Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK
All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness. - 2 Timothy 3:1
Death – Hell – Paradise Purgatory – Rapture The Return – Tribulations Judgment – Heaven
Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven It’s in the
Book XIV
Death – Hell – Paradise Purgatory – Soul Sleep Rapture – Tribulations The Return – Heaven
Topical Index
For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1
1) Death – The End or the Beginning – Is it about the trip or the Destination? 3
2) Cremation - Old Covenant vs. New Covenant Freemasons – Pagan and Heathen Ritual 11
3) Purgatory - Place of cleansing or punishment? – Can you be prayed or payed out of it? 14
4) The Three Days - Hell – Paradise – Abraham’s Bosom – 2 Kingdoms – 3 Predictions 11
5) Shophar - Early Times - End Times - Master of the Blast – The Last Trump - Holy Days 19
6) Rapture- Is the word RAPTURE in the Bible or did somebody just make this up? 21
7) Return of Christ - Pre, Mid, Post Tribulation – The Date – Escapism – Fly Away Doctrine 30
8) Left Behind Twist - The Disciples asked Jesus, “Where Lord did they take them?” 37
9) 70 Weeks of Daniel - Messiah Revealed - Be Killed - Temple Destroyed - Peace Treaty 43
10) Tribulations - Earthquakes - Famine - Economic Collapse - Civil Violence – Terrorism 45
11) 5 Month Tribulation - Time shortened for the sake of the elect – Time of the Locust 59
12) Glorified Body – 4th Dimension - Supernatural Form – Forever Young – No sickness 69
13) Immortality - Universal Resurrection / Salvation - The Mystery - Body – Soul – Spirit 72
14) Weapons of Warfare - Armor of God – Defensive & Offensive – Law of Retribution 75
15) Eight Judgments - Adam, Noah, Cross, Paradise, Seat of Christ, Jews, Gentiles, White Throne 80
91 95
16) Two Final Judgments of God - Judgment Seat of Christ Great - White Throne Judgment
17) Heaven - Third Heaven - Seven Heavens - Things IN Heaven - Things NOT in Heaven
18) Pets in Heaven - Snakes, cockroaches, mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, ticks, lice, maggots 101
1 1 Corinthians 13:12
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven
Chapter 14.1
The final chapter – The end or the beginning? Is it about the trip or the Destination?
First Word
An Unfinished Life
Webster - Death: Departed, no longer living, without feeling, motion, or power. – A permanent ending of all life in a person. – The time of the greatest darkness.
The Bible - Death: Called sleep2 – Giving up the Ghost3 – Going to the fathers4 – Putting off this tabernacle5 – Requiring the Soul6 - Being cut down.7
What good can possibly come from a young person leaving behind an unfinished life; not achieving a good education, a good job or getting married or having children or carrying on the family name, or a hundred other possible things?
What possible good can come from a 10 day old baby dying leaving the parents grief stricken? Is God so cruel that He would do such a thing? We see so much violence in electronic games as well as on TV; people die all the time, all over the world, sickness - disease – famine - accidents – drive by shootings – meanness – evil – war... We are just numb to it
What is not portrayed is the AFTERMATH; the family that is left behind, the devastation, the agony, the pain, the memories and even guilt. Is it somehow my fault? Could I have done something different to have prevented this? Did God do it or was it Satan?
It’s hard to understand the Sovereignty of God because we see through a glass somewhat dimly now, but one day when we are face to face with Jesus Christ we will see things clearly.8
Theologically Speaking - Death Sucks.
I felt the air being sucked out of the room as my legs turned to rubber.
My son was doubled over the casket of his son, only 21, killed in an auto accident.
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Mixed Emotions, Feelings, Pain
Death is irrevocable and irreversible: It’s like the music just stopped in the middle of a song playing... A flower with the blossom cut off... Why God, Why? I didn’t spend enough time with him and now all I have is time. “Good Grief.” Does he know how much he took from me when he left?
This didn’t happen to someone else on TV, it happened to me. I’m not on the bank of the river watching the water pass by... I’m in the water... I’m drowning... People come up to speak a word of encouragement... I hate it when they do that... I hate it when they don’t... I’m a mess.
2 Deuteronomy 31:16 – Called sleep
3 Genesis 25:8 – Giving up the Ghost
4 Genesis 15:15 – Going to the fathers
5 2 Peter 1:14 – Putting off this tabernacle
6 Luke 20:20 – Requiring the Soul
7 Job 14:2 - Being cut down.
8 1 Corenthians 13:12 – We see dimly now but soon we will see Him face to face Page 3
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK
The pain is like the canopy of the sky; everywhere I look, I remember. It repeats over and over again; wave after wave of mixed emotions. God may have been finished with him, but I wasn’t; Oh, the hurt! For no reason certain smells, sounds, music, laughter or a word can bring tears to my eyes. I have weird dreams... I feel a faint, nausea, utter mad words, have resentment... my chest tightens... my heart flutters. My body can suffer 10 times more than my mind; Why Lord, Why? it just pours out of me anyway. I speak his name into the air with words of love and endearment. My thoughts jump off into the depths of my mind, not even hearing those speaking to me. I want to pray for him, but what can I pray? I sing praises to God and somehow I feel I am enjoying him... I know for sure he is with the Father... I am progressing day by day. |
My sorrow is not a “state”, it’s a process. |
Stuff Happens
In the movie Forrest Gump; a runner stepped into some dog poop and Forrest says, “IT HAPPENS”. A lot of what happens to us in life is “Choice Driven,” so we are urged to pray about our actions.
Stuff does happen: It’s not Satan and it’s not God; things just happen. The law of gravity is in effect and when used correctly it’s a good thing... used incorrectly, it will kill you. Water sustains life, but it can kill you. Electricity is a modern blessing, but it can kill you. It is God’s will that we all live a long life now,9 and even more in heaven; but that’s just not the case. God’s “will” is NOT happening on earth.10
NOTE: God gives us (the believers), angles to protect us11 and they will not let us die until what we were created for has been accomplished.12 The promises in the Bible are for the Believer... Un- believers and Make-believers are used in God’s plan too, but they do not experience His promises.
Because of God’s sovereignty, He knows the life decision of a 10 day old baby even before he was formed in the womb.13 There are no accidents or surprises with God... He knows.
Does God kill us?
The reason that the child was killed and taken away so early in life was because God just needed another flower for His garden in Heaven, – WHAT BALONEY – Somebody just said that to make the family feel better; it wasn’t God that took his life and He didn’t need another flower in His Garden.
More Baloney – “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away;” Job said it in the scriptures and that’s what Job believed; but what he believed was not true.14 The Bible is clear that God wants us to have life; He sent Jesus so that we would have life and have more of it. God does not take away life, but devises ways to bring the sinner back to Him.15 It’s in the Book
Satan’s WORK on earth is to Kill, steal and destroy16 and Christ came to destroy the WORKS of Satan.17 Death is a result and punishment for the original sin in the Garden of Eden; 18eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Christ came to give us THE WAY to the other tree, “the Tree of Life”. So it is not God that takes away life; death is the direct result of sin and disobedience.
Death, the cutting off of the length of days of man is un-natural; God’s favor is for man to live a long life, however it is inevitable that man will die in his present sinful and fallen state.
9 John 10:10 – God’s will is for us to have life and have it more abundantly
10 Matthew 6:9-10 – God’s WILL on earth is NOT BEING DONE
11 Luke 4:10 - His angels have charge over us to keep us.
12 Isaiah 55:11 – Your assignment will be completed before you die; my word that goes forth out of my mouth shall not return unto me
void, but will accomplish that whereto I sent it.
13 Jeremiah 1:4-5 – Before you were born; He knew you
14 Job 1:21 - The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD
15 2 Samuel 14:14 – God does NOT take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him
16 John 10:10 – Satan comes to Kill, Steal and Destroy; Christ to give life and more of it
17 1 John 3:8 – Christ came to destroy the WORKS of Satan.
18 Genesis 2:17 – Death is a result of sin -- Romans 5:12 – Death entered into the world by one man; Adam -- Romans 6:23 – The payment
for sin is Death; it is Sin that kills you.
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK
A life of 100 years is short and cut off because of the “The Law”, the decree of God; “if you sin, you will die”. God says His plan is for us to live an average of about SEVENTY years of age and if we have taken exceptional good care of our bodies, then we could live till we are about EIGHTY 19 and even longer than that if we took good care of our parents.20 That’s His will, but STUFF HAPPENS.
Man does not simply die as the lower order of plants, animals and creatures do; for them death means the end of life, they do not have the promise. Man is a physical and a spiritual being and will transition to another dimension in which our conscious existence continues.
God is over the whole process of life and death and has decreed that the penalty of sin is death, but has also determined to give life eternal to sinful man if man CHOOSES to receive. We will all die; in fact, it’s BIOLOGICALLY NECESSARY to get to the other side; but the time is not fixed. Does God know when we will die? YES, you bet He does; the Sovereignty of God sees the end from the beginning, but it’s not set,21 Stuff just Happens. (There is a maximum of life for all creation; but we shorten it.)
The time of our death is unknown, individually it’s not set.22 We only know our days are fleeting away.23 God has set a limit on Man’s life;24 our life decisions usually shortens it; seek God and live long.
I am running out of time on earth... and so is everyone else... and it’s necessary.25
There is an Invisible War Going On
What happens on earth is the directly proportional to what’s happening in the spiritual realm. Just as “Stuff Happens” on earth to people, Spiritual wickedness is also warring in the heavens.26 Our prayers are hindered in an effort by Satan27 to stop God’s promises from reaching us, discouraging us, hoping to get us to stop praying;28 the Book says to pray without ceasing. 29
LISTEN: God hears our prayers before we begin to speak, and sends the answer before we can finish; don’t stop praying until you receive your answer; Pray without ceasing.
Angels – Protection - Guidance
Martin Luther said, “An angel is a spiritual creature created by God without a body, for the service of Christendom and the church”.30
Billy Graham said “Angels, who think, will, and display emotions are ministering servants who can appear or remain invisible as they perform the tasks that God assigns them.” Angels maintain the believer’s life during the believer’s assignment and interacts with them without their knowledge. 31
The believer will finish his assignment before his death.32 At death the angels will escort THE BELIEVER from this World to Heaven for a royal welcome.
I know of twice in my life for sure that I should have died. Once when I was drowning and my sister caught my arm and pulled me up out of the ocean. A second time when I fell out of a three story window of a house under construction; I got up and walked home with only my feelings hurt. I believe my work was not finished and angels bore me up. At this writing (2011) I am now 72; and firmly believe that these FREE Word Studies are the assignment I am supposed to complete and leave to my grandchildren.
19 Psalm 90:10 – We can average 70 to 80 years; It’s not fixed
20 Deuteronomy 5:16 – Treat your mama good and add even more days to your life
21 Isaiah 46:10 – God sees the end from the beginning; His purpose will stand
22 Hebrews 9:27 – We will all die; it is appointed unto men once to die, after this the judgment
23 Psalm 39:4 – Life’s end and the number of my days are Fleeting -- Psalm 144:4 – Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow
24 Job 14:5 – Live a good life till the end. Man's maximum days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have SET
25 Ecclelasties 3:2 – There will come a time to die -- Genesis 27:2 – I am now an old man and don't know the day of my death
26 Ephesians 6:12 – There is a spiritual war taking place in another dimension.
27 Hebrews 2:14 – Satan has the power of death through sin
28 Daniel 10:12-13 – God hears immediately and dispatches the answer and spiritual warfare breaks out in the heavens.
29 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances
30 Hebrews 1:14 – MINISTERING Angels are sent to the believer
31 Hebrews 13:2 – Angels INTERACT with us unknowingly -- Psalm 91:11-12 – Angels GUARD you during your assignment, -- Luke 16:22
– Angels will ESCORT the Believer to heaven
32 Isaiah 55:11 – Our earthly assignment will be completed before we die; His word will accomplish that which pleases Him and shall not
return to Him void, but will prosper.
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK
The Bible - The Book of Job There are two realms
1) The Spiritual - With two players; God and Satan... with all the other angels watching.
2) The Physical - With many players; Job, his children, his servants, his live stock, and all his friends.
Satan was created in the Spiritual realm and was given “massive power and authority”,
but is limited by God; so in actuality, Satan is nothing but a dog on a leash.
Man was created in the physical realm and was given very “little power and authority” but could do whatever he wanted. Free as a bird; freedom to choose and to love or
hate the consequences of his decisions.
The Story of Job
Satan, the Top Dog, comes up to God and with all the other angles listening, tells God that the only reason Job loves Him is because of all the good things He has done for him. Satan goes on to tell God that if He took it all away, Job would curse Him; Satan was released to do what he wanted to, but with limitations. DID YOU SEE IT? All the other angels heard what Satan said.
THE LESSON BEGINS; but the lesson was not for Job; so who was it for and what was the lesson? You must get this picture; ALL of Job’s children were killed33... but Job still did not curse God. In the end, God restored everything and more to Job, but the children that were killed were not brought back to life. The children did not die an unfinished life; the part they played completed God’s plan in the spiritual realm. DID YOU SEE IT? In the spiritual realm every Angel in heaven saw Satan get DEFEATED.
The fight was over Job, not his children; Job could have cursed God and was free to do so, but did not...Job praised God IN all things, not FOR all things.
DID YOU SEE IT? In the physical realm; all of Job’s friends witnessed Job’s testimony.
This is just one in a series of lessons that the angles would receive that would show God’s love and
patience; wanting Satan to return and repent...
THE LESSON was for the angels to see Satan’s total defeat. At the return of Christ in the end,
the angels will never be DECIEVED again.34 The story of Satan’s rebellion will be told over and over again and never again will there be a rebellion in heaven.35
When we die we will have completed the thing for which we were created.36
Satan’s Foot Hold
It’s unfair here to lead the reader to believe that God released Satan to play a game. Listen to this now... Job himself states that “The thing I feared the most has come upon me.”37 God says that Job was a good and upright man, but he feared. FEAR IS A SIN; Job was operating in sin and didn’t even know it. God did not give Job over into Satan’s hands, he was already there because of sin; Satan just didn’t know it; 38 but God in His sovereignty already knew it.
God Removed His Hand
I am not the only one that felt like God had taken His hand away. Jesus felt it too when he was on the cross bearing all the sins of man from the past, present and future, He felt the hand of His Father removed from Him for the first time ever. My God, My God; why have you forsaken me? 39 Our God saw His Only begotten Son dying on the cross so that His perfect plan could be completed. It was the plan of redemption hidden in secret through the ages.
33 Psalm 116:15 – The death of a believer is precious to God
34 Jude 6 – Some of the angels were deceived by Satan and left their assignment to follow him and will be separated from God for eternity
-- Revelation 12:4 - One third of the angels rebelled with Satan
35 2 Peter 2:4 – None of the rebelling Angels will be spared, they are reserved unto judgment; chains of darkness
36 Isaiah 55:11 – Our earthly assignment will be completed before we die; His word will accomplish that which pleases Him and shall not
return to Him void, but will prosper
37 Job 3:25 – Job confesses he is operating in FEAR.
38 Job 1:12 – Job was already in Satan’s hand; behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth your hand
39 Matthew 27:46 – God removes His hand; My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK
It was not a cruel game; it was the greatness of His compassion and Love. Jesus foreknew what would happen to His disciples and the horror of being out of the Fathers hand and wanted it to pass from Him, but accepted His Father’s will to be done.40 Jesus was only 33 when He died and from His family’s point of view, Jesus had an unfinished life, but His Father in Heaven said, the plan for which He was created was completed. “IT IS FINISHED”.41
The Bible - At death, it’s not the trip that counts; it’s the destination.
There is NOT an “intermediate place” for the unsaved when they die. There is NO purgatory, or
money that can be paid, or prayers that can be offered for a deceased loved one to be saved. There’s
NOT another chance to embrace Christ, there is NO debate with God; it’s all over.42
In the true story of the Rich man and Lazarus; when they both died; neither ceased to exist, they were
both still alive, but living in different places,43 one place was called Torment and the other place called
Paradise44 and there was a GREAT GULF fixed between them45 which could not be crossed... JUDGED.
Paradise – Abraham’s bosom
Before the Crucifixion of Christ, Hell was divided into two compartments, Torment and Paradise
with a great gulf fixed between them... Good guys on one side and bad guys on the other... The good guys were held captive in a compartment of hell known as Paradise or Abraham’s bosom.46
After Jesus descended into Hell, He did a little preaching then took the captives in Paradise to Heaven with Him and that’s where the new Paradise is now. With the removal of the Saints and Paradise from Hell, Torment was enlarged and is already receiving the wicked multitudes as they die. We that love the Lord do not go to the lower parts of the earth when we die, but go immediately to Heaven to be with Jesus.47 What if Hell is a sphere in the center of the earth, and that’s why it has no bottom?48
Hell Rabbit Trail
Hades (Greek), Sheol (Hebrew for Hades), Hell (Hebrew), and Gehenna (Greek) all symbolize the
same thing. Gehenna was a valley outside Jerusalem where garbage and dead bodies were thrown with gnawing worms eating the rotting putrid flesh. It burned and smoked day and night. Its name is symbolic of Hades; in the OT, Hell was referred to as going down to “the pit” or “the grave”.
Hell; the lower parts of the earth holding the wicked dead till the end of the millennium when it and its contents will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and tormented forever. It is an un-seen world of disembodied spirits that are full of remorse, fear, and despair; with memories of what they should have done and didn’t; full of sorrow for their bad examples, and with a hopelessness of escape and in a state of regret over doing evil deeds that cannot be recalled. In despair that they did not listen to God’s word, and are aware of their families on earth, and have a hopeless desire to warn them somehow.
In Hell, you are in the gloom of darkness, away from the face of God,49 with a bunch of demons, Satan and his fallen angels, and the entire unbelieving bunch of wicked folks, 50 plus you have the ordinary run of the mill burning fire and sulfur to walk around in. There’s not much love in Hell.
In Hell, you are NOT instantly annihilated, but are tormented in the unquenchable fires that go on endlessly, and it gets worse. At the return of Christ, Hell is thrown into the burning Lake of Fire and Sulfur FOREVER. Hell was not originally prepared for man, but for Satan. 51
40 Matthew 26:39 – Your will be done, not mine
41 John 19:30 – The plan of redemption of mankind is finished
42 Hebrews 9:27 – Man is appointed to die once, then the judgment
43 Luke 16:22-24 – Death; two different places... Torment and Paradise
44 Luke 16:22 – The beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom
45 Luke 16:26 – There is a GREAT GULF fixed between Torment and Paradise
46 John 11:26 – The Believer will never die; whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
47 2 Corenthians 5:8 – When we are absent from the body, we are Present with God
48 Revelation 20:3 - The angel threw Satan into the bottomless pit
49 2 Thessalonians 1:9 – The Un-believer and Make-believer will be removed from the presence of God forever.
50 Revelation 20:10 – Satan and his followers will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
51 Matthew 25:41 – Hell was not created for man, but for Satan
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Tartarus: Webster, A place where the fallen angels are bound in darkness away from the face of God.52 Tartarus (in the Greek) an infernal abyss below Hades; a place for punishment for the wicked after death. I’m not sure that my BS buys into this location as described by Webster, but it’s certainly possible.
Muslims believe in error - Sura 32:13 – Allah sends to hell whomever he wants. He created a multitude of spirits and men specifically for the purpose of sending them to hell. Muslims claim that they along with the Jew and the Christian worship the same God of Abraham, but are just on different paths. NOT... Allah is NOT the Jehovah God of the Christian. The Bible teaches that EVERYONE is on a path to hell because of our sin nature, but we don’t have to stay on that path. IT’S A CHOICE... by believing, repenting and confessing Jesus as your Messiah, you will become BORN AGAIN with an eternal life in Christ. Did you see it? No one is created just to go to hell; you choose it. You cannot remain neutral; |
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The Unsaved – The real sorrow
There is deep genuine sorrow for the make-believer; the un-saved; there is absolutely no hope.
ALL men are born spiritually dead and unresponsive to God’s word and Laws; they must be born again.
The Holy Spirit’s part is to plant the seeds and those that will believe are drawn to God.53
The Followers of Christ part is to water the seed; the parent, the friend, the office worker, the
Sunday school teacher... All of us along the way water the seed... we are all called to water.
God’s part is to harvest the full grown seed, and sometimes we get to witness the whole process. We are NOT responsible for planting the “Seed”, NOR the harvest which is God’s work. But we
are responsible to water; the VERY LEAST we can do in life is to water our own family.
It is God’s will that all be saved from the fate of Satan’s doom,54 but it’s up to each person to decide.55 Death is a “state” as well as an “event”... It doesn’t have to be the end, it can be the beginning. For the unbeliever, death is dread, but for the believer its anticipation.56 Everyone who HAS NOT been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ is spiritually DEAD.57 The mind controlled by the Spirit has LIFE.58God says, you had better “put your house in order; you will not recover”. 59
Death & Burial Traditions
In the days of Jesus, bystanders at funerals were obligated to honor the dead by following the funeral
processions. Paid mourners were added to the mourners who were close friends and relatives; the mourning continued for some 30 days.
The body was prepared to be buried the same day or very soon after death. The family clipped the hair and nails. The body was washed, anointed with oil and wrapped in strips of linen cloth with spices such as hyssop, rose oil and water between the strips. The hands and feet were wrapped in bandages and the face covered with a napkin. The linen would often be scented with natural perfumes such as aloes and myrrh.
The body was placed on an open “bier” in a cave and sealed. The bier was the frame on which the bearers conveyed the dead to the tomb. Only the wealthy had their own rock tomb; a courtyard could be found in front of some tombs, just big enough to for the bier and its bearers. Underground Catacombs were developed for the poor that had large masses of tombs. After some time on the bier, the flesh would have decayed and then the bones would then be placed in a box called an “ossuary” which was placed on a shelf in the tomb; that way all the family could be buried in the same place.
52 2 Peter 2:4 - God did not spare the angels but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness -- Jude 6 – Fallen
Angels are in everlasting darkness, shut out of the presence of God’s light
53 John 6:44 – The Holy Spirit plants the seed; we water
54 Luke 11:2 – Its God’s will that ALL would be saved, but it’s up to us to decide
55 John 3:16 – God wants all the world to be drawn to Him, but most are not.
56 1 John 3:14 – We as Believers will pass from death to life
57 Ephesians 2:1 - You are DEAD in your sin -- Romans 3:23 – ALL men SIN and fall short of the glory of God
58 Romans 8:6 – The mind that is controlled by the Spirit has life and peace
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Sidebar: Peter, as he prayed for Dorcas to be resurrected; wanting only believers around, sent the paid mourners out of the room. In my Belief System, I see the message here, is during the laying on of hands and prayer, to surround yourself only with believers.60
The Second Death
God’s last judgment: The SECOND DEATH 61 is the state of final condemnation;62 a person without Christ; a un-believer or a make-believer, when he faces God’s judgment will be condemned to ETERNAL punishment in hell.63 The Second Death comes equipped with the Lake of Fire which burns with sulfur and brimstone. IT IS THE SEPARATION FROM GOD FOR ALL ETERNALITY.
Did you see it? Avoiding the burning sulfur and brimstone is certainly a plus, BUT it grieves me more to think of someone being SEPARATED from God the Father for all ETERNITY; like forever.64
Death is the last enemy to be destroyed and Christ has done that for the Believer.65 The unbeliever DIES twice; the believer LIVES twice.
Victory over Death
Christ took upon Himself our nature, that through death, He might destroy Satan who had the power of death.66
For those that are “in Christ”, death has been transformed to only “sleep.” 67
The believer has already crossed over from death unto life68 and cannot be separated from the
love of God.69 Death no longer has a sting.70
Life on earth is certainly a gift from God, but life in heaven with God is even better.71
New Earth – No death
The Book of Revelation says that at the end of Armageddon, we get a new heaven and a new earth.
God assigned the earth to the “immortal” angel Satan to oversee and protect it; probably forever. Satan with his “free will” desired to be like God and enjoy all the earth worshiping him. Satan certainly wasn’t going to report to Adam, a man made lower than the angels and made out of dirt at that.
In the end, God will give the whole earth to Satan and his friends; the Antichrist, the false prophet, the demons and fallen angels and the unsaved... THEN He bowls this burning bowling ball of hell fire into eternity somewhere; and although a little toasty, Satan gets exactly what he has always wanted. The earth is now his, lit up like a Christmas tree for a solar system somewhere. Just saying, but that’s my Belief System.
NOTE: I must also point out that many students of the Word believe the earth will only undergo Urban Renewal and be purified by fire making it a new heaven and a new earth... I like my BS better.
Revelation 21:1 – The first earth is somewhere else
60 Acts 9:39-40 – Allow only believers to lay hands on you for praying.
61 Revelation 2:11 – The Believer will not be hurt by the second death
62 Revelation 21:8 – The second death, the unbeliever dies twice; he inherits the burning lake of fire
63 Daniel 12:2 – The unbeliever awakens to everlasting contempt, the believer awakens to everlasting life.
64 Proverbs 21:16 – Don’t stray from the Word of God
65 2 Timothy 1:11 – Death has been DESTROYED for the believer -- Colossians 2:13 – When you die to your sin, you come alive in Christ
66 Romans 8:2 – Jesus Christ has set us free from the from law of sin and death -- Luke 15:32 – We were dead and are now made alive
67 1 Thessalonians 4:14 – The believer is only asleep.
68 John 5:24 – The believer has already crossed over from death to life -- 1 John 3:14 – We have passed from death into life
69 Romans 8:38-39 – Nothing can separate us from life in Christ
70 1 Corenthians 15:55 – Death no longer has a sting to the believer.
71 Philippians 1:21 - Life is a gift from God; to live with God is even better.
72 2 Peter 3:13 – WE GET A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH -- Luke 20:36- We will not die again; we can no longer die since we are
children of the resurrection; God’s children.
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For the Believer, because you belong to the Lord, it doesn’t matter if you live or die,73 whether you are rich or poor; a King or a slave, whether you are 9 or 90, you “get in” on the SAME PROMISES of heaven with eternal life with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Regardless of our age, we will be like Jesus with a new glorified 32 year old body that never gets old because there is no “time”; just eternity.
In Heaven, our memories are veiled to those left behind; we will have no sorrow or tears.74
The Loss
There are no accidents or surprises with God. Few things sap the human spirit like lack of hope. Our suffering produces perseverance and that builds character and that gives us hope.75
Let people help you; it’s the only gift that they have to offer you. Don’t cheat them out of an opportunity to express their love to you; this is their ministry... Let them help you cry.
At some point we have to stop mourning and pining about how things were and who we don’t have any more and discover who we have now and how we can celebrate life.
During the reception I saw my son share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
everyone that came through the line. In his hurt, he chose to defeat Satan,
and for two hours, one by one he witnessed until he was exhausted and
had to sit down, but continued to share his heart.
In the spiritual realm, the angels in heaven saw Satan defeated and
in the physical realm my son was a testimony of the love of Jesus Christ
to hundreds that he might never see again.
Life is Choice Driven
Be still, and know that I am God
Psalm 46:10 NIV
73 Romans 14:7-8 – Whether we live or die, we are the Lords.
74 Revelation 21:4 – No crying or sighing or pain for the old order of things has passed away
75 Romans 5:3-5 – Our suffering results in HOPE and hope does not disappoint -- John 5:25 – We will hear the voice of the Son of God
and will live again -- Corenthians 5:8 – The believer will be in the presence of Jesus Christ forever.
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Chapter 14.2
The Old Covenant vs. the New Covenant Freemasons – Pagan and Heathen Ritual
First Word
I must admit that there is not much in scripture that supports cremation, but it’s a topic of concern for those who cannot afford the $8,000 each in funeral expenses which includes a plot, marker, services, transportation and burial in a casket with a steel vault in the ground and then the closure of the plot.
Although cremation accounts can be found in the Bible, it was not common nor at all accepted for Jews or early Christians to be cremated. Traditional Jews are prohibited under the law from practicing cremation and some Fundamentalist Christian denominations do not allow it either.
The Roman Catholic Church condemned cremation with severe penalties from 1886 to 1892, but thengrantedpermissionforitin1963. MostoftheconcernsaboutcremationcomesfromtheChristian’s Belief System on the resurrection of the BODY at the return of Jesus Christ.
In general, in the Bible Flames are regarded as condemnation or judgment for Wickedness.
Joshua 7:15 – Cremation is destruction of Wickedness - OT
15 He who is caught with the devoted things (Idols) shall be DESTROYED BY FIRE (Cremated), along with all that belongs to him.
Joshua 7:24-25 – Cremated the whole family for Wickedness
24 And Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the garment, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had: they brought them to the valley of Achor.
25 And Joshua said, why hast thou troubled us? The Lord shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and
BURNED THEM WITH FIRE (Cremated), after they had stoned them.
1 Samuel 31:8-12 – Desecrated - Decapitated bodies cremated
8 And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip
the slain, that they found Saul and his three sons fallen.
9 And they cut off his head, and stripped off his armour,
10 And they put his armour in the house of Ashtaroth: and they fastened
his body to the wall of Beth-shan. And when the inhabitants of Jabesh-
gilead heard of that which the Philistines had done to Saul;
12 All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and came to
Jabesh, and BURNT THEM THERE (Cremated) NIV
1 Corenthians 13:3 – Cremation not accepted as anything - NT
3 If I give all I possess to the poor and SURRENDER MY BODY TO THE
FLAMES (Cremation), but have not love, I gain nothing. NIV
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Cremation; derived from the Latin word "crematus" or "cremare" meaning "to burn up." It is the use of high-temperature burning, vaporization, and oxidation to reduce human bodies to basic chemical compounds, such as gases and mineral fragments retaining the appearance of dry bone.
After the incineration is completed, the dry bone fragments are swept out of the retort and pulverized by a machine called a Cremulator to process them into "ashes" or "cremated remains." After final grinding, the ashes are placed in a container, which can be anything from a simple cardboard box to a decorative urn. Cremated remains can be scattered or buried. I have known of people dividing and sending ashes to relatives around the USA.
The arguments for Cremation are:
A. Itwillpreventthecorruptionofthesoil.
B. Drinkingwaterwillbesafeguardedagainstcontamination.
C. Corruptionoftheairwillbeavoidedinlocalitiesborderingoncemeteries.
D. A consequent lessening of the danger of infection in times of epidemic.
The main objection to cremation is that its roots are entrenched in the pagan cultures of those that do not believe in the One God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Cremation is seen as the most sacrilegious act towards Christians and God; not simply blaspheming, but physically declaring a disbelief in the resurrection of the body.76
Saying Grace: Where did the expression of “Saying Grace” come from? It is in recognition of
the food on the table; a plant or animal's giving their life, providing sustenance and that someday the Prayer Giver, like every being, will return to earth to give sustenance and life to others. The Bible says that God made man from dust and to dust he shall return. 78 Ashes to ashes is not in the Bible, but Dust to dust is. – Just saying
"Dust returning to Dust;" Come, Let us reason together;79
If God can resurrect a box of dust, He can just as easy resurrect a box of cremated ashes SELAH
Old & New Covenant
There is NO direct scripture in the Bible forbidding cremation although most of scripture indirectly supports making sure the bones are treated with respect and dignity, transported and deposited back where the family lives; it is clear that the body is the temple of God.
The Hindus seeking to get to their next body ASAP through re-incarnation would destroy the old one immediately after death by cremation.
76 John 11:25-26 – Jesus is the Resurrection and the life, He who believes in me will live, even though he dies
77 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – The dead in Christ will be Resurrected
78 Genesis 2:7 – God formed the man from the dust of the ground -- Genesis 3:19 – You are made of dust and to dust so you will return
79 Isaiah 1:18 - Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD
History reveals no trace of incineration among the Jewish people, except in extraordinary
circumstances of war and pestilence.
of cremation from the beginning; cremation has been utilized chiefly by the enemies of
The Church has opposed the practice
the Christian Faith.
In order to destroy FAITH in the “Resurrection of the Body”, the pagans often cast the corpses
of martyred Christians
into the flames, believing this would render it impossible for the resurrection of
the body.77 In Italy in 1873, it was the Freemasons who first obtained “official legislative recognition”
from various governments for the practice of cremation.
SIDE NOTE; there was a time in history that bodies were BOILED to separate the flesh from the bones in order to transport the bones to their native land for burial without the fear of disease and the stench
of rot. Just saying
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When I read in the Old Covenant, all the indirect scripture about the practices of the heathen pagan nations, I absolutely WOULD NOT raise my hand in support of cremation. It is a practice born out of the pit of hell which profanely desecrates the human body. Christian Martyrs were burned at the stake for their Christian belief.
However; The New Covenant is where I must hang my hat.
I desire to observe “the Lord Supper”
I desire the same baptism as Jesus Christ
I desire to be buried in the same manner as Jesus was buried.
I desire the same resurrection.
What I read indicates that none of the promises of the OT or NT will be done away with, but ALL will be completed at the final return of Jesus Christ. I read that my resurrection to a new life is based solely on the work of Jesus Christ on the cross with nothing added. Not Jesus plus burial in the ground; its Jesus plus nothing else.
It’s the decisions you make with your body during your lifetime that makes a difference. When your body has returned to room temperature; it’s all over; what happens to your body does not affect your salvation. John the Baptist was separated from his head, but at Christ’s return, he will get a whole new incorruptible and spiritual body. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ paid for the forgiveness of ALL our sins; past, present and future. IF CREMATION IS A SIN; IT IS FORGIVEN. SELAH ponder that
Let’s Reason
Come let us reason together.80 It’s been some 6,000 Bible years since the Creation and people have been buried at sea;81 bodies have been decapitated, some have been consumed by animals, bones have been carried off by dogs, others have been buried and decomposed back to dirt and even spread about by erosion and hurricanes and even a plow.
The Bible teaches that God is Omnipotent;82 all powerful and making people out of dust is something that He has already done before; it’s His Specialty. We “Sort of” have an example when Ezekiel had a vision of the Nation of Israel coming together; like a vast number of dry bones in a valley.83 God knew where each bone should be joined together and added the flesh and the breath of life to them.
FIRE... Just because a loved one was burned up in a house fire doesn't mean God can't resurrect it to newness of life and reunite it with the soul and spirit of the believer. If God will NOT do this, then all believers who have ever died in a fire are without hope of receiving their heavenly bodies. Our resurrected body is not our old body of flesh and blood, but is a heavenly body; a new and spiritual body.84
The Take Away
FINANCES... Having a public Christian burial was important to my family and many years ago we PRE-PLANED and PRE-PAID all our funeral expenses. It took a while to pay it all off, but over time we were able to do so; but many people are not financially in the position to have such an option.
On the issue of cremation, I find no words of condemnation by Jesus Christ, so perhaps we should not either. If you can provide a Christian burial, I think by all means you should do so, however, if your best option is cremation, then do that.
Running with the New Covenant, in my BS, I CANNOT see how it makes any difference on what happens to your body after death, whether you are a Christian or not; when you die, the “Die” has already been cast for where you will spend eternity... and you chose it.
80 Isaiah 1:18 – Come - Lets reason together says the LORD
81 Revelation 20:13 – At the return of Christ, the Sea will give up its dead
83 Ezekiel 37:7-10 – Ezekiel had a vision of dry bones coming together and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet-a vast army
84 1 Corenthians 15:35-44 – The body that is sown is perishable, but it is raised imperishable, in glory, power, spiritual -- 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – The dead will rise and be caught up to heaven to meet the Lord in the air
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The Believer is not with the body anyway;85 when we leave our body, we are present with the Lord. At the resurrection, the Believer will be raised with a NEW incorruptible body. 86
If your hat is hung on the LEAGALISM of the OT, then you will not agree with this study
If you are under the NT; then you are FREE. So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.87
You are FREE to choose.
One last word... Everybody will live forever SOMEWHERE.
It’s what you do with your body on this side of death that determines
where you are going; thus the die is cast.
Life’s decisions have eternal consequences.
It’s Jesus Christ plus nothing else.
85 2 Corenthians 5:8 – We are not in our old body anyway
86 1 Corenthians 15:22-23 – Those who belong Him will be made alive -- 1 Corenthians 15:51-52 – The believing dead get an
incorruptible new body
87 John 8:36 – The Son has set us FREE IN DEED -- Romans 6:18 – Set FREE, we are now bond-servants of righteousness -- Romans
6:22 – We are set FREE with the result of eternal life -- Romans 8:2 – We are set FREE from the law of sin and death -- 1 Peter 2:16 - Live
as FREE men, but do not do evil with your freedom
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven
Chapter 14.3
The topics I study are not the ordinary Word Study. I have no agenda against any domination although I admit I am a biased Pentecostal Presbyterian Protestant; PPP if there is such a thing. This topic; Purgatory has been around forever, but almost never mentioned among Protestants. I purchased a New Catholic Edition Bible to aid me in this study.
The Catholic Bible
As I examine my new Catholic Bible, the first thing I noticed was there were a few extra books not found in the Protestant Bible. They are known as The Apocrypha; Baruch, Judith, 1st & 2nd Maccabees, Sirach, Tobias, and Wisdom, I enjoyed reading all of them. Many of the other book names were just different spellings than that of the Protestant Bible. For me they paint a picture of the flavor of the culture and manners during OT times; giving insight to what they were thinking, regardless of “fiction or fact”.
NOTE: In OT times, there were many writers who would pen letters and put the name of one of the prophets or disciples on it to gain “acceptability”. This was no small problem to the Churches; the different styles of writers have a signature much like DNA; it has rhythm, cadence, form and substance that are recognizable like a finger print. Many of the Apocrypha books were deemed serious works, but lacked the “finger print”. You may remember Paul on many occasion saying; ‘See, I have signed this with my own hand”88... That’s why these books were omitted from the Protestant Bible.
Reading the Ten Commandments; I found the 2nd commandment forbidding graven images to be omitted; with the 10th commandment split into two, making it ten again. In the defense of the Catholic Bible; we were not told how to divide or separate the Ten Commandments.
Purgatory: is not found in the Catholic Bible, but is handed down only by “Sacred Tradition”.
Exodus 20:3-4 – PROTESTANT BIBLE – Graven images
3 You shall have no other gods before me.
4 You shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of
anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is
in the water under the earth: KJV
Exodus 20:3-4 – CATHOLIC BIBLE – Graven images omitted
3 You shall not have other gods besides me
4 You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the
sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth NCB
88 1 Corenthians 16:21 – Written with My own hand -- Galatians 6:11 - Written with My own hand -- Colossians 4:18 - Written with My own hand -- 2 Thessalonians 3:17 - Written with My own hand
A place of cleansing or punishment? – Can you be prayed out of it? Can you give money or perform services to get someone out of there? Does baptism remit sins? - Was Peter the first Pope? – Graven images?
First Word
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What’s it all about?
Purgatory Webster: A state or place in which, in Roman Catholicism and other Christian doctrine, those who have died in the grace of God expiate their sins by suffering; any state or place of temporary punishment, expiation or remorse.
Expiate: to make satisfaction or atonement; to make amends or reparation for wrong doing; to pay the penalty or suffer.
Catechism Catholic Church ; “All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified are indeed assured of their eternal salvation, but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven”
Second Vatican Council: “The truth has been divinely revealed that sins are followed by punishments. God’s holiness and justice inflict them. Sins must be expiated. This may be done on this earth through the sorrows, miseries and trials of this life and, above all, through death. Otherwise the expiation must be made in the next life through fire and torments or purifying punishments”. Purgatory
Purgatory is a place in Catholic doctrine designated as a place of purification, not a place of punishment; however the purification process does involve mental and physical anguish which includes an intense, excruciating painful “purifying fire”. The time in purgatory can be from a few hours to a few thousand years.
Purgatory purges sin through fire
Catholicism uses the verse 1 Corenthians 3:15 to point to the doctrine of Purgatory... It states; “If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved”.
Paul is talking about laying the spiritual foundation for the church at Corinth and the foundation of Christ which he laid; others would build on. - If someone builds on any foundation other than that of Christ; their building or efforts or works would be burned up in fire; but they would not lose their salvation.
Fire is symbolic of purification; as heating metals and pouring off the waste; the dross. Scripture says this purification will take place on that day; which is “the Day of the Lord” spoken of by John the revelator. Did you see it? This scripture is talking about GOOD WORKS and HEAVENLY REWARDS, NOT purging sin so man can be saved...
1 Corenthians 3:10-15 – Works/efforts burned up; different foundation
10 According to the grace of God which was given unto me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation; and another builds thereon. But let each man take heed how he builds thereon. For other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. But if any man builds on the foundation gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, stubble;
13 each man's WORK shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it is revealed in fire; and the fire itself shall prove each man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work shall abide which he built thereon, he shall receive a reward.
15 If any man's WORK shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so AS through fire.
1 Peter 1:6-7 – Your faith is refined by fire on that day
6 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have
had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.
7 These have come so that YOUR FAITH-of greater worth than gold,
which perishes even though REFINED BY FIRE-may be proved genuine
and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. NIV
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Baptism expiates sin
Catholic Baptism remits (forgives) sins committed UP TO the point of baptism, but prayers, indulgences, penance, absolution and the Mass are means by which the sinner is able to expiate sins committed AFTER baptism. Many are baptized as infants making no formal “repentance”.
If sins are not remitted; after death, he must suffer the flames of purification until he is sufficiently cleansed and pure so as to enter into the presence of God. Additionally, intercession can be made by Catholics on behalf of those who are presently in purgatory. This is done through saying the Mass, certain acts of penance, saying the Rosary, or by indulgences where the benefit is applied to the dead in purgatory
Indulgent: A partial or complete remission, under conditions specified by the Church, of divine temporal punishment that may otherwise still be due for sin committed, but forgiven.
Scripture says once you die; it is all over. There is no need for a place like purgatory. Hebrews 9:27 – Once we die; it’s a done deal.
27 And as it is appointed unto men ONCE TO DIE, but after this the JUDGMENT: KJV
Virgin Mary – Co-redeemer
Wikipedia: “The Immaculate Conception should not be confused with the Virginity of Mary or
the Virgin birth of Jesus; it refers to the conception of Mary by her (virgin) mother, Saint Anne. Although the belief was widely held since at least Late Antiquity, the doctrine was not formally proclaimed until December 8, 1854, by Pope Pius IX in his paper bull “Ineffablis Deus”.
“The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin”. (She was sinless)
Thus Mary was preserved from sin and is the “CO-REDEEMER” of man along with Jesus. This contradicts scripture; No one comes to the father except through Christ.89 It’s in the Book
(The virgin birth of Saint Anne with Mary is not recorded anywhere in New Testament scriptures.)
The Wrestling Match
Purgatory providing the forgiveness of sin presents a wrestling match to me because it implies that the following that are contrary to scripture.
1. 2.
The death of Jesus Christ on the cross was insufficient to cleanse me from ALL sin.
Baptism is the “vehicle” for forgiveness; remitting (forgiving) “PAST” sins, but not FUTURE sins.
I am not forgiven and justified by my faith alone; there is something else I must do... I have
the ability to “do this” for myself, or someone can do it for me.
There are others who can forgive my sins besides God; there are other mediators between
God and Man besides Christ.
I would like to address these things I wrestle with, one at a time based on scripture.
1 Insufficient Death
The death on the cross was not enough to cleanse me from my sins. Jesus declared from the cross, “It is finished”. The Belief System of many students of the Word believe Jesus was referring to His life; but in my BS, I believe He was actually talking about the completion of The Plan of Salvation.90
In the Greek, “tetelestai;” the word for “It is Finished” means; paid in full. Jesus has paid our debt and turned the wrath of God away from sinful man.91
89 John 14:6-7 - “I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO ONE CAN COME TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME”
90 John 19:30 – The Plan of Salvation is Complete – It is Finished
91 2 Corenthians 5:21 – Jesus who had no sin, took ours sins
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The Ten Commandments are the perfect standard of righteousness of which not one of us can keep; Jesus said there in not one good person; NOT ONE,92 therefore the Law cannot save us. We were justified (declared righteous) by our Faith;93 no one is declared righteous by the Ten Commandments or the other laws; it is by faith alone.
The Laws only made us conscious of the fact that we, on our own, cannot come to God; we need a Savior, a Messiah.94 It was Jesus, who had no sin that took our sins95 and bore them on the cross so that we might become righteous.96 His atoning sacrifice made us righteous and heirs to eternal life.97
Heirs to eternal life means that OUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. 2 Baptism forgives sin
Commenting on baptism may seem like I’m a little off course, but the doctrine of purgatory implies that man must do something on his own to atone for sins not forgiven in “baptism”.
Catholic Catechism: “Justification is conferred in Baptism, the sacrament of Faith”.
Baptism is a symbol of repentance;98 a public covenant sign that the believer is following the example of Jesus Christ99 and has buried his old life in the waters of baptism and by faith is raised to a newness of life.100 We are baptized because we have repented; we are not repented because we were baptized.
We are justified; made righteous101 through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ;102 we are cleansed by His blood; forgiven by His grace. It’s all God; we can do nothing to save ourselves. The Book says; we are DEAD in our sins.103 It’s the Holy Spirit that gives us the “ability” to be drawn to Christ.
Baptism is a COVENANT SIGN; it does NOT make us righteous, it does NOT “expiate” (forgive) sin. So purgatory is an un-necessary place and is a contradiction to the scriptures.
3 Other Mediators
Catholic Catechism: The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ here on earth, but he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden in a “veil of flesh.” The priests truly forgive sins by virtue of power given them by Jesus Christ.
According to THE BOOK we have only ONE MEDIATOR between God and man and that is Jesus Christ;104 not my pastor, not Billy Graham, not the Pope nor Mary the mother of Jesus.
We are forgiven, purified, and justified (made righteous) by our FAITH in Jesus Christ.105
92 Romans 3:10-12 – There is not one good person, NOT EVEN ONE -- John 6:44 – No one can come to the Father unless the Holy
Spirit draws them.
93 Romans 5:1-2 – We are justified, declared righteous through faith
94 Romans 3:20 – The law only made us understand our sins and that we need a Messiah
95 1 John 2:2 – Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins -- Romans 5:9 – We are now made righteous by His blood
96 1 Peter 2:24 – Jesus bore our sins so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness
97 Titus 3:7 – Having been justified by his grace, we have become heirs to eternal life
98 Mark 1:4 – Baptism of repentance -- Acts 3:19 – Luke 3:4 – Baptism of repentance -- Repent so that your sins may be forgiven -- Acts
2:38 – Repent first and then be baptized
99 Matthew 3:13-16 – Jesus was baptized to set the example of baptism for us.
100 Colossians 2:12 – Buried in baptism; Raised by faith to new life. -- Titus 3:7 – We are heirs to eternal life -- Romans 5:9 – We were
cleansed by His Blood
101 Romans 3:28 – We were made righteous; justified by our faith, not by the law -- Romans 5:1 – We are made righteous through faith --
1 Corenthians 6:11 – We are made righteous in the name of Jesus Christ
102 Galatians 3:24 – The law only pointed the way for us to go for salvation -- Romans 3:24 – We are made righteous by His grace
103 Ephesians 2:1-2 – We are DEAD in our sins -- Colossians 2:13 – When we were still DEAD in our sins; He forgave us ALL of our sins.
-- Ephesians 2: 5 – We are DEAD in our sins and made ALIVE by His Grace
9:15 – CHRIST IS THE MEDIATOR OF THE NEW COVENANT -- Hebrews 12:24 -- Jesus is the MEDIATOR of the new covenant -- Hebrews
8:6 – Jesus is the MEDIATOR of a superior covenant
105 Romans 5:1 – We are purified, justified, forgiven by FAITH -- Romans 3:28 – We are forgiven by Faith not Works
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK Pope Peter – First Pope
“I tell you that you are Peter (rock), and on this rock I will build my church”
Wikipedia: According to Catholic belief, Peter was the first Bishop of Rome and chief pastor of the whole Catholic Church; the “Vicar” (representative) of Christ upon Earth. Although Peter never bore the title of "Pope” or "Vicar of Christ", the Catholic Church believes him to be the first Pope. Therefore, they consider every Pope to be Peter's successor and the rightful superior of all other bishops.
“Vicar:” The replacement of Christ on earth.
The New Testament says nothing directly about Peter's connection to Rome, but an early Catholic
tradition supports such a connection. Otto Zwierlein concluded in a critical study that "there is not a single piece of reliable literary evidence (and no archaeological evidence either) that Peter was ever in Rome." Pope’s do not marry, but Peter had a wife.
Simon’s name was changed to Peter. In Greek, Peter is Petros or Rock; in Aramaic its Cephas which was not a name, but a description of Peter’s Faith; (Peter was the spokesman for the Twelve.)
Peter’s rock Faith is the foundation that the Christian Church is built on.
Peter told Cornelius not to kneel down to him, saying he also was just a man.106
Peter was censured by Paul, recognizing no superior authority.107
Peter was married.108
Pope’s name: Interesting; the Latin numbers are; Vicarious (112) Filii (53) Dei (501) = (666)
The Take Away
Man is DEAD in his sins and can do nothing on his own to come to God. The Holy Spirit givesman the “ability” to come... Man can do nothing to receive Salvation... It’s a gift from God. Purgatory; a place necessary for “cleansing” contradicts scripture. When you die, it’s all over; no
service, money or prayers can change your destination.
Baptism does not forgive sin; it is a public symbol of a previous repentance. Infant Baptism is notscriptural; however, Infant Dedication is... waiting on the day of accountability.
Other Mediator: There is no other mediator between God and Man, only Jesus the Christ. The death of Christ on the cross was sufficient to forgive ALL sins, PAST PRESENT and FUTURE of thosethat BELIEVE. No one can forgive sin, but Jesus Christ.
Mary being born of a Virgin mother and being a co-redeemer of man along with Jesus is notsupported by the Bible scriptures.
Peter was the spokesman and leader of the inner circle of the Twelve Disciples. Simon Peter’snickname was “Rock”; which was a description of his Faith;109 not his name, nor prophecy that he would be head of the Catholic Church. There is no record in scripture of Peter ever being in Rome, let alone being the first Pope.
Note When Peter got off track, Jesus would call him Simon to remind him of who he was; check it out, it happened a lot... We find Peter finally calling himself by both names; Simon Peter.
Peter was the only other person that walked on water...
We should all have Peter’s FAITH...
106 Acts 10:25-26 - As Peter entered his home, Cornelius fell at his feet and worshiped him. But Peter pulled him up and said, “Stand up! I’m a human being just like you!”
107 Galatians 2:11-13 - But when Peter came to Antioch, Paul had to oppose him to his face, for what he did was very wrong. When he first arrived, he ate with the Gentile Christians, who were not circumcised. But afterward, when some friends of James came, Peter wouldn’t eat with the Gentiles anymore108 1 Corinthians 9:5 - Don’t we have the right to bring a Christian wife with us as the other disciples and the Lord’s brothers do, and as Peter does?
109 Matthew 16:17-18 – Upon the unmovable rock of faith revelation to Peter, Jesus said He would build His church.
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Chapter 14.4
Where was Jesus during the three days and nights and what was He doing?
Three Predictions
I start this Word Study with the words spoken by Jesus Christ Himself and recorded in many Bibles with His “WORDS IN RED”. Jesus predicted His death three times
1) He would be handed over to the chief priest and teachers of the law and they would condemn Him to death. 110
2) He told them that He MUST be killed, but would be raised to life again on THE THIRD DAY.111
3) He would be mocked, flogged and crucified. The disciples were filled with grief.112
Jesus had been asked for a “SIGN” that He was the Messiah; He told them that just as Jonah was in
the belly of a huge fish for THREE DAYS, so He would be in the belly of the earth THREE DAYS.113 (Although not specifically said in scripture, in my BS, I believe Jonah actually died and was resurrected)
Time Out
Jesus said that He was the Way and the Truth and the Life and that NO ONE could come to the Father except through Him. 114
WAIT A MINUTE that sounds like, that all the followers of YAHWEH, Jehovah God, before the time of Jesus Christ WOULD NOT and COULD NOT inherit the kingdom of God. Can that be right?
Destination Confirmation
Before Christ died, “The Repentant Thief” on the cross asked to be “remembered” when Jesus came
into His kingdom and Jesus told him that TODAY he would be with Him in Paradise.115 This collaborates that Paradise was where Jesus would be that day.
Some students of the Word disagree with the comma placement after the word “today.” In my BS, I believe it is correct as stated, because TODAY fits perfectly as stated with the rest of scripture.
110 Matthew 16:21-28 – FIRST TIME - Jesus Predicts His Death; He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the
elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.
111 Matthew 17:22-23 - SECOND TIME - Jesus Predicts His Death. They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life
112 Matthew 20:17-19 - THIRD TIME - Jesus Predicts His Death; He would be MOCKED, FLOGGED and CRUCIFIED
113 Matthew 12:38-40 – THE THREE DAYS - The Sign of Jonah
114 John 14:6 – Jesus is the ONLY WAY to Jehovah God
115 Luke 23:42-43 – TODAY you will be with ME in Paradise
The Three Days
Three Predictions – Two Kingdoms - Now and Not Yet Hell – Paradise – Abraham’s Bosom – Jesus; Words in Red Qualifications for Heaven
First Word
Before we begin, I feel a need to explain the Jewish Custom of counting, otherwise the days will not match up in relation to scripture. They referred to any part of a day as if it were a whole day, so a few hours in the grave on Friday, all of Saturday and a few hours on Sunday were all counted together as THE THREE DAYS.
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Destination Defined
Before the time of Christ’s ministry, Hell was divided into two compartments; Torment and
Paradise, the two separated by a large gulf. 116 Apocalyptic writings indicate that Paradise was located on the edge of Hell; not exactly in and not exactly out.
In Jewish theology, the “Blessed Souls” awaited in a compartment of Hell referred to as Paradise or Abraham’s Bosom.117 In Biblical times, people would recline as they ate; the one reclining near the head guy was referred to as reclining “In His Bosom”; a place of honor.
Paradise was where the “Righteous Good” went after death; there they “tarried” till the resurrection of Jesus. It was the abode of people, who had died in the friendship of God, but had to tarry until the birth, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God for heaven's gates to open.
NOTE: This term friendship or friend was someone you were in a BLOOD COVENANT with.
Destination Reason
Time is somewhat of an abstract for the dead, and exists only for the living; and is only a pin point
of existence somewhere between eternity past and eternity future. During this time of “tarring” in Paradise, the people were awake having emotions, feelings, and dialog.
Note: Not one of them had ever heard of Jesus Christ; the Son of God. At Christ’s death on the Cross, He went to Abraham’s Bosom also known as Paradise and for three days preached the “Good News Message”118 to those that had died in the FRIENDSHIP of God over the past 4,000 years, and they ALL ACCEPTED Him.119
Destination Departure
Jesus appeared to Mary BEFORE He ascended to Heaven collaborating that Paradise was still on
earth and had not been taken to heaven.120 When Jesus ascended, He took “Paradise” and everybody in it up to heaven, where it is now;121 there is no longer a “tarring” place on this earth.
Side Note: With Paradise removed, Hell has now been enlarged to receive all the new folks for the last 2000 years who have rejected the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Today, we that are in the FRIENDSHIP of the Lord, in covenant with Him, do not go to the lower parts of the earth when we die,122 but go immediately to Heaven and are active with Jesus Christ.123 Paradise in now in Heaven. SELAH
Destination Qualifications
Jesus said we must come to Him believing and trusting; without reservation; just as a child would
run to his daddy and jump into his arms.124
The Sermon on the Mount; “The Beatitudes” do not show a man how to be saved; they show the
characteristics of someone who is saved. They are not promises of blessings for the saved, but are a description of someone who is saved. 125
1) Poor in spirit – Realization that we are spiritually bankrupt and can offer God nothing.
2) Those who mourn – Anguishing over sin; over perishing souls; wanting right to prevail.
3) Meek – Accepting opposition, insults and provocation – Bearing patiently – Mild and calm.
4) Hunger for righteousness – All sin and wrongdoing to anyone grieves them.
5) Merciful – Being kind, showing pity, mercy and compassion, even when it’s not convenient.
6) Pure in Heart – No hidden motives or self-interest; a pure heart with singleness of purpose
7) Peacemaker – Bringing men into harmony with each other – Calming the waters.
116 Luke 16:26 – Hell is divided into two compartments; Torment and Paradise separated by a gulf
117 Luke 16:22-23 – Abraham’s Bosom or Paradise was located in a compartment of Hell
118 Matthew 12:40 – Jesus preached for three days in Hell -- 1 Peter 3:18-20 – Jesus preached in Hell; In Abraham’s Bosom
119 Ephesians 4:8-10 – He descended first to hell to lead out the captives -- John 8:32 – The truth set the captives in Paradise free
120 John 20:11-17 – I have not yet ascended to the Father
121 Ephesians 4:8 – Jesus took all those in Abrahams Bosom to heaven
122 John 11:26 – The Believer will never die
123 2 Corenthians 5:8 – When we are absent from the body, we are present with God
124 Matthew 18 2-5 – Believe and trust as a child does with his daddy.
125 Mathew 5:3-12 – The Sermon on the Mountain; It’s your attitude toward God that counts
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8) Love – You must love Christ more than your own family or you are not worthy of Him.
9) Give of what you have to those who can’t pay you back. Give justice, mercy, compassion and
Someone who is rich puts his trust in what he has, whereas someone who is poor puts his trust in
what he hasn’t. It’s very hard for someone rich to seek the Kingdom of Heaven; they do not see themselves as having any needs... They are self-sufficient... They don’t need God.126 (Jesus said this, not me.)
The Bar is set so very high; who then can qualify to enter the Kingdom of God? By man’s efforts, no one can qualify to enter; only by the grace of God is it possible.
The Take Away
Did you see it? Jesus preached for the three days to those from all time, including Adam and Eve, those who were already in Friendship, or in Covenant with God, but had never heard the Good News of the Gospel; this will never happen again; there are no second chances.
1) THE NOW – This kingdom is present for believers to enter NOW and enjoy His blessings.
2) THE NOT YET – This kingdom is future; it is when we enter eternal life and reign with Christ.
WE MUST ENTER into the NOW present kingdom in order to enter into the NOT YET future kingdom of “eternal life”. The believer accepts God’s reign in their present lives; and reigns with Him in the future; blessings in the present and even greater blessing in the future.
When Christ returns at His second coming, there will be a resurrection of all souls that have died whether they are in the grave, in the sea, consumed by fire or carried off by dogs; the Believers will be reunited with their bodies which are now new and glorified.
The Believer, Un-Believer as well as the Make-Believer, will be awakened from their sleep; (death) and will be JUDGED for every WORK, whether good or evil. 127
Qualifications to get into the Kingdom of Heaven will be by Believing in Jesus, Repentance, Faith and Trust... Knowing that you have nothing to offer God... Having a deep concern about sin and perishing souls... The desire for right to prevail... To accept opposition, insults and provocation... Bearing patiently... Displaying a mild and calm attitude... Grieving over wrong doing... Having no self-interest, but a singleness of Heart toward the Gospel... Showing kindness, pity, mercy and compassion whether it’s convenient or not... Attempting to bring men into harmony with each other; calming the waters... Loving even your enemies... Having fruit from your works and growing the gifts that have been given to you.
At the Resurrection, all will enter into their Permanent or Eternal State.128
The Believer will inherit the New Heaven and New Earth; EVERLASTING LIFE.129
The Un-believer will inherit the Lake of Fire (Gehenna); EVERLASTING CONTEMPT.130
The Make Believer... How much more severely will God deal with the one who KNOWS and
continues to sin; who tramples the Son of God under his feet and makes the blood of the Covenant an un-holy thing; insulting the Holy Spirit.131 (It’s in the Book)
For the Spirit or Souls who have died;
Scripture confirms that there is no other Realm, Condition or Form
besides the Lake of Fire and the Highest Heaven.
TODAY IS THE DAY OF GOD’S FAVOR.132 There is NO second chance.
126 Matthew 19:23-26 - It is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. “WHO THEN CAN BE SAVED?” “With man
this is impossible, but WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.”
127 Ecclesiastes 12:14 – God will judge every work; good or evil
128 Isaiah 26:19 – The Spirit will unite with their body.
129 John 5:29 – BELIEVER; RESURRECTION TO LIFE, Un-believer; Resurrection to Condemnation
130 Daniel 12:2 - Believer; Resurrection to Everlasting life - UN-BELIEVER; RESURRECTION TO EVERLASTING CONTEMPT
131 Hebrews 10:29 - HOW MUCH MORE SEVERELY do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God
underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?
132 2 Corinthians 6:2 – TODAY is the day of salvation; NOW IS THE TIME OF GOD’S FAVOR,
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Chapter 14.5
Early Times - End Times – The Holy Days The Master of the Blast - The Last Trump
First Word
Shophar also spelled Shofar is a musical instrument of sorts of ancient origin used for Jewish religious purposes. The choice of the Ram’s horn for the Shophar is in remembrance of Abraham’s sacrifice of a Ram instead of his son Isaac.133
There two kinds of Shophar; one made from the CURVED Ram’s horn and the other made from a STRAIGHT Mountain Goat’s horn; both were used in the Temple.134 The curvilinear grace of the Ram Shophar lent itself to be engraved and carved upon and ornamented with a silver mouthpiece, however it could not be painted in colors.
Master of the Blast
The expert who blows the Shophar is called the Shophar Sounder; the Ba'al Tekiah. (Master of the Blast) which is an honor. Every male Jew is eligible for this sacred office, providing he is acceptable to the congregation.
The one who blows the Shophar should be God-fearing and learned in the Torah and should be the very best man available.
Ram’s horns were used as signaling devices in WAR135 as well as for heralding special festivals; they were used as musical instruments136 and even drinking vessels, they were made to make noise;137 to give signals,138 to announce special occasions. It had limited musical attributes because of its monotone sound as it could not play a melody. Any changes in pitch was based solely on the facial muscles of the sounder.
. On special occasions two Shophar Sounders played long notes and a trumpeter who stood in the middle played short notes; the trumpet was man made out of metal.
Holy Days
The Shophar is sounded on the HOLIEST DAYS of the Jewish calendar, which includes Passover,
Pentecost, Tabernacles/Booths, Hanukkah and Purim. It is sounded every Friday evening at sunset to bring in the new Weekly Sabbath as well as the Monthly New Moon Sabbath.139
The Shophar is sounded on the eve of Yom Kippur to assemble the people together for worship in the Synagogue and also at the very end of Yom Kippur.
133 Genesis 22:11-13 - Abraham offered a RAM as a sacrifice instead of his son Isaac
134 Joshua 6:4 – The Priest are to bear trumpets made of Rams’ horns before the Ark of the Covenant
135 Judges 3:27 – The sound of the Shophar was a CALL TO ARMS -- Joshua 6:4-5 – The sound of the Shophar BROUGHT DOWN THE
WALLS of Jericho
136 Psalm 98:6 - Shophar used somewhat as a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT making a joyful NOISE
137 Judges 7:22 - 300 Shophars FRIGHTENED the enemy and they fled
138 Numbers 10:4-5 – The Shophar was blown as a SIGNAL to the Tribes and Clans -- Exodus 19:16– Shophar sounded Mount Sinai
SIGNALING the people
139 Leviticus 23:24 – Shophar sounded Monthly New Moon Sabbath
In the services, the Shophar was usually blown by the Priest, NOT the Levites who were considered
professional musicians
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK Sounded at Rosh Hashanah; The Feast of Trumpets14
At sunset on The Day of Atonement,141 it is ended with a single blast from the Shophar and the worshipers go to their respective homes.
End Times
The Shophar will usher in the Return of the Messiah and the END TIME WRATH of God.142 There will be SEVEN Shophar trumpets sounded
1) LAND - 1/3rd of the vegetation is burned up in this plague. This is similar to the plague in the time of Moses. It is literal and not symbolic.
2) SEA - 1/3rd of the marine life in the sea dies and 1/3rd of the ships are sunk as a burning meteorite hits the sea. Blood in this passage is symbolic of death.
3) RIVERS - 1/3rd of the rivers and springs become poisoned - Judgment is on nature and men... water is scarce, people die.
4) HEAVENS – 1/3rd of the sun, moon and stars turn dark.
5) FALLEN STAR - Based on the scriptures, this fallen star is different, it is a Fallen Angel’
probably Satan himself, who unlocks the abyss, which is the abode of demons and beast which release destruction on the world. Satan’s name is “Lucifer” which means “brightness” or “Morning Star”.
6) EUPHRATES RIVER is prominent in history; in the beginning it flowed from the Garden of Eden, later Babylon was situated on it, and soon a 200,000,000 man army will cross it. When the bound angels are released, they will kill 1/3rd of mankind. NOTE: Only wicked angels are bound, God’s angels are not bound.
7) THE LAST TRUMP: As the SEVENTH trumpet sounds and the SEVEN bowls or vials are poured out, the voices IN HEAVEN announce the prophecy of CHRIST’S RETURN to the earth.143
The Take Away
So there you have it; we have the Shophar beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation; the
Beginning and the End.
The Messiah returns as THE SEVENTH or LAST SHOPHAR sounds;144 we will all be changed from
corruptible to incorruptible145 and we will have a glorified body and look just like Him.146 I’m ready and it’s my prayer that you are too... Life is choice driven... Choose life... It’s in the Book.
Did you see it? While it’s certainly a BONUS to avoid being tormented FOREVER in the burning Lake of Fire and sulfur, the BIGGER DEAL is to AVOID BEING SEPARATED FROM GOD FOR ALL ETERNITY.
0 and is also |
The Shophar |
It is
in synagogue services
sounded every weekday morning in the month of Elul running up to Rosh Hashanah.
was also sounded to announce the Year of Jubilee (Every 50 years)
140 Numbers 29:1 – Shophar sounded at the Feast of Trumpets; Rosh Hashanah
141 Leviticus 25:9 - Shophar sounded on the Day of Atonement
142 Revelation 8:2 - Shophar sounded at the End Time wrath of God
143 Isaiah 27:13 - Shophar will usher in the Return of the Messiah
144 1 Thessalonians 4:17 – At the last Shophar blast we will Meet the Lord in the air
145 1 Corinthians 15:52 – At the last Shophar blast we will be changed
146 1John3:2–WewillbelikeHimforwewillseehimasHereallyis
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Chapter 14.6
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be CAUGHT UP together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.147
First Word
The word rapture IS NOT found in the Bible, but that’s not the end of it; read on.
Wikipedia: Latin “rapio”, meaning caught up or taken away – Greek, “rapiemur” meaning caught up or taken away. In fact the notion means to be forcefully, quickly or suddenly taken away as in the blinking of the eye.
The Rapture
Is the word RAPTURE in the Bible or did somebody just make this up?
Webster says “rapture” is a state or experience of being CARRIED AWAY by overwhelming emotion.
NOTE: The Israelites saw something coming down out of heaven and didn’t know what it was. They wanted to call it something so they named it “MANNA” which means “what is it”.
The Bible; there are references to a “SNATCHING AWAY” in scripture and there was a desire to name this process something and because of the words “rapio” and “rapiemur” the English word “rapture” was selected. I wanted to call it “what is it” but that was already taken. The Bible teaches that a time of TRIBULATION is coming. This statement sets up the back ground for what the Bible prophecy says is on the way. Here’s the story.
Rapture Origin – In the mid 1800’s Minister Edward Irving of a church in Scotland had a young girl
named Margaret MacDonald, who fell into a trance and had several hours of visions and prophecy. John Darby of the Plymouth Brethren heard of her and traveled to Scotland and developed the doctrine
of the Rapture. Margaret revealed that Christ would return in two phases;
First time visibly only to the righteous and
Second time to execute wrath on the unrighteous.
Before 1830, no one had ever heard of a “Secret Rapture” or the Fly Away Doctrine. No Church had taught it in their creed, catechism or statement of Faith until John Nelson Darby preached about it
in 1830, so at this writing this doctrine is NOT predated by 2,000 years, but is of recent origin; only 185 years old at this writing. The phrase “Caught Up” is in the Bible, but the word RAPTURE is NOT found
anywhere in Scripture.
There are THREE Belief Systems on WHEN THE RAPTURE WILL HAPPEN; 1) Before the tribulations, 2) Mid or 3 1⁄2 years into the Tribulation period... and 3) at the End of the Tribulation period; but there’s more to further complicate it.
There are THREE Belief Systems views on WHEN CHRIST WILL REIGN...
1) Before the Millennium Reign, 2) Mid or 3 1⁄2 years into the Millennium period
and 3) at the End of the Millennium Reign.
My BS is a pre-Tribulation Rapture and a pre-Millennium Return and reign.
147 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 - For the Lord himself will come down from heaven; FIRST, the Christians who have DIED will rise from their graves, SECOND, together with them, we who are still ALIVE and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
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Opposition – There is No Rapture
Those that oppose the concept of the Rapture, call it the “Escape Doctrine” or “Escapism”; the belief that there is a Great Escape from the Tribulations. The opponents point to the writings
of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapter 13 as their main source of opposition.
The most prominent opponent to the Rapture Doctrine is Dr. Arnold Murray who has a 24 hour
satellite program called “Shepherds Chapel”. (I have paraphrased his comments where quoted.)
Murray says; God tells Ezekiel to prophecy that there are some people who are coming up
with prophesies from out of their own hearts, they are foolish and are following their own spirit. Their vision is a vain lying spirit and God has NOT spoken. God is against those who would
hunt the souls of ignorant people and teach them the Fly Away Doctrine just to get them to
join and grow their church. (Example; John Nelson Darby.)
NOTE: In the 5th Century before Christ, the women of Israel were involved in false religions and
lying to the people by telling them that there would be peace; that judgement would NOT come from God. Their purpose was to sell amulets to keep a person from getting sick and to protect them from
getting harmed. It was on these women that God told Ezekiel to pronounce HIS judgment.
God was against the magic charms that had ensnared His people like caged birds and He would
set them free and let THEM FLY AWAY. Read the ENTIRE chapter for yourself.
In my opinion; I might say the same thing about Shepard’s Chapel using “The Fly Away doctrine”
to knit unsuspecting people to his own organization. (Just my opinion) I must admit that I have watched his program for many years and I believe he is a very smart man, BUT he has some very far out theories;
such as Satan having sex with Eve producing the child Cain, who became the father of the “Cainites”. Murray says that these Cainites still exist in the hidden dynasties that control the world government today.
You can read about the Gnostic Cainites in the Apocrypha; the Gospel of Judas, but it’s not found
in the Bible.
Ezekiel 13:2-3 – You prophecy, but you have seen nothing
2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy,
and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear
ye the word of the LORD;
3 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that
follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!
Ezekiel 13:7-8 – It’s a lying prophecy; God has not spoken
7 Have ye not seen a vain vision, and have ye not spoken a LYING divination, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit
8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; because ye have spoken vanity,
and seen lies, therefore, behold, I AM AGAINST YOU, saith the Lord GOD. (KJV)
Ezekiel 13:20 - God is against Fly Away doctrine – The Rapture
20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I AM AGAINST your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them FLY, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them FLY.
Ezekiel 13:17 – Prophesy against the Women
17 Likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against the DAUGHTERS of thy people, which prophesy out of their own heart; and prophesy thou against them, (KJV)
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Ezekiel 13:10 – Saying there will be peace when there is no peace
10 Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed
it with untempered mortar: (KJV)
Ezekiel 13:18 – Women SELLING amulets for the people to wear
18 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; WOE TO THE WOMEN that
SEW PILLOWS to all armholes, and make KERCHIEFS upon the head
of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and
will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? (KJV)
Ezekiel 13:20a – I am AGAINST your good luck charms
20 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am AGAINST your
MAGIC BANDS with which you hunt the souls like birds, and I will
tear them from your arms, and
Ezekiel 13:20b – I will let the souls FLY AWAY like Birds
Affirmation of Escapism – The Great Escape
Is the Doctrine of ESCAPISM found in the Bible? I hope to smile it is.... The Believer will escape
the Tribulations. It’s an Old Testament concept as well as New Testament. God knows how to rescue the Believer and will not allow the Tribulations to come until He has given us a way out.
He tells the Believer to pray for strength to go through what is to come, that He has provided a WAY OF ESCAPE. He provided a way for Noah and his family as well as Lot and his family. God says He will do nothing until His family has escaped.
OT - Psalm 71:2 - Deliver me and rescue me
2 In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me; incline your ear to
me, and save me! (ESV)
OT - Psalm 141:10 – I will pass safely
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by safely.
NT - Luke 21:36 – Be vigilant - Pray to Escape all these things
36 But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to
ESCAPE all these things THAT ARE GOING TO TAKE PLACE, and to
stand before the Son of Man.” (ESV)
NT - 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God provides a way of ESCAPE
13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is
faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with
you may be able to endure it. (ESV)
NT - Revelation 3:10-11 – I will keep you from the hour of trial. 10 Because you have kept my word about patient endurance,
I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world,
to try those who dwell on the earth.
11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may
seize your crown. (ESV)
OT - Genesis 19:16-17 – God provided Lot a WAY OF ESCAPE
16 But he (Lot) lingered. So the men seized him and his wife and his
two daughters by the hand, the LORD being merciful to him, and
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they brought him out and set him outside the city.
17 And as they brought them out, one said, “ESCAPE for your life. Do
not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. ESCAPE to the hills, lest
you be swept away.” (ESV)
OT - Exodus 12:23 - I will pass over you; You will ESCAPE death
23 For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians, and when he
sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will
pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to enter your
houses to strike you. (ESV)
NT - Hebrews 11:7 – God provided Noah a WAY OF ESCAPE
7 By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen,
in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household.
By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the
righteousness that comes by faith. (ESV)
OT - Genesis 19:22 – I will do nothing till Lot’s family ESCAPES
22 ESCAPE there quickly, for I can do nothing till you arrive there.”
Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. (ESV)
NT - 2 Peter 2:9 - Lord knows how to rescue the Godly from trials
9 then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to
keep the unrighteous under punishment until the Day of Judgment, (ESV)
NT - Revelation 7:3 – 144,000 sealed and ESCAPE the tribulations
3 saying, “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, UNTIL WE
HAVE SEALED the servants of our God on their foreheads.” (ESV)
OT - Isaiah 37:32– A Band of Survivors; God will see to it
32 For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant, and out of Mount Zion
a band of survivors. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this. (ESV)
OT - Ezekiel 14:13-14 – God will deliver the righteous even just three 13 Son of man, when a land sins against me by acting faithlessly, and I stretch out my hand against it and break its supply of bread and send famine upon it, and cut off from it man and beast,
14 even if these THREE men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver, but their own lives by their righteousness, declares the Lord GOD. (ESV)
NT - Hebrews 11:31 – The Prostitute Rahab ESCAPED death by Faith 31 By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies. (ESV)
NT - Luke 21:21 – Flee to the mountains – A way out - ESCAPE
21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those
who are inside the city depart, and let not those who are out in the
country enter it, (ESV)
OT - Daniel 11:41 – Believers shall be delivered ESCAPE the Antichrist
41 He shall come into the glorious land. And tens of thousands shall fall,
but these shall be delivered out of his hand: Edom and Moab and the
main part of the Ammonites. (ESV)
Old Testament Pattern
The Old Testament is a SHADOW of “The Return” in the New Testament, it is a PATTERN of the Rapture. If you are Jewish and only follow THE TORAH, then here is the proof that the Old Testament is linked to the New Testament and the Return of the Messiah.
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OT - Exodus 19:11 - The LORD will come down on Mount of Sinai
11 and be ready for the third day. For on the third day the LORD will
come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. (ESV)
OT - Exodus 19:18- The LORD descended in fire and smoke
18 Now Mount Sinai was wrapped in smoke because the LORD had
descended on it in fire. The smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln,
and the whole mountain trembled greatly. (ESV)
NT - Acts 1:9-11 - He will return the same way He went to heaven
9 And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was
lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.
10 And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men
stood by them in white robes,
11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This
Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same
way as you saw him go into heaven.” (ESV)
OT - Exodus 19:19 – God’s voice was in the Thunder
19 And as the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses
spoke, and God answered him in thunder. (ESV)
OT - Exodus 19:16 -Thunder, Lightning and a Trumpet Blast
16 On the morning of the third day there were thunders and lightning’s
and a thick cloud on the mountain and a very loud trumpet blast, so that
all the people in the camp trembled. (ESV)
NT - 1 Thessalonians 4:16 – Christ’s Voice - Trumpet
16 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with A CRY of
command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the
trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. (ESV)
OT - Nehemiah 1:1-2 – The Jews ESCAPED
1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hacaliah.
2 that Hanani, one of my brothers, came with certain men from Judah.
And I asked them concerning the Jews who escaped, who had survived
the exile, and concerning Jerusalem. (ESV)
OT - Jeremiah 30:7 – He will be saved – ESCAPE out of it
7 Alas! That day is so great there is none like it; it is a time of distress for
Jacob; yet he shall be saved out of it. (ESV)
NT - 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God provides a way of ESCAPE
13 No temptation has overtaken you that +is not common to man. God
is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but
with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may
be able to endure it. (ESV)
OT - Isaiah 13:9 – Judgment – Sinners face cruel wrath, fierce anger 9 Behold, the day of the LORD comes, cruel, with wrath and fierce
anger, to make the land a desolation and to destroy its sinners from it. (ESV)
NT - 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10 – Inflict Judgment – BUT - Give us relief
7 and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the
Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels
8 in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God
and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
9 They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the
presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might. (ESV)
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Rapture Sidebar - Two Views; Return of Christ
1) Final Resurrection View – Only one group of people; none are left behind; Christ returns only
a single time with the Rapture being what happens to people during the final resurrection.
2) Fundamentalist View – Two groups of people; those that are taken in the Rapture and those
that are Left Behind to endure the tribulations.
Other students BS hold that the return of Christ to be TWO distinct events, or one second
coming in TWO stages. The first event is said to be PRIVATE and the second event is PUBLIC.
Some students BS embraces that the Believers will be gathered together on EARTH and others BS hold that the gathering will be in HEAVEN; still others BS supports the gathering in the AIR; so there is a cornucopia of thoughts and beliefs concerning the second coming of Christ.
There are notable authors, teachers and pastors who support the three different views. I will not mention their “published” names; as their popularity should not determine your affirmation of a view.
Fence Post Planting Theology; If the ”Fence Post” VIEW that you have just planted of a scripture does not line up with all the other “Fence Post” of scripture; then either the Bible is wrong or the fence post you just planted is wrong.
The Doctrine of “The Rapture” is only about
There is SEVEN years between the two stages of Christ’s return.
Raptures - Old/New Testament
Interestingly, in the Old Testament there were some symbolic raptures too. Noah was saved by the
Ark150. Lot was brought out of the city safely,151 Enoch was zapped into the heavens152 as well as Elijah,153 and later in the NT the Apostle John says he was raptured.154 Paul’s spirit was caught up there also.155 Did you see it? TWICE in the scripture, Paul says he was “Caught Up”, so this seems to be an important point. Selah; ponder TWICE;
Selective Rapture
Selective Rapture or Partial Rapture. Bet you never heard of that... I think it is noteworthy to mention that many Believer’s Belief Systems hold that the rapture of the Saints is directly proportional to when they became Believers in Jesus Christ. When did their conversion take place? Before the Tribulations began; During the Tribulations or at the end of the Tribulations.
The Saints are raptured in Groups; there is more than one Rapture. Remember the Rapture includes the Believing dead as well as the Believing living. Some’s BS hold the view that many will become “Believers” during the Tribulations only to lose their life; others not so much.
Selective Partial Rapture BS: Only those who have been faithful with true fellowship with God will be raptured first; the rest will be raptured during the tribulation or at its end.
148 Jude 1:18 – In the end times there will be scoffers
149 Daniel 12:3-4 – Seal the words till the Time of the End
150 Genesis 7:23 – Only NOAH and his family – The Believers -- Genesis 7:1 – NOAH is delivered; Go into the ark, you and your whole
family, because I have found you righteous in this generation
151 Genesis 19:29 – God brought LOT out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived -- Genesis 19:16 – Only LOT
and his family was saved; The Believers were led safely out of the city
152 Hebrews 11:5 – ENOCH was taken; Raptured, he could not be found, because God had taken him away
153 2 Kings 2:11-12 – ELIJAH went Up; Raptured went up to heaven in a whirlwind
154 Revelation 4:2 – JOHN’S spirit “RAPTURED”; taken before the throne -- Revelation 4:1-2 - The Door of Heaven is opened; Come up
here, and I will show you what must take place after this." “AT ONCE” I was in the Spirit
155 2 Corenthians 12:2-4 – PAUL Caught Up; Raptured was CAUGHT UP to paradise
Many students of the Word Belief System is that the return of Christ will be a PUBLIC SINGLE
185 years old and although the early church did NOT
observe it, we cannot afford to scoff at it, or dismiss it.148 There are no new revelations, however there
is new enlightenment of what has already been written in the scriptures; the Bible even tells us that there are things that have been sealed up 149that are to be revealed only in the end times when
knowledge abounds. We are there.
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Note: For those with
the Post- Millennium BS, Christ must return a third time, at the end of the millennial period.
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Don’t be Ignorant - The Mystery
A mystery is a truth that has not been revealed before. The apostle Paul reports A MYSTERY of
Christ. 156 Christ DOES NOT WANT US TO BE IGNORANT about these things and tells us plainly.157
The RAPTURE is now revealed as a mystery; there are a number of things that MUST HAPPEN before
Armageddon and the final return and judgment of Jesus Christ, BUT there are NO other events
that must take place before Christ returns at the rapture, it could be today.
Jesus tells the Disciples that He is going to leave them soon and go to prepare a place with many
rooms for all that have embraced the Gospel.158 He then tells them He is coming back to get them and take them there. Christ was the first to be raised from the dead,159 and those that died believing in Christ are next, then those of us who are still alive in Christ will follow. It’s a promise.
Birth Pains
There will be Birth Pains; signs before the rapture and tribulation period.160 There will be religious deception,161 international revolution, wars, famines, earthquakes,162 plagues, and strange stuff happening in the sky.163
Extraction - Before All Hell breaks loose
I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I don’t know or whether out of the body, I
don’tknow;onlyGodknows),suchaonewasCAUGHTUPEVENTOTHETHIRDHEAVEN164 Thisisthepassage in the Revelation as given to John the Apostle that infers to the church being “CAUGHT UP” to heaven; although it sounds cryptic, the fact is, the church is not mentioned again in the scriptures till Revelation chapter 22.
After a brief description of what’s going on in Heaven, John is given some letters of WARNING to seven churches and then at some point the seven seals on the scroll are opened and at that point, that’s when “All hell breaks loose”, the seven year “Tribulations” known as “JACOBS TROUBLE” begins.
NOTE: The GREAT Tribulation begins 3 1⁄2 years into the 7 year tribulations when Satan and his angels war in heaven; lose the battle and are cast down to the earth and Satan is Mad as Hell.
“As far as time goes”, we believe as soon as the rapture occurs, the tribulation also begins. This is because the restraining force of evil is the Holy Spirit and He leaves at the same time as the Church does. Let’s look at a few examples in scripture about God’s promises to the saints about His “Saving Grace” before the Tribulation begins.
When he (Lot) hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them.165
The LORD then said to Noah, "Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation; only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.166
For God hath not appointed us to wrath,167 but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.
What these scriptures indicate is that Scripture supports the view that those that love the lord will be delivered from “His Holy Judgments”. These examples are of God’s loving extraction before His judgment begins. Lot was delivered from the extermination of Sodom and Gomorrah and “Noah” and his family was snatched away during the flood. NOW, here is how it will all go down for us:
156 1 Corenthians 15:51-52 - I tell you a MYSTERY; for the trumpet will sound and we will all be changed
157 1 Thessalonians 4:13 – Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, 158 John 14:1-3 – A Room Has Been Prepared For You
159 1 Corenthians 15:20-23 – Christ is the First Fruits of those to rise from the dead
160 Luke 21:28 - When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near
161 Matthew 24:21-23 – Great Distress and False Messiahs
162 Matthew 24:4-8 – Increased RELIGIOUS DECEPTION, Wars, Famine, Earthquakes; All these are the beginning of birth pains
163 Luke 21:25-28 – Unexplained happening in the Sky; there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea
164 2 Corinthians 12:2 - CAUGHT UP EVEN TO THE THIRD HEAVEN
165 Genesis 19:16-29 – LOT and his family was DELIVERED
166 Genesis 7:1-23 – NOAH and his family was DELIVERED
167 1 Thessalonians 5:9 – The Believer WILL NOT Receive God’s Wrath
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Matthew 24:37-41 – Things going along NORMAL; then WHAM 37 As it was in the days of Noah,
so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came
and took them all away.
That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
40 Two men will be in the field; one will be TAKEN and the other left
41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be TAKEN and
the other left. NIV
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – The Lord will descend from Heaven
16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud
command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call
of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that,
17 we who are still alive and are left will be CAUGHT UP together
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be
with the Lord forever. NIV
Church Meeting in the AIR
Jesus clearly states He is coming back for us and will meet us IN THE AIR and we will receive
a crown of glory.168 Christians refer to this as the catching away or rapture of the Saints.
John states he was in the Spirit in Heaven and sees Jesus Christ on the Throne.169 Sounds like
he was raptured to me. Just saying.
John’s body was not yet glorified, so only HIS SPIRIT was allowed before the throne.
The Believers will hear “a single sound”, described three different ways. Only the believers hear this sound. 1) A Shout, 2) The Voice of an Archangel, 3) A Trumpet. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He called Lazarus’s name specifically so that all the dead would not “come forth”.170
Here Jesus is specific again; and now ALL the dead in Christ will come forth.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 – Shout, Voice of an Archangel, Trumpet Blast 16 For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a SHOUT, with the VOICE of the archangel, and with the TRUMP of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:NOTE: In the twinkling of an eye, all Believers will be changed,171 that those “who are asleep” or the Believers who are dead in Christ have a priority with the Lord in the First Resurrection, as they will go up first, then the Believers who remain alive will join them.172 Only the believers in Christ are involved here. The Un-believers and Make-believers must wait for The Second Resurrection.
The Greek understanding is we will be caught up, snatched out or taken away speedily; as fast as your eye can blink. I would love to see it in SLOW MOTION as I go up, just saying. This is when we will get a new glorified immortal body.173 Mine will be about 32 years old and my body will look like muscle builder Arnold Schwarzenegger’s except I will talk Southern Hebrew.
“I’ll be bock” in 7 years to rule and reign with Christ.174
168 Acts 1:9 - After saying this, Jesus was TAKEN UP into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him -- Acts 1:11 – Jesus will RETURN THE SAME WAY He left; coming back in a cloud in the sky
169 Revelation 4:2 – John RAPTURED in the Spirit; sees Jesus on the throne
170 John 11:43 - When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth”171 1 Corenthians 15:51-52 – Behold, I show you a mystery, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump We as believers will ALL be changed 172 1 Thessalonians 4:17 – The Dead (believers) in Christ will go first Then we Believers which are alive will be caught up together with them in the CLOUDS, to meet the Lord IN THE AIR
173 1 Corenthians 15:53 – We get a incorruptible immortal body - 1 Peter 5:4 – We will receive the Crown of Glory174 Colossians 3:4 – We will appear with Him in Glory at His return
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When someone speaks to you in a different language, it needs to be translated into English in
order for you to understand it. When Jesus came to earth, His spiritual attributes were translated into physical attributes, which is what we see in Him as a physical mortal man.
Man was made with physical attributes like Christ and at the rapture when we are TRANSLATED with spiritual attributes WE WILL BE LIKE HIM175 and we shall see him as He is.176
Salt & Light
The Holy Spirit indwells every Believer and we are the “Salt” and “Light” of the earth.177 When
we, along with the Holy Spirit are removed from the earth,178 the “Hour of Trial” will begin worldwide and all nature will respond accordingly; all hell breaks loose. If the days of tribulations had not been cut short, no one would survive, but For The Sake of the Elect THOSE DAYS WILL BE SHORTENED.179
Rapture Benefits
The Believer will escape the time of the Tribulations – God has not appointed us to Wrath, but to keep us from the hour of trial.180
The Believer will be judged at the Bema Seat of Christ and receive Rewards181 - The Evil will be judged at the Great White Throne and face cruel, fierce anger.
The Believer will eat the good of the land and the evil will be eaten by the Sword. 182
The Believer will enter into God’s Sabbath Rest.183
The Believer will be God’s Treasure,184 a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a
people for His own possession.185
The Believer will be translated.186 When someone speaks to you in a different language, it
needs to be translated into English in order for you to understand it. When Jesus came to earth, His spiritual attributes were translated into physical attributes, which is what we see in Him as a physical mortal man. Man was made with physical attributes like Christ; at the rapture we are translated, receiving spiritual attributes. We will be like Him and we shall see him as He is.187
The Take Away
After the (Pre-Trib) rapture, the tribulation begins and will last for seven years which we will not cover here, but its bad news. All Hell will break loose. God selects 144,000 Jews and they preach to those that are “LEFT BEHIND”. All that’s left on earth is the wicked unsaved, demons, fallen angels and Satan; not much love is left behind. After seven years we will return to rule and reign with Christ for one thousand years, then we get a new heaven and a new earth and then eternity begins. Everyone will spend eternity somewhere LIFE IS CHOICE DRIVEN |
We watch in blessed hope and eagerly wait for His glorious appearing188 with great expectation and longing for our citizenship of Heaven. |
175 1John3:2–WewillSeeHimasHeisandBelikeHim
176 John 14:2-3 – He will come again; it’s a promise
177 Matthew 5:13-14 – We are the Salt and Light of the world
178 Revelation 3:10 – He will keep us from the Hour of Trial -- 1 Thessalonians 5:9 – God did not appoint us to suffer wrath
179 Matthew 24:21-22 – The tribulation days shortened for our sake
180 1 Thessalonians 5:8-9 - God has not destined us for wrath -- Revelation 3:10 - I will keep you from the hour of trial -- 1 Thessalonians
1:10 – We are delivered from the Wrath that is to come
181 Revelation 11:18 – Bema Seat Judgment; Saints are Rewarded
182 Isaiah 1:19-20 – Saints eat the good of land - Evil eaten by sword
183 Hebrews 4:9-10 – We will enter into God’s Sabbath Rest
184 Exodus 19:5 – We will be God’s treasured possession
185 1 Peter 2:9 – We become a chosen race, a Royal Priesthood -- Exodus 19:6 – We become a kingdom of Priest
186 John 14:2-3 – Jesus promised; I will come again, place prepared -- Exodus 19:4 – We will be brought to God on eagles’ wings
187 1John3:2-Weshallbelikehim;forweshallseehimasheis
188 Titus 2:13 – We wait For the blessed hope of His glorious appearing -- 1 Thessalonians 1:10 – Wait; Jesus will rescue us from the wrath
-- Philippians 3:20 – We Await our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ
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Chapter 14.7
The Return of Christ
The Return; Pre, Mid, Post Tribulation – Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Anti-Christ – Abomination of Desolation – The Last Trumpet – The Tribulations – The Great Tribulations – Tribulation Saints – The Second Chance – Olivet Discourse – The Return – The Date – Rapture Doctrine – Selective Rapture – Partial Rapture – Old Testament Raptures – Translated Saints – Escapism – Fly Away Doctrine - Left Behind – Gnosticism – Gospel of Judas – Gospel of Mary – Wrath of God - Two Scrolls – Two Reaping’s – Tares and Wheat – The Fig Tree - Israel
First Word- A mind is like a parachute; it must be OPEN to be of any value.189
If you are a Christian, then you already believe that Christ will return for His Believers. The big
debate is WHEN will He return? Today this phenomena is linked to what is known as “The Rapture”,
or the “Fly Away Doctrine;” can this doctrine even be found in the Bible? This study covers both sides
of this fate debate. There are THREE Belief Systems on WHEN THE RAPTURE WILL HAPPEN; and
to further complicate it, there are THREE Belief Systems on WHEN CHRIST WILL RETURN; 1) before
the millenarian reign, 2) Mid or 3 1⁄2 years into the millenarian and 3) at the End of the millenarian reign.
THE DATE: No one knows when Christ will return, but it will be 360 days times 7 years or 2,520 days
from the beginning of the tribulation period to his appearing. God said it, not me.
NOTE: A prophetical year was 360 days not 365. So, if you use the 360 days the prophets used, the
dates and times will work out perfectly.
The concurrent signs of the second coming
The preaching of the gospel in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations:190
There will always be scoffers concerning the return of Christ, saying, “Where is He?”191 Just remember The Lord is not slack in keeping His promise, to Him a day is like a thousand years
and a thousand years are but a day.192
Many turning away from the faith because of false prophets.193
Great Tribulations more intense and extensive such as the world has ever seen since the
beginning, all occurring about the same time; GREAT earthquakes; increased frequency of Wars,194
terrorism, famines and pestilence.195
Jerusalem completely surrounded by the enemy.196
The final and great sign of the return of Christ will be a trumpet blast when Christ visibly appears in clouds of glory and majesty surrounded by innumerable angels.197
189 Acts 17:11 - The people of Berea were more OPEN-MINDED and searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were
teaching the truth.
190 Matthew 24:14 - This gospel will be preached in the whole world and then the end will come
191 2 Peter 3:3-4 - In the last day’s scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.
192 2 Peter 3:8-9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise. With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like
a day.
193 Matthew 24:10-13 - At that time many will turn away from the faith and many false prophets will appear
194 Matthew 24:6-8 - You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, famines and earthquakes; all these are the beginning of birth pains --
Matthew 24:21-22 - For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now; never to be equaled again
195 Luke 21:9-11 - Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, earthquake, pestilences and fearful sights; for these
things must first come to pass; but the end is not come right away.
196 Luke 21:20 - And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh
197 Matthew 24:30-31 - They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his
angels with a loud trumpet call...
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The Book of Revelation seems to address only the Jewish nation Israel, His chosen seed.198 But, as we move through the scriptures, we find that the prophet Isaiah reported that there would be a COVENANT for the Gentiles also, that Christ “has sheep in another pasture”. 199
What good news for us! The Apostle Paul said the MYSTERY OF THE GENTILES was made know to him by the Holy Spirit.200 As sons of the light, we are not ignorant of the coming of Christ, He has told us to be watchful. It is different however for those in darkness, the message is veiled to them.201
Does Christ return BEFORE, in the MIDDLE or at the END of the Tribulations?
The Tribulations
The Return of Christ is synonymous with the Tribulations and the Rapture of the Believer, so we
can’t talk about Christ’s return without talking about the Tribulations and the Rapture of the Saints. The Tribulation Period is the period of time when God completes His plan for Israel; when He tests, purges and purifies them and establishes His promised kingdom. Tribulation
At this 3 1⁄2 year halfway point of the tribulation, the Antichrist will erect a image of himself to be worshipped in the Holy of Holies of the Temple that is yet to be built on what is called the Temple Mount; this is called the "Abomination of Desolation". This is a marker in time; a place holder.
And at this same time 3 1⁄2 years into the tribulations, there is a war in heaven and Satan is cast down to earth with his rebelling angels which is probably what set the Anti-Christ in motion.
This is called the “Great Tribulation” which occurs 3 1⁄2 years into the 7 year Tribulation period, with wars, famine, pestilence and earthquakes; with this being only the beginning of the sorrows.203
Revelation 12:7-9 – Satan Cast out of heaven during the Millenarian
7 WAR BROKE OUT IN HEAVEN. Michael and his Angels fought the
Dragon. The Dragon and his Angels fought back,
8 but were no match for Michael. They were cleared out of Heaven, not a
sign of them left.
9 The great Dragon—ancient Serpent, the one called Devil and
Satan, the one who led the whole earth astray—thrown out, and all his
Angels thrown out with him, thrown down to earth. MSG
THE FATE DEBATE; will Christ return and remove the Believer before the tribulations begin or in the middle of it all or at the end... Is there really “a Great Escape”?
198 Isaiah 42:6-7 – Israel, a covenant people will become a light to the Gentiles.
199 John 10:16 - And other sheep (Gentiles) I have, which are not of this fold (Jews); there shall be one fold, and one shepherd -- Ephesians
1:11 – The Gentiles were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan -- Romans 11:1 - Some of the branches were broken
off, and you Gentiles, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and became a partaker of the root -- Romans 11:24 - The Gentiles
were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree
200 Ephesians 3:3-6 - This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and
sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus
201 1 Thessalonians 5:1-7- For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of THE LORD SO COMES AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, But
you, brethren, are not in darkness You are all sons of light and sons of the day
202 Daniel 9:24-27 – (490 –49 –434) = 1 week of years, or 7 years remaining
203 Matthew 24:5-8 – Wars, Famines, Pestilences, Earth Quakes All these are the beginning of sorrows; For many shall come in my name,
saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
204 John 16:33 - In the world you will have tribulation -- Job 14:1 - Man’s days are few and full of TROUBLE.
THE PROPHETIC CLOCK stopped at the Cross: Sixty nine weeks of years have already passed 202
is derived from Daniel's 70th Week.
and time is on hold with one week of years remaining, or to say it another way; SEVEN YEARS of
Tribulations. The tribulation is typically divided into two periods of 3 1⁄2 years each.
God said, that in this world we would have TRIBULATIONS, that our days would be full of trouble;204
Note: Just to get your pants all
in a wad; the phrase “Seven Year Tribulation”, “Rapture” and “Tribulation Saints” is NOT found anywhere in scripture although many commentaries use these terms. To mess with you even further;
Not just Seven Years.
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Time Out
As you study the Three Doctrines on the return of Christ; look for a running theme called “The Wrath of God”205 that is woven throughout the tapestry of each position. It’s the Key to understanding the reasons for the three different Belief System views.
The following is the different Belief Systems on the Return of Christ
Post-Tribulation Return - The Return after the tribulation Belief System
that there is a difference between The Tribulations and The Wrath of God. The great tribulations are
Post-Tribulationists Belief System is that Christians will undergo the entire Seven Year
Tribulation period,206 but are spared the wrath of God. The Rapture of the Believers will occur at the
Understand the result of sin and the curses it brings, along with the troubles that are cut loose by the Anti-Christ.
end of the last of the three and a half years which is known as “The Great Tribulations”.
We will be delivered up and go through the tribulations and many put to death, but the ones who endure to the end will be saved.207 Nowhere in scripture does it say that we will be raptured before things
The wrath of God comes AFTER the Tribulations
Jesus prayed, I do NOT ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil
get bad in the Tribulations.
one”.208 His
intention was the preserving of the Believers during the WRATH.
see the Abomination of Desolation;209 which is when the Anti-Christ sets up an image of himself in the Holy of Holies to be worshiped, we should all FLEE to the mountains This introduces the next 3
are still on the earth;210 the Elect.
Jesus says that when we
1⁄2 years called the Great Tribulations. Christ will shorten these days for the sake of the Believers that
The Return of Christ is in the AIR when the LOUD LAST TRUMPET211 sounds at the end of the seven years of Tribulations.212 This is the Seventh Last Trumpet of Revelation known as the LAST
TRUMP. It’s not SECRET; Jews and Gentile alike will hear the loud trumpet blast and will see Him as
the lightning flashes from the East to the West.213
mortal bodies into immortal glorified bodies at the end of the 70th Week of Daniel, the final seven years
of this present age.214
God's Elect from all ages will be translated from
U-TURN BACK: After the Battle of Armageddon is finished, Christ returns ON the EARTH with the raptured Believers and ushers in the new Millennium; the thousand year reign of Christ on earth. In
essence, the second coming of Christ and the rapture are combined and occur simultaneously. The
Believers will meet him in the air and will then will accompany him as He returns to Earth.
Battle of Armageddon separates the rapture and Christ’s return.
205 Romans 1:18 - The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men -- Colossians 3:5-6 –
The Wrath of God comes on the sons of disobedience
206 Matthew 24:6-9 – Believers will be delivered TO the Tribulations
207 Matthew 24:13 - The one who endures to the end will be saved.
208 John 17:15 – I do not ask that you take them out of the World but that you keep them from the evil one
209 Matthew 24:14-20 – When you see the Abomination of Desolation Flee to mountains
210 Matthew 24:21-22 - GREAT tribulations; the Days will be cut short
211 1 Corinthians 15:51-52- At the end, at the LAST TRUMPET; the Rapture -- 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 – The Lord returns at the LAST
TRUMPET sound and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them
212 Matthew 24:29-31 – Christ returns IMMEDIATELY after the Tribulations with a GREAT SOUND of a TRUMPET, and shall gather
together his elect from the four corners of the earth
213 Matthew 24:28-29 – The un-righteous weeds are gathered first; wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather -- Matthew 24:30-
31 – Then the Elect are gathered N-E-S-W
214 Revelation 20:4-6 - First Resurrection just before the Millennium
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and we are raptured just
before it begins
Only the
The "Counsel of Scripture" seems to teach that the resurrection and rapture of the Church will be
the result of the VISIBLE and PHYSICAL Second Coming of Jesus Christ to EARTH and that Christians are to look and watch for this event. A Two Phase coming of Christ is not mentioned explicitly in
scripture. There is NO third return as held by the Mid and Pre-Tribulation doctrines.
Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK Warning – Post Tribulation Return BS
Warning: Jesus said to take heed that no one deceives you215... Could it be that the Pre and Mid- Tribulation teachings are deceiving the nations? Does God send a strong delusion to those who
chose to NOT receive His truth?216 (Something in the Book to just ponder)
When Christ does not come back BEFORE the Tribulations begin, many will lose their faith and fall
away because they expected to be rescued.217 Lawlessness will increase because of the false teachings
of well-meaning Christians and Pastors.
Scripture holds that the falling away is a rebellion against Christ
and it happens in the first 3 1⁄2 years just before the Anti-Christ is revealed at the middle point of the
Understand that only “ONCE” believing Christians can rebel. Christ WILL NOT
RETURN until there is a rebellion and the Anti-Christ is revealed.218
The Holy Spirit; the restraining force of the Anti-Christ, IS NOT removed from the earth before the
tribulations, as embraced by the Pre –Tribulationist. If the Holy Spirit has been removed from the earth, then how can the Tribulation Saints be saved? There will be Believers that scripture calls
“Brethren” that will come out of the Tribulations.219
There is NO SECOND CHANCE as the Pre-Tribers teach... When Christ returns, He will separate the
wheat from the weeds, the Believing Sheep from the unbelieving Goats; who will weep and gnash their
teeth as they are cut into pieces and cast into the fiery furnace.220
The Date – Post Tribulation Return BS
The Date: Christ said we would NOT know the day nor the hour, but we can know the season.
Scripture says we will see His sign in the heavens, so the teaching that His return could be today at any moment is in ERROR; we will see His sign first.
Non-believers are of the night; they are not ready, and if they do not wake up; He will come unexpectedly as a thief in the night to steal, kill and destroy them.221
Believers do not live in darkness,222 there will be NO SURPRISE;223 there will be NO SECRET Rapture.
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse have already been let out. The Anti-Christ on the White horse is already at work...The Red horse has taken peace for the last 100 years... The Black horse of economic distress already exists; look around... The Pale horse of suffering, famine and plagues has already taken its toll over 1⁄4 of the earth...
Just look around and reason.
Mid-Tribulation Return - The Return in the middle of the tribulation Belief System
215 Matthew 24:4-5 - Take heed that no one deceives you. -- Matthew 24:23-27 – Don’t believe about a SECRET Rapture; everyone will
witness it.
216 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 – Is a Pre-Trib return of Christ a strong delusion from God?
217 Matthew 24:10-12 – When Christ doesn’t return BEFORE the Tribulations many will LOSE THEIR FAITH and fall away
218 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 – First there will be a Rebellion then the Anti-Christ is revealed
219 Revelation 6:10-11 – Tribulation Saints those LEFT BEHIND called the Brethren
220 Matthew 25:31-46 – Christ returns and separates the sheep from goats -- Matthew 13:37-43 – The weeds; the unbelievers are TAKEN
first and burned -- Matthew 24:50-51 – The unbelievers will be cut to pieces, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
221 Revelation 3:3 – If you do not wake up, I will come against you like a thief in the night -- John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal
and kill and destroy
222 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 - Believers do not live in darkness; there is NO Surprise they are FULLY AWARE. For GOD HAS NOT
DESTINED US FOR WRATH, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ
223 2 Peter 3:10-14 – The Wicked Spiritually are unprepared for Christ’s return and are SURPRISED
224 Revelation 5:9 – The Scroll... SIGNS of the End Times
225 Revelation 10:1-7 - The Little Scroll... EVENTS of the End Times
There are two scrolls mentioned in Revelation; the “first scroll” describes the first half of the tribulations as the SIGNS of the end;224 and the second or “the little scroll” describes the second half of
the tribulation period; the EVENTS of the end.225
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Note; the Bible seems to use the word "tribulation" to refer only to the second half of Daniel's 70th week. The Mid-Tribulationist BS holds that the FIRST 3 1⁄2 years is only the “Travail” or the
“Beginning of Sorrows”.
The LAST 3 1⁄2 years is the Great Tribulations when “the wicked shall be given into his hand”.
The tribulation is divided into TWO periods of 3 1⁄2 years each.
The first half is the wrath of the Anti-Christ and the second half is reserved for the Wrath of God.
The Second coming is also referred to as “Pre Wrath”, the snatching away before the final Wrath of God is released. The Word Wrath is not mentioned in the first half of the tribulations, but is reserved only for the second half. In scripture it occurs just after the sixth seal of revelation is opened; with the seventh
seal unfolding the last 3 1⁄2 years of the “great” tribulations.
Mid-Trib BS is based on three verses in scripture about WHEN the LAST trumpet of God is sounded;
it’s about the Last Trumpet and God’s Wrath. The Sixth Seal is opened and there is an EARTHQUAKE; every Island and Mountain is displaced, the sun is darkened, the moon turns red, the stars do not give light. This releases; Darkness... Blackness... Fire... Billows of Smoke... Roaring Seas... Famine... Blood... Gloom... Anguish and Perplexity... The ATMOSPHERE rolls back like a scroll. (This sure sounds NUCLEAR to my BS) 226 We should Watch and Pray to escape all these things and endure to the end.227
The opening of the Seventh Seal of revelation releases the sounding of the six trumpets that takes place during the first 3 1⁄2 years; then beginning with the SEVENTH TRUMPET the second half of the tribulations commences and the Believers are now in heaven.228
The Mid-Tribulation view holds that the Believers will go through the first 3 1⁄2 years of “TRAVAIL”,229 but will be raptured into Heaven before the severe outpouring of God's WRATH during the second half known as the “Great” Tribulation. The days of the tribulation are cut short for the
When the Anti-Christ SIGNS the Peace Treaty with Israel, then the Rapture will come 3 1⁄2 years later when he BREAKS the treaty. This is proof that the Pre-Trib people who believe that Christ can come at any moment is FALSE; the anti-Christ MUST BE REVEALED FIRST and break the peace treaty.
There is 3 1⁄2 years between the two stages of Christ’s second coming, t
226 Revelation 6:12-14 - Sixth Seal, Earthquake, Sun Black, Moon Red; the sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, (NUCLEAR?) and every
mountain and island was removed from its place
227 Luke 21:35-36 – Watch and pray to ESCAPE all these things
228 Revelation 7:14 – Believers Raptured out of the great Tribulation -- Mark 13:13 - He that endures unto the end will be saved
229 1 Thessalonians 5:3 –Tribulation First Half...Travai l-- Matthew 24:7-8 – Tribulation First Half... Beginning of Sorrows
231 Revelation 3:10 - I will keep you from the hour of trial -- Zephaniah 2:3 - Humble yourself perhaps God will hide you from HIS wrath
232 2 Thessalonians 2:3 - Don’t let anyone deceive you; Christ DOES NOT COME until the Anti-Christ is revealed
233 Daniel 9:27 – Abomination of Desolation is 3 1⁄2 years or middle of the 7 year tribulation.
Scripture draws a clear distinction between the “Tribulations Trouble” and the “Wrath of God”.
Believer by 3 1⁄2 years.230
DID YOU SEE IT? This is how they apply the scripture: the days will be cut short for the Elect. In my
BS, this is the logical application... because the 5 month Tribulation Locust theory fence posts do
NOT seem to line up with other fence post in scripture... I will present the five month tribulation theory later.
The Rapture of the Saints is a logical necessity as well as a scriptural promise. God has promised to keep the Believer from the hour of trial.231 The saints are pictured as Raptured; coming out of the
Great Tribulation and washing their robes in the blood of the Lamb.
It’s the last 3 1⁄2 years; the middle of the Tribulations that the Anti-Christ is revealed,232 setting the stage for the final return of Christ. It begins with the Anti-Christ setting up an image of himself to be
worshipped in the Holy of Holies of the Temple; this is known as the Abomination of Desolation.233 Christ returns for the last time after the Great Tribulation to perform His final judgments; establish
His millennial reign and usher in the eternal destinies of people to heaven or hell.
here are two reaping’s;
One for the saved and
One for those bound for wrath.
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Daniel 7:25 – Time, Times & Half time; 1 + 2 + 1⁄2 = 3.5 years
25 He (Anti-Christ) shall speak words against the Most High, and shall
wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times
for a time, times, and half a time.
1 - 1 Thessalonians 4:15-16 – God descends with sound of a Trumpet
15 This we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive,
who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who
have fallen asleep (Dead). (We will hear ONE sound described in THREE ways.)
16 For THE LORD HIMSELF WILL DESCEND from heaven with a
1) CRY of command, with the
2) VOICE of an archangel, and with the
3) sound of the TRUMPET of God; the dead in Christ will rise first. (ESV)
2 - 1 Corinthians 15:50-52 – We will all be changed at the LAST Trumpet
50 I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of
God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
51 Behold! I tell you a MYSTERY. We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all
be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST
TRUMPET. For the TRUMPET will sound, and the (believing) dead will be
raised imperishable, and we (the believing living) shall be changed.
3 - Revelation 10:7 – The Seventh Trumpet of the Seventh Angel
7 but that in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh
angel, the MYSTERY of God would be FULFILLED, just as he
announced to his servants the prophets. (ESV)
Pre-Tribulation Return – The Return of Christ before the tribulations Belief System
The Pre-Tribulation Belief System advocates that the second return of Christ is in two stages, the first stage is the Secret rapture which will occur before the beginning of the seven-year tribulation period; and the second stage will occur at the end of the seven-year tribulation period; just before the WRATH of God and the battle of Armageddon.
Pre-tribulationists BS embraces the Pre-Wrath view that is often described as Jesus coming back FOR the church in the 1st stage of the rapture and then coming back WITH the church in the 2nd stage, after the rapture. This BS is that the ENTIRE TRIBULATION is the “Wrath of God”; not just “half” as the Mid-Tribers believe nor “none” as the Post-Tribers believe.
The Judgment Seals of Revelation are opened by Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. This is the beginning of The Wrath of God being poured out. Jesus Christ is the one who gives the power of this wrath to the Anti-Christ. The Wrath of God flows the entire period of the Tribulation period all the way through Armageddon.
Scripture supports the BS that those who love the lord will be delivered from “His Holy Judgments”. Lot was delivered from the extermination of Sodom and Gomorrah and “Noah” and his family was snatched away during the flood. These examples are of God’s loving extraction before His judgment begins. Jesus clearly states He is coming back for us and will meet us in the air and we will receive a crown of glory. Christians refer to this as the catching away or rapture of the Saints.
The Disciple John states that he was in the Spirit in Heaven and sees Jesus Christ on the Throne. John’s body was not yet glorified, so only his spirit was allowed before the throne. Sounds like he was raptured to me; Just saying.
Beginning with the fourth chapter of Revelation; the Church is not mentioned again until chapter nineteen when we are at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
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The Return – Pre-trib Belief System
When Christ returns things will seem normal, we will be marrying, eating and drinking, buying and
selling, planting and building, just like in the times of Noah and Lot.234
He will come as the showers, as the spring rains water the earth.235
He will come back the same way He left. He will come down in the clouds on The Mount of
Olives236... There will be Thunder, Lightning and a loud Trumpet Blast
NOTE: (Pre-Trib) At the Rapture, the Believers will hear “a single sound”, described three differentways.237 A Shout... the Voice of an Archangel... a Trumpet.238 Only the Believers will hear this sound.
Timing of Christ’s Return – THE DATE
Concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but theFather only;239 He will come like a thief in the night to the UNBELIEVER; totally UNEXPECTED.240
Israel is referred to as a FIG TREE in scripture or figs.241 (The Olivet Discourse.) The parable of the FIG TREE is proposed as the key that unlocks the understanding of the general timing of the Rapture,the Tribulations and the Return as well as the surrounding prophecies.242
The Timing is known as “THE SEASON” of the Fig Tree... Could we now be in that season? In1948 Israel (The fig Tree) became a Nation Scripture says that when the “FIG TREE” branches become tender and puts out its leaves (becomes mature) you can know that Jesus Christ is near and one full GENERATION will NOT pass away until He returns.243
A Generation is counted by most to be 50 years not counting those under 20 as noted in the Bible. This year 2015, subtract 1948 would equal 67 years; so with me being in my 70’s, I “might” just be a part of witnessing Christ’s return. If you consider yourself a Pre-Triber; then nothing else has to happen before Christ returns. I may not even get to finish this Word Study SELAH
The Take Away
During the tribulations, all Hell will break loose and will last for seven years.
God will select 144,000 Jews and they will preach to those that are “Left Behind”. All that’s left on earth will be the wicked unsaved, demons, fallen angels and Satan. Not much love is left behind except for the 144,000 Evangelist and the two witnesses. We return with Christ to rule and reign with Him for one thousand years,
Then we get a new heaven and a new earth and then eternity begins.
Pre-Trib – The “Wrath of God” is poured out during the entire 7 years of the Tribulations.
Mid-Trib – The “Wrath of God” is poured out during the last 3 1⁄2 years of the Tribulations.
Post-Trib – The “Wrath of God” is poured out at the end; after the 7 years of Tribulations.
It’s not of very much importance to your SALAVATION whether or not you embrace the Pre, Mid or Post return of Jesus Christ as the Messiah; the main point is to embrace HIM.244 Life is Choice Driven.
The Blood of Jesus Christ will either blot out your SINS or blot out your NAME.
Everyone will spend eternity somewhere and that decision is made by you before you die.
234 Matthew 24:37 - As it was in the days of Noah, so the coming of Christ will be -- Luke 17:27-30 - Things will be running normal when He returns; eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting, harvesting and building
235 Hosea 6:1-3 – He comes as spring rain; revive, heal, raise us up
236 Matthew 24:30 – He will come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory237 1 Thessalonians 4:17 – We will be caught up together in the air to meet the Lord in the clouds
238 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a Shout... Voice Archangel... Trumpet
239 Matthew 25:13 – We know neither the day nor the hour of His return -- Matthew 24:36 - His return; no one knows the day or hour 240 2 Peter 3:10 – The Day of the Return of Christ will be totally unexpected -- 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a Shout... Voice Archangel... Trumpet
241 Hosea 9:10 – Israel is like figs on a fig tree, the first fruit on the FIG TREE in its first season
242 Revelation 19:11 – Jesus comes back to judge and make war on Evil.
243 Matthew 24:32-34 - These things will take place in the generation that sees the Fig Tree.
244 Revelation 3:5 - He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father
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Chapter 14.8
Left Behind Twist
The Disciples asked Jesus, “Where Lord did they take them?” - Who are those taken?
Who are those “Left Behind”? – Lot was Left Behind – Noah’s family was Left Behind.
First Word
I have been fascinated by the “LEFT BEHIND” series of movies and books written by Tim LaHaye
and Jerry B. Jenkins and I decided to wander through the scriptures that the novels are based on. Jesus is on the Mount of Olives teaching the Disciples about END TIMES. The smart people refer to this as the “Olivet Discourse”. Jesus does not mention the Church, so this is NOT a discussion about the Rapture as the Church will have already been removed from the earth. Jesus is talking about
the destruction of mankind245 and His Millennial Kingdom.246
Christ says He will not return as a man, so don’t look for a man even if he performs miracles,
however that is exactly what the Antichrist will do.247 Jesus starts with sort of a parable explaining in so many words about when He will return and establish His kingdom in the end times. It will be totally unexpected; things will be going on like normal with people getting married, having meals together, sleeping and going to work, etc... and of course there is nothing wrong with all these things.
HOWEVER in the days of Noah,248 people were living their lives LIKE GOD DID NOT EVEN EXIST and that’s exactly how it’s going to be when Christ returns... LIKE RIGHT NOW
Here’s how it all plays out
The Book says two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left and it says two
women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Then the Book goes on to say that two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left and in another place it says two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left."
DID YOU SEE IT? The cool thing about this scripture is that it smacks of the earth being ROUND as two are sleeping in the NIGHTIME and two are grinding grain in the DAYTIME.249 When Christ returns it will be all at once; all over the whole world; day and night. It’s in the Book
THE REAL GRABBER is that the Disciples asked Jesus, “Where will they be TAKEN?” Jesus replied, “WHERE THERE IS A DEAD BODY, THERE THE VULTURES WILL GATHER”... 250 Hold that thought.
Jesus does not seem to be talking about the Rapture, but about Armageddon. The return of Jesus Christ is in two phases
The FIRST is the Rapture of the Believers, (The Church) out of the earth.251
The SECOND happens just after the rapture and tribulation period, but just before the Millennium
Reign of Christ begins. This is where EVIL is being purged out of this earth.252
245 Matthew 24:28 – Birds eating the DEAD – OLIVET DISCOURSE
246 Matthew 24:3 - When will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age OLIVET DISCOURSE
247 Matthew 24:24-27 – False Prophets; Destruction at His return OLIVET DISCOURSE
248 Matthew 24:36-41 – The flood TOOK the wicked away - OLIVET DISCOURSE
249 Luke 17:34-35 – Two people in bed – Two women grinding grain. NOTE; it happened during the day and the night. At the same time 250 Luke 17:37 – WHERE WILL THEY BE TAKEN? Where there is a DEAD body, there the VULTURES will gather.
251 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – FIRST phase of Christ’s return – THE RAPTURE
252 Luke 17:24 – SECOND phase of Christ return – The Evil Taken
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Armageddon is also in two phases
The FIRST phase is a battle dealing with the Jewish Nation and the Muslims
The SECOND phase is the total annihilation of what’s left. I only mention this because during the
tribulation period and the FIRST phase of the battle of Armageddon, many will come to Christ;
new Believers; new Christian’s will now be on the earth because of these events.
Those that are TAKEN are in the SECOND phase of Christ’s return are the evil people; non-believersthat are KILLED in the FIRST phase of Armageddon.253
Those that are LEFT BEHIND are the NEW Believers who will enter The Millennial Kingdom. GOODGRIEF; that is sure NOT what I have been taught.
NOTE: It was Noah that was LEFT BEHIND 254... It was also Lot that was LEFT BEHIND.255Scripture seems to support that those that are LEFT BEHIND are the good guys.
Matthew 24:38-41 – One taken and the other LEFT BEHIND
38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
39 and they (Unbelievers) knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and TOOK THEM (unbelievers) ALL AWAY. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and
the other left.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 – FIRST Phase of Christ’s return
13 Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.
14 We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.15 According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, WHO ARE LEFT till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not
precede those who have fallen asleep. NIV
The Take Away
Left Behind is certainly a controversial subject and that’s why I address it. Your Belief System will probably reject this twist on scripture and that’s fine, it only matters that you are one that ENDURES to the end and is saved.
Matthew 24:13 – He who endures to the end will be saved
13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. NKJV
This discussion does not attempt to negate the RAPTURE THEORY, but only support that the scriptures about one being taken and the other left behind is about the earth being purged of evil at the beginning of the thousand year reign of Christ; the Millennial, and it is the BELIEVERS that are LEFT BEHIND that are the ones that will enter His Millennial Kingdom.
Revelation 21:26-27 – The New Jerusalem
26 The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it.
27 Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does
what is shameful or deceitful, BUT only those whose
253 Revelation 19:17-18 – The VULTURES are called at Armageddon; Come, gather together for the great supper of God, EAT THE FLESH 254 Luke 17:26-27 – NOAH – LEFT BEHIND – Evil are taken
255 Luke 17:28-30 – LOT – LEFT BEHIND – Evil are taken -
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Chapter 14.9
The Messiah of Israel would be revealed to the Jews, be killed and their temple destroyed. The Anti-Christ will make a PEACE TREATY for seven years, then break it after only 3 1⁄2 years. The Anti-Christ will set up an image of himself to be worshipped; Abomination of Desolation
First Word
The 70 Weeks of Daniel’ Prophecy
This is where we get the SEVEN YEARS of the Tribulation period. The 70 weeks mentioned in Daniel is Seventy times Seven weeks for a total of 490 years. The clock started when the Persian King Artaxerxes Longimanus gave the Jews permission to leave their Babylonian captivity and rebuild the city of Jerusalem. This was April 445BC |
After 69 weeks of years (69 X 7) or 483 years of this allotment of time, THE MESSIAH OF ISRAEL WOULD BE REVEALED TO THE JEWS, BE KILLED AND THEIR TEMPLE DESTROYED. Time is now on hold. |
490 years minus 483 years leaves 7 years (The Tribulation period) , the remaining time for the 144,000 Sealed Jews to reach out and preach the message of the Messiah throughout the world. During this time, God will reach out to the unbelieving world primarily through his chosen people, the Jewish nation. |
Daniel 9:24-27 – (490 –49 –434) = 1 week of 7 years remaining
24 SEVENTY `sevens' (490) are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, TO SEAL UP VISION and PROPHECY and to anoint the most holy.
25 "Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be SEVEN `sevens,'(49) and SIXTY-TWO `sevens.' (434) - It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.
(49 +434 =483) (490 -483 =7 years of tribulations)
26 After the sixty-two `sevens,' (434) the Anointed One will be cut off (killed) and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.
27 He (Anti-Christ) will confirm a covenant (Peace Treaty) with many for one `seven.' (7 years) In the middle of the `seven' (3 1⁄2 years) he (Anti- Christ) will put an end to sacrifice and offering... And on the wing (of the temple) he (Anti-Christ) will set up an
(Image of the Anti-Christ to be worshipped)
until the end that is decreed is poured out on him." NIV
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144,000 Evangelist Rabbit Trail the birth of the Antichrist and False Prophet (Both mortal men). So in essence you could say that the rapture and the tribulation “sort of” overlap each other. The Antichrist will already be on the scene before “the rapture” as a peaceful conqueror and helps establish the United States of Europe which we call the Revived Roman Empire. He is not yet a world leader and by all outwardly appearances, seems to be a really good guy. God promised Abraham a son, who would be the beginning of a “special race” of people that would be blessed of God, a people that would be a witness to the pagan world; a race from which the Messiah would be born. Israel’s existence gave us the Old and New Testaments and protected and preserved the purity of its scriptures. The Twelve Tribes of Israel produces the 144,000 witnesses. 256 God pours out His Spirit on 144,000 Jews and they are sealed before the beginning of the tribulation period with the mark of Christ and preach the Gospel and testify of Him throughout the whole world.257 |
It’s in the Book; the 144,000 are ALL JEWS, they are NOT Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses or Seventh Day Adventist.258 |
The 12 Tribes of Israel, by God’s Devine design, have already been scattered throughout the world and are already a God fearing people and are predestined for just a time as this. Every nation and tribe will hear them speaking in their own language and dialect, endued with the same power as on the day of Pentecost; the gift of tongues. 144,000 life changers with the zeal of the Apostle Paul. Multitudes of Gentiles; people from every nation will be saved,259 but lose their earthly life, only to gain eternal life with Jesus Christ. In the Last Days of the tribulations God will pour out His Spirit and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.260 The SEAL of the living God speaks of PROTECTION and POSSESSION. Today, when a Believer receives Christ, he is instantly sealed by the Holy Spirit and inherits eternal life. |
At the Rapture, the Church is GONE, the Holy Spirit is gone and all that remains on earth is the Wicked, the Un-Believing, the Make-Believers and the sealed 144,000 tongue talking Evangelist.
Revelation 14:1-5 - The 144,000 evangelist were without blame
2 And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of mighty ocean waves
or the rolling of loud thunder. It was like the sound of many harpists
3 This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne
of God and before the four living beings and the twenty-four elders.
4 They have kept themselves as pure as virgins, following the Lamb
wherever he goes. They have been purchased from among the people on
the earth as a special offering to God and to the Lamb.
5 They have told no lies; they are without blame. (NLT)
256 Revelation 7:4 – 144,000 Jews from the Twelve Tribes of Israel are marked with the seal of God 257 Revelation 7:2-3 – 144,000 Evangelist sealed BEFORE the tribulations begin
259 Revelation 7:9 - A great multitude of people will believe that no one can count from every nation, tribe, people and language.
260 Acts 2:16-21 – Last Days God will pour out His Spirit; sons and daughters prophesy, young men see visions, old men dream dreams
In the time of Moses, the tribulation plagues “Passed over” the children of Israel, but NOT this time. |
The remaining Jews and the Gentiles will get it full force, there is NO Passover. |
258 Revelation 7:4-8 - I heard the count of those who were SEALED: 144,000! THEY WERE SEALED OUT OF EVERY TRIBE OF ISRAEL: 12,000 SEALED from Judah, 12,000 from Reuben, 12,000 from Gad, 12,000 from Asher, 12,000 from Naphtali, 12,000 from Manasseh, 12,000 from Simeon, 12,000 from Levi, 12,000 from Issachar, 12,000 from Zebulun, 12,000 from Joseph, 12,000 SEALED from Benjamin.
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Chapter 14.10
Heavens Shake - Earthquakes - Cities & Mountains Leveled – Islands - Disappear - Roaring Seas - Strange Tides - Fresh Waters Poisoned – Burning Heat – Smoke - 100 Pound Hail – Hurricanes - Typhoons - Dust Storms – Tornados - Economic - Collapse - Financial Catastrophe - Poverty - Hunger – Famine - Leprosy - Bubonic Plague – Malaria – Cholera - Festering Sores - Ulcers - Running Boils - Wild Beast - Poison Snakes – Scorpions – Terrorism – Cyber Espionage - War - Nuclear Bombs - Chemical & Biological Warfare – Rotting Flesh - Slaughter – Blood – Terror – Panic – Confusion -
The Seven Years - Speed Reading
Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven down to earth and then all hell breaks loose...
World war III with Russia and Israel – Widespread famine - Need a mark to buy or sell – Worship
the Beast or die – Great Earthquakes - Cities and mountains leveled - Islands disappear – Sea and Rivers turn red as blood – 100 pound hail - Stars and Fire fall to earth – Intense heat – Stinging locust - Painful sores – One half of humanity dies – Plus the Battle of Armageddon and other fun stuff.261
First Word
The tribulation period is about Israel with the rest of the nations secondary; the Tribulations occur between the Rapture of the Church and the return of Christ.
Two purposes for the Tribulations
NOTE: A prophetical year was 360 days not 365, so if you use the 360 days the prophets used, the dates and times will work out perfectly. No one knows when Christ will return, but it will be 360 days times 7 years or 2,520 days from the beginning of the tribulation to his appearing. (God said it, not me.)
The concurrent signs of the second coming:
1) The preaching of the Gospel in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations:262
2) Many turning away from the Faith because of false prophets.263
3) Great Tribulations more intense and extensive such as the world has ever seen since the beginning
of time; GREAT Earthquakes, Increased Frequency of Wars, Terrorism, Famines and Pestilence. ALL occurring around the same time.264
261 Matthew 24:21 – There will be Unequaled distress from the beginning of the world until now -- Luke 21:9-11 – Signs heavens –
Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilence
262 Matthew 24:14 – Gospel will be preached to the whole world then the end will come
263 Matthew 24:10-12 – People leaving the Christian faith; the love of most will grow cold and many false prophets will appear and
deceive many people
264 Matthew 24:6-8 – The beginning of the Tribulations wars and rumors of wars are the beginning of birth pains. 265 Luke 21:20 – When Jerusalem is surrounded by the enemy desolation is near
1) To purge Israel and prepare the believing Jewish remnant for the return of the Messiah. 2) To punish ALL the wicked for their sins.
4) As a sign, at some point Jerusalem will be completely surrounded by the enemy.265
The last 3 1⁄2 years will be known as the “Great Tribulations” or “Jacobs Trouble”.
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK Seals, Trumpets & Bowls
NOTE: There are SEVEN Seals, the seventh Seal holds the SEVEN Trumpets; the seventh Trumpet holds the SEVEN Bowls (Vials). The number SEVEN in scripture is the number for completeness and the multiple of that is 777; the MARK OF PERFECTION... God... Jesus... the Holy Spirit.
Each Seal releases a horror... devastation... disaster.
Each Trumpet releases the same identical horror, but expands it even more.
Each Bowl or vile magnifies the previous horrors, but is even worse than before. It seems likea slow process as we read the scripture, but once we hit the seventh seal, it starts coming like a trip hammer. From terrible to horrible to the worst excruciating in rapid succession.
The first six seals cover the first 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation period with the 7th seal covering the remaining last 3 1⁄2 years, unleashing the seven trumpets and seven bowls or vials.
Did you see it? We have SIX seals of horror, the seventh seal releases SIX trumpets of more horror and the seventh trumpet releases SIX bowls of even more horror. - 666 – THE MARK OF THE BEAST
SIDEBAR: Some of the scriptures in the book of Revelation are NOT in chronological order and seem to overlap; but from John the Revelator’s point of view; it’s all happening at once.
First Four Seals
The Tribulations begin with the opening of the first FOUR SEALS by Jesus Christ.
The WRATH of God cuts loose the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Although the four
horsemen are released in a sequence; the first one is released some 20 to 30 years before the others and
is waiting in the wings to spring into action once the other three have come on the scene and have reeked
their havoc. So the Tribulation period is PROBABLY already in its infancy; it has started. (Just saying)
1) The First Horseman is on a White horse266 and is a counterfeit Christ (Anti-Christ) which many will follow. He will bring a temporary counterfeit false peace to the world and will display counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders. He will be of fierce countenance and understanding; his power will be mighty. He will probably win the Nobel Peace Prize for his peace efforts.
2) The Second Horseman is on a Red horse267 and has been given power to take peace from the world. Red is associated with War, blood, terror, slaughter and death. He seems to be the False Prophet who emerges at the same time as the Anti- Christ.
3) The Third Horseman is on a Black horse268 and brings mourning, suffering, poverty and famine. There will be a worldwide economic collapse; financial catastrophe... Rain will be withheld... The Sun will scorch the land... Only the oil and wine will remain untouched; only the very rich will be able to afford it. This is only a limited Judgment; but it gets worse.
4) The Fourth Horseman is on a Pale horse269 and has been given power to kill a fourth of the world’s population through famine, hunger, disease, epidemics, pestilence and civil violence. Plagues will be like that of leprosy with sickness on the magnitude of the Bubonic Plague, Malaria, Cholera, Aids, Small Pox, and Tuberculosis.
The invisible plague will be POVERTY, which brings us up to the MARK OF THE BEAST. If you want to buy or sell you must have his mark or you will starve.
266 Revelation 6:2 - First Seal - White Horse – Anti-Christ
267 Revelation 6:4 - Second Seal - Red Horse - War
268 Revelation 6:5 - Third Seal - Black Horse - Famine
269 Revelation 6:8 - Fourth Seal - Pale (greenish) Horse - Death and Hades (HELL) was following close behind him
The first 3 1⁄2 years we are warned of many coming claiming that they are “the Christ” and many will be deceived and follow them because they have not read God’s love letter to man; the Bible.
GLEN CAMPBELL’S SONG... “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”. It would be my “hearts desire” that everyone could hear this song... It will bring tears to your eyes... He was obviously inspired by God during the recording session and with the exception of the identity of the white horse, it is straight from the word of God. The album is “Show me Your Way”; you can hear it on the internet
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK NOTE: The first four seals or four horsemen in John’s Revelation are in the same order as Jesus
predicted concerning the beginning of the tribulation period... Jesus says,” This is only the beginning”.
Matthew 24:5-8 - Jesus Predicts the order of the FOUR HORSEMEN
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; (White Horse)
and shall deceive many.
6 You will hear of wars and rumors of war: see that ye be not troubled:
for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom
(Red Horse): and there shall be famines (Black Horse), and pestilences
(Pale Horse), and earthquakes, in diverse places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. KJV
Fifth Horseman - Hades
In my Belief System, I actually feel like there are FIVE horsemen of the Apocalypse as Hades (HELL) was following close behind the fourth horseman Death.270
The name of the fifth horseman is Hades, the Grim Reaper; since Hades is now also present, you can bet that the majority of those killed are the unrighteous.
As the fourth horseman Death was claiming their body; HELL the fifth horseman followed right behind, swallowing up “Death’s” victims, claiming their souls; their spirits... GOOD GRIEF
Death Vacation: At some point later on, Death takes a five month holiday.271 The torment is so intense that men will wish they could die; BUT CAN’T. The four horsemen ride throughout the entire tribulation period with escalated activity.
WORLD WAR III takes place shortly, just after the rapture. If you will just open your eyes you can see the storm clouds are already gathering.
Anti-Christ - Rabbit Trail
The First Horseman is the Anti-Christ; the False Messiah and is given unthinkable power. He is
NOT Satan; he is a man who will first come on the scene when is about 30, the same age as Jesus when he began His ministry. He will mimic, duplicate and counterfeit the miracles and life of Christ. He will seem like the Messiah.
The Antichrist will come from the European Union or a country or confederation that was once a part of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire stretched from Ireland to Egypt and included Turkey, Iran and Iraq. He will push for a New World Order, a One World Currency, and a One World Religion which is nothing new. This goes back to the time of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel when he tried the same thing. That’s just another Word Study. 272
If our nation gets into unthinkable debt, deep recession and depression, no social security, or health insurance, joblessness, can’t buy or sell, people stealing just to eat, war upon war.... In our despair, wouldn’t we welcome a knight on a White Horse who would save us, bring PEACE and give us a special numbered VISA card so we could buy and sell.
Did you know that Executive order #11921 and #11490 gives the President Emergency Power without the approval of congress to Freeze bank accounts...? Control money and credit... Control food supplies... transportation... communication and utilities? He can confiscate “excess” or “surplus” personal property... ration the output of industry... shut down schools and take possession of buildings for government use.
How about a president, not for a four year term, but for life... A “Dictator”, who comes on a white horse, resolving conflicts and bringing peace just long enough until his buddy “War” on the red horse is let out of the corral.
270 Luke 16:23 - Hades; HELL, a place of Torment for the lost
271 Revelation 9:5-6 - Men beg for DEATH, but it will elude them 5 months
272 Genesis 11:4 – New World Order -- Genesis 11:1 – One World Language
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Satan - Rabbit Trail
Satan was an anointed Cherubim angel created by God. He was God’s Chief of Staff; the seal of
perfection, handsome and full of wisdom; he was the “Top Dog.273 God clothed him with jewels; ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl and even gave him a special ability with music. (Which he used to screw up the minds of our teenagers.) Just saying.
He was placed in authority to protect Earth, including the atmosphere,274 and held court in the “Garden of God”. NOTE: At this point, man had perfect access and communication with God.
But that was not enough for Satan, he wanted to be “WORSHIPED” like God So Satan rebelled with his FIVE I Will’s:275
1) I will ascend to heaven;
2) I will raise my throne above the stars of God; -
3) I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
4) I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; -
5) I will make myself like the Most High”.
Satan organized his kingdom into “principalities” and appointed “princes” to control the earthly governmental leaders. That’s why we should pray for our leaders in government.
After Satan’s Rebellion, about 50,000,000 angels who left their assignments were kicked out of Heaven and cast into Hell and are currently awaiting judgment.276 God took the authority of the earth away from Satan and created a man made a little lower than the angels and gave the authority to him.277
Satan was certainly not going to report to Adam, there’s was just no way that he would submit to a man made lower than him, a man and of all things, made out of dirt.278
Satan in the “Garden of Eden” introduced doubt and unbelief - the doctrine of: “God didn’t really mean what he said” and “You too can become a God”. This sin cut off that perfect access to God. Satan is not a disease or a symbolic principal with horns, a tail and a pitch fork. He is handsome, powerful and REAL.279
Angels - Rabbit Trail
Christ taught that the angels will have a part in the end times, in gathering the elect (Believers) from
the four quarters of the earth.280 Along with ministering angels, there are also angles that have authority over the winds and those with authority over fire281 and water;282 the things of nature.
The Four Angels of Revelation have authority over weather conditions, changes in wind patterns that can cause hurricanes, typhoons, dust storms, tornados, roaring seas and strange tides. These four angels, when directed, can release hurricane force winds from the North, East, South and West coming from every direction all at once.283
Fallen Angels... One third of the Angels (stars) created or about 50,000,000 fell from heaven.284 The number that remained was 10,000 times 10,000 or 100,000,000.285 Running with that concept that would mean that there were 150,000,000 angels in Heaven before the fall.
273 Ezekiel 28:12-17 – Satan was created handsome & with perfection
274 Ephesians 2:2 – Satan is the Prince of the Power of THE AIR
275 Isaiah 14:12-14 – Satan REBELLS with his five I WILLS.
276 Revelation 12:4 – A third of the Angles followed Satan -- Jude 6 – Fallen angels are bound in chains of darkness -- 2 Peter 2:4 – The
fallen angels are in Hell awaiting judgment.
277 Genesis 1:26 – God gave to Adam dominion over the earth
278 Genesis 2:7 - God formed man out of the DIRT on the ground
279 Ephesians 6:12 - We fight against spiritual wickedness in high places against principalities, against POWERS, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world
280 Isaiah 11:12 – Assemble the scattered believers from 4 quarters of earth. -- Matthew 24:31 – He will Gather His elect from the 4 winds
281 Revelation 14:18 – Angel in charge of the fire
282 Revelation 16:5 - Angel in charge of the waters
283 Revelation 7:1 - Four Angels – Four Winds – Four Corners -- Daniel 7:2 – I saw the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea
284 Revelation 12:4 – 50,000,000 of the Angels followed Satan -- Revelation 12:9 – Satan was hurled to the earth with his angels -- 2 Peter
2:4 – The Fallen Angels were sent to Hell awaiting judgment
285 Revelation 5:11 – 100,000,000 Angels remained in Heaven
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you still get the point; there are still TWO GOOD angles to every EVIL Angel. 286
Tribulation Temple - Rabbit Trail
The Tribulation Temple, according to scripture, must be rebuilt or at least the Holy of Holies
completed before the last 3 1⁄2 years of the Tribulation period in order for the Anti-Christ to desecrate it. The Temple of the tribulation period could be the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem that was completed in 1983, but my BS really leans toward the rebuilding of the temple on the old site.
In 1967, Israel recaptured the land that The Temple Mount sits on in “the six day war” and now it belongs to Israel. It is noteworthy to mention here that the Temple scrolls have now been found with the plans and specifications on exactly how the Temple is to be built.
THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE has already made ALL of the temple instruments that will be used when the temple is finally finished. All that’s needed to begin construction is an unblemished RED HEIFER to sacrifice in order to get THE ASHES for the ceremony
A school has already been established to train the priest of the tribe of Levi in the art of making sacrifices. (To learn more about the Temple Institute; Google the internet.) The Levitical “oblation sacrifice” will be reinstated at that time as a MEMORIAL in remembrance of the OT sacrifices. The Antichrist will allow the Jew’s to resume the daily sacrifices in the temple. Many will think he is the Messiah.
NOTE: For the Jews who have not accepted Jesus as their Messiah, the daily oblation sacrifice in the temple is still made for their sins, but for the Christian, the sacrifice is only a memorial of remembrance of the tradition of the oblation sacrifice.
Speed reading of events
MIDDLE of the Tribulation...
Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven...
Antichrist breaks his covenant...
Temple is taken over by the Gentiles...
Two Witnesses are slain and then raised up...
Russia is out of the way and the
Antichrist begins his dictatorship and his terror is revealed...
Israel is persecuted and many
Believers are killed.
The Antichrist breaks the peace covenant with Israel; stops the oblation sacrifice and then sets up an image of himself to be worshiped in the Temple, this is referred to as the “Abomination of Desolation.” Although he is already known, this is the first time he is revealed as the Antichrist, scripture also calls him the Son of Lawlessness, the son of perdition and, that man of sin.
The Antichrist is a “MORTAL MAN” that is totally consumed by Satan.
Time Clock has started
1) The Wrath of the Antichrist is the first half of the tribulation in preparation for the last half.
286 Jude 6 – The Angels that left their assignments and followed Satan are now in chains of darkness awaiting judgment 287 Jeremiah 30:7 – Tribulations known as JACOB'S TROUBLE
Egypt and Russia have become a threat to Israel. The Antichrist, probably a Nobel Peace Prize winner enters into a Peace agreement between Rome and Israel which starts the time clock on the tribulation period. Israel has peace for 31⁄2 years until the Antichrist breaks the agreement. Isaiah warned the Jews that this agreement would be an AGREEMENT WITH DEATH.
2) The Wrath of God is the last half and is known as the GREAT Tribulations or “JACOBS TROUBLE”.287
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The fifth Seal – Saints call out
The fifth seal is opened revealing the presence of the martyred new believers under the Alter
calling out, “How long before you avenge our death”?288
Since the “dead in Christ” have already been raptured, then the souls under the altar are the people
who are coming to the Lord during the Tribulation period and sacrificed their lives because of their decision to follow Christ. Even more souls are still coming, they are literally being slaughtered on the streets.
“Under the altar” is symbolic of the blood of the sacrifices that was poured out under or at the base of the altar as mentioned in the OT.289 These Saints want their death avenged, so obviously their murderers are still alive on earth.
Because a new dispensation has started; that of judgment and NOT that of mercy, the souls under the altar are not rebuked for asking for “vengeance” for their murder. These Saints are given white robes of “righteousness” and are told to wait for others that would also be martyred during the tribulation and would soon join them.
A great host from Israel and many other nations come to the Lord during the Tribulations. In those days TEN MEN from all languages and nations will take firm hold of ONE JEW by the hem of his robe and say, `Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.290
The Sixth Seal - Earthquake
The Sixth Seal is opened and there is an EARTHQUAKE; every Island and Mountain is moved, the
sun is darkened, the moon turns RED, the stars do not give light.291 It’s described as; Fire... Billows of Smoke... Darkness... Blackness... Seas Roar... Anguish... Perplexity... Gloom...292 Famine... Blood... THE ATMOSPHERE ROLLS BACK LIKE A SCROLL.293 (This sounds NUCLEAR to me)
Stars can also refer to meteors which turn red when they enter our atmosphere. Similarly nuclear tipped missiles turn red when launched from space. Russia has what’s known as a “Fractional Orbital Bomb” consisting of a dozen missiles that can be fired all at once from a space platform.
The earthquake coupled with the darkening of the sun and moon is similar to the results of a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION when the atmosphere rolls back on itself, and then rushes back into the vacuum causing tremendous destruction. Just imagine DARKNESS that’s so dark you can feel it.294 It’s in the Book
When does this occur? Using our modern terminology, the prophet Haggai appears to indicate that the date of this earthquake will occur on the TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF DECEMBER; however we don’t know the year.295 (The 9th month translates to our month of December)
The first half of the Tribulation
Here’s where we are
The Protestant Church moves closer and finally embraces the World Church of Rome.
There is now a union between the Church and State.
The Vatican finally gets the power she has always wanted.
The World Church will try to manipulate and control the political affairs of the world.
The Antichrist will support the World Church’s agenda via the Federated States of Europe.
288 Revelation 6:9-11 – The FIFTH SEAL; the Saved Tribulation Saints are under the Altar waiting on more martyred saints to come
289 Leviticus 4:7 – Pour out the blood at the base of the altar.
290 Zechariah 8:20-23 – In those days ten Gentiles will take firm hold of one Jew; and say; Let us go with you, because God is with you:
291 Joel 2:10 – SIXTH SEAL, Earth & Sky shakes, Sun & Moon dark, no Stars seen -- Joel 3:15 – Stars will no longer give light -- Joel 2:2 –
Darkness, Gloom, Blackness -- Matthew 24:7 – Famines and Earthquakes -- Joel 2:30-31 – Blood and Fire and billows of Smoke
292 Luke 21:25-26 – Signs in the sun, moon and stars, heavenly bodies will be shaken roaring, tossing of the sea, terror, anguish,
apprehensive and perplexity
293 Revelation 6:12-14 - Earthquake – Sun turned Black – Moon turns Red, stars in the sky fell to earth. The sky receded like a scroll,
rolling up...every mountain and island was removed from its place -- Haggai 2:6-7 - The heavens and earth, the sea and dry land will shake
294 Exodus 10:21 – Darkness so dark that you CAN FEEL IT
295 Haggai 2:18-21 – Earthquake – December Twenty Fourth
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The middle of the Tribulation
The Antichrist is now revealed for who and what he really is, and he wants ALL the power.
He does away with the World Church with the help of the Federated States of Europe.
He breaks his covenant of Peace with Israel
He sets up an image of himself as god in the Temple and demands to be worshiped.
The Last half of the Tribulation;
The Antichrist still has 3 1⁄2 more years to wreak havoc with the Four Horsemen as they are still running rapid fulfilling the Word of God... Plus the Wrath of God is now included.
Seventh Seal – Dead Silence
As the Seventh Seal is opened there is DEAD SILENCE,296 we are not told the reason for the breathless silence in Heaven. In my Belief System I can only imagine that this 30 minutes is a short span of time when all creation in Heaven is silent. As I climb into the scriptures and look around, my BS sees all creation waiting to see what is going to happen next, like the foreman of a jury preparing to read the jury’s verdict... Like the lull before the storm... Perhaps upon hearing about what is going to happen next, they are just stunned.297
The jury foreman reads the verdict of the 7th seal; then my BS imagines FIREWORKS; like shooting a sky rocket (seventh seal) into the air, then SEVEN more rockets burst out from that rocket (Trumpets), then SEVEN more rockets burst from each of those (Bowls / Vials).
The Seventh Seal releases the Seven Trumpets. The Trumpets under the seventh seal expand and enlarge on what has already happened under the other six seals.
The Trumpets sound during the LAST 3 1⁄2 years along with the Bowls or Vials being poured out. The Trumpets and Bowls do the same thing, except the Bowls intensify what occurred with the Trumpets; so in essence, things are now getting even worse with the bowls.
Everything speeds up like a trip hammer. Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam. Men’s hearts melt, their hands go limp; terror and anguish seizes them, their faces burn.298
First Trumpet - Land
The first Trumpet sounds and hail and fire mixed with blood were thrown down on the earth.
One-third of the earth was set on fire, one-third of the trees were burned, and all the green grass was burned in this plague. 299 This is similar to the plague in the time of Moses... It is literal and not symbolic; the blood is from man and beast that were unable to hide.
Second Trumpet - Sea
The Second Trumpet sounds; 1/3rd of the marine life in the SEA dies and 1/3rd of the ships are sunk as a burning meteorite hits the sea.300 The sea turns blood red301 around the impact with death to sea life and the men on the ships. Blood in this passage is symbolic of death.
My BS has no problem believing the water actually turns to blood, it certainly happened in the time of Moses.302 Whether it is actual blood or looks red as blood; the results are the same.
The Red Tide that we see today causes thousands of dead fish to wash up on the shore polluting the beaches and the air for miles. I have been in this YUK and it sticks to you like oil. This will be a thousand times worse and stink up to “High Heaven”. Some students believe this affects only the Mediterranean Sea... could be... but in my BS, logically I believe it’s worldwide.
296 Revelation 8:1 - SEVENTH SEAL - Dead Silence for 30 minutes
297 Isaiah 13:13 – Heavens and Earth are shaken in the day of his burning anger, the wrath of the LORD Almighty -- Isaiah 13:9-10 – Sun
will be darkened; Moon will not give its light
298 Isaiah 34:4 – Heavens dissolve; Sky rolled up like a scroll (NUCLEAR) -- Isaiah 13:6-8 – They will look aghast at each other in terror
anguish and pain, their faces aflame... Hands go limp, Hearts melt as they writhe in pain
299 Revelation 8:6-7 – FIRST TRUMPET: One third of the earth was burned up
300 Revelation 8:8-9 -SECOND TRUMPET; One third of the sea turned to blood, poisoned; one third of the living sea creatures died, and a
third of the ships were destroyed. -- Jeremiah 9:15 – PROPHECY; See, I will make this people eat bitter food and drink poisoned water
301 Psalm 105:29 – He turned their waters into blood, and it killed their fish
302 Exodus 7:20-21 – Moses turned waters into blood; the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink its water -- Exodus
9:24-25 – Moses - Hail came down mingled with Fire
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK Third Trumpet – Fresh Water
Fourth Trumpet - Darkness
Interestingly, on the fourth day of creation the heavenly bodies were LIT UP and now with the fourth trumpet, they are DARKENED. At this point; food, distribution, water and the “growing season” for food has become limited.
Fifth Trumpet - Scorpions
The Third Trumpet sounds and 1/3rd of the rivers and springs become poisoned... judgment is on nature and men... water is scarce, people die.303
Wormwood is an extremely bitter perennial herb used in the manufacture of absinthe; a highly intoxicating liquor that is sold in France and is highly destructive to the body. A bright star named “Wormwood” will fall on the earth in the end times and poison304 the waters.305 This could very well be a nuclear bomb. In Russia, the nuclear fallout from the explosion at Chernobyl poisoned the rain and destroyed their fresh waters. Interestingly, in Russian, the word “Wormwood” is pronounced Chernobyl.
TheFourthTrumpetsoundsintheHEAVENSand1/3rdoftheSun,moon&starsturndark.306 An Eagle calls out THREE WOES... One Woe is bad news, but Woe, Woe, Woe is indescribable bad news.
Terror and Crime waves increase because of the dark: “Everyone who does evil hates the light”.307 It’s worthy to note that the Two Witnesses or prophets will use this same plague of DARKNESS in the deliverance of Israel; the Two Witnesses will turn out the lights.
The Fifth Trumpet announces a falling star and based on scripture, this fallen star is different from the others, it’s a FALLEN ANGEL. Probably Satan himself, who unlocks the abyss, which is the abode of demons and beast that release destruction on the world. Satan’s name before his fall was “Lucifer” which means “brightness” or “Morning Star”, but no more; today Jesus is now called the “Star of the Morning”; Satan has lost his place. Since Jesus holds all the keys to death and hell, He is the one who gives the Key to the abyss to Satan.
The Abyss or bottomless pit is a prison with darkness so dark you can feel it; this is where demons are housed in the underworld. It is so feared that even the demons beg not to be sent there. The abyss is also symbolic of horrors that are TO BE RELEASED; dictatorships, anarchy, terrorism, violence, natural disasters, weather manipulation, famine, drugs, nuclear annihilation, chemical and biological warfare and stuff we don’t even know about yet.
SMOKE from the fire of this great furnace billows forth creating worldwide smog which pollutes the air and darkens the day. This is some scary stuff.
SCORPIONS are released to torment people, scorpions were common to Israel with some species growing to 6 inches in length and were considered a “symbol” of painful judgment.308
SUFFERING: This plague is similar to the one wrought by Moses, but this time the locust were not allowed to harm the earth, Only people that did not have the seal of God. 309 The 144,000 Jews would be safe AND other believers that had accepted Christ.310 When you receive Christ, you have the “SEAL” of the Holy Spirit.311
NOTE: There is no indication in scripture that these wicked unsaved men ever call out to God for help or redemption.
303 Exodus 15:23 – Moses; Water was bitter and they could not drink
304 Lamentations 3:15 – Wormwood is a name for poison
305 Revelation 8:10-11 – THIRD TRUMPET: Wormwood; a great star fell from the sky and One third of the Fresh Water was poisoned.
306 Revelation 8:12-13 – FOURTH TRUMPET; One third of the day was without light
307 John 3:20 - For everyone who does evil hates the Light
308 Revelation 9:1-12 – FIFTH TRUMPET; Smoke – Locusts that had tails with STINGERS, LIKE SCORPIONS that sting for five months
309 Exodus 10:12 – Moses brought forth swarming locust over the land -- Exodus 10:15 – Locust covered all the ground until it was black
and devoured everything growing.
310 2 Timothy 2:19 – The Lord knows those who are His; everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness
311 Ephesians 1:13 – Those in Christ are MARKED WITH A SEAL
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Locust - Rabbit Trail
In Italy locust are called “Little Horses” as some of them resemble a horse. The hellish creatures from the Abys are possessed by Hell’s fallen angels and worst demons that look similar to a HORSE and CAN FLY; they swarm like a locust army. This description is literal and you are seeing the true characteristics of a demonic creature. They are “spirit beings” that have been given power and therefore
they are indestructible by man.
In addition to all the other plagues, they sting like a scorpion with the pain and
suffering they inflict lasting for 5 months, but it’s NOT LETHAL. Just seeing one of these creatures, their soul is griped with terror and horror.
Death takes a five month holiday; the torment is so intense that men will wish they could die.
Locust do not have a king,312 but these do; their King Abaddon in Hebrew means “destruction” and in the Greek Apollyon means “destroyer”. These are the same two characteristic of Satan and his demons. The King is a fallen angel, one that rules over the abyss and has been locked away with his demon subjects.313
Their King is NOT Satan although he is in control.
In my BS, I think the sting of the scorpion could actually be a modern day airborne
device similar to an Apache helicopter spraying bio-chemicals and nerve gas. Just saying.
The Sixth Trumpet - War
The Sixth Trumpet. The bound angels at the Euphrates River release an army of 200,000,000 men
or demons.314 We are not actually told where this army comes from, but by the description given by John, you can see clearly that they are demonically controlled and will come overland via the Euphrates. God’s angels are not bound, only wicked angels are bound. When these bound angels are released, they kill 1/3rd of mankind. This makes a total of one half of the world population now killed. In case you don’t know the world’s population; that would be a total of 3,429,383,403 dead people.
The Euphrates River is prominent in history; in the beginning it flowed from the Garden of Eden; later Babylon was situated on it, and soon a 200,000,000 man army will cross it.
Some Students of the Word BS feel John did the best he could at explaining what he had never seen before BUT this was actually a description of a huge army from the East in modern warfare with apache helicopters and tanks.315 The fire, smoke and sulfur are certainly characteristics of a thermonuclear war. Just saying. Whether these are just plain old run of the mill demonic creatures from the abyss or a great army from the East, the results are the same; it’s BAD NEWS.
China has a population of 1,339,860,000 which is 19.5% of the world population.
Japan has a population of 127,390,000 – or just 1.85%
Russia “from the North” is sitting at 141,927,297 – which is a little more at 2.06%
U.S.A. referred to as the “coastal countries” has a population of 310,411,000 about 4.52%
200,000,000 mortal men are possible, but more probably this number is symbolic and means that there were so many in the army, that you could not count them. This is similar to “ten thousand times ten thousand” angels. But running with this number, at this writing, the four fallen angels would have command of an army of 50 MILLION men EACH. This army is in addition to the Locust that have already been released. Good Grief.
312 Proverbs 30:27 – In nature, locusts have no king
313 2 Peter 2:4 – The Fallen Angles were sent to hell awaiting judgment
314 Revelation 9-13-16 – SIXTH TRUMPET: Release the four angels WHO ARE BOUND at the great river Euphrates; One third of mankind
is killed by a 200 Million men army
315 Revelation 9-17-21 – Apache Helicopters & Armored Tanks with breastplates that were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur A
third of mankind was killed. The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still DID NOT REPENT
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK First Bowl - Boils & Ulcers
Second Bowl - Sea
The Second Bowl contains the similar plague that was before that affected only 1/3 of the sea. This
plague affects EVERY LIVING THING in the sea, extending, intensifying and magnifying. EVERY LIVING THING IN THE SEA DIED.317
Third Bowl – Rivers & Springs
The First Bowl is poured out with Boils and Ulcers this painful plague only affects those with the MARKOFTHEBEAST. Evidentlytherewasaremnantstillalivethatdidn’ttakethemarkorworshipthe image. The festering “ulcers” and running “boils” produced highly offensive odors accompanied by pain, fever and suffering.316
This plague is similar to the Seals and trumpets, but instead of 1/3 of the world, the sores are on the whole world. The bowls are the last of the plagues and seem to magnify and intensify the previous plagues. (The KJV of the Bible says; Vials instead of Bowls; but they are the same thing: same effect.)
The Third Bowl is poured out by an angel and the waters turn red as blood and become unfit to drink;318 this is symbolic of AVENGING the shed blood of the saints and prophets. Don’t you think it’s cool, that the angels have different assignments? This angel is in charge of the rivers and springs.
The law of retribution is in effect;
Pharaoh of the OT ordered the male Jewish children to be drowned, so God drowned his whole bunch in the Red Sea...
Haman had a gallows built to hang the Jew Mordecai on, but instead he and his sons were hung on it.
God is now answering the prayers of the saints under the alter who call out for vengeance.
Fourth Bowl - Sun
The Fourth Bowl is poured out and the sun scorched “people” with intense heat.319 The implication
is; “some people” were scorched, not all.320 In my BS, it may be that believers as well as creatures are not affected by this plague. You would think that in all of their anguish men would repent and seek God’s face, but not so. THEY REFUSED TO REPENT.321
Fifth Bowl - Darkness
316 Revelation 16:1-2 – FIRST BOWL or Vile; Ugly, Festering Sores broke out on the people who had the MARK OF THE BEAST and
worshiped its image
317 Revelation 16:3 – SECOND BOWL Every living thing in the sea died
318 Revelation 16:4-7 – THIRD BOWL; All the Fresh Water became as blood and poisoned; and I heard those under the altar respond:
“Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments.”
319 Malachi 4:1 – FOURTH BOWL; They will Burn as an oven and shall be as stubble -- Isaiah 24:6 –The inhabitants of the earth are
Burned; few men left
320 Deuteronomy 32:24 – Burning Heat, Poison Snakes, Devouring Beast, Hunger,
321 Revelation 16:8-9 – Sun scorched people with intense heat but they cursed the name of God, THEY REFUSED TO REPENT and
glorify him.
322 Revelation 16:10-11 – FIFTH BOWL; Darkness and Painful Sores on THE THRONE OF THE BEAST and his kingdom cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and REFUSED TO REPENT
The Fifth Bowl pours out Darkness, Pain, and Sores. This fifth bowl of Wrath is specifically directed toward the Kingdom of the Antichrist. This darkness would turn the earth EXTREMELY COLD, adding to the suffering miseries. Their pain was so intense that men gnawed their tongues and did not even notice the pain.
The accumulation of these terrible plagues is taking a toll on the wicked and now their world has turned and instead of turning to the one God of Israel, their blasphemies get worse and
pitch dark
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK Sixth Bowl – Euphrates River
Three Impure Spirits THAT LOOKED LIKE FROGS; Satan the Anti-God, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet make up this counterfeit trinity. These slimy, filthy, loathsome, disgusting FROGS are evil spirits of propaganda coming out of the counterfeit trinity to seduce all the kings of the world to come out to the battle of Armageddon.323
Sadly, the whole world would include an army from the United States.324
Armageddon - Two Battles
A magician keeps you looking at his left hand while his right hand is doing something else.
Caution; don’t take your eyes off the right hand. While you are thinking about the Russians, China and North Korea; THE REAL PLAYERS are the Muslims and the Jews. This is what the battle is really about. The location is the “Hill of Megiddo” which geographically is the center between three continents; Europe, Asia, and Africa.
There are actually TWO BATTLES or wars that are to take place on the plains of Megiddo; or I could say there is just one battle, but in TWO PHASES; it starts... then is put on hold for 1,000 years and then picks up again for the final conclusion.
The First battle between the MUSLIMS and JEWS last for about 3 1⁄2 years and is about LAND.
The Second and final battle is between SATAN and JESUS CHRIST and lasts for less than one
day. This battle is about SOULS; ours. (The Battle of Armageddon is covered in another Word Study.)
The great Euphrates River is dried up to prepare the way for WAR from the East. This incredible river is 1800 miles long, and ranges from 10 to 30 feet deep and is 300 to 1200 yards wide. It extends northwestward from the Persian Gulf to present-day Lebanon. This is a big deal.
For my BS, it seems reasonable to take this scripture literally. Eastern powers like Japan, China, India and others prepare for an invasion of Israel as the waters in the Euphrates dries up.
The kings of the East combine their armies with the Kings of the North and South.
This is actually a TRAP prepared by God that triggers the battle of ARMAGEDDON.
Invasion of Israel - Rabbit Trail
The Kings of the South, Arab-African confederacy headed by Egypt325 and the King of the
North, Russia will launch an all-out invasion against Israel.326
The Arabian Peninsula of Ethiopia is the Arab States... Southern Ethiopia is Africa.
CIS is the Commonwealth of Independent States. There are currently 12 former Soviet Republics, including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Republic of Georgia. Their allies are Persia (Iran), Turkey, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer and Torarmah.327
Russia wants oil. Although they have oil, it’s not very accessible
Russia wants a warm water sea port and easy oil.
Russia wants the 12 billion tons of magnesium chloride and twelve billion tons of sodium
chloride in the Dead Sea. There happens to also be 2 billion tons of potash for enriching soil.
Russia’s Allies wants the LAND OF ISRAEL. WHAT A DEAL.
Russia and the Arab nations will come against Israel and cover the land like a cloud.
There is a classic double cross by Russia against the United Arab Republic as they pitch their tents between the Dead Sea and he Mediterranean Sea and Mount Zion.328323 Revelation 16:12-14 – SIXTH BOWL; three impure spirits that looked like frogs gather the kings of the WHOLE world, to battle on the great day of God Almighty; the Euphrates River dries up; War is next
324 Revelation 16:16 – Armies gather for the battle of ARMAGEDDON
325 Daniel 11:40 – Prophecy: Egypt heads Arab-African Confederacy with Russia -- Danial 11:42-45 – Prophecy: Egypt does not escape Russia’s power326 Ezekiel 38:11-12 – Prophecy; I will invade a land of un-walled villages; (Jerusalem) and attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people
327 Ezekiel 38:15 – Prophecy: Allies Persia (Iran), Turkey, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer
328 Danial 11:40-41 – Prophecy: Russia will DOUBLE CROSS their allies -- Ezekiel 38:16 – Prophecy: Russia will advance like a cloud against Israel -- Ezekiel 38:13 – Prophecy: Russia plunders, silver, gold, livestock and goods -- Habakkuk 2:17 – Prophecy: Russia destroys Lebanon; Lands and Cities -- Ezekiel 39:11 – Prophecy: Russia will be buried in the Valley of Hamon Gog
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Russia is an atheistic Nation. Joseph Stalin said, “We have deposed the czars of the earth and we shall now dethrone the Lord of heaven.” When Sputnik was launched, Russia said, “Our rocket has bypassed the moon. It is nearing the sun. We have NOT discovered God. We have turned out lights in heaven that no man will be able to put on again. We are breaking the yoke of the
Gospel, the opiate of the masses. Let us go forth, and Christ shall be relegated to mythology. (John Hagee)
NOTE: The nations of the world including the USA, know what Russia and the Arabs are up to and do nothing to help Israel, but simply offer only a shallow rebuke of the actions of Russia.
(This is how we treat Israel today and we will feel God’s wrath for our inaction.)
There is devastation so great, that only one sixth part of the Russian army survives.335
Seventh Bowl – Last DAY of the Tribulations
The Seventh bowl of wrath is poured out into the AIR with lightning and thunder.336 Satan’s title
is the “Prince of the Power of the Air”, but now his domain in the Air is gone. Jesus Christ says, “IT IS DONE”; “It is finished.”
The great earthquake splits the city into three parts337 and makes islands disappear, mountains are leveled, and what’s left is destroyed with 100 pound hail... and men still cursed God. 338
NOTE; A talent, or “talantos” in the Greek, is actually translated to be about 114 pounds.
The Great City seems to be Jerusalem, as Babylon is mentioned often separately. The earthquake
convulses Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives splits.339 At this very same time the TWO WITNESSES are
being caught up to heaven. This is the last day of the tribulations.
In the OT a blasphemer was stoned to death; and
even today men still “get stoned” and blaspheme God.
Hide us
Who can stand against this?340 THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION, Presidents and plain citizens, rich and poor all seek refuge from His wrath.341 In by BS I see the caves might be a refuge from the fallout from the nuclear radiation. Just saying.
The Great Day, is the entire tribulation period of seven years. Only those who accept Jesus Christ will be “able to stand”,342 and those who do will probably be martyred. As bad as things get, most will still NOT accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah. 343
329 Numbers 16:30 - The earth will opens its mouth and swallows them, and they go down alive into the grave
330 Judges 7:22 - The men will turn on each other with their swords
331 2 Peter 3:10 – The Heavens will disappear; earth laid bare -- Zechariah 11:1 – Fire will consume the cedars in the Valley of Lebanon
332 Ezekiel 38:22 – Prophecy: I will pour down torrents of Hailstones and burning sulfur on his troops and on the many nations with him.
333 2 Peter 3:12 - Destruction of heavens by fire, and the elements melt in the heat
334 Zechariah 14:12-13 - Prophecy: Their FLESH will ROT while they are still standing on their feet, their EYES will ROT in their sockets,
and their TONGUES will ROT in their mouths. Sounds NUCLEAR to me
335 Ezekiel 39:2 – Prophecy: Only one sixth of Russia’s Army will survive
336 Revelation 16:17-20 – The SEVENTH BOWL is poured out his into THE AIR, Every island fled away and the mountains could not be
found, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “IT IS DONE!”
337 Revelation 11:12-13 – A great Earthquake; one tenth of Jerusalem falls Revelation 11:8 – Dead bodies lie in the street of Jerusalem
338 Revelation 16:21 - 100 Pound Hailstones fell upon men and THEY CURSED GOD
339 Zechariah 14:4 – The Mount of Olives will be split and a great valley will be formed east to west and half of the mountain shall remove
toward the north, and half of it toward the south
340 Malachi 3:2 – Who can stand and endure when He appears? For he will be like a refiner's fire or a launderer's soap
341 Revelation 6:15-17 – They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne
and from the wrath of the Lamb!
342 Ephesians 6:11-12 – Put on the armor of God and take your STAND against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms -- Luke
21:36 – Watch and Pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and STAND before Christ
343 Matthew 18:2-3 – I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven
There’s an EARTHQUAKE that swallows up masses of the enemy329... fire and brimstone rain down... confusion abounds and the armies start killing each other.330 The nature of forces331 unleashed on the armies sounds much like that of a NUCLEAR BOMB332 which can generate 150 million degrees of heat333 in a millionth of a second; you are disintegrated before you hit the ground, you could say your flesh, eyes and tongue literally “ROT” in your body. 334
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.344
White Robes
The question is; who are the people in the WHITE ROBES? They are a specific group of souls that will accept Christ as the Messiah during the Tribulation period and then lose their lives. They are the martyred dead.346
These may very well be of the “Sheep Nations”,347 the Gentiles that did not take the mark of the beast and loved the Jews and endured the terrible times of the tribulation. It is interesting to me that those that were saved during the Tribulations would not have had to endure the horrors of it had they just been Believers before the RAPTURE.
The Take Away - Tribulations
Great Earthquakes; Sky and Heavens shaken. Heavens dissolved and disappear with a roar;
rolled up like a nuclear bomb explosion... The Earth trembles... The Elements melt in the heat; destroyed by fire... Men’s FLESH will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their EYES will rot in their sockets; their TONGUES will rot in their mouths like the aftermath from nuclear fallout. They will writhe in pain with their faces aflame
The Sun will scorch people with intense burning heat from fire and sulfur... Smoke billows forth from a gigantic furnace in the earth... The earth and everything growing in the fields along with the fruit on the trees are laid bare; burned up... Nothing green will remain.
The Seas roar, shake, toss and every living creatures in it dies... A third of the ships will be lost. All the Rivers and Fresh Waters will become red as blood and poisoned.
Cities and Mountains will be leveled and Islands disappear... The sun and moon become darkened... The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light; no longer shine, Blackness; DARKNESS that’s so dark you can feel it... Stars, 100 pound hail and Fire mixed with blood fall to the earth and strikes down every herb of the field; breaks every tree of the field.
Natural Disasters occur... Hurricanes, Typhoons, Dust Storms, Tornados, Roaring Seas and Strange Tides.
Economic Collapse... Financial Catastrophe, Poverty, Hunger, Famine, People will eat bitter food and drink the Poisoned Water. They will get diseases; there will be epidemics; Leprosy, Bubonic Plague, Malaria, Cholera, Aids, Small Pox, Tuberculosis, Painful Ugly Festering Sores, Ulcers and Running Boils.
Wild Beasts devouring people... Poison Snakes, Pestilence and Locust like scorpions that are indestructible by man, with stingers in their tails that with one sting can hurt and torments a person for five months.
Dictatorships – Terrorism – Anarchy... Nation rising against Nation, War with a 200,000,000 man army, Weather Manipulation, Nuclear Annihilation, Chemical and Biological warfare, Cyber Espionage, Slaughter, Blood, Death, Terror, Panic, Confusion, Civil Violence and Drugs.
Hearts will melt, Hands will go limp...There is nothing left but Gloom, Anguish, Suffering, Perplexity and Mourning, and that’s the GOOD NEWS... Hell is worse... The Lake of fire is worse than Hell.
344 Hebrews 10:30-31 – It’s a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of God
346 Revelation 7:13-14 – Who are those in the white robes; these are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
347 Matthew 25:32-33 – Sheep will be gathered from ALL the Nations
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Valley of Decision
The prophet Joel pointed to this same valley where Jehoshaphat fought his battle, where the Messiah would soon destroy the armies of the nations and establish his kingdom.
Joel called it The Valley of Decision.
9 Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors!
Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.
10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears.
Let the weakling say, `I am strong!
11 Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there.
Bring down your warriors, O LORD!
12`Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of
Jehoshaphat, for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side.
13 Swing the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, trample the grapes,
the winepress is full and the vats overflow so great is their wickedness!
14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!
For the day of the LORD is near in the VALLEY OF DECISION. NIV
We have that same Valley today; THE VALLEY OF DECISION; why would you be a participant and fight the battle in the valley, when you can sit on the hilltop as a spectator. Don’t wait for the tribulations to find Jesus Christ. Life is Choice Driven and the choices you make today have eternal consequences.
The empty tomb in Jerusalem
is the only tourist attraction on Earth
where people line up to see nothing.
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Chapter 14.11
5 Month’s Tribulations
Tribulation SHORTENED for the sake of the ELECT – The time of the Locust
Daniels 70 weeks – Tribulation Events – Seals, Trumpets and Bowls
Noah’s Waters – Earth Axis Shift Theory - The Solemn Oath
First Word
Ever since I can remember, I have been taught that the prophesied TRIBULATION PERIOD would be SEVEN YEARS with the last 31⁄2 years the GREAT TRIBULATIONS being the worst. Now I hear it has been shortened to only FIVE MONTHS. WHAT! Where does all of this come from?
The first time I ever heard about the “End Time” Seven Year Tribulations period being ONLY FIVE MONTHS was on a TV program called Shepherd’s Chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray; notable the largest Christian TV Network in the world and probably the most controversial. This is where I bring forward many of his controversial Word Study topics that get folks pants all in a wad; hopefully causing them to look it up in the Book for themselves.
To talk about a FIVE MONTHS tribulation, we first need to unpack where such talk about a tribulation period comes from in the first place. Where did we get the SEVEN YEAR Tribulation period? The Book of Daniel prophesied about events surrounding a time of Seventy Weeks. Symbolically each day is a year, so a week would be 7 years, so SEVENTY times SEVEN weeks gives us a total of 490 years.
The clock started when the Persian King Artaxerxes Longimanus gave the Jews permission to leave their Babylonian captivity and rebuild the city of Jerusalem. This was April 445BC.
After 69 weeks of years or 483 years (69 X 7) of this allotment of time, the Messiah of Israel would be revealed to the Jews; be killed and their temple destroyed. This happened and now time is on hold.
490 years minus 483 years leaves 7 years (The Tribulation period) , the remaining time for the 144,000 Sealed JEWS to reach out and preach the message of the Messiah to Israel as well as throughout the entire world. During this time, God will reach out to the unbelieving world primarily, believe it or not, through his chosen people, the Jewish nation.
Daniel 9:24-27 – (490 –49 –434) = 1 week or 7 years remaining
24 SEVENTY `sevens' (490) are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.
25 "Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be SEVEN “sevens,”(49) and SIXTY-TWO “sevens.” (434) - It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.
(49 +434 =483) (490 -483 = 7 years)
26 After the SIXTY-TWO “sevens,”
the Anointed One will be cut off (Jesus Crucified) and will have
nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and
the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the
end, and desolations have been decreed.
27 He will confirm a COVENANT (Peace Treaty) with many for one
“seven”. (7 years)
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IN THE MIDDLE OF THE `SEVEN' (3 1⁄2 years) he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION, (Image of the Anti-Christ) until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."
Seals, Trumpets & Bowls
The Book of Revelation spells out what is going to happen in the SEVEN years of tribulations. NOTE: There are SEVEN Seals, the seventh Seal holds the SEVEN Trumpets; the seventh
Trumpet holds the SEVEN Bowls. The number SEVEN in scripture is the number for completeness. The multiple of that is 777 - MARK OF PERFECTION; God – Jesus – Holy Spirit.
Each Seal releases a horror... devastation... disaster
Each Trumpet releases the same identical horror, but expands it even more.
Each Bowl magnifies the previous horrors, but is even worse than before. It seems like a
slow process as we read the scripture, but once we hit the seventh seal, it starts coming like a trip hammer. From terrible to horrible to the worst excruciating in rapid succession.
The first six seals cover the first 31⁄2 years of the tribulation period with the seventh seal covering the remaining last 31⁄2 years, unleashing the seven trumpets and seven vials or bowls. Some of the scriptures in Revelation are not in chronological order and therefore seem to overlap, but from John the Revelator’s perspective; it’s all happening at once.
Did you see it? - We have SIX seals of horror, the seventh releases SIX trumpets of more horror and the seventh releases SIX bowls of even more horror; 666 the MARK OF THE BEAST
Matthew 24:21 – Unequaled distress from the beginning
21 For then there will be GREAT DISTRESS, UNEQUALED from the beginning of the world until now-and never to be equaled again.
Tribulation Events - Speed Reading the Seven Years of Tribulations
OVERVIEW; Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven – World war III with Russia and Israel –
Widespread famine - Need a mark to buy or sell – Worship the Beast or die – Great Earthquakes - Cities
and mountains leveled - Islands disappear – Intense heat - Fire and Stars fall to earth – 100 pound hail
– Stinging LOCUST - Painful sores – Sea and Rivers turn red as blood – ONE HALF OF HUMANITY DIES
– Battle of Armageddon and other fun stuff.
Great Earthquakes - Sky, and Heavens shaken – Heavens dissolve and disappear with a roar; rolled
up like a nuclear bomb explosion – The Earth trembles - The Elements melt in the heat; destroyed by fire – Men’s FLESH will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their EYES will rot in their sockets; their TONGUES will rot in their mouths like the aftermath from nuclear fallout. – They will writhe in pain with their faces aflame.
The Sun will scorch people with intense burning heat from fire and sulfur - Smoke billows forth from a gigantic furnace in the earth. - The earth and everything growing in the fields along with the fruit on the trees are laid bare; burned up - NOTHING GREEN WILL REMAIN.
The Seas roar, shake, toss and every living creatures in it dies - ONE THIRD OF THE SHIPS will be lost. All the Rivers and Fresh Waters will become red as blood and poisoned.
Cities and Mountains will be leveled and Islands disappear - The sun and moon become darkened -The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light; no longer shine - Blackness – DARKNESS that’s so dark you can feel it – Stars, 100 pound hail and Fire mixed with blood fall to the earth, striking down every herb of the field, and breaking every tree of the field.
Natural Disasters occur with Hurricanes, Typhoons, Dust Storms, Tornados, Roaring Seas and Strange Tides.
Wild Beasts devour people - Poison Snakes - Pestilence - Locust like scorpions that are indestructible by man, with stingers in their tails that with one sting can hurt and torments a person for five months.
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The First Half of the Tribulation
; The Protestant Church moves closer and finally embraces the World Church of Rome. There is now a union between the Church and State. The Vatican finally gets the power she has always wanted. The World Church
will try to manipulate and control the political affairs of the world.
Antichrist will support the World Church’s agenda via the Federated States of
The Middle of the Tribulation; War in heaven; Satan and his angels are cast out.
Antichrist is now revealed for who and what he really is, and wants ALL the power.
Antichrist breaks his covenant of Peace with Israel. Russia is now out of the way.
Antichrist begins his dictatorship; his terror is revealed. He does away with the
World Church with the help of the Federated States of Europe. The Temple is
taken over by the Gentiles. (The term Gentile or Greek was anybody that was not a Jew.)
Antichrist sets himself up as god; demands to be worshiped. The Two Witnesses
are slain and then raised up. Israel is persecuted and many Believers are killed. ; the Four Horsemen are still running rapid.
The Last Half of the Tribulation
Antichrist still has 3 1⁄2 years more to wreak his havoc, fulfilling the Word of God.
Economic Collapse - Financial Catastrophe - Poverty - Hunger – Famine – People will eat bitter food and drink the Poisoned Water. – They will get diseases; there will be epidemics - Leprosy - Bubonic Plague – Malaria – Cholera – Aids - Small Pox - Tuberculosis - Painful ugly festering Sores - Ulcers and Running Boils.
Dictatorships – Terrorism - Anarchy - Nation rising against Nation - War with a 200,000,000 man army - Weather Manipulation - Nuclear Annihilation - Chemical and Biological warfare – Cyber Espionage - Slaughter - Blood – Death – Terror – Panic – Confusion - Civil Violence and Drugs.
Hearts will melt, Hands will go limp - There is nothing left but Gloom, Anguish, Suffering, Perplexity and Mourning, and that’s the GOOD NEWS – Hell is worse – The Lake of fire is worse than Hell.
More Events
Many things happen before the tribulation begin by as much 20 to 30 years such as the birth of the Antichrist and the False Prophet: these are real humans infected by Satan. The Antichrist will already be on the scene before “the tribulation” as a peaceful conqueror and helps establish the United States of Europe which we call the Revived Roman Empire. He is not yet a world leader and by all outwardly appearances, seems to be a good guy.
God promised Abraham a son, who would be the beginning of a “special race” of people that would be blessed of God, a people that would be a witness to the pagan world. - A race from which the Messiah would be born. Israel’s existence gave us the Old and New Testaments and protected and preserved the purity of its scriptures. - The Twelve Tribes of Israel produces the 144,000 witnesses.
God pours out his Spirit on the 144,000 Jews and they are sealed before the beginning of the tribulation period with the mark of Christ and preach the Gospel and testify of Him throughout the whole world. - The 144,000 are NOT Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses or Seventh Day Adventist; they are ALL JEWS. It’s in the Book.
The 12 Tribes of Israel, by God’s Devine design, have already been scattered throughout the world and are already a God fearing people and are PREDESTINED for just this cause. Every nation and tribe will hear them speaking in their own language and dialect, endued with the same power as on the day of Pentecost. The gift of tongues. - 144,000 life changers with the zeal of the Apostle Paul.
The seal of the living God speaks of PROTECTION and POSSESSION. Today, when a Believer receives Christ, he is instantly SEALED by the Holy Spirit and inherits eternal life.
If your BS supports a Rapture; then the Church will be GONE, the Holy Spirit will be GONE and all that remains on earth will be the make believers, the un-believers plus the Two Witnesses and the sealed 144,000 Evangelist. In the time of Moses, the tribulation plagues “Passed over” the children of Israel, but NOT this time. The remaining Jews and Gentiles will get it full force, there is NO Passover.
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Listen; YOU DON’T TAKE A KNIFE TO A GUN FIGHT... and we will not battle with bows and arrows, knives and spears or ride on horses; we will fight with our modern warfare technology along with God’s supernatural powers.348 Flesh will ROT away as if hit by a nuclear bomb. It’s in the Book
There is something SUPERNATURAL going on with these reported Locust... Locust do not have a king, but these GRASSHOPPERS do. The sting of these Locust may actually be a modern day airborne device similar to an APACHE HELICOPTER349 spraying bio-chemicals and nerve gas. The Book’s description of these supernatural locust sure sounds like one. Just saying.
Zechariah 14:12 – Nuclear Bombs
12 And the LORD will send a plague on all the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Their people will become like walking corpses,
The Five Months
The Book says that the tribulation will be CUT SHORT for the sake of the ELECT, otherwise no one
would survive. The Book does not tell us how the time is cut short, leaving a lot to the imagination and speculation. Who then are the ELECT?
Mark 13:20 – Tribulation days reduced for the Elect’s sake
NO ONE WOULD SURVIVE. But for the sake of the ELECT,
whom he has chosen, he has SHORTENED them. (NIV2011)
The Book never uses the term ELECT to indicate a “SELECT” group, who “ALONE” are predestined to be saved. Obviously SOME of mankind has been chosen before they were even born to be a part of God’s redemptive plan; Judas, one of the twelve disciples was predestined, but not to heaven; it’s in the Book. The Book says that many are called to come (Free Will), but few are chosen. (Predestined). 350
Murray’s BS on the other hand is very specific about the ELECT, these are those that lived in a previous age and were BORN AGAIN of a woman on earth. (Reincarnated) They earned their salvation through WORKS, by fighting on the side of God in another age of time; they just don’t remember any of this because their memory has been veiled.
The Book says Satan’s time is SHORT; 351 what if the 31⁄2 YEARS were shortened to the next lowest UNIT, to 31⁄2 MONTHS?
Murray’s Belief System says that the TRIBULATION period will only be for FIVE MONTHS; divided up 21⁄2 and 21⁄2 months respectively.
Murray’s BS: To be a barren woman as was Elizabeth, was considered a curse of God. When she became pregnant with John the Baptist, she went into seclusion for FIVE MONTHS352 symbolic of remorse; representing a time of scorn from the world and thus likewise at the end of her FIVE MONTH “time of remorse”; there is a “time of rejoicing”, of being exalted by God.
Murray’s BS: The waters of Noah’s flood receded in 150 days after the rains stopped; a Biblical month is 30 days; so 150 divided by 30 gives Noah FIVE MONTHS of tribulation.353
348 2 Peter 3:10 – The Elements will be destroyed and THE EARTH and everything in it will be LAID BARE -- 2 Peter 3:12 – The heavens will be destroyed and the elements will melt in the HEAT - Jeremiah 30:7 – The Tribulations, JACOB’S TROUBLE; that day will be so great that there will be none like it again
349 Revelation 9:3-11 – Armed & Armored like an Apache Helicopter; THEY HAD TAILS THAT STUNG LIKE SCORPIONS350 Matthew 22:14 – For MANY are called (free Will), but FEW are chosen (Predestined).
351 Revelation 12:12 – THE DEVIL has come down to you in great wrath, because that HIS TIME IS SHORT and he knows it 352 Luke 1:24 – Elizabeth became pregnant and was in seclusion for FIVE MONTHS
353 Genesis 8:3-4 – The WATER RECEDED ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DAYS divided by 30 days equals FIVE MONTHS
Murray’s BS: In Italy LOCUST are called “Little Horses” as some of them have a head that resembles a horse. These are hellish creatures possessed by Hell’s fallen angels and worst demons that look similar to a horse and can fly and they swarm like a locust army.
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This description is literal and we are seeing the true characteristics of a demonic creature. They are “Spirit Beings” that have been given great power and therefore they are INDESTRUCTIBLE by man. In addition to all the other plagues, they sting like a scorpion and inflict pain and suffering that lasts for FIVE MONTHS,354 but it’s not lethal. Their torment is so severe that they will seek to die, but cannot; death takes a FIVE MONTH holiday.
Revelation 9:1-11 –Locust like horses tortured Five month’s
1 Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw
a star (fallen angel) that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given
the KEY to the shaft of the bottomless pit.
2 When he opened it, SMOKE poured out as though from a huge furnace,
and the sunlight and air turned dark from the smoke.
3 Then LOCUSTS CAME FROM THE SMOKE and descended on the
earth, and they were given power to sting like scorpions.
5 They were told not to kill them but to
TORTURE THEM FOR FIVE MONTHS with pain like the pain of a
scorpion sting.
6 In those days people will seek death but will not find it. They will long
to die, but death will flee from them!
7 The LOCUSTS LOOKED LIKE HORSES prepared for battle. They had
what looked like gold crowns on their heads, and their faces LOOKED
9 They wore ARMOR MADE OF IRON, and their WINGS ROARED like an
army of chariots rushing into battle.
11 Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is
ABADDON, and in Greek, APOLLYON—the Destroyer. (NLT)
Locust do not have a king, but these do. The King’s name in Hebrew is Abaddon meaning “DESTRUCTION” and in the Greek he is called Apollyon meaning “DESTROYER”.355 These are the same two characteristic of Satan. Their King is NOT Satan, but is a fallen angel, one that rules over the abyss and has been locked away with his demonic spirits that now has been let loose.
Note: Just so you know who is in control, the Locust whether they are actually insects or evil MEN of this world,356 they are a COVENANT curse from God,357 so the locust are HIS great army that goes forth.358 God did not create evil people, but He certainly uses them in His great plan and God is going to use you;
ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. Chose life. It’s in the Book
Three Woes
TherearethreeWOEtrumpetsintheBookofRevelationthatunfoldinTIME. The5thTrumpet
deals with the Woe of five months of plagues of Locust;359 when that TIME is over, the 6th trumpet Woe sounds and 1/3 of mankind is killed; when that TIME is over, then the 7th trumpet Woe announces the a war in heaven where Satan is cast out and down into the earth; that also unfolds in MORE TIME.
354 Revelation 9:5 – Locust told to only torture with pain like the pain of a scorpion sting for FIVE MONTHS -- Revelation 9:10 – The
locust had the power to torment people for FIVE MONTHS
355 Proverbs 30:27 – In nature locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks; something is up. -- Revelation 9:11 - THEIR KING
IS THE ANGEL from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is ABADDON, and in Greek, APOLLYON; the Destroyer
356 Joel 1:6-7 – A vast army in men like locust will invade
358 Joel 2:25 – The swarming Locust are MY GREAT ARMY, which I SENT AMONG YOU
359 Revelation 9:12 –The first WOE has passed; behold, TWO WOES are still to come, MORE time of Tribulations
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Side Bar: INTERDIMENSIONAL things are happening. The bottomless pit opens up with demons COMING UP out of the earth and Evil Angels thrown down out of heaven, COMING DOWN on to the earth. Double trouble, demons coming up and evil angels coming down all at one time;
Conclusion, in my BS, the Book indicates that there continues to be more TIME remaining that
occurs within the Tribulations after the 5 months of the LOCUST plague has been completed. Revelation 8:13 – The three WOE’s of Revelation
13 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, “WOE, WOE, WOE to those who dwell on the earth, at the BLASTS OF THE OTHER TRUMPETS that the three angels are about to blow!”
Revelation 9:1-5 - FIFTH Trumpet...
First WOE; Locust for a time of five months
1 And the FIFTH ANGEL BLEW HIS TRUMPET, and I saw a star
fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the
bottomless pit.
2 He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose
smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were
darkened with the smoke from the shaft.
3 Then from the smoke came LOCUSTS on the earth, and they were
given power like the power of scorpions of the earth.
4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or
any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on
their foreheads.
5 They were allowed to torment them for five months, but not to kill
them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it
stings someone. (ESV)
Revelation 9:13-15 – SIXTH Trumpet...
Second Woe; 1/3rd killed; MORE time of Tribulations to go
13 Then the SIXTH ANGEL BLEW HIS TRUMPET, and I heard a
voice from the four horns of the golden altar before God,
14 saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels
who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” (ESV)
Revelation 11:15 – SEVENTH Trumpet...
Third Woe; war in Heaven; even MORE time of Tribulations to go
loud voices in heaven saying: The kingdom of the world has become
the ⌊kingdom⌋ of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He will reign
forever and ever! (HCSB)
Revelation 12:7-10 – War in Heaven – Satan cast out
7 Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the
dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated,
8 and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.
9 And the GREAT DRAGON WAS THROWN DOWN, that ancient
serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole
world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown
down with him. (ESV)
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Make No Mistake
The end time prophecy is given in three different LITERAL ways YEARS, MONTHS AND DAYS so you CANNOT interpret it SYMBOLICALLY any other way.
Revelation 12:14 - Cared for and protected from dragon for YEARS 14 But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle so she could fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness. There she would be CARED FOR AND PROTECTED FROM THE DRAGON for a TIME, (1 year) TIMES, (2 years) and HALF A TIME (1⁄2 year).
(Total of 31⁄2 years)
Revelation 11:1-2 - Gentiles trample the city 42 MONTHS
1 I was given a measuring stick, and I was told, “Go and measure the
Temple of God and the altar, and count the number of worshipers.
2 But do not measure the outer courtyard, for it has been turned over to
the nations. They will trample the holy city for 42 MONTHS. (31⁄2 years) (NLT)
Revelation 13:5 - Beast allowed speak blasphemies 42 MONTHS 5 Then the beast was allowed to speak great blasphemies against God. And he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for FORTY-TWO MONTHS. (31⁄2 years)
Revelation 11:3 – Two Witnesses evangelize for 1260 DAYS
3 And I will give power to my TWO WITNESSES, and they will be
clothed in burlap and will prophesy during those 1,260 DAYS.”
(31⁄2 years)
Revelation 12:6 - Woman fled into the wilderness 1,260 DAYS
had prepared a place to care for her for 1,260 DAYS. (31⁄2 years) (NLT)
When does it all happen?
The Antichrist sets up an image of himself to be worshipped in the temple in the MIDDLE of the Tribulation period; it’s known as the ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION360 and is the trigger that begins the last 31⁄2 years of the tribulations.
Revelation 12:7-9 – War in Heaven; NOT happened yet
7 Then there was WAR IN HEAVEN. Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon and his angels.
8 And the dragon lost the battle, and he and his angels were forced out
of heaven.
9 This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan,
the one deceiving the whole world—
was THROWN DOWN TO THE EARTH with all his angels. (NLT)
Revelation 12:10 – Satan the accuser thrown down to earth
10 Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last— salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For THE ACCUSER of our brothers and sisters HAS BEEN THROWN DOWN TO EARTH— the one who accuses them before our God day and night.
360 Daniel 9:27 – He will set up in the Temple a SACRILEGIOUS object, the abomination that causes DESECRATION -- Matthew 24:15-21
- The DESECRATION triggers the last half; the sacrilegious object that causes desecration
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Matthew 24:29 – GREAT Tribulation happen after first anguish
29 IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ANGUISH OF THOSE DAYS, the sun will be darkened, the moon will give no light, the stars will fall from the sky,
and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. (NLT)
Revelation 12:12 – Satan’s time is Short – HOW SHORT IS IT?
12 Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But WOE
to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great
wrath, because HE KNOWS that HIS TIME IS SHORT!” (ESV)
Revelation 12:13-14 – Satan’s time is Three and a half years
13 when the dragon saw that he had been THROWN DOWN to the
earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.
14 But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she
might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is
to be nourished for a TIME, and TIMES, and HALF A TIME. (31⁄2 years) (ESV)
For Sure
In the Book of Daniel we see a man ask an Angel dressed in linen, who was now standing above the river, “HOW LONG WILL IT BE until these shocking events ARE OVER the angel raised BOTH HANDS toward heaven and SWORE by heaven, he took a SOLEMN OATH that the time will be 31⁄2 years, and since that time there has not been another Solemn oath recorded that changed that time.
Daniel 12:6-7 – How long will Tribulations be? It will be 3 1⁄2 years
6 One of them asked the man dressed in linen, who was now standing
above the river, “HOW LONG WILL IT BE
7 The man dressed in linen, who was standing above the river,
RAISED BOTH HIS HANDS toward heaven and (Swears by heaven)
TOOK A SOLEMN OATH by the One who lives forever, saying, “It will
go on for a TIME, TIMES, and HALF A TIME. (31⁄2 YEARS) When the
shattering of the holy people has finally come to an end, all these
things will have happened.” (NLT)
The Last Day of the Tribulation
The last day of the tribulation a GREAT EARTHQUAKE will cause an upheaval of nature which
will alter the shape of the earth, possibly returning the earth to its correct axis.
Great fear grips the hearts of man; the light of THIS DAY that is “known to the Lord”, is “NOT
Jesus returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords with millions of the redeemed to fight the
Antichrist and his armies at the battle of Armageddon where the foe is defeated.
The last day Satan is bound by an Angel and cast into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years.
The Two Witnesses rotting in the street are resurrected.
Men actually hear God’s voice as He calls to them.
On the last day, All Israel; the Jews that were “saved” will return to city of Jerusalem.
The remnant nations, those that survived; those that refused the mark of the Antichrist will
inhabit the earth and multiply and every year come to worship King Jesus in Jerusalem.
This last day marks the first day of the 1,000 year reign of Christ. His Saints will rule over
those that remained that did not take the “Mark of the Beast”.
361 Zechariah 14:6-7 – The Day known to the Lord will be a unique day, it will be neither daytime nor nighttime, no light, no cold or frost Page 66 Printed 1/30/2023
Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK The Take Away
The tribulation period
is ALL about ISRAEL, the Jewish Nation and how it affects THEM, with the rest of the nations coming in second place. The reasons are twofold:
1) To purge Israel and prepare the believing Jewish remnant for the return of the Messiah. 2) To punish ALL the wicked for their sins.
When does Christ return
? No one knows when Christ will return, but the Book says it will be 360 days times 7 years or 2,520 days from the beginning of the tribulation period to His appearing. (God said it, not me.) NOTE: A prophetical year was 360 days not 365. So, if you use the 360 days the prophets used, the dates and times will work out perfectly. Many students believe that at creation, the year came
“FULL CIRCLE” in 360 days.
Second coming concurrent SIGNS
The preaching of the Gospel in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations:
Many turning away from the Faith because of false prophets and teachers.
Great Tribulations more intense and extensive such as the world has ever seen since the beginning
of time; GREAT Earthquakes, Increased Frequency of Wars, Terrorism, Famines and Pestilence.
ALL occurring around the same time.
As a sign, at some point Jerusalem will be completely surrounded by the enemy.
The Five Months Locust Theory
: I firmly believe the teaching of the “End Time Locust” is a very important study that’s due more than just a paragraph; it is a study all into its own self, but it’s truly
NOT about a veiled encrypted secret of limiting the time of the great tribulations to FIVE months.
The Rotation Theory: If Murray can shorten the days of the Tribulations to 5 MONTHS with the
LOCUST theory, THEN here is my BS theory; what if the World was hit by an GREAT EARTHQUAKE
as has never been experienced before; mountains would be leveled, Islands would disappear and the
AXIS of our planet would shift; the ROTATION of the earth speeds up causing the SUN and MOON to
make the day and night to become 1/3 shorter; THEN the SEVEN YEAR TRIBULATION period will only
be 4.6 years with a division of 2.3 years of “DEVILMENT” for Satan; his great deception is now shortened
by 14 MONTHS... WHAT IF?
I’m just having fun with this; but symbolically THIS TOO is in the Book.
NOTE; many students believe the earth YEAR was once a perfect 360 days instead of 365 and believe it will be that way again when the Lord comes back. So somewhere in all the TORTURING of the scriptures, my theory may carry some weight. (12 months of perfect 30 days)
The Long and the Short of it: Israel was in the TRIBULATIONS of captivity in EGYPT 400 years; that’s a VERY LONG time. They were in the TRIBULATIONS of captivity of BABYLON for 70 years; that’s a pretty LONG time too. The TRIBULATIONS of the Anti-Christ has been limited to 31⁄2 years; and that’s a very SHORT time in comparison to the others.
The shortening of the days of the seven year tribulation period refers to Satan’s greatest deception happening only in the last 31⁄2 years of the seven years of Tribulation and even that is CUT SHORT supernaturally by the physical return of Jesus Christ. BAM; IT’S OVER.
The entire tribulation period called “Jacob’s Trouble” is not limited to FIVE MONTHS, with 21⁄2 ; month divisions as Arnold Murray teaches; but is still seven years with the GREAT Tribulations being only the last 31⁄2 years.
My BS doesn’t so much say that the five month theory is FALSE, but more like it is just WRONG. Sincere Folks with a different Belief System are not evil; they just happen to be sincerely wrong. Anyway, my earth ROTATION THEORY is much more fun than Murray’s LOCUST THEORY.
The ANSWER is found in the Solemn Vow of Daniel 12:6-7; “One of them asked the man dressed in linen, who was now standing above the river, “HOW LONG WILL IT BE UNTIL THESE SHOCKING EVENTS ARE OVER?” The man dressed in linen, who was standing above the river, RAISED BOTH HIS HANDS toward heaven and (Swears by heaven) TOOK A SOLEMN OATH by the One who lives forever, saying, “It will go on for a TIME, TIMES, and HALF A TIME. (31⁄2 YEARS) When the shattering of the holy people has finally come to an end, ALL THESE THINGS WILL HAVE HAPPENED.” (NLT)
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Did you See it?: An ANGEL made a Solemn Oath, swearing by heaven that Satan’s time is three and one-half years and NOWHERE IN SCRIPTURE HAS THIS SOLEMN VOW BEEN CHANGED.
It’s in the Book
Revelation 6:12 – Great Earthquake not seen before on earth
12 I watched as the Lamb broke the sixth seal, and there was a GREAT EARTHQUAKE. The sun became as dark as black cloth, and
the moon became as red as blood. (NLT)
Revelation 16:18-21 – Great Earthquake changed earth rotation
18 Then the thunder crashed and rolled, and lightning flashed. And a GREAT EARTHQUAKE STRUCK
21 There was a terrible hailstorm, and hailstones weighing seventy-five
pounds fell from the sky onto the people below. They cursed God
because of the terrible plague of the hailstorm. (NLT)
Revelation 8:12 – AXIS shift: One third of the day disappeared
12 the fourth angel blew his trumpet, and ONE-THIRD OF THE SUN was struck, and ONE-THIRD OF THE MOON, and one-third of the stars, and they became dark. And ONE-THIRD OF THE DAY was dark, and also ONE-THIRD OF THE NIGHT.
Matthew 24:10-12 – People leaving the Christian faith
10 At that time MANY WILL TURN AWAY FROM THE FAITH and will
betray and hate each other,
11 many FALSE PROPHETS WILL APPEAR and deceive many people.
12 Because of the increase of wickedness,
Matthew 24:14 – Gospel will be preached to the whole world.
14 And this GOSPEL of the kingdom will be
PREACHED IN THE WHOLE WORLD as a testimony to all nations,
Luke 21:20 – Jerusalem surrounded by the enemy; end is near
20 And when ye shall see
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Chapter 14.12
Glorified Body
We are in the fourth dimension – The Laws of Nature no longer apply We have a different Supernatural Form – Move at the speed of thought New Name – Five Crowns - No sickness or Pain – We’re Forever Young
First Word
Eye has not seen and the mind cannot conceive what we will be like in heaven, it seems it is all a blank canvas with enormous freedom to imagine. Can we really know what it will be like when we receive our glorified body? Well, the Book tells us; all we have to do is read about the life of Jesus.362 However because we have a BS FILTER, a Belief System that prevents us from understanding; we say, “Well that was about Jesus, the Son of the living God and not about us, that’s just different. NO it’s NOT
The Book says that when we get our glorified bodies,363 we will be able to see Jesus as He really is and GET THIS; WE WILL BE LIKE HIM.364 Consider communicating soul to soul, and learning in a fuller more intensive way having total recall without error or misconception, with knowledge and understanding of the Bible the way God intended.365
Different Form
Our body will not look the same, however we will still be recognizable but will be as our spirit truly is. When Jesus was resurrected, He was not readily recognized until He spoke.366 Just like Jesus, we will have ALL our body parts, perfect vision, hearing and incredible mobility.
We will have become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, in the perfect prime of life age of 33 years. THE YOUNG will be given the age they lack and THE OLD will have their youth restored, both obtaining the fullness of the image of Jesus Christ.367
Forever young
Immediately when we die, our spirit comes into the presence of God who gave it, however we will not be spirits without bodies.368 At the SECOND RETURN OF CHRIST our old bodies will be resurrected from wherever they are; the grave, the sea, the garbage dump or dust in an old coffee can. Our very same old corruptible body will then be translated into a new glorified incorruptible body369 that can live throughout eternity in the form that God created us for.
362 2 Corinthians 5:8 – As soon as we die our spirit is with god; to be absent from the body and to be present with the lord -- 1
Thessalonians 4:16 – The lord himself will come down and Christians who have died will rise from their graves
363 Revelation 21:5 – Write this down, I am making everything new we will get new bodies -- 2 Corinthians 3:18 – We will be transformed
and go from glory to glory
364 1 John 3:2 – We will be like him, for we will see him as he really is.
365 1 Corinthians 13:12 – We will understand the word as God intended we will see everything with perfect clarity
366 Mark 16:12 – Our old body will have a different form; JESUS APPEARED IN A DIFFERENT FORM to two of his followers -- John
21:4-12 – Our glorified bodies will look different; THE DISCIPLES DID NOT REALIZE THAT IT WAS JESUS -- John 20:15-16 – The
Resurrected Jesus looked different MARY THOUGHT HE WAS THE GARDENER -- Luke 24:30-31 – Our eyes will be opened to
recognize others; Suddenly, THEIR EYES WERE OPENED, and THEY RECOGNIZED HIM
367 1 Corinthians 15:49 – We will look like Jesus Christ we will BEAR THE IMAGE OF THE MAN OF HEAVEN
368 2 Corinthians 5:3 – We will be spirits with a Heavenly glorified body
369 Philippians 3:21 – Our mortal bodies will be changed into glorious bodies just like Jesus -- Romans 8:29 – We will be conformed to the
Image of Jesus -- Luke 20:36 – We will be immortal like the angels and NEVER DIE AGAIN
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No human ever became an angel, however when we become children of the resurrection, we become IMMORTAL just like the angels. FOREVER YOUNG drinking at the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH: the living waters of Jesus Christ.370 No eye has seen and no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for us.371
No Sickness or Pain
Our glorified body will experience NO ACCIDENTS or VIOLENCE and have NO PAIN from ARTHRITIS.372 No pain from migraine HEADACHES; we are talking about no heart diseases, DIABETES or CANCER; no dementia and no more ringing in the ears; weakness,373 no Down syndrome or any physical defect. There will be NO TEARS or sorrow, no OBESITY or even WRINKLES and certainly no death; we will be raised INCORRUPTIBLE, there will be nothing but
The Laws of Nature will no longer apply; we will have new abilities, to be able to WALK THROUGH WALLS374 as well as WALK ON WATER,375 and TRANSPORT OURSELVES to another place376 at the speed of thought without restraint or impediment as well as DISAPPEAR and reappear at will.377 We can transform into ourselves into the form of a human being and EAT FOOD378 as well as transform ourselves to be clothed in a white GLORY LIGHT379 with mighty POWER, wisdom Knowledge and understanding.380
New Name & Get up to 5 crowns
We will get a new name engraved on a white stone381 and receive the MARK of HIS NAME on our
forehead;382 then everybody will know we belong to Him, that we are His Children of the Resurrection. Perhaps the MARK of His name that’s on our forehead will be engraved on one of the five crowns that are available.
370 John 7:38 – We will drink the LIVING WATERS; the Fountain of Youth; Forever Young -- Revelation 7:17 – God will wipe away every
tear and lead us to SPRINGS OF LIVING WATER
371 1 Corinthians 2:9 – We cannot imagine our glorified body NO EYE HAS SEEN, NO EAR HAS HEARD, and NO MIND HAS IMAGINED
what God has prepared for those who love Him
372 Revelation 21:4 – We will have NO PAIN or sorrow or crying
373 Philippians 3:10 – NO WEAKNESS; we will have experience the mighty power that raised Jesus from the dead.
374 John 20:19 – We will walk through solid walls the doors were shut when Jesus appeared and stood in the midst -- John 20:26 – We will
walk through solid doors; the doors were locked suddenly Jesus was standing among them
375 Matthew 14:29 – Laws of Nature do not apply Peter walked on the water, -- Luke 24:39 – We can transform into a human body; Look,
you can see that it’s really me., touch my HANDS, my FEET
376 John 5:13 – Transport ourselves anywhere; Jesus had conveyed himself away -- Acts 8:39-40 – Transport ourselves at the speed of
thought the Spirit of the lord caught away Philip and the eunuch saw him no more... Philip was found at Azotus - John 6:19-21 –
Transport people & OBJECTS; speed of thought; immediately the BOAT reached the shore where they were heading.
377 John 8:59 – We can disappear and reappear; Jesus hid himself, going through the midst of them -- Luke 4:29-30 – We can disappear
and reappear; but He passing through the midst of them went His way
378 Luke 24:40-43 – In human form we can enjoy EATING FOOD; He showed them his HANDS and his FEET; and spoke, do you have
anything here to eat, and He ate it as they watched
379 Matthew 17:2 – We can transform ourselves into a GLORY Light; Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the
sun, and his clothes became as white as light -- Revelation 3:4-5 – We will be clothed in Glory of White -- 1 Corinthians 15:42-53 - Raised
to immortal spiritual bodies that will never die and live forever transformed in strength and glory
380 Revelation 3:18 – We will be able to see and have knowledge and Understanding
381 Revelation 2:17 – We will receive a white stone with a new name written on it
382 Revelation 22:4- Our foreheads will be marked with His name
383 1 Corinthians 9:25 – We can get an Imperishable Crown
384 2 Timothy 4:8 – We can get a Crown of Righteousness
385 Revelation 2:10 – We can get a Crown of Life
386 1 Peter 5:2-4 – We can get a Crown of Never Ending Glory
387 1 Thessalonians 2:19 – We can get an Crown of Rejoicing
1) Imperishable Crown – Those who have victory over their old spirit man.383
2) Crown of Righteousness – Those longing for His appearance.384
3) Crown of Life – Those who are tested even unto death – The Martyr’s Crown.385
4) Crown of Glory – Overseers or Elders Crown – Those who serve the flock.386
5) Crown of Rejoicing – Soul winners crown.387
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1 Corinthians 15:42-44 – Raised Immortal in Glory, Strength
42 It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly
bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but
43 Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but
They are buried in weakness, but
44 They are buried as natural human bodies, but
For just as there are natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies. (NLT)
Did you see it? This is so cool.... the Disciples has been rowing most of the night and were in the middle of the Sea of Galilea when suddenly Jesus came walking up on the water and got into their boat.... then at the speed of thought, Jesus, all the disciples and the BOAT were transported to the other side of the shore.
John 6:18-21 – Transport people and objects speed of thought
18 Soon a gale swept down upon them, and the sea grew very rough.
19 They had rowed three or four miles when suddenly they saw Jesus
walking on the water toward the boat. They were terrified,
20 but he called out to them, “Don’t be afraid. I am here!”
21 Then they were eager to let him in the BOAT, and
IMMEDIATELY they arrived at their destination!
The Take Away
Benefits of Glorification: As we look forward to our future, we will not sorrow over a loved one who has died; we have hope. We have no fear of death because we believe in another life and we have an incentive to live well because we will receive eternal rewards at the resurrection.
We cannot imagine what God has planned for us, but the Book does give us an insight as our human minds can comprehend. We will look like Jesus and understand with clarity the things we have read about and we will continue to learn and as a bonus, have total recall.
We will have a different form; changing as our assignment requires, from a ball of Glory light to that of being a human. We will be forever young as we will drink at the fountain of youth, the living
waters of Jesus Christ.
There will be no sickness or pain, nor tears or sorrow.
The Laws of nature will not apply as we can
transport ourselves at the speed of thought,
walk through walls, and walk on water.
We will get up to five crowns
and a white stone with our NEW NAME on it.
We will be raised immortal
to live forever in glory and strength
in the Presence of almighty God and His Son.
It’s in the Book
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Chapter 14.13
Wikipedia: Immortality is the ability to live forever; have eternal life, immune to death; deathlessness; endless existence... Immortality is the opposite of “Mortality” or being subject to death.
The Nicene Creed confesses that every dead person (whether they believed in Christ or not) will be resurrected from the dead; this belief is known as Universal Resurrection, this is NOT Universal Salvation. Note: The word Immortal does not appear anywhere in the 4 Gospels.
The Body
When you think of immortality, the FIRST thing you think of is the physical body of a person. Immortality is not a universal natural possession, but is a gift of redemptive grace. The Bible teaches that Adam and Eve lost physical immortality for themselves and all their descendants at the Fall of Man; this initial "imperishability of the body" was "a natural condition" prior to sin. Now at death, the body returns to dust, but the spirit lives on.388
Immortality once was... is now not... but will be again for EVERYONE, somewhere. Translated: There are two examples in the Bible of people never dying or being translated; going
directly to Heaven to be with God; skipping death and the grave.
1) Enoch walked with God and then was no more, because God took him away.389
2) Elijah was taken up to God in a chariot of fire pulled by horses in a whirlwind.390
Then there was Melchizedek who had no beginning and no end.391 (Some students of the Word Belief System think there was just no records of his birth and death.) ... (My BS embraces that he was actually Jesus; a Christophany.)
The Soul
God made Adam out of dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into his soul;392 the soul lives and the soul prospers. In the simplest of terms; the soul is the mind of a man and his spirit controls his mind and his mind controls his body. (Many let their bodies control their mind and spirit)
Souls are created by God and given before conception;393 The Soul has sensations, thoughts, desires;
longs to eat,394 longs for God,395 magnifies God;396 it rejoices,397 loves,398 knows399 and remembers;400
it has beliefs, emotions, personality and performs intentional actionsand can be sorrowful.401
388 Genesis 2:7 – Man’s body is formed from the dust -- Genesis 3:19 – The body returns to dust when you die
389 Hebrews 11:5 – Enoch translated; he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away
390 2 Kings 2:11 – Elijah translated; he did not die, he went up to heaven in a whirlwind
391 Hebrews 7:3 – Melchizedek had no Father or Mother; He had No beginning or end
392 Genesis 2:7 – The breath of God gave man his soul; His life
393 Jeremiah 1:5 – Our spirit was formed before we were born. -- Psalm 139:13 – God knit us together in the womb
394 Deuteronomy 12:20 – The Soul longs to eat
395 Psalm 63:1 – The Soul longs for God
396 Luke 1:46- The Sole will magnify the Lord
397 Psalm 86:4 – The Soul rejoices
398 Song of Solomon 1:7 – The Soul loves
399 Psalm 139:14 – The Soul knows
400 Lamentations 3:20 – The Soul remembers -- 3 John 2 – The Soul prospers
401 Matthew 26:38 – The Soul can be sorrowful
The Mystery – Body – Soul – Spirit - The Wicked Universal Resurrection? – Universal Salvation?
First Word
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There is much debate even among various branches of Christianity about what the difference is between the soul and the spirit. The"soul" is often confused and used synonymously or interchangeably with the "spirit".
There are disagreeing Belief Systems on the soul's immortality and its relation to the physical body. Luther and others rejected Calvin's idea of "soul immortality".
There is no doctrine of “SOUL IMMORTALITY” in the Bible.
The Bible does not attempt to prove "soul immortality", but for the saved just assumes it as an undisputed postulate, a condition of eternal satisfaction and blessedness in communion with God... Not so good for the unsaved as they cannot be in Heaven at all.
I don’t plan to debate this here, but to just acknowledge that there are opposing BS concerning the terms “Soul” and “Spirit” and the Soul’s immortality.
The Spirit
There is a spirit in a man as well as a soul.402 There are many scriptures supporting BOTH the soul and spirit being “separate”.403 According to scripture, King Pul,404 Job,405 Caleb,406 David,407 Stephen408 and even a child had a spirit.409
After the fall of Adam and Eve, we are all born in sin and have a sin nature.410 In short; our Father is the Devil; Satan.411 We have his spirit and that is why we must be ‘born again” with a new spirit; the
Holy Spirit.412
The Mystery
Paul explains the mystery of immortality:414 The resurrection of Jesus Christ marked the beginning of the resurrection of the dead. With the return of Jesus Christ (at the rapture); the trumpet CALL will raise the DEAD believers and their bodies will be given a NEW glorious imperishable, immortal, PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL body.415 Death is a transition from this life to another life; SOMEWHERE...416 Life to Life.
The bodies of the Believers that are still ALIVE will be changed into marvelous immortal bodies while maintaining their same individual person. At the end of time ALL WILL BE RESURRECTED:417
Some to eternal life; some to eternal damnation.418
The Wicked - Rabbit Trail
Scripture does not support the Wicked having “Immortal Bodies”, but indicates they will retain
their personal existence in Hell. Anyone’s name not found written in the Book of Life will be thrown into this lake of fire.419
402 1 Corenthians 14:14-15 - Man has a Mind (soul) and Spirit -- 1 Corenthians 2:11 – Man’s spirit knows the thoughts of his mind/soul --
Hebrews 4:12 – The Soul and Spirit and Body... For the word of God Sharper than double-edged sword dividing soul and spirit and joints
-- Romans 8:6 – The mind is controlled by the spirit
403 1 Thessalonians 5:23 – Man has a Spirit, a Soul and a Body
404 1 Chronicals 5:26 – King Pul had a spirit; God stirred up his spirit
405 Job 10:12 – Job had a spirit; in your providence watched over my spirit
406 Numbers 14:24 – Caleb had a spirit
407 Psalm 31:5 – David had a spirit; into your hands I commit my spirit
408 Acts 7:59 – Stephen had a spirit; Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
409 Luke 8:54-55 – A child had a spirit: Her spirit returned
410 Ephesians 2:1-2 – We are born with the spirit of disobedience
411 John 8:44 – The father of un-regenerated man is Satan a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth; there is no truth in him
412 Job 32:8 – Man has a spirit; the breath of the Almighty that gives him understanding
413 Ecclesiastes 12:6-7- The Immortal sprit of man returns to God
414 1 Corenthians 15:51-53 – THE MYSTERY EXPLAINED; We will not all die, but we will all be changed
415 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – We will receive New imperishable bodies
416 Daniel 12:2 – Some rise to everlasting life others rise to everlasting contempt
417 Daniel 12:2 – The Believer awakes to everlasting life and the unbeliever and Make-Believers awakens to everlasting contempt.
418 John 5:29 – The Good will arise to live and the Evil will arise to be condemned
419 Revelation 20:15 – Anyone's name not found written in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire
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They will be cut off from the living420 and will receive everlasting contempt and destruction and be shut out from the presence, power and majesty of God.
Death is separation, not annihilation; the Greek word for destruction means “ruin”, not extinction. The wicked are NOT instantly annihilated, they will NOT burn up or cease to exist. They will be tormented with unquenchable fires of burning sulfur day and night; endlessly FOREVER.421
Hell: The lower parts of the earth holding the WICKED DEAD till the end of the millennium when it and its contents will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and tormented forever. It is an un-seen world of disembodied spirits with a conscious experience that is full of remorse, fear, and despair; with memories of what they should have done and didn’t; full of sorrow for their bad examples, and with a hopelessness of escape and in a state of regret over doing evil deeds that cannot be recalled. In despair they know that they did not listen to God’s word, and have a hopeless desire to warn their families still living back on earth.
In Hell, you are in the gloom of darkness, separated from the face of God.422 In attendance will be Satan, his fallen angels, a gaggle of demons and the entire bunch of unbelieving wicked which includes the disobedient from among His chosen covenant people Israel.423
The lake of fire was not prepared for man, but for Satan and the fallen angels,424 however those that reject Jesus Christ as God’s Son will also go there and receive God’s FULL retribution.425
The Take Away
Immortality is a two edged sword;
For the believer it’s the grace of God restoring everlasting life as existed with Adam and Eve in
the Garden of Eden before sin entered into the picture. It’s an everlasting relationship, enjoying
a new immortal body and spirit in the presence of Almighty God.
For the unbeliever, it’s a corrupted body that is in torment forever in the burning lake of sulfur
and fire removed from the presence and glory of God, for ALL eternity.
It’s a sad thought that someone would choose Jesus just as a FIRE ESCAPE to escape hell... because that just won’t happen. Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship, a way of life. God will notbe mocked... EVERYONE will be resurrected... EVERYONE will live forever... SOMEWHERE. Chose today who you will serve... No decision is a rejection of Jesus.
Joshua 24:15 – As for my house, we will serve the Lord
15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then CHOOSE for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.
420 Psalm 52:5 – The wicked will be CUT OFF from the living
421 Revelation 21:8 – The Lake of Fire is the second death for the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, liars and those who practice magic arts -- Revelation 14:9-11 – The vile and wicked will be tormented with burning sulfur day & night and the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever.
422 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 – Unbeliever’s and Make-Believers will be SHUT OUT FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD and receive EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION
423 Revelation 20:10 – Satan, Antichrist and unbelievers will be TORMENTED day and night for ever and ever
424 Matthew 25:41 – Hell was not created for man, but for Satan
425 Daniel 12:2 – The Believer awakes to EVERLASTING LIFE; the unbeliever and Make-Believers awakens to EVERLASTING CONTEMPT.
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Chapter 14.14
Weapons of Warfare
Invisible War - Armor of God – Defensive & Offensive Weapons Weapons of Kick Butt Destruction - Weapon of Obedience Weapon of Praise – The Law of Retribution
First Word
Early warfare has always been both Defensive and Offensive; where Defensive weapons were held in the LEFT HAND to defend yourself, and Offensive weapons held in the RIGHT HAND to engage and attack the enemy.426 The shoes were made with cleats of hobnails on the bottom to give a firm footing. The shield was made of wood covered with leather to prevent the fiery darts of the enemy from burning them. I can just imagine reaching around and pulling out a burning arrow that is stuck in my shield. Today both soldiers and Law enforcement wear body armor to stop bullets and shrapnel from disabling them.
Weapons usually included a dagger and sword held securely about the waist with a leather girdle or belt which also protected the loins; the private parts of the body. The leather belt also held the tunic427 which was a garment that reached from the shoulders to a length somewhere between the hips and ankles. Over that was a breastplate of body armor made of interwoven chains which covered the vital organs. Our helmet is our confidence of our salvation.428
It was the strong leather belt that held it all together. In Christian warfare, it is the belt of INTEGRITY that holds everything together.429
EVERY DAY we must put on the WHOLE ARMOR of God WHICH HE HAS PROVIDED so we can stand against the mighty powers of the unseen spiritual world, against Satan’s lies and his TEMPTATIONS that undermine our faith. You can remember in The Lord’s Prayer that Jesus prayed we would not be led into TEMPTATION.430
Oddly enough, God does all the fighting for us, all we do is just stand. There is nothing covering our back side as that is where the God of Angel Armies stands; GOD HAS OUR BACK.
It’s in the Book
Invisible War
As spooky as it sounds, there is an UNSEEN INVISIBLE WAR GOING ON between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, between good and evil. It’s not something spooky, it’s a REAL WAR going on right NOW. In your unbelief you will try to POOH POOH this, but I am telling you that the Book says that we are NOT fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against spiritual evil
426 2 Corinthians 6:7 – Right hand to attack; left hand to defend
427 Isaiah 59:17 – Robe of Vengeance, Cloak of divine passion; He put on righteousness as his BODY ARMOR
428 1 Thessalonians 5:8 – Armor of faith and love; Helmet of confidence of our salvation
429 Isaiah 11:5 – Integrity and Righteousness is our Belt
430 Luke 11:4 – Don’t let us be led into temptation
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rulers and authorities of the unseen spiritual world, against mighty spiritual powers in this dark world, and against spiritual evil spirits in the heavenly places. Since this is an unseen spiritual war, our Defense and Offense weapons must be and are also spiritual.431 There are seven of them. (Completeness)
DEFENSE weapons;
1) Our BELT that holds everything together is truth; and
2) Our BODY ARMOR is our integrity, purity and righteousness.
3) Our SHOES is the READINESS and MOTIVATION to share the peace and tranquility
that comes from knowing the Good News of the Gospel.
4) Our SHIELD is our Faith of certainty in Jesus Christ knowing that He will stop
Satan’s fiery arrows of TEMPTATION that can erode our faith.
5) Our HELMET is our salvation that gives us the Mind of Christ; our sanity, an
ALERTNESS that protects us from DOUBT and will defeat Satan’s Lies, his web of deception, his web of doubt and fear; Our Helmet is our confidence that we can know we already have the ultimate victory.
OFFENCE weapons;
6) Our SWORD is the Word of God which is living and active, and changes us from
victims to victors. It’s sharper than any two-edged sword,432 and piercing even to the dividing of SOUL and SPIRIT, of both joints and marrow (BODY), and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. When Jesus was challenged by Satan, He just quoted the Word and said: “IT IS WRITTEN”. 433
7) Our PRAYER is second offence weapon; our communications with the Commander and Chief of the angel armies. We pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion; staying alert, persistent in prayers for all believers everywhere. Prayer is warfare, put forth while driving your car or making coffee. The Word of God and Prayer is the stockpile of AMMUNITION to stand against the schemes of Satan.
I encourage you to get a copy of the book The Invisible War by Donald Gray Barnhouse. Ephesians 6:12-18 – Put on the Full Gospel Armor
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against (SPIRITUAL) evil rulers and (SPIRITUAL) authorities of the unseen (SPIRITUAL) world, against mighty (SPIRITUAL) powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the (SPIRITUAL) heavenly places.
13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s (SPIRITUAL) armor so you will be able to resist the (SPIRITUAL) enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be STANDING firm.
14 STAND your (SPIRITUAL) ground, putting on the (SPIRITUAL) BELT of truth and the (SPIRITUAL) BODY ARMOR of God’s righteousness.
15 For (SPIRITUAL) SHOES, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.16 In addition to all of these, hold up the (SPIRITUAL) SHIELD of faith to stop the (SPIRITUAL) fiery arrows of the devil.
17 Put on salvation as your (SPIRITUAL) HELMET, and take the (SPIRITUAL) SWORD of the Spirit, which is the word of God.18 PRAY in the Spirit at ALL times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. (NLT)
431 1 Samuel 4:4 – GOD is the God-of-the-angel-armies
432 Hebrews 4:12 – Word of God is sharper than a two edge sword dividing of SOUL and SPIRIT, of both joints and marrow (BODY),
433 Luke 4:1-13 - It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.” - It is written “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall
you serve.’” - It is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
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Kick Butt Weapons
Sometimes God goes before us into the battle and we become a part of His plan.
Nature was used to fight the battle by sending in HORNETS to drive out the enemy.434
David used a SMOOTH STONE from the river to kill the giant Goliath.435
Sampson used a JAWBONE OF AN ASS to defeat the enemy.436
Priest blew RAMS’ HORNS to knock the walls of Jericho down flat.437
Jael took a TENT PEG and ended the war.438
Woman used a MILLSTONE to do the dastardly deed.439
You should not be surprised that God will use the simplest of things to turn the battle in your favor, if He can use the Jawbone of an ASS, He can certainly use YOU.
Law of Retribution
Be careful of how you handle God’s Word; the law of retribution is in effect; an Eye for an Eye.440(This law LIMITED the extent of the retribution.) Sometimes God takes the enemy’s plan and turns it against them, also known as “what goes around comes around.”
Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew babies to be drowned in the Nile.441 Later it would be Pharaoh’s army that drowned in the sea.442
Haman made a gallows fifty cubits high to hang Mordecai the Jew on,443 instead, God had Haman hanged on the same gallows that was constructed for Mordecai.444
Jezebel had Naboth killed so the king could have his garden445... Jezebel dies and the dogs lick up her blood in the same place that she had Naboth killed.446
Korah conspired with 250 other leaders of the community OPENING A CLEFT in the congregation by inciting a rebellion against Moses.447 GOD MADE A CLEFT in the earth and opened its mouth and swallowed the men, along with their households and all their followers who were standing with them, and everything they owned. They all went down alive into the grave, along with all their belongings. The earth closed over them, and they all vanished from among the people of Israel.448
Paul also known as Saul approvingly held the garments of those who were stoning Stephen to death and later Paul got to feel what Stephen felt as he himself was stoned449 and God did not stop there, HE LET HIM LIVE,450 but he was in danger from rivers, in danger from robbers, in danger from his own people, in danger from Gentiles, in danger in the city, in danger in the wilderness, in danger at sea, in danger from false brothers; three times Paul was beaten with rods. Three times he was shipwrecked; a night and a day he was adrift at sea; and on frequent
434 Exodus 23:23-28 – God used Hornets to drive out the Hivites -- Joshua 24:12-14 – God used Hornets to drive out the Amorites.
435 1 Samuel 17:40-49 – David took FIVE SMOOTH STONES
436 Amorites Judges 15:15 – Sampson used the JAWBONE OF AN ASS
437 Joshua 6:5-20 – The Priest used RAMS’ HORNS to collapse the walls of Jericho
438 Judges 4:18-21 – A woman drove a TENT PEG in the temple of Sisera; and then the war was over -- Judges 5:24-27 – Jael struck
Sisera; she crushed his head; she shattered and pierced his temple
439 2 Samuel 11:18-21 - A woman cast an upper MILLSTONE on Abimelech from the wall, so that he die -- Judges 9:50-53 – Woman
used a Millstone to crush the skull of Abimelech
440 Exodus 21:23-25 – The Law of Retribution; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, a burn for a
burn, a wound for a wound, a bruise for a bruise... (This law LIMITED the extent of the retribution)
441 Exodus 1:22 – Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew baby boys drowned
442 Isaiah 10:26 - God drowned Pharaoh’s army in the sea
443 Esther 5:14 – Haman makes a gallows to hang Mordechai
444 Esther 7:10 – Haman was hanged on the gallows built for Mordechai
445 1 Kings 21:7-10 – Jezebel killed Naboth just to get his garden
446 1 Kings 21:19 – Jezebel dies and the dogs lick up her blood same place she killed Naboth
447 Numbers 16:1-2 – Korah makes a cleft, a division in the congregation of Israel
448 Numbers 16:32-33 God opens cleft in the earth and swallows those that rebelled in Korah’ family. The earth closed over them, and
they all vanished
449 Acts 7:58-59 - Saul/Paul approved of the stoning of Stephen
450 Acts 14:19 – Paul dragged out of the city; stoned and left to die
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journeys in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure, then God let Satan plague him with a Thorn in the Flesh just to buffet him.451 Although God let Paul live it was not without a life of struggle.
God will amaze us with how He will fight our battles. Since the world began, no ear has heard, and no eye has seen a God like ours, who WORKS FOR THOSE who wait for Him.452
The Take Away
When God created man and angels, he gave them both FREE WILL to do the greatest good or if they chose; to do the greatest evil. He made Angels Immortal but made man Mortal, however He gave man something that He did not give to Angels, He gave man a SOUL.453 A sinful Angel cannot be redeemed, but a sinful man can be if by FREE WILL he chooses.
God is LOVE and made a creation that was capable of returning His love just because they wanted to... because they CHOSE to, NOT because they were REQUIRED to. Picture returning home and your puppy greats you with tail wagging, tongue licking with howls of delight... That’s the LOVE that God imparts to us because HE WANTS TO.
Adam and Eve were created perfect and placed in a perfect Garden of peace, surrounded with the perfection of nature. They were created with a perfect mind with FREE WILL just like His. They were created with the possibility of living forever just like the Angels. He placed two trees in the garden; the TREE OF LIFE and THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, with only ONE COMMANDMENT; do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, if you do you will no longer live forever, but will surely die.
The all-knowing God knew that man would sin and would be SEPARATED from Him and the Tree of Life, and already had the Plan of Salvation in place for him to find THE WAY back to Him and to the Tree of Life if he chose to.454
What Adam and Eve did not know was that the Angel Satan had been in this same garden eons before when he was the guardian and protector of the earth and ruled from there. Back then the garden was called the Garden of God.455 NOTE: the original sin started with an Immortal Angel named Lucifer, Satan, the Devil who rebelled against God usurping God’s authority and stealing God’s worship... So God took away his authority and removed him from the garden. He replaced this fallen Angel, who could NOT be redeemed with a man who could be redeemed. (If the man choose to).
An Invisible War began over Adam and Eve and all of their generations; a spiritual war in a dimension that we cannot see. Jesus the creator and sinless Son of God, loved man, His greatest creation so much that He chose to give up His throne in Heaven surrounded with deity and royalty to come to earth to show man “THE WAY” back to the TREE OF LIFE.456
We as humans don’t wage war as humans do.
We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human
reasoning and to destroy false arguments.
We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God.
We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. 457
451 2 Corinthians 11:25-27 – Paul beaten with rods stoned, shipwrecked, adrift at sea, toil, sleepless night, hunger, thirst, cold, exposure
and all kinds of danger
452 Isaiah 64:4 – Since the beginning of the world Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, Nor has the eye seen what God will do for
453 Genesis 2:7 – God’s breath made man a living soul
454 1 John 5:4-5 – Only those that believe in Jesus as the Son of God can win the battle -- 2 Thessalonians 2:13 – God picked man to
participate in the plan of salvation
455 Ezekiel 31:9 – Garden of God and the Garden of Eden; I made it beautiful with the multitude of its branches, and all the trees of
Eden, which were in the Garden of God -- Revelation 22:14 – The tree of life is now in heaven
456 John 14:6 - I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the father except through me -- 2 Chronicles 20:21-22 – Their
praises to God won the war at the very moment they began to sing and give praise
457 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 – We use god’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and
to destroy false arguments ... destroy every proud obstacle ... and capture their rebellious thoughts
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God gave us the SPIRITUAL weapons of warfare for this battle, the weapons that we need to resist the lies and TEMPTATION from Satan; but to win we must put on the Full Gospel Armor EVERY DAY. LISTEN; Satan’s bag of tricks is TEMPTATION and all you have to do to overcome this is to every day PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR AND YOU WILL WIN; you might even be given the opportunity to grab up your trumpet, your slingshot, a tent peg, or the jawbone of an Ass and take the lead. |
The Make Believer will talk about it, but the Believer will do it. |
If one word could describe our weapons of warfare it would be OBEDIENCE. Study, meditate and Quote the Word of God; “IT IS WRITTEN” - The Weapon that silences the enemy’s TEMPTATIONS is PRAISE.458 Rejoice in it, |
It’s in the Book
458 Psalm 8:2 – Praise silences the enemy -- Hebrews 13:15 – Let us therefore offer sacrifices of praise to God -- 2 Chronicles 20:21-22 –
Their praises to God won the war at the very moment they began to sing and give praise
459 Psalm 95:1-2 - Make a joyful noise with thanksgiving unto Jehovah the rock of our salvation
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Chapter 14.15
Eight Judgments of God
1) Judgment of Adam – 2) Judgment in the time of Noah
3) Judgment at the Cross – 4) Judgment in Paradise
5) Judgment Seat of Christ – 6) Judgment of the Jewish Nation
7) Judgment of Gentile Nations – 8) Great White Throne Judgment
First Word There have already been judgments that have taken place and more to come.
Does God’s judgment happen only after we die, or does it take place before we die? The answer to both thoughts is YES. The Book says if we sin, we can be sure JUDGMENT will fall, and our sins will find us out and there will be CONSEQUENCES for our SINS... It kind of like this, you get caught in a rain storm of sin, you ask forgiveness and immediately God gives you an UMBRELLA to get out of the rain, and although your sins are forgiven and you are out of the storm, YOU ARE STILL WET and only TIME dealing with the CONSEQUENCES will dry you off.
In Heaven Forgiveness and consequences are the same; the Believer is forgiven and there are no consequences.460
On earth, forgiveness and consequences are just two different things; however with God’s grace, consequences may not be felt full strength.461
I was sitting in Sunday School class when someone shared that God has forgiven our sins to remember them no more, He has removed our sins as far as the East is from the West; our sins are infinitely removed.462 Someone else said, WHAT ABOUT ON JUDGMENT DAY, God said we would be judged for every idle word spoken.463 Both are right, but they are addressing two different audiences; the Believer and the Non-believer which the latter includes the Make-believer.
SUNDAY SCHOOL is such a wonderful addition to the church service, because it’s a place where you feel free to “Stir the Pot” with your thoughts and see others search out the scriptures and dig it out. The Bereans were commended for checking out everything the preacher said, to see if it was TRUE.464
Stirring the Pot is where you learn; it forces you to read the Book for yourself. With all that said and to just to get your pants all in a wad right off the bat, I am going to move you from your preconceived Belief System of ONE or maybe TWO judgments to EIGHT, and you are going to say NO WAY... but I invite you take a FUN stroll through the Book with me.
Judgment Zero
Before I begin I feel I must tell you about a JUDGEMENT that occurred in the FIRST Earth Age;
with the one we are now in being the SECOND Earth Age. Every Pastor knows about it, but most do not teach it because of Denominational constraints, but in the last 30 years, I am glad to see that more and more TV Pastors are teaching it. (See John Hagee Ministries.)
This Judgment is found in the Book between Genesis 1 verse 1, and Genesis 1 verse 2. It is best known as THE GAP THEORY; Satan’s or Lucifer’s flood.
The Book says that the Earth (was) “hayah” BECAME without form and Void. For some reason, the Hebrew word “hayah” in ALL other 67 translations was translated “became” and not “was.”
460 Hebrews 9:27 – As soon as you die the next thing is the Judgment
461 Numbers 32:23 –You can be sure your sins will find you out
462 Psalm 103:12 – Our SINS have been infinitely REMOVED from us as the far as the EAST IS FROM THE WEST
463 Matthew 12:36 – You must give account for every idle word you speak
464 Acts 17:11 – The people of BEREA were more OPEN-MINDED and Searched the scripture daily to see if what was said was TRUE
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NOTE: Every single time DARKNESS is mentioned in the Book, it’s a sign of JUDGMENT.
Satan had corrupted the first earth age so badly that God destroyed it ALL and left it that way for
eons of time. I won’t teach it here, because it’s a Word study all into its own self; I hope you will find
time to search out this Word Study and read it for yourself. THE OTHER FLOOD; THE GAP THEORY
It must be noted that the EVIL people Satan corrupted in the first earth age were created IMMORTAL,
and although they lost their bodies in Lucifer’s flood, they are still around and are called demons that
work to serve Satan today.
There are many kinds of demon spirits; blind,465 deaf and dumb,466 familiar,467 foul,468 jealous,469 lying,470 seducing,471 unclean472 and the big one, the Demon spirit of infirmity.473 I encourage you to read the Word Study on DEMONS 474
In this first JUDGMENT nothing remained except for DARKESS and the demons. As the Angels watched and all creation was called to WITNESS ... God gave Satan eons of time to start over; to create something new, but HE COULD NOT. Satan cannot create and give life; only corrupt, deceive and masquerade as an angle of light.475 He is the Great Pretender. It’s in the Book
Then God creates again and we read about it in Genesis 1:2 as God starts over. Genesis 1:1 – The First Earth Age
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. KJV
Genesis 1:2 – The earth became without form and void
2 And (BUT) the earth WAS (“hayah” BECAME) without form, and
void; and DARKNESS was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit
of God moved upon the face of the waters. KJV
2 Peter 3:5-6 – The world that WAS then overflowed with water
5 ... the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water
and in the water:
6 Whereby THE WORLD THAT THEN WAS, being overflowed
with water, PERISHED (First Earth Age)
Judgment # 1
In the beginning of the Second Earth Age, God created for the second time, the heavens and the
earth and then He stepped back and JUDGED his handiwork and said it was GOOD.476 Then He made MAN and judged him and said he was VERY GOOD.
In the very beginning, Man was JUDGED good, but that was before he met a cute blond haired girl named Evie who was five foot two with eyes of blue and they ate a bad apple pie. 477
This is an awesome story and I hope you get to read it... EVE TEMPTED HUMBLED REDEEMED...
Don’t take the Judgments of God lightly; we should not take SIN lightly, God sure does not, the
proof is the cost that paid for our sins; His only begotten Son’s life.
It’s in the Book
465 Matthew 12:22 – Blind demon spirit
466 Mark 9:25 – Deaf and Dumb demon spirit
467 Leviticus 20:27 – Familiar spirit demon
468 Mark 9:25 – Foul demon spirit
469 Numbers 5:14 – Jealous demon spirit
470 1 Kings 22:22 – Lying demon spirit
471 1 Timothy 4:1 – Seducing demon spirit
472 Matthew 12:43 – Unclean demon spirit
473 Luke 13:11 – Demon spirit of Infirmity
474 James 2:19 – EVEN THE DEMONS BELIEVE in the ONE God of Abraham and shudder
475 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 – Satan and his Demons MASQUERADE as angles of light; PRETENDING to be servants of righteous
476 Genesis 1:31 – God judged His creations and said they were VERY GOOD
477 Genesis 3:12 - The Woman gave me the fruit and I ate it
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Judgment #2
This Judgment occurred during the time of Noah and dealt with Angels who left their
assignments and came down to earth. These “Fallen” are identified as “Sons of God”478 or Nephilim. They existed BEFORE the flood of Noah and also existed AFTER the flood. According to the Book these Devine beings came down from the heavens to earth at least twice.
When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them”, some angels left their own habitations, their places of assignment479 and they took “whoever they chose” to be their wives in marriage480 and had sexual relations that resulted in producing a hybrid of GIANT people called The Nephilim.481
This is a special passage when you realize that daughters of men had always been born to them, but it seems at some point a desire was awakened in these Angels. There is no marriage in heaven as Devine beings are immortal and therefore there is no need to propagate; to replenish or repopulate as mortals do on earth.482
NEPHILIM; Wikipedia; the majority of ancient biblical versions, including the Septuagint, Theodotion, Latin Vulgate and Samaritan Targum, interpret the word to mean "GIANTS". Symmachus translates it as "the violent ones" and Aquila's translation has been interpreted to mean either "the fallen ones" or "the ones falling" [upon their enemies].
Giants terrorized the Israelites from the time they entered into Canaan until the time of David.483 The fearsome race of Rephaims; the Emims, Zamzummims, Anakites, Sabeans, and some Philistines were of great physical statue, large framed and abnormally powerful.
There was a population explosion; man’s inclination was on evil, crime and immorality. I know this is “far reaching”, but
Noah was obedient to His instructions and for 120 years of grace,485 became a preacher of righteous and found favor in the eyes of God.486 He faithfully preached the message of REPENTANCE, “the world is coming to an end”, but nobody listened,487 then it started to rain, BUT the door remained open for some seven days for any that would come and then GOD SHUT THE DOOR. It rained so long that the tallest mountain was under water some 20 feet.
The Line of Descendants beginning with Adam, was Seth, then Enosh, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and finally Noah who “walked with God”. Methuselah, Noah’s grandfather was around during the construction of the ark and probably helped out, but then died just before the flood at the ripe old age of 969. Did you see it? Methuselah died just before one of God’s days had passed; 1,000 years is like but a day unto the Lord.488
Noah’s name means; rest, relief, and comfort, he was 480 years old when God told him to build the Ark and lived 350 years after the flood and died at the ripe old age of 950. He was the second great progenitor of the human race, with Adam being the first. Noah was uniquely righteous, he believed God and obeyed according to all that God commanded Him.
478 Job 1:6 – Satan and the SONS OF GOD present themselves
479 Jude 6 – Some angels left their own habitation; their assignments
480 Genesis 6:1-2 – The SONS OF GOD saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, came down and married any of them they chose
481 Genesis 6:4 – Their offspring’s were giants; The NEPHILIM
482 Mark 12:25 – There is no need for marriage in Heaven
483 Genesis 6:4- There were GIANTS on the earth in those days
484 Genesis 6:5-7 – God is grieved - His patience wears thin MAN'S WICKEDNESS was ONLY EVIL ALL THE TIME. So the LORD said, "I
will wipe mankind,
485 Genesis 6:8-9 –Noah was a righteous man, blameless and he walked with God. Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD -- 1 Peter
3:20 – God waited patiently for 120 years while the ark was being built
486 2 Peter 2:5 – Noah A PREACHER OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, Preached for 120 years
487 Genesis 6:12 – For all the people was corrupt except for Noah
488 Psalm 90:4 - A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by
Nephilim as being EVIL GIANTS;
The Apocrypha describes the
the Book of Jubilees 7:21–25 states that ridding the
Earth of these Nephilim was one of main reasons for God's JUDGMENT in flooding
the Earth during Noah's time.484
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Noah had three sons born about a year apart.489
1) Shem was born when Noah was 502 – Shem would produce the Godly line of Abraham.
2) Japheth is listed as the middle son, who we believe was born when Noah was 503.
3) Ham his youngest son was born when Noah was 504, about 24 years after Noah started the
building project. Hams descendants would be “Egypt” who would enslave the Israelites.
Four wives were also included on the Ark for a total of 8 living souls that would be saved on the ark.490 In my BS, I believed that Noah’s three sons had taken wives from other nations which gave us
the races of today. (See the study on Adam and Eve’s DNA)
Shem is the progenitor of the “Semitic” peoples of the East. (White)
Japheth’s descendants are the inhabitants of Asia Minor and the sea people. (Yellow)
Ham’s descendants became the Egyptians, Canaanites and Africans. (Black)
Did you see it? When the SECOND EARTH AGE came under JUDGMENT only eight lives were saved... none were saved in the FIRST EARTH AGE.
Side Bar
The sons of Adam, the SETHITES and the CAINITES were going in two opposite directions keeping diversely apart physically and also in moral and character distinctions.
Some students Belief System hold that the Godly line of Seth were actually “the sons of God” that were said to have disobeyed God, by “coming down” from the mountains and inner marring; breeding with the wicked Cainites thereby producing giants; they conclude that they were not any fallen angels at all; only disobedient men.
Other students BS of the Bible believe that the “bad report” of Giants in the land that was brought back by the Israelite spies was actually a “False Report” and that they had not actually seen any Giants at all, but were just afraid. Although my BS does not embrace these views, I felt I should note it anyway.
Numbers 13:31-33 – Spies after the flood of Noah saw Giants
31 "We can't attack those people; they are stronger than we are."
32 And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land
they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those
living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size.
33 We saw the NEPHILIM there (the descendants of Anak come from
the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we
looked the same to them." NIV
Judgment #3
God cannot look on sin and for a period of time; in my BS I believe it was probably for some three hours; God turned His back as the sins of the whole world were heaped on the body of His ONLY begotten Son.492 Many Students of the Word BS downplay the bitter truth that Jesus was forsaken by God. All of His Disciples had already abandoned Him and He was totally ALONE.493 There was no place for Him to turn for human refuge, nor Divine refuge. IT WAS GOD’S WILL TO CRUSH JESUS.494
489 Genesis 6:9-10 – Noah had three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth
490 Genesis 6:18 – Bring your wife, yours sons and their wives into the Ark I will establish my covenant with you, -- Genesis 7:7 – Just
EIGHT PEOPLE entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood
491 Galatians 3:13 - His death on the cross redeemed us from the curse... CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO IS HUNG ON A TREE
492 Isaiah 53:6 – All our Sins were laid on Jesus at the cross
493 John 16:32 – Disciples were all scattered; Jesus was left all alone
494 Isaiah 53:10 - It was GOD’S WILL to CRUSH Jesus to makes his life an offering for sin -- Isaiah 53:10 - It pleased the LORD to BRUISE
This Judgment deals with man’s sins and with Christ on the Cross who became Sin for us. The Book says that everyone who hangs on a tree is cursed.491 Jesus was JUDGED as a blasphemous sinner and was crucified on the Cross; the sinless Jesus took our sins.
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Why did God forsake Jesus? The next verse tells us... because God is HOLY and in those last three hours, God could not look on the boatload after boatload of sin that was being dumped on His ONLY begotten Son,495 BUT He was still there. SELAH. (With tears in my eyes, I just cannot adequately describe or fandom all of this; Jesus’ burden was so over whelming, that He sweat GREAT drops of blood.)
My God, My God why have you forsaken Me?496
Did you see it? Jesus used the same words that David did in Psalm 22:1... My God, My God, why
have you forsaken me? Why are You so far from saving me, so far from My cries of anguish?
Judgment #4
This Judgment occurs at the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. In Jewish theology, the “Blessed
Souls” awaited in a compartment of Hell referred to as Paradise or Abraham’s Bosom. Apocalyptic writings indicate that Paradise was located on the edge of Hell; not exactly in and not exactly out. It was the abode of people, who had died in the FRIENDSHIP of God, but had to wait for the birth, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God to “open heaven's gates”.
Speaking of Hell; at this writing the volcano in Hawaii has been pouring our lava for almost three months, with no sign that the eruption is waning. This should give you an idea of the enormity of HELL. In my BS, I see Hell as a sphere in the center of the earth, therefore it is bottomless. I have no scripture, but a bottomless hell is just something fun to ponder.
Before the time of Christ’s ministry, Hell was divided into two compartments, Torment and Paradise which were separated by a large gulf. Those who worshipped Jehovah God and had died in His FRIENDSHIP were in the compartment of Hell known as “Abrahams Bosom” or “Paradise”. This was where the “Righteous Good” went after death; where they “tarried” till the resurrection.498
Time is somewhat of an abstract for the dead, and only exists for the living; and is only a pin point of existence in time, somewhere between eternity past and eternity future. During this time of “tarring” in Paradise, the people were awake having emotions, feelings, and dialog.
Note: Not one of them had ever heard of Jesus Christ; the Son of God.499
At Christ’s death on the Cross, He went to Abraham’s Bosom500 also known as Paradise and for
three days501 preached the “Good News Message” that He was the Way, The Truth and the Life; He
was the ONLY WAY to God the Father.502 Those in the FRIENDSHIP of God that had died over the past
4,000 years ALL ACCEPTED Him.
If you remember the story of the Rich man and the beggar Lazarus; at their death, the Rich man
went to Hell in Torment503 and Lazarus the Beggar also went to Hell, but to a different compartment known as Abraham’s bosom or Paradise.504 In Biblical times, people would recline as they ate; the one reclining near the head guy was referred to as reclining “In His Bosom”; a place of honor.
This was not a parable, as a specific person is never named in a parable; this was an actually true story. I want to say it another way, at their death THEY HAD ALREADY BEEN JUDGED, sent to the holding tank of Hell and the two were separated with a great gulf between them that no man could cross over.505
495 Habakkuk 1:13 - Your eyes are TOO PURE to look upon EVIL
497 John 19:30 – The plan of Salvation: “IT IS FINISHED,” and HE bowed his head and gave up His spirit.
498 John 11:26 – The Believer will never die
499 John 8:32 – The truth set the captives in Paradise free
500 1 Peter 3:18-19 – Jesus preached to the captives in a compartment of Hell known as Abraham’s Bosom or Paradise
501 Matthew 12:40 – Jesus preached for three days in Hell
502 John 14:6 - Jesus said; “I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. NO ONE can come to the father EXCEPT THROUGH ME
503 Luke 16:23 – Rich man judged and is in Torment
504 Luke 16:22 – Poor man judged and is in Abraham’s Bosom
505 Luke 16:26 – There is a great chasm between Torment and Abraham’s Bosom that no one can cross over
CHRIST WAS JUDGED for man’s sins AND DECLARED GUILTY; He suffered, died and was forsaken on the cross.497 JESUS WAS FORSAKEN SO THAT WE WOULD NOT BE.
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It is worth noting that Jesus appeared to Mary BEFORE He ascended to Heaven collaborating that Paradise was still on earth and had not yet been taken to heaven.506 When Jesus ascended,507 He took “Paradise” and everybody in it including the Thief on the Cross508 up to heaven where it is now. There is no longer a “tarring” place on this earth.509
Side Note: With Paradise removed, Hell has now been enlarged to receive all the new folks for the last 2000 years who have rejected the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Did you see it? WE ARE JUDGED AT DEATH. The decisions we make on this side of life have eternal consequences. You can’t be prayed out of Hell, nor penitence paid; it’s all over. BAM... Today, we that love the Lord do not go to the lower parts of the earth when we die, but go immediately to Heaven and are active with Jesus Christ.510 Did you see it? Paradise in now in Heaven. SELAH
Judgment #5
The Judgment Seat of Christ (“Bema Seat”) occurs at the return of Jesus Christ just after the first
stage of Armageddon and just before the Millennium reign begins. This judgment starts with the family of God,511 it’s for BELIEVERS ONLY and should not to be confused with The Great White Thrown Judgment that is for UNBELIVERS and MAKE BELIEVERS which comes along later.
Jesus Christ is the Judge who has already paid the price at the cross for the Believers redemption.512 Their sins have already been forgiven; not temporarily covered over by animal sacrifices, but permanently. Jesus made the Final Sacrifice on the Cross for ALL that would believe; their Sins are gone.513
This Judgment takes place in heaven since all are considered sinless. No one loses their life at this judgment as ALL are saved. Sinners are now called Saints because they have confessed “Jesus as Lord.” This is where ALL Believers will appear and receive what is due them for things done while they were alive.514 This is where the motives and the consistency of faithfulness of the believer’s actions are exposed. There are various rewards for the saved; their WORKS are declared to be either wood, hay and stubble; or gold, silver and precious stones.515
Although their WORKS will determine their rewards, WORKS DO NOT SAVE a man nor get him to heaven. Various Crowns are also given to everyone; some will get more than one crown and then after we receive our crowns, we will sit at the wedding feast as the bride of Christ. The more crowns we have been given the more we have to throw at the feet of Jesus.516
506 John 20:11-17 – Jesus told Mary Do not hold on to me, I have not yet ascended to the Father
507 Ephesians 4:8-10 – Jesus descended first to hell and at His ascension, led the captives out that were in Paradise
508 Luke 23:42-43 – The Thief on the Cross went to Paradise that very day when he died
509 Ephesians 4:8 – When Jesus ascended He took Paradise; Abrahams Bosom and all those in to Heaven
510 2 Corinthians 5:8 – When the Believer is absent from their body; they are Present with the Lord
511 1 Peter 4:17-18 – Judgment begins with the Family of God
512 Ephesians 2:8-9- We are saved by His GRACE not by our works it is the GIFT of God
513 1 John 2:2 - Jesus is The Atoning Sacrifice for our sins
514 2 Corinthians 5:10 - All Believers must appear before the JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST and receive what is due him
515 Revelation 22:12 – Rewards; I will give to everyone according to what he has done -- 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 – His reward will be what
he has builds on the foundation of Jesus Christ -- Revelation 22:12 - Rewards given according to what you have done while alive on earth
516 Revelation 4:10-11 - CAST THEIR CROWNS BEFORE THE THRONE, saying, Worthy art thou, our Lord and our God, to receive the
glory and the honor and the power
517 1 Corinthians 9:25 - Imperishable Crown
518 2 Timothy 4:8 - Crown of righteousness
519 Revelation 2:10 – Crown of life
520 1 Peter 5:2-4 – Crown of glory
521 1 Thessalonians 2:19 – Crown of Rejoicing
I count at least FIVE CROWNS that are available.
1) Imperishable Crown517 – Those who have victory over their old spirit man.
2) Crown of Righteousness518 – For those who are longing for His appearance.
3) Crown of Life519 – Those that are tested even unto death – The Martyr’s Crown.
4) Crown of Glory520 – Overseers or Elders Crown - Those who serve the flock.
5) Crown of Rejoicing521 – Soul winners crown.
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NOTE: The Believer and the Non-believer both deserve HELL, but one is FORGIVEN; the believer does not stand before The Great White Throne Judgment, this judgment is reserved solely for the Non-believers and the Make Believers.
Judgment #6
This Judgment is of the JEWISH NATION522 and occurs during the TRIBULATION period after the Church has already been raptured and the restraining force of the Holy Spirit is removed.
The location will be in Israel and God is the Judge; they will be judged on the rejection of the PROPHET’S WORDS, the Jew’s acceptance or rejection of the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The Prophet Zephaniah describes the wrath of God and His judgment during the last 3 1⁄2 years of the GREAT Tribulation with troubling words like; wrath, distress, anguish, trouble, darkness, gloom and blackness.523 Zephaniah says that their wealth will be plundered, their houses demolished they will build houses, but not live in them; they will plant vineyards, but not drink the wine.524
God seals His servants, the 144,000 Israelite JEWS to protect them from the wrath that is starting to be unloaded. This seal or mark is the seal of the living God signifying His ownership and guaranteed protection.525 It is literally on their foreheads just as the mark of the beast (the antichrist) is literal on the forehead or arm of the lost also showing the antichrist’s ownership.526
Before the Rapture these special 144,000 Jews had unwaveringly embraced the one and only true God of Abraham, but were not believers in Jesus Christ as their Messiah; but the rapture witnessed to them as well as the preaching of the TWO WITNESSES as ordained by God... and they believed!
NOTE: All of Revelation is NOT written in chronically order as this sealing occurs before the tribulation gets underway. The 144,000 SEALED JEWS and their CONVERTS will be the only ones saved, ALL others will stand condemned.
Some say the 12 tribes of Israel are now lost, but they are not lost to God. These 144,000 Jews will be saved after the rapture, just as the tribulation period begins and God already knows who they are. By Devine plan they are already scattered throughout the Nations where they will testify of Jesus Christ. Good News, when we become believers, WE ALSO ARE MARKED with the seal of God’s ownership.527
NOTE: The Gentile Nations are next to be judged.
Side Bar
522 Jeremiah 30:4-7 – It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, HOW AWFUL THAT DAY WILL BE! None will be like it
523 Revelation 16:1-21 - Ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the MARK OF THE BEAST and worshiped his image they
cursed the name of God and refused to repent
524 Zephaniah 1:12-18 – Wrath, distress, anguish, trouble, darkness gloom, clouds and blackness for he will make a sudden end
525 Revelation 14:1 – God’s Mark of ownership; 144,000 who had his name and his FATHER'S NAME WRITTEN ON THEIR FOREHEADS
526 Revelation 13:16-17 – Satan’s Mark of ownership; RECEIVE A MARK on his right hand or on his FOREHEAD the NAME OF THE
BEAST or the number of his name; 666
527 2 Corinthians 5:5 -The Holy Spirit is a Deposit; a guarantee of our Salvation -- Ephesians 1:13 – All Believers are MARKED with the seal
of God the promised HOLY SPIRIT -- John 6:27 – God has placed His SEAL OF APPROVAL on us -- 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 – God has set
His SEAL OF OWNERSHIP on us and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come -- Ephesians 4:30 – We are
SEALED for the Day of Redemption
Today there are some dominations, groups and cults that claim that they are the SEALED 144,000.
Mormons claim that they ONLY are the 144,000 who will inherit eternal life and the remainder of their denomination will just live in Paradise.
Jehovah Witnesses feel that they are the 144,000. However, scripture says there will NOT be one Gentile in the whole bunch. NOT ONE !
The seal of the living God speaks of protection and possession. Today when the Christian receives Christ they are INSTANTLY SEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT and inherit eternal life. God promised Abraham a son, who would be the beginning of a “special race” of people that would be blessed of God, a race which the Messiah would be born. A people that would be a witness to the pagan world.
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The Jews are the “Chosen People” although, just as the prophets taught, they rejected their own Messiah Jesus the Christ. This produced the “New Covenant” in which the Gentiles were grafted into the branch and would receive the promise passed down from Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. The Messiah will come back to Jerusalem “the most Holy place in the world”.
The Jew’s existence provided the Old and New Testaments (Covenants) and protected and preserved the purity of the scriptures. The Twelve Tribes of Israel produces the 144,000 WITNESSES.
Oddly enough, there were Twelve Spies, representing the Twelve Tribes of Israel that went into the Promised Land; TEN of the twelve came back with a negative report and would not take the land as God commanded.
Did you see it? Those TEN tribes are now scattered; LOST.
The TEN lost tribes of the Northern kingdom of Israel were all carried off into captivity and scattered among the nations; gone, vanished. The remaining two tribes in the Southern kingdom were Dan and Judah; the small tribe of Dan was eventually absorbed into Judah.
Judah is where we get the name JEW and is the tribe from which our Messiah Jesus the Christ would be born. The Jewish nation is the only people that did not lose their national identity when stripped from their homeland; but hung to the vision of returning back to the nation of Israel.
You could say it was a GOD THING. It’s in the Book
Numbers 13:31-32 – TEN Tribes brought back a negative report
31 But the men who had gone up with him said,
"We can't attack those people; they are stronger than we are."
32 And they spread among the Israelites a BAD REPORT about the
land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those
living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. (GIANTS)
Judgment #7
The nations that FAIL are GOAT nations and are cast into hell and cease to exist as a nation.528
The nations that PASS are SHEEP nations and continue as a Nation in the coming millennial reign of Jesus Christ.529 NOTE: Previous to the Gentile Nations being judged, the Jewish
Nation had also been judged.
Matthew 25:32-33 - All the Nations will be Judged
32 All the NATIONS will be gathered before him, and he will
separate the people one from another as a shepherd
33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left NIV
Judgment #8
The Great White Thrown Judgment is for those that do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son ofGod. Sadly that includes most of the Jewish Nation; but God has a plan for them that includes 144,000 MISSIONARIES to the Jews; many will believe. It’s in the Book
528 Matthew 25:40-41 – The left will be cursed; sent into eternal fire then he will say to those on his left, Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels
529 Matthew 25:45-46 – The righteous on His right will enter into eternal life
The Judgment of the GENTILE NATIONS occurs at the close of the Great Tribulation, and Christ is the Judge. Everyone is judged in their own country. Each person is judged on their attitude and treatment of His chosen people, ISRAEL.
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven IT’S IN THE BOOK This Judgment occurs at the close of the 1,000 years reign of Jesus Christ, known as “THE
MILLENNIUM” with the completion of the 2nd part of Armageddon. 530
The saints have already been judged 1,000 years before at the Judgment Seat of Christ and found NOT GUILTY;536 they have already been rewarded and have received their crowns.
The Take Away
The location of this judgment is somewhere between Heaven where there is no sin, and Earth which is under renovation at this time. There is no place to hide... The Judge is God the Father.531
The wicked dead, regardless of their position in life are all standing before the throne of God.532 This is where books are opened revealing their “works or deeds” during their lifetime and their rejection of Jesus Christ.533 Every man gets his day in court; there are degrees of torment that’s added to the penalty of the LIFE sentence in the lake of Fire. 534
In general what follows next is EVER LASTING FIRE, SMOKE, WORMS, WAILING and GNASHING OF TEETH, but there is a bonus... they get to meet the Beast.535
The number EIGHT in scripture is New Beginnings and New Birth...
After a seven day week, then the eighth day starts a NEW week...
Jesus was resurrected on the eight day after a seven day week....
The Disciples collected the tithes on the eight day after a seven day week...
There were eight people saved on the Ark that begin a new life...
The multiple of 8 is 888 which is the number of Jesus Christ our Messiah of the NEW Covenant. (Theomatics; Jerry Lucas)
Of the Eight Judgments there are two MAIN judgment events;
The Judgment Seat of Christ... Bema seat (For Believers) The Great White Throne Judgment. (For Un-believers)
After our RESURRECTION, Believers and Non-believers alike will ALL be judged. The resurrection is the very CENTER of Christianity. What think ye... Was Jesus resurrected? Whether you believe in God and Jesus or not; at the Judgment every knee will bow and every person will give an account to God for their actions.
The Books will be opened
The Bible which is the word of God that judges them.
The Book of Deeds containing the account of each man’s works and deeds on earth.
The Book of Life with the names written down of those that accepted Jesus Christ as the Son
of God. Our Salvation is based on Jesus plus nothing else.
The decisions we make on this side of death have ETERNAL CONCEQUENCES. When you are born, your name is ALREADY IN the Book of life. Your decisions determine if your name stays in “The Book” or is blotted out. That should answer your questions about salvation for a baby or child that died early in life. It’s in the Book
530 Revelation 20:5 – The wicked remained dead one thousand years -- Daniel 12:2 – The Wicked awake to shame and everlasting
contempt -- John 5:29- The Wicked will awake and rise to be condemned
531 John 5:22-23 – Judgment has been entrusted to Jesus alone
532 Hebrews 9:27 – When we die, then comes the Judgment
533 Revelation 20:11-13 – Great White Throne; Books are opened, the dead were JUDGED according to what they had done as recorded
in the books. Another book was opened, which is THE BOOK OF LIFE -- Revelation 20:15 – Name not written in the Book of Life
thrown into the Lake of Fire -- Revelation 2:23- All will be re-paid according to their deeds on earth
534 Revelation 18:5-6 – The Wicked sins are piled up in heaven for payback PAY YOU BACK DOUBLE, MIX YOU A DOUBLE PORTION
for your sins are piled up to heaven
535 Matthew 13:42 - Unbeliever will go a FURNACE OF FIRE; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth -- Matthew 25:41 – The fire is anEVERLASTINGFIRE--Matthew25:41–UnbelieverwillgointoEVERLASTINGFIRE --Matthew25:46–Unbelieverwillgointo EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT -- Revelation 14:11 – Smoke of the unbeliever’s torment will ascend forever -- Isaiah 66:24 – The WORMS crawl in; the WORMS crawl out Revelation 17:8 – The un-believer gets to see End Time Beast -- John 16:8-11 – Satan; THE PRINCE OF THISWORLDNOWSTANDSCONDEMNED --John12:31–THEPRINCEOFTHISWORLD(SATAN)WILLBEDRIVENOUT
536 Acts 24:15 – There’s a resurrection for both the godly and the wicked
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Question: Would you do anything different if you knew that you would have to explain your actions to God, knowing that He already knows what’s in your heart?
When Jesus came the first time He did NOT come to judge; but the second time He WILL. He will be seated at the right hand of God the Father at both Judgments and will judge Fallen Angels, Demons, the False Prophet, the Anti-Christ, Satan and ALL those that are “Spiritually Blind” that have led others astray; they will be especially dealt with. There are some TV personalities that have millions of followers going in the wrong direction. This is especially sad and grievous for them as well as for their followers who will all perish.
Hebrews 9:27 – After you die you face the judgment
27 Just as man is DESTINED to die once, and after that to face JUDGMENT,
Acts 24:15 – There’s a resurrection of both righteous and wicked
15 and I have the same hope in God as these men, that there will be a resurrection of both the RIGHTEOUS and the WICKED.
Romans 14:10-12 - Each will give an account of himself to God
10 You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look
down on your brother?
11 It is written: "`As surely as I live,' says the Lord, `
every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'" 12 then, EACH OF US WILL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD
John 5:22-23 – Judgment has been entrusted to Jesus alone
22 Moreover, the Father judges no one, but
23 that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who
does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him. NIV
John 9:39-41 – Those that lead people astray will be judged
that the blind will see and those who (think they spiritual) see will become
40 Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked,
"What? Are we (spiritually) blind too?"
41 Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now
Jude 6 – Fallen Angels will be judged at The Day of the Lord.
6 And THE ANGELS who did not keep their positions of authority
but abandoned their own home-these he
has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains
BOOK - John 12:48 – The BOOK of God; the Bible – The Word of God
48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my
words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last
day. NIV
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BOOK - Romans 3:19-20 – The BOOK of Deeds according to the Law
19 Now we know that whatever THE LAW says, it says to those who are
under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole
20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing
the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. NIV
BOOK - Revelation 3:5 – The BOOK of Life overcomer’s name stays in
5 He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white.
I will never BLOT OUT his name from THE BOOK OF LIFE,
but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.
Exodus 32:33 – In the beginning your name is in God’s book
33 The LORD replied to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against me I will BLOT OUT of my Book.
By your words you are acquitted or condemned. But I tell you that men will have
to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless (blasphemous) word they have spoken.
For by your words (that’s in your heart) you will be acquitted,
and by your words (that’s in your heart) you will be condemned.
For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Matt 12:34-37 NIV
John 7:17 – Want to do the Will of God? Then know Christ
17 Anyone who wants to DO THE WILL of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own. (NLT)
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Chapter 14.16
Two Final Judgments of God
Two Deaths – Two Resurrections - Three Books – The Rapture Revisited The Un-believer – The Make Believer – Armageddon – Wedding Supper The Judgment Seat of Christ – The Great White Throne Judgment
First Word
It is important to see Christ as SEATED at the right hand of God. According to scripture there were not any chairs or stools in the Temple; the Priest’s work was never finished. The HIGH PRIEST stood and NEVER sat down.
Jesus (our High Priest) standing in the temple read from the scroll of Isaiah the prophet and said, “Today the prophecy has been fulfilled” and then SAT DOWN.537 (They knew what that meant) Jesus our High Priest has sat down; IT IS FINISHED.538
The Question: Will everyone one day be resurrected from the dead and stand before the throne and give an account for every action, every deed and every idle word that was spoken out of their mouth and be judged accordingly?539 YES
Next are the TWO JUDGMENTS where everyone will stand before Christ as He is seated on the throne Jesus has all eternity to listen to you. A thousand years is like a day to Him.540
Two Judgments - The Judgment Seat of Christ & The Great White Throne Judgment After our resurrection we will ALL be judged, believers and non-believers alike. The resurrection is the very CENTER of Christianity... What think ye; was Jesus resurrected? Whether you believe in God or not; at the Judgment every knee will bow and every person will give an account to God for their actions.541
The Question: Would you change what you do if you knew that you would have to explain your actions to God knowing that He already knows what’s in your heart?
When Jesus came the first time He did NOT come to judge, but He WILL the second time. Jesus will be seated at the right hand of God at both Judgments542 and will judge fallen angels,543 demons, Satan plus those that are “spiritually blind” that have led people astray; they will be especially dealt with.544
The decisions you make on this side of death have ETERNAL CONCEQUENCES. When you are born, your name is ALREADY in the Book of life. Your decisions determine if your name stays in “The Book” or is blotted out. Life is choice driven
537 Luke 4:16-21 – Jesus completed the work and then SAT DOWN
538 John 19:30 – IT IS FINISHED
539 Matthew 12:36-37 – By your words (that’s in your heart) you are acquitted or condemned
540 2 Peter 3:8 – A Thousand Years is like a Day with the Lord
541 Hebrews 9:27 – After death you face judgment Acts 24:15 – There’s a resurrection of both righteous and wicked -- Romans 14:10-12 -
Each will give an account of himself to God
542 John 5:22-23 – Judgment has been entrusted to Jesus alone
543 Jude 6 – Fallen Angels will be judged at The Day of the Lord.
544 John 9:39-41 – Those that lead people astray will be judged accordingly
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The Books are opened
The Bible545 which is the WORD of God that judges them.
The Book of Deeds546 containing the account of man’s WORKS and DEEDS on earth.
The Book of Life547 with the names written down of those that ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as the
Son of God.
Judgment Seat of Christ
The Judgment Seat of Christ (“Bema Seat”) occurs at the return of Jesus Christ just after the first stage of Armageddon and just before the Millennium reign begins... This judgment starts with the family of God;548 The Believers.
Sinners are called Saints because they have confessed “Jesus as Lord.” Their sins have already been forgiven; NOT temporarily covered over by animal sacrifices, but permanently. Jesus made the Final Sacrifice on the Cross for ALL that would believe... their Sins are gone.
The Judgment Seat of Christ is where ALL Believers will appear and receive what is due them for things done while they were alive549... The Believer will receive their reward550 and at least one crown.551
I count at least FIVE CROWNS that are available.
More Good News; the believer does not stand before ; this is reserved for the Non-believers and the Make Believers.558
NOTE: The Believer and the Non-believer both deserve HELL... But one is FORGIVEN.
Marriage/Wedding Supper
The traditional Marriage was in THREE parts:
1) The Contract where the price was paid (The cross)
2) The Wedding, where the groom goes and gets his bride (The rapture) and
3) The Marriage Supper when he takes her to his home. (His presence forever)
Heaven is where the marriage supper will be held; not in the air or on the earth. It happens on the Eve of His “Revelation”; that of His return to earth for His 1,000 year reign. The bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage... and THE DOOR WAS SHUT559
545 John 12:48 – The Bible – The Word of God
546 Romans 3:19-20 – The Book of deeds according to the Law
547 Exodus 32:33 – In the beginning your name is in God’s Book -- Revelation 3:5 – The overcomer’s name stays in the Book of Life
548 1 Peter 4:17-18 – Judgment begins with the Family of God
549 2 Corenthians 5:10 – ALL Believers will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ
550 Revelations 22:12 – Jesus comes with Rewards for the Believer
551 Revelation 3:11 – Jesus comes with Crowns
552 1 Corenthians 9:24-25 – Imperishable Crown
553 2 Timothy 4:8 – Crown of Righteousness
554 Revelation 2:9-10 – Crown of Life
555 1 Peter 5:2-4 – Crown of Glory
556 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20 – Crown of Rejoicing
557 Revelation 4:10-11 – Cast their crowns before Jesus
558 1 John 2:2 - Jesus is The Atoning Sacrifice for the believer’s sins
559 Mathew 25:1-10 – The Church goes forth to meet the Bridegroom and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and THE
1) Imperishable Crown:552 Those who have victory over their old spirit man.
2) Crown of Righteousness:553 Those longing for His appearance
3) Crown of Life:554 Those that are tested even unto death... The Martyr’s Crown
4) Crown of Glory:555 Overseers or Elders Crown... Those who serve the flock.
5) Crown of Rejoicing:556 Soul winners crown.
After we have received our crowns, we will sit at His wedding feast as the bride of Christ. The more crowns we have earned, the more we have to throw at the feet of Jesus.557
The Great White Throne Judgment
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Unpardonable Sin: This is deemed to be the final rejection of the Holy Spirit’s testimony concerning the work and person of Jesus Christ. Anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.560
A Believer cannot continue to Sin after he has received the knowledge of truth; otherwise he is a Make Believer.561 Jesus Christ has made the FINAL sacrifice; there are no more sacrifices that can be made for sin. The Make Believer tramples the Son of God under his feet; makes the blood of the Covenant an un-holy thing and insults the Holy Spirit. How much more severely will God deal with the one who KNOWS and continues to sin... It’s in the Book.
Two Deaths: There are actually two deaths, but the believer only experiences the first; the un-believer experiences both. Books are opened and ALL must give account of what they have done in life. If their name was not found in the last book; The Book of Life, they will be thrown into the lake of fire, which is the SECOND DEATH.562
The Great White Throne Judgment
The Great White Throne Judgment563 is for those that do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Sadly that includes the Jewish Nation; but God has a plan that includes 144,000 missionaries to the Jews, many will come to believe. It’s in the Book.
This judgment occurs at the close of the 1,000 years reign of Christ, known as “The Millennium” withthecompletionofthe2ndpartofArmageddon. Thisisthejudgmentwherethebooksareopened revealing the “works or deeds”564 during the lifetime of the wicked dead, and their rejection of Christ. Every man gets his day in court.
The location of the Great White Throne judgment is somewhere between Heaven where there is no sin, and Earth which is under renovation at this time... There is no place to hide... The wicked dead, regardless of their position in life are all standing before the throne and receive their sentence which is torment in the Lake of Fire forever; there they will get to meet the Beast.565
There’s degrees of torment566 for the wicked that’s added to the penalty of the lake of Fire.567 What follows next is ever lasting fire,568 smoke,569 worms,570 wailing and gnashing of teeth.571
THE SAINTS have already been judged 1,000 years before at the Judgment Seat of Christ and found NOT GUILTY... They have been rewarded and have received their crowns
The Return
If you are able to embrace “The Rapture Theology”, you will be pleased to know that nothing
else has to happen in Bible Prophecy for the return of Jesus Christ for the Saints. I hope it happens TODAY. Prepare to meet your God.
Rapture Theology says that the return of Christ is in Two Parts;
He comes the first time in the AIR for the saints before the Tribulation period begins and
The second time to the EARTH after the tribulations and just after the “first half” of
ARMAGEDDON is put on pause for 1,000 years. This is another Word study all into its self.
560 Luke 12:10 – Anyone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven
561 Hebrews 10:26-29 – If you continue in Sin... You are not the Lords
562 Revelation 21:8 – The Second Death; their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur
563 Revelation 20:11-13 – Great White Throne – Books are opened
564 Revelation 20:13 - Each judged according to their works what they have done
565 Revelation 17:8 – Only the un-believer will see the End Time Beast -- John 16:8-11 – Satan stands condemned. -- John 12:31 – Satan
will be driven out of this world
566 Revelation 2:23 - I will repay each of you according to your deeds -- Revelation 18:5-6 – Sins remembered and PAID BACK DOUBLE
567 Revelation 20:15 – Name not written in the Book of Life thrown into the Lake of Fire
568 Matthew 25:41 – Everlasting fire -- Matthew 25:46 – Everlasting punishment
569 Revelation 14:11 – Smoke and torment
570 Isaiah 66:24 – The WORMS crawl in – The WORMS crawl out
571 Matthew 13:42 – Furnace of fire – wailing – gnashing of teeth
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The Take Away
As Believer’s, our sins have already been forgiven, because “BY FAITH” we have believed that
Jesus is the “Son of God” whose death on the cross made the FINAL SACRIFICE for our SINS. By Faith we believe that Jesus died; was buried and on the third day was resurrected as prophesized in scripture and 40 days later He was translated into Heaven as the believers watched.
As Believers, we will NOT stand before The Great White Throne Judgment. SELAH Now Jesus as our HIGH PRIEST, has sat down at the right hand of God the Father.
His work is completed... IT IS FINISHED. By your words you are
acquitted or condemned
But I tell you that men will have to give account
on the Day of Judgment for every careless
(Blasphemous) word they have spoken.
For by your words (that’s in your heart) you will be acquitted,
and by your words you will be condemned." Matthew 12:36-37 NIV
For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
Matthew 12:34 NIV
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Chapter 14.17
In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.
I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am - John 14:2-3
First Word
Third Heaven – Seven Heavens – The New Earth – Tree of Life Things IN Heaven - Things NOT in Heaven – The New Jerusalem Foundations, Gates with Angels, Streets, Lights, Rooms
First of all, God is the possessor of Heaven; and its vastness is the only thing that could possible contain Him... if that were possible and earth would only be His footstool.572 After “The Day of the Lord”, Heaven will become a place where men will dwell in the presence of the Almighty God; face to face .... Without dying.
The Word Heaven, Kingdom of Heaven, Heavenly City and The New Jerusalem are all synonymous with the DWELLING PLACE OF GOD. Heaven in Hebrew is Samayim (plural) and in the Greek Ouranos (Most of the time plural). There is not much difference between ‘heaven” and “the heavens”; Jesus passed through the Heavens573 how many ever they are. We have certainly heard of seventh heaven and I have seen teaching on as many as TEN heavens, none of which are in the Book.
By the power of God; the universe, the heavens574 and earth will be purged by fiery catastrophic events and purified. When the new heavens are created, there will literarily be “HEAVEN ON EARTH” and the NEW Heavens will probably be nothing as we have ever previously understood.
While some Bible Students Belief System embraces that the earth will be renovated; urban renewal. In my BS, I believe we get a brand new earth575 and Satan gets to keep this old one, although it’s now a burning ball of HELL fire hurled off into utter darkness away from the presence of God; forever.576- No URBAN RENEWAL
Side Bar
In Catholic and medieval theology there are THREE heavenly realms;
1) Coelum Aqueum; our troposphere extending about 12 miles up which contains the air we breathe and the birds of the air, rain, snow, frost, hail,
lightning and the four winds.
2) Coelum Sidereum the stratosphere up 12 to 31 miles where temperatures
drop with increasing altitude. Commercial Airplanes fly 30 to 39 miles up
where the air is of a lower density and cooler maximizing fuel efficiency.
3) Coelum Empyreum; the expanse of the universe; the sun, moon, stars and planets; A three dimensional continual expanse extending in all directions;
boundless; Infinite... Heaven.
572 1 Kings 8:27 – God cannot be contained in any of the highest Heavens
573 Hebrews 4:14 – Jesus passed through the Heavens
574 2 Peter 3:10-12 – The Heavens will be destroyed by fire.
575 Isaiah 65:17 – I will create new heavens and a new earth - Isaiah 66:22 - New heavens... New Earth
576 Revelation 21:1 – The first heaven and earth pass away
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The Third Heaven
Many have written on the subject of heaven and its location describing the first, second and third heaven. The Apocrypha includes SEVEN heavens although there is no evidence of this in the Bible. Shamayim – Raquie – Shehaqim – Machen – Machon – Zebul – Araboth.
Because of my Belief System, I embrace the FIRST EARTH AGE; the one before Adam and Eve, that of Genesis 1:1 and the SECOND EARTH AGE; that of the creation of Genesis 1:2; I fully embrace the THIRD EARTH AGE when the earth is judged and we receive a new heaven and a new earth. Paradise is in the third age dispensation of God. (If this is the first time you have ever heard of this, I encourage you to read about The Gap Theory, the Other Flood or Satan’s flood.
The third heaven; to start with, this is where God lives;577 this is where Jesus intercedes for us with God.578 It belongs to God579 and as expanse as it is, it cannot fully contain Him. Earth is so small that it’s just a footstool for God.580
John the revelator was allowed a glimpse into the future of the third age of heaven, but was restricted as to what he could reveal581, however the part that God wants us to know is recorded in scripture and is very plain on what is there and what is not.
“When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; Therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths, indicate clearly otherwise”. Hal Lindsey
Things NOT in heaven
Things IN Heaven
577 Genesis 28:17 – God lives in the Heavens -- Deuteronomy 26:15 – God’s dwelling place is Heaven
578 Romans 8:27 – Jesus intercedes for us in Heaven
579 Genesis 14:19 – God is the owner, the possessor of Heaven
580 Isaiah 66:1 – The earth is only a footstool for God
581 2 Corenthians 12:2-4 – I was caught up to the THIRD HEAVEN in Paradise
582 Revelation 21:4 – No crying, tears, pain or death
583 Revelation 21:22 – No temple
584 Revelation 21:23 – No sun or moon
585 Revelation 21:25 – No night
586 Revelation 21:27 – No sin or impurity
587 Revelation 7:16 – No hunger nor thirst
588 Revelation 22:30 – No marriage
589 Revelation 21:1 – No sea
590 Daniel 7:9 – God is in heaven
591 Hebrews 10:12 – Jesus sitting at the right hand of God in heaven
592 Revelation 14:13 – The Holy Spirit is in heaven
593 Matthew 22:30 – Angels are in Heaven
594 1 Kings 22:19 – God’s throne is in heaven
595 Revelation 4:4 – 24 other thrones are in heaven
There will be no crying or tears or mourning or sorrow.
There will be no pain; no sickness nor death. – All of these things will have passed away. 582
Heaven will not have a temple,583 for God and the Son are the temple.
There will be no need for the sun or moon584 because the glory of God and the Son will light it.
No scorching heat from the sun bearing down - No night585 and the gates will never be shut
No sin or impurity; nothing shameful or deceitful, only purity. 586
Neither hunger nor thirst.587 – No husband or wife; no marriage588
There will be no salty sea,589 just the flow of fresh living waters from the throne.
God is there590 and the Son591 and the Holy Spirit592 and Angels;593 God’s throne594 is also there surrounded by 24 other thrones595 representing the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles, bringing the old and new testament together.
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John the Revelator was allowed to get a glimpse into heaven and saw the real Ark of the Covenant, so we know it’s there containing the original Ten Commandments.596 The Ark that Moses constructed was only a copy,597 a shadow of the real Ark in Heaven.598
There is a city, a New Jerusalem; The Holy City that is a part of the Heavens. There is also the original golden bowls599 and the original 7 candlestick menorah.600 Also there is a River of Life601 flowing from the throne of God watering the trees. Fruit trees of every description are there as well as The Tree of Life602 from the Garden of Eden, something Adam and Eve missed out on, so FOOD is in Heaven. There we will EAT the wedding Supper603 with harp music,604 and singing,605 there will be learning606 and serving607 and WE the believers608 have an inheritance to be there;609 Praise the living Lord.
The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life is a fruit bearing tree with leaves with healing properties. Eating the fruit610 of the
tree produces good works,611 blessings,612 fulfillment,613 sensitivity,614 it revitalizes and renews; it imparts wisdom;615 the knowledge of Spiritual things providing entrance through the sacred gate into the Kingdom of God’s eternal life.616
The word healing617 in the Greek should be translated Health as there is no curse of sickness. The FRUIT of the tree that brings health to the nations is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.618 It’s all ONE complete fruit
The Tree of Life was guarded in the Garden of Eden, but is now available to all men. The tree is more likely “trees” on both sides of the river of life. However, the tree could be large enough to span the entire river with waters running through it; anyway the fruit is good eats.
The tree is symbolic of the Cross of Jesus with its leaves providing spiritual living bread.619 Reading from the Apocrypha - The Tree of Life
2 Esdras 8:52 – In the Tree of Life is found rest, goodness & wisdom 52 For unto you is PARADISE opened, THE TREE OF LIFE is planted, the time to come is prepared, plenteousness is made ready, a city is builded, and rest is allowed, yea, perfect goodness and wisdom.
596 Acts 7:44 – The real Ten Commandment are in Heaven – Exodus 32:15 – Moses had a COPY of the Ten Commandments
597 Hebrews 9:23 – They were just COPIES of things in heaven -- Hebrews 8:5 – The tabernacle of God is a COPY of what is in heaven
598 Revelation 11:19 – The real Ark of the Covenant is in heaven -- The ark prepared according to the PATTERN he had seen in heaven
599 Revelation 5:8 – There are Harps and golden bowls in heaven
600 Revelation 1:12 - The Menorah is in heaven
601 Revelation 22:1 – The River of Life is in heaven
602 Ezekiel 47:12 – The leaves are for FOOD and health
603 Revelation 19:9 – Wedding Supper is in heaven
604 Revelation 5:8 – There are Harps and golden bowls in heaven
605 Isaiah 44:23 – Everyone in Heaven will sing -- Hebrews 2:12 – We will sing praises to God -- Revelation 14:3 – The Believers all sang a
new song -- Revelation 15:3 – We will Sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb
606 1 Corenthians 13:9-10 – We will continue to learn
607 Revelation 7:15 – We will serve
608 1 Peter 1:3-4 – The Believer will be there
609 Nehemiah 9:6 – There are Multitudes in Heaven worshiping God
610 Galatians 5:22-23 – Tree of Life has fruit.
611 Proverbs 11:30 – The Tree of Life produces good works.
612 Proverbs 3:18 – Blessings from the Tree of Life
613 Proverbs 13:12 – The Tree of Life produces fulfillment
614 Proverbs 15:4 – The Tree of Life produces sensitivity.
615 Proverbs 3:13-18 – Wisdom is a Tree of Life
616 Genesis 3:22 – Eat from the Tree of Life and live forever
617 Revelation 22:2 – The Tree of Life brings healing
618 Galatians 5:22-24 - The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
619 Revelation 2:7 – Those that overcome will eat from the Tree of Life
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2 Enoch 8:3-5 – The Tree of Life looks like golden fire.
3 in the midst of the TREES THAT OF LIFE, in that place whereon the Lord rests, when he goes up into PARADISE; and this tree is of ineffable goodness and fragrance, and adorned more than every existing thing; and on all sides it is in form gold-looking and vermilion and fire-like and covers all, and it has produce from all fruits.
4 It’s root is in the garden at the earth’s end.
5 And paradise is between corruptibility and incorruptibility. -
1 Enoch 24:4-5 – The Tree of Life is a tree like none other
4 And the seventh mountain was in the midst of these, and it excelled them in height, resembling the seat of a throne: and fragrant trees encircled the throne. And amongst them was a tree such as I had never yet smelt neither was any amongst them nor were others like it: it had a fragrance beyond all fragrance, and its leaves and blooms and wood wither not for ever:
5 and its fruit is beautiful, and its fruit resembles the dates of a palm. Then I said: 'How beautiful is this tree, and fragrant, and its leaves are fair and its blooms very delightful in appearanceThe City
Jesus said His father has a home with many rooms620 and He was preparing a place for us and He would return and take us there. We will live there with God and the Son.
With the limitations of John’s mind, he describes to us what he can understand;621 he describes a part of Heaven, a city, The New Jerusalem, The Holy City622 where God dwells among men. We cannot comprehend the awesomeness of our new home with Christ. We can only see “a shadow”623 of it in our spirit painted with the limited imagination of what we have seen on earth.
The Holy city is as transparent gold and the walls are as transparent Jasper624 and elevated above everything else.625
The City measured
The base is a four square, 1,500 miles wide, 1,500 miles deep and 1,500 miles high. We have been given the dimensions of the Holy City, the length, width and height, but not the shape. What if it’s not a cube? What if the shape is like a four sided pyramid, like the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, which prophecies the coming of Jesus Christ. What if it is a polished crystal with the throne on top with the river of life; the living waters flowing down all four sides? Something to think about, especially if you have ever read the book “Great Pyramid Proof of God”, and the symbolism of Christ in it. What if the “Great Pyramid” is a shadow of things to come? (Just my BS, a fun thought, no theology implied, but certainly possible.)
Revelation 21:16 – The base of the city is square
16 The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. (But what is the shape? Pyramid or Cube?)
The total area of the city as a cube would be 2,250,000 square miles. An approximate area running from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rocky Mountains then from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border.
620 John 14:2-3 – Many rooms in Heaven; I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am
621 1 Corenthians 2:9-10 – We cannot comprehend what Heaven looks like. "NO EYE HAS SEEN, NO EAR HAS HEARD, NO MIND HAS CONCEIVED WHAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM”
622 Revelation 21:2-3 – A city made for us, the bride of Christ; God himself will be with them and be their God.
623 Colossians 2:17 – Things we see now are only shadows of things to come -- Hebrews 8:5 – Things are but a copy of what is in Heaven 624 Revelation 21:10-11 – The Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, High on a mountain; Clear as Crystal
625 Micah 4:1 – It will be elevated above everything else
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The number 12 is prominent in verse 16 & 17, if you look close. Twelve is the number of Divine Power, Rule and Authority. While the number three is the trinity, it is also the number for the resurrection. Four is the number of creation. Three times four is the rule of God over creation; thus the number twelve. (No resurrection; no God over creation.)
Just for fun, the number 15 is “Rest” and that number multiplied to 1500 is the ultimate rest. Although the believer will be busy, he will never tire.
The Walls
This Wall is made of Jasper and is 144 cubits or 240 feet high, or about 24 stories tall. Tall Wall Y’all
Revelation 21:18 – Wall made of Jasper.
18 The wall was made of jasper; the city of pure gold, as pure as glass NIV
Twelve Foundations
The foundation has twelve layers; each named for one of the Twelve Apostles. Each one with a
different Simi-transparent color. Twelve is a very prominent number here, it is the number of complete religious government.
The city seems to be transparent with the light of God radiating out through the walls and the colors in the foundation. What an awesome sight. (I added the colors in the text.)
Revelation 21:14 – Twelve levels
14 The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Revelation 21:19-20 – The colors of the Foundation Stones
19 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper (blue), the second sapphire (shade of blue), and the third chalcedony (sky blue), the fourth emerald (bright green),
20 the fifth sardonyx (red & white), the sixth carnelian (reddish) , the seventh chrysolite (golden), the eighth beryl (sea green), the ninth topaz (yellow green), the tenth chrysoprase (shade of green), the eleventh jacinth (violet), and the twelfth amethyst (purple).
Twelve Gates
The great Jasper wall contains Twelve Gates with each gate made out of a SINGLE PEARL.626
There are three gates on each side with each one named for one of Israel’s Twelve Tribes.627 Each gate is guarded by its own angel. Why; I don’t know as the gates are never shut628 and only the righteous ever enter. The sight of the angels must be just stunning and overwhelming and are a testimony to the awesomeness of God. In my BS, I believe these dudes are over 9 feet tall; just saying.
Revelation 21:12-13 – Twelve Gates
12 It had a great, high wall with twelve gates and with twelve angels at
the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of
13 There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the
south and three on the west. NIV
Lighting, Streets & Rooms
626 Revelation 21:21 – Each Gates made out of one pearl
627 Ezekiel 48:31-34 – Each of the twelve tribes had a gate with their name on it.
628 Revelation 21:25-26 – The Gates will never be shut for there is no night
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There is no night for the glory of God and the lamb are the light.629 Coming through each gate, the streets will be made of pure gold, transparent as glass, the rooms will be adorned with Ivory and sweet sounds of string music coming from the harp. The bathrobes will smell of the fragrance of myrrh, aloes and cassia.
Revelation 21:21 – The Street are of pure transparent Gold
21 The street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass. NIV
Psalms 45:8 – The rooms are adorned with ivory
8 All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory the music of the strings makes you
glad. NIV
The Take Away
1 Corenthians 2:9 – We cannot comprehend what Heaven looks like.
9 However, as it is written:
1 Corenthians 15:51-52 – We will all be changed into a different body
51 Listen, I tell you a mystery:
We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed
52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and
1 John 3:2 – We shall be like Him
But we know that when he appears,
for we shall see Him as he is. NIV
This symbolism brings together the Old Testament; the twelve tribes of Israel with the twelve gates and the New Testament; the twelve apostles with the twelve foundations. I love it
So there you have it; we have no idea what the new heavens will look like, but we can know some of the things that will be there and some of the things that won’t.
The thing that we should rejoice about is that the believer will be there face to face with Jesus and we will see Him as He actually is and we will be like Him, and we will have a glorified body that will never die.
629 1 John 1:5 – God is light, so there can be no darkness -- Revelation 21:23-24 – The light comes from the Glory of the Lord
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Chapter 14.18
I enter each word study with a presupposition of thought and I let the scriptures confirm or change my Belief System; what I think. In the beginning Adam was surrounded by animals; then starting over again, Noah was surrounded by animals; and again Jesus was surrounded by animals. I want to believe that when we get to the new heaven, we will be surrounded by animals, but my BS could just as easily believe that these animals will be on the new earth, and NOT in Heaven.
I have tried to find scripture about whether our puppies are in heaven or not. The only scripture I found is in Revelation and it speaks of “creatures” under the earth and in the sea and in heaven; “puppies are creatures”, so it seems they could be there630... sort of.
NOTE: Animals do not have a soul and cannot sin, so why wouldn’t they be in heaven; they were God’s first creation. God made a COVENANT with Noah and all the animals on the Ark not to destroy them again by water.631 So you could presuppose that God loves the animals and all His creations.
Scripture says that the animals will praise God;632 Balaam’s donkey certainly could talk.633 Scripture says there will no longer be a CURSE;634 will extinct animals be created new? This brings up the subject of Dinosaurs, Reptiles, Rats, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Lice, and Maggots, do we need them? And that raises another scripture concerning their value; “All things work together for good”.635
Then we come to; if there is FOOD in heaven, will the animals eat, but NOT poop since nothing unclean will ever be in heaven636... We certainly will eat in Heaven, it’s in the Book.
Here we go; Isaiah the prophet says there will be animals living at peace with one another,637 but is this in the NEW HEAVEN or in the NEW EARTH or is this in the MILLENNIUM REIGN of Christ on this present earth.
Isaiah says there will be NO harm or destruction638 on God’s Holy Mountain, so this can’t be in the MILLENNIUM REIGN because everything has already been blown up. The scripture also speaks of “waters of the sea” and there will be NO sea in heaven,639 so it seems the animals must be in the NEW earth and not in NEW heaven.
Here we go again; the word “creatures” is translated “zoon” which is most often translated in the NT as “animals” as used for sacrifices; it is never translated man or angel That brings up the question; if God really loved the animals, why were they used in sacrifices?... Then another’s BS might say; the HONORED sacrificed animals were but a shadow of the final HOLY sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross
630 Revelation 5:13 – There are Creatures in Heaven that sing
631 Genesis 9:9-10 – God made a COVENANT with every living creature; the BIRDS, the LIVESTOCK and all the WILD ANIMALS
632 Psalm 148:10-13 – Animals, cattle, small creatures and birds will Praise the name of the Lord
633 Numbers 22:28 – Balaam’s DONKEY could talk, so he was also capable of praise
634 Revelation 22:3 – There shall be no more curse.
635 Romans 8:28 – All things work for the good of God’s plan
636 Revelation 21:27 – No impurity will ever enter Heaven
637 Isaiah 11:6-8 – Everything will be at peace with one another wolf & lamb, leopard & goat, lion & calf, bear & cow, cobra & child
638 Isaiah 11:9 – There will be No harm, NO DESTRUCTION on God’s holy mountain
639 Revelation 21:1 – No sea in Heaven or Earth
Pets in Heaven
Will there be animals in heaven? How about dinosaurs, snakes, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, spiders, fleas ticks, lice and maggots?
First Word
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Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot pulled by horses640 and Jesus the Christ returns from Heaven on a horse;641 of course this could be just symbolic and not literal horses in Heaven.
God says He is making all things NEW,642 that would include animals and that “ALL flesh” WILL SEE the salvation of God.643 Does that mean; BE A PART OF IT or just SEE IT? And finally we read that the “creatures”, and “all of creation” as well as “ourselves” are groaning waiting for the redemption.644
My BS wants to believe that there are NO animals in heaven, that all creatures and critters are on the earth living in peace during the MILLENNIUM reign of Christ and then on the NEW earth for eternity... except for God’s heavenly creatures they are NOT in heaven, then I really don’t know...
What’s in your BS?
640 2 Kings 2:11 - There appeared a chariot of fire, and HORSES of fire and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven
641 Revelation 19:11 – Christ comes to earth on a white HORSE
642 Revelation 21:5 – Jesus Christ is making ALL things new
643 Luke 3:6 – All flesh shall SEE the salvation of God
644 Romans 8:21-23 – We ourselves groan, the CREATURES and the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now Page 102 Printed 1/30/2023
Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven In the multitude of counselors,
there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14
I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.
Writings outside of the Bible should be viewed as “informational”, but not authoritative. They give insight to customs, manners and thoughts of a particular culture at a particular time in history.
Along with the Apocrypha, I have also enjoyed
“The lost books of the Bible” and “The forgotten books of Eden”.
Many of these will include folklore, superstition and “embellishments”.
Prove scripture with scripture, line upon line, and precept upon precept.
.American Standard Version Bible – ASV
.Amplified Bible – AMP
.Dake annotated Reference Bible – DAKE
.English Standard Version Bible – ESV
.King James Version Bible - KJV
.Message Bible; The – MSG
.New International Version Bible – NIV
.New Living Translation Bible – NLT
90 Minutes in Heaven – Don Piper
A Commentary – Critical, Experimental and Practical – Eerdmans
A Grief Observed – C.S. Lewis
All the Miracles of the Bible – Herbert Lockyer
All the Women of the Bible – Edith Deen
Angels: Gods Secret Agents – Billy Graham
Antiquity of the Jews – Flavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha, the – Edgar J. Goodspeed
Arithmetic of God; The – Don Kistler
Armageddon-Appointment with Destiny – Grant R. Jeffrey
Baker Commentary on the Bible – Walter A. Elwell
Bible Almanac; The – Nelson
Bible Almanac; The – Packer Tenney White
Bible Code, the – Michael Drosnin
Bible on the life Hereafter, the – William Hendriksen
Can America Survive? – John Hagee
Case for Mid-Tribulationalism – New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry – CARM -
Countdown to Armageddon, the 1980’s – Hal Lyndsay
Dead Sea Scrolls Translated; The – Florentino Garcia Martinez
Encounters with Angels – L. W. Northrup
Escape from Armageddon – Thomas Reed
Exposition of the Parables – Benjamin Keach
Expositor’s Bible commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein
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Ezekiel – Thru the Bible – J. Vernon McGee
Fascinating Bible Facts – Howard & Burger
Girls of the Bible – Harvey Albert Snyder
Final Dawn over Jerusalem – John Hagee
Fly Away Doctrine; Shepherd’s Chapel – Dr. Arnold Murray
Forgotten Books of Eden, The - World
From Daniel to Doomsday – John Hagee
God without Religion - Andrew Farley
Gospel of Judas; The - Wikipedia
Great Doctrines of the Bible - Christology – W.A. Criswell
Great Doctrines of the Bible - Soteriology – W.A. Criswell
Great Doctrines of the Bible – Christian Life – W. A. Criswell
Great Doctrines of the Bible – Pneumatology – W.A. Criswell
Great Pyramid; The – George R. Riffert
Guide to Survival – Salem Kirban
Heaven – Randy Alcorn
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; The – Constance Cumbey
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The – Tyndale
Illustrated Manners and Customs of the Bible – Packer & Tenny
In the beginning was the End – Wim Malgo
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament - Baker
Invisible War; The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
Islam and the Bible – David Goldmann
Jerusalem Countdown – John Hagee
Last Days collection, The – Pretty Good Publishing
Late Great Planet Earth, The – Hal Lindsey
Layman’s Overview of the Bible; The – George W. Knight
Lost Books of the Bible, The – World
Matthew Henry’s Commentary – Zondervan
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
Meredith’s Book of List; 1&2 –Bethany House Publishers
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
More than a Carpenter – Josh McDowell
Mormon Mirage; The – Latayne Colvett Scott
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Mystery Mark of the New Age – Texe Mars
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
Naked Gospel; The – Andrew Farley
Naves Topical Bible - Nave
New Millennium; The – Pat Robertson
Nostradamvs & the Millennivm – John Hogue
One Minute after you Die – Erwin W. Lutzer
Other side of the Good News; The – Larry Dixon
Paradise Commentary – Dr. Karl McCallister
Person & Work of the Holy Spirit; The – R.A. Torrey
Post Trib Return; Manna Fest; – Perry Stone
Rapture; Pre Tribulation or Post – Daniel’s Timeline
Revelation of Jesus Christ; The – Walvoord
Revelation Seminar; The – 1975 - Hilton Sutton
Revelation Study; The - 1973 – Dr. Warren Wiersbe
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Book 14... Death – Hell – Purgatory - Paradise – Rapture - Tribulations – The Return - Heaven
Revelation, The – verse by verse – Oliver B. Green
Satan’s Underground – Lauren Stratford
Satanism – Ted Schwarz & Duane Empey
Secret Kingdom; The – Pat Robertson
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Shepherd’s Chapel – Arnold Murray
Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem
Theomatics – Jerry Lucas
There’s a war going on – Eldred Echols
Thru the Bible – J. Vernon McGee
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible – T. A. Gryant
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible: Readers Digest
Unseen Realm; The – Michael S. Heiser
Victor Journey through the Bible; The - Beers
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament – Mac Donald
What in the World is going on? – David Jeremiah
What the Bible is all about – Henrietta C. Mears
Where to Find It in the Bible – Ken Anderson
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Whose Bible is it? – Jaroslav Pelikan
Why do Catholics do that? – Kevin Orlin Johnson
Wikipedia –
Within Heaven’s Gates – Rebecca Springer
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Moody Press
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Pfeiffer & Harrison
Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The – Tenney
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