
Thursday, September 14, 2017


Mark Twain describes the Book of Mormon as Chloroform in Print” - LDS or LSD -

First Word

·         The Book of Mormon is “Another Testament” of Jesus Christ; A DIFFERENT GOSPEL.
·         Bible - I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel; the Book of Mormon. 
·         Joseph Smith told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the Keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book. Documentary History of the Church Vol IV page 461
·         Bible - All Scripture is God breathed and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. - For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
·         Error rarely appears for what it really is. - It is mingled with or attached to truth so that it will gain acceptance; such is the Book of Mormon.

2 Timothy 3:16 – The Bible is God breathed
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, (ESV)
2 Peter 1:21 – Men carried along by the Holy Spirit
21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (ESV)
Galatians 1:6 – Astonished turning to the Book of Mormon
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to
·         CULT - A religious group that 1) meets regularly; 2) has an altar; 3) prays to a deity; 4) points to a different book other than the Bible, and/or 5) points to a prophet or founder who has “special enlightenment” not found in the Bible.
·         LATER DAY SAINTS; MORMONS 1) meet regularly, 2) have an altar, 3) pray to a deity; 4) point to the Book of Mormon for new enlightenment and as their Bible and 5)  point to Joseph Smith as their prophet plus Brigham Young. – ALL FIVE CULT POINTS MET  -
  • All cults are not the same.  Some stress moral activities, others lifestyle; the method of proselytizing; manifestation of Spiritual Gifts, Spirit Guides; Chanting, Channeling, Visions, Communal methods and Sex freedom religions. - We simply cannot lump all cults together although they ALL have ONE theme in common; THEY ALL PRESENT A DIFFERENT GOSPEL.
Matt 15:14 – LDS are the blind leading the blind into a ditch
14 And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. KJV
Galatians 1:6-7 – Some change so quickly to another Gospel
6 I am amazed that you are so quickly turning away from Him who called you by the grace of Christ
and are turning to A DIFFERENT GOSPEL;
7 NOT that there is
ANOTHER GOSPEL, but there are some who are troubling you and want to change the good news about the Messiah.
Joseph Smith
·         There were THREE Joseph Smiths;
·         Joseph Smith Sr., born July 12, 1771 and died September 14, 1840, his wife was wife Lucy Mack Smith. – He was one of the eight witnesses to the Book of Mormon translated from the golden plates and was a member of the Freemason in Ontario Lodge Number 23 Canandaigua, New York. (Hold that thought)
·         Joseph Smith Jr. born December 23, 1805, shot and killed June 27, 1844; his wife was Emma Smith plus MULTIPLE others. -  He is the founder of Mormonism. – Junior claimed to have become a first degree Freemason the first night and rose the next night to the sublime degree; the Freemasons deny any connection to Joseph Smith.  (Hold that thought)
·         Joseph Smith III born November 6, 1832 and died with a heart seizure December 10, 1914, he had multiple wives, Emmeline Griswold, Bertha Madison and Ada R. Clark –  He was 11 years old  when his father died and there was a struggle for leadership between him and Brigham Young. – Some followed him and He became the Prophet-President of what was known as the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, now called the “Community of Christ”. – Brigham Young took the majority of the LDS community and left Nauvoo in 1847.

The Early Years
·         After a revival, in the early 1820’s Joseph Smith Junior went into the woods to pray and a “Power” came over him and bound his tongue and a “Pillar of Light” descended upon him and two Personages suspended in air, called him “My Beloved Son” and told him not to join any of the existing churches. – He was told many thing, but not to write them down.
·         At that same time he found a seer stone in a well that would let him see the location of things invisible to the naked eye; things hidden or lost and he hired himself out as a “SEER” to help people find buried treasure with his PEEP STONE
·         In 1826 “Joseph Smith the Glass-Looker was arrested, being called a charlatan treasure-hunter, and found guilty of being disorderly and an imposter; he never found anything. – Last reported, the LDS was in possession of the peep stone.

The Golden Plates
·         Three years after his first spiritual encounter; while praying in bed, a great light shown around him.  The Angel Moroni; A messenger from God appeared to him suspended in air. – He told Smith about a Book written on Golden Plates and hidden with them were two “seers” stones in Silver Bows known as the “Urim and Thummim” that was attached to a “Breastplate to help him translate the book on the golden plates.
·         He was told not to show the plates or seers to anyone unless commanded to do so; and then gave him a vision of their hiding place on a hill buried under a large stone in a stone container. – He was instructed he could not touch the plates.
·         For Several Years Smith went back to meet with Moroni for further instructions. – Finally in September of 1827 the angel Moroni turned the golden plates, the seer’s stones and the breastplate over to Smith and he began to translate the golden plates with the help of his wife as a scribe. – He kept the plates wrapped up in cloth, so she never saw them. – She reported that Smith translated them without unwrapping them by use of his seer stone.
·         In 1829 Smith showed the plates to eleven people who testified of their existence.  Three testified that the angel showed them the plates and the other eight claimed to have seen and touched the plates.
·         Oliver Cowdery, a school teacher heard of the plates and became Smith’s scribe as he dictated the Book of Mormon in 75 working days; it was then copyrighted June 1829.  
·         Note:  less than half of the plates were translated, the reaming untranslated plates were sealed and taken back by the angel. - It’s only my guess that the Book of Mormon was named after the Angel Moroni. 
·         John the Baptist a messenger from God appeared to the both of them and conferred upon them the Priesthood of Aaron. – As I read this I begin to wonder if John the Baptist appeared with or without his head which had been cut off.
·         Around 1829-30, Peter, James and John appeared to Smith and Cowdery and gave them the “Keys to the Kingdom” and bestowed upon Smith, the ordination of “The order of the Melchizedek” Priesthood with the authority to organize a church. – On April 6, 1830, Smith and Cowdery started a church in Fayette, New York and laid hands on six other baptized believers confirming them as members of THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH.
·         In 1836 Kirkland Temple was dedicated and culminated by the appearance to Smith and Cowdery of Moses, Elisha and Elijah as well as Jesus Christ.
·         To the avid Student of the Bible, these phrases are just ludicrous and are just plain stolen straight out of the Bible; every one of them and they just make you smile and shake your head. – There is no angel Moroni in the Bible, and after the death of Christ, there is no record of any apostle or prophet or even Jesus Christ coming back from the dead to communicate with anyone.  Paul only heard a voice on the Damascus Road, he did not see Jesus. – Smith was obviously communicating with a FAMILIAR SPIRIT, a demon. -- NYOBS 11.16 - DEMONS  FAMILIAR SPIRITS -- NYOBS 33.09 – WITCH OF ENDOR -
·          LSD psychedelic drug; Lysergic Acid Diethylamide; produces an altered awareness of the surroundings, perceptions, and feelings as well as sensations and images that seem real all though they are not. Perhaps Joseph Smith was not thinking LDS, BUT LSD, just saying.
·          Necromancy is a form of magic involving communication with the deceased either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge. - The term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft. Wikipedia  NYOBS 17.16 THE OTHER FLOOD THE GAP THEORY  DEMONS
·          BibleBeloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many FALSE PROPHETS have gone out into the world”.
Isaiah 8:19 – Inquire of God for the Living; not the Dead
19 And when they say to you, “Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,” should not a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living?
Leviticus 20:6 – Do not seek Familiar Spirits and Wizards
6 And the soul that turns after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
1 John 4:1 - Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits
1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (ESV)
Matthew 14:8-10 – John the Baptist was beheaded.
8 Prompted by her mother, she said, “GIVE ME THE HEAD of John the Baptist here on a platter.”
9 And the king was sorry, but because of his oaths and his guests he commanded it to be given.
10 He sent and had John beheaded in the prison, (ESV)

The Book of Mormon
·         The Book of Mormon says that the Bible is so imperfect that instead of leading men to God, it actually causes them to stumble. The Book of Mormon corrects the translated errors in the Bible. - The scriptures in the Bible that are correctly translated are the word of God.
·         Only a FOOL would accept the Bible as God’s ONLY scripture. – There are TWO BOOKS -The Prophet Ezekiel said there were TWO scrolls of God rolled up on sticks; the stick of Ephraim which is the Book of Mormon and the stick of Judah which is the Bible.
·         Sacred Scripture includes; The Book of Mormon - Doctrine and Covenants Pearl of Great Price and the Bible which contains supplementary text.
·         In the mouth of TWO WITNESSES is a thing established, the Book of Mormon and the Bible.
·         The lost books of the Bible that Joseph Smith refers to are: The Book of the Covenant - Book of Jasher - Book of the Acts of Solomon - Book of Jehu - Acts of Uzziah - Sayings of the Seers - Third Corinthians - Second Ephesians and The Epistle to the Laodiceas.
·         Note: There were many book left out of the Bible because many were written and ascribed to one of the disciples when actually they were not.  When Paul wrote to the churches, he had a style of writing and phrases he used that do not appear in many of the Apocryphal writings, therefore rejected. – There are writings of Jesus performing miracles as a child, when the Bible strictly says his first miracle was as an adult was turning water into wine.
·         The Gospel is the laws and ordinances of the LDS Mormon Church. – “For behold, I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting covenant; and IF YE ABIDE NOT that covenant, then are ye DAMMED; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory”. 
·         Bible - Although the Mormons feel the Bible is corrupted and the “Plain and Precious Parts” are missing, out of all the copies of scrolls found to date, not ONE important doctrine has been placed in doubt, however almost 4000 changes have been made to the Book of Mormon.
·         Bible - All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be COMPLETE, equipped for every good work; the Word of the Lord remains forever.   
·         The Bible has two witnesses, the Old Testament and the New Testament.
·         Mark Twain describes the Book of Mormon as Chloroform in Print”.  
1 Peter 1:25 – The Bible remains forever
25 but the word of the Lord remains forever.” (ESV)
2 Timothy 3:16-17 – The Bile is God breathed
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (ESV)
Matthew 5:18 – Even the punctuation is correct
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one JOT or one TITTLE shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (KJV)
2 Nephi 29:3-6 – Only a fool would accept ONLY the Bible
3 And because of my words shall hiss forth – many of the Gentiles say; A “Bible! A Bible!  We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible.
4 But thus saith the Lord God; O Fools they shall have a Bible; and it shall proceed forth from the Jews mine ancient covenant people….
6 Thou FOOL, they shall say; A Bible, we have got a Bible, and we need no more Bible.  Have ye obtained a Bible save it were by the Jews?  - Book of Mormon
Doctrine and covenants 132:4 – Abide in covenant or be dammed
4 “For behold, I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye dammed; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory”.
Ezekiel 37:15-20 –Two Scrolls rolled on two stick – Two Books
15 The word of the LORD came to me:
16 Son of man, take a stick and write on it, ‘For Judah,
(THE BIBLE) and the people of Israel associated with him’; then take another stick and write on it, ‘For Joseph (the stick of Ephraim) (BOOK OF MORMON) and all the house of Israel associated with him.’
17 And join them one to another into one stick, that they may become one in your hand.
18 And when your people say to you, ‘Will you not tell us what you mean by these?’
19 say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am about to take the stick of Joseph (that is in the hand of Ephraim) and the tribes of Israel associated with him. And I will join with it the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, that they may be one in my hand.
20 When the sticks on which you write are in your hand before their eyes, (ESV)
Deuteronomy 19:15 Two Witnesses – Book of Mormon & Bible
15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of TWO WITNESSES, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established. (ASV
  • Joseph Smith, Jr. continually informed his followers, as God’s chosen leader that he alone had the right to revelation concerning the “whole church truth”, and every spirit that did not confess this is of the antichrist.
  • Any prophecy received by anyone of the members must be approved by Smith, any prophecy that contradicted his prophesies was from the Devil.
  • Prophecies of Joseph Smith: The U.S. Government would be overthrown unless it redressed the wrong doing to Mormons to their satisfaction – Didn’t Happen - Christ would return in 1891 – Didn’t Happen - Missouri Temple would be built in his generation – Didn’t Happen - ALL nations would be involved in the American Civil War – Well, that didn’t Happen - The earth will tremble and the sun hidden in “not many days” – None of these things happened. 
  • The Bible - If the thing a prophet says does not come to pass, HE IS A FALSE PROPHET.
Deut 18:21-22 – 100% must come true or he is a False Prophet
21 How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?"
22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD
or come true, that is a message
Degrees of Heaven
·         February 16, 1932, Smith developed the doctrine of the three degrees of Heaven; the Celestial, the Terrestrial and the Telestial, they were degrees of glory in the Kingdom of God.
·         Celestial Kingdom is occupied by those who accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and lived up to the required LDS ordinances and Covenants. – They will be given a white stone with their new name written on it which becomes a “seer stone” to the recipient.
·         Terrestrial Kingdom is occupied by those who lived respectably, but were blinded by the “craftiness of men” and rejected the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and those who rejected the Gospel in their mortal lives, but afterwards received it in the “spirit world”.  They will receive the presence of the Son, but not the fullness of the Father.
·         Telestial Kingdom is occupied by those  who did not receive the gospel of Jesus Christ will remain in a spirit prison for 1000 years then resurrected and receive an immortal physical body.
·         Bible – There is NO SECOND CHANCE; it is appointed for man to die once and then after that comes the judgment.
Revelation 22:10-11 – LDS The three degrees of Heavenly glory
10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.
11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still (Telestial Kingdom): and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still (Outer Darkness): and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still (Terrestrial Kingdom): and he that is holy, let him be holy still (Celestial Kingdom). (KJV)
Hebrews 9:27 – NO SECOND CHANCE – Death then Judgment
27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, (ESV)

The Temple
  • Secret temple vows and rites were practiced that were unspeakable and could not be revealed, strange garment worn, oaths and vengeance sworn. – “The penalty is demonstrated by a cutting motion across the chest with the right hand”. 
  • The hand grip is given by pressing the thumb in the hollow between the first and second knuckles of the Hand.
  • There are signs, tokens, penalties, and grips - Symbols like the Compass and Square which sounds identical to the Freemasons to me. – Both Joseph Smith Senior and Junior claimed to be Freemasons. – NYOBS 04.12 – FREEMASONARY –
  • Just as the Mormon Cult points to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon as their source of enlightenment; so as the Freemasons point to Hiram Abiff their master builder and the Kabbalah for enlightenment. – Cult Identifiers -

The Priesthood
  • Aaronic PriesthoodWhen ordained; through adoption, their blood is changed and they become the Jewish sons of Levi.
  • Priesthood privileges were refused to blacks.  No man with even a single drop of Negroid blood in his veins could hold the Mormon priesthood.  On June 9, 1978 when the government was getting heavy on discrimination, Joseph Smith got another “revelation” that it was now OK for Blacks to be in the priesthood.  He prophesied that the abolitionist movement would not free slaves because slavery was “the sentence of the Almighty upon the seed of Ham”.
  • Salvation is achieved by obedience to Mormon laws and ordinances. - Man’s traditions and works -
  • Works – “Once we have been resurrected, it will be our own efforts, not Christ’s sacrifice that will be the deciding factor.” Mormons are promised that they will become gods with angels in subjection to them.  By joining the Mormon Church, a person makes himself eligible for eternal life.
  • Bible - It is by grace that we have been saved through our faith in Jesus Christ.   It is not a result of our works, it is the free gift of God, so that no one may boast.
Galatians 2:16 – We are not saved by works, but by faith
16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. (KJV)
Ephesians 2:8-9 – Salvation is by FAITH not by WORKS
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (ESV)
  • Baptism in the “Mormon Church” washes away all your sins - An agreement to “tithe” is reported to be necessary before baptism.
  • Baptism for the Dead is practiced in their secret temple rites according to the “Doctrine and Covenants.  Mormons emphasize that the family succession of baptized persons must form an unbroken chain back to Adam. – They must research their own genealogy. – The doctrine of vicarious baptism is a way to save someone who has already died.
  • is the commercials you see running on TV to hook you; to proselyte you into the LDS Mormon cult.

  • 144,000 - The Mormons claim that they ONLY are the 144,000 who inherit eternal life and the remainder of their denomination will just live in Paradise.
  • Bible – The 144,000 are all Hebrews, JEWS and are God’s End Time Evangelist to the whole world. – Not a Gentile among them. -
Rev 7:4-8 – Tribes of Israel - 144,000 – ALL Hebrews - JEWS
4 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
5 From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed, from the tribe of Reuben 12,000, from the tribe of Gad 12,000,
6 from the tribe of Asher 12,000, from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000, from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000, (** half tribe)
7 from the tribe of Simeon 12,000, from the tribe of Levi 12,000, from the tribe of Issachar 12,000,
8 from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000, from the tribe of Joseph 12,000, from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000.
John 1:12 – All who receive Him; right to become God’s children
12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, (ESV)
  • God can only be in one place at a time and sits on a burning sphere called Kolob that revolves every 1,000 years. – He is comforted by his wives and continues ceaseless reproduction.
  • There are many other worlds that God created and only a part of those “begotten sons and daughters” were designated for earth.
  • He created the earth by organizing the “existing elements” of the universe.
  • God is one of the countless gods in existence. – There are also Mother gods.
  • God has a body of flesh and bones – He has a God nature and a flesh nature.
  • God evolved from a lower form of life as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who evolved into Gods.
  • YOU TOO CAN BECOME A GOD. -  God was once a man, but has been exalted. – We too can become exalted; become a god.
  • Pre-existence – We existed in heaven with God our Father and our Mother before we became human.  There was never a time when man did not exist and there will never be a time when he will cease to exist. -  Each person was self-existent and co-equal with God. 
  • It was necessary that at our birth, the knowledge of our “pre-existence” be removed; this is called “The Veil of Memories”.  
  • The fall of mankind was a blessing in the progression of humanity to the level of Godhood.
  • Bible - In the beginning nothing existed until God spoke it into existence.
  • Bible God said; before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.
  • Bible – The Big Lie from Satan – You too can become a god.
Isa 43:10 – No gods formed before ME and none after me
10 "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. BEFORE ME NO GOD WAS FORMED, NOR WILL THERE BE ONE AFTER ME.  NIV
Genesis 1:1-3 – God spoke everything into existence
1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

3 And GOD SAID, “Let there be light,” and there was light.  (ESV)
Genesis 3:5 – The first LIE of Satan – You too can be a god
5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and YOU WILL BE LIKE GOD, knowing good and evil.” (ESV)
  • The earth was created by Jesus by “Organizing the existing Elements”.
  • Jesus is the spiritual brother of Lucifer and so is man.
  • Jesus Christ lived too long ago to relate to anyone today, especially when you have a living prophet like Joseph Smith.

  • Mary was not a virgin – The Bible is in error.  - Jesus had two fathers; Joseph and God Himself in bodily form - Mary was one of God’s many wives.
·         Three distinct GODS – God the Father – God the Son – God the Spirit (the spirit does not have a body as does the Father and Son.) - There is NOT a three in one trinity -

  • God had many wivesOnly a part of the entities born to God are on earth, the rest are in many other worlds. - A heavenly Mother is logically a necessity
  • The “wife” revelation was given that Joseph and other faithful Mormon men were permitted to have as many wives as they pleased.  Before he died, Joseph had between 27 and 48 wives based on the documentation from the LDS Mormon Church and other historians. 
  • He had married 12 women whose husbands were still living.  It was share and share alike – He said, I did not introduce polygamy, I just merely restored it”, and not only did God tolerate it, but God required it.
  • Smith writes – God commanded that Abraham take Hagar’s handmaid as his wife so that he could have the seed that God had promised him. – Polygamy Commanded - It was not optional, but an everlasting covenant.
  • Bible – Sara took Hagar (FREE WILL) her maidservant, and gave her to Abram as a wife – God had nothing to do with Sara getting ahead of God’s (PREDESTINED) plan for the Nation of Israel.
Genesis 16:3 – Sara gave Hagar as a wife to Abram
3 So, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her servant, and GAVE HER to Abram her husband as a wife. (ESV)
Doctrine and covenants 132:4 – Abide in covenant or be dammed
4 “For behold, I reveal unto you a NEW and an everlasting covenant; and if ye abide not that covenant, then are ye dammed; for no one can reject this covenant and be permitted to enter into my glory”.

Other Endeavors
  • 1831 Smith started a Communal Living project known as “The Order of Enoch” where all things were held in common, but mob violence from the outside raided their homes, beat the men and turned them out into the cold of winter and the project collapsed.
  • 1833 Smith got a Word of Wisdom from God that forbid the use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages and hot beverages such as coffee and tea and forbid the excessive eating of meat. This abstinence is essential for entrance into the celestial kingdom.  He founded the “School of the Prophets” that same year that taught Hebrew.
  • 1837 Smith formed the KSS bank in Kirkland Ohio, the Kirtland Safety Society. - Mormon currency was established by Smith in which to pay off everyone’s debts, it was not backed by gold, silver or anything of value and many merchants refused to take it; the bank failed.
  • 1839 founded the City of Nauvoo on the banks of the Mississippi River.  Nauvoo in Hebrew means “Beautiful Plantation” – It was rumored that he had a secret temple where mysterious rites were performed and that, coupled with their huge Mormon POLITICAL voting bloc resulted in lots of trouble for him.
  • 1843 because of his revelation of Polygamy; having many wives, he was arrested and put in jail.
  • 1844 Smith had an unsuccessful attempt at running for President of the United States under the Theodemocracy Party banner. – That same year an opposition newspaper called the “Nauvoo Expositor Press” ran editorials against him and he had it destroyed.  That resulted in him being arrested and taken to jail where he was SHOT AND KILLED by a mob as he tried to escape the jail on June 27, 1844.

Far Out Stuff
  • A Mormon water tradition is that, in the beginning God blessed water, but cursed it in the last days – many older Mormons will not get near any body of water greater than a bathtub Evil Spirits in a person can be detected as they “emit” an unpleasant odor and produce a “shock” to the observer.
  • There are moon dwellers according to Joseph Smith that are six feet tall and dress like Quakers and live to be 1,000 years old.

Brigham Young
·         Brigham Young born June 1, 1801 and believed died of a ruptured appendix August 29, 1877.
·         He was a practicing Methodist until he read the Book of Mormon and joined the church in 1832 and in 1835 he was ordained as a member of the “Original Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
·         Brigham said that “every spirit that does not confess that God sent Joseph Smith and revealed THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL to and through him, is an Antichrist”.
·         In December 1847, three and a half years after the death of Joseph Smith, Brigham was ordained as the 2nd President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints until his death in 1877. – He founded Salt Lake City and served as the first governor of the Utah Territory. – Salt Lake City is now the mecca for millions of Mormons.
·         He was called “Moses” because he led the exodus of the Mormon pioneers through the desert to their promised land. - He directed the founding of 350 towns in the Southwest as well as founded Brigham Young University.
·         He had 55 wives and fathered 56 children by 16 of his wives. – He divorced 10 of his wives.
Matt 19:6 – Brigham Young didn’t comply - No Divorce
6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, LET MAN NOT SEPARATE."  NIV

African Americans
·         After settling in Utah in 1848, Young announced a ban on blacks, preventing them from participating in Mormon Temple Rites and the Priesthood because they were the Seed of Cain. - NYOBS 71.02 – SATAN FATHER OF CAIN
·         In 1863, Young stated "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so."
·         These racial restrictions remained in place until 1978, when the policy was rescinded by LDS Church president Spencer W. Kimball. – Wikipedia -
2 Nephi 5:21-23 – Black people are cursed by God
21 And he had caused THE CURSING to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.
  22 And thus saith the Lord God: I will cause that they shall be a loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities.
  23 And cursed shall be the seed of him that mixes with their seed; for they shall be cursed even with the same cursing. And the Lord spake it, and it was done.
Adam- God Doctrine
·         The Adam-God Doctrine was taught by Smith to Young.
·         Adam is "our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do".  - Adam was once a mortal man who became resurrected and exalted.
·         Adam brought from another planet to earth, one of his wives named Eve, where they became mortal by eating the fruit of the Garden of Eden.
·         After bearing mortal children and establishing the human race, Adam and Eve returned to their heavenly thrones where Adam acts as the god of this world.
·         Adam returned to the earth to become the biological father of Jesus.
·         The LDS Church’s “new light” has since repudiated the Adam–God doctrine.

·         The most visible and most common type of missionaries are typically those who proselyte door-to-door and ride bicycles for transportation. - Missionaries are expected to pay their own expenses while on the mission, often with assistance from family.
·         Young men between the ages of 18 and 25 who meet standards of worthiness are strongly encouraged to consider a two-year, full-time proselytizing mission. This expectation is based in part on the New Testament passage "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations".
·         They will spend three weeks at an MTC Missionary Training Center where they practice using proselytizing materials, learn expected conduct, and study the scriptures. 
·         The Missionary Handbook contains the basic standards and conduct of missionary service. Missionary companions are instructed to stay together at all times and not to go out of the hearing of their companion's voice; following these standards will protect them both physically and spiritually. The Missionary Handbook is also commonly and informally referred to as "the white handbook" or "the white bible"
·         The Mormon’s New World Translation Bible is carried in the field and only the King James Version Bible can be referenced via Smartphone as it is the version from which the Book of Mormon interprets or translates. 
Matthew 28:19-20 – The Great Commission
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (ESV)
Unpardonable sin
  • Unpardonable sin – Accepting Mormonism and then rejecting it. NYOBS 09.12 UNPARDONABLE SIN
  • Damnation is anything less than “Exaltation” which is becoming a God in the Celestial Kingdom.
  • Bible – Speaking against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come. – It’s about The Holy Spirit, not Mormonism, the Book of Mormon or traditions of the LDS.
Matt 12:32 – Un-forgiven in this age and the next
32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. NIV
Luke 12:10 – Blasphemes the Holy Spirit
10 And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. NIV

Mormon Hysteria
·         Mountain Meadows Massacre was a series of attacks in September of 1857, on an emigrant wagon train, at Mountain Meadows, Utah resulting in the mass slaughter of the emigrants by members of the Nauvoo Legion Militia, composed of Mormon Latter-day Saints settlers.
·         Intending to leave no witnesses and thus prevent reprisals, the perpetrators killed all the adults and older children—about 120 men, women, and children in total; 17 children spared.
·         Historians attribute the massacre to a combination of factors; war hysteria about possible invasion of Mormon territory and hyperbolic Mormon teachings against outsiders.

Last Thoughts

·         WHAT DOES GOD SAY about someone who brings a different Gospel to your home?
·         Exclude from the fellowship those who speak contrary to the Gospel and cause divisions and offenses. - It is possible for folks to look like they are supporting the Gospel of Christ when actually that are possessed by an evil spirit. - AVOID these people who deceive the hearts of the simple.
·         Withdraw from “Brothers in Christ” who are deceived and drawn away from the Gospel.  Do not count them as the enemy yet, but WARN them so that they will return to the truth. There are many deceivers in the world who no not confess that Jesus is the Son of God, they are of the Antichrist.
·         Don’t even “do lunch” with people in the fellowship who talk a different Gospel. - Do not even sit at the same table with them for lunch. - If a man calls himself a brother in Christ, but lives in sin, have nothing to do with him.  - Cast them out of the body, leave them to Satan’s followers that thy might see the light and their spirit be saved. -  Purge them out, that the body of Christ might be pure. 
·         Don’t let them in your house - If someone life does not live in the doctrine of Christ, then he doesn’t have God in his life. - If he brings a different doctrine, do not let him into your house. - Don’t even shake his hand; if you welcome him, you share in his evil deeds. - If you want to be friends with those who do not receive the PURE Gospel, then you make yourself an enemy of God.
·         CURSE any man or Angel that preaches a JESUS “PLUS” Gospel. - Satan uses the scriptures against the Christian by quoting, “Blessing and Cursing” should not come out of a Christian’s mouth, but I say to you this is in reference to people made in the likeness of God.  Any person that teaches a different Gospel is not walking in the likeness of God and should be cursed, he is an antichrist.
·         The Bible does not contain the answer to every question that we might have, but it does contain EVERYTHING that we need to know to gain salvation and have a personal relationship with God now and in eternity.  If we needed more information, God would have placed it in the Bible.  Salvation is Jesus PLUS nothing else – It’s not about a denomination; it’s about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; the Trinity.
·         From the Sermon on the Mount – Blessed are those who mourn. - This mourning is acknowledging our own personal sins with a broken heart before God. -  It is too deep to conceal. - We weep and anguish over the perishing lost LDS Mormon souls and those they will lead down this perverted path; they both will fall into the pit.- LDS is more like LSD.
·         NOTE: In the last days; because the LDS did not receive the love of the Gospel of Christ; God will send a strong delusion to those that desire these lying wonders and signs and they will ultimately be condemned and separated from God. – It’s in the Book

1 Cor 16:22 – The unbeliever is cursed.
22 If anyone does not love the Lord-a curse be on him. Come, O Lord!
2 Cor 6:14-15 – Do not be in partnership with an unbeliever.
14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? NIV
Rom 16:17-18 – Watch out for smooth talk and flattery
17 I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
16 Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling.
17 This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved."
18 She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit, "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!" At that moment the spirit left her. NIV
2 John 7 – You are an antichrist if you do not acknowledge Christ
7 Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.
2 Thess 3:6 – Keep away from brothers who live after the world
6 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. NIV
2 Thess 3:14-15 – Don’t associate with brothers that rebel.
14 If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed.
15 Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but WARN him as a brother.
1 Cor 5:1-7 – Excommunicate one who is in sin – to save his soul.
1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that does not occur even among pagans: …
5 hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on THE DAY OF THE LORD.
6 … Don't you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough?
7 Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast-as you really are. NIV
1 Cor 5:11 – Don’t even have lunch with the deceiver
11 But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man DO NOT EVEN EAT. NIV
2 John 9-11 – Don’t let them in your house
9 Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God;
10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching,
11 Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work. NIV
James 4:4 – The world is the enemy of God
4 You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God
James 3:10 – Blessing and cursing
10 Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
Gal 1:6-12 – Let him be eternally condemned; Damned
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to
7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you,
9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted,
11 I want you to know, brothers that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up.
12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.
Matt 5:1-9 – Mourn and Pray for the perishing Mormons
4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Error rarely appears for what it really is. – It is mingled with or attached
to truth so that it will gain acceptance; such is the Book of Mormon.

-  LDS is Satan’s LSD Opioid -
It’s in the Book

In the multitude of counselors,
there is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:14

I am grateful to those that went before me providing concepts, ideas, historical
information, and scripture verses.  Because of them I can stand on their shoulders
and see further that I otherwise ever could have.
A Commentary; Critical, Experimental and Practical - Eerdmans
All the Women of the BibleEdith Deen
Antiquity of the JewsFlavius Josephus Matthias
Apocrypha – Goodspeed
Baker Commentary on the Bible – Elwell
Bible Almanac; The – Packer-Tenney-White
Bible Commentary – F.B. Meyer
Bible Dictionary – Harper and Row
Bible Dictionary – Nelson’s
Book of Mormon; The – Latter Day Saints LDS
Dake’s Annotated BibleDake
English Standard Version Bible – ESV
Expositor’s Bible Commentary – Frank E. Gaebelein
Forgotten Books of Eden; The – World
Illustrated Bible Dictionary; The – Tyndale
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament - Baker
King James Version Bible – KJV
Lost Books of the Bible; The - World
Lost Books of the Bible; The - Bell
Matthew Henry’s Commentary - Zondervan
Missing Books of the Bible; The – Halo Press
Mormon Mirage; The – Latayne Colvett Scott
Mysteries of the Bible – Readers Digest
Nag Hammadi Library; The – James M. Robinson
Nave’s Topical Bible - Zondervan
New International Dictionary of the Bible; The – Douglas - Tenney
New International Version Bible (2011) – NIV
NOTE: The “new” NIV has been corrupted & made gender neutral.  AVOID IT.
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Hugh J. Schonfield
Thru the BibleJ. Vernon McGee
Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament – Mac Donald
Who’s Who in the Bible – Paul D. Gardner
Wycliffe Bible Commentary; The – Pfeiffer & Harrison
Wikipedia –

Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible; The – Tenney

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