Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness. - 2 Timothy 3:1
Babylon - Ishmael & Isaac Islam - Qur’an - Kabbalah
Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah It’s in the
Book VII
Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel Zodiac - Qur’an - Kabbalah
Topical Index
For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1
1) Pharisee,
2) Great Pyramid - King’s Chamber – Queen’s Room - Grand Gallery - Coffer – Grotto 4
3) Tower of Babel - Babylon - Ziggurat – Nimrod - Queen of Heaven - Deities 16
4) Zodiac; Horoscopes - Aquarius – Gemini – Cancer - Leo - Virgo – Libra – Scorpio 20
5) Seven Days - Is it from Greek Mythology, Babylon, the Hebrews or was it a God thing 38
6) Seven Day Symbolism - Rapture Ready - To the Lord a Day is like a Thousand years 40
7) Secret Sevens – Reasons for Epistles – Faith Test – Traits – Genuineness - Contrasts 41
8) Secret Arts - The Occult – Enlightened Ones - Spirit Guides - Doorkeeper - Mantra 49
9) Secrets - Secrets of God - Sampson’s, Esther’s, Mary & Joseph’s secret - Charity - Sins 51
10) Cryptic & Strange - Hidden – Obscure – Veiled – Secret – What does this stuff mean? 56
11) Urim & Thummim - Illuminated – Gave Yes, No or no comment - God Discontinued 61
12) Miracles - What’s the purpose of a miracle? - If it happens often, is it still a miracle? 64
13) Ark of Mary - She is the Ark which is found the True Manna in which Divinity resides 70
14) Plagues of Egypt – The Court Magicians – The Back Story - The Curse on Ham 71
15) Qur’an on Jesus - Does the Qur’an actually point to Jesus Christ? 78
16) Kabbalah - Torah - Quran – Apocrypha – Dualism – Mystical - Illuminati – Sefirot 92
17) Old and New Testament Linked- NT looks back and LINKS itself to the Old Testament 97
18) Jesus’ Words in Red - Booze – Taxes – Giving – Missions – Love – Sin – Temptation 99
19) GoandLearnMercy–Seekit–Learnit–Obeyit–Teachit–Waitonit-Command 111
20) Bad Side of Good News - 2nd Chance - Neutralism – Universalism – Annihilationist 117
21) Churches, Doctrines Dominations – Origin Church; Doctrines and Denominations 124
1 1 Corinthians 13:12
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Titus Flavius Josephus – Jewish Historian, High Priest,
Governor, Traitor
Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah
Chapter 7. 1
Josephus Jewish Historian
Born into a family of Priest. Lived with the Essenes Pharisee at the age of nineteen. Became High Priest, Governor of the providence of Galilee
First Word
Most scholars quote Josephus writings like everybody knows who he is; well, I didn’t. The works Antiquities of the Jews contains an account of the history of the Jewish people.
Josephus (37 A.D. to 100 A.D) was born Josephus ben Matthias (son of Matthias) and for some time lived with the Essenes who gave us the Dead Sea Scrolls.; he studied with the Sadducees and as well as the Pharisees to determine which sect was best; he became a Pharisee at the age of 19 and later became a high priest in Israel as well as the governor of the province of Galilee.
Josephus was born into a family of Priest about four years after the death of Jesus Christ. He fought against the Romans and was taken prisoner. His life was spared when he predicted that Vespasian would become governor and two years later he did. The Romans gave him all the writings of the Prophets and Scribes that were found in the Temple for him to write the history of Israel,
Josephus took on Flavius’s name as his middle name and became a Roman citizen, however most Jews considered him an unforgivable traitor; that in effect he
had defected to the Roman side.
When you read his writings, it’s just like he had the Book of the Law in front of him as he wrote
and I’m sure he did. Josephus’s texts were written in Hebrew and later translated into Greek; he had the common knowledge of the people as well as the physical documents that were needed to be considered a legitimate historian.
Antiquities of the Jews is a twenty-volume historiographical work composed by the Jewish
historian Titus Flavius Josephus in the thirteenth year of the reign of Flavius Domitian, the
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emperor, which was around 93 or 94 AD.
Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Chapter 7. 2
The Great Pyramid
King’s Chamber - King’s Antechamber – Queen’s Room – The Grand Gallery Coffer – Granite Leaf – Grotto - Subterranean Chamber - Well Shaft – The Seal Granite Plug – Red Granite – Lime Stone – Capstone - The Shepherd Kings
First Word
The Masonic Order, New Age proponents, Astrologers, Cultist, Mystics, Buddhist and Hindus; ALL have latched onto the Great Pyramid, promoting their beliefs with its symbolism. For the Christian, the missing capstone and empty coffer speak of a risen Savior and immortal life.
Since there is little scripture, I turn to Josephus, a high priest in Israel and a Jewish historian.
The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States
Titus Flavius Josephus had the common knowledge of the people as well as the physical documents that were needed to be considered a legitimate historian. He believed that the Great Pyramid was the Bible in stone disguised as a tomb. The earth passed away during the flood, but God’s word in stone remained in the Great Pyramid.
Josephus writes “Seth and his immediate descendants were the inventors of a peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies and their order. And that their wisdom might not be lost before it was sufficiently known, upon Adam’s prediction that the world was to be destroyed, they made two pillars, the one of brick, and the other of stone. They inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the Pillar of brick should be destroyed by the food, the Pillar of stone might remain and exhibit these discoveries to mankind. Now this Pillar remains in the land of Egypt to this day”. Did you see it? God also wrote the Ten Commandments in STONE.
NOTE: Secular scholars also use the writings of Josephus” as a yardstick for what the pyramid measurements represent as well as the “The PAGAN Egyptian Book of the Dead which is full of information about the pyramid’s contents and dimensions. This pagan text refers to “Osiris Ra”; the sun god as “The Lord of the Pyramid”.
The Egyptian “Book of the Dead”
In Egypt when someone died, quite frequently they would place a book in their coffer of prayers,
mystical formulas or funerary texts composed just for them. Some of these books were found during excavations and without examination were just charted in as “A Dead Man’s Book”, and heaped with the other “Books of the Dead”; such is this book.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
However this book did have a title; The Book of the Master of the Hidden Places. This pagan book dating back to at least 3000 B.C. was the first to present the idea of the message of the unwritten Bible in the language of geometry; written in stone. A diamond is a diamond no matter where you find it; so is truth. The Great Pyramid is NOT a pagan piece of architectural achievement as embraced by the Free Masons; it is Messianic.
These writings speak of the secret hidden chambers and passages inside the pyramid and while they use different names they correspond to the names that the archeologist gave them and are confirmed by the measurements both written and measured.
Think about it, when this book was written, no one had entered the Pyramid since it was built. How did the writer know what was inside unless they were there by a Devine Plan.
Pyramid Names
The Entrance Passage
The Passage Down
The Subterranean Chamber
Intersection Upper Passage
The Grand Gallery
The Queens Chamber Passage
The Queen’s Chamber
The Kings Chamber
The Book of the Dead
The Passion of the Messiah
The Hall of Truth in Darkness
The Chamber of Central Fire – The Chamber of Ordeal
The Crossing of the Pure Roads of Life.
The Hall of Truth in Light
Path of the coming forth of the Regenerated Soul
The Chamber of Re-birth – Chamber of Regeneration
Chamber of Resurrection – Chamber of the open tomb.
Note: Re-birth and born again are not the same; Re-birth smacks of reincarnation.
The Bible says; in the mouth of two or three witnesses is a thing established.
1) The words written in the Bible
2) The words written in stone.
3) The Words written in the Book of the Dead
1) The Bible – Divine Message - Word
2) The Great Pyramid - Geometry
3) Modern Astronomy – Science
2 Corinthians 13:1 – Two or Three Witnesses establishes a thing
1 This will be my third visit to you. "Every matter must be established
by the testimony of TWO OR THREE WITNESSES." NIV
Matthew 24:35 – God’s word is inscribed in stone
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but
My words will never pass away. NIV
Is it in the Bible?
Scripture says that God has set signs and Wonders in the land of Egypt.2 The Great Pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World; the other six are no longer there.
The Book says, “There will be a pillar that is a witness unto the Lord; a tabernacle for the sun”. This white limestone capped pyramid, lit up by the sun could be seen for miles. This supporting scriptures only refer to a pyramidal shaped structure.
Abraham looked for a city with foundations that were built by God.3 Jesus said that if the Disciples kept silent about the message; the stones would cry out.4 How many times in scripture does God refer to Jesus as the Corner STONE5 Perhaps I am reaching with these scripture; could be.
2 Jeremiah 32:19-20 – God hast set signs and WONDERS in the land of Egypt
3 Hebrews 11:10 – Abraham looked for FOUNDATIONS, whose BUILDER AND MAKER IS GOD.
4 Luke 19:40 – The STONES will shout out If I do not give praise -- Psalms 19:4 – God set a tabernacle for the sun -- Job 38:4-6 –
Who laid the CORNERSTONE at the earth’s foundation? -- Psalms 118:22 – The Stone the builders refused is now THE HEAD
STONE OF THE CORNER. -- Acts 4:11 – The rejected STONE is now head of the corner -- 1 Peter 2:4-7 – The stone the builders
rejected has become the CHIEF CORNER STONE
5 Job 38:4-6 – Who laid the CORNERSTONE at the earth’s foundation? -- Psalms 118:22 – The Stone the builders refused is now THE
HEAD STONE OF THE CORNER. -- Acts 4:11 – The rejected STONE is now head of the corner -- 1 Peter 2:4-7 – The stone the
builders rejected has become the CHIEF CORNER STONE
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Isaiah 19:19-21 – There will be a pillar; a witness unto the Lord
19 In that day shall there be AN ALTAR TO THE LORD in the midst
of the land of Egypt, and A PILLAR at the border thereof to the
20 And it shall be for a SIGN and for a WITNESS unto the LORD of
hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the LORD because
of the oppressors, and he shall send them a savior, and a great one,
and he shall deliver them.
21 And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall
know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea,
they shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it. KJV
Who built it?
There are various opinions on this;
1) Aliens from a dying planet seeking to take their advancements in technology to another planet,
to populate it and they are coming back. The Pyramid is actually a transmitter.
2) God built the pyramid to show that through multiple re-incarnations man too can become a God once he has reached perfection. It shows that all the spokes in a wheel lead to the same hub, or all religious paths lead to GAOTU, the “Great Architect Of The Universe,” (Masons) Interestingly, those who lived before the flood believed in reincarnation; as they buried their
dead in the fetal position, as a baby about to be “born again”.
3) King Khafre could have built it as he did build a complex of other Pyramids, a Valley Temple,
a Mortuary Temple and The Sphinx. (Khufu in Greek means Cheops)
4) The Pharaoh Cheops, who lived in the time of Enoch, about 2900 B.C., built it for his tomb.
5) The Shepherd Kings; mysterious foreign invaders that ruled the land for 30 years.
6) Enoch who’s name could have also been Cheops built it. Enoch, as Noah had many names.
If this was built as Enoch’s tomb and he was translated to heaven and did not see death; then this would account for the reason why the tomb is empty, unless it was designed to be empty.
Hebrews 11:5 – Enoch pleased God; did not die, but translated
5 By faith ENOCH WAS TRANSLATED that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Who was Enoch?
He was the seventh descendent from Adam, a prophet of God.6(Seven is completeness/perfection)
Enoch was the father of Methuselah who lived 969 years and died before the flood of Noah. Enoch lived 365 years.7 365 is the same number of the base line of the pyramid sides. He was taken by God and did not experience death.8 It is thought that God gave him the architectural plans for the Pyramid’s construction.
The Apocrypha contains three books of Enoch; 1st Enoch, 2nd Enoch and 3rd Enoch. They appear to have been written in 300 B.C.
The Shepherd Kings
Ancient writings indicate that Egypt was invaded by Sethites; a great foreign army from the East;
they were the descendants of Adam’s son Seth; simply known as THE SHEPPARD KINGS. They had acquired compound crossbows and chariots and overwhelmed King Cheops who immediately surrendered without engaging in battle.
6 Jude 14-15 – Enoch, THE SEVENTH FROM ADAM: A prophet of God
7 Genesis 5:23-24 – Enoch lived THREE HUNDRED SIXTY AND FIVE years and WALKED WITH GOD
8 Hebrews 11:5 – Enoch was taken and HE DID NOT EXPERIENCE DEATH
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
The Bible and Egyptian records say the Shepherd Patriarchs were Seth, Enoch, Noah and Shem. The “Shepherd Kings” leader is believed to have been none other than Enoch.
Let’s stop for a minute: Looking forward in time we can see that God gave Noah specific plans for the Ark;9 He gave Moses specific plans for the Ark of the Covenant10 as well as the temple and all its furnishings; so it’s not too FAR OUT to believe that God also gave blueprints for the Pyramid to Enoch. Therefore God would be the Architect; the builder would be Enoch and the workers would be King Cheops subjects.
It must be understood here that what was built was impossible, even with today’s technology. The skills, tools, mathematics and “know how”, were never in the hands or minds of the Egyptians and it all vanished upon completion. There is no “authentic” record that indicates the Egyptians were of advanced intelligence or even understood the ancient mystery of squaring a circle; “pi”.
On the contrary, all of the records indicate that Egypt reproduced about 130 similar pyramids with abject miserable inaccuracies. They did not even use the Pyramid inch or Sacred Cubic.
The construction took place during the reign of Cheops, but no record has ever been found where Cheops proclaimed himself as the builder of the Pyramid. Ancient records indicate that 100,000 men labored in 3 months relays for 30 years. That is laying about one block every three minutes of daylight with supreme accuracy.
At completion, the Shepherd Kings just picked up and left Egypt as quickly as they had come and then went and built Salem, now called Jerusalem; then they vanished along with their technology. The tools and machinery used in the construction have never been found.
A little Background
The Great Pyramid predates the Bible by 2000 years and stands as a Silent Prophet. If you
believe in the Bible, then you can believe that God made us and what a piece of work we are. Stop for a minute and think just how complicated we are put together. Can you not see how The Great Pyramid is also His creative work and even with today’s technology, we cannot replicate it; it’s impossible, it’s a God thing.
Prophecies of the Messiah occurred 1,000 years before this construction began, yet they can be found in the Pyramid measurements. The Pyramid Prophecies of things to come apparently end in 1953. The message of the Pyramid could not have been understood by any other age, but ours; we are in the Last Days.
Lucifer rebelled against God, he sinned without a tempter, so he has no excuse; He is doomed. Man sinned because of the tempter and has the HOPE of the redemptive Messiah. Satan fell before Adam was created; before the Genesis creation. Research “The Gap Theory” so as to understand.
which finally got them inside where they found the secret hinged rock entrance plate that swung inward from the bottom, they found as well the empty, lidless sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber with NO inscriptions. It was without spot
or blemish, like the Lamb of God.11
In 1836 Colonel Vyse also excavated the Pyramid. The sloping passage from the entrance is 26
degrees 18 minutes and 9.7’’ seconds; which was the exact elevation of the Polar Star during the third millennium. This same angle measured from the East West axis, in an Easterly direction; draws a line directly through the point of the “parting of the Red Sea” during the Exodus and then extends on through to Bethlehem. Good Grief.
9 Genesis 6:15-16 – God gave the measurements for Noah’s Ark
10 Exodus 25:10-11 – God gave the Measurements for the Ark of the Covenant
11 1 Peter 1:19 – Jesus was WITHOUT BLEMISH AND WITHOUT SPOT
The Great Pyramid is forty-five centuries old and is surrounded by a complex of several buildings
including other small pyramids. Today tourists enter the Great Pyramid via the Robbers' Tunnel dug
by workmen employed by Caliph al-Ma'mun around AD 820
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Universal language
With the land of Egypt being a pagan land and with its multiple gods, you would expect as with the other pyramids to find some engravings to a god or deity, but there were no religious marks of any kind inside or out; a total absence. It is thought that the pyramid was built with the universal language of mathematics or more specifically; geometry, a language which transcends the borders of race and culture.
Knowledge is now doubling every 2 1⁄2 years. Daniel prophesized about a time when knowledge would explode and knowledge revealed.12 God has measured everything; Mathematics is a universal language.13
The Pyramid starts off with the descending passage measurements of one inch equaling a solar year; then in moves in like a “Google Map” and gets closer in detail with the passage to the kings chamber with one inch equaling a month of 30 days and later it pushes on in again with the length of the Sacred Cubit inch which becomes exactly one day. The observer NOW examines more and more closely the “detail” in time.
Daniel 12:4 – Seal it up till the time of knowledge has come.
4 But thou, O Daniel, SHUT UP THE WORDS, AND SEAL THE BOOK, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and
The Great Pyramid was constructed between 2800 B.C. and 2250 B.C. There have been a number of discoveries along with the last dating as being constructed in 2625 B.C. At one point Egypt was divided into the lower and upper Egypt with a border in the center. The Great Pyramid was built in the center of Egypt on that border in Gaza; the word Gaza means border.
It is located at the exact center of the geometrical quadrant formed by the Nile Delta. The cornerstones at the four base points are TRUE North, East, South and West. When the sun crosses the equinox, THERE IS NO SHADOW CAST ON ANY SIDE
Isaiah 19:19 – Pillar built on the border in the center of Egypt.
19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND of Egypt, and
Psalms 19:4 – The line goes through it throughout the earth
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a TABERNACLE for the Sun.
Land Mass
The truncated Great Pyramid covers THIRTEEN ACRES of land; thirteen is the number for sin, rebellion and depravity. Evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride and foolishness. The Pyramid was erected in a land swimming in sin.
Mark 7:21-22 – Thirteen; Sin, Rebellion
21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed
Evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, 22 covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an
Evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness
12 1 Peter 1:20 – The knowledge before the foundation of the world was made manifest in these times. 13 Isaiah 40:12 – God has MEASURED and WEIGHED THE SPAN of heaven in the BALANCE SCALES
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Since this Pyramid was built before the flood, we don’t know how they built it. The excavations of other pyramids revealed that they had tools made of Iron and Copper which we did not think they had a working knowledge of.
They had the skills for cutting, dressing, and transporting, fitting, cementing and polishing rock. They had saws, chisels, hammers and axes; they have even found a device with gears; a planetarium that determined the Sun and moon positions both past and future; this would not appear in the West until 1575. Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun; whatever is now, was before.14
The Great Pyramid is erected on a rocky plateau of solid rock that had been leveled out. Christ is the solid “rock of ages”. The pyramid has 6.5 million tons of mass; multiply this weight by 1000 trillion and you get the weight of the entire earth mass.
They cut down into the earth rock in steps or ledges which formed a four sided giant plug making both an anchor and a foundation that would withstand the earthquakes; it is without a crack today. The Church is built on a foundation of rock.15 Petra
Measurements & Numbers
The pyramid construction without the capstone has EIGHT corners: on the 8th day or the 1st
day of the week Jesus was resurrected. Eight represents born again. It has SIX sides which is the number of sinful man; 666 is the extreme of sin which is symbolic of Satan.
The length of each base line is 365.2422 cubits; the exact measurement of the days in a solar year and the age of Enoch.
The base line of each side of the pyramid is curved inward at the center three feet which matches half the exact curvature of the earth. If you remember not too long ago the earth was considered to be flat and if you sailed too far, you would fall off.
It was built to obtain a height of 485 feet with the missing capstone or 232.52 cubits. When you multiply the length of the base twice and divided it by 232.52 cubits, you get 3.141598142 or pi which is the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference; pi would not be known to the Greeks geometry until some 2500 years later
The 35th course is thicker and prominent and is set at one-fifth of the Pyramid’s total height. One- fifth or Five is the Biblical number for GRACE and thirty-Five is the number for HOPE. It is fifty inches thick; fifty is the number for The HOLY SPIRIT and Israel’s JUBILEE.
The final course of masonry ended at 455 feet above the base which is the “mean” level of the ocean and land.
The Displacement factor or error of “missing the mark” by 286 inches is symbolic of SIN. This vital number is observed throughout the construction of the passages and Chambers.
Its measurements are in “The Primitive inch” which is equal to 1.00106 standard inches; and the “Sacred Cubic” would be equal to 25 primitive inches.
TWO SCORED LINES are just inside the entrance passage. NOTE: There are TWO PILLARS, one in Lower Egypt and another in Upper Egypt; possibly the two scored lines symbolizes the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt. It is from these two scored lines that the measurements concerning “time” are made.
In the year of 2144 B.C. the Pleiades, formed a conjunction of seven stars at the vernal equinox above the scored lines which will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. At midnight, Draconis was in the positionoftheNorthPolarStarsendingitslightdownthepassage. DraconismeansDevilorDragon shining its light all the way down the passage to the pit; to HELL.
14 Ecclesiastes 1:9 – There is nothing new under the sun -- Ecclesiastes 3:15 – Whatever is has already been.
15 Matthew 16:18 – The church is built upon the rock. -- 1 Corinthians 10:4 – Jesus the Christ is the Rock of our salvation -- Luke 6:48
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
The birth of Abraham appears around this time; the starting point of the Messianic Plan. The sloping passage from the entrance is 26 degrees 18 minutes and 9.7 seconds which was the exact elevation of the North Polar Star during the third millennium. At 85 feet down the sloping passage; time has moved from 2144 B.C forward to 1453 B.C.
The measurements of time; both past and future is more than I want to cover here since it encompasses every inch measured from the scored lines as well as the study of the movement of stars and the Zodiac. Here are just some of the times that the pyramid measurement of time reveals;
John the Baptist’s conception – September 26, 4 B.C. - Julian
Jesus Christ’s conception – March 22, 5 B.C.- Julian
Jesus Christ’s birthday – Saturday, October 6, 4 B.C.- Julian
Jesus Christ’s death – Friday, April 7, 30 A.D. Julian; or on the 15th day of the Jewish Month
of Nisan.
The earth is millions of year’s old, but Biblical history began in 4000 B.C. and has continued for2000 more years which is the allotted time for man’s experience under sin; 6000 years, we now await Christ’s return and Devine Redemption and His 1000 year reign.
There are three mystery numbers found in the Pyramid,
153 The Plan of Salvation and the tribulation
286 The Displacement number; the Error, the missing of the mark, Sin 666 The number of the extreme Sinful man; Satan.Theomatics; a study on biblical numbers, breaks down every sentence in the Bible to the numerical value represented in the Hebrew and Greek; since they used letters for their numbers. When you add up the numbers in a sentence there appears a base number which the total can be divided by.
For instance everywhere the plan of salvation is mentioned, the numerical value of the sentence can be divided by 153. Example; The narrow gate; Door of the sheep; Fishers of men; The Net. If you love NUMBERS, then start with the 153 fish caught in the NET. This number unlocks the number code of the Bible; it’s the plan of salvation. Knock yourself out.
NOTE: Take into consideration that we gained a year as 1 B.C. jumps to 1 A.D. there is not a zero year. It is also fun to know that you have to also add a day because Joshua made a day into 48 hours. In the New Testament “The Law of Sevens” is operative throughout.
John 21:11 - The NET; the Plan of Salvation – 153
11 Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged THE NET ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the NET was not torn.
Joshua 10:13 – The sun stood still a full day.
13 THE SUN STOPPED in the middle of the sky and delayed going down ABOUT A FULL DAY. NIV
Granite Blocks
There are about two and a half million blocks of stone. The stone quarries in Syene were about 600 miles from Gaza. There were no forest to cut down to make logs to roll them on and the horse and cart wouldn’t appear till the 17 century; so how did they transport them?
Each stone weighed between three and thirty tons. Did they float them down the Nile? A few scholars think that they possessed the knowledge to LIQUEFY THE GRANITE then formed it up and poured them in place giving them hair like joints.
I have my own FAR OUT thoughts concerning the fourth dimension; Levitation
Lime Stones
The approximate 21 square acres of the sides was sealed with 144,000 limestone blocks; this is the exact number of the end time witnesses.16
16 Revelation 7:4 – 144,000 evangelist that were sealed -- Revelation 14:1 – 144,000 evangelist with God’s name on them
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
The lime stones were white and polished so optically smooth that you could not climb it. With the sun reflecting, it appeared as a beacon of light for miles. The brightness of the lime stone created a STAR shaped reflection on the desert floor. The Egyptians called the Pyramid; “The Light.” -The Hindoos called it “The Golden Mountain.”
The word Pyramid literally means “FIRE IN THE MIDDLE.” Writings from the time of Christ state; “It seemed like a building let down from heaven without the aid of human hands.”17
The lime stones were sealed with powered limestone and a sealant so strong that the stone would break before the sealant did. It is still superior to any sealant made today and remains a mystery.
It withstood the flood of Noah, however small amounts of sea salt were found indicating minimal leakage. Most of the Lime Stones have been stolen with just a few remaining at the top. Some students of the Word think that the New Jerusalem will be built in the form of a pyramid; scripture does not tell us the shape; only the dimensions.18
The Capstone
The chief cornerstone or capstone can only be found on a pyramid and it is missing from the
Great Pyramid. It was rejected by the builders of the pyramid; as well as by Israel.19 It is inconceivable that with all the assets and time that was put into the building of this pyramid, that the capstone would not have been installed; unless it was done by design.
The capstone is the only stone that is FIVE sided; five is the Biblical number for “GRACE”. It has five points, five sharp sides and stumbling20 over it could be hazardous to your health. It’s in the Book. Jesus is the chief cornerstone chosen before the creation of the world.21
The Sacred Hebrew Cubit is 5 X 5 or 25 inches; five is in the measurements both in the King’s and Queen’s Chambers. Without the completion of the capstone, the pyramid has SIX sides, the number of man or imperfection.
Inside the Pyramid
The pyramids were built as a tomb and in it was placed treasures beyond imagination to be used in the afterlife; BUT this tomb was empty, No body, No treasure, No inscriptions.
The only entrance is 15 levels of stone above the base; the entrance is framed inside the pyramid with two ten ton plates of granite stone leaving no visible sign of a door. In 825A.D. Al Mamoun started tunneling in at the fifth level and eventually got in. Today we use a modern entrance that has been tunneled in and around the red granite plug.
Upon entering the door, you start descending in a 370 foot long passageway to a subterranean Chamber known as “the Pit” that is sunk 275 feet deep in the rock below the base of the pyramid. It is Representative of hell and all men from their birth are on their way down this slippery sloping passage of life. I might point out that another passage leads out of the pit.... Only to a dead end... reminiscent of the “Emergent Church” that claims there are many ways to God. When the blind lead the blind, they BOTH fall into the ditch.22
About 85 feet in from the door; (85 divided by 7 “completeness” equals 12; the age of accountability) there is an upward “intersection” in which you can CHOOSE to go, but you must stoop over and crawl as the passage is only four foot tall and very narrow; or you can choose to stay on the easy path downward to the pit; the road to destruction is broad.23
17 Revelation 21:2 – the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven
18 Revelation 21:16-17 – The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide
19 Acts 4:11 – The stone you builders REJECTED, which has become the CAPSTONE -- Psalms 118:22-23 - The stone THE BUILDERS
20 1 Peter 2:7-8 – The stone the BUILDERS REJECTED has become the CAPSTONE; a STUMBLING stone to the unbeliever
21 1 Peter 1:20 – Jesus Christ chosen before the creation of the world -- Ephesians 2:19-20 - Christ Jesus himself as the CHIEF
22 Matthew 15:14 – Blind lead the blind: Both shall fall
23 Matthew 7:13-14 – BROAD IS THE ROAD THAT LEADS TO DESTRUCTION and NARROW THE ROAD that leads to life
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STOP: I must stop here to say that the passage upward is blocked by a 15 foot tapered red granite plug slid in from the top of the passage at that level of construction, not later. You cannot pass through this passage without supernatural power; a Devine Miracle, this stone represents Jesus Christ. No man comes to the father except through Him. This red granite plug is identical to the granite found on Mount Horeb where the Ten Commandments were made of stone.
The ascending passage is fixed at the exact point of Christ’s death, April 7, 30 A.D.
Pictorial from Wikipedia
The Grand Gallery – The well shaft
Choosing to move on up; if we could; we encounter The Grand Gallery passage way; now we
no longer have to bend over or stoop as the passage is 7 feet wide, 28 feet high and 156 feet long.. However, just before entering The Grand Gallery, also named the Hall of truth and Light, 24 you encounter another descending passage known as “the well shaft” that leads down to “the grotto” and
then goes on further down into the pit or Hell.
Just as a side note; in 2017 a large cavity was discovered above the Grand Gallery using Muon radiography which they called “ScanPyramids Big Void”. It was confirmed with three other technologies; nuclear emulsion films, scintillator hodoscopes and gas detectors. This void is approximately the same size as the Grand Gallery. At this writing, while its existence is known, its purpose is not; it has no known entrance.
Escape Shaft
There are also two ventilator shafts nine inches square which are capped at the top. The New Age proponents say that these shafts are for the REINCARNATED SPIRITS TO ESCAPE and ascend up to heaven. The Bible in 1st Paul 1:1 uses a hyphenated word to describe this; Bul – loney.
24 John 3:19 – That light is come into the world, and MEN LOVED DARKNESS RATHER THAN LIGHT -- 2 Corenthians 4:3-4 – The GOSPEL IS HID TO THEM THAT ARE LOST
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The Queens Chamber
At the SAME point of the well shaft there is also another intersecting passage that leads to The
Queen’s Chamber, a room 17 feet wide, 15 feet high and 19 feet long done in pure white limestone; it also carries the name The Jews’ Chamber or the Chamber of the Second Birth.
The Queen is the bride of the King; the Church is the Bride of Christ in waiting.25 It is at this up/down point that the parable of the ten virgins kicks in.26 It indicates that five were foolish and descended back down to the grotto or pit and the other five ascended up to the King. The parable is about being PREPARED and READY for the bridegroom; Christ. It smacks of when Jesus told His followers that they must eat His body and drink His blood. Not understanding the “Living Water” in front of them; many followers turned away27 that day and went the other way of the well shaft; they were ALMOST THERE. Many in the Church today are basically; just almost there. SAD
The King’s Antechamber
Continuing on up the passage you come to The Kings Antechamber about the size of a small
bedroom where you would normally wait to be summoned by the king.
The Granite Leaf - Bread
BREAD: On the wall of the Antechamber is a granite beam or leaf. There is something raised on
it about an inch called “The Boss” or “The Seal”; it is shaped similar to a loaf of bread. Jesus said He was the bread of life.28 Its measurements reflect the Pyramid inch and the Sacred Hebrew Cubic of 25 inches. Many see this room’s measurements and the granite leaf as holding the KEYS to the whole pyramid’s mathematics; Jesus holds the KEYS to life and death.29
Some see it as a symbolic of a rainbow; God’s covenant with man; NEW AGE proponents say the rainbow represent the Age of Aquarius and others think it’s just a horse shoe.
Messianic Triangle
TRIANGLE The intersection of the well shaft and the Queen’s chamber passage forms a MESSIANIC
TRIANGLE which sides represent The Trinity; The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the same; Yesterday, Today and Forever. The Message; I am the way, the truth and the life. It represents Man’s Response; Reaction, Action, Interaction.
Matthew 28:19 – The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
NAME of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT, NIV
John 14:6 – Jesus is the way to the Father
6 Jesus saith unto him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Hebrews 13:8 – Yesterday, today and forever
8 Jesus Christ the same YESTERDAY, AND TO DAY, AND FOR EVER. KJV
The Kings Chamber
Passing on through we come to a passage that is 3 1⁄2 feet high and 3 1⁄2 feet wide and about 8 1⁄2 feet long. Jesus said every knee shall bow; we are now on our knees approaching the throne room, which measures about 34 feet long and 17 feet wide and 19 feet high, this is The Kings Chamber with polished red granite walls; RED represents the blood of Christ as well as the Red Heifer without
26 Matthew 25:1-13 – THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN be likened unto TEN VIRGINS Some waiting, but not prepared.
27 John 6:53-66 – MANY OF HIS DISCIPLES TURNED BACK; they did not understand
28 John 6:47-48 – Jesus is the bread of life. -- John 6:33 – Bread that came down out of heaven
29 Revelation 1:18 – Jesus holds all the keys. -- Matthew 16:19 – The keys of life
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score and ten; mans expected life span.
Romans 14:11 – Every knee shall bow
11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
Psalms 90:10 – Our days are 70 years, maybe 80
10 The days of our years are THREESCORE YEARS AND TEN, or even by reason of strength fourscore years; yet is their pride but labor and
sorrow; for it is soon gone, and we fly away. ASV
The Coffer - Casket
In the middle of the room there is an empty lidless burial coffer made of one single block of red
granite large enough to hold a six foot man with head and body wrappings. This coffer has the same volume as the Arc of the Covenant, but not the same dimensions.
There are spiral markings inside the coffer indicating that they had rotary drills capable of exerting tons of pressure.
All pyramids were built as a tomb for the dead, but this one was empty. The Empty Tomb
Numbers 19:2 – Red heifer – without spot or blemish – Offering
2 This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD hath commanded,
saying, Speak unto the children of Israel that they bring thee
which never came yoke:
The Pit
The subterranean Chamber is not part of the Pyramid; however it is the same distance below the first granite level as the King’s Chamber is above it. It is symbolic of Hell.
Man is either on his way up to see the KING or down to HELL for eternity.
Joshua 24:15 – Chose for yourself this day who you will serve.
15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then
whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods
of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. BUT
Salvation is by Faith;
we neither work to get to heaven,
nor work to escape hell.
I admire someone who is strong and FIRM in what they believe
and if what you say strays from the Word of God, will correct you in a heartbeat.
I also admire a man that does not reject UNFAMILIAR thoughts and concepts
until he has reviewed the evidence.
A diamond found in a pig’s pen is still a diamond. Truth is truth wherever you find it.
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Mark 9:38-40 – We told that guy to stop
38 Teacher," said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, BECAUSE HE WAS NOT ONE OF US." 39 "DO NOT STOP HIM," Jesus said. "No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,
Isaiah 28:10 – Prove scripture with scripture
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon
line, line upon line; HERE A LITTLE, AND THERE A LITTLE: KJV
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Chapter 7. 3
The term “Tower of Babel” is not found in scripture, but is the popular term used for the ziggurat structure built by Nimrod in the plains of Shinar; which is another name for Babylon. Shinar means “summer”; so this culture was referred to as Summero-Babylon or Sumerians. Balal, the city’s name in Akkadian means the “Gate of God”.
It had been about 100 years since the flood of Noah and about 30,000 people participated in this tower project; practically the whole human race. They were driven with an intense desire to perpetuate their name; to “Make a name for themselves.” The irony is, that they thought their temple was a huge, massive sky scraper;30 but God saw it as so small that God in a hyperbole; tongue in cheek said He had to come down to earth just to get a glimpse of it.31
Noah had a son named Ham,32 who for an indecent act, his descendants were cursed by Noah. One of Ham’s descendants was Nimrod who was known as a mighty hunter against the Lord; God saw him as a hunter and murderer of his people, Nimrod wanted to set himself up as the universal monarch.
Note: Many students of the Word believe Nimrod was a Nephilim; a giant who was trying to kill off all the other giants so he would be supreme; a god. There is wording in the Book to suggest this.
Noah worshiped Jehovah the one true God, but Nimrod didn’t see it that way; he thought of himself as a god. Nimrod eventually had many names due to the confusing of the languages by God, one of which was Baal who they worshiped.
Rebellion – Stay together; make a name for ourselves
The descendants of Noah began to spread abroad, but stopped in the plain of Shinar (summer)
and decided this was a good place to settle and build a city.33 Nimrod wanted to be the universal monarch, which was God’s prerogative alone. He wanted to be a powerful leader and didn’t need the help of God; he was self-sufficient.
God had commanded man to increase in number and to FILL the earth;34 however they wanted to settle down in one place and stay together and make a name for themselves and to establish their “importance” in the sight of man and God.35 The tower was a token of their oneness of purpose, but also a symbol of defiance of God.
30 Genesis 11:4 – Let’s build a tower that reaches the heavens
31 Genesis 11:5 – Where is this tiny thing city and tower
32 Genesis 6:10 – Noah had a son named Ham -- Genesis 10:6 – Ham had a son named Cush -- Genesis 10:8-10 – Cush’ son Nimrod
was the builder of Babylon
33 Genesis 11:1-2 – They moved eastward and stopped in Shinar -- Genesis 10:9-10 – Nimrod build the city of Babylon
34 Genesis 1:28 – God commanded them to fill the earth.
35 Genesis 11:4 – Let’s not be scattered, but let us make a name for ourselves
Tower of Babel Ziggurat, Nimrod
Queen of Heaven, Nimrod, Deities, Construction, and Purpose
A little Background
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Let’s build a city
Balal, the city’s name in Akkadian means the “Gate of God”, but in Hebrew it was called Babel
meaning “To mix” or “Confusion”, because God confounded their languages there. Make no mistake this was not total gibberish, this was the sudden and immediate institution of the multiplicity of the languages of the world.
What was the original language? Various claimants have come forward claiming to be the original tongue, but this one great primordial language was broken and lost in the catastrophe at Shinar which was a necessary consequence of the fall. Their actions were “only the beginning” of their ungodly projects. Their plans not only included building a city, but also a tower, and not just an ordinary tower, but one that would stagger the mind and bring them notoriety. This was not only a defiance of God, but was in completion with Him.36 It was a monument to their pride, ambition, energy, daring genius, and resources; but eventually it was just a monument to their folly. In their arrogant and proud ways they thought they could get themselves to heaven with a tower.
The Tower of Babel became the SYMBOL of the “Pride of Man” and his inevitable fall. It was a MONUMENT not to their ingenuity, but to their Sin.
The Temple
The Tower was a place for worship of their gods; a place where the gods would come down and have intercourse with man. Nimrod’s wife was Semiramis who was worshipped as the “Queen of Heaven”. She purports to have had a male child conceived miraculously, named Tammuz who was considered “the savior of the world”; a FALSE messiah. He was killed by a wild beast and came back to life.
The SEVEN levels corresponded to their SEVEN major gods.
The Babylonian national god was called Marduk, but just to be sure they had all
their bases covered, they also worshiped Ea; the god of wisdom, spells and incantations, Sin;
the moon god, Shamash; the sun god and god of justice, Ishtar the goddess of love and war,
Adad; the god of wind storm and flood and of course there was Marduk’s son Nabu who
was the scribe and herald of the gods.
Note: They had deliberately excluded the God of Noah, which Abraham later
would reinstate. The Babylonians also worshiped, Dagon the fish god, a cult whose priest wore crowns with the inscription “Keeper of the Bridge”. The bridge between man and Satan. “The bridge” is used in the New Age movement today.
Their temple services were held in open courts with sacrifices of burnt offerings. They had secret and mysterious rites used in idol worship with priests who practiced the sprinkling of holy water. They had an order of temple “VIRGINS” dedicated to religious prostitution.
The word Babylon is not so much about the city of Babylon,37 but the religious wickedness embodied in the name “Babylon” that permeated the nations; Mystery Babylon. The many references to Israel as “Babylon” is because they whored after other gods. The mystery is revealed in the last days; the worldwide apostate church will reject Christ and follows after the Antichrist.
Course Corrector – Sin leads to punishment
The sin was not building the city or the tower; the sin came with the purpose of making a name
for themselves and not filling the earth as commanded; God manifestly intervenes in the situation. God REJECTED their nation and their efforts; they deserved death, but God in His mercy only confused their language. They were incapacitated, leaving off building the city and the tower because
they could no longer communicate with each other.
36 Psalms 127:1 – Babylon’s efforts were apart from God
37 Genesis 11:9 - It was called Babel because God confused their language there
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Their spirits were dampened and they saw the “Hand of God” had come against them. They departed in companies according to their family and tongue and resettled in far off countries ALL over the earth; they never came together again. 38
Ironically; on the day of Pentecost the language barrier that divided men and nations was removed in order to provide the “Good News” message to everyone in their own language.39
In the Akkad language the tower is called a “Ziggurratu;” progressive terraces. Many of these towers had the inscription “E-dur-an-ki”; “The house of the bond between heaven and earth”.
Webster: Ziggurat: a high massive TEMPLE TOWER of the ancient Babylonians in the form of a terraced pyramid with each story smaller than the one below it.
With pride, arrogance, and self-glorification, they wanted to build a tower that was so tall that it would reach up into the heavens. The Hebrew word for heavens; “shamayim” simply means SKY, but could be used as a metaphor for heavens; a skyscraper perhaps.40 Archaeologists have discovered a massive ziggurat in Babylonia that was built in a wide plain on a 300 foot square base and was nearly 300 feet tall. Access was by ramps and stairways with a cubic temple on the summit.
Most ziggurats were SEVEN STORIES TALL with each story smaller than the one below it creating a stair step appearance with each outside level painted a different color. The First level belonging to Saturn was black, the second level Jupiter was orange, the third that of Mars was Red, the fourth, which was the sun was Golden, the fifth was Venus which was white, the sixth was Mercury which was blue and the seventh was the moon and it was silvery green.
Greek writings indicate this one was EIGHT STORIES tall including a sanctuary. That would make each story 37.5 feet tall, but it certainly could also have had three ten foot interior floors on each level as well. Some commentaries say the walls were ten foot thick. The inside walls were carved with reliefs of their culture with plastered sections of various color designs.
Some Ziggurats were “cone shaped” with ramps and stairs that wound around them. It was referred to as “the winding road”. (I think the Beetles sang about this long and winding road)
Their soil was very fertile with very little stone, so their construction material was not stone as the Egyptian pyramids were made of, but with one foot square flat bricks of sun dried as well as fire baked clay hardened in charcoal-fired kilns. According to the document “Babylonian Epic of Creation”, they “molded bricks” for one year before they even started construction.
For mortar they used bitumen, a petroleum tar like “asphalt” substance that oozed and bubbled up from the ground.41 After about a week the asphalt, also called slime, would harden forming a tight resilient bond. Bitumen is the same substance used by Noah in the construction of the Ark.
The Bible does not tell us how far along they were in the construction of the city and the tower. Scripture just says that they stopped building the “city” leading the student to believe the tower could have been finished.
Purpose and Use
They studied the movement of stars which gave them the ability to make precise calendars. This Tower in Babylon was a high landmark that had a defensive significance with elevated positions for sentries and could provide refuge for the population during an attack. This was the most imposing structure in the country, it symbolized security and was a rallying point in the extensive plain of Shinar (summer)
38 Genesis 11:8-9 – God rejected their plans and scattered them
39 Acts 2:4 – Day of Pentecost disciples spoke in everyone’s language
40 Genesis 11:4 – Lets build a tower that reaches the sky
41 Genesis 11:3 – Made bricks from mud and for mortar they used tar that oozed up
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The Take Away
God commanded the descendants of Noah to fill the earth, but in defiance they settled in the plain of Shinar, wanting to make a name for themselves. Understand this principal; “where God leads, He provides”; but they did not trust God for His provision nor His protection.
While it is true, that these guys were star gazers, astrologers and worshipped every pagan god they could think of; that was not why God confused their language. Their sin against God was not the building of the city of Babylon or the Tower of Babel, but that of DISOBEDIENCE. Clearly evil continued to increase from the time of the flood.
The writer of Genius, in humor made fun of their “brick instead of stone” and went on to say the tower was so small that God had to come down to earth to just get a glimpse of it. God separated the people by families and language; and without being able to communicate they left off building the city. The city and the tower however were completed, but much later.
They were a smart creative people; they developed accurate calendars and the art of kiln fired furnaces to harden brick. They used a sharp tool to inscribe in clay, documenting their culture. These fire baked tablets left in the dry sand lasted for thousands of years.
Their contribution of the ziggurat was duplicated in many cultures; some were even cone shaped. The families were dispersed throughout the earth with their language becoming the barrier between the nations. The original language was lost forever in the catastrophe at Shinar.
On the Day of Pentecost this barrier was removed
and each man heard in their own language
the Good News message of Jesus Christ.
That message is still true today and
can be understood in any language.
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Chapter 7. 4
Zodiac; Horoscopes
Astrology - Virgo – Libra – Scorpio – Sagittarius - Capricornus Aquarius - Pisces – Aries – Taurus – Gemini – Cancer - Leo
First Word
I feel that this is more of a “book report” than a Word study, as without the guidance of the books; “The real meaning of the Zodiac” and “The Gospel in the Stars”, I would have not known where to begin. You need to get these two books for your library.
And GOD SAID, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS, and for SEASONS, and for DAYS, and YEARS: Genesis 1:14 KJV
6th century mosaic Wheel of the zodiac in a synagogue – Wikipedia
In one of the stories of Moses, the people complained against Moses, and God sent fiery serpents among them. They confessed their sin; so God told Moses to make a serpent that represented sin and put it high up on a pole for the people to look on and acknowledge they had sinned and they would be healed.42
42 Numbers 21:8 – The Serpent lifted high on a pole represented sin.
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This would be a shadow of Christ with our sins placed on Him being lifted high up on the cross.43 Well, what did they do, but start worshiping the serpent on the pole, Satan tries his best to corrupt the SIGNS of God’s for man. Such is the CORRUPTED Zodiac.
Corruption of the Word
The Zodiac is found in almost every culture with the same names. What I am about to say is not a Christian invention or twist; but was from the beginning the message of the Gospel in the stars, but became corrupted to such a point that the stars became “gods” guiding people in their everyday decisions and activities; and still do today.
Because of this corruption; God warns the Christian to stay away from astrology. In this study I will try to stay away from the mythology and just stay with the theology.
Psalms 19:1-3 – The heavens declare God’s handiwork.
firmament shows his handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. KJV
Isaiah 47:13-14 – ASTROLOGERS will burn in hell.
13 You are wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the ASTROLOGERS, STARGAZERS, the MONTHLY PROGNOSTICATORS, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; THE FIRE SHALL BURN THEM; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.
A Little Background
Astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects such as moons, planets, stars, nebulae, and galaxies; the physics, chemistry, and evolution of such objects; and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of Earth.
Some stars are nestled together in groups; others wander about returning at fixed intervals. By these events man has mapped the heavens since time began. These stars have been recorded from one end of the earth to the other by all ages and nations.
None of their forms from their first inventions have varied in being passed down to us, nor at any point has their NAMES being changed, added to or removed.
The SEVEN days of the week come from the planets; Sun Sunday, Moon Monday, Mars Tuesday, Mercury Wednesday, Jupiter Thursday, Venus Friday and Saturn Saturday. They were glorified and worshiped as THE SEVEN GREAT GODS.
The VOWELS of our alphabet came from the stars. The Moon “A”, Venus “E”, Mars ”I”, Juniper “O”, Saturn “U”. The alphabet was in existence before the flood of Noah.
The Book of Job considered one of the oldest books in the Bible mentions the stars. The Hebrew word Mazzaroth in the Book of Job means “The constellations of the Zodiac”.44 Job lived 2150 years before Christ and the Gospel message was astronomically already laid out, arranged and garnished in the stars of heaven.
43 John 3:14 – Jesus lifted up high on the cross for our sins
44 Job 38:31-32 – They knew about the stars; PLEIADES, ORION, MAZZAROTH
NOTE: We get our understanding of what the stars represent or symbolize by their names. They
present the Gospel message; we did not name them, they were already named. Science is at a total
loss as to having any information on the invention of the Zodiac.
Astrology is the Belief System which claims that human affairs are correlated with the positions
of celestial objects.
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The Great Pyramid used the stars in its construction in 2625 B.C., that’s 5000 years ago. Ancient “tradition” writings point toward Seth and his son Enoch as the founders of the understandings of the heavenly bodies as passed down to them from Adam.
God Himself formed the stars of the Zodiac; He says that we are without excuse, that His Devine nature is visible in His creations from the beginning of time.45
The word Zodiac comes from the Hebrew word sodi which in Sanskrit means; “Going by steps” like up Jacobs ladder; A path, A way. I like to think of it as “THE WAY” which is the name that was given to the sect that followed Jesus Christ.46
The Gospel message in the zodiac is chiefly the story of the SERPENT and the SEED. Satan is known as the “crooked serpent” or better, the “fleeing serpent”.47
The Constellation – More than you want to know
The Zodiac is divided up into 12 constellations or 12 major signs. They are referred to as houses
or mansions or tabernacles of the Sun. They are divided by the FOUR seasons.
Each of the TWELVE have THREE minor signs or decans associated with them for a total of 36
minor signs or decans. A Decan means “a part”, “a piece” or “to break into pieces”.
So each star makes a specific statement with three points.
I will unpack the Zodiac, breaking it down into BOOKS and CHAPTERS. It has been universal and customary with the ancients to begin with the sign of VIRGO and end with LEO. There is a sky painting in the Temple of Esneh in Egypt that depicts the Zodiac on its ceiling. There is also a carved figure of the Egyptian Sphinx with the head of a woman facing Virgo, and its body of a lion; the tail toward Leo. The sphinx is found in the same position in a number of other paintings. So with that said, I will start with Virgo and end with Leo.
Let’s begin; MAJOR signs with its MINOR signs
VIRGO, The Virgin – Coma, The Desired – Centaurus, The Centaur – Bootes, The coming one.
LIBRA, The Scales – Crux, The Southern Cross – Victima, The victim – Corona, The Crown.
SCORPIO, The Scorpion – Serpend, The Serpent – Orphiuchus, The Serpent Holder – Hercules,
The mighty one
SAGITTARIUS, The Archer – Lyra, The Harp – Ara, The Altar, - Draco, The Dragon.
CAPRICORNUS, The Goat-Fish – Sagitta, The Arrow – Aquila, The Eagle – Delphinus, The
AQUARIUS, The Water Pourer – Piscis Austrailis, The Southern Fish – Pegasus, The Winged
Horse – Cygnus, The Swan.
PISCES, The Fishes – The Band, The Bands – Andromeda, The Chained Woman – Cepheus, The
Crowned King.
ARIES, The Lamb – Cassiopeia, The Enthroned Woman – Cetus, The Sea-Monster - Perseus, The
TARUS, The Bull – Orion, The Glorious One – Eridanus, The River – Auriga, The Shepherd.
GEMINI, The Twins – Lepus, The Enemy – Canis Major, The Prince – Canis Minor, The
11. CANCER,TheCrab–UrsaMinor,ThelesserSheepfold–UrsaMajor,TheGreaterSheepfold–
Argo, The Ship
12. LEO, The Lion – Hydra, The Serpent – Crater, The Cup – Corvus, The Raven.
each with THREE major stars (SIGNS);
each book has THREE CHAPTERS of minor stars (DECANS).
45 Romans 1:20 – SINCE THE CREATION OF THE WORLD the gospel is CLEARLY SEEN and UNDERSTOOD written in the heavens;
no excuse.
46 Acts 9:2 – Followers of Jesus were known as THE WAY
47 Job 26:13 – God garnished the heavens with the stars and formed THE CROOKED SERPENT -- Genesis 3:14-15 – ENMITY between
you and the woman, and between YOUR SEED and HER SEED
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Stars Rabbit Trail its light traveling at the speed of 186,282 miles a second, it would take a year before we even knew it. This means that when we look and see the stars in space, we are actually looking back in time. However the sun is close enough that its light only takes 8 minutes and 19 seconds to reach us. If God took away the sun, you would only have about 8 minutes to find your Bible and |
I don’t see anything up there
It is thought that when time began that there were many more stars in the heavens than we can see today and their grouping allowed you to see shapes that resembled something. Today none of the stars looks like the shape of anything except maybe the Big Dipper.
Instead of men looking up and seeing the “The Gospel Story” they saw gods, worshiped them and arranged their life according to what some kind of a “Seer” interpreted.
THEY WORSHIPED THE CREATION INSTEAD OF THE CREATOR. Today some of those stars that filled in the pictures are now gone.
Sounds allot like when God SCATTERED the people at the Tower of Babel.
REMEMBER: We know what the stars symbolize by their names.
1) VIRGO – Book ONE, chapter one
VIRGO, The Virgin is the first house; we start with the figure of a prostrate woman who is spoken
of as a Virgin; her name in Hebrew is Bethulah which means virgin. In Latin, and Arabic it means pure virgin. In Greek the word is Parthenos, “the maid of virgin pureness.”48
She is depicted as holding a branch49 in her right hand and sheaves of corn or seeds of wheat in her left hand; symbolizing reproduction; wheat is considered the best of seeds.50
Interestingly, the brightest star in Virgo is called Spica which means “The Branch.”51
The woman is the Virgin Mary and the seed or branch is Jesus the Christ who must fall to the earth and die and bring forth much fruit. Mary is prostrate as one deceived by Satan and on her own cannot stand. She holds to the promise of the seed in her hand. Christ alone can lift her to a spiritual life.
* Coma; the Desired – 1st Decan
Coma means “Longed for One” or “Desired One”. In the Egyptian language Coma is Shes-nu;
“The Desired Son”.52 Coma depicts a woman sitting in a chair holding a child53 in her arms; he is the seed, the son of the virgin, the branch, the desired one of all nations.
The woman of Coma and the woman of Virgo are the same woman.
48 Isaiah 7:14 – Prophecy; THE VIRGIN will bring forth a son.
49 Zechariah 6:12 – His name is THE BRANCH -- Jeremiah 23:5 - God will raise up a RIGHTEOUS BRANCH -- Isaiah 4:2 – THE
BRANCH OF THE LORD be beautiful and glorious
50 John 12:24 – The WHEAT must fall to the ground and die
51 Zechariah 3:8 – Prophecy; MY SERVANT the Branch is coming
52 Haggai 2:7 – Christ; the desired of all nations.
53 Luke 2:40 – The child grew, filled with the grace of God
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
* Centaurus; the Centaur – 2nd Decan
The Hebrew word for this star is Bezeh which means “The despised one.” 54 The Centaur is
the seed; He is the infant child who has now become a man, depicted as part man and part horse, or a man with two natures.
He is going forth as a hunter with a spear to slay the Victim; HANG ON, The Victim is Christ slaying Himself on the cross.55 He is both the HUNTER and the VICTIM. He is the BOTH THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE SACRIFICE. He is Righteousness taking on Sin. He has a DOUBLE NATURE; He was powerful and benevolent, He was hated and rejected.
* Bootes – 3rd Decan
Christ is pictured as a man moving forward with a spear in one hand and a sickle held in the
other hand over his head. The Egyptian Word is Smat which means “One Who Rules, Subdues, and Governs.” The Hebrew word means “to come.” The star is also called Arcturus meaning “He Cometh.”56 In the head of the man is the star Nekkar which means “The Pierced”.57
Here’s where we are – Book ONE Chapter one
2) LIBRA – Book ONE chapter two
Libra: This is the figure of a pair of scales or balances with one end up as if weighting something.58
In Latin Libra means “The Scales”; Hebrew Mozanaim; “The Scales Weighing”; In Arabic, it is Al Zubena, “Purchase”, “Redemption”, “Gain”.59
This is the plan of redemption: To buy back, to redeem, to balance the scales, to pay the price. Redemption means to buy or purchase.60
The brightest star at the LOWER scale is Zuben al Genubi which means “The Price Deficient.”
The brightest star at the UPPER scale is called Zuben al Chemali which means “The Price Which Covers”.
Another star near the lower scale is called Zuben Akrabi which means “The Price of the Conflict” signifying how much it cost Christ to redeem us with His own Holy blood.61
* Crux; the Southern Cross – 1st Decan
This cross is pictured as being situated beneath the feet of the Centaurn who if you remember is
Christ. In Hebrew it is called Adom which means “The Cutting Off,” this is the connection of the Messiah and the Cross; the cutting off of His life.62
This Southern Cross disappeared from the sky at the time of the death of Christ on the cross and was not seen again until the 16th century.
54 Isaiah 53:3 – He was despised and rejected by men
55 John 10:17-18 – I lay down my life on my own accord.
56 Revelation 14:15 – Christ coming to reap judgment
57 John 19:37 - They will look on the one they have pierced
58 Daniel 5:27 - Man is weighed in the balances and found wanting
59 Psalms 106:10 – Jesus redeemed them
60 Romans 6:23 – The cost of sin is death; but Christ paid the price
61 Revelation 5:9 – With His blood Jesus purchased men.
62 Danial 9:26 – Christ will be cut off; killed.
The Statement: VIRGO, the Virgin Mary will bear a son who will destroy the seed of the serpent; He is the righteous branch of David, His death will bare much fruit. Mary is prostrate as one deceived by Satan and holds to the promise of the seed in her hand.
1st Point Coma: The seed will be the desired one of all the nations.
2nd Point Centaurus: He is despised, rejected, afflicted, stricken, and smitten, but lives in immortal glory and power. He has Two Natures; He is perfect God and perfect man and He is the High Priest and the sacrifice. His righteous will take on sin, He will lay His life down and take it up.
3rd Point Bootes: He will be pierced; He will come to subdue, judge, rule, and govern.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
* Victima; the Victim – 2nd Decan
The Victim is a picture of an animal portrayed in different cultures as a wolf or a beast; The Arabian
word is Sura which shows the victim as a Lamb.
The Hebrew Asedah and the Arabic Asedaton both mean “to be slain”.63
Christ is the Victim; He is the Lamb and the Sacrifice.64 He has the authority to lay His life down and pick it up again.65
The Egyptians believe that he is the son of Osiris and the Virgin and had his finger over his mouth signaling silence. Christ stood as a sheep before his Sharers without opening His mouth.66
* Corona; the Crown – 3rd Decan
Corona; Known as Cornone Borealis; the Crown; the Northern Crown.67 The brightest star is
called Al Phecca which means “The Shining”. In Arabic the constellation is known as Al Iclil which means an Ornament or Jewel.
Christ rises from the “Southern Cross” to receive the “Northern Crown” and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord.68
This chapter ends with triumph and the glory of the crown.69 Here’s where we are – Book ONE Chapter two
3) SCORPIO; The Scorpion – Book ONE chapter three
Whether depicted as a scorpion or a serpent, the conflict is the same; evil verses good.
Scorpio is the figure of a gigantic deadly scorpion with its stinger tail lifted up in anger as in the act
of striking.70 This is the battle between Lucifer, the Devil and Jesus the Christ. 71
In Arabic and Syriac the name is Al Akrab meaning “Scorpion,” “Wounding,” “Conflict,”
“War,” in Coptic the name is Isdis; “Attack of the enemy”
The brightest star located at the heart of the scorpion is called Antares meaning “The Wounding”
The scorpion comes to wound Jesus.
The brightest star at its tail in Hebrew is called; Lesath which means “The Perverse”
Christ gave the believer power over the serpent and the scorpion; who is Satan.72
* Ophiuchus; The Serpent Holder – 1st Decan
Ophiuchus means The Serpent Holder. It depicts a man struggling and holding back a giant
snake that is reaching for the crown. The strong man is Jesus Christ and the Serpent is Satan.
Satan said; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will make myself like the Most High;
you too can become a god.73
63 John 10:15 – I lay down my life for my sheep
64 Revelation 13:8 – The Lamb is Jesus Christ slain for our sins
65 John 10:18 – I have authority to lay my life down and take it up again
66 Isaiah 53:7 – He did not open His mouth.
67 Hebrews 2:9 – Jesus crowned with glory
68 Philippians 2:10-11 – Every knee will bow & every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord
69 Revelation 2:10 – Be faithful and receive the crown of life
70 Revelation 9:10-11 – Power to hurt; STINGERS IN THEIR TAILS -- Luke 10:19 – Christ gave us authority over SERPENTS and
SCORPIONS; the enemy
71 Revelation 12:9 – The old serpent, the Devil, Satan is cast out
72 Luke 10:19 – Christ gave us authority over SERPENTS and SCORPIONS, the enemy
73 Isaiah 14:13-14 – The five “I wills” of Satan -- Genesis 3:5 – You will be as god
The Statement: LIBRA, The scales; balancing the scales with the plan of redemption. To purchase or buy back; the weighing of the cost of the redemption
1st Point: Crux, the cutting off of the Life of Jesus on the Southern Cross.
2nd Point: Victima, Christ is the victim sacrificed as a silent lamb before his shearers.
3rd Point: Corona, Christ is resurrected to receive a crown of glory and triumph.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK Ophiuchus lifts up one foot as if stung by the scorpion’s tail and is in the act of crushing the
scorpion’s head with the other foot.74
* Serpens, the Serpent – 2nd Decan
The Devil is portrayed as; the dragon, the scorpion, Cetus the water snake, Hydra the many
headed monstrous snake as well as the serpent. In all guises he is there to wound and kill. Christ has power over this Serpent75 that would seek to gain the Crown of Life.
Christ has given that same power to the saints.76
* Hercules; the Mighty One – 3rd Decan
Just as the Devil is portrayed in different ways in the Zodiac; so is Jesus. Christ is The Seed, The
Branch, The Centaur, The Victim, Ophiuchus, and now Hercules.
Hercules is called Gibbor which means “Mighty” or in Hebrew El Gibbor, “The Mighty God”.77
Hercules has securely gripped in his hand Cerberus, the three headed monster that guards the gates of hell. Christ descended into hell and set the prisoners free; Cerberus is killed.78
The scorpion (Satan) is ready to sting the left heel of Ophiuchus (Christ) and Ophiuchus is ready to crush the head of the scorpion with his right foot.79
Looking outside of this particular “Chapter”, Hercules’ foot is on the head of the serpent. ThebrighteststariscalledRas-Al-Gethi,“TheHeadofHimwhoBruises”. ItisChristthatbruises and crushes the head of Satan. A secondary star is called “The Branch Kneeling;” Jesus is the branch.
Here’s where we are – Book ONE Chapter Three
Horoscopes – DON’T DO IT
The Hebrews were warned not to worship the stars as gods.80 They were lifting up the tabernacle
of the pagan god Moloch and Chiun. (Saturn) They are told flat out not to look at tea leaves or the like, nor to seek their own destiny.81
What star were you born under; for us as Christian that poses a problem since we have been born twice; we are born under the sign of the cross.
Deuteronomy 4:15-19 – Take good heed; don’t worship the stars. 15 TAKE YE THEREFORE GOOD HEED unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the LORD spoke unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire:
19 And lest thou lift up your eyes unto heaven, and when thou see THE
SUN, and THE MOON, and THE STARS, even all the host of heaven,
should BE DRIVEN TO WORSHIP THEM, and serve them, which the
LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. KJV
74 Genesis 3:15 – You will strike His heel; He will crush your head.
75 Revelation 20:2-3 – Christ has bound THE DRAGON, that OLD SERPENT, which is the DEVIL, and SATAN
76 Luke 10:19 – We can walk on serpents and scorpions.
77 Isaiah 9:6 – Christ is the mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace
78 Ephesians 4:8-9 – He took those in captivity in paradise in the lower parts of the earth to heaven
79 Genesis 3:15 – You will strike His heel; He will crush your head
80 Amos 5:26 – You made gods of the stars.
81 Isaiah 65:11-12 – Don’t seek to know your fortune and destiny.
The Statement: SCORPIO; the Scorpion; the battle is between Christ and Satan.
1st Point: Ophiuchus, The Serpent Holder; Christ restrains Satan from the Crown of Life. 2nd Point: Serpens, The Serpent who is Satan will be cast down, bound up and shut up. 3RD Point: Hercules, Christ will crush the head of Satan and deliver the believers.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK BOOK TWO
4) SAGITTARIUS, The Archer – Book TWO chapter one
Sagittarius is the figure of a horse with the body, arms and head of a man, known as a centaur;
Part man, Part horse. He has a Double Nature; Son of man humbled and Son of God exalted.
The brightest star in Hebrew is called Naim, “The Gracious”. He has a bow drawn with the
barbed arrow pointing at the heart of the scorpion.82
Sagittarius means “The Archer;” in Akkadian he is called Nun-ki, The Prince of the Earth”
The Greeks call him Cheiron, “The Executer”, “The Chief centaur”.
This is a picture of CHRIST coming SWIFTLY and SUDDENLY on a WHITE HORSE to
conqueror; starting with Satan.83 In Revelation Satan comes FIRST riding on the white horse deceiving the nations.84
* Lyra; the Harp – 1st Decan
Lyre means “Praise for the Conqueror;” the Harp is shown with a rising eagle.
Vega the bright star means “He shall be Exalted;”85 blessings, Honor and Glory to Him.
The harp denotes, joy, delight, gladness, praise, worship and song; sing unto the Lord.86
* Ara; the Altar – 2nd Decan
The “Alter” is depicted upside down as if the fire is falling into outer darkness into the hidden
abyss, into the lower regions of the underworld; into hell; into the Lake of Fire.
Ara means “Consuming Fire Prepared for His Enemies.” This is the fire prepared for Satan
and for all those that follow him.87 The Arabs word Al Mugamra meaning “The Completing”, “The
Finishing”. The Lord will make perfect everything that concerns me.88
We can either take part in the harp and sing to the king or take part in the consuming fire.
* Draco; the Dragon – 3rd Decan
The repulsive, dangerous, monstrous, serpentine dragon’s head is depicted as under the foot of
Hercules ready to get stomped on; in Greek Drakon means “Trodden Down.” No man has ever seen a dragon, yet for some reason, the whole world knows that it is EVIL.
The brightest star is called Rastaban; “The Head of the Subtle” or “The Head of the Serpent”
The third brightest star is called in Hebrew Ethanin; “The Long Serpent” or “Dragon”.
Satan the great dragon; the old serpent is cast down and trodden under.89
Here’s where we are - Book TWO chapter one
5) CAPRICORNUS, the Goat – Book TWO chapter two
The Sea Goat or Goat Fish: This is the figure of half of a goat and half of a fish; the goat half
is dying and the fish half is leaping with life. This is the Christian’s dual nature; the dying sinful goat is resurrected as the redeemed living fish. Buried in the unbelief of the Jews; resurrected in the faith of the Gentiles.
82 Psalms 45:5-6 – The arrows pierce the heart of the king’s enemies
83 1 Thessalonians 5:3 – He will come swiftly with Sudden Destruction.
84 Revelation 6:2 – FALSE Christ comes first on the White Horse with a Bow
85 Exodus 15:1 – HE IS HIGHLY EXALTED
86 Ephesians 5:19 – Sing and MAKE MUSIC IN YOUR HEART to the Lord
87 Psalms 21:8-9 – His fire will consume them.
88 Psalms 138:8 – The LORD will PERFECT that which concerns me
89 Psalms 119:118 – Those that leave God’s statutes will be trodden down.
The Statement: SAGITTARIUS, “The Archer.” Christ comes on a horse; destroys Satan.
1st Point: Lyra, The Harp; Songs and praises are offered to the conquer; He is exalted. 2nd Point: Ara, The Alter; The fire from the alter sets hell on fire in the outer darkness. 3RD Point: Draco, The Dragon, who is Satan is cast down and trodden under.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK THE FISH is the symbol of the Christian with new life. The early Christian symbol was the sign of
the fish “Ichthus”.
Looking at some of the brightest stars in Hebrew, is Gedi which means “The kid,” another is Deneb Al Gedi, “The Sacrifice Cometh,” another Ma’Asad, “The Slaying” also meaning “The Cut Off.” Other brightest stars we get, “The sacrifice Slain”, “The Record of the Cutting Off”, “Bowed in Death.”
The goat is the symbol of sin that will be cut off.90 He was wounded for our transgressions. This is about Christ becoming a sinful goat as an offering of sacrifice for us; we live.91
* Sagitta; the Arrow – 1st Decan
Sagitta means the ARROW: the arrow of this unseen shooter is God and goes forth against ALL
wickedness; piercing the heart of the spotless Son of God who took on sin for us.92
* Aquila; the Eagle – 2nd Decan
In the older Zodiacs the eagle is always depicted as falling as if pierced by an arrow.93
The brightest star is Al Tair which means “The wounding;” the other stars in Hebrew are named
Tarared meaning “Torn,” Al Cair meaning, “The Piercing,” Al Okab meaning “Wounded in the Heel.” The Eagle is a Biblical symbol of Jesus the Christ; The Messiah.94
* Delphinus; the Dolphin – 3rd Decan
A great fish, a Dolphin is seen plunging down into the water; GONE,95 but then suddenly
breaks forth above the waters; an up springing fish.
Christ Died for our sins and then broke forth from the grave and ascended to the Father.96 Once
again we see the fish as the symbol of Christianity.
We die in Christ and are resurrected to a newness of life. Here’s where we are – Book TWO Chapter two
6) AQUARIUS, the Waterman – Book TWO chapter three
The principal star is Sa’ad al Melik meaning “Record of the outpouring”, “The Pourer forth
of water” and “The Exalted Waterman.” If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me.
This pictures a man with a great urn pouring out a vast and voluminous, constant, great stream of
water from the sky that enlarges as it flows into rivers; into the high places and into fountains in the
midst of the valleys.
While the water flows both east and west it also flows over the body and into the mouth of Piscis
Australis, the Southern fish. The fish is the symbol of the people of God. Water is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. The redeemed are filled with the Holy Spirit.
90 Matthew 25:32 – AS A SHEPHERD He will separate the sheep from the goats.
91 Leviticus 10:16-17 – The goat is the sin offering to bear the iniquity, to make atonement -- Leviticus 16:8-10 – The sin offering of
Christ took away our sins MAKING ATONEMENT; A SIN OFFERING as a scapegoat
92 Psalms 38:2 – God pierced the heart of Jesus on the cross
93 Genesis 3:15 – You will strike and wound His heel;
94 Exodus 19:4 – I carried you on eagle’s wings. -- Deuteronomy 32:11-12 – I spread EAGLES WINGS to catch you
95 Psalms 42:7- I have gone down in waves of sin into the grave
96 .1 Corinthians 15:3-4 - HE WAS BURIED and HE WAS RAISED
The Greek name Ichthus is an ACROSTIC of five words - Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ",
(Iēsous Christos, Theou Huios, Sōtēr), meaning, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.
The Statement CAPRICORNUS; The Goat Fish; the Dual nature of man, dying then resurrected.
1st Point: Sagitta; The Arrow; it is God that pierced Christ on the cross.
2nd Point: Aquila; The Eagle; Christ was wounded and pierced for us
3RD Point: Delphimus; The Dolphin; The Christian dies and is resurrected to new life.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Christ is the cup bearer, the source of the living waters flowing freely into His Church.97 The filling of the Holy Spirit is NOT a onetime event; we as Christian leak; therefore we must be continually refilled with the exhaustless reservoir of the WORD of the Holy Spirit.98
* Picis Australis; the Southern Fish – 1st Decan
This fish represents the church; the Christian receiving the out pouring of the living water of the
Holy Spirit. Christ is the source of living water; the Holy Spirit that is poured out that transforms the life of the Christian.99 It is poured out so that we too become “fishers of men” bringing the good news of Christ to the world.100
* Pegasus; the Winged Horse – 2nd Decan
Pegasus in Greek means “Fountain Horse;” THE MYTHICAL HORSE WITH WINGS. The
ancient star names are Pega, “The Chief”, Markab, “The Returning”, Scheat, “He Who Goes Forth and Returns,” Enif, “The Branch”, Al Genib, “Who Carries”, Homan, “The Waters”.
This is the chief; Christ, the branch of Jessie returning on a white horse winging His way throughout the earth carrying the power of the Gospel Message.101
The Holy Spirit empowers us to take this same message to everyone in our workplace.102
* Cygnus; the Swan – 3rd Decan
This swan is depicted in rapid flight; this constellation consists of eighty one stars. The brightest
star is Deneb which means “The Lord or Judge to Come.” The star Azel means “He who goes and returns quickly.”103 Fafage means “The Glorious Shining Forth”.
The once smitten and disfigured Christ on the cross now returns quickly in beauty, purity, dignity and grace as a swan coming as Lord and Judge.104
Here’s where we are – Book TWO Chapter three
7) PISCES, the Fishes – Book THREE chapter one
This is the figures of two fish, one swimming Northward and the other swimming with the
ecliptic, the path the sun travels; but they are bound together. Fish are the symbol of the church. Old Testament and New Testament Christians.
Old Testament Saints have already been taken to the extreme North to Heaven.
New Testament Saints are taking the path throughout the earth with the Gospel Message. One of the stars in Hebrew is named Okda meaning, “The United”.
97 John 7:37-39 – Christ is the source of streams of LIVING WATER. -- Revelation 22:17 - WHOEVER IS THIRSTY take the free gift of
98 Ephesians 5:18 – BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT-- Collations 1:9 – Be filled with knowledge and SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING --
Acts 4:31 – Be filled with the Holy Spirit, speak with BOLDNESS
99 Matthew 3:16 – As Jesus was baptized; UP OUT OF THE WATER, THE SPIRIT OF GOD descended on him like a dove.
101 Revelation 19:11 – Christ, Faithful and True rides a white horse
102 Mark 16:15 – THE GREAT COMMISSION; Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature
The Statement AQUARIUS, the Waterman; this is Christ pouring out the Holy Spirit.
1st Point: Picis, The Southern Fish, The Church receives the water of the Holy Spirit.
2nd Point: Pegasus; The Winged Horse, Christ wings His way with the Gospel Message.
3RD Point: Cygnus; The Swan, Christ coming in His glorious shining as Lord and Judge.
103 Psalms 38:22 – Come quickly Lord 104 1 Peter 4:5 – He is ready to judge
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TWO; denotes being fruitful; multiplying;105 this is the church, born of water and of Spirit.
In Egyptian it is known as Pi-Cot Orion or Pisces Hori which means “The fish Of Him Who
Comes”; the fish that belongs to Christ. One of the brightest stars is called Al Samaca, “The
Upheld;” Christ will uphold us.106
* The Bands - 1st Decan
The Bands refer to the band that binds the two fish inseparably together. The band is in the hand
of Aries the Ram or Lamb. We were once bound to sin, but now are bound to Christ in the net of salvation.107 Everyone is surely bound one way or the other; I urge you to follow the Lamb.108
* Andromeda; the Chained Woman – 2nd Decan
A woman is depicted in the seated position on a rock, bound with chains, hands and feet. The
Greek name is Andro-meda which means “Man Ruler”.109 Some of the names of the stars in this constellation are translated; “The weak”, “The Afflicted”, “The Chained”, “The Broken Down”
This is a picture of the church, the bride of Christ being hated and afflicted, in chains about to be devoured by the world; looking for the return of the Savior to break the chains.110 At Christ’s return, He will free the weak Church; the Saints, lifting them up in strength to rule and reign with Him.111 God has established the Church on the rock and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.112
* Cepheus; the Crowned King – 3rd Decan
Cepheus means “The Branch”, “The King”. A bearded man is depicted sitting on a throne
holding a scepter in his outstretched arm; it is Christ that will redeem us with his outstretched arm.113 The Egyptian name is Per-Ku-Hor which means “This One Comes to Rule.” The brightest star is Al Deramin and in Arabic means “Coming Quickly.” The second brightest star is Al Phirk, “The Redeemer;” another Star is Alrai which means “He Who Bruises or Breaks”. This is the One that is to come; The Christ, The Branch, The Redeemer, The Crowned King dispensing judgment
from His throne. 114 He is Redeemer and Judge; come quickly Lord.115
Here’s where we are – Book THREE Chapter one
8) ARIES; the Ram – Book THREE chapter two
Some nations call the ram, a “Lamb”.116 The figure of a strong ram or sheep with curved horns
lying down observing the land before it. He has one paw on the fishes and the other paw controlling the sea monster.117 The Arabic calls this figure, Al Hamal, “The Sheep.”
105 Genesis 1:28 – Two will multiply; BE FRUITFUL AND INCREASE IN NUMBER
106 Isaiah 41:10 – I will uphold you
107 Matthew 13:47 – The kingdom of heaven is like A NET
108 Revelation 14:4 – They follow the lamb wherever he goes
109 1 Corinthians 6:2 - Do you not know that the saints will judge the world
110 Revelation 12:5 – Christ is the male child, who will rule the nations
111 Revelation 5:10 – We will rule and reign with Him
112 Matthew 16:18 – UPON THIS ROCK I will BUILD MY CHURCH and the gates of hell will not prevail
113 Revelation 5:13 – The one who sits on the throne be praise and honor and glory and power -- Exodus 6:6 – I will redeem you with
an outstretched arm
114 Revelation 6:16-17 – The great Day of Judgment has come
115 Revelation 7:10 – Salvation belongs to God, Father and the Son
116 John 1:29 – The Lamb of God is Jesus
117 Job 2:6 – Satan is limited and can go just so far and that’s it.
The Statement: PISCES, the Fishes; Old and New Testament Saints bound together.
1st Point: The Bands, we are bound to Satan or we are bound to Jesus Christ.
2nd Point: Andromeda, the Chained Woman; Christ comes for His bride, the bound Church
3RD Point: Cepheus; the Crowned King; Christ comes as King, the Redeemer and Judge.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Ram means “High”, “Great”, “Lifted Up;” the Hebrew name is Taleh, “The Lamb Sent
Forth.” Greek is Krios, “The Lamb,” Latin is “Aries” , “The Chief”, “The Head”, “The Lamb,”
the Akkadians called it Baraziggar , “Making Right” “The Merciful”, “The Gentle”.118
Christ is the Ram or Lamb and has His hand on both, the fishes (His church) and Cetus the Sea
Monster (Satan). Satan is restrained by a leash and can only bark and run around just so far.
* Cassiopeia; the Enthroned Woman – 1st Decan
Cassiopeia means “The Enthroned Woman;” this woman is depicted as sitting high on a throne.
She is pictured as arranging her hair as a bride getting ready for the groom.
The first star is Shedar meaning “The Freed”, another star Ruchbah, “The Enthroned.” She
represents the Church high and lifted up.119 If you remember “Andromeda” was the picture of the Church down trodden soiled, wrinkled and in bonds.
Cassiopeia is the Church now without spot or wrinkle120 as the bride of King Jesus clothed in spotless white, ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb.121
* Cetus; the Sea-Monster – 2nd Decan
This star takes up the largest space of any figure in the Zodiac. Cetus disappears for years at a
time then reappears; Satan does his best work when we can’t see him.
The brightest star is Mira meaning “The Rebel,” another bright star is called Menkar, “The
Bound” or “Chained Enemy.” Another bright star; Diphada meaning “The overthrown”, “The Thrust Down.” (“Christ will punish Leviathan the piercing crooked serpent.”) 122
This is Satan who rebelled against God that has now been overthrown and chained and bound in darkness123 Satan is Cetus; the Sea-Monster that seeks to devoir the fish of Christ.124
* Perseus; the Breaker – 3rd Decan
The Star is Mirfak meaning “Who Helps,” another star is Al Genib, “The One Who Carries
Away.” In the Apocalypse of Revelation; Christ is the only one worthy to break the seals.125
This is another picture of Jesus Christ who is “the Breaker”126 the one who is the head and leads
the way, who helps us; carries away sin and stomps the head of the serpent; Satan. Here’s where we are – Book THREE Chapter two
9) TAURUS, the Bull – Book THREE chapter three
This is the figure of a powerful bull charging forth bringing destruction; it has SEVEN stars. The
Chief star is Al Debaran which means “The Captain” or “The Leader” or “Governor”.
This is a picture of Jesus Christ as the captain. He is like a “UNICORN” or bull that cannot be
harnessed and in fierce anger, He is charging forth to destroy sinners causing the land to flow with
blood.127 NOTE: When Christ returns, He does NOT come as the suffering Messiah sharing the love and mercy
of salvation, but comes as the Judge with a rod of iron dispensing the Wrath of His Judgement upon sinners.
118 Revelation 5:12 – Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power
119 Isaiah 6:1 – The Church is high and lifted up.
120 Ephesians 5:27 – The Bride is without spot or wrinkle.
121 Revelation 19:9 – Ready for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
122 Isaiah 27:1 - The LORD will punish Leviathan with his terrible, swift sword
123 Isaiah 14:12 – Satan has been cast down; Overthrown -- Jude 6 – Satan is bound in everlasting chains for the great Day judgment.
124 1 Peter 5:8 – Satan pretends to be a lion seeking to devour someone
125 Revelation 5:2 – Who is worthy to break the seals; Jesus the Lamb of God
126 Micah 2:13 – The Lord is the Breaker.
127 Isaiah 13:9 – Christ is coming with fierce anger, wrath to destroy and desolate
The Statement: ARIES, the Ram is Christ with his hands on the Church and on Satan
1st Point: Cassiopeia; the Enthroned Woman is the Church; the bride of Christ lifted up. 2nd Point: Cetus; the Sea-Monster is the rebel Satan who is bound in chains of darkness. 3RD Point: Perseus; the Breaker is Jesus Christ breaking forth the way out of sin.
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The Unicorn was a name given to a now extinct ox, it was a wild, untamable, fierce, ferocious animal about the size of an elephant and it had not one, but TWO HORNS, however it was singleness of purpose, to destroy any living thing.128 (Seven; complete destruction)129
* Orion; the Glorious One – 1st Decan
Orion means “The Brilliant”, “The Swift” or “He Who Comes Forth as Light.” The Hebrew
word is Chesil which means “A Strong One” or “A Hero”. Betelguese, “The Branch Coming” One of its stars is named Rigel meaning “The Foot That Crusheth,” another of its stars is Bellatrix meaning “Quickly Coming” or “Swiftly Destroying,” Al Mirzam, “The Ruler”.
Orion is seen holding up a dead lion’s head. Satan walks about pretending to be a roaring lion seeking who he can kill.130 Orion’s left foot is crushing the head of the enemy.
This is a picture of Christ, “The Branch”, coming in brilliant light quickly and swiftly crushing and destroying the head of the serpent, Satan;131 the “pretending” Lion.
Interestingly there are also three famous stars known as the “Three Kings” (of Orient).
* Eridanus; the River – 2nd Decan
Eridanus, “The River of the Judge.” The river is depicted with fire along its entire stream
touching Cetus the sea monster; Satan.132 This is Christ with a river of fiery judgment flowing from His throne consuming all His foes.133 There is still time to be saved, as by fire.
Joel 3:14 – You are in the valley of decision
* Auriga; the Shepherd – 3rd Decan
This is a picture of A MIGHTY MAN sitting on the “Milky Way” holding a she-goat and two
scared little kids. This is Christ, the Good Shepherd134 coming on “The Day of the Lord”.135 The little kids, the “sheep”, the church is safe in the arms of the good Shepherd.136
Here’s where we are – Book THREE Chapter three
10) GEMINI, the Twins – Book FOUR chapter one
Some older representations have these as TWO goats or kids, however today this is pictured as
TWO human figures seated closely and united like Adam and Eve. United as in a DUAL NATURE in readiness for war, but resting in peace; the Human nature and the Devine nature. This is Christ united with His bride; the church.
128 Job 39:9-10 – The unicorn cannot be harnessed to serve -- Isaiah 34:7 – The UNICORNS shall come down and the land will be
soaked in blood
129 Isaiah 34:2 – The INDIGNATION of the LORD is upon all nations with Fury, to destroy and slaughter
130 1 Peter 5:8 – Satan walks about pretending to be a lion seeking someone to devour through trickery.
131 Genesis 3:15 – Jesus will crush Satan’s head.
132 Danial 7:9-10 – A river of fire flows from the judgment throne. -- Psalms 97:1-3 – Fire goes out before Him & consumes His foes.
-- Nahum 1:6 – His wrath is poured out like fire.
133 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 – As blazing fire, He will punish those WHO DO NOT KNOW GOD
134 Isaiah 40:11 – LIKE A SHEPHERD, He will gently carry and lead those who are His
135 Isaiah 13:9 – On the Day of the Lord; unbelievers will be destroyed
136 Isaiah 40:10 – The Shepherd; the Lord God shall come with a strong hand and will reward His own.
The Statement: TAURUS, the Bull; this is Christ coming in wrath to destroy the sinner.
1st Point: Orion; The Glorious One, Christ comes swiftly and crushes the head of Satan. 2nd Point: Eridanus; The fiery River of judgment flowing from the Throne of Christ. 3RD Point: Auriga; The Shepherd will gently and securely embrace and reward His sheep.
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The brightest star is Castor meaning “The Ruler” or “Judge.” The Egyptians call him Hor or Horus, “The Coming One”.
Christ is sitting at the right hand of the father, united as the Judge and the Ruler.
* Lepus; the Enemy – 1st Decan
The modern ZODIACS have Lepus as a rabbit, but the older versions show him as a serpent.
The brightest star is called Arnebo which means “The Enemy of Him that Cometh;” other star names Nibal, “The Mad”, Sugia, “The Deceiver” and Rakis, “The Bound.” In Arabic it means “Bound, as With a Chain”.
This is the MAD deceiver; the serpent, the enemy of Christ now bound with a great chain and thrown into the pit.137
* Canis Major; the Prince – 2nd Decan
This is a large Wolf or Eagle; the name of this constellation is Naz meaning “Hawk”, “Coming
swiftly down.” The Hawk is the predator, the hunter destroyer of the snake.
The brightest star is called Sirus, in Hebrew means “Prince,” the root word Sar implies “To Make
Oneself a Prince;” Jesus is the Prince of Peace.138
Christ the Prince is coming back swiftly as a Hawk to judge and destroy.
* Canis Minor; the Redeemer – 3rd Decan
This is a smaller companion wolf, a picture of the saints following Christ wherever He leads. The
brightest star is Procyon meaning “The Redeemer” or “Redeeming.” The next brightest star is Al Gomeisa meaning “Burdened”, “Loaded”, “Bearing for Others.”
This swift hawk is coming back as the Redeemer139 bearing the burden140 of the elect, the Church, the believers. This is the DUAL NATURE of Christ, He is Prince and Redeemer.
Here’s where we are – Book FOUR Chapter one
11) CANCER, the Crab – Book FOUR chapter two
A gigantic Crab; related to the noetic word Khan meaning “The Traveler’s Resting Place for
the Encircled” or “The Embraced.” Another star is called Tegmine meaning “The Sheltering” or “Hiding Place.” Another star called Al Himerein, “The Kids” or “The Lambs”.
The brightest star cluster is called praesepe meaning “The Multitude”, “The Offspring”, “The Innumerable Seed”. The Egyptian name is Klaria meaning “The Folds”, “The Resting Places.” The Syriac name is Sartano meaning “The One Who Holds”.
This figure of a crab is taking hold of the Church with its strong pinchers; Christ securely holds and embraces the innumerable redeemed, the lambs in the shelter of His resting place until His work is completed. Its many legs represent the multitude of believers.
* Ursa Minor; The lesser Sheepfold – 1st Decan
Called the lesser bear; the brightest star is called Dubheh meaning “Herd of Animals.” Another
bright star is called Kochab meaning “Waiting Him Who Comes,” another is called Alpherkadain meaning “Redeemed Assembly”.
Another bright star is called Al-Ruccaba meaning “The Pole Star” or “The North Star.”
137 Revelation 20:1-3 – The DRAGON, the DEVIL, SATAN is bound with a great chain and THROWN INTO THE ABYSS
138 Isaiah 9:6 – Jesus Christ is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, PRINCE OF PEACE.
139 Isaiah 47:4 – Christ is the Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel
140 Matthew 11:30 – His yoke is easy and His burden is light
The Statement: GEMINI, Christ is seated at the right hand of God as Judge and Ruler.
1st Point: Lepus; The Enemy, the MAD deceiver is bound with a chain and thrown in the pit
2nd Point: Canis Major; The Prince, Christ is coming swiftly as a hawk in judgment
3RD Point: Canis Minor; The Redeemer, Christ is coming swiftly as the redeemer.
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This is the star by which ships navigate; this is the star upon which the entire heavens seem to turn through the progression of the equinoxes. This star points to heaven.
This is the gathering together of the SMALLER SHEEPFOLD of the redeemed assembly of believers waiting in heaven. (This is actually not a small bear, but a small sheepfold)
* Ursa Major; the Greater Sheepfold. – 2nd Decan
Called the Great Bear, however we call it “The Big Dipper,” but it’s actually not a dipper, it’s
the greater sheepfold. The Arabic name is Al Naish meaning “The Assembled Together.”
The brightest star is called Dubheh meaning “Herd” or “Fold.” Another star is called Merach
meaning “The Flock,” in Arabic it means “Purchased.” Another bright star is called Phacada
meaning “Visited” or “Guarded” or “Numbered”, other stars named El Alcola, “The Sheepfold,”
Cab’d al Asad, “Multitude of the Assembled,” El Kaprah, “The Protected” or “The Redeemed
or “Ransomed,” Callisto meaning “The Sheepfold”.
This GREATER SHEEPFOLD is a vast assembled multitude of redeemed, purchased,
ransomed and numbered believers.141 It is guarded and protected; no one can snatch them out of His hand.142 (The star names refer to it as a great sheepfold, not a great bear.)
* Argo; the Ship – 3rd Decan
The word Argo means, “The Ship;” the root word means “The Company of Travelers. This
ship is in safe harbor.
The brightest star is Canopus, meaning “The possession of Him who Comes,” another star is
Sephina meaning “The Multitude;” another is called Tureis meaning “The Possession”. The church is the “Ark” of safety possessed by Christ.
Here’s where we are – Book FOUR Chapter two
12) LEO, the Lion – Book FOUR Chapter three
The figure of a great lion leaping over the body of Hydra; the serpent which is trying to flee. In
most languages Leo the Lion143 means “He That Rends”, “That Tears Asunder”. One of the stars is named Denebola meaning “The Judge”, “The Lord Who Comes Quickly”.144 Another star is Zosma meaning “The Shining Forth” or “Epiphany.” Minchir al Asad meaning “The Punishing” or “Tearing of Him Who Lays Waste”,145 Al Defera meaning, “The putting down of the Enemy”, Regulus, “The Feet Which Crush”
This GREAT LION is Jesus Christ; the Lion from the tribe of Judah who comes in Judgment.146
* Hydra; the Serpent – 1st Decan
The serpent Hydra means “he is the Abhorred.” The brightest star is Al Phard meaning “The
Separated”,“TheExcluded”,ThePutOutoftheWay”. AnotherstarisMinchiralSuriameaning “Tearing to Shreds of the Deceiver.” The is the FINAL end of the serpent
Hydra is just another guise of Satan the deceiver147 who will be torn to pieces by Christ.
141 John 10:16 – There is more than one sheepfold, God has other sheep
142 John 10:28 – No one can snatch them out of my hand
143 Hosea 5:14 – A great lion to Judah will tear them to pieces
144 Hosea 13:7-8 – I will come upon them like a lion and devour them
145 Psalms 50:22 – Those who forget God will be torn to pieces.
146 Revelation 5:5 – THE LION from the Tribe of Judah
147 John 8:32 – You cannot be deceived when you know the truth
The Statement: CANCER, The Crab; Christ embraces the redeemed securely in his hands
1st Point: Ursa Minor; The lesser Sheepfold of redeemed believers waiting in heaven.
2nd Point: Ursa Major; The Greater Sheepfold of redeemed believers, guarded, protected.
3RD Point: Argo; The Ship is the church; the Ark of safety’ the possession of Christ.
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* Crater; the Cup – 2nd Decan
This is called “The Cup of Wrath;” it appears as attached to the serpent. The cup will be poured
out upon Satan148 and those that follow him.149
The curse that Satan poured out on the world is now poured on him.150
* Corvus; the Raven – 3rd Decan
The picture is of the Raven with his feet grasping the body of the serpent. The name of this
constellation is Minchir al Gorab meaning; “The Raven’s Piercing” or “Tearing To Pieces.” The brightest star is Al Chiba which in Hebrew means “The Curse Inflicted”.
This is the final chapter in the battle when the birds; the ravens, the VULTURES, gorge themselves on the carcasses of the slain151 starting with their eyeballs;152 IT’S ALL OVER.
Here’s where we are – Book FOUR Chapter three
The Take Away; by the Book
BOOK ONE – The Woman’s Seed – The Redemption price paid – The Battle
The Statement: VIRGO, the Virgin Mary will bear a son who will destroy the seed of the serpent.
He is the righteous branch of David, His death will bare much fruit. Mary is prostrate as one deceived by Satan and holds to the promise of the seed in her hand.
1st Point: Coma, the seed will be the desired one of all the nations.
2nd Point: Centaurus, He is despised, rejected, afflicted, stricken, and smitten, but lives in immortal glory and power. He has Two Natures, He is perfect God and perfect man. He is the High Priest and the sacrifice.
3rd Point: Bootes, He will be pierced; He will come to subdue, judge, rule, and govern.
The Statement: LIBRA, the scales. Balancing the scales with the plan of redemption; to purchase
or buy back. The weighing of the cost of the redemption
1st Point: Crux, the cutting off of the Life of Jesus on the Southern Cross.
2nd Point: Victima, Christ is the victim sacrificed as a silent lamb before his shearers.
3rd Point: Corona, Christ is resurrected to receive a crown of glory and triumph.
The Statement: SCORPIO; The Scorpion, the battle is between Christ and Satan.
1st Point: Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder. Christ restrains Satan from the Crown of Life.
2nd Point: Serpens, the Serpent who is Satan will be cast down, bound up and shut up.
3RD Point: Hercules, Christ will crush the head of Satan and deliver the believers.
148 Psalms 11:6 – God will rain His wrath of FIERY COALS and BURNING SULFUR on the wicked
149 Psalms 75:8 – The wicked will drink the cup to its very dredges.
150 Revelation 14:10-11 - Satan will drink of the cup of God’s wrath and the smoke of his torment rises for ever and ever.
151 1 Samuel 17:46 – I will give your carcasses to the birds of the air --Revelation 19:21 – The birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
152 Proverbs 30:17 – The vultures will PECK their eyes out.
The Statement: LEO, the Lion is Christ coming powerfully and quickly in judgment
1st Point: Hydra; The Serpent is Satan the deceiver who will be torn to shreds by Christ.
2nd Point: Crater; The Cup of wrath is poured out on Satan and those that follow him.
3RD Point: Corvus; The Raven; the vultures eat the carcasses of the slain serpent and his followers.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK BOOK TWO – Satan destroyed – Life comes out of death – Spirit poured out
The Statement: SAGITTARIUS. “The Archer,” Christ comes on a horse and destroys Satan. 1st Point: Lyra, the Harp; songs and praises are offered to the conqueror, He is exalted
2nd Point: Ara, the Alter; the fire from the alter sets hell on fire in the outer darkness.
3RD Point: Draco, the Dragon, who is Satan is cast down and trodden under. -
The Statement: CAPRICORNUS the Goat Fish; the dual nature, dying and resurrected. 1st Point: Sagitta; the Arrow. It is God that pierced Christ on the cross.
2nd Point: Aquila; the Eagle. Christ was wounded and pierced for us
3RD Point: Delphimus; the Dolphin. The Christian dies and is resurrected to new life. -
The Statement: AQUARIUS the Waterman. This is Christ pouring out the Holy Spirit.
1st Point: Picis; the Southern Fish. The Church receives the water of the Holy Spirit.
2nd Point: Pegasus; the Winged Horse. Christ wings His way with the Gospel Message.
3RD Point: Cygnus; the Swan. Christ coming in His glorious shining as Lord and Judge
BOOK THREE – Deliverance - Humiliation to Glory – His Glorious Coming
The Statement: PISCES, The Fishes. Old and New Testament Saints are bound together1st Point: The Bands. We are bound to Satan OR we are bound to Jesus Christ.
2nd Point: Andromeda; the Chained Woman. Christ comes for His bride, the bound Church 3RD Point: Cepheus; the Crowned King. Christ comes as King, the Redeemer and Judge. -
The Statement: ARIES, The Ram is Christ with his hands on the Church and on Satan
1st Point: Cassiopeia; the Enthroned Woman is the Church; the bride of Christ lifted up.
2nd Point: Cetus; the Sea-Monster is the rebel Satan who is bound in chains of darkness.
3RD Point: Perseus; the Breaker is Jesus Christ breaking forth, Leading the way out of sin. -
The Statement: TAURUS, The Bull. This is Christ coming in wrath to destroy the sinner.1st Point: Orion; the Glorious One; Christ comes swiftly and crushes the head of Satan.
2nd Point: Eridanus; the fiery River of judgment flowing from the Throne of Christ.
3RD Point: Auriga; the Shepherd will gently & securely embrace and reward His sheep; US.
BOOK FOUR – Bride of Christ – We are held secure – His enemies destroyed
The Statement: GEMINI, Christ is seated at the right hand of God as Judge and Ruler.
1st Point: Lepus; the Enemy; the mad deceiver is bound with a chain and thrown in the pit
2nd Point: Canis Major; the Prince; Christ is coming swiftly as a hawk in judgment
3RD Point: Canis Minor; the Redeemer; Christ is coming swiftly as the redeemer
The Statement: CANCER, the Crab. Christ embraces the redeemed securely in his hands.
1st Point: Ursa Minor; the lesser Sheepfold of redeemed believers waiting in heaven.
2nd Point: Ursa Major; the Greater Sheepfold of redeemed believers, guarded, protected.
3RD Point: Argo; the Ship is the church; the Ark of safety; the possession of Christ.
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12) LEO
The Statement: LEO, The Lion is Christ coming powerfully and quickly in judgment
1st Point: Hydra; The Serpent is Satan the deceiver who will be torn to shreds by Christ.
2nd Point: Crater; The Cup of wrath is poured out on Satan and those that follow him.
3RD Point: Corvus; The Raven, the vultures eat the carcasses of the slain serpent and his
Last Thoughts
I only write on the controversial; the things not normally discussed in church.
If you do not know about a subject, then how can you discuss it or compare it to the Bible?
The Bereans were commended for checking out everything that was said with the Torah.
These controversial things do not affect your salvation, but they may offer a path for the seeker.
Acts 17:11-12 – Berean’s open minded; searched the Scriptures
11 And THE PEOPLE OF BEREA WERE MORE OPEN-MINDED than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. THEY SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES DAY AFTER DAY to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the TRUTH.
12 AS A RESULT, MANY JEWS BELIEVED, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men.
If you have not yet selected a Bible, I recommend the New Living Translation, It is an actual translation, not paraphrased and is so easy to understand and follow.
I have reduced 450 pages of documentation down to 17 pages of points, statements and footnotes.
If you enjoy mythology and want more detail, I encourage you to get these two books;
“The real meaning of the Zodiac” and “The Gospel in the Stars”.
I have had fun and hope I have whetted your appetite to be a BEREAN.
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Chapter 7. 5
Interestingly, there were different cycles of weeks depending on the culture; why did we settle on SEVEN and how did we get their names?
West Africa; some tribes used the four day week cycle.
Central Asia; the five day week was common.
The Assyrians had a six day week.
The Babylonians had seven days based on the moon intervals.
Ancient Rome markets were held in eight day intervals.
The Egyptians had ten days.
The Seven Days may partly owe its origin to the four seven day phases of the moon. The Bible is pretty straight forward in its account of a six day creation and God resting on the seventh day153 which by the way, is also listed in the Decalogue of commandments.154
The Month for the Hebrew is always associated with the New Moon. The Moon phases are readily observed, but are less easy to determine precisely since it depends on where you are when you see the first appearance of the crescent, not to mention the clouds or haze interfering.
Week: (Encyclopedias Britannica) a period of seven days, a unit of time artificially devised with No Astronomical Basis. What that means is that it is fruitless to look to the sky for something that is the basis for the seven day week. The evidence is just not in the stars, the moon or the earth’s rotation. It has been artificially devised somehow.
The Origin of the Week is generally associated with the ancient Hebrews and the Biblical account of the Creation; according to which God labored for six days and rested on the seventh. (I feel compelled to point out here that the Biblical number SEVEN is symbolic of completeness.)
Interestingly; the Babylonians and the Sumerians divided their year into weeks of seven days each, one of which they designated a day of recreation. They celebrated a holy day every seven days starting with the new moon and adjusting the length of the last week to coincide with the moons. It is though that the seven-day creation account of Genesis is connected to the Babylonian creation epic,” Enuma Elish”, which was found recorded on SEVEN tablets.
Evidence indicates, however, that the Jews may have borrowed the idea of the week from Mesopotamia who existed long before the Hebrews and had a seven day week which must have been passed down to them FROM THE TIME OF CREATION. Imagine that; the seven day week had nothing to do with the Hebrews, but with God’s creation.
But then, who named the days of the Week?
153 Genesis 2:2 – God rested on the Seventh day of the week
154 Exodus 20:8 - The Decalogue; Ten Commandments, Seventh day Sabbath
Seven days
Did it come from Greek Mythology, Babylon, the Hebrews or was it a God thing?
First Word
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Names of the Days
Names of the week days are derived from pagan mythology based on their gods and goddess. 1st Sunday – Sun - The day of the Sun – Helios-Sol
Sunnandaeg - Old English
2nd Monday – Moon - Moonday - The Moon Goddess – Selene-Luna
Monandaeg - Old English
3rd Tuesday – Mars - The day of Tiw – The Mars God of War – Ares-Mars
Tiwesdaeg - Old English
4th Wednesday – Mercury - Woden’s Day – The Furious God – Hermes-Mercury
Wodnesdaeg - Old English
5th Thursday – Jupiter - Thor’s Day – The God of Thunder – Zeus- Jupiter
Bunresdaeg - Old English
6th Friday – Venus - Venus’s Day – The Goddess of Spring and Beauty – Aphrodite’s-Venus
Frigedaeg - Old English
7th Saturday – Saturn - Saturn’s Day, the Roman god of Agriculture. – Cronus-Saturn
Saeterndaeg - Old English
According to the Bible, God only named one day of the Week and that was when He rested on the Seventh Day; He called it THE SABBATH. The rest of the days He named them by their number; the First day of the Week, the Second day of the week, etc.
The Sabbath Day is SATURDAY to the Jews and some Christian denominations like the Seventh Day Adventist; however most Christian denominations look to the Lord’s Day as the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, thus their Sabbath, the First day of the week is SUNDAY.
So for the Jew, Saturday is their Sabbath and for the Christian, Sunday is their Lord’s Day.
Mark 16:9 – SUNDAY; The First Day Of The Week, Genesis 1:5
9 Now when he rose early on the FIRST DAY of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons.
Genesis 1:8 – The Second Day
8 And God called the expanse Heaven. And there was evening and
there was morning, the SECOND DAY. (ESV)
Mark 10:34 – The Third Day, Genesis 1:13
34 And they will mock Him, and scourge Him, and spit on Him, and
kill Him. And the THIRD DAY He will rise again." (NKJV)
Genesis 1:19 - The Fourth Day
19And there was evening and there was morning, the FOURTH DAY. (ESV)
Genesis 1:23 - The Fifth Day
23And there was evening and there was morning, the FIFTH DAY. (ESV)
Genesis 1:31 - The Sixth Day
31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very
good. And there was evening and there was morning, the SIXTH DAY. (ESV)
Exodus 20:11 - The Seventh Day; Named the SABBATH Day
11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the SEVENTH DAY. Therefore the
LORD blessed THE SABBATH DAY and made it holy. (ESV)
We seem to understand the Month and the Year,
but the Week; the seven days seems to be a GOD THING.
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Chapter 7. 6
Seven Day Symbolism
The Bible says that, to the Lord a day is like a thousand years. Is the Church Rapture Ready?
First Word
Throughout the Book, the number SEVEN is used as “completeness”; the Trinity is three and
added to God’s handiwork Four, is completeness; SEVEN. There are a lot of thought about when time will be complete for the Lord to return for the church in what is known as the Rapture and set up the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth.
We are told we will NOT know the day or the hour, but it doesn’t mention the year.155 Many students of the word think it will be a multiple of seven or seven thousand years from the crucifixion of Christ. So with that said, I pose some thoughts on the 1,000 year reign for you to ponder.
A) The earth was created in six days and then God rested on the seventh day. Well, if a day is a thousand years, then the six days would be 6000 years of church history and His Sabbath “rest” of one day would be during the 1,000 year reign. That time is now.
B) From the Garden of Eden to Abraham was 2000 years; that would be two days. From Abraham to Jesus Christ was 2000 years... That’s two more days. From Jesus Christ until now has been 2000 years; that’s two more days, a total of six days. The future millennial reign that comes on the heels of the rapture and tribulation period is 1,000 years long.... That’s one more day ... That’s a total of Seven days. It’s Time!
C) There were 2000 years before the Law (two days); 2000 years under the law (two more days); then 2000 years under the Messiah (two more days). We are now living in the age just prior to His return and the 1,000 year reign (We are in the seventh and last day.)
D) Christ died 2000 years ago; that’s just two days ago. On the third day, He arose. The millennial reign is the third day.
So, it seems like it’s time for the rapture, we are sitting right on the fence. Christ can return TODAY and rapture His Church. Nothing else has to happen in church prophecy before His return
in the air.
(His 1,000 year reign will be 3 1⁄2 years after the antichrist sets up his image in the Holy of Holies).156 Not making a decision to accept Christ in your life is a decision to reject Him.
Mark 13:32 – We can’t know the day, but how about the YEAR
32 “However, NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. (NLT)
155 Psalms 90:4 - A thousand years in God’s sight are like but a day -- 2 Peter 3:8 - With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a
thousand years are like a day
156 Mark 13:14 – Daniel 9:27- He will break the covenant 3 1⁄2 years and set up the abomination that causes desolation, The Antichrist
sets up his image, the abomination of desolation in the temple.
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Chapter 7. 7
Secret Sevens
Seven Tribulation Armies - Seven Prides of life – Seven Attributes of Christ Seven Sevens - Seven Days - Seven Tests - Seven Contrast - Seven Spirits Seven Test of our profession of faith – Seven Traits of being born again Seven Mysteries - Seven Players - Seven Crowns – Seven times to Pray Seven Test of the Christian’s Genuineness - Seven Tribulation Sins
Seven Reasons the Epistle were written - Seven Satanic Teachings
First Word
Seven is the Biblical number for completeness and is found throughout scripture. It originates with the completeness of the creation of earth in seven days.
As we proceed you will begin to see that ALL scripture is God breathed from the first book of Genesis to the last book of Revelation and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.157
The Book of 1st John unravels SEVEN lists of SEVEN.
1) Seven Reasons the Epistle was written
2) Seven Tests
3) Seven Contrasts
4) Seven Traits of being born again
5) Seven Test of our profession of faith
6) Seven Test of the Christian’s genuineness
7) Seven Test of honesty and reality.
1) Epistle Written
There are SEVEN reasons the Epistles of 1st John were written.
1) We write to make our joy complete158
2) Written so you will not sin159
3) Writing the new command: Love your brother160
4) Written to Fathers, Children and Young Men: To know that your sins have been forgiven.161
5) That we will have confidence in walking in His will and that He hears our prayers.162
6) So we can have truth and understanding of the True God and His Son Jesus Christ.163
7) Writing about those who would lead you astray.164
157 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness
158 1 John 15:11 – My Joy may be complete in you
159 1 John 2:1 – Written so you will not sin --1 John 2:12 – Your sins have been forgiven
160 1 John 2:8 – A new command; Love your brother
161 1 John 2:12-14 – Written to Fathers, Children and Young men
162 1 John 5:13-14 – Confidence; He hears us
163 1 John 2:21 – Write because you know the truth
164 1 John 2:26 - There are those who would lead you astray.
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2) Tests
There are SEVEN tests
1) Are you righteous? Anyone that is righteous has been born of Him. 165
2) Do you continue in Sin? 166
3) Do you do right? 167
4) Do you love your brother? 168
5) Do you confess Jesus is Lord? Is your Spirit from God? Test the spirits.169
6) Do you listen to the teachings? 170
7) Does the world hate you? 171
3) Contrasts
There are SEVEN contrasts.
1) God is light, in Him there is no darkness.172
2) The world and its desires will pass away but the will of God lives forever.173
3) What we will be is unknown, but when He appears we shall be like Him.174
4) We have passed from death to life.175
5) Sin is Lawlessness.176
6) Blood purifies us from sin.177
7) One who continues in sin does not know God.178
4) Born again
There are SEVEN traits of being born again.
1) Profession: Confess our sins; that we were born in Sin and need a Savior.179
2) Desire: If we remain in Christ, we are His.180
3) Doctrine: The Father sent His son to be the Savior of the World.181
4) Test of Conduct: Obey His words; His commands.182
5) Discernment: We know He lives in us by the Spirit He gave us.183
6) Motives: We carry out God’s commands because we love Him.184
7) New Birth: He has given us of His Spirit.185
5) Profession of Faith
There are SEVEN tests of our profession of faith
1) Do you acknowledge the Son?186
165 1 John 2:29 – Is he righteous
166 1 John 3:6 – Does he continue to sin
167 1 John 3:10 – Does what is right
168 1 John 3:14-15 – Does he love his brother
169 1 John 4:2-3 – Test the spirits
170 1 John 4:6 – Do you listen to Gods teachers.
171 1 John 3:13 – Does the world hate you
172 1 John 1:5-6 – God is light, in Him there is no darkness
173 1 John 2:17 – The world will pass away but God’s “will” lives forever.
174 1 John 3:2 – What we will be is unknown, but we shall be like Him
175 1 John 3:14 – We have passed from death to life
176 1 John 3:4 – Sin is lawlessness
177 1 John 1:7 – The blood of Christ purifies us from sin
178 1 John 3:6 – One who continues in sin does not know God
179 1 John 1:9-10 – Profession: Confess our sins
180 1 John 2:19 – Desire: Those that remain belong to Christ
181 1 John 4:14 – Doctrine: The Father has sent his Son
182 1 John 2:3-6 – Conduct: Obeys His Word – Walks as Jesus did
183 1 John 3:24 – Discernment: By the Spirit He lives in us
184 1 John 5:2 – Motives: We do His commands because we love Him
185 1 John 4:13 – New Birth: He has given us of His Spirit.
186 1 John 2:23 – Do you acknowledge the Son?
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2) Have you received His Spirit?187
3) Has the Gospel message you have learned from the beginning remained in you?188
4) Are you righteous? Do you do what is right?189
5) Do you have concern for your brother’s needs?190
6) Do you walk as Jesus walked?191
7) Would you lay down your life for a fellow believer?192 This is a hard one for me.
6) Christian Genuineness
There are SEVEN tests of the Christians genuineness.
1) Do you confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh from God?193
2) Is your relationship with the world; seeking, craving and boasting of worldly possessions?194
3) Do you receive the teachings; the scriptures of Christianity?195
4) Do you know the commandments of God and DO them?196
5) Do you have an outward, outpouring love toward the brethren?197
6) Does the Holy Spirit dwell within you allowing you to hear from God?198
7) Can you see the light of the Gospel scriptures that are God breathed?199
7) Honesty and Reality
There are SEVEN tests of Honesty and Reality
1) Do you know the True God and His Son?200
2) Is the truth of your love with just words or with actions?201
3) Does your heart commend you or condemn you?202
4) Do you believe in Jesus and love one another?203
5) Do you testify of the Spirit, Water and the Blood?204
6) Do you fellowship with other believers?205
7) Are you unashamed and confident of His coming?206
187 1 John 4:13 – Have you received His Spirit?
188 1 John 2:24-25 - Has what you learned remained with you?
189 1 John 3:7-8 - Do you do what is right?
190 1 John 3:17 – Do you have concern for your brother’s needs?
191 1 John 2:5-6 – Do you walk as Jesus walked?
192 1 John 3:16 - Would you lay down your life for a fellow believer?
193 1 John 4:2-3 – Confesses Jesus Christ has come from God
194 1 John 4:5 – Does not speak from the worlds viewpoint -- 1 John 2:15-17 – Doesn’t love the world -- James 4:4 – Is not a friend of
the World
195 1 John 4:6 – Accepts Christian teachings. -- 1 John 5:10– Believes the word of God -- 2 Timothy 3:16 – Acknowledges that All
scripture is God-breathed
196 1 John 3:23-24 – Does His commands. -- John 14:15 – Obedient to the commands -- John 15:12-15 – A friend of God obeys His
197 1 John 4:7-21 – Loves his brother -- 1 John 3:11-16 – Commandment; we should love one another -- John 13:34-35 – By loving, men
will know that you are a disciple
198 1 John 4:4-6 – The Spirit dwells within them.
199 2 Corenthians 4:4 – Sees the light of the Gospel
200 1 John 5:20 – Know the true God and His Son
201 1 John 3:18 – Do you love with words or actions?
202 1 John 3:19-20 – Does your heart commend you or condemn you?
203 1 John 3:23 – Believe in Jesus and Love one another
204 1 John 5:7-9 – THREE TESTIFY; the Spirit, Water and Blood agree
205 1 John 1:3-4 – To fellowship with other believers.
206 1 John 2:28 - Continue in Him unashamed and in confidence
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SEVEN Mysteries
These SEVEN mysteries were declared by God to His prophets.
1) The mystery of God’s Promise207
2) The mystery of God’s Will208
3) The mystery of Lawlessness209
4) The mystery of Godliness210
5) The mystery of Israel211
6) The mystery of the Seven Stars212
7) The mystery Woman on the Beast213
SEVEN Players
There are SEVEN players in Revelation Chapter 12.
1) The Woman: Representing the Nation of Israel – Symbolic also of Eve
2) The Seed: The remnant of Israel
3) The Man Child: Jesus the Messiah
4) The Archangel: Michael
5) The Beast out of the Earth: * False Spirit. The Religious Leader, False Prophet.
6) The Beast out of the Sea: * False Son. The world Dictator, The Antichrist.
7) The Dragon, Satan: * False God. The Anti-God.
* Notice the Counterfeit Trinity
Barren Women
There are SEVEN Women in scripture were mentioned as barren.
1) Sarah – barren, but later bore Isaac.214
2) Rebekah – barren, but later bore twins; Esau and Jacob.215
3) Rachel – barren, but later bore Reuben, Simeon and Levi.216
4) Manoah’s wife – remained barren217
5) Hannah – barren, but later bore seven children218
6) Michael – remained barren219
7) Elizabeth – barren, but later bore John the Baptizer.220
Hills, Mountains, Cities
The SEVEN Hills of Revelation are the SEVEN Cities on SEVEN mountains in Rome;
1) Palatine 2) Aventine 3) Caelian 4) Esquiline
207 Ephesians3:6 – The Mystery of God’s Promise
Revelation 17:7 – The Mystery of the Woman on the Beast
208 Ephesians 1:9 – The Mystery of God’s Will
209 2 Thessalonians 2:7 – The Mystery of Lawlessness
210 1 Timothy 3:16 – The Mystery of Godliness
211 Romans 11:25 – The Mystery of Israel
212 Revelation 1:20 – The Mystery of the seven stars.
213 Revelation 17:7 – The Mystery of the Woman on the Beast
214 Genesis 11:30 - Sarah was barren
215 Genesis 25:21 - Rebekah was barren
216 Genesis 29:31 - Rachel was barren
217 Judges 13:2 - Manoah was sterile
218 1 Samuel 2:5 - Hannah was barren
219 2 Samuel 6:23 - Michal had no children
220 Luke 1:7 - Elizabeth was barren
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5) Viminal
6) Quirnal
7) Capitoline
The “Seven Hills of Rome” is found throughout Roman literature and on coins of her day.
The SEVEN thunders are the complete Voice of God. Think of the magnitude of a hurricane. This voice is NOT an invitation of grace, but an announcement of Judgment.
1) Powerful221 2) Majestic222 3) Breaks223 4) Strikes224 5) Shakes225 6) Twists226 7) Strips227
There are SEVEN scriptural times to pray
1) In the morning228
2) Day and night229
3) Morning, noon and night230
4) All night231
5) Without ceasing232
6) Always233
7) In the time of need.234
There were SEVEN Churches around Ephesus in the Roman providence, namely Asia
Minor. 235
1) Ephesus
2) Smyrna
3) Pergamum
4) Thyatira
5) Sardis
6) Philadelphia
7) Laodicea
These seven churches were selected out of many for TWO reasons;
a) Because of the typical congregational problems that apply throughout the ages and
b) Italsoidentifies“inorder”theperiodoftimeofthechurchages.
221 Psalms 29:3 – Seven Thunders; Powerful 222 Psalms 29:4 – Seven Thunders; Majestic 223 Psalms 29:5 – Seven Thunders; Breaks 224 Psalms 29:7 – Seven Thunders; Strikes 225 Psalms 29:8 – Seven Thunders; Shakes 226 Psalms 29:9 – Seven Thunders; Twists 227 Psalms 29:3 – Seven Thunders; Strips
228 Psalms 5:3 – Pray in the Morning
229 Psalms 88:1-2 – Pray Day and Night
230 Psalms 55:17 – Pray at Noon
231 Luke 6:12 – Pray All night
232 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 – Pray Continually
233 Ephesians 6:18 – Pray On all occasions; Always
234 Hebrews 4:16 – Pray In the time of need
235 Revelation 1:11 – The Churches; Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea
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We seem to be presently in the seventh or last period of the church age, the Laodicean Church. Five out of the seven churches were told to repent. Consequently we are led to see that five out of seven believers today probably need to repent.
Tribulation Armies
The SEVEN Tribulation armies.236
1) Meshech: Moscow
2) Tubal: Tobolsk; Gog (Russia) and Magog (Russia’s armies)
3) Persia: Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan
4) Cush: Ethiopia and Libya
5) Put: Africa
6) Gomer: Eastern Europe
7) Beth Togarmah: Southeastern Europe
Tribulation Sins
There are SEVEN big sins during the tribulation
1) Drugs
2) Witchcraft
3) Demon worship
4) Murder
5) Crime
6) Theft
7) Sexual activity outside of the one partner marriage (male/female).
Major SATANIC Teachings
There are SEVEN Major Teachings propagated by SATAN: The underlying message spun
from the web out of the pit of HELL is; “All the spokes in a wheel lead to the same hub”.
1) Sin and evil do not exist; peace and love are the ultimate realities.
2) All religions lead to the same goal; all have equal merit.
3) The Ancient Wisdom of Babylon is the basis for all truth; not the Bible.
4) Jesus is not the only Christ or Messiah and is definitely not God.
5) God is cosmic, an energy force; He is not personal.
6) Man is God himself; his creative powers need to be awakened.
7) Man can and should receive spiritual instruction from the spirit world.
Pride of Life
There are SEVEN characteristics of pride
1) Self-Righteousness; they are righteous in their own eyes; flatter themselves, conceded.237
2) Position: The need to be elevated as high as their boss.238
3) Power: The need to control everything within reach.239
4) Richs: Desiring money, precious stones, jewelry and THINGS.240
5) Beauty: Loving the glitzy; carrying themselves haughtily.241
6) Strength to make war: leading astray with false testimony.242
7) Lifting up of one self: Heart becomes proud.243
236 Ezekiel 38:3-6 – Seven Tribulation Armies Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Cush, Gomer, Put, and Beth Togarmah
237 Job 32:1 – They are righteous in their own eyes. -- Psalms 36:2-3 – Flatters himself -- 1 Timothy 3:6 – Conceited
238 Genesis 3:5 – They want to be elevated in their position -- 3 John 9 – Loves to be first
239 Lev 26:19-20 – Desires power and strength; stubborn pride
240 Psalms 39:6 – Uses personal riches to lift himself up -- Ezekiel 28:12-17 – The desire for riches and splendor.
241 Isaiah 3:16 – Beauty; haughty, flirting, looking for attention.
242 Psalms 24:4 – Swears falsely
243 Ezekiel 28:5 – Lifts himself up in business; Heart grows proud.
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There are SEVEN crowns for the Believer
After we receive our crowns, we will sit at the wedding feast as the bride of Christ. The more
crowns we have earned, the more we have to throw at the feet of Jesus.
1) Imperishable Crown: Those who have victory over their old spirit man.244
2) Crown of Righteousness: Those longing for His appearance.245
3) Crown of Life: Those that are tested even unto death; the Martyr’s Crown.246
4) Crown of Glory: Overseers or Elders Crown.247
5) Crown of Honor: Those who serve the flock.248
6) Crown of Rejoicing: Our hope and joy.249
7) Crown of the Soul Winner: The beloved standing fast.250
The SEVEN Spirits are seven characteristics of the Holy Spirit. All together they represent the
complete Spirit of the Lord. 251
1) Wisdom
2) Understanding
3) Counsel
4) Power
5) Knowledge
6) Righteousness
7) Faithfulness.
Attributes of Christ
There are SEVEN attributes of Christ; seven is Complete.
1) Power
2) Wealth
3) Wisdom
4) Strength
5) Honor
6) Glory
7) Praise
I can just hear 50 million Angels in the throne room, in half of the circle, singing and chant, “Power” then 50 million in the other half say, “Wealth” then passing it back, “Wisdom”, then back “Strength”, etc. What an awesome sound; a choir of 100 Million praising God.
Revelation 5:12 – The Seven attributes of Christ
12 In a loud voice they (the angels) sang: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive POWER and WEALTH and WISDOM and STRENGTH
244 1 Corenthians 9:25 – The Imperishable Crown
245 2 Timothy 4:8 – Crown of Righteousness
246 Revelation 2:10 – Crown of Life
247 1 Peter 5:4 – Crown of Glory
248 Psalm 8:5 – Crown of Honor
249 1 Thessalonians 2:19 - Crown of Rejoicing
250 Philippians 4:1 – Crown of the Soul Winner
251 Isaiah 11:2-5 – Seven Spirits of the Holy Spirit; wisdom understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, righteousness, faithfulness
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Opposed by God
There are SEVEN things God opposes.
1) He takes no pleasure in wickedness252
2) He cannot dwell with evil253
3) He cannot tolerate the arrogant to stand in His presence254
4) He hates workers of iniquity255
5) He hates a lying tongue256
6) He hates bloody men257
7) He hates deceitful men258
I Wills of God
There were SEVEN “I will” statements given by God to Isaac.
1) I will be with you.259
2) I will bless you260
3) I will give you all these countries.261
4) I will perform the oath given to Abraham.262
5) I will multiply your seed as the stars.263
6) I will give all these countries to your seed264
7) I will bless you and multiply you because of Abraham.265
Things about God
There are SEVEN things we should know about God
1) The Lord your God, He is God.266
2) He is the faithful God.267
3) He keeps covenants with His people268
4) He shows mercy with those that love Him and keep His commandments.269
5) He keeps His covenants and shows mercy to thousands of generations.270
6) He repays those that Hate Him.271
7) His payment for rebellion is death.272
There’s a bunch more SEVENS to be found in scripture to study, here’s a few more; Seven Lampstands, Seven Seals, Seven Bowls or Vials, Seven Trumpets, Seven Horns, Seven Eyes, Seven years tribulation, Seven Angels, Seven last plagues, Seven Stars, and then there is Seventy times Seven.
I counted 278 “SEVENS” of things in the scriptures, and that does not include the words “Sevenfold” or “Seventy”. I’m exhausted ... This is more than my brain can hold.
252 Psalms 5:4 – Takes no pleasure in evil
253 Psalms 5:4 – He will not dwell with the wicked
254 Psalms 5:5 – Arrogant not stand in His presence
255 Psalms 5:5 – He hate wrong doers
256 Psalms 5:6 – Hates a lying tongue
257 Psalms 5:6 - He will destroy the bloodthirsty
258 Psalms 5:6 - He will destroy deceitful men
259 Genesis 26:3 – I will be with you
260 Genesis 26:3 – I will bless you
261 Genesis 26:3 – I will give these countries
262 Genesis 26:3 – I will perform the oath
263 Genesis 26:4 – I will multiply your seed
264 Genesis 26:3 – Give your descendants these countries
265 Genesis 26:3 – I will bless you mightily and multiply you
266 Deuteronomy 7:9 – God is God
267 Deuteronomy 7:9 – God is Faithful
268 Deuteronomy 7:9 – Keep Covenants to thousands of Generations
269 Deuteronomy 7:9 – He shows mercy
270 Deuteronomy 7:9 - He is the faithful God, keeping his covenant
271 Deuteronomy 7:10 - Hate will be repaid
272 Deuteronomy 7:10 – The payment for evil is destruction
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Chapter 7. 8
Man is born with a desire for power, especially the power of the Secret Arts; supernatural power, and they join organizations that are mystical and become involved in the occult. They desire to be one of the “Enlightened ones” and have “Spirit Guides” to advise them.
Hindu Guru’s give a “special word” to their followers; this word is used as a mantra which is repeated over and over inside, putting their mind in neutral, opening the door for spirit activity. Many religions with their thumb and finger forming a circle; chant or hum a sound that vibrates their body, empting their mind allowing access to the spirit world.
Demons work through warlocks, wizards, witches, mediums, psychics, divine healers, fortune- tellers, palm readers, crystal ball readers, and astrologers who have yielded their minds to the spirit realm. These people are so blinded and deceived that they believe that they are receiving information directly from the departed dead; the “good spirits” of God.
Demonic interest: Free Masons - The Order of the Eastern Star – Demola - The Mormon Temple - The Order of the Golden Dawn - Yin/Yang – Astrology - Tara Cards – Hypnosis – Silva Mind Control - Symbol Therapy - Visualization & guided imagery – Yoga (Hindus) - Tai Chi – Reflexology - Magnetic Healing - Transcendental Meditation – Chanting - Spirit Channeling – Automatic Writings – Séances - Ouija boards – LSD color experimentations – Cosmic consciousness – shaktipat, attunement or paradigm shift – necromancy (raising the dead for communication). Speaking in Demonic languages – Acupuncture – Acupressure – Biofeedback, Guided Imagery and Horoscopes.
Demonic signs: Zodiac signs – triangles – pyramids – pentagrams – hexagrams - Star of David - enneagram wheel (9 triangle points in a circle) - circle – Sun - all-seeing eye - rainbows (antahkarana, the rainbow bridge) (7 colors) - perverted cross – swastika - Egyptian ankh – crystals – diamond – dragon – serpent - yin/yang – locus – unicorn - flying Pegasus horse - centaur and the mermaid - the lotus blossom – cube - point within a circle - the line - a cup or holy grail – goat – bull – elephant – dragon – lion - dog and bear – sign of the cloven hoof or footprint of the devil.
Good Luck/Bad Luck; Christians do not believe in Good or Bad luck. Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from God, so we can surely understand where the bad comes from. Superstition says not to break a mirror or walk under a ladder or let a black cat cross your path. There are lucky days, lucky charms, metals, stones, and rabbit’s feet, palm readers and horoscopes. Unknowingly to us, these things are guiding our thoughts and our actions.
The deception: The enlightened one, through imaging and visualization can energize and command Deity spirits to serve them and do their bidding. Their conscience becomes seared and they desire the mark, then they find out the spirits are NOT really deity, but demonic, but it’s too late. At the end God will send a deluding Spirit to harden their hearts so they will be unable to repent. He gives them what they want.
Secret Arts
There are seven (complete) things protecting us from the evil one
Submission to God - The blood of Jesus Christ – Our Prayer life
God’s Word from the Bible - Our authority as believers
The Holy Spirit within us - The gifts of the Spirit
First Word
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Totally possessed: Once a demon enters a person, he becomes the “doorkeeper” of his soul and can allow others to enter. One scripture says “seven” more demons enter. Seven is the Biblical number for completeness; completely consumed, totally possessed.
The Believers protection: There are seven (complete) things protecting us from the evil one. Submission to God - The blood of Jesus Christ – The Holy Spirit within us - God’s Word from the Bible – Our authority as believers – The gifts of the Spirit – Our Prayer life.
Exodus 7:11 – The Secret Arts
11 Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian
Luke 11:24-26 – Totally Demon Possessed
24 'I will return to my house from which I came.'
25 And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order. Then he
than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and
James 1:17 – Good comes from God; not luck
17 EVERY GOOD GIFT AND EVERY PERFECT GIFT IS FROM ABOVE, and comes down from the Father of lights,
1 Timothy 6:20 – Turn away from counterfeit spiritual illumination.
20 TURN AWAY from the IRREVERENT BABBLE and godless CHATTER, with the VAIN AND EMPTY AND WORLDLY PHRASES, and the subtleties and the contradiction in what is falsely called KNOWLEDGE AND SPIRITUAL ILLUMINATION.
James 4:7-8 – Resist Satan and he will flee from you.
7 Submit to God.
8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. NKJV
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Chapter 7. 9
Secrets kept from Un-Believers - Sampson’s Secret – Esther’s Secret Confidential Secrets – Secrets of God - Mary & Joseph’s Secret Shulamite Woman’s Secret - Secret Sins - Charity Secrets
First Word
As I look back on my life, I shudder at things in my past that I would not want printed on the front page of the newspaper. I would prefer that these things remain a secret forever and just die. In the business world I had firsthand knowledge of things about a co-workers private life that would get them fired; I know confidential secrets about friends that if revealed their friendships would be terminated or their marriages disrupted. We all have secrets of some kind which if revealed could cause grievous harm.
Today the news is full of many prominent men in business and politics with secrets being exposed about their sexual activity. SEX is strong and is usually the first thing we think of when a SECRET is spoken about, but sometimes it’s about someone lining their pockets with secret favors that hurt others, which we see so often in the political area.273 Sometimes there are secrets about a bad judgement call; a mistake that was made, or perhaps someone who just withheld a secret that could have helped someone else and have made peace.
There should be no secrets in a marriage, on the other hand there may be some things that would not be beneficial to the marriage; if revealed they could cause distrust, jealousy or anxiety and are just better off left unsaid. We plant seeds in the garden of our life and occasionally, with some of our seeds, we need to pray for a crop failure.
The Book does not pronounce any moral judgments for or against the keeping of secrets. Keeping a secret can be noble thing, but secrets kept to pervert the course of justice is wrong and are an abomination to God.
Secret Sins
God is the revealer of secret sins.274 When it comes to our secret sins, God wants us to confess
them to Him and He promises full forgiveness.275 Confessing our sins does not mean that we will avoid the consequences of sin. Confession gives us an umbrella to get out from under the thunder storm, but we are still wet and still need TIME to dry off. Time is a healer; repentance is to turn and go in the other direction, making every effort to not repeat the sin again.
Confidential Secrets
When someone tells you something in strict confidence, it is because of trust. If you reveal their
secret to others, it will separate you from their friendship. If you or someone else you know doesn’t keep a secret that a friend shared; they are a gossip.
273 Proverbs 17:23 – It is wicked to accept a secret bribe - Proverbs 11:12 – An understanding man keeps CONFIDENTIAL secrets --
Proverbs 11:13 – Trustworthy person keeps a confidential secret -- Psalm 101:5 – God hates someone who secretly slanders
274 Isaiah 1:18 – God says come and LET US REASON TOGETHER -- Psalm 90:8 – God spreads out our secret sins before Him --
Mark 4:22 - Every secret sin will be brought to light -- Luke 8:17 – Secret Sins will eventually be made known to all -- Daniel 2:47 –
God is the revealer of secrets -- Proverbs 28:13- You can’t cover up your sin and not be found out -- Matthew 10:26 - Everything that
is covered will be revealed
275 Proverbs 28:13 – Confessing a secret sin to God brings mercy
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Love doesn’t repeat a private matter, an offense or a sin. Love doesn’t repeat matters to others; love respects their privacy, love never gossips about people.276 Have you ever heard this one; I’m just telling you this about her so that you can PRAY about it. What a ruse to gossip; a whisperer or gossip separates the best of friends. 277
The Book says, as you wish that others would do to you, do so in love to them; we surely wouldn’t want someone to gossip about us. God holds us accountable for every idle word spoken against others. Today there are few secrets, because almost everybody is sharing “juicy tidbits” with others.
The Book says this is clearly sin, stating that “whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy.278 Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure.”
The Book says I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.
Secrets of God
God keeps secrets; there are some things that just belong to the LORD.279 Job said; God’s knowledge was of things too wonderful for him to know.280
The Book records many times Jesus telling those that He had just healed to keep their miracle healing a secret. Jesus had just healed some blind men and told them to keep their miracle of receiving their sight a secret; that no one was to know about it.281 Good Grief; HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY KEEPBEINGBLINDANDNOWSEEINGASECRET? It’sintheBook
Sidebar: My personal BS, my Belief System embraces the thought that Jesus’s main goal was to teach the Good News of the Kingdom of God and the Plan of Salvation, however His compassion for men caused Him to deal with their PHYSICALLY needs first that had them so totally distracted, then He could deal with their SPIRITUAL needs. This put the demand on Him so high that He had to plan ways to get away from the multitudes just to rest and pray. That’s my BS; while He was 100% God, He was also 100% man and needed the same rest we do.
Secrets kept from Make Believers
When Jesus taught the twelve Disciples, He used parables to keep His teachings SECRET until
the time was right and then His Disciples would reveal them.282
The Word of Faith Movement uses the secret of “Positive Confession” in the story of the
Shulamite Woman to demonstrate speaking positive things into your Spiritual life which speaks life into situations in your physical life. (Loosing and binding on earth, what has already been loosed & bound in heaven)
The story is about a Shunammite Woman who was barren in her old age and the Prophet Elisha took notice and prophesied over her that she would have a child. In due season she had a child, but later when he was grown, he became sick and died on her lap. The woman had built a small chamber for the Prophet Elisha when he visited the small city of Shunem. It included a bed, table, stool and candle stick and it was in this chamber that she placed her dead son on the Prophet’s bed. She had heard of the raising of the Widows son in the city of Sarepta and knew that the spirit of the Prophet
276 Proverbs 26:20 – A stressful environment ends when gossip stops -- Proverbs 17:9 - Whoever conceals an offense promotes love --
Luke 6:31 – If you want your secrets kept, keep others secrets
277 Romans 1:29-31 – Gossips, backstabbers, break their promises -- Proverbs 20:19 - A gossip betrays a confidence -- Proverbs 16:28
– Telling secrets separates the best of friends -- Numbers 32:23 - Your sin will find you out
278 Exodus 23:1 – A malicious witness helps a guilty person get off -- Psalm 101:5 – God will destroy the one who slanders in secret
279 Deuteronomy 29:29 – God has secrets known to no one -- Proverbs 25:2 - It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the Believer’s
privilege to discover them-- Matthew 16:19-20 – He sternly warned the disciples NOT TO TELL ANYONE that He was the Messiah
280 Job 42:3 – God’s secrets are too wonderful to know
281 Matthew 9:30 – Jesus asked the blind’s healing to be kept secret
282 Deuteronomy 29:29 – God has secrets known to no one -- Job 42:3 – God’s secrets are too wonderful to know -- Proverbs 25:2 - It
is God’s privilege to conceal things and the Believer’s privilege to discover them. -- Mark 4:34 – Jesus’ teachings were taught in SECRET
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Elijah now rested on Elisha, therefore she made no preparations for her son’s burial, but for his resurrection.
The Shunammite Woman got on her donkey and took off in a hurry to find the prophet. As she met her husband and others along the way, in apprehension they asked, if all was well. Her faith was stronger than that of her husband and of those around her and she did not want DISBELIEF to hinder her pursuit to locate the Prophet.
In the physical realm she kept the child’s death a SECRET, but in the Spiritual realm she spoke Words of Faith saying all is well; believing the miracle of life was on the way.283 She found the Man of God and he sent his “walking staff” ahead of him with a speedy young man to be placed on the child to prevent a premature burial.
When Elisha arrived, he stretched himself out upon her child as he had seen Elijah his mentor do. When the child came into contact with the “Man of God”, he came back to life. The principal demonstrated here is that when we are DEAD in our sins we need to come into contact with the Son of God to receive eternal life.
The Shulamite Woman kept the secret so that she would not alarm her husband or get others involved. She did not want anyone to discourage or detain her until she could find the “Man of God” who had prayed for her to be blessed with a child.
In the Book we find many times, that unbelievers were kept “outside the loop” while the seriousness of prayer for the dead was underway. When having hands laid on you in prayer for healing, see to it that there are no Make-Believers present.284 Sometimes secrets exist so that that those who are weak in their faith will not have an opportunity to discourage you from your pursuit of things of God. (ALL IS WELL) It’s in the Book
Secret of Mary & Joseph
Engagements were for a year which was considered normal and constituted a part of the marriage. Mary was an unknown peasant girl that lived in Nazareth located on the Southern plains of Lower Galilee who caught the eye of a Carpenter. In Old Testament times you did not marry the one you loved; you loved the one you married; love began at marriage.
Mary and Joseph being engaged were considered married although not living together; sexual intercourse could not take place until after the marriage vows, but before they came together she was found to be pregnant. Joseph, a loving and devout man who did not want to disgrace Mary publically, decided to SECRETLY divorce her.285 An angel appeared to Joseph and told him to not be afraid to marry Mary that the child was from God.
A few days after that, Mary hurriedly took a very long trip to visit her cousin Elizabeth and there, went into seclusion.286 Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant with the cousin of Jesus; John the Baptist. She stayed with Elizabeth three months till the Birth of John and then went home to be with Joseph.
When the SECRET was revealed, there was certainly PUBLIC REACTION in Her hometown. When Jesus starts his ministry Joseph has probably been dead for some time. It must be remembered that Jesus did not continue in the carpentry trade of Joseph, but left His family.
This may have caused some family disappointment as well as lost honor in His community. This appears to show up later when Jesus returns home and is rejected probably with GOSSIP “questioning” was He really the son of Joseph, accompanied with JOKES; “WHO’S YOUR DADDY?” Jesus said; whoever does the will of God is My family.287
283 2 Kings 4:18-37 – SECRET; Physical he died but Spiritual he lived; She said ALL IS WELL
284 Acts 9:39-40 – Make Believers sent out at the death of Dorcas -- Mark 5:35-43 – Make Believers separated at the death of Jairus’
daughter -- 1 Kings 17:17-23 – ELIJAH resurrects a Widow’s Son in Sarepta, gets rid of un-believers
285 Matthew 1:19 – Joseph wanted to divorce Mary Secretly
286 Luke 1:39-41 – Mary went into seclusion with Elizabeth -- Luke 1:56 – Mary stayed three months with Elizabeth, till John was born
287 Matthew 12:50 – My daddy is the one who does the will of God
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The Book indicates that Joseph’s name is not mentioned; it is omitted, stating only that Jesus was the son of a carpenter and Mary was His mother.288
Some secrets should be kept for a time, then when proper, revealed even though it causes ridicule and hurt; both ridicule and hurt were endured by Mary and Joseph.
Telling your secret can be hurtful.
Esther’s Secret
The Story of Queen Esther is an example of someone keeping a secret as well as revealing a secret. Ester made a decision to hide her nationality and it became a part of God’s plan to save the Jews. The story teaches the morality of a secret that if kept hidden, would have caused grievous harm.
After the king had a run in with his Wife, he put her away and searched for a new Queen which lot fell to a Jewish beauty named Ester. Her Uncle Mordecai289 asked her to keep her Jewish nationality a secret so she would not be rejected by the King.290
She kept the secret until the entire nation of Jews were scheduled to be executed.291 Mordecai told her she should now tell the secret to save their nation. Ester revealed her secret understanding she might lose her own life by doing so; thus the Jews were saved.292
There is a time for a secret to remain secret and a time that it should be revealed.
Sampson’s Secret
In the story of Samson and Delilah, Sampson was a Judge in Israel, but his actions were like a loose cannon, doing just whatever seemed right in his own eyes. From Birth he had received the Nazarite vow which included never to cut his hair in which laid his great strength.
He had an eye for the women and fell in love with a philistine lovely named Delilah. The Philistines were the enemy of God and of Israel. Delilah was offered a handsome sum of money to find out where Sampson’s strength came from. Samson revealed that the source of his strength was in his hair which was a secret he should have kept.293 In the end it cost him his eyesight as well as his life.
Some secrets should NEVER be revealed.
Charity Secrets
Secrets happen in charities where sometimes very little percentage of what is given winds up where you think it is intended.
Salvation Army: 82% of the money given not only continually presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also feeds, clothes, shelters, provides medical care, job training and case workers for the needy.
Dove Broadcasting, Christian Television where I was affiliated would shed administrate cost if it rose above 17%, the president took no salary; 83% was the target to beat for all projects; it was commendable.
Samaritans Purse 89.3% goes directly to projects of relief in the name of God; food, clothing, shelter, medical aid and case workers.
Good Will on the other hand, gives 0% to feed, clothe and shelter the needy; they only provide training and absolutely nothing for the soul. Steven Lufburrow, CEO of Houston’s Goodwill received $1.3 million in total compensation and they have many CEO’s.
Food Banks and Children’s Hospitals are certainly a good thing and are needed, but they provide nothing for the Soul. Jesus set the example in His compassion as He quietened the PHYSICAL NEEDS that their bodies were screaming out; then after that He could address the SPIRITUAL NEEDS of their soul.
288 Matthew 13:55 – They would not even mention Joseph’s name
289 Esther 2:21-23 – Mordecai honored for saving the Kings life
290 Esther 2:20 – Mordecai asked Ester to keep her family background and nationality a Secret
291 Esther 7:3-5 – Queen Ester has a secret, kept from the King
292 Esther 4:13 – Now was the time for Ester to reveal her secret -- Esther 7:6 - Ester reveals her secret at the peril of her own life
293 Judges 16:4-21 – Sampson told the secret of strength was in his hair; it had NEVER BEEN CUT; it cost him his life
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My charitable giving to organizations must include those TWO THINGS;
1) Compassion and care for the physical body; food, clothing and shelter and
2) Food for their Soul; the Gospel presentation of the Kingdom of God.294
For what profit is it to a man if he gains everything he needs, and yet he himself is destroyed or lost.295 It’s in the Book
The Take Away
In the Book, God keeps secrets. There are just some things that belong to the LORD alone. He has not revealed all the secrets that we might want to know about life, but He has revealed everything that we need to know about finding our way back to the “Tree of Life” and gaining salvation.
(If you don’t have a Bible yet, I encourage you to get the NLT New Living Translation Bible for easy reading, it’s a translation, not just paraphrased.)
We all have secret sins that need to be confessed, not necessarily to others, but to God to receive His forgiveness, His grace. But chances are good, whether your sins are confessed or not; the sin seed you have planted, will produce a harvest, bigger and sooner than you expect. This would be a good time to pray for a crop failure.
Sampson had a secret that should never have been revealed and in the finality of things, it cost him, his eyes and his life.
Ester had a secret that was to be been kept for a season of time and then revealed allowing good to come to the Jewish Nation.
The Shunammite Woman kept her secret so that those WITH LESS FAITH would not deter her and discourage her from finding the prophet Elisha to resurrect her child.
Jesus had secrets and asked the disciples as well as others to keep His miracles of healings a secret and especially Him being the Messiah. They were to be kept secret for a season and then revealed when His time had fully come.
If you become aware of a child telling you he is being abused, hurt or starved daily by his parents, that secret should be revealed through proper channels for the well-being of that child. There is a cost to being a peace maker; you will probably be rejected. The Book says Peacemaking is a characteristic of God; blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.296 It’s in the Book
Keeping a secret can be noble thing, but secrets kept to pervert the course of justice is wrong and are an abomination to God. We can conclude that keeping secrets are not sinful in and of itself. There are some things that should be revealed and some things that are just better off kept secret.297
The Book does not pronounce any moral judgments for or against the keeping of secrets, The Book’s concern is how secrets are used; do they help or hurt. There are some things that people shouldn’t know and vice versa. There are confidential secrets that have been entrusted to us.
294 Matthew 14:14 – With Compassion, Jesus healed the sick -- Matthew 15:30 – Jesus healed the lame, blind, mute, maimed -- Matthew
4:23 – Jesus 1) Healed and 2) Preached the Kingdom Good News
295 Luke 9:25 – What good is food and clothes if you lose your life
296 Matthew 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers -- Mark 9:23-24 – Lord I Believe - Help me in my unbelief.
297 Ecclesiastes 3:7 – There is a time to be quiet & a time to speak -- Psalm 141:3 – Ask God to guard what you say -- Proverbs 18:21 - The tongue can bring death or life
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Chapter 7. 10
Atbash: There is a CRYPTIC form found in the Hebrew Bible called “Atbash” which is a method for making up words that mean something else. Only the Lord knows why.
The first letter in the Hebrew alphabet is substituted with the last letter; the second letter is substituted with the next to the last and so forth. The most famous cryptogram is in Jeremiah where Sheshach is cryptic for Babylon.298
YHWH Omnipresent
For some reason that’s beyond my reasoning, the Israelites loved to sit around and discuss signs, symbolisms and mystical numbers; the Bible is crammed full of HIDDEN numerical meanings.
YHWH (YAHWEH – Jehovah) has a numerical value of 10, 5, 6, 5 which when each number is SQUARED gives a total numerical value of 186. This is the numerical value of MQWM which means PLACE; reminding the priest that God is everywhere; He is Omnipresent.299 Interesting, but FAR OUT for me.
The Sign of the Fish
Jesus had told his disciples that He would make them FISHERS OF MEN.300 The word Fish in
Greek is ICHTHUS which is an acronym: I Iesous, C Christos, H Huios, T Theou, H Huios. S Soter, which in Greek is the phrase Jesus Christ, of God the Son, Savior.
With the Christians being persecuted by the Romans, the sign of the fish became sort of a secret sign or password among Christians to identify each other.
This sign of the fish could be seen as graffiti on a tomb or rock or wall identifying where a “House Church” would meet as well as was marked in the sand with the foot or staff. It was made with two arches; one person would inconspicuously draw the first arch and the stranger would complete it; thus identifying themselves to be in good company.
The “153” fish caught in a net was a secret number identifying the fishing NET as symbolic of “The Plan of Salvation.”301 See the Books “Theomatics” or “God’s Arithmetic”
INRI-The Plaque on the Cross
It was the practice to write the CHARGE against a person that was crucified. They placed a
plaque on the cross above Jesus’ head in Hebrew, Latin and Greek with the charge that He WAS The King of the Jews. 302 The Chief Priest protested, wanting words to be added to the plaque that said that “He CLAIMED” to be King of the Jews, not WAS the King of the Jews. 303
The Latin word INRI represents the phrase Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
298 Jeremiah 51:41 – Sheshach is a cryptic word for Babylon
299 Jeremiah 23:24 – God is ever Present; Omnipresent
300 Matthew 4:19-20 – The followers of Jesus would be fishers of men
301 John 21:11 – The Net is the symbol of the plan of salvation
302 Matthew 27:37 – INRI; the plaque, THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS
303 John 19:21-22 – NO; Write He CLAIMED to be King of the Jews
Cryptic & Strange
Hidden – Obscure – Veiled – Secret – What does all this stuff mean?
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The Fourth Dimension
The Great Pyramid: How did they build it, no tools have ever been found. The stone quarries in Syene were about 600 miles from Gaza. How did they get them there? Just for fun, consider it might have been “Specific” Levitation.304 There is a record of an Axe head that “BY THOUGHT” levitated and floated to the top of the water.305 Space and Time Transport: There is Biblical evidence of Philip being transported to another city306 and a SHIP zapping to the other side of the sea coast.307
Strange Stuff
Secret Numbers: THREE is the number of the Trinity, FOUR is God’s handiwork and added
together is SEVEN; completeness.
Noah’s Ark was built over a period of 120 years by Noah, his three sons and his servants. The tar
he needed to seal it with just bubbled up out of the ground.308
The Garden of Eden and The Garden of God are the same place separated by TIME. Satan
ruled from the Garden of God and LATER Adam ruled from the Garden of Eden. When the Garden disappeared, so did the Pishon and Gihon Rivers.309
Tower of Babel: The people having full knowledge of the FLOOD wanted to build a PAGAN tower to escape the flood waters if it came again, they did not want to HEAR God’s voice so He confused their language making many languages.310 On the Day of Pentecost God made a UNIVERSAL language311 so they ALL could HEAR the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus.
Incest: With no man around for miles, Lots two daughters got HORNEY and got their father drunk and slept with him; they had two children Moab who became the Moabites and Ben-ammi who became the Ammonites, both fierce enemies of Israel. You reap what you sow.
Muslims: Abraham got ahead of God’s plan and slept with Sarah’s maid Hagar and she bore him Ishmael. Even though Isaac was the Son of the promise, Abraham asked God to bless Ishmael too because he loved him.312 At Abraham’s request God made Ishmael the father also of twelve tribes.313 This gave us the Muslims who hate the Jews and Christians and propagate TERRORISM around the world.314 Don’t get ahead of God
Plagues: The first nine plagues of Egypt wroth by Moses smacked at the NINE different Egyptian gods;315 the TENTH however, was the culminating “judgment” on the Egyptians with a direct “first hand visitation” from Almighty God. (The number 10 is Law.)
Locust Tree; the Carob tree grows pods that are six to ten inches long. They are very bitter when they are green, but when they ripen, a sweet syrup forms. Poor people eat them and they are fed to livestock. This tree more commonly was called a LOCUST tree; some students of the Word believe that this is the “locust” that John ate.316
Manna Bugs: Some scaled insects feed on the sap of the Tamarisk plant which sap is very rich in carbohydrates, but poor in nitrogen. The excess carbohydrate ingested to get the nitrogen is excreted as honeydew. The honeydew is rich in sugar and pectin; the dry air evaporates the moisture leaving something that looks like MANNA on the plant.
304 Isaiah 19:19-21 – There will be a pillar in Egypt; an alter to the Lord, a PYRAMID
305 2 Kings 6:5-6 –Axe head floats on water; gravity suspended
306 Acts 8:39-40 – Philip zaps through the fourth dimension - “Beam me up Scotty”
307 John 6:19-21 – Jesus, the Disciples and THE BOAT Zap through it.
308 Genesis 14:10 – TAR bubbled up in Pits
309 Genesis 2:11-14 – Four Rivers - Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates
310 Genesis 11:8-9 – Many Languages
311 Acts 2:6-10 – Universal Language
312 Genesis 17:18-21 – Abraham wants ISHMAEL to be blessed too.
313 Genesis 25:13-18 – Ishmael had TWELVE sons Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur,
Naphish and Kedemah.
314 Genesis 16:12 – Ishmael will be a WILD DONKEY and live in hostility
315 Exodus 12:12 – Judgment on the MANY GODS of Egypt.
316 Matthew 3:4 – John’s food was LOCUST and wild honey
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SUPER JEW; Sampson was so strong that he pulled up the city gates of Gaza, post and all, and carried them on his shoulders to Hebron some 30 miles away.317
The Menorah was made in three solid pieces for easy transportation and overlaid with gold. It had seven candle sticks representing the seven spirits of God318 as well as representing the seven CHURCH ages319 of which we are in the last age now.
Hemorrhoids: When the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant, God put a BAD CASE of Hemorrhoids on them until they returned the Ark.320
Ark of the Covenant is depicted in pictures as being carried in plain view, but the fact is that there was so much power in the Ark, that is was transported covered at all times.
Urim & Thummim were objects of UNKNOWN form which were carried in a secret pocket in the Priest’s breast plate; they were cast as “Lots” for a YES or NO answer from God.
Melchizedek was actually an appearance of Jesus Christ on earth before His birth.321 It’s called a Christophany. Jesus is many times referred to as “The angel of the Lord” or “like the Son of God” and in Genesis as “the Word”.
Visions: God says he will appear to us in visions and dreams; it’s called Theophany.322 It scared the TATER TOTS out of Job.
Job 4:12-16 - Job gets the TATER TOTS scared out of him.
12 "A word was secretly brought to me, my ears caught a whisper of it. Amid disquieting dreams in the night, when deep sleep falls on men, fear and trembling seized me and made all my bones shake. A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on my body stood on end. It stopped, but I could not tell what it was. A FORM stood before my eyes, and I heard a hushed voice:
Did you Know?
Hallelujah in Hebrew means “Praise the Lord.” It contains God’s shortened name YAH taken
from YAH-WEH. Makes me want to think twice before I irreverently say Hallelujah. My friend Jim says Hal- la – Lu – JAH emphasizing the J for JEHOVAH; now I do too.
Torah: The Hebrew verb relating to Torah is Yarah meaning “to shoot an arrow.” The Torah is an arrow shot toward the mark of God. The word Sin means “To miss the mark”.
Firmament comes from the Hebrew word ragia meaning to beat or hammer out like a bowl. The firmament is the dome of the heavens; Job called the sky “a cast bronze mirror”.323 The firmament is the expanse of the sky where birds fly and the stars are hung.
Septuagint means SEVENTY; oddly enough as time had moved on, most of the Jews had come to speak Greek and not Hebrew and a translation of the Torah was needed for them. Six Jews from each of the twelve tribes (SEVENTY TWO) came together to compose this book. So the Septuagint is the Hebrew Bible in Greek.
Semitic terminology comes from the name of Noah’s oldest son Shem and his offspring. So the Jews as well as the Arabs are BOTH Semitic. Go figure
Giants: Goliath was 9 1⁄2 feet tall;324 another Giant had twenty four fingers and toes,325 still another had a bed 6 feet wide and 13 feet long.326 BIG DUDE
317 Judges 16:3 –Sampson SUPER JEW
318 Isaiah 11:2-5 – MENORAH - The Seven SPIRITS of G od
319 Revelation 1:11 – The Seven church AGES
320 1 Samuel 5:9 – The city was struck with HEMORRHOIDS -- 1 Samuel 5:11-12 – Send the ARK back or we will all DIE
321 Genesis 14:18 – Jesus appears as Melchizedek King of Jerusalem -- Hebrews 7:3 – Melchizedek is like the Son of God
322 Job 33:14-15 – God speaks in DREAMS and visions -- Joel 2:28 – Old men will dream DREAMS, young men will see VISIONS.
323 Job 37:18 – FIRMAMENT; the sky, a cast bronze mirror. -- Genesis 1:17-20 – FIRMAMENT; the expanse of the sky
324 1 Samuel 17:4 – GIANT; Goliath was nine foot six inches tall
325 1 Chronicles 20:6 – GIANT with 24 fingers and toes
326 Deuteronomy 3:11 – GIANTS called Rephaites; Bed was 13 feet long and six foot wide
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Methuselah was the oldest man in the Bible, yet his father out lived him.327 How da do dat? Enoch, Methuselah’s father walked with God and God took him away; HE DID NOT DIE.328 The only other person that did not die was Elijah who was taken to heaven in a fiery chariot.329
Scapegoat is actually a term from the Bible where Israel’s sins were symbolically placed on a goat which was then sent out into the desert.330
Rosetta Stone was found in the Egyptian city of Rosetta in 1799 which had three languages written on it, all meaning the same thing. One was in Greek, a known language and the other two were Egyptian, one of which was hieroglyphics, and that’s how we unlocked the mystery of the Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Tattoos were FORBIDDEN for the Hebrews because the surrounding Heathen nations cut themselves and rubbed colored dirt in the wounds as a tribal mark as well as self-mutilated themselves in religious ceremonies.331 Under the New Covenant we are not bound by that law, BUT as Christians, we are still bound to be set apart, different and not do as the heathen world does. We are IN the world, but not OF the world.332
Age of Earth: Reckoning with Bible History, there was only 6,000 years from Adam to the present day, which time doesn’t jive with archeology. But if you embrace the flood that occurred before Adam then you can see that the earth could be millions upon millions of years old. (Study the Gap Theory known as Lucifer’s Flood.) Did Noah bring dinosaurs on his ark? YES, the Behemoth;333 however remember that when these guys were born they were comparatively small.
Thorn in the Flesh is what Paul says was given to him so that he would not be prideful.334 Many opinions on what this was about; it was an Eye Infections, Malaria, Epilepsy, Headaches, Earaches, Hysteria, and a Speech Impediment. I think they are all wrong. Scripture does not say it was medical at all, in my BS, my Belief System, I believe he was plagued with people treating him “as a God;” 335 elevating him instead of the message of Jesus Christ. They had become a thorn in his side; they were a Pain in the BUTT.
Speaking In Tongues: There is so much debate over whether the miracle was an “Unknown” language spoken that the listener understood OR that the Disciples actually spoke in the listener’s “Known” language and dialect. In my BS, my reading of the scripture indicates that the BELIEVERS HEARD in their own dialect, but the “SCOFFERS” didn’t understand because they were UN- BELIEVERS. To them this was an unrecognized language and they just thought the Disciples were drunk. The real miracle was in the BELIEVERS “hearing” 336 as well as the Disciples “speaking”.
Jonah and the Whale: Forget what kind of fish it was; could Jonah have lived in a giant fish for three days. In my BS, I believe HE DIED and was resurrected just like Jesus did. 337 It’s in the Book
Clothes came off: (Not a homosexual relationship) The Kings son Jonathan took off his robe, tunic, sword, bow and belt and gave them to David. This is what happens in a COVENANT;338 what I have is yours and what you have is mine; Jonathan was acknowledging David would be king.
Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon, the ENEMY of Israel was called by God His SERVANT.339 God will use evil kings and bad PRESIDENTS to carry out his plans.
327 Genesis 5:27 - Methuselah lived 969 years, lived the longest
328 Genesis 5:21-24 – ENOCH the father of Methuselah DID NOT DIE
329 2 Kings 2:11 – Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind he DID NOT DIE
330 Leviticus 16:10 – SCAPEGOAT sent out into the desert with our sins
331 Leviticus 19:28 – TATTOO NOT -- 1 Kings 18:28 – Heathens CUT THEMSELVES; Self-mutilation
332 John 17:16 - WE are IN the world, but not OF it
333 Job 40:15-18 – The Dinosaur – The BEHEMOTH
334 2 Corenthians 12:7-9 – PAUL; Because of surpassingly great revelations there was given to me a pain in the neck
335 Acts 28:5-6 – The people said Paul was a god -- Acts 14:11 – The Gods have come down to us in human form -- Acts 16:16-18 – A
demon spirit was drawing attention to Paul putting him on the same level as a FORTUNE TELLER.
336 Acts 2:1-13 – People HEARD their own language being spoken
337 Matthew 12:40 – JONAH DIED; Jesus said so. Jesus died too
338 1 Samuel 18:4 – Jonathan COVENANTS with David
339 Jeremiah 25:9 - My SERVANT Nebuchadnezzar
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Freemasons: Hiram Abiff was the master architect of King Salomon’s temple. He was brought to Jerusalem from Phonencia by Hiram King of Tyre. The Masons say Hiram was murdered and raised from the dead while building the temple (similar to Christ), but the Bible says Hiram finished his work in the Temple. The Masonic Order points to Hiram Abiff, the master builder instead of Jesus Christ, the MASTER.
Three Races of people descended from Noah’s three sons; Shem the Semites of the middle east; white – Ham the Egyptians; black – Japheth the sea people of Asia minor; yellow
Dome of the Rock: Muslims say this is the rock that Ishmael was brought to be sacrificed, not Isaac and Mohammad ascended into heaven from it. This dude of a rock is 58 feet long, 51 feet wide and 4-6 feet tall, it’s a BIG ROCK. It sits on the temple mount where the Jews want to rebuild the temple. The latest thing I have read is that the Rock will stay as it was originally in the Holy of Holies, but the Dome must go. This is headed for trouble, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. NOTE: Before erosion, only about a foot of the rock was exposed; it was in the Holy of Holies of the Temple and the Ark of the Covenant rested on it.
Holy War Jihad: In the book of Deuteronomy God declared a HOLY WAR against the PAGAN enemies of God that were SPECIFICALLY occupying the Promised Land given to Abraham’s descendants.340 This is the ONLY Holy War; God wants only a Holy people in the Promised Land of Israel. You must ask yourself; what do the Muslims want with a Jihad?
Nazirite Vow: Dedicating yourself to God for a specific period of time between 30 days to a lifetime; you must give up booze, eating grapes, raisins, getting haircuts, and going to funerals.341
New or Old Commandments
All of the teaching of Jesus was to those who were still under “the 613 laws” of the old covenant which included the laws of Moses and those the Pharisees though up. There were 365 negative laws, one for each day of the week and 248 positive laws with two directly about God.
If you subtract the Two laws directly about God, you will get 611 which is the numerical value of the word TORAH which means; commandment, instruction or LAW,
When Jesus gave us His Two commandments,342 He was actually not giving us two NEW Commandments, but was quoting from the Old Covenant; from the Torah; the book of Deuteronomy and the book of Leviticus.343 I know that bothers you, but it’s in the Book.
Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.344 Under the New Covenant we are no longer under the “Ten Commandments” although our lives would be MUCH better off if we observed them since they were personally written by God Himself. I know that got your pants all in a wad, but it’s in the Book.
340 Deuteronomy 12:2 – HOLY WAR was in specific places in the Promised Land -- Deuteronomy 20:17 – HOLY WAR; Specific people
in the Promised Land
341 Numbers 6:1-3 – NAZARITE; No drinking or eating grapes
342 Matthew 22:37-40 – New Covenant; just TWO Commandments
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and Love your neighbor as yourself.”
343 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 – Old Covenant; 1ST Commandment -- Leviticus 19:18 – Old Covenant; 2ND Commandment
344 Matthew 5:17 – Did not come to abolish the Law; But FULFILL it
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Chapter 7. 11
Urim & Thummim
Passed down through the Patriarchs - Produced state of Ecstasy Supernatural Illumination - Answered Yes, No or no comment Discontinued by God
First Word
No record has ever been found of a command that the Urim & Thummim be constructed;
made or otherwise be required like the Priestly garments were. There has been No valid tradition that has survived from the time of their use as to their shape or material used.
It is thought that these two items were PASSED DOWN through the Patriarchs, Priest to Priest to be officially incorporated into the people’s worship.345 They were thought to be precious stones that were of some material like gems which the Tetragrammaton; (YHWH) the Sacred Name of God had been engraved upon.
It is highly likely that both stones were the same; the front side would be the Urim and the reverse side would be the Thummim. They were possibly flat and connected by a small chain with swivels. I must confess that some students of the Word believe that there were two independent stones which could be drawn out individually, not both; giving Yes or No answer. This seems highly unlikely to me if a decision could also come up as “undecided” or “neither”. 346
Their Use
The High Priest wore the breast piece of judgement (decision) over the front of the Ephod which
formed a pouch in which the Urim and Thummim were placed.347 They were LINKED to the
breastplate and used to discover the Will of God concerning a matter,348 giving a Yes or No answer
to their prayers. (The Ephod carried the breastplate which carried the Urim & Thummim.)
NOTE: Apparently the Urim & Thummim is sometimes assumed when the term Ephod is used; also there are no examples of negative answers recorded anywhere. Some students of the Word believe the land was divided up among the 12 tribes by the use of the Urim and Thummim;349 others disagree since the larger portions of land went to the larger tribes, and the smaller portions to the smaller tribes.
345 Numbers 20:28 – Passed down Priest to Priest; Aaron to Eleazar
346 1 Samuel 28:6 – Urim came up undecided; God did not answer
347 Exodus 28:30 - Urim & Thummim placed inside the breast piece -- 1 Samuel 23:9 – Bring the Ephod here containing the Urim and
348 Numbers 27:21 – Urim and Thummim used to discover God’s Will for His people
349 Numbers 26:55-56 – Land divided up by CASTING LOTS -- Numbers 33:54 – You shall inherit the land BY LOT according to your
clans Large tribe, large land; small tribe, small land
Urim and Thummim (pronounced YOU rim & THUME em) signifying lights and perfection are something that very little is known or written about, therefore I must go outside of the Bible to other writings to fill in the blanks such as was handed down by tradition, the Apocrypha and Josephus the 2,000 year old Jewish Historian who was a contemporary of the Apostle John.
There has been an attempt down through the ages to disregard the supernatural of the Bible and LABEL IT AS A FABLE. If you DO NOT believe in the SUPERNATURAL, then this Word Study will be useless to you and so will be your faith.
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When tossed out of the pouch, if both came up with the Urim (which means to curse) then the answer was negative. If they both came up with the Thummim (which means to be perfect) then the answer was Affirmative.350 If there was one of each, then God’s answer was inconclusive at this time. Sounds like Chance doesn’t it, a roll of the dice; casting lots; stay Tuned
The Supernatural
Tradition has it that the 12 stones on the Breast Plate which represented the twelve tribes of Israel were capable of SUPERNATURAL ILLUMINATION to give Divine guidance in conjunction with the Urim & Thummim. You may recall that Urim means “LIGHT”. I hesitate to say that they would light up, but more like “shine”; a reflection of light. The Oracular powers of the Breastplate came from the Urim and Thummim.
It gets better: The Breastplate stones were engraved with the 12 tribal names and in addition to those stones could be added stones representing Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jeshurun which completedtheHEBREWALPHABET. Theywouldilluminateorshine“inturn”or“insuccession”to give Divine pronouncements. In my pea brain mind, I can see the Shekinah Glory of God reflecting off of them.351 (Just saying) You may recall the Thummim means “PERFECTION”.
Jeshurun means the “upright” and was a symbolic name for the people of Israel. The name is used when God confronts Israel with warnings of judgment or promises of blessings.352
I must say that some students of the Bible believe the glow of the Urim and Thummim caused the High Priest to go into a state of ecstasy or a trance in which God would speak to them. I must also say that no one knows the exact nature of the Urim and Thummim nor even how to use them.
Josephus – - The Breastplate was the ORACLE
163 – But in the void place of this garment there was inserted a piece
of the bigness of a span, embroidered with gold and the other colors
of the ephod, and was called Essen (the Breastplate), which in the
Greek language signifies the ORACLE.
Their Disappearance
It is believed that because of the increase of the number of sanctuaries and perhaps at Saul’s insistence, COUNTERFEIT STONES were reproduced and used locally as a matter of convenience where travel to seek answers at the central sanctuary might be impossible. Therefore there was a tendency to doubt the validity of their findings; thus their non-use.
That coupled with two evil priest named Hophni and Phinehas, the sons of the Prophet Eli; there was the belief that the outcome of the stones might be manipulated by them.
Maccabees in the Apocrypha is the last mention of the use of the Urim & Thummim when the temple altar was desecrated and the stones were removed from the Altar to a place in the mountains where they awaited a prophet, to tell how God would like to disposed of them.
Their use was discontinued around the time of the destruction of Solomon’s Temple just after theHebrewsreturnedfromexileinBabylonandatthedeathoftheformerprophets. TheBreastplate LEFT OFF SHINING and became just a memory as God was displeased at the transgressions of his laws by His chosen people. Interest had already fallen off because the Rabbis were already reading the Torah placing the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S WORD on the same level of the Urim and Thummim; thus they could know God’s will for them and His people anytime.
Today, the Christian has been filled with the Holy Spirit and has the ability “within” to be able to discern God’s will in their everyday life through the reading of the Bible; His Word as well as attending Adult Bible Studies and Church.
350 1 Samuel 14:41 – Determine guilt or innocence; guilt Urim, innocence Thummim
351 Exodus 24:17 - Shekinah Glory of God
352 Deuteronomy 33:5 – Jeshurun; the People; tribes of Israel -- Deuteronomy 32:15 – Jeshurun; the People were warned --
Deuteronomy 33:26 – Jeshurun; promises of blessings -- Isaiah 44:2 – Jeshurun; promises of blessings
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Go thou and do likewise; do not forsake gathering with other believers in the Church.353
Ezra 2:63 – Out of Exile; Last “use” reference Urim & Thummim
63 The governor told them that they were not to partake of the most holy food, until THERE SHOULD BE A PRIEST
1 Maccabees 4:46 – Last “mention” of the Urim & Thummim
So they took down the altar, and deposited the stones in the temple
mountain, in a suitable place, until a prophet should come and declare
what should be done with them.
Josephus – Book – The Breastplate; QUIT shining
21 For as to those stones,
22 which we told you before, the high priest bare on his shoulders,
which were sardonyxes, (and I think it needless to describe their nature,
they being known to everybody,) the one of them SHINED OUT when
God was present at their sacrifices; I mean that which was in the nature
of a button on his right shoulder, BRIGHT RAYS darting out thence,
and being seen even by those that were most remote; which splendor
yet was not before natural to the stone. This has appeared a wonderful
thing to such as have not so far indulged themselves in philosophy, as
to despise Divine revelation. Yet will I mention what is still more
wonderful than this: for God declared beforehand, by those twelve
stones which the high priest bare on his breast, and which were
inserted into his breastplate, when they should be victorious in
battle; for so great a SPLENDOR SHONE FORTH from them before
the army began to march, that all the people were sensible of God's
being present for their assistance. Whence it came to pass that those
Greeks, who had a veneration for our laws, because they could not
possibly contradict this, called that breastplate THE ORACLE. Now
this breastplate, and this sardonyx, LEFT OFF SHINING two
hundred years before I composed this book, God having been
displeased at the transgressions of his laws. Of which things we shall
further discourse on a fitter opportunity; but I will now go on with my
proposed narration. (The Works of Flavius Josephus)
The Take Away
Urim is to curse, the answer is in the negative; Guilt, pronounces Error.
Thummim is to be perfect or perfection, the answer is in the Affirmative; Innocence, pronounces
The details of the Urim and Thummim have been kept secret for a reason. Today some NUT
CASE would try to make them and sell them on TV to folks seeking the Will of God in their life.
If you want to know the will of God in your life, He has left a letter for you in the Bible. The
question is; are you willing to tithe some time to find the pearl of great value.354
God wants us to come to the Him, the CREATOR for answers, not to a CREATION.
353 Hebrews 10:24-25 – Don’t forsake assembling together in Church -- Luke 10:37 - Go, and do thou likewise; STUDY THE BIBLE 354 Matthew 13:45-46 - The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
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Chapter 7. 12
What’s the purpose of a miracle?
If it happens often, is it still a miracle?
First Word
The mission of the world is to remove the supernatural from the Bible. If this can be done, then Christ was just another good man who lived a commendable life. People react to miracles differently, some hear the voice of God, and others just hear thunder.355 Some praise God for what they witnessed, others run and call the cops.356 Some hear and understand the spoken word of God while others hear drunken men speaking gibberish.357
Miracles, Wonders, Signs
a) Satan can produce miracles.
b) Somemiraclesarenotimmediate.
c) They are a sign that is easily observable.
d) Theymustbevisibleevents;thisisessentialtotheirpurpose.
e) They impress the beholder with the nature and attributes of God.
f) They exist that men may believe the Lord, the God of their fathers.
g) TheydemonstrateHisgreatness,power,mercyandmiraculouspunishment.
h) Theyareeventsinthe“outward”world,not“inward”workingsofprovidenceandgrace.
Acts 2:22 – Miracles are wonders and are a sign
Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by MIRACLES, WONDERS AND SIGNS, which God did
among you through him, as you yourselves know. NIV
Division of Miracles
Miracles have three distinct divisions 1) POWER OVER NATURE
Water: The Red Sea, The Jordan, Marah, Merabah, Rephidin, Jericho waters,
swimming ax head, Carmel, stilling the storms, water into wine, walking on water, pool
at Bethesda.
Fire: Pillar of fire, Shenkinah fire, Carmel fire, fiery furnace
Oil: The Widow’s cruse, oil in vessels.
Sun: Joshua, the dials of Ahaz and Hezekiah, the last days
Food: Manna, meal in the barrel, feeding hundreds or thousands.
Natural Elements: Thunder, hail, rain, floods, earthquakes, withered trees, opened
Animate Realm: Frogs, lice, flies, murrain, locust, ravens, lions, fish, swine and vipers.
355 John 12:28-29 – Some heard voices others heard thunder
356 John 11:45-46 – Different strokes for different folks some praise God others call the cops
357 Acts 2:13 – Believers heard a their language, un-believers said they were drunk
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2) POWER OVER SICKNESS AND DISEASE: Boils, leprosy, poisonous serpents, deadly pottage, withered hands, sickness, fevers, issue of blood, dropsy, blindness, deafness, dumbness, lameness and infirmities.
3) POWER OVER DEMONS: The witch at Endor, demoniacs, lunacy, unclean spirits and even Satan who is on a leash like a dog and cannot go beyond divine permission.
Categories of Miracles
Miracles were divided into five categories.
1) Divine: Each person in the Trinity exercised miraculous power.
2) Angelic: Delegated beings to carry out God’s will and work; Gabriel, Michael and others.
3) Jesus Christ: To whom ALL power was given; who prophets foretold as “The Son of Man”.
4) Prophets: Human Agents; Servants of God performing miracles as they were delegated;
Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Peter, Stephen, Philip, Paul
Barnabas and other Apostles and Disciples.
5) Evil Agents: Counterfeit miracles are designed to support false religions. Satan and those he
controls have power to do counterfeit miraculous wonders.
Counterfeit Miracles
In the Old Testament we can see the magicians using their secret arts to produce what seem to be miracles, signs and wonders.360 Every miracle should be examined to determine the origin of the work.361 Does it line up with the Bible? Is it a sign for the unbeliever? What is the wider implication of the sign?362
These wonders are so convincing that even the Christian can be deceived if that were possible.363
(So study the Word)
Genuine miracles are always “signs” that teach a lesson. Every miracle of God is a part of God’s great integrated system of revealed truth.
Miracle Definition
The word Miracle comes from the Latin word “miraculum” meaning a marvelous event or an
event that causes wonder. They are historical events or natural phenomena which appear to violate natural laws, but point to the hand of God acting for mankind.
Spoken of as; Signs and Wonders, Display of Power, Distinctively Wonderful, Mighty, Powerful, Marvelous Works, Significant, Extraordinary, Astonishment, Amazement, Marvelous Things, Strange Thing, Great Thing.
No one term can possible describe all the significance of a miracle. All the terms emphasize the exercise of Divine power. They are visible emblems of what He is and what He came to do. They are a token and indication of the near presence and working of God.
Webster says: An event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes, specifically an act of God.
358 Acts 10:38 – Sickness is from Satan
359 1 John 3:8 – Christ came to destroy sin, sickness and diseases.
360 2 Thessalonians 2:9 – Counterfeit miracles
361 Revelation 13:14-16 – Satan gives men power to his workers deceive -- Exodus 7:11 – The secret arts are given by Satan -- Exodus
8:6-7 – Magicians use sleight of hand and secret arts
362 Revelation 16:14 – Demonic spirits perform miraculous signs
363 Matthew 24:24 – False prophets and workers will produce miracles so great so as to deceive even the elect-if that were possible
The spirit world is divided into two realms:
1) Satan and his demons: The evil spirits not only temp us to sin, but also makes us suffer from sickness and diseases.358 So both sin and sickness have a common demonic origin.
2) God and his faithful angels; Christ came to destroy the works of Satan.359
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It’s a work wrought by Divine Power for a Divine Purpose by means beyond the reach of men. In the OT, the word SIGN denoted a miracle that pointed to a deeper revelation. The wise men followed a sign in the sky; a star, a deeper revelation; a king.
A miracle must be above nature; like the resurrection of Lazarus or outside of nature; like the multiplication of the loaves of bread which nature can do, but not in the manner that actually occurred.
To the Christian a miracle or sign is
a) An extraordinary event, inexplicable in terms of ordinary natural forces.
b) Itisaneventthatcausestheobservertopostulateasuperhumanpersonalcause.
c) It is a sign of implications much wider than the event itself.
Matthew 2:1-2 – A miracle, a SIGN, a STAR, a KING
2:1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days
of Herod the king, behold, there came WISE MEN from the east to
2 Saying, Where is he that is born KING OF THE JEWS? For we have
seen HIS STAR in the east, and are come to worship him.
Ordinary Works or Activity of God
Miracles are different from “the Providence of God” who is the guiding power of the universe; To the Christian this supernatural guiding is God’s “Ordinary work”. Miracles must be separated from the ordinary reoccurring works of God such as a sunrise, a shoot from a planted seed or the birth of a child. For the Christian there are answers to prayers that certainly show the hand of God in action in their life, but do not necessarily have a “demonstrative sign” for the unbeliever. However, for the person who no longer in pain, they certainly feel like their healing is a “miracle”.
Special Works or Activity of God
Miracles are scattered though out the Old Testament and especially appear in connection with Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Elijah and Elisha. The miracles were the special activity of God showing Him as being in control of guiding history down through the ages; every moment, every circumstance.
Miracles are events which dramatically reveal this living, personal nature of God, active in history not as mere Destiny, but as a Redeemer who saves and guides His people. He reveals more and more of His design for “the plan of salvation” as the stages of history unfold with each stage building on the previous. Seldom did God introduce miracles into the course of day to day events.
Purpose of Miracles
There are about 40 “recorded” references of miracles of Jesus in the NT and many more that were not written down. Signs, wonders and Miracles testify of the authority of God and the work of His Son.364 Sick people gathered in the Temple to have the Apostles lay hands on them for healing convinced that these “Christians” were serving God.
The reason miracles, signs and wonders were done was so that we might believe on Jesus as the son of God and obtain life through His name.365 The miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the calming of the storm, walking on water. These types of miracle stories are actually “epiphanies” which reveal something about the hidden and more profound character of Jesus.366
Most miracles are produced by the “agency” of God through His representative to confirm and authenticate the message that His representative brings. They are proper proof that the miracle-worker could claim “he was accepted” by God. They are mainly wrought for the sake of the “unbeliever”. Jesus Himself regarded His miracles as evidence that He was from God, and was God.367
364 John 20:30-31 – The purpose of miracles was so that they might believe in the One God of Israel
365 Hebrews 2:3-4 – Signs, wonders and miracles point to His “salvation
366 Acts 5:12 – Apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the believers; Christians were doing the work of God
367 John 14:23-24 – Jesus said my words are from God
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If we do not believe in Miracles, then our faith is dead. The miracle of Christ’s resurrection from the dead is the HINGE PIN of our FAITH.368
A miracle was not only proof of God’s existence, but also testified of His faithfulness, His saving love and Holy justice, His power, protection, salvation and glory.369
Frequency of Miracles
There were three periods or “Epochs” of miracles recorded in the Bible.
a) During the exodus of Israel from Egypt and their taking of their new land.
b) DuringthetimeoftheprophetsandtheyguidedIsrael.
c) During the time of Jesus ministry.
Epoch one: the years of the exodus, the miracle of manna from heaven must have seemed quite common place as it occurred every day for 40 years370.... But it hasn’t happened since.
Epoch two: the time of the prophets, a widow’s jug of oil and jar of flour stayed full day after day during the prophet’s stay in her home;371 this was a daily occurrence of the same miracle.
Epoch three: the time of Jesus, the laws of gravity was suspended for Peter as he walked on water, dead people came back to life. We haven’t seen much of that lately.
There is no uniformity of frequency for when miracles occurred or the quantity of them. There have been long periods of time in scriptures, two, three, or even four centuries where there were no recorded miracles.372
Does God do “demonstrative miracles” today? Most ministries and Godly servants of God do not exhibit miracles of God, only the message of His “Miracle of Grace”. There is no conclusive proof that miracles have actually taken place since the apostolic times. However, God may provide a miracle today if He so chooses; we certainly will see many MIRACLES when He returns.
Miracles Have Witness’; the miracles and miraculous works of the prophets and Jesus were not done in secret, but were done in FULL VIEW of the witnessing public.373
John 18:20 – Teaching were taught openly
20 "I have SPOKEN OPENLY to the world," Jesus replied. "I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together.
Gifts of the Spirit - A Miracle
On the “Day of Pentecost” God poured out His Spirit and the believers received the gifts of the
Spirit as the Holy Spirit determined.374 Each believer had at least one gift and all the gifts were present in the body of the believers. They were for ministering to the common good of the church body.375
Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Special Faith, Gifts of Healing, Miraculous powers, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Tongues, Interpreting Tongues, Serving, Prophesying, Teaching, Encouraging, Giving, Leading and Mercy.
368 1 Corenthians 15:17-19 – The hinge pin of our Faith; No resurrection, we are lost -- 1 Corenthians 15:13 – No resurrection miracle;
then Christ is not raised -- John 11:25-26 – Christ is the miracle of the resurrection.
Acts 5:12 – Apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the believers; Christians were doing the work of God
369 John 5:36 – The miracles testify that God has sent the son -- John 10:36-39 – Believe the miracles; know and understand the Father
is in me
370 Exodus 16:4 – The Miracle of Bread every day for 40 years -- Luke 4:25-27 – Miracles follow no pattern of time from years apart to
everyday for 40 years
371 1 Kings 17:15-16 - Jar of oil and Jar of flour stayed full as long as the Prophet Elijah stayed with the woman and her family
372 Luke 4:25-27 – Miracles follow no pattern of time from years apart to everyday for 40 years
373 Acts 26:26 – The miracles were not done in secret
374 1 Corenthians 12:11 – The Gifts are given as the Spirit determines.
375 1 Corenthians 12:4-11 – Many kinds of gifts, many kinds of service, ,many kinds of working, but same Spirit, same Lord, same God;
message of wisdom, message of knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, tongues,
interpretation of tongues.-- Romans 12:3-8 – Here are some more gifts; prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing,
leadership, and mercy.
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NOTE: Gifts of healing is “plural” suggesting that there are different kinds of healing. I desire and seek the gift of healing cancer and that of discerning good and evil spirits.
We are told to desire and seek the best gifts. Even with that, they cannot be “achieved”, they are given as the Holy Spirit wills according to God’s Plan.
Speaking in Tongues: There is much said today about the USE AND MISUSE of this gift and was addressed by Paul in his letters to the church.
There is much debate over whether the miracle was an “Unknown” language spoken that the listener understood or that the Disciples actually spoke in their “Known” language and dialect; and another question is, has the gifts ceased.
My BS, my Belief System; reading of the scripture indicates that the listeners heard the Disciples speak to them in their own “known” language and dialect376 which the “scoffers” or unbelievers didn’t understand therefore they thought they were just drunk.
Prayer Language: About 30 years ago I found myself while in prayer uttering words I did not understand; I shared this with my pastor and he said he also had a prayer language.
Prophecy is a better gift to study; the Bible word is “Propheteuo” which means “to magnify God;” “To speak of divine things”, and has nothing to do with foretelling the future, but of witnessing to the grace of Jesus Christ and magnifying His name. So when you read about people “prophesizing” they are praising God’s name and His attributes. Paul wanted everyone to prophesy.377
Miracles are a SIGN to the pagan, the unbeliever; they are a “convicting experience”. The miracle of people speaking in tongues are a SIGN to the unbeliever.378
Can we operate with miracle spiritual gifts today? YES, as the HOLY SPIRIT determines.
NOTE: Because we see very little of the gifts displayed, most believe that the gifts ended with the Apostles. However, I do not find anywhere in scripture that the gifts were recalled; in fact I find that they are forever.379 These gifts were given so that compassionate believers could minister to others, but it is “as the Spirit willed”. The Gifts of the Spirit will cease when Christ returns.380
Sin and Sickness
It is our knowledge, or rather perhaps lack of knowledge; our ignorance that makes an event a miracle. The eclipse of the moon to an astronomer who knows the cause, believes this is a normal event, but to a rustic, who does not know the cause believes it to be a miracle.
In a sense, the cause of a miracle is something done outside the order of the entire created nature. The cause of a miracle is hidden from all people, and this cause is GOD.
If we can “understand” the cause, then it’s not a miracle.
376 Acts 2:1-13 – Speaking in Tongues – Believers heard in their own language and dialect
377 1 Corenthians 14:1 – Desire the gift of prophecy -- 1 Corenthians 14:39 – Be eager to prophesy -- 1 Corenthians 14:1-2 – Eagerly
desire the gifts especially the gift of prophecy -- 1 Corenthians 12:31 – Be eager to desire the greater gifts; prophecy, the forth telling the
attributes of God
378 1 Corenthians 14:22 – The miracle gift of Tongues are a SIGN not for believers, but for un- believers
379 Romans 11:29 – The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable
380 1 Corenthians 13:8-10 – When Jesus returns the gifts will cease
381 Matthew 9:2-8 - Sin and sickness go hand in hand; sins forgiven, body healed
Sin and sickness go hand in hand; Jesus had authority over both. In the four Gospels alone, of the 35 miracles reported, 23 of the miracles were of healing. The majority of miracles were acts of mercy and compassion. Although the healing miracles were an act of the “compassion” of Christ; they were all a sign that pointed back to the message of “The Good News”, which was the deeper and wider implication.381
Considering the demon possessed man, the leper and the resurrection of the dead, the miracles had a twofold purpose; 1) to show the authority of Jesus Christ over the “physical” body and 2) His authority over the “Spiritual” world, which was the deeper and wider implication.
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The Miracle of God’s Incarnation
The Bible begins by telling us Jesus was at the creation of the world382 and became flesh and dwelt among us.383 Isaiah prophesied that a virgin would bear a son; He would be called Immanuel meaning “God is with us”; He would be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.384
The angel Gabriel was sent to Mary, a virgin to announce to her she would have a child that would be the son of God385 and not the son of Joseph.386 Men in their meanness would ask Jesus “Where is your father?”387 Implying Jesus was a bastard child.
Today men say that Mary was just “self-fertilized” like a plant louse, like fungus, like an alga, or she was shocked into conception like some female rabbits have been reported to do. The world today is “hell bent” on removing the supernatural from the Bible in an effort to nullify our faith.
The Miracle of Regeneration
It is not our knowledge of God that saves us, nor our actions toward others, nor our participation in Bible studies, choir, programs nor activities or work in the community; it’s a changed heart. When it occurs it is an observable phenomenon.388
A rat cannot fly like a bird or a turtle outrun a deer, nor a dog plow like a mule without a “change in their nature”.389 Therefore it must be understood, that man dead in sin cannot be alive in Christ unless there is a “change in his nature;”390 he must be born again.391
Jesus Answers the Question – The Good News Is Now Preached
Why did Jesus do miracles, signs and wonders? He performed miracles with the most unlikely
people, the lame, blind, the dumb and the leper. They were a sign that the Messiah’ kingdom as foretold by the prophets was now being fulfilled.392
Jesus refused to do miracles just to prove that He was the Son of God. His death was the proof. He did no miracle to benefit Himself or His disciples when a normal means of provision was available. He consistently refused to give a sign from heaven or to work useless and spectacular wonders as many false conjurers of the “secret arts” were doing.393 He never did a miracle just to astonish people, but always to provide aid or give relief to the needy.
The crowds were more interested in the miracles than the teachings of Jesus. The working of miracles is directed to a deepening of men’s understanding of God. You can distinguish from the FALSE miracle by the fact that the TRUE harmonizes with the rest of the revelation of Christ and with the knowledge of His word that believers possess.
Signs, wonders and miracles were God’s way of authenticating His apostles. Jesus demanded from His Disciples; faith, trust, “a decision” and participation in the signs and miracles.394
When Faith was not present, He could do no mighty work
382 John 1:1-2 – Jesus was in the beginning
383 John 1:14 – He became flesh and dwelt among us.
384 Isaiah 7:13-14 – Prophecy – A virgin shall give birth to a son; Immanuel -- Isaiah 9:6 – The names of Jesus; Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
385 Galatians 4:4-5 – God sent Jesus to redeem us.
386 Luke 1:31-33 – You are going to give birth to the Son of God -- Luke 1:35 – The Holy Spirit will come upon you Mary
387 John 8:19 – Hey Jesus; who’s your daddy?
388 2 Corenthians 5:17 - You become a new creation in Jesus Christ
389 John 3:5-7 – You are born of flesh not of the Spirit
390 Acts 4:12 – Jesus is the Way; there is no other way -- John 11:25-26 – Jesus is life, whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
391 John 3:12-13 – How can you believe spiritual things if you don’t understand physical things?
392 Isaiah 35:5-6 – Isaiah’ prophecy; the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. -- Matthew 11:4-5 – The blind
receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the
poor -- Isaiah 61:1 – Preach the good news to the poor.
Mark 6:5-6 – Jesus was amazed at the lack of FAITH and could do few miracles
393 Matthew 12:38-40 – We want a sign - NOPE -- Luke 11:29-30 – A wicked generation requires a miraculous SIGN.
394 Matthew 9:2 – Jesus required Faith in order to receive from Him -- Matthew 17:20 – He required their participation in FAITH --
Matthew 9:33-34 – Jesus required a DECISION
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Chapter 7. 13
The following is handed down by sacred tradition; I include it here because it became somewhat embraced beginning in the fourth century A.D. up until now.
The Roman Catholic writers saw the Blessed Virgin Mary as the “Ark of the Covenant” because she herself carried the Savior of mankind within her. She in effect became the “Holy of Holies”
“She is the Ark in which is found the golden vessel containing the true manna, that is, the flesh in which Divinity resides.”
(Homily of the Papyrus of Turin)
Typology; a hint or taste of something that will be realized or fulfilled; such as in the Old Testament
a person, thing, or event that FORESHADOWS SOMETHING that we find in the New Testament; “the Old Testament is the New concealed, but the New Testament is the Old revealed.”
There is a parallel between the Holy Spirit overshadowing the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary. The Ark of the Covenant was the dwelling place of God and Mary was the dwelling place of God the Son; both housed in a pure container. She is a living shrine of the Word of God of the New Covenant.
Luke tells the story; A few days later Mary hurried to the hill country of Judea, to the town where Zechariah lived. She entered the house and greeted Elizabeth. At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Elizabeth gave a glad cry and exclaimed to Mary, “God has blessed you above
all women, and your child is blessed. Why am I so honored, that the mother
of my Lord should visit me? When I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb
jumped for joy.
You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.” Luke 1:39-45 (NLT)
In my spirit I can certainly embrace symbolically that the Ark of wood, containing the OLD covenant, was only a shadow of the Ark of flesh that contained the NEW covenant. I can also identify with the love and respect for Mary the mother of Jesus.
Roman Catholics believe that Mary was also born of a Virgin, her mother was a virgin; therefore she was sinless and a CO-REDEEMER equal with Jesus.
Ark of Mary
She is the Ark in which is found the golden vessel
containing the TRUE MANNA, that is,
the flesh in which Divinity resides
First Word
Therein lies the problem, it’s just not found in scripture.
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Chapter 7. 14
Was there something else going on besides the Exodus? - The Court Magicians The Curse on Ham - The Supernatural - Ten Plagues - Egypt’s Religious System
First Word
To discuss the plagues of Egypt, we must be able to see the symbolism of each plague which wasfarbiggerstorythantheactualeventitself. WhilethestoryoftheExodusfromEgyptisimportant, it was also the fulfillment of prophecy concerning a curse placed on Canaan by Noah.
TIME is of no importance to God; if He says it will happen; it will happen.
Noah’s sons
Noah had three Sons; Shem, Ham and Japheth.395
Noah blessed two of his sons, Shem and Japheth.
Shem would be the Godly line of decedents that gave us Abraham, the “Father of Israel”
The Races Origin
Many students of the word believe that Noah’s three sons had taken wives from other nations before the flood.
Shem is the progenitor of the “Semitic” peoples of the East. (White)
Ham’s descendants became the Egyptians, Canaanites and Africans. (Black)
Japheth’s descendants are the inhabitants of Asia Minor and the sea people. (Yellow)
Ham’s four sons
1) Cush: Ham’s first son had a son named Nimrod who was the builder of the tower of Babel in Babylon. The tower was a ziggurat which on top had a zodiac for worship of the sun, moon and stars. This is important because this is where the abominations of worship of pagan Gods began. Nimrod was a “hunter”; a hunter and oppressor of God’s people.396
2) Egypt is the nation which enslaved the Israelites, the descendants of Shem.
3) Put had at least six sons which is possible modern Libya, but it’s not certain.
4) Canaan: This tribe had the demon controlled “Giants” (nephillim) in their land and caused
Israel many problems; but they were frequently defeated by Israel in their battles.
The Curse
This takes us back to just after the flood in the days of Noah and his sons; one of which received a curse on his family. Let’s take a look; Noah lay drunk and naked in his tent, when Ham came in and saw him. Something very wrong took place in that tent either by Ham or his son Cannan as Cannan was singled out and CURSED BY NOAH to be a “servant of servants” to his brothers.397 You can read what happened in the Chapter, “Noah Gets Drunk. IITB 04.02
Keep that in mind Canaan was to be a “servant of servants”.
395 Genesis 9:18-19 – Noah’s sons; Shem, Ham and Japheth
396 Genesis 10:6 – Sons of Ham; Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan -- Genesis 10:8 – Cush was the father of Nimrod builder of Babylon
397 Genesis 9:24-25 – Canaan is cursed to be a servant to his brothers
Plagues of Egypt
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Black Curse
NOTE: There are numerous arguments that the curse on Ham’s descendants included MAKING THEM A BLACK PEOPLE. While it is true that the Ham’s descendants are black; there is no scripture that supports or even hints of this as being a part of the curse; this must be dismissed as only someone’s BS, their Belief System.
In my BS, this is a divisive attempt by Satan to divide men and promote bigotry and hatred. Satan did the same thing with the Jews; calling them Christ Killers; creating hate and anti-Semitism. It was not the Jews that drove the nails into the hands and feet of Jesus the Christ, the executioners were the Romans.
Let’s Pause right here
At this point, Egypt has the many gods of Babylon and Israel has the one God of Abraham. We have the prophecy of servitude upside down as we have the Godly line of the Israelites being enslaved by the un-godly line of Egypt.
Egypt would not be a slave to anyone and would enslave every people that they came across. But God just laughs at them.398 (It’s not over till God says it’s over.)
Here’s where we are; we’re now in Egypt and God has called Moses to lift the bondage of Ham’s descendants from the Godly line of Shem and to tell Pharaoh to “Let My people go”.
The Plagues
God makes the rules under which sin shall be sinned, though He Himself is not the author of sin. (The Invisible War) The judgment of the plagues is on the many pagan gods of Egypt.399
The Israelites; God’s chosen people, did not comprehend what was going on, so how much more were the Egyptians baffled.400 The plague announcements made “in advance” gave the Magicians time to come up with their “Secret Arts” and sleight of hand to replicate it. While the magicians tried to “duplicate” the judgments they never tried to “REVERSE” them.
The magicians told Pharaoh that “This is the finger of god”, (NOT Israel’s Jehovah God.)
All the plagues must happen; Pharaoh must resist letting the people go,401 until God has shown All
of Egypt that their gods are nothing; helpless to intervene and helpless to save.
Finally, All of Egypt will realize that the ONE and ONLY true God is the God of Israel.
The First Plague on the waters – Egypt’s Trinity; Stink, Stank, Stunk
The water of the River Nile turned blood RED as well as the water in their wooden and stone
vessels.402 This first judgment of Moses was “death” to their fish; their food source and their lively hood, putting terror in their heart. Interestingly, the first miracle of Jesus was that of “grace,” providing aid by turning water into RED wine and putting gladness to their heart.
With lack of oxygen, the fish died, floated to the top of the water and smelled putrid for seven days.
(This is where we get the phrase; “Something smells fishy to me”) maybe not. While Pharaoh’s magicians could
make water look like blood, they were unable to make the blood turn back to water.
Osiris, the god of the Nile couldn’t help them or his companion Isis the mother god and their child
Horus: this “trinity” of gods could do nothing, but stink.
There were other gods; Nu the god of life in the Nile; Hapimon in the north and Tauret at Thebes the hippopotamus goddess of the river.
These gods were the most favored gods of the common people; but were USELESS.
398 Psalms 2:2-4 – God watches the rulers and kings make plans and He laughs at them.
399 Exodus 12:12 – God brings judgment on the gods of Egypt.
400 Psalms 106:7 – Even the Israelites did not understand it.
401 Exodus 9:12 – God hardened Pharaoh’s heart according to His plan
402 Exodus 7:19 – The water in the rivers, streams, pools ponds, and vessels turned to blood and stunk. Page 72
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The Second Plague on the waters; frogs
The Nile was putrid and frogs invaded the land with such multitude that they were even in their
houses and in their beds and even in their kneading troughs and ovens.403
Hekt the goddess of Land, who helped women in childbirth, was always depicted with a human
body and the head of a frog. Since the frogs were seen as gods, the Egyptians would not even lift their hand to destroy them. For crying out loud, the frog gods had come out of the sacred Nile; how in the world can you make war on a god? Chuckle, Chuckle. When the frogs literally “dropped dead” the whole land stunk, adding to the already dead stinking fish.404
Can’t you just imagine God laughing at their prayers & offerings to their SILENT pagan gods
The Supernatural
I have read many commentaries that explain away every detail of the ten plagues with rational that excludes the “supernatural” and point to some event in nature that caused it all to happen. Do away with the supernatural and you reduce the Bible to just another book.
Maybe the Nile River was not blood, but was just blood red. It still sure made the fish die and stink and it wasn’t long till the frogs came out of the sacred Nile before they croaked.
Maybe it “was” just nature; which makes me EVEN MORE AMAZED at how all the judgments happened, one right after another at the wave of “Moses’ Rod.” Nature sure was organized, and it is further cool that the judgments ceased at his command and there was a distinction made between the Egyptian and the Israelites, who experienced only some of the plagues.
The Third Plague - on the land; fleas and gnats
Aaron struck the dusty ground with his rod, reminiscent of the Old Testament Prophets. This
Prague came against the dust of the ground,405 the soil which produced bountiful crops of cucumbers, melons, onions, leeks and garlic.406 Man and animals became the recipient of this itching curse.407
Different translations say the plague was lice or gnats, or even mosquitoes, but the Hebrew word “ken” means to dig, as in dig under the skin. Some translators think it was sand fleas that swarmed over the land. Think how just one flea can drive your puppy crazy; think how millions could drive you “buggy”. Did you get it? “Buggy.”
This small scourge of blood sucking insects covered the whole body like a cloud of dust, creeping into the eyes, nose and ears. Today we have the tiny “No-see-um” mosquitoes.
Geb the great god of the earth was SILENT; the sacrifices of the priest availed nothing.
The Fourth Plague – on the land; flies
God sent swarms of insects; the beetle and cockroach; the gad fly, dog fly, and the stable fly
which is a blood sucker; large biting flies that lay hundreds of eggs in animal dung and transmits the “skin anthrax” plague. The magicians could not duplicate or reverse this plague; their demonic “secret arts” were useless.
Background: The Egyptians noticed that this scarab beetle rolled golf size balls of dung across the field to store them for food. The Egyptians un-mistakenly thought the beetle put their larva in them and therefore thought the balls represented life. This beetle gnaws clothes, books, furniture, plants, man and beast.
The SUN was considered the seed of life; the scarab beetle was considered the god that rolled the
sun from morning to evening. No upstanding Egyptian would kill a beetle god.
Amon-Ra (Amun-re) was considered the king of gods. “Amon” means hidden; this “invisible” king
of eternity and guardian of the dead was always pictured with the head of a beetle.
403 Exodus 8:3 – Hear Frogs, there Frogs, everywhere, Frogs, Frogs,
404 Exodus 8:13 – SOMETHING STINKS
405 Exodus 8:16-17 – Dust became lice, gnats, flies, fleas, mosquitoes
406 Numbers 11:5 – Cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions & Garlic
407 Exodus 8:17 – Gnats came out of the dust of the soil upon men and animals Page 73
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK God made a distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites; the Israelites did not experience this
specific plague.408
The Fifth Plague – disease on livestock
God sent “murrain”; a contagious epidemic disease among the Egyptians livestock; the donkeys,
camels, sheep, horses and cattle, from the livestock of the simple countryside farmer to the sacred bulls
of the high temple priest.409 Their temples were defiled by the dead animals. “All that were infected”
DIED. There is no evidence that the plague was removed; and that’s NO BULL; get it, no bull.
A distinction however was made; no harm came to any of the animals of the Israelites.
Their many gods were of no help; Apius, the sacred bull god. Hathor the cow-headed goddess of the
deserts. Bubastis, the cat goddess and Ra the livestock calf god. Then there was the bull Bakis of
the god Mentu, none of which could do anything to save them.
And to make matters worse, Anubis the Jackal headed dog god got his reputation slammed by the DOG FLY PLAGUE.
The Sixth Plague – Boils and Leprosy on man
The handful of soot or dust that Moses cast into the air was representative of the custom of the
Egyptian Priest of castings soot from sacrifices over the people; they counted the dust or soot as a blessing from the priest. In this case it was a curse; God sent a “burning plague” against men; that of boils and running sores, which some translate “leprosy” which cannot be healed.410 There is NO evidence that this plague was recalled; presumably it wore itself out.
Furnaces or brick-kiln’s were an instrument of oppression to the Israelites; and now the soot from them was a symbol of chastisement to Egypt. The magicians got boils in their “private parts” and could not even stand up.411 The magicians “secret arts” were useless.
The Egyptians had local gods as well as national gods; to use a big word; they were “polytheistic” they believed in many gods. If one god is good, then ten gods is much better. Great healing powers were attributed to the gods Apis, Serapis and Imhotep, but they were useless; they could do nothing.
The Seventh Plague – Rain with hail and fire on the land; beating down produce, herbs and fruit
It almost never rained in Upper Egypt, receiving only about one inch of total rainfall a year; the
land was always sunny. God sent a judgment of immense peals of thunder and the worst hail storm
that Egypt had ever seen;412 with fire from lightning that zigzagged back and forth on the land as if
trying to catch hold of itself, except in the land of Goshen.413 (This is where we get the phrase “Great Balls
of Fire”.)
Although there was death; this plague was not sent against the slaves and livestock, but against the produce of the land; they were all warned and some believed Moses’ words and took shelter and lived.414 The Egyptians worshiped red water and fire. Shu, the wind god and Nut the sky goddess, and
Horus the elder and the hawk-headed sky god were all SILENT and could do nothing.
The Eighth Plague – Locust on the land; the vegetation
A Massive Locust “Invasion” had never been felt before in Egypt and would exceed anything
they had ever heard about in the past; it was now in the land of the Nile and what was left standing
408 Exodus 8:21-22 - God sends swarming insects; flies on the ground and in houses, but not in the land of Goshen
409 Exodus 9:3-4 – Horses, donkeys, camels, sheep, goats and cattle all die
410 Exodus 9:8-9 – Festering boils; Leprosy on men and animals -- Deuteronomy 28:27 – festering sores and the itch which cannot be
healed; Leprosy -- Leviticus 13:18-19 – A boil on the skin; Leprosy
411 Exodus 9:11 – The magicians got boils where the sun doesn’t shine.
412 Exodus 9:18-19 – The worst hailstorm ever fallen in Egypt -- Exodus 9:24 – Fire and lighting the worst storm in all the land
413 Exodus 9:26 – Distinction; there was No hail in Goshen
414 Exodus 9:20-21 – Some believed Moses and took shelter and was saved; others ignored and died
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after the hail and fire, was being consumed by the locust.415 The land turned black with three inch, red spotted, double winged locust, jumping with legs of springs; a ravenous army of creeping, gnawing and destroying critters; stripping the land to a barren desert.
Where were their gods? Nepri the grain god, Ermutet goddess of crops and childbirth, Anubis, the jackal-headed guardian of the fields. Where was their agricultural god Osiris, the great head of the Hamitic trinity; they were ALL silent.
The Ninth Plague – Darkness; Fear and Terror on Man
Egypt had sunshine 365 days a year, but suddenly as a lion springs on its prey, darkness
consumed the light. They could not see one another or their hand in front of their face. God sent darkness on the land of Egypt that was so dark that you could feel it.416 Imagine for three days and nights that the air is so thick with moisture that you can hardly breathe; so much moisture and so little oxygen that a candle can’t be lit. You’re like a fish out of water gasping for life and added to that, a strong HOT wind picking up fine DUST with static electricity, thickening and polluting the air in your lungs even more. GOOD GRIEF
You must now imagine crossing over from where the Egyptians lived into the land where the Israelites lived; when you crossed over, you immediately moved from darkness to light.417 This is certainly symbolic of the difference between the unbeliever and the believer.
From time to time, Pharaoh would repent and humbled himself; confess he had sinned and ask for prayers of protection from the Hebrew God. His feelings of remorse was only temporary; as before when things got better, he would go right back with his fist in the air toward the God of Israel. He recognized that Jehovah was the God of the Hebrew, but certainly not the god of Egyptian.
Ra the great sun god had disappeared; there was no help from Aten, the sun disc and the symbol of Ankh known as the “symbol of life” from the sun, was of no help. No help from Horus the god of the sunrise or Tem the god of sunset or Shu the god of light or the many other deities of the moon and planets.
As students of the word, we are urged to trace the cause of the judgments, which in this case was wrath on a grossly idolatrous blasphemous Pharaoh and his idolatrous nation.
Pharaoh, Egypt and Israel will know that Jehovah Elohim is the ONLY ONE true God.
The Tenth Plague – on man; First Born dies
Pharaoh sees himself as a god. The King was believed to be the incarnation of Horus the son
of “Re” the sun god; Pharaoh was all powerful, life and death was in his word.
Ten in scripture is the number for Government; it represents JUDGMENT, the Law; consider as
an example; the law of the Ten Commandments.
The tenth judgment and final plague was every first born child of every Egyptian family would
die; from the slave girl to the Pharaoh; including the first born of all their cattle.418
On the 14th of Nisan; a distinction was made between the Egyptians and the Israelites; the land of Goshen would not experience the death plague.419 There would be such tranquility among the Israelites that not even a dog would have an occasion to bark, but among the Egyptians, mourning could be heard everywhere.
With death at their doorstep, Pharaoh’s advisors were telling him, it might be a good idea to “let the people go”, in fact LET’S HELP THEM GO; “Send them out of the land in haste”.420
415 Exodus 10:12 – Locust ate what the hail did not destroy -- Exodus 10:14-15 – The land was covered black with locust devouring all
that was left after the hail
416 Exodus 10:21 – Darkness so thick that it could be FELT.
417 Exodus 10:22-23 – But the Israelites had light
418 Exodus 11:4-6 – Every Egyptian first born shall die
419 Exodus 11:7 – A Distinction in the land; All Israel will be saved.
420 Exodus 12:33 - Send the Israelites out of the land with haste
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Archaeologists have uncovered coffins with the inscriptions; “That night of slaying of the firstborn”; other inscriptions say; “That day of the slaying of the firstborn”.
Judgment has now come on ALL the pagan gods of Egypt including the defiant Pharaoh.421
Egyptian Army Destroyed
On the 15th day of Nisan, the day after the 10th plague, Pharaoh finally “let the people go”. Moses had prepared God’s 200+ million men, women and children for a quick departure. It is noteworthy to point out that the Israelites did not intermarry with the Egyptians, but remained a pure race for the entire 430 years of bondage.
Pharaoh as before, changed his mind after the Israelites had left; and pursued after them. All of the pursuing Egyptian army perished in the Red Sea.422 Never again would they oppress Israel and never again would Egypt have the strength and power it once had. God lifted the yoke of oppression from the necks of the Israelites; the chain was now broken imposed by the descendants of Ham; “the Egyptians”.
NOTE: Abrahams first born Ishmael, was from his “Egyptian” wife Hagar; this child would never be “the child of promise” to Abraham; NEVER, these descendants would be the Muslims.
Ezekiel prophesized that Egypt would become a contemptible and degraded base people; a wasteland;423 get ready, it’s coming.
Israel’s Plagues - Grumbling
In the Pentateuch, plagues are described often as “judgments” against Israel. The plagues against
Egypt smacked close to home as the Israelites also needed knowledge “to experience” Godly fear, and to know the awesomeness of “The God of Israel”.
It’s sad, but we seem to only “remember” God, when we are down on our luck. God used plagues to get the attention of Israel THREE TIMES during their “wandering” in the desert.
1) When they were grumbling while eating quail and wanted something else.424
2) When the spies grumbled and discouraged the Israelites and spread a bad report.425
3) When the people grumbled against Moses and Aaron because of their conditions.426
The Take Away
The plagues did not come in quick succession as the reader might think, but went on for five to six months; October through the last of March as different crops would become available for harvest, only to be destroyed; however there was only seven days between first plague of “something smelling fishy” and the second plague of frogs that were about to “Croak”.
The plagues demonstrated to Pharaoh and his nation, God’s superiority to the Egyptian gods and in the finality of things, He would, “bring judgment on their many pagan gods”. “ALL” in Hebrew, generally means “a great number”; and not necessarily every single one.
If you read the entire account of the judgment of plagues; many times you will find Pharaoh along with his people, coming to the Nile early in the morning to worship the god of the Nile, this is where Moses and Aaron usually confronted him within the hearing of the people.
NOTE: They were told six times in advance what was going to happen, giving the ‘magicians’ time to fabricate something similar. God allowed Pharaoh’s magicians to be “initially” successful in some of their “secret arts”; this added to the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart.
421 Exodus 12:12 – Judgment on ALL the many gods of Egypt.
422 Exodus 14:27-28 – The Sea swallowed up the Egyptian army.
423 Ezekiel 29:3-6 – Ezekiel prophesizes against Egypt becoming a desert -- Ezekiel 29:9 – Egypt will become a wasteland. -- Ezekiel
29:14-16 – Egypt will become a contemptible menial land
424 Numbers 11:32-33 – Plague while grumbling about the quail
425 Numbers 14:36-37 – Plague; spies grumbling and causing a bad report
426 Numbers 16:41-46 – Plague; people grumbled against Moses and Aaron.
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Inquiring minds want to know: Jewish tradition says Jannes and Jambres were the names of the court magicians who did “the tricks;” God changed the magicians into CLOWNS. It is unknown if the magicians were using “trickery” or Satan inspired “Lying Wonders”.427 It was God’s grace that let them dig and find water that was not contaminated, or all would have died.428
Remember, God warns before He wounds, not wanting any to perish.429
Before the plague of hail, God gave the Egyptians an opportunity to distinguish themselves
between those who BELIEVED the words of Moses and those who did not. Many sought cover and
saved their livestock as well as themselves, God gives us that same opportunity today.
The Israelites experienced the first three plagues as they also had lessons to be learned. When
God made a distinction between the land of Egypt and the land of Goshen, it reinforced that these
judgments were from the “God of Israel”.
The first nine judgments were directed at some phenomenon of nature that they worshiped as god.
Each judgment plague came with an intensifying effect and severity over the previous plague. The land was all most totally devastated.
These plagues challenged the very core of Egypt’s religious system
The tenth however, was the culminating “judgment” on the Egyptians with a direct first hand
visitation from Almighty God. (The tenth plague is a study all into its own self... Passover). God told Moses to ASK for articles of jewelry from the Egyptians and they found favor and were loaded up with silver and gold before they departed; when they left, they left rich.430 God commanded the Israelites to celebrate this event with a yearly festival called “The Passover” commemorating when
the “death angel” passed over them.431
God could have wiped out all of Egypt anytime He wanted to, but He allowed them to live so “that
I might show MY power and that MY name might be PROCLAIMED in all the earth.”432 While the Exodus of the Israelites is an awesome story in itself, the story behind the story is still more amazing. God used the bondage of the Israelites to not only fulfill prophecy concerning the curse on Ham’s descendants “Egypt”; but declared in a mighty way, to the nation of Israel and to all the other nations; TO KNOW that “there is a God in Israel.”433
Pharaoh’s first sneering question; “Who is the Lord” has been TERRIBLY answered.
Shem – The Godly descendants of Noah
For 2000 years Noah’s first born Shem, the Godly line of Abraham has served his other brother
Japheth,434 but it isn’t over till it’s over; it may be Friday, but Sundays’ coming.435
On the first coming of Jesus, He came as our Savior; on His second coming He will come as our
Just a little while longer and the Godly line will be set free.436
427 2 Thessalonians 2:9 – Satan comes with power, signs, and lying wonders
428 Exodus 9:16 - I have spared you for a purpose; to show you my power and to spread my fame throughout the earth
429 2 Peter 3:9 – God warns before He wounds, not wanting any to perish
430 Exodus 11:1 – They will HELP the Israelites leave Egypt -- Exodus 11:2-3 – Israel spoiled the Egyptians articles of gold & silver.
431 Exodus 12:12 – I will strike all the FIRSTBORN in the land of Egypt,
432 Exodus 9:16 – I will show My power that My name will be proclaimed in all the earth
433 1 Samuel 17:46 – The whole world will know that there is a God in Israel
434 Genesis 9:27 – The descendants of Shem now serve Japheth.
435 Habakkuk 2:3 – The condition of servitude will change in time WAIT FOR IT
436 Hebrews 10:37 – Just a little while longer He that shall come will come, and will not tarry
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Chapter 7. 15
Getting ahead of God: Before we begin, it would be “in order” to get a little background on how the Muslim religion and the Qur’an came about. To do this we must go back to Father Abraham and his wife Sarah. A number of years had passed since God had promised Abraham that his seed would multiply and be like the stars in the sky; so Abraham and Sarah decided to help God out with His Plan.
Sarah gave her maidservant Hagar to Abraham to father a child.437 - This is where we get the phrase “God helps those who help themselves.” (This is NOT in the Bible.) Then Hagar gave birth to a son named ISHMAEL. Abraham loved Ishmael and raises him in his home as his “FIRST BORN” son.438
Fourteen years later Sarah gives birth to Isaac, HER first born son, but he was the ‘SECOND BORN” son of Abraham.439
What follows is a very important detail to digest. It is at the request of Abraham that Ishmael became the nation that it is today. Abraham loved Ishmael and wanted him to receive a blessing like the promised given to Isaac. God hears Abraham’s prayer and promises that Ishmael will also become a great nation with twelve tribes, but he WOULD NOT receive the covenant that was promised to be passed down through Isaac.440
Ishmael’s Twelve Tribes are Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumez, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah and Massa;441 who we know as the Midianites, Edomites, Egyptians and Assyrians; the great desert people of the Middle East. These twelve tribes were given a vast land, much more than Isaac, but they wanted the land of the covenant too.... And still do.
The Blood Feud starts
The Angel tells Hagar that when Ishmael is born, he will be a wild ass of a man and live in hostility toward his brothers and they will also be against him.442
The covenant was promised by God to Abraham and to Sarah a free woman, not to Hagar a bonds woman; a maidservant.443 Ishmael was born of FREE WILL of the flesh; Isaac was born of the PRDESTINED promise.
Ishmael is fourteen years old when Isaac is born and begins to make sport of him.444 Ishmael is jealous because he himself was the first born of Abraham, yet the blessing of the covenant of God would be with the second born, Isaac.
437 Genesis 16:3-4 – Sarah helps out God by giving Hagar to Abraham to conceive children
438 Genesis 16:15-16 - Ishmael is born to Hagar and Abraham; his FIRST BORN of Hagar
439 Genesis 21:2-5 – Isaac is born to Sarah and Abraham, his FIRST BORN of Sarah, but was his second born son.
440 Genesis 17:18-21 – Abraham asks God to bless Ishmael too; YES 12 tribes, but not of the covenant as Isaac
441 Genesis 25:13-18 – Ishmael had twelve sons Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish
and Kedemah.
442 Genesis 16:12 – Ishmael will be a wild donkey and live in hostility
443 Genesis 17:19 – The Covenant was with Isaac not Ishmael.
444 Genesis 21:9 – Ishmael made sport of Isaac.
Qur’an on Jesus
Does the Qur’an actually point to Jesus Christ?
First Word
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In the beginning Cain became jealous of Able who was favored by God and Cain killed him. This is repeated again with the two brothers; when Ishmael becomes jealous of Isaac. This jealousy developed into hatred and has continued for some 4,000 years.
The promised land of God was passed down through Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, not through Ishmael which is the source of the friction between the Arabs and the Jews today; specifically the city of Jerusalem. REMEMBER THIS.
Qur’an - Hadith
A little more background; I want to identify two Muslim books and the five pillars of Islam. The Qur’an given to the “Last Prophet” MUHAMMAD, claimed to be the perfect revelation of Allah. Some passages are not fully understood without the aid of “The Hadith” which clarifies their intent.
The Hadith is a companion book to the Qur’an that shows how to put the guidance of the Qur’an into practice. It’s a collection of sayings, deeds and the behavior of Muhammad including; eating, sleeping, praying, mating, planning revenge on his enemies and dispensing justice. These actions of Muhammad were not ordinary acts; but were considered the actions of “Allah”. They were handed down through the generations verbally and then about 200 years after Muhammad’s death they were written down.
A Good Muslim will do all these same things as well as name their children Muhammad. The Hadith in some sects is followed more closely than the Qur’an and its sayings can supersede the Qur’an.
The Five Pillars of Islam are five basic acts considered mandatory by believers and are the foundation of Muslim life. They are summarized in the famous Hadith. They make up Muslim life, prayer, concern for the needy, self-purification and the pilgrimage to Mecca; they are:
1) Shahadah: declaring there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is his Messenger.
2) Salat: ritual prayer five times a day.
3) Sawm: fasting and self-control during the blessed month of Ramadan.
4) Zakat: giving 2.5% of one’s savings to the poor and needy.
5) Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if he/she is able to do so.
Submission: The Muslim faith requires complete submission to ALL of the decisions and actions
of Muhammad, which includes hundreds of stories in the Hadith.
You must not only know and obey the Qur’an, but also know and obey the Hadith. *** Sura 4:65 – Submission to Allah requires complete obedience to
ALL of Muhammad’s decisions.
Islam purports that the True Covenant of God and bloodline of Abraham rests with Ishmael the First Born and NOT with Isaac the Second born of Abraham. They believe that the scriptures were distorted, corrupted and changed by the Jews to establish themselves as the heirs to the covenant.
NOTE: Islam says Abraham had eight sons not twelve; all reared in Mecca, not Hebron. They claim it was Ishmael who was about to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah, NOT Isaac. They claim the title deed to the land was passed down through the Arabs, not the Jews.
Israel had defeated the Arab world five times in succession. Now humiliated, the Arabs are now out for revenge. It is noteworthy to mention that the Muslim’s cannot even get along with their own sect as there is a long running blood feud between the Sunnis and the Shiites power bases.
Today Islam commands; “Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war”.
Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud says, “We shall never call for or accept a negotiated peace. We shall only accept war; Jihad, the holy war. We have resolved to drench the lands of Palestine and Arabia with the blood of the infidels or to accept martyrdom for the glory of Allah”.
Islamic Jihad; to die for the cause of Islam is an honor; a passport to paradise.
Hadith 2:483 – I have been ordered to fight the people till they say, Allah be worshipped.
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Sura 9:29 – Muslims are inspired to fight people who do not accept the religion of Islam.
Sura 5:33 – Those who wage war against Allah and his messenger (there fate) is execution or crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet on opposite sides or exile.
Hadith 9:57 – Whoever changes his Islamic religion should be killed.
Muhammad: “He, who relinquishes his faith; kill him. I have been ordered by Allah to fight with people till they testify there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”.
Hadith 1:505 – Anyone who dies in a Jihad will have a prominent place in paradise.
Hadith 9:459 – Anyone who engages in a holy war (jihad) will be admitted into paradise with his reward of booty.
Sura 78:33 – In paradise man can have many women.
Ayatollah Khomeini: “The purest joy in Islam is to kill and to be killed for Allah”.
There can be no peace with the Jews or Christians or any other non-Islamic people; and that if peace
must be made, only a truce is permissible and that “for a maximum of 10 years as an expedient to hone
our swords, whet our blood and strengthen our will.”
Islamic Extremist is a misnomer, if you follow Islam, the Qur’an and the Hadith, then none are extremist; ALL hate non-Muslims; their mission is to convert or kill us in the name of Allah.
Genesis 22:2 – Take Isaac: Sacrifice him on Mount Moriah
2 Then GOD said, “TAKE YOUR SON, YOUR ONLY SON, whom you love—ISAAC—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as
a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” (NIV2011)
*** Sura 9:5 - Find them, Lie in wait, Seize them, Kill them
5 When the sacred months have passed, SLAY the idolaters wherever ye FIND them, SEIZE them; LIE IN WAIT for them in every stratagem (of war).
Islam - Religion of peace
Every year, there are homes and churches that are torched; dozens of priests, pastors, nuns and
other church workers murdered. Thousands of Christian have even been kidnapped, raped, tortured, mutilated, hacked to death and murdered all at the hands of these devout Muslim Islamic extremists. There justification is charges of apostasy, blasphemy or insulting Islam.
Christianity: Muslim do not fear Christians for their safety as there is little if any violent retaliation from Christians to the terrorism and deadly violence that is routinely dispensed by the Muslims.
Everything you read in the Qur’an calls for violence, terror and retaliation, while the Bible calls for peace and reconciliation. Islam says to convert or KILL the un-believer; Christianity says to share the salvation message of the Gospel with GENTLENESS and RESPECT.
Muhammad tells his followers to assault and terrorize the Jews and Christians; Jesus tells His followers to NOT resort to violence, but to PRAY for their enemies.
How can Islam call itself a religion of Peace? GOOD GRIEF
*** Sura 2:194 – If someone hits you, HIT THEM back
194 If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you,
transgress you likewise against him.
Matthew 5:39 – If someone hits you, turn the other cheek
39 But if anyone SLAPS YOU on the right cheek,
TURN TO HIM THE OTHER ALSO. (ESV) *** Sura 8:38 – FIGHT them
38 And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah.
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Matthew 5:44 – LOVE and PRAY for your enemies
44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you, (ESV)
*** Sura 8:12 – Cast TERROR; Cut off their heads 12 I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore STRIKE OFF THEIR HEADS and strike off every fingertip of them."
Mark 12:31 – LOVE your neighbor as yourself
31 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than these. (ASV)
*** Sura 9:123 – FIGHT the Unbeliever with HARDNESS
123 O you believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you
and let them find in you hardness.
Matthew 5:5 – Blessed are the MEEK
5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (ESV)
*** Sura 9:29 – Convert or KILL the un-believer
29 Kill, convert or subjugate Christians and Jews.
1 Peter 3:15 – SHARE CHRISTIANITY with gentleness & respect
15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being
prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for
the hope that is in you; yet do it with GENTLENESS and RESPECT. (ESV)
Qur’an on Allah & Yahweh
Koran, Quran, or Qur’an. According to Wikipedia, the accepted transliteration is Qur’an and the
word Muslim is preferred over the word Moslem.
In the Qur’an it is presented that the Christian, Jew and Muslim ALL follow the same God of
Abraham. According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God, and humble submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. "He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind”.
The Qur’an insists, Muslims believe and Historians affirm that Muhammad and his followers worship the same God as the Jews, BUT, the Qur'an portrays Allah as both more powerful and more remote than Yahweh, and as a UNIVERSAL deity, unlike Yahweh who closely follows the Israelites.
Sura 19:96 – Allah has no affection for any creature. Love is conditional on good works.
Sura 3:129 – Allah has predestined some to paradise and some to hell.
Sura 32:13 – Allah sends to hell whomever he wants. Allah created a multitude of spirits and men
specifically for the purpose of sending them to hell.
NOTE: What people believe can be more powerful than the truth. (Hal Lindsey)
*** Sura 2:255 – There’s no God but Allah the Self-Subsisting God
255 God – There is no god but He – The Living, the Self-subsisting,
eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the
heavens and on the earth. Who is there that can intercede in His presence
except as he permitteth? He knoweth (what appears to his creatures as) before or
after or behind then. Nor shall they compass aught His knowledge except
as He willith. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth,
and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is Most
High, The Supreme (in glory).
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Qur’an on the Unpardonable Sin
Allah was never married so he could not have a son; therefore saying Jesus or any man is or ever
was the son of God is blasphemous and deserving of death. Assigning partners to God; (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) blasphemes ALLAH and is The Un-pardonable Sin.
You can certainly now see why a Muslim would hate a Christian.
*** Sura 112 – Allah has no begotten Son
112 He is God, The One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He
BEGETTETH NOT, nor is he begotten; and there is none like unto
*** Sura 4:116 – Un-pardonable Sin join Allah with Father, Son, Spirit 116 God forgiveth NOT (the sin of) joining other gods with Him; but He forgiveth whom He pleaseth other sins than this; one who joins other gods with God, hath strayed far, far away (from Allah)
Qur’an on the Trinity
God is not three persons in one. The Trinity exist in Allah, Jesus and Mary. There is no Son,
because Allah was not married. The Holy Spirit is the Angel Gabriel.
*** Sura 4:171 - Allah is NOT THREE; He does not have a son
171 So believe in Allah and His messengers and say NOT THREE –
Cease! (It is) better for you! Allah is one God. For is it removed from
His transcendent majesty that He should have a son.
*** Sura 5:116 – Trinity is Allah, Jesus and Mary
116 And when Allah saith; O JESUS, SON OF MARY! Didst thou
say unto mankind: Take ME and my MOTHER for TWO GODS
besides ALLAH? He saith; Be glorified! It was not mine to utter
that to which I no right.
Matthew 28:19 – Trinity is God, Jesus and Holy Spirit
19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them
in the name of the FATHER and the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT. (NLT)
1 John 5:19-20 – Jesus is Second in the God head
19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one.
20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an
understanding, that we know him that is true, and we are in him that is
true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. (ASV)
*** Sura 42:11 – Allah is NOT a person or a spirit
11 Naught is as His likeness; and He is the Hearer, the Seer
John 4:24 – Yahweh IS a Spirit
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit
and truth. (ASV)
*** Sura 16:102 – The Holy Spirit is Gabriel who reveals to men
102 Say: the Holy Spirit (Gabriel) hath revealed it from the Lord.
Acts 5:3-4 – The Holy Spirit is God
3 Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to the HOLY
SPIRIT, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
4 While it remained, did it not remain thine own? And after it was sold, was it not in thy power? How is it that thou hast conceived this thing in
thy heart? Thou has not lied unto men, but unto GOD. (ASV)
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Qur’an on Muhammad & Jesus
The Qur’an is 114 Chapters called Suras made up of 6666 words. Interesting the number of man
is 6 which is the Biblical number for SIN and the multiple of that is 666 the most worst sin which is the number of the anti-Christ; in my BS, my Belief System; with the Qur’an being 6666 must be more sinful than that of the Anti-Christ. Just Saying
Muhammad’s name is mentioned in the Qur’an in only FOUR places while the name of Jesus is brought forth TWENTY FIVE times.
Jesus spoke from the cradle and said He Himself was only a Prophet of Allah.
Jesus was righteous; sinless and performed miracles of healing and raised the dead.
Jesus is the Messiah; but He is not God.
At the Death of Jesus, Allah will send the Prophet Muhammad, not the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said He is not worthy to intercede to God for us; we should go to Muhammad.
Jesus did not actually die on the cross by crucifixion, but it was made to look like it.
When Jesus did die, he was taken up to be with Allah as was Enoch and Elijah before him.
Jesus will return and punish the Jews and Christians for not accepting Muhammad.
Jesus will judge by the Law of the Qur’an, not by the Law of the Gospel.
TEN POINTS made about The Prophet Jesus in the Qur’an; Chapter 3, verses 45-55 as translated from the Arabic text. This is the names of the Prophet and His actions.
1) Word of God
2) Spirit of God
3) Jesus Christ
4) Jesus spoke when he was small, like 2 days after his birth.
5) Jesus created a bird with mud and breathed into it and it became a live bird (He can give life)
6) Jesus cured a man born blind; He cured a man with leprosy, and many more.
7) Jesus gave life to dead people.
8) He went to heaven.
9) He is still alive
10) He will come again
NOTE: There is a big difference between the two prophets Muhammad and Jesus. According to the Qur’an; Muhammad is NONE of the ten things listed above and in fact he himself did die and is now NOT alive and will NOT come back. I didn’t say it - It’s in the Qur’an.
Just for Fun
From the Lost Books of the Bible: The Second Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ; speaking about Jesus performing the miracle of giving life to clay pigeons while a child.
Note: In my BS, my Belief System, this miracle does not line up with the other “Fence Posts” of Bible scripture which clearly states that the first recorded miracle of Jesus was when He turned Water into Wine, but I include it here for you to ponder.
2 Infancy - Chapter 1:4-9 – Jesus performs a miracle as a child.
4 Then he took from the bank of the stream some soft clay and
formed out of it twelve sparrows; and there were other boys playing
with him.
5 But a certain Jew seeing the things which he was doing namely, his
forming clay into the figures of sparrows on the Sabbath day,
went and told his father Joseph, and said.
6 Behold, thy boy is playing by the river side, and has taken clay and
formed it into twelve sparrows and profaneth the Sabbath.
7 Then Joseph came to the place where he was, and when he saw him, called to him and said, Why doest thou that which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath Day?
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8 Then Jesus clapping his hand, to the; Go, fly away; and while ye
live remember me.
9 So the sparrows fled away making a noise.
John 2:9 – Jesus First Miracle; turned water into wine.
come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. (NIV2011)
More Qur’an on Jesus
Ten Things the Qur’an says about Allah’s Prophet Jesus.
1) Sura 19:23-26 – Sura 19:30-33 – Sura 42:13 - Jesus was a messenger of God and a Prophet of Islam
2) Sura 3:52 – Sura 5:11 - Jesus preached and a number of people became Muslims. NOTE: The followers of Jesus are Muslims.
3) Sura 3:55 – Allah promises Jesus that His followers would be victorious and superior to the unbelievers until the day of the resurrection.
4) There is no record from the 1st through the 5th century of Muslims followers of Jesus – What happened to these followers? Did their belief become corrupted by Allah and they became Christians. Interestingly, “The Gospel” survived; was copied, re-copied and passed down through the ages, but there is no record of these Muslims, if they even existed.
5) Sura 61:14 – Allah helped strengthen the followers of Jesus to gain the upper hand over the Jews. Some Jews believed in Jesus and some did not, but the Christian follower’s message became powerful.
6) Sura 61:14 – The only followers of Jesus that became more powerful than the Jews were the Christians who believed and taught Jesus’s death, resurrection and Deity.
7) Sura 3:3 - The Torah; (the Law) and the Gospel was given as a guidance for the people.
8) Sura 10:94 – Sura 7:157 – Sura 5:47 – Allah said, “Don’t doubt what is told you; go to the people of the book; the Jews and the Christians that were before you”. Note: Christians still possessed “The Gospel” in Muhammad’s time. The Qur’an demands that Christians judge
matters based on what they find in “The Gospel”.
9) If there was a first century Gospel that was fundamentally different or corrupted from the NT
Gospel, it must have been lost, because it does not exist. There is no book that matches up
with what Islam teaches.
10) Sura 4:157-158 – Jesus did not die on the cross, Allah raised him up to himself. Allah tricked
the Jews into believing that Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. Note: You can conclude that Allah caused Christianity to flourish and become the largest religion in the world with billions of believing followers.
FAKE PROPAGANDA: The reason the followers of Jesus got the idea that Jesus died on the cross was because Allah tricked them into believing it; WHAT? Does Allah trick people into believing false Prophets? If Allah tricks the Prophets followers, why could he not also trick the followers of Muhammad? Is Allah a deceiver God? SELAH; think about that.
Ponder this; why would Allah lead the followers of his prophet Jesus astray after He had preached some 33 years, even from His birth? This caused them to commit Shari’a. (Leaving the path) What was the purpose? The only good thing that came out of destroying the works of Jesus was Christianity.
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Allah’s Message
Sura 10:64 – They shall have good news in this world’s life and the hereafter, there is no changing the words of Allah
NOTE: Allah SENDS Jesus, gives Him a virgin birth, has him speaking right after birth, lives the most miraculous life in history, RAISES HIM to himself THEN DESTROYS everything Jesus worked for. Allah overthrows and corrupts his own message and deceives Jesus’ followers for no reason, thus you can conclude that Allah is powerless to protect his own message.
Sura 3:3 Allah reveals the al-Fatiha, the opening of “the book” to Jesus who passes it on to his followers and then Allah corrupts the message
NOTE: AllahcouldnotprotectthemessageofJesusfrombeingcorrupted,andactuallyhelped thru trickery. Muslims believe that the Bible has been corrupted because it contradicts the teachings of Islam.
There were two sorts of people around in the first century:
1) The people who are rejecting one of Allah’s messengers and;
2) Those who believe the corrupt version and are bowing down to Him and calling Him Lord;
Muslims view is a high respect for Jesus, but believe He accomplished nothing that lasted and that
the followers He chose were totally corrupted.
Christian View. God was successful and “His Will” was performed every step of the way.
God does protect His message and it does accomplish what it was sent to do.
Isaiah 46:9-10 - I will accomplish all my purpose,
9 for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none
like me,
10 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things
not yet done, saying, ‘MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND, AND I WILL
Matthew 5:17-18 - Not one word will pass away
17 Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not
to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass away,
the law, till all things be accomplished.
Three things you should know about Allah
#1 Allah - Tricked the Jews
Islam denies the crucifixion of Jesus ever took place, then why do so many believe that He was
crucified, dead and buried? It was because; Allah did an excellent job of tricking everybody, he disguised someone to look exactly like Jesus.
The Qur’an says to judge by THE GOSPEL. The Gospel says that Jesus died on the Cross; The Qur’an says that Jesus didn’t die on the Cross. Therefore we must judge that Islam is false because the Qur’an contradicts the Gospel which Allah upholds.
*** Sura 4:157 They (the Jews) said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah,” but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.
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#2 Allah - Gospel is Corrupted
Muhammad says that the Gospel has been corrupted.
NOTE; If the Gospel was corrupted, Allah did not know about it; here is what he said.
*** Sura 5:47 – Let the People of “the Gospel” judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.
#3 Allah - Commands to fight
Muslims are commanded to fight the Jews and Christians until they pay tribute to them and feel
themselves subdued; acknowledge their inferiority and accept their statues as second class citizens not having the same rights as Muslims.
Islam is not like other religions. Christians do not believe that if you leave the Christian faith you should be killed for it, nor if you draw a picture of Jesus Christ you should be killed; nor do they believe that women should be treated as second class citizens.
Islam is totally not like any other religion.
*** Sura 9:29 – Fight those who do not believe in Allah
29 FIGHT those who BELIEVE NOT in Allah nor the Last Day, nor
hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His
Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the
People of the Book (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah
(Muslim tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued
Qur’an on Mary
No woman’s name is mentioned in the Qur’an except Mariam; Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Chapter 3 In the Qur’an is named the “Family of Mariam”; verses 34 and onward says Mary was born without original sin; she never sinned and was always a VIRGIN.
The Islamic Qur’an refers explicitly to Jesus’ Virgin conception; “The Lord breathed on her His Spirit,” “Jesus would be without fault;” Sinless. Jesus is regarded as the Son of the Virgin Mary who was begotten by the creative WORD of God.” WHY IS THAT?
Chapter 19 in the Qur’an; the title or name of the chapter is “Mariam” meaning Mary.
Chapter 50, verse 23 the Assumption of Mary is written about in the holy Qur’an where it says she went to heaven in her physical body.
The Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven; the Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary or shortened to the term “The Assumption”. According to the beliefs of the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, and parts of Anglicanism; the Virgin Mary was bodily taken up into Heaven at the end of her earthly life. Note: The Assumption of Mary is not found in the Protestant Bible.
Muslims believe that Jesus the son of Mary said; “I am a messenger of “Allah”, bringing good tidings of a messenger who comes after me, whose name is ‘The Praised One”, Muhammad”.
*** Sura 5:75 – Jesus was just one of many messengers of Allah
Christ, the son of Mary was no more than a messenger. Many
were the messengers that passed away before him.
2 Corenthians 5:21 – God made Jesus to be sin for us
21 GOD MADE HIM WHO HAD NO SIN TO BE SIN FOR US, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
1 John 3:5 – Jesus came to take away our sins
5 you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins.
And in him is no sin. NIV
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK 1 Peter 2:22 – Jesus committed no sin
22 "He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth." NIV
Hebrews 4:15 – Jesus was tempted as we are; remained sinless
15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who HAS BEEN TEMPTED IN
*** Sura 4:157 – Jesus was made to appear to die on the cross Christ did not die on the cross, but was made to appear so.
Born a Muslim
The Muslim faith is a Life immersed in prayer and devotion; they have Strong Moral Principals. Muslims are Monotheistic; they believe in One God. They have tight knit families that are taught fromchildhood,the“OneGod”AllahandMuhammadisHismessenger. ConvertingtoChristianity would be like stabbing your parents in the heart; betrayal.
Muslims believe that performing the Five Pillars pleases Allah and that performing these works get favor from him. You are the slave of Allah, your deeds are to please him. If you are a good Muslims you will go to heaven.
About a year ago in my Bible Study group, Majid my Muslim friend gave his testimony about how he came to embrace the Christian Faith and he made this STUNNING statement that took me back; “YOU ARE BORN INTO A RELIGION”.
I leaned forward in my chair, the room became silent. Majid shared that he had been a devout Muslim all of his life, studied the Qur’an and prayed five times a day, and held to the Five Pillars of Islam, but still had a yearning in his heart for God. WHY WAS THAT?
MUSLIMS worship the God of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar; a slave woman.
CHRISTIANS worship the God of Isaac the son of Abraham and Sarah his wife. Both claim the Covenant Promise of God.; Majid thought; “BOTH CAN’T BE TRUE”.
Majid bought a Bible and in SECRET studied it to see what Christianity was all about. What Majid found was far different than that of the Qur’an and he went back and forth trying to grasp the simplicity of Christianity and its teaching to love your enemies.
At some point Majid came to believe that the Bible held the MOST TRUTH and knowing the cost, he gave his heart to Jesus Christ. For the Muslim to convert to Christianity was considered blasphemy and he was worse than an INFINDEL and the penalty was DEATH.
Majid made a PUBLIC PROFESSION of his faith and took a Christian wife. His family disowned him and he received death threats. What he had to give up to become a Christian made me sit back in my chair STUNNED; I gave up nothing; obviously this is a BIG DEAL.
Think about the family you were born into, if your family believes in a god, you would believe in the same god that they did. I don’t have a testimony of redemption, I was born into a Christian family and knew I wanted Christ at the age of Nine and a half although I didn’t fully understand the Virgin Birth of Jesus; nor His death and resurrection or even how His dying on the cross could take away my sins; BUT I believed it did. I would be 35 before I put it all together. I was born DEAD IN MY SINS and God put the Holy Spirit in me and opened my heart TO DESIRE HIM.
Through the Holy Spirit, GOD that PUT THE DESIRE in Majid’s heart; and he accepted knowing the cost could be his very own life. What an INCREDABLE DESIRE for God; it cost Majid everything.
John 6:37 – The one who comes will certainly not be cast out
37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and
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Qur’an on the Bible
Muslims believe it is the will of God for Islam to rule the world. Islamic law stipulates that to
fulfill Muhammad’s task, every “infidel domain” must be considered a territory of war. (Moris Farhi author; The Last Days)
The Qur’an teaches to KILL the infidel; all unbelievers of Allah.
The Bible teaches to love God and LOVE your enemies. CHRISTIAN BELIEFS - For Christianity to be True:
1) Jesus is Lord – Qur’an says Jesus is not God.
2) Died for our Sins445 – Qur’an says Jesus did not die, but was only made to appear so.
3) He rose from the dead on the third day446 – Qur’an says He did not rise from the dead.
These three things have been proven true by historians with tens of thousands of manuscripts.
*** Hadith 9:57 – Kill the infidel
57 Whoever changes his Islamic religion should be KILLED.*** Sura 9:5 – Lie in wait, seize and slay the idolaters
5 When the sacred months have passed, SLAY the idolaters wherever ye
find them, seize them; lie in wait for them.
Matthew 22:37-40 – Only TWO Commandment; both are LOVE
37`LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind.' This is the FIRST and greatest commandment
39 And the SECOND is like it: `LOVE your neighbor as yourself.'
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Luke 6:27 – Love your enemies
27 "But I tell you who hear me: LOVE your enemies, do good to
those who hate you, NIV
*** Sura 112 – Allah has no begotten Son
112 He is God, The One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute;
He BEGETTETH NOT, nor is he begotten; and there is none like
unto Him
Mark 14:61-62 – Jesus is Lord; the Son of God
61 But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest
asked him,
62 I AM,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the
right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” NIV
*** Sura 4:157 – Jesus did not die on the Cross
157 Jesus did not die on the cross, but was made to appear so. Philippians 2:6-8 - Jesus died for our sins on the Cross
6Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.
7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form,
8 He humbled himself in obedience to God and DIED a criminal’s DEATH ON A CROSS. (NLT)
445 Hebrews 9:28 – Jesus death on the Cross once & for all time for our sins
446 1 Corinthians 15:3-10 – Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and appeared to five hundred all at one time
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Qur’an on Paradise
Description of Paradise as promised in the Quran: There will be RIVERS OF WINE in paradise
to compensate for what was forbidden on earth. The Qur’an says that wine is forbidden; it's forbidden in any Islamic society on earth to drink alcohol, why is it permitted in Paradise?
Paradise is referred to as Gardens where the Pious, righteous and good Muslims will be, they are told that it is BY THEIR WORKS that they are in paradise, not by their faith or the grace of God. They will recline on beds arranged in ranks married to lovely women.
The Hadith says each man will have between 70 and 100 VIRGIN women each day.
The Bible says nothing like that; we will be like the angels; we will not marry. We will not be enjoying women, but enjoying God who will come down from Heaven to be with us FACE to FACE.447
The Quran; Paradise is all SENSUAL with rivers of WINE and SEX in full detail.
The Bible: Paradise is all SPIRITUAL with a river of life with crystal clear waters and trees of life.448
The Heart of Islam is not to KNOW God, but to OBEY Him. It’s not to MEDITATE on His
essence, but to SUMMIT to His will; it’s a religion of the WORKS of man, not the GRACE of God. *** Sura 47:15 – Paradise; Rivers of Wine
15 There are rivers of water that taste and smell of which are not changed. Rivers of milk, of which the taste never changes. RIVERS OF WINE, delicious to those who drink. And rivers of clarified honey. There are in for them in every kind of fruit, and forgiveness from their lord.
*** Sura 52:17 – Paradise; Reward because of Works
17 Verily, the will be in gardens, and the delight, enjoying in that
which their lord has bestowed on them. And their lord saved them
from the torment of the blazing fire, eat and drink with happiness
because of what you used to do. They would RECLINE ON BEDS,
Matthew 22:29-30 – Paradise; we will be like the Angels
29 But Jesus answered them, “YOU ARE WRONG, because you
know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they NEITHER MARRY nor are given in
marriage, but are like angels in heaven. (ESV) ISLAM
John 10:10 – MUHAMMAD says to KILL, Steal and Destroy
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (ESV)
*** Qur’an Sura 9:5 – KILL the unbelievers
5 When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye
find them, seize them; lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war).
John 10:10 – Jesus comes to give life & give it more abundantly
I came that they may have LIFE and have it abundantly. (ESV)
Matthew 5:43-44 - Love and Pray for your enemies
43 Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and
hate thine enemy: but I say unto you,
44 LOVE your enemies, and PRAY for them that persecute you;
447 Revelation 21:3-4 – Paradise; God Himself will be with us
448 Revelation 22:1 – Paradise – Crystal Water in a River of life -- Revelation 22:2 – Paradise – Tree of Life for healing
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK WOMEN in ISLAM
Islam – WOMEN are the major cause of Evil.
Christianity – ALL have sinned and come short of the Glory of God; Men and Women. SALVATION
Islam – Hadith 1:28 - The Prophet said; I was shown the Hell-fire and the majority of its dwellers were WOMEN who were ungrateful... to their husbands.
Christianity – Salvation is gained the same way for both men and women. BELIEVE on the
name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and you will be saved from Hell fire. The wages of sin is death,
but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Islam - Sura 19:96 - Allah has no affection for any creature; love is conditional on good works.
Christianity - The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. By His grace you have been saved through your faith and not a result of your works, it is the free gift of God. For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son for us. HEAVEN
Islam - Hadith 6:402 – MAIDENS are kept in separate corners of a “Pavilion of Pleasure” where men can visit them.
Christianity - When Men and Women enter heaven, they will not marry, but will be like the angels. INTELLIGENCE
Islam – Hadith 1:301 – The deficiency of her intelligence; WOMEN have less intelligence than men.
Christianity – Women are created equal to men, but both have distinctive roles. EQUALITY
Islam – Hadith 1:301 - Is not the evidence of TWO WOMEN equal to the witness of one man?
Christianity – Women have equal testimony to that of a man. MARRIAGE
Islam – Sura 4:3 – A man may marry four wives, whereas a WOMAN may have one husband and thus sexual relations with only one man.
Christianity – Man shall hold fast and marry one woman and the two shall become one flesh. SUBMISSION
Islam – Sura 4:34 – Men are in charge of WOMEN.... As for those whom ye fear rebellion scourge them.
Christianity – Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the man. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
Here’s where we are
We have separated ourselves from God; our loving Father, through our sins. Out of His love for us, God has offered us a way back to Him; FOREVER. If we but follow Him, we will have: life, love, hope, meaning, joy, purpose and Peace; God is all these things.
Did you see it; Muslims are being brought to America by God so they can hear this Gospel Message. There are hundreds of testimonies on “You Tube” of Muslims converting to Christianity.
Q - How did God create the Universe?
A - The Qur’an says God created it through the WORD.
Q - Is the WORD of God Creator or Creation?
A - The Qur’an says Jesus is the WORD OF GOD; the Creator.
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK CONCLUSION: If Jesus is the Creator, then Muslims must become Christians and follow Jesus.
Prayer: God almighty I have no peace; a broken heart, whatever name I call you, I love you... I do not doubt. I have been taught that you never visit human beings and I will not know if I am forgiven until the Day of Judgment. If there is hope and healing in the name of Jesus Christ, my heart is seeking and calling out. If you are THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, then I want to receive it right now.
John 14:6 - No one comes to God except through Jesus
6 Jesus said to him,
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah
Chapter 7. 16
The Torah - The Quran – The Apocrypha – Dualism Mystical Teachings - The Illuminati - The Sefirot
First Word
MUSLIMS follow the Quran given to their “Last Prophet” Mohammad and is said to be the perfect revelation of Allah; they also follow a second book called the Hadith.
The Hadith is a collection of sayings, deeds and behavior of Mohammad including; eating, sleeping, praying, mating, planning revenge on his enemies and dispensing justice. These actions were considered the actions of “Allah”. A good Muslim will do these same things as well as name their children Mohammad. The Hadith in some sects is followed more closely than the Quran and its sayings can supersede the Quran.
CHRISTIANS have no other book that they follow other than the Christian Bible containing the Old and New Testaments which are believed by Faith to be THE complete Word of God, written down by men as inspired by the Holy Spirit. There are NO new revelations, only new enlightenment.
The Apocrypha is a collection of books that contain historical errors as well as fables, folklore, myths and content that is totally opposite of what the Bible teaches. It is recommended that these book be read for the ”Flavor” of what men were thinking at the time, but should not be embraced as inspired of God; certainly interesting, but not inspired.
JEWS follow the Torah which is the five books of the law as given to Moses and is the perfect revelation of Jehovah God.
The Kabbalah is teachings held by some followers of Judaism to define the inner meaning of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional Rabbinic literature and their formerly “concealed” transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances. The Kabbalah in some Jewish sects is followed more closely than the Torah.
The origin of Kabbalah begin with secrets revealed to Adam by God about mysteries which includes; THE TRUE NATURE OF; Adam and Eve; The Garden of Eden; The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; The Tree of Life; The Serpent and the Forbidden Fruit.
The texts of Kabbalah were once part of an ongoing ORAL tradition passed down through the
centuries, however much of the oral knowledge is now in written form.
and even accent on words of the Hebrew Bible
As early as the 1st century BC, Jews believed that the Torah (first five books of the Hebrew
Every letter, word, number
contain esoteric meanings, describing the spiritual
dimensions within exoteric ideas, and it teaches the text interpretation methods for ascertaining these
Bible) and wider canonical texts contained “encoded” messages and hidden meanings.
Gematria is one method for discovering these hidden meanings. Each letter in Hebrew also
represents a number; Hebrew, unlike many other languages, never developed a separate numerical alphabet. By converting letters to numbers, Kabbalists were able to find a hidden meaning in each
The threat of foreign conquest caused The Sanhedrin; who were the Jewish Leadership, to HIDE this knowledge and make it “secret”. They feared it would fall into the wrong hands and if unsupervised and unguided, it could be misused and might lead them into forbidden ways and practices.
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It is believed that the Torah was edited with the “Secret Knowledge” encrypted within the various writings and scrolls. There are mysteries imbedded in the book of Genesis believed to contain the secrets of the creation of the universe and the forces of nature.
There are also secrets in Isaiah’s Temple vision – Jacob’s vision of the ladder to Heaven – The Burning Bush - The 72 letter names of God and the best known “secret knowledge” is in the book of Ezekiel which describes his vision of “Gods Divine Chariot”.
Ezekiel 1:4-15 - A UFO or the Chariot of God or What?
4 I looked: I saw ... an immense cloud with lightning flashing from it,
a huge ball of fire glowing like bronze.
5 Within the fire were what looked like four creatures vibrant with life.
Each had the form of a human being,
6 but each also had four faces and four wings.
7 Their legs were as sturdy and straight as columns, but their feet were
hoofed like those of a calf...
8 On all four sides under their wings they had human hands. All four
had both faces and wings,
10 Their faces looked like this: In front a human face, on the right side
the face of a lion, on the left the face of an ox, and in back the face of
an eagle.
15 As I watched the four creatures, I saw something that looked like a
wheel ... It looked like they were wheels within wheels. (MSG)
Before I go on, I want to say that the Kabbalah is about so much more good stuff than I am
pointing out, however it’s like saying “Everybody watch my left hand;” the “smoke screen” is far too hazy to see what going on with my right hand. Much darkness is disguised as Light.
I would be amiss if I didn’t admit and point out that there are as many “variations” of sects that follow the Kabballah teachings as there are Protestant denominations with different viewpoints on doctrine, so nailing down the Unmovable Truth is hard to do. Life is better when you have an Unmoved Mover like Jehovah God.
ONE GOD: The Kabbalah leads the student away from monotheism; the belief in one God,449 and promotes dualism.
DUALISM is a belief that there are both Good Forces and Evil Forces at work in the universe; this means that there is a “counterpart” to God that holds EQUAL power. In this thinking, God
NOTE: This thinking abandons the basis of the Biblical conception of ONE; Omniscience, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God.450
449 Isaiah 43:10 – ONE God always existed, there was none before Him nor will there be any after Him -- Isaiah 44:6- There is NO other
God -- John 1:1-3 - God was BEFORE the creation -- Genesis 1:1-2 - God was AT the creation. -- Collations 1:16-17– God creates for
his own pleasure
450 Isaiah 46:10 – God is all knowing – OMNISICENCE -- Jeremiah 23:24 – God is ever present- OMNIPRESENT -- Revelation 19:6 –
God is all powerful - OMNIPOTENT
EVIL: Some Kabbalah followers believe Evil only exists as a necessary aspect of the creation of
God to give man free choice, and that evil is only the consequence of this choice.
seems to exhibit DUAL NATURES;
Masculine and Feminine - Compassionate and Judgmental - Creator and Creation.
This is also practiced in non-
Jewish organizations, mystery schools, initiation bodies, fraternities and SECRET
SOCIETIES with the most popular of which are Free Masonry, Rosicrucianism and the Golden Dawn, although hundreds of similar societies also claim a Kabbalistic
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
God explains the concept of the “UNMOVED MOVER” to Moses; He is whatever He wants to be. |
“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, this shall thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you” 451 |
The Torah in Kabbalistic thought has four LEVELS of interpretation and it is the inherent duty of an observant Jew to utilize these in the study of the Torah.
1) Peshat: The simplest and direct meaning
2) Remez: The allegoric meaning
3) Derash: The imaginative comparisons with similar words or verses.
4) Sod: The Secret meanings.
Mystical Teachings are comprised of three basic models as distinguished by their basic intent with respect to God.
1) Theosophical: seeking to understand the Divine realm.
2) Ecstatic: striving to achieve a mystical union with God
3) Magico-theurgical: endeavoring to alter or manipulate both the Divine realm as well as the
physical world realm. (This is referred to as White Magical Arts reserved for those who are completely “pure of intent”)
Sefirot: There
2) Chochmah; the highest potential of thought
3) Binah; the understanding of the potential
4) Daat;* intellect of knowledge
5) Chesed; loving-kindness (sometimes referred to as Gedolah, greatness)
6) Gevurah; severity/strength (sometimes referred to as Din-justice or Pachad-fear)
7) Rachamim; mercy (also known as Tiphereth)
8) Netzach; Victory/eternity
9) Hod; glory/splendor
10) Yesod; foundation
11) Market; kingdom.
the universe in existence.
is not a religious denomination in itself, but forms the foundations of “mystical”
religious interpretation. It seeks to define the nature of the universe, the human being and the nature
and purpose of existence.
- (Wikipedia)
are Ten Emanations and Attributes of God with which He continually sustains
The Ten (plus one)
Keter;* supreme crown, representing “above the conscious will”
Altogether, eleven sefirot are named, however Keter * and Daat * are unconscious and conscious dimensions of one principle, conserving 10 forces. I won’t expound on them here, but I
include them so you can know this is some FAR OUT stuff.
It is worth noting that the Kabbalah moves from the “Trinity” or Three in the God head to Ten in the God head. It is described as
a TREE with roots and branches. A good metaphor would be the trees
of “Life” and “Knowledge”
These are the TEN DIFFERENT WAYS the one God Reveals His will through the Emanations. It
is not God who changes, but the ability to perceive God that changes.
451 Exodus 3:14 (NLT) God replied to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. Say this to the people of Israel: I AM has sent me to you.”
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The Take Away
“Illuminati”; one of the enlightened ones. (There is more than you want to know about all the stuff in
NOTE: I need to point out that the Kabbalah teaching are accepted ONLY by some Jews, as the TRUE meaning of Judaism while other totally reject these views as heretical and opposite to Judaism.
Studying the Kabbalah is like studying the Apocrypha. It’s a good thing to study and learn about “men’s thinking” concerning the mysteries of God; but understand this; these books were NOT divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit; a house divided will fall.
Some theorist propose that world events are being controlled and manipulated by a secret
society calling itself the Illuminati.
Man has always had a desire for the “Mystical”, to be one of the
this word study found on the Wikipedia web site)
Man seeks “Secret Knowledge” through astrologers, horoscopes and mediums to guide their life; not necessarily to change the outcome, but to be in Harmony with it. However the ability to manipulate
the forces in the universe would be a bonus.
If you are a follower of the Kabbalah, you are rejecting Jehovah God, the ONE GOD of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and embracing “Dualism”.
Satan is NOT an EQUAL FORCE with God.
He is an immortal creation that was created by God and in the end will spend his immortality in the
Lake of Fire for all of eternity.
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Dualism is a concept devised by Satan to give the illusion that he is as powerful as God. Satan is nothing but a dog on a leash, running to and fro where the leash will let him run.
A SECRET: If you want to discover a HIDDEN MYSTERY in Genesis, then read about the Flood that took place before the flood of Noah known as Lucifer’s Flood or the Gap theory. Did you know that every time Darkness is mentioned in the Bible, it’s about judgment; EVERY TIME. 452
Always prove scripture with scripture, line upon line, and precept upon precept.
Isaiah 28:10 – Study God’s Word precept upon precept
10 For it is PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT, precept upon precept, line upon line, LINE UPON LINE, here a little, there a little.”
Isaiah 47:13-14 – They will burn in hell.
13 You are wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the
THE MONTHLY PROGNOSTICATORS, stand up, and save thee from
these things that shall come upon thee.
14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they
shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame KJV
Revelation 20:10 – Satan thrown into the Lake of Fire
10 And the devil, (Satan) who deceived them, was
thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the
false prophet had been thrown.
Luke 11:17 – A house divided will fall
17 But He knew their thoughts and said to them, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and
Genesis 1:2 – The earth BECAME without form and void
2 And the earth was (“hayah” became) without form, and void; and
darkness (judgment) was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of
God moved upon the face of the waters.
2 Peter 3:5-6 – The world that was, then overflowed with water
5 ... the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water
and in the water:
452 Genesis 1:2 - Darkness (judgment) was upon the face of the deep – 2 Peter 3:5-6 - Whereby THE WORLD THAT THEN WAS, BEING OVERFLOWED WITH WATER, PERISHED.
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Chapter 7. 17
Old and New Testament Linked
The New Testament looks back and LINKS itself to the Old Testament
Genesis 1 Genesis 1-2 Genesis 1-2 Genesis 3 Genesis 3 Genesis 4 Genesis 4 Genesis 4 Genesis 5 Genesis 6 Genesis 7 Genesis 8-9 Genesis 10 Genesis 12-13 Genesis 12-13 Genesis 14 Genesis 15 Genesis 16 Genesis 17 Genesis 18-19 Genesis 21 Genesis 22 Exodus 3:6 Exodus 14:22 Exodus 16:4 Numbers 21:9 Joshua 6:22-25 1 Kings 17:1 Jonah 2 Daniel 3 Daniel 6
Universe Created
Adam and Eve Created
Adam and Eve Married
Eve Tempted
Adam in disobedience
Sacrifices of Cain & Able
Cain kills Abel
Seth is born
Enoch translated
Pre-flood marriages
Noah’s Ark - Flood
Noah’s family SAVED
Shem’s family tree
Abrahams birth
Abraham called by God
Melchizedek given tithe by Abraham
Abraham declared righteous
Ishmael born of a slave woman
Promise given to Isaac
Lot and Sodom & Gomorrah
Isaac’s Birth
Isaac’s offering
The burning bush of Moses
Crossing the Red Sea
Manna & water provision
Lifting up of the serpent
Battle of Jericho
Elijah’s miracles
Jonah and the giant fish
The three Hebrew boys
Daniel in the Lion’s den
John 1:3, Col 1:16
1 Timothy 2:13-14
1 Timothy 2:13
1 Timothy 2:14
Rom 5:12, 1 Cor 15:22
Hebrews 11:4
1 John 3:12
Luke 3:38
Hebrews 11:5
Luke 17:27
Matthew 24:39
2 Peter 2:5
Luke 3:35-36
Luke 3:34
Hebrews 11:8
Hebrews 7:1-3
Romans 4:3
Galatians 4:21-24
Hebrews 11:18
Luke 17:29
Acts 7:9-10
Hebrews 11:17
Luke 20:32
1 Corinthians 10:1-2
1 Corinthians 10:3-5
John 3:14
Hebrews 11:30 James 5:17 Matthew 12:40 Hebrews 11:34 Hebrews 11:33
Moses wrote about Jesus in the Book of the Law, the Torah; the Pentateuch |
The NT often refers back to the scriptures in the OT tying them both together as
ONE INSPIRED BOOK of knowledge written through men |
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2 Peter 1:20-21 – The Holy Spirit inspired the scriptures
20 Above all, you must understand that
21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man,
John 5:46-47 – Jesus said the Torah taught about Him
47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to
believe what I say?" NIV
John 14:6 – I am THE WAY, the truth and the life
Acts 24:14 – I worship the God of “THE WAY”
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Chapter 7. 18
Two Kingdoms – Kingdom Qualifications – The Holy Spirit – The Jews – The Gospel Parables - The Messiah – John the Baptizer – Baptism – Sin – Temptation – Forgiveness Faithfulness – Faith Healing – Prayer - Missions - Giving - Love – Works – Taxes – Booze Wisdom – The Jews – The First Call – His Death - His Return – His Judgment
Jesus’ Gospel His Words in Red
First Word
The Kingdom of God; Now and Not Yet
The Gospel according to Jesus; His WORDS IN RED
What does just the “Words in Red” of Jesus say about the Gospel? The Kingdom of the NOW and NOT YET. Man’s call to salvation is the starting line of the race; the “Kingdom of God” is the finish line. The Gospel message is totally about entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
I have chosen the book of Matthew and ignored what the disciples have said, and used only the “WORDS IN RED” that Jesus spoke. I include scripture from the OT, only because Jesus included it when He spoke.
Man on his own is incapable of coming to God; the Holy Spirit must “enable” him. Much of the NT speaks of man being blind, deaf, without knowledge; if not totally ignorant.453 It’s the Holy Spirit that gives man wisdom and understanding which draws him to God. So for the first topic of the “Now and Not Yet,” I would like to address Wisdom and Knowledge.454
God on Wisdom
Very early in scripture, God wanted us to understand that wisdom was something to seek after,
something that was priceless; the wisdom of God is a great treasure.455 It gives us understanding 456and guides us into a path of peace, protection and long life.457 Jesus said to ask, seek and knock and wisdom will be opened to us;458 wisdom is imparted through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.459
Jesus on Wisdom’s Value
Jesus talked about the kingdom of heaven being like a treasure; something of great value, that once
you have found it you would sell everything that you have to possess it.460 You must have wisdom to understand “what is of value” in order to desire it.
It’s the Holy Spirit that enables you to have understanding, otherwise it’s just foolishness. To gain the greater, you can’t hang on to the lesser; you must choose to let go. 461 Life is choice driven.
453 Mark 9:25 – Deaf and dumb. -- Luke 6:39 – The blind fall into the pit -- 1 Corenthians 15:34 – You are ignorant of God
454 Matthew 13:11 - Knowledge -- Luke 21:15 – Wisdom comes from God -- John 6:65 – The Holy Spirit enables man to have Wisdom
455 Proverbs 3:13-18 – Wisdom is more precious than Silver or Gold
456 Proverbs 4:5-7 – When you get Wisdom, you get Understanding
457 Proverbs 2:12 – Wisdom will save you
458 Matthew 7:7-11 – Ask, seek, knock and you will find God’s Wisdom
459 Proverbs 2:6 – It is God that gives wisdom
460 Matthew 13:44-46 – The kingdom of heaven is like a Pearl of great value.
461 Matthew 6:19-21 – Where your heart is so is your treasure. -- Matthew 6:22-24 – You cannot serve two masters; God and money
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Jesus on parables
Jesus’ disciples asked Him why He taught in parables and not just speak clearly?462 Scripture
bears out that many who were “hard of heart”, sought to do harm and even kill Jesus; and the parables seemed only as harmless stories to them; but to those whom the Holy Spirit had enabled to have wisdom and knowledge, understood the meaning clearly. Isaiah the prophet said their hearts were calloused.463
It was the custom of the Jews to look for other secret meanings hidden in the scripture of the Torah; the parables of Jesus carried such rich hidden meanings. Those who are wise in their own mind will hear, but not understand; see, but not perceive. Those, by the Holy Spirit, that have sought out wisdom and knowledge will be given even more wisdom and knowledge; Jesus said to seek it and we will find it. When Jesus spoke in parables, he was fulfilling the prophecy that said He would open His mouth and speak in parables.464
Those with “calloused” hearts, without the wisdom of the Holy Spirit; thought the parables and symbolism taught by Jesus was JUST PLAIN CRAZY; “Eat my flesh; Drink my blood.” It would take the work of the Holy Spirit to understand this; many turned away from following Him.465
Jesus on Temptation
It is with the wisdom and knowledge of God’s word that we are able to thwart Satan’s fiery darts.
By knowing God’s word; we know who we are in Christ. We do not have to prove anything to Satan,466 when the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan; Jesus would quote from “The Book of the Law” which we call the Old Testament; His comments were preceded by the words “It is written.”
FOUR CONCEPTS came forth.
1) The Word of God is life;467 knowledge from God’s word guides us into paths of peace
2) Don’t test God;468 believe and trust that God will do what He has already promised.
3) Worship and serve God only;469 seek the “Creator” of everything, not the creations.
4) The Kingdom of Heaven is near; repent NOW of your sins.
Jesus on the Messiah
Jesus Himself said that He was The Son of God, The Messiah, and The King of the Jews.
He said He came to fulfill the law; to fulfill prophecy.470 He is revealed by the Holy Spirit to man. John the baptizer was in prison and wanted to know if Jesus was the Messiah or is there another to come;471 Jesus said, report to John that the blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to
the poor.472 Isaiah’s Prophecy has now been fulfilled.
In His own hometown, He was not accepted as the Messiah and therefore could do no mighty work
there because of their lack of faith.473
462 Matthew 13:10-17 – The Disciples asked; why do you speak in parables
463 Isaiah 6:9-10 – Isaiah the prophet prophesied that the people would have calloused ears; eyes would not see
464 Matthew 13:34-35 – Parables were a fulfillment of prophecy -- Psalms78:1-2 – Prophecy; Jesus will open His mouth in parables
465 John 6:53-66 – Symbolism of the Parables turned many followers away
466 Ephesians 6:16 – Take the shield of faith and quench Satan’s fiery darts
467 Matthew 4:1-4 - It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. -- Deuteronomy
8:3 – Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD
468 Matthew 5-7 - It is written: Do not put the Lord your God to the test. -- Exodus 17:2 – Don’t test God’s promises; believe and trust
469 Matthew 8-10 - It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only. -- Exodus 23:24-25 – You shall Worship God only
470 Matthew 5:17 - I have come to fulfil the Law
471 Mathew 11:3-5 – John asked; are you the Messiah or should we expect someone else?”-- Matthew 26:63-64 - Tell us if you are the
Messiah, the Son of God. -- Matthew 27:11 – Are you the King of the Jews? -- Matthew 16:13-19 – The Holy Spirit revealed Jesus as
the Messiah to Peter
472 Mathew 11:4-5 –Blind see, Lame walk, Leprosy healed, deaf hear, dead raised, good news proclaimed -- Isaiah 61:1 – The good news
is preached to the poor
473 Matthew 13:55-58 – His Home Town didn’t believe Him and He performed few miracles because of their lack of faith
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The prophets said that Elijah would come again before the Messiah would come, well, he did, but they did not recognize him. It was John the Baptist that had the spirit of Elijah.474 (Check out how John dressed and lived like Elijah.
Jesus on John the Baptizer
John fulfilled prophecy: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare the way
before you.” John fulfilled prophecy and prepared the way for Christ. Jesus said that John was the greatest that had ever been born of a woman. He said that he had the Spirit of Elijah and was the last of the prophets.475 Modern day prophets should read this scripture; there are no more prophets. There are NO new revelations; it all culminated with John; Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecies.
A word on REINCARNATION; Christians do not embrace the “New Age” Eastern doctrine of reincarnation. Elijah, although he did not die, but was “taken”;476 he did NOT come back “physically” in the body of John. It is written;” it is appointed unto man ONCE to die and then the judgment”,477 there is no reincarnation, but you will live forever SOMEWHERE. Selah
Jesus on the Calling
Jesus had compassion on the people; they were like sheep without a Shepard; He saw that the
harvest was plentiful, but the workers were few.478 He told his followers to come NOW without excuses of delay;479 that No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." 480 But to first “Count the Cost;”481 to come expecting nothing, that He didn’t even have a place to lay His head. Once we can grasp that that the Kingdom of God is of GREAT VALUE; a treasure; then it follows that you will understand how someone would just drop everything to obtain it.
Simon Peter and Andrew were already disciples of John the Baptizer who had pointed them to Jesus. When Jesus said “Follow me”,482 they dropped everything they had to obtain the treasure that lay ahead; the Kingdom of Heaven.
Did you see it? These guys had a prosperous business and still took time off to seek God’s wisdom and they found it in the desert with John the baptizer; and set under his teachings of repentance. Jesus taught them that they would now fish for people; they understood what that meant; GAME ON.
Matthew the Publican, had already heard all the stories about the teacher Jesus. He was a tax collector that everybody hated and was not even allowed to worship in the temple. Matthew counted the cost and so wanted what Jesus had, that he left his lucrative business which he had to pay a franchise fee to get, and immediately ANSWERED THE CALL and followed Jesus.483 The Holy Spirit gave him the wisdom, “the ability” to recognize the GREAT VALUE of the Gospel.
Jesus on Baptism
At the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, He went to John to be baptized into repentance. While
Jesus did not need repentance; He chose to set an example for us, that we need to be baptized into a new life of righteousness;484 this so pleased God the Father. As Jesus was baptized the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him and a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.
Did you see it; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were all present at the same time; the TRINITY.
474 Matthew 17:11-13 – Elijah must come first before the Messiah and its John the Baptist
475 Matthew 11:7-14 – John was a prophet with the spirit of Elijah
476 2 Kings 2:11 – Elijah did not die, but was taken up to heaven
477 Hebrews 9:27 – It is appointed unto men once to die; NO REINCARNATION
478 Matthew 9:36-38 – The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are so few
479 Matthew 8:19-22 – No excuses, follow now and expect nothing
480 Luke 9:62 - Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God
481 Luke 14:28-30 – Count the cost before you follow Jesus, if you begin, can you finish the course?
482 Matthew 4:18-20 – Peter and Andrew dropped everything to follow Jesus
483 Matthew 9:9 – Matthew was ready even before the call
484 Matthew 3:13-17 – Jesus said it was proper to be baptized; “It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires.”
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Jesus on Missions
The twelve disciples were sent out first to the lost sheep of Israel, the Jews, with the priceless
message of the Gospel that the Kingdom of Heaven has come NEAR.485 Note: Later on, Paul would take this same message to the Gentiles also.
The Disciples were told to take nothing with them; this was a FAITH mission trip, that they would receivewhattheyneededbythebodyofbelieversthatreceivedthem. Theyweretoldtomakedisciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.486 (The Trinity)
He sent out 70 missionaries “in pairs” to the surrounding towns. By sending them two by two, they could help and encourage each another,487 plus the LAW required that in the mouth of two or three witnesses was a thing established as TRUTH.488
Jesus on the Gospel
Christ did NOT come to do away with the Law, but to fulfill the prophecy of the Law.489 The
Gospel is hidden from those who are wise in their own eyes, but it is revealed to those who come simply believing, as a child does to his father.490
Jesus said that, “All things have been given unto Him.” Jesus could see a man’s heart and would single him out to receive the wisdom of the Gospel; calling out to come to Him, everyone who is burdened down with the yoke of life and He will give them rest. 491
The “gate” to the kingdom of Heaven is narrow and few find it; without the Holy Spirit, the “Garden of your Heart” is very hard, rocky and full of thorns.492 As soon as the Word of the Gospel truth is sown; before its roots can start to grow, Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy it.493
If you acknowledge God, He will acknowledge you,494 He is not willing that any should wander off and be lost, if you are His and wander off, He will seek you out.495
A wonderful thing about the Gospel is that the man who accepts Christ late in life; perhaps even on his death bed, 496gets in on the same reward of salvation as that of the man who served God from his youth, that’s the mercy and grace of God. It’s His good pleasure, but, find the gate early; there are blessings now for the faithful as well as abundant blessings in the future.497
Build your faith on the wisdom of the words of God for a firm foundation that cannot be shaken by the hurricanes of life.498 It’s not enough to hear the words, but you must put them into action; do the Word. Even demons can quote scripture, they just don’t accept it.499 If you are NEUTRAL on the Gospel of Jesus Christ; then you have rejected it therefore you are rejected.
485 Matthew 10:5-20 – Go first only to the nation of Israel; the Jews, NO GENTILES
486 Matthew 28:18-20 - Great Commission’ Go and preach the Good News of the Gospel to everybody
487 Luke 10:1-4 – Seventy missionaries sent out two by two -- Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 – Two missionaries are better than one, if
one falls the other can help him up.
488 2 Corinthians 13:1 - In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established
489 Matthew 5:17-20 – Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law
490 Matthew 11:27 – Christ chooses to reveal the father to the seeker
491 Mathew 11:28-30 - Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
492 Matthew 13:31-32 - The Gospel grows in man from a small seed -- Matthew 13:33 – The yeast of the Gospel will work in God’s
Loaf of Believers
493 Matthew 13:18-23 – Jesus explains the parable of the sower -- Matthew 13:3-9 - Satan tries to steal the seed as soon as it is planted --
John 10:10 – Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy.
494 Matthew 10:32-33 – Acknowledge God and He will acknowledge you. -- Matthew 12:30. – Making No decision is a decision of
rejection of Jesus Christ
495 Matthew 18:12-14 - It’s Jesus that comes to find you.
496 Matthew 20:1-16 – It’s never too late to accept Christ. -- Luke 23:42-43 – Criminal on the cross repented; it was not too late
497 Matthew 9:11-13 – Christ came to minister to the sick, not the well
498 Matthew 7:24-27 – There are Wise and Foolish Builders
499Matthew11:25-26–TheGospelisfoolishnesstothewise-- Matthew7:13-14-TheWideGateleadstodestruction,theNarrow gate leads to life
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Jesus on Faithfulness
God entrusts to the believer certain gifts and talents to function within the Kingdom of Heaven.
There is an expectation that the “faithful” believer will grow his gifts and talents; to whom much is given, much is expected.500
While scripture clearly teaches that man does not inherit the “kingdom of Heaven” through works, Jesus also made it quite clear, that if you were one of the Faithful, you would be known by your works,501 because you are His. A tree WITHOUT FRUIT is a dead tree and will be cut down.
If you do not faithfully grow the gifts and talents that you have been entrusted with, then you are not worthy of the kingdom of God. (I would like to point out that I did not say this, Jesus did.)502
Jesus on Faith
Every time we see Jesus healing people; it required FAITH to be in action on someone’s part;
not necessarily the person that needed to be healed; but nonetheless Faith was present.503 The centurion’s faith was so great that he believed that Jesus could just say “the word” and his servant back home would be healed.
If you believe and not doubt, you will do miracles. You will receive what you ask for in prayer that is in accordance with the will of God. To know God’s will you must read His Word; the Holy Spirit will give you the wisdom you need. We pray amiss, because we just do not know God’s will.504
We can bind on earth what has been bound in Heaven; and we can loose on earth what has already been loosed in Heaven.505 So, cut loose your faith and let it abound; bind doubt and let it die.506 Where two are three are gathered in His name, He is present with them and when they pray in accordance with His will, it will be done for them.507
Jesus on Healing
Miracles: Although the miracle healings all pointed back to Jesus and the Gospel of the Kingdom
of Heaven, they all took place because Jesus had compassion.508
Compassion: The first picture we see of Jesus is with a man with leprosy; the man told Jesus that
He could heal him “if He wanted to”; Jesus said; “I want to”.
NOTE: In another place, Jesus put all the unbelievers outside of the room before He prayed to raise
a little girl from the dead.509 Our lesson is; if we want to be healed, get with those that “believe in healing”. IT IS GOD’S WILL THAT YOU BE HEALED.510 I want to say it again; it is the “Will of God” that you are healed and you must believe it; sickness comes from “the destroyer.”
Jesus on Prayer
Jesus encourages us to pray privately to “God the Father” about our needs. We do not need a
lot of words; God already knows what we need before we even ask Him.511
1) Acknowledge God for who is and where He is; and then praise His Holy name.
2) Pray for His will to be done on earth, because it’s surely not being done.
3) Ask that, just for today, that you will receive your needs for the nourishment of food.
4) Ask for your sins and wrong doings to be forgiven, as you forgive others.
5) Pray that He will keep you from temptation and evil.
6) Acknowledge that His kingdom is the power and the glory forever.
500 Mark 25:14-30 – Well done my Good and FAITHFUL servant
501 Matthew 7:16 – You are identified and known by your WORKS.
502 Luke 12:48 – To whom much is given, much is expected
503 Matthew 9:27-30 – “According to your faith” it will be done.
504 Matthew 8:6-13 – By your FAITH, “As you believe”, it will be done
505 Matthew 18:18 – Loose your faith on earth, because its already been loosed in heaven
506 Matthew 21:19-22 – Have faith and not doubt
507 Matthew 18:19 –Two in agreement in God’s will, It will be done -- Matthew 18:20 - He is present where two are gathered in His name
508 Matthew 9:21-22 – If only I can just touch Him, I will be healed; her FAITH healed her.
509 Matthew 9:23-26 – Jesus put the unbelievers out of the house before He prayed for healing
511 Matthew 5:5-15 – Jesus teaches us how to pray
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah IT’S IN THE BOOK
Jesus on Love
Jesus said that if we desire to seek “God the Father”, then we are to love Him with all our
HEART, SOUL and MIND and to love those around us too512. That’s pretty hard because some people are just not very lovable. Jesus raised the bar on love; He says for us to do extra; to do things that are not required;513 to do it even for our enemy.514 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,515 even when it’s an inconvenience. 516 He said to love our enemies, to pray for those who give us grief.
The person that shows mercy; shows love; even if the person is considered an “undesirable”
Jesus on Forgiveness
Jesus said; anger is a sin; don’t be angry with someone, but go to them and seek reconciliation
quickly. Seek forgiveness; Give forgiveness, Give mercy, Give compassion.517
Jesus on Works
Did Jesus teach salvation by works? Let’s take a look at His teaching on the parable of “THE
SHEEP AND THE GOATS”; where His sheep are separated from the world’s goats. He says His sheep will be found helping others; you will know His sheep by their WORKS. We do not do good works to enter the kingdom of God, we do good works because the kingdom of God is within us.
In the parable of THE TWO SONS we see very quickly that it’s not what we say, but what we do.518 In the parable on SALT AND LIGHT;519 Jesus teaches that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the salt that seasons the world and lights up the souls of man. We should be about the business of sharing the good news; the light of the Gospel. If you’ve got the “seasoning” of the word, then Share it.
If you’ve been given the light you will Show it.
Jesus said we will be known by the fruit of our works. This is sad, but some folks will do good works like giving to the Shriner children’s hospital, but live their life having no part of the Holy Spirit.520 Jesus will say He doesn’t even know them.
DO the will of the father and you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; DO THE WORD.521
I know I’m about to break my “Words in Red” rule, but I must show other scripture outside of the words in red that points out that
we are saved by faith, not by works. Salvation is a free gift from God and it’s because we are saved, that we DO GOOD WORKS.
Ephesians 2:8-10 - Saved by Faith to do good works
that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
10 For we are His workmanship,
CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS FOR GOOD WORKS, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them
512 Matthew 22:36-40 – Love God, Love your neighbor
513 Matthew 5:38-42 - Jesus raised the bar; go the extra mile
514 Matthew 5:43-47 - Love for Enemies
515 Luke 10:30-37 – The neighbor who shows mercy shows love
516 Matthew 7:12 - The golden rule; do to others what you would have them do to you
517 Matthew 5:21-25 – Settle matters quickly; be reconciled
518 Matthew 21:28-31 - The Parable of the Two Sons; which one did the Father’s will? The one that DID the Will of the Father.
519 Matthew 5:13-16 –You are the Salt and Light of the world -- Matthew 25:31-46 – Whatever you do, do it as if doing it unto the Lord
520 Matthew 7:21-23 – “FAITH” without Works is a dead faith
521 Matthew 7:15-19 – By their WORKS you will recognize the Believer -- Luke 13:6-9 – No good works, No fruit; then cut the tree down
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Jesus on Giving
Jesus wants to reward us for giving and helping the needy; but He cannot do so if we TOOT OUR
OWN HORN. He says to give of our time and money secretly and privately; we don’t even need to mention it to our spouse.522 Give to the Lord out of love, out of what you have, not what you don’t have.523 Give also according to the matters of God’s law; Give justice, give mercy, give faithfulness.524 As you give, it will be given back to you, shaken together, pressed down and running over.525
Jesus on Taxes
The Israelites hated paying taxes to the heathen Roman Government. Paying taxes was not
something Jesus took on as a cause, He simply said to give the government what was due them and give God what was due Him.526 Whether we are “tax exempt” or not; just pay it.527
Don’t get on a “soapbox” about anything that Sidetracks you from the purpose of the Gospel.
Reflection; I feel I must digress here and speak on an issue that I took up with my pastor; about how could a Christian also be of the Masonic order? He said He agreed with me about the deception, but he was not called to address such issues; that it was a SIDETRACK to the real message of the Kingdom of God that had been given to him.
It wasn’t that other issues were not important; he just had his hands full with what he had. The twelve disciples had a similar situation when the Gentile Widows were not being fed; they had to get some help so that it would NOT DETRACT from their preaching of the Gospel.
Acts 6:1-4 – Stop Distraction; get some folks to help wait on tables
1 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.
2 So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, "IT WOULD NOT BE RIGHT FOR US TO NEGLECT
3 Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be
full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to
4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." NIV
Let’s pause here and reflect on the forgoing scripture about waiting on tables. On first reading it seems that the disciples were a little bit arrogant in their speech; like serving food to the poor was beneath them. They needed to get someone with the gift of “Organization” to get up a team that will give them some help.
We need vessels of service in all areas of the kingdom because all are not all called to preach or teach. We need people who are willing to wait on tables and serve soup or park cars, cut grass or paint walls; this is so others are not distracted from their calling and can teach and preach.528
522 Matthew 6:1-4 – When you give to the Needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing; do it in secret
523 Mark 12:41-44 – Give of what you have; you are not expected to give what you don’t have
524 Matthew 23:23 – Give, but don’t forget mercy and faithfulness.
525 Luke 6:38 – Give and it will be given back to you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over
526 Matthew 22:17-22 – Should the believer pay taxes; so give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
527 Matthew 17:24-27 – Pay the Temple Tax; Cause no offence it’s a distraction to the Gospel
528 1 Corenthians 12:29 – We all have different gifts and callings.
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Jesus on Booze
Very early on, Jesus was accused of being a boozer;529 He told them that it’s not what goes into a
man’s mouth that defiles him; it’s what comes out like Evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony and slander.530 Whatever the heart is full of will eventually overflow the mouth. We are known by what we speak; the fruit of our mouth.
Drinking booze is NOT a sin; Drunkenness is the sin. (You will not inherit the kingdom.) 531 We are free to have a glass of wine, but for some that are not “FREE”; drinking is still a sin and could cause them to stumble in their faith; so for their sake; drink privately at home.532
Matthew 15:16-20 – It’s not what you DRINK that defiles you
16 “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them.
17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the
stomach and then out of the body?
19 For out of the heart come
20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
Jesus on Gentiles replacing Jews
Replacement theology: God sent His prophets into the “vineyard” of His chosen people; the
nation of Israel, but they didn’t listen. Then He sent His Son to them and they killed Him.533 Then God offered to the Gentiles His “vineyard”; the plan of Salvation and they accepted.
There is now a concept that Jewish Israel failed to recognize the Messiah Jesus Christ, and after centuries they have now been replaced by the Christian Church as God’s chosen people. Israel now has no role in God’s future work. This is a FALSE doctrine.
Jesus Christ is the life giving Vine, God broke off the branches of unbelieving Israel and grafted in, the believing Gentiles, BUT, if the broken branches of Israel will believe, He has promised to graft them back in.
LISTEN: The Vine is Jesus Christ and the branches are Jewish Israel; when you as a Gentile are grafted into the vine, you become part of Jewish Israel; your roots are Jewish. All Israel is therefore; the believing Jews who are the natural branches of the vine; plus the Gentiles who are the un-natural wild branches that were grafted in, plus the broken off branches; the returning believing Jews, that will be grafted back into the vine.
Israel’s blindness to the Messiah will be removed when the fullness of the Gentiles has been completed. This will occur during the tribulation period; a Jewish remnant will be saved.534
Jesus on His death
Jesus predicted His death three times:535 He told them that He MUST be killed, but would be
raised to life again on the third day. He would be handed over to the chief priest and teachers of the law and they would condemn Him to death. He would be mocked, flogged and crucified. The disciples were filled with grief.
529 Matthew 11:18-19 – Jesus accused of being a drunkard
530 Matthew 15:11 – It’s what comes out of your mouth that defiles you -- Matthew 12:33-37 – The mouth speaks what’s in the heart.
531 1 Corenthians 6:9-10 – Drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God
532 Romans 14:19-21– Don’t cause your brother to stumble, drink in private
533 Matthew 21:33-44 - The Parable of the Tenants; Didn’t listen, killed the Son
534 Romans 11:25 – A remnant of Jews will accept Christ
535 Matthew 16:21-28 – FIRST TIME - Jesus Predicts His Death -- Matthew 17:22-23 - SECOND TIME - Jesus Predicts His Death --
Matthew 20:17-19 - THIRD TIME - Jesus Predicts His Death
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Jesus had been asked for a “SIGN” that He was the Messiah; He told them that just as Jonah was in the belly of a huge fish for three days, so He would be in the belly of the earth three days.536 In my BS, my Belief System, I believe Jonah actually died and was resurrected to go to Nineveh to preach the Gospel Message; read it for yourself; Jesus said He would be as Jonah.
SIDE NOTE: Hell was divided into two compartments; TORMENT and PARADISE. The scriptures goes on to say that Jesus went to a compartment of Hell known as “Abrahams Bosom” or Paradise and preached the Gospel message for three days to those “FROM ALL TIME” that were in the “Friendship of God;” they accepted the Gospel message and then He took them and Paradise to heaven where it is now. Jesus even in His death was busy with the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus on the Holy Spirit
Jesus told His Disciples that He must leave them so that the Counselor (The Comforter - The Paraclete)
would come; Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit 537 that would come along beside them and bear witness of the Son,538 help and teach them, and remind them of all things that Jesus has said and then they will receive power to witness.539
The Comforter, the Holy Spirit will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin, righteousness and judgment.540 There is certainly more concerning the baptism of the Holy Spirit which occurred after the resurrection of Christ; these gifts and actions are recorded in “the Book of Acts”.
Jesus on His Return
The beginning signs will be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and famine.541 While this has
been true of many times in history; in the end time there will be more of it; worse than before; coming all at once. The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give any light, the heavens will be shaken and stars will fall from there place.542
Many FALSE PROPHETS will come first, claiming that they are the Messiah.543 Jesus says; do not be fooled, that when He comes, every eye will see Him at the same time around the whole world.544 The day and the hour of His return is unknown,545 but it will be like in the times of Noah; things will be going along just like normal, and then BAM; He will appear unexpected like a thief.
Christ will not return till the Gospel is preached to the whole world;546 the temple rebuilt and Satan stands in the Holy of Holies of the newly built temple.547 Jesus speaks of the signs of His return at the end of the age.548
This is NOT concerning what is known as His FIRST coming; the “Rapture”, which happens at
the beginning of the SEVEN years of tribulation; but He is speaking of the SECOND coming after
the tribulation period. Jesus does NOT speak of the “Rapture” of the saints at all.
NOTE: The “Rapture Doctrine” is only about 200 years old and is gleamed from the “Revelation”
of John the revelator and many students of the Word have varying opinion on the Rapture including
there isn’t one. I believe during the Tribulation period God WILL remove the restraining forces of
Evil which is the Church and the Holy Spirit so Satan can RAISE HELL for a period of time.
536 Matthew 12:38-40 - The Sign of Jonah; in the belly of the earth Three days -- Jonah 1:17 - Jonah was in the belly of the fish three
days and three nights -- Matthew 12:40 - Jesus will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights
537 Acts 1:4-5 – Wait for the gift my Father promised; you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit
538 John 15:26 – The comforter will bear witness of Jesus Christ
539 John 14:25-26 – The Holy Spirit will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. -- Acts 1:8 – The Holy
Spirit will give your power to witness
540 John 16:5-11 – The Counselor; The Holy Spirit will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment:
541 Matthew 24:6-13 – The beginning birth pains of the end times will be wars, famines, earthquakes
542 Matthew 24:29 – Sun darkened; stars fall, heavens shaken
543 Matthew 24:3-5 – Many will come claiming they are the Messiah; watch out that no one deceives you.
544 Matthew 24:27 – So as lightning that comes from the east is visible in the west, so He will be seen everywhere at once
545 Matthew 24:36-44 - The Day and Hour of the Return of Jesus is Unknown
546 Matthew 24:14 – The Gospel will be preached to the whole world
547 Matthew 24:15 – Satan will stand in the new temple Holy of Holies
548 Matthew 24:32-35 – The signs show the end of time is near; at the door
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At the Rapture; at the FIRST coming, He comes secretly “in the air” without a sound. At this SECOND coming, everybody will know it. We will hear a TRUMPET BLAST by the angels and He will be seen by the whole world all at once.549 (Belief or unbelief in the rapture doctrine does not change your salvation in any way; believe for the FIRST, but prepare for the worst.)
He will appear in the clouds with power and glory;550 it will happen all at once; done and over; faster than the buzzards can light on road kill.551 (He said it; not me) Christ alludes to His return after the SEVEN year “Tribulation Period”, saying it would be a dreadful time, which He will shorten for the sake of the believers; the Saints.552
In my BS, my Belief System, I read in scripture that after Noah and his family had entered the Ark, the door of Noah’s Ark remained OPEN for one more week for any who would come. Then GOD SHUT THE DOOR; it would not be opened again till it stopped raining. When Jesus returns, the Angels will gather the believers from the four corner of the earth that have already entered into the “Present” Kingdom of God and then GOD WILL SHUT THE DOOR; Done, Done and Done.
Get Ready: We are urged to be prepared, waiting and watching with expectation of His return.553 Once the door to the Kingdom of Heaven is closed, no excuses will be accepted; Jesus will say “I don’t even know you”; the door of opportunity is now closed, believers are gone and un-believers and make-believers will suffer through the Tribulation period; however many will come to know the Lord after witnessing the Rapture of the Saints, being left behind and personally experiencing the Tribulations.
Jesus on Unpardonable Sin
Every sin will be forgiven EXCEPT blasphemy in word or deed against the Holy Spirit which
is the unpardonable Sin. You must get this; it is the Holy Spirit that ENABLES men to be drawn unto God through Jesus Christ. If you reject the Holy Spirit, then there is nothing that can help you.
Matthew 12:31-32 – Unpardonable Sin; blasphemy against the Spirit
31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven,
but blasphemy against the Spirit will NOT be forgiven.
32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven,
WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN, either in this age or in the age to come. NIV
Jesus on the Judgment
Jesus said that He had sown good seed in the field of the world, and then Satan came along and
sowed bad seed among the good seed. God will let them grow together and at the harvest,554 the weeds will be pulled up and thrown into the fire. The net of salvation catches ALL fish, both the good and the bad;555 the bad will be thrown away and the good saved.
Jesus is the cornerstone on which some will be saved and others will stumble and fall.556
549 Matthew 24:23-26 – Don’t be fooled; Jesus the Messiah will NOT return in secret -- Matthew 24:31 – There will be a loud trumpet
blast; angels will gather his elect from the four winds
550 Matthew 24:30 – Jesus will appear in the clouds with power and glory
551 Matthew 24:28 – It will happen faster than the vultures can gather on road kill.
552 Matthew 24:16-22 – The tribulations: dreadful, great distress for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
553 Matthew 25:1-13 - Be wise; be prepared to enter the Kingdom
554 Matthew 13:24-30 – Believer and Un-believer will grow side by side -- Matthew 13:37-42 - At the end of the age the weeds are pulled
up and burned in the fire
555 Matthew 13:47-51 – The net of salvation catches good and bad fish
556 1 Peter 2:6-8 – Those that reject the cornerstone will stumble
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Two Kingdoms
The Kingdom of Heaven is mentioned only in the NT book of Matthew and is spoken of 32
times by Jesus Christ Himself.
The Kingdom of God is mentioned 66 times in the NT presenting the question; is there two
different kingdoms?
Two Kingdoms: The Kingdom of God and The Kingdom of Heaven are both the same
kingdom; however scripture speaks of a present kingdom; where evil is defeated and sinners are redeemed, as well as a future kingdom where Satan and death are both defeated and thrown in the lake of fire and the believer lives and reigns forever in the presence of God.
NOTE: Jesus was addressing the Jews. The name of God, YHWH (Yahweh), was so sacred that they wouldn’t even pronounce it, but would allude to His name in another way such as “Heaven”. Paul was addressing the Gentiles who had no problem with the “God” concept.
There are actually TWO KINGDOMS: the NOW and the NOT YET.
The realm: Where God’s reign is experienced.
The people: The “redeemed” are the people of the kingdom.557
The reign: The reign of Christ “with believers” sharing in the reign.
Present: The kingdom is present for believers to enter NOW and enjoy His blessings.
Future: The kingdom is future, when we enter into eternal life and reign with Christ.
Did you see it? We must enter into the “NOW” Present kingdom which makes it possible for us to enter into the “NOT YET” Future kingdom of “Eternal Life”. The believer accepts God’s reign in their Present lives; and reigns with Him in the Future; blessings in the Present and Even greater blessing in the Future.
Jesus on Kingdom Qualifications
Jesus said we must come to Him believing and trusting; without reservation; just as a child
would run to his daddy and jump into his arms.558 The Sermon on the Mount; “The Beatitudes” do not show a man how to be saved; they show the characteristics of one who is saved. They are not promises of blessings for the saved, but are a description of the saved.559
1) Poor in spirit: Realization that we are spiritually bankrupt and can offer God nothing.
2) Those who mourn: Anguishing over sin; over perishing souls; wanting right to prevail.
3) Meek: Accepting opposition, insults and provocation, bearing patiently; mild and calm.
4) Hunger for righteousness: All sin and wrongdoing to anyone grieves them.
5) Merciful: Being kind, showing pity, mercy and compassion, even when it’s not convenient.
6) Pure in Heart: No hidden motives or self-interest, a pure heart with singleness of purpose.
7) Peacemaker: Bringing men into harmony with each other, calming the waters.
8) Love: You must love Christ more than your own family or you are not worthy of Him.560
9) Give of what you have to those who can’t pay you back; Give justice, mercy, compassion and
Someone who is rich puts his trust in what he has; someone who is poor puts his trust in what he hasn’t. It’s very hard for someone rich to seek the Kingdom of Heaven;561 they do not see themselves as having any needs; they are self-sufficient, they don’t need God. (Jesus said this, not me.)
The Bar is set very high, so who then can qualify to enter the Kingdom of God? By man’s efforts, no one can qualify to enter; only by the grace of God is it made possible. 562
557 1 Peter 2:9 – We are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a people for God's own possession, a holy nation,
558 Mathew 18 2-5 – Believe and trust as a child with his daddy.
559 Mathew 5:3-12 – It’s your attitude toward God; The Beatitudes
560 Matthew 10:37-39 – Love Christ more than your own family.
561 Matthew 19:16-26 - It is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.
562 Matthew 19:25-26 – Who then can be saved? With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
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Will of Man
When God created the world, there was only “One Will” in the whole universe. When Satan rebelled there became “Two Wills”; his and God’s. Satan sought to detach man from God; to attach man to himself, thus receive “Satan’s will”. Satan was successful in detaching man from God, but man had his “own will” and would not attach himself to Satan.
Now there are “Billions of Wills” in the world; that’s why God sent His Son to re-attach us. The war began against God and His greatest creation; “MAN”, who was created in God’s own image. There is an Invisible War going on and it’s over us. Choose Life.
The Take Away
Two Kingdoms: the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are the same. The Jews
would not verbalize the name of God (YHWH), but would allude to it with the word “Heaven”. We have the present kingdom now that will extend into the future kingdom. We must enter into the present Kingdom to be able to inherit the future Kingdom where we will be in the presence of Christ and reign with Him forever; so, I guess you could say there really is two kingdoms; the NOW and the NOT YET.
Qualifications to get into the Kingdom of Heaven: 1) Repentance, 2) Faith, 3) Believe and Trust, 4) Know that you have nothing to offer God; 5) have a deep concern over sin and perishing souls, 6) Desire for right to prevail. 7) Accept opposition, insults and provocation; bearing patiently, displaying a mild and calm attitude. 8) Grieve over wrong doing. 9) No self-interest, but singleness of Heart toward the Gospel. 10) Show kindness, pity, mercy and compassion whether it’s convenient or not. 11) Bring men into harmony with each other, calming the waters. 12) Love even your enemies; have fruit from your works, grow the gifts you have been given.
Works: We do good works NOT to get saved, but because we are saved. The believer has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and “good works” will always follow the believer: Jesus said; we will be known by the fruit of our works. We will DO the will of the Father, works without Faith produces dead works; Faith without works is a dead faith.
WORDS IN RED: If our salvation theology were based exclusively on what Christ “actually said”, (the Words in Red) what kind of theology would we end up with? The book of Matthew contains the perspective of the teachings of Jesus before His crucifixion. Paul’s letters 30 years later reflect; as “Paul Harvey” would say, “and now, the rest of the news”. Through the Apostle Paul’s letters we are able to see the rest of the news; the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Christian believes foremost that the “entire” Bible; from cover to cover; from the words “Holy Bible” to “genuine leather”, is the divinely inspired Word of God,563 thus all scripture should carry the same weight whether spoken by Christ or by others inspired of God. All scripture is God- breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness.
The people of Israel had the Ten Commandments and the “613 other laws” found in the Old Testament; Christ’s teachings “raised the bar” on what everyone understood at the time. The bar was raised to the point that NO ONE could live up to its standard. The Salvation theology that Christ taught was sufficient to condemn EVERYONE to eternal separation from God.”
Calvinism teaches that man is totally fallen and is not capable of coming to God on his own; Jesus pretty much pointed that out too. The purpose of the Law was not to save, but to show our need to be saved (among other things). Jesus’ teachings AMPLIFIED the Law, and made it even clearer that we need a Savior.
Who then can be saved? Jesus said; with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." We need a savior, we need the Holy Spirit to enable us to come to God otherwise what we see and what we hear is just foolishness. It was only after Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on the cross for us and rose from the dead, did His followers finally “get it”.
563 2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is inspired by God, it corrects us and teaches us
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Chapter 7. 19
Go and Learn Mercy Not Sacrifice
Is it a suggestion, recommendation or a command? How do you love someone who is not loveable? Seek it, Learn it, Obey it, Teach it, Wait on it.
First Word
1 Corinthians 4:6 – Do not go beyond what is written; it’s simple
6 I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit,
brothers that you may LEARN by us
NOT TO GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN, that none of you may be
puffed up in favor of one against another.
About Sacrifices
Let’s take a look at sacrifices. The pagan nations were offering human sacrifices to their god Molech which God said was an abomination. Human sacrifices were forbidden,566 but yet God told Abraham to offer Isaac his ONLY son with Sarah as a sacrifice on an altar of fire. Abraham knew God’s command about sacrifices, yet he obeyed and trusted that when he sacrificed and killed Isaac, that God would raise his son back to life, to fulfill the promises, 567that through Isaac he would make him a great nation.568 And you know the rest of the story; God was MERCIFUL and was only TESTING Abraham’s faith and obedience. 569
Did you see it? The Mercy and TESTING was for Abraham’s “testimony” to his family; it was not for God, He already knew what Abraham would do. This story is not about the sacrifices that God desires; it’s about our Obedience and His Mercy.570 Makes me want to shout Hallelujah!
564 Matthew 9:13 – Go & Learn the meaning of MERCY in scripture -- Jeremiah 35:13 – Go and Learn how to be OBEDIENT
565 John 14:6 – Jesus gave us THE WAY
566 Leviticus 18:21 – Don’t sacrifice your children to Molech; it’s an abomination
567 Genesis 22:5 – God will resurrect Isaac and we will return
568 Galatians 3:16 – The covenant was for Abraham and his seed. -- Galatians 3:29 – If you believe in Christ, you are Abraham’s seed. 569 Genesis 22:1-2 – God Tested Abraham; Sacrifice & OBEDIENCE -- James 1:2-4 – TESTED; Faith produces endurance & growth 570 James 2:18 – Your Faith is JUDGED by your GOOD DEEDS -- James 2:26 – Faith without WORKS is a DEAD FAITH
When you see God or Jesus giving instructions in scripture, they are not just suggestions or recommendations; they are COMMANDS. Jesus commanded us to GO and LEARN the meaning of showing mercy instead of offering sacrifices.564 He could have just told us the meaning, but instead He wanted us to dig it out for ourselves so we could get it deep within our spirit.
We are warned to not to go beyond what has been written in scripture with some special theological precept and statement; IT’S SIMPLE, it’s just about obedience. Jesus is our example; He was never about sacrifices, but about mercy and compassion toward our fellow men; but it all began with His Mercy and compassion toward us that provided THE WAY back to God.565
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About Mercy
Sacrifices is about Worship directed toward God; Mercy is about compassion directed toward
our fellow man. While I see sacrifices throughout scripture, I do not see where God COMMANDED sacrifices, but He did command us to show mercy and compassion. If we want to sacrifice, it should be “Sacrifices of Praise”.571
God desires goodness, love, loyalty, mercy, kindness; that we grow in KNOWLEDGE of Him.572
About Love
It’s hard to talk about Mercy without talking about Love, sometimes friends, co-workers and even family members become UNLOVABLE. Well, we might still love them, but we sure don’t LIKE them very much.
The corporate office transferred a man into my office that just dogged my management at every turn and he was JUST NOT LOVABLE. Although he was a Christian, what he was doing was taking the company into a poor financial posture. I could see it, but he was just doing what had always been done before. Before things ever got better between us, I PRAYED about my attitude and hurt; and that was the day I saw him across the room and in prayer, I said “there goes the man I love”.
When I decided to love and accept him was when I was able to change the policies that was separating us and crippling the company. Instead of attacking him, I attacked the problem and in the end EVERYBODY won. Love, do Good and Pray for your enemies, repay evil with good, not more evil. Threethingswilllastforever,Faith,HopeandLove. WithoutLoveyouarespirituallybankrupt.
My granddaughter had moved down what I saw as a dark path of nightclubs, bar tendering, alcohol and drugs and chose to shake off anyone who would pull her down from the dreams and desires of her heart. When you HATE the lifestyle, how do you respond to it in LOVE?
The Prodigal Son’s story of scripture sets the stage; the parents stayed firm in their beliefs and did not support him, nor did they go get him, but watched for the son’s return and even prepared a festival in the expectation... In Tough Love; they Watched, they Waited and they Welcomed his return.
I had some very close “Believing” friends that decided to break their marriage vows between their spouse and God;573 this was not about a new lover, but an old war zone. I was crushed, hurt, and angry and just didn’t even want to speak to them. I certainly didn’t know their emotions, feelings and length of time that went into this hard decision, but in my BS, my Belief System, I embrace what the Bible teaches, that God wants us to live in PEACE.574 Handsome or Beautiful does not compensate for a spouse that is cranky, selfish or unkind. 575
There are inappropriate things that take PEACE away from the marriage such as moodiness, insecurity, clinging, pity parties, jealousy, complaining, criticizing, fault finding, strong willed, ready to fight, yelling, anger, temperamental displays, verbal put downs, making demands, manipulating situations, playing hard to get, withholding sex, physical abuse and the list goes on and on. The question that must be asked; IS A SPOUSE LIKE THIS REALLY A BELIEVER?
To gain Peace, sometimes there is a parting of the ways; scripture addresses the one who stays, NOT the one who leaves; it’s about the believing spouse who continues to honor the vow to God. In my BS, I believe as a “Free Willie” that God does not choose who we marry; our actions are based on what we have put into our heart, this is what guides our decisions. Once we make the marriage VOW to God,576 we will be judged on how we respond and take care of our spouse and family.
571 Jeremiah 33:11 – MERCY endures forever; give a sacrifice of PRAISE -- Micah 6:6-8 - Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly
572 Hosea 6:6 – Learn Knowledge of God; desire GOODNESS (ASV) -- Hosea 6:6 – Learn the Knowledge of God; desire LOVE (ESV) --
Hosea 6:6 – Learn the Knowledge of God; desire LOYALTY (HCSB) -- Matthew 12:7 – Go Learn to desire MERCY, and not sacrifice
573 Genesis 2:18 – It’s not good for man to be alone; he needs a helper
574 Proverbs 21:9 – PEACE; a quarrelsome spouse divides a home -- Ephesians 4:31 – PEACE; get rid of bitterness, anger and fussing. --
Psalms 6:6-7 – PEACE - I am worn out crying myself to sleep in sorrow
575 Proverbs 14:1 – A foolish spouse tears down their marriage. -- 1 Corinthians 13:3 – Without Love you are spiritually bankrupt
576 Malachi 2:14 – GOD is in the MARRIAGE COVENANT with you and your spouse.
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We move from the position of SELF to the new position of THE VOW made to God and our spouse. OUR VOW IS OUR LIFE ASSIGNMENT, it’s what we will do every day. “BUT if the husband or wife who isn’t a believer insists on leaving, LET THEM GO. In such cases the Christian husband or wife is no longer bound to the other, for God has called you to live in PEACE.” 577
Keep yourselves in the Love of God;578 be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, show honor and hospitality to strangers in brotherly love.579
About the Kingdom
Seek the Kingdom of God while it can still be found;580 God in His mercy left the door of Noah’s Ark open for an extra week for anyone who might choose life, then HE CLOSED IT. Prepare your mind for action,581 fixing your hope on the grace of Jesus Christ. Reverence, Honor and Glorify God.582
Learn It
You are what you think: What you think can lead you astray583 because your mind is on the things of man.584 You cannot lean on your own understanding,585 you must renew your mind;586 transform how you think, grasping the things that are above.587 Your mind should be on whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, and if there is anything of excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise,588 think about these things and LEARN them.
Obey it
Obedience is better than sacrifices and offerings;589 when man’s law conflicts with God’s law, we should obey God rather than men.590 Don’t refuse what God is speaking to you,591 let your light shine before others,592 so that they may see your good works and give glory to God. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing spiritual songs, psalms and hymns and with thankfulness in your hearts.593
Teach It
Our Faith without good works is a DEAD FAITH.594 We are not to just hear the Word, but to DO the Word,595 making the paths straight for those seeking to move closer to God.596
577 1 Corenthians 7:15 – Let the UNBELIEVER depart; God has called us to PEACE
578 Jude 1:21 - Keep yourselves in the love of God
579 Ephesians 4:31-32 - Be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving one another -- 1 Corinthians 13:13 – Faith, Hope and Love will last forever --
Romans 12:10 – Love one another; show honor -- Hebrews 13:1-2 – Show Hospitality to strangers in brotherly love -- Matthew 5:44 -
Love and pray for your enemies -- Luke 6:35 – Do good to your enemies -- 1 Peter 3:9-10 - Do not repay evil for evil
580 Isaiah 55:6 – Seek the Lord while He can still be found -- Matthew 6:33 - Seek first the kingdom of God
581 1 Peter 1:13 - Prepare your minds for action
582 Proverbs 24:21 – REVERENCE the Lord -- 1 Peter 2:17 – HONOR God -- Revelation 15:4 – Fear and GLORIFY God; He alone is
583 2 Corinthians 11:3 – What you think can lead you astray. -- Philippians 3:18-19 – God’s Enemies’ Mind is set on earthly things -- 1
584 Matthew 16:23 – Don’t put your mind on things of man -- John 2:15-17 – Do not love the desires of the world
585 Proverbs 3:5 – Do not lean on your own understanding
586 Romans 12:1-2 - Be transformed by renewing your mind
587 Colossians 3:2-5 - Set your minds on things that are above -- Joshua 1:8 – Meditate on the Word that you may be successful --
Matthew 4:3-4 – We are to live by every Word from God’s mouth -- Colossians 3:23-24 – Do your work as if you were doing it unto
the Lord
588 Philippians 4:8 - Think on things that are pure, true, just, lovely, just, commendable, true, honorable, excellence, pure, lovely and
worthy of praise -- Hebrews 10:32 – Remember your struggle & sufferings & endure
589 1 Samuel 15:22 – Obedience is better than Sacrifice & Offerings
590 Acts 5:29 - Obey God rather than men
591 Hebrews 12:25 – Don’t refuse what God is speaking to you
592 Matthew 5:13-16 – Let your light shine before others
593 Colossians 3:16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with
594 James 2:17 - Faith without works is a DEAD FAITH
595 James 1:22 – Don’t just hear the Word; DO IT
596 Hebrews 12:13 - Make the paths straight for those that follow you
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Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel,597 be ready to share it whether it’s convenient or not.598 Walk it and Talk it, day and night wherever you go.599
Teach it to your Children; when you lie down and when you rise up,600 and teach it to your grandchildren, generation to generation.601 Write it on the door post of your home.
Let your speech always be gracious,602 seasoned with the salt of the Word.
The Take Away
Go and Learn Mercy, not Sacrifice; Go and Learn is not a suggestion, it’s a command. The
Word of God; SEEK IT, LEARN IT, OBEY IT, TEACH IT and WAIT ON IT; the promises of the Lord will surely come.603
The only sacrifices God wants is your sacrifices of Praise.604
He wants us to show Love, Compassion and Mercy towards our fellowman, even reaching out to
those that are NOT LOVABLE.
Problems with friends that have separated: PRAY about their VOW; seek ways to help in reconciliation; don’t provide more support for their separation. Problems within family; PRAY stand firm in your faith; operate in the 3W’s; Watch, Wait and Welcome. Problems in the office; PRAY over the issue; attack the problem, not the person. |
We are to BE DOERS of the WORD and not hearers only,605 Faith without works is a dead Faith.606 |
597 2 Timothy 1:8 – Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
598 1 Peter 3:15 – Be ready to share and defend the Gospel of Hope with gentleness and respect
599 Deuteronomy 11:18-19 – Walk & Talk the Word wherever you go -- Deuteronomy 6:6-9 – Day and Night; Walk and Talk the Word
600 2 Timothy 4:2 – Be ready whether it convenient or not; convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
601 Deuteronomy 4:9 – Teach the Word to your Children and Grandchildren, generation to generation -- Proverbs 13:22 – Share the
Word, Generation to Generation
602 Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech always be gracious
603 Psalm 27:14 – Wait on the Lord; it will surely come -- Habakkuk 2:3 – Wait for the promise; it will surely come
604 Jeremiah 33:11 – Bring SACRIFICES OF PRAISE unto the Lord
605 James 1:22 – Don’t just hear the Word; DO THE WORD
606 James 2:17 - Faith without works is a DEAD FAITH
607 Matthew 12:7- LEARN God desires mercy, and not sacrifice
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Chapter 7. 20
The Bad side of the Good news
Universalism – Second Chance - Neutralism – Annihilationist Eternal Conscious Punishment – The Degrees of Punishment Description of the Believer – The Make-Believer – The Plan
First Word
There is some Bad News about the Good News which is not spoken of very much in the Church today. Oddly enough; Jesus taught more about Hell than he did about Heaven, the Doctrine of Hell has disappeared from the pulpit and no one has even noticed.
Hell has been relegated to a corner of the relic room in a rarely visited museum. We are taught that ALL WE NEED IS LOVE and a positive self-image.
Our calling is not to taste good like HONEY; but to bring stinging SALT that heals wounds.
In an interview; Baptist Sunday School Teacher President Jimmy Carter said that in “his opinion” in our society today, Jesus would have approved of GAY Marriages. This certainly flies in the face of scripture;608 re-labeling a cup of poison to say COOL-AID does not make it any less lethal, it just makes it more attractive. If a doctor misdiagnoses a disease, it could have serious consequences; a person could die.
The same thing applies to a misdiagnoses of the disease of SIN; it’s SPIRITUAL MALPRACTICE. As a Nation we have a desire to show only the LOVING side of God and not the WRATH side.609
The Book says that in the beginning, GOD made man in His own image; but today MAN is making God in his own image; an imaginary deity of his own creation.
Universalism is a doctrine that in its simplest form states that, because God is a God of Love, that “IN THE END” all people will be saved and gathered together into Heaven, therefore there cannot be a place which contains a Chamber of Horrors like hell that has infinite (long term) punishing for a finite (short term) mistake.
The earliest expression of Universalism came out of the mouth of Satan when he said; “You will not surely die”.610 Jesus Himself planted a fence post when He said, NOT everyone that says “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of Heaven.611 So according to Jesus; ALL WILL NOT BE SAVED.612
608 Leviticus 18:22 – IT’S IN THE BOOK; Gay Marriage is an abomination to God
609 1 Corinthians 6:9 – These rebellious homosexuals are on the road to HELL
610 Genesis 3:3-4 – Satan’s Universalism lie; nobody really dies
611 Luke 13:23-24 - Many will seek to enter, but will not be able -- Matthew 7:21-23 – Everyone WILL NOT enter the Kingdom: I will
tell the MAKE-BELIEVERS ‘I never knew you; depart from me.
612 Luke 13:25-28 – Once the Door is shut, it cannot be opened
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Here’s the scary one, the Disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” And he said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door;613 for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. Jesus will say, “I tell you, I do not know you”. Once the Master who has the keys, shuts the door, no one can open it and enter.614
Remember Noah’s Ark, God in His mercy and Love, left the door of the Ark open one additional week for any that would come; then GOD SHUT THE DOOR and those that finally had a change in heart could not enter.
Those on the outside of the door will insist that they be escorted into the Kingdom on their own merits; on the basis of what they have done; their WORKS. Confessing with your Mouth that Jesus is Lord does not automatically bring Salvation. You must confess with your mouth and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Even the Demons believe that Jesus is Lord; but they just simply do not accept it.615 NOTE: The demons in scripture are doomed, they were expecting torment from Christ,616 not Salvation; read it for yourself, it’s in the Book.
The Gift of Salvation is not to be taken lightly; it’s not just name it and claim it, or BLAB it and GRAB it, you should work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before God;617 the road is hard to eternal life and the gate is narrow and FEW find it; but if you seek it, you WILL find it.618
Second Chance
Postmortem Conversion is the term that is used for someone who has died and gets a second chance to accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God. PC supporters hang their hat on the scriptures that says “How can they believe in Him of whom they have never heard”619 and the second scripture indicating that Jesus went to the lower parts of the earth; to HELL and preached to them; they believed and all went to heaven.620
Point of Inquiry: I must point out that at death, everyone has already been judged.621 There is a HOLDING TANK called Hell with two compartments; Torment for the un-believer and Paradise for the believer. From the beginning of time the bad guys accumulated in torment on one side of a great gulf in Hell and the good guys from all time since creation that were in the “FRIENDSHIP” of God gathered on the other side in a place called “Abraham’s Bosom” or Paradise. They already believed in the One God of Creation,622 but had not heard the “good news” of the Son of God; the Messiah.
Jesus preached, they believed, and He not only took them to Heaven,623 but took the whole compartment called Paradise with Him, this enlarged Hell for more unbelievers. Everyone had alreadybeenjudgedattheirdeathlongbeforeJesuspreachedtothemaboutthe“GoodNews”. That’s why they were already in “the holding tank” of Paradise.
God points out that if man knew nothing else; just by looking at God’s creations he would be able to know God.624 God has been clearly revealed and man is WITHOUT EXCUSE.625 The Book says to set your house in order BEFORE you die.
613 Matthew 7:14 – The Gate is narrow and few find it.
614 Revelation 3:7 – Jesus has the Keys to the Door that No one can open or close
615 Mark 3:10-11 – Demons will confess that “Jesus is Lord”, but will not accept Him
616 Matthew 8:29 – Have you come to torment us before our time?
617 Philippians 2:12-13 – Work out your Salvation with seriousness, reverence and awe
618 Deuteronomy 4:29 - If you seek God; He WILL be found -- Romans 10:8-9 – Confess with your Mouth and Believe in your Heart
and you WILL be saved
619 Romans 10:14-15 – How can they believe if they have not heard
2 Kings 20:1 - Set your house in order BEFORE you die, there is no second chance.
620 Ephesians 4:9-10 – At Jesus’ death, He descended into the lower parts of earth
621 Luke 16:22-23 – At Death we are escorted to Hell or Heaven -- 2 Kings 20:1 - Set your house in order BEFORE you die, there is no
second chance.
622 1 Peter 3:18-20 – Jesus Preached to BELIEVERS that did not obey and enter the ark
623 Ephesians 4:8 – He led to Heaven those that were in the Friendship of God who were captive in Paradise
624 Psalm 19:1-9 – The heavens, the sky, All of creation declare the glory of God
625 Romans 1:18-20 – They are WITHOUT EXCUSE; God invisible attributes, his eternal power and divine nature has been clearly
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THERE IS NO SECOND CHANCE; there’s just more Good News and more Bad News.
A Make-believer is someone who confesses with their mouth Jesus is Lord, but their lives are not
conformed to His Image;626 there is no fruit, they are no better off than the Demons that believe, but
have no good Works. You don’t do good works to be saved, you do good works because you are
Neutralism; I just made that word up, this is when someone says they don’t think about God one way or the other; they are just neutral; maybe there is a god; maybe there’s not.
Man is already destined to a horrible place and needs to be rescued; first there is Hell and then after that, the Lake of Fire.627 This is a terrible state of affairs; man is perishing for lack of knowledge628 and as watchmen on the wall, we must sound the alarm to save all who “WILL” hear the trumpet call.
A day will come when the Good will rise to life and the Evil will rise to be condemned.
Reaching out to save someone from indescribable, eternal destruction is serious stuff for the Believer. God says that we are either Weeds or Wheat; Goat or Sheep, that we cannot be neutral, you have already made your decision, whoever is not for Him is against Him,629
Whoever does not believe is condemned already.630
The Question has always been; how can a loving God make anyone go through eternal terror, pain, torment and punishment forever? An Annihilationist is someone who believes that when an UNBELIEVER dies; he goes to hell and is destroyed, burned up and ceases to exist.
My youngest sarcastically said, “Hey, I will take that deal; you can sin all you want and the only consequence there is; is that you will cease to exist;” what a Deal; Down, Dead and Done. My oldest maturely responded, “We were ALL made in the image of the Immortal God and the Believer will become like Him; immortal; All men have the potential to be Immortal.
I would have considered myself as an Annihilationist until I spent time studying this subject in the Book. I have included in this commentary my comments and scriptures that would have SUPPORTED the “Annihilation Doctrine” even though now I refute it; here we go...
It’s only “The Fire” that is unquenchable and Eternal, and it’s “the smoke” that rises forever, NOT the punishment.
Eternal Punishment vs: Eternal Punishing,631 Eternal Damnation, Annihilation, Total Destruction,632 Thrown Away, Burned Up; these are all words that indicate the Finality of Death for the wicked.
The term ETERNAL is not speaking of its duration, but its permanent results, its finality. They will be forever CONSUMED, not forever TORMENTED. Eternal denotes that it’s all over, no more chances; the wicked will NOT EXIST anymore. They will be completely destroyed,633 Cut off,634 Broken, Perish635 Consumed, Burned like in an oven, 636 Stubble leaving neither root nor branch.637 God’s Final punishment is NOT a vindictive punishment, but is the permanent annihilation of sin, because GOD IS LOVE.
626 Romans 8:29 – The Believer is predestined to be CONFORMED to the image of Jesus Christ.
627 John 5:28-29 - Good will rise to live; Evil will rise to be condemned
628 Hosea 4:6 – We are destroyed because of our lack of knowledge
629 Matthew 25:32-33 – We are either Goats or Sheep -- Matthew 13:30 – We are either Weeds or Wheat -- Luke 9:50 – We are either a
non-believer or a Believer
630 John 3:17-19 - Whoever does not believe is condemned already
631 Matthew 25:46 – Eternal Punishment or Eternal Punishing
632 2 Thessalonians 1:9 – Their DESTRUCTION is permanent
633 Isaiah 1:28 –the wicked shall be COMPLETELY DESTROYED - CONSUMED
634 Psalm 37:38 – The Wicked shall BE DESTROYED; CUT OFF
635 Isaiah 1:28 – The wicked shall be BROKEN and will PERISH
636 Malachi 4:1 – Burn like in AN OVEN will be stubble BURNED UP
637 Psalm 37:10 – The Wicked SHALL BE NO MORE
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I embraced all of this because of the Bible scriptures... But for some reason all of the fence post
of these scriptures did not line up with the fence post of the rest of the Bible.
Is the Bible self-contradictory? Either I am wrong; the Bible is wrong or I am interpreting it wrong.
Did Christ cease to exist when He died? The Bible says NO, He was NOT annihilated, but went down into the earth, into Hell and then was resurrected on the third day. 638 If Christ ceased to exist, so would the trinity.
The Annihilation doctrine comes from the belief that God is only a GOD OF LOVE, therefore He has NO WRATH. Our BS, our Belief System looks for a “loophole” in scripture to escape Hell. This desire is from our own imaginary mind in an effort to get relief from the thoughts of Eternal Punishment, this BS is a lie born out of the pit of Hell to deceive us.
The Seven Fence Post of Christ
Jesus placed a fence post in the ground when He said SEVEN TIMES that the wicked will be
cast out into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is spoken of in the present and continuance tense; SEVEN is the number of completeness.
This weeping and wailing is both the emotional and physical condition of the rejected man. I would like to point out that the gnashing of teeth is more than just pain, it is the continued blasphemous words of defiance still being uttered and directed toward God; the tears comes NOT from repentance, but from relentless pain.
Outer darkness is worse than the physical pain of Hell, it is the total SEPARATION from God.
Post 1 - Matthew 8:12 – Weeping and gnashing of teeth
12 while the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness.
In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (ESV)
Post 2 - Matthew 22:13 – Weeping and gnashing of teeth
13 Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and
cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.’ (ESV)
Post 3 - Matthew 24:51 - Weeping and gnashing of teeth
51 and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. In that
place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (ESV)
Post 4 - Matthew 25:30 - Weeping and gnashing of teeth
30 And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place
there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ (ESV)
Post 5 - Luke 13:28 -Weeping and gnashing of teeth
28 In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when
you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God but you yourselves cast out. (ESV)
Post 6 - Matthew 13:42 - WAILING and gnashing of teeth
42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and
gnashing of teeth. (NKJV)
Post 7 - Matthew 13:50 - WAILING and gnashing of teeth
50 and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and
gnashing of teeth." (NKJV)
638 1 Corinthians 15:4 – Jesus was raised to Life on the 3rd day
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Eternal Conscious Punishment: There is a view that ONLY the believer will have eternal life. This is true, eternal life is a gift from Jesus Christ that the Un-believer does not receive,639 but that does not mean the un-believer ceases to exist. Life and death are both forms of existence; the unbeliever will still exist and stand at his own judgment.640
In the Story of Lazarus and the rich man, we find Lazarus in a section of Hell know as Paradise or Abraham’s bosom and the rich man on the other side of Hell known as torment with a great gulf fixedbetweenthetwo. Itshouldbenotedthattheybothstillexisted,thiswouldruleoutthedoctrine of “Annihilation”, which I formally embraced as truth.
This parable is believed to be a true story since this is the only time a person was specifically named in one of the parables told by Jesus. In the story of the three Hebrew boys cast bound into the fiery furnace; by God’s design they were unbound, walking around, unhurt and their clothes didn’t even smell like smoke.641
Did you see it? God can cause people to exist un-consumed, even in a burning fire that was stoked seven times hotter than normal. Seven is “completeness”, meaning Nebuchadnezzar making the fire seven times as hot, was making it as hot as he possibly could.642 In the story of Moses, the burning bush by design was not consumed.643
Scripture teaches that by God’s will, design and plan, that in Hell’s fire even the worm does not die.644 There is endless food provided by the un-believing wicked and the fire is never quenched; it is ETERNAL CONSCIOUS PUNISHMENT.
This Eternal Fire was not prepared for man, but for Satan and his angels,645 however those that rebel like Satan and his Angels will inherit their same fate. The Bible refers to them as those on His LEFT; the cursed, the goats, the tares, the weeds. (Interestingly, today we refer to those on the LEFT as extremist and those on the RIGHT as conservative.)
To make it clear, GOD said the unbeliever will be in un-ending misery, tormented day and night, forever and ever. A Non-entity cannot receive punishment; a punishment that cannot be felt is not punishment. Punishment is indescribable suffering; suffering is pain, the un-believer is an “entity” in ETERNAL CONSCIOUS PUNISHMENT. 646
Degrees of Punishment
Although Hell is Hell; if it is of any conciliation to you; Hell will be worse for some people than for others.647 There will be degrees of punishment to look forward to. The more that you have been given, the more that will be required of you, 648 the more you know, but did not act on, the more severe will be your punishment.
Based on degrees of culpability, there will be so to speak, “few lashes” vs; “many lashes” of the whip.649
639 Revelation 20:15 – Name NOT written in the Book of Life thrown into the Lake of Fire -- Daniel 12:2 – The un-believer will wake
up to ETERNAL shame
640 Hebrews 9:27 – Luke 16:19-26 – The Good and the Bad both exist after death -- There is an existence after death; there is
641 Daniel 3:24-25 – The fire did not consume the Hebrew boys
642 Daniel 3:19-20 – Nebuchadnezzar said Heat the fire seven times as HOT
643 Exodus 3:2 - The bush was on fire, but it did not burn up.
644 Mark 9:47-48 – The worm does not die; the fire is not quenched -- Isaiah 66:24 – The WORMS crawl in; The WORMS crawl out,
they never die
645 Matthew 25:41 – The ETERNAL fire was prepared for Satan and his Angels.
646 Revelation 14:11 – NO REST day or night -- Revelation 20:10 - TORMENTED day and night FOREVER & EVER
647 Revelation 20:13- Each will be judged according to what they have done -- Revelation 2:23 - I will repay each of you according to
your deeds
648 Luke 12:46-48 – The more you know, the more that will be required
Revelation 18:5-6 -- Some sins remembered and PAID BACK DOUBLE
649 Matthew 11:20-22 – The punishment will be more bearable for others -- Matthew 10:15 - The punishment will be more bearable for
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To destroy something is to ruin it or make it unfit for that which it is was originally designed to be or do. A Car that has been compacted FLAT can no longer function as a car, but it does not cease to exist. A Soul is utterly destroyed, ruined, made unfit for what it was created when it is cast into utter darkness and separated from the light of God; it is destroyed, but it still exists. Forever and Ever is used over and over to emphasize the concept of ETERNITY.
Limited Eternity: You cannot limit the duration of punishment for the un-believer without limiting the duration of eternal life for the believer; they are both FOREVER.
Hell is both a “State” and a “Place”.
A State: You have lost the blessings of God and are out of His presence and His light; in
darkness where you are cursed and condemned.
A Place: A prison where you are in indescribable ceaseless misery and torment day and
night, forever and ever and ever. A place without hope; only tears of pain and voices of
rebellion. Satan, Fallen Angels, Demons, Unbelievers and Make-believers are not the
same, all have different natures, however make no mistake, they will all share in the same
ultimate fate; the Lake of Fire.
I would like to point out here that Satan is not in charge of Hell; he is just one of the boys in TORMENT; he can change nothing.
The Nature of God
God is Omni-present; He is present in Hell, NOT his light nor His Love, but the absence of his
Light, leaving only the Darkness and His WRATH. God cannot act contrary to His Holy nature, therefore there are some things God cannot do; He cannot Lie nor break His covenant. In Him there is no variation or changing of His Nature.650
God Hates Sin because sin comes from Satan and Satan is the Father of Sin. When we are born we are born in Sin; that makes Satan our Father, therefore we need to be “Born Again” through the Son of God. Jesus Christ appeared to destroy the sinful works of Satan.651 God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.652
The Omnipotence of God: God has after a fashion, restricted His own Omnipotence (all- powerfulness) by the very act of creating man with FREE WILL; the ability to choose. Because of Free Will the people in His own home town CHOOSE to NOT believe in Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God; so with so little FAITH, He could do no mighty work there.653
The Ultimate work of the Cross is the Love of Christ summoning us to Repentance and to Faith. It’s the trumpet call of the night watchman;654 you can WAKE UP and get ready or you can go back to sleep. The Watchman has done His part, the rest is up to you. In the tribology movie THE MATRIX, Neo is told; “I can only show you the door, YOU MUST DECIDE to go through it.”
God’s Wrath
I dug out my basement and built a retaining wall with cement blocks. One night after a big rain, I heard very low frequency sounds coming from my basement which I could feel lying in my bed; deep sounds like the breaking of bones. Water had accumulated behind my new walls and slowly began to bow it out. First just a quarter of an inch, then the rain filled that up and then it moved out another quarter of an inch till finally so much water had continued to accumulate behind the wall that it pushed down the whole wall moving all the furniture in front of it... What a disaster...
650 James 1:17 - There is no variation or change in God’s Nature, God does not change
651 1 John 3:8 – Sin will be destroyed by God
652 2 Corinthians 5:21 – Jesus made the Believer RIGHTEOUS before God
653 Mark 6:4-6 – The Free Will Choice of the folks in Jesus’ hometown to not believe, limited the FAITH works of the very Son of God
654 Ezekiel 33:3 – The Watchman on the wall sounds the alarm of warning.
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God’s Wrath is accumulating behind the walls of our society and we can already see the cracks, and one day if we do not shore up the wall with repentance and prayer, HIS WRATH655 will burst through with fury; there in NO DOUBT;656 it’s in the Book.
God is not a harmless God; He executed those who presumptuously touched His Ark.657 Jesus overthrew the loan shark’s tables in the temple and then threw the merchants out.658
Our problem is we just don’t HATE sin like God Hates sin. In the past God has cut loose a company of destroying angels that made a path for his WRATH.659 The purpose of God’s wrath is not so much to punish, but to REFORM; to ultimately produce GOOD660, because God takes no pleasure in the death of the Wicked.661 God’s Wrath is actually a COURSE CORRECTOR of Love. 662
The Make Believer
Sunday Christian: A follower of Christ can go to Sunday School and Church, sing the songs of Praise, enter into prayer, be a part of laying hands on the sick, see the Holy Spirit at work in healings and miracles, taste the sweetness of communion with the other saints... And still not be a part of the Faith. This week in Charleston, SC; a young man worshipped and prayed for an hour in church and then killed nine of the people who welcomed him into their congregation.
How can you fall away from the Faith? The Bible teaches that once you are saved you are always saved. As Jesus taught His followers, they experienced the miracles of healings; the casting out of demons; the feeding of thousands and tasted the power of the Holy Spirit; but at some point they could not spiritually discern His teachings which caused them to WALK AWAY.663
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for someone like this, within their own ability and power to come back to the Faith;664 except by the GRACE of Jesus Christ, with Him all things are possible.665 According to the Book, the rain waters ALL the soil, some good and some not so good.666 Some bring forth good vegetation and some bring up worthless weeds, thorns and thistles; but both got the same water.
A True Believer will not leave the Faith; a Make-Believer will; this proves that they were never a part of the Faith to begin with. How can you know if you are a True Believer? God said, you will know a True Believer by their fruits’; their actions.667 Take a close look at your “check book”; listen to your speech and your SONGS; look at your activities; do they honor God or bring shame?
The FRUIT of the Spirit has nine expressions; but all nine of them are exhibited as just ONE fruit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.668 They are utilized along with the GIFTS of the Spirit for the perfecting of the Saints and the building up of the Church body.669 Therein lies the question; does your actions build up the Church and strive for the perfection that is offered through Jesus Christ?
When Adam and Eve sinned they DID NOT CONFESS their sin and seek forgiveness, instead they BLAMED each other as well as GOD for their actions. Obedience brings Mercy & Blessings; disobedience brings Judgment.
655 Psalm 7:11 - God is ANGRY with the wicked EVERY DAY -- Revelation 14:10 – Wrath and ANGER will be poured out; No doubt --
Hebrews 12:29 - God is a CONSUMING fire; coming with Wrath there is No doubt -- Jeremiah 21:10 – God will set his face FOR
HARM; there is No doubt -- Jeremiah 21:6 – God will STRIKE DOWN; His Wrath, No doubt
656 Colossians 3:5-6 – The WRATH of God is coming; there is No doubt
657 2 Samuel 6:6-7 – An error in judgment cuts loose God’s WRATH
658 Matthew 21:12 – Jesus has WRATH; make no mistake, no doubt
659 Psalm 78:49-50 – God cut loose a company of DESTROYING angels.
660 1 Thessalonians 5:9 – The Believer is not appointed to Wrath, but to obtain salvation.
661 Ezekiel 18:32 – God takes no pleasure in the death of anyone
662 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Humble yourself and I will hear and forgive
663 John 6:66 – Many of Jesus’ DISCIPLES left the Faith.
664 Hebrews 6:4-6 – IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for MAKE BELIEVERS after having tasted the power of the Holy Spirit to renew again to
repentance after having left the faith.
665 Matthew 19:25-26 - WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED? With God all things are possible
666 Hebrews 6:7-8 – The Rain waters ALL; Some Useful; Some Worthless
667 Matthew 7:16 – We can know a MAKE BELIEVER by their FRUIT
668 Galatians 5:22-23 – FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control;
669 Ephesians 4:12 – Gifts are for the PERFECTING of the saints and the building up of the body of Christ
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Lip Service: Are you just going through the motions, having only “a form of Godliness”?670 Is God’s word spoken through your mouth, but not spoken in your actions? We are told to examine ourselves before we take part in communion;671 do we have unconfessed sin? Do we need a “course correction” in our life?
God does not have any STEP CHILDREN; only Children. You are NOT a child of God because your Mama is, life is Choice Driven. Are you a Believer or a Make-Believer?
Description of a Believer
How can you identify a Christian? You will know them by their fruits, their works;672 your checkbook will tell you where your heart is. We do NOT do good WORKS to BE saved; we do good WORKS because we ARE saved.
The Sermon on the Mount is not about promises of blessings to the child of God, but is a DESCRIPTION of the child of God.673 NOTE: Seven in the Bible is the number for completeness.
1) They are not proud in spirit; they know that they are spiritually bankrupt and can offer God nothing.
2) They mourn over perishing souls; they anguish over sins of others, they want righteousness to prevail and have compassion for injustice and afflictions.
3) They are meek, mild and kind; bearing patiently. They do not murmur or seek power and they accept opposition, insults and provocations.
4) They Hunger and thirst to do God’s will; to know Christ and to make Christ known.
5) They are merciful because they themselves have received mercy and compassion and show this compassion and mercy even when it not convenient. They do not show mercy to get mercy.
6) They are pure in heart with singleness of purpose, there is no hidden motives or self-interest,
they are utterly sincere in their faith.
7) They are peacemakers, not only keeping the peace, but bringing men into harmony with each
other. They Work to calm the waters fulling knowing that many will resent their efforts.
The Plan
God has put into effect the Plan of Salvation and has offered it freely to all; some by their own FREE WILL choice will ultimately reject it. No one is “forced” to receive the Free Gift to enter the family of God; your Life is Choice Driven.
The Holy Spirit plants the Seed within the Believer, We get to water it and God does the harvesting as He separates the weeds from the wheat. Sadly; even though the Seed is sown in all people, some hearts are just too hard for the seed to take root, people are just too concerned with the cares of this world enabling Satan to steal their seed.674
Does unbelief in God nullify His existence?675 Shake your fist in the air, kick up dust, tear your clothes, shout obscenities; none of this nullifies the existence God.
The Atheist would say, “Show me where God is” and I would say, “Show me where God isn’t”. The Grand Reunion is when our spirit personalities re-unite with our bodies; some old, some new and spend everlasting eternity somewhere. The eternal destiny of the individual soul is settled, established and fixed before his death and is irrevocable. We will have Infinite happiness or indescribable distress; all who are in hell have chosen it.
The Decision to follow Christ is not “Fire Insurance” to find a “loop hole” to avoid Hell, but is the seriousness of living out a life that is pleasing to God. It’s not enough that the Believer has been saved from the fate of Hell; but they are also called to mourn over perishing souls, to anguish over sin,
670 2 Timothy 3:2-5 - MAKE BELIEVERS have only a form of Godliness
671 1 Corinthians 11:27-28 – EXAMINE YOURSELF, confess your sins
672 Matthew 7:20 – You will know a believer by their fruits
673 Matthew 5:3-9 – Sermon taught by Jesus on the Mountain; the Beatitudes
674 Mark 4:4-7 – Those with Hard Hearts caught up in the cares of the world; Satan will steal their Seed of Salvation
675 Romans 3:3-4 – Unbelief does not nullify the faithfulness of God.
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to want righteousness to prevail, to have compassion for injustice and afflictions, to reach out in tears, prayers and actions to those who are still perishing in an effort to keep their name from being blotted out of the BOOK OF LIFE. The wages of sin is death and one day there will be a PAY DAY.676
Everyone’s name has already been written in the BOOK OF LIFE, but it’s up to us individually to CHOOSE whether our name stays there or is blotted out.677
By your words you are acquitted or condemned
But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment
for every careless (blasphemous) word they have spoken.
For by your words you will be acquitted,
and by your words you will be condemned. 678
For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.679
676 Revelation 20:15 – Name NOT found written in the Book of Life thrown into the lake of fire
677 Revelation 3:5 – He who overcomes, I Will not BLOT his name out of the book of life -- John 6:36-37 - Whoever comes to God,
He will never cast out
678 Matthew 12:34-37 - The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.”
679 Luke 6:45 – For the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.
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Chapter 7. 21
Churches, Doctrines & Dominations
Where did the Church come from?
Why do we have doctrines that divide us?
Where did the denominations come from?
Where did the Church come from?
In the beginning, the Kingdom of God was; God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.680 “Three”.
God sent His Son who taught the Government of God and the Gospel to the twelve Disciples.681 Then God sent out seventy evangelist,682 then started the first church in A.D. 31 with about one hundred and twenty believers.683 Shortly after that, there were about three thousand believers,684 now there are millions.
Jesus was the first “Son of God” and now, we that believe are also “sons of God” and are part of the Family of God, the Church of God, and the kingdom of God.685
Matthew 28:19-20 – It was Jesus that commissioned the church
19 therefore GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. NIV
Colossians 1:18 – “God the Son” is Head of the Church
18 and (Jesus) HE IS THE HEAD OF THE BODY, the church;
he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in
everything he might have the supremacy. NIV
Matthew 11:1 – Jesus teaches the first church pastors
1 after Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in the towns of galilee.
John 16:29-30 – Jesus makes His plan clear
29 then Jesus’ disciples said,
"Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech.
30 now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even
need to have anyone ask you questions... you came from God." NIV
680 John 1:1 – Beginning – The kingdom was God and Jesus -- Genesis 1:2 – Plus the Holy Spirit; the Kingdom of God
681 Luke 6:13 – God chose the first pastors -- Matthew 10:1 – He gives authority to the twelve -- Mark 16:20 – Sends out the TWELVE
682 Luke 10:1 – Jesus sends out SEVENTY evangelist
683 Acts 1:15 – He starts a church with ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY people
684 Acts 6:7 – The Word of God spreads rapidly -- Acts 2:41 – THREE THOUSAND accept Christ -- Acts 2:46-47 – God adds to their
number daily -- Romans 8:14-16 – Believers become part of the Kingdom of God
685 Acts 2:42-45 – Believers devote themselves to God and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
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QUESTION: Why are there so many denominations? God’s Church in the scriptures seems pretty straight forward, why aren’t we all just called GOD’S CHURCH?
Divisions started immediately in the church based on their interpretation of doctrine and the MIXING of doctrine with tradition like circumcision, & ceremonial washing. (Read that twice) Gradually the early church became layered with extra hierarchy of church officials.
The Catholic Church evolved with the Pope at the top then cardinals, archbishops, bishops and finally priests and is laden with false doctrine mixed with tradition. They produced their own modified version of the Bible.
At some point the Government got involved and began to control the church. Then a breaking away or rebellion started with leaders such as Martin Luther, John Wesley, and John Calvin concerning doctrine; let’s take a look at a few of the differences in dominations.
Assembly of God: Belief that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are still active. The Pentecostal distinction is of the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. If you are saved, you should speak in tongues.
Baptist were known as Anabaptist (re-baptizers) because of their rejection of Infant Salvation baptism. They follow John’s the Baptist’s method of baptism (Full Emersion) and salvation through faith alone.
Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy; they embrace seven synonyms, life, truth, love, spirit, soul principal & mind, claiming man & the universe are spiritual & not physical and practice the belief in the “awaking of moral thought” for healing; there are no appeals to a personal god.
Church of God in Christ was founded by a few Baptist and was heavily influenced by William J. Seymour’s, Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles with speaking in tongues and the Pentecostal movement. There are many variations of the name and practice of the “Church of God”.
Congregational Church: Government by the local congregation, their government fulfills what the early church did without the layers of administration as in the Catholic Church.
Jehovah Witness Church point to the panel of men of the “Watchtower Society” that, re-write their changing doctrine as “new light” is made available to them; they have their own NWT bible.
Lutheran Church founded by Martin Luther who led the break away from the Catholic Church over church doctrine. He nailed his Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences to the door of the Castle Church, in Wittenberg.
Methodist Church founded by John Wesley; promoted the “method” of orderly life and Holy Living and the Reformed doctrine of “Justification by Faith.”
Mormon Church founded by their prophet Joseph Smith and his book of Mormon that “corrects” the errors in the Bible. Practice baptism for the dead; Salvation is achieved by obedience to the Mormon laws and ordinances through works; they will become gods.
Presbyterian Church follow John Calvin and the doctrine of predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation of the human soul from death and eternal damnation. They are governed by the presbytery of ministers in control. They get their name from Acts 14:23; “Presbyteros” which means “Elder”. Elders take part in pastoral care and decision making at all levels; Deacons care for the members and community. The church has split up over doctrine interpretation; there are two major dominations, PCA (Conservative) and PCUSA (Liberal)
Seventh Day Adventist founded by their prophet Ellen G. White, her writings are considered “a continuing and authoritative source of truth”. Distinguished by their strict observance of the Saturday Sabbath. Belief that they are the end time remnant as announced by “the three angels” of Revelation 14:6-12.
Unification Church founded by their prophet the Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1954 in Korea - Claims he is the savior of the world and embodies the second coming of Christ. They believe in a “Universal God” with a literal kingdom on earth and embrace a holistic concern for the person, society and nature. A belief system with no boundaries or limits.
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Doctrines that drive you crazy
Study this Book of Instruction continually so that you can rightly divide the word of Truth.
Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it, then you will prosper and succeed in all you do.686 It’s in the Book.
Do you really want to get closer to God? Would you really like to know Jesus better? Are you willing to TITHE SOME TIME to study the deep mysteries of the Bible for yourself? If so, you will suddenly see the self-inflicted fog lift that you have been walking around in without even realizing it.
There was a group of OPEN MINDED Berean Jews that were commended for checking the scriptures to see if what they believed was really in the Book.
Acts 17:11 – Those with open minds searched the scriptures
11 And the people of Berea were more OPEN-MINDED than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES DAY AFTER DAY to see if Paul and Silas were TEACHING THE TRUTH.
There are many just like you that have a passion for the Word and have read controversial and
sometimes conflicting commentaries on the internet. Everyone has BS, a Belief System, and when you study, sometimes your BS gets a course correction.
Pick just one of the following CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS, study it and discuss it with a friend; the book say Iron sharpens Iron.687 Once you do this, you will get hooked on the controversial and as the fog lifts, you will study another and another. I did this and have now posted over 400 on the internet; what I write is not infallible, but it’s a good start for your own personal Word studies. Let the controversial be FUN, don’t let is become DIVISIVE and grieve the Holy Spirit. We only know in part now, but when Christ returns we will see clearly.
Advent of Christ – The second coming; once, twice or not at all; Spiritual or just Symbolic? Angels – Are Angels involved in our everyday life today; do we become Angels when we die? Anti-Christ & False Prophet – Real or symbolic; are they already here or come and gone? Baptism for infants – Can you baptize babies into salvation?
Baptism for the dead – Can you obtain salvation after death for the lost?
Battle of Armageddon – Real, Spiritual or symbolic or may have already happened?
Bible inerrancy – Does the Bible contain errors; if so what are they?
Chanting, Speaking in tongues, breath prayers – Is this Biblical?
Christ Killers – Who killed Christ?
Christmas and Easter – Do these observances actually have their roots deep in pagan rituals?
Communication with the dead – Can we communicate with dead relatives?
Communion – Does Communion wine actually become blood and the bread the body of Christ?
Conditional election – Has God set conditions for election to salvation?
Confessions – Can confessing sin to another man or Priest get “forgiveness” of sin?
Covenant – Are we under the old covenant, the new covenant or both?
Crowns – How many crowns are to be given to the saints; how can you wear more than one?
Demons - Are Demons relevant today; are they just symbolic or Mythology?
Diversity in Religion – Is cross pollination, homogenization of ways to worship God a good thing?
Divine election - Did God create some men to go to hell and others to go to heaven?
Forgiveness of sin - Can someone other than Christ forgive sin?
Free Will – Does man actually have free will to accept or reject Christ?
686 2 Timothy 2:15 – STUDY to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that is not ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth --
Joshua 1:8 - STUDY this Book of Instruction continually. MEDITATE on it day and night so you will be sure to OBEY everything
written in it, then you will prosper and succeed in all you do.
687 Proverbs 27:17 - As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.
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Healing – Can we receive supernatural healing today?
Hell, Hades, Purgatory, Sheol, Gehenna; is the Abyss, Paradise, Abraham’s Bosom real ?
Images of Saints – Are Prayers to images of the saints for intercession in one’s life Biblical?
Intercession – Do you need a priest or Mary the mother of Jesus, to intercede for you?
Irresistible grace – Is salvation in God’s timing; can man resist the call of the Holy Spirit?
Israel – What is the Christians responsibility toward the Jews and Israel?
Judgment – Is there more than one Judgment?
Kingdom of God – Is the Kingdom of God here now on earth or in the future sometime?
Limited Atonement – Were the sins of the “Elect” the only sins atoned for on the cross?
Man can be God – Was God a man before He achieved the God head?
Masonic Order – Can a man be a Mason and a Christian too?
Millennium Reign – Does Christ come back before or after “the thousand years” of peace?
Nirvana – Is “endless rest” taught or implied in the scriptures?
Once saved, always saved – You cannot lose your salvation; or can you?
One world religion – Is this a thing of the Past or is it Future or only symbolic?
Operation of the Gifts of the Spirit today – Did the gifts cease with the Apostles?
Paying penances – Can you pay for prayer to get someone out of purgatory?
Payments or promises to tithe – Can you pay for a pardon to receive salvation?
Perseverance of the Saints – Will those “called” continue communion with Christ till the end?
Predestination – Are some, from eternity, called or rejected by God and it can’t be changed?
Prophets – Can we have modern day prophets?
Punishment – Are there degrees of punishment for the lost?
Purgatory – Is the doctrine of an existence of “purgatory” in the Bible?
Rapture of the saints – Is the term Rapture in the Bible? Is it actual or the imagination of man?
Reincarnation – Is reincarnation Biblical, of having many lives on many levels till you get life right?
Replacement Theology – Has the Gentiles replaced the Jews as the Chosen People?
Resistances to Sin – Does man have the ability to overcome sin in his life?
Resurrection – How many are there?
Rewards – Are there levels of position and rewards for the believers at the resurrection?
Sabbath Day – Is it Saturday or Sunday or just pick one day a week or is it no longer required?
Salvation – Is it by letters of pardon, by penance of money, by Works or only by God’s grace?
Satan – Is Satan real or just symbolic of evil?
Ten Commandments – Do we now operate only under New Testament commandments?
The Holy Spirit – Is He a real person or just spiritual?
Tithe – Is the tithe a New Testament doctrine? Is it Gross or net? Is it Time, money or both?
Total Atonement – Did Christ die on the cross for everyone in the world, or just some?
Total depravity – Is man unable morally to choose to follow God because of his own sin?
Tribulation for 7 years – Is the tribulation period primarily for the Jews?
Trinity – Are there three different Gods? Where is the word Trinity in the Bible?
Unconditional election – Did God by His grace chooses who He will draw to Himself?
Unpardonable sin – Is there really a sin which cannot be forgiven?
Virgin Mary’s Mother – Was Mary’s Mother a virgin also?
Will of God – Can we know the “will” of God on certain issues?
144,000 witnesses – Who are they; are they all just Jews?
200 million man army – Who are they’ real or just symbolic?
Pick just one topic
Study some commentaries
Write it down, Share it and Lift the fog.
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Which is the True Church?
Question: Which Church is the right Church?
Answer: The Church that governs and leads the congregation according to Bible scripture, verse upon verse, precept upon precept. What that means is that you have to study for yourself to find out what the Bible says.
Problem: Most Christians can’t tell you anything about their domination’s doctrines and furthermore don’t care one way or the other. Most folks do not want to study for themselves but want you to just tell them what the true doctrines are. I dare say they will finally wind up as a member of a church where they find themselves comfortable and embracing doctrines that are not taught in the Word and rejecting others that are.
Sad Note; without realizing it, man is willingly ignorant of God and will just join the church that is closest or the one their friends go to. Once I was excitingly sharing with a friend about a new church that all our friends were going to. He said, “Paul, It only matters to me where I go to church”, I have never forgotten it.
Rarely do folk select a Church for spiritual reasons, they usually go where their children go or where their parents went or where some people have extended themselves to them and have make them feel included. Just for fun, think about it, what doctrine caused you to join a church? What doctrine caused you to leave a church? Probably never crossed your mind.
Bible Versions
Question: Which version of the Bible is best?
Answer; the one you will read.
In my youth, the King James Bible was difficult for me to follow and I struggled to keep my mind from wandering off, but it surely brought me to salivation; I must note that there are PURIST out there who are KJV BIBLE ONLY advocates. When you hear the words; the Bible is without Error, they are referring to the original manuscripts, not the cornucopia of translations.
It should be noted that as new manuscripts are found, new enlighten comes to the top of what the people were thinking when the writings occurred. In an effort to bring these findings forward, it requires a complete new version of the Bible, but the new version must have significant changes to be accepted and accredited. Sadly this is accomplished by leaving some verses completely out or writing a verse in the negative instead of the positive and many other methods just to meet the “significant change” criteria.
Forty years ago I traded in my KJV Bible for a version called the Living Bible; although paraphrased it was so easy to read in today’s modern English, that it radically changed my Christian walk. Since then I have read numerous other versions, cover to cover, some paraphrased and some actual translations.
In 2015 I found the New Living Translation, which is an update to the Living Bible and is an actual translation of the Bible, not just paraphrased. It added even more growth to my Christian walk; however, I must confess that I do miss the flavor that the KJV Bible presented, but I will trade that any day for gaining new understanding, knowledge and wisdom.
Don’t be confused with the New World Translation Bible which was first published in 1961 by the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society; the NWT is chloroform in print.
If you don’t have a Bible yet, I encourage you to start with the NLT.
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In the multitude of counselors,
there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14
I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders
and see further that I otherwise ever could have.
*Christianity and Islam – Bill Maher
*Christianity and Islam –
*Islam – Barron’s
*Islam and the Bible - David Goldmann
*Islam to Christianity - Dr. Nabeel Qureshi
*Jesus or Muhammad - David Wood
*Muslim’s Paradise -
*Qur’an - Mario Joseph
*Quran Verses -
100 Bible topics – Marvin Hunt
101 Q&A on Demon Powers – Dr. Lester Sumrall
90 Minutes in Heaven – Don Piper
A Commentary, Critical, Experimental and Practical – Erdman’s
A Grief Observed – C.S. Lewis
A Planned Deception; Staging of a New Age Messiah – Constance Cumbey
A Survey of Israel’s History - Wood
All the Miracles of the Bible – Herbert Lockyer
All the Women of the Bible – Edith Deen
An expository Dictionary of Biblical Words – W. E. Vine
Angels A-Z – Lewis Oliver
Angels: Gods Secret Agents – Billy Graham
Antiquity of the Jews – Flavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha – Goodspeed
Arithmetic of God; The – Don Iistler
Armageddon-Appointment with Destiny – Grant R. Jeffrey
Baptism Commentary – John Harvey
Behind the Lost Symbol – Tim Collins
Bible almanac, The – Packer-Tenny-White
Bible Code, the – Michael Drosnin
Bible on the life Hereafter, The – William Hendriksen
Bible Study Tools – Crosswalk
Book of Bible List – Meredith’s
Can America Survive? – John Hagee
Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry – CARM -
Commentary on Matthew - David Gorman
Commentary on Matthew – John Harvey
Commentary on Matthew – Michael Gorman
Complete Book of Bible Knowledge; The – Mark D. Taylor
Countdown to Armageddon, the 1980’s – Hal Lyndsay
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Customs and Folkways of Jewish Life – Theodor H. Gaster
Dead Sea Scrolls Translated; The – Florentino Garcia Martinez
Doctrine of Last Things – Dr. John Harvey
Encounters with Angels – L. W. Northrup
Escape from Armageddon – Thomas Reed
Exposition of Genesis – H.C. Leupold
Exposition of the Parables – Benjamin Kench
Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein
Fascinating Bible Facts – Howard & Burger
Girls of the Bible – Harvey Albert Snyder
Final Dawn over Jerusalem – John Hagee
Five Points of Calvinism; The – WJ Seaton
Forgotten Books of Eden, the - World
From Daniel to Doomsday – John Hagee
Gambling and the Lottery – Tony Evans
Gospel in the Stars; The – Joseph A. Seiss
Great Doctrines of the Bible – Soteriology – W.A. Criswell
Great Pyramid Decoded; The – Peter Lemesurier
Great Pyramid Prophecy in Stone; The – N. W. Hutchings
Great Pyramid, Proof of God – George R. Riffert
Guide to Survival – Salem Kirban
Haven’t you Heard? There’s A War going on! – Eldred Echols
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The – Constance Cumbey
Hiram Key, The (Masonic) – Christopher Knight/Robert Lomas
Illustrated Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The - Tyndale
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Facts – Packer-Tenney-White
Illustrated Manners and Customs of the Bible – Packer-Tenney
In the beginning was the End – Wim Malgo
International Dictionary of the Bible; The New – Douglas-Tenney
Invisible War; The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
Jerusalem Countdown – John Hagee
Josephus – Jewish Historian
King James Version Bible - KJV
Koinonia House – Chuck Missler
Last Days collection, The – Pretty Good Publishing
Late Great Planet Earth, The – Hal Lindsey
Lost Books of the Bible, The – World
Lost Books of the Bible; The – Bell
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Message Bible; The – MES
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mormon Mirage; The – Latayne Colvett Scott
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Mystery Mark of the New Age – Texe Mars
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
New International Version Bible – NIV
New King James Bible – NKJV
New Millennium; The – Pat Robertson
NIV Harmony of the Gospels; The – Thomas; Gundry
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Book 7 Great Pyramid – Tower of Babel – Zodiac - Qur’an – Kabbalah
Nostradamvs & the Millennivm – John Hogue
One Minute after you Die – Erwin W. Lutzer
Parables of Jesus; The – J. Dwight Pentecost
Parables of the Kingdom; The – John MacArthur
Paradise Commentary – Dr. Karl McCallister
Person and work of the Holy Spirit; The – R.A. Torrey
Real meaning of the Zodiac; The – D. James Kennedy
Revelation of Jesus Christ, The – Walvoord
Revelation Seminar; The – 1975 - Hilton Sutton Revelation Study; The - 1973 – Dr. Warren Wiersbe Revelation, verse by verse; The – Oliver B. Green Satan’s Underground – Lauren Stratford
Satanism – Ted Schwarz & Duane Empey
Secret Kingdom; The – Pat Robertson
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Systematic Theology – Stanley M. Horton
Temple Institute; The
Theomatics – Jerry Lucas-Del Washburn
There’s a war going on – Eldred Echols
Thru the Bible commentary – J. Vernon McGee
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible – Guideposts
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible – T. A. Gryant
Victor Journey through the Bible; The - Beers
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament - MacDonald
What is Reformed Theology? – RC Sproul
Where To Find It In The Bible – Ken Anderson
Who’s Who and Where’s Where – Stephen M. Miller
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Whose Bible is it? – Jaroslav Pelikan
Why do Catholics do that? – Kevin Orlin Johnson
Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Witchcraft, puppets and Voodoo – Irene A. Park
Within Heaven’s Gates – Rebecca Springer
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