
Friday, April 21, 2023

Book V - Israel – Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Church - Women


BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women IT’S IN THE BOOK




Israel – Temples – Covenant Festivals - Church - Women

All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness.
- 2 Timothy 3:1

Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman

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BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women It’s in the

Book V

Israel - Temples - Covenant Festivals - Church - Women

Topical Index

For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1



  1. 1)  Who is Israel - 1948 State of Israel – The Six Day War – Spiritual Israel – OT vs; NT 3

  2. 2)  Ishmael & Isaac – Two Mothers - Two Sons - Two Covenants - Allah & Yahweh 8

  3. 3)  Blood Covenant What is the cutting of the Covenant – What’s with the Blood? 15

  4. 4)  Jews, Gentiles Replacement Theology – Has the Christian Church replaced Israel? 27

  5. 5)  Jesus, Jews & The Messiah - Judaism vs; Christian - Political Leader - The Messiah 28

  6. 6)  Ten Lost Tribes - The Split - Rehoboam King of JUDAH - Jeroboam King of ISRAEL 34

  7. 7)  Why do Jews do that? - Not eat Pork - Sway and Pray – Wear skull Cap - Circumcision 40

  8. 8)  Good Samaritan Revisited - The man - The Trip -The Robbers - The Inn Keeper 46

  9. 9)  Temples - Solomon’s - Zerubbabel’s - Herod’s - Tribulation Temple - Millennial Temple 49

  10. 10)  The Temple Institute - Schools for the Priest - Ritual Objects, Furniture & Garments 51

  11. 11)  Dome of the Rock - Jews House of Prayer - Muhammad - Third Temple - Red Heifer 53

  12. 12)  Red Heifer - Holy Cow - The significance of the TENTH Red Heifer - The Ashes 59

  13. 13)  Menorah – Tree of Life – Seven Flames – Seven Spirits – Seven Churches 61

  14. 14)  Feasts and Festivals - Hanukkah, Yon Kipper, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Pentecost 64

  15. 15)  Measurements - Dry - Liquid - Linear - Weights - Currency - Time - AM/PM Watches 72

  16. 16)  Church Membership - Resisting Membership - Church Hopping - Church Discipline 73

  17. 17)  Bind & Loose - The Keys to the Kingdom - Authority to Forgive Sins - Binding Satan 79

  18. 18)  Relationship Fellowship – Golf course – Fishing – Adult Bible Studies - Church 87

  19. 19)  Cost of Discipleship - Hate mother & father – What’s up verse 74 – What’s Hyperbole 91

  20. 20)  WomenintheChurch–Women’sLiberation–WomenApostles-WomenDisciples 95

  21. 21)  Women Preachers – Prophetesses The Weaker Vessel – Be Silent in Church 98

  22. 22)  ChurchSoundAdvice–Audio–Stereovs;Mono–Traditionalvs;Contemporary 103

  23. 23)  Handel’s Messiah The Inspired Music – The Inspired Message – Charles Jennens 116

1 1 Corinthians 13:12

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BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women IT’S IN THE BOOK

Chapter 5. 1

Is Israel only the tribe of Judah or a hybrid nation of Gentiles and Jews?
Is Israel the state that came into existence in 1948 or something else?
Was this the prophecy as set forth in the books of Ezekiel, Isaiah and Amos?

Old Covenant - A little Background
When was the name Israel first recorded? It’s a long story, starting with the promise to

Abraham that he would become a great nation, which didn’t happen in his lifetime. Abraham’s first born by Sarah’s “maid servant” was Ishmael who is the progenitor of the religion of Islam which brings us the grief today by way of the ISIS Muslim terrorist, but that’s another word study. Abraham’s first born of Sarah his wife” was Isaac who was in line for the promises of God. At some point Isaac had twins, Esau and Jacob, with Esau being the first born and entitled to the birthright promises passed down through the family Line of Abraham.

Jacob’s name means; “heel grabber” or “supplanter”; his reputation was that of an opportunist and his mother Rebekah also had her own form of unscrupulous opportunism in her character; like mother like son. Together they conspired for Jacob to steal the birthright from his brother Isaac.

Jacob stole the Birthright and then went away for twenty years; married two sisters, Leah and Rachel and had twelve sons; became wealthy and then began the return trip home to where his bother Esau was waiting with 400 warriors.

This is where we pick up the story, as Jacob is praying to God that Esau would not kill him and his family; the Angel of the Lord appeared to him as a man.
(I need to point out here that God had already intended for Jacob to receive the blessing (PREDESTINED), but Jacob got ahead of God’s providence through his “do it yourself” trickery. (FREE WILL)

Jacob wrestled with the Angel of God and lost the PHYSICAL battle, but he would not let the Angel go until he blessed him. This is where Jacob won the SPIRITUAL battle and was BORN AGAIN when the Angel changed his name from JACOB to ISRAEL; he had become a new man. This experience was a Spiritual blessing on ONE MAN.2 At some point in time Jacob, now named Israel passes the blessing on to his twelve sons and Israel becomes A NATION.3

The Promised Blessing

What was this promise? I will make you a great Nation; I will make your name great and you will be a blessing to others,4 I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. Because of you all the families of the earth will be blessed. You will be my treasured possession among ALL peoples; you will be a HOLY NATION and a KINGDOM OF PRIEST.5

Conditional Promise: IF Israel would obey God’s words and keep his covenant, the blessings would be theirs; BUT they didn’t keep His covenant.

2 Genesis 32:26-28 - ONE MAN; Your name shall be called Israel
3 Genesis 49:28 – A NATION; The twelve tribes of Israel
4 Genesis 12:2-3 – Great nation; your name great; be a blessing; if you obey 5 Exodus 19:4-6 – A KINGDOM OF PRIEST; A HOLY NATION

Who is Israel?

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BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women IT’S IN THE BOOK

Kings and Kingdoms
As time moved on Israel decided they didn’t want to be ruled by the Priests and Prophets of

God, but wanted a King like the other nations; God warned them that this was a bad idea and what would happen to them, but they insisted, so He gave them their King.

The first King was Saul, then David, then his son Solomon and then a progression of other kings; some good, but mostly bad. Then the kingdom was divided into the Northern (Israel) and Southern (Judah) Kingdoms. Then the ten tribes in the Northern kingdom was dispersed throughout the nations; LOST.

The name JEW was taken from the Southern Tribe of “Judah” with Benjamin being the smaller of the remaining two tribes; both eventually also went into exile. This is where we see the scattered Israelites praying for an expected Messiah to be their King and liberate them so that they might become the great nation of the promise again. There is now NO KING and NO NATION with only a memory of a homeland. This all happened because they did not follow God’s Word... Kind of like TODAY.

King of Israel

Astrologists say that On May 29th 7 B.C. Jupiter and Saturn came very close and appeared as a great star in the Eastern Sky signaling a COMING KING. Jesus Christ the Messiah, the Deliverer, the Redeemer was born in a manger.

When Jesus started His ministry, He entered into Jerusalem as A KING mounted on a donkey.6 He went into the Temple, read the prophecy of the Messiah from the scroll of Isaiah and said “this day the prophecy has been fulfilled” and He sat down. Every eye was fixed upon Him; the sitting position was crucial and everyone knew what it meant; it was the habitual position of a Jewish Teacher ready to receive questions and teach.7

The KING was rejected. We know this guy’s mama and daddy; he can’t be the Messiah”.

New Covenant

The Jews today are basically a nation of Humanism; a nation of WORKS as they have rejected the New Covenant and continue to embrace the Old Covenant which God Himself rendered inoperative.

The Old Covenant eligibility for “The Promise” was determined by your birth; you had to be descendent of Abraham whose seed gave us the “Levitical Priesthood”. Jesus was not from the tribe of Levi therefore He could not be a Levitical Priest. There was a change in the Priesthood when Jesus was made a Priest after the order of Melchizedek,8 which was an older and higher order than that of the Levitical Priesthood. When there is a change in the Priesthood there MUST be a change in the Law; thus a new covenant was born.9

The New Covenant begins not at the birth of Jesus, but at His death. Jesus was born “Under the Law” of the Old Covenant. He referred often to the Torah, the writings of Moses and amplified those laws to show that they could not possibly be obeyed. His teachings were directed to those who were still “under the law”. He taught that they must be born again;10 Out from under the Law”, that He would give them a new heart and put His Spirit in them. 11

6 Luke 2:7 – The KING; born in a manger. -- Luke 2:11-12 – A Savior is born; The KING -- Matthew 21:5 -The KING came mounted on a donkey -- Revelation 19:16 - King of Kings and Lord of Lords
7 Luke 4:16-21 –Prophecy fulfilled that day; Jesus Proclaimed the Good News -- Isaiah 61:1-2 – Prophecy of Isaiah; Messiah will bring the Good News

8 Hebrews 6:20 - Jesus was a Priest after the order of Melchizedek
9 Hebrews 7:12 – A Change in Priesthood requires a change in the Law
10 John 3:3-7 – You must be born again to see the Kingdom of God
11 Ezekiel 36:26-27 – I will give you a new heart and spirit. -- Hebrews 8:10 – He put His laws in our hearts and mind. -- Philippians 2:13 – God’s Spirit in us gives us the desire to do good.

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The New Covenant lifts the veil of the Law of Moses12 and with unveiled faces, we behold the glory of the Lord, and are being transformed into the same image of His Son from one degree of glory to another. His death demolished the wall between the Jew and the Gentile drawing ALL men into Him. Jesus, who was without sin, took our sin so we could become righteous.13 His being lifted up on the cross was to draw ALL men unto Him.14 We can now participate in His righteousness because we have been “made perfect” forever.15

Note: Everybody that was not a Jew was referred to as a Gentile or Greek; that would be you and me.

New Commandments: We now serve God without being subject to the 613 Old Laws; there are only two New Covenant Commandments or Laws.16

  1. 1)  Love God with all your heart, soul and mind

  2. 2)  Love your neighbor just as you love yourself.

These two laws were actually from the OLD Covenant, but they were NEW to them because they were not observing them anymore.17 Jesus said that He was the only way to the Father God; that there was NO OTHER WAY,18 and God in His Grace and Mercy has given man “A LIFETIME” to search for Him and choose.

2 Corinthians 3:13-18 - The Old Covenant veils the Messiah

13 Not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end.
14 But their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains un-lifted, because only through Christ is it taken away.
15 Yes, to this day WHENEVER MOSES IS READ (The Old Covenant)
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (ESV)

Wait a Minute
What are you saying? This sounds like you are saying that all the followers of YAHWEH Jehovah

God before the time of Jesus Christ WILL NOT inherit the kingdom of God; that can’t be right. Good News; a little background first. Before the time of Christ’s ministry, Hell was divided into two compartments separated by a large gulf.19 Those who were in the Friendship of Jehovah God and had died were in a compartment of Hell known as “Abrahams Bosom” or “Paradise”. 20 When Jesus died he went to Hell and for three days,21 preached the “Good News Message” to those in “Abrahams Bosom” and they ACCEPTED Him. He then took Paradise and all those captive in it

back to heaven where it is located now;22 not one of YAHWEH’s was lost.
Side Note: With Paradise removed, Hell has now been enlarged to receive all those who have rejected the Truth

of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. 12  2 Corinthians 3:13-18 The Old Covenant veils the Messiah

  2. 13  2 Corenthians 5:21 – Jesus without sin, took our sin

  3. 14  John 12:32-33 – When Jesus was lifted up on the Cross, He drew all men unto Him

  4. 15  2 Peter 1:4 – We can now participate in His Devine Nature -- Hebrews 10:14 – His one sacrifice has made us perfect forever

  5. 16  Matthew 22:37-40 – NT: Two Commandments only; Love God; Love your neighbor

  6. 17  Deuteronomy 6:5 – OT: Love the Lord your God with all your heart -- Leviticus 19:18 – OT: Love your neighbor as yourself

  7. 18  John 14:6 – Jesus is the ONLY WAY to Jehovah God

  8. 19  Luke 16:22-26 - Hell had two compartments separated by a gulf

  9. 20  Luke 23:43 – Jesus told the thief; TODAY you will be with me in Paradise

  10. 21  Ephesians 4:9 – Jesus descended into Hell before he ascended

  11. 22  Ephesians 4:8 –Jesus took those captive in Paradise; in the Friendship of God to Heaven

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BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women IT’S IN THE BOOK OLD COVENANT MESSIAH PROPHECIES

OT Prophecy

Zechariah 11:12 Isaiah 53:7 Isaiah 53:5 Isaiah 50:6 Psalms 22:16 Isaiah 53:12 Psalms 22:18 Psalms 69:21 Psalms 69:21 Psalms 22:1 Psalms 34:20 Zechariah 12:10 Isaiah 53:9 Psalms 16:10 Psalms 68:18 Psalms 110:1

Betrayed - 30 pieces of silver Be silent before accusers
Be scourged and wounded Be smitten and spat upon His hands and feet pierced Put to death with criminals Cast lots for His garments Would suffer thirst

Gave gall and vinegar to drink Utter forsaken cry to God
No bones would be broken Side would be pierced

Buried in a rich man’s tomb Rise from the dead
Ascend into heaven
Sit at the right hand of God

NT Fulfillment

Matthew 26:14-16 Matthew 27:12 Matthew 27:26 Matthew 26:67 Luke 22:33 Matthews 27:38 John 19:23-24 John 19:28 Matthew 27:34 Matthew 27:46 John 19:33

John 19:34 Matthew 27:57-60 Mark 16:6
Acts 1:9
Hebrews 1:3

Jesus Christ did not do away with the Old Covenant; He fulfilled it.

The Nation of Israel
Another great star happened again in 1941 heralding a coming King; a new dispensation had

started with the re-birth of Israel and the awaited return of the Messiah.23 The heavens are synchronized with God’s Plan.

As the Muslim prays toward Mecca, the Jew scattered among the nations prays towards Jerusalem believing for the day they will return to Jerusalem, like breath entering into “dry bones” in the grave.24 Besides the heart’s desire of the Jew to go home, Anti-Semitism will increase again and the Jews will feel more and more compelled to relocate to Israel.25 There’s already a steady stream coming out of Russia; God is pulling them back.26

Before Christ the Messiah could return, Israel had to become a nation again in the land of their forefathers, and that happened on May 14, 1948; a nation was born in a day,27 breath entered Israel’s dry bones.28 David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionis Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel." (Wikipedia)

NOTE; The wording here is “State” not “Nation”; we believe as Christians that the Spiritual Nation of Israel includes ALL believers in Jesus Christ. Neighboring Arab states invaded the next day after Israel became a state, in support of the Palestinian Arabs. Ever since, Israel has fought wars with neighboring Arab states. Israel has relied on Pre-emptied strikes for survival, and will do so again.

23 Numbers 24:17 – A king will come out of Israel -- Ezekiel 37:12 – I will bring back the Nation of Israel -- Ezekiel 36:28 - You will live in the land I gave your forefathers -- Romans 11:25 – The GENTILES will come into Israel
24 Ezekiel 37:4-6 – I will put breath in the dry bones of Israel
25 Ezekiel 37:12 – I will bring back the Nation of Israel -- Ezekiel 36:28 - You will live in the land I gave your forefathers -- Romans 11:25 – The GENTILES will come into Israel

26 Isaiah 43:5-6 – I will bring Believers from the east and west; north and south -- Ezekiel 36:24 – I will gather you back into your own land -- Romans 11:23 – The BELIEVING Jews will be grafted back into the vine -- Romans 11:26 – All Believers have Jewish Roots and ALL are Israel
27 Isaiah 66:8 – A Nation born in a day

28 Ezekiel 37:3-11 - These dry bones are the house of Israel

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The Prophet Amos declared that the Nation of Israel would be reborn, and restored.29

The Prophet Isaiah wrote of God’s intention for the Jews to come back and live in Israel. He said the desert would blossom when Israel returned back to their Promised Land. At this writing the desert is being reclaimed and it blossoms.30

Six Day War

On June 5, 1967, the six day war began with Israel launching surprise bombing raids against Egyptian air-fields including an Israeli raid into the Jordanian-controlled West Bank. Israeli initiated aerial clashes over Syrian territory after Syrian artillery attacked Israeli settlements in the vicinity of the border. Israeli response followed against Syrian positions in the Golan Heights and into the demilitarized zones along the Syrian border and culminating in Egypt blocking the Straits of Tiran. Wikipedia

Within six days, Israel had won a decisive land war. Israeli forces had taken control of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Golan Heights from Syria.

Ever since the six day war, efforts have been underway to get Israel to go back to the pre-1967 borders in order to have peace; but peace will never come, because the Arabs are never satisfied with what they have and Israelis borders would become in-defensible, setting up another pre-emptive strike by Israel to protect herself. (Which will happen)

Who is Israel?

May of 1948 the population of Israel was 650,000; today it is 8,296,000 and growing. HOWEVER: the nation of Israel HAS NOT accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah; therefore Israel is basically a religion of humanism, a religion of “WORKS”, BUT... in the end, a remnant of Jews WILL accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God; the Messiah and the King of Kings.31

Spiritual Israel: I started off telling about how Jacob lost the physical battle with the angel of God, but won the Spiritual battle and received the Spiritual Blessing. Jacob was born again; no longer was his name “The Grabber”, but changed to “Father of a multitude.” The State of Israel is Physical, but the Nation of Israel is Spiritual.

There will be a BORN AGAIN remnant of Jewish Believers from ALL ages that finally makes up the whole saved Nation of Israel, plus the GENTILES that have been grafted into the vine. Thus “ALL the BELIEVERS” in Israel will be saved.32 That includes red, yellow, black and white; all believers are precious in His sight and that includes this “Gentile” man.

The Take Away; TheNATIONofIsraelisallbelieversinJesusChristastheSonofGod;theMessiah. Through

Him we have been grafted into the JEWISH ROOTS of the Olive Tree of Israel. This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are ISRAEL, but the children of the PROMISE that are counted as offspring’s; the children of God.33

Jews and Gentile Believers; we are all SPIRITUAL ISRAEL34

29 Amos 9:14-15 – I will plant Israel in their own land
30 Isaiah 43:5-6 – I will bring sons & daughters from the ends of the earth -- Isaiah 35:10 – The ransomed of the Lord; Israel will return and enter Zion -- Isaiah 61:4 – They will rebuild the long devastated ruined cities. -- Isaiah 44:26 – Jerusalem & Judah; rebuilt, restored & inhabited. -- Isaiah 35:1 – The desert and wilderness will blossom as a rose
31 Romans 9:6-8 - Not all Jews are children of Abraham -- Ephesians 1:11-14 – Two groups; Jews and (Everybody else) Gentiles -- Romans 9:22-24 – Some Jews and Gentiles were prepared in advance to receive God’s glory (predestined)
32 Romans 10:12 – There is now no difference between believing Jew and believing Gentile -- Romans 9:8 – The Children of promise are regarded as Abram’s children
33 Romans 9:25 – I will call the Gentiles my people who are NOT my people -- Romans 10:13- Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved -- Romans 10:9 – Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart, you will be saved
34 John 10:16 – I have sheep that are not Jews, but are Gentiles -- Ephesians 2:11-13 – The Gentiles once separated are now brought near -- Ephesians 2:19-22 – The Gentiles are no longer foreigners. -- Romans 9:30-31 – The Gentiles have attained righteousness --

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BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women


Chapter 5. 2

Ishmael & Isaac

Two Mothers - Two sons - Two Covenants - Two Nations - Blood Feud Allah & Yahweh - God’s Sovereignty - Predestination and Free Will
The Persecutor and the Persecuted - What did Sarah SEE that upset her?

First Word

As a Christian, I respect both the Muslim and Jewish community although I do not agree with their beliefs; both reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Abraham was neither a Jew nor an Arab; which came along later. God loved both his sons; Ishmael and Isaac.
Isaac was like plain unbuttered toast, he did nothing to be jealous of except that he had been given the Promise. The name Ishmael means “God hears” and Isaac means “He laughs”.

Koran, Quran, Qur’an; the accepted transliteration is Qur’an and the word Muslim is preferred over the word Moslem according to Wikipedia. In the Qur’an it is presented that the Christian, Jew and Muslim all follow the same God of Abraham. Scripture says; YES, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks and they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. It’s in the Book

According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God, NOT Jehovah or Yahweh and the pivot of the Muslim faith is humble submission to Allah’s Will, Divine Commandments and Ordinances "He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind”.

The Qur’an insists, Muslims believe and historians affirm, that Muhammad and his followers worship the SAME God as the Jews; BUT, the Qur'an portrays Allah as both more powerful and more remote than Yahweh, the God who closely follows the Israelites.

Allah, is a UNIVERSAL deity, a universal name for the many gods of other religions and was easily accepted by the Muslims. Does God have Two Prophets, Jesus and Mohammad? Are there Two Books; the Bible and the Qur’an?

The Jews, Muslims and Christians all claim to worship the same God, the God of Abraham. If that is true, the next thing we can assume is that there must be multiple paths to God, just with different names.

What people BELIEVE can be more powerful than the TRUTH.

Exodus 3:15 – Yahweh is God’s eternal name, not Allah

15 God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: YAHWEH, the God of your ancestors,
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has sent me to you. THIS IS MY ETERNAL NAME, my name to remember for all generations.


Romans 1:21 - They knew God, but wouldn’t worship him as God

21 Yes, THEY KNEW GOD, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks and they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.

Ephesians 2:14-16 – He created one humanity out of two; Jew and Gentile -- Romans 11:25-26 - All Israel shall be saved; Believing Jews and Gentiles -- Romans 11:17-18 – Gentiles now have Jewish Roots.

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Two mothers; Hagar an Egyptian BONDSWOMAN; and Sarah a Hebrew FREEWOMAN.

Two sons; Ishmael the Free Will son of the Bondswoman; and Isaac the Predestined son of the Freewoman.35 Both part of God’s Sovereignty; but God recognize ONLY Isaac as Abraham’s Son. 36

Two covenants; one of Works (the Bondswoman) & the other of Grace (the Freewoman.) Two Nations; Ishmael’s 12 tribes and Isaac/Jacob’s 12 Tribes
Two actions; Ishmael the persecutor and Isaac the persecuted.

Galatians 4:22-29 – Two Sons; Two separate Covenants

22 For it is written that ABRAHAM HAD TWO SONS, one by a slave woman and one by a free woman. But the son
23 of the slave was born ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, (Free Will) while the son of the free woman was born THROUGH PROMISE. (Predestined).

24 Now this may be interpreted allegorically:
THESE WOMEN ARE TWO COVENANTS. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery; she is HAGAR.
25 Now HAGAR is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.
29 But just as at that time he (Ishmael) who was born according to the flesh (free will) persecuted him (Isaac) who was born according to the Spirit, (predestined) so also it is now. (NLT)

Blood Feud

The Elephant in the room was NOT “Whose your Daddy”, but “Whose your Mama”?

Ishmael the first born son of Abraham’s was conceived (Free Will) with Hagar, a bondwoman; a servant. He WAS included in the Family because of Abraham until he chose to reject and hate his brethren.

Esau, the first born hated his brother Jacob the second born, because he got the blessing.37

Cain, the first born, was in a covenant relationship with God, but rejected it and God even extended Himself to Cain again to bring him back into the family; but NO.

What God said to Cain could apply to Ishmael; “Why are you so angry?” the LORD asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED IF YOU DO WHAT IS RIGHT. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! SIN IS CROUCHING AT THE DOOR, eager to control you. But YOU must subdue it and be its master. (FREE WILL to choose)

Isaac was Abraham’s first born (Predestined) son conceived with Sarah His wife. The covenant was promised (Predestined) by God to Abraham and Sarah a free woman, but not to Hagar a bondswoman, a maidservant.38 Ishmael was born of the flesh (Free Will); Isaac was born of the promise (Predestined).

Genesis 4:6-7 – Cain, if you do well, you will be accepted 6 Why are you so angry?” the LORD asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected?
7 YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED IF YOU DO WHAT IS RIGHT. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” (NLT)

35 Genesis 21:2 – Sarah gave birth to Isaac as Predestined by God
36 Genesis 22:2 – God recognizes ONLY Isaac as Abraham’s Son
37 Genesis 27:41 - Esau hated Jacob because he got the blessing
38 Genesis 17:19 – The Promised Covenant was with Isaac not Ishmael.

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What did Sarah see?

Isaac was born 13 Years after Ishmael and about a year later, Ishmael’s conduct turns to jealousy and with profane contempt and malice he persecutes Isaac; making fun of him. This misguided conduct is because he himself was the first born of Abraham and Hagar, yet the blessing of the covenant of God would be with Isaac, the SECOND BORN.39 (But the first born of Abraham and Sarah.)

Note: Ishmael’s mocking was A SERIOUS THING as Isaac was God’s predestined, chosen and ordained seed while Ishmael was a counterfeit seed. Paul writes to the church at Galatia and says; but YOU ARE NOW BEING PERSECUTED by those who want you to keep the law, just as Ishmael, the child born by human effort (free will), persecuted Isaac, the child born by the power of the Spirit (predestined).

Conspiracy theorist say that the word “tzahak” that is used to describe Ishmaels mocking behavior is the same word used for “sexual behavior” such as fondling, caressing and showing endearment. This suggests that Sara observed something happening that was of a homosexual nature and it greatly disturbed her.

God counted Ishmaels persecution of Isaac as the beginning of the 400 year persecution of the Hebrew people.40 NOTE: As ordained Children of God we can count on persecutions from the counterfeit Children.

There was great friction between Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael became a Wild Ass in his actions and lived in open hostility toward his relatives,41 particularly Isaac and therefore when he was fourteen, he and his mother Hagar became outcast and eventually had to leave.42 The Book says that when people have to go their own separate ways, it’s because they just don’t belong.43

Note: God agreed to Sarah’s request because the lad Isaac was not to be raised in a perverted environment. Although they were sent away, THEY WERE NOT ABANDONED BY GOD; Ishmael was blessed of God and became a great nation because he was the son of Abraham.

In the beginning, Cain the first born became jealous of Able the second born who was favored by God and Cain killed him. This jealousy is repeated again with these two brothers when Ishmael becomes jealous of Isaac. This jealousy developed into hatred and ultimately a BLOOD FEUD which has lasted for some 4,000 years.44

Genesis 26:8 - Abimelech saw Isaac (tzahak) caressing Rebekah (NLT) 8 But sometime later, Abimelech, king of the Philistines, looked out

his window and saw Isaac (tzahak) CARESSING Rebekah. (MSG) hiswindowandsawIsaac(tzahak)FONDLINGRebekah.

(NKJV) hiswindowandsawIsaac(tzahak)SHOWINGENDEARMENTTO Rebekah.

Two Nations

The promised land of God, particularly the city of Jerusalem, was passed down through Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, not through Ishmael. This is the main source of friction between the Arabs and the Jews Today.

Ishmael’s twelve tribes were given a vast land, about 150 times more than Isaac and Jacob, but they wanted the “promised land” of the covenant too.... And still do.

Sidebar: We can’t be too dogmatic about what we believe about Arabs and Muslims. Not all Muslims are Arabs, and not all Arabs are Muslims and all do not hate the Jews & Christians.

39 Galatians 4:30 – Ishmael will not share in the predestined covenant with Isaac
40 Acts 7:6 – God tells Abraham the coming 400 year oppression -- Genesis 15:13 – Ishmael begins the 400 years of persecution 41 Genesis 16:11-12 – Ishmael will be as a Wild Ass against Isaac -- Genesis 25:18 – Ishmael lived in open hostility toward all their relatives
42 Galatians 4:30-31 - Hagar and Ishmael will be cast out with no inheritance of the covenant with Isaac
43 1 John 2:19 – Ishmaelite’s left because they DID NOT BELONG with God’s people
44 Psalm 83:1-8 – Ishmaelite’s conspire against God to wipe out the existence and memory of Israel

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Isaac’s/Jacob’s twelve sons became Israel’s twelve tribes; Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.

Ishmael did NOT receive the promise of God’s Covenant, but AT ABRAHAM’S REQUEST, was blessed of God also with twelve tribes who today we call the Arabs. Ishmael’s twelve sons became twelve tribes; Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah & Massa;45 who we know as the Midianites, Edomites, Egyptians and Assyrians; the great desert people of the Middle East.

Ishmael and his descendants became ARROGANT enemies of God and Israel, living in open hostility toward the other twelve tribes of Abraham and they still do today, threating to WIPE ISRAEL OUT AS A NATION.46 It’s in the Book

Revelation 7:4-8 – Isaac/Jacob Israel’s Twelve Tribes

4 And I heard how many were marked with the seal of God

144,000 were sealed from all the tribes of Israel:

  1. 5  from Judah 12,000, from Reuben 12,000, from Gad 12,000,

  2. 6  from Asher 12,000, from Naphtali 12,000, from Manasseh 12,000,

  3. 7  from Simeon 12,000, from Levi 12,000, from Issachar 12,000,

  4. 8  from Zebulun 12,000, from Joseph 12,000, from Benjamin 12,000


Genesis 25:12-1 – Ishmael’s Twelve Tribes

12 This is the account of the family of Ishmael, the son of Abraham

through Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian servant.

13 Here is a list, by their names and clans, of Ishmael’s descendants:

The oldest was Nebaioth, followed by Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,

14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa,

15 Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.

16 These TWELVE SONS OF ISHMAEL became the founders of twelve

tribes named after them, listed according to the places they settled.

17 Ishmael lived for 137 years. Then he breathed his last gathered to

his people in death. (NLT)


The line of Ishmael represent those who are lost; (Bondservants to sin) symbolizing the OLD Mosaic Covenant law. This is trying to produce your own salvation by your own works.

The line of Isaac represents those who are saved; (Free in Christ) symbolizing the NEW and better Covenant brought forth by Jesus on the Cross.

The sending away of Hagar and Ishmael is the separating of the wheat from the chaff, the good from the bad. “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?” 47

Missing Tribes - Side Bar
Missing Tribes of Israel; Joseph had two sons; Ephraim and Manasseh which were adopted

into the tribes of Israel and were known as the half tribes. That gives us a NEW total of 14 tribes. The tribe of Dan is missing from the lineup of the sealed 144,000 as mentioned in Revelation 7:4- 10. It is possibly that this tribe is the source of the Antichrist as implied in scripture. At any rate, the

half tribe of Manasseh seems to take Dan’s place in the lineup of the twelve Tribes.

45 Revelation 7:5-8 – Israel’s 12 Tribes; minus Dan and Manasseh -- Genesis 21:9 – Ishmael made fun of Isaac, mocking him -- Genesis 17:20 – Abraham asked God to bless Ishmael; he received 12 tribes also
46 Psalm 83:2-4 – Arabs devise schemes to wipe out the memory of Israel
47 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 – What fellowship can light have with darkness; believers and non-believers

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The half tribe of Ephraim is also missing from the lineup because this tribe led the way in causing the civil war which divided the ten tribes of the north from the two tribes in the South. They also had become addicted to idolatry.

With the tribes of Dan and Ephraim missing, we are now back down to the Twelve Tribes being the 144,000 that are sealed. Just saying

Genesis 49:17 – Dan will be a serpent; Strike his heel

17 Dan will be a serpent by the roadside, a viper along the path that bites the horse's heels so that its rider tumbles backward.


Genesis 3:15 – Satan will strike his heel

15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will

strike his heel.” (NIV2011)

Islam; Qur’an

Islam purports that the True Covenant of God and BLOODLINE OF ABRAHAM rests with Ishmael the First Born and true son of Abraham; the son of the promised covenant NOT with Isaac the Second born.

The Bible says it was Isaac that has the promise of the Covenant. Muslims believe that the scriptures were distorted and changed by the Jews in order to establish themselves as the heirs to the covenant.

The Qur’an is silent on which son of Abraham was to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah to the Lord, but most Muslims will tell you it was Ishmael. The Bible tells us five times that it was Isaac. This debate over “the son of promise” still contributes to the hostility that we see today.

Islam says Abraham had eight sons, not twelve; all reared in Mecca not Hebron.

The Qur’an instructs Muslims to treat Jews as brothers, but then in contradiction commands them to kill the Jews if they refuse to convert to Islam.

The Qur’an teaches that the title deed to the land was passed down through the Arabs not the Jews. It is a note of interest that Israel has defeated the Arab world five times in succession.

Today Islam commands; “Fight and slay the pagans (non-Muslims) wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war”.

Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud says; “We shall never call for or accept a negotiated peace. We shall only accept war; Jihad; the Holy War. We have resolved to drench the lands of Palestine and Arabia with the blood of the infidels or to accept martyrdom for the glory of Allah”.

Islamic Jihad; to die for the cause of Islam is an honor; it’s a passport to paradise.

Genesis 22:2 – God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac

2 Then God said, “Take your son, YOUR ONLY SON, whom you love—ISAAC—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” (NIV2011)

Two Deaths

When Sarah died, Abraham found a piece of land that included a cave and some trees and negotiated a price for it as a permanent place of burial for his wife Sarah.48

When Ishmael died he was gathered to his people, not to Father Abraham’s people. The Ishmaelite’s had settled over against their kinsmen49 and were a different people; a different nation with a different god.

48 Genesis 23:1-20 – Abraham buried Sarah in land he purchased as a permanent possession 49 Genesis 25:18 – Ishmael settled over against all his kinsmen

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Note that in the two deaths, Sarah was gathered to Abraham, while Ishmael was gathered to his people; SEPARATED from his Hebrew brethren.50

Abraham’s physical descendants are not necessarily children of God,51 only the children of the promise are considered to be Abraham’s children. The Book says, “Isaac is the son through whom Abraham’s descendants will be counted.”

Josephus on Ishmael
Josephus, the Jewish Historian in 70AD writes: “As for Sarah, she at first loved Ismael, who

was born of her own handmaid Hagar, with an affection not inferior to that of her own son, for he was brought up, in order to succeed in the government, but when she herself had borne Isaac, she was not willing that Ismael should be brought up with him, as being too old for him, and able to do him injuries when their father should be dead”.

She therefore persuaded Abraham to send him and his mother to some distant country. Now, at the first he did not agree to what Sarah was so zealous for, and thought it an instance of the greatest barbarity to send away a young child (14 years of age) and a woman un-provided of necessaries. But at length he agreed to it; because God was pleased with what Sarah had determined; so he delivered Ismael to his mother, as not yet able to go by himself; and commanded her to take a bottle of water, and a loaf of bread, and so to depart and to take necessity for her guide.

When the lad Ishmael was grown up, he married a wife, by birth an Egyptian, from whence the mother was herself derived originally. Of this wife were born to Ismael twelve sons; these inhabited all the country from Euphrates to the Red Sea, and called it Nabatene. They are an Arabian nation and name their tribes from these, both because of their own virtue and because of the dignity of Abraham their father. Josephus; Antiquity of the Jews

Israel’s Covenant

God made a covenant with Israel that they would be His special people and that He would save them; however the covenant contained a lot of “Ifs, Ands and But clauses;” if you do this, I will do that. However, all through the OT and NT, we see Israel and Judah both violating the covenants IF clauses. Scripture states that “ALL Israel” will be saved,52 but how can this be since most of the Jews rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

It becomes crucial in our life to understand that God does not break His promises. If God goes back on His covenant with Israel, then perhaps He would go back on the promise of salvation for us; He will not.

All Israel” is made up of those who accept Jesus Christ, both the Jews as well as the believing Gentiles whose branches were grafted into the root of the Jewish vine.53 NOTE: the unbelieving Jewish branches that were broken off to graft in the Gentiles CAN be grafted back in if they accept Jesus as the Messiah.54

If you have accepted Jesus Christ, then you now have Jewish roots.

The Take Away

50 Genesis 25:17-18 – Ishmael died and was gathered to HIS people
51 Romans 9:6-8 - Abraham’s physical descendants are not necessarily the children of God
52 Romans 11:26 – All of Israel will be saved. -- Romans 9:6 – All of Israel descendants are not Israel 53 John 10:16 – Believing Jews and Believing Gentiles are All Israel
54 Romans 11:17-23 – The believing Gentiles were grafted into the vine

Ishmael, the nation of Arabs and Isaac, the nation of Israel are two separate nations and it all happened because of jealousy in the heart of Ishmael, the first born of Hagar; he rejected his half- brother Isaac. This is identical to Cain, also the first born whose jealousy rejected his brother Abel.

Who’s your mama? Ishmael was Abraham’s first born (Free Will) son conceived with Hagar, a bondwoman; a servant. Isaac was Abrahams first born (Predestined) son conceived with Sarah his wife; heir to the promise.

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Free will and Predestination are both taught in the Bible; here we see it demonstrated through Ishmael and Isaac both operating within God’s Sovereignty. Many are called and by Free Will choose to come to God, but FEW are chosen; Predestined to come to God. If all are predestined; some one way and some the other, then there is no HOPE for the lost.

JESUS GAVE THE GREAT COMMISSION; “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”.55 There would be no need for the Great Commission if there was no Free Will to accept the call.

This word study address’ the question; Was Ishmael saved? Is Islam just another path to God? Because God blessed Ishmael and made him a great nation, you could say that God intended for Islam to exist, but that does not mean that He intended for there to be another way for man to find forgiveness of sin. The Book says salvation is through the name of Jesus Christ and in NO ONE else, for there is no other name under heaven among people by which we must be saved. 56

Islam and other False Religions are used by God to TEST the faith and fidelity of His own people; this is just like when He used Pharaoh to oppose and TEST His people. It’s in the Book

God showed Ishmael favor because he was a son of Abraham, just as God showed favor to Lot and rescued him and his family, because he was Abraham’s nephew;57 but neither Ishmael nor Lot were whom the blessing of the Abrahamic covenant would pass.

According to the Book, there is only ONE WAY to the Father and that is through the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and God’s only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ;58 NOT through Abraham, Ishmael and Mohammad. Sadly, Ishmael and the Muslims are LOST.

God said; I AM THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC AND THE GOD OF JACOB. God is called the God of Israel over 200 times in scripture. He is never called the God of the Ishmaelite’s, Muslims, Arabs or the God of any other people. Even we as Gentiles that believe in His Son Jesus Christ must be grafted into the vine of Israel and into its roots;59 this is how we get in on the promise; it was Jesus Christ that made this possible for us. Abraham’s Spiritual Seed are ALL those; Jew or Gentile, who place their trust in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah.

Yahweh or Jehovah is the name for the God of Abraham. Allah is the universal name for all other gods. You must choose this day whom you will serve. The choices you make on this side of life have eternal consequences. It’s in the Book

Matthew 22:31-32 - I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob

31 But now, as to whether there will be a resurrection of the dead—haven’t you ever read about this in the Scriptures? Long after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had died, God said,


Matthew 22:14 – Few predestined; most choose to come to God

14 For many are called (Free Will),
but few are chosen (Predestined). NLT)

Joshua 24:15 – As for me and my house we will serve Yahweh

15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve Jehovah, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE JEHOVAH. (ASV)

55 Mark 16:15 – THE GREAT COMMISSION; go and proclaim the Good News of Jesus the Christ
56 Acts 4:8-12 – God said that there is NO other name than Jesus by which you can be saved.
57 Romans 9:17 – God uses Islam like He did Pharaoh for the very purpose of displaying His power -- Genesis 19:16 – Lot was rescued only because he was Abraham’s nephew
58 John 14:6 – Jesus is the ONLY WAY to come to the Father
59 Romans 11:17 – Believers are grafted into Abraham’s vine; we now have Jewish roots

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Chapter 5. 3

What is a Covenant? It is not just a casual promise or an agreement or a legal notarized contract, but a binding agreement to death and beyond. (No termination date)
The word covenant is used over 300 times in the Bible.
Covenantin Hebrew: Berith: Means cutting; walking between two pieces of animal flesh. “Covenantin Greek: Diatheke: A disposition of property; a testament

Every time God speaks it is a Covenant; God only speaks the truth, it will come to pass. THREE KINDS OF COVENANTS

One sided Covenant – Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon made a treaty with Zedikia

Ezekiel 17:12-18 – EXAMPLE of a King making a treaty.
12 "Say to this rebellious house, `Do you not know what these things mean?' Say to them: `The king of Babylon went to Jerusalem and carried off her king and her nobles, bringing them back with him to Babylon.
13 Then he took a member of the royal family and
He also carried away the leading men of the land,
14 so that the kingdom would be brought low, unable to rise again, surviving only by keeping his treaty.
But the king rebelled against him by sending his envoys to Egypt to get horses and a large army. Will he succeed? Will he who does such things escape? Will he break the treaty and yet escape?
16 "`As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, he shall die in Babylon, in the land of the king who put him on the throne, whose oath he despised and whose
treaty he broke.
17 Pharaoh with his mighty army and great horde will be of no help to him in war.
He despised the oath by BREAKING THE COVENANT. Because he had given his hand in pledge and yet did all these things, he shall not

escape. NIV

Blood Covenant

What is the cutting of the Covenant? What’s up with the Blood? Three Kinds of Covenants; One sided, Two sided and Self-imposed. There were Seven recorded Bible covenants; one is with God and you. Preparation, Exchange, the Cutting, Sacrifice, the scars, name change

First Word

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Two sided Covenant - Two part1es mutually agree to into a life binding covenant. Malachi 2:14 – EXAMPLE of the marriage covenant

14 You ask, "Why?" It is because the LORD is acting as the witness between YOU and the WIFE of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your MARRIAGE COVENANT.


Self-imposed Covenant – By God upon Himself Jeremiah 31:33-34 – EXAMPLE of God & Israel

33 "This is the COVENANT I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the LORD.

I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

34 No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, `Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, "declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."


Seven Recorded Biblical Covenants

The first six recorded covenants are but shadows or a prelude up to the seventh and final covenant; the New Covenant which is Jesus Christ; this covenant is still in effect today.

Side Bar: Seven throughout the Bible is the number of perfection and completion. The Old Covenant required perfection which no man could attain. Only Jesus, with the perfect finished work on the cross completed the covenant which has no expiration date.

NOTE: The word “oath” can also be taken to mean “covenant”.

Gen 3:15-21

Gen 9:9-11

1 The Adamic Covenant – Between God and Satan – skins cut

The Sign: Pain in childbirth

15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between

your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his


21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife

and clothed them. NIV

2 The Noahathian Covenant – Between God and Noah

The Sign: The Rainbow
9 "I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you
10 and with every living creature that was with you--the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you--every living creature on earth.
I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to

destroy the earth." NIV

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Gen 15:5-18

3 The Abrahamic Covenant – Between God and Abraham

The Sign: The smoking fire pot and the blazing torch
5 He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars--if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So

shall your offspring be."

18 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said,

"To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to

the great river, the Euphrates— NIV

4 Siniatic Covenant Between God and the nation Israel on Mount Sinai

The Sign: The Exodus

5 Now IF you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all

nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole

earth is mine,

6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These

are the words you are to speak to the Israelites." NIV

Ex 19:5-6

Num 25:10-13 5 The Levitical Covenant – Between God and the Levitical Priesthood

2 Sam 23:3-7

The Sign: The Aaronic Priesthood - Levi

10 The LORD said to Moses,

11 "Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned

my anger away from the Israelites; for he was as zealous as I am for my

honor among them, so that in my zeal I did not put an end to them.

12 Therefore tell him I am making my covenant of peace with him.

13 He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting

priesthood, because he was zealous for the honor of his God and

made atonement for the Israelites." NIV

6 The Davidic Covenant David & Descendants on the Throne –The Messiah

The Sign: David’s descendants on the throne; the Messiah from his line 3 The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me` (David): When
rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of

4 he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.'
5 "Is not my house right with God? Has he not
made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part? Will he not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire?

6 But evil men are all to be cast aside like thorns, which are not gathered with the hand.
7 Whoever touches thorns uses a tool of iron or the shaft of a spear; they are burned up where they lie."


7 The New Covenant – Between God and Jesus The Sign: Christ resurrection and assertion

Heb 7:18-22

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18 The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless 19(for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God.
20 And it was not without an
oath! Others became priests without any oath,

21 but he became a priest with an OATH when GOD said to him: "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: `You are a priest forever.'"
22 Because of this
OATH, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better COVENANT.


Covenant Preparation

The covenant required preparation of three things.

  1. 1)  Prayer: Seeking God and “His will” concerning the covenant. There is three involved in

    the covenant; two people plus Go, this is Holy covenant.

  2. 2)  Seeking Counsel: Concerning the length, breath and responsibility of this binding; it is a

    “life commitment”

  3. 3)  Setting the time and place for the Ceremony: Like a wedding you would invite witness,

    friends and relatives; the place would become holy ground. The spot would be marked as a reminder of the covenant that took place before God.60

The Exchange - Step one, the coat
Exchange coats: Each of us would put his coat on the other, this is where the term came from;

You are putting me on!” In America we would say “Clothes make the man,” but the Hebrew would say “The clothes are the man.” When they see you, they will see me and vice versa.

Israel loved his son Joseph more than any of the other children and “Put on him” a long colorful robe with sleeves. This was symbolic that Jacob now possessed all the inheritance of his father Israel.61 When they saw Joseph, they now saw Israel; Joseph was now the boss. The other brothers sought to kill Joseph to end the covenant so that they would get the father’s inheritance. They brought Joseph’s robe dipped in blood to their father Jacob (Israel). The Covenant made “till death” had


Ephesians 4:22-24 – You’re PUTTING ME ON

22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to PUT OFF YOUR OLD SELF, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;
23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds;

24 and to PUT ON THE NEW SELF, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.


The Exchange - Step two, the belt
The next step was to exchange their belt or girdle which more than likely held a knife. This

represented that all my weapons of warfare and all my strength and all my family and all my servants will be by your side to help and defend you. If they come after you, they are coming after me and vice versa.62

60 Exodus 3:4-5 – The place is marked as HOLY GROUND -- Joshua 4:9 – A MARKER is placed as a memorial of the covenant -- Deuteronomy 4:26 – God is the WITNESS of the covenant
61 Genesis 37:3-34 – Jacob’s favorite son; The ROBE gave him everything
62 Ephesians 6:13-14 – Put on the BELT; the armor, stand with me

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The Cutting – Step Three, the sacrifice
The final step was the “cutting of the covenant” or the sacrifice. A lamb was usually sacrificed,

but other animals were acceptable. The Lamb was literally cut in half from the head to the tail - Splitting the animal down the middle was a gory, unforgettable and blood splattering experience; it gave a new meaning to “hatchet job”.

They would then walk between the two pieces; blood would be on their hands and feet. This was symbolic; as this animal gave its life, if you broke the covenant; you would forfeit your own life. 63 Then they would cut the writs on their left hand causing blood to flow; then they would join left hands pointing up to God and with their right hands pointing to themselves. God you are our witness to this covenant ceremony, may you do to me what we have done to this lamb and more if I ever break this covenant. Then they shook hands up to the wrist to ratify the agreement; their blood

mingles, your blood is now my blood, your life is now my life.
Blood is thicker than water:” During childbirth “Water flows,” with a Blood covenant you

are more binding and stronger than that of two brothers from the same mother. “Blood Brothers” are self-imposed, irrevocable and forever. In essence, their culture believed that the two bodies were now one soul.

Picking up some dirt, they would grind it into the cut causing it to make a permanent scar, thus doing so; every time you saw the scar you would know you were bound to each other. The scar was a SIGN to everyone that there was more to you than meets the eye.

Our covenant is with the all sufficient Lord Jesus Christ and there is more to us than meets the eye. If you are faithful to this covenant, you will receive the blessings; break it and receive the curses. The sword will come down upon you with not only a physical death, but also a spiritual death.

Deuteronomy 28:3-9 – BLESSINGS if you keep the Covenant

3 You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.

4 The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land

and the young of your livestock--the calves of your herds and the

lambs of your flocks.

5 Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed.

6 You will be blessed when you come in, blessed when you go out.

7 The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will

be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but

flee from you in seven.

8 The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything

you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the

land he is giving you. The LORD will establish you as his holy people

9, as he promised you on oath, IF you keep the commands of the

LORD your God and walk in his ways. NIV

Deuteronomy 28:15-19 – CURSES if you break the covenant

15 However, IF you do not obey the LORD your God and do not

carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today,

all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:

16 You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country.

17 Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed.

18 The fruit of your womb will be cursed, and the crops of your

land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.

19 You will be cursed when you come in; cursed when you go out. NIV

63 Leviticus 17:11 – Life is in the blood -- Deuteronomy 27:1-2 - Keep all my commands and covenants -- Deuteronomy 28:1-2 - The covenant blessings come with an IF clause

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The Scars of the covenant
When you see the scars, you will see the covenant that’s till death and beyond. When we reach

up to Christ we see the scars He bears on His wrist, a testimony of His covenant with us. Jesus paid the price to give us the power, strength, Word, revelation and direction for the Gospel.

What a “FRIEND” we have in Jesus.64

Exchange Names - Known as “FRIENDS- Step four
Then they would exchange names adding each other’s name to theirs. The H from Jehovah,

was placed in Abrahams and Sarah’s name. If my name was Paul and your name was Marcus, I would be called Paul Marcus and he would be called Marcus Paul. From that day forward we would be known as “Friends”. (The term friend was a big deal).

From that moment on Paul is known as the friend of Marcus and Marcus is the friend of Paul. God spoke to Moses as his Friend, Abraham was the Friend of God. God was the friend of Isaac and Jacob; they now carry the name of the other.65 They will either EXALT the others name or SHAME the others name. We will either EXALT or SHAME the name of our covenant brother, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Exchange Assets And Liabilities – Step five
Then they would pull out list of their assets and liabilities which they already knew before

hand and exchange them. The stronger took on the liabilities of the weaker. They both took each other’s liabilities and each other’s assets. No secrets; everything is jointly owned and owed. Christ took on all our debts, paid them and then gave us the kingdom of heaven.

“X” Marks the Spot Step six
Then they would pile up a bunch of rocks or plant a tree to memorialize the place of the

covenant. This is similar to old times, when a bunch of rocks would be piled up to mark a grave or an oak tree would be planted to mark the spot.66

Let’s Eat Step seven
Then they would share a meal of bread and wine, they broke the bread and said, this bread

represent my body eat it - we are now “bone of bone” and “flesh of flesh”, drink this wine; this wine represents my blood, drink me, ingest me; blood of blood. We are in-separately bonded for life, we will die for each other and ready to live for each other.

God Covenants with Abram

God chose to covenant with Abram, a moon worshiper, who on at least three occasions was not faithful in his covenant relationship.67 It’s God’s faithfulness that holds the covenant together, not ours.

Genesis 12:2-3 – The Covenant

2 "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will

make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will

curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." NIV

64 John 12:46 – Jesus is the Light, we are no longer no darkness -- John 3:16 – God have His Son for us that we would have eternal life -- John 15:13 – No greater Love that one who lays down his life for his friend
65 Exodus 33:11 – God spoke to Moses as His friend. -- James 2:24 – Abraham was called God’s friend. -- John 14:14 – Ask in my name and you’ve got it.

66 2 Samuel 18:17 – Marked the grave with rocks -- Joshua 4:3 – Mark this place with stones as a memorial
67 Genesis 12:1 – Be faithful Abram; leave your family -- Genesis 12:4 – Not faithful; Abram took Lot with him

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Abraham is known as God’s Friend
Abraham is known as the “Friend” of God. The term “Friend” is used only when you are “In

Covenant” with someone. God said it three times that Abraham was His friend. Three is the Trinity, Abraham was filled with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit; he was filled with faith, full of Faith.

Isaiah 41:8 – Abraham my Friend

8 But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of ABRAHAM MY FRIEND. KJV
James 2:23 – The Friend of God
23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness:

2 Chronicles 20:7 – God’s Friend forever
7 Art not thou our God, who didst drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed of

The Abrahamic Covenant finalized
Abram is a nomad living in tents, his name means “the exalted father” or “the father of many”,

but he now is 99 years old and with no children. 25 years has passed since God covenanted with Abram to be a great nation and nothing has happened, but he never questions God about, when, where or how this will all come about.

Abram has walked in faith for 25 years and now God is about to complete His covenant. God appears to Abram and he does not fear Him because he knows Him personally. Abram falls face down and listens to God. Many probably made fun of his name and now God changes his name to Abraham, which means “Father of the Multitudes”, I can just hear the laughter getting louder. However, in God’s mind, Abraham was already the father of many nations; God sees the beginning from the end.

NOTE: In the cutting of the covenant, one of the final steps is the exchanging of names. Just as a wife takes on the name of her husband this is where Abraham takes on the name of Jehovah God (YHWH). God changes Abram’s name to Abraham; He adds the “h” in Jehovah to Abram’s name, which now becomes Abraham and Sara also takes on Jehovah’s name and her name is now Sarah.

Genesis 17:1-9 – God confirms His covenant with Abraham

1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.
I will confirm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers." Abram fell facedown, and God said to him, 4 "As for me, THIS IS MY COVENANT WITH YOU: You will be the father of many nations.

5 No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, FOR I HAVE MADE YOU A FATHER OF MANY NATIONS. 6 I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.

7 I WILL ESTABLISH MY COVENANT as an everlasting covenant between ME and YOU and YOUR DESCENDANTS after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. Then God said to Abraham, "As for you,

9 YOU MUST KEEP MY COVENANT, you and your descendants after you for the GENERATIONS to come. NIV

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The Resurrection Principal

Scripture confirms that Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 90, both past child baring years. It would take a miracle to resurrect the dead Womb of Sarah.68 This is the resurrection principal; a shadow of the resurrection of our “Covenant Partner”, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

God specializes in bringing life out of death; life in Christ out of death in Sin.

God Self Imposes the Covenant

Sinful Abraham fell into a deep sleep and in a vision, saw the sinless and perfect God come down to earth and pass between the pieces of sacrifice to make the “Self Imposed Covenant“.69 Abraham did not pass between the pieces, God knew that he would falter in his faithfulness and commitment to the Covenant, just like He knows we will also falter in our faithfulness.

God Symbolized as Fire

  •   It is God that makes our covenant, not us.

  •   It is God that is faithful, not us.

  •   It is God that walks as a blazing torch of fire

    through the flesh and takes man’s place.

  •   It is God’s will that works in us to act

    according to His good purpose.70

    Satan’s Spiritual Warfare

    Abraham did not receive a sign from God untill after he believed. God told him to take some animals and cut them in half for a sacrifice and as soon as he did, “the birds of prey” came down on thesacrificesanditwasAbrahamthatdrovethemoff. It’sSatan’sgoaltokeepusfromourcovenant with God, and IT’S UP TO US to resist his tricks.

    Genesis 15:8-11 – Spiritual Warfare; Satan attacks

    8 But Abram said, "O Sovereign LORD, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?"
    9 So the LORD said to him, "
    Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon."

    10 Abram brought all these to him, cut them in two and arranged the halves opposite each other; the birds, however, he did not cut in half. 11 Then birds of prey came down on the carcasses, but Abram drove them away


    Matthew 13:3-19 – Satan tries to snatch the word of God

    3 "Behold, a sower went out to sow.

    4 And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside;

    and the birds came and devoured them.

    18 "Therefore hear the parable of the sower:

    19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not

    understand it, then THE WICKED ONE COMES AND


    68 Genesis 17:17 – Abraham could not produce a child -- Genesis 18:11 – Sara was past the age of childbearing
    69 Genesis 15:17-18 – God cuts the covenant and passed through
    70 Hebrews 12:29 – God is a consuming fire -- Exodus 3:2 – God the fire in the Bush -- Exodus 13:21 – God the pillar of fire -- Philippians 2:13 – God is at work in us

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The Body of Christ
It is the torn body of Jesus Christ, symbolized by the “curtain torn in TWO” in the “Holy of

Holies”, that allows us walk boldly in our COVENANT up to our Heavenly Father.71 God remains faithful, even if we are not.72 FAITH is not what we SEE; but what we HOPE for.73

Jesus - Our Covenant Partner - our High Priest
In the OT, the High Priest would enter into the “Holy of Holiesonce a year on the day of

Yon Kipper, bearing on his shoulders and breast plate the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. He made intercession and confessed the sins of the people, made sacrifices and gained forgiveness.74

Jesus as our High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek has now entered the Most Holy Place bearing our names on His shoulders and has set down at the right hand of God and intercedes for us day and night.75 He is our COVENANT source of eternal salvation.

No Secrets in a Covenant

God discloses what He is about to do to Sodom and Gomorra. In Abraham’s mind, this was not a good thing and negotiates with God to change His mind; they were “friends”.76 Everyone who has accepted Jesus as their personal savior is in covenant with Him. They are His Friend, we are ALL covenant “Friends,” we can humbly argue our case before God.

LESSON: When we see our Christian “friend”, seemingly going the wrong way; with humility and love, we should share our thoughts with him, to try to get him to change his direction.

Genesis 18:16-18 – No secrets

16 And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward Sodom: and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.
17 The LORD said,

Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do

18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

Reckoned - Crediting the Account
Reckoned: An accounting term, “Credited” or applied to Abrahams account what he did not

already possess.
Believe: “Amanin Hebrew, to confirm or affirm a promise, a positive declaration.

We are in covenant when we BELIEVE on Jesus Christ; our account is reckoned or credited with all His assets and His account receives all our sins and liabilities. If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham’s seed, you are in COVENANT with the promises till Christ returns and beyond.77

71 Hebrews 10:19-20 – His body opened the curtain in the Holy of Holies to us --Matthew 27:51 – The curtain is split; we now have perfect access -- Hebrews 10:22 – As we draw near to God we are cleansed
72 2 Timothy 2:13 – He is faithful even if we are not
73 2 Corenthians 5:7 - Our walk is by Faith not by sight -- Hebrews 11:1 – FAITH is not what we SEE but what we HOPE for.

74 Hebrews 9:8 –The way into the Most Holy Place hadn’t been disclosed to us -- Hebrews 9:7 – The High Priest entered into the Holy of Holies ONLY once a year -- Hebrews 13:11-12 – The blood of animals were a sin offering -- Hebrews 9:14 – Jesus became the unblemished sacrifice -- Hebrews 9:12 – Christ entered by His own blood -- Hebrews 9:25 – Christ only had to enter only ONCE. -- Revelation 3:21 – Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. -- Hebrews 12:2 – Jesus - The Author and Finisher of our faith.

75 Hebrews 7:1 – Melchizedek is the Priest of God -- Psalms 110:4 – Jesus is our High Priest forever - -Hebrews 10:19 – We can enter the Most Holy Place with confidence -- Hebrews 6:20 – Jesus has gone before us as our High Priest -- Exodus 28:9-12 – Our names are borne on His shoulders -- Hebrews 5:9-10 – He is our covenant and source of eternal salvation
76 Hebrews 10:22-23 – We are encouraged to draw near to God -- Genesis 18:23-25 – Abraham discusses the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah with God -- Genesis 18:26-33 – Abraham argues his case before Go0d with humility and love

77 Galatians 3:16 – The covenant was to Abraham and his seed. -- Galatians 3:29 – If you believe in Christ, you are Abraham’s seed. -- Galatians 3:6 – Believing first and then the reckoning of righteousness -- John 6:39 – All that are in covenant, shall stay in covenant -- Galatians 3:26 – We are the seed, the sons of God

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Reality & Truth – Kinsman Redeemer
Definition of Reality: the truth; telling it like it is; the unvarnished truth; the plain truth; the honest

truth; the honest to God truth; the absolute truth; the Gospel truth; the Bible truth; “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.78

Jesus, our covenant partner is ready, willing and able to be our “Kinsman Redeemer. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment, truth and reality of the New Covenant.

Jesus said; I am the way, the truth and the life

Be Separate
Separated: The Devine action of being set apart for the work of the Gospel. God calls us out

to be separated from our old way into His new way. We are called out to be a blessing to others IF we separate ourselves from our old ways. When we separate from our old ways we become a new creature, with new actions. We put on the “robe”; the likeness of Jesus Christ.79 God is our covenant partner.80

No one seeks out God, it is God that seeks out man.81 There is none virtuous who can stand worthy for God to select them. Before Abraham believed God, he was a moon worshiper and an idol worshiper. It was God’s Devine Election to be in covenant with Abraham, God sought out Abraham.82

He wants you to KNOW

When you think about the name of Jesus Christ, think of Him as your “Covenant Partner”. He wants you to know that He is in covenant with you. He has already fought the battle and has conquered death and made you more than a conqueror.83 You didn’t even fight the battle, but you got the prize. There is no greater love than that a man lays down his life for his “Friend”.

Christ chose us; called us his “Covenant Friend” and commands us to love one another. The covenant has not ended, but continues till Jesus returns and beyond.

John 15:12-17 – Jesus calls us His covenant “Friends”

12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his


14 You are my FRIENDS if you do what I command.

15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his

master's business. Instead,

I have called you FRIENDS, for everything that I learned from my

Father I have made known to you.

16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to

go and bear fruit-fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you

whatever you ask in my name.

17 This is my command: Love each other. NIV

78 Colossians 2:17 – Christ; the reality of things that were to come. -- John 14:6 – Christ is the reality; The Truth -- Romans 5:8 Jesus is READY to be out kinsman redeemer -- Ruth 3:12 - He is our Able and Willing Kinsman redeemer
79 Ephesians 4:23-24 – Leave your old ways; “PUT ON” Jesus Christ -- Genesis 15:1 – We “PUT ON” His covenant shield
80 Hebrews 6:13-15 - Many years will pass and God is still the covenant partner

81 Romans 3:11 – There is NO one who seeks out God
82 Genesis 12:1-3 – God calls Abram out to be separate. -- Acts 7:3 – Abram answered the call to be Separate -- Romans 1:1 – Paul answered the call to be Separate -- 2 Corenthians 6:17-18 – God calls to Come out, be separate -- Galatians 1:15 – A Holy separation is by God’s grace -- 2 Corenthians 5:17 – Being separate, we become a new person
83 1 John 5:13 – It is written so you can KNOW you have eternal life -- Romans 8:37 – We are more than conquerors

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BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women IT’S IN THE BOOK Two Sacraments in memorial of the New Covenant

Matthew 28:18-20 - Baptism

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on

earth has been given to me. Therefore

19 go and make disciples of all nations, BAPTIZING them in the

name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." NIV

Matthew 26:26-28 - The Lords Supper
26 While they were eating, Jesus took BREAD, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." 27 Then he took the CUP, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you.
This is my blood of the COVENANT, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. NIV

A song about our covenant “friend”


What a “FRIEND” we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry – Everything to God in prayer:
Oh, what peace we often forfeit - Oh, what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry – Everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged - Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a “
FRIEND” so faithful – Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness - Take it to the Lord in prayer!

Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuse - Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? - Take it to the Lord in prayer. In His arms He’ll take and shield thee - Thou will find a solace there.

Joseph Scriven 1819 Charles C. Converse 1832

The Take Away

A Blood Covenant is a binding agreement that is in effect till death and beyond.
parties walked between the bloody halves of slain animals and said “may God do this to me and more, if I do not keep this covenant.

The covenant process began in the Garden of Eden when God took the hides from slain animals and placed on Adam and Eve. It continued with Noah, Abraham, The nation of Israel, The Levites, King David and finally with Jesus. This was a total of seven recorded covenants. SEVEN is the number of Completion.

There were three kinds of covenants

  1. 1)  One sided: I make an agreement with you because I want to; you agree to the conditions.

  2. 2)  Two sided: The two of us make an agreement; we both participate fully.

  3. 3)  Self-imposed: The agreement is with God alone; He seeks us out and remains faithful even

    when we are not. The Covenant is by predestination, but your agreement is by Free Will. Page 25 Printed 1/30/2023

The covenant

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There are seven steps in the covenant process:

  1. 1)  Exchanging robes; I am now you and you are now me; we are FRIENDS.

  2. 2)  Exchanging belts and daggers; my servants and weapons are now ready to defend you.

  3. 3)  The cutting of the sacrifice and the wrist; we are Blood Brothers in covenant with God.

  4. 4)  The name exchange; I take on your name, you take on mine; we shame or exalt our name.

  5. 5)  The exchange and assumption of each other’s assets and liabilities. Possessions in common

  6. 6)  Marking the place; place stones or plant a tree to mark the spot.

  7. 7)  Eating a meal with bread and wine. SEVEN is the number of Completion.

The term “Friend” was only used for someone who was in covenant with someone else.

To put someone on was to put on their robe or cloak and become everything that person is. Jesus is our covenant partner and we “put Him on”; we are His Covenant “FRIEND.” The stronger takes on the weaker; the weaker has his account “reckoned”; it is paid in full.

NOTE: When Johnathan took off his clothes and put them on David, some students of the Word saw this as a homosexual act when in actuality Johnathan who was in line to be king made a covenant with David, giving him his kingdom and taking on David’s liabilities; they were FRIENDS. When you study God’s Word, the Holy Spirit gives you light; you have illumination of the scriptures that others cannot see.

1 Samuel 18:4 - Johnathan made a COVENANT with David

4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle. KJV

God sought us out and self-imposed a covenant, we did not seek Him. His covenant was completed at the cross and continues forever, because He lives. Israel was a Holy nation set apart unto God; we separate ourselves from the world to be in His covenant family.

Christ was circumcised; circumcision leaves a mark. Is circumcision just a tradition or is it the mark of a covenant? The scars that mark His body signify that “there is more to us than what you see”. Ponder the mark of circumcision.

Jesus left us two sacraments to mark” the New Covenant; Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. It’s in the Book

What a FRIEND we have in Jesus.

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Chapter 5. 4

This is a concept that Jewish Israel failed to recognize the Messiah Jesus Christ, and after centuries has now been replaced as God’s chosen people by the Christian Church. Israel now has no role in God’s future work.84 This is a FALSE doctrine of the New Age movement. Jesus Christ is the life giving Vine. God broke off the branches of unbelieving Israel and grafted into the vine, the believing Gentiles.85 Note: The word Gentile or Greek it is a term used to denote anyone that was not a Jew; it simply means everybody else. BUT, if the broken off branches of Israel will believe, God has promised to graft them back in.

LISTEN: The Vine is Jesus Christ and the branches are Jewish Israel.86 When you as a Gentile are grafted into the vine, you become part of Jewish Israel; your roots become Jewish.

All Israel is therefore; the natural branches of the vine; the believing Jews, plus the un-natural wild branches that were grated in; the Gentiles, PLUS the broken off branches that were grafted back into the vine; the returning believing Jews. SO, when you see ALL ISRAEL spoken of, it includes all believers; we are “All Israel”.87

If we are arrogant toward the Jew, because we have been grafted into the vine, God will judge us. God will bless those who bless the Jews and curse those that curse them.88 If it were not for the Jews we would not have the scriptures, prophets, apostles and our Messiah.

Israel’s blindness to the Messiah will be removed when the fullness of the Gentile has been completed; this will occur during the tribulation period.89

Romans 11:17-21- The Gentiles are a wild olive shoot, grafted in

17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root,
18 do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. You will say then,

19 "Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in." 20 But THEY WERE BROKEN OFF BECAUSE OF UNBELIEF, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid.

21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either. NIV

84 Romans 11:1 – Did God reject Israel; by NO means -- Romans 11:5 - There is a remnant of Israel that has been predestined 85 John 15:1-2- God will cut off every branch that does not bear fruit
86 John 15:5 – Jesus is the vine and the believer is the branches
87 Romans 11:25-26 – The hardening of Israel’s heart will end and ALL Israel will be saved

88 Genesis 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse
89 Romans 11:23-24 – If Israel does not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted back in and saved

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Jews, Gentiles Replacement Theology

Has the Christian Church replaced the Jews as God’s chosen Covenant people

Replacement Theology

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Chapter 5. 5

Jesus, Jews And the Messiah

Judaism vs; Christian Messiah - Paul & the Law – Judas & the Law Political Leader – The Suffering Servant – The Anointed One Virgin Birth – The House of David – Jews Return – New Temple

First Word

Why did the majority of the people that KNEW Jesus, reject His divinity in His lifetime?

Unlike today, the Jews took the doctrine of the Torah very serious and read it often and taught it to their children both in songs and by teaching the “WHY” of how they did different things. When words or actions were not according to the Laws of Moses it was considered BLASPHEMOUS and could even result in DEATH.

Today most Christians don’t regularly read their Bible and don’t care anything about doctrine, they just rely on the preacher to tell them what they need to know. Most Mega-churches don’t even teach doctrine; they just teach the FEEL GOOD message; Doctrine is out.

A gang of us would do lunch with a local pastor and discuss controversial subjects addressed in the Bible; he would say; which side do you want me to take? WHAT? Well, this is one of those studies that you can pick a side and find plenty of scripture to support your BS, your Belief System; your “World View”. As a student of the Book, I can certainly see why it is thought that Jesus did NOT embody the qualifications of the Messianic prophecies.

Our New Covenant had not been written down like the Torah although Peter’s scribe Mark and three disciples, Matthew, Luke and John would later produce the “Four Gospels”.

THERE WE HAVE THE FIRST RUB - The Mitzvot refers to the 613 commandments given in the Torah and says that these commands REMAIN BINDING FOREVER and anyone who attempts to CHANGE the Torah is a FALSE PROPHET.

Jesus did NOT accomplish “ALL AT ONCE”, what was written in the Torah therefore He was REJECTED as the Messiah. (The Messiah cannot miss even one point.) The Jews are still looking forward to the coming of their Messiah.

Christianity: Jesus Himself said that He is the Son of God and the Messiah and performed great miracles to prove it.

Judaism: ANOTHER RUB. Personal revelation of being the Messiah is a very weak basis for claiming Messiahship, as multiple religions have claimed this throughout history and some tricksters and con artist have been granted special powers just to TEST the people of Israel.90 Judaism is not borne out of miracles to a FEW, but to ALL of Israel as witnesses at the bottom of Mount Sinai when God spoke out of the thunder and smoke.

There is as much suffering, pain and tragedy in the world today as there was ever before Jesus came on the scene. The Jews felt it seemed somewhat EVIL that a person would be damned to hell FOREVER because they rejected the teachings of Jesus. They had the promises of the TORAH, the Book of the Law.

90 Deuteronomy 13:1-3 – God is TESTING you with FALSE PROPHETS
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LOOK; in the name of Jesus there has been the Inquisitions, the Crusades, Persecution, Slaughter and Massacre from those who twisted and distorted Christianity. Jesus Himself said; “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword.91 Why in the world would any Jew want to follow Jesus?

Judaism Messiah
Messiah in Hebrew means the Anointed One” which refers to a future Jewish King who

would be anointed with Holy anointing Oil to be the King of God’s Kingdom. In Judaism the Jewish Messiah is NOT considered God or the Son of God or even Divine, but is a descendent of King David; PHYSICALLY descended from the paternal Davidic line through King David and his son King Solomon. He will be a great human charismatic POLITICAL LEADER that will strictly follow and enforce the laws of Judaism.

The Messiah is thought to accomplish predetermined things during ONE future arrival:

  1. 1)  He will be a descendent of King David ushering in the Messianic Age of global universal peace.

  2. 2)  He will teach and strengthen the observance of the written and oral laws of the Torah.

  3. 3)  He will lead Israel to fight the wars of God and be known as “The Anointed One”.

  4. 4)  He will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem on its existing foundations.

  5. 5)  He will gather in all the Jews to Israel; unify their tribes and restore a pure speech.

    Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, a Jewish Philosopher in the Middle Ages writings were known as

    Maimonides” and he wrote about the identity of the Messiah:

  1. 1)  A king shall arise from among the House of David, studying Torah and occupied with

    commandments like his father David, according to the written and oral Torah, and he will impel

    all of Israel to follow it and to strengthen breaches in its observance,

  2. 2)  And will fight God's wars, this one is to be treated as if he were “The Anointed One”.

  3. 3)  If he succeeded and built the Holy Temple in its proper place and

  4. 4)  gathered the dispersed ones of Israel together, this is indeed “The Anointed One” for certain

  5. 5)  and He will mend the entire world to worship the Lord together, as it is stated: "For then I shall

    turn for the nations a clear tongue,92 so that they will all proclaim the Name of the Lord, and to worship Him with a united resolve (Wikipedia)

Political Leader

The Jews were under oppression from Rome, particularly in the area of heavy taxation. They were praying for redemption by a Messiah that would come and set up a kingdom and overthrow Rome. MOST believed that Jesus was that person, and it would happen soon.

Simon who was one of the twelve disciples was a member of one of the fanatical groups known as the “Zelotes” and would kill a Roman in a heartbeat. It seems that Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus was also a Zelote at heart. He believed that an economic militant kingdom would happen shortly and that Rome would be overthrown and he wanted to force it to happen right away. He thought that all the disciples would be in leadership positions and receive lots of wealth, not realizing that it was the final reward that was of the most importance.

Judas is painted as an extremist and a patriot, one who was politically inclined, looking to Jesus to deliver them from the oppression of Rome and thus he himself would be a part of the new governing authority. Judas was disappointed that Jesus did not lead them into a revolt against Rome. I can see how Satan could instill thoughts in Judas, that maybe this Jesus was a “False Messiah” or maybe not and he would just TEST the situation.

Judas was not from Galilee as the others were and probably felt somewhat as an outsider and maybe a little jealous.

91 Matthew 10:34 - I came not to bring peace, but a sword. 92 Zephaniah 3:9 – Restore a clear tongue, united in worship

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He had a love of money as most of his comments were about how to get more money into the treasury, so he could embezzle more. Jealousy, greed, bitterness and disappointment turned into spite and a plan was hatched to force Jesus to TAKE ACTION and lead the INSURRECTION against the oppression of Rome.

Judaism: THE RUB, the Messiah as king will lead the nation of Israel out from under the oppression of Rome AND HE DID NOT.

Christian Messiah
In Christianity, the Messiah is called “The Christ”. The concept of the Messiah in Christianity

originated from the Messiah of Judaism, however unlike the concept in Judaism, the Messiah in Christianity is the Son of God who came as the “Suffering Servant” as prophesized by the Prophet Isaiah.

Judaism: THIS IS THE NEXT RUB; The Messiah will be a “Mortal Man” in the linage of King David, not a demi god.

Judaism: ANOTHER RUB; Isaiah relates at least eleven times that Israel is known as the “Servant of God; the scriptures in Isaiah are about Israel being bruised and crushed and suffering, NOT about Jesus. Besides that, the Messiah will be a King, a Powerful Political Leader leading an insurrection; NOT a Suffering Servant”.93

The Christian Messiah returns in two parts:

  1. 1)  The Old Testament Messianic prophecies were fulfilled in the First part of Christ’s coming through His Mission, His Death and His Resurrection.

  2. 2)  The rest of the Messianic prophecies will be fulfilled in the Second part of Christ’s Coming, specifically the prophecy of a FUTURE KING who would come from the Davidic line and usher in a Messianic Age and the New World to Come.

Judaism: ANOTHER RUB, the Messiah comes only ONCE, not TWICE.

Paul and the Law

Jesus got in the face of the Jewish leaders, telling them they were all about rituals, they had forgotten love, compassion and justice. He re-interpreted what the laws meant and that drove them crazy. He called them white washed tombs and a brood of viper snakes.

According to the Book of the Law, there are specific things that the Messiah would accomplish upon His return and failure to accomplish just one of these things pointed to a FALSE MESSIAH. With that said, you can see how the Jews would be so upset with someone who claimed to be the Messiah, but DID NOT DO WHAT THE LAW REQUIRED.

Saul was Born a Jew; lived in Tarsus Cilicia and studied the Law and was a Pharisee ZEALOUS for God. He was probably 10 years younger than Jesus as he was referred to as a young man.94 He was ZEALOUS in the persecution of all the blasphemous Christian followers of THE WAY.95

Originally called Saul until Christ revealed himself to him on the Damascus Road96 and Saul’s name was changed to Paul.97 After Paul’s conversion, he took the Gospel to the Gentiles as a Teacher and an Apostle98 although he was NOT one of the inner circle of the Twelve.

93 Isaiah 53:1-12 – JESUS was the Prophesized Suffering Servant -- Psalm 44:9-19 – ISRAEL is the Suffering Servant of God not Jesus 94 Acts 7:55-58 – Saul was a YOUNG man at Stephen’s Death -- 1 Corinthians 1:27 – Saul; an UNLIKELY candidate for an Disciple - - Acts 9:15-16 – God chooses Saul as His instrument to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles -- 1 Corinthians 15:8 – Paul, an apostle born out of due time -- 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 – Paul; caught up to heaven, taught by Christ
95 Acts 8:1-3 – Saul persecutes the Christians, dragged them off to prison
96 1 Corinthians 1:27 – Saul; an UNLIKELY candidate for an Disciple -- 1 Corinthians 15:8 – Paul, an apostle born out of due time -- Acts 9:15-16 – God chooses Saul as His instrument to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles -- 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 – Paul; caught up to heaven, taught by Christ
97 Acts 13:9 - Saul’s name changed to PAUL and was filled with the Holy Spirit
98 Romans 11:13-14 – Paul an Apostle to the Gentiles -- 1 Timothy 2:7 – Paul’s ministry; appointed as a teacher to the Gentiles -- 2 Timothy 1:10-12 – Paul appointed to be a disciple and teacher

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Anointed One
Judaism; anointing refers to the ritual of “consecrating someone” by pouring Holy Oil upon their

head by the Levitical Priest; the Messiah will be called the “Anointed One”.99
Christians believe that Jesus was anointed with Oil as was prophesied when A WOMAN poured

an alabaster jar of expensive perfumed oil over His head.100
Judaism; THE RUB: God would never use a WOMAN to anoint someone; only a priest.

House of David
Christianity indicates that when Mary married Joseph, a descendent of the house of David, she

automatically became a descendent of the house of David. Besides that, in the book of MATTHEW, Joseph is mentioned in the Davidic linage,101 and the book of LUKE implies Mary was also in the linage of David. LUKE describes the descendants of Heil which is Mary’s father,102 not Joseph’s.

Judaism: THE RUB; the Messiah will be a descendent of the house of David,103 born of human parents and not be some demi-god that possess supernatural powers. Furthermore, descendants must be from the father’s side, so since Jesus had no earthly father, he could not be a descendant of King David; therefore He could NOT possibly be the Messiah.

Virgin Birth
Christianity: A Virgin will conceive a child called Immanuel meaning “God is with us”.104 Judaism: ANOTHER RUB, the word “Virgin” is mistranslated, it actually means A YOUNG

WOMAN, not a virgin. This Virgin concept comes from the PAGAN BELIEF of mortals being impregnated by the gods.

Side Bar
In the middle ages a Jewish CHRISTIAN was required to sign a document that committed them

to GIVE UP ALL THINGS JEWISH; songs, customs, food and traditions and change their Jewish name to a Christian name. However; the Believing Jews wanted to be Christians, but keep their Jewish heritage Identity.

When The Jews didn’t readily accept Christianity they were deaminized by the Christians, calling them demon possessed, Christ Killers and anti-Christ’s.

This further separated the Jews from the Christians.

Jews Return – New Temple
The Messiah will gather all of the Jews back from the ends of the earth to the Land of Israel

and will build the Third Temple when He returns.105
Judaism: THE RUB, Jesus did not rebuild the temple nor reestablish temple worship. Christianity: Jesus the Messiah will establish all of this at the second part of His coming. When

The Messiah returns He will usher in a NEW era of world peace, no more war; ending hatred, oppression and suffering. Bringing quiet, peacefulness, confidence of safety; violence will disappear from the land; the desolation and destruction of war will end. No more training and preparation for War.

99 Exodus 29:1-7 – To consecrate; a PRIEST poured anointing Oil on the head.
100 Mark 14:3-9 – Consecrated; a WOMAN poured anointing Oil on the head of Jesus -- Matthew 26:6-12 – Jesus anointed with Oil by a WOMAN for His burial
101 Matthew 1:20 – JOSEPH was a descendent of King David -- Matthew 1:1-16 –The LINAGE of King David was Joseph’s Son JESUS
102 Luke 3:23-38 – HELI the father of MARY was also a descendent of King David
103 Isaiah 11:1 – The Messiah will be from the line of King David -- Jeremiah 23:5 – The Messiah will be a descendant of King David -- Jeremiah 33:17 – A descendant of King David will sit on the throne forever -- Genesis 49:10 – The Ruler’s staff will not depart from David’s descendants -- Ezekiel 34:22-24 – I will set one shepherd over them; One Ruler
104 Isaiah 7:14 – The Virgin will conceive a child called Immanuel
105 Isaiah 43:5-6 – The Messiah will gather ALL the Jews back to Israel -- Amos 9:13-15 – The Messiah will bring His people back to Israel and rebuild their cities. -- Ezekiel 37:26-28 –The Messiah will re-build the Temple

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A Kabbalistic tradition within Judaism is that Messiah ben Joseph, (a son of Joseph) will gather the children of Israel around him and lead them to Jerusalem. After overcoming the hostile powers in Jerusalem, He will re-establish the Temple worship and set up his own dominion. Then Messiah ben David (a son of David) will usher in a period of FREEDOM and PEACE.

Judaism: THE RUB, Jesus did not bring world peace and end violence, destruction and war. Christianity: Jesus the Messiah will do ALL these things at the second part of His coming.

Jehovah Worshipped Universally
The Messiah will spread knowledge of the God of Israel worldwide, uniting all humanity in the

worship of the one true God. 106
Judaism: THE RUB, Jesus did NOT cause the knowledge of God to be spread worldwide nor

cause the One Jehovah God to be worshipped universally.
Christianity: Jesus the Messiah will accomplish this at the second part of His coming.

Purified Speech

The Messiah will purify the language when He returns. The whole world will speak Hebrew or an unknown NEW pure language.

Judaism: THE RUB, Jesus, did not bring the world to speak a new pure language.

Christianity: The nations will no longer use vile and vulgar language, repulsive and blasphemous talk,107 the nation’s languages will become pure and wholesome at the second part of the Messiah’s coming.

Prophecies Fulfilled

If we had to leave it with what has been said about Jesus being the Messiah, the Christian BS; World View would be pretty lame by just saying that, one day when Jesus returns all the other prophecies will be fulfilled. However, I can point to at least sixteen prophecies in the Old Testament that Jesus as the Messiah DID fulfill as documented in the New Testament.


  1. Zechariah 11:12

  2. Isaiah 53:7

  3. Isaiah 53:5

  4. Isaiah 50:6

  5. Psalms 22:16

  6. Isaiah 53:12

  7. Psalms 22:18

  8. Psalms 69:21

  9. Psalms 69:21

  10. Psalms 22:1

  11. Psalms 34:20

  12. Zechariah 12:10

  13. Isaiah 53:9

  14. Psalms 16:10

  15. Psalms 68:18

  16. Psalms 110:1

Betrayed; 30 pieces of silver Be silent before accusers Be scourged and wounded Be smitten and spat upon His hands and feet pierced Put to death with criminals Lots cast for His garments Would suffer thirst

Given gall and vinegar to drink Utter forsaken cry to God
No bones would be broken Side would be pierced

Buried in a rich man’s tomb Rise from the dead
Ascend into heaven
Sit at the right hand of God


Matthew 26:14-16 Matthew 27:12 Matthew 27:26 Matthew 26:67 Luke 22:33 Matthews 27:38 John 19:23-24 John 19:28 Matthew 27:34 Matthew 27:46 John 19:33

John 19:34 Matthew 27:57-60 Mark 16:6
Acts 1:9
Hebrews 1:3

106 Zechariah 8:23 – The World will seek out the God of the Jews -- Jeremiah 31:33-34 – Everyone will know the God of Israel -- Hosea 2:20-22 – The World will know God and He will answer their prayers -- Zechariah 14:9 –Jehovah God will be worshipped Worldwide -- Isaiah 2:2-3 – All Nations will worship the God of Israel
107 Zephaniah 3:9 – No more vile vulgar or blasphemous repulsive talk

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What a difference a week makes; Great Crowds heard that Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem and they took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!” ...“Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Then a week later they are mocking Him, spitting on Him, striking Him on the head and shouting CRUCIFY HIM.

John 12:12-13 – The Entry; Praise God for the King of the Jews

12 The next day, the news that Jesus was on the way to Jerusalem swept through the city. A large crowd of Passover visitors
13 took palm branches and went down the road to meet him. They shouted, “Praise God! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the LORD! HAIL TO THE KING OF ISRAEL!”


Mark 15:18-20 – Week later; crucify the King of the Jews

18 Then they saluted him and taunted, “HAIL! KING OF THE JEWS!19 And they struck him on the head with a reed stick, spit on him, and dropped to their knees in mock worship.
20 When they were finally tired of mocking him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him again. Then they led him away to be CRUCIFIED. (NLT)

The Take Away

I want to jump in here to say that the Jews took YHWH; the God of Israel, very seriously. They would not even utter His name and for someone to claim that they were the son of God was blasphemy and worthy of death. This is why the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes and the Sanhedrin leaders; as well as Paul were ready to kill Jesus and His followers and totally eliminate the entire sect known as “The Way”.

When you reason through all the objections of Jesus being the Messiah based on the traditions and the Belief System of Judaism, you can certainly see why Paul was so enraged that he wanted to kill ALL the Christians, and why Judas thought that he could put Jesus in such a position that He would be forced to begin the insurrection against Rome.

Christianity teaches that Jesus the Messiah will fulfill all the remaining prophecies at the second part of His Coming.

Judaism teaches that Elijah will come first then the Messiah will come and fulfill ALL the prophecies outright; scriptures hold NO concept of a “Coming in Two Parts”.

Christianity teaches that John the Baptist was a Prophet of God and pointed to Jesus as the Messiah and John had the Spirit of Elijah. Jesus himself said that John had the spirit of Elijah.108

Judaism teaches that prophecy ended with the death of the last prophets; Zechariah, Haggai and Malachi and that Elijah will come again before the Messiah. Judaism does not recognize John the Baptizer as a prophet because a new prophet cannot exist until the majority of the world’s Jewish population inhabits Israel again.

Furthermore,JohntheBaptizerhimselfsaidhewasNOTElijah. JohntheBaptistwastheCousin of Jesus as well as was the disciples James & John and ALL were part and parcel of the CONSPIRACY known as “THE WAY”.

Judaism follows the practices of the Old Covenant religion of Salvation through WORKS.

Christianity follows the New Covenant of Salvation by GRACE, faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God. It is the WORKS of Christ that saves us from our Sins, not the WORKS of man. 109

108 Matthew 11:14 – John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah -- John 1:19-21 – John the Baptist said he was not Elijah re-incarnated -- 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – The Messiah will return a 2nd time
109 Ephesians 2:8-9 – SAVED BY GRACE, NOT BY WORKS

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Chapter 5.6

Ten Lost Tribes of the Nation of Israel

Jeroboam: King of Israel: TEN tribes Rehoboam: King of Judah: TWO tribes

First Word

Israel had split apart with two tribes in the South called Judah and ten tribes in the North called Israel. This study is to look at what the scholars think happened to the ten Northern tribes; how it all came about and where they are now.

Setting the stage - Rehoboam
Solomon, King of Israel had incredible building projects underway which he managed to

accomplish through forced labor, high taxes and other oppressive actions; however discontent, discouragement and dissatisfaction existed throughout the kingdom.

When King Solomon died, his son Rehoboam took over the throne and consulted with the OLDER LEADERS110 on the continuation of the heavy taxation and labor practices of Solomon. He was advised to go lenient on the taxes and the people would love Him and serve his gladly.

He also consulted some of the YOUNGER ADVISORS111 and they advised him to be sterner. Rehoboam took the younger advisors advice112 and told the people “My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke. My father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions.” The kingdom was now about ready to explode. This is where we pick up the story.

Enter Jeroboam

Jeroboam’s royal appointment by Solomon had put him in charge of Solomon’s whole labor force and had made him a very powerful political figure.

The prophet Ahijah had prophesized that the Lord would DIVIDE ISRAEL and give Jeroboam TEN of the twelve tribes.113 This did not set well with King Solomon and Jeroboam had to flee to Egypt to save his own life.

After Solomon’s death, Jeroboam returned to protest the heavy labor practices of Solomon and his son Rehoboam, who was now King. The protest was rejected and there was a rebellion and Jeroboam was made King of the TEN tribes as was prophesized.114 These TEN tribes retained the name Israel.

Rehoboam now only had TWO tribes; Judah and the small tribe of Benjamin, but they still occupied Jerusalem where the Temple was located. The TWO tribes were called Judah with the small tribe of Benjamin being absorbed into it; this is where we get the term ‘JEWS.

110 1 Kings 12:6-7 - The Old Men; Speak good words, be lenient
111 1 Kings 12:10-11 – The Young men; Speak tough words, be harder
112 1 Kings 12:14 – Rehoboam took the Young men’s advice, and was harder 113 1 Kings 11:29-40 Ahijah prophesized Israel’s split into TWO kingdoms
114 1 Kings 12:19-20 - Jeroboam made king of TEN Tribes

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Jeroboam feared that because the temple was in Jerusalem, that the people might rebel and drift toward Rehoboam, so he constructed alternate worship centers in Bethel north of Jerusalem and another further North of Dan which was a defiance of not only Rehoboam, but of the Lord who had established the Temple in Jerusalem as the ONLY place to worship.

To make matters worse he mixed the worship of God with the worship of Baal and erected golden calves to represent their god. He went on to build worship shrines in many high places trying to appeal to everybody. He then appointed Priest from tribes other than that of the Priestly line of “Levi” and on occasion he would take it upon himself to serve as a Priest.

Here’s where we are
We now have King Rehoboam in the Southern Kingdom with the two tribes called Judah and

King Jeroboam in the Northern Kingdom with ten tribes called Israel. King Jeroboam and all of Israel have now become a “stench”, an abomination to God with their worship of Baal.

Note: Jeroboam’s “Ways of Evil” became the paradigm of an evil king; the Standard of Evil in which all the other kings would be measured. (Wicked Kings were said to have “Waked in the ways of Jeroboam”)

Israel’s War

Jeroboam’s worship of false gods brought on the wrath of God and the Prophet Ahijah prophesized that the King’s blasphemy would be the undoing of his dynasty.115 In 722 or 721 B.C. the mighty Assyrian Army defeated the ten tribes of Israel and took them into exile in Assyria which is the present-day Iraq. Since that time they have disappeared from history.

The descendants of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin have survived because they were allowed to return to their homeland after the Babylonian Exile of 586 BC.

Legends and Claims
Josephus the Jewish Historian states that the ten tribes are beyond the Euphrates River till

now, and are an innumerable multitude and not to be estimated in numbers.
North Africa: In the 9th Century, Jewish communities representing Dan, Naftali, Gad and Asher

were reported found in North Africa.
Ethiopia: “Beta Israel” (House of Israel) - Legends clam that the “Falashas(Jews in Ethiopia) claimed they

were descendants from the tribe of Dan when they arrived in Israel in the 1970’s. DNA test showed them linked to Jews from Sudan and on March 14, 1977, Israel officials decided the “Law of Return” applied to Ethiopia.

India: “Bene Israel” a Jewish community in India claimed to be a remnant of the ten lost tribes that migrated east to India from the Assyrian exile. – In 2002 DNA test linked the descendants to the tribe of Levi.

Japan: In 1878, the Tokugawa and the Machi No Hito races dwelled in tents or tabernacle shaped houses fulfilling Noah’s prophecy regarding Japheth, “He shall dwell in the tents of Shem”. Many of their traditional customs and ceremonies are similar to ancient Israel.

China: In 1605 a Jesuit Missionary discovered a Jewish community in China that had built a synagogue dating back to 1163.

Persia: In the 12th century, remnants of the tribes of Dan, Asher, Zebulun and Naftali were found in Persia.

Europe: In the 9th century, Jewish communities from the tribe of Dan were found.

South America: Tales of Indians reciting the devout Jewish prayer known as the Shema were observed in South America.

115 1 Kings 14:7-16 - Prophecy – Ten Tribes will be stricken

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Russia: DNA testing for the Hebrew DNA “Y-chromosome haplogroup” makes up much of the population of Russia as well as Europe. From there they migrated into France and into the British Isles and Ireland.

North America: In 1650 Preacher Thomas Thorowgood trying to convert the Indians in North America to Christianity discovered they were already practicing Jewish customs; he said it would be an arduous task for their conversion. He argued that they were the descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

The Apocrypha says the Ten Tribes traveled through Arzareth which is the name of the land beyond the Great Euphrates River which is far away from the habitation of man. The Jewish Encyclopedia says The Ten Tribes of Israel will dwell there observing the laws of Moses, until the time of the restoration. Later, Christopher Columbus identified Arzareth as the land of America.

Joseph of Arimathea, who provided the tomb for Jesus, established a church in the British Isles The Ten lost tribes migrated to Great Britain and then from there to America. The USA and Britain are the only Nations that have set aside a Holy day for rest and worship.

Brit-Am an organization of Jews and Non-Jews whose mission is to identify the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel use scriptural interpretation with the Jewish prospective, they point to the countries of Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Wales, France, Holland and Belgium. The tribe of Dan is found among the Danish, Irish and the Welch.

Other countries have claimed to be connected to the Ten Lost Tribes: Ghana, Cameroon, Rwanda and the tribes in Papua New Guinea and in Burma have emerged with similar claims.

I hope I have painted a picture of the Ten Tribes of Israel as scattered throughout the entire world especially the United States of America and I believe the scriptures show that it was all in God’s mysterious plan of Eschatology; the things that are to happen on earth in the end times.

The Works of Flavius Josephus

9:14.1.280 – Ten Tribes removed after the Jeroboam revolt

280 So the ten tribes of the Israelites were removed out of Judea nine hundred and forty-seven years after their forefathers were come out of the land of Egypt, and possessed themselves of the country, but eight hundred years after Joshua had been their leader, and, as I have already observed, two hundred and forty years, seven months, and seven days after they had revolted from Rehoboam, the grandson of David, and had given the kingdom to Jeroboam.

The Bible

Genesis 9:26-27 – Japheth dwell in the tents of Shem; JAPAN
26 And he said, Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Shem; And let Canaan be his servant.
27 God enlarge JAPHETH, And let him dwell in the tents of Shem; And let Canaan be his servant. (Prophecy of Noah) (ASV)

The Apocrypha

2 Esdras – Ten Tribes traveled through Arzareth; AMERICA Their (Ten Tribes) long journey through that region which is called Arzareth. (America)

The Mystery

The 10 tribes of the Northern kingdom of Israel were all carried off into captivity, exiled and scattered among the nations; lost, vanished. The remaining two tribes that were not carried off was the Southern kingdom of Benjamin and Judah. With Judah being the largest tribe the term “JEW

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for Judah became synonymous with ALL of the people of Israel. Judah is the tribe from which our Messiah Jesus Christ was born; thus Jesus is a JEW.

By Devine plan, the REMNANT of the Ten Lost Tribes are already in place, scattered throughout the Nations where they will testify of Jesus Christ- (There has always been a remnant of God’s chosen people) The nation of Israel HAS NOT accepted Jesus as the Messiah and is basically a religion of humanism; a religion of “works”, BUT in the end, a multitude will accept Christ. The occurrence of the rapture of the “Believing Christians” will witness to the Jews who remain on the earth.

The angel of God will seek out 144,000 blameless Jewish bondservants of the Most High God. 144,000 is only .01% of the total 14 million KNOWN Jews that are in the world today. These Jews are sealed in order to be protected from the plagues that are to come on the earth with the breaking of the SEVEN SEALS and the sounding of the SEVEN TRUMPETS and the pouring out of the wrath of God with the SEVEN BOWLS or vials.

God pours out his Spirit on the 144,000 messengers and they testify of Him and become His Evangelist that will present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the JEWS. The message will NOT be about God asking them to do something; but forth telling about what God has already done for them and for us.

These same sealed Jewish Missionaries will bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the whole world during the tribulation period. Every nation and tribe will hear them speaking in their own language and dialect, endued with the same power as on the day of Pentecost; the gift of tongues. 144,000 life changers with the zeal of the Apostle Paul. Everyone will have a chance to hear the Gospel.

Did you see it? The 144,000 missionaries come from the 12 tribes of Israel and in God’s Sovereign plan, ten of the twelve tribes have already been scattered throughout the world to fulfill His plan of bringing the Gospel Message to then ENTIRE world; then the end will come.

Revelation 14:4 – 144,000 were not defiled with other gods

4 These are those (144,000) who did not defile themselves with women,

for they remained virgins (Virgins; worshipped only the God of Israel).

They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from

among mankind and offered as first fruits to God and the Lamb. (NIV2011)

Revelation 7:4-8 – Tribes of Israel - 144,000; ALL JEWS

4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all

the tribes of ISRAEL.

5 From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed,

from the tribe of Reuben 12,000,

from the tribe of Gad 12,000,

6 from the tribe of Asher 12,000,

from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000,

from the tribe of MANASSEH 12,000, (half tribe)

7 from the tribe of Simeon 12,000,

from the tribe of Levi 12,000,

from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,

8 from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000,

from the tribe of Joseph 12,000,

from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000. (NIV2011)

Acts 14:11 – Paul’s ZEAL, speech and actions was as if a god

11 And when the multitude SAW what Paul had done, they LIFTED UP THEIR VOICE, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. (ASV)

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Missing Tribes
Historical Note: Joseph had two sons; Ephraim and Manasseh which were adopted into the

tribes of Israel and were known as the half tribes. That gives us a new total of 14 tribes.
The tribe of
Dan is missing from the sealed 144,000 as mentioned in Revelation 7:4-10, because it is possibly that this tribe is the source of the Antichrist as implied in scripture. At any rate, the half tribe

of Manasseh seems to take Dan’s place in the lineup of the 12 Tribes. It’s in the Book
The half tribe of Ephraim is also missing from the lineup because this tribe led the way in causing the civil war which divided the ten tribes of the north from the two tribes in the South. They also had

become addicted to idolatry. It’s in the Book
With the tribes of Dan and Ephraim missing from the line up, we are now back down to 12 Tribes

being sealed and set aside for the “special and honored” evangelistic assignment. Genesis 3:15 – Satan; the serpent will strike his heel

15 And I will put enmity between you (the serpents seed) and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he (Jesus) will crush

your head, and you (serpent) will strike his HEEL.” (NIV2011)

Genesis 49:17 – Dan will be a serpent; strike his heel

17 DAN will be a serpent by the roadside, a viper along the path that bites the horse's HEELS so that its rider tumbles backward.


A little Intrigue, Myth and Trivia - - Saga of the Ten Lost Tribes; part 3 NOTE: The sages of the Talmud indicate that the TEN LOST TRIBES were imprisoned by the

SAMBATYON RIVER which only rested on the Sabbath, a day which they were forbidden to travel. Perhaps the best-known legend connected to the Ten Lost Tribes is that of the Sambatyon River. It is said that for six days a week the river rages, making it IMPOSSIBLE TO CROSS, and on the seventh day the waters “REST.” In fact, when the Roman Governor Tinneius Rufus asked Rabbi Akiva, “How do you know your reckoning of the Sabbath is correct?” Rabbi Akiva replied, “The River Sambatyon proves it, for during six days of the week its waters flow turbulently, and on

the Sabbath it subsides.”
Tales of this wondrous river have arisen again and again throughout subsequent Jewish history

whenever there was an incident of purported contact with The Ten Lost Tribes. That river, the Sambatyon, still throws up stones and dirt, but no water, in a great tumult; if it would meet a mountain of iron, it would quickly destroy it. This waterless river continuously bubbles with stones and dirt six days a week and only on the Shabbat (Sabbath) does it rest. On Friday a cloud settles on its surface, PREVENTING anyone from approaching (although it has stopped boiling), and remains there until after the Sabbath. (No travel on the Sabbath)

For that reason it is called Sambatyon, or Sambatino, from the word Sabbath. There are narrow portions of this river, no more than 60 cubits across, where they can stand on one side, while we stand on the other and call to each other. Nevertheless, they (The Ten Lost Tribes) are absolutely IMPRISONED by this river, neither leaving nor receiving visitors.

Isiah 49:9 is their reference; but you would have to already know a bunch of Jewish History in order to ever understand it. I encourage you to visit online at ; a weekly magazine web site, dedicated to Judaism past, present and future: check out the Saga of the Ten Lost Tribes; part 3. Do with these thoughts as you own Belief System will embrace, it’s hard for my BS to comprehend a river that stops running on the Sabbath day.

Isaiah 49:9 - Go forth from the Sambatyon River

9 That thou may say to the prisoners, (of the Sambatyon River) Go forth; to them that are in darkness (The Cloud), Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places. (KJV)

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We know where they are; the Ten Lost Tribes as well as Judah and Benjamin have already been spread throughout the entire world according to His marvelous plan. Some of them have been set aside for a special Holy mission.

144,000 JEWS will become completed Jews as they accept Jesus as the Son of God and will be honored to be selected as missionaries to the rest of the Jews and Gentiles throughout the world. They will have the gift of tongues and endued with the power of the Holy Spirit as was poured out on the day of Pentecost; sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the vigor of the Apostle Paul and Peter. They will be protected from the plagues of God during the Tribulation period by His seal on their forehead and they will evangelize the world for about 3 to 3 1⁄2 years and then they will be “Raptured”. They will be the First Fruits of the Tribulation period.

The Bible symbolizes the Christian Church as the bride of Christ; a virgin. A virgin has only one husband; a whore has many men. These 144,000 Evangelist are virgins meaning they will have not whored after other gods, but have always worshiped the one God of Israel; YAHWEH. Also, they are probably single; not married or bound to family matters or burdened with other things that would impede their mission; so possibly they could also literally be virgins. Just saying

Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons and Seventh Day Adventist all believe that the 144,000 will come from within their own denomination. Some of the 144,000 selected could literally be within your own church if they are JEWISH descendants from one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Otherwise... not so much; but good luck anyway. SELAH; ponder that.

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Chapter 5. 7

Why do Jews Do That?

Jeroboam: King of Israel: TEN tribes Rehoboam: King of Judah: TWO tribes

First Word

Why do they sway when they pray?

I thought it would be interesting to research some of the things found in Jewish culture. What seems far out, actually points to a reverence, obedience and remembrance of YEHWAY. I would like to point out that there were twelve tribes of Israel, ten were lost with only Judah and Benjamin remaining. Since Judah was the largest tribe the name JEW became synonymous for ALL Israelites.

When the Ten Commandments were read to the Israelites, the earth shook and they were moved with awe, trembling and shaking. The spirit of the man is the candle of the lord that flickers and waves in harmony with the light of the Torah.116 The swaying of the body is in rhythm and time with the prayer being recited.117

With limited number of books, many people had to share from the same book, bending forward to read the book on the ground then straighten back up. This tradition continued even when they had sufficient books.

Why be Circumcised?

The Jewish law requires a male child to be circumcised on the eight day after he is born118. Circumcision in Hebrew is “brit” which means COVENANT. The covenant is the pledge God gave Abraham to bless and prosper him and his descendants who would obey his commandments. The circumcision is performed by a mohel (one who cuts away) a surgical specialist who recites the blessings during the procedure. It is a SIGN between God and His chosen people119

Why is the word “Amen” used so often in Prayer?
Amen is an acrostic for three Hebrew words El Melech Ne’man meaning The Lord is a

trustworthy King and first appears in the book of numbers.120
Amen has become to mean; “truly” or “so be it”. It is a declaration; “blessed be the Lord”.

Many of the congregation could not read and would respond to the prayers or reading of the Talmud with “Amen”; so let it be.121

116 Proverbs 20:27 – The lamp of the Lord flickers and waves
117 Psalms 35:10 – My bones MOVE and speak -- Psalms 68:8 – As the earth shook, they were MOVED at the presence of God 118 Genesis 17:11-12 – Circumcision performed at eight days old; it is the sign of the covenant
119 Genesis 17:2 – Circumcision is a covenant between God and His people
120 Numbers 5:22 – First time AMEN taught
121 Psalms 89:52 – Bless His name; Amen and Amen -- Deuteronomy 27:16-19 – Then all the people shall say Amen

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Why do Jews not intermarry with other races?

The essential core of Judaism is weakened through the intermarriage of other races; it leads to the breakdown of the primary Jewish institution; the family unit. Its origin was because of the leading astray of the Jew with the worship of other Gods.122 See the study on Balaam’s Ass.

Why do mourners tear their garments?

This comes from when;
Jacob heard his son had been killed by wild animals, he tore his garment.123
King David tour his clothes at the news about the death of Saul’s son Absalom.124 Job tore his robe when he was in anguish.125

What’s in the box on their door post?

The “Mezuza” is small verses of scripture rolled up and placed in a compartment on the door post of ever Jewish persons home.126 It is hand written as the scribes of old would have done and placed at an angle with the top pointing toward the interior of the home and placed high on the upper third of the door post; it symbolized reaching upward to God.

Ironically there was a debate over whether to mount it vertical or horizontal and the 30 degree angle was the compromise. Go figure. It serves as a reminder of God’s laws and their own loyalty to the Jewish nation.

Why do some Jews wear a little skull cap?
While the covering of the head is not dictated by the Talmud, many observant Jews prefer to

keeptheirheadcovered. TheyreverencedGod,consideringthattheShechinagloryofGodisabove their head.

In Germany in the 17th century, it was customary to tip your hat in respect to government officials and not wanting their head uncovered even for a moment, they wore a skull cap under their regular hat which was tipped. It was also thought that anyone who walks around bareheaded was frivolous and disrespectful of Jewish Law; so put your hat on.

What Kind of tree was in the Garden of Eden?
Christian’s commonly call the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, an APPLE tree. Jews

disagree and call it a FIG tree because Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves to cover their nakedness.127 Interestingly, the Hebrew word for SIN is chet and the word chita means wheat; so some students of the word Belief System says that they ate wheat and had to get large fig leaves to cover themselves.

Why are the Jews are called Christ Killers?

The Chief Priest and Elders shouted out to crucify Jesus and Pilate washed his hands of the crucifixion.128 However, 90% of the Jewish population was not even present. It was the Gentiles, the non-Jews; the Romans who actually carried out the execution.

Why do they shout “MAZAL TOV” at weddings?
Mazal refers to the constellation of the zodiac, a star, Tov meaning good; a good star, a lucky

star. Also Siman tov or “good omen”; both a way of saying CONGRATULATIONS.

122 Exodus 34:16 – They will cause you to turn from the True God 123 Genesis 37:34 – Jacob tore his clothes
124 2 Samuel 13:31 – King David tore his clothes in anguish
125 Job 1:20 – Job tore his robe in anguish

126 Deuteronomy 6:9 – Write it upon your door post of your home
127 Genesis 3:7 – Maybe it was a FIG TREE
128 Matthew 27:22 – The chief priest and elders said crucify Him. -- Matthew 27:24 – Pilate washed his hands of His blood; said I am innocent

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Why do Jews not eat pork?

This is based on the dietary laws of the Old Testament concerning the split hoof and the chewing of the cud of an animal; some were considered unclean to the Hebrew. The Talmud goes further and says to not even raise pigs.129 This goes back to when the Syrian-Greeks tried to force the Jews to sacrifice on the altar of the temple, un-clean non-kosher animals; they brought PIGS and forced them to eat their flesh. This action made the pig the most repugnant of all the non-kosher animals. See the study on the Maccabees; Holy Jihad.

What is Kosher?

Originally kosher meant good and proper and later became “something fit” for ritual use and even applied to witnesses who “were competent” to testify. Ester asked the king do her a favor if he found it “good and proper130 (kosher).

Later it evolved into dietary laws NOT for health reasons, but whose purpose was to bring holiness and unity to the Jewish people. The Bible gives NO reason for the distinction between the clean and the unclean. A Shochet, who is trained in the laws of the Shechita (Kosher slaughtering), does

the killing.

I include just one scripture which is more than you want to know.

Leviticus 11:2-47 – A distinction between clean and unclean.

2 Say to the Israelites: `Of all the animals that live on land, these are the ones you may eat:
3 You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud.

4 "`There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you.
5 The Coney, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you.

6 The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you.
7 And
THE PIG, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you.

8 You must not EAT their meat or TOUCH their carcasses; they are unclean for you.
9 "`Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales.

10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales--whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water--you are to detest.
Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you.

13 "`These are the birds you are to detest and not eat because they are detestable: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture,
14 the red kite, any kind of black kite,
15 any kind of raven,

16 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl,

129 Leviticus 11:26 – The PIG is unclean to you -- Leviticus 11:7-8 – The pig does not chew the cud -- Deuteronomy 14:8 – Don’t eat the pig
130 Ester 8:5 – If it’s good and proper, kosher; do me a favor

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18 the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey,
19 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.
20 "`
All flying insects that walk on all fours are to be detestable to you.
21 There are, however, some winged creatures that walk on all fours that you may eat: those that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground.
22 Of these
you may eat any kind of LOCUST, katydid, cricket- or grasshopper.
But all other winged creatures that have four legs you are to detest.
24 "`You will make yourselves unclean by these; whoever touches their carcasses will be unclean till evening.
26 "`Every animal that has a split hoof not completely divided or that does not chew the cud is unclean for you; whoever touches [the carcass of] any of them will be unclean.
Of all the animals that walk on all fours, those that walk on their paws are unclean for you; whoever touches their carcasses will be unclean till evening.
29 "`Of the animals that move about on the ground, these are unclean for you: the weasel, the rat, any kind of great lizard,
30 the gecko, the monitor lizard, the wall lizard, the skink and the chameleon.
31 Of all those that move along the ground, these are unclean for you. Whoever touches them when they are dead will be unclean till evening. 32 When one of them dies and falls on something, that article, whatever its use, will be unclean, whether it is made of wood, cloth, hide or sackcloth. Put it in water; it will be unclean till evening, and then it will be clean.
33 If one of them falls into a clay pot, everything in it will be unclean, and you must break the pot.
34 Any food that could be eaten but has water on it from such a pot is unclean, and any liquid that could be drunk from it is unclean.
35 Anything that one of their carcasses falls on becomes unclean; an oven or cooking pot must be broken up. They are unclean, and you are to regard them as unclean.
36 A spring, however, or a cistern for collecting water remains clean, but anyone who touches one of these carcasses is unclean.
37 If a carcass falls on any seeds that are to be planted, they remain clean.
38 But if water has been put on the seed and a carcass falls on it, it is unclean for you.
39 "`If an animal that you are allowed to eat dies, anyone who touches the carcass will be unclean till evening.
41 "`
Every creature that moves about on the ground is detestable; it is not to be eaten.
You are not to eat any creature that moves about on the ground, whether it moves on its belly or walks on all fours or on many feet; it is detestable.

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43 Do not defile yourselves by any of these creatures. Do not make yourselves unclean by means of them or be made unclean by them. 44 I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy. Do not make yourselves unclean by any creature that moves about on the ground.

45 I am the LORD who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.
46 "`
THESE ARE THE REGULATIONS concerning animals, birds, every living thing that moves in the water and every creature that moves about on the ground.

47 You must distinguish between the unclean and the clean, between living creatures that may be eaten and those that may not be eaten.'" NIV

Why do the Jews refer to themselves as the chosen people?
This comes from the agreement or covenant between God and Abram to make him a great a nation; God chose Israel as His CHOSEN PEOPLE when there was actually only one guy; Abram,

and there were no children.131
God changed Abram’s name to Abraham; God added an “H” that was taken from His name

Jehovah as was Sara, naming her Sarah.132 Many names today have an “H” added to them in remembrance of who they belong to; JEHOVAH

Abraham had a son named Isaac; and Isaac had a son named Jacob. God changed Jacob’s name to ISRAEL133 whose sons would become the twelve tribes. These twelve tribes and their descendants inherited the covenant made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be His chosen people.134

Why do they wear the little boxes on their forehead?

Tefilin (phylacteries) is a sign of devotion and obedience to God. It is a reminder that God redeemed Israel out of the bondage of Egypt and delivered them to the Promised Land. All male Jews were expected to wear two phylacteries at morning prayers; one on their forehead and one on their left arm which is closest to their heart.135 These were small leather cases containing four scriptures from the Torah. Oddly enough, they do not wear it on the Sabbath, because that would constitute “work” or carrying on the Sabbath.

The straps were wound around the arm seven times representing the seven Hebrew words in Psalms.136 The Hebrew Translation is; “You open your hand and satisfy every living creature.Then the end is wrapped around the hand three times and the ring finger three times to form the word Shaddai, meaning God; betrothed to God.”137 What the Jews deem as being obedient, the world deems as being weird.138

131 Genesis 12:1-3 – The COVENANT promises of God to Abraham
132 Genesis 17:5 – Abram’s name changed to ABRAHAM
133 Genesis 32:28 – Jacob’s name changed to ISRAEL
134 Deuteronomy 29:10-15 – I make this COVENANT with you this day
135 Deuteronomy 11:18 – Fix God’s word in your heart and mind, bind on hands and forehead -- Exodus 13:8-10 – Sign on your hand; a reminder on your forehead -- Deuteronomy 6:8 - Tie them on your hands and foreheads.

136 Psalms 145:16 - The SEVEN HEBREW words translated; you opened Your hand, and satisfied the desire of every living thing.
137 Hosea 2:19-20 – God said Three Times – I will betroth you --
138 Exodus 13:1-10 – FIRST Scripture “like” a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead -- Exodus 13:11-16 – SECOND Scripture “like” a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that the LORD brought us out of Egypt -- Deuteronomy 6:4-9 – THIRD Scripture tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes -- Deuteronomy 11:3-21 – FOURTH Scripture write them on the doorframes of your houses, teach them to your children

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The Take Away

As a Christian and a Gentile, I see the Jews laden down with traditions, rules and laws that are in my BS is considered LEGALISTIC. This places the follower in bondage which the New Covenant has redeemed us from. New Testament scripture says; “Why go back to the weak and beggarly elements.139

The Old Covenant teaches man must do something to be saved. Tradition, rules and Laws.

The New Covenant teaches man can do nothing to be saved; Jesus Christ did it all. But my heart sees the Jew’s reverence, devotion and the striving for obedience to the Holy Scriptures as laid down by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Christian does not OPENLY do these things that remind and testify of God, nor daily seek the face of God as the Jew does through the symbolism that reminds him daily of God’s provisions. When you read the scriptures you can just feel the Jew’s hunger for God’s word as they sought for it, even out in the desert.

We do not have that hunger today; like God’s chosen people did... but by His grace, everyone that will believe and confess Jesus is Lord; will be grafted into the vine and will have Jewish roots140.

Isaiah 65:1 - I was found by those who did not seek me





Matthew 7:21-23 – Some that praise God are just Make-Believers

21 Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven;

only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy

in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name

perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly,

23 I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ (NIV2011)

James 2:26 – Faith without works is a dead faith

26 Just as the body is dead without breath, so also



139 Galatians 4:9 - Why go back to the weak and beggarly elements 140 Romans 11:17 – The Christian now has JEWISH ROOTS

Ezekiel 33:31 – Most sitting in the pew are just Make-Believers

31 So my people come pretending to be sincere and sit before you. They listen to your words, but they have no intention of DOING what you say. Their mouths are full of lustful words, and their hearts

seek only after money. (NLT)

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Chapter 5. 8

Good Samaritan Revisited

The Man, Jerusalem, The Trip, Jericho, The Robbers, The Wounds, The Priest, The Levite, The Good Samaritan, The Oil, The Wine, The Donkey, The Inn, The Inn Keeper, The Money,
The Returning Good Samaritan, The Repayment

The Story
The discourse begins with the Command of Jesus to “Love your Neighbor”. 141

The question was put to Jesus by a Lawyer; “Who is your Neighbor142; which gave birth to this parable. I know you know the story of The Good Samaritan; about a man that was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho; a 15 mile trek downhill through a rocky and dangerous gorge some 3,300 feet below Jerusalem and through what I would call “The Bad Lands”. A place haunted by marauding robbers that hid

behind large boulders and sharp turns in the road.
The Man fell among thieves who beat and stripped him of his clothes and left him half dead.

By chance” or “coincidence”, a Priest and a Levite, who were both highly respected and in the service of the temple came upon the man; however, both of them passed him by; not even wanting to get close. In the providence of God there is no such thing as “Chance”.

Finally a good for nothing, low down, scumbag Samaritan came by and poured oil and wine on his wounds, and bandaged them; then took him to an inn and paid the inn keeper to take care of him and said on his return trip, he would reimburse the innkeeper for whatever he spent.

The Question was then posed; which one of the three men was the neighbor and the Lawyer replied, “The one that showed Mercy.

The Allegory
St. Augustine in the fourth Century embraced an allegory that the story of the Good Samaritan

really represented THE FALL OF MAN AND HIS REDEMPTION; here’s how it all unpacks;

The Man that was traveling represents Adam or ALL of mankind.
Jerusalem is a state of peace and is where God dwells; it was Adams home in Paradise
The Trip from where God dwells was downhill all the way.
Jericho is a city that had been cursed143; this represents the fallen world.
The Robbers are Hostile influences, mischief, misery and enemies of the soul144 that strip off

the “Garment” of righteous and immortality. Thieves lead a man out of God’s way so they can BIND HIM with unbelief, giving him a hardened heart and ignorance of God’s Word145.

141 Luke 10:27 – Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself
142 Luke 10:29-37 – Who is my neighbor
143 Joshua 6:26 – Joshua cursed the rebuilding of the city of Jericho 144 Acts 8:23 – The Robbers; Bound by Sin; unbelief, bitterness
145 Matthew 12:29 – Satan binds us then steals our possessions

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The thieves are bold and cunning and come disguised as angels of light;146 they deceive, beguile, and assault. Satan comes to bind you up with sin and seeks to kill, steal and destroy.147

The Wounds are our evil SINS. The wretched, miserable state and deplorable condition of all men by nature. The sinful wounds have marred the very “image of God” that we were made in. We seek sinful pleasures, sinful profits and sinful honors. Sin makes the Soul spiritual dead leaving the body desperately wounded and half alive. We are to watch and pray that we will be able to escape the lure of temptations that WILL come our way.148

The Priest represents The Law that could not relieve, help, cure or bring salvation.

The Levite represents the Legal Sacrifices that could not relieve, help or bring salvation. Interestingly the Priest and the Levite both knew The Law about loving God and your neighbor.

The Good Samaritan is Jesus Christ who heals and comforts mankind; He saw our wounds and our blood from eternity and had pity and compassion.149 He assumed the nature of man and came to him and applied His own precious blood to his wounded soul. He has disarmed the robber, the thief, by triumphing over him with the cross and made a public spectacle of him. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us; He found us when we didn’t seek Him.150

The Oil is the soothing oil of gladness that covers the wounds of sin.151
The Wine provides cheering, reviving and strengthening of our nature.152
The Donkey is the FREE doctrine of Grace that we did nothing to earn.153 The doctrine of True

Grace that carries us to the Inn. Strange and false doctrine will carry us away.
The Inn is the Church and the body of Christ; the Disciples and followers; a place of refuge, safety

with all the privileges. Come, all you who are thirsty, you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.154

The Inn Keeper is the Watchman, the Overseer, Pastor or Minister; the Shepard who takes care of the flock and was commanded by Jesus to “Feed my Lambs”.155

The Money – The TWO-pence GIVEN represent the Grace Gifts and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit imparted to the Pastor; as well as represents the Old and New Testament.

The returning Good Samaritan is the SECOND COMING of Christ. Jesus Christ was manifested in order to destroy the works of Satan. The Messiah has loosed the pains of death. 156 It could not hold Him.

The Repayment is the glorious reward all ministers of the GOSPEL will receive. I think its fun to note that the Inn Keeper; which is the church and its followers operated on the PROMISE, that the Good Samaritan or Jesus Christ having already made full payment would RETURN AGAIN for the fallen Man which is all of mankind.

By Faith, we await the Promise of our Reward;157 No good thing will He withhold from us.158

146 2 Corenthians 11:14-15 – Satan’s servants masquerade as angles of Light 147 John 10:10 – The Robber; the Thief is Satan
148 Luke 21:36 – We must watch and pray to escape Temptations
149 Ezekiel 16:6-8 – As they passed by, I saw you struggling in your own blood 150 Isaiah 65:1 - I was found by those who did not seek me

151 Isaiah 1:6 - Soothed the wounds, welts and open sores with oil -- Isaiah 53:5 - And by Christ’s wounds, we are healed --Isaiah 61:3 – I will give to you the Oil of Gladness instead of Mourning -- Hebrews 1:9 – Anointed you with the Oil of Gladness
152 Psalms 104:15 – Wine gladdens the heart -- Ecclesiastes 10:19 – Wine makes you smile -- 2 Samuel 16:2 – Wine is refreshing ---- 1 Timothy 5:23 – Wine promotes healing

153 Hebrews 13:9 – He was CARRIED away by the “Doctrine of Grace”
154 Isaiah 55:1 – Come you who have NO MONEY and eat freely -- Philippians 4:19 – God will SUPPLY all your needs. -- Psalms 23:1- 5 – He PROVIDES, guides and anoints me with oil
155 John 21:15 – Do you love me, then feed my lambs
156 Acts 2:23-24 – Jesus loosed the pains of death; it couldn’t hold Him
157 Isaiah 43:2 – GOD WILL BE WITH YOU; it’s a promise
158 Psalms 84:11 - No good thing does God withhold from His children

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The Take Away

Christ has conquered Satan and death159 and we didn’t even fight the battle, but we got the prize and now nothing can separate us from Him; we are more than a conqueror.160 I know and am convinced that he will guard and keep us until His return.161 He who began a good work in us will carry it on to its completion.162 God has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.163

The Holy Spirit is like unto HOT WATER which causes an egg to get HARD; and wax to get SOFT, NOTE: itwasthesamehotwaterthatactedonboth;

The thief tells young people,
it’s too soon to mind heavenly things
;164 and when they have grown old,
the thief tells them it’s too late
.165 Benjamin Keach

Without regard to race or religion, every man that “Needs Us” is our neighbor.

It’s not “Who is my Neighbor”, but “Am I a Neighbor?

159 1 John 3:8 – Christ was manifested to destroy the works of Satan. -- Romans 5:8 – While we were still sinners, Christ died for us 160 Colossians 2:15 – Christ has disarmed the enemy with victory over the cross -- Romans 8:37– We are more than conquerors
161 2 Timothy 1:12 – I know and am convinced that he is able to guard me. -- Romans 8:38-39- Nothing can separate us from Christ 162 Philippians 1:6 - Christ began a good work in you will complete it.

163 Hebrews 13:5 - Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you
164 Proverbs 4:20-27 – God’s Word is LIFE and HEALTH to the flesh 165 John 8:44 – Satan is a murderer and a LIAR from the beginning

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Chapter 5. 9

Solomon’s Temple; also known as the Holy Temple of ancient Jerusalem was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II in the siege of Jerusalem 587-588 BC by the Babylonians. It was burned and destroyed 470 years and 6 months after it was built. (Josephus) It was believed to be situated upon the site of the 1st century Second Temple which we call the Temple Mount where the present day Dome of the Rock is located.

Zerubbabel’s Temple known as the Second Temple replaced Solomon’s Temple and was a rather modest structure that was constructed by a number of returning Jews from exile. It stood on theTempleMountbetween516BCand70AD. ZerubbabelwastheGovernorwholedthefirstgroup of Jews that returned from Babylonian captivity; it lasted 585 years. It was pillaged and later dedicated to the God Jupiter by Antiochus Epiphanes in 170 BC.

Herod’s Temple: Herod the Great, wanting to make a name for himself, totally overhauled and remodeled the modest second temple structure with large magnificent edifices and facades constructed by the Temple Priests. They continued the sacrificial rituals and offerings for the entire time of the Project. Later on the Temple Tax called the “Sanctuary Shekel166 was reinstated to provide support for the Temple’s maintenance; then in 70 AD the temple was destroyed by the Romans.

Tribulation Temple: To be completed during the first 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation period.167 According to reports that surfaced years ago, The Temple Institute claim that they are in possession of the Ark of the Covenant. The plans for the original temple have been found and reports are that the stones have already been cut. The Rebuilt Temple on the temple mount will be about 150 feet from the Dome of the Rock which will remain under the control of the Muslims which are referred to as “The Gentiles”.168 The temple articles have already been made and the Priests are already in training; all that remains to begin construction is to find a Red Heifer without spot or blemish to sacrifice so as to get the ASHES that will sanctify the new temple. See the Study on the Red Heifer.

Millennial Temple is the temple of Jesus Christ during His 1,000 year reign on earth; before the coming Great White Throne Judgment.

166 Exodus 30:13 - The Sanctuary Shekel
167 Micah 4:1 - The LORD's temple will be established and peoples will stream to it. -- Amos 9:11 - The Temple will be restored from its ruins
168 Luke 21:24- Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until their time is fulfilled

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Solomon’s Temple – Zerubbabel’s Temple Herod’s Temple – Tribulation Temple Millennial Temple

The Story

Temples destroyed and those yet to come in the future

First 3 1⁄2 Years – 7 year tribulations

The Temple of the tribulation period could be the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem that was completed in 1983. But I really lean toward the rebuilding of the temple on the old site.

In 1967, Israel recaptured the land the temple mount sits on in “the six day war” and now it belongs to Israel.

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In the middle of the prophesized Seven Year Tribulation period, the Antichrist breaks the peace covenant with Israel, stops the oblation sacrifice and then sets an image of himself up to be worshiped in the Temple.169 This image of the Antichrist appears to have life and can speak.170 This is referred to as the “abomination of desolation.171 This is the first time he is revealed as the Antichrist. The Antichrist is a “mortal man” that is totally consumed by Satan; he is called the Son of Lawlessness, the Son of Perdition and, that Man of Sin.

The Temple, it seems, must be rebuilt or at least the Holy of Holies completed by the first 3 1⁄2 years of the Tribulation period because that is when the Image of the Anti-Christ is placed in the Holy of Holies to be worshipped.172

The Jewish Temple Institute has already made ALL the temple instruments that will be used when the temple is rebuilt. The Temple scrolls have now been found with the plans and specifications on exactly how the Temple is to be built.

I think it is noteworthy here to mention that a school has already been established to train the priest of the tribe of Levi in the art of making sacrifices. The Levitical “oblation sacrifice” will be reinstated at that time. The Antichrist will allow the Jew’s to resume the daily sacrifices in the temple; many will think he is the Messiah.

Note: For the Christian, the practice of these sin offering sacrifices will only be provided as an example, as a REMINDER of the temporary sacrificial offerings that was made before Jesus Christ the Messiah provided the FINAL permanent sacrifice with His own body.

During the first 3 1⁄2 years we are warned of many coming claiming that they are “the Christ” and many will be deceived.173 144,000 Jews are sealed during this time with the mark of Christ and preach the Gospel Message to the whole world throughout the whole tribulation period; multitudes are saved.174

Eastern Gate

According to Bible prophecy; the Messiah will come and go through the Eastern Gate, present Himself officially as King, be rejected by the Jews and then the Eastern Gate will be closed. That has all been accomplished and now at a FUTURE TIME, He will return and be accepted by the Jews.175 The Rapture concurrent with the Tribulation period will bring the latter part to pass.

The Muslims have SEALED the Eastern gate to prevent His return from happening and have put a Muslim cemetery in front of it believing that a Holy man would not defile himself by walking through a Muslim cemetery. This Eastern Gate, for over a thousand years is still closed and sealed despite several attempts to re-open it.

169 Daniel 9:27 – The Anti-Christ will make a seven year covenant with Israel then break it 3 1⁄2 years later 170 Revelation 13:14-16 – The Image of the Beast will have breath and speak
171 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 – The Anti-Christ sets himself up as God in the Temple to be worshipped
172 Matthew 24:15-16 - The Image of the Anti-Christ is the abomination of desolation

173 Matthew 24:5-8 - Many will come claiming to be the Christ and deceive many -- 2 Corenthians 11:14-15 –Satan and his minions can transform themselves into servants of righteousness.
174 Matthew 24:14 – The Gospel will be preached to the whole world, then the end will come. -- Revelation 7:9 – A great multitude from every language and nation stood before the throne

175 Matthew 23:37-39 – Jesus will NOT return till Jews acknowledge He is Lord -- Luke 19:41-44 – You should have known the predictions of Daniel

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Chapter 5. 10

The Temple Institute

Provides education about Mount Moriah. Jews mandate of purification and rebuilding of the Third Temple and reproduction of the Temple Articles

The Temple Institute

The Temple Institute, founded by Yisrael Ariel is an organization in Israel known in Hebrew as

Machon HaMikdash. The Institute is focused on the controversial endeavor of establishing the

Third Temple.

The primary importance of the Temple Institute is to provide education about the great significance of Mount Moriah; the Temple Mount in Jerusalem which is the only site in the world that

is considered Holy by the Jewish people, and the only site in the world which God chose to rest His

Divine presence through the establishment of the Holy Temple.

Their ultimate goal is to see Israel

rebuild the Holy Temple in accordance with the Biblical commandments.

After almost 2,000 years, Israel is clearly moving towards the time when the prophesied Third

Holy Temple will be rebuilt on Mount Moriah. The Temple was not only the soul of the city, but

the soul and conscience of the entire earth and a “Wonder of the World”... and it will be again.

NOTE: There is a controversy about whether the Temple should be rebuilt by Human hands or Divine hands. Jewish tradition believes that the TENTH and Final Red Heifer will be sacrificed and

burned by the Messiah Himself. The Temple Institute believes that the Jews have the mandate of

purification and the rebuilding of the Temple.

Haggai 2:9 – The third Temple will be greater than the former

9 The glory (honor) of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,' says the LORD of hosts. 'And in this place I will give peace,' says the LORD of hosts." (NKJV)

The Tenth Red Heifer: The Temple Institute identified two Red Heifer candidates, one in 1997 and another in 2002 which they had initially declared both “Kosher”, but later found each to be unsuitable. In recent years, a cattle breeder in Nebraska has attempted to establish a breeding line of Red Heifers to export to Israel in the hope that this will bring about the construction of the Third Temple and ultimately the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

In January of 2014, a 10th red heifer was found in America, and was raised under strict Jewish laws and guidelines. By August, upon close inspection it had become disqualified on account of a change of pigmentation in a patch of skin, as well as the appearance of white hairs in the affected area and is now unfit according to Biblical law.

On November of 2018, it was announced that a Red Heifer was born and then on March 21, 2019 another Red Heifer was born in Israel and is being raised in an undisclosed location and under special conditions. To be KOSHER, at the age of 2 years, no more than two black hairs can be found on its entire body; so we are awaiting the outcomes.

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BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women IT’S IN THE BOOK Temple Furniture and Vessels

Ritual objects have already been completed by the Temple Institute; the reproduction of over ninety objects that will be used in the new Temple. Here are a few as listed by Wikipedia.

1) Copper Laver: For Kohanim to wash in at the start of the day 2) Small Mizrak: Holds blood from the sacrificial animals
3) Large Mizrak: Holds blood from the larger animals
4) Three-pronged fork: To arrange the offerings on the altar.

5) Measuring cup: To measure meal offerings
6) Copper vessel: To prepare meal offerings
7) Silver Shovel: To remove ashes from the alter
8) Silver vessel: For wine libation, for wine accompanying offerings
9) Lottery box: For Yom Kippur, which is the Day of Atonement. Holiest day of the Year.

10) Silver alter cup: For water libation, for Sukkot
11) Silver libation vessels: For Sukkot, Festival of “Booths” or “Tabernacles”; a dwelling.
12) Sickle: To reap the Omer of barley. The Omer is a unit of measurement
13) Other offering implements: To offer the omer of barley
14) Abby: To roast the omer of barley
15) Menorah cleansing vessel: To clean the Menorah
16) Oil Pitcher: For replenishing the oil in the Menorah
17) Small golden flask: For replenishing individual Menorah lamps
18) Frankincense Censer: For burning incense - Smoke
19) Incense chalice: For Ketoret or incense offering
20) Menorah: The lamp stand for the Temple
21) Table of Showbread: Holds the cakes or loaves of bread that were always present.
22) Incense Alter: For Ketoret or incense offering
23) Ark of the Covenant: Holds the Ten Commandments, Aarons Rod and a golden jar of Manna 24) Crown: Worn by the High Priest, completed in 2007
25) Garments: Worn by the High Priest - completed in 2008
26) Silver Trumpets: Announce special occasions and offerings
27) Gold plated Shofar: For Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
28) Silver plated Shofar: For fast days; Shofar is a hollowed out rams horn
29) Harp: Musical Instrument used by the Levitical choir
30) Lyre: Musical Instrument used by the Levitical choir

1 Samuel 2:13 - A three-pronged fork

13 The custom of the priests with the people was that when any man offered sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come, while the meat was

boiling, with a three-pronged fork in his hand, (ESV)

For the past 27 years sacred Temple vessels and Priestly garments have been created and fashioned by accomplished craftsmen according to the exact Biblical requirements, specifically for use

in the future Holy Temple where they will be called into Divine service.

The Menorah; (the seven candlesticks) which stands today in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's old city

is the work of the Temple Institute’s full time staff of researchers. It was painstakingly crafted and created after years of extensive research to be used exclusively in the new Holy Temple. It currently

overlooks the Temple Mount. It weighs 1,000 pounds and contains forty five kilograms of twenty

four karat gold and is valued at three million dollars.

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Chapter 5.11

Dome of the Rock

Well of Souls – Jew’s House of Prayer – Crusaders – Ark of the Covenant – Red Heifer The Dome of the Rock is not a mosque for pubic worship, but a shrine for pilgrims.

Image from Wikipedia

First Word

In 610 A.D Muhammad who was alone in the wilderness near Mecca reported that the Angel

Gabriel appeared to him, instructing him to "Recite! Recite! Recite!” Then the angel recited three verses and when Muhammad awoke, he had memorized these verses. This memorization continued for 10 days. This would become the verbally transmitted Qur’an, which the verses later on would be written down and divided up into “Surah’s”.

King Solomon built the first Temple in 950 BC; some 3000 years ago, which was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC.

King Herod built the second Temple seventy years later on the original foundations when the Jews returned from exile.

From various time periods, there was located within the Temple Mount area about 100 different structures which have come and gone, all of which are a DESECRATION to this Holy Site including the current Dome of the Rock.

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Muhammad believed himself to be a messenger of God and was the SEVENTH and last in a progressive line of prophets beginning with Abraham and ending with prophet number six; Jesus. (Seven is seen as the Biblical number for “completion”.) His Revelation was... God’s people; the Jews and Christians have all gone astray and need to be restored to the proper path; thus the birth of Islam.

The Platform & Stone

The Platform or Temple Mount was constructed and enlarged under the rule of Herod the Great as part of the rebuilding process of the second Temple. This re-constructed Second Temple would include the western wall also known as the Wailing Wall. This would be the same Temple where Jesus worshipped and prophesized of its future destruction; the Second Temple was demolished in 70 AD.

Matthew 24:1-2 – Jesus Prophecy; the destruction of the Temple

1 Jesus left the temple and was going away, when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple.

2 But he answered them, “You see all these, do you not?

The Midrash is a Hebrew Book that provides a method for interpreting teachings, stories and difficult text of the Hebrew Bible. It says that when the Ark of the Covenant was taken away and there remained a STONE that was there from the time of the early prophets. This Stone or “Foundation Rock” is located at the highest point in the center of the first and second temples. This places it in the Holy of Holies, on which the Ark of the Covenant rested. Jewish Tradition holds this “Foundation Rock” site as the Holiest spot on earth.

Side Note: The actual dimensions of the rock that you see today is much larger than that of the Holy of Holies and could not possible fit inside, but this is because of erosions and other factors that removed the dirt that covered it. When covered to its proper level of about 3 fingers in height, only 2 1⁄2 inches was actually exposed within the Holy of Holies.

There is a cave or cavity beneath the rock accessible only by a staircase known as the ‘Well of Souls” which purpose is not fully understood to this day; the Crusaders’ used it as a confessional. Muslims say the cave was made when the rock and earth tried to rise up with Mohammad as he went to Heaven and the Angel Gabriel stopped its upward motion.

Jews House of Prayer

A Caliphate is an Islamic state and is led by a political and religious leader called a Caliph. On Mount Moriah in 638 AD, The Jews showed Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab where the Holy Temple had once stood on the debris strewn deserted Temple Mount. Omar cleared the mount to put up a building that faced Mecca AND at the request of the Jewish people ordered another building as a Wooden Temporary HOUSE OF PRAYER for the Jews until their Temple could be re-built; it did NOT face Mecca.

The Dome, this HOUSE OF PRAYER was complete in 691 AD by Umayyad Caliph Abd el-Malik, a Muslim who was actually a follower of the Jewish faith. He ordered his citizens to pray with their faces towards Jerusalem and ordered them to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem instead of Mecca. He returned the management of the Temple Mount to the Jews. The Muslims removed his name from the Dome of the Rock and from their writings to blot out his existence.

Manuscripts indicate that the Jews used the remains of the original temple to build their “House of Prayer”. Today the remains can still be observed in the structure of the Dome of the Rock. The main entrance faces South not South-East toward Mecca. It had FOUR PILLARS that represent the four camps of the Israelites in the wilderness as they encamped around their portable Tabernacle;176 they line up E-W-S-N on which the dome rests.

176 Numbers 2:3 - East side of the Temple; Judah -- Numbers 2:18 - West side of the Temple; Ephraim -- Numbers 2:10 - South side of the Temple; Reuben, -- Numbers 2:25 - North side of the Temple; Dan,

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Beginning in 1520 the exterior was covered with tiles which took some 7 years to complete. Centuries later the inside was decorated with mosaic, faience and marble. The walls were of motif designs of vessels and winged crowns as well as vegetative scrolls, palms, grapes and figs which are all mentioned in the Torah. The mosaics contain no human figures, nor animals. Remember the Jew’s commandment to “MAKE NO GRAVEN IMAGE”.177

It has twelve pillars with palm trees on the capitals which is another Jewish motif; these pillars represent the twelve tribes of Israel. The Octagonal base with the Spherical cupola symbolized the transition from Earth to Heaven.

For the Jew and Christian

The Dome over the Rock was built from 688 to 691 AD on the highest point of the Temple Mount and rises up some 67.2 feet. It was built as a symbol of oneness and continuity of the Abrahamic people; Jewish, Christian and Muslim Faiths. The direction of this rock is where Jews would pray toward from every place in the world.

In 1099 the Crusaders had made the Dome of the Rock structure into a Christian Church and Jerusalem became primarily Christian and the shrine was renamed “Templum Domini” or Temple of the Lord and a CROSS was placed on top of the Dome, but by 1187 it was re-consecrated as a Muslim shrine (Not a Mosque) and the Cross was taken off the top and replaced with the Islamic crescent.

In 1982 a gate and tunnel was discovered that was built by King Herod which led directly up to the Holy of Holies that was used by the priest to avoid coming into contact with ordinary Jews, thus keeping themselves Holy and purified. It is called the “Gate and Tunnel of the Priest.” So we now know exactly where the Holy of Holies was located.

The Jew as well as the Christian feel connected to this Rock. It is believed that this is the very rock where Abraham prepared to offer his son ISAAC as a sacrifice to God;178 when God intervened. I ponder this, just to think that this place is where Isaac was to be sacrificed and then later a temple was built around it and this rock was in the Holy of Holies and on it rested the Ark of the Covenant.

For the Muslim

This is where Abraham prepared to offer his son ISHMAEL as a sacrifice to God; when God intervened. Muslim legend has it that the angel Gabriel took Muhammad on a night journey from Mecca to the rock on Mount Moriah, riding on a winged horse named El Burak which means “lighting”; there Muhammad talked with all the prophets that had gone before him, including Abraham, Moses and Jesus and then ascended into the seventh heaven on a golden ladder made of light and saw Allah sitting on His throne surrounded by angels.

There Muhammad received instructions for his followers as well as for himself and returned to Mecca on his winged steed before dawn. Muslim tradition has it that the rock bears the hoof print of the winged horse as it leapt into the sky. Other writing say it bears the foot print of Mohammad when he pushed down on the rock to keep it from rising up with him to Heaven. Even more writings say it bears the fingerprints of Michael the high Arch Angel as he held down the rising rock.

The Dome located over the Rock used the measurements of the Dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher therefore they have almost identical domes, however the Dome of the Rock’s elevated position and its magnificence is a way of showing that Islam is superior over Christianity. Today a Mosque is sought to be built in every major city in the USA to show domination.

The Kiblah is the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays during salat. It was fixed as the direction of this rock until Mohammad received a revelation from Allah to change the direction of the Kiblah from Jerusalem to face Mecca.

177 Exodus 20:3-4 – Do not make any graven image to worship 178 Genesis 22:9-13 – Abraham prepared Isaac as a sacrifice

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In 1993 the dome was covered with gold with a donation of 8.2 million dollars from King Hussein of Jordan. After the 6 day war, in an effort to “Keep the Peace”, the authority to manage the Temple Mount was given over to the Muslims where at this writing it still remains today. Limited access and strict security screening is required of all non-Muslims.

The following is inscribed on the walls of the dome; “It is not befitting to Allah that He should beget a son.” (God has no companion) This rejects Jesus Christ as the Son of God, making it BLASPHEMY to suggest that God has a son, and that is why the Muslims hate the Infidel Christians today. There are other inscriptions denouncing the Christian doctrines of the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus, while emphasizing the unity of God and affirming Jesus’ status as only a prophet.

Quran 19:33–35 – It is not fitting that God should have a Son
33. "So peace is upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive!"
34. Such is Jesus, son of Mary. It is a statement of truth, about which they doubt.
It is not befitting to Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is.

The Third Temple

The Re-building of the Holy Temple depends on the finding of an unblemished RED HEIFER (parah adumah) deemed to be of absolute Divine origin; an absolute rarity; a biological anomaly. God has ordained that its ashes alone are the single missing ingredient for the reinstatement of Biblical purity; then after that, the building of the third Holy Temple can begin which will give God more honor than the previous Temples.

This Holy Cow under

The color is not actually a bright red, but is closer to an “earth brown red” which must be consistent over the entire body down

to and including the hoofs and even the eye lids.
Kosher: Once found Kosher it is ritually slaughtered outside of the camp. A ritually pure “Kohen

slaughters the heifer, and sprinkles its blood in the direction of the Temple seven times. The ceremony of the burning of the red heifer itself takes place on the Mount of Olives. Cedar wood, hyssop, and wool dyed scarlet are added to the fire, and the remaining ashes are placed in a vessel containing pure water. (Red is considered the color of sin.)

God told Moses to have the children of Israel bring him a RED

HEIFER; he alone would understand what this Red Heifer represented.

Jewish law requires keeping the young cow under strict care until it reaches

THREE YEARS of age. During this time, leaning on the cow, riding it even once or even putting a

piece of cloth on its back disqualifies it from becoming a Red Heifer.

Unblemished: The Red Heifer was to be unblemished with no defect and on which a yoke had

never been placed. The Temple Institute says that the cow must also have red hoofs and cannot

have even two gray hairs and that all the hairs must be straight.

Ashes: When we think of roasting a cow, we are thinking of the meat, but the product that is desired here is not the meat but the ASHES. Each time a heifer was burned, one third of the ashes

was removed and kept by the priests for use by future generations. The ashes were mixed in a solution of water. It was called the "Waters of Sanctification" and the priest was sprinkled with it every day

during his time of separation, sanctification and purification. This was in case he had unknowingly

walked over a grave or had come near the dead, thus making him unclean.

Priest: When the Priest

performs the ritual, he becomes ritually unclean, and must then bathe himself and his clothes in a ritual bath. He is deemed impure until the evening. He would then withdraw into a chamber made entirely of stone, including stone vessels to prevent himself from coming in contact with anything that could contaminate him and make him unclean. (In Jewish law,

stone does not act as a carrier of ritual impurities.)
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Water was drawn from a “living natural spring” source such as from the Shjiloach (Siloam) spring in the city of David located at the foot of the Temple Mount. (Rainwater is not accepted) It had to be drawn by someone who was pure enough to go draw it. This is a complex procedure utilizing children to draw and carry the water for the ceremony. The children were born and reared in isolation for the specific purpose of ensuring that they never came into contact with a corpse. This emphasizes how important the purification and sanctification process is considered.

Nine Red Heifers have been slaughtered during the period extending from Moses to the destruction of the Second Temple. Moses prepared the first; Ezra the second and Simon the Just prepared two and Yochanan the High Priest prepared two and Elioenai ben HaQayaph and Hanameel the Egyptian prepared one each.

The TENTH and FINAL Red Heifer: Ten is the Biblical number for “The Law”, i.e. the Ten Commandments; there were ten linen curtains in the Tabernacle which represented the Law. Jesus fulfilled the law when he was nailed to the cross.

Josephus 4.4.4:79-81 – Red Heifer was killed outside the camp. 79 He brought a HEIFER that had never been used to the plough or to do husbandry that was complete in all its parts, and entirely of a RED color, at a little distance from the camp, into a place perfectly clean. This heifer was slain by the high priest and her blood sprinkled with his finger seven times before the tabernacle of God.
80 After this the entire heifer was burnt in that state, together with its and entrails; and they threw cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet wool, into the midst of the fire: then a clean man gathered all her ashes together, and laid them in a place perfectly clean.
81 When therefore any persons were defiled by a dead body, they put a little of these ashes into spring water, with hyssop, and, dipping part of these ashes in it, they sprinkled them with it, both on the third day; and on the seventh, and after that they were clean. Then he enjoyed them to do also when the tribes should come into their own land.

Dual Perspectives

For the Jew, the “Purification” provided through the Red Heifer signals the way for the commencement of the re-building of the Third and final Holy Temple. This will usher in for the FIRST TIME the appearance of the Jews long-awaited Messiah.

For the Christian who believes the Messiah is Jesus Christ and has already come, believes it points toward the “Rapture179 or catching away of His saints at His SECOND coming and bringing the onset of His millennial reign on earth and then Armageddon.

At the Return of Christ
When Christ returns for His millennial reign, the Ark of the Covenant that sits on the ROCK

will not be present; it will not even be thought of because Christ will be on the throne in Jerusalem. There will be no need to make a new Ark; and they won’t.180

Ark of the Covenant

It is believed that the second temple did NOT contain the Ark of the Covenant as it had been hidden away before it was built; the Holy of Holies was actually EMPTY.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are the final reference to the Ark of the Covenant and its location.

179 1 Corenthians 15:52 – We will be changed in the twinkling of an eye into a glorified body -- 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – Christians will be Raptured in the Air
180 Jeremiah 3:16-17 – The Ark will no longer be remembered or a new one made

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The Jeremiah letter: Jeremiah came and found a cavern in the rock, and there he brought in the Tabernacle, and THE ARK, and the Alter of Incense; and he made fast the door. “Yea, and the place shall be unknown until God gather the people again together, and mercy come; and then shall the Lord disclose these things”.

Other writings not found in the Bible indicate that the Knights Templar from 1118 to 1127 excavated tunnels under the Temple Mount and found vast wealth including the Ark. More writing suggest that Solomon, concerned about an invading army, for protection built a replica of the Ark of the Covenant and that the real Ark was sent to Ethiopia for safe keeping with his son that he fathered with the Queen of Sheba and is under guard there even today awaiting its return.

There are now reports that The Temple Institute is now in possession of the original Ark claiming it was never lost; only hidden. I have followed this for years and have never seen a picture of it yet, but it’s Fun to ponder; one day we will all see. SELAH, ponder this

1 Esdras 1:54 (Apocrypha) – Carried off to Babylon
54 Babylonians took all the holy vessels of the Lord, both great and small, and the ARK of God, and the King’s treasures and carried them away into Babylon.
2nd Maccabees 2:4-10 (Dead Sea Scrolls) The Jeremiah Letter
4 Jeremiah came and found a cavern in the rock, and there he brought in the (tent) Tabernacle, and the Ark, and the Alter of Incense; and he made fast the door – “Yea, and the place SHALL BE UNKNOWN until God gather the people again together, and mercy comes; and then shall the Lord disclose these things”. The glory of the Lord and the cloud shall appear, as they were shown before Moses and Solomon.

The Take Away

This Holy Rock on Mt. Moriah was FIRST a place of worship for the Jebusites, then became the site for Two Jewish Temples, next a sanctuary for the Roman god Jupiter, then later the Muslim's Dome of the Rock, next occupied by the Christians, and then finally reverted back to a Muslim shrine again.

Previous writings indicated that the foundations of Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount ended about 150 feet from the Dome of the Rock which would remain under the control of the Muslims (The Gentiles) until their time is fulfilled,” but the recent finding of the “Gate and Tunnel of the Priest” leading to the Holy of Holies and “The Rockdisputes this theory. NOTE: Anybody that was not a Jew was referred to as a Greek or Gentile, so that would include Muslims.

The Latest information says that the Dome of the Rock is exactly on the spot of the Holy of Holies and the dome must be dismantled and perhaps re-assembled in Mecca.

Will Israel trust God and rebuild the prophetic third temple on the exact foundations of the first and second temples which would involve REMOVING the Dome over the Rock or will they cave in with fear that it would force an all-out war with the Muslims. Will they choose to build the Temple somewhere else, or not at all? It’s easy for us to say just “TRUST GOD” because we don’t live in Jerusalem where all the conflict will take place.

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

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Chapter 5. 12

The Red Heifer and the beginning of the rebuilding of the temple actually ushers in, Not the Messiah, but the birth pangs of the Tribulation period known as “Jacob’s Trouble”. The Anti- Christ as prophesized will stand in the completed Holy of Holies and the Temple becomes “The Abomination of Desolation”.

Jeremiah 30:7 - The time of Jacob's trouble

7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of JACOB'S TROUBLE; but he shall be saved out of it. (ASV)
Matthew 24:15 – Antichrist will stand in the Holy of Holies

- I15 Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand), (NKJV)
Daniel 11:30-31 – Sanctuary will be desecrated by the Image
30 "For ships of Kittim will come against him; therefore he will be disheartened and will return and become enraged at the holy covenant and take action; so he will come back and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant.

31 "Forces from him will arise, desecrate the sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice. And they will set up the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION. (NASB)

Symbolism and Mysticism

In the past 2000 years, there has been a few Red Heifers found, but no perfectly Kosher Red Heifer has ever been found.

The TENTH Red Heifer ushers in the time of purification in expectation of the awaited Messiah.

BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women

The Red Heifer

Holy Cow – The Third Temple - The Menorah Ritual Objects, The Awaited Messiah.

Jacob’s Trouble

Chukkim is “statues” given without reason, they are sometimes called “Supra-rational” decrees. Some of these laws can seem irrational to human reason. These are statutes that God decreed that

are beyond human reasoning; we know that their true meaning is beyond our intellectual grasp. According to scripture, the ashes of the red heifer have the inexplicable power to cleanse all those

who have been rendered unclean.

The Talmud claims that the red heifer sacrifice was the only one of God's commands that King

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, claimed he did not understand.181

The imagery of the Blood of the heifer without blemish being sacrificed and its blood cleansing

sin is a foreshadowing of the blood of Christ shed on the cross for believers’ sin. He was “without

blemish” just as the red heifer is to be.

RED blood of Jesus Christ.182

Red is symbolic of Sin that will be made white as snow by the

181 Ecclesiastes 7:23-24 - Solomon didn’t understand the Red Heifer
182 Isaiah 1:18 – Sins red like crimson, they shall be white as snow -- Hebrews 9:13-14 – The blood of Christ who was without blemish purifies the believer; as the ashes of the heifer sanctifies

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The Red Heifer was sacrificed “outside the camp” in the same manner Jesus was crucified outside

of Jerusalem: Jesus suffered outside the city gate to make the people Holy through his own blood.

Josephus on the Red Heifer

Josephus the Jewish Historian who was born around the year Jesus was crucified speaks about the Red Heifer. Miriam the Prophetess and Sister of Moses had died. Moses directed the Hebrews to make a public funeral for her and to bring him a Red Heifer. This was the first of the recorded NINE Red Heifer offerings.

Here is Josephus’s account extracted from his writings of “The Antiquities of the Jews”.

Josephus 4.4.4:79-81 – Red Heifer was killed outside the camp.

79 He brought a HEIFER that had never been used to the plough or to do husbandry that was complete in all its parts, and entirely of a RED color, 183 at a little distance from the camp, into a place perfectly clean. This heifer was slain by the high priest and her blood sprinkled with his finger seven times before the tabernacle of God. 80 After this the entire heifer was burnt in that state, together with its and entrails; and they threw cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet wool, into the midst of the fire: then a clean man gathered all her ashes together, and laid them in a place perfectly clean. 81 When therefore any persons were defiled by a dead body,184 they put a little of these ashes into spring water, with hyssop, and, dipping part of these ashes in it, they sprinkled them with it, both on the third day; and on the seventh, and after that they were clean.185 Then he enjoyed them to do also when the tribes should come into their own land.


For the Christian, The return of Jesus, the Messiah will be in TWO parts.

  1. 1)  If your Belief System is a pre-tribulation return of Christ, then He comes in the AIR at the Rapture; removing the Church before the tribulation period begins; this will be before the Temple is completed. Nothing else in prophecy has to happen before the Church can be

    raptured... It could be today.

  2. 2)  When He comes on the EARTH seven years later at the end of the Tribulation period after the

    Temple is completed to set up His Millennium kingdom.

Jesus has revealed Himself to those that did not ask for Him; He was found by those that did not

seek Him, to the nations that did not call on His name, He said “Here am I.” He has held out His hands to an obstinate people; He called, but some chose not to answer. Live is choice driven.

The decisions that you make on this side of life has eternal consequences; Choose Life Isaiah 65:1-12 – I called you, but you did not answer
1 "I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found
by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my

name, I said, `Here am I, here am I.'
2 All day long
I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations--
3 a people who continually
provoke me to my very face,
5 who say, `
Keep away; don't come near me,
12 I will destine you for the sword, and you will all bend down for the slaughter; for
I called but you did not answer, I spoke but you did not listen. You did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me."

183 Numbers 19:1-22 - RED HEIFER, unblemished, never yoked 184 Numbers 9:6 - Become unclean by touching a dead body

185 Daniel 12:10 - Many shall purify themselves -- Ezekiel 36:25 – God will sprinkle clean water on you -- Isaiah 1:18 - Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as wool

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Chapter 5.13

The Menorah

Seven Branch Candlestick; the Tree of Life, the light of God. The Seven Church Ages; the symbol of Life, Joy, Prosperity, Wisdom, Understanding and Guidance

The Triumphal Arch of Titus, in Rome, commemorating the Roman victory over the Jews depicts soldiers carrying off the Temple Menorah. Most think this is the best idea of what the Menorah actually looked like - Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest

The Light of God
Menorah is the Hebrew word for candlestick or lampstand; the “Seven Branch Candlestick”.

It’s a sacred “tree of life” form representing God’s unseen presence in His earthly shrine. The central theme is “the One who is the Light of the world”; where God dwells, there is light. The Menorah symbolizes the Jewish people and “the Light of God”.186 A replica stands today before the parliament building in Jerusalem crafted by the Temple Institute.

The lampstand was the sole source of light in the Tabernacle. Moses was told to make the lampstand according to a pattern of one that was already in heaven, so it was a copy; a shadow of the good things that are to come. 187

The menorahs we see today are very small and sit on a table, but the Original menorah was a lampstand molded out of pure Gold that was five feet high and three and a half feet broad and stood on the floor. Scripture suggest it was made in three sections to facilitate removal and transportation;

186 1 Kings 11:36 – The Light of God
187 Exodus 25:31-40 - Construct a lampstand like the pattern show to you on the mountain -- Hebrews 8:5 – The menorah is a copy of the original in heaven -- Hebrews 10:1 – The menorah is only a shadow of what’s in heaven -- Colossians 2:17 – The shadow in reality is found in Christ

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The base, the supporting shaft and the seven ornate branches with cups. Each section was made in one piece of pure gold with the total weight of about 94 pounds. It had three curved branches coming from each side of the stand with one in the middle making it seven lamps.

Scripture seems to suggest that the seven branches had hollow channels for the oil to flow from center cup channeled to the others;188 the cups were very ornate flowerlike buds and blossoms. The cups on each branch were filled with the purest olive oil every morning; a twisted flax wick floated on the oil.

Every morning the Priest would take fire from the Alter where the burnt offering took place and would light the right three branches first, then the left three and the middle last. If a branch needed to be relit, it was with the fire from the center branch. The center branch could only be lit from the Alter. The flame burned all day and into a part of the evening; while there was enough oil to keep the flame burning, the wicks often needed to be trimmed. King Solomon made ten gold lampstands that were placed in front of the most Holy Place of the temple.

There is a lot of symbolism with the word lamp or lampstand. Primarily it is a symbol of life,

joy, prosperity, wisdom, understanding and guidance.189 Most students Belief System embraces the menorah as representative of the Tree of Life that’s in heaven and as well as the tree that’s was in the Garden of Eden; the tree of fruitfulness.190

The gold represents the preciousness of the Church, God’s people The Oil represents the Holy Spirit.
The seven flames were an expression of God’s presence.

Seven is the number of completeness. Their light represents the ALL seeing eyes of God.191 It represented the Seven Spirits of God; Wisdom, Understanding, Council, Power, knowledge, righteous, and faithfulness.192 It also represented the Seven Church Ages of revelation. 193

There was also a nine branch MENORAH; the tree of life, bearing the nine fruits of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.194

The Take Away

Except for the work of Josephus the Jewish historian, we do not know very much about the menorah, so we take writings from antiquity, carvings and relief’s to fill in the blanks. The word Candle stand is a misnomer; they did not have candles, but only oil lamps. Most simple Christian lamps were decorated with the sign of the fish, the cross or the words Alpha and Omega.

The term lamp symbolized Life and represented fruitfulness; it symbolized the Jewish people and “The Light of God”. The menorah was a COPY of the original Tree of Life that’s in heaven and was in the Garden of Eden. It was pure solid gold and extremely ornate and was the sole light in the tabernacle and was probably made in three parts for mobility as its total weight was about 94 pounds which was a talent of gold. Some commentaries have the talent of gold weight at somewhere between 75 pounds and 114 pounds. My BS embraces that the cups on all seven branches were inter-connected by internal oil channels.

188 Zechariah 4:2 – Solid Gold Lampstand with seven channels to the lights
189 Psalms 18:28 – The lamp is a symbol of life -- 2 Kings 8:19 – The Lamp is a symbol of prosperity -- 2 Samuel 22:29 – The Lamp is a symbol of understanding -- Proverbs 6:23 – God’s word is a lamp; the way to life
190 Genesis 2:9 – Tree of life in the Garden of Eden -- Revelation 22:2 – The tree of life stands in Heaven, bearing fruit
191 Zechariah 4:10 – These seven lamps are the eyes of God.
192 Revelation 4:5 – There are Seven lamps; Seven spirits of God -- Isaiah 11:2-5 – The seven Spirits of God; the spirit of the Lord, wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, reverence
193 Revelation 1:11 – The Seven Church ages
194 Galatians 5:22-23 – The Nine Fruits of the spirit

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The seven candles represented completeness; the all-knowing and all seeing eyes of God. It represented Grace and mercy, God waited seven days after Noah entered the ark for men to come to the light then He shut the door.

It revealed the seven spirits of God; Wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge righteousness and faithfulness.

Some commentaries indicate that the menorah was made of the hard Acadia wood and overlaid with pure gold like the other temple furniture, however I do not find this in scripture and seems highly unlikely if the arms were channels for the oil to flow through.

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Chapter 5.14

Feast & Festivals

Hanukkah, Yon Kipper, Rosh Hashanah, Atonement Two High Holy Days, Passover, Pentecost, Purim Three Great Pilgrimage Festivals, Booths, Jubilee Three Day of Rest, Trumpets

Feast and Festivals commemorated an historical event in the life of Israel or marked the beginning or ending of an agricultural year. The poor, orphaned, widowed and the traveler were welcomed to MOST of the feast.

The Law of Moses established seven festivals of enjoyment and times of rest from work.

Three Great Pilgrimage Festivals: Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles/Booths
Two High Holy Days: Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement, Rosh Hashanah/Trumpets Two Days of Rest: Weekly Sabbath, Monthly New Moon Sabbath
Festivals and feast Added Later: Hanukkah, Purim
An addition Festival: Jubilee occurred every 50 years, a time when all Hebrew debt was forgiven and all Hebrew slaves freed and the land returned to its original tribe and owner.

Jewish Calendar

The Jewish months and their DIFFERENT SPELLINGS are based on Babylonian influence. Note their new year starts in April and is based on their agricultural growing seasons; Planting. I list these because of the confusion that comes with the different dates listed in the different books of the Bible as well as the different commentaries. Example; Abib & Nisan are both the 1st month in the New Year.

Ecclesiastical New Year refers to early Christianity; starts the 1st month; Nisan... April.

Civil New Year refers to the agricultural practices; starts the 7th month; Tishri... October. Leap years have 13 months... There is a Metonic cycle of 19 years. Twelve are common years and seven are leap years. The 12th month (March) becomes Adar 1 and the 13th month is added and

To further complicate it, these months fall between our months; for example, Nisan the 1st month

would be BETWEEN March & April. Iyar the 2nd month would be BETWEEN April & May. Ecclesiastical Year (religious year) WITH DIFFERENT SPELLINGS

  1. April: Nisan, Nisanu, Abib

  2. May: Iyar, Iyyar, Ayaru, Ziv

  3. June: Sivan, Siwan, Simanu

  4. July: Tammuz, Tamuz, Dumuzu, Dumuzi

  5. August: Ab, Abu, Av

  6. September: Elul, Ululu

  7. October: Tishri, Tishrei, Tashrtu, Ethanim

  8. November: Marchesvan, Marheswan, Martheshvan, Cheshvan, Arakhsamna, Bul

  9. December: Kislev, Kislew, Kislimu, Chisleu, Chislev

  10. January: Tebeth, Tebetu, Tevet

  11. February: Shebet, Shebat, Shevat, Sebat, Shbat, Shabatu

  12. March: Adar, Adaru

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#1 Feast of Passover
Passover (Pesach) is a spring festival associated with barley. It is observed on the evening of the

14th day of Nisan or Abib (April) the first month. It was on this evening that Israel left Egypt; the meaning of the word Passover is primarily “to pass over;” a suspension of justice, withholding punishment, to spare. NOTE to just DRIVE YOU CRAZY; they called the first month of the religious year Abib, but after their exile they called it Nisan.

The Seder (the service) began the first night at sundown with the main feast recalling the last meal the Jews ate in Egypt; remembering their captivity and liberation.

Four Questions were to be asked by the youngest child present.
a) Why is the night of the Passover different from all other nights of the year? b) Whydoweuseunleavenedbread?
c) Why bitter herbs and the dipping of vegetables?
d) Whythecushionsatthehostchair?

The Host responds by reciting the history of Israel’s passage from bondage to freedom.
This is the First of the three great Festival pilgrimages for Israel to remember its past and renew their faith in God. Every male was expected to observe the three pilgrimage feast. The first and last day were kept as Sabbaths or holy convocations where no work was performed and the people came

together and offered sacrifices.
Feast of Unleavened Bread occurred on the 15th day as part of Passover closely intertwining and

forming a double festival for SEVEN more days and all bread that was consumed was unleavened.195 As the life of the blood was drained from the sacrificial animal so the life of the leaven was removed from the bread. The disposition of leaven symbolizes the casting out of insincerity.196

The feast originated in the home, but was later transferred to the Temple. Neither the hired servant nor the uncircumcised male could partake of the meal, but could observe it on the corresponding day of the second month.

The feast was instituted by God commemorating the historic deliverance of Israel and their flight from Egypt. This is when the death angel passed over the Israelites killing all the first born of Egypt.197 Because of the haste of being ready to leave, the Hebrews made their bread without leaven with no time to wait for it to rise. Eventually these two celebrations were merged into one.

In the New Testament, Jesus attended Passover at the age of twelve198 and at the age of thirty three He was crucified during the Feast of Passover festival. His blood being the ultimate sacrifice to redeem us from the power of sin and death.199 Peter’s imprisonment and deliverance was also at this same season.200

#2 Feast of Pentecost
Pentecost is a spring festival also, celebrating the wheat grain harvest and follows Passover on the

6th day of the month of Sivan (June). This is a one day festival observed as a Sabbath in the tabernacle; this gathering marked the end of the harvest and the beginning of the seasonal offering of first fruits. Feast of First Fruits, Feast of Harvest, Feast of Weeks201 are the other names it was known by; originally it was an agricultural festival, but later became associated with the religious history of Israel

195 Leviticus 23:6 – Feast of Unleavened Bread is for seven days
196 1 Corinthians 5:7 – Dispose the leaven of insincerity to be a New Lump
197 Exodus 12:13 – The blood is a sign; when I see the blood I will pass over you
198 Luke 2:41-42 – Jesus observed Passover at the age of twelve
199 Colossians 1:20 – Christ’s blood on the cross reconciled the Believer to God
200 Acts 12:3 – Peter was arrested during Feast of Unleavened Bread
201 Exodus 34:22 – Feast of Weeks -- Exodus 23:16 - Feast of Harvest; Feast of Ingathering -- Acts 2:1-4 – Day of Pentecost – Spoke in other tongues -- Numbers 28:26-31 – Feast of Weeks

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and was transformed into the observance of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai 50 days after the Death Angel passed over them in Egypt with their departure and arrival at Mount Sinai.202

Pent means 50; the feast name comes from the fact that this festival occurs early in the third month; 50 days after the offering of the barley sheaves at the feast of unleavened bread on the first Sabbath of Passover; it is counted from the second day of the feast.

It is regarded as the Second of the three obligatory observances, and falls between Passover and Tabernacles. The community was expected to come together to show their gratitude toward God with their first fruits of the early harvest. This Holy Convocation offering included the first fruits of their produce and the waving of two loves of leavened bread. The feast lasted only a single day and marked the completion of the Wheat harvest and no one was allowed to work on this day. Free will offerings were to be made; it was a day of rejoicing with the family, the Levite, Widow, Orphan and the poor.

In the Apocrypha; the book of Jubilees lists all the covenants of the OT in this feast.
(I encourage you to get a copy of the Apocrypha to understand the thinking of the Israelites.)

In the New Testament; on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit filled the followers of Jesus in an upper room and they began to speak in languages that were not their own. Numerous attending this festival experience the outpouring of the Gifts of the Spirit.

Some Students believe that this gift of the Spirit and the other gifts passed away with the early disciples, but scripture says differently; “the gifts of God are irrevocable”.203

#3 Feast of Tabernacles
Tabernacles is a Fall Harvest Festival; it is also called the Feast of Booths or the Feast of

Ingathering.204 This is the Third and last in the series of the great Festival pilgrimages. This festival commemorated the wanderings of the Israelites while in the wilderness.

The festival requirement was that they had to dwell in Arbors or Booths. They would make a temporary tent or booth as shelter out of interwoven Myrtle, Palm or Willow branches along with sticks and fruits from the harvest as a commemoration and reminder of God’s protection during their flight from Egypt and their meager accommodation while in the wilderness. After the Babylon captivity, the willow became an emblem of sorrow. 205 Many booths could be found all year on top of their homes and shared with the sojourner.

The festival took place at the end of the harvest season year in the month of Tishri (October) 15th through the 21nd, 5 days after the Day of Atonement which ended Tishri 10th. The first and eighth days were holy convocations (Sabbaths) with days of rest. There was rejoicing with the Priest, family, servants, widows, orphans as well as the traveler.

The Feast portion took place for a period of seven days and was also a festival of thanksgiving to God for The Ingathering from the threshing floor and the wine press.

The Solemn Assembly portion took place on the eighth day the 22nd; the last day known as the Great Day.206 All ceremonially clean and physically capable males were required to go to the “Tabernacle” with their offerings; this marked the conclusion of the Ecclesiastical year. Every seven years they were required to read publically the Law; the Torah to all the people during this festival.

Note: Later on, another day was added to the festival known as Simhath Torah (Joy of the Law) just for the purpose of the JOY of reading the Law publically. In the Antiquity of the Jews; Josephus calls it the greatest and holiest day of the Jewish feasts. I encourage you to get a copy of the Antiquity of the Jews by Josephus the Jewish Historian; a non-believing contemporary of Jesus Christ.

202 Exodus 19:1 – Egypt Passover to Mount Sinai & Torah; 50 days
203 Romans 11:29 - The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable
204 Deuteronomy 31:10-11 - Feast of Booths every 7 Years; Read the Torah -- Exodus 23:16 – You shall keep the Feast of Ingathering 205 Psalm 137:1-2 – Weeping by the Willow trees; an Emblem of Sorrow
206 Numbers 29:35 – The Eighth Day; A Solemn Assembly

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In the New Testament; it was on THIS very last day of this feast that Jesus stood up and said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink”.207 Some thought He was the Christ; the Prophet that was to come,208 but there was a division among the people over him. Some of them wanted to arrest him, but oddly enough, no one laid hands on him.209

Numbers 29:12-40 – Offerings for the Feast of Booths

12On the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation. YOU SHALL NOT DO ANY ORDINARY WORK, and you shall keep a feast to the LORD seven days.
13 And you shall offer a burnt offering, a food offering, with a pleasing aroma to the LORD, thirteen bulls from the herd, two rams, fourteen male lambs a year old; they shall be without blemish;

17 On the SECOND DAY twelve bulls from the herd, two rams,

fourteen male lambs a year old without blemish,

18 with the grain offering and the drink offerings for the bulls, for

the rams, and for the lambs, in the prescribed quantities;

20 On the THIRD DAY eleven bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a

year old without blemish,

21 with the grain offering and the drink offerings for the bulls, for

the rams, and for the lambs, in the prescribed quantities;

23 On the FOURTH DAY ten bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a

year old without blemish,

24 with the grain offering and the drink offerings for the bulls, for

the rams, and for the lambs, in the prescribed quantities;

26 On the FIFTH DAY nine bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a

year old without blemish,

27 with the grain offering and the drink offerings for the bulls, for

the rams, and for the lambs, in the prescribed quantities;

29 On the SIXTH DAY eight bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs a

year old without blemish,

30 with the grain offering and the drink offerings for the bulls, for

the rams, and for the lambs, in the prescribed quantities;

31 also one male goat for a sin offering; besides the regular burnt

offering, its grain offering, and its drink offerings.

32 On the SEVENTH DAY seven bulls, two rams, fourteen male lambs

a year old without blemish,

33 with the grain offering and the drink offerings for the bulls, for

the rams, and for the lambs, in the prescribed quantities; .

35 On the EIGHTH DAY you shall have a solemn assembly. You shall

not do any ordinary work,

36 but you shall offer a burnt offering, a food offering, with a

pleasing aroma to the LORD: one bull, one ram, seven male lambs a

year old without blemish,

40 So Moses told the people of Israel everything just as the LORD

had commanded Moses. (ESV)

207 John 7:37-38 - If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink
208 John 7:40-41– Can the Prophet; the Christ come from Galilee?
209 John 7:43-44 – There was division among them; some wanted to arrest Jesus, but no one laid a hand on Him

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#1 Feast of Trumpets
New Moon Festivals were a MONTHLY Sabbath of REST, with special sacrifices and the

blowing of trumpets.
Seventh Month Festival: The first day of the SEVENTH new moon Tishri (October) 1st and 2nd was set aside as the Feast of Trumpets, the foremost of the new-moon celebrations; this began the Civil New Year for the Jews.

Trumpets were blown from morning to evening; it was observed as a solemn day of REST,210 ceasingfromhardlabor,beginningwiththesoundingoftheShofar(ahollowed-outram'shorn). Itwas accompanied with special memorials, sacrifices, general rejoicing and the reading of the Law in public.

Some students of the Word Belief System is that the ORIGIN of the blowing of the Seventh Month Trumpets were to counteract the influence of the Babylonian New Year Festival which occurred at the same time while they were in Babylonian captivity.

Later in history “Trumpets” became associated with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year that is celebrated in the fall. It’s the first of the High Holy Days;

#2 Day of Atonement
The Day of Atonement was also known as Yom Kippur and is the Holiest day of the year.

There was NO FEASTING because for approximately 25 hours, they were to FAST and REST. This is the only Law of Moses that required EVERYONE to fast; it included careful cleaning of the Tabernacle, cleansing of the High Priest and of oneself; fasting and attending a holy gathering and ceasing all activities of work.211

It was observed once a year on the 10th of Tishri, the seventh month (October), ten days after the Fall New Year to atone for their sins. An offering of Incense was made by the High Priest in the Holy of Holies.212 This was the only time of the year that the High Priest entered into the Holy of Holies.

TWO GOATS WERE SELECTED; one was sacrificed and with the other; the sins of the people were symbolically placed on the “Scapegoat” which was released and then driven into the wilderness bearing their sins.213

Atonement means “to cover over;” this same word was use by Moses to cover over the ark inside and out with tar or pitch so that you could not see the wood. The blood of Jesus covers over inside and out the sin of the Christian; out of the sight of Almighty God.


#1 Festival of Dedication - Hanukkah
Dedication is also called Festival of Lights or Hanukkah; the festival was instituted on the 25th

day of the 9th month of Kislev (December) as a day of Remembering and Thanksgiving to Judas Maccabeus.214

210 Numbers 29:1-6 – Feast of Trumpets; a Holy Convocation
211 Leviticus 23:27-32 - The Day of Atonement; do no ordinary work
212 Numbers 29:7-11 - Offerings for the Day of Atonement; grain and meat, do no ordinary work
213 Leviticus 16:9-10 – Two Goats; Sin atonement and Scapegoat sent into the Wilderness
214 John 10:22 – Hanukkah, December 25th; Festival of Dedication -- John 10:23-30 – Tell us plainly; Are you the Messiah? THE FATHER AND I ARE ON

head, "ha" is the definite article, and "shanah" means year; thus "Rosh Hashanah" means head

as apples dipped in honey were to evoke "a sweet new year".

"Rosh" is the Hebrew word for

[of] the year”, referring to the Jewish New Year’s Day. The custom of eating symbolic foods such

Rosh Hashanah is a two-day celebration, which begins on the first day of Tishrei (October) which

is the first month of the Jewish CIVIL YEAR, but is the seventh month of the ECCLESIASTICAL YEAR.

Don’t even try to wrap you head around these mental gymnastics; see my chart.

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On Kislev (December) 25th 167B.C the temple was polluted with pagan sacrifices by Antiochus Epiphanes IV, king of Syria; he forbid the Jews to engage in sacrifices, rites, feast and worship of any kind.

On Kislev (December) 25th 164B.C, three years later to the day, the rag tag devout followers of Jehovah who desired the “freedom of Worship” formed “The Maccabean Revolt”, a battle of the few against the greater forces of the Seleucid army; obtained victory and forced the repeal of the ordinances against the free worship in Israel. Israel recovered and cleansed the sanctuary and brought forth a new altar which was then dedicated. Children were told of the brave stores of The Maccabees in order to stir in them the desire to emulate them.

This became an EIGHT DAYS FESTIVAL celebrating the cleansing and rededication of the Temple after its desecration by the Greeks three years earlier. If it were not for the Maccabees, the monotheistic faith of the One God of the Jewish people might have perished. SELAH

You can learn more about the Maccabees by reading about them in the Greek Apocrypha; the 1st and 2nd book of Maccabees. These books were left out of the canonized Bible because they were never a part of the Hebrew Bible and have not been found in any Hebrew form.

Hanukkah is the only Jewish festival that is not ordained or mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. Interestingly, Christians celebrate CHRISTMAS, the birth of Jesus Christ on the same day as the Jews celebrate the “FREEDOM OF WORSHIP” of the one True God Jehovah; neither of which is commanded to be celebrated.

According to the Talmud, the Jews found a lamp in the Temple with a one-day supply of oil, but it stayed miraculously lit for the eight days of the festival. The relighting of the candelabras took on the name Festival of Lights. Each day one additional candle is lighted until a total of eight candles is reached. They sang the “Hallel Psalms”; which is a very, very lengthy Psalm. Psalms 113:1

NOTE: Some students think, and I understand why; that Hanukah was considered a second celebration of the eight days of the Feast of Tabernacles. The Great Historian Josephus calls The Festival of Lights the Freedom OF their Worship. The Apocrypha tells the story of Judas Maccabeus carrying on the war on behalf of Israel. In the New Testament this was also the Festival when THE JEWS asked Jesus to plainly tell them if He was the Messiah or not. He answered them with a similitude about how Sheep know their Master voice and obviously they were not His sheep; but He did go to say, “The Father and I are One.”

The Apocrypha

1 Maccabees 1:59 - Dreadful desecration on the Altar the 25th

59 On the 25th of the month they offered sacrifice upon the altar which was set up on the altar of burnt offering.
1 Maccabees 3:2 – Revolt; Judas Maccabeus
2 Then his son Judas, who was called Maccabeus, arose in his stead and all his brothers and all who had stood by his father helped him, and with gladness carried on Israel’s war.

1 Maccabees 4:52 - Offered sacrifices on the New Altar; the 25th

52 And they arose on the 25th day of the ninth month that is the month of Chislev (December), in the one-hundred and forty-eighth year, and offered sacrifices according to the law upon the NEW altar of burnt offering which they had made.

The Works of Flavius Josephus

Antiquities 12:7:7 – Festival of Lights – Freedom of Worship
7 Now Judas (Maccabees) celebrated the festival of the restoration of the sacrifices of the temple for eight days, and omitted no sort of pleasures thereon; but he feasted them upon very rich and splendid sacrifices; and he honored God, and delighted them by hymns and psalms. Nay, they were so very glad at the revival of their customs,

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when, after a long time of intermission, they unexpectedly had regained the FREEDOM OF THEIR WORSHIP, that they made it a law for their posterity, that they should keep a festival, on account of the restoration of their temple worship, for eight days. And from that time to this we celebrate this festival, and call it LIGHTS. I suppose the reason was because this liberty beyond their hopes appeared to them; and that thence was the name given to that festival. Judas also rebuilt the walls round about the city, and reared towers of great height against the incursions of enemies, and set guards therein.

#2 Festival of Purim
Purim comes from the book of Ester in the Bible; Queen Ester, the king’s Jewish wife, along

with her cousin Mordecai, foiled the plot to kill all the Jews by the evil schemer named Haman who cast “Purim(lots) to determine what day to carry out his evil plot of annihilation and extermination of the Jews.215 This festival came with Joy and Feasting commemorating the remarkable deliverance from the evil Haman.216

It was the reversal of fortune for the Jews who were under an edict of death by the Anti-Semitic state. With the help of Ester and Mordecai, the Jews were given the authority to fight for themselves and their lives were spared.

Purim is happily celebrated on the 14th day of Adar (March) for the un-walled villages and 15th day of Adar for the fortified villages; this is the Last month of the Ecclesiastical religious year.217 As in other festivals, the rich were called on for charity giving to the poor.

The reading in the Synagogue of the “Megillah” which is “The Scroll of Ester” took place. When Haman’s name is read from the scroll, the people shouted “Let his name be blotted out” and “The name of the wicked shall rot”. Then the NAMES of the sons of Haman are all read out in one breath to signify that they were all hanged at one time. The rest of the day was filled with merrymaking, gift exchanges and food.

The Apocrypha; the 2nd book of Maccabees this festival is referred to as “MORDECAI’S DAY


2nd Maccabees 15:36 – Mordecai’s Day: celebrate every year

36 And he hung Nicanor’s head from the citadel, a clear and conspicuous proof to all of the Lord’s help. And that all decreed by popular vote of the people never to let this day go by without observing it, but to celebrate the thirteenth day of the twelfth month which is called Adar in Aramaic. The day before MORDECAI’s DAY.


#1 Sabbath 7th Day
There were two reasons taught for the observance of the Sabbath.
FIRST: The Sabbath was a day set aside by God for rest because He rested on the seventh day

after creating the world.218 Sabbath began at sundown on Friday when families would gather for a special meal; the observance would continue through Saturday till sundown. The sacrifice meal would include a burnt offering of lamb, a grain offering, and a drink offering.219 Saturday morning they would go to the synagogue for a solemn assembly; then the rest of the day was spent reading God’s Word, resting, and eating; it was a day of joy.

215 Esther 9:26– Purim named after Pur (casting lots)
216 Esther 9:20-22– Purim; Jews saved from their enemies
217 Esther 9:28– Purim; commemorate throughout every generation 218 Genesis 2:2-3 - God rested on the Seventh day
219 Numbers 28:9-10 – Sabbath - Burnt offering lamb, meal & drink

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Sabbath: The Aramaic word means to cease; desist; the idea was not that of relaxation or refreshment, but that of the COMPLETE CESSATION OF ACTIVITY from sunset to sunset.220 The Sabbath was not to be PROFANED in any way with work. The Talmud has 39 main categories of work that was to be avoided. (As a child; the Baptist church I attended would not allow me to go to a movie or to go swimming on Sunday; not just no work on Sunday, but NO ACTIVITY.)

SECOND: The Exodus Remembered: Israel was reminded that when they were in bondage in Egypt THERE WAS NO REST. This Sabbath rest included all their family, servants, foreigners and livestock. There is no express mention of the Sabbath before the Exodus. The Exodus passage fixes the origin of the Sabbath in the bondage of Israel, thus the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.221 It’s a sign between Jehovah and Israel.

#2 Sabbatical 7th Year
The law provided for the land to remain unplanted every seventh year allowing the land a needed

time of rest; whatever remained in the field was left for the poor.222 Debts were to be canceled allowing people to have a fresh start.223 The purpose was: RENEWAL of land, HOPE with the cancelation of debts and LIFE with a fresh start.

#3 Jubilee 50th Year
A Jubilee year occurred after seven sabbatical years (7X7=49) which would be the 50th year.224

It was also a Sabbatical year for the land allowing this to make two years in a row for the land to remain fallow and any indebted land would revert to its original owner. There was a price adjustment in sales in view of the approach of the Jubilee year. Any Hebrew who had sold themselves into service would be released to freedom.

Note: We certainly know about the Jubilee year, but scripture does not report that the sabbatical year or the Jubilee years were actually observed, but were grudgingly withheld.225

The Take Away

Psalm 122:1 – I was glad to go into the House of the Lord

1 I was glad when they said, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” ESV

Romans 11:17 – The Christian now has Jewish Roots

17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and YOU, being a wild olive, was GRAFTED in among them, and did become partaker with

them of the root of the fatness of the olive tree; ASV

220 Exodus 20:8-11 – No one is to work anymore on the Sabbath
221 Mark 2:27 - Sabbath made for man, not man for the Sabbath
222 Exodus 23:10-11 – Let the land rest in the seventh year -- Leviticus 25:2-7 – Seventh year; NO sow, reap, prune... Share what comes up
223 Deuteronomy 15:1-3 - End of Seven Years release the debts of your neighbor)
224 Leviticus 25:8-12 – The 50 year was a Year of Jubilee
225 Jeremiah 34:9-11 - CHANGED THEIR MINDS and took back their slaves

The feast were an acknowledgment that the SEASONS were the work of the one God YAHWEH and were given for the benefit of man. It acknowledged God as the provider with unbounded love towards the chosen people of Israel; the beneficiary of His Divine favor. The sacrifices offered hope of forgiveness and reconciliation to God. It’s an acknowledgement of sin and a devotion to God’s laws; it’s a mixture of sorrow for sin and Joy of the Lord.

As Christian Gentiles we have been grafted into the Jewish Vine and now have Jewish Roots. “I was excited when they said; hey man, let’s go to Church”. It’s in the Book

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1) The Common Talent, 3000 shekels,
2) The Common Royal (5% heavier than the common weight),
3) The Heavy Common (twice the common),
4) The Heavy Common Royal (5% heavier than the heavy common)


Darac; Dram 5 dollars

Nehemiah 7:70, Ezra 2:69

Denarius - 1 cent - days wage Matt 20:2, Matt 22:19, Luke 10:35

Didrachmon – 32 cents
Matt 17:24
Drachme; drachma 16 cents Luke 15:8-9

Farthing - 1/4th of a cent Matthew 10:29, Mark 12:42

Gerah – 1/40th of a shekel Exodus 30:13

Mina – 16 dollars 1 Kings 10:17

Mite – 1/8th cent Mark 12:42

Pound of Gold – 600 dollars 1 Kings 10:17

Pound of Silver – 40 dollars Nehemiah 7:71

Quadrans – 1⁄4 of a cent Matthew 5:26, Mark 12:42

Shekel of Silver – 64 cents Joshua 7:21, 2 Kings 7:21, Jer 32:9

Stater tetradrachma - 64 cents Matt 17:27

Talent – 1,000 bucks Matthew 18:24, Matthew 25:15

Talent – 2,500 bucks 2 Kings 5:5, Ester 3:9

Talent – 30,000 bucks 1 Kings 10:10 – 1 Kings 10:14


Bath; batos – 8 gal & 3 pints

Ezekiel 45:10

Cor – 61 gallons
Ezekiel 45:14
Firkin; Metretes – 9 gallons John 2:6
Hin – 6 quarts
Exodus 29:40
Log – 1 pint
Leviticus 14:10-21

Water Pot – 27 gallons John 2:7


Bath; batos – bushel & 3 pts

Ezekiel 45:10

Bekah – 1/4th of an ounce Exodus 38:26

Bushel – about a 1 peck
Matt 5:15, Mark 4:21, Luke 11:33 Cab; Choenix – 1 quart
2 Kings 6:25, Revelation 6:6
Cor – 6 1⁄2 bushels
Ezekiel 45:14
Ephah - bushel & 3 pts – bath Ezekiel 45:10
Half Homer 5 bush & 1 peck Hosea 3:2
Homer – 10 1⁄2 bushels
Ezekiel 45:10-11
Measure – 1 peck 1/4th bushel Gen 18:6, Matthew 13:33
Omer – 1/10th of an ephah Exodus 16:16-36, Ezekiel 45:11 Seah; saton – about a peck Genesis 18:6, Mathew 13:33 Shalish – 1/3rd of an ephah Psalms 80:5, Isaiah 40:12
Shekel – 1⁄2 ounce
1 Samuel 17:5-7

Tenth Deal – 1⁄2 gallon Exodus 16:36, Ex 29:40, Num 15:4


Day’s Journey – 18-30 miles Luke 2:44

Sabbath Journey 1⁄2 to 3/4 mile Acts 1:12

Cubit – about 25 inches
Gn 6:15, 1 Sam 17:4, Es 5:14, Dn 3:1

Fathom – about 6 feet Acts 27:28
Finger; digit – 3⁄4” to 1 inch Jeremiah 52:21

Furlong; stadia – 1/8 mile

Luke 24:13

Handbreadth – 4 to 5 inches Ex 25:25, Ex 37:12, 1 Kings 7:26

Mile – 4854 feet
Matt 5:41 – Less than our mile

Pace – about a yard – 36 in 2 Sam 6:13

Reed – about 12 1⁄2 feet Ezekiel 40:5

Span – about 9 to 10 inches Ex 28:16, 1 Sam 17:4, Isaiah 40:12


Day – Sunset to sunset Leviticus 23:32

3rd Hour – 9 am Acts 2:15

6th hour – 12 noon Matthew 20:5, Matthew 27:45

9th hour – 3 pm Matthew 20:5

2nd watch–9pmto12am Luke 12:38

4th Watch–3amto6am Matthew 14:25, Exodus 14:24

Cock Crow Midnight & dawn

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Chapter 5. 16

Church Membership

Can’t you be a Christian without having to be a member of a local church? Submission, Accountability, Discipline, Commitment, Spiritual Nurture, Responsibility, Purification, Incorporation, Endorsement, Identification.

First Word

The Bible does not directly address the Church with its formal membership, but there are many verses in New Testament times that imply its existence. 226 You also cannot find the word Trinity nor Rapture in the Bible either, but scripture pretty much spells it out for you.

Many professing Christian who are already in the Invisible Church, Opt out of the Visible Church feeling membership seems antiquated, unnecessary and perhaps somewhat legalistic with narrow doctrines, liturgical customs and exclusive traditions. Besides that, the visible church has a lot of imperfections, conflicting doctrines and full of hypocrites.

Then there is Christian TV and the internet where you pick and choose as the spirit moves you. We live in a fast paced culture of technology and SOME Churches are updating and tapping into that, with not much substance, but they are tapping in.

I feel a need to lay a little background before we tackle the complex thoughts that have formed 2,000 years later in our modern society on whether or not formal church membership has become an unnecessary formality.

Church Defined
The Word CHURCH comes from the Greek word kurikon meaning “Belonging to the Lord”.

The New Testament word ekklesia means, “Called Out”. Those that were called out belonged to the lord and were known in the New Testament as an Assembly or Congregation.227

When one professes Christ as their Savior, their sins are forgiven and they are automatically added to the body of Christ; they become a member of the Invisible Church.228

The Church is the “body of believers229 wherever they choose to meet, which could be in someone’s home as well as a formal building constructed specifically for that purpose. The Church is not just one member, but many.230 Scripture admonishes us to stir up one another, to love and to do good works, and to NOT NEGLECT TO MEET TOGETHER, as some are in the habit of doing, but to meet and encourage one another.231

The whole body, joined and held together makes the body grow and builds itself up with encouragement and spurs one another on toward love; this is something you just cannot do alone by yourself.232

226 Romans 12:5 – The Church is one body with individual members
227 Acts 19:39 – The congregation of believers is known as an assembly -- Acts 19:32 – The church was called an Assembly of God 228 1 Corinthians 12:13 – All are baptized into ONE body of Believers -- Acts 2:47 – God added to their body numbers daily
229 Ephesians 1:22-23 – God called His body of Believers the Church
230 1 Corinthians 12:14 – The Church is not one member, but many
231 Hebrews 10:24-25 – DON’T SKIP CHURCH and receiving the encouragement of each other
232 Ephesians 4:16 – The Whole body joined together, encourages each other

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The Church Structured

The New Testament reports of many churches all structured with overseers known as Pastors, Elders and Deacons and there were qualifications to aspire to this office,233 so the structured Church is not a modern invention of man.

The Body was to highly esteem, respect, obey and submit in joy to their overseers.234 Christ organized Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Teachers, and Evangelist into a closely bonded Christian family and that’s the way it is today.235 It’s in the Book

1 Timothy 3:1-7 – Qualifications to be a Pastor or Elder

1 The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of

overseer, he desires a noble task.

2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of

one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable,

able to teach,

3 not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a

lover of money.

4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity

keeping his children submissive,

6 He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with

conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil.

7 Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may

not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil. (ESV)

1 Timothy 3:8-12 – Qualifications to be a Deacon

8 Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted too much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain.
9 They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.
10 And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless.

11 Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things.
12 Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well.



The model for Membership in the body of Christ; the Church, requires salvation first; Jesus laid down His life for the Church.236 We are commanded to come out from the un-believing world and be separate.237 The Methodist would teach a Method of living, a Godly life by being an example to the world. You are still IN the World, but no longer OF it.

233 1 Timothy 3:8-12 – Qualifications to be a Deacon -- Acts 6:3 – Elect Spirit filled DEACONS with wisdom, and a good reputation,
1 Timothy 3:1-7 – Qualifications to be a Pastor or Elder -- Ephesians 4:11-12 – God gave gifts of leadership; Pastors and Evangelist -- Acts 14:23 –
ELDERS were appointed in every Church 1 Peter 5:1-4 – Elders should not be domineering, but examples --1 Corenthians 12:28 – The Gift of administration is needed
234 Acts 20:28-29 – Overseers are to take care of the Church Body -- Hebrews 13:17 – The body is to obey and submit to the Church leadership -- 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 – The body is to highly esteem and respect the overseers -- 1 Peter 1:22 – The body is to be obedient to the Word of God and to love one another
235 Colossians 1:18 – Jesus is head of the body, the Church
236 John 10:10-11 – Jesus laid down his life for the body of Believers
237 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 – Come out from the un-believers -- 1 Corinthians 1:10 – No divisions, same mind, same judgment -- 1 John 1:7 – If we walk in the light we will have fellowship with one another

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The Method is being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord doing nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility counting others more significant than ourselves not looking only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. We are salt and light to the un- believer and an example within the church body.

We are admonished to be in one accord and to be of the same mindset and of the same love. God does not want us to be divided over issues concerning His word and the best way to be in one accord is to study the same book; THE BIBLE.238

When we spend time coming together, to share the things that have been revealed to us through the studying of His word, we allow the fullness of the spirit of God to come into our lives and we began to see Jesus for who He is; this knowledge strengthens the whole Church.239

Membership means some kind of COMMITMENT; learning, growing, participating, worship, praise, giving, serving, visitation, prayer, teaching, parking cars, nursery worker, run audio, take up offering, kitchen worker, building and grounds, mercy ministry, small groups, and the list goes on and on; JUST DO SOMETHING.240

Membership means RELATIONSHIP, we are commanded to have fellowship and relationships with others; to bear one another burdens and speak things to others that lift them up in the name of Jesus.241 The body of the Church is inhabited by God through the Holy Spirit. Although there are many member of this family of God, we are still just one body or one Church; each member has a special place of service and a special gift to the body.242 So we are to be involved with each other utilizing our gift whether it be in hope or in pain.

Doing the will of God makes us members of the same family. It is our faith that binds us together. We only need to believe and receive Jesus Christ into our hearts to become part of this AWESOME family of believers. Perhaps you are a Christian and just skip church altogether; you cannot have Fellowship and Relationship with others by being THE LONE RANGER. 243 It’s in the Book

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 – Come out from the un-believers

15 What accord has Christ with Belial (Satan)? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?

16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore

17 GO OUT FROM THEIR MIDST, AND BE SEPARATE FROM THEM, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you, 18 and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”


238 Philippians 1:3 – Remember the body of Believers in prayer -- Colossians 3:16 - Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; teaching, admonishing and thanksgiving
239 Romans 15:5-7 – Welcome others – Live in Harmony – Glorify God -- Ephesians 1:10 – We are all united in all things in Him -- Philippians 2:2-4 – Be humble and of same mind, love in the interest of others.
240 Matthew 12:50 – A follower of Jesus Christ will DO the Will of the father -- Galatians 6:10 – DO good to everyone, especially to Believers
241 Galatians 6:2 – Bear one another’s burdens, fulfilling the law of Christ -- Philippians 2:1-2 – Encourage each other with the same Love, same Mind with joy, affection and sympathy
242 Philippians 1:27 – Be of ONE spirit and ONE mind -- Acts 2:42 – Devote yourself to fellowship and the teachings of the word -- Romans 12:4-5 – We have different functions from each other
243 Hebrews 10:24-25 – Stirring up one another with love and good works; don’t neglect meeting and coming together -- Acts 2:1 – Gather together in one place to fellowship -- Acts 2:45-47 – Fellowship at Church and in your own homes.

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Church Discipline

Membership includes methods of discipline for someone who bears the name Christian. If a church member is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or a swindler you are not to associate with them, NOT EVEN TO EAT WITH SUCH A PERSON, purge this person out of the Church. The Church judges those INSIDE the Church and God judges those OUTSIDE the Church. It’s in the Book

The NT Church knew who was IN and a part of the Church and those who was OUT and had no part; the church had the authority to create membership through baptism and authority to dissolve the membership through the vote.244

The Rabbinic notion of binding and loosing was in the “Order of Church Discipline” dealing with a brother or sister in Christ who had sinned; it did TWO things;

  1. It provided Church Rules on the methods and actions of a Spirit filled Godly life.

  2. It provides the authority of Church Discipline; to excommunicate disobedient members.

If he repents; welcome him back into the Church. Forgive and comfort him, or he may be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow; reaffirm your love for him. NOTE: You can’t put someone out of the church who has never opted to be in it. WHAT A CONUNDRUM.

The Church has been given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to bind and loose what has already been declared in heaven.245

The Binding or Loosing is based solely on a person’s acceptance or rejection of the Gospel as it reflects “Heavens perspective” on the matter.

Man cannot bind or loose something on earth and cause it to be bound or loosed in heaven. In other words, man cannot forgive sins on earth and cause heaven to forgiven the sins. Scripture bears out that the Key to opening and closing these doors is held only by Jesus Christ and we can only DECREE, based on scripture, what has already been bound or loosed in heaven.246

God is not obligated to bind or loose what men decree.

1 Corinthians 5:1-13 – Order of Church Discipline

1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans, for a man has his father’s wife.
2 And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn?

Let him who has done this be removed from among you.
4 When you are assembled in the name of the Lord Jesus and my spirit is present, with the power of our Lord Jesus, You are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.
11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler
12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not
those INSIDE the church whom YOU ARE TO JUDGE?


244 Matthew 18:16-17 – Will not listen to Church; then excommunicate
245 Matthew 16:19- You have the Keys of the Kingdom to Bind and Loose 246 Matthew 18:18 – Bind and Loose on Earth, as it is in Heaven

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Resisting Membership

Structured Churches today may seem too regimented, holding you accountable for faithful attendance, your giving, your conduct and want you involved with further responsibilities and commitments to other facets of the Church.

Folks seem to be OK with Membership in Sam’s Club or Costco, and American Express says membership has its privileges, but Church Membership makes some folks squirm and resist for various reasons; some with very good reasons and others not so much.

Maybe there is just not a church in a reasonable driving distance to your home. Some folks are Burned Out with so much involvement which has kept them out of Sunday school or Church; working in the Kitchen, keeping the nursery or part of a prayer group that prays during the service. They just want to go worship, sing praises and study God’s Word.

When the apostle Paul hit town, the first thing he did was seek out the Believers in the new city.247 Perhaps you are a Presbyterian and relocate and find an excellent Baptist Church, but they will not recognize your Baptism because you were not completely submersed in water, seemingly making your first commitment to God seem invalid, so you chose to attend, but not to join.

Some folks have deep inflexible opinions and cannot tolerate those who do not yield to their way of thinking and they feel that it’s better for them to just stay home and avoid the conflict. Maybe there is some SIN in your life or something in your lifestyle that causes you to reject coming under the authority of the Church body where you would be held accountable.

Some want to be CALLED Christian, but don’t want the commitment of BEING a Christian. We are accountable for our giving and service to others, and will be judged according to our deeds.248 Our works do not affect our salvation, only our rewards in Heaven. You don’t do good works to be saved, you do good works because you are saved.

Member vs: Non-Member

What is the difference between a member and a non-member who both attend Church and perhaps Sunday school, but neither are further involved? Obviously only a member can vote; and to partake of the Lord’s Supper both must be in good standing at a church somewhere; other than that, I can’t see any difference.

Oddly enough the non-member is invited to join with members in the relationship and fellowship of Church functions and Bible Studies groups, plus they get to park in the Guest parking near the front door and are taken to the front of the line to eat, plus they spend more time at home with their family and they don’t have to stay late for business meetings. WHERE IS THE DOWN SIDE?

Then there is the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that God has commanded us. How do you do that, and not be connected to a local body?

The Church is NOT a non-profit STORE where LOYAL CUSTOMERS come to visit, but a place where folks go to meet with Christ and with others who want to be a part of something bigger than their own personal experiences. This is where we learn what the true Gospel looks like in order to differentiate between a Gospel that has been distorted and perverted. Together we are sharpened by each other with encouragement, insight and correction.

Matthew 28:19-20 - The Great Commission

19 GO therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations, BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 TEACHING them to observe all that I HAVE COMMANDED YOU. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (ESV)

247 Acts 9:26 – Paul hit town and sought out other Believers
248 Revelation 20:12 – We are judged by WHAT WE DO for others; rewards

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There is not any one verse in scripture that stipulates that you must be a member of a local church, but there are numerous passages that speak of it. Local Church membership certainly does not determine your salvation.

There is not any one verse that says that local Church membership is a prerequisite for partaking of the sacrament of “the Lord’s Supper”, but scripture sure seems to suggest that this is the case. There are 110 occurrences of the Word “Church” in the New Testament; 90 of them refer to the local Church; so it would seem that the Local Church plays a very important role.
Local Membership in the Church is essential for three reasons;

1. Submission to Christ; obeying the teachings of the leadership.
2. Accountability and Discipline; protecting the reputation of the Church in the eyes of the

unbelieving world.
3. Spiritual Nurture through the Sacraments; Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

When we are first saved, baptized or not, we immediately become part of the Invisible body of Christ; the Church. When we have membership in a local Church we become part of the Visible body of Christ; the Church. The invisible body together with the visible body give us;

a) Identification with Jesus Christ,
b) PurificationfromourSinsand
c) Incorporation into the Covenant Community; the Church.

We express our FAITH through our

a) Statement of Faith; uniting around the message of the Gospel we believe.
b) BaptismexpressingdeathtoouroldlifeandtheResurrectiontoanewlifeinChrist. c) Church Covenant; living the lifestyle, principals and priorities of the Church Covenant.

Church Membership is SIGN LANGUAGE to the body of;

a) The church’s endorsement of your salvation.
b) Yourregularresponsibilitythatinvolvesotherpeople’slivesforthepurposeoftheGospel. c) Your individual commitment of love and to provide discipleship for others.

As sheep we are not free to roam as perpetual visitors. Church Hopping between sheep folds is

an un-biblical and irregular Christian lifestyle as sheep fall into pits and holes. We are charged with; 249

  1. a)  Increasing the “application” of Bible concepts,

  2. b)  Increasingthe“principals”ofspiritualgrowthand

  3. c)  Increasing our “character” that reflects the Holiness of God. You can only do that inside the

    ARK” of the Church; nothing survived outside of Noah’s Ark. You cannot contribute to the growth of the body if you have no proper function in it.

God said you will know the Believer by their fruit; their Godly character and actions.250 Take a good look around you, your fruits should be making a difference in someone else’s life.

We are to spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not SKIPPING Church as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.251 The Spiritual Drifter who refuses to join a visible local congregation and submit to God’s authority, disqualifies himself from participating in the sacraments.

Participation in the SIGNS & SEALS of the sacraments requires Biblical Church membership. It’s in the Book

249 Acts 2:42 – We are to be Devoted to teachings, fellowship, prayer and meals together 250 Matthew 7:16-20 - You will recognize them by their fruits, what they DO
251 Hebrews 10:24-25 – DON’T SKIP CHURCH, don’t give up meeting together

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Chapter 5.17

Bind and Loose The Kingdom Keys

Has man been given the KEY to forgive sins on earth,
causing it to happen in Heaven? If so; why do we need a Savior?

A Little Background

Jesus was addressing the Twelve Disciples and asked the question, “Who do the others think that I am;” they offered up many responses of what people were saying, then He asked them point blank; “But who do YOU think that I am”.252

Peter is often seen as the spokesman for the inner circle and responded for the twelve by stating; “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”; speaking for all of them.253 Jesus response sets up THREE deep spiritual thoughts that still “ROCK” us today;

1) On this ROCK I will build my church: What is this Rock, did Jesus change Simon Bar- Jonah’s name to Peter? Is Peter the Rock? 254

2) There are KEYS to the Kingdom of Heaven: Do we need keys to be able to enter into the Kingdom? Were the keys just given to Peter or to all the Disciples? Keys are plural; so what are all these keys for?255

3) BINDING & LOOSING: What are we binding and loosing? Is it Biblical for men to be able to bind or loose something on earth and CAUSE the binding or loosing to happen in Heaven?256

Matthew 16:19-20 - Keys of the Kingdom to Bind and Loose

19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and

20 Then he strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the

Christ. (ESV)

Matthew 18:18 – Bind and Loose on Earth; Same in Heaven

18 Truly, I say to you,



252 Matthew 16:13-14 – Who do people think I am? John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets
253 Matthew 16:15-17 – Who do you guys think I am? , “YOU ARE THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.” 254 Matthew 16:18 – On this ROCK I will build my church
255 Matthew 16:19-20 - Keys of the Kingdom – Bind and Loose
256 Matthew 18:18 – Bind and Loose on Earth, the same in Heaven

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The Rock
When Peter uttered the words YOU ARE THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD”, he

was confessing what had been hidden; it was the “Revelation” of Yeshua, Emanuel; God is with us, the Messiah. Flesh and Blood has not “Revealed” this to you. The word “Revealed” comes from the Greek word “apokalupto”; meaning to remove the veil or covering so as to expose what has been hidden; to make manifest.

The Revelation was; Jesus Christ is the Rock that now dwells within Simon. This was when Jesus changed “Simon; son of Jonah’s” name to “PETROS” which means Rock, but then went on to say, that “on this PETRA, I will build my church”; Petra is a rock that is larger than Petros.

I find it interesting, that when Peter was being chastised by the Lord, He called him Simon and when he was being commended, He called him Peter; I think to remind him of who he WAS before Christ and who he IS now in Christ; this is also a reflection for us in our life.

Jesus said that upon this revelation; this confession, this ROCK of truth, that He would build His Church. He was NOT making an “apostolic statement” that He would build His Church on Peter and Peter knew this when he called the Believers; LIVING STONES.257 The Rock is Jesus, He is the cornerstone,258 the foundation for the Living Stones; which are the Prophets, the Apostles and you and me.259

The “Apostolic Authority” to forgive Sins was never transferred to any man to be passed down through a line of successors. It is so much simpler than that; it is written; whosoever believes and confesses the Name of Jesus the Christ, their sins are forgiven. BAM

Peter did not go to Rome and start a new church as tradition would have it, but he and the rest of the Apostles stayed in Jerusalem. It’s in the Book

Matthew 16:17-18 – Simon’s name was changed to Petrus; Rock

17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.
18 And I tell you, YOU ARE PETER, (no longer Simon) and on this ROCK (The “confession” of Faith in Jesus Christ) I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


1 Corinthians 10:4 – Jesus Christ is the Rock

4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the

spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ. (ESV)

Acts 10:43 - Everyone that believes receives forgiveness of sins

43 To him all the prophets bear witness that

EVERYONE who BELIEVES in him RECEIVES forgiveness of sins through his name.”
Acts 8:1 – Peter did not go to Rome, but stayed in Jerusalem

1 Now Saul was consenting to his death. At that time a great

persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and

they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and


257 1 Peter 2:5-6 – Believers are Living Stones -- 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 – Living stones are built on Christ’s Foundation 258 Luke 20:17 – Jesus is the Cornerstone -- Acts 4:11-12 – The Rock of Salvation is Jesus the Cornerstone
259 Ephesians 2:19-22 – The foundation of the Apostles is Jesus

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Sidebar – The Church
It is interesting to me that Paul says that he was NOT taught the Gospel by the preaching of any

man, but through the revelation of Jesus Christ. Understand that this occurred after the resurrection of Jesus. Paul even states that those who seemed to be quite influential added nothing to what Jesus had already revealed to him.260

Peter had not instructed Paul in the Gospel, nor did Peter know anything about the Gospel being made available to the Gentiles; he heard about this for the first time from Paul.261 With that being said, it seems highly unlikely that Peter would be considered as head of the church as tradition has expounded.

Jesus after His resurrection appeared FIRST to James, His half-brother before He appeared to the other disciples.262 This is probably when James was converted to Christianity. Tradition has James as an important leader in early church history and was appointed as the FIRST BISHOP of Jerusalem by the apostles and the Lord Himself.263 It would seem that James would have headed up the church, not Peter nor Paul.

The Church would have seemed to be built first with Peter’s leadership, then it looked like it might become Paul’s leadership, or perhaps even James, but in the end, it is JESUS; the Rock, the Cornerstone that is the foundation of the Church; JESUS AND NO OTHER.

Ephesians 2:20 – Jesus Christ laid the foundation, the Cornerstone

20 Together, we are his house, built on
THE FOUNDATION of the apostles and the prophets, and


The Keys
What is missed about the Keys to the Kingdom is that they were not for the SWEET BYE AND

BYE, but for the NASTY NOW AND NOW; the present, Jesus said the kingdom of God was at hand; a present reality.

The Keys to the Kingdom were not given to just Peter, the spokesman for the twelve, but given to all the disciples who were present; to the CHURCH. This was not about the exclusive rights to open or close Heaven to specific individuals, but about the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which FAITH is required or the door is already shut; the KEYS open the Kingdom of Heaven to all who would receive the Gospel, believing by FAITH and close it to those who obstinately reject the Gospel and would not believe.264

The KEY of the house of David opens what none can shut; and shuts, what none can open. The trusted servant of the King was the gate keeper and had access to the temple. The keys were hooked on his shoulder symbolizing that he was the only one who had the authority to open and close the doors of the King’s house.265 The king’s keys are the symbol of authority and power and are symbolically passed down to Jesus Christ through the linage of David.266 It is Jesus who can allow or disallow someone entrance into the kingdom; there is NO OTHER

260 Galatians 1:11-12 – Paul didn’t receive the Gospel through Peter nor any man -- Galatians 2:5-6 – The other leaders added nothing to the teachings of Jesus’ to Paul
261 Acts 13:46 – Paul said WE ARE TURNING TO THE GENTILES with the Gospel -- Galatians 2:7 – Peter didn’t know about the Gentile inclusion

262 1 Corenthians 15:6-7 – Jesus appears to James after His resurrection then to the apostles -- Matthew 13:55 - James was the half- brother of Jesus
263 Galatians 2:8-10 – James becomes a Pillar, a leader to the Jews. -- Acts 21:18 – James and the leaders. -- James 1:1 – James, the writer of the book of James

264 John 3:3 – You must be Born Again -- Romans 10:9 – You must Confess with your mouth and Believe in your heart
265 Isaiah 22:22 – He has on his right shoulder the Key of the house of David that Opens & Closes what no man can open or close 266 Revelation 3:7 – Jesus has the Key of David

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The Religious leaders; the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes abused the teaching office that had been entrusted to them by rejecting THE KNOWLEDGE of the Gospel Message and thus were hindering others who were wanting to embrace it. Jesus said they would NOT enter the kingdom of Heaven and were also hindering others from doing so.

These Church leaders were the guardians of the Law yet they had deprived the people of the true understanding of it, having in their mind NOT the concerns of God, but merely human concerns. They were known as experts of the Law, but became Blind Guides who misunderstood, misappropriated and misused the Keys to the kingdom that were given to them, and they became a “Stumbling Block” for others.267

The MASTER KEY to the Kingdom is the KNOWLEDGE of the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ, that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins and eternal life through His name.268 This Key has been entrusted to us, to GO, teach the message of the Gospel and make disciples all over the world.269

FIRST KEY: Opened the gates of Heaven for Jewish Believers; there were added that day about three thousand souls and they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.270
SECOND KEY: Opened the gates for the Samaritan Believers; the half Jew and half Gentiles. They heard the Word preached, saw demons cast out, rejoiced and had hands laid on them and they received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.271

THIRD KEY: Opened gates for Gentile Believers; while Peter was still preaching, the Holy Spirit fell on all the Gentiles who heard the word and the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles.272 They exclaimed “can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have”?

Acts 10:43 - Everyone who believes receives forgiveness of Sins

43 To him all the prophets bear witness that through his name


John 3:16 – Believe in the name of Jesus and have eternal life

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that


Binding and Loosening

I feel a need to discuss the Torah, the first five books of our Bible as well as the entire extended Hebrew scriptures that takes us into the New Testament. The authority of the Rabies permitted or disallowed certain practices; they had the wisdom to know what was “Kosher”, what to permit and what to forbid. They would make decisions based on their scholastic reasoning of the Torah and the commentaries of the Talmudic writings. The Binding and loosing would be “in tandem” with heaven and dealt with church members who were promoting incorrect doctrine or were engaged in sinful behavior.

Binding: Fasten, tie, constrain, shut, close, stop, govern. Certain activities are declared bound, prohibited or forbidden in their Torah compliant Spirit led lives.
Loosing: Unbind, untie, free, release, open. Certain activities are declared loosed, allowed or permitted in their Torah compliant Spirit led lives.

267 Matthew 16:23 – Lawyers became a Stumbling Block to the others
268 Luke 11:52 – The Key to the Kingdom of Heaven is KNOWLEDGE -- Matthew 4:17 – REPENT for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand -- John 3:18 – FAITH in Jesus Christ is Required
269 Matthew 28:18-20 – The Great Commission; GO and Make Disciples, Teach, Baptize
270 Acts 2:38-42 - FIRST KEY opened gates for Jewish Believers
271 Acts 8:4-17 - SECOND KEY opened gates for the Samaritan Believers
272 Acts 10:34-48 – THRID KEY opened gates for Gentile Believers

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When our Bible was first translated, those who translated it knew nothing about the Hebrew Culture nor the science of linguistics; they just translated the “Greek”, word for word into “English”. When the Greek text was translated back to the original Hebrew of the TORAH, some new understandings and adjustments took place which brought new enlightenment to what the New Testament Hebrew text was originally meant to convey.

Such is the scripture concerning Binding and Loosing; this “Enlightenment” brought about new translations of the Bible, with the intent; NOT to make it say what we wanted it to say, but to uncover the TRUTH of what the text originally intended to convey. Centuries of misinterpretations are just now coming to light; such is found in the Amplified Bible and the New American Standard Bible.

In the Greek, the words “bound” and “loose” were spoken in the “periphrastic future perfect passive construction” which means that the words should have been translated, “shall have been bound already or shall have been loosed already”. Binding or Loosing is dependent upon what heaven has already willed rather than what we as Christians decree.

Man cannot bind or loose something on earth and cause it to be bound or loosed in heaven. In other words, man cannot forgive sins on earth and cause heaven to forgiven the sins. Scripture bears out that the Key to opening and closing these doors is held only by Jesus Christ and we can only STATE, based on scripture, what has already been bound or loosed in heaven.273 God is not obligated to bind or loose what men decree.


(AMP) Matthew 16:19 – Must be what is already declared in heaven
19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth MUST BE WHAT IS ALREADY BOUND IN HEAVEN; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth


(NASB) Matthew 16:19 – Must be what is already declared in heaven
19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth SHALL HAVE BEEN BOUND IN HEAVEN, and whatever you loose on earth


Bind & Loose by Revelation
Peter had a vision of a sheet coming down from heaven with all kinds of unclean animals

forbidden by the Mosaic Law. God told him to kill them and EAT, because they were now clean.274 What was once forbidden; BOUND, a common thing has now been LOOSED; a clean thing. (I think this is when Peter has his first BBQ pork sandwich; maybe NOT, it might have been Catfish, Shrimp, Lobster,

Hushpuppies, French fries, slaw and some Sweet Southern Tea.)

Bind & Loose by Church Discipline
The Rabbinic notion of binding and loosing was in the “Order of Church Discipline” dealing

with a brother or sister in Christ who had sinned. It did TWO things;
a) It provided Church Rules on the methods and actions of a Spirit filled Godly life and b) Provided the authority of Church Discipline; to excommunicate disobedient members.

273 Isaiah 22:22 – The Key of the house of David Opens and Closes -- Revelation 3:7 – Jesus has the Key that OPENS and CLOSES 274 Acts 10:10-15 - Unclean animals once bound are now clean; loosed

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of the Gospel as it reflects Heavens perspective on the matter.

Step 1 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.275
Step 2 If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.276

Step 3 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.277
Step 4 If he does not repent, then “Let him who has done this be removed from among you”; excommunicate him from the church; from his friends with the hope and prayer that his sinful nature will be destroyed and this will turn him around and his soul will be saved.278

Step 5 If he repents; welcome him back into the Church. Forgive and comfort him, or he may be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow; reaffirm your love for him.279

How many times should you forgive? As many times as a brother repents, not seven times, but seventy times seven; so many times that you loose count.280

The Key’s to the Kingdom opens the sacrament of “The Lord’s Table” to Believers who are walking according to the Spirit, and closes it to Un-believers or Make-believers who are not walking after the Spirit. We are taught to EXAMINE OURSELVES concerning sin in our lives and seek forgiveness before we participate in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, otherwise we bring God’s judgment on our lives; bringing sickness and perhaps even an early death.281

Example of Church Discipline
This may seem extreme, but a man and his wife sold some property and decided to give some

of the money to the Church. They were free to do whatever they wanted to do with the money. They kept some of the money, BUT told the church they were giving all of it.

Peter called out the couple before the church because they LIED; telling them they could have kept ALL the money and it would have been just fine, but instead they had lied to the Holy Spirit; and so God “Took Them Both Out”.282

Paul calls out Peter before the church because of his HYPOCRISY.283
FIRST because; before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came, he drew back in hypocrisy and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party and
SECOND because the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, and THIRD so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy.

Jesus calls out Peter in private as a “STUMBLING BLOCK”. Jesus had just explained that He was going to be killed and raised the third day, when Peter rebuked him for his words and Jesus told him he was acting like Satan; his mind was not on the things of God, but on the things of man.284

275 Matthew 18:15 – Step 1: Go to your brother alone
276 Matthew 18:16 – Step 2: Next go and take someone with you
277 Matthew 18:17 – Step 3: Next take it to the Church
278 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 – Step 4 - Church Discipline; Excommunicate
279 2 Corinthians 2:6-8 – Step 5: If repented then reaffirm your love to him
280 Matthew 18:21-22 – Forgive 490 times or so many times that you lose count
281 1 Corinthians 11:27-28 – Examine yourself before the Lord, confess your sins -- 1 Corinthians 11:29-30 – Unworthiness brings judgment upon yourself even unto death
282 Acts 5:1-10 – Peter calls out a couple for lying to the Church
283 Galatians 2:11-21 – Paul calls out Peter in his hypocrisy
284 Matthew 16:23 – Jesus calls out Peter as a Stumbling Block

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Introverts & Extraverts

The President of Carolina Christian Broadcasting occasionally would ask me to find scriptures whilehewasspontaneouslyrespondingtoquestionsonLIVETV. Igottobepartofhispresentation while assisting with a computer in a back room. He was an EXTRAVERT; a natural in front of the TV Camera and I was an INTROVERT and avoided the camera if I possibly could, but I was a natural behind the scenes. I loved what I did, and was honored to be a part of WHAT HE DID.

Simon Peter was an EXTRAVERT; “a natural” out in front; presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and he had a partner, an INTROVERT named Andrew who loved what he was quietly doing behind the scenes.

Andrew was Simon Peter’s Brother. In the beginning, Andrew was a disciple of JOHN THE BAPTIST and was the first to be called by Jesus to be a part-time disciple, but also continued as a fisherman with Peter and with their partners; two other brothers James and John. It was Andrew that BROUGHT Peter to Jesus to become a Disciple. Andrew is noticeably quiet in the background, as Peter, James and John seem to dominate the inner circle; but he seems to be forever busy, just BRINGING others to meet Jesus.

Andrew’s heart did not resent living in the shadows and being a SUPPORTING ACTOR of his brother Peter who took the leadership role. He saw value in SERVING QUIETLY in the background. He delighted in BRINGING anyone and everyone to meet Jesus. Most people come to Christ because of a personal testimony of a friend, neighbor, office worker or relative. Because Andrew BROUGHT his brother Peter to Christ, another 3000 received eternal life. WOW

Everyone is not called to be a Simon Peter, but we can ALL be an Andrew. We can be “BRINGERS.” The Holy Spirit is responsible for planting the Seed. We are responsible for watering the seed. God is responsible for the Harvest; our job is the easiest; we just water.

Man CANNOT forgive sins; that’s why we need a Savior and we need men like Simon Peter out front teaching and men like his brother Andrew in the back helping to park cars. You probably know a Simon Peter. Find a way to BRING just one person to meet Jesus. As an introvert all we have to do is WATER and sometimes God will allow us to see His harvest.

Binding Satan – Loosening his hold
Can someone Bind Satan and loose people from his nefarious activities? I certainly have heard

this all my life. This concept comes from combining two scriptures. That of having the keys to bind and loose and the other to bind the strong man (Satan) and take his goods which are deemed to be money, political power and the people he controls.285

Nowhere in scripture did anyone every utter the phrase, “I bind you Satan”. What I found was; the Archangel Michael instead of challenging Satan, said “THE LORD WILL REBUKE YOU”.286 Another scripture says “the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded”. 287

The strong man of scripture is surely Satan who previously had the lives of us as believers bound up, but we are now FREE from his chains and power, because Yeshua; Jesus the Christ has given us authority over him and his ways. Should we make a declaration concerning binding Satan that the early church did not teach nor practice?

Paul was pretty strong on making up new practices, he said: If ANYONE is preaching to you A GOSPEL CONTRARY to the one you received, let him be ACCURSED.288

285 Matthew 16:19 – You can bind and loose whatever has already been bound or loosed in heaven -- Matthew 12:28-29 – Bind the strong man and take his goods -- Galatians 1:8-9 – A Contrary Gospel – Let him be accursed
286 Jude 1:9 – The Lord will rebuke Satan
287 Acts 19:15-16 – Evil spirit beat them up took their clothes

288 Galatians 1:8-9 – A Contrary Gospel – Let him be accursed

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Jesus is the Word made flesh, who is the true one, the Holy one who has the key of David that opens what no one man can shut, and shuts what no man can open.

The power of the Keys is the faithful proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jew, then the Samaritan, then to the Greek; the Gentiles; which would be us.

We have options with the Keys;

a) We can do nothing through ignorance of the power of Jesus that lives within us.
b) We can abrogate our responsibility and just give the keys back to God.
c) We can bind and loose according to the revelation received and become a part of what God has already done by being a BRINGER of someone to the Good News.

We are Ambassadors for Christ who have already been given power and authority to speak and act on behalf of the King; to bind and loose on earth what He has already bound and loosed in Heaven. The “Revealing” to Peter was the removing of the vale which gave us the revelation of knowing who we are serving; THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD who is the ROCK and has all the KEYS, even the keys of death and Hell.

2 Corinthians 5:20 - We are ambassadors for Christ


behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. (ESV)

Revelation 1:18 – Jesus holds the Keys of death and the grave

18 I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and


(AMP) Matthew 16:19 – Binding & loosing is in tandem with in heaven 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you BIND (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth MUST BE WHAT IS ALREADY BOUND IN HEAVEN; and whatever you LOOSE (declare lawful) on earth


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Chapter 5.18

On the Golf course – Fishing – Adult Bible Studies – Getting in on God’s Plan Giving of your Time - Leadership Services – Prayer for Healing – Attend Church

First Word

I remember when my job forced me to work on The Lord’s Day and after a while I just got out

of the habit of going to Church. When I retired I had to remind myself that this was a privilege that I should not take for granted. Now I only miss when sickness is in the family and I can’t imagine going to Church without taking advantage of the Adult Bible Study classes that precedes it.

Once, we were the objects of God’s wrath and were out of fellowship with Him; in darkness.290 At the cross, the blood of Jesus wiped away all sin from us so that we can now have fellowship with God.291 We are to fellowship with each other; teaching each other so that God’s wisdom will richly dwell in all of us.

The Church body grows; enlarged by those whose hearts have been cultivated by the Holy Spirit. This happens as we spent time studying, praying, praising, sharing, fellowshipping and breaking bread together. Jesus is the head of the Church which is the body of believers.292 Loving the Lord and being of one mind makes us fellow citizens in the kingdom. Because of Christ, we are not strangers to each other, making it easy to receive someone into our fellowship that we don’t even know. We are commanded to have fellowship and relationships with others; to bear one another burdens and speak things to others that lift them up in the name of Jesus.293 We are admonished to be in one accord and to be of the same mindset and of the same love.294

289 Hebrews 10:24-25 – Don’t forsake assembling together in Church -- Philippians 1:3 – Remembering the body in prayer
290 Colossians 1:13 – We are transferred from darkness into the kingdom of Light
291 Matthew 16:15-18 – Jesus builds the Church on the ROCK of Confession of Faith -- Ephesians 2:20-22 – Jesus is our cornerstone, our foundation our only hope -- Ephesians 3:21 – Jesus is the glory in the Church -- Colossians 1:18 – Jesus is the head of the Church -- Ephesians 1:22-23 – Jesus has authority over all things
292 Colossians 3:16 - Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thanksgiving
293 Galatians 6:2 – Bearing one another’s burdens -- Romans 15:5-7 – Welcome others; Live in Harmony and Glorify God
294 Philippians 1:27 – Being of one spirit, one mind and one faith -- 1 Corinthians 1:10 – No divisions, Same mind, Same judgment Philippians 2:1-2 – Affection, Sympathy, Encouraging with the same Love, same Mind -- Ephesians 1:10 – We are all united in all things in Him

Relationship Fellowship

How many times have you heard it? I don’t have to go to any Church to fellowship with God. I can fellowship while on the golf course or out fishing in my boat. I believe both of those statements are true, but if we have a choice, God wants that fellowship to be extended to others and for others to extend the fellowship back to you.

Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together in fellowship with the body of Christ as some have been accustomed to doing; it’s a privilege that many do not have.289

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God does not want us to be divided over issues concerning His word and the best way to be in one accord is to study the same book; the Bible. When we spend time coming together to share the things that have been revealed to us through the studying of His word, we allow the fullness of the spirit of God to come into our lives and we began to see Jesus for who He is; this knowledge strengthens the whole Church.295

The body of the Church is inhabited by God through the Holy Spirit. Although there are many member of this family of God, we are still just one body or one Church; each member has a special place of service and a special gift to the body.296 So we are to be involved with each other utilizing our gift whether it be in hope or in pain.

Doing the will of God makes us members of the same family.297 It is our FAITH that binds us together. We only need to believe and receive Jesus Christ into our hearts to become part of this AWESOME family of believers.298

Body Leadership

Some members have been appointed to watch over the souls of the body; and God holds them accountable. They are called Evangelist, Pastor’s, Prophets, Deacons, Elders and Teachers.299 They have been placed in authority to lift us up, encourage us, teach us and perfect us for our work. We are to hold them in high esteem and to be at peace with them and among ourselves.300


God has made the family unit through marriage very special.301 We are to guard this family unit lest Satan try to divide it. A man and a woman become ONE when they marry, just as our spirit and the spirit of God becomes ONE when we receive Jesus.302 We should treat our spouse as if they were our very own body with love and sensitivity and to honor each other lest our prayers be hindered by Satan. We are commanded to be kind to one another, tender hearted, with self-control and speaking good things; we are to submit to one another and to our God.303

LOVE does not envy nor is it prideful or rude, but is patient, kind, truthful with self-control, thinking no evil, believing, bearing, enduring and hoping in all things according to our faith.304 Relationships are so important in our life that it’s God’s commandment that we love one another.

There is no greater love; than for a man to lay down his life for a friend; Jesus did that for us.305 We are to love one another with the “God Love” that Jesus had.

1 Corinthians 13:13 – The greatest of things is to LOVE

13 So now FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE abide, these three; but THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE. (ESV)

295 Acts 2:45-47 – We fellowship at Church and in our own homes. -- Ephesians 2:22 – Believes become a dwelling place for Spirit of God -- Acts 2:1 – We gather in one place to fellowship together
296 1 Corinthians 12:12-28 – The body has many different functions
297 Galatians 6:10 – Doing good to everyone -- Matthew 12:50 – Doing the Will of the father -- Acts 2:42 – Devoting yourself to the teachings and the fellowship -- Hebrews 10:24-25 – Fellowship Stirs up love and good works -- 1 John 1:3 – The Believer has fellowship with the Father and the Son 1 John 1:7 – If we walk in the light we will have fellowship with one another

298 Ephesians 2:19 – The Believer is a member of the household of God -- John 1:12 – He gives Believer’s the right to become children of God -- Romans 12:4-5 – We have different functions from each other, but the same body -- Galatians 3:26 – We are sons of God through our Faith -- Ephesians 3:14-15 – We bow our knees before the Father
299 Ephesians 4:11-12 – Apostles, Preachers, Deacons, Elders and Teachers
300 Hebrews 13:17 – Submit to the leadership of your church. -- 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 –Respect, Esteem the leaders, and be at Peace among yourselves -- Hebrews 13:7 – Imitate the way of life of your leaders
301 Genesis 2:18 – It is not good that man should be alone -- Ephesians 5:21-33 – The mystery of marriage is profound -- John 3:16 – Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will have eternal life
302 Genesis 2:24 – A husband and wife become one flesh
303 John 15:17 – Love one another; it’s a command -- John 15:9-10 – Keep God’s commandments and abide in His love -- Ephesians 4:31-32 - Be kind, tender hearted, forgiving one another
304 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 – Love endures all things and never ends --1 John 4:10-12 – When we love each other, God abides in us --1 Peter 3:1-7 – LOVE; So your prayers will not be hindered
305 John 15:12-14 – Jesus laid down His life out of love for us -- John 3:16 – Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will have eternal life

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Fellowship with One Another

When we share with others what we have learned from studying God’s word, the world recognizes us as Christians as we become ONE with Christ; just as He is ONE with the Father God.306 We become righteous in God; that’s right, if you take Jesus as your personal Savior, you are righteous before God. It’s in the Book.

When we love God; His love is so powerful that nothing can separate us from Him, not even death. In fact neither death, life, angels, principalities, powers, things that are present or things to come, nor height, depth or any other creature can separate us from the Love of God.307 When our hearts are rooted and grounded in Love we will be able to understand the depth of love that Jesus has for us and we will be filled with HIS fullness.

We are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, this love is better than offerings and sacrifices.308 We are to love life, speaking no evil, doing good, seeking peace, being of one mind in Christ, having compassion for our brothers and sisters.309 We are born of God and know Him, IF we are operating in brotherly love.310

We are to fellowship with our Lord through the reading of His Word and the singing of spiritual songs.311 The Word says that WE SMELL GOOD to God when we share his Word. This begs the question; what do YOU smell like to God?312

Ephesians 3:17-19 - How wide, long, high, and deep is His love.

17 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.
18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should,


19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to

understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of

life and power that comes from God. (NLT)

Relationships in Healing

My mother would often tell me that she wanted me to be a doctor, because doctors were next to Godliness; doctors went about healing those that were sick. I thank God for doctors and I thank God for the great physician Jesus Christ; we need them both. We can go to God in prayer about our needs and share it with others in the body of believers and have hands laid on us in a unity of prayer and faith.

The Gift of healing is present within the body of believers in the Church.313 God said this; not me: It’s in the book. It’s a normal process for our bodies to be attacked by sickness. Our bodies “wellness center scales” fights against the invasion of sickness in order to balance up the scales. Satan’s minions quickly attacks our mind to mess with the balancing of these scales.

Most people DO NOT read the Bible, so they don’t know the promises of God. They only know what their Belief System has experienced; so their “Truth” is based on their BS experience

306 John 17:21-23 – We are unified as a family of Christ -- Ephesians 5:30 – We are all members of His body. 307 Romans 8:38-39 - Nothing can separate us from the love of God
308 Mark 12:30-33 - Love your neighbor as yourself -- 1 Peter 3:8 – Be tenderhearted, forgiving one another 309 1 Peter 3:11 – Do good, Seek peace, Strive to do the Word

310 1 John 4:7-8 – Anyone who truly loves is a child of God
311 Ephesians 5:19 – Singing praises and songs among yourselves
312 Ephesians 5:2 – Christian Love is a pleasing AROMA to God) -- 2 Corinthians 2:16 – We are life giving PERFUME to those saved 313 1 Corenthians 12:28 - There are many gifts of healing. -- Mark 9:28-29 –3 John 1:2 – As your soul prospers, so your health prospers

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Because of our experience, OUR MIND tells our body that we probably won’t receive supernatural healing. THEREFORE, according to scripture, to receive healing we must first renew our mind and embrace the scriptures as the FINAL AUTHORITY.

There are roadblocks to the receiving of our healing and tricks of Satan that steals our promises; willful sin, strife, pride, doubt, fear, unbelieving friends and scriptural ignorance. The scriptures also indicate that there’s a war going on with principalities and powers to delay or stop the promises of God from ever reaching us, another reason to pray without ceasing.

Although we are believers, we also carry some un-belief. Therefore to receive, first of all we must believe and not doubt; then pray often about our need.314 To get a good crop of Faith, we need to spend time tilling the soil of the scriptures and watering it daily.

A family member of mine went to be healed by Oral Robert’s healing ministry. When she was not healed, she was told that it was because she did not have enough faith; she was devastated. I find upon reading the healing accounts in scripture, that when the healings occurred FAITH was present within someone; either the sick person, those bringing the person or the one who was speaking healing over the person; so perhaps it may also have been that those at Oral Roberts ministries that were laying on the hands may NOT have had enough faith.315 That statement is not meant to be negative, but is just something to think about. SELAH

When the disciples could not cast out a demon, Jesus said it was because of their “little faith”. With that said, if the Disciples faltered in their faith, it would seem more that plausible that we too can falter in ours.316 To increase our Faith, Jesus said to spend time fasting and praying.

It’s in the Book
Every person
that came to Jesus Christ was healed. Jesus said He only did the things the Father did, therefore we can conclude that it is God’s Will that we be healed; no ifs ands or buts; it is His Will. Jesus took the beating on His back, the cuts in His flesh, the pain and the grief, so that we might be

healed.317 So claim it.

The Take Away

We are commanded to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together whether it be in Church, in homes or eating out together; that we need relationships and fellowship with likeminded believers. We have fellowship with one another through studying the Word and the breaking of bread in others homes.

I believe playing golf, sports or fishing with fellow believers develops relationships in Christ, but it is in addition to sharing our needs with the body of Believers and reaching out to others in their needs thus making a difference in their lives.

We have fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ, by attending Church; coming together to study God’s Word, devoting ourselves to the teachings with prayer and the singing of hymnsandspiritualsongs,withthankfulnessinourheartstowardGod. Whenyouhavearelationship with just yourself, you miss out on being a part of God’s plan in others’ lives; God does not need your money or your time; but when you give it, you become part of what God is doing whether it be in HOPE or in PAIN. SELAH

It’s in the Book

314 James 5:14-16 – Confess your sins; Anoint with oil, pray for each other’s healing
315 Matthew 9:28-29 – According to YOUR FAITH be it done to you -- Matthew 9:20-22 – You receive healing through your faith -- 316 Faith is developed through Prayer and Fasting
317 Isaiah 53:5 – We are healed by the wounds on Jesus Christ -- 1 Peter 2:24 - By his wounds we have been healed -- Exodus 15:26 – I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians
318 Romans 11:29 – His gifts and calling to us is irrevocable

Nowhere in scripture are we told or is it implied that the gifts of healing have stopped.318 There is no special method to receive our healing, it can be either instant or gradual; the emphasis is not on the process, but on the result.

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Chapter 5.19

Cost of Discipleship

Jesus said; we must HATE our mother & father, sister & brother, wife & children in order to be His disciple. – What is a Hyperbole? Do we give up everything to be a disciple - Why is verse 74 missing?

Hate Your Father

Right off the Bat we see Jesus speaking to a “great crowd” of people about discipleship. He is stressing the priority and place of importance in following His teachings of the Kingdom of God. Many Versions of the Bible have the words of Jesus in RED, so this is one of those times that these very words in RED are quoted directly from the mouth of Jesus Christ.

Jesus said; if anyone comes to me and does not HATE his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.

WOW, what a strong statement. I have never HATED my Mother, Father, Sister, Wife or Children; does this mean that I cannot be a Disciple of Christ?

Luke 14:25-26 – Hate your mother and father; your own life

25 Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them,
26 If anyone comes to me and does not HATE his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he CANNOT be my disciple. (ESV)

Nut Case

Now let’s take a look at another passage when a man takes a message to Jesus that his mother and brothers and most probably his sisters wanted to see Him. His father Joseph had probably already passed away by the time that this occurred.

NOTE: Verse 47 is missing from some manuscripts and from the ESV Bible, but I have included it from another version in order to get the full flavor of what is being said; the family was probably standing pretty far off because they were undoubtedly embarrassed at His claims of Deity, so they just sent Him a message to let Him know that they were there.

When a man is so given over to God with total dedication, he is branded a lunatic or fanatic or a NUT. Jesus’s family and even His friends thought He was going out of His mind. Jesus said (in letters of RED) that He “was NOT honored in His own household”.

It was prophesized by Jeramiah that even His brothers would deal treacherously with Him and instructed Him to not believe them, though they speak friendly words.319 Loaded with these emotions of what family and friends thought of Him and still reaching for His own high calling; Jesus responded.

319 Jeremiah 12:6 – Prophecy; Brothers will deal badly with Jesus -- John 7:5 – Even His brothers did not believe in Him -- Matthew 13:57 - Jesus was rejected by his own household -- 1 Corinthians 15:4-7 – Jesus appeared to His Unbelieving half-brother James

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Jesus stopped what He was doing and (words in RED letters) responded, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever DOES THE WILL of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.

Matthew 12:46 – Family minus Joseph shows up

46 While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. (ESV)
Matthew 12:47 – The Family is standing outside with a message 47 Someone told Him, “Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to You.” (HCSB)

Matthew 12:48-50 – Jesus said; who is my Mother and Brothers

48 But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”
49 And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers!

50 For WHOEVER DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.


John 15:14 – You are my friends if you obey


Mark 3:21 – Jesus has FLIPPED OUT; He is out of his mind 21And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they

were saying, “HE IS OUT OF HIS MIND.” (ESV)


Hyperbole is not a word that we use much in our everyday speech and seems to have taken on more of a foothold during the elections when those running for office would often say something and seem to back track by just saying it was just a hyperbole; a figure of speech.

Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as perhaps a rhetorical question that does not require an actual answer or is used as a figure of speech that emphasizes and evokes strong feelings, and creates strong impressions and it is usually NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY. Understanding hyperboles and their use in context can further one's ability to understand the messages being spoken.

Jesus used the Word HATE in reference to His Mother and Father as a hyperbole to emphasize the importance of the kingdom of God. If Jesus had said you must LOVE your mother and father LESS; and the kingdom of God MORE, you would have walked away with a totally different emotion. He was saying that we must foremost seek Him and the Kingdom of God over all other things including family.

To be a disciple of Jesus Christ,
You don’t have to hate your family and friends,
you just have to love Jesus and the Kingdom of God more.

Give up everything

Wikipedia says a disciple is a follower and student of a mentor, teacher, or other figure.
In Jesus’ Words in Red”, He says “those of you who do not give up everything that you have cannot be my disciples”; another heavy statement. Let’s look at this through the eyes of an old country preacher named J. Vernon McGee, who points out that there is a difference between a Believer and a Disciple. Three times in His teachings was the phrase used “Cannot be my Disciple”.

Missing from Some versions

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Jesus was addressing His disciples in a series of teachings on the seriousness of “counting the cost” of WARFARE and what it means to be His Disciple. 320 The key word is “apotassetai” which means “to give up” or “renounce” or perhaps even better is “to take leave of”. In this teaching, Jesus is not telling them to sell everything that they have and give the money to the poor, but rather the thoughts are more of abandonment, yielding up the right of ownership, having the willingness to part with their goods, to focus on the ministry.321

A disciple of Christ must have a Single Focus, with NO hindrances, to be able to go anywhere and stay as long as necessary with no thought to what he will wear or what he will eat or drink or what is going on back home. The love for God must be greater than the love of having your own way, greater than family affection and greater than the love of property or possessions. Jesus demands a complete and total RADICAL commitment; this is the “Cost of Discipleship”.

Paul drives home a point about Singleness of Mind, when he says that it is his “opinion” and not a command from the Lord; that a disciple should stay single so that his thoughts are NOT on pleasing his wife and worldly things, but FIXED on spiritual things of God.322 I must point out that some of the Disciples were married and even took their wives with them.

Believer vs; Disciple

What I am about to say next may upset many of you, but I look at this recognizing that there are TWO paths, both taught in scripture, leading to salvation through Jesus Christ which paths never cross, but terminate in heaven. Those that of their own FREE WILL accept Jesus Christ and those that were PREDESTINED to accept Jesus Christ. There were thousands who were called Disciples of Christ, but it was this predestined inner circle of twelve that were being called to be the First Missionaries. It was this special group of twelve that Jesus was teaching the “Cost of Discipleship.

Everyone that believes is technically NOT a disciple; “one who gives up everything”. My friend Mitch Martinez and I both share a love for the Lord, but Mitch, packed up his family of five and left everything behind and moved to the Dominican Republic to be a missionary and at this writing he has been there some 35 years while I have remained back in the USA enjoying all of its benefits and blessings. So you can see that a BELIEVER and a MISSIONARY are not necessarily the same thing.

There is a special attitude of the Disciple or Missionary that the things he has in his possession that have been given to him for his use, no longer belong to him; they are in his “trust”; in his “stewardship”. This same attitude is necessary for today. It’s in the Book

The parable of the Rich Young Ruler indicated that he had kept all the commandments of God, but was told he lacked one thing; to go sell everything he had and give it to the poor. The problem Jesus brought to the surface with this young man was his HEART PROBLEM, his ATTITUDE; his attachment to his extreme wealth, that wealth was “LOVED MORE” than discipleship.323 It was better that he left in sorrow than staying with a BAREFACED LIE.

This is not a teaching to go and sell everything you own and give it to the Church so you will be saved, but it does teach a “Spirit of Stewardship; to be able to part with our goods that happens to NOT be ours anyway. Dr. Luke says; “if you have NOT been faithful with the “unrighteous wealth” of the world, who would entrust to you the true riches of the Gospel”.324

Some time ago I hired a man to work in TV production and within a week he was seeking a promotion with higher pay. He became disillusioned when I told him that most of our positions received the same hourly pay. He told me he had sold all that he had, and given most of it to his church back home and relocated to South Carolina in order to get a job in a Christian endeavor.

320 Luke 14:33 – A Disciple MUST give up everything
321 Matthew 6:25 – Take no thoughts of what to eat, drink or wear
322 1 Corinthians 7:6-8 – Better single while serving the Lord -- 1 Corinthians 7:32-34 – Single; free of anxieties worldly things
323 Luke 18:22-25 – Rich young ruler; sell everything give it to poor -- Luke 6:38 – Give and it will be given back to you running over 324 Luke 16:10-11 – Faithful in little; will be faithful in much

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He quoted scripture saying; “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap325. What I saw, was a man who was “giving” in order to “get more”. He had totally missed the point of having an “Attitude of Abandonment of things” and had not yet embraced a “Spirit of Stewardship”.

The Take Away

Jesus was thought a NUT CASE for His radical teachings, even by His own family. After His resurrection, He appeared to His “unbelieving” half-brother James just to encourage him in the faith.326 Tradition has James as an important leader in early church history and appointed as the first bishop of Jerusalem by the apostles and by the Lord Himself.

Jesus used HYPERBOLES such EAT my body and DRINK my blood, and many disciples left Him.327 These were HARD TEACHINGS; to magnify the “Cost of Discipleship” and the preparation for war, He taught HATE your mother and father. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ, you don’t have to hate your family and friends, you just have to love Jesus and the Kingdom of God MORE.

J. Vernon McGee says there is a difference between a Believer and a Disciple or what we might call today a Missionary. An Apostle or Disciple or Missionary is one who is sent; there are many ways of serving noted in the Bible with missions being just one of them. There are offices of prophesying, teaching, evangelism, leading, administration, mercy, serving, encouraging and contributing.328 Some Believers find their niche by working in the kitchen, running the sound board, being a part of the praise team or rocking a baby in the nursery; all the parts are needed in the Church. If you are called to be a disciple or Missionary you would certainly know it.

As an introvert, it is doubtful that I could be a disciple or a missionary, but I can do Word Studies and share them on the internet; I can water the spiritual garden of others. If Wikipedia is correct; a disciple is a STUDENT or FOLLOWER of God and that would be something we can all be. (Something to just ponder; could you leave your family & possessions?)

1 Corenthians 12:29 – No one has all the Gifts
Do all work miracles? (NO) - Do all have gifts of healing? (NO) - Do all speak in tongues? (NO) - Do all interpret? (NO) NIV

325 Luke 6:38 – Give and it will be given back to you running over
326 1 Corinthians 15:4-7 – Jesus appeared to His half-brother James and it changed his life
327 1 Corinthians 11:24-26 – HYPERBOLES; Jesus said eat my bod, drink my blood; many disciples left -- John 6:53-67 – Many disciples left Jesus; HARD TEACHINGS
328 Romans 12:6-8 – Offices & gifts; prophecy, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, mercy -- Ephesians 4:11-12 – More offices & gifts; prophet, evangelist, pastors, teachers -- 1 Corenthians 12:28 - Even More offices & gifts; miracles, healing, helps, administration, tongues -- 1 Corenthians 12:14-31 – The body needs ALL the offices & gifts in the church

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Chapter 5.20

Women in the Church

Working in the background, opening their homes; giving of their means; the Many Marys’ of Jesus time 329

The Ladies330
Anna; an 84 year old prophetess who lived in the temple watched and prayed unceasingly for the

coming of the Messiah. The Priest Simeon had prayed that he would see the redeemer before he died and uttered these famous words; “Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.” That time had finally come for Anna and she was the first to declare that baby Jesus was the Messiah; the Redeemer of the world.

Dorcas also called Tabitha was a woman “full of good works and alms deeds”, she not only gave money, but gave of herself; she worked with her hands compassionately making clothes for the widows, the fatherless and the poor. She died suddenly and Peter prayed over her and said “Tabitha arise” and she came back to life.

Elizabeth old in years was the wife of the priest Zacharias and the mother of John the Baptist the forerunner of Jesus Christ and was also the cousin of Mary and the first to greet her as the mother of the Messiah. She wrote two poems; Mary Magnificat and Zacharias’ Benedictus.

Eunice and Lois; mother and grandmother of Timothy who they taught as a small child that he should know the Holy Scriptures which are able to make him wise into salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Paul loved Timothy as his own son; he accompanied Paul and Silas on their journeys as they preached the Word.

Salome who seems to be Mary’s sister, was very wealthy and had servants. She had two sons James and John who were in the inner circle of three. She supported “The Way” with proceeds from her husband Zebedee’s fishing business. Her infamous words to Jesus was “Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left in thy kingdom.” Jesus responded; “Ye know not what ye ask”.

Priscilla also known as Prisca was wife of Aquila, both tent makers along with Paul; they were loyal friends and workers in the faith and supported the Christian movement by opening their home for meetings. She was a teacher and expounded on the scriptures “the way of God more perfectly” to Apollos and others she welcomed into her home. Prisca’s name appears on monuments in Rome and on a church “Titulus St. Prisca.” It is said “they laid down their own necks” for Paul.

Luke 2:29-32 29 Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations

329 Mark 15:40-41 – Many worked to provide care; Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Salome -- Luke 8:1-3 – Many women gave money to support the ministry, Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna
330 Anna Luke 2:29-30 -- Dorcas also called Tabitha Acts 9:36, Proverbs 31:13, 20, Acts 9:40 -- Elizabeth Luke 1:46-55, Luke 1:68- 79 Eunice and Lois 2 Timothy 1:5, 2 Timothy 3:15 -- Salome Matthew 20:21-23, -- Priscilla also known as Prisca Romans 16:4, 1 Corenthians 16:19

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Luke 1:46-55 - Mary’s poem, song of Praise: THE MAGNIFICAT 46 Mary responded, “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.
47 How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
48 For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed.

49 For the Mighty One is holy, and has done great things for me. 50 He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him.
51 His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones.

52 He has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with empty hands.
54 He has helped his servant Israel and remembered to be merciful. 55 For he made this promise to our ancestors, to Abraham and his children forever.” (NLT)

Luke 1:68-79 – Prophecy; ZACHARIAS’ BENEDICTUS
68 Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people.
69 He has sent us a mighty Savior (Jesus) from the royal line of his servant David, just as he promised through his prophets long ago.
71 Now we will be saved from our enemies and from all who hate us. 72 He has been merciful to our ancestors by remembering his sacred covenant
73 the covenant he swore with an oath to our ancestor Abraham. 74 We have been rescued from our enemies so we can serve God without fear, in holiness and righteousness for as long as we live.
76 And you, (John) my little son, will be called the prophet of the Most High, because you will prepare the way for the Lord.
77 You will tell his people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins.
78 Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us,
79 to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” (NLT)

The Marys’

Mary of Nazareth the mother of Jesus did not seem to accompany Jesus on his journeys, but was present from time to time, possibly helping with income from the carpentry business. She stands apart, raceless, timeless and classless from all women in history in adoration, even to unbelievers.

She embodies the greatest miracle of the Bible; the Virgin birth of Jesus the Christ. It is thought that she probable penned the first two chapters of Luke since it is written seemingly in the first person with details that only she could know. She is present at the dedication and circumcision of Jesus, bringing Him up in the Laws of Moses, bringing him to the Temple at the age of 12, seen present at the wedding where Jesus changed water into wine. We see her at the foot of the cross and present with the 120 in the upper room on the day of Pentecost.331

331 Luke 1:28 Gabriel appeared to MARY OF NAZARETH and said Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!” -- Luke 1:42-43 Elizabeth exclaimed to Mary, “God has blessed you above all women, and your child is blessed.


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Mary of Magdala: Cured of seven demons by Jesus. She is not the sinful woman in Luke 7, other writings indicate her family died and left her a great deal of wealth. She was always present, working quietly in the background with devotion to Jesus’ life, His death and His resurrection.

Her name is mentioned fourteen times in the scriptures; she was the first to see the stone rolled away from the tomb and hear the first words uttered at the tomb; “WOMAN.332 Mary’s devoted spirit is so easy to fall in love with. I would have picked her to marry Jesus, if He had the desire. (I do believe He loved her; no scripture implied, just saying.)

Mary the mother of James and Joses: also known as “The Other Mary;” is mentioned most often in service alongside of Mary Magdalene. She is thought to be the sister of Mary of Nazareth and was an eye witness of the crucifixion and was present at the empty tomb where she had brought spices to anoint Jesus along with Mary Magdalene.333

Mary the mother of Mark was wealthy and owned a large home with servants, which she put at the disposal of the followers of Jesus where she sheltered them for prayer meetings. She is painted as a consecrated, beloved blameless widow whose home was a well-known gathering place in the community. She put herself and her home at a great risk for supporting the movement of The Way.334

Mary and Martha of Bethany loyally providing a place for Jesus and the followers of The Way to stay in their home. This was Jesus’ home base where He stopped often on His missions. This is the Mary that anointed Jesus with oil and wiped His feet with her hair.

The home actually was Martha’s supposedly left to her by her late husband. Mary the younger lived there along with Lazarus their brother who Jesus raised from the dead. The whole family loved Jesus and treated Him like He was just like part of their family, although fully knowing that He was far more than that, He was the One that was to Come; the Messiah, the Son of God.335

Mary of Rome was a hard worker serving the Christian community, building the early church at Rome. We know very little about her, except for Paul’s commendation as he singled her out for her very hard labor for the sect known as the Way in Rome. 336

The Take Away

Women of antiquity efforts were mostly overlooked with very little written about their labors and contributions. There were about 316 women mentioned in the Bible despite the Gnostic mindset that Women were inferior to their fathers, brothers and husbands. This study looked at only a few of the women that had an impact on the movement in history called The Way. Jesus had taught His followers that He alone was the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no man could come to the Father God except through Him;337 Jesus is THE WAY.

Women in the time of Jesus were not allowed in the Temple to be taught the Torah as the men were; their time was to be spent teaching their girls the traditional ways of service in the home. With Jesus including women with the disciples in His teachings and in the work of The Way, He elevated them to be equal to men in the Kingdom of God; Unintentionally, you could say He started the Women’s Liberation Movement as well as the WOC; the Women of the Church that we have serving today. You will find much deeper insight into the women of antiquity in the books Who’s Who in the Bible by Paul D. Gardner and All the Women of the Bible by Edith Deen; I encourage you as a student of the Word, to get both of these invaluable books for your library.

332 Mark 16:9 – MARY MAGDALENE had seven demons cast out of her -- John 20:13 – WOMAN why are you weeping? -- John 20:18 – Jesus commissions Mary to go tell the Disciples; she said I have seen the Lord
333 Matthew 27:56 – MARY MOTHER OF JAMES AND JOSES; a Godly woman serving THE WAY -- Mark 16:1 – Mary the mother of James brought spices to anoint Jesus -- Matthew 28:1 – The OTHER MARY went to the tomb

334 Acts 12:12 – MARY MOTHER OF JOHN MARK opened her home for prayer meetings -- Acts 12:13 – Mary had servants and a large house
335 Luke 10:38-39 – MARY AND MARTHA opened their home to Jesus and His disciples. -- John 11:27 - You are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who is to come
336 Romans 16:6 - MARY OF ROME, worked hard for the benefit of The Way
337 John 14:6 - I am THE WAY, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me

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Chapter 5.21

Women Preachers

Women the weaker vessel should be silent in church

First Word

I found a tract at the Flea Market renouncing Women as preachers in the Church pulpit. This topic is certainly a heated one with supporters on both sides of the argument. It sparked my interest on what the scriptures might reveal.

The GNOSTIC Mindset

This stuff is far out and probably more than you want to know

Gnostics; the “People in the know” taught secret revelations combined with the mixing of myths and rites drawn from a variety of religious traditions.

If you can just comprehend the Gnostic thinking, that women were part of a time continuum; starting with plants, then bugs, then animals, then women, then men and finally a god. So, ultimately as you progress along the continuum you would be like the gods. A non-reproductive woman is “on her way” to becoming a “man” and thus entering the kingdom of heaven. Is this some messed up stuff or what?

A “female” in the time continuum, was actually a “male” that had just not yet “arrived”. So a female was considered a “second class” person, an inferior human being; inferior to men. With the Gnostic mindset, it would be inconceivable that when Jesus was resurrected He would have appeared to a woman and not a man. That’s why the disciples did not believe Mary and went to the grave to see for themselves that Jesus had actually risen.

With that said, I can see how the scriptures and other writings might be “TILTEDto overlook the work of women in the spreading of the “Good News”; THE WAY movement.338

Acts 24:14 – Followers of THE WAY

14 However, I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a FOLLOWER OF THE WAY, which they call a sect. I believe everything

that agrees with the Law and that is written in the Prophets, NIV

Luke 24:9-11 – They didn’t believe the WOMEN

9 When they (the Women) came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven (Disciples) and to all the others. It was
MARY MAGDALENE, JOANNA, MARY THE MOTHER OF JAMES, and the others (women) with them who told this to the apostles.

11 But THEY DID NOT BELIEVE THE WOMEN, because their words seemed to them like nonsense.


338 Acts 24:22 – Felix was acquainted with THE WAY

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Women’s Liberation Movement

Women were considered “second class” to their father, brothers and husband. The message of Jesus was of freedom and equality of the sexes; liberation from the constraints and restrictions of Jewish Law concerning women. This may be why so many women were attracted to the teachings of Christ. Women’s Lib was not the agenda of Christ, as all twelve of His inner circle of disciples were male, although women were certainly liberated to function as they desired.

Back to the Tract

The Flea Market Tract in its sincerity points to the “Look alike Churches” that teach a homogenized doctrine that mixes tradition and humanism with scripture instead of the “strictness” of the scriptures. Satan cannot stop or PREVENT scripture, but he can PERVERT it, and I think this is where the writer is coming from.339

The tract argues against Women Preachers, pointing to the blindness of the Church in its interpretation of scripture that accepts women pastors. The writer feels that these Churches are the blind leading the blind and they both will fall into the ditch.340 The primary scripture identifies the NT Church as in confusion.341 Customs of Jewish Life indicates that the men set in Church on the lower main level and the Women in balconies on each side and would call out in an elevated voice to ask their husbands questions.

Paul in the “Order of Church Discipline” required the women to be silent in church and if they needed to know something to wait and ask their husbands at home.342 He further expresses that a woman should not usurp the authority of a man.343 Both men and women were allowed by law to pray and prophesy in the Church.

The tract is correct that the Bible never actually instructs us to have women pastors,344 but in the O.T. as well as the N.T; scriptures show that when a man will not take the leadership role, God will raise up a WOMAN to lead; example is Deborah the Prophetess and Judge.345

Women Apostles
Webster: Disciple: a pupil or follower of any teacher or school of religion; an early follower of

Webster: Apostle: a person sent out on a special mission; one who is sent
Mary Magdalene is always mentioned first among the women in the NT and thus by

interpretation, she can be assumed to be the leader of the WOC; the “Women of the Church” as she obviously had the leadership qualities. She was a Woman Disciple, a follower of “The Way”.

I like to think of Mary Magdalene as the first Woman Evangelist sent out by Jesus Christ to bring the Good News of His resurrection to the eleven remaining disciples as Judas had already left the inner circle as was prophesied. Mary was commissioned to go and tell what had happened. That would make her the first Woman Apostle; she was sent.346

I know that this is a stretch, but Mary Magdalene could be said to have established or originated “Christianity” as she was the first to believe that Jesus Christ was “raised from the dead” and went on to tell the others. You may recall that at the resurrection none of the chosen Twelve Disciples were even present.

339 Isaiah 8:20 – The Church is teaching, but with no light in them 340 Luke 6:39 – Can the blind lead the blind; both fall into the ditch 341 Acts 19:32 – The Church was in confusion
342 1 Corenthians 14:33-35 – Women should be silent in Church

343 1 Timothy 2:11-12 – A woman should not be permitted to teach
344 Galatians 1:9 – You were not taught to have women pastors
345 Judges 4:9 – Deborah said; The Lord will give the honor to a Woman
346 Matthew 28:5-7 – The Angel commissioned Women to go and tell -- Mark 16:6-7 – Women Commissioned to go and tell -- Luke 24:9-11 – Peter had no respect for Mary’s words

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So; up until THAT time the Apostles had preached the coming of the Kingdom of God; now they were to teach the resurrection of Jesus Christ fulfilling the scriptures. God used a woman; deemed “second class”, to spread the Gospel, He used the weaker vessel, considered foolish, to confound those who think themselves wise.347 The Flea Market tract says... NOT SO... Mary was just sent on an informal errand; NOT commissioned to make a public address.

Mark 16:9 – Jesus appears first to Mary Magdalene

9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week,

driven seven demons NIV

John 20:17-18 – Jesus sent Mary Magdalene

17 GO INSTEAD TO MY BROTHERS AND TELL THEM, `I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"
Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news:

"I HAVE SEEN THE LORD!" And she told them that he had said these things to her.


More Women Apostles

The scriptures record other Apostles that were women. Junia is a female name and so is Priscilla. The woman at the well was sent to evangelized the town’s people; she was an Apostle, she was sent.348

There were many “Women of the Church” who worked tirelessly in the WOC for the Lord; Phoebe was commended for her service, then there was Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Persis, Julia, Euodia, and Syntyche. 349

Old Testament WOC

Let’s take a look at the OT: Men were coming to Women to receive a word from God. Men, Priest and Kings sought the advice of these prophetesses. There was Aaron’s Sister Miriam, and Deborah, Huldah and Noadiah; all which were Prophetesses; there were even prayers said for prophetesses.350

Flea Market Tract says: When God permitted Women to act inconsistently with the commands of the OT, it does not become a standard for His will in the NT.

2 Kings 22:14 – The Priest went to the prophetess Huldah

14 Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam, Acbor, Shaphan and Asaiah went to speak to the prophetess Huldah, who was the wife of

Shallum. NIV

2 Chronicles 34:22 – King sent people to the prophetess Huldah

22 Hilkiah, and they that the king had appointed, went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvath,


347 1 Corenthians 1:27 – God uses the weaker things to confound the wise
348 Romans 16:7 - Junia was a woman apostle -- Romans 16:3 – Priscilla was a woman apostle -- John 4:28-30 – “Woman at the Well” Evangelist
349 Romans 16:1-2 - Phoebe -- Romans 16:6 – Mary -- Romans 16:12-13 - Tryphena and Tryphosa -- Romans 16:12-15 – Persis and Julia -- Philippians 4:2-3 – Euodia and Syntyche; leaders of the Church
350 Judges 4:4-5 – Deborah a prophetess decided disputes in court -- Exodus 15:20 – Aaron’s sister Miriam was a prophetess -- Nehemiah 6:14 – Prayer in remembrance of the prophetess Noadiah.

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NT Prophecy Definition
Prophecy: The Bible word is “Propheteuowhich means “to magnify God”, “To speak of

divine things” and has nothing to do with foretelling the future, but of witnessing to the grace of Jesus Christ and magnifying His name. Paul wanted everyone to prophesy. When you read about people “prophesizingthey are praising God’s name and His attributes.

Speaking of Divine things is the ability to “Unpack”, unveil, enlarge and project forward, the scriptures for the edification of the Church as the spirit enables. Philip was an Evangelist who had four daughters who were all prophetesses; they were Evangelist just like their father.351 I’ll say it another way; they were ALL WOMEN.

Prophets of God: John the Baptist was the last of the PROPHETIC Prophets who foretold future events. Today there are no more Prophets that reveal the future. There are no NEW revelation today; only new enlightenment of what has already been written in our God breathed scriptures.

Matthew 11:12-14 – John was the Last Prophetic Prophet

12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. 13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied UNTIL John. 14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.


Women CAN speak in Church

Scripture encourages the believer, both man and woman to seek the gift of prophecy. God promised to pour out His Spirit on women who would then prophesy.352 A person that prophesies edifies the whole church, this means that women would prophesy IN CHURCH to women and to men for their strengthening, comfort, encouragement and edification.353

Paul’s Book of Church Order; Women will speak in Church “in order” and with no confusion.354 Flea Market Tract says: Women can only teach other women and children, they cannot speak in church, but can pray silently and are “privileged” to enter into congregational singing and to GIVE of their means. They also need to have a hat or veil on their head. The woman’s chief work is in the home rearing children and caring for her own family and entertaining.

Disciples & Apostles

Just so you can get the concept of Disciples (followers) and Apostles (those sent) you have to think past the first TWELVE men chosen. Christ chose 12 Ordinary men at the beginning of His ministry to an extraordinary service, then there was 72 more, then 120 more (men and women) , then 3000 more (men and women),355 then finally the “ApostlePaul came along AS a Disciple born out of time.356

Talk from his Ass

I thought it was certainly interesting to see in scripture the way God chooses the weaker things to show forth His Glory. Balaam was beating his beast of burden, his ass trying to get him to move forward on the trail when his Ass spoke to him.

351 Joel 2:28-29 – The Spirit will be poured out on your daughters and they will prophesy -- Acts 21:8-9 – Philip had four daughters who prophesied.
352 Acts 2:17-18 – Spirit poured out; Women will prophecy
353 1 Corenthians 14:1 – Desire the gift of prophecy. -- 1 Corenthians 14:3 – Prophesy is spoken to strengthen MEN -- 1 Corenthians 14:4 – Prophecy edifies the Church. -- 1 Corenthians 14:24-25 – Prophecy will convict the unbeliever of his sin

354 1 Corenthians 14:31-33 – Book of Church Order”; You All CAN prophesy
355 Luke 10:1-2 – Jesus sends out 72 more disciples - (72 = base 12) -- Acts 1:15 – Jesus then 120 (number of Priestly Government - base 12 multiple) -- Acts 2:40-41 – They spoke; 3000 more accepted the message
356 1 Corenthians 15:8 – The Apostle Paul born out of due time; A Disciple

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Balaam was not amazed at all that his ass was talking to him and proceeded to have a normal conversation with him. (Maybe that’s where we get that term.)

God used the weaker things like Balaam’s Ass – Ravens – Fish – Cock – Worm – Aarons Rod – Ram’s Horn – Jawbone – Oxgoad – Tent Peg – Millstone – Trenches - Pitchers – Empty Vessels – Cruse of Oil – Barley Bread – Elijah’s Mantle and the Wind to show forth God’s glory and wonder.357 With all that said about God using the weaker things to show forth His Glory; I think we should also consider that it is POSSIBLE that God can use the weaker vessel; a WOMAN.

1 Corenthians 1:19 – I will frustrate the wise



1 Corenthians 1:20-21 – God uses foolishness to save believers

20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him,


1 Peter 3:7 - I will use the Woman; the weaker vessel

7 Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding

way, showing honor to THE WOMAN AS THE WEAKER VESSEL,

since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your

prayers may not be hindered. (ESV)

The Take Away – I’ve just got to say it
Pastors have a pulpit in the church to preach sermons that edify the church, they have a tender

Pastors heart” to lovingly bring the congregation along in the word.
Teachers don’t have a pulpit to teach from, except maybe a Sunday School class or a Bible Study

group. They have a “Teachers heart” exhorting Hard Truth that can shake your bones. They give you the word and can’t understand why you just don’t do it.

Sometimes a Teacher finds himself in the role of a Pastor just so he has a pulpit where he can exercise his gift; we need both. My wife seeks a “Pastors heart” and I seek a “Teachers heart”.

I personally don’t want a “feel goodMILK message, I want some MEAT; Just saying. It seems good to me that you should go to the Church that feeds your spirit, a place where you can fellowship with likeminded believers. It doesn’t matter where ALL your other friends go; it only matters where YOU go. Consider that it is POSSIBLE that God might use a WOMAN; a weaker vessel to preach.

357 Numbers 22:27-30 – Balaam’s Ass -- 1 Kings 17:4 – Ravens -- Jonah 1:17 – Fish -- Mark 14:72 – Cock -- Jonah 4:6-7 – Worm - Gourd -- Exodus 4:2 – Aarons Rod -- Joshua 6:5 - A Ram’s horn -- Judges 15:15 – Jawbone of an Ass -- Judges 3:31 – Oxgoad -- Judges 4:21 – Tent Peg -- Judges 9:53 – Millstone -- 2 Kings 3:16-17 – Trenches -- Judges 7:19 – Pitchers -- 2 Kings 4:3-4 – Empty vessels -- 1 Kings 17:16 – Cruse of oil -- Judges 7:13 – Barley Bread -- 2 Kings 2:8 – Mantle -- Jonah 1:4 - Wind

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Chapter 5.22

Church Sound Advice

Traditional vs; Contemporary – Stereo vs; Monophonic - Audio Boards – Mirroring – Wired & Wireless Microphones – Speakers – Cue Systems – Meters – Foldback – Feedback - Resonant Frequencies – Phasing – Headroom – Wind screens - Distortion – Noise Gates – Peak Controller’s - Spectrum Analyzers – Notch Filters – Best Operating Practices

Early Audio

You have heard the term Cutting a Record”; in my early studio days we had record recorders which the stylus actually cut into the vinyl the commercial that the disc jockey would later play on the air. The shavings looked like hair or whiskers as they peeled off behind the stylus. They were fun to stick in your nose to “break up” the DJ while he was live on the Air.

The process was called the “Hill and Dale” method for monophonic recordings, with the stylus moving up and down; later when two sources of sound presented itself, it was called “Binaural Sound” which later became known as stereo. In addition to the Hill and Dale method of cutting a disc, the stylus would now also move laterally left and right to produce the second channel of audio. So now the magnetic phono pickup cartridge had to accommodate the stylus moving up and down as well as left and right.

After a few passes of a record being played, scratches would appear and create high frequency noise in the sound; so the industry created a “pre-emphasis amplifier” that would record the music or commercial with the highs extremely increased and when the record was then played back it went back through a special “phono pre-amp” that de-emphasized the highs back down to normal levels. Now when the record got scratches, those high frequency scratches were pushed way down; de- emphasized greatly and were not so noticeable. That’s why a record player has its own special “Phono Pre-amp”. Later the bare needle was replaced with a diamond tip to reduce wear and scratches and a spray was developed to spray on to clean and “in effect” lubricate the stylus movement.

Conclusion: Amplitude Modulated Noise has always been a problem for the audio engineer. With today’s technology moving into the Digital format, unwanted noise has not just been reduced, but eliminated in recordings. During pauses in passages you do not hear tape hiss or high frequency scratches; you hear “the Sound of Silence”.

As a fun note: in the early years, most Radio station owners had both an AM & FM station. The first stereo radio transmissions where accomplished by sending the left audio signal to an AM radio station and the right channel signal to an FM radio station. Folks at home at the advertised hour would place both AM & FM receivers on a table and then tune in both stations to the different frequencies and would sit back in amazement at the different sounds. The first one I heard was “The Theme from Picnic” which has two different, but complementing themes running throughout the selection & presented on the separate speakers.

The recording medium “standardin the 50’s became vinyl tape coated with iron oxide. As an Audio Engineer for Educational Radio and TV, my job was to edit audio tapes, taking out coughs, words pronounced wrong and unwanted sounds from the outside. To do so, you had to physically CUT THE TAPE and remove the unwanted section and then you re-inserted Room Tone back in its place, so that the passages would sound natural.

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ROOM TONE was recorded for two minutes after the recording session ended. Everybody in the studio set silent the entire time. This recorded room tone was then re-inserted into the tape so that you would not notice any change in the background sound; sometime it meant inserting only 3/8 inch of tape, if it was not enough, you took it out and added another 1/4 inch or so to it.

This tedious time consuming job was not everybody’s cup of tea; you must love audio to put up with what some would call foolishness. I call it pride, doing your work as into the Lord.

Colossians 3:23 – The Book Do your work as unto the Lord 23 whatsoever ye do, work heartily, as unto the Lord; not unto men;

Audio Boards

In the early days the audio boards contained tubes with the power supplies remotely located in a rack to reduce hum and was fan cooled; everything was hard wired into the board. Every microphone or device passed through a patch panel bay first. The only thing that could be plugged in was a microphone in the studio. The audio consoles were made by GE or RCA and could do only three things. 1) Turn the mic off and on 2) Put the mic in audition /cue mode to hear it on a cue speaker and lastly, 3) vary the gain sent to the audio board with a rotary POTENTIOMETER which for short was called a ‘POT’”, with only one main VU meter. (To some today, a POT is something you smoke.)

Today’s Audio Board inputs are not hard wired, but have balanced audio connectors with the “XLR“ being the most popular, but also 1/4 inch TRS jacks (Tip, Ring, Sleeve) as well as unbalanced RCA inputs. Some have the inputs on the top of the console instead of the back for ease of setup and teardown. A two conductor input is said to be “unbalanced” and is usually high impedance; and a three conductor is said to be “balanced” and has a low impedance. The “balanced input” reduced amplitude modulated interference problems such as 60 cycle hum.

VU is Volume Units and is measured in DB’s or decibels. A db was the amount a human ear coulddetectachange. Anincreaseof3dbdoubledthesoundthattheeardistinguishedandadecrease of 3db cut the sound in half as the ear could detect.

The Standard Reference Level was said to be “0”db which provided an adequate feed to recording devices, amplifiers and transmitters. Later this standard would move to +8db which was much better concerning pushing down noise on transmissions lines such as was provided by the telephone company that connected the studio to the transmitter site.

Level Matching became the challenge for the audio engineer. If your standard reference level is 0db and you have a recorder that has a +4db output and another one that has a +8db output and cart machines that have 0db output, you must PAD down every device above 0db before they get to the audio board, making all levels the same at the point of input.

Modern Audio Boards do not have rotatory POTS, they have individual strips with sliders or faders which do the same thing, but each slider/fader is now on its own input, and have supporting “Pots” that can PAN the amount of signal sent into left and right stereo channels. For “SWEETENING” they also have Frequency Band Equalizers, Reverbs, Rumble Filters, Routing Program switches, Noise Gates, as well as input attenuator TRIM Pots or PADS to bring the levels into your operating standard. There is also auxiliary “Pre-fade” pots that send a feed to the performers fold back speaker or in-ear monitor. This is independent of the house mix.

A mixer used for simple remotes might have 6 channels where a night club might have 24 channels and a concert some 96 channels; a church might have 16 inputs which would be fine for a traditional service, but it would be pushing it for a Contemporary Service with a Praise Team, multiple guitars, base guitar, drums, keyboard, piano and special effect instruments. Some Churches have two separate services; Traditional and Contemporary and two different audio board operators. It’s just two different sounds.

The audio engineer can set all the faders to the mid position and then adjust the input attenuator for 100 percent modulation on its INDIVIDUAL VU METER which is a modern enhancement.

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Now a HOT input signal does not force you to run the fader at the bottom of its range and a WEAK signal does not force the fader to the top of its range.

NOTE: Early Pots or faders were made of carbon and the actual audio passed through them and over time, the Pots would become noisy as you raised and lowered the level. Today the fader can control a light with a photo cell or control a transistor’s output and are operational NOISE FREE.

Noise Gates

Noise Gates are a preset threshold that a signal must exceed in order for the gate to open and allow the signal to pass. When it is closed, you hear nothing. The term “Noise” applies to any signal that is below the signal threshold. Gates eliminate the background noise from “on stage” amplification systems, when a vocalist is not singing or an instrument is not in use. Noise gates can be “chained” so that one gate can cause other gates to open if desired.

This is not a noise rejection circuit; if noise is present when the threshold gate is opened, the noise will also pass. The adjustments are Attack, Hold and Release (fade out). Noise gates can “chatter(open and close) which is caused by spurious undesirable sound fluctuations A Hysteresiscircuit in the more expensive audio consoles greatly reduces this “chatter”.

Subgroup Routing

Specific inputs can be mixed on a subgroup channel and then inserted into the main mix. For instance, drums in an enclosure could have a number of microphones with individual faders that are grouped on just one fader for insertion into the final house mix. Instead of adjusting many faders for the drums, you would just adjust just one; same for the vocals.

VU meters (with needles) indicate the levels for each channel; Peak Meters are often LED’s on

each channel that light up different colors so that at a glance you can tell if the signal is too HOT and is clipping the audio. Some systems use GREEN to indicate signal presence and YELLOW for a signal approaching clipping and RED to indicate clipping/distortion.

Cue Systems

Early audio boards cue system was selected by rotating the pot all the way down until it clicked into the cue position which then could be heard on the control room cue speaker. When the DJ opened the Control room mic, it would trip an “ON THE AIR” light outside the door and cut the cue speaker and send the cue signal to his headphones. He could then cue up records as he talked live on the air. When he opened a studio mic; the fold back speaker would be silenced in the studio and a “Quiet” or “On the Air” sign would light outside the studio doors.

It was not unusual to see the audio board raised up about 5 inches to accommodate mercury switches below each pot that would turn on the appropriate TURN TABLES. However, the most common method was to back cue the record 1/4 turn and then hold the “Platter” and let it “Slip” on the turntable felt until you were ready and then you just released it.

Today’s cue system utilizes a PFL Pre-Feed Listen” pot also known as a “Solo” pot or just simply “Cue”. There is also a SIP Solo in Place” button which literally mutes all other inputs so that you can only hear that specific audio input and troubleshoot it; CAUTION this function would be a disaster if depressed during a live performance.

Talk-Back systems utilize a microphone at the audio console for the sound engineer to communicate with an announcer in a announce booth or a performer on stage which may be some distance away. Talk-Back might utilize speaker monitors, or heard silently in headphones or an earpiece. This can be observed on TV newscasts where the anchors wear an earpiece with a stretchable coil of wire located just behind their neck.

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TEST TONE oscillators are on some audio consoles that are used for troubleshooting and testing channels during set up. Many audio engineers prefer “Unity Gain” between pieces of electronic equipment; meaning the same level coming in is the same lever coming out.


When mixing sound for a “Live” performance in an auditorium and also mixing sound for broadcast, some consoles can Mirror each other, making both consoles exact duplicates of each other. The one for broadcast or recording can then be re-mixed as needed.

In the event of hardware failure TV networks will have Mirror Audio Consoles so the listener never knows of a problem. Many preamps have dual amplifiers, so that if one side fails the other continues and the audio only drops -3db which is only half the signal. The audio engineer just raises the fader to increase the signal level back to normal.


Headroom simply stated is a term used for how much louder a signal can get above normal before distortion sets in. For instance a 0db audio board may have 10db of head room which means that when a signal “over modulates” an amplifier, it can go as much as an additional 10db before distortion or clipping occurs.

Wireless microphones have limited headroom because of the transmission “bandwidth” of the transmitter and receiver; so some hand held mics have selectable attenuators on the mic themselves. Recording devices are also limited depending on the medium that it is being transferred to as well as Radio and Television Transmitters which have limited bandwidth.

In the early days of Radio, broadcasting was on AM Amplitude Modulated frequencies and the owner of the station would want his station to sound louder than the other stations in the market. The higher the signal pumped into the transmitter the more the Transmitter stayed at maximum power. The results were the DJ would always have the audio pumping in the RED; blowing it through.

The FCC Federal Communications Commission didn’t agree with that and would issues costly citations to the station for Over Modulation. A television station’s CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PAPER would be worth one million dollars before anything had ever been purchased. Fragrant Over Modulationviolations could result in the loss of the station’s license to broadcast; so over modulation was a BIG DEAL.

This resulted in the invention of “Peak Controllers” that would limit or push down the loudest audio signals to prevent over modulation. This just gave the AM radio stations the license to SIN; so they increased the audio levels even more making the Peak Controller work even harder. It would suck up the lowest levels and then compress down the highest levels causing “Pumping” or “Sucking” of the audio.

To the audio fanatic, which I am; being raised as a child on classical music in the 40’s and 50’s, this was JUST AWFUL because it destroyed the “Dynamic Range”; this is the range between soft passages and loud passages, THEY ARE JUST LOST. Today audio pumping as well as distortion is injected as special effects into the music.

Since the introduction of FM radio, the frequency is Modulated, not the Amplitude Modulated. Therefore there is no need to SLAM the audio, because it gets no louder, the power stays the same. Today Radio and Television stations use an ALC Automatic Level Control at the studio that gently raises or lowers the base platform of the average signal plus or minus 10db. The low passages of an old western movie would be gently and slowly raised as it was needed to the standard level. Then at the transmitter site a “Peak Controller” or limiter would attack the high levels spikes of audio.

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Many stations use a five band loudness controller and limiter before the program audio is sent by the microwave STL (Studio Transmitter Link) to the Transmitter site. This separates the audio into five discreet bands and attacks them individually leaving the other frequencies unaffected. Sweet


Microphones come in a variety of configurations, but the most common is the Omni- directional which picks up 360 degrees around the mic and the others are directional. Some you see at football games pointing backward into a parabolic dish with filters that only pass the mid frequency range of the human voice. It rejects or greatly reduces all the other sounds that are picked up “off axis” to what the operator is pointing at. That’s how you can hear the calls of the players.

(Today law enforcement can bounce a laser beam off your window pane and hear what is being said in the room, via the vibrations on the glass pane.)

Phantom Power is power that is supplied to a condenser or capacitor microphone. The mic cable is plugged into the power supply first then to the audio console. A DC voltage is sent via the audio cable to the microphone to power it and the audio returns on the same cable. Caution: this must be a dedicated line to that specific microphone.

The one that is most used in churches would be the microphone that produces a cardioid pattern in one direction. This greatly reduces the sounds originating on each side of the mic; it is a must for the audio operator whether it be a vocal or a violin. Note; every microphone MUST be in phase with each other. (see phasing)

Microphones are additive; every time you add another mic you are increasing the sound that other microphones are also picking up, only at a reduced level, but additive none the less. So the goal of the audio engineer is to make each mic invisible or dead to the other mics. This is done through placement or proximity. A vocalist who holds the microphone near their mouth aids in making their mic invisible to the vocalist beside them.

The caveat is that the vocalist needs to know how to “Work the Mic”. Every singer has a frequency range in which they are effective, and anything higher or lower than their range, their volume level falls off. So the mic is moved in closer at the end of their range and further away in the middle of it. Just a movement of an inch or two WILL have a profound effect at the audio board. When the vocalist BELTS IT OUT, the microphone should be “worked” a good distance away. This is a SECOND NATURE ART that must be learned and felt that only time can teach. The audio operator will either smile or cringe.

A base vocalist uses lots of air to produce a low note and is sung very soft otherwise he will run out of air; the results is that he needs to almost swallow the mic. They CUP their hand from mouth to their ear just to hear themselves. They may also be seen moving the mic rapidly in and out close to his mouth creating a vibrato sound. A guitarist will do the same thing as he shakes his guitar on certain notes.


Frequency Range is dependent upon the vocalist as well as the type of instrument being played; a tuba has a lower range than that of a flute and obviously vocalist by their very own nature find themselves singing as a soprano, alto, tenor or base; their voice ranges are just different.

Presence is a term that is used to indicate that something is displaying additional quality of sound. The Loudness Control on your stereo system ENHANCES THE LOWS while playing at low volume levels. It does not make the overall sound louder, it just makes the frequency response “Fuller”. When a microphone is used close to the performer’s mouth, the lower frequencies are enhanced; they have a better “Presence”. Lower frequencies are vocalized softer and require more AIR to get the sound waves moving.

Wind screens are used inside and outside in order to prevent the explosive sounds that occur when a burst of air emits from the vocalist on certain sounds, particularly the “P” sound.

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Wireless Microphones

Wireless Microphones in their infancy were a joke. You would be listening to the Pastor using his wireless mic and out of nowhere you would hear “10-4 Rubber Ducky... I’ll catch you on the Flip Flop”. A wireless mic might only have a 1/4 watt transmitter and a Public Service Vehicle or an Armature Radio operator might have a 35 watt transmitter which is no match for the wireless receiver.

Today wireless mics have their own FM frequency spectrum with squelches, filters and dual receiving antennas. Sometimes a pastor wanders out in front of the speakers causing Feedback. Technology today allows pastors to wear an invisible tube that conducts the sound to the pickup coil behind his ear. The extreme proximity of the mic to the mouth allows the audio operator to lower the gain on his mic making it almost invisible to the auditorium speakers. This can be a big deal concerning FEED BACK when the pastor moves around the stage area or even into the isles.

Wireless receivers come equipped with a squelch that kicks in and shuts off the audio if the signal is too weak; otherwise it would blow white NOISE at a high level into the sound board. This is noticed as the user’s audio cuts in and out; or it could be DEMONS in the audio board; maybe.

Antenna placement can be troublesome in some rooms. It is best to extend the antenna to the middle of the room in the ceiling or even under the podium so that when the user moves, he is always moving toward the antenna, not further from it. I had to mic an Actor coming onto shore in a boat and then running down a beach for some 400 feet, so I buried a 400 foot wire in the sand all the way to the antenna on my receiver. As she talked to the camera in the boat she was always moving closer to the antenna and then she ran on top of the wire; I never lost her signal once.

Distortion is often noticed with wireless mics. Let’s talk technically for a minute; the quiescent point of a transistor allows the amplifier to amplify the audio signal positive and negative equally at the same level. When the batteries get low in the mic transmitter, the lower voltage causes the quiescent point to move downward, now the Positive swings are just fine, but the negative swings are clipped, squared off and we hear it as distortion. It’s not the mic, it’s the batteries and it’s the audio operators fault. You must be aware of the time on the batteries and when it’s time to change them. When in doubt start fresh. It’s not the batteries fault; it’s your fault.


Phasing is very important in microphones as well as in speakers. If one microphone is wired differently that the others, it would be said to be 180 degrees “Out of Phase” and therefore would “Cancel Out” the same sounds that the other microphones picked up. It is referred to as “Frequency Discrimination”. This also occurs with MULTIPLE SPEAKERS.

SPEAKERS A sound engineer would walk across the back of an auditorium and listen to the speakers; if the sound diminished or produced what is called “Dead Spots” on his walk, he knew he had a speaker or two that were “out of phase” and needed to be re-wired. Speakers are color coded at the factory for “Plus & Minus” or Positive & Negative”. There is actually no polarity in an “AC” circuit, but it just denotes the polarity for speaker phasing.

NOTE: If the polarity of a speaker is not marked, you can take a 1 1⁄2 volt battery with two clip leads and place on the two terminals of the speaker. If the speaker pushes outward the terminal with the positive lead on it would be positive, if not, reverse the wires to get the outward movement for positive and then mark it.

MICROPHONES A sound engineer doing microphone checks before a live concert would set all the mic’s at their mid-level on the sound board, then place his favorite microphone on a stand and began to speak into it. As he spoke, he would bring in a second microphone alongside of it and speak into both of them, his assistant in the back of the auditorium would give a thumbs up if the sound “Increased” and a thumb down if the sound “Decreased”. If the sound decreased, it would mean that the second microphone was wired backward; it was “Out of Phase” and needed to be rewired

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or a “Phasor” that reverses the wires be placed into the line to get it back “In Phase”. This process would continue until all the Microphones were deemed “In Phase”. In a 3 pin XLR connector, pin 1 is ALWAYS ground, pin 2 is red and pin 3 is black. Pin 2 and Pin 3 may vary depending on the manufacturer. Just make sure they are all wired the same. - (In the resistance color code, Red is always 2.)

In the 50’s I worked as a sound engineer for Educational Radio and TV. When running audio for baseball games, the crowd sounds were so loud that we could barely hear the announcer sitting in the announce booth speaking into a DESK mic.

My first attempt to correct the problem, was to put a smaller lavalier microphone on a coat hanger around his neck sticking up about an inch from his mouth. Changing the proximity of the microphone allowed me to turn his volume down which essentially turned down the volume on the crowd noise. My second attempt was to place a second microphone on the same coat hanger facing the opposite direction toward the crowd. It was wired “Out of Phase” then reintroduced or mixed back into the sound board with just enough audio to “phase out” the “Crowd Noise”. Today we see announcers with headsets with microphones that almost touch their lips that have integrated voice canceling phasing technology built in.

Far out FUN note: in the early days of stereo RECORDS; two microphones were set up to present separate left and right instrumental channels and the vocalist would be placed equally on both the left and right channel. With that said, an audio engineer could take the phono preamp on the record player and reverse the wiring on the second channel, which when re-introduced into the sound board, would “Phase out” the vocalist; GONE, leaving only the music be heard.

Conclusion; the reason you have a boat moving with two paddles synchronized “in phase” is so that you don’t wind up going in circles. PHASING IS A BIG DEAL


Just a word about speakers, we have already talked about phasing, so next to discuss is their power and impedance rating. Speakers should have an impedance rating that matches the amplifier’s output impedance and have a power rating that matches or exceeds the amplifier’s power rating for each channel. Often there is a desire to build your own speaker system and money becomes a big part of the decision on what you purchase.

Example; You have a 100 watt stereo amplifier with 8 ohm outputs; that’s 50 watts of power for each channel, so each speaker must be able to handle 50 watts of power at 8 ohms to obtain maximum transfer of power without frequency discrimination. You have found an awesome deal on some 8 ohm speakers with a FULL RANGE of 20 to 20,000 cycle’s frequency response, but they are only 12 watts each.

So you figure you can connect four of these speakers for EACH channel; 12 watts times 4 speakers would handle 48 watts; a pretty good match for 50 watts per channel. But the problem comes in, how do you wire the speakers, Parallel or Series?

If you wire all 4 in parallel; the power is additive; you have 48w, but the impedance reduces; 8 ohms divided by 4 speakers, (8/4=2), the load would be just 2 ohms which would burn up the 8 ohm amplifier at maximum power.

If you wire all 4 in series; the power is additive; you still have 48w. BUT the impedance adds (8+8+8+8=32) you would get 32 ohms and it would work, but you would not get the maximum transfer of power, plus you would get frequency discrimination.

Solution; Wire TWO SETS of two speakers in parallel (8 ohms divided by 2 speakers) that would give you a 4 ohm load for each set of two speakers. Then wire the TWO SETS of parallel speakers in SERIES (4+4= 8 ohms) and now you get an 8 ohm load for each channel. You now have a total of 8 speakers for both channels that can handle 96 watts of power.

Constant voltage speaker systems are utilized when there are a number of speakers in a distribution system that are needed to send sound to church nurseries, overflow areas and hallways.

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There are 25, 50, 70 and 100 volt system. I prefer the 70 volt system. Each speaker has a 70 volt transformer with TAPS that can select the wattage the speaker uses. The higher input voltage helps with signal loss on long runs as well as matches the impedance of the loaded speakers to the output of the amplifier for maximum signal transfer and optimum frequency response. Since all lines are connected in parallel, the installation is made quite simple. If an amplifier does not have a 70 volt output, an external step-up transformer can be purchased and connected to the 8 ohm output of an auxiliary amplifier. You might be surprised, but typically a hallway speaker only uses 1⁄2 watt of power each.

A 50 watt amplifier can handle 100 speakers connected at 1⁄2 watt each, or 50 speakers at 1 watt each, or 2 speakers at 10 watts each (20), plus 5 at 2 watts each (10), plus 15 at 1 watt each (15) and 10at1⁄2watteach(5). 20+10+15+5=50watts. GETIT;itsmixandmatch.

Speaker Placement
Stereo or Mono speakers for a church sanctuary? Depends on who you ask, there are argument

on both sides of the fence. The question becomes what is desired and what is required. Mono cost less and gives a naturally better intelligibility system. Stereo cost more, but most think it gives a better experience in the worship service. But the wider the sanctuary, that experience is lost unless you duplicate the stereo speaker on each side and that introduces phasing problems throughout.

Low Frequencies are not directional so they radiate out all sides of a speaker, therefore smaller churches have one MONO base speaker mounted in front, high and centered on staged area with the main Left and Right stereo speakers located angled down to the opposite corners of the auditorium.

Half space loading occurs when a speaker is close to or touches a hard surface causing it to boost the low frequency energy. Placing a speaker against the wall, the low frequencies are increased 6db and when placed in a corner it can be as much as 12db gain; so these two placements should be avoided for the flattest frequency response in the room.

Sound originating at the speaker and arriving at the listener can be reduced or even cancelled out because of signals bouncing off the walls and arriving out of phase at the listener’s ear; likewise the signals can also be reinforced making specific sounds louder.

Ideally the speakers are focused on the congregation avoiding the walls; a laser can be placed on the center top of a speaker to adjust the angle just as it hits the back row.

In large auditoriums, more rows of speakers may be required and since sound travels faster in wires than in the air, the extra rows of speaker will need a delay system to make sure the listener hears the sound from the main and secondary speakers in phase, otherwise it can dampen the intelligibility of the sound. Some sound board mixers have a sub-group output delay just for this purpose; if not, a separate “add-on” processor can be purchased.

Where balconies or extra rooms with a low ceiling exist, additional speakers must be added above and below these areas to prevent dead spaces and complaints. Most will also need to be phased, delayed as well as have their own independent amplifier feed, so that the level can be adjusted.

Sound with a Twist
Donald Leslie invented a device that would twist and flange “the sound of music”. He sold the

rights to CBS who then sold it to the Hammond Organ Company.
The Hammond organ’s “
Rotating Leslie” was a high frequency horn and a base speaker that

rotated in a full circle, controlled with a motor at two different speeds to produce a vibrato much like a singer does when they sustain a note for a period of time. This technique, if not overdone by the vocalist, is just more pleasant to listen to.

The rotation made the sound waves twist and arrive at the ear going in and out of phase much like a vibrato, also mimicking the sound of a pipe organ. The slow speed was known as choral and the fast speed tremolo. The Rotating Leslie could be purchased separately as an “add on”. Today there are electronic versions on the market that do the same thing.

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It’s also fun to know that the Allen Organ Company was the first ELECTRIC ORGAN Company to introduce an “air escape” sound when you pressed a key that mimicked the momentary sound that is first produced on an actual pipe organ as the large tubes filled with air. The Allen electric organ sounded like a real pipe organ.

In the early days of tape recording, on a Reel to Reel tape recorder, there was a distance of about an inch between the record head and the playback head. During a live recording, the audio engineer could give a delayed echo to the original sound by injecting the sound picked up by the playback head into the audio board. Running the tape deck at a speed of 7 1/2 inches per second gave a slow reverb and running it at 15 inches per second would give a faster reverb. Today electronic reverbs are used not only on vocals, but instruments such as guitars.


Impedance is resistance to the flow of electrons. For something to have maximum signal transfer of power, the impedance is said to be “matched”. For instance, if an audio amplifier has a speaker output of 8 ohms impedance then it is looking for a speaker that also has an 8 ohm impedance, this allow for the maximum transfer of power to be obtained as well as prevent frequency discrimination.

Mismatch: At maximum power; loading a 4 ohm speaker on an amplifier with an 8 ohm output could burn up the amplifier. It is said to be “Loaded Down”. However on the other hand, putting an 8 ohm speaker on an amplifier with a 4 ohm output works just fine, it said to be “Bridging” because the load of the impedance or resistance is higher than the amplifier. In all cases the Load must be matched or be higher than the audio source.

Audio lines come basically in two configurations, the first is composed of ONE WIRE inside a flexible shield said to be “high impedance” and used in economically low level devices such as microphones; the second is TWO WIRES that are also shielded and said to be low impedance and used with low level devices such as microphones as well as all high level devices.

Belden Cable was the first to introduce audio cables that had aluminum “Z” foil folded around the wires which further reduced unwanted induced signals. Multi Audio cable could be purchased with eight color coded audio lines in once cable. The sound engineer would then make a 50-100 foot SNAKE with a box of EIGHT connectors on one end and EIGHT XLR plugs on the other.

Loss & Noise; normally we have no concern for loss or noise until the audio lines start exceeding 100 feet in length. Audio is Amplitude Modulated and so is noise as well as the common 60 cycle hum that is produced by electrical devices. The longer the cable run the more loss of audio you have and the more chance of Hum, “Snap, Crackle and Pop” due to electrical devices being turned off and on and radiating into the cables. Sometimes pre-amps are used to raise the audio source levels BEFORE it travels down the cables.

This not only gives a hotter signal, but it pushes any external noise generated down to where it is not noticed. It also allows the microphone lines to be split so as to provide a feed to the live auditorium board as well as a separate feed to recording devices which in the best sense, should have a separate audio board for separate controlled results. Recording devices and Live speaker presentations are just two different ducks. The larger churches will have two audio sound consoles.

Have you ever noticed a POP when a projection screen is lowered or raised? The switch radiates electrical energy when it “makes” and “breaks”. It needs a non-polarized capacitor across the “End of Travel” limit switches to absorb the arc.


Foldback is a term used for sound which is currently being processed by the audio board and is sending it back into the studio or the stage area. It is used as monitors on the stage for the performers, so they can hear themselves singing or playing their instruments. The foldback speaker mix is different from the House speaker mix and can give the audio operator headaches as it also becomes part of the

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overall sound level in the auditorium or sanctuary. The sound engineer’s job is to make sure the performers are HAPPY; so set them up first before optimizing the main mix. Don’t be surprised that they want more “feed” once the room is running at its optimum level.

Caveat; this can contribute to FEEDBACK.
Many performers have their own Foldback systems and are a MUST for their individual

performance. Just LOVE THEM and make sure they are happy before you start your house mix, because their foldback sound levels are additive to what is heard in the auditorium.

Caveat; an instrumentalist may hear their music just fine and NOT be heard at all in the overall mix. It is the Audio operator’s responsibility to WORK THE BOARD and bring them forward, it’s not SET AND FORGET.


Audio Frequencies all travel at the same speed at the same temperature. When traveling through Air at 68 degrees, they travel at 1,125 feet per second, but the wavelength of the frequencies vary. The length of a 1,000 cycle note is approximately 13 inches. The “A” string on an instrument is 440 cycles/Hertz and the wave length is approximately 2 1/2 feet; 100 Hz is 11.25 feet and 50 Hz is a whopping 22 1/2 feet.

The reason this matters is because the surfaces or materials the frequencies encounter either reflect or absorb the sound. Many churches have the seats padded so that they will all reflect or absorb the same whether they are “occupied” or not.

Example: The 100 Hz bounces off a wall traveling right back along the same path bouncing off the other wall. A 100 Hz note will become excited if it encounters something else that is 11.25 feet or a multiple of that, reinforcing or adding to the sound. Notch filters can help greatly with this... (See Resonant Frequencies)

Automatic Feedback Suppression is accomplished by “Frequency Shifting”, “Adaptive Filtering”, “Automatic Notch Filtering” and “Delay”. Most devices are invasive and noticeably COLOR the sound except for the Auto Notch technique which is the most popular method.

Suicide Speakers are those located behind the stage presentation area limiting the amount of gain that can be utilized on a microphone before feedback starts to occur. Church auditoriums are rectangular and many have the stage area constructed in ONE CORNER forming a “V”; thus reducing the reflection of sound off adjacent walls and complementing the sound distribution like a megaphone.

Resonant Frequencies
A Resonant Frequency is the frequency of which a speaker or a room becomes sympathetic.

As a teenager, I would sit in a room at church with a bunch of other kids and I would hum at a certain frequency and the room would become sympathetic and would join in and the sound would reverberate and you could not tell where the sound was coming from. I thought I was pretty funny until the teacher made me sit up front.

Much though and engineering goes into the design of auditoriums and theaters, with angled walls and ceiling panels that reduce reflection and other panels to absorb sound, but rarely is a church sanctuary designed for sound; it is designed for the aesthetic appeal rather than acoustics.

Church Auditoriums have a resonant frequency; most of the time two or three of them. When music is displayed, the room enhances the sound at certain frequencies. For the sound man this can be a nightmare of feedback. NOTE: A resonant frequency of 400 cycles has a sympathetic vibration at 800 cycles even though its reproduction sound level is greatly reduced and then again at 1600 cycles, etc. So killing the 400 cycle demon is the best solution.

Solution: Have a licensed and insured system integrator audio professional come out and “optimize” the auditorium. This is accomplished with a 32 or 64 set of notch filters. White noise or Pink noise is injected into the sound system through any input, filling the room with a noise level much higher than normal. A specially designed microphone is connected to a spectrum analyzer

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and it breaks down the white noise into 32 or 64 discrete frequencies and displays their levels on a display screen. Note; today you can get a spectrum analyzer application for your cell phone; some are free.

By adjust the filters you can bring down the band of frequencies till they are all virtually at the same level, this is said to be a “Flat Response”. Usually no more than eight filters would have to be purchased to optimize the house. This compensates for the Audio Board, the Speakers as well as the Room imperfections. Resonant frequencies would be vastly minimalized and the room would not “BOOM”; feedback tendencies would be greatly reduced making the Board operations much easier.

Speakers have their own resonant frequency. Try to select one that is below what the human ear can detect which is 20 to 20,000 cycles. So if the speaker resonant frequency is 60 cycles, you have just bought a speaker that is sympathetic to the frequency of all AC powered devices which operate on 60 cycles... The not so technical term is called HUM....


Performer’s body motions in a church setting can be deemed EXCESSIVE AND SHOWY. Point out to those that would complain, that performers feel their music and their emotions are transmitted to their body and that’s a good thing. They are in “THEIR ZONE” praising God which is the ultimate end for which man was created. SELAH

A Praise and Worship Leader once told me that in the Psalms, the word SELAH is often used by the chief musician, indicating that when the foregoing passive is somber in thought, that you should in reverence “PONDER IT”, but when it’s joyful you should just Cut Loose and Do Your Thing. It’s in the Book

Psalm 30:12 – Our ultimate end is to offer praise to God

12 To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever.


Blending Vocals & Instruments

The Blend you desire on vocals and instruments has a number of factors that enters into the equation. As with the audio board you either have to RAISE all the LOW level vocals or instruments to 0db or LOWER the HIGH level devices to 0db.

The acoustical drums would probably rate as the highest level instrument, already being too loud when they are still being unpacked. Don’t be surprised if the drummer wants a mic on the “high hat” to add in those high frequency sounds. The mic should be positioned extremely close so that the input can be turned way down reducing the other drum sounds.

The real solution is to put the drums in a glass enclosure to reduce their sound and then mic them independently. IF NOT you must increase the levels of all the other instruments on stage to match the drum set. Some considerate drummers put a pillow inside the base drum, others stick a little rubber mastic on the symbols and snare drums to help reduce some of the sound, while still others chunk the real drums and get electronic drums which introduce an irritating SMACK of the sticks on each device.

Noise Gates can be used on drums with great success by reducing the “bleeding” between drum mics; making them almost invisible to each other. – (See Noise Gates)

Best Operating Practices

There is a total “LOUDNESS” level of the room that varies depending on the operator, so sometime it is advisable to obtain a settable loudness meter so that a deacon or elder does not MESS WITH YOU about how loud it is; just point him to the meter. A ship has only ONE CAPTAIN; find out who that captain is and that’s the one you please, hopefully it’s a performer who has wisdom as well as knowledge.

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Color coding should be used on all microphones on the stage. Color Electrical Tape can be purchased at Lowe’s or Home Depot in the Electrical Department; place a strip of color on each microphone as well as a matching strip on the audio board. It’s also a good practice on foldback speakers as well.

In case of a microphone failure; a spare color coded microphone, corded or wireless must be located in plain view as a “Stand by Mic.” It’s the operator’s job to confirm its operational status as well as educate those on stage of its physical location.

Wires should be dressed with PRIDE on all stands as well as along the floor to prevent accidents. To avoid HUM, power cords should NOT be dressed parallel to audio lines although they can be crossed without a problem.

Seasoned operators can be seen using masking tape across the bottom of the audio console writing what’s on each channel. Anybody can come in behind them and easily pick up the operation. If your audio console does not have INPUT attenuators on each channel, then masking tape is recommended to place arrows for where the normal position of the fader should be. You can then easily return to your “default value” setting whenever desired.

Microphones that are not in use, should be left turned off so that if they are accidently bumped it will not be heard on the sound system. Ease the sound up and down in making corrections. When only one microphone is in use the majority of the time, all the others should be off. My personal preference is to run the fader pots to the bottom so I can SNEAK them ON when I need them, not slam them on; then everybody knows you were late.

When “hunting” a microphone don’t in frustration slam your fader or pot to the top of their range and then start turning on mics; you will blow out the audience when you find it. With the attenuators set at their “default value”; then open the mics, find it, then adjust.

Baby Grand Pianos can be a task to mic. I find a pair of Omni-directional microphones placed 24 inches apart and about 10 inches above the strings and about 6 inches behind the hammers does an excellent job. It is sent and mixed as a mono signal to the audio board. If you get too close to the hammers you will hear the “attack” as the hammers hit the strings.

As a compromise, one mic on a piano can also be utilized; since the low frequencies do not need as much help; place the mic on the floor near the right leg pointing up at the high frequency strings of the piano. Caveat; you may hear the foot petals being depressed, which is very annoying.

There are Piano mic systems (PianoMic) that use a compression pole to suspend two microphones above the strings that is designed to eliminate the ” Proximity” effect, allowing all the strings to sound equal. Don’t get frustrated, at this writing there is no single STANDARD for mic placement on a piano.

Drums believe it or not, do need a mic on instruments that are used such as bongo drums, tambourines, cowbells, shakers, etc. The audio operator’s job is easier if they are physically located away from the main drum set, and for balance, the single mic is placed further from the stronger instrument and closest to the weaker.

An Announce mic is occasionally used on stage and sometimes you are surprised when it comes into use. As a best practice it would normally be turned off. A mic with a switch on it should be provided. When it’s off, it adds nothing to the overall sound and when it is switched on and the fader is set at the default value, your job has already been done for you, the level is perfect and nobody is embarrassed. “In line” switches that plug into the mic are also available as an “add on”.

As a rule, Orchestras and large Choirs utilize a pair of directional microphones generally placed 13 feet up and 13 feet out and placed 13 feet apart. In a church settings that have no orchestras, the microphones are placed much closer to the smaller choir.

NOISE Caveat; Live microphones on stands transmit the sounds of walking on the floor as well as hands touching the stand. Lavalier microphones on lanyards, rustle on clothes when they move. When clothes move on top of the microphone the sound becomes muffled. If a lapel is chosen for a microphone, it should be placed on the side which the performer is most likely to be turned to. Ideally

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the mic on the host that is most preferred for minimum sound level changes, is located on a tie or in the center of their apparel.

Interesting Note; in “on stage performances”, four or more directional “SHOTGUN” mics are laid on the floor on foam rubber at the stage edge. Some principal actors will wear wireless microphone with almost invisible clear tubes in their hair just above their forehead to provide “presence” to their presentation. Stage actors PROJECT their voice anyway.

It is your responsibility to tell your pastor, that his wireless mic must be considered HOT all the time, wherever he is, including the restroom. Did you notice that the POTUS does not wear a cordless mic? If someone else can assist with the video presentations and audio recordings, you can do your job much more proficiently.

One Omni directional microphone suspended in the rear center of the auditorium is great for adding in the overall sound produced as well as congregational or audience participation. Some orchestra leaders want the feed in an ear piece to know which sections to get louder or softer.

Hard of hearing church members can use wireless receivers and ear pieces to enjoy the sermon better. It is the audio operator’s responsibility to check the levels being sent as well as the batteries; there is no “Do Over” to provide an Exceptional Worship Experience. Remember low or weak battery voltage causes distortion in the ear piece.

Taped Recordings are already limited by their band width, so ALC’s and peak controllers are recommended; while you are busy on your job on the audio console, the recordings are a SET AND FORGET operation.

Silent Servant

Trying to balance vocals with the other instruments usually gets unsolicited HELP from those who think they know how to do your job, but won’t. Be patient and LOVE them anyway; “Speak in Tongues” so they won’t know that you are frustrated. A seasoned operator knows that as soon as the sanctuary or auditorium fills up, their clothing changes the acoustics, requiring many adjustments as the program proceeds. That means the sound board is NOT PLUG AND PLAY, it requires continuously “Working the Board” to get the blend that the PERFORMERS DESERVE.

In a studio or professional stage environment the audio engineer does this job every day and is super proficient. But in a Church environment, audio is run by anybody who is willing to do it. Some just “step in” at the last minute and have “enough going” to turn it Off & On. Those who commit to running the board for long periods of time, give up one night during the week to practice, then give up Adult classes on Sunday morning to practice and then operate the board for the live service; some churches have two and three services. This person is a SILENT SERVANT serving in the background. It’s quite a commitment.

Andrew was one of the twelve Disciples, the only thing you know about him, was that he served God in the BACKGROUND, bringing people to meet Jesus. He brought his brother Peter and 3,000 more people got saved. The unnoticed Audio person makes a difference in lives.

John 6:8-9 – Andrew brings the boy with two sardines to Jesus

8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, 9 "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?" You are an Andrew; a Silent Servant

It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to plant the seed; the Audio and Praise and Worship Team’s job is to water the seed, and it’s God’s job to harvest the seed. We are only responsible for watering.

Worship lets you get in on what God is doing; we waterwith our talents.


But just mess up one time and EVERYBODY will notice it.

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Chapter 5.23

Handel’s Messiah

1:1 Isaiah's prophecy of salvation - 1:2 The coming judgment - 1:3 The prophecy of Christ's birth - 1:4 The annunciation to the shepherds - 1:5 Christ's healing and redemption - 2:1 Christ's Passion - 2:2 Christ's Death and Resurrection - 2:3 Christ's Ascension - 2:4 Christ's reception in Heaven – 2:5 The beginnings of Gospel preaching - 2:6 The world's rejection of the Gospel - 2:7 God's ultimate victory - 3:1 The promise of eternal life - 3:2 The Day of Judgment - 3:3 The final conquest of sin - 3:4 The acclamation of the Messiah

First Word

Around 1700, a devout “Anglican” and believer in scriptural authority named Charles Jennens was born into a prosperous and wealthy land owning family. He funded George Frederic Handle in his music endeavors and provided him with the text that was to be used for the “MESSIAH” which was first performed in 1742. Most of his audiences were ignorant of Biblical facts and a pamphlet was prepared by Jennings so they could understand what the story was about.

271 years later at every performance a pamphlet is given out with the scripture verses. Jennens intention was to challenge advocates of Deism, who rejected the doctrine of God’s Divine Intervention in human affairs.

The Text

The text Jennens gave Handel was taken right out of the King James Version of the Bible mostly from Isaiah the prophet of the Old Testament. It begins with the prediction of the Virgin Birth of the Messiah by “Preparing the way”. The figure of the "Messiah" or redeemer is identified with the person of Jesus, known by his followers as the Christ or "Jesus Christ".

It then picks up in the New Testament with text from Matthew, Luke and Revelation with the announcement to the Shepard’s of the birth of the Messiah and moves on to cover the passion and death of Christ; His Resurrection and Ascension and ends with the Day of Judgment and the general resurrection of the dead.

The melody is passed around to the different instruments in the orchestra like a bolero and the Choir does the same thing passing the words back and forth antiphonally, with very little is spoken, just Inspired Words, Inspired Music. The following is just some of the scriptures.

Isaiah 40:1-3 – Prepare the way for the Lord

1 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD's hand double for all her sins.

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BOOK 5 Israel - Temples – Covenant – Festivals - Women IT’S IN THE BOOK 3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way

of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. KJV

Isaiah 40:4 – Make His path straight and smooth

4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the

rough places plain: KJV

Isaiah 40:5 – He will be revealed – God has spoken it

5 And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.


Matthew 1:23 – He will be born of a virgin

23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son; and shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God

with us KJV




Isaiah 40:9 – He will be born in Jerusalem

9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice

with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah,

Behold your God!

Isaiah 60:1 – It happened

1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is

risen upon thee.

Isaiah 9:6 – A child is born; the Prince of Peace, the mighty God

6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called

Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father,

The Prince of Peace.

Luke 2:8-14 – Shepard’s in the field – Angels singing

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field,

keeping watch over their flock by night.

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the

Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you

good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,

which is Christ the Lord.

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly

host praising God, and saying,

14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward



Isaiah 35:5-6 – He will heal the blind, deaf, dumb and lame.

5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the

deaf shall be unstopped.

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6 Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams

in the desert.




The Performance

German-born British Baroque composer Handel had established himself famously for his anthems, organ concertos, Italian opera, and English oratorio. That is why the Messiah has a lot of soloist and sounds much like an opera. He wrote the Messiah for modest vocals and instruments; dropping most of the brass trumpets, emphasizing the strings, woodwinds, percussion and the magnificent Harpsichord.

While he already had the words from scripture, he had to determine how they were to be sung and when repeated and it’s still hard for me to picture how he wrote every single note that every instrument played; and determined when they played it; bowed or plucked; loud or muted; solo or combined. An instrumentliketheharpsichord,pianoandorganusuallyplaysfournotesatatime. GOODGRIEF.

The Messiah is quite lengthy and most “performances” are most often shortened with the content order rearranged to finish in an hour. The Hallelujah Chorus is actually scene 7 of part II, but is usually moved to be at the end of Part III as the grand faunally.

The story goes on to say that Handel wrote the music under “Divine Inspiration” in only 24 days and as he wrote the “Hallelujah Chorus” he saw “all heaven before him” At the end, in tears Handel wrote “SDGSoil Deo Gloria; To God alone the glory.

The custom of standing for the "Hallelujah Chorus" originates from a belief that at the London premiere, King George II was so moved that he stood to his feet; this would have obliged all others to stand. To this day we still stand to give the GLORY TO GOD.

Part I - from Wikipedia
Scene 1: Isaiah's prophecy of salvation
1. Sinfony (instrumental)
2. Comfort ye my people (tenor)
3. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (tenor)
4. And the glory of the Lord (chorus)
Scene 2: The coming judgment
5. Thus saith the Lord of hosts (bass)
6. But who may abide the day of His coming (alto or bass) 7. And he shall purify the sons of Levi (chorus)

Isaiah 40:11 – He will gather, feed and lead them like a Shepard

11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently

lead those that are with young.

Matthew 11:28-29 – Come and find rest from your burdens.

28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will

give you rest.

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly

in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Revelation 19:6 - Rev 11:15 - Rev 19:16– The Hallelujah Chorus

6 Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

15 The kingdoms of this world is become the kingdoms of our

Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


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Scene 3: The prophecy of Christ's birth

8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive (alto)
9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (alto and chorus)
10. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (bass)
11. The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (bass) 12. For unto us a child is born (chorus)
Scene 4: The annunciation to the shepherds
13. Pifa ("pastoral symphony": instrumental)
14a. There were shepherds abiding in the fields (soprano)
14b. And lo, the angel of the Lord (soprano)
15. And the angel said unto them (soprano)
16. And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano)
17. Glory to God in the highest (chorus)
Scene 5: Christ's healing and redemption
18. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)
19. Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (soprano)
20. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd (alto and soprano)
21. His yoke is easy (chorus)

Part II

Scene 1: Christ's Passion

22. Behold the Lamb of God (chorus)
23. He was despised and rejected of men (alto)
24. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows (chorus) 25. And with his stripes we are healed (chorus)
26. All we like sheep have gone astray (chorus)
27. All they that see him laugh him to scorn (tenor)
28. He trusted in God that he would deliver him (chorus)
29. Thy rebuke hath broken his heart (tenor or soprano)
30. Behold and see if there be any sorrow (tenor or soprano)
Scene 2: Christ's Death and Resurrection
31. He was cut off (tenor or soprano)
32. But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (tenor or soprano)
Scene 3: Christ's Ascension
33. Lift up your heads, O ye gates (chorus)
Scene 4: Christ's reception in Heaven
34. Unto which of the angels (tenor)
35. Let all the angels of God worship Him (chorus)
Scene 5: The beginnings of Gospel preaching
36. Thou art gone up on high (soprano)
37. The Lord gave the word (chorus)
38. How beautiful are the feet (soprano)
39. Their sound is gone out (chorus)
Scene 6: The world's rejection of the Gospel
40. Why do the nations so furiously rage together (bass)
41. Let us break their bonds asunder (chorus)
42. He that dwelleth in heaven (tenor)
Scene 7: God's ultimate victory
43. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (tenor)
44. Hallelujah (chorus)


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Part III

Scene 1: The promise of eternal life

45. I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano) 46. Since by man came death (chorus)
Scene 2: The Day of Judgment
47. Behold, I tell you a mystery (bass)

48. The trumpet shall sound (bass)

Scene 3: The final conquest of sin

49. Then shall be brought to pass (alto)
50. O death, where is thy sting (alto and tenor)
51. But thanks be to God (chorus)
52. If God be for us, who can be against us (soprano)
Scene 4: The acclamation of the Messiah
53. Worthy is the Lamb (chorus)
Amen (chorus)

Looking Back

As a kid in elementary school I remember rehearsing Handel’s Messiah with about ten other boys. We met in a class room at church for weeks singing just our part, all in unison, with no harmony. I remember the day we were to have our first rehearsal with a bunch of other schools and churches in our Church auditorium. We were placed with about 40 other kids singing the same thing that we had practiced. There were over 200 vocalist in the rehearsal. (The church could hold 700.)

As we begin to sing, the words just would not come out of my mouth; not from fright, but of AWE. I had never heard the other three parts sung nor the orchestra and pipe organ. I was so amazed that tears filled my eyes; it was so incredibly beautiful. I went on in my adult life to have the privilege of being a part of the Messiah about seven more times and I still get tears.

I can’t help but think that when I get to heaven I will be so over whelmed. I will join a bunch of other folks singing bass along with BILLIONS of others singing in Four Part Harmony “THE HALLELUJAH CHORUS”; STANDING giving GOD THE GLORY. I just hope I am able to stand.


Our Ability

We don’t have to wait till we get to heaven to glorify God; HERE and NOW; we can get involved with our church by joining whatever ability or gifts we have, to the gifts of the other in the church.




James 1:22 – Don’t just hear the word – DO IT -- 1 Corenthians 12:7 – The gifts; for the common good of the body -- 1 Corenthians

12:4-6 – Everyone does not have the same gift -- 1 Corenthians 12:12 – Your gift is a part of the body -- 1 Corenthians 12:18 – God

has arranged how your gift fits in

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In the multitude of counselors,

there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14

101 Q&A on Demon Powers – Dr. Lester Sumrall
All the Miracles of the Bible - Herbert Lockyer
All the Women of the Bible – Edith Deen
An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words - W.E. Vine Antiquities of the Jews – Flavius Josephus Matthias; Jewish Historian Apocrypha; The – Edgar J. Goodspeed


I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.

Arithmetic of God; The – Don Kistler
Armageddon-Appointment with Destiny – Grant R. Jeffrey
Bad Girls of the Bible – Liz Curtis Higgs
Baker Commentary on the Bible – Elwell
Bible Almanac; The – Packer-Tenney-White
Bible Code; The – Michael Drosnin
Bible Commentary – F.B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row
Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Bible on the life Hereafter, The – William Hendriksen
Bible Study Tools – Liberty University
Blood Covenant -
Marcus Edward McDonald
Can America Survive? – John Hagee
Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry – CARM - Commentary on the Pre-Adamic flood – Dr. Al McCallister. Complete Book of Bible Knowledge; The – Mark D. Taylor Countdown to Armageddon, the 1980’s – Hal Lyndsay
Creation or Evolution – Lyle Albrecht
Creation Seminar – Kent Hovind
Customs and Folkways of Jewish Life – Theodor H. Gaster
Dake’s Annotated Bible – Dake
Dead Sea Scrolls -
Disappointed with God –
Philip Yancey
Encounters with Angels – L. W. Northrup
English Standard Version Bible – ESV
Escape from Armageddon – Thomas Reed
Exposition of the Parables – Benjamin Keach
Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein Fascinating Bible Facts – Publications International
Final Dawn over Jerusalem – John Hagee
Forgotten Books of Eden; The - World
From Daniel to Doomsday – John Hagee

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Girls of the Bible – Harvey Albert Snyder
God without Religion – Andrew Farley
Great Doctrines of the Bible 4 - Pneumatology – W.W. Criswell
Great Doctrines of the Bible 5 – Soteriology – W. A. Criswell
Great Doctrines of the Bible 6 – Christian Life – W. A. Criswell
Great Pyramid; The – George R. Riffert
Guide to Survival – Salem Kirban
Handel’s Messiah – The Music; Wikipedia
Hell’s Angels – David Jeremiah
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The – Constance Cumbey
His Glory Revealed – John Hagee
Historical Atlas of the Bible; The – DR. Ian Barnes
Holy Bible; The – New Catholic Edition
How to Save your Marriage Alone – Ed Wheat
I’d like to Believe in Jesus, BUT Bob Siegel
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The – Tyndale
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Facts – Packer-Tenney White
Illustrated Manners and Customs of the Bible – Packer-Tenney
In the beginning was the End – Wim Malgo
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament – Baker
Invisible War; The - Donald Grey Barnhouse
Islam 6th Edition – Caesar E. Farah
Islam and the Bible – David Goldmann
Islam; Christian Apologetics – Dr. Norman Geisler
Jerusalem Countdown – John Hagee
Jewish Book of Why; The – Kolatch
King James Version Bible - KJV
Koinonia House – Chuck Missler
Landmark Baptist; The – Brian Willis
Last Days collection, The – Pretty Good Publishing
Late Great Planet Earth; The – Hal Lindsey
Layman’s Overview of the Bible, The – George W. Knight
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Manners & Customs of Bible Lands – Fred H. Wight
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
Meredith’s Book of List; 1&2 – Bethany House Publishers
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Mystery Mark of the New Age – Texe Mars
Mystery of the Ages – Herbert W. Armstrong
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
Naked Gospel; The – Andrew Farley
Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
Neighboring Faiths – Winfred Corduan
Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Facts – Packer – Tenney White New Evidence that demands a verdict; The – Josh McDowell
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – Douglas - Tenney

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New International Version Bible (2011) NIV New Living Translation Bible - NLT
New Millennium; The – Pat Robertson
New World College Dictionary - Webster Nostradamvs & the Millennivm – John Hogue One Hundred Bible Topics – Marvin Hunt One Minute after you Die – Erwin W. Lutzer Pascal’s Wager – Michael A. Gorman

Paul & His Letters – John B. Polhill
Person & Work of the Holy Spirit; The – R.A. Torrey
Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene – Bart D. Ehrman
Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible: The - Zondervan Reasonable Faith – William Lane Crag
Red Heifer; The – The Temple Institute
Revelation of Jesus Christ; The – Walvoord
Revelation Seminar; The - 1975 - Hilton Sutton
Revelation Study; The - 1973 – Dr. Warren Wiersbe Revelation verse by verse; The – Oliver B. Green
Satan’s Underground – Lauren Stratford
Satanism – Ted Schwarz & Duane Empey
Secret Kingdom; The – Pat Robertson
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Seeing Eye; The – C.S. Lewis
Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem
Temple Institute; The
Temple Mount & Land of Israel Faithful Movement Temple Mount Location -
Dr. Asher Kaufman
Ten Commandments – John Hagee
Ten Lost Tribes -
Theomatics – Jerry Lucas
There were two Trees in the Garden – Rick Joyner
There’s a war going on – Eldred Echols
This Momentary Marriage – John Piper
Thru the Bible Series – J. Vernon McGee
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible - Guidepost
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible - T.A. Bryant
Twelve Ordinary Men – John MacArthur
Victor Journey through the Bible; The – V. Gilbert Beers Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament – Mac Donald What in the World is going on? – David Jeremiah
Where to find it in the Bible – Ken Anderson
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Why I am a Christian – Michael A. Gorman
Witchcraft, puppets and Voodoo – Irene A. Park
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Pfeiffer & Harrison Wikipedia


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