
Friday, April 21, 2023

Book VI - King James Bible – Parables – Cults – Queen James Bible - Another Gospel


Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults IT’S IN THE BOOK




King James Bible – Parables - Cults Queen James Bible - Another Gospel

All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness.
- 2 Timothy 3:1

Contributors Michael A. Gorman David A. Gorman Paul B. Gorman

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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults It’s in the

Book VI

King James Bible - Parables - Cults Queen James Bible - Another Gospel

Topical Index

For now we see things imperfectly, partially and incomplete, But when He returns we will know completely. 1



  1. 1)  Scrolls - Seven Seals - Slaves – Near Kinsman – Acting Freely – Has ability to redeem 3

  2. 2)  Dead Sea Scrolls - The War Scroll - The Manual of Discipline Scroll - The Essenes 4

  3. 3)  Who wrote the Bible? - Book of the Law – Pentateuch – Septuagint - The Apocrypha 7

  4. 4)  Bible explained in Seven minutes - Three Earth Ages - The Watchers – The Gap 9

  5. 5)  Ten Commandments Revisited - Two Sets of Stone Tablets - Heaven Qualifications 13

  6. 6)  Four Spiritual Laws - God loves you - You are a sinner - Jesus is THE WAY back - Faith 22

  7. 7)  Promises - Conditional, Absolute - Peace, Rest, Long Life - Promises for the other side 26

  8. 8)  If Then Promises - The Good Life Promises, Spiritual Promises, End time Promises 36

  9. 9)  Bible Thumpers - Holy Roller, Bible Basher, God Botherer, Creeping Jesus, Fundie 39

  10. 10)  Corrupt Bibles - Torah – Tanakh – Vulgate – Septuagint –Targum – Masorah - Codex 43

  11. 11)  Twisted Gospel - Does the end justify the means concerning the Gospel presentation? 55

  12. 12)  Queen James Bible - The Gay Bible; Was King James Bisexual; Eight verses changed 59

  13. 13)  Another Gospel – New Age Movement - Unification Church – Seventh Day Adventist 65

  14. 14)  Jehovah Witness Cult – Charles Taze Russell – Watchtower Society – No Trinity 79

  15. 15)  LDS Mormon Cult – Joseph Smith – Brigham Young - Book of Mormon - Polygamy 88

  16. 16)  Joseph Smith Fake LDS Prophet - Golden Plates – Angel Moroni - Pillar of Light – 98

  17. 17)  Free Masonry - Shriner - De Molay - Eastern Star - Rainbow Girls – Should Christian Join? 102

  18. 18)  Shephard’s Chapel, IED - No Hell, No Rapture, No Trinity, No Physical Resurrection115

  19. 19)  The Redacted Gospels - J Jehovah – E Elohim – D Deuteronomist - P Priestly – Q Quelle 137

  20. 20)  SecretGospel-WasJesusaGnosticesotericrevealerforonlythefortunatefew? 140

  21. 21)  Why Parables? - Allegory – Fable – Figure of Speech – Metaphor – Narrative – Simile 142



1 1 Corinthians 13:12

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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults


Chapter 6. 1


Seven Seals – Redemption a) Near Kinsman
b) Acting freely on his own c) Has the Ability to redeem

The Scroll - A little Background
During trying times a Jewish family might have to give their land as a pledge to satisfy a debt.

The debtor could be taken as a slave for six years, but at the seventh go free. Land could not be taken away permanently, but could be pledged till the debt was paid. 2

A scroll was prepared, written on the inside describing the possession, then rolled up. The terms, conditions and qualifications for a redeemer to purchase back the possessions were written on the outside of the scroll and then it was sealed with seven seals and placed in the Temple. When a qualified redeemer was found to open the scroll, the possessions were returned.

Man’s inheritance was lost in the Garden of Eden, but was redeemed by Jesus at the cross. God gave Adam the right to reign over the earth. He lost that right to Satan when he sinned and then man became a slave to sin until the sin debt was paid. The land became cursed with thistles and thorns.

The redeemer of the scroll had to meet certain qualifications:

  1. 1)  Be a near kinsman;

  2. 2)  Acting freely on his own; and

  3. 3)  Have the ability to pay the price.

Upon redemption; the Priest verified the qualifications; the redeemer paid the price and then opened the scroll and redeemed the land setting the slave free.

God created the heavens and the earth in six days and then rested on the Seventh. Remembering that a day to the Lord is like a thousand years;3 the slave would work Six years (6,000 years) then go free at the seventh year. It has been 2,000 years from the creation to Abraham, then 2000 more years from Abraham to Jesus and it’s been 2,000 years more till now; a total of 6,000 years. We are approaching the end of six years of slavery to sin; the 7th year is the last 1,000 year; the millennium reign of Christ. He will redeem the saints, the heavens, the earth and all creation will be at rest.

Each seal is a day and at the seventh seal the redemption of man and earth will be complete. God made Adam the overseer of the earth, but he lost it; but A near kinsman, God’s Son Jesus the Christ, was ready, willing and able to redeem the earth and free the slaves to sin. Christ’s paid the price with His death on the cross.4 He has the power to lay down His life and the power to pick it up again.5

Debt Paid; we have been redeemed and not only do we get the land back, but it is recreated NEW just like it was in the Garden of Eden. We are approaching the Seventh Day when the scroll is opened and we finally realize our redemption PRAISE THE LIVING LORD. It’s in the Book

2 Leviticus 25:23-26 – The Land belongs to the Lord and cannot be sold permanently
3 2 Peter 3:8 – With the Lord a day is like a thousand years. --
4 Revelation 22:16 – Jesus is the offspring of David, the bright Morning Star -- Romans 8:1-3- Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death.
5 John 10:17-18 – Jesus has the authority to lay down and take up his life again -- Hebrews 2:9 – By grace, Jesus tasted death for Every Believer -- Matthew 3:17 – Hebrews 2:14 – Christ’s death destroyed the Devil who had the power of death --1 Peter 1:18-20 - We were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. -- Jesus is the beloved son of God in whom He is well pleased

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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults IT’S IN THE BOOK

Chapter 6. 2

The “War Scroll”; the war between the “Sons of Light” and the “Sons of Darkness” The Manual of Discipline - The hermit Essenes sect – Communalism, Communism

The Essenes - A little Background
In 1947, a young Bedouin youth named Muhammad adh-Dhib was trying to find his lost goat

among the cliffs on the North West shore of the Dead Sea. He threw a stone into a cave and heard what sounded like breaking pottery. Investigating he found several jars of pottery containing leather scrolls, most were decayed, but seven of the scrolls were intact. They were written between 100 A.D. and 100 B.C.; over 2000 years ago.

Later ten more caves would be discovered in Wati Qumran, in one cave alone 40,000 fragments of parchment scrolls were found. Many scrolls were traced to the Essenes in the Qumran region. These scrolls were written mostly in Hebrew with some in Aramaic; they were written on papyrus and parchment sewn together to form books. The Books were known as a Codex or Codices; a manuscript volume.

So far, every book of the Bible has been found except for the book of Ester. Interesting, the book of Ester does not contain the name of God.

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is 1300 feet below sea level and has a depth of 1300 feet beyond that. There is no outlet for the water except by evaporation. The water abounds with salt, bromide, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride and sulfur; it’s a gold mine of minerals.

In the dead sea caves they have also found copper scrolls written in Hebrew describing a treasure of 26 tons of gold and 65 tons of silver hidden in 64 locations throughout Israel; It is thought that it was removed from the temple and hidden before the siege.

Only one quarter of the manuscripts found are biblical books. Many are apocalyptic, veiled with symbolism, understood only by those considered “maskilim “or “they that understand”.

Scriptorium: In the ruins of Khirbet Qumran, a large room was found with benches and tables for copying manuscripts;

Fresh Water: They also found devices for catching and storing scarce rain water. The average annual rainfall was only 2 inches. Close to Qumran was “Ain Feshka”; the fresh water springs which allowed the hermit Essenes to grow produce for their desert commune.

The Scribes

The Essenes wore white and had their own personal pens made from rushes frayed at the end; some were pointed with the end split; they were carried in a case at their side.6 They produced “Commentaries” verse by verse on the prophets and psalms scripture. They interpreted prophetically what was written in terms of events that were currently happening and those expected to happen in the near future.

The Isaiah Scroll is one of the best preserved scrolls copied sometime between 150 B.C and 50 B.C., it’s over 24 feet long and they have found two of them.

6 Ezekiel 9:2 – They were clothed in White with a writing case at their side
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Dead Sea Scrolls

Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults IT’S IN THE BOOK

The Essenes

John the Baptist was living in the desert preaching repentance and baptism.7 The question is why was John living in the desert? Hold that thought.

Politicians: There was “a movement” away from the Pharisees Political Aspirations” and their teaching which were laden with traditions and additional requirements to the book of the Law; and to a lesser degree they were moving away from the Sadducees as well. You can draw a similar comparison considering the Catholic Church during the Protestant reformation; with the Protestants moving away; a withdrawal and separation over tradition and doctrine.

The Essenes were a Jewish sect that was partially celibate living a strict communal life in the desert. They dedicated themselves to the studying and copying of God’s word. Josephus, the Jewish historian; A.D. 37-98; lived with the Essenes for three years and provides most of the background information on the sect. John the baptizer at some point, most probably lived among the Essenes also; scripture does not indicate one way or the other.

Corrupt Politicians: The Essenes rejected the polluted priesthood in Jerusalem and established a pure and true community in the desert, they believed that they were the righteous remnant and sole heirs to God’s covenant. They lived a life of exacting standards of ritual purity and ethical practice with most of their day spent copying hymns, scrolls, prayers, and The “Manual of Discipline” which was about methods and rules for living. (Method of living and worship; Sounds like Methodist)

Isaiah’s writings were followed literally; “Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” 8 They separated themselves awaiting God’s coming in the desert. They were the “guardians of mysterious truths” that would govern the life of Israel when the Messiah appeared.

The name Essene comes from a Hebrew word that means “pious” or “holy”. The sect did not refer to themselves as Essenes, but were given that name by outsiders. We really don’t know how they referred to themselves; there is much debate and speculation over this.

Not all Essenes lived a communal desert life, but instead, lived in many cities and mingled with society at all levels, and were well received by the Pharisees, and Jewish populace. Their missionary outreach founded Essene communes in all the villages and small towns of Judea. In Jerusalem that had their own gate; the “Gate of the Essenes”.

Side Bar: many students of the Book believe that Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus was in a spin off group called the Ascetics that copied the Torah just like the Essenes. The Dead Sea Scrolls give literary evidence that suggest that a colony of “Ascetics” who had chosen celibacy and singleness in life had a “HOSPICE” in Bethany which extended acts of charity by accommodating the poor, the destitute, the sick, as well as the unclean lepers.

The Ascetics were all SINGLE and practiced sexual abstinence for the purpose of pursuing spiritual goals, simple living and ethical practices such as humility, compassion, patience, prayer and fasting. They were strictly pacifist by nature and had no weapons of war; and esteemed frugality. They observed the Sabbath and the Temple was their Sanctuary in Jerusalem the Holy City. The word Ascetic is derived from the Greek word meaning TRAINING. Their beliefs can be summarized as a Love of God, Love of Virtue, and Love of Man.

Membership: There were some 4,000 plus Essenes in Palestine Syria. Those that joined were required to bring their assets and share them with the group, divesting themselves of wealth; no one was considered rich and no one poor.

Formal Admittance: There was a one year term for the Novice to manifest the qualities desired such as; religious purity, a love of virtue , humility and contentment, deeds of love and charity, frugality and freedom from bondage to material possessions, then a second year term of testing before their formal admittance. (I don’t think I could ever pass this test)

7 Matthew 3:1-2 – John the Baptizer lived in the desert
8 Isaiah 40:3 – John preached; make straight in the desert a highway for our God

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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults IT’S IN THE BOOK

Work Ethic: They observed a strict discipline; they begin their work day before dawn with prayer, then went to their “Secular jobs” as they were best suited, then at noon they washed in cold water, had prayers and a simple meal, then at evening; a bath, prayers, and a simple meal.

There wages were held in common possession in a community treasury so that all might benefit as the need arose. They took care of the cost of treatment for all their sick and maintained their aged populace with respect and dignity; they lived in contentment.

Discipline: All labor was done as unto the Lord; “Love of God, Virtue and Man” was the motivation to work; you don’t work, you don’t eat, you are banished from the sect. No food stamps for the LAZY. Communalism won’t work in the USA; it’s a God thing.

Their leader was known only as “The teacher of Righteousness”; we do not know his name.

FAR OUT, consider this; they had the “War Scroll” which was plans for the final conflict at the return of the Messiah between the sons of lightand the sons of darkness”.9 The War Scroll describes an eschatological war in which God and his angels join forces with the Sons of lightto battle against the “sons of darkness.” This plan was to be kept secret until the Messiah appeared, and then they would instruct the people in the “understanding”.10

The War Scroll is very similar in “concept” to the Apostle John’s writing) of the “Revelation” (Not John the Baptist); the final conflict, the war between Good and Evil. They documented in detail the last great battle in which the Roman army destroyed the Jewish state in A.D. 70. They also had elaborate construction details concerning the Temple in Jerusalem.

New Testament; “So far” there has NOT been any writings found about Jesus, John the Baptist or any other of the early Christians. They probably did possess NT writings and it’s understanding as they refer to “Sons of Light” which is the designation for a Christian. Either that or the Christians took the term from them; anyway this term is not found anywhere else in the OT scripture.

They lived in the Qumran Valley for some 200 years, so when the Roman’s attacked, they hid their library in various caves where they remained for 2000 years waiting for the Bedouin youth to chunk a rock inside and give us the greatest manuscript discovery of our time, the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Communalism; A system of government in which communes sometimes on an ethnic or religious basis, have virtual autonomy within a federated state. A small group of people living communally and sharing in work and earnings. Everyone owns it all; God is their source. Webster Dictionary:

Communism: The state owns it all; God has nothing to do with it. Communalism works only when God is involved; when man puts himself before others, it fails.

The Essenes lived in communalism for 200 years, everything including their clothes was held in common; they ALL owned it ALL.

Note: The early Christian church was communalistic; they sold everything they had and brought it to the believing congregation; they probably got the idea from the Essenes.11 Some were really not communal material. Ananias and Sapphira sold their land to give the proceeds to the commune, but lied about how much they sold it for.12 God struck them dead; it was not because they did not give all the money, it was because they lied to the Holy Spirit.

It’s in the Book

9 Luke 16:8 – The Sons of Darkness are more shrewd than the Sons of Light -- 1 Thessalonians 5:5 – Believers are the Sons of Light, not Sons of Darkness -- John 12:36 – Believers are the Sons of Light
10 Daniel 11:33 – In the end times, they will have the plan and teach it to many -- Daniel 12:9-10 – Here is the plan, but close it up and Keep it secret until the end of time

11 Acts 2:42-47 – Early Church Christian lived in Communalism where everything was held in common 12 Acts 5:1-10 – Ananias and Sapphira wanted to keep some of their money and lied to the Holy Spirit

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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults


Chapter 6. 3

Who wrote the Bible?

Book of the Covenant – Pentateuch Book of the Law – Septuagint

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible known as the Pentateuch. Originally the Laws

were written as one book known as the Septuagint and were thought to have been separated by the Alexandrian translators.

The scriptures say that God commanded Moses to write “The Book of the Covenant”, which was also known as “The Book of the Law”.13

Moses’ lived with his father in law, Jethro a Priest in Midian for some 40 years. It is thought that this was where he wrote the “Septuagint” or perhaps just after that on Mount Sinai near where Moses saw the burning bush.

Before Moses
Other writings suggest that Noah documented some things as well as other writers down

through the ages, which was passed along to Priest like Jethro and finally to Moses. After Moses’ death someone finished the recording of the events in the “Book of the Covenant”,14 but it was all attributed to Moses as his writings. So there were other writers, but Moses assembled most of it.

Before Noah
Adam walked with God and taught his family the things of God. Enoch was the seventh

descendentfromAdam.(Seveniscompletenessorperfection) Enoch,aprophetofGodlived365years and then was taken by God; he did not experience death.15

Enoch was the father of Methuselah who lived 969 years and died just before the flood of Noah. The Apocrypha contains three books of Enoch; 1st Enoch, 2nd Enoch and 3rd Enoch. They appear to have been written in 300 B.C.

Revelation of God

13 Exodus 17:14 – God gives the Law to Moses then he gives it to Joshua -- Exodus 34:27 – Moses gives the Book of the Law to Israel 14 Exodus 24:7 – God’s promises are called the Book of the Covenant -- Deuteronomy 28:58 – The Covenant is also called the book of the LAW -- Deuteronomy 28:61 – The Covenant contained promises of blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience -- Hebrews 11:5 – Enoch pleased God and did not die, but by faith was translated

15 Genesis 5:23-24 – Enoch lived three hundred and sixty five years. -- Jude 14-15 – Enoch was the Seventh from Adam; A prophet of God -- Hebrews 11:5 – Enoch was taken by God and did not die

We believe the Bible was written because God wanted to reveal to man the origin of the heavens and the earth and the creation of all things and to reveal the character of God and His personal relationship to man.

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To record the following

  1. a)  that God existed before there was anything

  2. b)  thattheearthdidnotevolve,butwascreatedfromnothing

  3. c)  that there was a world before Adam and record its destruction (The Gap Theory)

  4. d)  there-creationandrestorationoftheearth;therestorationoftheanimalsandman.

  5. e)  the law of “Sin and Death” was put into effect

  6. f)  the history of the fall of man

  7. g)  thecurseonman

  8. h)  theMosaicLaw;thetencommandmentsandotherlaws

  9. i)  the Covenant of the Old Testament

  10. j)  the Covenant of the New Testament

  11. k)  theredemptionofmanbytheMessiah

  12. l)  the final days

  13. m)  His word as the FINAL AUTHORITY.

Side Bar: Many student of the Word reject the notion of a written language in the early formation of earth and man, but it must be remembered that God’s instruction were passed down orally generation to generation until they could be documented in a written language. Adam who walked and talked face to face with God lived 930 years passing His Law onto Enoch the Seventh of the Godly line who also walked with God. He was the Father of Methuselah who lived 969 years and was a contemporary of Moses who he passed on God’s Law.

The Christian Bible today is made up of sixty-six books authored by numerous writers guided along by the Holy Spirit.

In the Old Testament; there was Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Nathan, Gad, Jeremiah, Ezra, Nehemiah, Mordecai, Job, David, Asaph, Ezra, the Sons of Korah, Heman, Ethan, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

In the New Testament we have Matthew the tax collector, John Mark the scribe and apprentice, Doctor Luke, the apostle John and the apostle Paul with contributors Barnabas and Apollos. Then there was the apostle Simon who Jesus changed his name to Peter and lastly Jude the half-brother of Jesus. Interestingly Mark and Luke who each wrote one of the four Gospels were not of the inner circle of 12. I call Matthew and John, the Gospel BOOK ENDS with Mark and Luke in the middle.

You should know this: No prophecy of Scripture comes from one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the will of man; instead, men spoke from God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.16

It’s in the Book

16 2 Peter 1:20-21 - Men wrote down as they were moved by the Holy Spirit
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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults


Chapter 6. 4

Bible explained in seven minutes

The Three Earth Ages – The Gap Theory - Law of Sin and death Fallen Angels – Demons – Holy Spirit – Free Will – The Mystery The Chosen One – False Prophet – Anti-Christ – Un-holy Trinity New Heaven – New Earth – New Jerusalem – New Temple

The Watchers, the Witnesses tell the story over and over again.

First Word

This is a bullet point summation like Reader’s Digest or Cliff Notes; looking at the Bible from the view point of all creation looking down and WITNESSING; the rebellion of Satan, God’s patience and His plan of salvation for man to find The Way back to the Tree of Life which is now in Heaven. It’s about those who are the WITNESSES to the events that take place so there will never be another rebellion in Heaven for all eternity.

Some things will not be familiar to you such as eternity past, present time and eternity future, which is the three earth ages. You may not have heard of Lucifer’s flood, the flood before Noah’s flood better known as the Gap Theory. Many students of the Bible reject the Gap Theory even though it answers the age of the earth questions. While I embrace it, and recommend studying it; you just do as the Holy Spirit leads you.

First Earth Age - This is eternity past

  •   In the beginning God creates the Heavens and the Earth. He sees that it is good; Genesis 1:1

  •   Man and animals are created with free will; they are good

  •   The angels are created with free will, including Satan; they are good

  •   There is NOT a Law: if you sin, you will die.

  •   Satan is given dominion over all of the Earth; but he wants to be worshiped as God

  •   Time does not exist; but probably millions of years as we know it would pass by.

  •   Satan rebels; so does 50,000,000 angels and they leave their assigned post to follow Satan

  •   Man’s heart becomes filled with evil and violence and man wants to do his own thing.

  •   All of Heaven sees and witnesses what’s happening and waits to see if Satan will succeed.

  •   God gives eons of time for Satan and man to come around, but they don’t

  •   God floods the earth, wiping out everything.

  •   The earth becomes without form and void; Genesis 1:2

  •   Heaven watches and is witness to what Satan will do about it.

    Second Earth Age – This is the present age; but before Jesus Christ is born.

  •   The earth is still void and the spirits of the dead are still alive, but they have no bodies.

  •   They become Satan’s demonic followers.

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  •   Time as we know it begins; Satan is unable to create anything or give life.

  •   God starts over; all of Heaven is witness, watching to see what Satan will do next.

  •   The plan of salvation of man is put into effect. “The law of sin and death.

  •   A mystery is also put into effect. A new ruler of the earth will come and defeat Satan.

  •   Everything is re-created or “brought forth” starting in Genesis 1:3; man has free will.

  •   God puts Adam and Eve in the Garden; everything is put under Adam’s authority.

  •   Satan is determined he will not report to a man made lower than him, made out of dirt.

  •   God tells Adam “don’t eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil”, or you will die.

  •   Satan tricks Adam into eating the fruit; God knew he would, Adam is now a sinner.

  •   Adam now has kids; Satan thinks Able will be the new ruler; he gets Cain to kill Able.

  •   Now everybody is a sinner; Satan is home free, he is now king and worthy of praise.

  •   About 2,000 years passes; man is hopelessly evil. All Heaven is wondering what’s next.

  •   God gets Noah and his family to build an ark; fills it with pairs of God’s creation.

  •   God Floods the earth for over a year. Only 8 people are saved; this is God’s remnant.

  •   Noah’s family and the animals and creatures start over re-populating the earth.

  •   About 1,000 more years pass; Satan hears the Prophets talk about a hidden mystery.

  •   A messiah is prophesied to come from the Jewish nation to rule the earth.

  •   Satan gets Pharaoh to kill all the male children; Moses is saved, so Moses must be the one.

  •   Satan gets Moses to kill an Egyptian; now Moses is a sinner, Satan thinks he is home free.

    The Church age begins – Jesus the Messiah prophesied.

  •   Another 1,000 years pass; Satan hears more talk about a “mystery that’s been hidden”.

  •   A Messiah is coming; a new ruler of earth. Now all creation is watching what will happen.

  •   Satan gets the king to kill all the babies two years old and under; but, Jesus is saved.

  •   Jesus is found at age 12 in the temple, but does not start His ministry till He is about 30.

  •   Satan tries to tempt Jesus into sinning, but is unsuccessful; Satan needs another plan.

  •   The Jews are excited; they are looking for a reigning Messiah to set up a kingdom.

  •   Jews are disappointed; Jesus comes as a suffering Messiah with a message of salvation.

  •   Jews don’t understand and reject Jesus as the Messiah; Satan is ecstatic., heaven watches

  •   The prophets say everyone that hangs on a TREE is a sinner

  •   Satan enters Judas and tricks him into forcing Jesus to take action as a reigning Messiah.

  •   It didn’t work; this was not the Plan. Judas sees he made a mistake and kills himself.

  •   Jesus is crucified on a TREE; sinless Jesus takes all of man’s sins. Satan is dumbfounded.

  •   Heaven, Hell, demons and angels both good and evil are witness to what happens next.

    The Church age continues – More prophecy revealed

  •   Jesus goes to a compartment of hell known as PARADISE or Abrahams Bosom.

  •   Jesus preaches to the good guys and takes them to heaven with the keys of death and hell.

  •   Jesus spends time with His disciples and about 500 others; all creation is witness.

  •   Jesus is translated to Heaven and sits at the right hand of God; all heaven is witness.

  •   The prophets tell that the Messiah is coming back; this time to be a reigning Messiah.

  •   Satan is upset and knows his time is short. All Creation is watching and giving witness.

  •   Time is given to Satan and all in the earth to hear Christ’s message of salvation and repent.

  •   John is thrown into the prison on the island of Patmos; Satan starts killing the other Disciples.

  •   God gives a vision to John and he cryptically writes it down and sneaks it out to the believers.

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Last of the Church Age – John is given a Vision; the Rapture - the Tribulation – the Future

  •   Warnings about the end times are given to the body of Christ; the Churches of all ages.

  •   2000 more years pass; time enough for Satan and all living to respond to Christ’s message.

  •   All Creation is watching and witness to the story of God’s patience and Satan’s total rebellion

  •   Satan enters and consumes a man and he becomes his false prophet; he is the Anti-spirit.

  •   Satan enters and consumes another man and he becomes the Antichrist; HE IS A MORTAL MAN.

  •   Satan sees himself as god; he now has his un-holy trinity, fooling many; he seems like God.

  •   The Antichrist is shot in the head and appears dead and is resurrected similar to Christ

  •   Many think he is the Messiah and follow and worship him; Satan is ecstatic, heaven watches

  •   Jesus comes back and RAPTURES the believing church; it happens faster than you can blink.

  •   Great confusion exists; Satan, the fallen angels, demons and the wicked are all that’s left.

  •   This is the first part of Christ’s second coming; because of this event some believe and saved.

  •   God seals and MARKS 144,000 Jews to preach just one LAST time the gospel WORLD WIDE

  •   All creation witnesses God’s LOVE for His creation as well as witness to his PATIENCE.

  •   Seven years of tribulation begins; the Antichrist makes a peace treaty with Israel.

  •   Wars, famine, pestilence, boils, sickness, hail, earthquakes & natural disasters are prevalent.

  •   The Antichrist seals his followers with a MARK on their forehead like God did.

  •   They can now buy food and sell stuff. They worship the Antichrist as the Messiah.

  •   They are doomed forever; this is the unpardonable sin, they cannot change their mind.

  •   Some do not take the MARK, many are killed. Heaven takes note, the angels ponder it all.

  •   Antichrist breaks the Peace agreement with Israel 3 1⁄2 years into the agreement

  •   Antichrist stops the sacrifices in the Temple

  •   Antichrist sets up an image of Satan in the temple; it seems alive; can talk and is worshiped.

  •   There is war in heaven. Michael; God’s Archangel, defeats Satan and his angels.

  •   Satan and one third of the angels are thrown out of heaven.

  •   God sends TWO WITNESSES to the Jews; doing mighty miracles, many Jews are saved.

  •   The two witnesses might be Elijah and Enoch, both never died but were raptured /translated.

  •   They preach the Gospel for the last 3 1⁄2 years of the tribulation.

  •   They are supernaturally protected during their mission.

  •   They perform great miracles; call down fire from Heaven, and causing droughts like MOSES

  •   When their mission is complete, God allows the Antichrist to kill them

  •   They lie dead in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 1⁄2 days; it’s televised WORLD WIDE by satellite

  •   People are happy that they are dead and give gifts to each other; might be at Christmas time.

  •   The Heavens thunder; the TWO WITNESSES are resurrected and raptured or translated

  •   The process is slow enough for everybody on earth to see it via satellite. All creation watches

  •   A great earthquake hits; a tenth of Jerusalem is destroyed; the story is witnessed by all creation

  •   Seven Thousand men are killed. The survivors recognize this as the power of God

  •   God has everybody’s attention; ALL SEE His invitation to salvation; all creation is witness.

    The Third Earth Age preamble – War of Gog and Magog; the millennium reign

  •   Russia and its allies attack Israel and are defeated by nature, they wind up killing each other.

  •   During the entire tribulation period, one half of the world’s population is killed.

  •   Birds are summoned to eat the dead. It takes seven months to bury the dead remains.

  •   Christ returns and reigns; there is peace and an abundance of everything for 1,000 years.

  •   Satan is bound in chains for 1,000 years, so during that time, he cannot deceive the nations.

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  •   Antichrist and the False Prophet are thrown into the lake of fire.

  •   Those born during the 1,000 years have borne witnessed to the love and peace of God.

  •   Many embraced God because it was politically correct, but have no relationship.

  •   This proves man’s heart is inherently evil and is doomed without the Holy Spirit’s drawing.

  •   Satan is released after the 1,000 years for a short time and starts the deception again.

  •   There are a bunch of people just ripe for the picking by Satan.

  •   All Creation witnesses that God has let man’s spirit FREELY CHOOSE whom he will serve

  •   There is another war; the war of Armageddon. 200 million fight along with the Antichrist

  •   They are ALL are defeated; there are no survivors

  •   The unsaved are judged and with Satan are thrown into the lake of fire forever.

  •   All creation now knows the awesomeness of God and tells the story of Satan’s rebellion.

  •   There is now no doubt, only the pure and faithful are in the presence of Jehovah God.

  •   Because of SIN, all men are destined to receive the wrath of God; the Lake of Fire

  •   In compassion, God sent the Holy Spirit to make it possible for man to reach out to God

  •   Those Saved have chosen by Free Will to be in the presence of God; they want to be there.

  •   The Unsaved have chosen by Free Will to NOT be in God’s presence; it was their decision.

    The Third Earth Age – Begins

  •   There’s a “whole lot of shakin’ goin’ on”; God does Urban Renewal

  •   A New Heaven and Earth are created

  •   The New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven already constructed.

  •   The Holy Temple looks like crystal, but with colors like a rainbow.

  •   Living water flows out of the throne room both east and west; there is no more sea.

  •   The walls are transparent with its twelve gates, each made out of a single pearl.

  •   The redeemed of the earth live here. We the redeemed rule and reign with Jesus forever.

  •   The remaining Nations of the earth make annual pilgrimages to Jerusalem to worship.

  •   There is no sin, no tears, no trouble, just peace and abundance of everything.

  •   The fruit of the Spirit is for the healing of the nations and is in everyone.

  •   Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

  •   The story of Satan and fallen man is told over & over again, it will never happen again

  •   Time no longer exists, just eternity.

    The Take Away
    The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the revealing of the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. In the

    Old Testament the Messiah is concealed and in the New Testament the Messiah is revealed. The story is of Lucifer, the light bearer, the highest created being of God, His Chief of Staff desiring the glory, worship and adoration due only to God. His rebellion, his SIN stirred up the Wrath of God and Satan lost his authority in heaven and in earth to a MAN, a creation made lower than him, one made out of dirt.

    Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, the Old Serpent spins a web of deception with lies, corruption and deceit and attacks God’s greatest creation, MAN. If he can corrupt man, then all creation will be corrupt and surly God will not throw ALL of His creations into the Lake of Fire.

    Because of Sin, man became the object of God’s wrath and now all are destined for the Lake of Fire. In God’s mercy and compassion, He sent His son to give us the Plan of Salvation and then gave us the Holy Spirit to enable us TO CHOOSE THE WAY back to the Tree of Life that was in the Garden of Eden. The angels are the WITNESSES of God’s mercy and grace, and man’s rebellion. All who by Free Will choose to be conformed to the “Image of Jesus Christ” will be in Heaven.

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Chapter 6. 5

Ten Commandments Revisited

Two Sets of stone tablets - Engraved with the finger of God Sabbath Day or the Lord's Day - Qualifications for Heaven I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Exodus 20:2

First Word

I believe the Ten Commandments (The Decalogue) stand alone and are already clear to the reader and need no further explanation, but I felt a need to amplify the thoughts to increase the impact not only on your thinking, but on your actions.

These commandments proclaim Yahweh’s unconditional will and were unique to the Hebrews. These Laws were the only laws that were written by the finger of God. The other 613 laws written in the Torah by Moses have their foundation in these Laws.17

As Christians we are under the New Covenant Laws and are no longer under the Old Covenant Laws, however I strongly believe that we would all do well to keep the commandments that God Himself “ENGRAVED IN STONETWICE; once for the Old Covenant and once for the New Covenant. These were later placed by Moses in the “Ark of the Covenant”. (Ark of the Testimony)

Note: Traditionally these two tablets were small enough to be placed inside a robe. They were a little larger than the size of a man’s large wallet which would be placed in the inside pocket of his dress coat. They were not three feet tall as seen in the movies.

1st Set Exodus 32:15-16 – God writes on front and back of two tablets.
15 Then Moses turned and went down from the mountain with the two

tablets of the testimony in his hand, tablets that were written on

both sides; on the front and on the back they were written.

16 The tablets were the work of God,

and the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets. (ESV)

Exodus 32:19 – Moses breaks the first set of Tablets

19 And as soon as he came near the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, Moses’ anger burned hot, and he threw the tablets out of

his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain. (ESV)

2nd Set Exodus 34:1 I will write on two tablets again
1 The LORD said to Moses, “Cut for yourself two tablets of stone like the first, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke.(ESV)

17 Exodus 34:27-28 – God gives Moses even more covenant laws -- Deuteronomy 10:5 – Put the Ten Commandments into the Ark Page 13 Printed 1/30/2023

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A Little Background
Originally the Ten Commandments WERE SPOKEN by the Divine Voice of God from the top of

Mount Sinai in the hearing of ALL OF ISRAEL who were gathered at the foot of the mountain18 and then God followed up with a copy in stone and with a broken duplicate19 that He still has.

Side Bar: Many students of the Book believe that the Two Tablets of stone were actually identical with the same commandments engraved on both of them; an original and a copy to prevent tampering. (SELAH; something to ponder)

The Arabs called the peak of Mount Sinai; “Jebel Musa” which means Mount Moses. The breaking of the stone tablets by Moses symbolized the people breaking the covenant of God which they had already heard audibly by His voice. Interestingly Sinai comes from the word “sina” meaning “a bush”; referencing the burning bush that Moses encountered.

The Torah; the first five books of the OT embodies the will and wisdom of God and points to His grace that brought them out of the bondage of Egypt.20 These Laws are often referred to as the Decalogue which from the Greek means “Ten Words

The laws of Israel were built on God’s own laws so that when an offense occurred against the community, it was also an offense against God. The Laws originated from God’s eternal character therefore their moral value cannot change.

The Ten Commandments engraved by the finger of God were proclaimed on the third moon or the month Sivan (June) about three days after Israel arrived at Mount Sinai; scholars believe that this day falls on the “Day of Pentecost” Festival. This was a special COVENANT between God and Israel that they would be His treasured possession21... IF they obeyed His commandments. Have you ever thought of yourself as “God’s treasured possession”. SELAH; ponder that

The commandments were NOT a set of regulation to earn salvation, but a perpetual reminder of His deliverance. They were intended to be memorized and publicly recited by the Hebrew community using the TEN FINGERS of both hands.

All the Commandments were negative except the fourth toward God and the fifth toward man. Although spoken in the negative, they are a positive call to Godliness. All are spoken to us as individuals and allow us to enter into a life of joyful fellowship with our Redeemer. With the exception of Sabbath Keeping, all are repeated in the NT.

Jesus declared His stamp of approval on the Laws by declaring that He did not come to destroy the Laws, but to fulfill them.22

The first four commandments deal chiefly with the relationship of God

1st Commandment – No other gods
The original text says that “there shall not be to you other gods before Me”; meaning that

these other gods only existed in the worshipers’ minds; there are no other gods. Satan temped Jesus on this very point.23 Note: Temptation is not sin; giving in is the sin. The intent of the heart is to put God first and others will see what God’s character is like through our actions.

The name God is not a “class term”, but is a proper name; it is singular, absolute and an exclusive deity. Having another god is idolatry; when something consumes your thinking and actions, you are literally worshiping it. Idolatry is the “Blanket Sin”; ever sin that man commits can be boiled down to idolatry, an action that places something in front of God’s commands.

18 Deuteronomy 4:10 -13 – Ten Commandments originally SPOKEN by God to all of Israel at the foot of the mountain 19 Exodus 31:18 – Two Tablets of the Testimony Written with the finger of God-
20 Exodus 20:2 – Grace of the Redeemer; The gift of deliverance out of Egypt
21 Exodus 19:5 - You shall be my treasured possession IF you obey my voice

22 Matthew 5:17-18 – I have come to fulfill the commandments

23 Matthew 4:8-10 Satan tempted Jesus on this very point

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When I was in my 20’s, I was consumed with collecting Lionel Trains; so much that I would take the Sunday paper and skip Sunday School and Church just so I would be the first one to purchase the trains. I put collecting in front of God; I had made Trains my god. Although it took a while, I realized what I was doing and went back to putting God first in my life. Sixty years later I still love to collect Lionel trains, but with very limited zeal; (sort of)

Take a moment to ponder what you think about most of the time; take a look in your checking account, your debit and credit cards; FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Exodus 20:3 – You shall have NO other gods

3 You shall have no other gods before me. (ESV)

2nd Commandment - Images
God has never been a tangible or visible being; 24 I am that I am,” I will become whatever I

will become; maybe even a burning bush or smoke and thunder.
Graven or carved images are an abomination to God. Every image that has been made is made

from various metals, gold, silver, wood, stone and other by-products of the earth. Carved or engraved images show a devotion to the creation, not the creator, therefore no visible or material representation of His True Deity is possible.

This is not a general prohibition of having pictures or art in your home which you do not pay homage or reverence. Statues of the Virgin Mary and various other saints found in the Bible are the norm now being found in the home as well as the yards.

The Cross is the identifying mark or symbol of those that follow Jesus Christ. Protestants display the cross without the image of Jesus hanging on it.

In the Catholic Bible this second commandment has been omitted and the tenth commandment has been split into two in order to make the Commandments Ten again.

Exodus 20:4 – Carved Idols; Catholic Bible

4 You shall not carve IDOLS for yourselves in the shape of anything

in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the

(New Catholic Edition)

Exodus 20:4-6 – Carved Images; Protestant Bible

4 You shall not make for yourself a carved IMAGE, or any likeness

of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or

that is in the water under the earth.

5 You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD

your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the

children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,

6 but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and

keep my commandments. (ESV)

honor paid to sacred images is a 'respectful veneration', not the adoration due to God alone".

The 2nd commandment for the Catholic Church is “do not take God’s name

in vain”, with graven images becoming a part of the 1st Commandment; however, in

In the Catholic Church's opinion, "the

all fairness it must be pointed out that we were never instructed on how we were to

group the Ten Commandments.

As Christians, WE are a form and image of God’s will so that we can express His wondrous works

in the form of worship and praise as well as be an extension of His Love to our “neighbor”. His

Word went forth and created us, carving His name in our mind and soul.

24 Deuteronomy 4:12 – God is not a visible or tangible being

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3rd Commandment – His Name
God’s Name and His character are inseparable. Taking God’s name in vain is the norm in

America; to use it in common speech for worthless reasons, for no good purposes, irresponsibly. It’s played out on TV and in real life with terms like OMG or Oh My God spoken as an explanation point; or using God’s name to DAMN someone or something in an attempt to wield power. His name is not to be exploited or manipulated for personal interest or for the trivial or the magical.

This also applies to hypocritical worship using His name in meaningless prayer and praise. In my early days of Real Estate, because of my vernacular, my associates called me “Praise the Lord Paul”. Sometimes I find myself meaninglessly commenting “Praise the Lord” when I probably should have just said “thank you” to someone. My close friend sold produce and customers called his place of business; “Praise the Lord Produce” because a portion of his sign had the words Praise the Lord. We had a lot in common.

The Believer who bears God’s name, should not allow His Honor to be defiled by their conduct. All through the OT, the name of God was so reverenced by the Hebrews that they would use words like “heaven” to refer to God, but never ever utter His name.

By happenstance I tuned to a movie called “Bruce Almighty” with the name YAHWEH floating on his computer screen. I could not believe the blasphemy that I was seeing and turned it off. - Morgan Freeman the actor who Played God in this movie has publically said “Has anybody ever seen hard evidence? (of God) An unbeliever playing the role of God

YHWH is God’s unpronounceable name in Hebrew and for us to be able to say it we add the vowels to get YAHWEH which comes from the verb that means “to be”, “become”, or “come to pass”. Moses asked God his name and He said; “I AM THAT I AM” or I will become whatever I want to become. 25 God will not hold the person guiltless who takes His name in vain.26 SELAH

4th Commandment – The Sabbath
The Sabbath is a Sign of the Covenant between God and Israel and comes from the Hebrew

word Shabbat; meaning to cease and desist; an abstention from work.27 Many students of the Book believe it goes further than that, it means an abstention from any activity.

God’s creation work was for six days and then He rested on the Seventh.28 The 7th day Sabbath was specifically given to Israel, not to the Church; the Church was born on Sunday the 1st day of the week when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Whether observed on Saturday celebrating a Finished Work or on Sunday celebrating a Finished Redemption, both serve man physically and spiritually. This encompasses the belief that Israel’s “Time” and “Land” ultimately belongs to God.

Webster: The Sabbath; The Seventh day of the week (Saturday), set aside by the fourth commandment for rest and worship and observed by Jews and some Christian sects, with Sunday, the first day of the week as the usual Christian day of rest and worship.

The Sabbath began at sunset on Friday evening and lasted till sunset on Saturday evening. God bound Israel to follow His law and no other; “The Law” demanded reverence, obedience and service; to record, study, remember and obey under penalty of being “stoned to death”. With that said; you could say; they took the Sabbath Day very seriously.

The Fourth Commandment: The Sabbath is a Holy day on which man should rest from any work and cause no one else under his authority to work,29 the penalty was death. Don’t buy anything from anyone on the Sabbath causing them to work. It’s in the Book

25 Exodus 3:13-14 – God’s name is; I am that I am
26 Exodus 20:7 – Don’t use God’s name carelessly, the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain
27 Exodus 31:12-13 – The Sabbath is a Sign of the Covenant between Me and you -- Exodus 31:16-17 – The Sabbath is a sign between God and the Israelites forever
28 Genesis 2:2-3 – God RESTED on the seventh day, so should man
29 Exodus 20:8-11 – Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy

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We are commanded to work six days and rest on the seventh. Being busy does not equate to being spiritual. This commandment stands as a barrier against endless self-destructive human greed. Man was NOT made for The Sabbath; the Sabbath was made for man to enjoy a day of REST. 30

Nehemiah 10:31 – Don’t GO SHOPPING on the Sabbath

31 "When the neighboring peoples bring merchandise or grain to sell on the Sabbath,

Note the size of the tablet

(Wikipedia 13th Century France)

Sabbath Rabbit Trail

After the Resurrection of Christ, the early Christians began to observe the day that Jesus was resurrected from the grave as the new covenant; the new way. They observed the Sabbath or “Lords Day” on “Resurrection Sunday” which was the first day of the week; a new beginning.

The Jews continued to observe Saturday as the Sabbath and the Christians set apart Sunday to be observed as “The Lord’s Day” which we also commonly call our Sabbath. The Sabbath actually refers to the Jews and “The Lord’s Day” refers to the Christians. (I understand many will disagree with this.)

The Lord’s Day is a weekly memorial to Christ’s resurrection from the dead; a celebration of a new creation; God making all things new, a day of triumph and glory. The tomb is empty, rejoice in “The Lord’s Day” for He is risen; He is risen indeed.

We have transitioned from the Sabbath to the Lord’s Day which began on the first Easter. Christ honored the disciples by manifesting Himself multiple times on the first day of the week. The feast of harvest was seven weeks long; 49 days; the 50th day was Pentecost; Sunday, the first day. The Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost, the first day of the week. Some scholars have calculated that Jesus ascended to Heaven on the first day of the week.

NOTE: The day of rest became “most noted” for Christians when Emperor Constantine in the fourth century A.D. designated Sunday as a Holy Day for the entire Roman Empire. No Old Testament Sabbath regulations or observances were transferred to “the Lord’s Day” to make it a “Christian Sabbath.”

The “Sabbath” relates to the Old Covenant and the “Lord’s Day” relates to the New Covenant.

30 Mark 2:27-28 – The Sabbath was made for man, no man for the Sabbath
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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults IT’S IN THE BOOK The 5th – 10th commandments deal with
relationships between each other

5th Commandment – Honor Parents
Parents are honored to be God’s surrogates; a kind of co-creatorship, a co-rulership in the

governing of their children. Honoring your parents by the way you live your life is a blessing not only to your parents, but to you and all those around you.

The parent’s duty was to train up their children in God’s Law; the way,31 and to provide all the necessary things that were needed including the love and warmth of a caring home. Later on in the NT the followers of Christ’s sect became known as “THE WAY”. 32

When the parents grow old and cannot do for themselves, we as children are to provide the same love and devotion that we received and as a bonus, God has promised that our days of life will be extended.

NOTE: The Old Testament statues for abandoning this respect was harsh since it eroded the moral fiber and social fabric of the nation; to curse or defy your parents was considered a “capital offense”, you were stoned to death.33

Exodus 20:12 – Honor your Mom & Dad; live longer

12 HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER that your days may be long in the land that
the LORD your God is giving you.

6th Commandment – Murder
This law reveals God’s attitude toward people created in His very own Image. Man is God’s

Image bearer and to murder is to take away a man’s indispensable possession and to destroy God’s image in which he was created.

The original text says “Do Not Kill”, but the spirit of the intent was to not murder. Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with Malice of Forethought. The term murder is extended to include, euthanasia, abortion, suicide, assisted suicide, sacrificial suicide, drugs and slander.

Jesus points out the spiritual KINSHIP of a murderer to the Devil who was a murderer from the beginning.34 Jesus extended the commandment to include anger and verbal insults to a brother in Christ and suggested anger management, forgiveness and reconciliation of an issue so that it would not become a CANCER that might result in the unnecessary taking of a life.35

Although we are no longer under the OT Laws, we have Two Commandments of LOVE36 that are given to us by Jesus Christ that will make us want to keep the Ten Commandments.

Murder: Christ specifically mentioned Murder when he said “Love your neighbor as yourself”; that love does no harm to its neighbor;37 premeditated Murder is a SIN.

Exodus 20:13 – Don’t premeditate taking a life

13 You shall not murder. (ESV)

31 Proverbs 22:6 – Train your children in THE WAY
32 Acts 9:2 – THE WAY, the Followers of Christ sect
33 Proverbs 1:8 – Do not forsake your parent’s teachings -- Exodus 21:17 – Capital offense to curse your parents; stoned to death 34 John 8:44 – A murderer is KIN to the Devil; SATAN
35 Matthew 5:21-26 – Don’t be angry or insult your Hebrew brother
36 Mark 12:28-31 – Two Commandments of Love; love yourself and love your neighbor -- John 13:34 – Commandment: Love one another
37 Romans 13:8-10 – Love does no harm and is the fulfillment of the Law

It is a most serious crime worthy of the harshest of punishment, under the justification that

commission of murder is highly detrimental to good order within a society.

In most countries, a person convicted of murder is typically given a long prison sentence, possibly a LIFE SENTENCE where permitted, and in some countries for such an act, the DEATH

PENALTY may be imposed.

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What does God say about killing in war? If you are in the army, you have an oath of loyalty to the governing authorities who have been placed over you by God to protect the homeland, your family and to keep the peace.38 We are NOT forbidden to kill in war, it is our scriptural duty to defend our land and our families from those who would seek to do us harm and that includes Terrorist by any name. If a thief breaks into my home; threatens my family; am I justified in shooting to KILL?

The Bible says YES, if a thief breaks into your home... SHOOT HIM... You have God’s permission; you have a God given right to protect your family and home. Consider getting a Concealed Weapons Permit and learn the safety and responsibility of gun ownership as well as your liability. 39

Go practice taking the thief out at the shooting range. It’s NOT a sin; it’s a public service.

Exodus 22:2 – SHOOT THE THIEF

2 If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, THE DEFENDER is NOT GUILTY of bloodshed; (NIV2011)

7th Commandment - Adultery
You can only commit Adultery when you are prepared to HURT others, to enjoy yourself at the

expense of others. This commandment places a “Hedge of Protection” around the Home and Family.40 It assures the legitimacy of children and the proper transfer of the family legacy. Note: because of the Virgin birth of Jesus, they questioned who his father was.41

The human desire for sex is strong for both sexes; sometimes the passion is so great that you can’t escape it, sometimes it is forced; RAPE

While immoral behavior is only one of the Ten Commandments, it is by far one of the strongest as it spins off; lies, emotional distress, broken families, disease and sickness and sometimes murder. When you are horny, a kiss can melt you; even a toad frog will look like a prince.42

Marriage is a covenant between a Man, a Woman and God.43 When a man and woman come together for the first time, there is blood; this is the sealing of the blood covenant between the two of them and God. The two are now ONE,44 they are not to be unfaithful to each other nor unfaithful to God.

Jesus took it a step further concerning your thoughts. He said that just thinking lustfully about someone; you will have already committed adultery in your heart; you have sinned.45

Exodus 20:14 - Adultery

14 You shall not commit adultery. (ESV)

8th Commandment – Stealing
A man’s property is an extension of his personality. Interestingly, you can steal a marriage partner;

a life as well as someone’s reputation. Stealing is a double sin; in that it breaks the commandment that Jesus gave in loving your neighbor and it accuses God of not providing enough for your needs.

The flip side of the coin is that a neighbor with an abundance may not have met the needs of a neighbor who is in want. 46

38 Romans 13:1 – We are subject to those who govern us in War. -- Romans 13:4 – The army is God’s minister of vengeance-- Romans 13:3 – Our Government authority is a terror to EVIL -- Romans 13:4 – The army is God’s minister of vengeance -- Romans 13:2 – Resisting those in authority resists the ordinances of God
39 NOTE: If the thief is retreating, your life is no longer being threatened; there is no need to take his life.
40 Job 1:10 – The Marriage Covenant is Hedge of Protection around your Home
41 Matthew 13:55 - Is not this the carpenter's son
42 Proverbs 27:7 –When you’re horny, a TOAD FROG looks like a prince.
43 Malachi 2:14 – The Lord is in covenant with you and your wife.
44 Genesis 2:24 – A Man and his wife become one flesh
45 Matthew 5:28 – Just thinking about Adultery is Sin
46 Galatians 5:14 – The Law; Love your neighbor as yourself

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Solomon wrote; Give me neither poverty nor riches; don’t give me so much that I forget about You God and so little that I am forced to steal and thereby profane your name.47 Stealing can be fraud, dispossession, withholding something that is due another man;48 withholding the tithe from God. (Ponder that)

Maude was a saint in the Baptist Church and we all loved her, but her overgrown grandson Larry was a Bully whose delight was to hurt, steal and destroy. In Grammar School, he was just plain EVIL and was so HATED as well as feared by most of his classmates. Just after High School, Larry was killed in a robbery; you would think that we would have all been very glad at the news; that the world would now be better off, but it was SAD because he was unredeemed and destined for Hell.

This is sad to say, but the scriptures are written to a man that is seeking God’s face and there are some whose spirit just rejects the things of God. Their father is Satan, the father of Lies; and they will not only take your goods, they will take your very life.49

Jesus says “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need”.50

Exodus 20:15 - Stealing

15 You shall not steal. (ESV)

9th Commandment – False Witness
This of course smacks of testifying falsely as a witness in a court of Law against someone else;

The Hebrew law required that you do to the False Witness as he had meant to do to his brother. It shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, and foot for foot.51

But let’s look at it a little more closely. This is also about assaulting someone’s character, it carries the label of slander; defamation, back biting, tale toting, gossiping, pot stirring and aggravating the circumstances, and worst of all; the attempt to raise your own reputation.52

For the Hebrew, assaulting a man’s character, which is all that he had, was like taking his life. If you called a man a Fool you were on dangerous ground with the Lord. In the political area today, when you cannot find fault with your opponents message, then you assault his character to in effect KILL HIM. Many times jealousy of someone else’s achievements brings out snide remarks. This is so common today not only in politics, but in the corporate world with one seeking to advance his own self above a fellow employee.

Again this is written to the man of God, and just goes over the head of an unbeliever and Make Believer. Before you open your mouth, consider; does this lift up someone or push them down. In the 40’s, my father told me that “a man’s word was his bond”, his word was only as good as his name; that is somewhat of a joke today, particularly in the Political area.

I remember accepting a Job and later a better offer came through. When I turned the better offer down, they could not understand why... I said, I have already given my WORD.

Exodus 20:16 – False Witness

16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. (ESV)

10th Commandment – Covet
Covet – This is the chef root of man-ward sins; it is Action in Rehearsal. It highlights the

importance of wrong appetites and intentions; craving for worldly satisfactions; setting one’s heart on desire. Man’s ego becomes his God.

47 Proverbs 30:8-9 – Give me neither poverty nor riches
48 Proverbs 3:27 – Don’t withhold what is due someone -- Malachi 3:8 – Will a man rob God of the Tithe? 49 John 8:44 – Your father is Satan; a Liar and Murderer from the beginning.
50 Ephesians 4:28 – Let the thief no longer steal; but labor and share
51 Deuteronomy 19:16-21 – Do to witness as meant he meant to do
52 Matthew 5:22 - Don’t insult someone’s name and integrity

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Envy is the very thread that corrodes the fabric of our society. This envy runs the gamut of coveting someone’s promotion; status, popularity, friends, house, wife or car. Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself.53 You will not covet, envy or harm someone you care about. Blessed are those with a pure heart for they shall see God.54

Exodus 20:17 – Don’t Covet neighbors Wife, House, Car, Friends

17 YOU SHALL NOT COVET your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant,

or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.” (ESV)

The Take Away

These Ten Fence Post commandments provide a hedge of protection around the community against the beast of disorder, confusion and bloodshed. If any one of the fence posts collapses, chaos will break out within the community; survival itself is at stake.

(SELAH; ponder where we are in our community today)

Today God’s Laws have been written on the heart of the Believer and we are to live according to the Spirit; doing so the Law is fully met within us. “Those who love God will keep His Ten Commandments and become the Beneficiaries of His steadfast love.55

If you want to get closer to God,
you must first agree with Him about SIN. Sin must be confessed.

53 Matthew 22:39 – Love your neighbor as yourself
54 Matthew 5:8 - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God
55 Exodus 20:6 – The Beneficiaries of God’s love are those who keep commandments

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Chapter 6. 6

Four Spiritual Laws

God’s plan for your life

Campus Crusade

Dr. Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ in 1952 put out a tract in a very simplified form titled; the FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS, which put the cookies of salvation on the lower shelf where regardless of maturity level, anyone could get to them, understand and receive them.

The First Law is that God loves you; God is Love and has a plan for your life. When I was just a child, the first Bible verse I ever learned was John 3:16, that God so loved me that He gave His ONLY Son to die on the cross for me so that I could have eternal life with Him. The Good Book says one of the reasons Jesus came down to earth was to give us a rich and satisfying life.

THE QUESTION; what’s preventing you from receiving God’s love; getting in on His plan and enjoying the abundant life now?

1) John 3:16 – God Loves the World
16 For GOD LOVED THE WORLD so much that
HE GAVE HIS ONE AND ONLY SON, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. (NLT)
John 10:10 – God’s purpose is to give life more abundantly
10 The thief’s (Satan) purpose is to steal and kill and destroy.

The Second Law is that you are sinful; we have all sinned and fall short of the standard that God has set. When we fall short; and we all do, the penalty is harsh; it’s DEATH, not just physically, but we are spiritually separated from God for eternity and cannot experience His plan for our lives nor His fellowship.

The Book says our self-willed passive indifference is evidence of our rebellion and this is the Sin that ruins the relationship that was intended for us to have with God; our fellowship is broken. There is now a great gulf fixed between God and sinful Man.

THE QUESTION; what’s the solution to bridging the gulf between man and God? 2) Romans 2:23 – We dishonor God when we break His Law

Romans 6:23 – When we break God’s law, the penalty is death 23 For THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH, but the FREE GIFT of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.(NLT)
2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 – Sin separates us from God’s presence
7 ...He will come with his mighty angels, in flaming fire
8 bringing judgment on those who don’t know God and on those who refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus.

FOREVER SEPARATED FROM THE LORD and from his glorious power. (NLT)

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TheThirdLawisJesusChristisGod’sonlyprovisionforTHEWAYbacktoHim. Itisthrough the person of His ONLY Son, Jesus the Christ that we can have our relationship restored and experience His fellowship for eternity.

The Book says Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and there is just NO other way. The sect that believed that Jesus is the Messiah were known as followers of “THE WAY”.

THE QUESTION; what must happen in order for you to be a follower of THE WAY? 3) Romans 5:8 – God sent His Son to bring us back to Him

8 But God showed his great love for us

BY SENDING CHRIST to die for us


1 Corinthians 15:3-4 – For our sins Jesus died, buried and raised

3 I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS, just as the Scriptures said. HE WAS BURIED.
AND HE WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.


John 14:6 – Jesus is the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Life

6 Jesus told him,


1 Corinthians 15:3-6 – Jesus died for our sins & was resurrected

3 I PASSED ON TO YOU what was most important and
DIED FOR OUR SINS, just as the Scriptures said.
4 He was
BURIED, and he was RAISED FROM THE DEAD on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.

5 He was seen by Peter and then by the Twelve.

6 After that, he was seen by more than 500 of his followers at

one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died. (NLT)

Acts 24:14 – The sect that followed Jesus was called THE WAY

14 But I admit that I follow THE WAY, which they call a cult.
I WORSHIP THE GOD OF OUR ANCESTORS, and I firmly believe the

Jewish law and everything written in the prophets. (NLT)

The Fourth Law is we must individually place our Faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and believe He will give us the free gift of Salvation and experience His plan for us. It’s not enough to have an emotional experience or intellectually say; “okay, I believe in Jesus”; the evidence is the way that you live your life: are you willing to change your worldview?

The Book says we are saved by God’s Grace alone and not by any thing we have done, are doing or hope to do. We don’t do good works to be saved, we do good works because we are saved. Those who place their faith in Him and DO what He commands will receive the right to become children of God. It’s in the Book

THE QUESTION; Do you want to receive the gift of salvation & know God’s plan for your life? 4) John 1:12 – All who believe received right to become children


He gave the right to BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD. (NLT)

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Acts 16:31 – Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved

, along with everyone in your

Ephesians 2:8-9 – We are saved by Grace when we believe 8 GOD SAVED YOU BY HIS GRACE WHEN YOU BELIEVED. And you can’t take credit for this; IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD.
9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.

The Take Away

It is the job of the Holy Spirit to plant the seed of Faith in someone, it’s the Christian’s job to water the seed and its God’s job to harvest the seed. So we are not responsible for the planting, nor the harvest, but only for the watering of the seed.

I was in a Billy Graham Crusade, when the invitation was given and some people next to me said, “Yawl Ready” and immediately they ALL went out on the field joining the thousands of others committing their lives to Jesus Christ. Billy Graham got to water the seed that the Holy Spirit had already planted and as a bonus he saw God’s harvest and so did I. SELAH

When Jesus Christ ascended back to the right side of the Father God, He sent the Holy Spirit to draw men unto Himself. So, all through your life someone has watered the seed that the Holy Spirit has planted inside of you; your parents, your school teachers, your friends or perhaps someone you have just been observing THE WAY they live out their life.

I will never forget the day that a co-worker came up to me at the water fountain and said, “I WANT WHAT YOU GOT” and I led him to Christ that very day; I got to see a seed harvested. We don’t realize that our everyday lives are a sermon to someone. One of the Thief’s on the cross GOT IT for only a few brief hours on earth, but HAS IT now for an eternity in heaven. GET IT while you are young and have a lifetime to enjoy it. You get to be a part of what God is doing now; you get to share it with othersandchangetheirdestiny. Sometimeswenotonlygettowatertheseed,wegettoseetheharvest

If you want what I got you can have it. There is just four simple steps; 1) Believe in Jesus the Son of God. 2) Repent of your sins. 3) Confess publically Jesus is the Son of God. 4) Be Baptized in water.

The Book says that before you begin a project you should sit down and count the cost and see if you can finish it. There is a cost to Discipleship; it’s obedience. Noah had faith in God, but it took more than his faith to save him. He had to obey what the Lord commanded and BUILD THE ARK. Genuine Faith brings obedience to God’s commands which in turn brings glory to God.

Obedience is the difference between being a Believer and a Make-Believer. TheBooksays;FAITHWITHOUTGOODWORKSISADEADFAITH. Christiansarenotmembers of THE SECRET SERVICE; they should make a PUBLIC profession of their faith through the sacrament of BAPTISM; they should share their faith through THE WAY they live their everyday lives. We are NOT saved by our good works; we do good works BECAUSE we are saved. God’s

saving GRACE and our FAITH through obedience complements each other.
Your actions make your Faith complete.
Grace + Faith = Obedience.56

1) John 3:16 – Step one; Believe in Jesus Christ

16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only

Son, so that everyone who BELIEVES IN HIM will not perish but

have eternal life. (NLT)

56 Luke 14:28 – Discipleship has a cost; it’s OBEDIENCE -- Genesis 6:9-23 – Noah had Faith and OBEYED God’s commands -- Romans 1:5 – Faith and OBEDIENCE brings Glory to God -- James 2:14-26 – Faith without OBEDIENCE is a DEAD FAITH


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  1. 2)  Luke 13:3 – Step two; Repent of your Sins
    3 ... And YOU WILL PERISH, too, UNLESS you

    REPENT OF YOUR SINS and turn to God. (NLT)

  2. 3)  Romans 10:10 – Step three; Confess that you are saved

    10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with

    God, and it is by CONFESSING WITH YOUR MOUTH that you are

    saved. (NLT)

  3. 4)  Acts 2:38 – Step four; Be Baptized publically

    38 Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins, turn to God,

    and BE BAPTIZED in the name of Jesus Christ TO SHOW that you

    have received forgiveness for your sins. Then you will receive the gift

    of the Holy Spirit. (NLT)


You don’t have to have it all figured out to become a Christian. God will accept you right where you are and bring you into the family of God and grow your faith. There is no special prayer; words do not save you, only Jesus can save you. You can just tell God you are ready to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Prayer is just a conversation with God. PRAY, just talk to God.

Father God, I’m a mess, I feel a heaviness and emptiness inside, and realize that because of my sins, I am separated from you and deserve death; but Lord God I so want to know you personally.
I know I can never reach heaven by my own good deeds, but you have made provision for my sins to be forgiven by your Son Jesus the Christ dying on the cross for my sins.

I still don’t understand it all; how the blood of Jesus satisfies my debt, but YOU SAID it satisfies YOU and that’s all that matters. Right now I place my faith in Jesus Christ who died in my place and rose from the dead so I could receive the gift of eternal life.

Please forgive me of my sins and open up my spiritual eyes to help me to live a life that brings glory to you. Thank you for your grace of forgiveness and accepting me as a child of God and giving me fellowship with you for eternity.

Help me to help myself be the kind of person you would have me to be in your plan. I believe, help me to grow my faith; AMEN.57

Join a Church

Mark 9:24 - Help my belief to increase

24 The father instantly cried out, “I DO BELIEVE, BUT HELP ME OVERCOME MY UNBELIEF!”(NLT)

Get involved with a LOCAL church and be baptized in whatever manner they offer. There are only two sacrament of the Church; Baptism and taking Communion. Baptism is not the cause of your salvation, baptism is a result of trusting Jesus unto Salvation. It is not something that you do, it’s something that God does to you.58

57 1 John 5:11-13 – You can KNOW that you have eternal life -- John 17:3 – You can know the only true God and His Son Jesus Christ -- Ephesians 2:8-10 – We are saved by our Faith & by HIS Grace -- 1 John 5:1 – When we believe, we become a child of God -- Romans 6:23 – Salvation is a FREE GIFT from God -- John 15:7 – We are charged to READ God’s Word -- John 14:21 – Obey God’s commandments - Do the Word -- Matthew 4:19 – If you love God, you will SHARE your faith -- John 15:8 – Doing good works brings God great glory -- Acts 1:8 – The Holy Spirit will help you share your Faith -- Galatians 5:16-17- The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth
58 Hebrews 10:25 – Join in and fellowship with a local church -- Acts 2:38 – Repent of your sins and be baptized -- Acts 22:16 – Why wait? Get up, be baptized into Jesus Christ -- Galatians 3:27 – Be baptized unto the Character and image of Jesus Christ -- Revelation 3:20 – Christ knocks at the door of your heart; It’s your FREE WILL choice to open. The Holy Spirit can only show you THE WAY to the DOOR; it’s up to you to WALK THROUH IT.

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Chapter 6. 7


Promises to God – Conditional – Absolute - Unbinding - Mediator – Recipients Promises to us – Wisdom and Knowledge – Temptation – Sin – Pardon – Redeemed Healing – Enemies, Peace, Rest, Long Life – Promises on the other side of Death

First Word
This may seem unfair, but the PROMISES of God are for Believers ONLY. This study is just

for those that believe that Jesus is the ONLY begotten Son of God and He is the ONLY way back to the father God, and the Bible is His ONLY Errorless written instructions to us.59

You can’t claim the prize if you don’t know you’ve won it
Wikipedia: Promise is a commitment by someone to do or not do something. As a noun Promise means a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something. As a verb it means to

commit oneself by a promise to do or give.
It can also mean a capacity for good, similar to a value that is to be realized in the future.
W.E. Vine: Promise: To proclaim, announce, an undertaking to do or give something, to signify

a gift.
NOTE: If God said it; then it’s a promise, He cannot lie. Sometimes a promise or entitlement had

stipulations or is conditional upon an action; i.e. ALL THAT believe” or IF you “Keep my commandments”.

2 Peter 1:4 – Partakers of Precious Exceeding Great Promises

4 Whereby he hath

granted unto us his PRECIOUS and exceeding GREAT PROMISES;

that through these ye may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in that world by lust. (ASV)

Unbinding Promises

An unbinding promise is one that is unlawful or one made under duress, violence or fear; any such promise is made to be broken.

Human sacrifices were unlawful for an Israelite, and Jephthah made a terrible vow to God concerning a human life. This vow or promise went against the divine laws of God therefore was not valid. Thou shall not kill. (With my warped sense of humor, I always thought Jephthah was hoping that it would be his wife who would come out of his house first.) READ IT

Judges 11:30-31 – Jephthah made an unlawful promise

30 And Jephthah MADE A VOW to the LORD: “If you give

the Ammonites into my hands,


to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites

will be the LORD’s, and


59 John 10:35 - The Scripture cannot be broken -- Jeremiah 33:14 – The PROMISES will be fulfilled Page 26

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Kinds of Promises
There are two kinds of promises for THE BELIEVER.
Absolute Promise: Unconditional Promise, this is a “naked agreement”, one that does not

require something on the behalf of the recipient in exchange. There is NO quid pro quo”.60 Conditional Promise: A promise that cannot be obtained until certain condition have been met.

These promises contains some “IF and THEN” Clauses.61
Believing in the promise is the only way that we can receive them. We must still believe even

though in our eyes the promise has been delayed.

Hebrews 6:15 – Believed, Waited Patiently, Received

15 And so after waiting patiently,
received what was promised. (NIV2011)

Promises TO God

VOWS or your WORDS are synonymous with Promises; that means they are the same thing. If you make a Promise to God, fulfill it without delay, you are a fool if you break your promise. It is better NOT to Promise something that to promise and not keep it.62

Did you realize that your wedding vows are a Promise to God? We are obligated to keep our PROMISES even if it hurts us.63 We can read in the Book how Joshua was tricked into a Promise, but kept it even to his own hurt.

Joshua 9:19 – Keep your Promise even to your own HURT.

19 But all the leaders said to the whole congregation,
We have sworn to them by the LORD, the God of Israel,

and now we cannot touch them. (NASB)

The First Promises
Satan made his FIRST promise to Eve in the Garden of Eden which was a lie; I Promise; you

will not surely die; but she did.64
God made His very FIRST promise to Satan that He would crush his head, and at the cross

and He did.65
Abraham RECEIVED a promise made between God, himself and his descendants; that would

be all that would Believe.

Genesis 17:7 - Everlasting Covenant Me, you and your descendants


between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations


Promise Mediator
The promises of God are in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ who is the MEDIATOR of a

Better Covenant with Better Promises.66

60 John 3:17 – Absolute Promise; God provided THE WAY for the world to be saved -- Josh 1:5 – Absolute Promise; I will never leave you or forsake you. -- Isaiah 7:14 – Absolute Promise; The Virgin Birth of Christ
61 Matthew 11:28 – Conditional Promise; come to God to receive rest -- 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Conditional Promise; you must turn from sin to receive forgiveness
62 Numbers 30:2 - You must not break your Promise, but do everything you said -- Deuteronomy 23:21 - Do not be slow to fulfill your promise; it’s a SIN -- Ecclesiastes 5:4 – You are a FOOL if you break your promise -- Ecclesiastes 5:5 – It is better NOT to Promise if you cannot perform
63 Psalm 15:4 - Swears to your own hurt and do not change
64 Genesis 3:3-4 – Satan Promise: You won’t surely die, but she did -- Genesis 2:17 – God Promise: Disobey and you will certainly die -- John 8:44 – Satan’s Promises are lies, he is the father of lies
65 Genesis 3:15 – Jesus will crush the head of Satan and He did -- Romans 16:20 - God will crush Satan under your feet
66 Luke 1:31 – ABSOLUTE PROMISE of the coming Messiah -- 2 Corinthians 1:20 - The PROMISES of God are in JESUS -- Isaiah 46:11 - What I have planned; I will bring about and do -- Psalm 84:11 - No good thing will he withhold from the Believe

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Hebrews 8:6 – Jesus Mediator; Better Covenant, Better Promises

6 But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also MEDIATOR of a BETTER COVENANT,

which was established on BETTER PROMISES. (NKJV)

Promise Recipients

We are classified into three people groups; The Jew, The Gentile and the Church of God.67 (The Gentiles, Greeks or “unclean heathen dogs” was everybody else that wasn’t a Jew.)

It’s not the Jew, nor the Gentile; but it’s “The Believers” that makes up the Church of God. The Promises of God were for the Nation of Israel; His special people AND for those “that would receive Him” who were “afar off(not yet born) THAT WOULD BE US. 68

God has removed the dividing wall and made the two groups one, regardless of status. Jews and Non-Jews; One shepherd, One flock, One Church of God.69

As we seek God, all the good things, the Promises he has stored up for us will be added.70 Acts 2:39 – The Promises - for those that haven’t been born yet
39 For to you is THE PROMISE, and to YOUR CHILDREN,
and to
ALL THAT ARE AFAR OFF, even as many as the Lord our God

shall call unto him. (ASV)

Promise of Surety
Until Judgment day, God has PROMISED that the earth will remain as it is; with Winter and

Summer, Day and Night, and Seedtime and Harvest just to benefit us; the Lord is so Faithful. A promise is only as good as the person that makes it; a man’s Word is his Bond.

Reassurance: God gave us His promises in order to give us HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT. Not one word has failed of all of His promises; He is our confidence. God cannot lie, nor will He change His mind; He who began a good work in us will complete it. The Impossible is possible with God, nothing is too hard for Him; His arm is not short, His very breath performs miracles of life.71

Dated: God has made many PROMISES which the date of completion are recorded in Heaven; the ways He completes them are higher than our ways, but they will be completed. He is FAITHFUL to keep his promises EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY above all that we ASK or THINK to a thousand generations.

Ephesians 3:20 - Exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think

20 Now unto him that is


ABOVE ALL THAT WE ASK OR THINK, according to the power that works in us,


67 1 Corinthians 10:32 – All Israel is the Believing Jews, Gentiles; the Church of God
68 John 10:15-16 – Jews and Gentiles are in the same sheep pen.
69 Ephesians 2:14 - God destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall -- Galatians 3:27-28 – We are all ONE in Christ Jesus
70 Matthew 6:33 – Good things added as we seek God
71 Hebrews 6:18 – It is impossible for God o lie -- 1 Samuel 15:29 - God will not change His mind -- Hebrews 13:8 – Christ the same; yesterday, today and forever -- Malachi 3:6 – God does not change -- Isaiah 40:8 - The word of our God endures forever -- Proverbs 3:26 - The LORD is our confidence -- Genesis 9:15 – I’ll remember my covenant between me and you -- Romans 15:4 – The promises were written to give us HOPE -- 1 Kings 8:56 - Not one word has failed of all His good promises -- Joshua 23:14 - Every promise will be fulfilled; not one will fail -- Philippians 1:6 – He who began a good work in you will complete it -- 2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise -- Isaiah 55:9 - My WAYS and THOUGHTS are higher than your ways -- Deuteronomy 7:9 – God will keep his covenant to a 1,000 generations -- Hebrews 10:23 – God is faithful -- Jeremiah 32:17 – Nothing is too Hard for God -- Numbers 11:23 – His arm is NOT SHORT -- Mark 10:27 - All things are possible with God -- Psalm 77:14 - He performs miracles -- Genesis 2:7 – The very BREATH of God breathes life


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Guide, Friend, Father – The Promise
He is our GUIDE; His Word endures forever and is a lamp that guides our feet along the path of

life giving us fatherly Course Corrections even to death.72
He is a FRIEND that sticks closer than a brother and knows what we need even before we ask

Him. He hears us before we begin to pray and sends the answer before we have finished praying.73 He is a FATHER to the fatherless; to those who believe in his name, he gives the right to become

a child of God. We have been adopted by Christ and now have a new FATHER.74
He will never leave us nor be somewhere else when we need him; He is always with us.75

Romans 8:15 - We have been adopted and have a new Father

15 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when HE ADOPTED YOU as his own children. Now we call him, “ABBA, FATHER.” (NLT)

Defend – Enemies Promise
God is our Defense; He is a refuge and hides us keeping us from trouble. For some reason when you do the right thing, or don’t go along with the crowd, you develop enemies. In a sales meeting I had privately asked a sales LADY to refrain from using foul language in the meetings and I cited Bible concepts and with that she reported me. Then she reported me for using the Bible as a guideline for conducting good business practices. I was reported as well as for visiting employees in the hospital and praying for their recovery.

I was given two weeks’ notice of termination even though I had been promoted twice, all my reviews were exemplary and our sales numbers were over the top. On Friday the last day at 5pm, I received an unsolicited phone call to be the General Manager of another company; my salary would eventually be doubled, I had no clue God was already at work before I needed to call on Him, I was on a new job Monday morning which I had never applied nor interviewed for.

I remember one day being called to the Corporate Office; I was attacked by the entire sales staff from three different locations about my management style. I presented the numbers that showed their policies were undermining the financial stability of the entire corporation. One by one they left theroomuntilthePresidentandIweretheonlyonesremaining. WehadagoodlunchandIreceived a commendation; God fought my battle that day and I didn’t even know there was a war; they had dug a pit for me, but they had fallen into it themselves.

God has PROMISED to fight for you against those who would rise up against you. No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and the Lord declares “this is the servant’s vindication from me.”

God is our fortress and refuge in a time of affliction; He goes with us through the waters. His angels are encamped around us and are in charge of keeping us in our daily walk.

NOTE: When we walk in His ways, God becomes an enemy to our enemies.76

Psalm 57:6 – They dug a pit for me and fell into it themselves

6 They spread a net for my feet— I was bowed down in distress.


72 Psalm 48:14 - He will be our GUIDE, even to death. -- Psalm 119:105 - His word guides my feet and lights my path
73 Proverbs 18:24 – He is a FRIEND that sticks closer than a brother -- Psalm 34:4 - I sought the LORD, and He heard me -- Matthew 6:8 - He knows what you need before you ask Him -- 1 Peter 1:25 – His word endures forever
74 Psalm 68:5 - A FATHER of the fatherless -- 2 Corinthians 6:18 - I will be a father to you -- Proverbs 3:12 – Corrects our paths like a father -- John 1:12 – Those who believe, He gave the right to become CHILDREN of God
75 Joshua 1:5 - Never leave nor forsake you -- Matthew 28:20 - I am with you always -- Psalm 32:7 – I will be hidden from trouble
76 Deuteronomy 20:4 - God is the one who goes with you -- Isaiah 43:2 – I’m with you when you pass through deep waters. --Exodus 23:22 - I will be an ENEMY TO YOUR ENEMIES -- Deuteronomy 28:7 - Enemies who rise up will be defeated -- Luke 1:69-71 – We are saved from our enemies -- Isaiah 54:17 – No weapon that forms against you will prevail -- Psalm 89:18 - For the LORD is our DEFENSE -- Psalm 9:9 – God is a REFUGE in times of trouble -- Jeremiah 16:19 – God is my FORTRESS and my Refuge -- Psalm 91:11 - His angels have charge over you -- Psalm 34:7 - His angels encamp around us and delivers us

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New Heart – New Faith Promise
God will remove our old stubborn heart and give us a new one that is tender, compassionate

and responsive and fill it with the Holy Spirit and a measure of Faith.77
The Two Bears; Bear and Forbear.78 Bear with each other and forgive one another, be gentle

and tenderhearted. Forbearance is the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT along with kindness, goodness, gentleness and faithfulness.

Ezekiel 36:25-26 – Promise of a new HEART

25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean.

Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols.

26 And I will give you a NEW heart, and I will put a NEW spirit

in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart

and give you a tender, responsive heart. (NLT)

Temptation – The Promise
The Devil made me do it. God has PROMISED that He will make a way of escape from every

temptation to sin that comes our way; and it WILL come our way.

1 Corinthians 10:13 – PROMISE; a way out of every temptation

13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to

mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted

beyond what you can bear. But WHEN YOU ARE TEMPTED,

HE WILL ALSO PROVIDE A WAY OUT so that you can endure it. (NIV2011)

Sin Promise

The word Sin means “missing the mark”; wandering from the path. Transgression is rebellion. Evil is bad, wicked, depraved. Iniquity is crookedness, it all means the SAME THING. By one Man Adam, sin entered into the world and made us slaves to sin.79

The Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of Satan. Through Christ we have been set free from the bondage of sin; His Blood has cleansed us. If the sinner will forsake his way and his unrighteous thoughts; and accept Jesus as the Messiah; God will have mercy upon him, cleanse him from all unrighteous and will abundantly pardon and love him freely.80

Forgotten Promises: There is one thing that God has PROMISED that He will forget; that’s the sin of the professing believer.81 He will remember our sins no more, His grace is sufficient for us. Jesus Christ is full of compassion, slow to anger and great in Mercy that lasts from everlasting to everlasting.

Our sins have been blotted out and they cannot be found.82

Hebrews 10:17

17 ... I WILL NEVER AGAIN REMEMBER THEIR SINS and their lawless acts.


77 Luke 11:13 – Promise of the Holy Spirit -- Ephesians 4:32 - Be KIND and TENDERHEARTED to one another -- Romans 12:3 God has given every Believer a measure of FAITH
78 Colossians 3:13 - BEAR with each other and forgive one another -- Galatians 5:22-23 – FORBEARANCE is a fruit of the Spirit,
79 Romans 5:12 - Sin entered the world through the one man Adam- - 1 John 3:8 – The one man Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan; SIN -- 1 Corinthians 15:3 - Christ died as payment for our sins -- Romans 6:14 – Sin no longer has dominion over us

80 1 John 1:9 – He will FORGIVE us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness -- Isaiah 55:7 - He will ABUNDANTLY PARDON us - - Hosea 14:4 – He will LOVE US FREELY -- Jeremiah 31:34 – He will FORGIVE our wickedness -- 1 John 1:7 - His blood CLEANSES US from all sin -- 2 Corinthians 12:9 - His GRACE is sufficient for your sins -- Psalm 145:8 – God is Full of COMPASSION, Slow to anger; great in mercy -- Psalm 103:11 - Great is His MERCY -- Psalm 103:17 – His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting

81 Hebrews 10:17 – God will remember our sins no more
82 Isaiah 44:22 – Our sins have been BLOTTED OUT -- Jeremiah 50:20 – Our sins CANNOT BE FOUND

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Promise Wisdom, Knowledge
The FIRE of our prayer life is FUELED by God’s Devine Promises. IF we seek God for

Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding83 like it’s a hidden treasure, He has PROMISED to give it to us generously and through the power of the Holy Spirit, lead us into the understanding of all Spiritual things; it’s an “ONGOINGseeking, growing process conforming us to the image of Jesus.

Romans 8:29 – We are being conformed to the Image of Jesus

29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON,
in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

Promise Healing
Jesus is the great physician and has PROMISED to even heal the broken hearted. IF you listen

carefully to the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes; IF you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees you will not see any of the diseases He brought on the Egyptians.84 As a righteous Believer, there will be many afflictions, but we will be delivered out of them.

Psalm 34:19 – We will be delivered out of afflictions.

19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But


Promises Food and Stuff
He will make us the head and not the tail; to be on top and not on the bottom; IF we pay

attention to His commands and FOLLOW them. We have been promised FOOD, but it’s for the WORKING Believer, one who works and shares what he has with others. Don’t let your hands be idle; labor increases wealth.85

One who honors God with a portion of what he has will find his WINE vats running over and his barns full of GRAIN with so much that what the mice and insects eat won’t even be noticed.

The Lord is our Shepherd we will not want.86 IF we are willing to work and are OBEDIENT to His Word, we will have more than enough to eat with a bunch left over to give away.87

2 Thessalonians 3:10 - If you don’t work you will NOT eat

10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule:



Promises Peace, Rest, Refreshed
We are not immune to trials, sorrows and afflictions just because we are Christians. Charles

Spurgeon said, “I owe more to the fire, hammer and chisel than to anything else in my Lord’s workshop”. We are continually being shaped into what God would have us to be; the unpolished pearl will never shine. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but All these things work together for good for the Believer; one that has been called according to “God’s plan and His Purpose”.88 It takes a lot of rough polishing to give a diamond its luster. Cast your burden on the Lord and the load will be lifted from your shoulders and He will sustain you.89

83 John 14:25-26 – The Holy Spirit will TEACH YOU all spiritual things -- James 1:5 – Ask God for WISDOM and He will give it to you generously -- Proverbs 2:2-6 God Grants KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING
84 Exodus 15:26 – If you Listen, Pay attention and Do right you will be delivered -- Luke 4:18 – God will heal the broken hearted. 85 Isaiah 1:19-20 - If you are WILLING and OBEDIENT, you will eat -- 2 Chronicles 15:7 – DON’T LET YOUR HANDS BE IDLE

86 Psalm 23:1 - The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. -- Deuteronomy 28:13 – He will make you the head, not the tail -- Proverbs 3:9-10 - Barns will be filled, Wine Vats will run over -- Malachi 3:10-11 –Blessings will be Poured out of more than food -- 87 Proverbs 28:19 - If you work, YOU WILL HAVE PLENTY -- Proverbs 10:4 – If you WORK diligently you will obtain wealth -- Proverbs 13:11 - Those who gathers by LABOR increases in wealth
88 Psalm 34:19 - Many are the afflictions of the righteous -- Isaiah 10:27 - The burden will be lifted from your shoulders -- Matthew 11:28 – I promise to give you REST
89 Psalm 55:22 - Cast your burden on the LORD -- Romans 8:28 - All things work for the good of the Believer

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God has PROMISED rest and peace for the weary. Jesus made peace for us through His blood at the cross; even for those that will believe who have not even yet been born. Our sleep will be sweet and we will be rested90 and REFRESHED because the God that watches over us does not slumber nor does He sleep; we will be abundantly SATISFIED.91 IF we will just TRUST Him, He will keep us in “PERFECT PEACE” which will drive out fear from a troubled heart.92

He puts a new SONG in our mouth, a HYMN of praise on our lips; CONTENTMENT in our heart.

Psalm 40:3 – He put a NEW SONG in our mouth

3 He put a NEW SONG in my mouth, a HYMN OF PRAISE to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.


Isaiah 14:3 God will give rest from sorrow, trouble and labor

3 And it shall come to pass in the day that JEHOVAH SHALL

and from the HARD SERVICE wherein you were made to serve. (ASV)

Promises Redeemed, Rescued
We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit of PROMISE.93 We have the promise of being

delivered, rescued and redeemed and from our enemies. He will not leave us and will watch over us until His PROMISES have been completed. He is an ever present help and will be with us up to the very end of this age94.

We have the promise, that our “Redeemer Lives95 and that in the end time, He will stand on this earth mediating the PROMISE that we will be kept from the hour of trial.96 No one can take us out of His hand, nor separate us from His love whether it be demons or angels visible or invisible; not even death; NOTHING. 97 He will rescue us from every evil attack and bring us safely into the Heavenly kingdom.98

Matthew 28:20 – I’m with you always to the very end of the age

20 And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And


Promises - The Other Side of Death

We will not be hurt by the second death and we can never die again.99
We will witness the glorious appearance of the “Morning Star”; who is Jesus Christ.100 Christ will confess our name before God the Father and before His angels.101

90 Psalm 121:4 – God shall neither slumber nor sleep -- Proverbs 3:24 – Your will have a SWEET SLEEP
91 Psalm 36:8 – We will be abundantly SATISFIED -- Job 6:27-28 – We will have CONTENTMENT -- Philippians 4:11 – We will be CONTENT in every circumstance -- Psalm 23:1-3 The Lord has promised rest and RESTORATION
92 Judges 6:24 - The LORD Is PEACE -- Colossians 1:20 – Jesus made PEACE through the blood of His cross -- John 14:27 - We have been given God’s PEACE -- John 20:21 - PEACE will be with you -- Isaiah 26:3 – God Promises to keep US in PERFECT PEACE -- Ephesians 2:17 – God gives PEACE for those not yet born.
93 Ephesians 1:13 – You’re sealed with the Holy Spirit of PROMISE
94 Psalm 46:1 – God is an ever present help in a time of trouble
95 Job 19:25 – We know that our Redeemer lives
97 Romans 8:38-39 – Nothing can separate us from God’s love -- John 10:28 - No one can snatch you out of my hand -- 2 Timothy 4:18 – God will bring us safely to his heavenly kingdom
98 Acts 1:4 - Wait for the PROMISE of the Father -- Psalm 136:24 - He rescues, redeems and delivers us our enemies -- Genesis 28:15 - I will not leave you; it’s a Promise
99 Revelation 2:11 – We will not hurt by the SECOND DEATH -- Luke 20:36 – We will never die again -- Isaiah 40:31 - Our strength will be renewed
100 Revelation 22:16 – Jesus is the bright and Morning Star -- Revelation 2:28 – He will give to us the Morning Star; Jesus
101 Titus 2:13 – We will see the appearance of His Glory, that of Jesus Christ

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Our Name is promised to be in the “Book of Life”. I think it’s noteworthy to say that scripture indicates that EVERYONE’S name is already written in the Book of Life; our decisions on this side of life determines if it stays there or is blotted out.102 Life is Choice Driven, It’s in the Book

He will wipe away every tear from our face.103

There will be Crowns; the Imperishable Crown for those who have victory over their old spirit man. Crown of Righteousness for those that are longing for His appearance. Crown of Life for those that have been tested unto death which is the Martyr’s Crown. The Crown of Glory for the Overseers or Elders who serve the flock. The Crown of Rejoicing which is the Soul Winners Crown; the more crowns that we are given, the more we have to cast at the feet of Jesus104

We will be given “The Right” to sit at the throne of Christ.105 Note: We will sit at the throne of Christ; but Jesus alone sits at the right hand of the Throne of God the Father.

There will be Rewards according to what each Believer has done.106

We will taste some “Hidden Manna” and our strength will be renewed.107 (There was a jar of manna hidden within the Ark of the Covenant; it was called Angel’s Food and we will get to taste it)

We will eat from the “Tree of Life” in Paradise, the healing fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.108

We will be given a White Stone.NOTE: In Society; Black was considered days of calamity; white was days of festivity. In the courts of justice; a black stone meant condemned and a WHITE stone meant acquittal. Our White Stone declares us NOT GUILTY.

We will be privileged with “God’s name” written upon us.109
Jesus will also write HIS “new” name upon us.110
We too will receive a New Name” carved in stone known only to the recipient; we are a NEW

We will put on a White Robe” symbolizing our perfect purity, without speck or stain. An

undefiled Priestly garment; a conquerors array.111
We will become citizens of the New Jerusalem when it comes down from Heaven.112
We will have our own place to live and it will be where Jesus lives113
We will be made like a Pillar” in Heaven; permanent, stable, stately, strong; never having to

We will be where Jesus is and WE WILL BE LIKE HIM and SEE HIM AS HE IS.114

Our Part of the Promises

Come out from the way the world walks and be obviously different; we have been set apart to God.115

Handle His Word: Because of the promises of God we should endeavor to walk in the wisdom and knowledge that He has given us; to not forget His teachings and to keep His commandments.

102 Romans 8:29 – I will never blot out your name from the Book of life
103 Isaiah 25:8 – He will wipe away tears from all faces
104 Revelation 3:11 – You have at least one CROWN -- 1 Peter 5:4 - Crown of Glory that shall not fade away -- 1 Corinthians 9:25 - Incorruptible Crown -- 2 Timothy 4:8 - Crown of Righteousness for those who love Christ’s appearing -- 1 Thessalonians 2:19 - Crown of Rejoicing at the Lord’s coming -- Revelation 2:10 - Crown of Life; those faithful until death -- Revelation 4:10 – We will Cast our CROWNS before His throne
105 Revelation 3:21 - We will be given “The Right” to sit with Jesus
106 Matthew 5:12 - Great is your REWARD in heaven -- Revelation 22:12 - REWARDS according to what we have done
107 Hebrews 9:3-4 –MANNA hidden in the Ark of the Covenant -- Revelation 2:17 – Hidden MANNA – White Stone – NEW NAME 108 Revelation 22:14 - Eat the fruit from the TREE OF LIFE -- Galatians 5:22-23 – Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
109 Revelation 3:12b – Write the name of God on them
110 Revelation 3:12d – Write the NEW name of Jesus on them
111 Revelation 3:5 – We will be clothed in White Garments
112 Revelation 3:12c – Become Citizens of the News Jerusalem -- Revelation 3:12a – We will become Citizens, Pillars in the Temple; 113 John 14:3 – Jesus has prepared a place for us
115 2 Corinthian 6:16-18 - Come out from them and be separate -- Psalm 4:3 – We are set apart for God

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Studying God’s word becomes a “Course Corrector” so our prayer life and our asking will be with the right motives. 116 Handle Jesus Christ, the Word of Life with care.117

Seek the Kingdom of God: Keep His ways; Ask, Seek and Knock in prayer.118 He will hear us when we call to Him.119

We must Teach our children by our life: by our words, our demeanor, our love, our faith, and by our integrity.

When we Believe, Persevere and DO the Will of God, we will receive the Promises.

1 Timothy 4:11-12 - Teach by demeanor, love, faith, integrity

11 Get the word out. TEACH ALL THESE THINGS.
12 And don't let anyone put you down because you're young.


Two Legs of the Promises
The Believer has two legs, one is called FAITH and the other is called OBEDIENCE. We need

both legs to walk into God’s PROMISES. It’s not enough to know the Word, but we must DO IT, practice it and teach it.120

A Make-Believer KNOWS the Word of God; the Believer not only KNOWS the Word of God, but DOES the Word of God.121

A PROMISE becomes of none effect through DISOBEDIENCE; it can become a CURSE.122

Deuteronomy 11:26-28 – A Promise can turn into a Curse

26 I AM SETTING BEFORE YOU TODAY A BLESSING AND A CURSE 27 the BLESSING IF YOU OBEY the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today;
28 the CURSE IF YOU DISOBEY the commands of the LORD your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.


Promissory Note
We have been given a Promissory Note, a CHECK; it’s up to us to BELIEVE that it’s real and in

FAITH Endorse it with our own name and then take it to the bank and CASH IT; the DEPOSIT has already been made.

After Noah and his family entered the Ark, God left the door of the Ark BANK open for one more week, then after that, the DOOR WAS SHUT; the Ark Bank was closed forever. A check has no value if you just look at it and put it in a drawer; one day it CANNOT BE CASHED.

The PROMISSORY NOTE will still be good, but the BANK WILL BE CLOSED forever.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22 – There is a Deposit for us in the Bank

21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us,
22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as A DEPOSIT, GUARANTEEING WHAT IS TO COME.


116 James 4:3 – Have the right Motives when you ask
117 Luke 24:39 – HANDLE Jesus Christ -- 1 John 1:1 – HANDLE the WORD of Life -- 2 Corinthians 4:2 - Don’t HANDLE the WORD of God deceitfully -- Proverbs 3:1-2 – Remember His teachings; keep His commands -- Psalm 91:11-12 - Keep in HIS WAYS
118 Matthew 6:33 - Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness
119 Matthew 7:7-8 – We are to Ask, Seek and Knock; it will then be opened -- Luke 1:45 – BELIEVE and receive -- Acts 1:4 – WAIT for the Promise -- Hebrews 10:36 – Persevere and DO the will of God.
120 Ezra 7:10 – STUDY the Word of God and DO IT. -- 1 Samuel 15:22 - To OBEY is better than sacrifice
121 -1 John 2:3 - A Believer will keep God’s commandments
122 Romans 10:21 – A Promise can be rendered non effect by disobedience --1 Samuel 15:23 – CURSE: Reject God’s Word, God rejects you

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Pardon Promise

Absolute Promise: This may sound crazy, but we live in a condemned world, filled with condemned people.123 In short WE are all destined to eternity in hell fire; EVERYBODY.124

Conditional Promise: We are all in prison on DEATH ROW and have been given the “Good News” of an opportunity if we want it;125 to get a personalized individual “GET OUT OF JAIL FREE” card and receive a FULL PARDON.126

Some will NOT BELIEVE the offer and CHOOSE to stay in the darkness of the Jail.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.


The New Preacher hollered down to the old farmer plowing with his mule and posed a question; “WHAT WOULD YOU DO if you knew the Lord was coming back tomorrow?” The farmer answered, “I reckon I’ll just plow another row; I’m ready.”

If terrorism strikes with a suicide bomber at your favorite Walmart store; is your next thought; “Wait a minute, I’m not ready yet” or do you just remember the scripture “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”. Death is coming; READY OR NOT.

Everybody will live forever somewhere, the choices that you make on this side of death determines where you will spend your eternity; are you a Believer or a Make Believer?

2 Corinthians 5:8 - Absent from the body; present with the Lord

8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather


My Song
There was a song that I sang in my youth called “Take my Life”. (Frances R. Havergal – A.H.C.Malan)

When I sang it, I didn’t realize that I was making a PROMISE to God; here’s how it goes; Take my LIFE and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee
Take my
HANDS and let them move, at the impulse of Thy love
Take my
FEET and let them be, swift and beautiful for Thee

Take my VOICE and let me sing, always only for my King
Take my
LIPS and let them be, filled with messages from Thee
Take my
SILVER and my GOLD, not a mite would I withhold
Take my
MOMENTS and my DAYS, let them flow in ceaseless praise Take my INTELECT and use, every power as you choose.

This song promises God, that I am offering Him my hands, my feet, what I sing, what I speak, what I think, what I own and every moment of every day to use at His good pleasure. Today, I find it hard to sing this song, because now I understand that it’s a PROMISE; a VOW to almighty God in which I have been oh so SLACK... Can you sing it?

The United States was founded on Godly principles; the more that Christians gathered together the more the blessings multiply. The third world countries where Voo Doo and the Black Arts are practiced have the least prosperity.

There is a war going on for the Soul; pray for those that were born into darkness that live in fear and hunger every day. Pray for America, that we will turn back to God; pray for the peace of Israel.

The Holy Spirit is the one who PLANTS the seed of Faith, God is the one who brings in the HARVEST. Our responsibility is to WATER the seed. That’s our job; to Water.

123 Romans 2:11 – God does not show partiality to your status
124 Romans 3:23 – ABSOLUTE promise; All have Sinned
125 John 14:6 – Jesus is the only way to come to the Father
126 John 3:16 – CONDITIONAL Promise; you’ve got to WANT the Pardon

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Chapter 6. 8

If Then Promises

The Good Life Promises – Spiritual Promises – The End time Promises Believing when the promise is delayed - If you do this; God will do that

First Word

There are two kinds of promises for THE BELIEVER.

  1. 1)  Absolute Promise – Unconditional – This is a “naked agreement”, one that does not require something on the behalf of the recipient in exchange. There is NO “quid pro quo”.127

  2. 2)  Conditional Promise – A promise that cannot be obtained until certain condition have been met. These promises contains some “IF and THEN” Clauses.128

Believing in the promises is the only way that we can receive them.
We must still believe even though in our eyes the promises have been delayed.

Hebrews 6:15 – Believed, Waited Patiently, Received

15 And so after WAITING patiently, Abraham RECEIVED what was PROMISED. (NIV2011)

The Good Life - If Then Promises
You will be comforted IF you acknowledge with a broken heart that your own sins are too deep

to conceal. You morn and weep over perishing souls and anguish over sin. You want right to prevail and have a Godly sorrow with compassion for the afflictions and sins of others.129

You will Receive Mercy IF you show compassion, kindness, pity and mercy to others whether it’s convenient or not, because mercy takes away misery and it has become a way of life for you.130

You will be rewarded openly IF you do charitable deeds in secret for those who cannot repay 131 You will be provided with Food, Drink and Clothes IF you seek first the Kingdom of God.132 You will be exalted IF you humble yourself..133
You will have Prosperity given in good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running

over IF you are a giver; for with the same measure that you give, it will be measured back to you.134 All grace abound toward you IF you do not give grudgingly and you are a cheerful giver.135 You will know how to answer questions IF your speech is always seasoned with grace.136 Your prayers will heal and avail much IF you confess your sins and pray for one another.137 Everything will work together for Good IF you love the Lord; are called to His purpose138

127 John 3:17 – Absolute Promise A WAY has been provided for the world that they might be saved. -- Isaiah 7:14 – Absolute Promise; The Virgin Birth of Christ
128 2 Chronicles 7:14 – Conditional Promise; IF YOU HUMBLE YOURSELVES, I will forgive your sins Matthew 11:28 – Conditional Promise; COME to Me I will give you rest
129 Matthew 5:4 – You will be Comforted IF
James 5:15-16 - Your prayers of righteousness will avail much IF
130 Matthew 5:7 – You will Receive Mercy IF
131 Matthew 6:2-6 – You will be rewarded openly NOW IF
132 Matthew 6:25-33 – You will be Provided Food, Drink and Clothes IF
133 Matthew 23:12 – You will be exalted IF
134 Luke 6:38 – You will receive in good measure, running over IF
135 Romans 8:28 - All things will work together for good IF
136 Colossians 4:6 – You will know how to answer questions IF
137 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 – All Grace will abound toward you IF
138 James 5:15-16 - Your prayers of righteousness will avail much IF

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Spiritual – If Then Blessings
You will receive the Kingdom of Heaven IF you have realized that you are poor in spirit and

are in spiritual bankruptcy and need the Holy Spirit in your life.139
You will be filled with righteousness IF you have a personal dissatisfaction with your “spiritual

attainment” and hunger and thirst for more of God. This is a continual action in the life of the believer; Hunger, filling; Hunger, filling.140

You will see God IF you have a pure heart with singleness of purpose, with no hidden motives or self-interest and are utterly sincere.141

You will be called a Child of God IF you are a peacemaker with a “peaceful disposition”, working to calm the waters; not only keeping the peace, but bringing men into harmony with each other. Peacemakers are partaking in the nature of God.142

You will be forgiven and not judged or condemned IF you forgive and do not judge or condemn others.143

You will be set free in Truth IF you abide in God’s Words.144

You will do more works that Jesus because you will have many more years to do them IF you just believe. Christ only had three years in His ministry.145

You will bring forth much fruit IF you abide in Him.146
You will receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit IF you keep His commandments.147
You will be called “Friend” by Jesus IF you do what He commands you. In a blood covenant

you would exchange and add each other’s name to your own. If my name was Paul and your name is John, I would be called Paul John and you would be called John Paul and from that day forward we would be known as “Friends”. We will either exalt the others name or shame the others name. The term friend is a big deal.148

You will become a joint heir with Christ IF you are a child of God and suffer alongside Him.149 You will not give into temptations of the flesh IF you walk in the Spirit of God.150
You will please God IF you believe He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.151
Your prayers will not be hindered by Satan IF you dwell in peace with your spouse; giving

honor and understanding.152

End Times - If Then Promises
You will inherit the earth IF you are meek and have an absence of pretense. This suggests self-

control, humility, doing your daily work as unto the Lord with gentleness toward all men. Meekness is mild and kind, bearing patiently, righteous, humble, teachable, patient, long suffering and willing to follow Gospel teachings. Accepting daily business without complaint or murmur or resistance. Accepting opposition, insults and provocation. Not seeking power. It is the opposite of a demeaning spirit, fierceness, anger and cruelty.153

You will eat at the Tree of Life IF you overcome Satan’s trickery.154

139 Matthew 5:3 – You will receive the kingdom of Heaven IF 140 Matthew 5:6 – You will be Filled with righteousness IF
141 Matthew 5:8 –You will see God IF
142 Matthew 5:9 - You will be called a child of God IF

143 Luke 6:37 – You will not be judged, condemned but forgiven IF 144 John 8:31-32 – The Truth will set you free IF
145 John 14:12 – You will have time to do more works than Christ IF 146 John 15:5 – You will bring forth much fruit IF

147 John 14:15-16 – You will receive the Holy Spirit IF
148 John 15:14 – You will be called Covenant Friend by Jesus IF
149 Romans 8:17 – You will be joint heirs with Christ IF
150 Galatians 5:16 - You will not give into temptations of the flesh IF 151 Hebrews 11:6 – You will please God IF
152 1 Peter 3:7 – Your prayers will not be hindered by Satan IF
153 Matthew 5:5 - You will inherit the earth IF
154 Revelation 2:7 – You will eat at the Tree of Life in Heaven IF

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Your body will be transformed to be like Christ’s glorious body

of Christ. NOTE; we really don’t have a clue of what our glorified body will look like.155

you stand fast in the Gospel

You will see Him as He is IF you are His child.156

You will appear with Christ at the second coming

You will be caught up into the Air to meet Him

rose again on the third day.158

Receive a great reward in Heaven

Receive a white stone, hidden manna and a new name

snares and temptations of Satan.160

you are persecuted because of Christ sake.159

you are victorious over the tricks,





Receive white garments IF you overcome the evil one.161
Receive the Right to sit at the feet of Jesus IF you are victorious over Satan.162


Receive an incorruptible crown IF you exercises self-control over all things.167

Receive a Full Reward IF you confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.168 The Take Away – If Then

Receive a Crown of Rejoicing

Receive a Crown of Righteousness

Receive a Crown of Life

faithful even unto death.165

Receive a Crown of Glory

you come into the presence of Jesus Christ.163


you have loved His appearing.164

you were steadfast and endured temptation during trials and remain

you are a Pastor or Elder who oversees the church, neither for

money nor fame, but leads by example with a willing heart and a ready mind.166

If you say that you have no sin, THEN you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you.169

If you take the mark of the World THEN you will drink of the wrath of God and be thrown into the lake of fire along with the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars and tormented with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.170

An open door will be set before you IF you do not deny His name and keep His Word.171 You can be kept from the hour of trial IF you persevere to keep His commandments.172 You will no longer be accused of Sin IF you have accepted Christ as your Savior.173 Whoever comes to Christ will not be cast out; 174 choose today; Life is Choice Driven.

The choices you make on this side of life have eternal consequences.

It’s in the Book

  1. 155  Philippians 3:20-21-4:1 – Your body will be transformed like Him IF

  2. 156  1 John 3:2 – You will be like Him IF

  3. 157  Colossians 3:1-4 - You will appear with Jesus in glory IF

  4. 158  1 Thessalonians 4:14-17– You will be caught up with Him in the Air IF

  5. 159  Matthew 5:11-12 – You reward will be great in heaven IF

  6. 160  Revelation 2:17 – You will taste the hidden Manna, receive a White Stone and a NEW NAME IF

  7. 161  Revelation 3:5 – You will be clothed White Garments with your Name written in Book of Life IF

  8. 162  Revelation 3:21 - You will be given “The Right” to sit with Jesus IF

  9. 163  1 Thessalonians 2:19 – You will receive the Crown of rejoicing IF

  10. 164  Timothy 4:8 – You will receive a Crown of Righteousness IF

  11. 165  James 1:12– You will receive a Crown of Life IF -- Revelation 2:10 – You will receive the Crown of Life IF

  12. 166  1 Peter 5:1-4 – Pastors and Elders will receive a Crown of Glory IF

  13. 167  1 Corinthians 9:25 – You will receive an Incorruptible crown IF

  14. 168  2 John 1:7-8 – You will win a full reward IF

  15. 169  1 John 1:8 – If you think you do not sin, you deceive yourself -- John 6:37 - Whoever comes to me I will never cast out

  16. 170  Revelation 21:8 – MAKE BELIEVERS will Receive the Second Death -- Revelation 14:9-10 – You will drink of the wrath of God --

Revelation 20:15 – You will be thrown into the Lake of Fire if your name is not in the Book of Life 171 Revelation 3:8 – An Open Door has been set before you
172 Revelation 3:10 – Jesus will keep you from the hour of trial
173 Revelation 12:10 – You will be no longer be accused of sin
174 John 6:37 - Whoever comes to me I will never cast out

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you are a Believer.157

you believe that Jesus died, was buried and

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Chapter 6. 9

Bible Thumpers

Torah Thumpers - Thumper Paul – Bible Basher – Corner Preachers God Botherer – Creeping Jesus – Fundie – Holy Roller – Zealots

First Word

Repent or Burn was a two sided sign I saw as a child in Atlanta, worn by a man holding up a Bible and shouting scripture to those passing by on a corner of Peachtree Street. Mom said there were many ways to tell people about God; and that was just one of them.

70 years later, “GOD LOVES YOU” is a sign I see held silently by a lady every Saturday from 11am to 12pm on a small hill on Harbison Boulevard in Columbia. In support of her effort, we would always blow the horn and wave to her and she would wave back with a smile.

Being raised in a strict Baptist Church and surrounded with like-minded childhood friends, it was normal to talk about the Bible and what was right and wrong. We didn’t play cards, gamble, drink alcohol, smoke, or dance; and ON SUNDAY we didn’t go to movies or go swimming or cut the. Grass. Our beliefs were very similar to the Methodist, who taught METHODS not only of worship, but of the way you should live your everyday life.

When I relocated with my Job, my new church used the paraphrased LIVING BIBLE and it changed my life. - (This has now been updated with the NLT New Living Translation which is actually a translation and not just paraphrased. It is so easy to read and understand). GET IT and some yellow highlighters.

This set me up for the rest of my life, to always talk about Bible concepts; I was a Bible Thumper and didn’t even know it; I believed it to be normal. I can remember co-workers in the office referring to me negatively as “Praise the Lord Paul” and because of my zeal, someone once said; “You are a NEW Christian aren’t you”?

I took the copy repair man to lunch along with my staff and he said, “I have never had a meal where everybody had so much fun talking about God the whole time”. What many of us find as normal, others find is just FAR OUT messed up Bible Thumpers.

Sanford and Son was a TV comedy series about Fred and Lamont Sanford who were junk dealers frequently scheming something. Fred’s wife Elizabeth was dead and her sister Ester was always coming over thumping her Bible, quoting verses to Fred, calling him a walleyed fish. Ester was the hit of the whole series which pretty much painted a negative comedic picture of anyone who strove to aggressively model their life with Bible guidelines.

There were two men that I met at the Flea Market that were always passing out tracts and talking about God. Their camper truck with Turn or Burn signs all over it, frequently made trips to Washington to protest something or the other and they slept in the bed of their truck. Locally they were “Thumping the Bible” protesting the concerts of Sandi Patti because she should not charge people to come to concerts because the Gospel was free to everyone. They would often find me at my work and come in to discuss life, God and the hereafter and enjoyably I would debate scripture with them giving them my BS world view; my Belief System.

Standing on the Corner with signs; protesting concerts, giving out tracts and preaching at the flea market is NOT MY WAY, but IT IS A WAY to get people to think about God even if it’s just in passing; we need it all. The Book says we are to share the story wherever we are.

CONCLUSION; A Bible Thumper is NOT a member of the Secret Service.

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Matthew 28:19-20 - COMMAND; make disciples everywhere

19 Therefore, go and MAKE DISCIPLES of all the nations, baptizing

them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


I have given you. I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (NLT)

Derogatory terms

A Bible thumper is someone who is perceived as AGGRESSIVELY IMPOSING their Christian beliefs and values upon others. The term is derived from PREACHERS thumping their hands down on the Bible, or thumping the Bible itself, to emphasize a point during a sermon. The term Bible Thumper has been used as a derogatory term for ages.

A Bible Basher is someone who is perceived to go out of their way to force their faith on others; and a Fundie is a derogatory term for a Christian fundamentalist.

Holy Roller is especially applied to Evangelistically Protestants and especially Pentecostals who are very vocal about their religious views or CRITICAL of others religious views. The name comes from their gift of the Holy Spirit of being able to speak in tongues and being prone to be “slain in the Spirit” and roll in the floor.

God Botherer; a tag placed on those who openly declares their faith even when unwelcomed.

Creeping Jesus was a term used to describe someone making a public display of religiosity in a hypocritical way simply for show.

Shaker originated as Shaking Quakers who in their charismatic worship services, danced, shouted and spoke in their gift of tongues; although the term was deemed derogatory, it was EMBRACED and used by the Quakers themselves.

A Kike is a Yiddish word meaning “CIRCLE” as associated with illiterate JEWS not able to read nor write, who entered the US at Ellis Island and signed or marked their names with an “O”, a circle instead of an “X” because they associated the “X” or “CROSS” with Christianity.

Birds of a feather

I had JUST had my job offer changed; the offer now would NOT be in management, but would be stocking shelves with entrance level compensation. I had already quit my job for this one, so in dismay I slumped down unseen in an out of place chair that I found between two merchandise stack outs.

I was feeling pretty depressed when a Bible Thumper that I had never met, came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and quietly said he hoped I would take the position, that the store needed a lot of PRAYER and then he walked away. I was stunned, but pondering it all. I took it as a Word from God and accepted the position. Eventually that decision led me to 15 years of management with awesome retirement benefits. I never saw THUMPER again. Why was that?

What is amazing to me is that everywhere I have worked, I’ve notice that Bible Thumpers somehow seem to find each other in the office or on the floor or in the break room and friendships are formed. Why is that? Why do Birds of a feather, flock together?


My friend Doug worked three jobs in order to open a plant shop. When it all came together he gave God the glory and used one side of his sign to advertise his plants and on the other side he had Bible verses or something to praise God about. With a slur, laughingly the business became known as the “Praise the Lord Plant Shop”. Today, Doug is a very successful businessman with multiple businesses and a testimony to the community.

A Bible Thumping Pastor, would often go to lunch with me and my staff and we would usually ask him controversial questions. He would start off by asking us WHICH SIDE do we want him to take.

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It was so much fun seeing how scripture could be BENT depending on your religious domination, upbringing and BS, your Belief System. Being OPEN MINDED to this THUMPER allowedustostandonhisshouldersandseefurtherthanweeverotherwisecouldhave. Ironsharpens Iron; and he sure knocked off a bunch of my rough edges.

Acts 17:11 – Be open minded and validate with the Scriptures

11 And the people of Berea were more OPEN-MINDED than those in Thessalonica, and THEY LISTENED EAGERLY to Paul’s message. They SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth.



When I am deep into a Word study, I often think, “I hope I get this published on the internet before the Lord comes back”. I feel an URGENCY to get it finished because it is the only thing that I am leaving behind that is worth anything.

The Holy Spirit’s job is to plant the seed, our job is to water it, and God’s job is to bring in the harvest. A Bible Thumper with his WORD water pitcher is getting in on what God is doing.

My Friend Adelle almost lost her life in an auto accident and understands the URGENCY of life, how fleeting it is and not wanting anyone to perish, her conversations usually gets around to spiritual things; she has become known as a Bible Thumper because she GETS IT

In the sermon on the Mountain, known as the Beatitudes, the second one is especially meaningful to the BIBLE THUMPER. It’s about those that mourn and weep over perishing souls.175 Their mourning is acknowledging their own sins with a broken heart before God; their mourning is just too deep to conceal.

Growing together in the garden are Non- Believers, Believers and Make-Believers; it is not our job to separate them; OUR JOB IS TO WATER THEM. Bible Thumping is not about judging someone; but comes with an urgency that this might be the last time someone has an opportunity to make THE decision of their lifetime; a decision that will affect their destiny for eternity; it’s that URGENT.

Matthew 5:4- Blessed are those who morn for the perishing

4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. NIV

Thumper Paul

The Damascus Road Experience. Saul whose name was later changed to Paul, believed in God, but persecuted the followers of the sect known as THE WAY”, throwing them in jail until one day he was smacked down on the ground with a blinding light and heard a voice from heaven asking him; Saul, why do you persecute me? He was struck blind on the Damascus Road and was taken to the house of Ananias where he received his sight back.176

Paul who wrote most of the NT became a Bible Thumper after God got his attention and he “Saw the LightA Bible Thumper is someone who wants to share with you THE WAY of the Damascus Road Experience so you can have the opportunity to See the Light while you still can.

The Take Away

175 Psalms 119:136 – Mourning because of sin and the lost -- Isaiah 6:5 – Recognizing who I am before God, I am spiritually bankrupt -- Matthew 12:37 – UGRENCY, we will be judged by our confession
176 Acts 9:2-22 – Paul saw the light and became a BIBLE THUMPER

Once you have eaten creamy Butter Pecan Ice Cream heaped over hot Apple Pie with whip cream, and a cherry on top, it’s hard not to tell others about how good it is. My most touching moment was when someone said to me, “I WANT WHAT YOU GOT."

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The Book gives us SIGNS to follow, that direct us to the “Tree of Life”, but as Christians we can become short sighted if we continue to just look at the SIGNS and not focus on the beauty that the signs point to. The Book not only tells us about how we will live in the sweet bye and bye, but how we should live a godly life in the nasty now and now.

Politics and Religion invokes such DEEP PASSIONS and have started wars; that’s why we are told it is better to not discuss such things so we can keep the peace. In Ireland the Catholics and Protestants are a split population from two different cultural and religious backgrounds, so they are not only separated by religion, but also divided by politics.

The Zealot Resistance was an underground religious and political party; a fanatical Jewish sect that militantly opposed the Roman domination of Palestine.177 These Torah Thumpers took the position that no one should be honored as Lord or King, but God Jehovah. So they rejected the foreign rule of the Romans. To pay taxes to an Emperor was considered Idolatry and blasphemous to God. They had hope for a Messiah that would overthrow the Roman Government and restore the kingdom to Israel.

The Sicarii were devoted supporters of God and His laws and secretly engaged in acts of intrigue, violence, force, deceptions plus ASSASSINATIONS of Roman soldiers and anyone else that opposed “The Torah Thumping Resistance” in order to keep it from achieving its liberating ends. They were known as the dagger people indicative of their tactics, circulated in crowds during festivals and killing Roman sympathizers with daggers they concealed in their clothing.

Bible Thumpers are Zealots, except they don’t kill people, they just have a zeal to get the Gospel message out that man was separated from God in the Garden of Eden when sin was introduced by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Their good news is, THERE IS ANOTHER TREE in the Garden; they want everyone to find THE WAY back to the TREE OF LIFE.178 God kept the door of the Ark open for one additional week, THEN HE SHUT IT. Make a decision to follow THE WAY while you still can, before the door is shut.179

A Bible Thumper is just one beggar
trying to show another beggar where to find bread.

It’s in the Book

177 Acts 1:13 - Simon was a Zealot, an underground religious group
178 Revelation 22:14 – The Believer is given the right to come to the TREE OF LIFE 179 Isaiah 55:6 - Seek the LORD while He may still be found
180 John 6:35 – Jesus said; I am the bread of life

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Chapter 6. 10

Corrupt Bibles

1611 KJV Bible – NLT – NIV – ESV – HCSB - Torah – Tanakh Vulgate – Septuagint –Targum – Masorah - Codex Vaticanus Codex Sinaiticus - Hebrew – Aramaic – Greek – Latin

First Word

We wonder why we have so many translations of the Bible. It seems to point back to the fact that the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek; and Aramaic was what many of the Jews spoke. So in the very beginning of Judaism, there were already many translations of the Hebrew Torah, three which Bible Scholars generally recognize; Hebrew, Koine Greek and Aramaic.

There are debates over which language was the original language used in a particular passage and did the term get properly translated.

  •   The Hebrew Bible called the Tanakh was mainly written in “classical” Hebrew which is an ARCHAIC form of the Hebrew language, with a couple of the prophets written in Aramaic.

  •   The first translation was into Koine Greek and known as the Septuagint for the Greek speaking Jews.

  •   The Latin translation was known as the Vulgate.

  •   There were a number of “Text Plus Commentaries” written in Aramaic known as Tergum’s.

At this writing Donald J. Trump is the President of the USA and there are folks that have a World View known as “NEVER TRUMPERS”. Such is the case with the Bible there are those known as “KJV ONLY Advocates”, rejecting even the NKJV along with all the others, citing a number of heretical, corrupt manuscripts that were utilized in the new translations, linking them to heretical belief as in Arianism, Gnosticism, Liberalism and Roman Catholicism. Since most of us don’t know a word in Latin, Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic, the trend is to hold on to the traditions of the good old days; the KJV Icon. If the King James Version was good enough for Adam and Eve, Noah and Moses, then it’s good enough for me.

A Hebrew word may mean one specific thing, but have a number of different meanings in the Greek, and the Aramaic will also have a number of different meanings. So we not only need to know what the word means in the language it was written in, but what the intended audience would have understood it to mean.

The first time I ever heard of corrupted Bibles was on a TV program called Shepherd’s Chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray talking about the Kenite Scribes. Murray says the Kenites are the offspring of Cain; noting that Cain was the SON of Satan himself. Murray says since the time of the Hebrew Nation, the Kenite scribes have been specific and purposeful in the corruption and perversion of scripture.

The 1602 Bishop’s Bible was the Basis for the 1611 King James Bible that Murray uses exclusively; correcting the Kenite mistranslations. The 1611 KJV contains an intertestamental section containing 14 books of the APOCRYPHA with the Book of Jasher being one of the better known. BUT by 1769, almost all printings of the King James Bible OMITTED the Apocrypha.

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Murray says only the 1611 KJV Bible should be used to teach the scriptures, that all the others have been corrupted by the evil Kenites Scribes. Murray notes that the KJV Bible also has some translation errors so he has produced the “COMPANION BIBLE” with commentaries to explain how it all should have all been translated.

What I have found has the very foundations of my BS; my Belief System.


Fake Scribes – The Kenites
Cain found a wife in the land of Nod EAST of Eden.181 Strong’s Concordance says “East” means

1) antiquity; 2) that which was before, 3) ancient time, 4) afore time, 5) from of old, 6) an earlier time. Cain’s offspring’s were called “Kenites”; Strong’s concordances says Kenite means 1) the name of the first child, 2) a place in Palestine and 3) an “Oriental” tribe. (EAST)

Murray says the Kenites infiltrated the Scribes and corrupted the Torah and they are still doing this today with twisted changes in all the other translations of the Book except the 1611 KJV Bible.182 He says Jesus confirmed this when He said the Pharisee Jews are the Kenites, the children of the Devil.183

In Ancient Israel being a Scribe was a BIG DEAL, scribes not only created copies of the Torah and other documents, but were learned distinguished professionals like ministers, journalists, judges, lawyers, and financiers.

There were strict standards for Scribes to copy the Torah. 1) Only clean animal skins were to be used to write and wrap the manuscripts. 2) Columns must have between 48 and 60 lines. 3) Special black ink recipe must be used. 4) Each word must be spoke aloud while writing it. 5) Before writing the name of God YHVH they must wipe the pen and wash their entire bodies each time. 6) The writing must be reviewed in 30 days, if more than 3 pages are corrected, the document must be discarded. 7) No two letters should touch each other; the middle paragraphs must match those of the original document otherwise it became invalid. 8) The document must be stored in a sacred place. 9) Any document that contained God’s word could NOT be destroyed; it must be stored or buried. (Wikipedia)

Murray says it was the Kenite Jews that killed Jesus and is corrupting the text184. Israel’s TEN tribes had been scattered, so it would be the remaining tribes of Judah and Benjamin that Murray is making reference. DON’T MISS THIS, Murray is teaching that the HATED Kenites are the JEWS of today.

FAKE Kenite Jews are still around today according to Murray, claiming that they are God’s chosen people, but openly rejecting Jesus as the Christ, the Savior and Messiah.185 He goes on to say that in the parable of the TARES and WHEAT in Matthew 13:24 that at Christ’s return, these unbelieving TARES, the Kenite JEWS of JUDAH will be thrown into the furnace and burned.186

Note; The Book says ANYONE who rejects Jesus as the Messiah will be cast into the fire.187

New Translations

I need to point out that for a new translation of the Bible to be accepted for copyright, it must have a certain percent of differences or substantial changes in order to meet the standard to obtain a “Derivative Copyright”. Sometimes to meet this standard, a line of scripture is spoken of in THE OPPOSITE CONTEXT or is worded in the reverse to hopefully mean the same thing originally, and then many, many times words are just totally OMITTED. DID YOU SEE IT; omitted words represent a substantial change for a Derivative Copyright.

181 Genesis 4:17 Cain took a wife from the Pre-Adamic nations
182 1 Chronicles 2:55 – Kenites infiltrated the scribes duties
183 John 8:44 – The Make-Believer a child of the Devil -- Matthew 23:15-37 – FAKE Scribes make you a child of Hell
184 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 – The Kenite Jews killed the Lord Jesus
185 Matthew 23:13 – FAKE Scribes have shut up heaven
186 Matthew 13:30 – Kenite Jews will be burned at Christ return -- Matthew 23:14 – FAKE Scribes are taking advantage of widows -- Revelation 2:9 – Make Believers that just pretend to be Jews -- Revelation 3:9 – Kenite Scribes and Pharisees are not really Jews
187 1 John 3:10 – The Believer is a Child of God

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It’s one thing to say that new translations are corrupt, but it’s quite another thing when you can actually point out the differences between the scriptures of the KJV and that of the other translations. Are they corrupt or have older manuscripts been found that are thought to be more reliable like those of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Codex Sinaiticus?

I selected FIVE popular translations to compare to the King James Version of the Bible and was amazed at what I found or didn’t find in the other translations. Some translations water down very strong specific words to become only generalized, while others just plain out OMIT words or even entire passages. “On line” commentaries indicate that the new NIV has removed 64,575 words. Is Murray right, that the Kenites corrupted the Greek translations upon which all the scholars translate?

I am going to cite just a few of the deviations from the KJV in the OT and because what I have found is just so OVERWHELMING and depressing, I will only look at the most glaring in the New Testament in the four Gospels. HANG ON TO YOUR HAT

  •   Jeremiah 51:3

  •   2 Samuel 21:19

  •   Daniel 3:25

  •   Proverbs 18:24

  •   Mark 11:26

  •   John 1:38

  •   Acts 8:37

  •   Titus 3:10-11

LET the archer bend his bow VS DON’T let the archer draw their bows Elhanan killed the BROTHER of Goliath VS Elhanan killed GOLIATH SONofGodVSLIKEagod

Forgive and be forgiven VS the entire verse is just OMITTED Rabbi means MASTER VS Rabbi means TEACHER
I Believe Jesus is the Son of God VS entire verse is just OMITTED A man is a HERETIC VS PEOPLE are causing divisions

HELL FIRE scriptures have been entirely removed in some translations and many other strong words have been watered down.

A MASTER is someone who you follow and devote your life, has been WATERED DOWN TO a just a TEACHER almost 50 times.

A HERETIC is the explicit renunciation of one’s religion, principles or cause and blasphemy concerning God or Sacred things, has been WATERED DOWN TO a PERSON that is divisive.

THE BLOOD is removed in the NASB translation; Ephesians 1:7; “In whom we have redemption through His BLOOD, even the forgiveness of sins”.


(KJV) Daniel 3:25 – The fourth is like the Son of God

25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of
the fourth is like THE SON OF GOD.

(NLT) Daniel 3:25 – The fourth looks like a god
25 Look!” Nebuchadnezzar shouted. “I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire unharmed!
the fourth looks LIKE A god!”

(NIV2011) Daniel 3:25 – The fourth looks like A son of the gods
25 He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like A’ son of the gods.”

(ESV) Daniel 3:25 – The fourth looks like a son of the gods
25 He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.”

(HCSB) Daniel 3:25 – The fourth looks like a son of the gods
25 He exclaimed, “Look! I see four men, not tied, walking around in the fire unharmed; and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

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(KJV) 2 Samuel 21:19 Elhanan killed the BROTHER of Goliath

19 And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite,
SLEW THE BROTHER OF GOLIATH the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

(ESV) 2 Samuel 21:19 - Elhanan killed GOLIATH (not David)
19 And there was again war with the Philistines at Gob, and Elhanan the son of Jaare-oregim, the Bethlehemite,
STRUCK DOWN GOLIATH the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver’s beam.

(NASB) 2 Samuel 21:19 - Elhanan killed GOLIATH (not David)
19 There was war with the Philistines again at Gob, and Elhanan the son of Jaare-oregim the Bethlehemite KILLED GOLIATH the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

(HCSB) 2 Samuel 21:19 - Elhanan killed GOLIATH (not David)
19 Once again there was a battle with the Philistines at Gob, and Elhanan son of Jaare-oregim the Bethlehemite KILLED GOLIATH the Gittite. The shaft of his spear was like a weaver’s beam.

(KJV) Proverbs 18:24 – Man has friends must show friendlyness

24 A MAN THAT HATH FRIENDS must shew himself friendly: and

there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (NLT) Proverbs 18:24 - Friends destroy each other


real friend sticks closer than a brother.

(NIV2011) Proverbs 18:24 – Unreliable friends
24 One who has UNRELIABLE FRIENDS SOON COMES TO RUIN, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

(ESV) Proverbs 18:24 – Many companions may come to ruin
24 A man of MANY COMPANIONS MAY COME TO RUIN, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

(HCSB) Proverbs 18:24 – A man with many friends may be harmed
24 A MAN WITH MANY FRIENDS MAY BE HARMED, but there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.

(KJV) Jeremiah 51:3 – LET the archer bend his bow

3 Against him that bendeth LET THE ARCHER BEND HIS BOW, and against him that lifteth himself up in his brigandine: and spare ye not her young men; destroy ye utterly all her host.

(NLT) Jeremiah 51:3 – DON’T let the archer draw their bows
3 DON’T LET THE ARCHERS put on their armor or DRAW THEIR BOWS. Don’t spare even her best soldiers! Let her army be completely destroyed.

(NIV2011) Jeremiah 51:3 - Let NOT the archer string his bow
3 Let NOT the archer string his bow, nor let him put on his armor. Do not spare her young men; completely destroy her army.

(ESV) Jeremiah 51:3 - Let NOT the archer bend his bow
3 Let NOT the archer bend his bow, and let him not stand up in his armor. Spare not her young men; devote to destruction all her army.


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(HCSB) Jeremiah 51:3– DON’T let the archer string his bow
3 DON’T let the archer string his bow; don’t let him put on his armor. Don’t spare her young men; completely destroy her entire army!


(KJV) Matthew 5:44 Bless them that curse you, do good to them

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, BLESS THEM THAT CURSE YOU, DO GOOD TO THEM THAT HATE YOU, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

(NLT) Matthew 5:44 – Bless them that curse you: 12 Words OMITTED 44 But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!

(NIV2011) Matthew 5:44 – Bless them that curse you: 12 Words OMITTED 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

(ESV) Matthew 5:44 – Bless them that curse you: 12 Words OMITTED 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

(HCSB) Matthew 5:44 – Bless them that curse you: 12 Words OMITTED 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

(KJV) Matthew 6:13 - For thine is the kingdom, and the power

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:


Matthew 6:13 - Thine is the kingdom, and the power OMITTED

13 And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil


(NIV2011) Matthew 6:13 - Thine is the kingdom, and the power OMITTED 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’

(ESV) Matthew 6:13 - Thine is the kingdom, and the power OMITTED 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

(KJV) Matthew 9:13 – Sinners to repentance

13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but SINNERS TO REPENTANCE.

(NLT) Matthew 9:13– Sinners to repentance is OMITTED
13 Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”

(NIV2011) Matthew 9:13– Sinners to repentance is OMITTED
13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

(ESV) Matthew 9:13– Sinners to repentance is OMITTED
13 Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”


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(HCSB) Matthew 9:13– Sinners to repentance is OMITTED
13 Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

(KJV) Matthew 12:47 – Behold thy mother and thy brothers stand

47 Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren

stand without, desiring to speak with thee.

(ESV) Matthew 12:47 – Entire Verse is OMITTED

(KJV) Matthew 17:21 – This kind goes out but with prayer and fasting


(NLT) Matthew 17:21 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(NIV2011) Matthew 17:21 – Entire verse is OMITTED (ESV) Matthew 17:21 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(KJV) Matthew 18:11 – Son of Man came to save


(NLT) Matthew 18:11 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(NIV2011) Matthew 18:11 – Entire verse is OMITTED (ESV) Matthew 18:11 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(KJV) Matthew 19:9 – Whosoever marries her commits adultery

9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery:


(NLT) Matthew 19:9 – Last eleven words OMITTED

9 And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone

else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.”

(NIV2011) Matthew 19:9 – Last eleven words OMITTED
9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

(ESV) Matthew 19:9 – Last eleven words OMITTED
9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

(HCSB) Matthew 19:9 – Last eleven words OMITTED
9 And I tell you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

(KJV) Matthew 20:22 – Be baptized with the baptism that I am

22But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, AND TO BE BAPTIZED WITH THE BAPTISM THAT I AM BAPTIZED WITH? They say unto him, We are able.

(NLT) Matthew 20:22 – Be baptized with - Twelve words OMITTED
22 But Jesus answered by saying to them, “You don’t know what you are asking! Are you able to drink from the bitter cup of suffering I am about to drink?” “Oh yes,” they replied, “we are able!”


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(NIV2011) Matthew 20:22 – Be baptized with - Twelve words OMITTED
22 You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” “We can,” they answered.

(ESV) Matthew 20:22 – Be baptized with - Twelve words OMITTED
22 Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.”

(HCSB) Matthew 20:22 – Be baptized with - Twelve words OMITTED 22 But Jesus answered, “You don’t know what you’re asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?” “We are able,” they said to Him.

(KJV) Matthew 23:14 – Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees

14 WOE UNTO YOU, SCRIBES AND PHARISEES, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

(NLT) Matthew 23:14 – Entire verse is OMITTED (NIV2011) Matthew 23:14 – Entire verse is OMITTED (ESV) Matthew 23:14 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(KJV) Matthew 27:35 – Fulfill the words spoken by prophets

35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots:


(NLT) Matthew 27:35 – Last Twenty five words OMITTED
35 After they had nailed him to the cross, the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.

(NIV2011) Matthew 27:35 – Last Twenty five words OMITTED
35 When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

(ESV) Matthew 27:35 – Last Twenty five words OMITTED
35 And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments among them by casting lots.

(HCSB) Matthew 27:35 – Last Twenty five words OMITTED
35 After crucifying Him they divided His clothes by casting lots.


(KJV) Mark 6:11 - Shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah

11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against


(NLT) Mark 6:11 - Last twenty three words OMITTED
11 But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”


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(NIV2011) Mark 6:11 - Last twenty three words OMITTED
11 And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”

(ESV) Mark 6:11 - Last twenty three words OMITTED
11 And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.”

(HCSB) Mark 6:11 - Last twenty three words OMITTED
11 If any place does not welcome you and people refuse to listen to you, when you leave there, shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”

(KJV) Mark 7:8 – As the washing of pots and cups and many other

8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, AS THE WASHING OF POTS AND CUPS: AND MANY OTHER SUCH LIKE THINGS YE DO.

(NLT) Mark 7:8 – Last fifteen words OMITTED
8 For you ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition.”

(NIV2011) Mark 7:8 – Last fifteen words OMITTED
8 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

(ESV) Mark 7:8 – Last fifteen words OMITTED
8 You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.”

(HCSB) Mark 7:8 – Last fifteen words OMITTED
8 Disregarding the command of God, you keep the tradition of men.”

(KJV) Mark 7:16 - If any man have ears to hear, let him hear

16 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. (NLT) Mark 7:16 – Entire verse is OMITTED (NIV2011) Mark 7:16 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(ESV) Mark 7:16 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(KJV) Mark 9:44 - Where their worm dieth not, and the fire

44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. (NLT) Mark 9:44 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(NIV2011) Mark 9:44 – Entire verse is OMITTED (ESV) Mark 9:44 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(KJV) Mark 9:46 - Where their worm dieth not, and the fire

46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. (NLT) Mark 9:46 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(NIV2011) Mark 9:46 – Entire verse is OMITTED (ESV) Mark 9:46 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(KJV) Mark 11:26 - If ye do not forgive, neither will your Father

26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in

heaven forgive your trespasses.
(NLT) Mark 11:26 – Entire verse is OMITTED (NIV2011) Mark 11:26 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(ESV) Mark 11:26 – Entire verse is OMITTED Page 50


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(KJV) Mark 15:28 - He was numbered with the transgressors.

28 And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was

numbered with the transgressors. (NLT) Mark 15:28 – Entire verse is OMITTED (NIV2011) Mark 15:28 – Entire verse is OMITTED

(ESV) Mark 15:28 – Entire verse is OMITTED


(KJV) Luke 4:8 – Get thee behind me Satan

8 And Jesus answered and said unto him,
GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

(NLT) Luke 4:8 - Get thee behind me Satan OMITTED
8 Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the LORD your God and serve only him.’”

(NIV2011) Luke 4:8 - Get thee behind me Satan OMITTED
8 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”

(ESV) Luke 4:8 - Get thee behind me Satan OMITTED
8 And Jesus answered him, “It is written, “‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.’”

(HCSB) Luke 4:8 - Get thee behind me Satan OMITTED
8 And Jesus answered him, “It is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.”

(KJV) Luke 4:4 – But by every word of God

4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not

live by bread alone, BUT BY EVERY WORD OF GOD. (NLT) Luke 4:4 - But by every word of God OMITTED

4 But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by

bread alone.’”

(NIV2011) Luke 4:4 - But by every word of God OMITTED
4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”

(ESV) Luke 4:4 - But by every word of God OMITTED
4 And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’”

(HCSB) Luke 4:4 - But by every word of God OMITTED
4 But Jesus answered him, “It is written: Man must not live on bread alone.”


(KJV) John 1:38 – Rabbi Means MASTER

38 Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, RABBI, (which is to say, being interpreted, MASTER,) where dwellest thou?

(NLT) John 1:38 – Rabbi Means TEACHER not Master
38 Jesus looked around and saw them following. “What do you want?” he asked them. They replied, “RABBI” (which means “TEACHER”), “where are you staying?”


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(NIV2011) John 1:38 – Rabbi Means TEACHER not Master
38 Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “TEACHER”), “where are you staying?”

(ESV) John 1:38 – Rabbi Means TEACHER not Master
38 Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?” And they said to him, “Rabbi” (which means TEACHER), “where are you staying?”

(HCSB) John 1:38 – Rabbi Means TEACHER not Master
38 When Jesus turned and noticed them following Him, He asked them, “What are you looking for?” They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which means “TEACHER”), “where are You staying?”

(KJV) Acts 8:37 – I Believe that Jesus is the Son of God

37 And Philip said, if thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said,

(NLT) Acts 8:37 – Entire verse is omitted (NIV) Acts 8:37 – Entire verse is omitted (ESV) Acts 8:37 – Entire verse is omitted

(KJV) 1 Timothy 3:16 – God was MANIFEST in the flesh

16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

(NLT) 1 Timothy 3:16 - Changed to REVEALED in a human body
16 Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith: Christ was REVEALED IN A HUMAN BODY and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory.

(NIV2011) 1 Timothy 3:16 – Changed to APPEARED in the flesh
16 Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He APPEARED IN THE FLESH, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.

(KJV) Titus 3:10-11 – A man is a Heretic

10 A man that is an HERETICK after the first and second admonition reject;
11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.

(NKJV) Titus 3:10 – Heretic changed to a divisive man
10 Reject a DIVISIVE MAN after the first and second admonition,

(NLT) Titus 3:10-11 – Heretic changed to People are causing divisions 10 If PEOPLE are causing divisions among you, give a first and second warning. After that, have nothing more to do with them.)
11 For people like that have turned away from the truth, and their own sins condemn them.


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(NIV2011) Titus 3:10 – Heretic changed to a divisive person
10 Warn a DIVISIVE PERSON once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.

(ESV) Titus 3:10 – Heretic changed to a person
10 As for A PERSON who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him,

(HCSB) Titus 3:10 – Heretic changed to a divisive man
10 Reject a DIVISIVE PERSON after a first and second warning,

The Take Away


The Bible is the bestselling book in the World of all time, and the more that scholars study and new manuscripts are discovered, THE MORE ENLIGHTENMENT that we have on what God wants to tell us. So in an effort to get these NEW THOUGHTS published, you must have a copyright for a new translation; but it must meet the standards set for SIGNIFICANT CHANGES for a new translation. So you have to change a bunch of other stuff just to have “SIGNIFICANT CHANGES”. Did you know that leaving stuff out of a translation is a significant change? SO THEY DO; I guess that is better than adding to God’s Word.

A Targum is the Torah’s first five books of the Bible written in the Aramaic language; a professional interpreter would give a reading in the common language of the people, and would then frequently EXPAND THE TRANSLATION with PARAPHRASES, EXPLANATIONS and EXAMPLES. Initially these Targum’s were NOT recognized as authoritative by the religious leaders, but are now used to interpret and translate Biblical text.

The Codex Vaticanus is regarded as the oldest extant manuscript of the Greek Bible, it has been housed in the Vatican Library since the 15th century. Many scholars consider the Codex Vaticanus to be the very best Greek text of the New Testament with the Codex Sinaiticus coming in second.

The Codex Sinaiticus was discovered by German Biblical scholar Constantin von Tischendorf in the mid 1800’s in a waste paper basket in Saint Catherine’s Monastery near Mount Sinai. (I have doubts about this trash can story because any document that contained God’s word could NOT be destroyed; it must be stored or buried.)

This Codex has hundreds of reading not found in any other manuscript and is missing about 10 books of the Bible and has 14,800 erasures and corrections making it the most corrected manuscript in existence; yet it is widely used today to construct and translate text. So right or wrong, scriptures that were changed or omitted in this Codex got changed and omitted in the new translations. (It was not a conspiracy)

I must say that translators are seeking first to just translate the “Best Greek Texts” that are available as well as utilize the most common way of saying something without adding their BS, their Belief System to it. There is the thought that the oldest manuscripts are the most reliable, so the tendency is to make the oldest the standard; BUT are the oldest manuscripts really the best?

Translators are guided by The Masorah which refers to the whole chain of Jewish tradition which is claimed to be unchanged and infallible. The Masoretic Text defines the Jewish canon and its precise letter-text, with its vocalization and accentuation.

The Masorah is a collection of notes of the text of the Hebrew Scriptures as composed by the rabbis, these notes on “traditions” were placed in the margins to expand and clarify the thoughts of the writers. The notations tell why something was added, corrected or deleted.

While there are numerous omissions in the new translations, they are not omitted in the entirety of the Bible, so I certainly do not think there is a SUBVERSIVE CONSPIRACY to cut and paste the new translations to say something other than the original intent. Some translations have RELOCATED certain verses to same-page footnotes in order to distinguish between older and newer versions of the Bible.

I have a Bible program that lets me look at a dozen or so translations at once and scroll through and see the verses that are missing so I can understand the KJV ONLY Advocatesas I see all the

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changes found in other translations. Personally I am hooked on the New Living Translation as it is SO easy to read and when I am puzzled at missing verses I just go back and find it in the KJV and see if it changes the precept already presented.

I must discount Murray’s theory of the Kenites changing our Bible, as none of them lived past the flood of Noah, unless of course, like Murray, you believe only a portion of the earth was flooded and that TWO Kenites (two of all flesh) sneaked onto the Ark.

I don’t doubt the sincerity of the scholars, as I see their dilemma presented by the copyright standards and they wind up saying; “how can we say stuff in a different way and not change the meaning, so we can get a copyright for our new enlightenment; our NEW FINDINGS?”

Jeremiah the prophet said; you have PERVERTED the Words of the Living God. In actuality we spend more time TAKING our Bible to and from Church than we do READING it.

WHAT’S THE BEST BIBLE; it’s the one that you will READ. SELAH

Jeremiah 23:36 – You have perverted God’s Word

36 And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man's word shall be his burden; for


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Chapter 6. 11

Did Jesus do everything for us when He went to the Cross and gave His Life? Is all we have to do to be saved is to believe? Is Salvation just Fire Insurance? Does the end justify the means concerning the presentation of the Gospel?

First Word

The RAW TRUTH from the pulpit would empty out the Church It’s not WARM and FUZZY.

I JOINED THE CHURCH July 3, 1949 which would save me from going to HELL. I was Ten years old and there was a churning in my heart that I needed forgiveness for my sins. My knowledge of God and Jesus was quite limited and even somewhat twisted, but God accepted me where I was as the Holy Spirit had already started a work in me. The emphasis was on JOINING THE CHURCH and I would be SAVED FROM HELL.

Saved from What?

I was later surprised to learn that Jesus did not come to get us to “Join the Church” or to save us from hell. He came to save us from our SINS because we cannot save ourselves; we are DEAD in our sins and are incapable of coming to God on our own; we need a Savior. 188

Salvation is not FIRE INSURANCE; the burning Hell was created for Satan and as a by-product of that, his followers get go there too.

When God gave man FREE WILL, this gift allowed SIN to enter into the world; and to counter act that; with His GRACE, He willed his beloved Son to be born of a woman. Jesus would render perfect obedience to the Devine Law and would suffer and die to remove our sins. We are saved by His Grace. 189 The Old Testament Law simply showed us just how sinful we are.

Romans 8:3-4 - The Law of Moses is unable to save us


weakness of our sinful nature. So God did what the law could not do.

HE SENT HIS OWN SON in a body like the bodies we sinners have.

And in that body God declared an end to sin’s control over us by


4 He did this so that the just requirement of the law

would be fully satisfied for us, who no longer follow our sinful

nature but instead follow the Spirit. (NLT)

Romans 3:20 - The Law simply shows us how sinful we are

20 For no one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law



188 Ephesians 2:5 – While we were still DEAD in our sins Jesus died for us
189 Titus 3:5 – We are NOT SAVED by our righteous works; but by His mercy

Twisted Gospel

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Twisted Gospel

The Gospel has become twisted; it starts with some upbeat entertainment, an opening witty joke, a happy success story and a three point sermon on how you can “look inside yourself” and “be all that you can be”; it’s all HAPPY TRAILS in the future. Now that certainly draws a crowd; this congregation is being put to sleep with the Devils unsuspecting opiate.

If every sermon was about Sin, and the penalty for Sin was eternal punishment in the Lake of fire, the popularity of that preacher would drop to an all-time low. In fact it would be downright depressing; it would drive people away from the church. People’s ears ITCH to hear about the “Sweet By and By”; NOT the Nasty Now and Now”.

We are taught that Salvation is by GRACE and is a FREE GIFT; Jesus has DONE EVERYTHING for the sinner. We don’t have to do anything to “Join the Church” except Believe, BUT something more than believing is necessary for Salvation. Unless we REPENT and forsake our sinful ways and thoughts; we will perish.190 It’s in the Book.

Can an Ethiopian change the color of his skin or a leopard change its spots? 191 Neither can we do good when we are accustomed to doing evil; something has to happen in our life. Man is corrupt by nature and is completely unaware of his own wretchedness, blindness and helplessness. Salvation is not by the might of the “preacher”, nor the power of the “sinners will”, but by “the spirit” of God.192

Salvation is impossible unless God puts forth his Mercy and Grace.193 No music, poem, story, appeal or emotional plea will bring salvation to the soul... Except maybe to the MAKE BELIEVER. The Gospel is about SIN and REPENTANCE which brings us to the story of the JAILOR.

Setting up the Story

Paul and Silas had been thrown in prison for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In prison they were praying and singing praises to God and the other prisoners were listening to them. About midnight there was an earthquake and the prison doors flew open and the chains and stocks fell off all the prisoners’ legs, but they did not choose to escape from the prison.

The Keeper of the prison knew the penalty for letting a prisoner escape would be monstrous torture and death to him and his family. Seeing the doors open and believing the prisoners had all escaped, he drew his sword to kill himself, but Paul called out and stopped him.

Acts 16:26-28 Earthquake – Prison doors opened – Nobody left

26 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed.
27 And THE KEEPER OF THE PRISON, awaking from sleep and seeing the prison doors open, supposing the prisoners had fled, DREW HIS SWORD AND WAS ABOUT TO KILL HIMSELF.

28 But Paul called with a loud voice, saying,


The Hand of God

The Jailer knew all about Paul and Silas, he had heard their prayers and hymns of praise and in his heart knew that what had just happened must have been the hand of God because the prisoners did not try to escape.

190 Luke 13:3 – Repent or you will perish -- Mark 1:15 - Repent and believe in the gospel -- Isaiah 55:7 – Forsake sinful ways and thoughts
191 Jeremiah 13:23 - Can an Ethiopian change his skin
192 Zechariah 4:6 - Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit

193 John 6:44 – No one comes unless the Holy Spirit draws them
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What does repentance look like?

The Jailor presented the age old question: What must I do to be saved?

Whoa... What just happened here? Where was the alter call? Where was the seven stanzas sung of “Just as I am”? Where was the pleading for the sinner to come home? Where was “Every eye closed, every head bowed”, “slip up your hand and come on down, nobody will see you coming.”

None of that happened. The Holy Spirit had already begun a work in him, he obviously felt the lost condition of his own soul; no urging from any preacher was required. The jailer saw a need for illumination; he called for a light; his soul had awakened. He realized his self-reliance was utterly useless and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. He subjected himself as a servant to the men of God who were once his captives and brought them out of prison into his own home.

From deep within his soul he confessed with his mouth; What must I do to be SAVED? Acts 16:26 – Called for a light, fell down trembling
29 Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before
Paul and Silas.

30 And he brought them out and said,


Believe be Baptized
What must I do to be saved; the Jailor asked? Paul responded Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

and not only you will be saved, but we will preach to your whole household so they can be saved also. Public Sign of repentance; the Jailor was baptized in his own house; probably with water poured

from a basin over him along with the rest of his family; perhaps maybe even sprinkled

Acts 16:31-34 - Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; be Baptized

31 So they said,


and your household."

32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were

in his house.

33 And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their


Hold on a minute

What we want today is salvation from Hell; deliverance and escape from the lake of fire, not salvation from SIN and being delivered from our carnality and worldly ways; that would require a change on our part. LISTEN: If you believe you are healthy and not SICK, then you don’t need a doctor

Salvation is for those who are SICK OF SIN; those who feel in their consciousness, the awful burden and realization of exceeding sinfulness in their life and HATE IT and long to be FREE of it. They are conscious of the heinousness of sin and are bowed down with a sense of grief and guilt.

If you did not feel this at your conversion, then you have never been saved at all, OR maybe not saved as early as you had previously thought. Read through this again and ponder it.

As a Christian grows, a clearer picture emerges about how sin is rebellion against God and a deeper hatred and sorrow surfaces as well as compassion for those who are still on a path to everlasting separation from God and torment in the lake of fire.

Salvation is freedom from the love of sin; the removal of sins dominion in your life; freedom from guilt and the removal of the death penalty that sin demands.

Matthew 9:12 – Those who know they are sick need a doctor

12 But when Jesus heard this, He said, "IT IS NOT THOSE WHO ARE


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Plow the Field

Nowhere in the book of Acts do we find the Apostles addressing a bunch of heathens and telling them that all you have to do is BELIEVE to be saved. You cannot apply the words “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” to those who are totally blind and dead to the working of the Holy Spirit in their Soul. They might respond, but it will be the confession of a MAKE BELIEVER.

You don’t throw Spiritual Pearls of Wisdom in front of pigs;194 they don’t know what to do with it. To present the “atoning work” that Christ perfected on the cross to those with a passion and love for sin would be a waste of your breath and time. You don’t sow seed on soil till it has been plowed; it must be made ready to sow the seed.

Before Jesus came, John the Baptist plowed the field preaching REPENTANCE for SIN.195 His audience was those who understood SIN in their life and were willing to go out into the wilderness and find him just to hear a message about REPENTANCE and seek to receive FOREGIVENESS for their SIN.

Filled with the Spirit

Note; at first the Jailer was self-reliant, self-confident; he was his own man. Then he became fearful and started to take his own life to save the lives of his family. Then he became filled with the spirit and threw fear aside for his own personal safety and took Paul and Silas out of the prison into his own home, fed them and washed their wounds.

The Jailor did not just simply “Believe”, HE GAVE EVIDENCE of his conviction and repentance.

Acts 16:34 – Filled with the Spirit – Evidence followed

34 Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, HAVING BELIEVED IN GOD with all his

household. (NKJV)

The Take Away

The end justifies the means; packing a church with MAKE - BELIEVERS to grow the membership role certainly makes the church financially solvent and assures that the Pastor can be paid as well as support a number of outreach programs, but what about the damned souls sitting in the congregation.

You have a Twisted Gospel if you believe that there is nothing on your part that is required to obtain Salvation from the Lord and we are not talking about WORKS here. Repentance is an absolute requirement even by the thief on the cross with his last minute appeal to Christ.196

Evidence of repentance will be observed in your actions starting with a public profession of your faith in Jesus Christ and baptism with its symbolism of burying the old life and rising in a newness of life in Christ. It will be observed in your speech, your checkbook and daily activity.

Salvation is for those who are SICK OF SIN;197 those who feel in their consciousness, the awful burden and realization of exceeding sinfulness in their life and HATE IT and long to be FREE of it. They are conscious of the heinousness of sin and are bowed down with a sense of grief and guilt.

Is this what you felt? Is there evidence of your conviction or are you just a MAKE-BELIEVER?

194 Matthew 7:6 – Don’t give spiritual pearls to pigs
195 Matthew 3:1-2- REPENT OF YOUR SINS, turn to God
196 Luke 23:42-43 – Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom.” -- Matthew 9:12 – Those who know “they are sick” need a doctor
197 Matthew 9:12 – Those who know “they are sick” need a doctor

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Chapter 6. 12

Queen James Bible

The Gay Bible - Eight verses changed
The differences - Was King James Bisexual

This Word study looks at the oxymoron Homosexual/Christian

A Little Bible background
The First English Bible was the Great Bible commissioned by King Henry VIII in 1535.
The Second Bible was called the Bishop’s Bible of 1568. The newly crowned King James

convened the Hampton Court Conference in 1604. That gathering proposed a new English version in response to the perceived problems of earlier translations as detected by the Puritan faction of the Church of England. They complained that the earlier Versions of the Bible were corrupt and ask for a new translation.

The Third Bible dubbed the King James Version Bible was started in 1604 and was finished in 1611, settling on 39 Old Testament books, 15 Apocrypha books and 27 New Testament books.

The KJV translation was done by 47 members of the Church of England, all of which were scholars. The Old Testament was translated from Hebrew and Aramaic; The New Testament was translated from Greek, and the Apocrypha translated from Greek and Latin. At some point the Apocrypha was omitted from later printings.

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The translators were permitted to consult from a pre-approved list of other translations: the Tyndale Bible, the Coverdale Bible, Matthew's Bible, the Great Bible, and the Geneva Bible. So a lot of input went into the English Version of the King James Bible.

The QJV translation was published in 2012 and was based on the 1769 edition of the King James Bible where all homophobic interpretations or references of homosexuality were removed or modified. I could not find out why the 1769 KJV Bible edition was selected.

This Bible projects a Gay Friendly Jesus who winks at sin; this follows on the heels of the Jehovah Witness’ who in 1961 REWROTE THE VERSES in the Bible that they didn’t agree with; publishing the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION. Then there’s the blasphemous BOOK OF MORMON.

Matthew 19:4-5 – God made marriage Male & Female

4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them


5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and

shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? (KJV)

2 Timothy 3:1-4 – In the last days, without natural affections

1 This know also, that IN THE LAST DAYS perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (KJV)

King James I

James succeeded to the Scottish throne at the age of thirteen months, after his mother Mary was compelled to abdicate in his favor. At the age of 13 King James fell in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart who he later appointed to the position of Duke of Lennox. His close friends called him “Queen James”.

Sir Walter Raleigh joked about James’ homosexuality when he said in public; “King Elizabeth” has been succeeded by “Queen James”.

You will find in the Biographies of King James I of England, mentioning’s that he was a homosexual having many “courtiers(a person who is often in attendance at the court of the king) or even more likely that he was bisexual, thus the play on words; the “QUEENJames Bible.

He is praised for his living an openly GAY relationship. King James later married Anne of Denmark and they had seven live children as well as suffering two stillbirths and at least three other miscarriages. Many dispute all of this; so you can look it up for yourself, but you won’t.

The Queen James Version

The QJB states it was written by God with Jesus as a contributor. No publisher is identified nor any of the editors. It was written and edited to resolve interpretive ambiguity and prevent homophobic misinterpretation in the Bible as it pertains to homosexuality.

The writers state that there was absolutely no condemnation of homosexuality in the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament until the 1946 Revised Standard Version of the Bible came out which contained faulty interpretations of EIGHT VERSES, specifically using the term “Homosexual”.

Note: The first known USE of the word “Homosexual” in the English language did not occur until 1892, which is why it was not found. Scripture is pretty clear; - Leviticus 18:22 - “Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is an abomination”. It just took a while to GIVE IT A NAME other than ABOMINATION. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon: Homosexual; one who lies with a male as a female.

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First Homophobic QJV Misinterpretation
KJV: The words “to know them” means to have sexual intercourse with them. We find this

very clear when Adam KNEW Eve and she conceived and bare him a son.
QJV: Male on Male rape is not considered sex, but is an expression of dominance and power,

the men of the city just wanted to bully, rape and humiliate the strangers to express their dominance and power.

(KJV) Genesis 4:1 – Adam sexual intercourse; Eve conceived

1 And Adam KNEW Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare

Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

(KJV) Genesis 19:5 – To Know them; Sexual intercourse

5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may KNOW THEM.

(QJV) Genesis 19:5 – Rape & Humiliation – Dominance & Power
5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may RAPE AND HUMILIATE THEM.

Second Homophobic QJV Misinterpretation
KJV: LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender sex is an abomination to God. QJV adds the words; IN THE TEMPLE OF MOLECH is an abomination. This is not actually a

translation, but rather an interpolation which is the rewriting of God’s Word.
Abomination (to’evah) is a religious term reserved for use against idolatry and refers to temple

prostitution; specifically lying with the Male temple prostitutes of Molech.
With today’s moral standards the word “
Abomination” is a horribly OUTDATED MORAL CODE

which today, takes on the meaning of “ritually unclean”, “taboo” or perhaps just “scandalous”. (KJV) Leviticus 18:22 – No LGBT sex – It’s an abomination



(QJV) Leviticus 18:22 – No LGBT sex in the temple of Molech 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind IN THE TEMPLE OF MOLECH; it is abomination.

Third Homophobic QJV Misinterpretation
KJV: To “LIE WITH” means to have sexual relations. Since the Messiah, Jesus Christ has come,

we are no longer under the OT theocratic law, so we do NOT execute homosexuals.
QJV: To “LIE WITH” means to be prone and go to sleep. IN THE TEMPLE OF MOLECH was

added so a man CAN HAVE SEX with another man as long as it’s not in the Temple of Molech. (KJV) Genesis 39:12 – Lie with me is to have sex with me

12 And she caught him by his garment, saying, LIE WITH ME: and he

left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out.

(KJV) Leviticus 20:13 – Man lie with Man it’s an Abomination

13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

(QJV) Leviticus 20:13 Man lie with Man in the Temple of Molech
13 If a man also lie with mankind IN THE TEMPLE OF MOLECH, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

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Fourth & Fifth QJV Homophobic Misinterpretation
KJV: LUST (LGBT sex) UNSEEMLY (unthinkable) - THEM (the LGBT abusers)
QJV: RITUAL LUST, (Women Pagan dancing) – PAGAN AND UNSEEMLY (Men Worshiping

pagan idols) – IDOLATERS (those that worship idols)
Notice that the words and sentences have been rearranged in verses 26 and 27.

(KJV) Romans 1:26-27 - Lust – Unseemly – Them

26 For this cause God gave THEM up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their LUST one toward another; men with men working that which is UNSEEMLY, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

(QJV) Romans 1:26-27- Ritual Lust - Pagan & unseemly - Idolaters
26 Their women did change their natural use into that which is against nature;
27 And likewise also the man, left of the natural use of the women, burned in RITUAL LUST one toward another; Men with men working that which is PAGAN and unseemly. For this cause God gave the IDOLATERS up unto vile affections, receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

Sixth QJV Homophobic Misinterpretation
KJV: ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES with mankind. Homosexual; One who lies with a male as a

female. Effeminate; a soft womanly man.
QJV: PROMISCUOUS; a male with many beds. The words “with mankind” is deleted.

Effeminate means; morally weak.

(KJV) 1 Corinthians 6:9 – Effeminate and Abusers of themselves

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor EFFEMINATE, nor ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES with mankind,

(QJV) 1 Corinthians 6:9 – Morally Weak and Promiscuous
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor MORALLY WEAK, nor PROMISCUOUS with mankind,

Seventh QJV Homophobic Misinterpretation
KJV: Those who defile themselves with mankind
QJV: Those who defile themselves... With Mankindis deleted

(KJV) 1 Timothy 1:10 - Defile themselves with mankind

10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves WITH MANKIND, for men stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;

(QJV) 1 Timothy 1:10 - Defile themselves
10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves, with mankind, for men stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;

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Eighth QJV Homophobic Misinterpretation
KJV: Strange Flesh is men having sex with men; women having sex with women.
QJV: Non-human Flesh such as Angelic flesh; having sex with Angels. The cities of Sodom and

Gomorrah were never connected with homosexuality in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures.
Note: Based on the QJV thinking, God rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah because of their lack of hospitality, not because their LGBT community LUSTED after un-natural

sexual intercourse, or to say it another way SODOMY.
(KJV) Jude 1:7 – Strange - Men with Men – Women with Women

7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after STRANGE FLESH, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

(QJV) Jude 1:7 – Non-human flesh - Sex with Angels
7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after NON- HUMAN FLESH, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

David and Jonathan LGBT
I feel a need to speak to the issue of the relationship of Jonathan the King’s son and David. I

certainly know the LGBT community uses this scripture. When I first read the scriptures with Jonathan taking off his clothes and giving them to David because he loved him sure sounded like the both of them were in a homosexual relationship.

What I found out was that this was a custom, tradition and a CEREMONY that took place when two people cut a COVENANT with each other. The stronger gave his clothes and assets to the weaker as a symbol of; “What I have is yours, and what you have is mine”. We have become one and the same, your enemies are now my enemies, and my friends are now your friends. See Blood Covenant

I had a childhood friend named Paul that I went through Elementary and High School with. We played on the playground, did our homework together, double dated, spent the night with and cried with when he went into military service. I loved him very much, but it never occurred to me to have a physical relationship with him.

The Bible shows that there is a love between two men that is approved by God. It is a love of the spirit of the other and not a physical sexual love.

1 Samuel 18:1-4 - Love of Covenant Friends; Jonathan and David

1 And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan LOVED HIM as his own soul.
2 And Saul took him that day, and would let him go no more home to his father's house.

3 Then Jonathan and David made a COVENANT, because he LOVED HIM as his own soul.
4 And Jonathan STRIPPED HIMSELF of THE ROBE that was upon him, and gave it to David, and HIS GARMENTS, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to HIS GIRDLE.

2 Samuel 1:26 - A Love; a inexpressible Bond,

26 I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me:

THY LOVE to me was wonderful,


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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults The Take Away


There is something called THE EMERGING CHURCH or EMERGENT CHURCH which embraces and pushes for acceptance of the LGBT community, stating that homosexuality is a viable option for the regenerated Christian. This is the blurring of doctrinal lines as found in the Bible. Sin is no longer Black; it’s 50 shades of gray.

Time to learn a new word; “eisegesis” which means; the interpretation of a text by reading into it one’s own ideas. An anonymous group of Editors of the QJV Bible throws doubt on what God has said ... "INDEED, HAS GOD SAID? 198

The QJV Bible does not seek to “resolve interpretive ambiguity”, its mission is to twist, manipulate and otherwise rewrite scripture to justify their lifestyle.

God said; “you shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.”199

God said; “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.”200

God said; “Add thou not unto His words, lest He reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”201

God said; “If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life”.202 The QJV writers say that this verse only applies to the Book of Revelation which they did not change.

God said; “Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”.203

God said; “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, GOD GAVE THEM OVER to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 204

not only do the same,
but have pleasure in them that do them.

198 Genesis 3:1- Did God really say that?
199 Deuteronomy 4:1-2 – You shall not add to or diminish God’s Word
200 Revelation 22:18 – Add to God’s Word and He will add the plagues unto you 201 Proverbs 30:5-6 – You are a liar if you add to God’s Word
202 Revelation 22:18-19 - Change God’s word and you will be damned
203 Matthew 5:18 – Not one period or comma will pass away
204 Romans 1:28-32 – God gave them over to a reprobate mind
205 Romans 1:28-32 - They did not HONOR God and are worthy of death

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Chapter 6. 13

Cult: A religious group that 1) meets regularly; 2) has an altar; 3) prays to a deity; 4) points to a different book other than the Bible, and/or 5) points to a prophet/founder who has “special enlightenment” not found in the Bible. NOTE; The longer a cult or denomination is around, the more it appears to be “main stream” and has the earmarks of acceptability among the masses.

Insanity is often mistaken for spirituality.
The Lord says, Therefore come out from them and be separate.206

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel
other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
207 Do not take him into your house or welcome him. 208

Some 30 years ago, Jonathan my friend and fellow worker was striving with his innermost being to serve God with his hands and mind. Nothing was working for him spiritually; he had studied so much of the Eastern religions and teachings that he has been left confused, depressed and would often say, “Where is God.” 209

I felt moved to read the Bible COVER TO COVER” and write down all I could find out about “ANOTHER GOSPEL” and give it to him. I am now revisiting that Word study with the aid of dozens of commentaries that I did not have access to back then. This is the update.

A Little History - JESUS CHRIST PLUS Rules, Rites, Myths and Traditions
Immediately, as the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached; “another gospel” began. This gospel

was that of Jesus Christ plus” customs and rites; (circumcision - hand washing) 210
The very first group was called “Judaizers” who sought to make Jewish Law a part of Christianity,211 later there were other splinter groups like the “Nicolaitanes” who added their own

legalism.212 Today we might call these movements; Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc. How good is good? When are you good enough? It’s Jesus Christ plus nothing.

Little Anti-Christ

Long ago certain men marked by the Antichrist crept un-notice into the Faith and have turned the grace of God into unbelief and have denied that Jesus Chris is the Son of God.213 We have all heard that the Antichrist is coming; however there are already antichrist at work in this world.214

206 2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you
207 Galatians 1:8 - Let God’s curse fall on anyone, who preaches a different kind of Good News
208 2 John 1:8-12 - Anyone does not teach the truth about Christ, DON’T INVITE THAT PERSON INTO YOUR HOME

209 Job 35:10 - But no one asks, “Where is God my Maker”
210 Titus 1:10-14 – Jesus plus Jewish Myths
211 Jesus plus Rules -- Mark 7:13 – Jesus plus Traditions -- Mark 7:8 – Tradition has superseded God’s commands 212 Revelation 2:6 – The Nicolaitans:; Jesus plus more stuff
213 Jude 1:4 – Certain Godless men slipped into Christian Circles
214 1 John 2:18-19 – There are many little antichrists.

Another Gospel

What’s wrong with taking the best from all religions? What’s a Cult? New Age Movement, Nazism, Muslim Unification Church, Emergent Church, 7th Day Adventist

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Some have claimed they were once of the Gospel of Christ; BUT they were not or they would have continued in His service.215 It was prophesized by the Holy Spirit that some will leave the Gospel of Christ and listen to deceiving spirits and demons. These people will speak lies and put themselves and others in bondage because their own spirit man has been seared by the hot iron of Satan.216 Some will teach abstaining from marring or you should “eat this” and “not that,” food which God created for man to receive.217

Doubt and Unbelief – The Birth
In the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden, Satan introduced two lies that have continued

down through the ages and until this very moment.

  1. 1)  Doubt in God’s Word which by itself is enough to rob you of your salvation. 218

  2. 2)  You too can become a god, which is falsely taught today along with re-incarnation. 219

Self-Desire Foretold

Since the original sin, men have been born on this earth and their father is Satan and therefore they have the desires of their father.220 That’s why men believe and are deceived by “false teachings”, it is their own desires that they are feeding on.

God recognized this in the very beginning and set in motion the plan of redemption with Jesus Christ as the seed that would crush Satan’s head.221 It was also prophesied by Isaiah the Prophet and later by the Disciples of Christ that Satan would openly be defeated at the return of Jesus 222... (This timeisverynear.) Wemustreceiveanewfatherorwewillsurelydie.223

New Age

Addressing Another Gospel”, I found the generic term ‘CULT” applied to and encompassing a lot of groups that range from “a little different” to “extreme”.

They seem to be broken down into SIX CATEGORIES.

  1. 1)  Eastern mystical; Hare Krishnas, Transcendental Meditation, Rajneesh Ashram

  2. 2)  Aberrational-Christian; Children of God, The Way International, Church of the living word.

  3. 3)  Psycho spiritual or self-improvement; Scientology, Silva Mind Control

  4. 4)  Eclectic-Syncretistic; Unification Church

  5. 5)  Psychic-occult-astral; New Age Movement, Church Universal & Triumphant, Eckankar.

  6. 6)  Institutionalized or established; Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science.

Unification Church

I have a FULL PAGE article printed in the State newspaper on July 2, 2002 by the Family Federation for World Peace and the Unification Church. It states the following:

A committee got together in the Spiritual realm composed of Jesus, Peter, Paul, John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Confucius and 12 others; Buddha and 12 others, Muhammad and 12 others, and 12 representing the Hinduism religion, Karl Marx and 12 representing communism. All with individual worshipful testimonies about Sun Myung Moon. A bunch of money was spent; this was published in every city in the world on the same day.

It states that ALL CONFIRM that the Reverend Mrs. and Mr. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church are the TRUE PARENTS of the world and he is the MESSIAH and SAVIOR.224

  1. 215  .1 John 2:19 - If they had been of us, they would have continued with us

  2. 216  2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 – Do not be deceived when the Anti-Christ proclaims to be god

  3. 217  1 Timothy 4:1-5 – They teach Do’s and Don’ts; Legalism and Bondage

  4. 218  Genesis 3:1 – Did God really say that?

  5. 219  Genesis 3:5 – You too can become a God

  6. 220  John 8:44 – The Un-believer’s and Make-Believer’s Father is Satan; the father of lies

  7. 221  Genesis 3:15 – God announces the plan of redemption to Satan.

  8. 222  Romans 16:20 – Satan’s work will be crushed --– God sent His Son Jesus to the whole world - Isaiah 7:14 – The prophets foretold

the sign, a virgin will conceive EMMANUEL
223 John 3:17-19 John 8:24 – SIMPLY PUT; you will die in your sin if you do not believe
224 Matthew 24:5 - Many will come in my name claiming, `I am the Christ -- Luke 21:8 - Many will come in my name, claiming, I am He

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They also have a letter from God Himself confirming the same thing. (I am not making this up.) Nostradamus said the False Prophet would have some kind of connection with the “Moon”.
By the Way; the name Buddha literally means “light bearer”, the same meaning as the name Lucifer.

A movement must stand or fall on the STORY of their leader; such as Joseph Smith & Brigham Young (Mormons), Ellen G. White (Seventh day Adventist) and Mary Baker Eddie (Christian Science). What story does their lives tell? Joseph Smith life reads like a “made for TV soap opera,” I just can’t cover it all here.

The Emerging or Emergent Church

It takes its name from the changing ideas in our modern cultures. The Catholic Church gave rise to these pagan spiritual practices which have now permeated into most dominations.225 The old forms of the Gospel no longer communicates with the new generation of today and therefore new modes of expressing the Gospel to a postmodern mindset are needed.

The Social Gospel: Fix things in this world now. This movement contains a great diversity in beliefs and practices, sacred rituals, missionary living, good works and political and social activism, with a high emphasis on the Kingdom of Heaven is here and now”.

Subjectivity over objectivity: The deconstruction of modern Christian thinking; Scriptures are not inspired, but are only from the minds of men; Systematic Theology prevents unity.

Images over words: Doctrines Divide;The Bible is watered down and compromised in order to unify and not offend the seeker.

Feelings over truth: Personal experience defines and interprets what truth actually is.

Spirituality over Religion: Unity among people from different religions and ethnic backgrounds. Everyone is connected to God; all worship same God, just different names.

Outward over inward: Diversity and cross pollination of religious traditions in the expression of corporate worship makes you a better Christian.226

Breath Prayers; Chanting, God is breath (Buddhist and Hindu Gods.) 227
Nobody goes to Hell: Emphases that God Repairs, Refines, Rebuilds and Rebirths.

Should we JUDGE those who are members of what we deem to be a cult

Hollywood Stars - Recruitment
People do not join a religion on doctrinal grounds, rather they mainly join because they have

found caring friends and a warm fellowship. Some cults utilize “Stars” to help in recruitment like Shirley MacLaine for the New Age Movement or Donnie and Marie Osmond for the Mormons and Tom Cruise for the Christian Scientist.

All cults do not have all the same characteristics.229 Some stress moral activities, others lifestyle; the method of proselytizing; manifestation of Spiritual Gifts, Spirit Guides, Self-denial, Rejection of the upper classes values; Chanting, Channeling, Visions, Scientific, Philosophical and Communal methods and Sex freedom religions; then there is bizarre cultic behavior such as Jim Jones. We simply

225 Mathew 7:15-20 - Watch out for false prophets they come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves
226 2 Corenthians 6:14-16 - Do not be yoked together with unbelievers; what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?
227 1 Corenthians 10:20 - I do not want you to be participants with demons
228 Matthew 5:14-16 - You are the light of the world; let your light shine before men -- Matthew 6:22-23 - If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness -- John 8:12 - Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness -- John 5:19 - The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing,
229 Matthew 15:14 – And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch

Rebirth and Reborn are different; Rebirth is the doctrine of reincarnation and Karma.
Born Again for the believer is not an arrival; it’s a beginning. The bearer of the torch does not follow; they lead and light the way for others who chose to follow.228

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New Age Movement

The Enlightened Ones. Those that have been chosen to communicate with the Gods in order to provide a “continuity of revelations”. These groups have been orchestrated by Satan to soften the impact and de-sensitization of the Christian and cause his acceptance of the new world religion.

Some New Age groups: Children of the Dawn - Church of Scientology - Church Universal and Triumphant – Club of Rome - Custodians of the Plan – Global Mind Link – Global Society – Green Peace - Holistic Movement – Humanistic Movement - Humanistic Psychology - Lucis Trust – New Group of World Servers – Networking the Global Vision - New Thought - Pacific Institute – People for the American Way - Planet Stewards – Planetary Citizens – Planetary Initiative for the World we Choose – Sierra Club - The Hunger Project – The Order of Christian Mystics - The Sutphen Corporation – Third wave – Third Force - Transpersonal Psychology - Unity in Diversity Council - Warriors of the Rainbow – World Servers for the New Age – World Future Society – World Goodwill – Zero Population Growth and on and on and on. New Age is not a mythical story, it’s real, and it’s all around us.

Names on the Forefront: Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon New Age Globalist Leader, Donald keys Catholic priest, Matthew Fox The Tibetan Master” Djwhal Khul - Tara Center, Benjamin Crème’s demon guide, the Lord Maitreya, the Christ - Church Universal and Triumphant, Elizabeth Clare Prophet - Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard - Guide Post, Norman Vincent Peale, also a mason The World Brain Trust, Mikhail Gorbachev.

Their Goal: To train the minds of men to build towards Spiritual Unity through Diversity. To become a “Brotherhood”; A hidden body of “Custodians of the Plan”.
To respect the teachings of the prophets and sages of all times and cultures.
To be the inner spiritual government of the planet.

To deal with the Anti-Humanistic element. Christians must be liberated and enriched

by the other paths to God or be eliminated.

Devine progression: We are all divine; some of us are more divine than others. One of us is perfect and should be the Great World Leader; the king.

Membership: All religions are welcome including Satanist and Witches with the exception of Muslims, Jews and Christians who recognize only ONE GOD, the God of Abraham.

Groups of Workers: Political organizers - educators of the New Age - workers in the field of religion - trained observers – psychologists - scientific servers – financiers – economist - telepathic communicators - and magnetic healers.

Military Police arm: A “Cosmic Secret Service”; “Warriors of the Rainbow”, “Guardian Angels”, “The First Earth Battalion”. Militants whose goal is “to take out” the restraining force that is stopping peace and the unity of minds on the earth. This restraint is the Fundamentalist Christians who claim that there is only one way to God. The Warriors believe that they are patriotic and are doing God’s will by killing Christians. This is so that the Christians souls can be recycled and reincarnated to try again.

Spin off interest: Free Masons - The Order of the Eastern Star – De Molay - The Mormon Temple - The Order of the Golden Dawn - Yin/Yang – Astrology - Tara Cards – Hypnosis – Silva Mind Control - Symbol Therapy - Visualization & guided imagery – Yoga (Hindus) - Tai Chi – Reflexology - Magnetic Healing - Transcendental Meditation – Chanting - Spirit Channeling – Automatic Writings – Séances - Ouija boards – LSD color experimentations – Cosmic consciousness – shaktipat, attunement or paradigm shift – necromancy (raising the dead for communication). Speaking in Demonic languages – Acupuncture – Acupressure – Biofeedback and Guided Imagery.

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New Age signs: Zodiac signs – triangles – pyramids – pentagrams – hexagrams - Star of David - enneagram (9 triangle points in a circle) wheel – circle – Sun - all-seeing eye - rainbows (antahkarana, the rainbow bridge) (7 colors) - perverted cross – swastika - Egyptian ankh – crystals – diamond – dragon – serpent - yin/yang – locus – unicorn - flying Pegasus horse - centaur and the mermaid- the lotus blossom – cube - point within a circle - the line - a cup or holy grail – goat – bull – elephant – dragon – lion - dog and bear – sign of the cloven hoof or footprint of the devil. - (Have you seen Papa Smurf on TV casting spells).

The perverted Cross: Inverted - lying sideways - at an angel – Broken – misshapen - bent, disfigured - Inside a triangle, pyramid or circle – Mixes with or affixed to satanic symbols.

NOTE: The cross within a circle means Christ is contained. The Cross is usually deformed as in the swastika or upside down as in the peace symbol. Jewelry; the cross with a circle at the top is a demonic signet from the time of Babylon. (Egyptian ankh) The swastika is the cross of India and is the form of “divinity” employed by the Hindus.

The Mark: This will be something sought after and highly desired and will be a badge of honor. You will be known as An Enlightened One. It most probable will be a tattoo worn just above the eyebrow line in the center of the forehead (the chakra point) so everyone will know your status. A microchip implant might also be a part of this mark. This will be known as “the third eye”, all knowing and all seeing. This is the point of communication with the spirit world. Already on the scene is a triangle with a small circle on the inside and a large circle on the outside surrounding it.

“Sanat Kumara” is the new age code name for their lord and master Lucifer Seven Major Teachings:

  1. 1)  Sin and evil do not exist; peace and love are the ultimate realities

  2. 2)  All religions lead to the same goal. All have equal merit.

  3. 3)  The Ancient Wisdom of Babylon is the basis for all truth; not the Bible.

  4. 4)  Jesus is not the only Christ or Messiah and is definitely not God.

  5. 5)  God is cosmic, an energy force; He is not personal

  6. 6)  Man is God himself, his creative powers just need to be awakened

  7. 7)  Man can and should receive spiritual instruction from the spirit world.

Twin Teachings: There is no Hell. There is no Satan or demons.

The law of rebirth: This is not the same as “Born Again” as one reconciled to God. Man does not die, but is endlessly reborn till he perfects himself to qualify for Nirvana; endless rest.

The Deception: The enlightened one, through imaging and visualization can energize and command Deity spirits to serve and do their bidding. Their conscience becomes seared and they desire THE MARK, then they find out the spirits are not deity, but demonic; but it’s too late. At the end God will send a deluding Spirit to harden their hearts so they will be unable to repent. He gives them what they want.

LSD drugs are encouraged to “Open up Channels of Communications” with religious spirits.

Dollar Bill: check out the All Seeing Eye on the dollar bill; this was central to the Egyptian Mystery Religion, the great sun god Horus with his third eye given to him by his mother the goddess of Babylon, the mother of all harlots. This represents the new world order. The Aquarian Age, restoring peace, light and love to the world. (Freemasons)

Humanism views man as the measure of all things; man beginning from himself with no knowledge except what he himself can discover, no standard outside of himself. All wisdom is contained within oneself.

Bookstores: If you think this is just whimsical thinking, check out the bookstores with the sections on New Age, witchcraft and the magic arts. See the New Age shops at the flea market with “smoking accessories” in the back room. Look at the T-shirts and jewelry that’s being marketed.

April 25, 1982: A $500,000 ad was placed in major newspapers in Amsterdam, London, New York City and North Hollywood, California. “The Christ is now here”. He is known as The Lord Maitreya and is marketed as the Christian’s “Messiah” Supposedly, he is the fifth reincarnation of “Buddha”; for Moslems he is the “Iman Mahdi”; for Hindus he is “Krishna”.

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universal draft. This movement is extremely large and well-funded.

Seventh Day Adventist
The Seventh Day Adventist say the Lord’s Day or the Sabbath is on Saturday and this is THE

doctrine that this denomination hangs their hat on. If you celebrate the Lord’s Day on Sunday, you are doomed to spend eternity in Hell.

Since a 24 hour day was not made till the 4th day of creation, I’m not sure how anyone can tell which day is which. This doctrine “yokes” the believer in the bondage of legalism. Why would we go back to these “beggarly elements230 when Christ has set us free?231 We are not made holy by keeping man made rules that somehow make us righteous.232

The “Sabbath” originated with the Ten Commandments and Moses on Mount Sinai. It was a covenant between God and Israel; the JEW’S Lord’s Day was Saturday and still is. The Jews had many Sabbaths; The first day of the seventh month, the eight day of the seventh month and the fifteenth day of the seventh month.233

The CHRISTIAN’S “Lords day” is Sunday, the First day of the week; when Christ arose from the grave; the day when the new Testament Church was born; this same day the early Christians received the tithe.234 It is a celebration and a memorial of a new creation, a day of triumph and glory. The tomb is empty. So for the Jew, the Sabbath is still Saturday, but for the Christian it’s Sunday. Scripture tells us not let anyone judge us concerning our celebration of the Sabbath day.

Adventist point to prophetess Ellen G. White who has the exclusive right to truth. Her prophecy in 1843 and again in 1844 that Christ would return was proven false, later defended as a “geography error” that Jesus actually entered a second apartment of Heaven to perform work in the “Most Holy” before returning to earth.

They point to her writings that include SDA as the 144,000 faithful Adventist. There is strict avoidance of Coffee and tea, joking, jesting and laughter as it grieves the spirit. Of her 53 books written, it is charged that everything was “Copied” or “Borrowed” from other people’s works. This isknownas“TheGreatControversy”. Thisisdefendedby;“aprophetsthoughtscanbedivinely inspired even thou they are not original”.

Adventist embrace “Investigative Judgment:” Jesus serves as an advocate for the professing believers. It started in 1844 and continues today; as the names come before Jesus, they are accepted or rejected. This is the denial of “the finished work” of Christ on the Cross.

They embrace “The Scapegoat Theory” that Sins are forgiven, but not blotted out; all our sins are placed on Satan and thus will be eventually burned up; blotted out.

Today SDA is almost parallel with the mainstream protestant church. To their credit, they use the writings of Ellen G. White only as commentary on scripture, placing the Bible foremost. Most SDA are unaware of the history of their church and IF it were not for their early beginnings of false prophecy in 1844, this denomination would not be called a cult today but they still remain LEAGALISTIC.

230 Galatians 4:9-12 – Why would you turn back to the weak beggarly elements of legalism bondage?
231 John 8:32 - You will know the truth, the truth will SET YOU FREE." -- John 8:36 if the Son SETS YOU FREE, you will be free indeed -- Romans 8:1-2 - Therefore, there is now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus -- Galatians 5:1 - It is for freedom that Christ has SET US FREE -- 1 Peter 2:16-17 - LIVE AS FREE MEN; live as servants of God.
232 Mark 2:27-28 - The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
233 Leviticus 23:23-24 - On the FIRST DAY of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest -- Leviticus 23:39 - On the FIFTEENTH DAY of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest, and the EIGHTH DAY also is a day of rest.
234 Colossians 2:16 - Do not let anyone judge you with regard to a Sabbath day -- Corenthians 16:2 - Upon the FIRST DAY of the week let every one of you bring in your tithes and offerings -- Acts 20:7 - On the FIRST DAY of the week we came together to break bread - - Matthew 28:1 - On the FIRST DAY of the week, Mary Magdalene went to look at the tomb -- Mark 16:9 - Jesus rose early on the FIRST DAY of the week

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Catholic Church

The Catholic Church points to the Virgin Mary as the mediator between God and man, reducing Jesus to infant status. They pray to images of Saints, they “sign” the cross, have rosary beads for rote prayers, confessions to Priest and prayers for the dead. The Bible says, DO NOT have any graven images, it says Jesus is our only mediator between God and man, and when you are dead, its’ all over. No prayers or money can change the destination.

Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Mary inside the womb of her VIRGIN mother thus preserving her from sin and is the “co-redeemer” of man with her son Jesus.

Catholic Catechism; the priest can really and truly forgive sins by virtue of power given him by Jesus Christ. The pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden in a veil of flesh.

Catholic Ten Commandments; the second commandment forbidding graven images is omitted; with the 10th commandment split into two, making it ten again. (See Wikipedia)

Martin Luther said the Papacy is the seat of the Antichrist
John Calvin: We call the Roman pontiff the antichrist
John Knox: The Papacy is the very antichrist, and son of perdition.
John Wesley: He (the Pope) is the son of perdition, claiming the prerogatives of God alone. Westminster’s Confession of faith: Pope is the antichrist, that man of sin; son of Perdition.

The name of the Pope: vicarious filii dei meaning “vicar”, is “the replacement of Christ on earth”. In Latin, the NUMBER is: Vicarious (112), Filii (53) Dei (501) equals 666. Just saying.


Nazism revived: using a comparison of the New Age roots; the new age movement is identical to Hitler’s Third Reich, Nazism. It lived once, and then it died and is now coming back to life in the Antichrist.235 Hitler held to the secret doctrine that the Aryan society was a master race from Atlantis who took quantum leaps in superior intelligence over the other races. The inferior races needed to be purged. New Age secret doctrines” come from Atlantis.

Nazism believed in a pure Aryan master race that had evolved into a superior spiritual species. New age teaches that they have evolved into a “new species” called “homo noeticus.” Jews are from a different planet and Blacks and Orientals are from a different root race.

A Blood Taint rest on the Jews that needs to be corrected. New Age; The Jews have forfeited their privilege and must pass through fires of purification; the Messiah will not be Jewish. Nazism called murdering Jews, a “Cleansing action.New Age supports a “cleansing action” to get rid of any group that stands in the way of “spiritual unity”.

Nazism sought a New World Order; New Age, the same thing. Hitler had “Mein Kampf” or “My Plan” to rule; New Age has “My Plan” of “the Lord Maitreya.” Nazism used “mystery teachings” of the East; New Age, same thing. Occultism and mind expansion was the study of the Nazi Occult Bureau and the SS Occult Bureau; New Age movement embraces the Occult and mind expansion.

Quest for a higher consciousness; the Holy Grail; New Age has the same quest. Hitler used drugs for mind expansion; New Age indorses LSD for the same reason. Belief in the Law of Karma and reincarnation. New Age follows the same thing. Nazism holds to the belief that the gods live in Shamballa; New Age, same thing. Hitler was an “Initiate” of the Occult; New Age requires a Luciferic type Initiation”.

Hitler had a militia of young “Brown Shirt” men, trained in martial arts to patrol streets. New Age has the same thing, one group is called the “Guardian Angels”; there are many. Nazism believed in breeding children controlled by the state. Leading New Agers advocate parents to be licensed in order to have children. The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow - Cumbey

235 Revelation 17:8 – Beast once was, now is not, and will come again
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Muslim Messiah

Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Black Muslim movement said that Elijah Mohammed had risen up inside of him; in essence he claims to be “the second Messiah”. Muslims believe Jesus, the son of Mary said, “I am a messenger of “Allah”, bringing good tidings of a messenger who comes after me, whose name is ‘the praised one”, Mohammad.

The Qur’an given to the “Last Prophet” Mohammad, is the perfect revelation of Allah.

The Hadith is a collection of sayings, deeds and behavior of Mohammad including; eating, sleeping, praying, mating, planning revenge on his enemies and dispensing justice. These actions were considered the actions of “Allah”. A good Muslim will do these same things as well as name their children Mohammad. The Hadith in some sects is followed more than the Qur’an and its sayings can supersede the Quran.

Sura 19:96 – Allah has no affection for any creature. Love is conditional on good works.
Sura 5:75 Christ, the son of Mary was no more than a messenger. Many were the messengers that passed away before him.

Sura 4:157 – Christ did not die on the cross, but was made to appear so.
Sura 3:129 – Allah has predestined some to paradise and some to hell.
Sura 32:13 – Allah sends to hell whomever he wants. He created a multitude of spirits and men specifically for the purpose of sending them to hell.
Sura 9:5 – When the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, seize them; lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war).
Hadith 2:483 – I have been ordered to fight the people till they say, Allah be worshipped.
Sura 9:29 – Muslims are inspired to fight people who do not accept the religion of Islam.
Sura 5:33 – Those who wage war against Allah and his messenger (there fate) is execution or crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet on opposite sides or exile. Hadith 9:57 – Whoever changes his Islamic religion should be killed.

Mohammad: “He, who relinquishes his faith; kill him. I have been ordered by Allah to fight with people till they testify there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”.

Hadith 1:505 – Anyone who dies in a Jihad will have a prominent place in paradise. Hadith 9:459 – Anyone who engages in a holy war (jihad) will be admitted into paradise with his reward of booty.
Sura 78:33 – In paradise man can have many women.

Ayatollah Khomeini: “The purest joy in Islam is to kill and to be killed for Allah”. There can be no peace with the Jews or Christians or any other non-Islamic people; and that if peace must be made, only a truce is permissible and that “for a maximum of 10 years as an expedient to hone our swords, whet our blood and strengthen our will.”

Islamic Extremist is a misnomer; if you follow Islam, the Quran and the Hadith, then none are extremist, they ALL hate non-Muslims; their mission is to convert or kill us in the name of Allah.

Note: The term Allah (Arabic) is a contraction “Al” meaning sole or only, and “lah” meaning God. Before the birth of Islam, Allah was a term used by pagan religions for their different gods. This term provided a common ground between pagan Arabs, Muslims, Jews and Christians. Muslims have 99 names for God with the word Allah connected to it. Muslims insist that this is the same God as of the Jews; the God of Abraham. The name Allah is deemed more powerful than the name YAHWEH; Christianity reject all of this.

Side Bar: Muslims believe it is the will of God for Islam to rule the world. Islamic law stipulates

that to fulfill Muhammad’s task, every “infidel domain” must be considered a territory of war. Moris Farhi author of The Last Days

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The Unbeliever

We have two different standards concerning our relationships with others.
UN-BELIEVERS: If they do not know Jesus, we are NOT to judge nor condemn them, but we are to be merciful and love these people. We are to do good and pray for them that their soul might be snatched away from the father of lies, Satan.236 These are people that do NOT embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ. These folks are different from those that have accepted Jesus, but have added

other prophets or teachings.

The Believer

BELIEVERS: If someone has been received into the fellowship of Christ and has claimed a new father and claims his old life has died and that he is born again, but then brings in doubt, disputes, “deviations” of the teachings, or perhaps is still living in sin; then he has condemned himself already.237 Separate yourself and do not fellowship with those that corrupt the Gospel.238


Judging the Believer
Judging or “cursing” was introduced in the “Mosaic Law” by Moses. This covered everything

from sex sins; to leading the blind astray. Cursing is not using profane language, but is actually to excommunicate them from the fellowship of the body in order to bring them to their senses.

It’s in the Book; we are to judge fellow believers and discipline those who are straying from the scriptures.239 I was concerned that cursing someone was judgmental on my part, but I found out that we are REQUIRED to judge those within the body of Christ,240 not those outside. This is where we get the saying...


Rebuke, Exclude, Withdraw

As the last days come upon us, men will fall away from the Gospel because their ears itch for the fables of the many false teachers.241 Men will fall away because they seek doctrine according to their own desires. Stop the mouths of those among you that profess to know God, but are subverting whole households with false teachings and fables of men; 242 they are an abomination to God. Rebuke them so they will return to sound doctrine. If you hang around with friends that have these bad habits, you will soon compromise your own good habits.243

Exclude the man from the fellowship who does not love the Lord Jesus Christ.244 Avoid all who cause divisions and offenses and speak contrary to the Gospel.245 These people deceive the hearts of the simple.246 It is possible for folks to look like they are supporting the Gospel of Christ when actually that are possessed by an evil spirit.247

236 Luke 6:37 – It is not our place to judge the unbeliever -- Romans 12:20 – Treat the un-believer well -- Luke 6:27-28 – Pray for the unbeliever
237 Galatians 1:6-9 – Turning to a different gospel they are eternally condemned.
238 2 Corenthians 6:17 – Separate from presenters of a different doctrine -- 2 Corenthians 6:14-15 –Don’t fellowship with those corrupting the Gospel.

239 1 Corenthians 5:1-3 – Discipline those among you who are in sin -- 1 Corenthians 5:12– We are to judge fellow Christians who are in sin.-- Deuteronomy 27:13-26 – Curse (excommunicate) those in the body who do not repent. -- 1 Corenthians 5:5 – Rebuke sin that he might be saved.
240 Deuteronomy 27:1-26- The CURSES from Mount Ebal given and REQUIRED by Moses

241 2 Timothy 4:3-4 – Your ears itch to hear what suit your own desires.
242 Titus 1:10-16 – Their actions deny God; SILENCE THEM
243 1 Corenthians 15:33 – Birds of a feather flock together; bad company corrupts good characters 244 1 Corenthians 16:22 – The unbeliever is cursed
245 2 Corenthians 6:14-15 – Do not be in partnership with an unbeliever.
246 Romans 16:17-18 – Watch out for smooth talk and flattery
247 Acts 16:16-18 – Evil spirits will seek validation by association.

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Cast them out of the fellowship people in the body who are in sin, leave them to Satan’s followers that thy might see the light and their spirit be saved.248 Purge them out, that the body might be pure. If a man calls himself a brother in Christ, but lives in sin, have nothing to do with him. 249 There are many deceivers in the world who do not confess that Jesus is the Son of God, they are of the Antichrist.250 We must withdraw ourselves from “Brothers in Christ” who are deceived away from

the Gospel.251 Don’t even sit at the same table with them for lunch.
Do not count them as the enemy yet, but warn them so that they will return to the truth.252

Don’t let them in your House

If someone does not live in the doctrine of Christ, then he doesn’t have God in his life. If they bring a different doctrine to your door (Jehovah Witness, Mormons) do not let them into your home.253 Don’t even shake their hand; if you welcome them, you share in their evil deeds. If you want to be friends with those who do not receive the PURE Gospel, then you make yourself an enemy of God.254 It’s in the Book

Scripture Caution

You were in bondage when you did not know the true Gospel, you were in bondage to the weak and beggarly elements of nature.255 When you have received the knowledge of the Gospel and escaped the bondage of the world and then become entangled again with the false teachings, you are worse off than in the beginning.256

It would have been better to have never known the Gospel that to know and reject it. A different Gospel will steal your liberty and bring you back into bondage.257 If you believe a different Gospel you are under the spell of Satan.

Don’t Pray for one that has Renounced the Gospel

It is rightful that we pray for a brother that is in sin provided the sin is not leading to the death of his Spirit. But we are not to pray for a man that has received and then renounced the Gospel, because he has the Spirit of the Antichrist. 258

NOTE: In the LAST DAYS; because they will not receive the love of the Gospel of Christ; God will send a strong delusion to those that desire these lying wonders and signs and they will ultimately be destroyed, condemned and separated from God.

Blessing and Cursing
Satan uses the scriptures against the Christian by quoting, “Blessing and Cursing” should not

come of the same mouth”,259 but, I say to you this is in reference to men made in the likeness of God. A man that teaches a different Gospel is not walking in the likeness of God and should be cursed, he is an antichrist.260 CURSE any man or Angel that preaches a JESUS PLUSGospel. (Remember; to CURSE is to excommunicate from the body of Christ; the Church.)

If you are born of the faith and guard yourself by studying and doing God’s Word then Satan will not be able to touch you.

248 1 Corenthians 5:1-8 – Excommunicate one who is in sin to save his soul. 249 1 Corenthians 5:11 – Don’t even have lunch with the deceiver
250 2 John 7 – You are an antichrist if you do not acknowledge Christ
251 2 Thessalonians 3:6 – Keep away from brothers who live after the world 252 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15 – Don’t associate with brothers that rebel.

253 2 John 9-11 – Don’t let them in your house
254 James 4:4 – If you choose to be a friend of the world you become an enemy of God
255 Galatians 2:4 – There are false Christians among us making us slaves. -- Galatians 4:8-9 – Do you want to be enslaved to your old nature again?
256 2 Peter 2:20 – If you receive the word then reject it; you are worse off than before, because you KNOW the truth.
257 Galatians 3:1 – We can easily be bewitched if we are not vigilant
258 1 John 5:16-20 – A Sin that leads to death; to receive and then renounce the Gospel
259 James 3:10 – Blessing and cursing should not proceed out of the same mouth
260 Galatians 1:6-12 – Let him be eternally condemned; Damned

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False Prophets

Watch out that you are not deceived by people who call themselves a prophet of God. Unfortunately many will embrace their false teachings. These false prophets will perform such spectacular miracles that everyone will be deceived except those who study, know and obey the true Gospel.261 Like Satan, there are false teachers who masquerade as Messengers of light.262 If you deny that Jesus is the Christ; and that He was “just another prophet” or a good moral man, then you deny God also; you are an antichrist.263 God will send you a strong delusion that you will believe their lying wonders and signs because you did not receive the love of the Gospel of Christ. You will be destroyed, condemned and separated from God. You are getting just what you wanted.264

Modern Day Prophets

Elizabeth Clare Prophet of “The Church Universal and Triumphant” refers to herself as a prophetess. God says she is adulterating the gospel, but will give her a chance to repent and if not, He will heap tribulation on her and her followers.265 My friend Jonathan went there.

John the Baptiser was the last of the New Testament prophets that foretold future events.266

Do not be misled, special knowledge of the scripture does not come from private interpretation at the will of men or women; but from Holy men of God who speak as the Holy Spirit moves them.267 You do not need special “Enlightened” people to teach you to receive the anointing of God. It’s already in you and as you study God’s word it will be clear who has the righteousness of God and who

is an antichrist. 268 You can be an antichrist and not even know it.

Secret Teachings

Take note that there are religious people who appear as tenderhearted friends, who actually are planning to take your life.269 You can identify these people by what they say and what they do. 270 They bare bad fruit; Gods people are deceived away by Satan because that have not studied the inspired work of God; the Bible. They are destroyed because of lack of knowledge.271

There has always been false religious leaders among the churches who secretly bring in false teachings and destructive departures from the Gospel just to gain a following and many are deceived by their teachings because of their own lack of knowledge; they just really don’t know the truth.272 These false friends or leaders speak contrary about things of the Gospel that they themselves do not understand; they will perish in their own corruption.

Contradictions, Side Issues, Special Knowledge; do not listen to any other Gospel, for men have concocted doctrines that are of their own imaginations.273 These doctrines cause disputes and side issues that pull your thoughts away from the things that lift up and edify your own personal faith. Get away from contradictions of the Gospel which are falsely taught as “Special Knowledge”, which if believed will cause your faith to be weakened.274 Get away from teaching and customs that are contrary to the Gospel. 275 They will render your faith useless.

261 Matthew 24:4-5 – Many will try to deceive you. -- Matthew 24:11 – There are many false prophets. -- Matthew 24:24 – Deceitful false signs and miracles -- 2 Corenthians 11:3-4 – CAUTION; you should not put up with deceitful teachings.
262 2 Corenthians 11:13 – Satan’s servants masquerade as Christ’s followers
263 1 John 2:22-23 – If you deny Christ; you are an antichrist

264 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 – God will give you what you want; Condemned 265 Revelation 2:20-22 – You will inherit the same end as your teacher
266 Matthew 11:13-15 – John was the Last of the Prophets
267 2 Peter 1:20-21 – The Bible is God speaking through man.

268 1 John 2:27-28 – Remain in the One who anointed you.
269 Matthew 7:15 – Some are sheep outward; but wolves inward.
270 Matthew 7:16 - You will recognize them by what they do.
271 Hosea 4:6 – Lack of knowledge leads to destruction.
272 2 Peter 2:1-2 – There will be false teachers; many will follow them -- Hosea 4:6 – We are destroyed because we just don’t know. -- 2 Peter 2:12 – People blaspheme because they are ignorant.
273 1 Timothy 1:3-4 – Endless genealogies and myths (MORMONS)
274 Matthew 16:6-12 – Bad teachings corrupt the whole body.
275 1 Timothy 6:20 – Turn from secret knowledge opposing the Gospel

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Satan would have us to get into “disputes” over the different versions of the Bible. Just keep in mind that we must prove scripture with scripture; precept upon precept; line upon line.276 If you practice righteousness, you are righteous.

Even demons believe; don’t use yourself as a standard of measurement about spiritual things.277 There is only one God, even the demons of Satan believe and tremble at His name.278 Just because a man says he believes in God does not mean that he has made God the Lord of his life. Satan believes in God, but has rejected him. God gave special abilities in ministry to those whose life’s work is the Gospel so that they may lead, teach and equip god’s people; this is so that they will not be tricked by a different Gospel.279

In the last days men will have a form of godliness, but will deny the power of Christ and will be led into various lust, always learning but never able to perceive the true knowledge of Christ280. These imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.281 They will teach a different Gospel and do many wonders in the name of Jesus, but the Lord will declare, “I never knew you.” 282 If friends share doctrine with SECRET TEACHINGS, get away from them, they are of the Antichrist.283

Changing just one word of the Gospel can pervert its entire meaning.284 It’s in the Book
If you continue in sin, you are of Satan and God will destroy you and the works of Satan.285

Don’t call god a liar: some have chosen not to believe that Jesus is the Son of God286. They actually are calling God a liar287 because they do not believe the testimony that God gave concerning his only Son. Hardening of your heart to the True Gospel will darken your understanding, alienate you from God and give you futility of mind.288 Ignorance; death.

God is not the tempter: men will rise up from among the Gospel with deceit in their hearts desiring to draw men to themselves.289 God is not the tempter; if you are drawn to a different Gospel, it’s because of your own desires290 which when fed will give birth to sin and unless stopped will take your life and you will be separated from God forever. God is pleading with you in his Word to “not be deceived” by the different doctrines. There are those who are of wrong doctrine who falsely claim they are of the Gospel, but are really of the congregation of Satan.

Do not hinder others: there are people who speak honor to God with their lips, but it is all in vain because they worship according to the doctrines of man.291 They will embrace false signs and wonders; only those who earnestly study the Gospel will not be fooled.292 It’s bad enough that some have chosen not to enter into the Gospel, but woe to those that hinder others from doing so.293 Remember Satan has influence over the entire world and had the power to give authority and riches to anyone he wishes.294

Expose darkness; there are friends who share with you things that are perversions of the Gospel; there words are empty; have no fellowship with them because the wrath of God will come on them

276 Isaiah 28:10 – Prove scripture with scripture, line upon line, precept upon precept 277 2 Corenthians 10:12 – Don’t use others as a yardstick to measure yourself.
278 James 2:19 – Even demons believe in ONE GOD
279 Ephesian 4:11-15- Don’t be blown about by deceitful teachings

280 2 Timothy 3:5-7 – They teach just enough Truth to snag you.
281 2 Timothy 3:13 – Being deceived and deceiving going from bad to worse
282 Matthew 7:21-23 – Many will talk the talk, but not walk the walk; I never knew you
283 John 18:20 – Christ did nothing in SECRET.
284 Galatians 5:9-10 – It only takes a little worm to rot the whole apple
285 1 John 3:7-8 – Christ came to destroy the works of Satan
286 John 3:16 – Whoever believes will not perish
287 1 John 5:10 – You make God a liar when you do not believe.
288 Ephesians 4:17-18 – Hardening of the heart breeds ignorance; death
289 Revelation 2:9 – There are those among us that are not believers.-- Acts 20:29-31 – On Guard: Some are wolves & distort the truth 290 James 1:13-16 – We are tempted by our own evil desires.
291 Mark 7:6-8 – You worship in vain with rules and tradition
292 Mark 13:22-23 – Those that study the Word will not be fooled
293 Luke 11:52 – Don’t hinder the brethren with legalism
294 Luke 4:5-6 – The world belongs to Satan

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and you too! But instead expose them so that this DARKNESS will be turned to light.295 A good way to test a man’s spirit is to listen to what he confesses.296 If he confesses that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in the flesh, then he is of God,297 if not he has the spirit of the Antichrist.

For those seeking God, there is a real battle to gain victory over oppression and lust. If you will receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your heart, you will be an over comer.

Pray simple words from the heart, when you pray do not use chanting and vain repetitions as the Eastern religions practice.298 Avoid this profane and vain chanting as it will spread to ungodliness like a Cancer; handle the truth of God correctly.

You will be sifted as wheat in the end times, antichrists will come in the name of Jesus seeking men to follow them.299 Things will be so confused that some men will even be betrayed by parents, brothers, relatives and friends;300 take heed, do not be deceived.

Satan sifted two of the twelve disciples;301 one realized too late that he was deceived and killed himself. The other returned to the faith and strengthened his brothers; both denied Christ, both have life after death; one in Hell, one in Heaven. It is obvious that even in the innermost circles, care must be taken that we walk alert as watchmen, studying the faith, lest we be deceived.

The Invitation

Satan blinds the mind; the minds of the unbeliever have been blinded by Satan.302 The Gospel of Jesus Christ has become veiled to those that are perishing. You cannot love, serve and be loyal to two different gospels; one must be rejected.303 If someone among you wanders away, try to bring him back, as you will literally save him from death and will cover a multitude of sins.304 God will deal more severely with the man who has heard the gospel and rejected it than the man who has never heard.305

You’re not good enough: There are false teachings that we too must bear the same cross as Jesus did. Not true; for those that love the Lord have a sound mind and no longer walk in condemnation.306 God has provided a way of escape from temptations that come against the believer.307 Jesus conquered the battle through the cross, and has handed us the prize; we are more than a conqueror308. We got the prize without even having to fight the battle.

Doubt stops you from entering: We must all be of the same mind, walking the same walk. Observe your friends; their walk may be revealing that they are actually enemies of the Gospel of Jesus.309 If you died tonight; would you know without a shadow of a doubt that you would be with the Father?310 If there is doubt, your mind will be battered about like the waves on the sea. Doubt will cause you to be a double minded man and unstable in your ways.311 If there is unbelief in your heart toward the Gospel of Christ, your spirit will depart from the Living God and you will not enter the final reward.312

  1. 295  Ephesians 5:6-11 – Expose fruitless deeds of darkness

  2. 296  1 John 4:1-3 – Test the spirits for little antichrists

  3. 297  1 John 5:1 – If you believe in Jesus you are born of God -- 1 John 5:4-5 – If you are born of God, you have overcome the world

  4. 298  Matthew 6:7-8 – Don’t chant vain repetitions. -- 2 Timothy 2:15-18 – Handle the Truth correctly; avoid chanting

  5. 299  Luke 21:8 – Many deceivers will come; the time is near

  6. 300  Luke 21:16 – Families will leave the faith

  7. 301  Luke 22:3 – Satan wants to sift Judas Iscariot -- Luke 22:31– Satan wants to sift Simon Peter

  8. 302  2 Corenthians 4:3-4 – Satan has veiled and blinded those that are perishing

  9. 303  Matthew 6:24 – You cannot serve two masters

  10. 304  James 5:19-20 – We should try to bring a wander back into the fold

  11. 305  Luke 12:48 – When you know the Word, much is expected of you

  12. 306  Romans 8:1 – The believer is no longer condemned. -- 2 Timothy 1:7 – We have been given a spirit of power and love

  13. 307  1 Corenthians 10:13 – We have been given a way out of sin

  14. 308  Romans 8:35-37 – We didn’t battle, but got the prize; we are more than conquerors.

  15. 309  Philippians 3:15-18 – Sadly many live as enemies of the cross

  16. 310  1 Corenthians 10:12 – Think you can save yourself; you are dead meat.

  17. 311  James 1:6-8 – Doubt gives birth to double-mindedness

  18. 312  Hebrews 3:12-19 – Unbelief will stop you from entering the kingdom

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Just as those led by Moses in the wilderness doubted God and wandered forty years and DID NOT receive the Promised Land.

Spiritual warfare: It is interesting to note that the things that seem to come against us are not the people we confront, but are things not seen, things that are in the spiritual realm.313 Unless you have the right spiritual weapons, you cannot cut through this darkness and be a winner in your everyday walk. It is also noteworthy that having only a part of the weapons of protective devices will result in defeat and death.

If you will just simply put on the whole bullet proof suit314 that God has provided, you won’t have to do much fighting at all. All you have to do is stand, pray in the spirit, and speak boldly the Gospel. God will even provide a bucket of water to put out the fires.

Acknowledge God before men: If you deny the Gospel of Jesus before men, Christ will deny you before God.315 Rejection of the teachings of Jesus is a rejection of God, be careful that the light in you is not darkness.316

It can’t be that simple: Satan would have us in bondage to certain customs or rituals that are so complicated that we would believe that we are not worthy or that the sacrifices are just too great. Actually Jesus made it very simple, as all we have to do is believe that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to be our Savior, repent of our sins and we will receive eternal life.317

Here’s the promise: John 6:40; this is the will of him that sent me, that EVERY ONE which sees the Son, and BELIEVETH on him, may have EVERLASTING LIFE: and I will raise him up at the last day. KJV

Don’t look back at where you came from:318 Do not be moved back and forth by listening to strange doctrines,319 but listen to those who have been placed in the body to lead and teach because they are the watchmen for your soul and must give account to the father.320

If after taking hold of the Gospel of Christ, you look back on strange doctrines, you will not be fit for the Kingdom of God.

It’s in the Book

313 Ephesians 6:12-13 – We struggle against spiritual forces of evil
314 Ephesians 6:14-18 – Put on the full gospel armor
315 Luke 12:8-9 – Acknowledge God and He will acknowledge you. -- Luke 10:16 – Rejecting Jesus is Rejects God
316 Luke 11:35 – See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness
317 John 3:15-16 – The plan is simple; WHO SO EVER will come -- John 4:14 – There it is again; Who So Ever -- John 5:24 – If you will hear and believe -- John 6:27 – Seek the Word of God which endures forever -- John 6:47 – Just Believe, repent and receive everlasting life -- John 6:54 – Read and Do His Word
318 Genesis 19:26 – Keep going toward Christ; DON’T LOOK BACK -- Luke 9:62 – DON’T LOOK BACK at where you have come from. 319 Hebrews 13:9 – Don’t be caught up in strange doctrine.
320 Hebrews 13:17 – OBEY those who have been placed in authority to lead and teach

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Chapter 6. 14

Jehovah Witness Cult

The Cross is a pagan Sex symbol – Jesus has already returned - There is no Trinity

First Word

This Word Study is not to Judge the Jehovah Witness denomination, but to express an earnest sorrow for their blind deception, not only for themselves, but for those who they solicit as they go door to door, blindly leading them into this same deception; they will all fall into the ditch.321

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is teaching The Beatitudes which did NOT show a person howtobesaved,butshowsthecharacteristicsofapersonWHOISSAVED. Theyarenotpromises, but a description. It’s in the Book

Blessed are those who mourn; this second beatitude really grabs my Spirit. This mourning is acknowledging my own personal sins with a broken heart before God. My sins are just too deep to conceal. It is weeping in Godly sorrow and compassion over misguided perishing JW souls and anguishing over sins of others; tears of sorrow for injustice and wanting right to prevail.322


CULT; A religious group that 1) meets regularly; 2) has an altar; 3) prays to a deity; 4) points to a different book other than the Bible, and/or 5) points to a prophet or founder who has “special enlightenment” not found in the Bible.

Jehovah Witnesses 1) meet regularly, 2) have an altar, 3) pray to a deity; 4) point to the WATCHTOWER for new enlightenment and point to their New World Translation book as the Bible and 5) point to Charles Taze Russell as their prophet. ALL FIVE CULT POINTS MET

All cults do not have all the same characteristics. Some stress moral activities, others lifestyle; the kind of method of proselytizing; manifestation of Spiritual Gifts, Spirit Guides, Self-denial; Rejection of the upper classes values; Chanting, Channeling, Visions, Scientific, Philosophical and Communal methods and Sex freedom religions; then there is bizarre cultic behavior such as Jim Jones.

We simply cannot lump all cults together although they have ONE theme in common; THEY ALL PRESENT A DIFFERENT GOSPEL.

Jesus Christ Plus

Jesus Christ Plus Rules, Rites, Myths and Traditions; immediately, as the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached; “Another Gospel” began. This gospel was that of Jesus Christ “PLUS” customs and rites; (circumcision - hand washing) The very first group was called “Judaizers” who sought to make Jewish Law a part of Christianity, later there were splinter groups like the “Nicolaitanes” who added their own legalism.323 Today we call these legalistic movements; Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc.

How good is good; when are you good enough? Salvation is Jesus Christ PLUS nothing else.

321 Galatians 1:6-7 – Some folks change so quickly to ANOTHER GOSPEL -- Matthew 15:14 – JW are the blind leading the blind into a ditch
322 Isaiah 6:5 – Recognizing who I am before God, I am spiritually bankrupt -- Psalms 119:136 – Mourning for my sin and others sin - - Matthew 5:1-9 – Mourning over those that are misguided

323 Titus 1:10-14 – Jesus PLUS Jewish Myths -- Mark 7:6-7 – Jesus PLUS Rules -- Mark 7:13 – Jesus PLUS Traditions -- Revelation 2:6 – Jesus PLUS more stuff; The Nicolaitans; -- Mark 7:8 – Your Tradition supersedes God’s commands

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Watchtower Society

The Watchtower Society and its followers claim they are all PROPHETS of God and their governing body is directed by angels of God. They are the only source of God’s truth and they alone can interpret God’s word. There is no salvation apart from following the NWT bible; your soul will be destroyed.

The Watchtower and Awake Magazine are treated as EQUAL to the Bible. When the Watchtower Society changes their doctrines, they say it’s because the “light of truth” is getting brighter. Their light bounces from old views to new views then back to old views again; ABOUT FACES.

They have their own Bible; the NWT, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Four out of the five translators did not know Greek nor Hebrew, but they were “experienced” JW followers who were anointed to do the work. There is no salvation apart from following the NWT bible.

For your prayers to be heard you must use the correct name for God, the name Jehovah.

Watchtower Prophecy

The Bible has a word or two from God about Prophecy; I am against the prophets who steal from one another words supposedly from me. Yes,” declares the LORD, “I am against the prophets who wag their own tongues and yet declare, ‘The LORD declares.’ Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams,” declares the LORD. “They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I DID NOT SEND OR APPOINT THEM. They do not benefit these people in the least. Let’s look at some of the JW prophecies.

1897 Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present, since October 1874. Didn’t Happen

1899 The battle of “the great day of God Almighty”, which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present ruler ship, is already commenced." Didn’t Happen

1916 The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the six great 1000 year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great 7th Day, the 1000 years of Christ's Reign, began in 1873. Well that Didn’t Happen either

1918 Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection. Didn’t Happen

1925 The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished. It may not be. In his own due time God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year. Didn’t Happen

1925, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other patriarchs were supposed to be back on earth as perfect humans. Didn’t Happen NOTE: The Society built "Beth Sarim", a palatial home for them, BUT since they did not appear, the President of the Society moved in.

1931 There was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1917, 1918, and 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time ... and they also learned to quit fixing dates. This one was right on; DON’T FIX DATES

1941 Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon. Well Armageddon didn’t happen either

Bible False Prophets: In the NT there was a guy named Bar-Jesus mentioned as a false prophet as well as a woman named Jezebel who called herself a prophet. Then there was a guy named Simon the Magician who tried to buy the Holy Spirit. There was also a Lying Prophet who said he got a message from God through an angel, thereby tricking another Prophet to disobey God. 324

324 Matthew 24:24 – False Prophets perform such great signs they could lead the Believers astray, if that were possible -- Deuteronomy 18:20 –Jeremiah 23:30-32 – False Prophet steals testimony of others

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There are THREE TEST for a True Prophet.

  1. 1)  Doctrines: If they are able to give signs and wonders, but their teaching contradicts the doctrines of Moses concerning the one true God, they are a False Prophet.

  2. 2)  Prophecy: If 100% of what they say does not come to pass then they are a False Prophet.

  3. 3)  Morals: If their lifestyle is immoral or their message strengthens the hands of the evil doer then they are a False Prophet.

Bible: Any prophet that speaks on God’s behalf PRESUMPTUOUSLY will DIE; think about that one; speaking presumptuously of God.326


JW Evangelism is spread door to door, being taught that they are under a biblical command to engage in public preaching. The distribution of Watchtower literature is the ruse of getting a BIBLE STUDY started with you. They are trained with “flow chart theology” to redirect your questions to verses in the Bible that will eventually drill down in defense of JW dogma...

The sole purpose is that the student will be baptized and become a member of the JW or to say it another way; their purpose is to PROSELYTIZE and Recruit, not teach the scriptures. My first cousin opened her doors to a JW Bible study which was discontinued after a few weeks because she did not show promise for membership.

They use their own NWT Bible; the New World Translation which CORRECTS THE ERRORS in the inspired word of God; the KJV Bible. Did you know that four of the five JW translators did not know Greek nor Hebrew, but it was said that they were “experiencedJW followers therefore anointed to do the work.

Jesus - The JW version
JW Michael the Archangel was the first thing created by God, who then in turn created the

heavens, earth and man. Michael then came back in human form as baby Jesus.
Bible There is a clear distinction between Angels and Jesus. No Angel is ever worshipped in scripture. Angels are called “Sons of God”; Jesus is called “THE Son of God”.327 Scripture shows

that Michael the Archangel deferred his authority to Jesus.328
JW Jesus did not become the Messiah until the age of 30.
Bible Jesus was BORN the Messiah. “For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a SAVIOR,

who is Christ the Lord”.329
JW When Christ died, His body WAS NOT RESURRECTED, but dissolved into gases and

disappeared forever. After three days he materialized in a FAKE BODY with FAKE NAIL PRINTS just so His disciples would believe.

Bible Jesus appeared not to just the twelve disciples, but to OVER 500 Believers at one time and Thomas put his finger into His wounds.330

JW Jesus returned INVISIBLY to earth in 1914 and has now returned to heaven until the millennium, when the dead will be resurrected and have a chance for eternal salvation by following the principals of the Jehovah Witnesses.

Bible When Christ returns in the clouds EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, he WILL NOT be invisible.331

325 1 John 4:1 - Do not believe every spirit; TEST THE SPIRITS
326 A Prophet that speak words of God PRESUMPTUOUSLY will DIE
327 Hebrews 1:5-8 – God never called any angel his begotten Son. Me
328 Jude 1:9 – Michael defers his authority over to Jesus
329 Luke 2:11 – Jesus was born the Messiah, not when he turned 30
330 1 Corinthians 15:6 – Jesus appeared to 500+ people, not just 12 -- John 20:27-29 - Blessed are those who believe without seeing 331 Revelation 1:7 – NOT INVISIBLE; every eye will see Him

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JW The time is at hand – Page 99 – Invisible Return of Christ
We consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished by the end of A.D. 1914" ... THE 'BATTLE OF THE GREAT DAY OF GOD ALMIGHTY' (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present ruler ship,


JW 1 Thessalonians 4:16 - Jesus is the Archangel Michael
16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an ARCHANGEL, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. (NKJV)

Everyone agrees that scriptures says that there is ONLY ONE GOD, but what’s in debate is God’s

sovereignty to present Himself in THREE other forms of persons.
JW theology states that God is a single person not a trinity. Trinitarianism is a demonic doctrine

and the pastors that teach this are anti-Christ’s and their churches are run by Satan.
JW find it easy enough to believe that H2O can present itself in three mediums, Liquid, Ice and Steam, but yet reject the Sovereign God who made the H2O, that He cannot present Himself in three

The Bible: Jesus gave the Great Commission and said to go and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The Father is God; but, the Father is not the Son, nor the Holy Spirit. The Son is God; but, the Son is not the Father, nor the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is God; but, the Holy Spirit is not the Father, nor the Son.

Paul embraced the Trinity when he said; “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all”. There is overwhelming EVIDENCE in scripture that the Trinity is The Father, Son and Holy Spirit; they are THREE DISTINCT PERSONS of God. 332

There is a trinity of primary colors; Red, Green, and Blue: All the rest of the colors are a derivation from them. Pure White is made up of all the colors; darkness is the absence of all colors. God’s word contains all the colors; the more we read God’s Word, the further from darkness we get and the closer to pure white light we become. SELAH

In the beginning before anything else existed the Trinity was; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It’s in the Book

Matthew 28:19 – Great Commission; Father, Son & Holy Spirit

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the

name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT, (ESV)

1 Corenthians 12:4-6 – Same Spirit, Same Lord, Same God

4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same (Holy) Spirit.
5 There are different kinds of service, but the same
(Son) Lord.
6 There are different kinds of working, but the same
(Father) God works all of them in all men. NIV

332 John 1:1 – In the beginning Jesus was with God and was God -- Ephesians 4:4-6 – One Spirit, One Lord, One God, -- Matthew 3:16-17 – Present at the same time; Jesus, Holy Spirit, God’s voice from Heaven -- 2 Corenthians 13:14 – Lord Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit -- Acts 2:38-39 – Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, God -- Ephesians 4:4-6 – One Spirit, One Lord, One God -- 1 Peter 1:2 – God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ -- Jude 20-21 – The Holy Spirit, God, Lord Jesus Christ -- John 15:26 – The Counselor, the Father, Jesus the Christ -- Psalm 102:25 – Before Creation existed; God the Father -- Colossians 1:16 – Before Creation existed; God the Son -- Genesis 1:2 – Before Creation existed; God the Holy Spirit -- 2 Corinthians 13:14 – Paul embraces the TRINITY


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The Cross

The Greek and Latin words corresponding to "crucifixion" applied to many different forms of painful execution: impaling on a stake into their private parts; picture a sharp pole impaled up the buttocks into the torso of the body; then there was the simple affixing to a tree, or affixing to an upright pole and then there was the combination of affixing the person to an upright pole and a crossbeam. Some have the condemned affixed with their head down to the ground while others stretch out their arms above their head on the gibbet which was only one vertical stake, called in Latin “crux simplex”.

JW when Christ died, His body was not resurrected, but it dissolved into gases and disappeared forever. After three days he appeared in a fake body so His disciples would believe.

JW do not use the cross in worship because they believe Jesus died on a stake, not a cross and furthermore the cross is a pagan SEX SYMBOL of worship; ALL buildings or persons displaying the cross are likewise pagan.

JW believes that PAGANS used the cross as a religious symbol before the time of Christ.

Bible: Although this is true, there is no evidence that Christians intentionally borrowed the cross from any cultic pagan religion. Two intersecting lines are simple and are very common throughout all of history. You can see it in a plow, an anchor and a sail mast. The Christian Cross is a “distinct feature” of Christian art.

JW reject the notion that Jesus was crucified on a cross in favor of an upright pole or stake using Paul’s expression of Jesus dying “on a tree” as their defense.

JW further point out that for the first 300 years after the death of Christ that there is no evidence of Christians utilized the cross in worship. It was when the PAGAN Emperor Constantine became a convert to the Christian faith that the cross was promoted as a Christian symbol.

JW literature states that “apparently the cross was used to make it easier for pagans to accept Christianity”.

JW believe that True Christians do not use the Cross in worship because it is of pagan origin and linked with nature worship and pagan sex rites.

HOWEVER most historians believe that the cross was most likely an upright vertical beam that was already set in the ground at the place of execution. It was already notched on the top to accept a “cross beam” that the condemned would be tied to. It would then be hoisted up and dropped securely onto the fitted notch which would then formed a “T” shape.

In some cases, the condemned was forced to carry the crossbeam to the place of execution. A whole cross would weigh well over 300 pounds, but the crossbeam would not be quite as burdensome, varying in weight between 40 to a 100 pounds. Wikipedia

Normally only the horizontal crossbeam of the Roman cross was carried strapped across the shoulders. We don’t know if it was this beam or the whole cross that Jesus labored and struggled under.

Recent "NEW LIGHT"; the Watchtower now admits they are not certain about the cross, but will continue to deny it anyway. NOTE; originally the watchtower claimed it WAS a cross...

JW Galatians 3:13 –Not a Cross, it was a tree

13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse

for us—for it is written,

Cursed is everyone who is HANGED ON A TREE(ESV)

JW Deuteronomy 21:22 – Hang on a tree, not a cross
22And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is

put to death, and you HANG HIM on a TREE, (ESV)

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The JW 144,000

JW Jesus Christ, is NOT the Mediator between Jehovah God and ALL mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of SPIRITUAL ISRAEL.

Spiritual Israel is limited to only 144,000 "anointed" JW members, who will be resurrected or transferred at death, to live in heaven and rule over earth with Christ; they will have IMMORTAL LIFE and spirit bodies.

Bible: but to ALL who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.333

JW In addition to the 144,000; a SEPARATE CLASS of JW members known as the "great multitude," will have just EVERLASTING LIFE and resurrected bodies which still need to eat and drink and will live in a paradise restored on earth. By implication, the millions of other professing Christians; will remain dead in their sins.

Bible: There is only one God, and there is one mediator between God and ALL men, the Son of God, Christ Jesus.334 The 144,000 are God’s special End Time Evangelist on EARTH, they are not in heaven and they are ALL Jews, not Gentiles.335 It’s in the Book

JW – Desire for Peace and Security

Page 9-12 – Jesus is Mediator to only the limited 144,000

It is as the apostle Paul wrote to his Christian fellow worker: "There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 2:5). Was Moses the mediator between Jehovah God and mankind in general? No, he was the mediator between the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the nation of their fleshly descendants. Likewise, the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.

Legalism – Rules
JW have self-made traditional legalistic restrictions:

Must not participate in politics.
Must refuse to vote.
Must refuse to join the military.
Must refuse to salute the flag because it is a symbol of idolatry. Must refuse to sing the national anthem.

Must refuse to celebrate birthdays or Christmas or civil events; otherwise it brings on the condemnation of God.

Must have a schedule to canvass door to door and solicit contributions and turn in reports.

Must use the name of the true God JEHOVAH for their prayers to be heard; no salvation is possible without using the name JEHOVAH.

If you leave the organization, you are an apostate and are to be shunned; your remaining family will not be allowed to speak to you.

Bible: Jesus gave us a new Covenant, to be free of the legalism of the 613 laws of the Old Covenant. The Apostle Paul asked; why would you want to turn back again to the weak and beggarly elements, and desire to be in bondage to legalism again?

Galatians 4:9 – Free from the weak & beggarly elements of legalism

9 But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to THE WEAK AND BEGGARLY ELEMENTS, to which you desire again to be in BONDAGE? (NKJV)

333 John 1:12 – All who receive Him have the right to become God’s children
334 1 Timothy 2:5 - One mediator between God & man; Christ Jesus -- Hebrews 9:15 – Jesus is the mediator of a new covenant. 335 Revelation 7:4-8 – Tribes of Israel; 144,000 ALL Hebrews, JEWS

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Blood Transfusions

JW refuse blood transfusions, which they consider a violation of God's law based on their interpretation of the scriptures. If a JW takes a blood transfusion willingly, it results in his eternal death.

Bible: Scripture speaks of VIOLENCE and SLAUGHTER of an animal’s blood, not the FREE WILL giving of blood to save a life. When a blood transfusion is given, no one lost their life, but a life might be saved by the process. Eating blood and a blood transfusion are NOT morally equivalent; they are opposite.

Jesus said “Then are you also WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING? Do you NOT see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, since it enters NOT HIS HEART but his stomach, and is expelled?” (Thus he declared all foods clean.)

A transfusion of blood is different, the blood stays blood, bringing life and oxygen to the body, it is not broken down in the digestive system; eating blood and blood transfusions are not even remotely the same thing. It’s a sad thing to ponder how many needless lives are lost because of this false teaching.

JW Acts 15:28-29 –- Abstain from Blood

28 For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you

no greater burden than these requirements:

29 that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from

blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual

immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well.

Farewell.” (ESV)

JW Genesis 9:4 –- Don’t eat flesh with blood
4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.


JW Leviticus 17:10 –- Anyone who eats blood will be cut off

10 If any one of the house of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn

among them eats any blood, I will set my face against that person

who eats blood and will cut him off from among his people (ESV).

JESUS Mark 7:18-19 – Blood enters the stomach & is expelled

18 And he said to them, “Then are you also without understanding?



19 since it enters NOT HIS HEART but his stomach, and is expelled?”

(Thus he declared all foods clean.) (ESV)

At Death

JW The human soul ceases to exist at death; eternal punishment of the lost is ANNIHILATION. A loving God would not send anyone to burn in hell fire for eternity.

Annihilationism is the belief that the final judgement will result in unsaved souls being completely destroyed rather than being subjected to eternal punishment.

Bible: There is no annihilation, just eternal life somewhere. The accursed will go away into ETERNAL PUNISHMENT and the righteous will go into ETERNAL LIFE.336

Matthew 25:46 – The accursed will go into eternal punishment

46 And these (accursed) will go away into ETERNAL PUNISHMENT, but the righteous into ETERNAL LIFE.” (ESV)

336 Genesis 3:17-19 – At death you still exist somewhere; NOT ANNIHILATED Page 85

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The Return of Jesus

JW: Jesus has already returned, it happened October 1874 AD and Christ is already gathering His elect. “Consequently the Kingdom, as represented in our Lord, and the sleeping saints already fitted and prepared and found worthy to be members of "his body," the "bride", was set up in 1878 AD”. They claim Jesus returned invisibly to earth in 1914 and has now returned to heaven till the millennium, when the dead will be resurrected and have a chance for eternal salvation by following the principals of the Jehovah Witnesses.

Bible: If anyone tells you, “There He is, out in the desert”, DO NOT GO OUT; or, `Here He is, in the inner rooms”, DO NOT BELIEVE IT. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. DON’T LET ANYONE DECEIVE YOU in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, (the Anti-Christ) the man doomed to destruction. 337

JW Studies in Scripture

Page 621-622 - Jesus Christ returned October 1874 AD

But now we are in the end of this Gospel age, and the Kingdom is being established or set up. Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present, since October 1874, A.D., according to the testimony of the prophets, to those who have ears to hear; and the formal inauguration of his kingly office dates from April 1878 A.D.: and the first work of the Kingdom, as shown by our Lord, in his parables and prophecy (the gathering of "his elect"), is now in progress. "The dead in Christ shall rise first, "explained the Lord through the Apostle; and the resurrection of the Church shall be in a moment* Consequently the Kingdom, as represented in our Lord, and the sleeping saints already fitted and prepared and found worthy to be members of "his body," the "bride," was set up in 1878; and all that remains to be done for its completion is the "gathering together unto the Lord' of those of the "elect" who are alive and remain--whose trial is not yet complete.

The Take Away
Bible: God is ALL present; everywhere at once. He cannot be contained in heaven or in earth.

He is ALL present in the everyday life of each person, all the time.339

337 Matthew 24:3 – End of the age SIGNS Olivet Discourse -- Matthew 24:24-27 – All will see His return; so watch out for False Prophets. -- Matthew 25:13 – You will know neither the day nor the hour -- 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – Christ will not come till the Anti- Christ is revealed
338 Job 12:13 – He has wisdom, knowledge and power -- Genesis 16:13 – He is the God who sees us. -- 1 Samuel 16:7 – He knows our character -- 2 Kings 19:27 – He sees where we come and go -- Psalms 119:168 – Everything I do, He sees -- 1 Chronical 28:9 – He knows why we do things. -- Psalms 44:21 – God knows my motives -- Psalms 103:14 – He knows my whole body -- Job 28:10 – God knows where the treasured are buried -- Psalms 147:4 – He know the names of the stars -- Job 26:6 – He sees what is happening in Hell.

339 Acts 7:48-49 – Heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool -- 1 Kings 8:27 – God cannot be contained in Heavens -- 2 Chronical 2:6 – No building can contain Him -- Psalms 139:3 – He knows my everyday life -- Genesis 28:16 – He is ever present and we don’t know it.
340 2 Corenthians 6:14-15 – Do not be in partnership with an unbeliever.

JW God does not know all things

Bible: God is ALL knowing; He sees us wherever we are and what we are doing and knows the motives in our heart for our actions. He knows the names of the stars and what’s happening in Hell.338

JW God can’t be but in one place at a time.

WHAT DOES GOD SAY about someone who brings a different Gospel to your home? Exclude from the fellowship those who speak contrary to the Gospel and cause divisions and offenses.340

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AVOID these people who deceive the hearts of the simple. It is possible for folks to look like they are supporting the Gospel of Christ when actually that are possessed by an evil spirit.

Withdraw from “Brothers in Christ” who are deceived and drawn away from the Gospel. Do not count them as the enemy yet, but WARN them so that they will return to the truth. There are many deceivers in the world who no not confess that Jesus is the Son of God, they are of the Antichrist.341

Don’t even “do lunch” with people in the fellowship who talk a different Gospel. Do not even sit at the same table with them for lunch.342 If a man calls himself a brother in Christ, but lives in sin, have nothing to do with him. Cast them out of the body, leave them to Satan’s followers that thy might see the light and their spirit be saved. Purge them out, that the body of Christ might be pure.

Don’t let them in your house; if someone life does not live in the doctrine of Christ, then he doesn’t have God in his life. 343

Don’t even shake his hand; if you welcome him, you share in his evil deeds. If you want to be friends with those who do not receive the PURE Gospel, then you make yourself an enemy of God.344 CURSE (excommunicate; put out of the body) any man or Angel that preaches a JESUS “PLUS” Gospel.345 Satan uses the scriptures against the Christian by quoting, “Blessing and Cursing” should not come out of a Christian’s mouth, but I say to you this is in reference to people made in the likeness of God.346 Any person that teaches a different Gospel is not walking in the likeness of God and

should be cursed, he is an antichrist.347
NOTE: In the last days, because the JW did not receive the love of the Gospel of Christ; God

will send a strong delusion to those that desire these lying wonders and signs and they will ultimately be condemned and separated from God.348 It’s in the Book

Galatians 1:6-12 – Let him be eternally condemned; damned

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to


7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you

9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted,


11 I want you to know, brothers that the gospel I preached is not

something that man made up.

12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I

received it by revelation from Jesus Christ. NIV

341 2 Thessalonians 3:6 – Keep away from brothers who live after the world --2 John 7 – You are an antichrist if you do not acknowledge Jesus Christ
342 1 Corenthians 5:11 – Don’t even have lunch with the deceiver
343 Romans 16:17-18 – Watch out for smooth talk and flattery -- 2 John 9-11 – Don’t let them in your house -- James 4:4 – The world is the enemy of God

344 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15 – Don’t associate with brothers that rebels
345 1 Corenthians 16:22 – The unbeliever and Make-believer is cursed.
346 James 3:10 – Blessing and cursing should not come out of the same mouth 347 1 Corenthians 5:1-7 – Excommunicate one who is in sin to save his soul. 348 Acts 16:16-18 – Evil spirits will seek VALIDATION BY ASSOCIATION.

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Chapter 6. 15

LDS Mormon Cult

Mark Twain describes THE BOOK OF MORMON as Chloroform in Print
Abstinence from tobacco, coffee, tea and alcohol is essential to enter the celestial kingdom Vicarious Baptism for the Dead – There is not a trinity - Mormons are the 144,000
God evolved from a lower life form - God had many wives – God requires polygamy
You too can be a god - Evil spirits emit an unpleasant odor – There are moon dwellers

First Word

Cult: A religious group that 1) meets regularly; 2) has an altar; 3) prays to a deity; 4) points to a different book other than the Bible, and/or 5) points to a prophet or founder who has “special enlightenment” not found in the Bible.

Latter Day Saints; Mormons 1) meet regularly, 2) have an altar, 3) pray to a deity; 4) point to the Book of Mormon for new enlightenment and as their Bible and 5) point to Joseph Smith as their prophet plus Brigham Young. ALL FIVE CULT POINTS MET

All cults are not the same. Some stress moral activities, others lifestyle; the method of proselytizing; manifestation of Spiritual Gifts, Spirit Guides; Chanting, Channeling, Visions, Communal methods and Sex freedom religions. We simply cannot lump all cults together although they ALL have ONE theme in common; THEY ALL PRESENT A DIFFERENT GOSPEL.349

Error rarely appears for what it really is. It is mingled with or attached to truth

so that it will gain acceptance; such is the Book of Mormon.

Two Books
Only a FOOL would accept the Bible as God’s ONLY scripture. There are TWO BOOKS. The

Prophet Ezekiel said there were TWO scrolls of God rolled up on sticks; the stick of Ephraim which is the Book of Mormon and the stick of Judah which is the Bible. In the mouth of TWO WITNESSES is a thing established, the Book of Mormon and the Bible.

The Bible has TWO WITNESSES, the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The Gospel is the laws and ordinances of the LDS Mormon Church. “For behold, I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting covenant; and IF YE ABIDE NOT that covenant, then are ye DAMMED; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory”.

Bible: Although the Mormons feel the Bible is corrupted and the “Plain and Precious Parts” are missing, out of ALL the copies of scrolls found to date, not ONE important doctrine has been placed in doubt, however almost 4000 changes have been made to the Book of Mormon.

Sacred Scripture includes; The Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price and the Bible which contains supplementary text.

Bible: All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be COMPLETE, equipped for every good work; the Word of the Lord remains forever.350

349 Matthew 15:14 – LDS are the blind leading the blind into a ditch
350 1 Peter 1:25 – The Bible remains forever -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – The Bible is God breathed -- Matthew 5:18 – Even the

punctuation is correct

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The Lost Books of the Bible that Joseph refers to are: Book of the Covenant, Book of Jasher, Book of the Acts of Solomon, Book of Jehu, Acts of Uzziah, Sayings of the Seers, Third Corinthians, Second Ephesians, and The Epistle to the Laodiceans.

Note: There were many book left out of the Bible because many were written and ascribed to one of the disciples when actually they were not. When Paul wrote to the churches, he had a style of writing and phrases he used that do not appear in many of the Apocryphal writings, therefore they were rejected. There are writings of Jesus performing miracles as a child, when the Bible strictly says that his FIRST MIRACLE was as an adult and was turning water into wine.

LDS 2 Nephi 29:3-6 – Only a fool would accept ONLY the Bible
3 And because of my words shall hiss forth – many of the Gentiles say; A “Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible.
4 But thus saith the Lord God;
O Fools they shall have a Bible; and it shall proceed forth from the Jews mine ancient covenant people.... 6 Thou FOOL, they shall say; A Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible. Have ye obtained a Bible save it were by the Jews?
Book of Mormon

LDS Doctrine and Covenants 132:4; Abide in covenant or be dammed 4 “For behold, I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye dammed; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory”. D&C

LDS Ezekiel 37:15-20 –Two Scrolls rolled on two stick; Two Books 15 The word of the LORD came to me:
16 Son of man, take a stick and write on it, ‘For Judah, (THE BIBLE) and the people of Israel associated with him’;

then take another stick and write on it, ‘For Joseph (the stick of Ephraim) (BOOK OF MORMON) and all the house of Israel associated with him.’
17 And join them one to another into one stick, that they may become one in your hand.

18 And when your people say to you, ‘Will you not tell us what you

mean by these?’

19 say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am about to take

the stick of Joseph (that is in the hand of Ephraim) and the tribes of

Israel associated with him. And I will join with it the stick of Judah,

and make them one stick, that they may be one in my hand.

20 When the sticks on which you write are in your hand before their

eyes, (Note: the two sticks were actually God’s nations Israel and Judah) (ESV)

LDS Deuteronomy 19:15 - Two Witnesses; Book of Mormon & Bible

15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for

any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of TWO WITNESSES,

or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established.

(Note: The two witnesses are the Old Testament and New Testament) (ASV)

Mark Twain describes The Book of Mormon as “Chloroform in Print”.

Is it LDS or is it LSD
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The Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon is “Another Testament” of Jesus Christ; A DIFFERENT GOSPEL. It says that the Bible is so imperfect that instead of leading men to God, it actually causes them to stumble. Jesus Christ lived too long ago to relate to anyone today, especially when you have a living prophet like Joseph Smith who continually informed his followers, as God’s chosen leader that HE ALONE had the right to revelation concerning the “whole church truth”, and every spirit that did not confess this is of the antichrist

The Book of Mormon corrects the translated errors in the Bible. The scriptures in the Bible that are correctly translated are the word of God. The Gospel is the laws and ordinances of the Mormon Church.

Joseph Smith

There were THREE Joseph Smiths;

Joseph Smith Sr., born July 12, 1771 and died September 14, 1840, his wife was Lucy Mack Smith. He was one of the eight witnesses to the Book of Mormon translated from the golden plates and was a member of the FREEMASONS in Ontario Lodge Number 23 Canandaigua, New York. (Hold that thought)

Joseph Smith Jr. born December 23, 1805, shot and killed June 27, 1844; his wife was Emma Smith plus MULTIPLE others. He is the founder of Mormonism. Junior claimed to have become a first degree FREEMASON the first night and rose the next night to the sublime degree; the Freemasons deny any connection to Joseph Smith. (Hold that thought)

Joseph Smith III born November 6, 1832 and died with a heart seizure December 10, 1914, he had multiple wives, Emmeline Griswold, Bertha Madison and Ada R. Clark. He was 11 years old when his father died and there was a struggle for leadership between him and Brigham Young. Some followed him and He became the Prophet-President of what was known as the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, now called the “Community of Christ”. Brigham Young took the majority of the LDS community and left Nauvoo in 1847.

The Early Years

After a revival, in the early 1820’s Joseph Smith Junior went into the woods to pray and a “Power” came over him and bound his tongue and a “Pillar of Light” descended upon him and two Personages suspended in air, called him “My Beloved Son” and told him not to join any of the existing churches. He was told many thing, but not to write them down.

At that same time he found a seer stone in a well that would let him see the location of things invisible to the naked eye; things hidden or lost and he hired himself out as a “SEER” to help people find buried treasure with his PEEP STONE.

In 1826 “Joseph Smith the Glass-Looker” was arrested, being called a charlatan treasure- hunter, and found guilty of being disorderly and an imposter; he never found anything. Last reported, the LDS was in possession of the peep stone.

351 Galatians 1:6 – Astonished you are turning to the Book of Mormon 352 2 Timothy 3:16 – The Bible is God breathed
353 2 Peter 1:21 – Men carried along by the Holy Spirit wrote the Bible

Bible: I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel; the Book of Mormon.351

Joseph Smith told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the Keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book. Documentary History of the Church Vol IV page 461

Bible: All Scripture is God breathed and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.352 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.353

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The Golden Plates

Three years after his first spiritual encounter; while praying in bed, a great light shown around him. The Angel Moroni; A messenger from God appeared to him suspended in air. He told Smith about a Book written on Golden Plates and hidden with them were two “seers” stones in Silver Bows known as the “Urim and Thummim” that was attached to a “Breastplate” to help him translate the book on the golden plates.

He was told not to show the plates or seers to anyone unless commanded to do so; and then gave him a vision of their hiding place on a hill buried under a large stone in a stone container. He was instructed he could not touch the plates. For Several Years Smith went back to meet with Moroni for further instructions; then finally in September of 1827 the angel Moroni turned the golden plates, the seer’s stones and the breastplate over to Smith and he began to translate the golden plates with the help of his wife as a scribe. He kept the plates wrapped up in cloth, so his wife never saw them. She reported that Smith translated them without unwrapping them by use of his seer stone.

In 1829 Smith showed the plates to eleven people who testified of their existence. Three testified that the angel showed them the plates and the other eight claimed to have seen and touched the plates. Oliver Cowdery, a school teacher heard of the plates and became Smith’s scribe. Less than half of the plates were translated, the remaining untranslated plates were sealed and taken back by the angel. He dictated the Book of Mormon in 75 working days; it was then copyrighted June 1829. It’s

only my guess that the Book of Mormon was named after the Angel Moroni.

John the Baptist a messenger from God appeared to the both of them and conferred upon them the Priesthood of Aaron. As I read this I begin to wonder if John the Baptist appeared with or without his head which had been cut off.

Around 1829-30, Peter, James and John appeared to Smith and Cowdery and gave them the “Keys to the Kingdom” and bestowed upon Smith, the ordination of “The order of the MelchizedekPriesthood with the authority to organize a church.

On April 6, 1830, Smith and Cowdery started a church in Fayette, New York and laid hands on six other baptized believers confirming them as members of THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH.

In 1836 Kirkland Temple was dedicated and culminated by the appearance to Smith and Cowdery of Moses, Elisha and Elijah as well as Jesus Christ.

To the avid Student of the Bible, these phrases are just ludicrous and are just plain stolen straight out of the Bible; every one of them and they just make you smile and shake your head. There is no angel Moroni in the Bible, and after the resurrection and assentation of Christ into heaven, there is no record of any apostle or prophet or even Jesus Christ coming back from the dead to communicate with anyone. Paul only heard a voice on the Damascus Road, he did not see Jesus.

Smith was obviously communicating with a FAMILIAR SPIRIT, a demon. LSD psychedelic drug; Lysergic Acid Diethylamide; produces an altered awareness of the surroundings, perceptions, and feelings as well as sensations and images that seem real all though they are not. Perhaps Joseph Smith was not thinking LDS, BUT LSD, just saying.


Wikipedia Bible: Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from

God, for many FALSE PROPHETS have gone out into the world”.354
354 Isaiah 8:19 – Inquire of God for the Living; not the Dead -- Leviticus 20:6 – Do not seek Familiar Spirits and Wizards -- 1 John 4:1

- Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits -- Matthew 14:8-10 – John the Baptist was beheaded.
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is a form of magic involving communication with the deceased, the dead either by

summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily for the purpose of divination,

imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge. The term may

sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to BLACK MAGIC or WITCHCRAFT.

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Joseph Smith, Jr. continually informed his followers, as God’s chosen leader that he alone had the right to revelation concerning the “whole church truth”, and every spirit that did not confess this is of the antichrist. Any prophecy received by anyone of the members must be approved by Smith, any prophecy that contradicted his prophesies was from the Devil.

Prophecies of Joseph Smith: The U.S. Government would be overthrown unless it redressed the wrong doing to Mormons to their satisfaction. Didn’t Happen. Christ would return in 1891, Didn’t Happen. Missouri Temple would be built in his generation. Didn’t Happen. ALL nations would be involved in the American Civil War. Well, that Didn’t Happen either. The earth will tremble and the sun hidden in “not many days.” None of these things happened.

The Bible: If the thing a prophet says does not come to pass, HE IS A FALSE PROPHET.355

Degrees of Heaven

February 16, 1932, Smith developed the doctrine of the three degrees of Heaven; the Celestial, the Terrestrial and the Telestial, they were degrees of glory in the Kingdom of God.

Celestial Kingdom is occupied by those who accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and lived up to the required LDS ordinances and Covenants. They will be given a white stone with their new name written on it which becomes a “seer stone” to the recipient.

Terrestrial Kingdom is occupied by those who lived respectably, but were blinded by the “craftiness of men” and REJECTED the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and those who REJECTED the Gospel in their mortal lives, but afterwards received it in the “spirit world”. They will receive the presence of the Son, but not the fullness of the Father.

Telestial Kingdom is occupied by those who did not receive the gospel of Jesus Christ will remain in a spirit prison for 1000 years then resurrected and receive an immortal physical body.

Bible; there is NO SECOND CHANCE; it is appointed for man to die once and then after that comes the judgment.356

LDS Revelation 22:10-11 –The three degrees of Heavenly glory
10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.
11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still (Telestial Kingdom): and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still (Outer Darkness): and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still (Terrestrial Kingdom): and he that is holy, let him be holy still (Celestial Kingdom). (KJV)

The Temple

Secret temple vows and rites were practiced that were unspeakable and could not be revealed, strange garment worn, oaths and vengeance sworn to not reveal the secrets; “The penalty is demonstrated by a cutting motion across the chest with the right hand.

There are signs, tokens, penalties, and grips. Symbols like the Compass & Square which sounds identical to the FREEMASONS to me. The hand grip is given by pressing the thumb in the hollow between the first and second knuckles of the Hand. Both Joseph Smith Senior and Junior claimed to be Freemasons.

Just as the Mormon Cult points to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon as their source of enlightenment; so as the Freemasons point to Hiram Abiff their master builder and the Kabbalah for enlightenment. Cult Identifiers

355 Deuteronomy 18:21-22 – 100% must come true or he is a False Prophet 356 Hebrews 9:27 – NO SECOND CHANCE; Death then Judgment

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Salvation is achieved by obedience to Mormon laws and ordinances. Man’s traditions and works.

Works: “Once we have been resurrected, it will be our own efforts, not Christ’s sacrifice that will be the deciding factor.” Mormons are promised that they will become gods with angels in subjection to them. By joining the Mormon Church, a person makes himself eligible for eternal life.

Unpardonable sin: Accepting Mormonism and then rejecting it.

Bible: It is by grace that we have been saved through our faith in Jesus Christ. It is not a result of our works, it is the free gift of God, so that no one may boast.357


Baptism in the “Mormon Church” washes away all your sins; an agreement to “tithe” is reported to be necessary before baptism.

Baptism for the Dead is practiced in their secret temple rites according to the “Doctrine and Covenants”. Mormons emphasize that the family succession of baptized persons must form an unbroken chain back to Adam; they must research their own genealogy.358

The doctrine of vicarious baptism is a way to save someone who has already died. is the commercials you see running on TV to hook you; to proselyte you into the LDS Mormon cult.


God evolved from a lower form of life as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who evolved into Gods. God was once a man, but has been exalted. God is one of the countless gods in existence.

Bible; God said; before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.359
God has a body of flesh and bones, He has a God nature and a flesh nature.
We too can become exalted; become a god. The fall of mankind was a blessing in the

progression of humanity to the level of Godhood.
God can only be in one place at a time and sits on a burning sphere called Kolob that revolves

every 1,000 years. He is comforted by his wives and continues ceaseless reproduction.
Bible; The Big Lie from Satan beginning in the Garden of Eden; you too can become a god.360


Pre-existence: We existed in heaven with God our Father and our Mother before we became human. There was never a time when man did not exist and there will never be a time when he will cease to exist.

Each person was SELF-EXISTENT and COEQUAL with God. It was necessary that at our birth, the knowledge of “pre-existence” be removed; this is called “the Veil of Memories.”

Bible; in the beginning nothing existed until God spoke it into existence.361


The “wife” revelation was given that Joseph and other faithful Mormon men were permitted to have as many wives as they pleased. Before Joseph died, he had between 27 and 48 wives based on the documentation from the Mormon Church and other historians. He had married 12 women whose husbands were still living. It was share and share alike; he said, “I did not introduce polygamy, I just merely restored it”, and not only did God tolerate it, but that God required it.

357 Galatians 2:16 – We are not saved by works, but by His grace and our faith -- Ephesians 2:8-9 – Salvation is by FAITH not by WORKS
358 1 Timothy 1:3-4 – Do not devote yourselves to myths and endless genealogies Mormons baptisms
359 Isaiah 43:10 – No gods formed before ME and none after me

360 Genesis 3:5 – The first LIE of Satan; you too can be a god 361 Genesis 1:1-3 – God spoke everything into existence

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Smith writes: God commanded that Abraham take Hagar’s handmaid as his wife so that he could have the seed that God had promised him. Polygamy Commanded; it was not optional, but an everlasting covenant.

Bible: Sara took Hagar (FREE WILL) her maidservant, and gave her to Abram as a wife.362 God had nothing to do with Sara getting ahead of God’s (PREDESTINED) plan for the Nation of Israel.

God had many wives; therefore a heavenly Mother is logically a necessity; so there are also Mother gods. Only a part of the entities born to God are on earth, the rest are in many other worlds There are many other worlds that God created and only a part of those “begotten sons and daughters” were designated for earth.


Mary was one of God’s many wives; Mary was not a virgin: the Bible is in error. Jesus had two fathers; Joseph and God Himself in bodily form.


Jesus Christ lived too long ago to relate to anyone today, especially when you have a living prophet like Joseph Smith.

The earth was created by Jesus by “Organizing the existing Elements”. Jesus is the spiritual brother of Lucifer and so is man.


There is not a trinity; there are three distinct Gods: God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit (the spirit does not have a body as does the Father and Son.) There is NOT a three in one trinity.


The 144,000: the Mormons claim that they ONLY are the 144,000 who inherit eternal life and the remainder of their denomination will just live in Paradise.

Bible; the 144,000 are all Hebrews, JEWS 363 and are God’s special End Time Evangelist to the whole world; NOT a Gentile among them.

Other Endeavors
1831 Smith started a Communal Living project known as “The Order of Enoch” where all

things were held in common, but mob violence from the outside raided their homes, beat the men and turned them out into the cold of winter and the project collapsed.

1833 Smith got a Word of Wisdom from God that forbid the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages and hot beverages such as coffee and tea and forbid the excessive eating of meat. This abstinence is essential for entrance into the celestial kingdom. He founded that same year the “School of the Prophets” that taught Hebrew.

1837 Smith formed the KSS bank in Kirkland Ohio, the Kirtland Safety Society. Mormon currency was established by Smith in which to pay off everyone’s debts, it was not backed by gold, silver or anything of value and many merchants refused to take it; the bank failed.

1839 founded the City of Nauvoo on the banks of the Mississippi River. Nauvoo in Hebrew means “Beautiful Plantation”. Coupled with their huge Mormon POLITICAL voting bloc, it was rumored that he had a secret temple where mysterious rites were performed and that resulted in lots of trouble for him.

1843 because of his revelation of Polygamy; having many wives, he was arrested and put in jail.

1844 Smith had an unsuccessful attempt at running for President of the United States under the Theodemocracy Party banner.

362 Genesis 16:3 – Sara gave Hagar as a wife to Abram
363 Revelation 7:4-8 – Tribes of Israel; 144,000, ALL Hebrews; JEWS -- John 1:12 – All who believed and received Him; right to

become God’s children

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That same year an opposition newspaper called the “Nauvoo Expositor Press” ran editorials against him and he had it destroyed. That resulted in him being arrested and taken to jail where he was SHOT AND KILLED by a mob as he tried to escape the jail on June 27, 1844.

Far Out Stuff

A Mormon water tradition is that, in the beginning God blessed water, but cursed it in the last days; many older Mormons will not get near any body of water greater than a bathtub

Evil Spirits in a person can be detected as they “EMIT” an unpleasant odor and produce a “shock” to the observer.

There are moon dwellers according to Joseph Smith that are six feet tall and dress like Quakers and live to be 1,000 years old.

Brigham Young

Brigham Young born June 1, 1801 and believed died of a ruptured appendix August 29, 1877. He was a practicing METHODIST until he read the Book of Mormon and joined the church in 1832 and in 1835 he was ordained as a member of the “Original Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Brigham said that “every spirit that does not confess that God sent JOSEPH SMITH and revealed THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL to and through him, is an Antichrist”.

In December 1847, three and a half years after the death of Joseph Smith, Brigham was ordained as the 2nd President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints until his death in 1877. He founded Salt Lake City and served as the first governor of the Utah Territory. Salt Lake City is now the mecca for millions of Mormons.

He was called “Moses” because he led the exodus of the Mormon pioneers through the desert to their promised land. He directed the founding of 350 towns in the Southwest as well as founded Brigham Young University.

He had 55 wives and fathered 56 children by 16 of his wives and divorced 10 of his wives.364

The Priesthood - African Americans
After settling in Utah in 1848, Young announced a ban on blacks, preventing them from

participating in Mormon Temple Rites and the Priesthood because they were the Seed of Cain.
In 1863, Young stated "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so." He prophesied that the abolitionist movement would not free slaves because
SLAVERY was “the sentence of the Almighty upon the

seed of Ham”.
Priesthood privileges were refused to blacks; no man with even a single drop of Negroid blood

in his veins could hold the Mormon priesthood. Aaronic Priesthood; when ordained, through adoption, their blood is changed and they become the Jewish sons of Levi.

On June 9, 1978 when the government was getting heavy on discrimination, Joseph Smith got another “REVELATION” that it was now okay for Blacks to be in the priesthood. So the discrimination policy was rescinded by LDS Church president Spencer W. Kimball. Wikipedia

LDS 2 Nephi 5:21-23 – Black people are cursed by God
21 And he had caused THE CURSING to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.

364 Matthew 19:6 – God said; No Divorce; ten times Brigham Young didn’t comply Page 95

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22 And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be a loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities.

23 And cursed shall be the seed of him that mixes with their seed; for they shall be cursed even with the same cursing. And the Lord spake it, and it was done.

Adam - God Doctrine

The Adam-God Doctrine was taught by Smith to Young. Adam is "our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do". Adam was once a mortal man who became resurrected and exalted.

Adam brought from another planet to earth one of his wives named Eve, where they became mortal by eating the fruit of the Garden of Eden. After bearing mortal children and establishing the human race, Adam and Eve returned to their heavenly thrones where Adam acts as the god of this world. Adam returned to the earth to become the biological father of Jesus.

NOTE: TheLDSChurch’sNEWLIGHThassincerepudiatedtheAdam–Goddoctrine.


The most visible and most common type of missionaries are typically those who proselyte door- to-door and ride bicycles for transportation. Missionaries are expected to pay their own expenses while on the mission, often with assistance from their family.

Young men between the ages of 18 and 25 who meet standards of worthiness are strongly encouraged to consider a two-year, full-time proselytizing mission. This expectation is based in part on the New Testament passage "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations". 365

They will spend three weeks at an MTC Missionary Training Center where they practice using proselytizing materials, learn expected conduct, and study the scriptures.

Their Missionary Handbook contains the basic standards and conduct of missionary service. Missionary companions are instructed to stay together at all times and not to go out of the hearing of their companion's voice; following these standards will protect them both physically and spiritually. The Missionary Handbook is also commonly and informally referred to as "the white handbook" or "the white bible"

The Mormon’s New World Translation Bible is carried in the field and only the King James Version Bible can be referenced via Smartphone as it is the version from which the Book of Mormon interprets or translates.

Unpardonable sin

The Unpardonable sin is Accepting Mormonism and then rejecting it. Damnation is anything less than “Exaltation” which is becoming a God in the Celestial Kingdom.

Bible: Speaking against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come. It’s not about Mormonism, the Book of Mormon or traditions of the LDS, it’s about The Holy Spirit.366

Mormon Hysteria

Mountain Meadows Massacre was a series of attacks in September of 1857, on an emigrant wagon train, at Mountain Meadows, Utah resulting in the mass slaughter of the emigrants by members of the Nauvoo Legion Militia, composed of Mormon Latter-day Saints settlers.

Intending to leave no witnesses and thus prevent reprisals, the perpetrators killed all the adults and older children; about 120 men, women, and children in total; 17 children were spared. Historians attribute the massacre to a combination of factors; war hysteria about possible invasion of Mormon territory and hyperbolic Mormon teachings against outsiders.

365 Matthew 28:19-20 – The Great Commission; go and make disciples
366 Matthew 12:32 – Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be Un-forgivable in this age and the next -- Luke 12:10 – Anyone who

Blasphemes the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven

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WHAT DOES GOD SAY about someone who brings a different Gospel to your home?

EXCLUDE from the fellowship those who speak contrary to the Gospel and cause divisions and offenses. It is possible for folks to look like they are supporting the Gospel of Christ when actually that are possessed by an evil spirit. AVOID these people who deceive the hearts of the simple.367 CAST THEM OUT of the body, leave them to Satan’s followers that thy might see the light and their spirit be saved. PURGE THEM OUT, that the body of Christ might be pure.

Don’t even “do lunch” with people in the fellowship who talk a different Gospel. 368 Do not even sit at the same table with them for lunch. If a man calls himself a brother in Christ, but lives in sin, have nothing to do with him.

WITHDRAW from “Brothers in Christ” who are deceived and drawn away from the Gospel. Do not count them as the enemy yet, but WARN them so that they will return to the truth. There are many deceivers in the world who no not confess that Jesus is the Son of God, they are of the Antichrist.369

Don’t let them in your house: If someone life does not live in the doctrine of Christ, then he doesn’t have God in his life. If he brings a different doctrine, do not let him into your house. Don’t even shake his hand; if you welcome him, you share in his evil deeds. If you want to be friends with those who do not receive the PURE Gospel, then you make yourself an enemy of God.370

CURSE any man or Angel that preaches a JESUS “PLUS” Gospel. Satan uses the scriptures against the Christian by quoting, “Blessing & Cursing” should not come out of a Christian’s mouth, but I say to you this is in reference to people walking in the likeness of God. Any person that teaches a different Gospel is not walking in the likeness of God and should be cursed, he is an antichrist.371

The Bible does not contain the answer to every question that we might have, but it does contain EVERYTHING that we need to know to gain salvation and have a personal relationship with God now and in eternity. If we needed more information, God would have placed it in the Bible.

Salvation is Jesus PLUS nothing else; it’s not about a denomination; it’s about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; the Trinity.

From the Sermon on the Mount: Blessed are those who mourn; this mourning is acknowledging our own personal sins with a broken heart before God that is just too deep to conceal.372 We weep and anguish over the perishing lost LDS Mormon souls and those they will lead down this perverted path; they both will fall into the pit. LDS is Satan’s LSD Opioid

2 John 9-11 – Don’t let MORMANS in your house

9 Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God;
10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching,

11 Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work. NIV

367 Acts 16:16-18 – EVIL SPIRITS SEEK VALIDATION BY ASSOCIATION.-- Romans 16:17-18 – Watch out for smooth talk and flattery -- 1 Corenthians 5:1-7 – Excommunicate one who is in sin to save his soul.
368 1 Corenthians 5:11 – Don’t even have lunch with the deceiver
369 2 Thessalonians 3:6 – Keep away from BROTHERS who live after the world -- 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15 – Don’t associate with brothers that are in rebellion

370 James 4:4 – Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God --2 John 7 – You are an antichrist if you do not acknowledge Jesus Christ -- 2 Corenthians 6:14-15 – Do not be in partnership with an unbeliever.
371 James 3:10 – Blessing and cursing should not come out of the same mouth -- 2 John 7 – You are an antichrist if you do not acknowledge Jesus Christ -- 1 Corenthians 16:22 – The unbeliever is cursed. -- Galatians 1:6-12 – Let him who brings a different gospel be eternally condemned; Damned

372 Matthew 5:1-9 – Mourn and Pray for the perishing Mormons
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NOTE: In the last days; because the LDS did not receive the love of the Gospel of Christ; God will send a strong delusion to those that desire these lying wonders and signs and they will ultimately be condemned and separated from God. It’s in the Book

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Chapter 6. 16

Joseph Smith Fake LDS Prophet

Golden Plates – Angel Moroni - Pillar of Light – Priesthood or Aaron Urim and Thummim – Breastplate – Keys to the Kingdom – Moses Smith confesses to Necromancy; communicating with the dead.

The Long Con

Error rarely appears for what it really is. - It is mingled with or attached to truth so that it will gain acceptance; such is the case of Joseph Smith and the Mormon Latter Day Saints.

Joseph Smith even as a young man had a very vivid imagination. There are documentaries that state he would entertain his family with stories about people, places and things on other planets described in such detail that you would think he had been there.

After studying the Latter Day Saints movement, and the Book of Mormon, I could not help but notice something running throughout his commentary; I call it The Long Con.

The LONG CON does not happen over a few days, but unfolds over several weeks or months the longer the Con runs the more it gains validity; in Smiths’ case the con running well over a 100 years. It is a scam that and involves a swindler, sometimes two or even more, as well as props, sets, extras, costumes, and carefully selected scripted lines.

It aims to take something from the victim; in Smith’s case, he is a candidate running for the office of LDS Prophet and wants your VOTE and surrounds himself with very convincing PROPS.

Running for Office
Have you ever been around somebody who is a “Name Dropper”, dropping names so you

will be impressed at WHO they know or the PLACES they have been? Such is the case With Joseph Smith running for the office of LDS Prophet. To any student of the Bible, this is so obvious as he paints a mental picture of WHO HE WANTS YOU TO THINK HE IS; just listen to his “Name Dropping” and I will unpack it shortly...

After a revival, in the early 1820’s Joseph Smith Junior went into the woods to pray and a “Power” came over him that Bound his Tongue and a Pillar of Light descended upon him and Two Personages suspended in air, called him My Beloved Son and told him not to join any of the existing churches. He was told many thing, but to not write them down.

Three years after his first spiritual encounter; while praying in bed, a great light shown around him. The Angel Moroni; A messenger from God appeared to him suspended in air. He told Smith about a Book written on Golden Plates and hidden with them were two “seers” stones in Silver Bows known as the “Urim and Thummim. They were attached to a “Breastplate” to help him translate a book written on the golden plates.

John the Baptist a messenger from God appeared to Smith and his scribe Cowdery and conferred upon them both the Priesthood of Aaron. It is not known if John the Baptist appeared with or without his head which you may recall had been cut off.

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Around 1829-30; Peter, James and John appeared to Smith and Cowdery and gave them the “Keys to the Kingdom” and bestowed upon Smith, the ordination of “The order of the MelchizedekPriesthood with the authority to organize a church.

On April 6, 1830, Smith and Cowdery started a church in Fayette, New York and laid hands on six other baptized believers confirming them as members of THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH.

In 1836 Kirkland Temple was dedicated and culminated with the appearance to Smith and Cowdery of Moses, Elisha and Elijah as well as Jesus Christ.

GOOD GRIEF; I will now un-pack all this LSD he is smoking, joint by joint.

Supernatural Endorsement

Pillar of Light: Smith tells us he is being led by Jehovah God through the wilderness with his path lit up with a pillar of light just like Moses;373 so it is Smith that the people should follow.

A Great Light: Smith is like the Old Testament Prophet Isaiah who said those who were walking in darkness will now see a great light.374 He is like Paul on the Damascus Road, when God’s light on him made him brighter than the noonday sun. Therefore Smith is a New Testament Disciple and Teacher just like Paul, but with more light.

Symbols Endorsement

Golden Plates: Smith sees himself receiving the Golden Plates containing God’s instructions and Commandments just like Moses received the tablets containing the Ten Commandments375 and the Book of the Law.

Urim and Thummim: Smith has now said that he alone holds the Urim and Thummim which was used for consultation with the Lord by the High Priest. 376 He is now the High Priest.

Breastplate: Smith considers himself the High Priest and says he has been given the Breastplate of Judgement to wear as a memorial just as the High Priest did for God’s Chosen people; the Hebrews.377

Keys to the Kingdom: Smith is saying he has been given the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever he binds on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever he turns loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.378

Angel Endorsement

Angel Moroni: Smith says an Angel of the Lord appeared to him, just like the angel that appeared to Moses in the burning bush.379 He is like the Priest Zacharias when the Angel Gabriel came to him with instructions. This is validating him as singled out by God for a special assignment.

Bound his Tongue: While praying an Angel made him silent and unable to speak until the time the Angels words would be fulfilled, JUST LIKE ZACHARIAH the Priest.380

Moses Endorsement
Moses: Smith sees himself as being validated by Moses the leader of the Hebrew nation and God

will speak directly to him just like he did to Moses; for him to lead his own people.381
Two Personages: Smith is implying two people appearing glorified, talked with him just like

Moses and Elijah did with Jesus;382 this puts Smith in pretty High Class Company.

373 Exodus 13:21 – A PILLAR OF LIGHT to light the darkness
374 Isaiah 9:2 – People who walked in darkness now see A GREAT LIGHT -- Acts 22:6 - A great light shines around Smith like it did Paul
375 Exodus 24:12 – Smith gets golden plates containing instructions for him
376 Ezra 2:63 – Smith has the URIM AND THUMMIM for consultation with God
377 Exodus 28:15-21 – You shall wear the BREASTPLATE OF JUDGMENT as a memorial before the Lord
378 Matthew 16:19 – KEYS TO THE KINGDOM to bind and loose
379 Acts 7:30 – An angel of the Lord appeared to Smith just like Moses at the burning bush -- Luke 1:19 – Angel Moroni was sent to instruct him like the ANGEL GABRIEL bringing good tidings.
380 Luke 1:20 – Your tongue will be silent unable to speak.
381 Exodus 40:1 – God now speaks directly to Smith as He did MOSES
382 Luke 9:29-31 -Two men; MOSES and ELIJAH appeared to Smith

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Prophet Endorsement

John the Baptist: Smith is validating himself as a prophet of God with a visit from John the Baptist putting himself on par with the greatest NT prophet of all.383

Elijah & Elisha: Smith sees himself being validated as a prophet by the OT prophets. The spirit was passed from Elijah to Elisha and now to Smith.384

Don’t write it down: Smith likens himself to JOHN THE REVELATOR who had many things revealed to him, but was told to seal it up; to not write it down. 385

Priesthood Endorsement
Priesthood of Aaron: Smith is now in possession of the Urim and Thummim and the

Breastplate which he can now wear as the High Priest in the Priesthood of Aaron.386
Order of Melchizedek: Smith is saying that God has sworn and will not change his mind, he has

been made a priest forever after the highest order of Melchizedek,387 the same as Jesus.

Apostle Endorsement

Peter, James & John: Smith associates and validates himself with the visit of Peter, James and John; the men in the intimate “INNER CIRCLE” of disciples closest to Jesus.388

The Son’s Endorsement

Jesus Christ: This is the final and highest validation that a prophet could have with the visitation of Jesus Christ. Since Jesus Christ never appeared to anyone after his assentation into heaven, this would be the ONLY time it ever happened. Even Paul only heard a voice from heaven, he did not see anything.389

My Beloved Son: Smith is validating himself as a son of God just like Jesus, using God’s very own words; 390 This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; and everyone should listen to him.

Last Thoughts

Joseph Smith is running for the office of Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints; the Mormons.

Using the Long Con, Smith has subliminally put in the mind of the simple, every possible endorsement available; the Supernatural, Symbols, Angels, Moses, the Prophets, the Priesthood, Apostles, and Jesus Christ Himself.

NECROMANCY is the term used for calling up and consulting the dead and is strictly forbidden by God. After the assentation of Jesus, no one has ever appeared, after they have died, not even Jesus when he spoke to Paul on the Damascus Road.391 When Saul used a witch to call up the Prophet Samuel, he did not see him; he was communicating with a familiar spirit; a DEMON.392

Satan and his DEMONIC servants can transform themselves into Angels of light. Demons are neither male nor female; they SHAPE SHIFT themselves as they wish; they are lying spirits.

The Book says all who do these things are an ABOMINATION to the LORD and that certainly would include JOSEPH SMITH as he confesses over & over that he communicates with the dead.393

383 Luke 7:28 – JOHN THE BAPTIST greatest prophet
384 2 Kings 2:15 – The Spirit passed from ELIJAH TO ELISHA to Smith
385 Revelation 10:4 – JOHN THE REVELATOR; seal it up, don’t write it down
386 Exodus 40:13 – Priesthood of Aaron wore the Holy garments; BREASTPLATE
388 Matthew 10:2 – The intimate inner circle, PETER, JAMES & JOHN
389 Acts 22:7-8 – Paul only heard a voice on the road to Damascus
390 Matthew 17:5 – This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased, LISTEN TO HIM
391 Acts 26:14 – Paul did not see Jesus after his assentation, he heard a voice
392 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 – Saul died because he asked counsel of a familiar spirit
393 Deuteronomy 18:9-12 – Communicating with the dead; Sorcerer, Medium and Spiritist are an ABOMINATION TO GOD -- Isaiah 8:19 – Inquire of God for the Living; not the Dead -- 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 - Satan’s servants disguise themselves as servants light

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Smith’s Urim, Thummim and Breastplate as well as his Golden Plates have all conveniently disappeared therefore cannot be verified; it’s all smoke and mirrors, THEY DO NOT EXIST.

In the time of Christ, it was common for the Hebrews to search out the scriptures seeking to know more about the One True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but with today’s technology, folks do not want to take the time to study God’s Word for themselves, they prefer that someone just tell them “The Bottom Line.THIS IS AN INVITATION TO SATAN’S TRICKERY.

The Book of Mormon was born for those WHO DO take the time to read for themselves; it exists to keep people from reading THE BIBLE and learning the Truth. Mark Twain describes the Book of Mormon as “Chloroform in Print”.

The Bible does not contain the answer to every question that we might have, but it does contain EVERYTHING that we need to know to gain salvation and have a personal relationship with God now and in eternity. If we needed more information, God would have placed it in the Bible.

Salvation is Jesus PLUS nothing else; it’s not about a denomination; it’s about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; the Trinity. Jesus said “If you ABIDE IN MY WORD, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is teaching The Beatitudes which did NOT show a person how to be saved, but shows the characteristics of a person WHO IS SAVED. They are not promises, but a description of the saved believer.

Blessed are those who mourn; this second beatitude really grabs my Spirit. This mourning is acknowledging my own personal sins with a broken heart before God; sins that are just too deep to conceal.394

This Word Study is not to Judge the LDS denomination, but to express an earnest sorrow for their blind deception, not only for themselves, but for those who they solicit as they go door to door, blindly leading them into this same deception, they will all fall into the ditch.

This weeping is Godly sorrow and compassion over misguided perishing LDS souls and anguishing over those that unknowingly follow them. Read the REAL BOOK; the Bible

Matthew 15:14 – blind leading the blind; both fall into the ditch

14 ... THEY ARE BLIND GUIDES LEADING THE BLIND, and if one blind person guides another,


John 8:31-32 – Read the Bible, know the truth, get set free

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him,
“If you
ABIDE IN MY WORD, you are truly my disciples, and



394 Isaiah 6:5 – Recognizing that I am spiritually bankrupt before God -- Psalms 119:136 – Mourning over my sin and others sin --

Matthew 5:1-9 – Mourning over the LDS that are misguided

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Chapter 6. 17

Many years ago, I produced a Christian TV program where a Mason came on and spoke about his membership in the freemasons. During the live telecast, the phone bank received numerous phone calls threatening his life. He informed us, he knew it was possible to lose his life before he made the decision to speak; it was part of the Masonic oath.

Masonic Encyclopedia - Temple - Religion
Look at its ancient landmarks, its sublime ceremonies, its profound symbols and allegories –

all inculcating religious observance, and teaching religious truth, and who can deny that it is eminently a religious institution; and on this ground mainly, it not alone, should the religious Masons defend it.” Albert Mackey – Masonic Encyclopedia

J.S.M. Ward; Freemasonry: Its Aims and Ideals p185

Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion and its teachings are instructional in religionRoyal Arch degree

“I consider Freemasonry is a sufficiently organized school of mysticism to be entitled to be called a religion.... It teaches that each man can, by himself, work out his own conception of God, and thereby achieve salvation.” It holds that there be many paths that lead to the throne of the all- living Father which all start from a common source.... That though these paths appear to branch off in various directions, yet that all reach the same ultimate goal, and that to some men, one path is better and to others, another”.


Definition; 1) A religious organization that meets regularly, 2) has an altar, 3) prays to a deity, 4) points to another person other than Jesus Christ and/or 5) Points to another book other than the Bible. Error rarely appears for what it really is. It is mingled with or attached to truth so that it gains acceptance.


Freemasonry has all the ear marks of the NEW AGE MOVEMENT. History of Masonry is that of Philosophy, it is derived from the mystery religions of old. It is the ancient worship of BAAL, with just modern new titles. They have spin off organizations like the Eastern Star for women and the De Molay for teenage boys. They state they are a universal religious organization that is open to all beliefs. Christianity is reduced to just one of the many accepted religions. Whatever you honestly believe; is truth.

They have secret oaths and secret rites. (The ministry of Christ was public and open.) The Masons point to a different person other than Jesus (Hiram Abiff) and point to books other than the Bible (The Kabbalah.) By definition; the Masons are a cult. Their symbols, by their own admission are presented to mislead the initiate.

Free Masons

Should a Christian be a Mason? - Is Freemasonry a Cult? Shriner - De Molay - The Eastern Star – Rainbow Girls Come now let us reason together says the Lord - Isaiah 1:18

First Word

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Nature is God; they pray to G.A.O.T.U. Great Architect Of The Universe who is the highest God. (Higher than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.) The God of the Christian is reduced to just another one of the false gods. The Bible may be placed on the altar in a “Christian” Lodge, but cannot be read from; ever. Modified passages are used in ceremonies with the name of Jesus Christ stricken out. Prayer is encouraged, but the name of Jesus Christ cannot be uttered. Jesus Christ was a noble reformer and no more. The Messiah may or may not have already come; it’s not for the Mason to decide.

Climbing the Masonic Ladder of “good works” gains you salvation.

Ephesians 2:8-9 - Man is not saved by his good works; it’s a Gift

8 For by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH, and that not of yourselves; IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD,
9 NOT OF WORKS, lest anyone should boast. (NKJV)

Here is where we are

The Free Masons meet all five cult qualifiers, 1) they are a religious institution that meets regularly, 2) have an altar, and refer to their lodge as a temple. 3) Pray to a deity and 4) seek guidance from any leader and 5) have any Book of choice. Some Lodges claim they are not religious, but the majority do.

Mason: History
The history of Masonry is the history of Philosophy.” Morals and Dogma pg. 540
“Philosophy is a kind of journey, ever learning yet never arriving at the ideal perfection of

truth” Morals & Dogma pg 691
The Bible says they are forever learning, but never coming to the acknowledgement of Christ.395

Ancient Priesthood

The principles of Freemasonry preceded the advent of Christianity. Its symbols and its legends are derived from the Solomonic Temple and from the people anterior to that.

Its religion comes from the ancient priesthood; its faith was that primitive one of Noah and his immediate descendants”. (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)

It Gets Deeper and Darker

Such are the Noachic traditions of Masonry, which though if considered as materials of history, would be worth but little, yet have furnished valuable sources of symbolism and in that way are full of wise instruction.” “After the death of Noah, his sons removed from the region of Mount Ararat, where, until then, they had resided and “traveling from the East found a plain in the land of Shinar, and dwelt there”. Here they commenced the building of a lofty tower.” Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

Bible: The tower is known as the Tower of Babel, constructed so tall it would reach into the heavens. This is the birthplace of the multiple pagan gods, where God confused their language and dispersed them according to His original command, to go and fill the earth.396

Noah Masonic Founder
Noachica; Legend of the Craft. Noah “The father and founder of the Masonic system of

theology”. Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Noah is credited with being the father and founder of the Freemasons. The immediate descendants

of Noah was Nimrod, who built the Tower of Babel and started “BAAL” worship. This was the lineage of Ham, Noah’s son.397

395 2 Timothy 3:6-7 – ALWAYS LEARNING BUT NEVER ABLE TO ACKNOWLEDGE -- Colossians 2:8 – Learning Deceptive philosophy of the world -- Romans 12:2 – BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND
396 Genesis 11:1-9 : They built a tower to the pagan gods, and God confused their language
397 Genesis 10:1 – Noah’s evil son Ham gave us Cush and Nimrod -- Genesis 10:9-10 – Nimrod builds Babylon -- Genesis 11:4 – Nimrod builds the Tower of Babel to reach into the heavens -- Genesis 11:9 – God scatters the Baal worshipers over the face of the earth

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Nimrod was worshiped as a god. When God confused their language and scattered them,398 He is still worshipped as a god, but with different names as the different language permitted. All of the world’s false and pagan religions have their very roots in Babylon. In the end God utterly destroys Babylon.

NOTE: It was the Godly line of Noah’s linage of Shem that gave us Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Christ.399

Masons: The Mysteries - Morals & Dogma Pg 476-477
Egypt has always been considered as the birthplace of the mysteries. It was there that the

ceremonies of initiation were first established. It was there that TRUTH was first veiled in allegory, and the dogmas of religion were first imparted under symbolic forms.” Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

The Sun was termed by the Greeks the Eye of Jupiter, and the Eye of the World; and his is the All-Seeing Eye in our Lodges”. Morals & Dogma pg 476-477

“Everything good in Nature comes from Osiris(Sun god) Morals & Dogma. If you want to see what the “All seeing Eye” looks like, look on a dollar bill; see the eye; see the sun.

Freemason’s say everything good comes from the sun god Osiris.
The Book says everything that is good comes down from the Father of Lights; GOD.400
Osiris the sun god was worshiped in Egypt; this is revealed in the Masonic “Third Degree”.

Osiris is also known as the Lord of the underworld and the god of fertility, and is worshipped in sex rituals. Look for the G” in the Masonic symbols; .it does not represent God, but to “Generate.

Myth: the Masonic Lodge is a Christian Organization

Masons: Temple is Universal
If Masonry were simply a Christian institution, the Jew and Moslem, the Brahman and the

Buddhist, could not conscientiously partake of its illumination; but its universality is its boast. In its language, citizens of every nation may converse; at its altars men of all religions may kneel; to its creed, disciples of every faith may subscribe” (p.439)

“... An atmosphere in which we will never try to convert each other... we shall believe in God, avoid criticizing each other, consider all human beings our sisters and brothers, and march forward in a new comradeship of ideas.”

“Masonry propagates no creed except its own most simple and Sublime One; that universal religion, taught by Nature and by Reason. Its Lodges are neither Jewish, Moslem, nor Christian Temples. It reiterates the precepts of morality of all religions. It venerates the character and commendstheteachingsofthegreatandgoodofallagesandofallcountries. Itextractsthegood and not the evil, the truth, and not the error, from all creeds; and acknowledges that there is much which is good and true in all.” Morals & Dogma pg 718

The Masonic Lodge teaches that universally all men of all religions may come together and kneel and worship their god side by side. (Syncretism is the adoption of portions of many belief systems.)

The Bible teaches that all men will come together, not to worship their individual God, but to worship the ONE TRUE GOD, the Ancient of Days and His son Jesus Christ.401 What fellowship do we have with unbelievers? We are not to be yoked with them.402

The Free Masons have only a form of godliness, but deny the power of Jesus Christ. They are wells without water. It’s in the Book

398 Genesis 11:9 – God scatters the Baal worshipers over the face of the earth
399 Genesis 5:32 - Noah was 500 years old when he fathered the Godly line of Shem,
401 1 John 2:2 – Christ is the atoning sacrifice for the sins of ALL the nations.-- Philippians 2:9-11 – At the name of Jesus every knee should bow -- Daniel 7:13-14 – All peoples, nations and men of every language will worshiped Jesus
402 2 Corinthians 6:14 – Do not be yoked with unbelievers.

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2 Timothy 3:4-5 - Masons have a form of godliness

5 having a form of godliness, but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. NIV

2 Peter 2:17-19 – Free Masonry is a well without water

17 These men are SPRINGS WITHOUT WATER and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.
18 For they mouth
EMPTY, BOASTFUL WORDS and, by appealing to the lustful desires of SINFUL HUMAN NATURE, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.

19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity - FOR A MAN IS A SLAVE


Masons: Prayer is universal
“Masonry, around whose altars the Christian,403 the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahman, the

followers of Confucius and Zoroaster,404 can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer to the ONE GOD who is above all the Baalim must needs leave it to its initiates to look for the foundation of his faith and hope to the written scriptures of his own religion.”

The Book: Baalim refers to a false god or idol; this places Christianity in that same category. They teach that the brotherhood of all men is sacred, never mind that you are bending your knee to a pagan God. The Christian is in the presence of gods they have never known.405 Your justifications for your actions are an abomination in the sight of God

Luke 16:15 – Your justifications are an abomination to God
15 he said unto them, YOU are they which JUSTIFY YOURSELVES before men; but God knows your hearts: for that which is highly esteemedamongmenISABOMINATIONINTHESIGHTOFGOD. KJV

Masons: What is Truth?
Toleration, holding that every other man has the same right to his opinion and faith that we have

to ours; and liberality, holding as no human being can with certainty say... what is truth, or that he is surely in possession of it...”

No man can say that he hath as sure possession of the truth... When men entertain opinions diametrically opposed to each other, and each is honest, who shall decide which hast the Truth: and can either say with certainty that he hath it. We know not what is truth.

“The cherished dogmas of each of us are not, as we fondly suppose, the pure truth of God... Perfect truth is not attainable anywhere.”

The Book: Masonry says, there is no absolute truth. It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are honestly sincere; then you have truth.406 With this statement, the Christian is introduced to doubt in his FAITH; how can he be sure about Jesus being the Son of God?407

The Masonic Initiate is told that if he wants truth, he must seek it only from Masonic brethren, further searing his conscious, making him unable to discern a truth from a lie. (A half of truth, told as a whole truth, is a lie.) The Christian is deceived and is perishing because he refused to love the truth that he already possessed.408 You CAN be sure; Jesus is THE WAY THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, and no one come to God except through Him.409

403 Romans 10:9 – Confess only JESUS IS GOD IN THE FLESH
404 James 2:19 – Devils believe in one God too.
405 Deuteronomy 29:26 – They worshiped gods they didn’t even know
406 1 Corinthians 15:33 – Beware, evil consultations corrupts good morals
407 John 1:4 – In Jesus is the life; we can be sure -- John 17:3 – There is only one true God and Son Jesus Christ 408 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 – They perish because they refuse the truth
409 John 14:6 – We can be sure of the way; Jesus said I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE

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Acts 4:12 – Salvation is found only in Jesus – for sure

12 SALVATION IS FOUND IN NO ONE ELSE, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."


Mason: Sons of Light
“Freemasons are emphatically called the “sons of light” because that are, or at least are entitled

to be, in possession of the true meaning of the symbol; while the profane or uninitiated who have not received the knowledge are, by a parity of expression, said to be in darkness. (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry) The Book; this is saying that when you embrace the Masonic order, you are acknowledging that you were walking in darkness and Jesus is not the light.410 Many sayings in the Lodge sound similar to the Bible, however this is deception.411 You are slowly but surely rejecting the Christian faith.412 Even Satan can transform himself into an angel of light. When you are already walking in light, you are not looking for darkness;413 even Pastors, deacons and elders are duped, tricked, or to

use their term; hoodwinked.
John 8:12 – We are NOT in darkness

12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said,



will have the light of life." NIV

Galatians 1:8 – THE MASON IS CONDEMNED; It’s in the Book

8 But, even if WE or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you,



Myth: They pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Masons: Who is God?
God, Creator, Great Moral Governor, Grand Warden of Heaven, Grand Architect, Great

Architect of the Universe, Supreme Architect, Supreme Being, Legislator, Absolute Legislator”.
The Book: These are just some of the generic and vague words that are allowed to be used to

address God so as not to breed division among the members.
G.A.O.T.U. GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE. This is the God the Masons

worship. The avoidance of words found in Christianity reduces it to just another one of the world’s religions.414 Spoken terms like; Jesus Christ, Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the I am that I am, are FORBIDDEN and the members, as they are Oath Bound, are urged to report such violations.

Matthew 12:30 – If you are not for God, you are against God



Romans 1:21-23 – Their hearts become darkened

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but THEIR THINKING BECAME FUTILE


410 John 12:36 – We are already sons of light
411 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 – Deception is a tool of Satan, disguising himself as a worker of light
412 1 John 1:6-7 – We lie about Christ, if we chose to walk in darkness
413 1 John 1:5 – God is light, He has no darkness -- Matthew 5:16 – We have light to shine before men 414 1 John 2:3-4 – If you don’t obey God, you have no truth; you are a MAKE-BELIEVER


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Masons: Nature is God
It is true that in one sense, we can have no actual knowledge of the Absolute Itself, the very

Deity. Hence the name of the Deity, taught the ancient Mason, and teaches us, that the true knowledge of God, of His nature and His attributes, is written by Him upon the leaves of the great Book of Universal Nature. This knowledge of God, so written there, and of which Masonry has in all ages been the interpreter, is the Master Mason’s Word.”

The Book: God is Nature; that would be the earth, vegetation, sun, moon, stars and the universe. This is the same as the Mystery Religions of old. These gave birth to the Pro-creative or reproductive powers of nature, known as the “Generative Principal” or the “Creative Principal” or in layman’s terms; SEX.

Notice the “G” in the Masonic Symbol. The initiate is told that the “G” is symbolic of “Geometry” and that of “God”. Its real meaning is; to “Generate”, to reproduce, to procreate.

Masons: Who is Jesus?
No one Mason has the right to measure for another within the walls of a Masonic Temple, the

degree of veneration which he shall feel for any Reformer, or the Founder of any religion”. “Masonry reverences all the great reformers. It sees Moses, the Lawgiver of the Jews, in Confucius and Zoroaster, in Jesus of Nazareth and in the Arabian iconoclast, Great Teachers of Morality, and Eminent Reformers.” (Morals & Dogma Page 525)

“None can deny that Christ taught a lofty morality. If every man were a perfect imitator of the Great, Wise, Good Teacher, Divine or human, inspired or only a reforming Essene, it must be agreed that His teachings are far nobler... than those of Socrates, Plato, Seneca, or Mohamet, or any other of the great moralist and reformers of this world”

The Book: The masons believe that all the moralist were great. You may believe in Jesus of Nazareth, Zoroaster or anyone else that helps you along the way. Jesus Christ was no more than just another reformer; a teacher of morality with noble teachings.

Nowhere in Masonry is Jesus named as the son of God. The discussion of Jesus Christ is forbidden within the Masonic temple. His person and work is thereby greatly diminished. This is the spirit of the antichrist.415

Derived from Hebrew, the name Jesus is Jehoshua meaning Jehovah is Salvation.

1 John 4:3 – The spirit of antichrist will not acknowledge Jesus

3 but EVERY SPIRIT THAT DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE JESUS is not from God. THIS IS THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. NIV

Masons: Who is Hiram Abiff?
The murder of Hiram, his burial, and his being raised again by the Master, are symbols, both of

the death, burial, and resurrection of the Redeemer, and of the death, and burial in sins of the natural man, and his being raised again to a new life, or born again, by the direct action of the redeemer. (Morals & Dogma page 640)

“When a candidate has received the Third Degree, he is said to have been “raised” to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. The expression refers materially, to a portion of the ceremony of initiation, but symbolically, to THE RESURRECTION, which it is the object of the degree to exemplify.” (Encyclopedia of Free Masonry)

The Book: Hiram Abiff was the master architect of King Salomon’s temple. He was brought to Jerusalem from Phoenicia by Hiram King of Tyre. The masons say Hiram was murdered and raised from the dead while building the temple, but the Book says different, it says Hiram finished his work. The mason points to Hiram Abiff, the master builder instead of the master Jesus. (Cult identifier)

415 2 John 7 – They are many deceivers who DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE JESUS CHRIST as coming in the flesh -- 1 John 2:23 – If you

deny the son, you also deny the father God

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1 Kings 7:13-14 – Hiram was a master craftsman

13 King Solomon sent to Tyre and brought Huram,

14 whose mother was a widow from the tribe of Naphtali and whose

father was a man of Tyre and a craftsman in bronze. HURAM was

highly skilled and experienced in all kinds of bronze work. He came to


2 Chronicles 4:11 - Hiram was not murdered, he completed task

11 Huram-abi also made the necessary washbasins, shovels, and bowls. So at last HURAM-ABI COMPLETED EVERYTHING
KING SOLOMON HAD ASSIGNED HIM to make for the Temple of God: NLT

Myth: They recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah

Masons: Who is The Messiah?
It is not within the providence of Masonry to determine how the ultimate triumph of Light

and Truth and Good, over Darkness and Error and Evil, is to be achieved; nor whether the Redeemer, looked and longed for by all nations, hath appeared in Judea, or is yet to come.”

“God is infinitely wise, just, and good... at the appointed time, he will redeem and regenerate the world and the Principle, the Power, and the existence of Evil will then cease; that this will be brought about by such a means and instruments as He chooses to employ; whether by the merits of a Redeemer that has already appeared, or a Messiah that is yet awaited for, by an incarnation of Himself, or by an inspired prophet, it does not belong to us as Masons to decide

The Book: The Masonic view is open to ALL avenues of redemption. The redeemer may have already come, and maybe he hasn’t. It’s not for the Masonic order to decide. The Christian only has ONE VIEW of redemption, that of through the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

To be a Mason the Christian must change his view.

John 14:6-7 – Jesus said I am the ONLY way to Father God

6 Jesus answered,



Masons: Salvation Ladder
‘The ladder is a symbol of progress.... Its three principal rounds representing Faith, Hope,

and Charity, present us with THE MEANS OF ADVANCING FROM EARTH TO HEAVEN, from death to life – From mortal to immortality. Hence, its foot is placed on the ground floor of the Lodge, which is typical of the world, and its top rest on the covering of the Lodge, which is symbolic of heaven”

The Book: Masonry places a ladder before you that by your WORKS you can climb UP to the heavens to save yourself.416 (The Book says that Jesus came DOWN to us and is the only way) 417 The ladder symbolism comes from the dream of Jacob seeing angles on a ladder.

Genesis 28:12 – No mention of climbing to receive salvation

12 And he dreamed, and behold A LADDER set up on the earth, and the top of IT REACHED TO HEAVEN: and behold the angels of God

ascending and descending on it. KJV

417 John 10:9 – Jesus is the gate; the entrance to heaven -- 1 John 5:12 – Jesus is the ONLY way

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Masons: Symbols
“The Blue Degrees are but the outer court of portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are

displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain...” (Page 819)

The Book: Here it is put straight forward that the Initiate will be deceived by the symbols he sees, they have double or secondary meanings. The “G” symbol is the Generate principal; It is NOT God or Geometry. The Square, Compass & point within a circle: I know what the initiate is told concerning the meanings of these symbols; but they are deceptions. The actual meanings would cause you to blush, and I am embarrassed to pen the actual meaning. Once you know what you are lookingat,youcanseeit;itisvulgar,reprehensible,andpornographic. Theseobjectsbringsickness into your home. Under secrecy, little by little, under the sanctions of oaths the mysteries and secrets are revealed.


Myth: The Bible is read from the altar

Masons: The Bible
“The Bible is an indispensable part of the FURNITURE of the Christian Lodge, only because

it is the sacred book of the Christian religion. The Hebrew Pentateuch in a Hebrew Lodge, and the Koran in a Mohammedan one, before on the Altar; and one of these, and the Square and the Compass, properly understood, are the Great Lights by which a Mason must walk and work. The obligation of the candidate is always taken on the sacred book or books of his religion, that he may deem it more solemn and binding.” (Morals and Dogma page 11)

The Book: The Bible, while on the altar of a Christian Lodge, is never read from, and is only used to make the oaths more binding on the initiate. So your faith determines which book you place your hand on. Modified excerpts from the Bible are utilized, but the name of Jesus Christ is omitted. These changes are addressed as “slight, but necessary modifications.” Most Christians do not even notice. The Bible is only present, not because of Truth, but that of symbolism.

Masons: The Kabala
Masonry is a search after light; that search leads us directly back to the Kabalah”... “The

Kabalistic Freemasonry.... Incessantly tends towards spiritual perfection.”... “The source of our knowledge of the Kabalistic doctrine are the books of Jesirah and Sohar.

“All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all THE ILLUMINATI, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols(Morals & Dogmas page 744)

“The teachers, even of Christianity, are in general the most ignorant of the true meaning of which they teach. There is no book of which so little is known as the Bible. To most who read it, it is incomprehensible as the Sohar.(Morals and Dogma page 105)

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The Book: The masons believe that every letter in the Kabalah contains mysteries that can only be solved by the initiated; the mason. It unlocks and decodes the symbols, formulas; secrete rites, magical words and mysteries of the Christian Bible.

This appeals to man. To have secrets, knowledge and powers that others do not. God says to stay away from this stuff. 418 The Christian is not on a path of a mystical search of the laws of God because Christ has already come and fulfilled the Law.

The mason points to another book other than the Bible; the Kabalah. (Cult identifier)

Matthew 5:17 – Jesus fulfilled the law

17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish THE LAW or the Prophets; I HAVE NOT COME TO ABOLISH THEM


Kabalah More than you want to know
A system by which Hebrew words converted into numbers and then into other words or the

same numbers and the names of powers, the secret names of angels and demons of each sphere which can be used in magical conjuration. Names, like symbols, are believed to possess magical properties.” Colin Wilson -The Occult

“Thus the words of several verses in the scripture which are regarded as containing an occult sense, are placed over each other, and the letters are formed into new words by reading them vertically; or the words of the text are arranged in squares in such a manner as to be read vertically or otherwise”.

“Words are joined together and re-divided, and the initial and final letters of certain words are formed into separate words. Again every letter of the word is reduced to its numerical value, and the word is explained by another of the same quantity”.

“These permutations and combinations are much older than the Kabala, and obtained amongst Jewish occultist from time immemorial.” Excerpt from Lewis Spencer, an Encyclopedia of Occultism

Masons: Oath
The first duty of every Mason is to obey the mandate of the master (of the Lodge), The Masonic

rule of obedience is like the nautical imperative; “Obey orders, even if you break owners”.
The Book: The owner of the believer is Jesus; the Masons imperative is a higher call than that of

Jesus. We are commanded to NOT swear an oath. 419 JESUS DID NOTHING IN SECRET. John 18:20 – I have said nothing in secret.


always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come


Mason: Apprentice Degree
“I promise and swear that I WILL NOT write, print, stamp, stain, hew, cut,

carve, indent, paint, or engrave it on anything movable or immovable, under the whole canopy of heaven, whereby or whereon the least letter, figure, character, mark, stain, shadow, or resemblance of the same may become legible or intelligible of myself or any other persons in the known world, whereby THE SECRETS OF MASONRY may be unlawfully obtained through my unworthiness.”...”binding myself.... to have my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by the roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water-mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four house,


418 Deuteronomy 18:10-11 – God says, DON’T DO IT.
419 Matthew 5:34-37 – Let your yes be yes and your no be no, Do not take an oath it is from Satan

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Mason: SecondDegree
“... Binding myself under no less penalty that to have my breast torn open and my heart and

vitals taken from thence and thrown over my left shoulder and carried into the valley of Jehoshaphat, there to become a prey to the wild beast of the field, and vulture of the air, if ever I should prove willfully guilty of violating any part of this solemn oath....”

Mason: MasterMasonDegree
“... Binding myself under no less penalty than to have my body severed in two in the midst,

and divided to the north and south, my bowels burnt to ashes in the center, and the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven...”

Upon entering the Order, the initiate BINDS TO HIMSELF every Mason in the world.(Morals & Dogmas page 726)

James 5:12 – Do not swear

12 Above all, my brothers,

ANYTHING ELSE. Let your "Yes" be yes,

and your "No," no, or you will be condemned. NIV

Exodus 20:7 – Don’t use God’s name in vain

IN VAIN; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless

that takes his name in vain KJV

Masons: God’s Lost Name
The “Royal Arch” degree lists the lost name of god as JAH-BUL-ON and the Mason must

never reveal this name. J.B.O.

J – Jehovah Hebrew, B – Baal Babylonian, O – Osiris Egyptian
Bible: This statement places Jehovah on the same level as Baal, Osiris and all other pagan gods. It implies that all worship the same god just with different names. This is cross pollination of the

Jehovah is the I AM THAT I AM.420

Exodus 3:14 – God’s name is not lost, it’s... I AM that I AM

14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shall thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.


420 Exodus 6:3 – JEHOVAH is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -- Psalms 83:18 – JEHOVAH is the most high God
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Here’s where we are; throat cut, tongue torn out, breast torn open, heart and vitals taken out, body sawed in half, buried in the rough sands.... Anybody up for that? If your son is a Mason and tells its secrets, you are oath bound to kill him. Your oath has bound you to every Mason in the world and their God. Good Grief

Bet they don’t tell you that at the first meeting with cookies and punch.
You are swearing by God’s name in vain, and God will hold you responsible for your vow.

Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults IT’S IN THE BOOK

Mason: De Molay
A Masonic order for boys 14 to 21 years of age prior to becoming a Mason. Interestingly;

Knights Templar, Sir Knight Jock Du Molay was burned at the stake for heresy on 3/14/1314.

Mason: Eastern Star
A sort of adoptive masonry for Women who are relatives of Masons. They submit themselves

to the God of the Masonic Order. Their symbol is the INVERTED FIVE POINTED STAR, the same one used in Satanism known as Baphomet, a goat headed god, a demonic deity. The satanic goat of Mendez is the “God of Lust”.

For the daughters of masons; Job’s Daughters, Rainbow Girls, Daughters of the Nile.

Mason: Good Works
There is perennial nobleness and even sacredness in work. Be he never so benighted and

forgetful of his high calling, there is always hope in a man who actually and earnestly works: In idleness alone is there perpetual despair.” Man perfects himself by working.Morals & Dogma page 341

“This Mason was true to all our teachings, and the apron he now wears in the casket represents that purity of life and conduct by which he will now gain admission into the CELESTIAL LODGE above.” (Masonic funeral quote)

The Book: The Masons do good works everywhere, hospitals and clinics, and the best known is the Shriner’s Hospital for children. Works do not save you; you do good works BECAUSE you are


God will say, get away from me you evil person, I don’t even know you.422

Titus 3:4-5 – We are NOT saved by good works, but by His Grace

5 he saved us, NOT BECAUSE OF RIGHTEOUS THINGS we had done, but because of his MERCY. He saved us through the

washing of rebirth and renewal by THE HOLY SPIRIT, NIV


A.A.O.N.M.S. Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Probably the thing most people think of when thinking of a Shriner is his peculiar red hat, the fez; it is always red. In Turkey Morocco, Egypt and other MOSLEM countries, the red fez is the traditional head cover for men.

The explanation for the red color appears to have its origins in blood... literally in blood. The tradition is that when the Christian city of Fez in Morocco was overrun by Moslems in the westward sweep of Islam, about 900 A.D., there was a great slaughter of the Christian population. 423

As many as 50,000 Christians, men, women, and children, were put to the sword that dark day in history and blood literally ran in the streets. The Moslem conquerors, celebrating the slaughter, dipped their woolen caps in the blood, turning them red, and wore them as a symbol of their victory.

This apparently, is the origin of both the name “fez” and the color “red” of the cap. If this is so (and apparently is), every Shriner who puts on his red fez and wears it is commemorating (although he probably doesn’t know it) the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians when the Christian city of Fez was converted by the sword to Islam.

In case you don’t know it, the Shrine is the Islamic expression of the Masonic system. Every Shriner takes his oath or obligation (a bloody, terrible death oath) kneeling before an Islamic altar on which is the Koran (not the Bible). He seals his oath by calling upon “Allah, the God of the Arab, God of Mohammed and the God of my fathers”, and confesses in the ritual that “he who follows Islam follows truth” 424 Excerpt from The Masonic Christian Conflict by Keith Harris

421 Ephesians 2:8-10 – We are created to do good works; we are saved by faith and the grace of God 422 Matthew 7:21-23 – Jesus will say to good works without faith; I never knew you.
423 Jude 4 – Certain ungodly men crept in denying the ONE Lord God
424 Matthew 7:15-20 – Watch out for evil teachers in sheep’s clothes; you will know them by their fruits

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2 Peter 2:2 Secret destructive heresies; Shameful ways
1 But there were also FALSE PROPHETS among the people, just as there will be FALSE TEACHERS among you. They will SECRETLY INTRODUCE DESTRUCTIVE HERESIES, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-
bringing swift destruction on themselves.
2 Many will follow their
SHAMEFUL WAYS and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. NIV

Mason: George Washington

CharlesFinney1830’sEvangelist,renouncedMason(Freemasonrypage115.) “SurelyifMasons really understood what Masonry is, as it is delineated in these books, no Christian Mason would think himself at liberty to remain another day a member of the fraternity. It is as plain as possible that a man knowing what it is, and embracing it in his heart, cannot be a Christian man. To say he can is to belie the very nature of Christianity.”

Dwight L. Moody Moody Church in Chicago “I do not see how any Christian, most of all a Christian minister, can go into these secret lodges with unbelievers. They say they can have more influences for good; but I say they can have more influence for good by staying out of them, and then reproving their evil deeds”.

“Abraham had more influence for good in Sodom than Lot had. If twenty five Christians go into a secret lodge with fifty who are not Christians, the fifty can vote anything they please, and the twenty- five will be partakers of their sins. They are unequally yoked together with unbelievers”. 425

2 Corinthians 6:17 – Come out, be separate

17 "THEREFORE COME OUT FROM THEM AND BE SEPARATE, says the Lord. ... and I will receive you."


Matthew 12:37 – You condemn yourself by your own words

37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and


The Take Away

George Washington evidently was a Mason at one time, but the last 30 years of his life he was a non-affiliated Mason. The Masons say he presided over the English Lodges. George Washington sent a letter correcting this error. It said, “The fact is, I preside over none. Nor have I been in one more than once or twice within the last thirty years.” ( Letter dated 9/25/1798 )

Should you be a Mason What did God say?

Freemasonry has all the ear marks of the NEW AGE MOVEMENT. It is the only CULT that has infiltrated the Church. History of Masonry is that of Philosophy, it is derived from the mystery religions of old. Masonry is the ancient worship of Baal, with just modern new titles.

They have spin off organizations like the Eastern Star for women; the DeMolay for teenage boys and Rainbow girls for the teenage girls. They state they are a universal religious organization that is open to all beliefs; Christianity is reduced to just one of the many accepted religions. Whatever you honestly believe; is truth.

They have secret oaths and secret rites. (The ministry of Christ was public and open.) The Masons point to a different person other than Jesus (Hiram Abiff) and point to books other than the Bible (The Kabalah). By definition; the Masons are a cult.

Their symbols, by their own admission are presented to mislead the initiate.

425 John 4:23 – A time is coming; True Worshipers will worship God in Spirit and Truth -- Matthew 18:16-17 – Bible and Jesus; testimony of Two witnesses -- 2 Corinthians 13:1 – Old & New Testament; testimony of Two witnesses

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Nature is God: They pray to G.A.O.T.U. Great Architect of the Universe who is the highest God. (Higher than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.) The God of the Christian is reduced to just another of the false gods.

The Bible may be placed on the altar in a “Christian” Lodge, but cannot be read from; ever! Modified passages are used in ceremonies with the name of Jesus Christ stricken out. Prayer is encouraged, but the name of Jesus Christ cannot be uttered. Jesus Christ was a noble reformer and no more.

The Messiah may or may not have already come; it’s not for the Mason to decide. Climbing the Masonic Ladder of “GOOD WORKS” gains you salvation


The Book: The Holy Bible The Man: Jesus the Christ
The Plan: The Gift of Salvation

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Chapter 6. 18

Shepard’s Chapel IED

Improvised Explosive Device; No Hell, No Rapture, No Trinity, No Physical Resurrection Christian Identity Movement - Replacement Theology – Anglo-Israelism – Pre-existence Reincarnation – Escapism – Fly away Doctrine – Serpent Seed Doctrine - The Kenites
The Curse of Cain - Anti-Semitism

First Word

The Shepherd's Chapel is a Christian church and broadcast facility based in a tiny remote town of 1,800 in northwest Gravette Arkansas. The humble beginnings of the chapel headquarters is a former roller rink just a couple of blocks from the town's main street.

Most have never heard of Shepherd’s Chapel, but it has been around for at least 30 years and is the largest independent Christian television network IN THE WORLD, broadcasting one-hour televised Bible studies over its satellite network on over 225 television stations plus 24 hours a day on their website and can be found on DirecTV, Dish Network and YouTube.

The founder was Arnold Benjamin Murray who was their senior pastor until his death in 2014 upon which his son Dennis Arnold Murray took the helm. There was also another brother David Vernon Murray who was an associate pastor until his death in 2013.

Twice a year Murray packs out an audience of 4,000 at the Grand Palace country music hall in Branson Missouri, an Ozarks tourist destination known for wholesome family entertainment. What really sets Pastor Murray apart is his claim to be GOD’S EXCLUSIVE MESSENGER. “I am a servant of the living God that carries THE END TIME MESSAGE, and it’s either time to wake up now, or go down with your boat, friend.”

Being “BORN AGAIN” is to be REINCARNATED from the FIRST earth age and being born of a woman in the SECOND earth age. Murray teaches that there is No Trinity, No Rapture, No physical resurrection and No eternity in hell, just annihilation; sinners simply cease to exist. Old Testament Kosher Laws should be kept. Interracial marriage with mixed-race children are wrong.

Murray presents that EATING the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is symbolic of the MATING of the Serpent with Eve which was the actually “Primal Sin” in the Garden of Eden. His theology holds that Eve was impregnated by Satan and gave birth to Satan’s son Cain, who in reality was the first CURSED JEW. – HOLD THAT THOUGHT -

Murray says the descendants of Cain are the Kenitesand he can identify a Keniteby merely being in the same room with one of them. I must admit that there is a gift of “Discerning of Spirits” given to man by the Holy Spirit. 426

Murray says those who DO NOT teach the SERPENT SEED DOCTRINE and who promote the RAPTURE DOCTRINE are false teachers and are “nothing but a bunch of selfrighteous hypocrites blinded by what sounds good to men’s ears.”

The Book: Most pastors and teachers DO NOT HOLD to the “SERPENT SEED DOCTRINE”; a two-seed line argument for the literal offspring of the God line and the Satan line from Eve.

426 1 Corinthians 12:10 – The Gift of discerning of good and evil spirits
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I have watched Shepherd’s Chapel for SO many years, loving the formula of reading and explaining the scriptures chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse for 30 minutes, then answering questions sent in by viewers for 30 minutes... It was awesome, the questions were just all over the place and added SO much interest; the hour went by so very fast for me.

After some time, I started to feel that Pastor Murray would “side step” some of the questions and then it got where I didn’t understand his answers; it was like he started responding in his mind and finished by speaking the rest of the sentence and then say “and so it is”. At first I thought he did not read the questions in advance because of ALL the negative questions asked, but now I see it was all orchestrated so as to give him the opportunity to disseminate his HATE views on the “Kenite” Jews; that would be Judah.

I thought it was just me, but as time moved on, some of the fence posts he was planting just didn’t seem to line up with the Book.

Murray is an excellent teacher of the Book if you can just FILTER out the “TRUTH” that he has manufactured in his own mind. If you believe something strongly, then it must be taught in the Book. Listen, I totally understand that when you spend as much time in the WORD as he does, that things come to you that you believe are from God and WE ALL DO IT, but Paul warns us to NOT GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN.427

Jesus warns us about false teachers in the end times.428 We are commanded to defend the faith,429 but you cannot defend your faith if you don’t know the ERROR in a false teaching.

there are five qualifiers with the last two being of most significance.

CULT Qualifications;

1) A religious group that meets regularly; Yes Shepherd’s Chapel
2) Has an altar; Yes Shepherd’s Chapel
3) Prays to a deity; Yes Shepherd’s Chapel
4) Points to a different book other than the Bible; Yes The Companion Bible
5) Points to a prophet/founder who has “special enlightenment” not found in the Bible.

Yes Arnold Murray.

Christian Identity Movement
The Christian Identity Movement regarded Europeans as the "Chosen People" with the Jews

being the cursed offspring of CAIN and was promoted as the "Serpent Hybrid" or SERPENT SEED; it was also known as the Two-Seed Line doctrine.

White supremacist sects and gangs later adopted many of these teachings. The Christian Identity Movement dictated that all non-whites (people not of wholly European descent) on the planet will either be exterminated or enslaved in order to serve THE WHITE RACE in the new Heavenly Kingdom on Earth under the reign of Jesus Christ. “Christian Identity Doctrine” states that non- whites can never achieve salvation or paradise, instead it states that only "Adamic" (white people) can achieve salvation and paradise.

NOTE: If you reject Judah as being Kenites, then you are rejecting Jesus the Messiah who is also from the tribe of Judah.430 It’s in the Book

Revelation 5:5 – Jesus is from the tribe of Judah

5 But one of the twenty-four elders said to me, “Stop weeping! Look, THE LION of the TRIBE OF JUDAH, the heir to David’s throne,

has won the victory.



427 1 Corinthians 4:6 – Do not go beyond what is written in the Book
428 Matthew 7:15 – Beware of false teachers disguised as sheep
429 2 Timothy 4:2 – Be prepared to correct, rebuke teachings
430 Revelation 5:5 - JESUS the Lion of the tribe of JUDAH is worthy to open the scroll

A Racist is someone who makes a distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on Race, Color, Descent, Nationality or Ethnic Origin. (United Nations Definition)

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Anglo-Israelism - Replacement Theology
Murray within the smoke, teaches ANGLO-ISRAELISM or REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY also

referred to as the CHRISTIAN IDENTITY MOVEMENT. These movements have been the foundation foragreatdealofRACIALBIGOTRY. ThesedoctrinesarepromotedbymanyCULTS;teachingthat the USA, Canada and Great Britain are the real descendants of ancient Israel and are the actual Ten Lost Tribes of Israel; therefore Anglo-Saxons are NOW God’s “Chosen RACE”, and are the real children of Israel.

White supremacy or white supremacism movements believe that North America was blessed by God and ordained as the superior race in the world with all other racial groups inferior; therefore they should be dominant over them. White supremacy has its roots in scientific racism, the belief that empirical evidence exists that supports racial inferiority and justifies racial discrimination, and thus they typically oppose JEWS as well as members of other races. Murray denounces INTERRACIAL MARRIAGES as an unbiblical position. Murray says he is not a racist and does not oppose the Jew; only the KeniteJEWS.

This is subtle point and you will completely miss it if we don’t camp out here for a bit. Murray distinguishes a HUGH difference between the two Kingdoms, Judah and Israel and to support this twist of scripture, more scripture must be tortured till it confesses: the “Serpent Seed Doctrine”; the Kenites, plus the teaching that two Kenites also survived on the Ark besides Noah’s family of eight.

The Southern Kingdom (Judah) are the “Kenites” JEWS, a false group of workers of iniquity that descended from Cain that remain TODAY trying to control the world governments.

The Northern Kingdom: Murray says the people of the British Isles are linguistically, genetically and racially the descendants of Israel’s Ten Lost Tribes. They were scattered abroad; eventually populated Europe and North America and are God’s chosen people.

A LITTLE BACKGROUND: Israel was split into two nations. In the South the nation was called Judah with only the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin remaining; the smaller tribe of Benjamin was eventually absorbed into Judah and now ALL are called “Jews”. In the North was 10 tribes that retained the name Israel, but were scattered abroad and were lost. It’s in the Book

Anglo-Israelism is a concept that Jewish Israel failed to recognize the Messiah Jesus Christ, and after centuries has NOW been replaced by the Christian Church as God’s chosen people. Israel now has NO role in God’s future work. This is a FALSE doctrine of The Christian Identity Movement seemingly to me is taught by Murray.

The Book teaches that the “NATION” of Israel is not so much about WHERE they are, but WHO they are in Christ. Jesus Christ is the life giving Vine. God broke off the branches of unbelieving Israel431 and grafted in the believing Gentiles, THIS PART IS TRUE, BUT if the broken off branches of Israel will believe, God has promised to graft them back in again.432

LISTEN: The Vine is Jesus Christ; the branches are Jewish Israel; when you as a Gentile are grafted into the vine, you become part of Jewish Israel, your roots become Jewish.

All Israel is therefore; 1) the natural branches of the vine; the believing Jews,433 plus 2) the un-natural wild branches that were grated in; the Gentiles,434 plus 3) the broken off branches that were grafted back into the vine; the returning believing Jews.435 SO, when you see ALL ISRAEL spoken of, it includes ALL believers;

We are “All Israel”.

431 Romans 11:25-26 – Israel has a temporary hardening of the heart -- John 15:1-2 – Jesus is the Vine and cuts off barren branches - 432 Romans 11:1 – God has not rejected His people -- Romans 11:5 - There is a remnant of Believing Israel chosen by grace
433 John 15:5 – Jesus is the vine and Believing Israel is the Branches
434 Romans 11:17-21 – Gentile Believers are grafted into the Jewish vine

435 Romans 11:23-24 – If Israel will believe they will be grafted back into the vine
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If Murray is arrogant toward the Jew, because WE have been grafted into the vine, God will judge him. God will bless those who bless the Jews and curse those that curse them.436 If it were not for the Jews, we would not have the scriptures, prophets, apostles and our Messiah. Israel’s blindness to the Messiah will be removed when the fullness of the Gentile has been completed.437 This will occur during the tribulation period. The tribulation period is about the Jews, not so much about the Gentiles; we just happen to be there too.

Racism – Anti-Semitism

I lived in Atlanta in a white neighborhood called Capital View Manor just across from Joy Land, a colored section separated by I-85. I was small and could bend over and walk through the storm sewers under the I-85 expressway into Joy Land which was a wonderland of backyard vegetable gardens, trees, tire swings, junk, old cars, dogs, goats and ponies. I guess I knew that I was the only white kid there, but it just didn’t seem to matter to me and it sure didn’t matter to them. We just had so much fun; I would take toys to swap and completely lose track of time.

My Dad and I were in the Sears & Roebuck automotive department getting tires for our car when I spotted two water fountains; one said WHITE and the other said COLORED. I went and tried out the colored water fountain, but to my surprise, it looked and tasted the same as the white water. I told my Dad of my discovery and he said “it’s silly isn’t it”.

My Dad had a Paint and Body Shop in a colored section of town and as a kid I worked there. One day I went to get some lunch at the diner and they refused to serve me. I told my Dad and he said “sometimes stuff like that just happens” and he took me to the Gas station up the street where we got chips and crackers out of a machine.

In the 50’s growing up, I still knew nothing about racism, it would not be until I got to high school when someone called me a “JEW.” I responded that “I wish I was a Jew, that Jesus was a Jew”. I THOUGHT EVERYBODY WOULD WANT TO BE A JEW. I just didn’t get it. My Grandparents as well as my Mom and Dad were all Sunday school teachers in the Baptist Church, so I was not exposed to profanity, drugs or alcohol, let alone racism.

In the 60’s as an adult, I took my family camping at the Stone Mountain campground. I had already heard of the fear, hurt and hatred that the KKK was spewing in the name of Christianity. The KKK held a rally on the mountain that night and burned a cross. I felt violated; it made me physically sick and I feared for the safety of my small family.

Today in 2019, I certainly know that racism exist, but I have NEVER LIVED WITH FEAR, day in and day out, when little by little, one’s soul is killed with Bigotry, the “disease of ignorance”. When you judge people, you have no time to love them. It seems to me that racism has to be learned. Nobody is born a racist, somebody has to teach them to HATE.

In the 40’s

Serpent Seed Doctrine

The Book says that God sees the END from the BEGINNING;438 and after going through the Book a couple of times with Murray, I can now see his END is a hatred for the Jewish people and how the scriptures must be twisted all the way back to the beginning to support his doctrine. Murray of course says, THIS IS NOT TRUE, he just hates the KeniteJEWS.

I feel a need to address the Serpent Seed Doctrine first as many of Murray’s other teaching hinge on this one theory. In order to make it work, you have to TORTURE a number of other scriptures until they CONFESS this TWISTED CONCEPT.

The “Serpent Seed” teaching comes from the early church, where a “Spiritual Group” took the words of Christ quite LITERALLY and broadly as He was speaking to a specific group of Jews and said to them “You are of your father the Devil”. 439

436 Genesis 12:3 – God will bless those who bless the Jews
437 Romans 11:25 – The blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in 438 Isaiah 46:9-10 – God sees the End from the Beginning
439 John 8:44 - You are of your father the devil, a murderer from the beginning

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The Gospel of Philip from the Nag Hammadi Library is part of the Gnostic Gospels found by accident buried in a cave near Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945. This Gnostic teaching pretty much says Satan was the father of Cain. The Gnostics were thought to have had personal communications with deity; thus they had KNOWLEDGE that others did not possess.

So as we begin unpacking this; understand that the Gnostic teaching of the Gospel of Philip has been rejected by most Scholars as NOT being AUTHORED by Phillip; but this writing surely does reveal the thinking of the writers at the time and its Gnostic thinking followers.

Gospel of Philip 3.61

- Cain was a child of the Serpent

61 If he were not created, but begotten, you would find you would find that his seed was noble. But now he was created, afterward murder. And he was begotten in adultery, for

a murderer, JUST LIKE HIS FATHER and he killed his brother.

A little background

Those who embrace the Christian Identity Movement of gnostic thinking, their BS, their Belief System will see the “Serpent Seed Doctrine” being birthed in Genesis and running throughout the entire Bible; they will symbolize, allegorize or make it into a metaphor. Murray has tried to prove that Satan has the ability to have sex with women, the next thing to prove is that the FORBIDDEN FRUIT in the Garden of Eden was human sexuality.

The Book: The Serpent is named in the Garden of Eden and said to have beguiled Eve;440 the Hebrew word “nachash” translated “Serpent” or “snake” means “hiss of a snake” or an enchanter, a whisperer of magic spells. Subtle means he was smooth, cunning and crafty. Paul warns us that the serpent deceived Eve by his cunningness.441

Murray says the word beguiled really means; wholly SEDUCED. Murray points out that the Book of Proverbs metaphorically compares the word “Eating” as “Sexual Immorality”,442 and that the Book of Mark contains a story that compares TREES to men walking443 and the Fig Tree is a symbolic reference to the PEOPLE of Israel.444 So you can twist the scriptures enough to confess; that the trees are a metaphor or reference to men in the Garden of Eden and the “eating” from the tree is symbolic of having sexual intercourse; therefore she ate of the fruit of the tree, or she had sex with the Serpent or whatever it was and got pregnant with Cain which produced the Hybrid-Humans known as the soulless Kenites”.

Now the Story

We begin this story looking through the LENS of the “Serpent Seed”, zooming in on the Trees. Trees in the Book are symbolic of people; the Tree of life could be symbolic of Jesus Christ and the Tree of knowledge of good and evil could be symbolic of Satan.445

We don’t know how long Adam and Eve lived in the garden before the trickery of Satan began, but we do know that the very day of disobedience they “begin to die446 and were cast out of the garden; then one to four days later we hear the phrase that Adam “KNEW” his wife; he had sexual relations with her. Hold that thought

Twinning: Among DIZYGOTIC TWINS, in rare cases, the eggs are fertilized at different times with two or more acts of sexual intercourse, either within one menstrual cycle (superfecundation) or, even more rarely, later on in the pregnancy (superfetation).

440 Genesis 3:13 – Eve was beguiled; seduced by the Serpent
441 2 Corinthians 11:3 - The serpent deceived Eve by his cunning
442 Proverbs 30:20 – Woman metaphorically eats” in adultery
443 Mark 8:23-24 – Metaphor; Trees are people
444 Hosea 9:10 – Metaphor; the Fig Tree is Israel
445 Genesis 2:9 – Garden was two Trees; Life, & Knowledge of Good & Evil -- Genesis 3:1-3 – Don’t TOUCH that tree was NOT God’s command
446 Genesis 3:4-5 – Serpent LIED; you will not surly die, you will be like god

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This can lead to the possibility of a woman carrying fraternal twins with different fathers (that is, half-siblings). This phenomenon is known as heteropaternal superfecundation.

Dizygotic twins from bi-racial couples can sometimes be mixed twins, which exhibit differing ethnic and racial features. One such pairing was born in Germany in 2008 to a white father from Germany and a black mother from Ghana. Wikipedia

Eve gave birth to Cain and then continued in birth of his TWIN brother Abel which she gave thanks believing they were both from the Lord.

Murray: Eve had twins that had different fathers. (This we know is certainly medically possible today.)

In the genealogy of Adam given in chapter five we already know that Abel is dead leaving no genealogy to record; but we must also notice that CAIN is totally left out as a son of Adam, as the genealogy begins with the third son SETH.

Murray: Cain was not the Son of Adam.

Perverted Sex

Notice both Adam and Eve ate of the fruit. IF it is true that eating the fruit was symbolic of having sexual relations, then the Serpent had sex with Eve and then it would follow that the serpent also had sex with Adam because both ate of the fruit; this introduces the perverted sex of HOMOSEXUALITY; both ate and both shared in the consequences.

Murray’s thinking is their eyes were now open447 being armed with the Knowledge of Good and Evil; they sewed fig leaves together. If their sin was eating the FRUIT from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, then why did they not seek to hide or cover their MOUTHS, but instead they covered their PRIVATE PARTS.448

Father of Cain

Josephus the Jewish historian; a High Priest and a Pharisee was born near the death of Christ and was NOT a Christian, but writes that Cain was begotten by BOTH Adam and Eve with no mention of Satan except to say that Cain was wicked.

The Serpent Seed Doctrine puts forth the THEORY that the original sin was sexual whereas the Book presents a worldview that the original sin was DISOBEDIENCE, not SEXUALITY.

Murray says Eve was “beguiled”; the Greek word “exapataoCAN be rendered “wholly deceived” implying that Eve literally had sex with the “serpent being449 and became pregnant with Cain who was literally the offspring of Satan. (This brings back memories of the SICK 1968 horror film entitled Rosemary’s Baby”; the offspring of Satan.)

The Book: Beguiled” is never connected with SEX in any other passage where this same word beguiled is used.

Genesis 3:15 – Enmity between Kenites and the Elect

15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed (the fake Kenites) and her Seed (the real Jews) He shall bruise

your head (the fake Kenites) And you shall bruise His heel. (the real Jews)


*** Josephus Antiquities 1:21:1.53-54 – Cain was wicked
52 ADAM AND EVE HAD TWO SONS; the elder of them was named CAIN; which name, when it is interpreted signifies a possession. The Younger ABEL, which signifies sorrow. They had also daughters.
53 Now, the two brethren were pleased with different courses of life, for
ABEL, the younger, was a lover of righteousness and believing

447 Genesis 3:6-7- They ate, then the eyes of both were opened
448 Genesis 3:7-13 – They covered their private parts, not their mouths
449 2 Corinthians 11:3 – THEORY: Eve was beguiled, wholly deceived and had sex with the serpent

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that God was present at all his actions, he excelled in virtue; and his employment was that of a shepherd.
CAIN was not only VERY WICKED in other respects, but was wholly intent upon GETTING; and he first contrived to plough the ground. He slew his brother on the occasion following;

The Encounter - Bestiality
Eve encountered SOMETHING that could walk upright and talk, The Book calls it a serpent, but

today we might call it a “Shape Shifter”, something that can transform itself into a different shape. The Book says Satan can do that and so can his servants.450

Murray contends that eating of the tree symbolizes Eve’s sexual intercourse with the serpent. After the encounter, the serpent was cursed so that he could no longer stand upright or walk. People refer to someone that is crafty, sinister, sneaky and nefarious as A SNAKE although they are actually a person; they are actually being identified by their characteristics. When Eve encountered the serpent standing there, she saw that he was “a delight to the eyes”; a good looking dude so she ventured close, not afraid to talk with him. 451

The Book: There is zero evidence of Adam and Eve having sex IN the Garden of Eden. When it came to sexuality this was a time of childlike innocence. Adam and Eve were both naked and that fact had not even crossed their minds.

The Book teaches that everything reproduces after its kind, so even though we see it spoken of a flying fish or a flying squirrel, they did not mate with a bird and they don’t actually fly. It is true a female horse and a male donkey have a similar DNA and can mate and produce a mule, but pregnancy of the mule is rare. THINGS REPRODUCE AFTER THEIR OWN KIND. So with that said a reptile or serpent cannot mate with a human and produce an offspring, so how could the serpent in the story of Adam and Eve have ever mated with Eve and produced the child Cain? It is impossible; Satan cannot create; only counterfeit, manipulate and mutilate.

The Book points out that it is a sin to have sex with an animal; the act is called BESTIALITY, it does not produce a hybrid of something, it produces nothing and is simply just what it is; PERVERTED SEX.

In Islam it is permitted to have sex with an animal to prevent the sin of having sex with a woman that is not your wife, however, God says a person who is involved in Bestiality should be KILLED.

- It’s in the Book -
The Book: Since Eve was in the Garden and not Murray, it would be safe to take her confession

about Cain as being valid. The Book says Adam made love to Eve and she became pregnant and gave birth to CAIN and SHE said WITH THE HELP OF THE LORD I have brought forth

a man”.

It’s in the Book

Genesis 1:25 - Things reproduce after their kind

25 And God made the beasts of the earth AFTER THEIR KIND, and the cattle AFTER THEIR KIND, and everything that creepeth upon

the ground AFTER ITS KIND: and God saw that it was good. (ASV)

Leviticus 18:23 – Don’t have sex with animals

23 DO NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH AN ANIMAL and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an

animal to have sexual relations with it; that is A PERVERSION. NIV

Leviticus 20:15-16 – KILL the one who has sex with an animal

15 If a man has SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH AN ANIMAL, he must be PUT TO DEATH, and you must kill the animal.


450 2 Corinthians 11:14 – Satan and his workers can shape shift themselves into workers of righteousness 451 Genesis 3:14 – Serpent can no longer walk; must slither in the dust

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16 If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal.
MUST BE PUT TO DEATH; their blood will be on their own heads. NIV

Genesis 4:1-2 – Outside of the Garden, Adam knew his wife

2 And AGAIN, she bore his brother ABEL. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. (ESV)

The Curse – Murray’s view
Point of view; looking at THE CURSE through the LENS of the “Serpent Seed Doctrine”. The SERPENT is cursed to no longer be able to stand erect or walk, but must slither on the

ground and eat the very dust that man was made of.452
The WOMAN is cursed in childbearing to bring forth children in pain and have a burning desire

to rule over her husband.453 Her mouth was not cursed with pain for eating the fruit, but her childbearing was cursed with pain, directly linking her to sexual intercourse and pregnancy; proving EATING the forbidden fruit in the garden represented having SEX.

The MAN is cursed with weeds growing in the ground which he must toil in pain to survive.454

The BOYS are cursed that there will be hatred between Cain’s offspring’s; the EVIL Kenites and Seth’s offspring’s the GOOD Jews.455 So now you can easily see why Cain hated Abel; they were from TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT FATHERS. Revelation says I know your tribulation and your poverty and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and ARE NOT, but are of the synagogue of Satan. (The Kenites)

The FUTURE CHILDREN are cursed as an angel of the Lord was placed in LOVE at the entrance of the Garden of Eden with a flaming sword to prevent them from entering in and eating from the Tree of Life which would cause them to remain in a fallen condition FOREVER.456

The Book: SYMBOLICALLY the Flaming sword represents Light; this sword is the Word of God and shows us THE WAY” back to Him: back to the Tree of Life that is now in heaven.

Adam’s FIRST Three Boys
There are three sons of Adam that are tracked in the Book; Cain, Abel and Seth.
There is no linage of Abel because he was murdered by his brother
Cain. Something bad happened

to Cain’s linage as it just disappears after the seventh generation, 120 years before the flood; yet Seth’s linage continues on to the tenth generation.

The flood took place in the tenth generation wiping out any possibilities of Cain’s descendants continuing. Only Eight people survived the flood; Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three distant cousin wives. Noah was in the line of descendants of Seth.

It would be Seth’s descendants that proved to be those who remained faithful to God while Cain’s did not. It is through the Godly lineage of Seth that the Messiah Jesus Christ would come.

Adam and Eve had additional children; that is where Cain and Seth both got their wives. Murray contends that Noah took TWO OF EVERY LIVING FLESH on the Ark and that would include two of ALL of the other nations; specifically two of Satan’s seed, the Kenites plus two of all the other races, White, Black and Asian.

452 Genesis 3:14 - The SERPENT cursed no longer stand upright and walk, but on the belly eating the dust man is made of 453 Genesis 3:16 - WOMAN cursed to bring forth children in pain
454 Genesis 3:17-19 – MAN and GROUND cursed that he must work with sweat to eat
455 Genesis 3:15 – BOYS cursed; Hatred between the Kenites & Jews

456 Genesis 3:24 – The Angel with flaming sword guarded the way back to the tree of life till it was taken to heaven.
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Book 6 Dead Sea Scrolls, Parables, Another Gospel, Cults IT’S IN THE BOOK The Book: It is believed that Noah’s first THREE sons had taken wives from other nations before

the flood allowing all the races to continue through them.

Shem is the progenitor of the “Semitic” peoples of the East. (White) descendants became the Egyptians, Canaanites and Africans. (Black)

descendants are the inhabitants of Asia Minor and the sea people. (Yellow)

Murray - Genesis 6:19 – Two of every living flesh; Two of EVERY Nations 19 And OF EVERY LIVING THING OF ALL FLESH, you shall bring TWO OF EVERY SORT into the ark to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female.


The Book - Genesis 7:7 – Only Noah the family of eight survived
7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with

him went into the ark to escape the waters of the flood. (ESV)

Genesis 9:18-19 – Noah’s sons - Shem, Ham and Japheth

18 The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan.)

19 These were the three sons of Noah, and FROM THEM CAME THE PEOPLE WHO WERE SCATTERED OVER THE EARTH.


The Kenites

The Kenite Doctrine is a version of the "SERPENT SEED DOCTRINE" that identifies a specific "Kenite" lineage of people that descended from Cain. Murray identifies them as a minority that exist within the tribe of Judah. (Anti-Semitism) Wikipedia

The Archontites had maintained that Cain had a demon for his father, and that the JEWS proceeded from the race of Cain.

Nazi Theology pretty much states that the Serpent; Satan had sex with Eve and she gave birth to Cain and his descendants survived the great flood; they are the BLACKS and the JEWS; the children of Satan who have a tainted, corrupted DNA Serpent Seed and need to be cleansed from the earth. This was the dark motivation for the Holocaust and the WHITE SUPREMACY movement.

The Kenites were an ethnic group along with NINE other groups that occupied the pre-Israelite land of Canaan and COULD be the offspring’s of Cain; the Kenites “Sons of Cain”.457 Murray uses them to represent children of the Wicked One; the tares sown by Satan as noted in the parable of the TARES and WHEAT.

The Book says that only eight people survived the flood, therefore there were NO Kenites after the flood nor NOW. So when you hear teachers such as Murray referring to someone as being a “Kenite” because they disagree with their BS, their Belief System, they are also saying they don’t believe in the world wide flood of Noah which would have killed all the Kenites.

Just to mess with your mind, there is no mention of Cain’s death in the Book, so could it be that the first murderer will return as the Antichrist; the last murderer? Reincarnation?



1 John 3:11-12 - Cain belonged to the evil one; Satan

11 ... We should love one another. - We must not be like

12 CAIN, WHO BELONGED TO THE EVIL ONE and killed his brother.

And why did he kill him? Because

Cain had been doing what was evil, and

his brother had been doing what was righteous. (NLT)

457 Genesis 15:18-21 – The land was then occupied by the Kenites
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Parable of the Tares
Murray connects THE PARABLE OF THE GOOD AND BAD SEED with God’s curse of the serpent

in the garden although there is nothing in the text connecting these two passages.
Definition: “Sperma” in the Greek means “Seed”; the sowing of seed by the farmer; a remnant

remaining for another planting; a man’s seed or emission of semen; a descendent.458

The Parable of the Tares as viewed from the “Serpent Seed” point of View: a Belief System. The Man; the Sower, the servant farmer is symbolic of Jesus Christ.
The field is symbolic of the world
The Seed is symbolic of the children of God, THE JEWS from the line of Seth.

The Enemy is a Foe; an Adversary identified as SATAN, not a snake or a serpent.
The Reapers are God’s angels.
The Harvest is at the end of the age; the judgment.
The Tares are symbolic of THE KENITES who claim to be Jews, but are the children of Satan.

NOTE; It is imperative that we read the Bible for ourselves. We are commanded to prove scripture with scripture, in context with the point of view of the intended audience.

The Story: Jesus as the servant farmer had just gone into the field and sowed the seed that brings forth the godly line of Seth, the Jews.459 Satan sneaks in while the servants are SLEEPING and sows the seeds that will bring forth the evil line of Cain; the Kenites.460

The good Jews and the evil Kenites are both growing up together and at some point they both HAVE FRUIT and the difference begins to be noticed by the workers.461 They wonder how this can be, they saw the good seed being planted themselves, but were unaware of what Satan had done while they slept.

Jesus tells them plainly that SATAN has done this nefarious thing.462 The workers want to go in and tear out the weeds right away, but Jesus compassionately says NO, that they might accidently pull up a believer that is new in the faith who might be caught up in the Word of Faith teachings which make them look like a Kenite.463 He said leave them growing awhile longer so that their fruit may have time to fully develop.464 (This is you and me)

Let them grow together till the Judgment then we will first gather the FAKE Kenites and bind them in bundles TO BE BURNED, then later gather the REAL Jews into my barn.

The Warning: To those who have ears; they better hear.465

Matthew 13:37-38 – The Story explained by Jesus

37 He answered, “The one who sows the good seed (the real Jews) is the Son of Man.
38 The field is the world, and the good seed (the real Jews) is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds (the fake Kenites) are the sons of the evil one, (Satan the Devil)


Kenites - Seed of the Serpent
Murray contends that the tares in the parable of the “Wheat and Tares” as described in Matthew

13aretheKenites”,Cain’sactualdecedents. MurraycontendsthattheinhabitantsofIsraelTODAY are biological descendants of Cain that descended from Satan and are at work today preparing for Satan’s rule.

458 Revelation 12:17 – The SEED that is left over; A remnant -- 1 John 3:9 – The Good Seed will remain in God and cannot sin 459 Matthew 13:24 – JESUS CHRIST sowed the good seed; the real JEWS
460 Matthew 13:25 – SATAN sowed the wicked seeds; the fake KENITES
461 Matthew 13:26-27 - The JEWS and KENITES grew up together

462 Matthew 13:28 – Satan has done this thing
463 Matthew 13:29 – Don’t gather unknowingly might get young JEWS
464 Matthew 13:30 – Let the tares and wheat grow together until the harvest
465 Matthew 13:39-43 - Enemy in the garden is identified as Satan HE WHO HAS EARS, LET HIM HEAR.

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The Book: The Parable is not referring to literal PHYSICAL descendants of Satan, but is a reference to SPIRITUAL descendants. This “Seed of the Serpent” is only a figurative offspring, not Cain and his literal offspring. Saying it another way; people regardless of their race who do not believe and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ, but instead choose to follow their own sinful tendencies are the “Children of Satan”.466

Murray contends that Jesus denounces JEWS as being “Kenites”.467

The Book: Jesus in the Book of John was denouncing a small group of Jews for their unbelief,468 metaphorically speaking that ANYONE who refuses to believe in Him, is a child of the devil.469 He is not referring to “Kenites”, He is specifically saying that those in THIS group are a child of the devil because of what they believed, not for who they were and besides that, He already knew that their intentions were to KILL Him.470

Kenite Jews

Statement: Satan is the father of anyone who sins, therefore Satan is the Father of all of UNREDEEMED mankind and therefore man must be BORN AGAIN to become a child of God.471

Murray: In the Book of John, Jesus is addressing Cain as the murderer; his descendants are the “Kenites” offspring’s; a hybrid of the Jews of today including those adopted and married into Jewish families. Murray says; “These were the Jews who killed Christ”.

Murray: "Now, who stands in Jerusalem today?... the sons of Cain ... those who will not accept Jesus Christ... the Kenites”; that founded a new nation starting in 1948." (ISRAEL)

(NOTE: You can view Shepherd’s Chapel’s newsletters on line as well as read his Belief System in the commentaries found in the Shepherd’s Chapel “Companion Bible”.)

The Book: Murray’s Belief System promotes the RACIST idea that JEWS are of the seed of Satan therefore White Anglo-Saxons are the chosen race that is the true spiritual Israel.

In the Book of Genesis, Jesus is literally addressing Satan; the Devil (not Cain) as the murderer who caused death to come upon the human race when he instigated Adam and Eve to sin:472 however Murray is correct, Cain did kill his brother Abel, therefore he ALSO is a murderer from the beginning.

The Serpents Seed is not literally Cain and his offspring’s, but those that follow their own sinful tendencies and do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah; FIGURATIVE they are the offspring’s or children of Satan regardless of what race they belong to.473

Kenites on the Ark

If what Murray asserts is true, that Satan did father Cain and his offspring’s were the evil Kenites; then they ALL died in the flood of Noah. To fix this Murray must torture the scriptures again to confess that the flood was NOT worldwide.

Murray claims the flood of Noah was only a local community flood which did not affect the land of Nod nor the Kenites. Note: IF the flood of Noah was just local, just around Israel, then how did, my little town of Irmo, South Carolina that is around the world, 360 feet above sea level and 160 miles from the coast have sea shells and what is known as the “Sandhills” that run up to the Blue Ridge and Piedmont mountains? Just saying.

To keep his ANTI-SEMITISM going, he now has to twist the scriptures to say there were two of every flesh that entered Noah’s ark besides the eight of NOAH’S family; this would include two of every nation, plus two Kenites. (Murray says Kenites are not actually a race, but a hybrid of people.)

466 Matthew 16:23 - Jesus rebukes Peter because of his unbelief GET AWAY FROM ME, SATAN!
467 Matthew 13:24-41 – Weeds are the fake Kenites; the wheat is the real Jews
468 Ephesians 2:1-3 – The Devil is the spirit that is at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God.
469 John 8:44 - The Devil is the father of UNBELIEF and Lies
470 1 John 3:9-59 – YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL ME; the evil in your heart makes you a child of SATAN
471 Romans 6:12-14 – You were dead and now you live–--Ephesians 2:11 – Believing in your hearts makes you a JEW
472 Genesis 2:17 – If you eat its fruit, YOU ARE SURE TO DIE; Satan instigated the death of Adam and Eve -- Genesis 3:14 – It was Satan that murdered Adam and Eve by causing them to sin
473 Matthew 13:36-43 – The Bad seed are those who belong to Satan

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The Book affirms that ONLY Noah, his wife and their three sons and their three wives survived the flood for a total of eight humans that replenished the earth. God promises Noah that never again would He kill ALL of the living creatures;474 never again to destroy the earth with a flood, but at the “End of Time” it will be purged of ALL Sin & Evil with FIRE.475

Murray - Genesis 6:19 – Two of every living flesh INCLUDING OTHER NATIONS 19 And of EVERY LIVING THING OF ALL FLESH,
TWO OF EVERY SORT shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.


The Book - Genesis 6:18 – Eight on the ark, Noah, wife, 3 sons and 3 wives 18 But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.


2 Peter 2:5 - Only Eight people spared in the flood of Noah

5 And God did NOT spare the ancient world


Noah warned the world of God’s righteous judgment. So God

protected Noah when he destroyed the world of ungodly people with

a vast flood. (NLT)

Genesis 9:18-19 – All the nations came from Noah’s three sons

18 The sons of Noah who came out of the boat with their father were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (Ham is the father of Canaan.)



Pre-existence – Murray Reincarnation
Pre-existence: Murray says; we existed in heaven with God our Father before we became

human. There was never a time when man did not exist and there will never be a time when we will cease to exist. Each person was self-existent and coequal with God.

Murray teaches the LDS Mormon doctrine that men preexisted in time based on his interpretation of the Book where God is speaking to His “Spirit Children” and said,” Let US make MAN in our own image”. He teaches that everyone pre-existed in spirit-bodies in heaven as “Sons of God” before they existed in the First Earth Age as some sort of a hybrid angel-human being.

It was necessary that at our birth, our knowledge of “pre-existence” be removed. This is called the veil of memories. The fall of mankind was a blessing in the progression of humanity to the level of Godhood.

At some point during the First Earth Age there was a rebellion or war where 1/3 of the EVIL SonsofGodrebelled,butweredefeatedbytheremaining2/3rdsfaithfulGOODSonsofGod. The First Earth Age became so polluted that God destroyed all of it, and after millions of years created a Second Earth Age to start His creations all over again. The Second Earth Age was for fixing whatever went wrong in the First Earth Age. It was SECOND CHANCE SALVATION; A DO OVER.

Murray says God called together his Heavenly Council of Sons of God and pronounced judgement on ALL of them, both good and bad and sent the lot of them through a redemption process of being REINCARNATED in the Second Earth Age. There they were then BORN AGAIN by being placed into human flesh bodies, born of a woman. Their memories of the First Earth Age Rebellion would be veiled and not remembered. (Sure sounds like Murray might be a Mormon too.)

474 Genesis 9:11 – Noah’s flood killed ALL living creatures 475 Isaiah 66:16 – The world will be purified with FIRE

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Murray says; THE ELECT were the GOOD Sons of God who sided with God and fought for Him in the War and therefore were PREDESTINED to be saved. These Elect would know in their spirit that their job in the Second Earth Age was to try to get the Rebellious BAD Sons of God to repent and come back to God.

FREE WILL was a CURSE that was placed on those that had rebelled in the First Earth Age, they had to find God on their own if they had the desire.

But then SATAN UPS HIS GAME and enters into the Second Earth Age too and has SEX with Eve who produces Hybrid Satanic children through Cain, known as the “Kenites”.

According to Murray, every person’s spirit existed in heaven with God before they were born on earth. THE ELECT seem to be the Anglo Americans of today and those that were cursed with Free Will seem to be the Kenite JEWS of Today.

The Book says we are from below and Jesus is from above;476 man did not pre-exist with God; MAN was made on the earth, then the spirit of man was formed within him and then he became a living person.477 This happened on earth not in heaven.478 It was here that God gave man his spirit and at death the spirit will return to Him.479

Note: Fore-knowledge and Fore-ordained are not the same. The fact that God knew us before we were born, does not mean that we existed somewhere else other that in His mind. Our natural body comes first, then the spirit comes later,480 then it is appointed unto man to die ONCE and then comes the judgment.481

Jesus Christ the Son of God, always existed with God the Father in heaven and is the only man that pre-existed with God. No one has ever gone to heaven and returned, except Jesus Christ.

- It’s in the Book –

John 1:1 – Jesus existed in the beginning with God


John 17:5 – Jesus was with God before the world began

5 Now, Father, bring me into

John 3:13 – Only Jesus has gone from heaven and returned


No Trinity - Modalism
Modalism is the doctrine that the person of the Trinity represent only three modes or aspects

of the divine revelation, NOT distinct and coexisting persons in the divine nature. Jesus is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (One Person in three different ROLES, or MODES)

Murray denies the Trinity; the three persons of God head, interpreting the Book to mean that they are merely three offices. He teaches that the “Father,” “Son,” and “Spirit” are different titles that God uses for different jobs at different times. (Mormon Theology)

The Book: At Jesus’ baptism, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit WERE ALL PRESENT at the SAME time and WERE INTERACTING with each other.

The Trinity is a major doctrine of Christianity. Most CULTS deviate from this doctrine, as does Murray; modalism denies the Trinity and is a heretical doctrine. (Sure sounds like the Mormons)

476 John 8:23-24 – We are from below, Jesus is from above
477 Genesis 1:26 – God said "let us make man in our image, according to our likeness
478 Genesis 2:7 – God formed the man from the DUST of the ground and the man became a living person
479 Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 – At death the spirit will return to god who gave it
480 Zechariah 12:1 – Man was created and then God formed the spirit of man within him -- 1 Corinthians 15:45-48 – What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes
481 Hebrews 9:27 – Man is born and is appointed to die once, then the judgment

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Matthew 3:16-17 – Father, Son, Spirit; ALL PRESENT at once

16 After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw THE SPIRIT of God descending like a dove and settling on him. And a VOICE FROM HEAVEN said,
17 “This is my DEARLY LOVED SON, who brings me great joy.”


Matthew 28:19 - The Great Commission Father Son Holy Spirit

19 ... go and MAKE DISCIPLES of all the nations, BAPTIZING THEM in the name of the FATHER and the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT.


No Hell – Murray Annihilation
Murray teaches that Hell does not exist now and has never existed and that “to roast one of his

own children day and night would be something only Satan would conceive of.” Unbelievers will not be tormented eternally in hell and according to Ezekiel they will just completely disappear and cease to exist. There are no tears in heaven and the SMOKE of eternal “Torment” rising up to them certainly would not be heaven.

The Book says that the righteous will have never ending life, and the unrighteous will have never ending conscious punishment.482 Ezekiel’s prophecy is SPECIFICALLY about Satan, not man, and is saying METAPHORICALLY that SATAN’S sins will consume HIM, making HIS existence, plans, conniving and HIS efforts, to amount to nothing, like smoke from ashes.

Murray - Ezekiel 28:18 – Satan and followers reduced to ASHES

18 By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your

sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from you, and


on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. (NIV2011)

The Book - Revelation 14:9-11 – Conscious Punishment for Eternity

9 Then a third angel followed them, shouting, “Anyone who worships

the beast and his statue or who accepts his mark on the forehead or

10 on the hand must drink the wine of God’s anger. It has been

poured full strength into God’s cup of wrath. And they will be


in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb.

11 The SMOKE of their torment will rise FOREVER AND EVER, and

they will have no relief day or night, for they have worshiped the

beast and his statue and have accepted the mark of his name.” (NLT)

No Rapture

I’m going to camp out here for a little while and like a cow, CHEW THE CUD. The word rapture IS NOT FOUND IN THE BIBLE, but neither is the word TRINITY, but we can surmised it from comparing scripture with scripture and we named what we found the “TRINITY”.


NOTE: The Israelites saw something coming down out of heaven and didn’t know what it was and wanted to NAME it something, so they named it “MANNA” which means “What Is It”.

Webster says “rapture” is: A state or experience of being CARRIED AWAY by overwhelming emotion.

Wikipedia: Latin rapio”, meaning CAUGHT UP or TAKEN AWAY. Greek, rapiemur” also meaning CAUGHT UP or TAKEN AWAY. In fact the notion actually means to be forcefully, quickly or suddenly taken away as in the blinking of the eye.

482 Matthew 25:41 – The Evil go into ETERNAL FIRE -- Matthew 25:46 – The Evil go into ETERNAL PUNISHMENT
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There are references to a “SNATCHING AWAY” in scripture and there was a desire to NAME this process something and because of the words “rapio” and “rapiemur” the English word “rapture” was selected.

Rapture Origin: In the mid 1800’s Minister Edward Irving of a church in Scotland had a young

girl named Margaret MacDonald, who fell into a trance and had several hours of visions and prophecy. She revealed that Christ would return in two phases; one visibly only to the righteous

and a second time to execute wrath on the unrighteous. John Darby of the Plymouth Brethren

traveled to Scotland and developed the doctrine of the Rapture.

Before 1830, no one had ever heard of a “Secret Rapture” or the “Fly Away Doctrine”. No Church had taught it in their creed, catechism or statement of Faith, not until John Nelson Darby

preached about it in 1830. So at this writing the Rapture Doctrine is NOT predated by 2,000 years,

but is of recent origin; only 189 years old.

The phrase “Caught Up” is in the Bible, but the word RAPTURE is not found anywhere in Scripture. There are three views on when it will occur in regard to the great tribulations; Pre, Mid and

Post Tribulation as well as there is No Rapture.

Those that oppose the concept of the Rapture, call

it the “Escape Doctrine” or “Escapism”; the belief that there is a Great Escape from the

Tribulations. The opponents point to the writings of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapter 13 as their main

source of opposition.

Murray says; "Most go along with this CULT that teaches the rapture, that didn't start till 1830, but it's growing into the largest cult in the world". Those who believe in the “FLY AWAY DOCTRINE” are cultic, and God's seal is NOT upon them. In the end times they will be deceived by Satan.

When the Anti-Christ stands in the Holy of Holies, the “Rapture Ready” Christians will be deceived and will think it is Christ coming to take them away and will follow him and forfeit their own salvation. According to Murray, anyone who believes the Rapture Theory or the Fly Away Doctrine is EFFECTIVELY

(In some places I have paraphrased Murray’s comments as best as I can remember them over the years.)

Murray says God tells Ezekiel to prophecy that there are some people who are coming up with prophesies from out of their own hearts, they are foolish and are following their own spirit. Their

vision is a vain lying spirit and God has NOT spoken. God is against those who would hunt the souls of ignorant people and teach them the Fly Away Doctrine just to get them TO JOIN AND GROW

THEIR CHURCH. (Example; John Nelson Darby.)


The Book: I might say the same thing about Shepard’s Chapel using “The Fly Away” doctrine to knit unsuspecting people to his own organization. (Just my BS opinion) Murray’s contention is that Rapture Ready Believers will be deceived at the appearance of the Anti-Christ and FOLLOW HIM.

Murray’s perception is that the Rapture is something that WE will do.

Bible: The Rapture is something that GOD will do; the Believer is just SNATCHED AWAY; we don’t have anything to do with the rapture except to be ready.

NOW THE REAL BACKGROUND: In the 5th Century before Christ, the women of Israel were involved in FALSE RELIGIONS & LYING to the people by telling them that there would be PEACE; that JUDGEMENT would NOT come from God. They were making money by SELLING AMULETS to keep a person from GETTING SICK or to PROTECT THEM FROM GETTING HARMED. It was on these enterprising, conniving, evil women that God told Ezekiel to pronounce HIS judgment.

God was against their magic bands; their good luck charms. Their false religion and lies had ENSNARED His people LIKE CAGED BIRDS and HE would SET THEM FREE and let THEM FLY

AWAY. Read the ENTIRE chapter for yourself. It’s in the Book

There is great debate on when the rapture will occur, but based on passages in the Book that Murray has ignored, there WILL be a rapture or "catching away" of the saints to meet the Lord in the air. (I praise God for the KJV Bible, but the New Living Translation is so clearly understood without Murray’s explanation and it has not been tampered with by the “Kenites” as Murray would contend.)

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I must admit that I have watched his program for many years and believe Pastor Murray is a very intelligent man, BUT he has some very strange theories; such as Satan having sex with Eve which

produced the child Cain, who became the father of the “


”. Murray claims these



exist today and control the world government within their hidden dynasties. You can read all about

these Gnostic


in the Apocrypha, The Gospel of Judas, but it is not found in THE BOOK.

NOTE: Murray effectively denies the salvation of anyone who believes in the Rapture or “The

Fly Away Doctrine.” Belief in the Rapture is a non-essential point of “the end times” and DOES NOT affect our salvation in any way... The Rapture is something God does to us, not something we

do. We should pray for the rapture, but live our life as if THERE IS NOT ONE.


Ezekiel 13:2-3 – You prophecy, but you have seen nothing

2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that



Ezekiel 13:7-8 – It’s a lying prophecy – God has not spoken

7 Have ye not seen A VAIN VISION, and have ye not spoken
A LYING DIVINATION, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken?
8 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; because
you have spoken vanity, and seen lies, therefore, behold,
I AM AGAINST YOU, saith the Lord GOD. (KJV)
Ezekiel 13:20 - God is against Fly Away doctrine; The Rapture 20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I AM AGAINST your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them FLY, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them FLY. (KJV)


Ezekiel 13:17 – Prophesy against the Women

17 Likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against THE DAUGHTERS of thy people, which PROPHESY OUT OF THEIR OWN HEART; and

prophesy thou against them, (KJV)

Ezekiel 13:10 – Saying there will be peace and there is none

10 Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, PEACE; and there was NO PEACE; and one built up a wall, and, lo,

others daubed it with untempered mortar: (KJV)

Ezekiel 13:18 – Women SELLING amulets for the people to wear

18 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; WOE TO THE WOMEN that sew pillows (magic good luck bands) to all armholes, and make kerchiefs (magic good luck bands) upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?


Ezekiel 13:20a – I am AGAINST your good luck charms

20 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, Page 130

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you hunt the souls LIKE BIRDS, and I will tear them from your

arms, and

Ezekiel 13:20b – I will let ensnared souls FLY AWAY like Birds

I will let the souls whom you hunt go free, the souls like BIRDS. (ESV)


1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – We will be caught up in the air

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, THE CHRISTIANS WHO HAVE DIED WILL RISE FROM THEIR GRAVES.

17 Then, together with them, WE WHO ARE STILL ALIVE and remain on the earth will be CAUGHT UP in the clouds to meet the Lord

in the AIR. Then we will be with the Lord forever. (NLT)

1 Corinthians 15:51-52 – Dead raised & Living transformed

51 But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed!
52 It will happen in a moment, IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds,

those who have DIED will be raised to live forever. And we who are LIVING will also be TRANSFORMED.


Revelation 3:10 – He will keep us from the Hour of Trial

10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I WILL ALSO KEEP YOU FROM THE HOUR OF TRIAL that is going to come upon THE WHOLE WORLD
to test those who live on the earth.


1 Thessalonians s 1:10 – Jesus will rescue us from the wrath

10 WAIT for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead- JESUS, WHO RESCUES US FROM THE COMING WRATH.


1 Thessalonians 5:9 – God did not appoint us to suffer wrath

9 For GOD DID NOT APPOINT US TO SUFFER WRATH but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ


OT Raptures

Interestingly, there were some raptures in the Old Testament too. Enoch zapped into another dimension483 as well as Elijah,484 and later in the NT Paul’s spirit was “Caught Up” there also.485 Note: Twice Paul says “Caught Up” in the scripture, so this seems to be an important point.

Escapism – The Great Escape
Murray: The Rapture is Sometimes referred to as the DOCTRINE OF ESCAPISM; a false teaching

that Believers will escape the end time judgment that is coming on the earth.
The Book: Is the Doctrine of ESCAPISM found in the Bible? I hope to smile it is.... The Believer

will escape the Tribulations. It’s an Old Testament concept as well as New Testament concept.

483 Hebrews 11:5 – ENOCH Raptured GOD HAD TAKEN HIM AWAY


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God knows how to rescue the Believer and will not allow The Tribulations to come until He has given us a way out, He tells the Believer to pray for strength to go through what is to come, that He has provided a WAY OF ESCAPE.

The Book says God WILL DO NOTHING until His family has escaped. He provided a way for Noah and his family as well as Lot and his family.

OT - Psalm 71:2 - Deliver me and rescue me
2 In your righteousness DELIVER ME AND RESCUE ME; incline your

ear to me, and save me! (ESV)

OT - Psalm 141:10 – I will pass safely
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I PASS BY SAFELY.


NT - Luke 21:36 – Be vigilant - Pray to Escape all these things

36 But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength

TO ESCAPE ALL THESE THINGS that are going to take place, and to

stand before the Son of Man.” (ESV)

NT - 1 Corinthians 10:13 – God provides a way of ESCAPE

13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God

is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but

with the temptation HE WILL ALSO PROVIDE THE WAY OF

ESCAPE, that you may be able to endure it. (ESV)

NT - Revelation 3:10-11 – I will keep you from the hour of trial.

10 Because you have kept my word about patient endurance,


the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.

11 I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may

seize your crown. (ESV)

OT - Genesis 19:16-17 – God provided Lot a WAY OF ESCAPE 16 But he (Lot) lingered.

So the men seized him and his wife and his two daughters by the hand, the LORD being merciful to him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city.
17 And as they BROUGHT THEM OUT, one said, “ESCAPE for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. ESCAPE to the hills, lest you be swept away.”


OT - Exodus 12:23 - I will pass over you; You will ESCAPE death

23 For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians, and when

he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts,

THE LORD WILL PASS OVER the door and will


strike you. (ESV)

NT - Hebrews 11:7 – God provided Noah a WAY OF ESCAPE
7 By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear
constructed an ark for THE SAVING OF HIS HOUSEHOLD.
By this he
CONDEMNED THE WORLD and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. (ESV)

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OT - Genesis 19:22 – I will do nothing till Lot’s family ESCAPES
22 ESCAPE there quickly, FOR I CAN DO NOTHING
TILL YOU ARRIVE THERE.” Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.


NT - 2 Peter 2:9 - Lord knows how to rescue the Godly from trials 9 then the lord knows how TO RESCUE THE GODLY from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the


NT - Revelation 7:3 – 144,000 sealed and ESCAPE the tribulations


until we have SEALED THE SERVANTS OF OUR GOD on their

foreheads.” (ESV)

OT - Isaiah 37:32– A Band of Survivors: God will see to it

32 For out of Jerusalem shall go A REMNANT, and out of Mount Zion


the LORD of hosts will do this. (ESV)

OT - Ezekiel 14:13-14 – God will deliver the righteous even just three 13 Son of man, when a land sins against me by acting faithlessly, and I stretch out my hand against it and break its supply of bread and send famine upon it, and cut off from it man and beast,

14 even if these THREE men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, THEY WOULD DELIVER, but their own lives by their righteousness,

declares the Lord GOD. (ESV)

NT - Hebrews 11:31 – The Prostitute Rahab ESCAPED death by Faith 31 BY FAITH Rahab the prostitute DID NOT PERISH with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies.


NT - Luke 21:21 – Flee to the mountains; A way out, ESCAPE

21 Then let those who are in Judea FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS, and

let those who are INSIDE THE CITY DEPART, and let not those who

are out in the country enter it, (ESV)

OT - Daniel 11:41 – Believers shall be delivered ESCAPE the Antichrist 41 He shall come into the glorious land. And tens of thousands shall fall, but THESE SHALL BE DELIVERED OUT OF HIS HAND: Edom and Moab and the main part of the Ammonites. (ESV)


When someone speaks to you in a different language, it needs to be translated into your language in order for you to understand it. When Jesus came to earth, His spiritual attributes were translated into physical attributes, which is what we see in Him as a physical mortal man.

Man was made with physical attributes like God’s Son Jesus and at the RAPTURE when we are TRANSLATED with spiritual attributes WE WILL BE LIKE HIM and we shall see him as He is.486

486 Revelation 11:12 – Two Prophets Raptured; Come up here -- Revelation 12:5 – Jesus was Raptured; Snatched away -- Acts 1:11 – Jesus will return the same way He left --1 Thessalonians 1:10 – Wait for the Son to delivery us from the wrath -- John 14:2-3 – He will come again; it’s a promise -- 1 John 3:2 – We will See Him as He is and be like Him


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Ham’s son was named Canaan and the people were called Canaanites. This is different from a Caininite which is an alternate transliteration of the name Kenites. Kenites were the offspring of Cain also spelled Kane.

When Cain killed his brother Abel, he was marked by God. We do not know what the mark was and many argue that this mark was a CURSE to turn his skin BLACK, but the Book does not support this; the Book says it was a mark of MERCY to protect Cain from being killed. However Noah (not God) did put a curse on one of Cain’s descendants which was Ham’s son Canaan whose descendants included the people of Africa. “May they be the lowest of servants.487

Murray makes a clear point that the Kenites were a cursed people, but the Book indicates that from time to time God BLESSED THEM and they even traveled with the Israelites in the wilderness.488 Moses father-in-Law Jethro was a Kenite and the priest of Midian.489 Saul sent word to the Kenites to separate themselves from the Amalekites before a battle since THEY HAS SHOWED KINDNESS to the Israelites.490 David sent gifts to some of the cities of the Kenites.491

NOTE: Curses are not forever; Ezekiel the prophet spells out that a son won’t suffer punishment for his FATHER’S SINS, and a father won’t suffer punishment for his SON’S SINS.492 A curse can be broken by just turning to God and asking for forgiveness.493

Judges 1:16 – Jethro, Moses father in law was a Kenite

16 When the tribe of Judah left Jericho—the city of palms—


IN-LAW, traveled with them into the wilderness of Judah. They

settled among the people there, near the town of Arad in the Negev. (NLT)


There are some doctrines that are held strongly by our BELIEF SYSTEM, but most of them although interesting, DO NOT AFFECT OUR SALVATION such as the Trinity, the Rapture, the Tribulations, the Millennium, the Gap Theory, the Serpent Seed Doctrine, the Kenites, an Eternal Hell, a Physical Resurrection, type of Baptism, etc.

Our salvation is based solely on our acknowledgement that we are sinners and need a savior, and that Jesus Christ the Son of God is THE ONLY WAY to God; He alone is our savior. Our job is to repent; ask for forgiveness of our sins and change our ways and if we can, make a public statement through any type of baptism that is available.

We are given a lifetime to find God and to enjoy Him here on earth all the days of our life, then after that, for an eternity in heaven. The thief on the cross only enjoyed Christ for a few hours, but you can ENJOY Him for your entire remaining lifetime.

487 Genesis 9:25 – Canaan the son of Ham cursed; to be servants of his relatives 488 1 Samuel 15:6 – The Kenites found favor with Israel
489 Judges 1:16 – Jethro, Moses father in law was a Kenite
490 Judges 5:24 – Jael the Kenite was most blessed woman in Jael

491 1 Samuel 30:27-29 – David sent gifts to the Kenites
492 Ezekiel 18:20 – Only the person that sins will be the one that is punished
493 Psalm 130:4 – God offers Forgiveness of sins -- Daniel 9:9 – God offers compassion and forgiveness of sins if you want it -- Acts 2:38 – Repent and be forgiven your sins -- Acts 10:43 – Everyone who believes in Jesus will be forgiven sin -- Jeremiah 36:7 – Repent; ask for forgiveness before it too late

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Under Question is did the serpent or SATAN have SEX with Eve in the Garden of Eden and become the father of Cain? I have made an attempt to make you aware that this theory certainly exist and is accepted by many around the world.

The Book is full of allegories, parables, symbols and hyperboles, but for me, I must first accept the Book wherever possible as Literal; SO Eve ate of the fruit. But in the end, the real point is that it was her actions that proved who her father really was and that is the take away for us; It’s OUR ACTIONS that prove who our father really is. 494 (Love is a verb, an action word)

Nowhere in the Book is anyone condemned based on their identity as being from the linage of Cain; a “Kenite”. Race and Gender have no standing with God, He clearly states He wants none to perish and that all should come to repentance.495

Nowhere in the Book do we find a particular race of people that are unredeemable.496 This worldview is front loaded with prejudice and bigotry. Murray’s Belief System spews a HATRED FOR THE JEWS.

The flood wiped out all the Hybrid Kenites if there were any; so for TODAY, it no longer matters who the father of Cain was because the Kenitesdo not exist. But the example has certainly been set before us; that our actions, the fruits of our labors and our attitude toward God determines if we are Believers, Non-believers or CAIN Make-believers.497

Nevertheless, there is still a battle going on Today between the TARES; the Muslims who are the offspring of Ishmael; and the WHEAT; the Jews the offspring’s of Jacob. This prophesied hatred remains today fanned by the flames of ISIS, the Islamic Terrorist who believe they are promised paradise, but in the end will inherit Hell’s Fire. Many Muslims have come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ; pray that others will receive this light also.

Murray seems to lack compassion as he speaks condescending to those who appear to disagree orchallengehisinterpretationofscripture. WhensomeonedisagreeswithhisBeliefSystem,instead of defending his position with scripture, he GETS UPSET498 and immediately attracts the viewer by saying they are ignorant and then brands them as being a “Kenite” and being used as a “tool of the Devil”.

Murray often says he would like to take someone out behind the woodshed "to give them an attitude adjustment" or "to straighten them out". (Murray called Sarge, is an ex-Marine who stands 6’ 4” tall.) There is a video of him pulling a gun out of a briefcase ON THE AIR when a visitor called out the word “Blasphemy”, the video went to the “Shepard’s Chapel logo”, but you can still hear the audio; I think it was done in jest, but you can watch it and judge for yourself.

Murray spends a lot of time talking about FALSE PROPHETS identified as preachers who PASS AN OFFERING PLATE in church and especially THOSE WHO DON’T PREACH chapter by chapter, verse by verse and use ONLY the KJV Bible. He says ALL the other translations of the Bible have been corrupted by the “Kenites”. (The NLT is SO easy to understand; you’ll love it.)

NOTE: it goes without saying that if you embrace the Kenite Doctrine, you also embrace that there was NOT a worldwide flood of Noah which would have killed all the “Kenites”.

Many of Murray’s theological positions line up with the LDS Mormon Church. He keeps an ANGEL FOOT PRINT in his desk drawer, which is retrospective of LDS Joseph Smith finding some Golden Plates that revealed the Book of Mormon which corrects the translated ERRORS in the Bible. The Golden plates can’t be seen because Smith gave them to the ANGEL MORONI; likewise Murray has no proof of an angel leaving a footprint behind except his word; claiming that it is.

494 John 8:44 - Your will is to DO the desires of your father.
495 2 Peter 3:9 – Gods NOT WISHING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, but that ALL SHOULD REACH REPENTANCE 496 Galatians 3:28 – Race nor Gender have any impact with God
497 John 8:38 – Believer Father is God; Make Believer father Satan
498 Galatians 5:22-26 – Murray needs gentleness & SELF CONTROL

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Bad news; when we are first BORN, our Father is Satan and our desire is to do his evil will, not because the Original Sin was Sexuality, but because it was the sin of DISOBEDIENCE.

Good News; we can be BORN AGAIN and be a child of God and be OBEDIENT by doing His good work with ever turn of our hand.499 Being BORN AGAIN is NOT reincarnation, so as to have a DO OVER for mistakes we made in another life. Reincarnation is NOT a part of the Christian Life. Man is destined to die ONCE and after that, the judgment; IT’S ALL OVER.500

NOTE: Just because someone has a different Belief System than you do, does not make them EVIL, they can still Love the Lord with all their heart and teach what they believe the Book says. I still watch Shepherd’s Chapel every morning for an hour and I am still learning from him as he is a brilliant teacher, but I must FILTER out his Belief System concerning the Serpent Seed Doctrine, Reincarnation, no Hell, no Trinity or Rapture and a HATRED for the Kenite JEWS.

When you enter into a Word study, your Belief System will determine what you see as you read the scriptures. The fence post of truth will begin to line up, precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little.

It’s in the Book

If the fence post do not ALL line up, then either the Book is wrong or YOUR Belief System is wrong.

Isaiah 28:10 – Fence post theology, studying line upon line

10 For it is PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT, precept upon precept, LINE UPON LINE, line upon line, here a little, there a little.”


499 John 8:41- Like Father; Like Son; YOU ARE DOING THE WORKS YOUR FATHER DID. 500 Hebrews 9:27 - We are destined to die once then the Judgment

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Chapter 6. 19

The Redacted Gospels

J Jehovah Source E Elohim Source D Deuteronomist Source P Priestly Source Q Quelle Source R Redacted Source

First Word

As we read through the scriptures, we began to notice that many of the authors of the Book use the SAME phrases, precepts and concepts. It is as though they all had the same source of information before them. Scholars have put together a theory known as the Documentary Hypothesis or
that explains the origin and composition of the

The Torah or Pentateuch is the first five books of the Christian Bible; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, all believed to be the work on one author. This is a series of documents, believed to be absolutely divinely inspired and transmitted to us with the highest possible standard of accuracy. Scholars have put forth the theory that the Torah was not the unified work of one author, but was made up of many sources, homogenized over many centuries by many hands; compiled and joined together and edited over time by many “REDACTORS”.

The first time I ever heard the term “REDACTED” was after a two year investigation of President Donald J. Trump to find out if he had colluded with the Russians to influence the outcome of the election results. The report that was issued was REDACTED with some information EDITED; BLACKED OUT. This study will look at a source called “ ”; “ ”.





Three of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as the SYNOPTIC GOSPELS because of a strong parallelism; they include many of the same stories in similar wording and similar sequence as compared to John whose wirings were very distinct from the others.

Synoptic means “seeing all together” or giving accounts from the same view point and perspective. It is widely taught in both Jewish, Hebrew and Christian religious schools the theory that there were four unknown major sources of information that influenced our Bible writers. These sources are known as the JEDP theory that was passed down through the ages and influenced the writings of the authors of the scriptures; each source with different perspectives and details. There seems also to be a Qsource just for the sayings of Jesus and an Rsource that REDACTS or corrects all the other sources.

Of the four Gospels, Matthew was a Tax collector for Rome501 and John was a fisherman; both were of the special inner circle of the 12 Disciples. Luke was a medical doctor502 and Mark was essentially a general purpose assistant to Peter, Paul and Barnabas.503 The first time we encounter Mark is when he is a very young follower of Jesus in the Garden. Just before Jesus is arrested, a soldier grabs Mark by his long linen shirt and he slips out of it and RUNS OFF NAKED.504 We know it was Mark because no one else reports on this story except for Mark in his own Gospel.

501 Mark 2:14 – Matthew Levi tax collector
502 Colossians 4:14 – Luke the medical doctor
503 Acts 13:5 – Mark was in training as an assistant -- Philemon 23-24 – Mark a fellow worker 504 Mark 14:50-52 – Mark runs away naked

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Another story says that Mark DESERTED Paul at some point which made for bad feelings, so Mark went with his cousin Barnabas on the missionary journeys.505 Later on all fences are mended with Paul and Mark, then later Peter fondly refers to Mark as his own son.506 Mark is credited with establishing a number of churches and is the second writer of the Gospels.

It is theorized that it was MARK’S WRITINGS that influenced both Matthew and Luke’s Gospel as the Gospel of John was written totally independent of the others. The story of Mark ends with the thought that God chooses the weak and foolish to confound the wise. The purposes and plans of God are carried out by fallible people. He can use all of us in spite of our failures and short comings; that would be you and ME. It’s in the Book

JEDP Source

Scholars have defined the “JEDP” sources as follows:
J source: Jehovah J” consistently uses the word “Yahweh” for Jehovah God. “J” is credited

as the source for the Song of Deborah, the Jewish woman warrior in the Book of Judges. Some scholars believe the “J” source is a woman because it is more colorful, folkloric and humorous and is the best story teller than the other three. The Hebrew Bible has no vowels, so YHWY in the English version became Yahweh when the vowels were added... “J” is also called Yahwist or Jahwist.

(“Jwas written in the 7th century BC or later.)
E source: Elohim E” is thought to be noted for the author’s use of the word “Elohim” which

is the Hebrew name for God. El-Shaddai; God Almighty. In Genesis the “E’” contribution picks up with the narrative of Abraham. In Judges E” picks up with a version of Deborah’s story similar to J’s version, but less colorful. (The “E” source was written in the late 9th Century BC.)

D source: Deuteronomist D” is believed to be written independently of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers of the Torah; the Tetrateuch. “D” is thought to be responsible for a great deal of the book of Deuteronomy as well as shaped the historical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings and probably Ruth. D” explains Israel’s success for their faithfulness and obedience as well as their failures for disobedience and God’s punishment for Sin. “D” expresses concern for the Widows and fatherless; treatment for the neighbor and the poor. Some scholars theorize that the writer was Jeremiah the prophet who lived during that time. - (“D” written in the early 7th century BC to the later 6th century BC.)

P source: Priestly P” overall concern seems to be for the LAW, origins of shrines and rituals and genealogies. It is deemed the independent source for most of the book of Leviticus.
P” seems to divide history into four areas;

  1. 1)  Covenants of God at the beginning of creation and with Noah.

  2. 2)  Covenants with Moses and Abraham, including stories about Isaac and Jacob.

  3. 3)  Covenants and the relationship of God with Israel His chosen people.

  4. 4)  The Priestly kingdom; concerns with the holiness of the people; preserving ritual purity

    through rules and rituals and its identity as a people of Israel stressing staying separate and avoiding interracial marriage with non-Israelites. “P” also provides the instructions for constructing the Tabernacle. It is also known as the Holiness Code of Leviticus. It is written to show that God remains present even when all seems lost. (The “P” source was written around the 6th to 5th century BC.)

Q source: Q Gospel Q” is from the German word “Quelle” which means “source”; a hypothetical collection of sayings primarily by Jesus. It propagates the TWO SOURCE HYPOTHESIS that Mark and “Q” were the two sources of material that Matthew and Luke used as they wrote independently their worldview of the Good News of the Gospel.

The “Q” source is thought to be drawn from the ORAL traditions of the early church that were eventually written down in Koine Greek. The sayings of Jesus were paraphrased in order to avoid

505 Acts 15:36-39 – Teenager Mark screws up and deserts them -- Colossians 4:10 – Mark’s Cousin was Barnabas
506 1 Peter 5:12-13 – LATER Peter considers Mark as his SON -- 2 Timothy 4:11-12 – Things change; Paul wants Mark to help him

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misunderstandings. “Q” was devised as the most likely explanation behind the common sayings found in the synoptic Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke.

The Two Source Hypothesis has retained wide support even though it has been widely challenged. It is also called the Q document or the Q Hypothesis. Scholars believe “Q” was written before Matthew, Mark and Luke and is a collections of sayings and quotations of Jesus. If “Q” ever existed, it was LOST as we have no record of it.

R source: Redactor R” seems to be an additional individual or group of individuals that redacted or EDITED, COMPLIED AND SPLICED together the four existing JEDP sources.

Here is where we are; JEDP influenced the OT; and Q the NT; and R redacted all of it. The Take Away

Conspiracy theorist have often thought that God told Adam SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE that were passed down through his descendants. Some see the secrets revealed in the Book as certain tribe’s excelled in different disciplines’ and special abilities.

The Free Masons believe that Noah was the father and founder of the Masonic system of theology. They believe that Hiram Abiff was the master architect of King Salomon’s temple and possessed secret knowledge and secret special words imparted by God to Adam and passed down to Noah and onto Hiram Abiff, who was then murdered to get this secret masonic knowledge.

Did God pass secrets, special knowledge to Adam, down through the Godly line of Seth and on to Noah then finally to Moses? Knowledge to make instruments of music, knowledge of instruments of iron for cultivating the soil as well as instruments of war. Knowledge of weaving, planting, farming and hunting, construction and building the Great Pyramid. Is this secret knowledge the source that links the entire Bible together?

If your worldview is a “Forever Trumper”, then when the PRESIDENT does something good for the nation, a cry of ‘Hallelujah’ goes up. If your worldview is a “Never Trumper” then a cry of “Impeach Him” goes up. Such is the worldview of the theory JEDP Bible sources; if your world view is as a “Born again Believer”, then a cry goes up “The Bible is inerrant”; praising God for His omniscience. The Flip Side; if your worldview is as a C&E Christian; a Christmas and Easter Make Believer”, then a cry goes up “The Bible has been corrupted”.

External sources are believed to have influenced the Gospels of the New Testament, as well as influenced the Prophets of the Old Testament. The Book says that God does not do anything that He does not first reveal His plans to His Servants.

The Gospel of Mark confirms that many people have written accounts about God’s chosen people and the events that have been fulfilled among them. Mark says that after having CAREFULLY INVESTIGATED everything from the beginning, including the eyewitness reports that circulated among the early disciples, he had decided also to write a CAREFUL account so they could be CERTAIN of the TRUTH that had been taught.

Hearing about JEDP Bible sources only underscores the fact that God has continued to reveal Himself to man from the first earth age to the last.

“R” Redacted GOD IS OUR REDACTOR, He has compiled and edited the scriptures through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. His hand is on The Books Of Life, compiling our works, redacting, editing and deleting our sins and adding His righteousness, grace and mercy.

The Book says ALL Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is TRUE and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God has provided us down through the centuries, many WITNESSES to His unchanging inerrant plan; assuring us that the “original manuscripts” transmitted to us are without error or fault in all its teaching.

The Bible is the very breath of God

Redacted by the Holy Spirit

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Chapter 6. 20

The purpose of parables was to provide instruction to those chosen without revealing the items of the instructions to those who were on the outside. Was Jesus a Gnostic esoteric revealer for only the fortunate few?

First Word

This Secret of the Kingdom of God was previously unknown. Jesus would speak secrets that have been hidden since the creation of the world. It was not a mystery in the classic sense, but was of things that were incomprehensible to understand in their own nature. He was teaching that the Kingdom of God was at hand, “spiritually”, present; drawing near.

Parables or Riddles have a dual purpose: one is to reveal and the other is to conceal.507 To those who were sensitive; acknowledged that the light was given to them; (they had light and sight.) Parables use the visible world to illustrate the spiritual realm. They were able to see the Devine revelation that instructed them;508 while others saw the parable as a story, an amusing tale of temporary interest and entertainment.

TeachingsorAmusement;isyourpastorteachingyouoramusingyoufromthepulpit. (Justathought) I practice Fence Post Theology; if a fence post in scripture is out of line with the rest of the

Bible, either the scripture is wrong or I understood it wrong. Did Jesus use parables to keep this message a Secret from everyone except the Twelve Disciples?

The Controversy

The Twelve Disciples, when they were alone with Jesus, asked Him why He was teaching them in parables. In the Gospel of Mark; it sounds like Jesus said that he did not want the others on the outside to perceive and understand His teachings lest they should repent and be forgiven of their sins.509 WHAT?

The fence post of this scripture does not line up with all the other fence posts concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God; what’s going on here?

The Apostle Paul further states almost the same thing, but adds that the Gospel message is revealed only through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and that the natural man is incapable of understanding it.510 NOTE: In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus was quoting the prophet Isaiah prophesizing to a people whose hearts were calloused hard, their ears were dull, and their eyes were closed.511

They may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven”.

507 Psalm 78:1-2 – Prophecy - I will open my mouth in parables
508 Matthew 13:34-35 – Parables with Words hidden since the foundation of the world 509 Mark 4:10-12 – Parables so they will hear, but not understand
510 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 – The Gospel is revealed only through the Spirit
511 1 Corinthians 2:13-14 – The Natural person is not able to understand

Secret Gospel

Was Jesus a Gnostic esoteric revealer for only the fortunate few?

They may indeed see, but not perceive and may indeed hear, but not understand lest they should turn and be forgiven

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Did you see it; Jesus was not rejecting the outsiders, He was quoting prophecy from Isaiah, that if the outsiders could only perceive, they too would be saved. The prophecy of the “outsiders” was taking place right before their eyes.512 Jesus not only knew what would occur with the people; He used it in His plan. Had their hearts actually been open, they would have repented and their sins forgiven.

The Insiders

The Semitics; the Arabs, Syrians, Babylonians and especially the Hebrews all showed a particular liking for the imagination and logic thought to be hidden in parables and riddles. The Hebrews delighted in searching the Torah seeking hidden secrets and enlightenment.

The Parables were for all who would seek to penetrate below the surface, the real meaning of His teachings. The Disciples had responded to Jesus by Faith; they acknowledged the distinguishing favor” that had been given to them to understand “for the most part” the Secrets of the Kingdom. 513

The Outsiders

Persistent Unbelievers were those on the outside; those who witnessed the miracles, heard His teachings and still did not receive or understand the spiritual aspect; in their hearts the teachings remained unused; it was of NO VALUE. They were persistent unbelievers with no intention of repentance and being forgiven; therefore they were responsible for their own unbelief.

The Enemies of Jesus were also a part of the outsiders, and because of the parables, they were unable to comprehend the full significance of His words and thus could not find ways to bring false accusations and charges against Him.

Although MOST outsiders rejected Christ; not all that heard and followed Christ were the enemy; on the contrary, along with the inner circle of Disciples, there were many others who sought the light; who would dig deeper. They would be the REMNANT stump of Holy seed which will spring forth with new believers.514 It’s in the Book

This is about timing; the gift of discernment comes progressively. Jesus was carrying out His sovereign purpose and plan to give everyone time and opportunity to really understand by Faith about the Kingdom of God.

The Take Away

There is a Great Ethical Principal of immense importance. To those who have spiritual insight and retain it; more will be given.515 To those who DO NOT USE the knowledge; even that which they have will be taken away from them. What the Make-Believers THINK they have, will be taken away.516

Principals become stronger with exercise and become weaker through disuse. To voluntary refuse to do what God commands will finally render you morally incapable of doing it.

This is significant; a time is coming, when God, in His plan and purpose will harden the hearts, dim the eyes and dull the ears, so those who have not believed; CANNOT believe.517 They will have rejected God’s Word in Christ; it will be too late.518 After Noah’s family entered the Ark, God left the door open for another week; THEN HE CLOSED IT. Choose while the door is open.

No Man ever spoke the way this man does.519 IT’S IN THE BOOK

512 Isaiah 6:9-10 – Isaiah’s PROPHECY; they would see and not perceive, Hear not understand -- Matthew 13:14-15 - The prophecy of Isaiah was being fulfilled in their very presence
513 Matthew 13:16-17 – Disciples had the Faith to perceive
514 Isaiah 6:13 – There will be a remnant that will believe

515 Matthew 13:12 - He who has and retains shall be given more
516 Luke 8:18 – What the Make-Believers THINK they have, will be taken away
517 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 - God will send those who did not believe the truth a strong delusion 518 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 – They are perishing because they refused the Truth
519 John 7:46 – No man ever spoke the way this man does

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Chapter 6. 21

Why did Jesus teach in Parables and deliberately cloak the message of the Kingdom of God? Were some predestined to understand while others by their own Free Will searched it out? Allegory - Analogy – Apologue – Fable – Figure of Speech – Metaphor – Narrative – Simile

First Word

Why Parables

Parables have been around since antiquity, long before Jesus made this age old method of presenting truth popular with the Hebrew people. Parables and fables borrow from common and obvious ordinary things that normally come up in everyday conversations. Both parables and fables were very popular and showed a particular genius which allowed the facility of “imagination” to be quicker to understand than the facility of “logic”.

While Jesus did not invent Parables, He certainly brought originality and a deeper spiritual importance and insights that had never been known before; He used the visible world to illustrate the spiritual realm.

When Jesus began to teach in Parables, it fulfilled prophecy520 which said; I will open my mouth in a PARABLE; I will utter dark sayings that have been hidden since the foundation of the world.521

These Parables produced two questions; 1) Why did He teach in parables and 2) Why were only the Twelve Disciples allowed to know the deep meanings and the others left wondering?

Some Definitions

There were many methods of teaching utilized in antiquity; “Mental Gymnastics” for the Hebrews were a way of life, so when Jesus presented the “Kingdom of Heaven”, it was not a Secret Gospel, it was meant to exercise their imagination. Before we begin I want to “set the stage” and define a few expressions that Jesus used.

An Allegory is a literary device or rhetorical device that conveys semi-hidden meanings through symbolic figures, actions, imagery, or events, which together create the moral, spiritual, or political meaning the author wishes to convey.

A Analogy is analogical reasoning which involves two "objects": the SOURCE and the TARGET. The target is supposed to be incomplete and in need of using the source for a complete description.

A Apologue is a brief fable or allegorical story with pointed or exaggerated details, meant to serve as a pleasant vehicle for a moral doctrine or to convey a useful lesson without stating it explicitly.

A Fable employs animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature as characters, whereas parables have human characters.

A figure of speech is figurative language in the form of a single word or phrase. It can be a special repetition, arrangement or omission of words with literal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words. Figures of Speech are divided into two main categories: SCHEMES and TROPES.

  1. 1)  Schemes are figures of speech that change the ordinary expected pattern of words.

  2. 2)  Tropes change the general meaning to irony, or convey the opposite of their usual meaning.

520 Matthew 13:14-15 - The prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled -- Psalm 78:1-2 – Prophecy; I will open my mouth in parables
521 Matthew 13:34-35 – Jesus’ parables contained words hidden since foundation of the world Isaiah 6:9-10 - PROPHECY they shall

SEE not perceive HEAR not understand

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A Metaphor uses concrete, perceptible phenomena to illustrate abstract ideas. It distinctly affirms that one thing is another.

A Narrative sketches a setting, describes an action and shows the results.
A Simile uses a metaphorical construction in which something is said to be "like something else”. A Parable is a succinct, didactic story, a short tale that illustrates one or more instructive lessons

or principles of a universal truth and often involves a character who faces a moral dilemma or one who makes a bad decision and then suffers the unintended consequences. Wikipedia

The Greek word Parable means "comparison, illustration or analogy." It is an illustration in the form of a brief fictional narrative. If a personal name is used, it is an actual event and not a parable such as in the story of the Rich man and the Beggar named Lazarus.

Sometime scripture tells a story about an actual event with actual people which have a parable inside the story; such is the case of the Old Testament Prophet Balaam, when he spoke of a parable about King Balak.

Parable in the Greek; Strong’s Concordance 3850 means similitude or symbolically FICTITIOUS narrative that conveys a moral TRUTH.

Proverb in the Greek; Strong’s Concordance 3942 means a FICTITIOUS Illustration, which is essentially the same as a Parable; therefore the words are interchangeable.

The Apocrypha groups Parables and Proverbs together, and if you read the book of Proverbs, you can certainly see why. In the New Testament, the notion of Parables and Proverbs are used interchangeably.

I have said all of this to paint a picture of an age old technique; a method of teaching which was widely accepted where the vivid illustration were easily REMEMBERED.

Luke 16:19-20 – Actual event; Rich man and Lazarus

19 There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen

and who feasted sumptuously every day.

20 And at his gate was laid a poor man named LAZARUS, covered with

sores, (ESV)

Numbers 23:7 – Parables used in the discourse of Balaam

7 And he took up his PARABLE, and said, Balak the king of Moab

hath brought me from Aram, out of the mountains of the east, saying,

Come, curse me Jacob, and come, defy Israel. (KJV)

Numbers 23:18 – Parables used in the Old Testament

18 And he took up his PARABLE, and said, Rise up, Balak, and hear; hearken unto me, thou son of Zippor:


Apocrypha - Ecclesiasticus 47:17- Mysteries explained by Parables 17And you explained MYSTERIES by means of PARABLES. Your name became known to far off islands, and you were beloved for your peace.

Apocrypha - Ecclesiasticus 39:3 – Hidden meanings in Proverbs
3 He will search for the HIDDEN MEANINGS of PROVERBS, and he will become familiar with the mysteries of PARABLES.

The Question

The Disciples came to Jesus and point blank asked; “WHY DO YOU TEACH IN PARABLES;” and this is exactly what we want to know today. The Disciples were not asking for themselves, for they knew how to get their questions answered, but they were asking for the multitude, wanting them to be illuminated with the deeper spiritual mysteries as they were.

Before Jesus taught exclusively in parables, He used a lot of graphic language; word pictures of common things that were familiar to everyone such as light, fish, sheep, and bread and salt.

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Parables were plain and easy to those that were willing to be taught, but more difficult and obscure to those who were “willing ignorant522 and were just amused at the stories. Parables required the listener to lean forward seeking further understanding, which plants the story deeper within their spirit.523 They serve a double purpose; to Reveal and Conceal.

THEY REVEAL to the average person who is insensitive to spiritual things; the superficial understanding to comprehend important “life lessons” while apart from God.

THEY CONCEAL spiritual things incomprehensible in their own nature to be understood. The deeper things are received just as a “tale” or temporary entertainment. Only those whose minds and hearts have been opened by the Holy Spirit are able to comprehend God’s profound spiritual truths; the knowledge needed for Salvation.

The Question within the Question: Why did Christ Reveal life truths, yet conceal the knowledge of Salvation”. Fact; revelation is given to some and withheld from others.

I’ve just got to say this .... These special appointed, set aside, predestined Twelve Disciples DIDN’T GET IT; they didn’t get the parables.524 Over and over again they had to ask Jesus for the

concepts to be explained to them525 and then He would often explain to them using another parable.

What’s up with that?

Jesus said that a time was coming when He would PLAINLY show them the Father,526 however it would only be after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the coming and indwelling of the Holy Spirit

that the Predestined Chosen Twelve would finally get the deep meanings within their own spirits and

then would be able to teach it.527

Matthew 13:10 - Why do you speak to them in parables?

10 Then the disciples came and said to him,


The Audience

The Hebrew audience was looking for a Messiah as the prophets had foretold and looked for

the restoration of the house of David with the expectation that it would happen in their lifetime. The message of the Kingdom was not an abstract idea, it was an expected reality. As God’s special set-

aside nation, they felt they had the inside track, but Jesus was revealing a deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God that had never been taught. The Parables revealed the Hebrew’s own thinking;

whether or not God was calling them.

Setting the stage; when Jesus ministry begin to present the concept of the “Kingdom of God

was at hand”; the Hebrew’s physical needs were crying out LOUDER than their spiritual needs.

Their Physical condition needed to be addressed before He could address their Spiritual condition.

Note; for me I see many worthwhile ministries like foodbanks and children’s hospitals, but I only support the ministries that address BOTH of the conditions that Jesus did; the Physical AND the

Spiritual; not just the physical; the ultimate end must lead to salvation. God says;

if you get everything you want, but lose your very own soul.528

what do you gain

Because of the Compassion of Christ, we find that everywhere He turned, He was either healing people or feeding them. Saying it another way; He was doing MIRACLES left and right and because

of these miracles, He had a continuously changing audience seeking after Him for different reasons;

therefore He had collected quite a diversity of people following Him.

522 Mark 8:21 - Why is it that you do not understand -- Matthew 13:13-15 – Those on the outside have dull hearts; there spiritual eyes are closed
523 Matthew 13:12 – FREE WILLIES that hunger will be given more
524 Luke 9:45 The saying were at first concealed from the Twelve -- Mark 9:32 – The disciples did not understand; were afraid to ask 525 Mark 4:10 - The twelve asked Him about the parable

526 John 16:25 – A time is coming when I will tell you PLAINLY
527 John 12:16 – The disciples finally understood the parables -- 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 – Spiritual GIFT; To Distinguish between Spirits -- Matthew 13:11 – You have the GIFT of Spiritual Discernment -- Matthew 13:16-17 – You’ve been given the Gift of Discernment
528 Matthew 16:26 - What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?

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He who has ears, let him HEAR.529

a) b) c)

d) 1) 2)


Jesus had a mix of

Jesus said at least fifteen times;

followers with different heart conditions;

Some whose hearts were PREDESTINED to understand the knowledge of salvation and

reflected it in changed lives; specifically the inner circle of The Twelve Disciples.

Some whose hearts by FREE WILL were tuned to God and were genuinely seeking “the

kingdom of heaven” and were committed to becoming more like Jesus.

Some whose hearts and ears by FREE WILL were blocked to His teachings like the religious leaders and lawyers who wanted Jesus to be arrested and thrown in jail in order to get rid of

Him. - (NOTE: The first four letters of the word Heart is HEAR.)

Some whose hearts by FREE WILL didn’t care one way or the other and just wanted

another free meal, or to be entertained with another miracle.

I place all of these into TWO Whosoevergroups: 530

Whosoever hath faith: Believers, those that placed immense importance on His teachings and were seeking the weightier deeper things; they would be given more understanding.

Spiritual principals become stronger with exercise.

Whosoever hath NOT faith: Make Believers, who placed no value on the teachings; whose

faith was unused, and would lose what understanding that they had. Principals that are not

exercised grow weak through dis-use and eventually expire.

The Parables quietly addresses the self-righteous, disinterested, and un-repentant listener and divides them from the true seekers; it requires them to think and CHOOSE. 531 It either opened

their eyes and ears or it shut them; enlightened or condemned. It separated the sheep from the

goats; the parables produced A DECISION.532

Jesus avoided teaching the truths too plainly in order to keep “excessive condemnation” of those who did NOT accept the teachings by those who did accept. The parables were to intrigue and arouse

curiosity and bring about change in their lives. Deeper truths were withheld so as to NOT be trampled

under the feet of the unbelievers.

Because Jesus’ teaching were threating the status quo of the religious establishment of the Pharisees, Sadducees and the Scribe lawyers; it would be counterproductive to speak plainly, thus His

homespun stories were hardly something that He could be arrested for. 533

The Pharisees pretty much figured out that they were the objects of the parables; that their

manmade teaching were like yeast permeating a whole loaf of bread; they were like whitewashed tombs; beautiful on the outside, but full of dead unclean things on the inside.534 They wanted to arrest

Him, but were afraid of all His followers, and Jesus made sure this would not happen “BEFORE HIS

TIME” and thus began to teach exclusively into cloaked parables.

Jesus said he had so much to tell them, but they were just unable to bear it.535

The Controversial Answer

Based on reading the Book, it appears at first blush that Jesus had a Secret Gospel that was just for the inner circle of the Twelve Disciples. There were hundreds that became followers or disciples

whose life had NOT changed, so He chose to NOT heal their spiritual condition until they

understood; change was required.

Jesus said it Himself; to

THOSE OUTSIDE the inner circle, everything was in parables, so that “they may indeed see, but not perceive, and may indeed hear, but not understand, lest they should turn and

529 Matthew 13:9 - He who has spiritual ears, let him HEAR
530 Matthew 13:12 – Two groups – The Haths and the Hath nots
531 Matthew 25:31-32 – Choose; are you a Sheep or a Goat?
532 Proverbs 2:1-5 – Tune your heart & find the knowledge of God
533 Luke 11:53-54 – Pharisees begin tricking Jesus so as to arrest Him
534 Luke 20:19 - The Scribes and Chief Priest figured it out, the Parable was about them -- Matthew 23:27 – Parable; Scribes and Pharisees were as Whitewashed tombs -- Matthew 16:11-12 – Parable – Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
535 John 16:12 – You are unable to bear all I have to tell you

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mentally be healed, but not spiritually healed. He is actually quoting prophecy of what was going on before their very eyes. 536 He is making a distention here between the inner circle of Predestined Believers who He continued to open their eyes and ears to reveal His teachings and the outer circle of Make Believers who still needed to be healed spiritually.

I feel a need to address the Inside followers or Disciples of Jesus Christ and the followers or disciples on the outside. They were both called “Christians”, but only those on the inside had made

a change in their lives. As a side note even the Demons acknowledge Jesus Christ, but have made

no change in their life.537

We certainly have the same thing within our church body today; there are those that are BELIEVERS whose lives have changed and are full of good works and some who have made no change

in their lives; that are MAKE-BELIEVERS; it’s just life as usual. The Methodist denomination teaches “METHODS” of change both in worship and activities that witness the Believer’s daily life. IT’S


Jesus did not want to heal them spiritually without a change in their lives. This change happens when we are saved and are filled with The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would not fall on the FREE

WILLIES until after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This sounds like only some were PREDESTINED to be saved. Well, I believe that the inner

circle of twelve were predestined because Jesus said so. Free Will & Predestination are both taught in the book. It’s not about choosing one or the other; it’s knowing that both operate within God’s

Sovereignty. Even though today I am a PREDESTINED Presbyterian, I was first a FREE WILLIE Baptist who made a choice. Jesus wanted to delay many truths till the PREDESTINED Twelve finally

got the parables, then those with FREE WILL could be taught the concepts and make a choice that

included change in their lives. The Book says; many have FREE WILL, but few are PREDESTINED.

Matthew 22:14 – Many have free will to come; few are predestined 14 FOR MANY ARE CALLED (to come by Free Will),

BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN.” (Predestined) (ESV)

John 15:16 - Twelve Disciples PREDESTINED by God


you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should

abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it

to you. (ESV)

Discerning of Spirits

This is where the rubber meets the road; Jesus said the GIFT OF DISCERNMENT, to understand the secrets of the kingdom of heaven is not given to everyone, but to those who hunger for His word.538 These twelve men had been the first chosen and Predestined to receive this gift.539 Those that possess the gift of the discerning of spirits have been dispatched by God to be “Holy Spirit Inspectors; with a special insight to be able to recognize, identify, and expose deceptive and erroneous doctrine.540

536 Matthew 13:14-15 – Isaiah’s PROPHECY; the need was to be Healed Spiritually -- Mark 4:10-12 – Parables are so they will hear, but NOT understand
537 James 2:19 - Demons believe in God, but no change in their life -- Matthew 8:29 – Even Demons know who Jesus is, but do not accept

538 1 Corinthians 2:13-14 – The Natural person is not able to understand Spiritual things 539 Matthew 13:16-17 – The Disciples were predestined to perceive
540 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 – The Gospel is revealed only through the Holy Spirit

Jesus did not want ANY disciple to be led into a momentary experience of forgiveness with NO

CHANGE in lifestyle, but into a lifetime of CHANGE and SEARCHING. Those who truly desired the Truth would continue to FREELY seek Jesus out and gain the knowledge of the depth of the


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They are the “Spirit’s Watchdog”, the “Watchmen on the Wall” who diligently study the word and ‘PRACTICE” their gift to protect against perverted cults, false doctrine, deceptive language and wolves masquerading as lambs promoting their own self-interest. They raise flags to identify the cleaver counterfeits, to determine the spurious from what is genuine; they encourage others to test and judge carefully what they read, hear and experience. THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVES THIS GIFT TODAY.

Today the Gospel Message is often preached in the mega-churches with a mix of philosophy, psychology and self-sufficiency and have become quite popular and often very PROFITABLE. The Gift of discernment separates the “WHEAT OF TRUTH” that is being sown along with the “CHAFF OF DECEIT”.

The Take Away

The Pharisees were always learning, but never arriving at the truth; their hearts had become dull and their eyes had closed and their ears could barely hear.541 It was time for the Holy Spirit to fall on all that were seeking “THE KINGDOM OF GOD”.542

PARABLES REVEAL the superficial understanding that the average person can comprehend important life lessons apart from God.

PARABLES CONCEAL thoughts that only those whose minds and hearts have been opened by the Holy Spirit can comprehend; God’s profound spiritual truths; the knowledge needed for Salvation. If Jesus had plainly taught and they had understood Him, they would NOT have crucified Him on

the cross as the FINAL sacrificial lamb for our sins and we would still need a Savior.

Many have FREE WILL to choose, but few are PREDESTINED to be chosen.

1 Corinthians 2:7-8 – If they had known – No Crucifixion

7 But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God

decreed before the ages for our glory.

8 None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had,


Matthew 22:14 – Many come FREE WILL Few are PREDESTINED 14 For many are called (by Free Will), but few are chosen (Predestined).


No Man ever spoke the way this man does543

541 2 Timothy 3:6-7 – The natural man is always learning, but never arrive at truth -- 1 Corinthians 2:11 – The Holy Spirit comprehends and imparts the things of God -- 1 Corinthians 2:14 – Things of God are Spiritually discerned
542 John 16:13 – The Holy Spirit guides the Believer into all Truth
543 John 7:46 - The officers answered, "No man ever spoke like this Man!"

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In the multitude of counselors,

there is wisdom. Proverbs 11:14

*Curse of Baphomet; The – Jack T. Chick- *Encyclopedia of Free Masonry- Albert G. Mackey *Freemasonry: Morals and Dogma – Albert Pike *Freemasonry: The Invisible cult – Jack Harris *Masonic Christian Conflict explained – Keith Harris *Should a Christian be a Mason – E. M. Storms


I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses. Because of them I can stand on their shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.

A Commentary, Critical, Experimental and Practical – Erdman’s A Planned Deception – Constance Cumbey
All the Parables of the Bible – Herbert Lockyer
All the Promises of the Bible – Herbert Lockyer

All the Women of the Bible – Edith Deen Angels A-Z – Lewis Oliver
Angels: Gods Secret Agents – Billy Graham Another Gospel – Tucker

Antiquity of the Jews – Flavius Josephus Matthias Apocrypha; The – Edgar J. Goodspeed Armageddon-Appointment with Destiny – Grant R. Jeffrey Baker Commentary on the Bible – Walter A. Elwell

Bible Almanac: The – Packer Tenney White
Bible Commentary – F. B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary - Harper
Book of Mormon; The – Latter Day Saints LDS
CARM – Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry – M .J. Slick
Case for Mid-Tribulationalism – New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Countdown to Armageddon, the 1980’s – Hal Lyndsay

Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible – Finis Jennings Dake
Dead Sea Scrolls Translated; The – Florentino Garcia Martinez Dictionary of Pentecostal/Charismatic Movements – S. Burgess Disappointed with God – Philip Yancey
Don’t know much about the Bible – Kenneth C. Davis Exposition of the Parables – Benjamin Keach
Expositor’s Bible Commentary; The – Frank E. Gaebelein Ezekiel – Thru the Bible – J. Vernon McGee
Final Dawn over Jerusalem – John Hagee
Fly Away Doctrine; Shepherd’s Chapel – Dr. Arnold Murray Forgotten Books of Eden; The - World
From Daniel to Doomsday – John Hagee
Gospel of Judas; The - Wikipedia
Gospels Interwoven; The – Karmit Zarley

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Great Doctrines of the Bible Vol 2 – W. A. Criswell Harper’s Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row Hidden Danger of the Rainbow – Constance Cumby Holy Bible; The – New Catholic Edition

Holy Spirit; The – Billy Graham
Illustrated Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Illustrated Bible Dictionary - Tyndale
Illustrated Manners and Customs of the Bible – Packer-Tenny Influence; The – A novel – Matthew John Slick
International Dictionary of the Bible; The new – Douglas-Tenney Invisible War, The – Donald Grey Barnhouse
Islam 6th Edition – Caesar E. Farah
Islam and the Bible – David Goldmann
Islam; Christian Apologetics – Dr. Norman Geisler
Jerusalem Countdown – John Hagee
Josephus; the Jewish Historian A.D. 37-98
Last Days; The -
Moris Farhi
Late Great Planet Earth; The – Hal Lindsey
Layman’s Overview of the Bible; The – George W. Knight
LGBT - Wikipedia
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Loud Cry; The – David Curtis
Master Study Bible – KJV
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
Meredith’s Book of List; 1&2 –Bethany House Publishers
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mormon Mirage, the – Latayne Colvett Scott
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Mystery Mark of the New Age – Texe Mars
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – Douglas; Tenney New International Version Bible NIV
New Millennium; The – Pat Robertson
New World College Dictionary – Webster
Nostradamus & the Millennium – John Hogue
Other side of the Good News; The – Larry Dixon
Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The – Zondervan
Present Day Evangelism – Arthur W. Pink
QJV Bible –
Queen James Bible - Wikipedia
Rapture; Pre Tribulation or Post – Daniel’s Timeline
Return; Post Trib - Manna Fest – Perry Stone
Revelation of Jesus Christ; The – Walvoord
Revelation Seminar; The – 1975 - Hilton Sutton
Revelation Study; The - 1973 – Dr. Warren Wiersbe
Revelation; The – verse by verse – Oliver B. Green
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Shepherd’s Chapel – Arnold Murray


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Systematic Theology – Stanley M. Horton Systematic Theology – Wayne Grudem Ten Commandments – John Hagee Theomatics – Jerry Lucas

Thru the Bible Commentary – J. Vernon McGee
Today’s Dictionary of the Bible – T.A. Bryant
Unseen Realm; The – Michael S. Heiser
Victor Journey through the Bible; The – V. Gilbert Beers Vincent’s Word Studies of the NT - Mac Donald

What the Bible is all about – Henrietta C. Mears
What the Bible says about Death - Signs of the times
Where to find it in the Bible – Ken Anderson
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Windows of the soul
– Paul Meier – Robert Wise
Wycliffe Bible commentary; The – Charles F. Pfeiffer Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The – Tenney


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