
Friday, April 21, 2023

Book X - Doctrine – Tradition – Customs – Celebrations – Marriage – Divorce


Book10 Doctrine–Tradition-Customs–Celebrations–Marriage-Divorce IT’SINTHEBOOK


All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness.
- 2 Timothy 3:1



Doctrine – Tradition Customs – Celebrations Marriage - Divorce

Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman

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Book10 Doctrine–Tradition-Customs–Celebrations–Marriage-Divorce It’s in the

Book X

Doctrine – Tradition Customs – Celebrations Marriage - Divorce


Topical Index

For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1



9 15 21

10) Yahweh Yoga - Postures – Breathing - Meditation – Mind Control – Detachment 43 11) Sabbath - Saturday or Sunday - Origin – Purpose – 7th Day Adventist – Old/New Covenant 47 12) Christmas - Christmas Trees – Holly Wreathes – Mistletoe - Ivy - Caroling – Santa Clause 55 13) Kwanzaa - Maulana Karenga – 7 Symbols –7 Kwanzaa Principals – 7 Blackness Principals 60 14) Easter – Rabbits - Eggs – Ham - Lilly – Hot Cross Buns - Holy Water - Sunrise Services 64 15)Lent-Ash&SpyWednesday–MaundyThursday-GoodFriday–HolySaturday -PalmSunday 70 16)Halloween-TrickorTreat;Halloween,Satanicorjustforfun–WhattheheckisaDruid? 73 17) Star of David - Shield of Solomon – Badge of Shame - Pentagram – Hexagram 79 18) The Cross – ICHTHUS - Cross Beam – Sign – The Ankh – The Fish –The Great Exchange 82 19) Marriage Covenant – Covenant Design – Interracial Marriage - Polygamy – Sampson’s wife 88 20) Marriage Customs - Selection – Courtship – Age - Bride Price - Engagement – Wedding 94 21) Divorce - Scriptural Divorce - Separation – Exceptions to the Rule - The Mind – Adultery 96 22) Soul Mate - Characteristics and Conditions – The Perfect Model - Marriage without God 104 23) Good Wife - Works linen garments with eager hands – Plants a garden - Helps the needy 114


1) Age of Accountability - Just & Fairness Doctrine – Household Salvation – Aborted Babies
2) Baptism - Emersion – Dip – Pour – Sprinkle – Lay Hands – Who was John the Baptizer?
3) Infant Baptism - Not in the Bible - Inferential Evidence – Two Sacraments – Anabaptist
4) Circumcision - The Mark - Plastic Surgery – The Blood Covenant - The Adams Family
5) Foot Washing - Custom – Significance - Is it a sacrament like Baptism and Communion? 27 6) Head Coverings - Skullcaps – Angels - Nephilim – Women’s Liberation – Submission 30 7) Tattoos - Forced Tattoos – God’s Tattoo – Beast’s Tattoo – Mark of ownership – Body Art 36 8) Snake Handlers – “Signs People” – Brood of Vipers – The Conflict –Tempting God 38 9) Unicorn - Leviathan – Behemoth - Supernatural Powers – New Age Symbolism – Sightings 41

1 1 Corinthians 13:12

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Chapter 10.1

Age of Accountability

Predestination – Free Willie – Just & Fairness Doctrine All Babies in Heaven – Household Salvations
Aborted Babies - Ignorance of the Law

How can a JUSTGod catapult billions of innocent babies into Hell? First Word

This subject is not a hill that I am prepared to stand on, defend and die for, nor am I dogmatic and adamant about my conclusions; but I present them here as I find them and it’s possible that your BS; your Belief System might just get a kink in it. This subject is about the Theological notion that children are covered by God’s grace until they mature enough to understand fully the results of their actions. The conclusion is that Sin is free and without consequence until a certain age, and presupposes that sin must first be recognized before it is actually accountable to them.

This would include people who are incapable of recognizing personal responsibility due to mental, emotional or developmental disabilities, they may be retarded, illiterate, deaf or blind, have learning disabilities or physical handicaps; they may never have the potential to understand spiritual things.

To upset you right away, Salvation has never been granted based on physical handicaps, nor is it taught anywhere in scripture. The Apostle Paul said that we should not go beyond what is written2 in the scriptures and my plan is to interpret accurately, literally and generously as WIDE as I can.

In my BS, I see the problem is that we have accepted non-biblical doctrines as FACT.

Before we begin, I must confess that the doctrine of TAA; The Age of Accountability” is just conjecture since it is not found anywhere in scripture, not even in an abstract way, in fact there is nothing in scripture that implies that someone must fully understand sin to be accountable for his actions. What we do is take our BS; our Belief System and Reverse Engineer our objectives so that the outcome justifies our own beliefs.

If you twist the scriptures and torture it enough, you can make it confess pretty much to what you want it to say... I can show that 120,000 people in Nineveh who did not know their right hand from their left must have been in an Age of Innocence.3

I can find scripture that supports the Age of Accountability4 as 7, 12, 13, 20 and 21,5 but they all can’t be right; or does it vary from culture to culture and from age to age? Is it affected by social and environmental factors which can include the influence of television, movies, games, parents, teachers and the things that they have learned in life? I can also support that there is NOT an Age of Accountabilitythat men just made it up. I can even give you scripture that shows that unborn babies are doomed to hell, as well as that they will all go to heaven; both can’t be right.

2 1 Corinthians 4:6 - Do not go beyond what is written
3 Jonah 4:11 – 120,000 under the age of accountability, they do not know their right hand from their left 4 Isaiah 7:16 – There is a time when you are able to know right from wrong
5 1 Chronicles 27:23 – Must be 21 or older

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You already believe that a good and just God would not send a baby to hell. You believe that God would not hold someone eternally accountable for wrong when they do not yet know good from evil.

Guess what? - You have already unknowingly made God in your own image”.
We will look at all of this and you will have a hard time processing it because of your
BS; your Belief System that is already in place. What your BS already believes will cause you to reject what the scriptures

say; so get ready to get upset.

Household Salvation

I am able to present scriptures of whole households being baptized into the family of God,6 but this is NOT saying that when you become a Christian and are baptized, that your whole family is saved. It just means that the whole household has been brought into the family of God to be brought along in the precepts until they can make their own individual decision.

The Bible does not teach Household Salvation, the children of the parents that repented will also be required to repent. God only has children; there are no grandchildren; you cannot ride into heaven on your mothers coat tail.

I was interviewing a young man for a job and he told me countless glowing stories of what his mom had done in the church and community. I said your mom sounds like an excellent candidate for this job, but I need to know about YOU.

ALL Babies go to heaven

It is believed that scripture shows that David knew children went directly to heaven which proves that there is an “Age of Accountability”. David’s son died and David said that his son could not come to him, but one day he would go to his son.7

If you want it to; you can set up a Belief System that David knew his baby was in heaven and one day he would go to heaven and be with him, or your Belief System could embrace that his baby died and was in the grave and one day he would also die and go to the grave.

We are warned to not go further than what is written in the scriptures.8 What the verse about the baby dying does, is to reinforce God’s Judgment on sin, which is death.

Age of Accountability

The age of accountability for a Jewish boy according to Jewish law is 13 years of age when he becomes a “bar mitzvah” and is then accountable for his actions. According to Orthodox and Conservative Jews; a girl becomes a “bat mitzvah” at the age of 12 and according to Reform Jews, she is accountable at the age of 13. Wikipedia

Jehoash was 7 years old when he became accountable9 and began to reign as king. Because Jesus was taken to Jerusalem to attend the feast of the Passover at the age of 12,10 many students of the Word feel that the age of accountability is around the time associated with puberty when one becomes conscious of their own desires, drives, impulses, passions and is when sinful attitudes begins to emerge.

Israel took a census, those accountable were numbered were 20 years of age and up.11 Until they reached the age of accountability they were considered INNOCENT and INCAPABLE of sin. Scripture says the little ones have no knowledge of good and evil12... It’s in the Book... sort of...

Accountability to Secular Law and Accountability to God’s Laws are two separate things.

6 1 Corinthians 1:16 – Stephanas whole household Baptized -- Acts 11:13-14 – Cornelius was saved and his household. -- Acts 16:15 - Lydia was baptized, and her household baptized as well -- Acts 16:31-33 – Jailer was baptized and his whole family
7 2 Samuel 12:22-23 – I will go to the grave with my son
8 1 Corinthians 4:6 - DO NOT GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN

9 2 Kings 11:21 – Seven years old began to reign
10 Luke 2:42-46 – When Jesus was Twelve years old, He went to the Temple
11 Numbers 14:28-30 - Twenty years old and upward -- Exodus 30:14 - Twenty years old and upward
12 Deuteronomy 1:39 – Little ones have no knowledge of good & evil -- Luke 18:15-17 – All little children go to heaven

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Does God set the Age?

God pretty much set the age of accountability at 20 based on who would be allowed to go into the Promised Land.13 He said, those younger did not know Good from Bad.14 What is not factored in is God had cursed the Israelites for GRUMBLING against Him and for believing the bad report brought back by the spies. Only two of the spies; Caleb and Joshua were allowed to go into the Promised Land. Those who were young and did not know GOOD from BAD about this rebellion, nor were a part of it, would be allowed to enter into the Promised Land.

This was not about the age of accountability, but about the adults who had grumbled and rebelled against God and would not be allowed to enter into the Promised Land.

This teaches that the next generation of children will not suffer for the sins of their parents.

Now for the rest if the news

Eisegesis is a big word that means; the process of interpreting a text or portion of text in such a way that the process introduces one's own presuppositions, agendas, or biases into and onto the text. This is commonly referred to as reading into the text”. Wikipedia

When we talk about an age of accountability, we must take a serious look at what the scriptures record about Original Sin which babies are a part of; this is where your BS; your Belief System starts to fall apart.15

This is what God says.
We are NOT sinners because we sin;
we sin because we are born sinners; it’s our nature.

God is sovereign and everything was created by Him and for Him, for His purpose. There are some wicked who are “estranged(they turn aside);17 they are wicked in the womb and as soon as they are born they go astray speaking poisonous lies and liars will not enter the Kingdom of God.18 WHAT?

It’s in the Book.
God did not say children starts speaking lies when they reach the age of accountability, but as soon

as they are born; He likens them to SNAKES. Think about it... who teaches a child to lie? An infant is just a Sinner in diapers.

Get ready to get upset; if you think that God does not kill infants and children, you are mistaken. God told Saul to utterly destroy the Amalek adults including their INNOCENT CHILDREN and INFANTS,19 knowing that the small Amalekites would grow up to be big Amalekites and continue the evil of their parents.

A rattlesnake emerging from its egg is tiny and cute; but it’s still a rattlesnake.20
God calls for judgment on Babylon and authorizes CHILDREN to be dashed to pieces before the parent’s eyes.21 God calls for Assyria to make a war of judgment on Israel and dash their CHILDREN to pieces and rip open the PREGNANT WOMEN.22 Assyria is to make war on Egypt; CHILDREN dashed to pieces.23 Babylon is to be destroyed and the LITTLE ONES dashed against the rocks.24 God says

blessed is the Nation that dashes the LITTLE ONES in Babylon against the rocks.25

13 Numbers 14:28-30 - Twenty years old and upward who have GRUMBLED AGAINST ME will NOT enter into the promised land 14 Deuteronomy 1:39 – Those under twenty who do not know good from bad about the rebellion will enter the promised land
15 2 Timothy 4:3 – With itching ears we chose our own beliefs
16 Psalm 51:5 – We are sinful from conception

17 Psalm 58:3-4 – The wicked turn aside in the womb; at birth go astray 18 Revelation 21:27 – No liar will enter into the kingdom of God
19 1 Samuel 15:3 – Kill the Amaleks; man, woman, child & Infant
20 Proverbs 20:11 – A child is known by his acts of conduct

21 Nahum 3:10 – Young children dashed to pieces
22 Hosea 13:16 – Pregnant women ripped open
23 Isaiah 13:15-16 - Children dashed to pieces before their eyes
24 Psalm 137:8-9 – Little ones dashed against the rocks
25 Psalm 137:9 - Happy is he who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rocks.

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What happened in Sodom and Gomorrah? Everyone was destroyed including the children, infants and those in the womb. 26 Were the babies really innocent or rattlesnakes in the making? Did you see what God did to some kids that were harassing His prophet? He sent bears out of the woods and they TORE UP 42 children.27

Note: this was a gang of small boys who would have robbed and most probably killed the Prophet.

What happens to aborted babies? First of all, we must put into our BS that all mankind is on the

road to Hell - ALL - The aborted babies that God CHOSE to save will be in heaven28 and those He

DID NOT choose to save will eventually be in HELL. Think about it; Abortion is MURDER and if all

murdered babies went to heaven, then we could reason that we should kill our children to make sure they

all wind up in heaven. Murder is a Sin and is not a method of salvation taught anywhere in scripture. (However, The Qur’an teaches murder is OK)

Life begins at conception and the baby is complete with an eternal soul. In a study in 1999, there were 4,250,000 neo-natal deaths or deaths in the womb which mostly occurred in primitive and pagan nations. If you add each year up until today, you will realize that Heaven and Hell are being populated at an unpresented rate; these souls are eternal somewhere.

No life or death occurs apart from the purpose of God.29
There are some infants that are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit at conception in the womb and set apart for His purpose and will automatically be in heaven.30 Likewise there are others that God chose

for His purpose BEFORE He ever made the earth.
According to God there are some who are still in the womb that have neither done good nor bad

who He HATES based on His purpose and His election,31 and He says PLAINLY that some children are just plain EVIL,32 so why should we expect a sinful, fallen, guilty, depraved child without spiritual, religious or moral merit at death be welcomed into the Kingdom of God?

Scripture never suggest that children are without sin, but teaches that we are ALL sinful at any age; we are born in Sin. David confessed that he was sinful at conception; the Bible says the whole world is accountable for their sins and that would include children.

No child comes into the world innocent, children are just Short Sinners.

A Word about Sin

The Law of Human Nature thinks UNFAIR behavior is just plain wrong. Why is that? Where does this Standard of Right and Wrong and decent behavior come from? There must be some sort of .an agreement of what right and wrong is, that is beyond ordinary facts. The Bible says the laws are written on our hearts; accusing us or excusing us.33 SELAH; Ponder that

The whole world is held accountable to God;34 and by nature deserve His wrath.35 The Word is clear, if you sin you will die.36 There is not one that is righteous or innocent, not even babies;37 NOT ONE.38

26 Genesis 18:32 – Children in Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed
27 2 Kings 2:23-24 – GANG of 42 kids killed by God
28 2 Corinthians 5:8 – When the BELIEVER is absent from his body he is present with God in heaven
29 Ephesians 1:4-5 – God chose some according to THE PURPOSE of HIS WILL before He made the earth
30 Jeremiah 1:5 – Before you were born, I chose you -- Galatians 1:15 – God called some by His Grace while still in the womb. -- Luke 1:15 – John the Baptist was called to be a Nazarene while still in the womb
31 Romans 9:11-12 – Neither were born, neither done good nor bad, but God chose one and not the other -- Romans 9:13 - Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated before they were even born
32 2 Chronicles 36:9 – God saw evil in 8 year old Jehoiachin
33 Romans 2:15 – Laws are written in our hearts accusing or excusing -- Psalm 51:2-3 - My sins are forever before me
34 Romans 3:19 - The whole world is held accountable to God
35 Ephesians 2:3 - We by our nature deserve His wrath -- Romans 1:18 - The wrath of God is against ALL ungodliness
36 Romans 6:23 - The wages of sin is death -- Ezekiel 18:20 - The soul who sins shall die for his own sins, not for his father’s sins or his sons sins
37 Proverbs 20:9 – None can say, I am clean pure from my sin
38 Romans 3:10-12 – None are righteous, all have turned aside; no one does good, NOT ONE -- 1 Kings 8:46 - For there is no one who does not sin

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All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,39 we are sinful in the womb and our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked40 and there are no exceptions; we are without excuse.

Ignorance is no excuse for the Law, man’s law or God’s Law, even someone who sins in ignorance; their sin must be atoned for; forgiven. There is no “sin in ignorance” that is not accountable to God; that’s why we desperately need a Savior. 41

Someone who is wicked as an adult, is wicked and unsaved as a child; therefore if you are never going to be saved as an adult, you can never be held UN-ACCOUNTBLE as a child. God’s Law is instilled and written upon our hearts that we inherently have a knowledge of GOOD and EVIL and know instinctively through creation to recognize SIN, thus the Law extends beyond our ability to physically hear, read or understand it; so there is no excuse.42

The Take Away

We see through a glass dimly and concerning salvation, we base our own BS on what WE think is FAIR and JUST and not what is written in scripture; we pretend to know better than our Lord. If you believe in “Fairness”, then you believe that the “Judge of all the earth” will do what is JUST and FAIR with children and infants;43 just like YOU would do.

If your BS embraces the doctrine of “Predestination”, then you believe that only the infants and children who are the “elect” or the predestined will go to heaven and ALL the rest will go to hell.

If your BS embraces the doctrine of “Free Will”, then you believe that the children who have NOT made a “Free Will” decision for Christ, will ALL go to hell; unless of course you also believe there is a MAGICAL DOCTRINE of the Age of Accountability”, then they will ALL go to heaven.

My BS seems to be that of a “COMPATIBILIST” don’t have to pick and choose between Predestination and Free Will, both doctrines are taught in the Bible and are compatible with each other and are under the Sovereignty of God and run parallel all the way to the Gates of Heaven. Jesus gave THE GREAT COMMISSION to go and preach the Gospel and sent the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin44 and in His plan, purpose and mercy,45 He also predestined some to salvation.

The Age of Accountability is an emotional doctrine that was created in the belief that God would not send a child or a baby to Hell, however, although Sin is universal, Salvation is not. The whole world is held accountable to God and by nature everyone deserves death.

Salvation has never been granted nor based on physical handicaps or age, nor is it taught anywhere in scripture.46 At conception they are infected with the SIN VIRUS which corrupts their desires, attitudes, motives and ambitions

All children are sinners at conception and THAT IS the Age of Accountability”. CHILDREN ARE JUST SHORT SINNERS.

Listen for a moment; REASON WITH ME47... Scripture will confirm that not one that belongs to the Lord will be lost; NOT ONE.48 If we are saved at conception; in the womb, then we are eternally saved. We are not temporarily saved and then lose our salvation at some flexible Age of Accountability in life that man has made up; we are accountable at CONCEPTION.

39 Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and fall short of God’s standard -- Ecclesiastes 7:20 - There is not a man on earth who does not sin -- Psalm 51:5 – I was sinful at birth from when my mother conceived me
40 Jeremiah 17:9 – The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked
41 Numbers 15:28 – Sinning in IGNORANCE is NOT an exception -- James 4:17 – If you know good that you ought to do and don’t do it then its SIN

42 Romans 1:19-20 – We are all without excuse for his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world -- Matthew 19:25-26 – Who then can be saved; with God all thing are possible
43 Genesis 18:25 -The Judge of all the earth will do what is just
44 John 10:26-27 – You don’t believe because you do not belong -- 1 Corinthians 2:14 - Natural man cannot receive spiritual things -- Romans 8:5-7 – Natural man is unable to submit to God on his own

45 John 16:8-9 – Holy Spirit convicts the world concerning sin -- Matthew 16:16-17 – The Holy Spirit reveals spiritual things
46 John 6:65 – FIRST: God’s mercy grants the way for belief -- 1 Corinthians 12:3 – SECOND: The Holy Spirit makes it possible -- Romans 9:15-16 – Mercy does not depend on human will
47 Isaiah 1:18 - Come, let us reason together
48 Romans 8:38-39 – Nothing can separate us from our Lord -- John 18:9 – None will be or can be lost that have come to the Lord

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If all babies are saved, then all adults are saved.
Man has no right to institute a law, arbitrarily pick an age of accountability or establish a time when a

person is free of sin and judgment. Salvation does not require an age, nor does judgment.49
No matter what position you take; God is still sovereign in His plan and purpose. He will decides

on whom He will have mercy and on whom He will not.50 It’s in the Book
We are saved by Grace, not by human will, but by God’s sovereign will and His mercy.51


Psalm 22:10 – From my mother's womb You have been My God

10 I was cast upon You from birth. From My mother's womb You have been My God.


Psalm 22:9 - You made Me trust while on My mother's breasts

9 But You are He who took Me out of the womb; You made Me trust while on My mother's breasts.


1 Corinthians 1:25 – God’s foolishness is wiser than man’s wisdom

25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the

weakness of God is stronger than human strength. (NIV2011)

49 Romans 14:12 - Each of us will give an account of himself to God
50 Romans 9:15-16 – Salvation is by God’s Mercy it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy
51 John 14:6 - No one comes to the Father except through Jesus -- Acts 4:12 – There is no other name which we can be saved Ephesians 2:8-9 – You are saved through faith; not of works past, present or future -- Ephesians 1:3-6 – It is God’s will and grace that makes us acceptable

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Chapter 10.2


Emersion – Pour – Dip – Sprinkle – Lay Hands Who was John the Baptist?

First Word

Question: Where did the concept of baptism come from? To understand this we need to know who John the Baptizer was. Let’s look at what was going on during the time of John to set the stage: Other writings indicate that there was a sect of “worshipers of God” that had removed themselves from the cities and were living just outside the city in the desert.

Such a sect was the Essenes who lived in the Qumran desert community where the Dead Sea scrolls were found. They had separated themselves from the apostate Israel and were totally devoted to God and considered themselves to be THE NEW ISRAEL. It is possible John was a member of this society; it is in this desert setting that we find John the Baptist preaching.

Now let’s park here for a moment and look at the appearing of an angel to a priest named Zechariah whose wife Elizabeth was barren.


Luke 1:12-17 – God names the child; John

13 But the angel said to him: "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name JOHN.
14 He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth,

15 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth.
16 Many of the people of Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God. 17 And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

Although John knew the Essenes way of life, it seems his calling was not of their secluded lifestyle,

but that the “Repentance” should be preached openly to ALL mankind.52 I would also point out that Jesus did not rebuke nor promote the Essenes withdrawn lifestyle, but took His message into the streets. In my BS it seems both are a calling from God and have their place.

The Birth of John was six months before the birth of Jesus. Let’s park here for a minute and go get a partial story of the birth of Jesus, as an angel appears to Mary to tell her about her new baby. She then goes into seclusion with her relative Elizabeth who is six months pregnant with John the Baptizer53 and Elizabeth’s baby leaps in her womb at the presence of Jesus in the womb of Mary.

52 Isaiah 40:5 – God says that ALL mankind should see the Lord. -- Matthew 9:35-36 – Jesus preaches openly everywhere the good news of the kingdom; healing every disease and even teaching in the temple

53 Luke 1:36-37– Jesus is the COUSIN of John the Baptizer

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Luke 1:26-35 – God addresses Jesus as the “Son of God”

26 In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee,
27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David.
The virgin's name was Mary.

35 The angel answered,
The Holy Spirit will come upon you,

and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.


Luke 1:39-41 – Mary tells Elizabeth about her baby

39 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea,
40 where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth.

41 When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb,
and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

So now we have an angel stating that the Priest Zechariah will have a son named John that will go

before Jesus and prepare the way. John would carry in him the “spirit” of Elijah the prophet.54 Thus fulfilling the prophecy of Malachi stating that God will send Elijah before the Messiah comes. John makes his home out in the desert55 with the same dress and mannerism as Elijah did as was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah.56

Matthew 3:1-3 - John’s message is repentance

1 In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea 2 and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."
3 This is he who was spoken of through the
prophet Isaiah:

"A voice of one calling in the desert,

`Prepare the way for the Lord,

make straight paths for him.'"

John the baptizer gets his name from his message of “Repentance” of sin and the symbolism of

his “BAPTISM” in water; it was always referred to as “John’s Baptism”.57 I would like to note here that people did not flock to the desert to see a wild man dressed in camel hair and eating locust, they came because they believed that John was a prophet of God 58 bringing the message of repentance.

I stand amazed that today most folks don’t go anywhere to hear about God and with that, maybe only as far as the TV if nothing else is on and perhaps there is some jumpin’ music that gets their attention.

Matthew 3:4-6 - John dressed funny and ate bugs

4 John's clothes were made of camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was LOCUSTS and wild honey.
5 People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan.


54 Malachi 4:5-6 – Prophecy; John would have the spirit of Elijah
55 Luke 1:80 – John lives in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel
56 Isaiah 40:3 – John preaches in the desert; A voice of one calling: In the desert prepare the way for the LORD57 Acts 18:24-25 – John the baptizer; THE BAPTISM OF JOHN.
58 Mark 11:30-32 – John was a prophet -- Luke 7:24-26 – John is more than a prophet

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Baptism of Water
Let’s look at Baptism. Water had a heavy symbolism of purity and was used in purification rites.

There are two similar words in Greek for Baptize; Bapto meaning to dip or immerse and the other Baptizo meaning a change that has taken place by some means. The latter was used most of the time in the scriptures.

Before Jesus came on the scene,59 John was using water baptism as the symbol of a person’s testimony of “repenting of sin” and their changed life.60 They certainly knew the story of Noah’s family being SAVED;61 raised up above the waters in the ark and the Israelites being SAVED; delivered through the waters of the Red Sea.

It is worth noting: Noah and the Israelites were brought through the waters, NEVER to go back. This is an intense statement: CHANGED, NEVER TO GO BACK.

Jesus is baptized
Jesus being sinless did not need forgiveness, but submitted to John’s baptism; a) to authenticate

John’s message, b) to confess sin on behalf of the nation, c) to inaugurate His public ministry, d) to identify with all humanity and e) to give us an example to follow.

John did not realize that Jesus was the Messiah when he saw him even though He was his own cousin. This was revealed to him ONLY when he saw the Spirit of God come down on Him.62 It is then that John points out a NEW BAPTISM that is to come, that of the Holy Spirit.63

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a whole word study into itself and it will be briefly touched on later. In a nut shell, John’s baptism was a “one timeoutward physical action; a testimony that everyone present witnessed. The Holy Spirits baptism is an inward Spiritual action producing a body life change that is a “continuous” witness to others.

Method vs: Change

The Jews, as a SIGN of their commitment to God, were circumcised to show that they were different than all the other nations. It was not the outward symbolization of circumcision that made them a Jew; but it was their inward CHANGE of heart.64

Faith in Jesus Christ is the necessary condition to receive baptism; baptism is a sacramental SIGN of new life through and in Christ. Baptism is symbolic of “CHANGE”; we die to our old life and “born again” to a new life.65 The use of water is a physical sign of baptism and is the public “symbol” witnessing to our “change” and commitment to God, much like the symbol of circumcision is an outward and inward change to the Jew. Although it is not a command, we see Gentiles today desiring to be circumcised.

Because of the proximity of a body of water, “submersion” was not always an option; poured or sprinkled carried the same symbol of “change” as submersion. It’s not the method; it’s the change of heart and our public commitment of dying to our old way of life and being raised up into a newness of life in Christ.

Submersion, Immersion, Dip, Pour, Sprinkle; all methods have been used down through the centuries. Archeologists have uncovered basins that the believer stood in, or knelt, as water was poured over their heads from a pitcher. It’s interesting how the word “wash(baptize) was used; the Pharisees were astonished that Jesus did not “ceremonially” wash (baptize) Himself before He ate bread.66

59 Matthew 3:11 – Jesus baptism is with the HOLY SPIRIT -- Acts 19:4-6 – Paul baptizes with the Holy Spirit
60 Luke 3:3 - John uses the SYMBOL of “baptism” for repentance -- Acts 13:24-25- John preached repentance and baptism
61 1 Peter 3:20-21 – Water “SYMBOLIZES” baptism that now saves you as Noah’s Ark saved the animals and Noah’s family
62 John 1:28-34 – John didn’t know Jesus was the Messiah until he saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on Him. 63 Acts 1:4-5 – Jesus Christ baptized with the Holy Spirit
64 Romans 2:28-29 – Circumcision doesn’t make you a Jew; it’s CHANGE
65 Romans 6:3-4 – Baptism symbolizes death to the old life and born again into a new life
66 Luke 11:38 - He sat down to eat without first performing the hand-washing ceremony required by Jewish custom. -- Mark 7:3 - The Jews do not eat until they have poured water over their cupped hands, as required by their ancient tradition.

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This was a partial immersion or baptism of their wrist and hands. The same word is used for “dip” as when they dipped (baptize) a morsel of bread.

Jesus was baptized by submersion,67 not because He was a sinner, but for the symbolism of a “change” in life for the believer and for a witness to John’s followers.68 Three thousand were baptized in one day, probably with water poured over their heads.69 Paul was baptized in a house;70 The jailer and his family were baptized in their house.71 The Israelites were baptized in a cloud.72 The thief on the cross was NOT BAPTIZED AT ALL, but had a change of heart.73 (Water doesn’t save)

Baptism of the Holy Spirit - all believers RECEIVE IT
The baptism of the Holy Spirit could not be FULLY realized until after Jesus had died on the cross,

not even to the twelve chosen disciples; but now we see this symbolism much more clearly. The BAPTISM of the Holy Spirit happened only once74 for ALL of us on the Day of Pentecost, and He lives within us, but “the filling” process happens over and over and over again because “We Leak”.

There is no special race or elite people that get the baptism of the Holy Spirit; there is not two “Classes” of Christians; those baptized with the Holy Spirit and those that are not.75

WHEN WE ARE SAVED, we are ALL baptized into one body, once and forever.76
The Holy Spirit tugs on our heart; and we become convicted of our sins; we repent and receive Christ and the Holy Spirit and then make a public confession (admission, acknowledgement, declaration) and profession of our intentions (work, career, vocation, occupation, business) through the symbolism of BAPTISM.

Baptism – A Public Commitment
The scriptures show that a PUBLIC confession and commitment is required. When you fall in

love with someone; you act differently; what’s in your heart overflows your mouth, you want everyone to know; otherwise you’re not really in love.

For sure, Faith is something you have, but it is expressed through your actions or you don’t really

have the faith. If you have the light, you will let it shine.77
If you do not confess it,78 you do not possess it.79

Baptism is “A Filling”

It must be pointed out that the term baptism of the Holy Spirit is mentioned in the scriptures only by John this one time. The rest of the time we see the term “FILLED” with the Holy Spirit. We are not actually commanded to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but just look at the following scriptures.

Ephesians 5:18 -- Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. NIV
Acts 2:3-4 -- All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. NIV

67 Matthew 3:16 – Jesus was submersed or totally immersed 68 Luke 3:16 – John baptizes by submersion
69 Acts 2:40-41 – Three Thousand got baptized in one day 70 Acts 9:17-19 – Paul was baptized in a house

71 Acts 16:31-34 – Jailers family baptized in a house
72 1 Corenthians 10:1-2 – The Israelites were baptized in a cloud
73 Luke 23:42-43 – The Thief – No baptism; water does not save
74 Ephesians 4:5-6 – One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father
75 Galatians 3:26-29 – There are not two classes of Christians, we are all ONE in Christ
76 1 Corenthians 12:13 – we were All baptized by one Spirit into one body -- Romans 6:3-4 – Baptized into death to the old life; buried and raised to a new life
77 Matthew 5:14-16 – You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden; Let your light shine
78 Romans 10:9-10 - It is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved -- Matthew 10:32-33 - Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.
79 Joshua 24:14-15 – Public commitment; as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD

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Acts 4:8 -- Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulers and elders of the people! NIV
Acts 4:31 -- After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. NIV

Acts 6:3-4 -- Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them
4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word."

5 This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit NIV
Acts 7:54-55 -- Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. NIV Acts 9:17-18 -- Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord-Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here-has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit." NIV

Acts 11:24 -- He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord. NIV
Acts 13:8-9 -- Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas NIV

Baptism is a “Change” in Life
Baptism is a change from one state to another, like a civilian putting on a soldier uniform; we put

on the garments of Christ, we are baptized into Christ; we are identified in Christ.80
Baptism is death and burial to our past life with change to a new resurrected life in Christ. Baptism is something that we do, but it is also something that has been done to us; Change. Baptism in water is not necessary for Salvation; otherwise the thief on the cross was lost.81 Our

salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone; Jesus Christ plus nothing else.
It’s interesting to note here, Baptism does not always refer to water;82 during the exodus, the Israelites

were baptized by a cloud unto life and the Rea Sea baptized the Egyptian Soldiers unto death; both experienced A CHANGE. Soon after the baptism of Jesus, John was put in prison and would soon be beheaded.83 John’s ministry is short, but his message of baptism and repentance continues.84

Baptism Does Not Save

While baptism is a commandment, it is neither a requirement nor a guarantee of a person receiving the gift of eternal life. About 35 years ago I was shocked when my pastor was preaching on baptism and spoke to the method used; he said, “I’ll use a water gun if that’s all I have”; he was implying that what really counted was the work of the Holy Spirit that changedthe heart on the inside.

The act of baptism must be accompanied by a heart attitude of faith in Jesus Christ Paul gives us an example of heart attitude. I repeat this scripture because of its intense statement about the Spirit.

Romans 2:28-29 - A man is not a Jew if he is ONLY ONE OUTWARDLY, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one INWARDLY; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God.


80 Galatians 3:26-27 – We are clothed and identified in Christ
81 Luke 23:42-43 - The thief on the cross was saved, but not baptized
82 1 Corenthians 10:1-3 – They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea 83 Mark 6:17-18 -- Herod throws John in prison where he is beheaded
84 Mark 1:14-28 – Jesus starts his traveling ministry preaching the Good News

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John Was Their Elijah

Jesus testifies of John the Baptist, this is a powerful statement: “no man born of a woman is greater than John on earth.85 The Hebrew’s were looking for Elijah to come in order to fulfill the scriptures. John was their TYPE of “Elijah” and had his spirit. John was the last of the OLD COVENANT prophets; this began a new era; thus the NEW COVENANT began with John and the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.86

Interestingly, Looking at John’s DIET, the ministry of Jesus was altogether different from that of John. Myself, not caring so much for honey dipped bugs87, I like the diet of Jesus better; I enjoy bread, meat, vegetables and a little Southern Comfort now and then.88

Matthew 11:11-15 – John was their type of Elijah

1 I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.

13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John.


15 He who has ears, let him hear. NIV

The Take Away

Baptism is a doctrine that divides denominations. At the base of every denomination are differences on church doctrine, usually legalism. We should not judge them because they are different from us, but work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. It’s not US and THEM; God has only ONE CHRUCH.

Water is symbolic of purity; we are commanded to be baptized with water.89 Faith in Jesus Christ is a requirement; baptism does not save, it is a symbol and sign of a “change” of heart; that you are “born again”. It is a public statement that you are dead to your old life; raised to a newness of life in Christ, never to go back to your old ways.

Baptism is a deeply felt sacrament; if you were baptized by sprinkling as a Methodist or Presbyterian and then join a Baptist church, your baptism will not be accepted, you must be submerged completely. This is a hurtful requirement as it makes your deeply personal experience in baptism seem null and void, that you must crucify Jesus Christ all over again and be baptized again in order to be accepted into a local body of believers.

Many are divided on this issue; some in the same family will attend and work in a Baptist Church but not be a member, and others will just be baptized again so they can throw themselves into the work of the Lord, thereby removing all division.

The method of baptism is any way you can; the way you are baptized does not change your salvation; read the scriptures, and then follow the Holy Spirit’s convictions of your heart.

We are to WORK OUT our own salvation with fear and trembling 90

85 John 3:30 - John’s wish was to become less and Jesus greater. -- John 1:6-9- John was a witness to the light of Jesus the Messiah 86 Luke 16:16-17 – The Good News started with John
87 Matthew 11:18 – John had a strict diet and did not drink alcohol.
88 Matthew 11:19 – Jesus drank wine and ate whatever was prepared for him.

89 Ephesians 4:4-6 – There is one body and one Spirit one Lord, one faith, ONE BAPTISM, one God and Father 90 Philippians 2:12-13 – WORK OUT your salvation with fear and trembling

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Chapter 10.3

Infant Baptism

Baptism; the water that divides - Baptism Defined – Anabaptist Inferential Evidence - Age of Accountability – Two Sacraments
Is it something you do, or something you receive? – Circumcision

First Word

I am a student of the scriptures and read many commentaries, gleaming a synthesis of thoughts and arguments of which conclusions I distill down into layman’s terms, which lets me side step the technical and minute peculiarities and counter arguments and grammatical controversies that just drive you crazy and present the results with just plain talk; the following is what’s in my BS, my Belief System.

Christians of many denominations are NOT UNITED on the subject of Infant Baptism, but have so much common ground on the things they do agree on, such as: a) the Bible is the errorless word of God, b) God is the creator of the universe, c) Jesus is the Son of God, d) The Holy spirit is the third person of the Trinity and e) we all are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. With that said we should walk with a sense of love towards those who have a different conviction on Infant Baptism especially since the Bible is silent on this subject; if it was a command, God would have told us so.

Paedo-Baptism, Covenant Baptism, Household Baptism or Infant Baptism, is a form of baptism that does not require the active participation of the baptized, but does require the active commitmentoftheparents. ManydenominationsthatdonotsupportInfantBaptismstillhavesolemn, but yet joyful “Dedication Ceremonies” for their children.

This is different from the Believer’s Baptism which does require active participation.

Infant Baptism is conspicuously absent in the Bible; there is not one incident of it, not even a description of it, nor is there a mandate for it. No one in the New Testament wrote about it; Jesus never baptized any children and nobody else in scripture did either; nor were they instructed or taught to do so. To link this 2000 year old TRADITION of infant baptism to the Bible, you would have to literally put it into the Bible yourself or use “Inferential Evidence”.

Inferential Evidence

God said I will establish my covenant between Me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant; to be God to you and to your offspring after you.91 The word COVENANT is mentioned some 270 times in scripture. The covenant is extended to children on the basis of parental faith.92

I want to paint a picture here of how infant baptism could be inferred in scripture. There is the mention of whole households being baptized which brings on the assumption that the total household family usually contained children.

Stephanas whole household was baptized,93 Cornelius and his entire household was saved.94 Lydia was baptized and her whole family,95 as well as the suicidal Jailer and his whole family was baptized.96

91 Genesis 17:7 – Covenant between God, Abraham & his children 92 Joshua 24:15 - Family Unity; My whole house will serve God
93 1 Corinthians 1:16 – Stephanas whole household was Baptized 94 Acts 11:13-14 – Cornelius was saved and his household.

95 Acts 16:15 - Lydia was baptized, and her household as well 96 Acts 16:31-33 – Jailer was baptized and his whole family

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Infant Faith was evident when the baby “John the Baptizer” leaped in the womb of his mother when Mary entered the room with Jesus still in her womb.97 Psalms says; from the womb you made me trust you. Jesus Himself said children can have faith and He took infants into His arms who were not necessarily of believing parents and He blessed them.98 Faith is not a product of just reason, but of a relationship which is not limited to the mind. The principal of Family Unity is clear in scripture.

A Hebrew child was circumcised as an infant and became part of the Covenant Family, likewise an infant born to a Christian Believer should be baptized and become part of the Covenant Family.

There is no evidence or record in the Bible that baptism was forbidden on the basic of age, nor does it prescribe an age for it. There is no evidence of anyone delaying the baptism of their children because of their age, nor is there evidence of anyone being against the baptism of an infant, nor was any parent challenged who wanted to do such.

When Christianity began, we only had scriptures of adults that were converted to the faith; there were no “Cradle Christians” who had been brought up from childhood in a Christian home; there just wasn’t any to be recorded in scripture. Jesus said the promise is for you and for your children; “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God”.99 There is a universal call to rise and be baptized;100 EVERYONE, not just adults.101

The Question; what scriptural principal is violated when a child is baptized and is brought along in their maturity of faith? The covenant faith of the parents qualifies a child to be baptized; brought into the kingdom of God and taught the principals of the faith.

Background Noise

There are a few things that are making NOISE in the background that people Believe and think are in the Bible, but in fact they have no scriptural reference at all; we need to look at a few of these and MUTE the sound.

Baptism has mysterious and magical Divine powers that Saves; MUTE. A child that dies before he is baptizedwillnotgotoheaven;MUTE. Baptismalwaterwashesawayoriginalsin;thisiscalledBaptismal Regeneration; MUTE. Jesus was baptized when he was 30; so teenagers, those in their 20’s and certainly infants should NOT be baptized early; MUTE. The Bible says that the age of accountability is set at 13; MUTE.

Hit the MUTE button; place your “BS”; your Belief System on hold for a little while. The real issue is; WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY about the status of children of Godly parents?

Two Sacraments

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the only two solemn sacraments that the Lord has appointed for us to observe.

The OT Passover is a meal that is restricted and reserved for those who can understand God’s redemptive act and is meant to nurture and grow the believer; it is a renewing of the Covenant of Grace. The NT Lord’s Supper is an observance that is restricted and reserved for those who have confessed Jesus as Lord of their life and have been baptized into the community of believers. There is one

body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, and ONE BAPTISM.

Baptism is a Command
On the day of Pentecost, Peter gave God’s COMMAND to repent and be baptized.102 You can be

indifferent, unwilling, defiant or uninterested in Baptism, or just be completely opposed to the thought of making a public spectacle of yourself, but it’s still a COMMAND.

97 Luke 1:44 – The Baby John the baptizer recognized Jesus in the womb -- Psalm 22:9 - From the womb; you made me trust you
98 Luke 18:15 – Infants were brought to Jesus -- Matthew 19:14 – Jesus said; Let the little children come to me -- Mark 10:14-16 – Children belong in the kingdom of God; Jesus took them in his arms and blessed them. -- Mark 9:42 – Children can believe on Christ 99 Acts 2:38-39 – Be Baptized; for the promise is for you and for your children
100 Acts 22:16 – Universal call; Rise and be baptized calling on his name
101 Romans 4:11 – The Sign and Seal is extended to all who believe
102 Acts 2:38 - Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins

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Baptism Defined

The Bible is clear on what Baptism is, who it is for and what it accomplishes. ONLY BELIEVERS in Jesus Christ are baptized as a public testimony of their submission and covenant relationship with Him; identifying with His life, death, burial and resurrection.

Baptism is an action or works of man and scripture is clear that through works, we can do nothing to merit salvation.103 So Baptism does not save even though some denominations say that it does. Simon the Sorcerer believed and was baptized, but was not saved.104

First is repentance for your sins and acceptance that Jesus Christ is your Lord, then a public observance through baptism and a turning away from the old sinful nature.105

Baptism is a sign of belonging; Jesus is the vine, we are the branches that belong to the vine and so are the little twigs on the branches.106 All are alive in the vine; at some point if there is any dead wood or make-believers, they will be pruned and CUT OFF.107

Infant Baptism Dedication should only be extended to Covenant Infants; children of active professing believers. We don’t wait until the child grows up to see if he chooses to be part of the family, but is treated as part of the family right away.

God’s Covenant involves two things; 1) Family Solidarity and 2) Personal Responsibility; Not one or the other, but both. The Covenant extends to the believer, their family and the future generations to come.108

One Baptism

There is one body and one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, and ONE BAPTISM.109

Baptism is a SIGN and a SEAL of a Believer entering into the family of God. Believer’s Baptism assumes that the person has received Christ, renounced his former life, embraces Jesus as Lord of his life, and is now willing to make it a public profession. The doctrine of salvation is by Grace alone through Faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

This is personal confession that cannot function in an infant.
Infant Baptism is considered symbolic as well as the mysterious act of God by which a claim or

mark is placed on the child’s life by God and the Church.
There is a distinction between the two baptisms; one needs to repent, the other does not.

Infant Baptism is a dedication of an infant by “Professing Christian Parents” making a public commitment that they will raise the child up in the Christian Faith with the admonitions of the Lord and are asking the community of believers to help them to do just that, with the belief and anticipation that one day, the child of his or her own “Free Will Choice”, will make a public profession of faith and receive salvation. Sometimes it is called a “Confirmation”, which is the culmination of mentoring or church classes that “confirm” his or her understanding and commitment.

History would point out that the Catholic Church baptized Infants into SALVATION and into the

Church membership. They believed that “Tradition” carried the same weight as the Scriptures. There arose a sect which believed “sola scriptura” or scripture alone should govern the life of a Christian, not Tradition. You cannot read Tradition into the scriptures. The sect was against baptizing children who had not yet come to the age of accountability; they were known as the anti-baptizers or the Anabaptist.

103 Galatians 2:16 – We are not justified by our works; what we do -- Ephesians 2:8 – Salvation is a GIFT from God; it is not from your works past, present nor future.
104 Acts 8:13 – Simon the Soccer believed and baptized, but NOT SAVED -- Acts 8:18-23 – Simon offered money to buy the Holy Spirit 105 Acts 2:38 - Repent then be Baptized

106 John 15:5 - I am the vine; you are the branches
107 John 15:1-2 – Make-Believers; the dead wood in the vine is pruned away
108 Acts 2:38-39 – The Promise is for you and your children; repent then be baptized -- Deuteronomy 7:9 – The Lord’s Covenant extends to thousands of generations
109 Ephesians 4:4-5 – One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

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Anabaptists are Christians who believe in delaying baptism until the candidate confesses his or her faith in Christ, as opposed to being baptized as an infant. They required that baptismal candidates must be able to make a confession of faith that is freely chosen, thus they rejected baptism of infants. They insisted upon the "Free Course" of the Holy Spirit in worship, which included the operation of the “Gifts of the Spirit”, yet still maintained that it must all be judged according to the Scriptures.

They were early promoters of a “Free Church” and argued for the interdependence of the church and secular authorities which we refer to as the “separation of church and state”. Anabaptists were heavily persecuted during the 16th century and into the 17th century because of their views on the nature of baptism and largely because of their interpretation of scripture, “sola scriptura”; scripture alone which put them at odds with the official state Catholic Church interpretations and the government.

At one time there was no separation of Church and State; there were countries where everyone was a Catholic because they had been baptized as an infant as a Catholic; and there were countries where everyone was a Protestant because as an infant they had been baptized as a protestant; you were under both Political and Religions laws.

Ana means “again”; Anabaptist became a nick name for re-baptizers. They were against being baptized once as an infant then baptized again when you reached the age of accountability. In the year of 391AD the civil code of law made it a capital offence to Baptize twice. “Whoever forsakes the Holy faith and desecraters the Holy baptism through heretical superstition shall be excluded from human society”; you were persona non-gratain your own society. Today the successors of the Anabaptist are the Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, and Schwarzenau Brethren.

From about the 4th century on, the parents of Methodist, Presbyterians, Lutheran, Episcopalian and Anglican denominations still practice this ceremony of publically announcing their intent of bringing their children up in the admonition of the Lord through the “Dedication Ceremony” of Infant Baptism; MARKING the child for the family of God.

SIGN and SEAL of the Covenant
To understand baptism in the NT, we must first understand circumcision of the OT. There were three kinds of covenants:

1) One sided: I make an agreement with you because I want to, you agree to the conditions.
2) Two sided: The two of us make an agreement, we both participate fully.
3) Self-imposed: Covenant is with God, He seeks us out and remains faithful when we are not.

God made a covenant with Abraham and his offspring; the Nation of Israel and children were a part of this covenant. This covenant was extended to the “never to believeIsmael and to the “not yet believingIsaac and to all of Abraham’s servants. The sealing ordinance was for “all who believe

Male Children were to be circumcised on the 8th day as a SIGN of the everlasting Covenant between God, Abraham and his descendants, marking them with a sign of their entrance into the covenant community. It was a cutting off of Abraham and his children from the rest of the heathen world.

Jesus was born into a Covenant Community and was circumcised, and later was baptized into the New Covenant Community of believers.110

The Old Covenant with Abraham was one sided; Abraham did not have to do anything, it was initiated and completed by God, but it had an IF clause in it... If you obey God’s commands, THEN you will receive the full blessings of the covenant.111

It goes without saying that some who were circumcised were not really of the faith. Ishmael, the son of Abraham left the covenant community and renounced his faith in the one God of Abraham and embraced Allah and started his own religion of Islam. So you can be brought into the community of Believers and over time leave because you were just a Make-Believer.112 Today many have a mental assent to God and only have a form of godliness that denies His power. It’s in the Book

110 Luke 2:21 – Jesus was circumcised -- Matthew 3:16 – Jesus was Baptized
111 Exodus 19:5-6 – IF you obey my covenant, you will possess my promises
112 1 John 2:19 – Make Believers left that did not really belong to us -- 2 Timothy 3:4-5 – Make Believers have only a form of godliness

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Old Testament SIGN and SEAL; if you were a MALE, Circumcision was required if you wanted to become part of the family of Jews and worship the one God of Israel.113 Circumcision of Jewish adults was rare since there were few converts to Judaism, you were born into it and circumcised as an infant.

New Testament SIGN and SEAL; if you were a MALE or FEMALE,114 Baptism was required if you wanted to become part of the family of God and worship God and Jesus Christ His Son. The Spiritual meaning of Circumcision in the Old Covenant is fulfilled in the Baptism of the New Covenant.115

Baptism is Circumcision made without bloody hands;116 the cutting off of the sinful nature and is made available to all, male and female, Jew and Gentile;117 A BETTER COVENANT. Baptism replaced Circumcision as the SIGN and SEAL of the covenant of grace and righteousness.

On the day of Pentecost, Peter said that the Covenant promise was for them and their Children.118 As a side note; at the very young age of 13 a boy and a girl of 12 could marry, so it is reasonable to assume that the preadolescence were part of this promise. If the New Covenant excludes our children from the promise, then the New Covenant is less generous to us than the Old Covenant.

Age of Accountability

The age of accountability for a Jewish boy according to Jewish law is 13 years of age when he becomes a “bar mitzvah” and is then accountable for his actions. According to Orthodox and Conservative Jews; a girl becomes a “bat mitzvah” at the age of 12, and according to Reform Jews, she is accountable at the age of 13; until then they are considered INNOCENT and INCAPABLE of sin. Wikipedia

However; scripture teaches that we are ALL sinful at any age,119 we are born in Sin; David confessed that he was sinful at conception.120 Can we be sinful, but not accountable?

The Conundrum

With the advent of the Gospel message presented on radio, television, crusades and camp meetings; salvation has always been on the forefront, but Baptism has taken a back seat to the Great Commission to Go Preach, Teach and Baptize121.

The world is full of people who have accepted Christ, but have never been baptized, likewise the world is full of people who were baptized as infants, and marked for the kingdom, but have never accepted Christ after hearing and understanding the Word of God.

Presbyterians who were “sprinkled” at their Believer’s baptism are not accepted into the Baptist Church which requires full submersion; they must be RE-BAPTIZED as if their faith at their first baptism was not sincere and was of no effect. With much emotion many reject this second baptism, and worship God in the church without ever becoming a member.

The Take Away

113 Genesis 17:12 – The Law: He who is eight days old shall be circumcised
114 Acts 8:12 - Baptized, both men and women
115 Romans 4:11 – Circumcision is God’s seal of righteousness -- Colossians 2:11-12 - Christ performed a spiritual circumcision
116 Colossians 2:11-12 - Circumcision made without hands -- Deuteronomy 10:16 – Circumcise the foreskin of your heart -- Deuteronomy 30:6 - God will circumcise your heart
117 Exodus 12:48 – Let the Gentile be circumcised and become a native of Israel
118 Acts 2:38-39 - The promise is for you and for your children who are yet born
119 Romans 3:23 - For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
120 Psalm 51:5 – We are sinful from conception
121 Matthew 28:19-20 – Great Commission; Preach, Baptize, Teach

To drive you further crazy; Baptism is not something that you do, but it is something that happens to you; Baptism is received from God.

Baptism of the New Covenant is God’s claim on a person, just as Circumcision of the Old Covenant is God’s claim on a person. Both are a sacrament indicating that a person was set aside and MARKED for the family of God. A child of the Old Covenant was not expected to have faith or be instructed in the law because they were incapable of manifesting faith or receiving instructions. Likewise the expectations of a Child of the New Covenant is not expected to express faith and receive instructions.

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I was saved and baptized at the age of nine and a half even though I did not even know what a virgin was, let alone on how the blood of Jesus on the cross could save me from my sins, but God said the blood satisfied Him and that’s what I believed. I was brought into the family of believers and continued to grow in my understanding; today at 80 I am still a student of the word, growing in my understanding.

It is not necessary for children to believe in order to be brought into the family of God.

We must move away from thinking about coming into the community of believers as something that was OUR DECISION and move to the place where we believe that it was GOD’S DECISION to bring us in. It was a one sided covenant where God did it all, we just receive the grace gift.

Children of the Promise were marked with CIRCUMCISION only once; Hold that thought.

If you have never been baptized, then this is the opportunity for you to share God’s decision and finished work in your life through the sacrament of baptism that is witnessed by the community of believers who will covenant with you to help you to grow in your faith.

If you were baptized as an infant and have now come to the place in your life as a believer that you choose to be in the family of God; there is NO NEED TO BE RE-BAPTIZED, just as Jesus does not have to be re-crucified; you have already been marked for the family of God.

I know this upsets some folks, but ... just as there was only one circumcision, there is only ONE BAPTISM.122

122 Ephesians 4:4-5 – There is One Body and One Spirit, One Lord, One Faith, ONE BAPTISM
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Chapter 10.4

I was listening to my neighbor Jim talk about the Apostle Paul’s stand on circumcision not being necessary for the believer. That spring boarded into the Old Covenant vs. the New Covenant, which brought up the question of how could a Covenant spoken into existence by God be nullified? That was an excellent point and I couldn’t wait to go see what God had to say.

The Bible is the inspired Word of God with all scriptures carrying the same weight. We cannot pick and choose; but prove scripture with scripture, line upon line precept upon precept.123

The Adam’s Family

How many sins does it take to become a sinner? None; we were born 100% sinners, we are members of THE ADAM’S FAMILY. When we are re-born we become 100% righteous,124 we become members of the family of God. There is no HYBRID family, you are either IN or OUT; Saved or Lost.

When you were saved, your SIN was not saved; it’s still crouching at your door and desires to pounce on you, but you must master it.125 The reason you sin, is because sin STILL lives within you,126 but it is not you that sins, its’s the sin that lives within you. Sounds like spiritual DOUBLE TALK, doesn’t it.

Forgiveness of Sin in the New Testament is taught as an ACOMPLISHED FACT; Done, All of them Past, Present and Future. It is FINISHED; Believers will NOT be judged. 127

SO; what has SIN got to do with CIRCUMCISION? Stay Tuned

Setting the stage

Circumcision comes from a Latin word that means “to cut around”. An operation where the foreskin covering the head of a penis is removed by surgery.

The foreskin can be an incubator for disease; the Hebrews realized that circumcision promoted cleanliness which would later become spiritualized as a symbol of purification and a passage into the covenant relationship with God.

Don’t get you pants all in a wad here, but circumcision was practiced long before Abraham. Primitive tribes in Africa, Australia and even America practiced this rite. Neighboring cultures like the Arabians, Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites and Egyptians also circumcised.

Some cultures used this rite to mark a person 12 years of age moving from childhood into manhood.

123 Isaiah 28:10 - For precept must be upon precept line upon line here a little, and there a little
124 Acts 13:38 – The Forgiveness of sin is proclaimed to the Believer
125 Genesis 4:7 – Sin is crouching at your door
126 Romans 7:15-17 – As Believers Sin still lives within us -- Romans 7:20 – It is sin that lives in us that causes us to sin. 127 John 3:18 – Believers are not judged; the un-believer has been judged already


The Mark - Plastic Surgery - The Adams Family Blood Covenant – Hybrid Covenant – Baptism Faith Buffet – Ten Commandments are out

First Word

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Abraham was familiar with this rite when God commanded him and his descendants to make this covenant.128 Anyone not circumcised was viewed with contempt; circumcision was meant to symbolize the power and activity of the Holy Spirit in their lives and a commitment of oneself to God’s WILL forever.

Captivity: During their 430 years of captivity in Egypt,129 the Israelites had almost lost memory of the origins of the rite of circumcision and did not observe it. During their wandering in the wilderness this rite continued in suspended animation and was for the most part neglected, but was resumed when they entered the land of Canaan.

Moses was commanded later on by God to continue the covenant on the eighth day130 which we know now is the peak time when vitamin “K” and “Prothrombin” is at its highest level which is important in blood clotting. The Bible briefly mentions that God became very angry with Moses for NOT observing circumcision; God almost killed him.131

THE MARK; tattoos were often used to identify members of a local tribe; Hebrews were forbidden to mark or tattoo themselves like the heathen nation’s did. Circumcision became the mark of the Hebrews as a special people although it was not that readily discerned. “The Blood Covenant” is the strongest covenant that there is. During circumcision there is blood that flows from the “cutting of the covenant

The Circumcision Ceremony was performed on the eighth day even if it was on the Sabbath. It was a time of great joy as well as sacredness as it symbolizes the son joining the covenant relationship of God and living under His laws. It was attended by relatives and neighbors either in their home or in the Temple. The father acted like a High Priest offering his child to God with love and gratitude and then they gave him his name; then it was followed with a blessing and a festive meal.

Infant circumcision was the distinctive Israelite custom not found in any other culture. A Jew’s prayer would be to

thank God that he was neither a woman or a Samaritan or an uncircumcised Gentile.

Jesus and John the Baptist were both circumcised.132 Do you want to be circumcised to be more like Christ? Do so out of desire, not out of compliance of a law that does not apply. Circumcision does not save; only Faith. It should be pointed out that one CAN possess the outward sign of circumcision and still be spiritually defunct inwardly.

MIND BENDER: Gentiles were NEVER under the “Law of Circumcision”; just the nation of Israel. Our heritage is The New Covenant or NOTHING.

Side Bar

FAR OUT; there was a time in PAGAN rituals of child sacrifices to appease the gods that circumcision was viewed as sacrificing “a part” of a person to the gods instead of the person’s whole life.

JOCK: It seems that the Greeks had sporting events where they were naked in the public baths and gymnasiums and the Jews were “Embarrassed” that they were circumcised; this became an issue in the Church at Corinth; they had become “ASHAMED” of their heritage.133

Plastic surgery; according to the Apocrypha, the “Hellenized” Jews underwent plastic surgery to restore their foreskins.134

1 Maccabees 1:15 – Plastic Surgery to restore the foreskins
15 “And made themselves uncircumcised, and forsook the holy covenant, and joined themselves to the heathen, and were sold to do mischief.” 1 Mac

128 Genesis 17:10-14 – Circumcision is a Sign of your Blood Covenant with God
129 Genesis 15:13 – Prophecy – Israel will be enslaved 400 years -- Exodus 12:40 – The Israelite people Lived in Egypt 430 years 130 Leviticus 12:3 – Moses commanded to circumcise on the 8th day
131 Exodus 4:24-26 – God was Angry with Moses for not circumcising and almost killed him
132 Luke 2:21 – Jesus was circumcised -- Luke 1:59-60 – John was circumcised
133 Romans 1:16 – I am NOT ASHAMED of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
134 1 Maccabees 1:15 – Plastic Surgery to restore the foreskins

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A matter of expediency: Paul circumcised Timothy who was “half Jewish” in order to not have an issue that would have hindered his testimony of the Gospel.135 Paul said he became all things to all in order that they might receive the Word of the Gospel and be saved.136

The blood covenant of Circumcisions symbolizes the cutting off of Abraham and his children from the rest of the heathen world to be a special set apart people unto the Lord.


Church Controversy: Circumcision was the first controversy in the Church. Those that were known as Judaizers took a position that any Gentile who wanted to become a Christian must first become a proselyte Jew and be circumcised before he could be a member of the Christian fellowship.

Paul took exception to that, claiming that SALVATION WAS FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST ALONE and nothing else.137 Paul taught that it was the Spiritual circumcision of the heart138 that was important not the outward physical circumcision.

Jeremiah the OT Prophet also taught it was the “circumcision of the heart” that was important. 139 Peter had been commanded to take the Gospel to the circumcisedJews.
Paul had been commanded to take the same message to the un-circumcisedGentiles.
Christian Church Counsel; the “CCC” met and after Paul presented his case to them, the Church

Counsel determined that Abraham was saved by his Faith not by the Law of circumcision140 and they broke away from the binding LEGALISM of Judaism and agreed that circumcision should not be a requirement to become a Christian.141

So what’s the point?
Circumcision was a “mark” to distinguish the Jew’s who had the promise of salvation, were set

apart from those who were “Gentiles” who did not have the promise. Anyone who was not a Jew was

called a Gentile; a Greek... so a Gentile is actually everybody else.

I use the term “Jew” loosely here, as in reality only those from the tribe of Judah were actually Jews, however they were all Israelites until their separation into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms.

TODAY, both the believing Jew and the believing Gentile have the promise and there is NO distinction between them, so there’s no longer any need to DISCRIMINATE.142

Circumcision is NO LONGER a requirement. WHAT!
Now if that got your pants all in a wad, I need to pick up with what we first started with which was

SIN and to do that we need to go down a Rabbit Trail which takes us to the NEW COVENANT.143

New Covenant – A Change Up
How could the Old Covenant spoken into existence by God Himself be nullified?
My mom use to tell me, GOD DOESN’T MAKE ANY JUNK. There was nothing wrong with the Old

Covenant, but God found FAULT with MAN, he just could not live up to the Old Covenant’s standards. Scripture states that IF man could have abided by the laws of the Old Covenant; He would not have sought another covenant.144

135 Acts 16:3 – Timothy; Let’s get with the program, I’ll circumcise you -- 1 Corenthians 7:17-20 – Keeping God’s commands is what counts 136 1 Corenthians 9:19-23 – I have become all things to all people in order to share the Gospel
137 Galatians 2:1-8 – God does not judge by external appearance
138 Ezekiel 44:7 – Circumcision of heart and flesh -- Jeremiah 9:25-26 – Circumcision of the heart is the important thing -- Deuteronomy 30:6 – God will circumcise your heart

139 Romans 4:9-11 – Faith made Abraham righteous, not circumcision -- Romans 2:28-29 – Inward circumcision of the Heart by the Spirit 140 Romans 4:9-12 – Abraham was declared righteous before he was circumcised. -- Galatians 2:15-16 – We are justified by our Faith in Jesus not the Law
141 Acts 15:1-19 – The Christian Church Council agreed with Paul; you do not have to be circumcised to be a Christian

142 Colossians 2:11 – We are of the circumcision not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ -- Romans 2:25-27 – Circumcision has no value if you’re a law breaker.
143 Ephesians 2:14-18 – Christ gave us the New Covenant; He came and preached peace to you who were far away (Gentiles) and peace to those who were near (Jews). -- Colossians 2:13-14 – Christ cancelled the written code of regulations; He took it away, nailing it to the cross. 144 Hebrews 8:7 – Man could not keep the Old Covenant, for if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another

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God said He would make a NEW and better covenant with Israel that was unlike the one with their forefathers. It would NOT be a covenant written on stones, but written on hearts of flesh.145

The tabernacle on earth was but a shadow of a better Tabernacle in Heaven that is to come. The ritual of SIN Sacrifices was offered in the Tabernacle over and over again. The sacrifice of Christ was ONCE and forever; He Himself was a better SIN Sacrifice.

The Old Covenant eligibility for “THE PROMISE” was determined by your birth; you had to be descendent of Abraham whose seed gave us the “Levitical Priesthood”. The New Covenant that was extended to the Gentiles (everybody) gave us a better Promise.

Change in the Priesthood

Jesus was NOT from the tribe of Levi therefore He could not be a Levitical Priest. A change occurred when Jesus was made a Priest after the Order of Melchizedek,146 a Higher an Older order than that of the Levitical Priesthood; a better High Priest.147

When there is a change in the Priesthood there MUST be a change in the Law.148 There must be a New Covenant.149 It’s in the Book

Jesus Christ is the mediator of a better Covenant; we have a better Sacrifice, a better Priesthood, better Promises, and a better Tabernacle.150

The Big Announcement

The Synagogue was different from the Temple as it was a place of learning, a place where pious and God fearing men would gather around, SEATED to read the scriptures and discuss them; this was the common practice of the Prophets and Elders of old.151

Jesus went into the Synagogue and was handed the book of Isaiah the Prophet to read; STANDING he read; "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." He then told them, that TODAY this prophecy has been FULFILLED; then He closed the book and SAT DOWN.152

Old Covenant: The law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by FAITH. Now that FAITH has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.

New Covenant: Jesus said he did not come to do away with the law of the Old Covenant, but to FULFILL IT.153 It is finished; it has been COMPLETED.154

The Hybrid Covenant

A little OLD and a little NEW; you cannot put new wine in old wineskins, it will explode.
Old Covenant was about MEN and the “DO NOT’S”, the New Covenant is about HIM and LOVE. The Old Covenant in Jewish law was not just The BIG TEN Commandments, but over 600 rules and regulations that every Jewish person was commanded to obey. Breaking just ONE of them made

you fail at ALL of them.155

145 Hebrews 8:10 – The New Covenant will be written in their minds and hearts. -- Jeremiah 31:31-33 – My new covenant will be written on their hearts and mind -- 2 Corenthians 11:3 – The Gospel is simple; don’t be led away and be deceived.
146 Hebrews 6:20 - Jesus was a Priest after the higher order of Melchizedek
147 Hebrews 7:21-22 – Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant He is a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek

148 Hebrews 7:12 – When there is a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change of the law
149 Hebrews 7:12 - For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also. -- Hebrews 8:8-9 – Prophecy: God will make a new covenant with Israel
150 Hebrews 9:15 - Christ is the mediator of a new covenant
151 Ezekiel 14:1 – Common practice with Ezekiel and Elders to read the law, then sit down and take questions.
152 Luke 4:16-21 – Jesus FULFILLED Isaiah’s prophecy; "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." then He sat down for questions 153 Matthew 5:17 – Jesus did not do away with the Old Covenant He fulfilled and completed it.
154 Romans 10:4 – Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone
155 Galatians 5:3-4 – If you follow just one point of the Law, you must follow all points.-- James 2:10 – If you break one Law you are GUILTY of ALL of it -- Galatians 3:10 – You are CURSED if you do not do everything in the OT law

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Do you keep the Sabbath from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday? I SEE. Do you cook or go shopping on the Sabbath or walk around the Zoo with the kids? I SEE. Do you pick up pine cones in your yard or take out the trash on the Sabbath. I SEE. So you just observe NINE of the BIG TEN Commandments.

Do have any graven images such as small statues or pictures of Saints of old in your home or on the dash of your car. I SEE. Now we are down to just EIGHT of the BIG TEN. Do you offer any blood sacrifices for sin? I SEE. Do you tithe TEN percent? I SEE. Are you circumcised? I SEE. Do you eat catfish, shell fish, shrimp, lobster, crabs or oysters? I SEE. How about BBQ Pork I SEE.

Pick and Choose what you WANT from the Faith Buffet and leave the rest.

Hybrid Covenant: We tend to MIX some of the Old Covenant with some of the New Covenant. We alter the rules to fit our lifestyle. The Apostle Paul called this FOOLISHNESS.156 We begin to push the envelope when we say we must take up our cross daily and crucify our self or cut off our offending hand or pluck out our offending eye. These statements are just concepts of Christ “Raising the Bar” on our standards; showing us that we cannot possibly achieve these standards without a SAVIOR.

The Old Covenant set the standard for man to obtain righteousness and it is STILL THE STANDARD, BUT what it really did was show you and me that we cannot attain this righteous in our own strength, we need a Savior. The only way to fulfill this law is to accept the one who could and did fulfill it. If you are led by the Spirit,157 you are no longer under the written law, but under GRACE.158

Paul says to keep it simple and don’t be led astray with MIXED doctrine. The OT commandments did not bring salvation, but showed us THE WAY to obtain it through the acceptance of the work of Jesus Christ. Part of the Mosaic Law was the ceremonial law of offering sacrifices for sin, Jesus was the FINAL sacrifice; once and for all, FULFILLING the law.

We become justified or saved through Faith, not by observing the Law; we have died to the written code159 and have been made alive to serve in a NEW way.

The new covenant is like NEW WINE... You cannot put it into OLD WINESKINS.160

Baptism – Rabbit Trail
As a SIGN of their commitment to God, the Jews were circumcised to show that they were different

from all the other nations. It was not the outward symbolization of circumcision that made them a Jew; but it was their inward CHANGE of heart. Although it is not a command, we see Gentiles today desiring to be circumcised; mostly at birth by their parents

The use of water is a physical sign of baptism and is the public “symbol” witnessing our “change” and commitment to God, much like the symbol of circumcision is an outward and inward change to the Jew. Water had a heavy symbolism of purity and was used in purification rites.

There are two similar words in Greek for Baptize; Bapto meaning to dip or immerse and the other Baptizo meaning a change that has taken place by some means. The latter was used most of the time in the scriptures.

Before Jesus came on the scene, John was using water baptism as the symbol of a person’s testimony of “repenting of sin” and their changed life. They certainly knew the story of Noah’s family being saved by being raised up above the waters in the ark and the Israelites being saved by deliverance through the waters of the Red Sea.

Faith in Jesus Christ is the necessary condition to receive baptism which is a sacramental SIGN of new life through and in Christ. Baptism is symbolic of “CHANGE”; we die to our old life and are “born again” to a new life.

156 Galatians 3:1-5 – You are foolish to try to MIX the two covenants.
157 Galatians 5:18 – You are Led by the Spirit and not under the law
158 Romans 6:14 - You are not under the OT law, but now under GRACE
159 Romans 7:6 – We have died to the old way of the written OT code -- Romans 3:28-29 – Man is saved by FAITH, not by observing the law -- Galatians 3:23-25 – We are no longer under the supervision of the OT Law
160 Matthew 9:17 – You cannot put new wine into old wineskins.

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JUST PLAIN WRONG: Early on in the church, it was not IF you were baptized, but WHO baptized you. They had lost sight of the TRUE symbolism of baptism.161 Paul said, “WHO” had nothing to do with your baptism, it’s the baptism into the resurrection of Jesus Christ that counts

There are actually two baptisms; One of WATER that washes the dirt from the body and one of the SPIRIT which washes the dirt from the heart.162

a) Born of Water is when a baby is born and the mother’s water breaks.

b) BornofSpiritiswhenwehaveaspiritualbirthandsomethingisbornontheinsideofus.163 Scripture teaches that the thief on the cross was NOT baptized, but yet was saved.164 We are saved through Faith and His Grace, while Water Baptism does not save, it is the New Covenant sacrament of

confession. If you do not CONFESS it, you do not POSSESS it.

The Take Away
Everything that Jesus did on the earth was under the “Old Covenant” including circumcision.

All of His teachings were to people still under the OT. The New Testament or Covenant did not start until the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.165 Scripture says that the NEW made the OLD obsolete166 and it would soon disappear because the OLD Laws did not make anything perfect.167

Did Christ do away with the Old Covenant? NO, He fulfilled it; He FINSHED it.168 The New Covenant does NOT set aside
PROMISES of the Old Covenant.169

Our Pride assures us that we must “do something” to earn God’s favor and for some reason we just can’t take the simplicity of “His Grace”. The New Covenant is really pretty simple and straight forward; it refers to us as Saints NOT Sinners;170 it states that LOVE fulfills the Law. 171

There is just two commandments now; 1) Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and 2) Love your neighbor as Jesus has loved you.172 There you have it... Talk about being challenged; just try loving your neighbor AS JESUS HAS LOVED YOU. This may be harder than keeping the 600 PLUS OT laws.

There are two sacraments; 1) Baptism; although Baptism does not save, it is a New Covenant sacrament indicating an UNASHAMED public profession of faith in Jesus Christ and 2) The Lord’s Supper173 or Communion which is also a sacrament of the New Covenant.

Circumcision or Tithing is NOT required, although circumcision is healthy and so is giving. We are NOT bound by the Ten Commandments which includes the Sabbath observance, although we would do well to keep them, because the BIG 10 as they were written by the finger of God. Now your pants are all in a WAD again aren’t they. OK; so go back to your LEGALISTIC Faith Buffet” and pick and choose your own Hybrid Covenant.

If you fulfill the LOVE Commandments;

it will cover NINE of the Big Ten commandments.

161 1 Corenthians 1:12-17 – Contention; who baptized you
162 John 3:5-6 – There are Two Baptisms; Water and Spirit
Matthew 28:19 – THE GREAT COMMISSION; Baptize Believers
163 1 Peter 3:21-22 – Water only saves you by the Resurrection of Jesus the Christ
164 Luke 23:42-43 – Jesus told the thief on the cross; you will be with me TODAY in Paradise
165 Hebrews 9:16-17 – The New Covenant began at Christ’s death
166 Hebrews 8:13 – With the New Covenant, the Old Covenant became obsolete
167 Hebrews 7:18-19 – The Old Covenant made nothing perfect.
168 John 19:30 – IT IS FINISHED
169 Galatians 3:15-25 –New Covenant does not set aside the PROMISES of God
170 1 John 3:9 – We cannot go on sinning if we are born of God
171 Romans 13:8-10 – Love is the fulfillment of the Law
172 Mark 12:28-31 – There are just two Commandments of Love -- John 13:34 – New Commandment; Love one another 173 1 Corenthians 11:26 – The Lord’s Supper Sacrament

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Chapter 10.5

Foot Washing

Is it a sacrament like Baptism and Communion? The Custom – The Significance of the foot

First Word

Significance of the Foot

The practice of foot washing is found in the customs and hospitality of ancient civilizations

especially where sandals were the chief footwear. A host would provide water for his guests to pour over their feet into a copper basin, rubbing the feet with his hands and wiping it with a napkin cloth. Sometimes

they would have a servant174 provide the hospitality for the guests and on occasion the host would do the

honors himself. Genesis, the first book of the Bible has many references to the custom.175

The foot, because it comes in contact with the ground is considered less honorable than the hand or head; it is the lowest member of the body. To humiliate the enemy the foot would be placed on his neck or head to indicate victory.176

Shaking the dust off your feet is the rejection of inhospitality; a gesture of scorn, that to take so much as dust from a place implied a bond with those that had rejected you.177

Homage is paid by falling at the feet of someone.178
Offerings would be laid at someone’s feet.179
A student would sit at the feet of the Teacher or Master.180
Love is shown by washing, anointing and kissing the feet.181
When Jesus returns, God will place all things under His feet which is an expression of His absolute


The Custom

People traveling the dusty roads of Palestine needed to wash their feet for comfort and cleanliness; this was usually performed by the lowliest servant in the household. If the host had no servants, he would usually wash the guest feet himself to show hospitality. This was to remind himself that he too one day might be a weary traveler looking for shelter and rest.

The washing of feet made the guest feel at home and welcome; the anointing of the feet with oil was for cleansing, the same as we use soap. Jesus commented on the lack of hospitality that occurred in a Pharisee’s home concerning the custom of foot washing. You offered me no water to wash my feet.183

174 1 Samuel 25:41 – Handmaid or servant washed the feet.
175 Genesis 18:4 – Bring some water; wash your feet and rest yourselves -- Genesis 19:2 - Wash your feet, spend the night, rise up early and go -- Genesis 24:31-32 – He fed their camels and gave water to wash the feet -- Genesis 43:24 – Fed their donkeys and gave water to wash their feet
176 Joshua 10:24 – Put your feet on the neck of the enemy
177 Matthew 10:14 – Shake the dust off your feet
178 Mark 5:22-23 – Jairus fell at the feet of Jesus
179 Acts 4:34-35 – Laid their offerings at the Apostles feet
180 Luke 10:39 – Mary sat at the Lord’s feet
181 Luke 7:38 - Love is shown by washing, anointing, kissing the feet
182 1 Corinthians 15:27 - God has put all things under his feet
183 Luke 7:44-46 – The Pharisee lacked hospitality; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears

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Anointed feet

Moses instituted a ritual washing of feet for the Priest when they entered the Temple.184 As part of their customs, sometimes an honored person would wash the feet of others as a sign of humility. This occurred when Mary and Martha were in gratitude for Jesus honoring them with the raising of their brother Lazarus from the dead.

Mary washed or anointed the feet of Jesus with perfume and wiped it with her hair.185 Jesus said this was a shadow of what was to come concerning his death, embalming and burial.186

Early Church Jesus set the example
It was just before the Feast of the Passover when Jesus washed the feet of His Disciples and told

them that this was an example of what they should do; to have the heart of a servant and wash others feet in humility, to love one another.187

After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, scripture indicates that the early Church practiced the example of humility with foot washing as commanded by Christ.188

The Catholic Church continued the practice of foot washing by the Pope with (approximately) twelve deacons where he pours water over their feet and dried them with a towel. During this service, the account of Jesus’ interaction with the Twelve Disciples is read from the book of John; especially the dialog between Jesus and Peter.189


Foot washing is most often experienced at the ordination services of those who are being ordained

for the ministry and also in connection with the Maundy Thursday services.

Maundy Thursday is the

fifth day of the Holy week that comes before Easter Sunday (resurrection day) and the day before “Good

Friday” which commemorates the crucifixion of

Jesus Christ

and his death on the cross.

Maundy is from the Latin mandatum, (MANDATE) the first word of the phrase "Mandatum novum

do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos." These are the words of Jesus; "A new commandment

I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you".190

Foot washing is observed by numerous Protestant

Pentecostal and many Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist and Seventh-day Adventist churches.

groups, including Southern Baptists, Anabaptists,

(Anabaptist who were later referred to as Baptist, were against the Catholics position on infant baptism for the forgiveness of sin; salvation.)

Some denominations act out or perform the roles of Christ and Peter with the dialog passed back and forth as Peter tells the Lord to not wash his feet and Jesus responds that if He does not, that he (Peter) will have no share with Him

1) 2) 3)

184 Exodus 30:18-19 – The Levite priest wash their own feet
185 John 12:2-3 - Mary washed the feet of Jesus and wiped them with her hair
186 John 12:6-7 – The anointing of Jesus feet was a shadow of the His death and burial
187 John 13:1-15 – Jesus set the example of foot washing when He washed His disciple’s feet
188 1 Timothy 5:9-10 – Early Church practice was to wash the feet of the Believers
189 John 13:15 – Jesus said; I have given you an example of humility -- John 13:7-9 – Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head
190 John 13:34 –A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another

Other denominations have "OPEN" Communion where all believers, not just members or pastors

in attendance; are invited to share in the washing of feet with one another: men with men, women with

women, and frequently, Husband with wife and vice versa.

Is Foot Washing an Ordinance like Baptism? –There are three qualification for something to be

deemed an ordinance or sacrament.

Was it instituted by Christ?

Is it universal for all believers?

Is it a permanent application?

There are arguments both ways; a Church may participate in this without it being an ordinance or

sacrament, however the remaining fact is, that those who participate in this action are blessed and are

deeply touched by its significance; I certainly was.

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The Take Away

While Humility is central and certainly important in the sacrament of foot washing, the lesson brought home is the SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE of the water baptism of the lowly feet which washes away the dust.

It is the SYMBOLIC cleansing of the believer from the defilement of his present SIN, (which is partial and temporary) just as Baptism of the Believer symbolizes the cleansing from all GUILT (complete and permanent).

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Chapter 10.6

As a teenager I was blessed to lead the music in the Baptist Adult Sunday School and all the ladies wore hats. Mr. & Mrs. Eubanks always made a “Late Entrance” and set down front. He had a dapper moustache, bowtie and a Movie Star suit. She looked like a Model and usually had a different LARGE hat on every Sunday. Being the nut that I am; I welcomed them “LATE” into the service and would describe her HAT in detail with laughter coming from everywhere; hats were in and I was a HOOT.


Fiction and Fact: Sometimes it is hard to separate Jewish Customs from Jewish Myths and there is differencing opinions among the smart people; so my BS, my Belief System has pulled “my take” out of the commentaries, letting the chips fall as they may.

In Talmudic times, women wore their hair long, braded and pined up and covered their heads as a sign of modesty and chastity to avoid attracting men’s attention to their beauty. Exposing a woman’s hair was considered a humiliation. Outward dress indicated inward humility and still does today.

The Jewish, Roman & Greek custom was for women to wear veils during worship. The Greek’s headdress consisted of nets, hair-bags, kerchiefs and sometimes a shawl that covered the whole head. Greek women DID appear in public without a head covering and apparently there were some exceptions that existed for them in Church. A Jewish woman ALWAYS wore a head covering in PUBLIC.191

Hair was considered a woman’s glory and it was shameful for a Christian Woman to cut her hair. Disheveled Hair or hair that was hanging loose suggested that they were in mourning or perhaps gave the impression of adultery. Interestingly in Corinth, it was not uncommon for a prostitute to shave her head and put on a blond wig signifying her availability.

Paul was urging the Church in Corinth to be obedient to the “local standards of order” and to COVER THE HEAD and “keep the peace”. A woman without a head covering was actually going against the social convention of the day which was distressing to some and was actually disrupting the worship services.

Single women were not required to have a head covering, making it perfectly clear the marital status of a woman and the authority that was over her. I just can’t leave it here without mentioning the “Gnostic mindset”; that a woman was considered inferior to any man; her father, brother as well as her husband.


Paul is writing to a DIVIDED CHURCH at Corinth and is addressing a number of issues desiring to calm the waters. Part of Paul’s letter dealt with “The Christian Assembly” and was about “Submission”, that Christ is head of the Church,192 and not of some specific well known leader. One particular issue was WOMEN IN WORSHIP SERVICES WITHOUT VEILS.193

191 Isaiah 3:16-17 – Women’s covered heads are a symbol of modesty & chastity 192 Ephesians 1:22-23 – God made Christ the head of the Church
193 1 Corenthians 11:3-13 – Women should cover their head in worship

Head Coverings

Skullcaps – Ministering Angels – Giants; the Nephilim – Submission Women’s Liberation – Emancipated Women – Glory of Man – Glory of God If head covering is important, why do we not observe it today?

First Word

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The custom of head covering was a common practice among the Churches, but we do not know how far ranging this SOCIAL CUSTOM was practiced. Paul’s dissertation about women covering their heads in submission is quite lengthy and controversial.

Since man was made in the image and glory of God, he should not cover his head when he worships; it would dishonor Christ. Men must not preach with their hats on; a covering on a man’s head would seem to indicate another authority coming between man and Christ.

Interestingly, a covered head seen in Church denoted that it was a “WOMAN” praying or prophesizing and if her head was uncovered, it was symbolic of refusing to honor the source of her existence; i.e. she was made from the rib of a man, and this brought dishonor upon her own head as if it was shaven. The head covering indicates the authority that exists above the woman, yet she is still under Christ. Man rules; he is active – Women ministers; she is passive.

Just as the moon is illuminated by the sun, the woman is illuminated with “light from God” that shines through the man. Woman was made through the medium of man who was as if it were a veil between her and God. (I know you just totally rejected that statement)

Interestingly, the first woman came from man, and ever since, man comes from a woman. The woman without a head covering symbolically throws off her token of submission; reaching for superiority, not keeping the “Rank” that God has chosen for her. Woman was made for man, not man made for the woman. (It’s in the Book)

Women were said to be the GLORY OF MAN194 and therefore should be veiled in the presence of the GLORY OF GOD; God alone should be glorified. A woman is “the glory of man” and as a sign of man’s authority over her should cover her head during worship “Because of the Angels”. It was their common belief that “Ministering Spirits(good; un-fallen angels) were present at Christian assemblies.

Because of the Angels
I want to stop here for just a moment to point out that the Torah has a record of the Angels

coming down from the heavens to earth and taking the “daughters of men” for their wives and they bore children that were GIANTS; The Nephilim.195

With that being said, the custom was to cover the heads of women so the angels would know that they were “under the authority of a man” and would not bother them. Other commentaries say that a woman’s uncovered head symbolically is insubordination to the divine order of headship or is a refusal to acknowledge the authority of their husband and is offensive to the good “Ministering Angels” that attend the services.196 I do not know how they could know that. I can only say that it was a CUSTOM of the Church regardless of the reason.

Genesis 6:1-4 – Because of the Angels – Then Nephilim; Giants

1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
the sons of God (Angels) saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.

3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
The Nephilim (Giants) were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God (Angels) went to the daughters of men and had children by them. NIV

Husbands and Wives

Since Husbands, wives and marriage is not mentioned in Paul’s discourse, I don’t think Paul is talking about husbands and wives at all, but more about submission.

194 Genesis 2:21-23 – A Women is the GLORY of her husband.
195 Jude 6 – Some ANGELS left their assignments -- Genesis 6:4 – There were giants in the earth in those days that came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them
196 Hebrews 1:14 - ANGELS are ministering spirits in the assemblies

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Desire to Rule: When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, God said that the woman would want to rule over the man, but she would not do so.197 The husband is not complete apart from God and the Wife is not complete apart from her husband

a wife CANNOT find TRUE happiness until she finds her true place as the help mate for the husband that is submitted to God.198 She is his queen and in gentleness, tenderness and strength, he provides for her every need. There is a unifying partnership between the THREE. God is the source of both the man and woman; they both depend on each other and both depend on God.

I’ve just got to say it. If the Husband lets God be the head of his life, then the wife will have an AWESOME RIDE, an unparalleled marriage, and the two shall truly become one. They are both dependent upon each other and TOGETHER dependent upon God.

Women’s Liberation Movement

In my Belief System,” I embrace that Jesus had sent a silent message; that Women had the same right as men, to listen and to be a part of Spiritual Matters. The kingdom of God was for ALL that would listen and BELIEVE. Women were very attracted to this “Breath of Freedom” that Christianity offered. Unintentionally this was sort of the beginnings of the Women’s Liberation Movement. There were a lot of “Independent”, “Self-Reliant” and “Wealthy” women in the entourage that ministered to the needs of Jesus and the Disciples.

PERHAPS the disuse of the head dress was because of the desire to abolish sexual distinction and provide spiritual equality between the woman and the man while in the presence of Christ.
Hold on now; don’t get upset; even Paul said that when someone comes to Christ, they are a NEW CREATION, the old is gone.199 Paul appears to be saying that women should no longer be viewed as inferior to man and that they have a place, but it’s just not the man’s place. In 1 Corenthians 11, verse 11 and 12; Paul, not wanting to be misunderstood, says that

man and woman are equal in the Lord and mutually dependent.200
From the time of Paul’s conversion to Christianity and his entrance as an Apostle was a period of some three years in which the Church had grown in its diversity of converts.201 I think it’s somewhat missed, that it was Paul that was called to the Gentiles as Peter was called to the Jews.202 So the Church

was composed of mixed cultures.203
Evidently some “emancipated” Corinthian women had dispensed with the wearing of the veil in

public worship. Paul is addressing headship or authority starting with addressing that God is the head of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is the head of man and man is the head of the woman.

Men’s Head Covering

The Tallith” came along AFTER the apostolic era and should not be confused with the Skullcap. The Tallith, traditionally made of wool is a Jewish prayer shawl placed over the head that has special twined and knotted fringes known as “astzitzit” attached to its four corners,204 it was traditionally worn to show one’s unworthiness and sense of reverence for God.

The Tallith was actually more than a prayer shawl, but an outer wrap or mantel; when spread over another person it meant they were taking them under their protection. This is seen in scripture when Ruth asked her kinsmen-redeemer Boaz to spread his garment over her;205 to come under his protection. The fringes of the Tallith were made of 32 skeins which is the numerical value of the Hebrew letters that spell “HEART”. I give you my heart.

197 Genesis 3:16 – The wife will desire to rule over her husband
198 Ephesians 5:23-24 – The Husband is the head of the wife -- Ephesians 5:24 – Wives submit to your husbands
199 2 Corenthians 5:17-18 - If anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION
200 1 Corenthians 11:11-12 – Man and woman are equal before God
201 Galatians 1:17-18 – Paul starts his ministry some THREE years later.
202 Acts 28:28 – God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen
203 Romans 3:29 – God is the God of the Jews and the Gentiles TOO. -- Acts 9:15 – Paul is chosen to carry the message to the Gentiles 204 Deuteronomy 22:12 – Tassels on the four corners of the cloak
205 Ruth 3:9 – Spread your garment over me

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In the earliest of times there was no established practice or law for a man to cover his head; but in Babylonia, the Jews would get up in the mornings and place a handkerchief on their head while they recited the blessing; “Blessed is He who crowns Israel with glory”.

The Talmud speaks of “Fear of Heaven(God) and The Shekinah (God’s glory) is above my head.It associates the covering of the head as reverence and respect for God’s glory.

A RESPECTED fifth-century scholar said “I never walked four cubits with an uncovered head, because God dwells over my head”. As time moved on “Scholars” would cover their heads to identify themselves as “God Fearing” and this quickly spread to the common man. This practice in Babylonia was not observed in Palestine. However some Church leaders supported a PREFERENCE of praying with the head covered and thought that without it would be frivolous and disrespectful.

CHRISTIANS were observed going to Church bareheaded and the Jews often avoided the practices that were common among the Christians; therefore the Jews thought it best not to go bareheaded.

In the middle ages it was the German custom to doff your hat to a government official, so the Jews wore a small skullcap called a “yarmulke” under their hat so their head would not be uncovered for even a moment when they doffed their hat. (The Jewish book of Why)

The skullcap has no religious significance in “Jewish Law”; therefore a non-Jew can wear a yarmulke in a Jewish service. TRADITION and CUSTOM sometimes trumps the scriptures and you may find practices that are; just because they always did it that way”.

TODAY Orthodox Jews believe the head should be covered at all times. Conservative Jews believe the head should be covered just during prayers and many other Jews believe it’s just optional.

The Take Away

  1. a)  The Father and Son are united in the Godhead, but the Son is answerable to the Father, so the man and woman are both united in God, but the woman is answerable to the man.

  2. b)  Manwascreatedfirsttobetheadministrativeheadandthewomanwascreatedtobethehelper wife. Women have a place, but it is not the man’s place. Woman was created for man; man was not created for the woman, however man was not complete until God gave him a woman.206

  3. c)  God has established the man and woman as equal, but with different God given positions and special functions; treating each other with mutual respect and admiration.

  4. d)  Neither a man nor a woman is an “independent being”; the origin of both comes from God. They were made with distinct sexes that are physically observable and that are mutually dependent upon each other. A woman should not try to look or act like a man and vice versa. The distinction is not to be blurred as we see with Lesbians and Homosexuals.

  5. e)  God is the God of order with peaceful decorum in worship and as well as in the daily life.207

  6. f)  Man made in the image and the glory of God SHOULD NOT VEIL THAT GLORY in his act of


Paul was writing to a Church that was surrounded by licentiousness, advocating that the Christian

should exhibit modesty, humility with actions that are fitting and orderly with the Christian social customs... Paul has laid out the SYMBOLISM for the CUSTOM and ends his dissertation by making this statement; Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?

It is Paul’s opinion that the LOCAL CHURCH can make that decision.

206 Genesis 2:18 – God gave man a helper; a wife, a woman
207 1 Corenthians 14:40 - Everything should be done fitting & orderly
208 1 Corinthians 11:1-34 – Paul’s Belief System; Men do not cover their head in Church 1Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 4 EVERY MAN WHO PRAYS OR PROPHESIES WITH HIS HEAD COVERED DISHONORS HIS HEAD. 7 A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. 16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God. (NIV2011)

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In my BS, it seems unfair to me to apply the TRADITION in Corinth to our culture today which has no such custom of head covering, and therefore would not yield the same result. The veil or HAT is not the important thing anyway, but it’s the subordination for which it symbolizes. Today women wearing hats in the sanctuary is still a sign of the headship of Christ, but few would know of its origins.

Our Salvation is not based on how long ago we accepted Christ as our Savior. Salvation is based on IF we have accepted Him. It’s not how we were baptized or how we are buried or if we covered our head during worship services; it’s Salvation in Jesus Christ plus nothing else.

That’s the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL.
7 A man should not wear anything on his head when worshiping,

for man is made in God’s image and reflects God’s glory.. 1 Corinthians 11:7 (NLT)

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Chapter 10.7


Heathen Tattoos - Forced Tattoos – God’s Tattoo – Body Art End of Times Tattoo - Tattoo of the Beast – Mark of ownership Tattoos Today – Self-expression - Should a Christian get a tattoo?

First Word

Bad Boys

Tattoo: A mark made by pricking and inserting pigment under the skin. An artificially inflicted sign on the body in the form of incision, tattoo, stamp, special sign or brand.

Wikipedia: Many tattoos serve as rites of passage, marks of status and rank, tribal identification, symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery, sexual lures and marks of fertility, pledges of love, magical amulets and talismans for protection.

Forced tattoo were marks or tattoos placed as punishment on outcasts, slaves and convicts. The Nazis introduced the practice of tattooing identification numbers on the Jews at Auschwitz in 1941 in order to register them and finally identify the remains of those that had died in the concentration camp.

The first time I saw a tattoo was when I was in high school; the “BAD BOYS” took their knife and cut a symbol of a cross with quotation marks around it on the web of their hand between their thumb and index finger, then took a ballpoint pen and put blue ink in it tthis First Class TATOO was the symbol of the Gang of five that could CHEW and SPIT.

Now grant you this was in the mid 50’s and the badness was sitting on a wall smoking a cigarette and passing around a single hot beer and making hooting sounds at the girls. They were super bad when they put a potato in the exhaust pipe of a teacher’s car, or hoisted a commode up on the flag pole, or when all five of them drug a teachers VW Beatle around sideways in its parking space. They were tough and had the TATTOO to prove it.


Very early in the Bible we find references to the “heathen”; those that did not recognize the one God of Israel. They would make cuts in their flesh and rub colored clay in it to make it stand out. This Tattoo was a “sign of a covenant” with others to protect them against their enemy, much like the gangs today. When you mess with me you mess with all of us in the covenant gang.

Tattoos were associated with pagan cults who tattooed themselves when they mourned for their dead. Archeologist have found tattoos on preserved skin dating back to 6000 BC.

In order to SET APART the chosen people of Israel, the moral and ceremonial laws instructed them to do everything possible to NOT look the same as the heathen.209 Cutting or tattooing themselves was therefore forbidden.210 A Christian should not look the same as the Worldly Heathen.

210 Leviticus 19:28 –DO NOT cut your bodies for the dead, and DO NOT MARK YOUR SKIN WITH TATTOOS -- Jeremiah 16:6 – Cut NOT yourselves for the dead


Book10 Doctrine–Tradition-Customs–Celebrations–Marriage-Divorce IT’SINTHEBOOK

I’ll say it another way; Tattoos represent the ways of the heathen world; those NOT chosen by God to be a people Holy to Him.

The Second Council of Nicaea in 787 AD, banned all body markings as a pagan practice.211

Tattoo of the Beast

We find in the end times that men will not be able to buy or sell without the TATTOO mark of the beast.212 This mark is used to control the person and clearly identifies that this person is a worshiper of the “image” of the Antichrist. It is a mark of allegiance and loyalty to the world leader.

Revelation 14:9-11 -Tattoo of the beast an Unpardonable Sin

9 If ANYONE worships the beast and his image and

RECEIVES HIS MARK on the forehead or on the hand,


which has been poured FULL STRENGTH into the cup of his wrath.


in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the


NO REST day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or


This is a perversion of the Mark of God that is placed on the 144,000 Jews who will testify of Christ.

Please NOTE; if you receive the mark of the beast, you cannot reverse your decision. I don’t know what this sounds like to you, but to my BS, it says that if you were tattooed with the MARK OF THE BEAST, you have refused the Holy Spirit. You have entered into the zone of the “Unpardonable Sin”. Repentance is too late; there is no choice on “smoking” or “non-smoking”.

Good News; when we become believers, we are forever marked with the SEAL OF GOD.213

Seals are placed by the owner as his mark of ownership.214 It’s the mark of God’s approval, a deposit of what is to come.215 There is another mark that is the exception to the rule that occurs in the Tribulation period when God places His mark on 144,000 EVANGELIST216 so that the Heathen world will take notice. There will be no doubt as to whether they are a servant of the most high God or a servant of the worldly

In the last days God will Tattoo the redeemed Christian with His mark on their foreheads.218 This

is not just any mark; it’s the NEW name of God tattooed on their foreheads.219 Note: The Tattoo of protection;220 the mark of God’s ownership221 IS PLACED BY GOD, not by man.222

211 Leviticus 21:5-6 – Christians MUST NOT CUT THEIR BODIES they are SET APART AS HOLY to their God and MUST NEVER BRING SHAME ON THE NAME OF GOD
212 Revelation 13:16 – The Mark; the Tattoo of the Beast on their RIGHT HAND or on their FOREHEADS

214 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 God has set His tattoo, His SEAL OF OWNERSHIP ON US
215 2 Corinthian 5:5 – Christians have a GUARANTEE of what is to come; HE HAS GIVEN US THE SPIRIT AS A DEPOSIT, -- John 6:27 - Christians have the seal of God’s APPROVAL
216 Revelation 7:3-4 – God seals with a tattoo 144,000 EVANGELIST
217 Ephesians 4:30 –Christians are sealed for the day of REDEMPTION
218 Ezekiel 9:4 – In the end times, GO THROUGH THE MIDST OF THE CITY and PUT A MARK ON THE FOREHEADS of the Believers 219 Revelation 14:1 – GOD’S NAME is tattooed on their foreheads.
220 Genesis 4:15 – God’s Mark, His Tattoo is of PROTECTION
221 1 Kings 20:41 – The Prophet was marked on his forehead
222 Revelation 3:11-12 – GOD WILL TATTOO ON THE BELIEVER HIS NEW NAME-- Revelation 22:4 – Believers shall see his face, and HIS NAME SHALL BE ON THEIR FOREHEADS

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The tattoo today has undergone a dramatic redefinition and has shifted from a form of defiance to an acceptable form of expression; it’s now called Body Art.

Health risks including infection and allergic reactions have been associated with Tattooing. Infections can be transmitted through the use of unsterilized equipment or contaminated ink. These infections include surface infections of the skin, fungal infections, some forms of hepatitis, herpes, simplex virus, HIV, staph, tetanus, and tuberculosis.

Interestingly 72 percent of those polled with face, neck, hands, or fingers tattoos have spent more than three days in JAIL, compared to just 6 percent of the non-tattooed population.

A Tattoo shows “Ownership” of your body, scripture teaches that Tattoos on God’s chosen people BRING SHAME TO THE NAME OF GOD.223 It’s in the Book

Image of God: Christians should make every effort to NOT look like the rest of the world; like those that have rejected Christ. We are SET APART and should strive to conform ourselves to the image of God’s only begotten Son; Jesus the Christ.224

We are known by our fruit:225 Does your SPEECH and SONGS glorify God or glorify the world?226 Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth SINGS.227 Are you a Believer or just a Make-Believer going through the motions with just a form of Godliness? 228

Is a person damned if they have a tattoo? Absolutely not; our salvation is NOT based on whether or not we have a tattoo; it’s based on our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our personal Savior plus nothing else. The New Covenant of Jesus Christ has set us FREE from the 613 Laws of Moses.229

Thinking about getting a tattoo; forget it. Got a Tattoo; don’t get anymore. Should you try to have a tattoo removed? It only matters to you; God looks on the heart230 not the color of your skin. Tattoos under the NT are NOT A SIN, but we would do well to honor God by not getting any.

Life is certainly choice driven

yellow butterfly

Where is your HEART?234

I saw a young lady at the beach with a tattoo of a outlined in brown in the small of her back. It was striking and kept my attention; I really, really liked it. After this study, I realized that that’s how life is; I am drawn to what is just opposite of God’s will, the Apostle Paul said it best;

For what I am doing,

I do not understand; for I am NOT practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I shouldn’t.”231

The Real Question is; are you as Believer232 or a Make-Believer?233

223 Leviticus 21:5-6 – Tattoos BRING SHAME on the name of God
224 Romans 8:29 – We are to be CONFORMED to the image of God’s Son
225 Matthew 7:20 – You will be known by your FRUIT
228 2 Timothy 3:1-5 - They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!
229 Acts 13:39 – The NEW COVENANT sets us free from the Law
230 Acts 15:8 – God knows the HEART
231 Romans 7:15-25 –PAUL CONFESSES; I DON’T REALLY UNDERSTAND MYSELF, FOR I WANT TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT, but I don’t do it. INSTEAD, I DO WHAT I HATE. But if I KNOW THAT WHAT I AM DOING IS WRONG, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; IT IS SIN LIVING IN ME that does it. And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I WANT TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT, BUT I CAN’T. I WANT TO DO WHAT IS GOOD, BUT I DON’T. I DON’T WANT TO DO WHAT IS WRONG, BUT I DO IT ANYWAY. WHO WILL FREE ME FROM THIS LIFE; THE ANSWER IS IN JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD
232 Romans 10:10 –WITH THE HEART ONE BELIEVES unto righteousness, and WITH THE MOUTH CONFESSION is made unto salvation
233 Matthew 7:23 – God will say to the Make Believer; I NEVER KNEW YOU
234 Jeremiah 17:10 – God searches the HEART and examines the mind to REWARD EACH PERSON ACCORDING TO THEIR CONDUCT

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Chapter 10.8

I am amazed at the denominations that hang their hat on different parts of the Bible. The Pentecostals on speaking in tongues, the Baptist on baptism by submersion, the Methodist on the method of worship and life styles, the Presbyterians on Predestination and the Seventh Day Adventist on the Saturday Sabbath, others with foot washing and some Snake handling.

I realize the doctrines run deeper than I have noted; but in my Belief System, this is the bottom line.

In the Book of Mark, there are SIGNS that follow the Believer; saying it in another way, there are

certain actions that will be observed in a Believer that has been filled with the Holy Spirit as it was poured out on the day of Pentecost. A couple of these “signs” dealt with POISON; from drinking deadly poison and being bitten by poisonous snakes.

NOTE: There were people who could be hired to get a snake out of your house; they were known as “Snake Handlers” or “Snake Charmers.” Oddly enough, snakes do not have ears, so they cannot hear, they can only feel vibrations or see movement. So you can’t charm a snake by playing music, but they might feel the vibrations or see you swaying as you toot your horn.

People “Charm” themselves today by “Tooting their own Horn”.

Mark 16:17-18 – You will pick up snakes and it will not hurt you

17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."


Snakes as a Sign

Many times snakes are SYMBOLIC of punishment sent by God;235 they are METAPHORICALLY trials and tribulations and attacks by wicked people. The Hebrew’s were complaining against Moses and God about their living conditions and God sent poisonous snakes among them and many died. Moses made a bronze serpent LIFTED HIGH on a pole as a SYMBOL of their sin and if those bitten by a poisonous snake would look on it, their sin would be forgiven and they would live.236 This was a direct SYMBOLISM of Jesus being LIFTED UP on the cross and the forgiveness of their Sins.237

As crazy as it seems; they did look upon it and BEGAN TO WORSHIP SNAKES and at some point King Hezekiah finally destroyed the bronze snake so they would not offer incense to it.238 Good Grief

NOTE: In my BS, I personally think that the medical doctor’s symbol of a snake on a pole came from this Biblical account of healing in the wilderness, but when asked they say NO. Just saying

235 Jeremiah 8:17 – Un-charmed snakes are punishment from the Lord
236 Numbers 21:6-9 - Make a snake and LIFT IT UP on a pole anyone who is bitten can look at it and remember their sin and live. 237 John 3:14-15 – As Moses LIFTED UP the serpent in the wilderness, even so Jesus would be LIFTED UP on the Cross
238 2 Kings 18:4 – King Hezekiah destroyed the bronze snake because the Israelites had been burning incense to it

Snake Handlers

“Signs People” – Brood of Vipers – The Conflict – Tempting God

First Word

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Signs People
Church of God with Signs Following: A Pentecostal Church founded by George Went Hensley

in 1909 occasionally practiced handling poisonous snakes and drinking poison. These “Signs People” believed that if there was “Sufficient Faith” they would not die or be permanently harmed.

The practice was denounced in 1928 by the Church of God because of the number of deaths and near deaths experiences; however today there are still some 50 to a 100 Churches known as the “Sign People” that still practice “The Signs.

Brood of Vipers

There was something called a Leviathan which was depicted as large as an elephant or hippopotamus that lived in the sea which was called a serpent. Some suggest it had the form of a crocodile; I don’t think anybody knows for sure what it looked like, but they sure wrote about it. In the Apocrypha, it says that the NEPHELIM; angels that left their assignments co-habituated with animal life and produced monstrosities See It’s in the Book 8.2 ET’s UFO’s & Portals.

Serpents or Snakes are just not spoken of that very well; most of the time they are mentioned as a symbol of Evil, Sin and Wrong Doing with condemnation and the wrath of hell following. Jesus called the Pharisees and Sadducees a “Brood of Vipers”, because they spoke evil.239 The serpent is the enemy of God and of God’s people; the first and final villain.

In the First book of the Bible, God CURSES the serpent so he could no longer walk upright and had to crawl on his belly.240

In the Last book, God binds the “Old Serpent” and casts him into Hell.241 Interestingly, in the end time Millennial reign of Christ,242 snakes will not be banished, but transformed to be harmless creatures.243

The Conflict

Ancient Manuscripts for some reason omit Mark 16:9-20 which uniqueness speaks of snake handling, so it is possible this section was added later as it does not appear in any of the other Gospels. Some commentaries end with Mark 16:8 as if 9-20 did not exist.

We are also instructed that the Bible is the inspired word of God.244 Therefore all scripture carries the same weight regardless of how many times something is mentioned. Since the passages are included in the canonized Bible; I accept them as from God and they must be examined, handled and unpacked with care. We are instructed to prove scripture with scripture;245 so we would be wise to examine other scripture that embraces handling snakes and drinking poison. I find none

Oddly enough most snakes in Palestine were non-poisonous, but the Hebrews both hated and feared ALL snakes. “The only good snake was a dead snake”. The Asp is very small and was said to live in holes in the ground striking at what comes by for food, and you could be on top of one and not even know it. The Carpet Viper also known as the Adder is sometimes as long as two feet often hides in the sand attacking its victims. While you feel no pain at first, internal bleeding has already started and death occurs in about two days.

There is scripture where Paul was bitten by a viper and he just shook the snake off.246 At first the observers thought that he was getting the just rewards of a murderer and when he didn’t swell up or die they changed their minds thinking he must be a god. Go figure.

239 Matthew 3:7 – Jesus called the Pharisees a Brood of Vipers -- Matthew 12:34 – Brood of vipers speaking evil; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks -- Luke 3:7 – Brood of vipers, the wrath of God is to come -- Matthew 23:33 - Brood of vipers! How can you escape hell?
240 Genesis 3:14 – God has cursed the serpent -- Isaiah 27:1 – God will slay Leviathan the serpent

241 Psalm 74:14 – God will crush the head of Leviathan the serpent
242 Revelation 20:2 - God seized the ancient serpent and bound him for a thousand years 243 Isaiah 11:8-9 – In the Millennial Reign; The snake will be transformed and be harmless 244 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – All Scripture is God-breathed
245 Isaiah 28:13 – Learn precept upon precept; line upon line
246 Acts 28:3-6 – Paul bitten by a snake; just shook it off

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In this incident with Paul, he did not go looking for a snake to handle; it handled him. It should also be noted; that God had placed an Angel beside Paul to be sure he got to Rome.247

Wicked people are metaphorically mentioned as snakes that come among you, UN-CHARMED by the Word of God.248 In other words the Disciples have been assured that they will be able to “HANDLE” whatever comes against them.249 The “Snake” in the grass is rendered harmless. Luke says if they step on a snake in the grass they will not be harmed.

The quoted scripture is part of “The Great Commission250 to go into all the world and preach the Gospel; with the emphasis that God will protect them,251 even from snakes and people trying to poison them. The purposeful drinking of poison without harm IS NOT taught in the New Testament.

If you accept the “gift signs” as a COMMAND today; then you must accept ALL of them including drinking deadly poison. While these signs did follow the early Christians, they disappeared in that era although they still manifest themselves in some sects of Appalachia.

The TEST of your Faith is not snakes, but correct doctrine; the doctrine of Jesus Christ.252

The Take Away

At no point in scripture do we see a “side show” of handling snakes; handling snakes in public is no more a proof of Faith than the pagan “Snake Charmers” in India. What good would handling snakes be if you could not heal the sick and cast out demons? ZIP

There are some things that “You Know that You Know” and you do not have to PROVE them to anybody; doing so is a sign of doubt on your part. Satan was trying to get Jesus to PROVE he was the Son of God and told Him to jump off the mountain and God would save Him IF He was His Son. Jesus said we were not to TEMPT the Lord God.253

In other words, don’t bring snakes into your worship service. It’s like saying; “OK God; PROVE yourself”.


247 Acts 27:23-25 – An Angel of God protected Paul
248 Psalm 58:4-5 – The Wicked are like snakes that cannot be charmed
249 Mark 16:17-18 – The early disciples were supernaturally protected.
250 Mark 16:15-16 – The Great Commission and Assurances
251 Luke 10:19 – Authority to TRAMPLE on serpents; NOT HANDLE
252 2 John 7-10 – The test is not snakes; but correct doctrine
253 Deuteronomy 6:16 - You shall not tempt the LORD -- James 1:13 – God does not temp you 254 Matthew 4:7 - You shall not tempt the LORD your God

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Chapter 10.9

Unicorn is mentioned only six times in scripture and only in the King James Version of the Bible. Other Bible versions translate “re’em” as; Wild Ox. Strong’s Concordance translates it; Wild Bull. In European folklore, the unicorn is often depicted as a white “Horse like” or “Goat like” animal with a long horn and cloven hooves and sometimes with a goat's beard.

The unicorn is a legendary animal that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead. The unicorn was depicted in ancient seals of the Indus Valley Civilization and was mentioned by the ancient Greeks in accounts of natural history by various writers. Wikipedia

Marco Polo described the Unicorns as "scarcely smaller than elephants and have the hair of a buffalo and feet like an elephant's. They have a single large black horn in the middle of the forehead... They have a head like a wild boar's... They spend their time by preference wallowing in mud and slime. They are very ugly brutes to look at.”

In Germany, since the 16th century, Einhorn ("one-horn") is a descriptor of the various species of RHINOCEROS. It is clear that Marco Polo was describing a rhinoceros.

Myths Gnostics and New age
In a book on Unicorn Symbolism”, the unicorn appears a) as a symbol of strength; b) to destroy,

to tear down and renew, c) to purify & transform to a better world. d) A rebirth and transformation. e) It is drawn to the virgin for its death, destruction and simultaneously creation; f) unicorns can never die. The myths of the Unicorn refer to a beast with one horn that can only be tamed by a virgin; subsequently, some writers translated this into an allegory for Christ's relationship with the Virgin Mary. In the encyclopedias the horn itself and the substance it was made of was called alicorn, and it is believed that the horn holds supernatural magical power and medicinal properties to heal sickness and

to render poisoned water potable; with a single dip of his horn it can purify water..
Medieval knowledge of this mythical beast stemmed from biblical and ancient sources, and the

creature was variously represented as a kind of wild ass, goat, or horse.
In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland

creature and was a SYMBOL of purity and grace.
Symbols play a vital role to those involved in the New Age Movement; the rainbow and the

unicorn are two of the best known.

Here’s where we are

No one has actually seen a Unicorn, this notion has been around since antiquity. There are various descriptions on what it looked like such as an Elephant, Goat, Boar, Wild Ass, Horse, and Rhinoceros.

a) It had a Long White spiral horn, or maybe a short Black large horn
b) Ithasclovenhoovesandcouldhaveabeardlikeagoat
c) It’s powerful and cannot be captured except by a virgin
d) Ithassupernaturalpowersforhealinginitshornandcanmakepoisonedwatersdrinkable.


New Age Symbolism – Supernatural Powers - Leviathan Known Sightings – Singleness of Purpose – Behemoth

First Word

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The unicorn has been hi-jacked along with the rainbow by “The New Age Movement”. Thirty years ago, I had the privilege of being head of a Christian television station and we were exhibiting items created by a Sunday school class and one of the items was a Unicorn. I ask that the unicorn not be presented and the teacher with tears in her eyes wanted to know why. She had made it so full of beautiful colors and flowers. I ask what she knew about the Unicorn and she said, “Well, it’s in the Bible” and that’s all she knew.

The New Age Movement was very prevalent at that time and I could not in clear conscious support anything that would validate or give acceptability to this Godless corrupt movement.

The Zodiac end time judgment, destruction
The Zodiac is found in almost every culture and with the same names of the constellations. The

Taurus the Bull in the Zodiac is pictured as a powerful bull charging forth bringing destruction.255 The Chief star is Al Debaran which means “The Captain” or “The Leader” or “Governor”.

This is a picture of Christ as the captain charging forth like the “Unicorn” or bull that cannot be harnessed in fierce anger, to destroy sinners; with the land flowing with blood. The picture I want to paint is that like the Zodiac, the concept of a unicorn, an animal with one horn has been around since before the days of Moses. It may have actually existed and might not; but it’s metaphor of unbridled strength lives on.

The Take Away

Thousands of years have passed since some of these animals have walked the earth and both language and the distribution of animals have undergone changes; many animals no longer exist. If you think identifying a Unicornis hard; try to identify the “behemoth; is it an elephant or hippopotamus and is the Leviathana crocodile, whale or a giant snake?

The Tahash animal of the temple was thought to be a kosher unicorn with a coat of many colors that existed only in biblical times; however the classical Jewish understanding of the Re'em DID NOT identify this animal as a unicorn.

In the Bible; the Hebrew word Re’em, is always mentioned as a METAPHOR representing

stars of the Zodiac have been recorded from one end of the earth to the other by all ages and nations. None of their forms from their first inventions have varied in being passed down to us, nor at any point

has their names being changed; added to or removed.


The King James Version of the Bible is the only version that translates the word Re’emwith the mythical word Unicorn; all the rest translate it; Wild Ox.257

The Unicorn was a name given to a now extinct Wild Ox. It was a wild, untamable, fierce, ferocious animal about the size of an elephant and it had TWO HORNS, not one; however it was of SINGLENESS of purpose, to destroy any living thing. It is a hyperbole of Judgment.

The allusions to the unicorn points to a wild, un-tamable animal of

great strength and agility, and with a mighty horn or horns.

255 Isaiah 34:7 – The unicorns shall come down and the land will be soaked in blood
256 Numbers 23:22 – God brought them out of Egypt with the strength of an unicorn -- Numbers 24:8 – The unicorn has Strength and power -- Psalm 92:10 – The unicorn horn is powerfully exalted -- Job 39:9-12 – A unicorn cannot be tamed to serve
257 Deuteronomy 33:17 – The Wild Ox; Spoken of in judgment -- Psalm 22:21 – The horn of the Wild Ox is ferocious. -- Psalm 92:10 – The horn of the Wild Ox is raised

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Chapter 10.10

Postures – Meditation – Breathing - Body Control – Mind Control – Detachment Self-Control – Self-Mastery - Self-Discipline – Emotion Control - Astral Travel
Holy Yoga – Trinity Yoga – Yoga for Yahweh – Christian Yoga
Body Prayer Yoga Son Light Yoga - Yoga Devotion – Be Still Yoga – Grounded in Yoga – New Day Yoga

First Word

Yahweh Yoga

Yogaphobia is the fear, that certain postures or sequences in Yoga could present prayers to Hindu gods making it incompatible with Christian doctrines and moral codes. The Elephant in the room is the question; SHOULD A CHRISTIAN PRACTICE YOGA? Christian Colleges such as Gordon College and Wheaton College offer Yoga classes.

Nothing is inherently wrong in its own light with a highly developed, low impact, physical activity; that of stretching, bending, twisting and breathing to relieve pain and get your body in shape.258 Christian have co-opted pagan holidays for celebration of Christmas and the Easter days, so why not Yoga.

What’s the big deal? Yoga is a spiritual discipline that uses the body as a vehicle for achieving consciousness of the divine; Christianity is just spiritual kindergarten and Yoga allows you to move on to the next level; on to higher things. Yoga serves as the gateway for New Age thinking, it is a mixing of worldviews without paying attention to what is being homogenized in the mix.259 This is an attempt to combine two contradictory beliefs into a New Age religious system.260

The Christianization of Yoga has been repackaged and is now called “Wholy Fit” or “Praise Moves” or “Body Prayer” or “Stretching the Truth”; all accompanied with Biblical Scripture mantra techniques and meditation.261

Well, I must say that Yoga is far more complex than the common understandings imply. Most are unaware that Yoga cannot be neatly “separated” into spiritual and physical dimensions.262

The Book questions us with; WHY do you put up with a different teaching?

Yoga background

Pantheistic View is that the universe is an emanation of God and He vales himself within physical matter, so REALITY consists only of the Universe and Nature. God is in everything, therefore there is a “divine spark” in nature and within everything and everyone. So man and God are one, with Yoga being “self-worship” disguised as high level spirituality.

It teaches to focus on one-self instead of the ONE true God.

Yoga unites opposites; the sun and moon, masculine and feminine, mind and body, stillness and movement; it is based on the philosophy of REINCARNATION.263

258 1 Timothy 4:8 - Bodily training is some value; godliness is best
259 1 Timothy 4:1 – Some depart the faith by following deceitful spirits
260 2 Corinthians 11:4 – Why do you put up with a different Gospel YOU PUT UP WITH IT readily enough; YOU ACCEPT a different gospel.
261 1 Peter 5:8 – Warning - Be sober-minded and watchful, Satan prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour
262 Matthew 7:16 – You will know a TRUE BELIEVER by what they do
263 2 Corinthians 4:16 – Though our outer self (physical) is wasting away, our inner self (Spiritual) is being renewed day by day

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Sunyata is a Buddhist term that means emptiness or void; the idea of dyingreaching its finality. Another word is “Moksha” being a state which is beyond being”; it is the destruction of self. Originally Yoga was more openly understood to be a way of dying”; it was a way to escape the constant and never-ending deaths and rebirths of reincarnation. You are given countless chances to reach heaven where your personality will ultimately then be destroyed.

The Book says it is appointed for man to die ONCE, and after that comes the judgment.264

Webster’s Dictionary definition of Yoga: A Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of BODY, MIND and SOUL in order that “the self” may realize it’s distinction from them and attain liberation. A man who practices Yoga is called a “Yogi” and a woman is called a “Yogini”.

Yoga simply means discipline, but in the Sanskrit language the word “yuj” literally means to yoke, join, merge or unite. The question would be; TO WHAT are we yoking, joining or uniting? Yoga teaches that there are two eternal beings; 1) God, the infinite being and 2) the individual spirit of a finite being. It is the union of the “Parramatta”, the universal supreme soul with “atma” the individual soul; it is the merging of the two into the Cosmic Will. Originally all spirits dwelt in the consciousness of that Oneness.

The Goal of Yoga is to reach “Kaivalya”; freedom from the chains of “Karma” which is what we would call “Cause and Effect” which binds us into continual REINCARNATION. It is self-exaltation, realizing one’s own divinity and yoking one’s self with the universal consciousness. The exercises are meant to open up your Chakras.

Chakras is your spiritual energy center and there are SEVEN of them that exist in the body. The first five are located along your spine, the sixth is the THIRD EYE on your forehead and the seventh is located on the top of your head called the CROWN CHAKRA.

Kundalini is the awakening of the latent power of the SERPENT that is coiled at the base of your spine. It RISES UP during deep meditation bringing a person to a “god consciousness”, allowing the practitioner to EXIT THE BODY and experience higher spiritual realms. No other method of physical activity offers this opportunity of “transcendence”. (SERPENT POWER)

NOTE: From what I read; when the coiled serpent reaches the top of the head it will explode into the so called “Thousand-Petalled Lotus” and from that point it is almost impossible for the practitioner to return to any semblance of normality, but will remain in an induced psychotic state.

(I do not understand any of this as TRUTH and am only reporting what I have read.)

Sheva the destroyer is the “Lord of Yoga” to whom you ultimately yoke, and is the Supreme Being who creates, protects and transforms the universe. If you don’t believe me; then look up this perversion.

Yoga Limbs

There are Eight limbs of Yoga

1) Yamas is restraints: Universal Ethics; non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing.
2) Niyamas is observances: Principals of self-conduct, study of self, purity, contentment and

3) Asanas is worshipful Hindu Yoga poses; “stretching out in worship,” the practice of the

Postures are offerings to the gods.
4) Pranayama is breath control techniques. Prana is the Hindu word for “Life Force”. The

Science of Breath attempts to manipulate that Life Force Energy. Deep breathing controls the body and increases mental capacity and develops the spiritual side of man’s nature. Breathing and meditation is essential so that you will be accepted by one of the little gods.

Be advised that Satan is the Prince of the “power” of this AIR and this spirit is NOW at work in the world.265

264 Hebrews 9:27 - It is appointed for man to die once and after that comes judgment; there is NO reincarnation. 265 Ephesians 2:2 – Satan is the Prince of the power of the air

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  1. 5)  Pratyahara is the withdrawal and control of the senses; it is the discipline of the mind, senses and the physical body in order to obtain spiritual calmness. This concept of emptying the mind is opposite of the Biblical concept of transforming & renewing the mind.

  2. 6)  Dharana is to obtain perfect concentration.

  3. 7)  Dhyani is meditation to obtain moral excellence. The Book says to meditate on whatever is

    true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is

    anything worthy of praise, to meditate on these things.266

  4. 8)  Samadhi is the absorption of ethical perfection to a higher consciousness.

More Definitions

Surya namaskara is a salute to the sun; bowing down to the sun in the east in submission and worship.267 It is best performed at sunrise; the most favorable spiritual time of the day. Have you ever attended an Easter sunrise worship service? Have you ever wondered where the tradition came from? Don’t get upset until you read the Word study on Easter.

Bowing; there are over 330,000,000 Hindu gods and when you bow, Namaste, you are saying;

Did you notice that when President Trump went to China,
The Book says “you shall have no other gods before me”.268

Mantras awaken the Self and deepen the meditative aspects of a physical Yoga practice.269 Mantra yoga is an exact science that is meant to engage the mind through focusing on sound, duration a number of repetitions. They are Hindu words that you repeat over and over that sound like gibberish to you, but are actually prayers to a Hindu deity. Chanting or “Om-ing” usually with fingers made to resemble a circle, is common with the sounds “vibrating your body”, and with many in the class, it causes the whole room to vibrate.270

Astral Travel is when people have willful OBE Out of Body Experiences” and actually leave their bodies. That happened to me twice by accident, I don’t even know how. I could look down and see myself in the room and could even move about outside. The first time, I struggled quickly to get back into my body, the second time I stayed out a little longer. I told a co-worker what I had experienced and she became alarmed and said in no uncertain terms “NEVER DO THAT AGAIN”, that I was leaving my body open to demonic possession. I made sure that I NEVER DID THAT AGAIN.

Drinking in philosophy

The Yoga World View imparts the viewing of all life as “energy”, it is the viewing of your role as participation in that “energy”; self-mastery, self-discipline, self-control, emotion control, body control & mind control to detach yourself from the sufferings of the world.271 This is drinking in the New Age philosophy with a New World view of meditative techniques of reflexology and philosophical assumptions that are coming through THE DOOR of physical activity such as Acupuncture, Reflexology, Karate, Jujitsu and of course Yoga.

The Goal of Yoga is the corruption of the Christian Faith and the conversion of the mind to the occult Pantheistic World View.272

Christian Yoga is an Oxymoron; THEY ARE OPPOSITE

266 Philippians 4:8 - Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things 267 Acts 15:29 - Abstain from POSTURES that are offered to gods -- Deuteronomy 4:19 – Beware; don’t posture yourself to the sun or moon

268 Exodus 20:3 - Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
269 Philippians 4:8 – Meditate on these things; whatever is honorable, true, pure, just, lovely, commendable, anything worthy of praise
270 Matthew 6:7-9 – Do not utter empty mantras; Pray to God
271 2 Corinthians 4:4 - The god of this world has blinded their minds
272 Ezekiel 8:17-18 – They mock God with a branch or their thumb on their nose (The Thumb on their nose meaning; God kiss my ass.) -- Isaiah 2:6 – God will reject people that are full of things of the East -- Ezekiel 8:15-16 – Facing the east worshiping the sun

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Book10 Doctrine–Tradition-Customs–Celebrations–Marriage-Divorce IT’SINTHEBOOK The Take Away

Although Yoga has been around and practiced for about 3,000 years, it did not become popular in the West until the early 60’s with the Hippies and drug culture and the spread of psychedelic drugs that offered an expansion of the mind. Drugs offered altered states of conscience, mind expansion and a search for “spiritualitywithout religious constraints. It was then that the West was introduced to Yoga where you could CHANGE PERCEIVED REALITY.273

New Age is Buddhism and Hinduism which brought Acupuncture, Homeopathic Medicine, Reflexology and Theories of Energy Flow. (Star Wars; may the force be with you.)

Posturing became offerings to some of the 330 millions of Hindu Gods. You were taught to fill your mind with nothing and just focus on yourself and find the god that is within you. The poses of “the cobra”, “the mountain” and “the greeting of the sun”, are all designed to welcome Hindu gods.

I would call this a false religion, wouldn’t you?

Why would Christians want to borrow an expression; the term Yoga from a false religion? Pantheism believes everything is God, Christians believe there is only ONE true God.

The Book says to do everything to the glory of God; to abstain from postures that are offering to the gods. THIS IS OUR SPIRITUAL WORSHIP; to present our bodies as living sacrifices that are holy and acceptable. We are not to be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our mind.

It is NOT possible for a Christian
to practice the Eastern philosophies of YOGA to the glory of God.

The COILED SERPENT RISING UP represents a counterfeit spiritual power trying to find a way to god; for the Christian, the spiritual way to God is the DOVE COMING DOWN from heaven.

If you are a strong Christian, you may feel that when you practice Yoga, you will not fall prey to the spiritual deception of Yoga; but what about your example to a weaker Christian who is watching your lifestyle; Yoga and Hinduism are inseparable.

Feeling a sense of calmness or feeling less stressed is a wonderful thing, and that’s the HOOK of Yoga. Any part of our life that is not submitted to Jesus Christ is an OPEN DOOR for the enemy.

When you began to meditate in Yoga,
you are no longer merely just a physical “
posture”; you are an offering.

Will Yoga make me more Christ like and devoted to Jesus?
Will I be more filled with the Holy Spirit in prayer and actions? Will my witness be bolder and stronger?
Will Yoga help me to better discern the snares and traps of Satan?

The Book says God will reject the people who are full of the things of the East;275 we are to do everything to the glory of God.276

Pat Robertson of the 700 Club Says “When Christians practice Yoga they must either deny the reality of what Yoga represents or fail to see the contradictions between their Christian commitments and their embrace of Yoga; the contradictions are not few, nor are they peripheral”.

Christian Yoga is an Oxymoron

273 Genesis 3:4-5 – SELF-REALIZATION - You will not surely die -- Genesis 3:4-5 – Self-realization; eat of it and your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil the SERPENT SAID you will not surely die
274 2 Thessalonians 2:3 - Let no one deceive you in any way
275 Jeremiah 10:1-2 - LEARN NOT THE WAYS OF THE NATION’S -- Deuteronomy 18:9 - Do not learn nations Abominable Practices-- Romans 12:2– Don’t be conformed to this world; be transformed by the renewal of your mind -- Romans 12:1 - Present your bodies as a living sacrifice: Holy

276 1 Corinthians 10:31 – WHATSOEVER YOU DO; Do to the Glory of God
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Chapter 10.11

The discussion concerning the Sabbath arises not from our obedience to observe the Sabbath, but of “when” to observe it; some say Saturday and others say Sunday. I certainly enter into this discussion with BS, a Belief System that is “biased” being raised a Christian and not a Jew, but, what does the Word say?

Fourth Commandment

From the Hebrew word Shabbat; to cease and desist; an abstention from work. The belief that Israel’s “Time” and “Land” ultimately belongs to God.277

Webster: The Sabbath; The Seventh day of the week (Saturday), set aside by the fourth commandment for rest and worship and observed by Jews and some Christian sects,278 with Sunday, the first day of the week as the usual Christian day of rest and worship.

The Sabbath began at sunset on Friday evening and lasted till sunset on Saturday evening. God bound Israel to follow His law and no other; “The Law” demanded reverence, obedience and service; to record, study, remember and obey under penalty of being “STONED TO DEATH”. With that said; you could say; they took the Sabbath very seriously.

The Fourth Commandment:279 The Sabbath is a Holy day on which man should rest from any normal work and cause no one else under his authority to work. 280 We are commanded to work six days and rest on the seventh. The Sabbath was made for man to enjoy a day of REST. 281


Sabbath Rest - for your crops
Sabbath means rest even for your fields and crops. Six years you should grow crops on your land

and the seventh year, let it lay barren. Let the land rest.

Leviticus 25:3-5 – Let the field lay barren in the seventh year

3 For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops.
4 But in
the seventh year the land is to have a Sabbath of rest, a Sabbath to the LORD. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards.

5 Do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the grapes of your untended vines. The land is to have a year of rest. NIV

277 Genesis 2:2-3 – God rested on the seventh day
278 Exodus 31:16-17 – The Jews are commanded to observe the Sabbath; it is a sign between me and the Israelites forever 279 Exodus 20:8-11 - The fourth Commandment: "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
280 Mark 2:27-28 – "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
281 Numbers 15:32-36 – Break the Sabbath and "The man must die”


Saturday or Sunday - Origin – Purpose
Old Covenant – New Covenant - Seventh Day Adventist
The Fourth Commandment – Does the day affect your salvation?

First Word

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Sabbath Rest for your finances
There was a set time of seven Sabbaths of years. Seven times Seven; forty nine years that land

could be sold and men be made slaves. Because of poverty, men would have to sell their land or even submit themselves as slaves just to live, but in the 50th year of Jubilee, the land must be returned, debts forgiven and slaves freed. Obviously there were rules concerning this, which I won’t cover here.

This was a Sabbath Year of no work in the fields’; you could eat from the fields, but not harvest it. It was just a year of celebration and rest.

Leviticus 25:8-13 - Seven Times Seven Sabbaths – Year of Jubilee

8 "`Count off seven Sabbaths of years--seven times seven years-- the seven Sabbaths of years amount to a period of forty-nine years.
9 ...The
tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land.

10 Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each one of you is to return to his family property and each to his own clan.
The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you; do not sow and do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the untended vines.

12 For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you; eat only what is taken directly from the fields.
13 "`In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to his own property.

Sabbath Observance – The reason why
The Sabbath is a memorial to the completion of God’s creation in six day and resting on the

seventh; not of weariness, but of reflection.283 By this action God ordained a pattern for living; this would be a shadow of the observance of the Sabbath some 2000 years later. Israel was commanded to observe the Sabbath; to remember God bringing the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt.284

There was a bunch of Sabbaths the Israelites observed as directed by God; the seventh day of the week; plus the first,285 Tenth286 and fifteenth287 day of the seventh month; plus the first and eighth day of the celebration week. The Sabbath is a sign, a memorial of an EVERLASTING COVENANT between God and Israel.288 The keeping of the Sabbath is the most sacred of observances;

the Sabbath was given to THE JEWS, NOT TO THE GENTILES; it belongs to Israel

Birth of the Christian Church
The early Christian Church was known as “The Way”,289 and the followers of Christ were called

Christians.290 The Jews considered the followers of The Way to be “a party within Judaism” and were allowed to worship side by side at the synagogue and temple on the Sabbath. The Pharisees and others added to the law with far more specifics than it was intended, causing THE LAW to become a BURDEN instead of a rest.

283 Genesis 2:2-3 – Remember God finished creation in six day and then HE RESTED from all his work.
284 Deuteromy 5:15 – Remember you were once in bondage. God brought you out of there with a mighty hand; God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day -- Exodus 31:16-17 - The Sabbath is a CELEBRATION -- Deuteronomy 5:12 – Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it HOLY
285 Leviticus 23:23-24 – Sabbath the 1st day of the seventh month
286 Leviticus 16:29-31 – Sabbath of Rest - 10th day Day of Atonement
287 Leviticus 23:39 – Sabbath the 15th day of the seventh month
288 Ezekiel 20:12 – THE SABBATH IS A SIGN BETWEEN GOD AND ISRAEL so they would know that the LORD made them holy. -- Exodus 31:13 – The Sabbath is a SIGN between me and you for generations to come
289 John 14:6 – Jesus said, “I am The Way”; no one comes to the Father except through me. -- Acts 19:23 – Many disturbed about “The Way”. -- Acts 24:14 – “The Way” was called a sect -- Acts 24:22 – “The Way” was well known -- Acts 9:1-2 – Saul/Paul, before being called of the Lord wanted to kill those who followed “The Way” -- Acts 19:9 – Some publicly maligned “The Way” and became obstinate; because they refused to believe

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A CONFLICT arose over the nature of worship; i.e.; Salvation and Righteousness did not come from offerings and sacrifices, but by obeying God in Spirit and in Truth;291 by doing the Word. This forced them to worship separately. Although the temple and synagogues were still considered sacred, we are given many examples that the believers gathered in the followers of THE WAY’S homes.292

Paul pretty much told them that they did not have to observe both The Lord’s Day on Sunday,293 and the Jew’s Sabbath on Saturday; but many did, clinging to “Tradition”.

Colossians 2:16 – Observance of the Jew’s Sabbath not required.

16 Therefore DO NOT LET ANYONE JUDGE YOU by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a SABBATH DAY.NIV

Sabbath Worship
Each Sabbath the Rabbi read Scriptures from the Book of the Law; and explained the Law;294 the

Synagogue was known as “The House of the Book”. The Muslims referred to Jews as “The people of the Book”; Christians should be known for that same reason;

During the week they would have “TORAH SCHOOL” for the young boys to learn scripture, etiquette, music, practical knowledge and warfare to supplement their “Home Schooling”.295 There were no books; they had to memorize scripture.

They believed if a verse was not spoken OUT LOUD, it would soon be forgotten.

On the “The Lord’s Day” we should imitate the early church as they gathered to hear the word of God and worship; and have “Sunday School” to teach our children.

Far Out Stuff

All male Jews were expected (by tradition) to wear two phylacteries at morning prayers; one on their forehead and one on their left arm. These were small leather cases containing four scriptures from the Torah; oddly enough, they did not wear it on the Sabbath.

In my BS, I see this command as SYMBOLIC of keeping the Word of God in your mind and in your actions, however they took it literally. What the Jews deem as being obedient, the world deems as being weird. I include the FOUR SCRIPTURES for you to understand their devotion.

Exodus 13:1-10 – FIRST Scripture
1 The LORD said to Moses,
2 "Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether man or animal."
3 Moses said to the people, "Commemorate this day, the day you came out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, because the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand. Eat nothing containing yeast.
4 Today, in the month of Abib, you are leaving.
5 When the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Hivites and Jebusites--the land he swore to your forefathers to give you, a land flowing with milk and honey--you are to observe this ceremony in this month:
6 For seven days eat bread made without yeast and on the seventh day hold a festival to the LORD.

291 John 4:24 – Worship God in Spirit and in Truth
292 Philemon 1:2 – Church meets in the home of Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier -- Romans 16:3-5 - Church meets in the home of Priscilla and Aquila -- Colossians 4:15 – Church meets in the home of Nympha
293 Galatians 4:10-11 – Don’t add Tradition; the Jewish Sabbath rituals to your salvation
294 Acts 13:44 – Gather on the Sabbath to hear the word of God -- Acts 13:27 – The Word is read out loud EVERY Sabbath -- Acts 13:14- 15 – Read the Word on the Sabbath
295 Deuteronomy 6:6-7 – HOME SCHOOLING; talk about scripture when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up

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7 Eat unleavened bread during those seven days; nothing with yeast in it is to be seen among you, nor shall any yeast be seen anywhere within your borders.
8 On that day tell your son, `I do this because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt.'

9 This observance will be for you “like” a sign on your hand and a

reminder on your forehead that the law of the LORD is to be on

your lips. For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with his mighty hand.

10 You must keep this ordinance at the appointed time year after year. NIV

Exodus 13:11-16 – SECOND Scripture

11 "After the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites and gives

it to you, as he promised on oath to you and your forefathers,

12 you are to give over to the LORD the first offspring of every womb.

All the firstborn males of your livestock belong to the LORD.

13 Redeem with a lamb every firstborn donkey, but if you do not redeem

it, break its neck. Redeem every firstborn among your sons.

14 "In days to come, when your son asks you, `What does this mean?' say

to him, `With a mighty hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, out of

the land of slavery.

15 When Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the LORD killed every

firstborn in Egypt, both man and animal. This is why I sacrifice to the

LORD the first male offspring of every womb and redeem each of my

firstborn sons.'

16 And it will be “like” a sign on your hand and a symbol on your

forehead that the LORD brought us out of Egypt with his mighty

hand." NIV

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 – THIRD Scripture

4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.

5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and

with all your strength.

6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.

7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home

and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get


8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your


9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. NIV

Deuteronomy 11:3-21 – FOURTH Scripture
3 the signs he performed and the things he did in the heart of Egypt, both to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his whole country;
4 what he did to the Egyptian army, to its horses and chariots, how he overwhelmed them with the waters of the Red Sea as they were pursuing you, and how the LORD brought lasting ruin on them.
5 It was not your children who saw what he did for you in the desert until you arrived at this place,
6 and what he did to Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab the Reubenite, when the earth opened its mouth right in the middle of all Israel and

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swallowed them up with their households, their tents and every living thing that belonged to them.
7 But it was your own eyes that saw all these great things the LORD has done.

8 Observe therefore all the commands I am giving you today, so that you may have the strength to go in and take over the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess,
9 and so that you may live long in the land that the LORD swore to your forefathers to give to them and their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey.

10 The land you are entering to take over is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you planted your seed and irrigated it by foot as in a vegetable garden.
11 But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven.

12 It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end.
13 So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today--to love the LORD your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul—

14 then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil.
15 I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied.

16 Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them.
17 Then the LORD's anger will burn against you, and he will shut the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the LORD is giving you.

18 Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

20 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, 21 so that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the LORD swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.


Here’s where we are

NOTE: The people of Israel were called Israelites; ten of the tribes were scattered and lost. The people of the largest remaining tribe Judah were called Jews. Today all of the Nation of Israel is referred to as Jews. (The remnants of ALL the tribes of Israel are not lost to God.)

Israel; the Jews are commanded to observe the Sabbath; Saturday; PLUS other Sabbaths. The Sabbath is a gift to enjoy and is a time of REST for man, animals and the land. It is also a Holy Day set aside to REMEMBER God; Hearing His Word, Worship and Praise.

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Seventh Day Adventist
The Seventh Day Adventist say; that The Lord’s Day or the Sabbath is on SATURDAY. This is

THE doctrine their Church hangs their hat on. If you celebrate the Lord’s Day on Sunday, you are doomed to spend eternity in Hell. This doctrine “YOKES” the believer in the bondage of LEGALISM Before Adventist there was also Seventh Day Baptist.

A Sabbaths days’ journey was a distance of only 2000 cubits; with 20 inches being a cubic they could only walk about 3,333 feet or .63 miles. If you are under ONE of the Old Covenant laws, then you are under ALL of them; the Christian is under the New Covenant.

The “Sabbath” originated with the Ten Commandments and Moses on Mount Sinai. It was a covenant between God and Israel; the Jew’s “Sabbath” was SATURDAY and still is.

We are not made holy by keeping man made rules that somehow make us righteous. Since a 24 hour day was not made until the 4th day of creation, I’m not sure how anyone can accurately tell which day is which. Just saying

Those observing Sunday should not judge or impose their opinions on those that observe Saturday.296 Their behavior is guided by their reverence and fear of God and are at Christian liberty297 to do so as long as the observation is not deemed necessary for salvation”.

All sins can be forgiven except the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit; known as the unpardonable sin.298 This would include worshiping God on a different day and having to work on the “Sabbath” or walking more than .63 miles; we are no longer condemned by the Law.299

After the Resurrection

After the Resurrection of Christ, the early Christians began to observe the day that Jesus was resurrected from the grave as the new covenant; the new way. They observed the Sabbath or “Lords Day” on “Resurrection Sunday” which was the first day of the week; a new beginning.300

The Jews continued to observe Saturday as the Sabbath and the Christians set apart Sunday to be observed as “The Lord’s Day” which we also commonly call our Sabbath. The Sabbath actually refers to the Jews; “The Lord’s Day” refers to the Christians (I understand many will disagree with this.)

The Lord’s Day is a weekly memorial to Christ’s resurrection from the dead;301 a celebration of a new creation, God making all things new,302 a day of triumph and glory, the tomb is empty. Rejoice in “The Lord’s Day”. 303 He is risen; He is risen indeed.

Christ honored the disciples by manifesting Himself multiple times on the first day of the week.304 The feast of harvest was seven weeks long; 49 days; the 50th day was Pentecost; Sunday, the first day. The Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost, the first day of the week.305 Some scholars have calculated that Jesus ascended on the first day of the week. No OT Sabbath regulation or observances were transferred to the Lord’s Day to make it a “Christian Sabbath.” The “Sabbath” relates to the Old Covenant and “the Lord’s Day” relates to the New Covenant.

NOTE: Thedayofrestbecame“mostnoted”forChristianswhenEmperorConstantineinthefourth century A.D. designated Sunday as a Holy Day for the entire Roman Empire.

296 Colossians 2:16 – DON’T PUSH YOUR OPINION ON OTHERS.
297 Romans 14:5-6 – It’s OK to observe the day you consider sacred
298 Mark 3:28-29 – All sin will be forgiven except blaspheme against the Spirit
299 Romans 8:1-2 – We are no longer condemned by the Law.
300 Acts 20:7 – They came together on Sunday the first day -- Corenthians 16:2 – Paul instructs the tithes to be gathered on the first day. 301 Matthew 28:1 – Jesus rose on the first day of the week
302 Revelation 21:5 – God says "Behold, I make all things NEW."
303 Psalm 118:24 – This is the day the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
304 Mark 16:9 – Jesus appeared on the first day of the week -- Matthew 28:1-9 – Jesus appeared to the Disciples on the first day of the week -- Luke 24:13-31 – Jesus appeared to two on the first day of the week -- Luke 24:34 – Jesus appeared to Simon on the first day of the week -- Luke 24:36 – Jesus appeared to the Eleven on the first day -- John 20:26 – And after eight days (Sunday) Jesus appeared to the Eleven; the first day of the week
305 Acts 2:1-4 – The Holy Spirit descended on The Day of Pentecost; the first day of the week.

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The Day of the Lord

The Lord’s Day is only mentioned once in scripture and that is in the Revelation,306 and since Revelation is about end times, in my BS, I don’t believe John was talking about Saturday or Sunday, but the End Times The Lord’s Day”; when Jesus Christ will return for His Bride; the Church.

The Day of the Lord is mentioned 24 times in scripture and all point to the end of times and for sure not the Sabbath. It was the early church that began to use the phrase “The Lords Day” for Sunday.

Jesus Comments

We have a new covenant in Jesus Christ307 and He is the mediator and Lord of the Sabbath.308 We as Christians believe that the Ten Commandments written by the finger of God are a wonderful thing to govern our life by, especially the fourth commandment, remembering the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy. The fact is, we would do well to live by all of them; but now we have just two commandments spoken from the mouth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the SON of the Living God:309

  1. 1)  Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind

  2. 2)  Love your neighbor as your self

All the laws and the prophets hang on these. If we do these two things, we will fulfill the Law.

Paul’s Comments
Many thought it blasphemy to worship God on Sunday instead of Saturday, believing that those

that did were deceived and would go to hell. Paul had some thoughts on this when he wrote; that we were once in bondage to hundreds of laws of legalism310 that had been added to God’s word. That we were now FREE;311 out of bondage to the weak and beggarly elements of legalism; why would we go back into bondage?312

Paul said; don’t let anyone judge you (impose their opinion on you) concerning the celebration of the Sabbath.313 Peter said to respect others positions and not use our freedom to hurt these people.314

The Take Away

God set a pattern of rest when he created the world in six day and then rested on the seventh. God DID NOT name the seventh day, the Sabbath. The Hebrew Word Sabbath means; to cease from work, to desist, to REST - The Sabbath was made for man; man was not made for the Sabbath

God gave Israel the fourth commandment to remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.

  1. a)  It is a time for Israel to remember their deliverance from Egypt.

  2. b)  ItisasignbetweenGodandIsrael,thattheyareHischosenpeople.

  3. c)  It was not a sign to the Gentiles or other nationalities; it belonged only to Israel.

  4. d)  It is an observance of rest on Saturday for the people, their workers, beast of burden and their land. It must be noted that Israel had many different Sabbaths

The Lord’s Day is the observance of rest and worship by Christians on Sunday. It is a memorial to the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday, the first day of the week. Many in the Early Church worshipped on Saturday and Sunday.

We are not to impose our opinion on those who choose to worship on a different day unless the DAY is made a “REQUIREMENT FOR SALVATION”.

306 Revelation 1:10 – On The Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit
307 2 Corenthians 3:6 – Christ gave us a NEW covenant; the LETTER of the law kills, but the SPIRIT gives life -- Hebrews 7:22 – Jesus has become the guarantee of a BETTER COVENANT
308 Mark 2:28 – Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. -- Hebrews 9:15 – Christ is the Mediator of the NEW covenant
309 Matthew 22:37-40 – Just Two Commandments; Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind: and `Love your neighbor as yourself.'
310 Galatians 4:9-12 – Legalism puts you in bondage
311 John 8:36 – Jesus has set us free; so if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed -- John 8:32 – We are free in Christ to worship -- Romans 8:1-2 – We are not condemned; we have been set free
312 Galatians 5:1 – Don’t go back to the bondage of legalism
313 Colossians 2:16 – Don’t let anyone judge you concerning the Sabbath
314 1 Peter 2:16-17 – Live as servants of God

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The Jew’s are under the Old Covenant; to break one of the OT laws, is to break all of them. The Christian is under the New Covenant and is free from condemnation.

The Jew’s Sabbath” is on Saturday and the Christians Lord’s day” is on Sunday. Seventh Day Adventist: Embrace Saturday as their day of Worship AND they also make it a requirement for Salvation. IF it is deemed a sin to worship on a different day than your neighbor; it is a

sin that can be forgiven. If you belong to the Lord, nothing can separate you from His love.
Today the term
Sabbath and The Lord’s Day have become synonymous, although they are not

. The Christian joins the Jew in keeping “The day of Rest” Holy. Pray for the peace of Israel.

Galatians 5:1 – Don’t be entangled again with the bondage of legalism

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.


Colossians 2:16- Don’t let anyone condemn you for celebrating Sabbaths

16 So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths.


Romans 8:38-39 – Worshiping different day CANNOT separate you from God

38 I am convinced that NOTHING can ever separate us from God’s love. NEITHER death nor life, NEITHER angels nor demons, NEITHER our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—NOT EVEN the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

39 NO POWER in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, NOTHING in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is

revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NLT)

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Chapter 10.12


Origin Christmas Trees – Holly Wreathes – Laurel & Bay Leaves – Mistletoe - Yule Log Ivy - Caroling – Bell Ringing - Twelve Days of Christmas – Santa Clause – Reindeer Was Christmas designed by Satan to soak up men's worship in order to deceive them?

In the Beginning

About a gazillion years ago, God made some people who ate some fruit that they were not supposed to eat and then some angels that God made left their assignments in heaven and came down to earth and made a mess of things, then God flooded the earth and wiped them all out except for eight people in a great big boat.

Those eight people started life over again and God told them to multiply and scatter all over the earth. But they did not listen to THE ONE GOD and made a new home in Babylon and built a tall tower to climb up into just in case it rained and flooded the earth again.

Then they made up a bunch of different little gods out of sticks and stone and when God confused their language it also changed the names that they called their little gods, seemingly making even more little gods. Finally the people scattered like they were told to do in the first place, but now they had a whole bunch more of the little STICK and ROCK GODS that they didn’t want to make angry at them.

WAY LATER, We pick up the story in Rome when they are having festivals and feasts to keep all these little gods happy.

A little Background

About 300 years after Jesus was born, we find people starting to observe His birth in mid-winter, but why did they settled on the date of December 25th? Sun worship is one of the main pillars of many older religions believing that we owe everything to the Sun. The Winter Solstice is the victory of the Sun’s power over the forces of darkness. The Romans looked forward to the coming of spring where there would be renewed fertility of Crops and farm animals providing another year of food.

In the Roman Empire, the week of December 17-25 celebrated Saturnalia which was a pagan holiday festival that honored the deity Saturn who reigned over the world; humans spontaneously enjoyed the bounty of the earth without labor. This was the time when the days had become shorter and the earth had symbolically died. Winters were tough, and food was scarce so they felt a need to keep the god Saturn happy.

The week of Saturnalia celebration, gave an excuse for orgies, debauchery, dancing around, hijinks, feasting and gift-giving. There was a cessation of any formal business and the Roman courts were closed, and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during this week long period of lawlessness. The things that happened during the “Saturnalia celebrations” were almost unspeakable; they often included violence, rape, and even human sacrifice.

To top it off, on December 25th, the Roman emperor Aurelian established a feast of the birth of the sun god Sol Invictus(The Unconquered Sun).

NOTE: All these celebrations became a magnet; TEMPTATIONS for Christians to participate; thus the early Church had a real problem to address.315

315 Exodus 34:13 – You shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves
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The Intervention

The Early Christian Church at first celebrated the birth of Christ in the spring, BUT not wanting Christians to participate in the winter pagan practices, they wisely invented a Holy celebration of their own to compete with the pagan holiday to act as a contrast to the pagan festivals. They changed the day to celebrate the birth of the God-man, to be at the same time the pagans were celebrating their pagan festival, so instead of worshiping the SUN god, they would worship the SUN of righteousness, the LIGHT of the World, the SON of God.

By the 4th century, the date for the winter solstice had moved to the 25th of December and Pope JuliusIdeclaredthatJesus'birthdaycelebrationswouldalsobeonthatday. Thiseffectivelytransformed the Pagan occasion into a Christian holy day (holiday).

Constantine, the Roman Emperor was converted to Christianity and he combined the worship of thesungodwiththeworshipofChrist. ChristianleadersacceptedConstantine'sconversioninapositive light and saw the "Christ-mass" celebration as a vital part of the process of converting the pagan world.

Renowned Catholic liturgist Mario Righetti writes; "The Church of Rome, to facilitate the acceptance of the faith by the pagan masses, found it convenient to institute the 25th of December as the feast of the temporal birth of Christ, to divert them from the pagan feast, celebrated on the same day in honor of The Invincible Sun”.

Practically all the known Sun-deities were born on the 25th of December, so for symbolic reasons, Christian have chosen December 25th to celebrate the birth of Christ as it is the shortest day of the year as the subsequent days begin to increase in length and this is when the amount of LIGHT begins to increase. He is the LIGHT of the world,316 the SUN of righteousness,317 the SON of the living God.318

John 1:3-9 – The TRUE LIGHT has come into the world

3 All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the LIGHT of men.
5 The
LIGHT shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7 He came as a witness, to bear witness about the
LIGHT, that all might believe through him.
8 He was not the
LIGHT, but came to bear witness about the LIGHT.
THE TRUE LIGHT, which gives LIGHT to everyone, was coming into the world. (ESV)

Customs & Traditions

The Roman feast Saturnalia”; the winter solstice celebration which took place in mid-December provided the model for the customs of today’s Christmas merry-making. For example; they enjoyed games, gambling, played dress-up and recited poetry and indulged in lots of drinking.

The decorating of homes included evergreens and employed the burning of candles, elaborate feastings and the GIVING OF GIFTS such as tablecloths, caps, socks, slippers, hairpins, combs, rings, toothpicks, tooth paste, baby items and puppies.

The traditional RED and GREEN Christmas colors of the red berries and evergreen leaves of the holly wreaths that we see, represented Male and Female FERTILITY and incubation and was worshiped as a promise of the sun’s return.

HOLLY WREATHS were gifts that were given to each other by the Romans to honor the god Saturn especially during the Saturnalia festival. In Roman mythology, holly was the sacred plant of Saturn. In Germany, a decoration of a sprig of holly was believed to protect the home from lightning In England farmers put holly on their beehives believing that at the “First Christmas” bees hummed in honor of the baby Jesus.

316 John 8:12 – Jesus is the LIGHT of the world
317 Malachi 4:2 – Jesus is the SUN of righteousness
318 Matthew 16:16 – Jesus is the SON of the living God.

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IVY was the symbol of Bacchus the god of wine and revelry who wore it in his crown, and it was believed to be a symbol of eternal life.

LAUREL OR BAY LEAVES were sacred to the sun god Apollo, the god of the pagan Romans. The decorative wreaths were a sign of victory.

MISTLETOE was a symbol of joy and peace for the Druids and was said to have magical properties that protected against thunder and lightning. Their Priests would cut mistletoe from an oak tree with a golden sickle, cutting it into small pieces, distributing it to the people. Tradition has it that if enemies came upon each other underneath the woodland mistletoe, they had to form a truce and put down their weapons until the next day. Thus the origination of the custom of hanging mistletoe from the ceiling and kissing under it; I guess you can’t make war if you are kissing.

WASSAILING was the pagan custom of what today we call CAROLING, the singing from door to door, with people often giving them food and drink. There was also the common habit of people gathering in groups and SINGING NAKED in the streets. Caroling was to give the sun a nudge to begin moving toward spring which seemed to work because sure enough, in spring things started to grow again.

The word "carol" actually means; a song or dance of joy and praise which was originally sung at the Pagan celebrations surrounding the Winter Solstice festival.

BELL RINGING had its origin in the early pagan winter celebration of ringing of bells to drive out evil spirits.

CANDLES LIGHTING throughout history, was to drive away the forces of cold and darkness and ward off evil. During the Roman Saturnalia festival, Tall tapers of wax were offered to Saturn as a symbol of his light and was also given as gifts to each other.

THE YULE LOG was placed ceremoniously in the fireplace; decorated with greenery, doused with alcohol and dusted with flour, then set on fire to smolder all night and for the twelve days of Christmas (December 25th – January 5th) as a reminder of the pagan’s bonfires that were set at the winter solstice. The fire was started with a piece of yule log that was saved from the previous year. This symbolized the return of the sun with the days beginning to get longer again.

FOR THE TWELVE DAY OF CHRISTMAS, they would light a candle, sing the appropriate verses of the Twelves days of Christmas song, feast, celebrate and give gifts to each other. The gifts were small, and given for luck and charity towards those who were less fortunate.

Santa Clause

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas and simply Santa. Kris Kringle comes from the German word “Christkindel” meaning Christkind. Martin Luther intended it to be a reference to the incarnation of Jesus Christ, not as an infant, but as a young child bearing gifts to men. (Called Little Jesus, Jesus Boy, Jesus Child & God Child.)

Saint Nicholas of Myra was a 4th-century Greek Christian Bishop who had a reputation for secret and generous gift-giving to the poor. He would put coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him and deposit baskets of food and clothes on the doorsteps of the needy. He was particular known for providing dowries for a pious Christian family so that their three impoverished daughters would not have to become prostitutes in order to survive.

Father Christmas developed in the late Victorian period, first appearing in the mid-17th century in the aftermath of the English Civil War and was concerned with ADULT FEASTING and MERRY-MAKING and later Victorian Christmases developed into child-centered family festivals; Father Christmas became a “Bringer of Gifts”.

Odin a Germanic Pagan god was associated with death, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery and frenzy was often depicted


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Voices Rejecting Christmas

We were never commanded to observe the Birth of Jesus, only His death and resurrection.319 The politically correct word "holiday" has slowly replaced the word “Christmas” in greetings and advertisements; and if you will, it is just plain Devilish.320

Early Christians refused to recognize Christmas because they knew Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th, and nearly all the signs and symbols associated with Christmas had recognizable pagan origins and it took some 200 years for it to gain acceptance and be viewed by SOME Christians as a celebration of the Lord’s birth.321

There are many Christians who still oppose the celebration of Christmas as the Birth of Jesus Christ such as the Puritans, Mormons and some INDEPENDENT Baptist, Holiness, Apostolic Pentecostal and Church of Christ congregations; there are many other lesser known denominations that also renounce Christmas.322 The history of the origin of all the practices appear to all be heathen and God said in scripture to come out from among the heathen; we are a set-aside “PECULIAR” people.323

Satan has created myriads of false religions, rituals, "holidays" and celebrations to set himself in the place of Jesus Christ; to be the object of men’s worship. Christmas is so designed just for Satan to soak up men's worship and deceive them from coming to a saving knowledge of the Word of God.

Some believe that Santa is an anagram for Satan who is a persona that is at home in the BURNING FLAMES of a fireplace, breaking into homes late at night, seeking out small children. His helper elves are fallen angels. Elves, Evil, Devil... get it

Santa’s reindeer had what some would say; militaristic type names: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder and Blixem; Dunder and Blixem came from the old Dutch words for thunder and lightning, which were later changed to the more German sounding names of Donner and Blitzen.

Christmas Trees: Jeremiah the Prophet warns us to NOT FOLLOW THE TRADITIONS of the pagan nations which includes cutting down a tree in the forest324 and fastening it to a stand to keep it from falling over and then decorating it with silver and gold.325 It’s in the Book

Voices Embracing Christmas

The idea that a Christmas tree is wrong comes from Jeremiah the prophet who was just MAKING FUN of those who worship evergreen trees; he says they cut it down, take it home and put a stand on it to make it stand up, then decorate it with gold and silver and then he ends up by saying that such things can neither do you HARM nor GOOD

The word "Christmas" is a shortened form of the Catholic words; Christ Mass, but it doesn't mean that anymore; it’s the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Christ. It must be noted; that what people thought and did 500 years ago is really inconsequential. There is a difference between the True meaning of Christmas and the Spirit of Christmas. One is Theological and the other is Emotional.

The Theological meaning of Christmas has to do with Jesus Christ; the LIGHT of the world

The Emotional meaning has to do with LOVE, GIVING and PEACE on earth, and while they are separate, they are certainly related.

God knows whether we’re focused on expressing our gratitude for the gift of His Son or indulging in pagan revelry. When we buy a gold cross on a chain, we are not worshiping the cross itself, but rather the One who died on it.

319 Luke 22:19-20 – Command to observe His death; not His birth
320 1 Corenthians 15:33 – Birds of a feather flock together
321 Esther 9:22 – Holidays; Feasting, Gift giving to one another -- Matthew 2:11 – Wise men offered Jesus Gifts Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh
322 2 Corinthians 6:17 – Be separate from the heathen Therefore go out from their midst -- Jeremiah 10:1-2 – Do not learn the ways of the pagan nations -- 2 Corenthians 6:14-15 – Do not be in partnership with an unbeliever. What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
323 Exodus 19:5 – You will be a peculiar people to me
324 Jeremiah 10:3 – Cut down a tree in the Forest
325 Jeremiah 10:4-5 – DECORATE it with silver and gold FASTEN IT in a stand

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What is important is not the origins of the celebration, but their significance for us today as believers in the Son of God. Most people don’t have a clue about the origins of Christmas, they just ENJOY the season of giving and the celebration of Christ’s Birthday. There is no singing in the street naked, debauchery or worshipping trees or acknowledging Saturn as the pagan sun god; that just doesn’t even cross our minds.

We were never commanded to observe the Birthday of Christ; people JUST WANT TO. Once a year, the whole world hears about CHRISTMAS and the name of Jesus Christ is put forward; how awesome is that. See the Word Study; “When was Jesus born” Book 2.4

Hanukkah and the Festival of Lights wasn't commanded by God to be observed, but it is just something that folks JUST WANT TO DO in remembrance of a deliverance; a Special Deliverance of Israel, a Special People.326

The Bethlehem Star

There are two kinds of stars; those that are fixedand those that seem to Wander”. They are called wandering stars because they move slowly in a predictable orbit, reversing in a predictable period of time to start all over again, some wandering in a figure eight pattern. The MAGI saw the star rising in the East and it ENDURED.327

On September of 3 B.C. the star Regulus known as “The King’s Star328 rises in the East in an elliptical orbit and seemingly forms a conjunction with Jupiter. Stacked together, but separate, they form a very bright star in the heavens. With the earth also moving, these two stars seem to wander in the heavens then STOP as they reach the end of their orbit.

The Take Away


This stacked conjunction occurred on December 25th, 2 B.C. giving us the First Christmas.

The Wise Men or Magi were pagan Astrologers; a special HIGH RICH sect that were known to be KING MAKERS and the shepherds, a LOW POOR sect of the population, both were called to the birth of Jesus; He came for everyone’s walk of life. See the Word Study; Three Wise Men Book 4.14

A Christmas Tree can do neither good nor evil;329 for it is out of our heart that comes our thoughts and motives330 and it is God that judges the motives of our heart.331

If you are fully convincedthat you CANNOT observe the Christmas tradition because it is too steeped in paganism, then don’t observe it; it’s wrong for you.

If you are fully convincedthat you CAN honor God by participating in the Christmas season and you view it as the celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, then do it; it’s right for you.

One person esteems one day as better than another, while another person esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced 332in his own mind and not judge the other. SELAH

326 Colossians 2:16 – Don’t let anyone judge you in regards to festivals -- 1 Peter 2:16-17 – Live as free men, but show respect to others 327 Micah 5:2 – Prophecy - A Ruler will come out of Bethlehem.
328 Matthew 2:2 – The Star of the King of the Jews was seen rising in the East -- Isaiah 40:26 – God created the stars and named the starry host -- Job 9:9 – He calls the stars by name; the Pleiades, Bear and Orion -- Psalm 147:4 – God numbered the stars

329 Jeremiah 10:3-5 – A Christmas tree cannot do evil nor good
330 Matthew 15:19 - Out of the heart comes our thoughts & motives
331 1 Corinthians 4:5 - God judges us by the motives in our heart
332 Romans 14:5 – One person esteems one day better than another; each one should be FULLY CONVINCED in his own mind

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Chapter 10.13


Maulana Karenga – 7 Kwanzaa Principals The 7 Symbols – The 7 Blackness Principals The Black Panthers - The United Slaves gang Should a Christian celebrate Kwanzaa?
GOOD, the BAD & the UGLY

First Word

The Good, The Bad, the Ugly

My interest in Kwanzaa was elevated when a friend asked the question; “Should a Christian observe Kwanzaa”? Since it occurred around Christmas, I began to study the subject to see if it was in the Bible in some form or fashion. I Googled the official Kwanzaa website and began my assimilation of glowing principles and practices.

However, I found other websites that were just downright hateful citing very little documentation which I quickly dismissed. But the more I searched, the GOOD was trashed with the BAD and the UGLY raised its head. The Bible says; “In the mouth of Two or Three witnesses is a thing established,333 so I sought out more documentation on the Internet and found more than a dozen commentaries on this subject. (Internet search; Ron N. Everett)

Some News articles refer to Kwanzaa as more than a celebration, but as a FAITH. Many African Americans who celebrate Kwanzaa do so in addition to observing Christmas.

I present my findings here and ask that with serious considerations you prayerfully decide whether or not you as a Christian should observe Kwanzaa.

The Creator Kwanzaa
The Creator of Kwanzaa is Dr. Maulana Karenga who is a professor and chair of Africana

Studies at California State University, Long Beach. He holds two Ph.D.'s; his first is in political science with focus on the theory and practice of nationalism and his second in social ethics with a focus on the classical African ethics of ancient Egypt.

Google search reveals that Ron McKinley Everett was born July 14, 1941, the 14th child of a Baptist Minister on a poultry farm in Parsonsburg Maryland; he was not African nor spoke Swahili. He was also known as Ron Ndabezitha Everett and Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga.

333 Deuteronomy 19:15 – In the mouth of Two or Three Witnesses is an Issue establish
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Maulana in Swahili, is a lofty title meaning “MASTER TEACHER”. Ndabezitha in ZULU means “YOUR MAJESTY”. Karenga in Swahili means “KEEPER OF TRADITIONS”.

Kwanzaa Early Years

During the early years starting in 1966, Kwanzaa was meant to be an "oppositional alternative" to Christmas. A rule of Kwanzaa stated that "one should not mix the Kwanzaa holiday or its symbols, values and practice with any other culture."

Washing Post Interview: Karenga said “People think Kwanzaa is African, but it’s not.

I came up with it because Black people in this country wouldn’t celebrate it if they knew it was American. Also I put it around Christmas because I knew that’s when a lot of bloods would be partying”.

Kwanzaa was altered in 1997 so that practicing Christians would not be alienated, stating that Kwanzaa was “A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture”, and “Kwanzaa was not created to give people an alternative to their own religion or religious holiday."

“The Quotable Karenga” was the name of his book containing his Seven Black Principals. The Sevenfold path of Blackness became the Bible
of the
Black Nationalist civil rights movement.

The Celebration

1) Think Black -- 2) Talk Black - 3) Act Black 4) Create Black -- 5) Buy Black -- 6) Vote Black 7) Live Black


Dr. Karenga said Kwanzaa was "the best of African thought and practice in constant exchange

Kwanzaa reflects on what most experts say is missing from our homes: unity, self- determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith.

Kwanzaa was first celebrated in 1966-67 "to reaffirm and restore our rootedness in African culture”. It was created to be the first specifically African-American Holiday. It is celebrated just after Christmas on December 26th through January 1st honoring and celebrating African American heritage and culture and culminates in a feast with gift giving. Its length of seven days; its core focus and its foundation are all rooted in its concern with values.

Homes are decorated with fruits, colorful objects of African art, and cloths especially the wearing of the Kaftans (long robe or tunic) by women. The ceremony includes drums, libations, reading the African Pledge & the Principals of Blackness, candle lighting and a feast.

The Name Kwanzaa derives its name from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanzawhich means “FirstFruitsoftheHarvest”. ThenameisverysimilartotheFeastofHarvestmentionedinscripture where the FIRST FRUITS334 are brought into the storehouse of the Lord.

The seven candle candelabra symbolizes the seven principals of Kwanzaa and is ruminant of the seven candle Menorah of the Jews.

The three Pan-African colors on the flag are copied from Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association, the most powerful 1920’s.Black Nationalist movement.

Red: the blood that unites all people of Black African ancestry, and shed for liberation;
Black: Black people whose existence as a nation, though not a nation- state, is affirmed by the existence of the flag; and power.

Green: the abundant natural wealth of Africa. 334 Exodus 34:22 – Feast of Weeks; the First Fruits

with the world."

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Seven Principals

The celebration focus is on their black identity, culture heritage and values of Africa. While many of these principals are traditional African principals, some see more related to the Black Nationalist movement and perhaps even supremacist ideology meaning that a particular age, race, species, ethnic group, religion, gender, social class, belief system, or culture is SUPERIOR to others. Any ideology that goes against the Bible’s teaching that all races are of equal value,335 must be prayerfully re-considered.

Nguzo Saba SEVEN principals of Kwanzaa as listed in their official website. They are expressed in Swahili, the co-opted language of the Black Nationalist movement of the 1960’s. Each principal is represented by a PHYSICAL SYMBOL, one for each day of Kwanzaa.

  1. 1)  Umoja (Unity). To strive for and maintain unity in the family community, nation and race. This principal teaches the oneness of our people, the common ground of our humanity, the interrelatedness of life and the indispensability of family and community in our righteous togetherness in love, work and struggle.

  2. 2)  Kujichagulia (Self-determination). To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves. This principle reaffirms our right and everyone’s right to control our destiny and daily lives, and build the good communities, societies and future we conceive, aspire to and struggle to bring into being.

  3. 3)  Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility). To build and maintain our community together and make our brother’s and sister’s problems our problems and to solve them together. This principal teaches us that we come into being, thrive and flourish in needed and principled relationships. And it teaches us that it is together that we must conceive and construct the good communities, societies and world we all want and deserve.

  4. 4)  Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics). To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together. This principle teaches the value and practice of shared work and shared wealth, the right of people to their own resources and the ethical imperative of a just and equitable sharing of the good of the world.

  5. 5)  Nia (Purpose). To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. This principle reminds us of the ancient ethical teaching in the Odu Ifa that we and all humans are divinely chosen to bring good in the world and that this is the fundamental mission and meaning, i.e., purpose, of human life. Thus, we are to embrace the collective vocation of building and developing our people, increasing our capacity to do good and being rightfully and actively concerned with the well-being of the world and all in it.

  6. 6)  Kuumba (Creativity). To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. This principal urges us to practice the ethical teachings of the Husia that put forth the concept of serudj ta, the moral obligation to heal, repair and transform the world making it more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

  7. 7)  Imani (Faith). To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. This principal teaches us to hold tightly and firmly to the faith of our ancestors who taught us to respect each person, people and culture as a unique and equally valid and valuable way of being human in the world.

335 Romans 2:10-11 – All the races are equal value to God

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Celebration Symbols

The Celebration includes

  1. 1)  Mkeka – A mat on which other symbols are placed:

  2. 2)  Kinara – The seven candle holder

  3. 3)  Mishumaa Saba - Seven candles.

  4. 4)  Mazao - Crops

  5. 5)  Muhindi - Corn

  6. 6)  Kikombe cha Umoja - Unity cup for giving “shukrani” (thanks) to African Ancestors.

  7. 7)  Zawadi – Gifts

  8. 8)  Nguzo - Supplemental Saba poster

  9. 9)  Bendera - Supplemental BLACK, RED, and GREEN flag, and African books and artworks.

There are also seven symbols that go with each principal that I am unable to reproduce. THE BAD

Karenga’s Gang – The Early Years
In 1958 Karenga relocated to Los Angeles and studied at the Los Angeles Community College and

by the 60’s he presented himself as a “Cultural Nationalist” with a following of a number of students. He became the first African-American president of the student body.

Through Malcom X, an American Muslim minister, he would come to embrace Black Nationalism and Black supremacy advocating separation of black and white Americans. Karenga authored a number of books, one of which is “Black Studies”; a Black/African textbook now in its 3rd edition.

He changed his name to Maulana Karenga and became a major Civil Rights figure in the Black Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s. By 1965 His followers became a gang called US, the “United Slaves”, a cultural Black Nationalist group which remain active today. US referrers to; “USverses THEM.US would challenge the Black Panther Party and their candidate for the domination of the Afro-American Studies Center at UCLA.


Rape, Assault, Torture

January 17, 1969 the two gangs had a shootout and two Black Panthers were killed. Karenga in his paranoia, thought there were plots to kill him, so he took two of his follower’s hostage. The Los Angeles Times reported on May 14, 1971 that Debora Jones and Gail Davis two of his female followers were threatened at gun point, made to disrobe, sexually assaulted, whipped with an electrical cord, beaten with a karate baton, tortured with a soldering iron on their mouth with their big toe clamped down in a vise with detergent forced down their throats. Karenga thought the two were trying to kill him with “crystals” in his food.

In 1971 Karenga spent three years in the California Penal System convicted of the crime of felonious assault and false imprisonment. He was released from prison in 1975 with newly adopted views on MARXISM and restructured US; the United Slaves Organization. Within four years after taking some courses he received a teaching position at UCLA.

An up and coming young 16 year old came on the scene praising Kwanzaa because it accomplished a much desired “de-whitizing” of the Christmas Season. He would later be known as the Reverend AL SHARPTON. Kwanzaa is now a tax funded classroom event.

You now have the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Prayerfully consider your part in Kwanzaa.


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Chapter 10.14


Easter Rabbits - Easter Eggs – Easter Ham - Easter Lilly – Hot Cross Buns Lent - Holy Water – Lighting Candles - Sunrise Services - Parades and Bonnets Resurrection Sunday - Ishtar goddess of sex & fertility – Temple Prostitutes What does rabbits and eggs have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

First Word

As a child I remember me and my sister getting all new clothes for Easter, Mom got a new pocketbook, hat and gloves and we all wore a white corsage in our lapel. There were songs on the radio about wearing an Easter Bonnet and an Easter Parade up and down 5th Avenue, where ever that was. We had Easter baskets that usually had a large chocolate bunny in it and a bunch of plastic eggs with candy inside them, sometimes a nickel too.

After Church and lunch we would go out into our back yard and hunt for more Easter eggs and see who could find the most. My sister was 7 years older and always won, but shared with me. The basket would somehow disappear during the week and would re-appear next year on the fire place, full of goodies again.

Mom and Dad were both Sunday School teachers, so I knew the Easter Story of Jesus, but I never gave a thought to how candy, rabbits and eggs fit into the picture; .

it was just FUN

Voices Embracing Easter

William Tyndale in 1525 translated the Bible from the Greek and the Hebrew into English. He translated the word paschausing the word ester to refer to the Passover festival held after the Resurrection. In 1534 he added the letter “a” giving us the new word “Easter.

The meaning of words change over time; when we use the word Sunday we think of the day that Christ rose from the dead, it does not occur to us that it is a day to worship the Sun.

Easter (Pascha) also known as Resurrection Sunday is a festival or holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion by the Romans in 30 AD. The Foundation of the Christian Faith is based upon Jesus rising from the dead providing proof positive that He is the Son of God. If Christ did not rise from the dead then our Faith is a DEAD FAITH.336

This special time is linked to the Passover of the death angel and to the celebration of the Last Passover meal observed by Christ in the upper room with His Disciples. Jesus became the Passover Lamb and was crucified at roughly the same time as the Passover lambs were being slain in the temple.

Inquiring minds want to know: Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter Sunday; then there is Spy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday all coming the week before Easter Sunday, each with their own significance.

Easter Lily

336 1 Corinthians 15:17 If Christ not Raised from the dead, then our Faith is a Dead Faith
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The Easter Lily is symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with its white flowers of purity and

it’s TRUMPET like shape announcing the resurrection of Christ on Easter morning.

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Easter Egg

The custom of the Easter Egg originated in the early Christian community of Mesopotamia, who stained eggs RED in memory of the death of Christ, whose BLOOD was shed at his crucifixion. Jesus was resurrected back to life and walked out of the tomb and left it as if it were an empty shell. The EGG upon observation seems to be as dead as a stone, yet it really has life in it like Christ's dead body, which was raised to life again.

When the Christian dies and is in the grave, the body remains as an empty shell, because the soul has already gained a new life with God.
RED Easter egg reminds the Christian of the bloody death of Christ and the new life of the resurrection.

H Christianity

The cracking of the eggs against each other’s egg, symbolized the desire to BREAK the bonds of

sin and enter into a new life that issues from the resurrection of Christ, who was the first among many

to be raised from death into immortality. 337

omogenization of

You may recall that in the early days of the Church there were those that wanted to bring old

traditions into the new church such as circumcision.338 This was pretty much de-bunked and rebuked

by Paul indicating that Christianity was Jesus plus nothing else”.

Paul saw a statue to “The Unknown God” and used it to introduce the One God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His Son Jesus the Christ into the pagan community.339 The early Church in

an attempt to adapt and convert the pagans to Christianity, introduced the festival of Easter into the

pagan festival of Ishtar”.

During the fourth and fifth century while the formal church was still being developed, old pagan customs, beliefs and traditions of Easter and Christmas began once again to be blended into

Christianity. We have simply repackaged the pagan rites and practices and RE-BRANDED them as


Roman Emperor Constantine with his imperial power and his raw anti-Semitism summoned the council of Nicaea in 325AD for the final settlement over the DISPUTE over whether and when to keep

Easter or Passover. What was at stake was to replace the God-ordained festival of Passover with the pagan Easter festival. It was unanimously and official that Easter was to be kept on Sunday

throughout the world, and “That none should hereafter follow the blindness of the Jews”.

Today the new age movement has homogenized and blended what they feel is the best from many

religions reducing Christianity to just another religion.

New Age says there are MANY spokes in a wheel that ALL lead to the SAME hub.

Christianity states there is only ONE God and only ONE way to Him.

Passover and the resurrection have been commercialized, homogenized, mixed and replaced

with Easter, parades, bunnies, eggs, hunts and other non-Christian traditions and activities.

Voices Rejecting Easter

It is widely believed that Easter has its origins with the goddess of the Anglo-Saxons named Eostre (with similar spellings; Estre, Estara, Eastre, Ostara.) She was the goddess of the dawn and was worshiped by pagans in the spring; the name is believed to be derived from the Babylonian goddess Astarte or Ishtar. (Easter)

337 Acts 26:23 – Christ is the first to rise among many from the dead
338 Romans 2:29 – Circumcision is a matter of the spirit of the heart not by the letter of the Law 339 Acts 17:23 – Unknown God used to introduce Christianity to the pagans
340 Acts 12:4 – Pascha miss-translated Easter instead of Passover

The Word Easter appears only once in the King James Version of the Bible and not at all in most of the other translations. The translators miss-translated the Greek word pascha as “Easter”, whereas all

the other translations of pascha meant “Passover”.340

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Ishtar was a Mesopotamian goddess of War, Sex and Fertility; her worship included animal sacrifices, and temple prostitutes; every primary pagan “god” can be traced back to KING NIMROD, Babylon and the Tower of Babel and every “goddess” traced to his wife QUEEN SEMIRAMIS.

Departing from the Ordinary

I feel a need to depart from the ordinary and talk about some FAR OUT MESSED UP stuff; specifically for all the different spellings of the same god. These story of the Tower of Babel with

slight variations was told over and over again, generation to generation and their god’s NAMES

CHANGED often depending on the culture and language, but the concept still remains the same.

What I am about to share, I have not found in any one place, but there are numerous commentaries

that help “sort it all out”. There have been numerous VARIATIONS, TRADITIONS, MYTHOLOGY and

SPECULATION on the WHY of the NAME CHANGES; so it’s OK with me if you disagree with my BS.

The story begins with one of Noah’s sons named Ham who had a son by the name of Cush, who

had a wife named Semiramis and they had a son named Nimrod whose name means “Let Us Revolt”. GIANTS: As I read the scriptures and commentaries, I see the words mighty men and mighty men

of renown.341 I find this very early in Genesis when they are referring to the Nephilim; the Giants.342

Satan caused Angels to leave their assignments in heaven and take women and sleep with them which

produced the Nephilim; the Giants;343 they were so evil that it

mankind over.344

the Flood of Noah; to start

In my Belief System, I believe that Nimrod was also a GIANT; a by-product of Satan, as it answers so many questions as to why the people would want to follow him and how he knew so much about the

Secret Arts”. In my BS, I believe that he was a Giant with a moral and spiritual nature.


aided by SATAN, persuaded the people to NOT ascribe their happiness to God, because it was through THIER OWN actions that they were happy and he caused them to believe that it was THEIR OWN courage which procured this happiness.

(Josephus; Jewish Historian 33AD)

Don’t look Upward, Look Inward; after the flood of Noah,

NIMROD the grandson of Noah,

Scripture originally translated that Nimrod was “a mighty hunterbefore the Lord, but now we know it should have been translated in opposition tothe Lord or in place ofthe Lord. It

was not just “before the Lord” it was “IN YOUR FACE” defiance. It is believed that he hunted down and killed the other Nephilim to eliminate the competition, but in the process, was killed himself.

In the confusing of the language, their god’s name changed, giving us the different spellings.

Most Anabaptists, Quakers, Congregationalists and Presbyterian Puritans regard such festivals as

Easter an abomination based on the fact that Easter was not practiced anywhere in scripture and furthermore scripture commands Believers to not participate in pagans practices to not be

yoked with unbelievers.345

Many have moved away from using the term “Easter” altogether in favor

of the phrase “Resurrection Day” or “Resurrection Sunday”.

Paul warned that men would come in among them

speaking twisted things347 and

away from the faith; causing your death.

in place of Passover and Lent instead of the Days of Unleavened Bread.

A false church has arisen’; a counterfeit church observing Easter

in order to draw you

Billions of dollars are spent

each year in merchandising and the true gospel is being buried in the pagan customs.


secretly, bringing in destructive heresies,346 in their greed they will exploit you with false words

341 Genesis 6:4 – The NEPHILIM, the Giants mighty men of renowned 342 Genesis 10:9 – Nimrod a mighty hunter
343 Genesis 6:4 – The Nephilim had sex with the women of the earth 344 Numbers 13: 31-33 – Spies: After the flood of Noah; Giants

345 2 Corenthians 6:14-16 – Believers are not be unequally yoked with unbelievers 346 2 Peter 2:1-3 - Men secretly bring in destructive heresies

347 Acts 20:29-30 – Men will speak twisted things to draw away

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Pagan Symbols

HOLY WATER: Nimrod established secret and mysterious rites that were used in idol worship with priests who practiced the sprinkling of holy water. They had an order of temple “virgins” dedicated to religious prostitution. The men would wear small “white aprons” in the temple and flip them up to have sex. (It resembled a carpenter’s nail apron similar to what we see today and used symbolically by the MASONS.)

EASTER EGG: Nimrod’s MOTHER Semiramis” taught that the moon was a goddess and it went through a 28 day OVULATION period which developed into a FULL MOON. Through Immaculate Conception, this moon goddess gave birth to her, (“Semiramis” the mother of Nimrod) in the form of a GIANT MOON EGG which fell into the Euphrates River. She HATCHED out and became known as the goddess Ishtar; the mother goddess of dawn and light, and the moon egg was called ISHTAR’S EGG”.

Myths of Creation of the ancients centered on a “cosmogenic egg” from which the universe was born; ancient Egypt and Persia exchanged decorated eggs at the spring equinox as a symbol of fertility with the coming forth of life from the egg.

or “Ishtar.” Since King Nimrod was a god and Queen Semiramis was his mother as well as his wife, she was

worshipped as the “Mother of god” and as the “Queen of Heaven.


MOTHEROFGOD: WiththeaidofSATAN,Nimrodpromotedunspeakableevilandperversions

and was SO EVIL that at the death of his father, he married his own mother “Semiramis

BAAL: Nimrod presented himself as a god-man and developed an intricate “system of mysteries”. He used terms that appeared to honor God, but actuality deceived the people. He took on the name

BAAL” which in English means “Lord” and in Greek means “Adonis”; He claimed he was the “savior of the world”. 348 Baal was known as the “sun god”; known as the “life giver” and known as the “god

of fertility” who promoted sexual sin.

: When NIMROD WAS KILLED by the enemy, his body was cut up into many

pieces and scattered throughout his kingdom. All the parts were found except for the reproductive parts, so Queen Semiramis claimed that Nimrod could not come back to life without all his parts, so he

ascended to the sun and was now called Baal the sun god and later would be re-born as his own son

Tammuz. See the Word Study on the tower of Babel; Book 7.3

CHRISTMAS TREE: At Nimrod’s death, his mother/wife declared that his spirit had survived in

a full grown Evergreen Tree which sprang up overnight from a dead tree stump.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS: They celebrated the springing forth of life from death on Nimrod’s birthday every December 25th where he would visit the Evergreen Tree and leave GIFTS. NOTE: The wise men

did not give gifts to Jesus because it was His Birthday, it was because you never approached a KING without a gift.

Jeremiah the Prophet warns us to NOT FOLLOW THE TRADITIONS of the pagan nations349 which includes cutting down a tree in the forest and fastening it to a stand to keep it from falling over and then decorating it with silver and gold. 350 It’s in the Book

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: Queen Semiramis purports that the rays of the Sun god Baal caused her to have an immaculate conception, an (illegitimate) male child named Tammuz. She convinced them that her son was the King Nimrod RE-BORN who was the long awaited “savior of the world”. So there you have it; mother AND child were both immaculately conceived and the worship of MADONNA; Mother and Child” spread over the earth.

EASTER RABBIT: The son Tammuz was especially fond of RABBITS and because he was believed to be the son of Baal, the sun god, and the son of Ishtar the moon goddess, the RABBITS became sacred in their religion; a symbol of fertility and rapid reproduction.

RESURRECTED: The son Tammuz was KILLED by a wild boar and some of his blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree and overnight he came back to life as new evergreen vegetation.

(Other commentaries say it was the power of his mother’s tears that fell on the stump.)

348 Genesis 10:8-9 – Nimrod “Mighty Man” in opposition to the Lord
349 Jeremiah 10:1-2 – Do not learn the ways of the pagan nations
350 Jeremiah 10:3 – Cut down a tree in the Forest -- Jeremiah 10:4-5 – Decorate the tree with silver & gold & fasten it so it won’t fall over

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LENT: Ishtar proclaimed a forty day period of mourning and sorrow each year on the anniversary of Tammuz’s death, during which time no meat was to be eaten.

EASTER SUNDAY: After the forty days of mourning, they celebrated with RABBITS and EGGS on ISHTAR’S SUNDAY.

SUNRISE SERVICES: Baal (Nimrod) is worshiped as the fertility god, the storm god as well as the SUN GOD; the “House of the Rising Sun” in the East. Easter sunrises services are held facing the east as the sun rises.

EASTER HAM: She proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a wild pig, that a PIG must be eaten on that Sunday that followed; thus the EASTER HAM.

HOT CROSS BUNS: The pagan Saxons would bake “Cross Buns” in honor of the goddess Ishtar (Easter) celebrating the rebirth of the world after the winter and at the beginning of spring. The Cross on the buns made four sections that represented the four quarters of the moon, as well as the four seasons. It is also found on the wheel of life (bhavacakra) in the Buddhist religion.

Jerimiah the Prophet said the children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to MAKE CAKES for THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN351 and they pour out drink offerings to other gods, and it provokes God to anger. It’s in the Book

SIGN OF THE CROSS: As they worshipped and ate the sacred cakes with what looked like a Cross or a “+” on top, they would make the SIGN of a “+” over their heart.

LIGHTING CANDLES: Ishtar the goddess/mother told the people that Tammuz had now ascended to his father Baal (Nimrod) and the two of them “were with them” in the form of a FLAME and should now be worshipped in fire, IN THE FLAME OF CANDLES; as the Father, Mother and Son; a perverted trinity.

Josephus Book 1:4:2 - Nimrod led people away from God
2 Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them NOT to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would BUILD A TOWER too high for the waters to be able to reach! And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers! (The Works of Flavius Josephus.)

The Take Away

TODAY I see no connection between the original festivals of Easter and the Christian Resurrection Sunday although there might as well be; with the complete immersion in the commercialization of Easter eggs, Easter Candy and the Easter bunny, all of which smacks of the pagan symbolism of fertility. Today the eggs are plastic, multi-colored, and full of candy which leads to the confusion on what bunnies, eggs and candy have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ and to add to the confusion; rabbits don’t even lay eggs.

We have so closely held that Easter and the Resurrection are the same and that anyone who speaks against Easter, is blaspheming God Himself. Easter belongs to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar whose worship is condemned by God, He says “IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME,352 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Over a span of 40 years after the death and resurrection of Christ, we find NO disciple nor the Church observing such a festival as Easter.

351 Jeremiah 7:18 – They make cakes for the QUEEN OF HEAVEN
352 Matthew 15:8-9 – In vain they do worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men

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The early founding Puritans found that Easter compromised the commandments of God and dismissed and rejected it as just another pagan holiday. Satan is a master deceiver who HAS been able to deceive well-meaning Christians into thinking that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated with a brand new “Sunday go to meeting suit”, some Hot Cross buns and an Easter ham along with some rabbits and a bunch of colored eggs.

In actuality these things demean the truth of Christ’s death and resurrection. Traditionally the Easter Bunny comes the night before Easter in much the same way as Santa Clause comes the night before Christmas. He hides them in the house or the yard for the Children to

find when they wake up. This fun time gives rise to the tradition of the annual Easter egg hunt. There is nothing inherently evil about painting an egg, hiding it and making a game of finding it,

such things can neither do you HARM nor GOOD.353
The Ishtar Gate appeared in Babylon around 2020 BC with GOLDEN ARCHESand when we visit McDonalds today for a hamburger, it doesn’t cross our mind that the Golden Arches may have had a pagan origin.354 Christ arising from the grave on Sunday doesn’t give rise to thoughts of worshiping the sun. If our focus is on Christ, then our children will be taught to understand that the hunt for eggs is a

game of fun, but taught as well the story of Jesus Christ and true meaning of Resurrection Sunday, THIS IS THE PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY

After studying all this symbolism I feel quite taken back that I now know the difference between Easter Sunday and Resurrection Sunday. In the end, it’s a matter of conscious that must be left up to the discretion of the parents, and each one should be fully convinced in his own mind how the role of EASTER is played out in the life of their family.355

It’s in the Book

353 Jeremiah 10:5 – Idols and things can do neither harm nor good
354 Isaiah 14:4 – Is the Golden Arches at McDonalds of pagan origin? 355 Romans 14:5 - Each one should be fully convinced

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Chapter 10.15


Ash Wednesday – Palm Sunday – Spy Wednesday Maundy Thursday - Good Friday – Holy Saturday Easter Sunday – Prayer – Fasting – Giving – 40 days

First Word

Lent is the annual solemn religious observance and commemoration of Holy Week, marking the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It observes the tradition and events in the Bible beginning

with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, His death, burial and culminates in the joyful

celebration on Easter Sunday of the Resurrection.

It is observed by Anglicans, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and other Christian

denominations lasting for a period of approximately 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday.

Lent is a season that starts with Grief and ends with rejoicing and celebrating.

Lent is when we make a small sacrifice of our own to recall the incomparable sacrifice that Christ

made on the cross so that we might experience the miracle of the resurrection.


Exploring LENT we need to understand the meaning of a number of other terms:

Easter: The culmination of the Passion Week of Christ, preceded by Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance.

Lent: Comes from the Latin term Quadragesima; a translation of the original Greek; meaning the fortiethday before Easter.

Ash Wednesday: First day of Lent; it gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the forehead as a celebration and reminder of human mortality, and as a sign of mourning and repentance before God.


Lent is traditionally described as lasting “approximately” forty days, in commemoration of the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert enduring the temptations of Satan while fasting before He begin his public ministry.360

356 357

358 1 Corenthians 10:16 – Maundy Thursday; Communion with Christ. 359

Palm Sunday: The sixth Sunday of Lent; marks the beginning of the HOLY WEEK. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as their King;356 one week later they would crucify Him. He would be dead, buried

and resurrected.357

Spy Wednesday or Holy Wednesday; the day Judas spied on Jesus in the Garden

Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday; commemoration of the Last Supper of Christ.358

Good Friday: Jesus’ crucifixion and burial.359

Holy Saturday: Commemorates the full day that the body of Jesus lay in the tomb.

Easter Sunday: The day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Mark 11:7– Jesus riding on a donkey as their King; people spread their cloaks while others spread branches

Matthew 21:9 – Palm Sunday; Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord

Luke 23:20-21 – Good Friday; "Crucify him! Crucify him!"

Matthew 4:1-3 - Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert and fasted for 40 days

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Lent runs from Ash Wednesday through Maundy Thursday until Easter, some 40 days with breaks

In most Western traditions Sundays are not counted as a part of Lent since Sundays are always the weekly anniversary of the Resurrection and are exempt from fasting or the abstinence of eating meat; thus the period from Ash Wednesday until Easter consists of 40 days when the Sundays are excluded.

Different Denominations calculate the 40 days differently; some fast by just giving up meat, poultry and dairy products, eating only “vegan” or just vegetables. Some just eat less than a full meal while others eat nothing during the daylight hours. Many fast during the Passion Week while others fast for only three days.

I must confess that I had certainly heard of LENT, but never actually knew what it was or even observed it; I thought it was just something that Catholics did.


The purpose of Lent is the spiritual preparation of the believer through 40 days of prayer, repentance for sins, self-denial and giving of time and money. Many Christians will commit to fasting or giving up certain types of luxuries as a form of this remembrance.

The book “Why Do Catholics Do That” says that fasting keeps the Devil at bay sighting the scripture on fasting to cast out demons. (My personal BS believes this scripture is talking about FAITH being built up by fasting, not about more authority over demons)

His book goes to say that it reminds us for the need for acts of penances to serve as punishment for sins and acts of charity to make up for them. Basically, the idea is to do good things to BALANCE OUT all of the bad, as well as avoiding more bad things. (My personal BS believes we all fall short of God’s standard, but are justified by His grace, so there is just NO WAY to “balance out” sin on our own.)

Mark 9:22-29 – Faith is the Subject – Not demon authority

22 "It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can

do anything, take pity on us and help us."

23 "If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who

believes." (Faith)

26 And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he

was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead.

28 And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him

privately, why could not we cast him out?

29 And he said unto them, THIS KIND (of Faith) can come forth by

nothing, but by prayer and fasting. KJV


three traditional practices that bring you closer to God are:

  1. 1)  PRAYER - humility towards God. 361

  2. 2)  FASTING - denial towards self. 362

  3. 3)  GIVING - blessing towards others. 363

Veiling of crosses and other religious objects with a VIOLET COLOR of fabric. The Catholic Church says violet is the Church’s color of mourning and the color of penance.

I always thought it was the color of the robe that they put on Jesus; a symbol of Royalty.364

361 Romans 3:23-24 – All have sinned and fall short; we can’t balance out our sins with good, we need a Savior
362 Isaiah 58:6-7 – Fasting and Giving to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke of oppression 363 Zechariah 7:5-10 – Administer true justice and Show mercy and compassion to one another
364 Matthew 27:27-29 – They stripped him and put on a SCARLET ROBE
For the pagan origins of Lent, read Book 10.14 “Easter”

in fasting on Sundays.

There are traditionally forty days in Lent which are marked by fasting, both from foods and festivities,

and by other acts of penance.

It is the giving up of something that might be considered a vice and adding

something that brings you closer to god such as giving of money and time to others.


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SUNRISE SERVICES: It is custom for some churches to hold sunrise services which include open air celebrations in some places.

The Stations of the Cross are often observed as a devotional commemoration of Christ carrying the Cross and of his execution; this is called The Via Dolorosa; “The way of the Cross”. This devotional practice representing the gospel story is commemorated by walking through the Traditional FOURTEEN Stations” or events of remembrance as fixed in the 18th century.

See the Word Study; the Way of the Cross; Via Delarosa, Book 2.8

Benefits of Prayer, Fasting and Giving:
you will find joy in the Lord...
God will hear and answer your prayers...
For an “
over the top” definition; read Isaiah 58:8-14 below.

Isaiah 58:8-14 – The benefits of fasting

8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing

will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and

the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for

help, and he will say: Here am I.

"If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger

and malicious talk,

10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the

needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and

your night will become like the noonday.

11 The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a

sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like

a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the

age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,

Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.

13 "If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as

you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the

LORD's holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own

way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,

14 then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to

ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of


LENT is when we make a small sacrifice of our own

to recall the incomparable sacrifice that Christ made on the cross

so that we might experience the miracle of the resurrection.

For the pagan origins of Lent, read Book 10.14 Easter

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Chapter 10.16


Trick or Treat


Trick or Treat – What the heck is a Druid? Halloween; Satanic... or just for fun

First Word

Halloween, October 31st, has long been a fun day for kids and adults alike for as long as I can remember. However, this is also a special day for Satan worshippers which they take very seriously. For them this is their “holy eve” like New Year’s Eve and November 1st is their “New Year’s Day”.

A Little Background

Halloween began hundreds of years ago when Pagan high priest in Ireland would go through the neighborhoods collecting offerings for Satan. They carried lanterns as children today carry lighted pumpkins. They had sacks for the loot as we do today. They would demand money or a treat and if they did not pay, they would receive a “trick”. They would make havoc of their house, or sour the cow’s milk, even kill the animals or ruin the well water; similar things go on today. Torn up mail boxes, vandalized cars, soaped window screens, damaged shrubbery and eggs thrown against houses.

While we are dressing up to go “Trick or Treat” they are offering prayers, worship and blood sacrifices to satanic gods. Today drugs are used by Satan to unlock the morals that have been taught to us from our youth. I have read where treats are prepared for children with drugs, LSD on cookies, razor blades in apples, ground glass on candy or treats dipped in urine or excretes. There are other revolting thing that I will not mention here.

I know you won’t believe this, but there are many missing children that are never found that have been offered as blood sacrifices during the Satanic High Days”, these High Days are February 2nd, March 24th, May 1st, June 24th, September 24th, October 31st, November 1st and December 25th; Yes that’s right, Christmas day.

If you are having trouble buying into this, just check out the NEW AGE section at your local Barn’s & Nobel book store; they have a whole section devoted to witchcraft. My research has revealed that beginning October 18th through November 1st, a period of 13 days, faithful followers of Satan and evil spirits gather and offer animal and human sacrifices to Satan. This letting of blood gives them supernatural power. (The number 13 in the Bible always symbolizes evil)

Among other things, these followers drink wine mixed with blood. God instructs Christians specifically not to partake of blood; He is very clear on these instructions. Also during this time every conceivable orgy is happening, some with un-willing partners. All of the corrupt, evil and wicked, vile and filth that one can imagine is happening.

October 31st at 12:00 midnight demonic spirits held in departed animals are given to Satan’s followers for their use. Witches, druids, wizards, magicians, sorcerers and pagans from every corner of the earth come together in clans calling for a reunion in the supernatural realm.
There is within us a desire to have “
special power” and things such as Ouija boards, séances, ghost stories and movies on the supernatural spark our interest in what the Christian calls “The Occult”.

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Familiar Spirits

People who are soothsayers or what we call fortune tellers or palm readers have what is known as a familiar spirit which tells them things and they earn a living from this. I hate to tell you this but these people who we hear about on radio and TV who help people find things, who are known as psychics are not of God. Not only should you not participate with them, you should not even listen.

While most palm readers, fortune tellers and psychics are FAKE; SOME ARE REAL.365 God said to kill a medium or someone who is into sorcery.366

God says, He detests them. The scriptures seem pretty clear on this to me.

Witches and Demons

Witches have familiar spirits that embody animals such as “black cats”, dogs or owls. A familiar spirit is a spirit guide for those who are operating in the occult. They (familiar spirits) have the ability to call up demon spirits to give them information and to carry out assignments. However these demons do not want to go back to where they came from. They fight to hold on to whatever that are using to get around in; people,367 animals, and sometimes OBJECTS that can be carried. (Look for a small hole in the back or bottom of the object.)

A demon is a spirit without a body, simply known as a disembodied spirit”. Their highest goal is to possess a human body.368 God says that we should stay from anyone who practices witchcraft or is a soothsayer or interprets omens or is a sorcerer or one who conjures spells or is a medium or spiritist or one who calls up the dead; they are an ABOMINATION to the Lord.369


Let’s pause right here and check with Webster’s Dictionary and see what it says:
Charm: A magic spell, anything that is supposed to possess magic power.
Devil: The enemy; the spirit of evil, the tempter, Satan.
Druid: A priest of the ancient Celtic people of Gaul & Britain, who worshipped the oak tree. Enchantment; Sorcery, incantation, to hold by a spell.

Ghost: A disembodied spirit
Goblin: An evil or mischievous spirit.
Halloween: The evening before all Hallows Day or all Saints Day.
Incantation: A formula or charm words used to produce magical or supernatural effects. Jack-O-Lantern: From the stories of “Stingy Jack” who made a deal with the Devil and tricked him; now walking the earth; the light from the pumpkin keeps him from your home. Magic: The feigned art of influencing nature or future events by occult means, sorcery, using the aid of evil spirits.
Necromancy: The art of predicting future events by conjuring up the spirits of the dead. Spell: A word or words that have magical power.
Witch: A woman who practices sorcery, a black art; to enchant; to bewitch.
Wizard: One devoted to the black art, a sorcerer, magician, conjurer, with magical powers sorcery, witchcraft, magic, enchantment.

You tell me; What in the world has a Christian

to do with such things?

365 Acts 16:16 – Some fortune tellers are real
366 Leviticus 20:27 - God said kill the medium or spiritist among you
367 Matthew 12:43-45 – An Evil Spirit needs your body for a home.
368 Revelation 16:13 – Evil Spirits desire to inhabit people.
369 Deuteronomy 18:9-11 – STAY AWAY FROM THEIR WAYS, those who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, or engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.

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World Book Encyclopedia: The Druids, an order of priest in ancient Gaul and Britain; believed that on Halloween, ghost, spirits, fairies, witches and elves came out to harm people. They thought the cat was sacred and believed that cats had once been human beings, but were changed as a punishment for evil deeds.

Encyclopedia Britannica: It was a Druidic belief that on the eve (October 31st) of this festival, Saman (Sanhain), the Lord of death, called together the wicked souls that within the past twelve months had been condemned to inhabit the bodies of animals.

Funk and Wagnall: Druidism was a RELIGIOUS FAITH of the Celtic inhabitants of Gaul and British Isles. It flourished in the second century BC until the second century AD. The Druids were well versed in Astrology, Magic and the mysterious powers of plants and animals. They held the OAK TREE and the MISTLETOE in great reverence.

Wikipedia: A sacrifice acceptable to the Celtic gods had to be attended by a Druid, for they were the intermediaries between the people and the divinities. Wikipedia remarked upon the importance of prophets in druidic ritual:

"These men predict the future by OBSERVING the flight and calls of birds and by the sacrifice of holy animals: all orders of society are in their power... and in very important matters they prepare a human victim, plunging a dagger into his chest; by observing the way his limbs convulse as he falls and the gushing of his blood, they are able to read the future."

It’s Just for Fun
Halloween is a time children are frightened in fun”; but they are actually receiving a “Spirit of

Fear”.370 Fear is from Satan,371 not from God, so when we promote haunted houses and horror movies or pranks that promote fear, we are glorifying SATAN.372

I can remember when I was in charge of the haunted house at my church on Halloween. I saw children screaming that had to be taken home TRAUMATIZED. One mother had to leave the church permanently; her little girl would cry un-controllably when she came. God forgive me.

Just for what it’s worth, God says that those who participate in such things concerning witchcraft and sorcery will burn in the lake of fire forever. I will never forget that night.

You cannot participate in things of Satan and things of God... You must choose.373
If you are going along with the rest of the world, “Just for Fun”, then you become an “enemy of God”. If you allow yourself or your family to participate or yield to this tradition of Halloween then

you are serving Satan.374 I will say it even stronger; you are a servant of Satan; an anti-Christ.375

Don’t be Ashamed of God

If your school, business or church requires you to participate in Halloween at any level, you should take a stand for God and obey him, not man.376 If you are ashamed of God, He will be ashamed of you.377 We have power as Christians over the “power of darkness” because of the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ.378 We are not to conform to the traditions of society,379 but are to present ourselves to God as “living sacrifices”. We renew our mind as we study and DO God’s word.

370 Job 3:25 – Satan got to Job through a SPIRIT OF FEAR: What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me 371 Job 2:6 – Satan is after the man of God
372 2 Timothy 1:7 – Satan gives the spirit of fear -- John 14:27 – God does not want us to fear
373 1 Corenthians 10:20-21 – A child of God will not participate in sacrifices of pagans offerings to demons

374 James 4:4 – A friend of the world is the enemy of God
376 Acts 5:30 – Obey God rather than men
377 Mark 8:38 – Do not be ashamed of God, then He will not be ashamed of you
378 Colossians 1:11 – We are strengthened with ALL power -- Colossians 1:13-14 – For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of light
379 Romans 12:1-2 – Do not be conformed to this world

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Symbols – The Zodiac
The crescent symbol that we see on witches costumes is a symbol used by the

worshippers of “The Queen of Heaven”, the goddess Diana. She is known as the goddess of fertility and promotes prostitution and sexual orgies.

The hexagram symbol which the Christian knows as the crest of Solomon or “The star of David” has been perverted by the satanic world and has become a powerful symbol used in the powers of darkness. It is used to gather together evil spirits; it is also found on Halloween costumes and apparatus.

God spoke of this in his Word when He rebuked them for taking the crest of Solomon, the Star of God and using it for other gods. All the signs of the Zodiac were used back in Old Testament times. Astrologers, star gazers and what they call monthly prognosticators were all acknowledged as being a force contrary to God.380

Side bar: The Horoscope is a tool of Satan that messes with people’s lives.381

We invite Sickness

We bring this junk which God has cursed into our home and we become part of the curse, our families get sick, trouble comes in our lives.382 This is an abomination to God and we should detest these kinds of things. As Christians, we have nothing in common with the traditions and practices of the things of darkness.383 God has told us that we are literally dying and we don’t even know why.384

Unholy Thoughts invites destruction
We are to get rid of anything that would exalt itself up against the knowledge of God, even our

own thoughts and imaginations. God wants us to be informed so that we will not be tossed about with every wind of tradition such as Halloween;385 when men say darkness is actually light and fear is just fun. I count 63 times in the Bible where God said “FEAR NOT”. Yes I counted them

We are commanded to keep God’s covenant lest we be destroyed.386 We are warned to not forget God so that things will go well for us.387 God is a jealous God and his anger will be great if we put Satan, the God of this world, before Him.388

Tradition over God’s Word

Our fight is not in the physical realm, but in the supernatural, against the rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness, principalities and evil powers.389 Although people are told about Satan’s tricks, they do not hear nor do they understand because their heart has been hardened.390 Their hearts are hardened because they have yielded to the traditions of men and have become like them.391

Their consciences have been seared with the hot iron of Satan.392

Don’t Be Bewitched

Halloween is harmless, it’s just fun, we don’t worship Satan, we just participate in fun. We are instructed to check out the situation and not be “bewitched” or fooled.393

380 Isaiah 47:13- Save yourself from stargazers and monthly prognosticators
381 Amos 5:26 – Astrologers are borne of the tabernacle of Moloch where you sacrifice your children.
382 Deuteronomy 7:26 – Don’t bring cursed things into your home; utterly abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction
383 2 Corenthians 6:14-15 – What fellowship do we have with darkness; what harmony is there between Christ and Belial
384 Hosea 4:6 – People die and don’t know why
385 Ephesians 4:14 – Don’t be blown here and there; Know the word
386 Deuteronomy 7:9-11 – You will see God repay evil with destruction
387 Deuteronomy 6:12-18 – Consider God; things will go well
388 2 Corenthians 10:3-6 – Get rid of unholy thinking.
389 Ephesians 6:12 – We can’t see the spiritual dark evil forces that we struggle with
390 Matthew 13:13-15 – They will be ever hearing but never understanding; they will be ever seeing but never perceiving -- Psalm 115:4-7 – You have eyes, but you cannot see.
391 1 Timothy 4:2 – Romans 6:16-17 – YOU ARE A SLAVE TO WHOM YOU OBEY -- Romans 6:13 – Let your body be an instrument of righteousness 392 Your understanding becomes seared by Satan
393 Galatians 3:1-2 – Don’t be bewitched; believe the Word.

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Ask the question “Does the Halloween tradition conflict with our faith?” If you don’t know, then you should ask someone. Don’t ask your friend; ask your Pastor. Does Halloween glorify God or does it ignore His existence and His teachings?394 Are the things you do on Halloween night something that will receive a reward in Heaven395 or are you building something that will be burned up in Hell?

Shallow Christians

Satan prowls around like a roaring lion hunting someone who will let him take his life.396 He looks for people with shallow spiritual roots, those who KNOW his word, but do not PRACTICE it.397 We are urged to read God’s word so that we will know Satan’s devices.398

Someone Looks Up to You

The reason Satan has the upper hand concerning Halloween is that men who are thought of as wisemenareactuallyfools. Theyhavebecomefilledwithgreedandhavebecomesenselessandheartless. Although they KNOW they should NOT participate in Halloween, yet THEY DO ANYWAY and encourage others to do so. We look up to these wise men for direction; perhaps someone is looking up to you.399 Can you comprehend the magnitude of your responsibility?

Darkness Is Light

Halloween is no joke: Satan is working overtime to bring you down because he knows his time is short here on earth.400 He wants to cut loose all the demonic activity he can, but he needs our help. People have the power to loose or bind things whether they are Christians or not.401

Listen; if you are saying Halloween is “OK”; God is going to deal with you.
He says “
Woe unto them who call darkness light and light darkness”.402

Test the Spirits
We are urged to check out what people say. God says “TEST THE SPIRITS403 or evaluate what’s

going on by the scriptures. Is it of God? Not participating in Halloween is not God’s way of putting the Christian in bondage, or stealing his fun; it’s the operation of truth and truth sets the Christian free, and in this freedom there is all joy.404

If we could see Satan and his demonic forces in their true form, it would be easy to recognize them for what they are, but they do not appear that way.405

The truth is, they DISGUISE themselves as things that are FUN, GOOD AND FULL OF LIGHT.

Things of The Occult are Cursed

If the things of Satan are in your possession, then Satan has power over your family and you will be defeated by situations that come against you.406 Get rid of things of the occult; we are not to just throw them away, but to utterly destroy them, 407even to the point of grinding them up and flushing them down the toilet. This is serious stuff, the curse on this junk hangs over your home; you and your children and your children’s children.408

394 1 Corenthians 10:31 – Whatever you do; do it to glorify God
395 1 Corenthians 3:14-15 – Build something that will be rewarded in heaven
396 Mark 4:15 – Satan tries to steal the Word as soon as it is sown -- 1 Peter 5:8 – Satan pretends to be a lion with power over you. 397 Luke 6:49 – KNOWING, but not DOING is destruction
398 2 Corenthians 2:11 – Study to know the schemes of Satan
399 Romans 1:22-32 – The example borne out in your life could lead others astray.
400 Revelation 12:12 – Satan’s time is short and he is furious
401 Matthew 18:18 – You have the power to bind and loose
402 Isaiah 5:20 – WOE to those who call darkness light
403 1 John 4:1 – Test the spirits with scripture
404 John 8:32 – Knowing the truth sets you free
405 2 Corenthians 11:14-15 Satan and his DARK servants disguise themselves as LIGHT
406 Joshua 7:11-12 – God will remove Himself from you
407 Deuteronomy 9:21 – Totally destroy things of the occult
408 Exodus 20:5 – Your family will feel the results of sin

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Turn Now

If you have messed with the occult, Halloween409 or games even just for fun, then humble yourself NOW before God; pray, seek God’s face, turn from those ways and God will hear and forgive the sin and heal your need and the curse will be broken.410

You will Reap what you Sow

We are told to stay away from fortune tellers, wizards, and those that have familiar spirits, that these people will defile you.411 This Halloween stuff didn’t just start a few years ago, it’s been going on since before Moses. God says He will not be mocked;412 if you participate in the Halloween “fun”, you are making fun of God and you will receive a harvest on every seed you plant.

Don’t allow you children to dress up in things of evil, tell their teachers that YOU OBJECT to the witches, devils, black cats, spiders and carvedpumpkins hanging from the ceiling and on the cork boards in the school rooms; encourage them to have HARVEST themes.

Don’t give out candy; don’t make noises to scare “TRICKSTERS”. Don’t participate at any level.413 On Halloween, go to a church function with family and Christian friends.

Now You Know

Halloween is a time for joining in the celebration of the high Sabbath of Satan and glorifying his demons and their activities, OR it’s a time to “show off” in front of God to let Him see what you are made of.

Now I have sounded the alarm,
if you do not take the warning, your blood will be on your own head. Don’t blame God for the curse you bring into your home.


409 1 John 5:21 - Little children, keep your selves from idols. Amen.
410 2 Chronicals 7:13-14 – Humble yourself; God will remove the curse and heal you
411 Leviticus 19:31 – Stay away from mediums for you will be defiled by them
412 Galatians 6:7 – Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 413 Ephesians 5:11 – Have nothing to do with HALLOWEEN
414 Ezekiel 33:4 – You bring the curse on your own family

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Chapter 10.17

This is one word study I wanted to avoid because I knew that the hexagram was not only used for the Jews, but was also used in the OCCULT. I just wanted to play likeI didn’t notice it.

The Star of David is the INCORRECT TERM and use for the Hexagram; it was actually known as the “Shield of David”. In Israel the RED Shield of David has the same meaning as our RED cross.

The shield or star is formed by two inverted triangles. One pointing up and one down. The esh is the symbol for fire and the mayim is the symbol for water. Together they form the word shamayin which is the word for “heaven” which is a paraphrase for “God”. In reverence, the Jews would not utter the name of God, but would make references to Him, such as “heaven”, i.e. The Kingdom of Heaven (God).

each of the four outer triangles is labeled with one of the four letters YHWH which in Hebrew is Jehovah. We would say Yahweh by adding the vowels

A and E.

BalaamprophesiedthataSTARwouldcomeoutofIsrael.(Ithappened14centurieslater) TheStarof Bethlehem is sometimes referred to as the Star of David because Jerusalem, David’s capital and home also included the city of Bethlehem where Jesus was born.

The Star of David also called Magen David was used as a TALISMAN to ward off evil spirits. YH


The twelve Tribes

Numbers 24:17 – Jacobs name changed to Israel; a star will rise.

17 I see Him, but not here and now. I perceive Him, but far in the distant future. A STAR WILL RISE FROM JACOB; a scepter will emerge from

Israel. (NLT)

Star of David

Shield of Solomon – Shield of David - Star of David Badge of shame - Pentagram – Hexagram

First Word

Magen David Adom (MDA) (Red Star of David or translated literally, Red Shield of David) is

Israel's only official emergency medical, disaster, ambulance service. It is an official member of

the International Committee of the Red Cross since June 2006.

Some say that one triangle represents the ruling tribe of Judah and the other the former ruling tribe

of Benjamin (The other ten tribes were considered lost)

The number seven: The Star of David at least since the 20th century remains associated with the

number seven and thus with the Menorah, and popular account associate it with the six directions of space plus the center; Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center... Seven points. It was

interlaced; the Menorah was deemed “The light of God

SYMBOLS representing the Banner of each of the twelve tribes would be found inside each triangle.

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The Levites did not get a “division of land” nor did Joseph as he gave his part to his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim, who were known as the half tribes, this made twelve divisions of land again.

We just don’t know

The use of the hexagram as a symbol of Judaism is obscure.

Wikipedia says a significant motivating factor, according to scholar Gershom Scholem, was the desire to represent Jewish

religion or identity in the same manner the Christian cross identified that religion's believers. I find the term Star of David and the Shield of David used interchangeably.

The first time we hear about the Shield of David is around the 12th century where the hexagram symbol was placed in front of the names of angels; a reference to MAGICAL SPELLS. By the 19th century the Star of David had gained ascendancy and was dominant in Jewish rituals.

In 1897 The Star of David was adopted by the Zionist Congress. During World War II it became a BADGE OF SHAME when the Nazis forced the Jews to wear it anytime they were out in public.

In 1948 the design was chosen to be on the flag of Israel. It is now universally recognized as the symbol of Judaism. It is found on their flags, walls, synagogues and graves; it serves as a symbol for the COMING OF THE MESSIAH.

415 Psalm 18:35 – You give me your SHIELD OF VICTORY, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great
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Originally, the hexagram may have

been employed as an architectural ornament or adornment on synagogues.

David was used by at least the 11th century as a title of the God of Israel; the title was independent of

the use of the symbol. 415

The name Shield of

The requirement to wear the Star of David with the word Jude (German for Jew) inscribed was extended to all Jews over the age of six. Failure to wear the star in public meant they could be subjected to sever punishment.

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Symbol of Good or Evil
Some say that one triangle of the two triangles represents the ruling tribe of Judah and the other

the former ruling tribe of Benjamin. Some associate the double triangle with the six directions of space plus the center: Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center.

Seal of Solomon: whether fact or folklore, it is said that King Solomon used a Hexagram to seal his documents that was interwoven or conjoined with part Brass (light) and part Iron (Dark). The light and dark conjoining colors represented the unity of body and soul.

The Seal of Solomon is mentioned often in ancient magical texts. Therefore the Shield of David would also be appropriated for magical signs. We do not find this symbolism used during the time of Jesus.

In the middle ages the Hexagram was widely used in magical spells and was the “EMBLEM” for magic. In Germany the name for it was “Drydenfuss” which represented the FOOTPRINT of a Trud; a special kind of DEMON. A Hexagram was drawn on the floor where the person stood in the middle of to WARD OFF demons as well as to CALL THEM UP.

Cloven footprint

Alchemy and Lucky Charms
An early form of chemistry was called Alchemy, a study into the changing of base metals into

gold along with the search for perpetual youth. The four corners of the Boxed triangles represented the “cardinal points of Alchemy” conveying the ideal of Universality and the Omnipresence of God. Air, Fire, Water, Earth – Hot, Cold, Wet, Dry

It became a lucky charm; a small hexagonal amulet covered with lamb skin carried on the person to ward off hazards and danger; it was said make demons confused and dizzy and unable to do any harm; it was called “David’s Shield. They justified this practice by the scriptures in Samuel referring to David being delivered from the giant Goliath; “God will deliver me”, God’s BANNER of protection

Today; The Shield The Star The Banner – All point to the Messiah of Israel.

1 Samuel 17:36-37 – God was David’s shield; His Banner

36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.
The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." NIV

The LORD is my Banner 416 His Banner over me is love 417

The Pentagram with five points has two points pointing upward forming the horns of a demon with one pointing down forming his face. The two on each side form his ears.

The Sigil of Baphomet. The sign of the church of Satan.

416 Exodus 17:15 - The LORD is my banner
417 Song of Songs 2:4 - His banner over me is love

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Chapter 10.18

The Cross The ICHTHUS

Cross Beam – The Sign – The Law – The Ankh The Great Exchange – The Fish – Fish Wars Nail prints – Taking up the Cross - Barabbas What does the Cross have to do with anything?

First Word

In my Belief System; I don’t believe that you have to understand everything about Jesus Christ to be saved. As a ten year old, I believed in God and His son Jesus and wanted to be a good person; a child of God and I didn’t want to wait any longer, I just wanted to “Join the Church” as they called it back in 1947. I understood the stories of the Virgin birth, the Cross, the resurrection and being born again, but not so much the deeper significance of WHY.

A newborn infant for the most part can do nothing for himself, but nevertheless from his very beginning, he is “A PART OF THE FAMILY” where he can GROW. I seem to grasp that a baby could be born to a girl who was not married and someone who was dead could come back to life, but what bothered me was WHY a cross; a piece of wood was a place where Christians would look towards for the hope and the promise of living with God for eternity.

This study is THE WHY; the significance of the Cross.

Early Symbols
The Egyptians Ankh was a pagan symbol for “eternal life”. It was in the form of a “T” with a

loop handle on the top. The Coptic Christian Church adopted the Ankh calling it the “crux ansata”, the cross with a handle. The Ankh also had another meaning; “mirror”; later we find the loop portion was made into a “hand mirror” which then utilized the “T” as a handle.

There were various early Christian symbols such as the lyre, fish and dove, the shepherd and the lamb and of course the Cross. God had also providentially put the shape of the cross into an anchor with its crossbar, the mast of a ship, into tools such as an Ax or a plow. Christians would often pray with their arms outstretched forming a cross.

The Greek word for fish “ICHTHUS” was made into an acronym meaning “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior. Christians would often secretly make the sign of the fish with two opposite intersecting “crescents” as a password to distinguish each other as friend or foe or to mark a place to meet for worship which was usually in a tomb. Sometimes one person would casually start the upper crescent and the other would finish it with the reverse bottom.

About 400 years after the death of Christ the fish gave way to the symbol of the Cross, but oddly enough, about 1500 years after that, the fish has made its comeback in the form of a bumper sticker and jewelry. I like it because people ask, “What is that?” and it gives me an opportunity to talk about Jesus making us fishers of men.418.

418 Mark 1:17 - I will make you to become fishers of men

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Sometimes the fish body is empty and other times it contains the word ICHTHUS. That has given birth to FISH WARS where non-believers can have a fish with the word DARWIN in the body with four little legs under it; and even that has given way to one with EVOLVE in the body; it’s a Shark fish that eats all the Jesus Fish.

The Cross has evolved into fuzzy things we hang on our rear view mirror, decals for our bumpers, lucky charms for our bracelets and sometimes we decorate our gardens with it and we can even get it on T shirts as well as buy it covered in chocolate; it is a manufacturers and merchandisers profane money making dream.


Webster; Crucify: to put to death by nailing or binding to a cross and leaving to die of exposure; to be very cruel; to torment. From the 6th century BC to the 4th century AD the cross was an instrument for the most torturous and excruciating painful method that could be administered that would painfully and slowly lead to death. (Hence the term excruciating, literally "out of crucifying.") It was gruesome, humiliating, and public. Crucifixion methods varied considerably with location and time period.

In the time of Christ, it was the Romans who used crucifixion on the Cross as a method of capital punishment. ONE because it was torture and a horrific death, and TWO because it was humiliating and served as a warning to others who were passing by on the public road.

Roman crucifixion included nailing the condemned to the CROSS and also tying with ropes to support the weight. Jesus shows his disciples the hard evidence of the holes in his hands and tells them to quit doubting.419 Technically, the nails were put into the wrist; the reference to hands would include the wrist as well. Archeologist have uncovered remains with nails in their feet and wrist.

Note: the KJV Bible does not directly say that nails were used, but later translations such as the New Living Translation and the Message Bible interpret the word “crucified” to include nails because of the Roman custom and Jesus showing the nail prints in his hands to (doubting) Thomas.420

Jesus said, BLESSED are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.421


The Greek and Latin words corresponding to "crucifixion" applied to many different forms of painful execution: impaling on a stake into their private parts; picture a sharp pole impaled up the buttocks into the torso of the body. Then there was the simple affixing to a tree, or affixing to an upright pole and then there was the combination of affixing the person to an upright pole and a crossbeam. Some have the condemned affixed by stretching out their arms above their head on the gibbet which was only one vertical stake, called in Latin “crux simplex” while other variations include affixing them upside down with their head down to the ground.

The Church of the Great God believes that pagans used the cross as a religious symbol before the time of Christ. Although this is true, there is no evidence that Christians intentionally borrowed the cross from any cultic pagan religion. Two intersecting lines are simple and are very common throughout all of history. You can see it in a plow, an anchor and a sail mast; the Christian Cross is a “distinct feature” of Christian art.

The Jehovah Witnesses reject the notion that Jesus was crucified on a cross in favor of an upright pale or stake using Paul’s expression of Jesus dying “on a tree” as their defense. They further point out that for the first 300 years after the death of Christ that there is no evidence of Christians utilized the cross in worship. It was when the PAGAN Emperor Constantine became a convert to the faith that the cross was promoted as a Christian symbol. JW literature states that “apparently the cross was used to make it easier for pagans to accept Christianity”.

419 John 20:24-25 – Unless I see in his HANDS THE MARK OF THE NAILS, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, & place my hand into his side, I will never believe -- John 20:27 – Put your fingers here in my hands and believe
John 20:29 –
Blessed; they that have not seen, and yet believed
420 Psalm 22:16 - They have pierced my hands and feet

421 John 20:29 – Blessed; they that have not seen, and yet believed

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Therefore JW believe that True Christians do not use the Cross in worship because it is of pagan origin and linked with nature worship and pagan sex rites. –– HOWEVER –– Most historians believe that the cross was most likely an upright vertical beam that was already set in the ground at the place of execution. It was already notched on the top to accept a “cross beam” that the condemned would be tied to. It would then be hoisted up and dropped securely onto the fitted notch which would then formed a “T” shape.

In some cases, the condemned was forced to carry the crossbeam to the place of execution. A whole cross would weigh well over 300 pounds, but the crossbeam would not be quite as burdensome, varying in weight between 40 to a 100 pounds. Wikipedia

Normally only the horizontal crossbeam of the Roman cross was carried strapped across the shoulders. We don’t know if it was this beam or the whole cross that Jesus labored and struggled under.

Galatians 3:13 – JW – It was NOT a Cross, it was a TREE
13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for

us; for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is HANGED ON A TREE(ESV)

Deuteronomy 21:22 – JW – Jesus was hung on a TREE, not a Cross 22And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is

put to death, and you HANG HIM on a TREE, (ESV)

The Cross Beam

Jewish tradition has it that Jesus stumbled under the weight of the cross, and as some suggests, a black Jew from an old Greek settlement on the coast of North Africa, named Simon from Cyrene, was forced to carry the cross for Jesus. This was not done out of compassion for Jesus; but was done to expedite the process; Let’s Getter Done.

It is thought that this Simon was already a disciple and that they selected him to bear the cross as a reprisal; to set an example to others who might be thinking about discipleship. To Simon, this troublesome unwieldy load of the cross came out of nowhere, but now Simon’s name will be remembered and honored wherever the Gospel is preached as a memorial.

The story is not only about Simon and the cross he had NO CHOICE to carry, but it’s also about US; EXCEPT we have a CHOICE to accept or reject the cross. Our Life is Choice driven.

Luke 23:26 - Jesus stumbles and Simon carries the cross

26 They seized Simon from Cyrene, and put THE CROSS on him and MADE HIM carry it behind Jesus.


The Sign

There were other shapes or forms of the pole that were in the shape of an X or a Y usually with a SIGN with an inscription over the individuals left shoulder identifying their name and their crime.

Pilate placed a sign in three languages; Aramaic, Latin and Greek above the head of Jesus422 for the crime of “claiming to be the King of the Jews”;423 ironically, this was not a “crime” for which Jesus was crucified, but for an absolutely true statement that He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

INRI represents the acronym representing Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum which is the Latin inscription, “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews”.

(Note: Latin uses “I” instead of the English “J” and “V” instead of the English “U”)
Placing a sign above the head of Jesus on a “T” beam would make it resemble the shape of the cross

as we know it today.

422 John 19:19-20 - Pilate makes a sign in three languages JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.
423 John 19:21-22 – The chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The King of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘THIS MAN SAID, I am King of the Jews.’” Pilate answered, “What I have written I have written”

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The Law

The reason the Cross is a pivotal point in the life of the believer is because of The Law which says; anyone who hangs on a tree is under the CURSE of God. Jesus who knew no sin, took our sins, on the tree so that we would not have to, thus removing the curse of death from us; fulfilling scripture. Hold that thought

Galatians 3:13 - Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree

13Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for


Deuteronomy 21:22-23 – Man hanged on a tree is cursed by God

22 And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is put

to death, and you HANG HIM ON A TREE,

23 his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall bury him

the same day, for A HANGED MAN IS CURSED BY GOD. You shall not

defile your land that the LORD your God is giving you for an inheritance. (ESV)

The Great Exchange

Jesus is led to a place just outside the city called GOLGOTHA which means “the place of the skull. The most common conjecture for the name Golgotha is because of the skull like appearance of the rock formation on the hill; it literally looked like a skull; this place overlooked a public highway.

Interestingly, there were already three crosses prepared for some rebels, which included an insurrectionist named Barabbas.

Barabbas comes on the scene as a deliverer of the Hebrew people from the oppression of Rome and was a favorite of the silent majority. He had been arrested and charged with homicidal political terrorism; being a notorious revolutionary, an insurrectionist as well as being a bandit; a robber and a murderer;424 you could say he had a few flaws in his character.

Many think that the Zealot Barabbas was also named “Jesus” which was a common name, and to make sure that Pilate did not misunderstand which Jesus they were talking about”, they used the word “Bar-abbas” so as to not be confused with the other Jesus from Nazareth. Bar means SON and Abba means FATHER; he was probably the son of a famous Rabi. These thoughts arise because documented in some early 9th century manuscripts and the Codex O, the rendering of his full name is written as “Jesus Barabbas” as found in the book of Matthew. 425 (I fully embrace this in my Belief System.)

Barabbas was the son of the “Father”; His path was to overthrow Rome with the sword.

Jesus was also known as the Son of the Father; His path was peace and suffering which did not attract the masses as Barabbas did.426 The Pharisees tried to get Jesus connected with this Zealot Resistance Movement which opposed taxes by asking him the question; “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar”? Those Pharisees were tricksters.427

Jesus the deliverer of the Hebrew people had been on the scene now for about 3 years and Barabbas was also considered a deliverer, from the power of Rome

Did you see it? We have TWO men named Jesus; TWO Sons of the Father”; both with a path for deliverance of Israel. TWO paths; one of Peace and the other of the sword. One was a Sinner and the other One was sinless. Today there are still TWO paths in life... It’s a CHOICE

Did you see it? THE GREAT EXCHANGE: Jesus took the Sins of Barabbas to the cross and Barabbas was SET FREE, Jesus took OUR sinful place on the cross & paid the price for OUR life so we could be SET FREE from the Law of “If you sin you will die.

424 Mark 15:7 – Barabbas a REBEL; was in prison – Sinner -- Matthew 27:16 - Barabbas a NOTORIOUS prisoner – Sinner -- Luke 23:19 – Barabbas an INSURRECTIONIST - Sinner -- Acts 3:14 - Barabbas was a MURDERER – Sinner -- John 18:40 – Barabbas was a ROBBER 425 Matthew 27:16 - At that time they had a well-known prisoner whose name was JESUS BARABBAS
426 Luke 23:4 – Jesus - SINLESS – No fault was found

427 Mark 12:13-15 – The Trick of the Pharisees; should we Pay taxes or not to Rome; are you a Zealot?
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The Death

You would think that death by crucifixion would be from the blood loss from the beatings and the piercing of the hands and feet, but it was not; Death came from suffocation. The condemned person’s arms would be elevated and tied higher than their head and sometimes draped and tied over the back of the cross beam making it extremely hard to breath, causing them to push with the feet and pull up with the arms for each breath accompanied with excruciating pain from the nails in both the hands and feet. Death came from lack of air, suffocation; but if by strength their life was being prolonging, then they would break their legs so they could not push up to breath.

This kind of changes our picture of the crosses that we observe today. Some crosses depict Jesus still nailed to the cross, but as believers we know that “it is finished”, He is no longer on the cross.428 The next time you buy a cross; get one that is “empty”.


The Why

In the Old Testament SINS were “atoned for” through REPEATED animal sacrifices, the blood of spotless unblemished animals temporarily covered the sin, but it did not remove it.429 This atonement was a SHADOW of the true form of the one that was to come.430

In the NT the CROSS comes into view as the pivotal point in history, where the signature symbol, the perfect sacrifice was made when Jesus’s blood was shed on the cross for a ONCE-AND-FOR- ALLsacrifice431 for the forgiveness of sins; past, present and future.

Christ who knew no sin and born of a virgin, was made to become sin for us.432 Jesus chose to endure the shame of the cross. He was the unblemished spotless sacrificial Lamb that God requires.

Propitiation is a word that we really don’t use that much; it is Christ's sacrifice for SIN that provided the reconciliation of BELIEVERS to God; hence the removal of God's WRATH: it is through propitiation that LOVE trumped God’s anger toward SIN, abolishing it. The victory of death was NOT for all mankind, if so all mankind would be saved. The Cross was victory over death for the Believer; but not for the MAKE-BELIEVER.433

The cross is the place where Satan is forever defeated, it is a place of victory, a place where sin no longer has dominion over us.434 Our flesh with its passions and desires has also been crucified with Christ on the cross.435

That brings us up to “TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW ME” which has lost some of its original meaning. To some this phrase brings on thoughts of perhaps some kind of inconvenience or of a bothersome circumstance.

Billy Graham said those words were like saying; “bring your electric chair with you”. For the Jews it would be “take up the gas chamber”. Jesus had in mind that the road of the cross would probably lead to death.436

NOTE: Grabbing hold of the cross still means death in many parts of the world. Today Christians because of their faith in Jesus Christ are being beheaded by Muslims.

428 Matthew 28:6 - He is not here, for he has risen
429 Hebrews 10:3-9 – It is impossible for animal sacrifices to permanently take away sin; they were only a temporary covering of sin 430 Hebrews 10:1-2 – Animals sacrifices were but a shadow of THE TRUE FORM of these realities that of Jesus Christ
431 Hebrews 10:10-11 - We are sanctified through the sacrifice of Christ’s body ONCE FOR ALL
432 2 Corinthians 5:21 – God made His Son who knew no sin to become sin so that we might become the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God 433 Matthew 20:28 – The plan of Salvation was for Jesus to give His life; NOT FOR ALL, but for as many as would believe
434 Romans 6:14 – The Cross is where sin has no dominion over us since we are not under law anymore, but under His grace
435 Galatians 5:24 - The Cross has crucified our flesh also with its PASSIONS and DESIRES
436 Luke 9:23-24 – Take up your cross daily and follow me, and for my sake perhaps lose your life

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The dainty golden cross hung around your neck on a golden fine chain is more than jewelry, it is a symbol of what Jesus did for us. Charles Stanley said; “It is the consciousness of the debt we owe God and the willingness to LIVE or DIE for Him”.437 We are to present our bodies as a LIVING SACRIFICE, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship.438

Paul says to Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.439 The cross is a reminder of the greatest sacrifice LOVE has ever made. When I see a Cross, I picture myself, because I should have been up there; Jesus took my place even before I was ever born. It’s a pardon; a reprieve from death for those who do not deserve it.440 While we were yet still sinners, Christ died for those who would BELIEVE.441

THE CROSS is followed by the Resurrection; the Cross is symbolic of DEATH and LIFE, it can be your END or your BEGINNING ... it’s up to you... It’s never too late; the thief on the cross made a decision TO BELIEVE in his last hour of his life and was saved. 442


It’s in the Book

437 Hebrews 12:2 – Jesus endured the cross and it shame for us
438 Romans 12:1 - Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
439 James 1:2-3 – Count the trials and testing as Joy for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness
440 John 1:29 - BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD who takes away the sins of those who believe, repent and confess His name. 441 Romans 5:8 - The very people Jesus wanted to save wanted to Kill Him; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us; 442 Luke 23:39-43 – The Thief said, remember me, I believe; It’s NOT too late to come to the Lord

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Chapter 10.19

Marriage Covenant

Design – Bride Price – Wedding Party - Children Interracial Marriage - Sampson’s wife – Polygamy What’s Love got to do with it? - Divorce – Alimony Custody - Marriage Instructions from God

First Word
Marriage today is presented to appeal to the “Lower Instincts” of man instead of the “Higher

Instincts” which glorifies God. We have glamorized Adultery, Divorce, loose marriage vows and same sex marriage as the norm. This Word study is to refresh and renew the dignity, righteousness and intimacy of Marriage.


Wikipedia; Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations. The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but it is principally an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged.

When defined broadly, marriage is considered a “cultural universal”. A broad definition of marriage includes those that are monogamous, polygamous, same-sex and temporary. People marry for many reasons, including: legal, social, libidinal, emotional, financial, spiritual, and religious. Who they marry may be influenced by socially determined rules of incest, prescriptive marriage rules, parental choice and individual desire.

Webster; Marriage: The state of being married... To join in wedlock as husband and wife... Intimately joined... Husband; a male - Wife; a female... Procreate; to produce or bring into existence.443

Forbidding Marriage: Because of the “focused” preaching of the Gospel, Paul thought it best not

to have any encumbrances such as marriage, but he did not forbid it. Peter thought differently and was married and took his wife with him on his mission trips.444 Some men, through their own hypocrisy have made doctrines forbidding marriage, scripture rebukes this and labels it as lies.

When I read this scripture; I can’t help but think of the Catholic Church forbidding their Priest to marry and the issues that it has caused.445 Scripture states Priest were only forbidden to marry prostitutes and divorced women.446 If Peter was the first Catholic Pope; then by example Priest should be allowed to marry as Peter was. It’s in the Book.

443 Genesis 1:28 – We are commanded to have children; "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it”. 444 1 Corenthians 9:5 – Cephas-(Peter) took his wife with him
445 1 Tim 4:2 – It was an grievous ERROR to ever forbid marriage

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Bible: Marriage is a COVENANT between a man, a woman and God.447 After God made Adam he gave him a wife so that he would not be alone, and he would have love, companionship and would be physically, emotionally and spiritually complete.448

God said when a man marries a woman the two become one flesh.449 God made Eve, ONE woman from Adam’s own flesh.450 This suggests that God’s ideal is for a man to be the husband of ONE wife and for the MARRIAGE TO BE PERMANENT.

Christ honored the Marriage Covenant by attending a wedding and working His first miracle of turning water into wine451. Wine is symbolic of spiritual blessings, goodness, prosperity, abundance, safety and health. (Drinking alcohol is not a sin, God have it to us and said it is good; Drunkenness is a sin, and so is Gluttony)

In my BS, I believe that in the beginning, God Himself instituted and ordained the family life452 when He created man both male and female and commanded them to multiply.453

An awesome thought: through marriage, a man and a woman are permitted to be God’s instruments in creating a new life; an immortal life that will live forever; somewhere.

Marriage is not something that is drifted into aimlessly or swept into by a whirlwind of passion. It’s “For better or worse.” Marriage requires serious thought of the fitting together of two lives and the arduous responsibilities that comes along with it, plus plugging into the working of God’s ultimate plan.454

When we acknowledge God, He will direct our path.455
In God’s plan, two people are better than one;456 they can warm each other as well as help each other; they are like TWO bears... Bear and Forbear... Forbearance, consideration and mutual kindness solidifies the home. Marriage was divinely instituted that the man and wife should become one flesh. The two MUST belong to the Lord; both worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.457 God will give them one heart and one way to honor Him, so that it will go well with them and their

children after them;458 it’s a partnership that only death can separate.459
The spouse selected should not bring shame, but bring honor to the parents and family.460 Marriage

is designed for contentment and happiness, not wanting that any should be alone. It is to be a source of joy and satisfaction.461

Marriage is designed to allow us to participate in the bringing forth of a new godly creation, a child.462 Marriage avoids immorality and provides an honorable and lawful relationship with one spouse.463

Marriage is sacred and is symbolic of
UNION between God and His own; the church.464

447 Job 31:1 – Marriage is a COVENANT -- Malachi 2:14 – The Lord is IN COVENANT with you and your wife.
448 1 Corenthians 7:1-2 – Since there is so much immorality, each MAN should have his own WIFE, and each WOMAN her own HUSBAND -- Ephesians 5:33 – Love and honor each other and (let) the wife (see) that she fear (honors) her husband
449 Genesis 2:24 – A man and a woman become one flesh
450 Genesis 1:27 – God created male & female in His own image -- Genesis 2:22 – God made Woman from Man’s flesh, the TWO are ONE 451 John 2:1-11 – Jesus the Christ honors the Marriage Covenant when He turned water into wine at a wedding
452 Ephesians 3:14-15 – God instituted the Family Unit
453 Genesis 2:24 – Man and a Woman become ONE flesh -- Genesis 2:22 – God made Woman from Man’s flesh, the TWO are ONE
454 Colossians 3:2 – Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things
455 Proverbs 30:18-19 – God will direct the ways of a man and his wife -- Proverbs 3:6 – Acknowledge God and He will direct your path 456 Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 – God says TWO are better than one -- Genesis 2:18 – It is not good to be alone, we need a helpmate
458 Jeremiah 32:39 – God will give them ONE heart and ONE way forever for the good of them, and of their children after them
459 Romans 7:2-3 – The Marriage is until death do us part
460 Genesis 28:8-9 – Select and marry someone that does not bring shame to the family
461 Proverbs 5:18 – Marriage is a source of Joy and blessings and satisfaction.
462 Malachi 2:15 – God desires Godly children for the family
463 1 Corenthians 7:2 – Avoid immorality; enter into the Marriage Covenant with God
464 Isaiah 54:5 – God; the husband of the Church; a sacred institution

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Did it my way
Sampson was called by God before he was ever born to take the Nazirite vow and be a judge

over Israel.465 Although Sampson was a Judge in Israel, he did not seek God in his actions; far from it, according to Josephus the Jewish Historian, he became full of pride and arrogance stating that God had nothing to do with his success; although later he finally did repent and asked for forgiveness.

Sampson did not check with God about Delilah;466 he only saw her outward beauty467 and wanted her and without God’s guidance his holy wedlock became an unholy deadlock.468 Sampson not only intermarried with a Philistine woman,469 but she was also a prostitute; bringing shame to his parents TWICE over. However God used this un-holy marriage in His own plan, His ultimate end.

Thousands of Philistine warriors could not bring Samson down, BUT one lone harlot ensnared him. This unholy marriage cost him his strength, his liberty, his eyes and finally his life.

As Dr. Phil would say, “How’s that workin’ for you Sampson?

Josephus 11:306 – Delilah was a harlot among the philistines
306 However he at length transgressed the laws of his country, and altered his own regular way of living, and imitated the strange customs of foreigners, which thing was the beginning of his miseries; for


Josephus 8:300 – Sampson slew 1,000 with a jaw bone of an ass. 300 Samson broke his bonds asunder and catching up the jawbone of an ass that lay down at his feet, fell upon his enemies, and

SMITING THEM WITH HIS JAWBONE SLEW A THOUSAND OF THEM, and put the rest to flight and into great disorder
Josephus 9:301 – Sampson became proud and vaunted himself
301 Upon this slaughter Samson was too PROUD of what he had performed and aside that

THIS DID NOT COME TO PASS BY THE ASSISTANCE OF GOD, but that his successes was to be ascribed to this own courage and vaunted himself, that it was out of a dread of him that some of his enemies fell, and the rest ran away upon his use of the jawbone.
Josephus 9:302 In the end; Samson asked forgiveness for what he said. 302 But when a great thirst came upon him,


and besought him that he would not be angry at anything he had said.

Marriage Covenant

The Marriage covenant requires preparation of THREE THINGS.
1) Prayer: Start early seeking God for “His will” concerning your marriage partner. There is

THREE involved in this covenant; a man; a woman and God, this is Holy covenant. The servant of Abraham relied upon the divine promise of guidance from God to find a wife for Isaac and it was Love at first sight.470 Ask according to God’s will and He will hear you and you will have it.471

465 Judges 13:2-5 - Sampson was called to be set apart as a Nazarite and become a Judge over Israel even before his was born
466 Judges 14:3b – Get me that Philistine woman for me to be my wife
467 1 Peter 3:3-4 – Beauty should come from within; gentle and a quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. Not from outward adornment, braided hair, gold jewelry and fine clothes
468 Judges 16:10 – Delilah was treacherous; it was a marriage made in Hell
469 Judges 14:3a – Delilah was not of their race or faith.
470 Genesis 24:67 – It was Love at first sight for Isaac and Rebekah
471 1 John 5:14-15 – Ask according to God’s will and He will hear you

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It is God’s will that you find the right one to marry, as some marriages can be made in Hell.

Seek first the kingdom of heaven and the rest of your needs will be added unto you.472
2) Seek Counsel concerning the length, breath and responsibility of this BINDING life commitment.” Wait on God, be patient, it may take some time, maybe years; Jacob worked for seven years TWICE for the hand of Rachel and the years seemed to him as just a few days;473 his love for Rachel was so great that when he kissed her, he wept.474 Jacob loved, not only in word, but in deed. Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it. Count the cost475 before the marriage merger; all the assets will be combined as well as ALL the liabilities, so long as you

both shall live. Pray, ponder and take the time that is required.
3) Set the time and place: In a wedding you invite friends, relatives and witness; those that will

hold you accountable. God is present and is the WITNESS to the Marriage Covenant; 476 because of God’s presence, the place you marry becomes holy ground.477 SELAH

Instructions from God
The Church is the Bride of our Maker; the Maker is the husband of the Believer. Christ is the

head of the Husband and the Husband is the head of the Wife.478 Let Christ be the head of your home; the UNSEEN GUEST at every meal; the SILENT LISTENER to every conversation.479 Keep and teach your family The way of the Lord”.480 A man that finds a Believing wife, finds a good thing and will receive FAVOR from God.481

Marry only a believer or they will be a source of irritation and grief to your family.482

Husbands are to have only ONE WIFE483 and are not to be harsh with her, but to love her484 and treat her with respect and honor so that his prayers will not be hindered.485 Have a constant delight in her 486and let no man or another woman come between the two of you.487 Let your speech be excellent that it not be condemned; seasoned with grace; bridled so as not to offend. 488

Be sensitive to her needs and comfort her when she is stressed.489
Wives are to love and respect their husbands;490 exhibit self-control; be pure, kind and busy at

home and submit to their husbands as it is fit in the Lord.491

472 Matthew 6:33 – Seek God first and He will ADD the best of other things as well -- Genesis 24:7 – The LORD God will guide you to your wife if you ask
473 Genesis 29:20 – Jacob worked for seven years to marry Rachel
474 Genesis 29:11 – Such was Jacob’s love that when he kissed Rachel he wept

475 Luke 14:28-29 – Count the cost of the responsibilities, the assets and liabilities before you marry
476 Malachi 2:14 – The Lord is the WITNESS to the Marriage Covenant -- Deuteronomy 4:26 – God is the WITNESS of the Marriage Covenant
477 Exodus 3:4-5 – Where you marry is Holy Ground because God is present there.


478 1 Corenthians 11:3 – The head of the husband is Christ -- Isaiah 54:5 – Our Maker is the husband of the Believer -- Ephesians 5:23 – The head of the wife is her husband just as Christ is the head of the church -- Genesis 3:16 – The husband has authority over the wife -- 479 Luke 19:46 – Let your home be a house of family prayer
480 Genesis 18:19 – KEEP and TEACH your family the way of the Lord

481 Proverbs 18:22 – Whoever finds a Believing wife will receive favor from God
482 Genesis 26:34-35 – MARRY ONLY A BELIEVER
483 Titus 1:6 - Husband shall have only ONE wife -- Mark 10:7-8 – The Husband shall have only ONE wife, the two will become ONE flesh.' So they are no longer two, but ONE
484 Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands love your wife just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
485 1 Peter 3:7 – Treat your wife with respect so that nothing will hinder your prayers
486 Proverbs 5:18 – Husbands have a constant delight in your wife
487 Matthew 19:6 – Let no man or woman come between the two of you.
488 Proverbs 17:7 – Have EXCELLENT speech -- Titus 2:8 – Speak SOUND SPEECH that cannot be condemned -- Colossians 4:6 – Season your Speech with GRACE -- James 3:2 – Let your Speech be with DIGNITY so as not to offend -- Colossians 3:19 – Don’t be harsh to one other
489 1 Samuel 1:8 – Husbands be sensitive to your wife’s needs and Comfort her -- Matthew 14:12 – Share your sorrow with Jesus; his disciples came, and took up the body (of John the Baptist), and buried it, and (in sorrow) went and told Jesus


490 Titus 2:4-5 – Wives love your husband; be pure and kind, be self-controlled -- Ephesians 5:33 – Wives respect your husband 491 Colossians 3:18 – Wives submit to your husbands as it is fit in the Lord

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Let your beauty come from your inner self with a gentle and quiet spirit,492 not from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.493 Dress modestly and decently and do good works.

You are to be a women worthy of respect; not a malicious talker,494 but temperate and trustworthy in everything. Let your virtuousness be a crown to your husband;495 your worth will exceed that of rubies.496

Do not withhold your bodies from each other except for a time of prayer,497 but then come back together, lest SATAN will get a foothold in your marriage: your bodies belong to each other. Let your home be a home of family prayer. Recall the proverb; “A family that prays together stays together”. “A house without prayer is like a house without a roof. When sorrows and needs come; share your heart with the Lord in prayer and receive comfort.

Prayer is the mortar between the bricks of a home.

Children are a heritage and a GIFT from God;498 bless, provide and have compassion for them.499 Pray for them,500 and chasten them, but don’t provoke them to anger.501 Take them to church, teach them the ways of God, generation to generation.502 Command them to obey God’s Laws;503 teach them right from wrong, do not withhold discipline from them, it will save their life.504 God disciplines HIS children, therefore following God’s example you are to discipline YOUR children with the means that gets their attention.505

No man lives unto just himself; his influence is never neutral. He sows either evil or good seeds that influences future generations. Pour out good seed for spiritual blessings on your children; make your home a place of refuge for them506 and leave them an inheritance.507

Children honor your mother and your father
so that things will go well with you and you will have a long life.

Interracial Marriage
The Song of Solomon speaks of Solomon as a Hebrew in love with a BLACK woman, but was she

really black? The scriptures indicate that she was forced to work in the vineyards and the sun made her skin dark.508 Read the Song of Solomon to see the beautiful courtship and intimacy between these two. The Song of Solomon is also symbolic of the love between Jehovah God and Israel. Marriage is a shadow of the church as the Bride of Christ.

492 1 Tim 2:9-10 – For women who profess to worship God; Dress modestly and decently 493 1 Peter 3:3-5 – Let your beauty come from your inner self
494 1 Timothy 3:11 – Don’t gossip; be temperate and trustworthy
495 Proverbs 12:4 – Let your virtuousness be a crown to your husband

496 Proverbs 31:10-12 – A Virtuousness wife is worth more than rubies. 497 1 Corenthians 7:3-5 – Do not withhold your body from each other


498 Genesis 4:1 – Children are a GIFT from God -- Psalm 127:3 – Children are a HERITAGE from God; a reward.
499 1 Timothy 5:8 – Parents; provide for the needs of your children as well as the extended family -- Hebrews 11:20 – Bless your children generation to generation -- Psalm 103:13 – Have Compassion on your children
500 1 Chronicals 29:19 – PRAY for your children to keep God’s commands, requirements and decrees
501 Ephesians 6:4 – Don’t provoke your children to anger, but chasten and admonish them with compassion
502 Matthew 19:14 – Take your children to Church -- Proverbs 22:6 – TRAIN your children in what is right and when they are older they will not turn from it -- Ephesians 6:4 – INSTRUCT your children in the ways of the Lord -- Deuteronomy 4:9 – Teach God’s ways generation to generation -- Deuteronomy 32:46 – Require your children to OBEY the Lord’s commands
503 Ephesians 6:1-3 – Children, obey your parents that it may be well with you and you will live longer.
504 Proverbs 23:13-14 – Don’t withhold discipline from your children, it will save their life -- Proverbs 19:18 – DISCIPLINE your children while they are very young -- Proverbs 13:24 – If you love your child, then spank them if they need correction -- Proverbs 29:17 – Discipline puts peace in your life as well as delight in your soul
505 Hebrews 12:7-8 – God disciplines his own children He is treating you as His sons
506 Proverbs 14:26 – Make your home a place of refuge.
507 Proverbs 13:22 – Plan to LEAVE AN INHERITANCE for future generation
508 Song of Solomon 1:5-7 – I am beautifully darkened by the sun

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God commanded the Israelites to not intermarry with those of other nations;509 God wanted a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation set apart to Him.510

King Solomon did evil in the sight of god and intermarried, having 700 wives and 300 concubines and this led him into even deeper SIN. 511

However I must point out that this command of segregation was for the nation of Israel; it did not apply to the other heathen nations that worshipped the numerous pagan gods. The concept of segregation still applies; you should not be unequally yoked. 512

A Believer should not marry a un-believer whether you are Jewish or not.

509 Deuteronomy 7:1-5 – God command Israel NOT TO INTERMARRY with the pagan nations
510 1 Peter 2:9 – Israel is a CHOSEN PEOPLE, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION
511 1 Kings 11:1-9 – Solomon intermarried and Sinned against God and the LORD became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel
512 2 Corenthians 6:14 – DO NOT BE UNEQUALLY YOKED WITH UNBELIEVERS, for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity or what communion hath light with darkness?

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Chapter 10.20

Marriage Customs

Purpose - Selection – Courtship – Age
Bride Price - Engagement – Wedding Party Consummation – Divorce – Alimony - Custody

First Word - More than you want to know
Purpose: The primary purpose of marriage in the ancient world was to reproduce rather than have

a special cherished one for companionship. A lot was to be considered; particularly was the wife healthy and could she bare children; also the type of political alliance it would make. The prevailing Jewish concept was that marriage was “the proper state” for a man.

Selection: Usually the parents chose the mate for their son; one who would fit in with their clan and work “harmoniously” with her mother in law who would pick up the young girls training where her own mother left off; this often developed into a deep and lasting bond.

Courtship: Sometimes the son would suggest personal preferences, but never allowed to date or even do lunch. Chances were good that he would not even see her face until the wedding day. The bride might see him, but she always had a veil covering her face.

Age: Most people lived to a really old age; Isaac did not marry till he was 40 years old and Jacob was about 80. - The minimum age for boys to marry was 13 and the daughters were 12. If the husband was killed in war the wife could be re-married to one of his kinsman and still bare children; this was known as a Levirate Marriage.

Women were concerned about their skin, believing light skin was beautiful and avoided the sun, only working in the fields very early in the morning or late afternoon. If she became tan, she hid from public view. Love: In Old Testament times you did not marry the one you loved; you loved the one you married.

Love began at marriage.
Daughters who inherited their father’s possessions had to marry within their tribe or lose their inheritance.513 The “Bride Price” (Mohar) paid to the father was agreed to by written agreement usually 50 silver

shekels for a virgin and 25 silver shekels if she was divorced or a widow. Instead of money; Jewelry, animals, goods or services could be substituted. This was to compensate the father for his loss of her services or it may simply have been given as a gift. Either way the stigma was still there that the daughter had been sold; she had been bought. Under Mosaic Law a man’s cattle, slaves, children and wife were considered hispossession. Thisbridepricewaspaidoverandabovethegiftsgivenbythegroom’sfamily.

Done Deal: The marriage agreement could only be voided through death or divorce; there was no other way out; for a divorce the groom would have to pay double the dowry to the wife’s father.

Engagement (Kiddushin) was for a year which was considered normal and constituted a part of the marriage. During the engagement period they were considered married although not living together; sexual intercourse could not take place until after the marriage vows; Mary and Joseph were considered married although living apart. During the year, the groom prepared a place in his father’s house for them to live and the bride prepared herself for him with lotions and perfumes and adorned herself in her finest attire and family jewelry.

There were of course some exceptions of long engagements with marriage happening the same day.

513 Numbers 27:8 – Inheritance can go to the daughters -- Numbers 36:6-7 – Must marry into the same tribe.
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The Wedding Party would set out about sunset with the groom as “the center of attention” with his friends, attendants and musicians headed towards the father of the Bride’s house where they met her and her party of brides’ maids and attendants. Together they would be led by torchbearers through the town with music, dancing, shouts, joking, praises and singing. They would go to the Groom’s father’s house for the Wedding Supper and continue to party there for seven days; sometimes as long as fourteen days; people would drop in and out as they could. Read the parable of the “Ten Virgins”. Matthew 25:1-13

The wedding ceremony (Huppah) was very brief; however the awaiting festivities were very elaborate. The ceremony was really about the “Groom” taking the bride from her father’s house. To refuse an invitation to attend was considered an insult. The couple was given crowns and referred to as king and queen and the guests were expected to wear festive clothes.

Consummation: The couple was ushered into the BRIDAL or NUPTIAL CHAMBER where the bride and groom prayed and the marriage was consummated through SEXUAL UNION as the guest waited outside; (Imagine all your friends waiting outside a tent for you to have sex.) Once this was ANNOUNCED the wedding festivities continued with love songs, speeches, games, jokes, music and a big feast.

The marriage took place normally in the middle of the week usually on Wednesday, so if she was found not to be a virgin, she could be taken to court Thursday before the Sabbath. The bride’s family was responsible for keeping the “virgin evidence(blood stained bed linens) on their wedding day in case the husband claimed she was not a virgin.

After the birth of a child, the Hebrew practice of sexual relations would be discontinued until the child was weaned; ABOUT THREE YEARS. In the case of a male child, circumcision would occur on the 8th day.

Exemption from Military duty was for one year during the engagement and through the marriage so that the marriage would get off on a solid footing.

Divorce: After the Hebrews returned from exile, wholesale divorce was REQUIRED to purge the nation of foreign wives to insure the purity of the Hebrew nation. Otherwise the Jewish tradition was to discourage divorce. A man could divorce his wife, but a wife could not divorce her husband although many would flee from unpleasant circumstances.

Moses on Divorce: Moses allowed divorce only because of the hardness of the people’s hearts. He did not command divorce, but regulated an existing practice.

Reasons for Divorce: a) Adultery or strong suspicion of adultery, b) Wife’s public violation of moral decency. c) Her change of religion. d) Refusal of connubial rights for a full year. e) Insulting her husband or father in law. f) If she had AIDS or the like which prevented Sex.

Not Divorce: A man could NOT divorce his wife if he “ravished” her before they were married, nor could he divorce her if she became insane or became an alcoholic or became a deaf mute, NOR if she was taken away in captivity, because it was his duty to ransom her.

Alimony: The husband that divorced his wife was compelled to pay the wife her dowry, and a certain amount of money of the property brought to him by the bride or her parents at the time of the marriage. Custody of the children was given to the mother, but the father could claim custody of the male child

after six years of age. The father was required to “support” his daughters.

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Chapter 10.21


Marriage Design – Marriage Covenant – Civil Unions Scriptural Divorce - Separation – Adultery – Fornication The Exceptions to the Rule - The mind

First Word


This Word study only applies to a MALE and a FEMALE who are both Christians.

I was about 11 years old when I noticed my sister’s graduation card had an additional name on it and I asked my mom why. It was then I received the BOMBSHELL of my life. Mom said she had been married before and that this was her first husband’s name.

I couldn’t believe that my Mom had been divorced and I asked my Dad if he knew about it. He said yes; that he too was divorced when he met my Mom. My heart sunk; my entire family was devout Christians; I mean followers of Jesus Christ and all my life they had taught Sunday School and now I find out that they BOTH had been DIVORCED.

We didn’t talk about it again, but after I was married, I got another BOMBSHELL... I had another sister that all the extended family knew about except me; now I have TWO half-sisters; his and hers.

I was the only child that had the same mom AND dad in common. GOOD GRIEF.


To talk about Divorce, it seems only right to start with a little dialog about marriage. The only thing I knew about marriage was that at some point everybody got married, moved out from their folks house and started their own family. I said the “for better or worse” part of the required process because that’s was what you did, but I gave no thought to any of it.

I believe most of America gives little to no thought to the marriage vow because it’s just a process you go through. Even I, as a Notary Public can marry you if you have a marriage license. You can live together first to see if the relationship works out; then you can marry and if marriage doesn’t work for you, you can ALWAYS get a divorce.

Civil Union

Marriage is just a civil union between two or maybe more people, you can get married anywhere. Today two men can get married or two women for that matter can get married. Marriage or having a “Partner” is just something you do so that under the law you can receive extra health and tax benefits and of course some legalized SEX.

REALLY NOW; what does the Church, a preacher or even God have to do with getting legally married?

Cheap and Easy

WICKIPEDIA: Divorce (or the dissolution of marriage) is the termination of a marital union, the canceling of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and the

dissolving of the bonds of matrimony between married couples.

GOOGLE: TammyWynettesingsD-I-V-O-R-C-E...aSCDivorce$149.00... Do it yourself Divorce... Divorce by Phone... On line Divorce... No fault Divorce

Divorce American style... Divorce and be friends... Divorce made Easy.
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Today divorce is cheap and easy: Jesus acknowledged that the Pharisees back in His day were an “Adulterous Generation514 and that can be said of us today.

Marriage has left its magnificent meaning and joined the ranks of the sordid sitcom image.

Man should not be alone

Marriage was God’s idea, it all started in the Garden of Eden when God determined that it was not good for a man to be alone515 and he gave Eve to Adam to be his wife. God became “The Father of the Bride” so to speak.516 He even mandated that the marriage was not only so that we would not be alone, but that we should multiply and be surrounded with children.517 God says that the man who has a quiver full of children is blessed.518


God designed the marriage: The marriage institution was designed for a man and a woman, Just as Eve was made from Adams flesh; marriage joins two people into one flesh; one body.519 They were to leave their fathers home and start a new life520 together as one flesh in their own home, and if they were so blessed to have a bunch of babies.

Right off the bat; we can see that one of the main reasons to be married was to REPRODUCE; have children. This is something two men or two women cannot do; 521this GAY concept is causing the collapse of our culture into debauchery and our President isn’t helping with his endorsement of Gay Marriages.

The Institution of marriage was ESTABLISHED by God Himself, FOR Himself.

Marriage is FROM God, THROUGH God and FOR God and is the showcase of HIS glory.522 Marriage is symbolic of “CHRIST’S COMMITMENT TO THE CHURCH”, it is an unbreakable union. God will not divorce the Church; with the EXCEPTION that they are unfaithful; 523
even then He will try to woo them back.

The Marriage Covenant is symbolic of the “Profound Mystery524 of Christ as the Husband and

the Church as His wife. Christ left his Father side and took the Church as His bride525 and has gone to prepare a place for us; this world is no longer our home.526

A man is to love his wife as his own body, his own flesh, a man who loves his wife loves himself; they have become one flesh

Christ is head of the Church; the husband is head of the marriage and submits to God;527 therefore the wife submits to the husband BECAUSE HE IS SUBMITTED TO GOD.

Both the Husband and the Wife are the Bride of Christ.

514 Matthew 12:39 – Jesus called them an adulterous generation 515 Genesis 2:18 – It’s not good for man to be alone
516 Genesis 2:22 – The Father of the Bride is God
517 Genesis 9:7 – Have some babies; it’s a command

518 Psalm 127:3-5 - Children are a gift from God and joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them
519 Genesis 2:22-23 - Flesh of my flesh; the two are one flesh
520 Genesis 2:24 – Leave home and start your own family
521 Matthew 19:4-6 – Marriage is for a Male and a Female only and there is No Divorce; a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh

522 1 Corenthians 10:31 – The institution of marriage is to glorify God
523 Deuteronomy 31:8 – God will never leave nor forsake His Bride, nor should you
524 Ephesians 5:32-33 – Marriage is a profound mystery. -- Ephesians 5:25-31 – Marriage is symbolic of Christ and the Church - 525 John 14:2-3 – Christ will take you, His Bride to His home, to a very special place that has been prepared just or you.
526 John 14:23 – This world is not our home
527 Ephesians 5:22-24 – Wives submit to your husbands as he submits to God

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Book10 Doctrine–Tradition-Customs–Celebrations–Marriage-Divorce IT’SINTHEBOOK The original wedding vows, as printed in the Book of Common Prayer.

Groom: I take thee to be my lawful wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.

Bride: I take thee to be my lawful wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.

Groom: With this Ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

What’s wild is that the marriage vow is a COVENANT between a man, a woman and God. There

are THREE in the covenant; God has joined together the marriage. We have been chosen, made holy and loved by God, we can trust Him, bank on Him and shape our marriage like Him.

A blood covenant cannot be broken; when Adam and Eve sinned, blood flowed when animals were killed and their skins were used to cover their nakedness.528 When a man has sex with his VIRGIN wife, there is blood that flows for the first time.529 This is called the cutting of the covenant”, the sealing the marriage.

God cut the covenant with Abraham:530 Abraham did nothing but observe; God did it all. Abraham in his lifetime may have stumbled in the covenant, but God did not.

When Jesus was pierced on the cross, blood flowed sealing the covenant of our salvation.531 We may stumble in our marriage, become painful distant to our spouse, backslide in our morals, but God is faithful and wants our marriage to be healed. We may stumble, but He will not.532

GOD HATES DIVORCE;533 let no man separate the marriage.534

Is Divorce lawful?

As I write about divorce, I realize that the reader may have already been divorced or perhaps is thinking about divorce. Statistics say that about 50% of America is divorced. The question was put to Jesus; Is it lawful to divorce for any reason535 and Jesus replied that in the very beginning God joinedtwo in marriage and they should NOT be separated”. Then they asked Jesus; “then why did Moses allow a certificate of divorce if it wasn’t legal?” 536

Now this is where we get into the meat of the subject.

Moses allowed the certificate of divorce because of the hardness of their heart.537 Let’s unpack that term; HARDNESS OF HEART

Moses never mandated or commanded divorce; because of the hardness of their heart they were divorcing anytime they wanted to and for any reason. Moses only permitted it in order to REGULATE it and to tie it down to only actions of marriage infidelity538 which would extend to fornication539 before they were married; i.e. she was not a virgin. When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant and he had not yet known her, he though to divorce her quietly.

528 Genesis 3:21 – The first blood covenant with Adam and Eve was with the cutting of animal skins 529 Deuteronomy 22:17 – Cutting of the Marriage covenant with a Virgin wife
530 Genesis 15:17-18 – God cut the covenant with Abraham
531 John 19:34 – Jesus cut the covenant with us on the cross

532 Matthew 28:20 – I am with you; I will keep the covenant -- Hebrews 13:5 – I will not leave you; I am faithful 533 Malachi 2:16 – GOD HATES DIVORCE
534 Matthew 19:6 – Let man not separate what God has joined.
535 Matthew 19:3-6 – Is it legal to get a divorce?

536 Matthew 19:7-8 – Why did Moses give a certificate of divorce?
537 Deuteronomy 24:1 - Moses allows a Certificate of Divorce
538 Matthew 19:9 – Marital unfaithfulness is the only exception for Divorce 539 Mathew 1:18-19 – SEX before marriage; Fornication

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The Three P’s
Marriage, consisting of the Three P’s, was instituted to unite two God fearing people together

for Protection, Provision and Peace; sometimes one of the three P’s is missing.
Maybe it’s Protection: While the husband’s responsibility of Protection to the wife and family is primary; the wife also protects her husband and the children.540 Maybe discipline is missing from the family. Maybe the husband is “MIAMissing in Action. Adam’s job was to protect Eve and was standing right beside her when she was tempted... Adam failed.541 God did not come after Eve the

one who first sinned, but came after Adam “the Protector,” and said; “Adam, Where are you”?542 Maybe it’s Provision: Again it’s the husband’s primary responsibility to provide for the family; but maybe he’s a slacker,543 or is always looking for the easy buck so he won’t have to work.544 Maybe the

wife works too, but her money is her money.
Maybe it’s Peace: Handsome or Beautiful does not compensate for a spouse that is cranky, selfish

or unkind. God wants the Believers to have peace in their lives.545 There are inappropriate things that take peace away from the marriage such as moodiness, insecurity, clinging, jealousy, pity parties, complaining, criticizing, fault finding, strong willed ready to fight – yelling – verbal put downs - making demands, anger, temperamental displays, playing hard to get, manipulating situations, withholding sex, physical abuse and the list goes on and on.546 (Is this spouse really a believer?)

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.547 A foolish quarrelsome spouse brings trouble into the marriage with their own mouth548 and inherits a whirlwind of trouble.549 Maybe you don’t have a clue that your spouse has moved on without you and has had an affair and wants out of the marriage IS ONE SPOUSE A BELIEVER AND THE OTHER A MAKE BELIEVER?

Proverbs says that an adulterer’s path is unstable and he doesn’t even know it.550 Paul said; get a divorce, you are free; Let the unbeliever go.551 Although this statement came from Paul; we know the words were given under the inspiration of God,552 as all of scripture is.

Three Exceptions

Divorce has been justified for Three Reasons

  1. 1)  Unfaithful Divorce: A spouse has been unfaithful to the other before or after marriage.553

  2. 2)  Unbeliever Divorce: One spouse is an unbeliever and THEY want to go.554

  3. 3)  Redemptive Divorce: A spouse brings into the home disruptive behavior like habitual lying, or

    drugs, or drunkenness, rage, assault, addictive gambling, child abuse, and perhaps even an

    adulterous lifestyle. All removing PEACE from the marriage; God has called us to peace.555

I realize that most folk’s Belief System will only agree with divorce for the first reason and MIGHT consider the second reason, but NOT the third; however some marriages need an intervention to save their children or perhaps their very own life. You may have heard of someone who felt TRAPPED and

wound up committing suicide; this is so sad and affecting many.

540 Proverbs 13:24 – Discipline the children and protect the marriage 541 Genesis 3:6 – PROTECTION - Adam failed to protect Eve
542 Genesis 3:9 – PROTECTION - Adam WHERE ARE YOU
543 Proverbs 18:9 – PROVISION - A slacker destroys his marriage

544 2 Thessalonians 3:10 – PROVISION - If you don’t work; you will not eat
545 Ephesians 4:31 – PEACE; Get rid of bitterness, anger and fussing.
546 Psalm 6:6-7 – PEACE; I cry myself to sleep -- Proverbs 14:1 – A foolish spouse tears down their marriage with the mouth --
547 Matthew12:34 – What’s in the heart overflows the mouth
548 Proverbs 21:9 – PEACE - A quarrelsome wife divides a home
549 Proverbs 11:29 – You will inherit the wind if you bring trouble to the marriage
550 Proverbs 5:6 – UNFAITHFUL: The adulterer’s path is unstable
551 1 Corenthians 7:15 – MAKE-BELIEVER; Let the unbeliever depart
552 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – All scripture is God breathed
553 Matthew 19:9 – Marital unfaithfulness is an exception to divorce -- Matthew 1:18-19 – SEX before marriage; Fornication
554 2 Corenthians 6:14 – Do not be married to an unbeliever -- 1 Corenthians 7:15 – Let the unbeliever depart if they want to leave God has called us to PEACE
555 Colossians 3:15 – You are called to have PEACE

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Unbelieving Spouse
Marriage is not only about love, but about covenant keeping. Maybe you came to the Lord after

you were married, but your spouse did not; what do you do? You are not required to be enslaved for the sake of the marriage. If THEY want to leave, you can let them go; you are not required to keep the marriage vow.

However an Unbeliever or Make-believer is sanctifiedby the marriage to the believer; it does not save them, but they could become saved by the sermonlived out in your life.

1 Corenthians 7:10-16 – Stay married if you both desire.

10 Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband.
11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.
And a husband is not to divorce his wife. 12 But to the rest I, not the Lord, say: If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is willing to live with him, let him not divorce her.

13 And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him.
14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.

15 BUT IF THE UNBELIEVER DEPARTS, LET HIM DEPART; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But

16 For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband?

Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife? NKJV

Sex is Good

Everything God made is good including SEX and its normal for a man and a woman to desire each other and in Marriage it should not be withheld lest Satan get a foothold in the marriage. Sexual intercourse in the marriage context is a FAITH WEAPON against Satan, so don’t abstain too long. Give each other the RIGHTS that belong to each other.556

Drink water from your own well and share it with no one;557 be content and just lose yourself in the oneness of SEX with your spouse.558 In my BS, I believe SEX is a “binding agent” to the marriage; it heals offences, it forgives, it unifies, it makes a oneness again; it’s the mortar between the bricks.

Let the marriage bed remain undefiled.559 Enjoy SEX with thanksgiving to God.560

Messin’ Around

Researchers say that 51% of Americans have committed adultery sometime during the life of their marriage; however this need not destroy the marriage. Having SEX with someone that is not your spouse, unites the two of you into one flesh,561 this should be unthinkable for the Christian who is one flesh with the Lord; but it happens.562

556 1 Corenthians 7:2-5 – Fulfill your DUTY of SEX to your spouse
557 Proverbs 5:15-18 – Drink water from your own cistern; don’t share, rejoice in the wife of your youth
558 Hebrews 13:5 – Be content with what you have
559 Hebrews 13:4 – Let the marriage bed be undefiled; guard your heart
560 1 Timothy 4:3 – SEX was created to be received with thanksgiving
561 1 Corenthians 6:16 – When you have SEX with a prostitute and you become one flesh with her and all her lovers 562 1 Corenthians 6:17 – A Christian is ONE IN THE SPIRIT with God

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It all starts pretty innocently... You work well with her at the office and begin to take breaks at the same time... Then you plan your lunch when she does... You wind up on the same team... You mention coming in on Saturday to catch up some work.... She does too.... You both begin to co-miserate... then it happens.

You are a zone manager and have to open the store at 5 AM... She is a department manager and must get her department ready to receive stock from a truck. Her team comes in at 5:30 am... She brings you a donut, and then next day you bring her a sausage biscuit... You both begin to come in at 4:30 am... now you both have an hour... You both ride the product picker to the top of the racks...Then it happens.

She keeps bringing her car in for minor repairs; things that you can’t find... You put her car up on the lift while she is still in the car.... You climb in so you can understand the problem better... Then it happens....You think no one knows what’s going on in the car high up on the lift.... But they do.

You return something to Sue’s apartment, you are introduced to her “perky friend” and then Sue leaves for an appointment... You are left with “Perky.” It’s nice, she’s nice, she smells good and talks softly and touches you often as she talks. She turns the subject to sex between two Christians and you begin to melt; you are dead meat. The phone rings and perky gets up to answer it... then you remember the scripture, “that with every temptation, God provides a way of escape563... You get up and wave as you leave the apartment.

Life is choice driven and you just made the choice.

The Mind

You have heard it said; “It’s all in your mind”; and it is.
You can say
“I CAN’T get along with my wife”, “I CAN’T communicate with her”, but what you are

really saying is “I WON’T get along with my wife”, “I WON’T communicate with her; that’s is a Big difference. As a Christian, you CAN, but, you just WON’T; life is choice driven.

When you are tempted to divorce or perhaps to just find someone else; God will provide a way to help you maintain the marriage covenant,564 even if it is YOU that has stumbled; just seek Him.

Kisses, thoughtfulness, understanding and a sense of security repairs the bridge. The spouse must experience that they are valuable and precious. You have a choice to
let them go or WIN them back. Don’t look back at when you were single, keep your eyes on the marriage covenant path and your way will be established. Lot’s wife wanted just one more look at where she had been and it cost her life. 565

The scars of the imagination cause the mind to drift back;566 STOP IT.
Gird up; grab hold of the fringes of your mind;
567 MAKE UP YOUR MIND to conform yourself to the foundation of strength offered through the grace of Christ.568 No one that puts their hand to the plow of marriageand then looks back desiring the single lifestyle569 is worthy of the Marriage Covenant

made with God. Looking back only plows a crooked row in the marriage.

Hosea and Gomer
The story of Hosea, a prophet of God and his prostitute wife is amazing. As symbolic of Christ

and the Church, the marriage of Hosea unfolds as he goes and seeks after his wayward wife and buys her back at the slave market for 15 shekels, plus throws in an extra homer and a half of barley and brings her home to live with him again.570

563 1 Corenthians 10:13 – God provides a way of escape
564 1 Corenthians 10:13 – God provides a way to avoid temptation
565 Genesis 19:26 – Lot’s wife looked back at where she had been
566 Proverbs 4:25-27 – Look and ponder the path before you, and all your ways will be established.
567 1 Peter 1:13-15 – Gird up the loins of your mind not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance.
568 2 Corenthians 12:9 – God’s grace gives you strength; "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 569 Luke 9:62 – Don’t look back at the single life and imagine.
570 Hosea 3:1-3 – Go buy back your wife: "Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites,

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Book10 Doctrine–Tradition-Customs–Celebrations–Marriage-Divorce IT’SINTHEBOOK The story is symbolic of Israel straying away from God; but God sought to restore them. Just as

Hosea took his bride back, so Jesus does when we stray.

Redeem your marriage
Marriage is a shadow of us as the bride of Christ.571 Love grows in its expression, it pursues,

is unselfish, values the person, assumes responsibility, gives to the limit, and is pure in motive and action.

Christ’s power is made perfect in our weakness;572 His grace is sufficient.573 The strength of Christ will help us in the striving to save our marriage.574

What you can do

  •   First of all commit to the marriage and remove all doubt that you want to stay together.575

  •   Husbands treat your wives as if they were your own body as God treats the Church.

  •   Wives give RESPECT to your husband as head of your home just as Christ is head of the Church. Both of you; ignore the annoying habits, the flaws, the idiosyncrasies and weaknesses. Accept each other WARMLY regardless of the situation.576

  •   Neither of you are all-wise, perfect or self-sufficient. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you to have FAITH to TRUST the Lord in your dysfunctional relationship.

  •   Don’t start seeking greener pastures; understand that every cow pasture has Cow Plop here and there that MUST be stepped over.

  •   Don’t let your many words NAG and badger, let your actions do most of the talking.578

  •   Love each other, NOT reform each other. Be quick to listen; slow to anger and merciful. Have a compassionate heart with humility, meekness and patience, bearing with one another.580

  •   Forgive, Fight bitterness: Don’t use the children as a weapon.581

  •   Don’t “air your laundry” with your family or friends to cause them to take sides.

  1. 571  Colossians 2:17 – Marriage is a shadow of us as the bride of Christ

  2. 572  2 Corenthians 12:14 – God is ready to come and help and not be a burden -- 2 Corenthians 12:15 – I will give freely to you

  3. 573  2 Corenthians 12:9 – His grace is sufficient.

  4. 574  Philippians 4:13 – Strive at the marriage with the strength of Christ

  5. 575  2 Corenthians 5:17-18 – A new path of reconciliation has come

  6. 576  1 Peter 2:20 – Endure marriage speedbumps while doing good

  7. 577  Colossians 3:18-19 – Submit and love each other as is fitting in the Lord and do not be harsh

  8. 578  1 Peter 3:1 – Wives don’t NAG your husbands but be submissive they may be won over without words

  9. 579  Luke 6:27-28 – Pray for those who mistreat you; do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you

  10. 580  James 1:19-20 – Be quick to listen and be slow to anger

  11. 581  Colossians 3:12-14 – Have Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, and patience Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Headship of the home is not a right, nor a burden, but a unique responsibility; to protect; physically and spiritually provide; lead, comfort, exhort and discipline with tender care as well as maintain Peace in the family unit; the husband provides both Spiritual and moral “initiative”, not dominance. It is his responsible to define integrity, morals and modesty.

Submission is willing, free, and full of gladness, adding strength to the marriage and honor to the husband according to your gifts which compliments and enriches his gifts. Submission is not a “cultural leftover” from long ago. Servanthood is scriptural. It does NOT mean your brain is in neutral and you agree with everything. You do not follow into sin.577

Try to clarify and define each other’s roles to remove confusion and ambiguity in the marriage. - Mutually and humbly submit to each other agreeing to meet the other’s needs.

Don’t let your SELFISH DESIRES be cloaked in SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE having only a form of godliness.

If you are abused or mistreated, pray for him.579 Spend time deep in the word entrenching your unshakable roots in the theology and sovereignty of God.

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  •   Do not defend yourself before others – Avoid tale bearing and loose talk

  •   Seek a Godly person of the SAME SEX to give you support – Spent time in the scriptures.

  •   Concentrate on your mistakes, not your spouses, asking God to show YOU how to change.

  •   Do not separate... Encourage the other to stay... Give them space and respect with “actions” of

    quiet love... Delay divorce... Let the Lord fight the battle.

  •   Don’t expect a quick solution... Hope in all things, believe in all things and endure all things.

  •   Take it just one day at a time, praying often, seeking God to lead your actions and reactions.

  •   Keep faith, hope and love in your heart.582

  •   Have compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, love and meet emotional needs.583

  •   Love unselfishly pursues the spouse; assumes responsibility; gives to the limit; grows and does not

    diminish. Love covers a multitude of flaws.584

  •   Don’t let the love for your spouse depend on how your spouse treats you. This is a hard one for me

  •   Let the old path pass away as a new path of reconciliation emerges through Christ. Submit to each

    other; love each other. Your marriage is called to PEACE.585

  •   Don’t let the sun set on unresolved issues; reconcile, make PEACE before bedtime.587

    Momentary Marriage
    While Marriage is permanent, it’s not forever, it’s only MOMENTARY. Marriage exists only while

    we are on earth; when we die we will be like the angles in heaven. There will be no marriage or husband and wife; we will all... male and female... be the bride of Christ.588

    Ask God to establish your marriage, confirm it, sanctify it and preserve it.

    Marriage is a gift to be enjoyed while on earth, it is a fleeing mist to be sweetly embraced;589 at death the marriage vow will end.590

    I remain a dirty, rotten, lowdown, scumbag sinner,

    Saved, Redeemed and Forgiven by His Grace, Praise God
    I just felt a need to confess it.

    582 1 Corenthians 13:13 – Have Faith, Have Hope, Have Love
    583 1 Corenthians 13:4-7 – LOVE - protects, preserves, is patient, and TRUSTS and perseveres
    584 1 Peter 4:8-9 – Love covers a multitude of flaws in the marriage
    586 Colossians 2:13-14 – The sin of fornication and adultery has been nailed to the cross
    587 Ephesians 4:26 – Make PEACE before the sun goes down
    588 Mark 12:25 – There will be no husband or wife in Heaven
    589 James 4:14 – Marriage is but a mist and then vanishes
    590 Romans 7:1-2 – Death releases the Law of the Marriage Covenant -- Matthew 22:30 – Death ends the marriage vow

Don’t over compensate with your children by ignoring discipline, they need their Father and Mother to be stable and constant, dependable and trust worthy.

The sin of adultery has already been nailed to the cross.586 Paid in Full, ask for forgiveness. Count your spouse as righteous even though they are not. It’s through Christ that the both of you are made righteous; forgive as the Lord has forgiven you.

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Chapter 10.22

Soul Mate

Marriage with God – Marriage without God Free Will Choice or Predestined Spouse Characteristics and Conditions
Ishmael and Isaac - Isaac and Rebeca Rachel, Leah and Jacob - God’s Sovereignty

Are Soul Mates Predestined or are they found and formed by Free Will?

First Word

The Church in its creeds and confessions has never addressed the issue of finding a spouse. Where God has spoken and revealed His will, we are bound, and should not violate it in our thoughts or in our words or in our deeds, but where He has NOT spoken we have FREE WILL to do what’s in our hearts.

People often want the Bible to say certain things that they want it to say and simply ignore the portions of scripture which do not fit into their lifestyle. It is preferred to think of God, as a God of LOVE and not one of WRATH, especially if we are in living with someone to whom we are not married, or we think because we are engaged, we can now have SEX, but God says NO. It’s In The Book

I broke something and uttered a four letter word and I said to my friend, “Excuse me, I don’t know where that word came from”. He said, “WHAT’S INSIDE THE HEART, OVERFLOWS THE MOUTH”. GIGO; Garbage In, Garbage Out; a little computer talk.591 The precepts of God that we have embraced and the concepts of the world that we have put into our hearts will determine what comes out of us when we seek the one we choose to marry.

If I marry and my Soul Mate dies, I would NOT be free to marry again because I was predestined to be with only this one person; so remarrying would seem to go against God’s Will or does God prepare for us two Soul mates?592

King Solomon, the wisest man that has ever lived on earth had 1,000 SOUL MATES;593 so in my Belief System it would seem that there may be more than just one Soul Mate for you. Just sayin’

Soul Ties

There are a number of expression about the soul that sound good, but they are just man-made speculation which has been superimposed on scripture to explain human behavior.

Soul Ties has its roots grounded in the story of the close relationship of Jonathan and David.594 As you read the scripture you will feel the deep commitment and friendship between the two of them and when Johnathan takes off his clothes and puts them on David,595 your mind can drift into believing that they had a homosexual relationship. This action was actually the symbolism of a COVENANT,596 when the one with the most power; the kings son Jonathan put his power on David. The stronger takes on the weaker and the weaker takes on the stronger. See the Word study on the Blood Covenant Book 5.3

591 Proverbs 15:28 – What’s in the heart overflows the mouth
592 1 Corinthians 7:39 – You are Free to marry whomever you choose
593 1 Kings 11:1-3 – King Solomon had 1,000 Soul Mate
594 1 Samuel 18:1 – Jonathan’s soul was knit to the soul of David
595 1 Samuel 18:4 – Jonathan put his robe on David as part of the covenant
596 1 Samuel 18:3 – Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as his own soul

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Rabbit Trail – real life soul mate
Soul Mate became a buzz word when our SC Governor Mark Sanford in 2009 left his wife Jenny

for his Argentine SOUL MATE Maria Belen Chapur. I get that, but what happened... they broke up.

Mark said, “I am left humbled in my inability to determine outcomes and reminded again of how the only thing we can ultimately work on fixing is ourselves. So for me these days it means rededication to trying as best I can to walk in the light of God’s grace. It means pointing to truth wherever I see it and trying to live by it”.

The Far Side
This is the humorous side in scripture of ways to get that SOUL MATE, that PERFECT spouse. As

you read it, I would like to point out that it’s in the Book.

  1. 1)  Pray to God and ask Him to create a wife just for you.597

  2. 2)  Go to a party and hide in the bushes and when the girls come out to dance, grab one and take

    her home.598

  3. 3)  Look around and see who you like then tell your momma and daddy to go and get her for you

    to be your wife.599

  4. 4)  Find a nice piece of property and marry the one who owns it.600

  5. 5)  Visit all the prostitutes in the surrounding areas and marry one of them.601

  6. 6)  Find a Prisoner of War and take her home with you; shave her head, give her a manicure and

    some new clothes and after a month you can marry her.602

  7. 7)  Even if you don’t think there is a wife for you, just wander around for a while and in time you

    will eventually find one.603

Characteristics & Conditions

Characteristics that are often mentioned for a Soul Mate; I will know the right one when I meet him... He will know me better than I know myself... She is just like me... We have the same things in common... We have the same interest... We have the same background... He is my mirror image... She thinks like me... He understands me... She talks with me for hours... He doesn’t have the ugly habits of my EX.

When you believe you have found your Soul Mate you abandon all sensibility to be able to discover your differences, their values, dreams and goals, their opinions, habits and quirks. These things require spending considerable time together to discover. How can one be aware of the negative factors when you have already concluded that this person is “The One” and by magic all the rest will work out?

LOSERS will seek one another’s company, someone that is in the same predicament as they are. They will come together to commiserate against the world and perhaps even against family that does not approve of their lifestyle; misery loves company.

Maybe some of your requirements or conditions are... they don’t drink... not a religious fanatic... not politically inclined... doesn’t travel for a living... loves music... loves dancing... loves books... loves children... loves cats... loves sushi... must be tall... good looking... tan... trim... funny

597 Genesis 2:19-25 – Have God create a soul mate just for you
598 Judges 21:19-21 – Go Party - Grab one and take her home
599 Judges 14:1-3 – See one you like; tell your momma and daddy to go get her for you.
600 Ruth 4:5-10 – Find a nice piece of land and then marry the owner
601 Hosea 1:2-3 – Go and hang out with some prostitutes and marry one of them
602 Deuteronomy 21:10-13 – Marry a prisoner of War and dress her up then after a month marry her. 603 Genesis 4:16-17 – Wander around until you find your soul mate

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A Serious List
More serious thoughts are a) how the TWO OF YOU interact in various circumstances and b) what

are the dynamics between you. c) Does this person challenge your thinking with new avenues of thought? e) How do they interact with their own family and with yours? f) Is there love in their home? g) Was there abuse in their family? h) Do they have concern for others? i) What is their view on employment, finances, children, attendance and involvement in church, relationships with in-laws?

Thoughts toward a family man as listed in the book of Titus:604 a) Is this man well-thought-of? b) Are his children believers? c) Do they respect him and do they stay out of trouble? d) Is he looked up to in the community? e) Is he known to be NOT pushy or NOT short-tempered? f) Is his reputation known to be NOT that of a drunk or druggy, or a bully, or money-hungry? g) Does he welcome people, is he helpful, wise, fair, and reverent? h) Does he have a good grip on himself, and have a good grip on God’s Message? i) Does he know how to use the TRUTH to either spur people on in knowledge or stop them in their tracks if they oppose it?

Let me give you a list of characteristics for a MAN or WOMAN from the book of PROVERBS; hardworking,605 truthful,606 honest,607 faithful, a person of integrity,608 keeps confidences,609 has concern for others,610 reliable,611 self-controlled,612 not jealous,613 controls their temper,614 willing to be corrected,615 admits when they are wrong,616 compassionate,617 humble,618 forgiving,619 a peacemaker,620 has a gentle tongue,621 generous,622 avoids excess,623 fears God624 and is obedient625 to His word. It’s in the Book

Predestined Soul Mate

It is a myth that God has PREDESTINED a spouse just for you; there is not a shred of evidence in

scripture. Some will turn down proposals because they have not heard from God, leaving them single

for years or perhaps even forever. There is nothing wrong with being single, if that is what you want.

(See the Word Study on the Gift of Singleness)

There are only two examples in scripture when God told someone to marry.
1) Hosea was told to marry a prostitute, but he did not chose the one he would marry.626
2) Joseph was told to marry Mary whom he had already met and fallen in love with and was


The precedent that is set is scripture is that men go out and find their wives.

604 Titus 1:6-9 – Characteristics of a good HUSBAND or WIFE 605 Proverbs 12:11 – Hard Worker
606 Proverbs 12:17 - Truthful
607 Proverbs 19:1 - Honest

608 Proverbs 19:1 – Integrity
609 Proverbs 17:9 – Keeps a confidence
610 Proverbs 29:7 – Concern for others
611 Proverbs 17:17 – Reliable and faithful
612 Proverbs 16:32 – Self-Controlled
613 Proverbs 27:4 – Not Jealous
614 Proverbs 14:29 – Controls their temper
615 Proverbs 12:15 – Willing to be corrected
616 Proverbs 28:13 – Admits when they are wrong
617 Proverbs 12:10 - Compassionate
618 Proverbs 15:33 - Humble
619 Proverbs 19:11 - Forgiving
620 Proverbs 17:1 - Peacemaker
621 Proverbs 12:18 - Gentle tongue
622 Proverbs 14:21 – Generous
623 Proverbs 20:1 – Avoids Excess
624 Proverbs 14:26 – Fears the Lord
625 Proverbs 13:13 - Obedient
626 Hosea 1:2 – Hosea go and marry a prostitute
627 Matthew 1:20 – Joseph, do not fear to marry Mary

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Predestined spouse
Infant baptism is a dedication of an infant by “Professing Christian parents” making a public

commitment that they will raise the child up in the Christian Faith with the admonitions of the Lord and are asking the community of believers to help them to do just that, with the belief and anticipation that one day, the child of his or her own “Free Will Choice”, will make a public profession of faith and receive salvation. Sometimes it is called a “Confirmation”, which is the culmination of mentoring or church classes that “confirm” his or her understanding and commitment.

How many times have I heard the pastor pray over an infant that was being baptized that God would prepare in advance (predestine) a God loving spouse for them who would complete them in all the admonitions of the Lord. NOW, DO I BELIEVE THAT WILL HAPPEN OR NOT?

Amazingly, many of my high school friends married the girl that lived next door; many folks who went to our church met there and married. I saw three marriages come out of an Adult Bible Study Group. Two of my co-workers married Christian “Mail Order Brides” from the orient. I met my wife on a blind date where she had just relocated from 100 miles away.

God prepares and predestines people to be placed in the Christian’s path and gives us the FREE WILL to select the one that tickles our fancy”.628 The one that we choose to knit our heart and marry will become our SOUL MATE.629 This happens after the fact; not before.

Marriage Covenant

Marriage is a Covenant between a man, a woman and God. After God made Adam he gave him a wife so that he would not be alone, but would have love, companionship and would be physically, emotionally and spiritually complete, they became one; Soul Mates.

In the beginning God Himself instituted and ordained the family life. God created man both male and female and commanded them to multiply.

An awesome thought; through marriage, a man and a woman are permitted to be God’s instruments in creating a new life; an immortal life that will live forever; somewhere.

(Obviously two men can’t be obedient to this command, nor can two women.)

Who people marry can be influenced by socially determined rules of incest, prescriptive marriage rules, parental choice and individual desire.

Marriage is not something that is drifted into aimlessly or swept into by a whirlwind of passion. It’s “For better or worse;” it requires serious thought of the fitting together of two lives and the arduous responsibilities that comes along with it, plus plugging into the working of God’s ultimate plan.

Acknowledge God and He will direct your path.630

Conditions for marriage

God gave us the institution of marriage strictly for our earthly enjoyment and has no eternal significance, we will be like the angels in heaven; there is no marriage. A Soul Mate or a Perfect Spouse is NOT taught in scripture, but their characteristics are.

If you believe God will give you the PERFECT spouse, then when they disappoint you, and they will; you are ready for a divorce because they were not perfect. You will always find a flaw in the other person. It’s not God’s job to work out your marriage; it’s your job;631 it begins with putting your SELF LAST.632

It would be better to seek a GOOD spouse instead of a PERFECT spouse. Relationships are hard, roads are bumpy and happiness is not something that you wait on to happen, it is something that you make happen.

628 Psalm 85:13 – The righteous steps are prepared by God
629 Ephesians 5:31 – Marriage produces Soul Mates
630 Proverbs 3:6 – Acknowledge God; He will direct your path -- Proverbs 30:18-19 – God will direct the ways of a man with a maid 631 1 Timothy 3:4 – You must work out your own problems at home with dignity, keeping children submissive
632 Psalm 37:23 – Love the Lord and he will establish your steps

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God has set only ONE condition for marriage; regardless of tall or short, fat or thin or the color of their eyes, hair or skin; A BELIEVER MUST ONLY MARRY ANOTHER BELIEVER.633 BAM

God knows who we will marry because He is a sovereign God, but your “Soul Mate” is not pre- determined, it is post-determined; after you make the decision.

Predestination vs; Free Will

I include this one just to mess with your Belief System, your theology and get you upset... Predestination and Free Will are both taught in scripture, they are not in opposition to each other, they are both part of God’s Sovereignty.

Note: it is the end results that verify God’s choice or what He had predestined. Watch
Jacob was seeking a Soul Mate when he came across two sisters; Leah and Rachel. Leah was not as attractive as Rachel, with something detracting about her eyes. Many have speculated what it was, from all her weeping to perhaps her going blind, but she was more sensitive, meek, submissive, gentle

and spiritual, perhaps because she felt unloved.
The one that caught the eye of Jacob was
Rachel who had the best personality, she was the cutest,

bright-eyed, petulant, peevish, self-willed, and barefooted maiden that he had ever seen. His choice was not about her character, but was about her appearances and mannerisms.

I won’t tell the story here of how he was deceived; tricked into marring both sisters, but it was actually the custom of the land for the oldest to be married first and that was Leah. Anyway Jacob married Leah and a week later he married Rachel, working 7 years each for their marriage. So he was married to both of them for the 14 years of his servitude.

God’s choice for Jacob was Leah, she was PREDESTINED to be his wife, but Jacob of his own FREEWILL chose Rachel; both were acceptable in the SOVERIGENTY of God.

Here is how it all played out634
Rachel’s honors and blessing were many, she was “loved at first sight”. She bore Jacob two sons,

Joseph and Benjamin and her handmaid bore him two more; Dan and Naphtali. It would be Joseph that would rise to power and help his brothers to become a great nation.

So Rachel died, and was left behind and buried along the way to Bethlehem.635 (Hold that thought)

Leah’s bore Jacob six sons; they were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun and her handmaid also bore two sons Gad and Asher.
Leah’s son Levi gave us the LEVITES; the Priesthood of Israel.
Leah’s son Judah gave us the tribe of Judah which today we call the Jews and it was from this line that gave us Boaz, Jesse and King David and finally our Savior JESUS CHRIST.

Leah is honored right alongside of Rachel as one who built up the house of Israel”.636 Leah was the unloved, undesired, unsought and plainer wife, but she and her handmaid bore Jacob eight sons, twice as many as Rachel. She outlived Rachel and AT LAST took her place as the “chief wife” alongside of Jacob making memories for years and then was buried in HONOR in the FAMIOUS cave of Machpelah alongside of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca,637 not alongside of the road.

Now you can see by the “End Results” why my BS says that Leah was PREDESTINED to be Jacob’s wife or if you please, his SOUL MATE. Let me just stop right here and say that whoever you marry; the two of you become one flesh therefore each other’s “Soul Mate” until death do you part.

633 2 Corinthians 6:14 – One Marriage command; Marry only another Believer -- 1 Corinthians 7:39 – At death you are free to marry another believer -- Matthew 22:30 – There is no marriage in heaven
634 Genesis 29:1-30 – THE STORY - Jacob seeks his SOUL MATE
635 Genesis 35:19 – Rachel was buried along the road to Bethlehem

636 Ruth 4:11 - Leah along with Rachel built up the house of Israel
637 Genesis 49:31 - There Abraham and his wife Sarah are buried. There Isaac and his wife, Rebekah, are buried. And THERE I BURIED LEAH

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God’s Sovereignty
Abraham had two boys, Ishmael and Isaac; Ishmael was the product of Free Will that gave us the

MUSLIMS and Isaac was the product of Predestination that gave us the nation of Israel; both were part of the Sovereignty of God. What we do with our “Free Will” does not change God’s Sovereign plan, but when guided by the Holy Spirit it can give us honor and pleasure, but UNGUIDED the results can be full of complications and Grief. I encourage you to read the Word Study on God’s Sovereignty


Divorce has become an acceptable alternate as a solution for an unhappy, unfulfilled marriage. A common reason for divorce is that your spouse turned out to not be your soul mate. This is blatantly an unbiblical excuse for a divorce; I must say this AGAIN; the person that you are married to has become one flesh with you and IS your Soul Mate.638

Is it possible to marry the wrong person? A resounding YES you can, but marring the wrong person is never presented in scripture as grounds for divorce. We are commanded to Trust in the Lord and lean not on our on understanding and in all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths.639

So the real question is; did you do what He commanded?
Our Sovereign God can take any marriage, no matter how mismatched, and re-mold it into a

marriage that is a perfect fit for each other; it happens when we give up SELF for the other.

Marriage without God
Marriage when you do it YOUR WAY; This is the kind of life that develops out of trying to get your

own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community.

I DID NOT SAY ANY OF THIS... It’s “word for word” right out of the scriptures.

Galatians 5:19-21 – I did it my way – No help wanted from God

19 It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness;
20 trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small- minded and lopsided pursuits;

21 the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on.

This isn't the first time I have warned you, you know.

IF YOU USE YOUR FREEDOM THIS WAY, you will not inherit God's kingdom. (MSG)

Marriage with God
The marriage institution applies only to those who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

It is a Divine covenant between God, a man and a woman; between a male and a female. It is designed for ONE husband and ONE wife with the marriage lasting until death. Its purpose is to have a family institution that participates as instruments of God bringing forth immortal souls; children that are taught the ways of God; to be part of a chosen people, a royal priesthood and a Holy nation unto

638 Mark 10:7-9 – When you marry you become Soul Mates, you are ONE FLESH 639 Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust & Acknowledge God and He will guide your path

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God. The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him." 640

Prayer: Start early seeking God for “His will” concerning your marriage partner. There is three involved in this covenant; a man; a woman and God, this is Holy covenant. The servant of Abraham relied upon the divine promise of guidance from God641 to find a wife for Isaac and it was Love at first sight. Ask according to God’s will and He will hear you and you will have it.642 It is God’s will that you find the right one to marry. Some marriages are made in Hell; seek first the kingdom of heaven and all the rest will be added unto you.

Segregation: God commanded the Israelites not to intermarry with those of other nations;643 God wanted a chosen people, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation. The concept of segregation still applies today; you should not be unequally yoked. Segregation was not about skin color although it existed, it was about the other nations that did not acknowledge the one God of Abraham. We are segregated by our FAITH in the one and ONLY God; YAHWEH. A Believer, whether they are Jewish or not; white, black or tan should not marry an unbeliever.644

We can know what to look for because scripture pretty much says; “You will know them by their fruits”.645

The WORLD produces Bad Fruit that results in Carnality646... Adultery647... Fornication... Lust648... Uncleanness... Lewdness... Idolatry... Sorcery... Hatred... Contentions649... Envy650... Jealousies... Quarreling... Outbreaks of Wrath... Selfish Ambitions... Dissensions... Heresies.. Greed and Evil Desires.651 (Those who practice such things WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD)

The HOLY SPIRIT produces Good Fruit in our lives that is an observable and noticeable kind of fruit; it produces; love, joy, peace, patience, 652 kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.653

The Take Away

Isaac and Rebecca gives us the perfect model to follow in seeking a wife or Soul Mate. This story is very long; that’s why I put it at the end of this Word Study and I also include the scriptures because thanks to the internet, this study is also published in other languages where there is not a Bible available in the home.

This story is NOT about the specific words one might say or about sheep or water, or who her daddy is; it’s about KNOWING what you want, PRAYING about it, FAITH in God, TRUSTING, SEEKING, and OBEDIENCE; it was then, that God ordered his steps.

Rebecca was chosen not for her beauty or her personality, but because she had a “Servants Heart”. When Isaac saw Rebecca for the first time it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. She did not just show up at his door step, he had to SEEK HER OUT. Note the integrity of Isaac’s Servant toward God which should be an example to all of us: his attitude of Obedience to Isaac, his seeking God’s face for wisdom, and his prayers of thanksgiving.

640 Genesis 2:18 - It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him 641 Genesis 24:7 – God will guide you to your wife
642 1 John 5:14-15 – Ask according to God’s will – He will hear you
643 Genesis 26:34-35 – Marry only a believer -- Deuteronomy 7:1-4 – Command to not to intermarry 644 2 Corenthians 6:14 – Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

645 Matthew 7:16 – You will know them by their fruits.
646 1 Corinthians 3:3 – WORLDLY FRUIT – Carnal - Jealousies - Quarreling
647 Galatians 5:19 – Adultery – Fornication – Uncleanness - lewdness
648 Colossians 3:5 – Impurity - Lust – Evil desires - Greed
649 Galatians 5:20 – Idolatry – Sorcery – Hatred – Contentions
650 Galatians 5:21 – Envy – Murders – Drunkenness - Revelries
651 Galatians 5:21 - I told you in time past that those who practice such things WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 652 Galatians 5:22 – HOLY SPIRIT FRUIT: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.
653 Galatians 5:23 – Kindness - Goodness - Gentleness – Self Control

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If you are single and seeking a spouse, you should KNOW this story. If you are already married, then read this and pray for WISDOM to work on your own flaws, pray for STRENGTH to be a godly helpmate for your spouse, and pray for ENDURANCE to build up your marriage to glorify God and to knit your heart to your very own “SOUL MATE”.

Genesis 24:1-67 –The LOVE STORY of Isaac and Rebecca

  1. 1  Abraham was now a very old man, and the LORD had blessed him in every way.

  2. 2  One day Abraham said to his oldest servant, the man in charge of his household,

Take an oath by putting your hand under my thigh.
3 Swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not allow my son to marry one of these local Canaanite women.

4 Go instead to my homeland, to my relatives, and find a wife there for my son Isaac.”
5 The servant asked, “But what if I can’t find a young woman who is willing to travel so far from home? Should I then take Isaac there to live among your relatives in the land you came from?”

  1. 6  “No!” Abraham responded. “Be careful never to take my son there.

  2. 7  For the LORD, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and my

native land, solemnly promised to give this land to my descendants. He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a wife there for my son.
8 If she is unwilling to come back with you, then you are free from this oath of mine. But under no circumstances are you to take my son there.”
9 So the servant took an oath by putting his hand under the thigh of his master, Abraham. He swore to follow Abraham’s instructions.
10 Then he loaded ten of Abraham’s camels with all kinds of expensive gifts from his master, and he traveled to distant Aram-naharaim. There he went to the town where Abraham’s brother Nahor had settled.
11 He made the camels kneel beside a well just outside the town. It was evening, and the women were coming out to draw water.
12 O LORD, God of my master, Abraham,” he prayed. “Please give me success today, and show unfailing love to my master, Abraham.
13 See, I am standing here beside this spring, and the young women of the town are coming out to draw water.
14 This is my request. I will ask one of them, ‘Please give me a drink from your jug.’ If she says, ‘Yes, have a drink, and I will water your camels, too!’—let her be the one you have selected as Isaac’s wife. This is how I will know that you have shown unfailing love to my master.”
15 Before he had finished praying, he saw a young woman named Rebekah coming out with her water jug on her shoulder. She was the daughter of Bethuel, who was the son of Abraham’s brother Nahor and his wife, Milcah.
16 Rebekah was very beautiful and old enough to be married, but she was still a virgin. She went down to the spring, filled her jug, and came up again.
17 Running over to her, the servant said, “Please give me a little drink of water from your jug.”
18 “Yes, my lord,” she answered, “have a drink.” And she quickly lowered her jug from her shoulder and gave him a drink.
19 When she had given him a drink, she said, “I’ll draw water for your camels, too, until they have had enough to drink.”
20 So she quickly emptied her jug into the watering trough and ran back to the well to draw water for all his camels.

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21 The servant watched her in silence, wondering whether or not the LORD had given him success in his mission.
22 Then at last, when the camels had finished drinking, he took out a gold ring for her nose and two large gold bracelets for her wrists.

23 “Whose daughter are you?” he asked. “And please tell me, would your father have any room to put us up for the night?”

  1. 24  “I am the daughter of Bethuel,” she replied. “My grandparents are Nahor and Milcah.

  2. 25  Yes, we have plenty of straw and feed for the camels, and we have room for guests.”

  3. 26  The man bowed low and worshiped the LORD.

  4. 27  “Praise the LORD, the God of my master, Abraham,” he said. “The LORD

has shown unfailing love and faithfulness to my master, for he has led me straight to my master’s relatives.”

  1. 28  The young woman ran home to tell her family everything that had happened.

  2. 29  Now Rebekah had a brother named Laban, who ran out to meet the man at the

30 He had seen the nose-ring and the bracelets on his sister’s wrists, and had heard Rebekah tell what the man had said. So he rushed out to the spring, where the man was still standing beside his camels. Laban said to him,
31 “Come and stay with us, you who are blessed by the LORD! Why are you standing here outside the town when I have a room all ready for you and a place prepared for the camels?”
32 So the man went home with Laban, and Laban unloaded the camels, gave him straw for their bedding, fed them, and provided water for the man and the camel drivers to wash their feet.
33 Then food was served. But Abraham’s servant said, “I don’t want to eat until I have told you why I have come.” “All right,” Laban said, “tell us.”

  1. 34  I am Abraham’s servant,” he explained.

  2. 35  “And the LORD has greatly blessed my master; he has become a wealthy man. The

LORD has given him flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, a fortune in silver and gold, and many male and female servants and camels and donkeys.
36 “When Sarah, my master’s wife, was very old, she gave birth to my master’s son, and my master has given him everything he owns.
37 And my master made me take an oath. He said, ‘Do not allow my son to marry one of these local Canaanite women.
38 Go instead to my father’s house, to my relatives, and find a wife there for my son.’
39 “But I said to my master, ‘What if I can’t find a young woman who is willing to go back with me?’
40 He responded, ‘The LORD, in whose presence I have lived, will send his angel with you and will make your mission successful. Yes, you must find a wife for my son from among my relatives, from my father’s family.
41 Then you will have fulfilled your obligation. But if you go to my relatives and they refuse to let her go with you, you will be free from my oath.’
42 “So today when I came to the spring, I prayed this prayer: ‘O LORD, God of my master, Abraham, please give me success on this mission.
43 See, I am standing here beside this spring. This is my request. When a young woman comes to draw water, I will say to her, “Please give me a little drink of water from your jug.”
44 If she says, “Yes, have a drink, and I will draw water for your camels, too,” let her be the one you have selected to be the wife of my master’s son.’

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45 Before I had finished praying in my heart, I saw Rebekah coming out with her water jug on her shoulder. She went down to the spring and drew water. So I said to her, ‘Please give me a drink.’
46 She quickly lowered her jug from her shoulder and said, ‘Yes, have a drink, and I will water your camels, too!’ So I drank, and then she watered the camels.

47 “Then I asked, ‘Whose daughter are you?’ She replied, ‘I am the daughter of Bethuel, and my grandparents are Nahor and Milcah.’ So I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her wrists.
48 “ because he had led me straight to my master’s niece to be his son’s wife. Then I bowed low and worshiped the LORD. I praised the LORD, the God of my master, Abraham

49 So tell me—will you or won’t you show unfailing love and faithfulness to my master? Please tell me yes or no, and then I’ll know what to do next.”
50 Then Laban and Bethuel replied, “The LORD has obviously brought you here, so there is nothing we can say.

51 Here is Rebekah; take her and go. Yes, let her be the wife of your master’s son, as the LORD has directed.”
52 When Abraham’s servant heard their answer, he bowed down to the ground and worshiped the LORD.

53 Then he brought out silver and gold jewelry and clothing and presented them to Rebekah. He also gave expensive presents to her brother and mother.
54 Then they ate their meal, and the servant and the men with him stayed there overnight. But early the next morning, Abraham’s servant said, “Send me back to my master.”

55 “But we want Rebekah to stay with us at least ten days,” her brother and mother said. “Then she can go.”
56 But he said, “Don’t delay me. The LORD has made my mission successful; now send me back so I can return to my master.”

  1. 57  “Well,” they said, “we’ll call Rebekah and ask her what she thinks.”

  2. 58  So they called Rebekah. “Are you willing to go with this man?” they asked her.

And she replied, “Yes, I will go.”
59 So they said good-bye to Rebekah and sent her away with Abraham’s servant and his men. The woman who had been Rebekah’s childhood nurse went along with her.
60 They gave her this blessing as she parted: “Our sister, may you become the mother of many millions! May your descendants be strong and conquer the cities of their enemies.”
61 Then Rebekah and her servant girls mounted the camels and followed the man. So Abraham’s servant took Rebekah and went on his way.

  1. 62  Meanwhile, Isaac, whose home was in the Negev, had returned from Beer-lahai-roi.

  2. 63  One evening as he was walking and meditating in the fields, he looked up and saw the

camels coming.

  1. 64  When Rebekah looked up and saw Isaac, she quickly dismounted from her camel.

  2. 65  Who is that man walking through the fields to meet us?” she asked the servant.

And he replied, “It is my master.” So Rebekah covered her face with her veil.

  1. 66  Then the servant told Isaac everything he had done.

  2. 67  And Isaac brought Rebekah into his mother Sarah’s tent, and she became his

wife. He loved her deeply, and she was a special comfort to him after the death of his

mother. NLT


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Chapter 10.23

She does not eat the bread of idleness - Works vigorously with eager hands - Provides food plants a vineyard - Makes bed coverings - Makes linen garments; trades and sells for a profit Opens her arms and extends her hands to the poor and needy - Speaks with wisdom, and faithful instructs to her children - Her husband and children call her blessed.

First Word

The good wife knows her husband has full confidence in her; she gets up early while it is still dark and prepares food for her family; she works hard with her hands during the day making things she can sell and uses some of the money for the family’s needs; saves some for a rainy day and invests some for their retirement years, and still has a little left over just for “Family Fun”.

She helps others who are less fortunate; she sees that her family is well clothed and her home a beautiful place to invite neighbors. She is not idle all day and watches over the affairs of the family. She speaks wisdom, not idle chatter or gossip and faithfully instructs her children to respect and honor the Lord. Her husband, children and neighbors call her blessed and praise her.

Proverbs 31:10-31 – The Noble Good wife

10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax and
works with eager hands.

14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still 15 dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.
16 She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she
plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her
work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.

18 She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. 19 In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it 21 snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

22 She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

31 Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. NIV

The Good Wife

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In the multitude of counselors,

there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14


I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.

Writings outside of the Bible should be viewed as “informational”, but not authoritative. They give insight to customs, manners and thoughts of a particular culture at a particular time in history.

Along with the Apocrypha, I have also enjoyed
The lost books of the Bible” and “The forgotten books of Eden”. Many of these will include folklore, superstition and “embellishments”.

Prove scripture with scripture, line upon line, and precept upon precept.

.American Standard Version Bible – ASV .Dake annotated Reference Bible – DAKE .English Standard Version Bible – ESV .King James Version Bible – KJV

.Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
.New International Version Bible – NIV
.New Living Translation Bible – NLT
.The Message Bible - MSG
101 Q&A on Demon Powers – Dr. Lester Sumrall
A Commentary; Critical, Experimental and Practical - Eerdmans A Planned Deception – Constance E. Cumbey
A Survey of Israel’s History - Wood
Age of accountability – Dr. Ken Matto
Age of accountability – John Piper
Age of accountability – Tony Warren
All the Parables of the Bible – Herbert Lockyer
All the Promises of the Bible – Herbert Lockyer
All the Women of the Bible – Edith Deen
Antiquity of the Jews – Flavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha – Goodspeed
Arithmetic of God; The – Don Iistler
Baker Commentary on the Bible – Elwell
Baptism Commentary – Dr. John Harvey
Baptist Web Site – Derek Gentle
Bible Almanac; The – Packer-Tenney-White
Bible Commentary – F.B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row
Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Bible Study Tools
- Crosswalk
Book of Bible lists – Joel Meredith
CARM – Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry – M.J. Slick

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Commentary on the Bible - Baker
Complete Book of Bible Knowledge; The – Mark D. Taylor Covenant Bible Study: notes – Marcus E. McDonald
Creation or Evolution – Lyle Albrecht
Creation Seminar – Kent Hovind
Customs and Folkways of Jewish Life – Theodor H. Gaster Dead Sea Scrolls –
Double Predestination Paper –
Darryl Williams
Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon – J. Vernon McGee Encountering the Old Testament – Arnold- Beyer
Explore the Bible – LifeWay
Exposition of Genesis – H.C. Leupold
Exposition of the Parables – Benjamin Keach
Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein Forgotten Books of Eden; The – World
Four Blood Moons; TV Series – John Hagee
Future Fuehrer – Hal Lindsey
Girls of the Bible – Harvey Albert Snyder
God without Religion - Andrew Farley
Google Internet
Gospel of Luke; The
– J. Vernon McGee
Great Doctrines of the Bible Vol 6 - W. A. Criswell
Guide Post - Lent – Max Lucado
Harpers Bible Dictionary- Harper & Row
Haven’t you Heard? There’s A War going on! – Eldred Echols Hell’s Angels – David Jeremiah
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The – Constance Cumbey His Glory Revealed – John Hagee
How to Save your Marriage Alone – Ed Wheat
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The - Tyndale
Image of God; The – John Piper
Infant Baptism – John MacArthur
Infant Baptism – John Piper
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament – Baker
Invisible War; The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
Jewish book of Why; The – Kolatch
Koinonia House – Chuck Missler
Kwanzaa – Renew America – Warner Todd Huston
Landmark Baptist; The – Brian Willis
Late Great Planet Earth; The – Hal Lindsey
Liberty Commentary on the New Testament – Jerry Falwell Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Manners & Customs of Bible Lands – Fred H. Wight Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Mystery of the Ages – Herbert W. Armstrong
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson


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Naked Gospel; The – Andrew Farley
New Unger’s Bible Handbook; The – Gary N. Larson
One Hundred Bible Topics – Marvin Hunt
Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity, The – J. McManners Parables of Jesus; The – J. Dwight Pentecost
Paradise Commentary – Dr. Karl McCallister
Paul & His Letters – John B. Polhill
Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene – Bart D.Ehrman
Red Heifer; The – The Temple Institute
Roget’s International Thesaurus – Harper & Row
Seven Deadly Sins – British Broadcasting Network
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible – Nelson Temple Institute; The
Temple Mount & Land of Israel Faithful Movement
Temple Mount Location -
Dr. Asher Kaufman
The Layman’s Overview of the Bible – George W. Knight Theomatics – Jerry Lucas and Del Washburn
There were two Trees in the Garden – Rick Joyner
This Momentary Marriage – John Piper
Thru the Bible – J. Vernon McGee
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible - Guidepost
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible: Readers Digest
Twelve Ordinary Men – John MacArthur
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries - Leon Morris
Victor Journey through the Bible; The – V. Gilbert Beers Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament – Mac Donald Webster’s New World College Dictionary - Webster
Who’s Who and Where’s Where in the Bible – Stephen M. Miller Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Why Do Catholics Do That? – Kevin Orlin Johnson
Witchcraft, puppets and Voodoo
– Irene A. Park
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Pfeiffer & Harrison Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The – Tenney


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