Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory IT’S IN THE BOOK
ET’s - UFO’s – Portals - Gap Theory Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams
All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness. - 2 Timothy 3:1
Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory It’s in the
ET’s - UFO’s - Portals Fourth Dimension Visions and Dreams The Gap Theory
Topical Index
For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1
Controversial and Far Out
3 12
10) 2017 Prophecy - Signs – Nation of Israel – 6 Day War - Rapture - Tribulations – Millennium 81 11) Nibiru Wormwood Tribulations - Planet 9, Nemesis, Hopi Blue Star, Kachina, Gateways 86 12) Hard Questions - Did God create evil? - Can Hell have fire & darkness at same time? 91 13) Probing Bible thoughts - Fate - Karma - Lottery - Alcohol - Tattoos - Suicide - Tithe 97 14) Kingdom of God - Is the Kingdom of God here now; or coming sometime in the future? 123 15) Sanctification vs: Justification - Jesus Plus Works - LDS and Jehovah Witnesses Cult 125
1) Matrix: A Bible Parable - AI - Zion – Nebuchadnezzar - Trinity - Prophet – Choice
2) ET’s UFO’s & Portals – Gateways – Fallen Angels – Nephilim – Demons – Lucifer
3) Ezekiel’s UFO - Helicopter Blades – Landing Pods – Wheels within a Wheel – Decals 29
4) Fourth Dimension - A Parallel Invisible Dimension – Portals & Gateways – A mystery 37
5) Out of Body Experiences - Esotericism – Astral Body – Soul Travel – Spirit Walking 40
6) Visions and Dreams - Are Muslim visions & dreams of Jesus from God or from Satan? 47
7) Fatima; Fiction & Fact - Virgin Mary appears to 3 shepherd children; imparting 3 Secrets 54
8) Four Blood Moons - Passover - Feast of Tabernacles - Rapture - Tribulation - Return 62
9) 70 AD Doctrine - Realized Eschatology, Covenant Eschatology, Preterism, Trans-Millennialism 67
1 1 Corinthians 13:12
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory
Chapter 8. 1
A Bible Parable
God - Trinity - The Messiah – The Virgin Birth Artificial Intelligence - The World System - Zion The Prophet – John the Baptist - Mary Magdalene Doubting Thomas – Impetuous Peter – The Choice
First Word
Having studied the Bible for some time, when I first saw the movie THE MATRIX, I saw overtones of the Bible woven throughout. By the third viewing, I was sure it was a fight against Good vs; Evil, Satan vs; God; which prompted a Word Study on “The Parable of The Matrix”.
C.S. Lewis wrote a book for the youth called “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe” which was the Gospel of Jesus Christ written in Parable form. I believe that brothers Larry & Andy Wachowski, who wrote and directed The Matrix believed only a select few would go to see another Jesus Movie and positioned it so that you could draw any number of conclusions depending on your “BS”, your Belief System. After you read this; you will wonder if YOU are in The Matrix.
The Parable begins with AI or Artificial Intelligence which had been invented in the early 21st century to produce “Human like machines” in order that mankind could survive; but it was taken to the point of encroaching on the divine sphere which would include growing and harvesting humans in pods or to say it another way; TEST TUBE BABIES.
At some point around 2199, the AI program had already rebelled against humanity and spawned a race of SOLAR powered machines that took over the planet. In order to combat this, mankind scorched the sky with a nuclear winter holocaust fire to darken the sky so without sunlight the machines would run out of power and stop working. This produced an all-out war which the AI machines came through as the victor driving the humans underground.
First you feast on sin; then Sin feast on you. There’s a way that seems right to man, but in the end, it’s the way of death. The AI machines had already developed a “Power Plant” which provided a new source of energy by extracting body heat and bio-electricity from humans which were being home grown in prison pods; this energy from the humans powered the Matrix. Oddly enough, the humans own body energy was keeping them captive.
To prevent a rebellion; the humans in the prison pods were hooked up with an Interactive Matrix network of Virtual Reality which produced a perpetual DREAM that simulated life on earth as we know it in 1999. In actuality, the humans were in a small pod where they fueled the Matrix with their body heat, BLIND to the real world by the programming of their mind. They are in a fallen world system that has programmed their mind with fallen thinking. 2 Kind of like today.
2 Proverbs 14:12 - There’s a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death. -- 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 – The god of this world has blinded their minds; they are. UNABLE TO SEE and DON’T UNDERSTAND the message of Christ,
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory IT’S IN THE BOOK People, Places & Things
The Matrix
The Matrix is a place where harvested humans were placed in prison pods or womb like sacks hooked up to computers as slaves, but they do not know it. They are programmed with virtual reality programs and their minds are wrapped up in BUSY little things. Its purpose is to CONTROL what they think; their minds have been blinded.3
This represents a fallen world system; the corrupt Matrix World system of Government, business, education, entertainment, commerce and philosophy has become the enemy.
At this writing; we are entering an election phase of who will be our next President. The one with the most money will win; it has become an AUCTION instead of an ELECTION. This begs the question to be asked.... Are we in The Matrix too?
Sentinels are Octopus like squids that patrol the “Power Plant” of the Matrix making sure
everything stays in order; they are the Matrix Police.
The Growing Fields: I must stop here and say that the Matrix machines had developed to the point where they were growing genetically altered humans in pods and have what’s known as “Harvesters” who take the humans and place them into the matrix womb pods where they live out their life’s as slaves, but they do not know it... They have no parents
Doctor Robots keep check on all the humans in the womb like pods inside the Matrix “Power
Plant” to make sure they are healthy and that they are all hooked up correctly in order to extract the most energy from them.
Rejected Humans are disconnected and flushed down a toilet tube to be emulsified into a liquid that is then fed back to the other “pod humans” to keep them nourished and alive.
Matrix Agents
Agents are machines that function inside the Matrix Program, they are NOT part of the Matrix
Power Plant, yet they can move powerfully through it. They are like the “Secret Service” and have been programmed with abilities that allow them to defy the laws of nature. They are evil spiritual cosmic forces; if you see one... RUN.4
Agent Smith
Agent Smith parallels Satan or the Anti-Christ of the Bible. At some point we see “Three Agents” which smacks of the Un-holy trinity; Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet.
Agent Smith has the ability to POSSESS the bodies of anyone who is wired into his matrix. At some point Neo is captured and Agent Smith flips through Neo’s record ACCUSING him5 of all his hacking activities... He is none other than Satan himself; THE ACCUSER.
A Deal is offered by Agent Smith to Neo; he turns it down just like Jesus did when He was tempted.6
4 Ephesians 6:12- we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the COSMIC
POWERS over this present DARKNESS, against the SPIRITUAL FORCES
5 Revelation 12:10 – Satan ACCUSES OUR BROTHERS day and night
6 Luke 4:5-7 – Agent Smith offers Neo a deal similar to Jesus; “THE DEVIL said I WILL GIVE YOU ALL AUTHORITY; ALL OF THIS
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Zion is the last remaining city of mankind; they have been in exile and slavery for some 200 years and are looking for a Redeemer Deliverer, a Messiah. The Plot places Zion in the center of the earth. Its inhabitants were not direct slaves of the Matrix, but were exiled fugitives who were forced underground into the sewers and they will do anything to defend their city of Zion. NOTE: The actual slaves are physically in the Matrix Power Plant Pods.
Zion is the place referred to as where the “Great Celebration” will take place after they win the war. They have FAITH and look for “THE ONE” that is to come.7 Zion in the Bible is a place and a people; the mountain of Zion is home to the Temple, the dwelling place of God and Zion is the Promised Land.
It is the promise of how things can be and will be one day. It’s a place which some consider to be the center of the universe; where Heaven, Hell and the Temple of God meet.
Morpheus knows the codes to the location of Zion and the Agents want the codes and are after him; they must destroy the people of Zion.
The Oracle
The Oracle is a “SEER”, a guide who can help Neo find THE PATH. She is somewhat like
a fortune teller and not religious by nature, but a pagan who reads the palms and SERCHES the body. She has the gift of being able to see things afar off although she does not understand the “why” of many of them.
She PROPHESIZED that “THE ONE” that was to come would be their deliverer. He would:
1) Destroy the BLINDING Matrix
2) End the War
3) Bring Freedom to the people
The Oracle had never missed a PROPHECY and certainly was one to be believed. She had told Morpheus that he himself would be the one to find “THE ONE”8 (Chosen by God)
Scripture: The Holy Spirit will GUIDE us into ALL truth;9 God’s Word is a lamp unto our PATH.10
An Oracle was considered a Prophet of God; a speaker. Some were pagan; however Truth is Truth regardless of who speaks it.
Scripture: Search me O God; know my thoughts;11 the Oracle searches Neo’s body & hands.
Nebuchadnezzar is the name of the hovercraft ship that keeps Morpheus’ crew safe. In scripture
King Nebuchadnezzar was the very enemy of Israel and of God; but God used him in His sovereign plan. Nebuchadnezzar was the agent of God’s Justice; God called him His servant.
While Nebuchadnezzar was an Evil King; God had placed Good on the inside of this hovercraft in the form of the crew. God can use Evil for Good.
With that said, in my BS, my Belief System, I believe that there is scriptural evidence that after Daniel interpreted the dream of Nebuchadnezzar that he actually became a believer in the God of Israel; a “son of God”, a follower of ‘the ONE GOD of Israel”; YAHWEH.12
The Plaque: there is a plaque inside the hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar that simply reads Mark III, II, which translated from scripture, Mark 3:11; “You are the Son of God”. 13
8 Isaiah 7:14 – PROPHECY; the Coming One. THE VIRGIN will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel
(which means ‘God is with us’).
9 John 16:13 – The Spirit will GUIDE us into all Truth
10 Psalm 119:105 – God’s word is a LAMP into my feet and a light to MY PATH.
11 Psalm 139:3– God SEARCHES out our PATH and knows our ways
12 Daniel 4:2-37 – Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, PRAISE AND EXALT AND GLORIFY THE KING OF HEAVEN; maybe a Believer --
Jeremiah 27:6 - Nebuchadnezzar became God’s pawn; His Servant
13 Mark 3:11 - You are the Son of God
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Morpheus’ name smacks of the mythical Greek god of DREAMS which is exactly what is going on in the Matrix Power Plant. He is the Captain of the hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar and is likened unto that of John the Baptist who “prepared the way”14 and pointed to Jesus the Christ; “The One” who he was not even worthy to untie his sandals.15 Morpheus would lay down his life for this brother Neo.16
Morpheus pointed to Neo stating that “He is the ONE” and is humbled by his presence. The Oracle said “without Morpheus we are Lost.” (Morpheus seems to reflect God’s Love in this role.) It was Morpheus’ vision of HOPE for the future that held together the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar and ultimately the people of Zion. His Love for Zion brings up the first commandment; LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength.17
Morpheus tells Neo that “the body cannot live without the mind.” He is saying that the body without the spirit is dead. FAITH without WORKS is a dead Faith.18
Weapons of Destruction
Morpheus has a program that will “SUPPLY ALL THEIR NEEDS” to fight the battle within the matrix program. This fight is happening in an unseen world against dark powers and evil spirits.19 Neo asks for guns, LOTS OF GUNS and the program brings fourth an infinite supply. Scripture: My God shall supply all your NEEDS according to His riches in glory.20 – (Do not confuse NEEDS with WANTS.)
Agent Smith (Satan); throws at us every temptation he has in his arsenal of weapons, and each time God provides A WAY OF ESCAPE.21
NOTE: In the movie it seem like a lot of innocents are getting killed, but you must remember that all non-believers have the propensity to become AGENTS of Agent Smith (Satan). So whoever is not with God, is against God and is His enemy,22 even though these are the very same people He is trying to save. Jesus did not come to condemn; but to save.23
Trinity under Morpheus is the second highest ranking member of the Nebuchadnezzar crew.
She is also a disciple likened to that of Mary Magdalene who was devoted to Jesus. Trinity must respond to the Question; do you think Neo is THE ONE?24 She says YES.
Trinity was with Neo when He died and was the first to see Him resurrected just like in scripture when Mary Magdalene was with Jesus. She tore her clothes to wipe Neo’s head as Mary Magdalene would use her hair.
Her Kissing Neo is an indication of a future relationship. Note: Scripture does not support any sexual relationship between Mary and Jesus. Her kiss has no power in its own, but her name Trinity embodies the power of the FULL LOVE of the “God head” which imparts life back into Neo.
Death cannot separate the Believer from the Love of God.25
14 Luke 7:27 – John the baptizer prepares “The Way” for the Lord
15 John 1:29-34 - John the Baptist points toward Jesus; BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD, THIS IS THE SON OF GOD -- Mark 1:7 – I am
not fit to untie His sandals.
16 John 15:13 – No greater Love than to lay down your life for your brother
17 Deuteronomy 6:5 – Love God with all your heart, soul and strength.
19 Ephesians 6:12 – Our fight is in the unseen world with Dark powers and Evil spirits
20 Philippians 4:19 - God will supply our every NEED
21 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God will make a WAY OF ESCAPE -- 2 Corinthians 12:9 – My grace and power is made perfect in weakness
22 Luke 11:23 – Whoever is not a believer is the ENEMY.
23 John 3-17 – Jesus was not sent to condemn the world, but to save it
24 Matthew 16:14-15 – The Question - WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM
25 Romans 8:38-39 – DEATH cannot separate us from God’s LOVE
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The Crew
The Crew of the Nebuchadnezzar can be viewed as the dedicated Disciples. They are the
Church;eachonewithadifferentroletoplay;allvitaltoitshealthandwellbeing. Thecrewmembers all have varying degrees of belief in the vision of Morpheus as well as have mixed opinions about who Neo is.
Doser is the Pilot and the brother of Tank; this is a parallel like unto the three sets of brothers among the Apostles.26 (Andrew & Peter – James & John – Mathew & James; son of Alphaeus)
Tank is the operator and the trainer; and the brother of Doser. His name symbolizes power and stability and he comes with excitement as is likened unto that of Simon Peter.
Apoc, Mouse and the only other woman Switch, are soldiers, sentinels, watchmen.
Cypher who is also one of the crew is a parallel to Judas BETRAYING Jesus and the other disciples.27 He leads Morpheus and Neo into a trap with the promised payment of being inserted back into “The Matrix” with a new and better RICH life.28 Cypher wishes he had NEVER taken the RED PILL, but is unable to go back. He was never a believer. He says he would choose the Matrix again over how his life is now even though “HE KNOWS” it’s only an illusion. He prefers the darkness to the Light.29
Note: The Nebuchadnezzar ship is like that of the church which is composed of three types of people; Non-Believers, Believers & Make Believers. Cypher is not only a non-believer, he is also a MAKE BELIEVER; an actor; he is in the church, but not really of it. Cypher took the Red Pill, a symbol of being saved, but God will say “I Never Knew You.”30
The Cup: Neo drinks from a cup and hands it to Cypher who drinks from the same cup; from scripture; the one who dipped his hand in the same bowl with me is the betrayer.31
The Betrayal: When we see Cypher at his betrayal, he has a desire for the delicacies of food,32 he is eating a BLOODY rare steak; this is a foreshadow of the blood he will cause to be spilled. The Book says that the delicacies of the rulers are a deceptive food.
Cypher wants to be IMPORTANT like an Actor; one who pretends to be someone else. Oddly enough, he already is. Cypher’s matrix name is Mr. Reagan. (Ronald Regan was an ACTOR and an IMPORTANT President). The Pride of Life characteristic is NOT from God.33 Cypher is a FOOL and his soul will be required of him.
The Oxford Dictionary says Cypher or Cipher is an obsolete name for “ZERO” and that is who he was; “a zero”... Like Judas, it would have been better if he had not been born.34 Interestingly later on in the plot; Cypher is wearing SNAKE SKIN akin to the Serpent in the Garden of Eden.
The First Neo
The First Neo: There was another Deliverer that existed before Neo that was born inside the Matrix,
who changed the programming as he saw fit, escaped, freed the first humans and taught them ‘The
Truth” and then at some point died. The freed humans were exiled to the last remaining city called
Zion; waiting for the prophesied return of another deliverer, another Messiah; “THE ONE”.
THE ONE will be the person who is able to destroy the Matrix and set the people free. This parallels the Israelites expectation that a military leader would arise from the line of David, free Israel from foreign rule and restore Israel to its former glory.35
26 Matthew 4:18 – Two Brother by the Sea of Galilee were called to follow Jesus
28 Matthew 26:14-16 - Judas sought opportunity to betray Jesus for a Payment
29 John 3:19 – Cypher loved the darkness rather than the light
30 Matthew 7:23 – Jesus will tell them plainly, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU
32 Proverbs 23:1-3 - Do not desire his delicacies for they are deceptive foods
33 1 John 2:16 – The DESIRES OF THE FLESH and the DESIRES OF THE EYES and PRIDE OF LIFE is NOT from God
35 Isaiah 11:1 – The Messiah will come from the line of David -- Isaiah 9:6 – A child will be born; His name wonderful, counselor
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He would be their deliverer; their Messiah. It would not be enough to just set the people free, but to also destroy the sinful thing that had imprisoned them.
The Book; Jesus came, died and was resurrected and is Prophesized to return soon.
Setting the Stage
Awake in the scriptures is a metaphor for being saved, while asleep is a metaphor for being
lost. Neo was born into bondage just like everybody else and will remain a slave to sin until he is set free by his FAITH in Jesus Christ.
As the movie begins, Thomas Anderson (Neo) is at his computer as he often does night after night, weary and can’t sleep. He feels something is wrong, not just with him, but with everything around him, he is searching for truth because life without truth is empty; something vital is missing. He HACKS into other programs and is noticed by the “The Matrix” as well as the “Underground Resistance”.
Thomas is an illegal software peddler, but he is allowed to function so that The Matrix can track his every move to see where it all goes and who surfaces; they are looking for Morpheus who has thecodestothelocationofZion. TheWildestthingisthatThomas(Neo)isnotreallyathiscomputer at all, but is in a womb like sac inside the Matrix, but is operating somewhat outside the boundaries of the Matrix Programing.
His Friends take him to the shadowy scene of an S&M depraved night club where he stands alone looking uncomfortable and is PURSUED36 and found by Trinity. She warns him, trouble is crouching at your door.37 Thomas (Neo) already foggily senses something is just not right, that something is wrong with life in general; he is searching for TRUTH.38
The “Underground Resistance” has the technology to get in and out of the Matrix programing and they have contacted Thomas and offered him “The Truth” and nothing more. Thomas has been drawn39 and shown THE DOOR, but is told that he himself must of his own FREE WILL voluntarily walk through it.40 (In my BS, I see this statement as the point of the whole movie; the Holy Spirit can draw us and show us the door, but we must choose whether or not to walk through it.)
Morpheus tells Neo; there’s a difference between knowing the Path and walking the path. Trinity tells Neo; “The answer is out there... It’s looking for you and it will find you... If you want it to”. It’s a choice; there is a WAY OUT of the Matrix; a way of escape.41
You only have a WINDOW of opportunity, then it is closed. In Neo’s office cubicle, to avoid being captured by the Custody Agents, he is shown a “WINDOW” with a NARROW ledge42 where he can escape through to a scaffolding that will take him UP.43
Neo IS AFRAID and chooses not to take the advice and is arrested by the Custody Agents who take him captive DOWN the BROAD WAY. We are called to step out on the NARROW path of FAITH; but few find the path.
The Enemy
Anyone that is not for us, is against us.44 The enemy, besides the Agents, is EVERYONE that is hooked up to the Matrix (world system). At any moment they could become possessed by an Agent who could in turn destroy us.45
36 Luke 15:4-7 – God PURSUES the lost man until He finds him
37 Genesis 4:7 – God warns Cain; sin is CROUCHING at his door.
38 Romans 5:17 – Death reigns until we receive the Free Gift of life
39 John 6:44 – No one comes unless the Father DRAWS THEM.
40 John 10:9 – Jesus Christ is the DOOR, we must choose to walk through it
41 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God provides a way of ESCAPE
42 Matthew 7:14 – The way is NARROW that leads to life
43 Luke 3:7 – WARNING; Flee from the wrath that is to come
44 James 4:4 – If you are friends of the world, then you are the enemy of God -- Mark 9:40 - WHOEVER IS NOT AGAINST US IS FOR US. 45 John 15:19 - I chose you out of the world, therefore THE WORLD HATES YOU
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PPPP: Oddly enough, those in the Power Plant Prison Pods are the very ones that they have come to save. Most people are not ready to become UN-PUGGED and will fight to keep things as they are, WARM AND FUZZY.
Red Pill or Blue Pill
The Red Pill or the Blue Pill: The Red Pill (The blood of Christ) dispels the darkness and reveals
the truth; The Blue Pill (The world system) causes you to forget the truth just received, blinds the mind,numbsthesensesandgivesyoutheworldviewthatyoudesire. Deepbluesuggestnighttime, dreaming, illusions, and darkness; it’s okay to believe whatever you want to believe, just be sincere.
(However, it will not save you.)
The right hand holds the Red Pill; as Believers (The Sheep) are placed on the right hand of God the Father; whereas the Blue pill; is in the left hand where the unbelievers (The Goats) are separated out to the left. (The Goats are good for nothing except Hell Fire.) 46
Open Options: YOU CAN CHOOSE NOT TO TAKE EITHER PILL, but your airplane will just circle the airfield until it runs out of fuel and crashes; in effect keeping your “OPTIONS OPEN” is a rejection of the Red Pill.
Thomas Anderson (Neo) has received “some truth” and now must choose whether to take the Red Pill to learn more or the Blue Pill to erase the new truths. It is when this “Doubting Thomas” takes the Red pill that he becomes BORN AGAIN. He has chosen; and this is when he really becomes “Neo”. The very NEXT words Neo hears is “FOLLOW ME.”47
Taking the Red Pill and being born again brings on immediate external trials; count on it. ONCE YOU CHOOSE, you cannot go back, even if you want to. In or Out; choose wisely. It’s hard to explain how a CATERPILLAR can become a BUTTERFLY and how it can never go back; it has been born again; it’s a new creature.48
In Scripture, the Garden of Eden had two special Trees; one gave the ability to have the Knowledge of Good and Evil just like the gods,49 but came with a warning. The other tree simply just gave everlasting life; A CHOICE, we can be like the gods or have everlasting life.
NOTE: be like the gods or have everlasting life is a powerful choice; the Book says my people PERISH for lack of knowledge.50 The first thing we think of is, I want to be just like the gods; not knowing these little gods will all perish.51 God did not want fallen man to be trapped in a sinful life for eternity, so he barred him from eating also from “The Tree of Life” giving him a way of escape.
Virgin Birth
Neo has always existed inside the Matrix in an incubator sac complete with umbilical cords. He is different and becomes aware of what is going on and tries to free himself; the Robotic Doctor senses that he is defective and flushes him like sewage out of the womb pod of the power plant down the “delivery system” of a watery canal into the world... He has just been birthed...This is reflective of a Virgin birth like that of Jesus Christ.52
Neo was born again when he took the Red Pill, so the next step would be HIS BAPTISM. He is baptized in the flushed water from his womb pod. He is hairless and has rarely used his arms and legs, therefore he cannot swim. He is extracted by Morpheus just before he drowns and becomes emulsified. He is figuratively RAISED out of the baptismal waters into a new life by John the Baptist (Morpheus). His eyes hurt because he had never used them; Neo is starting to actually SEE.53
46 Matthew 25:32-33 – Sheep on the Right; Goats on the Left -- Matthew 25:41 – The Goats on the left are good for nothing
47 Matthew 16:24 – Deny yourself and FOLLOW ME
48 2 Corinthians 5:17 – A butterfly IS A NEW CREATION; OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY
49 Genesis 3:5 – You can be like the gods
50 Hosea 4:6- We ae destroyed because of lack of knowledge
51 Psalm 82:6-7 - You little gods will die like mere mortals -- Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, BUT ITS END
52 Matthew 1:24-25 – Joseph kept Mary a VIRGIN until her son was born -- Matthew 1:23 – His name is Immanuel; God is with us
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The New Neo
Neo has the street name of Thomas Anderson and is a computer programmer. Thomas first comes on the scene as a lost man trying to find the TRUTH, then as a saved man doubting what he has just learned. The name Thomas can be linked to “Doubting Thomas”54 as this new Neo did not believe that he was “THE ONE”.
Did you see it? NEO Anagram; EON one who is forever, ONE who is the deliverer. Neo from the Greek, means “New” and Anderson comes from the Greek Word “Ander” meaning “Man”; A NEW MAN.55 DID YOU GET IT... the play on words, “Son of Man”.
Thomas moonlights as Neo a computer hacker who is eventually recruited by humanity’s underground rebellion who are fighting against the AI Sentinels machines. His computer screen saysWAKEUP(Thefallenworldhasyou.) Therecruitment“CALL”comesnotbyanangel,butbya Federal Express Agent delivering a cell phone; never the less, “The Call” came and Neo answered it.
Note one: In the recruitment of Neo, he is actually still in the Matrix hooked up to tubes and umbilical cords, but has the insight that something is wrong with what he sees... There must be more... He cannot sleep, and searches for the answer as he sits at his computer.
Neo meets with the Oracle and she prophesizes that Neo will die and be resurrected. This parallels Christ’s own prophecy that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer much and be killed, but will be resurrected on the third day. Neo is further told that EITHER Morpheus will die or he will die; he must choose. Neo choses to sacrifice himself for Morpheus and all the others. No Greater love has this that a man lay down his life for his friend.56
Neo dies and is resurrected; not in 3 days, but perhaps 72 seconds. (Could the 72 seconds equal 72 HOURS or 3 DAYS.) 57 What brings him back is the kiss of LOVE from “Trinity”. God breathes life back into Neo and he hears the words... “NOW GET UP”... the very words every born again Believer looks forward to hearing after their death. 58
Note two: Trinity; a woman, is the first to see Neo resurrected; like that of Mary Magdalene who was the first to see Jesus resurrected. Neo now has an imperishable body59 like that of Jesus Christ and all resurrected believers. He can now stop bullets in midair, all the weapons that form against him do not work; his weapons have DEVINE POWER.60 We can do all things though Christ who strengthens us.61 It’s in the Book
Neo has received power62 over the EVIL matrix and their Agents; especially Agent Smith who he now can fight with one hand behind his back. Agent Smith who allegorically is Satan reaches into Neo to impart his Evil self into him. Neo instead of becoming Evil, consumes all the evil in Agent Smith’s body as well as ALL the other Evil Agents. Evil and Sin has now been swallowed up and defeated.
Neo’s body radiates light. (Jesus said I am the light of the world) 63 The war could not have been won without the death and resurrection of Neo with an imperishable body. This is what happened when Christ died for us on the cross defeating death so that we also may live.
54 John 20:24-25 – Thomas; I will never believe said, “Unless I see in his hands and place my hand into his side”
552Corinthians5:17-IfanyoneisinChrist,HEISANEWCREATION --Revelation21:5–GodismakingallthingsNEW
56 John 15:13 –No greater Love, that lays down his life for his friend -- Matthew 20:28 – Jesus gave his life to save many
57 Matthew 12:40 – The Son of man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth -- Matthew 16:21 – Prophecy; Jesus
must suffer, killed and raised up on the third day.
58 John 3:3 – UNLESS ONE IS BORN AGAIN HE CANNOT SEE the kingdom of God -- 2 Corinthians 5:17 – A butterfly IS A NEW
59 1 Corinthians 15:42 – We are raised in an imperishable body
60 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 - For the WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE are not of the flesh but HAVE DIVINE POWER -- Ephesians 6:16 –
Shield of Faith stops THE FLAMING DARTS of the evil one, his bullets -- Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon will succeed against you
61 Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
62 Matthew 28:18 – All authority IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH has been given to me
63 Matthew 17:2 – HE WAS TRANSFIGURED BEFORE THEM, and HIS FACE SHONE LIKE THE SUN -- John 9:5 – Neo becomes
brilliant; he the LIGHT of the world
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Note three: During the final fight; all of the other evil AGENTS watch to see who will win; Good or Evil; Jesus or Satan. All creation is watching today; we already know how it ends because we have read the end of the book. SELAH!
Neo flies up to heaven64 which represents the Believer65 going to be with God after his earthly assignment on earth has been completed. IT IS FINISHED.66 Everyone that is now in heaven is a TRUE believer, they have chosen to be there; the story of the rebellion will be told over and over for eternity as the angels were all WITNESSES for all time; there will never be another rebellion.
The MATRIX Movie is a high tech twist of Science Fiction that has a theme woven through it presenting that there is a single TRUTH out there and a single PATH to find it. Morpheus and Trinity may seem at times to represent God and Neo represents the lost person that becomes a Believer by Faith; he received a little truth and wanted more; he took the Red Pill.
Note: There is no magic pill; Salvation is the act of embracing Jesus Christ by Faith and having a direct relationship with him. Christ is our only hope of escaping death and embracing life.67
There is NO other way.
Neo is NOT intended to be an accurate portrayal of Jesus Christ, but can parallel the life of Christ as you filter it through your mind.
Where is God? In 2199, most of the people seem to either have no belief in God or no knowledge of God; they are Agnostic or Atheist by nature. God is not mentioned at all except to take His name in vain.
Exile: Because man has invented Artificial Intelligence that encroached on the Devine by growing humans in pods, God hides His face and abandons them to Exile for 200 years.
Redemption: God returns to redeem mankind and just so you don’t miss the point, it is seen through THREE MIRACLES. Cypher (JUDAS) says that it would take a Miracle to stop him.
1) Tank stops Cypher from pulling the plug
2) Morpheus comes back to them alive
3) Neo comes back to life.
God has revealed Himself; the long awaited “Battle Hymn” of restoration has begun.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
64 Acts 1:9 – Neo was lifted up to Heaven -- John 14:1-3 – Neo is taken up to be with Christ who has PREPARED A PLACE for him --
Luke 24:4-7 – Jesus ascended up to the Father -- Mark 16:19 - Jesus is taken up to heaven
65 John 1:12 - To all who did receive him, who BELIEVED IN HIS NAME, He gave the right to become a child of God
66 John 19:30 – Jesus said; IT IS FINISHED
67 John 14:6 - No one comes to the Father except through Me, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
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Chapter 8. 2
ET’s, UFO’s and Portals
The Rapture – Predestination - One world Religion – The Watchers Hybrid Man and Animals – The Gap Theory – Fourth Dimension Bermuda Triangle – Galaxies - Sky Trumpets – Tower of Babel Roswell Abductions – Cattle Mutilation – DNA manipulation
What will be the sign of the END OF THE WORLD? It will be as it was in the days of Noah.
First Word
Before we start, I must warn you that I use Books from the Apocrypha for a number of my comments. While these books were left out of the Bible because of a number of excellent reasons, they still give you the FLAVOR of what the people were thinking at the time. The original manuscripts of the Bible remain the infallible, errorless and FINAL Word of God.
When venturing into DEEP WATERS, you may feel somewhat uncomfortable because you are dragging along with you some “BS” baggage; a Belief System which is very healthy. As you walk on the sand at the water’s edge you feel very comfortable, but as you venture out a little deeper, not so much, as the waves make it pretty rough. But if you just go a few feet further on the other side of the waves, it gets much calmer and you don’t notice the deep waters anymore and your mind is now OPENED UP to other things.
With that said, this Word Study is going to take you into an uncomfortable zone that your BS will throw up flags of CAUTION. I encourage you to swim along in the gobbledygook and superstring theories as I pound a square peg into a round hole in order to get you to hear the sound of “one hand clapping” in the ...
Fallen Angels
"Come now, LET US REASON TOGETHER," says the LORD. Isaiah 1:18 NIV
The FIRST THING to make you uncomfortable is to talk about fallen angels. I had always heard that when Satan fell from heaven he took one third of the angels with him and these fallen angels are the demons that plague the earth today.
Well, if you read the scripture, while the angels are fallen; they don’t get kicked out of heaven till around the middle of the TRIBULATION PERIOD. They are still in heaven and Satan is still going before God accusing the believer of his sins. However, they will fall when the War in Heaven cuts loose and then they will be THROWN out.68
So the one-third of the fallen angels are NOT the demons that plague the earth TODAY. – HOLD THAT THOUGHT –
68 Revelation 12:9 – The GREAT DRAGON, called the ANCIENT SERPENT, DEVIL, or SATAN and his angels were hurled out of heaven -- Revelation 12:3-4 – Satan fell with one-third of Angels
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First Earth Age
The SECOND THING to make you uncomfortable is “The Gap Theory”. This is the belief that there was an age before this one which became so corrupt that God destroyed it with a flood. This is a flood that occurred before Noah’s flood. It occurs between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. I will not defend this theory here, but once you accept it, everything else falls into place like a row of fence post; God did NOT make the earth EMPTY, He made it inhabited. See DAKE’S ANNOTATED BIBLE
NOTE: In verse two, the Lucifer Flood had already happened. “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Some translations say “brooding over the waters;” pondering.
“The earth WAS (hayah) without form and void.” All other 67 translations of the Hebrew word “hayah” was translated “BECAME” NOT “WAS”. So you can say the earth became without form and void. The translator’s literally did not understand how the earth “became” void, so they substituted it with the word “WAS”. (Side note: The original manuscripts do not even have the word was or became; simply “the earth... without form and void”)
In that earth age, there was NO law of “SIN & DEATH” which came along later in the Garden of Eden. God’s First Earth Age “creations” were immortal, so those whose bodies died in the first earth age are the immortal DEMON spirits that have moved from age to age, and person to person, even unto this day. - HOLD THAT THOUGH -
Genesis 1:1-2 – Hayah translates “BECAME” not “Was”
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 The earth WAS (“hayah” became) without form, and void; and
darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was
hovering over the face of the waters. (NKJV)
2 Peter 3:5-6 – The world that was then overflowed with water
5 ... the heavens were of OLD, and the earth standing out of the
water and in the water:
6 Whereby the world that then WAS, being overflowed with
Isaiah 45:18 He made the earth to be inhabited - NOT EMPTY
18 For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is God!),
who formed the earth and made it (he established it;
INHABITED!): “I am the LORD, and there is no other. (ESV)
The THIRD THING to make you uncomfortable is the “Nephilim” which many students refer to as fallen angels. In my BS, my Belief System, I’m not sure that the Nephilim were fallen angels but perhaps the offspring’s of the fallen angels and earthly women.
We have always heard that when Christ returns, it will be just like it was in the days of Noah with people eating, drinking and getting married, etc.69 The part that is overlooked is why the flood occurred in Noah’s time in the first place...
The FLOOD happened because many angels left their assignments70 and came and took earthly women for their wives, even if they were already married. This produced a Hybrid of GIANTS called Nephilim; they had corrupted God’s greatest creation; MAN71. Paul points out that the “Watcher” Angel’s72 heavenly body is DIFFERENT from an earthily body.73
69 Matthew 24:37-38 – The Return of Christ will be like in the time of Noah
70 Jude 6 – Some angels left their own habitation.
71 Genesis 6:4 – The NEPHILIM; the sons of god went to the daughters of men and had children by them
72 Daniel 4:13 – Angels are called WATCHERS
73 1 Corinthians 15:39-40 – Angel Bodies & Earth Bodies different -- 1 Chronicles 20:6 – Giants were Hybrids; some 6 fingers and 6
toes -- Deuteronomy 3:11 – Giants called Rephaites; Og king of Bashan had a bed 13 feet long and six feet wide
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Scripture states that when the Sons of God74 saw that the daughters being born of men were beautiful, that they married any of them that they chose.75 Daughters were always being born to men, why did they just now take notice; was it when Satan fell from heaven and opened up a Portal or Gateway to allow them access? If you recall Satan had great POWER and was in charge of earth and could come and go at will.
God said; I am declaring war between the serpent and the woman, between his descendants and her descendants.76 The seed of the Serpent is the Anti-Christ and the seed of the Woman is Jesus Christ.
The Nephilim also defiled the BEAST of the field and the BIRDS of the air making monstrosities; this is probably why all over the world we see, pictorials of what some call “Ancient Astronauts” that look like Snakes or SERPENTS WITH WINGS. Remember; Eve encountered a snake in the Garden of Eden and it could stand upright or maybe even FLY.77 She was LURED through the temptation of super wisdom & knowledge, this same temptation LURE is happening today through the “ET” phenomena.
Animals have abilities that men do not, some hear much higher frequencies that we do, some have sonar, sense low frequency vibrations others have magnetic orientation, others see infrared wavelengths perhaps into another dimension like Balaam’s Donkey. Think about cross mutations of DNA with animals, man and the Nephilim to obtain extrasensory abilities. Could this be why we hear of so many Animal mutilations going on today?
The Nephilim taught every POWER of sorcery and every oppressive and secret power of the devils, as well as how to make lust-potions, enchantments and molten images. They taught FORBIDDEN ARTS and every secret of the angels; the scripture says the world became altered. Could they have also taught interdimensional transport and how to move through Portals? The Book says that ALL CREATION groans with pain even to this present day.
Did you see it? If Satan could corrupt the seed line of man, he could stop the Godly line that would produce the Savior of the World; Jesus the Christ. Josephus writes that Noah saw what was going on and preached to the Nephilim about the evil that they did, but they did not listen, so he left and departed out of the land.
God was Grieved and regretted that He had ever made man and decided to start over with Noah and his family of Eight, wiping out the whole perverted bunch with the flood. Scripture seems to indicate that they came back a second time just after the flood.78 It’s in the Book
To get the full flavor of what is happening, my BS must go outside of the Bible; so just do with it as you will. Although the following is not in the Bible, it sure fills in a lot of the details letting me feel the full gravity of the situation.
In the Apocrypha,
Genesis 6:4 – Nephilim called Giants, Mighty Men, Sons of God
4 The NEPHILIM were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when THE SONS OF GOD came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were THE MIGHTY MEN who were of old, the men of renown.
74 Job 1:6 – Angels were known as SONS OF GOD
75 Genesis 6:1-2 – “The sons of God” saw the beautiful women on earth and they MARRIED any of them they CHOSE.
76 Genesis 3:15 – War between the Serpent & the Woman."
77 Genesis 3:14 – The snake once stood upright or perhaps could fly
78 Numbers 13:31-33 – After the flood of Noah, the Spies saw Giants
the Book of Jubilees describes the Nephilim
as being EVIL GIANTS and states that ridding the Earth of these
Nephilim was the main purpose of God's flooding the Earth during
the time of Noah.
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Jubilees 7:21-25 – Man, Beast and Birds CORRUPTED
21 For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to THE FORNICATION wherein THE WATCHERS against the law of their ordinances went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which they chose: and they made THE BEGINNING OF UNCLEANNESS.
22 And they begat sons the NAPHILIM, and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another: and the GIANTS slew the Naphil, and the Naphil slew the Eljo, and the Eljo mankind, and one man another.
and to shed much blood, and the earth was filled with iniquity.
24 And after this they sinned against the BEASTS and BIRDS,
and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was
shed on the earth, and EVERY IMAGINATION AND DESIRE OF
25 And the Lord destroyed everything from off the face of the earth;
because of the wickedness of their deeds,
Enoch 85:1-8 – The beast of the filed were defiled
1 Again I looked attentively, while sleeping, and surveyed heaven
3 Which being raised up, ate and fed among those cows.
4 After that I perceived other large and black cows; and behold all of them changed their stalls and pastures, while their young began to lament one with another. Again I looked in my vision, and surveyed heaven; when behold I SAW MANY STARS WHICH DESCENDED, (fallen angels) and projected themselves from heaven to where the first star was, (Satan)
5 Into the midst of those young ones; while the cows were with
them, feeding in the midst of them.
6 I looked at and observed them; when behold, they all
7 At these all the cows were alarmed and terrified; when they began
biting with their teeth, swallowing, and striking with their
8 They began also to DEVOUR THE COWS; and behold all the
children of the earth trembled, shook with terror at them, and
suddenly fled away.
Jasher 4:18 – Mixed animals & species; all flesh was CORRUPTED
18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their WIVES by force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and TAUGHT THE MIXTURE OF ANIMALS OF ONE SPECIES WITH THE OTHER, in order therewith TO PROVOKE THE LORD; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for ALL FLESH HAD CORRUPTED its ways upon earth, all MEN and all ANIMALS.
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Enoch 7:10 – Nephilim taught women to make DRUGS
10 Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited;
Enoch 8:1-9 - Nephilim taught men the SECRET ARTS
1 Moreover Azazyel TAUGHT MEN to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes,
2 IMPIETY increased; FORNICATION multiplied; and they
3 Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots:
4 Armers taught the solution of sorcery;
5 Barkayal taught the observers of the stars,
6 Akibeel taught signs;
7 Tamiel taught astronomy;
8 And Asaradel taught the motion of the moon,
9 And men, being destroyed, cried out; and their voice reached to
Enoch 64:4-6 – Nephilim taught forbidden SECRETS OF THE ANGELS
4 After this there was a great perturbation on earth, and a voice was
heard from heaven. I fell down on my face, when my great-
grandfather Enoch came and stood by me. He said to me,
5 why have you cried out to me with a bitter cry and lamentation?
6 A commandment has gone forth from the Lord against those who dwell on the earth, that they may be destroyed;
Romans 8:22 – All creation groans even up until now
22 We know that the WHOLE CREATION has been GROANING as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
Josephus 1.3.1 – Noah preached to the Nephilim; left the land
1 For MANY ANGELS of God ACCOMPANIED WITH WOMEN, and BEGAT SONS that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good ... that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call GIANTS.
But NOAH was very uneasy at what they did; and being displeased at their conduct, persuaded them to change their dispositions and their acts for the better: but seeing they did not yield to him, but were slaves to their wicked pleasures,
he was afraid they would kill him, together with his wife and children, and those they had married; so he departed out of that land.
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Genesis 6:5-6 – God regretted He had made man - Wickedness
the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was
only evil continually.
6 And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth,
and it grieved him to his heart.
Genesis 6:7-8 – God blots out all the living, but Saves Noah
7 So the LORD said, “I WILL BLOT OUT MAN whom I have
created from the face of the land,
man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens,
for I am sorry that I have made them.”
8 BUT NOAH FOUND FAVOR in the eyes of the LORD. (ESV)
Consider the Marian apparitions being seen today, (appearances of Mary) are they from God or
is Satan messing with the believer’s Belief System?
Job says there was some kind of creation or LIFEFORM that existed at the beginning of
creation who all sang together.79
Daniel prophesized that there would be a mixing of seed in marriage; Nephilim perhaps?
Jesus said I have sheep in another pasture that you know nothing about.80 I always thought He
was talking to the Jews about including the Gentiles in the plan of salvation, but what if He was talking about including ET’s? Just sayin’ ... That one was just for fun to mess with your BS.
Josephus the Jewish Historian says the Nephilim’s appearance was entirely different from that of men; they were HYBRIDS, part celestial and part terrestrial.
Note: We do not know what ANGELS actually look like, nor their offspring’s the NEPHILIM; the Giants. When scripture says “ALL FLESH” had been corrupted, it gives us reason to believe that even the BEAST of the field also became corrupted.
Contemplate BIG FOOT, Wild man, Lizard man, Sasquatch, Yeti, the Thing, the Loch Ness sea monster; could all of these be the result of DNA harvesting and genetic altering by ET’s; the Nephilim? They actually have a name for it; NHE; Non-Human Entities.
The Book says we have entertained Angels without even knowing.81 The book of Enoch says that the spirits of the Nephilim or ET’s will REMAIN on the earth, so the MEN IN BLACK are here NOW. Is the world being prepared for Alien Serpent-Saviors?
Josephus 8.3.3 – Nobody can conjecture the shape of Angels
3 He also dedicated for the most secret place, whose breadth was twenty cubits, and length the same, two CHERUBIM’S of solid gold; the height of each of them was five cubits they had each of them two wings stretched out as far as five cubits; wherefore Solomon set them up not far from each other, that with one wing they might touch the southern wall of the secret place, and with another the northern: their other wings, which joined to each other, were a covering to the ark, which was set between them;
79 Job 38:4-7 – ET’s; Morning Stars; Sons of God existed at the creation of the Earth
80 John 10:16 – I have other Sheep: other Pasture, but NOT ET’s
81 Hebrews 13:2 - Some have entertained angels unawares
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Josephus 5.2.3- Giants appearance was entirely different
3 There were till then left THE RACE OF GIANTS, who had BODIES SO LARGE and COUNTENANCES SO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from other men, that they were surprising to the sight, and terrible to the hearing. The BONES of these men are still shown to this very day, UNLIKE to any creditable relations of other men.
Josephus 7.12.1 – Giants spear HANDLE weighted 7 1⁄2 pounds
1 He was one of the sons of THE GIANTS. He had a SPEAR, THE HANDLE of which weighted three hundred shekels, (7 1⁄2 pounds) and a breastplate of chain work, and a sword.
Josephus 3.14.2 – After Noah’s Flood; Giants in the land
2 They told them also, that they found at Hebron the posterity of the GIANTS. Accordingly these SPIES perceived that all these difficulties were greater there than they had met with since they came out of Egypt, they were affrighted at them themselves and endeavored to affright the multitude also.
Enoch 15:8 – ET’s spirits shall remain on the earth
8 Now the GIANTS, who have been born of spirit and of flesh, shall be called upon earth EVIL SPIRITS, and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy WATCHERS was their beginning and primary foundation. Evil spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven shall be in heaven; but
Enoch 15:9-10 – ET’s oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise
9 The spirits of the GIANTS shall be like clouds (Nephilim), which
shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earth.
10 They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat; and they
shall be thirsty; THEY SHALL BE CONCEALED, and shall
... rise up against the sons of men, and against women; for
Daniel 2:43 – Prophecy; ET’s mixing, marrying earthly women?
43 As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay,
End times
I can’t go on without mentioning what is seen in Revelation concerning the end times. John the revelator talks about HORSES THAT HAD TAILS that looked like SERPENT HEADS. He speaks of locust shaped like horses with human faces and long hair like women, with teeth of lions and with wings and tails that sting like scorpions.
I can now see how all of this can be, realizing the MONSTROSITIES created by the Nephilim. Look what we are doing today, there is legislation concerning creating human-animal hybrids and manipulating human embryos; are we being steered by the Nephilim?
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Revelation 9:17-19 – Horses with serpent head tails
17 And this is how I saw the horses in my vision and those who rode them: they wore breastplates the color of fire and of sapphire and of sulfur, and the
18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed, by the fire and
smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouths.
19 For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails, for
Revelation 9:7-10 – Locust like horses with wings and stingers
7 In appearance the LOCUSTS WERE LIKE HORSES prepared for battle: on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like HUMAN FACES, their HAIR LIKE WOMEN’S HAIR, and their TEETH LIKE LIONS’ TEETH;
9 they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the noise of their
WINGS was like the noise of many chariots with horses rushing into
power to hurt people for five months is in their tails. (ESV)
Fourth Dimension
Then next thing to make you uncomfortable is to talk about a FOURTH DIMENSION, one that is unseen, a parallel dimension that transcends Normal human perception, where WARS are fought, ANGELS and DEMONS and people can move through, as well as “SEE” if the Lord opens their eyes.82 Have you ever thought you saw something moving out of the corner of your eye and when you looked; nothing was there?
We are at war against cosmic POWERS and spiritual forces from the heavens. In the Greek Lexicon, the word “Princes or Rulers” comes from the Greek word Archon which is defined as Power, Ability, Liberty, License, Privilege, Right, Commission, or Authority; having a role in controlling the activities of humans.
Make no mistake Satan is THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR83 and governs what moves through it. That should be comforting to know when you are FLYING, driving your car or just walking. What if the Bottomless Pit84 is not DOWN in the earth, but UP in another dimension? If you can believe in Heaven and Hell which you have never seen, you should be able to believe that there is another dimension also that you have never seen.
Do you remember the story of Balaam’s donkey who could see God’s angel standing in the road ready to give Balaam a haircut with his sword?85 Good Grief; in my BS, I think it’s a blessing that we cannot see into the Fourth Dimension; we would live in constant anxiety ever day at what we saw.
I need to mess with you a little more. Consider the Garden of Eden where water flowed from the Garden and separated into four rivers; Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. It’s well known in recorded history that these rivers changed channels more than once making the identification of the location of Eden even more impossible. The once grass lands and marshes have now become deserts.
82 2 Kings 6:17 – Angels operate in the fourth dimension unseen unless God opens the eyes.
83 Ephesians 2:2 - Satan is the prince of the power of the AIR
84 Luke 8:31 - The Bottomless Pit; Perhaps in another dimension -- Revelation 9:1 – The Abyss; perhaps in another dimension
85 Numbers 22:23 – Balaam’s Donkey saw into the fourth Dimension when he SAW THE ANGEL OF THE LORD with a DRAWN
SWORD in his hand
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Note: God drove man out of the EAST of the Garden; in the Hebrew language Gedem means east, but it also has the meanings of Beginning or Ancient or AFORETIME.86
Was in the beginning the ancient Garden of Eden of aforetime in another dimension because no trace of it has ever been found. If it was, then another dimension can contain intelligent life as well as un-intelligent life, such as trees and plants.
Ephesians 6:12 – Spiritual forces in a another dimension
Sky Trumpets
Have you heard about the strange phenomena starting around 2011 of APOCALYPTIC sounds coming from the sky described as ultra-low frequency hums, sky quakes, trumpets or horns? They seem to groan or morn and sometimes include unintelligent voices, somewhat like a chant. I have heard and seen videos of it on line; Scary stuff, I encourage you to listen Sometimes it is accompanied by abrupt changes of light, not lighting, but a patterned sequences of more, then less light.
Some believe they are just man made sounds or natural phenomena, perhaps acoustical gravity waves between 20 and 100 cycles, however others think it is UFO’s or Spiritual Activity. Some see it as Divine in origin and others say its demon activity.
Scientist think it is energy processed at the earth’s core and FORECAST a sharp increase in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and extreme weather events.87 (End Times?) The Trumpets88 or the Shophar is a harbinger of the End Times and will sound at the Rapture of the Church; the Saints, the Elect, the Believer; US.
No one really knows what it is; but could it be “MIND CONTROL” just to groom us to receive Extra Terrestrials as super intelligent gods and not the plain old run of the mill Evil Demons.
Far Out
The next thing to make you squirm is to recall the story of the Demon Possessed Man whose name was Legion because he had some 6,000 demons in him. When Jesus commanded the demons to come out, they knew who Jesus was and begged Him not to send them before their time into the “dry” desert where they could not find rest.89
Jesus complied and sent them into a herd of about 2,000 (moist) pigs which promptly ran down a hill and drowned in the SEA. (The demons from the first earth age are the same demons we have today)
Now with that said... Demons are immortal; the pigs died, but the demons did not90... Where did they go, where are they today? Let your mind wander out to SEA, maybe all these demons are in the “BERMUDA TRIANGLE”... Since 1609 there have been at least 23 recorded disappearances of planes and boats in that area; was this demonic activity?
Did a Portal or Gateway open in the FOURTH DIMENSION? - PONDER THAT FOR A WHILE -
86 Genesis 3:24 – East also means aforetime, Ancient, Beginning
87 Luke 21:11 – Great signs in heaven; earthquakes, famines and pestilences;
88 Revelation 8:2 – Trumpets will sound with the End Time wrath of God -- Revelation 8:6 – Judgement will begin with the first
trumpet -- Exodus 19:16 –The Presence of God comes with a very loud trumpet blast -- Isaiah 27:13 - A GREAT TRUMPET will
usher in the Return of the Messiah -- 1 Corinthians 15:52 – At the Last trumpet in the twinkling of an eye THE DEAD WILL BE
89 Matthew 12:43 – Demons need a moist place to find rest
90 Mark 5:8-13 – 6,000 demons entered two thousand pigs and the pigs drowned in the SEA, but the demons lived on
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While you are still messed up... Did you know that NASA has NEVER tracked an UFO
coming from space into our atmosphere and it has NEVER tracked one leaving going into space? Have you heard of things that leave traces of its presence on the ground, affect radar, defy gravity, make right angle turns at ultra-speeds, change shapes, appear and disappear?
Is it HOSTILE or is it BENEVOLENT; is it a THING or is it LIVING, is it a little god? Elijah went up to Heaven in a whirlwind, in a UFO;91 a Chariot of fire with Horsemen riding
Horses of fire. Don’t overlook the fact that there was SOMETHING that was riding on the horses. Zachariah saw a UFO; a Scroll FLYING,92 or more probably HOVERING that contained a
“curse”. He also saw an evil woman sitting in a UFO93 (an Ephah), a FLYING measuring basket. Just for fun; an Ephah measuring container is shaped just like a flying saucer with a hole in the
top and it would hold ten omers.
Elisha on another occasion, let his servant see a UFO;94 Chariots of fire and horses.
Daniel saw an UFO; God’s Fiery Throne with flaming WHEELS.95
Just to mess with you further, because of our “BS”; our Belief System, we always see an UFO
as something mechanical or constructed; an object. Maybe some are, but what if the UFO’s in the scriptures were actually LIVING BEINGS created by God for His purposes?
Ezekiel saw a UFO; a wheel within a wheel;96 I think it is interesting that he describes what he sees a LIVING BEINGS.
You may not have thought about it, but the PILLAR OF CLOUD & the PILLAR OF FIRE were UFO’s.97
The Government has long been associated with UFO’s as documented in “Project Blue Book”, could it be that what they are hiding is that the UFO’s are NOT alien spacecraft? Have you read anything about IDH, InterDimensional Hypothesis which embraces a dimension beyond the time and Space continuum?
Perhaps UFO’s are always here, but in a FOURTH DIMENSION, slipping in and out through Gateways and Portals. What if Ufology is actually Demonology?
President Jimmy Carter
In 1973 Jimmy Carter said "There were about twenty of us standing outside of a little restaurant, I believe, a high school lunch room, and a kind of green light appeared in the western sky. This was right after sundown. It got brighter and brighter and then it eventually disappeared. It didn't have any solid substance to it, it was just a very peculiar-looking light. None of us could understand what it was."
Recounted in 2005 "all of a sudden, one of the men looked up and said, 'Look, over in the west!' And there was a bright light in the sky; we all saw it, and then the light, it got closer and closer to us, and then it stopped. I don’t know how far away, but it stopped beyond the pine trees. And all of a sudden it changed color to blue, and then it changed to red, then back to white. And we were trying to figure out what in the world it could be, and then it receded into the distance."
“One thing's for sure, I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists." Wikipedia
91 2 Kings 2:11-12 – Elijah saw an UFO; Chariots of Fire
92 Zechariah 5:1 – Zachariah saw an UFO; a flying scroll
93 Zechariah 5:5-7 - Zachariah saw an UFO; a woman inside a flying basket
94 2 Kings 6:17 – Elisha’s servant saw an UFO; a Chariots of Fire
95 Daniel 7:9 – Daniel saw an UFO; a Fiery Throne with flaming wheels
96 Ezekiel 1:15-16 – Ezekiel saw an UFO; A Wheel inside a Wheel
97 Exodus 13:21 – UFO; Pillar of Cloud, Pillar of Fire
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Portals – Gate Ways, Door Ways
This brings us up to discussing GATEWAYS & PORTALS - BLACK HOLES & WHITE HOLES,
Extraterrestrials (from beyond earth) and Terrestrials (on or from earth).
C.S. Lewis hinted at a Portal or Gateway in his novel, “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe”
where the wardrobe was the PORTAL or door way into another dimension.
Do you NOT think Portals exist? Check out the Ladder that Jacob saw set up between heaven
and earth, with angels ascending and descending on it;98 a Gateway or Portal into heaven. I must
point out that this portal existed only by the will of God, not by the will of a man.
Paul went through a Gateway or Portal that took him into the Third Heaven99 and he reports that
he is not even sure how it all happened, except BY THE WILL OF GOD.
Enoch and Elijah both went through a GATEWAY and never came back;100 they did not die.
Enoch was translated, which comes from the Greek word metatithemi which means to transfer or CHANGE; he went through a PORTAL. When Christ returns we will all be CHANGED in the twinkling of an eye.101 – PONDER THAT -
Phillip the Deacon stepped through a Gateway and found himself in another city preaching.102
Jesus often stepped through A PORTAL to escape harm or avoid the crowds or simply be somewhere else.103
Jesus, the Disciples and an ENTIRE BOAT went through A PORTAL to the other side of the lake.104 I guess that would be an IFO... An Identified Floating Object.
Enoch was the “Seventh” generation after Adam from the Godly line of Seth who took the place of Able who was murdered by Cain. Enoch says there are TWELVE GATE WAYS or PORTALS between heaven and earth; FOUR bring blessings and health, and EIGHT bring punishment. We really don’t know if Enoch was actually the author of the book named after him, but Jude the brother of Jesus, quotes from it. Whether true of false, this is what they were thinking at that time. (The Book of Enoch is found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and can be found on line.)
The Rapture, PERHAPS will operate in this 4th dimension; we will all be changed;105 laws of nature will be suspended, resurrected bodies of dead believers will reunite with their spirits then unite with living believers and then all pass through Satan’s Kingdom of the air through a Gateway or Portal106 to meet our Lord Jesus Christ in the air.
Every eye will see Him when He returns;107 IS THE EARTH FLAT AFTER ALL, or do Portals and Gateways open up all around the world at the same time? Jesus said, “I am the Door”, “I am the Way”. 108
Just because a portal opens, does not mean that God opened it... Satan is the “Prince of the POWER of the Air” and can also open Star Gates and Portals.109 - PONDER THAT -
98 Genesis 28:12-17 – JACOB saw a ladder, the Gateway to Heaven; a Portal with ANGELS ASCENDING and DESCENDING - John
1:51 – Heavily Portal opened and the Angels ASCENDING AND DESCENDING
99 2 Corinthians 12:2-3 – PAUL WAS CAUGHT UP through a Gateway or Portal TO THE THIRD HEAVEN
100 Hebrews 11:5 –ENOCH by Faith was translated; Transferred, CHANGED -- Genesis 5:24 – ENOCH waked through a Gateway or
Portal AND HE WAS NOT, FOR GOD TOOK HIM. -- 2 Kings 2:11 – ELIJAH went through a Portal in a whirlwind into heaven
101 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 – I TELL YOU A MYSTERY; WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED
102 Acts 8:39-40 - PHILIP steps through a Gateway or Portal into the city Azotus and started preaching
103 John 5:13 – JESUS CONVEYED HIMSELF away from the multitudes to another place -- Luke 4:29-30 – JESUS PASSED THROUGH
a Portal to avoid the crowds taking His life before His time. -- John 8:59 – JESUS WALKS THROUGH a portal hiding Himself from
the angry crowds -- John 20:19 – JESUS passing through a Portal, entered a LOCKIED room and STOOD IN THE MIDST of His
104 John 6:19-21 – JESUS, DISCIPLES & BOAT zip through a gateway
105 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 – THE RAPTURE; CAUGHT UP together to MEET THE LORD in the air. Do we pass through a Portal?
106 Psalm 24:7– Lift up ye GATES, ANCIENT DOORS, Portals
107 Revelation 1:7 – At Christ’s return, will Gateways open so every eye can see Him
108 John 10:9 – Jesus said He was the DOOR, the believer will go IN and OUT and find pasture -- John 14:6 – Jesus said He was the
Way; The Portal to God No one comes to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME
109 Ephesians 2:1-2 – Satan also opens Gate Ways and Portals, THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR, NOW AT WORK --
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory
Jude 1:14 – Jude quotes from the Book of Enoch
14 Enoch, who lived in the seventh generation after Adam,
prophesied about these people. He said, “Listen! The Lord is coming
with countless thousands of his holy ones. (NLT)
***Enoch 75:1-12 – Enoch said there are 12 Gate Ways or Portals
1 at the extremities of the earth I beheld TWELVE GATES open
for all the winds, from which they proceed and blow over the earth.
2 Three of them are open in the front of heaven, three in the west,
three on the right side of heaven, and three on the left. The first three
are those which are towards the EAST, three are towards the
NORTH, three behind those which are upon the left, towards the
SOUTH, and three on the WEST.
3 From FOUR of them proceed winds of blessing, and of health;
and from EIGHT proceed winds of punishment; when they are
sent to destroy the earth, and the heaven above it, all its inhabitants,
and all which are in the waters, or on dry land.
4 The first of these winds proceeds from the gate termed the eastern,
through the first gate on the EAST, which inclines southwards.
From this goes forth destruction, drought, heat, and perdition.
5 From the second gate, the middle one, proceeds equity. There
issue from it rain, fruitfulness, health, and dew; and from the third
gate northwards, proceed cold and drought.
6 After these proceed the SOUTH winds through three principal
gates; through their first gate, which inclines eastwards, proceeds a
hot wind.
7 But from the middle gate proceed grateful odour, dew, rain,
health, and life.
8 From the third gate, which is westwards, proceed dew, rain, blight,
and destruction.
9 After these are the winds to the NORTH, which is called the
sea. They proceed from three gates. The first gate is that which is on
the east, inclining southwards; from this proceed dew, rain, blight,
and destruction. From the middle direct gate proceed rain, dew,
life, and health. And from the third gate, which is westwards,
inclining towards the south, proceed mist, frost, snow, rain, dew, and
10 After these in the fourth quarter are the winds to the WEST.
From the first gate, inclining northwards, proceed dew, rain, frost,
cold, snow, and chill; from the middle gate proceed rain, health, and
11 And from the last gate, which is southwards, proceed drought,
destruction, scorching, and perdition.
12 The account of THE TWELVE GATES of the four quarters of
heaven is ended.
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory IT’S IN THE BOOK
1) The First Heaven is where we see the stars and our galaxy.
2) The Second Heaven is a WAR ZONE where battles are fought to keep the promises and
answers to prayers from reaching God’s crowning creation; Man.110
3) The Third Heaven is the dwelling place of God where Paul got a glimpse in his spirit.111
Because of the war in the second heaven our prayers are delayed, Daniel had to pray for 21 days before he got his answer although it was dispatched before he had even finished praying. Prayer is the Weapon of Choice for the Believer, don’t give up; pray without ceasing.
NOTE: Many Students of the Book feel that the three heavens symbolize THE THREE EARTH AGES. The First; before this creation, The Second; this present Earth, The Third; the new Earth to come.
Tower of Babel
Babylon is the birthplace of all the false religions and cults, this is where ET’s were worshipped; they were the deities from the heavens who were actually fallen angels.
Due to a sexual act against Noah by a member of the family of Ham; a curse was placed on HAM’S Family. Generations later Nimrod comes on the scene; he was the son of Cush, the son of HAM, who was the son of Noah and scripture says “HE BEGAN” to be “A Mighty One” which is the same terminology used for a “Gibborim”; a GIANT.
It is also the same term used for the “Sons of God” who came down and took earthly women for their wives and produced the Giants; THE NEPHILIM who were referred to as “The Mighty Ones”. Consider the possibility that his mother could have been one of the women taken by the Nephilim and he was the hybrid result.
Was this part of Noah’s Curse? Did he have latent DNA that came alive or was he “genetically altered” by an alien abduction, as “He Began” to become a Giant? Could he have had special secret knowledge, to begin the TOWER OF BABEL that was to reach into the heavens,112 which by today’s standards we know is impossible? Did God know something that we do not and He confused their language in order to stop the project or whatever it was. What did God Know?
In Hebrew, the city was called Babel meaning “To mix” or “Confusion”, because God confounded their languages there, and divided them up according to their language and the fallen angel gods that they worshipped there.
In Akkadian the city’s name was called Balal which meant the “GATE OF GOD”.
Get ready to get upset; what if the tower was not really meant to reach heaven, but was to be a PORTAL or GATEWAY into the Fourth Dimension. - PONDER THAT FOR A WHILE –
Deut. 32:8 – Language divided according number Fallen Angels
8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when
He divided mankind,
He fixed the borders of the peoples (languages)
according to the number of the SONS OF GOD. (Fallen Angels) (ESV)
As the flags are going up in your Belief System, did you know that today on Mount Graham in Tucson, there is a new telescope that has been built to help scientist to understand how stars are born. The name of it is “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility; with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research” or LUCIFER, but is fondly referred to as just “Lucy”. You may recall Lucifer’s name is “THE MORNING STAR”. This was not a coincidence, they had to really stretch it to get that name, and on purpose.
110 Daniel 10:12-13 – Angels fought 21 days to bring the answer to prayer -- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 – PRAY WITHOUT CEASING
111 2 Corinthians 12:2 – God is in the Third Heaven
112 Genesis 11:1-9 – They were of ONE LANGUAGE; Nimrod built the Tower of Babel, A TOWER THAT WAS TO REACH TO THE
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Guess what’s next door; THE VATICAN’S OBSERVATORY. Pope Petrus Romanus Francis was the first to express that he wanted to BAPTIZE an Extraterrestrial. Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a member of the Vatican Curia stated, “I always wish to be the spokesman for these STAR PEOPLE who also are part of God’s glory, and I will continue to bring it to the attention of the Holy Mother Church.”
Could we be steered to recognize the common origin of our species with that of the ET Alien as originating from the same Creator? Did Christ die to save the Klingons and the Extraterrestrial also?
Isaiah 14:12 – Satan is the Morning Star
12 Shining MORNING STAR, how you have fallen from the heavens! You destroyer of nations, you have been cut down to the ground.
While your pants are still in a wad; considering this question; did Jesus die for the ET’s also; the Extraterrestrials certainly brings a new light on PREDESTINATION.
The Great Commission to preach the Gospel is extended only to the ends of the EARTH and not to other planets.113 That leaves OUT Men in Black, Darth Vader and ET.
God made man a little lower than the Angels; man is mortal and has a soul, Angels are immortal, but do not possess a soul; so a fallen angel cannot be redeemed; but man can.
Enoch took a petition to God on behalf of some of the Nephilim for forgiveness of their sins, God said the petition will NOT BE GRANTED. The NEPHILIM are bound to stay on earth as long as the earth endures; THEY ARE HERE TODAY. So IF the Nephilim which are the offspring’s of the Angels that took earthly women for wives are among us today, they are predestined to hell, and cannot be redeemed; saved.
PONDER THE EVIL that’s in the world today, are these EVIL people descendants of the Nephilim’swithoutsoulsandcannotberedeemed? Dowewalksidebysidewithextraterrestrials and NEITHER of us know it?114 – PONDER THAT –
Genesis 2:7 – God breathed into man & he BECAME a living Soul
7 And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and BREATHED into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE;
Jude 1:6 – Angels left their assignments for dark missions
6 And you know the story of the
abandoning it for other, darker missions. But they are now chained
and jailed in a BLACK HOLE until the great Judgment Day. (MSG)
***Enoch 12-5-7- ET’s’ or Angels cannot receive remission of Sins
5 Then the Lord said to me: Enoch, scribe of righteousness, go tell the
WATCHERS of heaven, who have DESERTED the lofty sky, and
their holy everlasting station, who have been POLLUTED with
6 And have done as the sons of men do, by taking to themselves wives,
and who have been greatly CORRUPTED on the earth;
7 That on the earth they shall NEVER OBTAIN PEACE and
REMISSION OF SIN. For they shall not rejoice in their offspring;
113 Acts 1:8 – Great Commission; YOU WILL BE MY WITNESSES to the ends of the EARTH.”
114 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 – Satan disguises himself as an angel of light his servants also disguise themselves. Deceiving entities
cannot be saved; their END will correspond to their deeds.
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they shall behold the slaughter of their beloved; shall lament for the
destruction of their sons; and SHALL PETITION FOR EVER;
BUT SHALL NOT obtain mercy and peace.
Enoch 13:1-7 – Enoch petitions God for Nephilim’s forgiveness
1 Then Enoch, passing on, said to Azazyel: You shalt not obtain peace.
bind you;
2 Neither shall relief, mercy, and supplication be yours, on account of
the oppression which you have taught;
SIN, which you have discovered to the children of men.
4 Then departing from him I spoke to them all together;
5 And they all became terrified, and trembled;
6 Beseeching me to write for them a memorial of supplication, that they might obtain forgiveness; and that I might make the memorial of their prayer ascend up before the God of heaven; because they could not themselves address him, nor raise up their eyes to heaven on account of the disgraceful offence for which they were judged.
7 Then I wrote a memorial of their prayer and supplications, for their spirits, for everything which they had done, and for the subject of their entreaty, that they might obtain remission and rest.
***Enoch 14:3-4 – God said NO forgiveness of sin for the Nephilim
3 Judgment has been passed upon you:
your request will NOT BE GRANTED you.
4 From this time forward, never shall you ascend into heaven; He has
said, that ON THE EARTH He will bind you, as long as the world
One World Religion
If an Extraterrestrial came about spouting One God, One World, One Religion and he manifested Signs and Wonders, would he not be considered a UNIFIER. Know this, an angel or demon including Satan cannot be but in ONE place at a time, they are not Omni-present. When Jesus returns, every eye will behold him AT THE SAME TIME.
So if someone says that the Christ is over there somewhere, don’t be tricked. If people are gathering around someone who claims to be Christ, this is the SIGN OF THE END TIMES, that; person is a false Christ and is the walking DEAD. Where the buzzards gather there is a DEAD BODY.
Matthew 24:23-24 - Look, here is the Messiah; don’t believe it.
23 Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or ‘There
he is,’ don’t believe it.
24 For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great
signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen
Luke 17:35-37 –Sign End Times; False Prophet Vultures gather
35 Two women will be grinding flour together at the mill; one will be
taken, the other left.”
37 “Where will this happen, Lord?” the disciples asked. Jesus
replied, “Just as the gathering of vulture’s shows there is a carcass
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory IT’S IN THE BOOK
What more can God do? GodplacedtheGospelmessageintheStars,theZodiac,butmenpervertedit. Heplacedthe
Gospel message in the Great Pyramid, but men perverted it. God sent His only begotten Son with the Gospel message115, but men perverted it.
God has dug the vineyard, cleared it of stones, planted the message, built a watchtower and hewed out a vat to receive the yield. What more can He do?
Satan is the God of this world and has blinded the minds of men to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ.116 Satan was created perfect and was given FREE WILL, which allowed him to have the potential to do the GREATEST GOOD or the potential to do the GREATEST EVIL. |
Somewhere along eternity past Satan SAW all of creation and focused his WILL on himself117 and DESIRE was born;118 he desired to raise himself up to be equal with God. DESIRE gives birth to PRIDE119 and with pride comes THE FALL120 which brings on shame; this moves on to corrupted wisdom which brings on lies. Satan became the Father of Lies. |
Isaiah 5:2-4 - What more can God do?
2 He DUG it and CLEARED it of stones, and PLANTED it with choice vines; he BUILT a watchtower in the midst of it, and HEWED out a wine vat in it; and he looked for it to yield grapes, but IT YIELDED WILD GRAPES. And now, judge between me and my vineyard.
4 WHAT MORE WAS THERE TO DO for my vineyard that I have not done in it?
Isaiah 14:13-14 – The five “I Wills” of Satan
13 You said in your heart, "I WILL ascend to heaven; I WILL raise my throne above the stars of God; I WILL sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. 14 I WILL ascend above the tops of the clouds; I WILL make myself like the Most High."
The Take Away
God forbid the Israelites to intermarry with other nations, telling them to keep their bloodline pure, free from the evil of the Nephilim. It would be the Hebrew’s line of heritage which the Messiah Jesus Christ would come.
Currently there are new age teachings that Mary the mother of Jesus was impregnated with an ET and gave birth to a hybrid Jesus. They point to ET’s or Angels to worship which takes us back in time to the worship of the many false gods at the TOWER OF BABEL. They point to a “Celestial Savior” that is a replacement for Jesus Christ.
We are already hearing teachings to OPEN your mind and heart and invite ET’s to speak to you in bilateral communications through the use of Meditation, Channeling, Chanting Mantras and experimenting with Remote Viewing. They are teaching that there is no absolute truth, no sin and no God. You can self-direct your own evolution. What you are actually opening up is to demonic possession. There will be a time of “Mass Possession” & “Mass Perversion” coming.
115 John 3:16 – God gave His only Son; The Saving Gospel in flesh
116 2 Corinthians 4:4 – Satan the God of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers
117 Ezekiel 28:15-16 – Satan’s “WILL” was toward himself
118 Ezekiel 28:2 – Satan lifted up his heart in pride and it gave birth to desire
119 Ezekiel 28:17-18 – Pride was born in Satan because of his beauty and wisdom
120 Proverbs 16:18 – Pride comes and then the fall into destruction
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I encourage you to read the “Book of Enoch” found on line; much of it is about the Nephilim, the fallen angels and sexual perversion.
The Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUSA) not only condones homosexuality they also welcome homosexual clergy in their leadership. A group broke off from them for this reason and formed the PCA; Presbyterian Church of America which rejects all of this.
The Boy Scouts of America are welcoming homosexual leadership. The PCA broke away from them and affiliated with “Trail Life USA” for boys; which rejects homosexuality.
The Astrologists and NASA have never found another planet that sits in a “sweet spot” a Goldilocks planet; not too hot and not too cold where life can thrive like on the planet earth. We live in a universe that was designed just for us; we are unique,121 we were not seeded by an advanced Alien race.
The Bible doesn’t tell us everything about time and space, but it does tell us everything we need to know to obtain salvation and everlasting life with God. The other galaxies, stars and planets were also created for God’s glory, but not necessarily for life.
The Nephilim phenomena will happen again just before the return of Christ, so look for increased reports of UFO’s and ET activity, Abductions, Cattle mutations and Supernatural SIGNS and WONDERS. ItwillbemoreInterdimensionalthanExtraterrestrial;becausetheyarealreadyhere.
In the centuries past, there were just a few reports here and there about UFO’s and such things, but in 1947 beginning with the Roswell incident, the reports have sky rocketed. The Time is getting near; when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. HE IS COMING SOON
When I share a Word Study with my friend and mentor Dr. John Harvey, he would always say with an elevated tone; SO WHAT? It was not a question, it was a statement; He would say WHAT’’S THE POINT, it doesn’t change anything.
The “Take Away” of this Word Study is to point out that Christ said that when He returns it will be like in the days of Noah. I wanted to point out that His return would include the fallen angels whose offspring’s were known as the Nephilim which were soulless empty bodies. They did much evil; corrupted man and beast, taught the secret arts; the use of drugs and the secrets of the angels which may have included Gate Ways and Portals.
If I have stirred up anything, I pray I have stirred up in you a desire not so much to know the BOOK of the Lord, but to know the LORD of the Book; man’s chief end is to glorify God. Our Covenant with God is unique to us on earth and throughout the heavens and the entire universe. No other creation or Extraterrestrial has received it.
If there exist another solar system with life, God has separated it far enough away from us in order to PROTECT THEM from being contaminated by us with SIN. - PONDER THAT -
KNOW THIS, ever since Satan fell from grace, the angels and all of God’s creations have WATCHED the downward trajectory of Satan and his followers as they continue to rebel against their creator. All have WITNESSED the eons of time that has been given to Satan to repent. All creation has WITNESSED the PATIENCE of God and His LOVE for His creations. One day God will vanquish Sin and Evil forever and all of creation will WITNESS it and there will never be another rebellion again. God could have wiped out Satan immediately, but then all creation would obey God out of FEAR, instead of out of LOVE.
The discovery of Alien life would have no effect on the Christian and Satan has no authority over us, but he can hinder us through ignorance and fear;122 don’t be conformed to this world. The choices you make on this side of life have eternal consequences. It’s in the Book
121 Deuteronomy 4:32 – Man and his relationship with God is Unique ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether such a great
thing as this has ever happened or was ever heard of.
122 Matthew 24:24 – Great Signs and Wonders will lead people astray -- Luke 21:28 – When these things begin; look up for Jesus is
drawing near -- Psalm 18:14 - God vanquished the foe forever
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Chapter 8. 3
First Word
I know you remember the old song “Ezekiel saw da wheel”... He sure saw something... The
History Channel has a series about Ancient Aliens and UFO’s that are quite intriguing. Although we have space travel today, the thought of UFO’s can sure get your imagination going.
With that in mind; the Bible says that “There is nothing new under the sun”. So with that said; could Ezekiel have actually seen an Ancient UFO?
This FUN Word study is to unpack the LITERAL as well as the SYMBOLIC.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 - There is nothing new under the sun
9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory
Ezekiel’s UFO
Helicopter Blades – Landing Pods – Robotic Arms – Cockpit Capsule Wheels within a Wheel – Knobby Tires – Four Wheel Drive – Decals
Ezekiel the Actor
IMPORTANT: Just as Christ told parables to get people to remember His concepts, Ezekiel did the same thing with his warnings, parables and prophecies; but he did it by ACTING IT OUT. His life became a prophecy that demanded an audience.123 Spectators would come again and again to see what he would do next; this statement is important.
God will give Ezekiel a scroll to eat;124 (acting out) the Word of God is now inside his spirit. This symbolism here is clear, that we should devour the Word of God; feast on it every day, it will be as sweet as honey. When Ezekiel eats the scroll, he is symbolizing his acceptance of the Lord’s commission to take an unpleasant message to an unreceptive audience.
Ezekiel draws a picture of Jerusalem on a brick and then breaks it “Acting Out” that Jerusalem will be destroyed125. He is playing “War Games” as the people watch to see what he is going to do next. He then places an iron pan between the brick and himself “Acting Out” that God has turned his face from Israel;126 Ezekiel has become the prophecy.127
Ezekiel gives a vivid description “OF SOMETHING” that you WILL remember; if you can just understand its symbolism. We can just guess at what it all means or we can prove it; scripture with scripture, line upon line and precept upon precept.128 THIS WILL BE FUN
Get this Picture
Before we start; as Ezekiel does his best to describe what he sees, it will be much more FUN if you have the image of a SPACESHIP in your mind. As a kid did you ever spin a TOP with a string and notice how it would balance itself on the end of your finger? COOL
123 Ezekiel 3:24-26 – Ezekiel ACTS OUT the parable/prophecy
124 Ezekiel 3:1-4 – ACTS OUT; Eats the scroll, God’s Word is now in him
125 Ezekiel 4:1-2 – ACTS OUT; break the brick; Jerusalem Destroyed
126 Ezekiel 4:3 – ACTS OUT; Iron wall between God and Israel.
127 Ezekiel 4:4-8 - Ezekiel ACTS OUT the prophecies.
128 Isaiah 28:10 – Prove Scripture with Scripture line upon line, precept upon precept
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Pictue This; a spaceship that is shaped like a “TOP”; like the shape that is similar to the Apollo Space Capsule; the larger part of the “TOP” would contain the crew’s cabins and the cockpit, the smaller bottom of the shape of the “TOP” would be the location of the red hot reactor. The sides of the capsule or “TOP” are concave, and for good reason... stay tuned...
Attached to the top side are four retractable legs that each have a helicopter midway down with four retractable blades and in the bottom of each unit are two telescoping pods that cushion the landing. Also inside the body of each of the four units are motors for the helicopter blades as well as a unique wheel that lets down for movement once the craft has landed. The concave body of the “TOP” accommodates the protrusion of the helicopter blades that project inward toward the body of the spacecraft.
There are two robotic arms on each of the four modules as well as jets that help with the orientation of the craft while in flight.
In an orbit above the earth is the powerful mother ship. This smaller craft that has landed is like a SHUTTLE, but with land rover capabilities and contains the ground crew. Got that.... OK with that picture in your mind get ready to shake your head in disbelief.
A Little Background
The Prophet Ezekiel is about 30 years of age and is a member of an upper class Jewish Family. He is living just a few miles from Babylon on the Chebar (Kebar) River which is actually a great canal in Chaldea just off of the Euphrates River.
It’s the year 592 BC which is five years after King Nebuchadnezzar had deported the Israelites including Ezekiel from Israel. Jerusalem has not yet been destroyed, but that is coming and Ezekiel is part of that prophecy. Before God brings judgment on Jerusalem, His Glory will leave its residence in the Temple; did you see it? God’ Glory is leaving.
Ezekiel is a Priest from the tribe of Levi and is part of the captives put there to till the fertile soil. The Exiles think that they are in captivity because their God is weak; that He didn’t look upon them anymore and that He has forsaken their land; so they denied His existence. They didn’t realize that God had chosen them as a remnant to be saved from the destruction of Jerusalem. While the embittered and rebellious exiles are remembering Zion and weeping;129 Ezekiel is seeing visions from God. What a contrast.
Ezekiel saw what looked like a whirlwind coming from the NORTH; a great cloud with fire that looked like glowing metal unfolding above him.130 He has certainly seen a wheel before, but never anything mechanical that could fly and he begins to describe in detail what he sees with the best knowledge that he has.
The Story Begins
Ezekiel encounters the same phenomena THREE TIMES and then once again 19 years later; so for over 20 years his descriptions of the spacecraft are literally the same. 131 We are going to look at his visions from two perspectives; the Literal and the Symbolic.
Literal View: Ezekiel sees the spaceship’s descent from a circular orbit in the NORTH132 to its subsequent landing on earth with the accompaniment of the roar of blazing rocket engines that seemed like the heavens were opening. It probably used retro rockets133 that looked like lightning flashes to slow its entry speed and then finally four helicopters units for its final descent. Liquid hydrogen that is used to cool down everything is discharged into the atmosphere creating a vapor cloud like that seen behind a jet flying at high altitudes.
129 Psalm 137:1 – Captives of Babylon sat and wept when we remembered Zion by the river
130 Ezekiel 1:4 – Something coming out of the NORTH The center of the fire looked like glowing metal. - Hebrews 12:29 - God is a
consuming fire -- Acts 26:13 – God is blazing brighter than the sun
131 Ezekiel 1:1 – The heavens were opened and I saw Visions of God by the Kebar River
132 Ezekiel 1:4 – I saw something coming out of the North;
133 Ezekiel 1:13 – The Rockets pulsed to make small corrections
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At some point Ezekiel sees the radiation of the reactor at the center of the very bottom glowing like red hot coals. This shuttle spaceship is operating in conjunction with a mother spacecraft orbiting probably some 220 nautical miles above the earth.
Symbolic View: In scripture the term “NORTH”134 is used to point to the throne of God135 and it strictly says that Ezekiel saw visions of GOD136 that looked like fire of glowing metal. Fire is the judgment of God coming on the earth.137 Ezekiel sees four Cherubim Angels forming a throne on which the Lord rode. Their wings sounded like the thunder of mighty rushing waters. Ezekiel is seeing the SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD.138 Shekinah is “the visible sign of the presence of God”.
Jesus came down from the father God whose orbit consumes the entire Heavens. God is hovering above the world now, ready to receive anyone who will come to Him through His only son born of a woman; Jesus the Christ.
Burning Coals of Fire
Literal: The rocket thrusters fired, making small corrections in the space ships descent that looked a lot like lightning bolts flashing back and forth. The robotic arms hands off some radioactive coals to one of the ground crew who is in a Linen protective spacesuit.
Symbolic: We are seeing the Glory of the Lord; His presence causes lightning bolts to blaze forth;139 God is Light, Jesus is the Light of the world,140 white Hot Light that purifies us from all sin.141 These burning hot coals speak of Judgment on the unbeliever.142 For the believer these burning coals signify cleansing and purification.
NOTE: In scripture, Devine messengers often wore “White Linen” portraying the purity and holiness of God and it was also used as a Priestly garment as well.
Cockpit Command Capsule
Literal: Ezekiel is able to see the Commander through the variable density tinted glass of the CCC (the Cockpit Command Capsule).143 He is sitting at the controls in his specially designed chair that resembles a throne. His vantage point is somewhat higher than the rest of the space craft which is manned by his crew on a lower level. The CCC has the ability to separate itself from the Land Rover Shuttle and take the Commander and a small crew short distances. It also contains a PA system for audible communication with those on the ground.
Symbolic: This is none other than the vision of the throne of God filled with energy like a rockets explosion at takeoff except it’s not leaving the earth; it’s coming to it, bringing the MERCY SEAT144 of God with His Angels in attendance. The “Mercy Seat” is where God will communicate with His people; He will have compassion and mercy.145
The Commander
Literal: There was nothing specially noted about the Commander except that he had on a highly reflective golden space suit that reflected Colors like that of a rainbow;146 this suit provided protection from radiation and heat; he was also equipped with personal technology that enabled him to fly from the CCC to the ground and back. He also could remote control the CCC in its movements; so other than that, he looked just like any other ordinary man; never the less Ezekiel was overwhelmed and fainted.
134 Ezekiel 1:4 – I saw something coming out of the North;
135 Isaiah 14:12-13 – The Heavens are in the NORTH
136 Ezekiel 1:1 – The heavens were opened and I saw Visions of God by the Kebar River
137 Hebrews 12:29 - God is a consuming fire
138 Nehemiah 9:12 - God’s Shekinah Glory like a Pillar of Fire
139 2 Samuel 22:13-14 - His brightness causes bolts of lightning
140 John 8:12 – Jesus said; I am the light of the world -- 1 John 1:5 - God is Light in him there is no darkness at all
141 1 John 1:7– His light purifies us from all sin
142 Ezekiel 10:1-2 – The burning coals are JUDGMENT on the city
143 Ezekiel 1:22-26 – The CCC - Cockpit Command Capsule
144 Exodus 25:21-22 – The “Mercy Seat” is above
145 Romans 9:15 - I will have mercy on whom I have mercy
146 Ezekiel 1:27-28 – The Commander had on a bright Space Suit like fire; brilliant light surrounded him like a rainbow.
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Symbolic: This is none other but the Glory of the Lord; not His Person; no one sees God’s face and lives.147 Jesus Christ came to the earth and took on the form of man and His glory was NOT seen.148 But if you believe; you WILL see the Glory of God. 149 God’s Glory has exploded all of Ezekiel’s five senses and he falls face down before Him. John the Revelator also fell down before Him150 and Isaiah the Prophet saw the Glory of God and thought he was a dead man.151
Isaiah said, “Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips”, then God touched Isiah with a piece of RED HOT COAL; God’s glowing Glory took away Isiah’s sins.
The Guide
Literal: The Commander himself does not show Ezekiel around, but gives him a guide to escort him. He has a tape measure to document the dimensions of a new temple.152 This is a pleasant, PEACEFUL encounter between Ezekiel and the Guide.
Symbolic: When a man is found in scripture with a measuring rod, it’s an Angel of God and DESTRUCTION is on the way;153 this is anything but peaceful; it’s scary.
Futuristic Weapons of Destruction
Literal: Ezekiel sees six of the Commanders ground crew with futuristic lethal weapons in their hands; WEAPONS that he has never seen before and could not describe.154 There are seven men in the ground crew; six of which are in charge of the city and dressed like the common man of the day155 and the seventh one, the guide is dressed in a protective space suit.
Symbolic: These six men represent SOME of the multitudes of God’s Angels156 that are used in the JUDGMENT of the World when Christ returns to establish His Kingdom.157
(This is not the rapture when Christ returns for the Church with NO angles, but this is at his final coming.) (SIX is the number of “Man” or “Sin”. If the number had been SEVEN (completeness) God would have sent ALL His Angels.)
Four Living Creatures
Ezekiel sees four living creatures; he does not interpret what he sees because he can’t; all he can do is report with terminology that makes sense to him.
Literal: He sees windows like eyes all around the space ship.158 At first Ezekiel thinks that he sees forms like human beings, but when the smoke clears the unique shapes appear to have wings that are moving; below the wings are arms that are hanging down alongside a body and their faces resemble a human form; a man.159
Symbolic: The eyes all around the space ship is a metaphor of God’s all seeing and all knowing.160 These four creatures are Cherubim angles that guard the throne of God as well as show the way to it. They represent the four angels that stand around the throne of God, praising Him; saying Holy, Holy, Holy; day and night. The likeness of a man speaks of the incarnation of Christ; God came down to earth as a man to show us the way.161
147 Exodus 33:18-19 - You cannot see my face, for NO ONE MAY SEE ME AND LIVE
148 John 1:14 – The Son of God left His GLORY and became flesh and dwelt among us.
149 John 11:40 - If you BELIEVE, YOU WILL SEE the glory of God
150 Revelation 1:16-17 – John the Revelator saw the GLORY of God, and fell at his feet as a dead man
151 Isaiah 6:5-7 – Isaiah said, Woe is me! mine eyes have seen the LORD of hosts; I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips
152 Ezekiel 40:2-3 – A Guide with a tape MEASURE in his hand
153 2 Kings 21:13 – MEASURE Jerusalem then WIPE THEM OUT as wiping out a dish
154 Ezekiel 9:1-2 - Futuristic Weapons of Destruction in their hand
155 Ezekiel 3:5-6 – The six men looked like common ordinary people
156 Matthew 13:40-41 – Six (multitudes) Angles at Christ’s return
157 Matthew 16:27 – Christ will come in GLORY with ANGELS
158 Ezekiel 1:18 – They were covered with eyes.
159 Ezekiel 1:4-6 – Four living Creatures had four faces and four wings and their appearance was like the likeness of a man.
160 John 18:4 - Jesus, knowing all things that would happen to him
161 John 1:14 - God became flesh and dwelt among us -- Isaiah 52:7 – God came to earth in the person of a common man
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Their faces
Ezekiel describes the four faces of each of the Living Creatures.
Literal: Ezekiel sees decals near the top of the four cylindrical bodies of the synchronized helicopters. He describes the face of a MAN on the front side; and on the right side a LION; and on the left side an OX; and on the back side an EAGLE.162 This is kind of like we do to the fuselages of our aircraft, and many automobiles have decals such as a Mustang or Road Runner.
Symbolic: Christ is revealed in His “Kingship” as a LION and His “Servant hood” as an OX; in His “Humanity” as a MAN and in His “Deity” as an EAGLE.163
Wings, Hands, Legs and Feet
Literal: The folding helicopter wings or blades were above the rotor motors of the four landing support legs which cylindrical bodies house two shock absorbing convex pods on the bottom for cushioning during the landing. There was a second pair of folding wings just under the first pair that could be raised to increase thrust. Robotic Arms were on all four landing pod bodies which could be extended to pick up or handle objects as needed.164
Symbolic: This is none other than the body parts of Cherubim Angels; when their wings fluttered it sounded like thunder from mighty rushing water.165 Their swords flashed back and forth like lighting; these are the same kind of Angels that was in the Garden of Eden.166
Ezekiel has seen a wheel before, but none like these.
Literal: The wheels were lowered down out of each of the helicopter units extending past the landing pods. They were uniquely made to roll sideways as well as straight; the “Four Wheel Drive” main wheel was made up of many other smaller “tractor tread” barrel like wheels around its circumference; with so much movement, it looked like a wheel moving within a wheel.167 The barrel like wheels around THE RIM have large knobby tractor treads for traction that resemble a multitude of eyes.168
Symbolic: The wheels speak of the omnipotence of God in His ceaseless energy and activity, moving in All directions and with All Authority; God’s ceaseless activity is busy moving in the affairs of men. He is All powerful and All purposeful and His eyes are All seeing, All knowing; nothing is hid from Him.169
Went Straight
Literal: The Commander could maneuver the craft straight forward or in any direction without having to turn the space craft. It’s kind of like a powerful Cruise Ship that uses side thrusters when docking; moving forward and sideways at the same time.
Symbolic: The Spirit of God is moving forward toward the accomplishment of His goal;170 nothing changing His course, Unwaveringly, Unhesitatingly, Undeviating.
The Vertical Movement
Literal: The space craft repositioned itself on the ground by lifting itself up with the rumbling helicopter units which houses the landing pods and wheels.171
162 Ezekiel 1:10 – They had four faces; LION, OX, MAN and EAGLE
163 Revelation 4:6-8 Four Creatures before the throne of Heaven; a LION, an OX, a MAN, and an EAGLE.
164 Ezekiel 1:7-11 – Helicopter blades, landing pods, robotic arms
165 Ezekiel 10:15 – The legs and feet were of the Cherubim Angels
166 Genesis 3:24 – Cherubim swords flashed like lighting
167 Ezekiel 1:15-16 – There was a Wheel inside a Wheel
168 Ezekiel 1:18 – The knobby tires around the rim looked like eyes
169 Matthew 28:18 – All AUTHORITY has been given to Him -- Isaiah 46: 10 – He is all knowing – OMNISICENCE -- Jeremiah 23:24 –
He is ever present- OMNIPRESENT -- Revelation 19:6 – He is all powerful - OMNIPOTENT
170 Ezekiel 1:12 – The Spirit went straight without turning
171 Ezekiel 1:17-21 – The space ship repositions itself by lifting up.
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Symbolic: All movement is synchronized and under the direction of the Holy Spirit, the earth rumbles and trembles at His movement. God’s Glory is slowing leaving Israel and in the finality of things, as the Cherubim Angels of God mount UP; the GLORY OF GOD moves OUT.172
Alien Abduction
Literal: Ezekiel was abducted by the alien commander aboard the CCC and was strapped in a seat with the strong hand of a safety harness. He could hear the roar of the helicopter blades below as they rose from the ground and soon realized that he was now flying. He was taken to Tel Aviv where he sat among the other exiles. It took him SEVEN DAYS to get over the experience. This happened to Ezekiel four times starting during an interval of about a year between the first, second and third abduction173 and then a period of 19 years later for the fourth abduction.174 In the second, third and fourth abduction the mechanical telescoping arms were utilized to assist in raising Ezekiel up. The static electricity made his hair stand on end.175
Symbolic: This teleportation is not bodily levitation, parapsychic phenomena or auto suggestion; it is under the compulsion of the Holy Spirit. The sounds and sights of the “Glory of the Lord” has Ezekiel awestruck by God’s Holiness which has consumed all of his senses and has literally floored him; he falls face down before the Lord; and God raises him back to his feet.176 Pentecostals would say he was slain in the spirit; Human words cannot adequately describe the glory of God.
Ezekiel has been selected by God Himself to be a Watchman on the Wall for the Israelites; he is distressed as he ponders how far from God His people have wandered. The Watchman must be able to distinguish the enemy of God’s people; those “inside the camp” as well as those outside; he will be held responsible for their life which has literally been placed in his hands. Understanding the depth of his responsibility as “The Watchman”; he meditates on the Lord’s message for SEVEN DAYS as he sorts out his thoughts and feelings. He is preparing to deliver an unpleasant message to an unreceptive audience, although it is corrective and beneficial.
NOTE: Interestingly, the period of mourning for the dead was usually SEVEN DAYS.177 Ezekiel was distressed at the mass of people who were going to be destroyed. On another note; the normal consecration period for the priesthood was also for SEVEN DAYS.
More Abductions
Abductions or space travel through the Fourth Dimension can be found in other parts of
scripture... sort of... kinda... maybe... if you close one eye.
Literal: Here are four more abductions found in scripture: Paul,178 John,179 Elijah,180 and
Philip;181 you can see that this phenomena has been going on a long time.
Symbolic: The Spirit of God has always been supernaturally at work in the life of Godly people.
If you remove the supernatural from the Bible, we have No Faith, No Savior and No Hope.
Literal: Ezekiel was selected for this visitation because he was considered the leader of the exiles that were on the River Kebar.182 Previously Daniel had encountered something very similar on the Tigris River and all his men ran away.183
172 Ezekiel 10:19 – The Angels moved UP and the GLORY moved OUT
173 Ezekiel 3:12-15 – FIRST abduction: taken aboard the CCC -- Ezekiel 3:22-24 – SECOND abduction -- Ezekiel 8:1-4 – THIRD
abduction: one year after the first
174 Ezekiel 40:1-2 - FOURTH Abduction, 19 years later
175 Ezekiel 8:3 – Static Electricity made his hair stand on end
176 Ezekiel 3:23 – Ezekiel fell face down, God lifted him back up
177 Numbers 31:19 - Touched the dead; purify yourselves, remain outside the camp for SEVEN DAYS.
178 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 – Paul the Apostle Abducted
179 Revelation 4:1-2 – John the Revelator Abducted
180 2 Kings 2:1 – Elijah the Prophet Abducted
181 Acts 8:39 – Philip the Deacon Abducted
182 Ezekiel 33:7 – Ezekiel was made the WATCHMAN for the people of Israel
183 Daniel 10:4-8 – Daniel saw something, and did not run away; he had no strength left, his face turned deathly pale & was helpless.
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Ezekiel did not run away which was another reason that he was chosen; the visitation is PEACEFUL in nature and was for the strict purpose of giving information to Ezekiel to share with the people of Israel.184
Symbolic: Israel believed that they were God’s chosen people, when in fact they were in rebellion against Him. God is revealing Himself to Ezekiel to prepare him for ministry; God explains to Ezekiel that He is giving him the JOB of speaking to a people that has continued to transgress against Him. He is told the opposition will be frightful and whether or not they listen to him; not to be afraid, he is to carry a message that cannot be conditioned by his listener’s response.
When he finishes speaking they will certainly know that a prophet has been among them.185 Ezekiel as the Watchman on the Wall,186 must identify the FALSE PROPHETS of darkness, who have been telling the exiles that everything will be fine and that there will be PEACE; when in fact there is absolutely NO PEACE on the horizon in their lifetime.187 This is tough for Ezekiel...
the more YOU know, the greater grows YOUR responsibility.188
Watchman on the Wall
Acting Out: I started out telling you that Ezekiel is an actor; he will now Act Out the prophecy or parable that God gave him. He will shut himself in his house with bound up hands and a silent mouth to show that God has rejected His people. God will not help them, nor speak to them, nor be found by them.
NOTE: At this writing, we are under the curse of a CORONAVIRUS that has taken so many lives and sickened millions. If God is not watching over America, then nothing we can dream up can save us; our efforts will all be in vain;189 we should all feel an urgency to humble ourselves before God; pray and seek His face and turn from our sins; that He will forgive us and heal our land.190
The Take Away
Literal View Note: It appears that Ezekiel was taken home by a different UFO than he came on, implying that there was at least two and maybe up to five spacecraft in use; all busy most of the time doing other things that were not connected with Ezekiel; and continuing for a period of some twenty years. In May of 2013 there were television news reports of commercially available remote controlled un-manned drones equipped with four helicopter units attached to a “top” shaped body. Good Grief.
Symbolic View Note: God’s ceaseless Spirit has been at work since the beginning of time and is not restricted by situation, matter, space or time; God’s ways are “HIGHER” than man’s ways.191
World View Note: Those in Ezekiel’s day thought that Prophets like Ezekiel were misguided men just trying to use scare tactics to control the people.192 In our day some say Ezekiel was HIGH on POT when he saw the space ship; citing the scripture; “Put on the cooking POT”. 193
NOTE 1: Ezekiel’s name means “God Strengthens”; scripture says “The Hand of God” came upon him (strengthened him.) The assignment that God had given Ezekiel would require him to be “hard as flint” in order to take the abuse that he would receive from the exiles. Because he was a Priest he would be able to describe “The Glory of God” as well as the vision of the Millennial Temple. He ACTED OUT warnings, parables and prophecies which drew an audience that would
184 Ezekiel 40:4 – The purpose here is to give you information for the people of Israel
185 Ezekiel 2:3-5 - They will know a prophet has been among them
186 Isaiah 62:6 - I have posted a WATCHMAN on your walls
187 Jeremiah 8:11 – False prophets were saying Peace, Peace, when there was NO PEACE
188 Ezekiel 33:6 - I will hold the WATCHMAN accountable; to whom much is given, much is required
189 Psalm 127:1 - Unless the Lord WATCHES over you; your efforts are in vain
190 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Humble yourselves, Pray, Seek God’s face and He will Forgive
191 Isaiah 55:9 God’s ways are higher than our ways
192 Ezekiel 9:9 – God is Blind, He does not see what is going on
193 Ezekiel 24:3 – They were COOKIN’ “POT”
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walk away taking about what it all meant, and they couldn’t wait to see what he was going do the next day; they wouldn’t forget the “WAR GAMES”.
NOTE 2: The description of the temple that Ezekiel observed does not match up with the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and when Solomon’s temple was rebuilt, it was not with the plans that Ezekiel had, so we really don’t know where Ezekiel’s was when this vision took place. In my BS, my Belief System, it appears that the plans will be for The Millennium Temple that will be filled with the Shekinah Glory of God, that Christ will establish when he returns for His thousand year reign. It will be a place of great beauty with music and singing and there will be an Alter to make sacrifices for the express purpose of looking back in commemoration of what Christ has already done; but that’s just another Word Study.
NOTE 3: This is sad to say, but “The Glory of God” was gradually departing from the Nation of Israel and the face of God was progressively ever so slowly turning away because they had “Put the Branch to their nose”; today we would say that they “THUMBNED THEIR NOSE” at God.194 It’s even sadder when you realize that this is ACTUALLY what our country is doing today. God is slowly turning away from America and removing His Shekinah Glory; the Glory that has blessed America since its beginning; America is thumbing their nose.
NOTE 4: Just because you have not seen God is not evidence or proof that He does not exist. The Israelites were “thumbing their noses” and saying that God is blind; WELL, God is preparing for judgment and will send out His Angels to place a “MARK” on those who are to be passed over and saved from his JUDGMENT.195 This is rumination of the 144,000 that God will seal with His MARK of protection,196 and sadly on the FLIP SIDE; the unbelievers that will receive and be sealed with the MARK of the Beast for their final destruction.197
NOTE 5: This Word study is not meant to unpack the vision of the Temple that Ezekiel visited, but to just MESS WITH YOUR MIND about Ancient Space Travel, Alien Abductions and the Fourth Dimension. I am not embracing ancient spaceships in the Bible, but only hoping that I have caused you to be inspired enough to read God’s Word for yourself and dig out some FUN stuff. Hopefully in the process you have learned more about Jesus Christ the only Son of God who was born of a woman; learn who you are in Him.198
The word “Sin” means “missing the mark;” Don’t miss His “MARK”. DON’T THUMB YOUR NOSE.
The inspiration for this study came from Josef F. Blumrich’s book;
“The Spaceships of Ezekiel”.
His book ignores all the religious aspects of Ezekiel’s story in the Bible
and only focuses on the scientific realm having worked for NASA
helping to develop Skylab and the Saturn V. Rocket.
I am grateful for the insight of J. Vernon McGee’s 80 volume Bible commentary;
“Thru The Bible” - Ezekiel.
194 Ezekiel 8:17 – They “THUMBED their NOSE” at God
195 Ezekiel 9:4-6 – Go throughout the city and place a mark on those that are to be saved.
196 Revelation 14:1 – The Mark of God; 144,000 evangelist sealed
197 Revelation 19:20 - The Mark of the Beast cannot be revoked
198 2 Corinthians 6:2 – Now is the day of God favor, Today is the day of His Salvation;
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Chapter 8.4
Fourth Dimension
A Parallel Invisible Dimension – A Mystery
WIDTH and LENGTH and DEPTH and HEIGHT 199 First Word
QUESTION: Is there really another dimension, one that is invisible? YES there is; and God created it before the earth was created. This fourth dimension is not a different place, it’s where we are right now. Its attributes and functions are by the thought and the will of God; it exists along with our own world and is not discernible to our five senses unless God supernaturally allows it, and sometimes He does. Angels operate in this dimension and are NOT impeded by physical limitations, matter, time, space, or by the laws of nature.
This dimension was not created for man and would probably be terrifying if we were able to see what’s going on all around us; this is not mythology, but is an actual spiritual dimension.
Some scripture examples; we see at some point the rotation of the earth was reversed, then restored and we lost about a day; Philip was transported through it at lightning speed. At another time the laws of nature were suspended and Peter was able to walk on the water, then the Disciples and their boat was zapped through it to the shore on the other side.
There are many modern day stories of cars being moved through it avoiding disaster. In this dimension, the miracles of God are staged and executed by God’s ministering angels.
NOTE; There is also spiritual warfare taking place around this same dimension ushered in by Satan to oppose the purposes and promises of God. Satan is “The Prince of the power of the air”. He already manipulates the weather, bringing hurricane forces of destruction.200
You will note that the hurricane force winds come from across the sea around the nations that are into voodoo and where the Holy Spirit has very little presence. Just saying Satan’s agenda and itinerary is to steal, kill and destroy; his activities will significantly increase in the end times, which I believe is NOW.
I want to write something spooky to get you in the mood to study the Fourth Dimension: here we go... “A word was secretly brought to me, my ears caught a whisper of it. Amid disquieting dreams in the night, when deep sleep falls on men, fear and trembling seized me and made all my bones shake. A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on my body stood on end. It stopped, but I could not tell what it was. A FORM stood before my eyes, and I heard a hushed voice:”
How did I do; pretty good huh?... although I wrote this down, it’s not actually my words: it’s right out of the Book of Job;201 something from the fourth dimension scared the TATER TOTS out of Job.
The Book says that by Jesus, all things were created, that are in heaven, and in earth, both VISIBLE and INVISIBLE, whether they be Thrones, or Dominions, or Principalities, or Powers;202 all things were created by him, and for Him, and what we fight against is not against flesh and blood, but against
199 Ephesians 3:18 - May be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the WIDTH and LENGTH and DEPTH and HEIGHT
200 Ephesians 2:2 – Satan manipulates the weather, he is the “prince” of the power of the air
201 Job 4:12-16 - Job sees something that shakes his bones
202 Colossians 1:16 - Invisible Dimension; Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers
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these Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of the darkness of this world, and against Spiritual Wickedness in high places.203
Daniel was praying to God... You’ve got to get this... the very first day he set his mind to gain understanding and to humble himself before God, his words were heard, and an angel was dispatched with the answer, but Satan’s “prince” of the Persian kingdom resisted him TWENTY- ONE DAYS.204 Then Michael, the Arc Angel came to the rescue and helped him, because he was detained there.205
What would have happened if Daniel had stopped praying, would he have lost his answer? God says to pray without ceasing or better said; pray every time you get the chance, help is on the way. There is an invisible war206 going on in another dimension and it’s over the believer to cause them to doubt that God will answer his prayer.
Jesus stepped through the fourth dimension a lot. The Jewish leader were asking a lame man who had healed him, “and he said that he did not know who it was:” Because of the multitude being in that place Jesus had stepped through the fourth dimension and conveyed himself away.207
Joshua was winning the battle against the Amorites but was losing daylight, so he prayed; Lord let the sun stand still over Gibeon; so the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.208
Did you see it; nature/time was suspended
Isaiah the prophet told King Hezekiah that God had heard his prayers and would add 15 years to
his life and as a sign to prove that he will do as he promised: He said I will cause the sun’s shadow to move ten steps backward on the sundial of Ahaz! 209 So the shadow on the sundial moved backward ten steps. (About a day transpired.) Did you see it; time suspended.
Elisha the prophet was visiting the construction site of a school for the prophets, when one was chopping down a tree and the axe head fell into the water: he cried, alas, master! For it was borrowed. Elisha asked where it fell, and they showed him the place; so Elisha cut down a stick, and threw it into the water; and the iron ax head floated to the surface sand they able to reach in and get it.210
Did you see it; “specific” nature was suspended
Moses called down a curse on the Egyptians of DARKNESS so thick you could feel it, however
you could step over the line into the land of the Israelites and there was Light.211 Have you ever seen it rain on one side of the street and not the other? Spooky.
The Disciples had rowed their boat for three or three and a half miles, when they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water and they were terrified. But Jesus called out to them, "It is I; don't be afraid." It was then that they were willing to take Him into the boat, and immediately Jesus, the Disciples and the entire BOAT zapped through the Fourth Dimension and reached the shore where they were heading.212 Did see it; even the boat went through the 4th Dimension.
Peter saw Jesus walking on the water and he asked Jesus to let him walk on the water too and Jesus said Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
Did see it; nature was suspended.213
203 Ephesians 6:12 – We fight against Rulers of Darkness
204 Daniel 10:12-13 – War in another dimension; answer delayed 21 days.
205 2 Kings 6:17 – Angels operate unseen in the fourth dimension
206 John 10:10 – Satan’s Goal Is to Steal, Kill and Destroy
207 John 5:13 – Jesus heals a lame man and then steps through fourth dimension -- Luke 4:29-30 – Jesus slides through the fourth
dimension then reappears somewhere else. -- John 8:59 – Jesus while walking among them, disappeared -- John 20:19 – Jesus slides
through solid doors and walls
208 Joshua 10:12-14 Joshua prayed; let the sun stand still over Gibeon. So the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten
to go down for about a whole day until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.
209 Isaiah 38:8 – Sun goes backward; Nature/time suspended
210 2 Kings 6:5-6 – Elisha caused an Axe head to float on water; Nature suspended
211 Exodus 10:22-23 – Total darkness here, but not there.
212 John 6:19-21 – Jesus, the disciples and the entire BOAT zap through the fourth dimension
213 Matthew 14:29 – Peter walks on water; Nature suspended
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Paul the apostle in his account of the fourth dimension said, “I was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether I was in my body or out of my body, I don’t know, only God knows. Yes, only God knows whether I was in my body or outside my body. But I do know that I was caught up to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell.”214
(The 3rd heaven may very well have been the 3rd earth age yet to come.) Ponder that.
Phillip the deacon gives his account of being zapped through the fourth dimension; “and when
they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw
him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through
he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.”215
It Happened to Me
I feel compelled to report here an incident when my wife and I were on I-26 heading toward Greenville, SC, when the steering wheel of our van jerked violently to the left forcing me into the other oncoming lane. I fought back with both hands pulling hard; suddenly the wheel was released sending me careering back to the right and almost off the road.
I pulled the van over and got outside; the trees were still, there was no wind and the tires looked fine; got back in the van and it happened again, but more severe. I got off at the next exit and checked the van again, but found nothing. I don’t know what I passed through, but I feel in my BS, my Belief System that I passed through a portal of the fourth dimension and came under demonic attack, I prayed all the rest of the way to Greenville and it did not happen again; Just saying.
Fourth Dimension Rapture
In My BS, I think that most probably that the RAPTURE will operate in this 4th dimension. Laws of nature will be suspended; resurrected bodies of dead believers will reunite with their spirits then reunite with living believers and then we all are caught up to meet Jesus in the air.216
People will pass upward through their ceilings leaving their clothes behind.217 Those buried at sea and those that were cremated will ALL recompose; then we will trade in our old worn out sick and diseased bodies for a new glorified one. There will be no sickness or pain, nor tears or sorrow; the Laws of nature will not apply as we will transport ourselves through the 4th dimension at the speed of thought through doors and walls, and walk on water.
Believers ALONE will see this happen; they will hear a shout, the trumpet and the voice of an arch angel.219
It’s in the Book
214 2 Corenthians 12:2-3 – Paul allowed to visit there briefly
215 Acts 8:39-40 - Philip steps through it
216 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 – The Rapture; the dead in Christ will rise first, then we who are still alive and are left will be caught up
together with them to meet the Lord in the air
217 Luke 24:12 – Jesus left his linens behind
218 1 John 3:2 – We will be like Him
219 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the
archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves.
We cannot imagine what God has planned for us, but the Book DOES give us an insight as our human minds can comprehend. We will look like and BE like Jesus;218 understanding with clarity the things we have read and we will continue to learn and have total recall.
We will have a different form, changing as our assignment requires, from a ball of Glory light to that of a human. We will be forever young as we will drink at the fountain of youth, the living waters of Jesus Christ.
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Chapter 8. 5
Out of Body Experiences
Esotericism – Astral Body – Soul Travel – Spirit Walking Paul’s OBE – Job’s OBE – John’s OBE – Familiar Spirits The Hoax - Near Death Experience
First Word
Hollywood’s efforts in producing superstitious ideas has brought credibility to ghosts, exorcisms, astrology and “Flatlines”; people who have died and lived to tell about it. In a Gallup poll, eight to nine million people have reported experiencing an OBE; Out of Body Experiences or an NDE; a Near Death Experience which occurred after some kind of trauma that rendered them temporarily dead or on the verge of death. These TWILIGHT ZONE experiences seem to fall into two categories;
1) Real and Genuine; uphold Biblical concepts and glorify God and His Son Jesus Christ. The experience deepens their commitment to the Biblical Jesus and to personal evangelism or for the Non-Believer results in salvation or a return to Christ with a lifelong commitment. Some have expressed a desire to stay and not come back to their body.
2) Real, but deceptive; teaches non-Biblical concepts; or implies false doctrines such as Universalism which teaches that in the end; everyone goes to heaven and even goes further and rejects the doctrine of eternal punishment. There is NO fear of death; there is NO “outer darkness”,220 only light; there is NO wrath of hell, only love.
Many shared the same mystical perceptions, experiences, feelings and emotions:
a) Encountered a brilliant light or a BEING OF LIGHT; an angel or Jesus who emanates irresistible love and warmth and communicates with them not with words, but thoughts.
b) Experienced no judgment; only profound real acceptance with pure love, joy, peace accompanied by extreme pleasure. No demons with pitchforks, nor angels playing harps.
c) Were united with deceased loved ones; friends and relatives or perhaps spiritual entities
with a physical form that help them through the experience or they meet “Saints from Old”.
d) Encounteredabarrier;adoor,fence,bodyofwateroranimaginarylinewheretheycango
no further.
e) Were sent back to fulfil or complete their earthly tasks, assignments or responsibilities.
Many report that they no longer fear death and see death as just a transitional state to another form of life. The event convinces some to become Christians, others to leave the faith and become mediums to facilitate others to embark on their OWN supernatural spiritual journey.
The New Age Movement presents a higher, larger, wiser and more real SELF which hastens ones self-realization that he or she is also a god.221 (Satan’s very first teaching and lie; you can be a god)
220 Matthew 25:30 – There is an Outer Darkness where there is Weeping and gnashing of teeth from pain 221 Genesis 3:3-5 – Satan’s lie; you will Not die; you will be like a god
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For centuries it has been common to believe that man is made up of TWO components, body and spirit, but now the New Age Movement teaches a THIRD component; The Astral Body;
1) The Material body of flesh which we receive at birth.
2) The Soul or Spirit which comes from God and returns to Him at death.
3) The Astral Body which is an exact copy of the “flesh body” except the material is finer,
shiny and luminous in appearance.
The Astral Body can travel great distances in “the Astral Plane” in the ethereal world and is not subject to the laws of nature, nor solid objects.
The Book commands us to not communicate with the dead;222 with that said, if we are told to NOT communicate, then it must be possible. So if someone dismisses OBE’s and NDE’s as FAKE, then they have not studied the examples in the Book.
A few Definitions
Esotericism is intellectuals seeking to homogenize or combine "pagan" philosophies with Christian philosophy and the Jewish “Kabbalah”, resulting in the emergence of the esoteric (cryptic, secret, mysterious) New Age movements like “Christian theosophy”; Esotericism is of the Occult.
Soul Travel is a willful out-of-body experience (OBE), a supposed form of telepathy that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body which is capable of travelling outside of it throughout the universe. It accesses the fourth Dimension or an “intermediate world” of light between Heaven and Earth, composed of the spheres of the planets and stars. These astral spheres are held to be populated by angels, demons and spirits. Satan is THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR;223 and when you “Soul Travel” you are traveling through his territory; “Soul Travel” is of the Occult.
Spirit Walking: Just on the border of your waking mind there lies another time where darkness and light are one and as you tread the hall s of sanity you feel so glad to be unable to go beyond. (Lyrics from the song TIME by the Electric Light Orchestra.) Spirit Walking is the ability to enter into the twilight zone that’s on the borders of your waking mind. On one hand it’s a state of consciousness, between sleep and dreaming, and on the other a wakeful consciousness. It is in this state that it is possible to make contact with Familiar Spirits who reside in the spirit world who can give you esoteric details and information. “Spirit walking” is of the Occult.
Near Death Experience
Near-death experience (NDE) is a personal experience generated by trauma, perhaps associated with death or impending death caused by a severe illness, a heart attack or car accident. It can also be triggered by drug use or occult practices where an altered state of consciousness is desired.
Such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the physical body; they become “spectators” with feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and surrounded with the presence of light.
Others report of traveling through; a valley, cave, sewer, trough or tunnel
sounds. Researchers have catalogued SEVEN “categories of memory”;
with light at the end.
Some hear wonderful rapturous music while others hear banging, buzzing or other harsh disturbing
1) Violence or persecution, 2) fear, 3) animals, 4) plants, 5) bright light, 6) Deja-vu, and 7) family.
While in OBE or NDE, some report an awareness of their surroundings and what is being said in
their presence; while others report seeing their life pass before them in
While a NDE or OBE can be innocent, we cannot rule out demonic deception or satanic
VIVID color.
Many who had
experienced NDE reported many striking similar experiences, but none experienced ALL of the same
manipulation of the mind to cause the feeling or experience of the Astral body floating out of the
physical body. (If such a thing as an Astral body even exist)
222 Isaiah 8:19 – People should communicate with God not the dead
223 Ephesians 2:2 - The prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience
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Out of Body
Out-of-body experience (OBE) is an experience that typically involves a feeling of floating and in some cases, the perception of observing one's own physical body from a place outside of one's body. One out of ten people will have at least one OBE experience in their lifetime; some will experience it several times. Wikipedia
For the most part people seek OBE for spiritual reasons; a higher level of consciousness or enlightenment; however, there are some who want to operate in the supernatural so that they can cause harm to others.
Out of Body experiences are divide up into TWO GROUPS.
1) Involuntary OBE can happen after a near death experiences during an accident or after some
kind of trauma or exhaustion in which a person leaves their body for a brief period of time where for some reason, they discover additional clarity and truth. Many observe details that they did not know before; they gain knowledge. The event was not actively pursued and was unpredicted and totally un-expected. Often this surprise is accompanied by panic to get back inside the body.
1) 2)
Voluntary OBE is when a person is trying to have an out of body experience in order to
Astral Projection (or astral travel) is a term used in esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience (OBE), a supposed form of telepathy that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "ASTRAL BODY" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside of it throughout the
connect with the spirit world; the supernatural.
Two Forms of Voluntary OBE
Phasing: Where an individual endeavors to access a part of the mind that is “shut off” during
their everyday life. This practice is similar to Buddhism or the New Age Movement where
they look inward to oneself for knowledge; this is practicing the Occult.
Mystical: Where an individual endeavors to EXIT the body completely and travel to another
dimension that is not connected with this world. This is again is of the Occult.
OBE practice includes concentrating for a lengthy period of time on one’s own self in a mirror while trying to deliberately slow down their heart beat; to try to loosen their astral bodies from the
confines of their physical bodies. The purpose or object of OBE is to travel and communicate with other astral bodies; FAMILIAR SPIRITS. Necromancy or communicating with the dead or familiar
spirits is an ABOMINATION to God.224
My personal OBE
I was particularly interested in this Word Study because of my own personal experience that happened about 35 years ago... I had a particularly tiring day and had just laid back on the sofa and
at some point found myself out of my body looking down from the corner of the room at myself lying on the sofa. I felt weightless, there was liberating sensations in my body and I thought this is awesome,
till suddenly I felt an urge that this was not right and I immediately STRUGGLED to get back into my body. I found on the internet many others who also had reported observing themselves below from
the top corner of a room.
It happened again; this time I was a little more trusting and adventuresome and Astra traveled
right up through the ceiling; above the roof and began to fly around over the trees, not horizontal, but vertical as sitting down; traveling down the streets and under overpasses, I stayed out much longer...
BUT again I felt an urge that I should not do this and found myself fighting and struggling, trying
to get back into my body which brought on sudden fear and made my heart race.
224 Deuteronomy 18:9-12 – Abomination; Sorcerer, Medium, Spiritist or one who communicates with the dead. -- Isaiah 8:19 – Do not seek Wizards that have familiar spirits that mutter and peep, seek the God of the living.
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I shared this with a Christian co-worker and she verbally beat me up, telling me; NEVER DO THAT AGAIN, she said when your spirit leaves your body, another spirit can occupy it; this opens the
door to demonic possession, it is of the Occult. WOW, I had never heard of such a thing.
Apostle Paul’s OBE
Paul writes to the Church at Corinth addressing a few issues, one of which is boasting about their authority and he mentions that he also had visions and a revelations. He makes a point of telling them that he doesn’t know if it happened while he was in his body or was Out of his Body experiencing an OBE.225 (Also called OOBE.)
Sidebar there was a time when Paul experienced trauma or had a near death experience when he was stoned & left for dead; it could be very well that this is when Paul had his OBE.226
I embrace fence Post Theology; the Bible makes a statement about a subject which drives in a fence post of Truth. When you look back at all the fence post that are in a line, if one does not line up; either your BS, your Belief System is wrong or the Bible is wrong. You need a course correction.
There are three heavens in Hebrew cosmology; FIRST our atmosphere,227 then SECOND outer space,228 then THIRD, God’s dwelling place.229 It’s the third heaven that the Apostle Paul encountered. During Paul’s experience, he heard inexpressible words, which man is NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK. This is important; he could not reveal what he heard. If we use Paul’s experience of a Spiritual encounter with God, then we drive in our FIRST “Fence Post” that says if it is a Godly experience, we will not be allowed to divulge the details. I say this because many that have had OBE REPORTED DETAILS of their situation that were not previously known.
Paul reports that this was an involuntary experience, it just happened. He did not seek it nor did he report it happening to him again. This drives in a SECOND “Fence Post” that if it is from God, it is involuntary; we do not cause it to happen. THIRD “Fence Post;” There are books available that teach how to have “out of body experiences”. That would make them voluntary experiences which would be a good indicator that this supernatural phenomena IS NOT FROM GOD.
Job’s OBE
Job seems to have had an OBE; he said; “Amid thoughts from visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, dread came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones shake. A spirit glided past my face; the hair of my flesh stood up. It stood still, but I could not discern its appearance. A form was before my eyes; there was silence, then I heard a voice:230
If we use Job as a Fence Post we would find that encountering something outside the body fills you with dread, trembling and makes your bones shake. This is opposite of the many reports of |
warmth, happiness and joy; this is a |
“Fence Post” out of line and it’s practicing the Occult. |
John’s OBE
John the Revelator (not John the Baptist) experienced an OBE when he was a prisoner on the Isle of Patmos and was taken to heaven where he was shown a great many things. He was commanded
to write some things down, but others He was commanded to not record them.231 This is the
Fence Post planted; what is revealed or not revealed is decreed by the command of God.
John was taken on “The Lord’s Day” which many students believe was on a Sunday, others believe it was Saturday. In my BS, I believe that “The Lords Day” was an event of the second
coming of Jesus Christ; thus a “Revelation” of prophecy of THE END TIMES.232
225 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 – Paul’s OBE; whether In or Out of the Body I do not know
226 Acts 14:19 – NDE OBE: Paul Trauma, Stoned, left for dead
227 Acts 14:17 – First Heaven; our atmosphere where it rains
228 Isaiah 13:10 – Second Heaven; Space
229 1 Kings 8:30 – Third Heaven; the dwelling place of God
230 Job 4:12-21 – Job; the OBE scared the tater tots out of him
231 Revelation 10:4 – John was instructed, commanded; do not write it down
232 Revelation 1:10-11 – OBE; John taken to heaven on the Lord’s Day
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In fear and Awe, John fell at the feet of Jesus as a dead man; the Pentecostals would say he was
“slain in the spirit” and I would agree.233 This is the
tatter tots out of John and put his face on the ground; he DID NOT have a sense of peace, love and
Fence Post planted; this scared the
joy as others report.
Other Soul OBE
The following are more examples of the soul leaving the body and returning to give it back its
life. These Biblical examples of the Soul/Spirit leaving was not just for a few minutes in time, but was for an extended time. There was a superstition that a person’s spirit would linger around a couple
of days before it finally departed. We see this in the story of the death of Lazarus; Jesus waited three
days to PROVE IT WAS A MIRACLE and not just an OBE.
Jesus called Lazarus back to life who had been dead three days.234
Jesus died on the cross and then tombs were opened and many believers came back to life.235
Peter prayed and Dorcas/Tabatha came back to life.236
Elisha the Prophet restored the life of a Shunammite’s woman’s son.237
Elijah the Prophet asked God to allow the Widow Zaraphath’s son’s soul to come back into him
and He did.238
Fence Post planted; in every case, a miracle was required to unite the
soul to the body again and bring forth life. Each event came from God to a specific person, for a
specific purpose which results glorified God and revealed His love, grace and mercy for His people. SEVEN Fence Post planted: it was never about personal gain and never pointed TO ANY DEAD
SPIRIT, it always pointed back to God.
God’s Thoughts
When the spirit EXITS the body, that person is dead.239 Death is the separation of the Soul from the body, it does not become annihilated nor extinct; it is just separated from the body and will live
on in immortally throughout eternity. FENCE POST planted. In order for a dead body to have life again, the soul/spirit must re-enter the body which requires A MIRACLE from God OR the
soul/spirit never left the body to begin with.
I have heard it said that OBE “Out of Body Experiences” do neither good nor harm, but the
Good Book says we are WARNED to not participate in these detestable practices. God said very
bluntly; YOU WILL GO TO HELL.240 (So stop it now; Repent.)
Many people who have had Near Death Experiences say that they saw Jesus. This is just not what the Book teaches. In scripture, after the Lord’s resurrection and assentation into heaven, He
was NEVER seen on earth again by anyone; even Paul on the road to Damascus did not see Jesus, he
only heard a voice. FENCE POST planted. The being of light is not from God.
What’s missing? While there are warm and fuzzy reports of squealing delight, what is missing are the reports of judgment or the scorching fires of HELL.241 Rewards and Punishment have been
replaced with a being of light.
233 Revelation 1:17 – In fear, John fell as Jesus’s feet as dead; slain in the Spirit
234 John 11:43-44 – Jesus; Lazarus dead three days, lived again
235 Matthew 27:51-53 – Jesus death; many bodies raised from dead
236 Acts 9:39-40 – Peter; Tabatha/Dorcas came back to life
237 2 Kings 4:32-36 – Elisha; Shunammite’s son receives life back.
238 1 Kings 17:21-22 – Elijah; Child’s life came back into him.
239 Genesis 35:18 – When your Soul Spirit departs; your body is DEAD -- James 2:26 – The body apart from the Soul Spirit is DEAD
240 Galatians 5:19-21 – I WARN YOU those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God; you will go to hell -- Leviticus
20:6 – Whole communities with Familiar Spirits will go to hell -- Deuteronomy 18:9-11 – Do not learn the detestable worldly ways;
DEAD -- Deuteronomy 18:10-11 – Command – Do not consult the dead -- Leviticus 19:26 - Do not practice divination -- 2
Chronicles 33:5-6 – NECROMANCERS; communicating with the dead provokes God to anger
241 Galatians 5:19-21 – I WARNED YOU that those that engage in sorcery will go to hell - Matthew 25:46 – ALL DO NOT GO TO
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The TOTAL ACCEPTANCE by a being of light is a message of “Universalism”; which teaches that all the spokes in a wheel lead to the same hub; everyone goes to heaven. What is present is the
subliminal message that teaches the denial of sin, judgment and the need for forgiveness.
Nowhere in the Book are we told to attempt Astral Travel. OBE and NDE events with its vivid imagery disturb the normal reality in the cognitive system. The TERM “Out of Body Experience” was concocted to eliminate any reference to the Soul and removes any religious inference that points back to GOD; it all point back to SELF.
The Book says the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears and will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.242
Shirley MacLaine is probable most famous for her book “Out on a Limb” which embraces Transcendental Meditation and channeling through familiar spirits, Out of Body Experiences and Reincarnation. 243
The Book also says that the Holy Spirit will be OUR GUIDE into all truth.244 We are to put on the whole armor of God and Stand.245 WE do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
90 minutes in Heaven - HOAX
Kevin Malarkey and his six year old son Alex were in a car accident in 2004 where Alex
experienced a Near Death Experience or Out of Body Experience and went to heaven for 90 minutes and came back. Together the two co-authored a trilogy of books; The Boy who came back from Heaven, Heaven is for Real and 90 minutes in Heaven.
Ten years later Alex RECANTED HIS STORY and said “I did not die. I did not go to Heaven. I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to; they should read the Bible, which is enough. The Bible is the only source of truth; anything written by man cannot be infallible”. (Alex read the Bible and has courageously spoken up.)
Tyndale House Publishers and Lifeway Christian Book Stores announced they will stop selling these trilogy BEST SELLERS.
The Take Away
Near Death Experiences (NDE) is a personal experience generated by trauma and can occur after your heart stops beating, but while your mind is still functioning; NDE’s are similar to a dream, but are much more vivid and detailed. The event is not of the Occult unless it is triggered by drugs used in occult practices where an altered state of consciousness is desired and sought. People who practice “FLATLINERS” practice the Occult.
Involuntary Out of Body Experiences (OBE) can occur after some kind of trauma, extreme stress or exhaustion. For some reason, many discover additional clarity, truth, knowledge and details. Often this surprise event is accompanied by panic to get back inside one’s body. This is NOT of the Occult.
Voluntary Out of Body Experience (OBE); there are two forms;
1) Phasing is when an individual endeavors to access a part of the mind that is “shut off” during
their everyday life where they look inward to oneself for knowledge.
2) Mystical is where an individual endeavors to EXIT the body completely and travel to another
dimension. Both Phasing and the Mystical are of the Occult; they are Satanic and demonically inspired and purposed to lead you to demonic oppression; if not possession.
242 2 Timothy 4:1-4 – You have itching ears for your own passions of myths
244 John 16:13 – The Spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth
245 Ephesians 6:11-13 – Put on the whole armor of God to be able to stand against the rulers, against the authorities, against the
cosmic powers over THIS PRESENT DARKNESS
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The Book plants fence post for us to sight along to see if our BS, our Belief System is “out of line” with scripture; here are the seven fence post that were planted.
FIRST Fence Post: It happens involuntary; we do not cause it to happen.
SECOND Fence Post: In every case, a miracle was required to unite the soul to the body again and bring forth life.
THIRD Fence Post: You are NOT be allowed to divulge NEW spiritual knowledge and details.
FOURTH Fence Post: You are commanded to record or not record THE EVENT. Things to be revealed or not revealed are decreed by the command of God.
FIFTH Fence Post: It fills you with dread, trembling and your bones shake; you do not feel warm and fuzzy all over with happiness and joy.
SIXTH Fence Post: It knocks you to the ground and scares the tatter tots out of you; you do not have a sense of joy, peace and love.
SEVENTH Fence Post: Each event was for a specific purpose which the end results glorified God and revealed His love, His grace and His mercy for His people. It was never about personal gain of knowledge. It always pointed back to God; not to the dead spirits.
We do not go to the afterlife at “near death”, we go “at death” and we cannot crossover to come back. C.S. Lewis says there will be two kinds of people in the end;
1) those who will say to God; Thy will be done (BLESSED)
2) those to whom God will say, “Thy will be done.” (CURSED)
Did you see it? In the finality of things, it’s our will that will be done; Life is choice driven. IT’S IN THE BOOK
Proverbs 14:12 – There is a way that seems right
Luke 16:26 - Between you & us a great chasm; none may cross
26 And besides all this, between us and you A GREAT CHASM has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may
not be able, and NONE MAY CROSS from there to us.’ (ESV)
Romans 10:17 – Faith comes by reading God’s Word
17 So FAITH COMES FROM HEARING, and hearing through
the word of Christ. (ESV)
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Chapter 8. 6
Visions and Dreams
Are Muslim visions and dreams of Jesus from God; or has Satan found a new way to subvert the Gospel. This question is not meant to offend, but must be answered in light of God’s written Word.
First Word
Everyone who writes comes into the conversation with “BS”, a Belief System... Just because of the way I am wired, I WANT to believe that there are people on other planets, there are UFO’s, miracles and the supernatural and a fourth dimension.
Except for the Pentecostal denominations, most denominations today teach that the Gifts ended with the death of the Disciples of Jesus Christ; but that’s not what the scriptures say... In Rom 11:29 it says; “For the gifts and the calling of God ARE IRREVOCABLE”, they can never be withdrawn,246 but what about Visions and Dreams?
Does God give people visions and dreams today OR are they the result of eating a bad pizza the night before? In many parts of the World where there is little or no gospel message being presented, many are experiencing Visions and Dreams of Jesus.
The Book says that God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.247 Dreams and Visions are NOT the same thing, but can contain the same images and symbols. Many times scripture will refer to a dream as a night vision.
A Dream is a living mental image that happens when a person is asleep, unconscious; and it is given for instructional purposes; giving warnings and revelations; revealing things, provides encouragement and seeks expression during our full awareness. When we are asleep, the “Door Keeper” let’s stuff in that we exclude when we are awake. It confronts us with what’s really going on at the core of our being. Dreams remind us of the true issues we are NOT facing, they tell us how we feel; the way things are, and NOT the way they should be. It’s the old man who is full of wisdom to whom a dream is revealed. He does not have the strength to put anything into motion, but he has the wisdom.
A Vision for the most part happens when a person is awake. You could say you are semiconscious; in the form of a trance; not your natural self. Its authenticity and source is determined by who it is that receives the glory for it; its general purpose is to inspire the beholder. A vision can include prophecy; to foretell and forth tell. The purpose of a prophetic vision is not to cause us to anticipate the future, but to recognize the work of God when it comes to pass. It’s the young man that is full of strength and ambition who is able to do something with this vision, but he lacks the wisdom that the old men can supply.
God speaks in one way, and in two; though man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds.248
Dreams and Visions bring assurance, comfort, encouragement, direction, instruction, guidance, exhortation, correction, prophecy and provide the revelation of the plans and purposes of God.
246 Romans 11:29 - For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable, they can never be withdrawn. 247 Joel 2:28 – Old men will dream dreams; Young men see visions
248 Job 33:14-16 – God speaks in ways man does not perceive
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Your body responds with a color change, speechlessness, anxiousness, troubled, fear, terror, trembling, weakness and shortness of breath and even collapsing. Without a Vision the people will perish;249 but are ALL “Spiritual” dreams and visions from God? A vision can be true or false, it can come from the deceit of your own heart.
The Source Test
The following is a partial list of Visions and Dreams that were sent by God. You will notice that most often they contain the same type of message. We are encouraged to use the scriptures to TEST the authenticity and SOURCE of the vision or dream as being sent from God.
Another way to test your experience is to “Follow the Money’ or to say it another way, “Who does it benefit”; “who receives the Glory for it. Does it benefit your plan and purpose or does it benefit God’s plan and purpose.
Abraham had a vision which God told him to not to fear not, that He is his shield and his reward shall be very great; ENCOURAGEMENT. 250
Jacob now called Israel had a vision and told him, “I am God, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you into a great nation.” COMFORT and INSTRUCTION.251
Ananias and Paul both had a vision at the same time; God told Ananias, “Rise and go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is praying”, then Saul-Paul saw “in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.” DIRECTION and GUIDANCE. 252
John the Apostle had a vision of being taken up to heaven on the Lord’s Day, “he saw a door standing open in heaven,” and a voice said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” PROPHECY; the end times and the return of Christ. 253
Zachariah the Priest had a vison of an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense, the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. PROPHECY; a Son, John the Baptist. 254
Ezekiel had a vision of prophesizing the re-birth of Israel, he saw a valley of dry bones and was asked can these bones live again, and he said only you know Lord; then he prophesied as commanded and “there was a sound, and behold, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone.” PROPHECY; Israel will be re-born. 255
Samuel the priest had a vision of God speaking to him; “behold, I am about to do a thing in Israel, on that day I will fulfill against Eli the priest; I am about to punish his house forever, for the iniquity that he knew, because his sons were blaspheming God, and he did not restrain them.” WARNING of JUDGMENT. 256
120 people had a vision in an upper room on the day of Pentecost, “when suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them.
249 Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no vision, the people perish
250 Genesis 15:1 – Abraham: ENCOURAGEMENT
251 Genesis 46:2-3 – Jacob; COMFORT and INSTRUCTION
252 Acts 9:10-12 – Ananias and Paul; DIRECTION and GUIDANCE
253 Revelation 4:1 – John; PROPHECY, the return of Jesus Christ and of the end times
254 Luke 1:11-22 – Zachariah the Priest; PROPHECY, a son John the Baptizer.
255 Ezekiel 37:7 – Ezekiel; PROPHECY, Israel will be reborn
256 1 Samuel 3:10-14 – Samuel and Eli; WARNING of JUDGMENT
My hope here is to paint a picture of what a spiritual dream or vision looks like according to scripture, then you have a yard stick in which you can measure the validly of someone’s dream or vision. Is it from God, Satan or from your own inward desires?
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory IT’S IN THE BOOK And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave
them utterance.” The FILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. 257
Joseph had a dream of an angel of the Lord appeared to him saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.” COMFORT, GUIDENCE and PROPHECY of the birth of Jesus.258
Paul the Apostle had a dream (night vision) and was told “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent.” COMFORT and INSTRUCTION 259
Jacob in a dream saw a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it and the LORD stood above it Your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south, and in you and your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go. PROPHECY and ASSURANCE260
Job in a night vision, a dream when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds, then he opens the ears of men and terrifies them with warnings, that he may turn man aside from his deed and conceal pride from a man; he keeps back his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword. WARNING261
Wise Men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way. WARNING262
Joseph in a dream had an angel of the Lord appear to him that said, “Rise, take the child Jesus and his mother Mary, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for your child, to destroy him. WARNING and INSTRUCTION263
Joseph while he was still in Egypt and after Herod had died, had an angel of the Lord appear to him in a dream, and said to him, “Rise, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead. DIRECTION and COMFORT264
Pilate’s Wife sent word to Pilate while he was sitting on the judgment seat, and said, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man (Jesus), for I have suffered much because of him today in a dream. WARNING and EXHORTATION265
Daniel was asked to interpret a dream by King Nebuchadnezzar and he told him there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days. Your dream and night visions of your head as you lay in bed are these: To you, O king, as you lay in bed came thoughts of what would be after this, and he who reveals mysteries made known to you what is to be. PROPHECY266
Abimelech; God came in a dream by night and said to him, “Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife.” I know that you have done this in the integrity of your heart, and it was I who kept you from sinning against me. Therefore I did not let you touch her.” CORRECTION and EXHORTATION267
257 Acts 2:1-4 – 120 people received the FILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
258 Matthew 1:20 – Joseph; COMFORT, GUIDENCE and PROPHECY
259 Acts 18:9 – Paul; COMFORT and INSTRUCTION
260 Genesis 28:12-15 – Jacob; PROPHECY and ASSURANCE
261 Job 33:15-18 – Job; WARNING
262 Matthew 2:12 – Wise Men; WARNING
263 Matthew 2:13 – Joseph; WARNING and INSTRUCTION
264 Matthew 2:19-20 – Joseph; DIRECTION and COMFORT
265 Matthew 27:19 – Pilate’s Wife; WARNING and EXHORTATION
266 Daniel 2:28-29 – Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar; PROPHECY
267 Genesis 20:3-6 – Abimelech; CORRECTION and EXHORTATION
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say anything to Jacob, either good or bad. EXHORTATION and GUIDANCE 268
Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers they hated him even more. He said to them, “Hear this dream that I have dreamed: Behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and behold, my sheaf arose and stood upright. And behold, your sheaves gathered around it and bowed down to my sheaf.” His brothers said to him, “Are you indeed to reign over us? So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words. PROPHECY269
Visions Today
There have been many prophets since John the Baptist who had special revelations or
visitations from God which ultimately led the people TO FOLLOW THEM instead of following what God has already written in His Word;
Joseph Smith had a vision and his followers became the MORMONS.
each claiming that God spoke directly to them.
Visions can cause Divisions.
Charles Taze Russell had a vision and his followers became the JEHOVAH WITNESSES
Mary Baker Eddy’s followers became the CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST.
Ellen G. White’s followers became the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST.
How can one know or verify if a dream or vision is from God? Well for one thing, God does not contradict what He has already given to us in His FINAL written Word; the Bible. 270 We must
test the vision or dream with God’s Word.271 A dream or vision can be true or false, its source can
be generated by the deceit of your own heart.272
Theology SPIN
This is going to mess with your BS, your theological Belief System somewhat because you did not read the Bible for yourself; this will be contrary to what you have always heard about the outpouring of the Holy spirit with Visons and Dreams in the end times.
In the Book of Joel the SUBJECT seems to be about an outpouring of Visions and Dreams, BUT the major theme of Joel is about “THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD”;273 so the actual SUBJECT is the end times and is talking about the time at the end of the Seven Year Tribulation period and the destruction of Russia;274 then AFTER THAT, the visions and dreams will be poured out upon men275.
This prophecy is addressing Israel, not the churches. Peter explained on the Day of Pentecost, that what they were witnessing was the same as would be witnessed in the Millennium with the outpouring AGAIN of the HOLY SPIRIT as Joel prophesized.276 With that said, you cannot apply this prophecy of the outpouring of Visions and Dreams until after the Tribulation period. It’s in the Book
Paul’s letters to the Churches were written to instruct the churches on doctrine and their practice;277 he said that scripture is God breathed and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete; equipped for every good work. Paul NEVER mentions Dreams or Visions as if they had ceased to exist.278
268 Genesis 31:24 – Laban; EXHORTATION and GUIDANCE
269 Genesis 37:5-8 – Joseph; PROPHECY
270 2 Timothy 3:16 – All scripture is GOD BREATHED
271 Hebrews 4:12 – The Bible discerns your thoughts and intentions
272 Ezekiel 13:6-7 - They have False Visions when the LORD has not sent them -- Jeremiah 23:26-27 – Lying Prophets; deceit is of
their heart -- Jeremiah 29:8-9 – God did not send the lying Dreams -- Zechariah 10:2 – They tell false dreams offer empty consolation
273 Joel 2:31 – AFTER The Great and Terrible day of the Lord
274 Joel 2:20 – Russia destroyed during the last of the Tribulations 275 Acts 2:14-18 – Holy Spirit will be poured out in the last days 276 Joel 2:28 – Old men dream dreams – Young men see visions 277 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – Scripture is used to equip and train
278 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 – Prophecy ceases with the Perfect Bible Page 50
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The last book of Prophecy is the book of Revelation and now prophecy has been closed. There may be given more ENLIGHTENMENT of an existing prophecy, but there is no new revelations to be given to us. When the perfect comes; (Full understanding of the word of God; the Bible), prophecy fades away.279 (The “Perfect” in this scripture is NOT Jesus as some have postulated, but is His Word.)
Long ago, at many times and in many ways God spoke to our fathers through the prophets through Visions, Dreams, Visitations, Laws and Ceremonies, but in these last days He has spoken to us through his Son,280 whom he appointed the heir of all things. Outside of the Gospels and Acts there is no example, NOT ONE, of a vision or dream being directed toward man. If there were, God would have given us a way to authenticate and verify them as He has done with His Prophets. Today it’s the Holy Spirit in a man that now guides and directs his new nature.
People who do not believe in God can have Visions and Dreams without there being any reference to God at all; so having a vision or dream is not a spiritual indicator. If you have questions about a Vision or Dream, let the word of God; The Bible settle the issue.
ISA Jesus Visions
There has been an explosion of “On Line’ Muslim testimonies all over the world reporting the supernatural visions and dreams of ISA or Jesus and immediately they know who He is, and JOY, LOVE and PEACE floods over them and they accept Christianity. The first thing that comes to my mind is “PRAISE GOD”.281 But with second thoughts I wonder if this is from God or has Satan figured out another way to subvert the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The question is; are they worshiping the Jesus of their Vision or the Jesus of the Bible.
In Islam, Isa ibn Maryam translates literally “Jesus, Son of Mary”, or Jesus. He is understood to be the prophet and messenger of Allah (God) who was sent to guide the Children of Israel into a “NEW” revelation.
Sidebar: The Qur’an says that Jesus will return and punish the Jews and Christians for not accepting Muhammad. Jesus will judge by the Law of the Qur’an, not by the Law of the Gospel. Muslims are called to believe on and accept ISA as God; worthy of worship and Praise. The vision or dream includes a Bible verse or two, some encouragement, instruction, prophecies and information not found in the Bible. At this point we are reminded that the Bible is the FINISHED work of God. There are NO NEW REVELATIONS, just more enlightenment.
Can a Sovereign God use a vision or dream of Jesus to convict Muslims or anybody else for that matter? The obvious answer is YES... but where is it taught in scripture that He will do that and where are the examples? Except for Paul/Saul on the road to Damascus, there is no Biblical record of Jesus appearing to anyone after His ascension to Heaven... Paul only saw a light and only heard a voice; he did not see Jesus.
Whose job is it to bring the gospel message to the World? Scripture says it’s the followers; the disciples of Jesus Christ.282
Whose job is it to convict the world of Sin? Jesus said it was the work of the Holy Spirit to convict the world of Sin.283 Can extra-biblical experiences be generated from something besides the Holy Spirit?
In all the reports of seeing ISA or Jesus there is an absence of a call to repentance and forgiveness of sin, no mention of a need for salvation nor praising God’s attributes. When the expectation of additional visitations vanishes, they are met with inevitable confusion and disillusionment when their expectations are not met.
279 1 Corinthians 13:7-13 - But when that which is perfect (full understanding) has come, then that which is in part (the gifts;
prophecy) will be done away.
280 Hebrews 1:1-2 – God now speaks through His Son
281 Philippians 1:15-18 – However Christ is proclaimed, I Praise God Anyway -- 1 Corinthians 1:21 – What is preached saves those
that believe
282 Mark 16:15 – The Great Commission – Go into the world & preach -- Romans 10:13-15 – Gospel is given by those that are sent
283 John 16:7-15 – The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin
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Jesus warned that many will come and say “I am the Christ and will lead many astray”. It never occurred to me that this would include Visions and Dreams. Paul said, “If we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed”.284
Do the reports of Muslims having subjective mystical encounters of Jesus through Visions and Dreams fit the pattern of salvation as recorded in scripture? Is this method consistent with the communication with Jesus while He was on earth? We are told to TEST everything though examining the scriptures daily and to hold fast to what is true.285
Dreams; Peace or Fear
Note: most Muslims report that when they have a spiritual encounter they experience love and a warm peace all over their body, however most encounters of a vision in the Bible resulted in the words of ‘FEAR NOT”, possibly because it was a frightening experience.
Listen to what Job said; “Amid disquieting dreams in the night, when deep sleep falls on people, FEAR and TREMBLING seized me and made all my BONES SHAKE. A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on my body STOOD ON END. It stopped, but I could not tell what it was. A form stood before my eyes, and I heard a hushed voice:286
Angels: Based on scripture, it would seem that the Angels were much taller than the average Israelite; maybe as tall as nine to thirteen feet in their natural form, but could appear with the height of a common man. Cherubim’s have four wings, one set is 15 feet, tip to tip spread out. So if you saw something nine feet tall with wings fifteen feel wide, it would probably scare the tatter tots out of you, wouldn’t it?
NT Scripture records that Cornelius who feared God and prayed continually received a vision of an Angel of God and he stared at the angel with TERROR; he was NOT flooded with joy, peace and an overwhelming sense of Love. Most encounters with Visions and Dreams brought forth a Color Change,287 Speechlessness, Anxiousness, Troubled, Fear, 288 Terror, Trembling, Weakness and Shortness of Breath and Collapsing.289 The Pentecostals would say they were “SLAIN IN THE SPIRIT”; fell to the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit as if they were dead.290
Hagar, the Mother of Ishmael (son of Abraham) whose lineage gave us Mohammad and Islam was frightened by her vision,291 so in my BS, the Muslim EXPERIENCE of seeing Jesus is pretty much contrary to scripture, wouldn’t you say?
My Muslim Friend
About a year ago in my Bible Study group, Majid my Muslim friend gave his testimony about
how he came to embrace the Christian Faith and he made this STUNNING statement that took me back; “YOU ARE BORN INTO A RELIGION”.
I leaned forward in my chair, the room became silent. Majid shared that he had been a devout Muslim all of his life, studied the Qur’an and prayed five times a day and held to the Five Pillars of Islam, but still had a yearning in his heart for God; WHY WAS THAT? Majid bought a Bible and studied in SECRET to see what Christianity was all about.
284 2 Corinthians 11:4 – Some will come proclaiming A DIFFERENT JESUS -- Galatians 1:8 – If anyone brings a different Gospel; let
him be accursed -- Matthew 24:4-5 – Many appearances saying I am the Christ
285 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 – Test everything; Hold fast to good -- Acts 17:11 - Examine the Scriptures daily to see if teaching are true
286 Job 4:13-16 – In my night vision dread, TREMBLING and SHAKING came on me
287 Daniel 5:9 – King Belshazzar became alarmed, his COLOR CHANGED -- Daniel 7:28 – Daniel Became ALARMED and his COLOR
CHANGED -- Daniel 5:6 – The King became WEAK, LEGS TREMBLED and SHOOK and his COLOR CHANGED
288 Acts 27:23-24 – Paul; Vision of an Angel, FEAR NOT -- Luke 2:8-10 – Shepherds; Vision of Angels, FEAR NOT -- Luke 1:12 -
Zechariah was troubled FEAR fell upon him
289 Daniel 7:15 – Daniel became ANXIOUS and ALARMED -- Daniel 10:15-17 – Daniel’s STRENGTH LEFT -- Daniel 10:17 – Daniel
BecameHARDTOBREATHE --Acts10:1-5–CorneliuswasTERRIFIED
290 Daniel 10:8-9 – Daniel’s STRENGTH LEFT and he Fell face down as in a deep sleep as a dead man -- Revelation 1:17 - John had a
Vision of Jesus and Fell to the ground as a dead man -- Ezekiel 3:23 - Ezekiel Fell on his face as a dead man -- Ezekiel 43:3 – Ezekiel
Fell on his face as a dead man -- Daniel 10:15-17 – Daniel became SPEECHLESS and hit the dirt
291 Genesis 21:17 – Hagar; Vision of an Angel, FEAR NOT
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What Majid found was far different than that of the Qur’an and he went back and forth trying to grasp the simplicity of Christianity and its teaching to love your enemies. At some point Majid came to believe that the Bible held the MOST TRUTH and knowing the cost, gave his heart to Jesus Christ. For the Muslim to convert to Christianity is considered blasphemy and he became worse than an INFINDEL and the penalty was DEATH.
Majid made a PUBLIC PROFESSION of his faith and took a Christian wife. His family disowned him and he received death threats. What he had to give up becoming a Christian made me sit back in my chair STUNNED; I gave up nothing; obviously this is a BIG DEAL.
Think about the family you were born into. If your family believes in a god, you would believe in the same god as they did. It was GOD that PUT THE DESIRE in Majid’s heart; and he accepted knowing the cost could be his very own life. What an INCREDABLE DESIRE for God.
Praise God for the Muslims that are believing in Jesus.
The Take Away
During Old Testament times men did not have a copy of God’s WORD and received God’s instructions through the preaching and writings of the prophets via their dreams, visions, symbols and experiences.292 God never did anything without revealing it to His Prophets.293 Visions and Dreams in the Old Testament were almost always prophetic.
During New Testament times God sent his WORD in the flesh; His Son Jesus the Christ, who lived among men, guiding their paths. In no time in the PAST did men have the completed final Word of God to lead them. Today we have God’s WORD in the Bible guiding us through the Holy Spirit, directing our path.
Visions, Dreams, Premonitions & Paranormal Activity can come from many sources; some are from God, some are from Satan and most are probably from what’s in a man’s heart. Random occurrences of confused dreams have no true meaning or purpose and should be taken for just what they are; “much business with a fools voice”;294 It’s in the Book. Ultimately if what you saw puts your reliance on something or someone other than Jesus Christ or conflicts with the Bible; it did not come from God. Satan is the author of confusion;295 God does not contradict Himself.
Through Visions and Dreams God OPENS296 the eyes and the heart of man, GRANTS297 him the faith to believe, then DRAWS298 him unto Himself; and TEACHES299 him and thus begins his search for the fullness of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. In no way do visions and dreams ADD to the Word of God, nor are they given equal or greater authority than the finished cannon; our Bible which is the ultimate authority.
For the most part, scripture supports that in this age, God speaks primarily to men through the HOLY SPIRIT who illuminates God’s finished work; THE BIBLE. However, God is Sovereign and is not limited by our inability or our disobedience in sharing the Gospel. He can use any means He chooses; in Revelation we see in the “End Times”, He uses an Angel to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.300 (However, Notice it is an angel and not Jesus Christ Himself). We do not have to see Jesus to believe, Jesus said; “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”301
If you have had a vision... before you ascribe it to God, you should prayerfully seek God’s will in how you should respond to the vision; ask and He will generously give you wisdom.302
292 Hebrews 1:1-2 – In the Past God spoke to men in divers manners -- 2 Peter 1:21 – Prophets spoke as they were guided by the
Holy Spirit -- John 1: 14-16 - The Word of God, Jesus the Christ, now dwells with us
293 Amos 3:7 – God does nothing without revealing his secret of what He is doing to His prophets
294 Ecclesiastes 5:3 - Dream are with much business and a fool’s voice of many words
295 1 Corinthians 14:33 - God is not the author of confusion
296 Acts 16:14 – God OPENS men’s heart to pay attention
297 John 6:65 – God GRANTS men Faith to receive Him.
298 John 6:44 – God DRAWS men unto Him
299 John 6:45 – God TEACHES men
300 Revelation 14:6-7 – An ANGEL proclaims the Gospel in the END TIMES.
301 John 20:29 – Blessed are those who have NOT SEEN but believe
302 James 1:5 – Ask God for wisdom concerning your Vision and Dream
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Chapter 8. 7
Fatima; Fiction or Fact
Apparitions of Mary – Three Witnesses – Three Secrets - Visions of Hell The Great Apostasy - Falling away of the Faith – Alien Invasions - UFO’s Rome becomes the throne of the Antichrist – The assignation of the Pope Prophecy of World War I and World War II – Sun Twisting and Spinning Supernatural Healings - The Statue
On May 13, 1917 around noon, three young Shepard children of the Portuguese hamlet of Fatima
claimed that they had been visited by the supernatural apparition of the Virgin Mary. There were six Marian Appearances altogether in the middle of each month with the last appearance six months later on October 13, 1917; this produced The Great Sun Miracle. The results were Societies, Shrines, Feasts, Devotions and Pilgrimages to “Our Lady of Fatima”.
First Word
The Virgin Mary should be called blessed by all generations because she was chosen by God to be the Mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.303 I grew up in the Baptist Church and was in charge of the “outside chime system”... My mother, a Sunday School teacher, loved the song “Ava Maria” and I played it as one of the many songs on the outdoor loud speaker chime system at church. It was written up in the Atlanta Journal about a Baptist Church playing a Catholic song. I took a lot of heat, but even today it’s still a part of my “IPOD” music library.
I say this because of what I am about to write may cause you to think that I disrespect the blessed mother of Jesus. TODAY; God, Jesus, the Bible, and the Virgin Mary have all been Hi-Jacked to be used for causes that are far from the intent of the Bible.
Definition – Apparition Wikipedia
The appearance of the Virgin Mary is known as a Marian Apparition. An
apparition is
BUT, it is unusual for an apparitional “figure” to engage in any verbal interaction with the percipient; this is consistent with the finding that the majority of such experiences only involve one sense. (Most commonly the visual.)
303 Luke 1:46-48 - All generations will call the Virgin Mary blessed
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the unexpected or unusual appearance of a ghostly figure.
characterized by the apparent perception of either a living being or an inanimate object without there being any material stimulus for such a perception; the person
It is
experiencing the apparition is awake.
Subjects experiencing the apparition are by no means always frightened by the
experience; indeed they may find the apparition very soothing or reassuring particularly
at times of crisis or ongoing stress in their lives.
Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory IT’S IN THE BOOK
The Apparition
The Vision as reported by the three children; the Lady was enveloped in colored lights accompanied by lightning and the sound of buzzing.
Jacinta said that the apparition wore a knee-length skirt, with white socks and when she “left” she raised her toes up with her heels pointing down and then her body disappeared.
Lucia said she was wearing earrings and wore a necklace with a medal on it. She was of medium height and her eyes were black. Lucia stated that she (Lucia) had a light within herself that made her understand the Lady; to have sense of her words.
Francisco said that on the first apparition, he only saw her as she was leaving and she did not move her lips when she spoke.
The Apparition Description “Of Their Time” sounds like that of a Prostitute. Scripture says that women should adorn themselves modestly which is proper for professing godliness.304
Lucia and Jacinta said that the Lady wanted a chapel to be built and named for herself; “The Lady of the Rosary”.
NOTE: There is a controversy concerning Lucia’s writings; claiming that the fanciful First Version is authentic and that another conservative Version, embellished by the Church was released later for publication; known by Conspiracy Theorist as Version II or Lucia II.
The Children
Lucia dos Santos (10) was born in 1907; the two cousins Francisco Marto (9) was born in 1908 and Jacinta Marto (7) was born in 1910.
Lucia or Lucy being the oldest appears to be the spokesperson for the three children.
Francisco, according to Lucia, was not allowed by “the Lady” to hear the first & second secrets,
but was allowed to hear the third.
Jacinta the youngest said she forgot things related to the apparition and needed Lucia to tell her
again what happened.
Reports say that the three agreed to keep the FIRST apparition a secret, but Jacinta the youngest, just could not restrain herself and broke the promise and “let the cat out of the bag” with her
overflow of excitement.
Jacinta and Francisco died from influenza and pleurisy before they could be questioned by the
1922 Investigation Commission of the Church. Scripture states that in the mouth of two or three
witnesses is a thing established as true.
We now only have Lucy; ONE
Cannon Formagao said, “Apparitions are authenticated NOT by the testimony of witnesses, but by their popularity among pious people”. My BS, my Belief System responds; WHAT? Scripture requires you to have at least two witnesses; NOT by the popularity of what some righteous people might think.
Lucia, the spokesperson for the three described herself as uneducated, unintelligent and easily
the local administrator
if they did not recant their testimonies
Lied; Lucia stated that she was imprisoned by
1917 and was threatened to be boiled in Oil
Contradicted: Lucia and Francisco contradicted each other over how the apparition was dressed. Lucia contradicted herself first saying the Virgin had on earrings then she didn’t.
Hallucinations: Mario de Oliveria, a Friar who knew Lucia very well stated that she suffered from religious hallucinations and false memories.
304 1 Timothy 2:9-10 – Women should adorn themselves modestly professing godliness
305 Deuteronomy 19:15 – Two or Three Witnesses to make a case -- Matthew 18:16 – Two or three witnesses is a thing established
at Ourem in August of
, but her own
family denies her story as well as the Cook that worked in that Prison.
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Lucia’s Mother allegedly said that Lucia earlier on three occasion, had visions of a person wrapped up in a bed sheet that approached her and then went away. She went on to say that Lucia had a flair for inventing religious stories and had the ability to manipulate people.
Since the Fatima incident, Lucia had been kept in the Vatican living in a convent where revealing
the Third Secret was hampered by a “language communication barrier”. It
some of the Nuns came under her magnetic influence and began to copy her.
The Secrets
was reported that
She was sent to a nunnery at the age of 14. Reports say she was kept in solitary confinement to make sure she did not reveal the Third Secret. She was not allowed to return to Fatima without
permission and nobody was allowed to write to her directly.
Lucia proclaimed that upon her death or at least by 1960, the Third Secret must be revealed to
the world. This did not happen; Conspiracy Theorist had a field day with this one.
On the Second or Third appearance, the apparition of the Virgin Mary gave THREE SECRETS to the children. They were precise predictions, warnings, request, and promises concerning the
Catholic Faith.
LuciaherselfsaidthatTheThirdSecretcontainedapocalypticcontent. ThoseinsidetheVatican
who have seen the original; claim that it contained predictions of a great apostasy where Rome will lose the Faith and become the throne of the Anti-Christ. If this was true, I can see why this secret
would be withheld. At this writing we have no proof of this.
In 1941 two of the three secrets were revealed in a letter written by Lucia at the request of Jose
Alves Correia da Silva, Bishop of Leiria.
In 1943 Lucia fell ill with influenza and pleurisy and was thought to soon die. The bishop ordered
her to write down the Third Secret which she did and sealed it in an envelope not to be opened until her death, but no later than 1960 when the secret will be “more clearly understood” and because
the Blessed Virgin wished it so.
In 2000 Pope John Paul II officially released the third secret, some 83 years after the first
apparition. Some insist to this day that this was not the entire secret.
The Three Secrets
1) Visions of Hell and its contents
2) Prophecy of World War I and World War II
3) Prophecy; the Assassination of Pope John Paul II.
The Controversy: There is much controversy about Lucia’s letter concerning the secrets. She states herself that she is uneducated and wrote only on a small piece of paper; yet the release version is on four sheets of paper leading Conspiracy Theorist to speculate that this is not the real secret or at least it’s not the full secret.
First Secret
SECRET: Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear.
The Vatican Press Release of 1960 announced that the Third Letter would probably never be
opened. I would like to say here that there are other publications that say that the Vatican did know what was in the letter and what they were actually saying is that the contents would probably never
be made known to the world.
The First Secret was a vision of Hell and the DEATH of Lucia’s cousins who were the only other
two witness’s to the Vision.
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The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent.
This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror.
Note: My BS could not help but notice that there was no mention of repentance that went along with the salvation of the children.306 I thought the description of Hell was awesome! Lucia to be ten years old and uneducated, sure does write well.
Second Secret
The Second Secret was not revealed to the Vatican by Lucia until July of 1941 some Twenty-
Four years later; this was when the Nazi’s invaded the Soviet Union. The message was that IF Russia converted to Christianity, many years of war and persecution could be avoided. Since the war
continued and they did not convert to Christianity, this prophecy was considered to be TRUE.
SECRET: You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to
establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. “The war” is going to end: but if people do not cease offending
God, “a worse one” will break out during the Pontificate of Pope Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to
punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the
Holy Father.
Sidebar: World War I was the war that would end in 1917, the “Worse One” would be World War II
Continuing on: To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to my
Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays.
If my requests are
heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout
the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father
will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.
In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me,
and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.
The Virgin Mary says, “If what I say to you is done, many SOULS will be saved and there will be
The Book says that the only way SOULS are saved is through God’s Son Jesus Christ. No one
comes to the Father except through Him.307 No amount of devotion to the Virgin Mary can save anyone from Hell.
This establishes the fact that this apparition was not really the Virgin Mary because she would not call her Son a Liar. Her words do not harmonize with the fence post planted by the rest of the Gospel message. Jesus says to Search the Scriptures because it bears witness of HIM.308
Third Secret
The Letter of the Third Secret was composed much later in 1944 leaving the Conspiracy
Theorist to believe that it had been edited or altered to fit the facts.
secret by the Vatican for 58 years causing much speculation as to what it included; subjects such as:
The Third Secret was kept
Deep Rifts in the Catholic Church, Satanic Infiltration of the Church, Extra-Terrestrial Life,
Doomsday Predictions, and the Apocalypse of Revelation with Worldwide Nuclear Annihilation.
Note: (Lucia DID SAY in an interview that the third secret held apocalyptic prophecy.)
SECRET: After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little
above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked
306 Acts 2:38 - Each of you must repent of your sins
307 John 14:6 – Jesus said; No one comes to the Father except through me
308 John 5:39 – The scriptures bear witness about Jesus Christ
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as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel
cried out in a loud voice: “Penance, Penance, Penance!”. And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop
dressed in White “we had the impression that it was the Holy Father”.
It continues concerning the Pope; Other Bishops, Priests, men and women, Religious going up
a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; “before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins; and half
trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross, he
was KILLED by a group of soldiers who fired BULLETS and arrows at him, and in the same way there DIED one after another the other; Bishops, Priests, men and women, religious and various lay
people of different ranks and positions.”
Note: An Assignation Attempt was made on the Pope on May 13, 1981. He contributed the fact that he did not die to the intervention of the Virgin Mary changing the course of history. In effect she stopped her own prophecy. It is also noteworthy that May 13th is the same day of the month as the first apparition appeared to the three children. In the year 2000, the Pope decided to release the third Prophecy which would include his assignation.
After the assignation attempt the Bullet had remained in the Pope’s Jeep. The Pope gave the bullet to the Bishop so that it might be kept as a shrine; it was placed in the crown of the statue of “The Lady of Fatima”.
SCRIPTURE SAYS that if a thing prophesized does not come to pass, the prophet is a FALSE PROPHET.309 We are to test prophecy with the scriptures, does it bear witness about Jesus Christ? Does the prophecy harmonize with other scriptures; do all the fence post line up in a straight line?
Note: God’s attributes and His nature does not vary or change.310 The Prophecy concludes:
Conspiracy Theorist say the prophecy concerning Bishops, Priests, the Religious and Lay People did not happen and THE SECRET IS STILL HIDDEN
In my BS, I DO NOT DOUBT that the three children saw something; the question is; what was it that they saw? The Witch of Endor brought up “something”311 that was supposed to be Samuel; but King Saul never did see it, but he believed it to be Samuel. The Bible says the Dead know nothing and cannot speak, see or plan. I believe that the children saw a “familiar Sprit” a demon who would point to the Blessed Virgin Mary instead of Jesus Christ for redemption; deceiving the multitudes. In my BS, they have become FALSE PROPHETS, willing or not.
This is Satanic; even Satan can transform himself into an angel of light.312 I’m not talking about the Blessed Virgin Mary being Satanic, I’m talking about a FAKE apparition; a familiar demonic spirit. The Dead know nothing, no planning, no working, no wisdom, no knowledge, no praises and no words; they are silent.313
309 1 John 4:1 - Do not believe every spirit; TEST THE SPIRITS -- Deuteronomy 13:1-3 – God will test you using FALSE Prophets -- Matthew 24:11 - Many False Prophets will rise up and deceive many -- Matthew 7:15 - Beware of False Prophets -- Mark 13:22 - False Prophets will perform signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. -- 2 Peter 2:1 – There are False Prophets among the people secretly introducing DESTRUCTIVE HERESIES -- Matthew 7:16 - You will know them by their fruits
310 Malachi 3:6 - I the LORD do not change
311 1 Samuel 28:12-14 - Scared the Tater Tots out of the WITCH
312 2 Corinthians 11:14 - Satan disguises as an angel of light
313 Ecclesiastes 9:5 – The Dead know nothing and have no reward, -- Ecclesiastes 9:10 – Dead; there is no working no planning no
knowledge nor wisdom -- Psalm 115:17 – Dead cannot praise God; THEY ARE SILENT
Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with
a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it
sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.
and Men and Women dying
NOTE: You may not consider these children as PROPHETS,
with visions, but that is what they were.
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Note: Satan knows scripture too; if we reject the knowledge that God has given us, He will reject us. The Book says we are destroyed for lack of knowledge;314 God Himself says that His nature and attributes do not change. It’s in the Book... READ IT.
The Great Sun Miracle
The Great Sun Miracle of October 13, 1917 was the event that more than 70,000 people witnessed, that was said to validate the story of the three shepherd children.
Lucia said the Lady identified herself as “The Lady of the Rosary” and she let the children see Jesus, Joseph and herself in the Sun. Lucia shouted to LOOK AT THE SUN. The Virgin supposedly made people to have a vision of the sun spinning. It was reported in newspapers around the world including the New York Times. With all the photographers present; there were no pictures taken. Many saw something, some did not; Lucia herself said she did not witness the miracle of the sun. When the Lady disappeared some heard the sound of a Rocket roar which gave support to the UFO Alien theorist who were present.
Scripture warns that we are to not try to seek to establish our own righteousness;315 it says offerings to the QUEEN OF HEAVEN provokes God to anger.316
The Report said that the sun began to throw off colors, twist and dance in the sky defying cosmic laws and then it descended to the earth. BUT; this phenomena does not defy cosmic law; a CME or Coronal Mass Ejection occurs every eleven years as recorded in history when the sun goes through a period of solar storms. Solar flares radiate out emitting particles that cause the Northern Lights (COLORS) or what’s known as Aurora Borealis. It causes severe weather conditions on earth including volcano eruptions and earthquakes. Satellites, communication and electricity is affected and medical conditions such as headaches have been reported.
For over a month before The Great Sun Miracle, there had been activity of the sun throwing off solar flares with changing colors. Many people were claiming that they had spotted signs in the sun. This had attracted the curious as well as the Alien Society and UFO watchers who had visions of alien messengers and spaceships; mostly unbelievers. There is something within us that believes that God has other worlds. Jesus said he had sheep in “other pastures” 317 that the Disciples knew nothing about. If I had been alive, I too would probably have been there in 1917 to see it all unfold; Just saying.
Some devoted Catholics who were there on their knees praying saw nothing unusual, others standing beside them saw the sun spin; some even said the sun fell to the earth. Some saw UFO’s and some just messed up their eyes by looking directly into the sun. This is all to say that there was a number of personal experiences that were not shared by all.
More Confusion; some reports said the sun DID NOT really move, that the people only had a vision that it moved. Another report said the sun DID MOVE and that the rest of the world had a vision that the sun remaining still.
Other Miracles
People reported miracles of healing performed by God during this time, further validating the Fatima incident, BUT it is noteworthy to report that Miracles, Healings and Cures have always occurred which cannot be explained by natural means.
In fact to be so bold, scripture says Satan can also perform Miracles and Signs to deceive those who dwell on earth.318
314 Hosea 4:6 - You have rejected My knowledge and I reject you 315 Romans 10:3 – Seeking to establish their own righteousness 316 Jeremiah 7:18 - Offerings to Queen of Heaven provokes God 317 John 10:16 - I have other sheep which are not of this fold
318 Revelation 13:13-14 – Satan performs great signs & miracles, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, Page 59 Printed 1/30/2023
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In the days of Moses the Sorcerers, Magicians as well as Wise Men could duplicate the miracles319 that God performed through Moses.
God says; why do you still submit to the Regulations and TRADITIONS that have been passed down.320 The Believer walks by his FAITH not by his SIGHT.321 Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual double-talk. They spread their ideas through the empty TRADITIONS of human beings and the empty SUPERSTITIONS of SPIRIT BEINGS. That's not the way of Christ. It’s in the Book.
The Validation
The Statue
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart; since 1838 and by 1850 there were over 12.000 brotherhoods in honor of “The Immaculate Heart”. I must note here that the first fanciful descriptions of the Lady given to the sculpture McGlynn by Lucia is different from the current modest statue.
A statue of Our Lady of Fatima is passed around throughout the year from house to house for a week to the different homes like a good luck charm. It’s adorned and placed as the center piece of their living room and homage is paid to it or to say it another way; it is worshipped.
The Vatican teaches that adoration of statues is similar to feeling love and admiration for a picture of someone in your own family. God has an opinion on this when in the Ten Commandments, He said that we should not have any graven images;323 He also said that those that have graven images show they HATE GOD.324 God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and in truth.325
The Catholic Bible omits the Second Commandment; the part about graven images and splits up the 9th remaining commandment into two, to make it Ten again. Here we have the rejection of God’s commandment in order to establish a TRADITION.326
Tradition can nullify and make void the Word of God327... It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.328 It’s in the Book.
I feel compelled to say this.... About 30 years ago, my son called me and said that there was a Revelation Prophecy Seminar going on SATURDAY and would I like to attend. Believers have always had a fascination with prophecy and the end times. Our whole extended family went and the very first night we realized that and this was a recruitment tool for the Seventh Day Adventist and this was their SABBATH DAY which they continued to point out over and over. To this very day they are still using this same tool to recruit membership for their Denomination.
319 Exodus 7:10-12 – Magicians turned their staff in snakes by their incantations:
320 Colossians 2:20 – Why do you submit to old TRADITIONS & REGULATIONS -- Colossians 2:8 – Empty TRADITIONS and empty
SUPERSTITIONS of Spirit Beings
321 2 Corinthians 5:7 - For we walk by faith, not by sight -- John 20:29 - Blessed are those who have not seen Jesus yet believed
322 2 Corinthians 5:20 – We are ALL Ambassadors for Christ.
323 Exodus 20:4 – You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the
earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth
324 Exodus 20:5 - Those that have graven images HATE God.
325 John 4:24 - God is Spirit and must be worshiped in Spirit.
326 Mark 7:9 – God’s Commandments are rejected over the Tradition of men
327 Mark 7:13 - Your traditions make void the word of God
328 Hebrews 10:30-31 – It’s fearful thing to fall into hands of God
Several Popes have visited Fatima including Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II validating
the Fatima incident as authentic.
The Pope is believed to be God’s VICAR on earth; God’s representative, BUT scripture does not support that God has a Vicar; a single representative on earth. All Believers are Ambassadors
for Christ endued with the Holy Spirit that is within us; it’s in the Book. 322
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With that said; in my BS, my Belief System, I believe the Catholic Church is using the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a recruitment tool, not only for new recruits, but to slow down the exodus of members from the Church. Note; you must get this, the Pope’s authentication of the apparitions do not make them true.
Come, let’s reason together;329 it is said that there are MANY PATHS that lead to God. In my BS, it seems to me that there must be one path that may be truer than the others; that’s the path that I want to follow. We are told that there are many gods, but in my BS, it seems to me that there must be one God that is higher than all the other gods; that’s the God that I choose to seek. Everyone must work out their own salvation with fear and trembling;330 this is a serious thing. What if you follow the wrong path and worship the wrong god?
Marian Apparition (David Hughes; the Great Marian-Catholic Apostasy)
Today through false apparitions, the Devil has succeeded in catastrophically damaging the
Church by creating a very real spiritual schism joined by countless numbers of Marian Catholics.
He (Satan) has effectively blocked the spiritual power of the Church in the world, by destroying the
perfect union of the faithful with the Mystical Body of Christ. The “perceived” fruit of an
apparition is NO measure of its orthodox validity. How could anyone be deceived if there seemed
to be NO fruit?
The Take Away
I have read many, many papers on “Fatima”, some genuinely studying the incident according
to scripture, others that were just downright hateful toward the Catholic Church.
That is certainly not my intention here. What I have gleamed in my BS, is that
Satan is at work trying to destroy ALL Christians anyway he can,
especially through the dissemination of disinformation;
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; (Ambassadors for Christ)331 because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget (to bless) your children.332
329 Isaiah 1:18 - Come now, and let us reason together
330 Phil 2:12 - Work out your salvation with fear and trembling
331 2 Corinthians 5:20 – We are ALL Ambassadors for Christ.
332 Hosea 4:6 - Because you have forgotten THE LAW of your God, I also will forget (to bless) your children
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Chapter 8. 8
Four Blood Moons
Three most important event in Jewish History – Israel Became a Nation Jews expelled out of Spain; came to America – Six Day War – Passover Feast of Tabernacles – The Rapture – Tribulation – Return of Christ
First Word
The RED COLOR of the Moon is caused by “Rayleigh” scattering of the sunlight through the
Earth's atmosphere; the same effect that causes sunsets to appear RED. The term Rayleigh comes from a British physicist named Lord Rayleigh who came up with the idea about electromagnetic radiation particles in gas that polarize the particles and cause them to scatter the light on earth during a total eclipse of the moon which produces the color.
It is a rare that scripture, science and history all have planted fence post that line up with each other, but that is what has happened with the total eclipses in the last tetrad group of four full blood moons, and this harbinger of doom will happen only seven more times this century. Is this just superstition or is something about to happen? I would like to point out that EVERYTIME we read of darkness in the Book, it’s about JUDGMENT and DISASTER, so for the student of the Word, that’s just another reason an eclipse of the sun or moon is so important.
Joel the Prophet said the sun will become DARK, and the moon will turn BLOOD RED before that great and terrible day of the LORD arrives,333 this is speaking of the Moon turning blood- red before the END OF THE WORLD and the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Peter on the day of Pentecost quoted Joel saying; the sun will be turned into DARKNESS, and the MOON INTO BLOOD, before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.334
John writes in Revelation; I watched as the Lamb broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake. The sun became DARK as black cloth, and the moon became as red as blood. Then the stars of the sky fell to the earth like green figs falling from a tree shaken by a strong wind. The sky was rolled up like a scroll, and all of the mountains and islands were moved from their places.335
Disasters from all around the world like fires, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes happen all the time, but after an eclipse or after the observation of a comet, there are reports of disasters that we would never otherwise be AWARE of. So it's almost inevitable that we will hear that something bad has happen after the Blood Moons; but that something bad might just be something good for Israel.
The tetrad of four blood moons calls for a spiritual reset period of reflection; what is the sovereign God that made all these things up to?
333 Joel 2:31- The MOON will turn BLOOD RED before that great and terrible day of the LORD arrives.
334 Acts 2:20 - The sun will be turned into DARKNESS, and the MOON INTO BLOOD, before the great and glorious day of the Lord
335 Revelation 6:12-14 – The sun became as dark as black cloth and the MOON BECAME AS RED AS BLOOD
I think it’s important here to authenticate the Blood Moon concept by quoting the smart people at NASA; the ones who put a man on the moon. They have determined and documented with
their technology that the “Tetrad” or four Blood Moon has not happened in over 5,000 years. Then all of the sudden, we got a tetrad of Blood Moons that happened three times within 500 years; April
1492, May 1948 and June 1967; SOMETHING IS GOING ON !
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They went on to predict that we would have another set of four more BLOOD MOONS with the first on April 15, 2014, second on October 8, 2014, which both have happened at this writing
and then a third on April 4, 2015 and the fourth on September 28, 2015.
So this information from NASA documenting Blood Moons is deemed credible and not made up
Let them serve as SIGNS to mark SACRED times
: God speaks about the SUN and MOON in
Genesis, the very first book of the Bible.336 (Signs are Signals to the Hebrews) This is as good a
place as any to quote the Bible and the Prophet Joel to see how this plays out in the Christians life.
In the Old Testament, Joel says that while there is WAR going on in the earth, God will show us
wonders in the Heavens, with the moon turning the color of Blood. This will occur BEFORE the
coming of “The Day of the Lord”.337 (Judgment)
In the New Testament, Peter quotes the Prophet Joel saying the same thing about the eclipses of
the Sun and the Moon turning Blood Red338 and he calls them SIGNS.
Eclipse of the Sun means Judgment on the Nations; (Signs & signals to the World).
Eclipse of the Moon means Judgment on the Enemies of Israel; (Signs & signals for Israel).
When the Sun is eclipsed in the middle of the four Blood Moon it means something devastating
is going to happen. (Some students of the Word believe this may be the beginning of the Tribulation Period)
Joseph was considered a “type of Christ” when he saved Israel from starvation. In his dream he
said the Sun, Moon and Stars would all BOW DOWN to him.339 (As a type of Christ)
So here’s where we are; the total Eclipses of the Sun and the Blood Moons are SIGNS that comes
before the great and notable day of the Lord.
(Glorious for the Believer, but Dreadful for the Non-Believer as well as the Make-Believer.)
2) 3)
1) 2)
336 Genesis 1:14 - Let there be lights that serve as SIGNS to mark sacred times and days and years,
337 Joel 2:30-31 – A Blood Moon appears BEFORE the great and DREADFUL day of the LORD
338 Acts 2:19-20 - In the New Testament, .Peter quotes Joel’s SIGNS and WONDERS IN THE HEAVEN THE BLOOD MOON
339 Genesis 37:9 – Joseph dreamed the Sun, Moon and Stars bowed down to him
Let’s take a look at what happened during the first Tetra’s of Blood Moons that have occurred
in the last 500 years. The first three were the MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS in the History of Israel.
Could these Blood Moons be SIGNS in the heavens to us from God?
April 1492 when the
Sephardi Jews
were given the “Edict of Expulsion” which gave them
fourteen days to get out of Spain. Documents reveal that they did get out of Spain and took
their money with them and gave it to Christopher Columbus to find a place for them to live.
He did and they settled in England and America. FOUR BLOOD MOONS
May 14 1948 Israel became a Nation. (Holy Land Restored) FOUR BLOOD MOONS
June 5-10 1967 This was the Six Day War (named after the six days of creation) when three
superior Arab armies were defeated by Israel and they seized the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank of the Jordan River (including East Jerusalem), and
the Golan Heights. This united the city of Jerusalem with Israel, (Holy city was restored) the world had abandoned Israel and ONLY GOD could have saved them from these Superior
armies. These three SIGNS all happened back to back. FOUR BLOOD MOONS
NOTE: The dates on the lunar calendar for all the JEWISH FEAST were already set and established
in the Bible, they have not changed. (The Lunar calendar is different from ours).
April 15, 2014 - Blood Moon falls on the first day of the feast of Passover
October 8, 2014 - Blood Moon falls on the eve of Sukkot, Feast of Booths called Tabernacles.
March 20, 2015 -
in the center of the Four Blood Moon; a Time of Distress.
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Something devastating is going to happen; perhaps wars of the world or the beginning of the
Seven Years of Tribulation period, we just don’t know.340
April 4, 2015 - Blood Moon falls on the feast of Passover
September 28, 2015 - Blood Moon falls on Sukkot, Feast of Booths called Tabernacles.
Coincidence or a SIGN: Notice that ALL the Blood Moons fall on the days of Jewish Feasts.
What are the odds that this would happen in this order without the hand of God?
Passover Feast is when the Jews commemorate their liberation and delivery from Egypt and their
protection from the ten plagues including the Death Angel that passed over them.
Sukkot Feast commemorates the fragile dwellings or tents that they lived in while living in the desert and God’s protection. It’s a walled structure that they sleep in that is covered with plant material such
as palm leaves.
1) 2)
Eclipse of the Sun: There was an eclipse of the Sun for THREE HOURS at the death of Christ.341 Could this be just a coincidence or was it A SIGN from the hand of God?
Possible or Impossible
To believe what I am about to say, you will think is an impossibility, but the scriptures record it and we have to decide whether or not God can do it. Scripture reports that sometime in the future, the Sun and the Moon will BOTH be darkened at the same time;343 we are not talking about shadows here; neither of them will give any light.
We are forced to decide whether or NOT God is Omnipotent (all powerful) and believe or NOT believe that His power created the heavens and the earth. We have evidence in scripture that supports that God IS in control of the heavenly bodies.
Joshua prayed to God and the Sun and Moon both STOOD STILL for about a whole day.344
Hezekiah asked for a SIGN that he would live 15 more years and as a SIGN God made the sun reverse its travel in the sky and GO BACKWARD ten steps as marked on the Sun Dial.345
Wise Men followed a Star till it STOPPED over the place where the Baby Jesus was laid.346
Can it be possible that God planned in advance that the Blood Moons would occur on Jewish Feast Days as a SIGN to us, or is it just a coincidence?
What does all this mean?
If you have ears to hear; these Blood Moons are SIGNS of the Second Coming of Christ. When you see these SIGNS; lift up your head, GET READY; your redemptions is at hand.347
The Tribulation period is on the horizon, just around the corner; we don’t know when.
The Rapture can come at any time; nothing else has to happen. GET READY; you are either a Believer, a un-Believer or a MAKE-BELIEVER.
340 Mark 13:14-26 - Sun and Moon will be DARKENED before Christ returns
341 Luke 23:44 – When Jesus Died there was an Eclipse of the Sun for THREE HOURS
342 Revelation 11:1-2 – The Temple is started to be rebuilt during the tribulations
343 Matthew 24:29 – After THE TRIBULATION Sun and Moon darkened at the same time.
344 Joshua 10:12-13 – The SUN STOOD STILL for about a whole day
345 2 Kings 20:9-11 - The SUN WENT BACKWARD 10 steps on sundial.
346 Matthew 2:9 – The STAR STOPPED over the place of Baby Jesus
347 Matthew 24:33 – WHEN YOU SEE ALL THESE SIGNS, you'll know HE'S AT THE DOOR -- Luke 21:28 – WHEN THESE THINGS
BEGIN TO TAKE PLACE Lift up your heads, your redemption is near
2014–2015 Four Blood Moons will occur during the FEASTS; it’s unproven, but thought by some,
that should the TRIBULATION PERIOD begin here in the center of the Four Blood Moons commencing with the total eclipse of the SUN, that this would signal the rebirth of the Jewish Holy
Temple being restored or rebuilt.342 Something certainly to be considered.
If this is true, I would be pretty excited about the coming of the Tribulation Period because the
Rapture precedes it and ALL BELIEVERS ARE GOING; both dead and alive.
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Make Believer
Sunday Christian: A follower of Christ can go to Sunday School and Church and sing the songs of Praise, they can enter into prayer and be a part of laying hands on the sick and see the Holy Spirit at work in healings and miracles. They can taste the sweetness of communion with the other saints...
and still not be a part of the Faith.
How can that be; the Bible teaches that once you are saved you are always saved. Jesus
personally taught His followers, they experienced the miracles of healings; they saw demons cast out; the feeding of thousands and tasted the power of the Holy Spirit; but with all of that, SOME could not spiritually discern His teachings which caused them to WALK AWAY.348
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for someone like this with their own ability and power to come back to the Faith; except by the GRACE of Jesus Christ; through Him all things are possible.349 According to Scripture the rain waters all the soil, some good and some not so good. Some brings forth good vegetation and some brings up worthless thorns and thistles; but both got the same water. 350
A True Believer will not leave the Faith; a Make-Believer will; this proves that they were never a part of the Faith to begin with.351 How can you know if you are a True Believer? God said, you will know them by their fruit; their actions.352 Take a close look at your “check book”; your speech, your SONGS and your activities; do they honor God or bring shame?
There are nine expressions of THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, but all nine of them are exhibited as just ONE fruit; Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.353 They are utilized along with the Gifts of the Spirit for the perfecting of the Saints and the building up of the Church body.354 Does your actions build up the Church and strive for the perfection that is offered through Jesus Christ?
Adam and Eve were not kicked out of the Garden because of their sin; they were kicked out because they DID NOT CONFESS their sin and seek forgiveness. Instead they blamed each other as well as God for their actions Obedience brings Mercy and Blessings; disobedience brings Judgment.
Lip Service: Are you just going through the motions, having only “a form of Godliness”?355 Is God’s word spoken through your mouth, but not spoken in your actions? We are commanded to examine ourselves before we take part in communion.356 Do we have unconfessed sin; do we need a “COURSE CORRECTION” in our life?
God does not have any STEP CHILDREN; only Children. You are not a child of God because your Mama is. Life is Choice Driven; Believer or a Make-Believer?
The Take Away – The Watchman
The Four Blood Moon came to the forefront when Mark Biltz and Pastor John Hagee began to
notice a pattern in the eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Every prior TETRAD or group of four Blood Moons coincided with the History of Israel, and pointed to the coming of the awaited END TIME EVENTS. They felt as Watchmen on the Wall,357 that they were ACCOUNTABLE to share their findings with those that “had an ear to hear”.358
348 John 6:66 – Many DISCIPLES left the Faith.
349 Matthew 19:25-26 - WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED? With God all things are possible
350 Hebrews 6:7-8 – The Rain waters all; some are Useful, Some are Worthless
351 1 John 2:19 – They left because they were MAKE BELIEVERS -- Hebrews 6:4-6 – A Make-Believer that has tasted the power of
the Holy Spirit and THEN HAS FALLEN AWAY, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to renew them again to repentance
352 Matthew 7:16 – You will know a true believer by their FRUIT
354 Ephesians 4:12 – Gifts are for the PERFECTING of the saints and the building up of the body of Christ
355 2 Timothy 3:2-5 - Make-Believers have a form of Godliness
356 1 Corinthians 11:27-28 – EXAMINE YOURSELF before you take communion or you will be GUILTY OF SINNING
357 Isaiah 21:6 – The Watchman on the Wall shouts out what he sees
Luke 21:28 – Stand Up, Look Up, Lift up your heads, your redemption is near
358 Ezekiel 33:6 - The Watchman is accountable to sound the alarm -- Matthew 13:9 – If you have ears for Spiritual things, then hear
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This is NOT the setting of dates and times, but an urge to WATCH. (What is a praise to some is blasphemy to others.)
The Seven Year Tribulation period along with the RAPTURE starts the Time Clock Countdown for the advent of the Second coming of Jesus Christ; when He comes to rule for a 1,000 years.
NOTE: Many do not embrace the Rapture theory, others support that the Millennium reign is happening right now; and that’s fine; these doctrines do not change our salvation nor change the second coming of Jesus Christ.
STAND UP, LOOK UP and LIFT UP your heads...
Our redemptions is getting very close.359
It’s in the Book
At this writing update in 2020, the Four Blood Moons have come and gone with nothing major taking place that has been documented involving Israel and the Jewish people; that’s not to say something may have begun that we know nothing about.
For what it’s worth; the past three Blood Moons occurred in 1493-94, 1949-50, and 1967-68 ALL included a solar eclipse. The Jewish month begins with the first visible sliver of the new moon which makes a blood moon always occur at the middle of the Jewish month which just happens to be during their Passover and Sukkot feasts. Since the first century AD there have been 62 tetrads, but only eight of these blood moons actually coincided with both of Israel’s feasts and of these, three were not even visible in Israel. Just more to put in your BS and ponder.
Researchers say that in 2020, once again blood moons will be witnessed, but not everyone will be able to see them.
June 21, 2020 Central Africa, South Asia, China and the Pacific
July 5, 2020 Europe and Africa
Nov. 30, 2020 North and South America including Asia, Australia and the Pacific region
Dec 14, 2020 South Pacific, Chile, Argentina and the South Atlantic
Some students of the Word believe that the TRIBULATIONS360 have already started because of the current PLAGUE of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 epidemic that has struck the world. In my BS, I certainly believe that this is a SIGN of the END TIMES, but scripture documents that the antichrist must first set up his image in the Holy of Holies of the temple which has not yet been built although according to the Temple Institute everything has been prepared to do so; they are just waiting on a perfect Red Heifer to sacrifice in order to get the ashes to sanctify the temple mount and begin.361 So in my BS this is just a SIGN that the END TIMES are drawing near, but we are not yet in the tribulations. 362 This desecration of the Holy of Holies must occur 3 1⁄2 years into the tribulations.363
It’s in the Book.
359 Luke 21:28 – Stand Up, Look Up, Lift up your heads, your redemption is near
360 Matthew 24:6-8 – The beginning of the Tribulations wars and rumors of wars famines and earthquakes All these are the beginning
of birth pains
361 Numbers 19:1-22 - Sacrifice a RED HEIFER for his ashes, a perfect animal that has no defects and has never been yoked to a plow
-- Hebrews 9:13-14 – The ashes of a HEIFER, sanctify and purify the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ sanctify that is
offered without blemish to God
362 Luke 21:9-11 – Signs heavens – Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilence be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the
end is not by and by.
363 Daniel 9:24-27 – The Antichrist will make a peace covenant for seven years, but will break it 3 1⁄2 years later and set up an image of
himself in the Holy of Holies.
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Chapter 8. 9
Setting the stage
The 70 AD Doctrine or Preterism is a Christian Belief System of the “End of Times”. It is
also known as Realized Eschatology, Covenant Eschatology and Trans-Millennialism. It is the belief that the Book of Daniel is referring to events that happened from the 7th century BC until the first century AD.
From 30-70 AD, a 40 year transitional period of time occurred where the “End of Times” prophecies about Christ's second coming were ALL or mostly fulfilled. It interprets the prophecies and events in the Book of Revelation as events which HAVE ALREADY TAKEN PLACE in the first century AD. (Wikipedia)
The Mosaic Law passed away when Jesus came and fulfilled it in 30-70 AD. 364 Jesus taught the disciples that THE KINGDOM OF GOD CAN’T BE DETECTED BY VISIBLE SIGNS you won’t be able to say, ‘here it is!’ or ‘it’s over there!’ for THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS ALREADY AMONG YOU.” 365
Out of the decay of Judaism arose the spiritual body of Christianity; we are now in the eternal days, world without end that which was to come. So their Belief System is; the actual bodily, personal return of Jesus will not happen and we cannot expect our bodies to be raised to immortality.366
The term preterism comes from the Latin prefix “praeter”, which Webster's 1913 dictionary defines as denoting that something is "PAST" or "BEYOND". Preterism holds that at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Ancient Israel finds itself as the Christian Church either in its continuation (Partial Preterism) or in its fulfillment (Full Preterism). Wikipedia
Partial Preterism; the belief that the majority of the “End of Time” events have been fulfilled.
Full Preterism; the belief that ALL of the “End of Time” prophecies have been fulfilled.
The basic doctrine is the promised final return of Christ and the resurrection of bodies actually
already occurred in 70 AD.
If this Doctrine is TRUE, then everyone who hopes for an actual bodily return of Christ; the
actual resurrection of bodies both good and evil DECEIVE THEMSELVES.
If this Doctrine is FALSE, then those who embrace it are in error and if they teach it, they are
guilty of perverting the faith as were Hymenaeus and Philetus as spoken of in the Book.367 There is no neutral ground here, you can’t just say you don’t care either way.
This study is to prove with scriptures that the 70 AD Doctrine is TRUE as well as provide scriptures that prove it as FALSE and therefore heresy. Many good and righteous Believers embrace this doctrine as true and it is clearly worthy of discussion;
364 Matthew 5:17 – Jesus did not abolish the Law, He fulfilled the Law -- Romans 6:15 - WE ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW of Moses but UNDER THE GRACE of God -- Matthew 5:18 – Not an iota, not a dot, will pass from THE LAW UNTIL ALL IS ACCOMPLISHED 365 Luke 17:20-21 – THE KINGDOM OF GOD CAN’T BE DETECTED BY VISIBLE SIGNS; THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS ALREADY AMONG YOU.”
366 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – THE CHRISTIANS WHO HAVE DIED WILL RISE FROM THEIR GRAVES. -- 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 –
THOSE WHO HAVE DIED WILL BE RAISED TO LIVE FOREVER; Mortal bodies will be transformed into Immortal bodies -- 1
Corinthians 15:22-23 – At His return ALL WHO BELONG TO CHRIST WILL BE RAISED
367 2 Timothy 2:14-18 - Hymenaeus and Philetus strayed from the truth with profane and idle babblings that spread like cancer
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70 AD Doctrine
Realized Eschatology - Covenant Eschatology Preterism – Trans-Millennialism
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Partial Preterism
Partial preterism holds that MOST eschatological prophecies, such as the destruction of Jerusalem, the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, and the advent of the Day of the Lord as a "judgment-coming" of Christ, were fulfilled either in AD 70 or during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Nero.
Most interpretations identify Nero as the Beast, while HIS MARK is often interpreted as the stamped image of the emperor's head on every coin of the Roman Empire: the stamp on the hand or in the mind of all; without which no one could buy or sell. (Wikipedia)
Note;thereissomedisagreementontheidentityof"BabylontheGreat"(Revelation17–18). Some identify it as the pagan Roman Empire, while others clearly identify it as the city of Jerusalem.
In the partial preterist Belief System, the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, and the Final Judgment HAVE NOT yet occurred. Some partial preterists believe that the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, and the advent of the Day of the Lord as a "Judgment Coming" of Christ, WERE NOT historically fulfilled.
Full Preterism
Full Preterism differs from Partial Preterism in that full preterists believe that the destruction of Jerusalem FULFILLED ALL eschatological "End Time" events including the Resurrection of the Dead, the Second Coming Jesus Christ, and the Final Judgment.
Full preterists argue that a literal reading of Matthew 16:28 is taken rather than focusing on the Book of Revelation. This is where Jesus tells the disciples; I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before they see the son of man coming in his kingdom. This places the second coming in the first century and precludes a physical second coming of Christ.
The second coming is only symbolic of a "judgment" against Jerusalem, said to have taken place with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD and it’s for this reason that some people call full preterism "the 70 AD Doctrine”. If this is the case, the traditional idea of the resurrection must be replaced with a metaphorical idea of the resurrection.
THE TRIBULATION PERIOD in the preterist view, took place entirely in the past and was divine judgment that was visited upon the Jews for their sins, including the rejection of Jesus the Christ as the promised Messiah. It happened in 70 AD during the end stages of the First Jewish–Roman War when the armed Roman legion forces destroyed Jerusalem and its Temple and it affected ONLY the Jewish people rather than all mankind.
Jesus told His disciples; some of you standing here right now will not die before you will see the SON OF MAN COMING IN HIS KINGDOM;368 then in just a few more verses the Book warns the Scribes and Pharisees that; Judgment will fall on this very generation.369
The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Romans took place during the first century in 70 AD rather than at some future time after the Scribes and Pharisees had died;370 the destruction occurred within a 40-year generation from the time Jesus spoke His OLIVET DISCOURSE PROPHECY. The Romans thus fulfilled what was spoken of in Daniel’s prophecy about being the Abomination of Desolation that was set up in the Temple.371
When Jesus visited the Temple in Jerusalem, He told the disciples; “do you see all these buildings? I tell you the truth, they will be completely demolished; not one stone will be left on top of another”. In saying this, in the preterists Belief System, they see nothing in scripture to indicate that another Jewish temple will ever be built;372 the prophecies were all fulfilled in the then-existing Temple.
368 Matthew 16:28 – Some Disciples standing here now WILL NOT DIE before they see SON OF MAN COMING IN HIS KINGDOM
369 Matthew 23:36 – JUDGMENT will fall on THIS VERY GENERATION.
370 Luke 21:20 – The Romans surrounded Jerusalem; Desolation happened
372 Matthew 24:1-2 – Temple destroyed; No new Temple; “DO YOU SEE ALL THESE BUILDINGS? NOT ONE STONE WILL BE
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Mount of Olives
The Olivet Discourse (Teaching on the mountain of Olives) is known as the Little Apocalypse because
of the apocalyptic language used by Jesus as He gave warnings to His Disciples that they would all suffer tribulations, earthquakes, famines, pestilence, false prophets, persecution and a falling away of fellow Believers before the ultimate triumph of the KINGDOM OF GOD.
The Olivet Prophecy is found in three of the Gospels; Matthew 24-25, Mark 13 & Luke 21. Mark was NOT one of the original 12 disciples, but was Peter’s scribe and a true Believer and follower of THE WAY. I am including the Discourse from the New Living Translation of the Bible instead of footnotes.
Matthew 24:1-51 – The Olivet Discourse; The Olivet Prophecy
1 As Jesus was leaving the Temple grounds, his disciples pointed out
to him the various Temple buildings.
2 But he responded, “Do you see all these buildings? I tell you the
truth, they will be completely demolished.
Not one stone will be left on top of another!”
3 Later, Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives. His disciples came to him
privately and said, “TELL US, WHEN WILL ALL THIS HAPPEN?
What SIGN will signal your return and the end of the world?”
4 Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone mislead you,
5 for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They
will deceive many.
6 And you will hear of WARS and threats of wars, but don’t panic.
Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow
7 Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
There will be FAMINES and EARTHQUAKES in many parts of the
8 But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.
9 Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be
hated all over the world because you are my followers.
10 and many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other.
11 many FALSE PROPHETS will appear and will deceive many
12 Sin will be rampant everywhere; the love of many will grow cold.
13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
14 And the GOOD NEWS about the Kingdom will be
nations will hear it; and THEN THE END WILL COME.
15 The day is coming when
the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy
Place.” (Reader, pay attention!)
16 Then those in Judea must flee to the hills.
17 A person out on the deck of a roof must not go down into the
house to pack.
18 A person out in the field must not return even to get a coat.
19 How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing
mothers in those days.
20 And pray that your flight will not be in winter or on the Sabbath.
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And it will never be so great again.
22 In fact, unless that TIME OF CALAMITY is shortened, not a single
person will survive. But it WILL BE SHORTENED
FOR THE SAKE OF GOD’S CHOSEN ONES. Then if anyone tells you,
23 ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or ‘There he is,’ don’t believe it.
and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible,
even God’s chosen ones.
26 if someone tells you, ‘Look, the Messiah is out in the desert,’ don’t
bother to go and look. Or, ‘Look, he is hiding here,’ don’t believe it!
28 Just as the gathering of vultures’ shows there is a carcass nearby, so
these SIGNS indicate that the end is near.
29 Immediately after the anguish of those days, the sun will be
darkened, the moon will give no light, the stars will fall from the sky,
and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
30 And then at last, THE SIGN that the SON OF MAN is coming will
appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the
peoples of the earth. And THEY WILL SEE
power and great glory.
31 And he will send out his angels with the mighty blast of a
trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from all over the
world—from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.
32 Now learn a lesson from THE FIG TREE (the nation of Israel). When
its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout (Israel re-
established), you know that summer (the end) is near.
33 In the same way, WHEN YOU SEE ALL THESE THINGS,
34 I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene
until all these things take place.
35 Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never
these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son
37 When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day.
38 In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets
and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat.
39 People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood
came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son
of Man comes.
40 Two men will be working together in the field;
ONE WILL BE TAKEN, the other left.
41 Two women will be grinding flour at the mill;
ONE WILL BE TAKEN, the other left.
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42 So you, too, must keep watch! For you don’t know what day your
Lord is coming. Understand this:
43 If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he
would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into.
44 You also must be ready all the time, for
45 A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the
responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding
46 If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good
job, there will be a reward.
47 I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of all
he owns.
48 But what if the servant is evil and thinks, ‘My master won’t be back
for a while,’
49 and he begins beating the other servants, partying, and getting
51 and he will cut the servant to pieces and assign him a place with the
hypocrites. In that place
Setting the stage
Realized Eschatology is defined as the doctrine that the last things to happen on earth before “THE END OF TIME“ has already been realized or completed at the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans with the fall of Judaism in 70 AD.
Israel was warned that if they did not repent, that God would remove their lampstand. The Romans came with POWER and burned and destroyed the city of Jerusalem
Preterist:Thesecondcominghashappened,JesusreturnedinPOWER. JesussaidHewould return in POWER and glory; in a sense that happened to the folks on the Day of Pentecost with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that filled every Believer present with His Spirit.
The Book says Jesus promised that He would not leave them as orphans, but would send the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, sent in POWER to fill every believer present.
Most students of the Book disagree that this was His second coming and see Pentecost as only a shadow of Christ’s second coming and not His literal return. Jesus will return the same way as He left; as He ascended into Heaven, He will return the same way with His mighty angels.
Note: the supporting scripture for the Preterist is in GREEN and for the Book is in CRIMSON.
Revelation 2:5 – Jesus came at the destruction of the Temple
5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the
works you did at first. If not,
from its place, unless you repent. (ESV)
Matthew 22:7 – God sent His forces to destroy Jerusalem
Mark 9:1 – He returned in Great POWER the day of Pentecost
1 Jesus went on to say, “I tell you the truth,
some standing here right now WILL not die before they
SEE the KINGDOM OF GOD arrive in great POWER!” (NLT)
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Matthew 24:1-2 – Jesus predicts the POWER of Second Coming
1 As Jesus was leaving the Temple grounds, his disciples pointed out
to him the various Temple buildings.
2 But he responded, “Do you see all these buildings? I tell you the
Acts 1:8 – You will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes
upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me
everywhere throughout Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (NLT)
Matthew 16:28 – The Second Coming will be in your generation
28 And I tell you the truth,
before they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.” (NLT)
John 14:18 – I will come to you as the Spirit of Truth
18 No, I will not abandon you as orphans—
John 15:26 –Jesus returned as represented by the Holy Spirit
26 But I will send you the advocate— THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH.
and will testify all about me. (NLT)
John 14:18 – Jesus said, I will come to you
18 No, I will not abandon you as orphans,
Acts 1:4-5 – The Return with the POWER of the Holy Spirit
4 Once when he was eating with them, he commanded them,
He promised, as I told you before.
5 John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will
Acts 1:8 – You will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes
upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me
everywhere—throughout Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the earth.” (NLT)
Acts 2:1-4 – Second Coming on the Day of Pentecost
1 On THE DAY OF PENTECOST all the believers were meeting
together in one place.
2 Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a
mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting.
3 Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and
settled on each of them.
began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this
ability. (NLT)
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Acts 2:33 – Jesus; the Holy Spirit returned in Power as promised
33 Now he is exalted to the place of highest honor in heaven, at God’s
right hand. And the Father, AS HE HAD PROMISED,
just as you see and hear today.
Matthew 24:29-30 – Christ will be SEEN at His second coming
29 Immediately after the anguish of those days, the sun will be
darkened, the moon will give no light, the stars will fall from the
sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
30 And then at last, THE SIGN THAT THE SON OF MAN
IS COMING WILL APPEAR IN THE HEAVENS, and there will be deep
mourning among all the peoples of the earth. And
the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:34 – Jesus will be bodily present as He was then
34 I tell you the truth, THIS GENERATION will not pass from the scene until all these things take place.
Acts 1:11 – Jesus will return the same way He left
11 Men of Galilee,” “why are you standing here staring into heaven?
2 Thessalonians 1:7 – Jesus returns with angels from heaven
7 And God will provide rest for you who are being persecuted and
also for us
2 Timothy 4:1 – Jesus will judge everyone when He returns
1 I solemnly urge you in the presence of God and
CHRIST JESUS, who will someday JUDGE the living and the
Hebrews 9:28 – When Christ comes again He brings salvation
28 so also CHRIST died once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. HE WILL COME AGAIN, not to deal with our sins, but TO BRING SALVATION to all who are eagerly waiting for him. (NLT)
Second Coming
Preterist: The Second Coming was considered soon. James the brother of Jesus said; THE
DAY OF THE LORD IS NEAR and in the Book of Matthew it says the SIGN of the return of Christ is when there is DEEP MOURNING. (Presumably from the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.)
The Book; when you combine these two scriptures I can see where Preterist get that the Lord came in 70AD with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. It was common for a prophet to use language that spoke of future events as being near to emphasize the urgency and certainty of the Lord’s prophecy being fulfilled.
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In the OT Obadiah used the expression the Day of the Lord is near and so did James in the NT.373 The actual knowledge of the Lord’s return was not known to any prophet, disciple, angel or even
the Son of God; the Book says that only God the Father knows and they understood that too. Note: the supporting scripture for the Preterist is in GREEN and for the Book is in CRIMSON.
Matthew 24:30 – The Sign is deep mourning over Jerusalem
30 And then at last, THE SIGN that
THE SON OF MAN IS COMING will appear in the heavens, and there
will be DEEP MOURNING (over the destruction of Jerusalem and the
Temple) among all the peoples of the earth. And they will see the Son
of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power (NLT)
Matthew 16:28 – The Second Coming will be in your generation
28 And I tell you the truth,
the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom.” (NLT)
Acts 2:1-4 – Second Coming was on the Day of Pentecost
1 On THE DAY OF PENTECOST all the believers were meeting
together in one place.
2 Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a
mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting.
began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this
Acts 2:33 – Jesus returned in Power as promised; the Holy Spirit
33 Now he is exalted to the place of highest honor in heaven, at God’s right hand. And the Father, AS HE HAD PROMISED,
just as you see and hear today. (NLT)
Matthew 24:36 – Only God knows when Jesus will return
36 However, NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR when these
things will happen,
Return Spiritually
Preterist: Jesus returned in the form of the Holy Spirit. When He promised He would come to us, He did not say He would return bodily. He returned as the Holy Spirit sent from God the Father.
The Book says Jesus Himself describes that the generation that saw all these things would SEE Him at His second coming and that did not happen at the destruction of Jerusalem. Jesus was NOT seen bodily at the 70 AD destruction. Supporting scriptures for the Preterist do not prevent a future coming of Jesus Christ in a bodily form.
Isaiah the Prophet spoke of the Lord coming; he used language that said LOOK, implying we would SEE Him advancing. John the Revelator said in no uncertain terms;
373 Obadiah 1:15 – Urgent expression: Day of the Lord is near -- James 5:8 - Urgent expression – Day of the Lord is near
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Luke as a doctor describes Jesus in His resurrected glorified body as being seen bodily, so much so as He could be handled and touched, not as a ghost or spirit, but physically.
Doctor Luke the companion of Paul, wrote in the Book of Acts that Jesus’ return would happen the same way as He left. He visually bodily ascended into Heaven and He will visually bodily return that same way.
Note: the supporting scripture for the Preterist is in GREEN and for the Book is in CRIMSON.
John 14:18 – I will come to you as the Spirit of Truth
18 No, I will not abandon you as orphans—
John 15:26 – Jesus returned as represented by the Holy Spirit
26 But I will send you the advocate— THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. HE WILL COME TO YOU FROM THE FATHER
and will testify all about me. (NLT)
Matthew 16:28 – Jesus Was NOT seen at the 70 AD destruction
28 And I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before THEY SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING
in his Kingdom.” (NLT)
Isaiah 19:1 – They will SEE and discern the Lord’s presence
1 This message came to me concerning Egypt:
LOOK! THE LORD IS ADVANCING against Egypt, riding on a
swift CLOUD. The idols of Egypt tremble. The hearts of the Egyptians
melt with fear. (NLT)
Luke 24:39 – Christ can be physically seen and touched
39 LOOK at my hands. LOOK at my feet. You can see that it’s really me. TOUCH ME and make sure that I AM NOT A GHOST, because
ghosts don’t have bodies, as you see that I do.” (NLT)
Revelation 1:7 – They will SEE His presence with the clouds
7 LOOK! He comes with the clouds of heaven. And
EVERYONE WILL SEE HIM— even those who pierced him. And all
the nations of the world will mourn for him. Yes! Amen! (NLT)
Acts 1:9-11 – You will SEE Him return as when He left
9 After saying this, He was taken up into a cloud
while they were WATCHING, and they could no longer SEE him.
10 As they strained to SEE him rising into heaven, two white-robed
11 said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven?
This JESUS, who was taken up from you into heaven,
Return Already Happened
Preterist Belief System is the disciples would see the second coming; Jesus said; truly I say to you, THIS GENERATION will not pass away until all these things take place.
The Book says that all these eschatology events will START TO HAPPEN with this generation of Believers, but it does not mean that the end time events WILL END WITH THEM. SELAH ponder that.
Note: the supporting scripture for the Preterist is in GREEN and for the Book is in CRIMSON. Page 75 Printed 1/30/2023
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John 14:18 – Jesus told THEM He would come to THEM
18 I will not leave you as orphans;
Matthew 24:34 – These things will take place in your generation
Matthew 16:28 – Jesus Was NOT seen at the 70 AD destruction
28 And I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before THEY SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING
in his Kingdom.” (NLT)
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – Jesus Himself will physically return
16 For THE LORD HIMSELF will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves.
17 Then, together with them, WE WHO ARE STILL ALIVE and remain
TO MEET THE LORD in the air. Then we will be with the Lord
Preterist Belief System; the resurrection is not physical, but spiritual;
Full Preterism, the realized eschatology doctrine embraces the concept that the resurrection is the bodily raising of the Church from the era of Christian persecution.
Every spiritual blessing was thereby made complete and looking beyond 70 AD for a personal
coming of Jesus Christ or the resurrection of bodies from the grave is a miss-interpretation of scripture.
The Book; No resurrection of the body is the same thing that the Sadducees taught during the time of Jesus. Paul writes a letter to the church at Corinth telling them that if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised either and if Christ has not been raised, then all
Note: the supporting scripture for the Preterist is in GREEN and for the Book is in CRIMSON. OUR PREACHING IS USELESS, and YOUR FAITH IS USELESS.
Acts 23:8 – Sadducees say there is no resurrection
8 for THE SADDUCEES SAY THERE IS NO RESURRECTION or angels or spirits, but the Pharisees believe in all of these.
1 Corinthians 15:12-14 – No resurrection then faith useless
12 But tell me this—since we preach that Christ rose from the dead,
why are some of you saying there will be no resurrection of the
then Christ has not been raised either.
14 And if Christ has not been raised, then all
2 Timothy 2:16-18 - Claiming resurrection has already occurred
16 AVOID WORTHLESS, FOOLISH TALK that only leads to more godless behavior.
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17 This kind of talk spreads like cancer, as in the case of Hymenaeus
and Philetus. They have left the path of truth,
OF THE DEAD HAS ALREADY OCCURRED; in this way, they have
turned some people away from the faith.
John 5:28-29 – The Dead will rise at the voice of Jesus
28 Don’t be so surprised! Indeed, the time is coming when all
29 AND THEY WILL RISE AGAIN. Those who have done good
will rise to experience eternal life, and those who have continued in
evil will rise to experience judgment. (NLT)
Judgment Completed
Preterist: The coming Judgment has ALREADY HAPPENED with the prophecy of Revelation that said; I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent.
Preterist believe that happened when the Temple was destroyed.
The Book says at Christ’s return, He will set up His kingdom, Judge the Living and the Dead
and bring Salvation to those who are awaiting His return.
Preterists: Judgment was limited to the Jews with the devastation and destruction of Jerusalem
by the Romans in 70 AD.
The Book says; the final Day of Judgment will include the entire pagan human race; past and
present and that would include Nineveh and Sheba which were not present at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, even Felix the Roman Governor thought that the Day of Judgement would include him too, not just his enemy the Jews.
Note: the supporting scripture for the Preterist is in GREEN and for the Book is in CRIMSON.
Acts 17:31 – There is a day of judgment for all mankind
31 For He (God) has set A DAY FOR JUDGING THE WORLD with justice by the man (Jesus) He has appointed, and He (God) proved
to everyone who this is by raising Him (Jesus) from the dead.” (NLT)
Matthew 11:22 – Pagan non-Jews will be judged
22 I tell you, TYRE and SIDON will be better off on JUDGMENT DAY than you (NINEVEH).
Matthew 12:41-42 – The People of Nineveh & Sheba will stand
41 THE PEOPLE OF NINEVEH will stand up against this generation on JUDGMENT DAY and condemn it, for they repented of their sins at the preaching of Jonah. Now someone greater than Jonah is here—but you refuse to repent.
42 THE QUEEN OF SHEBA will also stand up against this generation on JUDGMENT DAY and condemn it, for she came from a distant land to hear the Wisdom of Solomon. Now someone greater than Solomon is here—but you refuse to listen.
Acts 24:25 - Felix believe Judgment included him, not just Jews
25 As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control
and the coming DAY OF JUDGMENT,
FELIX BECAME FRIGHTENED. “Go away for now,” he replied.
“When it is more convenient, I’ll call for you again.” (NLT)
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End of the World
Preterist: The End of the World is limited to the Jewish world. The End of the World is not about the destruction of the entire planet, but about the end of the Jewish age and that occurred in 70 AD when the Jews were scattered at the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Jewish Temple.
The Book says that at the End of the World, the weeds (the non-believers), will be separated from the wheat (the believers). The non-believers will be burned with fire and that did not happen in 70 AD. Jesus had already given the Great Commission to go out into the world and preach the Good News of the Gospel and make disciples of all mankind. If the Jewish age ended in 70 AD, then the Great Commission would no longer be a valid commandment and the Church would be teaching it in error.
Note: the supporting scripture for the Preterist is in GREEN and for the Book is in CRIMSON.
Matthew 13:39-40 – Evil doers burned at the End of the World
39 THE ENEMY who planted the weeds among the wheat is the Devil.
are the angels.
40 Just as THE WEEDS are sorted out and
Matthew 28:18-20 – Go and make disciples of all nations
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority
in heaven and on earth. Therefore
them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have
given you. And be sure of this:
Fiery End
Preterist: the fiery end to the heavens and earth is symbolic of the Jewish economy being destroyed. The end of Judaism; the destruction of the Jewish nation was the second coming of Christ, when Christ’s prophecy that all the buildings would not have one stone left standing upon another was realized; His prophecy is now completed: prophecy is closed.
They were able to discern the second coming and presence of Jesus Christ in the destruction and judgment that was brought to pass as decreed by God.
The Book says that at His second coming on the Day of Judgment, this present world will be destroyed by fire and everything else around us. If that had happened in 70 AD I would not be here to write about it.
Note: the supporting scripture for the Preterist is in GREEN and for the Book is in CRIMSON.
2 Peter 3:5-11 – The Heavens and Earth will be destroyed
5 THEY DELIBERATELY FORGET that God made the heavens by
the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the
water and surrounded it with water.
6 Then he used the water to destroy the ancient world with a mighty
flood. And by the same word,
FOR FIRE. They are being kept for the DAY OF JUDGMENT,
when ungodly people will be destroyed, since
this, what holy and godly lives you should live. (NLT)
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Revelation 19:11-21 – The Beast & False Prophet thrown in fire
11 Then I SAW heaven opened, and a white horse was standing
fairly and wages a righteous war.
12 His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many
crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except
13 He wore a robe dipped in blood,
His title was THE WORD OF GOD.
14 The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of pure white linen,
followed him on white horses.
15 From his mouth came a sharp sword (His Word)
to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He
will release the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty, like juice flowing
from a winepress.
16 On his robe at his thigh was written: this title
17 Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, shouting to the vultures
flying high in the sky: “Come! Gather together for the great banquet
God has prepared.
18 Come and eat the flesh of kings, generals, and strong warriors; of
horses and their riders; and of all humanity, both free and slave, small
and great.”
19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the world and their armies
gathered together to fight against the one sitting on the horse and his
20 And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who
did mighty miracles on behalf of the beast—miracles that deceived all
who had accepted the mark of the beast and who worshiped his
statue. Both the Beast and his False Prophet were
21 Their entire army was killed by the sharp sword (HIS WORD)
that came from THE MOUTH of the one riding the white horse.
And the vultures all gorged themselves on the dead bodies. (NLT)
In Defense of the Faith
It is always right to expose ERROR and protect the body from PREVISION of the scriptures. Paul in his letter to the Galatians said that He was shocked that they were turning away so quickly from “The Way” that the Book teaches and were following a “Different Way”374 that PRETENDED to be the GOOD NEWS.375 (“The Way” was the name of the sect that followed Christ.)
There is a phrase; “Rightly Dividing the Word” and its focus is; FIRST interpret the scriptures literally then SECONDLY symbolically with respect to the intended audience whether past, present or future, as students of the Word, we are charged with defending the faith.376
374 1 Corinthians 15:1 – Stand firm in the Faith of the Good News that you were taught -- 2 Timothy 4:3-5 - For teachers who will
375 Galatians 1:6 –Some left “The Way” for a “Different Way” that PRETENDED to be the Good News -- Romans 16:17-18 – Watch
out for people who cause divisions with TEACHING THINGS CONTRARY to what you have been taught -- 2 Timothy 2:16-18 –
Avoid worthless Foolish doctrines that spread like cancer
376 Jude 1:3 – We are urged to defend the Faith -- 2 Timothy 4:1-2 – Be prepared to patiently correct, rebuke and encourage -- 2
Timothy 2:24-26 – Gently, kindly instruct the difficult people THEN THEY WILL COME TO THEIR SENSES
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The Book is without error (The original manuscripts) and are the final unchanging authority and calls for two or three scriptures to witness or establish a doctrine;377 proving scripture with scripture, line upon line, precept upon precept, reading the scripture here a little and there a little.378
It’s in the Book
The Take Away
Realized Eschatology brings together all the “End Time Events” in both the Old Testament
and the New Testaments as have already been accomplished. They were realized and accomplished in 70 AD with the destruction of the city of Jerusalem and the Temple. On the surface this is a doctrine where good men can honestly discuss and debate the issue with one another without harm, especially Partial Preterism, but HARM comes when TEACHING Full Preterism; that there is NO future "Second Coming" of Jesus Christ, therefore there is NO future resurrection of the body.
Voices rejecting Full Preterism say TEACHING the Belief System that the End of Times and Final Judgment occurred in 70 AD with the destructions of the city of Jerusalem and the Temple is heretical.
The Book says that the Lord Himself will come unexpectedly down from heaven and everyone will see Him379 and the first to rise will be the believers who will share in His Glory.380 He will separate the sheep from the goats; the wheat from the weeds.381 The heavens will pass away and the earth and everything on it will be destroyed; then we get a new heaven and a new earth.382 The wicked will go into eternal damnation and the righteous into eternal life with the Father.
The Book says that there are some who are IGNORANT and UNSTABLE who have TWISTED Paul’s letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of scripture and this will lead to their destruction. We are advised to avoid worthless and foolish debates that only leads to more godless behavior. This kind of talk spreads like cancer, as in the case of some who have already left the path of TRUTH by claiming that the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD HAS ALREADY OCCURRED. It’s very sad and even mournful that in this way, they have caused SOME FOLLOWERS TO BE TURNED AWAY FROM THE FAITH.
There comes a warning in the Book of Romans; to watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by TEACHING THINGS CONTRARY to what they have been taught;383 stay away from them.384
As a student of the Word, I find MYSELF in this very category, because I only study the things that are CONTROVERSIAL and CONTRARY to our Belief System. For me it gets folk’s mind out of PAUSE and forces them to read the Book for themselves to see if what they have always heard is actually TRUE; my BS is continually getting a course correction.
The Bereans were commended for being OPEN MINDED and for looking up the scriptures in the Book to see if what Paul was saying was really TRUE.385
It’s in the Book
377 Deuteronomy 19:15 – Prove your Belief System with two or three other scriptures
378 Isaiah 28:10 –Prove your Belief System; Precept upon precept line upon, line little by little
379 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – Resurrecting of Saints is at the return when THE LORD HIMSELF WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN --
Revelation 1:7 – Everyone will see Him when He return
380 Colossians 3:4 – We will share in His glory when He returns
381 Matthew 25:31-46 – Judgement begins at the Second Coming, He will place the Blessed SHEEP AT HIS RIGHT HAND, THE
384 Romans 16:17 – WATCH OUT FOR PEOPLE WHO CAUSE DIVISIONS and upset people’s faith BY TEACHING THINGS
385 Acts 17:11 – The people of BEREA were more OPEN-MINDED and SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES day after day
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Chapter 8. 10
First Word
I watch a lot of Christian Television and heard Pastor John Hagee and Jack Van Impe sharing
about a 900 year old prophecy which smacks of the beginning of the Tribulation Period. God does not pick a man to be a Watchman on the Wall, to shout out what he sees because he is perfect, He picks him because he has made himself available. 386
We are to be on the lookout, keeping a watchful eye knowing that the knock on the door is approaching and are admonished to fill our lamps with oil that will last throughout the whole night.387
The Watchman
Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel, a top German Talmudic scholar living in the 12th century was thought of as “The Light of Israel”. Even Bishops came to him for advice; it was said that he was tireless in his efforts to discover the great truths of the Bible through the Kabbalah, Astrological Observations and “Gematria”; studying the hidden numbers in words, their meanings and the accounts of its philosophers; in short he was also a Mystic.
He was spoken of as a model of abstinence and selflessness and was awaiting with a burning desire for the coming of the Messiah. He authored a number of books including two well-known books The Divine Majesty and The Book of the Pious (Saints).
He wrote down a Ten Jubilee Prophecy and told his followers that it was NOT to be opened until after his death, which occurred in the year 1217. 300 years after his death the first of his prediction came true with pinpoint accuracy and 450 more years later the second came true. Now another 150 years, the third prophecy is seemingly just around the corner.
God Himself placed the FUNCTION of Prophet at the top of the NT Church callings.388 The
gifts and calling of God are IRREVOCABLE.389 It’s in the Book even if your Church says that the gifts and calling have ceased.390
The function of Prophet was given for the “PERFECTING” of the Believer391 and the building up of the Church.392 Since we still need to build up the Church and we will not be perfected until the return of Christ;393 till then, we most certainly need the function of a Prophet.
Daniel was told to SHUT UP & SEAL his prophesy until the time of the end;394 could that be now?
386 Isaiah 21:6 - Let the watchman SHOUT out what he sees
387 Matthew 25:3-4 – STUDY, prepare with the oil of the Scriptures
388 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 – God appointed the FUNCTION of Prophet
389 Romans 11:29 - The GIFTS and calling of God IS IRREVOCABLE
390 Matthew 10:19-20 – The Holy Spirit will speak prophetically through you
391 Ephesians 4:12 – The Gifts are for the PERFECTING of the saints
392 1 Corinthians 14:3 – The Gifts are given for Edification, Exhortation and Comfort
393 Matthew 24:36 – No man knows when Jesus Christ will return
394 Daniel 12:4 – Shut up the words until the time of the end
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2017 Prophecy
Signs – The Date of Christ’s Return - Jubilee Year
Invasion of Israel; becomes a No Man’s land
Rapture of the Church – The Tribulations
The Millennium Reign of Jesus Christ
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The Unsealing of Bible Prophecy will be a period of people searching and gaining much knowledge.395 Today the internet is doing that for us and Knowledge has exploded. Look at how far man’s knowledge has come in just 100 years; the capacity of a computer housed in a 10 story building in 1975 is now available in your personal smart phone clipped to your belt.
Side Bar
I had trouble finding the original source proving that this prophecy even exist. Although others have also written on this article, there seems to have been only one original source which was published in the Israel Today Magazine on March of 2008 on page 18.
The article was written by Ludwig Schneider, a German-language scholar who had discovered an amazing prophecy dating back to 1217 by a scholarly and highly respected Rabbi by the name of Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel.
Schneider translated from German into English “highlights” of the prophecy from one of the few surviving hand written copies concerning the nation of Israel and the messianic era. To say it another way; this prophecy is outside of the Bible Scriptures and it is only “highlights” of the prophecy and we have only ONE WITNESS and the Bible requires TWO.396 So going into this study, we walk with caution.
Jubilee Year
Jubilee; We can’t talk about this Prophecy until we understand what a Jubilee year is.
You would neither reap nor sow in the Jubilee year, but just live off what is produced voluntarily by the land, so it was also a Year of rest for the land.
A Jubilee is a period of 50 years and pretty well “MARKS TIME” within Bible scripture.397
In the Olivet Discourse Israel is referred to in scripture as figs or a fig tree.398 In 1948 Israel (The fig Tree) became a Nation. The Book says when the “FIG TREE” branches become tender and puts out its leaves (becomes mature) you can know that Jesus Christ is near399 and one full GENERATION will not pass away until He returns.400
A Generation is counted by most to be 50 years not counting those under 20 as the Bible did. This year 2015, subtract 1948 would equal 67 years, so with me being in my 70’s, I might just be a part of witnessing Christ’s return. SELAH
395 Daniel 12:4 –In the End times; many will rush here & there, knowledge will increase
396 Deuteronomy 19:15 – A matter is established with TWO or THREE witnesses
397 Leviticus 25:8-13 – Seven years of Seven; 49 Years, the FIFTIETH YEAR shall be a JUBILEE
398 Hosea 9:10 – Israel is like figs on a fig tree -- Jeremiah 24:5 – Israel is the good figs
399 Luke 21:29-33 – The Kingdom of God is near
400 Matthew 24:32-34 - These things take place in one generation; the GENERATION that sees this
Hard Times: in order to pay off a debt or just survive, someone would offer up his land or make
himself or his family as a slave until the year of the Jubilee.
The Jubilee Year is the year at the end of seven cycles of Sabbatical years, and according to scripture it deals largely with the ownership and management of the Land in Israel; it would return
to its original Tribe owner; this was a set time and did not change.
There is debate that the process of slaves being liberated would begin during the last 7th year of the
49th year just before the 50th Jubilee year. (I mention only because it is so contested.)
property rights, slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven, and the mercies of God
Property, and
would be particularly manifest.
Year of Rest: This was a year of celebration and rest from work for the nation of Israel. (We have
that now every year in America ... Except we call it WELFARE.)
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory IT’S IN THE BOOK THREE PROPHECIES - RABBI JUDAH BEN SAMUEL
Prophecy 1 – Eighth Jubilee Year
Israel will be invaded by the Ottoman Empire (The Turks) and conquer Jerusalem and rule the
Holy City for Eight Jubilee years. This happened in 1517, 300 years after Judah Ben Samuel’s death
Turks Rule: Eight Jubilees of Fifty years is Four Hundred Years. British General Edmund Allenby
conquered Jerusalem; believe it or not on Hanukkah, in 1917, Eight Jubilee Years later; FOUR
HUNDRED YEARS to the day without firing a shot and occupied it till 1967. Prophecy 1 came true. (700 years after Judah Ben Samuel’s death)
Prophecy 2 – Ninth Jubilee Year
Israel will become a No-Man’s Land for One Jubilee or Fifty Years after the Ottomans were
driven out. The British defeated the Ottomans (The Turks) in 1917. The League of Nations conferred a mandate for the Holy Land and Jerusalem to the British. Thus from 1917 under international law, Jerusalem became a No-Man’s Land.
Because of British Mandate Rule, from 1917 to 1967, The Holy Land literally belonged to No Nation, the Jewish people were allowed to live in Israel, but they had no rights. They were told what they could and could not do.
This ended with the Six Day War when Israel defeated five nations in six days and captured Jerusalem from Jordan and the city returned to the Jewish People. (50 years to the day had passed)
Prophecy 2 came true. (This happened 750 years after Judah Ben Samuel’s death)
Prophecy 3 – Tenth Jubilee Year
Within the next Jubilee Year Jerusalem will have been returned to the Jewish People (that happened
in 1948) and the Messianic end times will begin; 1967 plus 50 years is the year 2017.
I don’t believe that the prophet is giving a date for the return of Christ, but is sounding the alarm
as a Watchman, that we are probably the generation that will not pass away before Christ returns. We
are urged to be diligent to know the Word of God to check out everything that we hear, see or read;
including this commentary.
My BS, my Belief System is that God has already said that NO MAN knows when this time will
be, but has given us SIGNS to let us know that He is near.401 I believe Christ will come back for His Church with “the Rapture” before the Tribulations begins.
The Seven Year Tribulation Period (The 70th week of Daniel) would start in the year 2017. Note: This would be a Terrible Jubilee if we were all in the throes of the Tribulations unless we are talking about us sharing in the Rapture of the Saints or sharing in the reign of Jesus Christ in the Millennium. Update: It is now the year 2020 and we have the worldwide Coronavirus epidemic;
could we be in the middle of the Tribulation period? Ponder that.
We are told to watch the SIGNS, not the CALENDAR.
Concurrent signs of the Messianic end times:
1) The preaching of the Gospel in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations: 402
2) Many turning away from the Faith because of false prophets or teachings403.
3) Great Tribulations more intense and extensive such as the world has ever seen since the
beginning of time; Increased Frequency of: GREAT Earthquakes, Wars, Terrorism, Famines and Pestilence, ALL occurring around the same time.404
401 Luke 21:29-33 – SIGN of the Fig Tree; The Kingdom of God is near
402 Matthew 24:14 – Gospel will be preached to the whole world then the end will come
403 Matthew 24:10-12 – People stop going to church and leave the Christian faith in the End Times
404 Matthew 24:6-8 – The beginning birth pains of the Tribulations; wars and rumors of wars, famines and earthquakes -- Matthew
24:21 – Unequaled distress unequaled from the beginning and never to be equaled again. -- Luke 21:9-11 – Signs in the heavens;
Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilence, maybe the CORONOVIRUS
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4) As a sign, at some point Jerusalem will be completely surrounded by the enemy.405
5) The Anti-Christ will set up an image of himself in the Holy of Holies 3 1⁄2 years into the
tribulations; this is known as the Abomination of Desolation. 406 This is the first time we
know who the Anti-Christ is, although many will already suspect because of scripture.
Countdown: The Abomination of Desolation starts the clock of 3 1⁄2 years or 1290 days until the end of the tribulations and the return of the Messiah. 407 I did not say this; God did !
Messianic End Times
We have always known that NO ONE knows when Christ’s second coming will be.408 We do know that things will be going along just like normal and then Christ’s return will come as a total surprise. We have always had wars, famine and earthquakes, but when we start to have more of them and closer together,409 we are at the beginnings of the Second Advent of Christ.
The beginning of the end is when the Anti-Christ is released on a white horse to deceive and to conquer.410 He is the first of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. There will be an GREAT APOSTASY; a great falling away from God that occurs during the tribulation period between Part 1, the Rapture and Part 2 the second coming of Christ. (Many students of the Word do not embrace the Rapture theory, so if we leave the rapture out, the great falling away still occurs, I believe it has already started)
In my BS, I believe the reason for this GREAT APOSTASY is that the Church with all the Saints and the Holy Spirit have ALL gone from the earth and now there is NO RESTRAINING FORCE of GOOD remaining! SELAH ponder that.
Note: There is an argument here that if all the attributes of the Holy Spirit are TOTALLY withdrawn, then no one could be saved during the tribulations, which scripture clearly states happens; many ARE saved; so it seems that the Holy Spirit’s restraining, restrictive, limiting force on EVIL is gone, but not the attracting, drawing, compelling, gravitational force of SALVATION.
Christ’s Return - 1st Part in the AIR; the Rapture
The return of Christ is in two parts; “In the AIR” and 7 years later “On the EARTH”. Jesus
clearly states He is coming back for us411 and will meet us in the air and we will receive a crown of glory. Christians refer to this as the catching away or rapture of the Saints. John states he was in the Spirit in Heaven412 and sees Jesus Christ on the Throne. Sounds like he was raptured to me. Just saying. John’s body was not yet glorified, so only his spirit was allowed before the throne.
NOTE 1: The Believers will hear “a single sound”, described three different ways. Only the believers hear this sound; 413 1) A Shout, 2) the Voice of an Archangel and 3) a Trumpet.414 When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He called Lazarus’s name specifically so that all the dead would not “come forth”.415 Here He is specific again; and now ALL the dead in Christ will come forth.416
NOTE 2: Those “who are asleep” or dead in Christ have a priority with the Lord in the First Resurrection, as they will go up first, then those that remain alive will join them.417 Only the BELIEVERS in Christ are involved here; the remaining un-believers and make-believers must wait for the Second Resurrection.
405 Luke 21:20 – When Jerusalem is surrounded by the enemy desolation is nigh
406 Matthew 24:15 – Anti-Christ sets up image of himself in the temple 3 1⁄2 years into the tribulations
407 Daniel 9:27 – PROPHESY; 3 1⁄2 years into the tribulations the end will begin to be poured out
408 Matthew 24:36-39 – NO ONE knows that day or hour when Christ will return; not even the angels nor the Son, only the Father
409 Matthew 24:6-8 – Wars, famine, earthquakes are the beginning of birth pains
410 Revelation 6:1-2 – The Anti-Christ is released first to deceive and conquer the nations
411 John 14:2-3 – We will be where He is, in our Father's house where there are many rooms already prepared
412 Revelation 4:2 – John raptured in spirit; Sees Jesus on the throne
John 14:2-3 – We will be where He is, in our Father's house where there are many rooms already prepared
413 Matthew 24:37-41 – Things will be normal, then it will all happen at once around the world -- Acts 1:11 – Jesus will return the
same way that He left -- 1 Thessalonians 1:10 – Jesus will deliver us from the wrath to come
414 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – Christ will descend with a shout, the believing dead will rise first followed by the believing living
415 John 11:43 When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth”
416 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – All the dead in Christ will come forth.
417 1 Corenthians 15:51-52 – Some Believers will not die, but will be changed in the twinkling of an eye,
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TRANSLATED: When someone speaks to you in a different language, it needs to be translated into English in order for you to understand it. When Jesus came to earth, His spiritual attributes were translated into physical attributes, which is what we see in Him as a physical mortal man. Man was made with physical attributes like Christ and at the rapture when we are translated it will be with spiritual attributes and we will be like Him and we shall see him as He is.418
The Greek understanding is we will be caught up, snatched out or taken away speedily, as fast as your eye can blink. I would love to see this in slow motion as I go up, just saying. This is when we will get a new immortal body; mine will be about 32 years old and I will speak Southern Hebrew
Christ’s Return – 2nd Part on the EARTH; the Wrath
The final and great sign of the return of Christ is the an image of the Antichrist will be set up to
be worship in the Holy of Holies419 then 3 1⁄2 years later suddenly there will be an AUDABLE trumpet blast420 and Christ will VISIBLY appear in majestic “clouds”421 of glory, riding on a white horse. He is wearing many crowns and His white robe has been dipped in blood. EVERYBODY WILL SEE THIS !
He will be seen in a blazing fire everywhere all at once, as lightning is seen from the East to the West.422 THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF
He will be surrounded by; (A) innumerable angels.423 (B) His saints of old;424 (C) those previously raptured;425 (D) the resurrected righteous from the tribulation period;426 (E) and the armies of heaven that follow Him. 427 WOW... WHAT AN ENTRANCE !
An EARTHQUAKE takes place when Christ’s feet touches the Mount of Olives which splits in half and is displaced along with other mountains and hills. As the mountain splits, it creates a valley for half of them to escape toward the Dead Sea. While this frightening earthquake shakes the nation of Israel; God promises that His love for them will not be shaken, nor His covenant of Peace.
At this sudden coming, Christ swings His sickle blade over the earth, and the earth is harvested and the unjust are thrown into the winepress of God’s wrath.428
The Date
Some folks Belief System is that Jesus will return during “Sukkot”; The Feast of Tabernacles
that occurs October 4th through October 11th of 2017. However, God says No man knows when Christ will return; not even the angels, nor The Son, only God Knows. But He did said we could read the signs and know that the time is near.
Some writings indicate that Judah Ben Samuel had a visitation from the Prophet Elijah who revealed many things to him. The Book refutes TRUE visitations from the dead and besides that, if the Son of God does not know the date of the second coming, then I feel pretty sure Elijah would not know either429. (It’s now 2020 with the coronavirus, could we be 3 1⁄2 years into the GREAT tribulations?)
God has revealed Himself; He has held out His hands,430 the End of Time is just around the corner. Decide NOW... Answer the call before the door is closed forever. It’s in the Book
418 1John3:2–WeshallbelikeHimandseeHimasHeis
419 Matthew 24:15 – The Abomination of Desolation; the Image of the Anti-Christ standing in the Holy of Holies
420 Matthew 24:30-31 – Jesus will return with a great trumpet blast - 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 – It will be SUDDENLY like an thief
421 Hebrews 12:1 – Cloud of witnesses, the Redeemed, the Saints surround Jesus at his coming
422 Matthew 24:27 – He will be Visible everywhere as the lightning
423 2 Thessalonians 1:7 – Jesus will be revealed in a blazing fire with his powerful angels
424 Jude 14-15 – Jesus is accompanied by countless Saints to judge
425 Matthew 24:29-30 – Christ Returns at the end of the Tribulation
426 Revelation 20:4 –Tribulation saints are resurrected and reign with Him
427 Revelation 19:11-15 – Heaven’s Armies will follow Him
428 Revelation 14:19 - The great winepress of God’s wrath; the angel swung his sickle
429 Matthew 24:36-39 – No one knows when Christ will return, not even Jesus
430 Isaiah 65:1-12 - I called you, but you did not answer, I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those
who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, `Here am I, here am I.’ All day long I have held out my hands
to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations-- a people who continually provoke me to my
very face, who say, ‘Keep away; don't come near me, I will destine you for the sword, and you will all bend down for the slaughter; for
I called, but you did not answer, I spoke, but you did not listen. - You did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me.
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Chapter 8. 11
Nibiru Wormwood Tribulations
Eclipse August 21, 2017 – Nibiru September 23, 2017 - Conspiracy Theory Planet X – Planet 9 – 2016 WF9 – Nemesis – Comet Elenin & Ison – Zetas Hopi Blue Star Kachina - Gateways – Chemtrails in the sky - Tribulations American Stonehenge – Secret underground cities - Underground seed vaults
First Word
At this writing, there seems to be a fair amount of “End Time” chatter on the internet about a planet named NIBIRU that will come close to earth very soon and wipe out all of mankind as recorded in Revelation 12:1-2; a woman clothed with THE SUN, with THE MOON was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains.
The alignment of the SUN and MOON on September 23rd 2017 has never happened before in history;431 no guess work; all symbolic parts point to THE RAPTURE or some other major event that will start to take place; we just don’t know what it is yet.
Since I enjoy controversial topics of the Bible, I thought I would give this a serious look using the Book as a yardstick of measurement of TRUTH. This invisible planet has been given many names by its supporters, some of which are in fact names for other hypothetical, real, or imaginary solar system objects: 2016 WF9, Planet 9, Planet X, Comet Elenin, Comet Ison, Hercolubus, Nemesis, Sedna, Eris and Tyche.
NIBIRU is likened to “Wormwood” of the end times as spoken of in Revelation.432 The Book says that a star named Wormwood (with a presumed tail of red Iron Oxide) will fall to the earth. The sea, rivers and streams will become RED as BLOOD and bitter; man will be made to drink of it and will die.433
The Coming Solar Eclipse due August 21st 2017 is a SIGN;434 a harbinger, a warning of the devastation from the Planet NIBIRU as foretold by the Hopi Blue Star Kachina prophecy. Much of what we know about NIBIRU comes from PROPHET Nancy Lieder who communities with the grey extraterrestrials called ZETAS that come from another solar system. YEP you heard it right here.
Hopi Blue Star Kachina
Wikipedia: Katchina, Katcina, or Katsina IS A SPIRIT BEING in the religious beliefs of most Pueblo tribes in New Mexico. Kachina rites are practiced also by the Hopi, Zuni Hopi-Tewa and certain Keresan tribes.
I am including the Kachina prophecy as well as Bible prophecy footnotes so you can understand the significance it has when played against scripture, do with it as your Belief System allows.
431 Revelation 12:1-2 – SIGN in heavens, in the SUN & MOON, Birth pains
432 Jeremiah 23:15 - I will feed them with the poison of WORMWOOD
433 Revelation 8:8 – The SEA became as BLOOD -- Revelation 16:4 – The RIVERS and SPRINGS became red as BLOOD
434 Revelation 8:11 -THE NAME OF THE STAR IS WORMWOOD A third of the waters became wormwood, and many PEOPLE
DIED from the water, because it had been made bitter
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A Native American Prophecy of the Blue Kachina and Red Kachina warns that a massive comet is about to hit the earth. The SUN and MOON will dance together as a warning. August 21st 2017 we will have a solar eclipse; a DANCE between the sun and moon.435 (This same language of the Sun and Moon dancing was used at Fatima, at the appearance of the mother Mary to three shepherd children.)
Hopi Blue Star Kachina PROPHECY (aka Nibiru): the earth will be returned to its natural rotation which is counter-clockwise; a new world is coming, a new way of life.
There will be messengers that precede the coming of the “Purifier”, the True White Brother. The “twins”; the TWO brothers who created the world will come for a period of SEVEN YEARS.436 One brother is the guardian of the North Pole and the other is the guardian of the South Pole. Interestingly enough, Alien crop circles have been found in the pole ice caps.
People who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane, there will be CONFUSION BETWEEN THE SEXES;437 life will be perverted with little social order.
Gateways that were previously closed will be opened;438 things unseen will be felt very strongly. Many will walk in the body who are not from this reality.439 Many of the children born during these times will be un-natural and soul-less. (See the Studies on the Nephilim, UFO’s; gateways and portals)
Reality will shift back and forth out of a dream state; we will enter into the forever cycle of the 5th world. Many strange beast will be on the earth, some from the past and some that have never been seen before; we will shift in and out of dimensions.
Nibiru – Planet X
Nemesis is a brown dwarf star (if it exists) that is a companion to our sun. It has planets that
orbit it and Nibiru is the one furthermost away from it and closest to us. The entire Nibiru planet system is behind the sun allowing for observation to be only two times a day, which is near sunrise and near sunset. Since it is not very bright, you are able to see other objects behind it.
Taking pictures of Nibiru is very difficult as it is only seen at the horizon where trees usually block the view. However there is something called “at-altitude”, which pictures are taken in high resolution from an air craft during the “widow of observance” which proves that Nibiru really does exist. Nibiru is said by some, to be many light years away from earth and will never collide with it when it passes, but the MAGNETIC broad tail that looks like “wings,” has picked up Iron Oxide which by centrifugal force will sling out, bombarding the earth and other planets with flaming debris;
Just for fun; the planet Nibiru is also a planet from the movie, “STAR TREK into Darkness”.
Conspiracy Theory
Conspiracy Theorist accuse NASA of deliberately covering up visual evidence of Nibiru. Google Sky has a patch in the sky that data is blanked out where Nibiru’s orbit would be found; Google says it’s just a glitch in their programming. Because of Iron Ore gases, Nibiru is invisible and can only be seen with an infrared telescope. By the way, it’s this Iron Ore metal Oxide that will turn the seas and rivers into a rusty BLOOD RED color
ISO, the Infrared Space Observatory operated by the European Space Agency described an unknown object so close to earth that it could be part of our Solar System. But the US government insists that of the ten objects discovered, nine were distant galaxies and the tenth was “galactic cirrus”; none were found to be Solar system bodies. Transmissions from the ISO satellite to earth were in real time with “no recordings” by the satellite to back up the data and the satellite eventually died.–Wikipedia ThereasonfortheNibirucoverupisthatthoseinpowerdonotwantthecommon people to panic and start building underground shelters. A vast “REDUCTION OF INHABITANTS” will be necessary in the end times just for the elite to survive.
435 Isaiah 13:9-10 – SUN will be darkened; MOON will not give light
436 Daniel 24:27 – SEVEN YEARS of Tribulations
437 Romans 1:18-32 – CONFUSION AMONG THE SEXES,
438 Revelation 9:2 – The Gateway to the abyss will be opened
439 Revelation 9:3 – The Gateway allows things never seen before come out Page 87
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The Zodiac is a monument placed in the heavens by God that also reveals the Gospel Message to those seeking Him.
The Great Pyramid is a monument placed on Earth to survive a GLOBAL DESTRUCTION and it is many things to many people, but was actually put there by God to reveal the Gospel Message to those seeking Him. See the Study the Great Pyramid.
The Georgia Guide Stones (American Stonehenge) are a guide to rebuild a DEVASTATED GLOBAL WORLD and calls for a population balance of no more than of 500,000,000. The Georgia Guide Stones monument was not placed there by God. It promotes a ONE WORLD NATURE RELIGION.
Side Bar; then there is the ChemTrails where conspiracy theorist say that airplanes are spraying chemicals for POPULATION CONTROL, psychological manipulation, weather modification, biological and chemical warfare.
The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership has been in place since 1996; housed in the Welcome Trust Millennium Building situated in the grounds of Wake Hurst place, West Sussex, as an insurance policy against the extinction of plants; and this is not the only one.
There are secret underground cities that have been in place for years and others that are currently under construction now for the elite. The Denver Airport has a stone display naming it the NEW WORLD AIRPORT COMMISSION; what’s that all about? A former airport construction worker claimed that the reason why the airport was so far behind schedule was because FIVE multi- story buildings were built underneath the airport. There are rumors of a time capsule that was also buried to be opened in 2094.
Secret Underground Cities
Wikipedia has information on underground cities all around the world which are unknown to
most of us; many have been SECRETELY and systematically constructed in the United States for
the elite; I will list only a few because of space.
Albany, New York Empire State Plaza features an underground city which contains banks,
a YMCA, restaurants, several food courts, retailers, a police station, a bus station, and a
Visitor's Center
Boise, Idaho Capital Mall Complex in downtown Boise consists of a large system of networked
tunnels that connect all the state buildings. The tunnels have walkways and vehicle passageways.
The underground area boasts a geothermal power plant, a banking system, extensive dining
areas, parking, a dedicated mail room for the Capital Mall Complex and a fallout shelter.
Cleveland, Ohio; The Tower City Center, on the public square at the center of downtown Cleveland,
houses a shopping mall with a food court, two hotels, and the Tower City Rapid Transit
Station, the central station on RTA's Red, Green, and Blue Lines. The building connects to
several office buildings, and also has an enclosed skyway to the Gateway Sports and Entertainment
Crystal City, Virginia: A residential and commercial area of Arlington County, Virginia next
to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Crystal City features an extensive underground city
connecting its hotels, office buildings, and apartment towers and is lined with 173 shops,
restaurants, banks, medical, and other services.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Oklahoma City Underground, formerly the Oklahoma City
Concourse, named after its founder, Jack Conn, is an underground tunnel system connecting nearly
all the downtown buildings in a 20-square-block area. The OKC Underground is one of the most
extensive all-enclosed pedestrian systems in the U.S., extending three-quarters of a mile and
connecting over 30 downtown buildings by tunnel or skyway. The original tunnel link was built in
1931 and the system was extended in the 1970s. Offices, shops, and restaurants line the OKC
Underground system; it underwent a $2 million renovation in 2006–2007.
New York, New York: Several subway stations have direct access to one or more buildings.
Additionally, most of the lower floor of Rockefeller Center qualifies as an underground city, as it Page 88 Printed 1/30/2023
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features connections to subways, an extensive underground concourse, building connections, and
several restaurants, all below ground
Richmond, Virginia: There are a series of connected tunnels between state government buildings in
the city of Richmond. Certain passageways are locked off, but a good portion of the tunnels are
accessible from buildings. THE PURPOSE OF THE TUNNELS IS NOT GENERALLY KNOWN; the two
most common explanations are that they were built to allow people to move between buildings in
inclement weather or that they were built as part of an emergency evacuation plan.
Washington D.C.: All of the buildings in the United States Capitol Complex are connected by tunnels and underground walkways, which provide easy passage between legislative office buildings, the Capitol, the Capitol Visitor Center, and the Library of Congress in inclement weather. The tunnels connecting office buildings are open to the public, but those connecting to the Capitol REQUIRE SECURITY CLEARANCE to use. Small electric tramways run from the Capitol Building to the Russell, Dirksen, and Hart Senate Office Buildings and to the Rayburn House Office Building.
Nancy Lieder – The Prophet
The Zeta Encounter: As a teenager Nancy Lieder had an encounter with “something thin and
greyish in color” that took her palm print, measurements of her hip, pelvis and bone structure. A communications device was implanted in her head that allows her to communicate with the greys; extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system which she refers to as ZETAS. Nancy first became aware of her “CONTACTEE” status with the Zetas in 1993.
She founded a website called Zeta Talk in 1995 to disseminate her ideas and speak on the behalf of the Zetas. The Zeta’s have given her the truth about Jesus, Buddha, Mohamad, star children, miracles and the Virgin birth. The web site gives information on the Bible code, Knights Templar, Joan of Arc, Mormons, King David, David and Goliath, speaking in tongues and the day of rest. It also provides previously unknown information on Adam and Eve, Angels, Arc of the Covenant, Star of Bethlehem, UFO’s, Pyramids, Dinosaurs, Tower of Babel, reverse speech and the Druids. Go look at www.zetatalk for yourself.
She PROPHESIZED that on May 27, 2003 when Nibiru or Planet X closely approaches earth that the Earth’s rotation would stop for exactly 5.9 terrestrial days and then experience a POLE SHIFT caused by the magnetic attraction between the two planets, resulting in a displacement of the Earth crust. Well that didn’t happen.
Nancy Lieder responded that the date was just a white lie; to fool the establishment. She refused to disclose the true date, saying that to do so would give those in power enough time to declare martial law and trap people in cities during the shift, leading to their deaths.
She PROPHESIZED in 1997 concerning the Hale-Bopp Comet; "The Hale–Bopp comet does not exist, it is a fraud, perpetrated by those who would have the teeming masses quiescent until it is too late. Hale–Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer." She claimed that the Hale–Bopp story was manufactured to distract people from the imminent arrival of a large planetary object, "Planet X", which would soon pass by Earth and destroy civilization. Wikipedia
Well that was wrong too.
Today we know that the Hale–Bopp's was one of the brightest and longest-observed comets of the last century. As someone who was a Prophet speaking for the Zetas, she sure missed this one. However her ideas were picked up and December 21st 2012 was slated as “Dooms Day” by a broad range of “End of Time” followers. It was THE END of the 5,126 year long cycle of the Mesoamerican Long count in the Mayan calendar; earth would collide with a planet called Nibiru.
Well that didn’t happen either.
Nancy PROPHESIZED that on October 20, 2014 several world leaders would announce the
presence of Nibiru near the sun. Well that didn’t happen. Two weeks after the supposed announced date, she claimed that it did not occur because of consternation amongst the establishment.
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Astronomers reject the idea of Nibiru, and have made efforts to inform the public that there is no threat to Earth. Many websites still contend that Nibiru is in route to Earth.
The Book says if a prophet misses just ONE prophecy, SHE is a FALSE PROPHET.440 FAKE NEWS
The odds of flipping a coin is 50/50, She is batting ZERO.
The Take Away
The idea of a planet “currently” on a collision course with earth or will closely pass us by, is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected by astronomers and planetary scientists as pseudoscience (unsupported science) and an Internet hoax. If such a planet as Nibiru were to crash into earth it would do more than poison waters, it would most likely destroy the earth. The proponents have adjusted their statements now to reflect that the Earth will be bombarded by a debris field, not the planet itself.
You can buy MRE meals ready to eat that will store for 25 years, and crank radios to get news and crank lights to operate in the dark. A manufacturers dream. The idea of Nibiru is the result of irrational fear and ignorance of the Bible scriptures. The earth will end when God makes all things new. If you are a Christian, you won’t even be here. The Rapture will occur before the tribulations hit.
NOTE; All the planets will be aligned according to Revelation 12:1-2 on September 23rd 2017 as
never before happened; watch to see what event will begin to take place.
Updating in the year 2020, there is nothing NEW recorded except to report the WORLDWIDE CORONAVIRUS EPIDEMIC, could the tribulations have begun in 2017 and now we are three years in, just before the GREAT TRIBULAIONS begins?441 Selah; ponder that
440 Revelation 2:20 – Jezebel calls herself a prophet, but only misleads -- Jeremiah 23:30-32 – False Prophet steal the testimony of others, they prophesy FALSE DREAMS that LEAD MY PEOPLE ASTRAY with RECKLESS LIES THEY DO NOT BENEFIT MY PEOPLE IN THE LEAST -- 2 Peter 2:1 - False Prophets from among the people secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord -- Deuteronomy 13:1-3 – God will test you using FALSE Prophets to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul
441 Matthew 24:36 – No one knows the exact day and hour the end will come, but can we know the year or month -- Revelation 21:1 - God makes a new heaven and a new earth
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Chapter 8. 12
Maybe there are HUNDREDS of ways to God;
maybe there are only TWO ways.
Maybe there’s just ONE way; maybe there’s NO way.
To consider any of these thoughts, your BS,
your Belief System requires an OPEN MIND.442
Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory
Hard Questions
Did God create evil?
Is the Omni-present God also in Hell?
How can there be no bottom in Hell?
Can Hell have fire & darkness at the same time?
First Word
Concerning the World
a) The world came about by accident or evolution apart from a Creator.
b) IthasalwaysexistedapartfromaCreator.
c) It was created by an unmoved mover.
This study embraces the un-moved mover theory; there is a God who made the world and is still active in maintaining its existence and balance. - (Note; Evolution is an UNPROVEN THEORY) Concerning God
a) All the spokes in a wheel lead to the same hub. There are many paths to the same God.
b) Surelythereisapaththatistruerthantheothers.
c) God sets the rules, He can reveal Himself in a number of ways; through an audible voice,
feelings, visions, dreams, prophets or none of the above.
Concerning Man
a) We are all born into a cast of values that are taught to us by our family.
b) IfIwasbornintoaMuslimfamily,IwouldbebroughtuptobeaMuslim.
c) If my family did not believe in God at all; neither would I. In all probability, we will follow in
the same footsteps as our parents.
God Made Known
QUESTION: If there is a God; wouldn’t He make Himself known to us in the clearest way possible?
Bible: From the beginning of time, what MAY443 be known about God has been made plain to us by Him; it is our own spirit that suppresses the truth.444 Since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature has been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, and He gave proof by raising His Son Jesus Christ from the dead,445 so that we are without excuse.446
442 Acts 17:11-12 - The people of Berea were more OPEN-MINDED and searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas
were teaching the truth
443 Romans 1:18-19 – What MAY be known about God is made plain and clear
444 1 John 3:24 - Whoever keeps God commandments abides in Him
445 Acts 17:31 – God gave proof when He Raised Jesus from the dead
446 Romans 1:20 – Since the creation God’s invisible qualities, eternal power, divine nature was revealed, now we are without excuse
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The Book
QUESTION; why is the Bible the only True Book of God? Certainly there are other books.
Bible: Two of the writers of the Gospels (Matthew and John) were disciples of Jesus Christ. They
heard Him, saw Him and touched Him447 and then proclaimed the good news so that others would
have the opportunity to have fellowship with Him. All the Disciples proclaimed his resurrection and
never recanted even unto their death.
Muslims: Even the Qur’an acknowledges the life and works of Jesus Christ.
Josephus the Jewish Historian, lived at a time when he could have known some of the Original
Twelve Disciples. He was not a Christian and in fact believed that the Roman Emperor Vespasian was the Messiah. As Josephus just mentioned Jesus in passing, we should take note of all the things he spoke of; he said Jesus was the Christ; a worker of wonderful works and was crucified and rose from the dead on the third day just as it was prophesized.
Fact: It is a historical Fact that Jesus lived, died and was resurrected from the dead. If Christ has not been raised from the dead then our faith is in vain.448 There is just no other hope.
I am including a passage from “Josephus’s Antiquity of the Jews”, I hope you will get your own personal copy. Even though he was NOT a believer; his writings read like the Bible.
Josephus 18.3.63-64 - Wise, teacher, wonderful works, Christ
63 Now there was about this time, JESUS, a wise man,
doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such means received
the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews
and many of the Gentiles. HE WAS THE CHRIST.
64 And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again on the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of CHRISTIANS, so named from him are not extinct at this day.
Only One Way
QUESTION: Where did the concept come from that says that belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah is the only way to God?
Bible: It was Jesus Christ Himself that said it; “No one comes to the Father except through me”.449 To go to heaven you must believe in Jesus Christ, there is no other name under heaven that you can be saved.
The word Belief in Greek (Pisteuo) not only means to intellectually accept Jesus as the Messiah, but to walk in obedience to His commands. Belief equals obedience; not intellectual gymnastics.
QUESTION: If God created everything, then He must have created EVIL.
Bible: God created Angels and man with Free Will and with that, He opened the door for Him to CHOOSE to do the greatest Good or the possibility to do the greatest Evil; Satan had this same choice.450
You may then ponder that if God is omniscience; that He knows everything, then He must have known that Adam would mess up.
447 1 John 1:1-3 – We have heard, seen and touched Jesus.
448 1 Corinthians 15:14 – If Jesus was not raised from the dead then our faith is in vain
449 John 14:6 - No one comes to the Father God except through me -- John 3:36 - Whoever believes in God’s Son, Jesus the Christ,
has eternal life -- John 3:3 – Jesus said; unless one is born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom -- John 14:8-10 – Jesus said; whoever
has seen me has seen the Father God
450 Isaiah 14:13-14 – Satan’s FREE WILL; the five I wills of self
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You are right; Satan had already exercised his Free Will and rebelled before Adam was ever created. God did know Adam would sin and had already put into effect the plan of salvation so man could find “THE WAY”451 back to God.452
Adam’s Sins
QUESTION: Why would a loving God punish someone for mistakes or sins that were committed by someone else in his past; like the first man ADAM for instance? Why should I pay for his sins?
Bible: Scriptures bares out that in all probability, children will follow in the same footsteps as their Father; Sin requires punishment. It is true that the one man ADAM sinned and now ALL have been separated from God because of his mistake,453 and on our own we are NOT ABLE to even seek God. BUT God reached out and sent His only begotten Son to provide THE WAY454 to unite us once again to Himself and enabled us to SEEK Him through the power and working of the Holy Spirit.
Good News; you need not have to pay for Adam’s sins; Christ has already paid the price for THE WAY of escape;455 IF you want it. The Christian movement was known as THE WAY because there is just NO other way back to God.456
God has provided not just A way, but THE ONLY WAY back to Him and since we now know THE WAY; it’s not Adam’s bad choices that condemns us,457 it’s our own choices;458 it’s in the Book.
A Life Sentence
QUESTION; Why would a God of love sentence someone to be TORMENTED in HELL FIRE FOREVER just because he mistakenly chose to worship the god he had always been taught to worship, which turned out to be the wrong god?
Bible; Love does not exclude wrath; God has given us FREE WILL459 and with that privilege comes responsibilities. God has lovingly given us an entire lifetime to SEEK and FEEL OUR WAY and FIND Him460 and to accept or reject His Son Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
When I taught Electronics at Atlanta Technical School, I would mention something only once and on the test only the brightest students would get it; I wanted some to NOT get it.
It was Jesus, the very embodiment of love who warned again and again and again about the wrath of God; the punishment and torment of Hell. HE WANTS US TO GET IT.461
Babies, Handicapped people
QUESTION: Will a new born baby or a child or a mentally challenged person or someone who has never heard of Jesus Christ go to Hell?
Bible: YES and NO; in my Belief System, I believe that a glimpse into scriptures indicates that God will judge people according to what they would have done had they heard and understood the message.462 There are those who do not know right from wrong and therefore do not sin; they WILL enter into the kingdom of God.463
451 Acts 24:14 - I follow THE WAY, which they call a cult
452 1 John 3 -8 – The Plan of Salvation was placed in effect before Adam and Eve, so they would have THE WAY back to Him
453 Romans 5:18-19 - One man’s disobedience (Adam) made us all sinners and subject to the Wrath of God
454 Acts 19:23 – Christianity; the sect followers of Jesus Christ were called THE WAY
455 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God has provided THE WAY of escape
456 John 6:65- No one can come to me unless granted by the Father
457 Deuteronomy 24:16 - You will be punished for only your choices, not Adams.
458 Romans 6:5 – Every Believer will be united with Christ at the Resurrection
459 2 Corinthians 8:3 – Man has the gift of FREE WILL
460 Acts 17:27 – His purpose was for us to SEEK and FIND Him. -- Hebrews 9:27 – God has given us a lifetime to seek and choose
Him before we die and the judgment
461 John 3:16-17 - Whoever believes on Jesus Christ will have eternal life.
462 Romans 2:15-16 – God judges the secrets of men’s hearts -- Luke 12:47-48 – He that did not know receives a light sentence
463 Deuteronomy 1:39 – Not knowing good from bad are SAVED and WILL ENTER the Kingdom of God
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A Question of HELL
QUESTION; why would a loving God create a place of torment for man such as HELL?
Bible: Hell was NOT created for man, but was prepared for Satan and his followers who were the Angels that rebelled against God.464 It’s by our Free Will CHOICE that we rebel against God and that lumps us in with Satan and his gang of demons and fallen angels. Hell’s dreadful torment is for those that knew THE WAY to God, and rejected it.
At Death the wicked, not the righteous descent into a place known as Sheol or Hell.465 Understand this; Satan is not in charge of Hell, he’s just one of the boys in torment where everyone still does the same old thing that they always did on earth before their death.
Hell is the lower parts of the earth holding the wicked dead till the end of the millennium; you are NOT instantly annihilated, but are tormented in the unquenchable fires that go on endlessly, and it gets worse. At the return of Christ, Hell and its contents will be thrown into the burning Lake of Fire and Sulfur where the wicked will be tormented forever. 466
This is an un-seen world of disembodied spirits that are full of remorse, fear, and despair; with memories of what they should have done and didn’t; full of sorrow for their bad examples, and with a hopelessness of escape and in a state of regret over doing evil deeds that cannot be recalled. They are in deep despair that they did not listen to God’s word, and are aware of their families on earth, and have this hopeless desire to warn them somehow.
You are in the gloom of darkness, away from the face of God, with a bunch of demons, Satan and his fallen angels, and the entire unbelieving bunch of wicked folks, plus you have the ordinary run of the mill burning fire, brimstone and sulfur to walk around in. There’s not very much love in Hell. –
Muslims believe in error; “Allah sends to hell whomever he wants. He created a multitude of spirits and men specifically for the purpose of sending them to hell”. (Sura 32:13)
The Bible teaches; Life is Choice Driven, no one is created to go to hell, it’s your choice. You cannot be neutral on this subject; being neutral is a choice to reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To be perfectly clear, All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God467 and are on the highway to hell, but God in His mercy, gave us the Holy Spirit to make it possible for us to seek God and it is through His only son Jesus Christ that we can find THE WAY back to Him, BUT YOU MUST CHOOSE IT. In the movie trilogy THE MATRIX, Leo is shown the door and is told, “I can only show you the door Leo; you must CHOOSE to walk through it”. (The movie the Matrix is the Gospel Message disguised as a science fiction futuristic movie.)
Time out
If someone is breaking into our homes, stealing and killing people, we would surely all agree that we would want that person to be put in prison, not only for his past crimes, but to protect the community from future crimes. That’s what Hell is; it’s a prison for those who break the law. It’s an everlasting wasteland of discarded worthless people who seek to answer only to themselves.
The act of rejecting your own country is called treason and in most countries this carries the death penalty, thus the rejection of the love of God carries this same extreme penalty. God cannot be God unless His attributes including His justice be maintained. It was this justice that nailed His only begotten Son to the cross.
We can conclude that a just and loving God will separate the Evil from the Good and will hold people accountable. SELAH
464 Matthew 25:41 – Hell was not created for man, but for Satan and those who choose to follow him
465 2 Thessalonians 1:9 – The Unbeliever will be removed from the presence of God forever.
466 Revelations 20:10 – Unrepentant before you die will receive Tormented day and night
467 Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
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Names for Hell
QUESTION: I’m confused with all the names concerning the afterlife of the wicked. How many places are there?
Bible: Sheol is mention some 60 times in the OT and in the NT it is translated as Hades (10x), Gehenna (12x), Tartarus (1x) which all are rendered as Hell. With that said, you can with certain believe there is such a place as Hell.
Gehenna (Greek) - Hell (Hebrew) - Hades (Greek) - Sheol (Hebrew for Hades); all symbolize the same thing. Gehenna was a valley just outside of Jerusalem where garbage and dead bodies were thrown with gnawing worms eating the rotting putrid flesh. It burned and smoked day and night; it is symbolic of what Hades is like.
FYI: There is only one place of everlasting punishment. Before the Day of Judgment, Hell is referred to as Hades which is the abode of the SOULS of the wicked. After the Day of Judgment it is called Gehenna which is the abode of the BODY and SOUL of the wicked.
God in Hell
QUESTION: If God is Omni-present, truly everywhere, then is He also present in Hell?
Bible: YES, but it is not the LOVE of God that is present there, it’s the flip side; it’s His wrath.
Heaven is Heaven because God’s LOVE is there; the righteous are blessed forever.468
Hell is Hell because God’s WRATH is there; 469 those in Hell are doomed forever, eternally
separated from God’s LOVE.470
Separated from the light, anything that is pure, and holy; away from the blessed redeemed saints.
Together with all that is pure darkness; with all the evil and hatred there is in man, angels and
demons, ALL balled up into one place.
SIDE BAR: If I didn’t know anything else but about Hell, I would at once try to find God while I
still had a CHOICE.
There is no such thing as reincarnation or a place called purgatory. (These are lies borne out
ofthepitofhelltostealyourlife.) WeareappointedONCEtodieandthenthejudgment.471 Did you see it? The moment you die, judgment takes place,
you are just waiting for your sentence; there is no more chances.
Fire, Darkness, Bottomless
QUESTION; How can you have fire in Hell and it yet be dark? That makes no sense, the Bible contradicts itself, how can Hell be bottomless, that too makes no sense?
Bible: Hell is lit up with unquenchable fire; it devours forever and ever. Moses saw a bush that was on fire, but it was never consumed, it just kept burning.472
The LOVE of God is LIGHT where the redeemed stand blessed in His brilliance forever.473
The WRATH of God is the GLOOM of outer darkness far from the LIGHT of God. The darkness of Hell is the total absence of God’s light.474
Hell is bottomless; in my BS, my Belief System Hell is in the shape of a ball located in the center of the earth and no matter which way you go and how far you go to escape, it just keeps going and going, round and round.
There’s NO beginning, NO end, NO escape and NO HOPE... for eternity.
468 Romans 8:38-39 – The SAVED can’t be separated from His Love.
469 Psalm 139:7-8 – If you make your bed in Hell; God is there -- Isaiah 13:9 – For the Wicked; God’s WRATH and anger comes on
Judgment day.
470 Deuteronomy 32:22 – God’s anger and wrath burns in Hell fire.
471 Hebrews 9:27 – We die ONCE then JUDGED awaiting sentence on the Day of the Lord.
472 Exodus 3:2 - Though the bush was on fire, it did not burn up
473 1 Peter 2:9 – God has called you out of darkness into his wonderful light -- 1 John 1:7 - If we live in God’s light; we have
fellowship with each other -- 1 John 2:9-10 - The one who loves his brother abides in God’s Light
474 Matthew 22:13 – The Make-believer will be thrown into Outer Darkness -- Jude 1:13 – The Make-believer is Doomed forever to
the blackest darkness -- Jude 1:6 – The fallen angels are in chains of darkness waiting for the Day of Judgment.
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Good Works
QUESTION: As the Mormon’s and Jehovah Witnesses go from door to door witnessing, why do people throw rocks at their works of “missionary endeavors”?
Bible: The Doctrine of salvation is not achieved through WORKS. Works exists because you have been saved; believing that your works as a missionary saves you is a false teaching. The work of Jesus Christ on the cross was final; Salvation is Jesus Christ plus nothing else. You do not have to be a missionary in order to be saved. NOTE: (They use starting a Bible Study in your home as a recruitment tool and when they see no hope of recruiting you to their church, they will stop the Bible Study.)
NOTE: Disproving another religion does not prove Christianity, but it does plant a fence post to see what’s lining up with the rest of the Bible Scriptures. The Book says that many Christians, are trusting in their works and not walking in obedience.475 We don’t do good works in order to be saved, we do good works because we are saved; works do not save.
Sadly to say, God will say He never knew them. It’s in the book.
The Jews are basically a nation of Humanism; a nation of Works as they have rejected the New Covenant and continue to embrace the Old Covenant which God rendered inoperative when Jesus the Christ fulfilled the Law. However in my BS, I believe this rejection will change; probably right after the rapture of the believers: the Jew’s will turn to Jesus in droves; they will see the light. 476
Think about it... you go into work and find a number of people missing and there is talk about something called the RAPTURE of the church folks; what’s the next thing you would do?
QUESTION: My dad is the Preacher in the church and my Mother teaches Sunday school therefore I know a lot about God, so am I not surely saved? Maybe, maybe NOT.
Bible: Good for your mom and dad; but although as a PK (preachers kid), you know about God unless you glorify and give thanks to Him, your heart is dark, 477 therefore God will give you over to the sinful desires of your own heart.478 You have knowledge, but not TRUTH; it’s not about knowledge; it’s about obedience.
A young man was applying for a job with me and gave glowing testimonies of what his momma was doing in the church and community. I listened for some time, then I asked him for his own personal testimony; he did not have one.
God does not have any step children; only children. You can’t get to heaven on your mama and daddy’s coat tail.
Scripture – You will know them by their fruit;479 the saved are obedient and bear fruit.
We are all BORN sinners by nature, BUT we remain sinners by CHOICE. We know naturally what is right or wrong because the laws of morality have already been clearly written on our hearts,480 but because our works are already dark & evil, we can resist the light and choose darkness instead. 481
We CAN fix how we were born by choosing to become BORN AGAIN.482 If we seek God, we will find Him;483 He is not far from us.484 Our choices on this side of death have eternal consequences.
475 Matthew 7:21-23 – It’s not your WORKS that saves you, its your OBEDIENCE
476 Zechariah 8:23 - Ten people will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have
heard that God is with you.’
477 Romans 1:21-23 – Although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became
futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
478 Romans 1:21-32 - God gave them over in the sinful desires
479 Matthew 7:16 – You will know them by their fruit; obedience, their actions.
480 Romans 2:14-15 – The Law is written on our hearts and our conscience also bears witness
481 John 3:19 – It’s a Choice - Men loved the darkness rather than light
482 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Anyone that is in Christ is a new creation
483 Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me
484 Acts 17:27 - God is actually not far from each one of us
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Chapter 8. 13
Alcohol – Angels - Anti-Christ – Ark of the Covenant – Baptism – Cain and Abel – Demons Cats & Dogs in Heaven – Circumcision – Fasting – Foot Washing – Fate & Karma - Giants Fourth Dimension – Garden of Eden – Great Pyramid – Homosexuality – Incest and Races Imagination – Lottery – Length of Days - Kosher – Mystery of the fourth cup – Noah’s Ark Mountain top sea shells - Paradise – Passover – Qualifications for Heaven – Star of David Segregation - Shophar – Snake Handling - Speaking in Tongues - Suicide - Ten Lost Tribes Tattoos - Tithe - Trinity - Why Evil
Penetrating Thoughts - Conflicting Emotions - Modern Day Bible Obedience
Q – Is it a sin to drink alcohol?
A – Very early on, Jesus was accused of being a boozer;485 He told them that it’s not what goes into a man’s mouth that defiles him; it’s what comes out.486 Evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony and slander. Whatever the heart is full of will eventually overflow the mouth; we are known by what we speak, the fruit of our mouth.
Drinking booze is not a sin; drunkenness is the sin. (You will not inherit the kingdom.)487 The Believer is FREE to have a glass of wine; but for some that are not “FREE”, drinking is still a sin and could cause them to stumble in their faith; so for their sake; drink privately at home. 488
Q – Are there female Angels as well as baby Angels?
A - Scripture seem to indicate that there are NO Female Angels, so they do not marry,489 they are all Male adults probably with a body of a 30 year old person. (Same age as Christ when He started His ministry). They are all created beings as needed, thus have no need to procreate.
There are no Baby Angels. A “Cherub” is not a cute baby with a little bow and arrow; they are Cherubim Warriors who just the sight of one of them will make your heart skip a beat.490 In my BS, I think if I saw “SOMETHING” nine feet tall with a wing span of fifteen feet wide, it would scare the “Tater Tots” out of me. That’s why when you find Angels mentioned in the scriptures, they always say “FEAR NOT” when they greet you.491 (They almost always shift shape into the likeness of a man)
485 Matthew 11:18-19 – Jesus drank wine and was accused of being a drunkard
486 Matthew 15:16-20 – It’s not what you drink or what is in your stomach that defiles you, it’s what comes out of your mouth and heart
-- Matthew 12:33-37 – The mouth speaks what’s in the heart; both evil and good -- Matthew 15:11 – It’s what comes out of your mouth
defiles you
487 1 Corenthians 6:9-10 – Drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God
488 Romans 14:19-21 – It is better not to eat drink wine if it causes your brother to stumble in his faith
489 Matthew 22:30 – Angels are male and do not reproduce they neither marry nor or given in marriage
490 2 Chronicles 3:11 – The Cherubim’s wingspan is fifteen feet wide -- Genesis 3:24 – Cherubim Guard with flaming swords
491 Luke 2:10 – Angels told the Shepherds to FEAR NOT
Bible Thoughts
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Billy Graham said “Angels, who think, will, and display emotions are ministering servants who can appear or remain invisible as they perform the tasks that God assigns them.” 492 Angels maintain the believer’s life during the believer’s assignment and interacts with them without their knowledge.493 They literally keep you out of harm’s way and place a hedge of protection around you.494
Q – Who is the antichrist?
A - He is not a Robot, a Demon or some kind of Beast or a hybrid fallen angel; He is a MAN and IS ALIVE NOW495 and will come on the scene when he is about 30 years of age; the same age as Christ when He started His ministry. (His life will mirror or parallel that of Christ).
Note: You must see the anti-Christ as not merely AGAINST, but is “INSTEAD” of Christ. Before the Tribulation period begins, this New Hitler will be born most probably somewhere in the European Union or a country or confederation that was once part of the Roman Empire. This is where he first enters into the political arena almost unnoticed. He will be religious, but not seeking
the God of the Bible; perhaps even a homosexual;496 his God will be Power and Money.
Many students of the Book believe he is a Gentile “connected” to the tribe of Dan as this tribe
is missing from the sealed 144,000 Evangelist as mentioned in the book of Revelation. 497 The half
tribe of Manasseh seems to take Dan’s place to complete the lineup of the Twelve Tribes.
He will be intelligent, a great orator, be a political, commercial marketing and a military genius.498 He will have great personal ambitions and goals; to get them
he will eventually sell his very soul to Satan.
He is described as a LEOPARD that acts with stealth, mobility and cunning
speed, a BEAR with crushing power and a LION with a mouth that’s deadly. He
will possess courage, power,499 perseverance, charm, charisma, and an awesome
speaking ability, not powered by the “Energizer Bunny” but Energized by Satan Himself.
He will NOT be seen as EVIL; but seen as the answer to the Worlds Problems; the World will see him as the greatest man who has ever lived. In my BS, I believe he will most probably be the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize as he rises to power. He will NOT have his miraculous powers until the Saints and the Holy Spirit who are the restraining force are removed from the earth via the Rapture, which is coming soon. (Nothing else remains to be fulfilled in prophecy for the raptured; it can happen today.)
His NAME will not be known for sure until 3 1⁄2 years into the tribulation period when he is unleashed by Satan to do his bidding. So if you have somebody in mind and he is over 30, forget it; don’t waste your time trying to figure it all out because this New Hitler is a master of intrigue. However, his FALSE PROPHET can be over 30 and is probably Jewish clergy living right now.
The Antichrist’s will start the One World Religion with his false prophet at his side as its leader. The Antichrist, like Satan, desires to be worshiped and wants to be like God. 500 He will lead Israel to sign a peace treaty with the Arabs. The prophet Isaiah said that THIS CONTRACT will be a contract with the pit (of Hell); Death.
492 1 Corenthians 15:39-40 – Angel bodies are different from Earthly bodies; they can shift shape
493 Hebrews 13:2 – Angels can interact unknowingly with the Believer
494 Isaiah 6:2, 6 – Seraphim Angels have 6 wings and attend the throne of God -- Hebrews 1:14 – Angels minister and serve the
Believer according to God’s plan for you
495 Revelation 13:1-3 – The Anti-Christ rises out of the sea of humanity; HE IS A MAN.
496 Daniel 11:37 – He will not desire a woman; perhaps an HOMOSEXUAL
497 Revelation 7:4-10 - 144,000 were sealed, tribe of Dan missing, half tribe of Manasseh inserted - Genesis 49:17 – Possibly a
descendent of the tribe of Dan; considered a viper, a serpent on the road
498 Revelation 6:2 – He will be a Military Genius, impersonating Christ
499 Revelation 13:2 - He will have Power and great authority
500 Danial 11:36 – He will exalts himself above God -- 2 Thessalonians 2:4 - He will proclaim that he himself is god
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A covenant of Peace is made by the Antichrist just before or at the beginning of the tribulation period to resolve the Islamic/Israeli dispute and to protect and defend Israel. Egypt and Russia will invade Palestine. The Antichrist keeps his promise and comes to the rescue and defeats Egypt. God then defeats Russia on the mountains of Israel.
The Antichrist decides he wants Israel for himself and breaks his covenant after 3 1⁄2 years.501 He slanders God’s name and sets up an image of himself to be worshiped in the Temple defiling the dwelling place of God.502 This is the first time he is REVEALED as the Antichrist although many will suspect who he is by reason of the scriptures.
Ark of the Covenant
Q – Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
A - The original Ark is in Heaven.503 Moses was shown the Ark in Heaven and told to pattern one just like it.504
After the Ark was captured by the Philistines in war, it was sent back to the Israelites on a new ox cart where it stayed for twenty years at Abinadab’s house in Kiriath Jearim which was high on a hill overlooking Jerusalem.505 There it was guarded by a Priest. Today in Kiriath Jearim there is a church called the “Church of the Ark” standing on the traditions site of Abinadab’s house.
Later King David would bring the Ark to Jerusalem506 and then at some point he moved it to Solomon’s Temple into a special inner room called the “Holy of Holies.”507 When the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem in 586 B.C.; IF the Ark was present, it was either taken or burned, we just don’t know.
In Rome they say the Ark was lost when the basilica burned.
From the Apocrypha; 2nd Maccabees 2:4-10; “The Jeremiah Letter.” Jeremiah came and found a cavern in the rock, and there he brought in the Tabernacle (tent), and the Ark, and the Alter of Incense; and he made fast the door; “Yea, and THE PLACE SHALL BE UNKNOWN until God gather the people again together, and mercy comes; and then shall the Lord disclose these things”. The Glory of the Lord and the cloud shall appear, as they were shown before Moses and Solomon.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are the final reference to the Ark of the Covenant and its location. Other writing not found in the Bible suggest that Solomon, concerned about an invading army, built a replica of the Ark of the Covenant for protection and that the real Ark was sent to Ethiopia for safe keeping with his son that he fathered with the Queen of Sheba508 and is under guard there even today awaiting its return.
More; June 26, 2009, Abune Paulos, the patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia attested that the Ark is being kept safe and secure in a church in Axum, Ethiopia.509
The Temple Society, according to reports that surfaced years ago, claim that they are now in possession of the Ark of the Covenant.
Here’s more: A replica was discovered in 1940 in a cave in East Africa that was made by the Lemba priest; it was carbon dated to about 1350. Writings say the original was burned up, but the core was used in the reconstruction.
The Apocrypha also mentions the Ark being carried away to Babylon. 510 This is disputed saying the real Ark was hidden. Indiana Jones is the only one who actually knows where the Ark is.
501 Daniel 9:27 – He will make a covenant with Israel for seven years, then break it 3 1⁄2 years in.
502 Matthew 24:15 – He will set up an image of himself in the temple to be worshipped; `the abomination that causes desolation,' --
Daniel 9:27 – His Image, as Prophesied by Daniel the prophet will be set up in the temple; an abomination that causes desolation,
503 Revelation 11:19 – The real original Ark is in the temple in Heaven.
504 Exodus 25:9 – Make the Ark like the pattern in Heaven -- Hebrews 8:5 – A copy, a shadow of the real thing in Heaven
505 2 Samuel 6:2-3 – The Ark was received at the house of Abinadab. -- 1 Samuel 7:2 – The Ark stayed twenty years at Kiriath Jearim
506 2 Samuel 6:17 – The Ark was brought into Jerusalem into a tent --
507 2 Chronicles 35:3 – The Ark was placed in the Temple built for it -- 1 Kings 8:6 – The Ark of the Lord was in the Holy of Holies
508 1 Kings 10:13 – Commentaries say that the Queen of Sheba desired a son from King Solomon and he gave her one
509 Isaiah 18:1 – The Ark of the Covenant is in Ethiopia
510 1 Esdras 1:54 (Apocrypha) – The Ark of the Covenant was carried off to Babylon
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After the Babylonian captivity, many synagogues made replicas of the Ark. It was placed behind a curtain in the side wall of the synagogue toward Jerusalem. Inside was a copy of the Torah and other sacred books.
Side Note: The Roman Catholic writers saw the Blessed Virgin Mary as the “Ark of the Covenant” because she herself carried the Savior of mankind within her. She became the “Holy of Holies.” “She is the Ark in which is found the golden vessel containing the true manna, that is, the flesh in which Divinity resides.” (Homily of the Papyrus of Turin)
When Christ returns for the millennial reign the Ark will not be present, it will not even be thought of because Christ will be on the throne in Jerusalem. There will be no need to make a new Ark; and they won’t.511
There are a number of Belief Systems on where the Ark is now. There has been no proof presented either way of its existence or non-existence. But in my BS, I like to think it is hidden in a cave and that the Temple Society knows where it is... Just Saying
Q - What is the correct way to be baptized?
A - Submersion, Immersion, Dip, Pour, Sprinkle; all methods have been used down through the centuries. Archeologists have uncovered basins that the believer stood in, or knelt, as water was poured over their heads from a pitcher.
Let’s look at Baptism; water had a heavy symbolism of purity and was used in purification rites. There are two similar words in Greek for Baptize; Bapto meaning to dip or immerse and the other Baptizo meaning a change that has taken place by some means. The latter was used most of the time in the scriptures; a change has taken place.512
It’s interesting how the word “wash” (baptize) was used. The Pharisees were astonished that Jesus did not “ceremonially” wash (baptize) Himself before He ate bread. This was a partial immersion orbaptismoftheirwristandhands.513 Thesamewordisusedfor“dip”aswhentheydipped(baptize) a morsel of bread.
Jesus was baptized by submersion,514 not because He was a sinner, but for the SYMBOLISM515 of a “CHANGE” in life for the believer and for a witness to John’s followers.
Three thousand were baptized in one day,516 probably with water poured over their heads; Paul was baptized in a house,517 the jailer and his family were baptized in their house.518 The Israelites were baptized in a cloud.519 The thief on the cross was not baptized at all,520 but had a CHANGE of heart. (Water doesn’t save)
511 Jeremiah 3:16-17 – The Ark of the Covenant will never enter their minds or be remembered; it will not be missed, nor will another
one be made
512 Romans 6:3-4 – Baptism symbolizes your death to your old life and raised to a new life
Philippians 2:12 – WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION with fear and trembling,
513 Luke 11:38 - Jesus sat down to eat without first performing the hand-washing ceremony required by Jewish custom. -- Mark 7:3 -
The Pharisees, do not eat until they have poured water over their cupped hands, as required by their ancient traditions.
514 Matthew 3:16 – Jesus was submersed or totally immersed
516 Acts 2:40-41 – Three Thousand got baptized
517 Acts 9:17-18 – Paul was baptized in a house
518 Acts 16:32-33 – The Jailer’s whole family was baptized in a house
519 1 Corenthians 10:2 – The Nation of Israel was baptized in a cloud
520 Luke 23:42-43 – The Thief on the cross had No baptism
BAPTISM IS A DOCTRINE THAT DIVIDES DENOMINATIONS. At the base of every denomination are differences on church doctrine, usually legalism. We are commanded to be baptized with water because it is symbolic of purity. Baptism is a symbol and sign of a “change” of heart; that you are “born again”. It is a public statement that you are dead to your old life; raised to a newness of life in Christ; never to go back to your old ways. Baptism does not save, the requirement IS for you to have Faith in Jesus Christ.
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Baptism is a change from one state to another, like a civilian putting on a soldier uniform; we put on the garments of Christ; we are identified and baptized unto Christ. Baptism is death and burial to our past life with CHANGE to a new resurrected life in Christ. Baptism is something that we do, but it is also something that has been done to us; Change.521 Baptism in water is not necessary for Salvation; otherwise the thief on the cross was lost. Our salvation is by FAITH in Jesus Christ alone; Jesus Christ plus nothing else. The act of baptism must be accompanied by a CHANGE, a heart attitude of faith in Jesus Christ.
IFYOUDONOTCONFESSIT,YOUDONOTPOSSESSIT. Thescripturesshowthatapublicconfession and commitment is required.522 When you fall in love with someone; you act different; what’s in your heart will overflow your mouth. You want everyone to know; otherwise you’re really not in love.
Love is the way you act; for sure, Faith is something you have, but it is expressed through your actions or you don’t really have the faith. (You are either a Believer or a Make Believer) If you have the light, you WILL let it shine.
Before Jesus came on the scene, John was using water baptism as the SYMBOL of a person’s testimony of “repenting of sin” and their CHANGED LIFE.523 They certainly knew the story of Noah’s family being saved; raised up above the waters in the ark and the Israelites being saved; delivered through the waters of the Red Sea.
It is worth noting: Noah and the Israelites were brought through the waters, NEVER to go back. This is an intense statement; CHANGED, NEVER TO GO BACK. While baptism is a commandment,
it is neither a requirement nor a guarantee of a person receiving the gift of eternal life.
Cain and Abel
Q – What was wrong with Cain’s offering to God?
A - Adam and Eve worshipped God and brought their children up to offer sacrifices.
Sacrifices had a Dual Intent: thanksgiving for what had been received and Faith that it would continue. The boys had two different trades;524 being able to exchange and trade with each other.
Cain was a Farmer and raised vegetables and offered the “first fruits” of the soil to God.
Abel was a Sheppard and raised sheep and offered the “firstlings” of the flock.
Many students of the Word make much over the fact that God required a meat offering, and I get
that, but in my BS, I read that the Torah commands sacrifices of both animals and grain crops. So if that’s the case, what was the problem here? In my BS, I don’t think it mattered what was being “offered”, it was Abel’s FAITH in God that commended him as a righteous man before God; without faith, it’s impossible to please God;525 faith was just something that Cain lacked.
When you read the account, you can see Cain’s character was sullen, self-willed, haughty and vindictive, he harbored thoughts of murder in his heart. Scripture supports obedience to God is far better than your sacrifice to Him.526 God disregarded “Cain” and his offering, but told him to cheer up, everything could still work out. This was about Cain, not about Cain’s offering; God extended Himself to Cain, but Cain’s pride was wounded which produced envy, hatred, violence, unbridled anger and a spirit of revenge.
521 Romans 2:28-29 – Baptism is the circumcision of the Heart; a CHANGE
522 Philippians 2:12 – WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION with fear and trembling,
523 Luke 3:16 – John baptizes by submersion
524 Genesis 4:2 – Two ways of life; Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil
525 Hebrews 11:6 – Without Faith, it’s impossible to please God
526 1 Samuel 15:22 – Obedience to the Lord is better than sacrifices
The method of baptism is any way you can; read the scriptures, and then follow the Holy Spirit’s convictions of your heart. My pastor got all fired up about the debate over the correct method of baptism and said use a water gun if that’s all you have, it’s not the water it’s the change in your heart. While this brought down the house in laughter, the point was well taken in everyone’s heart. It was normal for the prophets and even Jesus to use a hyperbole to get the listeners to understand the teachings.
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Duly note; that it was not too late for Cain to choose the way of God. Cain was ticked off and mad and Satan was crouching on his very doorstep ready to pounce on him. You can almost paint a picture of two brothers symbolizing two opposite classes of man:
Abel in Hebrew means; breath; futility; Vapor; his life was but a vapor.
Abel is God’s humble, believing man of Faith527 and
Cain is Satan’s proud, self-willed man. 528 Here is a living picture of Good vs: Evil.
Cain in Hebrew means: get; acquire; Spear; he most likely killed his brother with a spear.
NOTE: God extended Himself in reconciliation to Cain; the hope of forgiveness and victory. If
you do what is right; BLESSING are set before you; but if you do what is wrong; CURSES.
It’s the same today; we can try to do better or get angry with God. “Life is Choice Driven”. The
Lord looks on the thoughts and attitude of man’s heart. Cain could have learned from his
experience, but instead he made a LIFE CHOICE to get angry. Anger gives Satan a foothold in
your life; anger is a SEED of sin that can mature into a HARVEST of death.
Cats and Dogs in Heaven
Q – Will we see our pets in Heaven?
A - I have tried to find scripture about whether our puppies are in heaven or not. The only scripture I have found is in Revelation and it speaks of “creatures” under the earth and in the sea and in heaven;529 “puppies are creatures”, so it seems they could be there... not only that, Animals cannot sin, so why wouldn’t they be in heaven. This brings up the subject of Dinosaurs, Reptiles, Rats,Cockroaches,Mosquitoes,Lice,andMaggots,willtheybetheretoo? Thealleatandpoop; scripture says nothing unclean will be in heaven.530
Isaiah the prophet says there will be animals living at peace with one another,531 but is this in the new heaven or in the new earth or is this in the millennium reign of Jesus Christ on this present earth. Elijah was taken up to Heaven in a chariot pulled by horses and Christ returns from Heaven on
a white horse;532 of course this could all be just symbolic and not literal horses in Heaven.
And finally we read that “creatures” and “all of creation” as well as “ourselves” are waiting for
the redemption.533
In my Belief System, the Book teaches that spiritual bodies are different than fleshly bodies;534
and for the most part, when angels appear on earth that are transformed or shape shift into a physical being; that of a man.535 I believe we will see physical animals during the Millennium reign of Christ as well as on the new earth, but in the new heaven they will all have different spiritual bodies. Believers will rule and reign with Christ and have new glorified bodies which are composed of light, and we will move at the speed of thought.
GOOD GRIEF that’s only my BS... a guess at best...
we really don’t know about the critters; what’s in your BS?
Q – Should a Christian be circumcised like Jesus?
A - Circumcision was the first controversy in the Church. Those that were known as Judaizers took a position that any Gentile who wanted to become a Christian must first become a proselyte Jew and be circumcised before he could be a member of the Christian fellowship. 536
527 Hebrews 11:4 – Abel had FAITH in God.
528 1 John 3:12 – Cain’s actions were evil and he belonged to Satan.
529 Revelation 5:13 – Creatures in heaven, on earth, under the earth and in the sea
530 Revelation 21:5 – Christ is making ALL things new -- Revelation 21:27 – No impurity will be in Heaven
531 Isaiah 11:6-8 – Animals will be in the Millennium or in the New Earth or in the New Heaven
532 2 Kings 2:11 - Horses in Heaven -- Revelation 19:11 – Christ returns on a white horse
533 Romans 8:21-23 – All creation groans and travails in pain; all creatures await redemption.
534 1 Corinthians 15:40 – Spiritual bodies are different from earthly bodies
535 Judges 13:5-6 – Angels can appear as a man or their true form -- Genesis 18:1-2 – Three angels appeared as men to Abraham
536 Acts 15:1 – Judaizers: Unless you are circumcised as required by the law of Moses, you cannot be saved
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Paul took exception to that, claiming that salvation was Faith in Jesus Christ alone and nothing else. Paul taught that it was the Spiritual circumcision of the heart that was important not the outward physical circumcision.537
Jeremiah the Prophet taught the same thing as Paul; it was the “circumcision of the heart” that was important.538
Peter had been commanded to take the Gospel to the “circumcised” Jews.539
Paul had been commanded to take the same message to the “un-circumcised” Gentiles.
Abraham was counted as righteous before he was circumcised.540
Christian Church Counsel; the “CCC” met and after Paul presented his case to them, the Church
Counsel determined that Abraham was saved by his Faith not by the Law of circumcision and they broke away from the binding LEGALISM of Judaism and agreed that circumcision should not be a requirement to become a Christian.541
NO, it is not a requirement to be circumcised in the flesh, but many do so desiring to follow in the footsteps of Jesus; NOTE: it’s the heart that God wants circumcised.542
Q - Is there Demon possession today?
A - Demon is from the Greek word daimon; in the KJV it is translated Devil. The Jewish traditional roots passes down to us that demons are the forces of darkness and wickedness and their leader is Satan... Demons are HELL’S ANGELS.
There seems to be two classes of demons; those that are free in “THE AIR” and those bound in “THE ABYSS” which is a temporary holding place for evil spirits until they are thrown into the lake of fire.543 Their leader is SATAN; the Prince of the power of THE AIR;544
The evil spirits or demons that live today are the same spirits from the FIRST EARTH AGE, moving from person to person, killing, stealing and destroying as they go. They do not consist of matter or material body or substance; they are without physical existence in themselves, but they belong as property or a thing to Satan. They are invisible and operate above the laws of nature and have supernatural intelligence and knowledge along with terrible physical strength which they impart to those possessed. It is these that Jesus openly confronted and cast out with His preaching.545
A demon spirit needs a moist place to find rest546 and attempts to take over humans as well as animals; they need to possess a person’s mind and body to enable them to get around. Jesus validated the existence of Demons; He referred to them as Unclean Evil Spirits547 and went on to say some people could be possessed by many of them.548
Demon POSSESSION is a demon residing in a person and exerting direct control and influence over that person causing certain derangement of mind and body.
Demon OPPRESSION 549or Influence must always be distinguished from Demon possession in relationship to a person. Demon influence is just demons messing with you because they can.
537 Jeremiah 9:25-26 – Circumcision of the heart is the important thing
538 Romans 2:28-29 – A man is a Christian based on the inward circumcision of his Heart by the Holy Spirit
539 Mark 16:15-18 - Great Commission; Go into all the world and preach the gospel
540 Romans 4:9-12 – Abraham was counted as righteous before he was circumcised.
541 Acts 15:1-19 – The Church Council agreed with Paul; the Holy Spirit made no distinction between the Jew and the Gentile,
circumcision is not required
542 Deuteronomy 30:6 – It is God that will circumcise your heart and soul -- Galatians 2:1-8 – God does not judge by the external
appearance of a man
543 Ephesians 2:1-2 – Some demons are free “in the air” -- Luke 8:31 – Some demons are bound “in the Abyss”
544 Ephesians 2:2 – Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air
545 Mark 1:39 – Jesus’ preaching drove out demons -- Matthew 4:24 – News spread about Jesus healing demon-possessed people;
freed from various dieses, pain, seizures, the paralyzed
546 Matthew 12:43 – A demon spirit cannot find rest in a dry place. -- Mark 5:12 – Demons desire a moist place to live, even an animal
547 Luke 7:21 – Jesus called Demons; Evil Spirits
548 Mark 5:9 - Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “MY NAME IS LEGION, FOR WE ARE MANY.”
549 Matthew 8:16 – Demons can Oppress
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There is NOT one scripture in the New Testament about a Believer; a Christian being possessed by a demon. You can be bewitched, bothered and bewildered by demons trying to discourage you, trying to get a foothold in your life, especially trying to put doubt in your prayer life. You may be troubled and bothered, harassed and tempted, Obsessed and Oppressed, but never possessed.
The Spirit of God inhabits us permanently; our body is the temple of Holy Spirit.550 Demons cannot enter into a person who is occupied by someone stronger than they are. God, who is in us is greater and stronger than he who is in the world.551 (Satan and his demons) The Holy Spirit and an unclean spirit cannot co-exist in the same person, just as light cannot co-exist with darkness.
Satan and his unclean spirits can get a foothold in your life through; Willful sin, Pride, Strife, Un-forgiveness, Doubt, Fear and Negative speech just to name just a few. Demons produce invisible chains of infirmity552 that are not physical. You can’t see demons, but their bondage is ever present, their presence can move around your body exhibiting headaches, backaches, chest pains, upset stomach, nausea, dizziness, sadness, depression, stress, fear, paranoia, rage and even cause you to exhibit different personalities. This suffering is not really a physical sickness; so medical treatment gives minor relief if any; for sure, it’s not God trying to teach you something. The Book says it is God’s will that you are healed.553
“Prayer”, “The Word” and “Faith” are the only remedy.
I think that it is a blessing from God that we cannot see these evil spirits in their actual physical form.
Q – Why do people fast?
A - Fasting in the NT is done as a sign of remembrance of God’s provisions and watch care; other times it’s done because of sincere penance, grief, distress or even impending destruction.
Apocrypha: Fasting makes atonement for “Sins committed in Ignorance”. Apocrypha - Ps Sol 3:8 Ezra fasted in preparation for receiving visions. Apocrypha - 4 Ezra 6:31
Fasting is done in “PREPARATION” to Hear from God; Cornelius was fasting when he received a vision about Peter from God.555 Daniel was fasting when the Angel Gabriel appeared.556 Moses was fasting when God wrote the Ten Commandments in stone.557
The Isaiah List is some of the things that constitute a true fast; Fasting becomes BREAD.
Bread is sharing your food with the hungry. Bread is providing shelter for the poor. Bread is providing clothes for those in need. Bread is opening your eyes to see the need of those in your own extended family. Bread is living an unselfish life.558
Man shall not live by Bread alone, but by every word of God.559
Isaiah says for us to FAST in order to a) Loose the chains of injustice, b) To undo heavy burdens,
c) To fast to get free from oppression. d) To break every yoke. LISTEN; the thing that caused the
fall of man was FOOD; fasting humbles your spirit and demonstrates your earnestness before God.
Fasting chastens your soul; it subdues your appetite giving more attention to prayer.
Fasting and humbling yourself before God brings answers from God and is the cure for unbelief.
550 1 Corinthians 6:19 – Our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit
551 1 John 4:4 – God who lives in us is greater than Demons
552 Luke 13:11 – Demons can produce a spirit of infirmity
553 Mark 1:40-41 – "If You want to, You can heal me” Jesus said "I WANT TO”
554 Isaiah 54:17 –Any weapon that comes against you will not succeed, it will fail
555 Acts 10:30-31 – Cornelius heard from God while fasting.
556 Daniel 9:3-21 – Daniel fasted and the angel Gabriel came to him
557 Exodus 34:28 – Moses fasted and God wrote the Ten Commandments
558 Isaiah 58:6-7 – The Isiah List of Reasons to Fast
559 Luke 4:4 - Man shall not live by Bread alone but live by every word from the mouth of God
The Christian has dominion over demons and is protected by SEVEN things; 1) Submission to God, 2) The blood of Jesus Christ, 3) The Holy Spirit within us, 4) God’s Word; the Bible, 5) The believers authority, 6) The gifts of the Spirit, 7) and Our prayer life. (Seven; we are complete.)
An evil spirit cannot co-exist with the Holy Spirit; A CHRISTIAN CANNOT BE POSSESSED.554
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It was just before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus washed the feet of His Disciples and told them that this was an example of what they should do;560 to have the heart of a servant and wash others feet in humility, to love one another.561 It is noteworthy that Peter at first refused to have his Lord wash his feet, but when Jesus told him that if He did not wash his feet he would have no part of him; he would not belong to him. That’s when Peter said, Lord if that’s the case, wash my FEET, my HANDS and my HEAD; I’m all in.562
After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, scripture indicates that the early Church practiced the example of humility and servitude with foot washing as commanded by Christ.563
a) b) c)
Fate - Karma
Q – Am I already predestined for Heaven or Hell; if Hell, is there NO hope?
A – God elects to save some and to send others to hell. What a heavy statement!
Every person is born with a destination to Hell, however some by the Grace of God have been
predestined to go to Heaven before they were ever born; the rest just received justice.564 With that truth said, God has also provided THE WAY for everyone else to come to Him through belief in his Son; Jesus the Christ as enabled by the Holy Spirit.
The scriptures say God is not “a respecter of persons”,565 all are treated the same, therefore he does not predestine some to hell and some not. Since all are damned and on the road to hell already, that would be double predestination. No man can come to God on his own; he must be “enabled” by the Holy Spirit. Both roads of PREDESTINATION and FREE WILL, both run parallel to Heaven.
Abraham with his free will had a child by Hagar a maidservant566 and through predestination had a child with Sarah.567 Did you see it? Ismael existed because of Free Will and Isaac existed 14 years later because of Predestination; both make up God’s Sovereignty. 568
God’s Sovereignty: God sees from the end to the beginning and nothing will thwart His plans. We have Free Will choices and the results of those choices affects what happens in our everyday lives; however our decisions do not change God’s sovereign plan.569
560 John 13:15 – I have given you an example.
561 John 13:1-15 – Jesus set the example of foot washing -- John 13:34 – We are Command to Love one another
562 John 13:7-9 – Lord, wash not only my FEET but also my HANDS and my HEAD
563 1 Timothy 5:9-10 – The early Church practice washing the feet of the believers
564 Hebrews 9:27 – Man is predestined to die and then the judgment. -- John 5:24 – Believers are predestined from death to life
565 Acts 10:34 – God shows no partiality to man; all treated equal
566 Genesis 16:1-4 – FREE WILL; Abraham has Ishmael by Hagar
567 Genesis 17:21 – PREDESTINED – Abraham had Isaac by Sarah
568 Galatians 4:22-23 – Ishmael Free Will – Isaac Predestined -- Philippians 1:6 – GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY; begins & finishes His works
569 Isaiah 55:9 – God’s ways and thoughts are higher that man’s -- Isaiah 14:24 – God has a sovereign plan that will be accomplished -
- Isaiah 14:27 – God has a purpose in His sovereignty that can’t be undone -- Proverbs 16:33 – God determines the roll of the dice --
Isaiah 40:13 – Who can instruct or even understand the mind of God -- Romans 11:33 – We can never figure out God’s ways and
path, they are unsearchable
Q - Is Foot Washing an Ordinance like Baptism?
There are three qualification for something to be deemed an ordinance or sacrament.
Was it instituted by Christ?
Is it universal for all believers?
Is it a permanent application?
I know of churches where the pastor from time to time, privately washes the feet of his deacons
and elders; teaching them by his example humility and servitude.
There are arguments both for and against this. A Church may participate in this without it
being an ordinance or sacrament; however the remaining fact is, that those who participate in this
action are both blessed and deeply touched by its significance; I certainly was.
Man’s has Limited Free Will which cannot exceed the boundaries of God’s Sovereignty; like Satan as he runs in the endless circle of restraint that God’s chain allows him.
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Our viewpoint from Earth’s side of Heaven’s gate; the sign says “Who so ever will may come”570
The viewpoint from Heavens side of Heaven’s gate; the sign says “Chosen before the foundations of the world”.571
There are Two Roads in life; one of “FREE WILL”572 given by God to Man & Angels; and the other road is of what God has already “PREDESTINED” to happen; 573 together they form God’s SOVEREIGNTY.
NOTE: If we have no Free Will, then it is impossible for us to be held accountable for our decisions and consequential actions.
Fourth Dimension
Q - Is there really another dimension, one that is invisible?
A - Yes, there is; and God created it before the earth was created.574 This fourth dimension is not a different place, its right where we are now. Its attributes and functions are by the thought and the will of God. It exists along with our own world and is not discernible to our five senses unless God supernaturally allows it, and SOMETIMES HE DOES.575
Angels operate in this dimension and are NOT impeded by physical limitations, matter, time, space, or by the laws of nature.576 This dimension was not created for man and would probably be terrifying if we were able to see what’s going on all around us; it is not mythology, but is an actual spiritual dimension.
Some scripture examples; Philip was transported through it at lightning speed.577 At another time the laws of nature were suspended and Peter was able to walk on the water, then the Disciples boat was zapped through it to the shore on the other side.578 Paul visited their briefly.579 Nature was suspended so an ax head could float on water.580 Jesus stepped through it many times.581 Job saw something that shook his bones; a word was secretly brought to me, my ears caught a whisper of it. Amid disquieting dreams in the night, when deep sleep falls on men, FEAR AND TREMBLING SEIZED ME AND MADE ALL MY BONES SHAKE. A spirit glided past my face, and THE HAIR ON MY BODY STOOD ON END. It stopped, but I could not tell what it was. A FORM stood BEFORE MY EYES, and I heard a hushed voice:582
In my BS, I think that most probably that THE RAPTURE will operate in this 4th dimension. Laws of nature will be suspended; resurrected bodies of dead believers will reunite with their spirits then reunite with living believers and then they all are caught up to meet Jesus, passing upward through their ceilings585 leaving their clothes behind.586 Only believers will see this happen.
570 John 3:16 - Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ will not perish but have eternal life.
571 Ephesians 1:4 – God chose us before He made the world
572 Acts 16:31 – FREE WILL: Just believe and you will be saved
573 John 1:12 – PREDESTINED; those who believe have the right to become children of God
574 Colossians 1:16 – There is an Invisible Dimension; thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers created by him, and for him
575 2 Kings 6:17 – The Lord allowed a lad to see in the 4th dimension
576 2 Kings 6:17 – Angels operate there unseen -- Ephesians 6:12 – Rulers of Darkness are There
577 Acts 8:39-40 - Philip Steps through It when transported to Azotus
578 John 6:19-21 – Jesus & Disciples & Boat Zap through It
579 2 Corenthians 12:2-3 – Paul Allowed To Visit There Briefly
580 2 Kings 6:5-6 – Axe Head Floats on Water; Nature suspended
581 John 5:13 – Jesus Steps through It
582 Job 4:12-16- Something scared the TATER TOTS out of Job
583 Daniel 10:12-13 – Battles are staged there; God’s answers to prayers are detained; resisted and delayed
584 Ephesians 2:2 – Satan Manipulates the Weather There, he is the prince of the power of the air,
585 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 – The Rapture; passing through ceilings
586 Luke 24:12 – Jesus Passed through His strips of Linens leaving them behind
In this dimension, the miracles of God are staged and executed by God’s ministering angels. NOTE; there is also spiritual warfare taking place around this same dimension ushered in by Satan to oppose the purposes and promises of God.583 Satan is “The Prince of the power of the air”. He already manipulates the weather, bringing hurricane forces of destruction. In my BS, I note that the hurricane force winds come from across the sea around the nations that are into voodoo and where the Holy Spirit has very little presence.584 Just saying
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Garden of Eden
Q – Where is the Garden of Eden?
A - The garden was located on the east side of Eden587 and was west of the city of Nod which is near Jerusalem. Probably in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley which included the whole of the “Fertile Crescent”, from India to Egypt. Note: East of Eden is a matter of prospective, depending on where the writer was standing.
The word garden (paradeisos) translates “enclosure” similar to a park.
The word Eden in Sumerian means “Plain” or flat region.
It was watered by four head waters588 as well as springs that provided irrigation, insuring lush
vegetation, pasture and all kinds of fruit bearing trees that were good for food.
Based on the four rivers, we think we know about where the Garden of Eden was. Only in
Mesopotamia do we find a single river dividing into four arms. This is a region with land that is very
rich and fertile where streams abound, divide and reunite; many scholars deem it to be from latitude
31 degrees to 33 degrees-30 minutes.
Most of the smart people tell us that it was located at the head of the Persian Gulf at the junction
of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, but silt brought down since 3000bc has added over 100 miles to the head of the gulf making it impossible to know where to start looking. Except for Satellite mapping technology showing possible river beds, no trace of the Garden has ever been found. It is widely thought that it perished during the great flood of Noah.
The land was loaded with precious gems, rubies, topaz, emerald, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, sapphire, turquoise, beryl and Gold.
The temperature was temperate, so no clothes were needed.589 As Adam was to tend and keep the garden it would not be farfetched to believe that the garden also contained grain and vegetables as the land was very fertile. There were also many kinds of birds and animals that filled the land.
There were two special trees in the middle of the garden;590 the tree of life and the other which was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Knowledge of right and wrong) Scholars believe that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was just an ordinary tree planted for the purpose of testing Adam. By eating of the tree, Adam did not receive UNIVERSAL knowledge, but received EXPERIENTIAL knowledge; he experienced the knowledge of right and wrong. The omniscient (all knowing) God already knew Adam would fail; “the universal law of sin and death” had already been put into effect. “If you sin you will die”.
Almost all nations have traditions of an age of innocence; evil did not exist, life was without care or labor. Food came forth spontaneously in abundance; and no one aged or lost their vigor.
Q – Where did the Giants come from?
A – Scripture clearly states that some angels left their own habitations; their assignments. “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them”. This is a special passage when you realize that daughters of men had always been born to them. It seems at some point, a desire was awakened in the “sons of God”591 and they took “whoever they chose” to marry592 with NO emphasis on character, but only on beauty, probably marring more than one.
These “Fallen” Devine beings are identified as “Sons of God”593 or Nephilim which took the women of earth in marriage and had sexual intercourse resulting in a HYBRID of giants. 594
587 Genesis 2:8 – The Garden was planted in the east of Eden
588 Genesis 2:10 – There were Four rivers in the Garden
589 Genesis 2:25 – Adam and Eve didn’t wear any clothes
590 Genesis 2:9-14 – All kinds of trees were planted; two were very special
591 Genesis 6:1-2 – Nephilim known as “The sons of God”
592 Jude 6 – Some angels left their own habitation; their assignments 593 Job 1:6 – Satan and the sons of God present themselves to God 594 Genesis 6:4 – The Nephilim had sex with the women of the earth
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There is no marriage in heaven, as Devine beings are immortal, 595 so therefore there is no need to propagate; to replenish or repopulate as mortals do on earth.
The sons of Adam, the Sethites and the Cainites were going in two opposite directions keeping diversely apart physically and also in moral and character distinctions.
(My BS disagrees and holds to the Angel Nephilim theory based on scripture.) Nephilim were a people that existed before the flood of Noah and according to what I read existed
also after the flood; so the Nephilim came down at least twice.
Giants terrorized the Israelites from the time they entered into Canaan until the time of David.
The fearsome race of Rephaites; the Emims, Zamzummims, Anakites, Sabeans, and some Philistines were large framed and of great physical statue and abnormally powerful. King Og was the last of the giant Rephaites, his bed was eight feet wide and thirteen feet long.596
I know this is far reaching, but in the Apocrypha,
Great Pyramid
Q – Who built the Great Pyramid?
A – The Great Pyramid is the Testimony of Jesus Christ and YAHWEH God engraved in Stone597.
It is thought that the pyramid was built with the universal language of math or more specifically;
geometry, a language which transcends the borders of race and culture.
Ancient writings indicate that Egypt was invaded by Sethites; a great foreign army from the East; they were the descendants of Adam’s son Seth; known as THE SHEPPARD KINGS. They had acquired compound crossbows and chariots and overwhelmed King Cheops who immediately surrendered without engaging in battle.
Bible and Egyptian records say the Shepherd Patriarchs were Seth, Enoch, Noah and Shem. The “Shepherd Kings” leader is believed to have been none other than Enoch
Let’s stop for a minute: Looking forward in time, we can see that God gave Noah specific plans for the Ark;598 He gave Moses specific plans for the Ark of the Covenant599 as well as the temple and all its furnishings, so it’s not too FAR OUT to believe that God also gave blueprints for the Pyramid to Enoch. Therefore God would be the Architect; the builder would be Enoch and the workers would be King Cheops subjects.
Note: Enoch lived 365 years and then God took him to Heaven; he did not die.
It must be understood here that what was built was impossible, even with today’s technology. The skills, tools, mathematics and “know how”, were never in the hands or minds of the Egyptians and it all vanished upon completion. There is no “authentic” record that indicates the Egyptians were of advanced intelligence or even understood the ancient mystery of squaring a circle; “pi”. On the contrary, all of the records indicate that Egypt reproduced about 130 similar pyramids with abject miserable inaccuracies; they did not even use the Pyramid inch or Sacred Cubic.
The construction took place during the reign of Cheops, but no record has ever been found where Cheops proclaimed himself as the builder of the Pyramid. Ancient records indicate that 100,000 men labored in 3 months relays for 30 years; that’s laying about one block every three minutes of daylight with supreme accuracy.
595 Mark 12:25 - They will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
596 Deuteronomy 3:11 – Giants called Rephaites, the King had a Bed 13 feet long and 6 feet wide
597 Matthew 24:35 – God’s word is inscribed in STONE -- Exodus 34:28 – The ten commandments written in STONE
598 Genesis 6:15-16 – God provided measurements for Noah’s Ark
599 Exodus 25:10-11 – God provided measurements for Ark of Covenant
Some students Belief System hold that the Godly line of Seth were actually “the sons of God” and were said to have disobeyed God, by “coming down” from the mountains and breeding with
the wicked Cainites thereby producing giants; they conclude that they were not any fallen angels at
all, only disobedient men.
ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time.
the Book of Jubilees 7:21–25 states that
The Apocrypha describe the Nephilim as being EVIL GIANTS.
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At completion, the Shepherd Kings just picked up and left Egypt as quickly as they had come and then went and built Salem, now called Jerusalem; then they vanished along with their technology.
The tools and machinery used in the construction have never been found.
The word Gaza means border’ at one point Egypt was divided into the lower and upper Egypt
with a border in the center.600 The Great Pyramid was built in the center of Egypt601 on that border
in Gaza. It is located at the exact center of the geometrical quadrant formed by the Nile Delta.
The cornerstones at the four base points are TRUE North, East, South and West. When the sun
crosses the equinox, there is no shadow cast on any side
The truncated Great Pyramid covers thirteen acres of land, thirteen is the number for sin;602
rebellion and depravity, evil thoughts, adulteries and fornications, murders, thefts and covetousness, wickedness, deceit and lasciviousness, blasphemy, pride and foolishness and... an evil eye,
It was erected in a land swimming in sin.
Josephus the Jewish historian writes “Seth and his immediate descendants were the inventors
of a peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies and their order. And
that their wisdom might not be lost before it was sufficiently known, upon Adam’s prediction that
the world was to be destroyed, they made two pillars, the one of brick, and the other of stone.603
They inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the Pillar of brick should be destroyed by
the flood, the Pillar of stone might remain and exhibit these discoveries to mankind;604 this Pillar
remains in the land of Egypt to this day”.
Jesus said that if the Disciples kept silent about His message; the STONES would cry out.605
Q – Doesn’t God’s love include alternate lifestyles?
A – If you don’t believe or care what God says, then this study will be meaningless to you. Right out of the chute God said two men should not lie together as a man with a woman606 BAM. God said every man should have a wife and every woman a husband607 lest Satan get a foothold in your life; BAM. Then He said if you don’t listen to me, you will get AIDS;608 BAM. If you accept a homosexual’s lifestyle, you become a part of it; your silence is acceptance;609 BAM. God said to cut off the pervert from your presence; BAM. God the JUDGE uses words such as detestable and abomination; He says they are worthy of death; BAM.
I had a childhood friend named Paul who I played with, did my homework with and as a teen double dated with, spent the night with and cried with when he went into military service. I loved him so very much, but it never occurred to me to have a SEXUAL relationship with him.
The Book shows that there is a love between two men that is approved by God. It is a love of the spirit of the other and not a physical sexual, sensual love. The King’s son Jonathan loved David; he took off his clothes and put them on him as a sign of a covenant between the two of them.610
Our President of the USA Barack Obama recently came out in favor of Same Sex Marriages which the Bible actually foretold would happen. The Book PROPHESIZED that a leader would come forth that will not regard the God of Israel nor have any moral values611 or standards; he would not be just anti-God, but Anti-Christian; self-Centered.
600 Psalms 19:4 – The line goes through it throughout the earth; in them hath he set a TABERNACLE FOR THE SUN
601 Isaiah 19:19 – An alter to the Lord built on the border in the center of Egypt.
602 Mark 7:21-22 – Thirteen is the number for sin, rebellion, adulteries, fornications, murders evil thoughts, thefts, covetousness,
wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, blasphemy, pride, foolishness an evil eye,
603 Isaiah 19:19-21 – There will be a pillar in the midst of Egypt; A witness unto the Lord
604 Jeremiah 32:19-20 – God set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt
605 Luke 19:40 – If the disciple’s withhold their praise, the STONES will shout out
606 Leviticus 18:22 – The same sex should not lie together.
607 1 Corenthians 7:2 – Every man should have a wife; and a wife a husband
608 Romans 1:27 – The gay received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion; AIDS.
609 Romans 1:32 – Those who approve of those who practice abominations are WORTHY OF DEATH
610 1 Samuel 18:1-4 – Covenant Love of Friends; Jonathan and David
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Scripture says that we should NOT cast our “pearls” of wisdom in front of “pigs” because they just won’t know what to do with it.612 They will call your words of concern for their very soul as intolerance of a different lifestyle, hatred of a sexual orientation and bigotry at its height. While the world simply calls homosexuality just another alternate life style, God calls it an abomination and you will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire regardless of how many times you say “Praise the Lord” and state that you believe in God and that you are a Christian. 613 You are just a Make-Believer.
Far Out; did you know that there is a GAY BIBLE called the Queen James Bible, where all the references to the LGBTQ movement is edited out and replaced with words that are acceptable; as if that would save them from God’s eternal wrath.
If you are GAY, you have already been judged by God;614 He Himself has judged the homosexual and will give him over to his shameful lust.615 BAM, BAM; so why would you get upset with me simply because I agree with what “God the Judge” has already said? It’s in the Book.
The Judgment “Day of the Lord” is soon and will come unexpectedly.616 God will say, “MAKE BELIEVER; I never knew you”.
Q – Is it a sin when you think things that you shouldn’t?
A – “STANDING ON THE CORNER” is a really old song with lyrics that go like this;
“Well you can’t go to jail for what you’re a thinkin’ or for the look in your eye; Just standing on the Corner watchin’ all the girls; watchin’ all the girls; go by”
God says you WILL be judged617 for what you’re a thinkin’ and for the look in your eye.618 The deceitful heart that plots evil619 and stirs up dissension with the wink of the eye; with the signals of the feet and with the motions of the fingers;620 God will destroy “without remedy”.
“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”. Matthew 5:28 – NIV
Our mind is a battle ground literally between LIFE and DEATH; evil thoughts and vain imaginations lead a man into ruin and destruction. The Lord God detests evil thoughts and wants us to renew our mind621 and forsake our vain imaginations.622 REPENT and He will have mercy on you and abundantly pardon. (To repent is to stop what you are doing & go in the opposite direction; it’s in the Book)
The Book says; let the unrighteous man forsake his evil thoughts623 and God will have mercy and abundantly pardon him.624 Renew your mind; fix your thoughts on Jesus,625 put your mind on things of God.626 Think on things that are True, Honest, Just, Pure, Lovely and of Good Report, think on things that have Virtue and things of Praise.627
611 Danial 11:37 – The Antichrist will foster homosexuality
612 Matthew 7:6 – Don’t give what is Holy to a dog, to a pig, the Gay will not know what to do with your pearl of wisdom.
613 Matthew 7:21-23 – The Gay will say Praise the Lord and God will say I never knew you -- Leviticus 18:29 – Cut off the
homosexual from your presence
614 1 Corenthians 6:9-10 – WARNING; Homosexuals will not inherit Heaven
615 Romans 1:26-31 – God will say go ahead; you want it, you got it; I will give you over to your sinful ways. I will leave you.
616 Luke 17:26-27 – Judgment is coming unexpectedly
617 Proverbs 15:26 - God detests the thoughts of the wicked
618 Jeremiah 11:8 – The imagination DOES NOT OBEY or incline its ear to God
619 Proverbs 6:12-15 – Plots, evil and deceit come from the imagination
620 Proverbs 6:12-14 - a wicked man winks with his eyes, signals with his feet has a perverted heart
621 Romans 12:2 – RENEW YOUR MIND; be transformed
622 Jeremiah 16:12 – Caution: The imagination of the heart is evil -- Genesis 8:21 – Man’s imagination from his youth is evil
623 Matthew 15:19 – Out of the heart comes evil thoughts -- Isaiah 59:6-7- Evil THOUGHTS leads a man into ruin and destruction --
Jeremiah 18:12 – The heart is full of evil imaginations and devices -- Ephesian 2:3 – Desires and thoughts are from our sinful nature
624 Isaiah 55:7 – Let the wicked forsake evil thoughts; God will abundantly pardon
625 Hebrews 3:1 – Fix your thoughts on Jesus
626 Mark 8:33 – Put your mind on the things of God
627 Philippians 4:8-9 – THINK on things that are true, honest and just, things that are of good report, pure, lovely and are of praise
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hostage by Satan with deceptive philosophies, human tradition and principles of this world. Incest & the Races
Q – Where did the races come from? Where did Cain get his wife?
A - Before the Leviticus Law was given there was obviously major incest occurring during the time of Adam and Eve whose children intermarried with their sisters, bothers, cousins and so forth fulfilling the mandate and command to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth.630
Adam begat his third son Seth when he was a young man of only 130 and lived on to be 930 years of age giving plenty of time to produce many extended family members for Cain to choose from to marry There is no record of any daughters, as the recorded line of heritage was through the Sons.
Wikipedia says that a common justification given for the incest taboo is the impact inbreeding may have on children of incestuous sex. Children whose biological parents have a close genetic
relationship have an increased risk of congenital disorders, disabilities and death due at least in
part to genetic diseases caused by the inbreeding.
Medical science today shows that it can cause Down Syndrome, mental impairment, stunted growth, shortened hands or neck, low muscle tone, flat head, large tongue, abnormal teeth, abnormal ears, flattened nose, slanted eyes, undescended testicles & congenital heart disease.
Albinism (white skin) results from inheritance of recessive gene alleles. It is a congenital disorder
characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin.
when God gave His LAWS AGAINST INCEST,631 He already knew that children could have physical
In the Book, it appears that
disorders through the inbreeding.
What COLOR was God? We see God as the same color that we are as scripture says we were made in His image and likeness.632 What Color was Adam before any genetic disorders? What if Adam had BLACK skin and Eve had YELLOW skin and when Cain killed Abel the mark that God placed on him 633was that he made his skin turn WHITE setting up the skin colors for the races.
(That one was just for fun, it’s not in the Bible ... so don’t get upset.)
In my BS, it does gives me pause to wonder if in God’s plan, that inner marriages caused physical
changes as well as skin colors which eventually gave us the different races. Just a thought.
Noah repopulated the earth with three races. It is believed that Noah’s three sons had taken
wives from other nations before the flood.
a) Shem is the progenitor of the “Semitic” peoples of the East. (White)
b) Japheth’sdescendantsaretheinhabitantsofAsiaMinorandtheseapeople.(Yellow)
c) Ham’s descendants became the Egyptians, Canaanites and Africans. (Black)
Q – Is it a sin to play the lottery?
A – Answer this question; why do you play the lottery? Is it a thirst for wealth? Do you not
trust God to supply your needs? 634 When the occasional Bingo, Lottery or Gambling changes from amusement to dependency, you a. re in trouble.635 It certainly does not start out that way, but that’s how it ends. If your life is not content; then you are driven by greed636 and God will not bless greed.637
628 Colossians 2:8 – Guard your thoughts, your mind from worldly principles and tradition
629 1 Chronicles 29:18 – Put God’s precepts in your thoughts and heart -- Matthew 6:22-23 – Our thoughts are the lamp that “leads”
us into actions
630 Genesis 1:28 - Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth
632 Genesis 1:26 – Let us make man in our image; our likeness
633 Genesis 4:15 - Then the merciful LORD put a mark on Cain to save his life
634 Philippians 4:19 – God supplies all my needs according to his riches
635 1 Corenthians 6:12 – "Everything is permissible for me," but not everything is beneficial; don’t let money master you.
636 1 Timothy 6:5-10 – The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, be content with what you have.
637 Exodus 20:17 – You shall not covet anything that belongs to someone else
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I have been in a gas station and observed a customer purchase $45.00 worth of scratch off tickets and hastily scratched them off right then and there. A couple of times a year I buy ONE ticket for the lottery; if God wants me to win, I will win with ONE ticket. I have won twice, receiving enough to cover all the lottery tickets I have purchased with 10 bucks to the good; I had fun and am content.
Isn’t it foolishness to think that God needs you to have a winning lottery ticket just so He can get ten percent of your winnings or even one hundred percent for that matter? God doesn’t need our money, He has cattle on a thousand hills.638 He can just sell some cows if He needs to do something and that’s “no bull”. When we give to God, it just allows us to get in on what He is doing.
Length of Days
Q - How long can we live?
A - The time of our death is unknown, it’s not set; we only know our days are fleeting away.641 God has set a maximum limit on our life of 120 years642 although the AVERAGE is about half of that or 70 years or perhaps 80.643
Our life decisions can shorten our life span,644 but God gives us ways to maximize it.645 Start by asking God for your life to be lengthened,646 then by asking Him for the Understanding of Spiritual things;647 then keep His laws and Concepts, respecting and honoring Him.648 Our days can be lengthened by guarding our tongue that we not speak evil649 and we can add more by showing love, by helping, respecting and speaking well of our parents.650 What happens to us in life is “Choice Driven”; we are urged to pray about our actions.
Stuff Happens; in the movie Forrest Gump, a runner stepped into some dog poop and Forrest Gump says, “IT HAPPENS”. Stuff does happen, it’s not Satan and it’s not God; things just happen. The law of gravity is in effect and when used correctly it’s a good thing and when used incorrectly, it can kill you; water sustains life, but it can kill you. Electricity is a modern blessing, but it can kill you.
It is God’s WILL that we all live a long life NOW,651 and even more in heaven, BUT that’s just not the case. God’s “WILL” is just not being done on earth because of SIN and UNBELIEF.652
NOTE: God gives us (the believers), angles to protect us and they will not let us die until our part of God’s plan has been accomplished.653
Q – What is Kosher?
A - Originally it meant good and proper and later became “something fit” for ritual use and even applied to witnesses who “were competent” to testify. Ester asked the king to do her a favor if he found it “good and proper”. (Kosher)
638 Psalms 50:10 – Our God has cattle on a thousand hills
639 Proverbs 10:22 – It is God’s blessing that make one rich with no sorrows added
640 Luke 6:38 – Give & it will be given to you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, & poured into your lap
641 Psalms 39:4 – The number of our days of life are Fleeting days -- Psalms 144:4 – Life is brief like a breath; like a fleeting shadow
642 Job 14:5 – We cannot live beyond the limits set by God -- Genesis 6:3 – Our Maximum years are fixed at 120
643 Psalms 90:10 – Our average years are 70-80; it’s not fixed
644 Ecclesiastes 3:2 – There is a time to die -- Hebrews 9:27 – We will all die -- Genesis 27:2 – We just do not know when we will die
645 Jeremiah 1:4-5 – Before we were born God knew us -- 2 Samuel 14:14 – God does NOT take away life, but offers THE WAY to life
-- Luke 20:36- The Believer will not die again.
646 Psalm 21:4 – We can add years to our life just by just asking God
647 Proverbs 3:1-2 – Add more days by Asking for Understanding of laws -- 1 Kings 3:14 – Add more days by keeping Gods Laws
648 Proverbs 10:27 – Add more days to our life by Respecting & Honoring God
649 1 Peter 3:10-11 – Add more by keeping your tongue from deceit
650 Exodus 20:12 – Add more by honoring your parents -- Deuteronomy 5:16 –Add days to our life simply by treating our parents well
651 John 10:10 – God’s WILL is for us to have abundant life.
652 Matthew 6:9-10 – God’s WILL is NOT being DONE on earth
653 Luke 4:10 – Angels keep watch over us till our death -- Isaiah 55:11 - OUR LIFE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE COMPLETED BEFORE WE DIE
Need Money, Trust God:639 give away what you can and it will come back to you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.640 If you measure out a tablespoon of giving, God will repay you with a shovel full; you can’t out give God.
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Later it evolved654 into dietary laws NOT for health reasons, but whose purpose was to bring holiness and unity to the Jewish people.655 The Bible gives no reason for the distinction between the clean and the unclean. A Shochet, who is trained in the laws of the Shechita (Kosher slaughtering), does the killing of animals.
Mystery of the Fourth Cup
Q - What is the mystery of the Fourth Cup of wine?
A - It’s a revelation – It’s a proclamation – It’s a promise. Wine is symbolic of His covenant with us through His shed blood for the forgiveness of our sins; that He makes intercession for us.
Communion is not “the elements” of the wine and bread, but the Church communing with Christ. It’s an event, not an object; an encounter, not a miracle of wine turning into blood. After Jesus returned to Heaven the disciples continued the practice of fellowship and the breaking of bread and prayer in their homes.656 (Giving thanks; Eucharist)
a) It looks back commemorating the deliverance from Egypt as they were saved from the destroying death angel and delivered from servitude.
b) It looks forward in expectancy to His return and the coming messianic kingdom of God. His death is our means of salvation and we are therefore spared eternal death.657
There were four cups of wine at the Passover meal. Jesus did not drink the fourth cup; the Passover meal was not completed; Jesus said He would drink it with us anew in Heaven. This is the expectation of the resumption of the “messianic banquet” in the kingdom of God with Christ at the head of table; where all believers will drink with Him THE FOURTH CUP.
It is finished. This brings tears to my eyes.
Matthew 26:29 – We will drink the FOURTH CUP with Him
29 But I say unto you,
I will NOT drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day
WHEN I DRINK IT NEW WITH YOU in my Father's kingdom. KJV
Communion is symbolic of the “eschatological banquet” yet to come in Heaven, physically with Christ. This is an oneness with the body of Christ, which each person is a part. It is a remembrance of the “historical” Jesus, and also a joyful proclamation of the “living presence” of the Holy Spirit who guides our every step; mixed emotions; Solemn but Joyful. Jesus said that He would leave and go and prepare a place for us, and that He would come again to receive us, so that we might be in His physical presence forever.658
Noah’s Ark
Q – Why did God save only Noah’s family on the Ark?
A - He’s a NUT; you can just hear the scorn, ridicule and laughter of the town’s people who for 120 years, shook their heads in pity, as they watched a crazy old fool and his three idiot sons build a Hugh Boat on dry land when there was not any water to be found for hundreds of miles.
Noah, a preacher of righteous, preached for 120 years659 the message of; REPENTANCE660 telling them that “the world is coming to an end”, but NOBODY LISTENED; 120 YEARS. 661
654 Ester 8:5 – If its “good and proper”, kosher; do me a favor
655 Leviticus 11:2-47 – A distinction is made between clean and unclean animals
656 Acts 2:42 – They continued in fellowship, devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and prayer
657 Romans 8:11 – Communion gives life and nourishment to our mortal bodies. -- 1 Corenthians 10:16 – Communion is the body of
Christ partaking in the elements of bread and wine with God -- Mark 14:24 – My blood which is poured out for many is the new
covenant -- Matthew 26:28 – My blood is poured out for the forgiveness of sins, it is the new covenant,
658 John 14:3 – Jesus leaves to prepare a place to receive us Heaven
659 1 Peter 3:20 – God waited patiently for 120 years for the Ark to be built and people to repent.
660 2 Peter 2:5 – Noah Preached repentance to the ancient world
661 Genesis 6:5-7 – God is grieved with the sins of mankind; His patience wears thin
Genesis 6:8-9 – Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD
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After Noah and his family of eight 662entered the Ark God left the door of the Ark open for SEVEN MORE DAYS663, giving others the OPPORTUNITY to come664... then it started to rain ... and GOD SHUT THE DOOR.
The Ark signifies “SALVATION”, the water symbolized “BAPTISM”; Noah entering the Ark signified “ACCEPTANCE.” The Closing of the Door was God’s “SEAL” of judgment and the “SIGN” was the “RAINBOW.”
It was instituted by God, universal in scope, unconditional and everlasting. God promises that He will not destroy the earth again with a flood.
Mountain Sea Shells
Q - How can there be sea shells and sand on top of mountains?
A - When the earth was in eternity past, it was covered by water and it stood above what would be mountains and it was at God’s word that the Mountains rose and the valleys sunk and the boundaries for the seas was set. It’s in the Book... (See the other flood; the Gap theory)
Psalm 104:5-9 – The mountains rose and the valleys sank down
5 He set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be
moved. You covered it with the deep as with a garment;
the waters stood above the mountains.
7 At your rebuke they fled; at the sound of your thunder they took to
flight. The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place
that you appointed for them. You set a boundary (for the waters)
that they may not pass, so that they might not again cover the earth. (ESV)
Q - What and where is Paradise?
A - Before the time of Christ’s ministry, Hell was divided into two compartments,665 Torment and Paradise separated by a large gulf. Those who worshipped Jehovah God and had died in His “friendship” were in a compartment of Hell known as “Abrahams Bosom” or “Paradise”. In Biblical times, people would recline as they ate and the one reclining near the head guy was referred to as reclining “In His Bosom”; a place of honor. (When you had a COVENANT relationship with God you were called His FRIEND.)
Abraham’s Bosom or Paradise was where the “righteous good” went after death. There they “tarried” till the resurrection. During this time of “tarring”, the people were awake having emotions, feelings, and dialog. Note: Not one of them had ever heard of Jesus Christ; the Son of God.
At Christ’s death on the Cross, He went to Abraham’s Bosom called Paradise and for three days666 He preached the “Good News Message”667 to those that had died in the Friendship of God over the past 4,000 years, and they ACCEPTED Him as the Messiah; the Son of God.
When Jesus ascended to heaven, He took “Paradise” and everybody in it up to heaven, where it is located now.668 There is no longer a “tarring” place on this earth... today when we go to “rest with the fathers”, we are immediately active with Christ.669 SELAH: ponder that
Q – What did they eat for the Passover meal?
A - Water: A dish of salt water for washing the hands represented the tears of the slaves.
662 Genesis 7:7 – Just eight people entered into the Ark
663 Genesis 7:1-4 – God left the door open SEVEN MORE DAYS
664 Genesis 6:12 – Everyone was corrupt except Noah and his family
665 Luke 16:26 – Hell had two compartments separated by a gulf, Torment and Paradise
666 Ephesians 4:9 – Christ descended into Hell before He ascended to God in Heaven
667 1 Peter 3:18-20 – Jesus preached the Good News message in Hell; In Abrahams Bosom
668 Ephesians 4:8 – He took all those in the FRIENDSHIP of God in Abrahams Bosom to heaven
669 2 Corenthians 5:8 – Today at death, we are immediately with Christ
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Red Wine: As the feast progressed, their cup would be refilled four times with RED wine representing the blood.
The Lamb: A one year old male lamb without blemish was roasted whole; not boiled, and was eaten without breaking a bone in his body.670 It was called the “Paschal Lamb” and was eaten with the bitter herbs. Jesus was the Lamb of God and not a bone in His body was broken.671 The Fat is the Lords; the tail of a sheep or lamb could contain as much as 15 pounds of fat; this was the richest part of the fat and was offered as a sacrifice to God.672
Bitter herbs salad consisted of bitter lettuce, chicory or endive; Today, Jews use grated horseradish or onion, parsley and watercress. It was symbolic of how the Egyptians embittered their lives during captivity.
Haroset sauce or fruit pulp was grated apples, chopped nuts, sugar, cinnamon and sweet red wine mashed together into a texture resembling mortar, making a thick dip. It represents the mortar of Pharaoh’s building projects.
Unleavened bread; Two varieties 1) Wrapped in a napkin, there were three wafers of bread such as Matzos; which had a texture like a cracker. 2) Another type resembled nut or date bread and was thick and heavy. Unleavened bread represented that there was no time for bread to rise with leaven because of their quick flight out of the bondage of Egypt.
Other dishes; a hardboiled egg and sweet vegetables also for dipping.
The very first Passover, they were to eat the meal inside the house and not outside,673 fully dressed with their sandals on and their staff in their hands and their “kneading bowls” bound up in the clothes on their shoulders ready to go.674 Today we have self-contained field ration called MRE’s, MEALS READY TO EAT while you are on the go.
Qualification Heaven Entrance
Q – Are there qualifications to enter into Heaven?
A - Jesus said we must come to Him believing and trusting; without reservation; just as a child would run to his daddy and jump into his arms.675 The Sermon on the Mount; “The Beatitudes” do not show a man how to be saved; they show the characteristics of one who is saved. They are not promises of blessings for the saved, but are a DESCRIPTION of the saved.676
1) Poor in spirit – The realization that we are spiritually bankrupt and can offer God nothing.
2) Those who mourn – Anguishing over sin; over perishing souls; wanting right to prevail.
3) Meek – Accepting opposition, insults and provocation; bearing patiently, mild and calm.
4) Hunger for righteousness – All sin and wrongdoing to anyone grieves them.
5) Merciful – Being kind, showing pity, mercy and compassion, even when it’s not convenient.
6) Pure in Heart – No hidden motives or self-interest, a pure heart with singleness of purpose.
7) Peacemaker – Bringing men into harmony with each other; calming the waters.
8) Love – You must love Christ more than your own family or you are not worthy of Him.
9) Give of what you have to those who can’t pay you back; Give justice, mercy, compassion and faithfulness.
Someone who is rich puts his trust in what he has; someone who is poor puts his trust in what he hasn’t. It’s very hard for someone rich to seek the Kingdom of Heaven; they do not see themselves as having any needs; they are self-sufficient, they don’t need God.677 (Jesus said this, not me.)
670 Numbers 9:11-12 – Command; not one of the LAMB’S bones will be broken
671 John 19:36 – Prophecy: Not one of CHRIST’S bones will be broken
672 Leviticus 3:16 – The FAT is the Lord’s
673 Exodus 12:46-47 – Must be eaten inside one house
674 Exodus 12:11 –Eat it with your Belt and sandals on with your staff in your hand. -- Exodus 12:34 – Eat with the kneading bowls
and clothing already packed up on your shoulders
675 Matthew 18 2-5 – Believe and trust as a child with his daddy.
676 Matthew 5:3-12 – The Qualification to enter heaven is your attitude toward God
677 Matthew 19:16-26 – It is very hard for the rich to enter into Heaven
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory IT’S IN THE BOOK The Bar is set very high: Who then can qualify to enter the Kingdom of God? By man’s
efforts, no one can qualify to enter; only by the grace of God is it possible.
Q –What is a Shophar?
A - Shophar also spelled Shofar is a musical instrument of sorts of ancient origin used for Jewish religious purposes. The choice of the Ram’s horn for the Shophar678 is in remembrance of Abraham’s sacrifice of a Ram instead of his son Isaac.679
Ram’s horns were used as drinking vessels as well as to make noise; they were devices to give signals in war;680 to announce special occasions and the heralding of special festivals.681 They were used as musical instruments682 but had limited musical attributes because of its monotone sound as it could not play a melody. Any changes in pitch was based solely on the facial muscles of the sounder.
The Shophar will usher in the Return of the Messiah683 and the end time wrath of God.684 There will be SEVEN Shophar trumpets sounded.
Q – Does God want us to be segregated by races?
A - It was God’s plan from the beginning to keep His oath to Abraham and his descendants, He chose to divide up mankind and separate them from the Nation of Israel. 685 God chose to set up the boundaries of the races and determined the exact place that they should live and the language that they should speak.686 God chose to segregate Israel from ALL the other nations and to love them.687 He chose to set them aside as His Holy people, a Holy Nation.688
The plan was for Segregated Israel to be adopted as sons of God; to receive the divine glory, the covenants, the law, the temple worship and the promises. They were to be a kingdom of Priest and a Holy Nation set apart from the other nations.689 They were the first Missionaries, the first Evangelist to bring the “Good News” to ALL nations.690
God forbid intermarriage with other nations lest they be drawn away into idolatry.691 They were to drive out of their nation anyone who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, anyone who practices divination, sorcery, witchcraft, casts spells, or consulted the dead. The nation of Israel must be blameless before the LORD.692 Through the Patriarchs of Israel, the human ancestry line of Jesus the Christ would be traced.
Making the case for segregation. Can I make the leap here to say that God wants all the races to stay segregated? In my BS, this is hard to embrace; as what seems to be the underlying theme in scripture is God wanting a SPECIAL PEOPLE a HOLY NATION for Himself that loves Him and worships Him alone. I want to worship Him and Him alone, but I am a GENTILE, not a Jew.
The Book says that when I accepted His Son Jesus the Christ as my Savior, I was grafted into the vine and now have Jewish roots; so spiritually, I am a Jew.693
678 Joshua 6:4 - Trumpets made of Rams’ horns
679 Genesis 22:11-13 – Remembrance of Abraham offering a Ram instead of Isaac
680 Judges 3:27 – The Shophar will be blown as a call to arms in war
681 Numbers 10:4-5 – Shophar blown as a signal to assemble
682 Psalm 98:6 - Shophar used somewhat as a musical instrument
683 Isaiah 27:13 – The Shophar will usher in the Return of the Messiah
684 Revelation 8:2 - Seven Shophar will sound at the End Time wrath of God
685 Daniel 7:14 – There will be various people, nations and language
686 Deuteronomy 32:8 – God divided mankind and set the nations boundaries
687 Romans 9:4-5 – The covenant promises are for Segregated Israel
688 Deuteronomy 7:6-8 – God CHOSE in love Israel and for her to be a Holy
689 Exodus 19:6 – They are to be a Kingdom of Priest; a Holy Nation
690 Isaiah 52:7 – Israel to bring “The Good News” to ALL nations
691 Deuteronomy 7:1-3 – Command; DO NOT INTERMARRY with other nations.
692 Deuteronomy 18:13 – Israel must be blameless before the Lord.
693 Romans 11:17-18 – The BELIEVER regardless of color or nation has been grafted into the Jewish vine and now has Jewish roots.
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If I am Black and Spiritually a Jew and my wife is White and Spiritually a Jew, would we not both be spiritually part of the Jewish Nation of Israel? Should not the criteria for marriage be; do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be the third party in your marriage covenant; embracing that a covenant with God is not to be broken through divorce?
Interracial marriage Sin: for those in scripture that are referred to as the Greek or Gentile, interracial marriage is NOT A SIN because they are not Jewish, however scripture indicates that interracial marriage will be a “thorn in the flesh” for the two of them; and even more for their children plus it affects the whole extended family. They will be the subject of crude remarks, rejection and sometimes isolation. You may be strong for yourselves, but your strength must extend, if it can, to your children too. In my Belief System, I see physical segregation as something God requires ONLY of Israel, everyone else can do their own thing.
The better thought in marriage is “DO NOT BE UNEQUALLY YOKED,” do not marry an unbeliever;694 what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever. Come out; be separate.695
Acts 17:26 – God determined the exact places they should live
26 From one man he made EVERY NATION of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and HE DETERMINED the times set for
Snake Handling
Q – Is snake handling in the Bible?
A - There are SIGNS that followed the Believer mentioned in the Book of Mark. In other words there are certain actions that will be observed in the Believer that has been filled with the Holy Spirit as it was poured out on the Day of Pentecost. A couple of these “signs” dealt with poison; from drinking deadly poison and being bitten by poisonous snakes.
There were people who could be hired to get a snake out of your house. They were known as “Snake Handlers” or “Snake Charmers.” Oddly enough, snakes do not have ears, so they cannot hear, they can only feel vibrations and see movement. So you can’t charm a snake by playing music, but they might feel the vibrations or see you swaying as you toot your own horn.
Church of God with Signs Following is a Pentecostal Church founded by George Went Hensley in1909andoccasionallypracticedhandlingpoisonoussnakesanddrinkingpoison. The“Signs People” believed that if there was “Sufficient Faith” they would not die or be permanently harmed. The practice was denounced in 1928 by the Church of God because of the number of deaths and near death experiences. However there are still some 50 to a 100 Churches that still practice “The Signs” and are referred to as “Signs People”.
Wicked people are metaphorically mentioned as snakes that come among you, un-charmed by the Word of God.696 In other words the Disciples have been assured that they will be able to “HANDLE” whatever comes against them; the “Snake” in the grass is rendered harmless. Luke says if they step on a snake in the grass they will not be harmed.
The quoted scripture is part of “The Great Commission” to go into all the world and preach the Gospel;697 with the emphasis that God will protect them, even from snakes and people trying to poison or harm them. The purposeful drinking of poison without harm IS NOT taught in the New Testament.
If in your Belief System you accept the “gift signs” as a COMMAND today; then you must accept ALL of them including drinking deadly poison.
694 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 – Do not marry an unbeliever of any color
695 2 Corinthians 6:17 – Separate yourself from the unbeliever
696 Psalms 58:4-5 – The Wicked are like snakes that cannot be charmed
697 Mark 16:15 – The Great Commission and Assurances
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While these signs did follow the early Christians, they disappeared in that era although they still manifest themselves in some sects of Appalachia.
The TEST of your Faith is not snakes, but correct doctrine; the doctrine of Jesus Christ.698
Speaking in tongues
Q – Can you be filled with the Spirit if you do not speak in tongues?
A - On the day of Pentecost, the town was full of people from many places, speaking many different languages and all coming to celebrate the day of Pentecost. This would be THE perfect opportunity to share to Gospel of Jesus Christ to many who later would wind up taking the Gospel message back to their own hometown.
The sound of a mighty rushing wind got their attention; then they were amazed to hear the Gospel spoken in their own language; 3,000 received the saving grace of Jesus Christ.699 So the purpose of speaking in tongues to the crowds WAS TO SHARE the wonderful works of God and THE GOSPEL of the Lord Jesus Christ to the whole world in every language.
The controversy over the use and misuse of tongues started almost immediately and was addressed by Paul in his letters to the church and there is still much debate even today. Paul warned us that we should not put too much emphasis on any particular gift, that ALL the gifts are important to the body. NOTE; He did NOT associate the gift of tongues with the “fullness of the Spirit” or with special sanctity.
Paul plainly states that every believer DOES NOT speak in tongues. Tongues are listed as just one of the gifts given.700 I list part of Paul’s extensive monolog with the Church so that you can see how DIVISIVE tongues can be by attaching such importance to this one gift.
NOTE: Paul did not forbid tongues; an acknowledgement of their importance to the body.
1 Corenthians 12:14-29 – We need all the gifts; not just tongues.
14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.
15 If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong
to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body.
18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of
them, just as he wanted them to be.
21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head
cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"
29 Do all work miracles? (No) - Do all have gifts of healing? (No)
- Do all speak in tongues? (No) - Do all interpret? (No) NIV
Star of David
Q – Was the Star of David was also used in the occult?
A - The Star of David is the incorrect term and use for the Hexagram; it was actually known as the “Shield of David”. The shield or star is formed by two inverted triangles. One pointing up and one down. The esh is the symbol for fire; the mayim is the symbol for water; together they form the word shamayin which is the word for “heaven” which is a paraphrase for “God”. In reverence, the Jews would not utter the name of God, but would make references to Him, such as “heaven”; i.e. The Kingdom of Heaven (God)
Each of the four outer triangles is labeled with one of the four letters YHWH which in Hebrew is Jehovah. We would say Yahweh adding the vowels A and E. (Hebrew did not have vowels)
698 2 John 7-10 – The test of your Faith is not snakes; but correct doctrine
699 Acts 2:41 – 3,000 heard the Gospel in their own language and got saved.
700 1 Corenthians 14:1-13 – Prophecy is a more desired gift than that of tongues
The number SEVEN: The Star of David at least since the 20th century remains associated with the number seven and thus with the Menorah, and popular account associate it with the six directions
of space plus the center - Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center; seven points.
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It was interlaced; the Menorah was deemed “The light of God”
Balaam prophesied that a STAR would come out of Israel. (It happened 14 centuries later)
The Star of Bethlehem is sometimes referred to as the Star of David because Jerusalem, David’s capital and home also included the city of Bethlehem where Jesus was born. The Star of David also called Magen David was used as a talisman to ward off EVIL SPIRITS.
Psalm 18:35 – You give me your shield
35 You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great NIV
SYMBOLS representing the Banner of each of the twelve tribes would be found inside each triangle.
The twelve Tribes
Seal of Solomon; whether fact or folklore, it is said that King Solomon used a Hexagram to seal his documents that was interwoven or conjoined with part Brass (light) and part Iron (Dark). The light and dark conjoining colors represented the unity of body and soul. The Seal of Solomon is mentioned often in ancient magical texts, therefore the Shield of David would also be appropriated for magical signs. We do not find this symbolism used during the time of Jesus. In the middle ages the Hexagram was widely used in magical spells and was the “emblem” for magic.
In Germany the name for it was “Drydenfuss” which represented the footprint of a Trud; a special kind of demon. It was used to ward off demons as well as to call them up.
The Pentagram with five points has two points
pointing upward forming the horns of a demon
with one pointing down forming his face.
The two on each side form his ears.
The Sigil of Baphomet.
The sign of the church of Satan.
Cloven footprint
Q - Can suicide send a man to hell?
A - The bigger question is, have they accepted Christ? Although suicide is a sin, it does not affect a man’s salvation.701 All have sinned and come short of the glory of God;702 thank God for His Grace and Mercy.
Can refusing to take “medical options” be considered suicide? Absolutely not. It’s not a sin to desire to be with the Father. What if my motive is not of Faith, but of just wanting my family not to suffer mentally and financially? The answer is still no, it’s not a sin; you are motivated by your family’s needs.
Assisted Suicide: Jonah knew it was wrong to take his own life, so he asked others to throw him off the ship to calm the sea,703 even King Saul asked someone else to take his life.704
701 Acts 15:11 – The grace of our Lord Jesus saves us -- John 10:27-28 – My sheep, the Believer will not perish -- John 6:37 – If you
came to the Father, you are His
702 Romans 3:23 – Everyone has sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard
703 Jonah 1:15 -- They picked up Jonah and hurled him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its raging.
704 1 Samuel 31:4 -- Saul said to his armor-bearer, “Draw your sword, and thrust me through
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Would giving your life jacket to another be a sin? Would starving yourself so that your child could eat be a sin? Not at all; no greater love has a man, than to lay down his own life for another.705 Jesus laid down His life for us. Samson prayed for strength to kill the Philistines,706 the enemy of God, knowing he would be committing sacrificial suicide. Did you see it? God gave Sampson the strength that he prayed for and it killed him.
The word suicide does not appear in the Bible, neither are there any laws relating specifically to it by name, yet the implications are there based on the 6th commandment, “Thou shall not kill”.
There are examples of Suicide in scripture: a) A jailer almost took his own life, but was stopped.707 b) A disgruntled man hangs himself. c) Fearing the worst a man sets himself on fire. d) Another with remorse and guilt commits suicide by taking his life.
Ultimately man is responsible for his own actions, however your actions may have contributed to someone else taking their own life. By purpose, you may have provided the means and assistance for the loss of this life, or perhaps you inadvertently contributed to “the environment” and “thought process” which led up to the loss of life. This complicity is something that you should seek God’s forgiveness about. (I know this is a heavy statement)
Suicide is murder; it is not condoned in scripture, it is a sin; however it’s not the un-pardonable sin, this sin can be forgiven.708
Q – Is it OK for a Christian to get a tattoo?
A - Very early in the Bible we find references to the “heathen”; those that did not recognize the one God of Israel. They would make cuts in their flesh and rub colored clay in it to make it stand out. This Tattoo was a “sign of a covenant” with others to protect them against their enemy, much like the gangs today. When you mess with me you mess with all of us in the covenant gang.
Tattoos were associated with pagan cults who tattooed themselves when they mourned for their dead. Archeologist have found tattoos on preserved skin dating back to 6000 BC.
In order to SET APART the chosen people of Israel, the moral and ceremonial laws instructed them to do everything possible to NOT look the same as the heathen; cutting or tattooing themselves was therefore forbidden.709 A Christian should not look the same as the Worldly Heathen;710 tattoos represent the ways of the heathen world; those NOT chosen by God to be a people Holy to Him.
A Tattoo shows “Ownership” of your body; scripture teaches that Tattoos on God’s chosen people bring shame to the name of God. It’s in the Book Christians should make every effort to NOT look like the rest of the world; like those that have rejected Christ. We are SET APART and should strive to conform ourselves to the image of God’s only begotten Son; Jesus the Christ.
We are known by our fruit; does your SPEECH and SONGS glorify God or glorify the world? Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth SINGS. Are you a Believer or just a Make-Believer going through the motions with just a form of Godliness? 711
705 John 15:13 – No greater Love than to lay down your life for another.
706 Judges 16:28-30 -- Samson prayed for his strength to be restored and he killed the Philistines
707 Acts 16:28 - Paul cried with a loud voice, “Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.”
708 Romans 8:38-39 – Suicide cannot separate us from God
709 Leviticus 19:28 – DO NOT cut your bodies for the dead, and DO NOT mark your skin with tattoos. I am the LORD
710 Romans 8:29 – Be CONFORMED to the image of God’s Son
711 2 Timothy 3:1-5 - In the last days people will love only themselves ungrateful, unloving and unforgiving boastful and proud They
will act religious but they will reject the power of God; they are just MAKE BELIEVERS... Stay away from people like that!
The Second Council of Nicaea in 787 AD, banned all body markings as a pagan practice
The tattoo today has undergone a dramatic redefinition and has shifted from a form of defiance
to an acceptable form of expression; it’s called BODY ART.
Health risks including infection and
allergic reactions have been associated with Tattooing; infections can be transmitted through the use of unsterilized equipment or contaminated ink. These infections include surface infections of the
skin, fungal infections, hepatitis, herpes, simplex virus, HIV, staph, tetanus, and tuberculosis.
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Is a person damned if they have a tattoo? Absolutely not; our salvation is NOT based on whether or not we have a tattoo; it’s based on our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our personal Savior plus nothing else. Thinking about a tattoo; FORGET IT; got a Tattoo; don’t get anymore. Should you try to have a tattoo removed? It only matters to you; God looks on the heart not the color of your skin. Tattoos under the New Covenant are NOT A SIN, but we would do well to honor God by not getting any; your life is certainly choice driven.
“For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am NOT practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I shouldn’t.”
So the Real Question is; are you a Believer or a Make-Believer? Where is your HEART?
Ten Lost Tribes
Q - What happened to the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel?
A - The 10 tribes of the Northern kingdom of Israel were all carried off into captivity, exiled and scattered among the nations; lost, vanished.712 From the Apocrypha; 2 Esdras: Their (Ten Tribes) long journey through that region which is called Arzareth. (America) The remaining two tribes that were not carried off was the Southern kingdoms of Benjamin and Judah; now called Israel
By Devine plan, everyone in the world will have a FINAL chance to hear the Gospel of the Good News of Jesus Christ preached by a REMNANT of the Ten Lost Tribes, which are already in place, scattered throughout the Nations. Out of those tribes, the angel of God will seek out 144,000 713 blameless Jewish bondservants of the Most High God to testify of Jesus and become His Evangelist, presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, tribe and language.
Q – Is the tithe required under the New Covenant?
A - Tithing is a New Testament “Principal”, however nowhere in the New Testament are we commanded to tithe; all eight of the NT scriptures about tithing point back to the OT principal;714 the Book says this principal is forever.715
Dual Intent: Tithing Demonstrates thankfulness for what God had already given us; and demonstrates trust that He would continue to bless us. Right out of the chute, the Book talks about meditating on God’s Word and DOING what it says; followed by His promise that you will be prosperous and successful.716
Man is inherently tight fisted with what he has. Giving has to be learned; you will put your money where your heart is. The Church workers must be paid to support their families or they will have to seek work elsewhere and the Church will be neglected and not be able to function.717 God has generously given to us; we should generously give back into His storehouse; He said to “test Him.”
Many years ago I was earning 18k annually which was not enough to live on, and a friend told me to tithe on what I wanted to earn... I started tithing for 20k... Within 3 months, I was promoted and got 20k. I told my friend and he said I was short sighted; I should have tithed for 24k..... So I did it again and in another 3 months I was promoted again.... got 24k..... Shortly after that, I received an unsolicited job offer and got a fifty percent increase. I stand so blessed; God is so faithful.
Under the New Covenant we are no longer REQUIRED to tithe, however tithing is God’s way of letting us get in on what He is doing and we get blessed in the process.
712 1 Kings 14:14-16 – Ten Northern Tribes of Judah Scattered -- Genesis 9:26-27 – Japheth dwell in the tents of Shem - JAPAN
713 Revelation 7:4-8 – Tribes of Israel; 144,000 ALL JEWS -- Revelation 14:4 – The 144,000 were not defiled with other gods
714 Numbers 18:23-24 – The Tithe is a lasting ordinance
715 Matthew 23:23 – The tithe is a New Testament principal -- Hebrews 7:5 – The Tithe is a tenth; it’s GOD’s law
716 Joshua 1:8 – Obedience gives birth to prosperity
717 Nehemiah 13:10-11 – The church workers must be paid so God’s house will not be neglected
I saw a young lady at the beach with a tattoo of a yellow butterfly outlined in brown in the small of her back; it was striking and kept my attention, I really, really liked it. After this study, I realized
that that’s how life is; did you see it? We are drawn to what is just the opposite of God’s will.
The Apostle Paul said it best;
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Q – Is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the Trinity all the same persons? MAYBE
A - The Father is God, but He is not the Son nor the Holy Spirit.
A - The Son is God, but He is not the Father nor the Holy Spirit.
A - The Holy Spirit is God, but He is not the Father nor the Son.
The word Trinity is NOT found anywhere in scripture, but the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are alluded to frequently.718 The comparison is best explained as a rope with three strands interwoven; each strand being separate and distinct from the other, but woven together as integral parts of the rope. Each person of the Trinity is self-conscious and self-directing, yet never acting independently or in opposition. One Spirit, One Lord, One God.
H2O – can be Liquid (Water), Gas (steam) or Solid (ice) but are all still H20.
Time – can be Past, Present and Future.
Space – has Length, Width and Height
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God.
Just as the sun communicates light, heat and energy; God reaches down to us through the Trinity to fellowship, communicate and share with us according to our ability to receive.719
Matthew 3:16-17 – All present same time, God, Son, Holy Spirit
16 And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit) descending like a dove and coming to rest on him;
17 and behold, a voice (God the Father) from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son (Jesus), with whom I am well pleased.” (ESV)
Why Evil
Q - Did God create Evil?
A - In the beginning God created everything and IT WAS GOOD; so did God create Evil also? The first time we see Evil appear was in the person of an Angel named Lucifer also called Satan who was created perfect and was beautiful to behold and was full of wisdom. Using his “FREE WILL”720 Satan desired to be as God and sit on His Throne.
God created Angels and man with Free Will and with that He opened the door for Him to CHOOSE to do the greatest Good or the possibility to do the greatest Evil. Evil is the direct result of God creating beings with FREE WILL. So in effect, God allowed Sin to come into existence.
So the next BIG question is; did God know that Satan would rebel or was the omnipotent God surprised? After all, scripture does say that evil was discovered or was FOUND in him.721 You may then ponder that IF God is omniscience, then He knows everything, then He must have known that Adam would mess up.
You are right; Satan had already exercised his Free Will and rebelled722 before Adam was ever created. God did know Adam would sin and had therefore already put into effect the plan of salvation723 so all humanity could find “THE WAY”724 back to Him.
718 1 Peter 1:2 – God the Father, God the Spirit, God the Son -- Matthew 28:19 – Baptize in name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- 2 Corinthians 13:14 – May the Love, Grace and Fellowship of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit be with you -- 1 Corenthians 12:4-6 – Different gifts, service & Working, but same Spirit, Same Lord & Same God -- Ephesians 4:4-6 – One Spirit, One Lord & One God 719 John 10:30 – JESUS AND GOD ARE ONE
720 Ezekiel 28:12-15 – Satan was created perfect and given Free Will
721 Ezekiel 28:15 – Evil was detected, discovered, found in Satan -- Isaiah 14:13-14 – Satan’s FREE WILL came his FIVE I WILLS
722 John 8:44 – Satan is the Father of lies and the first murderer
723 1 John 3:8 – The Plan of Salvation for man was before the creation
724 John 14:6 – Jesus Christ is THE WAY -- Acts 19:23 – The sect known as THE WAY, caused a great disturbanc
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Chapter 8. 14
The main expectation of the prophets of old was that the earth would be restored to the original state of the Garden of Eden without evil and complete with joy, peace and happiness. You would think that because God created the earth, that the earth would be His kingdom, but that’s not what the scripture says. The kingdoms of the earth were given to Satan in the very beginning, and now although corrupted they are still his,725 he is the prince of this world,726 the god of this age,727 but he will be driven out;728 he will fall like lighting729 and his dominion will be destroyed, 730 but there is also a Kingdom of God.
Can the two kingdoms co-exist in the same place? Well, not physically.
The Kingdom of God
The term “Kingdom of God” appears only in the New Testament, but similar expressions are
found in the Old Testament referring to God, who reigns over all the earth. The prophets of old likewise saw God as the ruler of all nations. The terms the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are identically in meaning.731 Heaven is a “circumlocution,” a way of referring to “God” without using His name which was too holy to speak.
The parables show the characteristics of the Kingdom; only the good there732 and priceless like a treasure.733 In the parables of Jesus you can see the implications of the Kingdom of God; in the parable of the mustard seed734 and the yeast735 in the loaf of bread. His word is inconspicuously planted and the results of its growth slowly begins to show. God’s kingdom slowly invades Satan’s territory without bringing it to an end; YET.
The kingdom of God was in some ways already present in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus was giving clues,736 that when He was crucified and resurrected,737 He would usher in the Kingdom of God and some of them would get to see Him come into His Glory.738
725 Luke 4:5-6 – Satan’s kingdom is the earth -- 1 Corenthians 2:8 – Satan, the ruler of this age didn’t know the plan
726 John 14:30 – Satan is the prince of this world
727 2 Corenthians 4:4 – Satan is the god of this age
728 John 12:31 – Satan will be driven out of this world
729 Luke 10:18 – Satan will fall as fast as a lightning bolt
730 1 Corenthians 15:24-25 – Satan’s evil dominion will be destroyed.-- Matthew 12:29 – Jesus will bind Satan and carry us off
731 Matthew 3:1-2 – John called it the kingdom of heaven. -- Matthew 4:17 – Jesus also called it the kingdom of heaven.
732 Matthew 13:47-48 – The kingdom will only have the good not the evil
733 Matthew 13:44 – The kingdom is like a hidden treasure -- Matthew 13:45-46 – The kingdom is like a priceless pearl.
734 Mark 4:30-32 - The kingdom starts small like a mustard seed, but will grow very large.
735 Matthew 13:33 – The kingdom will finally permeate the world like yeast
736 Matthew 17:1-2 – Peter, James and John saw Jesus transfigured - Matthew 24:32-34 – The kingdom is at the door and some saw
Him. -- Acts 1:3 – After His resurrection He appeared for about 40 days
737 1 Corenthians 15:4-8 – Many saw Him after the resurrection in His glory
738 Matthew 16:28 – Some would see Jesus coming into His kingdom -- Mark 9:1 – Some of the Disciples would witness the coming of
His Kingdom -- 1 Corenthians 15:4-8 – Many saw Him after the resurrection in His glory
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Kingdom of God
Has the Kingdom of God already come?
Is it something coming in the future?
Is it spiritual, physical or both?
First Word
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The Spiritual Kingdom
The kingdom comes in two stages: 1) The birth of Jesus;739 The spiritual invasion and 2) His
second coming; the physical rule. Jesus hinted that the kingdom was already present among the believer spiritually.740 It is presently expressed in the church and will not be perfectly realized until the second coming of Christ.741
Paul’s conversation speaks of a co-existence with evil742 and our righteous living within our community.743 He goes on to address those who will NEVER see the kingdom.744
The Physical Kingdom
Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God,745 man has to become a whole new creation746 to receive the kingdom. Jesus told us to pray for the kingdom of God to come.747 In the end, God will bring the physical kingdom748 to us and dwell with us,749 and will gave a new glorified body750 and then Jesus will drink the “fourth cup” of the Passover meal with us.751
The Take Away
The Kingdoms of this world belongs to Satan
The Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven are the same thing.
The Kingdom of God comes in two stages; the Spiritual and then the Physical
The Spiritual Kingdom began with the birth of Jesus.
The Physical kingdom will be established with the second coming of Christ.
We co-exist in Satan’s physical world as spiritual children of God.
Satan will be defeated with His kingdom on earth being turned over to God.
Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be ushered in.
We become new creations in Christ and enter into the new Physical Kingdom.
We will be in the presence of Jesus and drink the fourth cup of the Passover with Him.
739 Matthew 12:27-28 – Jesus is the kingdom of God
740 John 18:36 – The kingdom of God is not of this world -- Luke 17:20-21 – The kingdom of God is within you.
741 Luke 4:17-21 – Jesus read the scroll and said “Today the scripture is fulfilled” and he sat down to take questions
742 1 Corenthians 4:20 – The Kingdom of God is alive now in power -- 1 John 5:19 – We presently CO-EXIST with evil in this world --
Matthew 5:20 – We are to CO-EXIST and live in righteous
743 Matthew 6:33 – Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness -- Romans 14:17 – The kingdom of God is living in righteousness,
peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
744 1 Corenthians 6:9 – Paul speaks of the kingdom in the future tense where the wicked WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF
GOD -- Galatians 5:21 – Some WILL NOT SEE THE KINGDOM now or in the future.
745 1 Corenthians 15:42-53 – Flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom
746 2 Corenthians 5:17 – If you are a Believer you are a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come
747 Revelation 11:15 – The kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of God
748 Revelation 12:10 – The kingdom has come
749 Matthew 6:9-10 – The physical kingdom of God has not come yet -- Revelation 21:1-3 – We will dwell with God in the few Jerusalem
on earth -- John 14:1-3 – We will be where Jesus is.
750 Philippians 3:20-21 – We will be citizens of heaven with a new glorified body like Jesus
751 Luke 22:18 – Jesus will drink the forth cup with us in His Kingdom
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Chapter 8. 15
Basis of Justification – Basis of Sanctification Jehovah Witnesses Cult – LDS Mormon Cult Jesus Plus Works doctrine - Jews - Islam
First Word
Sanctification and Justification are some pretty big words that are not used very much in our Western Culture, but when they are used, they seem to mean the same thing. Rightly dividing between the two is of crucial importance, as both terms lie at the heart of the Bible’s Gospel. Knowing the difference can be as important as understanding the difference between salvation and damnation.
Both Justification and Sanctification are GRACES of the Gospel; they always accompany one another and deal with the sinner’s sin, but they differ in some important ways, and UNDERSTANDING the distinction between the two terms can help us strengthen our faith and grow us in our Christian walk; we will be able to say with confidence, "This is what saves and this is what does NOT save."
There is a distinction between a man’s body and his head. The head and the body must stay together for life to continue; if there is a separation, the man will die. Similarly, we can make a distinction between justification and sanctification, but the two must never be separated.
From God's perspective, justification and sanctification are “duplex gratia” and are given only together, but nevertheless they are clearly separate things.
Justification is being declared perfect; a single act of Grace by God to the repentant sinner; justification is God’s declaring the sinner righteous; saved.
Sanctification is a day by day activity of God working in partnership with the Believer; it’s a process of Him making us perfect. Sanctification is God’s renewing and transforming our whole persons; our minds, wills, affections, and behaviors.
We contribute to our Sanctification by OUR WORKS; but our Justification is ALL GOD.
Justification is a legal declaration of God’s act of pardoning the sinner of all his sins at the very moment the sinner puts his trust in His Son, Jesus the Christ.752 This pardoning accounts the sinner as righteous in His sight.
This is only possible through the sinner’s faith in Jesus Christ who was
punished for the sins of everyone that would believe,753 so that whoever believes in him will no longer
suffer the consequences of sin.
In other words, Christ took our place as THE SINNER so that we would become THE
RIGHTEOUS in God’s sight. This makes us
justified; SAVED by God’s
complete and finished
752 Romans 3:21-26 – ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD, we are Justified by our Faith in Jesus Christ 753 2 Corinthians 5:21 - Jesus was made to be sin in our place
754 Romans 5:16 – God’s Free Gift brought justification
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Justification is a one-time act of God declaring us as sinners to be righteous, NOT by our good works which are immaterial, but through the WORK of Jesus Christ. It means that every Believer is completely and finally freed from condemnation and the wrath of God. It is His Work that gives us the privilege as well as the boldness to enter into heaven justified.
Justification Basis
The sinner is justified by God solely on the basis of HIS SON’S obedience755 and death; Jesus
Christ as our representative took our place.756 Christ’s PERFECT OBEDIENCE which provided the full satisfaction for our sin is the ONLY BASIS upon which God declares the sinner righteous. 757 We are NOT justified because of any good works that we have done or are doing, or will do; but solely on the BASIS of Christ’s work on our behalf.758 No works on our part are necessary whatsoever to obtain justification or salvation, otherwise it’s not a free gift.759 Therefore, we are justified or saved solely by our Faith.760
Our Faith adds NOTHING to the work that Christ did on the cross for our justification, it just receives the righteousness that is offered in the Gospel through Jesus Christ. Faith is the only instrument of justification. 761
In legal court room terms, this is defined as the act of God the Judge, when the moment the sinner places his or her Faith in Jesus Christ; He declares “I find you not guilty.” 762
In accounting terms; Justified is when God transfers into the sinner’s “account” the righteousness of His Son. Our sins were transferred and laid upon Christ at the cross, so His righteousness would balance our “account”. Our SIN debt IS paid in full.
Justification is the complete and finished work of Jesus Christ.
Sanctification is an ongoing and progressive work of Christ working within us. The war between our flesh & spirit is a lifelong battle. Our flesh wants absolute independence; whereas our spirit wants to live in absolute dependence upon God; it’s a Battle.
Time Out
Side Bar: Religions such as Islam and cults such as Jehovah Witnesses and the LDS Mormons,
believe salvation is by their WORKS such as door to door solicitation which they call Missions. Based on New Testament scripture this is a false doctrine; not the knocking on doors, but knocking on doors
as part of gaining your salvation.
What I am about to say next is going to upset you, but even the JEWS religion is a religion of
works. They follow only the Old Covenant Torah and still await their Messiah having never accepted
the Messiah of the New Covenant.
During the 7 year tribulation period multitudes of Jews WILL accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah. It’s in the Book. Today many Jews have already begun to accept Jesus as their Messiah
and are known as “Completed Jews”. When a non-Jew accepts Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they are grafted into the Jewish vine of Jesus Christ and now have Jewish roots; becoming a part of
spiritual Israel.763
755 Romans 5:18-19 – Christ’s OBEDIENCE is our basis for Justification -- Philippians 2:8 – Jesus was OBEDIENT even to death on
the cross
756 2 Corinthians 5:21 – Jesus MADE HIM TO BE SIN for our righteousness
757 Galatians 3:13 – Jesus became cursed in order to redeem us; “CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO IS HANGED ON A TREE”
758 1 Peter 2:24 – He bore our sins THAT WE MIGHT DIE TO SIN
759 Romans 6:23 - The FREE GIFT OF GOD is eternal life in Chris
761 Romans 5:1 – Our account has been BALANCED JUSTIFIED BY FAITH -- Romans 4:3-5 Faith, NOT works is counted as
762 Ephesians 1:7 – we have REDEMPTION through his blood, the FORGIVENESS of our sins
763 Romans 11:17 – The Believer is grafted into the NOURISHING ROOT OF THE OLIVE TREE of Israel
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When you speak of works to a mature Christian, they will be quick to correct you that your works have nothing to do with you being saved; that would be correct, but hang on a minute. It is possible to CONFESS saving faith, but not POSSESS saving faith; having only a form of godliness. The difference between true faith and a mere claim to faith is the presence of good works. We don’t do good works to be saved, we do good works because we are saved.764
We should not consider someone to be a justified or saved unless we see in their life the evidence of the fruit of their faith; that is, good works. Even the demons confess Christ, but shutter because they don’t have any good works.
Justification is a legal declaration that is instantaneous and COMES FROM GOD OUTSIDE OF US.
Sanctification is a process that COMES FROM GOD WITHIN US through the work of the Holy Spirit. We contribute to sanctification through our own WORKS and efforts,765 but we do not contribute to our justification through works; our justification is ALL GOD.
Jehovah Witness, LDS Mormons and other Cults consistently blur the meanings of Justification766 and Sanctification767 by misapplying the truths of God's word. This results in a “Theology of Works”;768 earning SALVATION. This doctrine of “Jesus Plus Works” only leads to damnation. They depend upon their own cooperative effort with God to have their sins forgiven. Their effort homogenizes or combines the FILTHY WORKS OF MAN769 with the HOLY WORK OF GOD; it’s like oil and water, they just don't mix.
The Bible says that by “the Works of the Law” shall NO flesh be justified, saved;770 we cannot contribute anything to our salvation, or otherwise it’s not a free gift. To believe anything else is to miss your salvation. IT’S IN THE BOOK
Sanctification: “Spiritually” it means to be pure or holy; “Morally” it means to be set apart for
God; set apart from wrongdoings so as to be more like Him. It is a transformation of a believer’s whole being; that is the mind, the will, the behaviors, and affections guided through the work of the Holy Spirit. Good works are a necessary evidence of your faith in Christ, which the Holy Spirit enables you to do as you continually die every day to your sin.
Through justification by faith in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made righteous, but we still remain in sin. There is a difference between sin remaining in US and quite another for US to remain in sin; sanctification deals with this.
Sanctification begins with JUSTIFICATION which is a one-time act of God forgiving our sins and counting us righteous through our FAITH in Jesus Christ. SANCTIFICATION is not instantaneous because it is not the work of God alone, but is the continual work of the Holy Spirit in us as believers CONFORMING US to the image of Christ.771
764 Ephesians 2:8 – Salvation is the free gift from God; BY GRACE you have been saved THROUGH FAITH not from you works
766 Galatians 2:16 – We cannot be justified; made righteous by our works-- 1 Corinthians 6:11 – We are Justified and Sanctified by the
Spirit of our God.
767 1 Timothy 4:4-5 – We are sanctified by the Word of God -- 1 Corinthians 1:2 – The Believer is sanctified in Jesus Christ --
Hebrews 2:11 - God is the Source of our Sanctification; our day to day striving for obedience to God.-- Romans 15:16 – We are
sanctified by the Holy Spirit
768 Isaiah 64:6 – Our own works or our righteousness’s are like filthy rags -- Galatians 2:20 – It is God’s work that makes a person
769 Galatians 5:6 – Our Tradition and Works count for nothing, ONLY FAITH working through love -- Galatians 5:1-8 – Man can do
nothing to contribute to his own salvation: Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, ONLY FAITH
770 Romans 3:20 - By the WORKS of the LAW(Old Covent), NO FLESH WILL BE JUSTIFIED (saved) in His sight
771 Romans 8:29 – The Believer is predestined to be CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON
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No Christian on earth is entirely sanctified, it is an ongoing work of the Holy Spirit conforming us to Christ’s Image772 which involves God working with and through the believer to produce more godliness. The Believer is actively involved 773 in submitting to God's will, seeking holiness and resisting sin; working to be more like Christ.774 The Believer still sins, but there is now a struggle against sin, whereas before there was no struggle at all.
This work continues through his FAITH 775until we are completely freed from sin and that will be when we receive our resurrection bodies and made perfect at the last day when we are absent from our body and present with our Lord.776
if we don't live a perfectly Sanctified life (sin free),
we are still Justified, (forgiven), saved;
can you say Hallelujah!
The Take Away
The Believer’s “Justification” or salvation comes immediately when he accepts Jesus Christ as his Messiah, his Savior, but his “Sanctification” continues until he dies; when he is absent from his body and is present with the Lord.
There is no condemnation for the Believers who are in Christ Jesus, for the law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death. God’s WORK has done what the law could not do, by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful men. The Believer now does not walk according to the flesh, but walks according to the Holy Spirit. God condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us.
Those who live according to the FLESH set their mind on the things of the flesh therefore they cannot please God. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. The mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law for indeed, IT CANNOT; therefore it leads to death.
Those who live according to the SPIRIT set their mind on the things of the Spirit which is life and peace; in fact the Spirit of God dwells within you. When you die because of sin, your body is dead, but because you have been declared righteous, your Spirit is alive. The Spirit of God that dwells in you that raised Jesus from the dead; will also give life to your mortal body through his Spirit. As Believers, we are Bond Servants, not to live according to the flesh, but to live according to the Holy Spirit.778.
772 Romans 8:29 – We are being conformed to the Image of Christ
773 Galatians 5:22-23 – We are ACTIVELY INVOLVED with the Holy Spirit as we exercise Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,
Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control;
774 Philippians 2:13 – God works in us to produce Godly character
775 Romans 4:5 – It’s the Believer’s FAITH that is counted as JUSTIFIED RIGHTEOUSNESS -- Romans 5:1 - WE HAVE BEEN
JUSTIFIED BY FAITH, in our Lord Jesus Christ
776 2 Corinthians 5:8 – When we are absent from our body, we are present with our Lord
777 1 Corinthians 6:11 – You are BOTH Justified and Sanctified
778 Romans 8:1-12 - There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the
flesh, but according to the Spirit
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In the multitude of counselors,
there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14
**Apparitions of Mary – The Second Window **Cherubim Chariots – Josh Peck **Exo-Vaticana – Chris Putnam & Thomas Horn **Fraud at Fatima – Website Submission
**Great Marian Catholic Apostasy; The – David Hughes
**Hoax of our Lady of Fatima; The – David J. Stewart
**Lies of Fatima; The – Philip Coppens
**New Catholic Edition Bible – Catholic Book Publishing Co.
**Three Secrets of Fatima – Wikipedia
*Muslim Dreams of Jesus – John Piper
*Muslims –
*Muslims –
.Book of Mormon; The – Latter Day Saints LDS
.Mormon Mirage; The – Latayne Colvett Scott
+Generation exile and Neo restoration (Matrix) – Paul Fontana
+Matrix Commentary; The – Andrew Paul Gorman
+Matrix The – Messiah Movie –
+Matrix The – Wikipedia
101 Q&A on Demon Powers – Dr. Lester Sumrall
2016, 2017, 2018 Prophecy – Nice Timing – End Time Prophecy
2017 Prophecy – Alamongordo Prophecies
2017 Prophecy – Bible Prophecies Fulfilled
2017 Prophecy – Escape All These Things
2017 Prophecy – GotQuestions.Org
2017 Prophecy - Israel Today Magazine
2017 Prophecy – John Hagee
2017 Prophecy – Rapture Watch
2017 Prophecy – The Prophetic Years
A survey of the New Testament – Gunry
All the Miracles of the Bible - Herbert Lockyer
Antiquity of the Jews – Flavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha – Goodspeed
Bible Almanac; The – Packer Tenney White
Bible on the Life Hereafter; The – William Hendriksen
Biblical Ethics – Robertson McQuilkin
Book of Enoch –
Dake’s Annotated Bible – Dake
Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein
Ezekiel; Thru the Bible – J. Vernon McGee
I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.
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Book 8 ET’s - UFO’s – Fourth Dimension - Visions & Dreams – Gap Theory
Forgotten Books of Eden; The – World
Four Blood Moons; TV Series – John Hagee
Gospels Interwoven; The – Karmit Zarley
Great Doctrines of the Bible: Soteriology – W.A. Criswell
Harper’s Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The – Constance Cumbey
Historical Atlas of the Bible; The – Dr. Ian Barnes
History of Israel – J. Vernon McGee
I’d like to Believe in Jesus, BUT – Bob Siegel
Illustrated Bible Dictionary – Nelson
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The – Tyndale
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament – Baker
International Dictionary of the Bible - Douglas – Tenny
International Dictionary of the Bible: The- Zondervan
Invisible War; The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
Israel Today Magazine – March 2008, page 18
King James Version Bible – KJV
Late Great Planet Earth; The – Hal Lindsey
Layman’s Overview of the Bible; The – George W. Knight
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Meredith’s Book of List; 1&2 –Bethany House Publishers
Message Bible; The – MES
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
New American Standard Bible – NASB
New International Version Bible – NIV
New Living Translation Bible – NLT
On the Path of Immortals – Thomas Horn and Chris Putnam
Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The– Zondervan Tenny
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Seven Deadly Sins – British Broadcasting Network
Spaceship of Ezekiel; The – Josef F. Blumrich
Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem
Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha; The – E.A. Burtt
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible - Guideposts
Topical Bible - Naves
Unraveling the Big Questions about God – Kenneth Boa
Victor Journey through the Bible: The – V. Gilbert Beers
What in the World is going on? – David Jeremiah
What the Bible is all about – Henrietta C. Mears
What the Bible says about Death - Signs of the times
Who’s Who and Where’s Where in the Bible – Stephen M. Miller
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Windows of the soul – Paul Meier and Robert Wise
Witchcraft, Puppets and Voodoo – Irene A. Park
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Pfeiffer – Harrison
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