
Friday, April 21, 2023

Book III - Angels – Satan – Sons of God – Nephilim – Demons - Reincarnation – Garden of Eden – Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel


Book 3 Angels Satan Nephilim Demons Garden of Eden IT’S IN THE BOOK




Angels Satan Sons of God Nephilim Demons - Reincarnation

Garden of Eden Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel

All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness.
- 2 Timothy 3:1

Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman

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Book 3 Angels Satan Nephilim Demons Garden of Eden IT’S IN THE BOOK It’s in the

Book III

Angels Satan Sons of God - Nephelim Demons Pre-existence Reincarnation Garden of Eden

Topical Index

For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1


  1. 1)  Two Yahweh’s - Heavenly Counsel - Sons of God Polytheism Demigods Rulers 3

  2. 2)  Angels - Choirs Titles Categories Bodies Wings Seraphim Cherubim - Fallen 17

  3. 3)  Michael Arch Angel Christophany The Great Prince 22

  4. 4)  Giants; Nephilim - Sons of God Zamzummims Anakites Sabeans Rephaims 25

  5. 5)  Satan - Who is Satan Why is Satan Where is Satan Why is he allowed to continue? 28

  6. 6)  Satan Three Trick Pony - Desires of the Flesh - Desires of the Eyes - Pride of lifestyle 34

  7. 7)  Satan Father of Cain Serpent Seed Kenite Doctrine Twinning Shape Shifters 37

  8. 8)  Satan’s Flood Gap Theory 1st Earth Age Darkness Judgment - 2nd Earth Age 44

  9. 9)  Demons Myth or Fact - Witchcraft Familiar Spirits Secret Arts Fallen Angels 51

  10. 10)  Necromancy Dead consulting - Reincarnation Transmigration Shape Shifters 60

  11. 11)  Tormenting Spirits - Does God punish with depression for the sin of disobedience? 66

  12. 12)  Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered Possessed/Oppressed Free & Bound Spirits 70

  13. 13)  Ghost Busters Haunted House - Demon - Dead People Mortal, Immortal, Eternal 75

  14. 14)  Raising the Dead Resurrections Today Ten Bible Resurrections Purpose 82

  15. 15)  Reincarnation Soul Sleep Karma Feng Shui Divine Incarnation Purgatory 86

  16. 16)  Pre-existence - Reincarnation Transmigration Body, Soul, Spirit Kabballah 92

  17. 17)  Pre-existence Revisited - Did we exist somewhere before we were born on earth? 98

  18. 18)  Two Adams in Genesis - 1611 KJV Bible - Creation of the Races - Transgender; Unisex 100

  19. 19)  Garden of Eden - Is there such a place? - Has it ever been found? 107

  20. 20)  Tree of Life Location - Restrictions? - Why didn’t God reveal all the tree’s benefits? 111

  21. 21)  Eve; Tempted, Humbled, Redeemed - The Dirty Dastardly Deed - The Blame Game 114

  22. 22)  Cain & Abel Were they twins? - What was wrong with Cain’s offering? 124


1 1 Corinthians 13:12

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Chapter 3.1

Two Yahweh’s

Polytheism Demigods Two Councils of God Theophany Christophany Thrones Powers Principalities Rulers Dominions Authorities

Setting the Stage

As students of the Book we approach it with a boat load of BS; a Belief System which filters

the way we read God’s Word. “I believe this, therefore the Bible must teach it.” What you are goingtoreadisaMINDGRENADE,andit’sgoingtogoblowupyourBS. Iamaskingyoutoconsider for this study, the possibility that the scriptures that are normally viewed as SYMBOLIC, may indeed actually be LITERAL.

If the supernatural is removed from the Bible, our FAITH in our salvation and our resurrection to a new life with Jesus Christ is all in vain. There are so many things of the supernatural that we as Christians DO embrace, but there are so many other things we keep at arm’s length because of what we have always heard; it’s all just a part of our Belief System.

The Disciples considered the parents bringing their children to Jesus for a blessing, was a distraction to Him while He was teaching, and they made an effort to stop them. Realizing this was a TEACHING MOMENT, Jesus said, LET THEM STAY, for those who are like these children will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. What’s going on here?

Children are teachable, their minds are open as they are just beginning to develop their BS, their Belief System. Jesus is just saying to His followers; OPEN UP YOUR MINDS.2

God physically on Earth
Theophany is a manifestation of the God YAHWEH during the Old Testament period that was in

a visible physical human form, tangible to the human senses.

The appearances of God while in VISIONS looked different to each human mind as they perceived their concept of God. Ezekiel saw a wheel, Isaiah saw a lofty throne with a robe with a long train. Nebuchadnezzar saw a Fourth Man in the fiery furnace that looked like a God. Hagar saw Him as an Angel of the Lord. Adam walked & spoke to Him as a human person.

Christophany is the manifestation of Jesus Christ during the Old Testament period before He wasbornofwomanthatwasinavisiblephysicalhumanform,tangibletothehumansenses. Joshua saw Him as the Commander of the Lord’s army. Abraham saw Him as Melchizedek King of

Salem who was the Priest of God Most High.

The Book teaches that Christ came to earth at various times before the New Testament period. Many times He is referred to as The angel of the Lord” or “the Son of God” and in Genesis as “THE WORD”.3

2 Mark 10:13-15 Come as a child comes believing to his daddy
3 Genesis 3:8 ADAM AND EVE walked with God in the Garden -- Ezekiel 1:3-10 EZEKIEL’S mind/spirit saw God as a wheel-- Isaiah 6:1 ISAIAH’S mind/spirit saw Christ in a long robe -- Genesis 14:18 ABRAHAM saw Melchizedek King of Jerusalem. -- Hebrews 7:3 Jesus is Without Genealogy, Without Beginning or End -- Genesis 16:7 saw the Angel of The Lord -- Genesis 32:24- 30 - JACOB wrestles & sees the Glory of Jesus -- John 12:41 ISAIAH saw HAGAR the Glory of Jesus -- Joshua 5:13-14 JOSHUA worships Jesus; the Army Commander -- Daniel 3:25 NEBUCHADNEZZAR sees the Fourth Man as a god

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The Beginning

In eternity past, in the very beginning, nothing else existed except God in THREE dimensions 1) God the Spirit that indwells the hearts of Believers, and 2) God the Father; YAHWEH the ONLY God of Israel, and 3) God the Son; God’s only “begotten” son in physical human flesh. Jesus of Nazarene was also known as the Christ and most especially as THE WORD.

The term “begotten” comes from the Greek word “mono genos” suggesting uniqueness; it actually means He is “ONE OF A KIND”; so when speaking of Jesus as ONE of the Sons of God, He is unique among them and stands alone; He is ONE OF A KIND” among all the others.

YAHWEH never does anything until He reveals his plans first to His servants; the Prophets. He not only appeared in human form as Jesus in the New Testament, He also appeared physically numerous times in the Old Testament to the Kings as well as the Prophets.

The Book says; in the beginning “the Wordalready existed. The Wordwas with God, and “the Word” WAS GOD, so when you see “the Word” in scripture coming to someone, IT IS LITERALLY Jesus the Christ “the Word” appearing to someone in visible physical human flesh.

What we must picture here is that we have simultaneously TWO YAHWEH’S; one YAHWEH image that is spiritual invisible in heaven and one YAHWEH image that is physically visible on earth.4

There are Two YAHWEH’s. Did your mind just explode? It’s in the Book Sons of God

- Genesis 6:2 Angelic Divine Sons of God in Heaven

2 the SONS OF GOD saw the beautiful women and took any they

wanted as their wives. (NLT)

Mankind - John 1:12 Humanity that believe will become Sons of God 12 But AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, to them He gave power to BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, even to them that believe on his name:

Deity - John 11:27 Jesus is the Messiah; The Son of God

27 Yes, Lord (Jesus), she (Martha) told him. “I have always believed


has come into the world from God.” (NLT)

4 John 1:1-4 In the Beginning, Jesus the Word Was the Visible Yahweh -- John 1:14 Jesus; the Word Became A Physical Human -- Matthew 1:23 – Jesus’s Name Is Immanuel; Meaning God Is with Us -- Colossians 1:15Jesus the Visible Image of the Invisible Yahweh -- Amos 3:7 Jesus Yahweh; Before He Acts Comes To His Prophets -- Genesis 15:1 The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Abram -- 1 Chronicles 22:8 - This Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Me (David) -- 1 Kings 6:11 The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Solomon -- 1 Kings 16:1 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Jehu -- 1 Kings 13:1 The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Jeroboam -- 1 Samuel 15:10 The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came to Samuel -- 1 Kings 12:22 This Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Shemaiah -- 1 Kings 13:20 The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To the Old Prophet -- 1 Kings 17:2 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Elijah -- 1 Chronicles 17:3 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Nathan -- Isaiah 38:4 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Isaiah -- Jeremiah 1:11 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came to Jeremiah -- Hosea 1:1 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) That Came To Hosea -- Joel 1:1 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) That Came To Joel -- Ezekiel 1:3 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Ezekiel -- Jonah 1:1 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To Jonah -- Micah 1:1 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) That Came To Micah -- Zephaniah 1:1 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) That Came To Zephaniah -- Haggai 1:1 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came Through the Prophet -- Zechariah 1:1 - The Word of the LORD (Jesus) Came To the Prophet Zechariah -- Luke 3:2 - The Word of God (Jesus) Came To John the Baptist

"Sons of God(Bene Elohim) is a phrase used in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocrypha and the

Kabbalah where the Sons of God are considered as a part of Jewish ANGELIC HIERARCHIES; they are referred to as A) Divine beings in heavenly places. B) Sons of God are also known as physical

Human beings on earth. Both were made by God, but their similarity ends there; their function in the plan of God are totally different as the Book reveals. C) Jesus is also called the Son of God

which is even more different. HOLD THESE THOUGHTS


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Other gods
Before we go any further, I want to look back on scripture noting the many, many times that the

Book shows people carving an idol out of a piece of wood and then worshiping it. We know this is SILLY if not STUPID, because what kind of god can be made with human hands? The notion of the existence of another god is just IGNORANT SUPERSTITION passed down in ERROR by some worldview generation tradition.5

The Book instructs us to not think of our God as an idol designed by some craftsmen made of gold or silver or stone, because it is in our God that we live and move and exist; ‘We are his offspring.”6 NOTE: The Book did NOT say that there are NOT any other gods, it said idols made by human

hands were NOT gods.7 Hold that thought

Fence Post Theology

When you see scripture on a subject that plants a fence post that seems to be OUT OF LINE, your Belief System takes over and assigns a biblical view to it that pulls the fence post back in line, but when you see several scriptures that say the same thing with ALL the fence post lining up differently, you have to think, either I am wrong or the Book is wrong.

Such is our thought on demigods or little gods; it’s just hard to accept that there are other gods till we see what God has already said 25 plus times in His Book; there ARE other gods and YAHWEH CREATED them; when you embrace what the Book says, then the fence post begin to line up.

It’s in the Book



Exodus 23:13 13 Pay close attention to all my instructions.


not even speak their names. (NLT)

Deuteronomy 6:14 14 You must not worship any of the



John 10:35 35 If HE CALLED THEM ‘GODS,’ to whom the word of God came and SCRIPTURE CANNOT BE SET ASIDE (NIV2011)
1 Corinthians 8:5 5 For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth as INDEED THERE ARE MANY “GODS” and many “lords” (ESV)

John 10:34 34 Jesus replied, “It is written in your own Scriptures that God said to CERTAIN LEADERS of the people,
‘I say, YOU ARE GODS!’ (NLT)
Daniel 3:25 25 He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a

Daniel 2:11 11 The king’s demand is impossible. No one except THE GODS CAN TELL YOU YOUR DREAM,
and they do not live here among people.”(NLT)

5 Jeremiah 10:14 Its stupid and ignorant to worship an idol; no breath in them -- Habakkuk 2:18-19 – It’s foolish to carve an idol out of speechless, lifeless stone or wood and then worship it -- Psalm 135:15-17 – The Nation’s Idols are lifeless and dead; cannot speak, see, hear or breath
6 Acts 17:28-29 We live, move and exist in God, He is not an idol designed by craftsmen

7 2 Kings 19:18 Idols shaped by human hands are not gods at all -- Jeremiah 10:5 Idols do neither evil nor good; cannot walk and

must be carried

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Deuteronomy 32:17 17 They sacrificed to false GODS, which are not GOD - GODS they had not known, GODS that recently appeared,

GODS your ancestors did not fear. (NIV2011)

Exodus 12:12 12 On that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and strike down every firstborn son and firstborn male animal in the land of Egypt. I will execute judgment against all the
GODS OF EGYPT, for I am the LORD!


2 Chronicles 25:20 20 Amaziah, however, would not listen, for God

so worked that he might deliver them into the hands of Jehoash,

because they sought the GODS OF EDOM. (NIV2011)

1 Chronicles 14:12 12 The PHILISTINES had abandoned their GODS there, and David gave orders to burn them in the fire.


Isaiah 36:19 19 Where are the GODS OF HAMATH and


they rescued Samaria from my hand? (NIV2011)

Judges 10:6 6 Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD. They served THE BAALS and THE ASHTORETHS, and the
GODS OF ARAM, the GODS OF SIDON, the GODS OF MOAB, the GODS OF THE AMMONITES and the GODS OF THE PHILISTINES. And because the Israelites forsook the LORD and no longer served him,


2 Kings 18:34 34 Where are the GODS OF HAMATH and


GODS OF HENA and GODS OF IVVAH? Have they rescued Samaria

from my hand? (NIV2011)

2 Kings 19:12 12 Did the GODS OF THE NATIONS that were

destroyed by my predecessors deliver them


the people of Eden who were in Tel Assar? (NIV2011)


Deuteronomy 3:24 24 O Sovereign LORD, you have only begun to show your greatness and the strength of your hand to me, your servant. IS THERE ANY GOD IN HEAVEN OR ON EARTH who can perform such great and mighty deeds as you do?


1 Kings 8:23 23 and he prayed, “O LORD, GOD OF ISRAEL,

THERE IS NO GOD LIKE YOU in all of heaven above or on the earth

below. You keep your covenant and show unfailing love to all who

walk before you in wholehearted devotion. (NLT)

Daniel 2:47 47 The king said to Daniel, “Surely your
GOD IS THE GOD OF GODS and the Lord of kings and a revealer of

mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery.” (NIV2011)

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Deuteronomy 10:17 17 For THE LORD YOUR GOD IS THE

GOD OF GODS and Lord of lords. He is the great God, the mighty

and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed. (NLT)

Exodus 15:11 11 WHO IS LIKE YOU AMONG THE GODS, O LORDglorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders? (NLT)
Psalm 86:8 8 AMONG THE GODS THERE IS NONE LIKE YOU, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours (NIV2011)

Psalm 95:3 3 For THE LORD IS A GREAT GOD, a great King ABOVE ALL GODS (NLT)
Psalm 96:4 4 Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! HE IS TO BE FEARED ABOVE ALL GODS. (NLT)

Exodus 18:11 11 Now I know that THE LORD IS GREATER THAN ALL OTHER GODS, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly.” (NIV2011)
Psalm 97:9 9 For you, O LORD, are supreme over all the earth; YOU ARE EXALTED FAR ABOVE ALL GODS. (NLT)

God’s Unseen Family
The Book speaks of YAHWEH as being the Lord God Most High. Is the Book speaking of

God as being higher than all of the other gods; could there really be other gods? Is this scripture teaching us POLYTHEISM? Our Belief System says that there are NO other gods, there is only THE ONE TRUE GOD, YAHWEH, all the rest are just MAKE-BELIEVE gods just like in Greek Mythology.8

The Book is not teaching POLYTHEISM, but it IS teaching that God through Jesus Christ CREATED everything that there is in the visible EARTHLY REALM as well as in the invisible HEAVENLY REALM and that includes OTHER DIVINE BEINGS known as the “Sons of God”; they are all part of God’s unseen non-human family. Some are made for the express purpose of ruling over specific nations. The term “Sons of Godplays an important role throughout the Book.

Angels not immune to Sin
Angles were made perfect, pure, holy and Godly and with FREE WILL, but were without an

immunity to sin. With all their privileges, honor and status, they became dissatisfied and Satan wasted no time in taking advantage of their situation. As soon as he corrupted one-third of the angels in heaven, he then started in on the earth with God’s greatest creation, Adam and Eve AND in God’s very own Garden at that.

You must get this, if Satan could involve the angels and mankind in sin, he would be placing them in the same category as he was; he did not believe God would judge his greatest creations and punish them; causing them to endure Hell fire forever and ever. Satan would only be just one of the crowd that rebelled.

The serpent was splendid, attractive, intelligent, and impressive and walked upright; itwasnothinglikethesnakesthatweknowtoday.9 Satanwithnocodeofconduct nor a rule book took the form of this serpent and loaded with schemes, started in on Eve the weaker vessel, with conversation inferring something about God that was unfair and restrictive; imputing sinister motives to God as if He was withholding something; she could be as a god.

8 Genesis 14:18-22- Yahweh the Lord is the God Most High -- Psalm 7:17 - Yahweh is the Lord Most High -- Psalm 18:13 – God’s name is “The Most High” -- Psalm 47:2 - Yahweh is the Lord Most High -- Colossians 1:17 Nothing existed before Yahweh, He holds it all together
9 Genesis 3:1 The Serpent was the shrewdest of the animals -- Ezekiel 28:17 Satan had wisdom, beauty and splendor -- Genesis 3:14-15 God caused hostility between man & the snake


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As you already know, God took away the serpent’s splendor and attractiveness and made him repulsive, and cursed him to grovel in the same dust that man was made from with no eye lids to give relief from the irritants of the dust and every one that saw him would want to stomp his head.

It would seem impossible to believe, that a God loving, pure Holy Angel could become a Devil; but what’s more astonishing is that mankind, who can be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT10 would reject the righteous rule of God and choose the corrupted rule of Satan instead, but MANY DID.

Principalities and Powers

Satan is superbly organized with layers of Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, Authorities and Rulers which are all titles given to spiritual forces; they are mentioned some five timesmostlyintheKJVoftheBook.11 Thetermsseemstodenotedifferentordersofangels,good or bad. However, I must point out that nowhere in scripture do we find the actual organization, structure or authority of the spirit world taught.

As I read the scriptures these titles all seem to denote the same thing, but just uses different words to describe an entity that projects darkness and evil. The Greek word for Powers means jurisdiction, authority, magistrate, rule or strength.

These agencies wield PHENOMENAL POWER backed by the gates of hell; causing hostile persecution, division, error, unbelief, inventing sin, causing lust, temptation, unfaithfulness, and the pride of wealth. They are invisible, can move at the speed of thought and are not affected by the laws of nature. They have intellectual ability that is beyond our limited knowledge, they don’t slumber nor sleep and can transform themselves into angels of light. They produce counterfeit power and signs and miracles. Their greatest power is Darkness; SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE which is what causes man to stumble.12

The Book teaches about Satan’s great power and illuminates his darkness and evil, but we can praisetheLordanyway,becausehispowerhasbeenlimitedbyYAHWEH. TheBook’sfocusisreally on the point that the Good News of the Gospel SHOUTS that Christ has risen far above ALL the principalities and powers and we have already been delivered out of the deepest gloom of darkness and the chains that have bound us there have been broken. We just don’t see it ALL realized yet, but it’s on the way.13 It’s in the Book

Our misconception is that our BS, our Belief System tells us that at the cross Satan’s power and authority and the principalities, powers and Rulers have ALREADY been dis-empowered and placed under our feet, but NOTE, this doesn’t become fully realized until the second coming of Jesus Christ.14

Satan REMAINS the god of this age until Jesus removes him.

Something Happened TheBooksaysSatanwillhavegreatauthorityuntiltheendofthisage. Hewillgivetheantichrist

his authority for 3 1⁄2 years during the last half of The Great Tribulation Period, so until that time, just as Paul said, we still will wrestle with the Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, Authorities and Rulers.

I won’t try to go beyond what the scriptures say about these entities; so here are the facts as I have gleamed them:

10 Acts 13:52 Believers are filled with the Holy Spirit
11 Colossians 1:16 God created Thrones, Dominions, Principalities & Powers for Himself -- Ephesians 6:12 Our fight is against Principalities, Powers & Rulers, and spiritual host of wickedness in Heavenly places. -- Ephesians 3:10 Principalities and Powers and in the heavenly places
12 Proverbs 4:18-19 Spiritual Ignorance causes stumbling
13 Romans 8:37-39 Principalities and Powers cannot separate us from God -- Colossians 2:15 Jesus will triumph over Principalities and Powers -- Ephesians 1:20-21 Jesus the Christ is far above Principality, Power, Might and Dominions
2 Corinthians 11:13-14
False apostles and deceitful workmen transform into angels of light -- 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 – We’re familiar with Satan’s evil schemes -- Psalm 107:13-15 Jesus has led us out of Darkness; praise His great love -- 2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan; the god of this age has blinded the Make-Believer
14 Romans 16:20 Satan will be crushed at the return Christ -- 1 Corinthians 15:23-25 Jesus will come and destroy every authority, ruler & power

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15A principality is a region within a larger domain; it’s a seat of authority presided over by a ruler called a “Prince”. They were all created by God for His pleasure and purpose. The Book calls angels both good and evil “Princes”, they are also called “Sons of Godand they occupy the Heavenly places even unto this day.

According to the Book, everything God created was GOOD, but the Book also confirms that SOMETHING HAPPENED;16 some of these HEAVENLY ENTITIES became EVIL, the Book refers to these sons of God as “Spiritual Host of Wickednessthat rule the darkness of this age.17

After the fall when Satan lost his rule in the Garden of God, his throne on earth was re-located to Pergamos, and all of the principalities or regions continued to be ruled by the now fallen angels called “Princes” or “SONS OF GOD”.18 It’s in the Book

What happened?

There was a time in eternity past when Pride was discovered in Satan the most high angel as he rebelled against God and ONE-THIRD OF THE ANGELS followed him.19 Some of these Fallen” Devine beings are identified as “SONS OF GOD” who were part of GOD’S HEAVENLY COUNCIL20 and were princes over the different regions of earth; they were demigods. Some of the Sons of God who are called NEPHILIM took the women of earth in marriage resulting in a hybrid of giants.21

The Book says it started “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters wereborntothem”. Thisisaspecialpassagewhenyourealizethatdaughtersofmenhadalways been born to them. It seems at some point, (probably when Satan fell), A DESIRE WAS AWAKENED in the “SONS OF GOD” and they took “whoever they chose” to marry.22

The corruption of the Nephilim was one of the main reasons God destroyed the earth and started over with Noah and his family of EIGHT.23 It’s in the Book

Heavenly Council
Psalm 82 in the Book says GOD presides over THE GREAT ASSEMBLY; He renders JUDGMENT

AMONGTHE“GODS”. WhatourBSFILTEREDMINDwantstodo,isidentifythese“gods”asbeing just MAKE-BELIEVE gods like in Greek Mythology or perhaps human judges on earth who are ruling on God’s behalf. You may recall that God told Moses that he would be as a god to Aaron as he spoke through him to Pharaoh. YOU MUST GET THIS. God is literally telling us, that He has created some littles god angels who were enormously privileged and exalted above all the other angels and were known as the Sons of God”.

The Book indicates that there are THREE LEVELS of the Heavenly Council that rule and reign with Him. 1) Yahweh is at the top 2) next the demigods (little gods); called the “Sons of God” who make up the Heavenly Court; the Great Assembly, 3) next are the common angelic messengers who carry out God’s decrees. These little gods as well as the common angels were all created by Yahweh for His pleasure and for His purposes before the foundations of the earth were formed, and all were present as the heavens and the earth were created.

15 Revelation 13:2-7 – Satan is given Rule and Authority for 3 1⁄2 years to wage war against God’s Holy People
16 Genesis 1:31 In the very beginning all that God had made was VERY good
17 Daniel 10:13 There are GOOD angels like Michael and there are FALLEN angels like the Prince of Persia -- Ezekiel 28:1-2 The prince of TYRE is an Angel; a demi-god -- Daniel 10:20 There is a Prince of PERSIA and a Prince of GREECE
18 Ezekiel 28:12-19 – Satan’s throne was in the Garden of God -- Revelation 2:12-13 – Satan’s throne was relocated to Pergamum, Satan’s city -- Ephesians 2:2 SATAN is at work today; the Prince of the power of the air --
19 Ezekiel 28:15 – Satan made perfect, but his “FREE WILL” was toward self; iniquity, sin was born.-- Ezekiel 28:17 Results of Free Will; Pride was born in Satan -- Isaiah 14:13-14 The five I wills of Satan; ascend to heaven, raise my throne, sit in the assembly, ascend to the top of the clouds, make myself like God -- Revelation 12:4 One third of the angels followed Satan and God cast them down to the earth (future event) -- Zechariah 3:2 – God rebukes Satan’s and rejects his accusations
20 Job 1:6 Satan and the SONS OF GOD presented themselves to God
21 Genesis 6:5 Nephilim had corrupted all of mankind
22 Jude 1:6 Some angels left their own habitation. -- Genesis 6:1-2 – Nephilim known as “SONS OF GOD” married the daughters of men -- Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim; SONS OF GOD had sex with the women of the earth
23 Genesis 6:13 God wiped out the Nephilim and mankind in the Flood

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The Book gives us really great examples on HOW the Great Assembly, the Heavenly Court operates and gives us an insight to “thoughts” on PREDESTINATION and FREE WILL. It says; one day the Great Heavenly Council had convened with Yahweh presiding who had just PREDESTINED King Ahab to DIE and had presented it to His court for their FREE WILL recommendations on HOW Ahab should die.

One of the council members said he would go and be a “False Lying Spirit” in the mouths of Ahab’s prophets and thereby entice Ahab to go into battle and be killed; Yahweh said, sure; let it be just as you have decided; go for it.24

The Book gives another great example of how King Nebuchadnezzar had displeased Yahweh and was PREDESTINED to be punished, however, Yahweh left it up to the FREE WILL of His Heavenly court to decide on HOW he would be punished. They decided that the King was to go CRAZY and eat grass like a cow, laying in the field soaked with dew for seven years; the Great Assembly then sent a Watcher, a Holy one to carry out their judgment on him.25 God decrees the END and delegates the MEANS to His Great Assembly.26 (Predestination & Free Will)

Daniels prophecy of the Fourth Beast (the Anti-Christ) that devours the whole world and that tramples and crushes everything in its path, will cause the Great Heavenly Court to re-convene at a future date, and pass judgment on the Beast and destroys him and then gives his nations to the Holy people of the Most High God.27 – It’s in the Book -

Much is expected
The Book says; One day some select ANGELS, known as the SONS OF GOD who were members

of THE HEAVENLY COURT assembled to report to the LORD MOST HIGH on their assignments on earth, and Satan the TOP DOG angel was also present. These Sons of God; God’s Divine Heavenly Council angels were as little gods to the nations, ruling over them, walking in God’s precepts as they judged the nations rightly, but there came a day when they were found oppressing the weak and needy and not judging rightly.

Psalm 82:1-7 God presides over the Great Assembly of gods.

1 God presides in THE GREAT ASSEMBLY; he renders judgment

(NLT) Job 1:6 God has a Heavenly Court; The Divine Council of God

6 One day the MEMBERS of THE HEAVENLY COURT came to present

themselves before the LORD, & the Accuser, Satan, came with them.

(KJV) Job 1:6 The Sons of God members of the Divine Council of God 6 Now there was a day when THE SONS OF GOD came to present themselves BEFORE THE LORD, and Satan came also among them.

(NIV2011) Job 1:6 The Angels; Sons of God member of the Council 6 One day THE ANGELS came to present themselves

BEFORE THE LORD, and Satan also came with them.

God chastises these “little gods” saying to them; they know nothing, they don’t understand anything. They walk about in darkness and have shaken the very foundations of the earth. He told them, “YOU ARE GODS”; SONS OF THE MOST HIGH, but you will DIE like mere mortals; you will falllikeeveryotherruler. WhenSataniscastdown,everyonewillstareathimandask,canthisbe the one who shook the very foundations of the earth? 28

241 Kings 22:19-22 – The Council convened to decide Ahab’s death with a LYING SPIRIT to get him to go to war and be killed.
25 Daniel 4:13-23 Council delivered decree on Nebuchadnezzar with Yahweh’s approval to make him go CRAZY for seven years.
26 Psalm 82:1-8 God presides over His heavenly court -- Psalm 89:5-7 God has a council of Heavenly Beings who surround Him Deuteronomy 32:8-9 God divided up the people and assigns lands according to the number in His Heavenly Court (70 is my guess) 27 Daniel 7:23-28 The Future Court judges the fourth beast, the anti-Christ and takes all his power away and is completely destroyed. 28 Psalm 82:1-7 God presides over the Great Assembly of gods and tells them they will all DIE like mortal men -- Isaiah 14:16 Can this be the Satan who shook the earth and made the world tremble?

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NOTE: To whom much is given, much is expected; God addresses this wrong doing in Psalm 82 when He PROPHESIZES that one day He will do away with these LITTLE GODS that He created for His Heavenly Council. 29 Although these angels or little gods have sinned and “fallen”, they have still maintained their seats of authority over the regions of earth in a heavenly place.

The “WAR IN HEAVEN” with Satan and the archangel Michael doesn’t happen till the middle of the great tribulation period when Satan and these fallen “Sons of God” are thrown out of heaven and are confined to earth30. This is a future date. It’s in the Book

Cause and Effect
God established a Heavenly Council to rule the heavens before He ever created the foundations

oftheearth. HealsoestablishedanEarthlyCouncilintheGardenofEdenwithAdamandEve and their descendants that would rule over the nations of the Earth.31 Eden was paradise as it was in Heaven and everything came forth without effort; no pain in child bearing and there was peace among the animals.

Because of man’s sin, mankind and the animals became cursed as well as the earth. God’s plan is to start over at the end of the millennium with a new heaven and a new earth and once again earth will be like the original design of the Garden of Eden. It’s in the Book

Shadow of War in Heaven

The plagues of Egypt were a shadow of the War in Heaven that will occur on the Lord’s Day when all the demigods, the little “Sons of God” will be thrown down and destroyed. The worship of these littlegodsoriginatedattheTowerofBabel. Todiscusstheplaguesof Egypt, we must be able to see the symbolism of each plague which was far more than the actual event itself.

While the story of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt is important, it is ALSO about the judgment on the PAGAN GODS OF EGYPT.

When the judgment plagues began, the Israelites; God’s chosen people, did not comprehend what was going on; so how much more were the Egyptians baffled. The plague announcements were made “in advance” in order to give the Magicians time to come up with their Secret Arts” and sleight of hand to replicate it. While the magicians tried to “duplicate” the judgments they never tried to “reverse” them. The magicians finally gave up and told Pharaoh that “THIS IS THE FINGER OF GOD”, (but NOT Israel’s Jehovah God.)

All the plagues must come to pass; Pharaoh must resist letting the people go, until God has shown ALL of Egypt that their little gods are nothing; helpless to intervene and helpless to save. Finally, All of Egypt will realize that the God of Israel is the one and only true God.

God makes the rules under which sin shall be sinned, though He Himself is not the author of sin.

(The Invisible War - Donald Grey Barnhouse)

29 Exodus 4:16 - Moses will be as a god to Aaron and Israel -- Luke 12:48 To whom much is given, much will be required -- Job 2:1 There are regular meetings of the Heavenly Court with the Sons of God -- Isaiah 14:16 Can this be the Satan who shook the earth and made the world tremble?
30 Revelation 12:7-9 War in Heaven Satan and his Angels thrown down to earth

31 Psalm 82:1 God created a Council, a Heavenly Court -- Job 38:4-7 The Council was already created in Heaven before earth was created -- Genesis 2:15 – Adam’s job was to tend to and watch over earth

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FIRSTPlagueonthewaters:BLOOD. Thelittlegodtrinity;Stink,Stank,Stunk.Thewaterofthe River Nile turned blood RED as well as the water in their wooden and stone vessels. This first judgment of Moses was “DEATH” to their fish; their food source and their lively hood, putting terror in their heart.32

Osiris, the god of the Nile couldn’t help them or his companion Isis the mother god and their child Horus. This“trinity”oflittlegodscoulddonothing,butstink. Therewereothergods;Nuthegod of life in the Nile; Hapimon in the north and Tauret at Thebes the hippopotamus goddess of the river. These gods were the most favored gods of the common people; but THEY WERE ALL USELESS.

It’s in the Book

SECOND Plague on the Land: FROGS. The Nile was putrid and frogs invaded the land with such multitude that they were even in their houses and in their beds and even in their kneading troughs and ovens.33

Hekt the goddess of Land, who helped women in childbirth, was always depicted with a human body and the head of a frog. For crying out loud, these frogs had come out of the sacred Nile. Since the frogs were seen as gods, the Egyptians would not even lift their hand to destroy them. How in the world can you make war on a god? Chuckle, Chuckle. Can’t you just imagine God laughing at their prayers and offerings to their silent pagan gods.

When the frogs literally “dropped dead” the whole land STUNK, adding to the already dead stinking fish. It’s in the Book

THIRD plague on the Soil: FLEAS AND GNATS. This Plague came against the soil which produced bountiful crops of cucumbers, melons, onions, leeks and garlic. Man and animals became the recipient of this itching curse.34 Different translations say the plague was LICE or GNATS, or even MOSQUITOES, but the Hebrew word “ken” means to dig, as in dig under the skin. Some translators think it was sand fleas that swarmed over the land. Think how one flea can drive your puppy crazy. Think how millions could drive you “buggy”. Did you get it; buggy

This small scourge of blood sucking insects covered your whole body like a cloud of dust, creeping into your eyes, nose and ears. (Today we have the tiny “No-see-um” mosquitoes.) Geb the great god of the earth was SILENT; the sacrifices of the priest availed nothing; THEY WERE HELPLESS.

FOURTH plague on the land: FLIES. God sent swarms of insects; the BEETLE and the COCKROACH; the GAD FLY and DOG FLY, plus the large blood sucker STABLE FLY; biting flies that lay hundreds of eggs in animal dung that transmits the “skin anthrax” plague.35

Background: The Egyptians noticed that this scarab beetle rolled golf size balls of dung across the field to store them for food; the Egyptians un-mistakenly thought the beetle put their larva in them and therefore thought the balls represented life.

The sun was considered the seed of life. The scarab beetle was considered the god that rolled the sun from morning to evening. No upstanding Egyptian would kill a beetle god. Amon-Ra (Amun-re) was considered the king of gods; “Amon” means hidden. This “invisible” king of eternity and guardianofthedeadwasalwayspicturedwiththeheadofaBEETLE. Thisbeetlejustgnawson man and beast, clothes, books, furniture and plants. The magicians could not duplicate nor reverse this “DRIVE YOU CRAZY” plague; their demonic “secret artsWERE USELESS.

FIFTH Plague on livestock: DISEASE, MURRAIN. God sent a contagious epidemic disease among the Egyptian’s livestock; the donkeys, camels, sheep, horses and cattle, from the livestock of the simple countryside farmer to the SACRED BULLS of the high temple priest.

32 #1 Exodus 7:19 A plague that turned the water in their vessels, pools, streams and rivers into blood and stunk.
33 #2 Exodus 8:3 A plague of Frogs everywhere and I mean everywhere; in their house, bedroom, beds, kneading troughs and ovens. -- Exodus 8:13 The frogs all died and they piled them up and the whole land stunk
34 #3 Exodus 8:17 Out of the dust of the land a plague of Lice, Gnats, Flies, Fleas upon man and animals, but just in Egypt. 35 #4 Exodus 8:21-22 A plague of swarming insects; the houses will be full of Flies except for the land of the Jews

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Their temples were defiled by the dead animals. “All that were infected” died. There is no evidence the plague was ever removed from the sacred bulls. A distinction however was made, NO harm came to any of the animals of the Israelites.36

Their many gods were of NO HELP; Apius, the sacred bull god, Hathor the cow-headed goddess of the deserts, Bubastis, the cat goddess, Ra the livestock calf god, the bull Bakis of the god Mentu; none could do anything to save them. And to make matters worse, Anubis the “Jackal headed” dog god got his reputation slammed by the DOG FLY plague. Chuckle, Chuckle

SIXTH Plague on man: BOILS, LEPROSY. The handful of soot or dust that Moses cast into the air was representative of the custom of the Egyptian Priest of castings soot from idol sacrifices over the people. They counted the dust or soot as a blessing from the priest; but in this case it was a curse. Furnaces or brick-kiln’s were a symbol of oppression to the Israelites; and now the soot from them was a symbol of chastisement against Egypt.

God sent a “BURNING PLAGUE” against men; that of BOILS and RUNNING SORES, which some translate as “LEPROSY” which cannot be healed. No evidence that this plague was recalled; presumably it wore itself out.37

The Egyptians had local gods as well as national gods. To use a big word; they were Polytheistic”, they believed in many gods. If one god was good, then ten gods was better. Great healing powers were attributed to their gods Apis, Serapis and Imhotep, but they could do nothing.

Their magicians got BOILS in their “PRIVATE PARTS” and could not even stand up and even their “secret artsWERE USELESS.

SEVENTH Plague on the produce: THUNDER, RAIN with HAIL and FIRE beating down; herbs, produce and fruit. It almost never rained in Upper Egypt, receiving only about one inch of total rainfallayear;thelandwasalwayssunny. GodsentajudgmentofimmensePEALSOFTHUNDER and the WORST HAIL STORM that Egypt had ever seen; with FIRE from LIGHTNING that zigzagged back and forth on the land as if trying to catch hold of itself - (This is where we get the phrase “Great Balls of Fire”, and maybe not.)

Although some died, this plague was not sent against the slaves and livestock, but against the produceoftheland.TheEgyptianswerewarnedandsomebelievedMoses’wordsandlived.38 The Egyptians worshiped red water and FIRE. Shu, the wind god, Nut the sky goddess, Horus the elder and the hawk-headed sky god were all silent; THEY COULD DO NOTHING.

God is serious about these little gods, whether Make-Believe Fables or the Demigods; the Sons of God that He created; who expressed their “FREE WILLand rebelled against God; they will pay.

EIGHTH Plague on the vegetation: LOCUST. A Massive Locust Invasion” had never been felt before in Egypt and would exceed anything they had ever heard about in the past; it was now in the land of the Nile and what was left standing after the hail and fire, was being consumed by the locust. The land turned black with THREE INCH, RED SPOTTED, DOUBLE WINGED LOCUST, jumping with legs of springs; a ravenous army of creeping, gnawing and destroying critters; stripping the land to a barren desert.39

36 #5 Exodus 9:3-4 A Terrible Plague on the Horses, donkeys, camels, sheep, goats & cattle; all will DIE except those belonging to the Israelites.
37 #6 Exodus 9:8-9 The plague of festering boils was leprosy on men as well as the animals -- Deuteronomy - 28:27 The itching boils, tumors, and festering sores could not be healed; it was Leprosy -- Leviticus 13:18-19 A white, swelling, reddish spot; a boil on the skin, Leprosy -- Exodus 9:11 The magicians got boils on them where the sun doesn’t shine.

38 #7 Exodus 9:18-19 The plague of hailstorm was the worst ever in Egypt, killing their livestock and man in the field -- Exodus 9:24 The worst storm of Fire, Hail and lighting in all the land -- Exodus 9:20-21 Some believed and took heed of the warning of Moses and were saved. -- Exodus 9:26 The only place it did not hail was in the land of Goshen
39 #8 Exodus 10:12 The Plague of Locust ate what the hail did not destroy -- Exodus 10:14-15 The plague of locust covered the land until it was black

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Where were their gods? Nepri the grain god, Ermutet goddess of crops and childbirth, Anubis, the jackal-headed guardian of the fields; where was their agricultural god Osiris, the great head of the Hamitic trinity. They were ALL SILENT and USELESS.

NINTH Plague on Man: DARKNESS FEAR and TERROR. Egypt had sunshine 365 days a year, but suddenly as a lion springs on its prey, darkness consumed the light. They could not see one another or their hand in front of their face. God sent a great darkness on the land of Egypt that was SODARKTHATYOUCOULDFEELIT. Imagineforthreedaysandnightsthattheairissothickwith moisture that you can hardly breathe. So much moisture and so little oxygen that a candle can’t be lit. You’re like a fish out of water gasping for life. Added to that, a strong HOT wind picking up fine DUST with static electricity, thickening and polluting the air in your lungs even more. GOOD GRIEF.

You must now imagine crossing over from where the Egyptians lived into the land where the Israeliteslived.Whenyoucrossedover,youimmediatelymovedfromdarknesstolight.40 Light is certainly symbolic of the difference between the unbeliever and the believer.

From time to time, Pharaoh would repent and humbled himself; confess he had sinned and ask for prayers of protection from the Hebrew God. His feelings of remorse was only temporary; as before when things got better, he would go right back with his fist in the air toward the God of Israel. He recognized that JEHOVAH was the God of the Hebrew, but He was certainly not the god of the Egyptian.

Ra the great sun god had disappeared. There was no help from Aten, the sun disc and the symbol of Ankh known as the “symbol of life” from the sun, was of no help either. No need for Horus the god of the sunrise or Tem the god of sunset or Shu the god of light or the many other deities of the moon and planets.

Their Gods were USELESS.
Pharaoh, Egypt as well as “Israel” will come to KNOW that Jehovah Elohim is the ONE and ONLY TRUE God.

TENTH Plague on man: FIRST BORN DIES. Pharaoh sees HIMSELF as a god. The King was believed to be the incarnation of Horus the son of “Re” the sun god. Pharaoh was all powerful; Life and death was in his word.

Ten in scripture is the number for the Law; it represents Judgment; as an example consider the law of the Ten Commandments. The tenth judgment and final plague was every first born child of every Egyptian family would die; from the slave girl to the Pharaoh; including the first born of alltheircattle.41 Onthe14thofNisan;adistinctionwasmadebetweentheEgyptiansandtheIsraelites; the land of Goshen would not experience the DEATH PLAGUE. There would be such tranquility among the Israelites that not even a dog would have an occasion to bark,42 but among the Egyptians, mourning could be heard everywhere.

With death at their doorstep, Pharaoh’s advisors were telling him, it might be a good idea “to let the people go”, in fact let’s help them go; “Send them out of the land in haste”.43

Archaeologists have uncovered coffins with the inscriptions; “That night of slaying of the firstborn”. Other inscriptions say; “That day of the slaying of the firstborn”, judgment has now come on ALL the pagan gods of Egypt including the defiant Pharaoh who thought of himself as a god.

As students of the word, we are urged to trace the cause of the judgments, which in this case was wrath on a grossly idolatrous blasphemous PHARAOH and his IDOLATROUS nation.44

40 #9 Exodus 10:21 Darkness spreads over Egypt that so dark it could be felt. -- Exodus 10:22-23 There was total darkness in Egypt, yet the Israelites had light
41 #10 Exodus 11:4-6 The first born of Pharaoh; slave girl and cattle shall die
42 Exodus 11:7 A Distinction between Egypt and Israel; All Israel is saved; not even a dog will bark

43 Exodus 12:33 The Egyptian people said; send them out of the land with haste or we will all die -- Ezekiel 29:9 Egypt will become a desolate wasteland, then they will know that I am the lord
44 Exodus 12:12 God will bring Judgment on the many gods of Egypt, striking down their first born

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My BS, my Belief System believed that Satan HAD ALREADY been thrown out of heaven along withonethirdofhisangels.SOIFIBELIEVEDIT,THEBOOKMUSTTEACHIT. Butthat’sjustnot what the Book says; Satan and his angles will fight a WAR IN HEAVEN and will lose and be thrown out by the High Archangel Michael with his army of angles. BUT that does not happen until the middle of the Great Tribulation Period;45 so that whole gang of little gods are still in heaven ruling over the nations and Satan is still accusing the Believer before God’s throne day and night.46 But on the Day of the Lord, these immortal little gods will DIE as if they were just mortal men.

We are part of that war and many will become casualties because of ignorance of the inventory ofweaponsthatGodhasalreadyprovidedforus.47 Paulsymbolicallyspellsitoutforus;wehavethe Belt of Truth, our is God’s Righteousness. Our Shoes are Peace in our spirit and our Shield is our Faith. Our is our Salvation and our Sword is the Holy Spirit which is The Word of God. He trains our minds and hands for battle; our job is to stand, because “the battle is the Lords”.48

Body Armor


At the End of time on the Lords Day our Belief System says The Battle of Armageddon will be between good and evil; we see God starting with everyone on earth, but it’s more than that; the Book says that Judgment starts in the house of God. Judgment begins with the Sons of God in Heaven, these little gods on the Heavenly Council are judged and thrown down to the earth, then the SON OF GOD judges the other Sons of God on earth, and then the Holy Ground of Israel is reclaimed.49 Finally we get a new heaven and a new earth; more particularly a new Garden of Eden and man is placed back in it as God originally planned.

The Book says; what sorrow awaits you who say, “if only THE DAY OF THE LORD were here!” YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE WISHING FOR. That day will bring darkness, not light; in that day you will be like a man who runs from a lion only to meet a bear. Escaping from the bear, you will lean your hand against a wall in your house and be bitten by a snake. Yes, THE DAY OF THE LORD will be dark and hopeless, without a ray of joy or hope for the unbeliever.

God hates all your show and pretense, the hypocrisy of your religious festivals and solemn assemblies. God will not accept your burnt offerings and grain offerings, He won’t even notice all your choice peace offerings. He will stay away with your noisy hymns of praise! He says; I will not listen to the music of your harps, instead I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living. I did not say this, its WORD FOR WORD right out of the Book.50

MultitudesarewaitingintheValleyofDecision.51 ThereTheDay of the Lord will soon arrive and you can no longer make a decision. There it is; when you see it, it’s already a done deal, the choices you have made on this side of eternity NOW have eternal consequences.

45 Revelation 12:7-9 NT Prophecy; There is a War in Heaven; Michael throws the dragon out of Heaven with all his angels. -- Isaiah 14:12-17 OT Prophecy; Satan to be cast out of Heaven, brought down to the place of the dead, people will shake their heads and mock. -- Revelation 9:1-2 Satan falls in the middle of the Tribulations
46 Revelation 12:10 Satan accuses us day and night before the throne of God

47 Proverbs 21:31The Day of the Battle belongs to the Lord -- 2 Corinthians 2:11 - For we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices
48 Isaiah 45:5 God has equipped the Believer for the Battle -- Ephesians 6:10-18 Put on the Full Gospel Armor of God, for we are fighting against evil rulers, mighty powers of the unseen world -- Psalm 144:1-2 God is my fortress, my tower, my shield and trains my hands for battle -- 2 Chronicles 20:15 Do not be discouraged or afraid for the Battle is not yours, but the Lords -- Psalm 149:6 Let the praises of God be in our mouths -- Isaiah 42:17 Those who trust in Idols as a god will be turned away in shame
49 Revelation 20:1-3 Satan, The Devil, The Dragon seized & thrown into the Abyss, for 1000 years -- Joel 1:15 The Day of The Lord is the day of Destruction
50 Amos 5:18-24 - The Day of the Lord; you have no idea what you are wishing for; darkness, fear and hopelessness, I will not notice your offerings or music. NLT
51 Joel 3:14 You are in the Valley of Decision, choose before the Day of the Lord Isaiah 11:6-9 CHOOSE LIFE; in the New Garden of Eden nothing will be harmed or destroyed

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1 Peter 4:17 Judgment begins at the House of God

17 For the time is come that

at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? (KJV)

Psalm 82:1-7 The little gods will be judged and will DIE

5 ...these oppressors know nothing; they are so ignorant! They wander about in darkness, while the whole world is shaken to the core.
6 I say, ‘YOU ARE GODS; you are all children of the Most High.
7 BUT YOU WILL DIE LIKE MERE MORTALS and fall like every other ruler.’” (NLT)


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Chapter 3.2


Some people have entertained Angels without even knowing it.

First Word

Angels are mention 108 times in the Old Testament, and 165 times in the New Testament. That’s 273 times, if we dismiss the notion of angels; we are in essence rejecting the Bible. They serve

as a link between God and Believers. While they DO provide physical assistance, they DO NOT do miracles nor do they do the work of the Holy Spirit. Believers have probably interacted with an angel at one time or the other and didn’t even know it.

Some people have entertained Angels

Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing

some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

Hebrews 13:2 NIV

The following thoughts are just interesting,
so just do with this information as you think best.

Angel Hierarchy
Angel Hierarch: While I do not find an Angel Hierarchy in the Book, I do find it in ancient

literature on angels that has been passed down through the ages. Angels seem to be divided in descending order into three triads of “Choirs” of angels. The term “Choir” is used perhaps because we find Angels singing and praising God in the scriptures. There are nine groups in the three triad of Choirs.52

First Choir: Cherubim, Seraphim and THRONES* Second Choir: Dominions, Virtues and POWERS* Third Choir: Angels, Archangels and PRINCIPALITIES* 53

It seems the third Choir; Angels and Archangels are the only ones that interface with man. Some domination’s pray to and worship images of angels, believing that some OT saints are now angels. This is a perversion of the scriptures; Humans will never become Angels.54

Side Bar

52 Colossians 1:16 God created Angels, Thrones, Kingdoms, Rulers and Authorities 53 Ephesians 6:12 We wrestle against Principalities* Powers* Thrones*
54 1 Corinthians 15:39-40 Angel bodies are different from Earthly bodies

NOTE: In the Jewish Kabbalah, as described by the Golden Dawn, there are TEN archangels each commanding one segment of the “choirs” of angels. They even have the names of each

Archangel. The Kabbalah is certainly interesting, but it is not Inspired of God.

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The hierarchy of angels in heaven includes a Divine Heavenly Council with creations called the SonsofGod”. Godcertainlydoesnotneedaheavenlycouncil,butHechosetohaveoneandthey seem to be made up of Thrones, Powers, Principalities, Dominions, Rulers, and Authorities.

These Sons of God were given authority over the nations according to their number. Some students of the Word believe there to be TEN members of this council since TEN is the Biblical number for the “The Law”.

Not that it matters, but I see it a little different; if we are just GUESSING; I’m guessing there are SEVENTY council members; reflecting back and using God’s Arithmetic; I see that THREE is the symbolic number for “the God head”; the Trinity and FOUR is symbolic of God’s handiwork. ThreeplusfourisSEVENwhichisthenumberforcompleteness. IprefertothinkofTEN,(the law) times SEVEN (completeness), gives us SEVENTY, the Law in it fullness. God commanded Moses to establish 70 Hebrew elders and Jesus sent out 70 disciple/witnesses before Him into the towns. They were sent out “two by two”; THE LAW required “two witnesses” for a thing to be established. There were 70 known languages at the time. Forgiveness was SEVENTY times Seven;55

Names Titles and Categories
Michael’s name means Who is as God”.
Gabriel’s name means “God is my strength, other translations say “The mighty one”, God

is great”, and God’s Hero”.
Raphael’s name means "It is God who heals". His name is mentioned in the second book of

EsdrasintheApocrypha,butnotintheBible. Iincludeithereonlyfor“seasoning”becauseitis so often linked in other writings with the names of Michael and Gabriel.

Other names and titles; Secret Name, Watcher, Personal/Guardian Angel, Archangel, Seraphim, Cherubim, Chief Prince, Angel of the Lord, Angel of Light, Angel of the Church, Devil’s Angel, Evil Angel. 56


Adults: Scripture seem to indicate that there are NO Female Angels, so they do not marry, they are all Male adults probably with a body of a 30 year old person.57 (Same age as Christ when He started His ministry on earth). There are no Baby Angels; a Cherub” is not a cute baby with a little bow and arrow; they are Cherubim warriors who will scare the Tater Tots out of you.

Bodies: Angels see God face to face; they are spiritual beings and either possess’ bodies that are spiritual or they can assume the form of a man, but still have their spiritual attributes. They can pass through material objects and are not subject to distance or time. You can get the concept by reading the scriptures in the footnotes below of Jesus while in His spiritual body.58

Tall: Based on scripture, it would seem that the Angels were much taller than the average Israelite; maybe as tall as nine to thirteen feet in their natural form, but could appear with the height of a common man.

Language: Angels have their own language and can speak any other language and dialect,59 and have the face of God

55 Ezekiel 8:11 Seventy Elders on the Council of Israel -- Exodus 24:1 Seventy Elders of Israel were brought along to worship -- Numbers 11:16 God told Moses to get 70 elders for the council of Israel -- Luke 10:1 Jesus appointed and sent out seventy disciples Two by Two Matthew 21-22 - Forgive Seventy times Seven
56 Judges 13:17-18 Angels Name is a secret -- Daniel 8:15-16 - Angels Name is Gabriel -- Genesis 3:24 - Angels Name is Cherubim -- Isaiah 6:2 - Angels Name is Seraphim -- Jude 1:9 Angels Name is Michael Archangel -- Daniel 10:13 Angels Name is Chief Prince -- 2 Corinthians 11:14 Angels Name is Angel of Light -- Genesis 16:8-9 Angels Name is Angel of the Lord -- Matthew 18:10 Angels Name is Personal/Guardian Angels -- Revelation 1:20 Angels Name is Angel of the Churches -- Daniel 4:13 - Angels Name is Watcher -- Matthew 25:41 Angels Name is Devil’s Angel -- Psalm 78:49 Evil Angels

57 Matthew 22:30 Angels are male only; and do not marry
58 1 Corinthians 15:39-40 Angel bodies are different from Earthly bodies -- John 20:19 Spiritual bodies can pass through doors and walls -- Luke 24:42-43 Spiritual bodies can eat food -- John 20:27 Spiritual bodies can be physically touched if allowed -- Luke 24:39 Angels can appear with flesh and bones
59 1 Corinthians 13:1 Angels have their own language -- Matthew 18:10 Angels see God Face to Face

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Wings: Scripture only partially addresses angel wings; much comes from other writings and may be just myth.60 Medieval theologians’ writings portrayed Seraphim angels with six wings,61 Cherubim with four wings62 (one set; 15 feet, tip to tip spread out) and ordinary angels with only two.63 I see wings symbolically in scripture, as just a way to let us understand that angels have the independent ability to transport themselves anywhere at any time.

Nothing in scripture says that ALL angels have wings or even need wings.

Giant Angels

Sons of God: A passage of scripture says; “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them ... the Sons of God saw they were beautiful and married them.” This is a special passage when you realize that daughters of men had always been born to men on earth. It seems at some point, a desire was awakened in some of the Angels (Sons of God) and they left

their own habitation64 and they took “whoever they chose” to marry and had sexual intercourse with them resulting in a hybrid of giants.65 Their selection for wives had no emphasis on character, but only on beauty, probably marring more than one. Scripture seems to bear that is happened very early in the life of man and again after the flood.66

These “Fallen” Devine beings are identified as “Sons of God” or Nephilim.67 The majority of ancient biblical versions, including the Septuagint, Theodotion, Latin Vulgate, Samaritan Targum, Targum Onkelos and Targum Neofiti interpret the word Nephilim to mean "GIANTS". Wikipedia;

I think if you saw “something” nine feet tall with a wing span of fifteen feet wide, it would scare the “Tater Tots” out of you. That’s why when you find Angels mentioned in the scriptures, they always say “FEAR NOTwhen they great you.68

Special Angels of the Lord
Angel means Messenger; some are Special Messengers that carry out the Devine purpose of

God. We find the Angel Gabriel going between God and man; at another time Gabriel is sent to Nazareth where he brings a message. We see The Angel Gabriel as he interpreted the message of a vision. AnAngeltoldLottogethisfamilyandhurryoutofSodom,anothertimeanAngeliscarrying out God’s purpose when he stands ready to give a haircut to the unsuspecting Balaam. 69

Archangels are also called a Chief Prince; they are in charge of other Angels and go to war on behalf of Gods people.70

Seraphim’s meaning Burning Ones are ministers of Gods Holy purpose; they are unearthly beings with 6 wings and attend the throne of God.71

60 2 Chronicles 3:11 Cherubim’s total wingspan was fifteen feet wide 61 Isaiah 6:2 – Seraphim’s have Six Wings
62 Ezekiel -- 1:6 Some Angels have Four Wings
63 Ezekiel 1:11 Some Angels have Two Wings

64 Jude 6 Some angels left their own habitation. -- Deuteronomy 3:11 Giants called Rephaites, the King had a Bed 13 feet long -- 1 Samuel 17:4 The Champion giant Goliath was over nine feet tall
65 Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim had sex with the women of the earth --
66 Numbers 13: 31-33 After the flood of Noah the Spies saw the Nephilim; the Giants

67 -- Genesis 6:1-2 – The Nephilim were also known as “The sons of God” --
68 Luke 1:30 The Angel told the Mary FEAR NOT -- Luke 1:13 The Angel told the Zacharias FEAR NOT -- Luke 2:10 The Angels told the Shepherds FEAR NOT
69 Daniel 9:21 The Angel Gabriel going between God and man. -- Luke 1:26 The Angel Gabriel sent to Nazareth -- Luke 1:19 The Angel Gabriel Brings a message -- Daniel 8:15-16 The Angel Gabriel interpreted the message of a vision -- Genesis 19:15 Carrying out God’s Purpose – Told Lot to get his family and hurry -- Numbers 22:31 – Carrying out God’s purpose; ready to give a haircut to Balaam
70 Jude 9 Archangel Michael disputes with Satan -- Danial 10:13 Michael A Chief Prince fights to bring the promises and answers to prayer to the Believer -- Daniel 12:1 Michael the Great Prince fights for the Believer -- Revelation 12:7 Michael in charge of other Angels.
71 Isaiah 6:2, 6 Seraphim attend to the duties of the throne of God

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Cherubim’s meaning the Fullness of Knowledge are Guardian Angels that sport 4 wings, but sometimes are depicted with only two. They have specific assignments. They are NOT small children or babies, but are full grown beings. Some are assigned to each side of the throne of God, while others carry the Throne of God. Some Guard the Believer and others Guard the Tree of Life and even other Guard the Ark of the Covenant.72

Common Angels are multipurpose; they bring Praise, they Guide, Encourage, Interpret as well as bring Judgment.73

Fallen Angels; the Book says, one third of the Angels (stars) created or about 50,000,000 fell from heaven. The number that remained was 10,000 times 10,000 or 100,000,000. Running with that concept would mean that there were 150,000,000 angels in Heaven at one time. Probably 10,000 times 10,000 of angels actually means that the angels were innumerable.74

Principalities, Powers and Ruler Angels: God created a group, both visible as well as invisible; they are thrones, powers rulers and authorities that are just for himself and for His plan. I just don’t know what to call them, but they are located in heavenly places, and some seem to have become bad actors.75 Everything that God created was very good, but then somehow it became corrupted;76 it seems to me that some of the fallen angels were in these groups... Just saying

Past Activity: Martin Luther said, “An angel is a spiritual creature created by God without a body, for the service of Christendom and the church”. I am going to mention only a few of the 273 instances of Angel activity recorded in the scriptures; and this will be more than you want to know.

Guarded the tree of life; stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. Had supper with Lot, struck men blind trying to get in Lot’s house and dragged Lot and his family to safety.

Told Sampson’ parents about his impending birth. Told Abraham to free the Israelites in Egypt. Provided a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud for safety; killed 70,000 with pestilence, fed Elijah the prophet two meals, shut the mouth of lions and delivered three out of the fiery furnace.

Told Mary about her virgin birth; told Joseph to marry Mary. Told the shepherds about a Saviors birth. Told Joseph to flee to Egypt; told Joseph to go back to Israel. Carried Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom; told Philip to preach to the Ethiopian.77

Angels through faith conquer kingdoms, administer justice, shut the mouths of lions, saved believers from being killed, turned weakness into strength, placed hedges of protection around the Believer, blessed the work of their hands, and provided favor with others to prosper them.78

72 Ezekiel 10:20-21 Some Cherubim carry the Throne of God -- Psalms 99:1 Some Cherubim Guard the Throne of God -- Psalms 80:1 Some Cherubim Guard the Believer -- Genesis 3:24 Some Cherubim Guard the Tree of Life -- 2 Chronicles 5:8 Some Cherubim Guard the Ark of the Covenant
73 Matthew 26:53 Common Angels stand ready to be dispatched -- Psalms 148:2 Common Angels are ready to Praise -- Genesis 28:12 Common Angels carry out the activities between heaven and earth -- Psalms 78:49 Common Angels bring judgment, they can destroy.

74 Revelation 5:11 100,000,000 GOOD Angels remain in Heaven. -- Jude 6 Some Angels did not keep their assignments in heaven and left -- Revelation 12:4 One Third of 150,000,000 = 50,000,000 followed Satan -- Revelation 12:9 On the Day of the Lord; The Angel Satan will be hurled to the earth with his angels. -- 2 Peter 2:4 God did not spare the fallen Angels when they sinned
75 Ephesians 6:12 We wrestle against spiritual wickedness; Principalities powers and rulers of darkness -- Colossians 1:16 God created the visible and invisible, Thrones and powers rulers and authorities for Himself

76 Genesis 1:31 God said everything that He had made was very good.
77 Genesis 3:24 Angels guarded the Tree of Life -- Genesis19:1-2 Angels had Supper with Lot -- Genesis 19:11 Angels struck the men outside Lots house blind -- Genesis 19:16 Angels dragged Lot and his family to safety -- Genesis 22:11-12 Angels stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac -- Exodus 3:2-10 Angles told Abraham to go and free the Israelites -- Exodus 13:21 Angels provided a Pillar of Fire and a Pillar of Cloud -- Exodus 14:19 Angels protected Israel from the rear -- Judges 13:3 Angles told barren parents about the Birth of Sampson -- 2 Samuel 24:15-16 Angels killed 70,000 men with a pestilence -- 1 Kings 19:5Angels fed Elijah the prophet two meals -- Daniel 6:22 Angels shut the mouth of Lions -- Daniel 3:28 Angels delivered three out of the fiery furnace -- Luke 1:26-27 Angels told Mary she would have a Virgin Birth -- Matthew 1:20Angels told Joseph to marry Mary -- Luke 2:8-9 Angles told the shepherds about a Savior being born -- Matthew 2:13 Angels told Joseph to flee to Egypt to save the life of Jesus -- Matthew 2:19-20 Angels told Joseph to return to Israel -- Luke 16:22 Angels carried Lazarus to Abrahams Bosom -- Acts 8:26 Angels told Philip to preach to the Ethiopian
78 Hebrews 11:33-34 Angels Past Work; administered justice, gained what was promised; shut the mouths of lions, quenched flames,

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Present Work and Activity: Billy Graham said “Angels, who think, will, and display emotions are ministering servants who can appear or remain invisible as they perform the tasks that God assigns them.”

They are sent to the Churches with the testimony of Jesus Christ and long to see the Gospel preached and rejoice when a sinner comes to Christ. Angels minister, serve and encamp around the Believer guarding their way and delivering them from danger. They literally keep them out of harm’s way and place a hedge of protection around them.79

They maintain the believer’s life during the Believer’s assignment and interacts with them without their knowledge. There are even Special Guardian Angels just for children.80

Believers will finish their assignment before they die and at their death angels will escort them fromthisWorldintoHeavenforaroyalwelcome.81 Note:completingtheassignmentdoesnotbring on death; the total length of days is set for everyone, but the days can be lengthened or shorten by your decisions and actions.82

Future Activity in the End Times the Angels will watch over the Church and offer the prayers of the Saints on the Alter of God.83 Jesus Christ is the Ladder of all the Angel’s activities; their coming and going, and they will accompany Him at his return. For the Believer, Christ is the Ladder between this life and the life hereafter. He is the rungs on the Ladder; He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.84

In the End Times; with a trumpet blast, the Angels will weed out sin and evil and gather the Elect; the Believers, from the four corners of the earth.85 They will sound the seven trumpets and pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath. The Evil Angels will be judged; Michael the Archangel will fight withSatanandhisAngelesandtheywillbedefeated.86 TheGoodAngelswillbindSatan;throwhim into the Abyss; lock and seal it for 1,000 years.87

In the New Jerusalem, they will watch over all twelve gates. There will not be anything to actually guard as no Evil will be there, however their presence will be awesome to see.88

79 1 Peter 1:12 Angels enjoy watching the Gospel being preached -- Luke 15:10 Angels rejoice at the salvation of a Believer -- Hebrews 13:2 Interact unknowingly with the Believer -- Hebrews 1:14 Angels minister and serve the Believer -- Psalms 91:11-12 Angels guard you during your assignment,
Psalm 34:7
Angels encamp around the Believer and delivers them. -- Job 1:10 Angels provide a hedge of protection
80 Matthew 18:10 - Angels are assigned to protect the children
81 Isaiah 55:11 The Believer’s assignment will be completed before they die -- Luke 16:22 Angels Escort the believer to Paradise at death
82 Deuteronomy 25:14-15 You can lengthen your days by living right. -- Exodus 20:12 You can lengthen your days by honoring your father and mother
83 Revelation 1:20 Angels watch over the Church -- Revelation 22:16 Angels are sent to the churches with a testimony -- Revelation 8:3 – Angels “Offer” the prayers of the Saints on the Alter --
84 Genesis 28:12 Angels ascend and descend on the LADDER -- John 1:51 Angels work only through the LADDER of Jesus Christ -- John 14:6 - Christ is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE -- Matthew 16:27 Angels accompany Christ at His return -- Matthew 24:31 Angels gather the Elect With a Trumpet blast
85 Matthew 16:27 Angels accompany Christ at His return -- Matthew 24:31 Angels gather the Elect with a Trumpet blast
Matthew 13:40-41
Angels weed out the sin and evil -- Revelation 8:7 Angels sound the Seven Trumpets of Judgment. -- Revelation 16:1 Angels pour out the Seven Bowls of Wrath.
86 2 Peter 2:4 Evil angels will be judged and sent to hell bound in chains of darkness
87 Revelation 12:7 The Archangel Michael will fight Satan and his angels. -- Revelation 20:1-3 Angels will seize Satan and bind him in the Abyss
88 Revelation 21:12 Angels watch over the gates in the New Jerusalem.

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Chapter 3.3

Michael Archangel

Christophany; the appearance of Jesus before he was born.

First Word

The Bible teaches that we are NOT to worship Angels even though some denominations do. Oddly enough there are scriptures that support angels being worshipped. This study looks at those scriptures and presents something called Theophany and Christophany which is the appearances of God and Jesus in OT times.

The Players
The scene unfolds in heaven with a war breaking out between Michael the high Archangel and

the Dragon who is identified as the Angel Satan. Michael cast Satan out of Heaven along with his Angels that had followed him.89

Here’s where we are; we know the players are the Angel Michael and the Angel Satan. Understand that Satan was the highest ranking Angel in heaven, yet he and his angels were tossed out by the Archangel Michael... Ponder Michael’s authority and power...

The Prince

We are told that the angel Michael is a Prince, in fact a Great Prince which brings us up to the definition of Prince.

Wikipedia: Prince; the one who takes the first place or position; refers to a member of a family that is ruled by hereditary right. A prince is the son of a King and the heir to the throne. Scripture says Jesus was born the Prince of Peace and is the ONLY ONE that is the heir to the throne of God. So Michael is a Prince and Jesus is a Prince90... Hang on to that thought...

Begotten Son

The Bible teaches that Jesus is God come in the flesh and is the ONLY begotten Son of God. While there are many sons of God; Jesus is the only one begotten by God Himself. God gave His ONLY begotten Son so that through Him the world MIGHT be saved.91

89 Revelation 12:7 There will be a War in Heaven between Michael and the Dragon -- Revelation 12:9 The Dragon is the Devil; Satan
90 Daniel 10:21 Michael is called a Prince -- Daniel 12:1 Michael is actually the Great Prince -- Isaiah 9:6 Jesus is born The Prince of Peace

91 John 1:1 In the Beginning was The Word (Jesus) who is God on earth -- John 1:14 God had a Son (The Word) who became flesh and lived among us -- John 3:16-17 God gave his ONLY son that the world MIGHT be saved

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Return of Christ

When Christ returns, He will descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the ARCHANGEL and the dead in Christ will rise first. Ponder whose voice is shouting.

Jesus is the resurrection and He alone has the power over the grave. He is the only one with the keys to death and hell. It’s His voice that those in the graves will hear.92

Michael and Satan

Let’s pause right here to take a look at an “altercation” between Michael and Satan over the body of Moses after he had died. Here’s how it all played out;

Moses while in the desert, on an occasion was instructed to smite a rock ONCE to get water out of it, and he did. On a second occasion, God told him to SPEAK to the rock to get water, but not following God’s detailed instructions; he sinned and smote the rock TWICE to get the water.93

The ROCK is a symbol of Jesus Christ. He is our rock and would be smote only ONCE on the Cross and water would spill out from his side. He would die ONCE for the sins of the world... This sin of disobedience kept Moses from entering the Promised Land.

Moses died and the angel Michael came for his body and Satan also tried to claim it for the grave. Satan outranked all the angels, but once again lost this confrontation to Michael.94

Michael resurrected the now dead Moses to stand beside Elijah who never died. This meeting would occur at the transfiguration of Christ.95 Moses and Elijah would minister to Jesus just prior to His crucifixion. Ponder; Michael resurrecting the dead Moses.

The Archangel we call Michael was actually Jesus Christ who is the only one with the “Authority” of power over death and the grave. This is a Christophany; an appearance of Christ before His birth as the Messiah. This would occurred often in the OT; an example is His appearance as the Prophet, Priest and King; Melchizedek.

Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, He is NOT an angel. He is the creator of everything that was ever created. Think about Christ appearing as an Angel...

Jehovah Witnesses believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, but they deny the Divinity of Jesus Christ, teaching in fact that Jesus was an Angel.
Seventh Day Adventist also believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, but they believe and teach that He is God in the flesh.

God Angel

Jacob; (Israel) had an altercation; an intense wrestling match with an angel who identified himself asTheAngelofGod.TheAngeltoldJacobthatHewastheGODofBethel.96 Howcananangel be a god? Satan was a created being; an angel that wanted to be like God and was cast out of heaven for that very reason.

NOTE: Scripture says to let your request be made known to God alone; not to angels.97 Worshiping Angels is forbidden by scripture; the Bible teaches not to worship or make supplication to any angel; then why do we see instances of Angels being worshipped?

ThisAngelsaysthatHeistheGodofBethel. CouldthisbeGodtheSon;notacreatedAngel whocannotbeGod.JacobexclaimedthathehadseenGodfacetofaceandlived.98 Thiswasa Christophany of Jesus Christ. Jacob worshipped Him and the angel allowed it.

92 1 Thessalonians 4:16 God Himself descends with a shout -- Jeremiah 25:30 God is the one who roars and shouts. -- John 11:23- 25 Jesus is the one with power over the grave -- Revelation 1:18 Jesus has the keys to the grave and death -- John 5:28-29 Those in the grave will hear the Voice of Jesus -- 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – The Voice of the Archangel will be heard at Christ’s return
93 Numbers 20:10-11 - Moses sinned when he smote the rock twice

94 Jude 1:9 Michael said the Lord rebuke you Satan.
95 Matthew 17:3 - Moses appeared on the mount of transfiguration
96 Genesis 31:11-13 The Angel of God said I am the God of Bethel
97 Revelation 19:10 Do not worship an angel, worship only God -- Matthew 4:10 Jesus said; Worship and serve God only -- Philippians 4:5-6 - Let your requests be made known to GOD
98 Genesis 32:30 - Jacob seeing the angel said; I have seen God face to face

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Christophany footnotes99

Theophany - Christophany

An Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush and He identified Himself as the God of your Father Abraham and told him to take off his sandals because he was standing on Holy Ground.100 Moses did so and worshipped, and the angel allowed it.

An Angel of the Lord appeared to Joshua and Identified Himself as the Captain or Commander of the army of the Lord. He told Joshua to take off his sandals because he was standing on Holy Ground.101 Joshua did so and worshipped, and the angel allowed it.

Jesus is NOT an angel, but He is the head; THE CAPTAIN, THE COMMANDER of all the Angels and is worthy to be worshipped.

The Take Away

I know that this messes with your BS your Belief System; it sure did mine, but it’s in the Book

Martin Luther said, “An angel is a spiritual creature created by God without a body, for the service of Christendom and the church”.

Billy Graham said “Angels, who think, will, and display emotions are ministering servants who can appear or remain invisible as they perform the tasks that God assigns them.”102

Angels maintain the believer’s life during the believer’s assignment and interacts with them without their knowledge. The Task of the Believer will be accomplished before his death.103

Jesus is the Prince, the Heir to the throne, the only one with power over death. His voice alone can raise someone from the grave. He is the Captain; the Commander of all the Angels.

The Archangel Michael is the Christophany of Jesus Christ. SELAH

99 Hosea 12:3-5 Jacob worshiped the Angel; the Lord God of hosts. 100 Exodus 3:2-6 Angel of the Lord was God Himself
101 Joshua 5:13-15 Angel of the Lord was Jesus Christ
102 Hebrews 13:2 Angels interact with us unknowingly

103 Isaiah 55:11 Our assignment will be completed before we die

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Chapter 3.4


The Nephilim, The Sons of God Goliath, Emims, Zamzummims, Anakites, Sabeans and Rephaims

First Word

We all bring BS baggage, a Belief System of things we already embrace or reject into a discussion of Bible topics; sometimes our mind is changed and sometimes we are just left confused. To talk about Giants, we first should explore where they came from. According to scripture; some Angels rebelled and left their assigned habitations and came to earth.

NOTE: Whenever angels are seen on earth, they are always seen in the form of a man.


Nephilim; Wikipedia; The majority of ancient biblical versions, including the Septuagint, Theodotion, Latin Vulgate, Samaritan Targum, Targum Onkelos and Targum Neofiti interpret the word to mean "GIANTS". Symmachus translates it as "the violent ones" and Aquila's translation has been interpreted to mean either "the fallen ones" or "the ones falling (upon their enemies.)"

Scriptureclearlystatesthatsomeangelslefttheirownhabitations.104 “Whenmenbegantoincrease in number on the earth and daughters were born to them”.105 This is a special passage when you realize that daughters of men had always been born to them; it seems at some point, a desire was awakened in the “sons of God” and they took “whoever they chose” to marry with no emphasis on character, but only on beauty, probably marring more than one.

These “Fallen” Devine beings had sexual intercourse with the earthly women resulting in a hybrid ofGIANTSorNephilim. ThereisnomarriageinheavenandsinceDevinebeingsareimmortalthere is therefore no need to propagate; to replenish or repopulate as mortals must do on earth.106

Side Bar
I would be amiss if I didn’t acknowledge a difference of opinion on the sons of God; the

Nephilim. The sons of Adam, the Sethites and the Kenites were going in two opposite directions, specifically in moral and character distinctions as well as keeping diversely apart physically.

Some students of the Book believe that the flood of Noah wiped out ALL of the Giants in the land, and the “bad report” that was brought back by the Israelite spies was actually a “False Reportas they had not actually seen giants in the land, but were just afraid.107 I hope to change their BS as we unpack the Nephilim.

104 Jude 6 Some angels left their own habitation. -- Job 1:6 Satan and the Sons of God present themselves in the Heavenly Council of God -- Genesis 6:4 The Sons of God had sex with the women of the earth
105 Genesis 6:1-2 – Nephilim known as “The sons of God” saw the daughter of man were beautiful --
106 Mark 12:25 There is no marriage in Heaven

107 Numbers 13: 31-33 After the flood of Noah, the Spies saw Giants

Some students of the Book hold that the Godly line of Seth were actually “the sons of God” and were said to have disobeyed God, by “coming down” from the mountains and breeding with the

wicked Kenites thereby producing giants; they conclude that there were not any fallen angels at all,

only disobedient men.

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Nephilim were a people that existed before the flood of Noah and according to what I read existed after the flood also; so the Nephilim came down at least twice. I know this is reaching, but in the Apocrypha,

Giants terrorized the Israelites from the time they entered into Canaan until the time of David. The fearsome race of Rephaims; the Emims, Zamzummims, Anakites, Sabeans,108 and some Philistines were of great physical statue, large framed and abnormally powerful. King Og, the last of the giant Rephaites, bed was eight feet wide and thirteen feet long.109

There were more giants than you think; scripture says a Philistine Giant named Ishbi-Benob was hell bent on killing David with his new sword, but David was saved by one of his men.110

Goliath Goliathisneverdescribedasa“Giant”,butasa“Champion”thatwasninefeettall. Heis

thought to have been a descendent of the Rephaims, a race of Giants which had been scattered by the Ammonites and then took refuge among the Philistines.111

If you remember the story of how David slew Goliath with his sling shot, you may very well remember that he reached down into the brook and picked up five smooth stones. One to kill Goliath and four more for his brothers if they messed with him.

Goliath was over nine feet tall112 and had four brothers; Ish-benob, Saph, Lahmi, and another un-namedbrotherthathadsixfingersandsixtoes.113 Atsomepoint,Davidandhisboys“tookthem all out”. No archaeological skeleton remains have ever been found of these giants. They were “totally” decimated. (Some student of the Word say they never existed)

What If

The Flood

ItwasaftertheactionsoftheNephilimthattheearthbecamecorrupt. Theverynextverse says that God was grieved at man’s great wickedness and wanted to start over.115 The Nephilim were the prelude to the “Flood of Noah”. It was at this time God prepared to destroy the earth by flood of water and start over.

108 Isaiah 45:14 Giants called Sabeans -- Deuteronomy 9:2 Giants called Anakites -- Deuteronomy 2:10-11 Giants called Emims -- Deuteronomy 2:20-21 Giants called Zamzummims -- Joshua 18:16 The Valley of the Giants; The Rephaims
109 Deuteronomy 3:11 Giants called Rephaites; King Og’s Bed was 13 feet long
110 2 Samuel 21:16-17 A giant named Ishbi-Benob wanted to kill David

111 Deuteronomy 2:21 The Rephaims were as tall as the Anakites -- Deuteronomy 2:20-21 The giant Rephaims were driven out of their land
112 1 Samuel 17:4 The Champion Goliath was over nine feet tall
113 2 Samuel 21:22 Goliath had four brothers -- 2 Samuel 21:16 – Goliath’s #1 brother Ishbi-benob -- 2 Samuel 21:18 – Goliath’s #2 brother Saph -- 2 Samuel 21:19 – Goliath’s #3 brother -- 1 Chronicles 20:5 – Goliath’s #3 brother name was Lahmi -- 2 Samuel 21:20 – Goliath’s #4 brother with 6 fingers and toes -- 1 Chronicles 20:6 Giant had six fingers and six toes

114 Genesis 4:15 – Cain gets mark... Maybe he got stretched
115 Genesis 6:5-7 God was grieved at the wickedness and evil of man

the Book of Jubilees 7:2125 states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one

of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time. The Apocrypha describe the Nephilim as

being evil giants.

Sometimes my BS begins to wonder about; when God placed a mark on Cain114 that he made him thirteen feet tall; a giant, so no one would try to kill him. Thirteen is the Biblical number for Sin, Rebellion and Depravity. It was about this time that scripture starts talking about Giants.
Just fun thoughts

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Only nine LIVING people were counted righteous as Methuselah had died just before the flood and Enoch was translated and saved just before the flood, leaving just eight living people; Noah, his wife, their three sons and their three wives to be saved in the Ark.

A little FUN TRIVIA; Interestingly Methuselah was the oldest man in the Bible, but died before hisfatherdid;howcouldthatbe? Well,hisfatherwasEnochwhodidnotdie,butwastakenALIVE to heaven.116 A day is like a thousand years to the Lord;117 so Methuselah lived 969 years, almost one day of the Lord118 and Adam and Eve also died before one of God’s days ended, just like God said they would. The day that you eat thereof you shall surely die”.119 No man has ever lived longer than one “day of the Lord”. SELAH

The Take Away

In my spirit I want to embrace the scriptures at its face value; in the simplest of terms; which is tosay,whatitsaysiswhatitis. AnotherpartofmefullyunderstandstheGreekmythologythat embraces the Gods and Humans cohabitating, which I strongly reject.

I want to buy into the concept of the Godly line of Seth inter-marring with the wicked line of Cain, but this does not account for the GIANTS. Therefore with my BS, I must embrace the scripture as it is written... fallen Angel’s cohabitated with the Women of Earth.

It is unclear to me if the “Nephilim” were the “sons of God” that came down or the product of their union with the women; their children, the Giants.

Scripture supports that Angels appear on earth and have direct contact with men and even eat food with them. They are mentioned in the OT 108 times and in the NT 165 times, that’s 273 times.

This is a hard one, with students on both sides of the argument. Which side did you take?

116 Genesis 5:23-24 – Methuselah’s father Enoch didn’t die; he was translated 117 2 Peter 3:8 A day is like a thousand years to God.
118 Genesis 5:27 – Methuselah lived 969 years; just short of one of God’s days. 119 Genesis 2:17 The day that you eat of the tree you will die

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Chapter 3.5


Who is Satan? Why is Satan?
Why does he continue?
Where is Satan? Did Satan join the church?

First Word

When God made beings with the ability to; think, reason,

NOTE: There is something that you know about Angels, but have forgotten for the moment. Satan is also an Angel that was created by God.121 GET THIS: He was not just any Angel, he was the “Immortal” Chief of Staff, given the highest assignment; that of protecting and guarding the earth. He was the model of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, handsome and splendor and blameless in his ways, and God even gave him a special ability with music.122 He was adorned with beautiful stones; ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl

He was placed in authority to protect Earth, including the atmosphere, he held court and dispensed his reign in the “Garden of God”. At this point, man had perfect access and communication with God. But that was not enough for Satan, he wanted to be “worshiped” like God. HebegantohaveI”troubleandbecameabsorbedwithhimself,hesaidwithhisFIVEIWills; I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."123

After this rebellion by Satan, God made Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden and gave them the authority over the earth and everything in it.124 Satan was not going to take this laying down; he certainly was not going to report to Adam, a man made a little lower than him and of all things, a being made out of dirt. There’s just no way he would submit to any man.

Satan entered the “Garden of Eden” introduced doubt and unbelief; the doctrine of: “God didn’t really mean what he said” and “You too can become a Godand Adam and Eve went for it and it was their sin that cut off that perfect access man had with God.

This is hard to believe, but as Satan rebelled against God, one-third of the angels were deceived, some50,000,000loyaltoSatanlefttheirassignmentsandfollowedtheirTopDog.125 Satanquickly pounced on this opportunity and organized his new kingdom into “Principalitiesand appointed Princesto control the earthly governmental leaders.126 That’s why we should pray for our leaders in government. Satan is not a disease or a symbolic principal with horns, a tail and a pitch fork; he is real.

120 Ezekiel 28:12-17 Satan had FREE WILL to do evil and he did
121 Job 1:6 Satan is an Angel
122 Ezekiel 28:12-19 Satan was the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty
123 Isaiah 14:13-14 – Satan’s “Five” I wills to exalt himself above God
124 Genesis 1:26 - God gave Adam dominion over the earth
125 Jude 6 Some deceived Angels loyal to Satan did not keep their assignments
126 Ephesians 6:12 We contend with Principalities, powers, and rulers of spiritual darkness -- Ephesians 2:2 - Satan is called the Prince” of the power of the air -- Daniel 10:13 – One of Satan’s minions is the “Prince” controlling Persia -- Ezekiel 28:2 Satan has consumed his Prince of Tyrus

feel, perceive, and to experience

subjectivity, He also gave them FREE WILL; to do GOOD things. So by giving them FREE WILL, He

also gave them the ability to choose to do EVIL; to choose to SIN.120 We still have that ability today.

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Who is Satan?

There are a more names for Satan than you can shake a stick at but here are the big three: Lucifer in Latin: Lucem ferre means “Light Bearer”, “Morning Star”, “Son of the Morning.” Satan in Hebrew: Satanas meaning “adversary”, “To accuse”
Devil in Greek: Diabolus meaning “slanderer” and “false accuser”, “The enemy” 127

Much can be learned about who Satan is by “reading between the lines” of the scriptures. I hope to explore here who he is, why he is, where he gets his power and how to defeat him. Satan has a bunch of names; Lets’ take a look at scripture at the names that are used to describe Satan’s character:

God of this World, Worthless Shepherd, Father of lies, Master of intrigue, Contemptible person, The Wicked One, Man of lawlessness, Lawless one, Prince of destruction, Prince of the Power of the Air, Power of darkness, Abaddon, Apollyon, Fierce King, Devil, Belial, The Beast, Beelzebub, Prince of demons, Great Dragon, Serpent of Old, Devil, Satan, The Dragon, Ancient Serpent, Serpent, Old Serpent, Great Red Dragon, Unclean Spirit, Evil Spirit, Lying Spirit, Tempter, Adversary. 128

Note: BeforethefallofSatan,hecarriedsomeofthesamenamesasJesusChrist,suchasMorningStar. Some translate “Lucifer” as Day Star.

Satan’s WILL
This Angel was created perfect and was beautiful to behold and was full of wisdom, but using his

inward WILLdesired to be as God; desiring to take God’s place. This “iniquity” or sin that was FOUNDinhimwasdisappointingtoGod;thustheword“found”. Goddidnotcreateiniquityor sin;itwasgeneratedbythefreewillofSatan.129 InthebeginningtherewasonlyONEWILL;God’s will, then Satan rebelled and now there became TWO WILLS and when Satan sought to corrupt man and get them to follow his will, he failed because man would not attach themselves to Satan, they wanted their own will; so now there are MILLIONS OF WILLS.

Satan’ Goal - Detach Man
In the beginning at the creation of angels, there were no Policies or Procedures or Laws... There

was not a Law, that said that if you sinned you would die, so all the beings created were immortal. They would live forever. (Somewhere). Satan made a decision that it was not enough to be the Angel that protected and ruled the earth, but he wanted to be worshipped like God. This was the beginning of the revolt; many of the angels were already reporting to him and followed him. 130

Satan’s goal is to detach us from God; this in effect attaches us to him. He stays busy messing with us in order to stop God’s promises from reaching us. He delays our promises, diminishes our hope; with expectation that we will stop praying and give up on God.131

127 1 Peter 5:8 The Enemy, The Devil, Roaring lion -- Luke 10:18 Satan -- Isaiah 14:12 Lucifer; Son of the Morning - -- Isaiah 14:12 - Morning Star; son of the dawn
128 2 Corinthians 4:4 God of this World -- Zechariah 11:16-17 Worthless Shepherd -- John 8:44 Father of lies -- Danial 8:23 Master of intrigue -- Danial 11:21 Contemptible person -- 1 John 2:13 The Wicked One -- 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3 Man of lawlessness -- 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 Lawless one

Daniel 9:26 Prince of destruction -- Ephesians 2:2 Prince of the Power of the Air -- Colossians 1:13 Power of darkness -- Revelation 9:11 Abaddon, Apollyon -- Daniel 8:23 Fierce King -- Matthew 4:1 Devil -- 2 Corinthians 11:14 Satan -- 2 Corinthians 6:14-15- Belial -- Revelation 13:1-2 The Beast -- Matthew 12:26-27 Beelzebub -- Matthew 12:24 Beelzebub, Prince of demons -- -- Revelation 12:8-9 Great Dragon, Serpent of Old, Devil, Satan -- Revelation 20:2 The Dragon, Ancient Serpent, The Devil, Satan -- 2 Corinthians 11:2-4 Serpent -- Revelation 20:2 Old Serpent -- Revelation 12:3 Great Red Dragon -- Matthew 12:43 Unclean Spirit -- 1 Samuel 16:14 Evil Spirit -- 1 Kings 22:22 Lying Spirit -- Matthew 4:3 Tempter -- 1 Peter 5:8 - Adversary

129 Ezekiel 28:15 – Satan’s “WILL” became toward self -- Ezekiel 28:17 Pride was born Satan -- Matthew 12:24 Satan is the prince of devils
130 Ezekiel 28:2 Satan set his heart as the heart of God and this gave birth to pride -- Proverbs 16:18 Pride comes and then the fall -- Ezekiel 28:17 Satan corrupted his own wisdom because of his splendor -- Proverbs 11:2 - When pride comes, then comes shame - John 8:44 Satan became the father of lies.

131 Ephesians 6:12 Our fight is against invisible principalities. -- Luke 8:12 – He steals God’s word from our heart. -- Mark 4:14-15 Satan immediately without hesitation attacks us -- Acts 26:28 Causes us to procrastinate in our actions -- Matthew 4:1 He tempts us to test God -- 1 Chronicles 21:1 He tricks us to do things we should not do -- 1 Corinthians 3:3 Satan Divides the Believers with

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Satan’s Characteristics
The Book describes Satan as the Temper, one who spawns a spirit of disobedience, one that is

cunning aggressive and deceiving. He masquerades as a good person, but is actually a cowardly but vicious, fierce and cruel murderer; he is a thief and a destroyer who with his lying signs and wonders prowls about like a roaring lion around seeking someone he is able to deceive and devour.

He has a synagogue of worshipersfilled with deceitful workers and false apostles that can transform themselves into the apostles of Christ.132

NOTE; God allows Satan to mess with us, but it is within the limits He has set. Did you see it; Satan is limited by God and the Believer will respond in the spirit and will receive restoration.133

Why is Satan

We scratch our head and wonder why God just doesn’t just zap Satan and fry him, but that does not address the root problem and that is LOVE. Satan exists so that God’s love and patience can be witnessed by ALL creation, giving Satan and all that follow him eons of time to repent. The reason Satan continues is that the afflictions of Satan gets man’s attention back on God, which opens the door to repentance.134

NOTE: When it is raining, it is a natural consequence to get wet, but you can step under an umbrella to get out of the rain; but you are still wet. It naturally takes time to dry off. Sin has natural consequences and sickness in one of them. You reap what you sow; more than you sow; and longer than you sow. When you step under God’s umbrella, while you are out of the sin, it still takes time to dry off from the consequences of sin.

Satan exists so that ALL creation will observe that Satan is not all powerful, that he cannot create anything and that to follow him leads to eternal separation from God.135 He exists so that it will never again enter the mind of man and ALL the rest of God’s creation to ever rebel again, and they will confessthereisonlyoneGodandHealoneisworthyofWorshipandpraise. GodallowsSatanto continue in order that we develop our character and faith. So that we will know where we are in our own spirit and faith in God. In the end, God will demonstrate to all creation his power and authority over Satan and those that enter into heaven will be those who by their own FREE WILL want to be there with Him; there will never even be a thought of another rebellion.

divisions -- Zechariah 3:1 – He resist our efforts to receive God’s promises -- 2 Corinthians 4:4 He blinds our mind to not really believe the Gospel -- James 1:5-8 Satan makes us double minded; creating doubt -- Luke 4:3 Satan creates doubt of who we are in God -- 1 Peter 5:8 He is our adversary; seeks us out for destruction -- Luke 22:31 He messes with our lives; to sift us like wheat -- Luke 13:16 He afflicts us with sickness

132 Matthew 4:2-3 He is a Tempter -- Ephesians 2:2 - Spawns a spirit of disobedience -- 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 He is cunning and scheming -- Ephesians 4:27 He is aggressive -- Revelation 12:8-9 He deceives -- 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 He masquerades as a good person -- 1 Peter 5:8 He prowls around pretending to be a roaring lion -- James 4:7 He is a coward that will flee from you -- John 8:44 A murderer -- Luke 8:28-29 He is vicious, fierce and cruel -- John 10:9-10 He is a thief and a destroyer. -- 2 Thessalonians 2:9 He has lying wonders and signs -- Revelation 2:9 Satan has a Synagogue of worshipers. -- 2 Corinthians 11:13 Deceitful Workers, False apostles transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ

133 Job 1:12 Satan has Limitations; he is a dog on a chain
134 Job 33:14-28 Afflictions brings us closer to God -- 1 Corinthian 5:1-11 Rebuke a brother who is in sin to save his soul -- Revelation 21:5 Turning back from sin to God will save you from the lake of fire -- 2 Corinthian 2:8 When a brother returns to the faith; Love him
135 Ephesians 3:10-12 The rulers in the heavenly realm, TAKE NOTICE -- 1 Corinthians 4:8-9 The believer is on parade; ALL CREATION WATCHES us, to see what we will do. -- 1 Corinthians 4:12-13 Under persecution we work, we bless and we love
Mark 16:17
– The believer will destroy the works of Satan’s -- Ephesians 2:8-10 Salvation is a Gift; prepared in advance for us; it is not our works -- 1 Peter 1:10-16 We are no longer in ignorance, we are called to be Holly -- 1 Peter 5:8-9 We must stay alert and resist temptation -- James 1:13-15 CAUTION - Temptations gives birth to death -- 2 Peter 1:5-7 We grow in goodness, knowledge, godliness, kindness and enlarge our faith -- Jude 22-23- The Believer is merciful and show mercy

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Where is Satan?

I need to digress here to make note that today we don’t hear much about Satan or his Demons; their activity has been strangely silent. There is a reason for this; Satan has joined the church. The plan now is to introduce doctrine that tickles the ears of the saints, to corrupt, compromise and otherwise water down the doctrines of Christ, he makes the Church a victim of change not an instrument of change; to cause them to follow not lead.

Satan deceitfully gets preachers to preach the Bible by what they believe instead of preaching what they believe by the Bible. Think about that. He introduces other religions that increase “the man” and diminish God: “Be all that you can be”, “Prosperity on earth”, “You have all you need on the inside.136 (no repentance needed)

CULTS are springing up that point to someone other than Jesus Christ, or point to writings or books other than the Bible. Jehovah Witness, Mormons, Christian Science, The Way, Unity, and the World Wide Church of God; all proselyte Christians; not the unsaved.

Interests: Out of body experiences, UFO salvation, Ouija boards, Tarot card, Palm reading,

Horoscopes, Herbal cures, Holistic Healing, Spiritual Guides, Channeling, Reincarnation and Karma All these tickle the itching ears.

Satan is fanning up interest in Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. He waters down the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Swamis, Yogis, Gurus and Zen masters, Mediums and Psychics, Ancient Lords, Ascended Masters and Alien Visitors.

The New Age message is a hybrid mix of spiritual, social, political, sociology, theology, physical sciences, medicine anthropology, history, human potential, sports and science fiction. “The Force be with you” from star wars is a mix of Christianity, eastern religions, and demonic forces, so it’s actually “the FARCE be with you”.

Spirit Guides are easy to summon up; you think you are seeking them, but they are actually seeking you! Satan walks about like a roaring lion “seeking” whom he “MAY” devoir. (He gains your permission through deception) Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and so can his minions.137

Satan’s War in Heaven

The war in Heaven: with my BS, my Believe System, when I first learned of Satan being thrown out of heaven, I thought it had already occurred; it was a done deal. I thought all this happened before Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden taking Satan’s place of authority. Now I find in scripture that even TODAY, Satan STILL has access to Heaven.138 I had to change my BS; my world view.

Day and night Satan continuously brings accusations of the Believer before the Throne of God. After 6,000 years of listening to accusations, you would think God would be a little bored with it all.

This brings us to THE BIG QUESTION; when does Satan and his Angels get booted out of Heaven? Satan and his Angles will NOT be thrown out of heaven until the middle of the “Tribulation Period”, or three and a half years after it starts; WHAT !

Did you see it? God allowed Satan and all the Angles that “rebelled” to continue to have access to heaven for some 6,000 years;

giving them PLENTY of time to repent. All of creation has watched and is a witness to the mercy and patience of God, BUT then one day it will finally happen; WHAM; this will not be “Pretty Please” will you leave. It will be an all-out WAR BETWEEN THE ANGELS.

136 Acts 17:20-21 Satan wants us to the latest strange ideas -- 2 Timothy 4:3-4 The Make-believer will seek what their itching ears want to hear
137 1 Peter 5:8 – Satan seeks who he “MAY” deceive and devour -- 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 – Satan’s minions masquerade as righteousness

138 Job 1:6 Satan reports on his efforts to the Heavenly Court -- Zechariah 3:1 Satan shows up at the throne of God with accusations -- Revelation 12:10 Satan accuses the Believer Day and Night -- Revelation 12:7-12 - WAR in Heaven Satan and his angels are thrown out -- Matthew 24:15-22 Satan sets up the Image in the Temple to be worshiped

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The accuser will no longer be allowed in Heaven to come before God and accuse us of our sins. So now this Devil-Angel will pursue the Saints on earth; primarily the believing remnant of the Jewish nation. There will be JOY in Heaven when he is thrown out, but there will be WOE on the Earth. TheDevilisHOTfrombeingthrownoutofHeaven. Thisiswheretheterm“RaisingHell”comes from. He has been told of his fate and is now STOMPING around thinking he can change things. He marches right into the Temple and sets up an image to be worshiped and then it gets worse; three and a half years later he sets in motion the first stages of THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON.


Mankind was created a little lower than the Angels,139 and since many of these Angels rebelled and sinned against God, how much more can man, who being made lower than the angels have the ability to Sin also In fact ALL men have sinned and come short of the glory of God.140

911 HELP: God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.141 Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it; and why? Because of that person's failure to BELIEVE in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to Him.

This is the CRISIS we're in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light andwon'tcomenearit,fearingapainfulexposure. Butanyoneworkingandlivingintruthandreality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.

This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. These are not my words; this is “Word for Word” right out of scripture.

Angels are SUPERNATURAL creations; if you reject the supernatural and remove it from scripture, then you have NO Savior, NO salvation, NO Faith and NO HOPE; with only the death sentence of everlasting destruction as your future. There is NO other Name. Jesus Christ is THE ONLY WAY.142

The Take Away

Since Satan’s rebellion and his sin against God, and man’s sin in the Garden of Eden, the entire worldincludingSatanhasbeencondemnedtotheburninglakeoffireforever. ALLcreationhas been watching Satan, to see what his rebellion will come to. They will observe him and his followers, thrown into the burning lake of fire forever. They will see Gods mercy and patience, not wanting any to perish, but giving eons of time to repent. This story will be told time and time again. God will finely have A PURE PEOPLE and this will never happen again.

139 Psalm 8:5 Man was made a little lower than the angels. -- John 14:6 - Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life -- Acts 4:12 There is NO OTHER WAY by which we can be saved -- Acts 4:12 - There is just NO OTHER NAME which we can be saved
140 Romans 3:23 – All have sinned and fall short of God’s Glory --
141 John 3:17-21 Jesus was NOT sent to condemn, but to save. -- John 3:16 Whosoever believes in Jesus will be saved --

142 John 14:6 - Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life -- Acts 4:12 There is NO OTHER WAY by which we can be saved -- Acts 4:12 - There is just NO OTHER NAME which we can be saved
143 Revelation 12:10 Satan continues to accuse us before God day and night -- 2 Corinthians 11:14 – Satan’s minions Dress up like an Angel of light -- 2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan blinds the minds of the unbelievers -- Matthew 13:19 Satan snatches away the sown seed of the Gospel -- Matthew 24:24 It’s not possible for the Elect to be deceived -- Ephesians 6:12 The Saints must Fight to the finish; its Life or Death -- James 2:19 - Even Demons believe in the only one True God

Fallen Angels have been busy in the past, busy in the present and will be busy in the future. The Angel Satan will continue to accuse us before God till he is thrown out of heaven. His angels will be doing the same things they have always done; deceiving the unbeliever with Evil disguised as Truth; Darkness disguised as Light; Blinding them from the light of the Gospel; Snatching the seeds oftheGospelmessageawayassoonastheyaresown.143 TheGoodnewsis;thatit’sNOTPOSSIBLE for the Elect; the True Believer to be deceived, (However, the Make Believer is another issue altogether).

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So here we are; God made everything “good” including man. Satan corrupted it. God still loves us and has provided a way of escape144 for us to get back into perfect Communication and Harmony with Him. The Mystery; the Plan of escape from Hell fire is through his Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

God will not look upon SIN... He will cast it out as he did Satan. Sin blocks access and fellowship with God. In the beginning, sacrifices of unblemished animals to God were made to atone or cover upthesinofmansoGodwouldagainlookuponthem. ItwouldbethefinalworkofsinlessJesus Christ, sacrificed on the cross as an unblemished lamb that would, not just cover up our sin, but remove the sin completely as if it never was, and give us full access to the Father God.

God wants to redeem his people and has put “The Plan of Salvation” into effect to save those who have a WILL toward Christ.145 God does not want us to be ignorant; to make “no decision” is to accept the fate of Satan. We must FIGHT; this is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against theDevilandallhisangels. MAKEBELIEVER;doyouprofesstobelieveintheoneandonlytrue God, and then complacently sit back as if you had done something wonderful? That's just great, even the demons do that, but what good does it do them? Believing and Accepting are two different things. Please note; I didn’t say this; I’m quoting “word for word” right out of the scriptures.

144 1 Corinthians 10:13 There is a way of escape
145 Revelation 22:17- Where there is a WILL there is a way.

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Chapter 3.6

Three Trick Pony

God’s Will – Satan’s Will – Man’s Will Desires of the Flesh, Desires of the Eyes Pride of our lifestyle

First Word

Make no mistake as we go along here with a BS process believing that Satan is an equal and opposite force of God; He IS NOT. God created Satan and man; God is Sovereign

Man was created in the Physical realm and given “little power and authority” but could do whatever he wanted. Free as a bird; freedom to choose, his life is choice driven within God’s plan.

Satan was created in the Spiritual realm and was given massive power and authority, but with certainlimits.SoSatanisnothing,butadogonaleash. TheFreeWillofSatanandtheFreeWill of Man both have limits and both operate within God’s perfect plan. So you can say both angels and man have LIMITED FREE WILL. As a student of the Book you may question where in scripture does it says that Satan has free will, and I will ask you where it doesn’t; you can observe its existence in all of Satan’s actions.

Satan was created perfect and was given FREE WILL, which allowed him to have the potential for the greatest good or the potential for the greatest evil. Somewhere along eternity past Satan SAW all of creation and focused his WILL on himself and DESIRE was born; he desired to raise himself up to be equal with God. Desire gives birth to PRIDE of one’s life and with pride comes the fall which brings on shame, this moves on to corrupted wisdom which brings on lies; Satan became the Father of Lies.146

Satan - Tempting Deceiving - Tricking
Today Satan prowls around trying to tempt, deceive and to trick us by his masquerading as a

good person.147 He is cunning and resists our efforts; he blinds our minds and makes us double minded thus creating doubt. This spawns a spirit of disobedience which steals the Word of God from our hearts. This causes us to procrastinate in our decisions.148

Satan is our adversary that seek us out for destruction; to attack us immediately without hesitation as soon as we seek to do the will of God. He messes with our lives and even attacks us with sickness. Today our fight is against his invisible principalities, his powers and against his rulers of the darkness of this world.

146 Isaiah 14:13-14 – The five “I Wills” of Satan -- Ezekiel 28:15-16 – Satan’s “WILL” was toward self -- Ezekiel 28:2 Satan lifted up his thoughts that gave birth to desire -- Ezekiel 28:17-18 Pride was born within Satan -- Proverbs16:18 Pride comes and then the fall to destruction -- Proverbs 11:2 Pride brought Shame -- Ezekiel 28:17 – Pride corrupted Satan’s wisdom -- John 8:44 Satan became the father of lies.

147 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 Satan masquerades as a good person --1 Peter 5:8- Satan prowls around seeking someone to trick and devour
148 2 Corinthians 2:11 Satan is cunning -- Revelation 12:9 Satan deceives us -- 1 Chronicles 21:1 Satan tricks us -- Matthew 4:3 Satan is The Tempter -- Matthew 4:1 Satan tempts us -- 1 Corinthians 3:3 Satan divides us -- Zechariah 3:1 Satan resist our efforts -- 2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan blinds our mind -- James 1:5-8 Satan makes us double minded -- Luke 4:3 Satan creates doubt -- Ephesians 2:2 Satan spawns a spirit of disobedience

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Satan Three Trick Pony
From the beginning of eternity past, Satan has been a three trick dog and pony show. He pulls

the SAME THREE TRICKS and mankind still falls for it, but we don’t have to. God does not want us to be ignorant of the wiles of Satan.150

The First Trick is the desires of our flesh; (self) the craving of food, drink, pleasure, sex and all that is materialistic, egocentric, exploitative and selfish.
The Second Trick is the desires of our eyes; the tendency to be captivated by everything that entices the eye, basic thoughts of greed and desire; seeing and wanting. The Third Trick is the Pride in our lifestyle; this is ostentatious pride that makes us feel superior to others; the pretentiousness of life; our Public Image.151

Let’s look at Jesus: The tempter comes when we are at our lowest point, when we are weak and tired.BeforetryingtotrickJesus,SatanwaiteduntilHehadnoteatenfor40days. Satanplayedon hunger to tempt Jesus (the desire of the flesh), showing Him stones that could be food (the desire of the eyes); and implied that IF He was really the Son of God He could produce a miracle; (the pride of one’s lifestyle). Satan implied that IF Jesus was actually the Son of God, He would have the supernatural ability to provide His own food.152

Right here you can see that Satan’s plan was to cause Jesus, (the second Adam), to test God, to see ifGodwouldreallytakecareofHim. IfSatancouldjustinstillsecondthoughtsofdoubtorunbelief, he would have caused Jesus to sin; but Satan failed. Doubt in God is of Satan and is sin. This action would have separated Jesus from the perfect access and fellowship of God. Christ did not have to prove anything to Satan and only quoted scripture to him. This same principal applies to sex or to any other realm concerning the desires of the flesh.

Temptation is not a sin; the sin is giving in to the temptation.153
Satan tried to temp Jesus by offering Him all the kingdoms of the world and they were all his to give. Satan knew that Jesus had left from ruling His own dominion (the desire of the flesh) and showed Him his kingdoms of dominion (the desire of the eyes) and said He could have it all154 (the pride of one’s

lifestyle) if he would just worship him. But Satan failed again as Christ just quoted scripture.
Satan tempted Jesus again; this time taking Him to the very top of the Temple, probably at a feast or festival time when a multitude of people were gathering. Satan told Jesus to cast Himself down demonstrating His superiority
(desire of the flesh) and many people would witness the angels (desire of the eyes) bearing Him up in front of the multitude (the pride of one’s lifestyle). Jesus just quoted scripture

to him again. Jesus never performed a miracle in order to just demonstrate his superiority.
Satan pulled this same trick on Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan told Eve the fruit was good for food; (desire of the flesh) she saw that it was a delight to the eyes, (desire of the eyes) and that the tree

was to be desired to make one wise (pride of one’s lifestyle), she took of its fruit and ate.155

Satan’s goal is to keep man from communicating and fellowshipping with God. He may seem to leave you, but he is actually waiting for another opportunity to snag you through temptation and he has plenty of demonic minions to help him.156

149 Luke 8:12 – Satan steals God’s word from our heart. -- Acts 26:28 Satan causes us to procrastinate -- 1 Peter 5:8 Satan is our adversary; seeking us out for destruction -- Mark 4:15 Satan attack us immediately without hesitation, -- Luke 22:31 Satan messes with our lives -- Luke 13:16 Satan afflicts us with sickness -- Ephesians 6:12 Today our fight is against invisible principalities and rulers of spiritual wickedness

150 Romans 11:25 - For I would not have you ignorant of the mysteries
151 1 John 2:16 Desires of flesh, Desires of the eyes, Pride of life
152 Luke 4:1-12 Jesus was tempted with desires of the Flesh, Eyes and Pride of life 153 James 1:13-15 CAUTION; temptation gives birth to death
154 Matthew 4:8-9 Satan says worship me and you can have it ALL
155 Genesis 3:6 Eve saw the fruit; desired it and took it and ate
156 Luke 4:13 Satan may leave, but looks for another opportunity

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The New Old Trick
Satan has joined the church. The plan now is to introduce doctrine into the church that tickles

the ears of the saints, to corrupt, compromise and otherwise water down the doctrines of Christ. Satan makes the Church a VICTIM of change not an INSTRUMENT of change; he cause them to follow not lead.

Satan deceitfully gets preachers to preach the Bible by what they believe instead of preaching what they believe by the Bible. SELAH; Ponder that for a minute or two.

Satan introduces other religions that increase “the man” and diminish God: “Be all that you can be”, “Prosperity on earth” “You have all you need on the inside(no repentance needed)

Have you noticed that “Teaching” Churches have smaller attendance and the “Feel GoodChurches become Mega-Churches? Why is that? People have itching ears for a church that preaches what they want to hear.157 Sin is not black; it’s 50 shades of grey.

The Take Away

We are no longer ignorant of Satan and his THREE TRICK DOG & PONY SHOW, and must stay alert and resist temptation and continue to enlarge our faith and have mercy toward others.158 It is the supernatural means and actions of Jesus Christ and His Disciples that has painted a picture for us of “THE WAY” of Hope and eternity with God.159

Christ is our Ladder between this life and the life hereafter. He is the rungs on the Ladder; He is The Way, The Truth and The Life.160

If you reject the supernatural and remove it from scripture, then you have NO Savior, NO salvation, NO Faith and NO HOPE; with only the death sentence of everlasting destruction as your future. There is just NO other Name and there is just NO other Way.161

Jesus Christ is THE WAY

157 Acts 17:20-21 People prefer to listen to the latest strange ideas -- 2 Timothy4:3-4 People have turned away from truth and are seeking what their itching ears want to hear
158 2 Peter 1:5-7 We are to grow and enlarge our faith through Goodliness, goodness, brotherly love and knowledge of His Word -- Jude 22-23 - We are to be merciful and show mercy to others

159 Acts 19:23 There was a great disturbance about THE WAY -- Revelation 22:17- Where there is a WILL there is THE WAY -- Proverbs 16:25 There are ways that seem right to man, but lead to death -- 1 Peter 1:10-15 We are no longer live in ignorance, we know THE WAY -- 1 Peter 5:8-9 We must stay alert and resist temptation, the enemy Satan is prowling around like a roaring lion
160 Genesis 32:3 - Christ is our ladder between heaven and earth. - Acts 24:14 – We are followers of the sect known as “The Way-- 161 John 3:15-16 Whosoever WILL; Whosoever Won’t -- Matthew 10:32-33 Whosoever WILL confess me, I will confess him before the Father

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Chapter 3.7

Satan Father of Cain

Serpent Seed Kenite Doctrine Christian Identity Movement Twinning Shape Shifters

First Word

Under Question is did the serpent have sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden and become the father of Cain? I am going to SPIN the story, not asking you to BUY into it, but to just acknowledge that the theory exist and is accepted by a great many.

The “Serpent Seedteaching comes from the early church where a spiritual group took the words of Christ literally when He spoke to a certain group of Jews and said “You are of your father the devil”. This teaching has been around for some time and was first brought to my attention while watching Shephard’s Chapel with Pastor Arnold B. Murray. My teeth about dropped out of my mouth when he said quite matter of fact that SATAN WAS THE FATHER OF CAIN and then went on teaching, but I was still stuck on Cain’s Father being Satan; how could this be?

The Gospel of Philip from the Nag Hammadi Library is part of the Gnostic Gospels found by accident buried in a cave near Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945. This Gnostic teaching pretty much says SatanwasthefatherofCain. TheGnosticswerethoughttohavehadpersonalcommunicationswith deity; thus they had knowledge that others did not possess.

So as we begin unpacking this; understand that the Gnostic teaching of the Gospel of Philip has been rejected by most Scholars as NOT being authored by Phillip; but this writing does reveal the thinking of the writers at the time and its Gnostic thinking followers.

Gospel of Philip 3.61 - Cain was a child of the Serpent
61 If he were not created, but begotten, you would find you would find that his seed was noble. But now he was created, afterward murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for he was the child of the serpent. So he became a murderer, just like his father
and he killed his brother.
John 8:44 - You are of your father the devil
44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (ESV)

Christian Identity Movement
The Christian Identity Movement regarded Europeans as the "Chosen People" and the

Jews as the cursed offspring of CAIN and was promoted as the SERPENT SEED or "Serpent Hybrid"; it was also known as the Two-Seed Line doctrine.

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White supremacist sects and gangs later adopted many of these teachings. The Christian Identity movement dictated that all non-whites (people not of wholly European descent) on the planet will either be exterminated or enslaved in order to serve THE WHITE RACE in the new Heavenly Kingdom on Earth under the reign of Jesus Christ. Christian Identity doctrine” states that non-whites can never achieve salvation or paradise, instead it states that only "Adamic" (white people) can achieve salvation and paradise.

The Kenites

The Kenite Doctrine is a version of the "Serpent Seed" doctrine that identifies a specific "Kenite" lineage of people that descended from Cain. Dr. Arnold B. Murray of the Shephard’s Chapel identifies them as a minority that exist within the tribe of Judah. (anti-Semitism) (Wikipedia)

The Hebrew word Kenite has only one meaning in Strong’s Concordance 7014; a member of the tribe of Kajin; Kenites sons of Cain”; it is used TODAY to represent children of the Wicked One; the tares sown by Satan noted in the parable of the tares and wheat.

1 John 3:11-12 - Cain belonged to the evil one; Satan

11 This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
12 WE MUST NOT BE LIKE CAIN, WHO BELONGED TO THE EVIL ONE and killed his brother. And why did he kill him? Because Cain had been doing what was evil, and his brother had been doing what was righteous. (NLT)

The Archontites had maintained that Cain had a demon for his father, and that the JEWS proceeded from the race of Cain.

Nazi Theology pretty much states that the Serpent; Satan had sex with Eve and she gave birth to Cain and his descendants survived the great flood; they are the BLACKS and the JEWS; the children of Satan who have a tainted, corrupted DNA Serpent Seed and need to be cleansed from the earth. This was the dark motivation for the Holocaust and the WHITE SUPREMACY movement.

There were no Kenites after the flood nor NOW. So when you hear teachers such as Shepherd’s Chapel referring to someone as being a “Kenitebecause they disagreed with them, they are also saying they don’t believe in the world wide flood of Noah which killed all of them.

The Book says that only eight people survived the flood.162
Just to mess with your mind, there is no mention of Cain’s death in the Book, so could it be

that the first murderer will return as the Antichrist; the last murderer? Reincarnation maybe?


The Book teaches that everything reproduces after its kind, so even though we see it spoken of a flying fish or flying squirrel, they did not mate with a bird and they don’t actually fly. It is true a female horse and a male donkey have a similar DNA and can mate and produce a mule, but pregnancy of a mule is rare. THINGS REPRODUCE AFTER THEIR OWN KIND.163

The Book points out it is a sin to have sex with an animal; it is called Bestiality, it does not produceahybridofsomething,itproducesnothingandisjustwhatitis;PERVERTEDSEX. InIslam it is permitted to have sex with an animal to prevent the sin of having sex with a woman that is not your wife. God says a person who is involved in Bestiality should be killed.164 It’s in the Book

So with that said; a reptile or serpent cannot mate with a human and produce an offspring, so how could the SERPENT in the story of Adam and Eve have ever mated with Eve and produced the child Cain? It is impossible

162 2 Peter 2:58 - Only eight people were saved from the flood
163 Genesis 1:25 - Things reproduce after their kind --
164 Leviticus 18:23 – Don’t have sex with animals, it is perversion -- Leviticus 20:15-16 Kill the person who has sex with an animal

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The Serpent

People refer to someone that is crafty, sinister, sneaky and nefarious as A SNAKE although they are actually a person; they are being identified by their characteristics. Eve encountered something that could talk and walk upright; the Book calls it a serpent, but today we might call it a “shape shifter”, something that can transform itself into a different shape. The Book says Satan can do that and so can his minion servants.165

ThereiszeroevidenceofAdamandEvehavingsexintheGardenofEden. Whenitcameto sexuality this was a time of childlike innocence. Adam and Eve were both naked and SEX had not even crossed their minds. When Eve encountered the serpent standing there, she saw that he was “a delight to the eyes”; a good looking dude so she ventured close, not afraid to talk with him. Dr. Arnold Murray says that EATING of the tree of knowledge of good and evil” symbolizes her having sexual intercourse with him.

After the encounter, the serpent was cursed; he could no longer stand or walk upright166

Painting a different picture

Man was made a little lower than the angels167 and like the female horse and the male donkey which both carry a similar DNA; humans and angels also carry a similar DNA. There is no marriage in heaven as Devine beings are immortal and therefore there is NO NEED to propagate, to replenish or repopulate as mortals do on earth.168 There are no female angles, so they do not reproduce. All angels are created by God, but angels can procreate with female mortals with their offspring’s resulting in GIANTS. The Book says that some Fallen” Devine beings identified as “sons of God169 or Nephilim came to earth and took women in marriage and had sexual intercourse resulting in a hybrid of giants.170 The Book of Jubilees says that they also corrupted the animals and birds.

I needed to paint this picture that Angles and mortal women can reproduce; so with that said; SATAN was an Angel and while he cannot create, he theoretically could start his own TWISTED EVIL race, created in his own image and likeness through mortal women. The Serpent Seed Doctrine says this is what he did; so there you have it; Cain’s father was a psychopathic Archangel.

Jubilees 7:21-25 Nephilim defiled the earth THE FLOOD
21 For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to the fornication wherein the Watchers (fallen angels) against the law of their ordinances went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness.
22 And they begat sons the
NEPHILIM, and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another: and the Giants slew ... one man another.
23 And every one sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much blood, and the earth was filled with iniquity.
24 And after this
THEY SINNED AGAINST THE BEASTS AND BIRDS, and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.
25 and the Lord
DESTROYED everything from off the face of the earth; because of the wickedness of their deeds, and because of the blood which they had shed in the midst of the earth He destroyed everything.

165 2 Corinthians 11:14 Satan is a shape shifter, he can transform himself -- 2 Corinthians 11:15 – Satan’s servants are shape shifters also
166 Genesis 3:14 Serpent can no longer walk; must slither in the dirt
167 Psalm 8:3-8 Man made a little lower than the Angels -- Genesis 6:4 The Sons of God had sex with the women of the earth; produced Nephilim

168 Mark 12:25 There is no marriage in Heaven
169 Genesis 6:1-2 – Nephilim known as “The Sons of God” -- Job 1:6 Satan and the Sons of God present themselves to the Council 170 Jude 6 Some angels left their assigned habitation. -- Genesis 6:4 The Sons of God had sex with the women of the earth; produced Nephilim

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A Little Background

Those who embrace the New Age movement of gnostic thinking will see the “Serpent Seed Doctrine” being birthed in Genesis and running throughout the entire Bible; they will symbolize, allegorize or make it into a metaphor; and I plan to take you there and let you decide, if is it literal or just symbolic. I have tried to prove that Satan has the ability to have sex with women, the next thing to prove is that the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden was human sexuality.

The Hebrew word nachash” translated Serpent or snake means “hiss of a snake” or an enchanter,awhispererofmagicspells. Subtlemeanshewassmooth,cunningandcrafty.Paulwarns us that the serpent deceived Eve by his cunningness. The Serpent named in the Garden of Eden is said to have BEGUILED Eve; let’s look at what some say the word beguiled really means; they say she was wholly SEDUCED.171

The Book of Mark contains a story that compares TREES to men walking.172 We find the Fig Tree is a reference to the people of Israel.173 So you can read into that; that the trees are a metaphor or reference to men in the Garden of Eden. The “EATING” from the tree is symbolic of having sexual intercourse.174
Proverbs also metaphorically compares the word “eating” as “sexual immorality.”

So with those thoughts; it could be said that she ate of the fruit of the tree; that she literally had sex with the Serpent or whatever it was.

The Fruit Pregnancy & Homosexuality
Notice both Adam and Eve ate the fruit. If it is true that eating the fruit was symbolic of having

sexual relations, then the Serpent had sex with both Eve and Adam because both ate the fruit, introducing the perverted sex of homosexuality.175 Both ate and both shared in the consequences.

Adam’s First Three Boys TherearethreesonsofAdamthataretrackedintheBook;Abel,CainandSeth. Thereisno

linage of Abel because he was murdered by his brother Cain. Something bad happened to Cain’s linage as it just disappears after at the seventh generation; 120 years before the flood, yet Seth’s linage goes on to the tenth.

The flood took place in the tenth generation wiping out any possibilities of Cain’s descendants continuing. The Book says only Eight people survived the flood; Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three distant cousin wives.176 Noah was in the line of descendants of Seth.

It would be Seth’s descendants that proved to be those who remained faithful to God while Cain’s did not. It is through the Godly lineage of Seth that the Messiah Jesus Christ would come.

Adam and Eve had additional children; that is where Cain and Seth both got their wives.

Now the Story

We begin this story looking through the lens of “Serpent Seed”, zooming in on the Trees. Trees in the Book are symbolic of people; the Tree of life could be symbolic of Jesus Christ and the TreeofknowledgeofgoodandevilcouldbesymbolicofSatan.177 ThisDoctrineteachesthatThe fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not only NOT to be eaten, but NOT to be TOUCHED either.178 The Hebrew word touch means; “to lay hands on” for any purpose; “to lie with a woman. Eating the fruit was Eve sleeping with the Serpent & becoming pregnant with Cain.

171 Genesis 3:13 Eve was beguiled; wholly seduced by the Serpent -- 2 Corinthians 11:3 - The serpent deceived Eve by his cunning 172 Mark 8:23-24 Metaphor Trees are people
173 Hosea 9:10 Metaphor Fig Tree is Israel
174 Proverbs 30:20 Woman metaphorically EATS” in adultery

175 Genesis 3:6-7- Both ate the fruit and then their eyes were opened -- Genesis 3:6 Adam and Eve both had sex with the Serpent -- 176 Genesis 7:7 – Only Noah’s family of eight survived the flood
177 Genesis 2:9 Two Trees in the garden; tree of Life and tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil -- Genesis 3:4-5 Serpent LIED; you will not surly die

178 Genesis 3:1-3 – Eve added to God’s command; don’t touch that tree either

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STOP: Their eyes were now open being armed with the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they sewed figleavestogether.(Theywereinafiggrovenotanappleorchard.) IftheirsinwaseatingtheFRUITfrom the tree of knowledge, then why did they not seek to hide or cover their mouths, but instead they covered their private parts. 179 SELAH; just think about that

We don’t know how long Adam and Eve lived in the garden before the trickery of Satan, but we do know that very day of disobedience they were cast out of the garden; then one to four days later we hear the phrase that Adam “knew” his wife; he had sexual relations with her.180 Hold that thought

Twinning: Among DIZYGOTIC TWINS, in rare cases, the eggs are fertilized at different times with two or more acts of sexual intercourse, either within one menstrual cycle (superfecundation) or, even more rarely, later on in the pregnancy (superfetation). This can lead to the possibility of a woman carrying fraternal twins with different fathers (that is, half-siblings). This phenomenon is known as heteropaternal superfecundation.

Dizygotic twins from biracial couples can sometimes be mixed twins, which exhibit differing ethnic and racial features. One such pairing was born in Germany in 2008 to a white father from Germany and a black mother from Ghana. Wikipedia

Eve gave birth to Cain and then continued in birth of his TWIN brother Abel which she gave thanks to God believing they were both from the Lord. She had twins that had different fathers which we know today is certainly medically possible.

In the genealogy of Adam given in chapter five we already know that Abel is dead leaving no genealogy of sons to record; but we must notice that CAIN is totally left out as a son of Adam, as the genealogy begins with the third son SETH. Cain was not the Son of Adam

The Curse

Looking at the curse “point of view” through the “Serpent Seed Lens”.
The Serpent is cursed181 to no longer be able to stand erect or walk, but to slither on the ground and eat the very dust that man was made of. The Woman is cursed182 in childbearing to bring forth children in pain and a desire to rule over her husband. Her mouth was not cursed for eating the fruit, but with pain her childbearing was cursed, directly linking her to sexual intercourse and pregnancy; proving eating the

forbidden fruit represented having SEX.
The Ground is cursed183 with the ground growing with weeds and in

pain he must till it to survive.
The Boys are cursed184 that there will be hatred between Cain’s

offspring’s; the EVIL Kenites and Seth’s offspring’s the GOOD Jews. So now you can easily see why Cain hated Abel;

Revelation says; I know your tribulation and your poverty and the slander of those who say that

they are Jews and ARE NOT, but are a synagogue of Satan. (The Kenites)
All of Adam’s future children are cursed185 as an angel was placed at the entrance of the Garden

of Eden with a flaming sword to prevent them from entering and enjoying it.


The Flaming sword is Light; the sword is the Word of God and represents THE WAY back to Him.

  1. 179  Genesis 3:7-13 They covered their private parts, not mouths

  2. 180  Genesis 3:24 An Angel with a flaming sword guarded the way to the tree of life

  3. 181  Genesis 3:14 - The Serpent was cursed to no longer stand or walk upright

  4. 182  Genesis 3:16 The woman was cursed to bring forth children in pain

  5. 183  Genesis 3:17-19 The ground was cursed that the man must work to eat

  6. 184  Genesis 3:14 The boys were cursed with Hatred between the Kenites & Jews

  7. 185  Genesis 3:24 An Angel with a flaming sword guarded the way to the tree of life

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The Boys Offering

In ancient times there was always a conflict between the FARMERS who were the TILLERS of the ground and the semi-nomadic shepherds, herdsmen who always had to move on to “Greener Pastures” because sheep would eat all the way down to the root, decimating the foliage.

Adam and Eve worshipped God and brought their children up to offer sacrifices.

Dual Intent: Thanksgiving for what had been received and Faith that it would continue. The boys had two different trades; being able to exchange and trade with each other. Cain was a Farmer and raised vegetables and offered the “FIRST FRUITS” of the soil to God. Abel was a Sheppardandraisedsheepandofferedthe“FIRSTLINGS”oftheflocktoGod.186 Godlookedwith favor on Abel’s offering and not so much upon Cain’s; the question is WHY?

Much is made over the fact that God requires a meat offering, but The Torah COMMANDS sacrifices of both animals and grain crops. So then, what’s the problem here? I don’t think it mattered what was being “offered”, it was Abel’s FAITH in God that commended him as a righteous man before God. Faith was something Cain lacked.

Without faith, it’s impossible to please God.

When you read the account, you can see Cain’s character was sullen, self-willed, haughty and vindictive. He harbored thoughts of murder in his heart and finally did murder his brother.187 ScripturesupportsthatobediencetoGodisfarbetterthanyoursacrificetoHim. Laterwefind Seth born of Eve to carry on the Godly line of Adam.188

Cain Make Believer
God disregarded “Cain” and his offering, but told him to cheer up, everything could still work

out; this was about Cain, not about Cain’s offering. God extended Himself to Cain,189 but Cain’s pride was wounded which produced envy, hatred, violence, unbridled anger and a spirit of revenge.

Cain was ticked off and mad, his attitude towards God proved that Satan was his father and SIN was crouching on his very doorstep and was ready to pounce. Duly note; that it was not too late for Cain to choose the way of God regardless of who his father was.

You can almost paint the picture. The brothers are two opposite classes of man; Abel is God’s humble, believing man of Faith and Cain is Satan’s proud, self-willed man of defiance; Good and Evil. NOTE: God extended Himself to Cain in reconciliation with hope, forgiveness and victory; saying if you do what is right; BLESSING are set before you, BUT if you do what is wrong; CURSES.

It’s the same today; we can try to do better or get angry with God. It’s in the Book

Tares Parable The Seed TheParableoftheTaresasviewedfromthe“SerpentSeed”pointofView. Webeginwith

the definition of seed: “Sperma” in the Greek means Seed; the sowing of seed by the farmer; a remnant remaining for another planting;190 a man’s seed or emission of semen; a descendent.

The Man; the Sower, the servant farmer is symbolic of Jesus Christ.
The field is symbolic of the world
The Seed is symbolic of the children of God, THE JEWS from the line of Seth.
The Enemy is a Foe, an Adversary; identified as SATAN, not a snake or a serpent.
The Tares are symbolic of THE KENITES who claim to be Jews, but are children of Satan. The Reapers are God’s angels.
The Harvest is at the end of the age; the judgment.

186 Genesis 4:3-5 – The boy’s made offerings with different hearts
187 Genesis 4:8-10 Cain kills Abel; God says; what have you done? -- Genesis 4:8-16 Cain slew Abel & received Curses from God 188 Genesis 4:25 Adam Knew Eve again, and she bore SETH
189 Genesis 4:6-7 God reasons with Cain to come to Him
Genesis 5:1-32
Cain is not mentioned as a son of Adam -- Revelation 2:9 Some say they are Jews, but are actually of the synagogue of Satan
190 Revelation 12:17 SEED that is left over A remnant -- 1 John 3:9 The Good Seed will remain

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NOTE; Beware, that today The Word of Faith movement contains both the seed of God and the tares of Satan, both being taught together. It is imperative that you read the Bible for yourself. You must prove scripture with scripture, in context from the intended audience point of view.

The Story; Jesus as the servant farmer had just went into the field and sowed the seed that brings forth the godly line of Seth, the Jews.191 Satan sneaks in while the servants are sleeping just like we all do today and sows the seeds that will bring forth the evil line of Cain, The Kenites.192

The good Jews and the evil Kenites are both growing up together and at some point THEY HAVE FRUIT and the difference begins to be noticed by the workers. They wonder how this can be, they saw the good seed being planted themselves, but were unaware of what Satan was doing while they slept. Jesus tells them plainly that SATAN has done this nefarious thing.193

The workers want to go in and tear out the weeds right then, but Jesus compassionately says NO, that they might accidently pull up a believer that is new in the faith who might be caught up in the Word of Faith teachings which make them look like a Kenite; leave them growing awhile longer so that their fruit may have time to fully develop.194 (This is you and me)

Let them grow together till the Judgment then we will first gather the FAKE Kenites and bind them in bundles TO BE BURNED, then later gather the REAL Jews into my barn.

The Warning: Let he who has ears, let him hear.

The Take Away

Today there is still a battle going on between the TARES; the Muslims who are the offspring of Ishmael; and the WHEAT; the Jews the offspring’s of Jacob. This prophesied hatred remains today fanned by the flames of ISIS the Islamic Terrorist who believe they are promised paradise, but in the end will inherit Hell Fire. Many Muslims have come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ; pray that others will receive the light also.

Nowhere in the Book is anyone that is identified as a Kenite is condemned based on being from thelinageofCain. NowhereintheBookdowefindaparticularraceofpeoplethatareunredeemable. This worldview is front loaded with prejudice and bigotry. Race and Gender have no standing with God, He clearly states He wants none to perish, that all should come to repentance.195

Under Question was did the serpent have sex with Eve in the Garden of Eden and become the father of Cain? I have made an attempt to SPIN this story, not trying to get you to BUY into it, but to be aware that the theory exist and is accepted by many. What you do with the information is up to you. Was the Original Sin Disobedience or Sexuality? The majority is not always right, don’t whore around with men’s traditions and be misled with false doctrine, find out for yourself by studying God’s Word. It’s in the Book

For me, although the Book is full of allegories, parables, symbols and hyperboles, I must still accept the Book wherever possible as Literal, however, I do get the point that MY actions prove who MY father really is.196

Bad news; when we are BORN our Father is Satan and our desire is to do his evil will.197
Good News; we can be BORN AGAIN and be a child of God doing His good work at every hand.

The flood wiped out all the Hybrid Kenites; so for today, it no longer matters who the father of

Cain was because the Kenites do not exist, however, our actions do show who our father really is.

191 Matthew 13:37-38 The Story of the tares as explained by Jesus -- Matthew 13:24 Jesus Christ sowed the good seed of the JEWS 192 Matthew 13:25 Satan sowed the wicked seeds of the KENITES
193 Matthew 13:28 Satan has done this thing
194 Matthew 13:26-27 Let the JEWS and KENITES grew up together -- Matthew 13:30 Let them both grow together until the harvest -- Matthew 13:29 Don’t gather the tares yet; unknowingly you might get young JEW

195 Galatians 3:28 Race nor Gender have any impact with God --2 Peter 3:9 Gods will is for ALL to be saved
196 John 8:41- Like Father; Like Son; you do the works of your father -- John 8:44 - Your will is to do your father’s desires. -- 2 Peter 3:9 Gods will is for ALL to be saved
197 John 8:38 – The Believer’s Father is God; the Make Believer’s father is Satan

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Chapter 3.8

Satan’s Flood

Lucifer’s Flood – The Gap Theory The Other Flood before Noah

First Word

The Book of Genesis is the SEED/PLOT of the whole Bible; the roots of every Great Doctrine. What does the Bible say and what does the Bible NOT say?

HowcanyoumaketheJUMPinthegap”iftheBibledidn’tsayit? ThisWordstudyiscertainly going to mess with your personal BS; your Belief System, your worldview. I embraced “The flood before Adam” about 30 years ago and while most pastors knew about it, they certainly did not teach it. It was only recently in Adult Bible Study, in a PCA Presbyterian Church, that I heard about the two floods from a Professor at Columbia International University (CIU). He recommended the book The Invisible War” by Donald Grey Barnhouse, and to back the theory up I recommend “Dake’s Annotated Reference Biblefor a cornucopia of supporting scripture.

The light of God comes to man progressively and God rewards those who diligently seek Him. There are no new revelations; just more enlightenment.198

“The PEARL of great value” is just waiting there to be meticulously uncovered.199

First earth age Endless Ages before
Somewhere in the dateless past God made stars before “TIME” as we know it began. The stars

sangastheearthwascreated.200 Beforeanythingelsewas,therewasGodanditwashisgreatpleasure to make things. Like a carpenter building a table and sitting back and looking at it and admiring it because he made it. “IT WAS GOOD” and what a piece of work! That’s how He feels about Man.201

In the beginning God created all things that are in heaven and in earth, both visible and invisible. For His own pleasure He established and created areas of dominions principalities, and powers.202 BUT; God did NOT make the earth “tohu;topsy turvey, void, waste, desolate, empty, wreck or ruin.

The RSV says; “He did not make the earth in Chaos. But something dreadful did happen betweenverseoneandversetwoofGenius;itbecamevoid;WATERFLOODEDTHEEARTH. There are other scriptures that fill in is the GAP between verse one and verse two of Genesis.

The Gap

Genesis 1:1 The First Earth Age was created good

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Genesis 1:2 The earth became without form and was void 2 The earth was BECAME WITHOUT FORM, AND VOID; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. (NKJV)

198 Hebrews 11:6 God rewards those that earnestly seeks Him
199 Matthew 13:46 Sell everything and buy the Pearl of great value
200 Job 38:4-7 – The stars/angels were there at earth’s creation
201 Deuteronomy 32:4 – God’s works are perfect -- Job 7:17 Why does God love His creation man so much?
202 Psalms 33:9 He spoke and it came into existence. -- Colossians 1:16-17 God created everything for Himself -- Psalms 33:6 The breath of His mouth created everything

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Isaiah 45:18 God did not create the earth VOID
18 For thus says the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it,
HE CREATED IT NOT IN VAIN, (IT WAS GOOD) he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.

Pre-Adamic Population

God created angels before creating the earth and the angel Lucifer was put in charge. The earth was inhabited by “immortal” beings, eons before Adam was ever created. Lucifer rebelled and the corrupted earth came under the judgment of darkness and a flood. This fallen state and judgment occurred long before the time of the Garden of Eden. There was no law of “If you sinned you would die”. Those whose bodies perished in this first universal flood became the “immortal” demons that would plague the second earth age that we live in today.

Instead of footnotes, I will print these scriptures out for you so you can see what God says.

Job 38:6-7 Angels & heavenly beings created before the earth

6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone-
7 while the
MORNING STARS sang together and all the ANGELS shouted for joy? NIV
Isaiah 45:18 God formed the world to be inhabited
18 For this is what the LORD says-- he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it;
Isaiah 14:12 There were nations in the first earth age
12 How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth,
Ezekiel 28:14-16 The Angel Satan was in charge of the TRADING. 14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. 15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.
, and you sinned. NIV Jeremiah 4:23-26 The people perished in the first earth age flood 23 I LOOKED AT THE EARTH, AND IT WAS FORMLESS AND EMPTY; and at the heavens, and their light was gone. I looked at the mountains, 24 and they were quaking; all the hills were swaying. I looked, and
THERE WERE NO PEOPLE; every bird in the sky had flown away. 26 I looked, and THE FRUITFUL LAND WAS A DESERT; all its towns lay in ruins before the LORD, before His fierce anger. NIV
2 Peter 3:5-7 Ungodly men existed before Adam
5 But they deliberately forget that
7 By the same word the

being kept for the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men. NIV

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Book 3 Angels Satan Nephilim Demons Garden of Eden THE PRE-ADAMIC FLOOD – LUCIFER’S FLOOD


Now this is “fixin” to get deep here, but just hang in there a minute. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Gen 1:1) This ends the account of the first earth age creation. Later we will get to the second earth age creation as recorded in Gen 1:3.
NOTE: In verse two the Lucifer Flood had already happened; “and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters, some translations say “brooding over the waters(pondering)

Hayah; all other 67 translations of the Hebrew word “hayah” was translated “became” not “was”. So you can say the earth became without form and void. The translator’s literally did not understand how the earth “became” void, so they substituted it with the word “was”.

Jeremiah the prophet recorded that the earth became formless and this did not happen during the flood of Noah. The Apostle Peter said the “earth of old” overflowed with water.

With Satan’s rebellion, God withdrew Himself from the world. This released all restraints of nature andplungedtheworldintothejudgmentofDARKNESS. Watercamefromeverywhereandflooded the earth. We believe this to be for thousands upon thousands of years which would account for the

age of some fossils that have been found and carbon dated with that age.
It is believed that this flood completely destroyed everything and this made the world without form

and void. If we use Genesis as a concept of God; that everything He made was good; then we can pre-suppose that the earth was created good and because of rebellion and sin, it became void.

THE JUMP: This is where you make the jump in the gap between what is said and what is NOT said, and you do this with other scripture.

Genesis 1:2 The earth became without form and void

2 And the earth was (“hayah” became) without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
2 Peter 3:5-6 The world that was then overflowed with water 5 ... the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

Why the pre-Adamic flood

Just to stay on point with this study, I will not cover why God flooded the earth, except to say that Satan, the fallen Angels and all corrupt the beings caused it.203 Satan is given eons of time to restore the earth, but he could not. He cannot create anything, but can only counterfeit and copy.

Let us reason together204
Did God create the world Void and a waste land?205
Does God create evil as well as good?206
Can both fresh water and salt water come from the same spring?207
The Good man brings forth Good things that are stored up in him, how much more will God208. God’s ways are perfect and flawless.209
Everything God created; He said, that “It was GOOD.210

203 Isaiah 14:12-14 Satan rebels with the Five I Wills
204 Isaiah 1:18 Come and let us reason together
205 Genesis 1:10 Dry ground; It was Good
206 God created Free Will and with that the ability to do the greatest good or the greatest evil 207 James 3:11 Fresh and salt water cannot come from the same spring

208 Matthew 12:35 A good man bring forth good; the evil man brings forth evil
209 God’s way is perfect and flawless
210 Psalms 18:30 Genesis 1:4 Light; It was Good -- Genesis 1:12 Fruit trees; It was Good -- Genesis 1:18 Day and Night; It was

Good -- Genesis 1:21 Birds; It was Good -- Genesis 1:25 Creatures; It was Good -- Genesis 1:31 Man; God saw that it was VERY


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Book 3 Angels Satan Nephilim Demons Garden of Eden IT’S IN THE BOOK Darkness - Judgment

Every time the sky is darkened, it is a sign of God’s judgment; EVERY TIME... and that is what is being reported to have already happened in Genesis 1:2. The First Earth Age was still under God’s judgment and Satan could not fix it, so God starts over with the creation of the Second Earth Age which is what is being reported in Genesis 1:3. (The final Third Earth Age is when Jesus returns.)

Did you see it; all creation is WITNESS to Satan’s Free Will actions and re-actions. God in His great mercy and grace has given eons of time for Satan to repent; but he does not and now his fate is sealed, he is doomed to the Lake of Fire for eternity. His only strategy and hope is to delay the inevitable. When the Battle of Armageddon is over, there will never be another rebellion in heaven and only those that love the lord with their own Free Will, will be there.

Genesis 1:2 DARKNESS was over the surface of the deep

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Exodus 10:21 Judgment - So dark it can be felt

21 The LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness will spread over Egypt
Jeremiah 4:23 Judgment The light was gone

23 I looked at the earth, and it was formless and empty; and at the heavens, and their light was gone.
Joel 2:31 Judgment Sun turned dark

31 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
Revelation 6:12-13 Judgment The sun turned Black

12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth,


Revelation 8:12 Judgment Sun, moon and stars turned dark

12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that
a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.


Revelation 9:2 Judgment The Sun and sky were darkened

2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.

Revelation 16:10 Judgment Plunged into darkness

10 The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. Men gnawed their tongues in agony

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The Two Floods Comparison


Genesis 1:2 Earth was formless

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, NIV
Jeremiah 4:23 Earth was empty

23 I looked at the earth and it was formless and empty and at the heavens and their light was gone.

Genesis 1:2 Earth was totally dark

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, NIV
Genesis 1:3 Days did not exist

3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light and he separated the light from the darkness. NIV
Jeremiah 4:23 Vegetation destroyed

23 I looked at the earth and it was formless and empty and at the heavens and their light was gone. NIV
Genesis 1:6 No receding of the waters

6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." NIV
Psalm 104:9 Water boundaries set

9 You set a boundary they cannot cross; never again will they cover the earth.
Genesis 1:24 Animals all destroyed

24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, NIV

Jeremiah 4:25-26 No Ark of salvation

25 I looked, and there were no people every bird in the sky had flown away.
26 I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert; NIV

Jeremiah 4:25All the people were destroyed

25 I looked, and there were no people; every bird in the sky had flown away.


Genesis 8:12 Earth was not formless

12 He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him. NIV
Genesis 6:16-17 Earth was not empty

17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish NIV Genesis 8:8 Earth was not totally dark

8 Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground NIV
Genesis 8:6 There were days

6 After forty days Noah opened the window he had made in the ark
Genesis 8:11 Vegetation remained

11 When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! NIV
Genesis 8:3 The Waters receded steadily 3 The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the hundred and fifty days the water had gone down, NIV

Genesis 1:9 Water boundaries already set

9 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. NIV
Genesis 6:20 Animals preserved

20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. NIV

1 Peter 3:20 Ark saved people

God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, NIV

Genesis 6:18 Eight people saved

I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark--you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wives with you. NIV

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The Second Creation Begins



Time did not begin till the second earth age which is the age we live in now and Time will end at the end of this age; Time will end. Ponder that! We are living in a blip, a point between eternity past and eternity forever.

The Bible speaks of a six day creation, but it could just as easily have taken 6000 years; it actually doesn’t make any difference. One day with the Lord is like a thousand years. We are taught as students of the Bible to;

FIRST; take the precepts as literal, simple and straight forward; SECOND take it figuratively;
THIRD parabolic as an instructional parable.

I take the 6 day creation as 6 literal days, but I could just as easy embrace 6000 years, however, I would have to literally live 7000 years to enjoy the rest on the Sabbath. Oddly enough, it has been

about 6000 years since the “second” creation with only 1000 years remaining for the millennial reign of Christ to take place. (Resting on the 7th day) SO GET READY for His return.

2 Peter 3:8 One day is like a thousand years to God

8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that

Psalms 90:4 A thousand years is only yesterday.
4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

God brings forth The re-construction
In the second earth age creation which was mainly “reconstructive”, there were some things

that were NOT created, but were already in existence.
NOTE: The word “CREATE” is used only in the first verse of Genesis and is not used again till the creation of life. There is no scripture that says God founded the earth in the waters, therefore the DRY land was already created and appeared when the waters were gathered together.

God brought forth; seas, dry land, grass, herbs and fruit trees.
Genesis 1:9-11
The waters and land were already there
9 And God said let the WATERS under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 10 God called the DRY LAND Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas: and God saw that it was good.
11 And God said, let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. KJV

God creates the heavens

God now creates the Heaven, Sun, Moon, and Stars Genesis 1:7-18 God creates the heavens

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

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17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. KJV

God creates living things

God creates sea creatures, birds, beasts, insects and man. There are three spears of creation; (1) Matter (2) Natural life and (3) Spiritual life; man.

Genesis 1:21-27 God creates living things.

21 God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: God saw that it was good.
24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. KJV

God said Replenish

Now God has made Man and told him to “replenish” the earth, or “re-populate” it again. He told Noah the same thing after his flood. To replenish or repopulate must mean there was a populace before this one begin.

Genesis 1:26-28 ADAM; after the 1st Earth age flood of Lucifer 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and
REPLENISH the earth and subdue it. KJV

Genesis 9:1 NOAH -After the 2nd Earth age flood of Noah
9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and REPLENISH the earth. KJV


The Take Away

Did your BS Change; your Belief System, your worldview. Embracing or rejecting the Gap Theory does not affect your salvation, it only helps explain the story of Satan’s rebellion and man’s fight in the inviable war over souls.

The words “In the beginning” does not refer to the 6 day creation, but refers to a time before this re-creationbegan;theearththenwascalled“dryland”. SointhebeginningGodcreatedtheheavens and the dry land.

Satan had corrupted the inhabitants of the first earth age and made them vile, wicked and evil and at some point in eternity past there was a JUDGMENT of darkness and waters flooded the entire

dry land. Did you see it? The earth had become without form and was void. NOW there was no light AND without light everything perished including the creatures of the deep.

Un-repentant Satan was given eons of time to re-construct the earth, but could not. God started over and created man; made lower than the angels; and gave him dominion over earth. Satan having lost his dominion to a man made lower than him and one made out of dirt at that, struck back at God by corrupting MAN who was made in the very image of God and caused him to become vile, wicked and evil. In the JUDGMENT of the Second Flood, God started over again with Noah and his family of eight.

Today man is still vile, wicked and evil,

God is sending another Ark; the Rapture, Get Ready.

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Chapter 3.9


Lying, Seducing, Unclean, Foul, Blind, Deaf and Dumb, Familiar, Binding, Jealous, Spirit of Infirmity

Demon Origin Time Line

FIRST EARTH AGE - This is eternity past
In the beginning God creates the Heavens and the Earth. He sees that it is good; Genesis 1:1 The angels are created with FREE WILL, including Satan. They are good
Beings and animals are created with
FREE WILL. They are good.211
There is not a Law: If you sin, you will die. The created spirit beings will live forever
Satan is given dominion over all of the Earth; but he wants to be worshiped as God
Time did not exist, but probably millions of years as we know time would pass by.
Satan rebels; so does 50,000,000 angels and they leave their assigned post to follow Satan.
Man’s heart becomes filled with evil and violence and man wants to do his own thing.
All of Heaven is witness to what’s happening and waits to see if Satan will succeed.
God gives eons of time for Satan and man to come around, but they don’t.
God floods the earth wiping out everything.
The earth becomes without form and void; Gen 1:2 Heaven
witnesses Satan’s reaction. SECOND EARTH AGE This is the present age, but before Jesus Christ is born.
The earth is still void and the spirits of the dead are still alive, but they have no bodies.
The dead without bodies become Satan’s demonic minions carrying out his assignments. Time as we know it begins; Satan is unable to give life or create anything.
God starts over; All of Heaven is watching to see what Satan will do next; they are
The plan of salvation of man is put into effect. “The law of sin and death.
A mystery is also put into effect. A new ruler of the earth will come and defeat Satan. Everything is recreated or “brought forth” starting in Genesis 1:3; Man has FREE WILL.
God put Adam and Eve in the Garden; e
verything is put under Adam’s authority.
God told Adam to replenish or re-populate the earth.212
Satan is determined he will not report to a man made lower than him, one made out of dirt. God tells Adam; Don’t eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil”, or you will die.
Satan tricks Adam into eating the fruit, God knew he would; Adam is now a sinner.
Adam had
twin boys; Satan thinks Able is the mystery; the new ruler and gets Cain to kill Abel. Now everybody is a sinner; Satan is home free, he is king and now worthy of praise.
About 2,000 years passes: Man is hopelessly evil; Heaven wonders and is witness to what’s next. God gets Noah and his family to build an ark and fills it with pairs of God’s creation.
God Floods the earth for over a year. Only EIGHT people are saved; the Godly remnant.
The newly dead spirits all go to hell; they are under
the law of sin and death.
God tells Noah to
replenish or re-populate the earth.213

211 Genesis 1:1 – God creates everything “Good” -- Deuteronomy 32:4 – God’s works are perfect -- Isaiah 45:18 The earth was not formed in vain’ it was inhabited
212 Genesis 1:28 Adam was told to replenish the earth; repopulate
213 Genesis 9:1 Noah was told the same thing; to replenish the earth

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First Word

To discuss demons, we must first address their origin which requires us to look at something called“ThePre-AdamicFlood”;whichisfoundinscripture,butnottaughtinchurch. The“origin” produces the “WHY” of their existence which in turn leads us to their activity in the life of humans, animals and objects. Chances are excellent that your pastor knows all about this, but very few domination embrace it, let alone teach it. Read the book -“The Invisible War” - Barnhouse. This Word study will rearrange your BS your Belief System.

The Pre-Adamic Flood The flood before Noah and Adam
The word WASin verse 2, is the Hebrew word “hayahwhich is translated 67 times in the

Bible as “became” and is translated 505 times as “came to pass”.214 The earth was inhabited by men and the behemoth; a very large animal like the dinosaur.215

Between Genesis verse 1 and verse 2 the earth was destroyed by a flood for probably thousands if notmillionsofyearsasweunderstandtime.216 Timedidnotbegintillthesecondearthagebeganin verse 2. The law of sin and death did not exist in the first earth age. When everything perished, they lost their bodies, but their spirits were immortal and will live forever; “somewhere.

Why the Pre-Adamic flood

God gave Satan the earth and ALL that was in it. It was his to do with as he willed. Satan made a decision that it was not enough to be the Angel that protected and ruled the earth, but he wanted to be worshipped like God. This was the beginning of the revolt; many of the angels that were already reporting to him, followed him.217

ThemenofearthhadbecomevileandreprehensiblewithnothoughtofGodatall.218 WithSatan’s rebellion God withdrew Himself from the world. This released all restraints on nature and plunged the world into darkness. Water came from everywhere and flooded the earth. We believe this to be for thousands of years if not millions, which would account for the age of some fossils that have been found and carbon dated.

Striking Back at God

A demon when possessing a human being is striking back at God for taking their bodies in the pre-Adamic flood and placing a prophetic curse on them of damnation to the lake of fire.

They strike back by oppressing and destroying His greatest creation; “MANmade in His own image. Binding their victims with chains of physical and mental sickness. Jesus went about healing the sick and those oppressed of the Devil.

Sickness is of Satan.

Acts 10:38 Sickness is an oppression from Satan

38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and


214 Genesis 1:2 The earth was BECAME void
215 Job 40:15 God made the behemoth; the dinosaur.
216 2 Peter 3:5-8 The first earth age perished; overflowed with water.
217 Ezekiel 28:2 It was Satan that gave birth to pride -- Isaiah 14:13-14 FREE WILL; The five I wills of Satan -- Proverbs 16:18 Pride comes and then the fall -- Ezekiel 28:17 – Pride Corrupted Satan’s wisdom -- Proverbs 11:2 When pride come then comes Shame -- John 8:44 Satan became the father of lies and was a murderer from the beginning --
218 Genesis 6:5 Man is greatly wicked; every inclination of his heart is evil

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Fallen Angels/Demons

Angels are mentioned in the OT 108 times and in the NT 165 times, that’s 273 times. Only a fool would disregard the existence of angels. If you reject angels, you reject the Bible.

Martin Luther said, “An Angel is a spiritual creature created by God without a body, for the service of Christendom and the church”. God placed angels in positions of authority, in dominion over specific places; some left their assignments to follow the most perfect and beautiful angel ever created; Satan, Lucifer, the Devil.

Sidebar; Satan rebelled against God and with one third of the Angels (stars) or about 50,000,000 of them fell from heaven.219 The number that remained was 10,000 times 10,000 or 100,000,000.220 Running with that concept; that would mean that there were once150,000,000angelsinHeaven. Probably10,000times10,000ofangelsactually means that the angels were innumerable. But anyway, there are two of God’s angels for every one of Satan’s.

Fallen angels are not demons, they are just corrupt angels that followed Satan and have been castoutofheavenandareboundin“chainsofdarkness”untilthereturnofJesusChrist.221 Ihave certainly read a number of books that state that fallen angels are the demons mentioned in scripture, but demon origin is mostly a matter of speculation depending on your BS position, your Belief System, your worldview on the pre-Adamic flood.

The Bible spends very little time on the origin of demons, but spends most on the time on the origin of the Messiah. When you read in scripture about “bound angels”, they are always fallen angels222. I suspect that the scriptures verses on Angels that are bound in “Chains of darknessmeans that the fallen angels have been removed from the presence of the Light of God”.

For some reason, man can accept angels, but think that demons are just superstition.


Demon is from the Greek word daimon: In the KJV it is translated Devil. The Jewish traditional roots indicate that demons were the forces of darkness and wickedness and their leader is Satan. The names Serpent of old, Dragon, Lucifer, Devil, and Satan are virtually synonymous.223

The evil spirits or demons that live today are the same spirits from the first earth age; moving from person to person, killing, stealing and destroying as they go. They do not consist of matter or material body or substance; they are without physical existence in themselves, but they belong as property or a thing to Satan. They are invisible and operate above the laws of nature; have supernatural intelligence and knowledge along with terrible physical strength which they impart to those that they possess.224 A demon spirit needs a moist place to find rest and attempts to take over humans as well as animals.225

They need to possess a person’s mind and body to enable them to get around. A person can have more than one demon; scripture says one man had a legion of demons (6,000) which were sent into 2,000 pigs which promptly committed suicide...

Demons in scripture are called, unclean spirits, familiar spirits, demons and devils. They are spiritual beings with personalities, intelligence and strength. They rob you of your personality and your mind; making you sick and deranged mentally. They cause defects, deformities and suicidal tendencies. NOTE: The Believer has the authority over demons to cast them out.226

219 Revelation 12:9 The angels & Satan were hurled out of heaven -- Revelation 12:4 50 million angels had fallen
220 Revelation 5:11 100 million good angels remained in Heaven
221 Jude 6 The fallen angels are bound in chains of darkness.
222 Revelation 9:14 Bound angels are fallen angels -- 2 Peter 2:4 Fallen Angels are being held in Hell awaiting judgment
223 Revelation 12:7 Satan is the Dragon -- 1 Peter 5:8 Satan pretends to be a Roaring Lion 224Ephesians6:12-Demonsarenotfleshandblood,butspirit --Revelation16:13Demonsareknownasuncleanspirits--Mark 16:9 Seven demons possessing a person is common -- Mark 5:8-9 Thousands can possess a single person

225 Matthew 12:43 - Demons prefer MOIST people in lieu of DRY objects. -- Mark 5:12 Demons desire even an moist animal 226 Mark 16:17 - Demons can be cast out of a person -- Matthew 10:8 The Believer is authorized to cast out demons

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Two classes of Demons

There seems to be two classes of demons; those that are free in “the air” and those bound in “the Abyss”.227 The Abyss is a temporary holding place for evil spirits until they are thrown into the lake of fire. Their leader is “The Prince of the power of the Air”; Satan.228

Demons are so bound up in the work of their leader that their work is synonymous as the work of Satan’s. Most people are not so important as to merit Satan’s person attention; that’s the work of his demonic minion spirits.

I think that it is a blessing from God that we cannot see these evil spirits in their physical form. God suspended the “spiritual laws” and allowed John the revelator to see the bound demons coming out of the abyss.229 For the scripture reference; see the footnotes; it’s in the Book

Spirit Identification

Demon spirit names or types: Angel of light, Blind spirit, Binding spirit, Dumb and Deaf spirit, Dragon, Familiar spirit, Foul spirit, Jealous spirit, Lion, Lying spirit, Seducing spirit, Spirit of infirmity, Unclean spirit (used 22 times) 230

Christian have power and authority over all demons, but they must know it to exercise it. While Satan cannot read our minds, he is unlimited in his deceptions and lies. The Bible says don’t believe everything that you see or hear, but “Test the Spirits”.231

Spirit of infirmity

There are invisible chains of infirmity that are not physical. You can’t see them, but the bondage is ever present. It can move around your body exhibiting headaches, backaches, chest pains, upset stomach, nausea, dizziness, sadness, depression, stress, fear, paranoia, rage and even exhibits different personalities.

Thissufferingisnotreallyaphysicalsickness;somedicaltreatmentgivesminorrelief,ifany. For sure, it’s not God trying to teach you something. It is God’s will that you are healed; Prayer, the Word and “Faith” are the only remedy.

I see this even in the church; attaching itself outwardly, hoping to gain entrance though discouragement and stress. Christians cannot be inwardly possessed; only messed with. Demonic “attacks” will not succeed in the life of the believer; it will eventually fail.

Luke 13:11 A spirit of infirmity

11 There was a woman which had a SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY

eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up

herself. KJV

Mark 1:40-41 Jesus said He wants us healed.

40 Then a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, "IF YOU WANT TO, YOU CAN HEAL ME
41 And Jesus, moved with compassion, put out His hand and touched him, and said to him, "I WANT TO”; be cleansed."


Isaiah 54:17 It will not succeed It will fail


227 Ephesians 2:1-2 – Some demons are free “in the air” -- Luke 8:31 – Some demons bound “in the Abyss”
228 Ephesians 2:2 Satan is the prince of the power of the air.
229 Revelation 9:1-11 God suspended the spiritual laws for John to see
230 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 Satan can transform himself into an Angel of Light -- Matthew 12:22 Blind spirit -- Mark 9:25 Deaf and Dumb spirit -- Leviticus 20:27 Familiar spirit -- Mark 9:25 Foul spirit -- Numbers 5:14 Jealous spirit -- 1 Kings 22:22 Lying spirit -- 1 Timothy 4:1 Seducing spirit -- Luke 13:11 Infirmity spirit -- Matthew 12:43 Unclean spirit --

231 1 John 4:1 Test the spirits

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Familiar Spirits

A demon is called a familiar spirit because they possess supernatural information and knowledge that you seek; they whisper, mutter and peep.232 The Book says God forbid consulting; magicians, sorcerers, wizards, and witches; all known as “mediumsthat could communicate with the dead.

This was a big business: Ventriloquism; the speaking without moving your lips helped fool the people with whispers, muttering and peeps. Magic potions” that bubbled with reflections in a cup gave predictions. Casting of lots” was also done frequently.

Peoplesoughtthedead,insteadofGodeventhoughGodforbidit. Peoplestillbelievedinthis supernatural power to direct their life and sought it out; God plainly said, to kill the medium.233

If God says to NOT communicate with the dead,234 then it must be possible to do so. The dead person you think you are talking to is actually a demon; they are the lying spirits.

Demons are neither male nor female; they manifest themselves as they wish.

Demon Activity

To learn about demon activity, you need to look no farther than that of their leader; Satan, who with his demonic followers try to get a foothold in your life through; Willful Sin, Pride, Strife, Un- forgiveness, Doubt, Fear, Negative speech and more.

Demons masquerade as good and trusting entities; as angels of light. They inhabit humans, animals and objects; they steal the ability to speak and hear. They cause epilepsy, seizers and lunacy, they kill, steal and destroy. 235

Drugs are demonic; man is tempted to try drugs, then when hooked he has to have it. It causes him to spend all his money to get it; then does whatever it takes to get more; it propagates lies, it prostitutes, it steals and kills.

Men sell drugs knowing what it does; drugs are symbolic of Satan’s power, it produces slavery and causes an early death. There is no medical cure for drug addiction. Although we rarely hear about it, the Believer has been given authority over demons, to cast them out; to take authority over them.236 We are ignorant of this because we don’t read our letter from God; the Bible.237

Witchcraft Activity

Saul sought after a woman with a familiar spirit because the Spirit of God had left him.238 Simon the sorcerer practiced black magic and wanted the power of the Holy Spirit.239
A girl with a spirit of divination followed Paul around yelling what the spirits told her.240 Jacob used witchcraft utilizing rods with stripped bark on them to produce speckled cattle.241

232 Isaiah 8:19 – Don’t seek after spirits that mutter and peep.
233 Leviticus 20:27 Put to death those who have familiar spirits
234 1 Samuel 28:7 Saul sought out a witch with a familiar spirit -- Isaiah 19:3 Consulting the mediums and spiritists come to nothing -- Isaiah 8:19 Why consult the dead on behalf of the living -- Leviticus 20:6 – Don’t turn to a familiar spirit -- Leviticus 19:31 – Don’t seek those with familiar spirits -- Deuteronomy 18:10-11 – Don’t consult with familiar spirits -- 2 Chronicles 33:6 It is evil to seek out a familiar spirit -- Deuteronomy 18:10-11 – Don’t associate with those that consult the dead
235 Matthew 4:1 The Devil even tried to tempt Jesus -- 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 Demons masquerade as angles of light -- 1 Peter 5:8 Demons seek who they MAY devour -- Matthew 8:28 Demons can inhabit humans -- Mark 9:25 Demons steal your ability to speak or hear. -- Matthew 17:15 Demon cause epilepsy, seizers and lunacy -- Mark 5:9 Many demons can occupy a person -- Luke 13:16 Demons can bind you for life -- John 10:10 Demons steal, kill and destroy
236 Luke 10:19 We have authority over the enemy. -- Matthew 10:1 Jesus wants mankind to be free of demons -- Matthew 18:18 We have the authority to bind and loose. -- Luke 9:1 The Believer has authority to cast out demons -- Matthew 10:8 The Believer is commanded to cast out demons
237 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – God doesn’t want us ignorant of who we are -- Mark 16:17 Casting out demons is a gift to the believer from the Holy Spirit Hosea 4:6 For our lack of knowledge, the demons destroy -- Luke 4:33-34 Even an unclean spirit recognizes The Holy Spirit.
238 1 Samuel 28:7 The Witch at Endor had a familiar spirit.
239 Acts 8:9-19 Simon the sorcerer practiced magic
240 Acts 16:16-17 A young girl who communicated with the dead
241 Genesis 30:37-39 Jacob used witchcraft on his flocks

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Rachel and Leah used a love potion to stir up Jacobs desires.242 A mandrake mentioned 5 times in the Bible is not a duck, it’s a yellow fruit a little smaller than a tomato and is generally accepted as a Love Apple” which superstition says elevates the sex drive. It is also called the “Devils Apple”. Before the end times, the bodies and souls of men will become merchandise for sale.243
God says woe to those who call evil good and darkness light.244

Demonic objects

NOTE: Demons can also occupy objects. In the occult you will find items crafted by men with a small hole in them that invites spirits to come and go. Look for it and destroy it.

Voodoo dolls used by witch doctors in Haiti are a symbol of Satan’s power. Objects, dolls and idols have no power, but the demon spirits behind them do and desire worship.245 I see at the flea market, vendors with jewelry with occult symbols on them, masks, dolls, creatures, objects with locks of hair, statues, carved and painted items enticingly called souvenirs. Get this stuff out of your house and burn it.

My teenage son, some 30 years ago, was showing me his record albums with demonic symbols located here and there. After a lengthy discussion, with tears in his eyes, he destroyed and trashed most of them. We got them out of our house.

Just this week I found an old VHS movie “The people vs.; Larry Flint” which upon first viewing was so vile and demonically inspired, that my wife said she was ashamed before God to even have that in our home; to get it out of our house and destroy it, and we did.

It was important in OT times to destroy Demonic objects and it’s important now.246

Funny thing happened
Scripture says that some Jews tried driving out evil spirits, invoking “the name of Jesus” and

the demons beat them all up and they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.247 If you are not a Christian filled with the Holy Spirit, it is not recommended that you try casting out demons.

The Secret Arts

Man is born with a desire for power, especially the power of the Secret Arts;248 supernatural power, and they join organizations that are mystical and become involved in the occult. They desire to be one of the “Enlightened ones” and have “Spirit Guides” to advise them.

Hindu Guru’s give a “special word” to their followers; this word is used as a mantra which is repeated over and over inside, putting their mind in neutral, opening the door for spirit activity. Many religions with their thumb and finger forming a circle; chant or hum a sound that vibrates their body, empting their mind allowing access to the spirit world.

Demons work through warlocks, wizards, witches, mediums, psychics, divine healers, fortune- tellers, palm readers, crystal ball readers, and astrologers who have yielded their minds to the spirit realm. These people are so blinded that they believe they are receiving information directly from the departed dead; the “good spirits” of God.

Demonic interest: Free Masons, The Order of the Eastern Star, DeMolay, The Mormon Temple, The Order of the Golden Dawn, Yin/Yang, Astrology, Tara Cards, Hypnosis, Silva Mind Control, Symbol Therapy, Visualization & guided imagery, Yoga (Hindus), Tai Chi, Reflexology, Magnetic Healing, Transcendental Meditation, Chanting, Spirit Channeling, Automatic Writings, Séances, Ouija boards, LSD color experimentations, Cosmic consciousness, shaktipat, attunement or

242 Genesis 30:14-16 - Leah and Rachel made a love potion.
243 Revelation 18:11-13 In the end times the bodies and souls of men will be merchandise
244 Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
245 Leviticus 17:7 Demons want worship -- Psalms 106:38 Demons want sacrifice
246 Joshua 7:12 Get the occult stuff out of your home -- Acts 19:19 Burn things of the occult 247 Acts 19:13-16 I know Jesus and Paul; but who the heck are you?
248 Exodus 7:11 The secret arts

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paradigm shift, necromancy (raising the dead for communication), Speaking in Demonic languages, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Biofeedback, Guided Imagery and Horoscopes.

Demonic signs: Zodiac signs, triangles, pyramids, pentagrams, hexagrams, Star of David, enneagram (9 triangle points in a circle), wheel, circle, Sun, all-seeing eye, rainbows (antahkarana, the rainbow bridge) (7 colors), perverted cross, swastika, Egyptian ankh, crystals, diamond, dragon, serpent, yin/yang, locus, unicorn, flying Pegasus horse, centaur and the mermaid, the lotus blossom, cube, point within a circle, the line, a cup or holy grail, goat, bull, elephant, dragon, lion, dog and bear, sign of the cloven hoof or footprint of the devil.

Good Luck/Bad Luck: Christians do not believe in Good or Bad luck.249 Every good gift and every perfect gift comes from God, so we can surely understand where the bad comes from. Superstition says not to break a mirror or walk under a ladder or let a black cat cross your path. There are lucky days, lucky charms, metals, stones, and rabbit’s feet, Palm readers and horoscopes. Unknowingly to us, these things are guiding our thoughts and our actions.

The deception: The enlightened one, through imaging and visualization can energize and command Deity spirits to serve and do their bidding. Their conscience becomes seared and they desire the mark, then they find out the spirits are not really deity, but demonic, but it’s too late. At the end God will send a deluding Spirit to harden their hearts so they will be unable to repent. He gives them what they want.

Totally possessed: Once a demon enters a person, he becomes the “doorkeeper” of his soul and can allow others to enter. One scripture says “seven” more demons enter; “Sevenis the Biblical number for completeness; completely consumed, totally possessed.250

The Believers protection: There are seven (complete) things protecting us from the evil one.
1) Submission to God. 2) The blood of Jesus Christ. 3) The Holy Spirit within us. 4) God’s Word from the Bible. 5) Our authority as believers. 6) The gifts of the spirit. 7) Our Prayer life.251

There is a war going on

When we pray, God hears our prayer before we begin to speak, and dispatches the answer before wehavefinishedpraying. Acontinuouswarinhighplaces(thefourthdimension)252withtherulers of darkness tries to hinder God’s promises from reaching us;253 so don’t stop praying.254

Satan has the world convinced that he does not exist, after all, who has ever seen him. He is laughingly presented as a little guy jumping around dressed in red leotards with horns and a pitch fork. Satan teaches there is no Hell, and this is all there is to life, and then he QUOTES THE SCRIPTURES, Eat, drink and be merry, for you have plenty.” 255 But he omits the next verse; Thou Fool, tonight your soul shall be required of thee.256

Your Confession

Ignorance to God’s word allows demons to gain a foothold in our life. Satan searches for the weak minded to devour them. He has to have our permission to come in; the permission comes from what we confess with our mouth.

Job confessed that he “feared257 and opened the door for Satan’s attack; throughout the Bible we hear the words FEAR NOT.

249 James 1:17 Good comes from God; not luck
250 Luke 11:24-26 Seven is totally demon possessed
251 1 Timothy 6:20 Turn away from counterfeit spiritual illumination. -- James 4:7-8 Resist Satan and he will flee from you. 252 Ephesians 6:12 Our fight in not against flesh and blood, but spiritual darkness
253 Daniel 10:12-13 Satan and his minion demons resist our prayer life.
254 Ephesians 6:12 Our fight in not against flesh and blood, but spiritual darkness
255 Luke 12:19 – Eat, drink and be merry; you’ve got plenty
256 Luke 12:20 Man is a fool when he listens to Satan
257 Job 3:25 – Job confessed that he “feared”.

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We are what we confess:258 Satan cannot read our mind, he only knows what we speak. As a young man, when someone would greet me and ask “How yadoin”, I would reply, “I’m just duckywhich is what someone would say when things were going all wrong; today I reply, “I’m Blessed(And I am.), many times it prompts a reply; and highly favored” and often opens doors of dialog.

I have a friend who says, “By the grace of God, I’m doing better than I ought to be.”

I live in what’s known as the Bible-Belt, I was born in Georgia and relocated to South Carolina.

My grandfather and grandmother talked the Bible and so did my father and mother and I in turn talked it with my children and they in turn with my grandchildren. The word of God was passed down and taught “generation to generation”,259 but things have changed all around me. We read books when we just have to; the news comes only in per-selected, slanted sound bites. Movies must have blood, gore, profanity, nudity and sex and of course; perversions with each new release trying to top theother. Drugs,prostitution,humantraffickingandkillingsarecommon;ourchildrenarenoteven safe walking home from school.

Video games and movies are mostly about killing people. More and more we hear about people just deciding to kill; some even say God told them to do it. The psychologist says, ‘Oh, he was just not in his right mind’; we fail to connect it to demonic activity.260

The 10 commandments are out of the schools as well as prayer. The Sabbath or the Lord’s Day is either another day of work or time off to shop at the mall or perhaps a day to sleep late.

While teaching “customer relations” to a class of 30, I asked the question, who could tell me the “Golden Rule?261 No one, they had never heard of it; I was astounded. What has happened to reading and studying the Bible, daily prayer, helping others who can’t help you back?

I just saw a documentary on the “Washington Cathedral” where ALL faiths can now come together and worship; the Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist. The New Age Movement says we should take the best things from all religions, homogenize and cross pollinated them so we can put aside our differences and worship together.262

They say all the spokes in a wheel are connected to the same hub.

GoodGrief: TheBiblesaysanyonewhobringsadifferentGospel,don’tevenlettheminyour house or even have lunch with them.263 Unknowingly and demonically guided, we are on our way to a “One World ChurchA one world religion. Even the demons believe in the name of Jesus and can quote scripture; they just do not accept him.264 They know their fate and are “Mad as Hell”.

Demons have made man both BLIND and DEAF to things of God; 265 MAN HAS LOST HIS SPIRITUAL AWARENESS AND POWER.

The Holy Spirit is like unto HOT WATER which causes an egg to get HARD; and wax to get SOFT, NOTE: it was the same hot water that acted on both;


258 Proverbs 18:21 What you speak will come to pass -- Deuteronomy 30:19 Life and death is set before us in Christ
259 Psalm 79:13 Praise God from generation to generation -- Psalm 78:4 - Tell God’s precepts and splendid works generation to generation -- Psalm 78:6 Teach to your children and the generation of children yet to be born and in turn the next generation -- Psalm 145:4 - One generation shall praise Your works to another and shall declare Your mighty acts -- Joel 1:3 - Tell your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation
260 James 2:19 Even the demons believe in God and shudder
261 Matthew 7:12 The Golden Rule: do to others what you would have them do to you
262 Galatians 3:1 Who has bewitched you? 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 – Don’t be yoked with darkness; what fellowship do we have with non-believers -- James 4:4 A friend of the unbeliever is an enemy of God
263 2 John 10-11 Don’t even let them in your house who espouses a different gospel -- 1 Corinthians 5:11 Don’t do lunch with someone bringing a different Gospel
264 Matthew 8:29 Demons know who Jesus is; but reject Him
265 Mark 9:25 Man has become possessed with a Deaf and dumb spirit.

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The Take Away

Fallen angels are not demons although many books written say they are; it’s just NOT scriptural. Demons are disembodied spirits that died during the great flood of the first earth age; they were created immortal, they were not under the law of “sin and death”. They are known as familiar spirits, unclean spirits, demons and devils.

Some names/types of spirits are known as; Angel of light, Blind spirit, Deaf and Dumb spirit, Dragon, Familiar spirit, Foul spirit, Jealous spirit, Roaring Lion, Lying spirit, Seducing spirit, Spirit of Infirmity, Unclean spirit and more.

We do not take demons seriously and most consider them just myth or superstition. You should praise God that you have never seen a demon at work. Once in my broadcast career I was told to turn the camera off as I witnessed an unexpected exorcism unfold. I hope never to see one again; they are very real and can possess humans and animals.

They inhabit objects such as voodoo dolls, idols, jewelry with occult symbols, masks, creatures, objects with locks of hair, statues, carved and painted items with a hole in them for the spirits to come and go. Their highest desire is to possess a human; to control their minds and bodies, to strike back at God. They work through warlocks, wizards, witches, mediums, physics, diving healers, fortune- tellers, palm readers, crystal ball readers and astrologers who have yielded their minds to the spiritual realm.

Man is born with a desire for the mystic, the secret arts, the supernatural, Power. Demons jump on this desire and give man what he wants; they lie and produce counterfeit deceiving miracles. Once possessing a human, they become the door keeper to the soul and will let others in; more than one can occupy a person.

The familiar spirits can manifest themselves as male or female; whatever will deceive you. They are called familiar spirits because they are “familiar” with all the information they need to seduce you. The dead loved one you are talking to is a fake; it is a demon telling you what you want to hear. There are examples in the Bible of calling up demon spirits, consulting the dead. God says do not consult the dead; this obviously leads the reader to believe it surely can be done.

There is an invisible war going on to hinder God’s promises and answers to our prayers from reaching us. God says to pray continuously till we receive our answer, and then continue praying in thanksgiving. He says to be thankful IN all things, not FOR all things.

Demons and Satan cannot read our thoughts, but they act with haste on what we confess with our mouth; we are what we confess, I confess that I am blessed. A demon can HANG ON to a Christian; mess with, pester and aggravate, but in the end it cannot succeed. The Christian has dominion over demons and is protected by seven things; 1) Submission to God. 2) The blood of Jesus Christ. 3) The Holy Spirit within us. 4) God’s Word from the Bible. 5) Our authority as believers. 6) The gifts of the spirit and 7) Our Prayer life. (Seven, we are complete.)

A Christian cannot be possessed with an evil spirit. It cannot co-exist with the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 13:4 Satan snatches the Word as soon as it is sown.
4 As He
(the Holy Spirit) was scattering the seed (the Word), some fell along the

path, and the birds (Satan) came and ate it up
Philippians 4:6 Be thankful IN all thing; not FOR all things. 6 Do not be anxious about anything,


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Chapter 3.10

Necromancy Communicating with the dead

Soul Spirit Demons Witches - Spiritist Mediums Familiar Spirits Shape Shifters Reincarnation Transmigration

First Word


is a form ofmagicinvolving communication with thedeceasedeither by

summoningtheirspiritas anapparitionor raising them bodily for the purpose ofdivination,

imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, or to use the deceased as a weapon. The term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer toblack

magic or witchcraft.

There is something in man that desires to operate in the supernatural. The first lie was told to Eve by Satan that she could be as the gods, this still continues today.266 The first question right out of the box is “Can we communicate with the dead today?”

Warning: Scripture warns us to NOT seek people who act as a medium or spiritist in order to get advicefromthedead.267 Theyspeakofthespiritistashavingafamiliarspiritortosayitanotherway; a spirit that is familiar with what they are seeking information about. Conclusion; since we are warned that we should NOT communicate with the dead, then obviously it can be done.268

So then the answer to the question is YES ... Sort of... BUT ... Stay tuned...

Nephesh - Soul - Life

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Nephesh is a Hebrew word which occurs in the Hebrew Bible. The word refers to the tangible

aspects oflife. Human beings and higher animals are both described as having anephesh. The Hebrew term literally means "living being", although it is commonly rendered as SOUL in

English translations.

Thewordnepheshoccurs754timesintheHebrewOldTestament. Thefirstfourtimesnephesh

is used in the Bible, it is used exclusively to describe animals:

Genesis 1:20 sea life

Genesis 1:21 sea life

Genesis 1:24 land creatures

Genesis 1:30 land creatures and birds

Genesis 2:07 Nephesh is used this fifth time, as a description of man.

At Creation God bends over at the river bank and scoops up some clay and makes a MAN. It was only when God breathed the breath of life (Ruah) 269 into man that he became a living SOUL. So the BODY with the BREATH of God (Ruah) constitutes a Soul; (Nephesh)

It is important here to clarify, identify and define what a SOUL is; a Soul is a living creature with the breath of God; you are a Soul; a conscious entity that is NEVER separate from the body

266 Genesis 3:5 Satan lied and said you shall be as gods
267 Leviticus 19:31 Do not defile yourself with Mediums. -- Isaiah 8:19 People should seek God, not Mediums and Wizards 268 Deuteronomy 18:9-12 Sorcerer, Medium, Spiritist are an Abomination to God
269 Job 12:7-10 - Every living thing is endowed with a Spirit (Ruah).

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The Soul can die and be destroyed in Hell.

Genesis 2:7 The breath of God made man’s body a living SOUL

7 And THE LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and BREATHED into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE; (Ruah) and


Nephesh Soul Death
When we die our body returns to the earth; dirt, dust; our Spirit, the breath of life returns to God.

(Ruah; breath, wind, spirit) So once we die our breath or spirit returns to God the One who gave it. Not the person, not the body; it’s the life force that is in us that goes back to God.

The person in the Grave is “awaiting” either eternal Life or eternal damnation. 270

2 Corinthians 5:8 The Spirit leaves the body returns to God.

8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be ABSENT FROM THE BODY, AND
. (KJV)

The Dead The Grave
If you are considering consulting the dead, YOU MUST GET THIS!

When the life giving breath (Ruah) departs from the man and returns to God, the man goes back to the dirt from which he was formed. He can no longer think; all his plans have now perished, there is NO working, planning, knowledge or wisdom. He cannot praise God; he is silent, not a word can beheard.271 Heisnotawareofanything,heknownothing;hehasnoemotionsoflove,hateorenvy; it has all perished.

Question: so what then is actually going on when someone communicates with the dead?

Psalm 146:4 Man goes to the grave His plans perish

; on that very day
Ecclesiastes 9:10 - NO working, planning, knowledge or wisdom 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of THE DEAD, where you are going,
there is

What is death?
The Great Lie Death is the immediate transition to SOMETHING BETTER”, so people

legitimize murder, commit infanticide, abortions, euthanasia and SUICIDE.
To learn what death is, we turn to Jesus Christ for the explanation. When he spoke of Mary and
Martha’sbrother“Lazarusdying;Hesaidhehadfallenasleep.(Rest) Jesusfurtherdefineditwhen He said “point blank” Lazarus is DEAD (Asleep). That’s the best way to describe what happens to us

when we are dead; we are ASLEEP.272
When I had a surgery performed, they gave me “prophathal”, and I was talking when I went

to sleep and I was still talking when I woke up; and I had no concept that the operation was over and I was somewhere else. That’s how it will be when we wake up from the sleep of death; we will be somewhere else. In my case; still talking.

270 John 5:28-29 Raised to live or raised to be condemned
271 Psalm 115:17 The dead cannot praise God; they are silent -- Ecclesiastes 9:5 The dead know nothing -- Ecclesiastes 9:6 The dead’s emotions have perished
272 John 11:11 - Lazarus has fallen asleep -- John 11:13 They thought Lazarus must be taking a nap -- John 11:14 Jesus told them plainly; Death is just Sleep

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How do we awaken?

In the story of Lazarus, it was the voice of Jesus Christ, the life giver that awakened him out of his sleep. Jesus called Lazarus by name and said, come forth and he did. That’s the only we way we will come forth out of the grave, is when the life giver calls our name. We will be raised up by Jesus Christ Himself on “The Last Day”.

NOTE: Jesus did not tell Lazarus to come UP from hell or DOWN from heaven. He said to come forth... Lazarus was in the grave; the tomb, and he came out. There is no record of Lazarus telling about any experience in Heaven, Hell or his time in the tomb. Scripture is silent on this issue and causes us to believe that there was no story to be told.

There are nine other instances of resurrections besides Jesus Christ and each time there is NO STORYofheaven,hellorthegrave;noneindicatedofan“EXISTENCE”indeath. Anexperience in Heaven or Hell would be so life changing, the story would have to be told.273

When Paul was caught up to Paradise, he was NOT allowed to tell what he saw.
Question: Why would the dead need a resurrection if they have already received their award of heaven or hell? There can hardly be an interest in the return of Jesus Christ if the SOUL of the believer has immediately gone to the Lord upon death.274 The Soul stays in the grave.

Three Possibilities

There are three possibilities of what happens when we die.

  1. We are obliterated, annihilated never to be heard from again.

  2. We continue to live in some other form; Reincarnation or Transmigration.

  3. We await a resurrection.

Some teach in error that THE SOUL Transmigrates again, again and again into another

human, angel or demon. (Reincarnation) These religions teach that the SOUL is PLACED in the body. Scripture teaches the body BECAME a living SOUL...

To form a SOUL; a body AND the spirit breath is required.

Genesis 2:7 Man BECAME a living SOUL

7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and BREATHED into his nostrils THE BREATH OF LIFE; (Ruah)


Recently I found a book at the flea market, “The Teachings of the Compassionate BuddhaBuddha observed that life was an endless cycle of reincarnations and sufferings and concluded that the best thing for man was “the blowing out of the candle of life”. To avoid coming back endlessly, Buddha’s disciples should follow his teachings. Although Buddha’s sayings were inspiring, they offered NO HOPE of an afterlife with God.

Jesus not only talked about the HOPE of a resurrection; He demonstrated it.275 There are no reincarnations. We are appointed ONCE to die and then the judgment.276

Here’s where we are

WebecomeasoulwhenthebreathoflifeorspiritisgiventousbyGod. Whenwediethespirit returns to Him; the Life Giver and the dead go into the grave. They know nothing, they cannot plan or reason; they have no emotions. They cannot praise or speak, they are silent.

273 John 11:43-44 - Lazarus come out No Story -- Hebrews 11:35 - Received their dead to life again No Story -- Luke 8:52-55 – Jairus’s daughter was resurrected; but No Story -- Matthew 27:52-53 Came out of the graves; but No Stories -- 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 - Paul was in Paradise and was SILENCED
274 John 6:40 - I will raise him up on the last day
275 1 Thessalonians 4:13 - Don’t be ignorant of this thing; the Believer has HOPE
276 Hebrews 9:27 We are appointed to die ONCE and then the judgment

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The Bible calls death SLEEP; unconsciousness. The Bible offers no other way to come out of the grave except the resurrection. When we are awakened, it will be at the voice of the Life Giver; Jesus Christ and no other way.277

This brings us up to the question. If none can be called up from the grave except by Jesus Christ and nothing can be heard from the grave,

Then what are those that communicate with the dead experiencing? .... Stay tuned. Familiar Spirits

The Witch at Endor

Familiar Spirits are supernatural entities believed to assist witches

practice of magic. By those alleging to have come into contact with them, they SHIFT SHAPE in numerous guises, often as an animal, but also at times as a human or humanoid figure, and are

and cunning folk in their

described as a "clearly defined, three-dimensional form, vivid with color and animated with

movement and sound".

There is scripture of someone asking to return from the dead (the grave) to speak to the living and the request was DENIED by God.278
Let’s look at a Bible example of someone consulting the dead for advice. King Saul had already barbarously massacred the High Priest and his family and could not seek their advice with the “Urim” and “Thummim”; nor did he have Devine dreams or visions; and on top of that the prophet Samuel had died. The “divinely appointed” Saul had disobeyed God.

Disobedience is the same as rebellion and is classified as “the sin” of WITCHCRAFT. God had turned His face from Saul and would not hear his prayers, in fact God had become his enemy.279 To whom much is given; much is expected; much is REQUIRED.
Did you see it? ... God had left Saul; that means that Saul could NOT HEAR from God period.

NOTE: The Philistine’s army had gathered to war against Israel; Saul had tried all the ways “allowed” to seek God’s direction and heard nothing; being desperate he sought out a medium. There is no record of Saul EVER seeking out THE PROPHET SAMUEL for advice.

Getting right to the point: When the medium brought up the prophet Samuel, it scared the TATER TOTS out of HER.

1 Samuel 28:12-14 - Scared the Tater Tots out of her

12 When THE WOMAN SAW Samuel, SHE CRIED OUT WITH A LOUD VOICE and spoke to Saul, saying, "WHY HAVE YOU DECEIVED ME? For you are Saul!" 13 The king said to her, "Do not be afraid. WHAT DID YOU SEE?" And the woman said to Saul, "I SAW A SPIRIT ASCENDING OUT OF THE EARTH."
14 So he said to her, "What is his form?" And she said, "An old man is coming up, and he is covered with a mantle." And
SAUL PERCEIVED THAT IT WAS SAMUEL, and stooped with his face bowed the ground.

1 Samuel 28:15-16 Saul tells Samuel God departed from him.

15 Now Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" And Saul answered, "I am deeply distressed; for the Philistines make war against me and GOD HAS DEPARTED FROM ME and DOES NOT ANSWER ME anymore,

277 1 Corinthians 15:20 Christ is the first fruits to be raised from the dead
278 Luke 16:26-31 Request to return from the dead was DENIED there is a great gulf fixed. 279 1 Samuel 28:17 The reply; you did not obey the voice of the LORD
280 1 Samuel 28:19 Saul got more bad news, he is going to the grave

Saul only receives information that he already knew; that God had departed from him and

confirmed that Israel would be captured and he and his sons would die and further confirmed he was going to the grave; HELL.280 (Where the Demon Familiar Spirit came from.)

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NEITHER BY PROPHETS NOR BY DREAMS. Therefore I have called you, that you may reveal what I should do."

16 Then Samuel said: "Why then do you ask me, seeing




Did you see it? This is important, Saul did not receive any information that Samuel had not already told him before he died; there was no NEW information communicated!

So what did King Saul see? Satan and his DEMONIC minion servants can transform themselves into Angels of light.281 Demons are neither male nor female; they SHAPE SHIFT themselves as they wish; they are lying spirits. Saul was in the presence of a FAMILIAR SPIRIT; he was in Satan’s territory; God had already left him.

The SO WHAT: God killed Saul for consulting a Familiar Spirit. 282 Jesus Christ is the only one that can communicate with the dead. We are to inquire of the living God for things concerning the living; the dead know nothing.283

Isaiah 8:19 Why seek out Wizards that just mutter and peep?

19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have FAMILIAR SPIRITS, and unto wizards that PEEP, and that MUTTER: should not a people seek unto their God for the living to the dead? (KJV)

Possessed Evil Spirit or Holy Spirit
The Medium’s practice was to mutter and make peeping noises which the communications

was supposedly to be coming from the dead. The use of Mediums and their “Secret Arts” opens a door in your life to demonic activity.

Possessed; once a demon enters into a person, the demon becomes the “DOORKEEPER” of his soul and can allow other demons to enter.

You can have many demons and become totally possessed.

We are what we confess: Demons cannot read our mind, they only know what we speak, so speak the word of God into your own life

The Believers Protection: There are SEVEN (complete) things that protect us from demonic attacks.

  1. Submission to God

  2. The Blood of Jesus Christ

  3. The Holy Spirit within us

  4. God’s Word from the Bible

  5. Our Authority as Believers

  6. The Gifts of the Spirit

  7. Our Prayer life.

The Take Away

Fallen man is born with the desire to operate in the supernatural, to experience discovering

hidden knowledge or the foretelling of future events. I have taken you “the long way aroundjust to let you see what’s actually going on in the grave. God commanded us to NOT communicate with the dead, so obviously we are able to do so. THE QUESTION BECOMES, WHAT ARE YOU COMMUNICATING WITH?

When you hear from; or see an apparition of the dead, it’s not from God; it’s a demon. You might think that you have control of him to do your bidding; but in actuality he has control of you and you will do his bidding.

281 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 - Satan’s minions are disguised as light -- 2 Thessalonians 2:9 - Satan has power, signs and lying wonders 282 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 Saul died because he asked counsel of familiar spirit
283 1 Timothy 4:1 Some people will give heed to Seducing Spirits; and Doctrines of Devils -- Isaiah 8:19 Inquire of God for the Living; not the Dead

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ThewitchofEndorsawsomethingthatscaredherbadly,BUTSauldidnotseeanything. She described what she saw and Saul said it was Samuel. He learned nothing that he did not already know, God had left already left Saul because he did not inquire of God. Saul was PREDESTINED to be God’s chosen man, but disobeyed God and God took his life.

YOU MUST GET THIS, there were TWELVE DISCIPLES that were PREDESTINED to serve God, but only eleven received SALVATION. You can reject God’s plan as Saul and Judas did. It’s an evil and bitter thing to forsake the fountain of living water and seek out broken cisterns that can hold no water. Inquire of the living God for your needs, not the dead, they know nothing. Life is choice driven; the choices you make on this side of life have eternal consequences


Jeremiah 2:13 - Apart from God; there is no living water

13 For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns,


Isaiah 8:19-20 Consult God on behalf of the living

19 When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? WHY CONSULT THE DEAD ON BEHALF OF THE LIVING?
20 Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. (NIV2011)

Hebrews 11:6 It is impossible to please God without Faith



that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. (NLT)

James 2:26 Faith without good works is a DEAD FAITH

26 Just as the body is dead without breath,


Hebrews 10:31 Terrifying to fall into the hands of angry God



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Chapter 3.11

Tormenting Spirits

Does God send trouble and Evil Spirits to Discipline? Does God delve out tormenting spirits with depression as punishment for disobedience?

First Word

I have written on spirits, both good and bad, many many times, but this one is especially

controversial because the Book says that an evil tormenting spirit was SENT BY GOD to King Saul to fill him with depression and fear. The question that must be asked; Is God the source of tormenting spirits in our lives?

I had a water leak that messed up our kitchen flooring, I was so focused on the Insurance policy that said that they would cover the cost to repair the primary water leak in the pipe that I missed the part that said that they DID NOT COVER secondary damages, like to the floor.

In this story of the tormenting spirit and Saul; just like the insurance company we are so focused on the Primary Story that we miss the Secondary Story of God’s actions.

To address this controversial subject, I must take you “Around the world in 80 days” to explain not only the answer, but the WHY of the answer.

NOTE: When God allows trouble in our lives, we should look for something else going on.

1 Samuel 16:14-23 God sent a Tormenting Spirit to Saul

and the
LORD sent a TORMENTING SPIRIT that filled
him with
depression and fear.
23 ... David would play the harp. Then Saul would feel better, and the tormenting spirit would go away.


Setting the stage

ThestoryofJobiswhereweneedtotakealookatfirst. GodsaidJobwasblameless,amanof completeintegritywhofearedGodandstayedawayfromevil.284 SatanwantedtosiftJoblikewheat285 and asked God to put him to the test and God said “SURE” you have my permission. NO... THAT’S NOT WHAT HAPPENED. God said, Behold, all that he has IS in your power.286

Job was already in Satan’s hands and Satan did not know it. Job confesses how it all went down in his own words. The thing which I GREATLY FEARED has come upon me.287 Job was operating in FEAR and the Book records many times to NOT FEAR288... Without exception, every time an Angel appeared, the first thing out of their mouth was, “FEAR NOT”. Fear was the Sin that allowed the snake Satan to slither in.289 THE SIN TRIFECTA; Fear leads to Doubt then to Unbelief. It’s when we SIN that Satan can get a foothold in our life. Hold that thought.

284 Job 1:1 - Job was blameless with complete integrity
285 Luke 22:31 Satan wants to sift the believer like wheat
286 Job 1:12 LOOK; Job is already in your hand
287 Job 3:25 - Job said the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me 288 Genesis 15:1 The Angel said to FEAR NOT
289 2 Timothy 1:7 The spirit of fear is not from God

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Primary Story: All creation watches and is witness to God letting Satan attack Job. (With limits.)

Secondary Story: All creation is witness to Job’s example of patience in waiting on God’s plan. Story of Ananias and Sapphira who were both filled with the spirit of Satan, brought money to the church,butliedaboutthecircumstances.290 GODSTRUCKTHEMBOTHDEADinfrontofthechurch.

Primary Story: God’s sends punishment of death for lying to the Holy Spirit.
Secondary Story: The Early church received an up close and personal extreme EXAMPLE of the fear of the Lord and the reverence for His Holy name and His sovereignty.

Story of a man in the church at Corinth was in an adulterous incestuous relationship with his stepmother291 and God speaking through Paul, commanded the leadership to throw him out of the church and HAND HIM OVER TO SATAN.

Primary Story: God, through Paul commands that this man is to be “handed over to Satan” because of his Sexual immorality as he was representing himself as a upstanding Church member Secondary Story: The hope was to bring the man to his senses; to destroy his sinful nature and save his soul before the great day of the Lord; and provide the church an example.

Story of the Apostle Paul; God gave permission to a messenger of Satan to TORMENT Paul,292 the very Apostle that He predestined before he was born to be a light to the Gentiles.

Primary Story: God allows Satan to buffet and torment Paul with a “THORN IN THE FLESH”. Secondary Story: The “THORN IN HIS FLESH” was to keep Paul from thinking too much of his own self, to keep him from becoming conceited because of the surpassingly great revelations that had been revealed to him

NOTE: To use this scripture to say that it is sometimes “God’s will” for you to be SICK; you must ask yourself this question. Has God given you any surpassing great revelations? Have you rote any extraordinary miracles? If not, then this scripture does not apply to you.
Story of Jesus casting out demons. A man was possessed with a legion of demonic evil spirits and Jesus cast them out into a herd of some 2000 pigs and DROWNED them.293

Primary Story: Jesus cast a legion of demons out of a possessed man and sent them into pigs that went crazy and killed themselves.
Secondary Story: Jesus shows that he has authority over demonic evil spirits by sending them into the very swine that the Jews were forbidden to eat.

Story of my wife making a wrong turn; she pulled over on the side of the road to look at the map. Just then three trucks pulled off the road right behind her. Running up to her door they told her the car was on fire under the hood and they put it out.

Primary Story: Trouble; she made a wrong turn and pulled off the road.

Secondary Story: Worst Trouble; the Car was on fire and God sent people to put it out. When stuff happens to you look for the Secondary Story. Look for God’s sovereign hand working on behalf of your life even when you are in dire circumstances.

God delves out Punishment
I would like to digress here for a moment and LOOK at some examples of God sending stress,

disappointment, anxiety and storms into believer’s lives as PUNISHMENT.
The Story of Jonah and the Whale is a well-known story. Jonah was commanded to go to

Nineveh and preach to them, but instead he went the other way and hopped a boat in the opposite direction. GOD SENT A BAD STORM AND A BIG FISH TO EAT HIM.294

290 Acts 5:1-11 Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit about their money
291 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 God hands an immoral man over to Satan for having sex with his stepmother
292 Acts 19:11-12 Thorn in the Flesh because of Paul’s extraordinary miracles -- 2 Corinthians 12:7-8 Thorn in the flesh because of surpassingly great revelations.
293 Mark 5:1-13 Jesus DROWNS and KILLS 2000 un-kosher pigs
294 Jonah 1:1-17 God sent a storm and a huge fish to EAT Jonah -- Jonah 2:1-10 The Big fish vomited Jonah onto dry land -- Jonah 3:4-5 - The Ninevites believed God and lived

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Primary Story: Rebellion; Jonah disobeyed God and did not go to Nineveh, he was thrown overboard, swallowed by a big fish and was puked up on the dry land of a bank.
Secondary Story: Obedience; Jonah finally obeyed God and went to Nineveh and preached and the people repented of their sins and God did not destroy their city.

The Story of Moses and Water from a Rock. At one point God had told Moses to STRIKE a rock with his rod to get water for the people of Israel. But the next time He told him to SPEAK to the rock to get water. Moses reasoned with himself and thought that speaking to the rock would probably notreallymakeitgushforthwithwater,thatheshouldhelpGodbyhittingit. Sothinkinghisplan was better, he did as he had done before and struck the rock, but this time he hit it twice for good measure.295

Primary Story: Disobedience; Moses beat the heck out of the rock to get water.
Secondary Story: Punishment; MOSES WAS NOT ALLOWED TO GO INTO THE PROMISED LAND after 80 years of preparation because he disobeyed.

When you read the Book, you will see over and over again, OBEDIENCE is what God desires. The story of Moses is an example for us that God wants obedience in the smallest of things.

Now we can talk about King Saul and the tormenting evil spirit that was placed on him by God; look for the Secondary Story.

Saul’s Disobedience
The Book comments on King Saul, indicating that He had disobeyed God on at least two

occasions296 allowing the snake Satan to slither into his life and like yeast permeating a loaf of bread, Satan finally had permeated Saul’s whole life and God departed from him. This is important; because of the Sin of disobedience; God had left King Saul.297

Satan wants to sift us like wheat and now God is simply giving Satan permission to do so.

The Story

Because of Saul’s sin of disobedience, God removed Himself and His hedge of protection from Saul leaving him to go his own way. As punishment, the Sovereign God sent Saul a willing EVIL MALICIOUS SPIRIT298 that wanted to harass and torment him. Satan and Evil are not autonomous to do what they want; there are certain things that they must get permission from God before doing.

Saul’s servants noticed that he seemed to have a mental malady, a spiritual sickness and knowing that music had the power to tame the mind, they suggested a contest to find the best musician that could play the harp and David was selected.299

Note: Saul was NOT demon possessed, the tormenting spirit was only temporary as it came on multiple occasions and as David played his lyre, the tormenting spirit would depart from him and Saul would feel better.300

Primary Story: An evil tormenting spirit is introduced into King Saul’s life by God as punishment for his disobedience. Pain is God’s Megaphone to get Saul’s attention to get him to stop being disobedient.
Secondary Story: The tormenting spirit was used as the vehicle to get David introduced into Saul’s life.301

295 Exodus 17:6 Moses commanded to Strike the rock ONCE -- Numbers 20:8 Moses commanded to SPEAK to the rock, but struck it instead -- Numbers 20:11-12 Moses disobeyed and struck the rock twice; punishment: could not enter the Promised Land. 296 1 Samuel 13:5-14 - FIRST TIME; disobedience, Saul’s gave sacrifices instead of the Priest; Samuel said, what have you done?
1 Samuel 15:3-35 - SECOND TIME; disobedience, Saul’s did not completely destroy the Amalekite nation.
297 1 Samuel 15:22 - OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE -- 1 Samuel 15:26 God rejects Saul as King of Israel
299 1 Samuel 16:15-16 Find someone to play the harp to help sooth king Saul loosening the Tormenting spirit
300 1 Samuel 16:21-23 David played the harp and the tormenting spirit left Saul
301 1 Samuel 16:13 Samuel anointed David as King and the spirit of God came mightily upon him -- Acts 13:22 David, a man after God’s own heart is made their King;

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David had already been anointed with oil to be the next King of Israel and God was just beginning to introduce him into the king’s palace. David himself went through many difficulties that almost took his life as God’ plan worked out to put him on the throne.302

Primary Story: David was hunted down many times by Saul to kill him.

Secondary Story: David was being positioned to be the next King of Israel.
I was suddenly terminated from my job and I chose to work out my two week noticed with integrity, and on Friday of the very last day at 5:00pm, I received an unsolicited phone call and was offeredtheJOBOFMYLIFE. Ididnotknowtheman;hadnotappliedfortheposition,andnever had a job interview and I started Monday morning with an increase in pay. PRAISE GOD

God is both in the Primary Story as well as the Secondary Story. Sidebar

Romans 15:9 The chief end of man is to glorify God

9 He also came so that the Gentiles might GIVE GLORY TO GOD for his mercies to them. That is what the psalmist meant when he wrote: “For this, I will praise you among the Gentiles;
I will sing praises to your name
.” (NLT)

The Take Away

If you have not yet selected a Bible, I urge you to consider the NLT New Living Translation as it is not a paraphrased Bible, but a full translation that reads easy like a novel.

It is certainly possible for a believer to be troubled by demons, but Jesus made it clear that it is NOT GOD'S WILL for His people to be oppressed, troubled or harassed by evil tormenting spirits.303 God is sovereign and has authority over everything and that includes Evil. God uses evil as well as evil people in His plan to get man’s attention back on Him; to bring them to their senses so they might have an opportunity to choose good.

King Nebuchadnezzar was the EVIL enemy of God and of God’s people, yet God called him “His Servant” and used him to bring punishment against Israel.304 When we are enduring hardships we are often tempted to dismiss anything unpleasant that we feel as being from the hand of God, but the Book is clear that God does condone and allows discipline for His children. No discipline is enjoyablewhileitishappening;it’spainful!305 Butsoonafterwardtherewillbeapeacefulharvestof right living for those who are trained in THE WAY.

Did you see it? You can disobey and rebel against God for just so long and just like Saul, God will eventually leave you to do your own thing, and it’s all over. You get what you want and you will be separated from God for eternity. If you have a tormenting spirit, it just MIGHT be God trying to get your attention; I encourage you to look at your life, confess your sins and pray for wisdom and knowledge to know how to turn your life around.

Read the Book, Submit to God and then Trust Him.

Don’t be upset when Jehovah God corrects you.
Just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights,
the LORD gives “course corrections” to those he loves. DON’T REJECT THE DISCIPLINE OF THE LORD 306

302 1 Samuel 19:9-10 Saul with the Tormenting Spirit, hurled a spear at David, but missed 303 Acts 10:38 – God’s WILL is for the believer to not be oppressed, tormented or stressed 304 Jeremiah 25:9 – God used Evil Nebuchadnezzar as “His servant” to punish Israel
305 Hebrews 12:10-11 Discipline is painful, but the end is a peaceful harvest Acts 10:38 306 Proverbs 3:11-12 - DON’T REJECT THE LORD’S DISCIPLINE

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Chapter 3.12

Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered

Possessed vs: Oppressed, Free vs: Bound Spirits How to shake, rattle and roll

First Word

Some folks believe that Fallen Angels are the demons that roam free on the earth today. Others believe they are entities from the first earth age, a time before this age begin; which is what I believe. I will not debate that here, but only deal with the effects of their reality, however, I must point out that scripture does say that fallen angels are being held in chains of darkness; they are not free.307

First Question
The first question right out of the box is; “Can a BELIEVER; a Christian be possessed by a

demon”andtheanswerisaresoundingNO;endofwordstudy. Well,sortof;whileaChristian cannot be possessed, he can surely be bothered, messed with, and tempted and that’s what we are going to look at in this study. I need to point out that there is a big difference between a BELIEVER, A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST and a MAKE-BELIEVER who is just an IMPOSTER; one who deceives and is being deceived.308 Some say they are a Christian in the same spirit as being an American, loving apple pie, puppies and motherhood; but they don’t actually follow Christ.

Invisible War

Let’s set the Record Straight and get it down deep in our spirit just who Satan really is. We acknowledge that there is an Invisible War going on between, good and evil; between Satan and God309. When we speak of demonic activity and power, we always speak of their Prince Satan and his power. We think of Two Equal and Opposite forces.

Satan is NOT the opposite of God; he is the opposite of Michael the High Archangel. Satan is nomatchforGodinanysituation,heisnoteveninthesameleague. Whilehehasbeengivenpower, he is NOT equal. He is just a dog on a leash that can go only as far as the length of the leash and raise all the HELL he wants to within that circle.310


Demon is from the Greek word daimon; in the KJV it is translated Devil. The Jewish traditional roots passes down to us that demons are the forces of darkness and wickedness and their leader is Satan;demonsareinamatterofspeaking;HELL’SANGELS. Theevilspiritsordemonsthatlive today are the same spirits from the first earth age; moving from person to person, killing, stealing and destroying as they go.

307 Jude 6 Fallen Angels are in chains of darkness.
308 Acts 19:13-16 JESUS I KNOW, and I KNOW ABOUT PAUL, BUT WHO ARE YOU?" -- 2 Timothy 3:13 Make Believers will Deceive and be Deceived
309 Ephesians 6:12 Our fight is INVISIBLE; it is not against flesh and blood
310 Ephesians 2:2 Satan is the PRINCE of the power of the air -- Job 2:6 – Satan’s power is given and LIMITED by God

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They do not consist of matter or material body or substance, they are without physical existence in themselves, but they belong as property or a thing to Satan. They are invisible and operate above the laws of nature and have supernatural intelligence and knowledge along with terrible physical strength which they impart to those possessed. A demon spirit needs a moist place to find rest and attempts to take over humans as well as animals.311 They need to possess a person’s mind and body to enable them to get around Jesus validated the existence of Demons, He referred to them as Unclean Evil Spirits and went on to say some people could be possessed by many of them.312

Free and Bound

There seems to be two classes of demons; those that are free in “The Air” and those bound in “TheAbyss”. TheAbyssisatemporaryholdingplaceforevilspiritsuntiltheyarethrownintothe lake of fire. Their leader is “The Prince of the power of THE AIR”;313 Satan.

A demon is the gateway to your body. Once one enters he can allow others to take up residence. Mary Magdalene had seven demons cast out of her by Jesus.314 Seven is the number for completeness; she was completely possessed. You can see by her actions in scripture, how grateful she was for her deliverance as she joined and faithfully served Jesus in His ministry and even after His death. There can be many more that can possess you, perhaps even hundreds.315


Unclean spirits are NOT abstract thoughts, diseases, or just aliments, they are rational beings who know who Jesus is and believe in God, but just do not accept Him and cannot, because they have already been judged and doomed. They know that their time is short and will beg not to be punished before their time of judgment.316

Theyhavethesameattributesofaperson,exhibitingpersonality,intellect,emotionandwill. They are fierce, relentless and just plain out mean; they give seizers, convulsions, throw you down, batter you and make you foam at the mouth; they cause you to scream, grind your teeth and try to kill you. They can cripple and make you deaf and mute as well as speak through you and transform you into a totally different person with incredible strength and fierceness.317

NOTE: This does not mean that someone that has these characteristics are demon possessed.

I grew up with a neighborhood kid named Larry who was just plain mean. His grandmother had the Spirit of God, but Larry had a Demonic Spirit. He would do things to animals just to torment them. He would twist your arm, hit you in the back, knock you down, scatter your books and take your lunch. I don’t ever remember hating anybody in my life, but Larry. If ever the world would be better off, it would be when Larry was dead. After High school Larry was killed while engaged in a robbery. Today we see people bringing guns into the schools and work place and killing just to kill. We say that they were just not in their right mind.

I say this is plain and simple demonic activity.

311 Matthew 12:43 A demon spirit cannot rest in a dry place. -- Mark 5:12 Demons desire a moist place to live, even an animal
312 Mark 1:32 People brought the demon-possessed to Jesus -- Mark 1:39 Jesus preached and drove out demons -- Matthew 4:24 News spread about Jesus healing people that were demon-possessed -- Luke 7:21 Jesus called Demons; Evil Spirits not Evil Angels 313 Ephesians 2:2 Satan is the Prince of the power of the air -- Ephesians 2:1-2 Some demons are free “in the air-- Luke 8:31 Some demons are bound “in the Abyss
314 Luke 8:1 You can be possessed by more than one demon
315 Mark 5:8-9 Perhaps even hundreds of Evil Unclean Sprits
316 Luke 4:33-34 Evil Spirits know who Jesus is and their impending Judgment -- Matthew 8:29 Demons have Knowledge, they know their time is short
317 Matthew 8:29 Demons an speak through a possessed person -- Luke 4:33 These Evil Spirits speak loudly when they speak -- Mark 5:4 They can make you to become incredible strong -- Matthew 8:28 They can make you Fierce -- James 2:19 Even the demons believe in God -- Acts 8:7 Demons; these unclean spirits can cripple you -- Luke 11:14 Unclean spirits can take away your ability to speak -- Mark 9:25 Unclean spirits can take away your ability to hear -- Mark 1:26 Unclean spirits can cause convulsions - - Mark 9:22 Unclean spirits try to kill the possessed -- Luke 9:39 Demons; Throw, batters and causes foaming at the mouth -- Mark 9:18 Unclean spirits can cause you to grinds your teeth

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Possession or Oppression

Demon Possession is a demon residing in a person and exerting direct control and influence over that person causing certain derangement of mind and body.

Demon Oppression or Influence must always be distinguished from Demon possession in relationship to a person. Demon influence is just demons messing with you because they can.

Can a Christian be Demon Possessed?

The Spirit of God inhabits us permanently; our body is the temple of Holy Spirit; God, who is in us is greater and stronger than he who is in the world.318 (Satan and his demons)

Demons cannot enter into a person who is occupied by someone stronger than they are. The Holy Spirit and an unclean spirit cannot co-exist in the same person, just as light cannot co-exist with darkness.319 There is NOT one scripture in the New Testament about a Believer; a Christian being possessed by a demon. We may be troubled, bothered, harassed and tempted by demons, but never possessed. We can be Obsessed and Oppressed, but NOT Possessed.

When we submit to God we are delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of light.320 We are NOT taught to cast Satan out, we are taught to resist Satan and he will flee from us.321 The Ruler of this world, Satan and his demons have already been judged. Jesus has already disarmed their power and authority, and has made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by way of the cross.322

Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered
Demonic Activity can have you Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered whether

you are a Christian or not. Demons are Oppressive, they just HANG ON and oppress those they can’t possesses.323 READ ON

In fact count yourself special when you are attacked. Count it all joy when you fall into various trials for you must be doing something great in God’s plan. This is a TESTofyourFaithandPatience;notforGod’sbenefit,butforyours.324 Satanand his minion spirits get a foothold in your life through; willful sin, pride, strife, un- forgiveness, doubt, fear & negative speech just to name just a few.

There are invisible chains of infirmity that are not physical; you can’t see them, but the bondage is still ever present. It can move around your body exhibiting headaches, backaches, chest pains, upset stomach, nausea, dizziness, sadness, depression, stress, fear, paranoia, rage and even cause you to exhibit different personalities.

This suffering is not really a physical sickness; so medical treatment gives minor relief if any. For sure, it is not God trying to teach you something because it is God’s will that you are healed.325 Prayer”, “The Word” and “Faith” is the only remedy. This oppression can even be found in the Church, attaching itself outwardly hoping to gain entrance though discouragement and stress. Christians cannot be inwardly possessed; only messed with. Demonic “attacks” will not succeed in the life of the believer, they will eventually fail.326

318 1 Corinthians 6:19 Our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit
319 1 John 4:4 God who lives in us is greater than Demons -- Matthew 12:29 Demons can’t bind someone who is stronger -- 320 Colossians 1:13 – We have been delivered from darkness into God’s light.
321 James 4:7 Submit to God and RESIST the Devil and he will flee from you
322 John 16:11 - The ruler of this world has been judged -- Colossians 2:15 The Cross has disarmed the demons
323 Matthew 8:16 Demons or unclean spirits oppress because they can -- Luke 13:11 There is a spirit of infirmity
324 James 1:2-4 Count it all as Joy You are being tested.
325 Mark 1:40-41 Jesus said He wants us healed.
326 -- Isaiah 54:17 The attacks will not succeed; they will fail

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Shake, Rattle and Roll

How to shake off unclean spirits; demonic minions that try to hang on you.

  1. a)  Flee from sexual immorality; all other sins a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually

    immoral person sins against his own body.327

  2. b)  Flee Youthful passions which could include drugs, alcohol, gambling and multiple partners. We

    should pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace.328

  3. c)  Flee from idolatry; in the end times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to

    deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, things of the Occult, Dungeons and Dragons, Ouija boards, Tara Cards, Astrology, Horoscopes, Hypnosis, Silva Mind Control, Symbol Therapy, Visualization & guided imagery, color experimentations, Yoga, Tai Chi, Reflexology, Magnetic Healing, Transcendental Meditation, Chanting, Spirit Channeling, Automatic Writings, Séances, LSD, Cosmic consciousness, Necromancy (raising the dead for communication), Speaking in Demonic languages, Biofeedback, Psychics, and Music with occultist lyrics.329

  4. d)  Fleefromdemonicimages:GetridofjewelryandsymbolismsuchasZodiacsigns,pentagrams, hexagrams, enneagram (9 triangle points in a circle), all seeing eye, perverted cross, swastika, Egyptian ankh, dragon, serpent, yin/yang, locus, unicorn, flying Pegasus horse, the lotus blossom, point within a circle, sign of the cloven hoof or footprint of the devil. Did you know that holding up your two fingers; the index and the little finger is a sign of the “Satanic horns?

  5. e)  Rejectthetrendtobepre-occupiedwithmedia;Movies,BooksandMagazinesthatglorifiesthe occult, sin and idolatry. We are told to flee, run from every connection to the occult.

  6. f)  Renewyourminddaily;theserpentdeceivedEveintheGardenofEden,hermindwasledastray by demonic craftiness. What you think is what you are; bring every thought into captivity. Think about these things: whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, these are the things to think on.330

g)SpeakandConfessgoodstuff:Youarewhatyouconfess. Satancannotreadyourmind,he only knows what you speak; SPEAK LIFE.

h) Refuse to give Satan the advantage; we are not to be ignorant of his schemes.331
i) Prepareyourmindsforaction;youhaveenteredtheINVISABLEWARZONEwherethereareland

mines on the ground and missiles overhead.
j) PutonthewholearmorofGod,thatyouwillbeabletostandagainstSatanandhisdemonsto

stop his schemes and his ability to manipulate your mind.332
Our Armor of protection: There are seven (complete) things protecting us from demons.333

1) Submission to God.
2) The blood of Jesus Christ.
3) The Holy Spirit that is within us. 4) God’s Word from the Bible.
5) Our authority as Believers.
6) The gifts of the Holy Spirit.
7) Our Prayer life.

327 1 Corinthians 6:18 We are commanded to Flee from sexual immorality
328 2 Timothy 2:22 - We are commanded to flee youthful passions
329 1 Corinthians 10:14 We are commanded to Flee from idolatry
330 2 Corinthians 11:3 What you think can lead you astray. -- Philippians 4:8 Think on things of excellence; IT’S IN THE BOOK 331 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 – We are not ignorant of Satan’s schemes -- 1 Timothy 4:1 In the latter time some will seek Deceitful Spirits and Demonic Teachings

332 Ephesians 6:11 We are commanded to put on the whole armor of God, IT’S IN THE BOOK -- James 4:7-8 We are commanded to Resist Satan and he will flee from us.
333 1 Peter 1:13 - We are commanded to prepare our minds for action -- Proverbs 18:21 What you speak or confess will come to pass

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Striking Back at God

A demon when possessing a human being is striking back at God for taking their bodies in thepre-Adamicfloodandplacingapropheticcurseonthemofdamnationtothelakeoffire They strike back by oppressing and destroying His greatest creation; “MAN” made in His own image; binding their victims with chains of physical and mental sickness and disorders.

Jesus went about healing the sick and those oppressed of the Devil; did you see it? Sickness and oppression is from Satan.334

The Take Away Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered
Fallen angels are not demons although many books written say they are; Scripture does not

support this. Demons are disembodied spirits that died during the great flood of the first earth age. They were created immortal, they were not under the law of “sin and death”.

They are known as familiar spirits, unclean spirits, demons and devils. There is an invisible war going on to hinder God’s promises and our prayers from reaching us. God says to pray continuously till we receive our answer, and then continue praying in thanksgiving. He says to be thankful IN all things; not FOR all things.335

Demons and Satan cannot read our thoughts, but they act with haste on what we confess with our mouth:336 We are what we confess; I confess that I AM BLESSED.

The Christian has dominion over demons and is protected by seven things; 1) Submission to God, 2) The blood of Jesus Christ, 3) The Holy Spirit within us, 4) God’s Word; the Bible, 5) The believers authority, 6) The gifts of the Spirit and 7) and Our prayer life.337 (Seven, we are complete.)

An evil spirit cannot co-exist with the Holy Spirit; A Christian cannot be possessed. You can be bewitched, bothered and bewildered by demons trying to discourage you, trying to get a foothold in your life; specially trying to cause doubt in your prayer life. Through the death of Christ on the cross, the works of Satan has been destroyed.338 Christ did not shed his blood on the cross for fallen angels or demons; in this second earth age, there is NO hope for a demon nor a fallen angel.

Satan has limited power for a short time given to him by God, but he has already been judged and doomed to be confined to the Lake of Fire forever along with his minions and those who do not accept Jesus as the Son of God; the Messiah.339

There is therefore now no condemnations for those who have accepted Jesus Christ. We have already won the war, it was settled at the cross; we are more than conquerors’.340


334 Acts 10:38 Sickness is an oppression from Satan
335 Philippians 4:6 Be thankful IN all thing; not FOR all things.
336 Luke 8:12 Satan tries to quickly take away the seed of Faith
337 Mark 6:7 Christians have POWER over the Unclean Spirits
338 Hebrews 2:14 – Christ’s death destroyed the power of death
339 Matthew 25:41 – The Lake of fire is prepared for Satan & Hell’s Angels
340 Romans 8:37 - We are more than conquerors, Jesus fought the war and we got the victors crown.

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Chapter 3.13

Ghost Busters

Jesus was the first Ghost Buster, then came the twelve Disciples, now the Holy Spirit within us

First Word

Ghost are believed to be the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear to the

living with the ability to assist or harm. There are a number of names given for ghost such as apparition, phantom, poltergeist, haunt, shade, specter, spook, and the list goes on.

The descriptions of ghosts vary widely; many describe ghost as like your “breath” or a vanishing vapor like you would see when you went outside on a cold day and breathed out a vapor or mist. Others say that ghost forms vary from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to lifelike visions and to even REAL.

Do you remember the Movie The Sixth Sense”, about a young boy who could see and talk to deadpeople?Hisfamouscatchphrasewas,“ISeeDeadPeople”. Hesaidinthemoviethatdead people walk around like regular people, but they don’t see each other. They only see what they want to see; they don’t know they are dead.

The question is Do Ghost Exist” and the answer is YES, but let’s take a slow walk around the block and unpack “What They Are” and “Where They Come From”. I will use scripture from the Apocrypha as well as Josephus the Jewish Historian to fill in the blanks. Josephus was born the year Jesus was resurrected and while not a Christian, he reported amazing facts about the thoughts of the people surrounding our Lord.

Haunted Houses

A playmate of mine hung himself in the attic of his house when I was about 10 years old. There was talk about how his ghost would remain there and soon the family moved out and the home remained vacant for about 2 years; no one would buy the house believing it would be haunted by the ghost of the young boy.

A man died in his home down the street from me and his house was left vacated; overrun with vines, overgrown shrubbery and deteriorated wood around the windows. As kids we referred to it as The Haunted House and would try to peek in the windows and ring the doorbell and run. It remained vacant for about 6 years till a young couple from our church bought it at a bargain. Question: Is there a valid reason to fear purchasing a home where a death has occurred?

After a person dies, does the spirit hang around after their death? There was an unfounded and un-Biblical mindset in the early church that the spirit of the DECEASED HUNG AROUND for three days after their death. You will note that Jesus waited till after the three days were up before he raised Lazarus from the dead just to prove that his resurrection was indeed supernatural. Lazarus body was alreadybeginningtorot;itSTUNK. Asasidenoteitisalsointerestingthatthe“body”ofJesuswas in the grave three days.

John 11:39 Lazarus spirit has gone and now he stinks.

39 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time HE STINKETH: for he hath been DEAD FOUR DAYS. (KJV)

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Mortal, Immortal, Eternal

Before we dig into ghost, I would like to take a moment to define the difference between Mortaland Immortalto help understand what a ghost can be and what it cannot be.

Mortal means that a person or living creature is susceptible to death. There body can be separated; disembodied from their Spirit, example; humans and other living creatures.

Immortal means that a person or living creature has the ability to live forever as they were created; body and spirit, example; Angels were created immortal.341 Believers at the resurrection will get a new glorified body that will be immortal.

Eternal means a timeless state in which a spirit lives; like forever.
A Ghost is a created being that has been disembodied from its spirit. HOLD THAT THOUGHT


The King James Version Bible is where we find the term ghost mentioned some 108 times, later versions of the Bible use the word Spirit. The term ghost is used in only two ways;

  1. 1)  When someone dies and “gives up the ghost” or

  2. 2)  When speaking of the third person of the Trinity; “The Holy Ghost”.

This study will address ghost using the term spirit; especially “Unclean Spirits”. There are four thoughts on what Haunts, Spirits and Ghosts are;

1) Dead People, 2) Fallen Angel’s, 3) The Nephilim, and 4) Demons.

1) Dead People
I want to address dead people first since it’s the most popular belief concerning ghost and is the

one that prevents most people from buying a house where a death has occurred. Some are OK if the death was natural, but freak out if the death was traumatic with suicide, knives, guns or murder in some form or fashion.

Question: If the dead have already received their judgment of heaven or hell; why would the dead need a resurrection? There would hardly be an interest in the return of Jesus Christ if the SOUL of the believer had already gone to the Lord immediately upon death.

The Book says when a person dies their body returns to the earth; dirt, dust along with their Soul which is their mind and emotions. Their Spirit, the breath of life (Ruah; breath, wind, spirit) returns to God; the one who gave it. Not the person, not the body, not the Soul, but the life force that is in us, is what goes back to God.

You are judged at death; and are awaiting sentence of either eternal bless and happiness or eternal damnation. When the Believer dies, his body and soul goes to the grave and his spirit becomes present with the Lord.342 When a person’s breath departs, at that very same moment, their plans perish, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. They can't praise nor curse; their emotions, their love, their hate and envy have all perished. The dead know nothing, they are silent in the grave, NOT A WORD TO BE HEARD.343

Bible Sidebar: There were a few special stories of people being raised from the dead as a sign for God’s glory, but eventually their bodies, souls and spirits ALL RETURNED to the grave. There is a story of a man in Hell who wanted to return to his family to warn them and tell them about God, but his request was DENIED! The Dead Cannot Return; so dead people cannot and ARE NOT the ghostly wispy entities that haunt people or houses today. HOLD THAT THOUGHT

341 Hebrews 13:2 - Some have entertained angels unawares
342 2 Corinthians 5:8 The Spirit leaves the body and returns to God.
343 Psalm 146:4 When man goes to the grave, his plans perish -- Ecclesiastes 9:10 The dead have NO working, planning, knowledge or wisdom -- Psalm 115:17 The dead cannot praise God They are silent -- Ecclesiastes 9:5 The dead know nothing -- Ecclesiastes 9:6 – The dead’s emotions have perished -- John 5:28-29 We are raised to live or raised to be condemned -- Luke 16:26- 31 Request to return from the dead was DENIED -- Job 7:9-10 HOUSES CANNOT BE HAUNTED BY DEAD PEOPLE

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Communicating with the Dead

Since the Book is without error, then we have to ask, what’s going on when people talk to the dead and get information that only that person could have?

The Book says in no uncertain terms, to NOT communicate with the dead. “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists or wizards or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or one who calls up the dead, for you will be defiled by them, they are an abomination. People should seek God, not Mediums & Wizards.344 With that said, if we are told to NOT communicate with the dead, then we must be able to.

Wikipedia: Necromancy is a form of magic involving communication with the deceased either by summoningtheirspiritas anapparitionor raising them bodily for the purpose ofdivination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, or to use the deceased as a weapon. The term Black Magic or witchcraft may sometimes be used in a more general sense.

If it is true that dead people are SILENT in the grave, then WHO or WHAT are the people communicating with? HOLD THAT THOUGHT

2) Fallen Angels
Next I wanted to address fallen Angles because many commentaries say that fallen angels are

ghost or identities that are controlled by Satan to do his bidding. This is based on the scripture that says that there was a war in heaven between Michael the Archangel and his angles against Satan and his angels.345 Satan lost and was cast out of heaven like lighting along with one third of the angels.346

Well, while this is true, this war doesn’t happen until the last three and a half years of the seven year tribulation period which has not happened yet. So Satan is still in heaven accusing the believer day and night and his angels are with him347. On top of that, Angels are immortal and retain their created body AND when the angels do fall they are bound in chains of darkness until the judgment.348 So angels ARE NOT the ghostly wispy entities that haunt people or houses. HOLD THAT THOUGHT

3) Nephilim
Nephilim; the majority of the ancient Bible versions interpret the word Nephilim to mean

"GIANTS". The Symmachus translates it as "the violent ones" and Aquila's translation has been interpreted to mean either "the fallen ones" or "the ones falling (upon their enemies.)" Wikipedia

Scripture clearly states that some angels identified as “sons of God,349 left their own habitations and took the women of earth in marriage and had sexual intercourse with them resulting in a hybrid of giants which we call the Nephilim.350

Daniel prophesized that there would be a mixing of seed in marriage351... Nephilim? Perhaps.

Josephus the Jewish Historian says that the Nephilim’s were hybrids, part celestial and part terrestrial with an appearance that was entirely different from that of men of which we cannot even imagine. (You need in your library the book, Antiquity of the Jews by Josephus the Jewish Historian.)

Apocrypha: Enoch took a petition to God on behalf of some of the Nephilim for forgiveness of their sins, God said the petition would NOT BE GRANTED. The Nephilim are bound to stay on earth aslongastheearthendures.THEYAREHERETODAY. (IincludescripturefromtheBookofEnochin the Apocrypha because chances are you do not have it in your library yet.)

344 Leviticus 19:31 Do not defile yourself with a Medium -- Leviticus 20:6 Do not seek Familiar Spirits and Wizards -- Deuteronomy 18:9-12 Sorcerer, Medium and Spiritist are an abomination to the Lord -- Isaiah 8:19 People should seek God, not Mediums and Wizards
345 Revelation 12:7-9 There was a war in Heaven and Satan & his angles were cast out
346 Revelation 12:4 Satan took one-third of the angels with him -- Luke 10:18 Prophecy; Satan fell like lighting from heaven
347 Zechariah 3:1 Satan stands at God’s throne accusing us -- Revelation 12:10 Satan accuses the believer day and night
348 2 Peter 2:4 Fallen Angels will be in chains of darkness
349 Genesis 6:1-2 Nephilim are known as “The sons of God
350 Jude 1:6 Some angels left their own habitation; their assignments -- Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim had sex with the women of the earth
351 Daniel 2:43 – Prophecy; ET’s mixing and marrying earthly women

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So if the Nephilim which are the offspring’s of the Angels that took earthly women for wives are among us today, they are predestined to hell, and cannot be redeemed; cannot be saved. 352

PONDER THE EVIL that’s in the world today, are these EVIL people descendants of the Nephilim’s and cannot be redeemed? 353 Do we walk side by side with the damned and neither of us know it? PONDER THAT

God made man a little lower than the Angels; man is mortal and has a soul, Angels are immortal, but do not possess a soul. So a fallen angel cannot be redeemed, but man can. The Nephilim; the giants were the very reason God destroyed the earth with Noah’s flood. They all died, but because they were hybrids, part celestial and part terrestrial, their damned spirits remained on earth.

Note: We do not know what ANGELS actually look like, nor their offspring’s the NEPHILIM; the Giants. When scripture says “ALL FLESH” had been corrupted, it gives us reason to believe that even the BEAST of the field also became corrupted. Black Cats, Black Ravens

Job says that there was some kind of creation or LIFEFORM that existed at the beginning of creation that all “sang together”. Now we are ready to talk about ghost or DEMONS.

Enoch 12:5-7- ET’s’ - Angels cannot receive remission of Sins
5 Then the Lord said to me: Enoch, scribe of righteousness, go tell the WATCHERS of heaven, who have deserted the lofty sky, and their holy everlasting station, who have been polluted with women.
6 And have done as the sons of men do, by taking to themselves wives,
and who have been greatly corrupted on the earth;
7 That on the earth
they shall NEVER obtain peace and REMISSION OF SIN. For they shall not rejoice in their offspring; they shall behold the slaughter of their beloved; shall lament for the destruction of their sons; and shall petition for ever; but SHALL NOT obtain mercy and peace.

Enoch 13:1-7 – Enoch petitions God for the Nephilim’s forgiveness
1 Then Enoch, passing on, said to Azazyel: You shalt not obtain peace. A great sentence is gone forth against you. He shall bind you;
2 Neither shall relief, mercy, and supplication be yours, on account of the oppression which you have taught;
3 And on account of every act of blasphemy, tyranny, and sin, which you have discovered to the children of men.
5 And they all became terrified, and trembled;
6 Beseeching me to
write for them a memorial of supplication, that they might obtain forgiveness; and that I might make the memorial of their prayer ascend up before the God of heaven; because they could not themselves address him, nor raise up their eyes to heaven on account of the disgraceful offence for which they were judged.
7 Then
I wrote a memorial of their prayer and supplications, for their spirits, for everything which they had done, and for the subject of their entreaty, that they might obtain remission and rest.

Enoch 14:3-4 God said NO
3 Judgment has been passed upon you: your request will NOT BE GRANTED you. 4 From this time forward, never shall you ascend into heaven; He has said, that on the earth He will bind you, as long as the world endures.

352 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 These deceiving entities cannot be saved
353 Josephus 3.14.2 – After Noah’s Flood there were ET’s, Giants in the land -- Enoch 15:8 – ET’s spirits shall remain on the earth -- Enoch 15:9-10 – ET’s oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise -- Josephus 8.3.3 No one can even imagine the shape of Angels -- Josephus 5.2.3 - Giants appearance was entirely different

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4) Demons
Recalling the story of the Demon Possessed Man whose was named Legion because he had

some 6,000 demons in him. When Jesus commanded the demons to come out, they knew who He was and begged Him to not send them before their time into the “dry” desert or the “bottomless pit” where they would seek rest and not find any.354

NOTE: Disembodied entities cannot get around on their own, they need a living entity to inhabit; that’s why the demons that were in the man, asked to be sent into the pigs. Jesus complied and sent them into a herd of about 2,000 (moist) pigs which promptly ran down a hill and were drowned in the sea; that would be about 3 demons per pig.355 By law, the Hebrews did not eat pork, so this action had a double meaning. BUT... although the pigs drowned, the demons continued to exist.

Now with that said... Demons are eternal; the pigs died, but the demons did not... Where are they today? Just for fun let your mind wander out to sea, to recall the stories of the “BERMUDA TRIANGLE”... Since 1609 there have been at least 23 recorded disappearances of planes and ships in that area; could it have been demonic? PONDER THAT

Where did these demons come from?

Demons the Beginning
In order to take you to where demons come from and what they are, I have to take you into

unfamiliar territory; a concept that your Belief System WILL REJECT until you read it for yourself in the Bible. I won’t spend a lot of time here, because it’s another Word Study all into its own self.

It’s called the Pre-Adamic flood or Satan’s flood or The Gap Theory. Most pastors know about it, but cannot teach it because their domination feels it undermines the seven day creation story; I think it has no effect. It has to do with the FIRST EARTH AGE, the one before this one, the one that occurred between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 where God created the earth and then a judgment of darkness came upon the earth and it BECAME without form and void. (You need in your library a copy of DAKE’s annotated reference Bible which explains this step by step)

Every time the sky is darkened, it’s a sign of God’s judgment; EVERY TIME.356 In the first Flood EVERYTHING WAS DESTROYED. The translator’s literally did not understand how the earth “became” void, so they substituted the Word hayahmeaning BECAME with the word “WAS”. In all other 67 translations of the Hebrew word “hayah”, all were translated “became”, not “was”. So you can say the earth BECAME without form and void.

NOTE: In verse two, this “Lucifer Flood” had already happened “and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters”. Some translations say “brooding” over the waters; pondering. The Apostle Peter said that the “earth of old” overflowed with water. Jeremiah the prophet recorded that the earth became formless. The earth did not become formless during the flood of Noah.

With Satan’s rebellion, God withdrew Himself from the world. This released all restraints of nature and plunged the world into the judgment of DARKNESS. Water came from everywhere and flooded the earth. We believe this to be for thousands upon thousands of years which would account for the age of some fossils that have been found and carbon dated.

It is believed that this flood completely destroyed everything and this made the world without

form and void. If we use Genesis as a concept of God; that everything He made was good; then we can pre-suppose that the earth was created good and because of rebellion and sin, it became void. THE JUMP: This is where we can make the jump in “the gap” between what is said and what is NOT said, and you do this by proving scripture with scripture, precept upon precept.

In Verse 3, God starts all over again when He creates the 2nd earth age.

354 Luke 8:31 - The Bottomless Pit is the Destination for Demons -- Matthew 12:43 Demons need a moist place to find rest
355 Mark 5:8-13 6,000 demons; 2,000 pigs went into the sea
356 Exodus 10:21 Judgment - So dark it can be felt -- Jeremiah 4:23 Judgment The light was gone -- Joel 2:31 Judgment Sun turned dark -- Revelation 6:12-13 Judgment The sun turned Black -- Revelation 8:12 Judgment Sun, moon and stars turned dark -- Revelation 9:2 Judgment The Sun and sky were darkened -- Revelation 16:10 Judgment Plunged into darkness

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Colossians 1:16-17 God created everything for Himself

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.


Psalms 33:9 God spoke everything into existence.

9 For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. NKJV

Genesis 1:1 God creates the First Earth Age

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. NIV

Genesis 1:2 The earth became without form and void

2 And the earth was (hayahbecame) without form, and void; and

DARKNESS (Judgment) was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit

of God moved upon the face of the waters. NIV

Isaiah 45:18 God formed the world to be inhabited; not VOID

18 For this is what the LORD says-- he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it;

HE DID NOT CREATE IT TO BE EMPTY, but formed it to be inhabited NIV

Genesis 1:2 Judgment; Darkness over the surface of the deep

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, DARKNESS was over the

surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the

waters. NIV

2 Peter 3:5-6 The world that was then overflowed with water

5 ... the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:



2 Peter 3:5-7 Ungodly men existed before Adam

5 But they deliberately forget that LONG AGO by God's word the

heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water

6 By these waters also


7 By the same word


being kept for the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men. NIV

Jeremiah 4:23-26 The people had perished in the first flood

24 I looked at the mountains, and they were quaking; all the hills were swaying.

. (So they were once there) 26 I looked, and the fruitful land was a desert; all its towns lay in ruins

before the LORD, before his fierce anger. NIV

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Familiar Spirits

Familiar Spirits are supernatural entities believed to assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic. By those alleging to have come into contact with them, they SHAPE SHIFT into numerous guises, often as an animal, but also at times as a human or humanoid figure, and are described as a "clearly defined, three-dimensional form, vivid with color and animated with movement and sound".357

if you take note of all the terrorism and killings that are going on including the Muslim terrorist; this is just plain and simple Demon Possession.

Good News; an Evil spirit cannot occupy the same space as the Holy Spirit, so someone who is A BELIEVER CANNOT BE DEMON POSSESSED, although they can be harassed.

The Take Away

There are four thoughts on Hauntings, Spirits and Ghosts

1) Dead People; when a person’s breath departs, at that very same moment, their plans perish, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. They can't praise nor curse; their emotions, their love, their hate and envy have all perished. The dead know nothing, they are silent in the grave, dead, dead; NOT A WORD TO BE HEARD, so they ARE NOT the ghostly haunts of today.

2) Fallen Angel’s: angels are immortal and retain their created body AND when the angels do fall they are bound in chains of darkness until the judgment. THEY ARE BOUND TODAY
So angels ARE NOT the ghostly wispy entities that haunt people or houses today.

3) The Nephilim; the Nephilim are identified with the “sons of God”; special angels who left their place of assignment in heaven and came to earth to corrupt the human race and are bound to stay on earth as long as the earth endures. Their OFFSPRING’S hybrid demonic bodies were destroyed in the flood, but their demonic spirits remain as minions in the service of Satan.

4) Demons; immortal disembodied spirits from the first earth age are active minions of Satan.

JESUS CHRIST is the original Ghost Buster, casting out EVERY KIND of demon; healing and freeingmankindfromoppressionandpossession. HefirstgavethatauthoritytotheTwelveDisciples to do the same thing, then next He sent the Holy Spirit to give every Believer the gift of being a GHOST BUSTER. If you see or hear something esoteric, it’s not a friend, it’s a demon.

Luke 9:1 Jesus gave DISCIPLES authority to cast out demons

1 One day Jesus called together his twelve disciples and gave them power and AUTHORITY TO CAST OUT DEMONS and to heal all

diseases. (NLT)

Mark 16:17 Jesus gave BELIEVERS authority cast out demons

17 These miraculous signs will accompany THOSE WHO BELIEVE: THEY WILL CAST OUT DEMONS IN MY NAME, and they will speak

in new languages. (NLT)

1 Corinthians 12:9-10 Holy Spirit gives POWER over demons

9 The same Spirit gives ... to someone else ... the gift of HEALING. 10 He gives another person the POWER TO PERFORM MIRACLES...


357 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 - Satan’s minion servants disguised themselves as light -- 2 Thessalonians 2:9 - Satan comes with signs and lying wonders
358 1 Timothy 4:1 Some will give heed to Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils.

The Book calls them DEMONS

A word about Demon Possession;

Bad News; when you communicate with someone from the dead you are actually communicating

with a demon who has assumed the shape, sex and character that you desire to speak with.358 Its

primary mission is to destroy you; that’s why God warns you to NOT communicate with the dead

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Chapter 3.14

Raising the Dead

Why is it though incredible by any of you that God raises people from the dead? 359 What is the Purpose of Resurrections? Are Resurrections Possible Today? Muslim Visions; Marian Apparitions

Raising the Dead Today

Jesus raised the dead and said that he did the Works that the Father gave Him to do and He commissioned His disciples to do the same thing and said that they would do even GREATER works than He did. Greater works; meaning MORE works since the ministry of Jesus was very short, only three years and most of us have many, many more years than that.

God does not change, and Jesus does not change, and The Holy Spirit does not change, so YES; someone can be raised from the dead today.360 The Question that remains is, does it happen?

The Good Book says; Go and Raise the Dead without payment; 7 and proclaim as you GO, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, RAISE THE DEAD, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received WITHOUT PAYING; give without pay. Matthew 10:7-8 (ESV)

Visions of the Dead
The Catholics are having Marian Apparition’s; the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

but what they see does not remain and walk around among us, they are not flesh and blood. There is NO SCRIPTURAL EXAMPLE found in the Bible for us to follow concerning visions of someone communicating with us from the grave.

The Muslims are having dreams and visions of Jesus appearing to them and they are worshiping Jesus who they call ISA. Joy, love and peace immediately floods over them and they accept Christianity; but the Qur’an says ISA will judge Jews and Christians by the Qur’an, not by the Bible.

Except for Paul (Saul) on the road to Damascus, there is no Biblical record of Jesus appearing to anyone after His ascension to Heaven... Paul only saw a light and only heard a voice; he did not see Jesus on earth; later however, he did see Jesus in a vision in heaven.

Word of Faith Movement Reports
Benny Hinn television Evangelist prophesized that TBN, Trinity Broadcasting Network, is going

to have people from around the world watching TBN that were raised from the dead.
Sid Roth television host on “It’s Supernatural” had a guest on his program who had prayed for 8

people in his family that had died from poison and they all came back to life. No video
Reinhard Bonnke on CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, testified of the resurrection of a dead man in Nigeria where rigormortis had already set in and he had been embalmed with chemicals and was brought to where Reinhard was preaching and suddenly the man began to breath. No video Tyler Johnson and his DEAD RAISING TEAM made a documentary film of a “gang of

Christians” who say they can raise people from the dead. No video of the dead raising.

359 Acts 26:8 Why is it thought incredible by any of you that God raises the dead?
360 Hebrews 13:8 Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever; He does not change -- John 14:12 The believer has more time to do MORE WORKS -- Matthew 28:19-20 - Observe all that I have commanded you and make Disciples

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Melissa Fisher at Christian XP Media has a MORTUARY MINISTRY to raise the dead. They have visited a number of Mortuaries attempting to raise the dead, but have not had any success so far, but feel like they are massaging the outreach for “raising the dead” and believe it will happen soon.

In England Robby Dawkins pastor of Vineyard Church, in an interview with Charisma news published on 5/26/15 claimed that he raised a church member from the dead. A doctor who was present verified Matt Catlow who was lying on their church floor was dead.

In Mexico, David Hogan says he raised a little boy from the dead, in a back woods cabin who had been dead for four and a half hours. He says that he has personally been present when 21 other people were raised from the dead.

In Africa CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network reported a boy dead for 24 hours was raised from the dead and because of that, many accepted Christianity.

In Nigeria a video surfaced on YouTube about a man dead on the street was raised from the dead and tells his story.

I had a “deeply committed” Christian Friend whose wife had died; he prayed over her for three days to be “raised from the dead” and when it didn’t happen he was devastated. So Far I have not seen any video nor read any personal testimonies of people being raised from the dead. There seems to be an absence of medical records and most of the time there is an absence of names.

Because of the way my BS is wired, I WANT TO BELIEVE that God uses Believers to raise the dead today; but I am very doubtful. Why doesn’t it happen in Irmo, South Carolina?

Purpose for Raising the Dead
There were many sick and demon possessed people that Jesus and the disciples healed during

His ministry. While in the beginning of the ministry COMPASSION seemed to be the reason for the healings and resurrections, it also pointed to something else. When a person raises someone from the dead, it AUTHENTICATES that he is “a man of God”.

Jesus said the sign of His Divinity was the sign of Jonah who was in the belly of a great fish for three days and three nights. I personally believe Jonah died in that great fish and was “Raised from the Dead” and I believe what Jesus said about His death and resurrection confirms this.361

The Bible contains everything we need to know to BE CONVINCED of the Gospel. Jesus said, Because you have seen Me, you have believed and went on to say; blessed are those who have NOT SEEN and yet have believed”.362

Bringing back someone from the dead in order to give THEIR TESTIMONY will have no effect. Jesus said, If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be CONVINCED if someone should rise from the dead.363 It’s in the Book.

Communicating with the dead

Jesus Christ IS THE ONLY ONE who has the authority to communicate with the dead.366

361 Matthew 12:38-40 Jesus Raised from the Dead is the Sign
362 John 20:29 - Blessed those who haven’t seen yet have believed
363 Luke 16:27-31 Man is not convinced by raising of the dead
364 Isaiah 8:19 People should seek God not Mediums and Wizards that whisper, mutter and peep -- Leviticus 19:31 Do not defile yourself with Mediums; those how communicate with the dead -- Deuteronomy 18:9-12 Sorcerer, Medium, Spiritist who communicate with the dead are an Abomination
365 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 Demons disguise themselves as whatever you are looking for
366 Ephesians 4:8-9 Christ is the only one to communicate with the dead

Necromancy is a form of magic involving communication with THE DEAD either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily for the purpose of divination;

imparting the means to foretell future events or to discover hidden knowledge. Voodoo and

Witchcraft practitioners also claim they can raise the dead and communicate.

Since we are told to NOT communicate with the dead, then obviously we can do so.364

The problem that arises is; what are you communicating with.365

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Witchcraft The Witch of Endor
You have to ask the question, are there any occurrences in scripture of people being raised from

the dead to communicate with the living. The answer is NO, there is ONLY one instance when THE WITCH OF ENDOR brought up “SOMETHING” for King Saul who thought it was Samuel.367

Here is where you must accept that THE BIBLE IS THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD, without error, and that all scripture being inspired of God carries the same weight regardless of how FEW TIMES a subject is mentioned. This is only mentioned ONCE and Saul DID NOT actually see this apparition. So what did Saul see, or did he actually see anything?368

Nothing in scripture indicates that Satan has the power to resurrect someone from the dead. HE CANNOT GIVE LIFE, but he CAN GIVE THE ILLUSION, he can utilize his minion demons and fallen angels who are immortal to trick you.369

1 Samuel 28:12-14 - Scared the Tater Tots out of the witch

12 THE WOMAN SAW Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice and spoke to Saul, "Why have you deceived me? For you are Saul!"
13 The king said, "Do not be afraid. WHAT DID YOU SEE?" And the woman said to Saul, "I saw a spirit ascending out of the earth."

14 So he said to her, "WHAT IS HIS FORM?" And she said,
An OLD MAN is coming up, and he is covered with a MANTLE." And Saul PERCEIVED that it was Samuel, ...

The Dead Raised

There are some TEN recorded instances of people being raised from the dead included in the Old and New Testament. People being raised from the dead BEAR WITNESS of God’s authority over everything, including death.

Clearly God does this and it is not for just a few minutes in order to communicate information from the other side. They were raised to life and given back to their families to walk among them.

There is NO RECORD that indicates that they had information to share about the afterlife.

  1. 1)  Elijah

  2. 2)  Elisha

  3. 3)  Elisha’s

  4. 4)  Peter

  5. 5)  Paul

  6. 6)  Jesus

  7. 7)  Jesus

  8. 8)  Jesus

  9. 9)  Jesus’

  10. 10)  God

raised the widow’s son from the dead.370 raised the Shulamite’s son from the dead.371 bones raised a man from the dead.372
raised Tabitha/Dorcas from the dead.373 raised Eutychus from the dead.374

raised the man from Nain from the dead.375 raised Jairus’s daughter from the dead.376 raised Lazarus from the dead.377
DEATH raised many from the dead.378

raised Jesus from the dead.379

It’s in the Book

367 1 Samuel 28:8-11 Bring up Samuel from the grave --.Isaiah 8:19 Familiar Spirits that mutter and peep 368 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10 Satan will display Power False, Signs and Wicked Deception
369 1 Timothy 4:1 Some will depart from the faith following Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils
370 1 Kings 17:17-24 Elijah raised the widow’s son from the dead

371 2 Kings 4:32-36 Elisha raised the Shulamite woman’s son from the dead 372 2 Kings 13:21 – Elisha’s bones raised a man from the dead
373 Acts 9:36-41 Peter raised Tabitha/Dorcas from the dead
374 Acts 20:9-12 Paul raised Eutychus from the dead

375 Luke 7:11-15 Jesus raised the man from Nain from the dead
376 Luke 8:51-55 Jesus raised Jairus’s daughter from the dead
377 John 11:43-44 Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead
378 Matthew 27:51-53 Death of Christ, tombs were opened and many Believer’s bodies were raised from the dead 379 Acts 2:32 God raised Jesus from the dead

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Millions upon Millions more will be raised from the dead to meet Jesus Christ in the air at the rapture.380

John 5:36 Power over the grave bears witness of God’s authority

36 But the witness which I have is greater than that of John;
for the works which the Father hath given me to accomplish, the very works that I do,

BEAR WITNESS of me that the Father hath sent me

The Take Away

Jesus FED four, then five thousand people at a time with just a few loaves of bread and a few fish; He turned water into WINE, He HEALED many people as well as raised some from the DEAD and the results was they just wanted MORE SIGNS, MORE MIRACLES and MORE FOOD.

If someone today was raised from the dead, it would point to the “Raiser” as a “MAN OR WOMAN OF GOD”. If that were the case they would need to do a few more “Raisingsto prove it was not a fluke. Then if SOMEONE ELSE RAISED THE DEAD, there would be a conflict over who “YOU

FOLLOWED” just like in the NT with Paul and Apollos when actually it is Jesus Christ to whom we should all be pointing.

One of the Gifts of the Spirit is the “Working of Miracles” which would include RAISING THE DEAD and God could cut it loose in every church in the world if He so chose. However Amazing Miracles are not what leads to genuine faith.

I believe in the End Times, the Anti-Christ and his minions will use MIGHTY MIRACLES including “Raising the Dead” to deceive the world. (Satan can make you SICK and then HEAL you)

YES, God can raise people from the dead today...
But with by BS, my Belief System, I believe if I were God... I wouldn’t do it...

1 Corinthians 3:4 - I follow Paul; and another, I follow Apollos

4 For when one saith, I AM OF PAUL; and another, I AM OF APOLLOS; are ye not men?


Matthew 12:38 We need some more SIGNS

38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying,


2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 - False miracles, signs, and wonders

9 The coming of the lawless oneis based on Satan’s working, with all kinds of FALSE MIRACLES, SIGNS, and WONDERS, and
10 with every unrighteous DECEPTION among those who are perishing.


Revelation 19:20 Mighty Miracles that deceive

20 And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who did MIGHTY MIRACLES on behalf of the beast
MIRACLES THAT DECEIVED all who had accepted the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue.


John 6:26 We WANT some more FREE FOOD

26 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you,

you are seeking me, not because you saw SIGNS, but because you ATE your fill of the loaves.

380 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 - The dead in Christ will rise first

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Chapter 3.15

Almost all major religions except Christianity and Islam believe in some form of reincarnation. Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body.

Reincarnation is a word derived from Latin, meaning literally, "entering the flesh again". The Greek equivalent corresponds to the English phrase "transmigration of the soul." They refer to "being born again" which is a universal process that gives rise to the cycle of death and rebirth, governed by Karma”. Every living being's soul transmigrates (recycles) after death, carrying the seeds of Karmic impulses from the life just completed, into another life and a lifetime of karmas. Birth is not a beginning and death is not an end.

After death, the life as we know now moves on to another form of life based on the merits and demerits it accumulated in its current life. The path to becoming a “Supreme Soul” is to practice non-violence and be truthful.

As worn-out garments are shed by the person; worn-out bodies are shed by the dweller within the body. New bodies are “put on” by the dweller, like garments. Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, and Islam do not believe that individuals reincarnate, however in Judaism, followers of the Kabbalah do believe in reincarnation. Wikipedia

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Karma Feng Shui Divine Incarnation Soul Sleep Two Judgments Two Deaths - Purgatory Paradise Lake of Fire Temporary State Eternal State

First Word


Karma begins with the premise that every action has a consequence which will come to fruition in

either this or a future life; thus morally good acts will have positive consequences, whereas bad acts will produce negative consequences. Karma is not itself "reward or punishment", but is a law that

produces consequences.

The Karma rebirth is the concept that all life forms go through a cycle of reincarnation, that is; a

series of births and rebirths. The rebirths and consequent life may be in a different realm, condition

or form. Wikipedia

Question; where did the first birth or death come from that started the whole Karma thing?

If you are a product of Karma, then you do NOT have Free Will, therefore what you do to others

and what happens to you is a direct result of a blessing or a retribution for actions in a past life whether

yours or theirs.

So, here’s where we are; killing someone may be a good thing because of something evil that “they

did” in their past life; it’s not your fault that you murdered them, it’s theirs.

Biblical Karma; notions of “Karma thinking” can be found in The Book:

You reap what you sow381 and

If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.382

381 Galatians 6:7 - You reap what you sow
382 Matthew 26:52 Live by the sword; Die by the sword

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Feng Shui This one is just for FUN.

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing the human existence with the

surrounding environment. The term Feng Shui literally translates in English as "wind-water".

energy rides on the wind and “scatters”, but is “retained” when it encounters water.


The Feng Shui practice discusses architecture in metaphoric terms of "invisible forces" that bind

the universe, earth, and man together. It’s about HARMONY alignment in your life. I once worked

with a man who would not buy a house unless it was Feng Shui oriented.

It is said that the magnetic compass was invented just to aid with Feng Shui orientation. Polarity is expressed in Feng Shui as the YIN and YANG which is similar to the magnetic compass

dipole. Two ends: one creating an exertion and one receiving the exertion. WHAT

Devine Incarnation

Incarnation literally means embodied in flesh or taking on flesh. It refers to the conception and birth of a sentient creature, (one who has the ability to feel, perceive, or to experience subjectivity)

and who is the material manifestation of an entity, a god or force whose original nature is immaterial. In its religious context the word is used to mean the descent from Heaven of a god, or divine being

in human or animal form on Earth.

Devas (gods) may also die and live again. NOTE: Some Actresses are actually called Devas. I

guess they USE TO BE a god and now they have been divinely reincarnated as a SEXPOT.

Many Christians regard Jesus Christ as a divine incarnation.

Jesus as well as some prophets’ may be incarnate again.

Some Christians and Muslims believe

The Book teaches that Jesus will come again

at Armageddon. We do not believe that this is a Reincarnation, but is His actual “Second Coming”

not counting the Rapture when He returns in the sky.

Revelation 22:12 12 “Look, I AM COMING SOON! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. (NIV2011)

Revelation 1:7 7 Behold, He is coming with clouds, and EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, even they who pierced Him. (NKJV)

Body. Soul, Spirit

Death: This brings us up to the discussion of Death; what is the difference between the Body, Soul and Spirit? 383 Let’s get some definitions going.

Body: Man has a physical body that was formed from the dust and will return to the dust at his death.384

Soul: In the simplest of terms; the soul is the mind of a man and his spirit controls his mind and his mind controls his body. Souls are created by God and are given before conception; the Soul has sensations, thoughts, desires; longs to eat, longs for God, magnifies God; it rejoices, loves, knows and remembers; it has beliefs, emotions, personality and performs intentional actions.385

Spirit: There is a spirit in a man as well as a soul. There are many scriptures supporting BOTH the Soul and Spirit being “separate” although many believe they are both the same; at any rate, unlike the body, they are never separated.386 -Man’s spirit/soul is immortal and returns to God at death. 387

SELAH (ponder this) The SOUL/MIND is what controls your actions; it receives its direction either from the desires of your BODY or from the desires of your SPIRIT.

Many let their bodies control their mind; it’s a battle 388 MAN “IS” WHAT HIS SOUL “THINKS”.389

383 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Man has a Spirit, a Soul and a Body
384 Genesis 2:7 – Man’s BODY is formed from the dust -- Genesis 3:19 The BODY returns to dust at death
385 Genesis 2:7 The breath of God gave man his SOUL; His life -- Jeremiah 1:5 Our SOUL was foreknown before we were born. 386 Hebrews 4:12 The Soul, SPIRIT and Body are all separate
387 Ecclesiastes 12:6-7- The Eternal SPIRIT of man returns to God who gave it
388 Romans 8:6 The SPIRIT should control the SOUL/MIND
389 Proverbs 23:7 - Whatever a man’s Soul thinks; so is he

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The Bible is an excellent resource book, pinned by men as inspired by Jehovah God, just so we can understand about such things as Reincarnation, Karma,

Death - Separation

What does the Bible say about what happens to our bodies after we die? Well at death, the Body is separated from the spirit. The body returns to the earth one way or another and decays.390 The Spirit/Soul moves on, but comes to a “Fork in the Road”. Although the Body and Spirit are separated at death, they are actually in a temporarily or Intermediate State and will get back together again. Stay Tuned for the Fork in the Road.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 Body returns to dust; Spirit returns to God


Soul Sleep

Wikipedia: Soul Sleep is an interval between death and the judgment, the soul sleeps.

Bible: When our soul is absent from the body it will be present with the Lord391 in an assembly of other Believers who are now called the Saints. We will have all our senses; eating, tasting, feeling, seeing, hearing, touching, singing and praising.392 We will be in His presence; Face to Face and given wisdom and knowledge to understand all we have always wondered about.393

If your soul is asleep, you can do none of these things. The term “SLEEP” as used in scripture is a KIND WAY of saying somebody is DEAD. Like for the sake of decency, saying he “KNEW HERinstead of saying they had SEX. Although many embrace “Soul Sleep” with parallel scriptures, the phrase or term “Soul Sleep” does not occur in the Bible; so get over it... Sleep is Death.

Fork in the Road

According to Scripture; at death, there is a “Fork in the Road” for the Spirit of a man which will take him temporarily to an intermediate state of existence before he returns to the one who made him and his final “Eternal State”. The decisions he made in his previous life about the “Son of God” determines which of the two destinies he will take. (You could call it his “Good Karma” or his “Bad Karma”; sort of, maybe, kinda.)

For the Believer or the godly, they will take the fork in the road to a place called Paradise where they have awareness of their surroundings, comfort and have communion with God.394

For the Un-Believer or the un-godly, they will take the fork in the road to a place called Torment; in the Old Testament it is called Sheol (the grave) and in the New Testament it’s called Hades. 395

390 Acts 13:36 - The body decays
391 2 Corinthians 5:8 When we are Absent from the body, we are Present with Lord
392 Psalms 16:11 God will fill me with joy and eternal pleasures.
393 Luke 16:22-24 After death in Paradise, you can see, feel and have emotions
394 John 17:24 We will be with Him and see him face to face -- Psalms 17:15 When we are live again; we will see His face and be satisfied
395 Luke 16:23 Un-Believers in Hades have Awareness and Torment

You may recall that part of the brief description of Reincarnation and Karma indicated that we may be in a different realm, condition or form. This is similar to the Bible’s version where there is a

rebirth into different realm, in a different condition and a different form.

well as about the state of our existence between death and our resurrection.

Feng Shui, Purgatory and Soul Sleep as

This Book is divided up

into TWO MAIN THEMES which are based on decisions that you make during your lifetime, or to say it another way; the decisions you make in this lifetime will have eternal consequences; (you can call it

Karma Decisions” if you want to.)

In the Bible, those that embrace God through His Son Jesus the Christ are called Believers or the

godly; and those who don’t are called un-believers or the ungodly.

This study is going to trace these

TWO DECISION MAKERS through to their final conclusion.

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They will have awareness of their surroundings, their torment and separation from the Believers. There is NO EXIT.396

SIDE NOTE: Paradise was also known as “Abraham’s Bosom”, which was at one time was located inHadesandheldthoseinthe“Friendship”ofGod;thegodlysaintsofalltimes.397 WhenJesusdied; He went there and preached for three days and then took all of Paradise and those in it to Heaven; where it is now.398 Now when the Believer dies, they go immediately to Paradise in Heaven; a place better to be than on earth, but not as good as it’s going to get.399 Some students of the Word call the location of Paradise “PLUMNELLY”; plum out of Torment and nearly out of Hell.

Purgatory The Doctrine
Purgatory Webster: A state or place in which, in Roman Catholicism and other Christian doctrine

that those who have died in the grace of God expiate their sins by suffering. It is a state or place of temporary punishment, expiation or remorse.

Expiate: to make satisfaction or atonement; to make amends or reparation for wrong doing; to pay the penalty or suffer.

Purgatory is designated as a place of purification, not a place of punishment; however the purification process does involve mental and physical anguish which includes an intense, excruciating painful “purifying fire”. The Time in purgatory can be from a few hours to a few thousand years.

What this doctrine says; is that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross was insufficient; not enough, to cleanse us from ALL our sin.

The Book says that Jesus declared from the cross, “It is Finished”. Many think He was referring to His life; when actually He was talking about the completion of the Plan of Salvation.400

It is Finished” in the Greek; “tetelestaimeans paid in full.401 Jesus has paid the debt and turned away the wrath of God from sinful man. We were justified (declared righteous) by our Faith; no one is declared righteous by the Ten Commandments or any of the other laws, it’s by FAITH alone.402 His atoning sacrifice made us righteous and heirs to eternal life.403 Our sins are forgiven, past, present and future. Once you die, there is no Second Chance to expiate your sins; no prayers, no money nor deeds done by others can change anything.

There’s not a Biblical place called Purgatory.404

Resurrection - Here come da Judge
When Christ returns at His second coming, (this is not a re-incarnation), there will be a

resurrection of all souls that have died and they will be reunited with their bodies that are in the grave.405 The Believer as well as the Un-believer will be awakened from their sleep; (death) and will be judged for every work, whether good or evil.406

Both will now enter their Permanent Eternal State. 407

396 Luke 16:26 - Hell: There is NO EXIT
397 2 Corinthians 5:8 - Absent from the Body; Present with the Lord -- Luke 23:42-43 - Believers will be in Paradise
398 Ephesians 4:9 Jesus descended into Hell -- Matthew 12:40 As was the sign of Jonah; Jesus was in Hell Three days -- 1 Peter 3:18-20 Jesus preached in Hell; In Abrahams Bosom -- Ephesians 4:8 He took all those in Abrahams Bosom; Paradise to heaven - 399 Philippians 1:23 - Being with the Lord is far better than anywhere else
400 1 Peter 2:24 Jesus bore our sins so we could live for righteousness -- 2 Corenthians 5:21 Jesus had no sin, but took on ours -- Romans 5:9 We have been made righteous by His blood
401 John 19:30 The Plan of Salvation is Complete; It is Finished
402 Romans 5:1-2 We are justified; declared righteous through our faith
403 Titus 3:7 We have become heirs to ETERNAL life
404 Luke 16:23-25 - NO Second Chance; NO Reincarnation, NO Purgatory
405 Isaiah 26:19 The Spirit will unite with their glorified body.
406 Ecclesiastes 12:14 God will judge every work, good or evil; rewards or judgment
407 John 5:29 Fork in the road; Resurrection to Life or Resurrection to Condemnation -- Daniel 12:2 Fork in the road; Everlasting life or Everlasting contempt

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The Believer will inherit the New Heaven and New Earth; everlasting life.
The Un-believer will inherit the Lake of Fire (Gehenna); everlasting contempt.

The Make Believer, the one that calls them self a Believer; one who KNOWS and continues to live in sin; who tramples the Son of God under their feet and makes the blood of the Covenant an un-holy thing; insulting the Holy Spirit; how much more severely will God deal with them.

For the Spirit/Souls who have died;
besides the Lake of Fire and the Highest Heaven;
the scripture acknowledges no other
realm, condition or form.

Well there you have it... NO Re-incarnation, NO Karma, and NO Feng Shui; NO Purgatory and NO Soul Sleep. After you die you hit the fork in the road and go the direction you have already chosen. Life is choice Driven; the choices you make on this side of life has eternal consequences.


Two Judgments

Two Judgment: I would be amiss if I didn’t clarify that there are actually two judgments; The Judgment Seat of Christ and The Great White Throne Judgment. After our resurrection we will ALL be judged; Believers and Non-believers alike.

#1 The Judgment Seat of Christ (“Bema Seat”) occurs at the return of Jesus Christ just after the first stage of Armageddon and just before the Millennium reign begins. Judgment starts with the familyofGod;TheBelievers. Sinnersthathaveconfessed“JesusasLord”arenowcalledSaints. Their sins have already been forgiven; not temporarily covered over by animal sacrifices, but permanently forgiven. Jesus made the Final Sacrifice on the Cross for ALL that would believe; their Sins are gone.

#2 The Great White Throne Judgment is for all those that did not believe in Christ before His Second Coming”. It would also include those that lived during His millennial reign; both believers and non-believers. Sadly that includes the Jewish Nation; but God has a plan for them that includes 144,000 missionaries; multitudes of Jews will believe. This judgment occurs at the close of the 1,000 years reign of Christ, known as “The Millennium” with the completion of the 2nd part of Armageddon. This is the judgment where the books are opened revealing the “works or deedsduring the lifetime of those that believed as well as the wicked dead, and their rejection of Christ. Every man gets his day in court

Two Deaths

There are actually two deaths, but the believer only experiences the first; the physical death; the un-believerexperiencesboth. BooksareopenedandALLmustgiveaccountofwhattheyhavedone in life. If their name is not found in the last book; The Book of Life, they will be thrown into the lake of fire, which is the SECOND DEATH.409

New Body

When our body, our earthly tent is destroyed; we will have a new one waiting on us from God that will be far different from our present bodes as a plant is different from the seed.410

My new body will be trim and almost transparent with a slight gold color as if covered with water. It will be free, weightless, uncontained, unlimited by the laws of nature, a body that is indescribable, indestructible, incomparable and be able to move at the speed of thought. And to use a theological term... I will be Awesome. The Holy Spirit has already given the believer as a seal, a “deposit” of the first installment; as a “guarantee” of what is to come, guaranteeing our inheritance.

408 2 Corinthians 6:2 NOW is the day of salvation
409 Revelation 20:14 - Those in Hell will experience the Second Death -- Revelation 21:8 The Second Death is the Lake of Fire -- Revelation 20:6 The Believer does not see the Second Death
410 2 Corenthians 5:1-8 When our body is dead, we get a new one

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New, New, New
There will be a total destruction of the Universe as we know it and there will be a NEW heaven

and a NEW earth.411 We’ll put on an unheard of NEW body like a garment.412 This is NOT Karma; or transmigration of the soul. We will experience NEW emotions, with a NEW existence in a NEW environment, face to face with God; we are a NEW creation. 413 There is NO reincarnation.

The Take Away

Just to drive home a point; when the Disciples saw Moses and Elijah appear on the Mount of transfiguration, they were still identified as they were before; Moses and Elijah; they had not been reincarnated into different bodies. When Jesus was resurrected from the dead, He was still identified in His same form, not a reincarnation of somebody else. However, I must point out that all of them did have glorified bodies that were not subject to our dimensional laws.414

DO OVER: God has provided full salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. We don’t need another DO OVER life to try to FIX our sins. We are destined to die once and then the judgment. It’s through

the JUDGMENT that the Kingdom of God will be ushered in.
Just for you to get the right perspective; the
Terror of the Tribulations and the Horror of

Armageddon is not even in the SAME CLASS as the WRATH of God’s Judgment.415

Maranatha;O Lord Come 1 Corinthians 16:22 (KJV)

If serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose this day whom you will serve...

As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

Joshua 24:15 (NIV2011)

411 2 Peter 3:10-12 Heaven and Earth will be destroyed -- Revelation 21:1 A new Heaven & Earth; a New Existence
412 2 Corinthians 5:17 - We are a NEW creation -- Hebrews 1:11-12 – We’ll put on a glorified body like a garment -- Revelation 21:4 Tears turn to Joy; New Emotions
413 God will dwell with us; a New Environment-- Revelation 22:3-4 We will see God Face to Face -- Revelation 21:3 Revelation 21:4 Tears turn to Joy; New Emotions
414 Luke 9:30 They recognized Moses and Elijah -- Acts 1:11Jesus will return to earth the same as He left
415 Hebrews 9:27 - Once we Die, then the judgment -- Revelation 19:11 The Kingdom will be brought in through Judgment -- Revelation 15:1 The great and marvelous WRATH of God -- Revelation 6:16 Hide us from the WRATH of God

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Chapter 3.16

There are Three Thoughts on the pre-existence of souls:
1) ThesoulhasalwaysexistedandisapartofGod;soulswerenotcreated,thiswouldmake

all souls little gods.
2) The soul was previously created in the spirit realm and remained there until it could inhabit

a body on earth.
3) The soul in the past inhabited another body and transmigrated to its current body and

most probably will do so again. (Re-incarnation)
Concepts of pre-existence can encompass either the belief that the soul came into existence at

some time prior to conception or the belief that the soul is eternal; always was and always will be. Pre-existence or PREMORTAL existence which is probably a better word, refers to the belief that each individual human soul existed before mortal conception, and at some point before birth; enters into or is placed into the body.

Traducianism is a doctrine that the origin of the soul or spirit is transmitted through natural generation along with the body; meaning, an individual's soul is derived from the souls of the individual's parents. Martin Luther was undecided although Lutherans as a rule have been traducianists.

Creationism is a doctrine that God creates a soul for each body that is generated. The Catholic Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God, it is not “produced” by the parents. John Calvin favored creationism. (Presbyterians & other Protestants)

Reincarnation - Transmigration

Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body. Reincarnation is a word derived from Latin, meaning literally, "entering the flesh again". The Greek equivalent corresponds to the English phrase "transmigration of the soul". They refer to "being born again" which is a universal process that gives rise to the cycle of death and rebirth, governed by Karma”.

Every living being's soul transmigrates (recycles) after death, carrying the seeds of Karmic impulses from the life just completed, into another life and a LIFETIME OF KARMAS. Birth is not a beginning and death is not an end.

After death, the life as we know now moves on to another form of life based on the merits and demerits it accumulated in its current life. The path to becoming a “Supreme Soul” is to practice non-violence and be truthful.

As worn-out garments are shed by the person; Worn-out bodies are shed by the dweller within the body. New bodies are “put on” by the dweller, like garments. Wikipedia Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, and Islam DO NOT BELIEVE that individuals reincarnate, however in Judaism, followers of the Kabbalah do believe in reincarnation.

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Reincarnation - Transmigration Birth is not a beginning
and death is not an end

First Word

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Note: If man is reincarnated throughout his eternal existence and at the judgment his spirit is joined with his body to be changed into a new glorified spiritual body, which body will he be joined to if he has had many? You cannot embrace reincarnation and the Bible.

1 Corinthians 15:53 Our bodies will be changed

51 Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not “all sleep”,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and WE SHALL BE CHANGED.
53 For this corruptible must put on
INCORRUPTION, and this mortal must put on IMMORTALITY. KJV

Since I Previously Mentioned The Kabbalah concerning its Esoteric Mystic Teachings, I

thought I should include it here for those interested in the universal secret inner tradition of higher knowledge; the “Mystery Religion” as connected with the Hebrews.

The Kabbalah is teachings held by some followers of Judaism to define the inner meaning of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional rabbinic literature and their formerly “concealed” transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances. The Kabbalah in some Jewish sects is followed more closely than the Torah.

The origin of Kabbalah began with secrets revealed to Adam by God about mysteries which includes; the true nature of; Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Tree of Life, the Serpent and the Forbidden Fruit.

of an ongoing oral tradition passed down through the centuries, however much of the oral knowledge

Every letter, word, number and even accent on words of the Hebrew Bible

The texts of kabbalah were once part

is now in written form.

contain esoteric meanings, describing the spiritual dimensions within exoteric ideas, and it teaches

the text interpretation methods for ascertaining these meanings.

As early as the 1st century BC, Jews believed that the Torah (first five books of the Hebrew Bible)

and wider canonical texts contained “encodedmessages and hidden meanings.

Gematria is one

method for discovering these hidden meanings. Each letter in Hebrew also represents a number; Hebrew, unlike many other languages, never developed a separate numerical alphabet. By converting

letters to numbers, Kabbalists were able to find a hidden meaning in each word.

The threat of foreign conquest caused the Sanhedrin; who were the Jewish leadership, to hide this knowledge and make it “secret”. They feared it would fall into the wrong hands and if unsupervised and unguided, it could be misused and might lead them into forbidden ways and practices.

It is believed that the Torah was edited with the “secret knowledge” encrypted within the various writingsandscrolls. TherearemysteriesimbeddedinthebookofGenesisbelievedtocontainthe secrets of the creation of the universe and the forces of nature.

There are also secrets in Isaiah’s temple vision, Jacob’s vision of the ladder to heaven, the Burning Bush, the 72 letter names of God and the best known “secret knowledge” is in the Book of Ezekiel which describes his vision of “Gods Devine Chariot”, others call it God’s divine throne.

Ezekiel 1:4-15 - A UFO or the Chariot of God or What?

4 I looked: I saw ... an immense cloud with lightning flashing from it, a huge ball of fire glowing like bronze. 5 Within the fire were what looked like four creatures vibrant with life. Each had the form of a human being, 6 but each also had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were as sturdy and straight as columns, but their feet were hoofed like those of a calf... On all four sides under their wings8theyhadhumanhands.Allfourhadbothfacesandwings,10 Theirfaceslookedlikethis:In front a human face, on the right side the face of a lion, on the left the face of an ox, and in back the face of an eagle. 15 As I watched the four creatures, I saw something that looked like a wheel ... It looked like they were wheels within wheels. (MSG)

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Voices For Pre-existence
LDS Mormons founder Joseph Smith doctrine of 1833, taught that human souls are co-eternal

with God the Father just as Jesus is co-eternal with God the Father, Joseph Smith said "Man was also in the beginning with God; intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can it be”.

Brigham Young later on introduced the idea that the spirit which is different from the mind or intelligence, was indeed created and NOT co-eternal with God. Young postulated that we each had a pre-spirit intelligence that later became part of a spirit body, which then eventually entered a physical body and was born on earth. Young stated in 1857, that every person was "a son or a daughter of the Father. In the spirit world their spirits were first begotten and brought forth, and THEY LIVED THERE WITH THEIR PARENTS for ages before they came here." Paul in his letter to Corinth admitted that there were many so called gods, confirming man is co-eternal with God; we are eternal little gods. Source; Wikipedia

Islam: All souls are believed to have been created in adult form before their earthly life and at the same time God created the father of Mankind, Adam. The Quran recounts the story of when the descendants of Adam were brought forth before God to testify that God alone is the Lord of creation and therefore only He is worthy of worship so that on the Day of Judgement, people could not make the excuse that they only worshipped others because they were following the ways of their ancestors. God then removed the memory of this event from the minds of Mankind leaving only an innate awareness that He exists and is One, known as the Fitra and He decreed at which point each and every human would be born into the physical world. Wikipedia

Hinduism in the Bhagavad Gita, considered by Hindus to be a most holy scripture; Krishna tells Arjuna; "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be." Wikipedia

15 Bible verses used to support Pre-existence

1) There is nothing new under the Sun.416 2) We existed in another world just like Jesus.417 3) The Spirit existed in another world just like Jesus.418 4) God gave us promises before the ages began.419 5) Man wasknownbeforehewas.420 6)BeforeGodformedyouintheWomb, He knew you.421 7) We have already sinned before our Birth.422 8) He chose us before the foundations of the world.423 9) We were chosen before birth; predestined.424 10) We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,nationandpeople.425 11)IsaiahwascalledbyGodbefore hewasborn.426 12)PeterwasknownbyGodbeforehisbirth.427 13) Paul was set apart before he was born.428 14) Esau was loved less before he was born.429 15) Paul confirmed there are many so-called gods where the spirit parents live.430

  1. 416  1) Ecclesiastes 1:9 Nothing new under sun; what has been will be

  2. 417  2) John 17:14-16 We existed in another world just like Jesus

  3. 418  3) Ecclesiastes 12:7 The spirit existed with God before birth

  4. 419  4) Titus 1:1-2 God gave us promises before the ages began

  5. 420  5) Ecclesiastes 6:10 Man was already known before he was

  6. 421  6) Jeremiah 1:5 - Before God formed you in the womb He knew you

  7. 422  7) Psalm 51:5 We have already sinned before our birth

  8. 423  8) Ephesians 1:4 - He chose us before the foundation of the world

  9. 424  9) Ephesians 1:11 We were chosen before birth; Predestined

  10. 425  10) 1 Peter 2:9 We are a chosen race, priesthood, nation, people

  11. 426  11) Isaiah 49:1 Isaiah was called by God before he was born

  12. 427  12) 1 Peter 1:1-2 Peter was known by God before his birth

  13. 428  13) Galatians 1:15-16 Paul set apart before he was born

  14. 429  14) Romans 9:10-14 Esau was loved less before he was born

  15. 430  15) 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 There are many so-called gods

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Voices Rejecting Pre-existence
Jesus is the only person ever born of a woman who existed before His birth. John the Baptist

was born 6 months before Jesus, yet said Jesus was before him. Jesus said that before Abraham was born; He Himself existed.431

The Book says No one has ascended into heaven except He who descended from heaven, the Son of Man; Jesus.432 He is not of this world; He came from the Father and returned to the Father, He existed before the earth was ever formed.433

Christianity:ThereisonlyONEGodandHeisthecreatorofeverythingonearth.434 Everyhuman being is a unique creation of God. Every mortal person was created in His likeness; in His image; ETERNAL”.435 He formed our spirit and knitted us together in our mother’s womb and it was when God breathed the breath of life into us that we became a living soul; God now lives within us as Believers.436 Did you see it? Our spirit is “createdETERNAL in the image of God and we will live forever SOMEWHERE.437

At Death Body, Soul, Spirit

Death: This brings us up to the discussion of Death; what is the difference between the Body, Soul and Spirit? Let’s unpack some definitions.438

Body: Man has a physical body that was formed from the dust and will return to the dust at his death. It is mortal; meaning liable to die.439

Soul: In the simplest of terms; the soul is the mind of a man and his spirit controls his mind and his mind controls his body. Souls are created by God and are given before conception.440 The Soul has sensations, thoughts, desires; longs to eat, longs for God, magnifies God; it rejoices, loves, knows and remembers; it has beliefs, emotions, personality and performs intentional actions.

Spirit: There is a spirit in a man as well as a soul. There are many scriptures supporting BOTH the Soul and Spirit being SEPARATE” although many believe they are both the same. At any rate, unlike the body, they are never separated. Man’s spirit is immortal and returns to God at death.441

SELAH(ponderthis.) TheSOUL/MINDiswhatcontrolsyouractions;itreceivesitsdirectioneither from the desires of your BODY or from the desires of your SPIRIT. 442 (Many let their bodies control their mind; it’s a battle.) MAN ISWHAT HIS SOUL THINKS. 443

Annihilation is the belief that at death the judged soul that does not go to heaven, goes to hell and is annihilated; it ceases to exist; therefore souls are NOT necessarily eternal. The Book says at death the spirit returns to God who gave it and joins all the others that have went before them, some will be GATHERED in paradise; others GATHERED in Torment, all awaiting the final judgement with degrees of eternal rewards and degrees of eternal torment.444 God does not send anyone to hell, they are all volunteers; they made their choice.

431 John 1:30 John said, Jesus came after me, but was before me -- John 8:57-58 - Before Abraham was Jesus; the I AM
432 Colossians 1:17 Jesus was before all things -- John 8:23 Jesus is not of this world -- John 1:1 Jesus existed in the beginning; He was called the Word and the Word was God
433 John 3:13 Jesus is the ONLY ONE that existed before the earth -- John 17:5 Jesus was with God before the world existed -- John 16:28 Jesus came from; and returns, to the Father
434 1 Timothy 2:4-5 There is only ONE God
435 Isaiah 40:28 God is the creator of everything -- Malachi 2:10 We were all crated by the one God
436 Genesis 9:6 God made man in His own image -- Isaiah 44:24 God formed us from the womb --1 John 4:12 God lives within the Believer -- Zechariah 12:1 God formed the Spirit within man -- 1 John 4:12 God lives within the Believer
437 Genesis 5:1 God Created Man in His own likeness -- Psalm 102:27 We are made “ETERNAL” in God’s likeness -- Psalm 139:13-16 God knitted us together in the womb -- Genesis 2:7 At our birth, we became a living soul
438 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Man has a SPIRIT, a SOUL and a BODY -- Hebrews 4:12 The SOUL and SPIRIT and BODY are all separate 439 Genesis 2:7 – Man’s BODY is formed from the dust -- Genesis 3:19 The mortal BODY returns to dust
440 Jerimiah 1:5 Our SOUL was formed before we were born. -- Genesis 2:7 The breath of God gave man his SOUL; His life
441 Ecclesiastes 12:6-7- The Eternal Immortal SPIRIT of man returns to God -- Deuteronomy 32:49-50 Moses spirit left his body and joined others -- Numbers 20:24 Aaron spirit left his body and joined the other souls
442 Romans 8:6 The SPIRIT should control the SOUL/MIND
443 Proverbs 23:7 - What a man’s Soul thinks; so is he
444 Matthew 25:46 The Spirit will live for eternity somewhere

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In the Book there is a TRUE story; not a parable, of a two men who died and IMMEDIATELY went to the grave also known as Hell. One went to Torment and the other to Paradise the two compartments of hell; both men were already judged on the decisions that they had made in their life before they died. (Only a true story contains a NAME of a person; it is never in a made up parable).

Luke 16:19-31 TRUE STORY: Judged at death; Paradise or Torment 19 There was a RICH MAN who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day.
20 And at his gate was laid a POOR MAN named LAZARUS, covered with sores,

21 who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 The POOR MAN died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. (PARADISE) The RICH MAN also died and was buried, and
23 in HADES (The Grave; Hell), being in TORMENT, he lifted up his eyes and saw ABRAHAM far off and LAZARUS at his side. (PARADISE) 24 And he called out, ‘FATHER ABRAHAM, have mercy on me, and send LAZARUS to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’
25 But ABRAHAM said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and LAZARUS in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish.
26 And besides all this, between us and you A GREAT CHASM has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ And he said,
27 ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house
28 for I have five brothers; so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of TORMENT.’
29 But ABRAHAM said, ‘They have MOSES and the PROPHETS; let them hear them.’
30 And he said, ‘No, FATHER ABRAHAM, but if someone
goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’
31 He said to him, ‘If they do not hear MOSES and the PROPHETS, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’” (ESV)

Fork in the Road

According to the Book; at death, there is a “Fork in the Road” for the Spirit of a man which will take him temporarily to an intermediate state of existence before he returns to the one who made him and his final “Eternal State”. The decisions he made in his previous life about the “Son of God” determines which of the two destinies he will take.

For the Believer or the godly, they will take the fork in the road to a place called Paradise where they have awareness of their surroundings, comfort and have communion with God.445

For the Un-Believer or the un-godly, they will take the fork in the road to a place called in the Old Testament Sheol (the grave; Torment) and in the New Testament it’s called Hades. They will be in torment with awareness of their surroundings and their separation from the Believers in Christ.446

There is NO EXIT.447

445 Luke 23:42-43 - Believers will be in Paradise -- 2 Corinthians 5:8 - Absent from the Body Present with the Lord 446 Luke 16:23 Un-Believers in Hades have Awareness and Torment

447 Luke 16:26 - Hell; There is NO EXIT

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SIDE NOTE: Paradise was also known as “Abraham’s Bosom”, which was at one time located in Hades and held those in the “Friendship” of God; the godly saints of all times. When Jesus died; He went there and preached for three days and then took all of Paradise and those in it to Heaven; where it is now.448 Paradise (Abrahams Bosom) is a place better to be than on earth, but it’s not as good a place as is coming next.449

Last Thoughts

We didn’t exist until conception when God breathed the gift of ETERNAL life into our spirit. As believers we become SANCTIFIED through the lifelong continual work of the Holy Spirit which conforms us to the IMAGE OF CHRIST.

When someone speaks to you in a different language, it needs to be translated into English or whateveryourlanguageis,inorderforyoutounderstandit. WhenJesuscametoearth,Hisspiritual attributes were TRANSLATED into physical attributes, which is what we see in Him as a physical mortal man. Man was made with physical attributes just like Christ and at the rapture when we are TRANSLATED with spiritual attributes WE WILL BE LIKE HIM and we shall see him as He is.

NOTE: If you desire to be like Him, you must make that decision NOW before the silver cord is broken; before you die. At this writing, 59 people were just shot and killed in a concert in Las Vegas; whatever decision they had already made about God was cemented.

The decisions you make on this side of life have ETERNAL consequences.

You are Eternal; Life is Choice Driven

It’s in the Book

448 Ephesians 4:9 Jesus descended into Hell -- Matthew 12:40 Sign of Jonah; Jesus was in Hell for Three days -- 1 Peter 3:18-20 Jesus preached in Hell; in Abrahams Bosom -- Ephesians 4:8 Jesus took all those in Paradise; Abrahams Bosom to heaven
449 Philippians 1:23 - Being with the Lord is far better

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Chapter 3.17

Pre-Existence Revisited

Did we exist somewhere before we were born on earth?
Are we born over and over again till we get it all right?
Was there another earth age? What is God’s foreknowledge?

First Word

The first time I ever heard that man pre-existed was while watching “Shepherd’s Chapel” with Pastor Arnold Murray whose BS, Belief System teaches that when God said “Let us make man in our Image,” He was talking to all of the spirits in heaven from the FIRST EARTH AGE both good and bad that had to be born of woman on earth in order to make a FREE WILL decision to follow God or Satan. Those who had fought against Satan in the FIRST EARTH AGE were called the ELECT; they for sure would choose God.

My worldview and Belief System is that God was talking to Jesus and the Holy Spirit; the Trinity with the angels looking on whom we were created just lower than. Angels were created immortal and we were created MORTAL; we have a SOUL and they do not; if we sin WE CAN BE FORGIVEN, they cannot.

Genesis 1:26 God is speaking to Jesus and the Holy Spirit

26 Then God said, “LET US MAKE HUMAN BEINGS IN OUR IMAGE, to be like ourselves. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.” (NLT)

The Book says that Man’s natural body existed FIRST, then his spiritual body existed LATER,450

and then emphatically says that man has NEVER BEFORE heard God’s voice nor saw His face451 and that his spirit was formed within his body.452

Jesus pre-existed in Heaven because He is God, having no beginning nor an end of existence.453 Jesus teaches that He is different from man; that there are two existences or two different states or bodies. Jesus says clearly that we are not from above, but from below; not of heaven, but of earth.454 With that said; no mortal person can claim pre-existence in heaven, except the son of God, Jesus the Christ.

John 5:37 Man never heard, saw or pre-existed with God

37 And the Father who sent me has testified about me himself,


450 1 Corinthians 15:46-48 First comes the earthly body; then comes the spiritual 451 John 5:37 Man never heard, saw or pre-existed with God
452 Zechariah 12:1 God formed our spirits within our bodies
453 Hebrews 7:3 Jesus has no beginning nor an end

454 John 8:23 Man belongs to the world; not heaven

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God Foreknew Us
Every time I see verses in the Book that indicates that God knew us before we were born, causes

metoconcludethatweexistedbeforewewerebornSOMEWHERE. HetoldJeremiahtheprophet that HE KNEW HIM BEFORE He formed him in his mother’s womb. Isaiah was called to be a prophetfromthewombBEFOREhewasborn.455 GodFOREKNEWPeterBEFOREhewasborn.456 Paul was set apart BEFORE he was born.457 God loved Esau less and Jacob more BEFORE they were either born.458 Esau would care nothing of his inheritance and Jacob sought it with all his heart.

Webster’s Dictionary says KNEW or to know, is to have a clear perception or understanding of something or situation, to be sure of, or well informed about something or situation; to know the facts; to be aware or cognizant; to have a firm mental grasp of what is going on.

The Book teaches of Good and Evil, Believers and Unbelievers, the faithful and the faithless. God knew before we were born, who we would be and what we would do and how we would receive theGoodnewsoftheGospelmessage.459 EVERYDAYOFOURLIFEWASRECORDEDINHISBOOK. EVERY MOMENT WAS LAID OUT BEFORE A SINGLE DAY HAD PASSED. Over and over again we see that Jesus KNEW what was in the hearts of man before it was ever made manifest.460

In an effort to embarrass Jesus, and insinuate that He was not the son of Joseph the carpenter; that He was a bastard child, the child of an immoral woman, a whore, they asked on a worldly level; WHERE IS YOUR FATHER?” but Jesus responded on a spiritual level; “you don’t know who I am, you don’t know who my Father is. If you knew me, you would also know my Father.

So my Belief System confirms to me that when God knew us, it was FOREKNOWLEDGE in His mind of who we would be in HIM, what we would do with HIM and how we would be a part of the GoodnewsofHIM.461 WhenGodspeaksof“KNOWING”,Heisspeakingtobelievers;ofknowing what’s in their hearts, HOWEVER to those that do not believe and to the Make-Believers,

He will look into their hearts and say I NEVER KNEW YOU.462 The Take Away

Matthew 22:14 Many are called to Christ, but few are chosen

14 FOR MANY ARE CALLED (to come by Free Will),
BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN. (Predestined) (NLT)
Romans 8:29 Believer will be conformed to the Image of Jesus 29 For THOSE WHOM HE FOREKNEW HE ALSO PREDESTINED
TO BE CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. (ESV)

455 Isaiah 49:1 Isaiah was called by God before he was born
456 1 Peter 1:1-2 Peter was foreknown by God before his birth
457 Galatians 1:15-16 Paul was set apart before he was born
458 Romans 9:10-14 Esau was loved less before he was born because of foreknowledge of his rejection of his inheritance
459 Psalm 139:13-17 God saw us before we were ever born and as we were knitted together
460 Mark 2:8 Jesus has foreknowledge of what’s in our hearts. -- John 6:64 Jesus has foreknowledge of who will receive/reject Him 461 Galatians 4:8 Knowing is the FOREKNOWLEDGE of God -- John 8:19 Knowing is believing and accepting Jesus Christ --1 Peter 1:2 God knew you and chose you long ago Jeremiah 1:5 God had foreknowledge of us before we are born --
462 John 13:11 Jesus has foreknowledge of who will reject Him -- Matthew 7:23 To some God will say He never knew them
463 Romans 8:30 The Believer becomes the Called; Justified and Glorified -- Genesis 2:7 God’s breath made man a living SOUL

The Bible was not written to Un-believers or Make-Believers; God is writing to the Believer about His FOREKNOWLEDGE of their existence before they were ever born.

YES, we pre-existed; we existed in the mind of God before we were ever created and when we answer the call, we will be justified and glorified and are predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son Jesus Christ;463 can you say PRAISE GOD

The Book teaches both Free Will and Predestination, you don’t have to choose between them, they are both compatible with each other. Many are called to come to Christ by Free Will, while some were chosen, predestined; God uses both. If you embrace both as I do, you are called a compatibilist.

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Chapter 3.18

Two Adams in Genesis

Genesis 1 “Manin general is the nations; the races. Genesis 2 “Manis the specific man Adam.

First Word

The Hebrew word Adam” in the Strong’s Concordance means; 1) To show blood (rosy face) - 2) to be red” or a ruddy color of human skin. Adam was placed in the garden to JOIN God in the propagation and preservation of things God created. Adam was not only a laborer, but also a thinker as he named every one of the animals, BUT was he the first man?

The first time I ever heard the teaching that there were TWO ADAMS in Genesis was on a TV program called SHEPHERD’S CHAPEL with Pastor Arnold Murray. Many of Murray’s teaching are concluded from the SILENCE of the scriptures, not from the actual scriptures themselves. He takes the positon that all the DIFFERENT RACES or nations were created on THE SIXTH DAY BEFORE Adam and Eve were formed; it is from these other nations that Cain would get his wife and produce the evil Kenites.

ARTICLES comprise a group of exactly three words; a, an, the; they are used in front of nouns to shape how general or how specific the noun should be. The definite article Ha” is usually translated the” in the English language.

PARTICLES function like an adverb changing the meaning of the verb. The Particle “Eth” is to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition.

TheHebrewwordformantranslateswiththeword“Adam”,meaningmen,mankind. However with the definite article of “Eth Ha Adam”, translates to mean a specific man; this Same Man. The Book calls this same man the Adam of the Garden of Eden.

The manuscripts in one verse when speaking of “MAN”, translates man “Adam”; meaning men in general; the very next verse, man is translated “Eth Ha Adam”, a specific man so in Murray’s eyes, the Book is talking about TWO DIFFERENT ADAMS. Hold that thought

There are two accounts of creation in Genesis and there are notably glaring differences between Chapter ONE and that of Chapter TWO; namely the conflicting ORDER of events.

Chapter1FirstAdam: GodCREATEDtheanimalsfirstthenHecreatedAdamSECOND. Other beings were also present; “let us”. Murray says man existed with God as little gods before creation. In this first creation all the non-white races were created.
Chapter 2 Second Adam: The LORD God FORMED Adam FIRST, then the Animals second. In this second creation, Murray says the Anglo-Saxon or white race was formed.

Genesis 1:1-25 we find recorded the accounts of the first FIVE DAYS of creation.
Genesis 1:26 on the SIXTH DAY God created the FIRST Adam; meaning man or mankind or human beings, depending on which translation of the Book that you are using.
Genesis 2:1-3 The Book says God COMPLETED His creation work by the sixth day and then on the SEVENTH DAY He rested as His CREATION was FINISHED.

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Genesis 2:4 - After the seven days of creation we find in the very next few verses that God then FORMED a SECOND Adam from the dirt and then made Eve from one of Adam’s ribs and then prepared a Garden for them to live in east of Eden.
Genesis 1:26 States that God created man both Male and Female. Hold that thought

Genesis 1:27 - Speaks of man; “Eth Ha Adam” meaning “these specific men”.
GET READY TO GET UPSET: Some students of the Word take this to mean that the GENDER of the first created beings were BOTH male and female in one body; UNISEX, TRANSGENDER;

their reference is the Jonathan TARGUM. (By the way, there were a number of Targum’s)

Tobit, Judith, 1st & 2nd Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of Sirach, Baruch and Ester additions. Some students of the Word object to the Books of the Apocrypha, but I find that they make for good reading in order to understand the flavor and Gnostic” thinking of the time.

Murray’s Bible
The 1602 Bishops Bible was the Basis for the 1611 King James Bible that Murray uses

exclusively; correcting their mistranslations. This 1611 KJV contains an intertestamental section containing 14 books of the APOCRYPHA with the Book of Jasher being one of the better known. By 1769, almost all printings of the KJV Bible OMITTED the Apocrypha.

The Catholic Bible contains deuterocanonical books; some seven of the Apocrypha writings;

Targum The account of Johnathan the scribe
A Targum is the Torah’s first five books of the Bible written in the Aramaic language; a

professional interpreter would give a reading in the common language of the people, and would then frequently expand the translation with paraphrases, explanations and examples. Initially these Targum’s were NOT recognized as authoritative by the religious leaders.

This Targum seems to support the transgender language; two Adams and the nations with red, black and white skin. I include this NOT to argue the point, or to get you to embrace it, but for you to just know that such teachings exist and to know about Targum’s in general.

GENESIS CHAPTERS ONE AND TWO - TARGUM; The account of Johnathan the scribe. The word of the Lord created man in his likeness, in the likeness of the presence of the Lord he created him the male and his yoke-fellow he created them. In the image of the Lord he created him with two hundred and forty and eight members, with three hundred and sixty and five nerves and overlaidthemwithskinandfilleditwithfleshandblood. Maleandfemaleintheirbodieshe

created them.
The Lord God created man in two formations; and took dust from the place of the house of

the sanctuary and from the four winds of the world and mixed from all the waters of the world and created him red, black and white and breathed into his nostrils the inspiration of life. And there was in the body of Adam the inspiration of a speaking spirit, unto the illumination of the eyes and the hearing of the ears. (... and Adam became a soul of life.)

Jeremiah 37:15 Jonathan the scribe (Targum) for the Prophet 15 They were furious with Jeremiah and had him flogged and imprisoned in the house of JONATHAN THE SECRETARY (scribe). Jonathan’s house had been converted into a prison (NLT).

First Adam

In this First account, it’s about God’s re-creation of the earth. God created animals first then He created man both male and female at the same time. Hold that thought

Genesis 1:11 God brought forth seed bearing plants and fruit trees
Genesis 1:20 God brought forth every kind of bird, fish and the great sea creatures
Genesis 1:24 God brought forth small animals, livestock and wild animals
Genesis 1:26 God made mankind (Adam) “Man” does NOT have the article “Eth”, making the

word “Adam” refer to NOT a specific man, but to ALL THE RACES OF PEOPLE or NATIONS.
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Genesis 1:27 Is about a group of people outside of the garden, before Adam was created both male and female. The Hebrew word “Create” is used to simply mean create....

Genesis 1:28 EVERYTHING could be eaten, including the fish of the sea; there is no mention of a forbidden tree.

Genesis 1:29 NOTE; these first mankind were FISHERMEN and HUNTERS of birds and small animals and GATHERS of fruits and seed bearing plants for food. Hold that thought

Genesis 1:11-13 Third Day Seed bearing plants fruit trees

11 Then God said, “LET THE LAND SPROUT WITH VEGETATIONevery sort of SEED-BEARING PLANT, and trees that grow SEED- BEARING FRUIT. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened.

12 The land produced vegetationall sorts of seed-bearing plants, and

trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of

the same kind. And God saw that it was good.

13 And evening passed and morning came, marking the THIRD DAY. (NLT)

Genesis 1:20-23 Fifth Day Birds, Fish and great sea Creatures

20 Then God said, “Let the waters swarm with FISH and other life. Let the skies be filled with BIRDS of every kind.”
21 So God created GREAT SEA CREATURES and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, and every sort of birdeach producing offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.

22 Then God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply. Let the fish fill the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.”

23 And evening passed and morning came, marking the FIFTH DAY. (NLT)

Genesis 1:24-25 Sixth Day God produced livestock; animals

24 Then God said, “Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind
LIVESTOCK, SMALL ANIMALS that scurry along the ground, and WILD ANIMALS.” And that is what happened.

25 God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able

to produce offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good. (NLT)

(ESV) Genesis 1:26 Sixth Day God created Man
26 Then God said, “LET US MAKE MAN (Adam) IN OUR IMAGE, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

(NIV2011) Genesis 1:26 Sixth Day God created Mankind
26 Then God said, “LET US MAKE MANKIND (Adam) IN OUR IMAGE, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

(NLT) Genesis 1:26-28 Sixth Day God created Human Beings
26 Then God said, “LET US MAKE HUMAN BEINGS (Adam) IN OUR IMAGE, to be like ourselves. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”

27 So GOD CREATED HUMAN BEINGS (Eth Ha Adam) in his own image. In the image of GOD HE CREATED THEM; MALE AND FEMALE he created them.
28 Then GOD BLESSED THEM and said, “Be fruitful and multiply.

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the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”
Psalm 8:6-8 Man in charge of animals, birds and fish
6 YOU GAVE THEM CHARGE OF EVERYTHING YOU MADE, putting all things under their authority

7 the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals,
8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. (NLT)
Genesis 1:27 Man was created BI-SEXUAL; Male and Female
27 So God created man (Adam) in his own image, in the image of

God HE CREATED HIM; MALE AND FEMALE he created them. (ESV)
Genesis 1:29-30 Nations given food before Adams generation
29 Then God said, “Look! I have given you EVERY seed-bearing plant throughout the earth AND ALL THE FRUIT TREES for your FOOD. 30 And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.” And that is what happened.

31 Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that
IT WAS VERY GOOD! And evening passed and morning came, marking THE SIXTH DAY. (NLT)

The Seventh Day
There is no suggestion in the Book as to how long the “beginning” was as God was creating

the heavens and the earth. This is certainly going to mess with your BS, your BELIEF SYSTEM. Murray believes that between Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:7 there is a SEPARATION of time, probably some TEN THOUSAND YEARS or so. How long was a day during creation? The Book says a day to the Lord is as a thousand years. There are certainly lots of thoughts on this subject from 24 hours to thousands of years with particular attention being given to the amount of time that passed while Adam named all the animals, especially since there are about 14,000 different types of just ANTS. I must point out that Adam’s job was naming the KINDS of animals which would include all the variations. For instance ALL those tiny little critters with some that “bite the FIRE out of you” he named ants; and ALL the different KINDS of animals that have a wagging tail, scratches and pees on everything, barks and licks your hand and gives unconditional love, Adam named DOGS; so it didn’t

really take that long just naming the kinds of living things.
God had created everything; the heavens, the earth, fish, birds, animals, trees, plants, as well as

the FIRST Adam and then He rested from His work of creation.
NEXT He will FORM (not create) a SECOND Adam; the Godly line that would eventually

bring forth the savior of the World; Jesus the Christ.

Genesis 2:1-3 God finished His creation work by the 6th day

1 So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed.
, so He rested from all his work.

3 And God blessed the SEVENTH DAY and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation.


2 Peter 3:8 A day is a thousand years to the Lord

8 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends:


and a thousand years is like a day. (NLT) Page 103

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Second Adam

STRONG’S CONCORDANCE. “Adam”; the Hebrew word meaning man, any man, mankind, men. “Eth Ha Adammeans a particular man Adam. Generally “Eth” is used to point out a definite object. In this case the sinless Adam, the bloodline that runs through King David’s genealogy down to Jesus the Messiah.

THE SECOND CREATION scripture says formed, not created. The Hebrew word “Form” meaning, is to mold into a form, especially as a Potter. In this account, man was formed first, then woman and then the animals which is opposite from the first account. It goes on to say that the birds of the air were created, but in the first account they were already created.

Murray says this has be a different Adam.

Genesis 2:5 until this time there were no plants nor people to cultivate the soil.
Genesis 2:7 God formed Adam (Eth Ha Adam) from the dust of the ground
Genesis 2:8 God made a garden and placed this second Adam into it.
Genesis 2:15 NOTE this specific man was a FARMER whose job was to tend to the Garden. Genesis 2:18 God formed the farm livestock and animals and took them to Adam to name. Genesis 2:22 God made a woman from one of Adam’s ribs; now we have male and female.

DID YOU SEE IT? In the First Account man” was FISHERMEN, HUNTERS and GATHERERS, in the second account “man” was a FARMER. Sure sounds like two different “Adams” doesn’t it.

Genesis 2:4-6 There were no people nor plants growing

4 This is the account of the creation of the heavens and the earth.

When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

5 neither wild plants nor grains were growing on the earth. The

LORD God had not yet sent rain to water the earth, and

THERE WERE NO PEOPLE to cultivate the soil.

6 Instead, springs came up from the ground and watered all the land. (NLT)

Genesis 2:7-8 God made Adam after the Seventh Day

7 Then the LORD God FORMED the MAN (Eth Ha Adam)

from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the

man’s nostrils, and the man (Eth Ha Adam) became a living person.

8 then the LORD God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and

there He placed the man he had made (Formed). (NLT)

Genesis 2:15 Adam was a farmer

15 The LORD God placed the man (Eth Ha Adam) in the Garden of Eden TO TEND and watch over it.


Genesis 2:18-23 God made Eve after the Seventh Day

18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I WILL MAKE A HELPER who is just right for him.”
19 So the LORD God FORMED from the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and the man chose a name for each one.

20 He (Eth Ha Adam) gave names to all the livestock, all the birds of the sky, and all the wild animals. But still
THERE WAS NO HELPER just right for him.
21 So the LORD God caused the man (Eth Ha Adam) to fall into a deep sleep. While the man (Eth Ha Adam) slept, the LORD God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening.

22 Then the LORD God made a WOMAN from the rib, and he Page 104

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brought her to the man (Eth Ha Adam).

23 AT LAST!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone,

and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she

was taken from ‘man.’” (NLT)

Genesis 4:1-2 - Adam and Eve had TWINS

1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived,

and bare CAIN, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

2 And she again bare his brother ABEL. And Abel was a keeper of

sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. (KJV)

Genesis 5:4 Adam had other sons and daughters

4 After the birth of Seth, Adam lived another 800 years, and


Romans 5:12 Adams sin caused the nations to sin

12 When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for EVERYONE sinned.


The Take Away


Murray presents a number of controversial subjects in the Genesis account of creation, and I have chosen to just unpack the Two Adams or the Two Creations. Murray approaches his Word Study with a load of BS, his Belief System and worldview. We also bring to the table our own BS and that is what determines what we perceive to be TRUTH in scripture; sometimes our BS changes.

In my Belief System, when I crawl into the scriptures and look around; I watch God bringing Eve to Adam to name; Adam’s knees become like silly putty as he falls backward exclaiming; WHOA MAN; is she something AWESOME or what! That’s when he named her Whoa-Man and nicknamed her Evie.

The LAST book of the Bible; Revelation, as we read along, we make a mistake in our understanding because our BS, our Belief System automatically assumes the Book of Revelation was written in chronological order; but that’s just simply not true. To John the revelator, everything is happening all at once and he broadly writes down what he sees, but then comes back and fills in the details of his vision. So some of his chapters are informational chapters only, coming back and filling in with fine details on what has already been said.

The FIRST book of the Bible; Genesis has the same thing going on; in chapter one, the broad picture is painted for us to see and then we are brought back in chapter two where the picture is overlaid with the fine DETAILS of the scene that has already been painted.

In the FIRST account the descriptions of creation are looking forward in time.

In the SECOND account the descriptions are reversed looking backward in time. That’s why the order of things seem to conflict with each other. This looking back “reversal concept” can be

observed in other passages of the Book.
The FIRST account is speaking of man in general, “Adam”, painting the broad picture and

focuses on the development of heaven and earth
The SECOND account is addressing the specific man, “Eth Ha Adam”, adding in the details and

focuses on the development of man. There were NOT two Adams, nor were there other races or nations created before Adam and Eve; the two accounts are both the same picture overlaid on top of each other, but now painted with HIGH DEFINITION details.

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God makes it clear for us in the New Testament; from ONE man, God created all the nations and races throughout the whole earth and Eve is the mother of ALL who live; we all belong to Adam and Eve.464

HOWEVER THERE ARE TWO ADAMS; Jesus the Christ can be traced back umbilical cord to umbilical cord to the First Adam; Jesus Christ is the Second Adam.465 In the First Adam, of the OT, all come that are physically born of woman; in the Second Adam JESUSof the NT, all come that are spiritually born of the Spirit.466

The Book says to not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws; these things are useless and a waste of time. We are no longer under the LAW and these things just cause divisions and hurt among the brethren who still feel bound by parts of the Law.

Why do we chase after such controversial subjects? Believing one way or the other does not change our salvation. I believe Murray means well and loves the Lord, but he just has a different worldview, a different Belief System.

The Berean Jews were commended for listening to the teachers of the day, then examining the scriptures daily to see if what was being said was TRUTH. It’s in the Book

The Book tells us to work hard so we can present ourselves to God and receive his approval, to be a good worker, not ashamed of the Gospel, one WHO CORRECTLY EXPLAINS THE WORD of truth whether it’s convenient or not.467 Peter says “those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different than was intended”; SUCH IS TODAY. If we haven’t studied a specific subject, then we can’t correctly explain it.

One Creation, One Adam, One God, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.

2 Peter 3:3 In the last days, folks will teach their on desires

3 Most importantly, I want to remind you that
IN THE LAST DAYS scoffers will come, mocking the truth and


Titus 3:9-10 Stay away from foolish discussions


spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish


10 If people are CAUSING DIVISIONS AMONG YOU, give a first and

second warning. After that, have nothing more to do with them. (NLT)

2 Peter 3:16-17 Study because Ignorance twists God’s Word

16 speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and THOSE WHO ARE IGNORANT
TO MEAN SOMETHING QUITE DIFFERENT, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction.

17 I am warning you ahead of time, dear friends. BE ON GUARD so that you will not be carried away by the ERRORS of these wicked people and lose your own secure footing. (NLT)

464 Acts 17:26 All the nations came from Adam and Eve -- Genesis 3:20 Adam named his wife Eve; the mother of ALL
465 1 Corinthians 15:22 We live because of the Second Adam; Jesus
466 1 Corinthians 15:47 Adam first man, Jesus second Adam man -- 1 Corinthians 15:45 The Second Adam brings a life giving spirit
467 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to correctly explain the Word of God NLT -- 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to rightly handle the Word of truth ESV --2 Timothy 4:2 Be prepared to patiently correct whether it is convenient or not -- Acts 17:11 Examine the scriptures daily on what is taught Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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Chapter 3.19

First Word Satan kicked out
Scripture speaks about the Garden of the Lord, the Garden of God and the Garden of Eden

which are all probably the same place, but just not the same time period.468 I strongly suspect that the Garden of God469 was where Satan’s throne was; where he dispensed his authority and his rule of the earth way before Adam was placed there in his authority.470

Satan was the protector of earth till he rebelled, then God displaced Satan with Adam and drove him out of the garden. Satan gets really ticked off because Adam was made lower than him,471 yet Adamhasbeengivenauthorityovereverything. Hewasgivendominionoverthefishofthesea,and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.472

God brought all the living creations to Adam to name and that’s what they were called. But God warned Adam saying; "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." 473

Satan fights back

Satan wasn’t going to take this lying down and he certainly wasn’t going to report to someone made lower than him, let alone someone made out of dirt.474 Satan fights back by corrupting God’s greatest creation; he tricked Adam and his cute wife into disobedience to God.

You know the rest of the story. A Cherubim angel with four wings and a flaming sword drove the Adamites out of the Garden.475 Man was now fallen; so God stopped any sinful man from entering the Garden of God lest they eat from the “Tree of Life” and live forever a life of disobedience, sin and rebellion.476 All traces of the garden are now gone.


God places a curse on everything; Satan, Man, Woman, all living creatures and the earth itself.477 This is what God said to Satan; I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He (Jesus) will strike your head and you (Satan), will strike his heel.” Satan knows that there is a Champion coming that will defeat him; so his pursuit in life is to corrupt all of mankind so that a Godly line will never emerge; therefore he will never be defeated. All through scripture he tries to kill the one who he thinks might be mankind’s savior; their Messiah.

468 Isaiah 51:3 - The Garden of the Lord -- Ezekiel 28:12-13 The Garden of God -- Genesis 2:15 The Garden of Eden 469 Genesis 2:8 God had already planted a Garden east of the land of Eden.
470 Ezekiel 28:14-15 Satan was the protector of earth till treason.
471 Hebrews 2:6-8 Adam was made a little lower than the angels

472 Genesis 1:26 God gives Adam dominion over all the earth -- Genesis 2:19-20 Adam was given authority over everything living 473 Genesis 2:15-17 Adam was put in the Garden of Eden and warned
474 Genesis 2:7 God made Adam out of dirt.
475 Ezekiel 1:6 – Cherubim’s have four wings

476 Genesis 3:21-22 You will live forever if you eat from the tree of life. -- Genesis 3:24 No sinful man can enter the Garden of Eden EAT and then live forever
477 Genesis 3:15 - Curse on; Satan, Man, Woman, living creatures and the ground

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Garden of Eden

Garden of the Lord, the Garden of God, the Garden of Eden. The Four Rivers; Pishon, Gihon, Tigres and Euphrates

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Garden of Eden

Almost all nations have traditions of an age of innocence when evil did not exist; life was without care or labor, food came forth spontaneously in abundance and no one aged or lost their vigor.

The word Garden (paradeisos) translates “enclosure” similar to a park. Eden in Sumerian means a Plain” or flat region; in Hebrew it is a word meaning Paradise, luxury, pleasure, delight.

It was created on the Holy mountain of God on the east side of Eden. The land was loaded with precious gems, rubies, topaz, emerald, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, sapphire, turquoise, beryl and Gold.478 You can bet we would like to find this place

The temperature was temperate, so no clothes were needed.479 It was watered by four head waters480 as well as springs that provided irrigation, insuring lush vegetation, pasture and all kinds of fruit bearing trees that were good for food. As Adam was instructed to tend and keep the garden481 it would not be farfetched to believe that the garden also contained grain and vegetables as the land was very fertile. There were also many kinds of birds and animals that filled the land.482

There were two special trees in the middle of the garden; the Tree of Life and the other which wasforbiddentoeatfromwastheTreeoftheKnowledgeofGoodandEvil.483 (RightandWrong) Some students of the Word believe that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was just an ordinary tree planted for the purpose of testing Adam. NOTE: By eating of the tree, Adam did not receive Universal knowledge, but received Experiential knowledge. He experienced the knowledge of right and wrong. The omniscient (all knowing) God already knew Adam would fail. The universal “law of sin and death” had already been put into effect. “If you sin you will die”.

Where was the Garden

The garden was located on the east side of Eden and was west of the city of Nod which is near Jerusalem.484 Probably in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley which included the whole of the “Fertile Crescent”, from India to Egypt.

Note: East of Eden is a matter of prospective, depending on where the writer was standing. Based on the four rivers, we think we know about where the Garden of Eden was. Only in Mesopotamia do we find a single river dividing into four arms. This is a region with land that is very rich and fertile where streams abound, divide and reunite.

Many scholars deem it to be from latitude 31 degrees to 33 degrees-30 minutes. Most of the smart people tell us that it was located at the head of the Persian Gulf at the junction of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, but silt brought down since 3000bc has added over 100 miles to the head of the gulf making it impossible to know where to start looking.

Except for Satellite mapping technology showing possible river beds, no trace of the Garden has ever been found. It is widely thought that it perished during the great flood of Noah.

Four Rivers of Eden

Water flowed from Eden and separated into four rivers; Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates.485 Note: It’s known in recorded history that these rivers changed channels more than once making the identification of Eden more the impossible. The once grass lands and marshes have now become deserts.

478 Ezekiel 28:13 The place was loaded with precious stones; ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, beryl and gold -- Genesis 2:12 The land had Gold, onyx and aromatic resin
479 Genesis 2:25 – They didn’t need to wear any clothes
480 Genesis 2:10 - Four rivers flowed from the Garden -- Genesis 2:6 Other streams provided natural irrigation

481 Genesis 2:15 Adam was to tend the garden
482 Genesis 2:20 There were many animals and birds and Adam named them
483 Genesis 2:9-14 All kinds of trees were planted; two were special
484 Genesis 2:8 The Garden was in the east of Eden -- Genesis 4:16 - Nod is East of Eden
485 Genesis 2:10 A river flowed out of the Garden -- Genesis 2:11 It divides into the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates

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Pison or Pishon; (meaning the current or broad flowing) which went around the land of Havilah.486 - All we know today is that it was one of the rivers in Eden There is no agreement on the size of this body of water or where it was located - With Satellite technology, we can see what looks like, where a river bed was once in that area. Some students of the Word identify this river as the “Indus.

Gihon; (meaning to gush forth or bursting forth) flowed around the whole land of Cush.487 (Ethiopia) This was also the name of a spring. The city of Jerusalem built tunnels to bring spring water into to the upper “pool of Siloam” when under siege. Some students think this river was the “Nile. Others think; Oxus, Araxes or the Ganges rivers; some think it was a major irrigation ditch and others only a canal. Lots of thoughts on this; I asked my mentor what he thought about it; he said he didn’t care.

Tigris (meaning arrow) one of the two great rivers of the Mesopotamian area, about 1,150 miles long. It originates in the Taurus Mountains of Armenia; flowed in front of Assyria; flows through the modern countries of Syria, northern Iraq and Turkey. It is also identified as the “Hiddekel”.

When the snows of the mountains of Armenia (Ararat) melt in March through May, the river overflows its banks and then in October and November it overflows again. The Tigris flows with a rapid current, making it a very muddy river because of the erosion of silt.

The Tigris and the Euphrates both flow almost parallel to each other for hundreds of miles. In antiquity the Tigris and Euphrates entered the Persian Gulf by separate mouths, today they are joined together to form the heartland of what is known as THE FERTILE CRESCENT and then empties into the Persian Gulf. Along its banks stood the cities of Nineveh, Calah, and Asshur. The Prophet Daniel had a vision of an angel while standing on the bank of the Tigris River. 488

Euphrates (meaning to break forth also; sweet water) the largest and longest and most important river of Western Asia; (1,780 miles long).489 It originates from two sources in the Armenian mountains, whose branches join. It is a slow moving and very steep wide river; it flowed through the middle of Babylon. It flows through the modern countries of Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. It is referred to in the Bibleas“TheRiver”or“TheGreatRiver”aswellas“TheRiverEuphrates”. Itisalsoidentified as the “Prath”.

The lowest water is in September with the highest in May; its course has shifted to the West since ancient times. The bed of the river ran somewhat higher than the Tigris allowing canals to bring water across the land for irrigation. It is the eastern limit and the northern boundary of the kingdom of Israel. Ancient cities along the banks included Babylon, Eridu, Kish, Larsa, Nippur, Sippar and Ur.

The silt brought down by the Euphrates and Tigris encroaches on the Persian Gulf adding about a mile every 30 years. Also as mentioned in the book of Revelation it is where some evil angels are bound.490 (Good angels are not bound)

The Take Away

The Garden of God and the Garden of Eden are the same place, but probably not the same time period. When Satan rebelled, God drove him out of the garden and replaced him with Adam. Satan got mad and tricked Adam into sin; God already knew that he would and had in place the Law of Sin and Death. The garden became off limits. While the law would mean man would die if he sinned, it also was a shadow of the Way back to the Tree of Life.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil was probably just an ordinary tree to test Adam. The GardenofEdenwaslocatedontheeastofEdenonthemountainofGod. Itwasanenclosedtrack of flat land that was well watered with springs. It was fertile, had trees, vegetables and grain, animals and birds, precious stones and gold. The temperature was ideal and skinny dipping was the norm.

486 Genesis 2:11 The first of the four rivers is the Pishon
487 2 Chronicles 32:30 Gihon springs flowed by aqueduct to Jerusalem.
488 Daniel 10:4 Daniel had a vision on the Tigris River
489 Genesis 15:18 The Euphrates: The eastern limit of the kingdom of Israel. Revelation
490 Revelation 9:14 Four Evil Angels bound at the Euphrates -- Revelation 16:12-13 The great river Euphrates will dry up

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It had four rivers that flowed from the garden. Two of the rivers cannot be identified; the Pishon and the Gihon. The Tigris and the Euphrates rivers can be identified, so we can say that the garden was close to the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia.

Today we have the phenomena called the “Fertile Crescent” which helps validate the existence of the garden. The Fertile Crescent is certainly a topic that is worth studying. It is believed during the flood of Noah, the waters of the deep destroyed the garden so that no trace of it has ever been found.491 Oddly enough, almost every culture has a legend about a place of paradise, where no one ages, evil does not exist and the living is good.

491 Genesis 8:2-3 Underground flood waters flowed

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Chapter 3.20

Tree of Life

The Bible teaches about LIFE giving food in our garden as well as snakes that bring DEATH.

A Little Tradition

Tradition; at one time there was a Jewish custom to plant a tree at the birth of a child; a cedar tree for a boy and a pine tree for a girl. When a couple married, their trees were cut down and used in the

construction of the huppah; the bridal bower which was a room, a hut, a rustic cottage or retreat. More Tradition; if a son turned out to be evil, the father would cut down the son’s tree and he would be disowned. I never knew you.492

Tree of Knowledge of good and evil
Scholars believe that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was just an ordinary tree planted

for the purpose of testing Adam. By eating of the tree, Adam did not receive universal knowledge, but received experiential knowledge; he experienced the knowledge of right and wrong. The omniscient (all knowing) God already knew Adam would fail. The universal law of “sin and death” had already been put into effect. “If you sin you will die”.

Knowledge of the Good in you will never redeem you from the evil that’s in you. The way to God is not knowledge, nor a formula, nor a ritual; it’s a person.

Two Trees

We hear a lot about the tree of knowledge of good and evil that was planted in the garden, but there was also another special tree planted, but with very little said about it. The Tree of Life was also planted in the middle of the garden and was available without any restrictions.493

Did you see it? The Tree of Life was not hidden, it was in full view, fruitful and available. Why is it that forbidden fruit is considered the sweetest? Why are we drawn to what is off limits to us? It was Sin that separated Adam and US from the Tree of Life.

Tree of Life

After the expulsion of the “Adam’s Family” from the Garden; we learn for the first time that the Tree of Life would have provided everlasting life or immortality. The properties of the tree had not been previously revealed. Did you see it? We have no idea what God has in store for us.

NOTE: God permitted by decree that Adam could eat freely from the tree of life and He did not

withdraw that decree. But when Adam sinned, two Cherubim Angels blocked the way to the tree. God sent His Son Jesus to provide THE WAY back to the Tree. Jesus the Messiah is the only way to the TREE OF LIFE which is now in God’s garden of paradise in Heaven

Here is what Adam and Eve and all mankind missed out on by being separated from God. It was a fruit bearing tree with leaves with healing properties. Eating the fruit of the tree produces good works, blessings, fulfillment, sensitivity, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The Tree revitalizes and renews; it imparts wisdom; the knowledge of Spiritual things providing entrance through the sacred gate into the Kingdom of God’s eternal life.

492 Psalm 51:11 – Don’t cast me out of your presence -- Matthew 7:23 I will tell them plainly; I never knew you.
493 Genesis 3:22 The Tree of Life provided immortality -- Genesis 2:9 Planted in plain sight in the middle of the Garden. --

Genesis 3:24 Sin separates us from the Tree of Life.

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You can draw a parallel from the two trees; that of Christ as Life and Satan as Death. You can

see the symbolism of good seed and bad seed. From the first woman came two seeds. Abel was considered a prophet; the good seed, and Faithless Cain was the bad seed. A Good tree does not bear badfruit;likewise,abadtreecannotbeargoodfruit.495 Aseedalwaysproducesafteritsownkind;496 youwillknowagoodtreebyitsfruit,oryoucouldsayYOUwillbeknownbyyourfruit.497 You will reap what you sow and you reap far more than you expect and far longer than you expect.498

If you have sown some bad seed, this would be a good time to pray for a crop failure.

From the Apocrypha
Since little is found in scripture about the Tree of Life, I thought it would be fun to look slightly

outside the Bible into the Apocrypha concerning the Jewish thoughts about this tree.
The books in the Apocrypha were at one time a part of the Jewish Talmud, but overtime were dropped from the Protestant Bible. The founding Scholars did not deem them as inspired of God as those they kept in the KJV Authorized Version Bible. These books are still found in the Catholic Bible; Inspired or not, I sure enjoy them as they let you taste the flavor of what they were thinking at

the time.
The Tree of Life is described in color like golden fire, as having a fragrance beyond all fragrances

and leaves and wood that never withers. The fruit of the tree resembles palm tree dates and the blooms are beautiful in appearance; it provides rest, goodness and wisdom.

The tree stands as the difference between corruptibility (death) & incorruptibility (Life). 1 Enoch 24:4 A tree like none other

4 And the SEVENTH Mountain was in the midst of these, and it excelled them in height, resembling the seat of a throne: and fragrant trees encircled the throne. Amongst them was a tree such as I had never yet smelt neither was any amongst them nor were others like it: it had a fragrance beyond all fragrance, its leaves & blooms & wood wither not for ever: 5 and its fruit is beautiful, and its fruit n resembles the dates of a palm. Then I said: 'How beautiful is this tree, and fragrant, and its leaves are fair and its blooms very delightful in appearance

2 Enoch 8:3-5 It looks like golden fire.
3 And in the midst of the trees that of life, in that place whereon the Lord rests, when he goes up into PARADISE; and this tree is of ineffable goodness and fragrance, and adorned more than every existing thing; on all sides it is in form gold-looking & vermilion & fire-like and covers all, and it has produce from all fruits.
4 Its root is in the garden at the
earth’s end.
5 And paradise is between corruptibility and incorruptibility.

2 Esdras 8:52 In it is found rest, goodness and wisdom
52 For unto you is paradise opened, the tree of life is planted, the time to come is prepared, plenteousness is made ready, a city is builded, and

REST is allowed, yea, perfect GOODNESS and WISDOM.

494 Revelations 2:7 Those that OVERCOME eats the Tree of Life -- Revelation 22:14 The Tree of life is for the RIGHTEOUS believer Genesis 2:16 You are FREE TO EAT from the Tree of Life -- Revelations 22:2 The Tree of Life bears the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT -- Galatians 5:22-23 Tree of Life fruit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. -- Proverbs 15:4 The Tree of Life produces sensitivity. -- Proverbs 3:13-18 - The Tree of Life produces Wisdom -- Proverbs 3:18 - The Tree of Life produces Blessings -- Proverbs 13:12 The Tree of Life produces fulfillment. -- Proverbs 11:30 The Tree of Life produces good works.
495 Luke 6:43-45 A good tree bears good fruit, not thorns and thistles
496 Genesis 1:11 Every seed is produced after its own kind
497 Matthew 7:16-20 You will be known by the fruit of your works
498 Galatians 6:7-8 Good or bad seed, you will reap what you sow

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Satan makes our load heavier, giving us a sense that God’s word is false; seemingly lies. Satan gets our mind off of God’s promises of the Tree of Life and onto our daily burdens. Satan says; surely God did not say that you will die; touch it, smell it and take and eat just a tiny bite.

The Menorah or the SEVEN light lamp stand found in the Temple is often referred to as forming the sacred Tree of Life, which is God’s unseen presence in the temple. Our names are already written in The Book of life; it’s our unbelief that removes our lampstand from His presence and blots out our name from His Book.

Pray that God will show you His way, that you may know Him and find His grace.

We have no idea what God has prepared for us; it’s beyond description.

Exodus 5:9 Satan makes God’s promises seem like false promises

9 Make the work harder for the men so that they keep working and pay

no attention to lies (God’s promises)." NIV

Exodus 25:31 Make a lampstand with buds and blossoms

31 "Make a lampstand of pure gold and hammer it out, base and shaft; its flowerlike cups, buds and blossoms shall be of one piece.


Exodus 25:37 Seven is the spiritual number of completeness

37 "Then make its seven lamps and set them up on it so that they light the space in front of it.


Exodus 33:13 Show me your way that I may know you.

13 I pray, if I have found grace in your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight.


Revelation 3:5 Your name is in the book; it’s up to you if it stays

5 He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white.

will acknowledge his name. NIV

Revelation 2:5 Repent or your lampstand will be removed

5 I WILL COME TO YOU AND REMOVE YOUR LAMPSTAND from its place if you do not repent,


1 Corenthians 2:9 We have no idea what God has prepared for us.


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Chapter 3.21

Tempted Humbled Redeemed

A story of temptation, redemption and reconsolidation written in a form that is suitable to read to your children.

In the Beginning

Once upon a time, long, long ago in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley on the east side of Eden, during a dark nighttime storm, lightning struck the earth and the coal and gasses underground caught on FIRE. TheundergroundfirebecamesointensethatitEXPLODEDupthroughtheearthforming a giant mountain with steep sides creating a crater in the bottom. This newly formed mountain was located just west of the city of Nod and not too far from Jerusalem.

The explosion shook the earth so greatly that it caused an opening to appear in the bottom of the ocean. Sea water began to pour down through the opening deep into the earth where it came into contact with the HOT molten rocks which instantly turned the salt water into purified clean steam.

The steam forced it’s was back up through the earth in the giant mountain crater turning it into purified clean cool water499 quenching the fire in the bottom of the giant depression in the crater. Over time the floor in the center of this mountain formed a beautiful lush multi-colored garden that was hidden from the rest of the world by the enclosed almost vertical mountain sides.

Father named His special secret place, the GARDEN OF EDEN.500 The underground water passages were called GOD’S PLUMBING and thousands of years later, this plumbing still works all over the whole world, pumping us pure clean cool water every second of the day.

The word “Garden” (paradeisos) in the Book translates “ENCLOSURE” similar to a PARK and the word Eden in Sumerian means a PLAIN” or FLAT REGION. Eden in Hebrew means luxury, pleasure and delight; Eden was a PARADISE.

The cool clear water formed a river that flowed out of the Garden through the side of the mountain forming a breath taking WATER FALL. Tucked away behind some moss laden trees and tall grasses was a pathway that formed a Secret Passage leading to a wide recessed ledge that went under the water fall, winding its way up into the secret garden. This was the ONLY WAY into or out of the GARDEN OF EDEN and this secret entrance was guarded by a heavenly being with a blue laser sword.

This enormous water fall eventually branched out into four head waters called the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates Rivers501 that watered the whole “Fertile Crescent”, which ran from India

to Egypt. Then Father God made Adam and Eve and placed them both in His Secret Garden.

A Little Background

The most beautiful angel that had ever been created by the Father was named Satan. He was assigned to take care of the earth.502 The GARDEN OF GOD was where Satan’s throne was; it was where he dispensed his authority and rule.503

499 Genesis 2:6 Underground streams provided natural irrigation.
500 Genesis 2:8 The Garden was created in the East of Eden -- Genesis 4:16 - Nod is East of Eden
501 Genesis 2:10 A river flowed & separated into Four rivers -- Genesis 2:11-14 Divides into Pishon, Gihon, Tigris & Euphrates 502 Ezekiel 28:14-15 Satan was protector of earth till he rebelled --

503 Genesis 2:8 The Garden already existed in the land of Eden. --
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One day his PRIDE got in the way and caused him to rebel against God; to SIN, so God removed himfromHisgarden.504 TheGardenofGodandtheGardenofEden505arethesameplace,butjust not the same time period.506

The term SIN comes from the form of Archery; the shooting of an arrow at a mark in the center of a target. SIN means “To Miss the Mark”. Man is to press forward and not miss the MARK of the high calling of God; missing the mark is SIN.

GodtookSatan’sauthorityawayfromhimandlatergaveittoAdam.507 EventhoughAdamwas actually made a little lower than Satan,508 he had now been given authority over everything causing Satan to become very angry. Satan certainly wasn’t going to report to someone made lower than him, let alone someone MADE OUT OF DIRT,509 so to fight back, he devised a cunning plan. His plan was to cause Adam and his cute wife Eve to “MISS THE MARK” of obedience; to disobey and SIN.

Adam was sinless and innocent, BUT NOT RIGHTEOUS. Righteous is innocence that has been maintained in the presence of temptation. INNOCENCE IS IGNORANCE OF EVIL. Adam didn’t know an Invisible War was taking place and didn’t know he would be tested. God had given Adam and Eve only ONE COMMANDMENT, NOT TEN. God said; do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, it’s a SIN; and if you do, you will no longer live forever; you will die and be separated from ME for eternity.

Angels and men were both created with the Free Will to choose, and God already knew what was in the heart of man and had put HIS plan into effect to save man from this separation.

NOTE: Angels do not have a soul like mans, so if they SIN they cannot be saved.

A man called Adam

The Father had placed Adam smack dab down in the middle of this paradise, and gave him every pet imaginable, and Adam enjoyed the monkeys, but felt lonesome and incomplete. There was just no one just like him to be found. Father said it wasn’t good for Adam to be by himself so He placed a cute girl in the garden by the name of Eve to be his HELPMATE.510

When Adam saw her, she took his breath away. When she walked, she seemed to float as only girls can do, with dignity and poise. She was perfect, completely SINLESS, and innocent and her olive skin was without blemish and was just STUNNING. She was so BEAUTIFUL that when Adam saw her, his legs became like silly putty and he could hardly stand up; he said WOW MAN she is just like me, now I am COMPLETE, so he named her WOMAN. Did you see it? Woman completes Man.

Now Adam liked vegetables sprinkled with sea SALT and Evie Liked fruits that were SWEET; he liked monkeys, climbing trees and fishing. Evie liked puppies, swimming, gathering food and making things. The two of them complemented each other, they were both alike, but different. They were a perfect fit, they were Brother and Sister, Husband and wife, Co-Laborers and Life Partners. Adam now has someone who he could relate to Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually; he was literally in Paradise, in Utopia which is a perfect place to be.

A Chick named Eve
Eve was not taken from Adams head so she could be superior, nor from his foot to be inferior,

but from his side to be equal with him; she is his other half making him complete. The Father owned this Garden in Eden and is where Eve lived with her husband Adam. She was young and carefree and wandered about the endless boundaries of Mulberry bushes and dogwood trees, flowers and tall

504 Ezekiel 28:16 Satan was driven out of the Garden of God
505 Genesis 2:15 God placed Adam in The Garden of Eden
506 Ezekiel 28:12-13 Satan was in the Garden of God Philippians 3:13-14 – Don’t SIN & miss the MARK of God’s calling
507 Genesis 2:19-20 Adam was given authority over every living thing -- Genesis 1:26 God gives Adam dominion over all the earth; Fish Birds, Cattle, worms and mosquitoes
508 Hebrews 2:6-8 Adam was made a little lower than the angels
509 Genesis 2:7 God made Adam out of dirt.
510 Genesis 2:18 It is not good for man to be alone -- Genesis 2:21-23 Adam was made complete with Eve

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grasses. She loved the sweetness of the plums, pears peaches and apricots. She would play HIDE AND SEEK with Adam and he soon learned all of her special places to hide, her giggles always gave her away and besides that, she smelled so good, like gardenias.511 She was so TINY, just five foot two with eyes of blue. Adam was six foot three inches TALL and couldn’t hide as good as she could.

Her blue eyes sparkled as she flirted with Adam through her long blond hair. She wore a gardenia flower tucked away behind her right ear, punctuated by the gentle breezes blowing through her curls. She found precious stones and strung them together to wear around her neck, wrist and ankles.512 Adam loved vegetables with sea SALT and would even put sea salt on his grapefruit. Evie loved the SWEET fruits and would squeeze sugar cane juice on her grapefruit. Adam would take a bite out of a plumb and Eve would take it away from him and finish eating it, giggling with the juices dripping down her cheek; she made Adam laugh; he loved being with her so much; she was everything a man would want in a wife.

Adam couldn’t keep his eyes off of Evie, she was golden bronze from the sun and was so full of fun and mischief. When she walked past, Adam would grab her by her tiny waist and swing her around looking deep into her blue eyes and grinning at her dimpled infectious smile. Evie was always looking up at his tall muscular bronzed body with his penetrating eyes and perfect teeth that smiled from ear to ear. Without thinking about it, she would take hold of his hand as they walked together exploring the garden. Adam would playfully shake the dew off the tree branches to get Evie wet and she would chase him and push him into the cool waters. The temperature was always just perfect, so they didn’t wearanyclothes.513 Thiswasatimeofinnocencewherenooneagedorlosttheirvigor.Theywere both Sinless, innocent and would live forever; all they needed was each other and the Father.

Adam was employed by the father and his job was to take care of the garden which contained an abundance of fruits, vegetables and grain.514 The land was very fertile because it was watered by many underground springs that provided the irrigation. This insured lush vegetation that was good for food and all kinds of FRUIT bearing trees that Evie loved. There was NO weeds or thorn bushes, floods or frost. Life for the most part was without care or labor; food came forth spontaneously and in abundance. Adam had the perfect job that gave him plenty of time to go fishing, climb trees and play with the monkeys. He called EVIE his little monkey, and she called him TARZAN king of the apes.

The Garden

The Garden was the Father’s pride and joy with only his children being loved more. He could be seen walking with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day giving instructions as a over-protective dad would do and teaching them. Don’t eat the persimmon until it is “this red” or it will be bitter in your mouth. Don’t pat the porcupine or you will get pricked by a quill. Enjoy the kittens, but don’t play with the skunk or you will stink; have fun with THIS, but be sure you don’t do THAT.

The Father spent a lot of time TEACHING them how to gather food and how to cook in the Hot springs. How to make smushed potatoes and boiled eggs seasoned with garlic, sea salt and pepper. There was so much to learn; Father talked about spiritual things, the stars in the heavens, working six daysandthenrestingontheseventhandalotaboutOBEDIENCE. EviewantedsomuchtobeJUST LIKE THE FATHER with all His knowledge.

The Father showed them a large elevated plateau in the middle of the garden surrounded by moss draped Oak trees and tall Pampas grass making the place easily identifiable. He pointed out two SPECIAL TREES in the center of the garden. 515

511 Genius 2:12 Gold, aromatic resin, Onyx was just laying around
512 Ezekiel 28:13 The place was loaded with precious stones; ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl -- Genius 2:12 Gold, aromatic resin, Onyx was just laying around
513 Genius 2:25 – Adam and Eve didn’t wear any clothes, the temperature was just right.
514 Genius 2:15 Adam’ job was to tend the garden -- Genius 2:12 Gold, aromatic resin, Onyx was just laying around
515 Genesis 2:9 All kinds of trees were growing: Two were very special

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He called one of the Special trees the TREE OF LIFE which was actually very plain to be thought of as a SPECIAL tree. Father didn’t say much about it except just pointed to it and left it up to them to learn more about it if they had the desire.

The other tree which He called the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL (Knowledge of right and wrong) was situated somewhat lower down a slope, but beautiful to look at, however the Father said this one was FORBIDDEN.516 They guessed that it would be OK to look at it, sit under it, touch it and even climb it, but they could not eat from it; for if they did THEY WOULD SURELY DIE. 517

Home Sweet Home

Adam and Eve made their home in the drooping bows of a large sprawling oak tree. Adam would climb trees and get strong vines and Evie would weave vegetation into the vines to make a comfortable soft dry floating floor about four feet off the ground in the tree, this was so the night time animals would not disturb their sleep. The moving waters and wind provided music as it moved through the reeds. The air was fragrant with the smell of honeysuckle. Evie loved eating the SWEET strawberries, figs, pears and peaches and WONDERED what would that fruit taste like on the forbidden tree in the garden center.

As time moved on you could begin to see a trampled down path in the fescue grasses that led to thecenterofthegarden. Eviewassoinquisitivethatshewouldoftengothereandjustsitonthe rim of it and ponder how SWEET the fruit must be on the forbidden tree.

There were also many kinds of animals and birds that filled the garden and one of the creations, a serpent began to talk with Eve about what the Father had instructed them. The serpent chose Eve instead of Adam, because she was more inquisitive and had more compassion and sympathy and was more open to suggestion. He would often come around while Adam was off fishing, hunting and gathering for their supper. The serpent was quite the gentlemen, handsome and he spoke so confidently and smoothly and was so captivating that it didn’t occur to her that none of the other creatures could speak. Father never told her to NOT TALK TO STRANGERS and soon the serpent became her New Best Friend.

Evie told Adam about her new friend and Adam said that he had named all the animals in the Garden,518 but he didn’t remember naming one that could talk, but thought it would be interesting to talk to him next time he came around. Eve was quite taken with the handsome serpent, he was such a GOOD LISTENER; as they talked about her father’s teachings, she didn’t realize that they were slowly strolling down the familiar path toward the center of the garden where the Two Trees grew.

The serpent was the most clever and cunning of all the wild animals that the father had made, and soon they were standing within the circle of the Two Trees that were in the center of the garden and Eve could see the FRUIT on the forbidden tree. Her thoughts were now racing about what the FRUIT would taste like.

The Plot Thickens

The serpent, the prince of darkness started talking about how good the Father was, that He had given her a wonderful husband, a home, a garden, pets and everything else that they could want and that the Father would be cruel to his only daughter if he withheld anything. One day the serpent contradicted the Father and substitutes some of His words; by asking Eve, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from ANY of the trees in the garden?”519 Evie said; Of course not, we may eat fruit from any of the trees in the garden it’s only the fruit from THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL that’s in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. The Father said, You must not eat it OR EVEN TOUCH IT; if you do, you will die.

516 Genesis 2:16-17 The Tree of knowledge will KILL YOU
517 James 4:7 JUST SAY NO and Satan will flee from you
518 Genesis 2:20 There were many animals and birds in the Garden 519 Genesis 3:1-3 Did God really say not to eat the fruit?

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Satan continued, “Does the Father know something that He hasn’t told you?” Surely He would not be that unrighteous, unfair and unkind to restrict you. Evie had not really put the WORDS OF THE FATHER deep within her heart as she should have. In her excitement she had actually forgotten the exact words the Father had said and added extra words that she could not touch the fruit either. Still talking and without even realizing it, Evie had grasp the Serpents hand as she always did with Adam as they slowly began to DESCEND DOWN the slope toward the forbidden tree.

The serpent shifted the conversation with Eve; You know what; you won’t really die. Your Father knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be just like Him, you will be a God and know both good and evil; you will know right from wrong”.520 You actually will be more like your Father, just like you have always wanted. The cunning Serpent continued, “I know your Father is teaching you things and it will take a long long time to learn it all; but this special fruit of this tree is a SHORTCUT to all that Wisdom and oh my goodness, this tree is just beautiful and the fruit tastes so AWESOME, it’s like creamy butter pecan”.

In Evie’s innocence, her stomach was thinking about how the SWEET FRUIT would taste; and her ego was thinking that having new knowledge would bring her closer to the Father, she would be more like Him with creativity. The Serpent had appealed to Evie’s Physical Desire for sweet fruits, her Emotional Desire and appreciation for the beauty of the tree and her Spiritual Desire to be more like God.

The Dastardly Deed was Done

Eve became convinced as she saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and shewantedthewisdomitwouldgiveher.Soshetooksomeofthefruitandateit. Atthefirst bite she heard Adam whistling and calling her name; as she turned around she saw him coming down the slope exclaiming, what are you doing DOWN here? - Suddenly the serpent became silent; not another word was heard from him. He had quickly slipped into the high ferns, celebrating his craftiness; the Deceitful, Dastardly, Dirty Deed was Done and COULD NOT BE UNDONE.

Adam said; I have been looking for you everywhere. Evie excitingly said, look at this beautiful fruit, it taste so yummy and it has given me so much wisdom and LOOK I certainly didn’t die. Taste itandyouwillloveit. HappilyAdampickedupEviebythewasteandswungheraroundasheoften did and at the same time, bit the end of the fruit that she was holding between her teeth. He was so glad to see her and loved her so much. BAM

Eve’s FIRST sin was to eat of the forbidden fruit; disobedience brings on SIN.
Her SECOND sin was to give approval of her own actions and cause Adam to SIN521.

When you sin it cannot be recalled, it’s a done deal forever. While you can be FORGIVEN, you still must go through and endure the consequences. When you SIN, it’s like stepping out into a rain storm and getting soaking wet. FORGIVENESS is like God giving you an umbrella to get you out of the rain, but the CONSEQUENCES is that you are still wet and it will take some time to dry off and from time to time someone will bring it to your attention.

The Blame Game

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and the air became HOT and they quickly turned to get out of there and they noticed that the slope they had come down now seemed to be much deeper than they remembered. They struggled to get back to the top and ran along the path down to their tree. They had not notice, but the GLORY LIGHT that had clothed them was gone and Evie exclaimed, Oh my Goodness, we are naked, I had better sew together some large fig leaves to cover us”.

520 Genesis 3:4-5 – You won’t die, you will become a god just like Father

521 Genesis 3:6– Eve’s FIRST SIN Disobeyed She ate the Fruit -- Romans 1:18-32 – Eve’s SECOND SIN She gave some to Adam causing him to sin

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Later in the cool of the day Adam and Evie heard the Father calling to them; “Where are you guys?” Adam realized they had disobeyed the One and only Commandment that the Father had given them and they became ashamed and hid themselves. Adam finally came out from hiding and told the Father that the reason he hid himself was that he was naked. Father asked, WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE NAKED? Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?

Adam now fully engulfed in own his sinful nature, without confessing his SIN sought to PASS THE BUCK, to deflect his own sin by separating himself from his wife. Not even saying Evie’s name, he said; “it’s not my fault, its THAT WOMAN’S FAULT; she gave me the fruit to eat and besidesthat,it’sYourFaulttooforgivingthatwomantome”. TheFatherwassohurtandturned and looked at Evie, who also quickly refused to take responsibility for her own SIN and blurted out,” it’s not my fault either, it’s the Serpent Fault, he deceived me”. God said; “Yeah, that’s it, the Devil made you do it.God didn’t buy their excuse for one second.

Genesis 3:7-13 I was afraid because I was naked

7 At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
8 When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees.
9 Then the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”
10 He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid.
I was afraid because I was naked.”
11 WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE NAKED?” the LORD God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?” The man replied, “It was
12 the woman YOU gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.”
13 Then the LORD God asked the woman, “What have you done?” The serpent deceived me,” she replied. “That’s why I ate it.” NLT

The Curse

The wages for working for Satan is DEATH.522 Sin brings on the wrath of God, this action made Adam and Eve and all their generations to become “The Children of Wrath”. 523

The Father cursed the SERPENT saying he would no longer be able to walk upright, that he would crawl on his belly and eat the dust from which man was made for all his life and when men would see him they would try to stomp his head and he would try to bite their heel and there would be hatred for each other.524

Next he cursed EVIE telling her that no longer would childbirth be easy as it was in the garden, that she and all women after her would have much pain during child bearing and furthermore that she would have an overwhelming desire to control her husband like she did in the Garden, but it would be in futility, because he would rule over her and this intense desire will cause conflict and stress in their home.525

Finally he cursed ADAM saying that no longer would food spontaneously come forth from the soil as it did in the garden. He would now have to work by the sweat of his brow pulling up thorns, thistles and weeds that steal the strength from his plants. His life now would become a struggle just to provide food and the necessities for his family.526

522 Romans 6:23 The wages of Sin is death and eternal separation from God 523 Ephesians 2:3 All of us became the children of His wrath
524 Genesis 3:14-15 God curses the Serpent
525 Genesis 3:16 God curses Eve and all women after her

526 Genesis 3:17-19 God curses Adam and all men after him

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TheFathermadeaBloodCovenantwithAdamandEvetobetheirGod. Hesacrificedanimals, shedding their blood; putting clothes made of animal skins on Adam and Eve. Evie would now become the mother of all that ever lives and breathes; that would be you and me. Then IN LOVE God banished them from His Garden, moving them down and out through the secret passage under the waterfall and commanded His living creature with a flaming laser sabra to guard the secret entrance; to prevent Adam and Eve and any of their children from ever entering the Garden again and eating fruit from the TREE OF LIFE. If they did, then they would then live forever in SIN separated from God forever.

Yes it was LOVE that banished them from the Garden. The Father had already put into effect THEWAY”backtotheTreeofLifethroughHissonJesusChrist,theMessiah. WhenAdamand Eve and their descendants that loved God died, they went to a place called PARADISE. After the death of Jesus on the cross, He went to them and for three days taught them the good news of the Gospel message, “The Way” that would redeem them; set them free and then He took ALL of them to heaven to live with Him forever.527

Scholars believe that the tree of knowledge of good and evil was just an ordinary tree planted for the purpose of testing Adam. By eating of the tree, Adam did not receive universal knowledge, but received experiential knowledge; he experienced the knowledge of right and wrong. The omniscient (all knowing) God already knew Adam would fail. “The universal law of sin and death” had already been put into effect. “If you sin you will die”.

It is widely thought that during the flood of Noah, that the waters of the deep destroyed the garden sothatnotraceofithaseverbeenfound.528 Oddlyenough,almosteveryculturehasalegendabout a place of paradise, where no one ages, evil does not exist and the living is good.

Except for Satellite mapping technology showing possible river beds, no trace of the Garden has ever been found. Today we have the phenomena known as the “Fertile Crescent” which helps validate the existence of the garden and is certainly a topic that is worth studying.

NOTE: The Fertile Crescent is the center of the “Indiana Jonesmovie series.

Genesis 3:20-24 Adam and Evie are banished from the Garden

20 then the manAdamnamed his wife EVE, because she WOULD BE THE MOTHER OF ALL WHO LIVE.
21 And the LORD God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife. (A blood covenant.)
22 Then the LORD God said, “Look, the human beings have become like us, knowing both good and evil.


23 LORD God banished them from the Garden of Eden, he sent Adam out to cultivate the ground from which he had been made.
24 After sending them out, the LORD God stationed mighty cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden. And he placed a

flaming sword that flashed back and forth

to guard THE WAY to the TREE OF LIFE. (Jesus Christ is THE WAY, the Truth and the Life.) 529

527 1 Peter 3:18-19 Jesus preached in Paradise and took them all to heaven
528 Genesis 8:2 - The underground waters stopped flowing, and the torrential rains from the sky were stopped. 529 John 14:6 I am the way, the truth and the life; no once comes to the Father except through me

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Life Begins Anew

Adam and Evie had two boys and told them stories about the Garden of Eden and taught them all the things that the Father had instructed them, including the faithfulness to worship and give sacrifices of thanksgiving to the Father.

The name Eve means “Life” and Cain means “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man” concluding that Adam and Eve had repented before the Lord of their SINS and worshipped Him. Abel means “breath” or “fading away” as his life was brief; it was cut short.

Cain was a farmer and raised produce from the soil and Abel was a shepherd and raised livestock; this was a perfect fit as they could share the results of their labors and help each other. NOTE: Just because parents love God, it does not automatically translate into their children loving God also.

Abel by FAITH embraced the teachings of the Father, but Cain and his children rejected the teachings. CaingetsangryandkillshisbrotherAbelbecauseAbel’sfaithhadfoundfavorwithGod. Along with Eve’s blessing of having children came the torments, sufferings and anxiety of having a wicked son who would reject God and wind up killing his own brother.

Sin brings Jealousy, anger, murder, lying, wickedness, corruption, rebellion & judgment. NOTE: Both boys received the same teachings of God; both had FREE WILL and made their own choices to accept or reject the teachings; we have those same FREE WILL choices today.

About 100 years passed and then the Father God gave Evie another child to replace Abel who loved and served the Lord. His name was Seth and he faithfully followed the teachings of the Father. Seth means “to appoint” or “to establish” and it was through the seed of Seth that the ancestry of Jesus Christ would be established. Noah was a descendent of Seth and was faithful to God. Cain’s descendants, the Kenites ALL perished in the flood of Noah. (Kenites and Canaanite’s are not the same.)

Abel & Seth’s Faith came by HEARING and DOING the Word of God.

Genesis 4:1-2 Eve gives birth to TWINS; Cain and Abel

1 Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and
SHE CONCEIVED AND BORE CAIN, saying, “I have gotten a man with the help of the LORD.”

2 and AGAIN, SHE BORE HIS BROTHER ABEL. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. 1 Now Adam had sexual relations with his wife, Eve, and she became pregnant. When she gave birth to Cain, she said,



The Book says that the day that you eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, you will DIE! 530 Adam and Eve did not die THE DAY they ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil like the scriptures says; so is the Book wrong?

God said that a day to Him was like a thousand years and a thousand years was but a day. Methuselah was the oldest recorded man in the Book, and lived to a ripe old age of 969 years which to God was still less than one of His days.531 So Adam and Eve DID DIE in less than one of God’s days and for sure, they were spiritually separated from God that very moment; that very same day.

Remember although they were mortal; able to die, the Father had made them to live forever in the Garden, because they were sinless. The same FREE WILL that causes you to sin and be SEPARATED from God is the same FREE WILL that will give you the opportunity to choose “THE WAY” back to the TREE OF LIFE.532

530 Genesis 2:17 The Day you eat from the tree you will surely die

531 Psalm 90:4 To God a thousand years are brief as a few hours -- Genesis 5:27 Methuselah lived 969 years, but less than one of God’s days
532 John 14:6 Jesus is THE WAY back to the Tree of Life -- Revelation 22:14 We will eat the fruit from the Tree of Life in Heaven

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2 Peter 3:8 A day is like a thousand years to God

8 But forget not this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (ASV)

The Take Away
As a teenager, I would often say that “GIRLS MAKE THE WORLD GO ROUND”. Guys wouldn’t

bother to do a thing if it wasn’t for girls. The following thoughts I am going to present are not mine, but are what the Book presents, so get ready to get upset with God; not with me.

GOD WARNED US when He said; The Woman will desire to rule over the Man.

Eve represents WOMEN’S impulsiveness and Adam represents MANS’ inclination to follow the wife’s lead. Did you see it? Women have power over men to turn their heads in the direction that they want them to go; this power is a responsibility not to be taken lightly, as you are accountable to God for your actions.

Throughout the Book, the Hebrews were warned to NOT marry foreign women because they had the power to turn the hearts of their husbands to worship other gods.533 The Apostle Paul recognizing the responsibilities of a family and the DISTRACTION and power of a beautiful woman, said that for the sake of spreading the Gospel that he recommended that disciples should STAY SINGLE.534

King Balak offered the Prophet Balaam a bunch of money to put a curse on the Hebrews, but God prevented him from doing it. So to get the money Balaam spelled out a plan for the Moabites and the Midianites to prostitute their beautiful daughters to the Hebrews; to invite them into their homes and indulge in their new strange foods with potions offered to idols and after a while they will fall in love with them and want to marry them. But then withdraw the daughters and the Hebrews will follow after them; BUT they cannot have them as wives unless they reject the one God known only to the nation of Israel and accept the gods that are known by many nations.

THE PLAN WORKED and Balaam got his money without cursing the Hebrews; but later was killed. What profits a man if he gains the whole world, yet loses his own life?535

I include Balaam’s LONG CON game as the scriptures report. Josephus the Jewish Historian who lived in the time of Jesus explains how Balaam tricked the Hebrews into SIN using WOMEN to turn their heads. I encourage you to read his account below.

Josephus 6:129 Balaam uses foreign women to cause SIN
Do you therefore set out the handsomest of such of your daughters as are most eminent for beauty, and proper to force and conquer the modesty of those that behold them, and these decked and trimmed to the highest degree you are able. Then do you send them to be near the Israelite’s camp and give them in charge, that when the young men of the Hebrews desire their company, they allow it them. 6:130 and when they see that they are enamored of them, let them take their leaves; and if they entreat them to stay, let them not give their consent till they have persuaded them to leave off their obedience to their own laws and the worship of that God who established them, and to worship the gods of the Midianites and Moabites; FOR BY THIS MEANS GOD WILL BE ANGRY AT THEM.

Josephus 13:22 Balaam lost his life because of greed
22 In addition to those slain in battle, the Israelites had put to the sword Balaam son of Beor, who practiced divination.

533 Nehemiah 13:27 Command: Be obedient; do not marry foreign wives -- Ezra 10:11 Separate yourselves from Foreign Wives 534 1 Corinthians 7:6-9 For sake of preaching the Gospel, it is better not to marry
535 2 Peter 2:15 Balaam loved the wages of unrighteousness and was PAID OFF -- Numbers 24:25 Balaam gave the dastardly, devious, dirty plan & took home his booty -- Matthew 16:26 What benefit is riches, if it cost your life

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1 Timothy 2:13-15 The Woman was deceived & Man followed

13 For God made Adam first, and afterward he made Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived by Satan.

The woman was deceived, and sin was the result.
15 But women will be saved through childbearing, assuming they

continue to live in faith, love, holiness, and modesty. (NLT)

Genesis 3:16b God warns Women will desire control of Men

16 .... And YOU WILL DESIRE TO CONTROL YOUR HUSBAND, but he will rule over you.”


2 Corinthians 11:3 WARNING; don’t be led astray like EVE 3 But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted, just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent.


More Take Away


Adam and Eve were not only EQUAL partners as husband and wife, they were also EQUAL partners in SIN. Evie in her innocence experienced things that gives us examples of the treachery and the cunningness of Satan. Her Ego caused her to long to be equal with God, then her curiosity about the fruit changed to desire.

First Evie should have called her husband when the Serpent first started talking with her; the husband is over the family, just as God is over him.
Second she had only one commandment, “Do not eat of the tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil”. The Father told them both that this tree was something they should know about, but was to be avoided. You cannot take hot coals to your chest and not get burned. You cannot flirt with sin without being scared. Like the tree, Sin is something that should NOT even be looked at, played around with, sat under, climbed on or even though about. That’s just flirting with SIN;

avoid all appearances of Evil. JUST SAY NO 536

Paul wrote to the church at Corinth warning them of the danger of being led away from the Simplicity of the Gospel, tricked by the Cunningness of Satan. Paul said; “so you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?

EVE was TEMPTED by Satan, HUMBLED by sin and REDEEMED by the Father.

Eve’s ego thought the tree would give her wisdom, but the Book says the beginning of Wisdom isreverence;obediencetoGod. WhenweputtheWordofGodinourheart,wewillnotsinagainst Him.537 The world exalts pride in our achievements and possessions; encourages a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see. But these are not from the Father, but are from Satan, the ruler of this world. 538 It’s in the Book

So humble yourselves before God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Proverbs 9:10 OBEDIENCE to the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom

10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (NIV2011)

536 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Avoid anything that look like Evil -- Proverbs 6:27 – You can’t FLIRT with sin and not get burned 537 Psalm 119:11 Put the word of God in your heart; not sin
538 1 John 2:16 Cravings, Lustfulness, boasting comes from world
539 Romans 7:24-25 Jesus Christ will free us from a life of sin

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Chapter 3.22

After Adam and Eve were banished from the “Garden of Eden” they had twin boys; 540 Cain the first born and Abel the second. Cain is also spelled Kane (possessed). Many times in scripture, God has accepted the second born over the first born as blessed.541 Scripture does not say why, just that God’s ways are higher than our ways.542 Anyway, they both made offerings to God, but Cain AND his offering was rejected; God rejected Cain therefore rejecting his offering. Let’s take a look.

Genesis 4:4-5 God rejected Cain and his offering

4 But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his

flock. The LORD looked with favor on ABEL AND HIS OFFERING,

5 but on “CAIN” AND “HIS OFFERING” he did not look with favor. NIV


In ancient times there was always a conflict between the farmers who were the tillers of the ground and the semi-nomadic shepherds, herdsmen who always had to move on to “Greener Pastures” because sheep eat all the way down to the root, decimating the foliage.

Adam and Eve worshipped God and brought their children up to offer sacrifices with Dual Intent: Thanksgiving for what had been received and Faith that it would continue. The boys had two different trades; being able to exchange and trade with each other.543

Cain was a Farmer and raised vegetables and offered the “first fruits” of the soil to God

Abel was a Sheppard and raised sheep and offered the “firstlings” of the flock to God.
God looked with favor on Abel’s offering and not upon Cain’s. Much is made over the fact that God requires a meat offering, but The Torah commands sacrifices of both animals and grain crops, so then, what was the problem here?

Faith - Obedience
I don’t think it mattered what was being “offered”, it was Abel’s FAITH in God that commended

him as a righteous man before the Lord.544 Without faith, it’s impossible to please God.545 Faith was something Cain lacked. When you read the account, you can see Cain’s character was sullen, self- willed, haughty and vindictive.546 He harbored thoughts of murder in his heart. Scripture supports obedience to God is far better than your sacrifice to Him.547

540 Genesis 4:1-2 Cain and Abel were twins
541 Malachi 1:2 God chose Jacob over Esau the first born.
542 Isaiah 55:9 – God’s ways higher than man’s ways
543 Genesis 3:23 Man is cursed is to toil and work the ground -- Genesis 4:2 Two ways of life; shepherds and farmers 544 Hebrews 11:4 Abel had FAITH in God.
545 Hebrews 11:6 Without Faith, it’s impossible to please God
546 Proverbs 14:30 Envy rots the bones
547 1 Samuel 15:22 Obedience is better than sacrifices

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Cain and Abel

The Age old question is; why did God reject Cain’s offering? What was the Mark that was put on Cain?
If your eye is on the Mark, you will miss the point.

Setting the stage

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What happened next?

God disregarded Cainand his offering, but told him to cheer up, everything could still work out.548 This was about Cain, not about Cain’s offering. God extended Himself to Cain, but Cain’s pride was wounded which produced envy, hatred, violence, unbridled anger and a spirit of revenge. Cain was ticked off and mad and Satan was crouching on his doorstep ready to pounce.

Duly note; that it was not too late for Cain to choose the way of God. You can almost paint the picture. The brothers are two opposite classes of man. Abel is God’s humble, believing man of Faith and Cain is Satan’s proud, self-willed man.549 Good and Evil.

NOTE: God extended Himself in reconciliation to Cain; the hope of forgiveness and victory; telling him that if you do what is right; blessings are set before you,550 if you do what is wrong; then Curses. It’s the same today; we can try to do better or get angry with God. Life is choice driven.

Cain does the deed

Cain makes a life choice. Do what is right or do what is wrong; you are the master of your life. A seed planted in bitter resentment matures full grown in murder. Think about that. Cain is the “master” of the power of his decisions; he CAN choose to “master” his thoughts.

The next we know, Cain kills his brother Abel, probably with a spear. God shows up and asked Cain where his brother is; Cain utters the famous selfish defiant line “Am I My Brothers’ Keeper551 In other words; If Cain is missing, it’s your fault God; you’re the Keeper, the one that’s in charge, not me. This was not an accident from a wrestling match gone wrong. Cain conspired to get Abel to go into the field with him and then attacked him; this was premeditated murder.

Can’t you just jump into the story and see Cain set up the dirty dastardly deed by getting Abel to come out into the field with him and then run him through with his spear; dig a hole and roll his body into it and covered it up with dirt; a premeditated murder.552 Then he joins in the search with others to find his brother. Cain lies and denies his act of murder553 and offers no evidence of remorse or repentance. Cain is banished to be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth; the ultimate penalty for a Hebrew was Not Death, but to be exiled from the roots of his own family. 554

We now have the first Murderer and the first Martyr.

The Mark

This was the first murder in history. The boys were not kids, they were full grown married men555 and there were lots of brothers and sisters and families; it would be his fellow kinsmen that would want to avenge the murder of Abel. The atonement for this sin was the shedding of his own blood. He was a dead man walking.

Cain did not say his iniquity was too great to forgive, he said his punishment was too great to bear. There was no remorse; no cry of repentance, no cry for mercy and a pardon. God in his mercy marks Cain so no one would try to kill him.556 This is a good place to mention that the “heathen” would cut shapes on themselves and rub colored dirt in it to make symbols. (Tribal marks were well known in the Middle East.)557 God said Israel was a special people a royal priest hood558 and didn’t want them to do anything that looked like the heathen.559 So it was a big deal to have a tattoo; symbolically it meant YOU DID NOT BELONG TO GOD.

548 Genesis 4:6 – Don’t be downcast and angry
549 1 John 3:12 – Cain’s actions were evil and he belonged to Satan. -- John 8:44 Satan was a murderer from the beginning 550 Deuteronomy 30:19 Blessings and Curses are set before you -- Genesis 4:7 Do what is right and I will accept YOU. 551 Genesis 4:9 - Am I my brother’s keeper?”
552 Genesis 4:8 – Cain’s Premeditated Murder of Abel
553 Genesis 4:9 LIES & DEFIANCE; I don’t know where Abel is
554 Genesis 4:13-14 Cain; you are out of here; GO!
555 Genesis 4:17 Cain was married and had a child named Enoch
556 Genesis 4:15-16 God put a mark on Cain to save his life
557 Isaiah 44:5 Tattoo on the hand identifies who you belong to
558 1 Peter 2:9 - You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
559 Deuteronomy 14:1 – No tattoos on God’s people

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What was the mark? This is where your own BS, your Belief System kicks in; some students of the Word believe it was a tattoo, others a disease of the mind, lunacy,560 a maniac or leprosy, others say God turned Cain BLACK. What if Cain was already black and God turned him white?

Why do we assume that Adam and Eve were white or even olive complexion? To say that God, as a curse, made Cain “BLACK” is allowing Satan to drive a wedge between the races. Satan did the samethingwiththeJewsandtheGentiles. HateissinandafootholdforSataninyourlife;thecurse was on Cain; not on “a people.Satan shakes his fist at God, desiring to destroy Man; God’s finest creation that was made in His own image Understand that Cain called out to God for mercy, and it was out of God’s compassion that Cain received “THE MARK” instead of death. Bloodshed pollutes the land.

The Mark: A man’s hands and forehead are the most prominent; and a discoloration like leprosy or a type of tattoo is the most scripturally logical. I personally favor huge splotches of discoloration on his whole body like leprosy that everyone could see. 561 Real Scary Stuff.

Some students of the Word feel the “City of Refuge562 he built where you could go and be safe may have been his “mark of protection”. Others feel it’s also possible, as a mark or token, that God just “symbolically” assured Cain that He would protect him

The purpose of the mark was to let everyone know that Cain had murdered his brother and was sentenced by God to be a perpetual fugitive and a restless vagabond cursed to wander the earth; not cursed to death, for he was NOT TO BE KILLED; death was God’s prerogative alone.

Cain went out of the Lord’s presence; that means Cain separated himself from God and there is no record that he ever came back.


Cain went to the “land of Nod” which was just east of Eden, built a city and named it after his sonEnoch.(ThisisnottheEnochfromtheGodlylineofSethwhotooktheplaceofmartyredAbel.) The location of Nod is a mystery, and the term “land of Nod” may actually mean “Land of wandering” prophetic of man’s condemned state to wander.

This city became a “City of Refuge” where a man could run to so as to not be killed.563 Cain’s mark may have been the city itself that protected him. The building would have probably started in a cave and over 500 years made into a small city of mud huts as his family grew.

He was the ancestor of Tubal-Cain, the first metal worker, ancestor of the purported “Kenites”; a tribe of wandering metal workers. Woe, Woe they took to the ways of Cain.564

God took all the Kenites out; they gradually degenerated and become spiritually and morally corrupt and finally God took out all of Cain’s descendants in the flood. You reap what you sow; at some point the patience of God wears thin and there becomes no remedy; God will not be mocked.565

Adam and Eve had a third son; Seth, His descendent Noah was the only family line to survive the flood. Noah lived to be 950 years old and Methuselah lived to a ripe old age of 969.

Interestingly; to God a day is like a thousand years; no one ever lived over one of God’s days.566

560 Daniel 4:33 Nebuchadnezzar was marked with insanity; he ate grass
561 Exodus 13:16 The mark is a symbol on your hand or forehead -- Isaiah 3:9 You can see their sin on their faces -- Numbers 12:10-15 Miriam was marked with leprously like snow. -- 2 Chronicles 26:20 Leprosy can be seen on the forehead -- Revelation 14:9-10 Mark of the Beast on the forehead or hand will become a curse
562 Numbers 35:25 The slayer can go to the City of Refuge to avoid death of the revenger of blood -- Deuteronomy 28:16-19 You will be cursed in the city and in the county -- Genesis 4:10 – The ground calls out your Brother’s blood -- Isaiah 26:21 The earth will disclose the blood shed upon her -- Numbers 35:33 Atonement for murder is only by the blood of the one who shed it. -- Hebrews 12:24 Only the blood of Jesus cries louder than Abel’s
563 Genesis 4:17 Cain built a City of Refuge named for his son Enoch -- Genesis 6:5 They became spiritually and morally corrupt - - Deuteronomy 19:2 City of refuge; a place to flee till a trial -- Numbers 35:12 City of refuge for Protection until the trial
564 Jude 10-11 Cain spoke abusively and did not have understanding; Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain;
565 Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived; God will not be mocked -- 2 Chronicles 36:16 After a while there is just no remedy; God will not be mocked
566 2 Peter 3:8 A thousand years to the Lord is only a day

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The Take Away

Life is Choice Driven. The Lord looks on the thoughts and attitude of man’s heart. Cain could have learned from his experience, but made a life choice to get angry. Anger is a foothold for Satan; it’s a seed of sin that can mature into a harvest of death.

Abel in Hebrew means; Vapor; breath; futility; his life was a vapor.

Cain in Hebrew means: Get; acquire; spear, he probably killed his brother with a spear. The word Cain is related to us the word meaning “to forge in metal; hence a “smith”. (Cain’s descendants weremetalworkers) Cain’sofferingwasunacceptablebecauseofCain’sabsenceofFAITHandlackof respect.

The Mark: We don’t know what the mark was, but when you saw Cain; immediately you knew he was under sentence from God and you stayed far away from him. The Purpose of the Mark was toprotectCain’slife. WefindcommandsintheOTtobuild“CitiesofRefuge”formantorunto for protection till he had his day in court.

Anger is a foothold for Satan. Obedience is better than offerings. Without FAITH it’s impossible to please God.

Matthew 12:34-35 Good comes out of a good heart



35 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up

in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up

in him. NIV

1 Samuel 16:7 God looks on the heart - the reason for actions

7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD sees not as man sees; for


Romans 2:28-29 Circumcision inward of the heart

28 A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.

29 No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and CIRCUMCISION IS CIRCUMCISION OF THE HEART,

BY THE SPIRIT, not by the written code. NIV

Hebrews 4:12 He judges the thoughts & attitudes of the heart

12 For THE WORD OF GOD is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it


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Book 3 Angels Satan Nephilim Demons Garden of Eden
In the multitude of counselors,

there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14

101 Q&A on Demon Powers Dr. Lester Sumrall
90 Minutes in Heaven Don Piper
A Commentary; Critical, Experimental and Practical - Eerdmans All the Women of the Bible Edith Deen
Angels A-Z Lewis Oliver
Angels: Gods Secret Agents Billy Graham
Antiquity of the Jews Flavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha Edgar J. Goodspeed
Armageddon-Appointment with Destiny Grant R. Jeffrey Bible Almanac; The Packer-Tenney-White
Bible Commentary F.B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary Nelson’s
Bible on the life Hereafter; The
William Hendriksen
Book of Enoch
Book of Mormon; The Latter Day Saints LDS
Can America Survive? John Hagee
Cherubim Chariots Josh Peck
Countdown to Armageddon, the 1980’s Hal Lindsay
Creation or Evolution Lyle Albrecht
Customs and Folkways of Jewish Life Theodor H. Gaster Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Florentino Garcia Martinez Doctrine of Last Things Dr. John Harvey
Don’t know much about the Bible – Kenneth C. Davis Encounters with Angels L. W. Northrup
Escape from Armageddon Thomas Reed
Exposition of Genesis H.C. Leupold
Expositor’s Bible Commentary Frank E. Gaebelein
Final Battle; The Hal Lindsey
Final Dawn over Jerusalem John Hagee
Forgotten Books of Eden; The - World
From Daniel to Doomsday John Hagee
Guide to Survival Salem Kirban
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The Tyndale
Image of God; The John Piper
In the beginning was the End Wim Malgo
In Touch Dr. Charles Stanley
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament - Baker


I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their

shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.

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Book 3 Angels Satan Nephilim Demons Garden of Eden

Invisible War; The Donald J. Barnhouse
Illustrated Manners and Customs of the Bible Packer Tenney Islam 6th Edition Caesar E. Farah
Islam and the Bible David Goldmann
Islam; Christian Apologetics Dr. Norman Geisler
Jerusalem Countdown John Hagee
Last Days; The - Moris Farhi
Late Great Planet Earth; The Hal Lindsey
Liberty Commentary of the New Testament J Falwell
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Loud Cry; The David Curtis
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Meredith’s Book of List; 1&2 –Bethany House Publishers
Missing Books of the Bible; The Halo Press
Mormon Mirage; The Latayne Colvett Scott
Mysteries of the Bible Readers Digest
Mystery of the Ages Herbert W. Armstrong
Nag Hammadi Library; The James M. Robinson
Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The Douglas - Tenney New Millennium; The Pat Robertson
Nostradamus & the Millennium John Hogue
Now that’s a Good Question – R.C. Sproul
On the Path of Immortals Thomas Horn & Chris Putnam
One Minute after you Die Erwin W. Lutzer
Other side of the Good News; The Larry Dixon
Present Day Evangelism Arthur W. Pink
Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Walvoord
Revelation Seminar, the 1975 - Hilton Sutton
Revelation Study, the - 1973 Dr. Warren Wiersbe
Revelation, the verse by verse Oliver B. Green
Satan’s Underground Lauren Stratford
Satanism Ted Schwarz & Duane Empey
Secret Kingdom; The Pat Robertson
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls Hugh J. Schonfield
Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha; The E.A. Burtt
Ten Commandments John Hagee
There were Two Trees in the Garden Rick Joyner
Thru the Bible J. Vernon McGee
Unseen Realm; The Michael S. Heiser
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament Mac Donald What in the World is going on? David Jeremiah
What the Bible says about Death - Signs of the times
Who’s Who in the Bible Paul D. Gardner
Witchcraft, puppets and Voodoo Irene A. Park
Within Heaven’s Gates – Rebecca Springer
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The Pfeiffer & Harrison Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The Tenney


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