... People forced to worship THE IMAGE of the Antichrist in the Temple,227 they’re forced to wear the “Mark of the Beast”... the non-conformist is Murdered.

Everyone on earth will WORSHIP the Anti-Christ, everyone that is whose NAME has NOT BEEN WRITTEN in THE BOOK OF LIFE of the Lamb who was slain.228 (The unbeliever)

June 1997 some 200 delegates from all over the world met at Stanford University, a private research university in Stanford California to begin drafting a charter for an international interfaith Institution that sought new tolerance and new truth.

June 26, 2000 it was established and located at The Presidio; an old army base in San Francisco; it was called the UNITED RELIGIONS INITIATIVE... The URI.

The URI not only EMBRACES ALL FAITHS, it embraces neo-pagan religions such as Norse Paganism, Celtic Revivalist, Druids, Wicca and Witchcraft. In the name of tolerance, “Members of the URI shall not be coerced to participate in any ritual or be proselytized”. For the sake of Christian Unity and Christian Love, doctrinal differences are to be ignored. WHAT !

The overwhelming thought is; if the Believer is RAPTURED, then he will not even be on earth

during the tribulations and the New World Order. Many believe that because of the Rapture and the removal of the RESTRAINING FORCES of the Church and the Holy Spirit, will cause economic and natural disasters with worldwide panic, poverty and starvation. The world leaders will look to the United Nations to morph into some kind of One World Government with a LEADER of world peace; The Anti-Christ.

People will come to Christ during this time and will not take the Mark of the Beast and most probably will be killed; martyred.229

1 Thessalonians 4:17 – RAPTURE caught up to meet the Lord 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. (ESV)

224 Revelation 7:16 – The overcomer will never again endure Scorching Heat, Hunger or Thirst 225 Revelation 13:11- The False Prophet a mortal man is born
226 Revelation 14:9 – One World Religion will Worship the Beast
227 Revelation 13:12-13 – The false Prophet made the people worship the Beast

228 Revelation 13:8 - Everyone whose name is NOT in the BOOK OF LIFE will worship the image
229 Revelation 6:11 - Rest a little longer until their fellow servants who were to be martyred—had joined them

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The Antichrist will come from the European Union or a country or confederation that was once part of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire stretched from Ireland to Egypt and included Turkey, IranandIraq. ThebeastorAntichristisamanconsumedbySatan,whomayalreadybebornandmay not come on the scene until he is in his thirty’s; similar to Christ.

We will not know his name for sure until the middle of the Tribulation, so we can stop trying to figure out who he is. However, if all your friends have already disappeared in the Rapture, you might want to start figuring.

His weapons will be; deceit, tolerance to false teachings and patience with popular sins and will push for a New World Order which is a One World Government with a One World Currency, and a One World Religion which is what’s going on NOW.

If our nation gets into unthinkable debt which we are and a deep recession and depression hits, with no social security, or health insurance, joblessness, can’t buy or sell, people stealing just to eat, war upon war.... In our despair, wouldn’t we welcome a knight on a white horse who would save us; bring peace and give us a special numbered VISA card WITH HIS MARK on it so we can buy and sell. People will embrace anything and anybody that promises to give them relief.

Did you know that Executive order #11921 and #11490 gives the President Emergency Power without the approval of congress to Freeze bank accounts... Control money and credit Control food supplies... transportation... communication and utilities? He can confiscate “excess” or “surplus” personal property... ration the output of industry... shut down schools and take possession of buildings for government use.

How about a president, not for a four year term, 230 BUT FOR LIFE. A “Dictator”,231 who comes on a white horse, conquering wars and bringing peace just long enough till his buddy “War232 on the red horse is let out of the corral.

The Take Away

Satan has created the satanic trinity; Satan as God, Satan as the Anti-Christ and Satan as the False Prophet.233 Together they give him what he has always wanted ever since he was thrown out of heaven... WORSHIP and PRAISE. 234

The One World Currency is the Mark of the Beast; if you take the mark, you cannot change your mind.

We have three choices that are subject to the Rapture. You WILL make one of these three.

  1. 1)  Believe now and be raptured and not go through the New World Order and tribulation period at all.235

  2. 2)  Believe later, after the Rapture and most probably be killed; martyred during the tribulations.236 (Referred to in the Book as the Tribulation Saints)

  3. 3)  Believe not... You can reject all of this and succumb to the mark of the Beast to simply survive, and later be judged by God and thrown into the lake of fire FOREVER.237

In the Book

To make no decision is a decision to REJECT God. All who remain and dwell on the earth will be those whose names are NOT written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” and that’s

230 Revelation 6:2 – The antichrist, the false messiah comes on a White Horse with No arrows; he conquers in peace
231 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 – Anti-Christ - The lawless one will come and EXALTS HIMSELF PROCLAIMING HIMSELF TO BE GOD. 232 Revelation 6:4 – The Red Horse Takes away peace; Slaughters
233 Isaiah 14:12 – In the middle of the Tribulations there is war in Heaven and Satan and his angels are thrown out
234 Revelation 13:4 – Satan and Anti-Christ worshipped
235 Revelation 13:7 – The Anti-Christ ALLOWED to make war on the new Believers
236 Revelation 7:13-14 – Tribulation martyred Saints DID NOT TAKE THE Mark of the Best
237 Revelation 13:8 – All who remain alive on the earth will worship the Beast; the Anti-Christ or they will be killed

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Chapter 15.6

Cardanol – IOTA – Litecoin – Monero - NEM - Dash – Ethereum – NEO - Ripple – Stellar Bitcoin - Block-Chain Technology – Mining – Artificial Intelligence - Biometric Implants One World Government – One World Currency – One World Bank – One World Religion New World Order – Daniel’s Prophecy – The Bible Code – The Mark of the Beast

First Word - The Web

Cryptocurrency 666

The Internet commonly referred to today as the WEB, dates back tothe 1960s with research commissioned by our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to give an IP Internet Protocol address, to identify each computer as well as identify its location.

The purpose of the Internet in the beginning was to share and distribute information via networked computers for the sole purpose of having a “DEFENSE NETWORK” that could provide communication in the event of a NUCLEAR WAR; to get information from one point to another in a way that was resilient to large scale nuclear attack. (Some refute this.)

It was sponsored by DARPA: the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which was part of the US MILITARY and grew mainly with the development of ARPANET; the Advanced Research Project Agency Network.

From 1957- 1969, during the height of the Cold War, the ARPANET project originally was developed to have a “Communication System” with NO centralized headquarters hub so if any one city was taken off line because of a disaster, the data communication could redirect to another nearby router to complete its delivery.

ARPANET morphed into the “TIME SHARING” of the Processing Power of larger computers worldwide making it possible for the common person as well as small research institutions to crunch numbers, doing a better job.

The Internet wasn't designed to be fast;
it was designed to be reliable,
be transparent to content and not require replacing any existing hardware. The mission statement was simple; make sure that the data “at some pointEVENTUALLY gets to its destination.

It was originally designed to exchanging raw data between researchers using the well-known "HTTP," or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, and was STORED IN MANY DIFFERENT FORMATS. It has now become so much more powerful than just sharing text, it now includes images, videos and sounds. Internet users have come to sense the “forge-ability” of Internet communications, and have become dubious about the Bona-fide-ability of messages we receive.

Data protocols can be copied and forged;
IP addresses can be programmed to rotate and change every time it hits a computer.

Unauthorized Accesses, Site Defacements, Trojans Horses and Viruses can make the Internet a very hostile environment.

Because Internet data was stored in so many different formats; a NEW TRANSFER PROTOCOL has been developed, instead of the familiar “HTTP” it will be called “DSTP”; Data Space Transfer Protocol creating the next generation of protocols for how WEB data is stored and shared among online users.

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Today the internet is used to connect folks up to social media such as Facebook and to financial institutions as well as to search for information on any subject matter you can imagine. Although the Internet was not designed to compete with radio or television or merchandisers much less financial institutions, it certainly is now.

A growing number of businesses via the internet are accepting a CRYPTOCURRENCY such as bitcoin; to name a few organizations; Dish... Microsoft... Expedia... Overstock... REEDS Jewelers... KFC Canada... PizzaForCoins... Subway... OKCupid... CheapAir... Zynga... Etsy.


There are probably about a half-billion computers that can connect to the Internet and it seems that every teenager knows something about hacking and cracking codes. The Internet created by our Government is about as secure as your kid’s piggy bank. There are even online classes to get certifications for hacking computers to get jobs protecting the data of large Firms and Corporations. Every purchase over the internet now has a vulnerability. So in a nut shell, Cryptocurrency is all about SECURITY.

Cryptocurrency is money that is completely virtual; its name Crypto comes from the heavy encoding or cryptography that is used to make the request, the confirmation and the recording of the transaction secure. This all happens without a centralized regulatory agency and because of this,


Cryptocurrency is a form of digital asset that allows users to buy and sell products and services mainly over the Internet. Because Cryptocurrency is not governed by a central bank or single administrator, its potential is truly almost limitless as an international currency.

(In my BS I look to some sort of Cryptocurrency as being the new One World Currency.)
Since Cryptocurrency works within an open-source Block-Chain, every transactions you make online can be tracked by anyone at any time, making it difficult to cheat or commit fraud. You can easily make transactions from anywhere in the world without going through a bank; the transaction is not only

more cost-effective, but faster.

There are almost 200 currencies controlled by governments or central banks, however THERE IS ONLY ONE INTERNATIONAL CURRENCY, and that is Bitcoin which has reinvented how we process, finance and perform business transactions.

If this revolutionary method of buying and selling falls into the hands of a consortium of powerful global elites, they will instantly gain tremendous powerful control over the world’s finances in order to advance their own interest and gain financial control. It is a possibility for a government or another entity to duplicate bitcoin’s financial system or improve the current Bitcoin’s system by making it even better. Since Bitcoins inception there are now over 4,000 Altcoins, or alternative variants of bit coin;


Bitcoin – Cardanol - Dash – Ethereum – IOTA – Litecoin Monero - NEM - NEO - Ripple – Stellar - TRON and Zcash.

Bitcoin is a way to remove or separate money from governmental control, as well as social control, it takes control back from central authorities. Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin can be positive or negative depending on your Belief System. It is said to be inherently anti-system, anti-state and anti- establishment. It undermines governments and disrupts institutions because bitcoin is fundamentally HUMANITARIAN.

Bitcoin is an online version of cash, a way for people to transact without the possibility of interference from malicious governments or banks worldwide.

They have three qualities, 1) hard to earn, 2) limited in supply and 3) easy to verify. Bitcoin is acryptocurrency, a form of ELECTRONIC CASH. It is a decentralizeddigital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user-to-user on the peer- to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries. They can be exchanged for other

currencies, products, and services.

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Compared with ordinary currencies held by financial institutions, cryptocurrencies can be more difficult for seizure by law enforcement.

At bitcoin's inception there would only ever be 21 million bitcoins in total, so then the number of bitcoins is set. In 2011, the price started at $0.30 per bitcoin.

Bitcoin has been used as an investment, so purchasing a Bitcoin is much like purchasing stock. The value of the coin RISES and FALLS every minute of the day. In July of 2018 a bitcoin’s price was $6,469. So if you spent ONE dollar in 2011 on bitcoins, your ONE dollar investment today would be worth $21,461.18. Today because of cost, folks only purchase a fraction of one bitcoin. Some are gaming the market like they do at the Las Vegas tables.

It is attracting a high percentage of Gamblers, NOT serious Investors.238

  •   A wallet is something that "stores your digital credentials for your bitcoin holdings" and allows you to access as well as spend them.

  •   Online wallets offer similar functionality, but are easier to use than the user's hardware, however a malicious provider or a breach in server security could cause entrusted bitcoins to be stolen.

  •   Password protection or encrypting your wallet or your smartphone allows you to set a password for anyone trying to withdraw funds from you. If you forget your password or the location of your wallet, your funds are permanently lost. To thwart HACKERS, a strong password should be of at least 16 characters containing letters, numbers and punctuation marks.

    Bitcoin Mining

    The term Bitcoin Mining” resembles the mining of coal or other commodities. It is "mined" by complex algorithms and recorded in a digital ledger called a Block-Chain that is housed on computer servers and is the process of adding Bitcoin transaction records to its Public Ledger of past transactions or Block-Chains. These Block-Chains track cryptocurrency transactions are made of unchangeable packages called blocks. Ever since the Bitcoin system was initiated in 2009, every Bitcoin contains a "Block-Chain" that keeps a record of every transaction made.

    A ledger of past transactions is called a “Block-Chain” as it is part of an actual “chain of blocks”. It is used to distinguish legitimate transactions from illegal transactions where there is an attempt to re-spend Bitcoins that have already been spent somewhere else. This block chain verifies to the rest of the network that the legitimate transactions have taken place. This process ensuring fairness and helps keep the Bitcoin network stable, safe and secure by approving transactions.

  •   Mining Bitcoin Cash: If you are a firm believer in Bitcoin Cash, the way to SUPPORT the network is to earn some bitcoin cash by mining.239

  •   Bitcoin mining is a process of solving complex mathematical puzzles. (Which we do not know their full intent.) Miners not only mark transactions as legitimate, they are also responsible for putting the new bitcoin tokens into circulation that they have earned.

  •   Bitcoin Miners with a special software that is specifically designed to solve math problems use their computers to ensure the authenticity and relationship of a bitcoin transaction and in exchange for their efforts they receive a certain number of bitcoins thereby creating an continued incentive to mine.

    There is a cautious down side however,
    vulnerability or exposure;240 you must make accessible your login information to your bank accounts
    in order to buy or sell their bitcoin

    238 Proverbs 13:11 – Wealth from get-rich-schemes disappears
    239 Proverbs 30:8-9 – GIVE ME NEITHER POVERTY NOR RICHES Give me enough to satisfy my needs
    240 1 Timothy 6:9 – People who desire to get rich become tempted and trapped and plunge them into RUIN and DESTRUCTION

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The Bitcoin Cash network substantially rewards for successfully mining a block of transactions. At this writing, the reward currently stands at 12.5 BCH per block, plus all the transaction fees within the block. The bigger, faster and more computers you have, the more chances you will have successfully mining a “block” for a reward. Many miners have MULTIPLE COMPUTERS to increase their rewards, so there is a cost of electricity to be considered for the power consumption; this certainly makes a difference in your profits.

Bitcoin for Dummies

Michael A. Gorman’s presentation on Cryptocurrencies takes a very complex subject and explains it on a seventh grade level so that even I can get it.

People have been trying to create "digital" or "electronic" currencies for some time. But until Bitcoin, none of them could ever solve "the problem of the DOUBLE SPEND." That is what makes Bitcoin different than all the attempts that came before.

All digital currencies operate on the idea of a public or "Shared Ledger". Think of all the US currency currently in circulation right now. Imagine if we froze time and made an indelible record of whohaswhatdollarsatthisveryinstantandwroteitalldowninoneplacethateveryonecouldsee. That would be a Public Ledger. Then I give you $20 and we record that as a transaction in the public ledger and everyone can see the movement of the $20 and they can see it was a debit on my account and a credit on your account. So far, so good.

Now suppose we anonymize the whole thing. We still have a public ledger except we replace everyone's name with some random number that only you know. No one else knows your random number. And the pool of numbers from which we create these random numbers is so large, the numbers are impossible to guess. We call these numbers Universally Unique IDentifiers or UUIDs.

Rabbit trail: How big the universe of UUIDs is and howould be for you to ever "guess" my UUID or end up with a UUID that is the same as mw unlikely it y UUID. It would be like this: imagine you and I are playing a game of hide and seek, but the playing field is the entire earth, including the oceans. So you give me 30 days to "hide" and I find some jungle or some mountain cave or some sailboat in the Pacific and then you have to look at a globe, pick the exact 3x3 foot area on the globe you think I am, then charter a flight or boat and go there and see if I am there. That gives you some idea of how many UUID possibilities there are.

For fun, here's an online UUID generator:

So, now back to our digital currency. Anyone in the world can now look at the same ledger and see how much money is "owned" by each person; except all they know about each person is some number. You can see that 9f1dd6f7-bec5-43f1-819b-5d0e2227de9b has $151,234.98 but you have no idea who 9f1dd6f7-bec5-43f1-819b-5d0e2227de9b is, or more precisely, who "owns" or "controls" that address.

And that takes us to our Post Office Box analogy. These numbers are really addresses and they are like post office boxes. I mean, if you are the only person in the world that can open post office box 9f1dd6f7-bec5-43f1-819b-5d0e2227de9b then you own it. Or to say it another way, whoever can open the post office box can do whatever they want with the contents within it. But, unlike a post office box, everyone can "see" what's in the box. But only the person that has THE KEY to the box CAN OPEN IT, and no one knows who has the key. (except the key holder, of course).

Now this is the foundation for all digital currencies that came before Bitcoin. The problem that they all suffered however, was "the problem of the DOUBLE SPEND." Back to our public ledger. Suppose you have a PO Box and it has $1,500 in it and you want to buy a lawn mower. You strike a deal with me. I will sell you my lawn mower for $1,500. I can verify with absolute certainty that you really do have $1,500 in your PO Box.

(You can prove that to me in any number of ways using your key that you are the real owner of that PO Box.)

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The idea is that I will give you the address of some PO Box that I own (which currently has $0) and, in exchange for transferring your $1,500 (which I know for sure you control) I will give you my lawn mower. Yet, at the same time, unbeknownst to me, you have struck a bargain with someone else. You have agreed to transfer your $1,500 to their PO Box in exchange for a new lathe.

So now there are three parties involved, one seller and two buyers. Neither buyer knows what's going on with the other. Both buyers have been able to confirm you really do own and control the promised $1,500. But because it's a digital currency and because it runs on a network that has inherent latency and delays, there is always some "slop" in the network which allows you to strike both bargains, receive your lawn mower AND your lathe, but only transfer the funds to one of the two lucky recipients. By the time the other seller finds out what's going on, it's too late, the money has been spent "TWICE" so to speak. This is the problem of the DOUBLE SPEND.

What has made Bitcoin different and, thus, the first and most successful cryptocurrency in the world is that they came up with a system that is impossible to beat. That is to say, is impossible to spend your money TWICE. How it does this is pretty complicated, but basically amounts to this: Bitcoin employs thousands of computers around the world called "MINERS". In fact, anyone in the world can join this network and become a miner. To be a miner means you donate some computing resources of your computer and, in exchange, you might earn some fraction of a fraction of a Bitcoin. The more machines you donate to this cause, the better your chances are to earn Bitcoin.

What miners do is basically validate transactions. So when you submit a transaction to send $1,500 from address A to address B, the miner looks at the public ledger to verify that address A really does contain $1,500 and, if so, it approves the transaction. You could, of course, create a rogue miner that approves fraudulent transactions (presumably ones that you yourself originated) but all the other miners in the world, who are playing by the rules, would not approve the transaction. And only approved Bitcoin transactions get added to the public ledger, and once a transaction is added, it is virtually impossible to undo.

The implication of this scheme is that you would have to own and control 51% or more of the Bitcoin network's computing power in order to scam the system. And that will never happen because:

(a) it would be too expensive for you to invest enough money in computer hardware to do that and (b) even if you did succeed, you would end up undermining the very system you are trying to scam, since people would no longer be willing to use a digital currency they felt was not secure.

So that is how Bitcoin works. Anyone in the world can create their own, uniquely numbered post office box. Creating an empty box costs nothing because after all, it is indeed empty. It is recommended that for every Bitcoin purchase/transfer you make, you have it sent to a brand new post office box (uniquely-numbered address) that will only ever contain those Bitcoin.

In practice, what this means is that a given human actually owns and controls hundreds, or even thousands of Bitcoin addresses (post office boxes), each one containing from just a fraction of a fraction of a Bitcoin to lots of Bitcoins.

They manage all of these addresses using a Bitcoin wallet; of course, it's not a real wallet. Everything is done using software - so you "launch" the Bitcoin wallet program and then use that to create new Bitcoin addresses and to transfer Bitcoin from one address to another.

Mark of the Beast

As a student of the Bible I find myself speculating on what role cryptocurrency or Bitcoin might play in fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible. Based on The Book, it is not the cryptocurrency or Bitcoin that I should worry about, it’s what we have to do to be able obtain it. The Book says to be able to buy or sell, we will be forced to abandon our relationship with God and worship the Beast.

There will come a time when there will be a One World Government which will do whatever it takes including persecution to sway the worshipers of God and the majority of the rest of the world through a One World Currency to force them to accept the One World Religion of the Anti-Christ and False Prophet and worship the Beast.

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During the "tribulation years", Bitcoin or another similar Cryptocurrency will be in a position to fulfill the prophecy of Revelation and could morph itself onto the One-World Currency that requires a password or a MARK to ACCESS your funds. This has all the ear marks or characteristics of what some believe could be the Mark of the Beast which will be used to gain the economic control of the world by the Anti-Christ.241

The ownership or purchase of this One-World Currency or Cryptocurrency is not a sin and if during the tribulation period a believer has any of it, the worst thing that can happen is they will just simply lose it.

Many prefer Cryptocurrency to other currencies because of its ease in digital transfers, its use across borders and anonymity of the traders. Bitcoin has become the internet’s currency of choice for the BLACK MARKET where it is used to engage in human trafficking, buying and selling stolen art, weapons and illegal drugs.

The Silk Road Marketplace was founded February 2011 with its name coming from a historical "Silk Road" network of trade routes between Europe, India and China that started during the Han Dynasty 206 BC – 220 AD.

Silk Road criminal enterprises included fake driver's licenses, child pornography, stolen credit cards, assassinations, and weapons of any type. Money laundering, computer hacking, narcotics trafficking of prescriptions, stimulants, psychedelics, opioids, ecstasy, steroids, art, books, cigarettes, erotica and jewelry that was all imported through the mail.

The DEA shut down the Silk Road Black Market site October 2013.

Daniel 12:4 – Knowledge has increased; BLOCKCHAIN

4 But you, Daniel, KEEP THIS prophecy a SECRET; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and



Revelation 13:16-17 - You need a PASSWORD to get your CASH

16 He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead.
17 And no one could BUY OR SELL anything without that MARK, which was either the name of the BEAST or the



Revelation 13:18 – The New World Order seat number is 666

18 Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the BEAST, for

it is the number of a man. HIS NUMBER IS 666. (NLT)

Artificial Intelligence
ICE using “Vigilant Solutionsis TRACKING LICENSE PLATES; searching for undocumented

immigrants and has collected and stored 2 billion license plate photos through the years. There is

no clear regulations about when, where or how this information can be utilized.
At this writing, Robert Bowers, the alleged Tree of Life Jewish Synagogue shooter was caught using Artificial Intelligence programed into a License Plate scanner that can compare and sort

information in “real time” alerting authorities of location, speed and direction of travel. This is here NOW

241 Revelation 13:16 – Anti-Christ requires the Great or Poor to be given the MARK on the right hand or on the forehead -- Revelation

13:11-15 – CHOICE; Worship the Image of the Beast or DIE

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  •   You cannot go into Walmart without your face being scanned and when you check out, your personal information is being logged. Your every move is being tracked by your I-phone, scanners, cameras, even in elevators; everything is being logged.

  •   Block Chain records all the transactions that are going on in cyberspace and keeps moving so that it cannot be hacked. Could the Beast be a “Ledger System” of transactions; could Bitcoin or a version like it be the Beast.

  •   In the End Times the Book says that the Antichrist will set up an Image or Statue of the Beast in the Temple’s Holy of Holies that will be able to speak. Have you ever wondered how this image can talk? Do you have a weather radio? What your radio receives is “Speechify” the technology of Test-to-Speech system. The voice is not a real person, but a computer generated voice speaking what has been typed into the computer system. Now you know, it’s all ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.

  •   Do you own an Amazon Echo named ALEXA? It’s an Artificial Intelligence personal assistant. The device is capable of VOICE INTERACTION, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic and other real- time information, as well as control several smart devices while acting as a home automation hub.

    This is all here NOW

    Revelation 13:14-15 – The Image of the Beast could SPEAK - AI
    14 with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, he deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people to MAKE A GREAT STATUE OF THE FIRST BEAST, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. He was then permitted

    15 to give life to this statue so that it COULD SPEAK. Then the STATUE OF THE BEAST commanded that anyone refusing to worship it

    Bible Code

    A Code has emerged in the Bible that has been hidden for thousands of years and was discovered with the aid of computer technology, a code that runs throughout the Bible. Events that have happened thousands of years after the Bible was written were revealed in this Bible Code. Daniel was given an end time prophecy and was told to “SEAL IT UP” until the “Time of the End”, when many will rush here and there, and KNOWLEDGE WILL INCREASE. THIS IS NOW

    In the past 150 years knowledge, information and technology has exploded exponentially, we have homes and automobiles that are air-conditioned, and have smart telephones in our pocket that we can see who we are talking to. We have put a man on the moon and can watch astronauts on TV that are 240,000 miles away. We have interactive voice assistances in our home that can play music, give weather reports and turn smart devices on and off. The time when knowledge will increase is NOW

    Daniel 12:4 – Seal up this prophecy until the end times

4 KEEP THIS PROPHECY A SECRET; SEAL UP THE BOOK until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and KNOWLEDGE WILL INCREASE.”(NLT)

Michael Drosnin has written Bible CodeBooks showing how this code was unlocked revealing World War II, the Moon landing, Watergate, both Kennedy assassinations, the election of Bill Clinton and the Oklahoma City bombings which were all foretold in the Bible Code.

Johnathan Wright; has a YouTube presentation showing that the code reveals BLOCK-CHAIN; the ledger of transactions for BITCOIN is the BEAST and is a trap to take your money. His advice is do not buy Bitcoin or you will fall into the TRAP of the Beast and lose your money.

The ownership or purchase of Cryptocurrency is not a sin and if you have any of it, the worst thing that can happen to you is you will just simply lose your money.

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New World Order
The Book speaks of a NEW WORLD ORDER referring symbolically to it as 10 horns which are the

10 World kingdoms and 7 crowns which are the G7 leaders and the 7 mountains242 which are the existing 7 powerful Regions; Italy, France, Germany, Britain, Canada, Japan and the United States.243

They exist NOW

There are 10 kings that have no power as of yet, but will be given control over the 10 kingdoms and will eventually give their power to the beast; the Antichrist.244 It’s in the Book

The one that rules over the New World Order will be given a number, a number of a man, the number of a representative; it will be the number of his name and his authority. It is the Belief System of many that this is a SEAT NUMBER in the New World Order assembly with the seat number of 666.245

You can see the YouTube presentation of this if you have an hour.

Daniel interprets a vision or dream for the King of a huge statue that he sees that is made of different materials. The two materials we are most interested in, is the fragile feet of the huge statue, made of Iron and Clay which causes the stature to crumble.246

Iron is the Roman power structure and the Clay is Islam which is MIXED to unite them together. This is the Muslim world living and mingling among the general population, but they will not cleave to one another as Iron will not mix with Clay. Muslims will not assimilate into the general population.247

THE NEW WORLD ORDER is the Iron and Clay.

Global Economy

President Obama said that the question of whether or not there will be a global international economy is; IT’S ALREADY HERE. The “Better than Cash Alliance:


is financed by the Linda and Bill Gates foundation, Citi foundation, the Ford foundation, MasterCard, Visa and others. It’s here NOW.

This is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to JUSTICE for all and build effective, ACCOUNTABLE and inclusive institutions at all levels. (Rich or Poor)

Revelation 13:16 – Great or Small – Rich or Poor – THE MARK

16 He required everyone—

to be given a MARK on the right hand or on the forehead.

Bubbles, Banks and the Beast

What makes the appeal of Bitcoin so strong is that it is not regulated by any world government and it is in a bubble all its own. We had the Dotcom Bubble in 2000, then we had the Housing Bubble in 2008 and just a few years ago, you could count the number of types of cryptocurrencies on one hand and now in 2018 there are well over 700 crypto-currencies that are in an ever expanding Bubble. As

242 Daniel 2:35 – The G7 leader became a Great Mountain
243 Revelation 13:1 –Then I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. It had SEVEN HEADS (G7 leaders) and TEN HORNS, (kingdoms) with TEN CROWNS (kings) on its horns -- Revelation 17:9 –THE SEVEN HEADS OF THE BEAST represent the REPRESENT SEVEN KINGS. (G7 leaders) -- Revelation 12:3 - I saw a LARGE RED DRAGON (Satan) with SEVEN HEADS (Regions) and TEN HORNS (kingdoms), with SEVEN CROWNS (G7 Leaders) on his heads.
245 Revelation 13:17-18 – Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the NUMBER OF THE BEAST, The G7 leader’s number is the number of a man; HIS NUMBER IS 666.
246 Daniel 2:31-35 – Daniel explains the Kings vision of Clay and Iron; ITS FEET WERE A COMBINATION OF IRON AND BAKED CLAY. 247 Daniel 2:42-43 – Muslims WILL NOT assimilate into general population; THEY WILL NOT HOLD TOGETHER, just as IRON AND CLAY DO NOT MIX.-- Jeremiah 51:25 – God will destroy the G7 Mountain nothing will be left but a heap of burnt rubble

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

more Cryptocurrencies increase, investors will begin to question the value of their wealth. When the bubble burst most will see the need for a Centralized Leger System controlled by the Government.

Since the nature of Bitcoin is untraceable it makes it the “CURRENCY OF CHOICEfor the criminal minds with the common practice of kidnapping the data in your computer and demanding ransom in bitcoins to release the data.

New York Times reports: “Those threats have increased with the advent of RANSOMWARE; malicious software that encrypts victims’ data and prevents them from accessing it until they pay a ransom, which is often hundreds or thousands of dollars’ worth of bitcoin, a crypto-currency.”

Now in my BS, my Belief System, I see the Government already hates Cryptocurrency because it is in completion with its National Currency, not to mention the TAX DOLLARS they are losing from the exchanging of goods and services. The banks hate that they are losing out on the TRANSACTIONS FEES and are already implementing ways to exchange Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies.

New York has already implemented CRYPTOCURRENCY LICENSING to get a foot hold on controlling the Beast.

SATAN may allow a Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to flourish in order for him to suck the world into a ONE WORLD CURRENCY that fulfills his end-time plan for controlling man and his access to his money without his MARK.

Bible prophecy would seem to indicate that crypto-currencies are going to have a short life. Once the bubble burst, it will be easy to argue that all digital money needs strong central control. Then under the MARK OF THE BEAST system, all transactions will be supervised by the Antichrist’s ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

World Bank

  •   The World Bank and the United Nations and the Accenture Corporation are working to

    integrate the biometric tracking and global identification of everyone on the planet for the

    ID4D Identification for development project.

  •   World Bank, Accenture outline UNIVERSAL ID vision for developing nations October 2, 2015...

    Daniel Baker, Americas lead, Accenture Development Partnerships, said; “The World Bank seeks to establish a standardized integration approach for countries considering cost efficient Identity Management Initiatives, which ensure accuracy and minimize identity duplication and errors.

  •   Accenture and Microsoft created a Block-Chain ID solution to support ID2020 Tracking global identity registry, by Land, Sea and Air as well as Tracking the no fly list through the Block- Chain technology biometric implant in the hand or forehead; RFID. Block-Chain decentralized identities Global Artificial Intelligence.

  •   Accenture Development Partnerships recognize the important contribution Accenture can make to the ID4D program, by deploying the skills and expertise of our developing nations on best practice NATIONAL IDENTITY PROGRAMS.

  •   Accenture is working with Visa, to explore the future of Internet of things-based commerce by developing a Connected Car Proof-of-Concept. (Cubic Transportation Systems)

  •   Connected In-Vehicle Information System: delivering in-vehicle signage known as Virtual Message Sign (VMS) enables an effective channel of communication into the built-in infotainment units on the car’s dashboard screen. A series of virtual VMS messages will be presented in real time as the vehicle travels the course, demonstrated by a live video feed to the car via smartphone technology.

  •   C4ISR This technology is utilized to decrease urban congestion and improve the MILITARY’S effectiveness and operational readiness provides networked; 1) Command, 2) Control, 3) Communications, 4) Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities for defense, intelligence, security and commercial missions. THIS IS NOW

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

It’s all in your head - The Global ID Implant
Our planet has now been divided up into TEN REGIONS for the purpose of monitoring the

planets resources, the Sustainable Development of energy, water and environment systems.
We have become an
ELECTRONIC UNITED NATIONS248 divided up geo-political into TEN REGIONS called Global smart cities for the purpose of compliance of 17 sustainable goals that are tracked by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Biometric brain implants give people access to Intelligence

and intelligence amplification received directly into their head through the INTERNET. IT’S HERE NOW

Tariq Malik, Chief Technical Advisor, UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM and former chairman of the NATIONAL DATABASE AND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY, prior held the position of a Senior Technical Consultant at WORLD BANK and a core member of the team who helped to initiate the worldwide ‘ID for Development’ ID4D Program as well as authored the framework of international standards for DIGITAL IDENTITY.

Malik worked on a MULTI-BIOMETRIC SYSTEM resulting in REGISTRATION of more than 121 million citizens along with their associated BIOMETRIC ATTRIBUTES.

ID4D brings global knowledge and expertise across sectors to help countries realize the transformational potential of digital identification systems. It operates across THE WORLD BANK Group with global practices and units working on digital development, social protection, HEALTH, FINANCIAL inclusion, governance, GENDER, and legal issues. ID4D also focuses on ensuring integration of DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS with CIVIL REGISTRATION and VITAL STATISTICS (CVRS)

BIOMETRIC MICROCHIP IMPLANTS that connect your brain to the internet... THIS IS HERE NOW.

The mobile phone of the future is being developed NOW and will be implanted in your head. Nanobots the size of blood cells can go inside the brain and connect the neo-cortex to the cloud wirelessly. Because of their size it requires a large number of them to work together to perform microscopic and macroscopic task with some being able to replicate; to swarm. Good grief

Biometric implant Entry Exit-Visa Tracking System was implemented in 2018 at airports by the CBP; Customs and Border Protection.


The ID4D integration model” envisions a universal, multi-purpose system capable of supporting IDENTITY SERVICES for multiple stakeholders (National, Regional or International)

A National Id system provides foundational identity services as follows; Unique ID (derived from BIOMETRIC de-duplication) will be used as THE PRIMARY KEY TO LINK IDENTITIES in disparage databases; Demographic information remains in stakeholder system – not copied to National ID system beyond the ID4D schemes (and) enrollment quality will be assessed to identify quality trends / issues.

As part of this model, an “Integration Layer” will be used to enable stakeholders to interact through for the common interchange of information among the constituent registries. Stakeholders could also provide services for others to use in the areas of; data management, MATCHING (e.g., identifications, verification), operations management and REPORTING.

  •   Sustainable Development Goal #01. - End poverty in all forms everywhere for rich & poor

  •   Sustainable Development Goal #16. - Promotions: the peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, ACCOUNTABLE

    and inclusive institutions at all levels.
    ID4D Identification for Development #16; Peace, Justice and strong institutions... this sets up a

    digital economy tracked by the global ID implant. THIS IS NOW
    By 2030 provide LEGAL IDENTITY for all including BIRTH REGISTRATION.

    248 Genesis 11:7 – Bitcoin universal CURRENCY LANGUAGE -- Genesis 11:6 – One World Government; NOTHING THEY SET OUT TO DO WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM -- Revelation 14:9-10 – Those Receiving the MARK bring God’s wrath -- Revelation 20:4 – The Believers that DID NOT take the Mark or Worshipped the Beast reigned with Christ for a thousand years

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Daniels Prophecy
The symbolic Woman in Daniel’s prophecy is Jerusalem,249 the capital of their NEW WORLD

ORDER with global power and authority over the G7 nations.250 The dominion over all the kingdoms of the world and the world’s economy is part of the plan that God has placed in their minds to carry out His purposes which includes an ISLAMIC invasion of Jerusalem251 to establish this global political authority.252

The hour of temptation is coming when everybody in society, both small and great, rich and poor will be required to take the Mark of the Beast in order to buy or sell anything.253 No one can buy or sell, unless they have the Mark; this would of course involve a global banking system.254

144,000 Jews will NOT take the Mark,255 (the number of the beast) but are sealed and marked by God Himself.

Believers anchored in Christ will NOT take the mark of the beast and they will be protected during this time of TESTING.256

This testing is not for the Believer,
but to point out and prove those who belong to the World.

God plainly tells you to NOT drink the Cool Aid;257 DON’T TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST even if it is to get your family food to keep them from dying of starvation. (The Mark is irreversible)

Voices for Cryptocurrencies

  •   Like Confederate Money; paper money will soon disappear forever except in a

    museum especially as more and more business is conducted on the internet and also because counterfeiting will soon be impossible to prevent because of the Advanced technology of 3-D printers; making cryptocurrencies the most convenient alternative for security.

  •   With government-backed currencies, a central bank can print more money driving its value down, but Bitcoin cryptocurrency is fixed and with a limited supply. Even though Bitcoin’s Block-Chain records are public they still offers a greater level of privacy protection and anonymity as each transaction is tied to an online address rather than information that is related to a person's identity.

  •   Christians who support Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin use the scriptures from Solomon that encourages you to invest in “Foreign Trade” to make a profit and currently the only viable foreign trade in the world is cryptocurrencies.258

  •   Solomon recommends that you have your investments in several places because you do not know what kind of bad luck you are going to run into.259

  •   The book of James is used to encourage the Christian to not procrastinate in making investments, you don’t know what tomorrow will bring and it may be too late.260

    249 Revelation 17:18 - The Woman in scripture represents Jerusalem
    250 Revelation 17:3 – The Woman is Jerusalem with the G7 Nations
    251 Revelation 17:16 – Islamic invasion of Jerusalem
    252 Revelation 17:17 – Jerusalem’s Global Power reigns world economy
    253 Revelation 13:16 – Required everyone Great or Small; Rich or Poor GIVEN A MARK ON THE RIGHT HAND OR THE FOREHEAD 254 Revelation 13:17 – No one can buy or sell anything without the mark or the number representing his name

    255 Revelation 7:3-4 – 144,000 faithful Jews will not take the number of the beast
    256 Revelation 3:10 – Believers NOT taking the MARK will be protected during the great time of TESTING
    258 Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 - Invest in Bitcoin and other foreign money
    259 Proverbs 27:23 – Know what’s in your Legers
    260 James 4:13-14 – Don’t procrastinate invest now, the future is uncertain

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK The Take Away

Things are not what they seem anymore, they are Trojan Horses with spyware inside.

  •   If you type “BOAT” in a comment on Facebook; the right column fills up with advertisements for boats.

  •   Folks sign up for a free app to make their phone a flashlight and it now it’s tracking their every activity.

  •   Advertisement are no longer for the general public, they are targeted to your specific thoughts.

  •   Today when you sign up for an application for your computer or Smart phone, you have no idea what the real reason is that you got it FREE, but you can be sure that there is always something else hidden that’s running in the background.

So many of my personal transactions are now processed on the internet whether it be banking or ordering office supplies and books. Just like electronic banking, Cryptocurrencies will certainly dominate the future of electronic transactions.

I am not giving investment advice, just Biblical advice and you should determine what the Bible is personally speaking to you. Many think the future of money is in Cryptocurrency and it will eventually replace the U.S. dollar. However many others say Bitcoin is worthless, and this current runaway bubble is certainly about to burst.

NOTE: There are two parts to trading; 1) Making it and
2) Keeping it.

There is a term called “Sh*t Coin Pump”; this is when a bunch of traders get together and buy a stock or coin like crazy in order to PUMP the “sh*t stock” as high as the moon, then dump it on ignorant unsuspecting buyers.

Block-Chain records are public and stored over a vast decentralized network of computers all over the world, this makes cryptocurrency counterfeiting almost impossible since altering any past records requires widespread collusion across the entire network. This makes it impossible to hack, whereas COMMERCIAL BANKS records exist in a centralized location making it vulnerable to hackers.

The voices for Bitcoin champions its anonymity because each Bitcoin is linked to a specific public address and not to a person's physical name or home address, but it is realistic to believe that HACKERS or GOVERNMENTS will eventually be able to go behind a Bitcoin address and unmask the real identity of the person’s mailbox.

The Antichrist will need a SYSTEM capable of tracking every transaction on earth in order to control who can buy and who can sell. The public records made possible by “Block-Chain”; the technology of the future, is just the SYSTEM.

Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto who authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin's original reference implementation and released the open-source software in 2009. As part of the implementation, he or they also devised the first Block-Chain database.

Since the implementation of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto has DISAPPEARED and his identity remains anonymous. What if he is the Antichrist? The Bitcoin Cash network is a way to SUPPORT THE BEAST and make money MINING bitcoins at the same time.

GOD is Omnipotence; all powerful, He is Omnipresent; everywhere at once, He is Omniscient, He contains all knowledge, whereas Satan has very limited power, he can only be at one place at a time and can only know what he or his minions have heard us say with our mouths. With Block-Chain technology that of an Open Public Ledger of transactions kept by billions of people all over the earth, Satan and the Anti- Christ are essentially now everywhere at once and know everything we are doing; Satan has become more powerful than he has ever been before; .

he has become like a god

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It is the breakthrough technology behind Bitcoin’s Block-Chain global leger system that will now cause the ONE WORLD CURRENCY to be embraced for all financial transactions and right on its heels will be the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and the ONE WORLD RELIGION which framework is already in place.

The ownership or purchase of Cryptocurrency is not a sin and if you have any of it, and if you need the Mark of the Beast to spend it, the worst thing that can happen to you is that you will just simply lose your money because you did not take the mark.

The Sin is NOT the money, it’s what you MUST DO in order to access it and be able to buy and sell with it.

It is my BS, my opinion that when you MINE FOR BITCOIN CASH, you are unknowingly helping Satan become all knowing through the “Block-Chain” global leger system.

What if your computer was hi-jacked or kidnapped and your password to your finances was locked and you could not access it? Would you pay the ransom to unlock it? - Would you take the MARK to get to your finances?

What if the MARK OF THE BEAST is a BIOMETRIC ID IMPLANT in your head or an RFID implant in your hand that stores the password that allows you to accesses your finances?

It’s in the Book

Revelation 14:9-10 – Don’t drink the Cool Aid of the MARK

9 Then a third angel followed them, shouting,
ANYONE WHO WORSHIPS THE BEAST and his statue or who

ACCEPTS HIS MARK on the forehead or on the hand 10 MUST DRINK THE WINE OF GOD’S ANGER.

It has been poured full strength into God’s cup of wrath. And they will be TORMENTED with fire and burning sulfur in the presence

of the holy angels and the LAMB. (NLT

I just feel a need to say this... Most un-believers and make-believers WILL surely miss it... While avoiding being tormented with fire and burning sulfur FOREVER is surely a PLUS...

The real HORROR is being SEPARATED FROM GOD for eternity... Did you see it? There is no redo, no escape and... no hope.

Matthew 6:33 – Seek the Mark of God, NOT the Mark of the Beast


(Be sealed and marked by the Holy Spirit)

above all else, and live righteously, and


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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

Chapter 15.7

Seven Last Plagues

Earthquakes – Thunder - Lightning – Hail – Darkness The Seas and springs turn blood red - No water to drink Burning heat – Suffering – Sores – Ulcers – Running boils

First Word - 7 Seals – 7 Trumpets – 7 Bowls

The Seven Last Plagues occur during the seven years of tribulation. Most Christians believe that they will have been raptured and taken to heaven and will not experience the terror of the tribulations. In my Belief System, I can certainly see that because of the rapture and because of the tribulations,

some of those remaining will come to accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah.
Sadly however, these
new believers along with the remaining unbelievers and Make Believers will

surely endure the horror of the tribulations and although some are SAVED, they most probably will be martyred for their confession.

In the book of Revelation, there are seven Seals, the seventh Seal holds the seven Trumpets; the

seventh Trumpet holds the seven Bowls. It seems like a slow process as we read, but once we hit the seventh seal, it comes like a trip hammer; Bam - Bam – Bam - From horrible to the excruciating worst in rapid succession.

The first six SEALS cover the first 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation period with the 7th SEAL covering the last 3 1⁄2 years, unleashing the seven Trumpets and seven Vials or Bowls. Some of the scriptures seem to overlap and are not in chronological order. But from John’s point of view; it’s all happening all at once.

I might point out that the Biblically number SEVEN always means Complete”... Finished.

Seals, Trumpet & Bowls
As you follow along in scripture, Revelation speaks of SEALS, TRUMPETS and BOWLS. The Seals

release types of judgment, the Trumpets release the same type of judgment, but more intense which then brings us up to the Bowls or Vials which do the same thing, but with more and terrible intensity. It goes from worse to horribly worse to incredibly worse.

We pick up here at the beginning of the Seventh Trumpet which releases the incredibly worst Bowls of the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES.

Revelation 15:5-6 – Seven angels came with SEVEN PLAGUES.

5 After this I looked, and the sanctuary of the tent of witness in heaven was and out of the sanctuary came opened,

6THE SEVEN ANGELS WITH THE SEVEN PLAGUES, clothed in pure, bright linen, with golden sashes.


Revelation 16:1 – Pour out the seven bowls of plagues on earth

1 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, “Go and POUR OUT ON THE EARTH


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Side Bar

Retribution: What is about to be revealed is the slow unpacking of the very same things that happened to Jesus Christ, is now happening to those that rejected him.

The Law of Retribution; wound for wound, stripe for stripe, burning for burning; the law’s purpose was to limit the amount of retribution for a wrong doing. In other words you could not give someone 6 months in the electric chair for breaking your fingernail.

Exodus 21:23-25 – Wound for wound, stripe for stripe

23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give


1st Plague - Painful Sores - Suffering


This First Bowl is similar to the plagues of the seals and trumpets, but instead of 1/3 of the world, the sores are on the whole world. The bowls are the last of the plagues and seem to MAGNIFY and intensify all the previous plagues of the seals and trumpets.

The plague of sores, ulcers and running boils were accompanied with highly offensive odors, pain, fever and suffering.

This plague only affects those with the MARK OF THE BEAST. Evidently during the Tribulations there was a remnant that did not take the mark of the beast or worship his image and are still alive.

The KJV of the Bible speaks of Vials instead of Bowls; but are the same thing: same effect

Revelation 16:2 –First Bowl poured out; Painful and ugly sores

2 THE FIRST ANGEL went and poured out his bowl on the land, and UGLY AND PAINFUL SORES broke out on the people

WHO HAD THE MARK OF THE BEAST and worshiped his image. KJV

Jesus - Painful cuts, sores, suffering
During the Passion Week of Christ, Jesus is condemned by Pilate, the Roman Governor and

handed over to his Soldiers. - See the Word Study; THE WAY OF THE CROSS
They struck him and pulled out His beard. Then they twisted thorns together to form a crown and

then forced it down on His head and then they gave Him a reed staff in His right hand for a scepter to add to their mockery and insult.261

Jesus is flogged... Under Jewish Law, the number of lashes was determined by the crime, but no more than forty. Tradition has it that they always stopped at thirty nine just in case they had lost count.

NOTE: TheRomanswerenotlimitedbythislaw.
The subjects were beaten with elm or birch rods or whipped with
the dreaded flagellum (The cat of nine tails) a short handled leather whip with many leather lashes that had pieces of bone and lead

plaited into its thongs that were meant to rip the victims flesh.
Jesus was flogged BEFORE the verdict... Traditionally; He would have been stripped and tied to

a low pillar so that His back was bent upward. Two men would stand on opposite sides bringing down the whip on the shoulders, back and legs. The skin on the back is left shredded, hanging down in ribbons. This left Jesus’ body a bloody pulp with deep gashes probably exposing His bones and entrails. Most victims did not survive this cruel punishment of CUTS, SORES and SUFFERING.

We are healed of our sins because He took the stripes on His back.262

261 Matthew 27:26-30 – Flogged, Crown of thorns, Cuts, and took the staff and STRUCK HIM ON THE HEAD AGAIN and AGAIN -- Mark 14:65 – Hoodwinked – Struck - Buffeted – Spit on and the servants did STRIKE HIM -- Isaiah 50:6 – Prophecy – Pulled out His beard. I hid not my face from SHAME and SPITTING.
262 Isaiah 53:5 – We are healed by the stripes on His back.

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK 2nd Plague – Sea; Blood – Sea creatures die

Revelation 16:3 – The Sea is turned red as blood

3 THE SECOND ANGEL POURED OUT HIS BOWL on the sea, and it turned into BLOOD like that of a dead man, and

3rd Plague - Rivers and Springs; Blood - Animals die

Second Bowl: The previous and similar plague of the seals and trumpets affected only 1/3 of the sea. This plague of the sea turning to blood affects every living thing in the sea, extending, intensifying and magnifying the previous plagues of the seals and trumpets... Every living thing in the sea dies.

Third Bowl: Don’t you think it’s cool, that the angels have different assignments? This Angel is in charge of the rivers and springs.

The rivers and spring waters now turn to blood and become unfit to drink; symbolic of avenging the shed blood of the saints and prophets.

This is the Law of Retribution:

  •   Pharaoh of the OT ordered the male Jewish children to be drowned, so God killed all of Egypt’s first born and drowned Pharaoh’s whole army in the Red Sea.

  •   Haman had a gallows built to hang the Jew Mordecai on, but instead Haman and his sons were hung on it. It’s in the Book

Revelation 16:4-6 – Rivers and Springs turn to blood

4 THE THIRD ANGEL poured out his bowl on the RIVERS and SPRINGS OF WATER,

5 Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say: "You are just in these judgments, you who are and who were, the Holy One, because you have

so judged; for

Jesus Blood

  •   The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I

    will pass over you, 263and no plague will befall you to destroy you. - Without the shedding of blood

    there is no forgiveness of sins264

  •   The blood of Jesus is spilled from the crown of thorns, his beard being ripped out and his back torn open with the 39 lashes of the “Cat of Nine Tails”.

  •   Blood is spilled when the nails are driven into his hands and feet and when the spear is driven into His side.265

    NOTE: Roman crucifixion included nailing the criminal to the cross; although the nailing is NOT found in scripture, Jesus shows his disciples the hard evidence of the holes in his hands and tells them to quit doubting. Technically, the nails were put into the wrist; the reference to hands would include the wrist as well.

    John 20:27 - They used nails in his hands; spear in His side

    27 Then he said to Thomas,
    "PUT YOUR FINGER HERE; SEE MY HANDS. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting, believe."

    263 Exodus 12:13 – The Blood is a sign: WHEN I SEE THE BLOOD, I WILL PASS OVER YOU. 264 Hebrews 9:22 – The Shedding of the blood of Jesus brings forgiveness
    265 John 19:34 – A spear in the side forthwith came there out blood and water.

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK 4th Plague - Intense Burning Roasting Heat

Revelation 16:8 – Intense heat

8 THE FOURTH ANGEL poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to SCORCH “PEOPLE” WITH FIRE.
9 They were seared by the INTENSE HEAT and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues,


Jesus Christ - The Lamb - Burning, Roasting Heat.
Jesus Christ is a TYPE of sacrificial Lamb... According to Levitical Law the Passover Lamb could

not be boiled; it must be sacrificed with fire.268 Intense scorching heat and not a bone in the body was to be broken.269

1 Corinthians 5:7 – The lamb is symbolic of a type of Christ

7 Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast-as

you really are. For CHRIST, OUR PASSOVER LAMB, has been sacrificed. NIV

5th Plague – Darkness

Revelation 16:10 – Darkness; Judgment on the kingdom of the Beast.

10 THE FIFTH ANGEL poured out his bowl ON THE THRONE OF THE BEAST, and his kingdom was PLUNGED INTO DARKNESS. (Judgment) Men gnawed their tongues and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores,
11 but they refused to repent of what they had done.


Jesus Christ – Darkness
While Jesus was with the Disciples, for that brief time, He was the Light unto their lives.271 At the

Crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, their light was now gone, DARKNESS had come over the land in more ways than one.272 (But it’s only Friday; Sunday is coming!)

The Day of the Lord will be Darkness, not light to the non-believer and Make Believer.273 Woe to Men who prefer Darkness to the Light.274

266 Malachi 4:1 – They shall burn as in an oven -- Deuteronomy 32:24 – They shall be devoured with burning heat 267 Isaiah 24:6 – Men burned and few are left
268 Exodus 12:8-9 – The lamb must be ROASTED with FIRE.
269 Numbers 9:12 - Not one of the LAMB’S bones will be broken

270 Exodus 10:21 - Darkness so thick YOU CAN FEEL IT
271 John 12:35 – For a while the light is among you. Walk while you have the LIGHT, so that DARKNESS WILL NOT OVERTAKE YOU 272 Mark 15:33 – At Jesus Death, darkness came over the whole land: Judgment
273 Amos 5:18 – The Day of the Lord is darkness to the Make Believer
274 Isaiah 5:20 – Woe to those who substitute darkness for light

This plague is against the inhabitants of the earth. They will be scorched with intense roasting heat as in an oven.266 You would think men would repent and seek God’s face, but they did not; many are burned with few inhabitants left.267

It may be that the new Tribulation Believers as well as the creatures were not affected by this plague, the implication from scripture is; SOMEpeople will be scorched... It does not say ALL people, nor does it mention the animals or critters.

This is specifically directed to the kingdom of the Antichrist. This plague of darkness is so thick you can FEEL IT,270 adding to the suffering miseries. Their pain was so intense that men gnawed their tongues and did not even notice the pain.

The accumulation of these plagues is taking a toll on the wicked and now their world has turned pitch dark and instead of turning to God, their blasphemies just get worse.

NOTE: Every time Darkness is mentioned in the Bible, it is connected with JUDGEMENT.... EVERY TIME.

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK 6th Plague - Euphrates dries up - No Water

Jesus Christ who is the Living Water said from the cross; “I Thirst”.275

Revelation 16:12-14 – Euphrates River dries prelude to Armageddon

12 THE SIXTH ANGEL poured out his bowl on


WATER WAS DRIED UP to prepare the way for the kings from the East. NIV

7th Plague - Thunder - Lightning – Hail - Earthquake

This plague dries up the waters of the Euphrates River. Eastern powers like Japan, China, India and others prepare for an invasion of Israel as the waters of the Euphrates dries up. The kings of the East combine their armies with the Kings of the North and South.

This is actually a trap prepared by God that triggers the battle of Armageddon. The great river Euphrates dries up and there is no water fit to drink... Men’s tongues stick to the roofs of their mouths.

This plague is poured out on the dominion of the Air; the POWERS of the heavens are shaken.276 Satan’s title is the “Prince of the POWER of the air277 and now his domain is gone.

This is the last day of the tribulations.

A great earthquake278 makes islands disappear; mountains and cities are leveled, and what’s left is destroyed with 100 pound hail,279 and men still cursed God. (A talent, or “talantos” in the Greek, is actually translated to be about 114 pounds.)

When Jesus died on the cross there was a great earthquake and He said “IT IS FINISHED”; the plan of salvation for man has been completed.

A voice from heaven says IT IS DONE”. Jesus said from the cross, IT IS FINISHED.280

Revelation 16:17 – Plague poured out on the dominion of the Air

POURED OUT HIS BOWL INTO THE AIR, and out of the temple came a loud

voice from the throne, saying, "IT IS DONE!" NIV

Jerusalem splits
This great city that splits in my BS seems to be Jerusalem, as Babylon is mentioned often

separately. (Although some commentaries disagree.) The earthquake convulses Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives also splits.

Revelation 16:19 – Jerusalem is split into three parts.

19 THE GREAT CITY SPLIT INTO THREE PARTS, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath.
20 Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found.


Side Bar

  •   Satan the anti-god & the Anti-Christ & the False Prophet make up this Counterfeit Trinity.

  •   These slimy, filthy, loathsome, disgusting frogs are evil spirits of propaganda coming out of the Counterfeit Trinity281 to seduce all the kings of the world to come out to the battle of

    Armageddon. Sadly, the whole world would include an army from the United States.

    275 John 19:28 – Jesus said I Thirst”
    276 Matthew 24:29 - The POWERS of the heavens shall be shaken -- 2 Peter 3:10 – The heavens will pass away with a great noise 277 Ephesians 2:2 – Satan is the Prince of the POWER of the Air
    278 Revelation 16:18-20 – Lightning, Thunder and a severe EARTHQUAKE
    279 Revelation 16:21 – Hundred pound hailstones fall upon man.
    280 John 19:30 – The Plan of Salvation for man is finished
    281 Revelation 16:13-16 – The COUNTERFEIT TRINITY seduces the world; the DRAGON, the BEAST and the FALSE PROPHET

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  •   The Kings of the South; Arab-African confederacy headed by Egypt and the King of the North; Russia, will launch an “ALL OUT” invasion against Israel.282

  •   The Arabian Peninsula of Ethiopia is the Arab States... The Southern Ethiopia is Africa.

  •   CIS is the Commonwealth of Independent States. There are currently 12 former Soviet Republics, including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Republic of Georgia. Their allies are

    Persia (Iran), Turkey, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer and Torarmah.283

  •   Russia wants oil. Although they have oil, it’s not very accessible.

  •   Russia wants a warm water sea port as well as easy oil.

  •   Russia wants the 12 billion tons of magnesium chloride and twelve billion tons of sodium

    chloride in the Dead Sea. There is also 2 billion tons of potash for enriching soil.284

  •   Russia’s Allies want the land of Israel. What a deal for everybody; except Israel.

    The Take Away

The Seven Last Plagues symbolically have many of the very things that occurred in the Life of Jesus on the cross.- No water to drink – Earthquakes – Thunder – Lightning – Darkness so thick you can feel it, but then added to that more trouble; Sores - Ulcers – Running boils – Hail – Burning heat – Suffering – The Sea and Springs turn to blood.

Many Christians believe that we will NOT be PARTICIPANTS during this time of tribulation, but will have been RAPTURED and we will be merely SPECTATORS.

My BS of the scriptures is it teaches us that many will come to believe on Christ after they observe the RAPTURE of the saints or are forced to experience the Tribulations; they will be known as The Tribulation Saints, those that did not take the Mark of the Beast.

Before1830,noonehadeverheardofa“SecretRapture”ortheFlyAwayDoctrine. NoChurch had taught it in their creed, catechism or statement of Faith until John Nelson Darby preached about it in 1830. So at this writing the Rapture doctrine is NOT predated by 2,000 years, but is of recent origin; only 190 years old. It’s not of very much importance to your SALAVATION whether or not you embrace the RAPTURE of the saints before the return of Jesus Christ.

The main point is that you must embrace HIM.

You should PRAY that you are RAPTURED before the Lord comes back, but PLAN your life like there is no RAPTURE. If the seven plagues teaches us anything, it teaches us that it’s better to be an observer from heaven than a participant on earth... The choices we make today have eternal consequences...

There is only ONE WAY to come to God.
THE WAY” is JESUS CHRIST; God’s only begotten Son.285 There is just no other way.286


282 Daniel 11:40 – At the time of the end The King of the South & the King of the North will engage him in battle
284 Ezekiel 38:11-12 – I will invade a land of un-walled villages and will PLUNDER and LOOT
285 Acts 19:23 – The followers of Christ were known as THE WAY -- Acts 9:2 - Arrest anyone belonging to sect known as THE WAY. 286 John 14:6 – No one comes to the Father except through Jesus

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Chapter 15.8

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

White Horseman, Red Horseman, Black Horseman, Pale Horseman The Fifth Horseman – The Prophecy - The Book – The Seven Seals

First Word (Apocalypse means the un-veiling or revelation)
Everyone has certainly heard of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but what is it?
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse comes from the Apostle John’s book known as “Revelation”.

Specifically, John is reporting the horrors of the Great Tribulation period; The Apocalypse.
The Tribulation starts like a lamb, but finishes like a lion. This is NOT the end of the world, but is

seven years before the first stages of Armageddon.
The tribulation period is about ISRAEL with the rest of the nations secondary.

Olivet Discourse

I would be amiss if I didn’t mention the teaching that occurred on the Mount of Olives with Jesus and his disciples. Jesus had spoken about THE END TIMES and the disciples asked when all this stuff would cut loose.

THE OLIVET DISCOURSE of Jesus falls into three time periods to come in their FUTURE.287
1) Pre-Tribulation: The beginning of the birth pains... The time of the False Christ... The rise of

False Prophets... wars... rumors of wars... earthquakes.288
2) The Tribulation period: The time of Great Distress289 ... Death... famines... pestilence. 3) Post-Tribulation: The time affecting the Heavens290 ... sun... moon... stars.

This study covers only the first period and half of the second period of the Tribulations. All four horsemen are instruments of judgment on the unbelievers in Israel... Testing their faith... Separating the chaff from the wheat; the non-believers and make-believers from the Believers. 291


John the Revelator is in prison on the Island of Patmos and has a vision. He has been caught up to Heaven and is shown a book that has SEVEN SEALS on it. (In scripture then number seven means completeness.) There is some discussion in Heaven about who is worthy to open the book and with sadness, none was found worthy.

I need to stop here and explain that the book has seven seals that are opened one at a time with each one letting loose plagues and horrors. But the interesting part is that the Seventh Seal contains Seven Trumpets that will sound and the Seventh Trumpet contains Seven Bowls that will be poured out.

287 Revelation 1:19 – Things which will take place in the FUTURE
288 Matthew 24:5 – First Period Discourse - False Messiah
289 Matthew 24:21 – Second Period Discourse - Great Distress never to be equaled again
290 Matthew 24:29 – Third Period Discourse - Sun – Moon - Stars will not give its light; heavenly bodies will be shaken 291 Luke 3:17 - Separate the chaff from the wheat; believers from non-believers

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK The Seals are filled with horror; the Trumpets are filled with exactly the same thing, but with more

of it and the Bowls are also filled with the same thing, but with more intensity.

The First Four Seals being opened is where we get the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. You can think of them as a TEAM of FOUR strong horses pulling a hearse named HELL that is swallowing up the SPIRIT SOULS of the dead as it heads toward Hades.

The Book

John sees a scroll or book with seven seals that contains the destiny of mankind, but there seems to be no one that can open it,292 but at some point the LION from the tribe of Judah; Jesus Christ the LAMB of God comes forth to open the book293 and that’s where we pick up the story.

Important: Jesus and the plan of salvation had already been revealed, but no one; neither Angels, Men nor Demons knew what was to be revealed in the book, the scroll; only God knew.

The story starts off like a lamb, but finishes like a lion.

NOTE: The Prophet Ezekiel prophesies about Earthquakes and as they progress, it will become so dark that you can FEEL the darkness.294 He prophesies of Wars, Famines, Pestilence, Great fearful evens and signs in the heavens.295 Jesus opens the first four seals; the four housemen.296

Jesus also prophesies about the beginning of the tribulation period; the first four seals known as the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse are in the exact same order as the seals. Read below what Jesus Himself said about the earth before His second coming.

The color of each horse answers to the mission of its rider.

Matthew 24:5-8 Jesus Prophesying in the SAME ORDER

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ;

(White Horse) and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of war: see that ye be not

troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against

kingdom (Red Horse): and there shall be famines (Black Horse),

and pestilences (Pale Horse), and earthquakes, in divers’ places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. KJV

First Seal – First Horseman - White
For your information
: Nowhere in the book of Revelation is the Church pictured as being involved

in the tribulation struggle. They are obviously missing in the scenes that describe the end times on earth; they are gone... Raptured.

Note; as of today, nothing else prophesied in scripture has to happen before the Rapture can occur... It can be today... God in His mercy and grace has delayed it for somebody.

The First Seal will be opened immediately after the Rapture when Christ returns to the Father with the Saints who contain The Holy Spirit, thus removing the restraining force on Satan.

292 Revelation 5:3 – No one could open and look inside the book
293 Revelation 5:5 – The LION of the Tribe of Judah is able to open the book -- Revelation 5:6-7 – The LAMB of God took the book from the right hand of God the Father
294 Joel 3:15 – Sun, moon and stars will be darkened -- Exodus 10:21 – Darkness that can be felt
295 Ezekiel 14:21 – I send my FOUR sore JUDGMENTS: Sword, Famine, Wild Beast and Pestilence -- Luke 21:10 – War; Nation against Nation and kingdom against kingdom -- Luke 21:11 – There will be great Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilences, Fearful Events and great signs from heaven -- Matthew 24:28 – The vultures will gather and eat the dead carcasses -- Ezekiel 39:17-21 – Call out every sort of Bird and Animal to eat flesh and drink blood
296 Revelation 6:1-8 – Four Horsemen; white horse, red horse, black horse, pale horse

Imagine the 7th seal is like fireworks; like shooting a sky rocket into the air, then seven more burst out from that rocket (Trumpets), then seven more burst from each of those (Bowls) Everything speeds up like a trip hammer. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. In other words, the tribulation period starts off pretty bad, then it get progressively worse.

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John sees the Lamb or Jesus Christ open the first of the Seven Seals and one of the four living creature’s voice thunders out one word; “COME”... The first seal has been broken.297

A White Horse comes forth and its rider has a bow, but he has no arrows. He is “given” a conqueror’s crown and rides out bent on conquest.

Who is the rider? - I should note that many commentaries believe that because of the White Horse and the crown, that the rider is Jesus Christ charging forth with the gospel of truth conquering the foes of God; BUT IT IS NOT, we have already been warned in scripture about the coming of False Christs.

Jesus Christ is the one opening the seals of the book and revealing what’s behind them. Since these are things that have not yet been reveled before, it cannot be Christ, who is already revealed. Furthermore, the first rider cannot be Christ because Chronologically, Christ comes “to the earth” at the end of the Tribulation period. The Rider pretends to be Christ; he is an imitation of Christ; an imposter298 seeking to be a World Dictator.

The Crown “given to him”299 is Sovereign Permission to carry out his acts and is symbolic of his rise to power. This is actually the rise of the false Christ; the Anti-Christ300 who will head up the Revived Roman Empire and will ultimately become the World Ruler. He is the pseudo Prince of Peace” who will bring order to a trouble world. The absence of arrows mentioned in scripture pretty much indicates that during the first 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulations he will conquer without bloodshed and without war.

The anti-Christ’s rise and notability will come through peace negotiations and through the power of politics as well as through the power of the operation of Satan. He will probably be the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize... He will present his wares like we are entering the PEACE of the “Millennium” when we are actually entering the HORRORS of the Great Tribulations. He is a phony... Peace will not come PERMANENTLY to the earth until the return of Jesus Christ.

He will provide safety with a TEMPORARY, counterfeit, false Peace,301 becoming the world ruler or world dictator; but Deception, Destruction and Devastation is on the way.302 He will prosper and display counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders303 and be of fierce countenance and understanding; his power will be mighty.304 We will not know the name of this Antichrist rider until 3 1⁄2 years into the tribulations.

He will be the catalyst of what follows with the next three seals or horsemen.

Welcome to the Knight riding on the White Horse

If our nation gets into unthinkable debt, deep recession and depression, no social security, or health insurance, joblessness, can’t buy or sell, people stealing just to eat, war upon war.... In our despair, wouldn’t we welcome a knight riding in on a White Horse who would save us, bring peace and give us a special numbered VISA card (666) so we could buy and sell.

Did you know that Executive order #11921 and #11490 gives the President Emergency Power without the approval of congress to FREEZE bank accounts; CONTROL money and credit, control food supplies, transportation, communication and utilities? He can CONFISCATE excess” or “surpluspersonal property, RATION the output of industry, SHUT DOWN schools and TAKE POSSESSION of buildings for government use.

How about a president, not for a four or eight year term; but for life... A “Dictator”, who comes on a white horse; conquering nations through peace just long enough till his buddy “WAR” on the Red Horse is let out of the corral to do his bidding

297 Revelation 6:1 – The Lamb; Jesus Christ opens the First Seal
298 Matthew 24:4-5 - The anti-Christ will come claiming he is the Christ -- Daniel 11:37-38 – The anti-Christ will exalt himself and not regard any god.
299 Revelation 6:2 – The White Horse with a conqueror riding on it was GIVEN a crown.
300 Daniel 9:26 – The anti-Christ is the prince who is to come
301 Daniel 9:27 – The anti-Christ will institute a false peace covenant -- 1 Thessalonians 5:3 – The anti-Christ will say peace, but only bring destruction -- Isaiah 57:21 – There is no peace for the wicked
302 Daniel 8:24-25 – Deception – Destruction - Devastation The anti-Christ will become very strong and consider himself superior; destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes
303 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9 –The anti-Christ will Display counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders
304 Daniel 8:23 – He will be of fierce countenance and power

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The Antichrist will come from the European Union or a country or confederation that was once part of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire stretched from Ireland to Egypt and included Turkey, Iran and Iraq. He will push for a New World Order, a One World Currency, and a One World Religion, which is nothing new. This goes back to the time of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel when he tried the same thing. He will be about 30 years of age; about the same age as Christ when he comes on the scene just after the Rapture.

Genesis 11:1-4 – One World Religion and Language

1 Now the whole world had ONE language and a common speech
4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may
make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." NIV

Show me your way

Second Seal – Second Horseman – Red

It would be my “hearts desire” that every believer would be able to hear Glen Campbell’s song, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”. It will bring tears to your eyes. He was obviously inspired by God during the recording session.

With the exception of the identity of the rider of the white horse who is actually the antichrist and not Jesus, it is straight from the word of God. You should be able to hear it on the internet. › watch

The album is “Show me Your Way”. It WILL touch you. I promise...

The Second Seal is opened and the Second Horseman comes forth on a Red horse having a “large” sword which is symbolic of the large number of people he will kill... It signifies that he has been given power to take peace from the world... War is a dreadful judgment.

Both Red and the Sword are symbolic of War305... Nation against Nation... Possibly nuclear warfare. Note: Red is associated with blood, death, slaughter and terror:

  •   The Red Horse of War in Revelation 6:4; 306

  •   The Red Dragon in Revelation 12:3, and 307

  •   The Red Beast in Revelation 17:3308

The Rider of this Second horse, according to some commentaries seems to be the FALSE PROPHET who emerges at the same time as the Anti-Christ. Authority is given to the rider to take Peace from the world as part of God’s Divine plan for men to violently kill one another... War is fought in countries that have not seen war on their own soil.

Third Seal – Third Horseman – Black

305 Nahum 2:3 – RED - soldiers shields of War -- Joshua 10:28 – Sword of Destruction
306 Revelation 6:3-4 – RED horse rider had the power to take peace -- Matthew 24:6-8 - Wars & rumors of wars - Famines & Earthquakes

309 Revelation 6:5-6 – Black horse – The rider has a set of scales; famine
310 Jeremiah 4:28 – Black is symbolic of mourning
311Lamentations 5:10 – The heat will scorch the land and man skin will be blackened -- Lamentations 5:10 – Bodies will be hot with fever and hunger -- Lamentations 4:8 – Black; their skin has shriveled on their bones
312 Jeremiah 14:4 – The ground will crack because of lack of rain
313 Lamentations 4:4 - Your tongue will stick to the roof of your mouth

The Third Seal is opened and the Third Horseman comes forth on a Black horse having a set of scales in his hand.309

Black is the symbol of mourning, suffering, poverty and famine.310 There is worldwide economic collapse; a financial catastrophe. The rain will be withheld; the sun will scorch the land and men;311 the ground will dry up and form cracks.312 It will be so dry that your tongue will stick to the roof of your mouth.313

307 Revelation 12:3 - I saw a large RED dragon with seven heads and ten horns, with seven crowns on his heads 308 Revelation 17:3 - I saw a woman sitting on a SCARLET beast that had seven heads and ten horns

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The scales are symbolic of measurement during famine. There will be inflation with food prices souring to about 12 times higher than normal.314 A denarius would be about a penny, a day’s wage,315 and would buy only ONE MEAL of quality Wheat, or you could get three meals of cheaper Barley for the same wage, but still no money left over for any other essentials.

Barley produced a black bread which was eaten by the slaves and the very poor. You would have to share whatever you did get with your family.

Paradox; The Famine of bread is a terrible judgment, but how much more so is the judgment of the Famine of the bread of life; God’s word.

SELAH, ponder that.

The Ephah was a unit of dry measurement... It was found on medallions and was a symbol of commerce. The medallion had a two winged woman holding the Ephah and a balance scale. It is symbolic of the satanic world system.

Restrictions: The rider of the black horse has some restrictions... The oil and the wine cannot be touched allowing only the wealthy to still enjoy its luxuries. It can be made into beauty aids, toiletries and the badly needed skin lotions and ointments for the sun scorched bodies, but the middle class common man and the poor will just not be able to afford them.

NOTE: The third seal is “Limited Judgment”... This is a partial drought, not as bad as it’s going to get... As we move through the Seals to the Trumpets and Bowls, the drought gets worse and worse. The olive and grape vines need no cultivation for them to thrive, but I don’t know for how long without water.

Fourth Seal – Fourth Horseman – Pale greenish yellow

The Fourth Seal is opened and the Fourth Horseman comes forth on a Pale horse (greenish) having power to KILL a fourth of the earth by Violence, by famine, by plague and by wild breast.

The name of the rider is Death... This is the king of terrors... Worldwide death comes through famine, hunger, disease, epidemics, pestilence and civil violence. Starving animals roam the streets and attack men.

The skin, when a pale greenish yellow color is symbolic of sickness and death and is suggestive of a physically sick person with a deadly fever. This Greenish yellow color suggest perhaps an epidemic of leprosy. Sickness of this magnitude is referred to as a plague such as Malaria, Cholera and AIDS which are deadly. With 1⁄4 of the population sick, there won’t be enough medicine to treat them ALL.

Some plagues today are even given



  •   Smallpox (The Red Death),

  •   Bubonic Plague (The Black Death),

  •   Tuberculosis (The White Death).

The Worst Plague... History verifies that when you have drought, famine and death, it propagates disease. Fleas from diseased rats seek out warm human bodies and transmit to them the Bubonic Plague. 316

The Second Worst Plague... Diseases become progressively more and more sophisticated; today we have AIDS, and at this writing there is no cure; you will die. When we find the cure for AIDS there will be a worst more sophisticated disease right behind it.

The Invisible Plague... Poverty is as much a natural disaster as any plague. If you don’t have any money, you can’t buy food... That brings us up to the MARK OF THE BEAST, if you want to buy or sell, you must have HIS MARK; or starve.317

314 Hosea 2:8-9 – There will be famine – I will take away the grain
315 Matthew 20:2 - A day’s pay - A denarius – A penny
316 Revelation 6:7-8 – Human Violence – famine – plagues - pestilence 317 Revelation 13:17- NO Mark – NO Food

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK First Four Seals unpacked

The Four Horsemen: The First horse marks conquests, the next three mark civil wars, scarcity and mortality. War gives birth to a wasting calamity which draws scarcity and famine; that draws pestilence and sickness; followed by death and sorrow; a vicious whirlpool. When we are at our weakest and all seems to be at its worst; brutish, cruel savage men depopulate the world by the sword in order to GET what you have and then the beast of the field are unleashed on the easy prey bringing on more sore judgment. SELAH

The Prophet Ezekiel prophesized about the FOUR Horsemen of the Apocalypse hundreds of years before John the Revelator had his vision of the end times. All this occurs in the first 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation period which also includes the 5th and 6th seal.

The 144,000 witness’ are sealed between the 6th and 7th seal; this kicks off the SECOND HALF of the Tribulation with the opening of the 7th seal. In the last 3 1⁄2 years of the Tribulation period, unprecedented trouble comes on Israel as they move from being protected from their enemies to being persecuted by their enemies.

Eventually, Russia and its allies will invade the Middle East and finally attack Israel. The battle will escalate until it involves all the major powers on earth and after the tribulation period it finally becomes the greatest battle in history; The Battle of Armageddon.

Ezekiel 14:21- Prophecy – war, famine, wild animals and disease

21 “Now this is what the Sovereign LORD says: How terrible it will be when all FOUR of these dreadful punishments fall upon Jerusalemwar, famine, wild animals, and disease—destroying all her people and animals. (NLT)

Fifth Horseman - Hades

In my Belief System, I actually feel like there are FIVE horsemen of the Apocalypse. The name of the fifth horseman is Hades, the Grim Reaper.318 Since Hades is now also present, you can bet that the majority of those killed are the unrighteous.

As the fourth horseman Death was claiming their body; Hades the fifth horseman followed right behind, swallowing up “Death’s” victims, claiming their souls; their spirits... GOOD GRIEF

As of 2013, there were 7,172,000,000,000 people in the world. - Using that number and accepting that the saved have already been “raptured”; a fourth of them, 1,793,000,000 people will be killed. – That’s 1.8 Billion dead carcasses not including the wildlife. Now don’t get too mathematical with me here, but just run with the concept of the staggering number of dead carcass’s that God feeds to the birds and wild animals. THIS IS NOT EVEN THE FINAL BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON.

The four horsemen ride throughout the entire tribulation period with escalated activity. If the fourth of the population that’s killed is confined to a specific area instead of being spread over the world, then the results will be catastrophic, staggering with maybe no survivors at all.

World War III takes place shortly just after the rapture; if you will just open your eyes you can see the clouds are already gathering. Russia invades Israel, but is defeated by divine intervention. It lasts only one day.

Death Vacation... At some point later on, Death takes a five month holiday. The torment is so intense that men will wish they could die; BUT CAN’T.319

Here’s where we are – The Take Away
The rapture has taken place – The church and the restraining force of the Holy Spirit are no

longer on earth. The False Prophet and Antichrist are already on the scene deceiving the nations.
The seven years of the Great Tribulation period has just begun. Jesus opens the first four seals

on the apocalyptic book and the Four Horsemen are cut loose to do wreak havoc on earth and man.

318 Luke 16:23 – Hades; Torment, a place for the lost
319 Revelation 9:5 - Men will beg for DEATH but it will elude them for 5 months

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The First Horseman is the Antichrist and comes on a White Horse pretending to be the Messiah and will gain his power through politics and peace negations in order to fool the world.

  •   The Second Horseman is War and comes on a Red Horse and has been given power to take peace from the world.

  •   The Third Horseman is Famine and comes on a Black Horse bringing suffering, and famine and worldwide economic collapse. The rain will be withheld, the sun will scorch man and the land will dry up and form cracks.

  •   The Fifth Horseman is HADES and follows the fourth horseman DEATH, taking the souls of the dead to HELL.

    There are three more seals with the 144,000 witnesses being sealed between the 6th and seventh seal, but all that is another Word study. When you are born again, repent and confess your sins you are SEALED with the Holy Spirit against that day of the Lord; you are marked as owned by the Lord.

    This brings us up to the closing thoughts... Will you go through the Great Tribulation period or has God already MARKED YOU as His, and you are slated for the Rapture.

    If serving the LORD seems undesirable to you,
    CHOOSE for yourselves this day whom you will serve...

    But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

    Joshua 24:15

The Fourth Horseman is Death and comes on a Pale greenish horse to KILL a fourth of the earth. There will be worldwide death through famines, hunger, disease, epidemics, pestilence and civil violence. - Starving animals will roam the streets and attack men.

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Chapter 15.9

144,000 The Mark

Ten Lost Tribes – Twelve Tribes of Ishmael; Muslims - Jehovah Witnesses Second Rapture – Tribulation – Seals, Trumpets, Bowls - Mark of the Beast

First Word

Most people have heard about the 144,000, but have no clue of what it’s all about. The Apostle John writes in his book “Revelation”, about Jehovah God setting apart or sealing a few thousand special Israelites to be His Witnesses in the end times. You might could just call them, JEHOVAH WITNESSES.

It can be a little confusing as to when this will all occur since some chapters in Revelation are “Informational Chapters” and are given out of chronical order for the purpose of painting a picture with an overall view about what will happen in the end times. This actual sealing occurs just as the Tribulation period gets underway.


The GREAT Tribulation is a title given to the last 3 1⁄2 years of this seven year tribulation period of time and was not made up by some deep thinking Professors, but a name given by Jesus Christ Himself who took it even further, explaining that the plagues to come during this time will be such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world up until now, and will not ever be again.320 IT’S BAD.

Here’s where we pick up the story. The period of time, also known as “Jacobs’ Trouble321 is about to begin; the False Prophet is already at work on the scene and so is the Antichrist who helps establish the United States of Europe, but is not yet known as a world leader.

The Rapture of the Saints, both Gentile and Jew has just occurred and worldwide interest in God has just been revived since billions of people are now missing.

Here’s where we are... The Church; the believing Jews & Gentiles, both dead and alive, are now in Heaven and only the unsaved are still on earth. Israel is safe in her land, but is threatened by Egypt (on the South) and Russia (on the North). The Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel to protect her land.

God seals 144,000 Israelite Jews in order to protect them from the wrath that is about to be unloaded during the seven years of this Tribulation period. Before the Rapture took place, THESE 144,000 Jews were already “Bond Servants” of the Most High God, but were NOT YET Believers in Jesus

Christ as the MESSIAH.
A Bond Servant is someone who “of their own volition(Free Will) have committed themselves to

serve their master; whatever and whoever that master might be.
320 Matthew 24:21 – Great Tribulation such as has never been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever again

321 Jeremiah 30:7 – Tribulations – Jacob’s Trouble Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it
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Misguided Doctrine

Today there are some cults, some groups as well as some Christian dominations that believe that they are the sealed 144,000 witnesses.

  •   Jehovah Witnesses believe that within their body is the special group of 144,000. They will have immortal life and spirit bodies in a place in heaven. All the other members in their denomination will just have everlasting life and resurrected bodies which still need to eat and drink.

  •   Mormons claim that they ONLY have the 144,000 who will inherit eternal life and the remainder of their denomination will just live in Paradise.

  •   Seventh Day Adventist point to prophetess Ellen G. White who has the exclusive right to truth and indicates they are the faithful 144,000.

    However, scripture says there will NOT be one Gentile in the whole bunch. NOT ONE !

    The Mark
    God’s mark on the Jews is the seal of the living God signifying His OWNERSHIP and guaranteed

    PROTECTION.322 His name is literally and clearly written on the forehead of these Evangelist.
    The Mark of the Beast (the antichrist) Satan will follow suit with his Copy Cat Corrupt, Counterfeit Seal,323 and mark his followers signifying his “OWNERSHIP” and the guarantee that with his mark that they will be able to get FOOD to eat. It is literally on the forehead or right hand of his lost unredeemable followers. This is truly SAD; as they cannot change their minds...324 They are doomed

for eternity.

TWO SEALS of the Tribulations:

  •   The seal of the FLESH guarantees that they will Eat;

  •   The seal of the SPIRIT guarantees they will be Delivered.

Who are the 144,000?
They are all Jews; 12,000 from each of the Twelve tribes of Abraham and his son Isaac who was

born of Sarah, a “Free woman” and given the promise of the Covenant.325
Some say 10 of the 12 tribes are now lost, but they are not lost to God who already knows who they

are and where they are. By Devine plan, the REMNANT of the Ten Lost Tribes are already in place, scattered throughout the Nations where they will testify of Jesus Christ- (There has always been a remnant)

True Believers
These special 144,000 Jews were not “True Believers” before the Rapture, but the Rapture

witnessed to them as well as the preaching of the Two Witnesses,326 as ordained of God.
Their devotion to God was
TRUE327 in contrast to the others around them who claimed to be followers of Jehovah God, but whose lives indicated something entirely different;328 those who were “Liars, Thieves and Cheaters; Bigots and Mistreaters”.329 (I borrowed that line from Glen Campbell’s song, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”.) You would do well to listen to this

song... Turn it up loud with an awesome sub-woofer

All Virgins

It is possible that the 144,000 did not marry,330 but more probable it means they did not whore after other god’s, but were true to the ONE God of Israel. Anyway at face value, they are all saved, Jewish unmarried men without family responsibility; without fault before God.

322 Revelation 7:2-3 – The Angel of God does the sealing
323 Revelation 13:16-17 – The seal or Mark of the Beast
324 Revelation 14:9-11 – Taking the mark of the beast - Unpardonable Sin
325 Revelation 7:4-8 – Tribes of Israel - 144,000 ALL JEWS
326 Revelation 11:3 - There will also be two Special Witnesses
327 Revelation 14:5 – True Believers; they were blameless, no lie was found in them
328 Revelation 21:27 –Nothing impure; the Ungodly - will not enter Heaven
329 Revelation 22:15 – Liars, Thieves & Cheaters, Bigots & Mistreaters -- Romans 1:25 – The Ungodly exchanged the truth for a lie 330 Revelation 14:3-4 – They were All Virgins -- Jeremiah 31:4 – Virgin Israel -- 2 Corenthians 11:2 – Pure Virgin presented to Christ

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Missing Tribes of Israel
Historical Note: Joseph had two sons; Ephraim and Manasseh which were adopted into the tribes

of Israel and were known as the half tribes; that gives us a new total of 14 tribes.
The tribe of Dan is missing from the sealed 144,000 as mentioned in Revelation 7:4-10, because it is possibly that this tribe is the source of the Antichrist as implied in scripture.331 At any rate, the half tribe

of Manasseh seems to take Dan’s place in the lineup of the 12 Tribes of Israel.
The half tribe of Ephraim is also missing from the lineup because this tribe led the way in causing the civil war which divided the ten tribes of the north from the two tribes in the South. They also had become addicted to idolatry. With the tribes of Dan and Ephraim missing, we are now back down to

12 Tribes of Israel being sealed and thus protrected. Side Bar

Ishmael: Abraham also had a son named Ishmael, his first born of Hagar; a bondwoman, a servant. Ishmael did NOT receive the promise of the Covenant, but because of Abraham’s petition, he was also blessed of God with 12 tribes. (The Muslims) It’s in the Book

Ishmael’s Twelve Tribes:332 They are Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah and Massa; who we know as the Midianites, Edomites, Egyptians and Assyrians; the great desert people of the Middle East. They lived in hostility toward the other twelve tribes of Abraham and still do today.

Purpose 144,000
The nation of Israel HAS NOT accepted Jesus as the Messiah and is basically a religion of

humanism; a religion of “works”, but in the end, a multitude will accept Christ. The occurrence of the rapture of the “Believing Christians” will witness to the Jews who remain on the earth.

The angel of God seeks out 144,000 blameless Jewish bondservants of the Most High God. 144,000 is only .01% of the total 14 million KNOWN Jews that are in the world today. These Jews are sealed in order to be protected from the plagues that are to come on the earth with the breaking of the 7 Seals; and the sounding of the 7 Trumpets and the pouring out of the wrath of God with the 7 Bowls.

God pours out his Spirit on the 144,000 and they testify of Him and become His messengers, His Evangelist;333 that will present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the JEWS throughout the world.

The message will NOT be about God asking them to do something; but about what God has already done for them; and for us.

These same sealed Jewish Missionaries will bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the whole world during the tribulation period. Every nation and tribe will hear them speaking in their own language and dialect, endued with the same power as on the day of Pentecost; the gift of tongues. 144,000 life changers with the zeal of the Apostle Paul. Everyone will have a chance to hear the Gospel.

Multitudes: In our Belief System, we look to the Broadcast Media of Radio and Satellite Television to be the end time tool that takes the message of the Gospel to the entire world, but scripture says it’s the 144,000 who in only 3 1⁄2 short years will have Multitudes of Jews, Gentiles and people from every nation saved;334 who will lose their earthly life, only to gain eternal life with Christ. There will be so many saved that no one man will be able to count them all. The 144,000 will be the FIRST FRUITS of the Jewish Nation during what is known as “Jacobs Trouble”; the tribulations.

The Gospel will be preached to the entire world and then the end will come.335

331 Genesis 49:17 – Dan will be a serpent by the roadside and Strike his heel -- Genesis 3:15 –Satan will strike at the heel of Christ 332 Genesis 25:13-18 – Ishmael had Twelve Tribes also
333 Acts 2:16-21- God will pour out His Spirit in the last days and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved
334 Revelation 7:9 – A great multitude; every nation people and language were wearing white robes

335 Matthew 24:14 - The Gospel will be preached as a testimony to the whole world and then the End will come
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There will be remnants of Jewish Believers from ALL ages of time that will finally make up the whole saved Nation of Israel, plus the no good, stinking now believing GENTILES that have been grafted into the vine.336 Thus, according to scripture; “ALL the Believers” in Israel will be saved.337

NOTE: In scripture everybody that was not a Jew was called a Greek or a Gentle.
There are three basic divisions of families mentioned in the NT; 1) The Jews, 2) The Gentiles and 3) The Church. In the CHURCH OF GOD there are both Jews and Gentiles, there are no divisions.

We are ALL in ONE Fold; ALL baptized by ONE Spirit and ALL with ONE Shepherd.338 The Sealing - When

This is far more than you want to know. Revelation reports that the wrath of God will be poured out in segments; first Seals, then Trumpets and then finally Bowls. (Vials)

The 144,000 are sealed at the beginning of the first 3 1⁄2 years of the Tribulation period.339 More exactly they are sealed between the 6th and 7th SEAL, before the Trumpets begin to sound their wrath. There is Silence in Heaven for about 30 minutes340 between the 6th and 7th seal while the 144,000 are all being sealed with His Mark of protection and ownership.341

The seven trumpets are under the seventh seal and expand and enlarge what has already happened under the other six seals. The Trumpets sound during the first 3 1⁄2 years; the Bowls or Vials are poured out during the last 3 1⁄2 years. The Trumpets and Bowls are the SAME, except the Bowls intensify what occurred with the Trumpets, so in essence with the bowls, THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE.

Imagine the 7th seal is like fireworks; like shooting a sky rocket into the air, then SEVEN MORE burst out from that rocket (Trumpets), then SEVEN MORE burstfromeachofthose(Bowls) Everythingnowspeedsuplikeatriphammer. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.

What happens to them?
First Fruits: John sees Christ briefly back on earth with the 144,000 evangelist on Mount Zion and

suddenly they are all then before the throne of God singing the song of the redeemed.342 They have been “Raptured” ... taken before the throne of God in Heaven.

This Tribulation Rapture will occur just after the First Trumpet is sounded in the middle of the “tribulation Week” or 3 1⁄2 years into the 7 year tribulation period.

The Jewish Vine: Most of the Jewish nation DID NOT BELIEVE that Jesus Christ was their Messiah;

they were NOT Believers and “symbolically” their branches were broken off the Jewish Vine and the believing GENTILES were grafted in. Did you see it? Now all Believing Gentiles have JEWISH ROOTS. However, it does not stop there; when the 144,000 missionaries preach to the Jews whose limbs were broken off the vine; “IF they will believe”; GOD with EAGERNESS will graft them back into the vine

of Christ again where they belong.343
NOTE: The 10 tribes of the Northern kingdom of Israel were all carried off into captivity and

scattered among the nations, lost, vanished. The remaining two tribes in the Southern kingdom that were not carried off was Dan and Judah. With Judah being the largest tribe the term “JEW” for Judah became synonymous with all of the people of Israel.

JUDAH is the tribe from which our Messiah Jesus Christ was born; thus Jesus is a JEW.

336 1 Corinthians 10:32 – Jews and Gentiles make up the Church of God
337 Romans 11:26 – All of Israel will be saved as it is written:
338 John 10:16 – The Gentiles are also a part; ONE fold, ONE shepherd -- 1 Corinthians 12:13 - we were all baptized by ONE Spirit
339 Revelation 9:1-4 - Fifth Trumpet; Those sealed are now protected from the plagues
340 Revelation 8:1 - SILENCE IN HEAVEN for about half an hour during the sealing of the 144,000
341 Revelation 7:2-3 - Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal of protection on the 144,000 evangelist.
342 Revelation 14:1-3 – 144,000 are standing on Mount Zion with Jesus and then raptured before the throne of God singing a new song 343 Romans 11:17-24 – If the people of Israel turn from their unbelief, they will be grafted in again into the Vine where they belong

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Lesson Observed
Because of the extremity of sin in the two tribes of Dan344 and Ephraim,345 their tribes are missing

in the lineup of the tribes of Israel. None of the 144,000 missionaries were selected from their tribes to serve; but don’t write them off just yet.

Although they lost out in “the end time” on the honor of being selected to be God’s witness, they are not hopeless lost; they are still part of the chosen nation of Israel FOREVER. God just can’t give up on them; He loves them and they will endure and make it through the tribulation period.

This is good news for the BELIEVER that slips into sin; you might not get in an all the things God has in store for the Church, but you are still His FOREVER; you are part of HIS vine.

God says; “How can I give up on you,346 His compassion will not let Him; that’s who He is. ONCE THE LORD’S... ALWAYS THE LORD’S

The Take Away
The angel of God will SEAL 144,000 Jewish missionaries that are still “living” right after the rapture

of the Saints and just as the Tribulation period is beginning. They are not the saints of old or others that have been resurrected from the dead or reincarnated from another life, they are living Jews.

The Ten Lost Tribes” have already been spread throughout the entire world according to His marvelous plan. Their purpose is to be missionaries to the Jews and to the Gentiles throughout the world. They will have the gift of tongues and endued with the power of the Holy Spirit as was poured out on the day of Pentecost; sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the vigor of the Apostle Paul and Peter.

They will be protected from the plagues of God by HIS SEAL and they will evangelize the world for about 3 to 3 1⁄2 years and then they will be “Raptured”. They will be the First Fruits of the Tribulation period. Some of the 144,000 selected could be within your own church if they are descendants from one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Otherwise... not so much; but good luck. SELAH

The sealing Mark of God on the 144,000 and the sealing Mark of the Beast whether visible or invisible, will be obviously different. Both will be doing the Will of their Father, and on the DAY OF THE LORD; one will receive eternal damnation with levels of torment and the other will receive eternal salvation with levels of blessings.

You will recognize both of them by their FRUITS.347 What’s on your tree?

It’s in the Book

344 Genesis 49:17 – Dan will be a serpent
345 Hosea 4:17 – Ephraim is addicted to Idols
346 Hosea 11:8 – The Lord will not give up on YOU; if you are a BELIEVER 347 Matthew 7:20-21 – You will RECOGNIZE them by their fruit.

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Chapter 15.10

Literal – Symbolic – Special Forces Army - Weapons – Computer Technology Dual Nature – Believers – Make Believers – Virgins – The Great Tribulations

First Word

144,000 Revisited

The Tribulations; a seven year period known as “Jacobs’ Trouble348 is about to begin; the False Prophet is already at work on the scene and so is the Antichrist who helps establish the United States of Europe, but is not yet known as a world leader. The Rapture of the Saints, both Gentile and Jew has just occurred and worldwide interest in God has just been revived since billions of people are now missing.

This is where we pick up the story: The Church; Jews and Gentiles, both dead and alive, are now in Heaven and only the unsaved are still on earth along with some “SPECIAL FORCES”. Israel is safe in her land, but is threatened by Egypt (on the South) and Russia (on the North). The Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel to protect her land.

God seals 144,000 Israelite Jews349 in order to protect them from the wrath that is about to be unloaded during the seven years of this Tribulation period.350 God pours out his Spirit on the 144,000 Special Forces” and they testify of Him and become His messengers, His Evangelist; that will present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the JEWS.351 Every NATION and tribe will hear them speaking in their own language and dialect, endued with the same power as on the day of Pentecost with the gift of tongues. These 144,000 life changers will be armed with the zeal of the Apostle Paul.

Everyone will have a chance to hear the Gospel; THEN THE END WILL COME literally.352

Literal 144,000 - The SYMBOLIC and LITERAL 144,000 are NOT the same.
Who are the 144,000, that’s what everybody wants to know... Today there are some groups and some

cults, as well as some Christian dominations that believe that they are the sealed 144,000 witnesses.


  •   Jehovah Witnesses believe that within their body is the special group of 144,000. They will have immortal life and spirit bodies in a place in heaven. All the other members in their denomination will just have everlasting life with resurrected bodies which still need to eat and drink

  •   Mormons claim that they ONLY have the 144,000 who will inherit eternal life and the remainder of their denomination will just live in Paradise.

  •   Seventh Day Adventist point to prophetess Ellen G. White who has the exclusive right to truth and indicates they are the faithful 144,000.

    Scripture literally says that they will all be Jews; there will NOT be one Gentile in the whole bunch. NOT ONE! We can take apart “the which” and “the why” for each tribe, but not enough time here.

    348 Jeremiah 30:7 – Tribulations called Jacob’s Trouble
    349 Revelation 14:5 – The 144,000 were blameless True Believers in God
    350 Matthew 24:21 – The Last 3 1⁄2 years us known as the Great Tribulation such as has never been before.
    351 Acts 2:16-21- God will pour out His Spirit in the last days and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved 352 Matthew 24:14 - The Gospel will be preached in the whole world then the End will come

This Study will DEPART FROM THE ORDINARY ignoring the Systematic Theology that we have always been taught and take a close look at the rich SYMBOLISM as painted by John the Revelator about who SYMBOLICALLY the 144,000 represent.

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Just to mess with you right away, the Levites representing the Priesthood are MISSING from the 144,000 tribe lineup353... My BS believes that this is because every Christian belongs to God’s Holy Priesthood,354 with NO MEDIATOR between God and man except our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

All Virgins
Literally, God is saying that this special group of people have REMAINED UNMARRIED and

have never had sexual relations with a woman.355
Symbolically, God is saying that this special group has never bent their knee to a strange god;

they have always been faithful to Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
All through scripture, the term “virgin” is SYMBOLIC of worshiping the one true God of Israel and

WHORING is symbolic of worshiping other gods,356 therefore the 144,000 are the FAITHFUL.

Parables, Symbols and Hyperboles were common and known to the Hebrews, thus the TRUE

understanding was “hidden in plain sight” to the Romans who thought it was just “MALARKEY” or what we today would say is a “Bunch of Bull”.

Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. As a figure of speech, it is usually not meant to be taken literally, but emphasizes and evokes strong feelings to create strong impressions. The Israelites way of life was to gather daily at the temple or synagogue and even at the gates of the city to DISCUSS and DEBATE the newest secret spiritual concepts.357 This school of thought gave birth to the Kabbalah that explained the esoteric mystical teachings.

The Epicureans and Stoic philosophers358 would look for numbers and symbols in the writings of the prophets and debate them. The more OPEN MINDED Berean Jews were commended for EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY to see if what was being said was true.359 IT’S IN THE BOOK


  •   Literally in the Revelation of John, it speaks about warfare with a sword coming out of the mouth

    of Christ. We would be bringing knives and swords to a modern day GUN FIGHT.360

  •   Symbolically, if you look at the SWORD; it is THE WORD of God which is sharper than any two

    edged sword. God’s Word; the Bible will kill people; JUST THINK ABOUT THAT.361

    Age of the Computer

    A lot of the Esoteric thinking and “hidden inner tradition” was passed down generation to generation, but some was lost and scriptures says it was “SEALED UP362 for many days till knowledge has increased. Now, the computer age has unlocked these visions...

    The Book “Arithmetic of God” counts the OCCURRENCES of things in the Bible. The basis of this book begins with the 153 fish that were caught in the Disciples NET.363 What is significant about 153? - That very day Jesus had shown Himself to the Disciples for the third time since His resurrection which took place on the 17th... Adding up each number between 1 and 17, you get 153.

    NOTE; The 17th day times the 3rd appearance equals 51, and 51 times 3 (51+51+51) =153... I realize this book “pushes the envelope” somewhat with its findings, but just hang in there.

    153 and the NET symbolically represents the plan of salvation... 364 HOLD THAT THOUGHT

    353 Revelation 7:4-8 – Tribes of Israel; 144,000... ALL JEWS; but no Levites
    354 1 Peter 2:9 - Every Believer is in the Royal Priesthood -- Revelation 1:6 – The Believer is in a Kingdom of Priests
    355 Revelation 14:1-5 – The 144,000 are VIRGINS, truthful & blameless
    356 Judges 2:17 – Israel went WHORING after other gods.
    357 Acts 17:23 – They debated the Un-Known God Whom you ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you
    358 Acts 17:18 – Epicurean and Stoic Philosophers debate everything
    359 Acts 17:11 – The Bereans were more open minded and commended for examining the scriptures daily on what was truth
    360 Revelation 19:21- The Sword came from His Mouth
    361 Hebrews 4:12 – The Sword is the Word of God -- Ephesians 6:17 – The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God
    362 Daniel 8:26 – Seal up the visions for the Future... the COMPUTER -- Daniel 12:4 – Shut up the words till the time of the COMPUTER 363 Matthew 4:18-19 – I will make you fishers of men; the NET is the Salvation Plan
    364 John 21:11 – 153 fish The Net – Plan of salvatio

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Occurrences in the Computer From the Book Arithmetic of God.

  •   4 is God’s handiwork, the First Creation, Flesh – The 4th time Jesus is called “The Word” states: The word was made flesh, and dwelt among us”.

  •   6 is Satan – “Against” is found 6 times in connection with the believer’s warfare against Satan.

  •   7 is completeness, Perfection or bringing to an End; all of God’s handiwork completed in 7 days.

  •   8 is new Birth – Concerning new birth, “born” is spoken 8 times between the Lord and

    Nicodemus. – Twice 4 (the first creation) is 8 a new creation; a new Birth.

  •   9 is the fruit of the Spirit... There are 9 fruits of the Spirit365 There are 9 gifts of the Spirit366

    There are 9 characteristics of the believer; the Beatitudes367

  •   10 is the Law – The 10 Commandments – 10 Linen curtains in the Tabernacle – Boaz took 10

    men as witnesses to marry Ruth.

  •   12 is Divine Power, Rule or Authority – There were 12 Disciples – 12 barrels of water were

    poured on the altar of Baal – After Jesus fed the 5000 they gathered 12 baskets of leftovers. God

    spoke to Job about the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
    I am going around the block to get to the
    144,000 and am skipping a lot of stuff just to stop here and

    look at the number TWELVE which is Divine Power, Rule or Authority... HOLD THAT THOUGHT

    Base numbers in the Computer

  •   The Greeks did not have a way to express numbers in their language system, so they used letters

    for numbers. I don’t have Greek letters on my keyboard, so just take my word for it

  •   The Hebrews followed the same concept with letters representing numbers.

  •   The Romans have the familiar Roman numerals; I (1) V (5) X (10) L (50) C (100) - D (500)

    which expresses their numbers with letters. If you add up all these numbers, you get 666.

  •   The Book “Theomatics” questions WHY the specific number of 153 fish where caught in the NET by the Disciples; why did they go out of their way to specify 153 fish, why not 12, 40, 144; commonly used numbers? This became the code that unlocked the door. Everywhere this

    base number of 153 shows up, the passages are reflective of “The Gospel message”; 153 is symbolic of the PLAN OF SALVATION.

    Look at the Words in the base number 153; Plan of Salvation... The Net (salvation plan)... Fishers of Men... Fishes (the saved)... The Way, Truth, Life... I am the Way... Door of the Sheep... The Narrow Gate. All of these passages have the same base number of 153. INCREDIBLE

    With the help of a computer, this book deals with breaking down every sentence in the Bible to its numerical value that is represented in the Hebrew & Greek since they both use letters for their numbers. They take sentences in the Bible and add up their numerical value and then divide them back down to their base number. The base number always equals the same common theme. I won’t do that here as it would take 300 pages. - (I encourage you to buy the book Theomatics for your Library)

    Without seeing the Greek or Hebrew it is difficult to explain, but all passages on the same topic have the same base number. Example; passages about Jesus Christ can be divided back down to the base number of 37. (Notice that 3 is the trinity and 7 is completeness = Jesus Christ)

    Then number 37 has many thoughts pointing back to Jesus...The Door... Firstborn... Son of Man... Christ... Godhead... The Good Shepherd... Family of David... Fountain of Water. INCREDIBLE 3 is the Trinity – 4 is God’s Handiwork (Notice that when you add 3 the Trinity and 4 God’s Handiwork it becomes complete; 7)... 7 is Completeness or perfection... 8 is a new order.

    12 is the inner circle, the chosen (12 X 12= 144) ... TWELVE... HOLD THAT THOUGHT

    365 Galatians 5:22-23 – Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
    366 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 – Gifts of the Spirit; word of knowledge, word of wisdom, great faith, healings, miracles, discernment of spirits, prophesy, speak in tongues, ability to interpret tongues
    367 Matthew 5:3-10 – Description of a Believer; the Beatitudes

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I had to take you through all the mental gymnastics of numbers to bring you back here to talk about the Hebrew mystic number of TWELVE. ... To the Hebrew, the number twelve represented groups of completeness; twelve is the containment of ALL.

Three;theTrinityTIMESFour;God’sHandiworkisTWELVE... Totalcompleteness-ALL

Twelve represented ALL of Israel; the Twelve Tribes (Old Testament). It represented ALL of the inner circle of the Twelve Disciples of Christ (New Testament). There were Twelve precious stones in the breastplate of the high priest; Twelve Shewbread cakes in the tabernacle. Twelve Pillars & Twelve Spies that spied out the land. In the future New Jerusalem there are Twelve gates368 in the wall which rest on the Twelve foundations.369

The Twelve tribes of Israel of the Old Testament; TIMES the Twelve Disciples of the New Testament equals 144; that’s everybody... ALL INCLUSIVE

The number 1,000 is the number of the anticipated Millennium Kingdom of God and the ultimate degree of perfection. A day to the Messiah is like a 1,000 years.370

144 times 1,000 is 144,000; which is EVERY Believer in the Kingdom of God.


144,000 – The Dual Nature
The mountain of Zion or the Prophetic use of the word ZION is used some 150 times in the OT

ALWAYS referring to the highest point in Jerusalem; God’s Mountain and David’s Throne.371 Symbolically ZION is Gods rule and it is always on Earth, not in Heaven, so when we see the 144,000 standing before the Lamb on Zion; they are on Mt. Zion on Earth.372 There was a great Multitude standing before the throne wearing white robes.373 Note: They were from EVERY nation, tribe and people and there was so many you could not count them. 374

Just as the Two Witnesses have a DUAL NATURE, so does the 144,000; they are ALSO known as the GREAT MULTITUDE.... They are one and the same... John HEARD the symbolic number of 144,000 and SAW the great multitude that could not be counted before the throne.

Systematic Theology teaches that these are TWO different groups of people not ONE and I understand this and accept the criticism. I don’t ask that you embrace my Belief System; JUST THINK ABOUT IT.

The 144,000/multitude serve God in the Temporary Kingdom Temple (Church) on earth until the finalized Kingdom Temple comes375 Did you see it? God’s dwelling place; His throne is among us.376

Why am I telling you this? Because it is important to understand that the numbered 144,000 is SYMBOLIC of the numberless great multitudes of people from EVERY nation, EVERY tribe, EVERY people and EVERY language that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Messiah.

There ARE NOT two groups of SAVED people as taught by some denominations. Teaching that there are those that served God on earth as commanded and there are those who were SUPER ACHIEVERS, who raised the bar and did even more than was commanded. NO, there is only ONE MULTITUDE that is saved.377 That is not to say that there are not special rewards, but that’s just another word study.

368 Revelation 21:12 – Twelve gates in the New Jerusalem
369 Revelation 21:14 – Twelve foundations in the New Jerusalem
370 2 Peter 3:8 - One day is as a thousand years to the Lord
371 Zechariah 8:2 – The Lord is passionate and strong with love for Mount Zion
372 Revelation 14:1 – 144,000 standing on Mount Zion on Earth who had the Father’s name written on their foreheads.
373 Ephesians 2:19-21 – Fellow believers Joined together become the Church, the holy Temple of God
374 Revelation 7:9 – A great Multitude in white robes that NO ONE COULD COUNT from every nation, tribe and people
375 Revelation 7:15 – They serve before the Throne on earth in His Temple
376 Revelation 21:3 - The dwelling place of God is with man -- 2 Corinthians 6:16 – God lives among us; we are the Temple -- 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 – We are God’s Holy Temple
377 Ephesians 4:4-5 – There is just one Lord, one faith, one baptism and ONE BODY of Christ

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The Army - Symbolism
In previous Word Studies on Revelation symbolism, I have concluded that “Armageddon” is the

battlefield of the MIND of the believer, and the believer is the warrior as well as the war. With that said, I am continuing this same thought that “the warrior” which is every believer, is part of GOD’S ARMY. The best way to describe this mysterious fighting army is Special Forces with uniforms of fine white linens that are clean and bright, SYMBOLIZING the Believer’s robes washed in the blood of Christ making them WHITE as snow.378 The Bride of Christ is the believer that is arrayed in fine pure bright white linens; these warriors are NOT angels.379

NOTE: In the time of Jesus there were also Special Forces called the Zealots that were secret freedom fighters that were trying to liberate the Jews from the domination of Rome. This is such an amazing story, but I will not cover it here. See the Word Study; Zealots

At first blush, we tend to surmise that Jesus returns to earth in the clouds with legions of Angel armies to fight the war of Armageddon, but after close examination we find that the war is waged by the “Sword in His Mouth” which is SYMBOLIC of the Gospel Message.380

The Gospel message is SYMBOLICALLY presented by “Jars of Clay”, physical bodies,381 not the spiritual bodies of angels. Only the redeemed can sing the new song,382 angels are not redeemed. This is NOT an angel Army.... Both Believers and Make-Believers may apply for service, but just as with any army, there are some requirements for acceptance in “joining uptherefore some are REJECTED.

  •   1-A Accepted - Available for unrestricted military service. Jesus said we must come to Him believing and trusting; without reservation; just as a child would run to his daddy and jump into his arms.383

  •   4-F Rejected - Registrant not acceptable for military service. Registrant has been found not qualified for service in the Armed Forces by a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) under the established physical, mental, and moral standards. (Look it up)

    The Sermon on the Mount; “The Beatitudes” do not show a man how to be saved; they show the characteristics of one who is saved.

    They are not promises of blessings for the saved, but are a description of the saved.


  •   Poor in spirit – The realization that we are spiritually bankrupt and can offer God nothing.

  •   Those who mourn – Anguishing over sin; over perishing souls; wanting right to prevail.

  •   Meek – Accepting opposition, insults and provocation – Bearing patiently – Mild and calm.

  •   Hunger for righteousness – All sin and wrongdoing to anyone grieves them.

  •   Merciful – Being kind, showing pity, mercy and compassion, even when it’s not convenient.

  •   Pure in Heart – No hidden motives or self-interest; a pure heart with singleness of purpose

  •   Peacemaker – Bringing men into harmony with each other – Calming the waters.

  •   Love – You must love Christ more than your own family or you are not worthy of Him.

  •   Give to those who can’t pay you back; Give justice, mercy, compassion and faithfulness.

    Someone who is RICH puts his trust in what he has... Someone who is POOR puts his trust in what he hasn’t... It’s very hard for someone who is rich to seek the Kingdom of Heaven; they do not see themselves as having any needs. They are self-sufficient... They don’t need God. (Jesus said this, not me.)


    378 Revelation 19:11-15 – Armies of Heaven in fine white pure linen -- Revelation 19:7-8 – These are the Redeemed in fine pure linen
    379 Revelation 7:14 - These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation“. They have washed their robes and made them WHITE in the blood of the Lamb
    380 Ephesians 6:17 – The Sword is the Word of God -- Hebrews 4:12 – The Word of God is sharper than a two edge sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit,
    381 2 Corinthians 4:7 – Redeemed Army are “Jars of Clay”, not angels
    382 Revelation 14:1-3 – A multitude singing a song that only the redeemed could sing
    383 Matthew 18 2-5 – Believe and trust as a child with his daddy.
    384 Matthew 5:3-12 – Qualifications to join the Army of God

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The Bar is set very high; who then can qualify to enter God’s Army? By man’s efforts, no one can qualify to enter... Only by the grace of God has it been made possible... Unless we change and

become like little children, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven. JUMP into His arms like a child lovin’ up on his daddy; Abba Father.

The Take Away

Run trusting and believing and

Let’s reason together; the ten northern tribes of Israel were lost; they no longer exist. The tribe of Benjamin was absorbed into the tribe of Judah, leaving only the “Jews” from Judah which is only 12,000 men... If you look LITERALLY at the 144.000, we are about 132,000 men short.

I know this is just way too simple, but the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and Seventh Day Adventist may be right, that they are the 144.000, but included with them as well are the Catholics, Baptist, Presbyterians, Methodist and Assembly of God denominations, etc. - BELIEVERS of ALL denominations are part of this SYMBOLIC 144,000.

Believer and Make Believers alike will sign up for the Army of God, but the Make-Believer having only a form of godliness385 will be classified 4-F... REJECTED386... IT’S IN THE BOOK

Are you a Make Believer? God said, you will know them by their fruits’; their actions. Take a close look at your “Check Book”; your Speech, your SONGS and your Activities.387 Do they honor God or bring Him shame?

I don’t ask that you embrace my BS of the Symbolism that the sealed 144,000 Special Forces are the Army of ALL BELIEVERS, but just think about it. You WILL be drafted into Satan’s Army unless you enlist in God’s army... Life is Choice Driven.388 The Choices you make on this side of life have eternal consequences.



385 2 Timothy 3:5 – MAKE BELIEVERS have only a form of godliness 386 Matthew 7:23 – MAKE BELIEVER will be told I never knew you 387 Matthew 7:16 – You can tell a MAKE BELIEVER by his fruits
388 James 1:22 – Don’t just hear the Word DO IT

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Chapter 15.11

One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or sin. In any sin that he sins: at the mouth of TWO WITNESSES,

or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.389

First Word
We pick up the story of the Two Witnesses as part one of Christ’s return in THE AIR has already

happened and He has RAPTURED the dead believers as well as the believers that are still alive.390 (Part two takes place when He returns to THE EARTH and reigns for 1,000 years.)

The Seven Year Tribulation period has already begun... 144,000 Jewish Evangelist have already been sanctioned for the last time to evangelize the world with the Gospel Message. The Two Witnesses appear during the LAST 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation period as mentioned in the 1,260 days of Revelation. Symbols.

In the scriptures, the two olive trees and two lamp stands are symbolic of the two witnesses. Olive oil and lamp stands both give light and are also symbolic of the light of the “WORDof God.

Revelation 11:3-5 - Two Witnesses, Two Evangelist, Two Prophets

3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth."
4 These are the
two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth.

5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. NIV


Two Witnesses

Identity – Purpose – Their Rapture – Supernatural Power – Immortality Turn Water into Blood – Fire – Drought – The Earthquake – Abyss King

Two purposes for the Tribulations (also known as “Jacobs Trouble”).

1) To purge Israel and prepare the believing Jewish remnant for the return of the Messiah. 2) To punish the wicked for their sins.

The purpose of the Two Jewish Evangelist; the Watchman on the Wall also known as “prophets” is

To display the power of God, and foretell the great events of wrath to come. Jew and Gentile alike will come to the Lord because of their testimony.

The two witnesses will be hated by the antichrist and his minions, his people. The two prophets cannot be harmed until their assignment has been carried out and is finished.

These “Two WitnessesPARALLEL the OT, when God’s servants Zerubbabel and Joshua, were chosen to reclaim and rebuild the Jewish temple after the Babylon captivity. The Lord God almighty said it will be rebuilt and accomplished; “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit”.391

God endued the TWO of them with His Spirit to accomplish His work.

389 Deuteronomy 19:15 - In the mouth of two or three witnesses is a thing established. 390 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – Rapture; Dead believers First then the living
391 Zechariah 4:6 - Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit

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Why Two Witnesses

The Law of Moses requires Two Witnesses for a thing to be established as true.392

  •   The Disciple’s sent out by Jesus Two by Two393

  •   Two Angels witnessed Jesus death394

  •   Two Angels witnessed the translation of Jesus.395

  •   The Gospel; Jesus is one witness and His Father is the Second Witness.396

  •   The Messiah; the OLD TESTAMENT one witness; the NEW TESTAMENT the second witness397

    Supernatural Power
    These two evangelists have been granted unlimited power and authority and only have to “SPEAK

    and fire consumes their enemies.398 They can turn water into blood,399 bring drought, and plagues which are very similar to the MIRACLES wroth by Moses400 and Elijah.401 They cannot be harmed; they are IMORTAL till their assignment on earth is finished.

    Did you see it? The believer will NOT die until they have finished what God has sent them to do, whether they are 1 or 101.402

    ONE of the Two Witnesses we believe for sure will be Elijah, because Jesus said Elijah would come

    before the great and terrible day of the Lord.403
    The other of the Two Evangelist could be MOSES as the tribulation miracles performed by Moses are

    like those performed by him while freeing the Israelites from Egypt. Moses with Elijah APPEARED with Jesus as His face and clothes begin to glow white as He was transfigured on the mountain.404 Satan tried to take possession of the body of Moses so that he could not be resurrected.405

    Others think the two witness’s will be ENOCH406 and Elijah407 as NEITHER ONE DIED, but were both translated directly to Heaven.408

    From the APOCRYPHA... The Gospel of Nicodemus 20:3-4
    I am Enoch who pleased God, and was translated by Him, and this is

    Elijah the Tishbite. We are also to live to the end of the age; but then we are about to be sent by God to resist Antichrist, and be slain by him, and to rise after three and one half days, and to be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord.- (Is the Apocrypha interesting or what)

    The supporting argument is that Enoch and Elijah will die for the first time on earth when then are killed and RAPTURED. However this argument is a little thin as MANY Christians will be raptured before they die; besides that Enoch was a Gentile not a Jew. Just something to ponder....

    How about this? John the Baptist who was the forerunner of Christ had a similar message as that of Elijah and both of them dressed in the same manner...

    392 Matthew 18:16 – Two Witnesses establish something as true 393 Luke 10:1 – Jesus sent out the witnesses Two by Two
    394 John 20:12 – Two Angels witnessed the slain body of Jesus 395 Acts 1:10 – Two Angels witnessed Jesus translation

    396 John 8:17-18 – Why Two Witnesses? The Law requires it. I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father
    397 Deuteronomy 19:15 – At the mouth of Two Witnesses is a thing established
    398 Revelation 11: 6 – The TWO WITNESSES have supernatural POWER to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. 399 Exodus 7:17 – Moses Changed the waters into BLOOD
    400 Numbers 16:35 – Moses Called FIRE down from Heaven
    401 2 Kings 1:10 – Elijah Called FIRE down from Heaven
    402 Isaiah 55:11 – You will accomplish what you were sent to do before you die.
    403 Mark 9:11-12 – The Law says Elijah must come first. -- Malachi 4:5 – Elijah must come first before that Dreadful Day -- Matthew 17:9-11 - Elijah comes first and will restore all things
    404 Matthew 17:2-3 – Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus as he was transfigured
    405 Jude 1:9 – Satan tried to take possession of Moses body
    406 Hebrews 11:5 – Enoch did not experience death - Raptured
    407 2 Kings 2:11 – Elijah did not experience death - Raptured
    408 Hebrews 9:27 – At some point Elijah and Enoch must die

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  •   Elijah and John the Baptist Both would certainly be at home preaching in SACKCLOTH.409

  •   Elijah brings forth FIRE and John the Baptist taught baptism by FIRE.410

  •   Elijah represents the Old Testament and John the Baptist represents the New Testament.

    We really don’t know who the Two Witnesses will be; God can raise up whomever He chooses. If the names of the Two Witnesses were important for us to know, God would have told us so.

    Killing the Two Witnesses

    Party Time

The two witnesses are allowed to be killed after their assignment has been completed.411 Many people are saved right up to the time of the prophets deaths. The beast that kills the two witnesses is not Satan, the Antichrist or his False Prophet. He is a fallen angel; He is The King that rules over the abyss and has been locked away with his minions and demon subjects.412 Although Satan is not their King; he is still in control.

The Greek word for WITNESS is martus, which is where we get our English word MARTYR.

Three and a half days is the literal time that the Two Witnesses lie slain in the street as three and a half years as some scholars teach would not work out chronologically.

This is victory for the beast and his followers as they hated and feared these two evangelists. They are happy now because they think they no longer have to fear the wrath of God.

All criminals were granted burial the same day of their execution, however these two witnesses were not buried. This illustrates the pure hatred and spite towards them, even mocking and gloating over their decaying, rotting, stinking carcasses in the streets; treating them like dead dogs. These vexing, persecuting prophets are now dead; so they PARTY, CELEBRATING with the EXCHANGING of GIFTS; this might possibly denote the (Satanic) Christmas season.

The whole world will see the TWO SLAIN WITNESSES lying in the street via SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY.413 We already have smart phones and wrist devices that will display these images over and over again. It would have seemed impossible just 100 years ago for the whole world at the same time, to see the two witnesses lining DEAD in the street and then being raptured. Leaping Lizards.

The Resurrection and Rapture
The world hears an audible voice say, “COME UP HERE. Via Satellite Television, the world sees

the two witnesses resurrected back to life and then RAPTURED into heaven.414 In the FIRST Rapture of the SAINTS, the translation happens in the blink of an eye; HOWEVER this catching up into Heaven of the Two Witnesses will be slow enough that everybody will see it as well as all the instant replays.

You can be sure, that because of the awareness of the book of “Revelation”, that many cameras will be trained on them from every possible angle, including “looking upward”, not wanting to miss a thing. I will get to see this up close and personally, not from earth, but from far up above “looking downwardas they come up welcomed by multitudes of angels clapping, singing and glorifying God... AWESOME

God gets their attention

As the two witnesses begin their ascension, a severe earthquake occurs and seven thousand men are killed in the city; fear grips the hearts of the survivors. The JEWS recognize that this is the hand of God and give him Glory.415 Before this earthquake, one-half of the world’s population has already been killed and this seven thousand is added to that. For the sake of the believers, this was a reduced number.416

409 Revelation 11:3 – Two witnesses will prophesy clothed in Sackcloth
410 Matthew 3:11 – John the Baptist said Jesus will Baptize with FIRE
411 Revelation 11:7 – The Two Witnesses are allowed to be killed after their assignments have been completed.
412 Revelation 9:11 – The Beast is the King of the Abyss; a Fallen Angel whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon 413 Revelation 11:8-10 – The Two Witnesses will lie dead in the street for 3 1⁄2 days then raptured; Televised by Satellite worldwide. 414 Revelation 11:11-12 – The Two Witnesses were Resurrected and Raptured
415 Revelation 11:13 – Earthquake Survivors are terrified, and recognize this is the hand of God and give Glory to God
416 Matthew 24:22 - For sake of the elect the tribulation days will be cut short

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The Take Away

God sends two witnesses to preach one more time to just the Jews in Jerusalem... They do miracles... Many are saved. There are at least three options on who these two witnesses might be

  •   Option One might be Elijah and Enoch, as both did not die and were previously raptured or translated.

  •   Option Two is Elijah and Moses because they performed the same miracles as the two witnesses, plus Satan fought over the bones of Moses to keep him from the resurrection.

  •   Option Three is Elijah and John the Baptist representing the Old and New Testament. The Two Witnesses preach the Gospel for the last 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation period and are supernaturally protected during their mission; they are temporally IMMORTAL. They perform great

    miracles; call down fire from Heaven, and cause droughts.
    When their mission is complete, God allows the
    King of the Abyss to kill them. This king is a fallen

    angel controlled by Satan. The Two Witnesses lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 1⁄2 days which is televised by satellite television all over the world. People are happy and give each other gifts... Might be at Christmas time.

    The Heavens thunder and the Two Witnesses are resurrected back to life and then raptured or translated to heaven; in my BS I see the process slow enough for everybody on earth to see it via satellite. A great earthquake hits and a tenth of Jerusalem is destroyed and seven thousand men are killed. The survivors recognize that this is the power of God and now He has everybody’s attention and they

    see His invitation to salvation.
    The Wrath of God has been partially displayed, not just to punish or to purge, but to sound the alarm

    as the “Watchman on the Wall”. It’s a trumpet call to attention, to make the world aware of the need for a “COURSE CORRECTION” before it’s too late.

    OVER AND OVER again; God reaches out... He takes no pleasure in the death of man.417

    God left the door to Noah’s Ark open an extra week after everything was on board, hoping others would come; then He CLOSED THE DOOR.
    Once the door is closed, it will not be re-opened.

    Through His Son Jesus Christ, our loving God has opened a NEW door... He will only show you the door;

    The next thing to occur is the first stage of
    Armageddon, you have already

    chosen to be a participant or be an observer... Life is choice driven IT’S IN THE BOOK

417 Ezekiel 18:32 - I take no pleasure in the death of anyone Therefore, repent and live
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Chapter 15.12

Symbolism – The Dual Nature – The Two Olive Trees – The Two Lamp Stands Systematic Theology – Double Dose of the Holy Ghost – Former & Latter Rain

Two Witnesses Revisited

First Word

A SYMBOLIC look at the end times;

God dispatches 144,000 evangelist

plus Two Witnesses

The Seven Year Tribulation period has already begun. 144,000 Jewish Evangelist have already been commissioned by God for the last time to evangelize the world with the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. Then Two Witnesses in addition to the 144,000 appear during the LAST 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation period which Revelation referrers to as the last 1,260 days.

The purpose of the two witnesses, is to display the power of God, and foretell the great events of wrath to come; they are the Watchman on the Wall. Jew and Gentile alike will come to the Lord because of their testimony.

Systematic Theology argues for various reasons that that the two witnesses will come from ancient times perhaps raised back to life from the dead, someone like Moses, or it may be two that never died that will come down from heaven; which could be Enoch and Elijah, or maybe even a prophet from the New Testament like John the Baptist. Some scholars present Peter and Paul; others say James and John and even others perhaps Paul and Elijah; HOWEVER this Word Study will not go anywhere near this concept.

Nowhere in the Old or New Testament does scripture state that “Two Prophets” will return to earth to bear witness; this concept is just well meaning conjecture.

This study will look SYMBOLICALLY at the book of Revelation. What do the Two Witness symbolically represent? Come and let’s reason together, after God has just commissioned 144,000 evangelist... why in the world would He now decide that He needs just two more?

This study will surely mess with your Belief System and I will not press you to embrace my BS...


Why Two Witnesses
The Law of Moses requires Two Witnesses for a thing to be established as true.418

  •   God has spoken ONCE; then TWICE, His word is Two Witnesses of His power.419

  •   Jesus is one witness and the Father is the second witness.420

  •   The Messiah is the first Witnesses and the Gospel is the second witness.421

  •   The Old Covenant Church is one witness and the New Testament Church is the second witness.

    418 John 8:17-18 – Why Two Witnesses? – The Law requires it.
    419 Psalm 62:11 – God has spoken once, then twice; it is His power 420 John 10:30 – Jesus and God; the TWO are one
    421 Deuteronomy 19:15 – Two Witnesses establish truth

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  •   Jesus sent the disciple’s out Two by Two.422

  •   There were Two Angels that witnessed Jesus’ death.423

  •   Two Angels witnessed the translation of Jesus.424

  •   There were Two Bears (Two Witnesses) that brought judgement on a mob of 42 teenagers.425

    NOTE: Forty two months (42 teenagers) is 1,260 days or the last 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulations when the Two Witnesses will testify. (By the way, A Biblical year was 360 days, not 365)

    Let’s begin
    We first encounter the mention of the Two Witnesses in the book of Revelation where they are

    IDENTIFIED symbolically as Two Olive Trees and again as Two Lampstands. I didn’t say this; God did, so the first order of business is to unpack the symbolism of the Two Olive Trees and Two

    Revelation 11:3-4 - Two Witnesses, Two Olive Trees, Two Lampstands 3 And I will give power to my TWO WITNESSES, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, (42 months) clothed in sackcloth."
    These are the TWO OLIVE TREES and the TWO LAMPSTANDS that stand before the Lord of the earth.

    Two Olive Trees
    Symbolically the Two Olive Trees represent the WORD OF GOD and are the two anointed ones

    who STAND before the Lord’s throne.427 Only Elijah428 and Elisha429 used the words; “the Lord God before whom I STAND”.

    Interestingly some translation of the Bible render the words “Two anointed Ones” as “Two sons of Fresh Oil”... From the Olive trees passes the oil to the Lampstands... The Menorah lampstand was used in the tabernacle to give LIGHT to the priest as they carried out their priestly duties.

    The Olive Oil is the messengers of God such as
    Enoch & Moses, Elijah & Elisha, Peter & Paul, James & John and by the grace of God; you & me.

    Two Lamp Stands
    Jesus is identified as the Light of the World.430 God identifies the Lampstands as the Church.

    The Lampstands converts the Olive Oil into LIGHT to guide the footsteps of the church congregation;

There were Two Witnesses” parallel in the OT, when God’s servants Zerubbabel and Joshua, were chosen to reclaim and rebuild the Jewish temple after the Babylon captivity. The Lord God almighty said; “Not by might, nor by power, but BY MY SPIRIT”.426

It was God‘s Spirit that accomplished the work; HOLD THAT THOUGHT...

the believers.

422 Luke 10:1 – Jesus sent out the witnesses TWO by TWO
423 John 20:12 – Two Angels witnessed the slain body of Jesus
424 Acts 1:10 – Two Angels witnessed Jesus translation
425 2 Kings 2:24 – Two Witness bears; Judgment 42 boys/months
426 Zechariah 4:6 - Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit
427 Zechariah 4:13-14 – Two anointed ones (olive trees) STAND before the Lord 428 1 Kings 17:1 – ELIJAH said; The Lord God before whom I STAND
429 2 Kings 3:14 – ELISHA said; The Lord God before whom I STAND
430 John 8:12 – Jesus is the light of the world

(The Seven Lampstands mentioned in Revelation are the Seven Churches; Seven in scripture is the number for completeness) Revelation 1:20 – The Lampstands are the Churches
20 As for THE MYSTERY of the seven stars that you saw in my right
hand, and the
seven golden lampstands,

the seven stars are the angels (or pastors) of the seven churches, and the SEVEN LAMPSTANDS are the SEVEN CHURCHES.


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Dual Nature
Since the Two Witness are identified as the Word of God and the Church, we can pick up on the

symbolism that the Two Witnesses have a DUAL NATURE. This can be noted by; The Dual Nature of the Olive Tree;

  •   Jesus is the VINE and the Believer is the BRANCH.431

  •   Elijah represented the “Former Rain” the PLANTING of the Spirit of God432 and Elisha

    represented the “Latter Rain”; the HARVESTING of the Spirit of God.433 The Dual Nature 434

  •   Moses represented the “LAW; he turned WATER in to blood and Elijah representing the

    PROPHETSwho shut up heaven and stopped the RAIN.435
    Here’s where we are; in the beginning the TORAH was divided into TWO PARTS by its dual nature.

  1. 1)  We have the LAW with its messengers to the Old Covenant church, and later a new dimension

  2. 2)  was added with the PROPHETS and its messengers to the New Testament Church.

Interestingly the Two Witnesses will be dressed in Sackcloth portraying the nature of humility;

some of the LEAST shall be first in the kingdom.436
The Two Witnesses; the MESSAGE as well as the messengers will DIE for a period of time; they

are the Christian schools, the institutions and churches that are presenting the message and DARKNESS will cover the earth, a dark time of ignorance of God’s Word.437

But then the LIGHT of God resurrects His inspired Word,438 the Gospel message and folks began to read it again and share it, but then the Two Witnesses are taken up and hidden in a cloud439 just like when Jesus was taken up.440 Sadly the Two Witnesses will remain dead to most of the world... It’s almost over folks; the Holy Spirit begins to move...

This will be what is called the LATTER RAIN, where the harvest is GATHERED in.

The Take Away

In our World play, in the first act; we find the creation of the world began with “God the Fathercenter stage; then in the second act of the play, we see “God the Soncenter stage with the building of the Kingdom of God and in the last act of the play, “God the Spiritis center stage; the play will come to an end with the harvesting of souls... that would be what we are currently approaching.

An Angel told Zachariah concerning the rebuilding of the temple that symbolically the lampstand and the two olive trees represented the SPIRIT OF GOD. He did NOT say the trees represented any persons living or dead. The rebuilding of the Temple (God’s Church) would not be built by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit.441

We can see by example that God placed the spirit of Elijah on John the Baptist;442 so consider in your Belief System that in the end times it might be that the Spirit of Elijah and Elisha might be placed on anyone living today that God chooses; that would be the messengers as well as the message.

Elisha Ask Elijah, “Please let there be a DOUBLE portion of your spirit upon me”.443 What if in the last days we get a DOUBLE PORTION of the Spirit of God. We will have graduated with honors;


431 John 15:1-2 – Jesus is the Vine; The Believer is the branch 432 Joel 2:28 – Latter Rain; God pours out the Holy Spirit
433 James 5:7 – Latter Rain; The coming of the Lord
434 Deuteronomy 11:14 – The Former Rain and the Latter Rain 435 Revelation 11:6 – Dual Nature; Law and the Prophets

436 Luke 13:30 – Some who are last shall be first
437 Isaiah 60:1-2 - DARKNESS shall cover the earth but The LORD will arise upon you and His Glory seen on you
438 Deuteronomy 11:14 – The Latter Rain gathers in the harvest
439 Revelation 11:12 – The Two Witnesses and the Message is resurrected
440 Acts 1:9 – Jesus was lifted up in a cloud
441 Zechariah 4:5-6 – The Two represent the Spirit of God; not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT, says the LORD of hosts 442 Luke 1:17 – God placed the spirit of Elijah on John the Baptist
443 2 Kings 2:9 - Please let there be a DOUBLE portion of your spirit on me, a DOUBLE DOSE OF THE HOLY GHOST

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

What if in the last days; the Believers are ONE witness, presenting the same message as the disciples of the early church,

and the SECOND witness is the Signs following them confirming their testimony of Jesus Christ.444

Life is choice driven... You can be a witness if you want to.

I’m not asking that your Belief System embraces this; but JUST THINK ABOUT IT.

The last day’s witnesses will not be the rich and famous, but the common everyday man and woman of God endowed with a Double Dose of the Holy Ghost who care about those that are perishing.



444 Mark 16:20 – They preached with SIGNS confirming the word
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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon


Chapter 15.13


Premillennialism - Postmillennialism – Amillennialism - No Millennial

First Word

I am fortunate to be a part of a Bible Study “Think Tank” where different views and positions are held and discussed freely on various controversial subjects without anyone being offended. We have respectable disagreement without being disagreeable on one’s views; staying away from discussing foolish contentions and questions. There are some things that are useless and just a WASTE OF TIME.445 We defend the faith, but not by arguments and debates that whip a man down intellectually.

Iron sharpens Iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.446
Example; at the table a Southern Baptist Belief System might embrace that man accepts Jesus Christ as his savior by his FREE WILL while the Reformed Baptist BS is that he was PREDESTINED to accept Christ; both views are taught in the Book and both are compatible with each other and both are subject

to God’s Sovereignty.
Someone who embraces
Free Will is called an Armenian, while those who embrace Predestination

are called Calvinist and then there are those who embraces both views and they are called Compatibilist, believing some are Predestined to come to Christ while others come by their own Free Will.

The Book commends those who spend time in the scriptures discovering the things God has HIDDEN for them;447 some things were sealed up till KNOWLEDGE increases exponentially and that time is NOW.448 The Bereans were commended for searching the scriptures DAILY to find out if what they were being taught by Paul and Silas was the truth.449

For some reason, when we consider what’s going to happen at “The End of Time” our BS only concentrates on the Battle of Armageddon and ignores the main purpose for the second coming of Christ; it’s really about the MILLENNIAL REIGN OF CHRIST; the 1,000 years of PROBATION which is the LAST TIME man and angels get an opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and CHOOSE.

After that it’s the FINAL judgment and that’s in the Book

Isaiah 65:1-12 – The nation of Israel and ARMAGEDDON

1 "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation (The Gentiles) that
did not call on my name, I said, `HERE AM I, HERE AM I.'
2 All day long
I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, (Israel) who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations-- a people who continually provoke me to my very face...

12 I will DESTINE YOU FOR THE SWORD, and you will all bend down for the slaughter; for I CALLED BUT YOU DID NOT ANSWER, (Israel) I spoke but you did not listen. You did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me." NIV

445 Titus 3:9 – Avoid foolish discussion, they are useless and a waste of time
446 Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpens iron so a friend sharpens a friend,
447 Proverbs 25:2 – It is God’s privilege to CONCEAL THINGS and the king’s privilege to DISCOVER THEM
448 Daniel 8:26 – Seal up the vision for the distant future -- Daniel 12:4 – Seal up the secrets until the TIME OF THE END when KNOWLEDGE increases
449 Acts 17:11 – The Bereans were more OPEN-MINDED and searched the scriptures daily to see if Paul was teaching THE TRUTH

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK Millennia - Purpose & Promises


  1. To seize, bind, lock and seal Satan; the dragon, ancient serpent, the devil for 1,000 years.450

  2. To remove the curse from the earth and liberate creation itself from bondage.451

  3. To restore all things as He has promised. To provide peace among man and animals.452

  4. To judge the remaining nations.453

  5. To separate the sheep from the goats. Reward - Condemn... punish people for their sins. 454

  6. To hand over the kingdom of the earth to God.455

  7. To receive back from God the kingdoms of the earth. To possess ALL the earth.456

  8. To establish His throne and build the Temple of the Lord.457

  9. To display the SHEKINAH Glory of God over mount Zion in a cloud of smoke and fire.458

  10. To fight and deliver Israel from its enemies and destroy them.459

  11. To end the time of the Gentile oppression that has in part blinded Israel’s salvation.460

  12. To reclaim and gather the Nation of Israel to Himself. To breathe life back into Israel.461

  13. To set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed and to reign over all the other nations.462

  14. To establishes HIS One World Government. To provide righteous justice for all.463

  15. To install the resurrected saints as rulers and judges.464

  16. To judge and settle civil disputes.465

  17. To punish those who do not obey the Gospel.466

  18. To imparts Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding and Communication.467

  19. To give relief to those that are troubled.468

  20. To bring Peace, Joy and Gladness.469

  21. To evangelize the world. To bring salvation to the ends of the earth and teach His ways.470

  22. To establish a One World Religion, from the rising to the setting sun.471

  23. To reveal Himself and hold out His hands. To give mankind one more chance to CHOOSE.472

  24. To fight the Battle of Armageddon; throw Anti-Christ; False Prophet into the lake of fire473

  25. To purge the earth of all possibilities of future rebellion and to let All Creation be witness.474

  26. To make all things new.475 SELAH

450 Revelation 20:1-3 – He will seize, bind, lock and seal Satan to keep him from deceiving the nations until the 1,000 years were ended
451 Isaiah 35:5-7 – He will remove the curse from the earth the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert -- Isaiah 11:6-9 – There will be peace among the animals and man They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain
452 Acts 3:21 – He will restore all things as He promised -- Romans 8:21- Creation will be liberated from bondage
453 Matthew 25:31-46 – He will also judge the remaining nations as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats
454 Isaiah 26:21 – He will punish the unbelievers of earth for their sins
455 1 Corinthians 15:24 – Jesus Hands over the kingdom of earth to God after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power
456 Revelation 11:15 – Jesus receives the Kingdom of earth back from God
457 Psalm 102:16 – He will build up Zion -- Zechariah 6:12-13 – He will build the temple of the Lord and will sit and rule on his throne 458 Isaiah 4:5 – He will show the SHEKINAH Glory of God; cloud of smoke by day, glow of flaming fire by night over all of Mount Zion 459 Zechariah 14:3 – He will deliver Israel from its enemies.
460 Romans 11:25-26 – At the end of the Gentile oppression, ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED
461 Isaiah 11:10-11 – He will Reclaim and Gather the Nation of Israel -- Ezekiel 37:3-5 – He will cause breath to enter Israel and will live 462 Daniel 2:44 – He will set up His kingdom and reign over all nations
463 Ezekiel 43:7 – He will Establishes His throne and LIVE among the Israelites forever ... ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT
464 Matthew 19:28 – He will make resurrected saints rulers and judges -- Isaiah 2:2-4 – Establish a civil government, judge settle disputes 465 Isaiah 11:4 – He will provide righteous justice for all
466 Revelation 19:11-21 – The fury of the wrath of God will destroy the enemies of Israel with justice he judges and makes war
467 Isaiah 32:3-4 – He will brings knowledge, understanding & communication
468 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 – He will Give relief and Punish those the disobedient
469 Isaiah 35:10 – He will Bring Peace, Gladness and songs of Joy
470 Isaiah 2:3 – He will teach His ways – Evangelize the World
471 Isaiah 49:6 – He will bring salvation to the ends of the earth -- Malachi 1:11 – He will establish HIS ONE WORLD RELIGION
472 Revelation 21:3 – God himself will be with men and they will be His people and be their God
473 Revelation 19:19-20 – The Battle of Armageddon; beast & false prophet captured and thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur 474 Revelation 20:15 – Earth purged of possibility of rebellion; name not found written in the book of life, thrown into the lake of fire
475 Revelation 21:5 – God is making all things new

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

The Latin word millennial comes from the Greek word chilia which means 1,000 and is mentioned

six times in John‘s revelation and deals with Satan, known as the Devil, the Old Serpent, the Dragon and the Beast, being bound for 1,000 years476 and Christ reigning and judging with the saints during that time un-opposed by the person of Satan himself.477

There are three interpretations of WHEN Jesus will return for His Millennial reign:

  1. 1)  Amillennialism: Christ’s Second Advent can be anytime now... There is no “future” millennial reign because it already exist NOW in heaven with Jesus and the saints of old; A” means NO or NOT; there is not a literal millennium reign, just an unknown period of time. (Revelation is interpreted


  2. 2)  Postmillennialism: Christ’s Second Advent is after the 1,000 years reign of peace and

    righteousness; the preaching of the gospel and the saving work of the Holy Spirit. (Revelation is

    interpreted symbolically.)

  3. 3)  Premillennialism: Christ’s Second Advent precedes the 1,000 year reign of peace and

    righteousness on earth. The righteous are resurrected to rule and reign with Him. (Revelation is interpreted literally.)

1) Amillennialism Belief System
At Christ’s first coming on earth
an angel bound Satan for a very long period of time, not

necessarily 1,000 years which is just a figure of speech. This began what we call “The Church Age”, where since that time, Satan’s influence has been greatly reduced and the Gospel message is NOW being spread throughout the world.

The Book says Jesus is the strong man who has bound Satan for 1,000 years478 and saw him fall like lighting from heaven479 so he could no longer deceive the nations.480 The spirits of the Saints who have already died are NOW reigning in heaven with Christ and will till the second and final coming of Christ.481

The Souls in heaven came to life, (not their physical bodies) and ruled and reigned with Christ for 1,000 years482...
There is NO “future” millennial reign because it’s all happening right NOW.

Satan will be released from the pit to deceive the nations just before Christ’s return. At the second coming of Christ, Satan will be destroyed in the lake of fire. At the same time there will be a GENERAL RESURRECTION of the righteous as well as the wicked dead.

The “GLORIFIED” bodies of the RIGHTEOUS believers will be united with their spirits and enter into heaven and stand before The Judgment Seat of Christ and receive degrees of rewards and then rule and reign with Christ.

The bodies of the EVIL unbelievers will be resurrected to face The Great White Throne judgment and account for every evil deed and then receive their degrees of punishment and eternal condemnation.

After the two judgments, everyone’s “Eternal State” will begin and continue forever. The creation of a new heaven and a new earth begins.

476 Revelation 20:2-8 – The Millennial – He seized the DRAGON—that old SERPENT, who is the DEVIL, SATAN—and BOUND HIM in chains for a THOUSAND YEARS.
477 Daniel 12:2 – Two Resurrections... Two Judgments some to EVERLASTING LIFE and some to shame and EVERLASTING DISGRACE 478 Matthew 12:29 – Jesus is the strong man that HAS BOUND Satan

479 Luke 10:18 – “I SAW SATAN FALL FROM HEAVEN like lightning; Satan is bound... His power is broken
480 Revelation 20:3 – Satan is bound for one thousand years SO HE COULD NOT DECEIVE THE NATIONS ANYMORE until the thousand years were finished.
481 Matthew 12:28 – The Spirit of God cast out demons and THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS ARRIVED among you
482 Revelation 20:4 – Souls not bodies came to life again in heaven and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years

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2) Postmillennialism Belief System Christ’s return is in two parts.

  1. 1)  At Christ’s first appearing along with His disciples, the church age was ushered in and Satan becomes bound NOT necessarily for 1,000 years, but for a very long period of time; where the church gradually has the growth that eventually brings universal peace and righteousness.483 The Gospel is preached, although opposed, persecuted and oppressed, it is however unhindered by Satan himself and so gradually the Holy Spirit’s influence in society works in the hearts of men and gradually many become saved;484 finally we see this remarkable gradual growth of the Kingdom of God until it fills the whole earth485 where most become Christians, but some with only a form of godliness. (These are called MAKE BELIEVERS)

  2. 2)  Then after the length of years has been accomplished, Satan is released from the pit to deceive the weak in faith among the nations once again and then at Christ’s second return Satan is once and for all defeated and destroyed.

Then there is a GENERAL RESURRECTION of both the righteous and the wicked dead for the FINAL JUDGMENT and they ALL enter into their eternal estate. A new heaven and new earth is created and Christ sets up His literal earthly reign with the believers He has raised from the dead and they reign with Him in their glorified bodies. (With the unbelievers not so good.)

Postmillennialism is the belief that the power of the Gospel,486 THE WORD OF GOD over time will bring in the Church age and change men’s hearts through the power and work of the Holy Spirit.

3) Premillennialism Belief System
Christ second & final return
is just before the MILLENNIAL REIGN of peace and righteousness

begins on earth. He binds Satan at the beginning of this time and cast him into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years where his presence cannot influence the world. Many students of the Word BS holds that the 1,000 years is actually symbolic and not literal.

Then the righteous are resurrected with glorified bodies and reign with Christ for the 1,000 years or however long the period of time is. God will have compassion for the weak, the oppressed and the poor and will rescue and redeem them from their violence and oppression.487 People will live out their full lives, most living to be at least a hundred years of age.488 The earth will be full of the knowledge of God;489 Kings from sea to sea will bring Him gifts and pay tribute to Him and there will even be peace among the animal kingdom; nothing will be hurt or destroyed.

God reaches out a SECOND TIME490 and many UNBELIEVERS, especially the JEWS, will accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Then after this “time of years” is completed, Satan will be released to deceive the nations and provide a TESTING for the new followers of Jesus Christ, the Messiah; many of who are just MAKE BELIEVERS and have only a FORM OF GODLINESS.491 After this testing, Satan gathers all the unbelievers for a battle against Jesus Christ; here ALL are defeated and destroyed by Christ.

On the Day of the Lord, it will be neither night nor day as Christ and the saints come against all who came against Jerusalem. There will be a plague on man and animals; their eyes, tongue and flesh will rot off their bodies, this is reminiscent of a NUCLEAR BOMB explosion;492 and it is those that survive, that will come to Jerusalem and pay tribute.

483 Revelation 20:3 – Satan BOUND, LOCKED and SHUT 1,000 years in the bottomless pit so HE COULD NOT DECEIVE THE NATIONS 484 Matthew 13:31-32 – THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is like a mustard seed planted in a field bringing Gradual growth of the Kingdom 485 Matthew 13:33 – The GOSPEL will permeate the World like YEAST bringing in THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN
486 Matthew 28:18-20 – Great Commission - GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL THE NATIONS, Gradually fill the earth

487 Psalm 72:8-14 – His Kingdom REIGN extends to the ends of the earth. He will RESCUE, HELP and REDEEM THEM from oppression and violence.
488 Isaiah 65:20 – In the Millennium people will have long lives. No longer will people be considered old at ONE HUNDRED

490 Isaiah 11:10-11 – The Lord will REACH OUT his hand a SECOND TIME to bring back THE REMNANT of his people
491 2 Timothy 3:5 – Make Believers have only a form of Godliness
492 Zechariah 14:5-17 – The Battle will be no normal day or night; at evening time it will still be light... A PLAGUE of FLESH ROTTING away. Their EYES WILL ROT and their TONGUES WILL ROT in their mouths

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

This is followed by the RESURRECTION of the wicked unbelievers who have died throughout history and now their final judgment begins; then a new heaven and new earth are created and the “Eternal State” of the wicked begins and continues forever in the lake of fire which is the SECOND DEATH.

Pretribulation & Premillennialism - 4th BS
I feel a need to stir the waters here and site a FOURTH Belief System on the Millennium. That

of the combining the Pretribulation and Premillennialism views. Christ second return is in two parts;

The FIRST PART is in secret; returning in the air at what is called the “RAPTURE”, the calling or catching up of the Believing Church both dead and alive, to be with Him during the seven years of tribulation on earth.493 The believing dead rise first and then the living believers join them in the air.

(Nothing remains in scripture to be accomplished for this rapture to occur; it can occur NOW.)
With the removal of the restraining forces of the Holy Spirit; the Church with the believers who contain the Holy Spirit, the earth convulses with tribulations for a period of seven years of time which intensity has not ever been observed before. Many prophecies will be fulfilled during this time as an ingathering of believers occurs within the JEWISH NATION. (There are some students BS that embrace Christ’s first return to be in the middle of the tribulation period as well as those who embrace Him returning at the end of the

tribulations; but that’s just another study.)

There will be 144,000 evangelist that will preach the Gospel to every Nation, Tribe and Tongue along with Two Witnesses who do miracles as they proclaim the Gospel; but that’s also is another Word study.

The SECOND PART every eye sees Him as He return with the RAPTURED SAINTS and His Millennium reign begins. At the end of the Millennium, there is the Battle of Armageddon and the defeat of Satan which is also in two parts and is another Word Study all into its own self.

  •   The dead unbelievers are resurrected and are judged at the Great White Throne Judgment494 and receive their degrees of torment. Then a new heaven and a new earth are created and the “Eternal State” of the wicked begins and they continue forever in the lake of fire which is the SECOND DEATH.

  •   The righteous believers have already been judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ495 and have received their rewards of crowns and spend eternity in the presence of God and the Son, but that also is another Word study into itself.

    Millennium Begins

    The Millennium is a transition period that is somewhat like how in the Garden of Eden the earth had been and the coming new earth and eternity will be; better than it was, but not as good as it’s going to be. Christ purges the earth and then gives the earth to God, then receives it back from Him.

    Christ rules from “the throne of David”496 with the Saints for a thousand years. Those born during the 1,000 years will have borne witness to the love and peace of God, but many embraced God because it was politically correct, but have no relationship and only a form of godliness and deny His power.497 Many Lukewarm in their faith will succumb and follow Satan when he is released from the abyss after the 1,000 years, proving man’s heart is inherently evil and is doomed without the Holy Spirit’s drawing.

    What is so often missed is we think the tribulations, the millennial reign and the battle of Armageddon is about US, but it’s primarily about Israel. In the end, God will unite ALL Israel; the Northern and Southern kingdoms of Israel into ONE NATION.498 It’s in the Book

    493 Revelation 3:10 – I WILL PROTECT THE BELIEVER FROM THE GREAT TIME OF TESTING that will come upon the whole WORLD 494 Revelation 20:11-12 – Unbelievers judged at THE GREAT WHITE THRONE, according to what they had done as recorded in the book 495 2 Corinthians 5:10 – Believers are judged at THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST receiving extra blessings according to their work
    496 Luke 1:32-33 – GOD WILL GIVE JESUS THE THRONE OF HIS FATHER DAVID and his kingdom will never end -- Isaiah 9:6-7 – Christ rules from the throne of David over Israel and is called; Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace 497 2 Timothy 3:2-5 - Some will have only a form of godliness denying His power

    498 Hosea 3:5 – Israel will return to God in the last days -- Ezekiel 37:16-22 – God will unite the two kingdoms Judah and Israel back into one Nation AND THEY WILL NEVER AGAIN BE TWO NATIONS OR BE DIVIDED INTO TWO KINGDOMS

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK

ALL Israel Identity
LISTEN: Today the nation of Israel HAS NOT accepted Jesus as the Messiah and is basically a

nation of a religion of humanism, a religion of “works”, BUT in the end, a remnant will accept Christ. THE VINE is Jesus Christ and THE BRANCHES are Jewish Israel. When you as a Gentile are

grafted into the vine, you become part of Jewish Israel; your ROOTS become Jewish roots.499 All Israel is therefore;

  •   The believing Jews; the natural branches of the vine;500 Plus

  •   The Gentiles; the un-natural wild branches that were grated in;501 Plus

  •   The returning believing Jews; the broken off branches that were grafted back into the vine.502

    There will be remnants of Jewish Believers from ALL ages503 that will finally make up the whole saved Nation of Israel, plus the GENTILES that have been grafted into the vine.

    Thus as prophesized; ALL (Believers) in Israel will be saved. SO, when you see ALL ISRAEL504 spoken of, it includes “all believers” in Jesus Christ;505 we are “All Israel”.

    Side Bar
    A great STAR happened in the heavens in 1941 heralding a coming King. A new dispensation

    had started with the re-birth of Israel and the awaited return of the Messiah. The heavens are synchronized with God’s Plan.

    Before Christ the Messiah could return, Israel had to become a nation again in the land of their forefathers, and that happened on May 14, 1948. A nation was born in a day.

    The Prophet Amos had declared that the Nation of Israel would be reborn, and restored.

    Amos 9:14-15 – I will plant Israel in their own land

    14 I will BRING BACK my exiled people ISRAEL they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit.
    I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the LORD your God. NIV

    The Take Away

The Millennium is a very long period of time, not necessarily 1,000 years upon which the Gospel Message is gradually preached throughout the entire world. While the Gospel message is still opposed, it is unhindered by Satan himself as he has been bound and sealed in the bottomless pit.506

There are various Belief Systems on when Christ reigns in this Millennium.507

  •   Some believe that He RETURNS BEFORE the Millennium begins,

  •   while others believe He RETURNS AFTER the Millennium

  •   while other believe we are in the Millennium NOW.

All views support that Satan has been bound and that Christ is REIGNING with the resurrected saints from the tribulations and those from delivered up from Paradise of old.

After the Millennium when Satan is released from the pit to deceive the nations again; he provides a TESTING for the new Christians coming out of the millennium who many are just MAKE BELIEVERS and have only a FORM OF GODLINESS. It’s in the Book

499 Romans 11:25-26 – All Israel includes the Believing Gentiles too.
500 Ezekiel 36:24-27 – God will gather his people from the nations and will give them a NEW HEART and put a NEW SPIRIT in them
501 Romans 11:17 – Gentiles are part of All Israel, they HAVE BEEN GRAFTED INTO THE VINE
502 Romans 11:23 – The returning BELIEVING Jews will be grafted back into the vine
503 Isaiah 43:5-6 – I will bring Believers from the east and west; north & south FROM THE ENDS OF THE EARTH
504 Romans 11:26 – ALL “BELIEVERS” ARE ISRAEL
505 Ephesians 3:3-6 – The mystery; THE GENTILES ARE HEIRS TOGETHER WITH ISRAEL -- John 10:16 – The Gentiles are part of the Shepard’s fold; THERE SHALL BE ONE FOLD, and one shepherd.
506 Revelation 20:3 – Satan thrown, shut and locked in the pit UNTIL THE THOUSAND YEARS WERE FINISHED
507 Matthew 24:36 - The Return of Christ; only God Knows

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After this testing, Satan gathers all the unbelievers for the Battle of Armageddon, where Satan and his followers are sorely defeated. With all the time given to Satan it has only shown that he has no power to CREATE; but only to CORRUPT; his sole purpose is to steal, kill and destroy.508

When the Millennium and Armageddon concludes, none will doubt that God is God and there is no other. There will never ever be another rebellion in heaven, and the story of Satan, Adam and Jesus will be told and retold.

Whatever BS you hold on Jesus’ return and His Millennium reign; it does not affect your salvation, which God has already made abundantly clear in the Book. There are no new prophecies, BUT there is new enlightenment and I believe it pleases God when we search out His Word to learn His secrets that He has sealed up for us until the “The End of Time”.509

If you are confused about when Jesus will return, then you are in good company as the angels in heaven and Jesus the Son of God do not know either; only God the Father knows the day and hour. It’s in the Book

You might just ask the question, “Why is God going to all this trouble; why didn’t He just trash the earth, Satan and the fallen angels in the very beginning”?

The answer is not about what’s going on earth, but about what’s going on in heaven. For millions of years, all the remaining authorities, principalities, powers and Angels510 have been WITNESS to the patience and love of God as He waited eons for Satan to repent. Jesus Christ, God’s Word has now returned to Him in the fullness of time and has accomplished the purpose for which He was sent.511 The Plan is Finished 512


508 John 10:10a – Satan’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy -- John 10:10b – Jesus came to give exceeding abundant life
509 Daniel 12:4 – Seal up the words KEEP THIS PROPHECY A SECRET until the time of the end when KNOWLEDGE WILL INCREASE -- Proverbs 25:2 – It is God’s privilege to CONCEAL THINGS and the believers privilege to DISCOVER THEM
510 Colossians 1:16 – Thrones, Powers, Rulers, and Authorities were created through Him and for Him
511 John 19:30 – The Plan of Salvation is Finished; Jesus bowed his head and said IT IS FINISHED Then he released his spirit -- Isaiah 55:11 – God’s word will not return to Him empty, BUT WILL ACCOMPLISH what He desires and achieve the PURPOSE for which He sent it
512 Revelation 21:1-7 – Jesus said, “IT IS FINISHED and I will make all things new; a new heaven and a new earth. I will be their god, and they will be my children.
513 1 Peter 2:9 – We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon


Chapter 15.14

Millennialism Revisited

The Who – Ruling Groups – Ruled Group – Glorified Body Purpose - Paradise Restored – The Land – Animal Kingdom One World Government – One World Religion – Israel Blessed

First Word - The Who
We certainly know about the Millennium, but little is written about those that remain on earth and

the unbelievers that have died. So what is going on during this 1,000 years of time? Revelation chapter 20 speaks of the Millennium SIX times telling us that during this time our world will be a perfect world of peace with NO fear, disease or pain with Jesus ruling with a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and a ONE WORLD RELIGION.514

NOTE: While my Belief System embraces that only surviving mortal unbelievers will initially be in the Millennium, I must acknowledge that there are students of the Word BS who hold to the theory that only BELIEVERS who survived the TRIBULATIONS will enter the Millennium.515 True or not, it doesn’t change that “The Who” will have man’s sinful nature and that nature will be PURGED during this time or during the last romp of Satan before his End of Time516 and the beginning of Eternity.

There are four different groups in existence during the Millennium.
The first group RULING517... the GLORIFIED; A) Those who DIED in the FRIENDSHIP

OF GOD from all time until the time of Jesus the Christ. - B) Those who DIED as BELIEVERS in Jesus the Christ as their Messiah. - C) Believers who WERE MARTYRED or DIED during the seven year tribulation period that did not take the mark of the Beast. - D) BELIEVING JEWS AND BELIEVING GENTILES who are ALIVE at His coming; they will not experience DEATH, but will be changed into glorified immortal bodies.518 These SUB-GROUPS will be gathered to heaven and then return with Christ to defeat the army of this world. After the battle we will rule and reign as Priest with Christ on earth for 1,000 years.519 Our assignments and responsibilities will be according to our faithfulness and abilities that we exhibited during our lifetime.520

The second group is RULED”, the LIVING; A) UN-BELIEVERS THAT SURVIVED the tribulations in un-glorified bodies plus B) all their DESCENDANTS in un-glorified bodies born during the Millennium. – They ALL will exist in a mortal human life form, BUT with an extended life span; living hundreds of years in peace and harmony, being taught the precepts of God generation to generation; having many children and filling the earth in many nations.

514 Revelation 20:2-3 – Satan WILL BE bound in the Abyss to keep him from deceiving the nations for 1,000 years, then set free to deceive 515 Revelation 20:4-8 – The believing tribulation Martyrs will rule and reign with Jesus Christ; THEY HAD NOT RECEIVED THE MARK OF THE BEAST
516 Revelation 20:7-10 – Satan is released after the 1,000 years and deceives the MAKE BELIEVERS

517 Revelation 3:21 – Believers will reign with Christ
518 1 Corinthians 15:50-54 – We will have glorified new immortal bodies -- 1 Corinthians 15:52-53 – The Living mortal believer will be transformed immortal
519 Revelation 20:6 – We will reign with Him as Priest and teach God’s ways.
520 Matthew 25:14-29 – The Believer is given responsibilities according to their ability as demonstrated while living on earth

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  •   The third group is RULED”, THE ANIMAL KINGDOM where there will be such peace as all will live together in harmony eating only the “produce” of the land like farm livestock.

  •   The fourth group is DAYEAD”; DEAD DEAD; Dead physically & Dead spiritually.521 All of the dead from the first earth age that were OUT OF FRIENDSHIP OF GOD plus all the UN- BELIEVERS of this age will remain DEAD DEAD till the 1,000 years is accomplished and the final judgment begins. (The FRIENDSHIP OF GOD are those that were in Paradise of old that Jesus preached the good news to for three days after His resurrection.)

    NOTE 1: Evidence that the RULLED class of inhabitants of the earth will have un-glorified bodies is that 1) if they sin they will DIE prematurely; plus 2) they will continue to procreate children which does not happen in a glorified body,522 3) and for sure, Satan is released from the bottomless pit to gather, NOT the glorified, but to gather the VAST amount of un-glorified MAKE-BELIEVERS for his ultimate insurrection.

    NOTE 2: During the 1,000 years, everyone will have been taught the precepts of God and those that reject it will be purged with a Rod of Iron and that includes Israel; they will all simply DIE, resulting finally with only believers remaining in the Millennium Kingdom.

    NOTE 3: Do not confuse the Millennium with the future Kingdom of God that occurs after the final battle of Armageddon where only BELIEVERS with glorified bodies will populate.

    NOTE 4: The Millennium is not necessarily a thousand years in time, but is a time of God’s mercy, giving a Period of PROBATION before His final judgment. The curse that was on the People, the Animals and the Land will be lifted; life will be much like it was in the Garden of Eden.

    It’s in the Book


    There are actually TWO battles or wars that will take place on the Hill of Megiddo; or I could say there is just one battle, but in two phases; it starts, then is put on hold for 1,000 years and then picks up again for the final conclusion.

  •   The First battle between the Muslims and Jews last for about 3 1⁄2 years and is about land.

  •   The Second and final battle is between Satan and Jesus Christ and lasts for less than one day. This battle is about souls. This is when Satan is released from the bottomless pit where he has be locked down for 1,000 years, to go out and for ONE LAST TIME deceive the nations. Although the Nations know and outwardly confess the Name of God, many will only have A FORM OF GODLINESS523 and will be just MAKE BELIEVERS; the Book says

    there will be so many deceived, that they will be LIKE THE SAND ON THE SEASHORE.524

    DID YOU SEE IT? For 1,000 years, man will have been living in peace, harmony, health and prosperity, being taught daily the precepts of God; face to face with God’s very own born again Priests with glorified immortal bodies.

    But every mortal man still has a SIN NATURE to overcome. 525 The Holy Spirit’s call enables a man to reach out, but the condition of his SOUL526 determines if he WILL or WILL NOT accept Jesus as the Messiah; UNBELIEVABLY, even after each living in God’s UTOPIA for many hundreds of years, most DO NOT truly accept. It’s in the Book

    521 Genesis 2:17 – The unbeliever will die Twice; Physically and Spiritually; you shall DIE DIE
    522 Matthew 22:29-30 – Glorified Bodies do not procreate
    523 2 Timothy 3:5 – MAKE BELIVERS have only a form of godliness and denying His power
    524 Revelation 20:7 – ENUMERABLE MAKE BELIEVERS LIKE THE SAND ON THE SEASHORE. Will be deceived;
    525 Matthew 7:14 – THE GATEWAY TO LIFE IS VERY NARROW AND THE ROAD IS DIFFICULT, AND ONLY A FEW EVER FIND IT 526 Matthew 13:3-9 – Some Souls are shallow, rocky and choked with thorns

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Glorified Body
In my Belief System, I saw myself as a GLORIFIED SPIRIT different and separated from human

life form on earth, but the Book says we will NOT be a spirit without a body.527 Our Spirit will be in IMMORTAL physical bodies528 teaching God’s word as PRIEST; with God’s name written on our forehead;529 teaching those we rule who have MORTAL physical bodies.

Immediately when we die, our spirit comes into the presence of God who gave it. At the SECOND RETURN OF CHRIST our old bodies will be resurrected from wherever they are; the grave, the sea, the garbage dump or dust in an old coffee can. Our very same old corruptible body will then be transformed into a new glorified incorruptible body that our Spirit can live throughout eternity in the form that God created us for. Our body will not look the same, but as our spirit truly is; we will still be recognizable.530 When Jesus was resurrected, He was not readily recognized until He spoke.531 Just like Jesus, we will have ALL our body parts, perfect vision, hearing and incredible mobility.532

We will be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ,533 in the perfect prime of life, the age of 33 years. THE YOUNG will be given the age they lack and THE OLD will have their youth restored; both obtaining the fullness of the image of Jesus Christ.534

Our glorified body in the final kingdom, will experience NO ACCIDENTS or VIOLENCE and have NO PAIN from ARTHRITIS. NO PAIN535 from migraine HEADACHES; we are talking about no heart diseases, DIABETES or CANCER; no dementia and no more ringing in the ears; no Down Syndrome or any physical defect. There will be NO TEARS or sorrow, no OBESITY or even WRINKLES and certainly no death; we will be raised INCORRUPTIBLE, nothing but awesomeness and un-interrupted joy and happiness.

The Laws of Nature will no longer apply to us; we will have new abilities, to be able to WALK THROUGH WALLS536 and WALK ON WATER537, as well as TRANSPORT OURSELVES538 to another place at the speed of thought, without restraint or impediment as well as DISAPPEAR and reappear at will.

We will have a different form, changing as our assignment requires, transforming ourselves into the formofahumanbeingandEATFOOD. IhavealwayswonderedwhatMANNAtasteslike;well,Godwill give us a sample to taste.

We will be able to transform ourselves into a ball of GLORY LIGHT with mighty POWER, wisdom Knowledge and understanding. We will be forever young as we will drink at the fountain of youth; the living waters of Jesus Christ.

We will get up to FIVE CROWNS and a white stone with our NEW NAME written on it. After we receive our crowns, we will sit at the wedding feast as the bride of Christ. The more crowns we have earned, the more we have to throw at the feet of Jesus.

1) Imperishable Crown – Those who have victory over their old spirit man.
2) Crown of Righteousness – Those longing for His appearance
3) Crown of Life – Those that are tested even unto death – The Martyr’s Crown 4) Crown of Glory – Overseers or Elders Crown - Those who serve the flock. 5) Crown of Rejoicing – Soul winners crown

Jesus said; I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your CROWN


527 2 Corinthians 5:3 – Our spirit will be transformed into a Heavenly body; WE WILL NOT BE SPIRITS WITHOUT BODIES 528 Luke 20:36 – We will be immortal like the angels
529 Revelation 22:4- Our foreheads will be marked with His name
530 Luke 24:30-31 – Our eyes will be opened to recognize each other

531 John 20:15-16 – The Resurrected Jesus looked different
532 Mark 16:12 – Our new body will have a different form -- John 21:4-12 – Our glorified bodies will look different
533 Romans 8:29 – We will be conformed to the Image of Jesus
534 Philippians 3:21 – We will be changed into glorious bodies like HIS -- 1 Corinthians 15:49 – We will look like Jesus Christ 535 Revelation 21:4 – We will have NO PAIN or sorrow or crying
536 John 20:19 – We will walk through solid walls -- John 20:26 – We will walk through solid doors
537 Matthew 14:29 – Laws of Nature will not apply, walk on water
538 John 5:13 – Transport ourselves anywhere at the speed of thought
539 Revelation 3:11 – Hold on to your crown – I am coming soon

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1* 1 Corinthians 9:25 – We can get an Imperishable Crown
25 And everyone who competes for THE PRIZE is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an IMPERISHABLE CROWN. (NKJV)

2* 2 Timothy 4:8 – We can get an Crown of Righteousness 8 And now THE PRIZE awaits me—the

CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. (NLT)

3* Revelation 2:10 – We can get a Crown of Life
10 But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the CROWN OF LIFE. (NLT)

4* 1 Peter 5:2-4 – We can get a Crown of Never Ending Glory
2 Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—
4 And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a

5* 1 Thessalonians 2:19 – We can get a Crown of Rejoicing
19 For what is our hope, or joy, or CROWN OF REJOICING? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? (NKJV)

Revelation 22:4 - Our foreheads will be marked with His name

4 And they will see his face, and


Revelation 2:17 – We will receive a white stone with a new name

17 ... To everyone who is victorious

I WILL GIVE SOME OF THE MANNA that has been hidden away in


and on the stone will be engraved A NEW NAME that no one

understands except the one who receives it. (NLT)

Paradise Lost now restored
God says that He will create a new earth; His description of THE MILLENNIUM sounds a whole

lot like the GARDEN OF EDEN restored. It is a TRANSITION PERIOD that is somewhat like how the earth had been in the Garden of Eden and the upcoming new earth and eternity. Better than it was, but not as good as it’s going to get. 540

The Nations of the earth are purged of unbelievers by Christ. He then gives the earth to God,541 then receives it back.542

Judah and Israel will become one nation once again, cleansed and forgiven for their sins and rebellion, and be purged of un-believers;543 their fortunes will be restored and their towns rebuilt.544 God will exchange their wood for bronze and their bronze for gold, and exchange their stones for iron and their iron for silver.545

540 Jeremiah 32:42 – MILLENNIUM; just as I have brought all these calamities on them, so I will do all the good I have promised them 541 Luke 1:32-33 – God will give the throne of David to Jesus
542 Isaiah 9:6-7 – Christ takes the throne of David over Israel forever
543 Isaiah 65:18-25 – God Creates the MILLENNIUM Kingdom; I WILL CREATE JERUSALEM as a place of happiness, people of joy 544 Amos 9:11 – God will REBUILD, REPAIR, and RESTORE Israel to its former glory

545 Isaiah 60:17 – Peace Prosperity; they will exchange wood for Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron
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  •   One World Government; there will be no murder, stealing or exploitation, just peace, harmony, joy and righteousness. No one will be harmed or destroyed.546 Although people will still die, it will be at a very, very OLD AGE. Because mortal man has a sinful nature, there will be an occasional SIN of rebellion that will rise up and be SWIFTLY put down by God’s ROD OF IRON;547 they will be cursed with an EARLY DEATH; wrongs will quickly be put right. (Death is not completely destroyed until the 1,000 years of peace has ended, and Satan and his rebellion has been totally eradicated.)

  •   One World Religion; God’s laws will be put in their minds and written upon their hearts and He will be their God and they will be His people. The world will be transformed with a SPIRITUAL RESTORATION of humanity by the Holy Spirit who will enable the people to desire spiritual things; the brokenness of the world will disappear and it will become a place of Righteousness with Peace, Joy, Prosperity and Happiness, with NO sound of crying or weeping.548

  •   Springs of water will spout up where once there was Jackals, wilderness and desert, now there will be lush marsh grass, reeds and rushes.549

  •   Gardens will be blessed and we will eat its fruit; where once grew thorns and briars will now be Cypress and Myrtle trees.550 The work of the people’s hands will be blessed and they will live in houses. Invaders WILL NOT take their houses nor confiscate their vineyards.

  •   Animals will live together in harmony with no carnivores, they will all eat of the abundance of the land except for the snake who will remain CURSED to eat dust. The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them around. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like an ox.551 They will neither harm nor destroy on God’s holy mountain. (Some students Belief System of the Word believe that this is because the animals will have obtained spiritual bodies and are no longer carnivores). SELAH ponder that.

  •   Babies will be blessed and no longer die when only a few days old. The infant will play near the hole of the cobra and not be harmed.

  •   Children will be blessed and not have INJUSTICES and MISFORTUNES come their way during their youth; the young child will put his hand into the viper's nest and not be harmed

  •   Adults will be blessed and have a full EXTENDED LIFE,552 living as long as trees; well over HUNDREDS of years; 100 will seem young;553 disease and sickness will be gone; ordinary physical hazards will be removed. Those with glorified bodies will be Priest, teachers & administrators & will reign in bodily form with Jesus Christ.

  •   Prayers of needs will be heard before we begin to pray and the answer dispatched while we are still praying.554 We will be administrators and Priest of the Most High God. The Lord’s Prayer begins to be answered; the WILL of God is now being done on EARTH as it is in heaven.

  •   Physical DEFECTS will be gone and those that are blind, deaf or mute will be healed, the lame will stand on RESURRECTED LEGS and fall on KNEES of THANKSGIVING.555

    The Book says that, just AS God brought all THESE CALAMITIES on man in the Tribulation period... in the Millennium He will also do all THE GOOD that He has promised. 556

    546 Isaiah 60:18 – War and Violence will end; just lips of Praise
    547 Romans 7:18 – We can still SIN; it’s in our nature... nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature
    548 Revelation 21:4 – No crying, tears, death, sorrow or pain
    549 Isaiah 35:6b – Streams of water will gush forth in the desert; grass, reeds rushes will flourish
    550 Isaiah 55:11-13 – Cypress and Myrtle Trees will grow -- Micah 4:4 – Everyone will sit under his vines and fig trees
    551 Isaiah 11:6-9 – There will be peace among the animals and man. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain 552 Philippians 3:10 – NO WEAKNESS; we will have mighty power
    553 Jeremiah 32:20 - No longer will people be considered old at one hundred! Only the CURSED will DIE that young!
    554 Jeremiah 32:24 - I will hear them before they even call to me. While they are still praying I will answer their prayers
    555 Isaiah 35:5-6 – There will be No physical defects
    556 Jeremiah 33:6-9 – God will forgive the sins of rebellion, cleanse and rebuild and restore their towns

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The Final Kingdom
There are Three Jerusalem’s: Historical, Millennial and Eternal. In the Millennial, Jerusalem will

be the center of learning of God’s laws, commandments, decrees, statutes, regulations and instructions. Our joy will not be just for 1,000 years in the Millennial Jerusalem, but forever in a Brand New Jerusalem in Eternity.

The Final Kingdom after the 1,000 years reign of Christ will have no more death or sorrow or crying or pain; all these things will be gone forever.

No one knows when Christ will return, BUT it will be 360 days times 7 years or 2,520 days from the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period, to his appearing. - God said it not me - Matthew 24:29-31

SIDE BAR: In the Book of Isaiah there is a time shift between verses 17 which speaks of the FINAL eternal kingdom while verses 18-25 are concerned with the description of the Millennium age itself. Verse 20 locks down the MILLENNIUM with the mention of the “presence of DEATHwhich CANNOT be present in ETERNITY to come. It’s in the Book

Isaiah 65:17 – God Creates the FINAL KINGDOM

17 Look! I AM CREATING NEW HEAVENS AND A NEW EARTH, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore. (NLT)

Israel Blessed

Israel will NOT be forgotten;557 God will remember His covenant and Israel will be the first people to experience God’s rule. He will reach out and pull them back to Him558 and He will EXAMINE, JUDGE, and PURGE those that rebel with an ANGRY Iron Rod.559 They will have a Spiritual Change that the other Nations will see and admire. 560 God will make a new covenant with Israel and write His instructions deep within their Hearts.561 They will become humbled in repentance; cleansed and forgiven of all their sins of rebellion against Him; NOT because they deserve it, but that His own Holy Name might be glorified.562

God will bring back the exiles of Israel and Judah to the nation and make a peace covenant with them; establish His Sanctuary and teach his traditions of righteousness to every generation’s descendants.563 He will rebuild their towns and restore their fortunes. He will make all these things permanent, lasting throughout each progressive generation in order that His name might be glorified throughout the Earth.

Israel will teach the message of the Gospel to all the other nations. 564 The example of God’s goodness and favor toward Israel will cause the other Nations to seek the ONE GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;565 seeking to be taught how to walk in His ways.566

With Satan’s interference confined to the bottomless pit and the Holy Spirit LOOSE teaching God’s laws; we will have a society that will be blessed beyond what the mind can imagine, and there is still “MO BETTER” to come; all that refuse to serve God will simply be destroyed with a Rod of Iron.567

Finally the world will be filled with people that know the Lord God, as the waters cover the seas.568 It’s in the Book

557 Deuteronomy 4:30-31 - Prophecy; God will not forget Israel
558 Amos 9:13-14 – I will bring my exiled people of Israel back and they will plant vineyards and gardens
559 Ezekiel 20:33-38 – God will examine, judge and purge Israel
560 Psalm 119:171-176 – I have not forgotten your word your decrees your commandments, your instructions your regulations
561 Jeremiah 31:33 – I will make a New Covenant with Israel, their God; His people
562 Ezekiel 36:22-27 – God will cleanse Israel to protect HIS Holy Name
563 Isaiah 54:13 - Each generation will be taught by the Lord
564 Micah 4:2 – Nations will seek to be taught & walk in God’s ways -- Ezekiel 37:26-28 – God will teach us His ways
565 Zechariah 8:22-23 – Nations will seek the Lord of Heaven; please let us walk with you, for we have heard that God is with you 566 Isaiah 61:11 – The Nations will see His righteousness
567 Isaiah 60:11-12 – The Nations that refuse One God of Israel will be destroyed
568 Isaiah 11:9 – The world will be filled with people who know God

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One World Government

The Lord will mediate between nations and settle international disputes;569 all the nations that align with Israel will be blessed.570 Because of the blessings of Israel, Egypt, Assyria and Israel will become TRI-ALLIES.571 There will be no more WARS, just peace, they won’t even train for wars, there will be no need for swords or spears; they will just be remolded into plowshares and pruning hooks.

HOWEVER in the Millennium we will all still have FREE WILL to SIN, and the Lord with a ROD OF IRON will carry out swift justice on those that rebel;572 DEATH... BAM, swift judgment.

Prophecy Completed
The Prophets of old PROPHECIES” will be completed; Mary will conceive a Son named Jesus who

will be called the Son of the Most High God and will be given the throne of King David and will reign over Israel forever.573 His Government will be of peace, fairness and Justice that will never end.574 Kings from all the nations will come and bow before Him and serve Him.575

The Book says Angels will gather up ALL the Believers, those on Earth as well as those in Heaven576 and will return with them in the clouds; Clouds of Believers.577

John the Revelator’s prophecy comes to pass when Satan, who God had bound in the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 years, is released to deceive the Nations for the very LAST TIME.578 He will be successful, deceiving those who have only a form of Godliness;579 the Make Believers.580

This proves that being in the presence of Jesus ruling and reigning in peace for 1,000 years; that man’s Free Will his own sin nature will lead him away from God unless man’s own spirit; His SOUL cooperates with the Holy Spirit. Your Soul is who you really are; your Soul is your intellect that directs what you do... your SOUL is either controlled by your SPIRIT or by your FLESH.

Genesis to Revelation

  •   Heaven and Earth created

  •   First Adam reigned on earth

  •   The Sun and moon appear

  •   The paradise of the Garden of Eden

  •   Marriage of the First Adam

  •   Beginning of Sin – The Curse

  •   Satan appears – Sorrow, Pain, Tears

  •   Night and the Sea created

  •   A tree of Life in the Garden of Eden

  •   Man driven from Gods face in sin

A new Heaven and a new Earth created
Last Adam Reigning in glory
No need for Sun or Moon - Christ is the Light The paradise of The Holy City
Marriage supper of the Second Adam - Jesus End of Sin - No more curse – no more death Satan doomed – No more Sorrow, Pain, Tears No more night, no more sea
A tree of Life in the new creation
Men see God Face to Face

569 Isaiah 2:4 – Jesus mediates international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares & their spears into pruning hooks 570 Matthew 6:10 – God’s will... will be done on earth as it is in heaven
571 Isaiah 19:23-25 – Israel, Egypt and Assyria will become TRI-ALLIES
572 Revelation 2:26-27 – Enforcement of the Laws will be Immediate He will rule the nations with an iron rod smash them like clay pots 573 Daniel 7:13-14 – Jesus is given authority, honor, and sovereignty over all the nations of the world

574 Isaiah 9:7 – His Government of Peace, Fairness and Justice will never end -- Luke 1:31-33 – Jesus the Son of the Most High reign over Israel and His kingdom will never end
575 Psalm 72:11 – All Kings bow before Him and All Nations will serve Him
576 Matthew 24:30-31 – He will send out his angels to gather his chosen ones from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven

577 Revelation 1:7 – Jesus will return with a CLOUD of Believers and everyone will see him -- Hebrews 12:1 – Believer are the Cloud of Witnesses surrounding God
578 Revelation 20:1-3 – Satan is locked in the bottomless pit for1,000 years so he could not deceive the nations anymore until the 1,000 years were finished

579 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – Some will only have a form of Godliness
580 Revelation 20:7-8 – After 1,000 years Satan is released from the pit to deceive the Nation’s, those that are only MAKE BELIEVERS

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Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 – Decide before your Spirit is DEAD DEAD

6 Remember him before the
THE PITCHER by the well IS SHATTERED and THE WHEEL at the cistern IS CRUSHED;
7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was. (NASB)

The Take Away

Concerning the Rapture, I have commented very little on the subject; many reject the rapture doctrine completely, but whether you embrace it or not, The Book says as soon as the silver cord is broken we will have been judged. When THE BELIEVER dies, his spirit leaves his body and is present with the Lord. When Jesus returns for the Millennium reign, living believers on earth will not experience death, but will be TRANSLATED into glorified immortal bodies and join the vast army host of RESURRECTED believers in their new glorified immortal bodies581.

Those born during the Millennium will have borne witness to the love and peace of God, but many embrace God because everybody else does; it’s just politically correct. They have no relationship with God; only a FORM OF GODLINESS which denies His power. This proves man’s heart is inherently evil and ALL would be doomed without the Holy Spirit’s drawing.

At the end of the Millennium Satan will be released from the BOTTOMLESS PIT to go out and deceive the nations once again,582 specifically the MAKE BELIVERS, those with only a form of Godliness.583 Satan is identified with a number of names, the Devil, Lucifer, the Dragon, the Serpent, the Deceiver, the Destroyer and more.584 (The pit is bottomless because it is round and in the center of the earth; PONDER THAT, no documentation; just my BS and fun to ponder.) SELAH

Many Lukewarm in their faith succumb and follow Satan when he is released from the abyss after the 1,000 years. I was watching an old movie “The Blue Lagoon”, a time of innocence and the teenager was saying the Lord’s Prayer, “Our father who is in heaven, your will be done with liberty and justice for all; Amen.” He had a MIXTURE of the Word and the World; he had a FORM OF GODLINESS, but no relationship.

When the Millennium and Armageddon concludes, none will doubt that God is God and there is no other. There will never ever be another rebellion in heaven, and the story of Satan, Adam and Jesus will be told and retold.585 Whatever view you hold on Jesus’ return and His Millennium reign; it does not affect your salvation, which God has already made abundantly secure and clear in the Book.

There are no new prophecies, but there is new enlightenment and I believe it pleases God when we search out His Word to learn His secrets that He has sealed up for us until the “The End of Time”.586 QUESTION: Why is God going to all this trouble; why didn’t He just trash the earth, Satan

and the fallen angels in the very beginning”?
ANSWER; it is NOT about what’s going on earth, but is about what’s going on in heaven. For millions

of years, all of the remaining authorities, principalities, powers and Angels have been WITNESS to the patience and love of God as He has waited eons for Satan, His highest creation to repent. Jesus Christ; God’s Word has now returned to Him in the fullness of time and has accomplished the purpose for which He was sent.587 It is Finished... God’s will on earth is finally done.


581 Isaiah 60:21-22 – All your people will be righteous forever, I the LORD, will make it happen
582 Revelation 20:7-14 – When the thousand years come to an end, Satan will be let out of his prison then He and Death and the grave will be thrown into the Lake of Fire
583 2 Timothy 3:2-5 – Make Believers will have only a form of godliness
584 Revelation 20:2-8 – Names; Satan, Devil, Serpent, Dragon
585 1 Corinthians 15:26 – Satan and Death are the last enemy is destroyed
586 Daniel 12:4 – Seal up the book until the time of the end when knowledge will increase


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Chapter 15.15

When, Where, How – Ishmael & Isaac – Blood Feud - Islam – The Qur’an – Blood Libel Chemical, Biological & Nuclear Warfare – Great White Throne Judgment – Supper Time Two Battles – USA – Russia - North Korea – Arabs – China – Japan - Egypt – Gog & Magog

First Word

The word "Armageddon" appears only once in the Greek New Testament, it comes from the Hebrew word har məgiddô, meaning "Mountain of Megiddo". It is actually not a mountain, but a hill created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot.

This battlefield lies in the northern part of Israel, east of Mount Carmel and stretches from the Mediterranean Sea eastward across the northern part of Israel. Many wars were fought on the plain of Har-Megedon. The term “Armageddon” has been used “symbolically” whenever in a Great War the need was the greatest for God’s help.

In this final battle, the restraining force, which is the Holy Spirit, has gone from earth; there is no longer any restraint on man and man will just do whatever is in his heart. This brings up the RAPTURE doctrine which I will not cover here, but accepting the Belief System of this doctrine, the church of believers will be removed; saved, gone, along with the Holy Spirit which is in every believe.


  •   Noah was saved from destruction in the Ark and

  •   Lot was saved from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra.

    I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth”.588

    Hill of Megiddo - From Wikipedia

    588 Revelation 3:10 - I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world Page 96

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Getting Ahead of God

To talk about Armageddon, it seems reasonable to look at what leads up to this World War III which believe it or not goes all the way back to Abraham. If you remember Abraham was promised that He would be the father of many nations, but many years had passed and He didn’t have a son yet and both he and Sarah were getting well up into their years.

Sarah gave her maidservant Hagar to Abraham to father a child,589 (This is where we get the phrase “God helps those who help themselves”; this is not in the Bible.) and Hagar gave birth to a son named Ishmael.590 Abraham loves Ishmael and raises him in his home as his “FIRST BORN” son. Fourteen years later Sarah gives birth to Isaac her first son,591 but who was the ‘SECOND BORN” to Abraham.

Flavius Josephus – Who is this guy?
Most scholars quote Josephus writings like everybody knows who he is... Well, I didn’t. Josephus (37

A.D. to 100 A.D) was born Josephus ben Matthias (son of Matthias) and for some time lived with the Essenes who gave us the Dead Sea Scrolls; he studied with the Sadducees and as well as the Pharisees to determine which sect was best; he became a Pharisee at the age of 19 and later became a high priest in Israel as well as the governor of the province of Galilee.

He fought against the Romans and was taken prisoner. His life was spared when he predicted that would become governor and two years later he did. The Roman Vespasian gave him all the writings of the Prophets and Scribes that were found in the Temple for him to write the history of Israel.


and became a Roman citizen, however most Jews considered him an unforgivable traitor. Josephus’s texts were written in Hebrew and later translated into Greek. He had the common knowledge of the people as well as the physical documents that were needed to be considered a legitimate historian. Josephus was born into a family of Priest about four years after the death of Jesus Christ. When you read his writings, it’s just like he had the Book of

the Law in front of him as he wrote and I’m sure he did. He was NOT a follower of The Way.

Josephus on Ismael
Josephus, the Jewish Historian writes in 70AD: “As for Sarah, she at first loved Ismael, who was

born of her own handmaid Hagar, with an affection not inferior to that of her own son, for he was brought up, in order to succeed in the government, but when she herself had borne Isaac, she was not willing that Ismael should be brought up with him, as being too old for him, and able to do him injuries when their father should be dead”.

She therefore persuaded Abraham to send him and his mother to some distant country. Now, at the first he did not agree to what Sarah was so zealous for, and thought it an instance of the greatest barbarity to send away a young child (14 years of age) and a woman un-provided of necessaries.

But at length he agreed to it; because God was pleased with what Sarah had determined; so he delivered Ismael to his mother, as not yet able to go by himself; and commanded her to take a bottle of water, and a loaf of bread, and so to depart and to take necessity for her guide.

When the lad Ishmael was grown up, he married a wife, by birth an Egyptian, from whence the mother was herself derived originally. Of this wife were born to Ismael TWELVE SONS. These inhabited all the country from Euphrates to the Red Sea, and called it Nabatene. They are an Arabian nation and name their tribes from these, both because of their own virtue and because of the dignity of Abraham their father.

ANTIQUITIES OF THE JEWS is a twenty-volume historiographical work composed by the Jewish

historian Titus Flavius Josephus in the thirteenth year of the reign of Flavius Domitian, the Roman emperor, which was around 93 or 94 AD. Antiquities of the Jews contains an account of the history of

the Jewish people

Josephus took on Flavius’s name as his middle name

589 Genesis 16:3-4 – Sarah gives Hagar to Abraham
590 Genesis 16:15-16 - Ishmael is born to Hagar and Abraham 591 Genesis 21:2-5 – Isaac is born to Sarah and Abraham

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What follows is a very important detail to digest. It is at the request of Abraham that Ishmael

became the nation that it is today. Abraham loved Ishmael and wanted him to receive a blessing like the promised given to Isaac.592 God hears Abraham’s prayer and promises Ishmael to become a great nation also with TWELVE TRIBES, but he would NOT receive THE COVENANT that was promised through Isaac.

Ishmael’s Twelve Tribes are Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish and Kedemah, Massa; who we know as the MIDIANITES, EDOMITES, EGYPTIANS and ASSYRIANS; the great desert people of the Middle East.593

These twelve tribes were given a vast land, much more than Isaac, but they wanted the land of the covenant too.... AND STILL DO.

Blood Feud starts

The Angel tells Hagar that when Ishmael is born, he will be a wild ass of a man and live in hostility toward his brothers and they will be against him also.594

The covenant was promised by God to Abraham and Sarah a free woman, not to Hagar a bond woman, a maidservant. Ishmael was born of the flesh (Free Will); Isaac was born of the promise. (Predestined)

Ishmael is fourteen years old when Isaac is born and begins to make fun of him.595 Ishmael is jealous because he himself was the FIRST BORN of Abraham, yet the blessing of the covenant of God would be with the SECOND BORN, Isaac.

In the beginning Cain became jealous of Able who was favored by God and Cain killed him. This is repeated again with the two brothers; when Ishmael became jealous of Isaac.

This jealousy developed into hatred and has lasted some 4,000 years.

The promised land of God was passed down through Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, not through Ishmael596 which is the source of the friction between the Arabs and the Jews today; specifically the city of Jerusalem. Remember this.

The Qur’an on Allah
Koran, Quran, Qur’an; the accepted transliteration is Qur’an and the word Muslim is preferred

over the word Moslem according to Wikipedia. In the Qur’an it is presented that the Christian, Jew and Muslim all follow the SAME God of Abraham.

According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God, and humble submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. "He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind”.

TheQur’an insists... Muslims believe... and historians affirm... that Muhammad and his followers worship the same God as the Jews.

BUT, the Qur'an portrays Allah as both more powerful and more remote than Yahweh, and as a UNIVERSAL deity, unlike Yahweh who closely follows the Israelites.

592 Genesis 17:18-21 – Abraham asks God for Ishmael to be blessed too; He will be the father of twelve rulers BUT MY COVENANT I WILL ESTABLISH WITH ISAAC,
593 Genesis 25:13-18 – ISHMAEL HAD TWELVE SONS; Nebaiot, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish and Kedemah

594 Genesis 16:12 – Ishmael will be a wild donkey and live in hostility 595 Genesis 21:9 – Ishmael made fun of Isaac.

596 Genesis 17:19 – The Covenant was with Isaac not Ishmael

What people believe can be more powerful than the truth.

(Hal Lindsey)

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Islam purports that the True Covenant of God and bloodline of Abraham rests with Ishmael the

First Born and NOT with Isaac the Second born.

  •   They believe that the scriptures were distorted and changed by the Jews to establish themselves

    as the heirs to the covenant.

  •   Islam says Abraham had eight sons NOT twelve; all reared in Mecca not Hebron.

  •   They claim it was Ishmael who was about to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah NOT Isaac.

  •   They claim the title deed to the land was passed down through the Arabs not the Jews.

    Israel had defeated the Arab world five times in succession; humiliated, the Arabs are out for revenge. The Muslim’s cannot even get along with their own sect as there is a long running blood feud between the Sunnis and the Shiites power bases.

    Today Islam commands; “Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war”.

    Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud says; “We shall never call for or accept a negotiated peace. We shall only accept war... Jihad... the holy war. We have resolved to drench the lands of Palestine and Arabia with the blood of the infidels or to accept martyrdom for the glory of Allah”.

    Islamic Jihad... to die for the cause of Islam is an honor... A passport to paradise.

    Blood Libel - Rabbit Trail
    Blood Libel; the BIG LIE: A medieval lie against the Jews. Blood libel stories were fabricated that the

    Jews kidnapped Christian children, ritually killed them and used their blood in the making of unleavened bread for Passover as well as for other religious purposes. They drank their blood... they were blood suckers. They required their children to cause harm and kill non-Jewish children and take their goods.

    Christians were ignorantly caught up in this propaganda and Anti-Semitism was born; HATE and division... Hitler used it as well as the Ku Klux Klan.

    Anti-Semitism started when the early church fathers labeled the Jews as Christ Killers, children of the Devil, demonic, blood thirsty pagans, and plague carriers.

    Bishop John Chrysostom in AD 345 wrote the following:
    “The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy and rapacious. They are perfidious murders of Christ. They worship the devil; their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ, and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jews

    must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews.
    It is incumbent upon all Christians to hate the Jews”.

    Jew Hunters are used in God’s plan today to aid in the return of the Jews to the nation of Israel. First, He will fish for them and pull them in by love,597 later He drives them in by fear. Today, although Anti-Semitism still exists, many Gentiles are being drawn to the Jews and seek to help them.598 The USA as a “Nation” has certainly supported Israel; but new leadership has caused it to wane.

    Pray for the leaders of our nation

    Ezekiel 37:12 – I will bring back the Nation of Israel

    12 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: O my people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them;
    I will bring you back to the land of Israel. NIV

    597 2 Kings 19:28 - God will put my hook in Israel’s nose and a bit in their mouth, and bring them back to Israel
    598 Zechariah 8 23 – Men will be drawn to the Jew; `Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you

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Israel Becomes a State
As the Muslim prays toward Mecca, the Jew scattered among the nations prays towards Jerusalem

believing for the day they will return as breath to “dry bones” in the grave.
On May 14, 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionis Organization and

president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz

Israel, to be known as the STATE OF ISRAEL."
Neighboring Arab states
invaded the next day in support of the Palestinian Arabs.

Israel has fought wars with neighboring Arab states (Wikipedia)

Ezekiel 37:4-6 – I will put breath in the dry bones of Israel

4 Then he said to me, "PROPHESY to these bones and say to them, `Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!

5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones:
I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.

6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life.

Six Day War

Israel has relied on Pre-emptied strikes for survival, and will do so again.

Ever since,

Wikipedia: The six day war began on June 5, 1967 with Israel launching surprise bombing raids against Egyptian air-fields after a period of high tension that included an Israeli raid into the Jordanian controlled West Bank.

Israeli initiated aerial clashes over Syrian territory, Syrian artillery attacks against Israeli settlements in the vicinity of the border followed by Israeli response against Syrian positions in the Golan Heights and encroachments of increasing intensity and frequency (initiated by Israel) into the demilitarized zones along the Syrian border and culminating in Egypt blocking the Straits of Tiran and ordering of the evacuation from the Sinai Peninsula of the U.N. buffer force.

Within six days, Israel had won a decisive land war. Israeli forces had taken control of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria.

Ever since the six day war, efforts have been underway to get Israel to go back to the pre1967 borders in order to have peace, but peace will never come, because the Arabs are never satisfied with what they have and besides that the Israelis borders would become in-defensible, setting up another pre- emptive strike by Israel to protect herself. (Which will happen)

Now here is where we are

The Nation of Israel is growing; they have been supported with Military Technology by the United States. They are surrounded by Muslim’s who want them dead and gone. They are outnumbered ten to one. The best weapon they have is “Pre-emptied Strikes”.

The Prophet Zechariah prophesies about a future war; “Jerusalem has become a cup of drunkenness; a heavy stone causing the nations to gather together PLOTTING to heave this stone Israel away.” 599 (Pray that the USA is not part of this)

Jesus predicts this future event of Jerusalem being surrounded as a SIGN of the end times that Jerusalem will be trampled by “Gentiles”; those who are not of Jewish descent.600

599 Zechariah 12:2-3 – The Plan; All nations gather against Israel
600 Luke 21:20-24 – When you see Jerusalem is surrounded, know that desolation is near

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What’s next?

Israel is safe in their land, but is threatened by Egypt and Russia... But they need some allies.

The Anti-Christ from Rome will negotiate an alliance of protection, a seven year covenant of peace;601 between Israel (the Jews) and the Arabs (the Muslims), 602not only of peace, but of protection; but they will break the alliance just three and one half years into it.603 This is known as “Jacobs Trouble”; Isaiah calls it “A covenant with death”. 604

NOTE: There will never be a lasting peace until the return of Jesus Christ.
Scripture says that the Anti-Christ will set up his Image in the temple to be worshiped proclaiming himself to be God. This action is called the “abomination that causes desolation”. When this

happens, the name of the Antichrist will finally be revealed; although already suspected.605
With that said, the temple or at least the Holy of Holies must be rebuilt before the final holocaust comes.606 Then it happens, great distress607 unequaled from the beginning of the world,608 and if God

did not shorten it, no one would survive.

Russia makes a mistake and sides with the Muslims and attacks Israel.

Two Battles

A magician keeps you looking at his left hand while his right hand is doing something else. Don’t take your eyes off the right hand; while you are thinking Russians, China and North Korea; the real players are the Muslims and the Jews; this is what the battle is about.

The place is the “Hill of Megiddo” which is geographically the center between three continents; Europe, Asia, and Africa. There are actually two battles or wars that are to take place on the Hill of Megiddo; or I could say there is just one battle, but in two phases; it starts, then is put on hold for 1,000 years and then picks up again for the final conclusion.

  •   The first battle between the Muslims and Jews last for about 3 1⁄2 years and is about LAND.

  •   The second and final battle is between Satan and Jesus Christ and lasts for less than one day.

    This battle is about SOULS.

    When will all this happen?
    Jesus tells us when this will all occur. There will be SIGNS in the sky;609 heavenly bodies will be

    shaken, the sea will roar and toss, nations will be in anguish and perplexity, Jerusalem will be surrounded by the Muslim armies and their allies.610

    He says look for these SIGNS and you will know the time is very near. He says that the “Generation that sees these signs” will not pass away and will see it all happen. It starts 3 1⁄2 years into the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.

    What the war looks like Part 1 – phase 1
    The first siege against Israel before the Millennium. Just getting started.

    NOTE: There has never been a weapon of destruction that man has invented that he did not use. Right now in 2013 North Korea is flexing its muscles telling the world that it now has NUCLEAR capabilities with its missiles and are exporting these missiles to whoever can pay for them; like the Arabs with their oil money... The only thing North Korea produces is WEAPONS. They trade their weapons for Oil and currency to Syria and Iran whose target is Israel.

    601 Daniel 9:27 – Seven year Peace Covenant; but Abomination of desolation is placed in the temple
    602 Ezekiel 38:2-6 – Russia is linked with Islam
    603 1 Thessalonians 5:3 – They don’t have a clue about the treaty of peace destruction will come on them suddenly,
    604 Isaiah 28:15 - We have made a COVENANT WITH DEATH, and with Sheol
    605 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 – The Anti-Christ’s name is revealed when his image is set up in the Temple to be worshipped
    606 Ezekiel 38:15-16 – Mighty Armies from the Far North
    607 Matthew 24:21-22 –“Great Distress” unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-and never to be equaled again
    608 Revelation 13:7 – The Anti-Christ is given authority and power to make war
    609 Luke 21:25-26 – There will be SIGNS in the sky, earth and sea. -- Matthew 24:32-35 – When the signs begin, YOU will see it happen 610 Luke 21:20 – When you see Jerusalem is surrounded, the end is near

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Most of the Middle East has “Chemical and Biological Weapons” and NUCLEAR weapons would just be icing on the cake... The news is reporting today of their use of chemical weapons.

  •   Biological weapons include microorganisms and toxins that cause plagues like cholera and tuberculosis, there’s anthrax and botulisms and the Super Plague for which there is no cure.

  •   Chemical weapons include nerve gas, mustard gas and Sarin gas that attack your lungs and now Russia has one called Novichok which is ten times more toxic than nerve gas. Some of these chemical agents are so virulent that they can kill instantaneously and have such fine partials that

    they can penetrate most filter systems.

  •   There will be famine throughout the earth and plagues. People will kill each other to get their

    food, wild beasts scavenge for food and go after mankind.611

    Revelation 9:7-10 – Sounds like APACHE HELICOPTERS to me

    7 The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle and their faces resembled HUMAN FACES. They had breastplates like BREASTPLATES OF IRON, and the sound of their WINGS was like the thundering
    of many horses and chariots.

    They had TAILS that STINGS like scorpions. NIV

    NOTE: As you read John’s account in the “Revelation”, it must be noted that the many chapters are NOT in sequential order, but are inserted from time to time to provide information on what John sees and describes as best as his mind can understand it. Neither John nor the prophets had ever seen a helicopter or a bullet, much less a nuclear bomb.

    What the war looks like Part 1 – phase 2
    The second siege against Israel before the Millennium. Things literally heat up nuclear. Israel

    cannot fight a war in a convention military manner with men and equipment, but inevitable will move with a “Pre-emptive first strike” of nuclear weapons. This is referred to as the “Sampson Option”. We will go down, but so will our enemies. In America we call this the “Doomsday Weapon”; you die, we die; everybody dies.

    To the Muslim; to blow themselves up with the infidel is a guaranteed PASS TO PARIDISE. Scripture describing what happens in a nuclear explosion; says the sky is rolled back like a scroll. 612 The atmosphere is violently pushed back causing a vacuum; then it rushes back in on itself with the same force. (The sky literally is rolled back as a scroll)

  •   A nuclear bomb can generate 150 million degrees of heat in a millionth of a second;613

  •   Our skin falls off our bodies while we are still standing614

  •   Our faces are burned and we are in pain and anguish... Terror seizes all mankind.615

  •   The nuclear bombs trigger earth quakes; debris is blown into the air so thick it blots out the sun.

    Fire, smoke and sulfur fill the air and rain down on the earth.616

  •   100 pound hailstones fall on the people, livestock and homes.617

  •   The radiation from the fallout pollutes and poisons one third of the waters.618

  •   Most die, the land is laid waste and desolated, very few live through this.619

    611 Revelation 6:8 – Killings, famine, plagues, wild beast
    612 Isaiah 34:4 - The sky will be rolled up like a scroll
    613 Revelation 6:12-14 – Nuclear explosions, earth quakes, smoke... The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up 614 Zechariah 14:12 – Their eyes, tongues and flesh will rot while they are standing
    615 Isaiah 13:6-8 – Terror, Pain, Anguish, their Faces aflame and burned
    616 Revelation 9:18 – A third of mankind was killed by the Fire, Smoke and Sulfur
    617 Revelation 16:21 – 100 pound hailstones fall from the sky
    618 Revelation 8:10-11 – Wormwood... Waters are poisoned... people die
    619 Isaiah 24:1-6 – The earth is laid waste, men are burned up and very few are left

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How it all begins 666
In the middle of the tribulation we find in Revelation at the Sixth Seal, the Sixth Trumpet and

the Sixth Bowl, Satan releases his un-holy trinity to gather the kings of the earth to do battle
Satan the anti-god, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet make up this SATANIC TRINITY.620 These slimy, filthy, loathsome, disgusting FROGS are evil spirits of propaganda coming out of the counterfeit trinity to seduce all the kings of the world to come out to the battle of Armageddon.

Sadly, the whole world would include an army from the United States.
God gets involved and dries up the
Euphrates River621 for the Kings of the East to march through

(literally translated “Kings of the Rising Sun”). This would be 200 Million Asians.622
This river is 1800 miles long and is 10 to 30 feet deep and 300 to 1200 yards

wide. It extends northwestward from the Persian Gulf to present-day Lebanon.

It is reasonable to take this scripture literally. Eastern powers like Japan, China, India and others prepare for an invasion of Israel as the waters of the Euphrates dries up.

The Kings of the East combine their armies with the Kings of the North and South. This is actually a trap prepared by God that later triggers the battle of Armageddon.

Scripture refers to the USA as Coastal Lands623 or the “Land beyond the river of Ethiopia”.

The first word in Isaiah’s prophecy is “WOE”; America does not get off free.624 The USA will receive some “FIRE”. (Probably nuclear missiles) The scripture only mentions one WOE”, not three which would be the worst it could get; total destruction.

The sad part for Israel is that the nations of the world including the USA, know what Russia and the Muslim Arabs are up to and DO NOTHING to help Israel, but simply offers only a shallow rebuke625 concerning the actions of the Russians.

America has turned away from God’s principals, our President has said that we are no longer a Christian nation; we have embraced all religions or maybe none at all; inviting judgment.

Much has been given to America, much is expected.626 Billy Graham says,
If God doesn’t judge America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah”.627

Russia helps the Muslims

The Kings of the South, Arab-African confederacy headed by Egypt628 and the King of the North Russia,629 will launch an all-out invasion against Israel.630 The Arabian Peninsula of Ethiopia is the Arab States ... Southern Ethiopia is Africa.

CIS is the Commonwealth of Independent States. There are currently 12 former Soviet Republics, including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Republic of Georgia. There allies are Persia (Iran), Turkey, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer and Torarmah.

  •   Russia wants easy oil. Although they have oil, it’s not very accessible

  •   Russia wants a warm water sea port

  •   Russia wants the 12 billion tons of magnesium chloride and twelve billion tons of sodium chloride

    in the Dead Sea. There is also 2 billion tons of potash for enriching soil.

  •   The Muslims Arabs want the land of Israel. What a deal.

    620 Revelation 16:13-16 – Three frogs; The Satanic Trinity; dragon, beast and false prophet
    621 Revelation 16:12 – The Great Euphrates River is dried up
    622 Revelation 9:13-16 – The four bound angels are released with a Two Hundred Million man army to kill a third of mankind. 623 Ezekiel 39:6 – The USA is the coastlands.
    624 Isaiah 18:1-2 – WOE to the USA.
    625 Ezekiel 38:13 – The USA only fusses with lip service at Russia
    626 Luke 12:48 – To whom much is given, much is expected
    627 Genesis 12:3 – I will bless those who bless Israel, and whoever curses you Israel will I curse; we need to help Israel
    628 Daniel 11:40 – Kings of the South is Egypt & the Arab Confederacy
    629 Ezekiel 38:15 – Kings of the North is Russia
    630 Ezekiel 38:11-12 – Israel is invaded; I will invade plunder and loot and gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods

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Keep in mind that this is all the continuation of the 4000 year old war between Abraham’s first born son Ishmael (Muslims) and his second born son Isaac (Jews).

SIDEBAR... Russia gets greedy and there is a classic double cross by Russia against the United Arab Republic as they pitch their tents between the Dead Sea and The Mediterranean Sea and Mount Zion. They do a devastating battle with each other and Egypt succumbs,631 but a few countries get away; Edom, Moab and Ammon, 632

Armageddon preamble

Remember, in the middle of the tribulation, Gog (Russia) and Magog (its allies) lead an attack against Israel in a valley in Lebanon. This is a region of mountains with a valley running from North to South. Hamon-Gog in Hebrew means “the multitude of Gog”. Russia and the Arab nations come against Israel and cover the land like a cloud.

Ezekiel 38:16 – Russia comes against Israel like a cloud over the land

16 You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, O Gog, (Russia) I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes. NIV

Armageddon - First Half
Part one or the first half of Armageddon takes place before the Millennial reign of Christ. The

nature of forces unleashed on the armies sounds much like that of a nuclear bomb which can generate 150 million degrees of heat in a millionth of a second; you are disintegrated before you hit the ground.633 It produces an earthquake that swallows up masses of the enemy,634 fire and brimstone rain down;635 the radiation melts the flesh off their bodies as well as their animals; 636confusion abounds and the armies start killing off each other.637 There is such devastation, that only one sixth of the Russian army

survives;638 God provides a burial site for the “five sixth” of decaying dead.639


The earthquake convulses Jerusalem and it splits into three parts and seven thousand people are killed640 and the Mount of Olives splits in half making a great valley.641 At this very same time the two witnesses are being caught up to heaven. (NOTE: Some students of the Word BS says the great city mentioned is Babylon and not Jerusalem, but my BS disagrees because Babylon in covered on its on elsewhere. Jerusalem is often referred to as Babylon because it whored after other gods.).

Revelation 16:18-20 – Jerusalem is split into three parts

18 Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a SEVERE EARTHQUAKE.

No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake.

19 The great city (Jerusalem) split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great (symbolic of Jerusalem) and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. 20 Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. NIV

631 Daniel 11:42-45 – The Nation of Egypt does not escape
632 Daniel 11:40-41 – Edom, Moab and Ammon escape the double cross
633 Zechariah 14:12-13 –Skin, eyes and tongue rot while they are still standing
634 Numbers 16:30 – Earthquakes are triggered; the earth opens and swallows them
635 Ezekiel 38:22 – Nuclear fallout; Rain, Hailstones, Burning Sulfur
636 Zechariah 14:15 – A similar plague melts the Flesh off the bodies of their animals
637 Judges 7:22 – Confusion in the camp; Men turn and kill each other
638 Ezekiel 39:2 – Only one sixth of the army survives the battle
639 Ezekiel 39:11 – God will bury Russia and its allies it will be called the Valley of Hamon Gog.
640 Revelation 11:13 – Seven thousand people killed in Jerusalem as a tenth of the city collapses.
641 Zechariah 14:4 – Mount of Olive splits in the midst there of toward the east and toward the west and makes a great valley

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100 pound Hail

This is the LAST DAY of the tribulations. The great earthquake makes islands disappear, mountains and cities are leveled, and what’s left is destroyed with 100 pound hail. Just for the record; a talent, or “talantos” in the Greek, is actually translated to be about 114 pounds, anyway men still blasphemed and curse God.642 In the OT a blasphemer was stoned to death; today men still blaspheme God while they “get stoned”.

NOTE: This study is focused primarily only on the battles of Armageddon; the war between the Muslims and the Jews and Satan and Jesus Christ. There is a vast amount of other things going on at the same time that I am not reporting on, but can be found in my word study Eschatology; the last things to happen on earth.

Christ finishes the Battle

This is Christ’s second coming and He makes war against the Muslims and their allies and ALL are killed. The instigators; the Anti-Christ and the false prophet are chunked into the lake of fire643 and Satan is bound for 1,000 years in the abyss.644

God summons the animals, birds and vultures645 to come to “The Great Supper of God”.646 (Armageddon). I won’t describe it here, but for supper, the birds and animals have a smorgasbord of goodies, they start with feasting on their soft eyes.647

This is in contrast to “The Marriage Supper of the Lamb” given for the saved; the redeemed.

The Last Day - Tribulations
Summary of the last day of the tribulations;

  •   A great earthquake will cause an upheaval of nature which will alter the shape of the earth, possibly returning earth to its correct axis.

  •   The Two Witnesses that are rotting in the street are resurrected. (Raptured)

  •   Men actually hear God’s voice as He calls to them.

  •   Great fear grips the hearts of man as they encounter the light of THIS DAY; it

    is known to the Lord, as “NOT NIGHT, NOR DAY648

  •   Satan is bound by an Angel and cast into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years

  •   Jesus returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords with millions of the

    redeemed to fight the Antichrist and his armies at the battle of Armageddon

    where the foe is defeated.649

  •   This last day marks the first day of the 1,000 year reign of Christ.650

  •   His Saints will rule over those that DID NOT TAKE the “Mark of the Beast”.

  •   The remnant nations, those that survived; those that refused the Mark of

    the Antichrist” will inhabit the earth and multiply and every year come to

    worship King Jesus in Jerusalem.

  •   All Israel; the Jews that were saved” return to city of Jerusalem.651

    642 Revelation 16:21 – 100 pound hailstones fall on them and they cursed God on account of the plague of hail was so terrible 643 Revelation 19:19-20 – ANTICHRIST and FALSE PROPHET thrown ALIVE into the Lake of fire and burning sulfur.
    644 Revelation 20:1-3 – SATAN is bound 1,000 years in the Abyss during the millennial reign of Christ
    645 Ezekiel 39:17 – Every kind of bird and wild animal assembles to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the dead

    646 Revelation 19:17-18 – Come birds, gather together for The Great Supper of God; eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men
    647 Revelation 19:21 – The birds had a feast and gorged themselves on their flesh
    648 Zechariah 14:6-7 – A unique day known to the LORD; a day where there will be no light, no cold or frost when evening comes, there will be light; it will be neither daytime nor nighttime.
    649 Zechariah 14:12 – Many have died from nuclear radiation; their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.
    650 Zechariah 14:9 – Christ will be king over all the earth; there will be one LORD, and His name the only name
    651 Zechariah 14:16 – Survivors go every year to Jerusalem to worship the LORD Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles

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Millennial Reign
OK; all is at peace for 1,000 years during the MILLENNIAL REIGN of Christ which I will not cover

here, but all is at rest. The Millennium is a TRANSITION PERIOD that is somewhat like how the earth had been in the Garden of Eden and the coming new earth and eternity. Better than it was, but not as good as its going to get.

During this thousand year reign the nations will be taught the ways of Christ, there will be no war,652 the animals will live in peace,653 the poor and the needy will be lifted up,654 there will be prosperity and the earth will produce a bountiful harvest.

All wicked and evil men are now gone from the earth; only the SAVED remain and multiply. During the Millennium there will be many born and man will still have free will and it is still possible to sin because Sin will not be totally purged till after the millennium when God burns up everything in the earth including the wicked and gives us a brand new earth.

Armageddon – 2nd half - preamble
OK this is where we pickup with the second half or Part Two of Armageddon just after the

Millennium. In spite of a perfect rule of peace and prosperity, sin comes back into the world again, proving man has a sinful nature and cannot change apart from the Holy Spirit drawing him.

Interestingly enough, nothing in the scriptures indicate that those who are born during the millennium will be required to make a decision for Christ until after Satan is cut loose from the abyss to deceive the nations again. Some of these people will grow up “conforming outwardly” to Christ and His teachings, but inwardly they really don’t care “one way or the other”. They will be easy prey for Satan who wants to sift them like wheat.

Satan, who has been imprisoned for 1,000 years, is now let out to deceive the nations. The Day of the Lord is set in motion. This is the continuation of the battle that started back during the middle of the tribulation period.

NOTE: Before the judgment, a thousand years must pass and then a short period for Satan to do his thing. So it’s actually a little longer than 1,000 year before “all Hell breaks loose”.

Revelation 20:7-8 – Satan is released after the thousand years.

7 When the thousand years are over,
Satan will be released from his prison
8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth

Gog and Magog (Russia and its allies) to gather them for battle. NIV

Gog and Magog - Russia and its allies
The Term Gog and Magog” mentioned here is symbolic of “Ezekiel’s” record of a similar battle

fought before the millennial reign. This battle was primarily with Russia and her allies (Egypt) coming against Israel. Although Russia is defeated, there will be a number of survivors.

This SECOND BATTLE of Gog and Magog is with Satan enlisting those from the nations that are still living at the end of the millennium, including Russia. Gog is the King or leader and Magog is a people or nations that follow him. God allows armies as numerous as the sand to gather and surround the capital city of Jerusalem, then He destroys ALL OF THEM with fire.

  •   The first battle is just before the beginning of the millennium and is with Russia and her Muslim allies against Israel. There are some survivors.

  •   The second battle is at the end of the millennium, 1,000 years later with armies coming from the four corners of the earth. There are NO survivors, man nor animal.

    This is known as “THE DAY OF THE LORD.” This battle is not about the Muslims and Jews, but about Satan and Jesus Christ our Redeemer; a battle for the ownership of our souls.

    652 Isaiah 2:3-4 – The survivors will be taught the ways of God; nations shall not lift up sword against nation
    653 Isaiah 11:4-8 – There will be peace between all creations; the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb; the lion shall eat straw like the ox

    654 Psalms 7:6-12 – The poor and the needy will be delivered

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Armageddon – The conclusion
This is the final battle or war of Armageddon; the conclusion as Satan’s armies come against the

city of Jerusalem, the city that God loves and FIRE comes down from heaven and Satan is defeated655 and is thrown into the lake of fire656 along with the Antichrist and his false prophet who are already there. At the same time the Heaven will disappear, the elements destroyed, the earth will be laid bare; nothing survives... It’s all gone... THEY HAVE NOW BEEN JUDGED.

Heaven & Earth Destroyed - My BS
Somehow in my BS; with the Church gone, the Holy Spirit gone, the saved resurrected and

raptured; fear and evil is running rapid, perhaps the Nations will just start blowing each other up with nuclear bombs, releasing all the fuel and energy that’s stored up within the bowels of the earth, purging the earth of all evil and sin. 657 This makes way for a new heaven and a new earth.658 Just saying.

I have another thought in my BS. God assigned the EARTH to the “immortal” angel Satan to oversee and protect it and I believe it was forever. Satan with his “free will” desired to be just like God and have all the earth WORSHIP him. God just gives the whole thing to him and his friends and then bowls this burning bowling ball of hell fire into eternity somewhere. Although it’s a little toasty, Satan gets exactly what he has always wanted; the earth is now his and is lit up like a Christmas tree to give light to a solar system somewhere.

You cannot put new wine into an old wineskin... It cannot contain it, the skin would burst659... The wineskin of earth must be purged and a new wineskin of purity must be created to hold this new creation for eternity.660 (We get a new earth)

After the earth is destroyed, the Bible does not say what happened to the newly saved Gentiles and Jews during the Millennium period; but the scriptures are clear that God removes His own before total destruction.

Did you see it? While avoiding the burning lake of fire is certainly a BIG PLUS,
BIGGER DEAL is that we are NOT separated from God for eternity with no hope.

Great White Throne Judgment
With Heaven and Earth destroyed, that pretty much ends this study on Armageddon, but I

continue on to mention The Great White Throne which is judgment for the wicked dead.661 The nations and the righteous living have already been judged. Anyway our life is choice driven, we can choose to be judged at the “Judgment seat of Christ662 or at “The Great White Throne”.663

The Books will be opened and everyone will give an accounting for what they have done.

  •   The Book of the Law, the covenant, the Bible, which is the word of God that judges them

  •   The Book of Deeds containing the account of man’s works on earth.

  •   The Book of Life, the names written down of those that accepted Christ as the son of God and

    the Messiah.664

    We WILL all be judged... It’s in the Book

    655 Revelation 20:9 – They surround Jerusalem and fire comes down from heaven and devoured them.
    656 Revelation 20:10 – The Devil, Satan is defeated & thrown into the lake of fire where he will be tormented day & night for ever & ever 657 2 Peter 3:12 – The heavens will be destroyed by fire, & the elements melt in the heat- - 2 Peter 3:10 – The Elements will be destroyed 658 Revelation 21:1 – There will be a new heaven and a new earth
    659 Matthew 9:17 – The old earth cannot contain the new environment; neither pour new wine into old wineskins; the skins will burst
    660 2 Peter 3:13 – We are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth our home of righteousness
    661 Revelation 20:11 – Judgment for the unbeliever is at the great white throne judgment
    662 2 Corenthians 5:10 – Believers will stand before the Judgment seat of Christ NOT The Great White Throne which is for unbelievers -- Matthew 19:28 – The Believer will judge WITH Jesus the Christ-- John 5:22 – God judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to His Son Jesus the Christ
    663 Revelation 20:12 – Everyone great and small stand before the throne where BOOKS WERE OPENED and if your name is not in the book of life you are thrown into the lake of fire.
    664 John 12:48 – There is a judge for those that reject Christ and do not accept His words; -- Romans 3:19-20 – The whole world is accountable to God. -- Revelation 20:15 – Anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire

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. Chapter 15.16 Armageddon


Symbolism - War Games – The Battlefield – Megiddo Chemical Warfare – Nuclear Bombs – Gog & Magog

Will a cavalry on horses really ride in bringing swords and knives to a GUN FIGHT?

First Word

GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL: Do you remember the 1957 movie with Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday? Armageddon is a gunfight to the death or perhaps to life. If one Angel can wave his hand and kill 185,000 with a supernatural laser beam, think what a legion of angels could do.

(There’s more of us than they are of them.) 665

As you read the Apostle John’s account in the “Revelation”, it must be noted that the many chapters are not in sequential order, but are inserted from time to time to provide information on what John sees and describes as best his mind can comprehend. Neither John nor the prophets had ever seen complex airborne weaponry such as a HELICOPTER. Have you noticed how an Apache Helicopter resembles a LOCUST? John had never seen a BULLET, much less a THERMONUCLEAR BOMB.

A nuclear bomb can generate 150 million degrees of heat in a millionth of a second; skin falls off their bodies while they are still standing.666 With pain and anguish, faces are burned.667 Terror seizes mankind. The nuclear bombs trigger earth quakes; debris is blown into the air so thick it blots out the sun. Fire and sulfur fills the air and rains down on the earth.

Most of the Middle East has “Chemical and Biological Weapons” and nuclear weapons would just be icing on the cake. Biological weapons include microorganisms and toxins that cause plagues like cholera and tuberculosis, there’s anthrax and botulisms and the Super Plague for which there is no cure. Chemical weapons include nerve gas, mustard gas and Sarin gas that attack your lungs, and now Russia has one called Novichok which is ten times more toxic than nerve gas.

Come, let’s Reason together.668 It is REASONABLE and LOGICAL to CONSIDER and ASSUME that man will NOT regress backward and use horses, swords and hand to hand combat669 to fight a modern day warfare of tanks, Apache helicopters, hellfire missiles, drone surgical strikes and H- bombs. In fact if we did, Megiddo would become a death trap by dropping just one H-bomb.


665 2 Kings 6:16 – Do not be afraid, for there is more of us that are those with them -- 2 Kings 19:35 – One angel went out and struck down 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians
666 Zechariah 14:12 – Their FLESH, EYES and TONGUES WILL ROT while they are standing
667 Isaiah 13:6-8 – Terror, Pain, Anguish will seize them as their Faces burned

668 Isaiah 1:18 - Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD 669 Revelation 19:11-21 – The battle with Horses, Riders and Swords

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This Study will DEPART FROM THE ORDINARY and ignore the Systematic Theology that we have always been taught and take a close look at the rich SYMBOLISM as painted by John the Revelator. The actual word “Armageddon” appears only once in the Greek New Testament and it comes from the Hebrew word Har Məgiddô, meaning "Mountain of Megiddo". Megiddo is actually not a mountain at all, but A HILL created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot. The Word “Mountain” is symbolic for Power.

What we think of as a battlefield lies at the mouth of the great valley Esdraelon; a narrow PASS in the northern part of Israel, east of Mount Carmel that stretches from the Mediterranean Sea eastward across the northern part of Israel. – (This is where we get the expression “Cut them off at the Pass”.)

Many wars have been fought on this plain called Megiddo. In the final battle, the restraining force, which is the Holy Spirit, has gone from the earth and there is no longer any restraint on man and he will do whatever is in his heart. The term “Armageddon” has been used “symbolically” whenever in a Great War the need was the greatest for God’s help.

This study jumps over the thinking that Megiddo is a specific geographical location on earth and looks at the final battle of Armageddon as strictly SYMBOLIC.

SYMBOLICALLY I ask that you shift your mind to grasp that Megiddo is a BATTLEFIELD where a WAR is taking place. JUST HOLD JUST THAT THOUGHT... Megiddo is a Battlefield

Revelation 16:16 - A place called Armageddon

16 And they assembled them at the PLACE that in Hebrew is called ARMAGEDDON. (ESV)

The Battlefield

If you can just grab hold of the thought that Revelation is a symbolic book and the battle presented is symbolic, you will start to see other symbols in scripture that will enable you to unlock the symbolic codes thus gaining a whole new perspective on the “Revelation”.

The Battle is not PHYSICAL hand to hand combat with army against army, it’s a SPIRITUAL battle against cosmic spiritual forces of EVIL that operate in heavenly places.670 Our weapons are not tanks, Apache helicopters, bombs and chemical warfare, but is the Word of God; what He has already spoken. We are to be armed with the whole armor of God and He clearly spells it out for us.

SYMBOLICALLY we are to put on the BELT of truth, the BREASTPLATE of righteousness, SHOES of readiness, the SHIELD of faith, HELMET of salvation, & SWORD of the Spirit.671 If you notice that in the descriptions that God gives us, there is nothing to protect our backs. The instructions are for us to STAND and be able to withstand the fiery darts of Satan; there will not be a retreat with our backs exposed, because God has our backs.

Our Weapon is KNOWLEDGE of the Bible. The battlefield is our MIND, soul and spirit. You must get this; we PERISH for the lack of knowledge of God’s power,672 what He has already spoken.

You must STUDY the Word for yourself.673

War Games

Satan who is the Anti-god; the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet all make up the COUNTERFEIT UNHOLY TRINITY.

1) The Dragon symbolically is Satan who has created myriads of little gods, false religions and institutions.

  1. 2)  The Beast is symbolic of the false teachings of the pagan religions and institutions.

  2. 3)  The False Prophet some students consider Mohammad teaching the pagan religion of Islam.

670 Ephesians 6:12 – The battle is against Spiritual Forces of Evil in the heavenly places
671 Ephesians 6:13-17 – Take up whole armor of god; the belt of truth, breastplate, shoes of readiness, the shield of faith, helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit and then stand
672 Isaiah 5:13 - My people perish because of their lack of knowledge of God’s written Word
673 Matthew 22:29 – You are deceived because you don’t read the Bible -- 2 Timothy 2:15 – You must study to rightly divide the Word

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Revelation 16:13-16 – The Satanic Trinity; Dragon, Beast, False Prophet

13 Then I saw THREE evil spirits that looked like FROGS; they came out of the mouth of the out of the mouth of the BEAST and out of the mouth of the . They are spirits of demons performing
14 miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of
THE WHOLE WORLD, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.

Did you see it? The three frogs identified; in scripture came out of the MOUTHS of the Counterfeit Trinity.674 FROGS are considered unclean by the Hebrew nation; these slimy, filthy, loathsome, disgusting frogs are evil spirits that come spewing out PROPAGANDA and FAKE NEWS, FALSE DOCTRINE, PERVERSIVE IDEAS and DISTORTIONS OF TRUTH through the Internet, Twitter and Facebook, Radio and TV, plus Newspapers and Tabloids seducing and deceiving all the Leaders of THE WORLD.

FAKE NEWS (Kind of like what’s going on NOW)
They take advantage of man’s weaknesses; fear, pride, lust, greed and even laziness, seducing them to

join in the battle of Armageddon. Sadly, the kings of the world that will be deceived includes a multitude from the USA.

Frogs are SYMBOLIC of a spiritually impure, and unholy false church with false teachings. The adversary is SATAN and his weapon is War Games of the mind; DECEIT.

  •   Satan’s weapon is to put DECEIT in our MIND. INFORMATION DISSEMINATION 675

  •   God’s weapon is to put KNOWLEDGE in our MIND. SWORD OF TRUTH; THE BIBLE676

    The WAR GAMES are MIND GAMES concerning God’s Spiritual values.

    Gog & Magog
    Ezekiel prophesied twenty five centuries ago of a war between an un-walled city (Israel) and a

    nation to its North, (Russia). When Israel became a Nation again in 1948, this prophesied war became imminent. Gog, which is the nation of Russia and Magog which is its army of allied nations677 will invade Israel and there will be an EARTHQUAKE so catastrophic that the whole world will be affected.

    The modern nation’s names are; Russia, East Germany, Poland and Bulgaria plus Persia (Iran) Ethiopia, Libya and Turkey. God will rain down hailstones on them with burning sulfur, plagues of pestilence 678, and they will be in such confusion, that they want even know who they are fighting and will be killed by their own friendly fire. 679 It’s possible the Russian army will be destroyed by their own thermonuclear bomb; fire and brimstone.

    Names change, nations change and the players change; the identity of the players really does not matter... there has always been many threats to Israel. Symbolically SPIRITUAL ISRAEL is the Church which is God’s people and the threat against them is coming from the SATANIC TRINITY.

  •   Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air;680 Air is invisible and everywhere; Satan’s unseen evil is all around us. Satan’s army are those whose names are NOT written in THE BOOK OF LIFE681

  •   Christ’s army in heaven is THE SAINTS whose names ARE written in THE BOOK OF LIFE... Whoever is NOT with Christ is against Him682... Whoever does NOT gather with Him; scatters.

    They will make war on the army of Christ and will LOSE.683
    SYMBOLICALLY we can boil it all down to ONE FACT; there is a SPIRITUAL WAR

    going on between the CHURCH and SATAN... and... WE ARE THE CHURCH

    674 Revelation 16:13-16 – The Satanic Trinity: I saw THREE evil spirits that looked like FROGS; they came out of the mouth of the DRAGON, out of the mouth of the BEAST and out of the mouth of the FALSE PROPHET.
    675 Revelation 16:14 – Demonic Spirits performing signs
    676 Revelation 19:15 – Out of God’s mouth comes a sharp sword; the WORD OF GOD’s Truth

    677 Ezekiel 38:2-3 – Gog (Russia) is the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal
    678 Ezekiel 38:22 – Prophecy – God will pour down torrents of Rain hailstones of burning sulfur on the many nations with him 679 Ezekiel 38:19-21 – Prophecy – Earthquake; so much Confusion, that they kill each other
    680 Ephesians 2:2 – Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience
    681 Revelation 20:15 – Name NOT FOUND in THE BOOK OF LIFE was thrown into the lake of fire
    682 Matthew 12:30 - Whoever is not with me is against me
    683 Revelation 17:14 – They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer



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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK The Take Away

Frogs are symbolic of a spiritually impure, and unholy false church with INFORMATION DISSEMINATION - False teachings.

  •   Megiddo is a battle field where a war is taking place.

  •   The war games are mind games. The battle is over our mind, soul and spirit.

  •   Satan’s weapon is to put deceit in our mind.

  •   God’s weapon is to put knowledge in our mind.

  •   Symbolically we are to put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes

    of readiness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit. Our instructions are for us to just STAND.

This is a spiritual war taking place between the Church and Satan and its takes place within us.

We are both the Warrior and the War.

I don’t ask that your Belief System embrace this STUDY OF SYMBOLISM, but just think about it. It’s what you put in your mind and into your heart that determines the outcome of YOUR battle. Make no mistake the battle is one MIND at a time.

Without KNOWEDGE... WE will perish...
We are all born on the wrong side of the battle, but we can be BORN AGAIN.
You must decide which side you want to fight on;
there are no bystanders.

If you feel the battle within; then you are not a bystander.

You are the WAR and the WARRIOR.

In the movie the MATRIX trilogy, Neo is told;
I can only show you the door, you must CHOOSE to walk through it.

Life is Choice driven; the decisions you make on this side of life have eternal consequences.


It’s in the Book

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Chapter 15.17

Fake False Teachers

Word of Faith movement – Gnostic Teachings – The God Class - Little gods Thought Power – Ask Anything - Wealth – Healing – 9 Spiritual Gifts
Jesus Born again in Hell; took on a Satanic Nature
Jesus death was insufficient for our sins.

I have not sent nor spoken to them
They have false visions and delusions of their own minds.

First Word

In 1974 I exchanged my King James Bible for a LIVING BIBLE and it changed my life. It used words that I could understand and I read it from the front cover that said “Holy Bible” all the way to the back cover that said “Genuine Leather”. Today there are many versions that are easy to understand.

The Bible I recommend is the one that you will read.

In the late 70’s I was part of the “Charismatic Movement” operating in the belief that the GIFTS given by the Holy Spirit were still operational today. I attended Bible studies where I saw hands being laid on the sick and they did recover, heard people praying in tongues, heard prophecy, saw people slain in the spirit. I changed from “Presbyterian” to an “Assembly of God” denomination to be in the thick of it and about five years later switched back to Presbyterian.

In my Belief System, I believe these gifts are still in effect today even though the Presbyterian Church says they have ceased. The Book says that the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.684

By the early 80’s The “Word of Faith movement” was paramount. People young in the faith like me were all over it, although seasoned pastors denounced it. All I could see was that wherever the word of God was taught in abundance, prosperity was in abundance. My pastor would say; if that were really true it would work for every Believer, not just for some. BUT I WAS ALL IN.

The Gifts of the Spirit started to take a back seat to; speaking situations & things into existence;

Fence Post Theology looks at these NEW teachings and the voices that support them with fence post that either DO or DO NOT line up with the other fence post of scripture. Looking at these fence post, you are able to decide for yourself what is “out of line” and if it is a fake false teaching or not.

The Good Book says that the time is coming when people will NOT endure sound teaching, but with “ITCHING EARS” will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.685

Confess it and Possess it - Name it and Claim it - Blab it and Grab it.

1 Corinthians 12:8-11 – Nine gifts of the Spirit

8 For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,
9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,

10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. NKJV

684 Romans 11:29 - The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable
685 2 Timothy 4:3 – People will get teachers that suit their own passions

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Fence Post Theology

I study so much and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me the understanding of things that I write down; in doing so “I believe what I write down to be true”. But I also have been given “Fence Post Theology”, which is simply; if the fence post that I have just planted does not line up with the other fence post that have already been planted by other scripture, then something is wrong with my own Belief System and I need to go back and study some more.

It’s simple; either the Bible is wrong or I am wrong.

This is hard for me to say because I have studied, followed and grown in my faith through the teaching of all of the ministers and teachers that I present here, but now it seems these leaders have read into scripture teachings that are just not there, and others are picking up on it and adding to it, resulting in a movement that feeds off of its own self.

I believe they believe these TWISTED verses because the others in the movement seem to endorse it too. So the things I say here about ministers and teachers of God’s Word affects me very deeply and I wish it wasn’t so.

The Book says; “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into MINISTERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.686

From among your own selves will arise


Word of Faith Origin
Kenneth Hagan seems to be the grandfather of the Word of Faith Movement and is often quoted

by many of its leaders. Central to this movement is “Positive Confession.what I confess, I possess. The Book says; I HAVE NOT sent them nor appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the DELUSIONS OF THEIR OWN MINDS If anyone comes to you and brings a different teaching, do not take them into your home or welcome

them; they are disguised as Ministers of Righteousness. The Word of Faith movement includes:

  •   Little god’s Doctrine

  •   Declaring things into existence

  •   Material gain and prosperity

  •   Jesus was just a mere man on earth

  •   Jesus death on the Cross was insufficient payment for sins

  •   Jesus took on a satanic nature of sin; called transmutation

  •   Jesus was tormented in hell for our sins and then was “Born Again”

    Jeremiah 14:14 - I have not sent nor spoken to them

    14 The LORD said, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name.

    I HAVE NOT sent them or appointed them or spoken to them.

    They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the DELUSIONS OF THEIR OWN MINDS.


    2 John 1:10 - Do not let them into your house

    10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching,


    686 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 – Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers ALSO TRANSFORM THEMSELVES into MINISTERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS

    687 Acts 20:30 – Ministers speak twisted things

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Gnostic Teaching
Gnosticism is from the Greek word gnosis meaning "knowledge"; this MYSTICAL or ESOTERICLE

KNOWLEDGE is based on direct participation with the divine; Gnostics are those in the know
The Nag Hammadi Library is a gold mind concerning Gnosticism, I am blessed to have found such a copy at the second hand book store. In the Greek religion it was believed that exceptional men and heroes were transformed into gods at their death. I speak here about Gnosticism so that you

can gain a little insight to where the HERETICAL TEACHING of man becoming a god came from.

  •   Theism – There is only one god.

  •   Polytheism – Men shall become gods

  •   Gnosticism - Man is an “exact duplicate” of God.

  •   WOF - The Gospel of Philip contains teaching that MAN CAN BECOME A GOD.

  •   WOF - The Gospel of Thomas also teaches that “YOU TOO CAN BECOME A GOD”; that if a man drinks from the mouth of Jesus, he will become like Him and Jesus will become like the man

    and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him.

    Many of the APOCRYPHAL WRITINGS were penned by someone other than the one it was attributed to, in order to get their writing to have validity and merit and become established. The Gospel of Thomas was one of those that was believed to be A FORGERY, therefore left out of the Bible.

  •   WOF Baptism was believed by the Gnostics that it was a rite of immortalization that DEIFIED its initiates... Baptism united then into the death and resurrection of Christ but also united them with the ascension and ENTHRONEMENT of Christ. So baptism separated men from the mortals.

  •   WOF Gnostics believe that baptism is OUR participation in the death, resurrection and ENTHRONEMENT.

    I am the first and I am the last; BESIDES ME THERE IS NO GOD”. 688 It’s in the Book

    Gospel of Phillip 3:61:30 – You will become a god

    30 You saw the spirit, you became the spirit. You saw Christ, you became Christ. You saw the father you shall become the father.

    Gospel of Thomas 109 – You shall become a god

    109 Jesus said “he who drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him.

    God Class
    Passages and verses are misused by the Word of Faith movement to create a “God Class”.

    The Book says you turn things upside down,689 you have no understanding”.

    WOF - God created men in His own image and likeness, this is defined as; man was made DIVINE and in the God Class where he can speak things into existence with sovereign divine power over our life and things; he is a small miniature god. Everything produces after its own kind.

    When the God head got together they produce little gods; God made us little gods.

    Brigham Young; the MORMON’S taught that Jesus and Satan were brothers and salvation was by WORKS. Accordingtotheirdoctrine,AdamwasonceamortalmanwhowasresurrectedandEXALTED, therefore ADAM BECAME OUR FATHER AND OUR GOD.

    Their controversial teaching is known as the Adam-God Doctrine.

    688 Isaiah 44:6-8 – Besides ME there is no god -- Isaiah 45:5 - I am the LORD, and there is no other

    689 Isaiah 29:16 – You are turning things upside down

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Kenneth Copeland: Adam was in the God Class... He was not subordinate to God... He was walking as a god.... What he said went... What he did counted.”

The Book says such teaching exalts man and demotes God. “It puts man on the throne and makes him an extension of the Trinity. It is therefore a SERIOUS ERROR to use such terms... Man is not now, nor can ever be in God’s Class(Michael Horton, The Agony of Deceit)

Benny Hinn: Adam was a super being when God created him. He had dominion over the fish of the sea and fowls of the air which means Adam could fly & could even fly into space; to the moon.690 The Book says man is actually an earthly representative of God having ruler-ship and dominion to

GOVERN, MANAGE and CARE for the things on earth on God’s behalf;691 we are not little gods.

Little gods

False Teachers bring new teaching that say that everyone is a god and has god like power to create and bring things into existence and can sustain themselves in “Words” and “Thoughts”. Men are exact duplicates of god... These false teachers DO NOT FEAR GOD.692 It’s in the Book

  •   Earl Paulk - You should act like gods.

  •   Creflo Dollar – “You are gods; little g”.

  •   Kenneth Copeland - You do not have a god in you, you are one.

  •   Paul Crouch - God doesn’t even draw a distinction between himself and us.

  •   Kenneth Hagan – You are as much the incarnation of God as Jesus Christ was.

    The Book speaks about little gods: You say ‘I am a god, I sit in the seat of the gods, in the heart of the seas,’ yet you are but a man, and NO GOD, though you make your heart like the heart of a god. Not one statement of this nature is documented in the NT by Jesus or any of the disciples.

    Ezekiel 28:2 – You said I am a god, but yet you are but a man

    2 “Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre, Thus says the Lord GOD: “Because your heart is proud, and you have said,
    ‘I AM A GOD, I sit in the seat of the gods, in the heart of the seas,’

    yet YOU ARE BUT A MAN, and NO GOD, though you make your heart like the heart of a god

    The Book teaches that there is no multiplicity of god. For although there may be so-called gods and

    many “lords in heaven or on earth, yet for the Christian there is only ONE God,693 the Father, from whom all things exist and ONE Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.

    For the non-believer, whenever they worship or offer sacrifices, they are offering it to demons, not to

God.694 He has said in no uncertain terms and so many times; there is no other god; however you can make yourself one.695 It’s in the Book

The Big Lie: “you can become a god” was spewed out the mouth of Satan in the Garden of Eden when he tricked Eve into eating the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil. He told her she would be like god. When Cornelius met with Peter, he worshipped at his feet and Peter said; STOP THAT; I am only a man, just like you.696

Genesis 3:4-5 – THE BIG LIE - You will be as god

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, you shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and YE SHALL BE AS GODS, knowing good and evil. (KJV)

690 Genesis 1:26 - Let us make man in our image -- Genesis 1:26-28 – Man made in the image of God with Dominion over the earth 691 Psalm 72:1-13 - The King MANAGES and CARES for the earth
693 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 - There may be many so-called gods yet for the Believer there is just one God, the Father

694 1 Corinthians 10:20 - Pagans sacrifice are to demons, not to God
695 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 – Let no one deceive you in any way, the Anti-Christ will exalt himself; proclaiming himself to be God. 696 Acts 10:25-26 – I am not a little god, I am just a man like you

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Here is what God said: I alone am God697... There is no other god besides ME 698... I am the LORD, and there is no other699... Besides ME there is no god700 – No gods before ME nor none after ME.701 Sounds pretty clear to me; there are not any little gods.

From the “Forgotten Books of EdenSecrets of Enoch; Satan’s fall... God kicked Satan out of heaven for doing the very same thing that the “Word of Faith Movement” teaches702... Isiah and Luke both confirm the same thing.


2 Enoch Chapter 29:3-4 – God threw Satan out of heaven
3 And one from out the order of angels, having turned away with the order that was under him, conceived an IMPOSSIBLE THOUGHT, to place his throne higher than the clouds above the earth that he might become equal in rank to my power.
4 and
I THREW HIM OUT from the height with his angels, and he was flying in the air continuous above the bottomless.

Isaiah 14:12-14 – Satan fallen; five I wills cut down to the ground

12 How YOU ARE FALLEN from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low!
13 You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ (ESV)

Twisted little god scripture

WOF... You shall be as God to him. Moses was created as a little god & was to function as a god.

The Book says that Moses would receive information from God and tell it to Aaron “as IF he were God”.703 This had nothing to do with Moses’ nature... The Lord is one, there is no other besides Him.

WOF... You are gods, sons of the Most High, ALL of you; ALL of us are little gods.

The Book says the text is addressing the ancient Jewish rulers, the judges who have been given authority over the land and using a HYPERBOLE, He refers to them as gods to express their power and responsibility; they were not actually gods.

Jesus was quoting Psalms 82 saying that if He Himself as a deity was being blasphemous by claiming Himself equal with God, then even more should undeserving mortals; the ancient Jewish judges who were given authority and power be considered even more blasphemous. They are nether deity nor deserving of the titles.

I truly hate to spring this on you but there is a second parallel conversation that takes place in the “Council of God”. In this council, God decides the fate of someone and the Council decides how His decree will be carried out. (Example Daniel 4:13-23...1 Kings 22:19-22...Psalm 89:5-7)

We don’t know why God has a council, but He does; and these special created beings were judging unjustly and God told them that they would be cast down and die like mortal men... This is a study into its own self,

Try to find the study: Book 3.1... Two Yahweh’s

697 Psalm 86:10 - I alone am God
698 Isaiah 45:21 - There is no other god besides me
699 Jeremiah 10:6 - There is none like you, O LORD
700 Deuteronomy 6:4 - The LORD is one
701 Isaiah 43:10 – There are No gods before Me nor none after Me
702 Luke 10:15-18 – I saw Satan fall from heaven like lighting.
703 Exodus 4:15-16 - He shall speak for you to the people, and he shall be your mouth, and YOU SHALL BE AS GOD TO HIM You shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth

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Psalm 82:2-7 - You are gods, sons of the Most High, ALL of you

2 How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?
3 (You should) Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy;
4 deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
they walk about in
darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 I said, “YOU ARE GODS, sons of the Most High, ALL OF YOU;
7 NEVERTHELESS, LIKE MEN YOU SHALL DIE, and fall like any prince.” (ESV)

Now back to the Word of Faith Teachers.

Paula White... You are a little Elohim; a little god.
The Book says the word Elohim is not shared with any other entity; only God.704
Joyce Myer... God’s people are not taking their proper places... You are little gods.
Kenneth Copeland... We want to be gods. Jesus said, “I said ye are gods.705 It is with “the attitude

of gods” in the world that Jesus wants the Christian to live. You don’t have a god in you; YOU ARE ONE. Now Peter said; “by exceeding great and precious promises, you become partakers of the divine

nature.706 Alright are we gods? We are a Class of Gods”.
STOP; NO WHERE in the New Testament does it mandate that the Christian call themselves

little gods. This partaking of the Divine nature is referring to
The moral transformation and imitation of God’s Holy character.

We imitate the Divine nature of God as humans with our MORAL transformation and NOT DIVINE transformation... We get to share in the human virtue and character with God’s character. This is about the acquisition of moral character.

. 707

Thought Power -You become what you think
You have power in what you think.
Joel Osteen... “Proverbs 18:21 says, “Life and death are in the power of our tongue”.708 What are

you saying about your future...? What are you saying about your finances...? Make sure the words you are sending out are in the direction you want to go.”

The Book says that we should be careful of the negative consequences of what we say. The verses Osteen quotes before it are left out which says A fool’s lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating.709 A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.

The Book says the Word of Faith movement ignores VERSE ELEVEN which says;
The rich THINK their wealth protects them; they IMAGINE themselves safe behind it.710

Joyce Meyer... “Because my thoughts were all negative, my talk and my life were too. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.711 My life was a reflection of my thoughts and my words.” The Book does not say a man will “become” what he thinks. The context is about eating with a corrupt king who tells you to “eat up”, but is begrudging the cost of the meal in his heart, 712 and

verse four is always left out.... It says; DO NOT WORK JUST TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. What a man thinks is who he already is; not who he becomes.

704 2 Samuel 7:22 – There is none like God; none besides YOU.
705 John 10:32-36 – It’s written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?
706 2 Peter 1:4– WE have become partakers of the divine nature
707 John 10:27-30 – I am one with the Father -- Deuteronomy 6:4 - The LORD is one
708 Proverbs 18:21 – The power of Life and death is in the tongue
709 Proverbs 18:6-7 – A fool’s lips and mouth invites a beating
710 Proverbs 18:11 - The rich THINK and IMAGINE their wealth protects them
711 Proverbs 23:7 - As a man thinks in his heart, so is he
712 Proverbs 23:1-7 – Set down with a king, observe carefully. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but HIS HEART IS NOT WITH YOU.... Do not toil to acquire wealth

There is a distinction between God’s energies and His essence;

humanity participate in His energies, but not His essence

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Declaring things into existence

WOF - Believe whatever you say will come to pass; whatever you ask believing you will receive.713

The Book commands us to have faith in God. God is the object of trust not what we believe. Our asking is in accordance to His Will, not our will.714 Our trust is NOT in our thoughts; our trust is in God. Our asking is “God centered”; glorifying God; not “man centered”, glorifying man.

Kenneth Hagan - Have the “God kindof Faith.

The Book does not say to have the God kind of Faith, it says to have Faith in God. They point to the scripture that says; by faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God. The Bible reference to “faith” is addressing OUR faith, not GOD’S faith.715

WOF - We are like God, we can speak things into existence.

Charles Capps – The creative ability of man comes through his spirit. HE (man) speaks spirit words that work in the world of the spirit. They will also dominate the physical world. HE (man) breathes spirit life into God’s Word and it becomes a living substance, working for him as it worked for God in the beginning.

Kenneth Hagan – You can have what you say. You can write your own ticket with God. And the first step in writing your own ticket with God is “SAY IT”. There are four point’s from Jesus Christ given to Hagan; “1) Say it, 2) Do it, 3) Receive it and 4) Tell it”.

Gloria Copeland – You call what you have, you speak what you want. – You’re the weather man or woman, you talk to that thing; you are not coming here. - I command you to dissipate.

Paul Crouch - Speak that thing; Decree that thing and it will come to pass, whatever it is in your life.

Joel Osteen – Say; I am blessed, I’m healthy, I’m strong, I’m valuable, I’m talented... over time they will create the same image in your own life.

Benny Hinn - There is power in me to speak life and death.
John Avanzini - If you believe in your heart, you will have what you say.
Joyce Meyer – What you say today is probably what you will end up having tomorrow.

Deuteronomy 15:11 - There will always be poor people in the land

11 THERE WILL ALWAYS BE POOR PEOPLE IN THE LAND. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who

are poor and needy in your land. (NIV2011)

Do not pray- Decree and Command
Pat Robertson
– You command the dead to rise, you command money to come to you. That’s the

way you take authority over the material world around you; YOU DO NOT PRAY.
Joel Osteen - Some of you are praying about things you should be speaking to. YOU DO NOT HAVE

TO PRAY about that fear anymore, you should say “fear I command you to leave”.
The Book says the principal in scripture is NOT to command or decree a thing, but state our desire and then pray, may the LORD do what seems good to him.716 God is able to change our situation; but regardless, may His Will be done.717 We do not know what tomorrow will bring... Our life is but a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. WE ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live

and do this or that.” 718

James 4:13-16 – You boast in arrogance; all such boasting is evil

15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your ARROGANCE. All such boasting is evil.


713 Mark 11:22-24 – Believe you receive and it will be yours
714 1 John 5:14 – Ask according to HIS WILL and He hears us
715 Mark 11:22 - Have faith in God; Not “God kind” of faith -- Hebrews 11:3 – Not God’s Faith, but have Faith in God 716 2 Samuel 10:12 - May the LORD do what seems good to Him
717 Daniel 3:17-18 - God able to deliver us, But if not may HIS WILL be done
718 Romans 1:9-11 – State your case, ASK for GOD’S WILL in it

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The Model Prayer states we should pray for “God’s will” to be done.719 In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.720 Everything is according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.721

The Book says Paul had a thorn in the flesh; he DID NOT DECREE OR COMMAND that it be taken from him, but prayed three times to God to take it from him. God DID NOT grant him his request, but said His grace was sufficient for him.722 The Word of Faith Movement boast in their ARROGANCE of commanding and decreeing things into existence723 and GOD says such boasting is EVIL.

It’s in the Book

Material Gain and Prosperity
Kenneth Hagan
– Believe in your heart; say it with your mouth. That is the principal of Faith.

Robert Tilton – My God’s rich and He’s trying to show you how to draw out of your heavenly

account that Jesus bought and paid for and purchased for you at Calvary. NEW HOUSE? NEW CAR? That’s chicken feed. That’s nothing compared to what God wants to do for you.

Joseph Prince – I’ve got to believe that I receive it, then I will have it. – I must believe that I receive it, not FEEL that you have it.

Kenneth Copeland – You must realize that IT IS GOD’S WILL for you to prosper. This is available to you, and frankly, it would be STUPID of you not to partake of it.

Joel Osteen – When you DEMAND riches, all of heaven comes to fulfill your material desires. Everything I put my hands to prospers and succeeds! Friend, when you make those kinds of bold declarations, all heaven comes to attention to back up God’s Word.

The Book says COMMANDING things into existence is God’s unique prerogative alone.724 The teaching that man can decree, demand and command things to happen elevates man and reduces God.725 The First Lie from the Garden of Eden is ever present today; “you will be like God”. If we can command things into existence, then it follows that people should fear us and stand in awe of us just like we fear and stand in awe of God.726 NO WHERE in the Bible has any created being ever been given “creative power”.727

The closest we come to participating in God’s creative nature is through child bearing.

WOF whatsoever” you ask for, believe that you RECEIVE THEM and you will have them.728
Fred Price – “What-so-ever” means... house... car... Rolls Royce... airplane... finances... prosperity...

clothes... furniture... churches... bibles... television sets... television stations... television cameras... WHAT SO EVER HE SAYETH.

TD Jakes SOW this and REAP that.
Gloria Copeland Give $10 and RECEIVE $1,000; give $10,000 and RECEIVE $100,000
Joyce Meyer
– If you stay in your faith, you are going to GET PAID. I am now living my REWARD. The Book says when it comes to giving, give expecting nothing in return.729 You should be on

guard against all covetousness; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.730

719 Matthew 6:9-10 – Model Prayer; pray that GOD’S WILL be done -- Matthew 26:39 – State desire; PRAY NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR WILL 720 Philippians 4:6 – Let your REQUESTS be made known to God in Prayer
721 Ephesians 1:11 – It all works according to the counsel of GOD’S WILL - Romans 8:27 – Holy Spirit intercedes according to GOD’S WILL 722 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 – God DID NOT answer Paul’s prayer to remove his thorn in the flesh

723 James 4:13-16 - You boast in your arrogance... You ought to say, “IF THE LORD WILLS” we will do this and that
724 Job 38:12 – Can you COMMAND the morning to dawn? NO -- Job 38:34 – Can you SPEAK and cause a flood? NO -- Job 39:27 – Can you COMMAND an Eagle to make a nest? NO -- Psalm 33:8-9 – It is GOD that SPEAKS and COMMANDs... NOT MAN
725 Proverbs 19:21 – It is the PURPOSE of the LORD that will stand -- Job 23:13 - What God desires, that He does
726 Daniel 4:35 - He does according to his will among the host of heaven & among the inhabitants of earth & NONE CAN STAY HIS HAND 727 Job 38:4 – Tell me if you have UNDERSTANDING about the foundations of the earth
728 Mark 11:24 – Whatsoever you pray and ask for BELIEVE that you will receive them
729 Luke 6:35 - LEND, EXPECTING NOTHING IN RETURN and your reward will be great
730 Luke 12:15 - Life does not consist in the abundance of possessions

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It’s not about getting, it’s about giving.731 Sell off some of your possessions and give to those who have nothing.732 Be rich in GOOD WORKS... Be GENEROUS and... Be ready to SHARE.733

The Book; The deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter into your thoughts and chokes out the Word,734 making the Word unfruitful, you WILL NOT receive because you have ask wrongly.735

False teachers have trained their hearts with greed736 and in their greed will EXPLOIT YOU with false words. They themselves have gone astray with the love of money and have now become a slave to it.737 The people who don’t know God, FUSS over these THINGS.738 It’s in the Book

Jesus was Rich - He had a treasurer
TD Jakes
– The Power of Thought; you are one thought away from a great reformation in your life,

one thought away from being a millionaire.
Creflo Dollar – Soldiers (at the crucifixion) gambled for His (Jesus) clothes by throwing dice... Shows

that Jesus must have been wealthy enough to have worn FINE garments.
The Book - When you go through scriptures there is no way you can conclude Jesus was rich. There

were four soldiers and five articles of clothing, so each got an article and then they tossed the dice to see who would get the remaining piece rather than tear it into quarters.739 Although it was a peasant’s garment, it was nevertheless a seamless good one740 that someone probably had made for Him; many students of the Word BS have concluded that it was made by His mother Mary of Nazareth.

Note: Take a close look at the homes of the leaders of the mega-churches and compare them to Jesus. He owned nothing but the clothes on His back; He said the birds of the air have a nest, and the foxes have a den, but the son of man does not even have a place to lay His head.741

JUDAS was His accountant and treasurer; many of the Women Of the Church gave money to the ministry known as THE WAY to provide food and a nights lodging for the twelve plus the WOC workers.


WOF - Sickness comes from the mind and right thinking heals it.

Joyce Meyer By His stripes I was healed.742 Healing belongs to me. I was healed two thousand years ago by the stripes Jesus bore... I‘m not trying to get healing; I’ve already got my healing.

Gloria Copeland – So when sickness starts to come on your body, don’t think of yourself as the sick trying to get healed; you ARE the healed and the devil is trying to steal your health

The Book says that the wounds or stripes that Jesus bore were for the healing of our transgressions, our SINS; NOT for our literal sickness. His stripes are for the healing of our sins... Like sheep that have “gone astray” is a METAPHOR for sin; like HEAL the iniquity of my TROUBLED bones is a METAPHOR.743

It’s in the Book

731 Luke 3:11 - Share with him who has none
732 Luke 12:33 - Sell some of your possessions, and give to those in need
733 1 Timothy 6:17-19 - Be rich in good works, BE GENEROUS & SHARE
734 Mark 4:18-19 – Deceitfulness of riches chokes out the word
735 James 4:3 – You don’t receive because you ask wrongly
736 2 Peter 2:14 - They have trained their hearts with greed -- 2 Peter 2:3 - In their GREED they will EXPLOIT with FALSE WORDS -- 2 Peter 2:15 – They love GAIN from wrongdoing, and have gone astray
737 1 Timothy 6:6-10 - The LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evils. -- Matthew 6:19-21- Where your money is, your heart will be there also-- Luke 12:15 - Life does not consist in the abundance of your possessions
738 Matthew 6:32 - People who don't know God fuss over THINGS -- 2 Peter 2:19 – They have become slaves to money and stuff
739 Psalm 22:18 – PROPHECY They cast lots and divided my garments among them
740 John 19:23-24 – The tunic was seamless, so they cast lots for it; this was to fulfill the Prophecy which says, “They divided my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots
741 Luke 9:58 – Jesus had nothing; Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head
742 Isaiah 53:4-6 - With his WOUNDS we are HEALED He was bruised for our Sins
743 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Metaphor – Forgive their sin and HEAL their land -- Psalm 6:2 – Metaphor HEAL my TROUBLED bones -- Jeremiah 30:12-13 - Metaphor – There is No HEALING; your SIN is INCURABLE -- Nahum 3:19 – Metaphor – You Lost the battle, your Hurt WOUNDS are grievous -- Jeremiah 51:8-9 – Metaphor – Babylon has fallen; take BALM for pain perhaps she may be healed -- Isaiah 1:5-6 – Metaphor – You are SICK; you continue to rebel

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1 Peter 2:24 - By whose stripes you were healed of Sin

24 who Himself bore our SINS in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to SINS, might live for righteousness--


Ask Anything

WOF - If you ask me ANYTHING in my name, I will do it.

The Book The “Anything” has to do with enabling the disciples to be able to spread the Gospel. The “anything” asked is to glorify God.744 The “anything” must be according to HIS WILL and guided by the Holy Spirit745 who dwells within us & restrains our feelings & helps us in our “request

so that WE DO NOT WANDER OUT OF BOUNDS WITH OUR DESIRES. 746 John 14:14 - If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

14 If you ask me ANYTHING in my name, I will do it. (ESV)


WOF - God desires to PROSPER you.
Kenneth Copeland – John writes that we should prosper and be in health.
WOF - I pray that you will prosper; but READ ON, the verse goes on to say “as your soul

prospers747 meaning that as you study God’s Word and get it down in your spirit, you will prosper in health. This saying was also a “common greeting” among the Jews that when they would greet each other... it would be like we would say today; “have a great day”.

WOF - Receive NOW in this time houses and land.

The Book says this was referencing those who had lost everything for the Gospel sake would be able to share with others in the messianic community, their homes, land and their family. This early church community no longer exist in our time today, although it could come about; Quakers are close to communalisms. (This is totally different from communism.)

Communalism EVERYONE OWNS IT ALL. God is their source.748 A system of government in which communes sometimes on an ethnic or religious basis, have virtual autonomy within a federated state. A small group of people living communally and sharing in work and earnings.

Communism THE STATE OWNS IT ALL. God has nothing to do with it.
The Book says that Communalism works when God is involved. When man puts himself before others, it fails. The Essenes lived in communalism for over 200 years, everything including their clothes

was held in common; they ALL owned it ALL.
The Book says this letter was written to the Jews that were in EXILE;749 He would bring them out

of captivity in seven years if they repent... It is not a letter to every Christian that God will prosper them.

Jesus was a mere man on earth

WOF Jesus was only a man when on earth and did not possess a divine nature. Some students of the Word BS say He became a god at His BAPTISM and lost His deity at the CROSS. Other BS s say He did not become BORN AGAIN until after He died. They teach that Jesus experienced and suffered BOTH a physical and spiritual death; once on the cross and once in Hell.

The Book states that Christ suffered only ONCE for ALL of our sins.

Kenneth Copeland – “He hadn’t come to earth as God, He’d come as man.” “Jesus prayed not as the Divine One who had authority as God, but as a man” – Jesus never believed Himself to be

745 Romans 8:26 – The Holy Spirit helps us to know what and how to ask.
746 1 John 5:14-15 – Ask ANYTHING according to God’s WILL and He hears us
747 3 John 1:2 I pray that you may prosper as your soul prospers studying the Word -- Jeremiah 29:11 – God desires to prosper you and give you hope and a future
748 Acts 2:42-47 – Christian lived together; Messianic community... Communalism
749 Mark 10:29-30 – Those in Exile; receive now in this time; houses and land

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the most high God. Jesus volunteered to go to hell and I’m going to tell you something, ain’t nobody ever got out of there. Jesus went to hell to free mankind from the penalty of Adam’s high treason... When his blood poured out it DID NOT atone... Jesus spent three HORRIBLE days and nights in the bowels of the earth getting back for you and me our rights with God.

The Book says Jesus spent three WONDERFUL days and nights when He went to Paradise and preached to the captives there and SET THEM ALL FREE.

Kenneth Copeland - God turned to a man (Jesus) and called him God. He is in a higher position now than He was before He headed to the cross... A twice born man defeated Satan in his own domain... Well now you don’t mean, you couldn’t dare mean, that I could have done the same thing? He said, OH YEAH, if you’d had the knowledge of the Word of God that He did, YOU COULD’VE DONE THE SAME THING cause you’re a reborn man too. When His blood poured out it DID NOT atone.

Fred Price – Jesus was on earth as just a man, not the Son of God. Do you think the punishment for our sin was to die on the cross? If that were the case, the two thieves could have paid your price. No the punishment was to go into hell itself and TO SERVE TIME in hell separated from God...

Creflo Dollar – God never sleeps nor slumbers, Jesus came as a man and had to sleep. If Jesus came as God, then why did God have to ANOINT Him? 750

Earl Paulk – Easter resurrection shows how Jesus moved from being an earthly man to being a heavenly man. Jesus stood toe to toe with the devil and overcame the principalities and powers of death, hell and the grave. How are WE doing to conquer death? WE are overcomers through Jesus Christ because WE are learning the tools He used. WE are learning to move in authority and power. WE implement the concepts of His heart and mind. Jesus the first fruit, teaches US the secrets of overcoming the last enemy. WE must do everything that Jesus Christ did. (to save ourselves)

The Book says that even back in New Testament times, that the authorities DID NOT UNDERSTAND His Deity.751

Jesus took on Satan’s nature

The Word of Faith movement states that at the death of Christ He took on a satanic nature of sin; the process is called TRANSMUTATION.

Benny Hinn – Jesus knew that the only way He could defeat Satan was to become one with him in nature.

Kenneth Copeland - It was not the physical death of Christ that paid the price for sin, otherwise any prophet of God could have done that. Jesus made Himself obedient to Satan and took on his nature. Jesus allowed Himself to come under Satan’s control.

The Book says that Jesus pre-existed as deity and when He came to earth He took on flesh and then possessed a DIVINE and a HUMAN nature.752 He DID NOT set aside His deity therefore He could not take on a satanic nature.

The Book says; the translated word Deity means the “fullness” of what constitutes the nature or state of being God; dwells bodily in Christ. He possessed both a DIVINE nature and a HUMAN nature with the property of each nature wholly preserved. He was by nature both flesh and Spirit, both made and not made; God and man.

If Jesus was NOT true God and true man preserved in one single consciousness, then we would still be in our sins. The blood of Jesus on the cross is what takes care of sin, NOT His suffering in hell. The Book says that Christ is light and in Him is no darkness753 and neither was deceit found in

His mouth. Although He was tempted in all ways common to man; He did not sin...754

750 Mark 16:1 – Jesus’ body was anointed with spices
751 1 Corinthians 2:8 – The authorities did not understand His Deity for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory -- Colossians 2:9 - In him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily -- John 1:14 - The only Son from the father became flesh
753 1 John 1:5 – Jesus did not take on Satan’s nature; in Him is no darkness
754 Hebrews 4:15 – Although Jesus was tempted, He remained without sin -- 1 Peter 2:22 – No deceit was found in His mouth

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WOF - 2 Corinthians 5:21 - For our sake HE MADE HIM TO BE SIN who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

The Book’s literal translation is “He made Him as A SACRIFICE for sin,755 who knew no sin; He became a sin offering.756

WOF - Satan being lifted up on a pole in the wilderness and Jesus lifted up on the cross is representative and proves that Jesus had a satanic nature. He became united with Satan and received a satanic nature.

Kenneth Copeland It was the sign of Satan that was hanging on the Cross. He went to hell and suffered. It is important for us to realize that a born-again man defeated Satan... Colossians 1:18 refers to Jesus as the first born from the dead... He was the first man to be RE-BORN.

The Book - Satan lifted up on the pole represented the sins of Israel,757 Jesus lifted up on the cross represented the sins of the world 758 and at His death He committed His Spirit unto the Hands of His Father God, not to Hell nor Satan.759

Jesus death insufficient for sins
The Word of Faith Movement denies that Jesus was God while on earth, that His death on the cross

was insufficient payment for our sins and that He needed to SUFFER in Hell also.
WOF - Jesus suffered and was tortured in Hell by Satan and the demons for three days.
Fred Price - Satan and all the demons of hell thought that they had Him bound, and they threw a net

over Jesus and the dragged Him down to the very pit of hell itself TO SERVE OUR SENTENCE.
The Book states He cancelled the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands, nailing it to THE CROSS, disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame and triumphed over them. He was NOT TORTURED by demons, He TRIUMPHED over them; everything was accomplished

at the cross, nothing further was required.760
WOF argue that the comma placement is wrong in the scripture that says; “Truly, I say to you,

TODAY you will be with me in Paradise”... saying it should be Truly, I say to you today, you will be with me in Paradise; changing the meaning from He would be in Paradise that very day, to He will be in Paradise at some point. This supports their rational that Jesus spent three day suffering in Hell being tortured by Satan and the demons.

It their argument were true, it would be the ONLY occurrence in the entire New Testament that Jesus stated “truly, I say unto you”, and then DID NOT follow it with a comma. - I counted at least 27 times that Jesus made this statement and every time it was followed by a comma; EVERY TIME.

Luke 23:43 – TODAY He would be in Paradise, a compartment of hell

43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, TODAY you will be with me in Paradise.(ESV)

Kenneth Copeland – When Jesus cried, “it is finished,” He was not speaking of the plan of redemption. Jesus death on the cross was only the beginning of the COMPLETE WORK of redemption. Earl Paulk - We must learn how to enter into His vicariousness... Jesus is our example as one who

lived in perfect harmony with God’s direction for His life....
Now the body of Christ must COMPLETE THE WORK which Christ began.

755 Isaiah 53:10 – It was the will of the LORD to CRUSH HIM as a guilt offering
756 2 Corinthians 5:21 – For our sake he MADE HIM TO BE SIN who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God Romans 8:3 – God sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh for a SIN OFFERING
757 Numbers 21:4-9 – Serpent represented the sins of ISRAEL; “Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live.”
758 John 3:13-15 – Jesus represented the sins of the WORLD; as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whoever believes in him may have eternal life -- John 8:24 – Unless you believe I am the Messiah, you will die in your sins 759 Luke 23:46 – Jesus committed His Spirit into God’s hands not hell or Satan’s
760 Colossians 2:14-15 – He triumphed over them at the cross, not in hell -- Hebrews 2:14 – His death destroyed the power of death; Satan -- 1 Peter 2:24 – He Bore our sins on the cross not in hell -- Colossians 2:13-14 – Our Sin Debt nailed to the cross, not in hell
John 19:30 – It is finished Sin debt paid in full on the cross; not in hell -- Ephesians 1:7 – Redemption through His blood on the cross, not in hell -- Romans 3:25 – Our Sins debt paid by His blood on the cross, not in hell

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The Book says Justification or Salvation is by faith alone and NOT BY WORKS. We don’t do good works to be saved; we do good works because we are saved. The Work of Christ on the cross “Was Sufficient” to save us from our sins; there is no WORK for us to complete.761

Jesus was born again in Hell
- As a man, Jesus was “born again” in hell and became a God; so He was not unique. Jesus

as well as all other humans that are born again will receive the attributes of God’s nature.
Joyce Meyer – Jesus could have helped Himself until the point that He said “I commend my Spirit into your hands”, He then become Sin, He was no longer the Son of God. When the first human sacrifice was accepted, Jesus was the first human being that was ever BORN AGAIN and it happened when He was

in Hell... Jesus did not go to Paradise at His death. (Implication; He went to hell first)
WOF - Jesus took on the “God Man” when He was BORN AGAIN, and when MAN is born again,

they also take on “God Man”.
Kenneth Hagen – Spiritual death means (Jesus) having Satan’s nature... is the first one who was

ever BORN AGAIN... Jesus went to hell and suffered in our place... Jesus took on a satanic nature and became a “new satanic creation”... Jesus became sin. His spirit was separated from God... Jesus was begotten like us, separated from God. He tasted a spiritual death and was the first to be BORN AGAIN. He needed to be BORN AGAIN because He was estranged from God. God was not His father anymore, He had taken on Himself the nature of Satan. There is a real incarnation in the new birth... God imparts His very nature, substance and being to our human spirits.

The Book is actually teaching that Jesus was the first to rise from the dead to a state of immortality;762 He was the first fruits of many to obtain “un-ending life”.763 There is nothing in the NT that states that Jesus was “Born Again” or needed to be.764

Christ was not abandoned to Hell nor did His flesh see corruption. It’s in the Book

The Take Away

Those in the Word of Faith movement have certainly brought a lot of light on the Word of God, but some doctrines have been introduced that smack of the New Age Movement; the Power of Positive Thinking

Word of Faith vs; the Bible

  •   Little god’s Doctrine – Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me

  •   Declaring and Commanding things into existence - Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord

    wills, we will live and do this or that.

  •   Material gain and prosperity - The deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things

    enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful.

  •   Jesus was just a mere man on earth - For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to


  •   Jesus death on the Cross was insufficient payment for sins – He canceled the record of

    debt with its legal demands, nailing it to the cross and triumphing over them.

  •   Jesus took on a satanic nature of sin; the process of transmutation - God is light, and in

    Him is no darkness at all.

  •   Jesus was tormented in hell for our sins and then “Born Again” - He was not abandoned

    to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. - Christ has been raised from the dead, the first

761 1 Peter 3:18 - Christ suffered ONCE for sins the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, -- Hebrews 9:28 - Christ was offered ONCE to bear our sins to bear the sins of MANY -- Hebrews 10:10 – We are sanctified through His offering of the body of Jesus Christ Once for All
762 Acts 2:31 – Christ was not abandoned to Hell nor did His flesh see corruption -- Psalm 16:10 - You will not abandon my soul to Hell 763 1 Corinthians 15:20 – Christ is the first fruits raised from the dead

764 Colossians 1:18 – Jesus was the FIRST BORN to rise from the dead; NOT Born Again
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fruits of those who have fallen asleep. – He was FIRST BORN of many from the dead. - Jesus went to Paradise; preached the Good News message and led the captives free.765

I sent in some money to a TV ministry and they sent me back a book which every other chapter was on giving money to TV ministries. I don’t see anything inherently wrong with that, as it is a tool to raise money, but I just observe it for what it is. WORDS MANIPULATE THINKING

The Book says; I HAVE NOT SENT them or APPOINTED them or SPOKEN to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries



The Book says the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching,766 but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions. From among your own selves will arise men speaking TWISTED things, 767 turning things Upside Down768 to draw away the disciples of the Faith to follow after them.

Special Note

If you want to study in depth more about Fake False Teachers,
there is a
three hour YouTube video presentation that is available; Megachurch False Prophets 100% exposed, which I encourage you to view. https:

765 Ephesians 4:8-10 – He descended first to hell and led the captives FREE -- 1 Peter 3:18-20 – Jesus preached in Hell to the captives in Abraham’s Bosom; Paradise -- John 8:32 – Jesus preached the Truth and the Truth set the captives free
766 2 Timothy 4:3 – People will not endure sound teaching, but will get teachers that suit their own passions
767 Acts 20:30 – Ministers speak twisted things to draw away the disciples to follow after them

768 Isaiah 29:16 – You are turning things upside down
769 Jeremiah 14:14 - I HAVE NOT SENT NOR SPOKEN TO THEM. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the DELUSIONS OF THEIR OWN MINDS
770 2 John 1:10 - If anyone comes to you teaching a different Gospel, Do not welcome them or take them into your house -- Galatians 1:8 – Curse even an Angel that brings a different Gospel

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Chapter 15.18

The Word of Faith Movement – The power of positive thinking - Norman Vincent Peale Decree it & Declare it - Confess it & Possess it - Name it & Claim it – Blab it & Grab it Positive Mental Attitude –– Twisted Scripture

First Word

Positive Thinking Error

In 1983 I became aware of the “New Age Movement” and the “Word of Faith Movement”; of which both were promoting “SELF” as a way of fulfilling your needs.

  •   The New Age Movement teaches that the power of the mind through “IMAGING” combined with what you believe or have faith in, will change your life and change the world.

  •   This Word of Faith movement has its roots in “Positive Confession”; we must SPEAK to our circumstances... Decree it & Declare it... Confess it & Possess it... Name it & Claim it... Blab it & Grab it. This pretty much says that the only thing standing in the way of us and our desires is our THOUGHTS, which when properly controlled will produce changes in our circumstances and will bring prosperity and healing.

I was caught up in the Word of Faith movement of “Positive Confession”; I was all in. I told a friend that “MY headache was just killing me”; he told me to quit confessing and claiming that the headache was MINE and that I was dying, this was NEGATIVE CONFESSIONS. Today I still find myself restraining from saying; MY arthritis and MY backache as if to imply that I don’t own these things, I just have them.

My Belief System recognizes that well-chosen positive or negative words spoken can paint pictures that lift up as well as tear us down. Out of the abundance of the heart is what the mouth will speak. My BS in this study looks at the “theology” that YOUR THOUGHTS WILL CHANGE YOUR FUTURE.

Luke 6:45 - Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks

45 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil,

. (ESV)

Side Bar

A man had two sons which he asked to go work in the vineyard for the day;

  1. 1)  One had a Positive Confession and said he would go, but did not.

  2. 2)  The other had a Negative Confession; said he would NOT go, but changed his mind & went

One had the correct Confession and the other had the correct Action. The commendation in this parable was NOT to commend the Positive CONFESSION, but rather to commend the eventual obedience; the Positive ACTION. It’s not what you confess, it’s what you do. Remember what your momma said; “ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.” 771

771 Matthew 21:28-31 – Positive confession is not Positive action
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The following scripture is used to teach Positive Confession - ”Whatever is true and honorable, whatever is just and pure, whatever is lovely and commendable, if there is any excellence or anything worthyofpraiseThink(Dwell) onthesethings772...ThisisNOTaBeliefSystemofPositiveConfession per say, but are THOUGHTS THAT SHOULD COME ALIVE THROUGH EVERYDAY PRACTICE.


Thinking positively is certainly a good thing, it’s when we think there is supernatural power in positive thinking that gives us pause. This New Age error is a human idea MASQUERADING as truth; this watered down theology states that people can change the outcome of their future events by thinking them into existence... The theology is confidence of faith in yourself. It operates under the premise of the “Law of Attraction”, similar to the law of gravity.

PMA; Positive Mental Attitude became a buzz word in the early 50’s through the efforts of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, founder of Guide Post which has inspired millions upon millions to make their lives better through “The Power of Positive Thinking”; a book he published in 1952.

Peale wrote; “When you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your mind which by a “law of attraction” brings the best to you.” PMA is a false version of Faith and Hope; a flawed theory; an unbiblical notion that is NOT BASED ON TRUTH. It emerges from the “Self-Help” movement that says you can create your own reality simply through forming the correct mental IMAGES and by YOUR OWN willpower.

Phil Donahue in a 1984 interview; Dr. Peale said: “It’s NOT necessary to be born again. You have your way to God; I have mine. I found eternal peace in a Shinto shrine. ... I’ve been to the Shinto shrines, and God is everywhere.” Donahue shocked, said, “But you’re a Christian minister; you’re supposed to tell me that CHRIST IS THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, aren’t you?” Peale replied,

Christ is ONE OF THE WAYS! God is everywhere.”

Peale said; “WHO IS GOD? Some theological being? He is so much greater than theology. God is Vitality. God is Life. God is Energy. As you breathe God in, as you VISUALIZE His energy, you will be re- energized.”

Peale’s book “Positive Imaging” teaches an activity of the mind that he calls IMAGING where you get an image in your mind of a desired thing or goal and hold it there until it sinks into your sub-conscious and then with prayer, give thanks for it before it is received.

Sure sounds good to me, but in my BS, there is a difference between CREATING an outcome with a positive mental attitude and PERFORMING with a positive mental attitude. Doesn’t this teaching make Christianity man-centered instead of God-centered? Doesn’t it reduce God to just an energy force? God doesn’t necessarily want us to “climb” every mountain, sometimes He chooses to lead us “around” the mountain.

The things that we receive come down from God, not from positive thinking.773 God gives us the Holy Spirit who guides our steps.774 Does the teaching lead you to become more and more dependent on yourself or on God? Submit to God all of your thoughts and ask Him to search your heart and take away all your anxiety.775

Beware of any teaching that puts the burden of performance on YOU rather than on God.

772 Philippians 4:8 - Whatsoever things are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue, praise, think on these things 773 James 1:17 - Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father above
774 Luke 11:13 – God gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us -- Galatians 5:16 - Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives
775 Psalm 139:23 - Test me O God, and know my anxious thoughts

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A Little Yeast

The Bible says a little yeast leavens the whole loaf of bread.776 (Yeast is symbolic of Sin)

Peale, a very gifted communicator MERGED Worldliness and Godliness into a self-confidence theology and philosophy. His first church started with only 40 members and grew to 900; his second church grew from 52 members to some 5,000. People want to hear positive messages that make them feel better about life and themselves. Hellfire and Brimstone, Repent and be Saved have really become “Downers” to preach.

The inspiration of Peale has been very wide and appealing to the multitudes. The Church’s that just preached “inspirational messages” grew to be MEGA CHURCHES;

  •   Robert H. Schuller of The Crystal Cathedral taught “POSSIBILITY THINKING”; “The only place where YOUR dreams become impossible is in YOUR own thinking”.

  •   Joel Osteen; “Do all you can to make YOUR dreams come true”... When you demand riches, all of heaven comes to fulfill your material desires.”

  •   Joyce Meyer; God’s people are not taking their proper places. You are little gods. You can also see Peale’s influence on celebrities.

  •   Oprah Winfrey; “The more you praise and celebrate YOUR life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah started a new church that points to no specific god and embraces no particular theological commitments.

    The BIBLE says; “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness777... “To whom much is given, much will be required.778 At the judgment, ALL of us will be responsibility for the souls that we have caused to be led away from Christ that will spend eternity separated from God. SAD -

    Regardless of how positive our thoughts are on the inside of ourselves, salvation must come from the outside. The BOOK says we have an alienated hostile mind and are DEAD in our sins and furthermore,779

    Apart from Jesus Christ we can do nothing about it.780

    Donald Trump

    Fred Trump and his family attended Marble Collegiate Church where Peale was head pastor, Fred’s son Donald Trump and his sisters were all married there as well as funeral services were held there for his parents, Fred and Mary.

    President Trump frequently mentioned Peale’s influence on him during his 2016 Presidential campaign, saying that it gave him his optimistic attitude. He stated; “I refused to give in to the negative circumstances and never lost faith in myself.”

    Words are used to control, guide and manipulate people to think in a specific way in order to obtain a desirable outcome. In an election, you can use POSITIVE words to elevate yourself in the eyes of the people. You can also elevate yourself by using NEGATIVE words about your opponent. The words spoken are about SELF. WORDS MANIPULATE THINKING

    Trump’s POSITIVE key Words that he uses about his own efforts; - Successful - Win – Amazing – Hugh – Tremendous – Terrific – Smart – Leader – Strong – Important.

    Trump’s NEGATIVE key Words about his opponents – Idiot - Stupid – Zero – Weak – Loser – Bad – Moron – Dangerous – Lightweight – Out of Control – Horrible – Terrible – Disgusting – Disaster – Unqualified.

    776 Galatians 5:9 – A little yeast will permeate the entire loaf
    777 James 3:1 - Not many of you should become teachers; we who teach will be judged with greater strictness
    778 Luke 12:48 - To whom much is given, much will be required
    779 Colossians 1:21-22 – Apart from Jesus; we have an alienated & hostile mind -- Ephesians 2:1-2 - Without Jesus we are dead in or sins 780 John 15:5 - Apart from Jesus Christ you can do nothing -- John 14:6 - No one can come to the Father except through Jesus the Christ

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Having a positive confession is a wonderful thing and it is great to be around people that speak positive things, but it crosses the line when you believe that your THOUGHTS will CREATE A DESIRED OUTCOME.

If anyone thinks he is religious and DOES NOT BRIDLE HIS TONGUE, but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless781...
The tongue is set on fire by hell itself,782
from the same mouth come blessing and cursing,

Power of Words

Proverbs teaches the power of words showing how words can stir up anger or squelch it. The Word of Faith movement takes scripture out of context and make it appear to be addressing the power of “Positive Confession”. Here are FOUR of the big ones;

1) As a man thinks in his heart, so is he784... Speaking here is; that what’s ALREADY in a man’s heart is who he really is. This scripture does not say “as A MAN” thinks, it says; as “HE” thinks; Proverbs 23:1-7 is addressing a specific man in scripture785 who appears to be friendly and generous on the outside, but is stingy and selfish on the inside. READ THE WHOLE THING

2) Death and life are in the power of the tongue786... This is addressing the fact that there should be wisdom in your words, not foolishness. You should choose your words when you speak, knowing their impact. A soft answer turns away wrath,787 but a harsh word stirs up anger... The lips of the righteous feed many788... The mouth of a godless man destroys his neighbor789... Rash words are like sword thrusts790... A good word makes a man’s heart glad791... Words are a honeycomb, health to the body792... Flattering Words could be a trap.793

3) Calls things which do not exist as though they did.794 STOP - READ THE WHOLE SCRIPTURE; GOD, WHO GIVES LIFE to the dead AND calls those things which do not exist as though they did... This is talking about the Power of God, who alone speaks things into existence, not Abraham... Abraham’s job was just to Believe and have Faith in God... There is NO record of Abraham calling forth anything into existence. The only thing he CONFESSED was that he was a stranger and a pilgrim. 795

4) Whoever says to this mountain, be taken up and thrown into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes WHAT HE SAYS; will come to pass.796 This is the most commonly used passage for “SPEAKING TO OUR CIRCUMSTANCES”. “Speaking” is synonymous with “Prayer” as you will see in the very next verse. The mountain is a hyperbole; not intended to be taken literally; it is just saying we can overcome any hurdle even if it is as big as a mountain. Sometimes God’s plan is not to remove or climb the mountain, but to guide us around it. The emphasis is not on “speaking” but “believing” and trusting God.

781 James 1:26 – The tongue must be controlled; bridled
782 James 3:6 - The tongue is set on fire by hell itself
783 James 3:9-10 – The tongue can bless and curse these things ought not to be so
784 Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. -- Philippians 4:8 – Think on whatever is true, honorable, just, whatever is pure, lovely, commendable, excellence good, so you can put it into practice
785 Proverbs 23:1-7 – A notable Man pretends to be generous, but is stingy in his heart
786 Proverbs 18:21 - Death and life are in the power of the tongue
787 Proverbs 15:1 - A soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger
788 Proverbs 10:21 - The lips of the righteous feed many
789 Proverbs 11:9 – The mouth of a godless man destroys his neighbor
790 Proverbs 12:18 - Rash words are like sword thrusts,
791 Proverbs 12:25 - A good word makes a man’s heart glad
792 Proverbs 16:24 - Gracious Words are a honeycomb, health to the body
793 Proverbs 29:5 – Flattering Words sets a trap
794 Romans 4:17 - Call things which do not exist as though they did
795 Hebrews 11:13 – Abraham confessed that he was a stranger, a pilgrim on earth
796 Mark 11:22-24 – Whatever YOU ASK IN PRAYER, believe that you have received and it will be yours... What He says will come to pass

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We read Positive Confession into this scripture only because of the pervading influence of the New Age Word of Faith movement. Go back and look at the Disciples; when they were arrested, they did NOT literally speak to their circumstances; they all went to God in PRAYER to plead their case.797

THE PRACTICE of the Disciples was to gather together in prayer.798 There is not ONE INSTANCE in the Bible of any Disciple speaking a “Positive Confession” to a situation to make it change; what we see is actually the opposite.

Negative Confession; Jesus said “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death”799... The disciples said “we are unworthy servants”... Job said; “The thing that I feared has come upon me.”800 Proverbs says “our words are snares in our mouth”801... How about these; A fool’s lips walk into a fight, and his mouth invites a beating... A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul802... The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body.803

It’s not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person,

It’s the WORDS that come out; it’s an unclean heart

Rabbit Trail

Some of the best known PMA leaders are;

Kenneth & Gloria Copeland – Pat Robertson – Joel Osteen - Paul & Jan Crouch – Bishop T.D. Jakes - Benny Hinn - Fredrick Price - Joseph Prince - Creflo Dollar – Bishop Earl Paulk – Robert Tilton – Kenneth Hagan – Joyce Meyer – Paula White – Charles Capps – John Avanzini

Along with Positive Confession Theology comes the first False Teaching in the Bible which was taught by Satan himself in the Garden of Eden; that you TOO can be like God.805 Today, that is being espoused by many of the mega-church pastors. Their teaching is “I am a little god”, and they give scripture that is miss-quoted; taken out of context to back it all up.

  •   Paula White – “You are a little Elohim; a little god”.

  •   Joyce Meyer – “God’s people are not taking their proper places. – You are little gods.”
    The Apostle Paul says; I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles CONTRARY TO THE DOCTRINE that you have been taught; AVOID THEM. False Teachers will secretly bring in destructive heresies.806 This “little god” subject is a Word Study into

    its own self, but just watch for the “little god” teaching and AVOID IT.807

    Mind over Tongue
    We should not confuse HOPE; speaking positive words or positive thinking with FAITH.808

  •   Hope is optimism, it is something you hope for. Hope is positive thoughts in your mind. The Word of Faith movement has Positive thinking focusing on “CONJURING UP” something that does not yet exist. This is of the occult.809

  •   Faith is focusing on FACT; what has already been promised... It is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things to come that are not seen. 810

    797 Acts 4:23-31 – The Disciples prayed to God for relief, they Did not speak to circumstances 798 Acts 12:12 – Practice was to gather together in prayer
    799 Matthew 26:38 - My soul is very sorrowful, even to death
    800 Job 3:25 – Job said the thing that I feared has come upon me

    801 Proverbs 6:2 – You are snared with the words of your mouth
    802 Proverbs 18:6-8 – A fools lips and mouth is his ruin
    803 Proverbs 26:22 - The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body. 804 Matthew 15:11 – It’s the words a man speaks that defiles him
    805 Genesis 3:5 – The First False teaching; Satan said you will be like God
    806 2 Peter 2:1 – False teachers will slowly and secretly bring in destructive heresies
    807 Romans 16:17 – Avoid those who teach doctrine contrary to what you have been taught
    808 2 Corinthians 5:7 - For we walk by faith, not by sight
    809 1 John 4:1 – Do not believe every teacher of the Word for many false teachers have gone out into the world
    810 Hebrews 11:1-3 - Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.


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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon IT’S IN THE BOOK If you will read Hebrews chapter 11 you will see that

Faith is “NOT WHAT YOU THINK”... it’s “WHAT YOU DO”.

The Bible is full of positive thoughts. It commands us to have thoughts that dwell on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable and anything that is excellent or praiseworthy,811 to PUT THESE THOUGHTS INTO ACTION... It pretty much says that when your THOUGHTS are on His WORD, day and night, you will have good success and your way will be prosperous.812

It’s in the Book

The Take Away

Today the line of truth is continually being moved, blurred between right and wrong; it now has become 50 shades of gray... It’s all about SELF... Be all you can be. Positive thinking for the Christian is rooted in what we believe about God. Positive thoughts about God activates our faith to think on the endless possibilities of His Grace. It releases the power of God to discipline our thinking.

The way we control our lives is to not be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may discern the will of God.813 When a scripture is quoted, we must consider carefully the original meaning intended based on the “understanding” of the hearers, their culture, upbringing and religious background. Different cultures, words and expressions change meaning over time.

ALL OF US pull, stretch and twist a scripture to get a specific point across, but in doing so, sometimes the TWIST is repeated as a new truth when it was actually just a hyperbole; something not intended to be taken literally. When the Bible is handled rightly; it does not teach Positive Thinking nor Positive Confession as a means to manipulate future events in our lives.814 We are to rely on what God has already given us through the power of the Holy Spirit, which is... THE MIND OF CHRIST.815


It is NOT by OUR might, nor by OUR power, but BY THE SPIRIT, says the LORD of hosts. 816

Positive Thinking and Positive Confession used to manipulate situations in your life is HERESY

It puts the burden of performance on YOU rather than on God.


811 Philippians 4:8 – MEDITATE ...Think on things noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and praiseworthy -- Romans 12:2 – MEDITATE Have thoughts and reflections on what is good, acceptable and perfect
812 Joshua 1:8 – MEDITATE on God’s word day and night and your way will be prosperous; successful -- Psalm 1:2 - MEDITATE s on God’s word day and night -- Psalm 119:148 - Awake early to MEDITATE on God’s promises -- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Giving thanks IN all circumstances -- 2 Corinthians 10:5 - Take every thought captive destroy arguments and every lofty opinion and obey Christ -- John 15:7-8 – Abide in God’s words and God abides in you -- Matthew 6:33 – Seek first the kingdom of God and all the rest will be added

813 Romans 12:1-2 - Be transformed by the renewal of your mind
814 2 Peter 3:16 – Teachers Twist scripture to their own destruction
815 1 Corinthians 2:16 – Rely on the Holy Spirit within us; WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST 816 Zechariah 4:6 – It’s not by your power, it’s by Gods Spirit

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon In the multitude of counselors,

there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14


I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.

Writings outside of the Bible should be viewed as “informational”, but not authoritative. They give insight to customs, manners and thoughts of a particular culture at a particular time in history.

Along with the Apocrypha, I have also enjoyed
The lost books of the Bible” and “The forgotten books of Eden”. Many of these will include folklore, superstition and “embellishments”.

Prove scripture with scripture, line upon line, and precept upon precept.

.American Standard Version Bible – ASV .Amplified Bible – AMP
.Dake annotated Reference Bible – DAKE .English Standard Version Bible – ESV .King James Version Bible - KJV

.Message Bible; The – MSG
.New International Version Bible – NIV
.New Living Translation Bible – NLT
A Commentary; Critical, Experimental and Practical - Eerdmans A Planned Deception – New Age Messiah – Constance Cumbey All the Parables of the Bible – Herbert Lockyer
All the Women of the Bible – Edith Deen
An expository Dictionary of Biblical Words – W. E. Vine Angels A-Z – Lewis Oliver
Angels: Gods Secret Agents – Billy Graham
Another Gospel – Tucker
Antiquity of the Jews – Flavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha; The – Edgar J. Goodspeed
Arithmetic of God; The – Don Kistler Armageddon-Appointment with Destiny – Grant R. Jeffrey Baker Commentary on the Bible – Walter A. Elwell
Bethel Baptist Church – Forrest L. Keener
Bible Almanac; The – Packer Tenny White
Bible Commentary – F.B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row
Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Block-Chain -
Book of Bible List – Tyndale
Can America Survive? – John Hagee
Countdown to Armageddon, the 1980’s – Hal Lindsay
Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible – Finis Jennings Dake

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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon

Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The – Florentino Garcia Martinez Escape from Armageddon – Thomas Reed
Exposition of Genesis – H.C. Leupold
Exposition of the Parables – Benjamin Keach

Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein Final Battle; The – Hal Lindsey
Final Dawn over Jerusalem – John Hagee
Forgotten Books of Eden; The – World

Four Blood Moons; TV Series – John Hagee From Daniel to Doomsday – John Hagee Future Fuehrer – Hal Lindsey
Gospels Interwoven; The – Karmit Zarley Great Doctrines of the Bible – W.A. Criswell Great Pyramid Proof of God – George R. Riffert Guide to Survival – Salem Kirban

Harper’s Bible Dictionary - Harper & Row
Haven’t you Heard? There’s A War going on! – Eldred Echols
Heaven – Randy Alcorn
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The – Constance Cumbey
Illustrated Bible Dictionary – Nelson
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The – Tyndale
In the beginning was the End – Wim Malgo
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament - Baker
Invisible War; The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
Islam and the Bible – David Goldmann
Jerusalem Countdown – John Hagee
Late Great Planet Earth; The – Hal Lindsey
Lost Books of the Bible; The – Bell Publishing
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Megachurch False Prophets 100% exposed...
Meredith’s Book of List; 1&2 – Bethany House Publishers
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Mystery Mark of the New Age – Texe Mars
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – Douglas Tenney
New Millennium; The – Pat Robertson
Noah’s Family Tree – Stewart Trott
Parables of Jesus; The – J. Dwight Pentecost
Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The - Zondervan
Reformed Apologetic Ministries... Revelation of Jesus Christ; The Walvoord
Revelation Seminar; The – 1975 - Hilton Sutton
Revelation Study; The - 1973 – Dr. Warren Wiersbe
Revelation; The – verse by verse – Oliver B. Green
Secret Kingdom; The – Pat Robertson
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Seven Deadly Sins – British Broadcasting Network


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Book 15... Anti-Christ – 4 Horsemen – 144,000 – Two Witnesses – Millennium - Armageddon

Systematic Theology – Berkhof / Erdmans
Systematic Theology – Stanley M. Horton
Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem
Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha; The – E.A. Burtt The Other Side of the Good News – Larry Dixon Theomatics – Jerry Lucas and Del Washburn

Thru The Bible Commentary – J. Vernon McGee
Unseen Realm; The – Michael S. Heiser
Victor Journey through the Bible; The – V. Gilbert Beers Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament – Mac Donald What the Bible says about Death - Signs of the times
Where to find it in the Bible – Ken Anderson
Who’s Who and Where’s Where in the Bible – Stephen M. Miller Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Wikipedia Dictionary
Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The
– Pfeiffer & Harrison Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The – Tenney


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