
Friday, April 21, 2023

Book II - Jesus – Messiah – Holy Spirit – Gifts – Trinity


BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK




Jesus – Messiah - Holy Spirit Gifts – Trinity

All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness.
- 2 Timothy 3:1

Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts It’s in the

Book II

Jesus - Messiah - Trinity - Holy Spirit - Gifts

Topical Index

For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1



  1. 1)  Case for Christianity – Deism – Dualism – Good and Evil – The Un-moved mover 3

  2. 2)  Islam vs; Christianity – Qur’an – Hadith – Five Doctrines – Five Pillars – Two Abodes 19

  3. 3)  Rose of Sharon – Lilly of the Valley – Plain of Sharon – Colors – Fragrance – Thorns 31

  4. 4)  When was Jesus born? – Order of Abijah – John the Baptist – Angel Gabriel – Zodiac 35

  5. 5)  Jesus’ Family – Mary, Joseph, Jesus – Half-brothers; Jude, James, Joseph, Simon, sisters 39

  6. 6)  Christophany – Did Jesus appear on earth before He was born of woman? 41

  7. 7)  Why the Jews Reject Jesus – Con Artist – Trickster – Philosopher – Sorcerer - Guru 42

  8. 8)  Way of the Cross – Via Dolorosa –The walk on Good Friday – The Passover Supper 52

  9. 9)  Did God Forsake Jesus? – Psalm 22 – Jesus misunderstood? – Did Jesus become Sin? 63

  10. 10)  Christ Killers – Who killed Jesus, the Jews or the Gentiles? 68

  11. 11)  Cross; Invisible War – Torment and Paradise – Satan; 5 I wills – Jesus; 7 Humilities 70

  12. 12)  Ascension - Significance – Mount of Olives - God’s Presence - Instructions - Prophecies 74

  13. 13)  Holy Spirit - Intelligence - Knowledge - Feelings - Emotions – Calls - Leads - Restrains 79

  14. 14)  Spirit Filled – Indwelling vs; Filling – Observable – Glow in the Dark – Roadblocks 87

  15. 15)  Spiritual Wineskins – Justification – Regeneration – Tradition – The Law – Grace 91

  16. 16)  Gifts of the Holy Spirit – 1st Nine gifts Tools – 2nd Nine gifts Offices – Two Classes 94

  17. 17)  Gift of Tongues – Unlearned Common Language - Prophetic Language - Prayer Language 97

  18. 18)  Gift of Healing – Methods Healing – Instant vs; Gradual – Diseases and Afflictions 104

  19. 19)  Gift of Discernment – God Inspired – Satan Inspired – Self Inspired – Practicing Gifts 116

  20. 20)  Gift of Singleness – Grace Gift – Liberty or Punishment? – Quiet Suffering 120

  21. 21)  Gift of Interpretation – Interpretation of dreams – Interpretation writing on the wall 125

  22. 22)  Slain in the Spirit – Courtesy Fall - Genuine, Ritualistic or Fake – Falling and Resting 127

  23. 23)  The Trinity – Trinity does not appear in Scripture; did someone just make it up? 131


1 1 Corinthians 13:12

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Chapter 2. 1

Case for Christianity

How did it all begin? - Deism – Dualism Right and Wrong – The Torah – Qur’an Is there something greater than us?

First Word

Why do we have a desire to know “How it all began”? What’s within us that causes us to ponder “Life”; especially our own life? Are we to believe that this is all there is? Everything living operates on “Instinct” except man who was given a mind to reason, think and plan. Isn’t it rational to accept that we might REASON that there is “Something Greater” out there other than ourselves? Does God expect us to blindly accept without REASON there is something greater? Can we be held accountable if we are not to REASON?

If God exist, then there will be EVIDENCE and SIGNS. “Come let us reason together”. Isaiah 1:18


Weigh the Evidence

Christianity is either EVERYTHING or NOTHING; it’s the highest certainty or the greatest delusion. All we can do is weigh the evidence and choose the most probable explanation.

Right and Wrong

We know NOT to do wrong, but we do wrong anyway;2 then defend our actions with excuses. People universally and naturally understand courtesy and decent behavior. Why is that? The Law of Human Nature thinks UNFAIR behavior is just plain wrong. Why is that? Where does this Standard of Right and Wrong and decent behavior come from? There must be some sort of an agreement of what right and wrong is that is beyond ordinary facts

The Bible says the laws are written on our hearts; accusing us or excusing us.3 Ponder that!

2 Romans 7:15 – I don’t understand why I do things
3 Romans 2:15 – Laws are written in our hearts – accusing or excusing

Josh McDowell

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Is it all meaningless?

King Solomon, who I believe wrote Ecclesiastes, did it all and into excess, he had power, money, servants, food and wives. He built chariots, ships, buildings, gardens and orchards and at the very end said “without God it was all meaningless”. The man who had the greatest wisdom in the world said the whole duty of man was to “fear God and keep His commandments”. If we reverence God and seek His face, He will open our heart and GIVE us a desire to take careful notice of Him and to respond.4

NOTE: This DESIRE is a form of convicting FAITH which is EVIDENCE that God wants us to know that we can know Him.

Is this all there is?

If man evolved from a lower type of life, what’s the next big step in evolution and why has there been no “evoluting” in the past 6,000 years? Are we Cosmic Orphans? Our bodies may be good for about eighty to a hundred years and then we return to room temperature. What happens after that? Does my Spirit or my Soul (my mind) remain with my dead body or does it move on to someplace else?

Could the decisions I make during my lifetime have some kind of Eternal Consequence? The Question that begs to be answered; IS THIS ALL THERE IS? Did matter and space just happen to always exist and nobody knows why, or is there something behind it that caused it all? Where did I come from? Did something create me? Did nothing and nothing bump into each other and then BANG there was something?

Everything that happens is caused by something GREATER than itself. Something must have been the first Unmovable Cause, that itself had no cause. Is there an UNMOVED MOVER that made me and everything else? Did this “Creator” of everything just WIND IT ALL UP and walk away, or is He still intimately involved? Why do I have a desire to know about this UNMOVED MOVER? Is this desire to know Him coming from my spirit or am I being drawn by His Spirit. Which blade in a pair of scissors is the most important? SELAH ponder that.

God has set eternity in our hearts and we hunger for its meaning;5 WHY IS THAT? All we can do is Weigh the Evidence and choose the MOST LIKELY EXPLANATION.

Unmoved Mover
If there is only one UNMOVED MOVER”, then I am led to only three monotheistic religions

those that follow only ONE GOD. Islam, Judaism and Christianity and oddly enough ALL three of these have their roots in Abraham, so I must REASON that ONLY ONE of these can be true. The oldest writings indicate that God made a Covenant PROMISE to Abraham that He would make him a great nation.

Islam; Abraham and Hagar a bondswoman had a son named Ishmael which gave us Islam.6

Judaism; Abraham’s first child with his wife Sarah was named Isaac which gave us Judaism.7
I must REASON that ONLY ONE of these can be the true religion. The oldest writings confirm that the Covenant of God was given to Abraham and to Sarah his wife not to Abraham and his bondswoman Hagar; so I must choose Judaism over Islam.

Christianity arose out of Judaism with its roots in the person of Jesus of Nazareth whose claim was that He was the Son of God; the great I AM; the Unmoved Mover.

4 Ecclesiastes 12:6-8 – Remember God before you die -- Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 – Duty is to fear God and keep His commandments -- Acts 16:14 – God opened her heart to respond
5 Psalms 90:10 – The length of our days; Eighty year’s and more -- Deuteronomy 5:16 – Treat your mama good and get more than 80 -- Acts 16:14 – The Holy Spirit opens the heart. -- John 6:44 – Irresistible Grace -- Psalms 119:11 – God’s Word is hidden in our hearts.

6 Genesis 16:15-16 - Ishmael is born to Hagar (Bonds Woman) and Abraham (Free Will Action) -- Genesis 16:12 – Ishmael will be a wild donkey and live in hostility
7 Genesis 21:2-3 – Isaac is born to Sarah (Free Woman) and Abraham – (Predestined Action) -- Genesis 17:19 – The Covenant was with Isaac and not Ishmael.

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK I must REASON that IF this is so, THERE MUST BE EVIDENCE. There must be “trusted

writings” of antiquity that offer proof that would move me from Judaism to Christianity. God explains the concept of the UNMOVED MOVERto Moses when He said; And God said unto

Moses, I AM THAT I AM: this shall thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you8 C.S. Lewis writes; “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance.

The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.Good and Evil

Religion can be quite simple if you have no facts to bother you. C.S. Lewis Everyone comes into a discussion with their own BS; a Belief System that colors what they see and hear. It’s the way you view the world and there are

certainly a lot of Word Views.
Atheist; A meaning “No” and Theos meaning “God”; believes There is no god therefore miracles are not possible, there is no supernatural and we all live in a closed system.
Agnostic; A meaning “No” and gnosis meaning “Knowledge”; they are NOT SURE if there is a God, they have no knowledge one way or the other.
Relativism; There are no absolute truths, only truths that are relevant to each individual. Therefore if Truth is relative, then no one is ever wrong. SIDE NOTE: If reality really doesn’t matter, your checks at your bank will probably bounce. Selah. Pantheism believes God created the Universe and He IS the universe and everything is part of God. Pantheism believes that God is beyond “Good and Evil”. The wiser you are the less you call something good or evil. The side that is called evil is dependent on which side you are on. Cancer kills people; Doctors kill cancer; both are killers. God created them both.
Dualism is the belief that there are two EQUAL and independent powerful forces in the world; one that is GOOD and one that is EVIL and the world is the stage on which their battle is fought endlessly. Obviously we can REASON that ONE of the two powers is right and the other one is wrong. What is the STANDARD for right and wrong and where did it come from; did it come from “something higher” than the two equal and opposite forces?
Christianity believes the world was created good and then it went wrong. Did God create Evil as well as Good? God created man with FREE WILL; a mind that can think, reason and plan. If a man is truly free to do good, he is also truly free to do evil; it IS God’s will that man does GOOD, but man is FREE to choose. Life is choice driven
When God gave man
FREE WILL, He MADE IT POSSIBLE for EVIL to exist. SELAH; ponder that.

An Angel is more powerful than a man and his Free Will can do the MOST GOOD as well as the WORST EVIL. That’s what we have with Lucifer; the earth had been given to him by God. He was created with “FREE WILL” and REASONED he could do what he wanted; and he did. Lucifer REASONED with the notorious “FiveI WILLS: "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High”.9

8 Exodus3:14-IAMTHATIAM
9 Isaiah 14:13-14 – Satan reasoned Evil with the five “I Wills” -- Exodus 28:14-15 – You were GOOD till YOU used your FREE WILL to do EVIL

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK World View

As a child, for five minutes I would study my Sunday School lesson in the back seat of our car as we drove to Church. I wanted to “Check off” that I had Attended Sunday School, was On Time, Brought my Bible, Studied my Lesson and Brought my Offering. I checked them all off. That’s what’s going on today; as Christians we are just “checking off” our religion. Our standard of living is so good in the United States that it makes the need to search for God a pretty low priority. It’s not that we reject God, He just seem irrelevant in our everyday busy schedule of life. Our world view has evolved into “indifference”. (Which is rejection of God)

Every Word study I begin, I write colored with my BS my Belief System, my world view. I have some “presuppositions” if not prejudices. I am wrapped in my own traditions of what I have always heard and if I am not totally open to the reading of God’s Word, “I usually find what I WANT to find”. In other words, don’t confuse me with any facts; my mind is already made up.

DENOMINATIONS: There are many denominations today, some of which are convinced that they alone are THE KEEPERS OF THE SACRED TRUTH”. They also have BS, a Belief System.

The Catholic Church points to the Virgin Mary as the mediator between God and man, reducing Jesus to infant status. They pray to images of Saints and have prayers for the dead. The priest can forgive sins by virtue of power given him by Jesus Christ. The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but IS Jesus Christ himself, hidden in a veil of flesh.

Christian Science: Founded by Mary Baker Eddy, claims man and the universe is spiritual, not physical. They practice healing with belief in the “Awaking of Moral Thought”.

Jehovah Witness point to a panel of men known as the “Watchtower Society” who write and re-write their changing doctrine as “new light” is made available to them. They have their own bible. THEY ALONE have a place in heaven for a special group of 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses; they will have immortal life and spirit bodies. All other JW members will just get everlasting life with resurrected bodies that still need to eat and drink.

Mormon Church: founded by their prophet Joseph Smith and his book of Mormon that “corrects” the errors in the Bible. They practice baptism for the dead. Salvation is achieved by obedience to the Mormon laws and ordinances through works. They will become gods. The Mormons claim that THEY ALONE are the 144,000 who inherit eternal life and the remainder of their denomination will just live in Paradise. (The Bible: the 144,000 will be Jews)

Seventh Day Adventist: was founded by their prophet Ellen G. White. Her writings are considered “a continuing and authoritative source of truth”. They believe that THEY ALONE are the end time remnant as announced by “the three angels” of Revelation 14:6-12; SDA is distinguished by their strict observance of the Saturday Sabbath.

Unification Church was founded in Korea in 1954 by their prophet Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who claims that HE ALONE is the savior of the world and embodies the second coming of Christ. They believe in a “Universal God” with a literal kingdom on earth. The embrace a holistic concern for the person, society and nature and a belief system with no boundaries or limits.

WORLD VIEW: all the spokes in a wheel lead to the same Hub; all Paths lead to the same god. We should be tolerant of other individual’s beliefs, lifestyles and perception of truth. There are no absolute truths, just what is relevant to you. Truth is subjective; you do not have to share in others truth, but you should tolerate them. It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere. We should take the best parts from all religions and homogenize them all into our worship.

LET’S REASON; if all paths lead to god, then one can REASON that some paths are truer than others; then one can further REASON that there just might be a path that has the HIGHEST PROBABILITY of being the truest path. It’s that Truest Path that I pursue.

“Most people would claim to possess only an infinitely small fraction of all the knowledge in the universe; the odds are extremely high of God existing outside of one’s knowledge”. Josh McDowell

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The TORAH Judaism 4000 years old
The Torah refers to the Pentateuch; the first five books of the Law of Moses or the Mosaic code.

It’s not just laws, but “a way of life” derived from the total dedication to the covenant relationship between God and Israel. The Law covers principals of behavior, equity, justice as well as rules for dealing with cults.

Wikipedia: Torah. The Torah is comprised of the following five books; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The first eleven chapters of Genesis provide accounts of the creation (or ordering) of the world and the history of God's earliest relationship with humanity.

The remaining thirty-nine chapters of Genesis provide an account of God's covenant with the Biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (also called Israel) and Jacob's children; the "Children of Israel”, especially Joseph. It tells of how God commanded Abraham to leave his family and home in the city of Ur, eventually to settle in the land of Canaan, and how the Children of Israel later moved to Egypt.

The remaining four books of the Torah tell the story of Moses, who lived hundreds of years after the patriarchs. He led the Children of Israel from slavery in Ancient Egypt to the renewal of their covenant with God at Mount Sinai and their wanderings in the desert until a new generation was ready to enter the land of Canaan. The Torah ends with the death of Moses.

Side Note: To help those that did not understand much Hebrew they had paraphrased ORAL interpretations of the Old Testament in Aramaic called “The Targum” which later was written down. The Targum is like our first “Living Bible” which was NOT totally faithful to the scriptures, but was very enlightening. Forty years ago this paraphrased Living Bible really changed my life. Today we have the New Living Translation which is not only easy to read and understand, but is also a full translation, not paraphrased. If you don’t have a Bible yet, I surely would recommend the NLT.

The Septuagint (meaning seventy) is the Hebrew Pentateuch that was translated into Greek by SIX Elders from each of the TWELVE tribes of Israel for a period of seventy-two days.

The Bible Christianity 2000 years old
The Bible is an anvil that has worn out many hammers that have sought to chip away at it. Jesus

said Heaven and Earth will pass away, but His Word; the Bible will never pass away.
The PROTESTANT Bible is a collection of 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament for a total of 66 books. Most books that have been written have never been translated into another language and those that have, were translated into just two or three languages. The Bible has been translated into more than 2,200 languages reaching 90% of the world’s population with

billions having been sold. WHY IS THAT?
The Old Testament includes the five books of the Torah as well as the books of the “Former

ProphetsJoshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings, which contain narratives that begin immediately after the death of Moses with the divine appointment of Joshua as his successor, who then leads the people of Israel into the Promised Land. It also includes the “Latter Prophets” which are divided into two groups, the "Major Prophets”, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel and the twelve Minor Prophets. (minor meaning their writings was shorter.) There are three Poetry Books, Psalms, Proverbs and Job and a few more historical and informational books. We now know that the “science of writing” was in existence 2,000 years before Moses from the time of Noah. That’s how Moses could write about how God created the earth. There are more than 25,000 manuscripts of supporting EVIDENCE just for the New Testament alone. No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a single understood Biblical statement or proved the Bible in error. Each successive archeological “find” enforces the Bible. WHY IS THAT?

The DEAD SEA SCROLLS were found in 1947 hidden in 11 different caves in the Qumran Valley. They had been preserved in jars for some 1,900 years being placed there in 68A.D some 35 years or so after the Resurrection of Christ. These documents are 1,000 years older than any of our previous manuscripts and are word for word 95% accurate.

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The 5% were slips of the pen and spelling variations that did not change the meaning of the text. Understand that all these scrolls were HAND COPIED over and over from each other. 500 books have been reconstructed containing commentary on the Pentateuch and the Prophets; the Torah is the Old Testament of our Bible; this is just more EVIDENCE that the Bible is a Trustworthy Witness.

SO WHAT’S THE POINT? Well, for one thing the Bible didn’t just fall out of the sky with all 66 books intact; it wasn’t found on golden plates buried in somebody’s pasture. No ONE person is responsible for its contents. From Genesis to Revelation, it’s a single unfolding story of the redemption of man as written by men carried along by the Holy Spirit.

The writers had to meet at least one of the following qualifications;

  1. 1)  Was the writer a prophet of God?

  2. 2)  Was the writer confirmed by acts of God?

  3. 3)  Was the writer accepted by the people of God?

  4. 4)  Does the writer write with the power of God? Motivating, inspiring and energizing.

  5. 5)  Did the writer contradict truths about God? If in doubt, throw it out.

The Bible contains historical information passed down and accumulated for over 4,000 years

under “the inspiration of God” with over 40 writers on three continents; Asia, Africa and Europe, written in three different languages; Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek; many of the writers never even met each other, but each carried the same theme of an expected Messiah from the beginning of their writings to the end, laying out the foundation, preparation, expectation and finally the manifestation of the Messiah. And it ALL happened as prophesied.

The Bible is NOT Myth nor Fable, the places are all historical and the people that were documented all lived during that time. Jesus of Nazareth is a Historical Person, not a myth nor a symbol; He lived, died, was resurrected and appeared to over 500 eyewitnesses all at the same time. People both saw and touched Him and witnessed His translation into heaven, and it is they who wrote our New Testament. Did you get that; Eyewitnesses wrote the NT which was given to us some 2,000 years ago.10

If I were writing the Bible, I certainly would not “uncover and lay bare” the sins of the people, let alone my own sins, or the sins of the patriarchs, or King David’s adultery, or faults of the Apostles, or the Disorder in the Church; but it does.11 The Bible has The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. WHY IS THAT?

President Theodore Roosevelt said; “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education”.

Mark Twain said that what bothered him the most about the Bible was not the parts he didn’t understand, but the parts he did understand.

Theology is the SCIENCE of GOD: the uniqueness of the Bible with its ability to stand up to its critics does not prove it was inspired by God, but it should challenge any REASONING person to CONSIDER IT’S CLAIMS and qualifications.

“You can judge the size of stone thrown into a pond by the ripples that it makes. If we judge Christ by the ripples He has made in the world, He is without peer.”

Michael A. Gorman

Inerrant is a big word meaning the Bible is without error. This statement of course applies to

the “original manuscripts” that all the other HAND copies were made from. The Bible itself claims that “All Scripture is God Breathed.” The Bible is the breath of God; that further means that all scriptures carry the same weight of importance.

10 2 Peter 1:16 – These are Not devised fables – We were eyewitnesses -- 1 John 1:1-3 – We saw with our eyes; handled with our hands -- 1 Corinthians 15:6-8 – He appeared after His resurrection to 500 at once -- Acts 2:22 – Other Men of Israel were also witnesses
11 Hebrews 4:13 – Everything is uncovered and laid bare

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The Bible is “Partial” and does not contain everything there is to know; there are some things that are for God only to know; however the Bible is a COMPLETE REVELATION of what man needs to know in order to know God and to inherit eternal life. It is impossible for God to lie; God’s words are flawless, they are truth and eternal.12

God wrote with His own finger the Ten Commandments and told Moses what was to be in “The book of the Law”; the TORAH.13 He spoke or commanded Moses 235+ times. Moses spent 40 years in Egypt; raised in higher education and then spent 40 years in Midian which is enough time to write the book of Genesis even without a scribe to help him, which most likely he did employ later on.14 Over the centuries, God has worked through a mysterious process of producing divinely and authoritative, errorless writings through men with various styles and in different settings.15 Men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.16 Not the smallest punctuation will pass away from the Bible scriptures until the end of time.17

In these last days God has spoken to us directly through His Son Jesus the Christ.18 What is the most LOGICAL PROBABILITY that God can speak through men without error? Josh McDowell

Left Behind

There are books that were LEFT OUT of the Canonized” (Divinely Inspired) Bible. These are books that contain historical and geographical inaccuracies, or they foster false doctrines, practices or principals not found elsewhere in scripture. Fence Post Theology comes into effect when a writing plants a fence post that does not line up with the other fence posts already planted by the Bible.

The Apocrypha; First Esdras, Second Esdras, Tobit, Judity, Addition to Ester, Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, Story of Susanna, Song of three Children, Story of Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasseh, First Maccabees and Second Maccabees.

The Forgotten books of Eden; 20 more books including the book of Adam and Eve and a book for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Lost Books of the Bible: 26 books including books about the antics of Jesus’ childhood LISTEN TO THIS: 1st Infancy 16:2-3; “And as often as Joseph had anything in his work, to make longer or shorter, or wider, or narrower,
the Lord Jesus would stretch His hand towards it, and presently it became as Joseph would have it”.
1st Infancy 15:6; He had also made

(of clay) the figures of birds and sparrows, which when he commanded to fly, did fly, and when he commanded to stand still, did stand still. Scripture indicates that Jesus NEVER PERFORMED MIRACLES TO HELP HIMSELF or His Disciples when a resource was readily available. Scripture is clear that His FIRST miracle was turning water into wine. The water was available and the wine was to help His mother. Josephus the Jewish Historian (30-100 AD) never quoted the Apocrypha; neither did Jesus.

During the time of Jesus, many writings surfaced about Him, His disciples and events of the day. Some of these writing surfaced with the names of some of His Disciples attached to them to give them credibility, but they were not written by them. You can easily REASON why some of these books were “Left Behind”.

12 Hebrews 6:18 – It is impossible for God to lie -- Titus 1:2 – God does not lie -- John 17:17 – God’s word it TRUTH
13 Isaiah 55:8 – God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours. -- 2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is God-breathed -- Exodus 32:16– God Himself wrote on the tablets -- Deuteronomy 9:10 – Written by the finger of God
14 Leviticus 1:1 – God called to Moses and spoke to him -- Numbers 1:1 - God spoke directly to Moses -- Deuteronomy 31:24-26 – Moses wrote down what God told him -- Judges 8:14 – Yes, they could READ and WRITE
15 Psalms 119:160 – His righteous Laws are eternal -- Proverbs 30:5 – Every word of God is flawless --
16 Hebrews 1:1 – God spoke through the prophets in various ways -- 2 Peter 1:21 - Men spoke from God through the Holy Spirit 17 Ephesians 2:20 – Church foundation is the Prophets and Apostles. -- Matthew 5:18 – Not a jot or a tittle will pass away of the Word
18 Hebrews 1:2 – In these last days he has spoken through His Son

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Old & New Testament Linked
Scriptures teach about a sect known as “The Way”. Jesus said He was “THE WAY”, THE

TRUTH and THE LIFE, and no man comes to the Father except through Him. Jesus said the Torah scriptures taught about Him.19

The New Testament looks back and LINKS itself to the Old Testament.

Old Testament

Genesis 1 Genesis 1-2 Genesis 1-2 Genesis 3 Genesis 3 Genesis 4 Genesis 4 Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7 Genesis 8-9 Genesis 10 Genesis 12-13 Genesis 12-13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15 Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18-19 Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Exodus 3:6 Exodus 14:22 Exodus 16:4 Numbers 21:9 Josh 6:22-25 1 Kings 17:1 Jonah 2 Daniel 3 Daniel 6


Universe Created
Adam and Eve Created
Adam and Eve Married
Eve Tempted
Adam in disobedience
Sacrifices of Cain & Able
Cain kills Abel
Seth is born
Enoch translated
Pre-flood marriages
Noah’s Ark - Flood
Noah’s family SAVED
Shem’s family tree
Abrahams birth
Abraham called by God Melchizedek given tithe by Abraham Abraham declared righteous Ishmael born of a slave woman Promise given to Isaac
Lot and Sodom & Gomorrah
Isaac’s Birth
Isaac’s offering
The burning bush of Moses Crossing the Red Sea
Manna & water provision
Lifting up of the serpent
Battle of Jericho
Elijah’s miracles
Jonah and the giant fish
The three Hebrew boys
Daniel in the Lion’s den

New Testament

John 1:3, Col 1:16
1 Timothy 2:13-14
1 Timothy 2:13
1 Timothy 2:14
Rom 5:12, 1 Cor 15:22 Hebrews 11:4

1 John 3:12
Luke 3:38 Hebrews 11:5 Luke 17:27 Matthew 24:39
2 Peter 2:5
Luke 3:35-36 Luke 3:34 Hebrews 11:8 Hebrews 7:1-3 Romans 4:3 Galatians 4:21-24 Hebrews 11:18 Luke 17:29

Acts 7:9-10 Hebrews 11:17 Luke 20:32
1 Corinthians 10:1-2 1 Corinthians 10:3-5 John 3:14

Hebrews 11:30 James 5:17 Matthew 12:40 Hebrews 11:34 Hebrews 11:33

The NT often refers back to the OT scriptures tying them both together as ONE INSPIRED BOOK of knowledge written through men as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit.20

Moses wrote about Jesus in the Book of the Law, the Torah; the Pentateuch

John 5:46-47 – The Torah wrote about Jesus Christ

46 If you believed MOSES, you would believe me, for HE WROTE ABOUT ME.
47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" NIV

19 John 5:46-47 – Jesus said the Torah taught about Him -- John 14:6 – I am THE WAY, the truth and the life -- Acts 24:14 – I worship the God of “THE WAY
20 2 Peter 1:20-21 – The Holy Spirit inspired the scriptures

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Jesus of Nazareth
As a teenager, I would walk past Sue Epps’s house singing “The Indian Love Call”. I thought

if I loved her hard enough, she would love me back; but it didn’t work. Just because I believe strongly in something does not make it happen or even true. It’s not how much faith I have, but rather WHO is the object of my faith.

Scriptures document that Jesus went around healing people and performed signs and wonders. Scripture further reports that the Church leaders considered His actions blasphemy and had Him crucified. Three days later He BODILY rose from the dead. For forty days after His resurrection, He was seen BODILY by over 500 people at one time; as well as appearing to his Disciples. The Disciples preached His BODILY resurrection at the threat of death and they all DIED and never recanted.21

What GROUP OF MEN who knew something was a lie would DIE for that lie? No one has ever produced a body to refute their claim that He was resurrected from the dead. The origin of Christianity hinges on the belief that GOD raised Jesus from the DEAD. He either rose from the dead or He didn’t. What is the most LOGICAL PROBABILITY?

At first Jesus was considered just a great moral teacher, maybe even a prophet, but He went on to claim that He was the Son of God and could forgive sin. The man was either a lunatic or something worse; UNLESS He is who He says He is. Although I have never seen George Washington in person, nor was I alive when he was in office, I believe he was the first President of the United States. I believe it because I TRUST the information that was given to me.
A witness must be deemed TRUSTWORTHY”.

It’s only right that I should REASON that Jesus is either the Son of God or He is not. The door is open for only these Two Options. The Book reports that an Angel recognized that Jesus was the Son of God as well as the Demons plus His disciples witnessed His translation from earth into Heaven.

The empty tomb is my TRUSTWORTHY WITNESS”; Death is defeated. ThousandsofpeoplelineupeveryyeartoseeanEMPTYTOMB. WHYISTHAT?

Logical probability is the sole ground on which any man can make a deductive decision. Was Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God? What is the MOST LOGICAL PROBABILITY?


There is a Story

On a cold snowy and freezing night, a few stray horses made their way to a small cabin, pawing at the front door. The old man left the warmth of his home and went out and opened his barn doors and put on a light for the horses; but they were afraid and ran from him and wouldn’t go near the barn. He made a path on the ground with some hay and corn marking THE WAY to the barn, but they didn’t understand what he was doing and still wouldn’t go in. The old man reasoned that if he could just become a horse like them, they would trust him and follow him out of the storm and into the barn and be saved. Jesus left his home to become like us, to show us “THE WAY” to be saved.

21 Luke 1:35 – The Angels said He was the Son of God -- Mark 3:11 – The Demon affirmed Jesus as the Son of God -- Luke 22:70 – Jesus said He was the Son of God -- John 19:7 – The Jews heard Jesus say He was the Son of God -- 1 Corinthians 15:6-8 – Jesus Appeared to 500 at one time and to His half-brother and also to Paul -- Acts 1:9-11 – Disciples watched as Jesus translated into Heaven

Have you ever EXPERIENCED being raised from the dead and brought back to life? NO Do you KNOW of anyone who has been raised from the dead and brought back to life? NO Have you ever HEARD of someone in your lifetime being raised from the dead to life? NO

Then with your LIMITED EXPERIENCE with resurrections you cannot truly judge reality or LIMIT GOD with surety that it cannot happen. TRUE or FALSE

A Muslim’s EXPERIENCE says that God cannot beget a son, therefore they MUST reject ANY BOOK such as the Bible that teaches that Jesus is the “Son of God”.


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Son Of God
Jesus claimed the He was the LIFE; He is the vine giving ETERNAL LIFE to the branches. Jesus

claimed He could forgive SIN. Since they couldn’t physically SEE a person’s Sin’s being forgiven, He often coupled the forgiveness with healing that they could SEE so they might believe.22 Jesus is the only person EVER that claimed that He was GOD; no other religious leader has ever claimed this including Mohammed, Confucius and Buddha. Furthermore Jesus convinced all His followers that this is true. WHY IS THAT?

He was not executed for what His accusers said, but for BLASPHEMY when He said UNDER OATH that He was the “Son of God”, the Messiah and furthermore He said He will sit at the right hand of Yahweh. He made Himself EQUAL with God.23 Blasphemy by law was punishable by DEATH; stoning by the whole community.24
It was his IDENTITY not his ACTIONS that was on trial. Knowing that the penalty would be death, He never retracted or changed what He said. WHY IS THAT?

Virgin Birth

In the very first book of the Bible we see PROPHECY from God Himself that there would be conflict between the seed of the Serpent and the seed of the woman; the Messiah.25 NOTE: Women do not have seed, only the man. This reference is to the supernatural; because of a visit from an Angel in a dream; Mary’s espoused husband Joseph had full knowledge of what was to take place and had no sexual relations with Mary until after the birth of Jesus.26 NOTE: In OT times when you became engaged you were considered married although the marriage covenant had not been finalized which usually took about a year. The prophets foretold that through a MIRACLE, a Virgin would SUPERNATURALLY give birth to a son and He would be called Immanuel which means “GOD WITH US”. Think about that; God living among us. WHY IS THAT?


SINLESS: Without an earthly father, the Holy Spirit breathed life into Mary. Jesus was born without sin, and was tempted in every way that is common to man, but remained sinless so he could take our sin that we might become righteous in Him. If He was not sinless, then He could not be the redeemer of mankind. Temptation is NEUTRAL either by being tempted or by not being tempted; the resistance to temptation is Virtue and the yielding to temptation is the Sin.

The Islamic Qur’an refers explicitly to Jesus’ Virgin conception saying; “The Lord breathed on her His Spirit”... “Jesus would be without fault”, Sinless.27 In the Qur’an, Jesus is regarded as the SonoftheVirginMarywhowasbegottenbythecreativeWordofGod.” WHYISTHAT?


Anti-Supernaturalism is the belief that God does not intervene in the natural order of the universe. The belief that we are in a closed system or continuum where every event has its cause within the system. A miracle would be a violation of the Laws of Nature. If the supernatural could be removed from the Bible, it would become just another moral teaching book. Jesus would not have been raised from the dead and the Christian Faith would be dead and man would have NO HOPE.

Islam; the Qur’an references that Jesus did MIRACLES; that he healed the blind, cured lepers and raised the dead. Jesus is referred to as “the greatest above all in this world and in the world to come.”


22 1 John 5:11-12 – He who has the Son has ETERNAL LIFE -- Mark 2:9-11 – Jesus had the authority to forgive SINS
23 Mark 14:61-62 – Under oath Jesus said He was the Son of God -- John 10:30-33 – Jesus said; I and the Father are ONE.
24 John 5:17-18- Jesus made Himself EQUAL with God -- Leviticus 24:16 – Death to anyone who BLASPHEMES the name of God -- John 19:7- We have a law; JESUS MUST DIE
25 Genesis 3:15- God will put enmity between Satan and Jesus
26 Matthew 1:18-23 – How the supernatural Birth came about -- Isaiah 7:14 – God will give a sign – God with Us
27 Hebrews 4:15 – Jesus was tempted as we are, but remained sinless -- 1 Peter 2:22 – He committed no sin -- 2 Corinthians 5:21 – God made Jesus to be sin for us -- 1 John 3:5 – He came to take away our sins

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Jesus went about doing “good” because He was full of compassion, love and mercy for men. His miracles were to benefit man and glorify God. He brought the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel and the supernatural miracles validated Him as the “Son of God”. The Miracles were all done in public not in secret; open to scrutiny from all skeptics. Jesus had cured many sick with diseases and cast out evil spirits. He healed those with Leprosy and others with withered limbs, the lame, the blind, the deaf and speechless, He multiplied food, stilled storms and walked on water.28

John the Baptist sent word to Jesus and asked Him, if He was the Messiah or was there still another one to come. Jesus sent word back to John that the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, leprosy cured and the dead are raised to life.29 (What more proof do you want John?) The Chief Priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin to get rid of Jesus because the people were coming to believe in Him as the Messiah. They wanted to kill Him because He had healed the sick on the Sabbath. WHY IS THAT?

Prophecy- Witness of Fulfillment
Jesus went into the Synagogue and READ THE SCRIPTURE of Isaiah the Prophet. He told

them that TODAY this prophecy has been fulfilled, then He closed the book and sat down. Prophecy; The Book says; He would be called a Nazarene. He would teach in parables. He would NOT be recognized as the Messiah. He would suffer and not a bone in His body would be

broken.30 And it all happened as prophesied; WHY IS THAT?


1. Zechariah 11:12 2. Isaiah 53:7
3. Isaiah 53:5
4. Isaiah 50:6

5. Psalms 22:16
6. Isaiah 53:12
7. Psalms 22:18
8. Psalms 69:21
9. Psalms 69:21 10. Psalms 22:1
11. Psalms 34:20 12. Zechariah 12:10 13. Isaiah 53:9

14. Psalms 16:10 15. Psalms 68:18 16. Psalms 110:1

Betrayed - 30 pieces of silver Be silent before accusers
Be scourged and wounded Be smitten and spat upon His hands and feet pierced Put to death with criminals Cast lots for His garments Would suffer thirst

Gave gall and vinegar to drink Utter forsaken cry to God
No bones would be broken Side would be pierced

Buried in a rich man’s tomb Rise from the dead
Ascend into heaven
Sit at the right hand of God

Matthew 26:14-16 Matthew 27:12 Matthew 27:26 Matthew 26:67 Luke 22:33 Matthews 27:38 John 19:23-24 John 19:28 Matthew 27:34 Matthew 27:46 John 19:33

John 19:34 Matthew 27:57-60 Mark 16:6
Acts 1:9
Hebrews 1:3

No unconditional Bible prophecy has gone unfilled.
Hundreds of predictions, some given hundreds of years in advance have been fulfilled.
The probability of fulfilling all these prophecies would be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. The Qur’an as well as the book of Mormon does not contain predictive prophecy.

Fulfilled prophecy is a LOGICAL PROBABILITY of Devine Authority.

28 Matthew 8:2-3 – Supernatural – Leprosy Healed -- Matthew 12:9-13 – Supernatural – A Withered Hand Restored -- Mark 7:32-35 – -- Supernatural – The Deaf Hear and Speak -- John 9:24-25 – Supernatural – The Blind See -- Matthew 9:5-8 – Supernatural – The Lame healed and walk -- John 11:43-48 – Supernatural –Lazarus Raised from the Dead -- Matthew 14:25-27 – Supernatural – Jesus and Peter walked on water -- Mark 6:41-44 – Supernatural – Multiplied fish & bread to feed 5000 -- Luke 8:23-24 – Supernatural - Stilling the Wind and Waters

29 Luke 7:20-22 – The SUPERNATURAL diseased, sick, blind, deaf and lame healed; evil spirits cast out
30 Matthew 2:23 – Prophecy – He will be called a Nazarene -- Matthew 13:35 – Prophecy – He would teach in parables -- Acts 3:18 – Prophecy – Christ would suffer -- John 19:36-37 – Prophecy - Not ONE bone would be broken -- Luke 4:16-21 – Jesus FULFILLED the prophecy of Isaiah

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Trustworthy Witnesses
The testimony of undisputed historic writing, 4,000 years old passed down within the Torah. The testimony of prophecy fulfilled, not just some... But ALL of it.
The testimony of
His Virgin Birth; Mary, a virgin, conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit. The testimony of the Empty Tomb; Confucius, Buddha & Mohammed tombs are ALL occupied. The testimony of the Disciples who gave their life for the Gospel and never recanted.
The testimony of
generations considering the facts and passing their Faith down to us
The testimony of
doctrine; we can do nothing to earn our salvation; it is a gift from God. The testimony of my spirit; this world is not my home; I feel there is something greater.

More Witnesses of the Jesus the Messiah

God has provided a number of ways for man to find Him if he would just look.
The Date; The Great Divide: Did you notice the dividing line of our dates? BC Before Christ” and AD After His Death or Anno Domini translated as “In the year of the Lord” is designations used in the Gregorian calendars. This is the traditionally reckoned Dividing Line year

at the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. WHY IS THAT?
Bible Code; do you like prophecy? Get the Book “The Bible Code” by Michael Drosnin and see

with the help of a computer program, the predictions that have already come true that are “imbedded” in the scriptures. WHY IS THAT?

Math; do you like math; God has imbedded in the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation “numbers” that carry a message. Get the book “Theomatics” by Jerry Lucas & Del Washburn. This book with the aid of a computer program deals with the breaking down every sentence in the Bible to the numerical value since they used letters for their numbers. When you add up the numbers in a sentence there appears a base number which the total can be divided by.

Example 276 come up as; Tree of life, Water of Life, Live again, New Creation, New Born, to be saved, Incorruptible.
Another example 153; Plan of Salvation, Fishers of Men, Fishes (the saved), The Net (plan of salvation), I am the Way, Way, Truth, Life, The Narrow Gate, Door of the Sheep. WHY IS THAT?

The Zodiac is found in almost every culture utilizing the same names. - What I am about to say is not a Christian invention or twist; but was from the beginning the message of the Gospel in the stars. These stars have been recorded from one end of the earth to the other by all ages and nations.

None of their forms from their first inventions have varied in being passed down to us, nor at any point has their names been changed, added to or removed. We get our understanding of what the stars represent or symbolize by their NAMES; WE DID NOT NAME THEM, they were already named. They present the Gospel message. Science is at a total loss, with no information on the invention of the Zodiac. WHY IS THAT?

The Great Pyramid; Josephus (37 A.D. to 100 A.D) the Jewish Historian was a high priest in Israel as well as the governor of the province of Galilee. The Romans gave him all the writings of the Prophets and Scribes that were found in the Temple for him to write the Antiquities of the Jews a twenty-volume historiographical work of the history of Israel. Josephus was born about the time Jesus was crucified. He said Jesus was “The Christ” and rose from the dead. Josephus; a Pharisee was NOT a follower of “The Way”. Josephus believed that the Great Pyramid was The Bible in Stone disguised as a tomb. The earth passed away during the flood, but God’s word in stone remained in the Great Pyramid.

Josephus writes “Seth and his immediate descendants were the inventors of a peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies and their order. And that their wisdom might not be lost before it was sufficiently known, upon Adam’s prediction that the world was to be destroyed, they made two pillars, the one of brick, and the other of stone. They inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the Pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the Pillar

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of stone might remain and exhibit these discoveries to mankind.31 This Pillar remains in the land of Egypt to this day”. WHY IS THAT?

Handel’s Messiah is the story of the life of Jesus Christ and is said to have been inspired by God. It has been performed for 271 years and is the story of The Son of God set to music beginning with the prediction of His Birth to the resurrection of the dead at judgment. WHY IS THAT?

Buffet Religion

Religion offers different ways of communing with god and there are parts of the plan we are attracted to, so we pick and choose what we like and leave the rest on the Buffet. We point our SIN finger at someone who smokes and drinks, rationalizing our being FAT from gluttony doesn’t count as at the most it’s only a GRAY sin. Man is not just a fallen imperfect creature; he is a rebel.

It is POSSIBLE to have a RELIGION without God; religion that has no LIFE. Religion by
Just going through the motions.
The reason the Christian Church exists today
is to draw men to Christ and make them like Him; to put men’s heart, their mind and temperaments “

50 Shades of Gray
The Gnostics (those with special knowledge) believed that sin did not exist33 or sin really didn’t

matter; but for the Christian, the first step toward God is admitting that you are a sinner.34 Scripture teaches that the penalty for sin is not time spent in hard labor breaking up rocks; but DEATH, in darkness, out of the presence of God FOREVER.

Get this; we have ALL been “TRIED” and found guilty with the sentence of DEATH. Jesus died in our place and took ALL our punishment.35 There are not 50 shades of GRAY, there is no GRAY area. There is no “Point System” of good works. It’s PASS or FAIL.

Whether you have served God for only one day or 100 years, everyone will receive the same reward of eternal life with God. IT’S NOT TOO LATE. Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice ONCE and for ALL. We HAVE ALREADY been made Holy; there is now NO condemnation for the Believer.36

We have been given the righteousness of God. Life is choice driven. TAKE OWNERSHIP

31 Isaiah 19:19-21 – There will be a pillar in Egypt; a witness unto the Lord
32 Romans 5:8 – While we were STILL in Sin, He died for us. -- Ephesians 2:8-9 – Salvation is not works; it is the Gift from God -- Matthew 7:22-23 – Make-Believer; I never knew you
33 1 John 1:8-10 – We are ALL sinners Don’t deceive yourself
34 Hebrews 7:27 – Jesus paid the price ONCE and for ALL – It’s a DONE deal
35 Romans 6:23 – The penalty for Sin is DEATH
36 Luke 23:42-43 – It’s NOT TOO LATE to receive forgiveness and eternal life -- Romans 8:1-2 – There in NO CONDEMNATION for the Believer -- Matthew 20:1-15 – We ALL receive the SAME REWARD of eternal life -- 2 Corinthians 5:21 – The Believer becomes the righteousness of God -- Hebrews 10:10 – We have been made Holy through the sacrifice on the Cross

It is NOT POSSIBLE to explain the rise of the Christian Church or the writing of the Gospels and the stream of tradition that lies behind them without accepting
the fact that
the Founder of Christianity ACTUALLY EXISTED. Marshall, IBHJ, 24


About a year ago in my Bible Study group, Majid my Muslim friend gave his testimony about how he came to embrace the Christian Faith and he made this STUNNING statement that took me back; “YOU ARE BORN INTO A RELIGION”. I leaned forward in my chair, the room became silent. Majid shared that he had been a devout Muslim all of his life. He had studied the Qur’an and prayed

five times a day, and held to the Five Pillars of Islam, but still had a yearning in his heart for God. WHY WAS THAT?

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The Five Pillars of Islam are five basic acts considered mandatory by believers and are the foundation of Muslim life. They are summarized in the famous Hadith. They make up Muslim life, prayer, concern for the needy, self-purification and the pilgrimage. They are:

1) Shahadah: declaring there is no god except God, and Muhammad is God's Messenger 2) Salat: ritual prayer five times a day
3) Sawm: fasting and self-control during the blessed month of Ramadan
4) Zakat: giving 2.5% of one’s savings to the poor and needy

5) Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if he/she is able to do so.

MUSLIMS worship the God of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar; a slave woman. CHRISTIANS worship the God of Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarah his wife. Both claim the Covenant Promise of God. Majid thought; “BOTH CAN’T BE TRUE”.

Majid bought a Bible and studied in SECRET to see what Christianity was all about. What Majid found was far different than that of the Qur’an and he went back and forth trying to grasp the simplicity of Christianity and its teaching to love your enemies. At some point Majid came to believe that the Bible held the MOST TRUTH and knowing the full cost of leaving Islam, he gave his heart to Jesus Christ. For the Muslim to convert to Christianity was considered blasphemy and he was worse than an INFINDEL and the penalty was DEATH.

Majid made a PUBLIC PROFESSION of his faith and took a Christian wife. His family disowned him and he received death threats. What he had to give up becoming a Christian made me sit back in my chair STUNNED; I gave up nothing; obviously for Majid, this was a BIG DEAL. Think about the family you were born into; if your family believes in a god, you would believe in the same god that they did. For myself, I don’t have a testimony of redemption. I was born into a Christian family and knew I wanted Christ at the age of Nine and a half even though I didn’t fully understand the Virgin Birth of Jesus; His death and resurrection or even how His dying on the cross could take away my sins; BUT I believed it did. I would be 35 before I put it all together. I was born DEAD IN MY SINS and God put the Holy Spirit in me and opened up my heart TO DESIRE HIM.

It was GOD that PUT THE DESIRE in Majid’s heart; and he accepted knowing the cost could be his very own life. What an INCREDABLE DESIRE for God; it cost Majid everything.

We only have two commandments; the FIRST and greatest commandment is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and the SECOND is like it: `Love your neighbor as yourself.'37

The Koran teaches to KILL the infidel and all unbelievers of Allah.
Hadith 9:57 – Whoever changes his Islamic religion should be KILLED. Sura 9:5 – When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, seize them; lie in wait for them.

The Bible teaches to LOVE God and love your enemies. Luke 6:27 – Love your enemies

27 "But I tell you who hear me: LOVE your enemies, DO GOOD to those who hate you, NIV

Most Logical Probability

Why not embrace and follow Baha’i, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Maitreya, Shinto, Sikhism, Yin and Yang, Zoroastrianism or even “Heaven’s Gate” for that matter? All religions contain at least some hint of TRUTH. Some truths are nearer right than others. All other religions in one form or another teach that IF a man with his OWN strength, works hard enough or gets reincarnated enough times; God will accept him.

37 Matthew 22:37-40 – Only TWO Commandments

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CHRISTIANITY ALONE claims that the founder is the SON OF GOD.
CHRISTIANITY ALONE claims that the founder died and was RAISED FROM THE DEAD. CHRISTIANITY ALONE teaches that fallen man CAN DO NOTHING to earn God’s grace. CHRISTIANITY ALONE teaches we are SAVED by FAITH in Jesus; it’s a gift from God

We are not forgiven of our SINS progressively or in stages; Christ died for ALL of our sins Past, Present and Future; ALL, it’s a done deal, isn’t that “GOOD NEWS”. That’s what the Gospel means; “Good News”. It’s NOT CONDITIONAL upon any act of our own, it is based solely on the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Jesus Plus Nothing Else. He paid the price, Death is defeated. We have been redeemed; all we have to do is TAKE OWNERSHIP.

You will not seek out a doctor until you understand that you are desperately sick. What you believe does not change TRUTH. The MOST PROGRESSIVE MAN is the one that REASONS that he is on the wrong road and turns back the soonest.

Christianity is a FAITH, not a SCIENCE; it’s a way of life, not a Religion. It’s not your FAITH that counts; it’s WHO your faith is in. Faith is TRUSTING that God will do what He says He will do. Jesus lived, died and was resurrected; conquered death and now sits at the right hand of God the Father. God has literally involved Himself in Human History.

Jesus is “THE WAY”, the TRUTH and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. Jesus Christ IS the Son of God. We will ALL live again forever SOMEWHERE. Jesus the Christ satisfiesthequestionoftheMYSTERYofourbeing. RejectionofHimleavestheworldinaRIDDLE.38

The bedrock of Christianity is the Virgin Birth of Christ, His Bodily Resurrection and His Bodily ascension into Heaven and the expectation of His Return; no other faith has this. You can doubt the resurrection of Jesus, but you cannot deny it unless you can prove it. God does not expect us to believe without REASON.

WhatistheMOSTREASONABLE,RATIONALandLOGICALPROBABILITY? Ifyoudisbelievein the face of strong evidence, then you are just closed minded. Chose you this day who you will serve As for me and my family; we will follow Christianity; we will serve the Son of God; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. YAHWEH; JEHOVAH, The living God.

A Man called Jesus

Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another village. He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty, and then for three years, He was an itinerant (traveling) preacher. He never owned a home. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never had a family. He never went to college. He never put his foot inside a big city. He never traveled two hundred miles from the place where He was born. He never did even one of the things that usually accompany greatness. He had no credentials but Himself.

While still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against Him. His friends ran away. One of them denied Him. He was turned over to His enemies. He went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed upon a cross between two thieves. While He was dying His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He had on earth; His coat. When He was dead, He was taken down and laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.

Nineteen long centuries have come and gone, and today He is the centerpiece of the human race and the leader of the column of progress. I am far within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever were built, all the parliament that ever sat and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has this one solitary life.39 – Author Unknown - Anonymous

38 John 14:6 – Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the life. -- Ephesians 2:8-9 – Salvation is Not by Works – It is a GIFT from God -- Hebrews 10:17-18 – God will remember their sins no more -- Danial 12:2 – We will ALL live again – SOMEWHERE -- Joshua 24:15 – Choose today who you will serve. – I chose the Lord
39 John 10:10 – Jesus came to give abundant life -- John 7:37 – Let any man that is thirsty for God come and drink in His Word -- Ephesians 2:8 – By grace you are saved through faith, it is a gift of God. -- John 15:18-19 – You do not belong to this world, you are chosen out of the world

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Now I do not know what lies in the heart of man in general, but I do know what lies in the heart of one man in particular; myself, and the one thing I know for sure about myself, is that if left to my own devices, I am an exceedingly wicked man and without hope, if not for some divine intervention.” Michael A. Gorman


The Spirit and the bride say, "COME!" And let him who hears say, "COME!" Whoever is thirsty, let him COME; and whoever wishes, let him take the FREE GIFT of the water of life.42

COME, all you who are thirsty, COME to the waters; and you who have NO money,
COME buy and eat! COME buy wine and milk without money and without cost.43

"I am the bread of life. He who COMES to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.44

I am convinced that the Holy Spirit has planted a seed in your spirit, and along with others I have been privileged to water it,
and it is God that will reap the harvest.



You will not know at what time I will come.40
I will come like an (unexpected) thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar;
the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.

40 Revelation 3:3 NIV
41 2 Peter 3:10 NIV
42 Revelation 22:17 NIV 43 Isaiah 55:1 NIV
44 John 6:35 NIV
45 1 Peter 3:15 NKJV

Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for the reason of the hope that is in you.45

I would like to thank Michael and David Gorman for supplying the references and concepts of Apologetics: The Defense of the Gospel.

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Chapter 2. 2

Islam means Submission” to the will of Allah; a follower of Islam is called a Muslim. It was founded by Muhammad who was an Arabian Trader from Mecca born around 570 A.D. and died in 632 A.D. While in Mecca, he lived like a priest with a life of prayer and his teachings allowed the co- existence of Jews and Christians with Muslims. He left Mecca and went to Medina in the year 622 proclaiming a revelation from God that he was the “Last Prophet” in a succession of prophets superseding that of Jesus Christ. When he moved to Medina he became a military commander, personally leading 27 attacks and changed Islam into a POLITICAL MOVEMENT.

Muhammad believed in the ONE AND ONLY GOD ALLAH and that the worship of THREE; the Christians TRINITY GOD JEHOVAH was idolatry and blasphemy.

Prophets the teachings
The Prophet Muhammad taught “God is above us”.

The Prophet Moses taught “God is above us and with us”.

The Prophet Jesus taught “God is above us, with us and in us”.
We think of Jesus as the Son of God, but not as a prophet; but He was. He was a prophet, priest and King after the order of Melchizedek.

There certainly can be prophets today,47 but they will not present any new revelation only new enlightenment from what has already been written by God in the Holy Scripture. It is interesting to me that Islam makes reference to Jesus Christ and the Bible writings often, but the Bible never mentions Islam nor Muhammad. Maybe it’s because the PROPHET Muhammad (Mohammad) came along about 500 years later and he read the Bible.

God says there will be prophets to come along who will steal one another words saying that they are supposedly from ME and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send them or appoint them.48 It’s in the Book

The scriptures present concepts and precepts that ALL line up like fence posts all in a row. If a prophet’s words do not line up with the other fence post in scripture,49 it should give you pause to ASK WHY?

The Bible; Islam claims that the Christian Bible is corrupt and that the Qur’an; (Quran, Koran) is

the “final word” of God.

46 Hebrews 5:6 – Jesus was a Priest forever after the order of Melchisedec -- Matthew 21:11 – Jesus was a Prophet -- John 1:18 – God the Son is our Prophet is in close relationship with the Father --
47 1 Corinthians 12:28 – God has appointed Prophets TODAY -- Hebrews 1:1-2 – God reveals Himself through the Prophets
48 Jeremiah 23:30-32 – False Prophet steals testimony of others

49 Isaiah 28:10 – Fence Post Precept upon precept, line upon line
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Islam vs; Christianity

Common Beliefs, Different Beliefs, Unity verses Trinity Allah, Prophets, Muhammad, Holy Spirit Gabriel,
The Hadith, Five Pillars, Five Doctrines of Islam
Two Abodes, Holy Jihad

First Word

BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

The Qur’an is a series of divine messages that was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, gradually over a period of approximately 22 years, beginning in 610 and is the only revealed book that has been protected by God from distortion or corruption. It is divided into 114 Chapters called Suras. Some passages are not fully understood without the aid of “the Hadith” which clarifies their intent.


The Hadith is a companion book to the Qur’an that shows how to put the guidance of the Qur’an into practice. It’s a collection of sayings, deeds and behavior of Muhammad including; eating, sleeping, praying, mating, planning revenge on his enemies and dispensing justice. These actions of Muhammad were not ordinary acts; but were considered the actions of “Allah”. They were handed down through the generations verbally and then about 200 years after Muhammad’s death they were written down.

If you believe in the holy Qur’an then you MUST uphold the Hadith and its prophet Muhammad. A good Muslim will do ALL these same things as well as name their children Mohammad. The Hadith in some sects is followed more closely than the Qur’an and its sayings can supersede the Qur’an.

Note: the term “jinn” appears in the writings and means a spirit being and it can be either a good or a bad spirit depending on the context it is written.

Sura 33:21 – Look to Muhammad as an example of living life

21 Verily in THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH (MUHAMMAD) ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day, and remembereth Allah much.
Hadith 8:120 – The Hadith is the best guide to the Qur’an

Doctrines and Pillars

DOCTRINES - There are five basic doctrines

  1. 1)  One God: There is ONE and only ONE God; Allah.

  2. 2)  Last Prophet: There has been a succession of prophets including Noah, Abraham, Moses,

    Jesus and finally the Last Prophet Muhammad.

  3. 3)  Angels: God Created both Good and Evil Angels.

  4. 4)  The Qur’an: The Qur’an is God’s full and final revelation.

  5. 5)  Judgment Day: A final Day of Judgment is coming; followed by heaven for the faithful and

    Hell for the Lost.

PILLARS - There are five pillars of Islamic belief and practice

  1. 1)  Confession: To be a Muslim you only need to confess the “shahadah”... “There is no God

    but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”.

  2. 2)  You must pray the “salat”; usually five times a day


  1. 4)  Alms: You must give alms (sakat) to the needy, equal to one-fortieth of one’s income

  2. 5)  Pilgrimage: Every able Muslim must make one pilgrimage during his lifetime to Mecca.

Allah - Absolute Unity
Islam has 99 names for God with the word Allah connected to it. I will not list them here, but

most speak of His Sovereignty while other speak of his majesty and absolute justice. Allah is described with the attribute of absolute Unity; he cannot be divided; denying this is blasphemous.

Obligatory worship:

bowing, paying homage, worship, and prayer. They recite "The Opening", the first Sura chapter of the Quran, as required in all daily worship; then the worshipper can then stand

which includes

before God, thank and praise him, and to ask for guidance along the "Straight Path”.

Obligatory Fast: During the ninth lunar month; you must keep the annual fast called

sawmin observance of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan; abstaining from eating and

drinking (including water) during the daylight hours.

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The Qur’an uses two words describing the ONENESS of God; “ahad”, denying that God has any companion or partner and “wahid” meaning; The One; the Same God for all. God is the same God of all people; He is a unity and a singularity. The distinguishing Characteristic of Islam is the declaration of “The Unity of Allah”.

The GREATEST SIN is “shirk” the assigning of partners to God. (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) This is the un-pardonable Sin. You can now see why a Muslim would hate a Christian.
NOTE: Some Muslims believe in Jihad or Holy War, exalting it to the level of a “PILLAR”. Some Muslims think of a Jihad as a sacred “Struggle with the Word” other think of it as a “Struggle with the Sword”.

Absolute Ruler: Allah needs nothing from creation, but creation needs everything from Him. It is His will that brings everything into existence and nothing happens apart from His will. His knowledge encompasses the whole universe which He created and which He alone sustains. He is sovereign over all creation. NOTE: The (Arabic) term Allah is a contraction of “Al” meaning sole or only, and “lah” meaning God. Before the birth of Islam, Allah was a term used by pagan religions for their different gods. This term provided a common ground between pagan Arabs, Muslims, Jews and Christians.

Muslims insist that Allah is the same God as of the Jews; the God of Abraham. The name Allah is deemed more powerful than the name YAHWEH. Christianity rejects this. The heart of Islam is not to know God, but to obey Him. It is not to meditate on His essence, but to summit to His will.

Sura 112 Allah has no begotten Son
112 He is God, The One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He BEGETTETH NOT, nor is he begotten; and there is none like unto Him

Sura 4:116 Un-pardonable Sin join Allah with Father Son Spirit 116 God forgiveth NOT (the sin of) joining other gods with Him; but He forgiveth whom He pleaseth other sins than this; one who joins other gods with God, hath strayed far, far away (from the right).

Sura 2:255 There is no God but Allah; the Self-Subsisting God 255 God – There is no god but He – The Living, the Self-subsisting, eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on the earth. Who is there that can intercede in His presence except as he permitteth? He knoweth what (appears to his creatures as) before or after or behind then. Nor shall they compass aught His knowledge except as He willith. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is Most High, The Supreme (in glory).

Beliefs in Common

Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in; the creation, angels, heaven, hell and the resurrection of all people. Islam and Christianity agree on a number of beliefs about God and His characteristics, but disagree on How God performs all of His attributes.

There are a number of Common Beliefs.

  1. a)  One God; Sura 4:171 and Deuteronomy 6:4

  2. b)  GodisSovereign;Sura50:38andGenesis1:1

  3. c)  God’s “will” revealed through the prophets; Sura 16:36 and Matthew 2:15

  4. d)  Godwantstoforgive;Sura2:218andDeuteronomy4:31

  5. e)  All creation has the privilege and duty to worship God; Sura 1:4 and Psalms 66:4

  6. f)  God will judge all men; Sura 1:3 and Ecclesiastes 12:14

  7. g)  WecanpraytoGodforourneeds;Sura2:153andPhilippians4:6.

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The Faith

Muhammad Fight against those that do not believe in Allah Jesus Blessed are the peacemakers

Muhammad Convert to Islam or die Jesus Believe in Christ and never die


Muhammad If you walk away from the Islamic faith, you must die.
Jesus expected and accepted that some would walk away and reject the Christian Faith

Muhammad Mission is to conquer the world and mandate the political teachings of Islam as the only authority.

Jesus Mission is to conquer sin and its penalty of death, and bring the believer to God. NOTICE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE QUR’AN/HADITH AND THE BIBLE

Sura 9:29 – Fight against those who do not believe
29 Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believed not in Allah nor the Last Day

1 Peter 3:11 – Work and Search for peace

11 Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.

Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers

9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (NLT) (NIV2011)

Hadith 9:57 – Convert or die
57 I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight the people till they say; None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and whoever said it then he will save his life and property.

John 11:25-26 – Believe and never die
25 Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;
26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die (NIV2011)

Hadith 9:57 – If you walk away from Islam; you must die 57 Whoever changed his Islamic Religion, then kill him.

John 6:63-66 – Jesus accepted some would walk away
63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you, they are full of the Spirit and life.
64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him.
65 Hewentontosay,“ThisiswhyItoldyouthatnoonecancometome unless the Father has enabled them.”
66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. (NIV2011)

Hadith 9:459 – Mission: Conquer the World
459 Allah guarantees anyone who engages in holy war (jihad) for the cause of jihad alone with belief in (Allah’s) words, that He will either admit him into paradise or return him with his reward or the booty he as earned to his residence from where he went out.

2 Corinthians 5:21 – Mission: Conquer SIN in the World
21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (NIV2011)
1 Peter 3:18 – Mission: To bring us to God
18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. (NIV2011)

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Two Abodes

Islam divides the people on earth into TWO abodes;

  1. 1)  The abode of Islam are those that have submitted to the will of Allah and

  2. 2)  The abode of War which are those who are still resisting Islam.

Those who die in the struggle against those that resist Islam are immediately translated into paradise.

Attributes of God
Comparison; Compare the different THOUGHTS;

Muhammad Allah has no law of righteous, he does as he pleases, creating some for heaven and creating some for hell. Allah suffers no loss or gain whether you live or die or believe or not.

Jesus God’ Law is righteous and just in His treatment of His creatures, mercy

and truth go before His face.
Muhammad Allah’s love is conditional depending on your good works. God shows no affection and needs no affection to exist; he is totally self-sufficient; complete.

Jesus God un-conditionally loves all His creations so much He gave his one

and only begotten Son for us. God is Love.
Muhammad Allah does not make covenants. He can and does change His mind.

Jesus God is a covenant keeping God. He is not a God that changes His mind.

Comparison; Compare the SCRIPTURES;
Sura 32:13 – Allah creates some people just for Hell fire.
13 I will fill hell with the jinn (evil spirits) and mankind together.

Psalm 7:11 – God is righteous and Just

11 God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day. (NKJV)

Psalm 89:14 - Righteousness and justice are God’s foundation

14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth

go before Your face. (NKJV)

Sura 19:96- If you do good works, you will receive love from Allah
96 Lo those who believe and do good works, the Beneficent will appoint for them love.

1 John 4:8 - God is love

8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (NKJV)

John 3:16 - God loved so much that He gave His only Son

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that

whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (NKJV)

Sura 16:101 – Allah makes No Covenant; he can change his mind
101 And when we put a revelation in place (change) of (another) revelation and Allah knowest best what He revealeth.

Deuteronomy 7:9 – Keeps His covenants for a Thousand generations

9 Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who

keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him

and keep His commandments; (NKJV)

James 1:16-17 – God does not change His mind
16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from

the Father of lights, with whom there is NO VARIATION or shadow of turning. (NKJV)

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Unity or Trinity

Islam; Allah is Unitary, he is complete without persons and does not have a son.

Christianity; God is Triune; that is, He is ONE GOD that is in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Consider the composition of H2O; it can take on the form of Ice, Liquid or Steam. Ice is not liquid, nor steam, but they all three are H2O.

  1. 1)  The Father is God; but, the Father is not the Son, nor the Holy Spirit.

  2. 2)  The Son is God; but, the Son is not the Father, nor the Holy Spirit.

  3. 3)  The Holy Spirit is God; but, the Holy Spirit is not the Father, nor the Son.

Color; there is a trinity in the three primary colors of Red, Green, and Blue: All the rest of the colors are a derivation from them. Pure White is made up of all colors. Darkness is the absence of all colors. God’s word contains all the colors. The more we read God’s Word, the further from darkness we get and the closer to pure light we become.

  1. 1)  The Father is whom the revelation of light proceeds

  2. 2)  The Son incarnates the revelation of light.

  3. 3)  The Holy Spirit applies the revelation of light to man.

The Holy Spirit mentioned in the Qur’an is the angel Gabriel, not the Holy Spirit of God. Trinity: Many Muslims mistakenly believe the Christian Trinity is made up of God, Jesus & Mary.

Assigning partners to God; (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) blasphemes ALLAH and is the Un-pardonable Sin. You can now see why a Muslim would reject and hate a Christian.

Compare the SCRIPTURES

Sura 4:171- Allah is NOT THREE – He does not have a son
171 So believe in Allah and His messengers and say NOT THREE. Cease! (It is) better for you! Allah is one God. For is it removed from His transcendent majesty that He should have a son.

Deuteronomy 6:4 - Our God, the LORD is ONE

4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! (NKJV)
Sura 5:116 – Trinity is God, Jesus and Mary
116 And when Allah saith; O JESUS, SON OF MARY! Didst thou say unto mankind: Take ME and my MOTHER for TWO GODS besides Allah? He saith; be glorified! It was not mine to utter that to which I no right.

Matthew 28:19 – Trinity is; God, Jesus and Holy Spirit
19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (NLT)
1 John 5:19-20 – Jesus is Second in the God head
19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one.
20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. (ASV)

Sura 16:102 – The holy spirit is Gabriel who reveals to men 102 Say: the holy spirit (Gabriel) hath revealed it from the Lord.

Acts 5:3-4 – The Holy Spirit is God
3 Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land? While it remained, did it not remain thine own? 4 and after it was sold, was it not in thy power? How is it that thou hast conceived this thing in thy heart? thou has not lied unto men, but unto God. (ASV)

Sura 42:11 – Allah is NOT a person or a spirit
11 Naught is as His likeness; and He is the Hearer, the Seer

John 4:24 – God is a Spirit
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth. (ASV)

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Holy Spirit

Compare the DOCTRINE

Islam The holy spirit is the Angel Gabriel.
Christianity The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the Trinity; There is only One God, but in three persons.

Islam The holy spirit is the breath of Allah and comes to create.
Christianity The Holy Spirit comes to convict and draw men to God. The Holy Spirit does not create.

Islam Allah wrote the Torah with his own hand.
Christianity Men wrote the Torah as they were carried along by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Islam The Comforter (Paraclete) who comes after Jesus is Muhammad. Christianity The Comforter (Paraclete) who comes after Jesus is The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is like unto HOT WATER which causes an egg to get HARD; and wax to get SOFT, NOTE: itwasthesamehotwateractingonboth;IT’SWHAT’SONTHEINSIDETHATMAKESTHE DIFFERENCE.
Rain falls on both the Just and the Un-Just alike; God made them both; their decisions make the difference. The Same Rain falls on both spirits. LIFE IS CHOICE DRIVEN. IT’S IN THE BOOK

Compare the SCRIPTURES

Sura 2:253 – The holy spirit is Gabriel
253 We gave Jesus... clear proofs (of Allah’s sovereignty) and we supported him with the holy spirit. (Gabriel)

Acts 5:3-4 – The Holy Spirit is God in the 3rd person
3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, why have you let Satan fill your heart?
You lied to the Holy Spirit, and you kept some of the money for yourself.
4 The property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this?
You weren’t lying to us but to God!” (NLT)

Sura 15:29 – The holy spirit is the creative breath of God
29 So, when I have made him (Adam) and have breathed unto him of my Spirit.

John 16:7 – The Holy Spirit is from God
7 But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you. (NLT)
John 16:8 – The Holy Spirit is the Convictor of sin
8 And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: (NKJV)

Hadith 8:611 – Allah wrote the Torah with his own hand
611 Adam said to... Moses, Allah favored you with His talk and He (Allah) wrote (the Torah) for you with his own hand.

2 Peter 1:21 – Holy Spirit wrote the Torah through men
21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (NIV2011)

Sura 61:6 - Muhammad is the comforter
6 And when Jesus son of Mary said; O children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto

you, and bring good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me whose name is the Praised one. (Muhammad).

John 14:25-26 - The Holy Spirit is the Comforter.
25 These things have I spoken unto you, while yet abiding with you.
26 But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you. (ASV)

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Islam on Jesus

Islam embraces and believes in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, His sinlessness, miracles, prophet-hood, Messiahship, physical ascension into heaven, and His second coming.

  1. a)  The Angel Gabriel performed the Miracle of the Virgin birth with Mary, not the Holy Spirit.

  2. b)  JesusspokefromthecradleandsaidHeHimselfwasonlyaProphetofAllah.

  3. c)  Jesus was righteous; sinless and performed miracles of healing and raised the dead.

  4. d)  AttheDeathofJesus,AllahwillsendtheProphetMuhammad;NottheHolySpirit.

  5. e)  Jesus said He is not worthy to intercede to God for us; we should go to Muhammad.

  6. f)  Jesus did not actually die on the cross by crucifixion, but it was made to look like it.

  7. g)  WhenJesusdiddie,hewastakenuptobewithAllahasEnochandElijahbeforehimwas.

  8. h)  Jesus will return and punish the Jews and Christians for not accepting Muhammad.

  9. i)  Jesus will judge by the Law of the Qur’an, not by the Law of the Gospel.

  10. j)  Islam denies that Jesus was the Son of God; that He died on the cross for our sins and three

    days later rose physically from the grave; which is the heart of the Christian Message.

I JUST DON’T GET IT. Why does Islam devote so much space in the “Qur’an” and in the “Hadith” to discussing JESUS and so little space to MUHAMMAD? Why mention Jesus at all? All it does is VALIDATE that Jesus actually existed; was born of a virgin named Mary, was a prophet, was sinless, performed miracles, raised the dead, interceded for men, was translated to heaven; and will return with judgment. He was even considered by some to be the Son of God and a part of the Christian Trinity. I DON’T GET THIS unless the whole purpose is a SMOKE SCREEN used to validate and legitimize Muhammad as the “last” prophet.

As I study the Qur’an and the Hadith, it reminds me of THE ELECTIONS which are going on at this writing. I watch the candidates throw mud at the others who are in power, desiring to take their place. They assassinate their character when they can’t find anything else wrong with what they have accomplished. It seems to me Muhammad is running for the Office of PROPHET.


Sura 3:42 – Allah sent the Angel Gabriel to Mary.
42 O Mary! Lo! Allah had chosen thee.... She said; My Lord! How can I have a child when no mortal has touched me?
Sura 3:47 - Gabriel performed the miracle with the Virgin Mary
47... When the angel Gabriel blew up her garment. (The virgin conceived)

Luke 1:26-27 – God sent the Angel Gabriel to Mary

26 God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee,

27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s

name was Mary. (NIV2011)

Luke 1:35 – Gabriel said - Holy Spirit would come upon her
35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. (NIV2011)


Sura 19:29-30 – Jesus said He was the Prophet of Allah, not the Son of God
29 How can we talk to the one who is in the cradle, a young boy? He spake; Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He had given me the Scriptures and hath appointed me a Prophet.

Matthew 26:63-64 – Jesus said He was the Son of God
63 But Jesus remained silent. The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”
64 You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son

of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (NIV2011)

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Sura 6:86 – Jesus was righteous
86John(theBaptist)andJesusandElias(Elijah). Eachone(ofthem)wasoftherighteous

1 Peter 2:21-22 – Jesus was righteous

21To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you

should follow in his steps.

22 He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” (NIV2011)


Sura 5:110 – Jesus performed miracles of healing; Raised the dead
110 When Allah saith; O Jesus... thou didst shape of clay as it were the likeness of a bird...

heal him who was born blind and the leper... raised the dead, by my (Allah) permission. (NOTE: Jesus as a child, making LIVE pigeons out of clay is in the Apocrypha, but it’s NOT in the Bible.)

Mark 2:10-12 - Jesus - Miracles of Healing; Forgave sins

10 So I will prove to you that the Son of Man has the AUTHORITY on earth to forgive sins.”

Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said,

11 Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!”

12 And the man jumped up, grabbed his mat, and walked out through the stunned onlookers.

They were all amazed and praised God, exclaiming, “We’ve never seen anything like this

before!” (NLT)


Sura 61:6 – Muhammad will come after me.
6 Jesus son of Mary said.. I am the messenger of Allah... bringing good tiding of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is the Praised One Ahmad. (Muhammad)

John 14:16 Another Counselor will come after me

16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you


John 14:26 – The Counselor will be the Holy Spirit

26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all

things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. (NIV2011)


Hadith 8:570 – Jesus is not worthy to intercede; go to Muhammad
570 Let us request someone to intercede for us with our Lord... They will go to him (Jesus), and he will say, I am not fit for this undertaking go to Muhammad.

Hebrews 7:24-25 – Jesus intercedes for us forever

24 But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood.

25 Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him,

since He always lives to make intercession for them. (NKJV)


Sura 54:157 – Jesus was not killed nor did He die on the cross 157 They slew him not nor crucified, but it appeared so unto them.

Isaiah 53:6 - God laid on Jesus the sins of all of us
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. (NKJV)
Acts 17:3 – Jesus suffered and rose from the dead
3 Explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and

saying, "This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ." (NKJV)

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Sura 4:158 – Allah took Jesus to Himself like Enoch and Elijah
158 But Allah took him (Jesus) unto Himself.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 – Jesus died and rose the 3rd day
3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,

4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,



Hadith 3:425 – Jesus will return and punish the Jews.
425 By Him in whose hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and Kill the pig.

Revelation 1:5-7 – Jesus will Return and Rule

5 Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of

the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,

7 Behold, He is coming with clouds (the saved), and every eye will see Him, even they who

pierced Him. (NKJV)


Hadith 4:658- Jesus will judge by the Law of the Qur’an
658 Allah’s Apostle said, how will you be when the son of Mary (Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the Law of the Qur’an and not by the Law of the Gospel?

2 Thessalonians 1:6-8 - Jesus will judge by the Gospel

6 since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you,

7 ... Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels,

8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not

obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NKJV)

Born a Muslim
A few years ago in my Bible Study group, Majid my Muslim friend asked that one meeting be

set aside and devoted to how we came to accept the Christian Faith. Obviously this meant a lot to him, I couldn’t even remember when I wasn’t a Christian; I just always was.

Majid gave his testimony about how he came to embrace the Christian Faith and he made this STUNNING statement that took me back; “YOU ARE BORN INTO A RELIGION. I leaned forward in my chair, the room became silent. Majid shared that he had been a devout Muslim all of his life, studied the Qur’an and prayed five times a day, and held to the Five Pillars of Islam, but still had a yearning in his heart for God. WHY WAS THAT?

The Five Pillars of Islam are five basic acts considered mandatory by believers and are the foundation of Muslim life. They are summarized in the famous Hadith. They make up Muslim life, prayer, concern for the needy, self-purification and the pilgrimage to Mecca. They are:

  1. 1)  Shahadah: declaring there is no god except God, and Muhammad is God's Messenger

  2. 2)  Salat: ritual prayer five times a day

  3. 3)  Sawm: fasting and self-control during the blessed month of Ramadan

  4. 4)  Zakat: giving 2.5% of one’s income to the poor and needy

  5. 5)  Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if he/she is able to do so.

MUSLIMS worship the God of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar; a slave woman. CHRISTIANS worship the God of Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarah his wife – Both claim the Covenant Promise of God - Majid thought; “BOTH CAN’T BE TRUE”.

Majid bought a Bible and studied in SECRET to see what Christianity was all about. What Majid found was far different than that of the Qur’an and he went back and forth trying to grasp the simplicity of Christianity and its teaching to love your enemies. At some point Majid came to believe

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that the Bible held the MOST TRUTH and knowing the cost, he gave his heart to Jesus Christ. For the Muslim to convert to Christianity was considered blasphemy and he was worse than an INFINDEL and the penalty was DEATH.

Majid made a PUBLIC PROFESSION of his faith and took a Christian wife. His family disowned him and he received death threats. What he had to give up to become a Christian made me sit back in my chair STUNNED; I gave up nothing; obviously this was a BIG DEAL. Think about the family you were born into; if your family believes in a god, you would believe in the same god as that they did.

I don’t have a testimony of redemption. I was born into a Christian family and knew I wanted Christ at the age of TEN although I didn’t fully understand the Virgin Birth of Jesus; His death and resurrection or even how His dying on the cross could take away my sins; BUT I believed it did. I would be 35 before I put it all together. I was born DEAD IN MY SINS and God put the Holy Spirit in me and opened up my heart TO BE ABLE DESIRE HIM.

It was GOD that PUT THE DESIRE in Majid’s heart; and he accepted knowing the cost could be his very own life. What an INCREDABLE DESIRE for God; it cost Majid everything.

The Qur’an teaches to KILL the infidel and all unbelievers of Allah The Bible teaches to love God and love your enemies.

Hadith 9:57 – Kill the infidel
57 Whoever changes his Islamic religion should be killed.
Sura 9:5 Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.
5 When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, seize them; lie in wait for them.

Matthew 22:37-40 – Only TWO Commandments; love

37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul

and with all your mind.' This is the FIRST and greatest commandment

39 And the SECOND is like it: `Love your neighbor as yourself.'

40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments

Luke 6:27 – Love your enemies

27 "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those

who hate you, NIV


Today in America, we have five to six million Muslims who are living in local neighborhoods, attending schools and are active in the workplace, in our culture and politics. They were born into a Muslim family and are truly dedicated to Allah. We should pray for Muslims to have a REAL OPPORTUNITY to learn the TRUTH about Jesus Christ who is The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to God except through Jesus Christ. There is just NO OTHER WAY.

If you are a Muslim and still have a yearning in your heart; seeking more of God, then I urge you to read Book II, Chapter One; the Case for Christianity.

John 14:6 - I am the way, the truth, and the life



Acts 4:11-12 – There is NO OTHER WAY

11 JESUS is 'the stone you masons threw out, which is now the cornerstone
12 SALVATION COMES NO OTHER WAY; NO OTHER NAME has been or will be given to us by which we can be saved,

only this one." (MSG)

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The Take Away Muslim Messiah
Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Black Muslim movement said that Elijah Mohammed had risen

up inside of him; in essence he claims to be “the second Messiah”.
Muslims believe Jesus, the son of Mary said, “I am a messenger of “Allah”, bringing good tidings

of a messenger who comes after me, whose name is ‘the praised one”, Mohammad”. Sura 19:96: Allah has no affection for any creature. Love is conditional on good works.
Sura 5:75: Christ, the son of Mary was no more than a messenger. Many were the messengers that passed away before him.

Sura 4:157: Christ did not die on the cross, but was made to appear so.
Sura 3:129: Allah has predestined some to paradise and some to hell.
Sura 32:13: Allah sends to hell whomever he wants. He created a multitude of spirits and men specifically for the purpose of sending them to hell.
Sura 9:5: When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, seize them; lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war).
Hadith 2:483: I have been ordered to fight the people till they say, Allah be worshipped.
Sura 9:29: Muslims are inspired to fight people who do not accept the religion of Islam.
Sura 5:33: Those who wage war against Allah and his messenger (there fate) is execution or crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet on opposite sides or exile.
Hadith 9:57: Whoever changes his Islamic religion should be killed.

The Quran given to the “Last Prophet” Mohammad, is the perfect revelation of Allah.

The Hadith is a collection of sayings, deeds and behavior of Mohammad including; eating, sleeping, praying, mating, planning revenge on his enemies and dispensing justice. These actions were considered the actions of “Allah”. A good Muslim will do all these same things as well as name their children Mohammad. The Hadith in some sects is followed more than the Quran and its sayings can supersede the Quran.

Mohammad: “He, who relinquishes his faith; kill him. I have been ordered by Allah to fight with people till they testify there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”.

Hadith 1:505: Anyone who dies in a Jihad will have a prominent place in paradise.
Hadith 9:459: Anyone who engages in a holy war (jihad) will be admitted into paradise with his reward of booty.

Sura 78:33: In paradise man can have many women.

Ayatollah Khomeini: “The purest joy in Islam is to kill and to be killed for Allah”.
There can be no peace with the Jews or Christians or any other non-Islamic people; and that if peace must be made, only a truce is permissible and that “for a maximum of 10 years as an expedient to hone our swords, whet our blood and strengthen our will.”

Islamic Extremist is a misnomer; if you follow Islam, the Quran and the Hadith, then none are extremist, they ALL hate non-Muslims; their mission is to convert or kill us in the name of Allah.

NOTE: Muslims believe it is the will of God for Islam to rule the world. Islamic law stipulates that to fulfill Muhammad’s task, every “infidel domain” must be considered a territory of war.

Moris Farhi author The Last Days

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Chapter 2. 3

Rose of Sharon

Plain of Sharon, Common Flower, Fragrance, Colors Grown Free, Trodden under, Thorns, The I AM that I AM Is the Church the Lily of the Valley?
Is Jesus the Rose of Sharon?

First Word

Sharon is a Hebrew word that means; “a plain or level place”. The town of “Lod” was built in the midst of the Plain of Sharon which lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Samarian Hills. It stretches from Nahal Taninim, a stream marking the southern end of Mount Carmel in the north, to the Yarkon River in the south, at the northern limit of Tel Aviv. Parts of the Plain are included in the Central, and Tel Aviv Districts of Israel.50

Flowers can be found in the parts of the Sharon plain where the soil is very fertile and noted for the hardy beautiful crocus plant; with a tulip cup like flower & pungent fragrance. Note: The descriptions given of the Rose of Sharon CANNOT be applied to an actual ROSE, it is more of a catch phrase that is used in poetry. There are a number of translations with different thoughts as to what this Rose is actually believed to be; so let’s begin... it is:

a) A Crocus; which has about 90 species growing as a lily among the thorns. It is cup shaped which tapers off to a narrow tube. The colors are enormous, but predominately the colors are lilac, mauve, yellow and white.

b) A Lily; which has large fragrant funnel shape flowers growing from 2 to 6 feet tall with a montage of colors that include whites, yellows, oranges, pinks, reds and purples. It is commonly called the Madonna lily because of the “Song of Solomon”.

c) A Tulip; which is cup or star shaped, general with bright red, yellow or white colors and is very prolific in the hills of Sharon

d) A Narcissus; which has about 50 species. It has a conspicuous flower with six petals that appear trumpet shaped with colors that are generally white, yellow, orange or pink.

Side Note: Much of the Plain of Sharon was swampy; in the time of Isaiah the plain had become a wilderness and Isaiah prophesized that one day it would become a fertile pastureland.51 Zionist Immigrants arrived in the early 20th century and drained much of the swampy land, and populated the region with many settlements. By 2008, it was the most densely populated region of Israel. Wikipedia

Is Jesus the Rose of Sharon?
This idea seems to have developed around “The Song of Solomon” where there is dialog or a

song being sung between the Shulamite maid, the Bride and the Bridegroom, King Solomon. As a parallel we see the painting of a picture of the Rose of Sharon being Jesus Christ as the Bridegroom and the Bride as the Lily of the Valley which is the Church. Some commentaries and students believe that the bride in this story is the one that is speaking about herself; not boasting at all, but saying that she is the lowliest of all the flowers, but I must disagree.

50 1 Chronicles 8:12 – The town was called Lod
51 Isaiah 33:9 - The Plain of Sharon had become a wilderness -- Isaiah 65:10 - Sharon will again be a place to pasture herds -- Isaiah 35:2 - Sharon will have an abundance of flowers

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK It is Christ Himself that speaks these words about Himself; “I am the Rose of Sharon and the

lily of the valleys” and later goes on to say that He is gentle and LOWLY in heart.52
The Song of Solomon is a love story which is almost a return to the Garden of Eden in its simplicity.53 The extensive LOVE MAKING occurs in the grassy fields among the spreading cedar and fir trees surrounded by animals, birds, flowers, with the lush greenery of the mountains in the background. When you read the “Song” get ready to BLUSH; you already know the Book contains the good, the bad and the ugly and in the case of the “Song”, lots of SEX which we will not unpack here. I will approach this study as the Hebrews often did by seeing the Torah through juxtaposition;

the placing of two elements close side by side in comparison, I will use metaphors and parallels. (NIV2011) SongofSongs2:1–Jesussaid,IamtheROSEofSharon;alily

1 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
(MSG) SongofSongs2:1–Iamawildflower,aLOTUSblossom

1 I'm just a wildflower picked from the plains of Sharon, a lotus

blossom from the valley pools.
(NLT) SongofSongs2:1-2–IamaspringCROCUSalilyamongthorns

1 I am the spring crocus blooming on the Sharon Plain, the lily of the valley.
2 Like a lily among thistles is my darling among young women.


The Rose is called by naturalist the chief or queen of all flowers because of three things in perfection; its shape, color and fragrance; as a metaphor it is a universal flower common to all nations and the parallel is Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all nations, He belongs to all.54

The light of the sun as a metaphor, must rest on the rose to expose its beauty and as a parallel, we as believers are children of the light and walk in the light and share the light.55

Colors and Fragrance
The Rose as a metaphor is a beautiful flower intermixed with WHITE and RED colors and the

parallel is Jesus Christ; the Bridegroom who is “white and ruddy”; this is the dual natures of Christ. The White is his natural divinity and the Red is His humanity. Jesus is the chief among ten thousand sons of man.56

The fragrance is a metaphor for the most excellent odor produced by the rose for perfumes and as a parallel Jesus is as a fragrant ointment that is poured out for our sins.

Song of Songs 5:10 – Jesus’s dual nature; white and red

10 The Shulamite my beloved is white and ruddy, Chief among ten thousand. (NKJV)
Song of Songs 1:3 – Name of Jesus is an ointment poured out 3 Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth; Therefore the virgins love you. (NKJV)

Trodden under – but Free
King David fed his flocks and herds on the Plain of Sharon,57 and as a metaphor, the flowers

grew FREE and would be trodden under by the beast of the field. As a parallel, Jesus was trodden under, He was despised, rejected, a man of sorrows, acquainted with the deepest grief; He was, beaten, whipped, pierced and crushed for our sins.

52 Matthew 11:29 – Jesus says He is gentle and lowly in heart
53 Genesis 2:19-25 – Both naked among the animals, birds & sky
54 Romans 10:12 – Jesus is Lord of All – Jew and Gentile --
55 1 Thessalonians 5:5 – Believers are the children of the light -- 1 John 1:7 – The Believer walks in the light 56 Psalm 45:2 - You are fairer than ten thousand sons of men
57 1 Chronicles 27:29 – David fed his flocks on the Plain of Sharon

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The Rose as a metaphor is Free to any that would desire to have it; the parallel is that the Gospel message and access to Jesus Christ is free, that whosoever will may come to Him and purchase the water of life without money.

Salvation is Jesus Christ plus nothing else. 59

Lily of the valley
Jesus called Himself the Lily of the Valley and there is actually a flower known by that name;

described as a metaphor it has white bells arranged in a row on a tapered stalk that has a humble drooping head and usually found in the background behind the broader green leaves. The parallel to that is the emblem of lowliness and humility exemplified by our Lord Jesus and His pattern our life should exhibit.60 The color white reminds us of His purity.

The lily as a metaphor is grown numerously in the lowly place of the valley where living streams of water are found. The parallel is that believers have streams of living water flowing deep within them that propagates and reproduces numerously wherever they are.

Jesus said as a metaphor to look at the lilies of the valley, how they grow and take no thought about worldly things around them. The parallel is Jesus is calling your attention to look at the Lily of the valley; LOOK AT ME, I am the pattern for your life.61

The Lily as a metaphor is pure and beautiful and rises above the thorns of the briar patch. The parallel is that the Believer, the Bride, the Church bears the pure and beautiful image of Jesus and stands above the wickedness of the thorns and thistles, reflecting the beauty of Jesus to the world.

The Lily of the Valley is the Church

As a metaphoric twist the “song” speaks of the maiden’s beauty and the parallel is her beauty

being compared to be above the thorns, or her beauty makes the other women in King Solomon’s harem look like a briar patch. Thistles and thorns are a metaphor for inflicted pain and wounds and the parallel is the lily is exposed to hardships, growing among the wicked, the useless, worthless, noxious and hurtful that grow among the righteous. They will grow together until the harvest on the Day of the Lord.62 It’s in the Book

Song of Songs 2:2 – A flower among the thorns

2 Like a LILY AMONG THISTLES is my darling among young women. (NLT)

The Take Away

Jesus is universal, He is common to all that would seek Him; Jew and Gentile alike. The Red blood of Jesus and the White purity is a reflection of his dual nature; mortal and divine. Self-praise by any creature is vanity and holds no recommendation, but Jesus often praises Himself. Scripture says; I AM the Good Shepherd, I AM meek and lowly of heart, I AM the bread of life, I AM the Rose of Sharon, I am the Lily of the Valley, I AM willing, I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.63

DID YOU SEE IT; the name of God... Moses asked God, who shall I say sent me, and God said, say to them that I AM that I AM has sent you.64

58 Isaiah 55:1 – Buy food and drink without money – FREE -- Revelation 22:17 – Come and take the water of life FREE -- John 3:16- 17 – God sent in Love His only son to save the world

  1. 59  John 3:16-17 – God sent in Love His only son to save the world

  2. 60  Matthew 11:29 – Jesus is meek and lowly of heart

  3. 61  Matthew 13:23 – The Christian self reproduces -- Matthew 6:28 – Look at me – Don’t worry about stuff

  4. 62  Matthew 13:30 – Righteous and the wicked will grow together

  5. 63  John 14:6 – I am the way, the truth and the life

  6. 64  Exodus 3:13-14 – Jesus is claiming He is God, the great I AM

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Christ by the power of His spirit is letting us see the importance of not only knowing about His rags, but also His royalty; we are being led to esteem Him highly, having a high sense of the preciousness of His name, to entertain great thoughts of faith, patience and humility.

The Great I AM is painting a picture of Himself, the Bridegroom as the perfect Rose from the Plain of Sharon, and His Church. His bride, as the Lily of the Valley reflecting His light amongst the thorns of the world. He is not just a rose, but the best rose from the Plain of Sharon and the Church is not just a lily, but the best lily grown in the fertile valley.

We are His lily of the valley. IT’S IN THE BOOK

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Chapter 2.4

When was Jesus Born?

What does John the Baptist have to do with it? What does the Angel Gabriel have to do with it? How does the Zodiac fit into the picture?
What is the Order of Abijah?

First Word

We were NEVER told to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but to remember His death and resurrection.65 The pagans celebrated the birth of the sun god during the winter solstice festivals. The fourth century Church “with a twist” began to celebrate on December 25th the “Son of God” instead of the “sun god”. The celebration of the birth of Christ counteracted the pagan festival, much like we do today with festivals at church during Halloween or “All Hallows Eve”.

So for about 1700 years we have celebrated the birthday of Jesus Christ on December 25th and if we knew of a different time, we still wouldn’t want to change.

Methods of Determination

We need to know what year Jesus was born in order to know what month and day. There are a bunch of commentaries on the year that range from 7 B.C. to 2 B.C. Some of the methods used to determine the year are; The death of Herod, The Reign of Tiberius, The building of the Jerusalem Temple, The death of John the Baptist, The Prefecture of Pontius Pilate, Paul’s conversion, Astronomical analysis and the death of Christ. (The Bethlehem star was a miracle; the Shekinah Glory of God)

I have chosen; historical events, comments from Josephus the Jewish Historian, Astrology and scripture reference to systematically work backward through the years to establish the conception and birth of Christ.

What Year

When Jesus was born; a Roman census was being taken and at that SAME TIME Caesar Augustus was given the title “Pater Patriaemeaning "Father of the Country" or more literally, "Father of the Fatherland". An oath of obedience to Caesar Augustus was required by everyone. This oath was documented as occurring in 3 B.C....66 By “tradition” Augustus would humbly refuse “the title”, but would accept it later in 2 B.C.

Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch of Galilee was in power when Jesus was born and planned to kill Jesus, but Joseph was warned and escaped with his family to Egypt and stayed there for a year till Herod died.67 Josephus says Herod died shortly after a lunar eclipse. On March 11, 4 B.C. there was a partial eclipse; but the big one, the total eclipse occurred on December 29, 1 B.C. with Herod probably dying in January of 1 A.D. thus tying in systematically with scripture.68 (There was not a Zero B.C.) So the birth year is 3 B.C. Next for us to unravel is the month.

65 Luke 22:19 – We are to remember His death -- 1 Corinthians 11:26 – We proclaim His Death till He comes again 66 Luke 2:1-5 Joseph went to Bethlehem to register in the Census
67 Matthew 2:13 – Joseph escaped to Egypt with his family
68 Matthew 2:14 – Stayed in Egypt till Herod died.

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The Mystery unravels - Zacharias
To grasp the month of the birth of Christ we have to go back and look at Zacharias the father of

John the Baptist; he is the key that unlocks this door of time. Zacharias was an aging Priest; he and his wife Elizabeth were too old to bare children.69 Both he and his wife were descendants of the Priestly line of Aaron.

The Order of Abijah

The Priests who were descendants of Aaron were divided into 24 divisions and served in the temple according to their division order. The eighth division was named for Abijah;70 Zacharias was of this Priestly order. Zacharias was just one of the 20,000 priests in the 24 divisions; so it was an honor for him to be chosen “by lot” for the privilege of burning incense in the Holy Place. This was usually only a once in a lifetime experience.

Division of service

Each of the 24 divisions or orders served two times during the year. Once in the first 6 months and once in the second 6 months. In all this was a total of 48 weeks of service. All divisions served during the three festival seasons; “Passoverweek which was followed by the week of “Feast of Unleavened Bread(Pentecost) and then later on was the week of the “Feast of Tabernacles”, also called booths. Adding these three extra weeks gives us a total of 51 weeks. (The year finally gets corrected with 52 weeks, but it is not relevant here)

TheHebrewsyearwas51weekswiththepriestservingatotalof5weeksduringtheyear. Josephus the Jewish historian writes: A new day started at sundown; the service ministry began at 12 noon on the Sabbath which was Saturday and ended the following Sabbath at 12 noon. Josephus the Historian was a member of the first Priestly course called Jehoiarib.

Their first lunar month of service was the springtime month of Nisan which occurs during the Julian calendar of April-May. Of the two courses, the first Sabbath would be known as the First First Sabbath. During the second cycle of service starting in the Month of Tishri One, the first Sabbath would be known as the Second First Sabbath.71

What Month - Which course; 1st or 2nd
Since we are hanging the birth month of Jesus on when Zacharias served in the temple; we

have to ask the question; which of the two normal weeks or which of the three special weeks of festivals was Zacharias serving? I have to walk backward using what was going on at the time of the birth of Jesus to establish when Zacharias was serving. (The Hebrew month was considered as 30 days.)

Jesus’ birth was during a census.72 The normal time for a Roman census was after the crops had been harvested, during summer or early autumn; from August to October avoiding the rainy and winter seasons. The census required every male to go “to his own city”. However, by law all Jewish men MUST be in Jerusalem during the three festivals. So the birth of Jesus could NOT have happened during the three festivals, but only during the 1st or 2nd course of priestly service in the temple.

In the year 4 B.C. (a year before the birth of Jesus in 3 B.C.) the month of Nisan began in the Julian calendar on March 29th.

69 Luke 1:5-7 – Elizabeth was barren and too old to bare children.
70 1 Chronicles 24:7-10 – The eighth course was assigned to Abijah. - Luke 1:8-9 Zacharias was in the “order of his course
71 2 Chronicles 23:8 – The duty began and ended on the Sabbath. -- 2 Chronicles 5:11 – They did NOT wait by course during the Festivals; they all served. -- Luke 6:1 – The Second First Sabbath was the second cycle of service
72 Luke 2:1-6 – Joseph and Mary registered in a Census

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The first FIRST Sabbath would always be the Sabbath just before the first day of Nisan.

  1. 1)  First course; the Sabbath would start at noon March 24th and go through March 31st noon.

  2. 2)  Second course March31st noon till April 7th noon.

  3. 3)  Third course April 7th till April 14th – But continued on with ALL the other 20,000 priest for

    14 more days celebrating the week of Passover and the following week of the Feast of

    Unleavened Bread which ended at noon on April 21st.

  4. 4)  Fourth course noon April 21st to noon April 28th

  5. 5)  Fifth course April 28th till May 5th

  6. 6)  Sixth course May 5th till May 12th

  7. 7)  Seventh course May 12th till May 19th

  8. 8)  The Eighth course of service for Zacharias was May 19th to May 26th; SUMMER. The SECOND

    eighth course would have been 6 months later during the WINTER; too late for a census.

Setting the Stage

The Angel Gabriel appears to Zacharias during his normal course of service in the temple and tells him he will have a son whose name will be John.73 Zacharias being past the age to father children DOUBTS Gabriel’s announcement and is struck speechless and deaf until the birth of the child who would later be known as John the Baptist.74

Zacharias now speechless is considered “with defect” and is moved outside finishing his tour of duty in the temple75 and with about two days journey on May 28th he arrives home and sleeps with Elizabeth his wife and she becomes pregnant. The conception is around June 1st Elizabeth his wife goes into seclusion for five months, till about November 1st.76

The Sixth Month of John
In John’s sixth month or December Gabriel appears to Mary who is about 20 years of age and

tells her she will conceive a son named Jesus77 and that her barren Cousin or Aunt Elizabeth who is about 60 is also pregnant. Mary immediately goes and tells Elizabeth the good news. The baby “John” leaps in the womb of Elizabeth. Mary hangs out with Elizabeth for three months and leaves her just before John is born.78

After nine months and 10 days or after 280 days of normal gestation; in September of 3 B.C. Jesus is born to Joseph and Mary; both have also completed the census and oaths. In September the shepherds are still living outside and tending their sheep in the field.79 It’s not winter yet. Interestingly; during the mild winter season, only the Temple Shepherds might have sheep in the field.

So the conception was on December 1st and the birth month was in September of 3 B.C.

Astronomy – The Day
Looking at the book of Revelation, John the revelator speaks of a celestial display in the heavens

that is A SIGN. It’s a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet.80 She is holding a BRANCH in her right hand. The branch is symbolic of the Lord.81 Using the Zodiac; the woman is known as “Virgo the Virgin”.

73 Luke 1:5 – Zachariah was of the priestly division of Abijah. -- Luke 1:11 – Gabriel appears to Zacharias while he is serving in the Temple -- Luke 1:13 – Gabriel delivers the announcement to Zacharias
74 Luke 1:18 – Zechariah challenges Gabriel’s announcement -- Luke 1:19-20 – Zechariah is struck dumb – He cannot speak --
75 Leviticus 21:21 – A Priest with a defect cannot come near

76 Luke 1:23-25 – Elizabeth goes into seclusion for 5 months.
77 Luke 1:26-28 - In the 6th month – Gabriel goes to the Virgin Mary -- Luke 1:36-37 – Gabriel tells Mary that Elizabeth is 6 month pregnant
78 Luke 1:39-41 – Mary goes to see Elizabeth
79 Luke 2:8-9 – The shepherds were in the fields with their flock.
80 Revelation 12:1-5 – A Woman clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her feet. -- Luke 2:8-11 – Jesus was born at night while the shepherds were watching their flocks.
81 Zechariah 3:8 – The Branch is Christ

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Running time back we see that in the year 3 B.C. the sun crosses the virgin’s body for 20 days from August 27th till September 15th, however during the 20 days of the sun crossing; the moon is only directly under her feet on the date of September 11th between the hours of 6:15 pm till 7:45 pm. In the Gospel of Luke we are told that the birth of Christ was at night.82 This event in the stars could not have occurred at any other time during this year.

So utilizing scripture and the stars of the Zodiac, we can know that Christ was born on

September 11th, 3 B.C. just after sunset around 6:45 pm; give or take 30 minutes.

Un-believable – Rosh ha-Shanan
Want some more; September 11th 3 B.C. would be “Tishri One” on the Jewish calendar. Tishri

One is the first day that Tiberius began his rule. This was the Jewish New Year, Rosh ha-Shanan, called the “The Day of Trumpetsan important two days, but not a feast day. The shofar (rams horn) is blown in long, short and staccato blasts that follow a set sequence.83 I can almost hear the shofar trumpeting the arrival of the Messiah.

NOTE: Christ’s conception was 180 days or 9 months and 10 days prior on DECEMBER 1st.

Incredible – The Bethlehem Star
There are two kinds of stars; those that are “fixed” and those that seem to “Wander”. They

are called wandering stars because they move slowly in a predictable orbit reversing in time to start all over again. The Magi saw the star RISING in the East and it ENDURED. NOTE: Comets and Shooting stars don’t rise nor do they endure over time.

On September of 3 B.C. the star Regulus known as “The King’s Star” rises in the East84 in an elliptical orbit and seemingly forms a conjunction with Jupiter.85 Stacked together, but separate, they form a very in the heavens,

With the earth also moving, these two stars seem to wander in the heavens then STOP as they reach the end of their orbit.86

This stacked conjunction occurred on December 25th, 2 B.C. giving us the first Christmas. Christ’s conception by the Holy Spirit occurred on December 1st, 4 B.C. and His Birth was on September 11, 3 B.C. in the evening at 6:45 pm, give or take 30 minutes. The Magi would arrive in Bethlehem about a year and four months after the birth of Jesus on December 25th, 2 B.C. The Magi thought that King Herod had a newborn child king. Herod was upset and commanded that all male children under the age of two be killed.87 Herod would die shortly after a lunar eclipse a year

later; the last of 1 B.C. or the first of 1 A.D.

To me, such a notion as naming the date when Christ was born was laughable, until I studied His Word.


82 Luke 2:8-11 – Jesus was born at night while the shepherds were watching their flocks.
83 Leviticus 23:23-24 – The Jewish New Year – The Day of Trumpets
84 Matthew 2:2 – His star was seen rising in the East -- Micah 5:2 – A ruler will come out of Bethlehem.
85 Isaiah 40:26 – God created the stars -- Psalms 147:4 – God numbered the stars and named them -- Job 9:9 – He calls them by name 86 Acts 2:19 – Wonders in the heavens.
87 Matthew 2:16 – Kill all of the male Hebrew children two and under

bright star

Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo and one

of the brightest stars in the night sky. Jupiter is usually the fourth brightest object in the sky (after

the Sun, the Moon and Venus).

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Chapter 2.5

Jesus’ Family

Provisions in Advance to flee to Egypt The Vow of the Nazarene
The Family of Jesus; Mary, Joseph Jesus and half-brothers Jude James, Joseph, Simon and some sisters.

Provisions in Advance

Jesus and his family were very poor and could not even afford a lamb as an offering in the temple. According to scripture their finances were at poverty level88 until the visit of the Magi who brought very expensive gifts of GOLD, FRANKINCENSE and MYRRH.89 The Magi were Religious leaders who could appoint kings and place people in power and authority. They traveled almost two years and almost a thousand miles just one way. It is not known how many of them there were or the number of servants, or the value of their gifts as they had much wealth.

Gold is associated with “Royalty.” Most people in the time of Jesus could not afford to own Gold. Frankincense is associated with “Worship”. It is extracted from gum from the Arabia tree and is expensive; it’s called the perfume of Love.
Myrrh is associated with “Suffering” and was offered to Christ on the Cross; it was a sedative when mixed with wine. The Gum is extracted by “Piercing” the bark of a “thorny” bush to allow it to bleed; it turns red on contact with air.

God financed their flight to Egypt in advance to avoid Pharaoh’s decree to kill all the new born males under the age of two.90 From Bethlehem to Helipolis Egypt was 300 plus miles taking up to three weeks for the family to get there. For safety concerns, people usually paid the price to travel in a caravan. The road trip to Egypt and His return to Nazareth was about a year.91 There probably wasn’t much of the “treasure” left after 30 years for His ministry, but who knows.

Vow of the Nazarene

If you are moved by the Spirit to get closer to God, then you must separate yourself from strong drink for whatever time is impressed on you; John’s vow was for life. The grape to the Nazarene is a symbol of temptation because symbolically; prosperity, leisure and the fullness of life are connected to it.
Vow of the Nazarene: To make one-self available to God; to be a spiritual leader.92

Dedication and separation for a period of time to a priestly life.
Abstinence from anything from the vine, including raisins and the vine itself.
Defilement avoidance: To avoid touching a dead body, making them un-ceremonial defiled. Unimpaired strength: The cutting of hair was forbidden, it is a symbol of strength.

88 Leviticus 12:8 – If you cannot afford a lamb bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons for an offering. – Luke 2:24 – Mary and Joseph could only bring a pair of turtledoves or two pigeons.
89 Matthew 2:11 – Magi brought Gold Frankincense and Myrrh to provide for their trip.
90 Mathew 2:14-18 – Mary and Joseph were warned in a dream to flee to Egypt to save the life of Jesus

91 Matthew 2:19-23 – Mary and Joseph returned to Nazareth after about a year
92 Luke 1:13-16 - Want to be totally dedicated to the lord -- Numbers 6:1-3 – Want more of god – Separate from Wine -- Ephesians 5:18 – Seek the spirit of God -- 1 Corinthians’ 6:19-20 – Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit-- Revelation 1:5-6 – We are a kingdom of priest -- 1 Peter 2:5 – We are a royal priesthood -- 1 Peter 2:9 – We are a chosen people

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The Family of Jesus
Some commentaries “force” the issue that all of the brothers of Jesus were of Joseph from a

previous marriage. This is because of their belief that Mary remained a virgin after the birth of Jesus. There is no reason not to believe that Mary bore other children. I use the term “half-brother” because God was the father of Jesus and not Joseph. When Jesus starts his ministry Joseph has probably been dead for some time. It must be pointed out that Jesus did not continue in the carpentry trade of Joseph, but left the family. There may have been some family disappointment as well as lost honor in His community. This appears to show up later when Jesus returns home and is rejected.93

At first it seems that the family of Jesus was skeptical about His ministry,94 however, Jesus appeared to James after the resurrection and he was converted and that brought the whole family in. Note: I firmly believe Mary and Joseph both believed that Jesus was the Messiah, but because of the times, the family just simply didn’t understand and were confused, timid and even afraid to be seen around Jesus.95 I think they wanted to believe; and eventually their timidity would be replaced with boldness because of the testimony of their brother James who became a church leader. Just saying”.

It seems probable that all the brothers were married to believing wives. None of the brothers were chosen to be one of the inner circle of “Twelve” Disciples.

Mary of Nazareth the mother of Jesus did not seem to accompany Jesus on his journeys but was present from time to time, possibly helping with income from the carpentry business.

Jude - The half-brother of Jesus, most believe, is the author of the next to the last book of the New Testament. He was the half-brother of Jesus and a disciple, but not one of the twelve. Jude had three brothers, James, Joseph and Simon and some sisters.96 Some students believe that the father Joseph was a widower and possibly had children before he married Mary. At first the half-brothers did not accept Jesus as the Messiah.97

James – The half-brother of Jesus.98 There were at least five “James” in the ministry of Christ. This one is the half-brother of Jesus and not James the fisherman, who was part of the inner circle of Disciples. He was the oldest of four younger brothers. One of his brothers was Jude, also a writer in the New Testament. It has always been tradition to name the first born after the father, so it is possible that James was not the oldest, but the more prominent. (Joseph was listed second also.)

James name does not appear in any of the lists of the inner circle of Twelve Disciples. Jesus appeared to James after His resurrection before He appeared to the other disciples.99 This is probably when James was converted to Christianity.

Tradition has James as an important leader in early church history and appointed as the first Bishop of Jerusalem by the apostles and the Lord Himself.100 Scripture seems to indicate that James is the authorofthebookofJames. BothJamesandJudeintheirwritingsrefertothemselvesas“aservant of Jesus Christ”.

The Book says that Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him and THEY STOOD OUTSIDE and sent word for him to COME OUT AND TALK WITH THEM; they went to TAKE CHARGE of him, for they thought, "HE IS OUT OF HIS MIND.

93 John 4:44 – Jesus found no honor in his own hometown
94 John 7:5 – They did not believe at first -- Matthew 12:46-50 – They stand afar off –unsure – watching 1 Corinthians 15:6-7–Jesus appears first to James after His resurrection. -- 1 Corinthians 9:4-5 – The brothers believe and become disciples -- Acts 1:13-14 – They now all believe in the upper room. -- Romans 8:15-16 – The Holy Spirit moved on their spirit -- Romans 8:13-14 – They believed -- 1 Corinthians 9:4-5 – The Brothers have wives that were believers.
95 Luke 4:28-30 – The town’s people plotted to Kill Jesus -- Matthew 12:24 – They said His powers came from Satan.
96 Mark 6:3 – Half-Brothers of Jesus James, Joseph, Judas and Simon
97 Mark 3:21 – The family thought He was out of His mind and sought to take Him away
98 Matthew 13:55 – James; half-brother of Jesus -- James 1:1 – James, the writer of the book of James -- Acts 21:18 – James hooked up with Paul
99 1 Corinthians’ 15:6-7 – Jesus appears to him after His resurrection.
100 Galatians 2:8-10 – James becomes a Church leader for the Jews.

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Chapter 2.6


Appearance of Jesus before He was born.

First Word

Question: Has Christ appeared as an angel or someone else? I say YES. We believe as Christians that Christ came to earth at various times before the New Testament. He is many times referred to as “The angel of the Lord” or “like the Son of God” and in Genesis as “the Word”.

The appearances in visions of the Lord looked different to each human mind as they perceived their concept of God. Ezekiel saw a wheel, Isaiah saw a lofty throne with a robe with a long train that filled the temple. He appeared as the High Pries Melchizedek who had no beginning nor end.

He appears often as; “The Angel of the Lord”. An angel wrestled with Jacob and Jacob told him "I will not let you go unless you bless me." And the angel did, and he named the place Peniel, saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."

Isiah saw the Glory of Jesus. Jesus appears as the Commander of the Lord’s Army. Jesus was the Fourth Man in the furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. A man named Manoah talks with Jesus, the Angel of God and ask His name; He responded that it was beyond his understanding.101

The Take Away

What do you think? Students of the word have varying opinions about The Angel of the Lord. Some take the Bible literally and believe the angel of the Lord is just as it says, AN ANGEL; while others believe it was JESUS. Depending on the scripture and translation I am reading, I vacillate back and forth. Can the word Lord be the same as God or is it Jesus; but then Jesus was God. While this does not change our salvation, it sure is interesting. Right or wrong doesn’t apply here, it’s just fun studying about our Lord... and He delights in it.

Psalm 37:23 - God delights in the person that seeks more of Him

23 The LORD directs the steps of the godly.

101 Ezekiel 1:3-10 – Ezekiel’s mind/spirit saw Christ as a wheel -- Isaiah 6:1 – Isaiah’s mind/spirit saw Christ in a long robe -- Genesis 14:18 – Appears as Melchizedek King of Jerusalem. -- Psalms 110:4 – Jesus; Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek -- Hebrews 7:3 – Without Genealogy – Without Beginning or End or mother or father -- Genesis 16:7 – Appears as the Angel of the Lord -- Genesis 32:24-30 - Jacob wrestles & sees the Glory of Jesus -- Hosea 12:4 – He struggled with the Angel of the Lord -- John 12:41- 42 – Isaiah see the Glory of Jesus; Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus' glory and spoke about him. -- Revelation 19:10 – Angels should not be worshipped, only Jesus. -- Joshua 5:13-14 – Joshua worships Jesus; the Commander of the Lords Army -- Daniel 3:25 – Jesus was the Fourth Man in the furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego -- Judges 13:2-18 – Manoah talks with Jesus, the Angel of God

102 Joshua 1: This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE ON IT DAY AND NIGHT, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good succes

Acts 17:11 – The Bereans were commended for examining the Scriptures

11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness AND



It’s in the Book102

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Chapter 2.7

Why the Jews Reject Jesus

Jesus; Liar, Lunatic or Lord
Drink m Blood – Eat my Flesh – Bad, Mad or God The Legend – Con Artist – Trickster – Philosopher Sorcerer – Guru – Mystic – Fanatic - False Prophet

First Word

A man called Jesus was born of a woman just like all humanity; worked as a carpenter, felt tiredness, got dirt under his fingernails, got hungry, had emotions of angry, got agitated and wept. It is hard to conceive that He could be GOD and die on a cross a criminals death.

He could have been a PHILOSOPHER or a MORALIST who was a great moral teacher or perhaps a SAGE or even a PROPHET, but surely not a criminal who deserved to be crucified. Perhaps He was a SORCERER who could curse fig trees so that they died, and could persuade demons to infest the bodies of pigs and cause them to kill themselves.
Possibility Jesus was a
GURU, believing everything is divine including Himself. – Jesus did said He was God, but not everyone else was god. - He taught prayer, not meditation. - He taught about sin and God’s grace and forgiveness, but not reincarnation.

Maybe He was a MYSTIC who dealt in "illusions" of individuality, but He spoke of God as a person, not an illusion.
Logically speaking, it is certainly possible that Jesus's claim to divinity could have resulted from sincere reasoning which was just a
GOOD-FAITH MISTAKE. He was SINCERELY WRONG. He might have been a FANATIC who claimed to possess the ONLY WAY to Heaven and threatened all who rejected His claims with everlasting fire in Hell; a Nut, a Fruitcake.

Perhaps it was just a practical JOKE, a fantastic hoax that some Jews invented for fun and it just grew framing the whole elaborate, incredible lie of Christianity. This turned into a LEGEND that got out of hand and became so strong that the followers of THE WAY were persecuted, whipped, tortured, imprisoned, mauled by lions, killed for sport by gladiators and some even crucified. Many Jews and millions of Gentiles lost their Political privileges, Social standing as well as their possessions and devoted their lives to THE WAY, believing in Him and died for a Joke.

R.C. Sproul says that there are only TWO POSSIBILITIES: Jesus either speaks the truth or not. If He speaks the truth, He is God and the case is closed.
If only a mere man who wants you to worship him as God is either morally or intellectually a BAD person.
If He actually knows that He is NOT God, then He is a LIAR trying deliberately to deceive you into blasphemy.
If He does not know that He is NOT God, but sincerely thinks He is, then He is intellectually messed up; cognitive dysfunction; He is a LUNATIC.
He could have just been a LEGEND that was passed down orally within communities of Faith that bubbled up with ever multiplying embellished layers of distortions at every turn.

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Matthew 16:13-17 – Who do you say I am; THE MESSIAH

13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples,
14 Some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.” Then he asked them,

  1. 15  BUT WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? Simon Peter answered,

  2. 16  YOU ARE THE MESSIAH, the Son of the living God.

  3. 17  Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because

my Father in heaven has revealed this to you.

A little Background
C.S. Lewis said, Christ either deceived mankind by conscious fraud, or He was Himself deluded

and self-deceived, or He was Divine. There is no getting out of this trilemma; it is inexorable. Jesus behaved as if He had always existed as God; had the authority to forgive sins and intended to come back and judge the world at the end of time.

I would like to paint a picture of the Church leaders during the time of Christ; the Sanhedrin, the Scribes, and the Pharisees and Sadducees. This bunch of folk’s mission in life was not only to live a Godly life according to the Laws of Moses, but to teach the Laws from your birth to your death and strictly ENFORCE them. Saul, whose name was later changed to Paul, was THE ENFORCER of the LAW, dragging people out of their homes in chains and imprisoning them.103 He was a Roman Citizen, a Pharisee and the son of a Pharisee; he was a ZELOTE devoted to the Jewish Law.

Unlike today, the Hebrews had tremendous interest in the things of God; not that they got it right all the time, but they put forth an EXTREME effort to live their lives according to the 613 MOSAIC LAWS that were intended to bring honor and worship to the ONE true God of Israel.

The religious leaders were NOT expecting a messiah that spent time with sinners, tax collectors and prostitutes, one who claimed He was God and could forgive sins. They were expecting someone who would come and set up an earthly kingdom NOW. It did not fit.

THE SETTING; Rome had overrun the Nation of Israel, and the Hebrews had very little say in governing their own affairs. They were forced to register in a census in their hometowns so as to PAY TAXES to Rome. From childhood All of Israel had been taught to expect a MESSIAH, a victorious Political leader, a descendent from the “House of David”, one who would be a deliverer, one who would set up a POLITICAL KINGDOM that would liberate Israel and deliver them, putting an end to the oppressive bondage of Rome and restore Israel to Her rightful place of honor.

James and John; two of the most inner circle of the 12 disciples, expecting a political kingdom asked Jesus to let them sit at the place of honor; one on His left and the other on His right hand of His reigning throne.104 They did not understand the Two Kingdoms of God; the one that was right Now and the one Not Yet; the one that was to come.

The expectations for the Messiah was one that was a victorious POLITICAL LEADER, so the idea of a suffering Messiah, one that had been scourged, broken, bleeding and nailed to a cross like a common criminal, was totally unlike anyone’s expectations including His disciples.

It’s in the Book

103 Acts 22:5 – Letters authorized Saul to bring Christian in chains to be punished -- Acts 8:3 – Saul entered homes dragging men and women to prison -- Galatians 1:13-14 – Saul violently persecuted the Christians in order to destroy the sect known as THE WAY -- Acts 26:9-11 – Saul opposed and condemned the very name of Jesus
104 Mark 10:35-37 – James & John wanted to sit at a place of honor in the new kingdom


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The Zealots

There was an SECRET underground resistance movement known as THE ZEALOTS original led by Judas the Galilean which was in existence at the birth of Jesus;105 and within this underground resistance was another Radical Group that was greatly feared. They were known as The Sicarii (the dagger people) which was indicative of their tactics.

The Sicarii were devoted supporters of God and His laws and secretly engaged in acts of intrigue, violence, force, deceptions including ASSASSINATIONS of Roman soldiers and would assassinate anyone else that opposed the Zealot resistance in order to keep it from achieving its liberating goals. During festivals they circulated among the crowds and killed Roman sympathizers with daggers that they concealed in their clothing.

The Zealots took the position that no one should be honored as Lord or King, but Jehovah God. So they rejected the foreign rule of the Romans; to pay taxes to an Emperor was considered Idolatry and blasphemous to God. Their mantras was; “NO RULE BUT THE LAW, NO KING BUT GOD”.

Israel had hope for a MESSIAH that would overthrow the Roman Government and restore the kingdom to Israel. Two of Jesus’ Twelve Disciples; Judas Iscariot and Simon the Zealot held the same “political views” and believed that Jesus was “The Man” that had come to restore Israel. It was Judas that hatched a plan to force Jesus to bring down His angel armies and begin the liberation fight against Rome and as a BONUS get paid for it.

The Pharisees were offended by the blasphemous teachings of Jesus and connived to get Him connected with The Zealot Resistance Movement by asking him the TRICK question; “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar”?106 They were all hoping His answer would label Him a secret Zealot and Rome would “TAKE HIM OUT” as well as disperse ALL of His followers; the sect became known as “THE WAY”. (Jesus had said He was THE WAY to God the Father)

Blasphemy upon Blasphemy

The RUB: Jesus began to do the unthinkable; He began to make claims about His own DEITY, by calling God His OWN father; He said He was the SON OF GOD and was the promised Messiah. He said He was LORD over the SABBATH, putting Himself on equal ground with God.107

Judaism: The Messiah will be a “Mortal Man” in the linage of King David, NOT A DEMI GOD.
Christianity: The Messiah is called “The Christ”. The concept of the Messiah in Christianity certainly originated from the Messiah of Judaism; He was all man and all God.

The RUB: Jesus was forgiving SIN. Isaiah the prophet said GOD ALONE could FORGIVE SIN. 109 Judaism: No one on earth had the authority or right to forgive sins, yet here was Jesus LYING to the people, telling them their SINS WERE FORGIVEN; blaspheming against God.

105 Acts 5:37 – Judas the Galilean Zealot led a revolt against Rome -- Luke 2:1-3 – Romans decreed the Jews must register in a census in his own home town to pay taxes to Caesar
106 Mark 12:13-17 – The Trick; “is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not
107 John 10:30 - The Father and I are one

108 John 14:6 – The ONLY WAY to God is through ME
109 Isaiah 43:25 – God alone can forgive sins says Isaiah the Prophet

The RUB: Jesus said there is only ONE WAY to get to heaven and “THE WAYwas through Him. THE WAY became the name of the sect that followed Him.108

Judaism: The Jews felt it seemed somewhat EVIL that a person would be damned to hell FOREVER because they rejected the teachings of Jesus. They had the promises of the Torah, the promises of THE BOOK OF THE LAW.
Christianity: Jesus said, “I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE. No one comes to the father except through me. His healing miracles were a sign from Heaven of His authority.

Christianity: Jesus said the Book of the Law could not save them, The Law only pointed out the need for a Savior, and that’s why He was sent from God His Father to save them.

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The RUB: Jesus performed healings on the SABBATH day.110
Judaism: Breaking the SABBATH LAWS PLUS the fact of His LYING blasphemy claiming that He and God were One and the only way to get to Heaven was through Him REQUIRED the church leaders to STONE HIM.
Christianity: Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath

Liar Lunatic

Although the Jews thought that this man Jesus was SINCERE, they thought He was also WRONG; He was SINCERELY WRONG. Actually He was not just sincerely wrong, He was a plain out LIAR or worse, He was a LUNATIC. God’s NAME was so reverenced that they would not even say the name; YHWH, Yahweh; Jehovah. Out of respect, the scribes would use CIRCUMLOCUTION and alternate names which would substitute for the name of God like “Adonai” or “Elohim”; instead of saying “Kingdom of God” they would use a term like “Kingdom of Heaven”.111

The Levitical Law said anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. THE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY MUST STONE HIM. It’s in the Book 112

The RUB: Jesus was just plain CRAZY telling the crowds that the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees, were Blind Guides and Blind Fools and if the people expected to enter the Kingdom of Heaven they must be MORE RIGHTEOUS than them;113 HOW COULD THAT BE?

Judaism; These were the very people that were teachers of holiness; and how to keep the 613 laws. Christianity: Jesus said their religious leaders were filthy, full of greed and self-indulgence Blind Guides leading the blind. They were like Whitewashed Tombs, clean on the outside, but filled with all sorts of Impurity on the inside and full of Hypocrisy and Lawlessness; they were nothing but SNAKES; a Brood of Vipers.114

The RUB: If Jesus is not Lying then He must be a LUNATIC, because no one would say things like this knowing it would get them killed. He told His followers to DRINK HIS BLOOD AND EAT HIS FLESH and they would live forever. Many followers thought He was nuts, crazy, LOONEY TUNES, a LUNATIC and THEY ABANDONED HIM.115

Plum Crazy

Jesus has gone plum CRAZY. Scripture usually depicts the family minus Joseph who must have already died, standing far off in the distance, partly because of the crowds. Then at some point just after Jesus was casting out demons; His Mother, His brothers and sisters all went down to find Jesus and TAKE CHARGE of the situation and REASON with him because they thought HE WAS LOSING HIS MIND.116

110 Mark 2:28 – Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath -- John 10:31-33 - It was Blasphemy claiming to be God – Stone Him 111 Exodus 20:7 – Don’t use the name of God flippantly -- John 12:28 – God’s name is to be glorified
112 Leviticus 24:16 – Anyone who God’s name in vain must be put to death by the entire assembly
113 Matthew 5:20 – You must be MORE righteous than the scribes and Pharisees

114 Matthew 3:7 – Jesus called the Pharisees and Sadducees a BROOD OF VIPERS -- Matthew 23:13 – Scribes and Pharisees will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven -- Matthew 15:14 - They are blind guides leading the blind, both will fall into the ditch -- Matthew 23:15-33 – Jesus called the Pharisees Hypocrites, filthy and full of greed, self-indulgent, Blind Guides, Blind Fools and Snakes, Vipers,

115 -- John 6:51 - My Flesh is living bread for the life of the world -- John 6:53-55 – Jesus told them to Eat my flesh and drink my blood -- John 6:66 – Many followers though Jesus was LOONEY TUNES
116 Mark 3:31 – Mary sends word to Jesus to come outside and talk -- Matthew 12:47 – Mary’s family stands at a distance -- John 7:5 – Jesus’ family did not believe at first -- Mark 3:21 – The family thought Jesus was out of his mind

The RUB: The Mitzvoth refers to the 613 commandments given in the Torah and says that these commands REMAIN BINDING FOREVER. Jesus comes on the scene and begins to teach things that seem to undermine or displace a few of the 613 Mosaic rules or laws.

Judaism; anyone who attempts to CHANGE the Torah is a FALSE PROPHET.
Christianity: At every point Jesus was Raising the Barof expectation by teaching; to love and pray for your enemy, forgiving so many times that you lose count; and to help and show compassion for those in need whether it was on the Sabbath or not.

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None of the brothers believed what Jesus was saying and the town’s people were ready to throw Jesus off a cliff. Interestingly the Jews thought the same thing about the Apostle Paul, that he too was INSANE that his much learning had driven him CRAZY.117

Note: I firmly believe, because of the Angel’s prophecy that Mary & Joseph both believed that Jesus was the Messiah, but because of the times, the family just simply didn’t fully understand and were confused, timid and even afraid to be seen around Jesus because the town’s people wanted to Kill Him.118 I think they wanted to believe; and eventually their timidity would be replaced with boldness and belief because of the testimony of Jesus half-brother James who Jesus appeared to after His resurrection.119 The whole family would later be found numbered among the 120 present in the upper room when the Holy Spirit fell on them on the day of Pentecost.120 It’s in the Book

Con Artist

The RUB: Jesus Himself said that He is the Son of God and the Messiah and His signs and great miracles proved it, BUT today there is still as much suffering, pain and tragedy in the world as there ever was before Jesus came on the scene.

Judaism: Personal revelation of being the Messiah is a very weak basis for claiming Messiahship, as multiple religions have claimed this throughout history and some tricksters and con artist have been granted special powers just to TEST the people of Israel. Perhaps Jesus could cast out demons because He was possessed by Satan.121 Judaism was not borne out of miracles to a FEW, but to ALL of Israel as witnesses at the bottom of Mount Sinai when God spoke out of the thunder and smoke.

Christianity: Jesus claimed to be the Messiah and healed ALL that came to Him that were sick and even raised some from the dead as well as fed some 4,000 to 5,000 people twice. He has authority over Satan and is more powerful than demons which are subject to His commands; a characteristic of God and God alone.122

The RUB: Unlike the concept in Judaism, the Messiah in Christianity is the Son of God; coming as a suffering servant.

Judaism: Isaiah relates at least eleven times that ISRAEL is known as the “Servant of God; the scriptures in Isaiah are about Israel being bruised and crushed and suffering, NOT about Jesus. Besides that, the Messiah will be a King, a Powerful Political Leader, leading an insurrection; NOT a “Suffering Servant”.

Christianity: The Messiah comes as the Suffering Servantas prophesized by the Prophet.123

The RUB: A Virgin will conceive a child called Immanuel meaning “God is with us”.124

Judaism: The word “Virgin” is mistranslated, it actually means A YOUNG WOMAN, not a virgin. This idea comes from the PAGAN BELIEF of mortals being impregnated by the gods.
Christianity: The Virgin Birth is a sign to the world that God is Sovereign even over what we think is impossible.

117 Acts 26:24 - Paul you are Insane, too much learning has driven you crazy
118 Luke 4:28-29 – The town’s people were ready to Kill Jesus
119 1 Corinthians 15:7 – Jesus appeared to His half-brother James and He believed
120 Acts 1:14-15 – Jesus’ mother Mary, and all His brothers and sisters believed and were part of the 120 in the Upper Room
121 Mark 3:22 – Jesus must be possessed by Satan if He can cast out demons -- Acts 24:14 – I admit that I am a follower of the sect called THE WAY
122 Matthew 4:24 – Jesus healed ALL of the sick, epileptics, paralytics and cast out demons. --
123 Isaiah 53:1-12 – JESUS was the Prophesized a Suffering Servant that was despised and rejected, pierced, crushed, beaten, whipped, oppressed and condemned -- Psalm 44:9-19 – ISRAEL is the Suffering Servant of God; rejected, humbled plundered, devoured, sold, disgraced, shamed, crushed and scorned
124 Isaiah 7:14 – The Virgin will conceive a child called Immanuel, meaning God is with us -- Exodus 29:1-7 – A Priest consecrates by anointing with Oil on the head

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The RUB: The Messiah will be called the “Anointed One”, anointed with perfumed oil by a woman. 125

Judaism: The Word “ANOINTING” refers to the ritual of “consecrating someone” by pouring Holy Oil upon their head by the Levitical Priest. God would never use a woman to anoint someone; only a priest could do this.
Christians believe that Jesus was ANOINTED with Oil as was prophesied when a woman poured an alabaster jar of expensive perfumed oil over His head.

The RUB: The Messiah will be a king that will lead the nation of Israel out from under the oppression of Rome.

Judaism: Jesus only led Himself to die a criminal’s death on the cross and led the nation into confusion.
Christianity: Jesus died on the cross as the FINAL sacrifice for all that would believe in Him and receive the gift of eternal life. He became the King of the Jews;126 He was Prophet, Priest, King and the awaited Messiah.

The RUB: Elijah the Prophet will return preparing the way for the Messiah
Judaism: Elijah did not return, John the Baptist even said he was NOT Elijah.127 Christianity: Jesus the Messiah said John the Baptist had the Spirit of Elijah even though he did not know it. Christianity does not support re-incarnation; having lived before as another person and coming back, but does support the “spirit” of doing what others have done before. John was the voice of one calling in the wilderness to prepare THE WAY for the Lord just as the Prophet Isaiah spoke.128

Lie - Second Return

The RUB: The Messiah will gather all of the Jews back from the ends of the earth to the Land of Israel and will build the Third Temple when He returns.129

Judaism: Jesus did not gather all the Jews back; rebuild the temple nor re-establish temple worship.
Christianity: Jesus the Messiah will establish all of this at the second part of His coming.

The RUB: The Messiah will usher in a NEW era of world peace when He returns, no more war; ending hatred, oppression and suffering. Bringing quiet, peacefulness, confidence of safety; violence will disappear from the land; the desolation and destruction of war will end. No more training and preparation for War.130 A Kabbalistic tradition within Judaism is that Messiah ben Joseph, (a son of Joseph) will gather the children of Israel around him and lead them to Jerusalem. After overcoming the hostile powers in Jerusalem, He will re-establish the Temple worship and set up his own dominion. Then Messiah ben David (a son of David) will usher in a time of FREEDOM and PEACE.

Judaism: Jesus did not bring world peace and end violence, destruction and war. Christianity: Jesus the Messiah will do ALL these things at the second part of His coming

125 Matthew 26:6-12 – A woman prepares Jesus’ body for burial by anointing Him with Oil. -- Mark 14:3-9 - Jesus was anointed with Oil for burial by a woman
126 Matthew 27:37 they put up over His head the accusation written against Him: THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS
127 Isaiah 40:3 – It is Elijah that will come and prepare the way of the Lord -- Matthew 3:3 – The Prophet Elijah through John the Baptizer would prepare the way for the Lord -- Matthew 17:12 – Elijah has already come, but was not recognized -- Matthew 11:14 – Jesus said that John the Baptizer has the spirit of Elijah -- John 1:21-23 – John did NOT know he possessed the spirit of Elijah

128 Isaiah 40:3 – I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: prepare the way of the LORD
129 Isaiah 43:5-6 – The Lord will gather ALL the Jews back to Israel -- Amos 9:13-15 – The Messiah will bring His people back to Israel -- Micah 4:1-4 –Zechariah 8:23 – The World will seek out the God of the Jew’s Isaiah 2:2-3 – All Nations will stream to the Lord’s house worship the God of Israel -- Ezekiel 37:26-28 –The Messiah will re-build the Temple
130 Isaiah 2:1-4 – The Messiah will usher in World Peace – No more training for war -- The Lord will teach us His ways and we will walk in His paths of PEACE -- Isaiah 32:15-18 – The Messiah will usher in quietness, confidence, safety, rest -- Isaiah 60:15-18 – The Messiah will end violence and make peace; desolation and destruction will disappear

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

The RUB: The Messiah will spread knowledge of the God of Israel worldwide, UNITING ALL of humanity in the worship of the one true God.131

Judaism: Jesus did NOT cause the knowledge of God to be spread worldwide nor cause the One Jehovah God to be worshipped universally.
Christianity: Jesus the Messiah will accomplish this at the second part of His coming.

The RUB: The Messiah will purify the language when He returns. The whole world will speak Hebrew or an unknown NEW pure language.132

Judaism: Jesus, did not bring the world to speak a new pure language.
Christianity: The nations will no longer use vile and vulgar language, repulsive and blasphemous talk, the nation’s languages will become pure and wholesome at the second part of the Messiah’s coming.

Christianity: The Messiah returns in TWO parts:
1) The Old Testament Messianic prophecies were fulfilled in the First part of

Christ’s coming through His Mission, His Death and His Resurrection.
2) The remainder of the Messianic prophecies will be fulfilled in the Second part of Christ’s coming, specifically the prophecy of a FUTURE KING who would come from the Davidic line and usher in a Messianic Age and the New

World to Come.
THE BIG RUB: The Messiah’s appearance is in two parts.

Judaism: The SECOND PART THEORY is a LIE, just a flimsy excuse for getting around the Messianic prophecies. The Messiah comes only ONCE, not TWICE. Christianity: The Messiah comes twice. It’s in the Book

Daniel the Prophet in a vision, referred to Jesus as the Son of Man which was a title that belonged

to the Messiah. Jesus referred to Himself some 80 times as the Son of Man. Jesus was not confused about His Divinity, He confirmed it to the twelve when He asked them; who do the people say that I am. They responded; John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets. He then asked Peter point blank; but who do YOU say that I am... Peter responded, you are the Christ the Son of the living God.134

God said His own name was I AM THAT I AM, and His son Jesus referred to Himself as I AM and if you didn’t get that; He said straight up, The Father and I are ONE. When Jesus was placed under oath by the High Priest, He confessed that He was the Messiah, the Son of God. No other leader of any religion has ever claimed to be the Son of God.135

131 Jeremiah 31:33-34 – Everyone will know the God of Israel -- Zechariah 8:23 – Everyone will know that God is with Israel -- Hosea 2:20-22 – The World will know God and He will answer
132 Zephaniah 3:9 – No more vile vulgar or blasphemous repulsive speech
133 Luke 24:44 – The Messiah must fulfill the Prophecies

134 Matthew 16:13-17 – You are the Messiah the Son of the living God -- Daniel 7:13 – The Prophet Daniel calls the Messiah the Son of Man -- Luke 22:48 – Jesus referred to Himself as the SON OF MAN -- Luke 22:69 – Jesus the Son of Man is seated at the right of God
135 Exodus 3:14 – God names Himself I AM that I AM -- John 8:56-58 – Jesus referred to Himself often as “I AM”, the name of God -- John 14:6 – Jesus the “I AM” is the way, the truth and the life -- John 10:27-30 – Jesus said the Father and I are one -- John 1:1-3 – Jesus “THE WORD” is God and was in the beginning -- Matthew 26:63-64 – Jesus said I am the Messiah, the Son of God

TheRUB: WhentheMessiahcomesHewillnotmissevenonepointofprophecy.133

Judaism: Jesus did NOT accomplish “ALL AT ONCE”, what was written in the Torah therefore He was REJECTED.

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

Two Kingdoms
Jesus taught about what the Kingdom of God was like. Most of what He taught was in parables;

stories that have a second meanings. He used metaphors, something spoken of that also had other meanings. This was right down their alley as the Hebrews spent their days discussing hidden meanings in the Torah, plus the stories of Jesus made the teachings very easy to remember.

The Kingdom of HEAVEN is mentioned ONLY in the NT book of Matthew and is spoken of 32 times by Jesus Christ Himself.
The Kingdom of GOD is mentioned 66 times throughout the NT presenting the question; is there two different kingdom?

Two Kingdoms; The Kingdom of God and The Kingdom of Heaven are both the same kingdom; however scripture speaks of a Present Kingdom; where evil is defeated and sinners are redeemed, as well as a Future Kingdom where Satan and death are both defeated and thrown in the lake of fire, and the believer lives and reigns forever in the presence of God.

The Realm: Where God’s reign is experienced.
The People: The “redeemed” are the people of the kingdom.
The Reign: The reign of Christ “with believers” sharing in His reign.
The Present: The kingdom is present for believers to enter NOW and enjoy His blessings. The Future: The kingdom is future, when we enter into eternal life and reign with Christ.

We must enter into the NOW present kingdom in order to enter into the NOT YET future kingdom of “eternal life.” The believer accepts God’s reign in their present lives; and reigns with Him in the future. Blessings in the Present, even greater blessing in the future. We have the present kingdom now that will extend into the future kingdom. We must enter into the present Kingdom to be able to inherit the future Kingdom where we will be in the presence of Christ and reign with Him forever, so I guess you could say there really is two kingdoms; The NOW and the NOT YET.

The people of Israel had the Ten Commandments and the “other laws” found in the Old Testament. Christ’s teachings “Raised the Bar” on what everyone understood at the time. The bar was raised to the point that NO ONE could live up to its standard. The Salvation theology that Christ taught was sufficient to condemn EVERYONE to eternal separation from God.

The purpose of the Law was NOT TO SAVE, but to SHOW OUR NEED to be saved (among other things). Jesus’ teachings AMPLIFIED the Law, and made it even clearer, that we need a Savior.136

Since Jesus set the Bar very high, who then can QUALIFY to enter the Kingdom of God; who then can be saved? Jesus said; with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.137 We need a Savior. We need the Holy Spirit to enable us to come to God otherwise what we see and what we hear will be just foolishness. It was only after Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross and then rose from the dead defeating death that His followers finally “GOT IT”.

Jesus was prophesized to be a suffering Messiah. As was Paul’s custom, he went to the synagogue service, and for three Sabbaths in a row he used the Scriptures to REASON with the people and explained the prophecies and proved that the MESSIAH MUST SUFFER and rise from the dead. Paul said, “This Jesus I’m telling you about is the Messiah.”138 Jesus REASONING with them said; “You foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the PROPHETS wrote in the Scriptures. Wasn’t it clearly predicted that the MESSIAH would have to SUFFER all these things before entering his glory?”139 It’s in the Book

136 Romans 8:3 – The Law of Moses COULD NOT SAVE showing us we need a savior -- Matthew 4:17 – The Kingdom of Heaven is near, repent and turn to God -- John 6:44 – No one can come to Jesus unless drawn by the Father
137 Matthew 19:25-26 – Who then can be saved? with God all things are possible
138 Acts 17:2-3 - Paul REASONED with them, that the messiah would be a suffering servant.

139 Luke 24:25-26 – Jesus REASONED with them that it was clearly predicted that the Messiah would suffer
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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK The Take Away

I have given many scriptures found in the footnotes, that brings you to the point that you must decide whether He was either a Liar, a Lunatic, a Legend or Lord. It’s the name of Jesus that millions CURSE and millions PRAY. When Jesus was before Pilate, a simple denial of His Deity would have set Him free, but He chose to be tortured with excruciating pain at His crucifixion. There were many great moral teachers with wise teachings, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi as well as Mohammed that became world religions, but none claimed to be the “Son of God”; none performed miracles, healed the sick, raised the dead, died and was resurrected and left His tomb empty.

There were many Empty Tomb theories;

a) The Wrong Tomb, the woman simply went to the wrong tomb.
b) The Swoon Theory; Jesus did not die, He only fainted and was resuscitated and the

Disciples only thought He had risen from the dead.
c) Stolen Body Theory; the Disciples of Jesus stole His body to make it look like He had

been resurrected from the dead.

Then there was His appearance theories; Hallucination Theory, Physiological Illusions. The sighting of Jesus was due to mental stress, and anguish based on the hopeful desires of His followers. All the rational that was put forward was to disprove the SUPERNATURAL. Once you disprove the SUPERNATURAL concerning His Virgin Birth, His Miracles, Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven; the faith in “THE WAY” movement will just fall apart.

There are indisputable facts about Jesus; He was a real historical person whose life radically changed human history; even most calendars are dated by His birth. He was a Nazarite who was born of a virgin in Bethlehem as was prophesized. He was baptized by John the Baptist, preached about the Kingdom of God and healed the sick. He performed signs and miracles that included changing water into wine, walking on water, feeding a multitude of 5000 and raising the dead. He was persecuted by the Jews and was crucified, dead, buried and then resurrected.140

The Religious leaders COULD DISPROVE the resurrection by just dragging His body in front of the Temple and throwing it down on the steps; then everyone could see He was simply a LIAR and a LUNATIC. But they could NOT produce HIS body, and to make it far worse; for some 40 days, the resurrected Jesus appeared to His followers; He was seen by PETER and then by THE TWELVE. After that, he was seen by more than 500 OF HIS FOLLOWERS at one time, then he was seen by JAMES his half-brother and later again by all the apostles. All of the sudden; the despair, gloom and doom was dispelled and changed to joy and excitement. HE’S ALIVE.

The Apostle Peter said that the Disciples were not making up clever stories, but were reporting what they saw with their own eyes. Doctor Luke said he used eyewitness reports that were circulating among the early disciples and carefully investigated them and wrote down a careful account of the “ACTS” of Jesus.

We must enter into the NOWpresent kingdom in order to enter into the “NOT YETfuture kingdom of “eternal life”. The believer accepts God’s reign in their present lives; and reigns with Him in the future. Blessings in the Present and even greater blessing in the future.

C. S. Lewis, the great Christian apologist said, “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would NOT be a great moral teacher. He would either be a LUNATIC on a level with the man who says he is a POACHED EGG or else He would be THE DEVIL OF HELL. You must make your choice.

140 Galatians 4:4 – When the time was right God sent His Son the Messiah -- Luke 24:44 – The Messiah must fulfill the 100 percent of the Prophecies -- John 5:46 – Moses wrote about Jesus the Messiah -- Acts 3:18 – The Prophets foretold the Messiah must suffer -- 1 Corinthians 15:3-9 – Jesus appeared to Peter, the 12, then 500 and then to Paul and later to His half-brother James -- Genesis 3:15 – The very first Prophecy; Satan will strike the heel of Christ and Jesus will crush his head. -- Isaiah 7:14 – The supernatural birth of a Virgin is a sign of the Messiah -- Isaiah 40:3 – The forerunner for the Messiah was John The Baptizer -- Malachi 3:1 – My messenger John the Baptizer will prepare the way for the Messiah -- Matthew 2:4-6 – Prophecy – Messiah will be born in Bethlehem -- Luke 1:1- 3 – Luke gives an eyewitness full report, investigating from the beginning -- 2 Peter 1:16 – They were not making up clever stories, they were eye witnesses -- Hebrews 10:25 – Many logs make a fire burn warmer & BRIGHTER

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

Either this man was, and is THE SON OF GOD: or else a MADMAN or something worse. You can shut Him up for a FOOL, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a DEMON; or you can fall at His feet and call Him LORD AND GOD, but let us not come with any PATRONIZING NONSENSE about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us and He did not intend to”.

What amazes me is the space that is taken up with non-sense discussions about whether Jesus had warts, nocturnal emissions; wet dreams or lice in His hair or did He poop; or can He make a rock that is too heavy for Him to lift or how can he be homeless if He lives in our heart? Such things are just distractions from the simple message that Billy Graham preached; BELIEVE on Jesus Christ and REPENT of your sins and be saved; or Turn or Burn. Every person born of woman is born in sin and detached from God and their destination is Hell fire unless they choose to change it. Jesus was sent to show us “THE WAY” back to the Tree of Life and re-attach us to God.

Whether you believe that He is an actual person in history or just a legend, you cannot deny the effect that He has had on human history. Without Him, this world would be a completely different place. The dilemma is simple, there are only two options; You must either deny the information given about Jesus and denounce Him as a liar, lunatic and a blasphemer or give Him your heart, warts and all, and confess that you believe and embrace Him as the Messiah; become a Christian and join a body of likeminded believers and worship Him.

The beauty of Christianity, is that you don’t have to have it all figured out; you can come right where you are in your faith and God has promised that He will conform you to the Image of Christ. I came into the fellowship of believers at the age of 10 with just the desire to get more of GOD

and for 70 more years, I have continued to grow through the Holy Spirit giving God more of ME FIND A CHURCH and FELLOWSHIP with LIKE MINDED BELIVERS

Many logs bonded “together” on a fire burn warmer and BRIGHTER.

It’s in the Book

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Chapter 2.8

First Word
Via Dolorosa is Latin for Way of Sorrows or Way of Pain. While this term does not appear in

scripture, it is the traditional pilgrimage route commemorating our Lord’s fateful Good Friday journey from Pilate’s Judgment Hall to Golgotha. Christians from all over the world go to Jerusalem and every Friday walk along the route where Christ took His exhaustive journey. It is almost impossible to determine the exact route, because after the first and second revolts all landmarks were destroyed or buried deep under rubble. This devotional practice representing the gospel story is by the Traditional FOURTEEN events or “Stations” of remembrance as fixed in the 18th century.

Passover - The Paschal Lamb
Originally: Passover; connected to the paschal lamb and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were

two distinct, but consecutive festivals. Later they were celebrated as one event. Preparations began on the 10th day of Nisan; an unblemished male yearling lamb was selected and kept under special care till the 14th day of Nisan when it would be killed before sunset. On the 15th of Nisan, The Passover meal with the roasted lamb would be eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. (No bones could be broken) Friday the day before the Sabbath, was known as The Day of Preparation. The feast of unleavened bread would continue through the 21st of Nisan.

The Paschal Lamb is a foreshadow of “The Lamb of God

Time Line - Arise the third day
The time is Passover Week. The entire festival was called Passover. Thursday evening, the

14TH day of Nisan, Jesus and the disciples prepare and partake in the “chagigah meal” before sunset. This was a meal before the Passover feast which would occur on the 15th of Nisan; where the feast of unleavened bread would continuing on for seven more days till the 21st of Nisan. This would actually become Christ’s Passover meal. (There is much controversy over which meal and which day. But this is my take.)

NOTE: Jesus said He wanted to eat the actual Passover meal with them, but would not. Friday evening, the 15 day of Nisan, the actual Passover meal would have been eaten, but Jesus would already be dead; He would become the Passover lamb.

Time Line: The sixth hour is twelve noon; ninth hour is three pm; 6pm or sunset begins a new day. Thursday at sunset/Friday; they go to the garden of Gethsemane.
Friday very, very early, He is arrested in the garden and tried by the Sanhedrin.
Friday about 7 am He is taken to Pilate; then to Herod, then back to Pilate

Friday around 9 am Jesus is crucified.
Friday between 12 noon & 3 pm, Jesus has been on the cross for six hours & subsequently dies.141

141 Luke 22:15-16 – I will not eat the actual Passover meal with you -- Mark 15:25 – The third hour was nine in the morning when they crucified Jesus -- Luke 23:44-46 – The sixth hour is noon darkness came over the land -- Matt 27:46-50 – The ninth hour; about three pm Jesus dies -- Matt 12:40 – Jesus would be Three days in the heart of the earth

BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts

Way of the Cross

Via Dolorosa – Our Lords fateful walk on Good Friday The Passover Supper – The Garden of Gethsemane The Trial – The Crucifixion

Nisan is their first month of the year and is a spring month of 30 days usually falling

in March–April on the Gregorian calendar.

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

The Grave, Hades or Hell is divided into two compartments; Torment and Paradise with a gulf separating them. Jesus spiritually descends into Hades to preach the Gospel to those in Abraham’s bosom or paradise; then He takes Paradise and all those in it to Heaven where it is located now. (I know this is heavy) Now when we die we are immediately taken to Paradise in Heaven. In Jewish theology, the “Blessed Souls” or those in the “Friendship” of God await in a compartment of Hell that is called Paradise or Abraham’s bosom.142 When Paradise was relocated to heaven, Hell was enlarged to receive the multitudes that will reject God.

Friday between 3 pm and 6pm sunset, His body is taken down from the cross and is being prepared for buried in the tomb. This is the same hour of the ritual slaughter of the lambs for the Passover. Jesus becomes the Passover lamb.

Three days in the grave. A part of a day was counted as a complete day
Friday before sunset Day One in the grave; the day of preparation for the Sabbath Friday sunset/Saturday Day Two in the grave; the Sabbath
Saturday sunset/Sunday Day Three in the grave; the first day of the week. Sunday just after sunrise Mary is at the tomb; Christ has physically already risen.

My problem with the time line is that I want to force Jesus to be in the grave three full days and three full nights, but that is just not what the scriptures validate. A new day started at sunset. His physical body was in the grave maybe only two hours on Friday just before sunset, all day on Saturday the Sabbath, and maybe only a half day on Sunday, the first day of the week around sunrise.

Some commentaries and students of the Word think that this His death happened on Thursday and not on Friday which would give another 24 hours in the grave... If that’s the case, I can then only pre-suppose that Mary could not go to the grave the next day to anoint Him with perfumes because she would have become ceremonially unclean and could not partake of the Passover; (that’s just my far out thoughts).

Some students of the Word believe that they were using two different calendars to report the days. The Solar Calendar tracks the time required for the earth to rotate around the sun in
one solar year It is a measurement of time between the two vernal equinoxes which
is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. The vertical equinox is referred to

as the first day of spring.
The Lunar Calendar tracks the phases of the moon as it moves from new moon to new moon during a single month. It is based on the moon’s orbit around the Earth which takes 29.530 days.

There is an 11 day difference between the Solar and Lunar year. In the Solar Calendar we add a leap day to the month of February every four years; and to the Lunar Calendar we insert a 13th month into it every three years.

In the finality of things, I have to go with what I find within the scripture of the four gospels which is that of; one full day and two partial days counting as two full days.

A little background

The Pharisees and other religious leaders were extremely bothered that Jesus had gathered such a large following that had accepted Him as the Messiah which “to them” was blasphemy and they were losing control over the Jews. Unable to cope with this, they decided the best way to handle this

would not even utter His name and for someone to claim that they were the son of God was

blasphemy was to kill Him
I want to jump in here to say that the Jews took
YHWH; the God of Israel, very seriously. They

BLASPHEMY and worthy of death.

142 Matt 12:40 – Jesus would be Three days in the heart of the earth -- Luke 16:22 – Those in the Friendship of God were held in paradise -- Luke 23:43 – Jesus went to paradise at His death -- Ephesians 4:8-9 – He took the captives in paradise, those in the friendship of God, to Heaven -- Matthew 16:21 – Prophecy – Jesus will rise on the third day -- 2 Corinthians’ 5:8 – When we are absent from our body we are present with the Lord

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

Besides that, “Elijah” would come first, then the Messiah. They did not recognize that the “Spirit of Elijah” had already come in John the Baptist.143

Gethsemane: Hebrew; gat se mani meaning “press of oils”; a garden located on the lower slopes of the Mount of Olives where olive trees and olive presses were located and frequented by Jesus and His inner circle of the twelve Disciples.

THURSDAY night/FRIDAY morning; the stage is set. Jesus and the Disciples have finished “their” Passover Supper and have left the city and now the eleven have gone to the Garden of Gethsemane. It was the Jewish custom after the Passover meal to spend the night in prayer and meditation. It is quite possible that they were also camped out there because of lack of rooms in the city during Passover as well as because of finances. They are mentioned in scripture as being there often.

Jesus is in prayer waiting for the betrayal of Judas’ to unfold; in anguish He calls out “Abba FatherAbba in Aramaic means “Daddy”. Jesus had taken aside with Him; Peter, James and John who were supposed to be watching, but fell asleep. A little later as He is addressing the eleven disciples, the mob quickly appeared lighting their torches even though it was a full moon. They brought clubs to take care of any resistance; and in their mist was Judas leading the way as he knew the place quite well. This was not a surprise, it was an expectation. I can almost see them crouched down secretly advancing to snare Him.

When the solders asked for Jesus, He voluntarily stepped forward and said twice, “I AM HE”. Notice the Devine name “I AM” the name of Jehovah. Already identified, there was no reason for Judas to identify him in a full moon with a kiss, but he did anyway. Judas probably just wanted to “make good” on his right to the 30 pieces of silver.144 Jesus called Judas “FRIEND” which is not what it means today; then a friend was someone you were in a “Blood Covenant” with. Someone in the “Friendship of God” was in Covenant with Him; God called Abraham His Friend.145

The presence of the Holy Spirit: The Soldiers upon hearing the words; “I AM HE”, became what the Pentecostals refer to as, “Slain in the Spirit”; BAM they fell down briefly as if dead men.146 This certainly demonstrated the power Jesus had over His enemies and His freedom to willingly choose to go with them. After they got themselves up off the ground, Jesus asked again “whom do you seek?” You would think at this point they would have taken off running in all directions at just the thought of the answer; “I AM HE

Peter thought Malchus; the servant of the high priest needed a haircut and sought to part his hair with his sword, but only just shaved off his ear a little and Jesus fixed it back on him.147 Then He went peaceably with them, fulfilling the prophecy that none of the disciples would be killed.

The arrogant religious leaders had waited for the secrecy of the cover of night when most folks were home with their family. Herod held his court very early in the morning and the city folk would wake up to an already done deal with Jesus condemned.

The mob, including a detachment of 600 Roman soldiers and temple police took Jesus prisoner in the Garden of Gethsemane. Both Jews and Gentiles had a hand in this. They took him to the house of the “deposed” but influential high priest Anna for trial along with the active high priest Caiaphas who turns out to be Anna’s son-in-law. (Annas was the Elder Statesman, the power behind the throne so to speak.) This was a preliminary hearing to get evidence.

The Priest Anna had several sons that succeeded him giving him a monopoly on the High Priesthood for over 50 years. Jewish sources list his regime as corrupt; they secretly had already called anillegalassemblyoftheJewishSanhedrincourt;some70ofthemwerewaitingforHim. TheChief Priests; the Scribes and the Elders were the three groups that made up the Sanhedrin.

143 Matthew 11:13-14 – John had the spirit of Elijah, but didn’t know it
144 John 18:2 – Judas knew exactly where Jesus would be.
145 James 2:23 – God called Abraham His covenant FRIEND
146 John 18:4-9 – Jesus identifies Himself as God; I AM He who you seek. -- John 18:6 – The soldiers were slain in the Spiritand fell to the ground -- Matthew 28:4 – The power of the Holy Spirit knocked the guards to the ground

147 John 18:9 – Peter thought the High Priest Servant needed a haircut and cut off his ear -- Luke 22:51 – Jesus healed the man’s ear out of compassion --

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False witnesses were already present. There were no witnesses for the defense; Pilate’s company of 600 solders was already being secretly assembled.; Smells like a “SET UP” to me. The charges before the Sanhedrin were; 1) Threatening to destroy the temple and 2) Blasphemy.

Jesus was made sport of; He was “hoodwinked” and they struck him with His face covered. (“rapisma”; with a blow of a rod or a slap with the palm of the hand) Then they asked Him to tell who had struck Him; they were mocking His prophetic office and then as was prophesied they pulled out His beard.

FRIDAY morning the Sanhedrin high council continued court and just after sunrise, about seven or eight in the morning they had in short order condemned Jesus to death. It was illegal to sentence someone to death at night; they must have two trials a day apart, thus the daybreak session for “the appearance” of legality.
His trial was in two stages

First Stage: 1) The hearing before Annas. 2) The trial before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin. 3) The continuance of the same trial at daybreak and what they were going to tell Pilate. Second Stage: 1) The trial before Pilate. 2) The trial before Herod. 3) The trial before Pilate again and the sentencing.

NOTE: It was not against Roman law for someone to claim that they were god; so before Pilate, they changed the charges against Jesus to indicate that 1) He was subverting the Jewish nation. 2) He opposed paying taxes to Rome. 3) That of Sedition; stirring up the people, and. 4) He claims to be Christ, a King. This would be HIGH TREASON; Death. The term “King” was a political title that Herod enjoyed.

Executions were restricted to Roman authorities only. Since they had no authority to invoke the death sentence, they sent Jesus to Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator who was thought to be at the Antonia Fortress. Stoning was the Jewish method of capital punishment; Crucifixion was the Roman method.

FRIDAY morning: Pilate was frightened about the situation and didn’t want to sentence Jesus to death and sent Him to Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch of Galilee who was probably at his palace. Jesus came from Galilee and Herod had jurisdiction over Galilee. Herod; being a nominal Jew, was under obligation to attend the Passover and maybe he would find favor for Jesus; this action might also give Pilate a friendship and a political advantage. Herod’s curiosity wanted Jesus to provide a SIGN or a miracle show; Jesus wouldn’t do it. Jesus would do a miracle for a beggar, but not to provide entertainment for a great Potentate. Jesus would NOT cheapen His omnipotence with a sideshow. Herod didn’t want to sentence Jesus either and sent Him back to Pilate where under pressure; Pilate offers to release a prisoner to the mob.

At some point both Pilate and Herod have now become witnesses for the defense. They both found Jesus to be “NOT GUILTY” of any crime. But the people would not hear of it. Interestingly; there was a custom of amnesty at the Passover feast to release one prisoner each year. Instead of Jesus, they shouted to release Barabbas the notorious ZEALOT, a murderer and an insurrectionist.148

A Zealot deeply resented the Romans occupation of Palestine. Any insurrectionist against the Romans was considered a HERO. The crowd had assembled to obtain the release of an insurrectionist; Jesus was just collateral damage.

Scripture seems to indicate that the crowd does not take a stand against Jesus, but are more like spectators; passive rather than hostile, till they are stirred up.

PONDER THIS: Many students of the word think that the Zealot Barabbas was also named “Jesus” which was a common name, and to make sure that Pilate did not misunderstand who they were talking about, they used the word “Barabbas”. Bar means SON and Abba means FATHER; Barabbas was the son of the “Father”; probably the son of a famous Rabi.

148 Matthew 27:21 – Which of the Two do you want to be released? BARABBAS -- John 18:40 – No not Jesus! Release Barabbas our Hero -- Matthew 27:20 – Release Barabbas and execute Jesus in his place -- Luke 23:18-19 – Barabbas was an insurrectionist; A Hero

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Pilate condemns Jesus to death. Pilate’s action was not prompted by the desire for justice, but by political and moral cowardice. Barabbas was released and saved from crucifixion. Jesus took his place. It had been less than a week since Jesus was HONORED with His triumphal entry into the city and now they were shouting to CRUCIFY HIM.

This begins the Way of the Cross,Via Dolorosa, The Way of Sorrow

Via Dolorosa – The Tour
In the actual tour of the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, there are FOURTEEN STATIONS making

up the tour; some are not found in scripture, and are preserved only in tradition.

Station # 1 – The place where Jesus was condemned
Jesus is condemned by Pilate, the Roman Governor and handed over to his Soldiers; Jesus is

flogged. Under Jewish Law, the number of lashes was determined by the crime, but no more than forty. Tradition has it that they always stopped at thirty nine just in case they had lost count.
NOTE: The Romans however were not limited by the Hebrew laws.

The subjects were beaten with elm or birch rods or whipped with the dreaded flagellum (The cat of nine tails) a short handled leather whip with many leather lashes that had pieces of bone and lead plaited into its thongs that were meant to rip the victims flesh. Out of an abundance of caution, some used a whip with 13 strands that had metal and bone imbedded in them, striking the person just 3 times giving a count of 39.

Jesus was flogged BEFORE the verdict. Traditionally He would have been stripped and tied to a low pillar so that His back was bent upward. Two men would stand on opposite sides bringing down the whip on the shoulders, back and legs. The skin on the back is left hanging down in ribbons. This left Jesus a bloody pulp with deep gashes probably exposing His bones and entrails. The Romans had no limit to the lashes. Most victims did not survive this cruel punishment.

The Book says; we are healed because He took the stripes on His back.

This is where Pilate uttered the words “BEHOLD THE MAN” that has been enshrined forever in the hearts of Christians. It is thought that Pilate did not utter these words in contempt, but had already scourged Jesus and that should have been enough to satisfy the mob, but it wasn’t.149 The mob shouted that Pilate was not a friend of Cesar and threatened to impeach him. Then the soldiers took Him to the Praetorian (the hall of judgment) where a whole company of soldiers were waiting and surrounded Him. Jesus, in the center, was again stripped of His clothing and mockingly given a cast off old “troopers” short cloak which fastened at the right shoulder, described as a faded color of red, purple or scarlet to wear like a king.

The Praetorian was originally the military general’s headquarters along with that of the soldiers; the Praetorian Guard. The Book uses the word Praetorian as the place where Pilate was located or was his residence; anyway, this was the Judgment Hall. The Jews would not go inside because they would have been ceremonially defiled and could not eat the Passover supper that night; so for sure; this is Friday the 15th of Nisan.150

Then they twisted thorns together to form a crown and then forced it down on His head and then they gave Him a reed staff in His right hand for a scepter to add to their mockery.151

Two kinds of thorny shrubs; the “Christ Thorn” shrub grows to about 12 feet and has sharp thorns on the bottom of its leaves. There is another plant which is similar in name growing to about 8 feet also found around Golgotha; it is smaller and would be easier to weave into a crown of thorns.

They proceeded to mockingly kneel down before Him, calling Him the “King of the Jews”.

149 Pilate said, I find no fault in this man.
150 John 18:28 – The Jews did not want to be ceremonial unclean for the Passover did not enter the palace John 19:6
151 Matthew 27:26-30 – Jesus is stripped, mocked; given the crown of thorns and struck on the head again and again. -- Isaiah 53:5 – He was pierced, crushed and punished; we are healed by the stripes on His back.

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Then they snatched the reed staff out of His hand and beat Him over the head, smacking down on the crown of thorns; over and over again and spiting upon Him. Their abuse continued as they took turns until they wearied of their sport.

Pilate brought Jesus out and said, BEHOLD THE MAN.152 Look at your nothing, pretending king now. They didn’t say Crown Him, Crown Him... They said Crucify Him, Crucify Him; Pilate asked “Shall I crucify your King?” The Chief Priest said; “we have no king, but Caesar”.153

Jesus is condemned to death by crucifixion;
He is left extremely weak which contributes to His early death.

Station # 2 – The place where Jesus receives the cross
Jesus is stripped of the scarlet robe and His clothes are put back on Him and then He is led

away carrying His own cross through the streets to expose Him to more contempt.154 At this stage, normally only the horizontal transverse bar of the Roman cross was carried strapped across the shoulders, about 30 to 40 pounds. We don’t know if it was this bar or the whole cross that Jesus labored under. Normally a prisoner went naked to his place of execution dragging the cross piece and was flogged along the way, but Jesus had already been flogged.

Station #3 – The place where Jesus stumbles under the weight
This station is preserved only in tradition marking the first stumble or fall of Jesus while

carrying the cross.

Station #4 – The place where Jesus speaks to his afflicted mother
Jesus sees his mother Mary and tells her that from hence forth that the disciple John is to be her

son and she is to be his mother; He says that John will take care of her; and he does.155 Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the less and Salome the mother of brothers James and John were also present. “The less” means either he was less known or was the younger, or was shorter.

Station #5 – The place Simon the Cyrenian is forced to bear the cross
Jewish tradition has it that Jesus stumbled under the weight of the cross, and as some suggests, a

black Jew from an old Greek settlement on the coast of North Africa, named Simon from Cyrene, was forced to carry the cross for Jesus. This was not done out of compassion for Jesus; but was done to expedite the process; Get’er done. Later Simon’s wife became a well-known Christian along with his two sons, Alexander and Rufus. It is thought that Simon was already a disciple and that they selected him to bear the cross as a reprisal; to set an example to others who might be thinking about discipleship156

To Simon, this troublesome unwieldy load of the cross came out of nowhere. Now Simon’s name will be remembered and honored where ever the Gospel is preached as a memorial. This story is not about the load that came out of nowhere; it’s a story about us carrying OUR load.

Station #6 - The place where Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
While I do not find this in scripture, this is the spot where tradition says Veronica wiped blood,

sweat, and dust off the face of Jesus. I cannot find her name mentioned anywhere in scripture; again this account is preserved only in tradition.

Station #7 - The place where Jesus stumbles or falls a second time This second fall is preserved only in tradition

152 John 19:5 – Jesus is presented in a purple robe with a crown of thorns; BEHOLD THE MAN
153 Luke 23:20-21 – They shouted; Crucify Him, Crucify Him -- John 19:15 – The Chief Priest said; we have no king but Caesar.
154 Matthew 27:31 – They led Him away with the cross
155 John 19:25-27 – Jesus speaks to his mother Mary near the cross
156 Luke 23:26 - Jesus stumbles again and Simon is forced to carry the cross -- Mark 15:21 – Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus -- Romans 16:13 – Rufus and his mother are Christians.

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Station #8 - The place where Jesus speaks to the women.
A group of women followed Jesus, mourning, weeping and wailing, when Jesus turns and speaks

to them. He foretells the sad times coming upon the city, the destruction of Jerusalem. He says, “Don’t weep for me; weep for yourselves and your children, they will say to the mountains to fall on them and cover them.” Jesus is referring to the Great Tribulation a horrific time when they would wish the mountains would cover them and protect them; a time that it would have been better if they had not brought children into the world. He does not want our sympathy, but for FAITH.

Luke 23:27-30 – Jesus speaks to the women

27 A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him.
28 Jesus turned and said to them


30 Then they will say to the mountains, "Fall on us!" and to the hills, "Cover us!" NIV

Station #9 - The place of Jesus’ third fall or stumble. This third fall is preserved only in tradition.

NOTE: I can’t find recorded in scripture anywhere that Jesus fell, staggered or stumbled although I believed He often did.

Station #10 - The place where Jesus was stripped of His clothes.
Jesus was stripped of His clothes; There was probably only five articles of clothing; a headdress

(turban), an outer garment (cloak), an under garment (tunic), a belt (girdle) and of course sandals; the soldiers divided up the garments among the four of them, but they cast lots for His undergarment; the “inner tunic” because it was seamless.157 Did you see it? Jesus is naked on the cross; no underwear.

NOTE: A seamless undergarment was designated to be worn by the high priest. In all probability this was a gift from His mother

John 19:23-24 – The soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ clothing

23 When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, dividing them into four shares, one for each of them, with the

UNDERGARMENT remaining. This garment was seamless, WOVEN IN ONE PIECE.
24 from top to bottom "Let's not tear it," they said to one another. "LET'S DECIDE BY LOT WHO WILL GET IT." NIV

Station #11 - He is nailed to the cross

Station #12 - He dies
Anyone who hangs on a tree is under the curse of God – Jesus took our curse removing the

curse from us; fulfilling scripture. Jesus is led to a place just outside the city called Golgotha which means The Place of the Skull.158 This place overlooked a public highway; and it is there where Jesus is nailed to a cross between two rebel criminals so that everyone who passed by could see Him. The most common conjecture for the name Golgotha is; that the place looked like a skull.159

Interestingly, there were three crosses already prepared for the rebels, which included Barabbas the insurrectionist. Now Jesus is nailed to one of them. Jesus took the rebellious Barabbas’ place; and He took ours. Selah; ponder that.

157 Psalms 22:18 – Prophecy – They cast lots dividing clothing them up -- Exodus 39:28 – An undergarment seamless for the priest 158 Matthew 27:33 – Golgotha - The place of the skull – Crucified
159 John 19:18 – Jesus was crucified in the middle -- Luke 23:33 – Criminals crucified on his left and right

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Another interesting Note: One of the two criminals asked Jesus to remember him when he came into His kingdom.160 This was a shadow of Prophecy; “One will be taken and the other left”.161 This sinner was saved without being baptized; baptism in water does not save. If you come to Christ, He will in no way cast you out.162 It’s in the Book.

Webster: Calvary: Latin Calvaria meaning skull; the place near Jerusalem where the crucifixion of Jesus took place. Golgotha in Hebrew means; a skull like mound or hill that is barren. Roman crucifixion included nailing the criminal to the cross; although the nailing is NOT found in scripture, Jesus shows his disciples the hard evidence of the holes in his hands and tells them to quit doubting. Technically, the nails were put into the wrist; the reference to hands would include the wrist as well.

Webster: Crucify; to put to death by nailing; binding to a cross; leaving to die of exposure; to be very cruel; to torment.

NAILS: Remains have been found of victims that had been crucified with nails through the wrist between the Ulna and the radius to prevent the flesh from tearing loose from the nails.163 The feet were turned at a right angle with a single spike of hard Olive wood driven through both the right side of the right heel and the right side of the left heel and then into the cross; The angle making it harder to push up to breath. A rope was put across the chest to prevent them from falling forward. The scourging had already left Jesus very weak. To breathe He had to push up with His legs and pull up with His arms; collapsing back down in exhaustion; enduring horrible pain from His ripped up back and legs and the nails that suspended Him.

The Book records the four stinging words; “And They Crucified Him.164 CONTEMPT: While many today use the middle finger to show contempt; they WAGGED their heads, jeered and hurled insults at Him as they passed by. “He saved others, let Him save Himself,”

“Come down and we will believe”.
Jesus is offered “
Soldiers Wine,” probably by the women, mixed with the stupefying myrrh drug

to deaden the pain, but He refuses it, choosing to experience the full brunt of the pain with all His senses intact to the very end.

Jesus asks God to forgive them, because they don’t have any idea what they are doing. God separates Himself from Christ for some three hours and allows His only begotten Son to experience spiritual death in the place of sinful man.

That’s when Jesus cries out; My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me.165
Jesus dies; it was a bloody, painful, shameful and cursed death. Jesus spoke His last words in a loud voice; in full strength; and in triumph, “IT IS FINISHED;” “the Plan is finished”,166 the plan

that was put into effect before the foundations of the earth.
Normally the execution team would smash the legs of the victim so they could not push up to

breath and the shock and suffocation would bring death on pretty quick. Since Jesus had already died they did not break his legs fulfilling scripture.167 NOTE: Traditionally the Passover lamb cannot have a bone in its body broken; Jesus became our Passover Lamb.

Wanting to be sure He was dead; a soldier named by “tradition” as Longinus thrusts his spear into

the side of Jesus and blood and water came out fulfilling prophecy.168 three languages; Aramaic, Latin and Greek.

Then Pilate prepares a sign in

160 Luke 23:42 – One criminal asks Jesus to remember him.
161 Matthew 24:40-41 – One is taken and the other left
162 John 6:37 – Christ will not cast away anyone who comes to Him
163 John 20:27 - They used nails in the hands of Jesus
164 Mark 15:23 – The four words – AND THEY CRUCIFIED HIM
165 Luke 23:34 – Jesus prays; Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing -- Matthew 27:46 – God separates Himself from Christ as He takes on mankind’s sins
166 John 19:30 – Jesus announces that the plan is finished -- Ephesians 1:4 – The plan of Salvation was before the creation of the world
167 John 19:36 – Prophecy Not one of the Bones of Jesus will be broken -- Psalms 34:19-20 – Prophecy fulfilled; God protects all His bones
168 John 19:34 – A spear thrust in the side of Jesus -- Zechariah 12:10 Prophecy – They have pierced Him

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It was customary to parade the sign around for all to see, then to hang it on the neck of the victim or places it on top of the cross. The superscription over His head set forth the crime; Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.169 Pilate meant it for ridicule, but God meant it for a declaration.

He was put to death because He said He was the King of the Jews.

The serpent has bruised the heel of Jesus, but Jesus has crushed the head of the serpent170

The Seven Last Words of Christ

  1. 1)  Father forgive them; for they know not what they do. A prayer for those who are nailing Him to the Cross.

  2. 2)  Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise. This opens the Kingdom of God to even the vilest of penitent sinners.

  3. 3)  Woman behold thy son; behold thy Mother. Those of His; with needful care will be provided for.

  4. 4)  Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani Translated; My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me? Jesus who knew no sin had taken on all our sin and felt the presence of God step back from Him. The weight of sin was intense, He was abandoned, deserted, and alone, separated for the first time from the presence of God. Did you see it? The Unbeliever and Make-believer will be abandoned, deserted and separated from the presence of God FOREVER.

  5. 5)  I Thirst. He had been offered wine mixed with myrrh, a narcotic to dull His senses to the pain, but He refused it, taking in the full brunt of the agony into His full senses.

  6. 6)  It is finished: The prophetic utterance that the Plan of Salvation has been completed.

  7. 7)  Father, into thy hands I commend My Spirit: Jesus bowed His head and willingly gave up

    His Spirit. He becomes the firstborn among many who will defeat the last enemy; DEATH. Seven is the number for completeness.

It is remarkable for someone when crucified to be able to speak near their death, as they are already gasping for air; they can inhale, but it is extremely hard to exhale, let alone speak. Jesus spoke in a loud voice.

Station #13 - His body is taken down

Station #14 - He is laid in the tomb
There were two kinds of tombs; a natural cave and a very expensive one hewn out of rock.

Jewish tradition indicates that a groove or channel is cut flat in the rock on an incline for a cut disk stone to roll easily down to seal the entrance of the tomb; but would take several men to roll it back to open it. This was to prevent animals and grave robbers from entering. The entrance was low requiring stooping over before entering.171

NOTE: There are two places only a few hundred feet apart where they think the tomb is located. One is called The Garden Tomb near Gordon’s Calvary and the other belief is that Jesus’ tomb and Calvary is buried under The Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Tradition has it that the hill (Golgotha - Calvary) was removed after the crucifixion. At that time, this site was located outside the walls of Jerusalem, but it is now inside. The Garden tomb has been discounted by virtually all scientific scholarship, but I still prefer it.

Joseph of Arimathea; was a man that was “waiting for the Kingdom of God”. He was a member of the Jewish Council or Sanhedrin; a VERY rich man who was also a secret disciple of Jesus.

169 John 19:19-20 Pilate makes a sign in three languages; Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews. He was under God’s curse for us. 170 Genesis 3:15 – Prophecy – Jesus will crush Satan’s head.
171 John 20:11 – Mary bent over to see inside the tomb -- John 20:5 – John stooped over to see inside the tomb

In 1883, near to the Damascus Gate, General Gordon found a rocky escarpment (now situated just behind a bus station), which from several angles resembled the face of a skull; since then it has

been referred to a Gordon’s Calvary. Prior to Gordon, this possible site had also been suggested

by Colonel Conder in 1870.

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK Joseph BEGGED permission from Pilate to bury Jesus in his own tomb. The tomb was not in a public

cemetery, but was in a private garden.172

NOTE: Joseph was not present with the assembly when they condemned Jesus to death. Permission to bury was granted only by the imperial magistrate. Such permission was granted only to special friends or relatives of the deceased. Some commentaries indicate that Joseph was the Uncle of Mary; the mother of Jesus, therefore he was A KINSMAN REDEEMER.

While I DO find references in “The Church of Glastonbury,” I am unable to totally validate this. However permission was NEVER granted in the case of High Treason. The Romans often left the dead on the cross for several days to rot.

By Jewish Law, the body could not remain on the cross overnight.173 The Romans didn’t care. Jewish tradition has it, that bodies should be buried on the day of their death and Joseph took this command seriously. It is believed that this was an Extra Tomb for Joseph, as an executed criminal could not be placed in a family tomb. Prophecy fulfilled; He would be buried with the rich.174

It’s FRIDAY just before sunset; Saturday, starts at sundown Friday; they had to hurry to finish the burial before the tradition of sundown ended the day. This Saturday was the High Sabbath; the first day of the ‘Feast of unleavened bread‘. Joseph took the body down with the help of Nicodemus was also a wealthy member of the Sanhedrin; quickly they embalmed it with seventy five pounds of Myrrh and aloes, which was a rich amount fit for royalty, and then wrapped the body in a fine linen cloth and placed it in Joseph’s new tomb which had just been hewed out of rock.175

With limited time of washing and preparation it is thought that their servants also probably helped. They planned to finish the process after the Sabbath; Mary Magdalene also had some spices with which to anoint and perfume the body as an act of love and devotion.176

The actual anointing of perfume for the burial of Jesus had already taken place sometime before in Bethany by an unnamed woman.177 Myrrh is a sticky oily substance that solidifies quickly; it is mixed with aloes and applied over the embalming cloths. They treated the body of Jesus as a treasure of great worth.178 None of the inner circle of the twelve Disciples were present.

Arise in Three Days

Jesus the Christ has predicted three times that He will rise again in three days.179 The stone is rolled in its slot to seal the tomb. A wax seal is placed and guards are posted. It’s Good Friday, but EASTER is about to EXPLODE.

From a Virgin Womb to a Virgin Tomb; It’s Friday; but Sundays’ coming. Garden

Three important Garden events

  1. 1)  Sin entered into man in the Garden of Eden

  2. 2)  Jesus accepted the fact of his death in the Garden of Gethsemane,

  3. 3)  Jesus was put in the Garden Tomb and rose again.

172 Luke 23:50-53 – Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus in His private tomb
173 Deuteronomy 21:22-23 – The Hebrew Law; bury the criminal the day he dies.
174 Isaiah 53:9 – Prophecy – He will be buried with the rich at His death.
175 John 19:39-41 – Nicodemus helped Joseph bury Jesus in the Garden Tomb
176 Luke 24:1 – The Women came on Sunday Morning to finish with spices
177 Mark 14:3-9 – Jesus was anointed for burial in advance by a woman
178 Matthew 13:46 – Jesus was a pearl of great price – A treasure
179 Matthew 27:66 – Secured the tomb with a seal on the stone and posting guards -- Luke 9:22 - FIRST PREDICTION of His death and resurrection. -- Luke 9:44-45 – SECOND PREDICTION - they didn’t understand -- Luke 18:31-33 – THIRD PREDICTION – He will rise again -- Matthew 27:62-63 – They remembered that He said He would rise the third day. -- Matthew 28:6- He is not here, He has risen indeed.

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Christ has risen

THE FOURTEEN STATIONS of the Via Dolorosa has finished, but the story continues with the resurrection of Christ. Who rolled the stone away? The stone is rolled away not to let Jesus out, but to let His followers in, so that they could see that He had risen. If Christ has not risen from the dead, then our Faith is in vain. But He did and the guards validated that it happened.180

Easter Sunday on the day of His resurrection, Christ appears bearing the horrendous marks of the scourging, plus the nail holes in His hands and feet; (The Greek word hand can also mean wrist.) His presence is marred; He first appears in a tangible body to Mary Magdalene who did not recognize Him.181 She became the first missionary; she is sent to the eleven disciples. He has risen as He said. With this, Mary starts the “Women of the Church” movement; the WOC.

Jewish Culture disregarded the testimony of women as worthless; but where were the men? The scriptures comments with four words, “For they were afraid”.182

Witnesses: Then He appeared to TWO MEN, (Simon and Anna) walking along the road who were two of His disciples, but not of the inner circle of the remaining Eleven. At first they did not recognize Him. OT scripture requires: “in the mouth of TWO or three witness (men) is a thing established”.183

My reading of the scripture suggest perhaps the appearance of Christ’s was at first with a marred countenance that was under a progressive glorification over the forty days before He went back to the Father as He was before. (God hid and revealed His identity)

Jesus appears to the eleven Disciples. They are given the great commission. Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit.184 Scripture says Judas “WENT TO HIS OWN PLACE”. Did you see it? Since Judas was predestined in his role, scripture DID NOT say he went to hell.185 SELAH; ponder that.

Further evidence of His resurrected physical presence is that He ate physical food, not of necessity, but for their conviction and Thomas touched the physical nail wounds in His hands or wrist. They have been given both the ocular and tangible proof of His resurrection.186

More Witnesses: Then He bodily appeared to 500 witnesses all at the same time, and to many others over a period of forty days after His resurrection.187 Our Lord is able.188

We have the eye witnesses, the Thing has been established; He has risen as He said.


180 Matthew 28:2 – An angel rolled the giant stone away -- Matthew 28:11 – The guards validated everything that had happened -- 1 Corinthians 15:14-17 – If Christ has not risen; we are still in our sins
181 -- John 20:15 – Mary Magdalene did not recognize Him -- Luke 24:13-16 – Jesus looked different and was not recognized -- John 20:17 – Don’t hold me back, I have not yet ascended.

182 Mark 16:8 – The disciples were amazed, they trembled and were afraid
183 Deuteronomy 19:15 – Two or three witnesses are required to establish a thing
184 Matthew 28:19-20 - Jesus gives the Great Commission to go and preach
185 Acts 1:25 - Judas went to his own place
186 Luke 24:39 – Handle me; See my flesh; Touch me, I am not a ghost -- Luke 24:41-43 – He ate not of necessity but for their conviction
187 Acts 1:3 – Christ revealed Himself to His followers for over 40 days --1 Corinthians 15:4-8 – Jesus appeared bodily to five hundred 188 2 Timothy 1:12 – He is able to keep us until the day He returns - John 6:62 – Jesus Christ returned to Heaven

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Chapter 2.9

Did God forsake Jesus?

Did Jesus the Christ know what was going to happen? My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me?
Did Jesus actually become Sin?

Did we misunderstand?

First Word

Setting the Stage

Jesus is on the cross suspended between Heaven and Earth as if a ladder for men to have access to God, when He utters the words Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani. Many scholars’ believe that Jesus is actually quoting Psalms 22 in its entirety which was taught to every Jew from their birth, as He quotes the opening verse, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.190 Jesus was pointing out the psalmist’s PROPHECY and because everyone knew the prophetical writings, they would go back and read it again and grasp the meaning of the prophecy. They would then UNDERSTAND what has just happened.

It is this very scripture that Jesus is quoting; “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” which draws attention to the fact that Jesus is now FULFILLING the prophecy. The Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic are all clear that the meaning of the cry of Christ was that He was forsaken by God. Even the different translations carry the same thought.

a) CNT – My God, My God, why have you abandoned me? Cassirer New Testament b) CEF – My God, My God, way have you deserted me? Contemporary English Version c) NCV – My God, My God, why have you rejected me? New Century Version
d) NLV – My God, My God, why have you left me alone? New Life Version
e) WET – My God, My God, why have you let me down? Wuest Expanded Translation

Because of your BS”; your Belief System, you already believe that God would not forsake His only begotten Son, even if the scriptures confirms that He did. As I studied this subject, my thoughts and BS certainly vacillated back and forth like the pendulum on a clock.

Unpacking Psalm 22
This Psalm is called “The Psalm of the Cross” and is believe to be the revealed

thoughts of Jesus while looking down from the Cross. It was written about 1000 years before the birth of Christ and the method of “crucifixion” as the death penalty had NOT yet been invented by the Phoenicians upon which Rome later would hijack for their own Capital Punishment.

189 Matthew 27:45-46 – My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me? -- Isaiah 53:10 - It pleased the LORD to CRUSH Jesus 190 Psalm 22:1 - My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

Who crucified Jesus? God did; IT PLEASED HIM to Crush Jesus.189 WHAT? This calls into question the very nature of God. What kind of a compassionate and loving God would forsake the cry of His only begotten Son? The very next question is; since Jesus was the perfect God/man who served God perfectly, then what prevents God from abandoning all of the rest of sinful mankind? Can God be trusted to be a just, fair and a GOOD God?

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It is written by King David who is expressing his own experiences under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus speaks from the cross; absent from this psalm, is the cause of His travail, and is void of any reference to sin. He does not claim innocence, nor His righteousness, nor does He ask for vengeance, it is a mixture of Complaint and Praise.

It was from the 6th hour to the 9th hour (noon till 3pm) when supernatural impenetrable thick darkness that you could feel came upon Jesus as the BLACK Sins of the world was being heaped on His body for THREE grueling hours.191 Christ who knew no sin, was made SIN for us. Jesus is now experiencing the wrath of God.

We need to digress for a moment and look at the composition of THE TRINITY.
a) The Father is not the Son, nor the Holy Spirit, but the Father is God.
b) TheSonisnottheFather,northeHolySpirit,buttheSonisGod.
c) The Holy Spirit is not the Father, nor the Son, but the Holy Spirit is God. Hold that thought

When Jesus was abandoned by the Father, instead of calling out to the Father, Jesus in His humanity cried out directly to God. My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?192 All the rest of His prayers always addressed the Father. Jesus cannot see nor feel the presence of God, but He does not lose His faith during this suffering, and even though He feels forsaken, He knows that God is still near even though God cannot look on sin because HE IS HOLY.193 The people are laughing at Him and shouting insults, saying that if He is God, let Him deliver Himself, wagging their heads symbolizing NO HOPE for Him.194 He is despised, a reproach of men, He feels like a lowly WORM.195

He looks down and sees His mother and memories flood his mind concerning His Virgin birth and He recalls telling his mother at the wedding; “that His time had not yet come”, but now it has.196 He looks around at all the Roman soldiers roaring around below Him like lions.197 Sweat is pouring out as He struggles to breath, His tongue sticks to the roof of His mouth in thirst,198 the weight of His body is pulling His bones out of joint, His heart is broken; melting like wax.199

The dogs; the Gentiles have already whipped him with 39 lashes, jammed a crown of thorns on His head piercing the skin and they have pierced his hands and feet with nails and now He is in indescribably agony.200 They have stripped Him NAKED, to further humiliate Him.201 His enemies are like the single purposed horn of the mythical Unicorn which was considered a Vicious and brutal killer.202

In all of that, Jesus proclaims the name of God; saying that God has NOT DESPISED NOR ABHORRED the affliction of the afflicted; NEITHER HAS HE HID HIS FACE from him;203 and when the afflicted cries out unto Him, he will be heard. This is good news, although God is Holy and cannot look on Sin, He still hears the cry of the vilest of men. On the Cross, Jesus never ceased to be who He is; GOD the Son. It is God that has done this and IT IS FINISHED.204

JESUS WAS FORSAKEN so that God would never leave nor forsake us.205

191 Exodus 10:21 – The darkness was so THICK you can FEEL IT
192 Psalm 22:1-2 - My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
193 Psalm 22:3 – God is Holy and cannot look on sin -- Habakkuk 1:13 – God’s eyes are too pure to look upon evil
194 Psalm 22:7 – They laugh at me; wag their heads in scorn
195 Psalm 22:6 – I am a despised worm -- Isaiah 53:3 - Jesus was held in low esteem, despised and rejected by mankind
196 Psalm 22:9-10 – He looks down and sees His mother -- John 2:4 - Dear woman, “My time has not yet come
197 Psalm 22:11-12 – Jesus looks down and sees the soldiers surrounding Him -- -- Psalm 22:13 – He is crucified by the roaring lions of Rome -- Psalm 22:19-20 – Deliver my “Only One” from the Gentiles.
198 Psalm 22:15 – His tongue is so dry; He is so thirsty
199 Psalm 22:14 – Perspiring, bones pulled out of joint, broken heart
200 Psalm 22:16 – The Gentile Dogs pierce His hands and feet
201 Psalm 22:17 – Jesus is crucified NAKED – He is humiliated
202 Psalm 22:21 – Like the Unicorn’s power; Vicious and brutal; a killer
203 Psalm 22:8 - Jesus trusted that God would deliver Him --- Psalm 22:22-24 – He has NOT hid his face from the sinner -- Hebrews 13:5 – God will never fail or abandon us
204 Psalm 22:27 – It is God has that has done this - It is finished
205 Psalm 22:25-26 – You will be with me in Paradise in the great congregation -- Romans 8:31-39 – Nothing can separate the believer from God

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Some who were standing nearby misunderstood what Jesus had said when He said “Eli, Eli,

lama sabachthani” and thought He was calling on Elijah the Prophet to save Him;206 a Divine call for help was expected, but it just extended their cruel, cynical mockery. We are doing the same thing today, we are misunderstanding what took place on the cross.

Jesus was SILENT at His trial, but God was there, He was SILENT when He was in Prison, but God was there, He was SILENT at his flogging, but God was there, He was SILENT as they nailed Him to the cross, but God was there; 207BUT when the sins of the world were pressed down upon Him and God turned His Holy back, God roared an unutterable WOE. Jesus had become despised, scorned and rejected of men; He was no longer a man, but had become a WORM in the very lowliest of places.208

Sidebar: the word used here for “worm” means the “coccus worm” which was used to dye the curtains in the temple scarlet red. Isaiah the prophet said; “though your SINS be as scarlet red, they shall become white as wool.”209 It was not the life of Jesus that brought salvation; it was His death. This mystery is so vast, imponderable and so misunderstood; Jesus left the glory of Heaven and came to earth to destroy the works of Satan.210 He became a flesh and blood human who is now suffering in His earthly body and separated from God the Father, because He was made to be sin.

You must get this; JESUS BECAME SIN.
Death is Physical; the separation of the spirit from the body. (For everyone)
Death is also Spiritual; the separation of the spirit from God. (For just the unbeliever)

God cannot look on sin and for a period of time, probably for some three hours, God turned away as the sins of the whole world were heaped on the body of His ONLY begotten Son. Many down play the bitter truth that Jesus was forsaken by God. All of His Disciples had already abandoned Him and He was totally ALONE.211 There was no place for Him to turn for human refuge, nor Divine refuge. IT WAS GOD’S WILL TO CRUSH JESUS.212

Why did God forsake Jesus? The next verse tells us; because God is HOLY, and in those last three hours God could not look on the boatload after boatload of sin that was being dumped on His ONLY Son, BUT He was still there. (With tears in my eyes I cry out, Hallelujah)

A Man called Jesus

God is immortal and His years have no end, therefore He cannot die, nor can He be tempted.213 In the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son born under the Law. Jesus took on physical humanity with a psychological flesh and blood body and chose to limit Himself to one place at a time and accept the limitations of man and stripped Himself of His glory and humbled Himself even to the point of death in order to face all the points of temptation that man has, and be able to die on the cross as a substitute for our sins.214

He did not cease in any degree to exist as God and a member of the Trinity, but He did cease to know the intimacy and fellowship with His heavenly Father.215 He suffered Anguish, Thorns, Nails, Physical pain and the Spiritual loss of fellowship; I just cannot adequately describe His over whelming burden; and the mystery of His SEPARATION is far too deep for me to fathom.

206 Matthew 27:47-49 – Some misunderstood what Jesus said from the cross
207 Isaiah 53:7- He did not open his mouth; He was silent
208 Psalm 22:6 – Jesus had become a scorned, despised worm, not a man
209 Isaiah 1:18 - Your sins are red as scarlet, but they shall be white as snow
210 Hebrews 2:9 – Jesus left heaven for a little while in order to suffer death -- 1 John 3:8 – Jesus came to destroy Satan’s evil works 211 John 16:32 – Prophecy; Disciples will be scattered; Jesus will be left alone

212 Isaiah 53:10 - It was the LORD’s WILL to CRUSH him
213 James 1:13 - God cannot be tempted with evil and temps no one -- 1 Timothy 1:17 – God is immortal and invisible -- Psalm 102:25-27 – God’s years have no end, He is the same yesterday, today and forever
214 Hebrews 4:15-16 – Jesus was tempted in EVERY respect as us, yet did not sin -- Hebrews 10:4-5 – Jesus’ body was prepared in advance for the sacrifice on the cross
215 Philippians 2:6 – Jesus did not count on His Divine powers, He emptied and humbled Himself

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Did Jesus know?

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all knew the plan of salvation was to be the death of Jesus on the cross; it was the plan laid out before Jesus was ever born of woman. There are things that Jesus did not know, only God did. Jesus said that that the day and the hour of His return was known only to God Himself; even as God’s Son He didn’t know.216 When in the Garden praying, it seems that other things were slowly being revealed to Him as He became in agony prompting His question; if it was possible that this cup could be passed by and not taken, but ended with His claim of submission to the Will of God.217

Considering all of this, Jesus had never been out of the presence of God, nor had He ever experienced the load of worldwide sin that was now being dumped by the truck load on His body and He cried out in despair; My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

God is not Santa Clause who threatens to NOT give you any presents if you are naughty, and in the end, the threating means nothing as you get everything that’s on your list. We paint a picture of God in one-dimension; GOD IS LOVE. Scripture also says He is a righteous Judge that is Jealous and Hates sin with an Avenging Wrath, and He just simply cannot overlook SIN.218

The Big Lie

When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, he discovered he was NAKED, so he hid himself because he had sinned and Satan made him believe that he was forsaken by God.219 Although SIN separated him from God; the creator still reached out and clothed him.

Here is Satan’s lie today; Jesus was also NAKED on the cross220 and since God forsook His only Son, you can bet He will forsake you too; you cannot trust God. There was laughter, insults and head wagging which symbolized NO HOPE. He was despised, rejected, a reproach of men, and as they hid their faces from Him, He felt like a lowly WORM. Satan would have us to conclude that GOD did all of this to Jesus, but He did not. It was man that hid their face from Jesus; not God. It’s in the Book

The cross is a demonstration of God’s love for mankind. Satan tried to tempt Jesus when He was at His weakest point; to doubt God, to believe that God had forsaken Him. Although Jesus felt forsaken, His faith did not waver as he declared that God did not hide His face from Him. God turned away from sin, but He did not hide His face from His Son and He will not hide His face from you; just call out to Him like Jesus did.

LISTEN; God does not despise nor abhorrer the affliction of the afflicted; neither does He hid his face from you WHEN you cry unto him; He will hear you.221 The Big Lie was for Jesus to PROVE that He was God, otherwise it would prove that God had also forsaken man; THIS LIE WAS CRUSHED IN THE RESURRECTION. Jesus carried all our griefs and our sorrows;222 it was man that presumed that it was God who had smitten Jesus, but it was man himself. It’s in the Book.

The Truth restores your soul. Don’t be tempted by the BIG LIE; Jesus remained faithful and called on the name of God to deliver Him from the horn and the sword of His enemies.223 Jesus was delivered, but not as we would have expected it.224 God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His foolishness is higher than man’s wisdom. It’s in the Book

God was PLEASED that His Plan was almost completed. Jesus said; IT IS FINISHED.

216 Mark 13:32 – The Son does not know everything that God knows
217 Luke 22:44 – Being in agony He sweat drops of blood -- Matthew 26:39 – If possible let this cup pass away from me
218 Psalm 7:11 - God is a righteous judge -- Nahum 1:2 - GOD is a jealous and avenging God -- Romans 1:18 - The wrath of God is against all unrighteousness
219 Genesis 3:10-11 – Adam was NAKED; He is humiliated
220 Psalm 22:17 – Jesus is crucified NAKED; He is humiliated
221 Psalm 22:22-24 – God has not hid his face from the sinner -- Psalm 37:25 - I have not seen the righteous forsaken
222 Isaiah 53:4 - Jesus has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows on the cross
223 Psalm 22:21 – The Horn of the Unicorn was Vicious and brutal; a killer
224 John 19:30 – The plan was finished, completed with His death on the cross -- Deuteronomy 4:31 - God will not forsake you nor forget His covenant -- 2 Chronicles 15:2 - The Lord is with you; seek Him, He will be found

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK Footnotes on It is finished 225

The Take Away

Sin has been pre-packaged and marketed as something that is just 50 shade of Gray. The wages of sin is death226 and Jesus Christ was delivered up to the cross because of our sins and our offences. He declined the privileges of the Deity and emptied Himself and took on the form of man. Since Jesus is God, you could say that He forsook His own self.227

God made His Son who had known no sin to become sin for us. He became cursed for us as He took on worldwide sin and bore them in His body and received the penalty of death. Jesus suffered and died as the scriptures prophesized. It was His atoning death that became the sacrifice and ransom for many.228

Considering this, Jesus had unbroken fellowship with God, He had never been out His presence, nor had He ever experienced the load of worldwide sin that was now being dumped by the truck load on His body and He cried out in despair; My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Did God Forsake Jesus; the scriptures says YES He did, but probably for only a period of 3 hours. Did Jesus really believe that God had forsaken Him FOREVER; I say NO... Although Jesus felt deserted, rejected, left alone, let down and forsaken, He kept the faith and reached out to God who was still there and He will be there for us too.229

You must get this, SIN separates us from God because God is Holy and ONLY the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ can blot out that crimson red stain of sin and make us pure and white as snow.

Life is choice driven. The choices you make today will have eternal consequences.


225 Isaiah 55:9 – God’s ways and thoughts are higher than our ways and thoughts -- 1 Corinthians 1:25 - The foolishness of God is wiser than men’s wisdom
226 Romans 6:23 - The wages of sin is death
227 Philippians 2:6 – Jesus declined the privileges of the Son of God -- 2 Corinthians 5:21 – He was without sin, but became sin for us 228 Romans 4:25 – Jesus was delivered up because of our offenses; our sins -- Philippians 2:7-8 – Jesus emptied Himself and took on man’s form obedient to even death -- Galatians 3:13 – Christ became a curse for us; everyone who is hung on a tree is cursed -- Isaiah 53:5 – He chose to take upon Himself our Sins and iniquities -- 1 Peter 2:24 - Jesus bore our sins in his body on the cross -- 1 Corinthians 15:3 - Christ died for our sins as it was written in the Prophets -- Isaiah 53:6 - God punished His own son Jesus for our sins -- 1 Peter 3:18 - Christ suffered ONCE and FOR ALL who would believe -- Matthew 20:28 – He came to give his life as a ransom for many that would receive Him

229 Psalm 37:25 - The righteous will not be forsaken -- 1 John 4:10 – Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for all our sins -- John 17:5 – God restored the glory to Jesus that had before -- John 16:32 – Jesus was not alone, the Father was still there

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Chapter 2.10

The illegitimate High priest Ciaiphas was a political appointee by Rome. He represented Rome, not the Jews. Herod, as well as the High Priest felt threatened by this “King of the Jews” and entered into a political plot to kill Jesus Roman style; by crucifixion. Only a handful of Jews were involved in the plot. They certainly did not represent the Million Jews living in Israel and Egypt. Nine out of ten Jews lived outside the city of Jerusalem. The Guards were Roman, not Jewish.

It was US, the Gentiles that Crucified Jesus; but, the blame fell to the Jews.
Jesus prayed for God to forgive those that had crucified Him,
and God did,230 but WE didn’t.

Anti-Semitism started when the early church fathers labeled the Jews as Christ Killers, children of the Devil, demonic, blood thirsty pagans, and plague carriers.

Bishop John Chrysostom in AD 345 wrote this statement: The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy and rapacious. They are perfidious murders of Christ. They worship the devil; their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ, and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jews must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews. It

is incumbent upon all Christians to hate the Jews.

Sometime around 1118, a French knight named Hugues de Payens founded a military order devoted to protecting pilgrims while they were visiting the Holy Land. He calling them “The Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon” and later were simply known as “The Knights Templar”. In 1129 the knights received the formal endorsement of the Catholic Church as over flowing huge donations and new Templar recruits poured in from all across Europe. These fierce warriors developed a network of banks and wielding enormous financial clout.

These Crusaders became a group of robbers, thieves and rapist whose sins were “Pre-forgiven” by the Pope plus cancelled any debts they owed to the Jews. Their goal was to take control of Jerusalem and the Muslims as well as punish the “Christ Killer Jews” on the road to and from Jerusalem.

Blood Libel is the BIG LIE, a medieval lie against the Jews. Stories were fabricated that the Jews kidnapped Christian children, ritually killed them and used their blood in the making of unleavened bread for Passover as well as for other religious purposes. They drank their blood; they were blood suckers. They required their children to cause harm to others; to kill non-Jewish children and take their goods. This creating even more hate. Christians were ignorantly caught up in this propaganda and Anti-Semitism was born; HATE and division; Hitler used it as well as the Ku Klux Klan.

230 Luke 2:34 - Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing -- Zechariah 8 23 – Ten men will grab one Jew and ask to go with them because they are blessed of God

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Christ Killers

The Spanish Inquisitions
The Crusades; Knights Templar Anti-Semitism; Blood Libel
Jew Hunters


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The Roman Catholic Church cut loose the Spanish Inquisition. Jewish estates were confiscated by the Church. People were whipped and tortured on the rack till they confessed their sin of converting to Judaism.

Jew Hunters are used in God’s plan today to aid in the return of the Jews to the nation of Israel. First, He will fish for them and pull them in by love, later He will drive them in with fear.231 Today, although Anti-Semitism still exists, many Gentiles are being drawn to the Jews and seek to help them, knowing that down the road it will help themselves.232

The USA as a “Nation” has certainly supported Israel; Pray that it continues.

It’s in the Book

231 2 Kings 19:28 – God will put a hook in them and cause them to return to Israel
232 Zechariah 8 23 – Ten men will grab one Jew and ask to go with them because they are blessed of God

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Chapter 2.11

The Cross The Invisible War

The Blood gave us Forgiveness The Cross gave us Deliverance

First Word

The Great Pretender

In the Invisible War, the Blood that Jesus shed was for the forgiveness of our sins, but the Cross that He was nailed to was for our deliverance. Until you get the part where we are in AN INVISIBLE WAR, you will not get the significance of the Cross. God set aside Abraham to cause a Holy Nation to be born unto Himself and through Moses, His Laws were established. One of those laws was that anyone who is hung on a tree is CURSED of God; if you sin you die.233 Jesus was born under the Law; therefore He was subject to the Law.234 When the sinless Jesus was nailed to the Cross, Satan believed he had defeated God and His Son; WINNING. HOLD THAT THOUGHT.

Lucifer or Satan was the anointed cherub that was the original possessor of certain God given rights, he covered the Throne of God and had been given the responsibility of the government of the universe and setting forth the righteousness of God. He was next to God in authority, he was God’s Chief of Staff. He was created immortal, powerful and with FREE WILL, his titles and offices were PROPHET, PRIEST and KING of the Universe, there was no angel higher than him, including Michael the high Arc Angel.235

As Prophet he would speak for God; As Priest he would take the worship of the creatures of the universetoGod;AsKing,hewouldruleforGod. WhenSatanrebelled,helosttheofficeofProphet as God no longer spoke through him, but HE PRETENDED that He still did; he lost the office of Priest as he no longer took worship to God, but HE PRETENDED he did;236 he lost the office of King of the Universe, but retained the title PRINCE OF THIS WORLD which Jesus acknowledged and he also retained the title; the Prince of the Power of the Air. 237

Satan has become the GREAT PRETENDER pretending that he is industriously active on God’s behalf, patrolling the earth dispensing justice with the interests of bringing Glory to God.238 He continues with his main deceptive theme of protecting God by ACCUSING Believers day and night of EVIL that’s in their hearts. He is the Prince of this World; the God of this age, he is the puppet master of all the earth leaders which the Book refers to as “Princes”. He is NOT all powerful nor all- knowing nor all present. He only has the power permitted him by God and only knows what we speak with our mouths. Although he can only be one place at a time, he has millions of low down, scumbag MINIONS who do his deceptive dirty work and report back to him.

233 Deuteronomy 21:22-23 – Cursed in the sight of God anyone that is hung on a tree -- 1 Corinthians 15:56 – Law of Sin results in the sting of Death
234 Galatians 4:4-5 – Jesus was born under the Law of sin & death -- 1 Corinthians 15:56 – Law of Sin results in the sting of Death 235 Jude 1:9 – Satan has higher authority than Michael

236 Job 1:7 – Satan PRETENDS his actions are in God’s best interest
237 John 12:31 – Satan retains the title; the Prince of this world -- Ephesians 2:1-2 – Satan retains the title; the Prince of the Power of the Air
238 Revelation 12:10 – Satan comes before the throne of God and accuses the Believer day and night

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He cannot create anything, but he can make you sick and then well again. There are occasions when an event is important enough for Satan to be personally present; the Book reports that it certainly happened with Job and with Jesus the Christ.

Satan still has authority on earth; the Book says he took Jesus to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him the kingdoms of the world and all their glory and said, I will give it all to you if you will kneel down and worship me. Satan has the KEYS to death and all the prisoners in hell; he rules the darkness of the underworld.239 HOLD THAT THOUGHT

Spoils of War

In every war, the Victor takes the SPOILS OF WAR, whatever the land will yield including its people; prisoners or what The Book calls CAPTIVES.

King Nebuchadnezzar took the spoils of war from Jerusalem including the Gold, Silver and Bronze items from the Temple as well as CAPTIVES.240

Abraham recovered the possessions of his nephew Lot and LIBERATED ALL HIS PEOPLE, Lot and his family and then took the spoils of the land.241

Moses LIBERATED ALL THE PEOPLE of Israel and left with their flocks and herds as well as spoiled the Egyptians of their wealth of gold and silver.242

David made raids on the Philistines and LIBERATED ALL HIS PEOPLE, His wives and children and took the spoils of the land; their livestock and goods.243 HOLD THAT THOUGHT

Here’s where we are
Jesus has been crucified on the Cross and according to the Book; anyone who hangs upon a

treeisCURSEDofGod. ButJesuswasSINLESS,yetallowedhislifetobetakenbySatanwhothought that once Jesus was dead by hanging on a tree, He would be CURSED and he would have Him in his domain of Death and Hell with the rest of mankind that was made in the image God.

Satan didn’t know about the Authority that Jesus had; Jesus said NO ONE CAN TAKE MY LIFE FROM ME, I sacrifice it voluntarily, for I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again; for this is what my Father has commanded.” 244 The Blood sacrifice of Jesus was ACCEPTED by God as Forgiveness for our sins, and now The Cross became our Deliverance from the sting of death.

Satan, the Chief of Staff of God who was Prophet, Priest and King wanted the worship and adoration that was due God and rebelled against Him. This caused one-third of the angels with their FREE WILL to follow him and he also caused man to sin thus becoming the object of God‘s wrath.245 Satan is now NO LONGER the Chief of Staff, NO LONGER Prophet Priest or King, but he is still the Prince of this World who temporarily holds the keys of death and hell.

Satan as the “Property Manager” of Hell, ruled all the councils of hell and managed all the issues of the grave. At the Cross, I can “IN MY MIND,” just feel the DARKNESS that was so THICK you could feel it as the EARTH QUAKED and the Rocks split open.246 But when the sinless Son of God diedonthecrossanddescendedintohell,itwasnotindefeat,butasaVictor. AstheMessiahinvaded Satan’s principality; I CAN JUST SEE the LIGHTNING flashes light up the GREAT GULF that separates Torment and Paradise. I CAN JUST IMAGINE the SHEKINAH GLORY of God as it now fully illuminates up both sides of Hell.247.

239 Matthew 4:8-9 – Satan has the keys; the authority over the earth
240 2 Kings 25:15-19 - Nebuchadnezzar took the spoils; prisoners of war and articles from the Temple
241 Genesis 14:16-20 – Abraham recovered the Spoils of War that had been taken
242 Exodus 12:32-36 – Moses Liberated Israel; took spoils of flocks, herds, clothing, silver and gold
243 1 Samuel 30:3-20 - David liberated His family, took spoils of sheep, cattle, livestock
244 John 10:17-18 – Jesus has the authority to lay His life down and pick it up again
245 2 Chronicles 29:8 – Sin has made the Unbelievers the object of God’s Wrath and Horror
246 Exodus 10:21 – The Darkness that was so thick you could feel it -- Matthew 27:45-51 – When Christ died, the Earth Quaked and rocks split open
247 Ezekiel 1:28 – The Shekinah Glory so overwhelms you that you cannot stand -- Exodus 24:15 – God’s Shekinah Glory of is like a devouring Fire

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I CAN SEE Satan; the arrogant and prideful now dethroned Property Manager as he stood trembling in HUMILIATION as the sinless Landlord Jesus TOOK the keys of Death and Hell away from Him. Jesus canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. It was in this way, He DISARMED the spiritual rulers and authorities and SHAMED THEM publicly by His Victory over them on the cross.

Jesus the Victor and the Deliverer is now in possession of the Keys of Hades. The possession of these KEYS have a double meaning; that of possessing both the RIGHTFUL dominion as well as the ACTUAL dominion of POWER OVER DEATH AND HELL. In the time of Christ, the grave; Hades or Hell contained TWO COMPARTMENTS; one was a place of TORMENT where Satan’s minions carried the wicked at their death and the other; a temporary compartment known as Abraham’s Bosom or PARADISE where the angels carried the righteous at their death.

Paradise was the abode of those that had died in the friendship of God over the past 4,000 years.248 These are those that had died from the first righteous man Abel down to the last Penitent thief on the cross. They were all CAPTIVES, they were PRISONERS of the INVISIBLE WAR. This is where Jesus preached for three days the “Good News Message” to the captives in Paradise. They had never heard of The Way, The Truth and The Life; but they ALL accepted Jesus as the Messiah and THIS TRUTH SET THEM FREE.

The work of Christ on the Cross opened the Mercy’s gate of Paradise where The Book says Jesus took THE SPOILS OF WAR and led these “Captives CaptivePLUS took the whole compartment of PARADISEwith Him to heaven where it is located now; in all of the souls that God gave to Him, He lost none of them.

I CAN JUST FEEL the despair of those in torment on the DARK SIDE of the great gulf; now in even more torment after finally “SEEING THE LIGHT” and now UNDERSTANDING that EVERYONE is judged at death. There was now nothing that they could do nor say that could change their eternal destiny. THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE!

The Take Away

Satan said he would “ASCEND” to heaven with his FIVE PRIDES;249

1) I WILL ascend to heaven;
2) I WILL raise my throne above the stars of God;
3) I WILL sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. 4) I WILL ascend above the tops of the clouds;
5) I WILL make myself like the Most High."

Jesus said He would DESCENDfrom heaven with SEVEN HUMILITIES; 250

1) He did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, 2) He gave up his divine privileges;
3) He took the humble position of a slave and was
4) born as a human being. When He appeared in human form,

5) He humbled himself
6) in obedience to God and
7) died a criminal’s death on a cross.

The omnipotent all powerful and sovereign God could have destroyed Satan at his first rebellion, when pride was first found in him, when he sought to receive the worship and praise due God.251 But God did not; the Book says God’s ways are higher than our ways.

248 Luke 16:22 – At death the Angels carry those in the friendship of God to Paradise
249 Isaiah 14:12-14 – SATAN’S Fivefold prideful “I Wills” of ascent to heaven -- Ezekiel 28:15 – Satan was blameless till Pride (sin) was found in him
250 Philippians 2:6-8 – JESUS Seven fold humilities of descent from heaven
251 Revelation 12:4 – One third of the Angels followed after Satan

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God waited for “the time to come”252 for THE DELIVERANCE OF THE CROSS as ALL the WATCHERS of the universe took note. The Watchers now stare at Satan and ask, “Can this be the one who shook the earth and made the kingdoms of the world tremble”? “Is this the one who destroyed the world and made it into a wasteland”? “Is this the king who demolished the world’s greatest cities and had no mercy on his prisoners”? They shake their heads in total disbelief, Satan has been THROWN DOWN.253

When Jesus ascended to God in heaven with the SPOILS OF WAR; He not only led the “Captive’s Captive” but took the whole compartment of PARADISE with Him to heaven where it is located now. Jesus did this once before on earth as an example for us, by relocating all HIS DISCIPLES and their ENTIRE BOAT to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.254 It’s in the Book

Paradise is a place better to be than on earth, but not as good as it’s going to get. Because of the deliverance of the Cross, NOW when the Believer dies, he becomes absent from his body and is immediately present with the Lord.255 PRAISE GOD. Christ now has ALL the Keys, and what He shuts, no man can open and what He opens no man can shut.

His Blood gave us FORGIVENESS and His Cross has given us DELIVERANCE.


The Book confirms that for the Spirit or Souls that have died, there is just no other Realm, Condition or Form besides the Lake of Fire and the Highest Heaven.256

252 Isaiah 55:9 – God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours ways and thoughts
253 Revelation 12:9-10 – Satan will be thrown down to earth in the tribulations -- Isaiah 14:15-17 – Everyone will stare and shake their heads at Satan
254 Psalm 16:10 – God will not abandon the Believer’s soul to Hell -- Matthew 12:40 – Christ was in paradise; a compartment of Hell for three days -- 1 Peter 3:18-19 – Jesus preached to the captives in Abraham’s Bosom, Paradise in Hell -- John 8:32 – The truth set the captives free -- John 6:39 – I will lose none the Father has given Me -- John 17:12 – Not one was lost, except Judas as prophesized -- Revelation 1:18 – Jesus now has the keys of hell and death -- Isaiah 22:22 – Jesus has the Keys to open and close -- Colossians 2:14- 15 – Jesus shamed Satan publically by way of the Cross -- Ephesians 4:8-10 – Jesus took the prisoners captive in Paradise to heaven -- John 6:19-21 – Jesus took the disciples and the entire BOAT through the fourth dimension to the other side of the lake
255 2 Corinthians 5:8 – When the Believer is Absent from the body, He is Present with the Lord
256 Daniel 12:2 – You will live forever somewhere; Everlasting life OR Everlasting contempt -- John 11:26 – The Believer will never die; do you believe this?

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Chapter 2. 12

The Ascension Of Christ

The ascension of the Saints in Abrahams Bosom The ascension revealed the mystery of the Gentiles

First Word
Much emphasis is placed on the second coming of Christ and rightfully so; but this study is to

look at the implications of His leaving this world and the impact it has on the Christian’s life.

The Mountain

Definition: Ascension; to be taken up; the exaltation of Christ into the presence of the Father in GLORY after His resurrection from the dead

Location: There are two places on the Mount of Olives that Christ is said to have ascended.

  1. 1)  The Russian Orthodox Church has The Bell Tower as one of the locations and;

  2. 2)  The Chapel of the Ascension which covers a rock which Christ is said to have ascended

    from. It was built by Queen Helena, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine. The Chapel has been destroyed and rebuilt twice. No one knows for sure where the exact place is.

Setting the Stage
In the Old Testament the High Priest only would enter the “Holy of Holies” once a year257 and

offer “Atoning” sacrifices and prayers for himself as well as prayers for the sins of the people including sins that they had committed in ignorance. This was a BLOOD sacrifice given once a year with the SMOKE of the fat ASCENDING up to heaven with the prayers of the people, this was done EVERY year. This offering could not ever take away the sin, but only cover it up with atonement.

When Christ ascended; He did not enter a manmade sanctuary, but He entered Heaven itself in the presence of Almighty God. His Crucifixion made the FINAL Atoning Sacrifice once and forever, doing away with the Sin sacrifices that were offered over and over again.258

Jesus become our High Priest FOREVER after the order of Melchizedek and is READY at this very minute to bring salvation to those that are waiting for His second coming


In the Psalms; David writes about two processional events;

The first procession being His ascension into heaven accompanied by those in “Abrahams Bosom” or Paradise, those that the Lord set free and took with Him to Heaven.259

The second procession is when He returns to earth with the Angels and the Saints; that would be US. This is a procession of the Angles singing for “The Gates” in heaven to be flung open for The King of Glory and a voice comes back, “Who is this King of Glory?”

257 Hebrews 9:7-9 – Only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies
258 Hebrews 6:20 – Jesus become our High Priest FOREVER -- Hebrews 10:11-14 – Jesus made the FINAL sacrifice for our sins -- Hebrews 9:24-28 – He did away with the Believer’s sin with His own sacrifice
259 Psalms 68:18 – The procession included those in Abrahams Bosom

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I wish everyone could hear the anthem “Lift up your heads O you gates260 with a full orchestra and choir; singing the antiphonal question “Who is this King of Glory?” then responding with the answer” The Lord mighty in Battle” It will make you want to shout. SELAH

Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up,
you ancient doors that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

Jesus speaks

Jesus prophesied about his own ascension. He tells His Disciples that He is going to the One who sent Him. Jesus tells them this before it all happened, so they would be comforted, that when it did happen they would all believe and not doubt. Speaking of His death on the Cross, Jesus said He would be lifted up to draw men to Him. This lifting up was only “a shadow” of Him being lifted up at His ascension to the Father.261

Jesus came to minister and to give His life as a ransom for many, and that had now been accomplished. He said He must ascend so that the comforter; the Holy Spirit can descend on them with Spiritual Gifts.262 In the Old Testament we find God is center stage and in the New Testament, Jesus is center stage, now in the church age, the Holy Spirit has now become “Center Stage.

In Jewish theology, the “Blessed Souls” or those in the “Friendship of God” await in a

compartment of Hell that is called Paradise or Abraham’s bosom. After Christ’s death on the cross, He descended into Hell to preach to the captives in Abrahams Bosom and when He ascended to Heaven, He took the whole compartment with Him with all the captives that were in it.263 When Paradise was relocated to heaven, Hell was enlarged.

The Term Friend is used loosely today, like an acquaintance, but back then it meant someone that you were in a blood covenant with. What your FRIEND had was yours and what you had was his. When we get to heaven we will realize the promise made to us through the down payment of the Holy Spirit, what Jesus has will be ours. He takes our sins and we take part in His glory. Those in the “Friendship of God” embrace the blood covenant made by God; first to Adam then to Abraham and now to Jesus the Christ. The Believer is in Blood Covenant with Jesus’s sacrificial blood on the cross.


During a forty day period after the resurrection, there were ten recorded appearances of Jesus before He ascended to the Father. He showed Himself to many and gave convincing proofs that he was alive and explained all things about the “Kingdom of God” to His Apostles starting with Moses and down through all the Prophets.264 Before the ascension, Jesus gave instructions and teachings directly to the disciples and then after the Ascension; from the right hand of God, His instruction came through the indwelling of The Holy Spirit.

Human knowledge must be understood to be believed; but Divine knowledge must be believed to be understood. (Pascal)

The Bible must be Divinelyunderstood. Minds must be opened by the Holy Spirit.

260 Psalms 24:7-10 – Heaven get ready; The King of Glory is coming
261 John 6:62 – Jesus prophesizes about his own ascension. -- John 7:33-34 – I now go to the one who sent me -- John 14:28-29 - I have told you now before it happens so you will not doubt -- John 12:32-33 – When I am lifted Up; Men will be drawn to me
262 John 16:7-8 – I will send the Holy Spirit to descend on you
263 Luke 23:43 – Jesus died and went to Paradise; Abrahams Bosom -- Ephesians 4:8-10 – He descended first to hell to lead out the captives in Paradise
264 Acts 1:2-3 – Jesus gives instructions to the Believer through the Holy Spirit -- Luke 24:26-27 – Jesus explained what the prophets said: that He must suffer -- 1 Corinthians 2:14 – The Things of God are spiritually discerned

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The Ascension
Traditionally it is believed that the Ascension occurred on the Mount of Olives where they

spent so much time. Jesus told them not to “hold on to him” here on earth that He must return to His Father.265 He did not transfer from one position to another, but from one condition to another; matter transformed into “Shekinah Glory” energy. He lifted up his hands and blessed his Disciples and while He was blessing them he was taken up into Heaven266 and a Shekinah Glory cloud hid Him from their sight.267 He will return the same way blessing the Church; but judging the world.

As He ascended to Heaven, He took the Saints in Paradise or “Abraham’s Bosom” with Him and then poured out the GIFTS of the Holy Spirit on the Disciples and other believers on earth.268 The Gifts are given as the Spirit determines for the building up of the body of Christ; no gift is given to develop YOU personally, it is given so you can function within the body. Each person has been given at least one Gift and the grace to use it. To NOT exercise your Gift is a loss to the body of Christ; the whole body suffers from the loss of any gift. SELAH

The Life of Christ did not save anyone. It was His Death, resurrection and ascension that brought The Redemptionthat saves man.

The Significance
The Old Covenant was removed in order to establish The New Covenant. Both Covenants

were given by God. The sacrificial system in the OT began with Abel and ended in the NT with Jesus Christ. The Significance of the ascension was the hyper-exaltation of Christ to the HIGHEST PLACE; to the right hand of God signifying that His atoning work is COMPLETE and FINAL.

When he set the captives free in “Abraham’s Bosom”, it signaled His Victory over death and the grave.269 His Glory, His position of Fellowship and Honor with God that He had before the world began was restored and He resumed His work. He received a Name above ALL names and now is our High Priest in Heaven forever after the Order of the High Priest Melchizedek. 270

His perfect manhood lets Him identify with man; to sympathize and intercede for him and stands as his advocate before the Father.271 God made Him head over everything of the Church.272 The ascension did not make a Physical remoteness, but a Spiritual nearness.273 He waits for the time His enemies are subdued and become His footstool; then He will return again and establish the awaited “Kingdom of God”.274

SIDEBAR: A Specific Law of gravity was suspended at the Ascension of Jesus Christ and is a miracle in a category all by itself and it will happen again at the second coming of Christ with His Saints. The Bible implies instances of “specific Law of Gravity suspension”; in the OT Enoch was taken up to heaven; Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind; An Ax head floated on water. In the NT Paul was taken up to heaven and Peter walked on water.275

This is the miracle of not ALL gravity being suspended, but SpecificGravity. Ponder that. It’s in the Book

265 John 20:17 – Do not hold me back, for I am, returning to my Father -- Acts 2:4 – The Spirit enables them to use their spiritual gifts 266 Luke 24:50-51 – Jesus was blessing the Disciples as He was taken up
267 Acts 1:6-9 – As Jesus was taken up, a cloud hid Him from their sight --
268 Ephesians 4:7-8 – When He ascended, He gave Spiritual Gifts to men. -- Acts 2:4 – Spirit enables them to use their spiritual gifts 269 Ephesians 4:8 – Jesus has Victory over the grave and death

270 When Jesus ascended to Heaven He was restored to His previous Glory -- Philippians 2:9 – Jesus was exalted and received THE name above every name -- Hebrews 6:19-20 – Jesus is of the Order of the High Priest Melchizedek -- Hebrews 4:14 – Jesus became our High Priest in Heaven -- 1 John 2:1 – He is now our advocate with the Father
271 Hebrews 2:18 – Because Christ was tempted, He understands the temptations of man -- Hebrews 7:25 – Christ intercedes for the Believer and saves them completely

272 Ephesians 1:22 – Jesus became Head over everything for the Church
273 Acts 2:33 – Jesus’ ascension poured out the PROMISED Holy Spirit
274 Psalms 110:1 – When His enemies become His footstool He will return
275 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 – The Rapture; Gravity suspended -- Genesis 5:24 – Enoch was taken up to heaven; Gravity suspended -- 2 Kings 2:11 – Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind; Gravity suspended -- 2 Kings 6:5-6 –An Ax head floats on water for the Prophet; Gravity suspended -- 2 Corinthians 12:2 – Paul was taken up to the third heaven; Gravity suspended -- Matthew14:29 – Peter walked on water; Gravity suspended

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In God’s presence
After Jesus was raised from the dead and by his own blood ascended into the heavens into the

Most Holy Place, God set him as co-regent at his right hand in the Heavenly realm and gave him authority to rule with power and dominion and raised Him above every title that can be given now or even “thought of” in the future.276 God placed all things in the universe under his feet and appointed Him “Head over the Church”; we as believers make up the Church coming under His Authority and Grace. All powers, authorities and Angles are in submission to Him. He is our High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.277

Then Christ poured out the Holy Spirit on the believers to write His laws on their hearts and now intercedes at the right hand of the Father for us and remembers our sins no more.278 He has prepared a different place for each believer that no one else can occupy; and we will be where He is. If you can just grasp the concept that He is Omnipresence or that He is everywhere at once, then you can grasp the thought that you might just have your own planet where you get to rule and reign with Him somewhere in the House of His universe.279 Think about it. We are in His house right now and a better one is coming. SELAH

He will reign in Heaven till His SECOND COMING, then He will return to Earth as the reigning Messiah.

Good News for the Gentiles

It was after Jesus had ascended to the Father that Jesus arrested Paul on the road to Damascus. This was significant as Paul would be the one CHOSEN; predestined to take the “Good News” to the Gentiles as Peter was taking it to the Jews. What an amazing impact THE ASCENSION has had on the Church and on the bride of Christ; what an impact it has had on ME and on YOU.280

The Stage is the World where life is played out as the INVISIBLE WAR continues and all creation

observes God’s patience and grace.
In the Old Testament,
God is center stage with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the wings
In the New Testament,
Jesus is center stage with God and the Holy Spirit in the wings. Today, in Modern Times, The Holy Spirit is center stage with God and Jesus in the wings.

The Trinity has always been present, at all times.

The Return

Christ will come back to earth in bodily form to receive the believing saints in the same way that he ascended. There will be a loud Trumpet CALL and He will come on the clouds with power and great glory gathering the Elect from the North, East, South and West. The “Clouds” are interesting, as in the OT the “Shekinah Glory” of the Lord was in the form of a cloud resting above the tabernacle and because of Israel’s sin; God’s Glory left.

It seems good to me that the Shekinah Glory cloud will once again appear at His return.281 SELAH He will rule as the “Reigning Messiah” with an iron scepter.

276 Hebrews 9:12 – Christ entered the Most Holy Place by His own sacrificial blood -- Ephesians 1:18-22 – Jesus is set at right hand of God and has been given every title & authority -- 1 Peter 3:22 – Authorities, Powers and Angles are placed under submission to Christ 277 Psalms 110:4 – God has sworn that Jesus is a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek -- Romans 8:34 – Christ is now interceding for us at the right hand of God

278 Acts 2:32-33 – The Holy Spirit is poured out on believers -- Hebrews 10:15-17 – The Holy Spirit will write God’s laws in men’s hearts and minds
279 John 14:2-3 – He is preparing a place for us and will return and take us there -- 2 Timothy 2:11-12 – We will rule, reign and teach with Christ; we will be like Him

280 Acts 9:1-6 – The Ascension of Jesus opened the door for the Gentiles to be grafted into the Jewish vine
281 Acts 1:10-11 – Jesus will come back the same way he left; in the clouds -- Matthew 24:30-31 – He will return with a loud trumpet call coming on the clouds -- Numbers 16:42 – The SHEKINAH GLORY appears in a cloud -- Revelation 12:5 – Jesus will rule the nations with an iron scepter

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The Take Away

Jesus’ Ascension restored Him to His former Glory and power

and He now sits at the right hand of God the Father interceding for us as our High Priest forever. He has defeated the curse of death and has won victory over the grave setting the captives in Paradise free. He NOW speaks through the Holy Spirit and gives us wisdom to guide our steps. He has given Spiritual Gifts to the body of Believers to use till He returns; which is SOON.

There is no Lone Ranger Christians; we all make up the body of Christ with each member supplying the gift that God has given you. If you are not using your gift in the body, the whole body suffers, not just you. The gifts are given to edify the church, to encourage each other. Don’t forsake the gathering of the flock in church as many have become accustomed to doing. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit.

A faith without works is a dead faith.282 It’s in the Book

282 Hebrews 10:25 - Do not neglect meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another -- Hebrews 2:4 – God gave Gifts to man according to His will -- 1 Corinthians 14:12 – The Gifts build up the church -- James 2:26 – Faith without works is a dead faith -- Ephesians 4:30 – Do not grieve the Holy Spirit

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Chapter 2. 13

1st Dispensation; the Creation of the World; God
2nd Dispensation; the Chosen line of Jesus starting with Seth down to Christ
3rd Dispensation; the Baptism of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost to the present.

Pentecost: Greek pentekoste meaning the 15th day. The baptism of the Holy Spirit occurred on the 15th day after Passover. From that day until now we are in this 3rd dispensation. Before Jesus was crucified, He promised that He would not abandoned us, that He would send the “paraclete”.283 Parakleos is translated; Comforter, Encourager, Exhorter, Sympathizer, Under-stander, Helper, One who comes along beside you. The Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit in the OLD Testament gave power, strength, wisdom and favor.
The Holy Spirit was not something just made up or a phenomenon only in the time of Jesus Christ, it was also poured out in the OT on Othniel, Gideon, Jephthah, Sampson, King Saul, King

David, Jahaziel, Ezekiel and the 70 elders.284 Note: There was 70 known languages at the time.

Holy Spirit in the NEW Testament gave miracle gifts for the equipping of the Saints to preach the Gospel

The Trinity consists of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. For some reason we as Christians give honor, praise and worship to God and Jesus Christ, but we leave out the Holy Spirit, because He is considered an IT and not a PERSON. This study is to identify the work and purpose of the Holy Spirit and to show that He is a Devine Person.

The coming of The Holy Spirit was a PROMISEby Jesus Christ to the believers. He said He would not leave us as orphans. He said to WAIT for the promise, they did; and He came.285 The Good News is that we no longer are waiting for the Holy Spirit, He is waiting for us.

We have the seal of God’s ownership, powered by the promise of the Holy Spirit who made a deposit that guaranteed our inheritance with the Son. The Greek word is parakletos occurring five times in the NT meaning HELPER; “one who comes along side”, the Divine Paraclete.

WEBSTER: A Person; someone who is actually PRESENTas distinguished from a thing. A self being; has personality expressed by physical and mental activities with qualities and characteristics. A person has PERSONALITY, possesses knowledge, feelings, emotions and a will.

283 John 14:16-18 – Jesus promised the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
284 Judges 3:10 - Spirit came on Othniel -- Judges 6:34 - Spirit came on Gideon -- Judges 11:29 - Spirit came on Jephthah -- Judges 13:25 - Spirit came on Sampson -- 1 Samuel 10:6 – Spirit came on King Saul -- 1 Samuel 16:13 – Spirit came on King David -- 2 Chronicles 20:14 - Spirit came on Jahaziel -- Ezekiel 11:5 - Spirit came on Ezekiel -- Numbers 11:24-25 – Spirit came on The 70 Elders; there were 70 Languages
285 John 14:18 – Jesus said He would not leave us as orphans. -- John 16:5-7 – The Holy Spirit was promised -- Acts 2:1-4 – They waited and The Holy Spirit came -- Ephesians 1:13-14 – We are marked by Him with a seal of the promise -- 2 Corinthians 1:22 – His seal of ownership is a deposit on what is to come -- 2 Corinthians 5:5 – The Spirit is a deposit guaranteeing our redemption

BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts

The Holy Spirit

The Promise, The Person, The Baptism; Has Will, Knowledge, Intelligence, Emotions, Feelings, and Sensitivity; He Speaks, Leads, Teaches, Witnesses, Calls, Appoints, and Restrains.

The Dispensation – The Promise
Dividing up the ages; the best way is by the dispensations of the Father.

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The Holy Spirit is in “EQUAL” relationship to God and our Savior Jesus Christ. For some this will be hard to accept, but it is written in the Book. It was not God the Father, nor God the Holy Spirit that died on the cross, it was God the Son. He is a “SEPARATE” and a distinct person from the Father and The Son, but has a mutual relationship. He is “subordinate” to the Father and the Son. He takes on their names; Spirit of God and Spirit of Christ. “The Son” is also subordinate to the Father. Clearly there are three separate persons, but all with the same mind.286

WEBSTER; Devine is to be like God and further defines God as IMMORTAL. In Hebrews we find that the Holy Spirit’s divine nature is ETERNAL.287 The Holy Spirit has the same attributes as God.

He is Omni-present He is everywhere all at once. There is nowhere that we can go that the Spirit is not present.
He is
Omniscient He knows the hearts of man and searches the deep things of God.
He is
Omnipotent the power of the Holy Spirit over shadows you; He is All powerful 288

He Falls, Fills, Anoints
In the Old Testament, The Holy spirit is recorded with words such as; “Anointed with Oil”,

symbolic of the Holy Spirit,289 Came upon men”, “Rested on men290 and in Genesis, “My Spirit”.291 THE FORMULA; nowhere in the Bible are we given a formula on how to be filled with the Holy

Spirit. A good start is to understand that God COMMANDS us to be filled with the Spirit.
It’s a command not a suggestion. Scripture teaches Submission; to confess sins. To yield our self to His will; to place our self at His disposal. To offer our abilities, possessions, family, minds, will and emotions. To get rid of unclean thoughts and Laziness. To redeem the use of our time, money

and lifestyle.292

Observable evidence
Everyone has BS, a Belief System; a WORLDVIEW; when you become filled with the Holy Spirit

there is an observable difference in your thoughts and actions, you are a new creation.293 Sooner or later the NEW BIRTH will manifest itself in godly living. You will have a new WORLDVIEW; your BS


Spirit empowerment is not a suggestion; it’s a command.

There are NINE qualities that characterizes the person on whom the Holy Spirit rest.
1) Wisdom, 2) Understanding, 3) Counsel,
4) Power/strength, 5) Knowledge, 6) Fear of the Lord,

7) Righteousness, 8) Justice/fairness, 9) Faithfulness. 295

The infilling is not a once experience; but is a continual process.

Being Spirit filled is not what you FEEL; it’s what you DO.

286 John 14:16 – He is “Another” Counselor – He is separate -- Acts 2:33 – Holy Spirit is Separate from God ---- John 16:7 – The Counselor is separate from Jesus -- Luke 3:21-22 – Holy Spirit is separate from Jesus
287 Luke 1:35 – The Holy Spirit has the power of the most high God -- John 14:26 – He will Teach us all spiritual things -- John 16:12- 13 – Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. -- Acts 5:3 – The Holy Spirit is Devine -- Hebrews 9:14 – He is eternal
288 Psalms 139:7-8 – He is Omni-present -- 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 – He is Omniscient knows the thoughts of man and God -- Revelation 19:6 – He is Omnipotent all powerful
289 1 Samuel 16:13 – Anointed with oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit
290 Judges 3:10 – The Spirit came upon Othniel -- Judges 6:34 – The Spirit came upon Gideon -- Judges 11:29 – The Spirit came upon Jephthah -- Judges 13:25 – The Spirit came upon Sampson -- 2 Chronicles 24:20 – The Spirit came upon Zechariah -- Numbers 11:25 – The Spirit came upon Seventy Elders. -- Exodus 31:2-3 – Filled Bezalel with skill, ability and knowledge of crafts
291 Genesis 6:3 – The Holy Spirit is in Genesis the first book of the Bible
292 Romans 6:13 – Offer yourself to God -- Romans 12:1 – Offering yourself to God is Spiritual Worship
293 1 Corinthians 12:1 – I do not want you to be ignorant about the Gifts
294 2 Corinthians 5:17 – You become a new creature in Jesus Christ -- Acts 1:8 – You will receive power from the Holy Spirit
295 Nine qualities of the Spirit; Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge, Righteousness, Fear of the Lord, Justice, Faithfulness

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There are THREE virtues of those empowered by the Spirit; 1) Prayer, 2) Faith & 3) Obedience. The Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ through us.296 God has replaced the few selected Leaders in the Old Testament with the New Testament Pattern of empowerment for the whole church.297 Not just part, but the whole, we have total access to all the assets available to us. We are encouraged to seek the gifts; if you desire a gift, ask God for it. Today we do not seek any of the gifts and therefore we do not operate in them; ASK and receive. It’s in the Book

Regardless of when in life you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, you will be motivated to give your testimony to others and you will involve yourself in service of some nature. This may not be in “China”, but perhaps in your own church or community. There will be a desire to be with others of like faith; studying the word; sharing and offering prayer and praise.

Your ability and desire to serve will not necessarily be like someone else; so do not use others as a yard stick to measure the Holy Sprit’s work in you. Some teach, some run audio, others are on the Praise Team and still others work in the nursery or maintain the facilities, some are givers; as for me I write and share. Did you see it? We ALL get to enjoy and benefit from each other’s gifts.

God places His SEAL. The Spirit is God’s PLEDGE. The Spirit WITNESSES to us by God’s word. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the sons of God.

The Baptism

John the Baptist prophesied to the people that he baptized with water, but that one would come who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit. Clearly this is two different baptisms.298 God told John that the man he saw the Spirit of God descending on would be the same man that would baptize with the Holy Spirit.299 Clearly Jesus is the baptizer of the Holy Spirit.300

The followers were told to wait in Jerusalem for the “promise” of being clothed in power.301 The baptism of the Holy Spirit would come after Jesus had ascended to the Father.

120 believers were gathered in the upper room when they were baptized in Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues among themselves before the crowds had gathered. Since they were already of the same common language; this tongue is thought to be an “ecstatic” heavenly language of PRAYER and PRAISE directed toward God; not toward man. This would be a different language than that spoken later to the crowds gathered on the outside. Selah; Ponder that. It’s in the Book

The Term Baptism of the Holy Spirit is only mentioned by John the Baptist. Nowhere else in scripture is it mentioned; however we do find terms like; poured out, came upon, filled and full of, BUTNOTBAPTIZED. ThecommandtobebaptizedintheHolySpiritdoesnotexistinscripture. The exhortation is to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit;302 and since we leak, we need to be refilled again and again. The four Gospels make no connection between the gift of tongues and the “filling of the Spirit”. When we are saved we are all baptized into the body of Christ. We are in Him and He is in us. 303 The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a one time, once and for all, forever experience.

The Baptism or filling of the Holy Spirit was to give men the DESIRE and the ABILITY to share the glory of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. The work of the Holy Spirit is to convict sinners and build up the body of Christ.304

296 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 – There are different ways to serve God; gifts, service, working; but all the same Spirit
297 Acts 4:31-33 – Spoke about God boldly; shared with others what they had -- Acts 2:4 – The Spirit enabled some to speak in tongues -- Romans 8:16 – The Spirit Himself bears witness that we are His -- Galatians 4:6-7 – We are declared by the Spirit that we are God’s sons -- 1 John 5:10 – Our Faith bears witness in our hearts. – Luke 11:11-13 - Seek the gift that you want – 1 Corinthians 14:5 – Everyone did not speak in tongues
298 Acts 1:5 – The Holy Spirit is a different baptism.
John 14:25-26 – The Holy Spirit will come after Jesus’ ascension.
299 Luke 3:16 – The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
300 John 1:32-33 – Jesus is the Baptizer of the Holy Spirit
301 Luke 24:49 – Wait for the Holy Spirit to clothe you in power -- Acts 1:4 – Wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit
302 Ephesians 5:18 – Command; be filled with the Spirit -- 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 – We are all baptized by one Spirit into one body -- Acts 2:16-17 – God pours out His Spirit as was prophesied -- John 16:13 – The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth
303 Galatians 3:26-27 – When we are saved we are placed in Christ -- John 14:19-21 - We are in Christ and He is in us.
304 Acts 2:38 – Repent, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit -- Acts 2:38 – Repent, be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit

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The signs that they have been filled with the power of the Holy Spirit was that they would drive out demons, they would speak in new languages and heal the sick.305 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an outward seal acknowledging the inward condition your spirit is “Already in”. It is an action that is in additional to the Spirit’s regenerative soul saving work. It is the GATEWAY to the Spiritual realm.

At first there were two distinct stages of the Holy Spirit due to the fact that the gift at Pentecost had not yet come to the 120 that were present in the upper room.306 They knew of John’s baptism and Jesus’ baptism, but the baptism of the Holy Spirit could not be received till Jesus had ascended to the Father.307

Pentecost was the beginning of the “Church”, now all that remained was to bring into the fold the Samaritans, the Gentiles and the belated believers from John’s baptism. 308 I stress this only because of the teaching in ERROR that there are TWO BAPTISMS; not one. When we receive Christ as our savior, we receive Him in FULL, not in part. Regeneration (Salvation) and The Baptism of the Holy Spirit now takes place at the same moment. There is only one baptism of the Holy Spirit; but many NEW fillings.309 Nowhere in scripture are we commanded to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, if so Jesus would surly have mentioned it; however we see examples over and over again of being filled with the Spirit.

The examples given in the scriptures indicate that the followers of Christ were aware of the promise of the Holy Spirit and they knew if they had received Him or not. It is a definite distinctive experience that one knows whether or not he has received the Holy Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit is something that can be observed visually. In Acts we find that Simon the sorcerer wanted to buy this ability. He wanted to lay hands on people and have them be filled with the Spirit.310 The promise of the baptism of the Holy Spirit was not only for the disciples, but for those that He would call that were not yet born... That would be us; praise God311

His Work

He Creates all things that are the invisible realm and in the physical realm including man. He MAINTAINS our Spiritual life as well as our physical life. He CONVICTS men of sin; PRICKS THEIR HEARTS and makes them aware of their need of a savior and provides the opportunity to accept or reject Christ. He REGENERATES man’s life giving him a NEW NATURE. The Holy Spirit buries our old nature that desires adultery, fornication, uncleanness, witchcraft, hate, wrath, strife, envy, murder and the like. He RENEWS OUR MIND so that our thoughts line up with God’s thoughts.312 There is a new fruit that is observable by our actions and reactions. In due season people will observe in our lives the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self- control.

We cannot bear fruit apart from the Holy Spirit. We will be known by our fruits; true love is shown in our actions.313 When temptation raises its ugly head, we will be instantly in prayer, calling on the Holy Spirit almost before we are even aware of the need.

305 Acts 1:8 – You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. -- Mark 16:17-18 – There will be signs of the baptism of the Holy Spirit
306 Luke 24:49 – The Father will send the Holy Spirit -- Acts 1:4 – Wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit
307 Hebrews 6:4-5 – The Baptism is the gateway into the Spiritual realm -- Acts 10:43-44 – As they heard the Word, they received the Holy Spirit

308 Acts 19:2 – They had not even heard about the Holy Spirit -- Acts 8:15-16 – The Spirit had not come upon the SAMARITANS -- Acts 11:15 – The Spirit had not come upon the GENTILES Acts 19:3-5 – The Spirit had not come upon JOHN’S believers -- Galatians 3:2 – They received the Spirit by believing what they heard. -- Acts 10:43-44 – As they heard the Word, they received the Holy Spirit 309 1 Corinthians 12:13 – There is only ONE BAPTISM of the Holy Spirit --
310 Acts 8:18-19 – The filling of the Spirit is observable --
311 Acts 2:39 – The Holy Spirit is also for our children not yet born --
312 Colossians 1:16 – All things were created by the Holy Spirit -- Psalms 33:6 – The Breath of the Spirit of God created the heavens -- Job 33:4 – The Spirit of God made men -- Psalms 104:29-30 – The Spirit maintains us -- John 16:8-11 – He Convicts us of sin -- Acts 2:36-37 – The Spirit pricks our heart -- Galatians 5:19-21 – The Holy Spirit buries our old nature
313 Galatians 5:22-23 – All the characteristics of the Spirit make up one fruit -- Psalms 1:2-3 – The fruit of the Spirit will appear in you in due season -- John 15:4 – You cannot bear fruit without the Spirit -- Matthew 7:20 – We are known by the fruits of our spirit, our works -- 1 John 3:18 – Our love of God will result in actions

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The results of a renewed mind are observed in our character, our deeds, our growth and the growth of others we witness to. HE SATISFIES us like an eternal well of fresh water. When all else around us fails, the Holy Spirit will still refresh us with a satisfaction that is independent of what the world has to offer. When we abide in Him, He abides in us.

His Names

One could read the scriptures and conclude that there are many Spirits of the Father. Not So, He just has different names. Sometime we have to go back to the Greek and Hebrew to get translations of words such as “breath” or “wind” which is translated “Spirit”. Jesus breathed on the disciples and said “Receive the Holy Spirit”. Just think of it; God breathing the “Spirit” of life into you.315

Some of His names; The Holy Spirit, Spirit of Jehovah, Spirit of Counsel and Might, Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, Spirit of Knowledge, Spirit of Jesus, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of God, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Holiness, Spirit of Judgment, The comforter, and The Councilor.316

The Spirit of Jehovah is a reminder of the Old Testament Covenant
The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah reminds us He is a covenant keeping spirit. The Spirit of the Living God makes God personal
The Spirit of Christ reminds us that the spirit is a GIFT to us from Him. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is the relationship to the Spirit of Jesus
The Spirit of His Son testifies of God’s Son.

The characteristics of the Holy Spirit is described in Metaphors; on the Sermon on the Mount, Christ used words like “SALT” and “LIGHT” which are unseen forces that operate silently and unobtrusively in the life of the believer. Salt prevents decay and Light dissipates darkness.317

His Characteristics

TheBookshowsthattheSpiritworksinmanaccordingto“HisWill”. Mandoesnotmanipulate the Holy Spirit according to what he thinks is right. The Holy Spirit operates in us through “His will” so that our actions will be blessed. The Holy Spirit has a “WILL”. Scripture bears out that the Holy Spirit not only helps us to understand truth, but “Knows” truth Himself; He has KNOWLEDGE. In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit is shown with the characteristics of INTELLIGENCEand GOODNESS.In Romans we find that the Spirit knows the MIND of God and intercedes for us. 318

WEBSTER says that “Mind” is; THINKING, FEELINGS, REASONING and EMOTIONS. The Holy Spirit knows our feelings and thoughts and hears every word we speak. He knows when our actions are impureorselfish,falseandthisgrievesHim. SotheSpirithasfeelings, emotions, sensitivity and can be grieved.319

314 Romans 12:12 – We instantly go to Him in prayer -- Titus 3:5 – The Spirit renews us -- John 3:5 – The Spirit regenerates man -- John 6:63 – The words of the Spirit are life -- 2 Corinthians 3:6 – The Spirit gives life -- 1 Corinthians 2:14-15 – The Spirit gives spiritual discernment -- John 4:14 – We will never thirst again -- John 7:37-38 – The Holy Spirit gives streams of refreshing water -- 1 John 4:13 – He abides in us and we abide in Him

315 Genesis 2:7 – The breath of the Spirit is Life -- John 20:22 – Jesus breathed on the disciples – The Holy Spirit -- John 3:8 – The breath of the Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19 – Go and make disciples; Baptize in three names -- 2 Corinthians 13:14 – He has Different names, Grace, love and fellowship -- 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 – Same Spirit, Same Lord, Same God
316 Hebrews 9:14 – The Eternal Spirit -- Luke 11:13 – The Holy Spirit -- Galatians 4:6 – He is the Spirit of His Son -- Isaiah 11:2 – He is the Spirit of Jehovah -- Isaiah 61:1 – He is The Spirit of the LORD Jehovah -- 1 Corinthians 3:16 – He is the Spirit of God -- 2 Corinthians 3:6 – He is the Spirit of the living God; The Spirit is personal -- Romans 8:9 – He is the Spirit of Christ -- Acts 16:7 – He is the Spirit of Jesus -- John 16:13 – He is the Spirit of truth -- Acts 1:4 – He is the Spirit of Promise; the Gift -- Romans 1:4 – He is Spirit of Holiness -- Isaiah 4:4 – He is the Spirit of Judgment; Spirit of burning -- John 6:63 – He is The Spirit of Life -- Hebrews 10:29 – He is The Spirit of Grace -- John 14:26 – He is The Comforter -- John 15:26 – His is The Comforter -- John 16:14 – Holy Spirit is Subordinate to Jesus -- John 7:18 – Holy Spirit is Subordinate to God --

317 Mathew 5:13-14 – The Holy Spirit is Salt and Light
318 1 Corinthians 12:11 – He has a Will -- 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 – He has Knowledge-- Nehemiah 9:20 – He has Intelligence - Goodness Nehemiah 9:20 – He has Intelligence - Goodness
319 Ephesians 4:30 – He can be Grieved - Romans 8:27 – The Holy Spirit Reasons

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He Speaks - Leads, Teaches, Witness’
The Holy Spirit speaks to us, although some do not have an ear to hear Him. When we have His

Spirit within us, He bears witness of Jesus Christ, teaches us truth, leads and guides our path. He FREELY anoints us with knowledge and truth and reveals mysteries.320

The Lying god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers; that is why the Holy Spirit is called “the Spirit of Truth.” The world cannot accept Him because they cannot see Him nor know Him.321

He Calls - Appoints, Retrains, Resides, Intercedes, Comforts and gives life
The Spirit calls men to work in the service of the Lord and appoint others to oversee the body.

He has the authority to hold us back and to change our direction.322 Jesus promised a gift; a Devine Person that would take His place. This great dispensation that was promised was the “Paraclete”, the one who comes along side, the Comforter. The Holy Spirit resides in our hearts, interceding and calling out to God, bearing witness that we are His children.323

He makes the desert a fertile field and the barren to become a multitude. Old Testament scriptures are teaming with the power of the Holy Spirit bringing life to dead wombs

Zechariah’s wife Elizabeth was barren: The Holy Spirit gave them John the Baptist324 Manoah’s wife was barren: The Holy Spirit gave them the Sampson the Judge.325 Elkanah’s wife Hanna was barren: The Holy Spirit gave them Samuel the Prophet326 Isaac’s wife Rebecca was barren: The Holy Spirit gave them Jacob called Israel.327 Jacobs’s wife Rachel was barren: The Holy Spirit gave Joseph who prospered Israel.328

The Lesson here is a person is never too old to experience the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and with Mary the mother of Jesus as our example, you are never too young either.329


What is the motivation for wanting to be filled with the Spirit? The purpose of being filled is to glorify God. Do we ask the Holy Spirit to bless decisions we have already made or do we involve the Holy Spirit resulting in a JOINT DECISION. The Spirit doesn’t just help us, He prays for us according to the will of God; our prayers are double effective. We have access to the mind of our Lord; we now have the mind of Christ.330

There are two important principles that are connected with receiving the Holy Spirit; Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility. God freely gives His Spirit, but living up to His calling is up to us. Seek to be filled, but don’t waste your time seeking empowerment that you do not intend to use. We can be baptized with the Holy Spirit, but not filled or controlled by the Spirit. A “FEELING” does not necessarily imply a “FILLING”. When we are filled, we are not totally filled up like a barrel overrunning with rain water, but we are a barrel that needs to be continually filled because we use it up; plus we leak.

320 Revelation 2:7 – The Holy Spirit speaks to the Believers Soul -- 1 John 2:20 – The Spirit Anoints with knowledge and truth -- Nehemiah 9:20 – The Spirit Instructs -- John 16:13 – The Spirit Guides and tells us things -- John 14:26 – The Spirit Teaches all spiritual things -- John 15:26 – The Spirit bears Witness of Christ -- Romans 8:14 – The Holy Spirit Leads -- 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 – God reveals mysteries through the Holy Spirit -- 1 Corinthians 2:11-12 – The Spirit freely gives Understanding to the Believer -- 321 2 Corinthians 4:3 – The lying god of this age has blinded men -- John 14:17 – The world cannot accept the Spirit of Truth.

322 Acts 13:2 – He Calls to us -- Acts 20:28 – He Appoints overseers -- Acts 16:6-7 – He Restrained, Re-directs us
323 Acts 1:4-5 – The Holy Spirit is The Promise -- John 14:16 – He is called The Comforter -- John 16:7 – He is the Comforter-- Romans 8:26 – He Intercedes for us -- Hebrews 7:25 – He Lives to intercede for us -- Gal 4:6 – He Lives in our hearts and Calls out to God -- John 14:17 – The Spirit of Truth dwells within us -- 1 John 2:1 – He speaks in our defense
324 Luke 1:13 – Barren – But came John the Baptist
325 Judges 13:2-3 – Barren – But came Sampson the Judge
326 1 Samuel 1:1-20 – Barren - But came Samuel the Prophet
327 Genesis 25:21 – Barren – But came Jacob – Israel -- Genesis 35:9-10 – Jacobs name changed to Israel.
328 Genesis 30:22-24 – Barren – But came Joseph who prospered Israel
329 Isaiah 32:15 – The Holy Spirit makes the barren fertile
330 Acts 15:28 - Involve the Holy Spirit for a JOINT DECISION -- Romans 8:27 – The Spirit intercedes for us and prays according to God Will. -- 1 Corinthians 2:16 – We have the mind of Christ.

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Jesus needed the presence of the Holy Spirit from “the Womb to the Tomb”, how much more do we also need the Spirit in our lives.331 The apostle Andrew was noticeably quiet and in the background as; Peter, James and John seem to dominate the inner circle, however he is credited for bringing many to meet Christ. Andrew’s heart did not resent being a supporting actor, living in the shadow of Peter his brother. He saw great value in serving quietly in the background. Andrew delighted in pointing everyone and anyone to Jesus. Because of the fact that he brought his brother Peter to Christ, another 3000 received eternal life.

Such is the Holy Spirit, rarely taking center stage, but pointing us to the other members of the Trinity. He is like the wind, invisible, powerful, uncontrollable and unpredictable; you cannot see Him or tell where He comes or goes, but you can hear and feel His presence; the Spirit’s work will always point to our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. We raise the sails in our boat; the breath of the Holy Spirit powers our sails and God steers.332

The Holy Spirit alone is the source of empowerment that God uses to accomplish His will. Don’t look at how big the task is, instead look at the opportunity that allows the spirit to empower you.333

Raise your sail; Pray often

The Holy Spirit can be RECEIVED
In order to receive the Holy Spirit, you must first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, King and

Savior, and trust God to forgive you of your sins based on Jesus’ death on the cross.334 Understand that there is no work that you can undertake to merit God’s Grace; it is a gift from God.335 Confess Sins, ask for forgiveness, openly accept Jesus Christ as Savior and surrender your will to God and obey Him. Then thirst for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as a thirsty man calls out for water. Ask God to fill you with His Spirit; then believe that you have received Him.336 Ask, Seek, Knock and it shall be opened unto you.337 The Father gives the Holy Spirit “without measure” to those who ask Him.338

The Holy Spirit can be REJECTED
Some folks confess that they are “good people’; that they work hard at “doing right”; that they

have “cultivated” their life and are better than most Christians. I submit to you that according to scripture, thorns cannot be made to bear fruit, nor can a man apart from the Holy Spirit bear the fruit of the Spirit.339

The Unpardonable Sin is rejecting the Truth about Jesus Christ. As long as the spirit is striving with a person; he had not committed the unpardonable sin. We are controlled by what we are full of. We are referred to as being “Under the Influence” whether it’s by the Holy Spirit or the spirits of Alcohol and the like.

The Holy Spirit is a person that can be lied to, rebelled against, despised, blasphemed and rejected. We can hurt His heart and bring Him pain. He can be grieved by anything that is false, deceitful or hypocritical.

331 Isaiah 61:1 – Jesus needed the Holy Spirit – so much more us -- Job 32:8 – The SPIRIT within man is the BREATH of the Almighty
332 John 3:8 – The Spirit is like the sound of the wind
333 1 Corinthians 10:1-5 – It’s up to us to live up to the Spirit’s calling – Job 33:4 – The SPIRIT of God made me; the BREATH His gives me life.

334 2 Corinthians 5:21 – Christ who had no sin was made to be sin for us -- Galatians 3:13-14 – It is Christ that redeemed us from the curse of the law
335 Romans 3:20 – We are not declared righteous by our works -- Galatians 3:1-5 – You do not receive the indwelling of the Spirit through Works -- -- Ephesians 2:8-9 – We are saved by Grace through Faith and not by our good works

336 2 Corinthians 3:18 – The Believer is being transformed by the Spirit -- Romans 4:5 – When we believe, our faith is counted as righteousness -- 1 John 5:11 – God gave us eternal life in His Son
337 Matthew 7:7-8 – Ask Seek Knock – The door will be opened. -- Jeremiah 29:13-14 – If you seek God, He will be found
338 Acts 2:38 – Repent; be baptized, receive the Holy Spirit -- Luke 11:13 – God wants you to have the gift of the Holy Spirit -- John 3:34 – The Holy Spirit is given without measure, -- Mark 11:24 – Believe that you have received the Holy Spirit

339 Matthew 12:33 – A tree is recognized by its fruits -- Luke 6:44 – You can’t get figs from a thorn bush. -- Ephesians 5:18 – Be filled with the Spirit.

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When we doubt, distrust, have anxiety or worry and when we are hard, bitter, malicious, ungracious, unforgiving or unloving. When we are unclean, defiling or degrading, He is grieved; quenched;340 Even a good fire goes out when the fuel supply is removed.

Another Law

There are two natures residing in the believer. The old nature from our first birth and the new nature when we are born again, they are both present. There is another law inside of man that is contrary to the law of God. Therefore when the Holy Spirit dwells in an imperfect man there is a battle that takes place inside him.341 Paul once said, “I do the thing I know I should not do, and don’t do the things I know I should do.342 Many “Professing” Christians are not “Possessed” by Christ.

They do forbidden things in the name of FREEDOM and enslave themselves in the activities. In our own selves, we are weak and unable to keep the law of God. It is when we surrender absolute control of our lives and walk after the Spirit that the Spirit controls our life.

We are in an INVISABLE WAR with our old nature; there are TWO categories containing fifteen things that dog us.343

First category is SEX; sexual immorality, impurity and sensuality;

Second category is WORKS of the flesh; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, strife, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, and orgies.

We still have all the same desires of the flesh when we are filled with the spirit that we had before. The difference is that the Spirit controls those desires and we do not do those things which would grieve the Spirit. It is not how much of the spirit that we get hold of, it’s how much we let the Spirit get hold of us. We must surrender our every thought, desire, purpose and affection to His control. Even after the Spirit has “filled us”, we must continue to feed and refill our spirit through prayer, meditation and study of the word lest we fall. God will show us our short comings if we just ask Him.

We are admonished to hide the word of God in our heart so that we will not sin against Him. He will show us the truth and the truth will set us free.344

Greater is the Holy Spirit that is in us than the Spirit who rules this world.345 It’s in the Book

340 Isaiah 63:10 – He can be rejected, Rebelled against -- Hebrews 10:29 – He can be Insulted -- Acts 5:3 – He can be Lied to -- 1 Thessalonians 5:19 – He can be Quenched -- Matthew 12:31-32 – He can be blasphemed against -- Matthew 12:33 – A tree is recognized by its fruits -- Luke 6:44 – You can’t get figs from a thorn bush. -- Ephesians 5:18 – Be filled with the Spirit.

341 Romans 8:13 – The Spirit puts to death the misdeeds of the body -- Galatians 5:24 – We have crucified our sinful nature and its passions and desires -- 1 Corinthians 10:12 – Be careful that you don’t fall in your walk -- Galatians 5:25 – We are to keep in step with the Spirit
342 Galatians 5:16-17 – Our sinful nature is in direct conflict with our Spirit -- Romans 7:15-23 – There is an invisible war going on over the spirit of our body -- Psalms 119:11 – We have hidden the words of God in our heart -- 1 Corinthians 4:4 – Our conscience will be clear
343 Galatians 5:18-21 - Fifteen works of the flesh: sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy; drunkenness, orgies
344 John 8:32 – The Truth sets us free -- Romans 8:2 – We have been set free from the law of sin and death -- Psalms 119:11 – We have hidden the words of God in our heart -- 1 Corinthians 4:4 – Our conscience will be clear
345 1 John 4:4 – The Holy Spirit is Greater than the Spirit of Satan

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Chapter 2.14

Spirit Filled THE Indwelling

Seek to be filled with the spirit, but don’t waste your time seeking empowerment that you don’t intend to use

First Word

I have been a Christian since I was about ten years old and I mean really OVERTLY expressing my faith at school and the later in the workplace, but I HAVE NEVER FELT SPIRIT FILLED. Moses face glowed, Stephen’s face glowed, and on the day of Pentecost, 120 people became filled with the Spirit and flames of fire settled on their heads. The Bible speaks of many prophets and disciples being filled with the Holly Spirit and it was “OBSERVABLE”.346 I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit and FEEL what they felt and KNOW it.

I posed this conundrum to my mentor and he asked, “WHY DID I THINK IT WAS A FEELING”, and then pointed me to Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. As I begin this study, I am learning for myself about being “Spirit Filled” and I desire to share my findings with other students of the Word who may have had some of these same emotions.

The Indwelling

There is a difference between the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the Filling of the Holy Spirit.

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a gift; a permanent condition given without exception or condition to ALL Believers immediately when they accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah. The Holy Spirit is collateral or a down payment on the guarantee of our Salvation and future glorification in Jesus Christ. The Book Cautions us: if the Holy Spirit does not indwell you; then you do not belong to God.347

The filling of the Holy Spirit is just a different duck than the indwelling.

The Filling

Have you ever heard it said; that someone was so EVIL that he was “possessed by a demonic spirit.” This is true of the Holy Spirit; when we are so completely yielded to God to do GOOD, the Holy Spirit will “in a sense” possess us; FILL US. Although there is only one baptism of the Holy Spirit; there are many NEW fillings.

346 Acts 8:18-19 – Simon saw; the filling of the Spirit is OBSERVABLE -- Exodus 34:29 – Moses face glowed -- Acts 6:8-15 – Stephen’s face glowed -- Acts 1:15 – 120 Believers were gathered in an upper room; the Spirit fell -- Acts 2:2-4 – All 120 had flames of FIRE settle on them -- Judges 3:10 – Came upon Othniel -- Judges 6:34 – Came upon Gideon -- Judges 11:29 – Came upon Jephthah -- Judges 13:25 – Came upon Sampson -- 2 Chronicles 24:20 – Came upon Zechariah -- Numbers 11:25 – Came upon Seventy Elders -- 1 Samuel 16:13 – Came upon David -- Exodus 31:2-3 – Filled Bezalel
347 John 14:16-17 – Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would live in the Believer -- John 7:37-39 – The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is given to ALL Believers -- Ephesians 1:13-14 – The indwelling is not only for the Jews, but the Gentiles too -- Galatians 3:2 – The indwelling is received by believing the message of Jesus -- 2 Corinthians 1:22 – The Holy Spirit is a down payment on God’s promises -- Ephesians 4:30 – The Spirits guarantee of salvation on the Day of the Lord -- Romans 8:9 – Unless the Spirit indwells; you do not belong to God

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We were not commanded to be baptized by the Holy Spirit however, the Book has many examples of being filled. It is a definite distinctive experience that one knows whether or not they have received the filling of the Holy Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit is something that can be observed. There are roadblocks that hinder us from being Spirit filled; the Spirit reasons and searches our heart; knows our thoughts and can be grieved by hidden sin and motives that’s in our life. In Acts we find that Simon the magician “saw the filling” and wanted to buy this ability. He wanted to lay hands on people and cause them be filled with the Spirit to gain prestige and profit.

Everyone has BS a Belief System; a worldview. When you “born again” you become filled with the Holy Spirit, you get a brand new worldview; you are a new creation. Sooner or later this NEW BIRTH will manifest itself in you through godly living; good works. There will be an observable difference in your thoughts and actions.

There are NINE qualities that characterizes the person on whom the Holy Spirit rest: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power & Strength, Knowledge, Fear of the Lord, Righteousness, Justice & Fairness and Faithfulness.348

There are THREE virtues of those empowered by the Spirit; Prayer, Faith and Obedience.349 Through these virtues the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ through us.

God has replaced the few selected Old Testament Leaders with the New Testament Pattern of empowerment for the whole church. Not for just a few Believers, but for ALL. We have total access to all the assets; the gifts that have been made available by the Holy Spirit. Regardless of when in life you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, you will be motivated to give your testimony to others and involve yourself in service of some nature. This may not be in “China”, but perhaps in your own church or local community; it might be just how you do your work on the job and how you extend yourself to others around you.350

There will be a desire to be with others of like faith; sharing and studying His Word; offering prayer & praise; through this you are being CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON.351 Your ability and desire to serve may not necessarily be like someone else; so do not use others as a yard stick to measure the Holy Sprit’s work in you.

The Holy Spirit is God’s Seal, Pledge and Witness that we are part of His family.


What is your motivation for wanting to be filled with the Spirit? The purpose of being filled with the Spirit is to glorify God. Do we ask the Holy Spirit to bless decisions we have already made or do we involve the Holy Spirit resulting in a JOINT DECISION.352 The Spirit doesn’t just help us, He prays for us according to the will of God.353 Our prayers are double effective. We have access to the mind of our Lord; we have the mind of Christ.354 It’s in the Book

348 Isaiah 11:2-5 – Nine qualities of the Spirit; wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, justice, righteousness faithfulness and the fear of the Lord
349 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 – There are different ways to serve God; Gifts, Service and Works
350 Ephesians 5:18 – We are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit -- Ephesians 1:13-14 – When you believed, you received the promised Holy

Spirit -- Matthew 15:10-11 – It’s not what goes in to a man that defiles him, it’s what comes out of him -- Romans 8:27 – The Spirit reasons and knows what’s in your heart -- 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 – The spirit has Knowledge of the thoughts of man and God -- Ephesians 4:30 – Your actions can make the Spirit sorrowful; grieved -- 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 – Your actions can stifle the Holy Spirit -- Acts 8:18-19 – The filling of the Spirit is OBSERVABLE -- 1 Corinthians 12:1 – God does not want us to be ignorant about Gifts -- 2 Corinthians 5:17 – When we believe we become a new creation -- Acts 1:8 – You will receive power when the Holy Spirit fills you -- Acts 4:31-33 – They spoke about God boldly and shared everything -- Acts 2:4 – The filling enabled SOME to speak in tongues as the spirit enabled them -- Romans 8:16 – The spirit Himself bears witness that we are His -- Galatians 4:6-7 – We are declared by the Spirit that we are His sons -- 1 John 5:10 – Our Faith bears witness in our own hearts

351 Romans 8:29 – The Believer is predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son
352 1 Corinthians 10:1-5 – It’s up to us to live up to His calling –- Acts 15:28 - Involve the Holy Spirit for a JOINT DECISION 353 Romans 8:27 – The Spirit prays according to God Will.
354 1 Corinthians 2:16 – We have the mind of Christ

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There are two very important principles that are connected with receiving the Holy Spirit; Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility. God freely gives us His Spirit, but living up to His calling is up to us. Seek to be filled, but don’t waste your time seeking empowerment that you do not intend to use. We can be “baptized” with the Holy Spirit, but not “filled” or controlled by the Holy Spirit. A “feeling” does not necessarily imply a “Filling”. When we are filled, we are not totally filled up like a barrel overrunning with rain water, but we are a barrel that needs to be continually filled because we use it up, and we leak.

Jesus needed the presence of the Holy Spirit from “The Womb to the Tomb”,355 how much more do we also need the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Apostle Andrew was noticeably quiet and in the background as; Peter, James and John seem to dominate the inner circle, however it was Andrew that was credited for BRINGING so many to meet Christ. Andrew’s heart did not resent being a supporting actor, living in the shadow of Peter his brother. He saw great value in serving quietly in the background. Andrew delighted in pointing everyone and anyone to Jesus. Because of the fact that he brought Peter his brother to Christ, another 3000 souls received eternal life.

Such is the Holy Spirit, rarely taking center stage, but pointing us to the other members of the Trinity. He is like the wind, invisible, powerful, uncontrollable and unpredictable, you cannot see Him or tell where He comes or goes, but you can hear and feel His presence;356 The Spirit’s work will always point to our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. We raise the sails in our boat; the breath of the Holy Spirit powers our sails and God steers. The Holy Spirit alone is the source of empowerment that God uses to accomplish His will. Don’t look at how big the task is, instead look at the opportunity that allows the spirit to empower you.

Raise your sails; Pray often.

Your Actions

It seems as though being filled with the Spirit is not a “GLOWING IN THE DARK” experience, but is how we live our everyday life. Paul explained the Spirit Filled Life to the Church at Ephesus by starting off telling them to Imitate God. The Book says if we have seen Jesus the Son, we have seen God the Father. So our first action is to see the examples as set forth by Jesus Christ. Imitate Jesus; live a life filled with Love.357 Stay away from sexual immorality, impurity and greed. Abstain from telling crude stories, coarse jokes and foolishness. Don’t try to excuse sin; when it starts up, don’t participate; just walk away from it. Don’t listen; change the subject to something that you are thankful to God for.

I have noticed that some of the best loved managers were the ones that did not gossip, but praised good performance. As a Manager in retail, when sexual innuendos and comments were said in my presence in the breakroom, I was required as a manager to stand, state that the conduct was out of place and leave the room as a statement to the other employees that I was not a part of the conversation; nor did I condoned it, and that’s still a good company policy today.

The Book says to take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, EXPOSE THEM. Don’t spend your day with your mind in neutral; make the most of every opportunity; find ways to redeem your time so you can get more accomplished. Put thought into what you do and how you can make it better. Do your work as unto the Lord, then your work will be of excellence whether your boss is looking or not.358 Everyone has a boss even President Trump; God is his boss; He hired him. Pray for those in authority. It’s in the Book

The Book says instead of being filled with booze; to be filled with the Holy Spirit; drinking alcohol is not a sin, but being drunk is. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit the results are observable by your actions; your works. We do not do good works in order to be saved, we do good works because we are save.

355 Isaiah 61:1 – Jesus needed the Holy Spirit; so much more us
356 John 3:8 – The Spirit is like the sound of the wind, invisible but working -- 357 Ephesians 5:1-20 – Live a life of Love; Imitate Jesus Christ
358 Ephesians 6:6-7 – Do your work as unto the Lord

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Sing hymns and spiritual songs to yourself, making music to the Lord in your heart, giving thanks to God for anything and everything you can think of.

Think on things that are of a good report, think on whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and commendable, things of excellence and anything worthy of praise; think on these things.359

The Take Away

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a permanent condition; a gift given to ALL Believers without exception or condition, but it is different than being filled. The filling of the Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ through us.

There are THREE virtues found in those empowered by the Spirit – Prayer, Faith and the last one which is the hardest is Obedience.

There are NINE qualities found in the person on whom the Holy Spirit rest: Wisdom and Understanding, Counsel and Power/Strength, Knowledge and Fear of the Lord, Faithfulness and Righteousness and Justice/Fairness.

What is your motivation for wanting to be filled with the Spirit? The purpose of being filled is to glorify God. God freely gives His Spirit, but living up to His calling is up to us. Seek to be filled, but don’t waste your time seeking empowerment that you do not intend to use.

Being filled with the spirit does not make you “Glow in the Dark”, it’s a change in your Worldview. You now desire to imitate Jesus, to be conformed to His image. Instead of finding fault with stuff; you find things to be thankful for. Instead of gossiping and running people down, you notice things of good report and speak words of encouragement. You live a life filled with Love and stay away from sexual immorality, impurity and greed; you abstain from telling coarse jokes, crude stories, and foolishness. You Sing hymns and spiritual songs to yourself, making music to the Lord in your heart, giving thanks to God for anything and everything you can think of.

You now have a desire to be with others of like faith; studying the word; sharing and offering prayers and praise. You now do your work in excellence as unto the Lord, whether your boss is looking or not. You are not just a man pleaser you are a God pleaser. Instead of taking part in worthless deeds of evil and darkness; you EXPOSE THEM wanting right to prevail. It’s in the Book.

Nowhere in scripture are we commanded to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, but to be filled, and it happens over and over because we leak; therefore we need to spend time in the Word and in prayer to get our tanks re-filled. The filling of the Holy Spirit is not necessarily a “feeling” and a “feeling” does not necessarily imply a “Filling.” The filling of the Holy Spirit changes your BS your Believe System; your worldview; if your worldview has not changed, perhaps you are not really a Believer at all, but just a Make-Believer.360

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not what you FEEL, it’s what you DO. Believer or Make-Believer

It’s in the Book

359 Psalm 19:14 – Meditate and speak words acceptable to God -- Philippians 4:8 – Think on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellence, worthy of praise
360 Ephesians 5:1-2 – Live a life of Love; Imitate Jesus Christ -- Romans 8:9 – Unless the Spirit indwells; you are just a MAKE- BELIEVER

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Chapter 2. 15

Spiritual Wineskins

You cannot put new wine into old wine skins because they will burst, you must get brand New Wineskins. Your old body cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit;
it just cannot contain it; you must be Born Again.

First Word

A similitude is similar to a parable, it is a likeness, a resemblance or an allegory. In the day of Jesus, bottles were very expensive therefore they were not very common. Most people used leather from sheep or goat skins where the orifices where the legs would be, had been sewn up and sealed, except for the neck; leaving the goat hair on the outside.

Ropes would be tied to the leg portions and hung about their shoulders making them easy to be transported,361 while other skins were shaped by a tanner to look like bottles. They held all sorts of liquids, but most often were used to hold wine. New wineskins were used for New Wine while they were still pliable and elastic; the skins would stretch and expand accommodating the fermenting gases.

You must get the point here; you can put NEW WINE into a wineskin only once because it will be only elastic enough to stretch and expand once. If you put NEW WINE into and old wineskin, it will burst and both the skin bottle and the costly wine will be lost.362

The Illustration

According to Scripture, man is born void of the understanding of spiritual things like a wild ass’s colt.363 Things of the spirit are just foolishness to him because these things are spiritually discerned. The heart of the old carnal man receiving the new spiritual things will leak like a sieve leaving behind in his heart, the chaff, the bran and the refuge of the world.

Jesus used Wineskins to illustrate a point about being filled with the Holy Spirit. It was the custom to transfer old wine into old wineskins. This similitude was actually about the infilling of an old container with “The Religion of the Day”. The dynamic NEW Gospel could not be contained in an OLD bottles of Tradition. Christianity cannot be contained in Judaism, nor can grace be confined in the bonds of the Law.364

The nature and the actions of man can be redirected, restrained or changed because of the enforcement and prosecution of the severe laws of the land; however his change is just Make Believe. A nature can be adjusted because of a good education; one that brought knowledge of the results of what happened in past history, but he is still just a Make Believer.

A nature can be modified because of reading God’s laws, conforming and obeying them only because of the terror or fear of the Laws themselves; however “The Heart” is still carnal and “The

361 Genesis 21:14 – Goat skin of water was carried on their shoulders
362 Matthew 9:17 – You cannot put NEW wine into old wineskins. -- Luke 5:38 – New wine must be poured into new wineskins -- Job 11:12 – Man is born like a wild ass’s colt and is void Understanding
363 Job 11:12 – Man is born like a wild ass’s colt and is void Understanding
364 1 Corinthians 2:14 – The natural man cannot receive the Spirit

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Will” is still rebellious.365 He remains a Make Believer. None of these things can change the evil in a man’s heart. A renovation of the whole man, body and soul must take place; you could say he must be Born Again.

The carnal heart of man must be changed or made NEW... It cannot hold the NEW WINE of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit

I need to get a couple of big words out of the way here so we can continue:

JUSTIFICATION is God's act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while at the same time declaring a sinner righteous through Christ's atoning sacrifice through His death on the cross.

REGENERATION is the objective work of God in a believer's life. Spiritually, it means that God brings the Christian to a new life from a previous state of subjection to the decay of death. When man comes into a justified state, he is at that very moment is also regenerated. When the Holy Spirit enters into the Natural man, he is changed into a NEW man; he is “Born Again;” anew.366 Old things are passed away, old affections, passions and notions, etc.

You will know them by their fruits; by what they do.367 Every tree that does not bear fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire; they are just Make Believer Trees. SELAH; Ponder that

Deader than a Mackerel

Man is predisposed to walk after the passions of his flesh; following the desires of his body and mind, dragged along by the course of the world. Man, before receiving the grace of God is spiritually DEAD.368 Without the grace of God, he cannot even reach out for a life preserver even if it was floating right next to him.369 While it is true that he may naturally do things that are morally good; they are not spiritually good.

You are PARTNERS with darkness; your mind and conscious has been defiled. Scripture says that the unregenerate man’s prayers are without his heart and are an abomination to God; like that of a rebelling howling dog on his bed.370 Man in a spiritual sense is blind and cannot see the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ nor the beauty of holiness. He must be made alive to breath, see, hear and walk. A person can become a new man, but not reformed; he may become reformed, but not renewed.371

He must be transformed with the renewing of his mind or he is just a Make Believer.

Side Bar

When someone is accustomed to the OLD, they cannot be expected to immediately like the NEW. There is a naturel revulsion to a sudden change; however time will cure this. Over time the New Wine will also become Old or aged and will become the preferred taste. So, it is natural to expect the NEW Gospel of Jesus Christ to be rejected at first in favor of the OLD comfortable ways of Judaism.372

The Wineskins are a teaching about a change in dispensations from the Old Testament of LAW to the New Testament of GRACE. The Old Covenant dispensation of Law was ending. When I first heard the similitude of the Wineskins, I thought it was just an exercise in wisdom, like don’t patch an

365 1 Corinthians 2:14 - Things of the Spirit are foolishness to him
366 John 3:3 – The Natural man must be BORN AGAIN to enter the kingdom of heaven -- John 3:7 - Do not marvel - You must be born again -- 2 Corinthians 5:17 - The old passions are passed away, he is a new creature -- 2 Corinthians 5:17 - If a man is in Christ, he’s a NEW creature
367 Matthew 7:16-19 - You will know them by their fruits, by their works
368 Ephesians 2:1-3 - You were DEAD in your sins -- Ephesians 5:7-8 – You were once partners with darkness -- Titus 1:15 – Your mind and conscience is defiled
369 John 15:5 – Without Jesus Christ, you can do nothing
370 Hosea 7:14 – You have not cried unto the Lord, but howled like dogs and rebelled
371 Romans 12:2 - Be transformed by the renewing of your mind
372 Luke 5:39 – The Old Wine will be preferred over the New Wine

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old garment with new unshrunk material because it will eventually tear out. I did not get the spiritual aspect; you simply cannot MIX the two materials.373 Just as you cannot mix new wine into old skin bottles. You cannot mix the Law of Judaism with the Grace of Christianity.374 They cannot be patched together, trying to do so would ruin both.

The new age movement takes the best forms of worship, praise and songs from the many different religions and tries to Mix or homogenized them into one; you just cannot do this, it’s a lie born out of the pit of hell. Christianity is a totally different way of life; Christianity is NEW WINE. You cannot pour the New wine of Grace into the Old skin bottles of Legality, it cannot be reduced or contained by tradition. NEW WINE can only be contained in a NEW FORM.

The Regenerated Man

A wineskin left unused in the smoke of a windowless kitchen, becomes brittle and dry. We are told to be filled and refilled; to stay soft and pliable. Job said it best... his feelings about spiritual things were like bottled up New Wine in old skins that were ready to burst. 375

The Take Away

The references to wine in the Bible indicate that wine was very common in their everyday life and was part of their regular diet. Some scholars feel that it would have been impossible to have wine that was unfermented during Biblical times as it was stored for months in jars and wine skins and kept in cool cellars. Jesus could not have been tempted to drink “too much wine” unless he had the same temptation as we have.

Drinking wine is not a sin; drunkenness is a sin. Eating is not a sin, gluttony is a sin. It’s not what goes into our mouth that defiles us, it’s what comes out. The Kingdom of God is not what we eat or drink.376 We are free to drink alcohol in moderation if we choose, but not to the extent that it causes someone else to stumble in their faith; so it seems advisable to me to not drink in public. Although we have freedom in Christ, others may feel quite differently.

I feel pretty sure that this Word study will please only about half the folks that read it; the ones that drink. I just hope that it is controversial enough that it will cause you to dig through God’s Word for yourself to get your own special revelation. If I can get you excited enough to check out God’s Wordforyourself,thenthisstudywillhaveaccomplishedthatwhichitwassenttodo. SELAH

The Gospel is New Wine that cannot be poured into an Old Wine Skins; it simply cannot contain it. Christianity cannot be contained in Judaism, nor can grace be confined in the bonds of the Law. It cannot be mixed nor homogenized with other religions. We must be Born Again with the new wine skin of a new heart. Apart from Jesus Christ, we can do nothing. 377 It’s in the Book

373 Matthew 9:16 – Don’t use unshrunk new cloth to patch an old garment
374 John 1:17 – Law came through Moses; Grace came through Jesus
375 Psalm 119:83 – A wineskin unused in the kitchen becomes brittle -- Job 32:19 – I am like bottled-up wine, READY TO BURST. -- Ephesians 5:18 – Command; be FILLED with the Holy Spirit
376 Matthew 15:10-11 – It’s not what goes in a man that defiles him, it’s what comes out -- Romans 14:13-17 – The Kingdom of Heaven is not what you eat or drink.
377 John 15:5 – Jesus is the vine; we are the branches, apart from Him we can do nothing

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Chapter 2.16

1) Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Special Faith, Different Healings, Special Powers, Prophecy (foretelling), Discernment of Good and Evil spirits, Speaking in an unknown language, Interpretation of an unknown language, 2) Serving, Prophesying (forth telling), Teaching, Encouraging, Contributing, Leadership, Mercy/Compassion, Evangelizing, Administration

Cessationists’ vs: Continuationis

There is a debate by students of the word concerning the gifts of the spirit; they fall into two categories.

Cessationists generally believe that the miraculous gifts were given only for the foundation of the church during the time between the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and the fulfillment of God’s purposes in history, usually identified as at the death of the last Apostle.

Continuationism believes that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit have been available for use by the church ever since the day of Pentecost.

Scientifically speaking, for most folks the Gifts of the Spirit are very suspicious. Give me some evidence in a box. Show me a video of the gifts in action. Where’s the documentation? Let’s see some miracles; some blind seeing, some lame walking, and the deaf hearing.

Out of 18 gifts, why are tongues the only one we hear about? Scientifically speaking, tongues are the easiest to counterfeit; the easiest to fake. The world screams; SHOW ME the evidence for today and I will believe. Since the gift of tongues is so controversial, I will cover it last in its own chapter to give it proper space. I will do the same for Healing.

18 GIFTS of the Spirit
God gave gifts to the believer as signs and wonders to testify of the outpouring of the Holy

The first 9 gifts noted are; A word of Wisdom, A word of Knowledge, Special Faith, Gifts of

different Healings, Special Powers, Prophecy (foretelling), The ability to discern between good and evil spirits, Speaking in an unknown language and the interpretation of an unknown language.379

The next 9 gifts noted are: Serving, Prophesying (forth telling), Teaching, Encouraging, Contributing, Leadership, Mercy/Compassion, Evangelizing and Administration. All the gifts are given AS THE SPIRIT WILLS and not as we desire.380

SIDEBAR: some students of the word deem the second set to be Offices and not gifts; I will let you decide. It must be pointed out that the gifts were what we call “in part” not the whole. A word

378 Hebrews 2:4 – God testified of the Holy Spirit’s Baptism by gift signs
379 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 – Gifts, wisdom, knowledge, special faith, healing, miraculous powers, Prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, interpretation of tongues.
380 Ephesians 4:11-12 – Gifts or offices; apostles, prophets, evangelists, Pastors Teachers, Service -- Romans 12:6-8 – More gifts; prophesying, Service, Teaching, encouraging, contributing, leading, mercy -- 1 Corinthians 12:28 - More gifts; miracles, Healings, Helps, administration, Tongues

Gifts of
The Holy Spirit

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of Wisdom, not all wisdom; a word of knowledge, not all knowledge. In other words the gifts were given as the Spirit “wills” for the purpose “at the time” it is needed; not for all time. It was given once to the 70 Elders of the OT and it happened to them no more.381

Out of the 18 gifts noted, for some reason we put speaking in tongues at the top of the list? Perhaps because somehow we seem a little holier and it’s the easiest one to counterfeit. There are NOT TWO CLASSES OF CHRISTIANS; those who speak in tongues and those that don’t. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit you WILL speak in tongues. That’s just ASSUMPTIVE INTERPRETATION; it does say the believer will receive a gift or gifts as the Spirit wills. You may have more than one gift. Scripture does not support someone having all the gifts, but all the gifts are found or present in the body of believers.

The Spirit gives us Tools
It is “God’s will” that we be equipped with the tools or gifts that glorify His Son. Until the filling

of the Holy Spirit, the Pastor was expected to possess all of the GIFTS. We were just spectators, today we have the responsibility to use our gifts alongside the Pastor. With these tools we will be able to do the same works that Jesus did; even greater (meaning more) works because Jesus is interceding for us at the right hand of the Father. The ministry of Christ was only about three years; we most likely have many more years that that to do even “more works”.382

The body of believers is complex and interdependent and not all have the same role in the body. The Holy Spirit gives special abilities or gifts as He “wills” for each situation. The spirit knows better than man which gift should be utilized and when.383 They are given “in Part” based on the situation; they are not given in whole; they are given for a specific period of time; not forever.

On the “Day of Pentecost” God poured out His Spirit and the believers received the gifts of the Spirit. Each believer had at least one gift, thus making ALL the gifts present in the body that formed the Church. The gifts were for ministering to the common good of the whole church body.384

GIFTS: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Special Faith, Gifts of Healing, Miraculous powers, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Tongues and Interpreting Tongues. Serving, Prophesying, Teaching, Encouraging, Giving, Leading and Mercy.385 We are told to desire and seek the best gifts, however, they cannot be “achieved”, they are God given.386

A word about the gift of “Helps” (Service) – You may not be able to preach, teach or read the Bible out loud in public or even pray in public, but you can be of “help”. This can be through private prayer, counseling, handling business affairs or promoting the kingdom of God. It may be helping to park cars on Sunday, cleaning the Church, mowing the grass or assisting in fund raising for missions. My neighbor Buddy was a man that rarely spoke, but seemed to be ever present working around the church and offering his labor in the community. His life was a sermon to me.

Healings: We cannot presuppose that the laying on of hands, or the anointing oil, or the persons own personal faith heals. The healing is from God alone; we are just the instrument.387

NOTE: Gifts of healings is “plural” in the scriptures suggesting that there are different kinds of healing. I desire and seek the gift of healing CANCER as well as the Gift of the Spirit of Discernment; the discerning of the intent of a man’s spirit.

381 Numbers 11:24-25 – The 70 Elders Prophesized once and no more
382 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 – Many Gifts, Service, Workings; but One same Spirit; -- John 14:12 – You will do even more works, you have more time
383 1 Corinthians 12:12 – The body of believers is complex and interdependent -- 1 Corinthians 12:11 – The Gifts are given as the Spirit determines.
384 Acts 2:1-13 – They spoke in another language on the Day of Pentecost -- 1 Corinthians 14:22 – The miracle gift of Tongues are a SIGN for the Un-believer -- 1 Corinthians 14:5 – Everyone did not speak in tongues -- John 14:13-14 – The gifts are Tools are to bring glory to the Father
385 Romans 12:4-8 – Gifts; Prophesying, Serving, Teaching, Encouraging, Giving, Leading, Mercy -- Isaiah 11:2-5 – Wisdom, Understanding Counsel, Might Knowledge and Fear
386 1 Corinthian 14:1 – Eagerly desire to operate in the gifts that you have -- 1 Corinthians 12:31 – Desire the greater gifts. (The ones listed first)
387 James 5:15 – It is God that does the healing, we are His instrument

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Speaking in Tongues; there is much said today about the use and misuse of this gift and was addressed by Paul in his letters to the church.388 My reading of the scripture indicates that the crowd “HEARD” the Disciples speak to them in their own “KNOWN” language which the “SCOFFERS” didn’t understand and just thought they were drunk. There is much debate over whether the miracle was an “Unknown” language spoken that the listener understood or that the Disciples actually spoke in their “Known” language and home town dialect; and even further debate; has the gifts ceased?

Prayer Language: About 35 years ago I found myself while in prayer uttering words I did not understand. I shared this with my pastor and he said it was a prayer language which he also had.

Prophecy no longer exist as PREDICTIVE prophecy as it did in the first Century of Christianity. There are no new revelations, just new illumination and enlightenment. There is no new doctrine, just new direction. The Bible word “Propheteuo” which means “To magnify God”; “To speak of divine things” or even better “To Teach”, and has nothing to do with foretelling the future, but of witnessing to the grace of Jesus Christ and magnifying His name. So when you read in the NT scripture of people “prophesizing” they are praising God’s name and TEACHING about His attributes. You can now understand why Paul wanted everyone to prophesy.389 This is a better gift to seek and study than tongues.

Sign Gifts and wonders are the ones that attract the most attention. Healings, Miracles and Tongues attract the most people; they are spectacular, fascinating and curious. While the one being healed believes their restored health is a wonderful thing, the compassionate healing is actually pointing back to proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

John the Baptist performed no signs, no miracles and no wonders, yet Jesus said that there was no one greater than John the Baptist.390 Miracles are a SIGN to the pagan, the unbeliever; they are a “convicting experience”. The miracle of people speaking in tongues are a SIGN to the unbeliever.

Can we operate with miracle spiritual gifts today? YES, as the HOLY SPIRIT determines. NOTE: Because we see very little of the gifts displayed, most believe that the gifts ended with the Apostles. However, I do not find anywhere that the gifts were recalled; in fact I find that they are forever.391

The Gifts will cease when Christ returns. It’s in the Book

388 Mark 16:17 – You can desire and receive the gift of tongues -- Luke 11:11-13 – Seek the gift you want.
389 1 Corinthians 14:39 – Be eager to prophesy -- 1 Corinthian 14:1 – Desire the gift of prophecy; Praise and Teach --
390 Matthew 11:11 – John was the greatest, but did no signs or miracles -- John 10:41-42 – John the Baptizer performed NO miraculous signs.
391 Romans 11:29 – GOD’S GIFTS ARE IRREVOCABLE - 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 – When Jesus returns the gifts will cease

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Chapter 2.17

The validity of speaking in tongues today is mostly just an opinion. Most denominations say this gift is just not valid. The Pentecostal denominations say that it’s a must, so who’s right? I began this study by trying to find scriptures that backed up my BS, my perceived Belief System; my worldview. I must confess that many times over the years, what I believed to be true was just not in the Book, so either I was wrong or the Book was wrong. This study will probably change your BS, it did mine.

Your Blessing

There are various kinds of tongues with different ways to administer them. Most folks have a BS, a Belief System about tongues, they only know what someone else has told them. Don’t give up your “RIGHT” to a blessing. Receive and “set the example” of the way the Christian walk should be. Don’t find yourself sitting in the seat of the scornful.392 Whether it is tongues, or any other gift that you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive and you will.393 We can pray with assurance and confidence that God will hear anything we ask that is according to His will.

Jesus spoke in Tongues

God said He will speak to His people with a strange tongue. Many will reject this one gift as God prophesized that they would in the Old Testament and again as made references to in the New Testament. So it is of no surprise that Tongues or the prayer language is so controversial. In the Gospel of Mark, we find an example of Jesus praying in a tongue when he groaned or sighed and said “Eph-pha-thal”, which was interpreted for us as “be opened”. As best as I can tell this is not Hebrew nor Greek nor any other known language.394

Abused Gifts

We cannot say if I pray the right prayer, the Holy Spirit MUST do what I ask. A gift is a tool not a decoration; gifts are given for the common good of the saints, equipping them for the work of building up the body of Christ. If you want the privilege of the gifts you must also accept the responsibility that goes with administrating it. Sometimes when gifts are given, there is jealousy about agiftsomeoneelsehasthatyoudon’t. Others;becauseofthegiftsthattheyreceived,haveasmugness and pride. Sometimes gifts are exploited for selfish gain; this shouldn’t be.395

The gifts were not given to divide believers, but to unite them into one body. We are accountable only for the gifts that we have been given; not the ones we haven’t.

392 Psalms 1:1 – Don’t sit in the seat of the scornful
393 Mark 11:24 – Ask and believe that you receive
394 Mark 7:33-35 – Jesus prayed in tongues -- Isaiah 28:11 – God will speak to His people with strange tongues -- 1 Corinthians 14:21 - I will speak in strange tongues - you will NOT listen
395 Ephesian 2:9 – Don’t boast about your gift -- 1 Corinthians 12:14-26 – One gift is not more important than another -- Ephesians 4:11-12 – Gifts are given to build up the body of Christ

BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts

Gift of Tongues

Glossolalia: From the Greek term tongue glossa and speech lalia The act of speaking in an “ecstatic” language either unknown or incomprehensible to the speaker.

First Word

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

Nowhere in scripture are we told to seek results from our gifts, only to employ them. Noah PREACHED for 120 years and only saved eight people; him and his own family.396

I would be amiss if I didn’t spend a paragraph or two talking about “Speaking in Tongues”. There is a common practice today to measure a person’s spirituality by whether or not they speak in tongues.397 Paul is clear that ALL DO NOT speak in tongues.398 Tongues are a GIFT to the believer, not the FRUIT of the believer. The fruit is the results of the spirit filled believer developing and maturing his Christ like character. This Gift is first noticed because it can be immediately implemented whereas the gifts of healing, wisdom, knowledge or “special faith” are observed over a long period of time. This Gift of speaking in Tongues is also the gift that is the easiest to COUNTERFEIT.

Tongues can come from the influence of the Holy Spirit; or your own psychological influence or that of Satanic influence. John says to “Test” the spirits to see if they are from God. There are those who have abused the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This has caused followers and seekers of God to reject anything that resembles them. Paul warned us of this, that we should not put too much emphasis on any one particular gift, that ALL the gifts are important to the body. Paul devotes a whole chapter on speaking in tongues so that we would not “make a religion out of it”. In fact he admonishes us to seek the gift of prophecy so that all may be edified.

It’s sad to see a spiritual gift misused for selfish gain or unspiritual purposes.

Tongues vs; Prophecy

To study tongues we MUST first understand where and why it all began. Before we can go any farther we need to look at Prophecy which to us means to “foretell” of things in the future. The Greek word is Propheteuowhich means “To magnify God”, “To speak of divine things”, it means the “forth telling” of the bold message of the Gospel. Prophecy has nothing to do with foretelling the future, but of witnessing to the grace of Jesus Christ and magnifying His name. So when you read about being filled with the Spirit and “prophesizing” they are praising God’s name and His attributes. Paul wanted everyone to prophesy, to praise the virtues of God’s Son.399

To eagerly seek the gift of praising God; prophesizing.

Tongues are a SIGN to the pagan, the unbeliever; it is a “convicting experience”.
Prophecy; praising God is a SIGN to the believer of the “in filling” of the Holy Spirit.

Setting the Stage

If I said David went into a room and turned the light switch on and the light came on; and I said that three times, then the next time I said David went into a room and turned the light switch on, you would assume that the light came on even though it was not said. Ponder that for a moment.

If the scriptures say three times that they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, then everywhere the scripture says they were filled with the Spirit, you would assume that they also spoke in tongues, AND THAT’S WHERE WE ARE.

Questions on the outpouring
Question; How did they know that they were filled with the Holy Spirit? What was the evidence?

396 Genesis 7:13 - Noah saved only eight people
397 2 Corinthians 10:12 – Don’t use yourself as a yardstick of importance -- 1 John 4:1 – Test the spirits to see if they are from God
398 1 Corinthians 12:29 – Do all speak in tongues? NO
399 1 Corinthians 14:22 – Prophecy is for the believer. -- 1 Corinthians 14:39 – Be eager to prophesy -- 1 Corinthians 14:1 – Desire the gift of prophecy

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

Question; How many times did it happen? Many times. Check out just five of them
1) The first time we hear about the baptism was on the day of Pentecost when about 120 followers of Christ were in an upper room praying and the sound of a mighty wind was heard and they saw what appeared to be tongues of fire resting on their heads and they ALL were filled with the Spirit; and as the Spirit enabled them, begin to speak in tongues or languages

that were not previously known to them.400

  1. 2)  The Gentiles, who were thought of as not a part of the Gospel; when they heard Peter witness

    to them, became filled with the Spirit; the evidence was 1) that they spoke in tongues and 2)

    were praising God (Prophesizing)401

  2. 3)  Peter was speaking on another occasion and the Holy Spirit fell there also on the listeners.

    The assumptive evidence was that they spoke in tongues402

  3. 4)  Paul himself on another occasion received his baptism of the Holy Spirit; the assumptive

    evidence was that he spoke in tongues.403

  4. 5)  Paul was later talking to a group that had not even heard of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and

    he placed his hands on them and they received the baptism. The evidence was that 1) they

    spoke in tongues and 2) they prophesied (Praised God)404

NOTE: There were at least two pieces of evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues and prophesizing (praising God) and probably other signs not recorded.

Now we have the controversy

a) Do we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit when we are first saved or at a later date? b) DoeseveryonewhohasthebaptismoftheHolySpiritspeakintongues?
c) Did the gift of tongues stop with the Apostolic age? Stay tuned.

You get it all

In the very beginning, John the Baptist’s message was of repentance and his baptism was all that was known. They did not know of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So that’s why we see for some, the baptism of the Holy Spirit came at a later date. Today when you hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and receive it, you not only receive salvation; the forgiveness of sin, but you are also filled with the Holy Spirit. You get it all.405

The promise of salvation and the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit is for us today.

Pentecost what did they hear?
First they heard the sound of a roaring wind that drew their attention to the disciples. Next they

spoke in Tongues; there is much debate over whether the miracle was;
a) An “Unknown” language spoken that the listener understood or
b) ThattheDisciplesactuallyspokeinthelistener’s“Known”languageanddialect.

My reading of the scripture indicates that the listeners heard the Disciples speak to them in an “un- known” language which they heard in their own dialect. This was an unrecognized language that the un-believing “SCOFFERS” had never heard before and just thought they were drunk.

You must get this, today we might recognize the sound of French or Spanish, but not understand it. This town often had many people coming through speaking other languages that were recognizable although not understood.406 What the un-righteous SCOFFERS heard sounded like gibberish to them, like a drunk talking.

400 Acts 2:1-4 – The day of Pentecost they spoke in tongues as the spirit enabled them 401 Acts 10:44-46 – The Gentiles were baptized and spoke in tongues and praised god 402 Acts 11:15-17 – The Holy Spirit at another time fell on others listening.
403 Acts 9:17-18 – Paul received his baptism on a different occasion

404 Acts 19:2-6 – Another group received the baptism of the Spirit at a later time
405 Acts 10:43-44 – You receive the Holy Spirit when you believe -- Acts 2:38-39 – The promise is also for those yet not even born.
406 Acts 2:1-13 – People heard their own language being spoken; Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Libya, Cyrene, Rome, Cretans, Arabs, Jews and converts to Judaism

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

Point number one; you must get this; the SCOFFERS had hard hearts and were not God-fearer’s or they would have also heard the message in their own language; but they did not.

Point number two; everyone was all hearing and understanding at the same time regardless of their native language; otherwise why would they be so amazed.

Sidebar; consider being at the United Nations and German was being spoken, but every delegate heard the message in their own language because they were wearing an ear piece and hearing a translator.

Did you get it? The God fearing hearers of the Gospel Message were given the Gift of interpretation of tongues.407 The miracle took place in the ear of the believer, not so much the mouth of the Disciples. I base this truth solely on the testimony of the scriptures.

Purpose of tongues

On the day of the feast of Pentecost, the town was full of people from many places, speaking many different languages and all coming to celebrate the day of Pentecost. This would be THE perfect opportunity to share to Gospel of Jesus Christ to many who would wind up taking the Gospel message back to their own hometown. The sound of a mighty rushing wind got their attention. Then they were amazed to hear the Gospel in their own language and 3,000 received the saving grace of Jesus Christ that day.408

So the purpose of speaking in tongues to the crowds was to share the wonderful works of God and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the whole world in every language; AND THAT’S IT.

Tongues rejected

Tongues were to be exercised for the building up of the church and the mutual edification of its members. Many people will reject this one gift as God prophesied that they would in the Old Testament and also made references to it again in the New Testament.409 So it is of no surprise that the prayer language or tongues is so controversial today.
NOTE: What was said in tongues was understood. Some not only rejected the miracle of tongues, but also rejected the message.

Different Kinds of Tongues

NOTE: the gift of Tongues is plural, meaning more than one language.

  1. 1)  One is known common languages, but unknown to the speaker; there is no express instance

    in the NT of this gift ever being used to evangelize others after the day of Pentecost. I’ll say

    it another way, this was a onetime event and it happened no more.

  2. 2)  Another is an unknown prophetic languages requiring interpretation; prophecy.

  3. 3)  Still another is a heavenly or prayer language or the language of the angels and spoken only

    to God.410

Perhaps there is another one which I call a New Tongue, where we no longer use four letter foul words and run people down with our mouth, but instead we say things that uplift people. Note: The scriptures always list the most important things first; tongues is listed last, it’s the least of the gifts. Tongues are just ONE of the manifestations of the “out pouring” of the Holy Spirit.

Public Tongue

Public tongues seem to be limited to just a few who also have the gift of interpretation or know someone that is present that has the gift of interpretation. These tongues were the equivalent to prophecy, for worship and for the edification of the believers. Scripture goes on to tell us, that should we desire to pray or sing in the Spirit in public, that we should also pray and sing in the understanding

407 1 Corinthians 12:10 - Gift of the interpretation of tongues
408 Acts 2:41 – About 3,000 people heard the Gospel that day and got saved
409 Isaiah 28:11-12 – Prophecy; God will speak in strange tongues and will be rejected -- 1 Corinthians 14:21 – Prophecy fulfilled; tongues rejected by the scoffers
410 1 Corinthians 13:1 – Tongues were thought of as the language of angels

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK so that those listening may also be edified. The Book says that if you utilize the gift of tongues, your

body will be edified although you do not understand what you have said.411

Prayer Tongue
The Book says to sing and pray to God in the “understanding” as well as in the “Spirit”. These

ecstatic utterances” are not an earthly language; they are a prayer language directed toward God and not toward man. I find myself doing this often when I don’t know how to pray about something. The Spirit intercedes for us with words we do not understand.412

I had a friend to tell me he was singing in the shower, when all of the sudden he was expressing praises to God with a few words he did not understand or expect. While he pondered if this was tongues, he thought NO and dismissed it. Maybe he was right. Paul asks the rhetorical question; will all speak in tongues? The answer was NO.413

NOTE: This is a good time to point out that there were many signs that followed the believers besides tongues. They could get rid of snakes without fear of death. If they drank something that was poisonous, it would not harm them. They will heal people and Drive out demons and would prophesy.414 (Praising God’s attributes.)

The infilling is observable

When the Holy Spirit is received; it is obvious to the observer and the followers were aware of whether they had received the Holy Spirit or not.415 The observable change is some became Apostles, others prophets, teachers, and workers of miracles; there was those with the gift of healings and that of administration as well as speaking in tongues.416

The way we talk/respond to others changes because we have the fruit of the Spirit; Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.417

NOTE: Fruit” of the Spirit is singular; it’s all one fruit. If you have the Spirit, you will exhibit ALL of the fruit. Before we are filled with the Spirit, the Book says the natural works of man is bent toward fornication, uncleanness, lust, idolatry, witchcraft, fussing fighting, jealousy, bad mouthing, drunkenness and more. 418

So you can see the Spirit has quite a job to do in us. It’s an observable change.

Tongues Controversy

The controversy over the use and misuse of tongues started almost immediately and was addressed by Paul in his letters to the church. There is still much debate even today. Paul warned us that we should not put too much emphasis on any particular gift, that ALL the gifts are important to the body.419 He did not associate the gift of tongues with the “fullness of the Spirit” or with special sanctity. He plainly states that everyone does not speak in tongues.

411 Ephesians 5:18-20 – Be filled with the Spirit and sing and give thanks -- 1 Corinthians 14:14-17 – Pray and sing in the Spirit as well as in the Understanding -- 1 Corinthians 14:2 – Some tongues are a prayer language spoken just to God -- Acts 2:8 – Some tongues are common languages that are not learned -- 1 Corinthians 14:4 – Public Prophetic languages edifies himself
412 1 Corinthians 14:15 - Sing and Pray in the Spirit with your prayer language -- Romans 8:26-27 – We do not know how to pray about some things, the Spirit intercedes with groaning that words cannot express --Ephesians 6:18 – Pray in the Spirit with your prayer language -- 1 Corinthians 2:13 – The Spirit speaks Spiritual Words not taught by man.

413 1 Corinthians 12:29 - The rhetorical question; do all speak in tongues with the answer; NO
414 Mark 16:17 – Spirit filled will drive out demons and speak in tongues -- Mark 16:17-18 – Spirit filled will handle Snakes, drink Poison with no consequences and heal the sick
415 Acts 8:17-19 – Simon the sorcerer observed it and wanted it.
416 1 Corinthians 12:28 – People began to lead; apostles, prophets, workers of miracles, teachers, gifts of healing, helps, administration and different kinds of tongues
417 Galatians 5:22 – The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
418 Galatians 5:19-21 - Our nature is opposite the Spirit’s nature; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness and revelries
419 1 Corinthians 12:14-31 – We need all the gifts; not just tongues. -- 1 Corinthians 14:1-13 – Prophecy is a more desired gift than tongues -- 1 Corinthians 14:6 - Pray that you can interpret what you are saying in the Spirit -- 1 Corinthians 14:27-40 – If there is no interpretation or interpreter, then BE SILENT -- 1 Corinthians 14:14 – Sing, Pray and Speak in the understanding as well as in the Spirit

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

NOTE: Paul did not forbid tongues; which was an acknowledgement of their importance to the body. I include an abbreviated part of Paul’s extensive monolog with the Church so that you can see how DIVISIVE tongues can be by attaching such importance to this one gift.

1 Corinthians 12:14-31 – We need all the gifts; not just tongues.

14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.
15 If the
FOOT should say, "Because I am not a HAND, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 16 And if the EAR should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body.
17 If the whole body were an
EYE, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?
18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
19 If they were all one part, where would the body be?
20 As it is,
there are many parts, but one body.
21 The
eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"
29 Do all work miracles?
(NO) - Do all have gifts of healing? (NO) Do all speak in tongues? (NO) - Do all interpret? (NO) NIV

The Take Away

On the day of Pentecost they heard the sound of a rushing wind and they ALL began to speak in other languages. Tongues was one of the SIGNS that was observed among those that were filled with the Holy Spirit. The evidence of what we call “The baptism of the Holy Spirit”. Tongues are just one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I count some 18 Spiritual gifts; the Believer receive at least one gift, others more.

We are NOT commanded to be “Baptized in the Holy Spirit”; rather we are exhorted to be “FILLED” with the Spirit. In the beginning, we see the filling of the Holy Spirit happening at different times in the believers’ life. Some were baptized into John’s baptism of “Repentance”, then received the Holy Spirit later. NOW YOU GET IT ALL. Baptized once and filled a bunch of times. Being filled with the Spirit happens many times, as the believer LEAKS.

Worship, praise, reading, studying, pondering and sharing Gods word refills the believer. The filling of the Holy Spirit is an observable phenomenon; people’s lives are changed. The purpose of tongues was to share the Gospel of Christ to the world in every language. It is also a prayer language spoken only to God as the Holy Spirit, knowing God’s perfect will; intercedes for us in groans and expressions we can’t understand.

The scriptures in the OT pointed out that the gift of tongues WOULD BE rejected. We see very little evidence of the gifts displayed today, so most believe they have ceased. The gifts of the Spirit, including tongues did not cease with the era of the apostolic age; but are still active today. In fact the Book says they are “irrevocable”, and activated as the Spirit wills, however ALL the gifts will cease when Jesus Christ returns.420

All do not have the gift of tongues. You do not have to speak in tongues to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You are not a second class Christian if you do not speak in tongues. Tongues are just one ofthetoolsusedtoequiptheSaintstospreadtheGoodNewsoftheGospel. Thepurposeoftongues is to exhort, lift up, edify and preach the Good News of Christ. Tongues are a SIGN; a “convicting experience” to the Un-believer and Prophecy is a SIGN to the Believer.

420 Romans 11:29 – The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable -- 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 – When Jesus returns the gifts will cease. Page 102 Printed 1/30/2023

BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

There is a Common Tongue or language not known to the speaker, but commonly spoken somewhere. This seems to have happened only once at Pentecost and documented no more in scripture. It was for the day of Pentecost only.

There is Public Tongue of exhortation and sometimes with prophecy, requiring interpretation. The only evidence of this today is found among the Pentecostal denominations.

There is a Prayer Tongue or language that is a “heavenly language” directed to God alone in prayer and in song. This private tongue seems to be found across all denominations although rarely disclosed. Most denominations are “Cessationists”, teaching that tongues have ceased. Although tongues are the least of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Book says that they edify the body of the speaker. All the gifts are given “in part” not the whole. Like one word in a sentence or a sentence in a whole paragraph.

Can we receive spiritual miracle gifts today? YES, but they are activated as the Spirit wills. With that said, the gifts are in subjection to the believer and are “expected to be” used orderly fashion.421 We are told to seek the best gifts such as prophecy; praising the attributes of God; the gift of Prophecy is not FORETELLING, but FORTH TELLING. As for me, I seek the gifts of Healings and the discernment of good and evil spirits. SELAH

"I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent." Luke 4:43 NIV

Jesus did not come to preach the Gospel,
but came in order that there might be a Gospel to preach.

Billy Graham

421 1 Corinthians 12:11 – The Spirit determines which gifts you will receive
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Chapter 2. 18

Why do we get sick?
Sickness exist because of Satan. According to the Book, man was made perfect with no

sickness. When Adam sinned; the earth and Man became cursed. Now Death is a normal process.423 The Believer dies once, but lives twice; the Un-believer and Make-believer dies twice, but lives only once. (SELAH; Ponder that)

We not only toil in the earth just to eat; but our bodies also toil to stay healthy. If Satan can get his way, he will buffet us and steal the normal process of healing from our bodies. Make no mistake: Satan must stop the promises of God from bearing fruit, so it is a normal process for our bodies to be attacked and for us to fight back.

The good news is we don’t have to be sick when we die. We can go home healthy. God says his plan for us is to live till we are about 70 years of age and if we have taken exceptional good care of our bodies, then we can live till we are about 80 and longer than that if we took care of our parents.424 It’s in the Book (I hope my kids read this)

So we are all appointed to die, but that time is not a set time. Our way of life can lengthen it or certainly shorten it. Free Will was given to men and angels, it is uses on earth to improve our surroundings as well as for others, but without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Free Will most certain will lead us to spiral downward.

You must get this: When the Christian dies, he will have completed the thing which God created him for.425 Life is a wonderful gift from God, but it is temporary. When we die this gift of life will become eternal SOMEWHERE.426

Medical - Rabbit Trail
Dr. Marytn Lloyd-Jones, a Medical Doctor and a Pastor sharing from a Doctor’s point of view;

says man is created with a pair of “wellness scales” build inside. Our bodies have bad cloistral and good cloistral; we have germs and we have antibodies. When the scale tips to the sick side, the good side seeks to balance the scales by producing the antibodies that are needed; this is going on 24/7 and we have no clue.

Vaccinations are a tiny invasion of germs that the body sees trying to tip the scales and this produces the needed antibodies. Antibiotics do the same thing, they tip the scales back. Lots of things can tip the scales and cause us to get sick: accidents, germs, infections, stress, fatigue, depression, hurt, guilt, fear, malnutrition, alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

422 2 Timothy 3:16 – All scripture is God-breathed -- 2 Peter 1:20-21 – There is no private interpretations of scripture
423 Genesis 3:16-19 – Sickness was part of the fall of man
424 Psalms 90:10 – We can live 70 to 80 years; it’s not set -- Deuteronomy 5:16 – Live even more years if you Honor your parents -- Job 14:5 – Man lives between the limits God has set.
425 Isaiah 55:11 – What God sets in motion will not return to him void, but will prosper and accomplish the thing which was sent 426 Hebrews 9:27 – Everyone must die once; some will die twice

BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts

Gift of Healing

Underlying Belief; The Bible is without error.422 There are spiritual roadblocks to healing. Healing can be supernatural today.
The Will of God does not change.

Faith is required.

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What you see and think also activates the “wellness center” to balance the scales. If you believe you will get better, your mechanism works overtime to balance the scales. If you think you won’t, the mechanism just takes a break. My friend Ginger, because of her prayers of faith, beat cancer three times; bladder, abdomen and mandible. I have another friend who got cancer and ask people at church to pray that he would go ahead and just die; he did.

I can remember praying for a “brain dead” friend to live, her family was in the next room praying she would go ahead and die. She lived; is normal, got married and has a family today. Unbelief and doubt can steal our health. Our responsibility is to pray in FAITH the prayer of life, for both the body and the soul. We are not responsible for the outcome; that’s the work of the Holy Spirit.

So here’s where we are: The man who doesn’t believe he will receive spiritual healing and the man who does are both right. We walk by our faith and not by our experience.427

Experience Vs: Scripture
Our experience says, who can know the mind of God, much less His Devine will.
Our experience with the TV Faith Healers, seem to be that they only heal the things we can’t see.

Where is the healing of the totally blind, the totally paralyzed, those with Cancer, the straightening of backs or growing new limbs? Maybe these guys are just fakes

Our experience says; although we have heard about God healing others, we have not personally witnessed the miracle of healing in our own lives, and we probably won’t.

Our experience says that God wants some people sick to be used in His Devine plan.

Our experience indicates that the Bibles “Gifts of Healing” concluded with the end of the Apostles of Christ. Does scripture support this?

Our experience says sometimes God afflicts us to teach us something. Well, what did you learn? We believe in the power of prayer for healing “if it is God’s will”.428 Sometimes He says YES, sometime He says NO, sometimes He says WAIT. But does scripture support this? Are we correctly applying the scripture; “If it’s the Lord’s will”? Can we know God’s Will?

Is what you believe found in the scriptures or is it just what you have always heard?

The question should be what does God say?

Has God Changed?

Scripture states that God does not change or vary His nature and cannot lie. If God does not change, then we should LOGICALLY be able to look at the life of Jesus Christ, who did the will of the Father, and learn the will of God through the scriptures. YES, we can know the will of God on a number of subjects, but let’s just look at healing. The Book says; when God speaks; the matter is settled, His word will accomplish His plan. He cannot lie or change His mind, He does not vary; He is always the same.429 It’s in the Book

Christ says he only does the things the Father has told Him to do. He healed ALL that came to him without exception. So it is the will of God’s that we be healed. Sickness is identified as an oppression of the Devil. This is a result of fallen sinful man; Christ was sent to redeem us AND to heal us from the curse of sickness; they go hand in hand. In the Lord’s Prayer; Jesus said the “will of God” is done in heaven and He wants it done on earth.430 We should therefore imitate the life of Christ and do the works He did.

427 1 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith not by sight
428 James 4:14-16 – Do not boast about what you will do tomorrow, but pray; “If it is the Lord’s will
429 Psalms 119:89 – When God speaks; the matter is settled -- Isaiah 55:11 – What God speaks, His plan will be accomplish -- Hebrews 6:18 – He cannot lie, so be encouraged -- Numbers 23:19 – He cannot change His mind -- James 1:17 – In God there is no varying or turning -- Hebrews 13:8 – He is the same yesterday, today and forever
430 John 5:19 – God the Son did what He saw God the Father do -- John 14: 31 – Jesus did what the Father said to do -- John 5:30 – Jesus did the will of the Father -- Acts 10:38 – Sickness is from Satan -- 1 John 3:8 – Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan -- Matthew 9:35 – Jesus cured every sickness and every disease -- Matthew 6:9-10 – Jesus said; pray for the Fathers Will to be done

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK You can say with confidence and in FAITH; as written in the scriptures, that you know THE WILL OF

GOD concerning healing, He wants you well, this is not far out boasting.431

Gift of Bearing Weariness

T.D. Jakes, a television teacher, says he likes to “crawl into the scripture”, like he is present within the moment and just “look around” at what’s going on. I think it’s important here to crawl into the moment with Jesus and examine the gift of healing in His ministry. Jesus was created as a mortal man with all of man’s limitations. Weariness, fatigue, hunger, thirst and the desire to get away to rest or just have some “me time.” 432

What if you had the gift of healing; with today’s communications and transportation; could you possibly be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? I can well imagine why Christ would heal people and instruct them not to tell anybody.433
I am grateful for those who are teaching healing by systematically walking through the scriptures, reviving the hunger for the Masters Touch like that seen in the scriptures.

I strongly suspect that if I had the “gift of healing” I would operate secretly behind the scenes and not on TV. I can just feel the spiritual load that would be on that person as well as on his family; it would be just incredible, if not un-bearable. Of all the gifts of the Spirit that are available, this is the one that I would pursue, but I don’t think I could handle the responsibility of knowing that someone needs a touch and I’m just too tired to go and pray. That’s probably why the gifts are given “as the spirit wills”.

What about doctors; there were many Doctors during New Testament times.434 There was no rebuke from Jesus found in the scriptures concerning doctors. In fact Luke was a disciple as well as a Doctor. Doctors give hope; Hope is good medicine. So pray for wisdom for your doctor, then pray over your medicine, then take your medicine.

The Anointing

There were instances in the Bible of special anointing that happened by virtue of the Holy Spirit. The anointed Bones of the prophet Elisha brought life back into a dead man.435
Moses face was anointed by a brilliant light when he encountered God.436
Stephens face became anointed with light just before he died.437

The Shadow of Peter fell on people and they were healed.438
The Handkerchief of Paul was placed on the sick and they were healed.439
Shadows and handkerchiefs evoke Hope, an EXPECTATION of healing; a point of contact.

A TV evangelist, pushing his prayer cloths, told the viewers he had received a letter from a woman who had sewed his prayer cloth into her husband’s pillow case to get him saved. Another letter exclaimed that a wife had ground up his prayer cloth and put it in her husband’s hamburger to get him saved. This is salvation and healing by “Remote Control.

What does God say? No man comes to the Father unless the Holy Spirit draws him.440 I am troubled by those that would traffic in human suffering to grow rich. All compassion shown in the scriptures was FREE.

431 The sick man said, if you want to, you can make me well, Jesus said I WANT TO !
432 Matthew 14:13 – The crowds followed him wherever He went. -- Mark 6:32-33 - Jesus withdrew to a quiet place to rest -- Mark 7:24 – Jesus needed to be alone for a while to rest
433 Mark 3:9-12 – Jesus told His disciples’ not to tell who He was; the people were crowding and pushing to touch Him
434 Mark 5:26 – There were many doctors in the time of Jesus
435 2 Kings 13:21 – Elisha’s Bones had were anointed to bring life
436 Exodus 34:29 – Moses face radiated with the anointing -- John 14:6 – Jesus is the only way to God the Father -- John 6:44 – The Holy Spirit draws men to Jesus
437 Acts 6:15 – Stephen’s face radiated with the anointing
438 Acts 5:15 – Peter’s shadow was anointed to heal
439 Acts 19:11-12 – Paul’s handkerchiefs were anointed to cure
440 John 14:6 – Jesus is the only way to God the Father -- John 6:44 – The Holy Spirit draws men to Jesus

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Using the scriptures to raise money for a ministry is a misuse of God’s word and has caused many to be turned off to the gospel and even to make fun of it. However the anointing of God is still available even if your experience tells you it’s not.

Nowhere in scripture do you find Jesus using His special powers to provide for Himself or for his immediate followers when immediate resources were available. (For others, He turned existing water into wine; existing fishes and bread fed 5000; existing coin in fish mouth payed temple tax for disciples) 441

Faith Healers

The New Age movement says; it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere. Today we have Faith Healers who in their services have manifestations of phenomena that are just astounding. Some of their teachings however, cause the believer to abandon their basic scriptural beliefs. The trend has begun that it does not matter what you believe as long as you have the manifestations of the phenomena in your ministry.

Phenomena should not determine Doctrine. The magicians in Pharaohs’ court could produce the same phenomena as Moses’ did. Here we see darkness vs.; light. The scripture says that Satan and his angles can transform themselves into angels of light.442 Scripture alone should determine your doctrine; proving scripture with scripture.443

Primarily, Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Healing followed because of His compassion. Miracles and signs were used to confirm that Jesus was who He said He was. All miracles of healing in the Bible happened spontaneously; they were not foretold in advance; and there were no failures and no experimentations to see what would happen. There was no pre-selection. Fake healers have a selection process with staff “doctors” that select the “neurotics’ with no organic disorder before they have their sessions, those whose’ mind can be manipulated. A family member went to a Faith Healer and was not healed, she was told she did not have enough Faith. What a trip to put someone on; where was his faith?

I believe God answer’s prayers. I believe the Special “Gift of Healing” is available today, and I check out what I believe by what God’s Word says in the Book.

Gift of Healings
God gave the Church spiritual gifts which are available to ALL believers.444 The Holy Spirit

determines which gift or gifts a person receives. In the body of Christ, all the gifts are present including healing.445 NOTE: The gifts of healing are “Plural”, Gifts meaning; some may just have the gift of healing a specific infirmity. The most notable is television evangelist Ernest Angley who is purported to heal only people with deafness. All do not have the same gift, (And for sure, all believers do not speak in tongues) the Gifts are given to encourage, benefit and bless those in the Church body.446

The calling to use spiritual gifts is irrevocable.447

Don’t have the Gift

You can pray and receive healing without having the special gift of healing. According to the scriptures, we are already healed by the wounds of Christ; we just need to receive it. “IF” the Elders of your church believe in the Gifts of Healing; have them anoint you with oil, lay hands on you and pray for healing. What we think in our heart and mind is what we are. We must walk by our faith and not be moved by what our body is telling us. The prayer of FAITH will heal us. We must be Patience.

441 James 2:9 – Changed water into wine – Matthew 14:16 – fed 5000, five loaves, two fish -- Matthew 17:21 – Coin in fish mouth for temple tax
442 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 – Demons can masquerade as angels of light
443 Matthew 24:24 – False prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles

444 1 Corinthians 12:1- God does not want us to be ignorant about spiritual gifts -- Romans 12:2 - God’s will is that we renew our mind --Romans 10:12 - The gifts are available to anybody
445 1 Corinthians 12:11 - Gifts are given as the Spirit determines -- 1 Corinthians 12:28 - There are many gifts of healing.
446 1 Corinthians 14:12 – The gifts are given to build up the Church

447 Romans 11:29 – The gifts and calling of God is irrevocable

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Christ Commissions

Jesus told His followers that they will do even greater works than Him since He is going to His Father. The greater works is about Quantity not Quality. His ministry was only three years; our ministry can be ten times that. Most of the Miracles of Jesus was that of compassion; healing the sick and the afflicted.449

Roadblocks to Receiving
Pride: The Pharisee had “I” trouble. The scriptures teach us to be humble before our God

putting others first and denying self. We should respond to others immediately, whether it’s convenient or not.450

Willful Sin: The scriptures talk about adultery, fornication and male prostitutes; their tithes, offerings and prayers are an abomination to God. Christ says we should examine ourselves and confess our sins before we partake of communion. That is why many people get sick and die. If you are in an adulterous or homosexual relationship, you are in Willful sin which hinders your prayers. We are to confess our sins, TURN from our wicked ways and God will hear our prayers.451

Un-forgiveness is a curse on our bodies. It takes a toll on our health. We can carry a grudge for years and the other person doesn’t even know it; but our body is eaten up. Un-forgiveness hinders our prayers to the Father and is a curse on our body.452

Strife: We are urged to have compassion and not allow strife in our own household because it can hinder our prayers. We are not to “withhold ourselves” from our spouse for spite.453

Unbelieving friends will hinder your prayers; Jesus and Peter both did something unusual before they prayed. This is not seen at first glance, but the UNBELIVERS were sent out of the room so that the prayers would not be hindered by doubt and unbelief. He only included those in authority; the father, the mother, and the Disciples to be a part.454 I know this is pushing it, but it’s important to know that those laying hands on you to pray, believe in healing today.

Doubt: We can confess to others with our mouth that we believe for our healing, but in our heart we doubt if anything is going to change. God says that this is double minded.455 You have no anchor and will be blown about by every wind of different thought and opinion. In Jesus’ own hometown where He had grown up, He was able to heal only a few folks. They all knew Him and hadn’t seen any miracles in the past 30 years, therefore they doubted that He could possibly be the Messiah. They just plainly did not believe. Some folks doubt, but just “try it” to “see what will happen”. Double minded people receive nothing. This is not faith. It’s scriptural to pray that God will help you in your unbelief; to grow you in your faith.

Faith is crucial in receiving the answer to your prayers.

448 James 5:13-16 – Call on the Elders to pray for your healing -- 2 Chronicals 7:14 – Turn from sin, humble yourself, seek His face, He will heal -- Mark 9:23 – Everything is possible for the believer -- Mark 11: 24 – You must believe that you have received it. -- Proverbs 23:7 – Whatever you think in your heart; so you are -- 2 Corinthians 5:7 – We walk by our faith not by our feelings -- Romans 10:17 – Faith comes by reading and hearing God’s word -- Isaiah 53:5 – He was wounded to provide our healing. -- Hebrews 6:12 – Faith and Patience will inherit what has been promise -- 1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray every time you get the chance

449 Matthew 10:1 – The Believer has authority to heal EVERY disease and sickness -- Matthew 10:7-8 – We are commanded to heal the sick -- Luke 9:2 – Christ sends us out to heal to sick -- Mark 16:17-18 – Lay hands on the sick and they will be healed. -- John 14:12 – We can do even more works that Jesus because we have more time.
450 Luke 18:10-14 – It’s not all about YOU; humble yourself before God -- 2 Timothy 4:2 – Respond even when if it is not convenient 451 Deuteronomy 23:18 –Tithes of a whore or a homosexual – abomination -- 1 Corinthians 11:27-30 – Seek forgiveness for your sins 452 Mark 11:25 – Forgive others so you may be forgiven -- Acts 8:22-23 – Bitterness in your hearts is sin -- Colossians 3:13-14 – Put on the virtue of love and forgive others -- Matthew 6:12 – Forgive others as you want God to forgive you -- Matthew 6:15 – If you do not forgive, neither will the Father

453 1 Peter 3:7 – Be considerate of your spouse so it will not hinder prayers -- 1 Corinthians 7:5 – Don’t deprive your spouse of your body, less Satan can get a foothold
454 Acts 9:39-40 – At the death of Dorcas, Peter sent the unbelievers out of the room -- Mark 5:35-43 - At the death of Jairus’ daughter, Jesus sent the unbelievers out of the room

455 James 1:6-8 – You must believe and not doubt to receive -- James 1:8 - A double minded person is unstable in all his ways --
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Sin, Strife, Un-forgiveness, Pride, Doubt, Unbelief and Fear are all roadblocks to receiving your promised healing. Job said; the thing I FEARD has come upon me457 Fear opens the door for Satan’s attacks.

You are an exception:

You are NOT an exception to God’s Grace and Promises; you are included.458

There is a war going on

There is a teaching that once you have prayed for something, that to pray again is operating in doubt and unbelief. This is just not what the scripture teaches. Your prayer is heard before you even start to utter it. The answer is dispatched before you finish and warfare cranks up immediately to prevent you from receiving. Keep praying even if it takes three weeks. Don’t stop; there’s spiritual warfare going on to cause you to give up, and stop the promises of God from reaching you; to keep you from receiving your healing459. All through the scriptures, Satan’s quest is to stop the promises of God from reaching His children.


Demon infirmed Phoenician woman
The Book says; the woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive

the demon out of her daughter. Jesus told her; "First let the children eat all they want for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." The woman replied "Yes, Lord,", "but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs." Then Jesus told her, "For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter."

The term “Dogs” here is not as harsh as it sounds; it really translates “LITTLE PUPPIES”. This teaches that you do not have to be of a special race or status to receive God’s healing. Some feel like they are not worthy to receive God’s gift of healing. This delusion is sent from Satan, from the pit of hell itself to rob you of your rights as a child of God.

Jesus tested the faith of the Phoenician woman for the benefit of those listening.460 This increased their faith. The woman left with what she came for, the healing of her daughter, in fact everyone who came to Jesus left with what they came for.

NOTE: It was the Woman’s Faith, not her daughters that released the power of healing.

Demon possession Child
The Disciples could not heal a young lad that was possessed by

a demon. Jesus said it was because of their little Faith. Faith is the subject of this discourse, not the Demons. The Disciples will increase their faith by fasting and prayer and thus will be able to cast out the demons.461 A mustard seed, as small as it is, if watered will grow large enough for birds to take refuge. The smallest Faith, if watered will also grow and become a place of refuge and of power.

Faith releases the power to heal

456 Hebrews 11:6 – You cannot please God without Faith -- Mark 9:23-24 – I believe, help me in my unbelief. -- Mark 6:4-5 – Where there is No faith, there is no mighty work
457 Job 3:25-26 – What I feared has come upon me.
458 Romans 3:23 – We are all sinners, there are no exceptions -- Jeremiah 32:27 – Is anything too hard for the Lord, is it too hard for Him to heal you

459 Ephesians 6:12 – We are at war with principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness -- Danial 10:12-14 – Satan tries to sidetrack your prayer promises from reaching you -- 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 – Pray every chance you get
460 Mark 7:26-29 – Her faith was tested. – Their faith increased
461 Matthew 17:15-21 – Faith no matter how small releases healing power.

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Lame man at the gate beautiful
A certain man lame from his mother's womb seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple

asked for some money. Peter said; Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have I give unto thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. Leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple. The Disciples equipped with the Gifts of healing gave this man a gift he did not dream of. Note: There was action on the part of the man; he leaped as they helped him up.

The lame man did not have any faith; it was the FAITH of the disciples that healed him.462

Lame man at the pool of Bethesda
Jesus walked past many people who were sick at the pool, but when He saw the lame man lying

there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time. He stopped to talk with him. Why did Jesus walk past all the others that were afflicted at the pool and select just this one to heal? It would seem that God is particular about who receives healing and who doesn’t, but this is just not the case. God is not a respecter of persons,463 He has compassion for all.

Jesus asked him, "Do you want to get well?" Note: Some people secretly don’t want to work at anything, but just enjoy the attention they get as they sit in their infirmity; they do not want to work and want everything done for them

The lame man replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me." Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." AT ONCE the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. Jesus asked the question: Do you want to be healed? Jesus perceived the man’s FAITH464 and with COMPASSION He healed him. Christ still has compassion today.

Attached demon Woman bent over
There was a woman that had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and

could not lift up herself. When Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity and he laid his hands on her: and IMMEDIATELY she was made straight, and glorified God.465

Luke, one of the disciples and a doctor says that sickness is a demonic curse. For this woman, bowed over and not able to straighten up, to leave her home and to seek out Jesus was surely FAITH. Jesus saw her faith and had compassion on her and she was healed.

The Ten Lepers


As Jesus entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: and they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us; and when Jesus saw them, he said unto them, go show yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, AS THEY WENT, they were cleansed466

Interestingly, these lepers believed that Jesus could heal them, and as they obeyed what Jesus told them, the healing began.
They put their faith into action.

It was the Faith of the ten lepers that was in operation.

462 Acts 3:2-9 – It was the Disciples faith that healed the lame man
463 Acts 10:34 – God does not respect one man over another -- Romans 2:11 – God does not respect your position in life. 464 John 5:1-9 - The lame man’s Faith was operative
465 Luke 13:11-13 – A Spirit of Infirmity had been hanging on her for 18 years
466 Luke 17:12-14 – As they went they were healed

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Man Born Blind

Jesus saw a man which was blind from his birth and his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who was it that sinned; this man, or his parents that he was born blind? Jesus answered, neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him467 and shortly Jesus healed him. The case of this blind man leads the reader to believe that God puts sickness and afflictions on certain people for His own Devine purpose. Could be, but in the end, this man was healed.

Scripture does not support people being sick because God predestined them to be sick. The belief in reincarnation was prevalent and the belief that imperfections in a man were because of his sin now or in a previous life, or they were the sins of his father and mother. Without debating the issue, Christ was teaching His disciples that regardless of the cause of the blindness, it is “God’s will” that he be healed.

God chose this man before he was born to be healed physically and spiritually. He was double blessed. By faith this man received his healing in his SPIRIT, and when he obeyed and washed in the pool of Siloam he received it PHYSICALLY. Sometimes we have to exercise our faith.

Blind Man in Bethsaida
In Bethsaida the town’s people brought a blind man to Jesus and asked Him to heal him. Jesus

laid hands on him and asked if he could see. The man said I see men as trees, walking. Jesus put His hands upon him again and his sight was fully restored, and saw every man clearly. This blind man evidently had been able to see before he became blind as he knew what men looked like.

His healing came in two stages. 468 The teaching here is not that Jesus could not heal the blind man the first time, but that we should not be discouraged with gradual healing, but to be persistent in seeking out Jesus for our complete healing. The first stage of the blind man’s healing gave him HOPE and enlarged his FAITH, thus the second time he was totally healed.

Jesus warned the man to not go into the town. He knew the town’s people would try to talk him out of his healing. That’s the message for us today; friends will try to convince us that our affliction will come back.

In this instance, it was the faith of the friends of the blind man that invoked the healing. Clearly the Book teaches that healing can be

Instantaneous or it can be gradual.

Paul’s Affliction

Paul wrote; “To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations,469 there was given me a THORN IN MY FLESH, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me, but he said "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”.

Does God afflict some with sickness and not others? Could be. To use this scripture to say that it is sometimes “God’s will” for you to be sick; you must ask yourself these questions that applied to Paul.

  1. 1)  Has God given you any surpassing great revelations?

  2. 2)  Have you rote any extraordinary miracles? If not, then this scripture does not apply to you.

We do not even know if Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was physical or not. The unpacking of the scriptures reveals to me that everywhere Paul went, people wanted to worship him as a god and he was forever telling them, he was just a man like them. Satan wanted men to look at Paul instead

of Jesus Christ, this same trick is going on today.

467 John 9:1-25 – Specifically; this man’s healing was predestined so as to give glory to God
468 Mark 8:22-26 – Placed hands upon him twice to get his healing
469 Acts 19:11-12 – Because of extraordinary miracles; of his handkerchiefs and aprons healing people -- 2 Corinthians 12:7-9 – Because of surpassingly great revelations.

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Thorn in the Flesh

Thorn in the flash can be a metaphor like Pain in the neck”. Some think Paul had trouble with his eyes. That may be, but I personally think his “thorn in the flesh” was people trying to worship him like he was a god and others demon possessed people running around shouting and calling attention to Paul instead of Christ.470 Regardless... scripture says it was a “Messenger from Satan”, not from God.

Silent Healing – The Confession
A woman who had suffered for twelve years with an issue of blood sought out Jesus to be healed.

She was considered unclean and should not have been in the crowd, but her faith drove her to just reach out and touch His clothes believing she would be healed. It was her Faith that healed her infirmity; but Jesus wouldn’t let it go, He wanted her to confess it openly. Sometime people are healed, but don’t tell it because they think, “what if it comes back” and I have told everybody that I am healed, I will be so embarrassed. When you receive your healing, God wants you to confess it with your mouth so others will be edified.471 Don’t lose your healing because of doubt and unbelief. God wants to hear you speak your heart.

Perfect Access

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil of the temple was torn into from the top to the bottom revealing The Holy Place.472 This allowed for the first time, man to have direct access to God. Now, no priest is required to intercede for you. You can approach the throne room of God boldly.


Methods and formulas; I think it is interesting that we as Believers look for a formula to follow or some kind of strict procedure to operate in so we can affect healing on someone. The example we should follow is to do what Jesus did. I think He healed in so many different ways was to show us that it’s not WHAT the method is, but WHO the healer is.

Healing should always point back the Great Physician Jesus Christ. I’m going to list a few way healing occurred in scriptures and you will get the point.

a) Jesus spit on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay and told him to Go, wash in the pool of Siloam. 473

b) Tookthelittlegirlbythehandandsaid,getup.474
c) He called her to him, and said; Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity475
d) JesusjustthoughtitandtoldtheCenturion,itwillbedonejustasyoubelieveditwould476 e) The Disciples anointed many with oil and healed them477
f) Jesus just spoke and her daughters at home were healed478
g) Jesusspoke;pickupyourmatandwalk479
h) Disciplesspokeandtookhimbytherighthandandliftedhimup480

470 Acts 28:5-6 – They said Paul was a god because he did not die when ta snake bit him. --Acts 14:11 – When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted that the gods have come down to us -- Acts 16:16-18 – A known demon possessed fortune telling girl was drawing attention to Paul and herself and away from God
471 Mark 5:30 – The woman silently receives her healing; Jesus said; who touched Me? -- Mark 5:33-34 – Jesus wants the woman to openly confess her healing -- John 21:15 – Jesus wanted Peter to openly confess his Faith; Do you truly love me, yes Lord I love you. 472 Matthew 27:51 – The curtain has been opened forever, we can enter boldly without an earthly priest.

473 John 9:6-7 - Spit, clay and a bath
474 Mark 5:41 - Took her by the hand and spoke to her
475 Luke 13:12-13 – Called her and laid hands
476 Matthew 8:13 – Jesus thought it; said it will be done as you have believed 477 Mark 6:13 - Anointed with oil
478 Mark 7: 29 - Spoke
479 John 5:8-9 – Spoke and gave instructions
480 Acts 3:6-7 - Spoke and lifted him by the right hand

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  1. i)  Jesus said; go show yourselves unto the priests.481

  2. j)  Took him by the hand, spit on his eyes and laid hands upon him482

God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;483

The Book teaches that there is no specific method required for you to receive your healing.


Nest; a partial list of diseases/afflictions that are mentioned in the Bible that God through faith gave us dominion over.

Ague: Fever and disease of the eyes; malaria484
Atrophy: Withered parts of the body485
Blain: Boils, sores, inflammatory abscess486
Blemish: A physical deformity; a marred face, any limb to long or short, a broken foot or hand, a hunchback, a dwarf, a eunuch.487

Blindness: The Loss of sight from birth, by disease or by the hand of man. (Also a blemish) 488 Boils: A tumor on the surface of the body accompanied by scabs and itching. Also, called blain or furuncles associated with diabetes, Bright’s disease, fever, undernourishment, fatigue or constipation.489
Consumption: A disease of the eyes and lungs which is very grievous; Tuberculosis490
Deafness: The physical inability to hear; was inflicted by God in the Old Testament. Also, referred to as a spiritual deafness; can be caused by Meningitis, Scarlet fever, Measles, Whooping cough, Pneumonia and Hysteria.491
Demons: A distressing spirit; they can possess a person and alter their personality. Also known as an unclean spirit; You can be possessed by more than one; They can render you mute as well as blind; They can cause epileptic seizures; Throw you to the floor, bruise you, make your body rigid, foam at the mouth, cause you to grind your teeth. They can cause sickness; insanity, give you great strength for destruction. They recognize the Holy Spirit and become afraid. Before leaving a person they try to do as much damage as possible hoping you will give up and not receive your healing. The blood of Jesus Christ gave us authority over them. 492
Dropsy: Also known as Nephrosis or Edema; an abnormal accumulation of serious fluid in the body’s tissues causing swelling. A badly swollen face that almost closes the eyes.493
Dysentery: A rotting of the bowels, the fibrin separates from the inner coating of the intestines and is expelled as a bloody flux.494
Epilepsy: Convulsive attacks; temporary loss of consciousness. 495

  1. 481  Luke 17:14 – Gave instructions so show themselves to the priest

  2. 482  Mark 8:23 - Took him by the hand and spit on his eyes

  3. 483  1 Corinthians 1:27 – God choses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise

  4. 484  Leviticus 21:17

  5. 485  Matthew 12:10

  6. 486  Exodus 8:23

  7. 487  Leviticus 21:17

  8. 488  John 9:1-7 – Matthew 27-30 – Mark 8:22-25 – Genesis 19:10-11

  9. 489  Deuteronomy 28:27,35 – II Kings 20:7

  10. 490  I Samuel 2:33 – Leviticus 26:16

  11. 491  Matthew 11:6 – Mark 7:32 – Exodus 4:11 – Matthew 13:14

  12. 492  I Samuel 16:14 – Matthew 8:28, 9:32-33, 12:22, 17:14, - Mark 1:23, 3:22, 5:2, 5:9, 9:18 – Luke 8:2, 8:27-29, 9:39,

  13. 493  Luke 14:2

  14. 494  Acts 28:8

  15. 495  Mark 9:17-22

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Fever: Also known as Ague, a burning fever; may be accompanied by chills and soreness of muscles, dry skin and headaches.496
Gonorrhea: A Venereal disease; an unclean discharge from the body or a stopping up of the body by the discharge; Causes blindness.497

Gout: Excessive uric acid in the blood; painful inflammation of the joints; can settle in the feet 498 Hemorrhage: A discharge of blood; bleeding; a ruptured blood vessel; blood that will not easily clot; also referred to as menstruation; 499
Hemorrhoids: Also called Piles; a swelling of veins inside and protruding outside the anus; referred to as tumors in the OT. 500

Insanity: A mental disorder; referred to as a madman; behavior that is degenerative from the normal; Confusion.501
Itch: Can be caused by; Nervous disorders, reaction to certain foods, drugs, chemicals, material, dust, parasites, fungus such as ringworm, diabetes, gout jaundice and digestive disturbances - Scratching gives temporary relief, but damages the skin, intensifying the discomfort.502

Lameness: Partial loss of muscle functions, deformation or dislocation of bones; Injury. 503 Leprosy: A moderately infectious disease, some of the symptoms include; ulcers, tuberculosis nodules, loss of fingers and toes, abnormal coloring, gangrene.504
Murrain: A plague; Death, seemingly limited to livestock.505
Paralysis; Temporary or permanent loss of all muscle functions – Some types of paralysis are known as Parkinson’s disease or Shaking palsy.506
Scab: A disease of the skin; sent as a curse in OT. 507
Scall: A form of Leprosy. 508
Scurvy: A nutritional disorder caused by lack of vitamin C. Extreme weakness, spongy gums, bleeding under the skin. 509
Spermatorrhea: A disease of the genital organs. 510
Stammering: A heavy of dull tongue; slow of speech; also stuttering: Sudden checks in the flow of words or rapid repetition of a consonant. Usually caused by lack of self-confidence. Shyness, fear. 511 Sun Stroke: Exposure to excessive heat; dizziness, headache, dryness of the mouth and skin, nausea, rapid pulse, occasional convulsions or even death. 512
Tumors: A morbid swelling; a malignant tumor is a form of cancer. There are tumors that are benign or not harmful. They exert pressure as they grow. 513
Worms; Some types of worms today include the pinworm, roundworm, hookworm and tape worm. They vary in length from microscopic in size to 15 feet long. A curse; 514

God has given us authority over sickness; it’s His Will that we be healed.

496 Leviticus 26:16
497 Leviticus 15
498 II Chronicles 16:12
499 Mark 5:25
500 I Samuel 5:6, 5:11-12, 6:4
501 Proverbs 26:18 – I Samuel 21:13 – Acts 26:24 – Zechariah 12:4 502 Deuteronomy 28:27
503 Matthew 11:5, Acts 3:2-11
504 Luke 5:16, Leviticus 13:14-59
505 Exodus 9:3, 9:6, Psalms 78:50
506 Matthew 4:24, 8:6, 8:13, 9:2, 9:6, Acts 8:7, 9:33-34
507 Leviticus 13:2, 14:56, Deuteronomy 28:27, Isaiah 3:17
508 Leviticus 13:30
509 Leviticus 22:22
510 Leviticus 15:16
511 Exodus 4:10, Isaiah 32:4, 33:19
512 II Kings 4:19
513 I Samuel 5:6, 5:9, 5:12
514 Acts 1

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Gift of weariness

As I close out Healings; I reflect back on how many times Jesus told those He had healed to NOT tell anybody? 515 How many times did He try to slip away to pray and get some rest? 516
If I had the gift of healing full time, I would probably FAIL just through the process of WEARINESS.

Did you see it? Jesus came so that a Gospel could be preached, but it was His compassion for people that we see lived out in His life. Before He could share spiritual things, He had to first deal with the physical things, the things of the flesh that were screaming out. He had to deal with the physical before He could deal with the Spiritual. The gifts are given as the Holy Spirit determines; He not only knows the sweet spirit that has been birthed in our hearts, but also knows our talents and abilities, as well as the limitations of our bodies. 517

The Take Away
It is a normal process for our bodies to be attacked by sickness. Our bodies “Wellness Scales

fights against this invasion to balance the scales and then Satan attacks our mind. Most people do not read the Bible, so they don’t know the promises of God. Folks have BS, a Belief System; a World View; they only know what they have experienced; so their experience becomes their Truth”.

Because of our BS experience, our mind tells our body that we probably won’t receive supernatural healing; SO for us to receive healing we must renew our mind and embrace the scriptures as the FINAL AUTHORITY. Nowhere in scripture are we told or is it implied that the gifts of healing have stopped. The gifts are dispensed as the Spirit of God Wills. Who are we to limit the compassion of God? With all that said; and believing God has made healing available to the believer; we need to be aware of what STOPS THE PROMISES from being received.

This study has shown that the scriptures indicate that willful sin; strife, pride, doubt, fear, unbelieving friends and scriptural ignorance can steal our promise. The Book paints a picture of a war going on with principalities and powers with the goal to stop the promises of God from reaching us; so we must pray often. To receive; first of all we must believe and not doubt; then pray often about our need. Although we are believers, we also have some un-belief.

To cause our garden of faith to GROW and get a good crop, we must spend time tilling the soil of the scriptures and watering it with prayer daily. If you have sown some bad BS seed in your thinking, then this is a good time to pray for a crop failure.

The scriptures show that supernatural healing can be instant or gradual. We can also see in the scriptures that there is no special method to receive our healing. The emphasis is on the result not the process; there are no Devine healers, just Devine healing, and you can praise God that you are NOT an exception or a special case; that you too can be healed. All sickness and afflictions are subject to and under the feet and authority of Jesus Christ. 518 All that remains, is for us to grab hold of the promise, believe, pray often and be patience.

When Jesus Christ returns all believers will get a new glorified body. The Laws of Nature will no longer apply; we will be able to; Walk on Water as well as through Walls; Disappear and Reappear at will, and Transport ourselves at the speed of thought. Transform ourselves into a white Glory Light as well as the form of a human being and Eat Food. We will have mighty Power, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

We will experience No Accidents or Violence, No Pain, Arthritis, or Headaches. No Heart Diseases, Diabetes or Cancer. No Dementia or Ringing in the Ears, No Down syndrome or Physical Defect. There will be No Obesity or Wrinkles; No Tears, Sorrow or Death. We will be raised Incorruptible, nothing but awesomeness and uninterrupted happiness. It’s in the Book.

515 Luke 8:55-56 – Tell no one; keep it quiet for right now -- Matthew 8:4 – I’m glad I could help, BUT don’t tell anybody
516 Luke 5:15-16 - Jesus withdraw to desolate places to pray -- Matthew 14:23 – Jesus often went ALONE to share His heart with God 517 Ephesians 1: 1 Corinthians 12:11- Gifts given as the Holy Spirit wills

518 Ephesians 1:22 - And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church -- Corinthians 12:11- Gifts given as the Holy Spirit wills

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Chapter 2. 19

Gift of Discernment

Was President Donald J. Trump’s ability THE ART OF THE DEAL
Natural or a Gift from God?

First Word

The description of this gift rarely reflects what scripture describes. Most speak of discernment as having the ability to make good and wise business decisions. President Donald J. Trump’s book was entitled “THE ART OF THE DEAL”... was his ability NATURAL or a “GIFT” from God?

The New Testament had not yet been written and God was re-shaping HIS ministry when He hit the “Gift Button” and the gifts EXPLODED and LIT UP the Church. Everyone was having strange “Out of the Box” experiences even thought they had no foundation or understanding of their spiritual gifting. Understand that GIFTS are a RESPONSIBILITY.

The Gifts manifested in three versions; God inspired, Satan inspired and Self-inspired; thus God in His Wisdom as part of the dispensation of Gifts, un-packed one that would keep all the others in line; the Gift of “Distinguishing between Spirits,” to distinguish between fiction and fact; examining practices, actions, events and doctrines; whether spiritual and Godly or a demonic counterfeit; or just natural imitators, whether good or evil or just plain self-motivated; to unmask teachers of false doctrine and carnal hypocrites. WOW what a heavy responsibility!

Different Bible translations vary in their description; “Discerning of Spirits”, “Discernment of Spirits”, “Distinguishing all Spirits”, and “Distinguishing between Spirits”. The New Living Translation says;

The ability to know whether it is really the Spirit of God or another spirit is speaking”.519 It was not without its own self-inflicted problems. The Gift of discerning between spirits can start to unravel bringing on a face of a self-righteous spirit, one that is critical, with corrosive pride, one that is judgmental instead of correctional. Understand that this gift even monitors the “Gift of Prophecy520 which everyone is encouraged to seek. That’s why scripture requires TWO WITNESSES

or more to establish or validate an issue.521
There are many gifts of the Holy Spirit, but this Study will just look at only one of them; “The


Prophecy Side Bar

Prophecy no longer exist as “Predictive Prophecy” as it did in the first Century of Christianity. There are no new revelations, just new illumination and enlightenment; there is no new doctrine, just new direction.

The Bible word is “Propheteuowhich means “To magnify God”, “To speak of Divine things” or even better “To Teach” and has nothing to do with foretelling the future, but of forth telling and witnessing to the grace of Jesus Christ and magnifying His name. So when you read in the NT scripture of people “prophesizing” they are praising God’s name and teaching His attributes. Paul wanted everyone to prophesy; it is a better gift to seek and study than speaking in tongues.

519 1 Corinthians 12:10 - GIFT - To Distinguish between Spirits
520 1 Corinthians 14:1 – Eagerly desire the gifts, especially Prophecy
521 1 Corinthians 14:29 – Prophecy is to be weighted by the scriptures -- Deuteronomy 19:15 - Two witnesses establishes an issue

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John the Baptist was the LAST of the New Testament Prophets; Jesus said he was the greatest of all the prophets yet he never performed even one miraculous sign; he just proclaimed the attributes of Jesus Christ and Jehovah God. 522

Reason for the Gifts

Why were the gifts given in the first place? In short they were given for the profit of ALL, for the common good of the body of Christ; the Members of His Church.523 They were designed to be INTERACTIVE with the other unique gifts of others within the body; with the exception of Jesus Christ, no one person has all the gifts; which is another reason to be a member of a local church.524

Every Christian is responsible for what they believe whether they have the gift of discernment or not.525 We are to study and rightly handle His Word, not believing every spirit, but examining everything carefully, so we will not be tossed about by ever new wind of doctrine that comes by Human Cunning; by Craftiness in Deceitful Schemes.

As an Human Resource Manager, I would often try to “read between the lines”, to know the “real motives” for someone’s decision; to understand the weavings of the sincerity of a request, the interworking’s of a sarcastic response, the real colors of a flattering comment. God challenges us to be wise as serpents, but harmless as doves.526

Scripture encourages us to seek out the best gifts.527 When I first became aware of the “Gifts of the Spirit”, I immediately wanted to operate in two of them; the gift of “Healings” and the Gift of the “Discerning of Spirits”. What I saw in scripture was how the man Jesus became wearied from healing the people; I thought that there must also be a “Gift of Weariness”, to be able to help others when you are already completely exhausted.

First look
Those that possess the gift of discerning of spirits have been dispatched by God to be “Holy

Spirit Inspectors”; with a special insight to be able to recognize, identify, and expose deceptive and erroneous doctrine. They are the “Spirit’s Watchdog”, the “Watchmen on the Wall” who diligently study the word and ‘PRACTICE” their gift to protect against perverted cults, false doctrine, deceptive language and wolves masquerading as lambs promoting their own self-interest. They raise flags to identify the cleverer counterfeits, to determine the spurious from what is genuine; they encourage others to test and judge carefully what they read, hear and experience.528

The God fearing Jews in Berea were commended for comparing what the disciples were saying with the scripture.529 No preacher or teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ should resent having their words weighted by the scriptures. Today the Gospel Message is often preached in the mega-churches with the mix of philosophy, psychology and self-sufficiency and have become quite popular and often very PROFITABLE. The Gift of discernment separates the “wheat of truth” that is sown along with the “chaff of deceit”. Much of the time the gift is not about demonic counterfeits, but about the “Work of the Flesh”, it’s about folks that are serving the Lord through “natural imitation,” in their own power, for their own benefit, for their own glory.

522 Luke 7:28 – There was not a greater PROPHET than John the Baptizer -- John 10:41-42 – John performed NO miraculous signs.
523 1 Corinthians 12:7 – The gifts are the manifestation of the Holy Spirit -- 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 – The gifts. Service and activities are given for the common good 1 Corinthians 12:28 – Gift of Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Miracles, Healing, Helps, administration, tongues -- Numbers 11:25 – The 70 Elders prophesied once and no more -- 2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to rightly handle the Word of truth. -- 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 – Examine everything you hear or read carefully -- Ephesians 4:14 – Study to not be tossed about by every wind of cunning craftiness and deceitful schemes
524 Romans 12:4-8 – Prophesying, Teaching, Serving, Encouraging, Leading, Mercy, Giving -- Ephesians 4:11-12 – Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, Teachers, Service
525 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 - GIFT - To Distinguish between Spirits
526 Matthew 10:16 - Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves
527 1 Corinthians 12:31 – Desire the greater gifts
528 John 8:44 - Satan is a liar and the father of lies, there is no truth in him -- 1 John 4:1 – Test the spirits to see whether they are from God or not
529 Acts 17:11 – The Bereans examined the scripture DAILY to see if what they said was true

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The first time I saw this was when I had taken a job selling appliances and the manager told me, he would team me up with an ex-preacher. My gift of discernment kicked into high gear when I talked with him about the Bible; I felt such a heaviness in his presence and then things really went downhill when I asked about his ministry. Turns out he was a gang biker turned MISSIONARY who was dismissed for anger issues and lack of compassion. We both went by the same name; Christian, one a Believer and the other a Make-believer; two different ducks floating in the same pond. This sounds judgmental, but the Book says you will know them by their fruits.530

On another occasion, a PREACHER was presented to Human Resources to be the manager of our Delivery Department. The very first day an internal alarm went off; my spirit was just sick; there was aknotinmystomach,IKNEWHEWASTHEWRONGPERSON. Thatverydayhisstaffbegancoming to me wanting to transfer to another department. I PRAYED about it a lot and the next day he came in and QUIT; laughing he said he had a better job offer. The following day he came back and said he had changed his mind and would take the Management position. I was delighted to tell him “sorry I have already filled that position.” This was absolutely a God Thing.


We have all heard doctors and lawyers use the term “practice” when referencing to their occupation, that’s because “PRACTICE” is what it takes to be successful.
The lady Gamecocks of the University of South Carolina celebrated their NCAA Division I women's basketball national championship and Coach Dawn Staley said their secret was PRACTICE531. It seems it is not enough to read about it, you MUST put faith into PRACTICE. A faith without works is a dead faith;532 Gifts are given as solid food for the MATURE Christian and require PRACTICE.

Examples of Discernment
Eve told the Serpent that she could not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that she

would die. The Serpent told her that she would not die, but would become like the gods and know good from evil. Satan uses deceptive language to deceive. 533 Knowing good from evil sounds like a good thing and being like the gods should be a good thing too, but that was not what God said.

King Solomon asked God for “the gift of discernment”; he prayed for an UNDERSTANDING MIND to govern His people, to be able to DISCERN BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL.534

Moses threw down his staff as God commanded and it became a snake, the court magicians threw down their staffs and they became snakes too. Good and evil can appear at the same.535

A slave girl who was possessed with a demon followed Paul and Silas around saying that they were servants of the most high God. What she said was correct, but everybody knew she was also possessed by a spirit adding to the confusion. The purpose and motivation was exactly opposite to what she was exclaiming, she was a demonic instrument. Even Evil spirits can appear as good.536 Paul commanded the evil spirit to come out of her.

Jezebel, taught and seduced Christians to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols, and they did so because she called herself a “prophetess”.537

Elymas the magician was opposing as they taught the Gospel, seeking to turn them away from the faith. Paul, with the gift of “Discerning of Spirits” called him out publically and said, “You son of the devil, full of all deceit & villainy, you enemy of all righteousness, stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord.538

530 Matthew 7:17 – You will know them by their fruits
531 Hebrews 5:11-14 – Gifts are Solid food that are to be constantly practiced
532 James 2:17 – Faith without works is a dead faith
533 Genesis 3:3-5 – Satan used deceptive language on Eve
534 1 Kings 3:9-11 – King Solomon asked for the Gift of Discernment and got it
535 Exodus 7:10-11 – Good and Evil can appear in the same way; you must discern the difference 536 Acts 16:16-18 – Evil Spirits can appear as Good Spirits. --
537 Revelation 2:20 – Jezebel called herself a Prophetess; Teaching & Seducing Christians --
538 Acts 13:8-10 – Elymas the magician called out as deceitful, a son of Satan, the enemy, the villain

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Jesus had just told the Disciples that He would be killed. Peter took Him aside and rebuked Him saying “Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you.” Jesus operating in the gift of “Discerning between Spirits” called Peter by the name of Satan and told him to get behind Him that his mind was on the things of the world not on the things of the spirit.539

Ezekiel defines someone with the spirit of discernment as someone who habitually obeys God’s laws and statutes and makes distinction between the Holy and the Profane; between what is good and what is evil; what is truth and was is error. There will come a time when men will call evil good and error truth.540 It’s in the Book.

TODAY every word from a news commentator, ever word from a politician and every word in a commercial is chosen, formulated and calculated for its maximum impact to deliver the SPIN and conclusions that will guide the “HERD” to their agenda. Whether some facts are omitted or others highly selective; whether misleading or not; if you can just point them to a free cell phone or a benefit, THE HERD will follow. You must listen to EVERY WORD and weigh its meaning.

The Take Away

We don’t hear or see much about Demons today, but they are still present doing the work of Satan to undermine the body of Christ. The Serpent asked Eve; “Did God really say that?” Satan is doing the same thing today as in the beginning; minimizing the Word of God as written in scripture.

There are many Muslims who have never even read the Qur’an; they were just born into a Muslim family. This is also true of some Christians; they were just born into a Christian family and have no idea what the Bible teaches and have ONLY their own BS, their Belief System as a world view. They just speak what seems to be right to them; that’s why it is so imperative that we have the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit.

The body of believers is complex and interdependent and not all have the same role in the body.541 The Holy Spirit gives special abilities or gifts as He wills for each situation. The spirit knows better than man which gift should be utilized and when. The gifts are given “in Part”, not in whole, as the situation dictates; gifts are given for a period of time, and may not be forever, they are as the Spirit wills.

False doctrine can be exposed by comparing it with scripture, but false spirits can only be exposed and judged by the gift of “Discerning of Spirits”, this special gift has the unusual ability to separate what is wrong from what is right, truth from error, and unmask the counterfeit. We are commanded to TEST the spirits.542 Can we operate with miracle spiritual gifts today? Yes, as the HOLY SPIRIT determines. NOTE: Because we see very little of the gifts displayed, most believe that the gifts ended with the Apostles. However, I do not find anywhere in scripture indicating that the gifts were recalled; in fact I find that they are forever.543 These gifts were given so that compassionate believers could minister to others, but it is “as the Spirit wills”.

The Gifts of the Spirit will cease when Christ returns.544

539 Matthew 16:21-23 – Jesus with the Gift of Discernment called out Peter
540 Isaiah 5:20 – Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, darkness light and light darkness -- Ezekiel 44:23-24 – Discern and Teach the difference between Holy and Common --
541 1 Corinthians 12:12 – The body of believers is complex and interdependent
542 1 John 4:1 – Command; Test the spirits.
543 Romans 11:29 – The gifts are irrevocable and are as the Spirit determines
544 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 – When Jesus returns the gifts will cease.

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Chapter 2. 20

Gift of Singleness

Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. Matthew 19:11

First Word

As a Teenager, I asked a young lady out on a date to go to Church on Wednesday night; when we arrived at Church, she said, “you really did mean CHURCH didn’t you.” She asked to sit in the balcony because she was not appropriately dressed. I thought, where else do you go on Wednesday Night, but Prayer Meeting.

As a young Christian adult I was a SINGLE INTROVERTED NERD. My life was full of train table construction, building two way radios, speaker enclosures, amplifiers and tuners. I would come up for air on Friday night at 5 pm and think about getting a date, which by then was impossible. Tyrous, my forward thinking best friend would get me blind dates so we could double date and sometimes triple date. I was a lot of FUN Once I Got Out.

I sure liked the ladies, but I didn’t pursue relationships in any serious way. I think I was born an Introvert because I was so FULFILLED building and CREATING things that dating had just not become a priority in my life. Today, I still love to build and create things, but if not for my friend I would probably still be single. I did marry the girl that I met on a blind date he set me up with; I think she was impressed with my awesome Sub-Woofer. Just Saying.

World View

Do you View Singleness as Freedom, Liberty and a Blessing, as a Bachelor till the Rapture, or do you see it as a curse; a burden, cruel and unusual punishment; a cross to bear. Today Christians shack- up together and do not marry.545 Some Christians are unequally yoked; marring a non-Christian and paying the price for that relationship. 546 We do these things because of our BS our Belief System, in this case a “Bibleless” World View.

This Word Study addresses the Christian from the SPIRITUAL point of view, as well as addresses the PHYSICAL emotions that go along with it in this real world. I am not speaking with thunder and lightning from a mountain top, but tiptoeing through a tricky mine field, hoping not to blow up anything that leaves a moral maze which just side steps the subject with a few noncommittal spiritual comments.

Views on Singleness;

1) Some are FRUSTRATED; focusing only on GETTING MARRIED.
2) Some are ZEALOUS because of their LIBERTY.
3) Some are MINDLESS, because; LIFE IS WHAT IT IS.

I will like to shift your thoughts away from WHY you are single, to the PURPOSE of you being single.

545 Exodus 22:16 – If you need to have SEX, then you should get MARRIED 546 2 Corinthians 6:14 – Command; don’t marry an unbeliever

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Gift of Marriage

Marriage is not for everyone any more than celibacy or Singleness is.547 Marriage is for this life only; when we are resurrected to a newness of life there will be NO marriage in heaven.548 So for those of you who feel IMPRISONED by your marriage, you will receive a “Get out of Jail Free” card at the resurrection.

The Gift of Marriage for the most part is self-focused, individualistic and materialistic. It focuses on security, companionship, sex, children and self-fulfillment. The trials and tribulations of marriage is usually preferred over a tortured sex deprived life as a single; but either Gift can still be used for the COMMON GOOD.552

Gift of Singleness

Hosea the Prophet was told by God to GET MARRIED and not only that, to marry a WHORE,549 but then told Jerimiah the Prophet that he must STAY SINGLE.550 God calls people in different ways, sometime you know it for sure, and sometimes you don’t. The Book says; that because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband, and in fact it is “Your Right” should you desire it.551

Some people can serve God best as a TEAM or a couple, therefore marriage is the IDEAL place for them in life. However, Singleness is by no means Second Class. Through prayer, you are able to determine what is the acceptable and perfect will of God in your life.553 If you lack wisdom in this area, ask God; He has promised that it will be given to you generously.

Bachelor till the Rapture. Today it is doubtful that God calls anyone to singleness against their will. The Gift of Singleness can be just for a season, but sometimes it’s a lifetime calling. This calling of God is not something everyone can share. Many singles just DO NOT possess the spiritual GIFT OF SINGLENESS, but nevertheless remain un-married; its part of their life and for the most part, beyond their control. The GIFT of Singleness does not deny or suppress your sexuality, but directs you into service of the body of Christ that honors God with sexual purity; it may be temporary or lifelong.

Young single people need Single Spiritual Leaders who are flexible, mobile, and available in being that good friend who provides them with undivided attention. I want to address the passage of scripture that discusses THE GIFT OF SINGLENESS. I think it is important to know WHY the topic was brought up in the first place.

The Greek Word for GIFT is “charisma” coming from the root word “charis” which means GRACE. Singleness is a special Grace Gift from God for kingdom service.554 When Paul speaks of the Gift of ONE kind and ONE of another, he is saying that ONE is the gift of SINGLENESS and another ONE is the gift of being MARRIED. Both are affirmed and both are called gifts. So Paul is not putting singleness as a gift better than marriage, but as just a status in life.

Paul says being Single or Married is just a status of which both are of service to God. 555
Now concerning the matters about which YOU wrote: “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. Now as a concession, NOT A COMMAND, I say this. I wish that all were as I myself am (single). But each has his own GIFT from God, one of ONE kind (single) and ONE of another (married). (ESV)

547 Matthew 19:11 - Marriage is not for everybody
548 Matthew 22:30 – Marriage is only on earth; it is not in Heaven
549 Hosea 1:2-3 – Hosea, go TAKE A WHORE for a wife
550 Jeremiah 16:1-2 – Jeremiah, you shall STAY SINGLE
551 1 Corinthians 7:2 – Each man should have his own wife -- 1 Corinthians 9:5 – It is my right to have a believing wife --
552 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 – Gifts are given for the Common Good -- Genesis 2:18 – God designed marriage; it is GOOD to marry 553 Romans 12:2 - Discern for yourself what is the acceptable and perfect will of God -- James 1:5 - If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives it generously
554 Romans 3:23-24 – Grace is God’s Gift -- 1 Corinthians 7:1-7 – Singleness or Marriage are both a status of service
555 1 Corinthians 7:1-7 Being Single or Married is just a status of which both are of service to God

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Singleness CAN be because of a birth or physical defects; an obligations to take care of elderly parents, or perhaps the result of a horrible accident, or the death of a spouse or separation because of divorceorperhapsbecauseofahomosexualorientation. SomeonemayhaveNEVERmarriedbecause they have NOT actually met someone that they truly wanted to marry. Some have been emotionally damaged in previous relationships and psychologically damaged by others leaving them in a position where they FEAR close relationships and are unable to sustain them.

When you take scripture at its core value of instructing Christians “to not be unequally yoked”, then you have reduced the number of qualified applicants to less than half. Those that are desirable are not available and those that are available are just not desirable.

Marriage and Singleness run parallel in that they both have their benefits and joys, sorrows and troubles; they are just different. However, singleness from the Spiritual point of view can be a higher calling in the propagation of the Gospel. If Singleness is your calling, it can be a platform of service that secures your undivided devotion to the Lord.556

Even though it was the custom for Jewish men to marry, Jesus was single as was Paul and John the Baptist, all of which achieved greatness in establishing the Church. John the Baptist chose the seclusion of the wilderness as the Essenes did, somewhat like the monks and nuns do today with the seekers coming to them. Paul chose the highways of life and went to where the people were.

Both were single, both called; but different roads with different travelers. We need them both. We need the man on the corner that is carrying a sign that says REPENT OR BURN and we need the man in the pulpit teaching verse by verse everything that God has commanded; different callings, same Lord.

Singleness can be a privilege; if you remember the SINGLE peasant girl named Mary was chosen thousands of years earlier to be the mother of our Messiah, Jesus the Christ.557 Singleness can be a blessing, a special Gift from the Devine Giver who knows the end from the beginning. Not as a Gift as was poured out on the Day of Pentecost by the Holy Spirit, but a gift that was designed just for you which you are happy with and desire. If you are not happy being single and do not desire this, it’s certainly not a gift from God; there is NOTHING WRONG WITH EXCHANGING THE GIFT.

Have you heard of Missionary Dating? That’s when you date a non-believer in order to lead them to Christ. It’s called “Flirting that leads to Converting”. Some CULTS even encourage SEX, with the belief that the end justifies the means. I encourage you to avoid dating non-believers; you can be pulled down much easier than you can pull someone else up.558

Do not stir up love until the appropriate time.559 Wait for the right timing. It’s in the Book

Song of Songs 8:4 - Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you: DO NOT STIR UP or AWAKEN LOVE
until the appropriate time. (HCSB)

Anonymous Quiet Suffering

Married people get to go home after church with their spouse and have a nice meal, while someone who is single goes home to feed their goldfish or if they are fortunate that have a cat that’s asleep somewhere that they can call. Birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are low times with emotions and thoughts of a second rate existence. They wonder why God is taking so long to HOOK THEM UP with someone. They have Feelings and emotions; that everyone that they know is either married or in a relationship and they are not able to love someone or receive love as deeply as others do. The thoughts flood in about not having a partner and the fear of never finding one; it’s a sense of isolation with no hope, rarely noticed by anybody.

556 1 Corinthians 7:35 – Singleness provides undivided devotion to God
557 Isaiah 7:14 – Prophecy; Single woman bears a son called Immanuel
558 2 Corinthians 6:14 – Don’t marry an unbeliever, light cannot commune with darkness 559 Song of Songs 8:4 – Don’t stir up love until appropriate time

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Sometimes you just “feel alone”; it’s “just you” with a glaring reminder that you lack something and you wrestle with the nagging pain of heartache, loneliness, discontentment and depression which you have just learned to “live with”.

Sometimes Fellow Christians deem Singleness as something that is God’s second best and that you are probably in a deficient life, unfulfilled and incomplete, and they offer you confusing advice that is emotionally hard to process. They are continually checking on your ‘STATUS” and usually try to ‘FIX YOU UP” with someone, which just DRIVES YOU CRAZY and you just smile all the time wishing GAS PAINS on them if they don’t change the subject.

The Central Issue

Getting to the Point of Paul’s letter to the Church. There was some extenuating issues and circumstances in the Church which Paul was addressing in his letter that all of them knew about, but we can only guess. (If we didn’t know better, we would think Paul has just come through a nasty breakup with his girlfriend.) To their question he is pointing out that being married or single does not define the central issue of your life; the BIG ISSUE is how available and focused you are in serving the Lord.

Remember Paul is Single and considers his status as a Gift from God and says marriage is a good thing, but as for serving the Lord, singleness is even better.560 From his point of view, earthly relationships and affections become insignificant in the presence and light of Jesus Christ in eternity.

The End is near

Paul believed that the Time was Short”,561 that the return of the Messiah was imminent and he felt an urgency in spreading the Gospel to as many people as possible before that happened. This is the sole point of his letter on the Gift of Singleness. Paul is expressing that a man or woman BEING SINGLE has the ability to concentrate on things of God and how to please Him and how to invest in people, dream dreams, and accomplish great goals for the kingdom of God.562

Being Married burdens the mind with obligations to the spouse, family and worldly responsibilities which divides a person’s time and efforts concerning the impending Kingdom of God; thatifyouweresingle,itwasaGIFTFROMGOD. YouareFREEtoserveanywhereatanytime.

Obviously today, while we know that our TIME IS SHORT, we do not live in any urgency for the Kingdom of God. The zeal to devote, without distraction, your whole life to the Kingdom of God is sadly left wanting. My contribution to the Kingdom of God is my Word Studies and my Giving that makes it possible for others to go and share the Gospel

How can people call on Jesus for salvation unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe if they have never heard? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how can they go unless they are sent?563

The Book says, “How beautiful are the feet of the messengers who bring the Good News.”564 If you want to get in on what God is doing, you should at least ask Him what He would have you to do.

If you don’t want to shoot the gun, then at least carry the bullets.

Hooking Up

560 1 Corinthians 7:25-28 – Concerning Service, Paul prefers whether Single or Married; stay as you are -- 1 Corinthians 7:38 – Marriage is good, but Singleness is even better for service NOTE: Paul makes it a point to say that that these are just his thoughts and not a command from God.
561 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 – Time is growing short; the present form of this World is passing away
562 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 – Being Single with undivided devotion is better for the ministry
563 Romans 10:14 – How can they go unless someone sends them
564 Romans 10:15 – How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things

My cute wife told me that as a teenager, she and her girlfriends would pile into a car and drive around on a Sunday Night to see which Church the boy’s cars were parked at, the next Sunday each knew which Church they wanted to attend.
The Concept might not be a bad idea, find out which churches have a “
Singles Program” and visit around. It’s far better than searching for “The Right OneIN A BAR.

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Do not forsake going to Church and fellowshipping with other Believers as many have been accustomed to doing.565 It’s a privilege that many do not have because they must work on Sunday. If you are Single and want to meet a fellow Christian, where better than in the House of God. The person you date may not look that good, but some of his friends might, so GO because you never know who you are going to meet.

The Take Away

Marriage is not THE GIFT, and Singleness is not THE PUNISHMENT, they are both gifts. God gives gifts that you enjoy and take pleasure in; something that you are good at and that others notice the ease of which you do it. For some people it is actually better for them not to marry, SINGLENESS is a Good Gift. When you think of the Gift of Singleness it is in the Spiritual context of how best you can serve God; if you are excited with singleness, then singleness IS your calling for now, so embrace your liberty. Single people are serving in various capacities in all parts of the world where a traditional family would just not work.

Singleness can be for a lifetime or it can be just for a season, just as marriage can be unexpectedly interrupted, and you are single again. Jesus said, Not Everyone is able to receive being single, but only those to whom it is given. Singleness is NOT primarily a lack of relationships, but an OPPORTUNITY for relationships through tangible acts of hospitality, service, and love.

Jesus was Single and was tempted in every way that is common to man and knows exactly the emotions and feelings that surges through your MIND and BODY; so you can go to Him in prayer about every emotion and feeling and He will provide a way so that you are ABLE TO ENDURE IT.566

Some of the writings in the Apocrypha speak about the physical love Jesus had for Mary Magdalene and her for him; none report that they were married or had children. Jesus healed her of demon possession and she never left him, even at death, and was the first to see Him resurrected and was SENT as the first woman disciple back to the others as a witness. It’s in the Book

Our Father in heaven knows how to give GOOD GIFTS to those who ask Him.567 Married or Single is a “status” and both are validated by God. IF you desire someone to share your life with, then the GIFT of being single was NOT given to you.568 Do you desire to meet a Christian Single; start in your own Church, then you might visit other churches that have a singles program; this is far better than looking in a BAR. All things work together for Good for those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.569

In your Singleness, God is preparing you for whatever comes next.

565 Hebrews 10:24-25 – Don’t forsake Church meetings it stirs up love -- Romans 15:5-7 – Welcome Others, Live in Harmony, Glorify God
566 Hebrews 2:18 – Jesus SUFFERED when He was tempted and is Able to help us -- Luke 4:13 – Christ was tempted IN EVERY TEMPTATION that is common to man -- Hebrews 4:15 – Jesus was tempted with desires of the flesh as we are -- 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God provides a way for us to be ABLE TO ENDURE IT

567 Matthew 7:11 – God gives Good Gifts to those that ask -- James 1:17 – Every Good and Perfect Gift come down from God -- James 4:2 - You do not have, because you do not ask -- James 4:3 – You do not receive, because you ask wrongly
568 Matthew 19:11-12 - Not everyone can receive being single and that’s OK
569 Romans 8:28 - All things work together for good for the Believer

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Chapter 2. 21

Gift of Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams; the writing on the Wall


We don’t normally think of dreams as a gift, but Joseph, Jacob’s youngest and favorite son had dreams that were prophetic; they spoke of a time in his life that his entire family would bow down to him. The dream was the sun and moon and eleven stars would bow down to him.570

Joseph’s first dream was that they were binding sheaves in the field, and behold, his sheaf arose and stood upright. And behold, the other sheaves gathered around it and bowed down to his sheaf.” His brothers said to him, “Are you indeed to reign over us? So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words.

Joseph’s second dream was that the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to him.” His brothers, said to him, “What is this dream that you have dreamed? Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves to the ground before you?”

Pharaoh’ first dream; he was standing beside the Nile, when seven healthy-looking, well-fed cows came up from the Nile and began to graze among the reeds. After them, seven other cows, sickly and thin, came up from the Nile and stood beside those cows along the bank of the Nile. Then the sickly, thin cows ate the healthy, well-fed cows.

Pharaoh’s second dream was seven heads of grain, plump and ripe, came up on one stalk. After them, seven heads of grain, thin and scorched by the east wind, sprouted up. The thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven plump, ripe ones

Interpretation: There will be Seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt. After them, seven years of famine will take place, and all the abundance in the land of Egypt will be forgotten. The famine will devastate the land.

Dream fulfilled: Pharaoh put his signet ring on Joseph’ hand and a gold chain around his neck, clothed him with fine linen garments and placed him over all the land of Egypt, he was second only to Pharaoh.571 No one was able to raise his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt without Joseph’s permission.”

When the famine hit the land, Joseph’s entire family came and bowed before him, just as was prophesized in his very first dream.

570 Genesis 37:5-10 - Joseph dreamed his entire family would bow down to him
571 Genesis 41:1-36 – Joseph interpreters Pharaoh’s dream and is exalted over all his house and affairs -- Genesis 41:38-45 – Joseph received Pharaoh’s signet ring and placed ruler over all the land of Egypt second only to Pharaoh.

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Writing on the wall

King Belshazzar made a great feast and commanded that the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple in Jerusalem be brought, that the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines might drink from them. Immediately the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace and scared the snot out of him and he called for the wise men to read what it said, but they could not.572

Daniel was called in and interpreted the writing; MENE, MENE, TEKEL, and PARSIN573 which means; MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting; PERES, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.” And that very night Belshazzar the Chaldean king was killed.

Joel says “Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will PROPHESY. Your old men will DREAM DREAMS, and your young men will SEE VISIONS. InthosedaysIwillpouroutmySpiritevenonservants—MENANDWOMENALIKE.

Interpretation is a Gift from God.

It’s in the Book

572 Daniel 5:1-12 - King Belshazzar desecrated the temple vessels and saw the handwriting on the wall. 573 Daniel 5:13-31 – Daniel interprets the writing: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, and PARSIN.

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Chapter 2. 22

Slain in the Spirit

Falling or Resting under the Power Is it Genuine, Ritualistic or Fake?

First Word

Voices Against

Definition; Slain in the Spirit: A temporary physical response of an earthen vessel to a Spiritual Encounter of the Holy Spirit; the presence of God. Biblical examples are few and far between and only in the lives of specific people, but were repeated many times accompanied by “Spiritual Fruit” in the way they lived their lives.

This phenomena is divided up into three categories; Genuine, Ritualistic and Fake.

  1. a)  Scripture is silent on this issue, thus is inappropriate and a condemnation.

  2. b)  Extra-Biblical:ThisisaddingtotheBible;youarejustreadingthisintoscripture.

  3. c)  Anti-Biblical: It is not in the Bible. Worshipers allow themselves to fall on the floor because

    it is a tradition or is ritualistic in their church. It’s called a “Courtesy Fall” which is not the

    work of the Holy Spirit.

  4. d)  The Holy Spirit is not transferred by touch. Nobody in the Book had hands laid on them

    and was pushed down. It is un-verifiable and ostentatious and could be nothing more than the

    overwhelming power of emotions.

  5. e)  Nowhere in the Book do the Prophets, Disciples or even Jesus ever lay hands on someone

    and knock them over to receive the manifestation Holy Spirit. The only time people fell, is

    when they were experiencing some kind of judgment from God.

  6. f)  It is emotional, lacking purpose: The over eagerness of some people get themselves

    emotionally “worked up” into a frenzy and fall out in the spirit especially when someone

    touches them who is thought to be special and anointed.

  7. g)  It can be counterfeited: There are people who fake these experiences so that they will seem

    more spiritual. Some fake the fall so others won’t think that they are less spiritual.

  8. h)  They fell forward, not backward.574 They didn’t require “catchers” to keep them from hurting themselves. If the Sovereign Holy Spirit overwhelmed them, then He can certainly protect

    them from harm when falling.

  9. i)  It brings glory to man, not to God; some fall out who are emotional and are just starved for

    attention. This could very well also be demonic spirits masquerading as the Holy Spirit.

Voices For

  1. a)  Scripture is silent on this issue, no condemnation; thus an endorsement.

  2. b)  The only person that was under judgment was Paul on the Road to Damascus; there was

    no other time they were under direct judgment when they fell in the spirit.

  3. c)  Is it in God’s nature to manifest His presence? YES. Is there examples of His manifestation in the Book? YES, time and time again. Does God’s presence cause people to

    physically and emotionally react. YES, time and time again.

574 Daniel 8:17-18 – Daniel; fell with His face to the ground -- Ezekiel 3:23 – Ezekiel; Fell on his face -- Numbers 22:31 – Balaam; Fell on his face

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  1. d)  Can the Holy Spirit can be transferred by touch? YES. Command; Lay hands on the sick.

  2. e)  God purposely manifests His Spirit in special events and is not intended to be something that is considered a normal event for everyone. Manifestations are not indicators of spiritually, nor are they a guarantee of growth in the kingdom. Manifestations are given as the Spirit wills.

  3. f)  Some who feel the presence of the Holy Spirit may voluntarily fall, out of reverence for God. The Book does not tell us while we are in prayer to bow our head or close our eyes, but we do so, in reverence for God. We rise up on our toes while singing as being raptured. Nothing in

    the Book labels “falling” as something demonic or of the flesh.

  4. g)  ManyversesintheBookdonotindicatewhichwaysomeonefellwhentheyexperiencethe

    manifestation of the Holy Spirit; they could easily have fallen either way; the point is, they could not stand and fell. Other times when the Holy Spirit was manifested NO ONE FELL. It is God who decides how He will manifest His presence. It can literally flow through the Pastor’s hands if God chooses. 575

Manifestations – Holy Spirit
There are different ways the Book shows the manifestation of the Holy Spirit other than being “Slain in the Spirit”.

  1. a)  Wind, Earthquake, fire and a still small voice576

  2. b)  Fireinaburningbush577

  3. c)  Pillar of Fire and a Pillar of Smoke578

  4. d)  Paulcaughtuptoheaven579

  5. e)  John caught up to heaven580

  6. f)  Handkerchief or aprons when they touched the skin; healing581

  7. g)  Garmentsbeingtouchedtoreceivehealing582

  8. h)  TouchingbonesofElisha;Resurrection583

  9. i)  David breaking out in dance before the Ark of the Covenant584

  10. j)  Laying on of the hands to receive the Holy Spirit and for healing585

With all these different manifestations of the Holy Spirit, why do we reject being “Slain in the Spirit” as one of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps we reject it because, like the gift of “tongues,” it is so easy to be FAKED.

The first time we are aware of the Shekinah Glory of God is when Moses is attracted to a bush on the mountain that is on fire and is not consumed and he turned aside to go see it. God told him to not come near, that His “Shekinah” presence made the ground Holy and Moses HID HIS FACE from God.

575 1 Kings 8:10-11 – Priest; Slain in the Spirit; could not stand -- 2 Chronicles 5:14 – Priest; Slain in the Spirit; could not stand -- Daniel 8:17-18 – Daniel; Slain in the Spirit; fell on his face in a deep sleep -- Ezekiel 3:23 – Ezekiel; Slain in the Spirit; fell on his face - - Ezekiel 43:2-3 – Ezekiel; Slain in the Spirit again; fell on his face -- Ezekiel 44:4 – Ezekiel; Slain in the Spirit third time; fell on his face -- Numbers 22:31 – Balaam; Slain in the Spirit; fell on his face -- John 18:6 – Soldiers; Slain in the Spirit; fell to the ground. -- Matthew 28:4 – Guards; Slain in the Spirit; became like dead men -- Acts 26:13-14 – Paul; Slain in the Spirit; fell to the ground -- Acts 9:2-4 – Paul; Slain in the Spirit; fell to the ground -- Revelation 1:17 – John; Slain in the Spirit, fell at his feet -- Matthew 17:6 – Disciples; Slain in the Spirit, fell on their faces
576 1 Kings 19:11-12 – Wind, Earthquake, Fire, Low Whisper
577 Exodus 3:2 – Fire in a Burning Bush
578 Exodus 13:21 – Pillar of Fire – Pillar of smoke
579 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 – Paul – Caught up to heaven
580 Revelation 1:10 – John – Caught up to heaven
581 Acts 19:12 – Manifested by touching handkerchiefs & Aprons
582 Mark 5:30 – Manifested by touching garments
583 2 Kings 13:21 - Manifested by touching bones
584 2 Samuel 6:14 - Manifested in David’s dancing
585 Acts 8:17 – Manifested by hands touching

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The Shekinah Glory of the cloud as witnessed by Moses and Aaron most likely contained fire. The Glory of God is like a devouring FIRE; the observed cloud only veils His presence.586 The Shekinah Glory is powerful and when it presents itself, men cannot stand in its presence unless it is veiled. When I see the guards coming to arrest Jesus and He spoke the words “I AM He(God’s name is I AM that I AM.) they fell down backward; sure sounds like Slain in the Spirit to me. When the angel of the Lord came down and rolled away the stone from the tomb of Jesus, the guards could not stand and became like dead men. What does that sound like to you?

John 18:4-6 – The Shekinah Glory of Jesus knocked them down as dead men

4 Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, whom seek ye?
5 They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I AM He.
And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them.

6 As soon then as he had said unto them, I AM He,


Matthew 28:1-4 – The Guards became as dead men

1 Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene

and the other Mary came to see the tomb.

2 And behold, there was a great earthquake; for AN ANGEL OF THE LORD

descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat

on it.

3 His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow.

4 And THE GUARDS shook for fear of him, and BECAME LIKE DEAD MEN. (NKJV)

The Take Away

We all come into a debate with a load of BS, our Belief System; our worldview of what we believe. Our World view about Counterfeits, Make Believers and the Dark Side can prejudice us against the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in those who are “Slain in the Spirit”. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit brings glory to God and edifies the body. It encourages spiritual growth in the believer. It causes the believer to endeavor to become more and more like Jesus; to operate in the “fruits” of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.587

The Holy Spirit rarely takes center stage, but points us to the other members of the Trinity. He is like the wind, invisible, powerful, uncontrollable and unpredictable, you cannot see Him or tell where He comes or goes, but you can hear and feel His presence; the Spirit’s work will always point to our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. We raise the sails in our boat; the breath of the Holy Spirit powers our sails and God steers.

The Holy Spirit alone is the source of empowerment that God uses to accomplish His will. Don’t look at how big the task is, instead look at the opportunity that allows the spirit to empower you. Raise your sails; pray often.

While visiting a Church with my family, I witnessed the “falling of the Holy Spirit” on the left side of the room and saw it moving toward the right, I felt my young daughter beside me slip down to the floor. Holding on to her, I could not help but ask; what happened? She said she did not know, but it felt so good. I have never experience being “Slain in the Spirit” although I have been around this phenomenal for many years while recording Praise and Worship services for Christian Television.

586 Exodus 24:15-17 – Like a devouring Fire -- Exodus 3:2-6 – The Shekinah Glory appeared as fire -- Leviticus 9:23 – The Glory of the Lord with Fire
587 Acts 8:18-19 – The Manifestation of the Spirit is observable -- Galatians 5:22-23 – Manifestation of the Spiritual Fruits are observable

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Billy Graham; “Many who have experienced being SLAIN IN THE SPIRIT have associated it with the new birth, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, spiritual, emotional or physical healing or deliverance. Whatever one may think about the experience of being “Slain in the Spirit”, it should not be made an expectation for all believers or be considered a sign of spiritual maturity. In addition, discernment needs to be exercised by mature church leadership since the power of suggestion and mere emotionalism can so easily mimic legitimate spiritual experience”.

It is natural and proper for Believers to be “slain in the spirit” given the sinfulness of our lives compared to the majestic Holiness of God, but the manifestation should not be made an expectation nor be considered a sign of spiritual maturity.

We shouldn’t prejudice our Belief System and reject the manifestation of the Holy Spirit because of someone who might be a Make-Believer or someone who is Ritualistic or an outright Fake.

We just: Raise our hands in Praise; Rise up on our toes in Rapture; Bow our head and close our eyes in Reverence and let OUR daily life point back to God and glorify Him.

The chief end of man is to glorify God.588

If someone is NOT slain in the Spirit, it is NOT an indicator that
they didn’t have an encounter with God.

It’s in the Book

588 Romans 15:6 – With one mind and one voice, glorify God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ
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Chapter 2. 23

First Word
Jehovah Witness’ theology states that God is a single person; and those that teach Trinitarianism

teach a demonic doctrine. God does not know everything and can only be in one place at a time. Mormons’ theology states that there are three distinct GODS; God the father who has a body; God

the Son who has a body and God the Spirit who does not have a body. There in not a trinity. New Age theology states: God is a cosmic energy force. Jesus was not the only Messiah and definitely not God. Spiritual instruction comes with communication from the spirit world; there is

BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts

The Trinity

Where in the Bible does the word Trinity Appear? Did someone just make up the word?

No Trinity.

A Little Background

“I and the Father are one”. 589

The Bible: The word Trinity is NOT found anywhere in scripture, but the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are alluded to frequently. The entire NT is “Trinitarian” to its very core. Once you read the NT you can readily see the self-revelation of the implications of the trinity in the OT.

It is generally acknowledged that the church father Tertullian (ca. A.D. 145-220) coined the term “Trinity” with reference to God during the post biblical period of the church. The doctrine of the trinity means that within the being and activity of the one God there are three distinct persons; The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each person is self-conscious and self-directing, yet never acting independently or in opposition.590

The comparison is best explained as a rope with three strands interwoven; each strand being separate and distinct from the other, but woven together as integral parts of the rope. The most distinctive characteristic of the persons of the triune family is their selfless love for one another. Each esteems and defers to the other in a way that makes the original family of the trinity a model for the Christian family of believers in the church.

God is communicable: Just as the sun communicates light, heat and energy; God reaches down to us through the Trinity to fellowship, communicate and share with us according to our ability to receive. It should be noted that in the Book; the scripture, known as the GREAT COMMISSION; 591 the word “Name” is singular indicating “the unity” of the three persons.

Matthew 28:19 – Make disciples in the name

19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the NAME of the

Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. NLT

589 John 10:30 - I and the Father are one
590 Matthew 28:19 – Trinity; Make disciples in the NAME of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit -- Matthew 3:16-17 – Trinity; Jesus, Spirit of God, Voice from Heaven all appeared at the same time -- 2 Corinthians 13:14 – Trinity; Lord Jesus Christ, God, The Holy Spirit -- Acts 2:38-39 – Trinity; Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, God -- 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 – Trinity; Same Spirit, Same Lord, Same God -- Ephesians 4:4-6 – Trinity; One Spirit, One Lord, One God -- 1 Peter 1:2 – Trinity; God the Father, the Spirit, Jesus Christ -- Jude 20-21 – Trinity; the Holy Spirit, God, Lord Jesus Christ
591 Matthew 28:19 – Trinity; Make disciples in the NAME of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit

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The Holy Spirit is a person

The Father sent the Son and the Son sent the Holy Spirit. Paul describes the Holy Spirit as a person; bearing witness, speaking, teaching and acting as a guide and even being grieved.592 He is the dispenser of all blessings and gifts within the sphere of redemption. The Spirit calls out Abba Father.593 Abba is Greek; translated into Aramaic means father; daddy.

Proof - Intercession
PROOF; in the mouth of TWO OR THREE WITNESSES is a thing established.

1) The Father, 2) Son and 3) Holy Spirit testify of God, as three witnesses; The Trinity594

1) The baptism, 2) the cross and the 3) Holy Spirit testify of Jesus Christ; testify for all time.595 The Holy Spirit intercedes for us as we pray in the name of the Son to the Father.

Did you see it? We pray WITH the Holy Spirit in the name of the Son to the Father.596 It’s in the Book


The first book of the Bible begins with God self-revealing Himself in the plural form when He said "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” At first look you could easily assume that there were many gods present, but He is speaking of His plurality of persons, not of gods. The Bible is the revelation of God through the Trinity597
The Father is whom revelation proceeds,
The Son incarnates the revelation,
The Holy Spirit applies the revelation to man.
The angels called out in plurality;
Holy, Holy, Holy suggesting three persons of the Trinity.

Paul spoke in “Trinitarian” terms, when he said “through Him” (Jesus) we have access by “one Spirit” unto “the Father”.598

One God

Mankind has a desire to worship something. We make up other gods to serve that do not exist or things of nature like the sun, moon, stars, earth, water, animals, tree limbs, rocks or maybe money, power, objects, drugs or sex. They become gods in our life, but they are all just dead objects of devotion.

The scriptures clearly point out that there is only ONE True God.599

592 Romans 8:14 – The Holy Spirit leads us -- Romans 8:16 – The Holy Spirit testifies for us -- Romans 8:26 – The Holy Spirit helps us; intercedes for us -- Ephesians 4:30 – The Holy Spirit can be grieved
593 Galatians 4:6 – The Spirit Calls out to God for us; Abba Father
594 Matthew 18:16 – Two or Three Witness -- 2 Corinthians 13:1 - Two or Three Witness

595 1 John 5:7-8 – Trinity; There are three things that testify; The Holy Spirit, Baptism and crucifixion
596 Romans 8:26 – The Holy Spirit intercedes for us -- John 16:23-24 – Ask the Father in the name of the Son.
597 Genesis 1:26 – Let US make man in our image, in our likeness, -- Genesis 3:22 – The man has now become like One of US -- Isaiah 6:8 – God said; whom will go for US -- Isaiah 6:3 – Angels call out to one another, Holy, Holy, Holy, glorifying the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit
598 Ephesians 2:17-18 – Trinity; For through “Him” (Jesus) we both have access by “one Spirit” unto “the Father” -- John 15:26 – Trinity; The Counselor, The Father, Jesus Christ
599 Deuteronomy 6:4 – The Lord our God is ONE -- 1 Corinthians 8:4 – There is only one God -- Deuteronomy 32:39 – There is no God but me
James 2:19 –
Even the Demons believe that there is ONE God -- Isaiah 46:9 – I am God; there is none like me -- Ephesians 4:4-6 – Only One; One Father, One son One Spirit, One Hope, One Faith, One Baptism

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE TRINITY

Deity: In the scriptures that the deity of God is always aligned with “the Word(His Son), and with the Holy Spirit. The Book says; “in the beginning was the Word, (Jesus) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them”. “They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. We see the Trinity when Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit; to God.”600

Self-Existence: God refers to Himself as; I AM THAT I AM, which means He is whatever He wants to be. He exists as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.601
From Eternity: He is eternal, the Trinity was before the world began602
Omniscience: He is all Knowing, the Father searches the hearts and the minds of men. The Son knows the thoughts of man and The Holy Spirit knows the thoughts of God.603

Omnipresent: He is everywhere all at once. Can anyone hide from God? 604
Omnipotence: God is All Powerful, the son sustains all things by His powerful hand; the Holy Spirit breathes life.605
Goodness & Love: God loved us while we were yet still sinners. God’s kindness leads to repentance, the Son loves the body of believers and the Holy Spirit is good and does not withhold from us.606 Holiness: The Trinity is Holy. The Father and the Son are righteous, the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach and remind you all spiritual things.607
Truth: God is Holy and true. The Son is from God who is holy and true. God sent the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth608


Before Creation: In the beginning before anything else existed the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the Trinity was.609
Inspiration: Everything we read in scripture is God breathed by the Trinity for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. The Son predicts the glories that are to come and the Holy Spirit inspires us as He carries us along with prophecy.610

The Birth: When the time had fully come God sent his Son. The Son came into the world as a sacrifice and an offering. The Holy Spirit over-shadowed Mary and the Son was born.611

600 Revelation 21:3 – The Father dwells with men -- John 1:1 – The Son; the Word was with God and was God -- Acts 5:3-4 – Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit; to God
601 Exodus 3:14-15 – The Father; I AM WHO I AM and always have been -- John 8:58 – The Son was before Abraham -- Genesis 1:2 – The Holy Spirit was at the very beginning
602 Psalms 90:2 – The Father was before the world was created -- John 17:5 – The Son was in the presence of God before the world began -- Hebrews 9:14 – The Holy Spirit is eternal
603 Jeremiah 17:10 – The Father searches the heart and mind of man -- Matthew 9:4 – The Son knows our thoughts of man -- 1 Corinthians 2:11 – The Holy Spirit knows the thoughts of God
604 Jeremiah 23:24 – Can anyone hide from the Father, He fills heaven and earth -- Matthew 28:20 – The Son is with us always -- Psalms 139:7 – Where can I go from The Holy Spirit
605 Psalms 62:11 – The Father is strong, He speaks and it comes to pass -- Hebrews 1:3 – The Son sustains all things by His powerful word -- Job 33:4 – The Holy Spirit is the breath of life
606 Romans 5:8 – God loved us even though we still sinned. -- Romans 2:4 – The Father’s kindness leads to repentance -- Ephesians 5:25 – The Son loves the body of Believers, the Church -- Nehemiah 9:20 – The Holy Spirit is good and does not withhold
607 Leviticus 11:44 – The Father is Holy, consecrate yourselves -- Acts 3:14 – The Son is Holy and Righteous -- John 14:26 – The Holy Spirit teaches
608 John 7:28-29 – The Father is holy and true -- Revelation 3:7 – The Son is sent by the father who is holy and true -- 1 John 5:6 – The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth
609 Psalms 102:25 – The Father laid the foundations of the earth -- Colossians 1:16 – The Son created all things in heaven and on earth -- Genesis 1:2 – The Holy Spirit was at the very beginning
610 2 Timothy 3:16 – The Father breathed the scriptures -- 1 Peter 1:10-11 – The Son predicts the glories that are to come -- 2 Peter 1:21 – The Holy Spirit carries men along with prophecies that inspire
611 Galatians 4:4 – The Father sent the Son when the time had fully come -- Hebrews 10:5 – The Son came into the world as a sacrifice and offering -- Luke 1:35 – The Holy Spirit over shadowed Mary and she conceived The Son

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK

Salvation: Only those who receive the Son are born of the Spirit and of God will enter the Kingdom of God.612
The Indwelling: God the Father is over all, through all and in all. The Son is the hope of glory that dwells in you and your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.613

Protection: No one can snatch the believer out of the Fathers hand, the Son gives the believer eternal life and the Holy Spirit has sealed them into the day of redemption.614
His Presence: The Father gives life in us; the Son gives us strength, the Holy Spirit makes us overseers of the body.615

The Take Away
Think of TRIas three: think of “Unity” as being one, think TRI-UNITY; three united as one

Let’s Look at Water or perhaps the three distinct stages of water; liquid, ice and steam. They are all different from each other, but are all composed of the same thing; H2O, water. There is only one God, NOT three, the Book says; “Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one.616

There is a trinity of three primary colors; Red, Green, and Blue: All the rest of the colors are a derivation from them. Pure White is made up of all colors; darkness is the absence of all colors. God’s word contains all the colors. The more we read God’s Word, the further from darkness we get and the closer to pure light we become. SELAH

Get ready to get upset. We often say “Father God”, which is correct to say, as this statement is identifying the person of the “Father” as God; but let’s take a look at all the terms and let me mess with your mind a little.

The Father is God; but, the Father is not the Son, nor the Holy Spirit. The Son is God; but, the Son is not the Father, nor the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is God; but, the Holy Spirit is not the Father, nor the Son.

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three distinct persons of God; The Trinity. It is through the Trinity that God communicates shares and fellowships with fallen man. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us as we pray in the name of the Son to the Father

The Bible is the REVELATION of God through the Trinity.

The Father is whom revelation proceeds,
The Son incarnates the revelation,
The Holy Spirit applies the revelation to man.

Paul’s threefold prayer;
“May the grace of the
LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love of GOD, and the fellowship
of the
HOLY SPIRIT be with you all” 617

One God – Three distinct Persons – The Trinity

It’s in the Book

612 John 1:13 – Believers are born of God, the Father -- John 1:12 – Those who receive the Son have the right to become children of God -- John 3:5-8 - Every one born of the Holy Spirit will enter the kingdom of God
613 Ephesians 4:6 – The Father is over all and through all and in all. -- Colossians 1:27 – The Son is the hope of glory that is in you -- 1 Corinthians 6:19 – Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit

614 John 10:29 – No one can snatch the believer out of the Fathers hand -- John 10:28 – The Son gives the believer eternal life 28 I give them eternal life, and -- Ephesians 4:30 – The Holy Spirit has sealed the Believer into the day of redemption.
615 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 – The Father gives life in us -- 1 Timothy 1:12 – The Son gives us strength -- Acts 20:28 – The Holy Spirit makes us overseers of the body

616 Deuteronomy 6:4 – Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is One 617 2 Corinthians 13:14 – Three in Unity.

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts IT’S IN THE BOOK In the multitude of counselors,

there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14

A Planned Deception – Staging of a New Age Messiah – Constance Cumbey A.S.K. – Associates for Scriptural knowledge
Age of accountability – Dr. Ken Matto
Age of accountability – John Piper

Age of accountability – Tony Warren
All the Parables of the Bible – Herbert Lockyer
All the Women of the Bible – Edith Deen
An Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words - W.E. Vine
Angels A-Z – Lewis Oliver
Angels: Gods Secret Agents – Billy Graham
Anointed with the Spirit and Power - John D. Harvey
Antiquities of the Jews Flavius Josephus Matthias; Jewish Historian Apocrypha; The – Edgar J. Goodspeed
Armageddon-Appointment with Destiny – Grant R. Jeffrey
Baker Commentary on the Bible – Elwell
Baptist Web Site – Derek Gentle
Bible Almanac; The – Packer-Tenney-White
Bible Code; The – Michael Drosnin
Bible Commentary – F.B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row
Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Bible on the life Hereafter; The
– William Hendriksen
Bible Study Tools – Liberty University
Bondage of the Will; The
Martin Luther
Book of Mormon; The – Latter Day Saints LDS
Can America Survive? – John Hagee
Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry – CARM - Complete Book of Bible Knowledge; The – Mark D. Taylor Countdown to Armageddon, the 1980’s – Hal Lyndsay
Customs and Folkways of Jewish Life – Theodor H. Gaster
Dake’s Annotated Bible – Dake
Discovering your Spiritual Gifts – Kenneth Cain Kinghorn Encounters with Angels – L. W. Northrup
English Standard Version Bible – ESV
Escape from Armageddon – Thomas Reed
Exposition of Genesis – H.C. Leupold
Exposition of the Parables – Benjamin Keach

I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.

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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts

Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein Fascinating Bible Facts – Publications International
Final Dawn over Jerusalem – John Hagee
Forgotten Books of Eden; The - World

From Daniel to Doomsday – John Hagee
God without Religion – Andrew Farley
God’s will for you – Gloria Copeland
Gospels Interwoven; The – Karmit Zarley
Great Doctrines of the Bible - Pneumatology – W.W. Criswell Great Pyramid; The – George R. Riffert

Guide to Survival – Salem Kirban
Handel’s Messiah – The Music
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The – Constance Cumbey Historical Atlas of the Bible; The – DR. Ian Barnes
Holy Spirit; The – Billy Graham
Hope for each day – Billy Graham
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The – Tyndale
In the beginning was the End – Wim Malgo
Infant Baptism – John MacArthur
Infant Baptism – John Piper
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament – Baker
Invisible War; The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
Islam 6th Edition – Caesar E. Farah
Islam and the Bible – David Goldmann
Islam; Christian Apologetics – Dr. Norman Geisler
Jerusalem Countdown – John Hagee
King James Version Bible – KJV
Last Days collection, The – Pretty Good Publishing
Last Days; The - Moris Farhi
Late Great Planet Earth; The - Hal Lindsey
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Loud Cry; The – David Curtis
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
Meredith’s Book of List; 1&2 – Bethany House Publishers
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
More than a Carpenter – Josh McDowell
Mormon Mirage; The – Latayne Colvett Scott
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Mystery Mark of the New Age – Texe Mars
Mystery of the Ages – Herbert W. Armstrong
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
Naked Gospel; The – Andrew Farley
Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
Neighboring Faiths – Winfred Corduan
New Evidence that demands a verdict; The – Josh McDowell
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – Douglas - Tenney New International Version Bible (2011) – NIV
New Living Translation Bible - NLT


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BOOK 2 Jesus – Messiah - Trinity – Holy Spirit – Gifts

New Millennium; The – Pat Robertson
New World College Dictionary – Webster’s
Normal Christian Life; The – Watchman Nee
Nostradamvs & the Millennivm – John Hogue
Now that’s a Good Question – R.C. Sproul
One Minute after you Die – Erwin W. Lutzer
Person and work of the Holy Spirit; The – R. A. Torrey Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible: The - Zondervan
Present Day Evangelism – Arthur W. Pink
Questions and Answers on Spiritual Gifts – Howard Carter Revelation of Jesus Christ: The – Walvoord
Revelation Seminar; The – 1975 - Hilton Sutton
Revelation Study; The - 1973 – Dr. Warren Wiersbe Revelation; The – verse by verse – Oliver B. Green Sabbath.Org
Satan’s Underground
– Lauren Stratford
Satanism – Ted Schwarz & Duane Empey
Secret Kingdom; The – Pat Robertson
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield Systematic Theology – Berkhof / Erdmans
Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem
Ten Commandments – John Hagee
Theomatics – Jerry Lucas
There were two Trees in the Garden – Rick Joyner
There’s a war going on – Eldred Echols
Thru the Bible J. Vernon McGee
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible - Guidepost
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible - T.A. Bryant
Twelve Ordinary Men – John MacArthur
Unraveling the Big Questions about God – Kenneth Boa Victor Journey through the Bible; The – V. Gilbert Beers. VictoryBibleBaptist.Org
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament
– Mac Donald What in the World is going on? – David Jeremiah
What the Bible is all about – Henrietta C. Mears
Where to find it in the Bible – Ken Anderson
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Whose Bible is it? – Jaroslav Pelikan
Why I am a Christian – Michael A. Gorman
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The
– Pfeiffer & Harrison


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