
Friday, April 21, 2023

Book XII - Sin – Abortion – Suicide – Sex – Incest – LGBT


Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT



All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness.
- 2 Timothy 3:1



Sin – Abortion - Suicide Sex – Incest - LGBT

Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman

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Book XII

Sin – Abortion - Suicide Sex – Incest - LGBT




Topical Index

For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1

1) Respectable Sins - Worry, Stress, Anxiety, Frustration, Grudges, Pride, Anger, Envy 3 2) Seven Deadly Sins - 1 anger, 2 envy, 3 gluttony, 4 greed, 5 lust, 6 pride, 7 slothfulness 21 3) Unpardonable Sin – Sin so grievous; it cannot be forgiven - Sin; “missing the mark” 27 4) Anxiety Worry & Stress - Invisible chains of infirmity - Man’s wiring – Depression 30 5) Imagination; Mind - Battle Ground – Secret Thoughts - Flirting - Double Entendre 43 6) Sinless – It’s not me that sins, it’s the sin living in me that does it. Circular Double Talk 48 7) Can I forgive Sins? - The commission of Peter - What are the “Keys to the Kingdom”? 51 8) Lies, Truth & Spin - Spin Doctors – Manipulate - Deflect – Dodge – Evade – Mislead 56 9) White Lies and God - Honest Lie - Noble Lie - Polite Lie - Half Truth - Minimization 60

10) Mistakes - Oprah Winfrey’s Church – Judas – Moses – Sampson – Lot – Peter – Paul 71 11)FallingfromGrace-Believers-MakeBelievers-Stumbling-BackSliding-TheTest 79 12) Beer Booze and Bubbly – Is it a sin to drink alcohol? – Didn’t Jesus drink wine? 83 13) Lottery; Gambling - Consideration – Chance – Prize – Amusement – Addiction 86 14) Murder - War - Killing a Burglar – Suicide – Abortion – Drugs – Capital Punishment 90 15) Abortion - Planned Parenthood – Pro-Choice – Partial birth abortions - Rape – Incest 99 16)Suicide;Euthanasia-Ifyoutakeyourownlife,doyouloseyoursalvation?-Isitsin? 101 17) Sex, Adultery & Fornication - What’s wrong with sex? 99% of the world participates 104 18) Incest – Incest before the Law – The Law - The Law Defied – Exceptions to the Law 111 19) Masturbation - Escape or Excuse – Lust or Release – Affair of the Mind – Is it a Sin? 115 20) Flirting; Potiphar’s Wife- Did Joseph know she wanted to jump his bones? 118 21) Rainbow Promise & Perversion - New Age Perversion – LGBT Perversion – Colors 121 22) Homosexuality Alternate life styles - What’s wrong with same sex marriages? 129 23) LGBT God and Me - The Parable of the Christian and the LGBT Gay man. 131 24) Same Sex Marriage - Sexual Orientation – Gay Agenda – Lesbian - Tolerance 134 25) Bestiality; Zoosexual - Zoophilia – Zoophiles – Paraphilia - The Law – The Curse 137

1 1 Corinthians 13:12

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Chapter 12.1

Words & Thoughts – Worldliness – Ungodliness – Self-righteousness – Selfishness Un-Thankfulness - Slothfulness - Judgmental - Jealousy - Envy – Impatience – Worry Stress - Anxiety - Frustration - Grudges - Un-Belief - Lust - Pride - Anger - Self-Control

When God abandons them; are they Died and Fried?

First Word

Respectable Sins

We visit the Flea Market often and this week we found a vendor with about 300 Christian books that were like new for just 25 cents each. One about “Respectable Sins” caught my eye and I surrendered my quarter. Later I found that Jerry Bridges’ eye opener book had been taught in Bible studies groups for some time. Standing on this giants shoulders has allowed me to see so much further down the road, than I ever could have. I don’t normally do a “Book Report”, but so many of the other commentaries on sin refer back to Bridges Book. I cannot wait to read what God has to say about Acceptable Respectable Sins in our society.

Whatever became of Sin? Our personal sin has disappeared; as a nation we don’t commit SIN; sex outside of marriage is not fornication or adultery, it’s just an affair, a lack of indiscretion, a brief sexual liaison. When we feel OK with ourselves, we feel it’s OK with God too. Our Secular Sensibility; our ability to sense, feel and perceive has been modified so as to cushion the impact of sin in our own lives.

Our Nation as a whole has lost the ability to understand what constitutes reprehensible sin in the eyes of God.

The greatest deterrent to SIN is THE FEAR OF GOD.2 When we present God as a benevolent and gentle grandfather, we tend to treat our sins superficially. We live life on our own terms worshiping God half-heartedly.3 Sermons, for the most part are soft peddled, in the hope that Christianity will be more appealing to non-believers; so the sermons tend to lift up the Love of God and play down the Wrath of God.

We promote God as a best friend who has saved us and lives within our hearts; we are His adopted children and fellow heirs to the kingdom of God. We are taught that we are called “Friends” which is an Old Testament term used when someone is in a Blood Covenant with God,4 BUT as a nation we have lost the FEAR OF GOD. He is God, and we are not His equal, we are His forgiven sinful creatures and on the Day of the Lord, we will stand before Him and give an account of the good and the bad in our lives5.

A reverent fear of the Holy God will dramatically affect the way that we live out our lives. In Archery when you miss the mark in the center of the target, it’s referred to as SIN;6 “Missing the MARK”. 7

2 Exodus 20:20 – Respect & fear of God prevents you from sinning -- 2 Chronicles 19:9 – Respond with the Fear and reverence of the Lord -- Proverbs 19:23 – The fear of God brings security and protection -- Proverbs 9:10 – The FEAR of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom and knowledge -- Isaiah 40:25 - Whom will you compare me? Who is my equal
3 Isaiah 53:6 - All of us have strayed away to follow our own path -- James 1:14 – Our temptation comes from our own desires

4 James 2:23 – Abraham BLOOD COVENANT with God; he was called a FRIEND of God. -- John 15:14-15 – We are GOD’S BLOOD COVENANT FRIENDS -- Genesis 15:17-18 – God makes a blood covenant with Abraham -- Romans 8:16-17 – WE are His children, His heirs of God’s glory
5 2 Corinthians 5:10 – We must ALL stand before Jesus and be judged

6 James 2:10 – Break ONE law; guilty of ALL -- Galatians 3:10 – Break just one OT law and you are cursed
7 2 Corinthians 5:9 – Our Aim is to hit the mark of pleasing Him -- Philippians 3:14 – Aim for the Mark of the high calling of God

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The Book says SIN”, large or small, scandalous or respectable IS Lawlessness, Wickedness and Rebellion against God.8 Sin is a Cancer, and left untreated will metastasize and spread throughout our entire being, Body Soul and Spirit.9 Moses was a devout man of God, but instead of speaking to the rock to get water, he hit the rock with his rod,10 DISOBEYING what God had commanded him to do’ therefore Moses was not allowed to personally lead Israel into the Promised Land;11


It’s in the Book

The Book has a lot to say about idols of the heart, things that absorb our thoughts and governs our

actions. Jerry Bridges Book on “Respectable Sins” list three areas.

  1. 1)  Loving the world by aligning your lifestyle with its culture; perhaps with immodest dress and

    apparel or maybe lack of self-control of indulgencies. The pursuit up the Corporate Ladder, Politics, Cultural Concerns and even Sports can become an IDOL; it can become so all- consuming that relationships are damaged and the family unit suffers.

  2. 2)  The pride in possessions can become an IDOL; hobbies and collecting not only consume your time, but drives your thinking and consumes your finances; it closes the hand of giving that withholds from God; Greed and the pride of possessions is the NEVER SATISFIED SIN. 12

3) The desires of the flesh causes you to linger looking over something you should not be looking at; perhaps a sensual tabloid at the checkout at Walmart. The Book says the eye of man is never satisfied. Vicarious immorality is when you experience in the imagination the feelings or actions of another person’s erotic behavior. Each secret glance & lingering look whets the appetite for more. Sex can become an IDOL that you worship in your imagination.

Monopoly: I got my first taste of Worldliness and Greed while playing Monopoly, I would buy up all the properties I could, and put hotels on them so I could make more money from the rentals and bankrupt the other players who landed on my properties. Oddly enough, I would often borrow so much money from the bank that I would be the one that would go bankrupt.

Earning more money raises the expectations of what you NEED.
I don’t get NO satisfaction (Double negative). When does wanting something turn into worldliness or greed? I’ll tell you when; it’s when you have a very excessive desire and pursuit of material possessions. Worldliness exist when you don’t need it, but you would like to have it. When you are wanting more,

regardless of what you already have.13

It can be defined by TWO different characteristics;

  1. 1)  Never satisfied with what you have,

  2. 2)  The need to keep hold of what you’ve already have.

The story of the Rich man and Lazarus the beggar is a great example of Worldliness, when giving

becomes so hard to do. The rich man’s attention was on his earthly life and not on the divine. He could not even give the crumbs from his table to the beggar Lazarus. They both died; Lazarus went to a compartment of hell called Paradise and the Rich man went to a compartment in hell called Torment. What profits a man if he gains the whole world, yet loses his life?14

8 1 John 3:4 – Sin is LAWLESSNESS. -- Leviticus 16:21 – Sin is WICKEDNESS and REBELLION against God
9 Matthew 5:21-22 – Anger; abusive talk, cursing puts you in the danger of the fires of hell -- Galatians 5:19-21 – A sinful nature separates us from God: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties,
10 Numbers 20:8 -12 – God said speak to the Rock; Moses hit it twice
11 Numbers 20:8 – Moses speak to the rock and it will yield its water. -- Numbers 20:11-12 - Moses struck the rock twice. God said; because you did not obey me and speak to the rock, you will not bring Israel into the promised land
12 Proverbs 27:20 - THE EYES OF MAN ARE NEVER SATISFIED -- Matthew 6:24 – You either serve the World or you serve God -- Colossians 3:2 – Set your mind on Heaven; not on the World
13 1 John 2:15-16 – Do not love and crave the world; for the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, -- 1 Corinthians 7:31 – Don’t be overly engrossed in worldly present things
14 Luke 9:25 – What profit is there if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?

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Our Excuse; I don’t give to people, because it encourages them to NOT get a Job, I would then become an enabler. PLEASE GET THIS; if God impresses you to give money to someone, you should do it. You are not the motive Police of what they do with the money; that’s between them and God; YOUR JOB IS TO JUST BE OBEDIENT. I have a friend that purchases McDonald gift cards, so when someone asks her for money, she gives them a card; a gift certificate for a meal.

I saw a man going through a dumpster collecting cans; God impressed me to give him some money, but I thought, he is just a GUMMY RUMMY and would spend it all on booze; so I didn’t.15 The next day I saw him again and I felt impressed by God again to give him some money, so I went over and this time gave him the money and said, I guess you will heading down to the LIQUOR STORE now. He said; YES he was. Being cynical, I asked; what do you like Christian Brothers or Blue Nun wine He said he did not drink at all; that he had a family of five to support and he had a job at the liquor store sweeping the floors and cleaning up; the cans from the dumpster helped bring in the extra money.

It warmed my heart that I had OBEYED the impression from the Lord, BUT I tearfully learned about my own respectable acceptable sin, that of being JUDGMENTAL and SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Obedient is better than a sacrifice.16

* Ungodliness
Ungodliness is an attitude toward God17 with little or no thought to our dependence on Him for

our daily provisions in our everyday life. When we need something, we casually look to God as a Heavenly vending machine or our Devine bellhop.

The Book says to acknowledge God’s providence in our lives by daily saying; “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.”18 We are to WORK WILLINGLY at whatever we do, as though we are working for the LORD rather than our work place boss.19 Thirst for God, the living God like you are in a parched and weary land where there is no water.20 Seek most to live in the house of the LORD all the days of your life, meditating in his Temple and delighting in the His perfections.

Unrighteousness is our thoughts, words and actions that treat God as though He does not exist. God already knows our heart, thoughts and our MOTIVES.

The Book says we should pray daily for the complete knowledge of HIS WILL in our lives,21 yet we don’t worship Him as God anymore and have even forgotten to give thanks for what we have. We have traded the truth of His Word for lies that satisfy our shameful sinful nature and have even come up with NEW WAYS of sinning.22 It’s so sad; even though we know our actions could eventually lead to death, we do them anyway and even encourage others to do so as well.

We have to ask ourselves the question; how much of our life do we live without regard for God? Can any behavioral difference be observed between us and an unbeliever?23 If there is no difference, then we are just Make-Believers.

It’s in the Book

15 2 Corinthians 8:9 – Be generous because ALL we have comes from God -- Malachi 3:8 – Worldly attitude affects your tithe and gifts; some people cheat God by withholding their tithes and offerings -- Proverbs 27:20 – Worldly human desires are never satisfied
16 1 Samuel 15:22 - OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams
17 Romans 1:18 – Ungodliness (Attitude) – Unrighteousness (Actions)

18 James 4:13-15 – Say; if it is the Lord wills; we will do this and that.
19 Colossians 3:22-24 – Do your work as if you are doing it unto the Lord
20 Psalm 63:1 – My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you -- Psalm 42:1-2 – I long for you, I thirst for the living God
21 Colossians 1:9-10 - Pray for the complete knowledge of His Will
22 Romans 1:18-32 – They wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. They traded the truth about God for a lie. They thought it foolish to acknowledge God and just invent new ways of sinning. They refuse to understand that God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to DIE, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too
23 1 Corinthians 10:31 – Whatever you do, do it to God’s glory

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Self-righteousness also called sanctimoniousness, and a holier-than-thou attitude is a feeling or

display of smug moral superiority derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person. Self-righteous individuals are often intolerant of the opinions and behaviors of others. Wikipedia

When we read the account of the PHARISEE who was a teacher of God’s Laws and the repulsive hated TAX COLLECTOR; both are praying. We see the independent spirit of the Pharisee looking down his nose at the one who is despised because he collects tributes or taxes for Rome. What we see in the story is two men, ONE WHO KNEW HE WAS A SINNER AND THE OTHER WHO DID NOT. .24 One humbled because of his position in life,25 and the other one full of self-righteousness of his knowledge of doctrine and of his own achievements in life.26

In the story of the Prodigal Son, we find two sons who received their inheritance from their father, one foolishly spent his and the other saved his, what we know is that BOTH BROTHERS WERE SINNERS; one realized it and the other didn’t, he was self-righteous.27 One humbled himself and the other became angry and stood a far off.

In the story of the immoral woman we see the Pharisee and an immoral woman; both were sinners; one knew it and the others didn’t. The immoral woman knowing her sin, knelt behind Jesus at his feet, weeping. Her tears fell on his feet, and she wiped them off with her hair. The self-righteous Pharisee said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. She’s a sinner!” Jesus said, I tell you, her sins are many and have been forgiven; she has shown me much love,28 BUT a person who is forgiven LITTLE shows only LITTLE love.

Jesus ripped into the Jews self-righteousness because they boasted that they were taught the laws of Moses from birth and their reliance on the laws made them righteous.29 There is a constant temptation in all of us to believe that we can somehow generate in and of ourselves a righteousness that will be acceptable to God,30 but if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there would be no need for Christ to die on the Cross.

The Book says there in no one who is righteous, not even ONE;31 it was because of Abraham’s FAITH that God counted him as Righteous,32 not because of something he had done.

I think we are all born with a selfish nature and have our own blind spots that causes us to be

domineering, if not even heartless at times. Selfishness is harder to spot because it is more delicate and refined; hidden by our ability to weave a tapestry of colorful illusions.

Paul writes to Timothy saying that there will be very difficult times IN THE LAST DAYS. People will LOVE ONLY THEMSELVES and their money. They will be boastful, proud and ungrateful; scoffing at God.

24 Luke 18:9-14 – Two men went to the temple to pray; both were sinners; one knew and the other didn’t
25 Matthew 5:4 – Blessed are those who morn over THEIR OWN SINS
26 Romans 10:3 – For, being ignorant, they did not seek God’s righteousness, but sought to establish their own
27 Luke 15:11-32 – For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found; the Self-righteous are condemned by their own words
28 Luke 7:36-50 - He who is forgiven much, loves much; it is YOUR FAITH THAT HAS SAVED YOU
29 Romans 2:17-24 –The Jews relied on their self-righteous laws; YOU ARE SO PROUD OF KNOWING THE LAW, BUT YOU DISHONOR GOD BY BREAKING IT.
30 Romans 10:3 – Men seek to establish their own righteousness -- Galatians 3:1-3 - Trying to become perfect by your own effort is FOOLISH --Galatians2:21-IftheLawgaverighteousthentherewouldbenoneedforJesustodie
31 Romans 3:10 - No one is righteous; not even one -- John 15:5 – There is no righteousness apart from God
32 Galatians 3:6 - God counted Abraham righteous because of his faith

Narcissism is a big 25 cent word that most of us have never used. It is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The narcissist displays a high level of selfishness and sees everything as “How does this affect ME?”

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They will consider nothing sacred and be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have NO SELF-CONTROL. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.33 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Paul says to STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE LIKE THIS.


  1. 1)  Shamelessness: Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability

    to process shame in healthy ways.

  2. 2)  Magical thinking: Narcissists see themselves as perfect, using distortion and illusion known

    as magical thinking. They also use projection to "dump" shame onto others.

  3. 3)  Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may "re-inflate" their sense of self-importance

    by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.

  4. 4)  Envy: A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person's ability by

    using contempt to minimize the other person or their achievements.

  5. 5)  Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and

    automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person.

  6. 6)  Exploitation: Can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other person is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real, as assumed.

  7. 7)  Bad boundaries: Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide “narcissistic supply” to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist, there is no boundary between self and other.

Selfish people do not have discretionary time for others, but have no problem imposing themselves on others time; they are late, but do not consider the time of others waiting. While a selfish person rarely sees the needs of others, they expect others to meet their needs and are very quick to reject things that “ARE NOT THEIR JOB”.

The Book says that the answer to Selfishness is to have LOVE in your heart; love is patient and kind, it’s never jealous, boastful or proud.34 Love never demands its own way, nor is it irritable and with love in your spirit you don’t keep records and try “to get even” with folks.35

If you are sick with selfishness, then get the cure;
Get Love, Get God, God is Love.36 Love is dependable and does not give up, it never loses faith and is always hopeful; it endures every circumstance. Three things last forever: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love. 37

Love will cover a multitude of sins.38 It’s in the Book

33 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – Selfish people think only of themselves boastful and proud, ungrateful, unloving, unforgiving, and cruel, reckless with NO SELF-CONTROL. STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE LIKE THAT!
34 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 – LOVE is not boastful, proud or jealous, Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud
35 1 John 4:8 Anyone who does not LOVE does not know God -- 1 John 3:17 – You have God’s love when you help others -- 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 – We no longer live for ourselves Instead, we live for Christ -- John 14:6 – There is only ONE WAY to God; through Jesus Christ -- 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 – We no longer live for ourselves Instead, we live for Christ

36 1 John 4:16 - GOD IS LOVE
37 1 Corinthians 13:13 - Faith, hope, and LOVE last forever; the greatest of these is love. It is not irritable or rude, Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful
38 1 Peter 4:8 - Love covers a multitude of sins.

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Failing to give thanks has become an acceptable respectable sin, we know God, but we don’t

honor Him with thanksgiving; we no longer even return thanks for our food. Food is a given; it’s not IF we will eat, it’s WHAT we will eat; our dilemma is all the choices we have.

We remember things from our childhood; I have memories of my dad and me on our knees praying every night just before bedtime. My dad would say; “son if you have your health you have everything”; remember to thank God for your health. God knows our hearts and our thoughts, when we get up and when we lay down and knows what we are going to say.39 Give Him Glory.

As a child, I remember Dad returning a heartfelt thanks for our meal; Dad said that sometimes we don’t know what we are eating and should ask God to bless it to our bodies not only for the nourishment that food brings, but also for the healing of our bodies. When we complain about our food, we are complaining against God who provided it; we should remember to be thankful for what has been placed in front of us; it’s all by God’s grace. Today many homes are single parent, missing the guidance of a father.

God gives us our health, our skills, abilities, food, clothes, and for most folks, a job and a good and comfortable place to live. Everything we have including our talents are a gift from God. How can we not return thanks for every meal and thanks that we can give away money? For me giving away money is easy; the hard part for me is giving up my time; myself.

Be thankful in all circumstances, God causes everything to work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, for this is God’s will for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Give thanks in the name that is above all names, that of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

The Book recounts a story of ten lepers that were healed, but only one returned and gave thanks. Jesus asked the question; where were the other un-thankful nine?40 One morning my puppy could not walk and I and many other friends on Facebook prayed over her and the next day she could walk. How could I not give thanks to our God who is the God of all flesh?41

The Book says to let the Holy Spirit guide our lives, then we won’t be doing what our sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. The Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These TWO FORCES are constantly fighting each other,42 so we are NOT FREE to carry out our good intentions of thankfulness because of this Invisible War.43

Being made in the image of God does not apply to the un-regenerated man,44 one who does not acknowledge God and His Son; the un-regenerated man HAS NOT been called to God’s purpose nor His promises.45 We are all too some degree ungodly in the sins that we tolerate, but un-thankfulness should not be one of them. We should seek to develop the habit of continually giving thanks to God IN every situation; but not necessarily FOR every situation.46

It’s in the Book

39 Psalm 139:1-4 – God knows our heart, our thoughts and doings -- Psalm 139:16 - Every day of my life was already recorded in your book -- Psalm 139:13 – You made all my parts and knit me together in my mother’s womb
40 Luke 17:11-19 – Ten men healed, but only one gave thanksgiving
41 Jeremiah 32:27 - I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?

42 Galatians 5:16-17 - Two forces, the Spirit and the Flesh are constantly fighting each other 43 Romans 6:22 – The Believer is NOW free from the power of sin
44 Romans 8:28 – God’s Promises are for the regenerated man; the Believer
45 Romans 8:29 – The Believer is predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus

46 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - Be thankful IN all circumstances for this is God’s will -- Ephesians 5:20 Give thanks for everything

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*Slothfulness - The do nothing sin
Sloth translated from Latin means “WITHOUT CARE”.47 Another translation of a Sloth is “Self-

Pity”, a condition of Self-Centeredness; a melancholy passive mind-state of idleness with a cessation of motion. A sloth was first referred to “spiritually” as a person, especially Monks who had become bored and indifferent to their duties and obligations to God.48

Slothfulness is defined as a failure to do the things that one should do; it has apply been called THE DO NOTHING SIN. While slothfulness is sometimes defined as physical laziness, it’s the spiritual laziness that is emphasized. In the Christian faith, the sloth fails to utilize his gifts and talents, and for the most part rejects the grace and spiritual matters of God.

ARE YOU SLOTHFUL, have you begun to not care and not give your best effort, have you begun to procrastinate, do potential difficulties paralyze you, are you unwilling to begin because of the effort it takes? Slothfulness sneaks up on you; it begins with the inward tendency to reject God’s requirement for diligent labor and shows up as carelessness, this progresses to making soft choices in the daily decisions where we become unwilling to act; that progresses to half-hearted efforts, and finally becomes disabling when doing littlebecome a WAY OF LIFE; we become easily discouraged by any possible difficulty that we see.

Sometimes we think, “I’m tired and this is JUST TOO MUCH, I’m quitting.” These thoughts are not from God; He has called us to REDEEM OUR TIME49 and to persevere and has given us the Helper; the Holy Spirit to help us in this pursuit. The Book uses the ant to illustrate the basic characteristics that are lacking in the slothful person; the ant understands the seasons and plans the work for the future, it has self-direction, initiative and the ability to finish jobs.

Much of the time our half-hearted effort is not because of laziness, but because we have not prioritized our life; a person should have at the most only five priorities going on at a time, otherwise they will just get overwhelmed. Sometimes a task is so overwhelming that we just keep putting it off until it becomes practically impossible to finish.

I prioritize what I do into two categories. 1) What the boss wants me to do, and 2) What I want to do. For me I do all the boss’ stuff first and the hardest task first, then each task becomes easier and that releases me to do what I find pleasure in; whatever I do, I do it all as if God is watching everything I do. The Book says “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”.50

Slothfulness is a Sin that requires you to DO NOTHING AT ALL.51 It’s a Lack of zeal, an inability to get going; you just browse or hang out doing mostly nothing. For some it’s from the bar to the bed, then back to the bar. Evil thrives when slothful men fail to act; this is the sin that fertilizes all the other sins. Sodom was characterized by Pride, Gluttony and SLOTHFULNESS52 as well as other detestable sins, and GOD wiped them ALL out.

FAILING TO DEVELOP SPIRITUALLY is key to becoming guilty of the sin of slothfulness. Did you get that? - FAILING TO DEVELOP YOURSELF SPIRITUALLY IS THE SIN OF SLOTHFULNESS. 53

It’s in the Book

47 Proverbs 26:14 – The Sluggard just sleeps his life away; as a door turns on its hinges, so does a sluggard on his bed -- Proverbs 26:15 – The sluggard is too lazy to even bring the fork to his mouth -- 2 Thessalonians 3:10 – No Work, No Food, IF ANY WILL NOT WORK, NEITHER LET HIM EAT -- Proverbs 13:4 – Lazy people want much, but get little
48 Romans 3:21-22 – We are made right with God by faith in Christ -- Colossians 2:13-14 – We were dead in our sins; but God made you ALIVE with Christ, for he forgave all our sins.

49 Ephesians 5:15-17 – Redeem your time – take every opportunity
50 1 Corinthians 10:31 – WHATEVER YOU DO, do it all for the glory of God -- Colossians 3:17 – Whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord
51 Proverbs 6:10-11 – The do nothing Sluggard just folds his hands: A little SLEEP, a little SLUMBER
52 Ezekiel 16:49 – Sodom’s sins were Pride, Gluttony Slothfulness
53 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – In the last day’s people will be Make Believers LOVE ONLY THEMSELVES unloving and unforgiving boastful and proud, They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly

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We have personal opinions that we hold to that we zealously believe are right and true and we

dogmatically defend them; topics such as: Politics, Organic, Vegan, Vegetarian, Tattoos, Recreational Drugs, Premarital Sex, LGBT Lifestyles, Religious Theology, Church Dress, Traditional Organ Music or Contemporary Drums & Guitar Music just to name a few. This is not new, the early church judged on all these topics except they didn’t have a piano or pipe organ.

I was taught that a man should take off his hat when inside, especially inside the house of God in reverence to Him, but the Jews wear a skullcap in the Temple in reverence to God. Oddly enough both opinions could be judged acceptable to God.54 My mom would say that I would get along better with others if I did not discuss politics or religion. She said feelings run deep on these subjects and our PERSONAL OPINION may seem judgmental resulting in unintentional hurt and divisions.

As a Human Recourse Manager, I generally already knew the issues of the Company, but upon hearing a report, I would not confirm nor deny; I would only thank them for taking the time to bring it to my attention, otherwise my comments might seem to confirm a judgment and add fuel to the fire before I could resolve it. President Obama had a slow “gate” to his speech pattern; he would formulate and judge the impact of each word of his message.

Sometimes we get a critical spirit that so strongly disagrees, that we berate and demonize those who would oppose our thinking. A personal opinion “shot from the hip or lip” comes across as criticism and what others perceive and receive is rejection.

The Book says we should NOT JUDGE other people,55 but we should be FRUIT INSPECTORS.56 What does the FRUIT around the Believer’s tree look like? Paul writes a letter to Galatea teaching them what the “Fruit of the Spirit” looks like and includes a number of things which all make up ONE fruit. Paul list nine FRUIT which the believer’s life should exhibit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control.57 If you are a Believer you will exhibit ALL of these qualities; not just two or three.

There is a calling for the Believer to live a lifestyle that reflects who they are in Christ.58 There is a Christian denomination that teaches a Biblical “Method” of WORSHIP, as well as a Biblical “Method” to the way we should LIVE out our everyday life; they are called Methodist.

Concerning Spiritual things, the Church does not judge the un-believer, that’s God’s prerogative alone,59 but we are to judge the believer within the church who has left the paths of God and living in Sin;60 our efforts are to lovingly bring them back to God, lest they be separated from Him forever.

Impatience is a strong sense of annoyance that causes us to hurt and wound others, it breeds

irritability and usually points out the short comings and failure to perform of others. It happens at the Bank “drive through” when the person in the car in front of you is not prepared and sits there and fills out deposit slips and signs the checks and looks it all over while the cars are packing up behind them.

Smoke comes out our ears when the waitress is just way too slow serving us. Did you know that when we complain about our food, our complaints are against God, who provides everything we eat? Impatience and annoyance builds when your kids do not clean their room and the dog poops in the house for the third time.

54 Romans 14:1-3 – Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong 55 1 Corinthians 4:5 – Don’t judge others - That’s God’s prerogative -- Matthew 7:1-5 - Do not judge others or you will be judged 56 Matthew 7:16-20 – You will know a believer by their Fruit; You can identify them by the way they ac; by their actions
57 Galatians 5:22-23 – Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control!

58 John 4:23 – God wants non-judgmental worshipers; WORSHIPERS who will worship the Father in spirit and in truth -- 1 Timothy 4:4 – Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks
59 Romans 14:23 - Don’t judge others for following Godly convictions; If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning -- Romans 14:4 – Don’t judge others; let God judge what is right or wrong -- Romans 14:5 – Don’t judge when others worship, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike

60 1 Corinthians 5:11 – The Church judges the BELIEVER who has strayed and is living in sin
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A dispute arose in Moses FAMILY when Miriam his sister and Aaron his brother, criticized Moses because he had married a Cushite (black) woman. Moses remained humble and turned the matter over to God.61 God said Moses was more humble than any other person on earth. Jesus did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor did He threaten revenge when He suffered.62 He just left His case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly.

LOVE is patient and kind. LOVE is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not impatient and irritable; it keeps no record of being wronged.63 Since God chose us to be His holy people, we must clothe ourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and PATIENCE, making allowances for each other’s faults because of His LOVE.64

It’s in the Book

*Jealousy & Envy
Jealousy and Envy is Unspoken Dis-satisfaction with the circumstances of others. We are not

jealous or envious of those who have talents and expertise that are out of our league, but it becomes a painful awareness to us seeing those we most closely identify enjoying advantages in areas we value the most.

I spent 25 years in Television being blessed of God, arriving in top management only to see someone I trained with just a few years’ experience, who was younger, smarter and more talented than me being groomed to take my place. I was jealous, I didn’t want someone else to experience the blessings of God that I had experienced; WHY WAS THAT? This was my sin nature rising up inside of me. The Book says there is a dual battle going on within us.

Jealousy disparages everything; it’s Unspoken Competition. Sometimes we may not even want what others have, like a nicer house or better car, but we just resent them having it. Jealousy is an Intolerance to Rivalry, it seeks to control, manipulate and dominate others to our advantage in order to get what we want.

Envy spoils the pleasure of others and hates everything, some are so consumed with ENVY that they are unconscious and totally unaware of this CANCER. Peggy and Polly were twins that I grew up with at church and Peggy was by far the most popular, but as time moved on, Polly’s happy and positive personality drew people to her and Peggy with ENVY withdrew into sarcasm and negativism; pushing herself far into the background. With arms folded, she seemed mad all the time and it slowly CHANGED HER WHOLE FACE; they were no longer twins. This was sad, she seemed so unaware of how her reactions were being received as people distanced themselves from her.

Envy and jealousy are characterized as a feeling of Discontentment towards someone's traits, status, abilities, or rewards. The difference is the Envious has an Insatiable Desire for the entity and covet it. This relates to the Ten Commandments, specifically, "Don’t be envious of anything that belongs to your neighbor or their status."

Cain & Abel was the first Prototype of envy found in the first book of the Bible, where Cain was envious of God’s approval of Abel’s offering. Abel had a relationship with God and Cain was just going through the motions and this envy led Cain to murder his brother Abel.

Abel was a Believer; Cain was just a Make Believer.
Jacob (Israel) is another example of Envy and Jealousy; he gave a coat of many colors to his 1st born son of Rachel the sister of Leigh who Jacob was tricked into marring. Joseph‘s brothers from Leigh

and her maid were envious of Joseph’s special coat and they plotted to KILL HIM.
SIDE BAR; Leah had 6 sons, Zilpah her maid, 2 sons (Leah also had one daughter.) Rachel had 2 sons;

Bilhah her maid, 2 sons for a grand total of 12 sons which gave us the 12 tribes

61 Numbers 12:1-3 – Moses was patient with slander from his own family and just turned it over to God
62 1 Peter 2:23 – Jesus had patience and did not retaliate nor threaten revenge
63 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 – Love is Patient and not irritable and it KEEPS NO RECORD of being wronged.
64 Colossians 3:12 – You must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and PATIENCE -- Ephesians 4:2 – Be humble, gentle and patient with each other -- Matthew 18:15 – Be patient, speak privately to the other about an offense.

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King Saul was jealous and envious of David because the ladies were singing greater accomplishments of David than Saul; this rotting jealous Cancer consumed him and led him to spend much of his time trying to find David in order to kill him.65

The High Priest, Sadducees and officials were filled with jealousy when the Jews were turning away from them and following the disciples of Jesus, so they arrested them and put them in jail.66 Some of the prominent Jews were so JEALOUS of the crowds surrounding Paul that they SLANDERED Paul and ARGUED against WHATEVER he said.67 I could not help but see the COMPARISON of Paul and President Trump.

Ever since President Trump took office there has been the greatest division I have ever seen between the Democrats and Republicans. The Democrats are so jealous that they slander and argue against WHATEVER Trump says. The Book says those in power are put there by God,68 so we should pray for our President; not slander.69 In this blessed and wonderful nation we live in, we get a chance to change things every four years; so PRAY and VOTE for leadership that moves our nation closer to God.

The Book: Envy is like a cancer that eats you up from the inside out; ENVY ROTS THE BONES and the jealous and envious will not inherit the Kingdom of God70... It’s in the Book

A person without self-control is like a city with broken down walls that is vulnerable to all kinds of

invading temptations. Self-Control is one of the nine qualities or characteristics that make up the “fruit” of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and SELF-CONTROL.71 All these qualities make up ONE FRUIT. If you have all the qualities, but lack self-control, you do not possess the Fruit of the Spirit.

Lack of self-control of your speech opens the door to all manner of defiling speech, sarcasm, gossip, slander and ridicule. It gives way to having a temper; “flying off the handle”, having “a short fuse” with explosive anger.72 It affects other areas of your life, it affects what you watch on television, pornography on computers, sports, impulse buying and hobbies. Lack of self-control for me was, collecting Depression glass, Lunch Boxes, Iron Toys, Antique Kitchen Utensils, Army Paraphernalia and Avon Bottles made like cars and guns. It was so much fun and gratifying, but it just had to STOP.

I collected LIONEL TRAINS; it seemed harmless enough, I only spent 20 dollars a week which is not much for a hobby, but after a year I had invested $1.000.00 and 30 years later I was still going strong and so was the investment in the collection... At one point in my life I was skipping Sunday School and Church just so I could be the first to buy up all the trains that were in the Sunday paper. Our 14’X20’ master bedroom became filled with a train table with shelves floor to ceiling, including three closets full. Trains became an IDOL for me, it consumed my thinking, extra money and activities. I just had to get control of myself and STOP.

Lack of self-control affects your finances, going into debt just because you see it and want it. Solomon said that “whatever my eyes desired, I did not keep from them” and in the end he said it was all vanity.73

65 1 Samuel 18:7-9 – Saul became Jealous of David & wanted to kill him -- Romans 7:21-25 – We have a Spiritual Nature & a Sin Nature 1 Peter 5:5 – Accept authority; serve each other in humility -- Ephesians 5:21 - Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
66 Acts 5:17-18 – The High Priest and Sadducees were full of Jealousy
67 Acts 13:44-45 – The Jews became JEALOUS; so they slandered Paul and ARGUED AGAINST WHATEVER HE SAID

68 Psalm 75:7 – It is God who decides who will rise or fall
69 1 Timothy 2:2 - Pray for our President and those in authority -- 1 Peter 5:5 – Accept authority; serve each other in humility -- Ephesians 5:21 - Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
70 Galatians 5:20-21 – The Jealous and Envious WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD
71 Galatians 5:22-23 – The Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control
72 Proverbs 14:17 - Short-tempered people do foolish things -- Proverbs 16:32 – Be slow to anger; rule your spirit -- James 1:19 – Be quick to listen, be slow to speak and slow to get angry
73 Ecclesiastes 2:10-11 – Lack of self-control is all so meaningless, it’s LIKE CHASING THE WIND -- Proverbs 25:28 – Self-control gives you a wall of protection -- Titus 2:2 – Teach and exercise SELF-CONTROL be filled with love and patience -- Titus 2:11-12 – Live self-

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Lack of self-control in your eating habits causes weight problems that affects your health as well as your professional and social life. Food was at the Heart of Jewish observance; it begin with a feast to show wealth, and the more you had to eat was symbolic of your prosperity; you should eat as much as possible in case of a bad day, even though that day probably never comes.

Gluttony is the excessive indulgence of food and drink; a longing and thinking of food. It comes

from the Latin meaning the “over indulgence” and “over consumption” of anything to the point of waste. Vomiteriums were available in order to get rid of your food so you could go back quickly and GRAZE some more. Gluttony is considered sin when the excessive desire for food causes you to withhold it from the needy. It can be interpreted as selfishness when it places concern with one's own interests above the well-being of others.

It’s in the Book


Pride Self-Love
confidence in one’s self and it
swing their weight around, ignoring laws, then one day it all catches up with them; then they put up
SMOKE SCREENS, WEAVE ILLUSIONS and SPIN LIES as they fall from grace. Pride comes just before the fall; before destruction and disgrace.75

Pride is the opposite of Humility; there is no such thing as a self-made man, it is God who gives us and our children the ability and power to

succeed; everything we have, we have received from God.77 Do we
Is our thinking
“GOD” centered or “ME” centered?

controlled godly lives renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, -- 1 Peter 1:13 – Exercise self-control in order to think clearly -- 1 Peter 4:7 – Be sober minded and self-controlled
74 Psalm 78:27-31 – God killed the fattest of them while the food was still in their mouths
75 1 Peter 5:5 – GOD OPPOSES THE PROUD but FAVORS THE HUMBLE -- Isaiah 66:2 – God looks on a humble & contrite spirit that fears God

76 Ezekiel 28:12-17 – Satan was the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty until wickedness was found in him.
77 Proverbs 4:1 – LISTEN when your father corrects you. PAY ATTENTION and learn good judgment -- Proverbs 5:1 – PAY ATTENTION to my wisdom; listen carefully to my wise counsel -- Proverbs 7:1 – FOLLOW MY ADVICE, treasure my commands -- Proverbs 3:1 – STORE GOD’S TEACHINGS in your heart never forget the things He has taught you -- Proverbs 2:1 – A True Believer will LISTEN, OBEY and TREASURE, God’s commands -- Hebrews 13:17 – OBEY your spiritual leaders with joy Their work is to watch over your souls

78 1 Corinthians 4:7 – What do you have that God hasn’t given you? Everything you have is from God 79 Luke 17:10 – Obedience is simply doing what you are supposed to do
Proverbs 2:1 – A True Believer will Listen, Obey and Treasure, God’s commands
Hebrews 13:17 – Obey your spiritual leaders with joy
Their work is to watch over your souls

The Epicureans world view was an ethic of individual pleasure as the sole or chief good in life, and advocated living in such a way as to derive the greatest amount of pleasure possible during one's lifetime.

There was a Quail Hunt where the Israelites gorged themselves with QUAIL, God slew the

FATTEST of them while the food was still in their mouth.74 God says you should just cut your own

throat if you are given to gluttony; greedy cravings revile the Lord.

Wikipedia: Pride, is considered the original and the most deadly of sins. It is the SOURCE of all the othersinsandisidentifiedasbelievingthatoneselfisessentiallybetterthanothers. Pridehasbecome

so common that it is accepted among Christians and is not even regarded as sin. Pride gives birth to an independent spirit that resists instructions and authority and comes with an unteachable attitude

accompanied with excessive admiration of self.


that is perverted into contempt for others,

fails to acknowledge the accomplishments of others.

it is the overwhelming excessive Elected officials

Pride is considered the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to damnation as shown in the example

of the story of Lucifer, AKA Satan, who

compete with God; this caused his fall from Heaven.76

displayed pride within himself when he indicated his desire to

position” toward God?

we did not receive from God?78

When we serve faithfully, we have only done what we were supposed to

do.79 We should realize that we deserve nothing; but incredibly, we still continue to receive, so therefore

hold ourselves out of “proper

What do we have that

when we lack we have NO REASON to complain, fuss, whine or commiserate.

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WARNING; God opposes the Proud, He opposes those who think they have moral superiority, who treat others with contempt. Pride is only second to the sin of ungodliness, we tend to look with some disdain on those whose beliefs are different than ours, and we believe our doctrinal beliefs are the “correct ones”. Ashamedly, I do this one over and over, I have “Doctrinal Pride”.

When I first received my salvation, I didn’t care about ANY doctrine; just John 3:16 that says that ANYBODY that believes in Jesus will not perish, but will have eternal life.80 BAM case closed. But for me now, doctrine is extremely important, I not only want to know the Book of the Lord, I want even more to know the Lord of the Book. I must further realize and accept that other theologically capable people hold to other convictions than I do. Many hold that humanity is PREDESTINED to heaven or hell while others hold that we have the FREE WILL to choose our destination. I find that both are taught in the Book; many are called (free will), but few are chosen (predestined).81 It’s in the Book

We all possess some doctrinal knowledge; the Book says “KNOWLEDGEPUFFS UP, but goes on to say that LOVEBUILDS UP;82 so if I had ALL the knowledge of earth and of angels, but didn’t LOVE others, I would just be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. When folks differ on doctrine, it’s not saying one is right or the other is wrong, it’s just saying that we won’t know for sure until we get to heaven, so in the meantime we just need to LOVE one another; can I get an AMEN on that.

It’s in the Book

*Anger – The sudden sin
ORDINARY Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure that seethes inwardly with resentment.

is a SUDDEN SIN in CAPITAL BLOCK LETTERS to the listener.

," the angry person can exhibit Tantrum Behavior that is used as a manipulation strategy for social influence in order TO GET WHAT THEY WANT. It is the results of our own selfishness and the lack of our desire to control it. So much of the time, anger is directed toward our family members and perhaps

even our own church family; it surfaces in belittling or sarcastic comments.
RIGHTEOUS Anger is always with self-control; this is pictured when Jesus became angry in the

Temple when He saw MERCHANTS selling cattle, sheep, and doves for sacrifices; He saw DEALERS at tables exchanging foreign money, so He MADE A WHIP FROM SOME ROPES and chased the dealers out of the Temple, then drove out the sheep and cattle. He turned over the money changers’ tables and scattered their coins over the floor; then told them, “Get these things out of here, STOP TURNING MY FATHER’S HOUSE INTO A MARKETPLACE.83 The take away from this story is to HARNESS AND FOCUS your ZEAL for the things of God.

Wrath or Rage

that speaks

an inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred. In its purest form it is violence, self-destructiveness,


It is

and hate that may fuel and provoke feuds that can go on for centuries and persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. These feelings can manifest in different ways including

impatience, revenge, and self-destructive behavior such as drug abuse or even suicide.

Manipulation Strategy:

Displays of anger are a result of "what has happened to them personally

Anger indicates that a person’s basic boundaries have been violated; it’s an emotional response

related to one's psychological interpretation of having been threatened. It involves a strong emotional and uncomfortable reaction or response to a perceived harm that is considered deliberate or of unfair

treatment or provocation by others. It is displayed as a correction of wrong behavior by others and a

promotion of

social justice.

It is when a person makes the conscious decision to take action to

immediately stop the threatening behavior of an outside force. Sometimes anger is released through

retaliation, similar to a pressure cooker where the pressure builds up until it explodes.

80 Ephesians 2:1-5 – When we were unbelievers we were subject to God’s Anger because we lived in sin -- John 3:16-17 – God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that EVERYONE who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life
81 Matthew 22:14 – For MANY are called (by Freewill to come), but FEW are chosen (Predestined to come)
82 1 Corinthians 8:1 – Pride of Knowledge puffs up; Love builds up

83 John 2:14-16 – Self-Controlled Righteous Anger; STOP TURNING MY FATHER’S HOUSE INTO A MARKETPLACE Ephesians 2:1-5 – When we were unbelievers we were subject to God’s Anger because we lived in sin

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Physical and Mental Consequences; Anger causes an increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and

increased levels of adrenaline

. It

impairs one's ability to process information and to exert cognitive

control over their own behavior. An angry person may lose their objectivity, empathy, prudence or

thoughtfulness and may cause harm to others.

and becomes

Un-resolved anger turns inward Depression. Sometimes we get mad at God; we have prayed about a situation and feel like God has let us down; our tithe has been put into the “Holy Vending Machine” and nothing came out. When we are angry with God, we are accusing Him of wrongdoing, neglecting us or treating us un-fairly, because we feel an

absence of the “evidence” of His love toward us.
Don’t sin by letting anger control you, don’t let the sun go down while you’re still angry.84 The

Book teaches to Forgive and Forget,85 to turn the other cheek; to harness the passion of anger for good. Do good to your enemy; it will be like heaping hot coals on their head. We cannot deal with anger until we acknowledge its presence and seek the Book on how to deal with it. Don’t get angry when you ae treated cruel,86 just be kind to each other, tender hearted, forgiving one another. Now is the time to get rid of all ANGER, bitterness and rage; malicious behavior, quarreling and jealousy; selfishness, arrogance and disorderly behavior; harsh words, slander, gossip and dirty language.87 We are to make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you.88 It’s in the Book

People have what I call a gunny sack, it’s a place where they throw all the stuff they don’t like

about you and STORE IT FOR YEARS.89 When they get upset, they pull something out of the gunny sack and beat you up with it. The Book says to keep no record of wrong doings.90

Esau held a grudge against his brother Jacob because he stole his birthright and blessing.91

Joseph’s brothers held a grudge against him because he was the father’s favorite son, so since this was in their heart, they thought Joseph would hold a grudge against them also.

Herodias bore a grudge against John the Baptist and wanted his head cut off; and did.92 Grudges are a sickness of the heart93 and the cure is Love. Get Love – Get God – Get healed

*Worry Stress Anxiety & Frustration
Devine providence is God's extraordinary intervention in the universe and in the life of people which

began when God created the world with everything needed for human life, including both physical things and natural laws. Divine providence means that God is directing (or even recreating) every minute detail of creation. It is all for His glory and for the good of His people. (Wikipedia) NOTE; everything people have that is good is given and preserved by God, either directly or through other people or things.

84 Ephesians 4:26 - Don’t let the sun go down while you are still ANGRY
85 Ephesians 4:32 – Do not be angry; forgive as God forgave you;
86 1 Peter 2:18 – Don’t get angry when you are treated cruelly
87 2 Corinthians 12:20 – I don’t want to find quarreling, jealousy, ANGER, selfishness, slander, gossip, arrogance, and disorderly behavior.-- Colossians 3:8 – Now is the time to get rid of ANGER, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language -- Ephesians 4:31 – Get rid of all bitterness, rage, ANGER, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior

88 Colossians 3:13 - Control your anger; Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends
89 James 3:5-9 –NO ONE CAN TAME THE TONGUE IT IS SET ON FIRE BY HELL ITSELF -- Psalm 55:3 - For they drop trouble upon me, and in ANGER they bear a GRUDGE against me
90 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 – Keep no record of wrong doings -- Leviticus 19:18 - Do not bear a grudge or seek revenge but love your neighbor as yourself.
91 Genesis 27:41 – Esau held a grudge against Jacob
92 Mark 6:19 - Herodias bore a grudge against John the Baptist and wanted to kill him.
93 Genesis 50:15 – If you have a Grudge in your heart; you think others do also

The opposite of trust is worry, anxiety and fear; you distrust God’s Devine Providence. That does not mean we are not to pray about an events outcome, but to also pray with a submissive heart, the acceptance of whatever “God’s will” turns out to be. When the situation looms greater than your faith; pray “I believe Lord, Help me in my unbelief”. God helps us in our struggles of Faith.

It’s in the Book

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In the frustration and ungodliness of the moment, we don’t tend to think about God, we focus on the situation; and if left unchecked these emotions can lead to sin; but if we use it to turn to God to see what we need to learn, we can then grow in our Faith. Anxiety, Worry & Stress does not discriminate based on geography, race, gender or age. It permeates your entire body like yeast in bread, it affects you Physically, Mentally and Spiritually; so you’re a MAN with PMS, just a different kind. It’s in the Book

Wikipedia describes Stress as a Physical, Mental or Emotional strain or tension. It can cause us to do things that we would not ordinarily do or even cause our system to shut down completely. Stress is caused by either Processive Stressors which causes “Fight or Flight” reaction or it is caused by a Systemic Stressor which causes automatic physiological reactions; unchecked these two Stressor can rule our lives.

Materialism is a big troublemaker; we purchase a Corvette or a Boat which we can manage, but then we get hit with the taxes, insurance and the operational cost required to maintain this lifestyle. This leads to living paycheck to paycheck and barely making ends meet.

I didn’t have enough time to get it all done, I felt so tired and overwhelmed that my mind would just go blank. I was restless, taking deep unfillable breaths and my chest tightened up; my mind was churning and my mood swings were moving from just being irritable to outright anger; I was STRESSING OUT.

There are invisible chains of infirmity that are not physical.94 You can’t see them, but the bondage is ever present. Maybe at work you really need more salary or maybe a little less workload. You lack support and have conflicting demands. You don’t have control of the situations and when you get home at night, you just can’t TURN IT OFF”.

The invisible infirmity of Worry Stress Anxiety and Frustration can move around your body exhibiting a cornucopia of symptoms; a Pounding Heart, Chest Pains, Shortness of Breath, Fatigue, Dizziness, Hot Flashes, Sweating, Twitches, Headaches, Back and Muscle Aches, Nausea, Diarrhea, Upset Stomach, Sadness, Depression, Panic Disorders, Stress, Fear, Paranoia, Rage and it may even cause you to exhibits Different Personalities. Maybe you need companionship or the need for more patience or you are in sorrow or sickness, you need finances, in tribulations, distressed, chastised, dishonored, the butt end of mean spirited jokes, have sleeplessness and heaviness of spirit and the list just goes on and on and I’m sure that you can add some of your own to this list.

Satan wants to persecute our very soul; to crush our spirit cause anxiety, worry, and stress to consume our lives95. Stress has been labeled the SILENT ASSASSIN that can create blood clots that lead to heart disease. When we are operating in Anxiety, Worry and Stress, we are doing Satan’s work for him; he comes to kill, steal and destroy. You can never worry yourself into a longer life, but you can worry yourself into bad health & death.96

Sometimes the mind will JUST NOT RELEASE folks from their thoughts. Our bodies are WIRED with “Fight or Flight” responses which is sometimes wrongly diagnosed as a medical or a MENTAL condition, what is needed is to have our mind rewired, transformed and renewed. Satan comes to WIRE us with Anxiety, Worry, Stress, Fear and Depression.97 Jesus comes to RE-WIRE, ADAPT & RESTORE our PMS; Physically, Mentally & Spiritually. Jesus gives us the ability to “Go with His Flow” of comfort, His gentleness and His peace and He gives it to us more abundantly than we can possibly imagine. 98 It’s in the Book

94 2 Corinthians 6:4-9 – There is an Invisible War that comes against the Believer because we are MINISTERS OF GOD:
95 Psalm 143:3 – Satan persecutes the soul and Crushes the life -- 1 Peter 5:8 – Satan seeks to find someone he MIGHT devour who is ignorant of God’s Word.
96 Philippians 4:6 – DON’T WORRY about anything; instead, PRAY about everything. -- 1 Peter 5:7 - Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about you
97 John 10:10 – Satan comes to kill, Steal and destroy -- Romans 12:2 – You are wired up in knots and must be RE-WIRED
98 John 10:10 - RE-WIRE ADAPT & RESTORE; Go with God’s Flow

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The Book gives us just two rules; 1) HUMBLE YOURSELF and 2) CAST YOUR CARES ON HIM.99 Two of the SHORTEST PRAYERS I have found is when a mama prayed; “Lord Help Me100 and a daddy prayed, “I do believe, but help me with my unbelief”; 101 God heard both of them and they received.

REMEMBER THIS, whether we are on the mountain top or down in the valley, whether lacking in patience, or in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in violence, in wounds, in imprisonments, in labors, in sleeplessness, by dishonor, by evil report; as chastened, as sorrowful, as poor, as having nothing; in all of that, we are still God’s Witness’, His Evangelist, His Ministers and His children.102

It’s in the Book

Lust is the Most Popular Sin; it is a psychological force producing an intense drive or desire wanting

an object or circumstance that fulfills the passion of emotion and its craving. Lust is selfishness; it can take any form such as an intense lust for money or perhaps the lust for fame or power or perhaps the lust for sexuality; which defined is a very strong appetite, desire or longing for SEX; it is lechery or horniness, but it can also take the mundane form of the lust for food.

SEX is not Love,103 it’s a function for the pleasure of the body; it deviates into affections for Prostitution, Pornography, Fetish’s; leather, pain, Homosexuality and Lesbianism which the world’s Belief System identifies as just an alternate lifestyle. NOTE; God calls this alternate lifestyle an ABOMINATION which He groups and damns with the sin of witchcraft. Your BS says, God is Love and created us to have sex, so this is good; NO, this is so serious, unless you repent, it’s your

Lust of the Flesh is at war with the Spirit, and the Spirit is at war with the flesh.105 It starts with your

eyes and fires up your imagination, which spins off SEVENTEEN more sins: Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lewdness, Idolatry, Sorcery, Hatred, Contentions, Jealousies, Outbursts of Wrath, Selfish Ambitions, Dissensions, Heresies, Murders, Envy, Drunkenness, and Revelries.

God makes it pretty plain about how He feels about the sin of LUST; He says when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and He never tempts anyone else. TEMPTATION COMES FROM OUR OWN DESIRES,106 which entice us and drag us away. Do not be deceived, the unrighteous; the fornicators, adulterers, the effeminate, and Homosexuals,

BUT WAIT: You are not yet Died and Fried. You can still humble yourself; 108pray and seek God’s

face and turn from your lifestyle and receive forgiveness.109 The Holy Spirit will produce in you love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and SELF-CONTROL 110

Life is Choice driven; YOU DON’T HAVE TO STAY WHERE YOU ARE. It’s in the Book

99 1 Peter 5:6 RULE #1 - HUMBLE YOURSELF -- 1 Peter 5:7 RULE #2 - CAST YOUR CARES ON HIM
100 Matthew 15:25 - Simply Prayer - LORD, HELP ME
101 Mark 9:24 – Simply Prayer; HELP ME OVERCOME MY UNBELIEF
102 Matthew 6:25-34 – Don’t Worry - Don’t Worry - Don’t Worry - I tell you NOT TO WORRY -- Matthew 10:29-31 – Don’t fear; God has got this -- Luke 12:7 – God cares enough about you to even number the very hairs on your head; so DON’T BE AFRAID

103 Matthew 5:27-28 – Do not Lust in thought anyone who even looks at a woman with LUST has already committed adultery with her in his heart
104 Romans 8:5-8 – A SINFUL NATURE CAN NEVER PLEASE GOD -- 1 Peter 4:2-3 – Be anxious to do the Will of God
105 Galatians 5:16-17 – The sin nature and the spirit nature battle in an invisible war

106 James 1:13-15 – Out temptations are not from God, we are tempted by our own desires and when sin is allowed to grow, IT GIVES BIRTH TO DEATH.
107 Galatians 5:19-21 – Anyone living a Life of Lust WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD
108 Matthew 5:5 - God blesses those who are HUMBLE for they will inherit the whole earth. -- Numbers 12:3 - Moses was more HUMBLE than anyone else on the face of the earth.

109 Colossians 3:5 – Put to death sexual immorality, lust and greed
110 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 – God’s Will is for us to have SELF-CONTROL over our OWN BODY

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*Word & Thought
Gossip is probably the first thing you think of when you paint a picture of respectable or acceptable

sin, but any communication that tears down someone’s character is sin.111 Gossip is certainly at the top, but so is corrupt, critical or harsh speech, insults, sarcasm, ridicule, slander, spreading unfavorable, humiliating or hurtful information, creating false or slanderous impressions as well as just plain out lying about someone. I remember being in the breakroom and the conversation had turned to GOSSIP about a co-worker and someone asked me what I thought. As I paused, someone else spoke up and said “Paul never says anything bad about anybody” and immediately the subject was changed. What a complement; our daily lives are a sermon.112

We can disguise gossip by sharing un-favorable information and calling it a prayer request. Think about this; is what we say kind; is it respectful, is it needful, is it true? Does it tear down or build up, does it even need to be said? We all have the ability to posture a conversation to lead the listener to perceive something that was not actually said, it is just manipulation by implication. I could boast, that a few of us, that the new manager LIKED had lunch in the breakroom today. The perception manipulation could be that YOU were not included because the new manager DID NOT LIKE YOU; you are on the outside.

The Book says to let no corrupt talk come out of your mouth. In the early days of the Church, a man’s reputation was his character and was all that a man had, and to call him a Fool assassinated his character, his reputation; it was considered as the sin of murder, which was damnation to the judgment of hell fire.113 Would you ever think that REPEATING something you really know nothing about, could damn your very soul to hell fire forever? The Book says the tongue is set on fire by hell itself; no one can tame the tongue, it’s restless, evil and full of poison. The Believer should not have curses and blessings coming out of the same mouth; or they are just a Make-Believers. We are to guard our hearts; bite out tongues and control what we say;114 we don’t have to speak every thought that POPS into our mind; we are cautioned to not shoot from the LIP.115

Paul in his letter to the Church at Ephesus encouraged the Believers to avoid foul and abusive language and to let the words they speak, to be of encouragement to those that heard them. Whatever is in your heart will overflow your mouth whether its praises or curses. On the Day of Judgment we will give an account for every carless word we speak. 116 If we put on the nature of God in our THOUGHTS, we will be able to control our tongue, therefore we will be able to control our actions.117

It’s in the Book

*God Abandoned Them
There are no atheist in foxholes; when the bombs are falling and the bullets are whizzing past the

ears, everyone calls on God and recites the 23rd Psalm; the Lord is my shepherd. But as soon as the problem disappears, so does thoughts of God.

God selected the best piece of land on a rich and fertile hill, he plowed it and cleared it of stones. Planted the best vines, made a hedge and rock wall to protect it and made a watchtower to guard it, but all God got was BITTER GRAPES 118... What more could He have done?

111 Ephesians 4:29 – Don’t use foul or abusive language; instead let your words will be an encouragement
112 Proverbs 15:28 – Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks -- Proverbs 10:32 – The lips of the Godly speak helpful words -- Psalm 19:14 – Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD
113 Matthew 5:22 – Don’t assassinate your brothers character or you will be liable to the HELL OF FIRE -- 1 Samuel 25:25 – A man’s reputation is his character
114 Matthew 12:34 – WHATEVER IS IN YOUR HEART DETERMINES WHAT YOU SAY -- Ephesians 4:22-24 – Throw off your old sinful nature let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. -- Ephesians 4:29 – Avoid foul talk; Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement
115 Psalm 139:1-4 – God knows our heart and thoughts before we even think it
116 Matthew 12:35-36 – On the DAY OF JUDGMENT we will give account for every carless word we speak -- Matthew 12:37 - Your words either acquit you or condemn you
117 James 3:1-2 – CONTROL YOUR TONGUE and you can control your actions

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There will come a time when GOD WILL ABANDONED FOLKS to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired.119 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, HE ABANDONED THEM to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. GOD ABANDONED THEM to their shameful desires. You cry out, WHY DOESN’T THE LORD ACCEPT MY WORSHIP? 120 I’ll tell you why! Because the LORD witnessed the vows you and your spouse (God) made when you were young, but you have been UNFAITHFUL, though your spouse (God) remained your faithful partner.

God remains your faithful partner, where did you go?
When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, THE RESULTS ARE VERY CLEAR: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins

like these. 121 Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living this sort of life WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

Life is either about avoiding God or trying to know more about Him.122 It’s in the Book

Most people have knowledge about God, but they come packaged with a Belief System that has

a heart that has an attitude of trust and faith in themselves more than having trust and faith in God; a lack of faith is unbelief. Unbelief is a refusal to accept God’s authority.

At the very heart of Sin is a lie that says; there are sins that are MUCH WORSE THAN YOURS and God is a good and forgiving God. So You’re OK and God’s OK; He knows you’re just a frail human who is just following his heart. Your heart determines the course of your life; the Book says the heart is deceitful above all things and is desperately corrupt,123 whoever has doubts & unbelief is condemned,124 for whatever does not proceed from faith is SIN.125

Because of unbelief Jesus could not do any mighty works in his own hometown. Jesus told a father that if he would only believe; his son would be healed. The father instantly cried out a prayer that was concise and right to the point that all of us should pray; he exclaimed;


Be careful to make sure that your own heart does not become evil and unbelieving, causing you to turn away from the living God.127 It is impossible to please God without Faith.128 Every day, while there is still time, seek to find a way to share with others “The Word”, so that none will be deceived by sin, and their hearts hardened, separating them from the living God forever.129

God has given you a lifetime to find Him, choose today before the door of the Ark is closed.

I can only show you the door; you must chose to walk through it. It’s in the Book

118 Isaiah 5:1-6 – What more could God have done He plowed the land, cleared its stones, and planted the best vines, built a watchtower and carved a winepress, yet only got bitter grapes
119 Romans 1:24-32 – God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired; they traded the truth about God for a lie; WORSE YET, THEY ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO DO THEM, TOO

120 Malachi 2:14-15 – When in Sin; God doesn’t accept your WORSHIP because you have been UNFAITHFUL
121 Galatians 5:19-21 – When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, GOD ABANDONEDS YOU; sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness.
122 Ephesians 4:22-24 – Take off your old nature; put on your new nature let the spirit renew your THOUGHTS and ATTITUDES
123 Jeremiah 17:9 – The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked
124 Mark 6:5-6 – Unbelief stops the operation of the mighty hand of God in your life
125 Romans 14:23 – whoever has doubts is condemned. for WHATEVER DOES NOT PROCEED FROM FAITH IS SIN
127 Proverbs 4:23 – Guard your heart, it determines what you do
129 Hebrews 3:12-13 – Warn each other while you still can

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Believers are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to display the FRUIT of the Spirit. Although there are some nine characteristics listed for the Spirit filled Christian; they all compose just ONE FRUIT. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.132 The Christian should display ALL of them, not just two or three.

Humility seems to be the NEUTRALIZER for the respectable Sins; scripture encourages us to look at the life of Moses as an example of humility. God said Moses was more humble than any other man on earth. God teaches His ways to the Humble and blesses them.

The Gospel plows the ground that cultivate the heart of the believing Sinner.133 It’s in the Book

Our first step is to “acknowledge” the respectable sins in our lives and honestly confess them. Repentance and Contrition is the state of being a contrite penitent person who is feeling sincere regret and remorse, acknowledging they have “Missed the Mark.” The worst sin we can have is to deny these subtle sins exist in our lives. When you realize that you are a great sinner, remember Jesus is a great Savior; while we are still working on our sin, God already no longer holds it against us.130 Dealing with personal sin is not an option, we are commanded to repent, turn around and go in the other direction.131

Every day that passes, we sin in our motives, in our thoughts, words and deeds.

130 Colossians 1:13-14 – Jesus rescued us from the kingdom of darkness -- Hebrews 13:20 – He ratified our eternal covenant with His blood -- Ephesians 4:30– We have a guarantee that we are saved, God has identified us as His own, -- Philippians 3:8-9 – We BECOME RIGHTEOUS through FAITH in Christ
131 Psalm 130:3-4 – Without God’s forgiveness none could survive; thank God He does not keep a record of the Believers sins -- Romans 4:7-8 - Rejoice, your sins are forgiven -- Romans 8:1 – Believers are no longer condemned

132 Galatians 5:22-23 – Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control
133 Romans 8:31 - If God is for us, who can ever be against us -- Isaiah 53:6 – At the cross, God laid on His Son Jesus ALL of our SINS - - Ephesians 1:7 – The Blood of Jesus purchased our freedom and forgave our sins -- Psalm 103:12 - Our sins are removed as far as the east is from the west -- Isaiah 43:25 – God blots out our sins and will never think of them again; they are blotted out, GONE -- Micah 7:19 – Our sins have been crushed under His feet and thrown into the depths of the sea. -- Hebrews 8:12 – God will forgive our wickedness and never remember them again -- Colossians 2:13-14 – God forgave ALL our SINS & cancelled the record of debt by NAILING IT TO THE CROSS

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Chapter 12.2

Depending on where you are in your relationship with God, it makes a difference
on whether this list is considered as
normal accepted behavior or “Seven Deadly Sins”.

First Word

Seven Deadly Sins

1 anger 2 envy 3 gluttony 4 greed 5 lust 6 pride 7 slothfulness Plus spinoffs; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, lies, contentions, jealousies, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, murders, drunkenness, wicked plots and plans, mischief and evil, false witnesses, sowing discord, and revelries.

The FIRST LIST that the Lord specifically HATES is found in the Book of Proverbs stating SEVEN THINGS that are an abomination to Him.134 A proud or haughty look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans and plot, Feet that are swift to run into mischief and evil, A deceitful false witness that utters lies, he that sows and spreads discord among the brethren.

The SECOND LIST is found in the book of Galatians and includes more of the traditional sins, but with a substantially longer list which includes; Immorality, Impurity, Sensuality, Idolatry, Sorcery, Enmities, Strife, Jealousy, Outbursts of Anger, Disputes, Dissensions, Factions, Envying, Drunkenness and Carousing. Since the Apostle Paul goes on to say that the persons who practice these sins "shall not inherit the Kingdom of God", they are usually listed as (possible) MORTAL sins rather than just major vices.

The THIRD LIST is the traditional list that is considered the “CAPITAL” or head of all the other sins handed down through the centuries which is what we will study here; Anger, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride and Slothfulness; they are actually the worship of one’s SELF which is IDOLATRY.

These seven sins are the ORIGIN of all the other sins and ALL are in rebellion against God.

Sin Defined

Scripture comes straight to the point: Sin is Lawlessness in Word, Thought and Deed.135 It’s REBELLION against God; DEFIANCE of His holy Lordship and rule; it’s a VIOLATION of what God demands; it is deliberate wrongdoing. Sin is knowing what you should do and not doing it.136

God is not mocked; whatever a man sows; that he shall also reap.137 He will reap more than he sows and for longer than he sows.

The word “sin” is an archers term literally meaning “To miss the Mark” as missing the mark on the target. We are urged to press forward to the Mark of God’s high calling for the PRIZE of Jesus Christ.138

134 Proverbs 6:16-19 – Seven things the Lord hates
135 1 John 3:4 – SIN IS LAWLESSNESS.
136 James 4:17 – Sin is when you know to do good; and don’t
137 Galatians 6:7-8 – GOD IS NOT MOCKED; you will reap what you sow
138 Philippians 3:14 – PRESS TOWARD THE MARK FOR THE PRIZE of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

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is a SUDDEN SIN in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS to the listener.

social justice. It is

Un-resolved anger turns inward Depression. Changed Countenance: It can be observed in facial

the angry person can exhibit Tantrum Behavior influence in order to get what they want.

The Bible teaches to Forgive and forget;139 to turn the other cheek, to harness the passion of anger for good.140 Do good to your enemy; it will be like heaping hot coals on their head.141

Righteous indignation was displayed by Jesus Christ as He chased the merchants out of the Temple; they had turned the House of Prayer into a den of thieves.142

Harness and focus your ZEAL for the things of God.

Envy disparages everything: its unspoken competition, Jealousy. It spoils the pleasure of others

and Hates everything. Some are so consumed with ENVY that they are unconscious and totally unaware of it, this is a huge sin leading to anger and is teruly a condition to be pitied.

Envy is characterized by an insatiable desire similar to jealousy; Envy and Jealousy both feel discontent towards someone's traits, status, abilities, or rewards. The difference is the envious also desire the entity and covet it. This runs parallel to the Ten Commandments, specifically, "Don’t be envious of anything that belongs to your neighbor or their status."

Cain vs: Abel was the first Prototype of envy found in the first book of the Bible when Cain was envious of God’s approval of Abel’s offering.143 Abel had a relationship with God while Cain was just going through the motions;144 this envy led Cain to murder his brother Abel. 145

139 Matthew 6:14 – Forgive others their trespasses, and God will forgive you yours. -- Matthew 18:21-22 – FORGIVE SEVENTY-SEVEN TIMES, so many times that you lose count
140 Luke 6:29 – If someone slaps you on ONE CHEEK, TURN TO THEM the OTHER CHEEK
141 Proverbs 25:21-22 – Harness your passion for GOOD; IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, GIVE HIM BREAD TO EAT; in this way YOU WILL HEAP COALS OF FIRE ON HIS HEAD,

142 John 2:14-16 – Have Righteous indignation about misuse of God’s Word -- John 2:17 – Have a Zeal for the things of God
143 Genesis 4:4-5 – God looked with favor over Abel and his offering but with Cain and his offering he did not -- Genesis 4:7 SIN LIES AT YOUR DOOR so don’t be envious of others or. SIN will overtake you
144 Hebrews 11:4 – Abel had FAITH in God, and Cain just went through the motions
145 Genesis 4:8 – CAIN attacked his brother ABEL and KILLED HIM.

Anger, Wrath or Rage

that speaks

It is an inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred. In its purest form it is violence, self-

destructiveness, and hate that may fuel and provoke feuds that can go on for centuries and persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. These feelings can manifest in different ways

including impatience, revenge, and self-destructive behavior such as drug abuse or suicide.

Anger indicates that a person’s basic boundaries have been violated. It’s an emotional response

related to one's psychological interpretation of having been threatened. It involves a strong emotional and uncomfortable reaction or response to a PERCEIVED harm that is considered deliberate or of

unfair treatment or provocation by others.

It is displayed as a correction of wrong behavior by others and a promotion of

when a person makes the conscious decision to take action to immediately stop the threatening behavior of an outside force. Sometimes anger is released through retaliation, similar to a pressure cooker that

cooks until it explodes.

Physical and Mental Consequences; Anger causes increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and

increased levels of adrenaline

. It

impairs one's ability to process information and to exert cognitive

control over their own behavior. An angry person may lose their objectivity, empathy, prudence or

thoughtfulness and may cause harm to others.

and becomes

times in public acts of aggression,

staring and baring or clinching of one’s teeth.

, body language, physiological responses, and at

sometimes making loud sounds, attempting to look physically larger,

Manipulation Strategy: Displays of anger are a result of "what has happened to them personally,"

that is used as a manipulation strategy for social

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Jacob (Israel) is another example of Envy, when he gave a COAT OF MANY COLORS to his 1st born son of Rachel the sister of Leigh who Jacob was tricked into marring.146 Joseph‘s brothers from Leigh and her maid were envious of Joseph’s special coat and plotted to kill him.147 Just for the record; Leah had 6 sons, Zilpah her maid, 2 sons. Rachel 2 sons; Bilhah her maid, 2 sons for a grand total of 12 sons and there was also one daughter by Leah.

Peggy and Polly were TWINS that I grew up with at church and Peggy was by far the most popular, but as time moved on, Polly’s happy and positive personality drew people to her and Peggy with ENVY withdrew into sarcasm and negativism pushing herself far into the background. With arms folded, she seemed mad all the time and it slowly CHANGED HER WHOLE FACE. They were no longer twins.

This was sad as she seemed so unaware of how her reactions were being received as people distanced themselves from her.

The Book: Envy is like a cancer that eats you up from the inside out,148 ENVY ROTS THE BONES.149

Chocolate is naughty, but it’s nice: Bacon is your friend; the more the better, eat your desert

FIRST just in case the RAPTURE comes before you have finished eating.
GLUTTONY: The excessive indulgence of food and drink; a longing and thinking of food. It comes

from the Latin meaning the “over indulgence” and “over consumption” of anything to the point of waste.

Food was the Heart of Jewish observance, it begin with a feast TO SHOW WEALTH and the more you had to eat was symbolic of YOUR PROSPERITY; you should eat as much as possible in case of a bad day, even though that day probably never comes. Vomiteriums were available in order to get rid of your food so you could go back quickly and GRAZE some more.

Gluttony can be interpreted as selfishness; essentially it places concern with one's own interests above the well-being or interests of others. It is

considered a sin when the excessive desire for food causes it to be withheld from the needy.
We see it in the warning from Paul about taking “
communion” or THE LORD’S SUPPER which was for the rich and poor alike. The rich were pushing ahead eating and getting drunk leaving the poor with little food to be able to even participate. He said if they were that hungry to eat and home first and then

come participate.153
The Sin of Gluttony is considered EVIDENCE of lack of control in other areas of your life.

Monopoly: I first learned of Greed while playing Monopoly, I would buy up all the properties I

could and put hotels on them so I could make more money from the rentals and bankrupt the other players who landed on my properties. Oddly enough, I would often borrow so much money from the bank that I would be the one that would go bankrupt.

Earning more money raises the expectations of what you need.

146 Genesis 37:3 – Jacob showed favoritism and gave Joseph a coat of many colors
147 Genesis 37:19-20 – Let’s kill Joseph and cast him into some pit
149 Proverbs 14:30 – Envy rots the bones
151 Psalms 78:30-31 – God slew the FATTEST of them WHILE THE FOOD WAS STILL IN THEIR MOUTHS,
153 1 Corinthians 11:34 – LORD’S SUPPER; If you’re hungry you should just eat at home -- 1 Corinthians 11:20-21 – LORD'S SUPPER; don’t forget why you are partaking

The Epicureans Belief System, their world view was an ethic of individual pleasure as the sole or chief good in life and advocated living in such a way as to derive the greatest amount of pleasure

possible during one's lifetime.

QUAIL HUNT: Greedy cravings revile the Lord:150 when the Israelites gorged themselves with Quail,

God slew the FATTEST of them while the food was still in their mouth;151 God says if you are given

to gluttony, you should just cut your own throat.152

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I don’t get NO satisfaction: when does wanting something turn into greed? I’ll tell you; it’s when you have a very excessive desire and pursuit of material possessions. Greed exist when you don’t need it, but you would like to have it; when you are wanting more, regardless of what you already have. It can be defined by TWO different characteristics;

  1. 1)  Never satisfied with what you have,

  2. 2)  The need to keep hold of what you’ve already got.

Greed exist when you know that there is an injustice going on, but you carry on the injustice so that it does not affect your personal lifestyle.

Greed spins off Hoarding, Trickery, Manipulation, Theft and Violence.

The “TRUE STORY” of the Rich man and the beggar Lazarus is a great example of Greed; when giving is so hard to do. The rich man’s attention was on his earthly life and not on the divine. He could not even give the crumbs from his table to the beggar Lazarus.154 Our Excuse; I don’t give to poor people, because it encourages them to NOT get a Job. Greed like Death is never satisfied.155

When does the desire to acquirebecome bad? It’s when you have to have the latest device or a particular brand or some “Bling” that’s showy, so that everyone will know that “YOU HAVE ARRIVED”.

The LOVE of money is the root of all evil 156and DEBT is the punishment for the sin of GREED.

Lust is the Most Popular Sin: lust is selfishness; an intense desire for money, food, fame, power

Lust is or drive; SEX is not Love, it’s a function for the pleasure of the body. It deviates into affections for Prostitution, Pornography, Fetish’s; leather, pain, Homosexuality and Lesbianism which the world identifies as just another lifestyle. A lifestyle that God calls AN ABOMINATION that He groups with the sin of witchcraft.157

The lust of the Flesh is at war with the Spirit, and the Spirit is at war with the flesh.158 It starts with your eyes and fires up your imagination,159 WHICH SPINS OFF 17 MORE SINS;160 Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lewdness, Idolatry, Sorcery, Hatred, Contentions, Jealousies, Outbursts of Wrath, Selfish Ambitions, Dissensions, Heresies, Envy, Murders, Drunkenness, and Revelries

God makes it pretty plain about how He feels about the sin of LUST and the cost; He says “DO NOT BE DECEIVED”; the unrighteous; the fornicators, adulterers, the effeminate, and Homosexuals,

BUT WAIT; you are not yet DIED AND FRIED, you can still humble yourself; pray and seek God’s

face and TURN from your wicked lifestyle and receive forgiveness.162
Did you see it? Your Life is Choice driven; you do not have to stay where you are!

It’s in the Book


154 Luke 16:19-26 – The Rich man was GREEDY, the Poor man begged for the crumbs from his table
155 Habakkuk 2:5 - The Greedy are like death; it’s never satisfied
157 Galatians 5:19-21 – Sexual immorality is grouped with the sins of WITCHCRAFT; an abomination to God and they WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD

158 Galatians 5:17-18 - The FLESH LUSTS and WARS against the SPIRIT -- 1 John 2:16 – Lust of eyes; NOT from God, IT’S FROM SATAN. 159 Proverbs 6:25 – Lust starts with the IMAGINATION of the eyes -- Proverbs 15:26 - Lustful thoughts are an abomination to God -- Matthew 5:28 – With the lust of the eyes you have already committed adultery
160 Galatians 5:19-21 – Lust spends off 17 more sins adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries

161 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 – The Unrighteous WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
162 2 Chronicles 7:14 - Humble yourself and Pray; Turn from your wicked ways and receive Forgiveness

or sex.

or lechery

an intense desire

Wikipedia: Pride, is considered the original and the most serious of the SEVEN deadly sins, and is the SOURCE of all the others. It is identified as; believing that oneself is essentially better than

others; Pride fails to acknowledge the accomplishments of others and exhibits excessive admiration of

the personal self; Pride is a boaster.

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Fat Cats have everything their hearts could ever wish for; they scoff and speak evil; wear pride like a jeweled necklace, clothing themselves with cruelty, seeking to crush others.163

Pride is the love of one’s self; perverted into contempt for others; it’s the overwhelming excessive confidence in one’s self. It is Self-Love,Pride comes just before the fall, before destruction and before disgrace.164 I see elected officials who swing their weight around, thinking more highly of themselves than they ought to; then they are caught in their deceit. They SPIN LIES and WEAVE ILLUSIONS and put up SMOKE SCREENS as they tumble from power to disgrace.

Eve’s Pride: In my BS, I wonder if Eve didn’t think a lot of her own self; possibly thinking in her IMAGINATION166 that she could know as much as God, the EYE CANDY,167 was PLEASING TO THE EYE and DESIRABLE FOR GAINING WISDOM, so Eve made a Free Will life decision to eat the forbidden fruit. Pride is the opposite of Humility, is what we think “GOD centered” or “ME centered”? Do we hold ourselves out of Proper Positiontoward God?

#7 Slothfulness - THE DO NOTHING SIN
Sloth has been defined as a failure to do things that one should do. While slothfulness is sometimes

defined as PHYSICAL LAZINESS,168 it’s the SPIRITUAL LAZINESS that is emphasized. In the Christian faith, the sloth fails to utilize their gifts and talents, and for the most part rejects the grace and spiritual matters of God.

Slothfulness is a Sin that requires you to just DO NOTHING AT ALL; it’s a Lack of zeal, an Inability to get going, just browsing or hanging around doing mostly nothing. From the bar to the bed, then back to the bar.169 Evil thrives when slothful men fail to act; this is the sin that fertilizes all the other sins. Sodom was characterized by Pride, Gluttony and slothfulness as well as other detestable sins, and GOD wiped them all out.170

Did you see it?

The Take Away

The Seven Holy Virtues are the counterparts of The Seven Deadly Sins. PATIENCE; Anger,
DILIGENCE; Slothfulness.

163 Psalms 73:6-8 - FAT CATS have everything; they wear PRIDE like a jeweled necklace, SCOFFING and SPEAKING ONLY EVIL, SEEKING to CRUSH OTHERS
164 Proverbs 16:18 – Pride comes and then the fall -- Proverbs 11:2 – When Pride comes, disgrace follows
165 Ezekiel 28:12-15 – Satan was given Free Will to choose good or evil and his choice give birth to PRIDE in him -- Ezekiel 28:17 – Satan’s PRIDE corrupted his wisdom

166 Jeremiah 18:12 – The heart is full of EVIL IMAGINATIONS
167 Genesis 3:6 – Eve’s EYE CANDY was PLEASING TO THE EYE and DESIRABLE FOR GAINING WISDOM and PRIDE guided her FREE WILL decision to eat the forbidden fruit.
168 Proverbs 19:15 – Laziness makes you go hungry -- Ecclesiastes 10:18 – Laziness make your house fall down
169 Proverbs 10:4 – A sloth makes himself poor
170 Ezekiel 16:49-50 – Sodom’s Sins were PRIDE, GLUTTONY and SLOTHFULNESS, SO I WIPED HER OUT

Pride is considered the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to damnation as shown in the

example of the story of Lucifer, also known as Satan, who displayed pride within himself as he boasted

his desire to compete with God; this caused his fall from Heaven.165

THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS; Anger, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride and Slothfulness is actually the worship or IDOLATRY of one’s SELF. They are the ORIGIN of all the other sins and are in rebellion against God.

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Humility seems to be the NEUTRALIZER for the Seven Deadly Sins; scripture encourages us to look at the life of Moses as an example of humility as God said he was more humble than any other man.171 God teaches His ways to the Humble and blesses them. SELAH

Believers are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to display the FRUIT of the Spirit. Although there are some NINE CHARACTERISTICS listed for the Christian’s life, they all compose just ONE FRUIT; Love Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control.172

The SPIRIT FILLED Christian will display ALL the characteristics, not just one or two.

I confessed to my Mentor Dr. John Harvey, that I just didn’t feel like I was Spirit Filled. He said why do you think it’s a feeling? It’s not;

Being filled with the Spirit is not what you FEEL, it’s what you DO.

171 Numbers 12:3 - Moses was more humble than anyone else -- Matthew 5:5 - God blesses those who are humble

172 Galatians 5:22-23 – Be filled with the FRUIT of the Spirit; there are nine characteristics that make up the one fruit:

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Chapter 12.3

Morally Responsible: Animals are not morally responsible creatures; so therefore they cannot sin. Angles and Man are morally responsible creations and can sin.173 Sin is rebellion against God; it’s the violation of the laws of God in thought, word or deed; to reject God’s love and His ways.174 Sin is a contradiction to the Holiness of God; it is Moral corruption. Breaking God’s law at any point involves transgressions at every point.175

The Unpardonable Sin by definition, is that of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit;176 but what does that mean?

Webster: Blasphemy: the strongest term used for the mocking of God; Slander, defame, revile, Profane or contemptuous speech, writing, or action concerning God or anything held as divine, any remark or action held to be irreverent or disrespectful. The utterance of profane oaths, cursing or swearing.

The Term “UNPARDONABLE SIN” is NOT found in the Bible, but is deemed to be the final rejection of the Holy Spirit’s testimony concerning the work and person of Jesus Christ.


We are instructed NOT to pray for those who mock the work of the Holy Spirit. 1 John 5:16-17 – Don’t pray for those that blaspheme the Spirit
16 If you see a Christian brother or sister sinning in a way that does not lead to death, you should pray, and God will give that person life.

But there is a sin that leads to death, and
I am not saying you should pray for those who commit it.

17 All wicked actions are sin, but not every sin leads to death. (NLT)

Old Testament Example

We often think of the unpardonable sin as something that might happen in the future and we still have time to get our act together, but the Old Testament shows instances when God’s people sinned and God condemned them forever right then and there.

The Priest Eli had two sons, Hophni and Phinehas who were also priest, were having sex with the women working in the temple; this was Blasphemy in deed and action.177

173 Jude 6 – Angels are morally responsible creations
174 Psalms 119:160 – God’s word is the righteous standard
Jude 6 – Angels are morally responsible creations
175 James 2:10 – Stumble at any point of the law and you are guilty of breaking all of it.
176 Luke 12:10 – Anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN -- Matthew 12:31-32 – Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN IN THIS AGE OR IN THE AGE TO COME -- Mark 3:28-29 – Whoever BLASPHEMES against the Holy Spirit is ETERNALLY GUILTY
177 1 Samuel 2:12 – Eli's sons were wicked men; they had no regard for the LORD. -- 1 Samuel 2:22 – Eli's sons raped the Temple workers. -- 1 Samuel 3:13-14 – The sons of the Priest Eli; Unpardonable Sin, The guilt of Eli's house will NEVER BE ATONED FOR by sacrifice or offering.

Unpardonable Sin

Is there a sin that is so grievous that it cannot be forgiven? Sin in Hebrew means “missing the mark;” an archers term


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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT IT’SINTHEBOOK King Belshazzar drank out of the Temple goblets and praised his gods of wood; Blasphemy.178

Men grumbled against God and spread a bad report; Blasphemy in word and deed.179

New Testament Example

Jesus was healing the sick, yet He was accused of being possessed by Beelzebub, the prince of demons thereby attributing His powers of healing to the Devil and not to the Holy Spirit.180 Blasphemy Ananias & Sapphira sold some property and gave it as an offering, but LIED about how much they sold it for. It was theirs to do as they wished and it was ok to keep some of the money, but they lied to

the Holy Spirit and died on the spot.181

Today’s Example

Communion seems like a simple thing, but we are warned to examine ourselves before we partake at the table of the Lord; we are to confess our sins and ask forgiveness, failure to do this brings sickness and even death to our body.182 If you have done this through ignorance, confess your sins now before God “closes your door” for it will never be opened again.

The Believer’s body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and Homosexuality is a sin against the body thereforeagainsttheHolySpirit;thisopensupapossibleearly“Physicaldeath”throughAIDS. Repent now and change your direction, because “Spiritually”, once God gives you up, it’s all over.

Being given over to Homosexuality is a JUDGMENT from God and it’s final. 183 It’s in the Book

The mark of the beast is an indication of servitude and worship of the beast; a blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. This is a counterfeit mark, mocking the marking of the 144,000 witnesses of God. Once you receive this mark, there is no changing your mind, no repentance.184 You are a dead man walking.

God will shut the door

Noah took on the ark all that would come, and then waited one more week and when no other came, GOD SHUT THE DOOR and nothing else entered.185 The time is coming when the “open door” will be shut and no man can open it again.186 The day of salvation; the day of grace will be over.

Did you see it? The Holy Spirit can only show you the door, you must choose to walk through it. Redemption

Adam and Eve died SPIRITUALLY “that day” when they sinned in the Garden of Eden187 and at some point they also died PHYSICALLY, but God in His mercy and grace has made a way to redeem all of mankind through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.188

178 Danial 5:23-30 – Belshazzar, king of the Babylonians drank out of the Temple goblets to his Gods, that very night, WAS SLAIN, -- Daniel 5:25 “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin” “You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting”.
179 Numbers 14:26-45 – Men grumbled against God; their bodies FELL BY THE SWORD, every one of them twenty years old or more
180 Mark 3:22 – They said the spirit in Jesus was from Satan not from the Holy Spirit; Blasphemy

181 Acts 5:3-10 – Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit and died on the spot
182 1 Corenthians 11:28-31 – TAKING THE LORD’S SUPPER UNWORTHILY; that is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have died
183 Leviticus 20:13 - HOMOSEXUALITY is an abomination to God; If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and put to death -- Romans 1:24-27 – Homosexuality; God gave them up and they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion
184 Revelation 14:9-11 – Whoever takes the MARK OF THE BEAST will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.
185 Genesis 7:16 – They went in and after a week of waiting, GOD shut the door.
186 Revelation 3:8 – God places before us an OPEN DOOR, and by our own free will, we must choose to walk through it. -- Isaiah 22:22 – When God shuts the door, it cannot be opened
187 Genesis 2:17 – That very day they died spiritually; they were separated from God.
188 Galatians 4:4-5 – God sent His son to redeem us that we might receive the full rights of sons. -- Titus 2:13-14 – Christ is the blessed hope of our redemption.

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The Take Away

The Term Unpardonable Sin” is NOT found in the Bible, but is deemed to be the final rejection of the Holy Spirit’s testimony concerning the work and person of Jesus Christ. It is the violation of the laws of God in thought, word or deed; rejecting God’s love and His ways.

The first born belonged to the Lord, they were considered His possession; it was necessary to buy back or redeem the child for the price of 5 shekels of silver when the child was one month old. The Priest would say “do you want to redeem the child or leave him with me,” the father would answer, “I will redeem the child” and then pay the price, then the priests would declare

Your son is redeemed”.
Jesus paid the price for us at the cross and redeemed us back to Himself. SELAH

The Holy Spirit can only show you the door, you must chose to walk through it.

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin

“You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting”.

It’s in the Book

Daniel 5:25

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Chapter 12.4

Anxiety, Worry And Stress

The Sin Question – The Dark Side – The Bright Side – Fear & Depression Invisible chains of infirmity - Man’s wiring - Adapting - Stress Management Stress Free Life - How to let it go – Walk in the Word – Go with God’s Flow

There are Invisible Chains of infirmity that you can’t see, but the bondage is ever present. Invisible War - PMS

Anxiety, Worry & Stress does not discriminate based on geography, race, gender or age. It permeates your entire body like yeast in bread, it affects you Physically, Mentally and Spiritually; so you’re a MAN with a different kind of PMS.

Wikipedia describes Stress as a Physical, Mental or Emotional strain or tension. It can cause us to do things that we would not ordinarily do or even cause our system to shut down completely. Stress is caused by either Processive Stressors which causes the “Fight or Flight” reaction or it is caused by a Systemic Stressor which causes automatic physiological reactions; unchecked these two Stressor can rule our lives.

Materialism is a big troublemaker; we purchase a Corvette or a Boat which we can manage, but then we get hit with the taxes, insurance and the operational cost required to maintain this lifestyle. This leads to living paycheck to paycheck and barely making ends meet.

I didn’t have enough time to get it all done, I felt so tired and overwhelmed that my mind would just go blank. I was restless, taking deep unfillable breaths and my chest tightened up; my mind was churning and my mood swings were moving from just being irritable to outright anger; I was STRESSING OUT.

There are invisible chains of infirmity that are not physical; you can’t see them, but the bondage is ever present. Maybe at work you really need more salary or maybe a little less workload, or you lack support and have conflicting demands. You don’t have control of the situations and when you get home at night you just can’t “TURN IT OFF”. This invisible infirmity can move around your body exhibiting a Pounding Heart, Shortness of Breath, Fatigue, Dizziness, Hot Flashes, Sweating, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea, Twitches and Depression, Headaches, Back and Muscle Aches, Chest Pains, Upset Stomach, Nausea, Dizziness, Sadness, Depression, Panic Disorders, Stress, Fear, Paranoia, Rage and maybe even cause you to exhibits Different Personalities.

Maybe you need companionship or the need for more patience or you are in sorrow or sickness, you need finances, in tribulations, distressed, chastised, dishonored, the butt end of mean spirited reports, have sleeplessness and heaviness of spirit and the list just goes on and on and I’m sure that you can add some of your own to this list.

Satan wants to persecute our very soul;189 to crush our spirit, cause anxiety, worry, and stress to consume our lives.190 Stress has been labeled the SILENT ASSASSIN that can create blood clots that lead to heart disease.

189 Satan seeks to persecute the soul and Crush the life
190 1 Peter 5:8 – Satan seeks to find someone he MIGHT trick and devour

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Worry produces headaches, stomach ulcers, sleep disorders and chronic depression. When we are operating in Anxiety, Worry and Stress we are doing Satan’s work for him; he comes to kill, steal and destroy.191 You can never worry yourself into a longer life, but you can worry yourself into bad health & death.

REMEMBER THIS, whether we are on the MOUNTAIN TOP or DOWN IN THE VALLEY, whether lacking in patience, or in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in violence, in wounds, in imprisonments, in labors, in sleeplessness, by dishonor, by evil report; as chastened, as sorrowful, as poor, as having nothing;192 in all of that, we are still God’s Witness’, His Evangelist, His Ministers; His children. HOLD THAT THOUGHT

Stress Results

This Word Study is focusing on "THE RESULTS" of Anxiety, Worry and Stress, not so much on what caused it. It focuses on how to avoid it; Anxiety is a crippling disease that plunges our very thoughts into darkness.193

There is a story in the Bible about a Master of the house who gave assignments to his servants... One of the servants thought that the Master was mean spirited and abusive and he was afraid of the Master... We won’t debate here whether the servant was right or wrong in his description of the Master, but we must clearly see the RESULTS and the EFFECTS of what the servant worried about and what he stressed over.194

Instead of plugging into the Master’s program and trying to improve on what had been entrusted to him, the servant’s “thoughts” caused him TO HIDE what had been given to him and in the end,

NO ONE benefitted. 195
Anxiety Worry and Stress can cause you to lose out and not be a part of what the “MASTER” is doing.

Traveling Companions

Worry can be spiritual conflicts, but that does not mean we are lacking in spirituality, it’s just happens to be the way we are WIRED. Many factors play a part in shaping our Belief System. Our BS includes the way we were raised, our Personal Experiences, Bad Choices and Subconscious Emotions.

Worry dwells on the past and the uncertainty of things to come; it’s this LACK OF HAVING CONROL that keep us from living in the moment. For the Believer it actually implies that we don’t trust God; when He says “Do not fear”, it is for our own wellbeing; our own protection. While some Worry is constructive, some can be exaggerated, irrational and excessive, stealing our joy, zapping our strength, altering our perceptions of life and interfering with our decisions.

The natural traveling companion of Worry, Anxiety and stress is FEAR which takes on many forms particularly that of fear of the FUTURE. This is especially true when you have lost your job; this produces financial woes for the future. Then there is heath issues and WHAT WILL HAPPEN to your family.

When I sold Real Estate, the schools taught that the purchase of a home brought Worry, Stress and Anxiety which was EQUAL to that of Divorce and division of the family; the FEAR of the FUTURE. God knows our emotions and you will notice that time and time again the most frequent Bible COMMAND that we see is “DO NOT FEAR”.196

191 Psalm 143:3 – John 10:10 – Satan comes to kill, Steal and destroy
192 2 Corinthians 6:4-9 – The Invisible War comes against God’s people in stripes, imprisonments, tumults, labors, sleeplessness, dishonor, by evil report
193 Matthew 13:22 - The CARES of the world CHOKES the word- - Proverbs 15:13 – Sorrow can break the spirit) -- Proverbs 17:22 – A broken spirit can sap the very life out of your body
194 Luke 21:34 - Cares of this life can come upon you like a trap -- Psalm 127:2 – It is vain to eat the bread of anxious toil -- Proverbs 12:25 - Anxiety weighs a man’s heart down
195 Matthew 25:24-25 - Effects of Worry & Fear; NO PRODUCTIVITY
196 Genesis 50:21 - DO NOT FEAR; I will provide for you and your little ones -- Deuteronomy 1:21 - DO NOT FEAR or be dismayed for I am with you -- Psalm 34:4 – God will FREE US from our Anxious Fears

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Worry is a form of Fear; Being Overlooked, Being a Failure, Not Attractive Enough, of Being Alone, of Being in Poverty, No Justice, No Hope. If we worried about only the things that we have control over, we would reduce our anxiety and stress by some 90%.

The next traveling companion is DEPRESSION. Most people who struggle with anxiety also struggle with depression. Today we see the stress of finances, separated families, turmoil in our workplace and turmoil around the world. Our entertainment is packed with violence, sex and sexual perversion and loaded with things of the occult; these things weigh down our spirits, a heaviness producing depression. The more we take God’s values out of our culture, the more we become fearful, anxious, stressed out, worried and depressed.

Did you know; The English word or term “Worry” comes from the Anglo-Saxton word that means “TO STRANGLE.” In the Bible the word “merimnao” is interpreted to mean “to be anxious” but it is also interpreted “TO BE TORN APART.” The very life of our emotions is being strangled and Torn in different directions;

God wants to exchange your SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS for a GARMENT OF PRAISE.197

We are all WIRED differently

My Father built me a Lionel Train Table in our basement when I was about 8 years old. I was so fascinated with it, that FOR YEARS while the family was upstairs I would spent most of my time in “SOLITUDE” learning to WIRE remote controls, construct and paint. This would form the basis of me becoming a Television Engineer where once again I worked in SOLITUDE, designing, constructing, and WIRING television transmitters to be remote controlled from your car.

I say this because today at social gatherings, with the way that I am WIRED, I find myself standing off by myself in SOLITUDE, and when I am at large social events I feel an “overwhelming” emotion to withdraw. While I can interface easily with people, I prefer not to, unless it is in Church environment or TEACHING in a classroom. Why do I do that?

My Wife gets so worked up just thinking about a getting into an “enclosed” CAT scan machine that it just drains her physically and emotionally and her WIRING brings on a panic attack with tears. I would stand outside the door and sing along with her as she sang and prayed. What’s up with that?

My God fearing friend Marcus had high anxiety and feared going into the enclosed CAT scan machine, that he would have to face the wall and with his eyes closed be led backward to the table and sing songs to the Lord to just get through it. It was not a lack of spirituality, it was just the way he was WIRED. Why was that?

In my high school years, while in downtown Atlanta in the 50’s with no cell phones, I had stayed late for a Junior Achievement Meeting and the buses had stopped running. Strangely, I found myself alone and on foot, observing people standing in the darkness of doorways smoking. I became terrified as I hastily walked for over five miles to get home. Although I have never been attacked, beaten up or robbed, sixty years later, my WIRING still causes me to avoid going out at night. What’s up with that?

Sometimes the mind will JUST NOT RELEASE folks from their fears. Our bodies are WIRED with “Fight or Flight” responses which is sometimes wrongly diagnosed as a medical or a MENTAL condition, and yes, there can be medical conditions that causes these emotions such as hormone imbalances, blood sugar issues, and thyroid and heart conditions and there are also genetic conditions that run in the family that will strike without warning. But why is this? 198

The SIN Question

The question must be asked; is Anxiety, Worry or Stress considered SIN? Is it a mental illness or a weakness to be delivered from? Are we operating in SIN when we worry? YES and NO; it was in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve made a decision to rely on their own understanding instead

197 Isaiah 61:3 – God will exchange the SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS for a GARMENT OF PRAISE
198 Romans 12:2 – You are wired up in knots and must be RE-WIRED, you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God

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of the Word of God and thus brought forth the sinful nature that makes us prone to worry and to stress out over things.

NO, it’s not a Sin: a burst of anxiety is GOOD and can be very beneficial in order to respond effectively to a situation. Anxiety is an EMOTIONAL response of the mind that creates a PHYSICAL response in the body. There is nothing wrong with realistically acknowledging the problems in your life; to ignore them would be dangerous and foolish. Some forms of Anxiety are not sin because of their nature.

The NATURE of anxiety in obtaining stuff is different from the anxiety of striving to advance the Gospel of Christ.199 Jesus charged the Disciples to not be anxious about how long they will live or what they will eat or wear or what would happen in the days ahead. In effect He is saying in general to NOT worry about Basic & Elemental things; to worry about NOTHING. He said that Worry will not add even an hour to the length of your life,200 in fact it can shorten it.

Jesus used the word slave as a Metaphor; paraphrased He said, you will either be a slave to things of God or a slave to worrying about STUFF;201 you can’t serve two masters. The root cause of worry is the question of TRUST. Do you trust the Master to take care of the servant or do you reject His promises and rely on your own understanding? This is what produces Anxiety, Worry and Stress.

YES, it is a Sin; PROLONGED anxiety, worry and stress is a SIN because God said to “STRESS NOT” and “WORRY NOT”. When God speaks, it’s not a suggestion; it is a COMMAND and in many places of the Book, we are told to NOT be anxious about anything, and to NOT fear. It is wrong to become immobilized with Fear, Worry and Anxiety to the point that we cannot function. Sometimes stress comes as a result of SIN in your life and it’s the guilt in your conscious that is trying to get your attention. THINK ABOUT THAT

The American Heart Association says prolonged anxiety can harm your physical health. With anxiety and stress comes high blood pressure and increased heart rate and with that comes an increase of hormone levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol. High blood pressure is the leading cause for heart disease, heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular problems.

Worry is a rocking chair that is always in motion, but goes NOWHERE.
If Jesus had told the Disciples about High Blood Pressure they would not have understood what He

was talking about, so He said it in Seventh Grade Hebrew...
Do not be anxious, worry or stress out about anything.202

The only prolonged anxiety that is excusable is the activity of seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteous. God knew we would have Anxiety and stress so He gave us the gift of the FRUIT of the Holy Spirit to comfort us; which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; 203 it’s not pick and choose; it’s all ONE FRUIT.

The reason we become anxious is because we view our situations from our own point of view; we are relying on our own strength rather than relying on God; He says to cast our cares on Him.204 There is a story of a young servant that feared for his life, until his EYES WERE OPENED205 into the spiritual realm and he saw that he was surrounded with HELP.206

Worry chokes out the full potential of our Fruit;207 the Holy Spirit provides us a way TO ENDURE the stuff that tries to worry us... Every person that has accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah has also been given the gift of THE HOLY SPIRIT to be their helper during times of stress.

199 1 Corinthians 7:33 – Anxious for the Worldly trials and issues -- 2 Corinthians 11:28 – Anxious for the Church needs
200 Luke 12:25 – Being anxious will NOT lengthen your life a single hour
201 Matthew 6:24 – You are either a slave to STUFF or to God
202 Matthew 6:24-33 – Don’t be anxious; GOD HAS GOT THIS -- Matthew 6:34 – Do not be anxious about the future -- Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything -- Luke 12:22 - Do not be anxious about your life

203 Galatians 5:22-23 – The FRUIT of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control 204 1 Peter 5:7 – Cast all your Anxiety, Worry and Stress on Jesus; it’s in the Book.
205 2 Kings 6:17 – The LORD OPENED THE EYES of the young man and he saw the spiritual realm surrounded him with HELP
206 2 Chronicles 32:7 - Do not be afraid or dismayed, there are more FOR us than are against us

207 Luke 8:14 – Worry chokes out your FRUITS, your potential

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Let it Go

When we are in submission to God’s Word, we are not leaning on our own understanding, but ADAPTING our lives to His concepts where we WILL find rest.208 We are to extend our arms and hands, palms down and RELEASE all our cares, anxieties and worries to the Lord. LET IT GO, then turn our palms upward and receive the RE-WIRING, the restoration of our mind, body and soul, receiving His Comfort, Gentleness and Peace.209 RECEIVE

Life is choice driven; we can totally ignore “God’s Will” for our lives and live out a life punctuated with Anxiety, Worry and Stress210 or we can spend the same amount of time in the Bible STUDYING and LEARNING how to ADAPT our life to Go with the Flow of God’s Word and enjoy His peace.211

No Spin Zone: I must qualify this by saying that NOT everyone that reads God’s word can fully receive His benefits,212 only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior will receive the FULL blessings from God. Believer vs; Make-Believer

Stress Management
I think it is interesting that Jesus who was all man and all God, had the same feelings, emotions

and temptations that any human would have. Scripture reveals that He was in charge of ”MANAGING” a successful growing ministry that touched thousands of lives each day through His TEACHINGS and HEALINGS as well as taking on the forces of Evil DEMONS. He not only dealt with FOOD and SHELTER for Himself, but also for the Twelve Disciples 24/7 and sometimes that extended to the need of food for the thousands that came to hear Him.

He would get so tired, overworked, exhausted and stressed out that He would withdraw to a quiet place to talk with God about His day.213 So when we are stressed out, we should follow the example that Jesus set and take some time out to talk to God about what’s going on in our life.214 This does not mean that God doesn’t already know what’s going on in our life, it is just confirming that we want God to be a part of our decisions.

Now get ready to GET UPSET; according to the scriptures, Jesus got STRESSED OUT. He had the same emotions as you and me. If you did not know that He was the Son of God you would think He was having an "Anxiety Attack" in the Garden of Gethsemane, and appears to almost "Lose It" before the arrival of the soldiers.215 In the end, He does not SIN and submits to the Will of God. This extreme example is good news for all of us; we can stress out, then LET GO and LET GOD.

Now you might not buy into all of this, but if you will just search out the scriptures for yourself, you will see how many times Jesus controlled and managed His ministry, balancing His time by telling those who He had just healed to TELL NO ONE216 and how many times we find him withdrawing to find some rest, even on a BOAT.217 So we are encouraged to put ourselves in “TIME OUT” and maybe this gives us an excuse to “BUY A BOATand get out on the water.

It’s in the Book

208 Matthew 11:28-30 – Come to me and I will give your REST -- Psalm 91:1 – We will find REST and dwell in the shadow of God.
209 Philippians 4:19 – God will supply our every need from His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.--Psalm 23:1-6 – Goodness and Mercy shall follow us, WE SHALL NOT WANT, OUR CUP OVERFLOWS
210 Psalm 91:2-11 – Thousand troubles may come, but not near you
211 Ephesians 3:20 – He is able to do abundantly more that we think
212 James 4:3 - You do not receive, because you ask wrongly to spend it on your passions. -- Proverbs 3:5-6 - Do not lean on your own understanding, but TRUST in the LORD with all your heart
213 Luke 5:15-16 - Jesus would withdraw to desolate places and pray -- Matthew 14:13 - Jesus withdrew to a desolate place by Himself
214 Matthew 14:23 – Jesus often went by Himself to share His thoughts with God -- Luke 6:12 – Jesus shared His thoughts with God sometimes for hours -- Luke 22:41 – Jesus withdrew from the others to pray -- Matthew 15:21 - Jesus withdrew to a quiet place
215 Luke 22:42 – Jesus agonizing over what was coming for Him as well as His disciples -- Luke 22:44 – Jesus is in AGONY and is Stressing Out, so He Seeks God’s Will
216 Matthew 16:20 – Need time, Manage the situation; Tell no one -- Matthew 17:9– Tell no one, I need to manage my time -- Luke 8:55- 56 – Tell no one – Keep it quiet for right now -- Luke 9:21 – You know some things but Keep it quiet, tell no one -- Matthew 8:4 – I’m glad I could help, BUT don’t tell anybody -- Mark 7:36–I need to manage my time so don’t tell anyone
217 Matthew 8:24 – Jesus sought peace and sleep on a boat -- Matthew 14:13 – Jesus withdrew on a boat with just Him & God -- Mark 3:7 - Jesus withdrew to a boat to get His needed rest

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Get a Boat – That will float
This is an excellent opportunity to do what Jesus did; go tell your wife that you THINK God wants

you to BUY A BOAT with a couple of fishing poles... If you are in total overload, then get a JET SKI too.... If you have friends who are also stressed out; get a 100 foot, 5 bedroom, triple decker HOUSE BOAT with a Water slide so that everybody can commiserate.

Think about it, God, a Boat and some Water; sure seems right to me... sort of...

Walk in the Word
I want to give you some encouraging scriptures to ADAPT and RE-WIRE your thinking, to

readjust your PMS; Physically, Mentally and Spiritually; lovingly I say this, we don’t receive what we need because we simply “Ask Wrongly”. The reason that I have taken so much time to look up the scriptures and print them here, is because I know that most folks simply WON’T, and it is so important that we READ FOR OURSELF what God has ALREADY promised. Take a look at the familiar 23rd Psalm, it promises that your cup will overflow. IT’S IN THE BOOK


Psalm 42:5


5 Why, my soul, are you DOWNCAST? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.



Matthew 11:28-30

28 Come to me, all who labor and are HEAVY LADEN, I will give you REST. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in

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heart, and you will find REST for your souls.

30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (ESV)


Isaiah 40:30-31

30 Even youths shall faint and be WEARY, and young men shall fall

31 but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall

mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they

shall walk and not faint. (ESV)


Psalm 55:22

22 Cast your BURDEN on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.



Psalm 34:17-19

17 When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them

out of all their troubles.

18 The LORD is near to the BROKENHEARTED and saves the crushed in


19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him

out of them all. (ESV)


Proverbs 17:22
22 A joyful heart is good MEDICINE, but a CRUSHED spirit dries up the

bones. (ESV)


John 14:1

1 Let not your hearts be TROUBLED. Believe in God; believe also in me. (ESV)

Luke 10:41-42

41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are ANXIOUS and TROUBLED about many things,
42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”



James 1:2-3

2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet TRIALS of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.



Psalm 16:8

8 I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I


Psalm 55:22

22 Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be SHAKEN. (NIV2011)


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Psalm 34:4
4 I sought the LORD, and HE HEARD ME, and delivered me from all


Hebrews 13:6

6 So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not FEAR; what can man do to me?”


Isaiah 41:10

10 FEAR not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;

I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my

righteous right hand. (ESV)


Psalm 94:19

19 When the CARES of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.



Philippians 4:6-7

6 do not be ANXIOUS about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Matthew 6:34

34 Therefore do not be ANXIOUS about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


Matthew 6:25-27

25 Therefore I tell you, do not be ANXIOUS about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

27 And which of you by being ANXIOUS can add a single hour to his span of life?


Proverbs 12:25
25 ANXIETY weighs down the heart, but a kind word CHEERS it up.


Isaiah 35:4

4 Say to those who have an ANXIOUS HEART, “Be strong; fear not!

Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of

God. He will come and save you.” (ESV)

1 Peter 5:6-7 6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,

7 casting all your ANXIETIES on him, because he cares for you. (ESV)


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John 15:14-15

14 You are my FRIENDS if you do what I command you.

15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master

is doing; but I have called you FRIENDS, for all that I have heard from my Father

I have made known to you. (A friend in the Bible is someone you are in Covenant with) (ESV)


Hebrews 13:5

5 Be ye free from the love of money; content with such things as ye have: for

himself hath said, I will in no wise fail thee, neither will I in any wise FORSAKE

thee. (ASV)


Romans 8:1

1 There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus. (ESV)


Galatians 4:5

5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive ADOPTION AS SONS.



Galatians 3:29

29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, HEIRS according to promise.


Romans 8:17

17 and if children, then heirs, HEIRS OF GOD and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.



1 Peter 2:9

9 But you are a CHOSEN race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellences of him who CALLED YOU

out of darkness into his marvelous light. (ESV)


Ephesians 2:10

10 For we are HIS WORKMANSHIP, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.



Romans 15:7

7 Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has ACCEPTED you so that God will be given glory.



Isaiah 43:4

4 Because you are PRECIOUS in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men

in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life. (ESV)

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Ephesians 1:3

3 BLESSED be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,


Psalm 23:5

5 YOU PREPARE A FEAST FOR ME in the presence of my enemies. You HONOR ME by ANOINTING MY HEAD with oil. My cup overflows



Matthew 5:6

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for RIGHTEOUSNESS, for they shall be SATISFIED.



Romans 8:2-3

2 For the law of the Spirit of life HAS SET YOU FREE in Christ Jesus

from the law of sin and death.

3 For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do.

By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he

condemned sin in the flesh, (ESV)


1 John 2:27

27 But the ANOINTING that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.



Psalm 5:12

12 For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with FAVOR as with a shield.


Luke 1:28
28 And he came in unto her (Mary), and said, Hail, thou that art HIGHLY

FAVORED, the Lord is with thee. (ASV)


Philippians 4:19

19 And my God will supply every NEED of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.



Ephesians 4:13

13 Until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the

FULLNESS of Christ, (ESV)


Colossians 3:4

4 When Christ who is our LIFE appears, then you also will appear with

Him in glory. (NKJV)


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James 1:5
5 If any of you lacks WISDOM, let him ask God, who gives

generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (ESV)


2 Timothy 1:7
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of

love and of a SOUND MIND. (NKJV)

1 Corinthians 2:16

16 For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct

him?” But we have the MIND of Christ. (ESV)


Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all things through Christ who STRENGTHENS me. (NKJV)


Psalm 46:1

1 God is our REFUGE and strength, a very present help in trouble. (ESV)

Psalm 61:3

3 For you have been my REFUGE, a strong tower against the enemy.


Psalm 9:9

9 The LORD also will be A REFUGE for the oppressed, A refuge in times of trouble.



Philippians 4:8-9

8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,


9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—

practice these things, and the God of PEACE will be with you. (ESV)

John 16:33

33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have PEACE.

In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have

overcome the world.” (ESV)

John 14:26-27

26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.
27 PEACE I leave with you; my PEACE I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled,

neither let them be afraid. (ESV)


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Proverbs 3:5-6

5 TRUST in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (ESV)


2 Corinthians 9:8

8 And God is able to make all GRACE abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for

every good work. (NKJV)


1 Corinthians 15:57

57 but thanks be to God, who giveth us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Stress Free
We see articles, books and products that promote a “Stress Free Life”, but that Belief System is a

misguided view. WE CANNOT LIVE A STRESS FREE LIFE. Stress, Worry and Anxiety is just a part of our fallen human condition and God’s word tells us so.218 It is virtually impossible to avoid stress, we will all have stress in varying degrees; the issue before us is not the unavoidable tribulations that we encounter in life, it’s how we respond to them.219

Troubles either make us stronger in faith, or angry and full of unbelief; it’s either Faith or Fear. The Apostle Paul handpicked by Jesus Christ after His resurrection, was plagued with Anxiety, Worry and stress; why would we think that our lives would be any different.220 In all of Paul’s afflictions including receiving a “Thorn in the Fleshfrom Satan, God provided a way of escape for him so he would be able to ENDURE it.221

The Take Away


SOME stress, worry and anxiety is good as it helps us to face challenges, to achieve, strive and grow as a person, it does not mean that we are not trusting God or in some sort of spiritual misalignment, we are just functioning the way we are wired. Stress seems to be intrinsically woven into the very fabric of our lives; our job is to manage the issues as they present themselves to us and to find balance, we are to play by God’s rules.222

Prayer enables us to connect with God; Jehovah Jireh, our provider as our partner. Prayer is our refuge from the storms of life.223 The more we meditate, the more we receive peace, comfort, advice and direction;224 through prayer we TRADE our yoke of heavy burdens for an easy and light yoke.

218 2 Corinthians 1:8 – We will have troubles in this life -- Job 30:27 - The churning inside me never stops
219 Romans 8:28 - All things work together for GOOD for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose -- 2 Corinthians 12:10 - I am CONTENT even with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities
220 2 Corinthians 11:22-27 – Paul had Anxiety and Troubles; imprisonments, beaten with rods, forty lashes with the whip, countless beatings, and often near death, stoned. Shipwrecked, adrift at sea; robbers, toil and hardship, sleepless night, in hunger and thirst often without food, in cold and exposure.
221 2 Corinthians 12:7 – Paul received a Thorn in the flesh from Satan to HARRASS Him -- 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God provides a way of escape to get through whatever you are going through
222 1 Corinthians 2:9 – YOU CANNOT IMAGINE WHAT GOD HAS PREPARED; no one has ever SEEN, HEARD, or even THOUGHT OF, the things that God has already prepared for those who have believed on the name of Jesus for salvation -- Isaiah 55:1-3 - Come, everyone who hungers and thirsts; buy the bread of life without money
223 1 Samuel 17:47 – Your Battle is the Lord’s; it’s a Done Deal -- Philippians 4:13 – We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us
224 Psalm 34:4 – Seek the Lord and He will answer and deliver you from all your fears. -- Matthew 6:33 – Seek God first and all your needs will come to you -- Isaiah 55:6 - Seek the LORD while He may be found,

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We are to TRUST in the LORD with all our heart, and not lean on our own understanding and in all our ways acknowledge him and He will make our paths straight.225 Prayer does not have to be complicated; just be succinct, get to the point; a Canaanite Woman came to Jesus asking for help for her demonized daughter and had the shortest prayer I know of; “LORD HELP ME226 and she got what she came for. A leper came to Jesus and simply said, IF YOU WANT TO, you can heal me...

Jesus responded, “I WANT TO227
There are two rules to get set free; 1) Humble yourself before God and 2) Cast your cares on

Him.228 Then speak positive things out of your mouth; Sing Songs of Praise, Quote the scriptures to yourself and to God; your positive attitude will interrupt stress & depression.229

Your beginning does not have to dictate your ending. IT’S IN THE BOOK
We are encourage to focus on one day at a time; to be realistic, consider that some distant troubles may never happen. Get 8 or 9 hours of sleep; sleep deprivation can increase anxiety; listen to some easy listening music or some Praise and Worship music which in itself is a spiritual weapon. Put a little fun in your life with some recreation; take some walks; exercise, share your fears, worries and thoughts with someone; talk about it, this is a wonderful anxiety relief valve. Take some kind of action to alleviate the issue. If need be; see a Christian Counselor230 and lastly there are also Anxiety Centers that can be

employed as well as a myriad of self-help books and time-management workshops.
When we let PROLONGED stress rule our life, we are moving into the area of SIN as this can take a toll on our heath as well as shorten our life. We wind up doing the work of Satan whose work is to Kill, Steal and Destroy our life.231 Anxiety, Worry and Stress is a long uphill battle that will not end well. We are commanded to NOT be Anxious for anything,232 but in everything to be in prayer

and make supplications with thanksgiving, letting our needs be made known to God.233


It’s in the Book

225 Hebrews 13:6 - The Lord is our help in a time of need; therefore do not fear
226 Matthew 15:25 - Simply Pray: LORD, HELP ME
227 Luke 5:12-13 – GOD IS WILLING to help you -- Psalm 56:9 - GOD IS FOR US
228 1 Peter 5:6 RULE #1 - HUMBLE YOURSELF -- 1 Peter 5:7 RULE #2 - CAST YOUR CARES ON HIM 229 1 Kings 8:56 – The Lord is Faithful, not one word has failed of all his good promises,

230 Matthew 18:19 – When two agree, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven
231 John 10:10 - Satan comes to steal and kill and destroy
232 Joshua 10:24-25 – God will place our Enemies under our feet.
233 Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything -- 1 Corinthians 7:32 - Be free from anxieties
234 John 10:10 - RE-WIRE, ADAPT & RESTORE your PMS; Physically, Mentally and Spiritually; Go with God’s Flow

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Chapter 12.5

Imagination The Mind

The Battle Ground – God’s Curse – Satan’s Curse
Evil Thoughts - Secret Thoughts - Flirting - Winking Double Entendre – Smoke and Mirrors – The Gateway

First Word

Our thought life and imagination is the GATEWAY to our spirit which results in the doors that WE open and close in our life. You would think that this study would be about rationalizing Right from Wrong; but could our thoughts also affect our health and our MIND?

Smoke and Mirrors

The Godless man is described as one that is arrogant, prideful, wicked, boastful, scheming and divisive with no room in his heart for thoughts of God. When we make a thought decision there is a MOTIVE connected with it; there may be smoke and mirrors that deceives the on-Looker, but God looks on the heart and sees the actual motives for our actions.235

Double entendre is often a smoke screen for our actual spoken words; conveying secondary thoughts and meanings. The things that we say “in jest” are most often something that really BUGS us. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, God addressed the Imagination; the thoughts of man and was grieved with the degeneration of man.236 We often speak about man progressing, but the truth is, we are regressing.237

Evil Thoughts

Evil thoughts and vain imaginations lead a man into ruin and destruction. The Lord God detests evil thoughts238 and wants us to renew our mind and forsake our vain imaginations,239 if we repent, He will have mercy on us and abundantly pardon.

A Wink

There is NO hope for men who are wise in their own eyes;240 they know nothing, understand nothing and can see nothing of God, their minds are closed.241

235 1 Chronicals 28:9 – God knows the MOTIVES behind our thoughts
236 Genesis 6:5-6 – The heart of the natural man is full of evil
237 Jeremiah 7:24 – We have regressed not progressed -- Psalm 14:1 – There is no one on his own that does good -- Psalm 10:2-4 – There is no room for God in the wicked man’s thoughts
238 Isaiah 59:6-7- Evil thoughts leads a man into ruin and destruction -- Jeremiah 18:12 – The heart is full of evil imaginations and devices - - Jeremiah 16:12 – Caution: The imagination of the heart is evil -- Jeremiah 13:10 – Evil people walk in the imagination of their heart. -- Jeremiah 11:8 – The imagination doesn’t obey or incline its ear to God
239 Genesis 6:5 – We are born with a deceitful heart and imagination -- Ephesians 2:3 – Our desires and thoughts arise from our sinful nature we were born with -- Genesis 8:21 – Man’s imagination is evil from his youth -- Matthew 15:19 – Out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander -- Ezekiel 38:10 – Men WILL devise evil schemes; it will happen 240 Proverbs 26:12 – No hope for a man who thinks himself wise
241 Isaiah 44:18 – The unredeemed know nothing of God

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Jealousy and confusion reigns in their hearts;242 gathering more and more information, but understanding less and less,243 turning their heart more and more toward The World View. They Wink with a deceiving eye;244 saying one thing, but planning another; their bribes alter their decision making.

Double Entendre

Wikipedia A double entendre is a figure of speech in which a spoken phrase is devised to be understood in either of two ways. Typically one of the interpretations is rather obvious whereas the otherismoresubtle. Itmayalsoconveyamessagethatwouldbesociallyawkward,orevenoffensive, to state directly. A double entendre may exploit puns to convey the second meaning.245

Double entendres generally rely on multiple meanings of words, or different interpretations of the same primary meaning. They often exploit ambiguity and may be used to introduce it deliberately in a text. Double entendres are Words that are smooth as butter, accompanied by a drawn sword.246

Example; Lisa makes an awesome salad; boy she can really “Cut the Cheese”. David was once the Fastest Worker; now he’s just “Half Fast”. Mike loves flowers especially “Tulips” in the dark. For Christmas Alice wants to surprise Paul with an “”Electric Chair.” Pastor Karl really enjoys his food; you should just “Hear” him eat.

Another Example. “I have read the Word and I’m now “Armed and Dangerous.247 The Word is sharper than a Two Edged Sword”.248

God’s Curse
There are blessing that God “pronounced” on the believer which I will not cover here, but there

is also a bunch of curses too if you wander away; I want to cover just one curse.249
Despising and Casting off God; refusing to listen to His voice and refusing to do His

commandments is the highest contempt possible bringing on the FLIP SIDE of God’s promises; THE CURSE on the MIND, the imagination, the thoughts, and the heart.

This is where the mind is tormented; filled with darkness, anxiousness,250 dread, despair, suspense, confusion251 and madness, paranoia sets in and you run when there’s no one chasing.252 The mind cannot rest even at night;253 you go insane;254 you become your own destroyer.

Satan’s Curse

I must mention here that Satan has more of a hand in messing with our mind than God does. We have stuff that happens that is not caused by God, but is Satan in his effort to stop the promises of God from reaching us. Man is the crowning achievement of God and Satan is set out to destroy him,255 stealing not only the promises of God, but stealing his mind which causes man to destroy himself.

The “MIND” is a special gift from God that was given only to man and angels. All other creations operate only on their natural instinct. Man’s mind includes FREE THINKING as well as FREE WILL and is influenced by everything he sees, hears, smells, tastes or touches. The things our mind dwells on determines the HEALTH of our mind.256

242 1 Samuel 18:9 – Saul had a jealous eye -- Proverbs 23:33 – Your mind will imagine confusing things.
243 Ecclesiastes 1:8 – Thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts; never enough -- Deuteronomy 11:28 – Thoughts of the heart can turn you away from God -- Matthew 3:13 – Seeing, but not understanding -- Isaiah 6:9 – You are ever hearing but never understanding
244 Proverbs 16:30 – A deceiving WINK of the eye is plotting perversity -- Exodus 23:8 – A bribe changes and twists the way you think
245 Jeremiah 9:8 – The tongue is a deadly arrow of deceit -- Proverbs 26:24 – The lips disguises the heart of deceit
246 Psalms 55:20-21 – Words smooth as butter; but with a drawn sword
247 Hebrews 4:13 – The Bible judges the thoughts and heart attitude
248 Hebrews 4:12 – The Word is sharper than an two edged sword
249 Romans 1:28-31 – God gave them over to a depraved mind
250 Deuteronomy 28:65-67 – Anxious mind; dread, despair, suspense "If only it were evening!" and in the evening, "If only it were morning!" 251 Deuteronomy 28:28-29 – The mind is filled with confusion and madness -- Proverbs 23:33 – Your mind will imagine confusing things 252 Proverbs 28:1 – The wicked runs although no one pursues
253 Ecclesiastes 2:23 – The mind cannot rest
254 Daniel 4:33 – The mind goes INSANE; his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird
255 John 10:10 – Satan’s plan is to steal, kill and destroy man.
256 Luke 6:37 – Don’t judge or you will be judged. -- 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Humble yourself, repent, pray, seek God and you will receive forgiveness

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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT IT’SINTHEBOOK The biggest gateway for Satan into our mind is UNFORGIVENESS257 of an issue whether it’s real or

perceived; this is a cancer that eats up our body; our heath and certainly our mind.

The Imagination

STANDING ON THE CORNER is an old song with the lyrics that go like this;
“Well you can’t go to jail for what you’re a thinkin’ or for the look in your eye;

Just standing on the Corner watchin’ all the girls; watchin’ all the girls; go by.”

God says you WILL be judged for what you’re a thinkin’ and for the look in your eye.258 The deceitful heart that plots evil and stirs up dissension259 with the wink of the eye; with the signals of the feet and with the motions of the fingers;260 God will destroy without remedy”.

The Mind

Our experience says we can’t know the mind of God, much less His Devine WILL. Our experience says; although we have heard about God healing others, we have not personally witnessed the miracle of healing in our own lives, and we probably won’t.
Our experience says that God wants some people sick to be used in His Devine plan. Our experience says that the “Gifts of Healing” in the Bibles concluded with the end of the apostolic age of Christ. But does scripture support this?
Our experience says sometimes God afflicts us to teach us something. Well, what did you learn?

We believe in the power of prayer for healing “If it is God’s Will”. Sometimes He says YES, sometime He says NO, and sometimes He says WAIT. But does scripture support this? Are we correctly applying the scripture; “If it’s the Lord’s will”? Can we know His Will?

Is what you believe found in the scriptures or is it just what you have always heard?

The question is; what does God say?


Physical sickness, mental disorders; Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and attacks on the Mind. Is there a connection between long term life thoughts and our mind? Does what you think affect your health?

Dr. Marytn Lloyd-Jones, a Medical Doctor and Pastor shares from a Doctor’s point of view that man is created with a pair of “WELLNESS SCALES” build inside of him. Our bodies have “bad” cloistral and “good” cloistral; we have germs and we have antibodies. When the scale tips to the “sick side”, the “well side” seeks to balance the scales by producing the antibodies needed to fight; this is going on 24/7 and we have no clue.

Vaccinations are a TINY INVASION of germs that the body sees trying to tip the scales to the sick side and this produces the needed antibodies to tip it back. Antibiotics do the same thing, they tip the scales back to the wellness side. Lots of things can tip the scales and cause us to get sick. Accidents, germs, infections, stress, fatigue, depression, hurt, guilt, fear, malnutrition, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

What you see and think also activates the “wellness center” to balance the scales. If you believe you will get better, your mechanism works overtime to balance the scales. If you think you won’t, the mechanism just takes a break. My friend Ginger, because of her prayers of faith, beat cancer three times; bladder, abdomen and mandible. I have another friend who got cancer and ask people in church to pray that he would go ahead and die; He did.

257 Matthew 18:21-22 – Forgive so many time that you lose count. -- Matthew 6:15 – Forgive so you will be forgiven -- Matthew 6:12 – Forgive as you want God to forgive -- Mark 11:25 – Forgive to be forgiven -- Matthew 6:14 – Forgive people who have offended you. -- Luke 17:3-4 – I repeat; FORGIVE -- Luke 23:34 – Father forgive them; they don’t know what you are doing-- Colossians 3:13-14 – Bear with each other; PUT ON L OVE

258 Matthew 5:28 – You can sin in your imagination
259 Proverbs 6:12-15 – Plots, evil and deceit come from the imagination
260 1 Corenthians 2:11 – No man can really know another man’s real thoughts

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I can remember praying for a “Brain Dead” friend to LIVE; her family was in the next room praying she would go ahead and die. She lived; is normal, got married and has a family today; unbelief and doubt can steal our health.

Our responsibility is to pray in FAITH the prayer of life, for both the body and the soul.261 We are NOT responsible for the outcome; that is the work of the Holy Spirit and the Father God

So here’s where we are: The man who doesn’t believe he will receive healing and the man who does

are BOTH RIGHT. 262

We walk by faith, not by our experience.
There is a battle raging over our minds; Satan tricks us into giving up on our prayer life.
263 The

promises of God are there for the believer, but there is a war going on to stop them from coming. We must keep believing and keep praying. Help IS on the way!

Give Thanks and Praise IN all circumstances; not FOR all circumstances.264 God hears our prayer before we start to pray, and sends the answer before we finish and the battle continues in our favor as long as we continue to pray. Sometime you need a partner to pray in agreement with you,

YES; there is ten times the power when two agree in prayer.265

Mark 2:40-41 LB – It IS the WILL OF GOD for us to be healed 40 IF YOU WANT TO, you can make me well
41 and Jesus moved with compassion touched him and said,


The gift of healing is given as the Spirit wills and is irrevocable.266 It is the Will of God that you be healed.267

The Searching Man

Search me; Test me; Lead me away from offensive ways into everlasting. The searching man seeks God through His written Word.268 God deals with you as with sons; endure His chastening; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?269 Respond to God’s rebuke and He will pour out His heart and make His thoughts known to you. 270

Let the unrighteous man forsake his evil thoughts,271 God will have mercy and abundantly pardon.272 Renew your mind, fix your thoughts on Jesus, and put your mind on things of God.273 Think on things that are True, Honest, Just, Pure, Lovely and of Good Report; think on things that have Virtue and things of Praise.274

261 James 4:3 – Pray according to the promises in the Bible
262 Proverbs 23:7 – You are what you think
263 Ephesians 6:12 – There is an invisible war going on over your mind -- Dan 10:12-13 – Satan tries to sidetrack your promises before they get to you
264 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Give thanks IN everything, not FOR everything
265 Exodus 17:11-13 – Sometimes you need help in your prayer life -- Matthew 18:19 – Two agreeing in prayer; it will be done -- Deuteronomy 32:30 – Two praying puts 10,000 of the enemy to flight
266 1 Corinthians 12:11 – The Gifts are given as the Spirit determines.
267 Romans 11:29 – The gift of healing is irrevocable
268 Psalms 94:11 – The thoughts of man is futile without God. -- Psalm 139:23-24 – Search my thoughts O God for offensive ways and lead me in the way everlasting -- Mark 12:30 – Love God with all your heart, soul and MIND
269 Hebrews 12:7 - Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? -- Romans 7:21-23 – There is an INVISIBLE WAR raging against your mind between the flesh and the spirit -- Luke 6:45 – What is in the heart overflows the mouth -- Matthew 13:19 – Satan tries to snatch away the Godly thoughts.
270 Proverbs 1:23-26 – Respond to God’s rebuke and know His thoughts -- Romans 12:2 – Be transformed by the renewing of your MIND -- Psalm 94:12-13 – Blessed is the man who learns God’s laws -- Psalm 92:5 – God’s thoughts are profound -- Psalm 139:17-18 – God’s thoughts are precious
271 Proverbs 15:26 - God detests the thoughts of the wicked -- Micah 4:12 – The unredeemed do not know the thoughts of God -- Jeremiah 12:3 – God will TEST YOUR THOUGHTS about HIM.
272 Isaiah 55:7 – Forsake evil thoughts and God will abundantly pardon
273 Romans 12:2 – RENEW YOUR MIND; be transformed -- Hebrews 3:1 – Fix your thoughts on Jesus -- Mark 8:33 – Put your mind on the things of God -- 1 Chronicles 29:18 – Put God’s precepts in your thoughts and heart
274 Philippians 4:8-9 – THINK on things that are true, honest, pure, and worthy of praise

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Spiritual Thoughts
Seek the Higher thoughts of God; anchor your thoughts in BELIEF275 and you will receive the

MIND OF CHRIST276 and He will reveal His thoughts to you.277
1 Corenthians 2:16 – God will give you the MIND OF CHRIST 16 We have the mind of Christ. NIV

Secret Thoughts

Satan only “knows” what we speak out of our mouth and knows only by our actions what we are going to do; God knows what we are going to say before we say it and knows our plans before we do them.278 Our imagination and our Secret Thoughts are not hidden from God.

Battle Ground
Our mind is a battle ground literally an invisible war between LIFE and DEATH.279 It’s the God

given afflictions and adversities of life that teaches us. If we have “The Teacher” in our hearts; thoughts and in our imagination, God will open our understanding. Guard your thoughts; let them be seasoned with the Word of God so as not to be taken hostage by Satan with deceptive philosophies, human tradition and principles of this world.280

Isaiah 30:20-21 – God gives ADVERSITY & AFFLICTION to teach

20 Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your TEACHERS will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them.
21 Whether you turn to the right or the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."


The Take Away
The term SEE in the Bible most often means; to “Understand;” enlightenment through knowledge

and wisdom of God. Ask God to teach you what you cannot SEE.281

275 Mark 11:23-24 – Our thoughts must be anchored in BELIEF; not doubt -- Matthew 22:37 – Love God with all your heart and mind
276 Isaiah 55:8-9 – God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts -- 1 Kings 10:24 – God will put wisdom in your heart. -- Proverbs 16:9 – We plan our course, but God plans the steps. -- 1 Corenthians 2:9 – No mind has conceived what God has planned for you
277 Amos 4:13 – God will reveal His thoughts to YOU
278 Psalm 139:1-4 – Before you speak, God already knows it. -- Daniel 10:12 – Our prayers are heard before we utter them
279 Matthew 5:29 – What you see and your thoughts dwell on can SAVE you from Hell -- Proverbs 27:12 – God’s precepts in your mind alert you to danger -- Matthew 6:22-23 – Your very thought is the lamp that “leads” into actions
280 Jeremiah 21:8 – There is a road set before us of Life AND death -- Deuteronomy 11:26-27 – God has set before us a blessing and a curse -- Colossians 2:8 – Guard your mind from tradition and worldly principles
281 Job 34:32 – Ask God to teach you what you cannot understand -- 2 Kings 6:17 – Only the Holy Spirit can give you understanding. -- 1 Corenthians 2:9 – You cannot imagine what God has in store for us

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Chapter 12.6

Is a Believer SINLESS? Scripture seems to be at odds with this; let’s take a look.
CIRCULAR DOUBLE TALK: Paul says that what he wants to do, he does not do and the thing he hates doing is the very thing he does. Paul says it is not him that does this sin, but the sin that lives within him

that does it.283 WHAT? Has Paul gone plum CRAZY?284
THE CONFLICT WITHIN: This is the first time we see of the TWIN NATURES within man that are

at odds and battle each other every day. The SIN NATURE and the SAVED NATURE; life does not run smoothly; it has effort, strain and failure.285 This invisible battle causes the person to experience the inability of his soul to realize the Divine Ideal.

The desire to do good is met with a vigorous opponent or principal that Paul called THE LAW because of its regularity in opposing good actions; it’s a POWERFUL FORCE. As Christians we walk around with these two natures; but there is GOOD NEWS. The Law of the Holy Spirit is at work within our spirit, prompting our actions, inspiring our purposes and molding our character, and giving us VICTORY over the DOWN DRAFT of The Law of Sin. There are ACCUSATIONS leveled against us, but for those who are in Christ Jesus there is NO CONDEMNATION.286 SELAH

There is tension “between” the Old Nature passing away and the New Nature being renewed every day. We are between the natures as one dies and the other renews and interestingly enough, we are also between the first and the second coming of Christ.

We are given a lifetime to find Christ.

Marriage Advice from J. Vernon McGee
The reason a Christian ought not to marry a non-Christian is that if you marry into the family of the

Devil, you are going to have trouble with your Father-In-Law. CHUCKLE, CHUCKLE

282 Romans 7:15-17 - I am not the one doing wrong; it is the sin living in me that does it.


283 Romans 7:14-25 – It’s not me that SINS; it’s SOMEBODY else. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but whatIhateIdo. NowifIdowhatIdonotwanttodo,itisnolongerIwhodoit,butitissinlivinginmethatdoesit. Whatawretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God-through Jesus Christ our Lord!

285 Romans 3:23 – All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, -- 1 John 1:8 – We deceive ourselves If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. -- 1 John 1:10 – We make Him a liar If we say that we have not sinned
285 Romans7:20–NowifIdowhatIdonotwanttodo,itisnolongerIwhodoit,butitissinlivinginmethatdoesit.Itissinlivingin me -- Acts 26:24 – Paul, you have gone CRAZY, you are OUT OF YOUR MIND, "Your great learning is driving you insane”


286 Romans 8:9 – You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit (of God), if the Spirit of God lives -- Romans 8:16 – The Spirit of God testifies to our Spirit -- Romans 8:1-2 – There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus


Does the Holy Spirit Convict or does He Grieve?
I do not understand what I do; for what I want to do
I do not do, but what I hate, I do - It’s not me that sins,
it’s the sin living in me that does it.
282 - Circular Double Talk

First Word

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Convicting or Grieving

When we sin, the Holy Spirit sure lets us know it. That’s a true statement; the Holy Spirit convicts the WORLD of Sin;287 however we are IN the world, but not OF the world.288 The Holy Spirit is NOT convicting the Believer of sin, He is GRIEVING over their sin.289 There is a WAR going on in our Spirit, it’s the OLD YOU that grieves the Holy Spirit. It’s the unwholesome talk coming from your mouth; it’s the slander along with every form of malice, lies, cheating, bitterness, anger, rage and brawling.290

There is nothing good that lives in the OLD SINFUL NATURE;291 there is a WAR going on between your mind and the members of your body. You DON’T GET RID of the old nature when you are saved. The NEW YOU seeks to be kind, compassionate and forgiving of one another with talk that builds and lifts up the body and the OLD YOU puts stuff in your mind to derail your actions. The Apostle Paul in exasperation called himself wretched, not from sin, but from the battle to do good; acknowledging and praising God that he has Jesus Christ as the provider of his deliverance.292
Did you see it? Our body is a SLAVE to the old Sin nature, but our mind is a SERVANT to God.293

Make Believers
I dislike anything that smacks of doubt in the Bible. I want to KNOW FOR SURE, I don’t want to

be blown about by every wave of theology or new thought,294 so some things need to be settled and the bigoneis,areyouachildofGodornot;INorOUT. TheBibleisahandbookforBelieversonly.

J. Vernon McGee says he believes in The Security of the Believer; they are saved; period. He also believes in The Insecurity of the Make Believers; those who wonder if they’re saved. He says that you might just want to take inventory of your life; are the things of God important to you? There are really only TWO QUESTIONS that come from the commandments of Jesus.

  1. 1)  Do you love the Lord your God with all your heart; all your soul and with all your mind?295

  2. 2)  Do you love your neighbor as Christ has loved you?296

The TEST is examining the fruit from your garden; what kind of fruit can people see on your tree?

We are not to judge others, but we are encouraged to be fruit inspectors. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit. You will know them by their fruits.297


TWO ELEMENTS: The Believer must abide or live in Christ and Christ must abide or live in the Believer. THE TEST: Love others as Christ has loved you, there is NO excuse, NO substitute, NO compromise, NO grey area and NO other possibility; LOVE YOUR BROTHER!

Love manifests itself in conduct; it is the evidence of a Christian passing from Spiritual Death into Spiritual Life; the specific form of doing right is obeying the command to Love. The OLD Covenant Law told you that you OUGHT to do good and the NEW Covenant law causes you to WANT to do good; it’s a NEW YOU.

287 John 16:7-9 – The Holy Spirit CONVICTS those of the world of guilt in regard to sin
288 John 15:18-19 – The Christian is not of this world because I have chosen you out of the world.
289 Ephesians 4:30-32 – The Holy Spirit GRIEVES when we have bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice; get rid of all it
290 Ephesians 4:25-29 – Watch what you say; Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up
291 Romans 7:18 – Nothing good lives in my OLD NATURE
292 Romans 7:24-25 – Paul is tormented by the Battle of the mind. -- Romans 7:23 – There is a WAR going on in my flesh against the law of my mind
293 Romans 7:25 – Our Body serves law of Sin, but our Mind serves the law of God
294 James 1:5-8 – Doubting makes you unstable
295 Mathew 22:37-40 – The TEST: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and Love your neighbor as yourself
296 John 13:34 – Love one another as JESUS LOVED YOU
297 Matthew 7:16-20 – You will know a Believer by their FRUITS

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When we accept Christ we are a new creation; the OLD nature has gone and the NEW nature has come,298 and we cannot go on sinning. WHAT? Yes, our New Nature WILL NOT SIN;299 it hates sin and wants to serve God; Sin is still active, but it no longer reigns.300

We have been given a new heart and a new spirit plus the spirit of God now lives within us.301 The sin of a person is not counted against him where the bent and frame of his mind and spirit is against the sin. The magnetic needle of a compass can be distracted, but it will always return to seek true North.

FORGIVEN: Either we have been forgiven or we still need to be forgiven. One or the Other. ALL of our sins have been forgiven; PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE. When our OLD spirit man sins we are forgiven before the Dastardly Dirty Deed is Done. IT’S LIKE WE NEVER SINNED in the first place.302

WHAT? Yes, it’s in the Book. The ONE sacrifice of Jesus Christ has made us perfect forever.303 Renewing Grace is an abiding principal; forgiveness is an accomplished fact.

SO THEN, A BELIEVER CAN STILL SIN: A Homosexual that is a child of God will give up that SIN. Whoever is born of God will not LIVE in sin, they will not PRACTICE sin. The old nature can have an act of sin, but not deliberate or consciously or presumptuously, nor habitually, but SINS involuntary and it is forgiven, erased, never again to be remembered. 304

The Take Away

The Bible sounds like foolishness to the un-believer,305 it is written to and for Believers only. Using the litmus test of the two commandments; a person that has given themselves to God CANNOT SIN; the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross was for the forgiveness of sins Past, Present and Future... ALL of them. Should the old nature stumble into sin, it has been forgiven and blotted out even before he has finished the deed. That’s the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel.

A regenerated man cannot live in Sin, he cannot practice sin. If he stumbles he will return to TRUE NORTH. If you are a MAKE BELIEVER, now is the time to examine yourself and know for sure; examine the fruit on your tree.306

NOTE: If in your Belief System of the word you embrace the RAPTURE of the Saints, then nothing else in scripture has to be fulfilled before the second coming of Christ; He can come today.

298 2 Corenthians 5:17 – We are a NEW Creation in Christ, the OLD creation is GONE
299 1 John 3:9 – If we are a True Believer we cannot continue to remain in sin
300 Romans 8:16 – The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children
301 Ezekiel 36:26 – We have been given a new heart and a new spirit -- 1 Corenthians 3:16 – Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?

302 Hebrews 10:14 – Jesus’ ONE sacrifice made us perfect forever.
303 Hebrews 7:27 – His sacrifice was ONCE AND FOR ALL, it made us perfect forever
304 Colossians 2:13 – ALL of our sins are forgiven, past, present and future -- Hebrews 10:17-18 – God will remember our Sins no more 305 1 Corenthians 2:14 – The Bible is foolishness to the unbeliever -- 1 Corenthians 1:18-19 – The Bible is foolishness to those that are dying; the unbeliever
306 Matthew 7:19-20 – You will know them by their fruits; Are you a MAKE BELIEVER

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Chapter 12.7

If I can forgive Sin; then why do I need a Savior?

First Word

John 20:23 – If you forgive them, they will be forgiven

23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.


Departing from the Ordinary

The Eleven Disciples and other followers of Christ (except for Thomas) were gathered together in a locked room more or less hiding out;307 for the most part they were in fear of the Jews, when suddenly Jesus appeared to them and showed them His wounds and then did something PRETTY FAR OUT.

He BREATHED on them proving that He was alive and then told those present to receive the Holy Spirit308. Something OUT OF THE ORDINARY just took place here, as the Holy Spirit had not yet fallen as this event would actually take place some 50 days later on the Day of Pentecost. This was the initial announcement of the historical fulfillment of (the Paraclete) the Holy Spirit that had been promised. The power of the HOLY SPIRIT convicts men of their sins.309

Jesus appoints and confers on them THE AUTHORITY to carry on the same work as He did, not as mediators, but as publishers of the PEACE that His work brings. He gave them authority to act in His Name, so that those that received them, received HIM and those that rejected them, rejected HIM.

THEY WERE THE GOSPEL MESSAGE endued with the Holy Spirit
GET THIS; hearing the reconciliation message of the Gospel, plus the power of the Holy Spirit

convicting men of their sins, provided the opportunity for the “Forgiveness of Sins”.
The Holy Spirit is not an ornament; it’s the empowerment to convict men of sin.

It is this light and unveiling of the Gospel Message that brings judgment on oneself depending on one’s own personal response.

EQUATION: The Gospel message presented + The Holy Spirit’s Conviction = Reject/Receive

307 Luke 24:33-34 – Jesus found the eleven and others gathered together saying that the Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon 308 John 20:19-23 – Jesus breathed on them and they received the Holy Spirit saying; If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld
309 John 16:8 – The Holy Spirit will CONVICT the world of sin

Can I forgive Sins?

The commission of Peter; what is the “Keys to the Kingdom”? The commission of the Twelve - The commission of the Seventy Order of Church Discipline – Religious Leaders - Make Believer

John 20:23 is perplexing in that it seems at first blush that the followers of Jesus Christ were given the authority to forgive sins and nowhere in scripture do I see that this authority was recalled. That would mean that since I am also a follower of Jesus Christ; I also have that same authority and power to forgive sins.
I have read 25 different translations of this verse and they use words like “Forgiven”, “Released”, “Remitted” and “Loosed”; all retaining the same original thought of forgiving sins, so it’s pretty clear to me that this text is talking about FORGIVING SINS.

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The Mind Set
Israel followed the ONE GOD YAHWEH and all knew that the only one who could forgive sins

was Jehovah God alone, therefore when the man called Jesus said He could forgive sins, they were outraged and considered it BLASPHEMY.310 Now this is noteworthy because everyone had been taught from childhood that NO ONE could forgive sins, but God alone. Hold onto that thought.

Their Understanding

While we do not see their specific mission of their gathering in this scripture,311 we can see that they UNDERSTOOD their mission was to continue the work of Christ; these works are recorded in the scriptures as an example for us.312 They understood that God alone could forgive sins.

They were given the Keys to the Kingdom of Heavento bind and loose.

You must get this; the “KEYS TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN” is the Gospel Message and WE as Christians can “declare” that someone is forgiven or not forgiven based on their response to the Gospel Message. We can “proclaim,” based on their response to the message, that they are either still ‘BOUND IN SIN” or “LOOSED FROM SIN”.313 Their Response to the Gospel activates the binding and loosing in Heaven long before we proclaim or declare. (Holms Christian Standard Bible makes it clear)

Matthew 18:18 – Binding and loosing has already occurred in heaven

18 I assure you: Whatever you bind on earth is already bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is already loosed in heaven. (HCSB)

Order of Church Discipline

I do not want to side step the controversial passage concerning forgiving sins because it has its place in the Order of Church Discipline.314 This authority has been given to the Church in a ministerial or declarative sense to declare judgment on issues within the Church.

The literal “sentence construction” is; those whose sins you forgive, HAVE ALREADY been forgiven and those whose sins you do not forgive have not been forgiven; this is based on how someone receives the Gospel Message. COME; LET US REASON TOGETHER;315

God does not withhold forgiveness nor give forgiveness based on whether or not WE grant it. The Church has been given the authority to Declare and point out sin and offer “Course Correctors” to get someone back on the right path. We see Church Discipline in action when someone is received back into the church that has wandered off in sin, but has now come back and has been LOOSED from sin.316 They are received back in the church in love and comfort and forgiven through our advocate; Jesus Christ.317 If they did not repent, they are still BOUND in sin and are not received back into the church and the forgiveness is withheld by their own actions. The Church leaders simply declare or

proclaim what has already taken place in heaven.318
To whom the Gospel acquits is acquitted and to whom the Gospel condemns, is condemned.

310 Mark 2:5-10 – Jesus said to the lame man your sins are forgiven, the scribes said He is BLASPHEMING! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
311 1 Corinthians 5:4 – When you are ASSEMBLED in the name of Jesus, He is there
312 Acts 2:38 – Peter said to REPENT for the forgiveness of sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. -- Romans 10:9 – BELIEVE in Jesus and CONFESS your sins and you will be saved -- Acts 10:43 – Everyone who BELIEVES in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins -- Acts 13:38-39 - Through Jesus the FORGIVENESS of sins is proclaimed

313 Matthew 18:18 – Bind or loose HAS ALREADY HAPPENED IN HEAVEN -- Matthew 16:19 – The binding or loosing that has happened on earth correspondingly has already happened in heaven
314 Matthew 18:15-20 – The Order of Church Discipline has the AUTHORITY TO CALL OUT SIN -- Colossians 3:16-17 – The Order of Church Discipline Teaches The Word and admonishes
315 Isaiah 1:18 - Come now, let us reason together says the LORD
316 2 Corinthians 2:6-10 – The order of Church discipline REAFFIRMS their love and the forgiveness of the offence -- John 20:22-23 – Church Discipline; if they repent of their sins, then they are forgiven in heaven and on earth
317 Ephesians 5:23 - Christ is the head of the church
318 Hebrews 10:26-27 – Warn them; then if they deliberately sin there is NO FORGIVENESS; for if they go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for their sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume

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Make Believer

In reality, some member of the church may not actually be children of God; some have a blatant disregard for the supreme standards of the scriptures. Test yourself to whether or not you are of the Faith;319 God has made Himself known to those He calls His friend.320 If you are of the Faith, then you will love God321 and walk in His commands; walking the same way He walked.322

To repent is to change your course and walk in a different direction.323 If you have not actually repented, you will perish just like many before you; whoever does not love the Lord is cursed and condemned already.324 It’s in the Book

Can I forgive sins?

Jesus gave us the example of the authority to forgive sins. He said He healed people so that they would know that He had the authority to forgive people of their sins.325 With that being the case, if a minister has been given the power to forgive sins, would it not be PROOF POSITIVE if he also HEALED all the people? Forgive Sins and Healed

Peter spoke of forgiveness of sins on the day of Pentecost when he said whoever called on the name of Jesus Christ would be saved from their sins;326 NOTE: He did not forgive anyone’s sins.

The 12 Disciples were commissioned by Jesus to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers and cast out demons,327 but notice He did not give the Power nor the Authority to forgive Sins.

72 more Disciples were commissioned by Jesus to go and heal the sick, cast out demons, walk on poisonous snakes and gave them power over their enemy,328 but notice He did not give them the power nor the authority to forgive sins.

Neither Peter, the Twelve, nor the 72 gave even a hint that they had been given the authority or power to forgive sins. The Commission was to preach that “the Kingdom of Heaven was at Hand”; they were teaching that Jesus Christ IS the Kingdom of Heaven and is now among them.329

The followers of Christ all proclaimed the “forgiveness” of sin. This brings us to the question; what is the forgiveness of Sin? Forgiveness of Sin is based on the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross when He made the final payment; the sacrifice and atonement for our sins, Past, Present and Future.

“Forgiveness” of our sins is received by “Believing”.

Look at this; “whoever sins you remit, are remitted unto them”; this “Proclamation” happens when you tell them the good news of the Gospel and they receive it; their sins are remitted. When they reject the good News then the remission is withheld by their own action/choice/decision.

The Great Commission: go and tell the Good News of the Gospel for the REMISSION OF SINS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sin was forgiven when they believed. There is no record, inference or even a hint of any kind that any disciple, including Peter ever forgave anyone’s sins, although they proclaimed the “forgiveness” of sin everywhere they went.

In the OT our sins were atoned for “ON CREDIT” with animal sacrifices until in the NT Jesus would come and PAYthe final price so that when we believe today, WE GET IT ALL; sins forgiven, saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.

319 2 Corinthians 13:5-6 - TEST yourself whether you are of the faith
320 John 15:15 – God will make Jesus known to His own children
321 1 Corinthians 16:22 - No love for the Lord, let him be accursed -- John 8:42 - If God was actually your Father, you would love me
322 1 John 2:2-6 – Keep His words, His commands; walk the same walk
323 Luke 13:1-5 – Unless you REPENT and CHANGE, you will all likewise perish
324 John 3:18 - Whoever does not believe is condemned already
325 Matthew 9:1-6 – The HEALING showed the AUTHORITY for Jesus to forgive sins
326 Acts 10:43 – Peter; forgiveness of sins is through JESUS NAME -- Acts 2:21 – Peter BELIEVE on Jesus & be saved from your sins -- Acts 2:41 – Peter preached THE WORD of God and 3,000 saved
327 Matthew 10:8 – The 12 - Not given power to forgive sins
328 Luke 10:9 – The 72 Heal the sick -- Luke 10:17 – The 72 - Cast out demons -- Luke 10:19 – The 72 Walk on snakes and scorpions-- Luke 10:1 – The 72 No authority or Power to forgive sins
329 Matthew 28:19-20 – The Great Commission is to Go, Teach and Baptize -- Matthew 10:7 – Preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

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The Bible on Forgiveness

There is just one Mediator between God and man and that is God’s only begotten Son Jesus the Christ. All the sins of man; Past, Present and Future were laid on Jesus Christ at the Cross.330

Only the one who paid the price for our sins can forgive them.331 There is NOT ONE that does not sin, except the sinless Lamb of God;

Only the one who is without sin can forgive sin.332
Our forgiveness and peace with God comes through His Son who is seated at the right hand of God

interceding for us; He is our advocate; our mediator with the Father.333

Religious Leaders

The Scribes were distinguished professionals; Judges, Lawyers, Financiers, Interpreters, Teachers and Copiers’ of the OT scriptures.

The Pharisees were a school of thought, a social movement; an ambitious political party who were the guardians of the written and oral laws of God and believed in the resurrection.

The Sadducees were the elite; the very wealthy upper class religious leaders who maintained the Temple, but did not believe in the resurrection; no life after death.

Jesus had a few choice words for the Religious Leaders of the time; He said they were Hypocrites334 teaching TRADITIONS and things that were not in the Law; they were like whitewashed tombs335 full of all sorts of impurities. They were shutting up the kingdom of God from others and they themselves would not enter in. GOOD GRIEF

The Take Away

We cannot build doctrine on just one isolated verse; there is no prophecy of scripture that is of any PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.336 All scripture is God breathed and given for training and correcting. We prove scripture with scripture, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little.337

The Word of God divides; in vain we teach men’s doctrines and make void the Word of God to establish our traditions.338 We teach Philosophies that are full of empty deceit according to human tradition and not according to Jesus Christ. Tradition causes some to hang on to their ways and reject what is plainly written in the scriptures. It’s in the Book

There is just One Mediator between God and Man and that is the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus said; it’s MUCH EASIER to say “Your sins are forgiven” than to say “Arise, take up your bed and Walk”.339 If a minister can forgive sins, then based on the example that Jesus set with His own words, the minister should also be able to HEAL in order to demonstrate that his authority to forgive sins is from God.340 They do these deeds in order to be seen by others; loving their place of honor.341

These are not my words; it’s in the Book

330 Romans 3:23 – All have sinned and fall short of God’s glorious standard. -- Isaiah 53:5-6 - The sins of all of us was laid on Jesus
331 Romans 5:1 – Our forgiveness and peace comes through Jesus
332 1 Peter 1:19 – Jesus is the ONLY ONE who was sinless
333 1 Timothy 2:5 – There is one God, and there is ONE MEDIATOR between God and men, the man Christ Jesus -- John 14:6 – No MEDIATOR with God except Jesus His Son -- 1 John 2:1 – Jesus is our ADVOCATE with God -- Romans 8:34 – Jesus at the right hand of God interceding for us -- Hebrews 7:25 - Christ lives to make intercession for us

334 Matthew 23:13 – The teachers of the law were Hypocrites
335 Matthew 23:27 – The teachers were like Whitewashed Tombs
336 2 Peter 1:20 – There is no prophecy of Scripture that comes from someone’s own PRIVATE INTERPERTATION -- Hebrews 4:12 – For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the DIVISION of soul and of spirit -- Isaiah 28:10 – Study; precept upon precept and line upon line here a little, there a little -- 2 Timothy 2:15 – Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly DIVIDING the word of truth
337 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – ALL scripture is God breathed for TEACHING, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
338 Mark 7:9 – Your reject God’s commandments in order to ESTABLISH YOUR TRADITION! -- Mark 7:7 – You worship in vain teaching MAN’S DOCTRINES -- Mark 7:13 – You make VOID God’s Word with your TRADITION -- Colossians 2:8 - See to it that no one takes you captive by deceitful PHILOSOPHY according to human TRADITION not according to God
339 Mark 2:9 – WHICH IS EASIER, to say to the paralytic, ‘YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk’
340 Mark 2:5-10 – Jesus healed so we would KNOW His AUTHORITY to forgive Sins
341 Matthew 23:5-6 – They do their good deeds to be seen by others

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In my Belief System, I believe that I do not have the power, nor the authority to forgive sins, but I have been given the authority to proclaim His Word which when received will forgive Sin.

The only one who can forgive sins is the one who paid the price for our sins.

NOTE; when we proclaim the Gospel, we are privileged to be a part of, and to get in on, what God is already doing. SELAH, Let God’s Word be true and everyone else a liar.342 When you follow men’s tradition, God will plainly tell you... Depart from me, I never knew you.343

It’s in the Book

Vicar of Christ (from Latin Vicarius Christi) is a term used as an "earthly representative of Christ". The Catholic Church presents the Pope as the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, therefore he can forgive sins.

It’s NOT in the Book.

If man can forgive Sin; then we do not need a Savior.

342 Romans 3:4 – God’s Word is true; everyone else is a liar
343 Matthew 25:41 – The Make Believer will be told; Depart from me; I don’t even know you

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Chapter 12.8 It’s in the Book

Lies, Truth & Spin

Spin Doctors – Fake News – Fact Suppression Sin of Omission – Alternate Facts– Manipulate Deflect – Dodge – Distort – Evade - Mislead

The wrath of God is against those who SUPPRESS & SPIN the truth.

First Word

I can remember cleaning up drink containers left on the water fountains at work. I would slip open the ladies rest room door and chunk them into the large trash can just inside the door. When I was asked did I throw drinks into the trash can in the ladies room, I calmly stated, “I promised you, I have never even set foot in the ladies rest room”. Well what I said was true, but it was a DODGE; I had side stepped the original question and given the question a SPIN.

They were selling some old records on TV that they had dubbed onto the modern CD; they used the words “re-mastered” which sounded a lot better than “duplicated” and they said with ALTERNATE FACTS that it contained the NOSTALGIC sounds of the era, meaning the static and scratches that the records contained; but re-mastered and nostalgic sounded a lot better than duplicated and noisy.

Abraham’s wife Sarah also happened to be his half-sister. She was beautiful to behold and when King Abimelech saw her; Abraham thought that the king would kill him to get Sarah. Abraham omitted telling the King that she was his WIFE and only told him that she was his SISTER.344 What he said was not a lie, but with ALTERNATE FACTS and omitting other facts; he had injected SPIN.

King Herod spoke with some Wise Men about the birth of a new king. He was TROUBLED345 that this new baby king would take his place and wanted to kill him,346 but MISLEADING the Wise Men with a little SPIN, he told them to find this new king and tell him where he was so he too could come and worship him too.347

An Old Prophet was given an assignment by God and was told not to eat or drink anything in that place, but another man claiming to also be a prophet gave him some FAKE NEWS; that God said it was OK to eat and drink.348 This was about obedience; the old prophet did eat and it cost him his life.

In the mouth of AT LEAST two witnesses is a thing established.349
There are many bold lies recorded in scripture and because we don’t take the time to get a SECOND

WITNESS and more information, we act on the SPIN to our own determent.

344 Genesis 20:2-5 – Alternate Facts; Abraham’s wife was also his half-sister
345 Matthew 2:3 – King Herod was troubled
346 Matthew 2:13 – Herod wanted to destroy the baby Jesus
347 Matthew 2:7-8 – King Herod with A little SPIN said; tell me where He is so that I too may worship Him 348 1 Kings 13:18-24 – Obedience; don’t eat or drink, but was deceived because he did not consult with God. 349 Deuteronomy 19:15 – We are to verify information with a second opinion

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Spin is the opposite of Truth, spin is not a direction in itself; it just points you in a direction and IN THE ABSENCE OF INFORMATION, the SPIN WINS because folks will not take the time to analyze what the spin actually means. Spin is an Art to select and omit facts; it is what we call, LYING BY OMISSION.

Spin Doctors are those who live by “poles” and are paid to sample the direction of public opinion and come up with ideas on how to bend the facts to make ANYTHING sound appealing. Truth and principal would just be a coincidence; like instead of saying “ABORTION” they call it Pro-Choice which certainly sounds a lot better than saying PRO-MURDER.

When we think of SPIN, we think of Politicians GUTTING the truth out of government and the Fake News Media SUPPRESSING truth, but scripture says NONE OF US ARE RIGHTEOUS, not even one, and goes on further to say that our tongues have the venom of snakes. By our very own nature we are “coiled up” and ready to spring on other’s failings in order to draw attention away from our own. Then we spin and stretch our own short comings in order to put them in the very best possible light. We are all spin doctors; we deflect, dodge, evade, distort, mislead, manipulate, and suppress, in order to reduce the full impact of the Truth.

We are embracing and putting forth something that is not actually a lie, it’s just what we call “ALTERNATE FACTS”; a different opinion and version of the truth.

Information from the News Media is for the common good of everyone, based on freedom,

justice and TRUTH. Journalist have an obligation to serve up the TRUTH and nothing can justify systematically falsifying the TRUTH to exercise a political position through DISINFORMATION for the purpose of manipulating public opinion.350

Making public statements that are not true that injure a person’s reputation, is called being a “FALSE WITNESS”; in a court of law it would be called “PERJUIRY”. It’s even one of the Ten Commandments; “You shall not be a False Witness”.351

Truth is a matter of the Heart long before it becomes a matter of the mind, so what we need is, to be re-born with a new heart that contains a new way of thinking.352 Since God is Truth, then we as Christian are called to live in Truth. If we say we have fellowship with God while we walk in darkness, WE LIE and do not practice the truth.353 From God’s point of view, suppressing the truth is ungodliness and unrighteousness and will bring on His wrath from heaven. 354 Therefore the FLIP SIDE of holding uptruthisreckonedasGodlinessandRighteousness. Letwhatyousaybesimply‘Yes’or‘No’;anything more than this comes from evil.355 It’s in the Book

How did we get here?

We have put God’s word on the back seat, if not in the trunk. Slowly but surely we have come to look to “The Herd” if not to ourselves for truth. Cancer kills people, Doctors kill cancer; a bug sees a spider web as death, but the spider sees it as life; so we have come to see TRUTH only as a matter of perspective; Truth is in the eye of the beholder.

Everyone who twists, distorts, spins, manipulates, suppresses and evades TRUTH, hates the light and will not come to the light, because what he is doing will be exposed, thus pushing him further into the darkness. They are not only mentally deficient, but morally deficient.

God has made Himself clearly perceived to us since the beginning of creation,356 but we have become futile in our thinking and have chosen to not honor Him nor even give thanks to Him and now our

350 John 3:18-20 – Those who spin the Truth hate the Light -- Romans 3:13 - Their tongue is like snake venom 351 Exodus 20:16 – You must not be a False Witness -- Proverbs 19:9 - A False Witness will not go unpunished 352 Romans 3:10 - None are righteous, no, NOT ONE
353 1 John 1:6 – If we walk in darkness, we do not practice Truth

354 Romans 1:18 – The wrath of God is against the SPIN; the SUPPRESSION OF THE TRUTH. 355 Matthew 5:37 – Either YES or NO, anything more is EVIL

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foolish hearts have become darkened. We don’t see fit to acknowledge God and thus have exchanged, modified, distorted and suppressed His truth for a lie.357 For this reason God gave us up to a debased mind.

Lying is the work of Satan; our father is Satan, and our will is to do the desires of our father.358 He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies and that’s why it is SO EASY for us to lie.

We are to put on the new self,359 created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness, bearing the very stamp of His nature. WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN. It’s in the Book

Side Bar

The Take Away

We are not bound to reveal truth to someone who does not have the right to know it. 360 Confidential information given under the seal of secrecy must be kept confidential unless it would cause very grave harm to come to the one who has confided it or where by divulging it; grave harm can be avoided to a third party.

Interestingly, we have a law that prohibits you from lying under oath; does that mean it’s OK to lie the rest of the time? In real life, we have come to expect people to spin, exaggerate, stretch and bend the truth especially in SELF-PRESERVATION.

Scripture records that leaders who looked to themselves for truth, instructed the seers to “See no more visions!and to the prophets, “Give us no more visions of WHAT IS RIGHT!361 Tell us pleasant things, prophesy ILLUSIONS. TRUTH HAS FALLEN IN THE STREETS.362 The psalmist asked the question; who will dwell with God on His Holy Mountain?

We live in a culture of half-truths, spins and misinformation where truth has little value. We can

pick the flavor of truth we want to hear forgetting that God’s Truth is supreme.
The Book says to choose a GOOD REPUTATION;364 being held in HIGH ESTEEM over becoming wealthy. Today, honesty, humility and patience are just not the characteristics of someone climbing the ladder

of success in the business world or in the political arena.

God sets a high bar for us to follow, TRUTH is His sign post;” He cannot Lie.365 From a little child to the leaders of our nation, we are born to walk in the darkness of LIES and our Father is Satan; therefore WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN.366 LIES, SPIN OR TRUTH

It’s in the Book

356 Romans 1:19-21 – God has made Himself clearly perceived So THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE. 357 Romans 1:25-28 - We have exchanged the Truth for a Lie
358 John 8:44 - Our father is Satan who is the father of lies
359 Ephesians 4:24 – We must PUT ON A NEW SELF in righteousness

360 Proverbs 25:9-10 - Do not reveal another’s secret
361 Isaiah 30:10 – Give us NO MORE visions of what is RIGHT 362 Isaiah 59:14 - TRUTH HAS FALLEN IN THE STREET
363 Psalm 15:1-2 – The one who speaks truth will dwell with God 364 Proverbs 22:1 – Choose a good reputation over being rich
365 Titus 1:2 – God cannot lie

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Chapter 12.9

Qur’an Lies – Bible Lies – God Lies - Honest Lie – Noble Lie - Polite Lie – Jocose Lie Fake News – Disinformation – Minimization – Lying by omission – Half Truth - Bluff Fibs - Bullshit - Exaggeration – Memory Hole – Defamation - Fraud - Lying in Trades Puffery - Pathological lying – Perjury – Cover Up – Deflecting – Lies to Children

White Lies & God

First Word

As a child, we would cross our fingers when we told a lie, somehow that made it okay. I can remember spanking my first child because he had lied to me; I was so hurt and in unbelief; where did he learn to lie? I know; from me and I learned it from Adam and Eve. Since the serpent deceived Adam and Eve in the beginning of time, we have wrestled with deception which has become a contagious cancer that has spread throughout humanity.

Does God hate all lies or are there situations that are appropriate to LIE or DECEIVE and be justified and overlooked? Is there such a thing as a Nobel, virtuous, polite, honest or an innocent lie? Does God ever reward a sin because of a pure motive, a deception that might otherwise be judged good for an unselfish reason? Are there ?


Wikipedia - Lies

A fib is a lie that is considered easy to forgive due to revolving around trivial matters, such as a child fibbing that the family dog broke a vase, when in actuality it was the child that accidentally broke it.
A lie is a statement used intentionally for the purpose of deception. The practice of communicating lies is called lying, and a person who communicates a lie may be termed a liar.

White lies are minor lies which could be considered harmless, or even beneficial, in the long term. White lies are also considered to be used for the greater good. White lies are often used to shield someone from a hurtful or emotionally damaging truth, especially when not knowing the truth is completely harmless.

An honest lie or confabulation can be identified by verbal statements or actions that inaccurately describe history, background, and present situations. There is generally no intent to misinform and the individual is unaware that their information is false.
A noble lie, which also could be called a strategic untruth, is one that would normally cause discord if uncovered, but offers some benefit to the liar and assists in an orderly society, therefore, potentially beneficial to others. It is often told to maintain law, order and safety.

A polite lie is a lie that a politeness standard requires, and which is usually known to be untrue by both parties. Whether such lies are acceptable is heavily dependent upon culture. A common polite lie in international etiquette is to decline invitations because of "scheduling difficulties". Similarly, the butler lie is a small lie which is usually sent electronically, and is used to terminate conversations or to save face.

Lie-to-children is a phrase that describes a simplified explanation of technical or complex subjects as a teaching method for children and laypeople.
Jocose lies are lies meant in jest, intended to be understood as such by all present parties. Teasing and irony are examples. A more elaborate instance is seen in some story telling traditions, where the storyteller's insistence that the story is the absolute truth, despite all evidence to the contrary (a tall tale), is considered humorous.

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A half-truth is a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth. The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true, but only part of the whole truth, or it may employ some deceptive element, such as improperpunctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade, blame or misrepresent the truth.

To bluff is to pretend to have a capability or intention one does not actually possess. Bluffing is an act of deception that is rarely seen as immoral.
Lying in trade occurs when the seller of a product or service may advertise untrue facts about the product or service in order to gain sales, especially by competitive advantage.

Puffery is an exaggerated claim typically found in advertising and publicity announcements, such as "the highest quality at the lowest price", or "always votes in the best interest of all the people". Such statements are unlikely to be true, but cannot be proven false and so do not violate trade laws. Speaking with forked tongue is a phrase that means to deliberately say one thing and mean another or, to be hypocritical, or act in a duplicitous manner. In the longstanding tradition of many Native American tribes, "speaking with a forked tongue" has meant lying, and a person was no longer considered worthy of trust, once he had been shown to "speak with a forked tongue." Today people distrust the NEWS MEDIA as well as social media.

FAKE NEWS is a type of yellow journalism that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media.
Bullshit does not necessarily have to be a complete fabrication. While a lie is related by a speaker who believes what is said is false, bullshit is offered by a speaker who does not care whether what is said is true or not because the speaker is more concerned with giving the hearer some specific impression. Lying by omission, also known as a continuing misrepresentation or quote mining, occurs when an important fact is left out in order to foster a misconception. Lying by omission includes the failure to correct pre-existing misconceptions.

Disinformation is intentionally false or misleading information that is spread in a calculated way to deceive target audiences.
An exaggeration occurs when the most fundamental aspects of a statement are true, but only to a certain degree. It is also seen as "stretching the truth" or making something appear more powerful, meaningful, or real than it actually is.

Minimization is the opposite of exaggeration. It is a type of deception involving denial coupled with rationalization in situations where complete denial is implausible.
Defamation is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.

A memory hole is a mechanism for the alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts, or other records, such as from a website or other archive, particularly as part of an attempt to give the impression that something never happened.
A cover-up may be used to deny, defend or obfuscate one's own (or one's allies or group's) errors, one's embarrassing actions or lifestyle.

To deflect is to avoid the subject that the lie is about, not giving attention to the lie. When attention is given to the subject the lie is based around, deflectors ignore or refuse to respond. Skillful deflectors are passive-aggressive people, who when confronted with the subject choose to ignore and not respond. Fraud refers to the act of inducing another person or people to believe a lie in order to secure material or financial gain for the liar.

Perjury is the act of lying or making verifiably false statements on a material matter under oath or affirmation in a court of law, or in any of various sworn statements in writing.
Pathological lying or compulsive lying is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying. The individual may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth, being unaware that they are relating fantasies.


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Qur’an Lies

I professed my faith in Jesus Christ as a Child at the age of ten, although I had not actually read all of the Bible. I was accepted into the Christian community and continued to learn and grow in knowledge. Many adults today say they are Christians, but have not read the Bible and rarely go to church. Such is the case of many Muslims who quickly snap to attention and say that they are a RELIGION OF PEACE, but confess they have never actually read the Qur’an.

Islam; The Qur’an is a book given to the “Last ProphetMUHAMMAD, that was claimed to be the perfect revelation of Allah. So many of the passages are not fully understood without the aid of “The Hadith” which clarifies the Qur’an’s intent.

The Hadith is a companion book to the Qur’an that shows how to put the guidance of the Qur’an into practice. It’s a collection of sayings, deeds and the behavior of Muhammad including; eating, sleeping, praying, mating, planning revenge on his enemies and dispensing justice.

These actions of Muhammad were not ordinary acts; but were considered the actions of “Allah, and A Good Muslim will do all these same things as well as name their children Muhammad. The Hadith in some sects is followed more closely than the Qur’an and its sayings can supersede the Qur’an.

The Ayatollah Khomeini said, “The purest joy in Islam is to kill and to be killed for Allah”. There can be no peace with the Jews or Christians or any other non-Islamic people; and that if peace must be made, only a truce is permissible and that “for a maximum of 10 years as an expedient to hone our swords, whet our blood and strengthen our will.”

As I study the Qur’an and the Hadith, I find that when a Muslim says that their religion is a REGION OF PEACE, I see it as a BOLD FACE LIE, they are at WAR with everyone. What I read is that they are to pretend to be at peace with those of other faiths while they make plans to KILL them.

Jeremiah 23:25 – There are prophets who prophesy LIES


have dreamed!’ (ESV)

It’s in the Qur’an

*** Sura 5:75 – Jesus was just one of many messengers of Allah
75 CHRIST, the son of Mary was NO MORE THAN A MESSENGER. Many were the messengers that passed away before him.

*** Sura 4:157 Jesus was made to appear to die on the cross
157 They (the Jews) said (in boast), “We killed CHRIST JESUS the son of Mary, THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH” – but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.

*** Sura 5:47 – Christians are judged as rebels
47 Let the People of “THE GOSPELjudge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.

*** Sura 9:29 – Kill, convert or subjugate Christians and Jews.
29 FIGHT THOSE WHO BELIEVE NOT IN ALLAH nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah (Muslim tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued

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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT *** Hadith 9:57 Kill the infidel

57 Whoever changes his Islamic religion should be KILLED.

*** Sura 9:123 – FIGHT the Unbeliever with HARDNESS
123 O you believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.

*** Sura 9:5 – Lie in wait, seize and slay the idolaters
5 When the sacred months have passed, SLAY the idolaters wherever ye find them, seize them; LIE IN WAIT FOR THEM.

*** Sura 8:12 – Cast TERROR – Cut off their heads
12 I will CAST TERROR into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore STRIKE OFF THEIR HEADS and STRIKE OFF EVERY FINGERTIP of them."


Bible Lies
As a perpetual student of the Book I see stories of LYING particularly in the family of Abraham,

God’s chosen man to be the father of many nations. Abraham had Ishmael by Sarah’s maidservant Hagar and that gave us the lies of Islam as found in the Qur’an, but now let’s look at the lies of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Jacob as found in the Book.

SARAH, Abraham’s wife had visitors that told Abraham, SARAH, WILL HAVE A SON. Sarah overheard the conversation and laughed silently to herself. The Lord asked Abraham, why did Sarah laugh? Sarah was afraid and LIED and said she didn’t laugh and the Lord said YES YOU DID. Although Sarah thought she was too old to have a child, a year later she gave birth to Isaac; his name means LAUGHTER; God still kept His promise.

ISAAC, Abraham’s first born of Sarah moved to Gerar and the men there thought his wife Rebekah looked pretty good and asked him about her.- Isaac thinking they would kill him to get Sarah, LIED just like his father and said, SHE IS MY SISTER. While this probably saved his life, it was still a lie.

JACOB conspired with his mother Rebekah to trick his BLIND father Israel into giving him the blessing that was supposed to go to the oldest son Esau. Rebekah cooked the meal, put Esau’s stinky clothes on Jacob and some harry lamb skins on Jacob’s arms and neck and then JACOB LIED THREE TIMES to his father and finally cheated Esau out of the blessing. I don’t think this qualifies as a white lie, nor was it in a time of war with fear of immediate death. SELAH

This was already God’s plan for Jacob to receive the blessing; the LORD had said to Rebekah, “Two nations are in your womb, the one shall be stronger than the other, and THE OLDER SHALL SERVE THE YOUNGER; so why did Rebekah feel it was necessary to HELP GOD by lying and trickery. Could God be pleased with their CON GAME of deceit? I think that Rebekah and Jacob were blessed in spite of their trickery not because of it.

With all that being said; the question that begs to be asked is;
Do Christians today have occasion to LIE with God’s blessing? The Book does not explicitly say that God approved of their lies when He blessed them, but there’s also not a single word of rebuke either. It seems that when lying saves people from evil it’s legitimate and to us God seems to be pleased, but not waiting on God can bring on other unrealized consequences. In the case of Sarah and

Abraham getting ahead of God,

ABRAHAM’S wife Sarah also happened to be his half-sister. She was beautiful to behold and when King Abimelech saw her; Abraham thought that the king would kill him to get Sarah. Abraham omitted telling the King that she was his WIFE and only told him that she was his SISTER. What he said was not a lie, but by omitting some facts; he had injected SPIN, a white LIE to save his own life. Was this OK for A MAN OF GOD, after all it was done to save his life. SELAH: ponder that.

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ABRAHAM - Genesis 20:2-5 – Abraham’s wife was also his half-sister
2 And ABRAHAM said of Sarah his wife, “She is my sister.” And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.
3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him, “Behold, YOU ARE A DEAD MAN because of the woman whom you have taken, for SHE IS A MAN’S WIFE.”

4 Now Abimelech had not approached her. So he said, “Lord, will you kill an innocent people?
5 Did he not himself say to me, ‘She is my sister’? And she herself said, ‘He is my brother.’


SARAH - Genesis 18:9-16 – Sarah LIED; she said she did not laugh

9 Where is Sarah, your wife?” the visitors asked. “She’s inside the tent,”

Abraham replied.

10 Then one of them said, “I will return to you about this time next

year, and your wife, SARAH, WILL HAVE A SON!” Sarah was listening

to this conversation from the tent.

11 Abraham and Sarah were both very old by this time, and Sarah was

long past the age of having children.

12 So she laughed silently to herself and said, “How could a worn-

out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially when my

master—my husband—is also so old?”

13 Then the LORD said to Abraham, “WHY DID SARAH LAUGH? Why

did she say, ‘Can an old woman like me have a baby?’

14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return about this time

next year, and Sarah will have a son.”

15 Sarah was afraid, so she denied it, saying, “I DIDN’T LAUGH.”

But the LORD said, “NO, YOU DID LAUGH.”

16 Then the men got up from their meal and looked out toward

Sodom. As they left, Abraham went with them to send them on their

way. (NLT)

ISAAC - Genesis 26:6-11 – Isaac LIES; says Rebekah is his sister 6 So ISAAC stayed in Gerar.

7 When the men who lived there asked Isaac about his wife, REBEKAH, he said, “SHE IS MY SISTER.He was afraid to say, “She is my wife.” He thought, “They will kill me to get her, because she is so beautiful.”
8 But sometime later, Abimelech, king of the Philistines, looked out his window and saw Isaac caressing Rebekah.
9 Immediately, Abimelech called for Isaac and exclaimed, “She is obviously your wife! WHY DID YOU SAY, ‘SHE IS MY SISTER’?” “Because I WAS AFRAID SOMEONE WOULD KILL ME to get her from me,” Isaac replied.
10 How could you do this to us?” Abimelech exclaimed. “One of my people might easily have taken YOUR WIFE AND SLEPT WITH HER, and you would have MADE US GUILTY OF GREAT SIN.”
11 Then Abimelech issued a public proclamation: “Anyone who

touches this man or his wife will be put to death!” (NLT)


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JACOB - Genesis 27:1-29 Jacob lies to his father Isaac for the blessing
1 One day when Isaac was OLD and turning BLIND, he called for Esau, his older son, and said, “My son.” “Yes, Father?” Esau replied.
2 I am an old man now,” Isaac said, “and I don’t know when I may die. 3 Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows, and go out into the open country to hunt some wild game for me.

4 Prepare my favorite dish, and bring it here for me to eat. Then I will PRONOUNCE THE BLESSING that belongs to you, my firstborn son, before I die.”
5 But Rebekah overheard what Isaac had said to his son Esau. So when Esau left to hunt for the wild game,

6 she said to her son Jacob, “Listen. I OVERHEARD YOUR FATHER say to Esau,
7 Bring me some wild game and prepare me a delicious meal. Then I will bless you in the LORD’s presence before I die.’

8 Now, my son, listen to me. Do exactly as I tell you.
9 Go out to the flocks, and bring me two fine young goats. I’ll use them to prepare your father’s favorite dish.
10 Then take the food to your father so he can eat it and bless you before he dies.”
11 But look,” Jacob replied to Rebekah, “my brother, Esau, is a hairy man, and my skin is smooth.
12 What if my father touches me? He’ll see that I’m trying to trick him, and then he’ll curse me instead of blessing me.”
13 But his mother replied, “Then let the curse fall on me, my son! Just do what I tell you. Go out and get the goats for me!”
14 So Jacob went out and got the young goats for his mother. Rebekah took them and prepared a delicious meal, just the way Isaac liked it. 15 Then she took Esau’s favorite clothes, which were there in the house, and gave them to her younger son, Jacob.
16 She covered his arms and the smooth part of his neck with the skin of the young goats.
17 Then she gave Jacob the delicious meal, including freshly baked bread. 18 So Jacob took the food to his father. “My father?” he said. “Yes, my son,” Isaac answered. “Who are you—Esau or Jacob?”

LIE 1 - 19 Jacob replied, “It’s Esau, your firstborn son. I’ve done as you told me. Here is the wild game. Now sit up and eat it so you can give me your blessing.”
20 Isaac asked, “How did you find it so quickly, my son?”

LIE 2 - “The LORD your God put it in my path!” Jacob replied.
21 Then Isaac said to Jacob, “Come closer so I can touch you and make sure that you really are Esau.”
22 So Jacob went closer to his father, and Isaac touched him.
The voice is Jacob’s, but the hands are Esau’s,” Isaac said.
23 But he did not recognize Jacob, because Jacob’s hands felt hairy just like Esau’s. So Isaac prepared to bless Jacob.
24 But are you really my son Esau?” he asked.

LIE 3 - “YES, I AM,” Jacob replied.
25 Then Isaac said, “Now, my son, bring me the wild game. Let me eat it, and then I will give you my blessing.” So Jacob took the food to his


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father, and Isaac ate it. He also drank the wine that Jacob served him. Then Isaac said to Jacob,

  1. 26  Please come a little closer and kiss me, my son.”

  2. 27  So JACOB went over and kissed him. And when Isaac caught the

smell of his clothes, he was finally convinced, and

he BLESSED his son. He said, “Ah! The smell of my son is like the smell of the outdoors, which the LORD has blessed!
28 From the dew of heaven and the richness of the earth, may God always give you abundant harvests of grain and bountiful new wine.
29 May many nations become your servants, and may they bow down to you. May you be the master over your brothers, and may your mother’s sons bow down to you. All who curse you will be cursed, and all who bless you will be blessed.”


PROPHECY - Genesis 25:23 – The older Esau shall serve the younger Jacob
23 And the LORD said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other,



PROPHECY - Malachi 1:2-3 – I love Jacob and have rejected Esau

2 I have always loved you,” says the LORD. But you retort, “Really?

How have you loved us?” And the LORD replies, “This is how I

showed my love for you: I LOVED YOUR ANCESTOR JACOB,

3 but I REJECTED HIS BROTHER, ESAU, and devastated his hill country.

I turned Esau’s inheritance into a desert for jackals.” (NLT)

More Bible Lies
PHARAOH, the king of Egypt was concerned that the Hebrew people was getting too large and

ordered the HEBREW MIDWIVES to kill all the male babies as they were being born, but they feared God and disobeyed the king. They let the male babies live and said; the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, they are more vigorous and have their babies so quickly that we cannot get there in time.” They told a WHITE LIE and this is the only place in the Book that I find that the lie pleased God, as He blessed the midwives’ family with children. I so much more believe it was their honor and fear of God that pleased God and not the lie.

The Book says we should obey God rather than man.


KING HEROD spoke with some Wise Men about the birth of a new king. He was TROUBLED that this new king would take his place and wanted to kill him, but with a little SPIN, he told the Wise Men to find this new king and tell him where he was so he too could come and worship him which was a bold face LIE, but this would be expected from someone EVIL.

KING SOLOMON had two prostitutes come before him both claiming a child was theirs. King Solomon commanded a sword be brought to him and then LIED and said he was going to cut the baby in half. One woman agreed and the other said to let the baby live and to give it to the other woman. Solomon gave the baby to the woman who wanted it to live.

RAHAB was a known prostitute whose home was built on the city wall. Out of fear and respect of Israel’s God, she hid the two spies and LIED to the King about their whereabouts. Rahab the prostitute LIED to save her life as well as the lives of her family who gathered in her home. In my Belief System, I believe that she was actually a business woman that sold flax that dried in massive bundles on her roof, she provided an Inn of sorts as well as provided other services.

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This was NOT a white LIE, it cost the lives of those in Jericho, but saved her family; is this LIE

acceptable, after all it was in a time of war?


MIDWIVES - Exodus 1:15-21 – Midwives lied to Pharaoh about babies 15 Then Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, gave this order to the

HEBREW MIDWIVES, Shiphrah and Puah:

16 When you help the Hebrew women as they give birth, watch as they

deliver. IF THE BABY IS A BOY, KILL HIM; if it is a girl, let her live.”

17 But because

THE MIDWIVES FEARED GOD, they refused to obey the king’s orders.

They allowed the boys to live, too.

18 So the king of Egypt called for the midwives. “Why have you done

this?” he demanded. “


19 The Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women,” the

midwives replied. “THEY ARE MORE VIGOROUS



20 So GOD WAS GOOD to the midwives,

and the Israelites continued to multiply,

growing more and more powerful.

21 And because the midwives feared God,

He GAVE THEM FAMILIES of their own.


Acts 5:29 - We must obey God rather than men

29 But Peter and the apostles answered,


HEROD - Matthew 2:3-13 – A little SPIN... I too may come & worship Him 3 When HEROD THE KING heard this, he WAS TROUBLED, and all Jerusalem with him;
7 Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared.

8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that

13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for

Herod is about to search for the child, TO DESTROY HIM.” (ESV)

SOLOMON - 1 Kings 3:16-27- Solomon lied saying cut the baby in half
16 Sometime later TWO PROSTITUTES came to the king to have an argument settled.
17 Please, my lord,” one of them began, “this woman and I live in the same house. I gave birth to a baby while she was with me in the house. 18 Three days later this woman also had a baby. We were alone; there were only two of us in the house.

19 But her baby died during the night when she rolled over on it.
20 Then she got up in the night and took my son from beside me while I was asleep.

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She laid her dead child in my arms and took mine to sleep beside her.
21 And in the morning when I tried to nurse my son, he was dead! But when I looked more closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t my son at all.”

22 Then the other woman interrupted, “It certainly was your son, and the living child is mine.” “No,” the first woman said, “the living child is mine, and the dead one is yours.” And so they argued back and forth before the king.

23 Then the king said, “Let’s get the facts straight. Both of you claim the living child is yours, and each says that the dead one belongs to the other.
24 All right, BRING ME A SWORD.” So a sword was brought to the king. Then he said,

26 Then the woman who was the real mother of the living child, and who

loved him very much, cried out, “Oh no, my lord!
Give her the childplease do not kill him!”

But the other woman said,
All right, he will be neither yours nor mine;

divide him between us!”

27 Then the king said, “

give him to the woman who wants him to live, for she is his mother!”


RAHAB - Joshua 2:1-16 – Rahab lied saved her family before the invasion
1 Then Joshua secretly sent out two spies from the Israelite camp at Acacia Grove. He instructed them, “Scout out the land on the other side of the Jordan River, especially around Jericho.” So the two men set out and came to the house of a PROSTITUTE NAMED RAHAB and stayed there that night.

3 So the king of Jericho sent orders to Rahab:
Bring out the men who have come into your house,

for they have come here to spy out the whole land.4 Rahab had hidden the two men, but she replied, “

8 Before the spies went to sleep that night, Rahab went up on the roof to

talk with them.
9 I know the LORD has given you this land,” she told them.
We are all afraid of you. Everyone in the land is living in terror. 15 Then, since Rahab’s house was built into the town wall,
she let them down by a rope through the window.
16 Escape to the hill country,” she told them. “Hide there for three days from the men searching for you. Then, when they have returned, you

can go on your way.” (NLT)


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Even more lies

The internet has made these studies possible worldwide where Bibles are not available. In an effort to save space, I will just give the story, but not print the scriptures. I will give the verse in the footnotes so you can look them up; try to obtain a New Living Translation Bible for easy reading if you can.

MOSES was TOLD BY GOD to go to Pharaoh and tell him to “LET HIS PEOPLE GO” to take a three day journey into the wilderness to make a sacrifice to their Lord God, but what God intended to do was to take His people completely out of Egypt forever. Was this a HALF TRUTH, since they did sacrifice when they crossed the Red Sea? 367

SAMUEL was TOLD BY GOD to take a flask filled with oil and go to Jesse of Bethlehem and anoint one of his sons to take Saul’s place as the new king. Samuel protested and said King Saul would kill him if he knew what he was going to do. THEN GOD SAID, take a heifer of the herd in your hand with you and say, I have come to sacrifice to the Lord and invite Jesse to the Sacrifice, then anoint the one I have chosen. (David) 368

SIMON AND LEVI of the Levitical priesthood, had a sister named Diana that was defiled by Shechem a Prince of Canaan. Shechem then wanted to marry Diana, and Simon and Levi said SURE, but only after every man around them was circumcised. Then they would allow their daughters to marry them. But they LIED; after three days while their wounds were still sore, they entered the town and with swords killed them all.369

JACOB’S TEN SONS by Bilhah and Zilpah were jealous of their brother Joseph who was then the only son of Rachel and was the favorite. The boys took him and threw him into a pit and eventually sold him to some Medianite traders. Then they took his tunic of many colors and put goat’s blood on it and brought it to their father and LIED by saying; we have found this. Do you know whether it is your son’s coat or not and Jacob knew the coat of many colors and said Yes, an evil beast has eaten my son; he was devastated. 370

DAVID was running for his life from King Saul and he LIED to Ahimelech, the Priest of Israel and told him that the King had commanded him to do something in secret and no man was to know about the business. David asked the priest for some bread, but there was none except the “Bread of the Presence” also called “Show Bread” that was unlawful for David to eat; it was set hot before the Lord daily. Because of the lie, David was able to talk the Priest into giving him the Holy Bread to eat.371

DAVID was on the run from Saul and wound up confronted by Achish the King of Gath who he thought would kill him because he had heard the songs that were sung of him slaying ten thousands of his enemies. So David overhearing what they said changed his behavior and PRETENDED to be a nut case, a madman, he crawled around marking on the doors and gates and let spit run down his beard so they would think that he was a fool and of no threat to them and then would provide him shelter; a hideout from King Saul.372

DAVID and his 600 men were given the territory of Ziklag by King Achish outside the royal city where for a year and four months he SECRETELY made raids on the Philistines, the Geshurites, Gezrites and the Amalekites; KILLING everyone with no one left alive to tell what had happened, taking the spoils of sheep, oxen, asses, camels and clothing for his men. King Achish asked David where he had made his raids today and David LIED and said, he had made raids against the Israelites in Judah and against the Jerahmeelites and Kenites. This Lie made King Achish believe that David had made himself hated among the people of Israel and now David had become his servant forever. 373

367 Exodus 3:18 - Please let us take a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the LORD, our God
368 1 Samuel 16:1 - Fill your flask with olive oil and go to Bethlehem. Find a man named Jesse who lives there, for I have selected one of his sons to be my king
369 Genesis 34:13 - Since Shechem had defiled their sister, Dinah, Jacob’s sons responded deceitfully to Shechem
370 Genesis 37:23-24 - Joseph’s brothers ripped off the beautiful robe he was wearing, grabbed him and threw him into the cistern
371 1 Samuel 21:1-2 - Ahimelech asked. “Why is no one with you?” David said. “He told me not to tell anyone why I am here. I have told my men where to meet me later.
372 1 Samuel 21:10-15 - David went to King Achish of Gath and pretended to be insane, scratching on doors and drooling down his beard 373 1 Samuel 27:1-12 – David’s 600 men raided the Geshurites, Girzites, and Amalekites; No one was left alive to tell where he had been.

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JEHU, KING OF ISRAEL gathered the people together and said he wanted to call a solemn feast before Baal and make a great sacrifice and sent for all the prophets and priest of Baal to attend; the house of Baal filled up from one end to the other. But Jehu LIED and told 80 men to not let anyone come out alive; KILL them all and burn the images of Baal; tear down the house of Baal and make it into a SEWER place.374

JEREMIAH THE PROPHET had been in a conversation with King Zedekiah and was told; let no man know of these words and you will not die. You shall LIE and say “I presented my cry before the king that he would not cause me to return to Jonathan’s house to die there”. Jeremiah lied and they stopped questioning him and the matter with the king was not made known. His life was spared and he stayed in the prison court.375

PAUL the APOSTLE said he did not burden anyone, but nevertheless, being crafty, he caught men with GUILE which is cunning artful deceit, it is fraud, duplicity and dishonesty. He said that he became whatever men wanted him to be for the Gospel’s sake.376

The Book on Lies

We are not bound to reveal truth to someone who does not have the right to know it.377 Confidential information given under the seal of secrecy must be kept confidential unless it would cause very grave harm to come to the one who has confided it or where by divulging it; grave harm can be avoided to a third party. Can stretching the truth or telling a little white lie be so bad? Most of the time we are just being diplomatic and tactful, trying not to hurt someone else’s feelings. Sometimes we just omit something when answering a question so that we will not look bad. There is a church term called “EVANGELISTICALLY SPEAKING” when a pastor may exaggerating attendance or say MANY joined the church when actually there was only two. We certainly don’t see these white lies as bad as something like murder.

We are accountable to God for our lies.378 The Book gives us an example with Ananias who, with his wife, Sapphira, sold some property and brought part of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the FULL AMOUNT and with his wife’s consent, they kept the rest. They could have done whatever they wanted to with the money, but THEY LIED TO THE DISCIPLES IN CHURCH and said it was the full amount of money. They both died immediately IN CHURCH, but got a free burial.379

The Book says to not deceive, that God detest lying lips and there is doom on the horizon who lies to do evil,380 but that does not seem to be the case when we lie to do a good thing, to save lives and keep the peace. Ponder this; if a MUSLIM TERRORIST told everybody that was a Christian to stand up that he was going to shoot them, what would you do? SELAH Ponder your answer as you read on.

Matthew 10:33 – Deny me on earth; I will deny before God

33 But everyone who denies me here on earth,


374 2 Kings 10:18-29 - Jehu called a meeting; “Be sure that only those who worship Baal wears one of these robes.” “Go in and kill all of them with a robe. Don’t let a single one escape
375 Jeremiah 38:24-26 – Lie to them; tell them you begged me not to
376 1 Corinthians 9:22 – I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some

377 Proverbs 25:9-10 - Do not reveal another’s secret
378 Romans 3:13 - Their throat is an open grave; THEY USE THEIR TONGUES TO DECEIVE.” “The venom of asps is under their lips -- Romans 1:25-28 - We have EXCHANGED THE TRUTH about God FOR A LIE and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, -- 1 John 2:16 – Lies that benefit YOU is pride and selfishness -- John 8:44 - Our father is Satan who is a liar and the FATHER OF LIES there is no truth in him
379 Acts 5:1-10 – Don’t test God with a lie; Ananias and Sapphira LIED TO THE HOLY SPIRIT and FELL TO THE FLOOR DEAD
380 Romans 1:18 – The wrath of God is against the SPIN; those who SUPPRESS THE TRUTH -- Isaiah 5:18 – Doom to you who use LIES to sell evil -- Leviticus 19:11 – Do not deceive or cheat one another -- Matthew 5:37 – Let what you say be simply ‘YES’ OR ‘NO’; anythingmorethanthiscomesfromEVIL --Proverbs12:22–Goddetestlies

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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT IT’SINTHEBOOK The Take Away

Satan speaks PARTIAL TRUTHS to do EVIL and it started in the Garden of Eden, “You will be like God and know good from evil”;381 this has become the example for man, partial lies.

The Book records GOD SENDING LYING SPIRITS into the mouths of Ahab’s prophets in order for His plan to prevail,382 but scripture says God does not lie. What we see as a Spirit of Lies, God sees as a Spirit of righteousness. A lie isn’t a lie so much as in the ACT, but as in the MOTIVE of the heart.383

Godly people withhold truth not to do evil, BUT TO AVOID EVIL,
this is when in a lie,
good comes from evil.

When we see is actors getting ahead of God, trying to help Him; sometimes that help brings on consequences, not from God, but from the situation it caused.

(Example; Ishmael gave us the Muslims and Isaac gave us the Jews)
Lying is not in the letter of the law, it’s in the MOTIVE.384 As man sees it, according to the Letter of the Law GOD DOES LIE, but He does not lie according to the Spirit of the Law; in motive, nor

should we. We need to study the Book to learn the wisdom of God’s ways and HIS perspective.
We must understand what a lie is and not discount the value of a lie when it is done for good. Do

not judge about appearances; this is about righteousness, we are not bound by the letter of the law.
The Book says God PROMISED us before the world begin that we would have eternal life and that

to the BELIEVER, He cannot lie; not He WILL not lie, but He CANNOT lie.385

The Satan Editorial
A word about Satan, Lucifer, the Devil. God is Omnipresent386; everywhere at once,

Omniscient;387 all knowing and Omnipotent;388 all powerful. Satan is none of those things; he cannot be but in one place at a time, has limited power and he only knows what he sees and hears and cannot read your mind.

Jesus said there were things that the Son of God did not know, things that only the father knows, if there are things that Jesus did not know, how can you believe that Satan who is only a lowly created angel could know everything you think?.

Satan is not opposite and equal to God nor His Son, he is not even in the God class, nor that of God’s Son; God said all things were created by Jesus who created Satan as an angel; Satan is just a dog on a leash, going only as far as the LIMITED FREE WILL of his master’s leash will allow him to go.389

Mark 13:32 – There are some things the Son of God does not know

32 However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, NOT EVEN THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN OR THE SON HIMSELF. Only the

Father knows. (NLT)

382 1 Kings 22:19-23 – THE LORD HAS PUT A LYING SPIRIT IN THE MOUTHS OF ALL YOUR PROPHETS. For the LORD has pronounced your doom
383 Romans 2:29 – It’s not the letter of the Law, but the Spirit of the Law; a true Believer is one whose heart is right with God
384 Romans 7:6 – We have been released from the letter of the law so that we may SERVE IN THE NEW WAY OF THE SPIRIT
385 Titus 1:2 – It’s NOT God “will not”, but God “cannot” lie
386 OMNIPRESET - Acts 7:48-49 – 1 Kings 8:27 – 2 Chronicals 2:6 – Psalms 139:3 – Genesis 28:16
387 OMNISCIENT – Job 12:13 – Genesis 16:13 – 1 Samuel 16:7 – 2 Kings 19:27 – Psalms 119:168 – 1 Chronicals 29:9 – Psalms 44:21 – Psalms 103:14 – Job 28:10 – Psalms147:4 – Job 26:6
388 OMNIPOTENT – Genesis 18:14 – Job 42:2 – Matthew 19:26 – Revelation 19:6
389 Job 2:6 - And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but don’t touch his life.

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Chapter 12.10


Oprah Winfrey’s Church – The Judas Conspiracy – Moses Prophet Balaam – Sampson – Uzzah – Lot – Peter – Paul King Solomon - King Jehoash – King David – King Asa King Jehoram – King Uzziah - King Jehoshaphat

First Word

This study is to look at great men who had high authority from God. Men who had been taught from birth “The Law of Moses390, but were so caught up in what “THEY” were doing391 that they forgot about God’s Teachings; they made mistakes, and paid dearly.

Moses - The good stuff
There was a man named Moses who God called to bring the entire nation of Israel out of the

bondage of Egypt; to take them to a new Promised Land.392 Moses obeyed God’s instructions and did mighty miracles such as turning his staff into a snake393, he spoke and plagues came on the land, and water turned into blood.394 There was a plague of frogs in the whole country,395 a plague of Gnats.396 Flies,397 Death of livestock,398 Boils,399 Hail,400 Locust401 and then Darkness,402 then a plague on the firstborn of Egypt so that they all died.403 He parted the Red Sea for his people to cross over on dry land.404 He made bitter water become sweet,405 he provided Quail406 in abundance as well as provided Manna bread407 and Water from a rock.408 He went before God’s Shekinah Glory and received the Ten Commandments409 and the “Mosaic Law”.

Moses - The Mistake
Moses was undoubtedly God’s man, but one weary day he made a mistake. He beat the heck out

of a rock to get some water. While this seemed right, it was not what God had told him to do. The instructions the first time was to STRIKE the rock once, but this last time he was told to just SPEAK to the rock, not hit it.

390 Proverbs 9:10 – The Fear of God is the Beginning of WISDOM 391 Proverbs 28:26 – The man who trust his own mind is a FOOL. 392 Exodus 3:9-10 – Moses commissioned to free the Israelites
393 Exodus 7:10 – Aaron’s Staff turned into a snake

394 Exodus 7:20 – Waters turned to blood 395 Exodus 8:3 – Plague of Frogs
396 Exodus 8:17 – Plague of Gnats
397 Exodus 8:21 – Plague of Flies

398 Exodus 9:3 – Plague on the Livestock
399 Exodus 9:9 – Plague of Boils and Sores
400 Exodus 9:22 – Plague of Hail
401 Exodus 10:4 – Plague of Locust
402 Exodus 10:21 – Plague of Darkness that could be felt
403 Exodus 11:5 - Plague of Death on all the first born of man and cattle 404 Exodus 14:21 – Moses Parted the Red Sea
405 Exodus 15:25 – Made bitter waters to become sweet.
406 Exodus 16:13 – Provided Quail
407 Exodus 16:15 – Provided Manna Bread
408 Exodus 17:6 – Provide water from a rock - STRIKE ONCE
409 Exodus 20:1-2 - Provided the Ten Commandments

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This word study is to show you how much obedience is desired over even sacrifices. For us striking the Rock instead of speaking to it seems “trivial”, however with God obedience is what is desired and required.

For the reason of disobedience,410 Moses was not allowed to go into the Promised Land although he was allowed to see it from a distance; then he died.411 I think it is important to look back at the many accomplishments of Moses and understand the statement;


Side Bar

When I think of Oprah Winfrey, I think of the power she has been given, and the church she has formed that strays so greatly from the Word of God. She is a figurehead for the promotion and propagation of anti-biblical beliefs which deny every foundational truth of historical Christianity. Think about how God must feel about that.413

Pray that someone will cross her path that she respects and will turn her around, and most of all, turn aroundthemillionsoffollowersthataretravelingontheroadtoHell. Thisisseriousstuff;alltheNew Age religions sound pretty good till you read about what God has to say. Read the Bible for yourself.

King Jehoash - The Good
Then there was King Jehoash (aka Joash) who rebuilt the house of the Lord by setting a chest beside

the altar to receive love offerings.414 He received so much money he had to empty it every day in order to receive the overflow of the offerings.415 He took the money and paid the workers for their labor and material and held back none. The house of God was set in good order with new vessels of gold and silver416 and they offered burnt offerings to God continually.417

King Jehoash - The Mistake NowkingJehoash(akaJoash)reignedfortyyearsandthenonedayhemessedup. Someoftheprinces

of Judah came to him to ask permission to be allowed to go to the groves for worship of their idols. He was probably tired and said “Do as you want to”.418

A prophet of God warned Jehoash on his “decision” but he didn’t listen.419 God sent a great army against the land and afflicted the people with diseases.420 Jehoash’s (aka Joash) servants revolted concerning the situation and killed him in his bed.421

If you notice, there is a common thread woven here; when you grow strong, you feel like you are your own man and you don’t need advice from anyone, not even God.

King Jehoshaphat – The Good
How about King Jehoshaphat, who got rid of all the idols and places of pagan worship. He sent

men throughout the cities to teach God’s ways to the people. He sought God and walked in His commandments.422 He built castles and storehouses for his riches and had many businesses and many mighty men of war.423

410 1 Samuel 15:22 - Obedience is better than sacrifice
411 Deuteronomy 34:4-5 - You will see the promised land, but you will not go there, you will Die
412 Luke 12:48 – To whom much is given – Much is required
413 Matthew 7:15 Watch out for false prophets and teachers -- 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 – Come out from among them
414 2 Kings 12:7-9 - King Jehoash put a chest beside the altar for offerings
415 2 Chronicles 24:11 – Received so much money they had to empty the chest every day
416 2 Chronicles 24:12 – Jehoiada Restored the House of the Lord
417 2 Chronicles 24:13-14 – Offered burnt offerings regularly to God
418 2 Kings 12:1-3 – Jehoash did not remove the pagan altars in high places
419 2 Chronicles 24:18-19 – Did not pay attention to the Prophets -- 2 Chronicles 24:20-22 – Jehoash killed the Priest’s son 420 2 Chronicles 24:23 – Army invaded and spoiled Jerusalem
421 2 Kings 12:20 – Servants formed a conspiracy and Killed Joash -- 2 Chronicles 24:25 – Jehoash was Killed in his bed 422 2 Chronicles 17:3-9 – Jehoshaphat’s heart was courageous in the ways of the LORD.
423 2 Chronicles 17:12-13 – Jehoshaphat built fortresses and storehouses

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King Jehoshaphat – The Mistake
One day this man of God made a mistake; he made an alliance with King Ahab who was NOT a

man of God.424 In fact Ahab hated God and had given himself over to idolatry and immorality. Through ONE prophet, the Lord warned Jehoshaphat to NOT do this; while 400 other lying prophets said everything would be okay.

Jehoshaphat could not discern evil from good therefore he did not listen to the one true prophet of God and God destroyed all of Jehoshaphat’s ships and put him out of business.425

The problem was not the lying prophets, but the SINFUL ALLIANCE with the other king.426 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, what does LIGHT have in common with DARKNESS?

King Uzziah – The Good
There was a king named Uzziah (aka Azariah) who was made king when he was just 16 years old.427

He loved God and found his favor. He built towers, dug wells, provided cattle and vineyards. He put together a host of fighting men and prepared for them all kinds of equipment; bows, helmets, shields, spears, slings, and even provided mechanicals that could shoot multiple arrows and hurl great stones. 428 Uzziah well-fortified his city and did well for his people for 52 years.429

King Uzziah – The Mistake
One day Uzziah made a mistake; he went into the temple to burn incense on the altar to God.430

While this seems like a good thing to do, it was not Uzziah’s place to do this, but was to be done ONLY by the priesthood. The Levites warned him, but he did not listen,431 and God struck him with Leprosy432 and he was forced to live in a separate house excluded from the House of the Lord till the day he died.433

Do you see the common theme? A warning that was ignored and the cost that was dearly; he became Leprous and was separated from the Church and his family of God.

Uzzah – The Good
Then there was Uzzah who loved the Lord, he was just a good guy who tried to do right. One day

he reached out to steady the Ark of the Covenant; the Ark of God, to keep it from falling down when the oxen stumbled.434

Side Note: They had forgotten God’s Word; the Ark of the Covenant was to be carried on Poles by the Levites only; never on a cart pulled by oxen.

Uzzah - The Mistake
It seemed the right thing to do; but only the priest were sanctified and allowed to touch the Ark of

the Covenant and Uzzah was not of the priesthood, and GOD KILLED HIM.435 This was such a SMALL thing, but Jesus comments that the smallest punctuation of a Jot and Tittle in the LAW of God must be kept.436 The lesson is: It all matters; he who is faithful in LITTLE will be faithful in MUCH.437

424 2 Chronicles 18:3-5 – Jehoshaphat Made an alliance with an ungodly king 425 2 Chronicles 20:37 – Everything was destroyed and his Ships wrecked. 426 2 Corinthians 6:14 - Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers
427 2 Kings 14:21 – Azariah was made king at the age of 16

428 2 Chronicles 26:9-15 - Azariah built towers, dug wells and amassed a Great army
429 2 Kings 15:2 – Azariah reigned 52 years
430 2 Chronicles 26:16-17 – When King Uzziah was strong, he grew PROUD and thought he could now offer incense on the altar
431 2 Chronicles 26:18 – Azariah was warned by the Priest; It is not for him to burn incense to the LORD, but for the priests
432 2 Chronicles 26:19-20 – Leprosy broke out on Uzziah’s forehead
433 2 Chronicles 26:21. – King Uzziah was excluded from the House of the Lord -- 2 Kings 15:5 - King Uzziah was a leper to the day of his death
434 2 Samuel 6:6-7 – Uzzah put his hand on the Ark of the Covenant
435 2 Samuel 6:7 – God struck Uzzah dead
436 Matthew 5:18 – Not one Jot or Tittle (punctuation) will pass away from the Law
437 Luke 16:9-10 - Faithful in a very little is faithful also in much

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Time Out

Let’s stop here for a moment to reflect. On the first reading of the passages, most of the decisions reached “Seemed Correct”, in fact we probably would have done the same things as they did. As we continue to read and digest the parallel passages, we will find the answer for “God’s wrath” on their decisions. That had ignored God’s teachings, or perhaps had not been in God’s Word in so long that they had just forgot... Obedience is better than sacrifice. 438 Read on.

King Asa – The good
God raised up a King by the name of Asa. Asa removed all the Idols from the land;439 removed

the pagan altars from the high paces;440 placed dedicated vessels of gold into the House of the Lord and rebuilt the Holy altar.441 He removed his mother as the queen, because she had made an idol;442 then he made a covenant that he would put to death all non-believers of the God most High.443 He commanded the people to keep the Laws and commandments of God.444 Asa sought God’s council445 to deliver him from his enemies and built strong towers, walls and gates with bars that allowed the people to live in peace.446

King Asa – The Mistake
One day trouble came in the form of an invading army. Asa made an ALLIANCE with another king

to help him fight the invading army447. Yep, a mistake;448 instead of consulting and relying on God, Asa chose a man, a non-believer at that, to help him fight the invading army. God rebuked him and instead of peace, he had many wars.449 He became diseased in his feet450 and while he went to doctors, he never thought to ask God to heal him. He died with his disease.451

Prophet Balaam – Prophet for hire
Then there was Balaam, a prophet of sorts; a man of God who was called by a king to curse the

Israelites;452 because whom Balaam blessed became blessed and whom he cursed became cursed. Balaam asked God for instructions and God said “Don’t go and curse the Israelites”.453 Balaam told the king what God had said, but the king begged him to come and offered him more REWARDS and to come anyway.

Prophet Balaam - The Mistake
Balaam asked the Lord AGAIN should he go, this time God said “Okay, Go”.454 Now while it

seemed correct to go, the problem was, God had already said “NO”, so God sent an angel along the trail to give Balaam a haircut; to part his hair with a sword. Fortunately for Balaam, his Ass spoke to him and made him see he was about to be killed.455

438 1 Samuel 15:22 - Obedience is better than sacrifice
439 2 Chronicles 14:5 – Removed the pagan altars in the high places
440 1 Kings 15:9-15 – Asa did what was right in the sight of God
441 2 Chronicles 15:8 – Repaired the Altar of the Lord
442 2 Chronicles 15:16 – Removed his mother from being Queen
443 2 Chronicles 15:13 – Put to death whoever would not seek God
444 2 Chronicles 14:4 – Commanded Judah to keep God’s Laws
445 2 Chronicles 14:11 – Asa sought God’s council
446 2 Chronicles 14:7 – Built walls, towers, gates and bars -- 2 Chronicles 14:6 – Fortified the cities and had peace
447 1 Kings 15:19 – Let’s make a COVENANT between me and you
448 2 Chronicles 16:7 – God sent a Prophet; you made a MISTAKE
449 2 Chronicles 16:9 – Now you will forever have wars
450 2 Chronicles 16:11-12 – Diseased in his feet
451 1 Kings 15:24 – Asa died with the disease
452 Numbers 22:5-6 – Come and Curse the Israelites
453 Numbers 22:10-12 – God said – YOU SHALL NOT GO and curse them!
454 Numbers 22:15-17 – Balaam was promised Great REWARDS plus to curse Israel -- Numbers 22:19-23 – Balaam asked God and He said NO and Balaam asked AGAIN and God said GO and planned to kill him
455 Numbers 22:27-29 – Balaam has a conversation with his Ass and as not surprised it could talk

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Well, Balaam barely got out of that one alive and did go on to do God’s bidding,456 but you have to read it for yourself to see how it all happened. Later on, he died by the sword for even considering a reward and NOT obeying God’s first Words. Balaam’s Ass is a Word Study all into its own self and is a real eye opener into the tricks of Satan... I urge you to find this one and read it, I have included part of Josephus’ account of “The Long Con” he purposed to the King in order to get his REWARD.457

Josephus - Chapter 6 – Balaam hatches an Evil Satanic Plan
Do you therefore set out the handsomest of such of your DAUGHTERS as are most eminent for beauty, and proper to force and conquer the modesty of those that behold them, and these decked and trimmed to the highest degree you are able. Then do you send them to be near the Israelite’s camp and give them in charge, that when the young men of the Hebrews DESIRE their company, they allow it them.
6:130 and when they see that they are enamored of them, let them take their leaves; and if they entreat them to stay, let them not give their CONSENT till they have persuaded them to leave off their obedience to their own laws and the worship of that God who established them, and to worship the gods of the Midianites and Moabites; for by this means God will be angry at them.

Lot’s Wife - Rescued
Then there was a fellow named Lot. God rescued him and his family out of the cities of Sodom

and Gomorrah before He blew it all up.458 God told them to run for their life and NOT LOOK BACK.459

Lot’s Wife - The Mistake
Lot’s wife wanted just one last look and stopped to look back at where everything she had owned

was going up in smoke, and the place she was standing turned her into a pillar of salt.460 “She was assaulted” such a small thing... Obedience.

Sampson – The Good
What about Sampson, a judge in Israel who fought almost singlehanded against the Philistines,

God’s enemy. He killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an Ass.461 He had taken the Nazarite Vow of no alcohol and to never cut his hair.462

Sampson - The Mistake
Sampson started messing around with a cutie named Delilah. This mistake turned out to be a

close shave. Sampson did not check with God about Delilah; he only saw her outward beauty and wanted her. Without God’s guidance this holy wedlock became an unholy deadlock. Sampson not only intermarried with a Philistine woman, but she was also a prostitute thus bringing shame to his parents TWICE over. However God was planning to use this marriage for His own ultimate end.

Sampson told Delilah the secret of his great strength was his Nazarite vow to not cut his hair.463 Sampson did not know Delilah was a barber and she cut off his hair464 and then the philistines ran in and bound him; gouged out his eyes and took him to prison.465

456 Numbers 24:1 – Balaam did not curse Israel, but devised a plan to get his REWARD
457 2 Peter 2:15 – Balaam the Prophet of God was PAID OFF -- 2 Peter 2:15 – Balaam loved the GAIN he got of wrongdoing -- Numbers 24:25 – Balaam gave his plan to corrupt the Israelites and went home with his BOOTY. -- Numbers 31:8 – Balaam was killed by the sword afterhegothisREWARD --Jude1:11–Balaamperishedforthesakeofgain
458 Genesis 19:15 – Take your family and get out of here -- Genesis 19:25 – God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah
459 Genesis 19:17 – Escape, run for your life and DON’T LOOK BACK
460 Genesis 19:26 – Lot’s wife just had to look back and turned to a Pillar of Salt
461 Judges 15:15-16 – Samson killed 1000 Philistines with jawbone of an ass
462 Judges 13:5 – Samson never cut your hair
463 Judges 16:6 – Delilah said to Samson, Please tell me where your great strength lies
464 Judges 16:19 – Delilah gave Sampson a shave and a haircut for 2 bits.
465 Judges 16:21 – Philistine’s gouged out Sampson’s eyes and put him working at the grinding mill in prison

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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT IT’SINTHEBOOK Had he remembered God’s statutes and his own Nazarite Vow, he would not have paid with his

captivity and eventually his life.

Time out
These passages just scream out the message that it’s not enough to just be a “good man”, but

that we are TO KNOW our God in depth, to study His precepts, statues and commandments; to reverence Him and with that it’s just the beginning of Wisdom. A hair cut is such a small thing... but not when God said NOT TO. It’s the small things; the very punctuation of a “Jot and Title” of God’s Word, it’s all important; that’s why we must STUDY His Word.

King David – The Good Guy
King David was a man after God’s own heart.466 This Word Study does not have enough space to

devote to all the great things he did in the name of our Lord. He defeated God’s enemy, the Philistines467 and returned the Ark of God to Jerusalem,468 he had many victories over the enemies of God; the Moabites, the King of Zobah, the Arameans, etc., etc.469

King David - The Mistake
One day he saw a cute girl named Bathsheba taking a bath on top of her home.470 He sent for

her and then slept with her even though she was married.471 She became pregnant and to get out of the predicament, David killed her husband,472 then he was free to marry her.473 Even though David had repented of his MISTAKE; his Sin, 474God killed their first born child.475

NOTE: When you get out of the rain with an umbrella from God; you are still wet from the rain and it takes time to dry off. While forgiveness of sin is immediate like opening an umbrella; the consequences of sin takes time to resolve; to dry out.

This mistake broke David’s heart and although his’s own life was spared, God did not allow him to build the temple476 and his family suffered many calamities, turmoil and death.477 You will reap what you sow; more than you sow, and for longer than you sow. If you have sown a seed of sin, you should pray now for a CROP FAILURE.

Although David composed many songs while he was alive, he is now in the grave decomposing.

King Solomon – The Good Guy
King Solomon was God’s man; he built the temple and boy was it something to behold.478 He was

so great that he did not have storage rooms or barns, but had storage CITIES for all his loot.479

King Solomon – The Mistake
Now Solomon had an eye for the foreign ladies and married about 700 of them,

(This is not where the term the “700 Club” comes from, just sayin’) and had 300 Porcupines.480 The prickly wives fussed at him for a place to worship their foreign heathen god’s and he finally gave in to their nagging.481

466 1 Samuel 13:14 – David, a man after God’s own heart
467 2 Samuel 5:19-20 - David defeated the Philistines
468 2 Samuel 6:2-3– Brought up the Ark of the Covenant of God
469 2 Samuel 8:2-5 - Defeated Moabites, Hadadezer and Syrians
470 2 Samuel 11:2 – David sees Bathsheba taking a bath on her roof
471 2 Samuel 11:4-5 – David lays with Bathsheba and she gets pregnant
472 2 Samuel 11:13-15 – David has Bathsheba’s husband killed
473 2 Samuel 11:26-27 – David marries Bathsheba and bore him a son
474 2 Samuel 12:12-17 – David repented of his mistake; his sin
475 2 Samuel 12:18 – The child dies
476 1 Kings 5:5 – You cannot build the House of God; the Temple -- 1 Kings 2:10 David died and did not see the House of God 477 2 Samuel 12:10 – The sword will never depart from your house
478 1 Kings 5:4-5 – Solomon would build the Temple
479 1 Kings 9:19 Solomon had cites to store all his STUFF
480 1 Kings 11:3 – Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. And his wives turned away his heart.
481 1 Kings 11:4-8 – Wives turned Solomon’s heart away from God

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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT IT’SINTHEBOOK God didn’t like this at all482 and he tore the kingdom away from Solomon and gave it to his servant;483

later on Solomon died and his kingdom was divided; Judah two tribes and Israel 10 tribes.484

King Jehoram

Well, then there was King Jehoram, who was JUST PLAIN EVIL and God zapped him with an incurable disease and his bowels fell out.485 To whom much is given, much is required.

Who can make it?

As I look at all these great men who “Missed it”, I wonder how can I, a plain everyday person, stands a chance of being acceptable to my God. Did you notice that people just can’t seem to make it through life without mistakes? Thank God there is a NEW COVENANT.

There was a criminal; an evil man who was being crucified along with Jesus. At the last minute he believed that Jesus was the Messiah and was saved.486 Our God is a forgiving God, regardless of how long you have practiced evil or how deep your sin, however you can wait until it’s just too late.

There was a Pharisee named Paul who was responsible for the imprisonment and death of countless followers of Christ.487 Paul heard the call from Jesus and accepted him as his Messiah488 and went on to be a great teacher for the Lord.489 Paul’s past MISTAKES against the Church were covered by the blood of Jesus Christ; Forgiven.

Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus made a MISTAKE by denying that he was a disciple of Jesus;490 in fact he did this THREE TIMES.491 However, Peter repented and Jesus received him back into the fold.492 Praise God for Grace!

One of the tricks of Satan is to get you to believe that you have made such bad MISTAKES that you cannot ever be accepted by God; that you’re just not good enough or worthy. If Satan can keep you from fellowshipping with God then he will have accomplished his mission.

When we are not fellowshipping with God, we are separated from Him.


Now Judas, also a disciple of Jesus Christ betrayed Him for just a little spending money.493 Later on, he saw that he had made a MISTAKE, but instead of asking for forgiveness, he went out and hung


He was tricked; consumed by Satan as was prophesized.495 The Take Away

If you are not where you want to be with the Lord; then right now, talk to God about your feelings. As you read the Bible, ask Him for wisdom and understanding. You are somebody! Jesus gave His life for you before you were ever born. He left a Book for you to read that tells you all about Him and His Father and how much they love you.

The Book has all the examples we will ever need to avoid mistakes. If we make mistakes; AND WE WILL, He is ready to forgive us if we just ask. I urge you, if you want to please the heavenly Father and try to avoid MISTAKES, then read “The Word”.

482 1 Kings 11:9-10 – God was Angry with Solomon
483 1 Kings 11:11 – God took his kingdom – Gave it to his servant
484 1 Kings 11:43 – Solomon died and his kingdom was divided.
485 2 Chronicles 21:18-19 – the LORD struck Jehoram in his bowels with an incurable disease and his bowels fell out 486 Luke 23:41-43 – The Thief on the cross believed; Remember me
487 Acts 9:1-2 – Paul threatened murder against Christians
488 Acts 9:3-6 – God called Paul to his service
489 Acts 9:20 - Paul proclaimed Jesus as the Son of God
490 John 18:17 - Peter denies Jesus
491 John 18:25-27 - Peter denies Jesus two more times
492 John 21:15-17 – Jesus forgives Peter three times
493 John 18:2 – Judas knew where Jesus met with the Disciples
494 Matthew 27:3-5 – Judas hanged himself
495 Luke 22:3-6 – Satan tricked Judas

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Know Him; Seek Him, Spend Time getting to know your Father every day. Fellowship with God, that’s why you were created, “To Fellowship”. The Chief end of man is to glorify God.

There is no MISTAKE so big that it can separate you from the Fellowship of God.496

496 Joshua 24:15 - If serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve; but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD

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Chapter 12.11

Falling From Grace

Believers – Make Believers – The Law - The Test – Stumbling – Back Sliding Slip Slidin’ Away - Unforgiven – Predestination – Calvinism – Arminianism

Help; I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

First Word
Paul Simon’s Lyrics; You know, the nearer your destination, the more you slip slidin’ away”.

Falling from Grace: THE QUESTION COMES; can someone who has been saved lose their salvation because they have been “Slip Slidin’ Away” in one form or another?

Back sliding” can take the form of unfaithfulness; sexual perversions, lying, cheating, stealing to just outright avoidance of fellowshipping with other Believers in Church.

I had a friend once tell me of how far away he has drifted from God, till there was NO HOPE for him; it was too late to change. THE QUESTION IS; how does he know that?

Doctrine: The “Falling from Grace” doctrine is certainly taught in the Church today, the doctrine teaches that salvation is dependent upon the conduct or actions or works of man; which brings us to THE NEXT QUESTION; how many WORKS is enough?

The Law
First of all it’s because of the Law in scripture that we became conscious of our sin497 and the fact

that everyone who sins, breaks the law of God and becomes a part of lawlessness.498 Scripture teaches that even the smallest item of God’s Law should not be trivialized, but taken seriously.499

The Law is important; but in its finality, it shows us that WE ARE CRAZY to think that by our own efforts we can do anything to save ourselves. Think about it; Paul says we are FOOLISH to think that our flesh could start, perpetuate and finish the supernatural transaction of death into life.500

Without the mercy and grace of God, we stand hopeless.

So here’s where we are

The Bible says that we are ALL sinners501 and because of sin, we are separated from God.502 This makes us the object of God’s wrath.503 The penalty for our sin is death,504 we are doomed to be out of the presence of God and into everlasting destruction for eternity.505 The only way to escape the wrath of God is to embrace Christ and His work on the cross.

Jesus bore our sins in His righteous body so that our body would “die to sin”. 506

497 Romans 3:20 – It was the Law that made us conscious of our Sin
498 1 John 3:4 - Sin is lawlessness; it’s in the Book
499 Matthew 5:19 – We are to take the smallest item in God’s law seriously
500 Galatians 3:3 - It’s foolishness to think you can do something to save yourself
501 Romans 3:23 – We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God -- Romans 3:10-11 – There is no one righteous, not even one; No one seeks God on his own
502 Isaiah 59:2 – Sin separates us from God
503 Ephesians 2:3 – Unbelievers are the objects of God’s wrath
504 Romans 6:23 – The wages of sin is death
505 2 Thessalonians 1:9 – The unbeliever will be punished with Everlasting destruction out of the presence of God
506 1 Peter 2:24 – Jesus bore our sins on the cross

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What does all that mean?
What this means is that the Laws of God only pointed to the fact that we are all destined to Hell

fire, and that all we can do is to TRY to imitate what the Laws in scriptures require in order to be saved. It would seem that WE CANNOT BE SURE that we CAN be saved...

BAM; you have to know that you have ARRIVED, before you can know that you have FALLEN. Good News: Salvation comes from the Lord alone; we are saved by the GRACE of God, it is not a reward for what we have done, but is a GIFT from God.507

The Believer no longer stands condemned;508 he has ALREADY passed from death into life;509 the Law has been fully satisfied by the sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

It’s not what WE did; it’s what HE did;510 it’s not Jesus plus something else; it’s a done deal.

Make Believers
I dislike anything that smacks of doubt, I want to KNOW FOR SURE; I don’t want to be blown

about by every wave of theology or new thought,511 so some things need to be settled and the big one is; are you a child of God or not, IN or OUT.

J. Vernon McGee says he believes in The Security of the Believer; they are saved period. He also believes in The Insecurity of the Make Believer; those who wonder if they’re saved. He points out that you might just want to take an inventory of your life. Are the things of God important to you? There are really only two commandments from Jesus.512

  1. 1)  Do you love the Lord your God with all your heart; with all your soul and with all your mind?

  2. 2)  Do you love your neighbor as Christ has loved you?

The Test is examining the fruit from your garden; what kind of fruit can people see on your tree?

We are not to judge others; but we are encouraged to be fruit inspectors.
A good tree cannot bare bad fruit; you will be known by YOUR fruit. 513

Maybe Saved

Some people confess that they are saved, but then they leave the fellowship of believers which is an indicator that they were never a part of it to begin with or they would have stayed.514 This is not about changing Churches or Church Hopping; it’s about NO church except maybe for Easter and Christmas.

Have you confessed that you are sinner, repented and changed your ways?515
Have you confessed with your mouth before other men that Jesus is your Lord?
Do you believed in your heart that Jesus was raised from the dead?
Do you believe He will come again and receive you to Himself and you will dwell with Him?

But, I stumbled

Don’t pat yourself on the back like you are somebody special. ALL have STUMBLED; ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, not just you.517 Good News; when we stumble, God will re- direct our steps and will still HOLD ON to us even when we have let go.518 We are still His and all things will work out in His Plan.519

507 Ephesians 2:8-9 – Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, we are saved by Grace; It’s a Gift from God 508 Romans 8:1-4 - There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus; the law is fully satisfied
509 John 5:24 – Believers have already passed from death into life
510 Jonah 2:9 – Salvation comes from the Lord alone

511 James 1:5-8 – DOUBT makes you unstable and double-minded blown and tossed about by the wind.
512 Matthew 22:37-40 – The TEST: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and Love your neighbor as yourself. -- John 13:34 – A new command I give you: Love one another as JESUS LOVED YOU
513 Matthew 7:16-20 – You will know a Believer by their FRUITS
514 1 John 2:19 – It’s possible you were never part of the body; for if you had belonged to us, you would have remained with us
515 Romans 10:9-10 - Confess with your mouth and Believe in your heart and you will be saved.
516 John 14:2-3 – Jesus will come again and receive the believer.
517 Romans 3:23 – ALL have sinned and fall short of God’s glory
518 Psalm 37:23-24 – When the Believer stumbles, GOD holds on
519 Romans 8:28 – All things work together for Good for the Believer; those who love God, and are called according to His purpose

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Jesus Christ will not lose even one person that has been given to him by the Father; NOT ONE.520 The Believer is declared righteous even when he has stumbled.521

The only question that you have is; are you His, did you believe, did you accept Him? Are you a Believer or a Make-Believer? The Believer will joyfully agree with God’s word522 and will strive in his spirit to do the will of God; so are you striving? Do you have the desire? It would not even cross your mind about “Falling from Grace” if God did not already have a calling on your life.


Either we have been forgiven or we still need to be forgiven; One or the Other. When Jesus the Christ sacrificed His life on the Cross; ALL of our sins were forgiven; PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.523 When our OLD spirit man sins we are forgiven before the Dastardly Dirty Deed is Done.524

IT’S LIKE WE HAVE NEVER SINNED in the first place; WHAT? Yes, it’s in the Book. The ONE sacrifice of Jesus Christ has made us perfect forever.525
Renewing Grace is an abiding principal; Forgiveness is an accomplished fact.

SO THEN WE CAN STILL SIN; Yes, we can still sin and be saved, but God will not be mocked.526 As an example a Homosexual that is a child of God will give up his life style of sin.

Whoever is born of God will not LIVE in sin, they will not PRACTICE sin.527
The old nature can have an act of sin, but not deliberate or consciously or habitually, nor

presumptuously, but involuntary SINS and it is forgiven, erased, never again to be remembered.528


From the very beginning, God had a plan to shape the lives of the Believer, to conform them to the Image of Jesus Christ and it is predestined that God will complete that conformation that He has begun.529 Jesus Christ has the authority to give eternal life; 530all you have to do is to BELIEVE IT.

Help; I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

Falling from Grace is a doctrine of DOUBT. IT’S A LIE born out of the pit of hell that says you have fallen so far that you can’t get back up. If you have stumbled down the wrong path, then turn around NOW.

The MOST PROGRESSIVE MAN is the one that REASONS that he is on the wrong road and turns back the soonest. If you will humble yourself and pray and seek God’s face and turn from your fallen ways, then He will hear from heaven,531 and will forgive your sin and will heal your spirit 532and His eyes will be open and His ears attentive to the prayers that you offer.

A Believer in Jesus Christ will not stay in SIN. If you don’t try to “GET BACK UP”, then you are a Make Believer and were never His; He will plainly tell you, “I never knew you”.533

If you were once saved, you are forever saved, NO ifs ands or buts; nothing can EVER separate you from the love of God. 534

520 John 6:37-39 – Christ will not lose even one true believer
521 Romans 10:4 - Believers are declared righteous
522 Romans 7:22 – I joyfully agree with the commands of God
523 Hebrews 7:27 – His sacrifice was ONCE AND FOR ALL -- Colossians 2:13 – When we were DEAD in our sins, God made us Alive
524 Ezekiel 36:26 – We have a new heart and a new spirit -- 1 Corenthians 3:16 – God’s Spirit lives in us -- Romans 8:16 – The Believer is God’s child -- 2 Corenthians5:17 – If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come

525 Hebrews 10:14 – His ONE sacrifice made us perfect forever.
526 Galatians 6:7 - Do not be deceived: God WILL NOT be mocked
527 1 John 3:9 – No one who is born of God will continue to sin,
528 Hebrews 10:17-18 – God will remember the Sins no more
529 Romans 8:29-30 – God will complete what He has begun -- Philippians 1:6 – He who begun the work in us will complete it 530 John 17:2 – Christ has the authority to give eternal life
531 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 – Humble, Pray, Seek; I will hear
532 John 3:16-18 – Whoever Believes in Jesus the Christ has eternal life
533 Matthew 7:23 - I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you
534 Romans 8:38-39 – Nothing can separate us from God

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Two Schools of Thought – Parallel truths, both taught in the Bible; Divine Sovereignty & Human Freedom Calvinism: Men are so fallen that they are dead in their sins and unable to seek God’s face. God in his Mercy has pre-destined SOME people to be saved; His Grace is irresistible to those He elected.

Man can do nothing; and has nothing to do with his Salvation; it’s all God.
Arminianism: God has extended His Grace to ALL people and it’s up to each individual to accept

or resist. His Grace is an influence-and-response fashion that can be both freely accepted and freely denied; man has FREE WILL to choose. Life is choice driven.

Either way: You will know the Believer by their fruits, if God has a call on your life; you have eternal security; if you are a MAKE BELIEVER; you were never a part of the body.


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Chapter 12.12

Beer Booze & Bubbly

Is it a sin to drink alcohol? – Didn’t Jesus drink wine? Symbolism in the Bible I only drink on two occasions: When I am with friends, and when I am alone

First Word

I would like begin by saying that most of the time we really do not know if the wine mentioned in the Bible was alcoholic or not; we do know that new wine was not. Wine was sometimes mixed with spices and other drinks to increase its strength. Wine has healing properties as today we know that alcohol kills germs.535

The idea here is to explore what God’s word has to say about “drinking” based on the Old Covenant as well as the New Covenant under which we now live. Wine in general in the scriptures is SYMBOLIC of health and Fruitfulness,536 Happiness,537 prosperity,538 abundance,539 safety,540 and spiritual blessings;541 this symbolism is woven throughout the Old Testament.

Jesus turned water into wine. It must be noted here that in my observation, Jesus never used his authority for himself or his disciples; all his miracles benefited others. The turning of water into wine was Christ’s first recorded miracle.542 Wine was a part of their culture; if drinking wine was against God’s statutes, Jesus would not have been a part of this wedding celebration. Jesus only did the works of the Father.543 At this point, you are thinking this wine was non-alcoholic; not so.544


Jesus drank wine and they called Him a winebibber,545 John the Baptist did not drink wine because he had taken the vow of the Nasserite and they said he has a demon. This Nasserite oath could be for a month, a year or forever. John’s oath was forever; he could not even touch a raisin nor cut his hair. Jesus also took the Nasserite vow, but it was only for a specific time. So Jesus was trained as a Nasserite and fully understood the symbolism and the potency of wine.546

Partake in everything in moderation; vanilla extract is good, but I don’t want to drink a cup of it. Water can give life, but too much can kill. Fire can warm, but too much can destroy; food can give health as well as steal it.

Scripture says it’s not what goes into a man’s mouth that defiles him, it’s what comes out of his mouth,547 so even though we are FREE to drink wine, some feel drinking alcohol of any description

535 2 Samuel 16:2 – WINE REFRESHING -- 1 Timothy 5:23 – WINE USED IN ILLNESS PREVENTION -- Luke 10:34 – WINE CAN AID IN HEALING -- Proverbs 31:6-7 WINE A SEDATIVE FOR THE DYING
536 Psalms 128:3 – Symbolic of FRUITFULNESS
537 Judges 9:13 – Symbolic of HAPPYINESS

538 Psalms 80:8-11 – Symbolic of PROSPERITY
539 Genesis 49:11-12 – Symbolic of ABUNDANCE AND HEALTH
540 1 Kings 4:25 – Symbolic of SAFETY
541 Isaiah 55:1-2 – Symbolic of a SPIRITUAL BLESSING
542 John 2:2-3 – Jesus turns water into wine, His first recorded miracle
543 John 9:4 – Jesus did the works of the father
544 John 2:10 – It was FERMINTED
545 Luke 7:33-34 – Jesus drank wine - Matthew 11:18-19 - The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a DRUNKARD, a friend of tax collectors and sinners -- Genesis 1:31 – God created wine and said it was VERY good
546 Hebrews 5:6 – Jesus was of the order of Melchizedek -- Genesis 14:18-19 – Melchizedek served Abraham wine
547 Matthew 15:10-11 – It’s not what goes into a man’s mouth that defiles him, it’s what comes out of his mouth

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is sinful,548 so for them it is sin and should be avoided.549 So even though we are free to drink wine, we should avoid doings so in public as it may cause those who are weak in their faith to stumble. 550

Those in leadership have special direction from the scriptures; Congressmen shouldn’t drink too much551 and the President should not drink at all.552 Deacons can drink a little,553 but not at church services; with communion being the exception. Preachers can drink more than deacons,554 but not at church services; Baptist can’t drink at all, at least John the Baptist did not, but it seems OK for Presbyterians.555 Actually we are all FREE to drink in moderation, although some denominations knowing the results of drunkenness, forbid it.

Partaking of wine in church during communion or the Lord’s Supper is allowed.556 It’s only a token of wine and is symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ; in fact the Bible says to do it often. A quantity of wine was always kept in the temple for ceremonies. We are urged to no longer be controlled by our desires for sitting around social drinking, but to live the rest of our life for the will of God.557

Vow of the Nazarene

If you are moved by the Spirit to get closer to God, then you must separate yourself from strong drink for whatever time is impressed on you; John the Baptizer’s vow was for life. The grape to the Nazarene is a symbol of temptation because symbolically it represents prosperity, leisure and the fullness of life are connected to it.

VOWOFTHENAZARENE: TomakeoneselfavailabletoGod;tobeaspiritualleader.558 Dedication and separation for a period of time to a priestly life.559
Abstinence from anything from the vine, including, juice, raisins and the vine itself.560 Defilement avoidance: To avoid touching a dead body, making them un-ceremonial defiled.561 Unimpaired strength: The cutting of hair was forbidden, it is a symbol of strength.

Let’s take a tour - of excess
What does God say in the scriptures about drinking in excess? In the very beginning we see Noah,

God’s very own man, got drunk and started taking off his clothes562 and in another scripture a father in a stupor has sex with his two daughters and didn’t even remember it.563

Here are some of the characteristics of what happens when you over indulge.
a) You will not know what you are doing, b) You’re eyes become red, c) and you start feeling sorry for yourself. d) You begin to complain and start foolish contentions and get hurt for no reason. e) You get beat up and don’t even know it.564 f) You imagine strange confusing things. 565 g) You become sick as a dog on a boat and h) when you wake up, all you want is another drink. So we are warned not to plan our day around HAPPY HOUR and the next concoction we can make.566

548 Romans 14:21-23 – If a man thinks drinking WINE is a sin; then for him IT IS SIN
549 Romans 14:20-21 – DON’T DRINK IN PUBLIC, it could cause someone else to stumble.
550 Ephesians 5:18 – DO NOT GET DRUNK
551 Titus 1:6-8 – Congressmen shouldn’t drink too much alcohol
552 Proverbs 31:4-5 – The president should not drink at all
553 1 Timothy 3:8 – Deacons can drink a little -- Ezekiel 44:21 – But not at church
554 1 timothy 3:2-3 – Preachers can drink more than Deacons -- Leviticus 10:8-9 – But not at church services
555 Luke 7:33 – Baptist can’t drink, but it seems OK for Presbyterians
556 1 Corenthians 11:25-26 - COMMUNION IS THE EXCEPTION for drinking wine in church
557 1 Peter 4:2-3 - SET YOUR MIND ON THE WILL OF GOD
558 Luke 1:13-16 - I want to be totally dedicated to the lord
559 Ephesians 5:18 – Seek the spirit of god
560 Numbers 6:1-3 – If you want more of god; be separate from wine
561 1 Corenthians 6:19-20 – Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit -- Revelation 1:5-6 – We are a kingdom of priest -- 1 peter 2:5 – We are a royal priesthood -- 1 peter 2:9 – We are a chosen people
562 Genesis 9:20-22 – DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING
563 Genesis 19:33 – He was not aware of it when he laid down with her; could not remember.
564 Proverbs 20:1 – FUSSIN’ & FIGHTIN’
566 Isaiah 5:22 - Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks

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Stay away from friends that are party animals whose activities center around drinking.567 Those in Authority should limit their indulgence and not crave alcohol.568

Alcohol has now become America’s number one legalized drug. Caution concerning its use is woven throughout the scriptures.569 Special Note: There was a lot of wine brought to the early church as a tithe and as an offering. This was NEW WINE, first fruits that was not fermented, but it was also stored and as time went by it DID ferment.

News flash - A drunkard will not go to Heaven.570 It’s in the Book.

King Solomon speaks from experience
King Solomon felt a lot of mixed emotions about life as he tried everything including abstaining from

wine571 as well as getting “POTTED”. He winds up commenting that wine is a favor from God and we can partake of it with happiness.572 He goes on to exhort us that in all our actions we are to reverence God and imitate His concepts.573

The Take Away
The references to wine in the Bible indicate that wine was very common to their everyday life and

was part of their regular diet. Some scholars feel that it would have been impossible to have wine that was unfermented during Biblical times as it was stored for months in jars and wine skins and kept in cool cellars. Jesus could not have been tempted to drink too muchwine unless he had the same temptation as we have.

Drinking wine is not a sin; drunkenness is a sin; eating is not a sin, gluttony is a sin. The Kingdom of God is not what we eat or drink; it’s not what goes into our mouth that defiles us, it’s what comes out. I had a Facebook friend who OPENLY dressed me down about drinking alcohol; she ended by saying she was just trying to be a GOOD CHRISTIAN. This was an inference that those who did drink alcohol were NOT GOOD CHRISTIANS. She confessed later to me that she was an alcoholic and could not drink in moderation.

Being raised a STRICK BAPTIST, I saw my pastor standing in a line at a wedding for some punch, I told him he was in the wrong line, that one had alcohol. There was a pause as he hugged me and he changed lines; it was for my sake he changed lines, not for his.

The Book says while we are FREE to drink in moderation if we choose, others may feel differently; that it’s a SIN therefore they cannot drink. We are free to drink alcohol in moderation, but not to the extent that it causes someone else to stumble in their faith; so it seems advisable not to drink in public.

I feel pretty sure that this word study will please only about half the folks that read it, the ones that drink. I just hope that it is controversial enough that is will cause you to dig through God’s word for yourself to get your own special revelation.

If I can get you excited enough to check out God’s word for yourself, then this study has accomplished that which it was sent to do. Selah

567 Proverbs 23:20-21 – DON’T HANG AROUND PARTY ANIMALS -- Romans 13:12-14 – Don’t let it cross your mind to get drunk 568 Isaiah 5:11 – DON’T RUN AFTER BOOZE -- 1 Corenthians 6:9-11 – Don’t be a drunkard; you have been sanctified
569 Luke 21:34-36 – A drunk will stand before God condemned
570 Galatians 5:19-21 – WARNING AGAIN; DON’T BE A DRUNKARD, you will not inherit the kingdom of God

571 1 Corenthians 8:13 – Consider your neighbor when you consume alcohol that it not cause him to stumble in his faith
572 Ecclesiastes 9:7 – Enjoy what God has made -- Titus 2:1-3 – Enjoy wine in moderation -- 1 Corenthians 8:8-9 – We are not better nor worse for drinking in moderation -- Hebrews 4:14-15 – Jesus was tempted by alcohol, He was tempted in every way, just as we are-yet was without sin
573 Romans 14:13-18 – The Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit -- Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 - The conclusion of the whole matter: fear god, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man

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Chapter 12.13

Lottery & Gambling

Consideration – Chance – Prize - Prosperity – Wealth – Risk Taking Greed – Love of Money – Amusement – Addiction – Personal Witness Have you ever paid a dollar to throw balls to win a twenty-five cent stuffed bear?


The lottery is a form of gambling which involves the “drawing of lots” for a prize which may be a certain amount of money and could be taxable if over a certain amount depending on the country and or state the lottery was drawn. Most lottery expenditures go to various institutions, primarily public school systems.

Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Gambling thus requires three elements be present: consideration, chance and prize. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period.

First Word

God is NOT against riches or wealth; in fact it is God that gives us the ability to obtain wealth.574 It all belongs to God and what we give back to God is only a portion of what He has already given us.575 We are cautioned not to be arrogant and cocky about our finances, not to put our hope in them as our continued finances is fairly uncertain; but to put our hope in God.576

These thoughts present three questions.

  1. 1)  By what means did you obtain your wealth?

  2. 2)  Where does wealth rank in your priorities?

  3. 3)  How do you use your wealth?

Risk Taking

Part of life is risk taking whether it is with your own money or someone else’s assets that has been entrusted to you. This would include your natural talents and God given Gifts in the service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; stepping out and “taking a risk at failure” in your own church.

God encourages LEGITIMATE risk taking; he encourages us to count the cost first to see if you can accomplish what you desire.577 He challenges us to NOT lean on our own understanding,578 but to seek Godly council; wisdom, understanding and knowledge,579 He says many advisors bring success.580

In the Parable of the talents, the servants were entrusted with “talents”; some invested wisely and the others hid theirs, the faithful servants were rewarded; the un-faithful servants LOST ALL THEY HAD.581

574 Deuteronomy 8:18 – God gives the ability to obtain wealth 575 1Chronicals 29:12-14 – It all belongs to God
576 1 Timothy 6:17 – Riches are uncertain.
577 Luke 14:28 – Count the cost before you take a risk.

578 Proverbs 3:5-7 – Do not lean on your own understanding; seek God 579 Proverbs 24:3-4 – Seek wisdom, understanding and knowledge
580 Proverbs 15:22 – The advice of many advisors will bring success
581 Matthew 25:14-30 – The Parable of the Faithful use of talents

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The LOVE of money is the root of all evil;582 it’s not the money; it’s the love of the money. Is your risk taking motivated by greed? People who want to get rich fall into the trap of temptation and wander into foolish and harmful desires bringing them into ruin and destruction.583

When we make hasty decisions “without planning and counsel,”584 we fall into the snares of Satan. It is faithfulness that is blessed;585 NOT eagerness for a buck.586
GREED IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER; you don’t have to be rich to be greedy; stinginess and eagerness for a buck leads to poverty. Did you notice that one of the Ten Commandments was about coveting what others have? "Everything is permissible," but not everything is beneficial.

You can become addicted to getting MORE money.587
When the occasional Bingo, Lottery or Gambling changes from amusement to dependency, you are in trouble. It certainly does not start out that way, but that’s how it ends. I have been in a gas station and observed a customer purchase $45.00 worth of scratch off tickets and hastily scratched them off

right then and there, winning $5.00 and then purchasing more with the $5.00.

The Lottery

I take no special interest in the state lottery except when they start talking on TV about the winning amount is now up to $500,000,000; then that gets my attention and I go out and buy ONE ticket. My attitude is; if God wants me to win, I will win with one ticket and I expect nothing.588

I told my son Mike that I had bought a lottery ticket; he proceeded to tell me about how many “millions to one” chances I had in winning and that the lottery was designed to exploit the poor. I told him I was going to give him part of my winnings... He said he thought he would be further ahead if I would just send him the two dollars.

Winning the lottery does not get my mind thinking about how I can help people get educated or how I can help the state get its projects paid for. Not at all, I think about what the money can do for ME. I think about giving all my kids a few million each, my Church and a few missionary outreach programs a few million each, and for me; I need a new floor in the kitchen and I might take a cruise if my back doesn’t hurt that week.

CONTENTMENT: I speak of these things because I’m old and I am content with where I am. I am not asking God to bless me just for the MONEY’S sake because He already supplies all my needs according to His abundance in Glory through Christ Jesus.589

Whether I win the lottery or not, I will eventually get my kitchen floor fixed and if I feel like it, I might save for a cruise and with luck, the RAPTURE will come while I am sitting on the balcony of a ship watching His sunset over the ocean waves.

THE QUESTION; why do you play the lottery? Is it a thirst for wealth? Do you not trust God to supply your needs? If your life is not content, then you are driven by greed; God will not bless greed. Isn’t it foolishness to think that God needs you to have a winning lottery ticket just so He can get TEN PERCENT of your winnings or even one hundred percent for that matter? God doesn’t need our money. He has cattle on a thousand hills; He can sell some cows if He needs to do something and that’s “no bull”.590

When we give to God, it just allows us to get in on what He is doing.

582 1 Timothy 6:5-10 – The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil
583 Exodus 20:17 – You shall not covet whatever your neighbor has including his wife and donkey 584 Proverbs 21:5-6 – We are to diligently plan and seek wisdom
585 Proverbs 28:20 – The faithful man is blessed
586 Proverbs 28:22 – A stingy man is eager for riches
587 1 Corenthians 6:12 – Don’t become ADDICTED to money
588 Proverbs 10:22 – It is God that make one rich with no sorrows
589 Philippians 4:19 – God supplies all my needs
590 Psalms 50:10 - God has cattle on a thousand hills

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Need Money, Trust God; give away what you can and it will come back to you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.591 If you measure out a TABLESPOON of giving, God will repay you with a SHOVEL FULL; you can’t out give God.

Two Masters

We watch others; non-Christians at that, succeeding at what they are doing as we seem to be passed by in the shadows waiting patiently for our ship to come in.592 Remember it not what you have, but how you got it. We are taught to seek the resting place of God not the “Wheel of Fortune”.593

We are to store up treasures in Heaven not on earth, because where your treasures are, so is your heart.594 If your eyes are on money, you cannot see God; you cannot serve God and Money.595

Hard Work

Somewhere within us we want to make it BIG so we won’t have to work anymore. Our very makeup pushes us to take short cuts, to not work hard for what we want; sometimes we chose to steal and gamble and even steal so we can gamble.

I met a guy on a cruise ship that saved thousands so he could gamble once a year. I asked him, how much had he won. He responded that he had lost more than he had ever won, but the way he looked at it, they were just “holding his money for him” until he came back.

Scripture says if we have stolen; to steal no more and to work with our hands so we will have something to share with others.596 God goes on to say, IF YOU DON’T WORK, YOU DON’T EAT.597 (Unless you have a career in welfare.) If you are lazy, prefer to sleep than work, poverty will pounce on you like a bandit,598 if you want wealth; then work,599

It’s a fool that chases games of chance and get rich quick schemes.600
Paul writes of his concern for others that his own “personal freedom” does not cause someone else to stumble because of their weakness and lack of knowledge.601 A Christian participating in gambling

and the lottery can affect his witness to others.602
We are now in the last days and are warned that men will lose their love for God and their desires will

run rapid seeking money, pleasure and will become lovers of themselves.603 They will say they are Christians, but will only have a “form of godliness”. They will rob God of His tithes and offerings604 and it will not cross their minds to obtain wealth in order to share with others.

It is God’s “Good Pleasure” to bless us,605 to choose us, to predestine us to Himself.606 God wants

us to prosper in health and in our finances and to have fun, He delights in our wellbeing.607 For the one that works, it is his heritage to enjoy the good that comes from the work of his hands;


591 Luke 6:38 – Give & it will be given to you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over and poured into your lap 592 Psalms 37:7 – Wait patiently for God and do not fret when you are passed by and others succeed
593 Isaiah 65:10-12 – The “Wheel of Fortune” displeases God
594 Matthew 6:19-21 – Your heart is where your treasures are.

595 Matthew 6:22-24 – You can’t seek God and money at the same time 596 Ephesians 4:28 – Work so you have enough to share with others
597 2 Thessalonians 3:10 – IF YOU DON’T WORK, YOU DON’T EAT 598 Proverbs 6:9-11 – The lazy man will find poverty quickly

599 Proverbs 10:4 – You want wealth, then get a job and Work
600 Proverbs 12:11 – A fool chases fantasies.
601 1 Corenthians 9:19-22 – I am free to do what I want to; BUT
602 1 Corenthians 8:13 – Will what you do cause your brother to stumble?
603 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – In the end time men will be lovers of Money, pleasure and themselves 604 Malachi 3:8-9 – Man will rob God of His tithes and offerings.

605 Psalms 149:4 – God takes pleasure in us as Believers
606 Ephesians 1:3-5 – It is the good pleasure of His will; we were chose, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love 607 Psalms 35:27 – God delights in the wellbeing of his servants -- 3 John 2 – As our spirit prospers, so will our health
608 Ecclesiastes 5:18 – Eat, drink and enjoy the good of your labor

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The Take Away
When I find a penny on the street, I pick it up and quote “My God supplies all my needs

according to His abundance in glory through Christ Jesus”; He is my source. I will probably buy a lottery ticket when they start talking about it again on TV and I might play Bingo if I hang out with some ole folks and I might put 50 cents on a Gamecock football game, but it will be few and far between. It will be just for fun and amusement with no expectations.

Everything I have or will have comes from God. He gives me the ability to obtain wealth. He is my source. God wants me to enjoy the proceeds from the hard work of my hands, my talents and my mind; to EAT DRINK, LAUGH and ENJOY.

It is my commitment that no earthly thing will become the master of me, not even FOOD. In my FREEDOM, I pray that because of my actions, I do not cause someone else to stumble.

Now we are back at the beginning of the study with the first questions.

By what means did you obtain your wealth? Where does wealth rank in your priorities? How do you use your wealth?

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Chapter 12.14


Capital Punishment - New Covenant Murder
Suicide – Assisted Suicide – Abortion – Drugs – Slander
War – Islamic Terrorism – Peacetime Killing - Killing a Burglar

First word


Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with Malice of Forethought.

It is a most serious crime worthy of the harshest of punishment, under the justification that commission

of murder is highly detrimental to good order within a society.

In most countries, a person convicted of murder is typically given a long prison sentence, possibly a

LIFE SENTENCE where permitted, and in some countries for such an act, the DEATH PENALTY may

be imposed.

I feel I must talk about LIFE before I can talk about MURDER.
Image of God;609 our very Life is a gift from God to us.610 We are not our own; our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.611 When murder takes place, it’s a sin; an attack against God that requires a penalty.612

The Sixth Commandment actually reads; Thou shall do no murder.613

Murder: the New Covenant
For the progressive thinkers, I just have to get this said; I know what you are thinking. In your

Belief System you believe that under the New Covenant we were no longer under the Laws of the Ten Commandments or any of the other OT laws for that matter. I have to say that is true, but you would still do well to keep them. It’s in the book.

New Commandments: If you follow the Two Commandments of LOVE that were given by Jesus Christ, then you will want to keep the Ten Commandments.614

Murder: Christ specifically mentioned Murder when he said “Love your neighbor as yourself”; that LOVE DOES NO HARM615 to its neighbor; so Murder is still a SIN.

Murder by Capital Punishment
Capital punishment is not forbidden in scripture, in fact it says if you shed a man’s blood, then your

blood will be shed. I’ll say it another way; if you kill somebody you get the Electric Chair, Gas Chamber, Lethal Injection, Guillotine, Hanging, or the Firing Squad. You live in a Democracy where you have a RIGHT TO CHOOSE which way you want to meet God; the Government just arranges the meeting.

There is a breakdown of moral fiber and punishment in America, it has become that there is no right and no wrong. 70% of the violent crimes are perpetrated by 7% of the male criminals; these are CAREER

609 Genesis 1:27 – We are created in the Image of God
610 1 Peter 3:7 – Life is a gift
611 1 Corenthians 6:19 – You are not your own; your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
613 Exodus 20:13 – KJV 6th Commandment: Thou shall not KILL -- Exodus 20:13 – NIV 6th Commandment: You shall not MURDER
614 Mark 12:28-31 – Two Commandments of Love; LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and the second: `LOVE your neighbor as yourself-- John 13:34 – A new command I give you: LOVE one another
615 Romans 13:8-10 – LOVE is the fulfillment of the Law; LOVE does no harm to its neighbor.

First of all we are created in the

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CRIMINALS that should be locked up doing hard labor. If Government would do what it is scripturally commanded to do and execute the MURDERER616 instead of allowing him to serve just a few years; MURDERS would drop to an all-time low.

BUT WHAT IF HE IS INNOCENT? If he’s a Christian, he will go to heaven; if not he is already bound for hell and what’s a few years early when you consider the length of eternity which is forever. Just saying

Murder by War
What does God say about killing in war? If you are in the army, you have an oath of loyalty to the

governing authorities617 who have been placed over you by God to protect the homeland, your family and keep the peace. We are NOT forbidden to kill in war; it is our scriptural duty to defend our land and our families from those who would seek to do us harm us that includes Terrorist by any name.618

Murder by Terrorism
From Abraham, emerged TWO NATIONS; his first born was Ishmael born of Hagar, a maid servant

and would be the progenitor of the Muslims and Islamic religion and Isaac born of Sarah, a free woman would be the progenitor of the Jews and Christian religion.

Islam claims to be a religion of peace, but its writings requires the execution or MURDER of the infidels; the Jews and Christians, those that do not embrace the doctrines of Islam. I’ll say it another way;

Islamic terrorist have a sworn vow to KILL us.
The Quran
given to the “Last Prophet” Mohammad, is the perfect revelation of Allah.

The Hadith is a collection of sayings, deeds and behavior of Mohammad including; eating, sleeping, praying, mating, planning revenge on his enemies and dispensing justice. - These actions were considered the actions of “Allah”. A good Muslim will do these same things as well as name their children Mohammad. The Hadith in some sects is followed more than the Quran and its sayings can supersede the Quran.

Sura 9:5 – When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, seize them; lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war).

Hadith 2:483 – I have been ordered to fight the people till they say, Allah be worshipped.
Sura 9:29 – Muslims are inspired to fight people who do not accept the religion of Islam.
Sura 5:33 – Those who wage war against Allah and his messenger (there fate) is execution or crucifixion

or the cutting off of hands and feet on opposite sides or exile.
Hadith 9:57 – Whoever changes his Islamic religion should be killed.
Hadith 1:505 – Anyone who dies in a Jihad will have a prominent place in paradise.
Hadith 9:459 – Anyone who engages in a holy war (jihad) will be admitted into paradise with his

reward of booty.
Mohammad: “He, who relinquishes his faith; kill him. I have been ordered by Allah to fight with

people till they testify there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”. Ayatollah Khomeini: “The purest joy in Islam is to kill and to be killed for Allah”.

There can be no peace with the Jews or Christians or any other non-Islamic people; and that if peace must be made, only a truce is permissible and that “for a maximum of 10 years as an expedient to hone our swords, whet our blood and strengthen our will.”

Side Bar: Muslims believe it is the will of God for Islam to rule the world. Islamic law stipulates that to fulfill Muhammad’s task, every “infidel domainmust be considered a territory of war. Moris Farhi author The Last Days

America was founded with the Church and State separated, giving people a “Free Nation” where they can worship their religion the way they want to, NOT as the state or a monarchy dictated.

616 Exodus 20:13 – You shall not MURDER -- Genesis 9:6 – If you kill; you will be killed
617 Romans 13:1 – We are subject to those who govern us in War. -- Romans 13:5 – Be subject for your conscience -- Romans 13:6-7 – Pay taxes, customs and honor to whom it’s due sake -- Romans 13:2 – Resisting authority resists the ordinances of God
618 Romans 13:3 – Our Government is a terror to EVIL -- Romans 13:4 – Our army executes wrath on those who practice EVIL

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Why would anybody leave their own country and go to another country that is FREE to worship as they choose, just to kill these people because they don’t worship the same way you do?

According to scripture; Ishmael the progenitor of Islam and the Muslim Terrorist, will be a WILD MAN; a wild ass, a wild donkey; and his hand will be against every man.619 It in the Book

Satan came to KILL, Steal and Destroy, he walks about like a lion seeking who he might devoir.620 Jesus came to give LIFE and to give it more abundantly; He teaches to Love your enemies.621


Doomsday Clock
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, starting in 1947, displayed a DOOMSDAY CLOCK set at 7

minutes till midnight. This symbolizes how close these scientists feel we are to a nuclear Armageddon. By 1991 with the cold war, it had moved back to 17 minutes, but since that time it has steadily moved forward closing the gap towards the total destruction of the world. By the year 1995, 14 minutes –- 1998, 9 minutes –- 2002, 7 minutes –- 2007, 5 minutes

Then on Jan 14, 2010, The Doomsday Clock was SET BACK A SINGLE MINUTE in its 63-year history of 7 minutes that it started with. This moved the clock back from 5 minutes before midnight to 6 minutes, but by Jan 10, 2012 the clock was moved back to 5 minutes again, then on Jan 23, 2020, the clock has moved to 100 seconds before midnight,

With China flaunting its nuclear weapons and the ISIS Muslim Terrorist advancing in their weaponry, we can expect the Doomsday Clock to move forward again soon. God says to pray for our enemies; pray for the Muslim Terrorist; unknowingly they are ALL destined for Hell.

NOTE: Man has never invented a weapon that he has not used.

Murder in Peace Time
David had killed thousands of men in war and then when he was in peace, he had just one man

killed in cold blood and God stopped him dead in his tracks.622 God told him that he had done evil; the he had despised the Word of the Lord. David had broken the close relationship that he had with the Lord. Now their son would die and the sword of destruction would not leave their family.

David had a desire to build God a Temple, but God said NO; that he was a man who had shed innocent blood; he had blood on his hands;623 his son Solomon would build it.624

God’s law will not be mocked.

Murder - Criminals
If a thief breaks in to my home; threatens my family; am I justified in shooting to KILL? The

Bible says YES; if a Thief breaks into your home... SHOOT HIM... You have God’s permission – You have a God given right to protect your home and family.625

Go get your Concealed Weapons Permit Today, go practice at the shooting range. Take the thief out; it’s NOT a sin; it’s a public service.

Legally I would go on to say that if the thief is leaving your home, he is no longer a threat to you and your family and there is no longer a reason to take his life, although a little bird shot in the butt would help identify him later; of course; then there’s the nut case who would come back seeking revenge.

Lots to think about in this equation; Just saying.

619 Genesis 16:11-12 – Ishmael will be against every man
620 1 Peter 5:8 Satan walks about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour
621 John 10:10 - Satan comes to Kill; Jesus came to bring Life - Luke 6:27 – Love your enemies -- John 13:34 – Love one another 622 2 Samuel 12:9 – David had Bathsheba’s Husband Uriah killed
623 1 Chronicles 28:3 – You have shed innocent blood
624 1 Kings 8:18-19 – Your son Solomon will build the Temple
625 Exodus 22:2 – If a thief is caught breaking in at night SHOOT THE THIEF, the defender is NOT GUILTY of bloodshed

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Government Laws

Dwight Eisenhower said “If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must NOT bow his neck to ANY Dictatorial Government.626

The Government Leader, King Herod told the wise men to come and tell him where the baby was found so He could worship too627... The Wise men obeying God went home another way. 628

The Government Leader, The king of Egypt told the Midwives to kill all the Hebrew boy babies629... But the Midwives defied the government; obeyed God and let the boy babies live.630

When the Government CONDONES what God CONDEMNS, you are under the mandate of heaven to obey God. (John Hagee; Ten Commandments) Peter said we should OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN.631

Murder by Suicide
Suicide is an ultimate act of selfishness and self-centeredness; people make a mess of their lives and

then leave others to deal with what they could not. King Saul did it, Judas did it632 and so did Hitler. The sin factor is created by the knowing factor. To him who knows to do right and does not do it;

to him it is sin. 633
QUESTION: Is someone who committed suicide now in Hell? NEXT QUESTION: Did they know

what they were doing when they did it? Only God can decide.
Suicide is Murder, it is not condoned in scripture, it’s a sin, however it’s not the un-pardonable

sin634 the sin of suicide can be forgiven.635
Assisted Suicide: Jonah knew it was wrong to take his own life, so he asked others to throw him off

the ship to calm the sea636 and then there was King Saul asked someone else to take his life.637 Ultimately man is responsible for his own actions, however your actions may have contributed to someone else taking their own life. By purpose, you may have provided the means and assistance for the loss of this life, or perhaps you inadvertently contributed to “the environment” and “thought process” which led up to the loss of life. This complicity is something that you should seek God’s forgiveness for.

(I know this is a heavy statement)

Murder by Abortion
The author of Abortion is Satan who comes to KILL; Jesus Christ came to give LIFE and to give

it more abundantly.638
The Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self- evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. The Constitution of America guarantees that the unborn child has a right to life.

Pro-Choice; as you read this, I know that you are glad that you mother didn’t choose to abort you. Pro-Choice ends when you decide to have SEX; you have made your choice.

626 John 8:44 - Satan was a murderer from the beginning
627 Matthew 2:8 - Wise men; Come back and tell me where the Child is
628 Matthew 2:12 – Defied the Government; wise men went back another way
629 Exodus 1:16 - The Government said Kill the Hebrew boy babies
630 Exodus 1:17 – Deified the Government; Let the Hebrew boys live
631 Acts 5:29 - We ought to obey God rather than men
632 Matthew 27:5 – Judas made a mess; hanged himself, Suicide
633 James 4:17 – When you know to do right and don’t, it’s a Sin
634 Matthew 12:31 - The unpardonable sin; blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven
635 1 John 1:8-9 – If we confess sin, we will be forgiven.
636 Jonah 1:12 – Jonah; throw me into the sea, Assisted Suicide
637 1 Samuel 31:4 – Saul made a mess; asked another to kill him (Assisted Suicide ) and wound up stabbing himself, Suicide 638 John 10:10 - Satan came to Kill; Jesus came to give Life

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  1. a)  It’s an abomination to God when you sacrifice your children through abortion where they wind up cremated; it’s like offering a sacrifice to the Fire God Molech.639

  2. b)  A Woman does NOT have a right over her own body; her Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit; YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN.640

  3. c)  A fetus is considered human life, because the life of the flesh is in the blood. God says where there is blood, there is life.641

  4. d)  The fetus “presence” is recognizes by God in the womb as He calls this person by name.642 Before we were formed in the belly, He knew us; our characteristics, our name, our mission and our purpose.643

  5. e)  The fetus has personality, it’s not just a blob of meaningless flesh. When Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, her baby “John the Baptist” leaped in the womb at the presence of Jesus.644 In the womb of Rebecca’s, God recognized the presence of Two Nations.645

  6. f)  Is there a penalty to pay for the doctor who aborts the child? If harm comes to the fetus; then you shall give Life for its Life.646 It’s a living soul known to God. It’s in the book.

  7. g)  There is judgment on Legislators who pass legislation making such godless things possible. America is under a curse for shedding innocent blood. God says; Woe to the legislators that decree unrighteous Laws.647 The anger of God will not be turned away from them, they WILL answer to God for laws that they have been passed.

  8. h)  The innocent blood cries out to God.648 It causes the land to be defiled and come under the judgment of God because of the spilling of this innocent blood. Blood from the abortion clinics that are screaming out for justice. Over 60,000,000 Americans have been murdered through abortions. AMERICA IS PAYING THE PRICE FOR THIS; consider the COVID 19 virus.

  9. i)  God is bringing judgment on this nation through Earthquakes, flood, drought, uncontrollable fires, economic collapse, and TERRORISM.

  10. j)  God sends EBOLA; a wasting disease with fever which will plague us until we pass away. He will send blindness, madness and an anxious mind, confusion of mind, weary eyes, a longing and a despairing heart with constant suspense and dread. There will be painful boils, tumors, itch and our wives will become sterile and not able to bare children. We are already plagued with HIV because of our Gay Rights. Consider the COVID 19 virus as a JUDGMENT from God.

  11. k)  Then FIRES, FLOODS, drought, blight, mildew, locust, hunger and thirst. Is this sounding familiar? It’s enough to make you hit the floor on your knees and beg, NOT ALLAH, but the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; JEHOVAH GOD for mercy. America has turned her back on God and fallen under a curse.649 There’s more curses if you care to read it for yourself.

From the book of Deuteronomy, I am listing 45 VERSES of CURSES” that disobedience brings on the land and makes it very clear that it is THE LORD that is doing it. However for the LAZY reader, I will sum it up right here; a) the Lord will bring Nations against us from far away. b) The foreigners who reside among us will rise above us, and c) a people that we do not know will eat from our land and labor and d) they will rape our women. We have seen this curse starting already with the twin towers of 911, and now we have ISIS and the MUSLIM TERRORIST as well as civil unrest and rioting in the streets.

639 Leviticus 18:21 – Do not kill your children and cremate them.
640 1 Corinthians 6:19 - You are not your own; your Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit
641 Leviticus 17:11 - The life of the flesh is in the blood
642 Isaiah 49:1 - From my mother’s womb God has spoken my name
643 Jeremiah 1:5 – He knew our characteristics, mission and purpose before He formed you in the womb 644 Luke 1:41 – John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth’s womb at the presence of Jesus in Mary’s womb
645 Genesis 25:23 – Two Nations struggled within Rebecca’s womb
646 Exodus 21:22-23 – If you Kill a baby; then Life for Life
647 Isaiah 10:1 – Woe to the legislators who write unrighteous laws
648 Genesis 4:10 – The blood of the innocent cries out to God from the ground
649 Leviticus 18:25-30 – Abortion defiles the land

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Consider the COVID 19 virus

Deuteronomy 28:15-68 – The CURSES for not obeying God

15 However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these CURSES will come on you and overtake you:
16 You will be CURSED in the city and CURSED in the country.
17 Your basket and your kneading trough will be CURSED.
18 The fruit of your womb will be CURSED, and the crops of your land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.
19 You will be CURSED when you come in and CURSED when you go out.
20 The LORD will send on you CURSES, confusion and rebuke in everything you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin because of the evil you have done in forsaking him.
21 The LORD will plague you with diseases until he has destroyed you from the land you are entering to possess.
22 The LORD will strike you with wasting disease, with fever and inflammation, with scorching heat and drought, with blight and mildew, which will plague you until you perish.
23 The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron.
24 The LORD will turn the rain of your country into dust and powder; it will come down from the skies until you are destroyed.
25 The LORD will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You will come at them from one direction but flee from them in seven, and you will become a thing of horror to all the kingdoms on earth.
26 Your carcasses will be food for all the birds and the wild animals, and there will be no one to frighten them away.
27 The LORD will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured.
28 The LORD will afflict you with madness, blindness and confusion of mind.
29 At midday you will grope about like a blind person in the dark. You will be unsuccessful in everything you do; day after day you will be oppressed and robbed, with no one to rescue you.
30 You will be pledged to be married to a woman, but another will take her and RAPE HER. You will build a house, but you will not live in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not even begin to enjoy its fruit.
31 Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will eat none of it. Your donkey will be forcibly taken from you and will not be returned. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and no one will rescue them.
32 Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand. A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days. 34 The sights you see will drive you mad.
35 The LORD will afflict your knees and legs with painful boils that cannot be cured, spreading from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.

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36 The LORD will drive you and the king you set over you to a nation unknown to you or your ancestors. There you will worship other gods, gods of wood and stone.
37 You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule among all the peoples where the LORD will drive you.

38 You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it.
39 You will plant vineyards and cultivate them but you will not drink the wine or gather the grapes, because worms will eat them.
40 You will have olive trees throughout your country but you will not use the oil, because the olives will drop off.
41 You will have sons and daughters but you will not keep them, because they will go into captivity.
42 Swarms of locusts will take over all your trees and the crops of your land.
43 The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower.
44 They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail.
45 All these CURSES will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the LORD your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you.
46 They will be a sign and a wonder to you and your descendants forever. 47 Because you did not serve the LORD your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity,
48 therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the LORD sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.
49 THE LORD WILL BRING A NATION AGAINST YOU FROM FAR AWAY, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand,
50 a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young.
51 They will devour the young of your livestock and the crops of your land until you are destroyed. They will leave you no grain, new wine or olive oil, nor any calves of your herds or lambs of your flocks until you are ruined.
52 They will lay siege to all the cities throughout your land until the high fortified walls in which you trust fall down. They will besiege all the cities throughout the land the LORD your God is giving you.
53 Because of the suffering that your enemy will inflict on you during the siege, YOU WILL EAT THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB, THE FLESH OF

54 Even the most gentle and sensitive man among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his surviving children,

55 and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating. It will be all he has left because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of all your cities.
56 The most gentle and sensitive woman among you—so sensitive and


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gentle that she would not venture to touch the ground with the sole of her foot; will begrudge the husband she loves and her own son or daughter 57 the afterbirth from her womb and the children she bears. For in her dire need she intends to eat them secretly because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of your cities.

58 If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name— the LORD your God—
59 the LORD will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering illnesses.

60 He will bring on you all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will cling to you.
61 The LORD will also bring on you every kind of sickness and disaster not recorded in this Book of the Law, until you are destroyed. 62 You who were as numerous as the stars in the sky will be left but few in number, BECAUSE YOU DID NOT OBEY THE LORD YOUR GOD.

63 Just as it pleased the LORD to make you prosper and increase in number, so it will please him to ruin and destroy you. You will be uprooted from the land you are entering to possess.
64 Then the LORD will scatter you among all nations, from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship other gods—gods of wood and stone, which neither you nor your ancestors have known.

65 Among those nations you will find no repose, no resting place for the sole of your foot. There the LORD will give you an anxious mind, eyes weary with longing, and a despairing heart.
66 You will live in constant suspense, filled with dread both night and day, never sure of your life.

67 In the morning you will say, “If only it were evening!” and in the

evening, “If only it were morning!”—because of the terror that will fill

your hearts and the sights that your eyes will see.

68 The LORD will send you back in ships to Egypt on a journey I said

you should never make again. There you will offer yourselves for sale

to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you. (NIV2011)

Murder by Drugs
Systematic Murder; taking illegal drugs till it kills you is murder, drinking alcohol till it destroys

your brain, using tobacco products until it give you cancer. Killing yourself with Gluttony; you are systematically sending yourself to your grave 30 years early. You can get free from all of that; whom the Son sets free is free in deed.650

Murder by Slander
Murder by Toxic Tongue Verbal Garbage, poisonous speech, slander; assassinating a man’s

character. The power of life and death is in the tongue.651 When we were kids we would sing “Sticks and Stones can break my bones, but words can never harm me”, but that’s just not true. Words can harm you, they can KILL hope, dreams, friendships, happiness, reputation, and become a wound that never heals. The tongue is set of fire by hell itself.652

650 John 8:36 - If Jesus makes you free, you are free indeed.
651 Proverbs 18:21 – The Power of Life and Death is in the tongue. 652 James 3:6 – The tongue is set on fire by hell itself


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A WHOLESOME TONGUE IS A TREE OF LIFE.653 Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable unto you O God.654 When you stand silent while your friend is being slandered, you are an accomplice to murder.

Words are EASILY DROPPED; however words that are spoken in anger, bitterness and retaliation CAN NEVER BE PICKED UP AGAIN. Even though God can forgive; the damage is done forever.

Every idle word spoken will be given account for on The Day of Judgment; you will be condemned and by them you will be justified.655

Jesus was slandered: The critics made the living truth of Jesus Christ sound like a lie. a) He said he was the Son of God, but He was actually a blasphemer.
b) HesaidHecouldforgivesin,butwhocanforgivesinbutGod.
c) He said he could raise the temple in three days; but no one can do that.

d) Heisadrunkard;ademonizedheretic,He’saninsurrectionist;Heistoodangeroustolive. STOP IT; examine yourself and ask for forgiveness today... Call upon Him while He may be found,

Life is Choice driven, it’s your FREE WILL choice; you can kill with your TONGUE as well as a GUN. You will answer for every idle word, thought and deed.




653 Proverbs 15:4 – Gentle words are a Tree of Life
654 Psalm 19:14 - Let your words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you O Lord
655 Matthew 12:36 – On the Day of Judgment you will give account for every idle word -- Matthew 12:37 – You’ll be justified or condemned by your words

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I turn to scripture about “hands that shed innocent blood”, and that’s certainly what abortion does; God says it’s an abomination.656 This would include the hands of the counselors, doctors, nurses as well as the parents.657 The Supreme Court has ruled abortion is legal setting aside the laws of God,658 however the Supreme Court will not be your final judge, God will be.659

Why Abort

Usually a choice is made to abort a life is a) because of shame; b) because others will know that they have had sex with someone they are not married to. c) Others abort because it hinders their career, d) it gets in the way of school or social paths. e) Some abort just because they can’t afford another child. f) Some learn of the unborn child’s physical disability and they will abort thinking they are keeping the child from a substandard life.

But it is God who appoints the boundaries of life;660 the time to be born and the time to die.661 The time of death is not fixed although there is a boundary that mankind cannot exceed;662

It is man who shortens life from its full boundary.


The term Pro-Choice or Planned Parenthood sounds like a good thing, but concerning the life of a baby, it just means you can choose to hire a “Hit Man” to murder your child. Satan has a way of trying to make evil seem good.663 Your doctor becomes a hired killer, a mass murderer. He is a betrayer of the oath he took as a doctor, if he took the oath of “FIRST, DO NO HARM.

Pro-Choice begins when you make a decision to have sex; you made a choice. I have watched on YouTube “The Silent Scream” as an abortion takes place. For some reason, it you KILL a child before it comes out of the body, it’s not considered MURDER.

The aborted baby’s blood cries out to God from the ground.664
Satan in an attempt to make dark appear as light, tries to trick you by RE-NAMING the unborn

child, by calling it a fetus or just a product of conception, a blob or just tissue. The life of a child

656 Ephesians 6:12 – We are in an invisible War
657 Romans 1:32 – Those who APPROVE of abortions are also guilty.
658 Proverbs 6:16 – Shedding innocent blood is an ABOMINATION
659 1 Corenthians 6:20 – Honor God with your body.
660 Hebrews 9:27 – God is the one who determines the length of days.
661 Ecclesiastes 3:2 – There is a time to be born and a time to die
662 Psalms 90:10 – We can have 80 years; it’s not fixed -- Job 14:5 – Live a good life till the end, God has set limits you cannot exceed -- Deuteronomy 5:16 – Treat your mama good and get even more days.
663 Isaiah 5:20-21 – Woe to those who call evil good and darkness light.
664 Genesis 4:10 – The blood from the ground cries out to God.

Chapter 12.15


Pro-Choice – Partial birth abortions Planned Parenthood – Rape - Incest

First Word

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begins at conception and is wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of God665 and formed and knitted together by the hands of God Himself. 666

A child is genetically complete at conception and is independent of its mother, depending only on her for nourishment; at 42 days the child has brain activity and can experience pain. In eight weeks the child has developed all its parts.

Mother’s Life

How about if the mother’s life is in danger? It is not certain that the mother will die; if she dies she will have completed the purpose for which she was created,667 the child’s life has only begun.

Rape – Incest

What about rape or incest? Sympathy is for certain for the woman, who is the victim of rape or incest, but the child is innocent. Well let’s take it further, what about a mongoloid or child with physical defects? Adoption is almost nil for a child with physical challenges, but they still have a purpose. Every living creature is created with a purpose and will complete the purpose before death.

Many couples are barren and pray for a child to adopt; this could be your child’s purpose. An adopted child is special, they are chosen. Many in my church have had their life completed through Adoption, some have chosen bi-racial children; LOVE sees no color.

The power of life & death rest in the hands of the mother; her words will speak life or death.668

Partial Birth Abortions

Partial birth abortion is when a child is maneuvered in the womb to come out feet first 4/5th of the way out; then they suck the brains out of the child’s head before the remainder of its body is removed. The abortion of a child affects not only the mother, but the father and all the family members connected to this child. The scars of abortion are forever, but so is God’s forgiveness.669

Unpardonable Sin

Abortion is NOT the unpardonable sin, but it is a sin against your body. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit;670 there is forgiveness in the Lord although the scars remain.671 Through repentance God provides an umbrella in your storm to get in out of the rain;672 although the umbrella sheds the rain; you still have of wet clothing scars that only time can dry out and heal.

Our Nation

Our Nation has REBELLED against the laws of Jehovah God. Abortion may very well be America’s greatest sin and God groups this Rebellion with the SIN of Witchcraft; an abomination.673 God will not be mocked and Judgement on America is on the way.

There is going to be Hell to pay;pray that America does not get what it deserves. Consider the COVID 19 virus

665 Genesis 1:27 – A child is made in the image of God Isaiah 49:1 – You are known before you are ever born. --
666 Jeremiah 1:5 – God forms every child in the womb. -- Psalms 139:13-14 – It is God that knits together each child 667 Isaiah 55:11 – The mother’s life will be fulfilled before she dies
668 Proverbs 18:21 – The mother has the power of life over her child
669 Psalms 127:3 – A child is an inheritance from God
670 1 Corenthians 6:19-20 – Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
671 Isaiah 1:18 – Your sins can be washed white as snow.
672 Psalms 130:3-4 – With God there is forgiveness.
673 Proverbs 17:11 – Rebellion is evil. -- 1 Samuel 15:23 – Rebellion is like the SIN of witchcraft.

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Chapter 12.16

Suicide, Euthanasia

If you take your own life, do you lose your salvation? I have these thoughts; is this considered murder?
Is this in the Bible, is this a sin?

First Word

Scripture treats all human life as sacred, your life is a gift from God.674 You were created in His image675 and your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; you are not your own.676 Suicide and Euthanasia are both violations of the sixth commandment; Thou shall not murder.677

FAR OUT and INTERESTING side note: In the end times men will be in such fear and agony that they will seek death; suicide, but they will not be allowed to die, they will not be able to kill themselves; death takes a vacation.678

Thoughts of suicide
Thoughts: This is where it all begins, a seed that either gets watered or dug up. Many people have

thoughts of suicide; like their life is over, like they are nothing to anybody and would just be better off dead; they have nothing to live for.679

Death is an escape; the end of weariness, the end of physical as well as mental pain, the end of hating yourself or your life, the end of guilt over your actions.680 Death will finally bring peace and quiet and rest from the turmoil. These thoughts are much more common than you might think; people just don’t tell you what they are thinking.

These thoughts are not sin, but they didn’t come from God either; Satan is the trickster, he came to kill, steal and destroy.681 Many a good man has had these thoughts; Jonah,682 Job,683 Elijah,684 Moses685 and Paul, so consider yourself in good company. Paul said while he would prefer to leave this world, but it would be far better for his family if he stayed.686

Job’s thoughts: I am including just a few of the thoughts that were going through Job’s troubled mind. Some of these thoughts just may have been what you are thinking, but remember in the end, Job was restored. Job said, I hate the day I was born, I wish I had died at birth then I would be at peace.687 I wish I had been stillborn then I would be at rest.688 Crush me; I have no hope,689

674 Ecclesiastes 7:17 – The wicked die before their time; Suicide -- 1 Peter 3:7 – Life is a gracious gift
675 Genesis 1:27 – We are created in the Image of God -- Ephesians 2:8 – Our salvation is a gift of God
676 1 Corenthians 6:19 – You are not your own, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,
677 Exodus 20:13 – The sixth commandment; "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER”.
678 Revelation 9:6 – Death will take a vacation in the end times -- Amos 9:2-3 – They cannot hide from God’s wrath; Death will elude them 679 Jeremiah 8:3 – When things are bad, people will consider death.
680 Revelation 9:6 – When Life goes wrong, people seek death to ESCAPE.
681 John 10:10 – God wants you to have life and Satan wants you dead
682 Jonah 4:8 – Jonah thought he had failed God and just wanted to die
683 Job 3:1 – Job said, I hate the day I was born
684 1 Kings 19:4 – Elijah felt his life meaningless and wanted to die
685 Numbers 11:15 – Moses felt dejected and preferred to die
686 2 Corenthians 5:8 – Paul preferred to die and be with Christ -- Philippians 1:23-24 – Paul says; I’m torn, but it’s better that I stay with the family of Believers
687 Job 3:11-13 - I wish I had died at birth; I would be at peace
688 Job 3:16-17 – I wish I had been stillborn; I would be at rest
689 Job 6:8-11 – I have no hope; crush me,

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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT IT’SINTHEBOOK I am in misery; longing for the end of the day.690 My life has no meaning; I despise it.691 I just

hate my life.692 You are not alone; it’s God’s will that you have life and have it more abundantly.


The word suicide does not appear in the Bible, neither are there any laws relating specifically to it by name, yet the implications are there based on the 6th commandment, “Thou shall not kill”.693 There are examples of Suicide in scripture; a jailer almost took his own life, but was stopped.694 A disgruntled man hangs himself.695 Fearing the worst a man sets himself on fire.696 Another with remorse and guilt commits suicide by taking his life.697

Suicide is murder; it is not condoned in scripture, it is a sin, however it’s NOT THE UN- PARDONABLE SIN;698 this sin can be forgiven.699

Assisted Suicide: Jonah knew it was wrong to take his own life, so he asked others to throw him off the ship to calm the sea.700 King Saul asked someone else to take his life.701 Ultimately man is responsible for his own actions, however your actions may have contributed to someone else taking their own life. By purpose, you may have provided the means and assistance for the loss of this life, or perhaps you inadvertently contributed to “the environment” and “thought process” which led up to the loss of life.

This complicity is something that you should seek God’s forgiveness about.
(I know this is a heavy statement)
Refusing Medical Assistance: Can refusing to take “medical options” be considered suicide? Absolutely not, it’s not a sin to desire to be with the Father.702 What if my motive is not of Faith, but of just wanting my family not to suffer mentally and financially? The answer is still no, it’s not a sin.

You are motivated by your family’s needs.

Sacrificial Suicide

Sacrificial Suicide: Would giving your life jacket to another be a sin? Would starving yourself so that your child could eat be a sin? Not at all, no greater love has a man, than to lay down his own life for another;703 Jesus laid down His life for us.704

Sampson prayed for strength to kill the Philistines, the enemy of God, knowing he would be committing sacrificial suicide. 705 Note: God gave Sampson the strength he prayed for to do the deed.


Should you withhold medical options in order to stop prolonging death or agonizing pain or a vegetable like existence of a loved one? If they are dying, scripture says you should make them as comfortable as you can; even with strong drink.706 If the physicians conclude that the condition is irreversible, then those making the decisions should not feel any guilt on their decisions.

690 Job 7:1-3 – I am in misery; longing for the end of the day.
691 Job 7:15-16 – I despise my life; it has no meaning
692 Job 10:1 – I hate my life
693 Matthew 4:5-6 – Satan promotes suicide and says it’s a good thing. 694 Acts 16:27-28 – The jailer ALMOST committed suicide.

695 2 Samuel 17:23 – A disgruntled man takes his own life; suicide
696 1 Kings 16:18 – Fearing the worst a man sets himself on fire in Suicide
697 Matthew 27:5 – In shame Judas commits suicide by hanging himself
698 1 John 5:16 – THERE IS A SIN THAT LEADS TO DEATH -- Matthew 12:31 - THE UNPARDONABLE SIN; blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven; this is the rejection of the Gospel of Christ.
699 1 John 1:8-9 – If we confess sin, He is faithful and just to forgive
700 Jonah 1:12 – Jonah asked for assisted suicide.
701 1 Samuel 31:4 – Saul asked assistance in suicide.
702 Philippians 1:21- Our life is Christ and being with Him is a plus
703 John 15:13 – Greater love has no one than to Lay down your life for another.
704 John 10:18 – Jesus laid down His life to save us.
705 Judges 16:29-30 – Sampson kills himself and the Philistines; the enemy of God
706 Proverbs 31:6 - Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those who are in anguish - Proverbs 31:6-7 – Give Southern Comfort and Coke to those who are dying.

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The greater question on guilt is the MOTIVE for the decision; is it driven by the physical demands and financial burdens it makes on those making the decision or is it in self-interest, or is there financial gain to be received?

Useful Life: should not be the deciding factor, nor should love or guilt advocate postponement of death at any cost. You are free to refuse assistance that would SLOW DOWN death, but you are not free to seek assistance that would speed it up. (There is no specific scripture)

Salvation Lost

Can suicide send a man to hell? The bigger question is, have they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior? Although suicide is a sin, it does not affect a man’s salvation.707 All have sinned and come short of the glory of God;708 thank God for His Grace and Mercy.709

Don’t give up

If there was ever an example of someone suffering and wanting to die it was Job. While some of Job’s friend’s answers gave partial satisfaction, none really had the answer for his calamity. There is an enormous gap between what man knows and what God knows. Even with all of Job’s thoughts of death, he did not give up on his relationship with God, and could live with the unanswered questions.

Today we have the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Paraclete, the one who comes along side of us and teaches us, reminds us and intercedes for us with JEHOVAH GOD.710

Christ’s death did not make our salvation a possibility; He made it a certainty.711

707 John 10:27-28 – The Believer will not perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. -- Romans 8:38-39 – Suicide cannot separate us from God; nothing can. -- John 6:37 – If you TRULY came to the Father, you are His
708 Romans 3:23 – Everybody has fallen short of the standard of God’s glory
709 Acts 15:11 – It is the GRACE of our Lord Jesus that saves us

710 John 14:26 – The Holy Spirit, the Counselor will teach you and remind you of everything I have taught you. -- Romans 8:26 – The Holy Spirit helps us by interceding for us as we pray
711 Ephesians 2:8 – We are saved by His Grace through our Faith, it is the gift of God

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Chapter 12.17

Sex, Adultery & Fornication

What’s wrong with sex? 99% of the world participates.

First Word

David had just turned eleven when I took him outside to our camper to talk privately with him about the “Facts of Life”; how babies were made. After only a minute, he interrupted me to say “I already know that”. I asked him, “How did you find out about this?” He said “Gina told me”; I said, “Gina; GOOD GRIEF, Gina is only eight years old!”

Today, it’s considered just plain old fashion to prohibit sex outside of marriage. 99% of all insects, birds, animals and humans all have sex. People are born with the intense DESIRE to have sex; we are born to reproduce. God Himself said to be fruitful and multiply;712 so what’s the big deal?


ADULTERY is EXTRAMARITAL SEX that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral, or legal grounds. A single act of sexual intercourse is generally sufficient to constitute adultery, and a more long-term sexual relationship is sometimes referred to as an affair.

Historically, many cultures considered adultery a very seriouscrime, some subject to severe punishment, usually for the woman and sometimes for the man, with penalties including capital punishment, mutilation, or torture.

FORNICATION is generally consensual sexual intercourse between two people NOT MARRIED to each other. The term Fornication is often replaced with more judgment-neutral terms like premarital sex or extramarital sex. When one or more of the partners having consensual sexual intercourse is a married person, it is called adultery.

Dishonor God

Part of the problem with our society today is that we do not pass down to our children what we learned from our parents. It only takes one generation for God’s laws to be forgotten; all through Bible history, Israel got in trouble because they didn’t pass down the laws of God from generation to generation. Parents are responsible to God for teaching God’s precepts to their children; they are responsible for their children’s discipline; this will literally save them from destruction.713

It’s a commandment: No sex outside of marriage;714 your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so therefore do not dishonor God. SEX IS A SIN outside of marriage.

Someone that is in sexual immorality is literally destroying himself. 715

712 Genesis 1:28 - Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth
713 Proverbs 23:13-14 – Parents should discipline their children with the rod and save his soul from death -- Proverbs 15:5 – Listen to your parents. a fool spurns his father's discipline
714 Exodus 20:14 - You shall not have sex with someone you are not married to; do not commit adultery
715 Proverbs 6:32 – An adultery destroys himself for lack of knowledge.

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Listen to your parents

Why buy a cow, when you can get the milk free through the fence; stolen water is the sweetest, bread eaten in a secret place is the best. Those casual hugs can light up the imagination and emotion of your heart. Adultery doesn’t just happen; it’s planned. An adulterous spirit can’t stay home, plans must be made for rendezvous and then more plans to cover it up with lies. This path is the way to Hell and eternal separation from God.716

I will not list it all here, but read what a father told his son about prostitutes

Proverbs 9:13-18 – Stolen water is the sweetest

The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge. She sits at the door of her house, on a seat at the highest point of the city, calling out to those who pass by, who go straight on their way. "Let all who are simple come in here!" she says to those who lack judgment. "Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!" But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of the grave.


Proverbs 7:6-27 – The path to immorality leads to hell.

At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice. I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment. He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in.

Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent. She is loud and defiant, her feet never stay at home; now in the street, now in the squares, at every corner she lurks.

She took hold of him and kissed him and with a brazen face she said: "I have fellowship offerings at home; today I fulfilled my vows. So I came out to meet you; I looked for you and have found you! I have covered my bed with colored linens from Egypt. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.

Come, let's drink deep of love till morning; let's enjoy ourselves with love! My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey. He took his purse filled with money and will not be home till full moon."

With persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk.

All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life.

Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say. Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng.

Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.


716 Proverbs 5:20-21 – Listen Son, God will see your immorality -- Ephesians 5:3 – Stay away from anything that hints of being impure -- Proverbs 5:8 – Walk on the other side of the street

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Do not despise instruction, incline your ear to the voice of the teacher that walks in the ways of God. Receive instruction now to save yourself from trouble and despair later. Immorality make you unstable; what you have worked for will go to another. Save your family, your home, your assets from total ruin; save yourself from AIDS

Proverbs 5:6-13 -When you get AIDS you’ll wish you had listened.

Lest you ponder her path of life; her ways are unstable; you do not know them. Therefore hear me now, my children, and do not depart from the words of my mouth.

Remove your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others, and your years to the cruel one; lest aliens be filled with your wealth, and your labors go to the house of a foreigner; and you mourn at last, when your FLESH and your BODY are consumed, and say:

How I have hated instruction, and my heart despised correction! I have NOT obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor

inclined my ear to those who instructed me! NKJV


Most of the time, the whore or the woman is the one being addressed in scripture, however it’s actually referring to a people, both male and female, married and unmarried. A whore is also addressed as a nation who has whored after other gods. It’s a concept about honoring God.

Adultery – Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone not their spouse. Fornication - Voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried people.
Homosexuality – The desire to have sex with someone of the same sex as themselves. Lesbianism – Homosexuality; sex between women.

Whore - A woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse with men. Dog – A boy or man that has sex with another man
Bestiality – Sexual relation between a person and an animal.

The Bible says it’s a COMMANDMENT; do not commit adultery.717 Your body is the temple of the

Holy Spirit,718 you dishonor God when you commit adultery. Your body is not for sexual immorality,719 which deserves death720 and separation from God,721 your thoughts, prayers, offerings and sacrifices become an abomination to Him.722 God groups Sexual immorality with the SIN of Witchcraft.723 You do not have the Spirit of God in you724 so He removes Himself from you and gives you what you want.725

Sex is strong

The human desire for sex is strong for both sexes; sometimes the passion is so great that you can’t escape it,726 sometimes it becomes forced; RAPE. While immoral behavior is only one of the Ten Commandments, it is by far one of the strongest as it spins off; Lies, emotional distress, broken families,

717 Mark 10:18-19 – It’s a commandment; do not commit adultery -- Exodus 20:14 – Don’t do it; you shall not commit adultery 718 1 Corenthians 6:18-20 – Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
719 1 Corenthians 6:13 – The body is not for sexual immorality.
720 Romans 1:32 – Immorality deserves death

721 Revelation 21:8 – The sexually immoral will not go to heaven.
722 Proverbs 15:26 - Your thoughts are an abomination -- Proverbs 28:9 – Your prayers are an abomination -- Deuteronomy 23:18 – Your offering is an abomination -- Proverbs 15:8 – Your sacrifice is an abomination
723 Galatians 5:19-21 – Sexual immorality is grouped with the SIN of witchcraft.
724 Jude 18-19 – You don’t have the Spirit of God when you are following ungodly desires,
725 Romans 1:28 – God will give you what you want; He will walk away
726 Proverbs 23:27-28 – Sex is a deep pit and hard to get out

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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT IT’SINTHEBOOK disease, sickness, and sometimes murder.727 When you are horny, a kiss can melt you;728 even a toad frog

will look like a prince.729

In Secret

God sees what you do in secret,730 your sins will find you out. The seed that you sow in the secret of the dark, will become a harvest in the light731 of far more that you expected and last far longer than you wanted.732 The adulterer seeks the dark places thinking no one will know him. Have you ever wondered why night clubs and bars are so dark? If you mess with fire, you will get burned.733

Sodom and Gomorrah

In the very beginning of the Bible we see the power of sex and the downward spiral it takes the person that cannot control their desires, one sinful act causes them to do another. The scriptures will make you blush at the lack of sensitivity to purity.734

The drive for sex makes your “understanding” become confused about what is right and wrong.735 Your “conscious” become dulled and finally is seared over; it puts your heart in bondage.736 This powerful sex drive causes some people to seek SEX with partners of the same sex;737 to have sex with animals.738

God says it is a great hatred, an abomination, loathsome, disgusting, revolting; makes Him want to puke.739


You can’t hardly talk about sex without talking about the decisions made concerning immoral activity leading to the aborting of a child. The term Pro-Choice sounds like a good thing, but concerning the life of a baby, it means you have the right to murder your child. Satan has a way of making evil seem good.

Satan in an attempt to make dark appear as light, tries to trick you into thinking of your baby as a blob or just tissue and tries to rename an unborn child by calling it a fetus or just a product of conception. The life of a child is a gift from God740 and begins at conception, wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of God 741and formed742 and knitted together by the hands of God Himself.743

A child is genetically complete at conception and is independent of its mother, depending only on her for nourishment; at 42 days the child has brain activity and can experience pain. In eight weeks the child has developed all its parts.

Partial birth abortion is when a child is maneuvered in the womb to come out feet first 4/5th of the way out; then they suck the brains out of the child’s head before the remainder of its body is removed. The abortion of a child affects not only the mother, but the father and all the family members connected to this child. The scars are forever; but so is God’s forgiveness.

727 Proverbs 22:14 – An immoral woman’s kiss pulls you to the pit
728 Proverbs 5:3 – Her lips will melt you, her mouth is smoother than oil
729 Proverbs 27:7-8 –When you’re HORNY, a toad frog looks like a prince.
730 John 4:16-18 – God knows your innermost thoughts
731 Job 24:15 – The adulterer and fornicator thinks no one knows what he does. -- 2 Samuel 12:12 – God will reveal what you have done in secret
732 Ephesians 5:11-13 – Stay away from immorality; it will be exposed
733 Proverbs 6:27-29 – Play with fire of SEX and you will get burned.
734 Ezekiel 22:10-11 – In you ARE detestable things. -- Ephesian 4:17-19 – Indulging in every kind of impurity and lust
735 Leviticus 18:20 – Don’t have sex with your friends wife -- Leviticus 19:29 – Don’t prostitute your daughter
736 2 Peter 2:14 – Sin never stops, it’s like a dog returning to its vomit.
737 Genesis 19:5 – Some men want sex with other men
738 Leviticus 18:23 – Don’t have sex with animals -- Leviticus 20:15-16 – Kill the person who has sex with an animal
740 Psalms 127:3 – A baby is an inheritance, a gift from God
741 Genesis 1:27 – A baby is made in the image of God
742 Jeremiah 1:5 – God forms every child in the womb.
743 Psalms 139:13-14 – It is God that knits together each child

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Are you Single?

If you are single and have sex, then you should get married.744 If you don’t want to marry him, then don’t sleep with him. God says to abstain from fornication.745

Are you Married?

If you are married, God says to be satisfied with your own wife,746 don’t look around at others women.747 The Bible says; an unfaithful wife is like rottenness in her husband’s bones.748 When he finds out, there will be hell to pay; jealousy will show no mercy and takes revenge.749

A covenant

Marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman and God;750 there are three in the marriage covenant. You are in covenant with God; covenants must not be broken, to dishonor your spouse is to dishonor God.

Wife Swapping

Drink in the love of your own wife; don’t share her with your neighbor.751

Two become one

Sex is like a drug that dulls the mind, it smooths over bumps in your marriage.752 Outside of marriage it makes sin seem not so bad;” it was just what was needed at the time. When you have sex with someone who is not your wife, you are uniting yourself with her and all her other lovers; the two of you become one flesh.753

The Good Wife

The characteristics of a good wife: A good wife is sent from God;754 she is of noble character, brings good to her family, Works vigorously with eager hands, provides for the family needs, helps her neighbor, has strength and dignity, instructs her children, does not gossip, curse755 or make sexual innuendos; she loves the Lord.

Proverbs 31:10-31 - Characteristics of a good wife

10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.

13 She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.
16 She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.

744 Exodus 22:16 – If you have sex, then you should get married.
745 Acts 15:20 – Abstain from fornication -- 1 Thessalonians 4:3 – It is God’s will; that you abstain from fornication
746 Proverbs 5:19-20 – Be satisfied with the wife that you entered into the COVENANT with God.
747 Mark 7:21-23 – Thoughts of immorality make a man unclean.-- Matthew 5:28 – You sin when you look lustfully at a woman, you have already committed adultery with her in your heart
748 Proverbs 12:4 – An unfaithful wife rots her husband’s bones.
749 Proverbs 6:34:35 – Jealousy shows no mercy and takes revenge.
750 Job 31:1 – MARRIAGE IS A COVENANT WITH GOD, MAN & WIFE -- Malachi 2:14 – The Lord is in covenant with you and your wife. 751 Proverbs 5:15-18 – Share yourself and your wife with no one
752 Proverbs 30:20 – Sex makes all things right in your marriage; it’s like a drug to the mind
753 1 Corenthians 6:15-17 – You become one with the one you have sex with.
754 Proverbs 18:22 – A good wife is favor from the Lord. -- Proverbs 19:14 – A good wife is sent from God
755 Proverbs 11:22 – Course language shouldn’t come from a “lady”.

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18 She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
29 "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
31 Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. NIV

Shun the immoral “Christian”

If you really want to know what a person is like, just look at the friends they choose. Birds of a feather flock together. If a person calls themselves a “Christian,” but is active in sexual immorality, you are not to associate with them; don’t even Do Lunchwith them.756 Give them over to Satan so that they are “shaken back to their senses” and save their souls from the lake of fire and the permanent separation from God.

There is Hope

Sexual immorality is not a new temptation or something special just in your life. Do not test God,757 you have control over your own body758 and He will give you a way of escape.759 You are living a life of extreme ignorance, 760 but God has extreme mercy.761 He gives you time to repent762 and leave the life of immorality behind for a new life that honors Him. Life is choice driven, you don’t have to stay where you are; it’s a choice.763

You may have to leave friends behind,764 they will think you are acting strange when you don’t run with the pack anymore and will probably make fun of you.765 If you are weak in your decision, share this word study with your partner, perhaps the two of you can be strong together.

756 1 Corenthians 5:1 – Don’t associate with “Christians” who are practicing sexually immorality 757 1 Corenthians 10:8-9 – Do not test God as some of them did and died
758 Galatians 5:22-23 – You have SELF-CONTROL over your body
759 1 Corenthians 10:13 – God will make a way for you to escape temptation.

760 1 Timothy 1:13-14 – You were once in ignorance and unbelief, but God abundantly pardons.
761 John 8:4-11 – Jesus forgives
762 Revelation 2:20-21 – God gives us a lifetime to repent
763 Josh 24:15 – Chose today whom you will serve; as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD 764 1 Peter 4:3-4 – You must leave the past and the pack behind.

765 1 Peter 4:14 – They will probably make fun of you.


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Forgive your offending spouse if they repent;766 God continues to forgive you and searches for you to take you back.

The Take Away

The laws of God HAVE NOT been passed down from generation to generation, and today people think abstaining from SEX it just plain old fashion. It’s the parent’s responsibility to pass on the precepts of God; to provide discipline and it’s the child’s responsibility to listen.

When you are “Single,” sexual intercourse is called FORNICATION; when you are “married,” it’s called ADULTERY, and God calls it an ABOMINATION. Sex is powerful and strong; it INTOXICATES your thinking and confuses your actions. Marriage is a Blood Covenant between a man, a woman and God; your wife is not to be shared with anyone, nor your daughter.

We have been commanded by God not to commit sexual immorality; He groups it with the sin of Witchcraft. Sexual immorality takes the form of adultery, fornication, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Prostitution and Bestiality. Sex outside of marriage leads to disease, unwanted children, abortion and emotional scars.

When you have sex with a prostitute, you become one with her AND ALL HER OTHER LOVERS. A Christian who is in sexual immorality is to be shunned in order to shake them back to their senses and save their souls from disaster.

If your spouse has been unfaithful and they confess their sin and turn from their wicked ways, forgive them for God certainly seeks us out and forgives us. There is hope for the one who is caught up in sexual immorality; God will provide a way of escape if you want it; the Holy Spirit can only show you the door; you must choose to walk through it.

Life is choice driven.

Choose today who you will serve

The physical or the spiritual.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

766 Judges 19:1-3 – Forgive your unfaithful spouse
767 Joshua 24:15- Choose this day whom you will serve; as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD

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Chapter 12.18


Incest before the Law – The Law – The Law Defied Exceptions to the Law - Physical Deformities
Sex with Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Aunts
Sex with Adopted Members of the family

Sexual union inescapable involves the whole person whether within or outside of the marriage. Marriage is a state in which a people can naturally fulfill their respective Sexual roles.

First Word

The LAW Defined


Bible: Attempted marriage or SEX between closely related persons constituted a capital crime

therefore it required capital punishment; DEATH. The Hebrew nation was called to a higher code of sexual ethics than their pagan neighbors, the Hebrew word for Incest means “a mixing of unnatural elements”.

Physical Deformities

The Egyptians interestingly enough thought that marriages between brothers and sisters made the blood line stronger. Medical science today shows that it can cause Down Syndrome, mental impairment, stunted growth, shortened hands or neck, low muscle tone, flat head, large tongue, abnormal teeth, abnormal ears, flattened nose, slanted eyes, undescended testicles as well as congenital heart disease.

768 Exodus 20:14 – ADULTERY NOT -- Proverbs 6:32 – An adultery destroys himself for lack of knowledge. -- Acts 15:20 – FORNICATION NOT -- 1 Thessalonians 4:3 – It is God’s will that you abstain from fornication
769 Proverbs 27:7 – When you’re horny, a toad frog looks like a prince. -- Proverbs 23:27-28 – Sex is a deep pit and hard to get out -- Proverbs 22:14 – An immoral woman’s kiss pulls you into a deep pit -- Proverbs 5:3 – Her lips will melt you, they are smoother than oil 770 Exodus 22:16 – If you have sex, then you should get married.

SEX IS STRONG, it drives both men and women to go against God’s commands. Sometimes the passion is so great that you can’t escape it. Sometimes the drive for sex is so strong it becomes RAPE. While immoral behavior is only one of the Ten Commandments,768 it is by far one of the strongest; INCEST spins off unwanted children, lies, emotional distress, broken families, disease, sickness, physical disorders and sometimes murder.769

It’s a commandment; no sex outside of marriage; your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so therefore do not dishonor God. SEX outside of marriage IS A SIN.770

THE BIG QUESTION: Can a brother marry his sister or can a father marry his daughter?

Incest is sexual activity between family members or close relatives. This typically

includes sexual activity between people in a consanguineous relationship (blood relations), and sometimes those related by affinity, such as members of the same household, step relatives, those related

by adoption or marriage, or members of the same clan or lineage

Wikipedia says that a common justification given for the incest taboo is the impact inbreeding may have on children of incestuous sex, children whose biological parents have a closegenetic

relationship have an increased risk of congenital disorders, disabilities and death due at least in part

to genetic diseases caused by the inbreeding.

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Albinism (white skin) results from inheritance of recessive gene alleles, it’s a congenital disorder

characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin.

when God gave His laws against incest771 that He already knew that children could have physical

In scripture it appears that

disorders through the inbreeding.

Incest LAW

The Incest LAW would include having SEX with your sister even if she is the child of your mother from a previous marriage; it included Sex with Your Son’s Daughter, your Father’s Sister, your Mother’s Sister, your Aunt, your Daughter in Law or your Bothers Wife.772 You cannot have sex with a woman and her daughter nor a woman and her sister while they are both living.

Before the Levitical Law was given there was obviously major incest occurring during the time of Adam and Eve whose children intermarried with their sisters, bothers, cousins and so forth, fulfilling the mandate and COMMAND to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth.773 That same mandate and Command was passed along to Noah to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth.774 (NOTE: Adam was told to RE-PLINISH the earth, SO could there have been life on earth before Adam? ... that’s another Word Study; the Gap Theory.)

Adam begat his third son Seth when he was a young man of only 130 and lived to be 930 years of age775 giving plenty of time to produce many extended family members for Cain to choose from to marry. There are no records of any daughters, as the recorded line of heritage was through the Sons.

What COLOR was God? We see God as the same color that we are as scripture says we were made in His image and likeness.776 What Color was Adam before any genetic disorders? What if Adam had BLACK skin and Eve had YELLOW skin and when Cain killed Abel the mark777 that God placed on him was that he made his skin turn WHITE setting up the skin colors for the races. (That one is just for fun, it’s not in the Bible ... so don’t get upset.)

Sometimes it does gives me pause to wonder, if in God’s plan, the inner marriages caused the physical changes in skin colors and eventually the different races. Just a thought.

In the Belief System of many students of the Word and my BS too; we believe that Noah’s three sons took wives from other nations before the flood. (See the Word Study on the other nations; the Races.) Noah repopulated the earth with three races;

Shem is the progenitor of the “Semitic” peoples of the East. (White)
Japheth’s descendants are the inhabitants of Asia Minor and the sea people. (Yellow) Ham’s descendants became the Egyptians, Canaanites and Africans. (Black)

The Law Defied

There are recorded instances in the Bible where incest occurred

which makes you scratch your head and say “WHAT’S GOING ON HERE”? The first one we see is Lot, who

was the grandson of Terah, Abraham’s Father.

  1. 1)  Lot’s two daughters got him drunk on two different occasions and had sex with him because

    there were no tribal men to marry to be able to preserve and carry on their family line.778

  2. 2)  Abraham married Sarah his sister who was the daughter of his father, but not the daughter of

    his mother; it was his step sister.779

  3. 3)  Nahor the brother of Abraham married his brother Haran’s daughter.780

771 Leviticus 18:6 – Don’t have sex with a blood relative. -- Leviticus – 18:9-18 – NO SEX with Sisters, Daughters or Aunts 772 Ezekiel 22:10-11 – NO SEX with your Daughter in Laws or your Neighbor’s Wives
773 Genesis 1:28 – Adam; be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth
774 Genesis 9:7 – Noah; be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth

775 Genesis 5:5 - Adam lived 930 years
776 Genesis 1:26 – Let us make man in our image; our likeness 777 Genesis 4:15 - Then the LORD put a mark on Cain
778 Genesis 19:31-36 – Lot has SEX with his TWO daughters 779 Genesis 20:12 – Abraham married his Sister
780 Genesis 11:29 – Nahor married his brothers daughter

between members of the same

household or with step relatives or those related by marriage, or were members of the same clan,

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  1. 4)  Ruben has sex with his father Jacob’s wife and concubine.781

  2. 5)  Amram married his father’s sister, Jochebed.782

  3. 6)  Judah unknowingly had sex with Tamar his daughter in law.783

  4. 7)  Amnon rapes his Sister Tamar and then his passion turned to hate.784

  5. 8)  Absalom went in and had sex with his father David’s concubines.785

  6. 9)  King Herod took his brother’s wife and married her.786

  7. 10)  Isaac marries Rebekah who was his near of kin.787

  8. 11)  Jacob although tricked, married Sisters; Leah and Rachael.788

  9. 12)  Rehoboam married his cousin Mahalath.789

Noah’s Family “Affair”

Uncover the Nakedness is a polite term used in the Bible meaning to have SEX. In the Story of Noah; he had planted a vineyard and made some wine out of the grapes and got drunk and was inside his tent naked; (In my BS, I personally think EVERYBODY was drunk.)

It seems someone in the near family came in and uncovered Noah’s nakedness.790 I realize some students of the Word BS is that this was the first act of HOMOSEXUALITY with Noah and had nothing to do with Mrs. Noah at all, and I believed that too for a while.

In my BS, I believe scripture supports, that someone had sex with Noah’s wife. Many students believe the perpetrator was his son Ham and should have been put to death;791 others think it was not Ham, but Ham’s Son “Canaan” who did the dirty. Noah’s reaction was NOT to curse his son Ham, but to curse his grandson Canaan.

NONE OF THE ABOVE THOUGHTS ARE TOTALLY ACCURATE; in our BS we forget that Noah was not under the Mosaic Law, much less the Ten Commandments; you must read the Word Study “Noah Gets Drunk”; you will be stunned at what actually happened, you will FREAK OUT when you find out why Cannan was cursed.

The Bereans were commended for being so OPEN MINDED and checking out everything that was taught by Paul with scripture. It is so important to have an open mind to new thoughts as long as they are proven with scripture. My Belief System has been changed many times by being open minded and reading what other commentators have documented with scripture.

Acts 17:11 - The people of Berea were more OPEN-MINDED and searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. NLT

The LAW Exception

Levirate Marriage is the exception to the rule of the intermarriage law and is where a surviving brother marries the childless wife of a deceased brother.792 Onan by law was supposed to marry Tamar his dead brother’s wife and produce a child, but spilled his semen on the ground so he would not have a child by her;793 so God took his life.

781 Genesis 49:4 - Ruben had SEX with his father’s Wife -- Genesis 35:22 – Ruben has SEX with his father’s Concubine
782 Exodus 6:20 - Amram married his father’s sister Jochebed
783 Genesis 38:16-18 – Judah unknowingly had sex with his daughter in law -- 1 Chronicles 2:4 – Judah had twin sons by daughter in law 784 2 Samuel 13:14 - Amnon rapes his Sister Tamar
785 2 Samuel 16:21-22 - Absalom had sex with father’s concubines
786 Matthew 14:3-4 – King Herod marries his brother’s wife
787 Genesis 24:4 - Isaac marries Rebekah; near of kin
788 Genesis 29:23-27 – Jacob tricked; marries sisters Leah & Rachel
789 2 Chronicles 11:18 - Rehoboam married his cousin Mahalath
790 Leviticus – 18:7-8 – The father’s nakedness is having SEX with the Mother.
791 Leviticus 20:11 – SEX with your mother; both be put to death -- 1 Corinthians 5:1 – SEX with your Mother is immoral -- Deuteronomy 27:20 – CURSE whoever has SEX with his Mother
792 Deuteronomy 25:5 – Brother should fulfill duties of dead brother
793 Genesis 38:7-10 – Onan did not fulfil his duty towards Tamar


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Incest and Sexual immorality are not new temptations or something special to modern man, it’s been around since creation and God has made His positon on it very clear. You GRIEVE the Holy Spirit794 when you go against God’s commands; they are placed there for your own good and the good of your children and your children’s children.

Do not test God:795 you DO have control over your own body796 and God will give you a way of escape from the temptation.797 SEX IS STRONG and you have to WANT to control it in order to subdue it; it all starts in the imaginations of your mind.

Life is choice driven; you don’t have to stay where you are.798 God has given you a lifetime to repent799 and leave the life of immorality behind for a new life that honors Him.800 It’s a choice.


794 Ephesians 4:30 – Do not GRIEVE the Holy Spirit
795 1 Corenthians 10:8-9 – Do not test God, some did and died
796 Galatians 5:22-23 – You have control over your body
797 1 Corenthians 10:13 – God will make a way for you to escape temptation, so that you can stand up under it 798 Joshua 24:15 – Choose today who you will serve
799 Revelation 2:20-21 – God gives us time to repent
800 1 Peter 4:3-4 – You must leave the immoral past behind.

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Chapter 12.19


Escape or Excuse – Lust or Release Affair of the Mind - Is it a Sin?

First Word

This is a controversial and offensive subject to many, depending on the setting, but I will attempt to put it forth here in a modest manner so that Christians of all flavors, men, women and teenagers alike might feel comfortable and not left to flounder about through the moral maze that side steps the subject, with just a few noncommittal comments.

While scripture spells out in detail about other sexual sins the scripture is SILENT on the universal issue of masturbation which is a common human experience. The Bible does not tell us that it is wrong to smoke marijuana or use profane language, but our Christian principals tell us to NOT do it; so what does your Christian principals tell you about masturbation? Were you TAUGHT that using “The Pill” or a “Condom” or “Spilling your seed” was tantamount to ABORTION? Is what you believe only what someone else has told you, or did you read it in the Holy Scriptures?

I think it would be wrong for me to go beyond what God has written801 by just offering my opinion, because what is right or wrong for me might not be right or wrong for you. Scripture speaks about holiness “controlling your body”, impurity, and passions of lust.802 If we can put the cookies on the lower shelf where you can get to them, you will find that the bottom line of the real issue is; what is in your mind and what is in your thoughts? Do you masturbate often, or just once in a great while? Is your act of masturbation because of lustful thoughts or is it a “pent up” release?

When Sexual Temptations come, and they will; Masturbation, Fondling, Oral Sex, and other such things are all given as acceptable possibilities to refrain from sinning. We are told in scripture that when temptation presents itself to us, God makes a way of ESCAPE803 however

Satan makes a way of EXCUSE


Wasting the seed

I want to address the most used scripture for condemning masturbation; it pretty much says that wasting or spilling your semen on the ground is WICKED. Let’s look at the story of Onan and Tamar; Er the husband of Tamar was a wicked man and God killed him. Under their laws was the tradition “To perform the duty of a brother in law”,804 which was to see to it that a brother’s widow had a son to pass on the family heritage. That would include taking her into the family and having children with her.

It fell to Onan to take Tamar and have a child with her to “perform the duty”. Onan seemed to be okay with the SEX part as he lay with Tamar, but cheated her by spilling his seed on the ground; in my Belief System, I believe he probably didn’t want to have a child by her to share in the inheritance with his other children. Just saying

801 1 Corinthians 4:6 – Do Not to go beyond what is written
802 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 – God has called us in holiness -- 1 Thessalonians 4:4 - Learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable
803 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God provides a WAY OF ESCAPE so that you will be able to endure it.
804 Genesis 38:6-11 - “Go in to your brother’s wife and perform THE DUTY OF A BROTHER-IN-LAW, but whenever he went in to his brother’s wife he would WASTE THE SEMEN on the ground

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God said he was WICKED not because he had spilled his seed on the ground, but because he had failed to perform “the duty of a brother in law” and produce a child; so God killed him too.

So this scripture is not about wasting the seed or spilling it on the ground as one would do in masturbation; this story is about OBEDIENCE and RESPONSIBILITY.

Your Right Hand

Jesus was addressing some of His followers concerning LUST, and said that just looking at a person with lust, you have already sinned in your heart.805 He said, “If your RIGHT HAND806 causes you to sin, cut it off;” was He referring to masturbation?

The entire story is about Lust in the heart and in the mind; Jesus is stating the seriousness of the condition of a man’s heart. That it would be better to lose an eye or a hand than to go to hell because of the sin of LUST.

Once again, I do not see this as an indictment on masturbation. Some masturbate just to relieve themselves, so as to not have any of those “fantasy affair” dreams of the mind.

Sexual Desires

In the beginning God said that it was not good for man to be alone and gave him a wife807 and the two of them became one;808 intoxicated with one another. God made man and woman to procreate, to have sex, to have children and many of them.809 He created them to have a natural Sexual desire for each other that they might have optimum pleasure the way they were intended.810

Sex in marriage not only gives pleasure, but expresses love, unity, and commitment to each other. Satisfying the desires of the flesh is generally the root cause of masturbation. Since masturbation begins in the mind, it might be called having an “AFFAIR OF THE MIND”.811

The problem with masturbation is that it not only can become habit forming and addictive, but is an act of self-gratification rather than a part of giving gratification which provides pleasure to one’s partner. Of course sexual urges, in and of themselves are not sinful, but perhaps the use of SEXUAL TOYS to obtain that gratification is.

Self-Control of the body is part of the Fruit of the Spirit.812 Scripture pretty much says if you PLAY with you private parts, you are going to get burned.813 It’s in the Book All things are lawful for the believer,” but all things are not helpful. “All things are lawful,” but the believer should not be dominated by anything and that includes masturbation.814

Facts of Life

All living creations have been created with a desire for SEX; it is awakened in people at various ages and stages of life. Masturbation is obviously “natural” and therefore “morally neutral”. It is NOT forbidden by God, but with that said, God DOES address keeping your body under control.

805 Matthew 5:27-28 – He who LOOKS at a woman with LUSTFUL INTENT has already COMMITTED ADULTERY with her in his heart. 806 Matthew 5:29-30 - If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off
807 Genesis 2:18 – It’s not good for a man to be alone, he needs a cute wife
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 – Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit

Galatians 5:17-18 - DESIRES OF THE FLESH ARE AGAINST THE SPIRIT, and the DESIRES OF THE SPIRIT ARE AGAINST THE FLESH Matthew 26:41 - The flesh is weak
2 Timothy 2:22 - Run from lustful passions
1 John 2:16 - Lust of the eyes and flesh are not from God, but is from the world.

Job 31:1 – Make a covenant to not look with lust at another person
808 Genesis 2:24 – Man & Wife; the two have become one flesh
809 Genesis 1:28 – God made man and woman to have children to be FRUITFUL, and multiply,
810 Proverbs 5:18-19 – Rejoice & be intoxicated with the wife of your youth
811 Matthew 26:41 - The flesh is weak -- Job 31:1 – Make a covenant to not look with lust at another person -- 2 Timothy 2:22 - Run from lustful passions -- 1 John 2:16 - Lust of the eyes and flesh are not from God, but is from the world.
812 Galatians 5:22-23 – Self-Control is a fruit of the Spirit -- 1 Thessalonians 4:2-8 – CONTROL YOUR OWN BODY in holiness and honor, abstain from SEXUAL IMMORALITY;
813 Proverbs 6:27 – Can you build a FIRE IN YOUR LAP and not BURN YOUR PANTS
814 1 Corinthians 6:12 – All things are lawful for me,” but NOT ALL THINGS ARE HELPFUL; Do not be dominated by anything

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For the single person, man or woman, masturbation keeps you from sin and all the consequences of premarital sex, which includes damaged emotions, unwanted children and diseases such as AIDS.

For the married person who has come apart from the spouse for a period of time, but still desires each other, the consequences of un-faithfulness or Adultery are avoided.

According to scripture MASTURBATION is NOT A SIN, it can occur because of scheduling problems, travel, or just fatigue of the spouse. However it’s the thoughts that is in your mind that brings on Sin; Immoral thoughts, Pornography and Lust. The believer should denounce all forms of sexual impurity & FANTASIES whether they are actual or MENTAL.

Building a Case for Sin
The case for Sin comes down to this;

a) Sexual immorality must not be named among you.815 b) Whateverdoesnotproceedfromfaithissin.816
c) Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.817
d) Donotuseyourbodymembersforsin.818

e) You are to do everything to the glory of God.819
Nothing in itself is unclean, but it’s UNCLEAN FOR ANYONE WHO THINKS IT IS UNCLEAN.

What is right for you may not be right for someone else.

Withholding SEX
If masturbation is used to avoid or deny sex with your spouse, then IT IS A SIN. Scripture is clear

that a man and his wife should not deny each other sex820 except for an agreed upon time, lest Satan get a foothold in their life.

The Take Away

Drinking Alcohol is not a sin; Drunkenness is the Sin; Masturbation is not a sin; Lust is the Sin.
I can build a case with enough scripture that masturbation is a
SIN, but I think I would be going beyond what God has said or not said; consider this; is it an ESCAPE or ESCUSE?

Can you masturbate without sinning?821 Are you having an AFAIR OF THE MIND? We should not pass judgment on one another with the stumbling block of our opinion.822 What works for you may not work for someone else. Each person must give an account to God for their own self.

We have the Holy Spirit within us, and do not live for the earthly passions anymore; we are DONE WITH SIN,823 our thoughts are on “the will of God”. There is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.824 Is your masturbation an ?


815 Ephesians 5:3 – Sexual immorality must not be among you
816 Romans 14:14-23 - Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin
817 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
818 Romans 6:13 – Do not use your body members for sin
819 1 Corinthians 10:31 – WHATEVER YOU DO, DO ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD.
820 1 Corinthians 7:2-5 – DO NOT DEPRIVE EACH OTHER OF SEXUAL RELATIONS as punishment causing the spouse to Masturbate 821 Romans 7:20 – IT IS THE SIN LIVING IN ME THAT SINS; IT’S NOT ME
822 Romans 14:12-13 – Don’t pass judgment on one another
823 1 Peter 4:1-2 – Through the Holy Spirit; we are done with Sin
824 Romans 8:1 – We are no longer condemned as Christians

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Chapter 12.20

Flirting Potiphar’s wife

Did Joseph know that Mrs. Potiphar wanted to jump his bones? Did Joseph wait till nobody was around to see?
Did Joseph secretly enjoy her flirting?

First Word

During my study of Joseph of “the coat of many colors” fame, I was intrigued with his relationship with Potiphar’s wife. Skipping all the reasons why he was there in charge of Potiphar’s house, I just want to zoom in on what happened.

Mrs. Potiphar

Potiphar was the chief of the Egyptian King’s bodyguard, so he was pretty high up in society as you might say, and so was his wife. Egyptian sculptures and paintings depict her wearing fine pleated linen with an ornamental girdle around her waist and on her head was a head band set with jewels. She wore gold ankle bands with more gold on her ears, neck and fingers. She had dark purple lips and slanted eyebrows heavily lined with dark dye. You could say she was looking pretty good. I would venture to say she was probably pretty spoiled too and usually got what she wanted. This study is about personal integrity; no matter what the cost. Do you secretly enjoy harmless unspoken flirtation?


Joseph would have been dressed for the position that he held, probably wearing sandals with pointed upturned toes, fine linen outerwear with a colorful belt with a portion hanging down. Being a Hebrew he would have had black hair hanging down to his shoulders and a clean shaven face; he was young, strong and handsome, in short, he was looking good too. 825 He would move about quietly with his work possessing a quality of integrity that was unknown to Potiphar’s wife.

The House

Based on the construction of the time, the house would have had high walls and would include a main room and an inter garden with trees set in brick tubs; and with connecting quarters for the servants, stables, chariots, granary with grain bins and a court yard; in short is was quite a large complex with lots of activity to oversee.

The Story Begins

Joseph had found favor in the eyes of Potiphar and was put in charge of everything that he had with the exception of what Potiphar ate. From that day forth, God blessed Potiphar’s house and all his dealings because of Joseph.826
Joseph was aware of the overt flirting that was taking place by Potiphar’s wife and kept a safe distance from her, in fact he purposed not to go near her for she had “propositioned” him on many occasions.827

825 Genesis 39:6 – Joseph was well-built and good looking; handsome
826 Genesis 39:4-6 – The Lord blessed Joseph and caused Potiphar to prosper 827 Genesis 39:7-10 – Mrs. Potiphar said; How about a “roll in bed with honey”

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Then it happened

Joseph certainly knew the coming and going of Potiphar and his servants. Knowing fully he would be alone with Potiphar’s wife, he went into the house. She grabbed him by his cloak and tried to get him into her bed, but he ran off leaving his cloak behind.

She was angry and chagrinned that he had refused her ovations and screamed for help to her servants and the results were; he was thrown in jail. The rest I will not cover here as I just want to address the issue of Mrs. Potiphar and Joseph. You can read it.

Genesis 39:11-20 – Nobody around; Gotcha

11 One day he went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the household servants was inside.
She caught him by his cloak and said, "Come to bed with me!" But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house. When she saw 13 that he had left his cloak in her hand and had run out of the house, 14 she called her household servants. "Look," she said to them, "this Hebrew has been brought to us to make sport of us! He came in here to sleep with me, but I screamed.

15 When he heard me scream for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house."
She kept his cloak beside her until his master came home.
17 Then she told him this story: "
That Hebrew slave you brought us came to me to make sport of me.

18 But as soon as I screamed for help, he left his cloak beside me and ran out of the house."
19 When his master heard the story his wife told him, saying, "This is how your slave treated me," he burned with anger.

20 Joseph's master took him and put him in prison, the place where the king's prisoners were confined. NIV

My Belief System
I spoke out at an Adult Bible Study class that I felt like this was Joseph’s fault; because as “The

Big Kahuna” he certainly knew that no one would be in the house when he went in to work. In my BS, I felt like Joseph knew Potiphar’s wife wanted to “Jump his Bones” and enjoyed the flirting he received even though it was from a safe distance; it secretly made him feel good.

I went on to quote Proverbs; “You can’t take fire to your chest without getting burned828 and that’s what happened; He flirted with SIN and got burned.

Josephus on Joseph
I encourage you to get your own copy of the book “Josephus; The Antiquity of the Jews”.

Josephus was born in 37AD, just 4 years after the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. LISTEN to his report on the subject of Joseph.

Josephus the Jewish historian speaks: When therefore, there was a public festival coming on, in which it was the custom for women to come to the public solemnity, she pretended to her husband that she was sick as contriving an opportunity for solitude and leisure, that she might entreat Joseph again; Which opportunity being obtained, she used more kind words to him than before; and said that it had been good for him to have yielded to her first solicitation; and to have given her no repulse, both because of the reverence he ought to bear to her dignity she solicited him; and because of the vehemence of her passion; but which she was forced, though she were his mistress, to condescend beneath her dignity; but that he may now, by taking more prudent advice, wipe off the imputation of his former folly;

828 Proverbs 6:27 – Flirt with fire and get burned

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For whether it were that he expected the repetition of her solicitations she had now made, and that with greater earnestness than before, for that she had pretended sickness on this very account, and had preferred this conversation before the festival and its solemnity. She assured him that if he complied with her affections, he might expect the enjoyment of the advantages he already had; and if he were submissive to her, he would have still greater advantages; BUT, that he must look for revenge and hatred from her, in case he rejected her desires; and preferred the reputation of chastity before his mistress; for that he would gain nothing by such procedure, because she would then become his accuser, and would falsely pretend to her husband he had attempted her chastity; and that Potiphar would hearken to her words rather than to his, let his be ever so agreeable to the truth.

Skipping on down in this report we pick up with Joseph’s words

When the woman had said thus, and even with tears in her eyes, neither did pity dissuade Joseph from his chastity, nor did fear compel him to a compliance with her; but he opposed her solicitation, and did not yield to her threatening, and was afraid to do an ill thing, and chose to undergo the sharpest punishment rather that to enjoy his present advantages, by doing what his own conscience knew would justly deserve that he should die for it.

He also put in mind that she was a married woman, and that she ought to cohabit with her husband only; and desired her to suffer these considerations to have more weight with her that the short pleasure of lustful dalliance which would bring her to repentance afterwards, would cause troubles to her, and yet would not amend what had been done amiss.

I was married with three children and worked part-time for a small company, and a young divorcee seemed to catch my eye across the room; each time she saw me she would smile big and then would look away. It happened a lot and in an office meeting the boss observed it and told her to pay attention and stop flirting with Paul. I was stunned and so embarrassed; I had secretly enjoyed the playful attention, but I didn’t realize it was so obvious to others. This was a COURSE CORRECTOR for me as I kept my distance from then on. The Book says to avoid all appearances of evil.829


Joseph DID observe Mrs. Potiphar’s daily FLIRTING and overt propositions and he made it a point to avoid her. Mrs. Potiphar was not even supposed to be in the house when Joseph arrived; SO he chose the consequences of JAIL rather than to submit to SIN.

So there you have it; in my own BS, I doubted Joseph’s intention and integrity whereby in my own mind,

I had substituted my own lack of integrity for his. God help my corrupt judgmental BS

829 1 Thessalonians 5:22 - Abstain from all appearance of evil. -- Psalm 37:27 - Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell forevermore. -- Proverbs 26:23 - Smooth lips with an evil heart are like glaze on an earthen vessel. -- Proverbs 6:23-24- For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: to keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. -- Proverbs 14:16 - A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, But a fool is arrogant and careless.

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Chapter 12.21 Rainbow; Promise

and Perversion

The Bow – New Age Perversion – LGBT Perversion - Deluding Spirit The 7 Covenants – The Promise – The Colors - Whitehouse - Facebook

The Rainbow has become the banner of blasphemy waved in the face of God. First Word

The rainbow is one of the natural wonders of the world, it consist of seven colors; red, orange, green, blue, indigo and violet. Seven in scripture is symbolic of completeness, so whatever the rainbow represents; it is complete.

The color bands develop when sunlight interacts with the raindrops at angles between 40 and 48 degrees. When the sunlight hits the rain drops, it is refracted, separates and becomes colors, with the longest wave links producing Blue and the shortest wave links producing Red. The sun must be behind the observer to be able to see it. Each drop creates only one color, so it takes billions to produce the rainbow. Since it is dependent on the angle of the sun to the observer, it is impossible to get under it or at either end of it.

It has been subject of much myth and mystery; a) the Chinese say it is the creation of their first emperor Fohi. b) It is the Belt of the god Iris. c) It is a footpath between heaven and earth. d) It is a stairway for angels to bring messages back and forth. e) It is a bridge between the living and the dead. f) There are Leprechauns with a pot of gold at each end. g) If you pass beneath it, you will change genders; man to a woman, a woman to man. (LGBT)

Kermit the Frog says “Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide. So we've been told and some choose to believe it. I know they're wrong wait and see. Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection; the lovers, the dreamers and me”.

Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz says “Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true.”

The Sun, moon, stars & rainbow are all SIGNS, but none contain a covenant except the Rainbow. (However, the “Gospel story” from creation is contained in the Zodiac; another Word Study)


What is a Covenant? People knew what a covenant was; their society was built on people keeping their word, it was their character, their integrity, their loyalty and reputation. It is not just a casual promise or an agreement or a legal notarized contract, but a binding agreement to death and beyond. The word covenant is used over 300 times in the Bible.

Berith: “Covenant” in Hebrew: Means cutting; walking between two pieces of animal flesh. Diatheke: “Covenant” in Greek: A disposition of property; a testament
There were a number of covenants in scripture which I will just briefly touch on, but the main one in

this Word study is the first covenant that God made with man after the flood; it was made with Noah and his family with the SIGN of the Rainbow.

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There were seven Covenants: SEVEN is the number of Completion and Perfection.

  1. 1)  Adamic - Adam and Eve with the sign of pain in childbirth

  2. 2)  Noahathian - Noah with the sign of the bow in the sky, a promise of grace.

  3. 3)  Abrahamic - Abraham with the sign of circumcision of males – Set apart; a nation of Priest.

  4. 4)  Siniatic - Moses with the sign of the Book of the Covenant, commandments & the Sabbath

  5. 5)  Levitical - Levites with the sign of the Priesthood.

  6. 6)  Davidic - David with the sign of His Oath that his descendants would establish His kingdom

  7. 7)  New Covenant - Jesus Christ with the sign of His blood, His body and His resurrection.

    1 The Adamic Covenant – Between God and Satan; cut skins

    Genesis 3:15-16 - The Sign: Pain in childbirth

    15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your

    offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall

    bruise his heel.”

    16 To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in

    childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be

    for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (ESV)

    2 The Noahathian Covenant – Between God and Noah

    Genesis 9:9-11 – The Sign: The Rainbow

    9 "I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants

    after you

    10 and with every living creature that was with you--the birds, the

    livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with

    you--every living creature on earth. I establish my covenant with you:

    11 Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never

    again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." NIV

    3 The Abrahamic Covenant – Between God and Abraham

    Genesis 17:10-11 – The sign: Circumcision

    10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the

    covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised.

    11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the

    covenant between me and you. (NIV2011)

    4 Siniatic Covenant – Between God and the nation Israel

    Exodus 24:7-8 -The Sign: The Book of the Covenant

    7 Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it in the hearing of

    the people. And they said, “All that the LORD has spoken we will do,

    and we will be obedient.”

    8 And Moses took the blood and threw it on the people and said,

    “Behold the blood of the COVENANT that the LORD has made with

    you in accordance with all these words.” (ESV)

    5 The Levitical Covenant – Between God & Levitical Priesthood

    Numbers 25:10-13 - The Sign: The Aaronic Priesthood - Levi 10 The LORD said to Moses,

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11 "Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites; for he was as zealous as I am for my honor among them, so that in my zeal I did not put an end to them.
12 Therefore tell him I am making my covenant of peace with him.

13 He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood,

because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made atonement

for the Israelites." NIV

6 The Davidic Covenant – David & Descendants on the Throne

2 Kings 8:19 - The Sign: David’s Descendants; The Messiah

19 But the LORD did not want to destroy Judah, for he had made a

covenant with David and promised that his descendants would continue

to rule, shining like a lamp forever. (NLT)

2 Samuel 23:5-7 – Everlasting Covenant

5 "Is not my house right with God? Has he not made with me an

EVERLASTING COVENANT, arranged and secured in every part? Will

he not bring to fruition MY SALVATION and grant me my every desire?

6 But evil men are all to be cast aside like thorns, which are not gathered

with the hand.

7 Whoever touches thorns uses a tool of iron or the shaft of a spear;

they are burned up where they lie." NIV

7 The New Covenant – Between God, Jesus and man

Luke 22:18-20 - The Sign: Christ Blood resurrection & assertion

18 For I tell you that from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine

until the kingdom of God comes.”

19 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and

gave it to them, saying, “This is MY BODY, which is given for you. Do

this in remembrance of me.”

20 And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is

poured out for you is the new covenant in MY BLOOD. (ESV)

Jeremiah 31:31 – Prophecy: Days are coming with a New Covenant 31 Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will make a

new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah (ESV)

Side Bar – the Door
God told Noah to build an Ark that was larger than what was needed for the animals, and after

Noah and his family entered inside, the door remained open for seven more days for others to come, but they did not; then God Himself shut the door.

The door of the Ark is a picture of Jesus Christ and all who enter through His door will be saved. His preacher Noah preached for 120 years showing God’s infinite mercy. The work of the Holy Spirit is to show you the door, but you must choose to walk through it.

The Rainbow is a covenant of grace, a symbol of Jesus Christ Himself and in Heaven we will see the Rainbow again around the throne of God830 and around the head of Christ.831

830 Revelation 4:3 – Three was a Rainbow around the throne of God 831 Ezekiel 1:26-28 – There was a Rainbow around the Head of Christ

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Noah’s Rainbow Promise – The Covenant
It seems scripture bears out that the earth was enveloped in a water/vapor canopy that caused the

entire world to be in a semi-tropical climate, therefore before the flood of Noah it had never rained on earth. Ultra-violet rays were filtered out by the canopy causing men to live many hundreds of years.

God’s covenant with Noah was different from all the rest, it was NOT bi-lateral in that it was one sided; it was all God who would do the establishing. It had nothing to do with what man “would do” or “wouldn’t do”, man had nothing to do with it at all; it was unilateral, unconditional and inviolable. It is universal and applies to all humanity and their successive generations; it is a perpetual everlasting covenant as long as the earth remains.

The Word Covenant is spoken SEVEN times in the scripture; seven is the Biblical number for completeness; this is a complete covenant that is not only a SIGN, but has a MESSAGE. The message in very precise language is addressed to eight people who represent ALL humanity. In the first seven verses are what WE ARE TO DO; to rule the earth with capital punishment, to reproduce and eat anything we want except for blood.832 The next ten verses are about what HE WILL DO; the covenant. God cannot lie or change His mind.833

It is not a spiritual covenant, it is a physical covenant, because it is far reaching including every living creature; birds, cattle and every beast. This is a self-imposed covenant; God is not saying we don’t deserve to have the earth destroyed with a flood, He is just saying that He won’t do what He just did again.834

The sign was NOT called a Rainbow, it is called a BOW. The Word Bow in Hebrew is “qeshethin”, the same word used for a “battle bow”. The Lord is a warrior835 and his arrows are ready and will go forth as lighting. God the great warrior has hung up his BOW in the heavens, as a sign of peace and mercy toward a world of sin; there are now no arrows in the quiver.836 The bow is not turned down towards the earth in wrath and anger, but up toward heaven in kindness and mercy. The Bow Color of BLUE represents His judgment on the world with water, with the color RED representing His judgment of the world with fire; the colors in between are symbolic of a period of grace.

It’s only after a STORM has passed that you can see His Bow hung in the sky. The world is reminded that we deserve His Holy wrath, His Judgment, His vengeance, but instead we get His patience and His mercy, His grace and His peace.

When God picks up the BOW again, the whole universe will be destroyed with arrows of fire.837

Genesis 9:8-17 – Covenant stated SEVEN times to ALL humanity

8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, Behold,
9 I establish my COVENANT with you and your offspring after you,
10 and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth.
11 I establish My COVENANT with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 And God said, “THIS IS THE SIGN OF THE COVENANT that I make between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations:
13 I have set My BOW in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the COVENANT between Me and the earth. (All creation)

  1. 832  Genesis 9:1-7 – We are to Rule, Eat and Reproduce, but never Murder

  2. 833  Titus 1:2 - God cannot lie -- James 1:17 – God does not change his mind or characteristics; there is no variation or turning

  3. 834  Isaiah 54:9 – I won’t flood the earth again, even though you deserve it

  4. 835  Exodus 15:3 – The Lord is a warrior

  5. 836  2 Peter 3:7 – Arrows stored up for fire at the day of judgment

  6. 837  Zechariah 9:14 - The trumpet will sound and His arrows will go forth like lightning -- Habakkuk 3:9 – The Lords arrows are ready

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14 When I bring clouds over the earth & the BOW is seen in the clouds, 15 I will remember My COVENANT that is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.

16 When the BOW is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting COVENANT between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”
17 God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the COVENANT that I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”(ESV)

New Age Perverted Rainbow
The New Age Movement was something that I first became aware of in 1983 when I was handed a

copy of a manuscript written by Christian attorney Constance Cumbey which had not yet been published. I was astounded and began a Word Study on my own entitled “Another Gospel”. Her book would soon come out as “The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow” and it is a guide to the New Age movement like no other I have ever read.

There is a section in the Bookstore designated as New Age and I was astounded at the number of groups that came under the umbrella of the Rainbow. The New Age movement holds up the RAINBOW as their banner, one of their signs is the “antahkarana”, known as the “RAINBOW BRIDGE” which appears with 7 colors.

New Age groups: Children of the Dawn - Church of Scientology - Church Universal and Triumphant – Club of Rome - Custodians of the Plan – Global Mind Link – Global Society – Green Peace - Holistic Movement – Humanistic Movement - Humanistic Psychology - Lucis Trust – New Group of World Servers – Networking the Global Vision - New Thought - Pacific Institute – People for the American Way - Planet Stewards – Planetary Citizens –Sierra Club - The Hunger Project – The Order of Christian Mystics – Third wave – Third Force - Warriors of the Rainbow – World Servers for the New Age – World Future Society – World Goodwill – Zero Population Growth and on and on.

The Enlightened Ones are those that have been chosen to communicate with the gods in order to provide a “continuity of revelations”. These groups have been orchestrated by Satan to soften the impact and de-sensitization of the Christian and cause his acceptance of the new world religion.838

Groups of Workers: Political organizers - educators of the New Age - workers in the field of religion - trained observers – psychologists - scientific servers – financiers – economist - magnetic healers and telepathic communicators.

Their Goal: To train the minds of men to build towards Spiritual Unity through Diversity. a) To become a “Brotherhood”; A hidden body of “Custodians of the Plan”.
b) Torespecttheteachingsoftheprophetsandsagesofalltimesandcultures.
c) To be the inner spiritual government of the planet.

d) TodealwiththeAnti-Humanisticelement.

e) Christians must be liberated and enriched by the other paths to God or be eliminated. Seven Major Teachings:

  1. 1)  Sin and evil do not exist; peace and love are the ultimate realities

  2. 2)  All religions lead to the same goal. – All have equal merit.

  3. 3)  The Ancient Wisdom of Babylon is the basis for all truth. (Not in the Bible.)

  4. 4)  Jesus is not the only Christ or Messiah and is definitely not God.

  5. 5)  God is cosmic, an energy force – He is not personal

  6. 6)  Man is God himself – His creative powers need to be awakened

  7. 7)  Man can and should receive spiritual instruction from the spirit world.

838 John 18:20 – Christ did nothing in secret; He always taught in the synagogues or at the temple -- 2 Peter 2:1-2 – There will be false teachers and many will follow them -- Galatians 5:9-10 – It only takes a little worm to rot the whole apple -- Isaiah 28:10 – Prove scripture with scripture, precept upon precept


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Twin Teachings: There is no Hell - There is no Satan or demons.

The law of rebirth: Rebirth is not the same as “Born Again” as one reconciled to God, they teach that Man does not die, but is endlessly reborn until he perfects himself to qualify for Nirvana; endless rest.

Membership: All religions are welcome including Satanist and Witches with the exception of Muslims, Jews and Christians who recognize only one God, the God of Abraham.839

LGBT Perverted Rainbow
What I am addressing next is not to promote negativity or hate toward the gay community, but

only to look at it with a Biblical world view. In the 50’s and 60’s there was a massive movement to defend homosexuals from discrimination and gay bashing.

The sole purposed of “Gay is Good” and the “Gay Pride movement” was to establish Pride in the gay community. This campaign was to force those who opposed homosexuality to accept it as an alternate way of life and it eventually succeeded even among professing Christians.

The Gay Pride flag was created in California with the colors of the rainbow to symbolize the diversity of the LGBT community. There are now “Rainbow Flags” and parades called “Marching with the Rainbow”.

LGBT roots began in the Gay community in the mid to late 1980’s and became a self-designation initialism that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. To that some add a “Q” for those that identify as Queer, others add “I” for Intersex – Then there is “U” for Unsure and “C” for Curious, “T” for Transvestite, “TS” or “2” for Two Sprit”, “SA” for Straight Allies, “P” for Polyamorous, “H” for HIV-affected and “O” for Other.

QUILTBAG is Queer & Questioning, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender & Two-Spirit, Bisexual, Asexual & Ally, Gay & Genderqueer. – SGL Same Gender Loving – MSM Men who have Sex with Men. FABGLITTER and LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM are more and I think you get the point. So the term

LGBT has “sort ofencompassed the diverse community that share the same issues, values and goals. LGBT Rainbow: Legend says if you pass beneath it, you will change genders; man to a woman, a

woman to man.
The Bible message to ALL HUMANITY from God concerning the Rainbow was the instructions to

rule, eat and REPRODUCE. Two men or Two women cannot fulfill this command; it flies in the face of God.

The White House

The White House celebrated Homosexuality June 26th 2015, with this statement;

Tonight, the White House was lit to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to progress and equality, here in America and around the world. The pride colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community, and tonight, theses colors celebrate a new chapter in the history of American Civil Rights.”

Franklin Graham, President of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association said ”This is outrageous; a real slap in the face to the millions of Americans who do not support same-sex marriage and whose voice is being ignored”. The rainbow is actually an image associated with God’s judgment and a sign of His judgment to come

The Bible says that when Christ returns, it will be when He is rejected by this generation840 and when homosexuality is running unbridled just like in the days of Noah and Lot.841

There is an example with lot in Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone raining down from heaven and so it will be when the son of man is revealed.842 It’s in the Book.

839 Hosea 4:6 – We are destroyed because we don’t understand -- 2 Peter 2:12 – They blaspheme because they are ignorant of the Torah 840 Luke 17:25 – Jesus will be rejected by this generation
841 Genesis 19:24 – The Lord’s Judgment of Fire and brimstone will rain down
842 Luke 17:26-28 – In the end times it will be as in the days of Noah and Lot; JUDGEMENT on Homosexuality

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Book12 Sin–Abortion-Suicide-Sex–Incest-LGBT IT’SINTHEBOOK Facebook carried the MARK of the gay pride colors splashed over the face of folks profile picture

reminding us all of the JUDGMENT that is to come.

Noah Touched God’s Heart

In Genesis we find man deep in homosexuality and God said He was sorrowful that he had ever created mankind;843 that was the basis for the flood. Noah and his family found favor in the eyes of God and was saved with the Ark.844 After the flood Noah built an altar to God and offered sacrifices to Him and it touched God’s heart and that’s when God gave the Rainbow as a promise that He would never destroy the earth again with water.

The Rainbow is a visual reminder to all of creation that God will not forget His promise, no matter how wicked mankind gets. That includes murder, abortion, corruption, hate, witch craft and homosexuality including sex with animals. (Beastiality) (He won’t use water, it will be fire)

As a Christian our concern for those in the LGBT community is misunderstood. We are mandated to take a stand (not a soap box) on issues that conflict with the Bible. We are just agreeing with what God has already said; when we inform someone of what God has said in His Word, it is with deep concern for their soul; that they could be separated from God for eternity.

In the Sermon on the Mountain Jesus gives SEVEN characteristics of a Christian. The fourth one is ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted’.845 Mourning is an acknowledgement of our own sins with a broken heart before God; it is just too deep to conceal.846 We weep over perishing souls, we anguish over sin, we want right to prevail. This is Godly sorrow with compassion for injustice, afflictions and sins of others.847

The Take Away

Why is the LGBT sin any worse than any another sin? It’s not; however Christians are trying to NOT walk in sin and those in the LGBT COMMUNITY MAKE NO EFFORT to not walk in sin and that’s what is heart breaking. When you read God’s Word; it brings sorrow in your spirit for those who are PERISHING and DON’T EVEN KNOW IT.

The New Age movement presents Humanism with views that man is the measure of all things; his beginning was from himself, with no knowledge except what he himself can discover, no standard outside of himself, all wisdom is contained totally within oneself.

The Deception: The enlightened one, through imaging and visualization can energize and command what they believe is “Deity” spirits to serve and do their bidding. In the end God will send a deluding Spirit to harden their hearts so they will be unable to repent and under their Rainbow banner they get what they want.

Thousands march under the Rainbow flag implying that they are proud of their New Age homogenized Gospel that they follow and others march along waving their sexual immorality flag whether God likes it or not.

The Bible has four compelling scriptures that tell us the Will of God concerning LGBT community

  1. 1)  The Law is laid down clearly for those that practice LGBT and accept it as normal.848

  2. 2)  Two men or two women having sex is an abomination to God and worthy of death.849

  3. 3)  God will abandon you to your own will and give you what you want. You will NOT be able to

    see the error of your ways.850

  4. 4)  You will NOT inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and You WILL spend eternity in HELL.851

843 Genesis 6:5-6 – God regretted that He had made man and it grieved him to his heart.
844 Genesis 8:20-22 – Noah pleased God and made a BOW COVENANT with him. God hung up His Warrior Bow of wrath for now 845 Matthew 5:4 – Jesus’ sermon on the Mountain; blessed are those who mourn over sin -- Psalm 119:136 – Mourning over world sin 846 Isaiah 6:5 – Recognizing who you are before God
847 Isaiah 61:3 – Believers mourning will be replaced with gladness. -- Luke 16:25 – Believer comforted; the homosexuals are in agony. 848 1 Timothy 1:9-10 – Law laid down for those who Practice LGBT
849 Leviticus 18:22 - Two men having SEX is an ABOMINATION to God
850 Romans 1:18-32 – THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE so GOD GAVE THEM UP and gave the LGBT what they wanted
851 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – LGBT will not inherit the Kingdom of God

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Many in the LGBT community claim to be Christians and profess a love for God, but they are just Make-Believers. You cannot CONTINUE to walk in the fire of known sin and not get burned.852 As I extend my friendship to those who may be confused about their sexuality, I must at the same time be honest with them about what the Bible teaches.

Most folks are not fully aware of the Biblical significance of the Gay RainbowiFlag nor the New Age flag; that though their ignorance they are provoking God to wrath.853 I believe that it is this “lack of knowledge” that is the reason why God has been so merciful to them up until now.854

Please don’t confuse my words of concern with HATE SPEECH, I just want you in Heaven.

The decisions made on this side of life have eternal consequences; Life is Choice Driven.

Romans 1:20 – LGBT community is without excuse

20 For since the creation of the world

God’s invisible qualities

His eternal power and divine nature

have been clearly seen,

being understood from what has been made,


Romans 1:21-32 – Although the LGBT knew God; their hearts were darkened

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

  1. 22  Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

  2. 23  and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being

and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore GOD GAVE THEM OVER IN THE SINFUL DESIRES of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, GOD GAVE THEM OVER TO SHAMEFUL LUSTS. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so GOD GAVE THEM OVER TO A DEPRAVED MIND, so that they do what ought not to be done.
29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,

30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey

their parents;

  1. 31  they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.

  2. 32  Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve DEATH,

they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. (NIV2011)

852 Leviticus 20:13 – LGBT should be put to DEATH-
853 Deuteronomy 9:7-8 – LGBT provoked the LORD your God to wrath 854 Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

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Chapter 12.22

I had a childhood friend a couple of years older named Paul who I played with, did my homework with, double dated with, spent the night with and cried with when he went into military service. I loved him so very much, but it never occurred to me to have a physical relationship with him.

The Bible shows that there is a love between two men that is approved by God.855 It is a love of the spirit of the other and not a physical sexual love.

Absalom, King David third son tried to kill him and take his kingdom and was his enemy. But even with that the King loved him deeply856 and did not want him killed, mourned over him and it almost divided his kingdom.

Beginning of Homosexuality or Sodom
The Bible records the first time a man got drunk and the results. Some students of the Word Belief

System says that this was a homosexual act by Ham with his father Noah.857 Others BS say it was just the sin of enjoying looking at his father’s nakedness and wanting others to join in. Others BS say that Ham had sex with his own mother.

Now let’s check out Lot and his daughters; I will never understand for any reason the mentality of Lot who would give his virgin daughters over to the homosexual men of the night,858 but this was the mentality long ago. To tell you how sick in the spirit people were, they would give up their daughter or concubine EVEN UNTO DEATH to prevent homosexuality.859

The Bible paints a picture of little esteem given to women and I wish it had been written differently, but there it is: the good, the bad and the ugly. It speaks of a dog; boy prostitutes860 and how God gave them up to their lusts.861 Other scriptures refer to them as “the price of a dog”. God rejects gifts of money or a tithe that is given by a prostitute or homosexual.862

What God says about Bestiality; having sex with animals: You shall not lie with any beast to defile yourself: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death863

855 1 Samuel 18:1-4 - Love of friends; Jonathan and David -- 2 Samuel 1:26 - A Love that is an inexpressible Bond 856 2 Samuel 19:1-6 - Love of King David for his (traitor) Son Absalom.
857 Genesis 9:21-24 – Noah got drunk and took off his clothes
858 Genesis 19:5-9 -Bring the men out unto us, that we may know them.

859 1 Kings 14:24 - There were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations -- Judges 19:23-27 – He gave his concubine; to prevent homosexuality and they killed her
860 Joel 3:3 – They cast lots for a boy or a harlot for wine
861 Romans 1:24 - God gave them up to uncleanness to dishonor their own bodies with lusts between themselves: -- Romans 1:26-32 - God gave them up unto vile affections; leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another

862 Deuteronomy 23:18 - You shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, as a gift into the house of the LORD they are an abomination to God
863 Leviticus 18:22-23 – You shall not lie with any beast to defile yourself: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. -- Leviticus 20:13-16 - If a man has sex with another man, both of them shall surely be put to death


Alternate life styles - What’s wrong with same sex marriages

First Word

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The Take Away

TheLawwasnotgivenfortherighteous,butfortheungodly.864 Godgivesasternwarningabout eternal life. While the world simply calls homosexuality just another alternate life style, God calls it an abomination and you will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire regardless of how many times you say “Praise The Lord” and state that you believe in God and you are a Christian.865 He will say, “I never knew you”.

However, THERE IS A WAY OF ESCAPE;866 a way to spend eternity with Jesus Christ,867 Whosoever will believe and confess with their mouth and turn from their wicked ways, God will hear and save them, but making no decision is a decision to reject Christ.

The Holy Spirit can only show you the door, you must choose to walk through it.

864 1 Timothy 1:8-10 - The law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless, disobedient, ungodly, sinners, unholy, profane, murderers, whoremongers, those that defile themselves with mankind, for men stealers, for liars, for perjured persons
865 Matthew 7:21-23 - I will tell them plainly, `I never knew you -- 1 Corenthians 6:9-10 - The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners,
866 1 Corenthians 10:13 - With every temptation God will also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
867 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive -- Romans 10:9-10 - If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved -- John 3:16-18 - Whosoever believes in him should not perish, but will have everlasting life.

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Chapter 12.23

LGBTQ, God & Me

How should a Christian react when someone from the LGBT community is in need? The Parable of the Christian and the LGBT Gay man. Was Jesus an Enabler?
The Story of the LGBT woman and Jesus. Rights of the Pedophile and Child

First Word

Before we begin, I need to set forth two requirements of a Christian:

1) Love one another as Christ loved you. Love, be merciful as God has been Merciful to you. Jesus was down on Sin, but He was not down on the Sinner.868

2) Defend what the Bible says. Don’t judge, but inform with LOVE and Stand firm.869

As someone who spends a lot of time in the Bible, I can pretty much see “God’s Will” on many controversial subjects which when it’s mentioned, I become portrayed as a NARROW-MINDED BIGOT, an IDIOT and a HYPOCRITE spewing out HATE SPEECH.

I have a number of relatives in my extended family who have been in the LGBT community for some forty plus years. I have CLOSE gay friends who are sexually active; and we all know where each other stands, and with that being said; we are still FRIENDS FOREVER.

When a Gay Co-worker’s apartment burned down, he lost everything and I gave him some money to buy some clothes so he could come to work. Word got around and I was asked why I was ENABLING a GAY man. I told them I was helping with his needs not enabling or endorsing his lifestyle.

I was led to do the same thing for a young Lesbian co-worker who was about to be evicted. When God places a burden on your heart to give to someone; what they do with the money is not your responsibility. Our responsibility is to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

As a Human Resource Manager I was taught that when a conversation broke out in the break room that began to vilify, insult, name call and other wise persecute an individual; I was required to SPEAK UP; denounce the behavior and PHYSICALLY LEAVE the room. My actions proved to those present, that I did not condone their behavior and was NOT PART of it. Oddly enough, this is right out of the Bible.

If you are silent on hate speech, bigotry, bulling and sexual innuendos, you become part of it;


The LGBT Parable

When the people of Israel were exiled to other lands, the very old, poor and diseased Jews were left in Samaria to till the land; to that was added foreigners by the conquering king. They intermarried and became a half breed of Jews and whatever; that were for the most part heretics in religion. They became despised by the “Pure” Jews who considered them as dirty rotten, low down, scumbag, unclean, despicable sinners; even avoiding passing through their city.

868 John 13:34 – Love one another -- Luke 10:27 – Love your neighbor -- Luke 6:35-36 – Love – Be merciful as God is merciful to you 869 2 Thessalonians 2:15 – Stand firm in the teachings of the Bible -- 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 – Stand firm in the Faith with Love

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The Samaritans hated the Jews because the Jew’s hated the Samaritans and treated them so badly.

So there you have it; nobody liked nobody.

Let’s take a look at the Parable of the Good Republican and the Democrat or the Good Presbyterian and the Baptist; or the Good Black man and the White man or perhaps even better; the Christian and the Gay man.

What happens in the Story was not about their differences, it was about need. Although Politically and Spiritually they were not on the same page, one stopped and helped the other who was in destress and could have died. This action took of his time and of his substance and that’s what the story is about. When someone is hurting, it’s the Christians responsibility to pour out love and compassion and make an effort to give resources and relief in the time of need whether it’s convenient or not.870 Helping is not enabling or condoning their lifestyle, it is assisting another person that is made in the image of God.

It was a given that each person knew the other’s political and spiritual position which was quite irrelevant during this time of need. Our actions are a SERMON to someone. While we don’t have to preach at every turn in the road, we should be ready if it presents itself.

Luke 10:29-37 – Parable – The LGBT person and the Christian

29 But he, desiring to be POLITICALLY CORRECT, said to Jesus, “And

who is GOOD PERSON?”

30 Jesus told a story; “A GAY man was going down from Jerusalem to

Jericho, and he fell among some MUSLIM REDNECK BIGOTS, who

stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead.

31 Now by chance a DEMOCRAT was going down that road, and when

he saw the GAY man he passed by on the other side.

32 So likewise a REPUBLICAN, when he came to the place and saw the

GAY man, and passed by on the other side.

33 But a CHRISTIAN, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when

he saw the GAY man, he had compassion.

34 He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.

Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and

took care of him.

35 And the next day he took out some money and gave it to the

innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I

will repay you when I come back.’

36 Jesus asked WHICH OF THESE THREE, do you think, proved to be a

GOOD PERSON to the GAY MAN who fell among the BIGOTS?”


And Jesus said to him, “GO, and DO LIKEWISE.” (ESV)

The LGBT Woman

When an adulterous woman was brought before Jesus, the mob was hoping Jesus would pick up some stones and KILL HER... Everybody knew each other’s political and spiritual positions which Jesus completely ignored. Jesus showed COMPASSION; showing compassion does not condone, endorse nor enable someone’s lifestyle, it’s just that Compassion overcomes EVIL with GOOD. 871

Note: Before the woman left, Jesus informing her said “Go and SIN no more”.872 Please get this; informing her was not condemning her; we are called to Inform with Love.

870 2 Timothy 4:2- DO the Word whether it’s convenient or not
871 Romans 12:21 – We are to have compassion and overcome evil with good
872 John 8:4-11 – Jesus with compassion did not condemn, but said GO and SIN NO MORE

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Where does being Politically Correct End?

Our Mandate from God is to multiply and replenish the earth.873 Two men or Two women cannot do that. The United States Supreme Court has re-defined marriage and said that Same Sex Marriage is Lawful in America. The Supreme Court ignored God’s righteous decree; that those who practice LGBT deserve to die, as well as those who gave their approval to practice it.874

But what about marriage rights of the pedophile and the child; a Father with his Daughter, a Mother and her Son, where does this logic end. The US Supreme Court has made marriage to become meaningless. Marriage is a blood covenant between a Man, a Woman and GOD.875

The Take Away

You ask, why is the LGBT sin any worse than any other sin? It’s not, but I AM TRYING to NOT walk in sin and YOU ARE NOT and that’s what is heart breaking. When you read God’s Word; it brings sorrow in your spirit for those who are perishing and they DON’T EVEN KNOW IT.876

Many in the LGBT community claim to be Christians and profess a love for God, but they are just Make-Believers. You cannot CONTINUE to walk in the fire of known sin and not get burned.

As I extend my friendship to those who may be confused about their sexuality, I must at the same time be honest with them about what the Bible teaches.

Jesus has provided the door, but you MUST CHOOSE to walk through it.

The decisions made on this side of life have eternal consequences; Life is Choice Driven.

Leviticus 18:22 - Two men having SEX is an abomination to God

22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (ESV)

Leviticus 20:13 – They should be put to DEATH

13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their

blood is upon them. (ESV)

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – LGBT will not inherit the Kingdom of God

9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the

kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral,

nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,

10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor

swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

11 AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU. But you were washed, you were

sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and

by the Spirit of our God. (ESV)

1 Timothy 1:9-11 – Law laid down for those who Practice LGBT

9 understanding this, that THE LAW is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral,

10 men who practice HOMOSEXUALITY, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,
11 in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.


873 Genesis 9:7 – COMMAND; Be fruitful and multiply
874 Romans 1:32 – The Supreme Court approves of those who practice LGBT and the Book says they should also die 875 Malachi 2:14 – The Lord is in COVENANT with you and your wife.
876 Romans 1:18-32 – God gave LGBT what they wanted AND IT KILLED THEM

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Chapter 12.24

Same Sex Marriage

I was born this way – It’s just a Sexual Orientation – Lesbian - The Gay Agenda Tolerance - Freedom of Expression – Open minded – Partners - Hate – Bigotry President Obama approves of Gay Same Sex Marriages – So is the Antichrist

First Word

I had commented on Facebook that God said Homosexuality was an “abomination” and that I was going to go with what God had said; the reply I received was “Judge not that you be judged” “Why is my sin of being GAY worse than your sins”? They went on to say that my position fostered Hate and bigotry.

The Book: “If they persecuted me, (for what I said) they will persecute you also.” 877

In the Beginning
Bible: In the beginning, God created man both male and female878 and commanded them to

multiply.879 Marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman and God.880 God said when a man marries a woman they become one flesh,881 just as when he made Eve, a woman from Adam’s own flesh.882 NOTE; He did not make another man from Adams flesh.

Webster on Marriage: the state of being married; to join in wedlock as husband and wife, intimately joined. Husband; a male, Wife; a female, Procreate; to produce or bring into existence.

Procreate: The advertisement read “Two Fathers are better than None.” Two women or two men cannot multiply; while adoption is a wonderful thing, it is not procreation.

What did God say?

If you don’t care what God says on the matter, then this study will be meaningless to you. Right out of the chute God said two men should not lie together as a man with a woman.883 BAM God said that every man should have a wife and every woman a husband lest Satan get a foothold in your life.884 BAM. Then He said if you don’t listen to me, you will get AIDS.885 BAM God said to cut off the pervert from your presence.886 BAM

If you accept someone’s Gay lifestyle, then you become a part of it; silence is acceptance.887 BAM God, the JUDGE uses words such as detestable and abomination and says you are worthy of DEATH. BAM. If you are GAY, you have already been judged by God. BAM, BAM, BAM, so don’t get mad with me because I agree with what “God the Judge” has already said...

877 John 15:20 - Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you; they did not listen to me and they will not listen to you. 878 Genesis 1:27 – God created both the male and female.
879 Genesis 1:28 – We are COMMANDED to have children
880 1 Corenthians 7:2 – Every man should have a wife; and every wife a husband

881 Genesis 2:24 – Man and wife become one flesh
882 Genesis 2:22 – God made Woman from man’s flesh
883 Leviticus 18:22 – Same sex should not lie together.
884 1 Corenthians 2:5 – Man and wife should have SEX so Satan cannot get foothold
885 Romans 1:27 – They received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion AIDS
886 Leviticus 18:29 – CUT OFF THE HOMOSEXUAL from your presence
887 Romans 1:32 – You who approve of those who practice abominations are also worthy of death,

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Webster; Sodomy, any sexual intercourse held to be abnormal especially bestiality or anal intercourse between two male persons. Lesbian; A homosexual woman. Gay; a homosexual

How does God feel? As an example of how God feels about SODOMY, He rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah; burning up both cities; men, women, children, animals & vegetation.888 He did not stop there, He said if you approved of the Gay lifestyle, you will share in their guilt.889

Tolerance – Open Minded – Freedom of Expression – The Gay agenda
Satan is still pushing out his agenda of DOUBT; did God really say that? Surely you won’t die.890

According to God, we should NOT tolerate nor be open minded about this sin, but to speak up in LOVE. Our words are “Course Correctors” and will cover a multitude of sins.891

When a Christian sees someone perishing and reaches out sharing the word of God, it’s not in HATE, but in LOVE.892 Believers weep over perishing souls,893 anguishing over sin894 and want to reach out to the neighbor in the love of Christ.895 We are to love all of God’s creations, but hate the sin,

so don’t confuse the Sin with the Person.
Rebuke your Neighbor who is in sin; to be silent is to share in his guilt.
I didn’t say it; God said it.

When you deliberately sin, you are mocking God896 and ... you will finally reap what you sow.
Webster: Orientation”; A CHANGE in position of an organism under a stimulus. In the Garden of Eden, Adam copped out on his sin by saying it was God’s fault that he ate the fruit because of the

woman that He had given him; it was His fault and her fault too.
Its God’s fault; I was born this way, its in my DNA. You were not born a homosexual; you just

want an excuse to practice your perverted lustful lifestyle. When you put garbage in your heart, garbage comes out,897 I’m not being condescending; it’s just a fact.

It’s a choice – You delight in your abominations and sadly to say, you are going to HELL898 There is Hope; confess and FORSAKE your sins (turn around) and mercy will abound.899

Free in Christ

Christ set us free from the law of if you sin, you will die”.900 When sin abounds, God’s grace abounds even more.901 Our freedom does not give us the right to CONTINUE in sin; God forbid.902 God will not be mocked.903

There is a way of escape, a way to spend eternity with Jesus Christ.904 Homosexuality is NOT the unpardonable sin, but it can be. The Believer’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and Homosexuality is a sin against your body. God will not be mocked, if you continue in Homosexuality, intimeGodwillsearyourheartandyouwillnotbeabletoturnback.(Unpardonable) Youmustgetthis; making a decision to stay in the Gay Lifestyle is a decision to reject Christ.905

888 Genesis 18:20-21 – Their sin is so grievous -- Genesis 19:24-25 – God rained down burning sulfur 889 Leviticus 19:17 – Speak out or you will SHARE in the HOMOSEXUALS GUILT
890 Genesis 3:4 – Did God really say that? You will not surly die
891 James 5:20 – Our words can save the HOMOSEXUAL from death

892 Leviticus 19:17 – Rebuke your neighbor frankly who is in sin
893 Matthew 5:4 – Those who morn over the perishing
894 Psalm 119:136 – Tears flow from the true believer when God’s law is not obeyed
895 Leviticus 19:18 – Love your neighbor who is in sin
896 Galatians 6:7 – Knowing wrong; not turning back, mocks God
897 Matthew 12:34-36 – Garbage in, Garbage out
898 Isaiah 66:3 – IT’S A CHOICE to delight your soul in abominations -- 1 Corenthians 6:9-10 – The HOMOSEXUAL will not inherit the kingdom of God, they will be SEPARATED from God for eternity in Hell
899 Proverbs 28:13 – Confess sin, turn away from them and receive mercy.
900 Romans 6:15 – We are no longer under the law, we are under GRACE and make every effort to not sin
901 Romans 5:20 – Where SIN abounded; GRACE abounded more -- 1 John 1:9 – Confess your sin, turn around; He is faithful to forgive 902 Romans 6:1 – Should we sin more so grace can abound more; no God forbid
903 Romans 6:2 – We should no longer live in sin, but shun it
904 1 Corenthians 10:13 – God makes a way of escape, so that you can endure and bear up under the temptation.
Romans 10:9-10 –
Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord”, turn from your sinful ways and you will be justified; SAVED - Luke 15:7 –- The angels will rejoice over you when you come to the Lord
905 John 3:16-18 – Making no decision is condemnation.

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The Take Away - End Times
Our President of the USA recently came out in favor of Same Sex Marriages which the Bible

actually foretold would happen. It is prophesized that a leader will come forth that will not regard the God of Israel nor have any moral values or standards.906 Not just anti-God, but Anti-Christian; self- centered.

Scripture says that we should NOT cast our “pearls” of wisdom in front of “pigs” because they just won’t know what to do with it.907 They will call your words of concern an intolerance of a different lifestyle, hatred of a sexual orientation and bigotry at its height.

God Himself has judged the homosexual and has given him over to his shameful lust.908 The “Day of the Lord” Judgment is coming soon and unexpectedly.909

Romans 1:26-32 – God says; you want it, you got it

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.
27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.
Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, HE GAVE THEM OVER TO A DEPRAVED MIND; to do what ought not to be done.
29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,

30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;
31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, and ruthless.
Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also APPROVE OF THOSE WHO PRACTICE THEM.


There are two Kingdoms of God, the NOW and the NOT YET. You must be a member of the Kingdom Now
in order to enter into the Not Yet Kingdom to come.


906 Daniel 11:37 – The Antichrist fosters homosexuality TOO
907 Matthew 7:6 – Don’t give what is Holy to a dog; to a pig, they will just trample on it.
908 Romans 1:24 – Go ahead; God will give you over to degrade your bodies with one another 909 Luke 17:26-27 – Judgment is coming unexpectedly and it will be too late to repent.

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Chapter 12.25

Bestiality Zoosexual

Zoophilia – Zoophiles – Paraphilia – Angels & Beast Planet of the Apes – Sodom & Gomorrah – Islam Beauty & the Beast - The Law – The Curse

First Word

There is a cornucopia of information on the internet about having sex with animals described in high definition glowing color with CLOSE UP details and descriptions of the actions, with so much detail that it is in fact just another avenue for PORN; I will omit those details here.

Over the years I have written much on SEX as that is what has been suggested as a topic to me on Social Media. However, I have discovered that the reason for such high interest is that The Book says SEX is an incredibly INTENSE STRONG emotion with desires that must be subdued, contained or satisfied; with God’s way being that of marriage.

The DESIRE to have SEX was placed by God in men and women to fulfill the command, to multiply and fill the earth.910

Bestiality or Zoophilia is a sexual fixation on sex between a human and an animal.

Paraphiliais the experience of intensesexual arousalto atypical objects, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals, such attraction may be labeled sexual fetishism.

Zoophilia are people known as "zoophiles" and sometimes as "zoosexuals", or even very simply "zoos” and many boast about the fact of bestiality. Wikipedia

The Book says it is a perversion to make yourself unclean by having sex with an animal;911 if you do, you are both cursed and both must be put to death.912 It’s in the Book

The Laws of the land
Two male adults can give consent to have perverted SEX, but an animal cannot give consent

therefore it is considered RAPE. Approximately 30 states have enacted Cruelty Laws that prohibit sexual contact between humans and animals. The law does not address this act as SIN or perversion; the outrage is reserved for the Cruelty to Animals.


A little more background; I want to identify two Muslim books of Islam.

The Qur’an given to the “Last Prophet” Muhammad, claimed to be the perfect revelation of Allah. Some passages are not fully understood without the aid of “the Hadith” which clarifies their intent.

The Hadith is a companion book to the Qur’an that shows how to put the guidance of the Qur’an into practice. It’s a collection of sayings, deeds and the behavior of Muhammad including; eating, sleeping, praying, mating, planning revenge on his enemies and dispensing justice. These actions of Muhammad were not ordinary acts; but were considered the actions of “Allah”. They were handed down through the generations verbally and then about 200 years after Muhammad’s death they were written down.

910 Genesis 1:28 – COMMAND; to have SEX, multiply, replenish the earth
911 Leviticus 18:23 – Don’t have SEX with an animal; IT IS PERVERSION
912 Deuteronomy 27:21 – Cursed is anyone who has sex with an animal -- Leviticus 20:15-16 – The person who has sex with an animal MUST BE PUT TO DEATH;

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A Good Muslim will do all these same things as well as name their children Muhammad. The Hadith in some sects is followed more closely than the Qur’an and its sayings can supersede the Qur’an.

The Qur’an says absolutely nothing about bestiality and neither does the Hadith, however, there are two “COMMENTARIES” on the Hadith; one says to kill the person that has intercourse with an animal and the other says there is NO prescribed punishment for someone who has sex with an animal...

Both can’t be right.

Hadith Commentary #1 - 38:4449 - Abdullah ibn Abbas:
If anyone has sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill it along with him. Cursed is he who goes in unto (has sex) an animal. Cursed is he who does what the people of Lot did. (Sodom & Gomorrah.)
Hadith Commentary #2 – 38:4450 - Abdullah ibn Abbas:
There is NO PRESCRIBED PUNISHMENT for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.

In Islam it is permitted to have sex with an animal to prevent the sin of having sex with a woman who is not your wife.

The Muslims of Pakistan in many rural areas consider having sex with an animal a rite of passage on the way to becoming a full member of the male society. - Wikilslam -

The Muslims of Morocco believe that sexual intercourse with donkeys "make the penis grow big and strong"; masturbation is often scorned by them in favor of bestiality.

The TOP TWELVE “internet” BESTIALITY rankings of animals in Muslim countries are....

1)Pig: 2) 3)Dog: 4) 5) 8) 9) Monkey: 10) 11)






Many Muslims seek out gratification OR are indifferent to the perversion of bestiality, and in some cases bestiality is even openly promoted and made obligatory.

The Book points out it is a sin to have sex with an animal; it is called Bestiality; it does not produce a hybrid of something, it produces nothing and is just what it is; PERVERTED SEX.

Fiqh is a science which covers all the areas of Muslim life. Some Fiqh literature explains what a person must do in order to purify himself after having sex with an animal. A man can have sex with a sheep or goat as a way of dealing with his “lust.”
Essentially, this allows the male Muslim to have sex with an animal if a woman is not available.

There are two conditions; 1) the sheep or goat must be killed afterwards because it is now tainted, and 2) the meat cannot be eaten by the people in that particular village although it can be sold to a neighboring village.

The Book says a person who is involved in Bestiality should be killed. It’s in the Book

Leviticus 20:15-16 – Kill the person who has sex with an animal
15 If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he must be PUT TO DEATH, and you must kill the animal.
16 If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal.
They MUST BE PUT TO DEATH; their blood will be on their own heads. NIV

Voices supporting Bestiality
For those who support Bestiality as being NORMAL, they use Bible scripture to support their

position that God gave Adam the choice of bestiality if he wanted it. God made a mistake and did not provide a mate for Adam913 so he paraded all the animals in front of him to choose a suitable helper914 and all the animals that had been created were potential prospects. But Adam discovered that he was different from all the Animals.915

913 Genesis 2:18 – TWISTED PASSAGE: God made a mistake and now sees Adam needs a helper
914 Genesis 2:19 – TWISTED PASSAGE: God parades animals in front of Adam to choose one for a mate 915 Genesis 2:20 – TWISTED PASSAGE: A helper was not found for Adam in the parade of Animals

Horse: 6) Cow:

Elephant: 12)



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God was seriously considering bestiality as a choice for Adam to have a helper; a wife and it was only after the “Parade of the Animals” that God realized His mistake and then He made a wife for Adam.

Disney supports bestiality with its movie “Beauty and the Beast”; and look at “Planet of the Apes”; just step back and look at it for what it really portrays; BESTIALITY.

Angels and Beast

I know this is FAR reaching, but I am well read, and in the Apocrypha,

Jubilees 7:21-25 – Nephilim defiled the earth; caused THE FLOOD 21 For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owingtothefornicationwhereintheWatchers(fallenangels) againstthelaw of their ordinances went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness.
22 And they begat sons the
NEPHILIM, and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another: and the GIANTS slew ... one man another.
23 And every one sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much blood, and the earth was filled with iniquity.
24 And after this they sinned against the
BEASTS and BIRDS, and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.
25 and
the Lord DESTROYED everything from off the face of the earth; because of the wickedness of their deeds, and because of the blood which they had shed in the midst of the earth He destroyed everything. Genesis 6:5-7 – God is grieved; His patience wears thin
5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the THOUGHTS of his heart was ONLY EVIL all the time.
The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.
7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made them."

Sodom and Gomorrah
In the very beginning of the Bible in Sodom and Gomorrah, we see the POWER of sex and the

downward spiral it takes a person that cannot control their desires. One sinful act causes them to do another. Scriptures in the Book will make you blush at the lack of sensitivity to purity.

This SEX drive makes your “understanding” become confused about what is right and wrong. Your “conscious” become dulled and finally is seared over; it puts your heart into bondage.

This POWERFUL sex drive causes some people to seek sexual intercourse with partners of the SAME SEX or even to have sex with ANIMALS.

The Book says God hates bestiality; it is an abomination and loathsome, disgusting and revolting and makes Him to just want to PUKE.917

916 Genesis 6:4 - There were giants on the earth in those days
917 Ephesians 4:17-19 – Having lost all sensitivity, and given themselves over to sensuality; indulging in every kind of impurity and lust

the Earth in the time of Noah.916 The Apocrypha describe the Nephilim as being EVIL GIANTS who

the Book of Jubilees 7:21–

25 states that ridding the Earth of the GIANTS called NEPHILIM was one of God's purposes for flooding

had sex with mortal women, BEASTS as well as BIRDS.

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Far out Curse
God’s commands come with a blessing if you heed them and a curse if you disobey them. Sheep

carry the “syphilis” germ with no harm to themselves, but it can be deadly to a man who comes in contact with the sheep sexually.

Neurosyphilis can devastate the central nervous system causing chronic mental illness, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia and psychotic depression.

In 1999, the sixth annual conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections was held and claimed to be able to prove that every single HIV particle in the World stemmed from a small population of Chimpanzees in West Africa; the Curse of BESTIALITY... GOOD GRIEF

The Take Away

The Lunatics are running the Asylum. The Book is clear that Bestiality is a disgusting, abominable and perverted sin. Many years ago there was an effort to have SODOMY declared as NORMAL, PROTECTED and CELEBRATED and that effort succeeded, and now there is an effort to get LGBT TRANSGENDERISM declared as NORMAL and I am sure this is about to happen with BESTIALITY and CHILD MOLESTATION pushing its way right behind the effort.

Bestiality is now in the news with CANADA; The Supreme Court voted with a 7-1 majority on a bill describing “penetration” as the actual act of bestiality implying oral sex is legal and permitted.

Do NOT look this up on the internet as there are some things that just CAN’T BE UNSEEN.

The man says; bestiality is an Old Testament prohibition which has been done away with and bestiality is not even mentioned in the New Testament.
The Book says; if you have sex with an animal or BOTH should be put to death.918 The man says; you don’t have to be so harsh and kill the animal; boys will just be boys, no harm done.

The Book says; put the animal to death even though it is innocent, because it has now been taught gross wickedness.
The Man says; God approved of bestiality when he brought all the animals to Adam to find him a help mate.

The Book says; that God brought all the animals to Adam to NAME THEM and had already planned to make a special helper for him and even said so in the very beginning; “It’s not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him”;919 so that they can multiply and increase in number after their kind.

Bestiality denies the uniqueness that man was made in the image of God920 and lowers him to be nothing more than another animal with “animal instincts” of no right or wrong.

Sodom and Gomorrah went after Strange Flesh and the consequence was total destruction.921

The Book uses very clear words like; iniquity, abomination, unclean, vomit you out of my mouth, so that anyone reading this can be sure to understand His thoughts on this subject.

The Book appeals to you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good and acceptable “Perfect Will” of God.922

The Book says in the last days there will come times of difficulty. People will be lovers of self, abusive, ungrateful, and unholy, without self-control, brutal, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God;

AVOID SUCH PEOPLE.923 It’s in the Book

918 Leviticus 18:22-30 – You shall not LIE WITH ANY ANIMAL it’s a Perversion, an Abomination; Vomit You Out of my mouth
919 Genesis 1:28 – Command; multiply and increase after YOUR kind.
920 Genesis 1:27 – Men & Women are created in God’s image, not animals -- Genesis 1:25 – Everything created according to their kind 921 Jude 1:7 - Sodom and Gomorrah went after strange flesh giving themselves over to fornication
922 Romans 12:1-2 - Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind
923 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – In the last days there will come times of difficulty people will be lovers of self; AVOID SUCH PEOPLE.

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In the multitude of counselors,

there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14

.Dake’s Annotated Bible – Dake
.English Standard Version Bible ESV
.King James Version Bible – KJV
.New American Standard Bible - NASB
.New International Version Bible (2011) – NIV
.New Living Translation Bible – NLT
.QJV Bible –
.Queen James Bible - Wikipedia
A Commentary; Critical, Experimental and Practical - Eerdmans A Planned Deception – Constance Cumbey
A survey of the New Testament – Gunry
A.S.K. – Associates for Scriptural knowledge
All the Miracles of the Bible
- Herbert Lockyer
Annotated Reference Bible - Dake
Anointed with the Spirit and Power - John D. Harvey
Another Gospel – Tucker
Antiquity of the Jews – Flavius Josephus Matthias; Jewish Historian Apocrypha – Goodspeed
Arithmetic of God; The –
Don Kistler Armageddon-Appointment with Destiny – Grant R. Jeffrey Baker Commentary on the Bible – Walter A. Elwell
Bethel Baptist Church – Forrest L. Keener
Bible Almanac; The – Packer-Tenny White
Bible Commentary – F. B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary – Harper & Row
Biblical Ethics – Robertson McQuilkin
Book of Bible Lists
– Meredith’s
Book of Enoch –
Can America Survive? – John Hagee
Cherubim Chariots – Josh Peck
Compact Bible Dictionary - Zondervan
Complete Bible Handbook – Lawrence O. Richards
Complete Book of Bible Knowledge; The – Mark D. Taylor Countdown to Armageddon, the 1980’s – Hal Lindsay Customs and Folkways of Jewish Life – Theodor H. Gaster
Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The – Florentino Garcia Martinez Dial-the-truth Ministries – Dr. Terry Watkins


I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders

and see further that I otherwise ever could have.

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Discovering your Spiritual Gifts – Kenneth Cain Kinghorn Does God Control Everything – R.C. Sproul
Double Predestination Paper – Darryl Williams
Escape from Armageddon – Thomas Reed Exo-Vaticana – Chris Putnam & Thomas Horn Exposition of Genesis – H.C. Leupold

Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein Final Battle; The – Hal Lindsey
Final Dawn over Jerusalem
– John Hagee
Forgotten Books of Eden; The – World

From Daniel to Doomsday – John Hagee
Gambling and the Lottery – Tony Evans
God without Religion - Andrew Farley
God’s will for you – Gloria Copeland
Gospels Interwoven; The – Karmit Zarley
Great Doctrines of the Bible: Pneumatology – W.A. Criswell Great Doctrines of the Bible: Soteriology – W.A. Criswell Guide to Survival – Salem Kirban

Halley’s Bible Handbook – H.H. Halley
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The – Constance Cumbey Historical Atlas of the Bible; The – DR. Ian Barnes
Holy Spirit; The – Billy Graham
Illustrated Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The - Tyndale
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Facts – Packer-Tenney-White Illustrated Manners and Customs of the Bible – Packer-Tenney Image of God; The – John Piper
In the beginning was the End – Wim Malgo
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament – Baker
Invisible War; The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
Islam 6th Edition – Caesar E. Farah
Islam and the Bible – David Goldmann
Islam; Christian Apologetics – Dr. Norman Geisler
Jerusalem Countdown – John Hagee
Joined at the Hip – James Merritt – Touching Lives
Koinonia House – Chuck Missler
Last Days; The - Moris Farhi
Late Great Planet Earth; The – Hal Lindsey
Layman’s Overview of the Bible; The – George W. Knight LGBT - Wikipedia
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Loud Cry; The – David Curtis
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Muslim Dreams of Jesus – John Piper
Muslims –
Muslims –
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Mystery of the Ages – Herbert W. Armstrong


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Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
Naked Gospel; The – Andrew Farley
Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – Douglas & Tenney New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – J. D. Douglas New Millennium; The – Pat Robertson

New World College Dictionary – Webster’s Noah’s Family Tree – Stewart Trott
Now that’s a Good Question – R.C. Sproul Old Testament Survey – Eerdmans

On the Path of Immortals – Thomas Horn & Chris Putnam Person and work of the Holy Spirit; The – R. A. Torrey Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible - Zondervan
Present Day Evangelism – Arthur W. Pink

Questions and Answers on Spiritual Gifts – Howard Carter Respectable Sins – Jerry Bridges
Revelation – Peter Lorie
Revelation Expounded – Finis Dake

Revelation of Jesus Christ; The - Walvoord
Revelation Seminar; The – 1975 - Hilton Sutton
Revelation Study; The - 1973 – Dr. Warren Wiersbe Revelation, the – verse by verse – Oliver B. Green Sabbath.Org
Secret Kingdom; The
Pat Robertson
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Seven Deadly Sins – British Broadcasting Network
Table Talk – R.C. Sproul
Ten Commandments – John Hagee
Theomatics – Jerry Lucas
There were two Trees in the Garden – Rick Joyner
Thru the Bible – J. Vernon McGee
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible - Guideposts
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible – T.A. Bryant
Twelve Ordinary Men – John MacArthur
Unraveling the Big Questions about God – Kenneth Boa Victor Journey through the Bible; The – V. Gilbert Beers VictoryBibleBaptist.Org
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament
– Mac Donald What in the World is going on? – David Jeremiah
Where to find it in the Bible – Ken Anderson
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Wikipedia – Chronology of Jesus
Windows of the soul
– Paul Meier – Robert Wise
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Pfeiffer & Harrison Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The - Tenney


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