
Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Rabbit Trail from NYOBS 45.02 - The Return; Pre - Mid - Post Tribulation

Gospel of Judas - Rabbit Trail
·         First Word - There are many writing out there that were not included in the Bible, because their FENSE POST did not line up with the Fence Post of the other writers of the Bible.  These writings are known as; The Apocrypha, The Forgotten Books of Adam and Eve, The Lost Books of the Bible, The Missing Books of the Bible, The Gospels of The Dead Sea Scrolls, and The Gospel according to Whoever. – It was the practice and custom of the day, to write on a subject and attach someone else’s name of notoriety to it, just to give it some form of credibility.
·         The Gospel of Judas like many Gnostic works, is a Gnostic gospel whose content refers to itself specifically as "The Secret Account of the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversations with Judas Iscariot. - Since it contains late 2nd century theology, it is thought to have been composed in the second century by Gnostic Christians, NOT by Judas himself. - It was originally 31 pages, but only 13 pages have survived.  It has 16 chapters teaching about spiritual matters and COSMOLOGY.
·         Gnosticism – The term comes from the Ancient Greek word: γνωστικόςgnostikos, meaning; Having Knowledge, Enlightenment, Salvation, Emancipation or “Oneness with God”.
  • Gnostics – The “People In The Know” – Taught Secret Revelations combined with a mixing of myths and rites drawn from a variety of religious traditions.  They believe we are all in a TIME CONTINUUM and that Jesus had taught Secret Teachings to the Apostles that moved them along this continuum.
  • The Gnostics maintained that this material world and all that’s in it is the result of a Cosmic Catastrophe, and was created by an evil lesser god and our SOUL needs to escape this material world and return to the world of the spirit.
·         The gospel of Judas seems to argue that unlike the SOUL, the PHYSICAL BODY is NOT a prison which needs to be escaped from. (The Rapture; The Fly Away Doctrine)
·         Jesus was sent as the Son of the true God, not of one of the lesser gods. - His mission was to show that salvation lies in connecting with THE GOD WITHIN THE MAN. - Through embracing THE INTERNAL GOD, the man can then return to the imperishable realm.
  • Women - If you can just comprehend the Gnostic thinking, that women were just a part of a Time Continuum that begins with plants, then evolves to bugs, then animals, then women, then men and finally to a god.  - So, ultimately as you progress along the Time Continuum, you would be like the gods.  (This was the very lie that Satan taught in the Garden of Eden)
  • A “female” in the Time Continuum, was actually a “male” that had just not yet “arrived”. – So a female was considered a “second class” person; an inferior human being – Inferior to her father, her brothers, her husband and to all men. – This is why Mary Magdalene was not believed about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Why would Jesus appear to a woman first?
  • This thought process had to do with domination.  The top denominates downward like a master over his slave.  The more powerful Male is SUPPOSED to dominate the less powerful female. - Far out stuff, huh !
  • Salvation cannot be obtained until ALL souls have returned to the spiritual realm.
  • But, we can’t escape as long as “WOMEN” keep having babies. – So avoid procreation; -Don’t participate.  - A non-reproductive woman is “on her way” to becoming a “man” and thus entering the kingdom of heaven. – Today we see women marring women and they cannot reproduce and they dress themselves like a man. - Is this some far out, messed up stuff or what?
·         You can go to any Catholic bookstore and pick up a copy of the Gnostic Gospels, there is no attempt to hide them. – You can also go on line on the internet. - Christians may or may not believe them to be true.
·         The Gospel of Judas portrays Judas's actions as done in obedience to instructions given to him by Christ. - He is portrayed as the only one of Jesus's disciples who accurately understood the words of his master.  – He was a Divinely Appointed Instrument of a grand and predetermined purpose. – He was PREDESTINED. - It asserts that the other Disciples had not learned the true Gospel, which Jesus taught only to Judas Iscariot, who the SOLE follower belonging to the "holy generation" among the disciples.
·         Elsewhere in the manuscript, Jesus favors Judas above the other disciples by saying, "Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom", and "Look, you have been told everything.  Lift up your eyes and look at the cloud and the light within it and the stars surrounding it. The star that leads the way IS YOUR STAR." – Wikipedia
·         Interestingly, The Bible does not say that Judas went to Hell or the Lake of Fire, it just says he went to his own place. – SELAH - Think about that - NYOBS 10.34 - JUDAS CONSPIRACY

Genesis 3:5 – You will be like the gods
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (KJV)
Acts 1:25- Judas went to his own place
25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place  (KJV)

In the multitude of counselors,
there is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:14

I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical information, and scripture verses.  Because of them I can stand on their shoulders and see further that I otherwise ever could have.
English Standard Version Bible – ESV
Ezekiel – Thru the Bible – J. Vernon McGee
Fly Away Doctrine; Shepherd’s Chapel – Dr. Arnold Murray
Gospel of Judas; The - Wikipedia
Manna Fest – Perry Stone
Message Bible; The – MES
New International Version Bible – NIV

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