
Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Two Mothers – Two Sons – Two Covenants – Two Nations – Predestination & Free Will
First Word

  • As a Christian, I respect both the Muslim and Jewish community although I do not agree with their beliefs; both reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. – Abraham was neither a Jew nor an Arab; which came along later. - God loved both Ishmael and Isaac.
  • Isaac was like plain unbuttered toast, he did nothing to be jealous of except that he had been given the Promise. - The name Ishmael means “God hears” and Isaac means “He laughs”.
  • Koran, Quran, Qur’an; the accepted transliteration is Qur’an and the word Muslim is preferred over the word Moslem according to Wikipedia.
  • In the Qur’an it is presented that the Christian, Jew and Muslim all follow the same God of Abraham. – Scripture says; Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks and they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. – It’s in the Book -
  • According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God, NOT Jehovah or Yahweh and the pivot of the Muslim faith is humble submission to Allahs Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments. "He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind”.
·         The Qur’an insists; Muslims believe; and historians affirm that Muhammad and his followers worship the same God as the Jews. - BUT, the Qur'an portrays Allah as both more powerful and more remote than Yahweh who closely follows the Israelites.
·         Allah, a UNIVERSAL deity, a universal name for the many gods of other religions was easily accepted by the Muslims. – Does God have Two Prophets, Jesus and Mohammad? Are there Two Books; The Bible and the Qur’an?
  • The Jews, Muslims and Christians all claim to worship the same God, the God of Abraham. If that is true, the next thing we can assume is that there must be multiple paths to God, just with different names. – NYOBS 21.02 – NAMES OF GOD -


Exodus 3:15 – Yahweh is God’s eternal name, not Allah
15 God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: YAHWEH, the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.
THIS IS MY ETERNAL NAME, my name to remember for all generations. (NLT)
Romans 1:21 - They knew God, but wouldn’t worship him as God
21 Yes,
THEY KNEW GOD, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.
·         Two mothers; Hagar an Egyptian BONDSWOMAN, and Sarah a Hebrew FREEWOMAN.
·         Two sons; Ishmael the Free Will son of the Bondswoman and Isaac the Predestined son of the Freewoman. Both part of God’s Sovereignty, but God recognize ONLY Isaac as Abraham’s Son.
·         Two covenants; one of Works (the Bondswoman) & the other of Grace (the Freewoman.)
·         Two Nations; Ishmael’s 12 tribes and Isaac/Jacob’s 12 Tribes
·         Two actions; Ishmael the persecutor and Isaac the persecuted.
Galatians 4:22-29 – Two Sons – Two separate Covenants
22 For it is written that ABRAHAM HAD TWO SONS, one by a slave woman and one by a free woman.
23 But the son of the slave was born
ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, (Free Will) while the
son of the free woman was born THROUGH PROMISE. (Predestined).
24 Now this may be interpreted allegorically:
THESE WOMEN ARE TWO COVENANTS. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery; she is HAGAR.
25 Now
HAGAR is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.
29 But just as at that time he ( Ishmael) who was born according to the flesh
(free will) persecuted him (Isaac) who was born according to the Spirit, (predestined) so also it is now.
Genesis 21:2 – Sarah gave birth to Isaac as Predestined by God
2 She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened (Predestined) at just the time God had said it would.
Genesis 22:2 – God recognizes ONLY Isaac as Abraham’s Son
2 And He (God) said, Take now thy son,
THINE ONLY SON, whom thou lovest, even ISAAC, and get thee into the land of Moriah. And offer him there for a burnt-offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. (ASV)

Blood Feud
  • The Elephant in the room was NOT “Whose your Daddy”, but “Whose your Mama”?
  • Ishmael was Abraham’s first born (Free Will) son conceived with Hagar, a bondwoman; a servant. – He WAS included in the Family because of Abraham until he chose to reject and hate his brethren.
  • Esau the first born hated his brother Jacob the second born because he got the blessing.
  • Cain, the first born, was in a covenant relationship with God, but rejected it and God even extended Himself to Cain again to bring him back into the family; but NO.
  • What God said to Cain could apply to Ishmael; “Why are you so angry?” the LORD asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? - YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED IF YOU DO WHAT IS RIGHT. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! SIN IS CROUCHING AT THE DOOR, eager to control you. - But YOU must subdue it and be its master. - (Free Will to choose) -
  • Isaac was Abraham’s first born (Predestined) son conceived with Sarah His wife. - The covenant was promised (Predestined) by God to Abraham and Sarah a free woman, not to Hagar a bondswoman, a maidservant.  Ishmael was born of the flesh (Free Will); Isaac was born of the promise (Predestined). – NYOBS 29.28 – PREDESTINATION REVISITED
Genesis 4:6-7 – Cain, if you do well, you will be accepted
6 Why are you so angry?” the LORD asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected?
YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED IF YOU DO WHAT IS RIGHT. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” (NLT)
Genesis 27:41 - Esau hated Jacob because he got the blessing
41 Now Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him, and Esau said to himself, “The days of mourning for my father are approaching; then I will kill my brother Jacob.” (ESV)
Gen 17:19 – The Covenant was with Isaac not Ishmael.
19 Then God said, "Yes, but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him. NIV

What did Sarah see?
  • Isaac was born 13 Years after Ishmael and about a year later, Ishmael’s conduct turns to jealousy and with profane contempt and malice he persecutes Isaac; making fun of him.  This misguided conduct is because he himself was the first born of Abraham and Hagar, yet the blessing of the covenant of God would be with Isaac, the SECOND BORN. (The first born of Abraham and Sarah.)
·         Note: Ishmael’s mocking was A SERIOUS THING as Isaac was God’s predestined, chosen and ordained seed while Ishmael was a counterfeit seed. - Paul writes to the church at Galatia and says; but YOU ARE NOW BEING PERSECUTED by those who want you to keep the law, just as Ishmael, the child born by human effort, persecuted Isaac, the child born by the power of the Spirit. Galatians 4:30
·         Conspiracy theorist say that the word “tzahak” that is used to describe Ishmaels mocking behavior is the same word used for “sexual behavior” such as fondling, caressing and showing endearment.  This suggests that Sara observed something happening that was of a homosexual nature and it greatly disturbed her.
·         God counted Ishmaels persecution of Isaac as the beginning of the 400 year persecution of the Hebrew people. – NOTE: As ordained Children of God we can count on persecutions from the counterfeit Children.
·There was great friction between Ishmael and Isaac. - Ishmael became a Wild Ass in his actions and lived in open hostility toward his relatives, particularly Isaac and therefore when he was fourteen, he and his mother Hagar became outcast and eventually had to leave. The Book says that when people have to go their own separate ways, it’s because they just don’t belong.
·Note. God agreed to Sarah’s request because the lad Isaac was not to be raised in a perverted environment - Although they were sent away, THEY WERE NOT ABANDONED BY GOD; Ishmael was blessed of God and became a great nation because he was the son of Abraham.
  • In the beginning, Cain the first born became jealous of Able the second born who was favored by God and Cain killed him.  This jealousy is repeated again with these two brothers when Ishmael becomes jealous of Isaac. - This jealousy developed into hatred and ultimately a BLOOD FEUD which has lasted for some 4,000 years.
Genesis 26:8 - Abimelech saw Isaac (tzahak) caressing Rebekah
8 But sometime later, Abimelech, king of the Philistines, looked out his window and saw Isaac (tzahak) caressing Rebekah. (NLT)
his window and saw Isaac (tzahak) fondling Rebekah. (MSG)
and saw Isaac (tzahak) showing endearment to Rebekah. (NKJV)
Genesis 16:11-12 – Ishmael was as a Wild Ass against Isaac
11 And the angel of Jehovah said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son; and thou shalt call his name ISHMAEL, because Jehovah hath heard thy affliction.
12 And HE SHALL BE AS A WILD ASS among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell over against all his brethren.
Genesis 25:18 - Lived in open hostility toward all their relatives
18 Ishmael’s descendants occupied the region from Havilah to Shur, which is east of Egypt in the direction of Asshur.
Galatians 4:30-31- Hagar and Ishmael will be cast out
31 So, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman. (ESV)
1 John 2:19 – Ishmaelite’s left because they did not belong
19 These people left our churches, but they never really belonged with us; otherwise they would have stayed with us. When
Psalm 83:1-8 – Ishmaelite’s conspire against God and Israel
GOD, do not be silent! Do not be deaf. Do not be quiet, O God.
2 Don’t you hear the uproar of
YOUR ENEMIES? Don’t you see that YOUR ARROGANT ENEMIES are rising up?
3 They devise crafty schemes against your people; they conspire against your precious ones.
4 Come,” they say, “
5 Yes, this was their unanimous decision. They signed a treaty as allies against you
6 these Edomites and
ISHMAELITES; Moabites and Hagrites;
7 Gebalites, Ammonites, and Amalekites; and people from Philistia and Tyre.
8Assyria has joined them, too, and is allied with the descendants of Lot. Interlude (NLT)
Genesis 15:13 – Ishmael begins the 400 years of persecution
13 then the LORD said to Abram, “You can be sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, where they will be oppressed as slaves for 400 years. (NLT)
Acts 7:6 – God tells Abraham the coming 400 year oppression
6 God also told him that his descendants would live in a foreign land, where they would be oppressed as slaves for 400 years. (NLT)

Two Nations
  • The promised land of God, particularly the city of Jerusalem, was passed down through Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, not through Ishmael. – Today, this is the main source of friction between the Arabs and the Jews.
  • Ishmael’s twelve tribes were given a vast land, about 150 times more than Isaac and Jacob, but they wanted the “promised land” of the covenant too…. And still do.  
  • Sidebar:  We can’t be dogmatic about what we believe about Arabs and Muslims. -  Not all Muslims are Arabs, and not all Arabs are Muslims and all do not hate the Jews & Christians.   
  • Isaac’s/Jacob’s twelve sons became Israel’s twelve tribes; Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.  
·         Ishmael did NOT receive the promise of God’s Covenant, but AT ABRAHAM’S REQUEST, was blessed of God with 12 tribes who today we call The Arabs. -  NYOBS 22.02 ARMAGEDDON
·Ishmael’s twelve sons became twelve tribes; Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah & Massa; who we know as the Midianites, Edomites, Egyptians and Assyrians; the great desert people of the Middle East.
·Ishmael and his descendants became ARROGANT enemies of God and Israel, living in open hostility toward the other twelve tribes of Abraham and they still do today, threating to WIPE ISRAEL OUT AS A NATION. – It’s in the Book -  Psalms 83:4
·         SYMBOLICALLYThe line of Ishmael represent those who are lost; (Bondservants to sin and the OLD Mosaic Covenant law) - This is trying to produce your own salvation by your works. - The line of Isaac represents those who are saved; (Free in Christ) symbolizing the NEW and better Covenant brought forth by Jesus on the Cross. -  The sending away of Hagar and Ishmael is the separating of the wheat from the chaff, the good from the bad. – “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?” 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (ESV)
Revelation 7:5-8 – Israel’s 12 Tribes – minus Dan and Manasseh
5  From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed, from the tribe of Reuben 12,000, from the tribe of Gad 12,000,
6  from the tribe of Asher 12,000, from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000, from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000,
7  from the tribe of Simeon 12,000, from the tribe of Levi 12,000, from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,
8  from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000, from the tribe of Joseph 12,000, from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000. (NIV2011)
Gen 21:9 – Ishmael made fun of Isaac, mocking him
9 But Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was MOCKING, NIV
Genesis 17:20 – Abraham asked God to bless Ishmael also
20 As for Ishmael, I will bless him also, just as you have asked. I will make him extremely fruitful and multiply his descendants. He will become the father of
Genesis 25:12-1 – Ishmael’s Twelve Tribes
12 This is the account of the family of Ishmael, the son of Abraham through Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian servant.
13 Here is a list, by their names and clans, of Ishmael’s descendants: The oldest was Nebaioth, followed by Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa,
15 Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.
16 These
TWELVE SONS OF ISHMAEL became the founders of twelve tribes named after them, listed according to the places they settled.
17 Ishmael lived for 137 years. Then he breathed his last gathered to his people in death. (NLT)

Missing Tribes
·         Side Bar - Missing Tribes of Israel; Joseph had two sons; Ephraim and Manasseh which were adopted into the tribes of Israel and were known as the half tribes. - That gives us a NEW total of 14 tribes. – NYOBS 35.16 - 144,000 THE MARK -- NYOBS 66.30 – 144,000 REVISITED -
·         The tribe of Dan is missing from the lineup of the sealed 144,000 as mentioned in Revelation 7:4-10. -- It is possibly that this tribe is the source of the Antichrist as implied in scripture.  At any rate, the half tribe of Manasseh seems to take Dan’s place in the lineup of the twelve Tribes. - NYOBS 21.18 - ANTICHRIST
·         The half tribe of Ephraim is also missing from the lineup because this tribe led the way in causing the civil war which divided the ten tribes of the north from the two tribes in the South. – They also had become addicted to idolatry.
·         With the tribes of Dan and Ephraim missing, we are now back down to 12 Tribes being the 144,000 that are sealed. just saying -
Gen 49:17 – Dan will be a serpent; Strike his heel
17 Dan will be a serpent by the roadside, a viper along the path that bites the horse's heels so that its rider tumbles backward. NIV
Genesis 3:15 – Satan will strike his heel
15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (NIV2011)

Islam – Qur’an
  • Islam purports that the True Covenant of God and BLOODLINE OF ABRAHAM rests with Ishmael the First Born and true son of Abraham; the son of the promised covenant NOT with Isaac the Second born.
·         The Bible says it was Isaac that has the promise of the Covenant. - Muslims believe that the scriptures were distorted and changed by the Jews in order to establish themselves as the heirs to the covenant.
  • The Qur’an is silent on which son of Abraham was to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah to the Lord, but most Muslims will tell you it was Ishmael.
  • The Bible says five times that it was Isaac. - This debate over “the son of promise” still contributes to the hostility that we see today.
  • Islam says Abraham had eight sons, not twelve; all reared in Mecca not Hebron.
·         The Qur’an instructs Muslims to treat Jews as brothers, but then in contradiction commands them to kill the Jews if they refuse to convert to Islam.
  • The Qur’an teaches that the title deed to the land was passed down through the Arabs not the Jews. – Interestingly; Israel has defeated the Arab world five times in succession.
  • Today Islam commands; “Fight and slay the pagans (non-Muslims) wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war”.
  • Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud says – “We shall never call for or accept a negotiated peace.  We shall only accept war – Jihad; the holy war.  - We have resolved to drench the lands of Palestine and Arabia with the blood of the infidels or to accept martyrdom for the glory of Allah”.
  • Islamic Jihad – To die for the cause of Islam is an honor. – It’s a passport to paradise. – NYOBS 41.02 – HOLY JIHAD -- NYOBS 39.20 – ISLAM vs: CHRISTIANITY
Genesis 22:2 - Sacrifice your only son Isaac
2 Then God said, “Take your son,
YOUR ONLY SON, whom you love—ISAAC—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” (NIV2011)

Two Deaths
·         When Sarah died, Abraham found a piece of land including a cave and some trees and negotiated a price for it as a permanent place of burial for his wife Sarah.
·         When Ishmael died he was gathered to his people, not to Father Abraham’s people.  The Ishmaelite’s had settled over against their kinsmen and were a different people; a different nation with a different god.
·         Note that in the two deaths, Sarah was gathered to Abraham, while Ishmael was gathered to his people; separated from his Hebrew brethren.
·         Abraham’s physical descendants are not necessarily children of God, only the children of the promise are considered to be Abraham’s children.  
·         The Book says, “Isaac is the son through whom Abraham’s descendants will be counted.”
Genesis 23:1-20 – Abraham buried Sarah in land he purchased
1 When Sarah was 127 years old,
2 she died at Kiriath-arba (now called Hebron) in the land of Canaan. There Abraham mourned and wept for her.
17 So Abraham bought the plot of land belonging to Ephron at Machpelah, near Mamre. This included the field itself, the cave that was in it, and all the surrounding trees.
18 It was transferred to Abraham as his permanent possession in the presence of the Hittite elders at the city gate.
19 Then
ABRAHAM BURIED HIS WIFE, SARAH, there in Canaan, in the cave of Machpelah, near Mamre (also called Hebron).
20 So the field and the cave were transferred from the Hittites to Abraham for use as a permanent burial place.
Gen 25:17-18 – Ishmael died and gathered to HIS people
17 Altogether, Ishmael lived a hundred and thirty-seven years. He breathed his last and died, and he was GATHERED TO HIS PEOPLE.
18 His descendants settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, near the border of Egypt, as you go toward Asshur. And they lived in hostility toward all their brothers.
Genesis 25:18 – Ishmael settled over against his kinsmen
18 They settled from Havilah to Shur, which is opposite Egypt in the direction of Assyria. He settled over against all his kinsmen.
Romans 9:6-8 - Abraham’s descendants not necessarily his children
6 Well then, has God failed to fulfill his promise to Israel? No, for not all who are born into the nation of Israel are truly members of God’s people!
7 Being descendants of Abraham doesn’t make them truly Abraham’s children. For the Scriptures say, “Isaac is the son through whom your descendants will be counted,” though Abraham had other children, too.
8 This means that Abraham’s physical descendants are not necessarily children of God. Only the children of the promise are considered to be Abraham’s children.

Josephus on Ishmael
  • Josephus, the Jewish Historian in 70AD writes:  “As for Sarah, she at first loved Ismael, who was born of her own handmaid Hagar, with an affection not inferior to that of her own son, for he was brought up, in order to succeed in the government, but when she herself had borne Isaac, she was not willing that Ismael should be brought up with him, as being too old for him, and able to do him injuries when their father should be dead”.
  • She therefore persuaded Abraham to send him and his mother to some distant country.  Now, at the first he did not agree to what Sarah was so zealous for, and thought it an instance of the greatest barbarity to send away a young child (14 years of age) and a woman unprovided of necessaries.
  • But at length he agreed to it; because God was pleased with what Sarah had determined; so he delivered Ismael to his mother, as not yet able to go by himself; and commanded her to take a bottle of water, and a loaf of bread, and so to depart and to take necessity for her guide.
  • When the lad Ishmael was grown up, he married a wife, by birth an Egyptian, from whence the mother was herself derived originally.  Of this wife were born to Ismael twelve sons
  • These inhabited all the country from Euphrates to the Red Sea, and called it Nabatene.  They are an Arabian nation and name their tribes from these, both because of their own virtue and because of the dignity of Abraham their father. – Josephus; Antiquity of the Jews -

Last Thoughts

·          Ishmael, the nation of Arabs and Isaac, the nations of Israel are two separate nations and it all happened because of jealousy in the heart of Ishmael, the first born of Hagar; he rejected his half-brother Isaac. -- This is identical to Cain, also the first born whose jealous heart rejected his brother Abel. – NYOBS 16.06 – CAIN & ABEL -- NYOBS 71.02 – SATAN; FATHER OF CAIN
  • Who’s your mama? - Ishmael was Abraham’s first born (Free Will) son conceived with Hagar, a bondwoman; a servant – Isaac was Abrahams first born (Predestined) son conceived with Sarah his wife; heir to the promise.  
  • Free will and Predestination are both taught in the Bible; here we see it demonstrated through Ishmael and Isaac operating within God’s Sovereignty. Many are called and by Free Will choose to come to God, FEW are chosen; predestined to come to God. – If all are predestined one way or the other, then there is no hope for the lost.
  • JESUS GAVE THE GREAT COMMISSION; “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation”. – There would be no need for the Great Commission if there was no Free Will to accept the call. – NYOBS 29.29 – PREDESTINATION REVISITED
·          This word study address’ the question; Was Ishmael saved?Is Islam another path to God?  - Because God blessed Ishmael and made him a great nation, you could say that God intended for Islam to exist, but that does not mean that He intended for there to be another way for man to find forgiveness of sin.
·          The Book says salvation is through Jesus Christ and in NO one else, for there is no other name under heaven among people by which we must be saved. - Acts 4:8-12 -
·          Islam and other False Religions are used by God to test the faith and fidelity of His own people just like He used Pharaoh to oppose and test His people. – It’s in the Book -
·         God showed Ishmael favor because he was a son of Abraham, just as God showed favor to  Lot and rescued him and his family, because he was Abraham’s nephew; but neither Ishmael nor Lot were whom the blessing of the Abrahamic covenant would pass.
·         According to the Book, there is only ONE WAY to the Father and that is through the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob… and God’s only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ; NOT through Abraham, Ishmael and Mohammad. – Sadly, Ishmael and the Muslims are LOST.
·         God is called the God of Israel over 200 times in scripture.  He is never called the God of the Ishmaelite’s, Muslims, Arabs or the God of any other people.  – Even we as Gentiles that believe in His Son Jesus Christ must be grafted into the vine of Israel and into its roots; this is how we get in on the promise. – It was Jesus Christ that made this possible for us.
·         Abraham’s Spiritual Seed are ALL those; Jew or Gentile, who place their trust in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah.
·         Yahweh or Jehovah is the name for the God of Abraham. -  Allah is the universal name for all other gods.  You must choose this day whom you will serve. – The choices you make on this side of life have eternal consequences. – It’s in the Book -

Matthew 22:31-32 - I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob
31 But now, as to whether there will be a resurrection of the dead—haven’t you ever read about this in the Scriptures? Long after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had died, God said,
I AM THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC, AND THE GOD OF JACOB.’ So he is the God of the living, not the dead.” (NLT)
Romans 9:17 – God uses Islam; purpose to display His power
17 For the Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, “I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth.” (NLT)
Genesis 19:16 – Abraham’s nephew Lot was rescued
16 When Lot still hesitated, the angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for the LORD was merciful. (NLT)
Romans 11:17 – Believers are grafted into the vine; Jewish roots
17 But some of these branches from
ABRAHAM’S TREE—some of the people of Israel—have been broken off. And you Gentiles, who were branches from a wild olive tree, HAVE BEEN GRAFTED IN. So now you also receive the blessing God has promised Abraham and his children, sharing in the rich nourishment from the root of God’s special olive tree. (NLT)
John 14:6 – Jesus is the ONLY way, the truth and the life
6 Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me. (ESV)
Joshua 24:15 – As for me and my house we will serve Yahweh
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve Jehovah, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but
Matthew 22:14 – Few are predestined to come to God
14 For many are called (Free Will), but few are chosen (Predestined).”
15 And he said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. (ESV)

In the multitude of counselors,
there is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:14

I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical
information, and scripture verses.  Because of them I can stand on their shoulders
and see further that I otherwise ever could have.

A Commentary; Critical, Experimental and Practical - Eerdmans
All the Women of the BibleEdith Deen
Antiquity of the JewsFlavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha – Goodspeed
Baker Commentary on the Bible – Elwell
Bible Almanac; The – Packer-Tenney-White
Bible Commentary – F.B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row
Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Book of Mormon; The – Latter Day Saints LDS
Dake’s Annotated BibleDake
English Standard Version Bible – ESV
Expositor’s Bible Commentary – Frank E. Gaebelein
Forgotten Books of Eden; The – World
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The – Tyndale
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament - Baker
King James Version Bible – KJV
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mormon Mirage; The – Latayne Colvett Scott
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – Douglas - Tenney
New International Version Bible (2011) – NIV
NOTE: The “new” NIV has been corrupted & made gender neutral.  AVOID IT.
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Thru the BibleJ. Vernon McGee
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament – Mac Donald
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Pfeiffer & Harrison
Wikipedia –

Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The – Tenney

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